HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/06/19 - Agenda Packet~~ C_1 H~71 Goo `~i C;I7'Y OF 7 ~ R~\~K~10 CUC~t10NCu\ s. i~ C+IrTrY~ 7~COL':vCIL 1977 Lions Park Community Center 9161 Be ee Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, Cal if ornie June 19. 1985 - 7.30 0 All iteo aab~itted for the City Ca®cil Agenda dot 6e iu ~ri[ing. The deadline for aoh~itting these ite~a i• 5:00 p.~. on the Uedneada~ prior to the nesting. The Ciq Clerk"~ Office reeeive~ all such iteaa. 1. CALL TO OYDRB • A. Pledge of Al legiante [o Flag. H. Roll Call: Aright _, Buque[ __, Nikels _~ Dahl _, and Ring _. C. Approval of Miautea: May 15, 1985 May 17, 1985 2. ARg0011000IDTg/PRRS811'[ATIOSS A. Thursday, June 20, 1985, 7:30 p.m. - PARK DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, Lions Park Community Center. B. Thursday, June 27, 1985, 7:30 p.m. - ADV IBORY COMMISHION, Lions Perk Community Cancer. C. Thursday, June 27, 1985, 7:00 p.m. - ADOPTION OF 1985-86 BCDGET, Lions Park Community Center. D. Preae nta [ion of Service Award Don Baer, Advie ory Commie ei on E. Vacancies on [he Advisory Commis aion. Ap plica[iona are being accepted through July 10, 1985. Contact City Clerk"a office for more information. City Council 0.ge nda -.- June 19, 1985 • ]. COtSEIPI CALRIIDAQ The follorivg Covaent Calevdar ittY are eipected [o be routine and oon-covtrmeraial. They rill be acted upov 6~ the Council at ova tine rithovt discussion. A. Approval of Warzan [s, Register No's. 85-06-19 and 1 Payroll ending 6/2/85 for the Cotal amount of $2,732,512.16. B. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AB 85-09 for 5 Off-Sale Beez A Nine Eating Place License, Circle '7C" Food Store, 12854 Poo[hill Boulevard. C. Alcoh of it Beverage Application No. Ae 85-10 for 7 Off-Sale Beer 6 Nine Eating Place Lice nee, Hya Nam Lee, 8161 W. Pooxhill Boulevard. D. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AH 85-11 for 9 Off-Sale Beer 6 Wine Ealing Place License, Hu ghee Marks [a, Inc., nor [hee et corner of Baseline and Maven. E. Forrard Claim (CL 85-14) against the City by Marilyn 11 Holga te-Pittinge r, property damage, May 1985 at 7447 Archibald Avenue. • F. Approval of Parcel Hap 8060 and Real Property l+ Impr w ement Contract and Lien Agr semen[ lots tad at the nor threat corner of Ninth S[r set and Helms Avenue. NESOLUTION N0. 85-184 19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP N0. 8060 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 8060) RESOLUTION NO. 85-185 20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CllCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREE!ffiNT FROM LOUIS BARNES AND AUTRORIZ ING THE MAYOR AND CITY C1~ERR TO SIGN SAME G. Approval of Parcel Map 9084 and Real Property 21 Improvement and Lien Agreement, located north of Almond Street and rest of eig Tree Road, submitted by Forecast Mortgage Corporation. [, City Council Agenda -3- June 19, 1985 • RESOLUTION N0, BS-186 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAriONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 9084 RESOLUTION N0. 85-187 '9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC it OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVENENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM FORECAST MORTGAGE CORPORATION FOR PARCEL MAP 9084 AND AUTTiORIZ ING TBE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAtg H. Approval of Tract Noa. 9399 and 9400, Bonds and 30 Agr eemenC, located on Banyaa, vest of Beryl, submitted by Prado Corporation. RESOLUTION N0. BS-188 45 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CAL IPORNIA, APPROVING IriPROVEMENT AC REEMENT AND IMPROVElfENT SECURITY FOR TRACT NOS. 9399 AND 9400 • I, Approval to release Bonds far Parcel Map 7061-1, '6 located east of Cleveland and south of 6th Street, submitted by Keiser Development Company. Release; Faithful Performance Bond: $254,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: 5127,000,00 J. Approval to release Lien aad Re imburaement Agreement 47 for property located at [he nor thweet corner of Hellman and Foothill, reque ated by Robert Packer. RESOLUTION N0. 85-189 53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REIMBURSEMENT PGREEMENT AND LIEN FROM ROBERT PACKER K. Approval of Reimbureemenc Agreement for the 54 inecallati on of a portion of the ria star Planned Storm Drain in connection with Tract No. 9619 between Plaza euildere, Inc. end the Ci [y of Rancho Cucemoaga. City Cooncil Agenda -4- June 19, 1985 • RESOLUTION N0. 95-190 59 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCH) CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMEDRSEMENT P.GREEMENT FROM PLAZA BUILDERS, INC. FOR TRACT N0. 9619 L. Approval of Impr wemen[ Agreement and Improvement 60 Security for DR 84-13, located east of Ar ch [ba ld Avenue on 6th Street, submitted by Barmakian Company. RESOLUTION N0. 85-191 fi7 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APFROV INC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REO IEW 84-13 M. Approval of Bonde, Agreement and Fi aal Map for Tr ac[ 68 No. 10277, located on the north aide of Almond Road, east of Carnelian, submitted by King Ranch Eeta tee. RESOLUTION N0. 85-192 78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY • OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND FINAL MAY OF TRACT N0. 10277 N. Approval of Sonde, Agreement, Real Property Improvement 19 Contract end Lien Agreement for Tract No. 12532, located be cveea Arch tbald end Ramona Avenuee, Bauch of Vi<[oria Avenue, submitted by Archibald Aeeocia tes, A California Limited Partnet sh ip. RESOLUTION N0. 85-193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CLTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIPORN IA, APPROV INC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT NO 12532 RESOLUTION N0. 85-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CllCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM ARCH IBALD ASSOCIATES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARIHERSflIP AND AUTNORIZ INC THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SA1ffi 94 95 City Council Agenda -5- ,Lune 19, 1985 • 0. Apprwal of Agreement with Santa Fe Railroad (CO 85-64) 96 for [he installs ti on and maintenance of rubber crossing panels at the Archibald Avenue crossing near Bch Streec. The crossing material will be supplied by the City at a coat of approximately $45,000.00 to be funded as a part of the Archibald Avenue Re conecruc ti on proj ecc, Inetalla ci on sill be pr wided by San [a Fe at no cost to the City. P. Approval [o adver[i ee for bide fo- rn*Serized croe Bing 99 material for improvement of [he Archibald Avenue croseiug of the Santa Fe Railroad. Approximate co et ie $45,000.00 [o be funded ae part of [he Archibald Avenue Recona[ruction project. Q. Approval of support for AB eembly Bill 1868 to pr w ids a 100 permanent seat on the State Air Resources Board for a locally elected official from our District. RESOLUTION N0. 85-195 101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING ' THE PASSAGE OF ASSEMBLY BILL 1868 (AIR RESOURCES BOARD MEMBERSRIP) • R. Apprwal of Claim for $813,263.00, to be submitted [0 102 San Bernardino As eociated Coyer~en[e (SANBAC) for Rancho Cu camonga's share of traneportati on funding (TDA Article 8 funds). 8. Apprwal of Impr wemen[ Agreement, Imor wement Security L06 for Parcel Map 8815, loco cad on the vest aide of Beryl, south of 19th Street, subm i[ted by A b M Company. RESOLUTION N0. 85-196 LL3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP N0, 8815, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY T. Approval to release T.O.P. Bonds in the amount of Ll4 $2500.00 to The Deer Creek Company for Model Home Sales office for Tract 9589. City Council Agenda -6- Tune 19, 1985 • U. Approval to change Deferred Compensation Plane. 115 RESOLUTION N0. 85-191 i16 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN EMPLOYEES' DEFERRED COMPENSATION v Ali AND AUTHORIZING THE ERECOTION OF AG REP~N'1S RELATED TO SAID PLAN BY THE JEFERRED COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION 4. ADV6QTIS® PDBLIC BEAlING3 A. ENVTRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - A request to change the land use designation from Mi sad Use -Office, Commercial, and Re eidemti al - to Hoe pi [al and associated uaea for approximately 31 acres of land loco Bed on the seat side of Milliken Avenue, between Poothi 11 Boulevard and Church Street - APN - A portion of 227-151-13 and 14. Icem continued from xay 15, 1985 meeting. ORDINANCE N0. 261 (second reading) 117 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REDES IGNATING AS5ES SOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 227-151-13 AND 14 NI THIN TFIE TERRA VISTA PLANNED C014NNITY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MILLIREN AVENUE, OETNEEN FOOTRILL BOULEVARD AND CHURCH STREET FROl1 MIRED USE - OFPICE, COMID;RCI AL, AND RESIDENTIAL TO ROSPITAL AND RELATED FACILITIES B. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS AMENDMENT 85-OS - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A Development Diet rict Amendment from Lov Re ai dential (2-4 du /ec) [o Office/Professional for 0.77 acres of lamd located at [he southwest corner o£ Rase Line Road and Beryl Street - APN 208-593-10. Item continued from June 5, 1985 meeting. City Council Agenda -7- Tune 19, 1985 • ORDINANCE N0. 254 (second reading) 1t8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, RE20N ING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 208-593-10 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BASELINE ROAD AND BERri STREET FROM LOW RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC) TO OFPI CE/PROFESSIONAL C. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMHI SSION OF SIGN ORDINANCE 119 INTERPRETATION - VIDEO ZONE - An appeal of [he Planning C ommiesi oa's decision to reaffirm staff's interpretation of the Sign Ordinance regarding she pia cement of lights in the windows of the Video Zone. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT t31 85-03 - CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA - Ao amendment to the General Plan Land Uee Map from Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) and Lox Rae idential (2-4 du/ac) [o Very Lox Re si den[ial (leas than 2 du/ac) on 20.2 scree of land located on the south aide of Nilson, be [wean 0aven and Mayberry, aad to include chose parcels fronting on the xeat side of Mayberrt - APN 201-181-7, 10, 59-60, 80- 85. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS AMENDMENT 85-05 - CITY OP RANCHO CDCAMONGA - Ao amendment to the Development Districts Map from Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) end Low Residential (2-4 du/a c) co Very Lox Residential (lees than 2 du/e c) on 20,2 acres of land located on the vouch aide of Nilson, between Raven and Mayberry, and to include those parce le fronting on the west aide of Mayberry - APN 201-I81-7-10, 59-60, 80-85. RESOLUTION N0. 85-198 L56 A RESOLUTION OF TAE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF RAN CNO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 AMENDING TAE RANCHO CUCAHONGA GENERAL P1,AN LAND USE MAP FROM LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL AND LOW RESIDENTIAL TO VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF NIL SON, BETWEEN RAVEN AND riAYBERRY AND TO INCLUDE THOSE PARCELS FRONTING ON THE NEST SIDE OP MAYBERRY - APN 201-181-7 -10, 54-60, 80-85 City Coum ii Ageada -8- June 19, 1985 • ORDINANCE N0. 267 (first reading) 157 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCBO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NIIMBEA 201-181-7-10, 59-0, AND 80-85, LOCATED ON TBE SOUTR SIDE OF WILSON, BETWEEN HAVEN AND MAYBERRY AND INCLUDING THOSE PARCELS FRONTING ON TFIE WEST SIDE OF HAYBERRY FROM LON MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DII/AC) AND LON RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC) TO VERY LON RESIDENTIAL (LESS TITAN 2 DU/AC) E, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMHNT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 158 AMENDMENT 85-02 - ROOYNAN - A Development Di atr ut Amendment from Medium Reaidenti al (8-14 du/ac) to Lov Medium Residential (4-8 du /ac) for 9.75 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland Avenue - APN 201-252-23, 25, 26. ORDINANCE N0. 268 (first reading) 175 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 201-252-23, 25, 26 LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OP ARCHIBALD • AVENGE AND NIG NLAND AVENUE FROM MEDIUM AES IDENTIAL (8-14 DU/AC) TO LON HEDIDH RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DU/AC) F. REPROGRAMMING OF 1983/84 BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO TBE NOR_T9 176 TONN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - A request to reprogram Block Cr ant funds [o [he Nar th Town Street Improvement Project, RESOLUTION N0. 85-199 177 A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REPROGRAMMING FUNDS PROM THE 1983/84 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 178 85-04 -CITY OP RANCNO CUCAMONGP - M amendment to the Circulation Element of [he General Pla^ [o correct language inconeie[enc iee with reaps c[ [o median ielanda and to clarify the intent of [he General Plan with ree pe ct [o Che uae of median ielanda. ~I City Council Agenda -9- June 19, 1985 • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 85-01 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An amendment to various parts of the Industrial Area Specific Plan deleting the requirements for median ielanda on certain narrw arterial streets. RESOLUTION N0. 85-200 ''-1S A RESOLllTION OF THE CITY CODNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAHONCA, CALIFORNIA, RECO`HD:NDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL FLAN AMENDMENT 85-04 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAHONGA RESOLUTION NO. 85-201 219 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CIICAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TAE INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 85-01 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA H. ANNUAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 220 DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 4 AND 5 TO LRVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS ® RESOLUTION N0. 85-202 227 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIPORNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS NITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTEN CE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 4 AND 5 FOR TAE FISCAL YEAR 1985-8h PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPI NC AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 IN CONNECTION NITfI LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS 1. 2. 4 AND 5 I. ANNllAL ENGINEER'S REPORT POR STREET LIGHTING ?28 MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1. 2. 3 AND 4 TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS RESOLUTION N0, 85-203 235 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OA THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONC A, CALIFORNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS NITf1IN LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 3 AND 4 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 PURSUANT TO THE LAN DBCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OP 1972 IN CONNECTION NLTH LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 City Council Agenda -10- June 19, 1985 • J. CITY'S GENERAL REVENUE SEARING PUNDS IN BELATION TO THE 236 FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 CITY BUDGET 5. NOB-ADPHBTISHD ~ABIBGS A. ADDITION OF A CFIAPTER TO THE RANCHO CllCANONGA MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL REFOSE COLLECTION - The ee[eblishtng of criteria issuing residential refuse collection permits. Item continued from Srae 5, 1985 meeting. ORDINANCE N0. 265 (second reading) 278 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CNAPTER 8.17 TO THE RANCHO CUCANONGA MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL REPOSE COLLECTION 6. CITL MABAGBB'S STAPP BEPOB23 • A. ADYI SORY COMMISSION'S RECCMNENDATIONS REGARDING 250 CAMPAIGN FINANCING POR CITY ELECTIONS - Item continued from April 17, 1985 meeting. A, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR MULTIPLE FAMILY RENTAL 252 HOUSING MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM (CO 85-fi 5) RESOLUTION N0. 85-183 257 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, ADOPTING A MULTI FANILY RENTAL HOUSLiC MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION KITH T8E COUNTY OP SAN BERN ARDINO 0. CONSIDERATION OF CHAMBER OF COlDIERCE REQUEST REGARDING 261 CHANGES IN THE DESIGN REVIEN PROCESS 7. COBBCIL BUSIBBSB No Iceme Submitted CJ Ci[y Cooncil Agenda -11- Jure 19, 1985 • 8. ADJOIIYR~12 Adjourn [o Thursday, Sune 27, 1985, 7:00 p.m., Liona Park Communi [y Cen[er, adoption of 1985-86 Budget. • CIT}' OF RANCHO CUCAMON~ REDE}'ELOPMENT AGENCY r, u • STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Age r,cy FROM: Jack Lam, Deputy Executive Director BY: Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJGCT: AMEND>fENT OF RESOLUTION NO. RA 95-01 TO INCREASE THE AUTHORIZED AMOUNT OF TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING FOR A. H. RESTER DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND: At the January 16, 1985 Redevelopment Agency meeting the Board adopted Resolution No. RA RS-O1 which pertained to a proposed taX-exempt financing program for A, H. Reiter Develop- ment. The financing pzogram request was in the amount of $3,700,000 and is proposed to be used for the development of a commercial office project at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and 7th Street. STATUS: The applicant is presently going through the plan check process and has indicated that the letter of credit should be in place by the end of the month. In addition, the applicant has made modifications to tiie building design which have increased the cost of the project 6y Sl,OG0,000. For this reason A. H. Reiter Development has submitted a request to amend the initial author- i2ed amount to $4,700,000. EVALUATION: In reviewing the submitted request, the amended building cost breakdown appea r.s to be reasonable for the proposed project. The applicant has been advised that the amount of the letter of credit must now meet the 54,700,000 request in order for the bonds to be sold. Staff has also informed A. H. Reiter Development that it is the applicant's responsibility to secure the additional private activity bond allocation needed in order to service the request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the request to increase the authoriz^..d amount of tax-exemp[ financing to 54,700,000 6y adopting the attached Resolution. Resp ~ctf ul ~y ?$ubmitted, Deputy Executive Direct Attachment: Resolution ~OOCAMp/, J /~ r O O F ~ Z U' > 1977 • RESOLUTION NO. RA 8 S - O/ R A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. AARS-O1 AND INCREASING THE AUTHORIZED AMOUNT OF TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING FOR A.H. REITER DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "Agency') is authorized pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law, being Section 33000 and following of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act") (i) to purchase property, both real and personal, and any interest therein for purposes of redevelopment in a redevelopment project area; (ii) to sell or otherwise dispose of any property, both real and personal, and any interest therein for purposes of redevelopment in a redevelopment project area; and (iii) to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers; and WHEREAS, A.H. Reiter Development Co. (the "Developer") has requested assistance in the financing of the acquisition and construction of four office buildings • each containing approximately 18,000 square feet proposed to be located on 5.6 acres at the northeast corner of 7th and Haven (the "Project"), all located in the Rancho Redevelop- ment Project Area of the Agency (the "Project Area"); and WHEREAS, said financing is proposed to be provided by means of the Agency entering into an installment sale arrangement with respect to the Project, including the issuance of certificates of participation or by means of the Agency otherwise issuing tax-exempt obligations (said certificates or obligations being collectively referred to as the "Obligations"); and WHEREAS, the Agency has heretofore adopted its Resolution No. RA85-Ul evidencing its intention to issue the Obligations in an amount not to exceed $3,771,000 for the financing of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Developer has indicated that the cost of financing of the Project is noW estimated to be approximately $4,700,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: -1- a SECTION 1: Amendment of Resolution No. RA85-O1. • Section 2 of Resolution No. RAGS-O1 is hereby amended to provide that the maximum amount of Obligations to be issued shall not exceed $4,700,000. SECTION 2: Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mikels, Chairman ATTEST: Lauren M. Wasserman, Secretary • • -2- FJR0081 3 J CITY OF RANCHO CtiCAbfON~ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Deputy Executive Director BY: Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SCBJECT: INDUCEMENT RESOLLTION FOR H PROPOSED $6,800,00 CER'P IFICATE OF PARTICIPATION PROGRAM1I i'OR CONTNEN- TAL CARE INCORPORATED • l.~J BACKGROUND: On May 17, 1985 the Redevelopment Agency received an appiication for a proposed $6,800,000 Certifi- cate of Participation Program. The application was made by Continental Care Incorporated, a health care operation which services the elderly and the mental health client. The Program application is for the construction of a 40,000 sq. ft. health care facility located on 6.1 acres at the corner of White Oak and Elm Avenues (Rancho Cucamonga Business Park). The project will consist of three buildings; one building will be used for a 130 bed skilled nursing facility for the mentally disordered, another for a five suite out-patient clinic and the third for a 60-bed board and care facility. As indicated above, the project site is located in the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park, more specifically in subarea 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. The type of use proposed is an allowable use in this subarea of the ISP and the applicant is beginning to process development plans through to the Planning Commission. In addition to needing formal approval by the Planning Commission the applicant will also need to .,:,: .i- all necessary licensing and the appropriate certificate from the State. Although no project application has been submitted to the City ncr any approvals been granted by the State, the Inducement Resolution is requested so that all "soft costs" (architectural and engineering services, land, design se r. vices, etc.) can be incorporated into the requested bond amount, should a bond issue later be approved. Ayain, the Inducement Resolution places no obligation or responsibility on the Agency in servicing the request. Final sale of the bonds is dependent on a number of factors and, in no case, could any sale•be y REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAF[' REPORT Inducement Resolution/COr,L inental Care Incorporated June 19, 1985 Page 2 made unless all appropriate City and State approvals are in place. The application from Continental Care Incorporated has been examined by both Agency counsel and Agency staff and has been accepted as complete. EVALUATION: The project use and Program size is one which is eligible under a Certificate of Participation issued by the Agency. As indicated in previous r_ports for Certifi- cate financing, the Agency is under no liability regarding the construction or the payments of the Certificate obligations. All financial responsibility rests with the applicant and the overall program must be secured by an acceptable credit enhancement. At the present time the City of Rancho Cucamonga has not received sufficient private activity bond allocation from the State or any other local agency to service this request. As with previous Certificate applications, it is the applicant's responsibility to secure the necessary alloca- tion for this project should an Inducement Resolution be adopted. Should [he applicant be unable to obtain the • r,e cessary transfer, from either the State, County or other local government, it. will not be possible for the Agency to service this Certificate request. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board consider all input regarding the tax exempt financing proposal and , should it be determined appropriate, then adoption of the attached Inducement Resolution would ba in order. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~ Z ~~. ,la cx Lath Deputy Executive Director Attachments: Resolution Location Map • S CITY'OF R.\VCF10 Cl,'CA~IOV REDEVELONJIENT AGEXCI' ~ A1E~IOR.~`DL'~I DATE: ,Lune i9, 1985 e TO: Che,i rman and Members of the Redevelopment Ager. cb FROM: Sack Lam, A1CP, Deputy Executive Director ~TT~TT SUBSECT: SGPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION OF APPLICATION FOR TAX EXEMPT FINANCING BY CONTINENTAL CARE INCORPORATED • PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorancum is to provide supplementary information to the certificate of participation finance application by Continental Care Incorporated. BACKGROUND: In the past, the certificate of participation requests acted on by the IIoard have all had the benefit of being approved projects. This approval process has provided both staff and the Board with some basic familiarity with the development proposal before being considered for a tax-er.empt financing program. St is not a requirement of the legislation, however, that project approvals be in place prior to adoption of an Inducement Resolution. The purpose of the Inducement Resolution is merely to comply with Federal law and to act as a "starting pcint" so that costs incurred thereafter can be included in the bond sale. On May 16, 1985 an application for a proposed conduit financing program was received by Agency staff. While the application for the financing program did include general information on the type of development that was being proposedr the majority of the application was focused at providing information on the financial aspects of the project. Th.s particular project has not submitted design and development plans to the Community Development Department nor have any formal preliminary reviews bean made. The applicant has stated to staff that the reason for. this is so that architectural and engineering costs can be included in the bond amount. In this particular case the costs which would nut be able to be a part of the bond sale would rangc± between $65,000 and $230,300 according to staff's interpretation of the applicant's cost schedule (refer to attach- ment). This eai~a tes to a range of approximately 12 to 3$ of the requested bond amount. ~~O G`GMO\C'~(1 ~; z I ~ ~ Q T Q f" L Z ~ 1977 ii r.u :: ~i tLl.. .. o. A obi Supplementa l~Information/Continental Care Inc. June 19, 1985 Page 2 I 1 l I Due Co the fact that the certificate application dealt mostly ~•~i th the financial side of the project, staff requested the applicant to submit more detailed information on the nature of the project itself. This supplemental information has been submitted to staff with an attached cover letter indicating the information had also been submitted to each of the board members. This application supplement provides additional information as to the nature and activities of the project which were not included in the certificate application. In addition, staff has contacted the Statewide Health and Planning Agency and spoke with Ms. Pat Merwin about the project. In the conversation she was able to verify that Statewide Health and Planning Agency documents show a need for an additional 130 bed skilled nursing facility in the reg'_on by 1990. She also verified that Continental Care Incorporated has submitted an application for a Certificate of Need on June 3, 1985. The State has fifteen ca ].e odor days to respond as to the completeness of the application, therefore, staff will know if the application has been accepted by June 18, 1985. Ms. 6fe resin also stated that having an Inducement Resolution for a financing program for the project may be viewed by the State as an endorsement of the project. EVALUATION: based on the supplemental information, the lack of project approvals and the conversation with the State, staff ha~ included language, should the Agency wish to adopt an Inducement Resolution, which is not common to previous Inducement Resolutions. This added language states that the Resoluticn is not intended to be an endorsement of the project and that the sale of bonds is subject to receiving all necessary State and local approvals. The Resolu- tion also contains language which states that adoption does not bind the Agency to issue bonds and that the power remains for either the City or the Agency to deny, at a later date, any further permit or approval that may be necessary for completion of. the project. JL:kap 7ra;eec Same: URALCE J2 U eE REG ICS.IL FiEDICAL CE.".T=9 Pra)¢cc Svxe: 60 Bed Board 8 C are ' ,2] .. of L'se 170 Ded :iurstng !tome 55 " • 5 Ocher: Ouc Pat vent Clin vc .19 " SOURCE 3 JSE OF PROJECT FL'V p9 _____________________________ Sources O( Funds: CertvE>caces of Par r.c ipar:on 6973345 Interest earned du;vo; cca sc r~c:ian -193445 Oder O To cal Issue 6I]i000 -PROJECT COdTS- TOTAL I'S ES: SXF - ^D B d C `109 PSOI LCT Land ( 5.10 acres @ i 2504]0 pee ac rz7 8Jii52 4053x0 286415 1527867 COnscrua ion Boar! b Case 11000 feet t) S 72.00 54L000 544000 Con st rua ion Ycrs:ag Ha^z 35000 feet :3 i ]O. UO 1050000 1050000 Coascrur. ion Cltnic 1X00 feet ? S 76.00 472000 43200 U Archvicecc's Fee ( .Ui aE c ns true c:on) 11000 17000 12000 ~ 640U0~~ Cons c. !Ig mc. Fee ( .OS of cons crvctxnn) ^ 55 ;9d 26108 19994 101300' Engtnecn ng B P:ann.ng Fees 7;44 t]29l 9715 10000• Peravc Fees - Eca to .015 15620 AO]2 5698 3C190~ E9urpnenc - 4a va ble IOll72 49141 J45d8 IA5000 Equvpmenc - Fx x¢d 43]50 21210 IiJOU BUOOO Equv p,a enc _ Other 0 0 0 0 Ccrlvc ves, Per mttz !4509 11951 S4]3 45000 Cansoua ion 9o recy Bond Pre niuo .01 S ItU3U 5392 3799 20_60 U!her 0 U 0 0 Dch¢r 0 0 0 0 Cte rk Of The 4'nrks Gala ry )194] )]256 12139 6'.OOG • Arcntc ects' 8 Engv netts' Expenses AJO7 7994 2tl U 15000• APD rn isal 0 0 0 0 Fcasvbrlicy $nidy 136]2 G641 +699 23000 Legal F - Bond Counsel :4609 It95] A4 }8 45000 Legal Fces - Unae r. nrers' COVO SCl IsU4J 9]fifi 6194 }7000 Le3a i. Fees - Company Counsel 820] 7994 28l} 15000 Trusre es' Fze 820] J98L 29l} 15000 Prrncvng, Ttcle, d Ocher Contingency .01 37658 11496 9115 47^_]8 Development Fee l2)D4J 59 766 42189 225000 Deb[ Service Reserve Fund ( I yr inc.) 497928 2]9859 169 717 903000 e sc 10 ma chs @ .12 9.) Esc roved Ince r 799219 197 906 IJfi9]5 730000 , Ondervrxcvng 4¢e, pvsca unt .09 S.o[ pond Is sue) 77]457 Ifi 1965 l14 R 8 609750 City Sssvers' Fee .02 S of Bond Issue 65625 718]5 22500 120000 J 7519 i4 18592]! IJ59I2: 69])945 ' -II3tl20 -Sd ItlA -41V10 -19.9945 Tacat 7e 710 J4 V9948] IJf oJ05 6773000 b • RESOLUTION N0. RA ~J' -p7 A RESOL'JTTON OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAh1ONGA INDICATING ITS INTENT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF O9LIGATIONE AND THE INSTALLMENT SALE FINANCING OF A CO+iMERCIAL HEhLTH CARE FACILITY eY CONTINENTAL CARE, INCORPORATED WY.EREAS, the Redevelopment Agenc}' of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "Agency") is au ttio sized pursuant to the Community R=development Law, being Sections 33000, and the following, of the Health and Safety Code of the Stag of California (the "Act") (i) to purchase prooerty, both real and personal, and ar.y interest therein for purposes of redevelopment in a redevelopment area; fill to sell or otherwise dispose of any property, both real and oerso r.al, and any interest therein for purposes of redevelopment in a redevelopment project area; and (iii) t.o make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers; and WHEREAS, Continental Care, Incorporated, (the "Develop- . er") has requested assistance in the financing of the acquisition and construction of a medical health care facility containing approximately 64,000 square feet proposed to be located or, 6.1 acres at the intersection of White Oak and Elm Avenues (the "Project"), all located in the Ra r.cho Redevelopment Project Area of the Agency (the "Project Area"); and WHEREAS, said financing is proposed to be provided by means of the Agency entering into an installment sale arrangement with respect to the Project, including the issuance of certifi- cates of participation or by means of the Agency otherwise issuing tax-exempt obligations (said certificates or obligations being collectively, x'eferred to as the "Obligations"); and WHEREAS, the Inducemant Resolution is not intended to act as an endorsement by the Agency or the City for the project and that all necessary local and State project approvals must be in place prior to the sale of the Obligations. Local project approvals shall include, but not be limited to, approval of a tentative subdivision map, approval of final development proposals and completion o[ the environmental review process. lJ NOl4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Redevelopment • r\g e.^. cy of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: Section 1. Findings. This Board hereby determines that the undertaking of the financing of the Project by the Agency may be a factor in the accrual of public benefits to be received from the Project, should the Project be approved and construct- ed, and that the proposed financing is in accord with the purposes and requirements of the Act. Section 2. Issuance of Obligations. Subject to completion of the proceedings and other matters relating thereto to the full satisfaction of this Board, and subject to the Project. receiving all necessary local and State governmental approvals, this Board hereby agrees to provide financing to the Developer or such other person oz entity approved by the Agency Eor the Project through the issuance of Obligations as described in this resolution in an amount not to exceed $6,800,000. Section 3. Nature of Obligations. The Obligations to be issued shall be special obligations o[ the Agency payable solely from installment paymE:n is or other revenues to 6e . received by the Agency pursuant to all agreements (including any installment sale agreement with the Developer) in connection with the financing of the Project, all in a form acceptable to the Agency, and shall not be a general obligation of the Agency, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the State of California, or any political subdivision thereof. Section 4. Official Action. It is intended that this Resolution shall constitute "some other similar official action" toward the issuance of indebtedness which the meaning of Section 103 of the Internal Reve n'~e Code of 1954, as amended, and the regulations thereunder. Section 5. other Approvals. The adoption of [his Resolution sha 7.1 not bind the Agency to issue certificates of participation, bonds or other obligations until and unless all other necessary actions and approvals are taken or received in accordance with all applicable laws. The adoption of this Resolution does not and shall not limit in any manner whatever the Agency's and the City of Rancho Cucamonga's full discretion to deny any further permit or approval that may be necessary for ultimate completion of the proposed project. In this connec- tion: r 1 U ~9 • (al All contracts relating to the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of the Project shall be solicited, ne^etiared, awarded and executed by the Developer, for its own account, subject to applicable federal, state and local laws. \J (b) The Agency and the City of Rancho Cucamonga shall have r.o pecuniary liability to the Developer for any fees in connection with the Project. (c) The Agency and the City of Rancho Cucamonga shall recover any and all costs to the Agency or the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as applicable, which are incurred in furtherance of or attributable to the issuance of the 061igations. If the Obligations are not issued, all such costs shall be paid by the Developer. Section 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. rues: NODS: AESENT: Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of [he City of Rancho Cucamonga, California `n u ATTEST: Secretary of the Redevelopment Agenc}' of Chc City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cal if.ornia ~~ z ~ ~~ ~ <~ ' ~ ~ sVav. ids .(( x t i ox.; ~ °'~ ~ V a ~ Maya AVEN ~ a ~ ,r 3. ~ .:.. yXR Y~F Q ~~ ~, A o • ;~~ , ~~ ; ~ Y J A . Y, ~ Y Hy.S `' \: y l t, ~5 U. .. . u. a 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 p 4 ~ • • ~ ~'hi~ • «~ti ~,~. e o •.~° ® - ~' ,;c i ~ ~ ~ S, 1 '6eax u ., r " a ~~~~; •, 'ATi$F R.R. . 39 %$_ . , 1 rv.~ +,,; .,:.P+.: o a a.o o LLtIC~N . O ~~ ,e 2S,„~ Z ,«> • : km:; i Fj ' e) ~~ I i •1'Or-v.)•r .p .p ,DU JC>uUV ua1N UJ ~i _i a r ~ o-.. 1-JO wonrrWrn)uoq. ).... v-,J,Jwom u-. I amn>W G - I m I° r } m... oov].i ;vv-rJ In o.. )wwr[\a-.r JO`ao . ~ui Irvvv.r.u / u• r '. vJIJ m0'I )J`.Y fps rf-• Fhrr iy r F V 1 suv r r .. ,Jrv ~ i v I v i I .. 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U ~(v ~ NMI r Ur n ] .i .+J ~'- U..J7 I )Q i of VII-. 11 VYUl91+F' u L I /_ i ' .L ~ 11A .tQ ~p'n J.~~ J ~~J ~~ wLl) I^~fH rW t J (~ .i 1 •r U :~ L f] n ~ .I Y J J~ [[[ d, i.J J ti .u 1. .- _s l] tdJl •t ;.y `C :.)ri 1 7JJ' n ..JJ i~ 11 177J JI jI1J.J SZ ~ '< 1 i t< H r C S£ U J .- ] J~ `t L :A ¢ n 1 ) r~ ')L"r I-f 'L C ... J f~n.LH n.C I_J J.J ru /_]I ~n V'~4M1 ~~LHHUJ- J L.) cU JYiLQ J.J L n .[Tfe O J 1'j1.;.A J 'S 1]Ui~yL O.. .J .ll J'.L J.J.-'-r .~ J ., _.: C.C rY IC .iK ~t J ] ~ J 1 J J y ) ) ti y `') .) 1 • i i) , _ ~ l W l) 11 • ~ •7 '1 4 ..t r) i V 1 J L i . 1 J 1 r i J 1 ~q 1 C~ C ~J 1 J, u T r u:1 ,) ~ Y~- "I.S ~[ 1, r `~` J 1~` LyC 1 i _J 1 _ J I-! ~ iL ,>•/ > -J -' . J J J ~-) ._ ... ~. L, J....... . ~ .,. 1[ U t t c .L H T 1<. i •t a Z t) . .4 lY( ~~: .n ,n m.n ~ n.r J 1 r.r r. 1~.1 J.+IJ ;f.1 ;'j U'V .)i1 J.1 f~V''JI VJ' .O Y'): 1 aI1NJ1'J} ~r dl N J I W 1\ V .1 .\.y.r ~.V ~ J. YI(\.O If .Jq Hryl J.l l~M1O ~H'V yl •) r o n II mll\r •f .q z'e :. _.L :J._._ I ~ J L U 4 u L N r- rt ft C .t J ] r n 1 r f. J 1 1 1 L 1 ui )~ ~ 1 u I _ 1 1 fl H I ~ I 1 1 1 I I 1 . I r I ` 1 ~ 1 1 I InYn dYC)NU O:~JJOU`wly :)..imv d.. v`u I I UMOUf ,v .Irm.JU, uJOm U~~o.gmo m,.r~ ~ j , 1 ~ ^NnfJ ~n :'~PtiO ;jYN.fJm v~A U`~dN JJN I aY rv~1~~1 `f'VUTA .fnnJ I ~ ~ .1•:V M I tv .D ::. .f .~ I 11 I I .-rN M.f ~~ Jnm P:J .-r I I V`P'J-J•.P 1`tT U`T 'V MV-ICt `J I-~I INJ H.i fJN •'I •JVVfV.Y (\^: ~UU'J U.)Uy().-IN.-.: .-:U (.I (')M:'1 :•~MM:n .:) IIrIMMf•)„rM( MMMi.. ..r :.l I ufJU.. ~~),. ,i ;) .r~] IfnMM ~'n ~rnMM JI •'lM I ~ .n _ ) •U JIJ W I j I.w Y -v .J r .- i 1- I. I • r-f •~ M Y.4 I n.l - I 12Y m _,L I I .~ .ti w - '~ 2 .e L: Inc 2 I j ~^ i_ .Y Y.J I W ` ~ _ - z`~ r s : ~y ) > > Uo) ,J:n ..l r.)_ r1>~I ..n ~a r.) W 'v/ tl l.o "q¢wlu ti~l ~~ i < U ti J J y N f .j r ~~ :n 1 y .~1C5~JJJ j~. r~) ,q .n ~. ¢2 J n.I W.u ~1~fL J'r tie ¢NIJJ.~ rY r~ I.1 ..InUI+.J~.y tC nt. l u'U J.LJ nw~) a_J.1 ul 't. 'n ` ~~IYy ~ J Ir^r-f .r ru (Y a(. fn•i - JJ.JE r•-f J j ~.M¢LL fLDUy fJL ~-.I j »y ~ P J ~uJ.l J t.J.Q ; a¢~CQ~ l• iJ 1 I j I yr .:)~J.J r rW- I ')•.).1 ~ N .1 c ) i)rjJ 'n ;) ~ ,JJ r n rn .n J r U f JUJ 1 n I W W W~ u I :1 lJ q~ L¢ I •L J~ M '' : ~4 ~ Iti~+~¢Y ~ nr~J ]¢ ' 4 U p, C1 i ~ r- n : •J F ,s :J I11 ~1 ..IGr I~r. rV2/_I,J J~II fC IQ... JJ J W I J J J¢ U ~ J• J .J ~= I.i ` Y C Y w l t a n TJI~-•'J I)a:C1 Ll-l. A¢C2.u T.~UL Tt ).J i u tDU ~ :y ¢I1 ry/.! :I. ~ r._J +.J J'Y ..rJ +r 'Y 11.^t n~J _ . , J g _ J ] ~nYa f n n~n ,n - a'~ 14•JIw I ~ I dOry.~:-:},n .-1 ~4 J.y }JN11111~YYYYy4 ~y .J' I-Yl/l')tiII``I}}I ~M~ I~ rl Y'~~1]'.Ji d'U+VJ~NNJI~ti.I~ II Iq I n II i i u] m m J ~) U ~: i ii I I I i. • I iII. • __._ .. .1__._~ ~^ - - . r. ~ r ~ ew.w-.....e+r.. w rr..f.w u... <~. AlLO1glK //YWR/ LICWLISI ~ I M1IFIA Gf UCEN3631 la: 0.ponm<n< W .U<olgl< Mnroy. Cennal INI bmd.af ~ . ~c; -f Nf CEIYt rv0 J Szramnna, Ca11. 03/I/ rd0 ~ ~.....,<r ....:•e.wr:..: GfOGAAn1N;Al CODE IM er.d..nn.e Awebl •wN• b C de<mMd m Iee..A. Oeu IueN 1. NAMEISI Oi ArrtlcAAlr131 ieinp. lwmn :, Ckb_.•LG .:i'L . :;C. AppliN urdM Ste. Otlu ^ ERmN.e Dem . EAen:.e Oore J. iYA!(31 Of iAANSA<110NISl ~fEF lIC nr s .. Nerve el w:n.t< 3, lweAM el /uMnllf-NUmbF oM LrM Clry aN Lp CaM Ceunry fOTAI S y II Irmm~w Lnnyd ). An fr.m:u< Inud. SFe.• iTw d lrtr^v Gly 6m:ni !. Mabrp Aedrn<lil d•lkrenl Irwn 31-Nu•••Mr eN Snw< ' ~~~' ^' 9. Nwv Toe e•n bun tennaM e e bWil 10. Nan Iee em •~eb[N anY el d. prer:Nwt el M AkoAa ' IewreOe Cpnr<al Att w rpubnem of d•e DeponTem m wnn•y ro Me An! 1 f. F.plan a "YES" an<.er b :bm< 0 w 10 w on .nwAmenr ~A•[A droll M ewinN pen M IM1n awlnanw. I]. Appl:tenl aprw< (al IM1eI orry managr .mplafN m e~wb li[mW pmna .rll hOn all Me QuvbRtanw< el O 4<In<w, e 0 (bl IAaI M ~•II :•u .:Nob w [euw w pemml b M .:elated anY el IM wem:w•< of IAe AkeAW{t M.nrvOe Cannel An. Dew l C ...:yp~y~q .................___.. ....__...:._..._. __.. _... wnry e U. SLif Of ~ Aalwq w .~...• K. _ ~ ti•n .M nn ~ ~ ~ 4 fn e•~••< ... r < ~ M . ..........,.. ......a......n w _.•..._. .. .,..• : ~' '~ • ` ~• ~Tn:S <'....i J]•Y6.L: . snKA i II ` ~ yr____.._s .................. ........... _._._._._....___......__........__......__.....__.__.. bGN NEA! 1 _...___.....___~ea:?_d.. -eereecep,k!?4?~4?FY ..____________________________..._.......__..._..__....._. AgIKATION RY TRANRrtROR I3. SYATf Of C41WANq Cwnry el ... ..................................Wb....__..........____._.... •N~ b r ,.•.•n M .ne... n .r.• w. nw..•~ .Nnn.. ~. r -~.. ~..• .~ ••wn•n ~ y ~.n~ •.+ n +Ar.. in4inr n +. o~~.~, i <•~n+r S DO Ym Wrd. Rome Thw Wne; Fen OrpertneN L'b Only ~ R'eCe AnedN~ ^ At<wdN nwip. n(,~ ~ v,eCl F~ew:aY wwn. ... WJI ............... ......_.._...._._..._..._ confs AunfR ._..4;.:.as._.___.___.__..._..... .kd•.u; f[...sy. caAld ~ REne.nl~ M d..._......loN a .............................OAke wl_._......._...__l«E:M W. .ar.fn~E4y_no ..... IiY•MI. b1 . e,acLe-~ sroQe ~ZVSw Eau MuDN 4~AliV 12858 eCEf 1uA CFlfe 12892 - - - ~^ Foml'~i,Ll T3Lu~ -- '- ~- - ~~ c~ I N 1 2 ~ 1 ! ~„~,k 3 SeAatt STi F~ ~I ~~ T~a C~2Cle-K CouUen.l,e,UC2 S7orlc~ is LdcArfp ant t~P IJo2'r1~Si~e oC ~oo'r!„LL 3ouLeuRTtl~ I F~VG2ox, w„~reL~ Sao ~ee7" wEsT of ~'TiuA-nlpa a J? na,t 2, /'~~/ ~) n T Qb PC21 T Cu e(1e,vT C.~f ~aNeD a Q.S.P. CST wRNDr} Sod~~iL'"3''. LC'C7 Caci ~~ i eU ce Cem me~AL G eu2eAt F~LA,~ ~ Sa~~e As ~oeac ~rJir~c ~,ut Yl(D~CQT ! ES o IlIaQT~F ~ Lacs , nPnTli}-L S-r'~ Du 4 ~Ac/1c EAST ~ W[ST ~Cvn~ t.l°~U,P,UCe C~Brir~PrICIAC SouTN X1.5 i? C.IuvNSi[~iAC SF~G'rF,C Y~/Eu .ivnusre~ ~~ r`~QiL C~aNa2a L ~Laa S Same As ~Poc~ n u !• t '~j4 `. , $~a: 1ri.`. I. ~{ COPY v ~ ~ __. NMKAJIOM qt LLCOHOUC WEtAW l1LEH3313) I ryPP.il Oi uCErv5E11 iM1E NO. _ Tp: apomnml d AkoMrp 0..wppe Cpnhd A F,-~O I W I bood:.or pFCErvr Hp - -~ .. Sarorwpe, CNI. VSEIS ian tez _ • •n•'•• ,CC-La L: 'ran. ral GfOG9AfHICAE n •`•••••' COOf l F. 15 1A. «dm:R~nd AmeAr ppprw ti pan 4wre de.p.A.dmEelb~p luuetl ]. N4NF(5) O! Afpl1UH1(31 letup, pam,r Applied yMn Sec }flly ~ . S i~Y~una Eaemo pore: [,:~:: Fp«nn Dpu. I. fYtE(3 Of IMNSACtIOH(Sl '' fEE j EIC. I rrrt s ,• ^. .I 4 some d Eww~ co s S. l«eAOn d Evpmre-Hmnbm and Sneer Bsol n. Fcocmll B1vE Ciry as Lp Cede Carry S ~SIw lYp el Lrume jl-~:G]S4Y ~ rCiry lrminl S. Halfrry AMnu lil dnler.nl Aem JI_Hanb.. end Sheee • I,I.r. ,:e 9. Ne.e Y^p nn pnn iwmmd of o lebnrl 10. Ha•e rev e.e. n,abnd erry d rA. p.e.n,ane el Me AI<eAak N LY Sen.aOe Te A 1 Are w pobnem al me Depamnm pen , ero re N 1 L F.prdn a'TES" am~nn ro Inmr p w 10 en en en«nmem .nrtn polr Le dwmed ewr d rM. appl.<pnen. I]. Appl.pm apnn lol rbr erq mpnppn employed In omwb L<enad pemna ..11 Ae.e oll rAe eppLR.anpm of p hoop., ew I61 rid M ..II m •~Pldn w a pnmd ro 4 ndmd any or rFe pre.nmm of me AkaMn. Movye Com.el Ad, ll. STAR Of CAl1igHIA Ceunry d,. _Sa1_J3n.aL1 :a. _Ww. -Sl~1L p.eu ~r + . w M ter, n• u,..J . r rsw... w ..,rr... rh ~. n. n..n. nI~.... ,r w ..,u._....i,r .r .•r,r.+ . ~.. i..-w _.n ....+ ~ • • . IA AIeIICAHi ,,,y./ NOH nL1E .__\_ ___ ________________._.~ __.___ _____.._._______...___-~ ___.__.__ ___._ ___. AI-IICATION t7 TRANSf[ROR ' IJ. SleiE Of UIIgEHIA Cowry el..________•'p•1-e..[n.ei.:eo4--... Dan....y<.,r._g_____________ u.r e.mrn .~.~ ... w.• - .. m/ ~ run u ti Dw,m.m.m • ••rn,. / +. na n wn w nine wrrn.n +•. r _..s q r.r w oy: In any Lee - Fro s. ]nn_ i R, laenen rvemem era sheer Gry pod iq eaee Ceunry I ~ Dp Npl Wnfr prima TAu Lim; F« DrppHmrnf L1<Oa/y ~~ AmaAed~ ^ Rmwded naMe, / /y~ <- ~ ._____...-__-__ _____________ ____________ _COFlf3 AULLEO ____ enu. ^Rerrwalr/wd___.-__hidn_____..____..________.WRe<ar_.__....__11wdq Nw ...______________ ____ ev.a NI< w •~ .a n,r~ ~ "~ ~ --_ O I 'f ~3 - -:•-RED HILL COUNTRY CLU9 bgy' `` V ~~~~~ ~~5.~6 ~o ~,. ~~ TaXA[a S~CUme 6TR1 a. 13 \~ ° . ~~\`' SILL 04~ 14 ' ` >C I `' ~ IA I ~ j ` 6190 4 ~~/Y O V `` ~ LoT w~ II4 ry 1• ~ :+~ '\ Cp ~ 4 ao ~, ~" G l~ . ~ o e d w FOU-flr~L~ \40\~ ~° d ~~~ ° ~ V GL ~ o' ~' ~~ o ' J ~ L1.0/1, 9 J,T y. o, s~ Blbl Sr~9 P 2 ~`~ Y e° 1 0 > ^ f~ „ \ \ l~J ~ V r 5 .. o ~ , ~~ ' ~ \ <° s ^ 'o B ~° a ti , ~~ y ~ S I y9 ro ~ \ ~ ~ _ O J e Og CT `°„ \ h U 52 J ~ °° °.~ s< f- ' S3 ~ J . 17 J11uc~ ~ ~ « d M QQ 49~ ti ~ 4 ~ 50 Spg6aETl ' !13 s2Vi F 40 J ,.° ° 50 eo 51 x n o q ~ 55 s . ~ /-~ U. o `~.J ~ p '~ I o O o O ~ O O O ~ ~ ~ O ~ n ~ ~ ~ , i '---'- 1 co :o SRU ~e¢uAQplnlp Qd, ~ I ~~ f ~---- Foo~l;~ L,lIra,.,nn, Is Lo ~,a o.u ~is 51DU7s'1CA5T Ce2.vc.L C F 1 B ~ ~ ' o oc7 i11A L11~ fhua cuuT~4 r/..6 A alitL L DQ1ac A'DSAGeuT ro ~rh. n4ab/c LR»,t0 RcsTau2an,r, ~¢ev¢Q.Ta Is cu4alrurZW Nan C6C~ 6cNe~At C'.amw~e~2ciAL A-~TA ~awleaAt. ~t~ s C_'esN~nrAc/RL ~l W l f t N ~ ~ L' c ~.1T 2o ~ J rl rJo¢.T - 61si ~ WtsT ~C~l ~oc aelUE4r4C rniirl Sou7~F /~LS/DI.uT/A•L 8-i~FDU's/Rc/IC C,eutaAC i~ o SA~v1Q fh +~BedQ COPYe...M.w-u.,.r-.l•. w.rM.nr.u....u..r..~..._. • J •MfCIETItMV Wt AICONOIID fIEV[RAGE uCENSeISI I. ttpFtSl Of tICENSEt51 ' FIIE NO !a: Oeponmem el AI<aM1dn Mre<apo Connd IPoI yooJ.oy se<rammMa cal v3ele ... - ~ C ~S 'Y _ RECfipi NO ; ~. ~ '.. . . •nn.•<roe~u.x.ne.. IAe undwepny M<eb a Aer b GECGEAPMICAI CODE pp r Imnwe der<nbN m Idb.r: kwed ]. NAMEIb Of AIM1ICANile) temp P.rmn App4ed ordw 3e<. ]IOI{ ~ ERwdn Dot.: feae.e Don J. iYPF(51 Of iRANSACEION(JI ~ FEE (IC ttPE S l Na:rw of WJnw S, tecanvn vV erMnnr-Nrmb<r and SnM • ~ ft Y' Clry and Lp Cade Coon ry iOEAI i 3 M<prexwr lmde Shoes iyye el b<mw _ _ Gry LmiN e. Mm6np Addmr 01 dillexm hom 31-NUmb<r aM Snxr r..r r.., 9 Xar. you e.ar peen eonn<M of o lelvnyt 10. Non yeu < aderM any M Me pro+ t el M. AI<nhnhr eer ra9< Con rd A<t or re0ry ' n of rMe Mperim<nt per "' nmq rv the Aa L'E r - 11 E<plam a "YES" am~er i m< V or 10 an v. nnnhmur .FrtF rM1all M deemed pvn of rhn oppLmnvn ~<r Applrtom oprter lay r6er onY m ^aaer employed in amwb I~unud premnn will M1nn all rM1e pual~R<aeaee al a L<emq, a !bl Mor he .dl n rmlab o ar permit ro be adotfd pny or the pra.mnm nl IAe Amhoi< Rberape Camral A<l n< IJ 3i4f Of CAtIfORN1A Covnry al _...._.,~.....__.,____,,,,_,,, ___Jan. 13 SIAiE OE CAII{GRNIA County of .............. ... .Jan r 4{w~~ h o..{~. Mi ~. nru~...r in.~rw~ f .wi .y ....r« an^. n... ..r w ...r.. ~. e. nn.. w .......~ n y ..~..rr ..n .. .r~. r ....n ~~ H ApptII.C A~Mi .. 'SIGN MERE ~... ~ _ .~_ :..__.1::_v. _.......... .. ..... ~`.. n._.__..._..._......_.. ~.__..__._......~ ...... .....................___._.__........................... ' .. \' ~ AAIICATION 0Y TRANSe[IlOl Am<nea - Rwn.dee nm,<.. (~ f~duaen pnp.n, ~ Rero.al. fee ol__.._.....lold N MAILED ....--~-. _ ~. Y:• ~~--------- No ssx.w o• a-> On,vm Wnl<Aalae TM1U Line; Fn. Depnnmmt C.e ONy - `,pc}~o~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • ~,- ~. z _' ; ~ MEMORANDUM L -' DATE: June 3, 1985 • ~~ .~ , ...~ .... c„ ., ; 1~.~~ ~ . ,..~ ,. -' .~ r is ~ __ .. . t ~ -- r. ~ ' ,~, .~ ~ . ,. ~. Clii , ~HCHC cur,:::;c,: ~Cl n-L~G~e ~. K. L.a:-r') ..i. ~, l ~ l1 L E";. .rE~'.r.v ~:'f':,, Fi , ~~ i J 1~;......,,,..~,~ cC... _ _C. T~^ %K.y VM.r/t ~G [.Y1.Jl/U~~ icwE--r.~.~ -~~i+.fa.r ~~~ .L <`n t, arc..: 1.c!e..t.L ~~.-~.~..E. ,uu•e .-c_ .L;• zw..~x-' :Y" f1~<~ ..C ~~'-... «-~-c.. .l' 4 .~ t (-bC. <c. t<-..C. ~CK< 1 .~.., ,.~ ~ti~.f~'. :~~-1 / ~`.Uc z ,,4~L~.~. ~t Cc. ~~ ~~ ~_.,~.:.< fir. ..-.F. aT`'2"''L %<~ /t. ~% L ~. ~,J• ~`~G~•c-G <~ ~C~-t~•-c-Z.~ .c-i.;. i _7_-iu.<.r ,Ca.,~.i.. , - ~. - ,/ `-l~,(.`.LZ' ~ J~ 4„-,t~,t.L .'~-~-i, c;«_i Y ,-!~ -~.r LL Qom' L~(~.CG-dd.t/~ ~i E~-ow ~Lu, ~[1c.¢.~tc_f,..~. cE...~~,' • i -l ~ ~.~ -e'er-.,~.~ --t.~/~,~ /3 ~~-at n s ~~-- ~,~. ,, w~ ~' ~. • ~ ~ ~~+1f.e-~G -~t..<-G<-CJ E.du-,.~. ~~.-fin.- tLcc.~L YN~ CL L~ l=µ. Y~ L J ~~~~ - '~~' /n:, 1 '~. l..vc-~~ (~~-L ~ ~~~. J-' ,~~--~~•-w-.C. `,~t~w/ c~t~-mot. o-~-ts-. cfl: ~~ .~,r~-. ~~ 3 Te kt,~.Euh, ~-~j-z~ ~ c-n~~~..~ j -t-zz-~~'.1..~ '~-~-^-~- 41.. ~.~-vLt.t ~c, n •, ~ ~ ' I "" "' ~ "T ~A,~ isY~'In~ Lt `~ l ~% ~ ./ ~ I r 1 U • '~Yq i. 'fi~' ~ :» t' ~'~ ~.L • ,1; r; :r fT„ F+S ~F~{' r .4 ~ri yy ?t~ i1 9'. _; `;V~F~y-' c zsar~r~a. '_»d'.TnSj 1 . ~F • ' ' { • ,t I/C a r u N ~ o' ~ o' ie ~• w' w t: w' N'. ~~. 'IDAy~ rjN S~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 'S ,3 ~ '8 ~ Ft r ~ 1 M ' ,p y . . ~ hd , + p ~w v ~ ~ .}- A i r ~ !~ cus i me 5~ :. :R F.. : k __ ~ 'f~ J ~ S, NgME / ~ t gOOpE55 ~,.~ u ~• w~ .e. •w wa v w 1 I Z ! 3 ' 1 5 6 a .~ 9 1 0 I 1 t I 1 @ ~ l a I s 1 6 ~ Cia a +~. ~' 'r ;v ~,I <•; ~~ nrmv nr+ r • STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer 8Y: Barbara Kra11, Resistant Civil Engineer ~W^moti ,ro °~ ~' 'r VIII !-: 8 1917 S08JECT: Approval of Parcel Map 8060 and Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement located at the northwest corner of Ninth Street and Helms Avenue Parcel Map 8060 was approved by Planning Commission on August 24, 1983 far the division of 1.4 acres of land within Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan. Street improvements are existing on Ninth Street and Helms Avenue. A Real Property improvement Contract and Lien Agreement is being submitted for the future undergrounding of the utility lines. RECgR4ENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Parcel Map 8060 and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. In addition, it is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the 2eai Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement and authorizing the City Clerk to cause same to record. Resp tfull subm' ted, L .faa Attachments /y • RECORDIXfi REQUESTED BT: and YNER RECOR OEO MAIL T0: CITY CLERK C1 TY OF Rp NCHO CUCAMONGA P. 0. fioz 807 RANCHO CUC AMONG A, CALIFORNIA 91770 REAL PROP ER TT iMPROYEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGR EENENT THIS gGREENEN T, made and entered into this day of 1985, by and between Louis Barnes (hereinafter referred to as "Developer), and the CITY OF RANCHO [UCA MO NGA, CpL If ORNIA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter r elerred tm as •City), provides as follows: NHEREAS, as a general condition precedent to the approval o/ parcel Map BOBO, the Lity requires the construction • of missing o(f-site street improvements Including un tle rgrounding of utility lines along Ninth Street adjacent to the Dr oDerty to be developed; and NHEREAS, the Developer des ire5 to postpone construction of such improvements until a later date, as determined by the Ctty; and NHEREAS, [he City fs agreeable to Such postponement prov lded that the Developer enters into thit Agreement requir ing the Developer Lp construct said improvements, at no eV pence to the City, after demand to do so by the City, which to id ggreem en[ shall also provide th dt the C7ty may construct said improvements i( the Oevela0er fails or neglects to do so and that the Ctty shall have a lien upon the real property hereinafter described as security for the Oeve Toper's performance, and any repayment due City. 1 /S r. NOX, THE 0.E FORE, 7HE PgR7IES gGREE: 1. The Developer hereby agrees that he will install off-site street improvements including undergr ounding of utility lines in accordance and compliance with all applicable or dlnancei res otutions, rules and regulations of the City in effect of the time pf the installaH On. Said impravemen is shall be Installed upon and along Ninth Street adjacent to Parcel Map 8060. 2. The insta7latfon of said improvements shall De completed no later Loan one (1) year fallowing written notice to the Oevelap er from the City to commence lnstallatipn of the same. Installation of safd 7mpr ovements shall D< at no erp ense to the City. 3. In the event Lhe Developer shall fait or re/use to complete the lnitatlation o/ said improvements in a time ly manner, City may at any time thereafter, upon giving the Oevetoper written notice of 1ti intention to do so, enter upon the property hereinafter described and camDlete said improvements and rew ver all costs of camp letion incurred by the City from the Developer, A. To secure the performance by Lhe Developer o1 the terms and conditions m/ this qgr eem ent and to secure the repayment to City pf any fun d5 which may be expended Dy City 1n completing said Improvements upon default by the Developer hereunder, the Oe ve toper does by these presents grant, bargain, seil and convey to the City, in trust, the fallowing described real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State o/ Californf a, to•wlt: Parcei 1 and 2 0/ parcel Map 8060 as recorded in Parcel Map Californ'--i a.-- Pages San Bernardino County, State of ~1 ~_J ~' y S. This conveyance is in crust, however, for the purposes described above. 6. Noe, theref or ¢, if the Developer shall faithfully perform all of the acts and things by them to be done under Mss Ayreemen t, then this conveyance shall be vattl, otherwise, it shall remain in full farce and effect and in all respects shall De considered and treated as a mortgage an the real property and the r!gh is and oblig a[f ons of the Dar[ies with respect thereto shall De governed by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Sate pf Calf Pornta, and any pt her applicable Sta[u te, pe r[aininy to mortgages on real property. 7. This Agreement shall be Dfntling upon and shd17 insure to the benefit of the heirs, execu Lars, administrators, spccesSars and ass lgns of each pl the parties hereto. • 8. To the extent reQUired to give effect of this Agreement as a mortgage, [he term 'Deus lpper^ shall De "mortgagor" and the City shalt be the 'mortgagee' as those terms are used in the the Civil Code of the State of California and any other statute pertaining to mortagei on real property. 9. If legal actf on is commenced to en(ar ce any of Lhe provisions of this Agreement, to recover any Sum which the City {s entitled [o recover from She Developer hereunder or to tore<la,e the mor tg ay¢ creaf ed hereby, then the Drevaiting party shall be entitled to recover iLi costs and such reaaDndDle attorneys fees as shall De awarded by the Court. 3 7 RESOLUTION N0. io^o-i9-'+3.". 8S-/8'~ • R RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP N0. 8060 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 8060) NHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 8060, submitted by Louis Barnes Subdivider, and consisting of 2 parcels, located at the northwest corner of Ninth Street and Helms Avenue, being a division of a portion of the south one- half of the northwest one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter of Section 10, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, was approved by the Planning Commission as provided in the State Subdivision Map Act and is in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 8060 is the Final Map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and NHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map, said subdivider submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1, That the offers for dedication and the Final Map . delineating same. be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon behalf of said City; and 2, That said Parcel Map No. BO60 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of ,tune, 1985, AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on ~ e s, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authe et, C ty erk ~9 RESOLUTION N0. '^`~..-„-'-.z.:- gs-~g,r A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ACCEPiiNG A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM LOUIS BARNES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME WHEREAS, installation of underground utilities established as prerequisite to recordation of Parcel Map 8060 has been met by entry into a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement by Louis Barnes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California does accept said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on a s, ayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authe et, ty errc I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of June, 1985. Executed this 19th day of June, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. every Aut a et, ity er ~a • I-1 LJ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: June 19, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubby, City Engineer BY: Barbara Kr all, Assistant Civil Engineer cUGMplp 9_ i n K [~" {L T ~,I ~ z U' > 1971 SUBJECT: Approval of Parcel Map 9084 and Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement located north of Almond Street and west of Big Tree Road submitted by Forecast Mortgage Corp. Tentative Parcel Map 9084 was approved by City Council on June 5, 1985 for the division of 20.9 acres and a remainder parcel into 1 parcel located on the north side of Almond Street and west of Big Tree Road. A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement is being submitted to guarantee the improvement of the access roads across Tentative Tract 10210 to parcel 1 and the remainder parcel. REC017AENOATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolutions approving Parcei Map 9084 and the Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement and authorizing the City Clerk to cause said map to record. Respectfully suggiitted, :jaa n U Attachments .Z / r ~:.;._ [. ,:,,~.: '. . ~. -(.r -,, f e,.~b ~.c.,-..,_r ,.' ` .... ~;~, . _ , I ~_ ~ - _~____'-•_ .; It-" ,+ ~~ ~ ~„- ~- ;. 1' 4. ` i ~ ~., ~ ; ' :1 i _ _ _ _.3.... e T_ ~ - _ ~ ~--, .., _ _ _ our ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ •• dJ"~_.nW u ~ ~ __ ~ .,y_ _ i+l ' ._.~ ~. -' ~~ M -' , __ ' __...,..~ .._ ._ - ` ! ~` 1~ I !J ~^r4r , l .~' ~''! ~!' ~•,r~ { . 1 J.1 ww~~'~ .I~ ~ „, 1 Ate. ~~ wu' ~L,[C_ ~ k ~ . ~' ~'~~~~ ~ '~„ ~ - - arww~ ~ ~ ~.=]v+.`rw Jar /m4+~s...v_ ~eI ~ n ~+v ~ [~ h.rar! J4rh~r ~~ [w.'+n r MY ~F iwu°lY~6A/. })p .. ,;;. _.. _„ .., _..... _.,.._ W..i.. UENAGMT RECORDING RENUESTEO BY: and NNEN RECORDED NAIL T0: CITY LL EAK CITY OF RANCHO CUC ANONGd P. 0. Boa 301 ftANC NO CUC Am ONGA, CAL IF0R9[A 91730 REAL Pfl OPER TY IYPROVENE NT COtITfl p[T AND LIEN AGREEMENT TNC AGREEN ENT, made and entered into this tlay of _, 19_, by and between (hereinafter referred to as "Deve lop er •), and the CITY OF RANCNO CUC ANONGA, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as ^[i ty"), provides as follows: NH EREAS, as a general condition precedent to the . rec m~d of ion of ^arcel Man 9086 ~ the City requires [he construction of missing off-site s[reec improvements including adJ scent to the property to De developed; and NH EREAS, She Oevelap er desires [o postpone construction Of SVCh ImpYnV¢mQnts Vn[11 d Idtef ddte, d5 detQYmtnCd by the City; antl NN EREAS, the Cify is agreeable to such postponement provided that the Developer enters into this Agreement requiring the Oev eloper to construct Said improvements, at n0 eapen se to the City, after demand to do so by [he City, which said Agreement shall also provide tha4 the Llty may cons tract said Improvements if the Developer fails or neglects [o do so and that the City shall have a lien upon the real property hereinafter described as security ibr the Developer's performance, and any repayment due Lity. 1 TRACi,pARCEL MAP ~ 3 ,, ~ . i NOM, THEREFORE, THE PA P.TiES dGREE: 1. The Oeve ioD er hereby agrees that he rill install off-site st rent improvements including a minimum of 26 Eoot vide payefnent within a 40 .`ooc wile dedicated right of way. in accordance and com0liance vith all applicable ordinan ^. es resolutions, rules antl regulations of the Ci [y in a/feet at the time of the ins -. a';alion. Said improvements shall be installed d ed.cated right of way as recorded as document nnmhers upon antl slangs oE'icial records of county o: ban 3er na rdino Scaze o California. not to exceed Eeyo r,d the centerline of said street or beyond the fro6tagP pf the Su l`]C<t prnperty exCCOt a5 requirod t0 provl dQ for adequate drainage and traffic transition per Ci[y Standards. 2. The in stallatlon of said impravem en is shall be completed no later than one (1) year EOllpring yr itten notice to the Bevelaper from [he Ci[y to commence installation of the sane, installation of said imp rovm ¢nes shall be at no expense to. the Ciiy. 3. In the event the Developer shall tail or refuse tp complete fhe installation of Said improvements in a timely manner, C1ty may a[ any time [hereafter, upon giving the oeve ioper mitt en notice of its intention to do so, enter upon the property hereinafter described and complete said improvements and recover all costs of completion incurred by the City from the Beveloper, Earh parcel created by recorda[fon of said map shall be subject to a prorated amount on a per acre basis. a. To secure the performance by the Developer of the teems and conditions pf this Agreement and to Secure the repayment to City al any funds which may be expended by City in completing said imDrov emen[s upon default by the Oeve toper hereu naer, the Beveloper noes by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey to the City, in trust, the following desert bed. real property situated in [he City o1 Rancho Cucamonga, [aunty of San Be rnardlno, State of Californ la, fo-wit: see Attached Ex htbic A " (legal aescriDt ion) ~. + Tra c'. 10210 ~~ Z ~i 5. This conveyance is in trust far the perpos es described above. 6. Now, there Pore, if the Developer shall faithfully perform all of the acts antl things to Se done under [his t.9 reement, then this conveyance shall be void, otherwise, it shall remain in full farce and effect ono in all respects shall be considered and Yreated as a mortgage on the real property ono [he rights dnd obligations of :he parties with respect thereto shall be governed by the provisions a/ [he Livil Code of the State of CaliPornia, and any other applicable statute, pertaining to mortgages on real Dr oilerty. 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure tp the benefit of tAe heirs, ede cutprs, atlministra[ars, successors and assigns of each of the parties hereto. • 8. To the extent required to give effect of this Agreement as a mortgage, the term 'Developer" shad be "mortgagor" and the City shall be the 'mortgagee' ds those terms are used in the the Civil Lode of the State of Cali(arn is and any other statute pertaining fa mar[ages an real property. 9. If legal actlan is commenced to en Porce any of the provisions o/ this Agreement, to recover any sum which tM1e City is entitled tp recover from the peve Loper hereunder or to foreclose the mortgage created hereby, [hen the prevailing party shah be eneitled to recover its costs and such reasonable attorneys (ees as shall Oe awarded by the Court, L J ~`~ ,~ S IN NIiN E55 NH EREOf, the parties hereto have a%ecuted this Agreement on [Ae day and year first above written. EITT DEVELOPER FORECAST MO TCAGE CORPROATION CITY OF RANCHO CUC Ai1D NG A, [AL IF OR9IA, a municipal corporation By: By: (/Pre siaent Jon O. ike is Mayor ATTEST ever y q. Hu the et City Clerk aNtfllt.Yf,,...tt..Rttf.tt.tt.t.;t.ltttttll.tf,lttt.ttt.f.lf tt...Y STATE DF CAL IFORNfA ) 59 COUNTY OF SAN NEfl NARDINO) On ,19_,befare me the untlersigned Notary Public, personally appeared JJN D.- MId EL S, personalty known to me tp be the Mayor of the C[iY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFDRNIA, d municipal Corporation, and known to me to be fhe person who executed the within instrument pn behal/ o/ said municipal cbrpbra[i on, and acknowledged to me th ac such m u0ic spas corporation a%ecuted i[. NIINESS MY NAND ANO OFFICIAL SEAL Notary ignature ~~~ ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 9}AiE OF LAIIr- NIA I " ° .cwwrv or_Da n. Bernard ino.__ _I ~ or_May.B, 1985 __ __,a,lme mw me weerwwatrveran ol,mun.ea rm b¢f ore r ..u dr.rt. e.rwll,lw.et..,.a._ JAMES _P. PREVITI ~ ________, __, --__.____~.__.____..ror,°.uw Xem,,,ro m. rh me.w ml,»oorr g u.a. or /.uumrmv t.,amt.uee.ll,. °m.m,..no t.eahe m. mnnalma.rmmltt the._ - - -. r i E O Yaanl ,ne _ __ __. Betreu rr uCnlr,X d PO re(Id5[ ~° 3 _ . _ _ Mort a e C r oration 4_9_. P__ , _ __, In to th8 B Int.orrowme man e,mw..ea,heamaaga b me m° OFFICIAL It 5 F :F.AL +mn.mommm~ e. mro na.nnmmumme+ eumn°n, I . _'~ p[)pap1Y f RRMtEY rro . I ~ brl,., er, ry,olulrgl d•I, EOmeol Errttreh IrO tAPV PUfl 11<~Ul~%J[~, ~.\' ' Y SAN a[PMXOIXO 4mI Nry WIIN E55 mY n,M ,M tlr.r,l t tt l M/fgnh hpe, AJG M. {S65 r. r o /~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ 9pn,run L,~r ^/ nXe ,re, rtr Xul n°urul M,A Do roc E. Brad lay/ i / NER SNI P, • THE p80 YE pCK NONL EDGE NFNT IS NOT ACOtPfAYLl, p CORPORpTIOX/PpR Tx' q A ti R0~11.E DGEMENi IS REQUIRED. a~ L` Exhibit A ' TRACT !10230 BDING A SUBD IVZSI ON OF A YORTI QVN OF GOVERNMENT LOT I, SECPI ON 20, TOWNSHIP I NOATH, RANGE ] WEST, SAN BERNARD I:iO BASE AND MERIDIAN ANO A POAT ION OF GOVERNMENT LOL 1, GECTZ CN 23, TOWNSHIP I NORTHr RANGE 7 WEST, SAN BERN APDINO BASE ANO MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO GOVE RNM£:IT SURVEY. ~ 1 ~.J (tea ,~ A 7 • RESOLUTION N0. f96h9-i3R !~~ -/P~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RPPROV ING PARCEL MRP NUMBER 9084 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 9084) WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 9084, submitted by Forecast Mortgage Corp. and consisting of 1 parcel, located north of Almond Street, west of Big Tree Road, being a division of a portion of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, Township 1 North, Range 7 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian in the County of San Bernardino, was approved 6y the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map Number 9084 is the final map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final map by the City Council of said City have now been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Parcel Map Number 9084 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to 6e filed for record. • PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1984. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on i e s, ayor ATTEST: ever y A. Authe et, ,ty er I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meetfng of said City Council held on the 19th day of June, 1985. Executed this 19th day of June, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. every ut a et, ty er ~~' • RESOLUTION N0. ~^0-=9-:~R 8 ~ " ~8 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM FORECAST MORTGATE CORP. FOR PARCEL MAP 9084 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME WHEREAS, Parcel Map 9084 located on the northside of Almond Avenue, west of Big Tree Road, submitted by Forecast Mortgage Corp, was approved on June 5, 1985; and WHEREAS, Installation of dedicated access to parcel 1 and remainder parcel established as prerequisite to recordation of Parcel Map 9084 has been met by entry into a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement by Forc ast Mortgage Corp. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California does accept said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. • AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on i e s, ayor RTTtST: Beverly A. Authe et, ,ty erk I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of June, 1985. Executed this 19th day of June, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. every ut a et, ty er a.9 nrmv nc+ n n nrrvn rim n nxnvr_ A STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B, Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Approval of Bonds and agreement for Tract Nos. 9399 and 9400 located on Banyan west of Beryl submitted by Prado Corporation Tract Nos. 9399 and 9400 were approved by the Planning Commission on July 22, 1976, for the division of 12 acres into 24 lots in located on Banyan west of Beryl. The Developer, Prado Corporation, is submitting an agreement and bonds to guarantee completion of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: E25,000.00 Labor and Material Band: E12,500.00 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting said bonds and agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. Res tfully su mit~ d, vim], L8 :L o ` qtt hments 3~ • LiTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA iMP0.0YEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT 9799 KNON ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That thfs agreement is made and enf eyed into, in conformance with the provisions of the Subdivision Ha0 A<t of the State of California, and of the applicable Ordf nances of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, a mvniciDal carp oration, by and between said City, hereinafter referred LO as the City, and Pggoa CeOe.~Tio.v hereina ter re er rea to as [ne NITNESEET H: TNAi, NHEREAS, said Developer desires to de velpP certain real property in said Ci[y as shoen on [he cantliti on al ly approved suadivision known as iracL 9799; and NHEREAS, said City has established certain requirements to be met by said Developer as Drerequ isite to aDprpval of said subdivision generally located at Banyan Street and 2lrcon Avenue. NON, THEREFORE, it 1s hereby agreed by said Ci[y and by said Developer as follows: 1. The Developer hereby agrees to construct at Develop er'S expense all imDrovemen is described on page 6 here- of within twelve mon [NS Irom the effective date hereof. • 2. this agreement shall be effective on the dale of the resolution of the Council of said City approving this agreement. This agreement shall be in default an the day follaw- 7ng the first anniversary date of said apPr oval unless an exten- ilpn of time has been granted by said Ci[y as hereinafter provid- ee. 7. The Developer may request an extension of time to complete the terms hereof. Such request shall be submitted to the Lity in wrf [ing not less than 30 tlays het ore the expiration date hereof, ana snail contain a statement of circumstances nec essi toting the extension of t1me. The City shall Nave the right to review the provisions of [his agreement, including the construct tan stand ard2, COS[ e5tlma6e, and improvement security, and to require adjustments therein if any subs[antfai change has occurred during the term hereof. a. If the Developer falls or neglects to comply with the prn visions of this agreement, the C1ty sN alt Nave the right at any time to cause said provisions to be met by any lawful means, and Lhereu pon recover tram the Developer and/pr Nis surety the full cast and expense incurred. 5. The Developer zhail provide metered water service to each lot of said development 1n accordance with [he regulations, schedules, and fees of Lhe Cucamonga County Hater District. 6, The Developer shall be responsible Por replacement, reloc at ton, or removal of any component of any (rr igati on water system in conflict with canstruc[lon of required Improvements to the sa[ISlac tf on of the City Engineer and the owner of such water system. -1- 939f (~.~~ 3 / 7, Improvements repaired io be constructed shall cpM Orm to the Standard Drawings and Standard Specs/stations of the City, and io the Improvement Plan approved by and on /i le in the office of the City Engineer, Said iaprpv ements are tabu laced on the Cons[r action antl Eond Estimate, hereby incorporated on page 6 hereof, az tak nn from the imp n vement plans listed to ereon by number. The Developer shall also be re spons ibie for construc- tion of any transitions pr other incidental work be ya nd the tract hound dries as needed for safety and proper surface drainage. Errp rs or ommiss ions discovered during cans [r actin shall he corrected upon the di rectipn of [he City Engineer. Devised work doe to said plan mad ifications shall be covered by [he provisions of this ogre zment 'and secv •=d by [ne surety covering [he original planned works. 8. Construction permits shall be obtained by the Developer from the office of the Lity Engineer prior to start of cork; all re gulafions listed tnerean shalt be abs erv ed, with dttention given to safety procedures, control of dust, noise, or other nuisance [o fhe area, and [o proper not i/ICation of public ut it sties and City Departments. Failure to comply with this section shall be subject [o the penalties provided therefor. 9. The Developer shall be responsible far removal of all loose rocks antl other debris /ram public rights-ot-nay within or adjoining safd development resulting Irom work relative to said development. 30. Mark done within existing streets shall be diilgent ly pursued to comDlet ion; the Llty shall have [he right to complete any and all work in the even[ of unjustified delay completf on, and tD recover all cast and expense incurred from t Developer and/or his contractor by any lawful means. I1. Said Oevetoper shall a[ alt times following dedica- tion a( the streets and easements in said subidfvisfon, u0 to the completf on and acceptance pt sold work or improvement by said City Lo antl 1, glue good and adeevate warning to the traveling public of each and every dangerous condition eaiste nt in said street or easement, and will protect the traveling public from such def eccive or dangerous conditions. Until the completion of all improvements, Herein incorporated on Page 6 to he per/orm ed, eacA of said streets not accepted as impr ovemen [z shall be under the charge of said Developer. Said Developer may close all or a portion of any street subject to the cand scions contained in a temporary street closure permit, issued by the City Engineer, whenever it is necessary to protect the pubt is tluring the oonstruction pf [he improvements herein agreed to be made. 12. Parkway trees repaired to be planted shall be planted by the Oeve lop er after other imprav ement work, grading and cle anvil has been camp le [ed, Planting shall De done ai provided by Ordinance in accordance with the plant in9 diagram appr oven by the City Lommunl [y Development Director. The Developer shall be responsible for main4aln ing all trees planted in good heat th until the end of Ne guaranteed maintenance period, or for one year oiler planting, whichever {5 later, 17, The Developer Is responsible for meeting all cpnd7- tionz established by [he City pursuant tD the Subdivision -2- • ~_r.. 3 a. Map qct, City Ordiance5, and thiz agreement for the developm en [, and for the maintenance of all improvements constructed thereunder until the improvement is accepted for maintenance by the City, and no improvement Security provided hereinwith shall be releazed before such acceptance unless otherwise provided and authorized by [he City Council of the City. 14. Thiz agreement Shdll not terminate until the maintenance guarantee security hereinafter described has been released by the City, ar until a new agreement together with the required improvement security nos been submitted to the City by a succe ssar to [he ,herein named, and by resolution of [he Lity Council same has been accepted, and this agreement and the improvement security therefor has been released, 15. The improvement security to De /urn fished by the Developer with this agreement shall consist of [he following and shots De in d fDYm acceptable by the City attorney: A. To secure faithful Derf ormance of [his agreement. 1. A bond or bonds by one or more duly authorize0 corporate sureties in the (orm and content specified by Gavernm en[ Code Section 66499.1. 2, an (mDravem ent Security Instrument In the form and consent specified by the Ciiy gttorne y, 3. A de DOSi[ witA the City of money or ne goti aD to bonds Of the kind appr ov eE (or securing deDOSi[s Of public monies. B. To secure laborers and ma teri alm en: 1. A hand or bonds Oy one or more duly author iced • corporate su r_ttes in the form and Content specified Dy Government Lode Section fi6499. 1. 2. An Improvement Security Instrument in She form and content specified Oy the City A[ta rney. 7, q deposit with Cf [y of money or nego[f able Oands of [he kind approved /of securing [. A cash tleposit with the City to guarantee payment by the Developer to the engineer or surveyor whose cer[ff irate appears upon the Final Map for the s ei[ing of all boundary, lot corner, and street centerline monuments and far furnishing centerline ti¢ notes to [he City. The amount of the deposit may De any amount cer[i/fed by the engineer or surveyor as acceptable payment in full; or, if no value is suhmit[ed, the cash bond shall be as shown on the Construction and Bond Estimate tonta toed herein. Sold cash d¢pozit may De refunded as soon as proce- dure Dermits after receipt by the City of the Cen Lf;~ne tiC n0[CS and Mr lCCen dzz UrdnCe pf payment in full frog [he engineer or Surveyor, D. The required bonds and the prlnc ip al amounts thereof are sec forth an page 6 of this dg reem 2nt, 16. T'na Developer warrants that [hP Inip r•~:enen ty descr'S ed in [hi; dq wee Went shalt Se tree trom Aef ec tz in materials and workmanship. Any and all portions of the Improve- ments fax ~d a be defective within p~iq (1;, y-fir toll p~e ing [he data on which the improvemen [s are accepted by the City shall De repaired or replaced by Developer free of all charges to the City. The Developer shall furnish a maintenance guarantee security in a sum equal to ten percent (l0%) of the construction 33 n .. estimate or (200.00, whichever is greater, [o secure the faithful performance of OeveloDer's obligations as described in this para- graph. The maintenance guarantee security shall also secure the faith/ul performance by the Developer of any obligati an of the Developer [o do specified work with respect to any parkway maintenance assessment district. Once the improvements have been accepted and a maintenance guarantee security has keen acceptetl by the City, the other improvement security described in fh is agreement may be released provided [hat such release is otherwise authorized by the Subdivision Yap Act antl any applicable City Ordinance. i7. ThaC~the Developer shall take out and maintain such public liability and property damage insurance as shall proteU him and any contractor or subcontractor performing work covered by this agreement from claims for property damages which may arise because o/ the nature of [he work or Irom operations under this agreement, whether such operations be by himself or by any contractor or subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by said persons, even though such damages be not caused by the negligence of the Developer or any contractor ar subcontractor or anyone employed ey said persons. The poetic liability and property damage insurance shall list the City as add itonal insured and directly protect the City, its officers, agents antl emOloyees, as well as the Developer, his contractors and his subcontractors, and all insurance policies issued hereunder shall so state. The minimum amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: A. Contractor's liability Insurance providing botlily injury or death liability limits of not less th 5700,000 for each person and 51,000,000 for !ac accf dent or occurrence, and property damage liabil- ity limits of no[ less than 5100,000 far each acci- dent or occurrence with an a99regate 11m it of 5250,000 far claims which may arise from the opera- X [ions of the Developer in the performance of the work herein provided. B. Automobile liability insurance covering ail vehicles used in the performance of this agreement gravid ing bodily injury liability limits o/ not less than 5200,000 for each person and 5300,000 far eacA accident pr occurrence, and property damage liability limits of not less than 550,000 for each accltlen[ or occurrence, with an aggregate of not less than 5100,000 which may arise from the apera- tloni of the Developer or his Contractor in performing the work provided far herein. Ie. That betpre the execution of this agreement, the Oev elop er shall file with the City a certificate or certificates of Insurance covering the specified insurance. Each such certificate shall Dear an endorsement prec ludln9 the cancetiations, or reduction in coverage of any policy evidences by such cert7/1<ate, before the expiration of thirty (30) days after the Ciby shall have received not if station by registere0 mail from the insurance carrier. As evidence a/ understanding the provisions contained hers ln, and o/ Intent to comply with same, [he Subdivider has submitted the Iallowing de scr lbed improvement security, and has d/(ix ed 515 signafu re hereto; .q. • ~~s 3f! FgITNFUL PERFORMAXCE TYp e: Principal Amount: 549,000.00 Name and address of surety: MATERIAL AND LAROR PAYMENT TYP e: principal Amou n[: 524,500,00 Name end address pf surety: CASN DEPOSIT MONUME%TATION TYPe: Principal Amount S 1,500.00 Name and address of surety: NAINTE%qN[E GUARANTEE Type: principal Amount: f 5,000.00 Name one address o/ surety: TO RE POSTED PRIOR TO ACCEpTPNLE BY THE LITY • " I% HITNESS NEREO F, the parties hereto have caused these presents to he duly eAecu ted and acknpwledged with all f ormelit ies requ ire0 ey law on the dates se[ forth ap posf to their signatures. Date vv 6 /)3' Oy a O Jie ,Developer C1FIWtp~yy gM1a ure N6M l MAlRpNO ~ uat.lc47 // note aMa~4wrwA A• !/ Date ny ,Developer Signature Accepted City a( Rancho Cucamonga, California A Mmntcipal Carp oration Ry: Mayor Att ezt: Lity erk Approved: DEVELOPER'S SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED -5- 3S LITY OF RPAC110 NCAyONGp CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEE $CIfEOULE Far Improvement of: Tr ac[ 9399 Cate: 8/27 X33 Campu tea bY: L. Yarns File Reference: City Deg. No, NOTE: Ooes not include current fee for writing permit or pavement deposits. CONSTRUCTION LOST EST IM4Tr. 1TEN u a i UeiT U`IIT COST S AMOUNT P.L.C. Curb - 12^ C.f. 1447 L.F. 6.00 8,682.C0 P.C.G. CurE - 0• C.F. P.C.C. Curb only fi° L.F. A.L. Berm (5200 min.) 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk 6" Orive Approach 4368 S.F. 2.50 10,920.00 8" P.C.C. Crpsz Gu [ter 837 S. F, 1.40 2,845.80 Street EECdvdtl on Smport ed Emb ankmen4 Preparation a/ Subg rade Crushed gggre9ate Base (per in, tM Ck) A.L. (over 1)00 cons) A.C. (900 to 1300 tons) A.C. (under S00 to 900 tans) p.[. (under S00 tons) 22,695 6.F, 0. 55 12,984.76 Patch A.C. (trench) 1' thick p,C. Overlay 5505 S.F. 0. 30 1,fi61.6 Adjust sever manhole to grade ~ pdju st sewer clean out [p grade Adjust eater valves to grade Street Lights 5 EA. 1500 .00 7,500.00 Street Signs 1 EA. 200 .00 200,00 Street frees Parkway Landscape and irrtgatlon CONSTANCY ION COST 544,254.00 LOHTINCENCY COSiS 4, 425.N TOTAL CON STAULTI011 40,679.00 FAI TNFUL PERFORMANCE SURETY (100:) 49,000,00 LAROA ANO M47ERIAL SECURITY (60;) 24.600.00 ENG IN EEAING INSPELi ION fEE 2,116.00 +RESTORAT 1011/OEL INEAiION LASH OEPOS IT 1,000.00 (A EFUNOABLE) MONUME PITATION SURETY (LASH) 1,600.00 +pursuant to City of Rancho Cucamonga Mun lc ipal [otle, Title 1, Chapter 1.08, adopting San Bernardino County Lode Titles, Chapters 1-6, A cash restoration/delineation deposit shall be made prior to issuance a( an Engineering Construction permit. -6- C~ (~. 3G su6DtvtslaN GUARANTEE NO PER FORNANCE (SETi1N6 OF FINAL MONUMENTS) City Council City of Rancno Cucan Doge P. 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91710 Gentlemen: Pursuant to Lhaptpr 4, Article 9, Section 66497 of the Government Code, the undersigned hereby agrees that all monuments shown on the final map of Tract No. 9399 are tp be set and furnished Ey the subdi eider's engineer or surveyor on or before April 1986, as specified in the Engineer's or Surveyor's Cert if Scate and agrees to furnish the notes to ereon to complete all engineering requirements speclf fed in Section 66497, of the Government Lade. The undersl gne0 non ds you herew5tn the sum of f 1,880.00 as a cash deposf t, said deposit fo guarantee that the monuments wi 11 be set and the notes furnished as above provided on or fief ore the date specifietl antl that the engineer or surveyor will De paid by the undersigned. It is further understood and agreed gnat in the event the undersigned falls to complete the above requirements within the time specified, the City of Rancho Cucamonga 1s out nor iced to tempi ete said requirements or cause them tp be completed and the • cost thereof is to De a charge City of. Rancho Cucamonga is against said cash deposit, and authorized to make the necess the ary transfer from said cash deposi t to the credit tar the proper c ity fund. It 1s further agreed that if the undersigned does not present evidence to the City Council that he has paid the engineer or surveyor far the setting of the final monuments, and if the engineer or surveyor glues the notices prescribed in Section 66497 07 the Government Lade, the City shall pay to said engineer ar surveyor, the cash deposit herein made. I! the cost of tompleH ng said requirements exceeds the amount o/ the cash deposit, the undersigned agrees to Day the dilf er en ce wl thin thirty (301 days after receiving Nritten statement from the City of Rancho Cucamonga spec flying the samunt of the difference between the cash de DOilt and the actual cost of said requirements. Cordially, /I.1 /' ~Gq / .c Prado Lar ooration ~t~ .~ G+,iys, LCO Subdivider 115fi N. Tustin Avenue U Address Or an ge, //Ca//l if ornia 926fi] Dale M ~ /!. i98.f Tne deposf ter of record (for return of any portion of the tasty de post) shall be ~AD/J I o.C/yO.LAY w) /d dty Name Address~- 4 NOTE: TO BE 9UBN(TTED FULIY FILLED OUT AXD SIGNED 77 • ~ ~ CITT OF RANCHO LU CAMONGA IMP ROYE MENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT N0. 9400 NN ON AlL NEN eY TMESE P0.ESENTS: That this agreement is made and en ter eE into, in conformance with the provisions Of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of Calffornia, and of the applicable Ordinances of the City of 0.ancho Cucamonga, California, a municipal corporation, by and between said City, hereinafter referred Lo as the City, and Pr ado Corporation hereinafter referred to as the Developer. NITNESSETH: THAT, MHE REAS, said Developer desires tp develop certain real property in safd City as shown on the conditionally aDProved subdivision known as Tract No. 9400; and NHEAE AS, said City has established certain requirements to be met by said Developer as prerequisite to apPrav al of said subdivisi an generally located on [he north side of Banyan Street at Vineyard Avenue. NON, TNERE FORE, it is hereby agreed by said City and Dy said Developer as follows: 1. The Developer hereby agrees tq construct at Developer's expense all improvements described an Page 6 here- . of within twelve months from the of te<tive date hereof. 2. This agreement shall De elf ec five on the date of the resolution of the Council of said City approving this agreement. ibis agreement Shall De in default on the day follow- ing the firs[ anniversary date o! said approval unless an exten- sion of time has been granted by said City as hereinafter provid- es. 3. Tne Developer may request an extension of time to complete the terms hereof. Such request shad De submitted [a the City in writing not less than ]0 days before the expirat5on date her epf, and shall contain a statement a/ ctrcumstanc es necessi tat my [he extension of time. The City shalt have the right to review the proof lions of this agreement, including the conitructl on standards, cost estimate, and improvement sec urf ty, and to require addus[men[s therein if any su bs[anttal change has occurred during [he term hereof. 4. If the Oeveioper fails or neglects to comply with the provisions pf this agreement, the City shall have the right at any time tp cause safd provisions tq be met by any lawful means, and thereupon recover from the Developer and/ar his surety the full cast and expense incurred. 5, The Developer shall provide metered water service to each lot of safd development in accordance with the regulations, schedules, antl fees of the Cucamonga Loenty Nater 0lstri<t. 6. the Developer shall be responsible far replacement, relpca [ion, or removal of any component of any irr5 Batton water system In conflict rich construction of required improvements to the satisfaction a/ the City Engineer and the owner of such water system. -1- ~vx~ 3Y 7. Improvements required to be constructed shall cant orm to the Standard Drawings and Standard Specifications of the City, and to the Improvement Plan approved by and On file in the o(f ice of the Lity Engineer. Said improvements are tabulated on the Construction and Band Estimate, hereby incorporated On page 6 hereof, as taken from the improvement p7 ans listed thereon by number. The Developer shall also be responsible far construc- tion of any Iran sitians or other incidental work beyond the tract boundaries as needed for safety and proper surface drainage. Errors or ommissions discovered during cons truct in shall be cOrrectetl upon the direction Oi the Lity Engineer. Revised work due to said plan modifications shall be covered by the provisions of this agreement and secured by the surety covering the original planned works. 8. Construction permits shalt be obt of ned by the Oev eloper from the office of the City Engineer prior to start of work; all regulations listed thereon shall be observed, with attention given to safety procedures, control of dust, noise, or other nuisance to the area, and to proper notification of public utf if ties and City Departments. Failure t0 comply with this section shall be subject t0 the penalties provided therefor. 9. The Developer shad be responsible for removal of all loose racks end other debris from public ri ghts-of-way within ar adjoining said tlevelopm ent resulting from work relative to said development. 30. Nark done within existing streets shall be diligently pursued to completion; the City shall Aave the right [o complete any and all work in the event of unjustified delay f c ompietlan, and tp recover all cost and espense incurred from th~ O evelOper and/or his contractor by any laeful means. 11. Said Developer shall at alt times following~dedi<a- lion of [he streets and easements in said subidivislon, uD to the completion and acceptance of said work or improvement by said City Council, give good and adequate earning to the traveling public of each and every dangerous cOndi ti on existent in said street or easement, and will protect the traveling public from Such defective or dangerous <OndiLl on s. Until the completion of ell imDravem en [s, herein incorporated on Doge 6 to be performed, taco of said streets not accepted as improvements shall be under the charge o1 said Developer. Said Developer may close all or a portion of any street subject to the Cpndi tion5 Contained in a [em purary St Yeet Closure perml [, i55e ed by the City Eny sneer, whenever it 1s necessary to protect the pu bll< durfng the construction of the Improvements hereto agreed to be made. 12. parkway trees required to be pl antetl shall be planted by the Developer after other improvement work, gr adtng and cleanup has been completed. Planting shall be done as provided by Drdinance in accordance with the planting diagr cm approved by the City GOmmunity Development D7recfor. The Developer shad be responsible for ma intafniny all trees pl do ted in good health until the end of the guaranteed maintenance period, or for one year after planting, whichever is later. 13. The Developer is responsible for meeting ail condi- tions established by the Li [y pursuant to the Subdivf ston Map Act, [1 [y Ordiances, and this agreement for the development, and for the maintenance of alt Im Drov emen is construct e0 lhereunde• '2- ~~ 99 ~ ~ until the improvement is accepted for maintenance by the City, and no improvement security provided hereinwith shall be releas etl before such acceptance unless otherwf se pr ovf ded and authorized by the Lity Council of tAe City. 14. This agreement shall not terminate until the maintenance guarantee sec uriiy hereinafter described has been released by the Gi [y, ar untii a new agreement together with the required im provem ¢nt i¢curity has been se omieeea to the City by a sVCtlsS Or i0 [he herein named. and by res of uCion Of the City Council same has been accepted, and this agreement and the improvement security therefor has been released. Ib. The improvement security to be furnished by the Developer with this agreement shall consist of the following and shalt be in a farm acceptable by Lhe Lity Attorney: A B • C To secure faithful performance of this agr eemen [. 1. A band or bonds by One or more duly authorised cgrpo rate sureties in the form and content specified by Government Cotle Section 66499.1. 2. An Improvement Security Instrument 1n the form dnd content spec iff etl by the City attorney. 3, A deposit with [he City of money qr negotiable bonds of the kind approved for securing de COS its of public monies. To secure laborers and materialmen: I. A bond or bonds by one or more duly authorized c orpa rate Sureties in [he form and content specified by Gqv ernment [ode Section 66499.1. 2. An Improvement Security Instrument in the farm and content specified by the City Attorney. 3. A de pasft with City of money or negotiable bands of the ktnd approved for securing A cash deposit with the Gity to guarantee payment by the Developer to the engineer or Surveyor whose certificate appears upon the Final MaD for the Setting of all boundary, lOt corner, antl street centerline monuments ana for furnishing centerline tie notes to the Clty. The amount of the deposit may be any amount <ertllfetl by the engineer or surveyor as acceptable payment in fu11p ar, ii no value is submitted, the cash band shall be as shown on the Lonitructlan and Bond Estimate contained herein. Said cash deposit may be refunded as soon as proce- dure permf is after receipt by She City of the ' cent ertlne tie notes and written assurance of payment in full from the engineer or surveyor, D. The required bonds and She principal amounts thereof are set (o rth on page 6 of this agreement. 16. The Developer Warr an LS that the Improvements described in this agreement shall be tree from defects 1n materials and workmanship. Any and all portions of the improve- menCS PounO to be def ectf ve within one (1) year following the data on which the improvements are acceptetl by Me City shall be repaired or replaced by Developer free of all charges tm the City. The Developer shall furnish a maintenance guarantee security in a sum equal to ten percent (IDXi of the construct) on esf Smote or SYDD.DD, whichever 15 greater, to secure the fal thf ui performance of Developer's oblfgatlgns as de acri bed in this para- graph. The maintenance guarantee security shall also secure the faithful performance by the Developer of any obligation of the -3- ~+ yo ~ ~ Developer to do specified work with respect t0 any parkway maintenan to assessment district. Once the improvements have been accepted and a maintenance guarantee security has been accepted by the City, the other improv em¢nt security descrihed in this agreement may be released provided that such release iT Otherwise authorized by the Subdivision Map Act and any applicable City Ordinance. 17. Thai the Oevel oper shall cake out and maintain such public liability and property damage insurance as shall pr o[ect him and any contractor or subcontractor pe rf orm inq work covered by this agreement from claims for property damages which may arise because o1 'the nature of the work or from operations under this agrcement, whether such operations De by himself or by any contractor or subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed Dy said persons, even though such damages be not caused by the negligence Of the Developer or any contractor or subc0 ntr act or or anyone employed by said persons. The pu Dlic liability and property damage insurance Shall list the City as additonal insured and directly protect the C1ty, its pif ie<rT, agents and employees, as well as the Oevel oper, his contrac tars and his su0contractors, and all ins uran<e policies issues hereunder shall so state. the minimum amounts of such insurance shalt be as follows: A. Contractor's liability insurance providing bodily in]ury or death slaps lily limits of not less tha 1]00,000 for each person and :1,000,000 far each occident or occurrence, and property damage liabil- ity limits of not less than 5100,000 for each acci- dent or occurrence wf th an aggregate limit o f2f0,000 for claims which may arise from the opera- tions of the Developer in the performance of the work herein provided. B. AutOmob7le 11aDility insurance covering all vehicles used in the performance of this agreement providing bodily fn3ury iiaDility limits of not less than 5200,000 for each person and SJ00, 000 for each dec ident or occurrence, and property damage liability limits of not lest than 150,000 for each accident or occurrence, with an aggregate of not less than $100,000 which may arise from the opera- tions of the Developer or his Contractor In performing the work provided for herein. 18. That before the execution of ~th1s agreznient, the Developer shall file with the City a certificate or cer of lcates of insurance covering [he species ed In saran ce. Each such certificate shall Dear an endorsement precluding the canto flat Ions, Or reduc [tan in coverage of any policy evidences Dy such cerLiflcat e, Oelare the expiration of thirty (30~ days after the City shall have received natif icatt on by regiTt Bred mail from the insurance carrier. As evitlence Of understandfng the provisions contained herein, and of Intent to comply with same, the Subdivider has submitted the following descri Ded improvement security, and has al/lxed his signature hereto: 4- • ~ • • FAITHFUL PE0.FORMANOE Type: Bond Principal Amount: f25,000.00 Name and address of surety: MATERIAL qN0 LABOR PAYMENT Type: Bond Principal Amount: f12,500.00 Name and address of surety: CASN DEPOSIT MONUMENTAT ION Type: Principal Amount: f1,500.00 Name and address of surety: N1IINTE NA NCE GUA RAXTEE TYPe: Principal Amount; Name and address of surety: TO NE P05 TED PRIOR TO qC[E PTANCE RY THE CITY IN NITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have causes these Ares en tsl to 6e duly ea ec ut¢d and acknoNledged Nith all f or malit'i es required by laN on the dates set forth opposit¢ [heir signatyupr~e s. ~~ Date' /(i/!.~ ~j /jOJ by ~Dnw,n rja,,. ,Developer (g rya to e / OiFIGAI SFAL ( ~ C f~ MILEN L ePAVLOIHP IMAlyalFCNa~N La ANOUAl eounn iP riot Mal, M Mn. R m~ Date by ,Developer S gnature Accepted City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cal{forma A Municipal Corporation RY: , Mayor Att eit: :ty C erk Approved; DEVELOPER'S SIGUgTURE MUST BE NOT ARI 2E0 •5- ~+-7~ Yi (~ ( • nrr of Raxao LuraMOx6a ENGINEERING DIV ISIOn ENLIIMfWaENT PERMIT FEE SiiiEGGCE For Improvement: Tract No. 9400 Oate: 1/14/85 Canputod by: M. Long Fite Reference: iR 9400 City Drawing No. 735 NOTE: Goes not include current fee for M ling permit or pavement deposits UANT ITY UNIT ITEN PRILE AMOUNT L.F. P.C.C. curb - 12" C.F. 24" gutter 7.25 ~ ~ -55'x- L.F. P.C.C. curb - 8" C.F. 24" gutter ~4E-Qb 6.00 T L.F. P.L.C. curb only 5.50 ~- L.F. A.C. berm 4.50 ~+~ S.F. 4" P.C.C. sidewalk S.f. Orive approach 2,50 ~ ~- S,F. 8' P.C.C. cross gutter (inc. curb) ~ [.Y. Street eacavatipn 1.50 _ L.Y. Imported embankment 1.50 S.F. Preparation of subgrade 0.15 S.f. Crushed agg. base (Der inch thick) 0.03 TON A.C. (over 1300 tons) 27.00 TON A.C. (900 to 1300 Cant) n5 ~ TON A.[, (500 to 900 tans) x'28 TON A. [. (under 500 tons) 6p ~~ S.F. A.C. (l" thick) ,55 S.F. Patch A.L. (trench) 1.75 4715- S.F. 1" tMCk A.[. overlay 0.30 ~IS06 EA. Adjust sewer manhole !o grade 250.00 EA. Adjust sewer clean out to grade 150.00 EP. Adjust water valves ti gr aae 75.00 ' EA. Street lights 1000.00 L.F. Barricades (in[ersec. 5500 min) 1.00 -- L.F. 2 x 4" redwoid header L7S B.F. Removal of A.C. pavement 0.75 -- L.F. 0.enov al of D.G.C. curb 3,30 L.F. Removal of A.L. berm 1.00 EA. Street signs 200.00 - -~ EA. Reflectors and pasts 750b 35.00 L.F. Concrete block wail 25.00 _ S.F. Retaining wall 2 TOry Aggregate Case 7. 0 C.Y. Concrete structures 425.00 l.F. IR" RCP (2000 D) 29.00 -- L.F. 24" RLP (!500 D) 31.00 L.F. 36" ACP (2000 O) 49.00 L.F. 46" RCP (1200 0) 76.00 -- EA. Catch basin W 4' 2000.00 EA. Latch basin N B' 2900.00 EP. Latch basin N 22' 4200.00 EA. Local depression 4' 500.00 EA. Lac al depression 12' 1000.00 -- EA. Junctf on sir uc lure 5000.00 CA. Outlet structure, Std :506 1500.00 EA. Outlet structure, Std f501 500.00 -- EA. Guard posts 40,00 L.F. Guard panel (wood) 25.00 L.F. Sawcut 2.00 '- EA. Headwall (4R" wing) 4000.00 L.F. Redwood header 1.75 -TOn S.F. RIP AAP 1.50 ~66v . -~- Lf, 3.50 ASS ENG INEEfl ING INSPE CiION FEE 5l 225.35 500 TOTAL 22 +RESiOAATION/OEL INE AT IOH CASH 1.00 0.0~- CONTINGENCY COSTS DEPOSIT (REFUNDABLE) FAITHFUL PERFOAM4NCE BONG (100%) MONDHE NTATION SURETY (CASH) SI 500.00 LAOOA ANO MATERIAL NONO (50X) +Pursuant to OItY of Rancho Cucaaon9a Municipal Code, Title t, GAapter 1.OE, adopting San BernardiM CauntY Code Titles, Chapters 1-5, a cash restoration/delineation deposit sMil N Made prior to Issuantey San Engineering [instruction Perm t. SUBDIVISION 6UARA NTEE XO PERFORMANCE (SETTING OF FINAL MONUMENTS) City Council C tty of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 007 Rancho Cucamonga, Caiif Dross 91730 6 en[lem en: Pursuant to Chapter 4, Article 9, Section 66491 of the Government Code, the undersigned hereby agrees that atl monuments shorn on the final map of Tract Na. 9400 are to be set and furnished by the su bdivider's engineer or surveyor nn or before Rpril 1986, as specified in the Engineers or Surveyor's 'ertif state and agrees to furnish the notes thereon Lo complete x11 engineering requf remen is specified in Section 66497, of the Gover nnent Code. The undersigned hands you herewith the sum of f 1,800.00 as a cash deposit, said deposit to guarantee that the monuments rill be set and the notes furnishes as above provided an or before the date speclf led and that the engineer or surveyor will be paid by the undersigned. [! 1s further unders toad and agreed that 1n the event the undersigned fails to complete the shove requirements within the time specified, the City mf Rancho Cvcamon qa is authorized to complete said requirements or cause them to be Completed and the • cost thereof is to be a charge against said cash deposit, and the L7ty mf. Aancho Cucamonga is authorized to make She necessary transfer from said cash de DOait to the credit for the proper city fund. It is further agreed that if the undersigned does not pr es enL evidence to the Clty Council that he has Daid the engineer or surveyor for the setting of the final monuments, and if the engineer or surveyor gives the notices Dr escribed 1n Section 66491 of the Government Code, the Lity shall pay to said engineer or surveyor, the cash deposit herein made. I/ the cast o/ compl etin9 said requirements exceeds the amount of the cash deposit, the undersigned agrees to Day the dtf/erence within thirty (30) days a/ter receiving written statement from the C1ty of Rancho Cucamonga specifying the amount of the differ en ce between the cash deposit and the actual cost of sal0 requirements. Cordiatty, ~ Ll Prado LOrDOrdLlOn. nr -ra ~J•G{~~ CED Subdivider 1156 N, Tuztln Avenue Address Orange, /C/a/lifornia 9266] Date .~~~iG, /9Sf The deppslter of record (for return of any portion of the cash depo~sit; sha l/l D! NRAGJii LO.~f OAB fiDd ~iI/a5av/!S `~-[Name Rddr ess NOTE: TD BE SUBMITTED FULLT FILLED OUT ANO SIGNED ~~ ~ t/ RESOLUTION N0. f9Crk9=Blf! 8S'/8d • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT NOS. 9399 AND 9400 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract Nos. 9399 and 9400, consisting of 24 lots, submitted by Prado Corporation, Subdivider, Tocated on Banyan west of Beryl has keen submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider and approved by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 2$ of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith far approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication far public use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the Cfty Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on M e s, Mayor ys n,mv nn n ~ ~rn,rn n, rn ~ vRn~rn • • n l I 7 STAFF REPORT ~~`v ,,,ANC ti ~ r C p O F D Z UL 9 DATE: io%% T0: City Council and City Manager A FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Kral 1, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Release of Bonds for Parcel Map 7061-1 located east of Cleveland and south of 6th Street submitted by Kaiser Development Co. parcel Map 7061-1 has been reverted to acreage and the bands are no longer required. It is recommended that City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and Materials Bond in the amounts of E264,000 and E127,000, respectively. KAISER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 2121 PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SUITE 201 CARLSBAO, CALIFORNIA 92000-0060 LBH:BK:jaa d~ rrmv nc n n wrn vn nrrn ~ eenwrn w STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd 8. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barhara Kroll, Assistant Civil Engineer -o Cv....~.,UNC i' + ''r e ~ I 41 Ci Q 1 71 U fi L 19ii SUBJECT: Release of Lien and Reimbursement Agreement for property located at the northwest corner of Hellman and Foothill requested by Robert Packer On July 21, 1983, Robert and Karen Packer entered into an agreement with the City of Rancho Cucamonga, to reimburse the City for street and drainage improvements benefiting their property located on the northwest corner of Hellman Avenue and Foothill Blvd. prior to building permit issuance. Robert Packer has reimbursed the City E18,205.00 which is the total amount required to release the lien agreement. RECQMIENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution releasing said lien agreement and causing a Notice of Release to be recorded. Res~p ctful lyy sub tted, ~~L~.'tiH : :~b!~U~2~~~~ Atta nts ~/~ • RECORDING REpUESTED BY: 83-10333 "~~ C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ~"'~~~-" "' WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: t~~. ~' ~ ~-~; City Clerk L~- P. 0. BOK B07 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91130 REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT F.0 R STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT AT FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND HELLMAN AVENUE THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~1sof ~~ ~ 1983, by and between the C[TY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, Californ ia~ a m icipal coporation, hereinafter called "CITY" and Robert Packer and Karen K. Packer hereinafter called "OWNER" provides: wtTNESSETH • WHEREAS, in the opinion of Che CITY it is desirable for the enhancement of public health and safety and for traffic efficiency to widen and provide improvements at the intersection of Foothill Blvd, and Hellman Avenues; and WHEREAS, said improvements will benefit OWNER to the extent of relieving fronting properties of normal development requirements; and WHEREAS, it is of mutual benefit to the OWNER and Che CITY to proceed with said project as expeditiously as possible. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE: 1. The CITY hereby agrees to construct the Foothill Blvd.- Hellman Avenue Intersection Project hereinafter known as PROJECT with CITY funds and provide to OWNER notice of expenditure and itemization of all cost relative to said PROJECT upon completion. 2. The proportionate cost of the PROJECT attributed to OWNERS property shall consist of the actual cost of those street improvements fronting on OWNERS property • 1 ~~. r - w vs l,trr '-~ n•-, extending to the centerline of Foothill Blvd. or Hellman • Avenue. The quantity summary and cost estimate are shown on Exhibit "8". Actual costs to be determined by the CITY uppn completion of the project and audit of all costs. 3. This agreement shall be recorded in the Office of the San Bernardino County Recorder and owner's obligation hereunder shall run with owner's property until such time as all of owner's obligations hereunder have been discharged. 4. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, succesors and assigns of each of the parties hereto. 5. If legal action is commenced to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, to recover any sum which th=_ City is entitiled to recover from the OWNER hereunder the prevailing party shall be entitiled to recover its costs and such reasonable attorney's fees as shall he awarded by the Court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this • Agreement on the day and year first above written. C[TY: ONNERS: ~L Slate of iL/,~L/y~__-1~` Ccun(y pl „„'r. ISS. u~cs[ttt~--_ ~~~ GFFICWL SEAL ., Beverly Ann Au;h^_let No*Ngr Pueuc uL,.~ . ~.. NOrRq' BONU lgeU ~ ~ MY CommiplenR E, Ce NRROINO COVNIV Per f 1.nuYh ]. IpEJ -~/~-~.s On t}hni~s Me~1 day of .vt//u `~''''L' Y Y%r 1. ~ ~. ~~ }TI_-.._,---_ t~.~ before me, the undersi ~e 9 dNOtary pu~bl/ic, personanly a~pp~eare-~"' 8 P rso ally owns ~ ~~-Gll~~ ~~f' 1--~_L?. ~rEr~/.fi C proved tome me on the basis of satisfactory evitlence ~ ~ ~to~be I~ Personls wh ex Y`„=~~y )gip (elPUtetl the within instrumental i/, }M nomed, ono J (/' T'~-or on oehall of lne cor CY"` x acknowledged tome Inat Ne corporation executed t then WITNE my h~ da 7d~olriGal sea l' t i q ~ Nolary's Signa e~( I Z~~ [/ C C ryRiiONq HOtARY,1330[q} rl~~r"~~1~"~ ~~. / mun elro.WRaelua NniE. to vgEL Notary's Sig atur¢ °' GENERAL gRryOWLFpOMER!{ORM ~~ ' hlaq} EXHIBIT'A' OWNER: ROBERT PACRER ASSESSOR'S NO.: 208-632-46 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 of Parcel Map No. 4270 in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County o[ San Bernardino, State of California, as recorded in Parcel Nap Book 39, Pages 43 @ 44 in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. >•.: Cx G: C.= GC • S4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE For Improvement of: Foothill and Hellman Improvements - Bob Packer • Oate: March 23, 1983 Computed by: Bohn L. Martin NOTE: Do es not include current fee f or writing permit or pavement deposits . CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ITEM QUANTITY . UNIT UNIT COST E AMOUNT G!= ~. P.C.C. Curb - 100 L.F. 8.00 800.00 ~ P.C.C. Curh Return 55 L.F. 8.00 440.00 ;~ 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk 400 S. F. 4.50 700.00 r, ~, Street Excavation L.S. 4575.G0 .r.. Crushed Aggregate Base 95 Tans 6.00 570.00 q.C. (over 1300 tans) 254 Tons 30.00 7620.00 Removal of A.C. Pavement L.S. 2250.00 Stop Signs 1 L.S. 250.00 Traffic Control L.S. 1,000.00 • CONSTURCTION COST 516,205.00 EXHIBIT "B" . S/ • RECORDING 0.EOUESTEO eY AND NNEN RE COR DEO MRIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY Of RANCHO [U[AMON6A P. 0. BD% 807 RANCHO CU CAMON6A, CALIFORNIA 91730 NOTICE OF RELEASE OF LIEN Let notice be given that the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby release its Lien which it had caused to be recorded on the land hereinafter mare fully described, said lien having been placed thereon by the recording of a contract between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Robert Packer and Naren %. Packer dated July 21, 1983 and recorded on August 9, 1903 as Document No. 87-180339 recorded in Otf icial AecO rds, San Bernardino County, State of California. The description of the land is as follows: Lpt 4 pf Parcel Map N0. 4270 in the City of Rancho • Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of 'California, as recorded in Parcel Map soak 39, Pages 13 6 as in the Office of County Aec order Of Said County. CITY OF RANCHO CUCANON6A, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation OY: on M e s, Mayor STATE Oi CALIFORNIA ) Ss COUNTY OF SAX BERNAADI NO ) On ,19 ,before me, the un ers~gne a Notary public in and for said State, personally ep pe ar ed Jon D. Mikels, known to me to De the Xayar of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, a municipal corporatton that executed the within Inserum ent, known to me to be the person who executed the within Instrument, pn behalf of said municipal corporation, therein named, and acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation executed the same. ATTN my an an o c a sea a Cary u c in an or sU rate S> l~! a. RESOLUTION N0. f&6-t9-@7R gs -~B`~ • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RRNCHO CUCRMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND LIEN FROM ROBERT PACKER WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga accepted a Reimbursement Agreement and Lien from Robert Packer; and WHEREAS, said Reimbursement Agreement was recorded in Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, on August 9, 1983 as Document No. 83-180339 WHEREAS, said Reimbursement Agreement and Lien is no longer required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby release said Reimbursement Agreement and that the City Clerk shall cause a Release of Lien to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1965. AYES: NOES: • ABSENT: ATTEST: Beverly q. Aut a et, City er Jon D. Mike s, Mayor I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Cfty Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adSourned) meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of June, 1985. Executed this 19th day of June, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. . Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk s'3 nmmv nn n ~rnrrn nrrn ~wrnwrn ~ • J GATE: June 19, 1985 STAFF REPORT TO: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BYE Barbara Kroll, assistant Civil Engineer ~C~C CvUm~NC t } ~C ~ / O C r Q ~ F U UL__ nor I SUBJECT: Approval of Reimbursement. Agreement for the installation of a portion of the Master Planned Storm Drain in connection with Tract No. 9619 between Plaza Builders, Inc, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga Attached for City Council approval is a reimbursement agreement for the installation of a portion of the Master Planned Storm Drain. Plaza Builders, Inc., developers, will be reimbursed in accordance with Ordinance No. 75 as described in the attached agreement. RECOM1ENDgTION It is recommended that City Council approve the Reimbursement Agreement for planned drainage facilSty construction for Tract No. 9619. Resp t ully submitted BH: K•. Atta ments sY , REIN BUR SENEMT AGREEMENT FOR PLANNER p0.AINA0E FA[[L ITV CONSTRUCTION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of June 1901, Dy and between t e Y OF RAN H CU RM N A, a i prnta, a municipal corporation, hercinaf Ler referred to as "City" and Plaza Builders, Inc, here5naf ter referred to as "Oevelope r^, provides: YITNE SSETH WHEREAS, in fhe opinion of the Lily it Ss necessary that planned drainage facilities De constructed for the proper drainage of pevoloper's development described as: TRACT 9619 HHERE AS, the Developer, at the Developer's own expense will install the planned drainage lacilitles herein of 4r tlescribetl, and; VHERE AS, the cast a/ constructing the planned drainage facilities hereinafter described will exceed the planned drainage facilities fee, which will De payable w5th respect to the development (Tract 9619) and Plaza 8u fide rs' development, Tract 11093) under the provisions of City Ordinance No. 75, and; NNERE AS, Section 0 of City Ordinance No. 76 provides: • "SECTION 0: Construction by Developer and Reimbur5 ement. Nhenever the con strict ion of planned drainage facilities is necessary far the proper drainage of a zubd(visfon, the City may reouire the subdivider So constru tt such facilities with credit being given by the City toward any fee payment re Ruired Dy this Ordinance. If the cost oI Such con it rut lion exceeds the fee wM Ch would otherwise be payable with respect to the subdiv islon, [he City Council may, at its discretion, enter info a reimbursement agreement with the developer, In the event a reimbursement ogre emenL is entered into, reimbursement shall De made only after the fee re9uired by this Ordinance is collected in connection with a subdivision or devel8pment on other property in the area encompassed Dy the reimbursement boundaries described in roe reimbursement agreement. The basis o/ relmburs ement shall be the developer's dttual c05[ of Coos tr action of the planned drainage facilities. The term of a reimbursement agreement shall not exceed ten (30) years." NOX, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows; 1. The Developer will, and a[ Developer's own expense, furnish all labor, e9uipment and mdLerld 7, and pay d11 CO5[5 incident to the installation in accordance with plans and spec)/ic atians aODroved by the Lity Engineer o/ the City, the /allowing planned drainage facilities: A portf on of the Master Planned Storm Oralns as shown on Tentative Tract Map 9fi 19 (Deg, No. 876, SheeLS 6,7,60) 2. Installation of said planned drainage facilities shall be completed in conformance with the provisions of the Improvement Agreement for Tract 9619. 7, The CI [y Engineer shall inspect and test the planned drainage /ac117ttes at She expense of the Developer, and after any deficiency discovered by said Engineer has been corrected by Developer, City shall accept said planned drainage fac111ties tar public use. SS 4. City shall not be rezp onsible for any loss or damge tp said planned drainage foci lft ies prior fp their acceptance Dy City. Oevelover hereby guarantees and warrants said planned drainage facilities far a period of one (1) year following the c pmDl etipn and acceptance thereof against any defective work pr labor done, or defective materials furnished. 5. Developer shall protect, indemnify and save harmless City from anA against any and all claims, demantls, and causes of action pf any nature whatsoever, and any expense incident to defense Dy City pf any such demand or action far {nju ry to or death of persons or loss of or damage to properly occurring on Oeveloper~s development, or in any manner growing put of or Connected vlth p[ve lOpef~s CpOStruCti On, Yepair a0d mai 0tC0 apCe 0( the planned drainage fac illties described herein, or in any manner gr owf ng out of or connected with any deficiency in workmanship pr material furnished in co nnectipn with construction, maintenance or repair of said planned drainage facilities. 6. Cfty hereby agrees that In consideration of De velpper~s installaf ion of said planned drainage facilities, City will not assess Developer the fee described in Ordinance rye. 79 of issuance pf building permits for Tracts 9619 and 11897 until estimated cost is reached (see EMpiDit A). 7. For the amount that the actual cast of construction pf said planned drainage facilities exceeds the sum spec ilied in Paragraph 6 hereof, which said excess amount is heretnaf ter referred to as the "original reimDU rs em ent sum" Lhe Cify shall reimburse Oevetoper, only as and when fees are collected under Ordinance Np. 75 and only according to the formula hereinafter described. Amounts to be reimbursed to Developer shall b• determined as follows: A. Following cpmF let ion aT ¢pnstructf on the Oev eloper shall submit all cost data to the City Engineer, The Ci[y Engineer shall then determine the actual cost of construction, and such Determination shall be iln al. B. Annual iy, at the end of each fiscal year, the City shall set aside into a "Dian ned dratnge reimbursement fund' M enty-five Dercent (25%) of all fees coll¢cted during [he floc al year under ehe proviz ions of Ordinance No. IB. C. the Developer shall be eligible to sM1are in the planned drainage reimbursement fund commenting with the ((seal year which ends following the dat¢ on which said planned drainage /dcilites ar¢ accepted by the City. 0. Th¢ Developer shall De eligible to share to the planned drainage reimbursement fund, [hen no later than Lwo (2} months after the end pf such fiscal year, the City shall pay the Oeve ip per, from the amount Set asitle in the planned drainage reimbursement tuna, a fractfanal share thereof determined as follows: Ii) The numerator shall De Lhe original retmburs ement sum for the Developer one the demon to ator shall be the total of [he original reimbursement sums for all Oev elopers who arc e1lgiDle tp share in the planned draf nage reimbursement fund for said fiscal year. 8. A11 of Developer's right [o reimbprsement hereunder shall cease as pf the end of the fiscal year ending ten (IO) years after the fiscal year in which the Developer Itrft becam¢ elf giDle for reimbursement hereunder, whether or not fully paid, 9. Nothing 1n this agreement shall entitle OeveloDer ta• re lmbursement o/ a sum 1n excess of Lhe original reimbursement sum. (~~ ~ sb 10. Amounts payable to Oereloper hereunder Shrill Dear interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per year calculated on the outstanding balance from the time dispu rsed to Lime received. 11. Payments may be mailed to Developer at the following dddreii: Plaza Builders, tncorporated 3107-A Airwdy Avenue Carta Mesa. CA 92626 12. Developer may change the mailing addre2s Dy written notice delivered tv the City Clerk. 13. Aights to Yelmbursement due under this agreement may De assigned after written notice co the Cfty Oy the holder of such rights a5 shown by the records of the City. Such assignment Shall only he effective only with respect to payments becoming due and payable more than thirty (30) days after receipt by City dr written noH Ce of such assignmem t. City shall not De required to divide any payment to De made hereunder, In the event 1t apDears from the records of the C1ty that more than one (1) Dersan holds Lhe right to payment hereunder, the City may deliver the full payment to any one of such persons and sorb payment shall De deemed payment to all, l4, ps used in this agreement, the term ^Ordinance No. ]5" includes any ordinance amending ar modifying Ordinance No. 75 and any or dfnance adopt ea hereafter which covers the same or Similar SVDJ ect matt er and is intended to replace Ordinance Mo. • 75. ves the right to a[ any time increase es 16 Th Cit y r er . e or decrease the fees Dayab le under Ordfnance No. 76. 16, If the lee establtsetl by Ordinance Np. 76 is here of ter declared InValitl or unenforceab ie, or collection thereof Is otherwise precluded by law, all OeV elopePS rights [o reimbursement hereunder shalt fmmediatley cease and terminate. l7. ibis agreement shall he interpr eLed according to Lhe laws of the slate of California. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties w1tN respect to the su Ddect matter hereof. This agreement cannot De moth/led except Dy an agreement in writing, signed by the party against whom the enforcement of any waiver, change, modif lc anon ar discharge is sought. Su Odect to any pr ovl2lons herein tm the to ntrary, this agreement shall In alt respects bind, and inure [o the benefit of, ' the nelr2, e[e<VInrS, ddminiSCraf Orin SuCCeSSOrS rind 4221905 Of each of the partie 5. IN wtTNE SS NNER EOF, the parties have executed this agreement at pant ho Cucamonga, Californ a, pn the day and yea( first above written. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMO NGA PLA Z~A1 BUfLOEA S, N . Mayor t ~Ct- , . pTTE ST: itY er pPPR0VE0 AS TO FORM: tw ~ ~ s7 ~_ E%MIBR "A' ITEM ESTIMFTED COST R[C Trapexoil Channel S 296,320.00 Tr ansf tion Structure 37,044,00 4'9" % 0'0" R.L.B. 25,000.00 Cut-off wall 6 Rip Rap Sta. 17 • 32.03 5,400.00 Heagwall Sta. 2l • fi0.60 3,500.00 Splasheall Ser., D.O. 3,600.00 3' gaol to Sec. E.E. 10,000,00 6' Nigh chain link tent! 38,553,00 Channel removal q,800, 00 $uE-excavation 6 tree compaction 15,000,00 Channel Entry Structure 33,200.00 Est. Total S 472,417.00 Engineering - Des i9n 6 Stak!ng 25,000.00 TOTgL S 497,417.00 • • ~`r SS • RESOLUTION N0. fB6-1~9=B8R- Bf /9~ A RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FROM PLAZA BU IL OERS, INC. FOR TRACT N0. 9619 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration a Reimbursement Agreement executed by Plaza Builders, Inc., as Developer, for the installation of storm drain facilities to be constructed for proper drainage of Developer's development described as Tract No. 9691 generally located on the west side of Carnelian betxeen Hillside and Almond Road. NHEREAS, the Oeve toper, at Developer's own expense, will install the planned drainage facilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Reimbursement Agreement be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Re imhursement Agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: • NOES: ABSENT: on 0. Mikels, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authe et, City erk t, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that Lhe foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of June, 1985. Executed this 19th day of June, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Beverly A. Aut a et, City Clerk S9 • • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAl10NGA ~ucAaro,~c STAFF REPORT ~~ j ~.~ ~, ~ a p A F- I U Z DATE: June 19, 1985 ~L=- ~ inn T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Huhbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Rpproval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for D. R. 84-13 located east of Archibald Avenue on 6th Street submitted by Barmakian Co D. R. 84-17 was approved by the Planning Commission on July 25, 1984 for the property located east of Archibald Avenue on 6th Street. The Developer, Barmakian Co., is submitting an agreement and bonds to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 539,230.00 Labor and Material Bond: 519,615.00 RECOM4ENDATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving D. R. 84-13, accepting said bonds and agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. Re~ectfully su fitted, LBH :Saa Attachments ~o CITY OE RANCHO [ULAMDNGA IMPR DV ENENT PGREEMENT F00. OR 84-17 KN DM ALL MEN 6Y THESE PRESENTS: That this agreement is made and entered into, in conformance with the provis tons of the Municipal Code and Regulations of the City of 0.ancho Cucamonga, State of California, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to az the Clty, and Barmakian Company hereinafter referred CO as the Developer. THAT, NHERE AS, said OevelOper desires to develop Certain real property in said City located on fith Street, east of prchib old Avenue; and NHEREAS, said City has e5(abl5shed certain requirements to be met by said Oeve toper az prerequisite to 9r an(ing of final approval; and NDN, THEREFORE, it Is hereby agreed 6y and netween the City and the Developer as follows: 1. The Developer hereby agrees Lo construct at DeveloDer's expense all improvements described on Daqe 4 hereof W{thin twelve mOnthS from the date hereof. 2. This agreement shall De effective on the date of the resolution of the Council of said Cfty apprOVi ng this agreement. This agreement shall be in default on the day failow- ing the first anniversary tlate of said apDr oval unless an gxten- • clan of,time has been granted by said City as hereinafter provid- ed. 3. The Oeve taper may request additional Lime in which to complete the or outs ions of this agreement, in writing not less to an 30 days prior to [he tlefauit date, and in<luding a itatgmenL of circumstances of necessity far additional time. In considera- tion of such request, the C1ty reserves She right to review the prgv isions hereof, including rons traction standards, cast estimate, and sufflc tency of the improvement security, and tD require ad7u stments thereto when Warranted 6y substantial changes therein. 4. If the Developer falls ar neglec is t0 comply with the pr ov5sions of this agreement, the City shalt have the right at any time to cause said provisions to be completed by any law- ful means, and thereupon to recover from 5af0 Oeve toper and/or his Surety the full cast and expense incurred in so doing. 5. Con structian permiSS shall be obi ained by thg Devel- oDer from the office of the Cfty Engineer prior to start of any work WS thin !hg public right-of-way, and the developer sha li conduct such work to full cpmpl lance with the regulations contained therein. Non-compliance may result in stopping of the work by the C1[y, and asset;ment of the Denali set provided. 6. Pun tic right-of-way Improvement work required shall De constructed in conformance Wi[h aDp roved improvemen( plans, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings and any special G~ amentlmen is thereto. Construction shall include any transitions and/or other incidental work deemed n¢cesi ary far drainage or public tafety. Errors or ommissions discovered during construc- tion shall be corrected uDOn the direction of the City Engineer. Revised work due to said plan modifications shall be covered by the provisions of this agreement and secured by the surety covering the or lgin al planned works. 7. work done within existing streets shall be diligent- ly pursued [o camptetlpn; the City shall have the right to complete any and all work in the event of un~ustif ied delay in completion, one to recover all cost and expense incurred from the Developer and/or his contractor by any lawful means. 9, The Developer shall be responsible for replacement, reloc atians, or removal of any component pf any irriq ation water system in coot iict with the required work to the satisfac [son of [h¢ City Engineer and the owner of the water system. 9. The OeveloDer shall be responsible for removal p1 all loose rack and other debris from the public right-of-way. 10. The Oe velop er shall Dlant and maintain parkway treet ai directed by the Community Deve laDment Oi rector. 11. The improvement security to be furnished by the Developer to guarantee completion of the terms of this agreement shall be su bd ect to the aDOraval of the City Attorney. The Drin- <ipal amount of said improvement security shall not be less than the amount shown: • • G 1 FAITHFUL PERFORNRNCE TYDe: subdivision Stmetr Principal Amount: 539,230.00 Name and address of surety: OEYf]oPkPS RJSUReV`CC CCFq+RNy J33 IJilshire, Aruheim, Ca. 9]801 NgTERIgL pN0 LRHOR TYpe: Subd. Streets principal Ampun [: f19,fi 15. 00 Name and address of surety: OtWtmtA51:t91w ti~Cawatr! 3lJ Nilshire, A+uMim, Ca. 92801 CASH DEPOSIT MONUMENTRTiON TYPe: Principal Amount: N/A Name and address of surety; TO 0E POSTED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE eY THE CITY IN R(TNESS HE0.EOF, the p roes hereto have caused these Ore cents to be dul tai and a gledge with all Pormalities required by la`w the date `Set f rtk bppo Ste their signal res. Date ~ IIg4 Y 19 ~ "f t I veloper • i ~G41 e. rm~Kfo ,. rinse Accepted: City of Rancho Cucamonga, California A Municipal Corp Or of ion 8y' , MaY Or Attest: y er Approved: [y Rttprney Date 1wn2 S f~gQS byO~Y~-;flr~~ OeveloPer LODHIV of I ~ ~ OFFICIAL SEAL SwfRRI M ROSS F0r1q rUKK. 4l,r oq NlP SVInRaa,POllp rgVan rrpnn YII Il. 19a? ,u On IAiS ~ ~1 alY 01 ~Lp~Ey Mlon mA INe -T -.. In IM yaN t9~~ NSI ry Ipl pYpIK m an IW uq $pla K lar ywap to Ina pn IA! Msit of uLi0t1 ' PNSgnNn NMlan b IM --+1-~ SuaSGlMalo lAa ,nlNn l~fVll,lwm tNa KM M aalaPl.;,'wA%a NmPj MKUlean IKnwaalaa t^o ma lryN ~M~ i WRHES$ my NM qM RaKUI uN ///~/ ./R / I / W.GO /~ MIary WKK maM M Ula A. G 3 ~~ CITY OF RAACIIO NCAMONGA S ENGINEEAIBG DIVISION ENCROACHMENT PI:AMIT FEE SCHEDULE Far Improvement: s;.cn s[reec Date; lops Ompoted oy: Rene Nucor File Reterence:v n.H. g4-1] City Drawing No. ROTE: Ooei oat include current fee for am icing permit or pavement deposits ODA7IT ITY Unfi ItEn yA;CE A:tUU>fi L.F. P.C.C, curb - 12^ [.F. 24" gutter 1,25 _ _ =~ L.F. P.[.C, curo - D' f„F. 24" garter 6.00 L.F. D.C.C. curb only 5.50 )1 L.F. A.C. bens 4.50 _ u~ S.f. 4^ P,C.[. sidewalk 1.75 l,uin S.F. Drive approach 2.50 0 6's -- $.F. 8" D.C.C. crass gutter (inc. curo) 7.a0 ___ C.Y. Street excavation L5G _ C.Y. Imported embankment LSU S.F. Preparation of zubgra de O.li $.f. Crushed a99. base (per men to ick) 0.0J ___ TON A.C. (over 1100 unsl 2].00 ___. TOY A.C. (900 to 1300 tens) 7h.G0 ___ T0:1 A.C. (SCO to 900 tons) 45.00 " - ~n~ TON A.C. (under 500 tans) 64.00 S~_ C'-~ S.F. A.C. (J" thick) 0.55 -- - S.F. Dat<h A.C. (trench) 1.75 S.f, I" [nick q.C. overlay 0.70 __ ~ EA. pdjuS[ iew¢r manhole to qr adp 250.00 _ EA. Ad JUSt sewer clean nu[ to grade 150,00 _3_ EA. Adlust water valves [a 9rede 75.00 FP. S[ree[ lights 1000.00 -- L.f. Barricades (Inter u<. f500 min) L00 L.F. 2 x 4^ redwood he ad cr 1.75 s, ~Q5 S.i. Removal of A.[. Davement 0.35 ,a .~~ l.F. Aemavel of P.C.C. curo J.70 oa ~ L.f. flempval Of A.C. berm 1,00 48 EA. Street Signs 200.00 -' - EP. Aef lectors and posts 35.00 _ - L.F. Concrete olack wall 25.00 -- S.F. Retaining wall 20.00 -- TON Aggregate base 1.00 __ C.Y. Concrete structures 425.00 ' L,f. Ie" 0.CP (2000 0) 29.00 L.F. 24" RCP (1500 0) ]5.00 L.F. 36" RCP (2000 0) 49.00 _ _ l.f. 4B" 0.CP (1200 0) 76.00 EA. [oleo oasin N • Y' 2000.00 EA. Catch basin N 8' 2900.00 I EA. Catch basin N 22' '- 4500.00 FR. Local depression 4' 500.00 ~- EA. local depression l2' 1000.00 EA. Junction structure 5000.00 EA. Outlet structure, Std ,1506 1500.00 -~-~ -~ EA, Outlet structure, Std 1507 500.00 _ -- EA. Guard posts 90.00 - Lf. Guartl panel (wood) 25 AO -' _ l.f. Sawcut 2.00 -- FA. Headwall (4B" wing) 4000.00 -' L.F. Redwood header 1.15 '~- - S,F. Lanescapinq 6 irr lgatlon 2. ]S - L.f, Roll curo (D,C.C,) 7.50 _ fNGlI1FCR !!iG INSPECTION f(f _SI,Uy,7~ SUD TOTAL ,00 aAESTOkB1I0N/GEL !;;EAi ION CASH CGNT INGENCY COSiS (tOt1 ),566.00 DE POSH (RE(UNOAOLE) FA ITIIFUL DERF ORMN2E ODND I100i) iy Asa nn MONUMENTATION SUNETY (CASH) 1p00A AHD MATERIAL 00!10 (SU%) i9 an.m 4Y aPursumt to C1tY of RanC110 Cucamonga Municipal Code, Title I, Chapter 1.08, adapting fan Bernard loo County Code inlet, Chap[Ori I-5, a tasty rector at mw mo h.»Ln w..".., .. of I 0.M N0. 9115545 PFFTII@I 5392.00 • FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NNEREAS, the Lity Cp until of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, State of California, and Bar makian Company (hereinafter design of ed as "principal") have entered into an agreement whe reDy principal agrees to install and complete certain deli 9n aced public improvements, which said agreement, dated t98 and identified as prof PCt 15 CrB y re errC tp dn~ ~dd° d par[ hereof: and, NHER EAS, said or incioai is required under the terms of said agreement to furnish a band far the fat [hful performance of said dgreem en t. N09, THEREFORE, we the principal and pEVELOPERS INSUvANCE COMPANY as surety, are hetd and firmly bound unto [ne ~,ty o Rancho Luc amonga (hereinafter calletl "City"), in the penal sum of Thirty-Pine Thousand Two HundreA Thirty and 00/100 Dollars (f39,2 J0.00) lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to he made, we bintl ourselves, our heirs, successors, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that If the above bounded Drf ncipa 1, his or its heirs, executors, administrators. successors or ass i3ns, ih all in all things stand [o and ah ide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the safd agreement and any alteration thereof made as (herein provided, on his or their part, to he kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein spec ilied, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify antl save harmless Cfty, its officers, agents and employees, as therein sfipu lated, then this oblfgation shall hecpme null and void; otherwise, it shalt be and remain in full force and effect, As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition [o the face amount spec if led [he refar, there shall De included costs and reasonable expenses and Zees, Including reaspnah le attorney's fees, Incurred by City in sue cessfplly enf prcfng such obligation, all to De taxed as costs and included in any judgnent rendered. The surety hereby sfipu la[es and agrees that np Change, extension of time, otter atian or additf on to [he terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the speci- fications accomp anyf ng the same shad in anywise affect its obligai Ions on this bond, and It does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteraf ion ar atl0 ition to She terms pf the agreement or to the work or to the spec i/scats on s. IN NI7NE SS NHEREOf, this instrument has Deen duly executed by the principal anA surety above nametl, on May 2a, I9B r. ' ANUI itW DA P:1AKtn:r tiD LVL\ i\IL'IAXIAN DCV ELOF F. P.S tNSURANCC CO!1PANY l Deve ope'~ \ Sure [y -' \ l ' m~ igna vre [[orney-~~ot oavid C. Banfer \ PLEASE ATTACH PONER OF AT70R NEY 10 ALL RONDf SIGN ATTIRES NUST BE NOTARIZED bs BOND N0. 9115565 Premium incl. Per-` LA OOH qN0 Nq TE0.1gLM EN BONG ~p"O NHEREAS, the Lity Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, State pf Califprnia, and Barmak ion Company (hpreinaf ter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designatetl public improvements, which said agreement, Gated 198 and itlentified a5 protect ,s ere y re errs o and made a part hereof; and NHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required beta re entering upon the performance of the wort, tp file a good and su if iciest payment hood with the City of Rancho CVComOngd t0 SeCVY2 [hC clot mS tp wh iGn ref eYenCe 15 made lp Title 15 (commencing of th Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Lade of Cne Sta to of Lali Pornia. NON, THEREFORE. Said principal and the undersigned as a corporate surety, are held firmly Dound unto the City of Rancho [uc amonga and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, mateYial men and other persons employed in the performance of the aforesaid agreement and referred to in the of ores aid code of Civil Procedure in the sum of Nineteen Thousand Nx Hundred Fifteen and 00/100 Dollars (f19, 615.00), for materials furnished or labor thereon of anY kind, ar for amounts due under the Vnemployment Insurance Act wi [h respect to such work Or labor, that Said ;u rety will pay the Same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit Is brpughi upon this bond sill pay in addition to [he face amount thereof, casts and reasonable expenses and fees, Inc lading reasonable attorney's fees, Incurred by City in successfully enforcing such pbliga tion, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed. as cos is and to De included In the judgment therein rendered, 1[ is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that [his bon0 shall inure to the benefit of any an0 all persons, companies and carp orations entitled to /i le claims under Title 15 (commencing with SectlOn J082) of Part 4 of Div izon 3 of the Cfvtl Code, so as to give a rfght of action to [hem or their assigns In any suit Draught upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond De fully performed, Chen this oDligatian shall Oecome null and void, oth erwite it shall be and remain in full farce and e(f ect. The surety her eDy stipulates and agrees that na change, extension of time, alts rattan or addi[fon to the terms of said agreement or cne spec if icati0ns accompanying the same shall In any manner affect Its pbl igatlans an this band, End it does here- by waive nOt ice of any such change, extension, alteration or a0aiuen. IN HITNESS NMEAEOF, thfs instrument has be ~n dyx 4y execu [ed by the principal and sure [y above named, on "Y 198 5 ANOREIJ BA R+LAKIAN D dtL1 BA 4MARtdN O:IPAOY eve op ~ ure[y ~ ~ t -r~_ Vin/ r afar ttprney-in- acts' .• YYi~fat ~l2f/yl'/~f~C!'1` David C. Banf er PL F.ASE ATTACH PONER OF ATTOR MEY TO ALL BONGS SIGNATURES M115T BE NO TAA 12E0 • • RESOLUTION N0. E06-~9=15R E;S-19/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-13 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on June 19, 1985 by Barmzkian Co. as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located east of Archibald Avenue on Sixth Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property as referred to Planning Commission, Development Review No. 84-13; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, that said Improvement Agreement and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement on behalf of the City of • Rancho Cucamonga, and the City .Clerk to attest thereto. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mike s, Mayor u ATTEST: Bever y Aut a et, ty er G7 nrmv nn n ~ vnrrn mrn ~ urnvn STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1965 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician ~~C) Cv....,.,V,,yC9 ~ 9 ~, FI ~ :1V p 1977 I SUBJECT: Approval of Tract No. 10217, Bonds, Agreement and Final Map located on the north side of Almond Road, east of Carnelian submitted by King Ranch Estates Tract No. 10277 was approved by the Planning Commission on February 25, 1981 and a time extension was granted on February 13, 1985, for the division of 24.36 acres into 30 lots in the Very low Residential Development District located on the north side of Almond Road, east of Carnelian Street. The Developer, King Ranch Estates, is submitting an agreement and bonds to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: E25,056.00 Labor and Material Bond: 512,528.00 Letters of approval have been received from the high school and elementary school distric*.s and Cucamonga County Water District. C.C.&R.s have also been approved by the City Attorney. RECOMAENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Tract No. 10277, accepting said bonds and agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause said map to record. Res ectfully su fitted, B ~ A tachments ~Q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOHGA IMPROVEMENT A60.EE NENT FOR TRAl7 N0. 10277 KNON 0.L[ NEN NY TN ESE PRESENTS: That this agreement 1s made and entered Soto, in conformance with the provisions of the Subdivision MaD Act of the State of California, and of the applicable Ordinances of She City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, a mu nicf pal cor par at(on, by and hetween said City, hereinafter referred to as [he Cify, and TN¢--3armaki-ev-CampanY_ hereinafter ref errld to as the Developer. ~~~ a3.,...1,( <"~ N ITNESSET H: ~ T NAT, NNE RE RS, said Developer desires to develop certain real property in said City as snawn on the conditional 7y approved subdivision known as Tract No. 10277; an0 YNEREAS, sa5d City has eat obit sh ed certain requiremen is YO be met by Said Dev eloper as prer equtsite to ap9rvval of said subdivision generally located north of A;mond Avenue, east of Carnelian Avenue. NON, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by said Ctty and by said Developer as follows: 1. Th< DeveloDer hereby agrees to construct at • ~ Developer's ez9ense all im prov ementt described on Page fi her<- <T within Melee months from the of {ective date hereof. 2. TAli agreement shall be effective On the data of the resolution of the Cvuncll o/ said Gity approving this agreement. This agreement shall De In tlef AUlt on the day follow- ing the first anniversary da ie a1 said aDp royal unless an exten- sion o1 Lima nos been granted by said Ct ty as hereinafter Drovid- ed. 7. The Developer may request an extension of time to complete the tefms hereof. Sucn request shall be submitted to Che City 1n writing not less than 36 days before the eeptr anon da[! hereof, and shall contain a statement of circumSL antes ne<essitattng the ext enslon of time. Tne City shall have the right to revtev the provisions of this agreement, including the con:traction standards, tort est tmate, and improvement security, and to require ad~uitmenLS therein 1f any substaM tai change has occurred dur tog the term nereof. 1. l1 the Developer fails or neglects to comply with the prortslont of this agreement, the City shall have the right K any time Ro cause said provisions to be meL by any lawful means, and thereupon recover Rom the Developer and/ar his surety the full cost end expense 5ncurred, 5. The Oev eloper shall provide metlred water sere ice to each lot of said d¢velopment to accordance with the r<gg1at10ns. schedules, antl lees 01 She Cucamonga County 4ater District. 6. The 6ev<lOper shall be responsl6ie for replacement, relocation, or removal of any component of any 1rH gat ion eater s yst¢m to conflict with eons traction of required Improvements Lo the sails! action of the Clty Engineer and the owner Of such water system. i- ,~ G9 7, Improvements repaired to De constructed shall conf arm tO the Standard Drawings and Stan lard Specifications o1 the City, and to the Improvement Plan approved by and on file in the office Of the Lity Engineer. Said improvements are taoulat ed on the Cans:ruOtion and Band Estimate, hereby incorporated on page 6 hereof, as taken from the improvement plans listed to ereon by number. The Developer shall also be responsible for canstruc- tion of any transitions or ocher incidental work beyond the tract boundaries a5 needed (Or Safety antl proper Surface dreinage. Errors or ommifsions discovered daring can structin shall De Carr ected upon [ne direction of the Lity Engineer. 0.evised work due to said plan.modificatlOns shall he covered by the provision; of this agreement-and secured by [ne Surety covering the ort ginal planned works. 8. Construction perms es shall De Obtained by the Developer from the o/face 01 the Ci[y Engineer prior to start Of work; all regulations list ¢a thereon shall be observed, with aft enH on given tO safety procedures, control of dust, noise, or other nuisance to the area, and to prooer noti (station of puDlic aril sties one Clty Departments. Failure to comD1Y with this section snail be subject to the penalties provided therefor. 9. The Developer shalt be resDonsi Ole far remOV al of all loose rocks and other debris from puDlic rigors rot-way within or ad3oining said development result7ng from work reletive to said development. 30. Mork done M rain esistinq streets shall De diligently pursued to completion; the City shall have the righ to complete any and all cork in roe event Of unlustif led delay i~ completion, and t0 recover ail cost and expense iota rr ed from th Oeve leper and/or his contractor Dy any law/ul means. 11. Said Developer shalt at all times fallowing eedlea- ttOn of the streets and easem cots in said su bi divisi on, vD to the cpmplet7 on and acceptance of said work ar improvement by said City Council, give good and adequate warning to the traveling public of each and every dan9erp us condition existent in said s iraet or easement, and will pr of ect the traveling public from such defective or dangerous tends tl on s. Until the completion of +il improvements, herein IncorDOrat ed on Page 6 , Lo De performed, each of sold scree tf not accepted as improvements shall De under the charge o/ said Developer. Said Developer may close ail pr • part ion o1 any street spDject to the conditions contained in a tenporary street closure permit, lstutd Dy She C1ty Engineer, whenever it is oecessarY t- -rotect tha public During the construction of the improvements hereto agreed to he Wade. 12. Parkway trees required Lo De planted snail De planted Dy the Oeve toper after otner improvement work, grading antl cleanup Aas been comps eted, Plant in9 shall De done as provided by Ordtn an ce in accordance with the planting diagr aq approved by the City Community Development Director. The Oev eloper snail De resp OnsiDle for matnt din tog ail trees plan tea in goad Aealtn un ill the end p/ the guaranteed malntanance period, or for One year after planting, whichever iz later. 11. The Oevelap er 1s respOns7 ble for meeting all cpndi- Lians ezt aDlished by the Ltty pursuant to the Subdivision Nap Act, Lily Ordian ces, and this +greenent for the development, an~ far the gain ten ante Of all lmpravenen ti constructed thereun0e '2- /~ '~D 1 ' nw until the impre vement is accepted for maintenance Dy LDe Lily, antl ne imDrovem ent security provided hereinwitD shall be released before such ac eeptan ce unless otherwise provided and authorized by tAe City Council of the Cf ty. 14. This ogre emep[ shad not terminate until the maintenance guarantee security hereinafter descriDed has Deen released by the City, or until a new agreement together with the rep uir ed improvement security has b¢en submi Ct ed [o [he Lity by a successor to the herein named, antl Dy resolution of the Ci [y Counc}1 same has heen accepted, and this agreement and the improvement security therefor has heen released. 15. the fmprovement se cvrity to be /urnishetl by the Developer with :his agreement shall consist 4f the fallowing and shall he in a form acceptable Dy the Ci[y Attorney: A. To secure faithful performance of this agreement. 1. A bond or bonds by one or more duly authorized corporate sureties in the form and content specified by Gav ernm ent Code Section 66499.1. 2. An Improvement Security Ins trumenc in [De farm and content specified Dy [he City Attorney. 3, A deposit with the City of money or negotlaDle bonds of the kind aDDrpved for securing deposits of pu0l is mpnf es. B. To secure laborers and materialmen: 1. A Dontl or bonds Dy one or more duly authorized corporate sureties in the farm and content specified DY Government Code Sectfpn 66499.3. . 2. An Improvement Secu rfty lmstrument in [he form and content iDec if ied by the City Attorney. 7. A deposit with City of coney or negot7 able bonds of [he kind approved for securing C. A cash deposit with the City to guarani ee payment Dy the Developer [a the engineer or surveyor whose cer[if ica[e appears upon the Final Map for the setting of all boundary, tot corner, and scree[ centerline monuments ono for Pornish ing centerline tie nd tez to the City- The am punt mf the deposit may De any amount certiff ed by the engineer or surveyor as acceptable payment in full; or, ii no value is submitted, the cash DanO shall be as shown mn the Construction ono Bond Estimate con taine0 herein. Said cash deposit may De refunded as soon as proce- dure permits after ret ei pt Dy the City of the centerline t1e notes and written assurance of payment in full [rpm the engineer or imrveym r. D. The reGu [red bonus and the principal amov ntz thereof are set forth an page fi of this agreement. 16. Tne Developer warrants that the impr pvementi descriDed 1n this agreement shall De free irpm dtfects in materials and workmanship. Any and alt port tons of the improve- ments found to be defective within one (1) year following 2ha data on which the improvements are ac cept¢d Dy the City shall be repaired or repi aced by Developer free o{ alt charges tp the [f ty. The tie velaper shall furnish a maintenance 9u grantee security in a sum epuai tp ten percent (105) pf the cpnstruetion estimate or 5200.00, whichever is greater, to secure the faith! pi performance of Developer's obligations as descriDed in this para- graph. the maintenance guarantee security shad also Secure the {aithf ul Dl rf Orman ce by the Developer of any obligati on pf the -3- 7~ Developer to do specif Tee work with respect [o any parkway maintenance assessment district. Once [he improvements have been accepted and a main[en ante guarantee securi tY has Deen accepted by the Ci[y, the other improvement security described in this dgr22mant may bC rQlpdsPd pr ov;aea thaC SYCh fCiQaSe 15 othlf wl5¢ authorized by the Subdivision tl ap pct and any applicable City Ordinance. 17. That the Ceveloper shall take out and maintain such public liability and Drape r[y damage insurance as shall prof ect hfm and any contr ac[cr or suDCOntr actor performing work covered by [his agreement from claims for prover ty damages which may arise Dec apse of '[ne na bd re of the work or iron operations under this agreement, whether such ap erations De by himself or Dy any contractor or subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by said persons, even though such damages be not caused OY the negl igen ce of the Developer or any contractor or suntan tractor or anyone employed Oy saitl persons. The public liability antl property damage insvr ante shall list the City as addi ton al in svred and d,rectlY Dratect [he City, its officers, agents and employees, as well as the Oevel over, his Contractors and his sent ant ractors, and all insurance policies issued hereunder shall so state. The minimum amounts pf swch insurance shall De as follows: A. Contractor's tiabili ty insurance providing bodily injury or death 11aDility limits of nc[ less tha !300,000 for each person one 51,000,000 for each accident or occurrence, and prooerty damage liabil- ity limits of not less than 5100,000 for each acct- . dent or occurrence with an aggregate limit f 2f 0,000 for claims which may arise from the ever H ohs of the Developer in the performance of the work her efn providetl. B. pu[amobf le liaDi lily insurance covering all vehicles used in the performance ai this agreement providing Dadily injury liability Iimi is of not less than 5200,000 for each person and I300,000 for each accident or occurrence, one property damage liability limits of not less than 550,000 for each accident ar occurrence, with an aggregate of not less than 5100.000 which may arise from the opera- tions of the bevel over or his [on er actor in perf arming [he work provided for herein. ]8. That bef are the execution of th5s agr eem en [, the Developer iha 11 file with the City n certificate or [Ertif it ales of to sur once covering the sp ec if led insurance. Each such certificate shall bear an endorsement precldding the can cellatfons, or reduction in coverage of any pal lcy cull en ces by such certificate, before the ex plraH On of tMrty (30) days after the City shalt have received notff icati an by registered mall Tram the insurance carrier. ps evidence of unders[an dl ng the Dr ovisions coot of ned herein, an0 of intent to compiy with same, the Su bdlvider hai submitted the f allowing described {mpro vement security, and has affixed his s{gnature hereto: -4- Is 7 .•1. FAITHFUL PE0.FORMANCE Type: Bond Principal Amount; 525,056.00 Name and address of surety: HATE RI AL ANO LABOR PA YNEXT Type: Bond Principa! Amount: 512,528.00 Name and address 'ot surnty: CASH OE POSIT MONUNE NTATION Type: Lash gone Prin ciPal Amount: 52,700.00 Name and adtlress of surety: MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE T YPe: Principal Amount: Name and as dress of surety: TO BE POSTED PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE BV THE CITY • IN NITIIESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents tp be duly ex ec u:ed an acknowledged with all farmalf ties required y YN`nn the dot se[ forth op post to their si gna ores. I ~- f ,., Date ~~~ I+~ b ~ vel oiler i On atun Date by ,Oevelaper rn nc ea Accepted: - "cam-C<e JJ II or Iles P G ~ oar ill w..J ~~ L___ i Mlore m Ine unaersgnea ] xort _ =~' '~~. rn me pu t9 gs _ /~ ah ft Ia~r aril Ipr saq I]le, ppgomllY appevM I ., il'.C'i?r Cl r, .. rl. -/-']tL~'tLJiLJ,_n...h.h_ I 1 ~~~ sa .. ,ry [~p xte~:,y Ipr prp..n la mt pn me o __-'~-. Mr]pvnY hlwwn la me r, 4Y .,rri Iry ~ asr3 ill falrSlaf rprY tvid<ntt110 MIM pN]pa_ I ^x ll. l"y -'-' =~-~-NMIriMa;p lAe wrlArn rmlrumtnl anp %hMwledgry NmeAtl nxmt= I, NM iI _M~ I, WIINE66 my Aanp mil plnn]I Se ~ I~ ' - Mpl]ry pp0a mirq y Hq HN ~3 [IiY OF RANCHO C0[AMONGA • ENGI HEE 0.ING OIV IS IOH EMCROh[IIMENi PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Far Impravemen t: Tract 1027) Date: 3anuar 17 Computed Uy: ene GW nor File gefevence: Tract No. 2 City Drawing No. n NOTE: Goes not include current fee for writtn9 pewit ar pavement deDOZi[s CUANi!TY UNIT ITEM PRICE AMOUNT L.F. P.C.C. curb - 12" C.F. 24" gutter 7.25 L.F. P.L.L. curb - R" C.F. 24" qu tier 6A0 ~~- L.F. P.C.C. ca rC an1Y 5.50 ~(3 .1-66 _ 7TD L.F. .6" Thk. % 4' wide cent. gutter 5.00 yfi5U.00 S.F. 4" P.C.C. sidevalk 1.75 ~J $,F. 6^ P.C.L. Paving 2.50 ~9 ddb S.F. B" P.L.C. crass gu [tar (inc. curC) 7.40 [.Y. Street eacava [i on 1.50 _ C.Y. Imported embankment 1.50 S.f. Pre paraticn of subgrade 0.15 ~3.d6 7~~ S.F. Decomposed grant to 0.12 2.040.00 TOY A.C. (over 170C tons) 27.00 TOtI A.C. (g00 to 17C0 Ions) 35.00 TON q.C. (500 td 900 ions) 45.00 T011 A.C. (under 500 tons) 60.00 S.f. A.[. (3" thick) 0.55 _ S.F. Patch A.C. (trench( 1.75 S.F. 1^ thick A.C. avert ay 0.30 _ EA. Adjust sewer manhole to gr aae 250.00 ~ EA. Adjust sewer clean out to grade 150.00 _ EA. pdj ust wac er valves m grade ]5.00 ~- "T EA. L.S. S[r cet tights Barricades (galvanised wire rape) 11100.00 5.00 LF. 2 e 4• redwood header 1.75 _ S.F. Removal of q,C. pavement 0.35 L.F. Removal of P.C.C, curb 3.30 L.F. Removal of A.C. berm 1.00 _ Ep. Street si gnz 200.00 _ EA. Reflectors and posts 35.00 L.F. Concrete block wall 25.00 S.F. Retaining call 2D.00 TON Aggregate Ease 7.00 ` L.Y, enn<rn.e structures 425.00 48 L.F. 27" G.M.P. GA. tlfi 10.00 ~4~0 25 LF. 24' RLP (L000 D) 35.00 ~SZ''6 29 - L.F. 2]" ACP (1000 D) ]8.00 ~T,y1~6.~~03.~, IBl L.F. 21" 0.[P (L000 D) 32.00 S NSE U11 ' T FA. Ca[cA basin w/one grate 2000.00 ~ DdD.6b " ' ' ~~ EA. Catch Eaz in w/two grates 7900.OD 46S 60 ~ . EA. Catch Eaz in Y ^ u' 4500.00 _ Ep. Local deprez si an 4' 500.00 ~~ - EA. Local depression 12' 1000.OD _ Ep. .luncflpn structure 5000.00 _ ~~ ~ EA. Outlet str uc lure, Std 1506 1500.00 - EA. Outlet structure, Std Y507 500.00 1 EA. Riprap dl ssi Da for 1517 1000.00 ~D.Qd - ~ L.F. Guard panel (wood) 25.00 - L.F. SdMC UC 2.OD '~- EA. Endwall 500.00 ~id0-60 -T FA Concrete Collar 100.0D --SDtT. $6' S.f. Landscaping b irrigation 2.75 L.F. Roll curb (P.C.C.J 7.50 __ ENG IAEERING INSPECTION FEE S1 252.80 5118 TDTAL S22 778.00 aRESTORATI WI/DELINEATION CASH ~I CZ'S(SS- CONiII1CF NCY LOSTS DEPOSIT (REF )III DARLE) fAITHF UL PERFORMANCE BOND (LOOS) MONUMENTATION SUgETY (CASH) S2, J00.0^ LpOCR ANO PATERIAL BONG (50%) aPursuant to City of Rancho [ac amonya Municipal Lode, title I, Chapter 1.08, adopting San lernardiao CamtY Code T1tl es, [Aapters 1-5, a cash restpratlon/deltneat ion deposit tMll 4 Wade prior to issuance of en Engineerln9 Construction Permit. ~'~~ ~ Revised 7/84 7 y ' • 9ond No:9104565 P remium:5151. 00 FAITHFUL PERFORNRNCE BBNB NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cur am on9 a, State of Cal if O-ni a, and RiVC RA6CY. ESTA:cS (hereinafter de5l gnd[ed a5 "prtnclpa l" hdV? ?n[Qred 1nt0 do agreement whereby princi Dal agrees to install and complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated 196 and identified as project TraR No.. sC2P is hereby refe rreC to and made a par[ hereof; and, NHEREhf, said Drinci pal i5 repui red under the terms of said agreement Cp furnish a ho nA far the faithful perform ante pf said agr a?men L. NOII, THEREFORE, we the Orincipal and OF,C (.OPLRB TNSCAF VCE CO?1P ANY as su re[y, are held and firmly bounA unto tDe City of Ranchp Cucamonga (hereinafter called "C+Gy"), in [he penal sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Fifty-Six and 00/100 Dollars (f 25,066.00) lawful money of the United States, for the pa yaent of which sum well and truly to be mode, we Dind ours give s, our heirs, successors, executers and administrators, jai ntly and severally, Iirmly by these presents. The condi [ion of this obligation is such that if the above DOllndpd prin Ci pol, his nr its DCiYS, exec U[O rS, ddminiStrdLOf S, successors or assigns, shall in ail things stand tp and abide by • and well and truly keep and perform the cpvenan ts, conditions and pro vi stonz in the said agreement and any al :er anon thereof made as therein prow idea, on his or pheir part, [n De kept and performed at the time and in [he manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless City, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this pbligation shall became null ant vole; ptherwi se, it shalt be and remain in full force and effect. As a part pf the obligation secured hereby and in addi [ion to the lace amount spe<if led therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's (ee s, incurred Dy City in successfully enfprcing such opif gation, all to be taxed as costs and included in any Judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that np change, extension of time, alteration or addi tipn to [he terms pf the agreement or tp the work tp be performed thereunder or the speci- fications accompanying [he same shall in anywise affect its pbl iga[i ens on this bond, and it apes hereby waive notice of any .-- ~ Seth change, extension of time, alteration ar addition [o the terms of [he ogre e~aent pr to [he work or to the tpecificatipn s. IN HIiNESS NHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the principal and surety about named, on Nd RCIi ZB 190_ NiNO PA;: C.II CS'T!5 pEV FLOP FP.S INS^Po\NCR COMPANY Bevel er Surety 1 T~---~_ f~gnaturel Attorney-In-Fact Bavid C.Banfcr PLEASE ATTA LII POKER OF ATTORNEY TO ALL BONDS 9l GNAiUgES NUfT BE NBTAgI ZEO 7~ Uona No:9104555 Premaum:included in Pe rfq~ance LABOR AND MATERI AL MEN UONO • NNE REAS, the City LOUncll of the City of Rancho f.uc amonga, State of California, an0 RING RAS.G iI ESTATES (hereinafter designated as "principal" have enter e0 iota an agreement whereby principal agrees [o install and complete certain designal ed public improvements, which said agreement, dated 198 and identified as project ira~t NFU 2~77~~s hereby referred Lo antl made a part hereof; and NHERE AS, ender [he terms of said agreement, principal is f¢gvired before ent¢ring upon the performance of the work. to file a goad and sufficient payment bond with [he City of Ran cha Cucamonga [o secure the claims to which reference is mad¢ fn Title 15 (commencing wi eh Section 3082) of Part 4 of Givi lion 3 of [he Civil Lade Of fhe State of California. NO'N, THE AEFORE. said principal and the undersigned as a corporate surety, are held firmly pound unto the City of Rancho Cucamonga and all cnntr actor s, suDCOn tr ac for s, laborers, material men and other persons employed in fhe per rorman ce of the aforesaid agreement and referred to in [he aforesaid Code of Livil ProceOUre in [he sum of iwel ve Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-E ignf and 00/100 Dollars (512,528.00), for materials furnished or labor [hereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with re spec[ to such cork or labor, that saitl surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabOVe set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond will pay in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, Including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to De awarded and fined by the court, and to be taxed as costs and [a be inclvd ed in [he judgment therein rendered. It is hereby ¢xpre ssly stipul a[¢tl and agreed that this bond shall inure t0 [he hen of it of any and all Derson s, companies and corporations enti [I ed to file claims vne er Title IS (commencing with Sectf an 3092) of Part 4 of Oivison 3 Of [he Lfvi1 Cade, 50 as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this Dond. Should fhe condition of this hood be fu 11y performed, then this oDliga[i0n shall become null and void, otherwise it shall pe and remain in full force and effect. the surety hereby stipulates and agrees [hat no change, ext ensign of time, al ter acf on or addition fo the terms of said agreement or [he specifications accompanying the same sh ali in any manner affect its Obligatl0ns on th15 Dond, and it does here- by waive no [ice of any such change, extension, alteration or x a alai ti0n. IN NITNE SS WHEPE OF, this instrument has been duty executed by principal and surety above named, on March :8th , DF.VF.60 PE RS TN SO MNCE COMPANY Surety DLE ASE ATTACH PORER OF ATTORNEY i0 ALL BONGS SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARI ZEO • 7~ ~ ~ sueDlvlsian GUARANTEE NO PERFORMANCE (SETTING OF FINAL NONUME NTS) Cfty Council City of 0.an cho Cucamonga P, 0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Gentlemen Pursuant to Ltap[rr 4, Article 9, Secticn 66497 of the Government Cade, the unCers i.g n¢d hereby agrees that all monuments shown on the final map of irac[ No. 10277 are to be set and 9urnished by the su Ddiv ider's engineer Or surveyor an or Oefore sty:', 1995 , as Specified in the Engineers or urve yor's Certificate and agrees to furnlsD the notes thereon to complete all engineering requirements specified in Section 6fi 491, of the Government Lode. The undersigned hands you herewith the sum of S 2,700.00 as a cash deDOSi t, said deposit to guarantee that [he mon omen is will b¢ set and the notes furnished as above provided On or before [he date specified ana that the engineer or surveyor will De paid by [he undersigned. It Is further understood and agreed that in the event the underslgnetl falls to complete the above requirements within the time specified, the Lf [y of Rancho Cucamonga 15 authorized to complete Said requiremen t2 Or Oause [hem [o De completed dnd [he cast thereof is to be a ch arge against said cash deposit, antl the • City of Rancho Cucamonga is authorized to make the necessary transfer from said cash deposit to the credit for the proper city fund. it is further agreed that if the undersigned does no[ present evidence to the City Coon cil that he has paid the engineer or surveyor for the setting of the final monuments, and if the engineer or surveyor gives the notices prescribed in Section 66497 of the Government f,ode, the City shall pay tq said engineer Or fur veyor, [he cash deposit herein matle. 1/ the cost of tom Dieting said requ7remen is exceeds the amount of the cash deposit, the undersigned agrees to pay the difference wi thin thirty (30) days after receiving written statement from the City of Rancho Cucamonga specifying the amount of the differ once De [wren the cash deppsit and the actual cast of said requir eme n/t s. C ordi all vl ~ , ~ ( Subdf eider Address Date 4 " the de pass ter of record (/or return a/ any part ion Of the cash de p051 t) shall be NOTE: TO BE SUBMITTED FULLY FILLED OUT ANl S[GNED 7 7 RESOLUTION N0. E86=19=02fE gs-/9d- • A RESOLUTIDN OF THE C[TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT N0. 10271 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 10277, consisting of 30 lots, su hmitted by King Ranch Estates, Subdivider, located on the north side of Almond Road, east of Carnelian Street has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga by said Subdivider and approved by said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same • on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, suhject to approval as to form and content thereof 6y the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedicat ton and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D, ikels, ayor 78 CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAn10~\'GA uu~M~ STAFF REPORT ~~° e , ~i~ '~p~ GATE: June 19, 1985 _ F U T0: City Council and City Manager 19' FROM: Lloyd 6. Hubbs, City Engineer 8Y: Linda Reek, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: Acceptance of Bonds and Agreement and Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Rgreement for Tract No. 12532 located between Archibald and Ramona Avenues, south of Victoria Avenue, submitted by Archibald Associates, A California Limited Partnership The subject map, located hetween Archibald and Ramona Avenues south of Victoria Avenue is submitted by Archibald Associates, A California Limited Partnership. It was tentatively Apr, ~.ed by the Planning Commission on April 25, 1984 for the division of 111 lots for 111 units of planned development. An agreement and bands have been submitted in the following amounts to • guran atee the installation of off-site improvements: Faithful Performance ................5606,000,00 Labor and Material ..................E303,OOO.U0 A Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement has been received for construction of off-site improvements. Letters of approval have been received from Chaffey Union High School and Alta Loma School Districts. C.C. & Rs have been approved by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolutions authorizing the acceptance of Bonds and Agreement and Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for Tract No. 12532 and the signature of said map. Respegtf ulty 5ubmi t~Eed, %/~~~~~ Attach' menu 79 • .r .. LITT OF RANCHO CO CA MON GA IMPROYENENT AGREE MEHT FOR TRACT ND. 12572 KN D'd ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That this agreement is matle and enter eA into, in cpnf orm an c^ with the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and of Lhe applicable Drdinances Of the City of P. an cho [uc am onq a, California, a municipal corporation, by and between said City, hereinafter ref erretl to as the Lily, and ~n°.]IT~An AS~~T~:(:5 hereinafter reTerrea to as the eve op eD I r. NITAESSE TH: THAT, wN EREAS, said Developer desires to develop <ertafn real property in said City as sh ewn on the conditionally approved subdivision known as Tract ryo. 12532; and NHERE AS, said City has established certafn requirements Lo be met by said Developer as prerequisite to approval of said supdi visi on generally located at between Archibald antl Ramona Avenues, south of V7ctoria Avenue. NCw, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by said Cf ty and by said Oeveloper as foliows: 1. the Developer hereby agrees to construct at Developer's expense all improvements descri betl on Page 6 here- of within twelve months from the effective date hereof. 2. This agreement shall be effective on the date of the resol utinn of [he Council of saltl Lity approving thfz agreement. TMs agreemenT shall be in Ae(ault an [he tlay foltow• i rig [he firs[ anniversary Aate of said approval unless an exten- sion of time has been granted by said City as hereinafter provid- ed. 3. The Developer may request an eaten sf on of time to complete the terms hereof. Such request shall be submi [t ed to the City in writing not less than 70 days before the expi ra lion date hereof, and shall contain a sf atement of cf rcumst antes necessitating the ¢xiension of time. the City shall have the right to review the provistons of this agreement, including the const ructf on standards, cost estimate, and fmprovement security, and t0 require adjustments th ereln if any substantial change has o ¢urred durtng the term hereof, 9. if the Developer fat is or neglects to tom Dly wl th the provistons of this agreement, Lhe [1 ty shall have the right a[ any time Co cause saitl provisions to be met by any lawful means, and thereupon recover from [he Developer and/or his Surety the full cast and expense incurred. 5. The Developer shall provide metered water service to each 10 i. Oi said de veloDment in accordance with the r¢g ul arsons, schedules, and fees of the Cucamonga County Hater Oistrf ct. 6. the Developer shall be res ppnsf bte for replacement, relocation, or removal of any component of any irN gation water system in conflict wf [h construction Of required improvements to the satisfaction of the Ci [y Engineer and the ovner Of such wafer system. r_ g a 7. improvements required to be con st rut tetl shall conform to the Standard Drawings and Standard Specifications of Lhe City, and to the Improvement Plan approved by and on file in the office of the Ci[y Engineer. Said improvements are tabvl ated on tAe Can strvction and Bond Estimate, hereby incorporated on page 6 hereof, as taken from the improvement plans listed thereon by number. the Bevel oper shalt also be res ppnsi ble for construc- [fon of any transitions or other incf dental work beyond the tract boundaries as needed far safety and proper surface drainage. Errors or ommissions discovered during cOnstructin shall be corr ec ied upon She direction pf the City Engineer. Revised work due to said plan modif ica[ions shall be covered by the provisions of this agreement and seta retl by the surety caverinq the original planned works. 8. Con sLr action permits shall be obtained by the Developer from the off{ce of the City Engineer prior to start of work; all regulations listed thereon shall be observed, with attention given to safety procedures, control of dust, noise, or other nui Lance to [he area, and to proper notification pf public utilities and City Departmen [s. Failure to comply with this section shall be subject to the Den al ties provided therefor. 9. The Oev el oper shall be responsible Ior removal of all [wse rocks and other debris from public rights-of-way within ar adjoining said development resulting from work relative to sale development. 10. Nork done within existing streets shall be diligently pursued to cpmptetipn; the Cf ty shalt Aave the right to complete any and all work 7n tAe event of unjustified tleiay 1' completion, and to recover all cast one expense incurred from th Developer and/or his contractor by any lawful means. 11. Said Developer shall at all times fallowing dedica- Iton of the streets antl easements in said subidivision, up to the completion and accept ante of Bald work or improvement by said City Council, give goad and adequate warning to the traveling public pf each and every don gerp us condition existent in saitl street or easement, and will protect the traveling public from sucA defective or dangerous conditions. Until the completion of all improvem enf s, herein Incorporates on Page 6 , Lo he performed, each of said streets not acceptetl as improvements shall be under the charge of said Oevel ape r. Satd Oeveta per may close all or a por [ton of any street suhject [0 the rondittons contained in a [em porary street closure permit, {sued by the City Engineer, whenever it is necessary to protect Lhe public during the cc nstruc t7 on of the improvements Herein agreed to be made. 12. Parkway trees required [o he planted shall be pt anted by the Developer after Other improvement work, grading and cleanup has been completed. Planting shall be done as provided by Ordinance in accprdan ce with the planting diagram approved by the Li ty Community Development Director. The Developer shall he responsible for ma(ntaining all trees pion t¢d in good health until the end ai the guaranteed maintenance periotl, or for one year after planting, nhichever is later. 17. The Developer is respon si hie far meeting all cpndi- tfpns established by the City Dur su ant to the Subdivi5f on Map Rc t, City Ordi ant es, and this agreement far the development, an Ior the maintenan r,e of all improvements can strutted thereunder ~~ 8/ until the improvement is accepted far maintenance by the City, and no improvement security provided herei nwi [h shall be releas e0 before such acceptance unless otherwise provided and authorized by th_ City Council of the Ci[y. t4. This agreement shall not terminate until the maintenance guarantee security hereinafter described has been released by the City, pr until a new agreement together with the required improvement securi [y has been submitted to fhe City by a successor [o the herein named, and by resolution of the City Council same has been acce Died, and this agreement and the improvement security therefor has been released. 15. The improvement security to be furnished by the Devnl nper 'wi lh this afi regiment shall consist of [he following and shall be in a form acceptable by the City Attorney: A. To secure faithful performance of this agreement. I. A band or bonds by pne or mare Auty authorized Corporate sureties in the lorm and content specified by Gav ernment Lode 6ectf on 66499.3. 2. An Improvement Security Instrument in the form and content specified by the C1ty Attorney. 3. A tleposit with fhe Ci[y of money or ne gotiabte bonds of the kind approved far securf ng de post is of public monies. 6. To secure laborers and materialmen: 1. A band or bontls by one ar more duly authorized corporate sureties in fhe form and content • specified by Gavcrnment Code Section 66499.1. 2. An Improvement Security !ns [rument in the form and content specified by the City Attorney. 3. A deposit with City of money or negotiable honJS of the kind approved far securf ng C. A cash deposit with the City to guarantee payment by the Developer to the engineer or surveyor whose certificate appears upon the Final Nap for fhe setting of ail houndary, lot corner, and street centrl ine monuments and far furnishing centerline tie notes to the City. The amount of the deposit may be any amount certified by the engineer or surveyor as acceptable Daym eni fn full; or, tf no value is suhmi tt ed, the cash bond shall be as shown on the Construction and Bond Estimate contained herein. Said cash deposit may be refunded as soon as proce- dare permits after receipt by the City at the centerline tfe notes and written assurance of payment in full from the engineer or surveyor. D. The required bonds and the principal amounts thereof are set forth on page 6 of this agreement. 16. The Developer warrants Chat the improvements described in this agreement shall be tree from defects in materials and workman ihi D• Any and all portions of the improve- ments found [o be defective within one (1) year followf ng the data on which the imnro vemen[s are accepted by [he City Shall be repaired or replaced by Developer free of all charges to fhe City. The Deveip per shall furnish a maintenance guarantee security !n a sum equal tp ten percent (10%) of the construction estimate or 5200.00, whichever is greater, to secure the falth(ul performance of Oevel pper•s obl iga[ipns as described in this para- graph. The mainteaance guarantee security shall also secure the faf thf ui performance by the Developer of any obligation of the 9> Developer to do specified work with respect to any parkway maintenance assessment district. Once the improvements have been accepted and a maintenance guarantee security has been accepted by the City, the pth er improvement security described in [his agreement may be released provided that such release is otherwise authorized by the Subdivision Nap Act and any applicable Lfty Ordinance. 17. That the Developer shall take out and maintain such public liability antl property damage insurance as shall protect him and any contractor ar subcontractor performing wort covered by this agreement from claims for property damages which may arise because of the nature of the work or from operations under [his agreement, whether such operations b_ by himself or by any contractor or suDCOn tr actor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by said persons, even though such damages be not caused Oy the negligence of the Developer or any contractor or subcontractor or anyone employed by saitl persons. The public liability and property damage insurance shall list the Lity as adAi tonal insured and directly protect the City, its officers, agents and employees, az well as [he Oevel oiler, his contractors and his suDCOntr act ors, antl all insurance Dal ides IssueO hereunder shall so state. The mi of mum amounts of Such insurance shalt De as follows: A, Contractor's liability insurance providing bodily injury pr death liability limits of not less tha f 300,000 for each person and E1, 000, 000 for each accident or occurrence, and property damage liabil- ity limits of not less than 5100,000 for each acci~ den[ or occurrence with an aggregate limit o f250,000 for claims which may arise from the opera- tions of the Developer in the perform once of the work herein provided. B. Automobile liability insurance coved ng all vehicles used in the Der roan ante of this agreement providing bodily injury )iabili[y limits of not tens in an 5200,000 Por each person and 5700,000 for each accident or occurrence, and property damage IlaDili ty limi is of not less than f50,000 (or each accident or occurrence, with an aggregate of not less than 5700,000 which may arise frpm the opera- tions of the 0evelpper or his ODntrac[or In performing the work provided for herein. 1B. That Def ore the executf on of this agreement, the Developer shall file with the City a ceriif icate or certif lcates of insurance covering the specified Insurance. Each such c ert7ficate shall bear an endorsement precludf ng She cancellations, or reduction in coverage of any policy evidences by such certfftcote, Def ore the expiration of thirty (30) days after the C1ty shall have received natif ication by registered m ait from the insurance carrier. As eviden r,e of unders[anAing the provisions cpntainetl herein, and of Intent to comply with same, the Subdivider has 5ubmi tied the f ollpwing described improvement Security, and has affixed his signature hereto: (~~, 8s FA[TIIF UL PERFORMANCE Typ=: aond Principal Amount: 5606,000.00 Name and address of Surety: MATERIAL AMO LAROq PpYMEMT type: 9ontl Principal AmounC 5703,000.00 Name and address ¢i surety: [A SN OEP OSIT NONUME NTATION Type: Lash Principal Amount: f 6,750.00 Name and atltlr¢ss of surety: MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE Typ¢: Principal Amount: S 60,600.00 Name and address of surety: TO OE POSTED PRIOR TO AL[E PTA NCE BY THE CITY IN NITNESS MERE OF, the parties hereto have caused these • presents to he tluly executed and acknowledged with all (¢rmali[ies r¢euiYeO by law ¢n the date set forth opposite their Sigpdtur¢5. IIDAIO "50 , 0Y: PACFF DEVQOIT4TT, IFA. O a[e Nov Z, 1985 by rteneral P~'~vgrloper tg' a[are Sm P. Head, V,P. fons[R:ciicn Cne[auWls n nted Date by ,Oe de toper tgn acure rtnted Accepted: Cify of Rancho Cucamonga, C alt Pornia R Municipal Corporation ay: Mayor Attest: ity C erk Approved: DEVELOPER'S SIGNATURE MUST BE NOTARIZED dN r~ EngESt CITY OF RANCHO LUCAYONGA • ENGINEERING OIVIS (ON PAGE of 3 ENCflOALMMEM PERMIT FEE SCHEOOLE for i:.+pr0 vem¢nt; Tr. No. 1253E Date: Ala rO+~ [900 LOmpuced bY: 3 G File Re7er¢nce: Ca fy Drawing rvp. 906 NOTE: Does no[ inclutle current fee for avr i[ing permit cr pavem¢nt deposits 6ei L.F. P.C.C. curb - 12" C.F, 24^ gutter 7.25 V,xII die L.F. P.C.L. curb - 9' C.F. 24" 9u [t er 6.G0 I, 36a 1y~ L.F. P.C.C. curb cn lY 5.50 ]te ~_ L.i. A.[. herm 4.50 am y~ Sri S.f. 4" P, C.C, si Cewalk 1. ]5 Ss. J~9 _l ~q+_ S.F. Drive approach L 50 19.+00 _y_t3 °i S.f, R" P.C.C. cross yu tt er (mc, curb; 3.40 i0, 069 __ C.Y. Stre¢! zxc av ati on L50 C.Y. impar!ed emban k.aent 1.50 ISfi000 $.F. Prep ara[+o0 of su Dyra de 0.15 23.400 S. F. Crushed d9g. base (per inch [hick) 0.03 ]~i _39_39 70N q. L. (over 1300 tons) 27.00 9v.r St _,__ TON A.C. (900 to 1300 tens) 35.00 TON A.C. (500 m 900 tons) 45.00 i0N A.C. (under 500 tans) fi0.00 S. F. A, C. (7" [n xkl 0.55 6.F. Patch d. C. (trench) L75 ~I IV S. F. 1" thick A.C. overlay 0.10 ~ V;V t7 EA. Adjust sewer manhole to grade 250.G0 9 zsn EA. Adju S[ sewer clean out t0 grace 1S0. LO J_ EA. Adjust water valves to grade ]SAO J __y___ FA, Street lights IOOO.CO jJ p __ L.F. Aarrtca Des (inters ec. 5500 m n) LCO , L.F. 2 x 4" redwood (reader 1. JS ~,J )y)y S. F. Removal of A.C. pavem¢nt 0, )> ], u17 _yy_ L.F. Removal of P.C.C. curb 3.30 j,~l- L.F. Removal of A.C. bean i.00 ~{y_ EA. Street signs 200. CO ] 600 EA, geflect ors and posts 35.00 L, F. Concrete Dlack wall 2i. 00 S.P. getain ing wall 20.C0 9~ 6.1 i0N Aggregat¢ base 7, Op 6 7J3 L.Y. Concrete structures a7.5.G0 ~_ L.F. 1R" RCP 1 1000 0) 29.00 11.39] ~_ LF, 24" qCP (1000 D) 35,00 Ta 108_ L.f, 36" qCP (1100 01 49.00 ~ q, O iu.e93 ult _ l.F, 39" RCP (1100' D' 5£,00 1i m JI3 L F. YI" RC Pf1000 0) 630D 6 V4 sV9 I u EA. Catch basin 'd = 6' 15nh. ho . ysao Eq, Catch basin M 4' ?900.00 _ _ 11 600 _6 EA. Local depression d' SUD. GO , ,a00 Eq. Local depression 12' ;000.00 EA. Junction structure 5000, G0 35- OpS- EA. Outlet structure, S[d 1506 16C0. 00 EA. Dutlet structure, Sfd ai07 500,00 ~- EA, Guard posts 40.00 t]0 _Lp]J L.F. Guard panel (w0odj 25.C0 ~yg_- LF. SdwLJL 2,00 j,6p'p- __ EA. Headwall (4B" wino) 4000.00 -- l.F, gedwcOd hC ddPr 1, J5 - S,f. Landsc+p mg S Err i9at ion ~ 2.75 L.F. A011 Curb (P.L.C. ) " " ] 58 5, 62> L.F, P.G.C. Curb ti G.f. IV Gutter : 6 0 -_r~-z-.-- i0 ' E.A. Slap Sin++s 50.00 500 V E.,+. ra Under bdcrve rn fi00 IG INE ER LYO IN SPECiiGN fEE SUB 70TFL ;ESTOpgiION/DELINEATION CASN CONiINGFN[Y COSTS 'YB 7 DEPOSIT IREF UYDA ALE) FFIi NF UL PERFCRNANCE BOND (IOGS) vo.a~r rNUMEJ1TA710N 50 A ETY (CASH) LABOR AND NAT EqI AL BOND (SOS) I6 s. 33¢ ..E PAGE 3 Vrsuant to Clty pY Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. Title (, Chapter LOR, adapting San rnardim Coun[Y Code 71[les~ Chapters 45, a cash restoration/delinedtion deposit sA411 ude prior tp issuance pf an fn9lndering Construction Permit. ~~~ vised 3/84 d ~ / En 9f s! • CITY OF RANCHO CU[AMONGA ENGINEERING DIV (S ION PAGE ? of 3 / ENCROACHMEM PERMIT FEE $CHEOULE for Inp rOVeaent: Citv 'z Co P Improve Ra mono Ave. IT r. No. 1263}l CdCP: March ~ q4 File der er en ce: 5 OnPU[an py, 1. G. City Orawi O l g . o, q p6 NOTE: Does Prot include Curren[ (ee far writing permit or pavement deDOSi[s ODANT ITY UNIT IT=M P4IC° A°OC YT _- L.F. L F P.[.C, curb - 12" Li. 24" gutter 7,25 __ . . L G P.C.C. taro - 8" L F. 21" gu ttar 6. C0 _ . . L F P.C.C. cab only 5.50 . . _111_ __ S.F, q. C: Sera 4^ P.C.C. si dewal'c 4.50 a - __ S.F. Ori ve as proach 1J5 2 50 __ S. F, [ Y 8" P.C.C. crP25 6u tt er (inc, curb) S . 3.40 __ , . treet exc avac iDn 1 50 C.Y, ImDOrted embankment . 160 __ $.F. pre Dar anon of subgrade 0 15 __ S. F. [rushed ag g, base (Der tnch thick) . 0 03 TON A,[. (aver 1300 tons) , 21 00 -_ TON q, [, (g00 to 1300 tons) , 35 00 TON 357 0 TON A.C. (500 to 900 tons) . 45.00 . q.C. (under 500 tons) 60 00 __ S. F. A.C. (7" thick) . 0 55 - R} 068 S. F. ? patch p,C, (trench) . 1 75 spI S. F. 1" tM1ick p,C, overlay . 0 30 u EA. qdj ust sewer manhole m grade . 250 00 }~}Sl E0., Adjust sewer clean nut to grade . 150 00 t. DDD EA. pea ust water valves m grade . ]5 00 • EA. L.F. St rest lights Barricades (int erzec 5500 mi ) . 3000,00 L.F. . n 2 x 4^ redwood keaeer 1. C0 LI$ fi.911_ S.F. Rer.~D VaI of A.C. pavement 0 35 L.F. Removal of P,L. C, curb , 3 30 a,m}} __ l.F. Removal of A. [. berg . I CO __ EA. Eq Street signs , 204 CO . Ref lec tD rs and Oasts 35 00 __ L.F. Ca nc vets block wall . 25 C0 S•F. a Retaining wall . 20 00 d l TON pgg re gate ease . y ~ _ _~, C.Y. [OOCfPte Sifut[PrPS 425 00 7')17 __ L.F. 1B" qCP (2000 D) . 29 00 L.F. e 24" RCP (1500 D) . 75 00 L.F, 3 36" RCP (2000 D) . 88 L.F. VR" RLP (1000 p) 83 0 l92 EA. [at ch oasin p 4' . 2000 00 }V~J00 EA. Catch basin N B' . 2900 00 EA. EA Catch basin u ~ 22' . 4500,00 . __ Local depression 4• 500 00 EA• Local depression I2' . 1000 00 EA, Junction struc[u re . 5000 00 _, EA. Outlet structure, Std 1506 . 1500 00 10,000 EA. Outlet structure, $Id g507 . 500 00 EA. Gu and posts , 40 00 -3L L.F. Guard Danel (wood) . 25 00 xtn L.F. EA. Sde<ut He adwal7 (48" wing) . 2.00 4000 00 fl~5 -1a L.F. Redwobd neaaer . 1 75 S.F. LandSCap ing 6 IrrlDation . 2 )6 L.F. Ao 11 curb (P.C.L) . I L 5. ftIR x-,ng ,Nark in9 ip00.00 "~-tn1R ENG WEER RIG INSp ECifON F EE -~~- •RES70Rp710N/O EL INEA7ION CASH '-'-- - SU9 i0ip1 6B 38V ® DEPOSIT (REFUND0. BL E) LON7INGENCY COSTS = 6.BaR MONUMENTAL,ON SURETY (CA SH) FAI iHfUL PERFORMANC E BOND (100X) Is. }}} LABOR ANp MAI ER IpL BOND (50%) 37, 6r1 'Pursuant to City of Rancho Cuc amanga Manic{pal [ode, Title I, chapter 1.08, Bernardino County [ode Titles [naDCers l 5 adopting San Ee •ade prior to Issuanc , - , a cash restoration/delineation depos It still e of an Engineerin [ g pnstructi on Permit, ~~ ~ Revised 7/84 $ G En 9Est CITY OE RANCHO CUCAHONGp ENG INEER [NG DIVISION pFGE 3 OF ENCROACHMENT PEANIT fEE SCHEDULE For Improvement Ci [7's Cost t¢ ;apro v= Aa^a na kre. (TR 1?5321 Oat e: Compu:eC oy: Ftle RCt er er ce: City Oran ng No, NOTE: Dues not include cu rr¢nt fee tar writing permit ¢r pavement deposits L. F, P.C.C. orb - 32" C.F. 24" gutter 7.25 LF. P.C.C. curb - B" C.F. 2a" gutter fi.CD / --'- -- LF. P.C.C. curb only 5.50 ~_ L.F. ~'A. C. Serra 4 0 $. F. 4" p, L. C. zi tlewaik .]$ S.f. Dr; ve aDDroacn 2.50 S. `'. 8" P. C.C, cross 9u tler (inc. curb) 3.40 -~ C.Y. Street excavation I, $C L.Y. (mportetl embankment 1.50 ~- S. F~ Preparah on of subgraae 0.15 S.f. Crushetl aqg, base (per Inch thick G.D3 T0:1 A.C. (over 1300 tons) f 27.0.] __ TON A.C. (900 tp 1300 tans) 35.DC Tory .L. (soo to 9aD tons) / as.oD TON C. (under $00 tp n5) 60.00 S.F, A. (7" thick) / 0,55 S. F. Pa[ A.C. (trench) 1. 1$ S, F. 3" th'ck A.C. overlay / 0.30 _. EA. Atlj ust ,F,. wer manhol¢ to grad? 250.00 _ EA. AdJus[ serer clean out to yra Ce 150.00 EA. Adjust water valves to grade ]5.00 , EA. Street lights ./ 1000.00 L.F. Barricades ('i nt er dec. 5500 min) L00 ~~ L.F. 2 x 3" redwood heads L ]5 '- $. F. Removal of A. C'L pavement D. 35 i L.F. Removal of P.C.C. curb 3.30 L.F. Reeaval of A.C. berm 1.00 EA. Street signs \ 200.GD EA. Reflectors and pasts 35,00 L.F. Concrete block wall \ 25. G0 S,F, Retaining wall 20.00 TON Aggregate base ].DO L.Y. Corcre to strut: ores 425.00 L.F. 18" RCP (2000 D) 29.00 L.F. 24" RCP (1500 D) 3x.00 --~- L.F. ,36" ACP (2000 0) 49.00 L.F. / 4B" ACP (1200 D) )6,D0 EA. / Catcn basin N = 4' 2000.00 ` EA. Catch basin H ~ 0' 2900.00 EA. Catch bastn N 22' OS00, 00 EA., Local deDresn on 4' 500.00 J Ep'. Lac al deoressi an 12' 1000,00 -- A. Junction structure D00, GO EA. Outlet Structure, $td !506 00. CO EA, Outl of strut tore, St0 y501 O.GO ___/ EA, Guartl posts 4 00 L.F. Guard panel (woad) 26; 0 L.F. Sawcpt 2.0 EA. Ne adwall (48" wing) 8000.00 l.F. gedwpod header 1.75 $.f. Lan ds cap', ng b irri gar pn 2.75 L,F. Roll curb (P. C. C.) 7.50 TD TA LS DF PAGE 1 An0 PAGE 2 ENGINEERING iNSPEC7I0N FEE y2E °R5~ SUB iO iFL •R ESTORATI ON/O EL RIf Ai i0.1 CASH $_ ~1tL0 CON7ING ENCY COSTS y~j' OEPOSIi (REFUIIpA BIi) FAI TN RII PFRF DRMANLE BDNO (l00%) MONUMENiAi ION SURETY (LASH) S fi.160 LA OOR AnD MATERIAL BONG (50X) tam nnn apursuant to City of AdpthO Cpc amnnga Municipal Cade, Title 5, Chapter 1,08, adopting San Bernardi n0 County Code cities, Chapters l-5, a cash restarac can/tlelineatlon depos It sMa 11 Be made prwi or to issuance pt an EnginCerf ng Construction permit. 97 • Rood No:9111oRs P remium:510,908.00 FAITHFbL PERF00.MPNCE ROND NHEREAS, the City LOUn cil Of the L!ty of Rancho f.uc anon va, Stale of California, and {hereinafter designated a5 "vn nr,tpal° nave entered iota an agro ement whereby Drincipal a0 roes to install and comp le [e certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated 198 and iAen H H ed as project race tlp. is ere y ref err ~~t0 and made a Dart hereof; and, NNEREAS, saitl principal is required under the terms of said agreement to furnish a band for the faithful performance of said agreement. N0'a, TNEREF ORE, we the yr inc~pal sod nwecC °RS *a5^~nvc nPANy as surety, ere heltl and firmly bOUnA un o e~ t v or ancn0 Luc amonga (hereinafter called "City"), in the Den al sum of Six Hundred and Six ThOUSanO and 00/100 Dollars (Sfi05,000, 001 lawful money of the UniteA States, for the payment of which som welt anA Lru ly LU be mad?, M! bind pUYSelve 2, OUr fIPIYT, SUCCe5Y0r5, executors and administrators, jointly and severaliv, firmly Ay tM1 PSC pf 2SC nt5. The condition of this obliq at ion iT such that if the above bounded principal, his or its heirs, executors, aAm iniTtr atoms, successors ar assigns, shall in a71 things StanA to anA ah sAe bv, and well and truly keep and perfprm the covenants, conditions and . provisions in the saiA agreement and any attest ion thereof made their vart to he kept anA n hi o i id d , r n prov , o s as [here e performed a: [he time and in the manner therein svecif ied, and in all respects accord inq to their true intent anA me anina, anA shall indemnify and save harmleYS Lf ty, its o/ficers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become nuil and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full fprce and effect. As a part of the Obligation secured hereby and in addition Ln She face amount specified ther=for, there shall be included costs and re asonabte expenses and fees, inctud ing reasonah le attorney's fees, incurreA by City in successfully enforcinn suc4 obligation, all to be to xed as costs and in cludeA in any JuAgment renAer eA. The surety hereby Stipulates and agrees that n0 ch an n?, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms Of the agreement ar to the work to be Der Pormed thereunder ar the sveci- fications accompanying the same ih alt in anywise affect its ablig ations on th {s bond, and it eves her ebv waivo notice of any such <h an0e, extension of timr„ alt?ration or addition to the terms of the agreement or [0 the work or to the spectf is ations. IN VII Ti;E SS 'd HEREOF, this instrument has peen duly exe<uteA by the principal and surety above named, On Mp1' 2nD l98 s !\RCIIiPp,D ASSCCT p'CPS DF.'JFLOP P.P& IN SGiWNCF CONOpyY Dev Ioo B.'~- Surecv OS': PAC"O, n. !.IECf. IAC., gena[al partrre[ :9nra turn; Ecnhen vA~~:iaa vo to . Iiead, V.P. Conatruceion OPcrations PLEASE qTT Af.II POVIER OF ATTORNEY TO ALL BO NOS SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED 88 Bond No:9131095 ' Pzemium:inch in perfoz e LABOR pN0 NpTER[RL YEN BOND uHEREgS, the City council pf the City of Rancho Cucamonga, $L a[¢ Of Cal ifornid, and ARCNI3ALD ABBOCL T (hereinafter designated as "pr+nc spa l" have ¢n tereA into an agreement whereby print ipol agrees to in shall and complete certain tlesign ated public imorpvemen [s, which saiA acre ement, date) 198 and Eden tifieA as pro ect racf No ~ZSP.Ts a-STrp, a-rem and made a part hereof; and NHEREpS, under Lhe terms of said agreement, principal is repo fired hef ore entering upon [hc perfp rm ante pf the work, [o file a good and sufficient paynent bpni with the Litv of Rancho L ucampnga to secure the claims to wh+ch refe•once is matle n Tt[le 15 (commencing with Section 30821 of Pdrt 3 pf Oivis+on ~3 of the Civil Code of the State of Lalilorn ia. NO'd, THEREFORE, said principal and the nndersigneA as a corporate surety, are held firmly pounA unto thq [i!y of Rancho COComOntfd dOd dll <On CrdcLOrS. SU bCOnirdC blr s, Idh nrpr5, ma C'rial men and other persons employed in [he oe rfo rmanc¢ of [he aforesaid agreement and referred to in the aforesaid Spde of Civil Procetlure in the sum of Three NundreA and Three Th ousanA and 00/100 Dollars (E303,000.00), Por materials Iurnishan or labor [hereon gf env kind, or for amounts nue antler the Unemployment Insurance A<t with re svec[ tg such work gr 1?bnr, that said surety will pay roe same in an amount not exceeding She amount here in above Tet forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond wilt pay in addit lvn to the face amount [hereof, costs and re aspnable expenses and fees, inc+udinq real pn ah le attorney's fees, incurred Fy City in success/u11V enf arcing such obligation, to be awarded and filed by the court, and to he to xeA• a5 costs and [o be Included in the judgment therein rendere A. It is hereby expressly stipulated anA dgr¢eA that this hood Shall nure to the benef i[ of any anA all persons, Como dnie5 and corporatipns entitletl to file claims under ii [le IS (commencing with Se coon 7082) pf Part 4 pf Ofvispn 3 of the f,f vil Lpd¢, so as tp qi ve a right of action to them pr their assigns in env suit Fraught upon this bond. Should the cpndi tlpn pf this honA be fully oerfprneA, then this obligation shall become nu17 and vgiA, otherwise ft shall he and remain in full farce anA a/fec [. The surety hereby stipulates anA agrees that no change, extension of time, alter dtinn or addf[ion to the terms pf sa iA agreement pr [he specifications a<cOmpdn yinp the same shall in any manner affect its obligations on th+s Fond, and it does here- by waive notice of any Such change, extension, aiterat inn or addition. (N WtTgE SS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly execuLeA by the principal and Surety above named, pn Mav 2nd 198_, AftCli titALD ASSOL'IAT £8 pEVF:LOPF.RS TNSVRANCE COMPANY -- OY: P OED. :v r~- , $u retp u:., general R"*ztner ~~ ~ py ~ ac[ ' ~ Signature ~ Bf tO~inn YA'~BaaY6 0 J I!cad, V.P. crostrgccion Opera caass Sf - PLEASE gTTAf.N P04 F.R OF gTTORNF.Y TO RLL BONDS SIGNATURES MN $T BE NOTARIZED • d5 RECOA DING REQUESTED BY: one YNEM RE CORDED NAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. 0. Box 90] RANCHO CUCAMON6A, LRL IFO0.NiA 91770 REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AMO LIEN AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this tlay of ,/ 19 , by and between 1/G/~.f~/b'/IG~ Sm~.¢ ~C /~ //iGi h7/IHiA G//1i1F0 ~%7(YQS.Y/, (hereinafter referred to as ^Oevelaper"), and the CITY OF RANCHO CULA MOH GA, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred tp as "City^), provides as follows: HHEREAS, as a general condition precedent to the recordation of Tract Na. 12532, the City requires the construction of missing off-site street improvements including 1/2 landscaped Median Isiand adjacent fo [he property t0 be developed; ani YHEREAS, the Developer desires to Dostpone co nstruc[ton of such Impr avement5 until a lacer date, at determined by the City; and YHEREAS, the City is agreeable fa such postponement provided that the Oevelpper enters into this Agreement requiring the Oevel oiler tp construct sate improvements, at na expense to the City, alter demand to do so by the City, which Bald Agreement shall also pr avtde that the Ci[y may construct Said improvements if the Developer fails or neglects to Oo so and [hat the Lity shall have a tlen uDOn the real property hereinafter described as security lar the Developer`s performance, and any r¢pa ym ent due EItY. 1 ~~ 90 NDN, THERE FDRE, THE PARTIES AGAEE: 1. The Developer hereby agrees that he will install off-site street improvements Including 1/2 Landscaped Median Island in accordance and compliance wf th all applicable ordinances resolut,ons, rules and regulations of the City in effect at the time of the installation. Said improvements shall be lost a]led upon and along Archibald Avenue, not to exceed beyond the centerline of said street or beyond the frontage of the subject property except as required to provide for adequate drainage and traffic transition per City Standards. 2. The fnstatl anon of said Improvements shall be com pteted no later than one (l) year following written rotice to the Developer from the City to commence install atian pf the same. Installation of said improvments sh ati be at no expense to [he Lity. . 3. in She event the Developer shall fail or refuse [o complete the fnst all anon of said improvements in a timely manner, CI [y may at any time thereafter, upon giving the Oe veloper written notice of its intention to do so, enter upon the property hereinafter described and complete said improvements and recover all cps is of completion Incurred by the City tram the Developer. Each parcel created by recordation pf said map shall De subject tp a prorated amount an a per acre basis. 4. To secure the performance by the Developer of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to secure the repayment to City of any funds which may De expended by Lity 1n completing said improvements upon default by the Developer hereunder, the Developer does by these presents grant, Dar gain, sell and convey to the city, in trust, the following described real property situated in the City of Aancho Cucamonga, [ouncy ol~ ~~~ 9/ z i t lif ii San Bernardi na, State of Ca orn a, o -v : Lots 1 through 111 of Tract No. 12532 as recorded in Book _. Pages Records of San Bernardino County, State of California. 5. This conveyance is in trust for the purposes described above. 6. Now, therefore, if the Developer shall faithfully pe rfprm all of the acts and things to be don¢ under this Agreement, then this conveyance shalt be void, otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect and in all respects shall be considered and treated as a mortgage on the real property an0 the rights and obli gattons of the parties with respect thereto shall be governed by the pr ovisians of the Civil Gode of the State of California, and any other applicable statute, pertaining to mortgages on real property. • 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of each of the parties hereto. 8. To th¢ extent required to give effect Of tMz Agreement as a mortgage, the term "Uevel oper" shall be "mortgagor" and the City shall be the "mortgagee" as those terms are used in the the Civil Code of the State of California and any other statute pertaining to mortgages on real pro perry. 9. If legal action iz tom men rnd to enforce any of the pr ovisionz of this Agreement, to recover any sum which the City Is en ti C7 ed tp recOV er from the Developer hereunder Or to fOrecl ose the mortgage created hereby, then the prev atling party sh ail he entitled to recover its costs and such reasonable attorneys fees as shall be awarded by the Court. u 3 9 ~- tN WITNESS WHERE OF, the parties hereto have executed this R9r Bement on the day and year first above Mritten. AFaIIPi.ID ASSOCIATE. a Cal ifomia Limited Partnership DEVELOP E0. C1TY BY: PALFR DLVE[O.. ACC, I`IC.. ~ LITY OF RANCHO CUCAMDNGA, gecera l par~ / / CALIFORN [A, a municipal ] [ / ~ q~ ~~/Id2G'/ corporation , v n R. Head Dy: .,... pn Mtkels CpnsYltict:on IX6-'rations Mayor ATTEST: Beverly a. AutnT-- City Clerk • ~.. a A. A u... A •::.... A •. ~ ~ u. ~ u+..... A s Aa. A A u...... • A r «: a ~. STATE OF CRL [FORYIA I ss LDUNTY OF SAN BERNARDIIIO) Dn ,19_,bef ore me ersona y appeared N D. M K_LS the un ersigned Notary Pub ic, p and GEVERLY A. AUT HELET personally 'xnawn to me to be fhe Mayor and Lity Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, GAL IF DRNIA, a municipal cprpnr anon, and known to me to be the persons who executed the Mithin instrument On behalf of said municipal corporation, and acknowledgeA tp me to at such municipal corporation executed it. NIiNESS NY HAND AND Of FILIAL SEAL. N o[ary Signature STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ 5s s .n or ou,c+..~. ore ~ d,. X11-26, l9A> = On_ ~`~. • m ~µrv9 ^ed, , Mr, iY ,~bin m..d le. Son RyHeaC • V10n vnromr r - i e. .4 - n'.n ie ..a a ~.~ %~ ~. Ce S.~r„n al r bi v "P eA to the el o:m:r_ tna. ace b i --- ---- - - ed t. mwn~......,d r. oer.rw a w.. re , r ",~ ~., ~ e v b piRCYL SFAI _ChifA l_I .U^HtilaGC6 96 ~ CXMSiIAA L CMUACNILL g' r'~ ~.,..r.d e.r,...,... :... ..rr.~.d w C .., ,~. e.r,,.; .,d :`,.;n ,.rm,r,~.; E °:~ ~ ~ °0°'°11 • wrscaan nature . c rvlr..: n e arr e. w. w.,r ee. y^ mrss . y~ ~„ ~ d pT NEp S HIP J ~ ~ c ~ - , S s0^•r~ Y~" ~ - ,~ E. p R Ch[ist lri(L. C w[chlll _-. - ' w... n.ad. r.,,..a- p nr.., .... ~w.a..n ..n..a r..n 93 RESOLUTION N0. f85=T9=03R' Ss `/93 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT N0. 12532 WHEREAS, the Tentative Map of Tract No. 12532, consisting of 111 lots, submitted by Archibald Associates, A California Limited Partnership, Subdivider, located hetween Archibald and Ramona Avenues, south of Victoria Avenue has been submitted to the City of Rancho Cucamonga 6y said Subdivider and approved 6y said City as provided in the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, tc meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the Final Map of said Tract said Subdivider has offered the Improvement Agreement submitted herewith for approval and execution by said City, together with good and sufficient Improvement Security, and submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for public use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is . approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of Said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Sea~rity is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney; and 3. That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating Same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon on behalf of said City. PASSED, APPROVED, and ROOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mike s, Mayor 9r RESOLUTION NO. €a6-~39-94R-SS'/9'/ • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM ARCHIBALD ASSOCIATES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME WHEREAS, as a general condition precedent to the recordation of Tract No. 12532, the City requires the construction of missing off-site street improvements including 1/2 landscaped median island adjacent to the property to be developed; and WHEREAS, the Developer desires to postpone construction of such improvements until a later date, as determined by the City; and WHEREAS, Archibald Associates, A California Limited Partnership has executed a Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein 6y refernece. NOW, THEREFORE, DE iT RESOLVED that Lhe City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California does accept said Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, authorizes the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign same, and directs the City Clerk to record same in the Office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. • PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on a s, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City C erk 9s r~rmv n~ n n wrrvn nr+r'~ ~ x,rnr+n n \J ... ..,~. GV.nnrpVC STAFF REPORT ~~ -~.~ ~i r'- o'i, x ~ I> DATE: June 19, 1985 19" T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement with Santa Fe Railroad for the installation and maintenance of rubber Crossing panels at the Archibald Avenue Crossing near 8th Street The attached agreement provides for installation and maintenance of rubber crossing panels at the Santa Fe crossing of Archibald Avenue, Together with additional roadwork and track work, the two-track crossing will be greatly improved. The cost to the City for the material will be approximately E45,000.00, funded from the Archibald Avenue Reconstruction Project. All other cross ina improvement costs will 6e borne by Santa Fe. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the attached agreement with Santa Fe Railroad for this vmrk be approved. Respectfully sub fitted, ~~~//~~ LBH;7AR:j5a 9c ® The Atchison,Topekae'andSonta Fe Railway Company - d c •3 FC I^tl'.5l~~25 C: mpJ^Y 1[C Eait Sn.iia S,•<e~ls+na's C,'ii>•n. g~e0 • 213%267-5404 June 3, 1985 File: 05000082-57 Archibald Ave i1r. Lloyd B. Bubb s, City F.n gi ne er City of Rancho Cucamonga _ P. 0, Box 807 ' Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 _:'i9 C"/.'Sri Re: Proposed Ylac ement of Rubberized Crossing Material Dear Mr. Hubbs: C i[y of Rancho Cucamonga proposes Chat rubber crossing panels be installed within [he existing [rack area across Santa Fe's Second District Main Track at Archibald Avenue, des igfiated by California Public Utilities Commission as Crossing No. 2-97.7. Santa Fe has no objection to City's proposal and is willing to install the rubberized crossing material under the following conditions: 1. City shall, at City's expense, provide temporary A.C. cold miz paving to allow reopening of street, prior [o Santa Fe's placement of rubber crossing material. 2. City shall, at City's expense, place A.C. paving as Ci[y may desire Co place in roadway approaches up to edges of rubberized crossing material. 3. City shall, at City's cost, provide all necessary rubber crossing material and arrange [o have said material delivered Co job site when requested [o do so by Santa Fe. 4. City shall, at City's cos[, provide detour road, with all required vehicular traffic-coneroL devices, including such flasher li gh [s, barricades and delineators as may he necessary to close one-half of the crossing at a time, and continue such closure until that portion of [he crass ing work is completed by Santa Fe. 5. City shall advise emergency agencies and public of [he partial closure of • the crossing prior to construction. 97 Mr. Lloyd H. Hobbs File: 05000082-57 Archibald Ave lone 3, 1985 Page Two 6. City shall pexi,^.iC Santa Fe [o stockpile removed material a minimum of 15 feet from track along construction area [o provide additional protection for Santa Fe employes during construction, which material will be promptly removed by Santa Fe prior [o reopening street. 7. Sa n[a Fe shall, at Santa Fe's expense, remove existing crossing material in Crack area, refurbish Crack structure as necessary and install the rubber crossing material. 8. Santa Fe to provide pore ab le au tor. atic warning device or flagman Co accommodate vehicular traffic during temporary scree[ closure of one-half of Street. 9. That all work covered by this agreement shall conform Co requirements of the California Public Utilities Commission. 10. Santa Fe will, at its expense, maintain that portion of the crossin6 lying between rails of the track and for two feet outside thereof. 11. City will, ac its expense, maintain any street improvement within said • crossing other thau specified to be maintained 6y Santa Fe in above Paragraph 7. To ind ica[e that [he foregoing conditions are satisfactory, please endorse your approvsl on [he acknowledgement section of [he letter and return one copy [o Santa Fe, a[ which time we will schedule for construction. Very t^ruly yours, I`~-/ A. H. Ren ne `py Assistant General Manager Engineering ACKP70WLEDGED AND ACCEPTED: Th is__day of 19_ City of Rancho Cucamonga Its 9P CITY OF RANCHO CLCAMONGA STAFF REPORT k~ DRTE: June 19, 1985 ~q;; T0: City Council and City Manager FR0~4; Lloyd B. Hubb s, City Engineer SOB JECT: Approval to advertise for bids for rubberized crossing material for improvement of the Rrch ihald Avenue crossing of the Santa Fe Railroad. Approximate cost' is 545,000.00 to be funded as part of the Archibald Avenue Reconstruction project This deteriorated railroad crossing surface is on the City's most heavily traveled street. Archibald Avenue is scheduled for reconstruction this summer and this crossing improvement would supplement and complete that project. Because of the requirement for the installation of new crossing material to be done by railroad crews at railroad expense, the crossing improvement must remain separate from the street reconstruction contract. Only two material vendors are authorized to provide the rubberized crossing pads, Structural Rubber Products Co. of Springfield, I1 and Goodyear in St. Marys, Ohio. Both products have been used in this area and have provided excellent new crossings which remain smooth indefinitly. The estimated cost of the crossing material is 545,000.00 for the two tracks to be funded as part of the Archibald Avenue Reconstruction project. RECOpMEN0ATI0N It is recommended that the City Engineer be authorized to call for bids from the approved vendors when an installation date has been set by the railroad. Res~ctfully subm' ted, c. .,% LBH.ko Atta hments 9ry South Coast AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 9150 FLAIR DRIVE. EL MONTE, CA 91731 (818) 572-6200 May 24, 1985 T0: All Mayors and City Council Members of Cities in San Bernardino County FROM: Faye Myers Dastrup -'n<"'~ Mayor Pro Tem, City~of Ontario Member, Governing Board South Coast Air Quality Management District SUBJECT: Support of Assembly Bill 1868 (Calderon) • As your representative to the South Coast Air Quality Management District Board and Chairman of its Intergovernmental Affairs Committee, I am requesting that you adopt a resolution in support of District-sponsored Assembly Bill 1868 (Calderon). This bill provides a permanent seat on the State Air Resources Board for a locally elected official from our District. Current law causes this District to rotate off the State Board every third year. Because of the severity of the smog and complex nature of our problems, we should have full-time representation. For your convenience, I have attached a draft support resolution for your consideration, Please send your adopted resolution to Assemb ly;,.aa C::arles Caldzrcn, The State Assembly, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814. If you have further questions, please contact the District's legislative represer.tat ive Gene Fisher at (818) 572-6409. Attachment .~ ~p o • RESOLDTION N0. 8 S - ~qS A RESOLllTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIPORNIA, SUPPORTING THE PASSAGE OF ASSEMBLY HILL 1866 (AIR RESOORCES BOARD MEMBERSHIP) NHEREAS, [he City of Rancho Cucamonga ie located in [be South Coast Air quality Management District (SCAQMD) and concerned about the qua lily of our air; and N1iEREAS, the SCAQMD is charged with the ree ponaibil i[y for eoly ing what is generally acknowledged to be a Very severe air pol lotion problem Cha[ will require a great effort before all ambient air Quality standards are attained throughout the regions of [he District; and WHEREAS, the SCR-32 (Montoya) study report in 1980 recommended that the SCAQMD and Bay Area AQMD each be gives permanent sea to on the Air Resources Board; and NHEREA3, the SCAQMD under current law has to share an ARB seat on e rotating basis; and NAEREAS, the Air Resources Board has stated that since the eCAQMD ie • the largest, moat complex, mul [i-county district in the ate [e with a correspo¢dingly larger air pollution problem than any other district in California, i[ ie appropriate that the SCAQl0) fieve a permanent ARH seat; and NHEREAS, to provide for a permanent seat on the ARB, the SCAQMD reque eted Ae aembly Member Cherlee M. Caldero¢ to introduce Ae aembly Sill 1868. NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of [he Ci[y of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby support and urge [he passage of AB1868 ae a step to strengthen [he air quality management progr® for the citizens of this area. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. /O/ • • CITY OF RANCHO CLICASIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 TD: City Council and City Manager FROM; Lloyd 8. Hubbs, City Engineer CpCA,l}mil ZO C9 ¢~ w a C, 1 h i. ~ A 2 'a 19;; I SUBJECT: Article 8 Claim Transportation funds for Fiscal Year 1985-86 Each year it is necessary that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the attached Article 8 claim form to authorize receipt of the City's Transportation Development Act Funds for street and road purposes. For Fiscal Year 1985-86, the City of Rancho Cucamonga will receive a total of 5813,263 in Transportation Development Act Funds. Of this amount, $226,699 will be claimed directly by Dmnitran s. The remaining TDA funds in the amount of 3586,564 may be utilized for street and road purposes. RECINMENDATION 2. The City Council adopt by minute action authorizing the followng distribution of Transportation Development Act Funds (TDA) for Fiscal Year 1985-86. 1. The City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the attached Article 8 Claim. a. Omnitrans E226,699 b. City of Rancho Cucamonga 586,564 Total Allocation $813,263 lly subtryitted, Rttachments ~p 1 • SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS TDA LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS CLAIM - ARTICLE 8 AND STAF CHECKLIST OF ITEM$ TO BE FILED Claimant: City of Rancho Cucamonga Date: June 14, 1985 The items checked below are enclosed in connection with the claim filed herein: _ 1. Nontransit Claim Form See instructions for completing the form in the instruction package. X 2. Governfng Body Authorization Submit a copy of a resolution or minute order. See SCAG TDA Guide Section 1.4.2. K 3. Financial Reporting Form See instructions for completing Schedule A-8 in the instruction package. % 4. Pro.iect Description Form See instructions for Completing the project description form in . the instruction package. _ 5. Project Information Form - Ifs Ti th-~~m inc udes bicy~c a and pedestrian projects, complete a farm for each project. See instructions in the instruction package. _ 6. Other - 0 tional Add itiona exhibits are enclosed as listed below: SCAG -TDA 2/85 l~3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION FORM LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS PURPOSES • Type of Work Anticipated Anticipated Project Boundaries (Construction, mainte- Starting Completion (street specific) ante, pav inq, etc.) Date Date FUNDS HELD FOR PENDING PROJECTS 1. Archibald Avenue (Pending F.A.U. Approval) 8/85 2/86 4th to Base Line Reconstruction Funds held 5201,000 2. Chruch Street 8 San Bernardino Road 10/84 6/85 Construction Retention (not yet released) 529,000 3. Lemon Avenue 11/84 6/85 Construction Retention (not yet released) 516,750 4. Hermosa Avenue Widening 6/85 2/86 Banyan to Coca Work began 6/1/85 399,000 • /ov SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS TDA ARTICLE 8a CLA IM FORM FISCAL YEAR: DATE: • 19 85-86 June 14, 1965 CLAIh1ANT: PAYMENT RECIPIENT: City of Rancho Cucamonga City of Rancho Cu camonaa COUNTY LTF: (Claimant) San Bernardino P.0. Box 807 PURPOSE: (Check one box only) (Mailing Address) Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 (K) Article 8, PUC Section 99400a (City and Zip Code) Local Streets and Roads Ha rry Emoev. Finance Uirec for ( ) Article 8, PUC Section 99400a (Attention - Name and Title) Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Blane fro ndsen 714 989-1851 Contact Person -Phone Number DETAIL OF REQUESTED ALLOCATION: AMOUNT 1. Pavment from Unallocated Funds 5586,564 2. .1% Planning Contribution to IVAG (imperial County only) . 3. .3% Planning Contribution Lo SCAG (Imperial and Ventura only) 4. Total Allocation Requested (Line 1 less Lines 2 and 3) 4586,564 5. Payment from Reserves (Drawdown of funds reserved in a previous vear) CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Approval of AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE(CLAIMANT'S this claim and payment by the County CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR OR FINANCIAL Auditor to this claimant are subject OFFICER) to monies being available, and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the Signature allocation instructions. Lauren Ida sserman Cit hla naaer Print Name and Title CTC USE ONLY Payment Schedule Requested: Lump Sum Monthly Qtrly Other - Indicate monthly payments on the following schedule: 7 8 9 10 1 4 _ 11 2 _ 5 12 3 6 SCAG - TDA /pY o nor • DATE: June 19, 1985 .+. a •a~a, V11V VVVHlYLV1VVA STAFF REPORT T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer 8Y: Linda Beek, Engineering Technician GU~,Siph L~ 9, Z { y2) ;li ~ ~I ~1L~J Ij F U~ 19 i; SUBJECT: Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Parcel Map 8815 located on the west side of Beryl, south of 19th Street submitted by A & M Company Parcel Map 8815 was approved by the Planning Commission on November I5, 1984 for the division of 22.41 acres into 2 parcels in the Low Medium Development District located on the west side of Beryl, south of 19th Street. • The Developer, A & M Company, is suhmitt ing an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: E7,546,00 Lahor and Material Bond: E3, 173.00 REC0.MMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Parcel Map 8815, accepting said security and agreement and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign safd agreement and to cause said map to record. /Re3p~ctfully su fitted, C~-~~ LBH~ jaa Attachments ~oG • i CITY Of RANCIIO COCAMONGA IMPROVEMENT AG0.EEMENT FOR PARCEL NqP eR15 • er~ KN OIi All ME4 DY THESE PR ESE9T S: That [his agreement is made and entered into, in conformance with Iha vrovisions of the Municipal Code and Re gu lotions of the City pf Rancho Cucamonga, State of Lalif ornia, a municipal cprporati on, hereinafter referr- ed to as the City, py antl be twcen said City and µ c?~_=ns~' hereinafter referred to as the Oeve~oPer, THAT, NHER EAS, said Ocveloper desi rex to develop certain real property in said Ci[y located west of Beryl and south of 19th Street; and NHERE AS, said hty has established r.¢r fain requirements to be met by said Oevelpper as prerequisite to granting pf final apPraval; and WHEREAS, the eze cation of this agreement and posting of improvement security as hereinafter ci Ced, and approved by the City Ai[orne y, are OeomCtl to be equivalent to prior completion o/ said requirementx far the Purpose of securing said approval. NOW, THER Ef ORE, it 55 her ehy agreed by and between the Lity and the Oev¢loper as fol Taws: L. The Oevelpper hereby agrees to conx tru ct at developer's eapense all improvements described On page 4 hereof within 12 months from the date hereof. 2. This agreement shall be of fec[ive on roe date pf [he resolution o/ [he Council of said City approving this agreement. This ogre ement shall be in default on the Aay follow- ing the firxt anniversary date of said approval unless an exten- sion of time has been granted by said City as Ile i'einaf ter provitl- ed. 3. The Developer may request atltli tional time 1n wM Ch [o cpmDle[e [he provisions of this agreement, in writing not less than )0 days Orinr to the tl¢f ault date, and including a statement of cfre um5tan cos of necessity Poe additional time. In cpnsidera- tion of such request, the City reserves the rl gilt to review the provisions hereof, including construction s[antl artls, epT[ estimate, and sufficiency of the improvement security, and to require adjus [me nts thereto when warranted by xubstantial changes therein, 4, If [he Oevelope~ fails or neglec is to comply with the provisions of this agree dent, the City shall have the rfgnt a[ any time to cause said vrovisions to be completed by any law- ful means, anA thereupon to recover frog sate Developer and/or his Surety the full cast and eaD¢nse incurred in so dying. 5, Construction permits shall be obtained by fhe Devel- oper from Ue office of the City Engineer prior to start o/ any work wt thin the public right-of-way, and the developer shall [npdpC[ xYCh Nnrk In fU11 CnmplldnCe wl [h [hC regulations contained therein, tip n-compliance may result in stopping of the work by the Lity, and assessment of the penalties pravidetl, 6. Put tic right-nf.aay improvement work re pu lr¢d shall Oe constructed in conform ante wi [M1 apPrc ved improvement plans, Standard Spec i(fcatluns, and S[anJard Dr swings and any special amendments thereto. Construction shall include any tr ansi [ions and/or other incidental war: deemed necessary for drainage or /07 public saf of y. Er rars or ommi ssions Aiscov ered during conrtruc- tion shall be correU ed upon [he direction of the Lity Engineer, gevised work tlue [o said plan modifications shall be covered by the provisions pf this agree men[ and secured by the surety covering the original planned works. 7. cork done within existing streets shall De tliligen[- ly pursued fo completion; the Cify shall have the right to complete any and all work in [he even[ of un,{ustif led delay in completion, and to recc ver all cost and expense incurred from the Developer and/or his co n[r ac [or by any lawful means. 8. The Developer shall be responsible for replacement, relocations, or removal of any component of any irrigatf on water system in conflict with the regcired work to the saLisf action of the City Engineer and the nw ner of the water system. 9. the Oevel open shall De responsible for removal of all loose rack and other debris from [he public right-of-way. 10. The Developer shall plant and maintain parkway trees as direc[eJ by [he Community Development Director. 11. The improvement security to he furn[shed by the Oevelpp er to guarantee completion of the terms of [his agreement shall hr. subject to the approval of the Cf [y qtt orney. The prin- cipal amount :aid improvement security ih all not be les~, than the amount shown: • t` io8 FAI iNFUL PENFO0.MANCE Type; Principal Pmcunt: 6,546.00 Name and address of surety: MpiER1Al RNO LABOR Typed Principal Amount: 53,773.00 Name and address of surety: CASH OEPOSII MONUMENTATION Types Principal Pmount: (1,700.00 Name and address o/ sure [y: TO BE POSTEU YRI OIt TO ACCEPTANCE BT THE CITY es hereto have caused these ' 1 I BledBe +1tn all formalities 6.nrf or cnuronNlp I++ oDDOSiie [heir signatures. V Ntt or 0 1 Oevel oiler pel o re m., Ike woeragWQ . NoOry VuEIC In .nClw wE Sula, qP e ally sods re 'RICNJS t. IIWh1R persorlaily an to ne or P rn °° besed on satisfactory ev}dence) ~ ~ the Gerteral I+anaeer. Southern Oivisionr of the , Ocvelopr•r rtnezs of th Paztnership that executed r _ • ~ the within insinr,=nt and arJmwledged to rte that such ~zkrarsltipux¢astmd. tlna.... same. i ~y Carnala Louse We1cN S " S ,Z~ - 3. emrvr.,v+. c..,o.,,. , WITNf rn.~a.~e enKp m.:~ea o~~..m = r~ i \ ' , +pa Ca,1Y ~ V 6ap rea IB. 1903• f Y ~epnm $tij,ulu .......r.••~.• •• • ... py; Mayor Attest: C{LY CTk Appr ovc d: fiiy q[torn ey DEVELOPER'S SI ONpTVNES MUST BE NOIAkIZCO 3 ~~ X09 .,F P :..` En ytit . .. CITY OF RANCHO CVCPMOXGA • ENGINEERIIIG DIVISION ENCRG1LHrylNi PEkM17 FEE SCHEDULE For :mproveme nt: p ^ No. p,i15: BFR1'I. SN'R CI:T Oaf e: C¢npu[au hy: , ,. File Re erencT~-1e City prow tng No, ~'2;.SR NOTE: Mes not include current fee for wr tt tnD permit ar pavement Jepost [s OUAIR(iY UY!T ITEM PRICE AMOUN7 L F. P.C,L. c+rb - 12" C.F. t4^ jotter 7.25 _ isi L.F. P.C.C. c.;ra - e" LF. 2:" Sutter 6.00 ,u~ ___ L.F. P.C.C. urU aniY 5.50 LF. P.L. Jer.n 4.50 ,~~ S, F. 4''P,C.C. si oeealS 1,)5 ~ll _gllti S.F. Or iva aporo acn 2.50 - 1 __ S.F. A" P.C.C. cross 9uLter (inc. curb) 3.40 ' [.Y. Street euavactnn 1.5n C.Y. Impor[ea exb anament 1.50 -in S. F. Pre para[to0 of subgradx 0,15 Ry _~,~ S.F. Crushed ag9, base (pxr inch rn;ck) 0.07 t1 __ TD11 A.L. (over 1300 cons) 27.00 __ TOR 0..C. (90J m 1300 ton;) J5.00 TON A.C. (50) to 9L`0 tons) 45.00 X11.]1 TON A.C. (unJer 500 tons) 60,00 ,tq __Sy1_ S.F. A.C. (3^ thick) 0.55 yp? S.F. Pae ch h. L. (trench) 1.15 _ _1.'LSiL~L~ S.F. 1" th wk A.[. overlay 0.30 t ,n __ EA. Adjust saner manhole to grade 250.00 ___ EA. 0.dJUSt sever clxan out W gn da 150.00 -` FA. Aa3ust w+ter valves to grace 75.00 _L FA, Street lignts 1000.00 -._ LF. Barn cams (mten xc. 550J min) 1.00 L.F. 2 x 4^ nnPnood heaaar 1.75 -~F1 S. F. Removal of A.C, payment 0.35 „i t.F, Removal J! P,L.C. Guru 3.30 _~ LF, Removal Gt A.C. berm 1 00 r EA. S[reol s~9ns . 200.00 0 EA. pet lec[o rs and posts J5.00 L.F, Concrete block wall 25,00 S.F, ketatnin, wall 20.00 TON A99regata Dose ] W ___ C.Y. Concrete s. n¢tu res , 425,00 __ L.F. I8• ftCp (200;; D) 29.00 ,_ L.F, 24" RCP (1500 0) 35. P.0 __ L.F. 3fi" RCP {2000 0) 49.00 -- ___ L.F, 48" R[P (1200 U) 76.00 EA. [a[cn ba.an N 4' ~ 2000.00 EA. Catch has in N 9' 2900.00 FA. Catch ba,in W = 22' d500.W -' EA. Lpca1 de+r¢ssfan 4' 500 00 ___ EA. Local deprnssiun lY , ;U00 00 EA. du nctton st rvcture , 5000.00 __ EA. Outlet structure, S[d k506 1500 00 f0.. Outlet strut Cure, Std N507 , 506.00 --- __ EA. Guartl pa. L• 40 tq __ L.F. Guard panel (wood) 25,00 L.F. Sawrut 2 ~ EA. Mc arlnali (it)^ w;nq) 4000.00 L.F, RuJeuol ~~n :e,~r 1 15 S. F. Lands uping irrtSat ton . 75 2 __ L.F, Roll can (P.C. L.) . ]. 50 ENG I11f ERIAG INSPECTION FEE 9Z8 :UO TOTAL 'RESTORATION /D EL LYF,rt1011 CASH =!L'~OO [ObT19GENCY COSTS OEY051T (REFU U0a0LE) FAI illF U1 PFRFOR6IAN[E DOND (100T) Sm MONUMENTA7I011 SIIA ETY (CASH) 1~10~_ IAU00. dN0 MAi ERI AL 00(10 (5UX) 3.7 +} •Purauant to City n/ Rancho Cuc anonqu ryun tcipal Codc, 7itlc i, Chap[cr LOB. aJopq n9 San Bernard loo County Cole Titles, dwpt ors 1-5, a cash restoration/delineation deposit shall b¢ made prior to issuance of m EnU meur Lig fanstruct ton Permit. Rerl seal 3/04 /~ O ~~` ~. "'~ A - M COMPANY 1929 m s znAE VSn ewn, sf E. c uaPS.uw BANKaFAM EKIGI BPEA, CA Pt6i1 ~•uwro uN11 dune 1J ig86 uw~faa PAY c J U •fl ~~O.L `/ ,~J~..S'l6"V CTS _~ OOLLn qS (•11.619.00• r ~ ro mE noon CSTY OF PANCNO CUCANONGA o~ / ~ suoolvlsiox GUARANTEE NO PERF ORNA NCE (SETTING OF FiNAI MONUMENTS) City Ca,mcil City of Rancho Cuc am ~~ge P. 0. Got 90] Rancho Cucamaa9a, Lal if ar nia 91730 Gentleman: Pursuant to Chapter 4, Article 9, Section 6fi 497 of the Government [oAe, the u r;ign ed hereby agrees that all monuments shown on the final map~af Parcel Map 9GL6 are to be set and furnished by the subdivide is engineer or surveyor on pr before ~,r.,n 13 19a6 as specified in the Engineer's or Surveyor~eri:::cate~ aq'~C¢s to furnlih the notes [hereon tD complete all enginee r.ng re quirenen is specified in Section 66497, of the Goverment Cade. The undersigned hand •. you her crritn the sum of S 1,300.00 as a cash OCpasi[, said deDOS rt to yu Grantee that tlrp rnOnumen is elll be set and [he notes YurnisheU as above provided on or bu/ore the date ipen tied and that the engineer pr surveyor will be paid by the undersigned. IC is further under stood and agreed Loaf in the went the undersignetl fails to complete the ahove rCpu irements xithln the tf me specified, Me [i ty of Rancho Cucamonga is authorized to complete said requirements or cause diem to be completed anJ the e cost thereof is to be a charye aq ainst said cash dCppsit, and [he Lily of Rancho Cucamonga it au [hors zed to make the necessary trdn 5f of ff 0m tdld [d51 dPpoSiG Ln LnC Credlf fOr tnc' pf pppf City tune. I[ is further agreed that if [he undersigned does not present evidence [o [he City Council chat hd has paid [ne engineer or surveyor for the ze tong of the /final monuments, anA if the engineer or surveyor gives tot notices prescribed in Section 66497 pf the Government Cptle, tl¢• Cf ty shall pay to said engineer or surveyor, the cash au posit herein made, I1 [he cost of completing said requi rCmen is etceads the am ~Un[ of the cash deposit, [he undersigned agrees to pay the difference within thirty (30) days of tar receiving vri tten statement /rum [he City of Rancho Cucamonga specifying the amount of the difference be[aeen [h2 cash deposit and the actual cost of said requirements. Cordial ly, _ , sundiviAer __ 4100 CawuS nn v~ Su vtp 230 Address N=rt [k•ach,=a 1_iforma 92550 ___ Date Junr. 13. 1985 The deppsi ter of recoM (for return of any portion of the cash deposit) shall b~.`--~1~ A 4 CZ^< 6100 Car3ns n: nc, SuiGC 230 _t+•vrnrt Ucach, Ca 92660 -TNani~i7-- -TprLlresT ND Tf: TO BE SUBM IiTEO NIAY FIlLEO OUT AMD SIGHED • ~- /~} RESOLUTION Y0. zrw`~~-i-oR- ~r "~ • Aj (o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALiFORNTA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP N0. 8815 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 8815) IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 8815, submitted by A & M Company, Subdivider, and consisting of 2 parcels, located on the west side of Beryl, south of 19th Street being a division of portions of Lot 9 and 10, Block 16 of Cucamonga Homestead Association, as per map recorded in Book 6 of Maps, Page 46, Records of San Bernardino County, was approved by the Planning Commission as provided in the State Subdivision Map Act and is in compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 28 of said City; and WHEREAS, Parcel Map No. 8815 is the Final Map of the division of land approved as shown on said Tentative Parcel Map; and WHEREAS, to meet the requirements established as prerequisite to approval of the final Map, said subdivider submits for approval said Final Map offering for dedication for puhlic use the streets delineated thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, as follows: • 1, That the offers for dedication and the Final Map delineating same be approved and the City Clerk is authorized to execute the certificate thereon behalf of said City; and 2. That said Parcel Map No. 6815 be and the same is hereby approved and the City Engineer is authorized to present same to the County Recorder to be filed for record, PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: don D. Mi a s, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk //~ i.ii t yr nAwGnV GUGAMVNGA ~O GV~M01'C MEMORANDUM ~~- 9.~ `~j! ~, F` ~ ~~, -- 1977 J DATE: ,tune 12, 1985 T0: Harry Empey, Director of Finance ~~ FR014: Gary W. Richards, Code Enforcement Officer SL!Bd ECT: RELEASE OF T.O.P. CASH DEPOSIT TO TVIE DEER CREEK COFIPANY (RC-041) Uo rk far the following tract has been completed and the cash deposit is hereby authorized by the Planning Department for release to The Deer Creek Company, 8480 Utica Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Tract No. Lot No. Amount of Receipt No. Purpose/ Cash Deposit Location • 9509 31 $2500.00 25405 Locate a sales trailer on Lot 31 of Tr. 9589 Thank you for your assistance; if you have any questions regarding this cash deposit release, please call. GWR: das /YY nr v nr. n ~ wrn vn nr rn ~ r.rn~rn n f J STAFF REPORT 2~~' 9.~ xi ` ~ a g ~~ii DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of City Council FAOM: Lauren M. Nasserman, Cify Manager SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO CHANGE DEFERRED COMP TI PLANS RECOlD1ENDATION: It ie recommended that Che City Council approve International City Menagemen[ Aaeoci ati on to change empl oyeea to the 401(8) Plan, which is a deferred cost to the Ci [y will not change ae a result of The City empl oyeea will still be eligible not only a lao for the current 457 Plan which ie naw offered. LMN)kep the contract with the all of our participating retirement program. The thra change in programs. for the 401 (a) Plan, but ~/r • RESOLllTION N0. 8a '~~~ A RESOLUTION OF TAE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OR RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN EMPLOYEES' DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AND AUTRORIZING THE EXECDTION OF AGREEMENTS RELATED TO SAID PLAN EY TNA DEFERRED COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION NHEREAS, the City of Eancho Cucamonga has in its employ employees who are and will be rendering valuable services to the City; and WHEREAS, ea id empl oy sea may desire to defer income until retirement for the purpose of deferring Federal and State income taxes on said income; and WAEREAS, fhe City Council of the Ci[y of Rancho Cucamonga has conei dared the esta6liahment of a Deferred Compenea ti on Ylan for the said employees and believ ee thac the adoption of said plan will enhance [be eff icieney and morals of the employees and will be in the beet interests of the City; end WHEREAS, it ie intended [hat said plan shall be in accordance with Federal end State law and regulati ono; and • WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it would be Eor the benefit and in [he heat interests of the City to approve the Deferred Compen eati on Plan with International City Management Aa sociation. NOW, THEREFORE, eE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ci[y of Rancho Cucamonga chat [he City Couo<il eatabl iahee ea id Deferred Compenea Ciao Plan for said empl oyeee of the City, and the same ie hereby approved and adopted, to be effective June 19, 1985. BE IT FURTRER RE80LYED that Barry J. Empey ie hereby appointed to administer the Plan on behalf of the City and ie author tzed to execute Pa*ti cipati on Agreements with eligible officers, of Eiciale and employees, and all other Documents and Agreements neceesary to implement and adminiacer [he Plan, PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED [hie 19th day of June, 1985. 1 ~J // 6 • ORDINANCE N0. 261 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REDESIGNATING A 31 ACRE PORTION OF ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 227-151-13 AND 14, WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMdUNITY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MILLIKEN AVENUE, BETWEE9 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND CAUflCH STREET FROM MIXED USE-OFFICE, COh4fERCIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL TO HOSPITAL AND RELATED FACILITIES The City Council of the City of Aancho Cucamonga, California, do=s ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council her=by finds and d=termines th= Collewing: A. That th= Planning Commission of the City of Aancho Cucamonga, following a public hearing held in the time and manner prescribed by law, recommends the rezoning of the property hereinafter desc^ib_tl, and this City Council has held a public hearing In the time and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and considered said renomm=ndation. • B. Tha; this rezoning Ss consistent with the General Plan of the Clty of Aancho Cucamonga. C. That this rezoning is consistent with the ob,Ject Sves of the Development Code of the City of flancho Cucamonga. D. This r=zoning will have no significant environmental impact as provided in the Negative Declaration filed herein. SECTION 2: The following described real property is hereby rezoned In the manner seated, and the development district map is hereby amend=d accordingly. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinanne and the City clerk shall cause the same to be publ Sshed within fiftean (18) days after its passage at least once in The Daily fleport, a newspaper oC general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the Ci`.y of flanoho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of , 1985. ~~7 . ORDINANCE N0. 264 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CNCAMONG A, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 208-593-10 LOCATED ON THE SOUT'fWEST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND BEHYL STREET FROM LOW RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC) TO OFFICE PROFESSIONAL. The City Council of the Ci`.y of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council her°by finds and d°termines the following A. That the Planning Commission of the City of Aancho Cucamonga, following a public h=acing held in the tim° and manner pr°scribed by law, recomm°nds the r°zoning of the property her°inafter d=scribed, and this C1 `,y Council has held a public hearing in the tim° and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and considered said r=commendation. B. That this r=zoning is consist°nt with the General • Plan of the Clty of Aancho Cucamonga. C. That this r=zoning is consistent with th° ob ~ectiv°s of th° Dev°lopment Code of th° City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. This r=zoning will have no significant environmental impact as provided Sn th° Negative Declaration filed herein. SECTION 2: Th° following descrlb°d real property is hereby rezoned in the manner sta t°d, and the development district map Ss hereby amend°d accordingly. Assessor's Parcel Numb°r 208-593-10, approximately 0.77 acres in siz° and located on the southwest corner of Base Line Road and Beryl Street, is h°reby Changed from Low Res Sd°nt ial (2-4 du /ac) to Off lee/Professional, SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign `.his Ord inane. and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once to Th° Daily R°port, a newspaper of g°n?cal circulation publ Sahed in the Cf tv oC Ontario, California, and circulated in th° City of Paneho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of , 19 . //8 ~ -( ... .vu uv vuunlrtv,vUt1 CL~,NO STAFF REPORT ~~° .t ~. DATE: dune 19, 1985 ~,, ~~~ i e ` T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council ~~~, F_ FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner 19'. BY: Gary Richards, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION INTER PR'e TATION OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE - A request to review the definition of "sign" and its app lic a6il ity to window lights. SUMMARY: The applicant has appealed the Planning Cormni ss ion's interpretation of the Sign Ordinance in reference to the definition of "sign" and its applicability to window lights. The Municipal Code defines a sign as any "device, fixture, surface, or structure of any kind or character, made of any material whatsoever, displaying letters, words, texts, illustrations, sym6o ls, forms, patterns, colors, textures, shadows, or lights, or any other illustrative or graphic display designated, constructed, or placed on the ground, on a building canopy, wall, post, or structure of any kind, in a window, or any other object for the puroose of advertising, identifying, or call in visual attention to any place, structure firm enterprise, profession, usiness, service, product, commodity, person, or activity, whether located on the site, in any structure on the site, or in any other location". The Planning Commission, at its meeting of March 13, 1985, reviewed the applicant's request to verify the definition of a "sign" and to determine or establish whether window lights should be considered as part of this overall definition. The Planning Commission further reaffirmed staff's interpretation of the definition and subsequent denial of the sign application. Attached for your review and consideration is the Planning Commission staff report which fully outlines the issue of this request, and a copy of the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of March 13, 1985. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that the present interpretation of the Sign Ordinance, and the findings contained within the Planning Commission staff report be reaffirmed. Re ectfu uhmitted, is omer Cit P ner Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report - March 13, 1985 Planning Commission Minutes - March 13, 1985 // 9 AFFIDAVIT OF PUaIICATION STATE OFCAI.II~'ORNIA ~ as .1NTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ], Maurine D. Pa¢an ,do hereby certifyOwtl am the Legal Advertising clerk of THE DA2Y REPORT, a daily newspaper of general cvculation, published in the City of Ontario, County and Sfate aforesaid and that the attached advertisement o[ Notice of Pual is Hearin¢ Citr Council Citr of Rancho Cucamon¢a was published in said newspaper U n e t i) t i m e to Wtt: June 8. 1985 I certify wrier penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and rnrrect. ~~~,~.~~ ~~ (Si Dst' i at Ontario, California this 10th day ~ June 19 85. 1, ~ ~ ~'~~ , acknowledge receipt of the notice of pu is hearing regarding the Video Zone Aopeal which will be discussed by the R ncho Cucamonga City Council on June 19, 1985. /I. Witnessed:_~q~ i~ „~~4 ~~~,~__ ocvn /ao !' ~, _..., • ~ ~~ STAFF REPORT VA DATE: March 13, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FR014: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Gary Richards, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: SIGN ORDINANCE INTERPRETATION - V[DEO ZONE - A request to review the definition of "Sign" and its applicability to window lights. ABSTRACT: A request has been filed by James 5. Davis, Attorney at Law, representing the Video Zone, 8699 19th Street, requesting t::at the Planning Commission review the Sign Ordinance and its applicability to window lighting, and to direct Staff as follows: (1) does window lighting require a sign application to be submitted, and (2) whether or not the Sign Ordinance itself is overly broad in its application to window lightiny visible from the outside. BACKGROUND: The Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code states that a permanent sign is defined as any "device, fixture, surface, or structure of any kind or character, made of any material whatsoever, displaying letters, words, texts, illustrations, symbols, forms, patterns, colors, textures, shadows, or lights, or any other illustrative or graphic display designated, constructed, or placed on the ground, on a building canopy, wall, post, or structure of any kind, in a window, or on any other object for the purpose of advertising, identifying, or call ing visual attention to anv place, structure, firm enterprise profession, business, service, product, commodity, person, or activity, whether located on the site, in any structure on the site, or in any other location" erected 'within the City requires an approved sf gn permit application prior to its erection or display. The term "placed" shall include constructing, erecting, posting, painting, printing, tacking, nailing, gluing, sticking, sculpting, carving, or otherwise fastening, affixing, or making visible in any manner whatsoever sign erected within the City requires an approved sign permit application prior to its erection or display. According to Planning Division interpretation, of the above noted definition, a fixture or device with lights mounted within the window area or framing calling visual attention to any enterprise or business is a sign and requires the submittal and approval of a sign permit application in order to be erected or displayed within the City. 19ii ~~ CUs ,.arotC~r i ~ ?; < ~~ /1/ PLANNING COMMISSIO TAFF REPORT Sign Ordinance Int~.,,retation - Video Zone March 13, 1985 Page 2 • In September, 1984, the Video Zone, 8689 19th Street, (Phil and Brenda Goodman), were notified that the display of string lights constituted a violation of the Rancho Cuc amanga Municipal Code, and were requested to have the lights removed by October 15, 1984. In researching the requirements of the Code, it was determined that the use of the lights was defined by Staff as a sign, and therefore, required the submittal of a sign permit application for approval. Therefore, upon the request of the City, Sign Application 84-61 was submitted on November 13, 1984, for evaluation and approval. John Meyer, Assistant Planner, evaluated the application and denied it based on Section 14.20.100(2) which states that only one sign is permitted per building face, and since the structure already had an existing cannister sign on the front building face, the application was denied. A denial letter was sent to the Goodman's on January 15, 1985, informing them of the denial, and further giving them fourteen (14) days to remove the lights from the window area. An inspection was conducted by the City Code Enforcement Officer on January 30, 1985, to ensure compliance with the Code. The lights were still being displayed and used, therefore, a citation was issued to Mr. Goodman far violation of the Municipal Code. The citation is currently on hold pending the interpretation by the Planning Commission. On February 4, 1985, an appeal letter was received from James S. Davis, •' Attorney for the Goodman's. Since the appeal letter was not received within the ten (10) day appeal period, it was refused. Then on February 12, 1985, another letter was received from Mr. Davis requesting an interpretation of the Sign Ordinance relating to that section of the ordinance which defines a sign and its applicahility to window lights. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends that the present definition of a sign include window lights, and that the denial of Sign Permit Application 84-61 be reconfirmed. tted: GR:ns • X11 ~~ ~ Cuc/U ~`Ui~~w S'll ,V I U~~~]CQ ~ ~ iI V general information .. ~ ~~ ' Yamu of e<[acl ivi•.e.enc VIC c0 Z0`T t7ov. 13, 1984 Dace ddd ress SGS9 19th Street„ Al t2 Loma, C 91701 ApDl icanc '.~ n.:a.e Phil L Crenda Oaod~r~an Add; ess ll15 0•.m cr's 2:ane hest kster Street Uglznd, Ca. 91786 Fhi1 u Grenda ^oodnzn Phone (71G) 9g6-11<.9 Add ress sz~~e Piione sane _ sign description ~ i:umber and [ pe of ~~(0;;(,): Ten parary I+a 11 :IonumenC Canopy Subdivision ~I:ind om _L'niiom Sign Program Uir cc[ional Cedescrian Ocher Size: Lc~,c F. lfidch DunCh Overall Fie ighc Square Feet Gid~.f.~ro Sq. FC. ~ r++%s sign 1. ~ .~ ~ /n FT -.~_ ~n;~ ~~.+ /~,'~;~ Sign ]. i Sign 4. J Sign 5. __ Sinn 6. __ _ If [ea Porary or subdivision, dace of ins[al la[ion ~rf//^^/7 . If cer..porary or subdivision, dace of espirac ion ,(//n Gond anaunc and idenc if ica[ion nun6 er ,(/rA ' Ind ieaee sign cony, s1ae, color acd nee eri als on plans described nn c'ne reverse of [his shece. - ' action photo Oy: Ip. ~~~IFOpS ~~~~~~~/ Co-~m,•nr. •,;~rfn•,nr~ oC :~c+Trn+) //I t`/ t'~. 1,?. f[ln '~.1~lanF ('<~' •! c'A~Y cN~ &'cni ~t)r+lt~17 mar.," ~..~~,) si6..J yiiJT,i'rJi.J .) ,'flC~ 3vLO~h'i• r"Z}'Ga:: fi?%r. ;PNr /-~lr'r !, gu-,J ~.r/Lt ru7( ( /-r: s i. yes .. o a . it C. „rr :..~ r^i.fy; l'r- k a.. rK •~,rSS File l:o.: Dace Rccc rued: Receiwe7d Tiy: ~ F ~: Fce; Pecc tp[~1, pT",~ ~ ..., :_ ,, .,. ./ ~) =J n i.z y games 5. ~lauis, Esq.i ATTORNEY AT L4W &7`A ArcpipalC Avenue .Suite Z1l Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9 V30 (]10) 9a]4800 Planning Crnmission ~ ~ ~ February 12, 1985 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Rd. Suite C Rancho Cucalronga, Ca. 91730 Subject: Video Zone, Sign Application #84-61 Gentlaren: The purpose of this letter is two fold, first to register my corq~laint against for failing to notify rte of an adverse decision affecting my client, Video Zone, in titre to a11ai ~ to file an appeal of a sign application decision. Secondly, to request a determination by the Planning Camdssion in regards to in their opinion the lighting fixture currently illuminating the window at Video Zone's Rancho Cucalronga store rnnsitutes a sign and therefore requires a application pursuant to the city ordinance. hfien first Mr. Richards first rnntacte3 my client, Video Zone and it's owner, Phil Goodman, to advise him that in the city's opinion the lighting in the window constituted a sign and therefore required a application Mr Goodman contacted ire and asked me to handle the matter. I camleted the sign application for Mr. Goodman and personally hand carried it to Mr. Richazds, gave him the application and my card and asked him to direct any further calomlications to my office as I was handling the matter. Unbeknownst to me an adverse decision was rendered and notification was sent to the client without a copy being forwarded to my office. In that I had told Mr. Goodman that the city could be in touch with me and I would handle the matter, he did not forward the letter W ~., After the 10 day appeal period set by city had elaspsi, Mr. Richazds went out to the Video Zone store and cited then for the alleged violation of the city ordinance and issued a ceased and deceit order concerning the lighting. Upon being cited,~Mr. Goodman contacted me to ascertain why he has been cited when an appeal should have been filed, which was my first notice that a denial had been issued by the city, I contacted Mr. Richazds, reminded him of the conversation that he and I had had concerning the application and asksl him why he did not send me a copy, He acknowledged the conversation, found my business card stapled to the inside of his folder and showrzl rte on the letter that indeed I was not a recipient thereof but stated that as far as he was concerned he was required to send it to the applicant and not to myself. ~ ~ ia,- c c Page two February 12, 1985 I explained the situation to him at which time he spoke to saieone else who again denied to accept the appeal. Mr. Richazds, two days later, care to my office to return the appeal and the letter frar, the city planner stating that based on city ordinance and information he had received from the city prosecutor, they were not going to accept the appeal. I contacted the city prosecutor, told him what happened, the city prosecutor advise] me that he had not been given the full story and that in his opinion the appeal should have been accepted. I was later advised by the city prosecutor that he had made that recanrendation to Mr. Richards but Mr. Richards had refuse3 to follow it. My position on this is that I had taken the time to talk to Mr. Richards in person and £u11y advise3 him of my duties in regards to this matter. This placed a burden on Mr. Richazds to, if nothing else, at least advise me of the denial so that I could enter a ti~rely appeal. The date of the appeal running should have been the date that I received notice and not the date that Mr. Richards sent the letter to the Video Zone. lJ I might add that under California Statutory Taw any notice sent 6y mail is automatically given a five (S) day extension for service by nail. The letter Mr. Richazds sent was dated the 15th of January, adding five days that would have been the 20th, the 10th day for the appeal world have been the 30th and yet Mr. Richards issue] the citation on the 30th which was still within the ten day appeal period. I would ra7uest that my appeal to the denial of the sign application, be considered ti~rely and processed acrnrdingly. In regards to the second matter, I have done extensive research concerning the city sign ordinance, the interpretation of the term s~ by the California courts, and the authority of the City to issue such ordinance as set forth in the California Governrtent Code. No where have I been able to find any authority on the part of the City to govern interior Lighting of a building under a sign ordinance. The word sign as defined by West California hbrds and Phrases includes all manner of items such as placards, bi116oazds and other forms of informational printed m3dium. Rowover, nowhere is the interior lighting wnsidered to be a sign. There is authority on the part of the City to issue cease and desist orders for any lighting that either resembles an official traffic control device or is so distracting to motorists on a highway so as to create a traffic hazard however, that is not the situation in this case. /,_ y- i~ 6 C C • Page three February 12, 1985 Mr. Richards interpretation is that if the lighting can 6e seen Eran the outside it constitutes a sign and therefore falls under the sign ordinance. This is obviously an untenable position on the part of Mr. Richazds in that it wtuld re3uire a sign application to be submitt~ for any coimercial building in the City of Rancho Cucamonga in which the lights inside the building can be seen from the wtside. Mr. Richazds went on to advise Video Zone that because the lights were in a line and wise used to attract attention they constituts3 a sign. Once again this is an untenable position in that any time lights are on in the bui iding it is an indication that the business is open and therefore is attracting the attention of potential wstomers. A perfect e:(alrqule of this situation is the Bob's Big Roy Restaurant across the street from the Video Zone's location. It has lighting both inside and outside [hat ran be seen fran the roadway and is on during the time that the business is in operation. Consequently that would fall under Mr. Richards interpretatior. of the sign ordinance. It is obvious that the sign ordinance as it relates to lighting is void Eor vagueness, is an umm~stitutional restriction on freedom of rnmercial expression and is unenforceable in that reasonable men might differ as to its meaning and intent. It should 6e pointed out that the lights ace inside Che window of the Video Zone, they do not flash nor do they inq~arr. any other message, slogan, symbol or any other information to the public other than the . fact that the store is open and available for business. lastly it is well established in California that a ordinance controlling ccmrercial expression cannot be based strictly on asthetic principals but must have same underlying justification such as public safety. Therefore I am requesting that the planning camussion review the ordinance and its applicability if any to the window lighting at the Video Zone location and prior to February 28 which is the date set for the appearance on the citation and advise me of whether or not (1) the lighting requires a sign application to be sutxnitted in the first place and (2) whether or not the sign erdin:,:,ca itself is overly 'road in this application to interior lighting visible fran the wtside. Please direct your response and any further rnmnuiications to my office and feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~, r- ,:; .~ ~_, , _,, ,., amen S. Davis JSD/dm cc: Gary Richards David Carmichael video Zone ~l ' S /~ 7 C Motion: Moved by Stout, seconded by Rempel, unanimously carried, to continue • the Dublic hearing for Variance 64-02 and Environmental Assessment and Conditional Use Permit 84-16 to the Planning Commission meeting of April 10, 1985 to allow the applicant, adjacent property owner, and staff to meet regarding the above issues. Di RECTOR'S REPORTS J. STREAMLINING DEVELOPMENT/DESIGN REVIEW Dan Coleman, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Barker stated that if staff were given very strong polities, very strong guidelines, and very strong procedures to approve routine items, he could see where this would allow the Commission to make better use of its time on projects such as overlays and special projects. Further, that he was in favor of finding a vehicle for delegating routine, non-controversial decisions allowing an appeal process and input when requested by the public. However, there needs to be protection of due process, protection of an appeal process, and an anderstanding that if someone doesn't like staff's decision, it can be appealed to the Planning Commission. Commissioner McN iel stated that he would like to see the process streamlined; however, was concerned with not allo~v ing the public an opportunity to voice objections in a public forum. Chairman Stout agreed and stated that putting the burden on the public to ask t for a public hearing goes against the grain. Commissioner Rempel stated that some people may hesitate using a process which necessitates an appeal of staff's decision to the Planning Commission. Me further stated that staff should not have to take ttie heat for decisions made. Commissioner Chitiea agreed, and stated further concern with using this process on Conditional Use Permits. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that with this input staff had enough direction from the Commission to fine tune this process and return Lo the Commission with more specific recommendations. He further advise". that staff would be meeting with the new City Attorney to receive his input. x x x x x K. SIGN ORDINANCE SNTERPRETATIUN - VIDEO ZONE Rick Gomez, f,i ty Planner, reviewed the staff report. Planning Commission Mi mutts -7- March 13, 1985 • ia8 C C • Chairman Stout advised that he had •vis ited the site in question and couldn't see any other purpose for the lights other than to draw attention to the business. He further stated that the ordinance is clear and specific enough and that the lights in the window of the video zone are clearly a sign. Commissioner Mc Niel stated agreement that the ordinance is very clear and to allow these lights to remain wnu ld constitute a special privilege. Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, advised that the attorney for the applicant argues that if this is a sign it is entitled to protection as a constitutional expression of commercial speach. He advised that commercial speach can 6e regulated differently than free expression of thoughts and ideas, and time, plate, and manner can be regulated. He further advised that there is no doubt that the Sign Ordinance is constitutional and that a lighted device is a sign. Motion: Moved 6y Rempel, seconded by Barker, unanimously carried, to reaffirm staff's decision that the lights in the windows of the video zone are a prohibited sign and to continue enforcement. Staff was further directed to dismiss the existing citation against the applicant and to grant [hem ten days to comply with the Commission's decision. If compliance is not obtained within that time limit, staff was instructed to proceed with citation procedures. .... + '• L. CAND USE ANALYSIS FOR AREA AT SOUTH SIDE OF WILSON BETWEEN MAYBERRY JU IJD H N A NU Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout invited public comment. Oavid Bowden, 1441 N. Campus, Ontario, advised that he was the owner of Tract 12851, which is located within the boundaries of this analysis and is the subject of the petition before the Commission. Mr. Bowden stated that he came in at the low end of the density range to provide adequate transition and requested that the Commission retain the current land use designation. Sandy Davis, adjacent property owner, stated concern with decreased property values as a result of the smaller lot subdivision. It was the consensus of the Commission that staff should initiate a General Plan amendment to redesignate the entire area at the south side of Wilson, between Mayberry Avenue and Haven Avenue Very-Low Residential (1-2 du/ac). Staff was further directed to expedite this request. Planning Commission Minutes -8- March 13, 1985 1~9 C C games S. ~auis, Esq. ATTORNEY AT LAW • 8350 qrc ribald Avenue (714) 987-7900 S mte 231 Rancho GUCamonga, CA 97730 Fick Gomez Harch 12, 1985 City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga 7720 easeZi re Road, Suite C .4anc.".o Cucamonga, California 9173D Re: Application of Video Zone Dear .4I. Comer: This Letter is to acknowledge your notices of decision of the City Planning Comn. fission dated .March 24, 1985 and .4arch 19, 1935 and received by this office on .4arch 16, I985 and .March '20, 1985 respectively. Thank you far the dismissal of the present citation and the grant of the ten (lD) day period of compliance. I am dissappointed with the decision of the planning commission in that the !au in case authorities are clearly in Fa vo z•of Video Zone. The City is attempting to exercise a suppression of the free dom of commercial expression that clearly vi oIates constitutional standards. Fot thfs reason I am appealing the matter to full City Council and will be prepared at that time to cite detailed authori- ties in support of Video Zone's position. Please advise me of the date of such hearing or to the alternative if there is no provision for such appeal please advise me so that I can prepare the necessary court proceedings. Please feel free to contact mu office if you have any questions. sincere f\,~ J mes S. Da vSs JSD/dm cc: Cary W. Richards Video Zone i3o nrmv nc o e vr~vn rrr e ~rn~~r_ ~ STAFF REPORT ~~~°°'~~~. z' j <~ J r~ 11? _ ~~ ~_ _ G z L Z i~ 19C- DATE: dune 19, 1985 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Bruce Cook, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTRL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - CITY OF RANCHO UCAMONGA - A request to amend the General P an Land Use Map from Low-Medium Residential (4-B du/ac) and Low Residential (2-4 du /ac) to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du /ac) on 2D.2 acres of land located on the south side of Wiison Avenue between Haven & Mayberry and to include those parcels fronting on the west side of Mayberry - APN 201-181-7-10, 59-60, and 80-85. • ENV iRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS AMENDM NT _85-06 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - request to amend the Development Districts Map from Low Medium and Low to Very Low on the 20.2 acres of land located on the south side of Wilson Avenue between Haven & Mayberry and to include those parcels fronting on the west side of Mayberry - RPN 201-181-7-10, 59-60, and 80-85. BACKGROUND: A subdivision map, Tentative Tract 12851, for an 8-lot residential subdivision was submitted to the City for processing for a Dortion of the site within the project area. During the course of public hearing for the subdivision, surround in9 area residents submitted a petition raising some concern as to the density compatibility of the potential development to the existing surrounding 1/2 acre single family developments. As a result, consideration of the subdivision was Relayed while this land use issue was submitted for review to the Planning Commission on March 13, 1985. The Planning Commission determined that the circumstances warranted a re-evaluation of land use patterns and they then directed staff to initiate a General Plan & Development District Amendment to Very Low Residential (less than 2-4 du/ac). These items for amendment were presented to the Planning Commission on May 22, 1985 and the Commission recommended their approval. In the interim, the proposal for the 8-lot sub idivision has been withdrawn. /3/ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT GPA 85-03 & DDA 85-05 June 19, 1985 Page 2 • II. REC014MENDATI6~i: The Planning Commission recommends approval of both the General Plan and Development Districts Pmendments. If the City Council concurs, issuance of a Negative Declaration and adopi ion of the attached Resa lution and Ordinance would be appropriate. RG:BC:ns Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report - May 22, 1985 Exhibit "A" - Development Districts Exhibit "B" - Area to be Amended Exhibit "C" -Area Utilization Resolution No. 85-80 Resolution No. 85-81 Initial Study, Part II City Council Resolution of Approval City Council Ordinance lJ /J 2 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OFCALQI'ORNIA ss OF SAN SERNARDINO , I, Maurine D. Paean ,do hereby certifythatl am the Legal Advertising clerk of THE DAILY REPORT, a daily newspaper of general cu•culation, published in the City of Ontario, County and State aforesaid and that the attached advertisement p( Notice of Puhlic Hearing Citr of Rancho Cucamonga was published in said newspapero n e t i l t i m e t0 wlt: June 7. 1985 I ceRify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and COReet. d~~ ~-~/ (Sign e) Dated at Ontario, California this 7th day of 1985 . S EVO OCINE~OINO MNCxO CVC•MOMO• YO"fE SwEiE i'~i~v~Y • 3;, o ~i ~:~.o c~IT:,~~. a: £y.ii M EVrv ION FOr O6NECiL j nr,m •MervomaMr yy Pmn ~ y VY Mp«I,aT LW Mp m •y~•f~1i Pi I.1 a.'.<I . a L•. Na~a..r.n t. .~I ~o ">: ;'a: +.N ~ioi~lil~~i~lo. f. y'Yy ~~ t[<a.uN~~ sxnNn[vsi r]I mErOy~Om~ iI ~1 E NI •M L0~ NyrOnN•1 n i a`.0.a .~"w' liw ia~m ,.a a wn.s:'N „i eVO..^ :,s: E•v« rvi isi ii ii. ri `~ .oi..mm.~e or uNw.E nYl % ,11 N 4rAtvnnv llrM IN CM1rCInY. re JXBi• ip~l, oNNN NUrMnV6 UlnwrvE ,IOlun•N ~nll m•rr pf OO N.Mp ~~np IN Pi•nnmN p, T ,Itl yY L.rY 9aaL. i:u. e. Y e, mwlYnE,w ml w~a ro eivsi i:. c ~. <:: Er io~n~ ewe c ~.n ~p<wp ~ 33 ~ I r. • • GATE: May 22, 1985 CITY OF RANCHO CL"C.4iti10~1GA STAFF REPORT T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Bruce Cook, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the General Plan Land Use Map from Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) and Low Residential (2-4 du/ac) to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du/ac) on 20.2 acres of land located on the south side of Wilson Avenue between Haven & Mayberry and to include those parcels fronting on the west side of Mayberry - APN 201-181-7, 8, 9, 10, 59, 60 80 , , 81, 82, 83, 84, and 85. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 85-06 - C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAM NGA - A request to amend the Development Districts Map from Low Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) and Low Residential (2-4 du/ac) to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du /ac) on the 20.2 acres of land as descr ihed above. I. ABSTRACT: A General Plan Amendment is requested for a site located on the south side of Wilson Avenue betwen Haven & Mayberry. The requested change is from Low Medium Residential and Law Residential to Very Low Residential. Staff has determined that no significant environmental impacts would be caused by the proDOS ed change. The Commission will determine land use compatibility. II. BACKGROUND: This action, initiated by the Planning Commission, is the result of a series of actions begun with the application of Tentative Tract 12851, an 8-lot single-family subdivision. During the course of public hearing processing for the subdivision, surrounding residents in the area submitted a petition raising same concern as to the density compatibility of the proposed development to the existing surrounding 1/2 acre single family developments. As a result, consideration of the subdivision was delayed while this land use issue was submitted for review to the Planning Commission on March 13, 1985. The Planning Commission made a determination to re-evaluate the area and directed staff to initiate a General Plan and Development District Amendment to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du/ac). In the interim, the proposal for the 8-lot subdivision has been withdrawn. 197' ~o ~UCa,NO,y 9 CI Z~~ O `'. F Z L' ~,> /3y ITEMS M/N PLANNING COMMISSIOtr 'AFF REPORT C GPA 85-03 and DDA BB d6 May 22, 1985 Page 2 • I[I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Amend the General Plan Land Use & Development Districts Map from Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) and Law Residential (2-4 du/ac) to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du/ac). B. Location: South side of Wilson Avenue between Haven & Mayherry. C. Parcel Size: 20.2 acres D. Ex ist Ina Development District: Low Medium Residential and Low Residential E. Ex ist ing Land Use: Vacant, single family and church related F. Surroundin Land Use and Zon in North - Ingle family homes Very Law Residential) South - Vacant, approved for 294 single family homes East - Chaffey College (low Medium Residential) and Deer Creek single family homes (Very Low Residential) West - Single family homes, vacant, and school site (Low • Residential) G. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Low Medium Residential with Master Plan Overlay and Low Residential North - Very low Residential South - Low Medium Residential East - Low Medium Residential and Very Low Residential West - Low Residential H. Site Characteristics: The proposed site is across from Haven Avenue and to the west of Chaffey College. This site is within the foothills and average grade exceeds 6%. The site is primarily vacant except for an existing single family home on the southwest corner of Wilson & Mayherry, a single family home under construction in the project interior and a church related facility fronting on Haven, south of Wilson. The area consists of a mix of parcel sizes, with a number of these parcels being landlocked without any direct access to a pu6l is street. A lack of existing circulation and/or drainage facilities at this time raise serious concerns as to future development possibilities. To acknowledge these concerns and as a means to address their resultant issues, this area has been designated as a Master Plan Overlay District. The purpose is to assure a harmonious and concomitant development of the necessary • infrastructure as physical development of the area occurs. / 1 s^ PLANNING COMMISSIO fN 'AFF REPORT f GPA 85-03 and DDA 8:.-J6 May 22, 1985 Page 3 • IV. ANALYSIS; A. History: In April of 1981, the City Council adopted the City's General Plan which designated the area surrounding Ch affey College for Low-Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac). [n January of 1984, the City Council adopted the Development Districts Map to make all zoning within the City consistent to the adopted General P1 an as required by State Planning Law. In March of 1984, a parcel map was submitted by the developer far a four-lot single family subdivision. This parcel map was then revised as an eight-lot subdivision to take advantage of the increased density permitted by current zoning. However, with submittal of this eight-lot subdivision, surrounding area residents presented a petition raising issue with the current zoning designation and questioning the land use compatibility in terms of density of the project site with the surrounding area. 8. Surrounding Land Use: The area from centerline of Mayberry Avenue west to Hermosa Avenue is designated for Low-Residential . (2-4 du/ac) and school site. Area north of Wilson Avenue is designated for Very-Low Residential with a density of up to 2 dwelling units per acre. The area from centerline of Mayberry Avenue east to Haven Avenue, including the project site, is designated for Law-Medium Residential (4-B du/ac), and is primarily undeveloped (see Exhibit "C".) The area south of this study area has been approved for 294 single-family homes, ranging from a lot size of 4,000 square feet to 6,000 square feet (Tentative Tract 10627). C. Existin Land Use: Areas north of Wilson consist of mainly half acre single amity lots. On the south side of Wilson, including the project area, is an area that consists of a mix of parcels,. A number of these parcels are landlocked without access to any public street. Many of these parcels have existing single family homes of long time residents. Also, on both sides of Mayberry Avenue are two parcel maps with one-half acre lots which were approved prior to the adoption of the Development Districts Map. Since the project area has inadequate circulation and drainage facilities with a wash area towards the south, a Master Plan Overlay Oistr ict is designated over this area. The purpose is to assure harmonious relationship between existing and future use to coordinate and to promote the public facility improvements. This Master Plan Overlay designation should be retained over the area as part of the General Plan Amendment. /3L PLANNING COMMISS IO!y~ TAFF REPORT GPA 8G-03 and DDA 8n ~J6 May 22, 1985 Page 4 C , J It should be noted that the first row of lots on the west side of !layberry is included in the area to be considered for the General Plan Amendment. This row of lots is comprised of a previously recorded parcel map of 20,000 sq. ft. lots. These lots do not quite meet area and depth requirements of the new Development Code for Very Low Residential, but nevertheless, they are consistent with the density range of less than 2 du/ac and their rear lot lines function as a practical boundary between the minimum 1/2 acre lot sizes required of the proposed amendment and the Low Density residential development permitted to the west. D. General Plan Policies: Policies within the General Plan and the Development Code stress neighborhood camp at ibiiity. Projects must he compatible with and sensitive to the immediate envirq nment of the site and neighborhood; project designs must effectively mitigate the aesthetic conflicts between a proposed development and surrounding land uses. In addition, the intent of the General Plan and Development Code is to promote proper transitions of density. E. Envirgnmen tal Assessment: Staff has completed the • Environmental Checklist, Part II, of the Initial Study and found no significant adverse environmental impacts to occur as a result of the proposed amendment. However, serious concern does exist over the lack of adequate circulation and/or drainage facilities and these issues should be addressed prior to any development 6e ing permitted. F. Issues: The rimar issue to be considered 6 the Plann in Commission is whether the current Low-Medium density of -6 dwelling units per acre i5 Compatible with the surrounding planned land use and the appropriate designation. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: Should the Commission, upon examination of the General Plan Amendment, decide that the change would promote the land use goals and purposes of the General Plan, and would not be detrimental to the adjacent properties nr cause significant adverse impacts as listed under the Environmental Assessment, the fallowing findings are necessary for approval. A. The amendment does not conflict with the land !use policies of the General Plan. B. The amendment does promote the goals of the land use element, and C. The amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties. /~7 PLANNING COMMISSI Ot/- TAFF REPORT GPA 85-03 and DDA F~3.~ •J6 May 22, 1985 Page 5 U VI. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in The Daily Report newspaper and notices were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the boundary of the prapos ed project and to all residents listed on the petition on file submitted in opposition to the proposed eight-lot subdivision. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the General Plan and Development Districts Amendments, with the westerly demarcation of the Amendments to 6e coincident with the westerly limits of Parcel Map 5795. The Master Plan Overlay designation should also be retained. Should the Commission concur, approval of the attached Resolutions recommending approval to the City Council of GPA 85-03 and DDA 85- Oo would be appropriate. /1 ;RG:BC:ns Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Development Districts Map Exhibit "B" -Area to be Amended Exhibit "C" -Area Utilization Resolutions of Approval 7g 4 ~- ~_ LI .. ~ ~ Oa W~L..~M1~j// / Jl• ~ ~----. .. ... -~„ p J / `~ ' i~ 1-- ~ 6j a ~ ; lA~c.J L. i i I _ -_ _ `_~ I l l i l y ! 6 _9_:I~i~~ ~ + ~~_~~ ~.O ;' - CNA FFEY COLLEGE ~""-""- -{~!'{~~ ~~ = FC _. "' ~ PROJEC S17E 1'q..::I~~ li ~ Fc ...... ii I.ll;ii ~ -.L"_.-__ -.__-__.._. _._____ ._- . i ~; _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' u`a I I ...7 ~'.. '~LL:i~l~~~i ~ ~ ....1 . 'H...... .__ • ~~ 3'i. `.:~:1 I i°.~,It~_i~.-yip. 1 RESIDENTIAL ' VL VERY LOW cz DU/AC LOW 2-4 DU/qC ® LOW-MEDIUM 4-8 DU; qC © MEDIUM B-ia Du;gc 'nn MEDIUM-HIGH in-za nu; qC ^ ~" HIGH za-ae Dwgc V~ ~\1 I FORTH CITY OI' In\ I: ~ PA 85-03 RA1CH0 CL'Cr1~I0\G~1 TITLGCwFc .Q-t-tvzv~ -'L~w~;I~c atvlslo~ -----~~- L\I III31T~ r ~ SCALE ~_ ~s9 L _~~ GPA / _. Q W LM from LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 D to VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL (ie sa than 2 S.e.c.p moo. _._ ~. I .- j V LM ~" V nOR'i'H CI'T'Y 01' Irr~l: GSA 85-03 ~ R.~11~CI-IO CL'CA`IO\GA Trr(I;:14g~, .~ ~ ME~os~ PL:\NNI\C DI~~LSIOV eu urir: ~ ~_ sc,~~e: _ r~__ iyo L.ht.GO., ,a..E. d ' N H~ a 1 v r •v N H V m U N V `. - , v~ . ~ ~.~..,_ I I ~ V ~TT iog 27~ SYC-;e¢ l~tY f ~I ~ Ha.s. ..~-•• s.e.c.F.co. EYyT dYu Z A...a ~X i .. ~ I~~ ~- H i.. ~~ N WORTH CITY Ol' rrE\r _~i~t3s-o3 Rr1\CHO CL'G1~I0\Gr1 T,TLr:_At+.ees LTILI~,"('~s,, ~ PLAi~Ni\G DIVISIOV C~H,f;rr:_"_~_sc,\LE:~, iy/ C • RESOL'JT ION N0. 85-30 A RESOUJTIO!J OF THE PLANNING CO!1MISSI ON OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA!40NGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMEfJ DI NG APPROVAL OF ANTE NDMENT A5-03 TO THE LAND USE PLAN OF THE RANCHO CUCAMO!IGA GENERAL PLAN fRO:'9 LOW MEDIUM RESIDE!Ji[AL RND LOW RESIDENTIAL TO VERY LO'W RESIDENTIAL WHEREAS, the Plann in9 Commission has held a duly advertised public hearing to coos idzr all comments on the propel ed General Plan 0.men dment 85-03. `IOW, TH ERE FOP,=, 6E IT RES OL'l ED, that the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission does 'ne reby recommend approval to the City Council of the following amendment to the Land Use Plan of the General Plan. SECTION 1: The General Plan Land 'Jse !tan shall he amended as fOllOWS: Froia Low 14ed ium Residential (4-3 du/ac) and Low Residential (2- 4 du/ac) to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du/ac) for the 20.2 acres of land located on the south side of Wilson Av ewe be twveen Haven & !laybzrry and to include those parcels fronting on the west side of Mayberry and further described as APN 201- 191-7, A, 9, 10, 59. 60, 90, 31, 3?, 93, 44 and 35. • SECTf O:J __?: A Negative Declaration is hereby recnrnemied for adoption by the City Council for this General °lan Amendment, based upon the completion and findings of the Initial Study. AP?RO'!CD AND ADOPTED THIS ?2nd OAY OF 11AY, 199'i. P LA!JV ING~COP~M(GSIO!J OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUC A"10VG4 ~`~~ De nn i~ L Stou Chairman I, Rickl Gomez, Deputy Secretary of the r^laun ing Commission of the City of Rancho l6}uc among a, do her=by certify that the fo rrn going Re s~nlation was duly and regular y introduced, passed, and arl op ted by :'no Planning Commission of the rity of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular mee:in9 of the Planning Commission held on the 2?nd day of ;4ay, 1991, by the following vote-to-'.vi t: AYES: COMV ISSIOCERS' AAB Y,ER, CH?T?Fa, h1C9I El. Rfa1P EL, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOi7E AASENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE /Yi C ~ RESOLUTION 'J0. 85-81 A ~RESOLUTI Oti OF THE RANCHO C1ICAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND ItJG APPROVAL DF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 85-06 REQUESTING A CHANGE IN THE DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROM LOW MEDIUM RESIDEtJTI A!_ AND LOW RESIDENTIAL TO VERY LO'A RESIDEVTI AL FOR 20.2 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUT4 SI)E OF 'd ILSOiJ A'l ENU` 3EiWEEN HAVEN & MAYBERRY 'WHEREA'S, cn the 13th ~.ky of 11a y, 1985, an application was filed and accepted on the above-described project; and WHER'c AS, on the 22nd day of .day, 1985, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised puhl is hearing pu~suart to Section 65854 of the California Gav ernment Ccde. SECT I')7J '_: The Rancho ~uc among3 planning Commission has made the following find ingsi 1. That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, six=, and compatibility with existing land ~.,se 'n the surrounding area; and • 2. That the proposed district r_h ange would not have • signif ir. ant impact nn the environment nor the surrounding pr opert i?s; and 3. That the prooos ed district change is in conformance wit'n Che General Plan. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Ptann ing Commission has found that this project wi i not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration on May 22, 1985. NO'W. THEREFORE. 8E IT RESDL'J ED: That pursuant to Section 65350 to 65355 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval or. the 22nd day of tday, 1985, District Change No. 85-06. 2. The planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt District Change No. 85-O~i. Tha'. C?rti°i4'1 Capy of this Resolution and relited material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall he forwarded to the City Council. . /yJ Resolution P;o. DOA 86-06 May 22, 1985 Page 2 • APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd DAY OF NAY, 1985. PLA~>IiNG COMMt SSIOtI 0- THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANOYGA 's~ j' ~ 1. Oennis~~~ ,, Chairman ATTEST: 1, Ric~C Oomez, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and re9u lar ly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on t'ie 27_nd day of Nay, 1385, by the following vote-to-wit: AYE;: COhI>'I SS G9N ERS: REh1PEL, BARKER, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, STOUT • ."TOES: CO!dNISS IO HERS: NONE 48 SEV T: G71'4[SSIO7IERS: NONE yyY ~ ENVIRONN~~;NTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL Eor all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Revi end Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will make one of three determinations: (1) The project will have no significant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will he filed, (2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or (3) An additional information report should he supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. Oate Filed: 313/85 Project Title: Lief 85'U3 t- t~~~° 85-ems • Appl icon is Name, Address, Telephone: Gl'[Y or ~P.~!%.lo ~uc,.rnor-tL,g 9320 ¢~,er>vt-N-t~ Ro ~~ ~ CA 11730 9b9- l8~"1 Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Project: ~At-tv>: Location of Project: S=~ S~~-ar- Vusew.1 /ova g~.r~l¢ic,-t I-IAV ti t-1 ~ MAY FS a~FK Assessor's Parcel No.: Zo1-181- ~,o q, 10, 59,(•O, $o, Sl,$2,$3~R4d&S List other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing such permits: /4f i-1 PROJECT DESCRI PTIDY Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: 7~. Z f`~Ras e.~= L...+o • g~M'V~aw~ V.•c~-1~-NT J«'+ T.+P-mac ~ ~+(Pi, <ris Z ~+1'1G~~M1l-~_~'bMEZ d~ Q G«ItiF~~1 ~6lI.Y VLt> ~'KaLI"r~.l ~/•~-H Ir-1 6+~tr~,LLSS ~ ~ ~+W ~-r Describe the environm=ntnl sett ino of the project site including information on topography, soil stanility, plants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any existing 5truc tures and their use (attach necessary sheets): Exe.~_l~p. ^ra¢ -tuRrzec ~a-v.vtws~~ rt ..i-cic~-.o..o '$~e.ULTU`i~." YT.1~ ~~ZCML~10lSF ot= Tr{6 Auao. 13 ~/K T It 1..A \t*'i ,-1.LT r¢~~ S-oeT¢ THR P~ ll2 SLT¢ L4 L1LtN1.-+ ~1¢ ~•.~s_TL~{lu_.s d Atia~-us t. ~ ! wa ~a.wt~' ~ •csi~ 4L'°~'-°sS b, t~ a>n^ ¢ss ~ 6 ~TP¢¢ss.-rz • g~UU.TI.~-l ~r ``~P>`•,-VGV- ~.~c-wxT~ws I•c~-¢ ,-lvc .doa~l-u-r¢ T 4~pp~ORT A..,rr^ «u~,$ 'O av ¢_~~rne...>.T ~ lHa. A^.s.~~oT2 ~ rTA~~ ~~~~g-~ fps Foa- "C7~v acLO~r~anlY ZHts lesuz•s t-lou~ o ~t~ a HAVa T C3 ¢ A~oe ~..~! a-~ re R~L~~I'~ . is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact t~ lJ /`/b I-2 Proposed use or proposed project: G ~ Z ~~F To ,4r•~a,-.lo YtiaE • HILL THIS PRDJECT: YES NO 1. Cre a±e a su6st antial change in ground ce ntours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise of produce vibration or glare? 3. Cre at= a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fi re, water, sewage, etc.)? ,/ 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan designations? 5. Remove any existing trees? Ho•d many? 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, / flammables or explosives? / Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): N~ THYS ~7w~at:-( t~ To AMwo taatZPe.-aT 'Do.s14.-~A'c1a15 of 1?~1}i Zc-t¢ /na aa.ti- '~,~N i Tare oc..r}__ Yc ~~b.SR~c.TS. 7. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this project will generate daily: lJ.//„ 8. Est imat_ the numb er of auto and truck trips generated daily by this project: ~/A, 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this project, in cubic yards: ,a/p 10. If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. N~~, CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can 6e made by the Planning Division. r, Date: S q ~ Signature~i~~~ Title_~~~ '~,..~~~ ~\ J ?Y7 I-3 C ~ RESIDENTIAL CDNSTRUCTiOI! ~ ~ • The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid the school district in assessing their ability to accommodate the proposed residential development. Developers are required to secure letters from the school district for accommodating the increased number of students prior to issuance of building permits. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract ".o.: Specific Location of Project: PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to . begin construction: 4. Earliest date of ' occupancy: Modem and N of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ronne • /y~ I-4 C cITY aF RA::c:o c~•c: ~~osc; PART Ii - I:;ITIdL 5^'CY ESl'IRC7?_:;:AL C4'cCRLIST C A.°PLI C:.:~1:_ Gl"h( OF 1°ri-L,-~O /' c~MOI-l~• FILI::C DATE: 3~13~pys LOG \'L^~3ER: Lr Pf' ~j-~3 x'7\7.4 PJ5-Ro PROJECT: GPF ~.7~A fir,, LM~4-b'ou~ /n~.)T VL ~<Zt~,~l~) PRO.:RCT Loc.',TIC:;: ~~s L.~1LSa,.i .duff o~~n.i~~.~i ~AVe.-~ e f"Iav~.af~Y I. E\1'I RO`^^;TAL I!G':1CTS (Explanation o: all "yes" and "maybe" anscers are required on attached sheets). YES 214:'°E NO 1. Soils and Geclo ev. Will Che proposal have signs:scan[ results in: a, Unstable ground conditions or in changes in geologic relationships? / b. Disruptions, disp lacemencs, covpact ion or burial of the soil? '~ e. Change in topography or ground surface contour intervals? -_ ~ d. The des [:uc tion, covering or modification of any unique geo'_c gic or physical features? ~ e. Any potential increase in wind or eater erosion of sails, affecting either an or oEf site conditn ns? / f. Changes Sn erosion sil cation, or dcoosit Son? _ g. Exposure of people or prop arty [o geu legit _ hazards surh as earehquake s, landslides, mud- . slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? h. An increase in the ra ee of extraction and/or `~ use of any mineral resource? / .C 2. Hydrology. Will the proposal have significant Tesults in: /y S Pace ~ 1L~ 4j\•_._ ~~~ d. C}:3n 225 In cu:ren cs, or [:1Q COJr52 CL d1r 2CCIC:1 • Of cowing st: eaCS, rivers, OL ephe^.e ral SLr2]^ channs'_s? b. Changes 1n a6sorp ciao rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface vat er runn;f? c. AlteraC ions to [he course or floe of flood vate;s? d. Change in Che amcunc of su:.`ace eater in an•: body of vaeer? e. Discharge into su r.'ace wm tors, or any alteration of surface eater qual itv? f. Alegi ration of groundvacer cha mete: is tic s? / g, Chan^se Sn the quantity of graundvacers, either through direct addic ions or wich- dravals, or through Sncerferen<e with an aquiver? Quality? Quantity? / •~ h. The reduction in the mount of eater other- wise available for public vaeer supplies? i. Exposure of people or prepe rty to vaeer related hazards Such as flooding or se is hes? / 3. Air Oualicv, Will the pre posal have signif ica nc res ults in: a. Constant or periodic air emissions from mobile of indlrocc sources? / Slat Sonary sources? ./ b. Deterioration of ambient air quality and/oz interference wick the attainment of applicable air quality standards? / c. A1[eratfon of io cal or regional climac/c cond itioos, affe Icing air movement, moisture or cooperate re? / 4. Biota F1'o ra. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Change in the characteristics of species, including diversity, dl5tr ibuclon, or number of any species of plants? b. Red uctlon of the numbers of any unique, tare or endangered species of planes? ir,p .~.. f ?aez 7 c. Intro du ciicn o: new or dis:up rive soec'_as of - plancs into an area? d. P.educti on Sn the potential for agricultural production? _- fauna. Nil: [he proposal have significant results in: a. Change in [he charac teris ,its of species, including diversi [;;, dist:ihu con, or numbe a. of any species of an imc '.s? ~~ J b. Redu¢1en of the nu=Sets of any un icue, rare or endangered species of an'_=als' ~~ c. Introduce ion of ne•.r ar dis:up rive spe rtes of animals into an area, oz result in a barrier co the migracica or covenent o[ animals? ~~ d. Detezlo ra cion ar revoval of existing fish or wildlife hob ieae? ;! 5. peon fat ion. Nill the proposal have signifiwn[ resui[s in: a. kill ffie p:ooosal alter the location, discri- bunon, density, div ers ay, or gr o~deh rate o: the hu_an population of an area? _ _ ~. b. Will [he proposal affect ex is Bing housing, or create a de=and for additional housing? _~ 6. Socio-Economic Fac co ts. Rill the proposal have sign. if icanc results in: a. Change in local or regional saclo-economic characc er iscic s, including economic or cocerc ial diversity, tax rate, and property Values?. / b. NS11 project costs be equitably distributed acong project beneficiaries, S.e., buyers, [ax payers or proj etc users? `~ 7. Land L'se and Plarm ine Consideras fons. IJill [he prapo sal have signrf ica nc res uia in .' a. A substantial aliera cion of the present oz ~ planned land use of an area? b. A conflict with any des lgnations, objectives, policies, or adopted plans of any governmental entitles? c. M 1©pac[ upon the qu laity ar quantity of ex is clog consunpt ive or man-consumptive recreational oppor[unltles? /rl - .... ( ( .ege . YES °_45'3° VC 8. Transno r;a;ion. Will the prcposal have signif ic_n; • \ resui ;s ic: a. Generation of subs;an; ial add!;?oval vehiculz- move~eat? / b. Ef .`etts on ek l5tin3 s[r ~<cs, or demand fer ^ev Street con5tructian? __ }` c. Effec ;s on exis Ling parking .`aci'_ities, or denand for nev pazki ngi d. Substantial inpatt upon ekis[ing transporta- tion sys ceps? ~~_ _ e. Alterations to pres en[ patterns of circula- tlcn or novement of people and/or goods'. f. Alterations to or effec [s or. present and pocen vial vateY-borne, rail, Hass era nsic or air tra :: ic? / g. Increases Sn traffic hazards co cotor vehicles, 6icyclis cs or pedestrians? ~~ 9. Cultural Resources. Will [he Dteposal have • sign.ficanc results in: a. Adis tu:bance co the in[eSr it7 of archaeological, paleontological, and,or his to riC al resources? 30. Health, Sa.`ety, and auisance Factors. Wi11 [he proposal have significant resin cs in: a. Creatfon of any health hazard or po tencial health haza zd? _~ b. Exposure of people to pocen ci al health iia zards? ~_ e/ c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances Sn the event of an accident? 1~ d. An increase in the nu:ber of Snd iv Sduals or species of vector or pachono genic orgy r.iscs or ;he exposure of people to such organises? / e. Increase in existing noise levels? ____ ~~ f. Exposure of yeoplc to po[en[Sa11y dangerous noise levels? g. The creation of obj ec[lona6le odors? y/' h. An increase in light or glare? /r ~- . f '~ \\ Pa3e 5 YrS Y41'"E NO // 11. Aesthetics. W111 the proposal have signif !tanC res u;,ts 1:.: a, T'he ohstruc[ion or deg:ada tion o' any scenic vista or view? ~~ b. The creation of an aesthetically offensive sire? c. A con:'_ict vi [h [he obj ec.CVe o; desiv.^.a ted of pocen ti al scenic cmrrlde rs? 1?. lltilit!es and Public Se rakes. Will the proposal have a significant need for new systems, or al[era [ions to the following: a. Electric power? b. Natural or packaged gas? ~~ c. Co~unicaclons sys teas? ~~ d. Wa;er supply? _ ~~ e, Wastewater facilities? tl f. Flood control sttuc:ures? ~/ g. Solid waste £acili ti es? f h. Fire protection? ~ i. Police protection? y! j. Schools? _ f k. Parks or other recreatie nal facili [1 es? ~_ s~ 1. 1la incenance of public facilf ties, including toads and flood control facilities.' __ ~/ m. Other governmental services? .Y~ 13. Enerav and Scarce Resources. W111 the proposal have slga i:iwnc results m: a, Use of subs[an[i.+.1 or ex toss is'e fuel or energy? 4 b, Substan [ial increase in demand upon exis[Sng sources of energy? ~` i 1 A ncrease n t. n the demand Eor development of new sources of energy? ~ d. An increase or perpet ua[fon of the consuapt ion of non-reneva6le fo ms of energy, when feasible Tenewable sources of energy are avallab le? ~ lS1 _ -- t ` pate 6 y~c _ ,-D A_ 9- e, Substzn;lal deplec icn of am' r.o nr z~e,ay.u, - o _ / scarce natural reseur_e? • 1 14. Y.undeto-.. c.;,,a i, -, ~ .~~ - ..zs o° Sic.if i;.an[e. a• Does ehe project have the poten;ial to decade the qual L•y ox the eavironce n,-, su6stan[tal i•: reduce the habitat of fish or vildliEe species, cause a fish or vildliEe o b elov se lE su ~„ P pulacion to drop stain.,,g levels, Ch reaten co eliMlgate a plant o the r apical co,~unity, redo: e' ^U~ber or reSCriCt [i1B Lange Ot a ra:C or endangered plan[ or ani.^a1 or eliminate Sepor:ant exaooles of the cajor criods of Ca.ifo rnia hls tort' or prehis[o: yy b• Does the prnject have the potential to achie•:e `- shor;-te:~, [o [he dis advanW he of long-teo., environmental goals? env ironmenc i (~\ she; C-term Scpacc an the s one which occurs Sn a telacl':ely 6ricf, definicive period of time while long- terW impacts vi 11 endcre vel 1 Sneo the fu care). _~~ c. Does the project have iepacts which are Snd raid anlly lie ited, buc cunulaeive it' considerable? (CU~ulativ weans [hat e1y considerable the inc reme Heal effze cs of an • C Sndividvat project arc considera'o le when vie•. ed 1n [Dane aion vich the efiacts of past protects and probable fucure prpjec;s), d. Does the project have env is o;y.en[al effects _~- vhich will cause sub sc ancial adverse eEfeccs on hu ;an beings, enter direccIy or Sndireccly? TI. DISCOS SIOV OF Fp; Igp); .r~.,T~y g\'ALC6'.t0•i (i.e., of of `i ;,~cive ansvers~ [he above ques [ions plus a discussion of ~fb THrr ~iPA k "7C7A I,lout_ Proposed ciciga[ion censures), o ~aouG+?. Ti-1¢ M.vrlt-~uM ~a u\T(M~~ ~~`Qli/~ Te \-Z TR1S~,4~. TH{S ~~~.oU rUV\'= o f ~aouurtu T.+a .%~1 u.,0\ur( <F u-R,1 1-(ou,s.wJG Su~'1'~(. ~,-+ ~T.tFc~a ,~ Tr.tc 4.+\I\F+a-+t-'I~aN -c~.T ~C 1~ Six.-+-srely~ e-1KT U7-•t o~ T.~a PFV"~-°~ ice. S~..o~a. .~•R~ 4 w~nma~he` G.p.u_.\..v11oN 4 ~P-.~,.a~c,a. F,.~v.-~rl~-s, d to Pu+lava -ct+a G P oo~lac--clv~ aF T~s-IaHP. ~.l ooc~ Corr\P/`-r\olt.\rT 1.-, ~'¢~z.~s op 7P1-It IT`T, -[N\s Arnlo.-+ \s t-l ac.e.ssn R-`T 1 -crl~ -~pr.oc-orF °F P 't7 u Rer-s t-h \-1ous..-1 a ~-touc ~ - iw I~ °{'T.~-eu~ { rl~zcass.°f-`( q+~ ~7w TN\~ ~~zo ~a<-'r L-loulo t~1,~1-1G~ Tl~ti i"I.~Y11~nuM P~uPrac.\>c Ov-e-~t\-t~( To P I~e\'~oP- e-1UM es~~. TH\s e.~r~c~a La 1-ive\:~„~.~,.`T ,rT. Peo-ll Yta 'Tt-1~ GP C'a.w`t °F e-!e\G.1~~{mc~ GoN~~y.T \'31u~ x0~ ~N~( F£E-`s RGTS L-~xJ I-O pz ~, YCts\Tl \II~ 1.1. C:ol.}y ~a-P~.TIe1.1 o~'t{-iCi, ~Tc.l (s,t OP Tr{~ QRD CId4'~i' 'Tu (~iPaJC.t ~a.w1~\T\Ofi. fLLJ{ PaG~~d uduw G~•.aapA-rv. t_~~ ~ A T w f+l ~' P.a,F{= L P~Y.T. Paee 7 IiI. DE' dil0`: On the basis of this 1a SC1a1 evaluation: ~-,{ I find the proposed project COL•'J VO? have a signii itanc ef:ecc IILX ,l on the ervi;caaene, and a tiEC ~ti'.~ DECL:.R.:T iOA will be prepared, I fled that although the proposed p: of ect could have a signif Scant effect on [he env irc:.nen t, there gill not be a 5lgniiicant of sect ~ ~. in this case because the citlgacion yea sures descrih ed on an attached sheeC have been added to [he project. A AEG+SAT_ DECIeiR.1Ti0\ DILL HE PREPA3,D, I find the proposed project ?34. envl::=eat, and an ESPiRC:D^:.I Datc Ir r' RESOLUTION N0. "~9-1~-R-P 85-~98 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, gPPROV ING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP FROM LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL AND LOW RESIDENTIAL TO VERY LOW REST D'e NTIAL ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WILSON, BETWEEN HAVEN AND MAYBERRY AND TO INCLUDE THOSE PARCELS FRONTING ON THE WEST SIDE OF MAYBERRY - APY 201-181-7-10, 59-60, 80-85. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on May 22, 1985 to consider all comments and hereby recommends approval of General Plan Amendment 85-03 to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comments on the proposed General Plan Amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE [T RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga City Council does hereby approve the following amendment to the General Plan land Use Plan: SECTION 1: The General Plan Land Use Map shall be amended as follows: From Low Medium Residential (4-6 du/ac) and Low . Res identiai (2-4 du/ac) to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du /ac) for the 20.2 acres of land located on the south side of Wilson Avenue hr, tween Haven and Mayberry and to include those parcels fronting on the west side of Mayberry and further descrihed as APN 201-181-7, 8, 9, 10, 59, 60, 81, 82, 83, 84 and 85. SECTION 2: A Negative Declaration is hereby adopted by the City Council for Lhis General Plan Amendment, based upon the completion and findings of the Initial Study. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on D. Mikels, Mayor !rb ORDINANCE N0. -6-19-~-9•fl ~!n'~ • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 201-181-1-10, 59-60, 80-85 LOCRTED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WILSON, BETWEER HAVEN AND MAYBERRY AND INCLUDING THOSE PARCELS FRONTING ON THE WEST S[DE OF MAYBERRY FROM LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DU/AC) AND LOW RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC) TO VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL (LESS THAN 2 DU/AC). The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds and determines the following: A. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, following a public hearing held in the Lime and manner prescribed by law, recommends the rezoning of the property hereinafter described, and this City Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and considered said rer-ommendation. B. That this rezoning is consistent with the General • Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. C. That this rezoning is consistent with the objectives of the Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. This rezoning will have no significant environmental impact as provided in the Negative Declaration filed herein. SECTION 2: The following described real property is hereby rezoned in the manner stated, and the development district map is hereby amended accordingly. From Low Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) and Low Residential (2-4 du/ac) to Very Low Residential (less than 2 du/ac) for the 20.2 acres of land located on the south side of Wilson Avenue between Haven and Mayberry and to include those parcels fronting on the west side of Mayberry and further described as APN 201-181-7, 8, 9, 10, 59, 60, 80, 19, 82, 83, 84 and 85. The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Dail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of ntario, Ca ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. (/^ /~, / ~~~ ir7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAbIO\GA STAFF REPORT z • ~ ~ ~ DATE: June 19, 1985 F,'~, T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council i FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner eY: Howard Fields, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND OEVELO PMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 85-02 - KOOYMAN - A Development District Amendment from Medium Residential (8-14~ du/ac) to Low Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) for 9.75 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland Avenue - APN 201- 252-23, 25, 26. BACKGROUND: At its regularly scheduled meeting on May 8, 1985, the Planning Commission, during a public hearing, recommended approval of the Negative Declaration and District Development Amendment 85-02. Tentative Tract Map 12914 is associated with DDA 85-02 and was approved by Planning Commission contigent upon Council approval of DOA 85-02. The attached copy of the Planning Commission staff report describes the project proposal in detail. . The proposed Development District Amendment is consistent with the City's general and applicable ordinances. The subject property is suitable for the proposed land use in terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land uses in the surrounding area. The proposed district change will not have a significant impact on the environment. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in The Dail Re ort newspaper and notices were mailed to property owners within feet of the project site. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against this project. RECOMMEN DAT[ON: The Piann ing Commission recommends that the City ouncil approve the Oeve lopment District Amendment 85-02 through adoption of the attached Ordinance and issuance of a Negative Dec aration. ~w R ec 11y~s ub1mitt ed, ~(2ic ~~,tomez; ~Cit~ Pl»~Aer L~ RG:HF:ns (! Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report and Resolution 4 Minutes of May 8, 1985 Planning Commission Meeting City Council Ordinance /3-d' Noncf of ' ~ wucxuuxo uNCxo <uumoxoa ~~TV + 1v AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION fii+c V V OT' EVE9 +^° $y;^;7;,'~ - ~ B.u a~ : ~ STATEOFCALIFO1tftIA \ :me<,.,a :e~<~N ,<~oE as 1f3~3f V fON fxi. /y~ •'' ~~~E p1~ r[LL"AIWINO WUNI`Y OF SN\Bl: V I . l E ME"T NO Gf4EE.l it [NOMlNI NCf < N M . . : ~ 1 .Ix re rM D,Mra ~' NNn l,M Vv MNI r m ~ Maurine n. Pa¢an do hereby certifythatl I i ;~'KP,'R;~,.";:."."..1~: , am the Legal Advertising clerk of THE DAILY REPORT, a daily M1 • aui,(i ro VIM1 lmr 4Ni. 'i , .",~ .. " newspaper of general cvcldation, published in the City of Ontario, ,1°."~ .°: ,;L'r~'~ ;. County and State aforesaid and that the attached advertisement ~ lu M.:o..°..m rN miiihi` ~ e at Puolic Hearine N t iE "NN" ENV 19ONMEYt1l 3 lNt 1xD DEVEIOf I3 O of M f[ i DISL EIELS , MEH ENI Sf O, .n EH . m~ T " ~ t.itY (;DUnCl~- m, onlnln M, iN m x„•a,~e,l i 'i i ~ 1 , :ro ~o. N.uawN I ki Citr of RancnD Cucamon¢a "'"'"'°"~"N.~°„x' x':'a IMN INne° o'. rM n . M a wn..x. Nrw,. `x " M, M.vMn.. an ~IYM Ixv~ IwIM, IrM1.M ~ waa published in said newspaperO n e t i) time ~ %~+ +~ N M••°°'° ~ wriNim rif.NNewn ~ i e me iDN nfDFl oiVi~a ' DII.E~CL MENE ' 1MEYOMfNi NO] xOD, oM.~n M N . owoMmmr ~ ki um " e". ., ° l :i r to wik June 7, 1985 M :ri.": a l,M 1 ~I ~ • < p ~ I .N AI '° I ttrtity under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is We and ""'~" ." 9eoraa,mm.n° a " u. c "riT nl G . ~~-l. }V ~~~~. Cl` ~ 1 ~ M ININ lltt, II+N1 r N / ~ r ' I /'~~ 1 / / erele On 9e[M,r~ ( ` ~~ { A''.' - 1 " E S ~ / nM ° r ~ lLL -~ Y_!i[_// ^ I ~^"'E[//W . e) (Si j/ 0~r~aw.a rCwrcerM• AOOr< me n:~ rra o ee. Nr, ai °" i g M Y ' f,MM exumnM. ueram da of Dated at Ontario, California this 7 e n y '1 rO~rIM inl"md1~M On rM .,,., >,°„N m.. xl,xr.•m. n1Kr~np IM M.nn•n° DI /N IN IEII NY 19x5 June • Y ~I piO'a f 1 ~- fEVE I ~EIEi u r Clrr• C ."Nnn ~"~. r I,N ,o<N,n • /s9 ~ C n •mv nc n ~ win vn nr,n w wen ~-n ~ STAFF REPORT e% ~ v~O7.; ~i ~, o F' ~ 2 1911 ~ DATE: Rpril 29, 1985 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Howard Fields, Assistan t. Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 8 - - KDOYMAN - A Development District Amendment from Medium Residential (8-14 du/ac) to Low Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) for 9.75 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Rrch ibald Avenue and Highland Avenue - APN 201-252-23, 25, 26. RELRTED FILE: TT 12914 I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCR PTION: A. Action Requested: App rnval of Development District Amendment and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Purpose: To allow the development of 78 single-family homes. C. Location: Northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland Avenue. D. Parcel Size: 9.75 acres. E, Existing Zoning: Medium Residential District (8-14 du /ac). F, Exist ing Land Use: Abandoned chicken ranch. G, Surroundin Land Use and Zonfn North - scant, Low-Medium 4-8 du/ac). South - Existing single-family resident, Low Residential (2-4 du/ac). East - Vacant, Medium Residential, (8-14 du/ac). West - Existing singJle-family tract (Lemon Ridge), Low Residential (2-4 du/ac). H. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Medium Residential, (4-14 du/ac). North - Low Residential, (2-4 du/ac), South - Medium High Residential, (14-24 du/ac). East - Low Residential, (2-4 du/ac), West - Low Residential, (2-4 du/ac), ITEM E //~ O PLANNING COMMISSION'( -AFf REPORT DOA 88-02 - Kooyman May 8, 1985 Page 2 I. Site Characteristics: Suhject site was utilized as a chicken farm in past years. Presently, the site contains 2 existing residences which are slated for removal. The remainder of the project site is vacant with approximately 3% slope from north to south. II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The City Council set a maximum density of 9 du/ac (on appeal of TT 11869 - Roberts Group). Development District Amendment 85-02 is associated with proposed Tentative Tract Map 12914. The tentative tract map was designed at 8 du/ac under the Optional Development Standards for the Low-Medium Residential District. This request will effectuate the downzoning of the project site from Medium Residential (8-14 du/ac) to Low Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac), which is consistent with the existing zan ing to the north (Low Medium) and compatible with the properties to the west and south (Low Residential), and east (Medium Residential). 6. Environmental Assessment: Based upon completion of the Initial Ludy, Part II, the project will not present any significant adverse effects upon the environment and the reduction in density would reduce environmental impacts. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The subject property is suitable for the proposed land use in terms of access, size, and comp at ibiiity with existing land uses in the surrounding areas. Further, the proposed District Change will not have a significant impact on the environment or surrounding properties and is in conformance with the General Plan. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a Public Hearing in TheThe gaily RReport newspaper, the property posted, and notices were sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. The applicant conducted a neighborhood meeting to receive community input. • /L / • PLANNING COMMISSION( AFF REPORT OOA 85-02 - Kooyman May 8, 1985 Page 3 l RECOMMENDRTiON: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider all input and if after such consideration the Commis ion can support the Facts for finding, adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Neq ative Declaration would 6e RG:HF:ns J Attachments: 1 Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "8" - Site Utitizat ion Map Initial Study, Part II Resolution of Approval /4 1 n'ORTH clzY or ITI:ni: G.~ ,~ 8s- az ~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: Lct~To./ /1~,qP PLANNING; DIVISION rzrnnl't' _,"~" ScnLG -~ /4 3 c c • I~ U '1`J 3 I `~ I' IFI I III I I I I I ~ ~ I I ' -IL*' sl_~_L_ ~I I I i I i i i t -_~ _ _--_-_ __ll_ !-.~.._L_~__L_L_L-1_J I I I N_WSM W 61 w' ~- ; -7--r-'I ~ I -- =- nN ` I ~~I~.bl i ~ I$ I ~~ f j 1(~~ I I€ a ~ I °sl im la i~ I I I J4pE1TE ~ ~ ~ ~ IRCeieatD ~ vm I ly 1 I ~ 8~ r`1 I i I ~ ~ : ~ I I I I ~ ~ ~ J o i r n N °n : -- :~ m ---r- S I I . ~~ i ; ,~ t ~~ i ~ ~ 'I s O I ~ i ~ _J~I ~ q p l`~ ~ I I I I I I l i t ~ I. I c~ € a ~ -- - - _~ i ; p 3 I , o __ -- ----t 1-------- ----- \` ~ ~ t ~~ ~~ y ja [: v C-~ b C'J SLIM ~~ wE. -_ _-t---_ I _ __- r-~ r- _ v r I I r---- --~ - 1__~ I J:, I I !~I I I i i ~ I I ,< >~ ~ . r y Z m -~ al a IN ~ I N--- --~-' -- - < D l If ~ I m - ----------- ~ z --- - - - ---- m ~ "< ~m 0 p D O iQ € N (D A ~ yy I N t I c~iw~Poo~oia~~oor~w~e 12814 icy ~ C RESOLUTION N0. 85-fi3 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONG.4 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF DISTRICT CHANGE N0. 85-02 REQUESTING A CHANGE IN THE DISTRICT DESIGNATION FROl1 MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL TO LOW MEDIUM FOR 9.75 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THC NORTHEAST CORNER OF ARCH IBALD AND HIGHLAND. WHEREAS, on the 20th day of February, 1985 an application was filed and accepted on the above-described project; and WHEREAS, on the 8th day of May, 1985, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised puhlic hearing pursuant to Section 65854 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the following findings: 1. That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and 2. That the proposed district change would not have • significant impact on the environment nor the surrounding properties; and 3. That the proposed district change is in conformance with the General Plan. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this pro,7 ect will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration on May 8, 1985 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: ' 1. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 8th day of May, 1985, District Change ^!o. 85-02. 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Gity Council approve and adopt District Change No. 85-02. 3. That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. • /6i c t CI :`! OF A.L\C`?0 CL'C~.uO`:GA PAR; II - INITIAL SYJDY EATIa0:`CNi,L CHECSLIST DATE: ///R(/ CY ~/~~ .. FILI:;C DATE: F~ ZO /fB~,~ LOG NL^3ER: ~D..~L}, Ff.~-O PRCS-_c^: 7~L!/6GG~~7E.lT o,~' 7 S~~/ GE -~iniL y~7E PRGSec. Loc,.TlcN: ycrie7/1E•osT/'~.en/E2o~/fitCyiYvtD ~i~.Y.r~9 tyy~GY.~,~G1r I. E:1'IaC'CT`:I','.L I?"3:1C's (Explanation of all "yes" and "aaybe" anss•ers are required on attached sheets). YES M.45'°E NO 1. Soils ar.d Geolc ev. Will the proposal have signi:icanc resulcs in: a. Dns tab le grouo,d conditions or in changes In geologic relationships? - b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or _ burial of the soil? c. Change in topography or ground surface contour £n to rvals? d. The destruction, covering or modifica cicn j of any unique ego log'c or physical feacu zes? (/ e. Any potential increase in wind or eater erosion of sails, off ec[ing either on or of: site condi[o ns'. / / E. Changes in erosEon silCatlon, oL depo siC io a? - g. Exposure of people or proper[;: [o geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud- / slides, ground fallu ra, or similar ha za rd5? V/ ` h. An increase in the rate of extraction and/or ~ use of any mineral resource? / JL 2. Hyd ro loge. Will the proposal have significant resulcs in: /b G f / ` \ Page 2 YES `!4YBE \0 a. Changes in torten [s, or the course of direction • of flowing streams, rivers, or ephemeral scream /' channels? (/ b. Changes in absorption races, drainage pacce rns, or the rage and amount of surface water / runoff? / c. Altera[loas to the course or floe of flood / waters? / d. Change Sn Che amount of surface eater in ant body of water? e. Discharge into surface wa [e rs, or am• alcera Lion of surface water quality? _ f A f ~ // , lteration o groundwater characteris tics? Y g. Change in the quantity of grounduaters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through in ter: erence with an aquifer? Qua 11 ty? Quantity? h t of water other- ti Th d i th • . n e amoun e re uc on wise available for public water supplies? / i. Exposure of people oz property co uacer / related hazards such as flooding or seiches? 3. Air Oualitv. Will the proposal have sign if icanc results in: a. Constant or periodic air emirs Sons from mobile oz indirect sources? / Stationary sources? _ / b. Deterioration of am6 ienc air quality and/or interference with the attainment of applicable aiz quality s[anda rds? __ -. c. Alteration of local or regional cli: ac is conditions, affecting air moveaent, mo is CU:e or temperature? ~/ 4. Biota Flora. Will the proposal have sl6nifimnt results in: a. Change in the characceriscfcs of species, includ Sng divers l[y, distr Sbuclon, of number of any species of planes? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of planes? /6 ~. • ~ ~ Page 3 c. Inert ducticn o: new or disruptive species ox lants i p nto an area? d. Reduction in the po [ential Eor ago culcurel produr ion? / / Fa_::e. Will the proposal have signif icar.t results in: a. Chang=_ in Che ch aracte as Gcs of species, including diversity, dicer ib u[io n, ar nuc.b ors / ax any spe cos of anica is? / b. Reduction of the nu=~ers of any unicue, rare or er.dar.gered species o: anicals? ~/ c. Intro ductien of new or disrupt ive spec'_es of an icais into an area, or result in a barr'ec to Che eig:a[ion nr cover..enc of anicals? / ~/ d, Oet er is ration or reeoval of existing fish or / wildlife hob ica e? ~/ 5. Povuiat ion. Will the proposal have sign if icanc resuics in: a. Wi11 the proposal alter the to to cion, distri- bution dens ic di• , y, : ors i[y, of grow ch race ox [Fe hu= / an po pula[ion of an area? ~/ b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or _ create a de_and for additional housing? ~ 6. Soc io-Emno~ic Factors, Will the proposal have s ngn is icanc coca lcs in: a. Change in local or regional sot io-econooic characteristics, including econooic or coWercial divers icy, tar rate, and property values?, b. Will project costs 6e equitably distr'_bu[ed acong proj etc 6enef is lcries, i.e., buyers, tax payers or proj ec[ users? 7. Land !,'se and Plannine rn;ts td e; ,'to ns. I:ill [he - praposal have stgn: wnt to sui is in .' a. A subscanc ial altera tien of [he pros enc or planned land use of an area? b A fli d i h . con ct w any t es£gnae Ions, obj ectiv rs, policies, or adopted plans of any govern:aental entities? c. M 1©pac[ upon [he qu laity or qua n[Sty of ex is cing <onsunpclve or non-consunptlve zecreaclonal oppoccunlt Ses? itP - - Page 4 YES N_4Y'E VO 8. Tra nsoortation. W11i Che proposal have sign if lean[ . C results Sn: a. Ceneza[SOn of subsea,,^.c ial addicirnal vehicular n ? / / ave.en c J ~ b. Ef .`ec is on a%is:ing scr eels, or de=and for / neu scree[ construction? c. Ef fee is on existing patki^g `aceli :ies, or dev~and for nev parking? d. Subscant ial 1©pact upon existing tra nspor:a- tion s ce^s? ys e. Alcerat ions to pres enc pa Gerns of circula- / CSon or ~ovecenC of people and/or goods? ~/ f, Alterations [o or effects on present and p0[CnCial va Ca r-b0 [ne, rail, Cass transit or / d1L CLaIfiC? 1/ g. Increases Sn eraff is hazards to rJO COr vehicles, / bicyclists or pedesirians^ / 9. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal hav¢ • sLgn is icon[ resulCS in: a. Adis:u zbante to the enc egri:y of archaeological, / paleontological, and/or his ce rical resources.' 10. Health. Safe[v, and 6uisnnce Factors. Rill the proposal have signet lean[ resul cs in: ~, a. Crea [f on of any health hazard or potential health naza zd? / _ _ b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? __ c. A rSsY, o'f explosion or release of hazardous / substances in [he even[ of an ace iden c? / d. An increase in [he nucber of Sndiv iduals or species of vet [or or path enogenic - organisers or the a%posura of people to such ,' organises? ,~_ ~ e. Increase in e%SsC L^.g noise levels? _~_ t/ f. Exposure of people [o potentially dangerous / noise levels? /__ _ •( i C g. The creation of obj ecifonable odors? _ / t~ h. An increase in light or glare? y /t5 <, C ( Fa ge i Y=S 1'_418= ::0 11. Aesthetics. Will Che proposal have b1gn1.`Scanc resu::s in: a. The obstruction o: dagradatron of aay scenic / vista or view? / b. The treat ion of an aes th e[ic ally offensive f site? c. A coaflic[ uich the objet [ice of desl-nated / or peter clal scenic corridors? E/ 12. L't it?aes and Pcb lie Se r: is es. Will the proposal have a sign if icon[ need for new sys[eWs, or al Ceratic ns to the follcwing: a. El ect r'c power? V b. Na coral or packaged gas? / c. Co.^_unicatia ns sysee~s? _~ d. Water supply? ~ _/ e. Was[eaater facilities? / f. Flood control st:uccures? _ g. Solid waste facilities? _~ h. Fire protection? _~ i. Police protect to n? __ ~ d. Schools? ~ / k. Parks or other zecreatie nal facilitles? ,_ 1. Na intenance of public fat ilities, including roads and flood con c:ol fac111 ties? _ / m. Other gove rnnencal services? / 13. Enerr•: and Scarce Re~ou tees. 6'111 t?ie prep osal have sipnif icanc re soles in: • a. Use of subs [ancial or excess l :e fuel or energy? b. Substantial increase Ln dec.xnd upon existing ~ sources of energy? / c. M increase Sn [he de.:and Eor develapwe nt of , / new sources of onerg/? -- v d. M increase or perpetuation of the consumption / of non-renewable for...s of energy, when feasible / renewable sources of energy are availah le? V /7D _ _ l ~ Page 6 e. Substantial deple[Son of an norrenewab le or scarce nacural resource? 14. Mandator: Finding o: Si r'=`ca~re. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the em:ironmen[, sub stantially reduce Che ha6 icat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, Chzea tea Co eliaiaato a plant or animal co©unity, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endang e; ed plant or animal of eliminate Smporcant examples of [he cajoz periods of Califo rn is history or prehis[o ry? Y°_S )aY3F SO • Does the project have [he po tencial to achi e•:e s ho: :-te ~, Co the disadvantage of long-ce c., enviroamencal goals? (A shore-term impact on the envirac~ea[ is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of tine while long- ~ tern impacts will endure yell into [he future). / c. Does the project have fmpac cs which are individually li=iced, 6uc tumula Lively tonsiderab le? (Cumulative ly considerable • means [ha[ [he incremental ef,'eces of an individual proj etc are considerable when viewed Sn ronnection with [he effects of past projects, ~ and pro6n61e future proj ec a). / d. Does [he project have environmental effects which will cause sub stancial adverse effects ; on human beings, either directly or lydirec cly? ~/ II. DISCCSSIOA OF EX\'I30ti`!'_":TP.L EVdLL'P.TI017 (i.e„ of of .'S:.motive answers [o [he above~quescions plus .a discussion of pro ~os~ed~ ~e-iyt~i ga Lion myasut es) .!//~E.r22C~ ~~,/!ECG[,..,.,~..f~~~"y~c~1~/i/y,"!"°ff> ~^` _/`~ ~~ ~ ~O,/ Lr~"l~~Yr~~GLB.r /a+G~O . _~Yifi( G~ (i /, i~~L"^ccy I/N'Y[LL iL'~fC~G~f-I+`• ~~/~/`/~ J~ '~~?izc`'~~/~'N.I pi A./3~ ~il~~.,,s1i..>`~t2sJ~Y+~ G..yu ~~~.~ ~r..~'Z~c• u~ocb+~/~l/.p~icr~,~ ~~~~ ~~yyy~~..CLc~C~LC~cCa/+sc. wKC~.6t ii of ~~~ Face ] IIi. DE ~::vT"A"TO On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find the proposed project COtiJ :70T have a signi aeon[ effect on the env is bn =en[, and a SEGA'.I`."E DECL:..R.ITIOV will be prepared. _ 1 find chat although the proposed project could have a sigaif icanc I I offeet on the enviro:.aenc, there will not be a significant ei:ect 1_J in this case because the oitiga tion v~easures des<: ib ed on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A ;;EGAI1:~ DEC:1,RAt1G~ HILL BE pqr?A.°.2~. I ;ind the proposed proj ec[ .4'i have a significant offect nn the envir: ten[, and an E`;l'Ifl0)~ -ST Ia°AC: RE?OF,S is required. Date /~¢'(~ b~. ~y P~ ~% _ _,~G.~~~ ~ Sie atv:e Title s ,>> D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-29 - THE KOLL COMPANY • The development of an eight building industrial park complex totaling approximately 104,000 square feet on 7.4 acres of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 12) located on the east side of Milliken, south of 6th Street - APN 229-261-58. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Chitiea, carried, to adopt the Consent Calendar. Chairman Stout announced that Item C, Environmental Assessment and Development Review 64-17 - Crowder, had been withdrawn by the applicant. PUBLIC HEARINGS E. ENVIRONMENTI nuu un~~r - n ueve iopment uistn ct Amendment from Medium Residential (8-14 du/ac to Low Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac) for 9.75 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland Avenue - APN 201-252-23, 25, 26. (Related File: TT 12914) F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12914 - HIGHLAND VILLAGE - The deve opment of 8 single family detached homes on acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 du/ac), (Low Medium Development District Amendment request pending), located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland - APN 201-252-23, 25, 26. (Related File: ODA 85-02) Howard Fields, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer, addressed the alignment issue at the • intersection of 19th and Archibald. Oscar Montez, representing the applicant, stated concurrence with the staff reports and resolutions of approval. Petar Laden, also representing the applicant, advised that the project had been designed in accordance with City policies. He advised that through the reduction in density, the project would be decreasing the traffic fmpacts on 19th Street. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rempel was concerned with Planning Division Condition 2 regarding redesign of the perimeter Klock wall, and advised that his preference would be to use landscaping in conjunction with the existing fence. Chairman Stout stated that the intersection on the south side of 19th and Archibald needed to be improved to provide alignment and transition. He suggested that the applicant work with staff and Caltrans on this issue. Planning Commission Minutes _p_ May 8, 1985 • / 73 • Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Stout, to approve the Resolution recommending approval to the City Council of Development District Amendment 35-02. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: COI4MiSSIONERS: REMPEL, STOUT, CHITIEA, MCNIEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER -carried Motion: Moved by Chit lea, seconded by McNiel, to approve Tentative Tract 12914 with the deletion of Planning Division Condition 2 regarding the perimeter wall. The applicant was advised to work with City staff on the alignment of the intersection at 19th and Archibald. Jim Markman, City Attorney, advised that a statement should be added that approval of the tentative map is contingent on the approval or` Development District Amendment 35-02 by the City Council. Motion carried by the following vote: • ~J AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CIII TIEA, MCNIEL, REMPEL, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ;ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARKER -carried . + .. . v. ENV nci,nin ~ni n~~no, um. um ue ve iupmen~ or a iur un is ren remenc nocei for senior citizens with other services provided, such as dining facility, recreation and exercising facility, arts and crafts, barber and beauty shops, on 1.76 acres of land in the Office Professional District, located at the south side of Base Line, 700 feet east of Carnelian - APN 201-031- 19. Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Richard Thomas, representing th_ applicant, addressed condition 4 requiring a rontinuous barrier/fence around the recreation area. Mr. Thomas advised that most residents like to see what is happening around them and do not like to be walled in. Mr. Thomas additionally requested removal of conditions 6 and 7 regarding double glazing windows and use of double paned tinted glass. He advised that the applicant would like to have the opportunity to use different techniques for light and glare issues and suggested that more details could be submitted prior to the building permit phase. Bohn Jason, also representing the applicant, reiterated Mr. Thomas's comments. Planning Commission Minutes -3- May 8, 1985 77Y • ORDINANCE NO. ~fi~§=&~ v~(o8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CRLIFORN[A, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 201-252-23, 25, 16, LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER Of ARCNIBALD AVENUE AND HIGHLAND AVENUE, FROM MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DU/AC) TO LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DU/AC). The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby finds and determines the following: A. That the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, following a public hearing held in the time and manner prescribed by law, recommends the rezoning of the property hereinafter described, and this City Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner prescribed by law and duly heard and considered said recommendation. B. That this rezoning is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. • C. That this rezoning is consistent with the objectives of the Development Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. This rezoning will have no significant environmental impact as provided in the Negative Declaration filed herein. SECTION 2: The following described real property is hereby rezoned in the manner stated, and the development district map is hereby amended accordingly. Assessor's Parcel Number 201-252-23, 25, 26 approz imately 9.75 acres in size and located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland Rvenue, is hereby changed from Medium Residential (8-lA du/ac) to Low Medium Residential (4-8 du/ac). The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. /'7~ STAFF REPORT ,~ `~9 ~ .~ ~~ r ~; };i ~ A JL 9 DATE: June 19, 1985 19'. T0: Mayor and i4embers of the City Council FROM: Rick Gomez, Clty Planner BY: Lisa Wininger, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: REPROGRAMMING OF 1983/84 BLOCK GRANT FUNDS TO THE NORTHTOWN STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BACKGROU~"10: The Northtown Streets Area I project, located on Acacia, Belmont, Cottage and 8th Streets was originally budgeted for 8153,000 of Block Grant funds. This project will resurface streets and install curbs, gutters and sidewalks. As detailed construction plans have been completed, costs have increased from those originally estimated several months ago. The new projected cost is estimated to be approximately E197,000. Reprogramming of the unexpended Block Grant funds into the Northtown Streets projects would cover nearly all of the additional cost of the project. At the end of the 1983/04 Block Orant program year, E38,000 was not expended. Since these funds were designated for administrative costs and were not expended in that period, the funds must be reprogrammed into a specific project in order to 6e utilized 6y the City. RECOMMENDATION: After considering any public input, it is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution authorizing the reprogramming of administration funds to the Northtown Streets - Area I project and direct staff to transmit the amended budget and narrative to HUD. /7 6 Attachments: Resolution of Approval • RESOLUTION N0. f=6~-k9=ft=2' 8T -~ 199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C UCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REPROGRAMMING FUNDS FROM THE 1983/84 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, following a public hearing the City Council authorized the Community Development Block Grant funding for Fiscal Year 1983/84 in the amount of $437,000; and WHEREAS, $38,000 in administration funds were not expended; and WHEREAS, increased costs in the Northtown Streets Area I project are projected; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved construction of the Northtown Streets project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby reprogram administration funds in the amount of E38,000 to the Nor thrown Streets - Area I project. • PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. RYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mikels, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, ,ty erk 17~ CITY OF RANCHO CL'CA~ICNGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manager FROid: Lloyd 8. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer SU BJELT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENE ,p ~~cn.4roN M C9 >~ r ,. a TO _il ~~ A F' ~ 2 c: > 19]7 RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An amendment to the Circutatton ttemenc or me enera an to correct language inconsistencies with respect to median islands and to clarify the intent of the General Plan with respect to the use of median islands FNViRnNMFNTAI ACCFCCMFNT ANn iNnIICTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN various parts of the Industrial Area Specific Plan deleting the requirement for median islands on certain narrow arterial streets • The Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga approved and has hereby forwarded to Council resolutions affecting the median island designations in the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. An unanimous decision was reached to delete the requirement for median islands as follows; 1) Baseline Road from Haven to west City limits; 2) Archibald Avenue; 3) Art_ow Route; and Rochester Avenue south of Foothill Blvd The basis for the decisions reached were; 1) Median islands force U-turns on major arterials which have curb separations of 72 feet or less. This results in a turning radius which is not negotiable by trucks; 2) Median maintenance requiring lane closures would seriously disrupt traffic on these narrower streets; and 3) Implementation of medians on these streets would be very disruptive to existing properties of all kinds due to the heavy dependence on direct access. Two way left turn lanes can be used for acceleration by vehicles entering the major road as well as deceleration for those leaving. Thsi provides safer, more efficient operation where numerous access drives exist. Attached Exh ihits "A" and "B" are proposed revisions to the General Plan and the industrial Specific Plan, respectively. The attached resolution is far the approval of the subject changes and negative declaration. ~~9 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT AMENDMENTS 85-04 & 85-01 June 19, 1985 Page 2 ~J Following these guidelines and determinations, Industrial Area Specific Plan classification fo the median island designation deleted. The standards should be revised to clarify the street median island implementation. RECOMMENOATiON it is appropriate that the r major arterials should have General Plan guidelines and sections of roads subject to Following review and discuss inn by the City Council, it is recommended that the Council approve the attached resolutions adopting Exhibits "A" and "B". Respectfully su mitted, ~_~/ ~~~~~~ LBH:PA ko Attachments C~ \J /79 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FCALiFORNIA ~ sa OF SAN BERNARDINO I, Maurine D. Paean do hereby certify thatl NoncE OR am the Legal Advertising clerk of THE DAILY REPORT, a daily run¢ NEAEiNo ~'LVC ~MGNE. i newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Ontario, R,NEN a.+cDUNoL ~ County and State aforesaid and that the attached advertisement R .ar lSf^~°~~~:m' ^"~ ~~ e[ Notice of Pu61 is Hearine °p1 BAHL ,~,,"«. r.. r,r coumwn..'re` ~ E4vrROYMEHtAL ASSESS C n Cl~ C t NE4i 4ND GENERAL PLaN l r O n {Y E nNCNO CVC MONOA A rM <~~[urn~rM , Citr of Rancho Cucamonea M ~M GErN..r vrAn N Eiemm~ ~a,K r~rw•.RE ~Mmn°°^°" l i .^e re awnr n „pec11R IN PIM ~ ry,. N~' Y T u was published in saidnewsa r One (1) tSme p pe ENViR:~NME'+ALASSE55 ~ MEM• •HC rii F.TP A tO Wtt: June 7, 1985 I rectify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correM. ~ 1 _~~o~~..cuc~,t~r 1~ (Signa~ur Dated at Ontario, California this 7th ~ day of 1985. i eJ it °li ERw Line RuJ. SY~M1 ~:~a ,°or~ a u:°~`w.^'em K~ ~M `~wy o ~~ ~on~c1h a R.n~^o cRAMwv. r o .Pa Mm ^R RnnCNO CVC.MONGA C.iY COV NCrL Eem. ,.^. r, ~r, marni Apo y' I i5 L_ J Foothill Boulevard. This street should be improved with a l4-foot landscaped median strip. Like Haven, a 15-foot setback from the right of way to the parking areas on private parcels should be required on both sides. Columnar evergreens should be planted in the 14-foot median. Pedestrian-scale canopy trees should be planted within the 15-foot setback zones on both sides. Those on the north side should be deciduous to provide solar access. As along Haven Avenue, a quarter-mile spacing of street intersections is also pro- posed in order to minimize left-turn move- ments and through traffic. Access to pri- vate lots should be from side streets and collector streets, 'FROM F41VEN AVEIJUE TO EA57 CITY Lff1ITS Base Line Road. .This street should 6e improved with a median landscape strip and a 15 foot setback from the right of way to the parking areas. Pedestrian-scale canopy trees should be planted on both sides. L ~ Y ~ EJ(F!IBIT A IIJDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN FiG.li-4 STREET CLASSIFICATIOfd MAJOR ARTERIAL DIVIDED (120 ft. ROW) • Foothill • Haven • Milliken • 4th • 6th between Haven & • Day Creek Blvd. MAJOR ARTERIAL (100 ft. ROW) • Archibald • Arrow • New Rochester • Etiwanda* P'FDIAN RFl~gVED 'South of Arrow substitute two-way left turn lane for median island • / P 1 EXHIBIT B • CITY OF RANCHO CtiCA.\10NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 22, 1985 T0: Planning Commission FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: John L. Martin, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ABSTRACT G~~ GVGA/~,~~~ t e z l r• ~~ C ' -~ T A ~ ~ z 19ii 1 r~nn nnorvn uvi oo-VV - L1Ii Uh RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An amendment to Lhe Circulation E ement of the enera Pan to correct language inconsistencies with respect to median islands and to clarify the intent of the General Plan with respect to the use of median islands ENV IRONMFNTAI ASCFSSMFNT aNn tmnucro tni nnrn .~,-~,~... n'w nor. - nn amellUmefl[ Ln various parts o t e In ustria Area Specific Plan deleting the requirement for median islands on certain narrow arterial streets The Planning Commission considered the issues regarding installation requirements of median islands, on certain streets, for incorporation in the City General Plan and the Industrial Area Specific Plan, on May 9, 1984. The streets for consideration were; 1) Baseline Road - from Haven Avenue to the west City limits; 2) Archibald Avenue; Arrow Route; and, 4) Rochester Avenue. BACKGROUND The Planning Comniss ion reviewed and discussed the enclosed staff report and exhibits presented on the May 9, 1984 agenda. A unanimous decision was reached to delete the requirement for median islands as follows; 1) Baseline Road from Haven Avenue to west City limits; 2) Archibald Avenue; Arrow Route; and, 4) Rochester Avenue south of Foothill BTv~-- ANALYSIS The basis for the decisions reached were: 1) Median islands force U-turns on major arterials which have curb separations of 72 feet or less. This results in a turning radius which is not negotiable 6y trucks; 2) Median maintenance requiring lane closures would seriously disrupt traffic on these narrower streets; and 3) Implementation of medians on these streets would be very disruptive to existing properties of all kinds due to the heavy dependence on direct access. Two way left turn lanes can be used for acceleration by vehicles entering the major road as well as deceleration for those leaving. This provides safer, more efficient operation where numerous access drives exist. /83 ITEMS K 8 L PLANNING COhIMISSION JgfF REPORT AMENDMENT TO GENERAI.~ .AN AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLANS May 22, 1985 Page 2 Attached Exhibits "A" and "B" are proposed revisions to the General Plan and the Industrial Specific Plan, respectively. The attached resolution is far the approval of the sub,j ect changes and negative declaration. CONCLUSION Following these guidelines and determinations, it is appropriate that the Industrial Area Specific Plan classification for major arterials should have the median island designation deleted. The General Plan guidelines and standards should 6e revised to clarify the street sections of roads subject to median island implementation. Following review and discussion by the Planning Commission, it is recommended that the Conmiss ion approve the attached resolutions adopting Exhibits "A" and "B" and forwarding them to the City Council for review and adoption. Res pyctfully submi ted, `//'LB o Attachments • • • /PY GENERAL PLAN C ~~ ~' ~~~ l l ~i<. ~ ~~ ' Y~-f ~~ Foothill Boulevard. This street should be improved with a 14-foot landscaped median . strip. Like Haven, a 15-foot setback from the right of way to the parking areas on private parcels should 6e required on both sides. Columnar evergreens should 6e planted in the 14-foot median. Pedestrian-scale canopy trees should be plantetl within the 15-Foot setback zones on both sides. Those on the north side should be deciduous to provide solar access. As along Haven Avenue, a quarter-mile spacing of street intersections is also pro- posed in order to minimize left-turn move- ments antl through traffic, Access to pri- vate loss should be from side streets and collector streets. ~ER01-0 F{AVEN AVENUE TO 'CAST CITY LI141TS Base Line Road. • This street should be improved with a median landscape strip and a 15 foot setback from the right of way to the parking areas. Pedestrian-scale canopy trees should he planted on both sides. EXHIBIT A /8~ 1a~ .USTRIAL SPECIFIC PLPN FIG. Ii-4 STREI=T CLASSiFiCATION MAJOR ARTERIAL DIVIDED (120 ft. ROW) • Foothill • Haven • Sfi lliken • 4th • 6th between Haven & • Bay Creek Blvd. MAJOR ARTERIAL (100 ft. ROW) • Archibald • Arrow • New Rochester • Etiwanda hIIIIAN RFT1UVED C lYG EXHIBIT B ~ ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW APPLICATION INITIAL STUDY -PART I GENERAL For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Planning Division staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study and make recommendations to Planning Commission: The Planning Commission will make one of three determinations: (1) The project will have no significant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will he filed, (2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will 6e prepared, or (3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. Date Filed: hlay 22, 1985 Project Title: Rancho Lucamonaa General Plan R Industrial Soecific Plan Flm went to . the Ci rcu la ci on El eii~er Applicant's Name, Address, Telephone: Mr. Paul A. Rou Beau Senior Civil En oineer City of Rancho Cucamon as 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonoa CA 91730 989-1851 Name, Address, Telephone of Person To Be Contacted Concerning this Project: Mr. ,John L. Martin, Assistant Civil En oineer Citv of Rancho Cucamonoa, 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cuca mon a CA 91730 98 -1851 Location of Project: N7A Assessor's Parcel No:: N7A List other permits necessary from local, regional, state and federal agencies and the agency issuing such permits: N7A lP~ i-1 C C PROJECT DESCRIPTION • Proposed use or proposed project: Rancho Cucamonga General Plan & Industrial Specific Plan Amendment to the Circulation Elements Acreage of project area and square footage of existing and proposed buildings, if any: N/A Describe the environmental sett ing of the project site including informat inn on topography, soil stability, plants (trees), land animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects, land use of surrounding properties, and the description of any existing structures and their use (attach necessary sheets): N/A Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact No imoart /88 I-2 ~ ~ • MILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? ~ X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise of produce Vibration or glare? X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? _ X 4. Create changes in the existing Zoning or General Plan designations? R 5. Remove any existing trees? Hew many?. _ X 6. Lreate the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, f lammab les or explosives? _ X Explanation of any YES answers above (attach additional sheets if necessary): Delete med i s island deli qna tion on saecific streets • 1. Estimate the amount of sewage and solid waste materials this project will generate daily: N/A 8. Estimate the number of auto and truck trips generated daily by this project: N/A 9. Estimate the amount of grading (cutting and filling) required for this project, in cubic yards: N/A 10. if the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate eva iuation can be made by the Planning Division. Oate: ~~~fI7 ~ Signature ~ [( ~ c~,.,,~( p ~•. i ~ t Title SENIOR CIV[L EN GiNE R /l'S I-3 C ~ Ci'^: OF 4.C:CiiO CLC:7!O::GA PA.4T ii - I:71II:.L Si ~:' E`:.IiC:2~::I?.L CHECi;LiS; DATE: heal 22, 1965 A.°?Lie:.:.-,: Mr. Paul A. Rougeau FIL'::G DATE: Flay 2Y, 1985 .LOG NL?:3E ~: PROJECT: Amendment to General Plan & Industrial Area Specific Plan PROJECT LOCAiIGN: N/A I. E`Z'i~0""t`:T,1L I:!~:\C"5 (Expla na r on of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets). YES N.A1'.',E NO 1. Soils and Geolegv. Will [he proposal have signiiicanc results in; a. llnstab le ground condiclons of in changes in g¢o logic relationships? b. Dis rope iors, disp lacemen[s, campac tion or burial of the soil? / c. Change in topography or ground surface contour intervals? / d. The destruction, covering or modification of any ur.igee geo'-egic or physical Eea [~res^ / e. Any potential increase in wind ar water erosion of soils, affecting either on or of: site condico ns? E. Changes in erosicn silta[!on, or deposiCion'. / g. Exposure of peoc le or prop r.rty to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud- slides, ground fallurc, or similar Fora zds? / h. An increase in the race of exirac[Son and/or f / use o any mineral resource? 2. Hvd rolo cv. Will the proposal have sign~,f leant resin cs in: l90 C ~ Page ? 1'ES `!AY3E _0 a. Ch an3es in cur:en cs, or the course of dizeccl • on of f;owing streams, rivers, or ephemeral sc : eam than; els? b. Chav3es in absorp cior. races, drainage att p erns, or the race and amount of surface wa[a~ / runoff? <• Alteratlors to the course or flow of flood v / ale rs? d, Chan3e in Che anoun[ of surface vacer in am: body of vacer? e. Discharge in co surface vacers, or any / al[era [ion of sur""ace eater quali~y? f. A1Ce ra CSon of grourdwacer characteristics? g. Chan3e in the quan[1f.y of gzoundvacars , either [h:ou gh direcc additions or wich- dzavals, or through in Certerence with an aquifer? Qu al Sty? Quantity? / h. The reduction in the amount of vacer ocher- / • C vise available for public vacer supplies? i. Exposure of people or property to vacer / related hazards such as flooding or seiches? / 3. Air Ouality. Iii 11 the proposal have significa n[ res ults in: a. Constant or periodic air emissions from mobile or indirect sources? / Stationary sources? b. Deterio raticn of amb ienc air quality and/or Sn[erf erence with [he attainment of applicable air quali [y standards? / c. Alteration of So cal or regional climatic ~-- condicions, affecting air movement, moisture / OL CCmperaCU re? `/ 4. Binw _ Flora. vi 11 the proposal have significant results in: a. Change !n the charac ceristics of species, including diversity, dis crl6ucfan, or number of any species of planes? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? Y /9/ -- - C ~ ?age 3 YES i14:3° SO f c. Introdu¢San o: neu or dis: upt!ve species a[ la t i p n s nto an area? ~/ d. Reduction in the po ten cial for ag:iculAUral production? Pa_na. Will the p: oposal have sigaif leant results ln: a. Chang_ in the characteristics o[ species, including diversi C;, dis cribucion, or numb e:s of any species ox aniWals? / N b. Reduction of the nu=hers of any unique, rare / or endangered species of an•Wals? V c. Introduc ti nn of new or dsrup cive species of anccals into an area, or result in a barrier to [he migration or co ver:er.c of aniWals? !~ d. Deterioration oz removal of existing fish or wildlife habitat'. 5. Poouiacion. Will [he proposal have sig^ificanc results in: a. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, diversity, or grouch ra [e o: [he }uia • i / ~ n pop u aCion of an area? ! b. Will the proposal affeee existing housing, or ctea to a demand for additional housing? ~/ 6. Socio--cc onomic Factors. Will [he proposal have sign if leant results in: a. Change 1n Iocal or regional Socio-economic characteristics, including economic oz co©ercial diversity, tax rate, and proper cy / values? Y b. WS11 project costs be equitably distributed along project benef itlar ias, i.e., buyers, / tax payers or proj ec[ us e:s? / 7. Land Cse and Planni;:c Cnnsid era rions. Will the proposal have signi[icanc resui cs Sn? a. A subscan[ial alteraclon of ehe present or planned land use of an area? / b A fli i h d . con ct w t any esignations, objectives, policies, or adopted plans of any governmental / entities? c. An Impact upon the qulaity ar quantity of exls clog consumptive or non-consump cive recreational oppo rcunitf es? i9 i - -- - C ~ Page G Y'S yv': \~ 8. iransoortatior,. Gill [he proposal havz signif!canc r • \ resui is in: a. Gene:acion o; substantial addit!enal vehicular / crovecent? b. Effaces on e:isting s[: ee ts, or deeand `,,, nev s[reei conscruc:Son? / c. Effzcts on ex is t!ng parking facilicies, or ~~ der,and for nev parkln3? t' d. Eubstaacial Scpact upon exis cing transporca- / [ion sys tees? e. A1[arac ions [o present pa [[ens of circala- % tlcn oz ooveeent of people and/or goods? / f, Alterations Co or effects on presenc and potential voter-borne, tail, Bass transit or / air trafiit? g. Increases in [raific hazards Co Co car vehicles, bicyclists or pedes[zians? /~ 9. Cultural Resources. Gill [he proposal have • significant resui [s in: a. A disturbance [o the integrity of archaeo loglca 1, / paleontological, and/or historical resources.' 10. Health, Safecv, and Nuisance Factor,. Gill the proposal have sign if icon[ results Ln: a. Creacinn of any heal ch hazard or potential health hazard? b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? / c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances Sn the event of an accident'. / d. An Sntrease Sn the nucber of Sndiv iduals or species of vector or pathenogen is organises or the exposure of people [o such ~/ organiss? _ e. Increase Sn existing noise levels? / f. Exposure of people to polen [Sally dangerous / noise levels? ~ g. the crea[Son of objectionable odors? _/ h. An Increase 1n light or glare? ~ /93 l \ Page 5 YES ~4Y3E AO 11. Aesthetics. W111 the proposal nave signif icanc resu:cs Sn: a. The obstruction o: deg: adacicn of any scenic vista or view? b. The creac icn o4 an aesthetically offers A•e / site? c. A co; f'_icc vi th the objecch•e of des ignaced / or pocential ster.ic corridors? 7~ 1?. Uc Liti es and Public 5e r: ices. Will [he proposal haVa a Sign if lCan[ need EoY new ay5Cem5. oT alterations [o the follcu ing: I~ a. Electric power? ~ __ _ b. Yacural or packaged gas? ~ c. Cocunicatlo ns sys [ems? ~~ ~ d. Water supply? _ e. Was [ewater facilities? l~' f. Flood control structures? v g. Solid waste facilities? L~ h. Fire pro Cectioa'. /~ i. Police protection? ~ i _V 1. Schools? d k. Parks or other recreational facili Gies? 1. Maintenance of public fat it ltles. including ~" roads and flood control facilities? _ m. Other governmental services? 13. Enerrv and Scarce Resnu:cts. W111 the plops cal have sign if icmrc results in: a. Use of subs can[ial or excessive Euel or energy? `~ `~ b. Substant lal SncYeaSe Sn demand upon existing '/ sources of energy? v c. An increase in the demand for deve lopmenc of new sources of energy? d. An increase or perpetun tion of the consumption of non-renewab ie forms of energy, when feasible renewable sources of energy ate available? - ~ y Y - C t Page 6 YES `!AY9E ti0 e. SubsCancial depletion of any nonrenewable oz scarce na [oral resourve' 14. Mandaterv Findioes of Sie^.ificance. a. Does the proj ec[ have the potential to deernde the quality of [he environment, subscanc ialiy reduce the habitat of fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining Levels, threaten co elimina c_ a plane or an final corms^.i cy, reduce fhe number or rescrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate inportant examples of the naj or periods of Californ la history or prehis COry? /• \ Y b. Does the project have Che potential co achieve short-tern, [o the disadvantage of long-[e r.., environmental goals? (A short-cero impact on the env i:onment is one which occurs Sn a relatively / brief, def inicive period of tine vh11e long- l~/ tern impaccs will endure well into the future). e. Does the project have Snpacts which are individually united, buc cumulatively considerable? (Cumulatively considerable •~ means chat the increment al eff errs of an individual project are considerable when vi eyed / in connection with [he effects of pas[ proj eccs, [// and probable future projects). d. Does the proj etc have environmental effects which will cause subscan tial adverse effects ~ / on human beings, ei ch er directly or Sndirec cly? _ 2I, DISCCSSL04 OF ESl'IC05`L~`:?P.L EVALL'AT10`I (i.e., of affSr.,a rive answers io [he above questions plus a discussion of proposed nicigat ion aeasur es), ~J' C ~ Pae_ 7 On the basis of this 1.^.1 t1a1 evalvatlon: r-- I find the prooos ed pzoj ecc CCL';.J VOT have a sigaif i:anc ec;ecc ILYJI on Lhe envi-o vent, anc a S'cG3=I'.c DECL?..'v4'. 30:: vil2 be prepared. _ I find that although the proposed praj ecc could have a slgnif!tanc effect on [he env iro:L:.en [, there vi11 no[ be a 5lgnif:cant effect 1_1 in [his case because the cit!ga tron ceasures descriS ed on an attached sheet have been added to [he project. A \-ECAIIIZ DECL~.R?:IC:1 STILL BE PRE?,:,.~,ED, I find the proposed proj ecc N_4:' have a sig r.!flca^c effect oa the envi: r~enc, and an E:;t'I2.OprS: I:'?dCI RE?DR7 is retie L-ed. ~/ ~i~ ~ / Dale J~7/~~ ~%~a`~j ~~~~„~~~ ~ ~ 'Si'p u:e b 3y SE7IIOP. C[V1L ENGINEER Ti;!e /9G CITZ OF R:1\CHO CtiC1~i0SGA ~t c,~~ro STAFF REPORT ~~~~' _ ~`'~' DATE: 11ay 9, 1984 ~y" T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FR0:1: Rick Gomez, City Planner; and, Lloyd Hu bbs, City Engineer SUSCECT: GE!;ERAL PLF'! ~IEDiAi! ISLAt7D PDLICiES ABSTRRCT: The City Council has requested that the Planning Commission review the City's General Plan median island policies at the follo•N ing locations: (1) Base Line Road, west of Haven to City Limits; (2) Archibald Avenue; (3) Arrow Route; and, (4) Rochester Avenue, to determine whether width and unusual implementation problems make these streets not cost effective or operationally beneficial to divide. BACKGROUND: The primary purposes of median islands is to control tr arf is oy prohibiting indiscriminate and haphazard turn movements. The more opportunities there are for turn movements along a Street, the greater the potential for traffic conflicts. Such conflicts pose greater problems for higher volume streets because they interrupt the flow of traffic and reduce street capacity and service loads. Median islands channel traffic to designated turning and access areas, thereby reducing turn movement cnnf licts, achieving greater safety and adding needed street capacity. Communities often take advantage of median islands as a design resource by creative use of landscape treatment along wide, higher traffic facilities to add aesthetic character that softens the impact of large expanses of pavement. This brings about greater human scale and a sense of containment for the travelling motorist and pedestrian. City General Plan•Policies: The basic policies regarding median islands are con tainea in the City's General Plan Circulation Element and refined in the various suhsequent planning documents such as the Industrial Specific Plan. Median islands are designated on two types of streets: the major divided highway, 94 feet curb-to-curb, 120 feet right-of-way and some major arterials that are 12 feet curb-to-curb with 100 feet of right-of-way. These streets have been commonly referred to as "Special Boulevards". The General Plan Community Design section makes several references to ho~~a community character is expressed: /97 PLAIiA I71G CO%1'•11<S10'! STAFF PEPO4T General Plan ?'=_d ia{ .sland Policies May 9, 1994 Page 2 "To provide perc2otion and orientation, fu tyre deve looment and public i~mprovemen is should use the physical form df de ve to?ment, road~.vavs and open spaces to 2xpre ss community character." page 124) "To achieve that goal, future deve looment and public improvements snou ld provide street so aces that are both font N onal and attracti~re." ipage 251 "The major far-! giving elements and [heir primary ro 125 in the community design are: landscaping as functior,a 1, aesthetic, and unified element, eso=_r. lolly along major road'.vavs ." (page 126) The Community Bes ign section also specifically discusses functions and character of rdad•.vays: "Rd ad~Ha vs also act a5 functional and visual links that relate ne ighhorhoods, special districts, Che older and newer portions of the City or communities to each other". (page 137) ~~"Seth ack requirements and landscape character should be used to help identify the function and support of the hierarchy df streets established by the Street wid tns designated in the Circulation Element," (page 139) The General Plan specifies standards for Special Boulevards. It designates that landscape medians should be provided for Haven Avenue Foothill Boulevard base Line road Milliken Avenue 4th and th Streets. Under olicies for landscao inn references are made to landscape medians." page 0 "When possible, median landscaping should be provided along major divided arterials. Such landscaping should be scaled according to the size of the roadway and the importance of the route. Major views from the roadway should be enhanced and emphasized by the landscaping. Plant materials should not obscure views." (page 146) "Landscape materials should be provided in a manner that enhances both the related public spaces (principally the adjoining street) and on-site open spaces oriented to the site's occupants" (page 147). /9Y PLAq:l I'1G C011'•i?SSi;t! STAFF Pd?Odi General Plan >1=_dia~.s land Policies May 9, 1944 Page 3 ~ - Industrial Specific Plan• The Industrial Specific Plan acts to imp ie~nent many of the policies established in the General Plan re Bard ina landscapinn medians. Overall, the stated goal of the Industrial Specific Plan is as follows: "The industrial areas should promote an attractive and 'nigh-quality design in developments which upgrade the City's natural env iro n^ent and identity," (page II-2) ~" The Industrial Specific Plan specifies the specific street ~.vidth and landscape re qu i~ements. Figure II-4 provides a street classification and identifies those streets which shall have landscape medians including Foothill Sou levard, Haven, tgilliken, 4th Street, 6th Street, Day Creek Boulevard, Archibald, Arrow, Rochester and Eti~,vanda. ANALYSIS: The Council has requested the Commission to review the median island designation on certain streets to determine whether width and unusual implementation problems associated with these streets make [hem not cost~~effective or operationally beneficial to divide. Most median islands within the City are designated as major divided highways. Thes? highways have a minimum right-of-way width of 120 feet with a curb-to-curb width of 94 feet. The median islands on these streets are 14 feet in aid th. The streets of concern to the Council vary in width as designated below: Base Line Road, west of Haven, is designated as a major arterial, with a r ignc-df-way width of 100 feet and a curb separation of 72 feet. Selected segments vary from 40 to 47 feet half street widths. Archibald Rvenue is designated as a major arterial, 100 foot right-of-way, with 72 feet cu rh-to-curb. Actual street construction varies as listed below: 4th to Arrow Rout= - 72 feet curb-to-curb Arrow Route to Foothill Blvd - 64 feet curb-to-cu r6 Foothill Boulevard, "forth - 72 feet curb-to-curb 8a se Line and Archibald 'nave ndt specifically been designated as having medians in the General Plan, but have been envisioned as divided streets because of their Special Boulevard status. The attached exc erp [s from the General Plan show the locations and cross-sections of streets designated "Special Boulevard" and no~.v have the designation overlays both "Major" and ";gajor Divided" streets. The General Plan gives the Characteristics of Special Boulevards and does not include a median. The descriptions of s ep cific streets, beginning on page 140 of the General Plan include a median in Base Line, however, it is not clear whether the intent was to include only the portion east of Haven or all of it. i 9S PLAA'1i 1;3 COriNIS$:': 91:~FF R:?ORi General Plan ~!edi~ a land Policies May 9, 199: Page 4 Arrow Route and Rochester are major arterials, 100 feet right-of-way witn iZ reec curd-to-curo width. Again, an unusual section has been constructed on Arrow east of Arch iha ld and should he eliminated by future construction. Areas .vest of Vineyard are narro•,v, residentially frcnted properties which will require a city widening project. The attached Figure II-4 from the Industrial Area Specific Plan shows cross-sections for ;4ajor Arterials, •,vhere the only ref=_rence to medians on such stre_ts is contained. Attached is a page from the City-~.vid=_ and Industrial Area Traffic Study which contains recommendatiens for the characteristics to be provided for 72-foot wide streets. This narro»er aid th creates fvo distinct operational prop lens: First, it does not provide sufficient turning radii for u-turns; and, secondly, maintenance requires closing a full lane of travel, leaving only ar.e additional lane, The major divided high~.vays normally provide 6 lanes of [ravel and will not be as reduced in capacity or Safety during maintenance operation. U-turn movements are generally increased by installation of median islands and tan be a critical consideration particularly where significant truck traffic is likely to occur. New federal law which became effective on April 6, 1933 has caused changes in allowah le truck sizes on interstate and primary (U.S, numbered routes) highways and access roads within a reasonable discan ce of these highways and leading to terminal facilities. This would appear to involve streets within our Industrial area. These ch anaes are as follows: Street Width: from 100 feet to 102 feet Truck 'de fight: 80,000 lbs., no change for California Truck Leng tli: from a 60-foot maximum for semi-trailer trucks Lo 48 feet for the trailer alone (about 75 feet total); and from a 65-foot maximum for a double trailer rig to 29 fe_[ for each piece (tractor, trailer, semi-trailer) about 85 feet total. While the ~.veight restrictions have not changed, it is conceivable that for light cargo such as agricultural products, cardboard, cans, etc., the length of the vehicle carrying the merchandise could increase to the maximum. As far as length goes, a change from 60 to 95 feet should be considered in determining all left-turn pocket lengths in the future; this in turn affects the ameunt of full-width median available far planting. More important, the increased lengths could aggravate the problem of U-turns by trucks where street widths are not generous. Thus, where truck traffic is concerned, the trade-off between unrestricted left turns and increased U-turns is of doubtful benefit and becomes inadvisable on streets of less than 94 feet width (City Standard for "Major Divided Arterials") Apo PLA~1N 1•;G Cp'CdISS 1'Jtl STAFF REPORT General Plan ?!edim~ Bland Polir. ies Nay 9, 1933 Page 5 In addition to the width restriction, the subject street sections also offer some distinct implementation problems. pifficulty in implementation is relative. If one were to devise a scale of difficulty, the variable must include amounts df pre-existing developed land. In staff's judgment, the streets on which it will be more "difficult" to implement medians would he Arro~.v, Archibald, and 6a se Li r.e •..e s: of Haven Avenue. These streets contain the greatest number of pre-existing users and have the greatest constraints as compared with other, less developed streets. In .all cases, these streets demonstrate a haphazard access configuration due to the limited control exercised by the County prior to incorporation. On Archibald Avenue and Base Line Road, '.vest of Haven, streets have not been aligned to provided four-way intersections, houses front along the streets, schools, parks and public buildings are located at several spots, and business access has received only limited control. Arrow Route, Archibald, and Rochester are primarily of industrial character and will receive significant truck traffic. These streets are highly developed at this time and installation of a median island in a logical fashion will require a significant expenditure of City funds and a public hearing process to involve affected property owners in any new access decisions. With the possih le exception of Foothill Boulevard and portions of Haven Avenue, all other major divided high•.vays will be constructed suhstan ti ally by developers. Maintenance of ;•ted ion is lands• Another factor to consider as a part of any median island, parcicu lar ly landscaped median, is maintenance costs. It has been estimated that to maintain median islands at 6ui ldout outside of the planned communities will cost approximately E219,000 per year. This amount is nearly one-half of our current entire street •ma int en once budget. Unless these medians are annexed into an existing city-,ride maintenance district, maintenance costs will be borne entirely by the Gity's General Fund, Maintenance District annexation undoubtedly brings forth the debate of equitable assessm_nt of all properties in the City. CONCLUSION: The Council has requested that Che Commission consider the faccdrs involved in the implementation and maintenance of median islands along Che subject stree [s and recommend either retention, removal, or modification of the designation on all or part of the streets described within the abstract of this report. The consideration is to balance the operational and aesthetic benefits of [he median islands in making that determination. ~o/ PLA;1;l I `;G CO>1'"rjc r0' $TdFF dEPORT General Plan ';edi~ is land Policies May 9, 1984 Page n K RELOM?tE ~90ATi017: Following review and discussion, the Planning Commission peens to direct staff to prepare the necessary material to amend the Circulation and Community Design Elements of the City's General Plan if the Commission feels that the medians descr ih ed in this report should he deleted. ~ Respe~ u ly submitted, ~Rimez City Planner Ud `~ Uo d~bbs Y City Engineer RG:LBH:jr Attachments .lOx i 'r \ z act W (7 w~ N` 2 Q = a` ~ o 'o ~ I I I Z ~ ~ =~ W ~ O Z ~ a o° ~ ~ M~ ? p _ W w r-5 0 ~ ~ S ~_ Q W O Z N a~ O W NQ1 J J J =J J O C C'y N C W O ¢y a a a Q6 V i a OG C C ¢ X W c 6 LL.. ~ C7 ~O 2 p 6 N d f/1 4 ( J O O O W n QC lL U Ow ¢ ¢¢ 0 ~~ _ lw ~ 0 I l ~ .yW v m ~ sa I I i ` J vv (: ~ X03 '^ N Q ^ U v, ~~J ~ Q ~,, F- r w u c 0 O O 0 ~~ 0 O O 0 O v c c 0 W `o u JIB` I O 0 0 0 0 y O O O c ~ Y O a E O O O O O O O O a G ~c o 0 0 0 T 3 a r Q ~ -,ate 3 '• H 3 ~~ a- o = ~ vE n U a U' Q ~ U Q C C v - a = N W L ~ w ~ S c ~ ~. - o c Q a a v ,n Q ~_ o `o a v ° ~. ~ o` c ~ 3 ° v ~ i v u u Oa o ~ O N ~ U S ^ ~ O_ o ~ li c ._ - - --'- - ~ f of Z _ - .,- _ I~ I W b r v v, ~" i n ~ ~, • s ~ r _ _ e'~ J' J y u o. f l dm ~ _ r _ ~ ~ ~ N.~ f _ .r ~ j ~ I Y J Y . I y ~ l _ . _ n I _ • N ~ . ~ 1 ~i i y d Y 1 4_ __ N Y ~ Y ~ L.. ~ _ .. i~ 1 Y y L ~ iG -i J _ _ -~ ~ .. _. ~ ~ -1 Y J y f Q O Q 47 U O W W ss aoY , C Guitlelines and Standards o All arterials designated for special boule- vard treatment in the Circulation Plan (see Table III-it) shall observe Che following requirements, unless o[henvise indicated: - a minimum 30-foot building setback from [he street right-of-way on both sides of [he streets; - major broadlea Fed columnar evergreen ' trees on 6o[h sides of the pavement area within the right-of-way; • a landscaped area along [he special boulevard frontage at an average mini- mum depth of 30 fee[ from the ultimate street right-of-way and in no case less than 15 feet from [he ultimate street right-of-way. - meandering pedestrian paths (4 feet minimum width) on both sides of [he pavement area; .. .. -~no on-street parking shall be permitted - excep[ where deemed appropriate by the - Planning Commission; and -, mounding and use of hedges to obstruct views [o parking lots and [o create a distinct difference between the roadway '- and the development. Haven Avenue. This street should be devel- • - ~~-------°•~-~~ --roped with a 14-foot landscaped median strip. A 15-Foot setback from the street right-of- way [o [he parking areas on private parcels should be required on both sides. Pedestrian-scale deciduous Canopy trees antl ' broadleaf evergreen trees should be planted within the 15-foot setback to the parking area. There are two basic types of design plant- ings that may he used (or Special Boule- vards, formal and informal. The two graph- ics shay<n on [his page and the following page depict plan and section views of how this planting may occur. Specific consider- ation shoved be given to each of the special boulevards in the near future to determine 140 ~o~' ~ C TABLE III-11 SP'cCIAL BOULEVARD TREA T;v1EYT Classiflca tion Street Malor Haven Divided M1ti l liken [o lViison Arterial Day Creek Base Line, east of Haven Foothill Church, between Oay Creek and Etiwanda 6th, east of Haven 4th, east of Archibald t A rtes ai Archibald ' Rochester, behveen Foothill antl 4th Base Line, west of Haven Arrow Church, between Haven and Day Creek 4th, west of Archibald Miller, between Day Creek and Etiwanda 4 Secondary Etiwanda, between Highland and Milliken East lvilson, between Archibald and Milliken 6th, west of Haven collector Victoria the character and design of planting tle- sired. Care should be taken to protect solar access and vistas. A quarter-mile spacing of street intersections is also proposed in order to control and minimi2e left-turn movements. Access to small private lots would be from side streets or col'ector streets benind Haven Avenue. 141 ~~ ~oL C t ~ f;-::> ~ ~=~'t~ IE1-~ji:y~ i ~ i i r I r I ~ .~ f Foothill Boulevard. This street should be improved wnh a 14-foot landscaped median strip. Like Haven, a 15-foot setback from the right of way [o the parking areas on private parcels should be required on bplh sides. Columnar evergreens should be planted in the 14-foot median. Pedestrian-scale canopy trees should be planted within the 15-foot setback zones on both sides. Those on the north side should be deciduous to provide solar access. As along Haven Avenue, a quarter-mile spacing of street intersections is also pro- posed in order to minimize left-[urn move- ments and through traffic. Access to pri- vate tots should be from side streets and collector streets. Hose Line Fond. This street should be improvep with a median landscape strip and a 15 Foot setback from the right of way to [he parking areas. Pedestrian-scale canopy trees should be planted on both sides. l aa ~ C C ._ _ ...._.. -...., K E 'c ,il, .. c=,, ,~~ ,'~i n,w , . li, ~'-.%~a '^~~ X4`3 _ '-: ~',-,:~' _ 4~ Milliken Avenue. The 120-foot right-of-way should be developed as a landscaped travel corridor with a 14-foot landscaped median, grade-separated a[ the Santa Fe tracks. This median should he planted with shrubs and open structuretl trees in order to main- tain visual links behveen uses on both sides of the street. Fourth and Si~[h Streets. The 120-foot rignts-ot-way should be developed as land- scaped travel corridors with 14-foot wide landscaped medians. Like Milliken Avenue, shrubs and trees shpultl 6e planted in these medians, Since the sou(hern side of 4th Street is under the jurisdiction of the City of Ontario, 143 Hof C C the City must coordinate with Ontario to ensure a consistent treatment of 4th Street. A greater setback on the northern side of these streets is encou ragad [o permit incor- poration of possible on-site flood retention areas, view Basemen [s [o [h2 foothills and mountains, solar access, etc. Sixth Street ([vest of Haven Avenue). This segment of blh Scree[ has a r•ignt-of-way of 83 fee[. Columnar evergreen trees along both sides of the 6th Street segment east of Haven Avenue should be aligned with those west of Haven Avenue. Archibald Avenue. On Archibald, south of [he Santa re [racks. plant materials should be selected [o establish a positive landscape link to Cucamonga-Guas[i Regional Park. Arrow Roue. This 100-foot wide (right-of- way), east-west street has secments that abut both existing and proposed residential uses to [he northern side. Secondary and Collector Streets in Resi- dential Areas. Greater Ylexibility and infor- mality should be allowed ~in the design of secondary and collector streets tlesigna[ed for Special boulevard treatment in predomi- nantly residential areas so that ihese corri- dors may be integrated into [he overall design of residential development. In addi- tion, lower-growing canopy trees should be planted in order to preserve the opportunity for solar access, to provide more shade, and to establish a more human scale relationship to residential structures. LANDSCAPING Trees in the city landscape can help to integrate the diverse elements of the city's built form. Even when the buildings along a scree[ seem to bear no relationship to one another, a strongly landscaped edge can unite it into a more integrated whole. They can also provitle the visual edges of various districts or neighborhoods within the City. 144 X09 ~n p (~/~ar~~ ~ MAJOR AR i ~RiAL DiVi7~J (120 it. r'iOW) • Foot~•11 • Haven • }tilliken • 4th • 6th between Haven & • Day Creek Blvd PJiAJOi:i AR i cRIAL (100 ft. ROW) • Archibald • .arrow • vew Rochester • Etiwanda* ' South of Arrow substitute two-way left turn lane for median istanA ~ // C C ,- J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW X84-07 - AJA - The development of two 51,250 sq. ft. industrial park office suites on 8.18 • acres of lan3 is the industrial park zone (Subarea 6) located on the west side of Haven Avenue between 6th S 7th St reet~ - APN 209-261-17 through 20. .` Senior Planner, Tim Beedle, reviewed the sta tf feport and showed slides of the proposed project. \ / Chairman Stout opened the public heari: d. The applicant was not yet preseriL. e Mr. Jeff Seeranka, executive dir ct for of the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce, advised that the Chamber has• not met on this pro,j eet and that he was speaking as a former Planning Commissioner. He spoke of the intent of the Industrial Specific Plan, problems the City is having along Archibald with specifically designed structures which tend.to draw commercial uses, and chat specific support really is relative to professional uses. s ` He indicated that if design such as are proposed for this project are permitted along Haven, it will dilute the character of office professional along this corridor. Further, there are no assuranc es~that as tenants change, the use will remain the same. There being no tLrther, comments, the public hearing was closed. ~ \ Mr. James Barton stated that the applicants were delayed but would be here. i • The commission postponed fLrther discussion on this item pending arrival of Lhe applicant and went on to the next agenda item. • t i t K. GENERAL PLAN MEDIAN ISLAND POLICIES City Planner, Rick Gomez, and City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbs, presented the staff report and showed slides illustrating some of the problems with street widths and median island requirements. Mr. Nubbs explained that the City Council requested input from the Commission on the use of median islands along Base Line Road, west of Haven to the City limits; Archibald Avenue; Arrow Route; and Rochester Avenue. He indicated that medians are designated along Haven, Milliken, Victoria Parkway, 6th Street and 4th Street. Chairman Stout stated that this is not a public hearing Dut asked if anyone in the audience wished to comment. Mr. Jim Barton stated he can understand median islands on north/south streets but they create problems on east/west streets as they present additional structure and drainage problems. L Planning Commission Minutes 9 May 9, 1984 ,~/1 ~ ~ Mr. Seff Sceranka stated the Chamber of Commerce discussed median islands . approximately three months ago and had a lot of input from the merchants. The consensus of the merchants is that they have gone this long without median S~lands so it was not extremely important, and additionally were concerned about installation of medians on Hase Line because of possible access problems. There being no further comments, Chairman Stout closed the comment portion. Commissioner Rempel stated originally the Commission wanted the median islands because of problems with left turning and traffic congestion. He indicated that if merchants say they are unaware of the possibility of medians, the fault lies with the developers and the merchants themselves for not eheckinS. Commissioner Rempel stated that there would not be as much a problem on Base Line with trucks turning as there would be on Arrow because of street widths. He felt that there are areas which would not benefit Prom medians because of the street widCh but felt that some type of short median should be provided to permit left turns. Chairman Stout stated that if medians were put in at the time of building, SL would eliminate the problem. Commissioner Aempel stated that there was such a requirement but it does not totally eliminate the problem. Commissioner McNiel stated that there are some places where a left turn should • De designed in so that there is controlled chaos rather than uncontrolled chaos and there are at least one-half cozen locations where a median would apply for safety reasons. Chairman Stout stated that the median on Archibald north of Arrow is dangerous because you always see people running into it. Commissioner Aempel stated that one of the problems there is that people try to get from the service station and that the median on the south end sticks far Snto the intersection. Chairman Stout asked Mr. Hubbs where there are partial medians for safety reasons, are they really practical. Mr. Hubbs replied that they are and they also provide character to the intersection. Chairman Stout asked if medians are sometimes included on streets that don't require them. Mr. Hubby replied that he did not believe so because most are required on secondary or highway streets. Planning Commission Minutes 10 May 9 7984 , ~/3 C Chairman Stout stated he agreed with Commissioner Rempel that there are some • streets which should have partial medians because oC safety reasons. The Commission concurred. Chairman Stout indicated that the Commission would make its recommendations known on the individual streets. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded 6y Barker, carried unanimously, to have the requirement for medians removed on Base Line west of Haven. Chairman Stout asked for a motion on Archibald Avenue. Commissioner McNiel asked Mr. Hubbs if'a study could be made oC intersections which may require medians to be brought back to the Commission. Mr. Hubhs replied that the problem is interpreting what is required on a particular street. He thought it more desirable to deal xith this on a project by Dro jeer basis. Commissioner Rempel stated that any time there is a major route that carries traffic through the City as Archibald does with its configuration and number of driveways, there Ss a serious problem. He felt there would be difficulty in placing a median in Archibald although several years ago he had voted to put medians there. Further, there would be a problem with any street that is 72 feet curb to curb, and Archibald, except where there are safety requirements, should be ezemp red from medians. • Motion: Moved by flempe 1, seconded by Barker, carried unanimously, to remove the requirement on Archibald Cor ita entire length except where required for safety reasons. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded 6y McNie 1, carried unanimously, to delete the requirement for median islands from Arrow Route. There was discussion on Rochester Avenue north of Foothill. Mr. Rougeau stated that there is a street master plan which requires the street Lo be T2 feet wide north of Baseline and may require tour lanes. Commissioner Rempel ~s rated that north of there, the Commission should look towards eliminating truck traffic. Further, it may be valuable to have a divider. Mr. flougeau replied that it will be a 2-lane eollec for and they are proposing to upgrade it to a 4-lane road north of Highland. Commissioner Rempel stated that he would really like to have Rochester pulled off of this to see what the design is really going to 6e. He felt that truck traffic should be prohibited on Rochester north of Foothill. Planning Commission Minutes 11 May 9, 1984 • ~~Y ~ f Motion: Moved by Hempel, seconded by McNiel, carried unanimously, to delete • the median requirement on Rochester south of Foothill except where indicated for safety reasons. Commissioner Rempel stated that since Lhey are deleting median islands the length of entire streets, the Commission should also authorize staff to install medians wherever necessary for safety reasons. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Stout, carried unanimously, to so authorize. Mr. Gomez stated that staff could also devise a policy which could be incorporated in the General Plan regarding medians for safety reasons. • i t f ~ 8:27 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed. 8:40 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened. • i • ~ ~ She P nning Commission went back to Item J - Environm~l Assessment and pevelopm t Review 84-07 - AJA. Chairman Sto stated that the staff report had pr 4lously been presented and • the public hear q~viously opened. Mr. flichard Sten ton, he applicant, explained 5 e design of the project as an office park with space for professionals such as attorneys, accountants, etc. He described the bu ding design, landscape treatment, and the fact that they are seeking to transit n this projeet~ with the industrial users of£ of Haven and the comp lez at Foo th 1 and Have in an atteapt to create affordable office space. Mr. Stenton stated that he has provi d enough landscaping and has triad to buffer the dock high buildings that h ve 'gh truck traffic and warehousing. Mr. BoD Garrison with Mission Equity, the o,fect manager, presented four photographs for the Commission to.'review oC v ious other store front type office/professional buildings for,eomparison purpo s. There being no further covuoen ts~ /the public hearing wa closed. Commissioner McNiel asked whether parking is recessed in ph t~6raph No, 3. Mr. Garrison replied that the property is lower than street level and they would have an even lower 1/evel of parking in this project to conceal as much as possible the cars from passing view. He indicated that they wish to create a campus-like atmospher~i Planning ComcoLssion Mutes 12 May 9, 1984 ~ /f C C RESOLUTION N0. 85-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 85-01 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comnen is on the proposed Industrial Specific Plan Amendment of the Circulation Elements thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval, of the City Council of the following amendment to the Circulation Elements of the Industrial Specific Plan. SECTION 1: The Industrial Specific Plan Circulation Element texts shall be amended as follows: Deletion of the median island designation on the following streets: Archibald Avenue Arrow oute Rochester Avenue south of Foothill Nov nr actor SECTION 2: the text shall provide for the use of median islands wherever the Ci BEng ineer determines they are needed for the safe and orderly movement of traffic. SECTION 3: R Negative Declaration is hereby recommended for adoption yTi tTie~i ty Council for this Industrial Specific Plan Amendment, based upon the completfon and findings of the Initial Study. AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND OAY OF MAY, 1985. SSION BY ATTEST: CUCAMONGA I, Ricl/ Gomez~"lTeputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the Ci t,y of Ranchoad~f/Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regul ly introduced, passes, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of May, 1985, by the following vote-to-wit: BYES: COMMISSIONERS: STOUT, BARKER, CHITIEA, MCNIEL, REMPEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE .r..r. ~... _.. ,,, ,.. „m. ~/L • • • RESOLUTION N0. 85-78 • A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLRN AMENDMENT 85-04 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comments on the proposed General Plan Amendment of the Circulation Elements thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE Ii RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Comniss ion does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of the following amendment to the Circulation Elements of the General Plan. SECTION 1: The General Plan Circuiation Element texts shall be amended as~TTows: Deletion of the median island designation on the following streets: Baseline Road from Haven Avenue to West City Limits. SECTION 2: The text shall provide for the use of median islands wherever the tty Engineer determines they are needed for the safe and orderly movement of traffic. • SECTION 3: A Negative Declaration is hereby recommended for adoption y3 t-fifie qty Council for this General Plan Amendment, based upon the completion and findings of the Initial Study. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OE MAY, 1985, PLANNIN COMM SS ION OF CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq BY: i,,,. ,~~ ) e out, airman ATTEST: I, Rick Gomez, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho uc amonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regular y introduced, passes, and adapted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 2nd day of May, 1985, by the following vote-to-wit; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: STOUT, BARKER, CH[TIEA, MCNIEL, REMPEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE • ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE a~7 RESOLUTION N0. FBb~k<l->7r(( $s-~Do • R RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERRL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-04 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, the City Council has held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comments on the proposed General Plan Amendment of the Circulation Elements thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga City Council does hereby approve the following amendment to the Circulation Elements fo the General Plan. SECTION 1: The General Plan Circulation Element texts shall be amended as~o Tlows: Deletion of the median island designation on the following streets: Baseline Road from Haven Avenue to West City Limits SECTION 2: A Negative Declaration is hereby adopted by the City Council or t is General Plan Amendment, based upon the completion and findings of the Initial Study, • PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Beverly Authe et, City C erk Jon D. i els, Mayor I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of June, 1985. Executed this 19th day of June, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. every u e et, ty er .~/~ RESOLUTION N0. F.06-19-96R-~r aol • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCRMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 85-01 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, the City Council has held a duly advertised public hearing to consider all comments on the proposed Industrial Specific Plan Pmendment of the Circulation Elements thereof. NO'd, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rancho Cucamonga City Council does hereby approve the following amendment to the Circulation Elements of the Industrial Specific Plan. SECTION 1: The Industrial Specific Plan Circulation Element texts shall 6e amended as follows: Deletion of the median island designation on the following streets: Archibald Avenue rrow oute Rochester Rvenue south of Foothill New Rochester SECTION 2: A Negative Declaration is hereby adopted by the City Council for t- his Industrial Specific Plan Fmendment, based upon the Completion • and findings of the Initial Study. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: RBSENT: ATTEST: Beverly A. Authe et, ,ty C er on Mi a s, Mayor I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular (special, adjourned) meeting of said City Council held on the 19th day of June, 1965. Executed this 19th day of June, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. every u e e , y er 7,/~ rimv nc n n wrrvn rt it n ren>,rr n • DATE: June 19, 1985 STAFF REPORT T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Lloyd 8. Hubbs, City Engineer f, 9 2" I C1 K r O~ O F~~ $ 2 V' a 19~i SUBJECT: Public Hearing for Annual Assessment for Landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 . Attached is the City Engineer's Annual Report, a map of the referenced districts and a resolution enabling the City to levy and collect assessments for Landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5. The annual assessment for each district is as follows: BS-86 Assessment 84-BS Assessment • Landscape Maint. Dist. No. 1 E36.00 (S.F.) E38.00 (S.F.) E19.00 (M.F.) E36 less credit for area ma 'ntained Landscape Maint. Dist. No..2 (Victoria) E223.71 (O.U.) E223.77 (D.U.) Vacant Land f55.94 per acre E55.94 per acre Landscape Maint. Dist. No. 4 (Terra Vista) 8160.70 (S.F.) E216.20 (S.F.) E80.35 (M.F.) E108.10 (M.F.) Landscape Maint. Dist. No. 5 (T r. 11915-1 Tot Lot & Open Space) E163.64 (D.U.) EO (Not Built) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council hold the public hearing, and if appropriate, approve the attached resolution establishing the as 5essements for 1985-86 for landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5. Resp tfully submi ed, i LB .bc 22° AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OFCALiFORNIA sa COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO f, Maurine D. Paean ,do hereby certifythatI am the Legal Advertising clerk of TfIE DAILY REPORT, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Ontario, County and State aforesaid and that the attached advertisement e( Resolution No. 85-147 for the Citr of Rancho Cueamonea was published fn said newspaper one t 11 time to wdo June 6r 1985 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. \-,{, y, // y~ ~/~~ (Sign ) hated at Ontario, California thin 6th 1 day of ,19~. t• ~1~ ~~ ~ lON O. MINELl Mrya Ati6fT. !EVENLY A. AYTMILIT Cily CIM1k b EEVfiNLV A. AVTMELET. CITY tLEgN q Tf CIM1 N.MM cuc.mTE.py1CyNIMNA Ea In.ENy cMrlly NYI M. b,Me ~C NEiiM M.<~M Nw~cM .uc~. ~l rMlx mR~llMv ..E «y~ce ~ i7N~ on m. um En a M.y, Nn. GT M WI. IM .t NMtM CutwrINMIE UIIMTn. <IM1 tlwi A. AYTNLLIT MIM: INNL Ntl . 1985-86 Engineer's Report for Landscape Maintenance Districts Nos. 1, 2 4 and 5 SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR REPORT This report is prepared in compliance with the requirement of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Cade, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The report deals with the actual costs for Fiscal Year 1984-85 and the estimated assessments for Fiscal Year 1985-86 of the following maintenance districts for various subdivisions throughout the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 Areas to be included in the work program are specifically defined in the body of the report and on the attached Assessment Diagrams. The total area of said Maintenance Districts are as follows: • Landscape Maintenance District No. I 564,503 sq, ft., General City Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 Victoria Planned Conmunity Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 Terra Vista Planned Community Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 Tr. 11915-1, Tot Lot & Open Sapce Work to be provided for, with the assessments established by the District: The furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operating, servicing and restoration of parkway improvements. Improvement maintenance fs considered of general benefit to all areas in the District and cost shall be divided on a per lot basis. In the case of condominiums with airspace ownership only, and apartments, a dwelling unit shall be considered to benefit the same as 1/2 a lat. SECTION 3. PLANS ANO SPECIFICATIONS Parkway improvements were constructed by the developers for the individual subdivisions. The plans and parkways are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for each development and as approved by the Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the subject tract map of development plan and the assessment diagram for the exact location of the parkway area. The plans and specifications for landscape improvement on the individual development are hereby made a part of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifications were attached hereto. Detailed maintenance activities include the repair, removal or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the life, growth, Zy~ health and beauty of the landscaping, including cultivation, irrigation, • triinning, spraying, fertilizing or treating for disease or injury; the removal of trimmings, rubbish, debris and other solid waste, the maintenance, repair and replacement as necessary of all irrigation systems, and the removal of graffiti from walls immediately adjacent to the cultivated areas. SECTION 4. ESTIMATED COSTS No costs will be incurred for parkway initial landscaping improvement construction. All initial improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on historic data, estimated maintenance costs for fiscal year 1985- 86 are as follows: A. Landsca a Maintenance District No. 1 984-8 Estimated Assessment Costs 5.17 x 377,077 sq. ft. = 564,103.09 1984-85 Actual Cost Summary Utilities 58,638.00 City Labor & Admin. 239.45 Contract Maint. 22,966.86 Weed Control 263.79 • Actual assessment received (848,549.88) less Actual Cost (532,108.10) _ E 16,441.18 for restoration. 1985-86 Estimated Assessment Cost f.17 X 564,503 sq. ft. _ (95,965.51 Total Assessable Lots 1985-66 = 1541 Single Family 2233 Multi-Family Assessments: Single Family - 538.00 X 1541 = 58,558 Multi-Family - 519.00 X 2233 =145 , With this report the previous spread method is being amended. Only those tracts which have begun building are being assessed. The spread method is as follows; Single Family Unit = 1 Assessment Unit, Condominiums and Apartments = 1/2 Assessment Unit. Proposed Assessment for 1985-86 is 538.00 per single family unit and 519.00 per Condominium or Apartment unit. B. Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 (Victoria Planned Community) The estimated costfor Landscape Mainte nance District No. 2 for Tracts 11934, 12044, 12045 and 12046 comprising 745 units is shown as follows: • X27 • Victoria Park Lane, 450,000 sq. ft. X $0.33/Sq. Ft. = 5135,000.00 Trai',s and Parkways, 84,799 sq. ft. X 50.33/Sq. Ft. = E 27,983.00 Trees, 745 X ES/Tree = E 3,725.00 Parkway Reconstruction = EE 99~~ 1985-86 Assessment 66,7 divi e y 745 units = 5223.77 1851.55 vacant acres at 1/4 Assessment = $89,114.73 C. Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 (Terra Vista) The estimated cost for Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 for fiscal year 1985-86 involves 611 dwelling units of Tracts Nos. 12316, 12316-1, 12317, 12317-1, 12364, 12364-1, 12365, 12402, 12590-1, 12590-2, 12590-3, 12590-4, 12590-5, and 12590-6 is as follows: Parks 5 acres ~ 55000/acre 525,000.00 Parkways & Gateways 135,579 S.F. at 50.35/s.f. 550,838.15 Trails & Greenway landscaping 26,935 S.F. at $0.35/s.f. E 9,840.25 Medians 65,595 S.F. at 50.15/S.F. 510,241.75 Trees - 1251 at ES/each $ EE 6 Assessment units . Single family 425 d.u, x 1 unit 425 assessment units Multifamily 422 d. u. x .5 unit = 211 assessment units 84T d.u. 3~6'assessment units Estimated assessment rate = E 102,205.75 divided by 636 = 5160.70 D. Landcape Maintenance District No. 5 The estimated maintenance for 1985-86 for the 720,100 S.F. of open space and the tot lot consisting of 3,300 S.F. for Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 as follows: Total Rnnual Miintenance of Open Space & Tot Lot 5.030 x 24,000 S.F. = 51,200 57,200 divided by 44 units = 5163.64 SECTION 5 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM A copy of the proposed Master Assessment diagrams are attached to this report. Detailed diagrams of each tract are included. These diagrams are hereby incorporated within the text of this report. Lot dimensions are as shown an individual Tract Maps as shown in records of County Recorder. (Rssessment Diagrams are on file in the City Clerk's office). ~ ~'! TOTAL ASSESSABLE UNITS 1985-86: • Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 = 3,774 Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 = 1,210 Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 = 636 Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 = 44 ANNEXATION SUMMARY (1984-85) Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 TRACT N0. OF UNITS 12386 54 P.H. 12332-1 53 S.F. 12238 74 S.F. 12530 4 S.F. 12523 35 S.F. 11577 7 S.F. P. M. 7827 305 12320 60 Condos 12490 144 Condos 11606-1 44 10046 27 10047 43 12721 270 Condos • 9619 31 12525 122 $.F. 12539 12540 12541 12091 248 Condos 11781 76 Condos 12712-1 20 S.F. 12621 90 T.H. 11625 102 Condos 12362 88 Condos 9539 19 S.F. 11893 35 S.F. 12801-1 33 S.F. 10035 38 S.F. ~6~2 units Landscape Maintenance District No- 4 TRACT N0. OF UNITS 12590-1 29 12590-2 33 12590-3 23 12590-4 31 12590-5 32 • 12590-6 32 12365 270 450 ~~~ • SECTION 6. ASSESSMENT Improvemnts for the entire districts are found to be of general benefit to all lots within each District and that assessment shall be equal for each parcel. It is proposed that all future development shall be annexed to the appropriate District. 1985-B6 ASSESSMENTS Landscape Maintenance District No. 1 E38.00 S. F. E19.00 Condos. & gpt5. Landscape Maintenance District No. 2 5223.77 S. F. E55.94 per acre (Vacant Land) Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 5154,10 per Assmt. Unit Landscape Maintenance District No. 5 5163.64 S.F. ESL RESOLUTION NO.fBb-k9=99R d s "d o ~- • R RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 4 AND 5 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 IN CONNECTION WITH LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE OI STRICT NOS. 1, 2, 4 AND 5 NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga did on the 15th day of May, 1985, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 85-147 to order the therein described work in connection with Landscape Maintenance District Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 5 which Resolution of Intention No. 85-147 was duly and legally published in the time, farm and manner as required by law, shown 6y the affidavit of Publication of said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duly received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the jurisdiction facts fn this proceeding and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and the benefits to be derived therefrom and said City Council having now acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed work. SECTION 1: It is hereby resolved 6y the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the public interest and convenience requires the levy • and collection of assessments within Landscape Maintenance District Nos. i, 2, 4 and 5 for the fiscal year 1985-86 and said City Council hereby orders that the work, as set forth and described in said Resolution of Intention No. 85- 147, be done and made; and SECTION 2: Be ft further resolved that the report filed by the Engineer is'- e~y finally approved; and SECTION 3 Be it finally resolved that the assessments for fiscal year 1985=8'6 ate-method of assessment in the Engineer's Report are hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on i e s, ayor 217 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 19, 1985 T0: City Council and City Manger FROM: Lloyd 6. Hubbs, City Engineer C(~r L~M~N 2~ Cyn ~. r "' o P Z U ~ > 1971 ( SUBJECT: Public Hearing for Annual Assessement for Street Lighting Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 • Rttached is the City Engineer's Annual Report, a map of the referenced districts and a resolution enabling the City to levy and collect assessments for Street Lighting Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. The annual assessment for each district is as follows: 85-86 84-85 Street Light Dist. No. 1 (Arterial Lights) 58.91 E9.64 Street Light Dist. No. 2 (Local Lights) E36.22 $33.93 Street Light Dist. No. 3 (Victoria) E48.65 E55.90 Street Light Dist. No. 4 (Terra Vista) E27.14 (S.F.) 824.53 (S.F.) E13.57 (M.F.) 512.26 (M.F.) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council hold the public hearing, and if appropriate, approve the attached resolution establishing the assessments for 1985-86 for Street Lighting Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. s Respectfully s mitted, LB .bc ~s9 AFFIDAVIT Of PUBLICATION iEi °e n • RESOwnoN o n i ~~a jai aR THE uir ai RPrvLnO CUCGMOHLp. <PLIfORNIa OECLPNINO IT5 NTE STATEOFCALIFORNIA HiIOH TO LEUY pM0 <OLLf C' GSSESSMFNi wITN STREET IIGMTIM4 DISTRICT NO STREET L14NT M I 6 OISiNIGT NO, ]. STREET LIGNTINO a13iRICT ND O bb . YEYf n6I4N V g COIJNTYOFSANBERNARDINO E fWNT iO iM! UNOfCAEI u4N*rNC A4T Of Nn;.ND oiieRlNa A TI RLa< E TOR NIARIM40EJlCTIONf LM(R[TO iM L r,v CVUMiI d me <,IY q RM[M Cu[(mwgy M(NNM ,i IM Ncv.aynf q IM L•MNm n9 •M i pnl np act a NR MrM ' Maurine D. Pa¢an y y do hereb eertcf that 1 I . : ~~Nrq(a.y. cMf a1M N,4K [DN~aNrwn !E g ~ s . 1 am the Legal Advertising cleric of THE DAILY REPORT a daily N O N . e\e Y '. wK, RnMa wwx SECTION I , newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Ontario, , •ne [MnM,•M• rMYnR .nu rr „ rM rnr ^nrrc~fa r~l; o:~~e„nol .Y I«..M [wN[r „min, , ~, 5„ , L n D Count and St id and th ti nt t th tt h d d t f a „ on, ,,,,,[, N,• ,. s„<a, L ~~ M o i o„::,,~ y ver oresa a e a ac e a seme a e a m nKK ... ~.~H~'~",a :.~~„; " a„ , p a rv~ ~ n ( . o i~M r~ YrMN, e»EefR w.Kweeo w3NrYrwMirwr mM amm~ e( Resolut Tan No. 85-149 MKrff~ ~a Dr,rr~m sere m.,nrxlan[e NN aoKKrwr ~KiwN M N,RNYrNMa,.M rRnnM NMIIMM a waM r.(nnNa m [wmKrlm.,m 4.a Nfnim lia.° \ for the Citr of RanchD Cucaman¢a M secTloNS TM Jw~arNM~IrIM aa.iiroM N[NK ..m:n K .rata N.Y .M r m. lREm q IM ory EnErMn •na mae M(Mggry mxrrgp M m•m Nn¢R Ke M Irle rn m( [Try CMx'f ON.(e. M,INO "A\4f,mMr Or•K•mf ISr,M LrOMrM Orfr,M N I'• '• o A,f(um(nl Orp,•rM Slr(er I i M l ` ~ N T•• I ` ` n 1(n. I Dr N l' . aM ' NNn,mNN Diym, 51r M l VnIrM ~~ O• ie M4no n q pfwm[nl DlnrkN SECTION ]; Tn•1 IM [aR(mRNrfC wx. M M( WrnrT q 4'y ' ; ib <an¢II. ,f d mw. IMn I«n a aamgY RwiN ONNrN. (M waa uhlished in said news a r n (, a c t 1 t .DIE P P P¢ M „N L.ry cMMn nNN„ mNNf m...amM q .M 4N .P. ~o:•Y(9'n•(°1•[ n NNfY Nnn~Minii(el,ro ,°afbrn`n a,wrrn «ra a arc aM.~Y.E:f ralmf : In•1 tM(rn rK,iyT q IM City K RM[M Cu[•ms4[ "M ir U lid` i n • •0 a f Kr Lrpnnn0 nmw Ne °Mro o SVM Lr9nMp , Drt11•N Na, ]'. "Mp a N,M L,(nr,n9 Dr,r,r(1 Na. I". •M t4 wlti q SbM LrOMiM O,Ny¢I Ma. (". rMiCanM eY wa LOgggY IrMf IM •arp q IM IM,41Y rM1YMC armor (Kn MYUm(nl Crf1n(r June b\ I9BS ~.m ankn m(iS NEm IIMmrM ONMKMCiry CMRN\M R (MKN[ N nnNy mMi b4N mNn M IunM. NI NK,n3ra r m nl a p [ N m T `Y I CMIIy under penalty o[ perjury that the foregoing is true and r eN Nn , 44 e r „[r[ Ma e 4N m(R\ w M N NNI aNMll My •11 Mr•,If (\ IOIM (NMI q NN ~~ t 1 I\ NNRr nnkN, RKaI d EMiMw `_- I / \ SECTION ( TM CIry CpM[II q 4N CirY Cy R(WNiM M [i ' ' ( J / , N IY M\ pp,ONp IM • Mql a IM Cily EMUNSY anr(N '`/ ~ ~ v ` / / (pN1 IM141N rM KMYnI q A gOpRM M\nNnl\. NN ~ P ,/ lr { - J {T /r^(- J wfl I Oeg10MM. ((YYMnr (d N. (M rM m[IM[ d mMl. TM rep(r111M0 "AMNN EM,Mw'( Rmerl. Sn OrWNM Ni. 1. 3.]NN ("If M IIN rn NN gn[IgIM (Sip ~ C \ q 4~E Cr1Y RNNMtl 4 rG IepKl ,f MIMy m MI YMNYIKS b rM •mgNl (N ((IMI q iM •ff4\mNN\ YN 1[I m( farynl d IM wKS. California this 6th day of Dated at Ontario irme •M RIKR a N(K,nE• S '° " ` ' ^ . INS ~ » I „u . a 7 ~ o m °» ti MZ <mm :.;;Tll: ( CuY q R•M[M Cv[(mwga. KN •M NI q(fdN mN KK(r •M wRN uY4 aM wR Nwa NMIa Mr M RNN w eK„w mn w anY 85 June •f41fmM4 NW4 MI p 40 •M [dM(IN M IM IrKN YIK a19 in~4_n~.\N mealMm.rnr,r~NN mfr[MIKn. [K(,nn,M I -~~«a~wim inn Lonu~ ~Li a iiii "" SECTION 5; All IM NPR MMIn ggna rr,ap ITggN in MMUwK(d M KI YI Sala q C•Irlwn,( CMlgllalp M LN4KNri lafl, M,M OiYINM IS q IM SNaNa aM I eltl egfeanlwnu lim w RMlulian q InIMIrM tECiiON t RVSIr1Ma Mn(f tn•II P mN a b` q me GRaernmenl CaJ( Tn! Marw NI n yM CdY CNra anNl ryM li MN 4nN. i rM 4nN N R[ OVpNENE 10 0E4 M n I(,r : , a11Mr qka in TM Ow1Y RNwI. c• u ~•M RuOIiN(p rM [try a OM (, Mf [rlvw RNNM <wamnnya. uA33ED. NHROVEO, aM ADOPTED ( I rya YER wngm, Eu[V(1, Mr4b, DEM, N,M NOES Hm! 4ESENi. NMe JON D MINELS ~PiTEfi Mavw 1 ICEYCN~S A, AULNEIEi Ren(na CV eLTMye, <al Iw[n~a. 00 MrroY ( ,C43 RKOIUr'ne Crrr d IN~ne~•wWmw~'^^~• al N M(y. CtY Clq(Y 1. AUTNELET RneL4 JYM E. Iws r-s 2~9 - . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGR 1985-86 Engineer's Report for Street Lighting Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 SECTION 1 AUTHORITY FOR REPORT This report is prepared in compliance with the requirement of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 5 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of Caiifornia (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972) SECTION 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The report deals with the actual costs for Fiscal Year 1984-85 and the estimated assessments for Fiscal Year 1985-86 of the following maintenance districts for various subdivision throughout the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Street lighting District No. 1 Street Lighting Oistr ict No. 2 Street Lighting District No. 3 Street Lighting District No. 4 • greas to be included in the work program are specifically defined in the body of the report and on the attached Assessment Diagrams. The total area of said Street Lighting Districts are as follows: Street Lighting District No. 1 197 Arterial Lights Street Lighting District No. 2 252 Local Lights Street Lighting District No. 3 Victoria, 333 Lights Street Lighting District No. 4 Terra Vista, 152 Lights Work to be provided for, with the assessments established by the District: The furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operating, servicing and restoration of street light improvements. Improvement maintenance is considered of general benefit to all areas in the District and cost shall be divided on a per lot basis. In the case of condominiums with airspace ownership only, and apartments, a dwelling unit shall be considered to benefit the same as a lot. SECTION 3. PLANS RND SPECIFICATIONS Street lighting was constructed by the developers for the individual subdivisions. The plans and street lights are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for each development and as approved 6y the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the subject tract map or development plan ad the assessment diagram far the exact location f the street lighting areas. The plans and specifications for street lighting improvement on the individual development are hereby made a part of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifications were attached hereto. yD Detailed maintenance activities include the repair, removal or replacement • of all or any part of any improvement providing for the illumination of the subject area. SECTION 4. ESTIMATED COSTS No costs will be incurred for street lighting improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on historic data, estimated maintenance costs for fiscal year 1985-86 are as follows: A. Street Lighting District No. 1 S.C.E. Maintenance and Energy: Lamp Si ze* Quantity Rate** 5800E 95 8.82 *High Pressure Soaium Vapor ** SCE Schedule LS-1. All night service per lamp per month, effective 1-1-84 Lamps_ Rate Month Total 102 X 9 99 z -I~ EIZ;f7~so • 95 % 8.82 X 12 EIO4~80~ 1. Incidental Expenses: Engineering and RDministration E1000.00 2. Cost per dwelling unit: Total Annual Estimated Cocts: E22 233.60 + E1 000 = E8.91/year/unit No. of Units in Dis[riit - ~b~r191- E8.91 divided by 12 - E0.74/mo./unit B. Street Lighting District No. 2 1. S.C.E. Maintenance and Energy: Lamp Size* Quantity Rate** L , *Hig ressure Sodium Vapor **SCE Schedule LS-1. All night service per lamp • per month, effective 1-1-a4 ~ 3/ • Lamps Rate Months Total 252 X 8.82 X 12 $26, 671.fi8 2. Incidental Expenses: Engineering and Adminsitrat ion = E1, 000.00 3. Costs per dwelling unit: Total Annual Estimted Costs: 526 671.68 + $1,000.00 = 536.22 No. of Units in District 536.22 divided by 12 = 53.02/mo./unit C. Street Lighting District No. 3 (Victoria) 1. S.C.E. Maintenance and Energy: Lamp Size* Quantity ate** L . *H ig ressure o ium Vapor • **SCE Schedule LS-1. qll night service per lamp per month. Effecive 1-1-84 Lamps Rate Months Total 333 X 8.82 X 12 $35,244.12 2. Incidental Expenses: Engineering and Administration = 51,000.00 3. Costs per dwelling unit: Total Annual Estimated Costs: 535 244.72 + E1 000 = 548,65/year/unit No. of Units in District ~~- 548.65 divided by 12 = 54,05/mos./unit D. Street Lighting District No. 4 (Terra Vista) The estimated cost for the District for Fiscal Year 1985-86 comprising 811 units of Tracts No.s 12316, 12316-1, 12317, 12317-1, 12364, 12364-1, 12365, 12402, 12590-1, 12590-2, 12590-3, 12590-4, 12590-5, 12590-6 is: Lamp Quantity* Rate** Month/Year 130 X 8.75 X 12 513,650.00 22 X 9.90 X 12 = 52,613.60 211 Incidental Expenses - 51000.00 • Total Annual Estimated Costs: 516,263 60 + 1 000 = E27.14/yr./unit No. of Units in District ~"~~- 527.14 divided by 12 = 52.26/mo./unit SECTION 5. ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM A copy of the Master Assessment diagram for each district is attached to this report. Detailed diagrams of each tract are included. These diagrams are hereby incorporated with the tent of this report. (Assessment Diagrams are on file in the City Clerk's office)'.' ANNEXATIONS Street Light inq District No. 1 Tract 1231fi Tract 12320 Tract 12316-1 Tract 12490 Tract 12317 Tract 11606-1 Tract 12317-1 Tract 10046 Tract 12364 Tract 10047 Tract 12364-1 Tract 12721 Tract 12402 Tract 9619 Tract 11934 Tract 12362 • Tract 12044 Tract 12621 Tract 12045 Tract 12091 Tract 12046 Tract 11781 Tract 12530 Tract 11625 Tract 12238 Tract 12525 Tract 12332-1 Tract 12739 Tract 12386 Tract 12140 Tract 11577 Tract 12741 Tract 12523 Tract 12772-1 P.M. 1827 Tract 11893 Tract 12365 Tract 12801-1 Tract 11035 Tract 12590-1 thru 6 Street Lighting District No. 2 Tract 12530 Tract 12238 Tract 12523 Tract 11577 Parcel Map 7827 Tract 12320 Tract 11606-1 Tract 10046 Tract 9619 Tract 10047 Tract 12621 Tract 12772_1 Tract 12525 Tract 12739 Tract 12740 Tract 12741 Tract 11893 Tract 12801-1 Tract 10035 Street Lighting District No. 4 • 2,33 Tract 12365 • Tract 12590-1 thru 6 TOTAL ASSESSABLE UNITS FOR 1985-86 Street Lighting District No. 1 2608 Street Lighting District No. 2 ~~ Street Lighting District No. 3 ~43- Street Lighting District No. 4 SECTION 6 ASSESSMENT Improvements for the entire districts are found to be of general benefit to all lots within the District and thLt assessment shall be equal for each parcel. It is proposed that all future development shall be annexted to the applicable Districts. 1985-86 ASSESSMENTS Street Lighting District No. I E 8.91/yr Street Lighting District No. 2 E36~22/ r~ Street Lighting District No. 3 E4~8. 6~5/~y~r_ Street Lighting District No. 4 527.14/yr Tracts t o be Assessed 1985 -86 • Tract No. '7T64- 53 S. F. 12237, 1 & 2 86 S.F. 12238 74 S. F. 11144 62 M.F. 10762 84 M.F. 10491 20 S.F. 10569 42 S. F. 12320 60 M.F. 9638 25 S. F. 10277-1 8 S.F. 12090 128 M.F. 12530 4 S.F. 12019 35 M.F. 12386 54 M.F. 11173 70 M.F. 12414 92 S.F. 11696 6 M.F. 12523 35 S.F. 9658 52 S.F. 12621 90 M.F. 12025 40 M.F. 11625 102 M.F. 11013 30 S.F. 12801 33 S.F. 12184 32 S.F. 11893 31 S.F. 12320-1 56 M.F. PM 7827 305 M.F. 11350 114 M.F. 9399 12 S.F. 11609 12 S.F. 9400 12 S.F. 11781 16 M.F. 11113-1 47 M.F. 11791 240 M.F. 11663 13 S.F. 11915-1 44 S. F. 12022 36 M.F. 12026 24 M.F. 12023 33 M.F. 12027 30 M.F. 12020 28 M.F. 12021 33 M.F. 12024 34 M.F. 12305 59 M.F. ~t 9Y J RESOLUTION N0. X06-i9>i9R BS -ao~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS WITHIN STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 3 AND 4 FOR THE FISCRL YEAR 1985-B6 PURSUANT TO THE LRNOSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 IN CONNECTION WITH STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 3 AND 4 WHEt2EA5, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga did on the 15th day of May, 1985, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 85-149 to order the therein described work in connection with Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 which Resolution of Intention No. 85-149 was duly and legally published in the tima form and manner as required by law, shown by the affidavit of Publication of~said Resolution of Intention on file in the office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, said City Council having duly received considered evidence, oral and documentary, concerning the jurisdiction facts in this proceeding and concerning the necessity for the contemplated work and the benefits to be derived therefrom and said City Council having now acquired jurisdiction to order the proposed work. SECTION 1: It is hereby resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga that the public interest and convenience requires the levy • and collection of assessments within Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the fiscal year 1985-86 and said City Council hereby orders that the work, as set forth and described in said Resolution of Intention No. 85-149, be done and made; and SECTION 2: 8e it further resolved that the report filed by the Engineer is'-lier~finally approved; and SECTION 3 8e it finally resolved that the assessments for fiscal year 198~$b a~method of assessment in the Engineer's Report are hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: on ~ i e s, ayor • ~3r waa yr nnav l,nV VVIJNiY1VaVbH OCUUMO~ MEMORANDUM ? _. <i ' ~~ ~ m;, ~~.I DATE: June 13, 1985 TO: City Council FROM: Finance Directo~ SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing Once a year the City of Rancho Cucamonga must conduct a Public Hearing with regards to Re- venue Sharing. This hearing deals with the proposed use of payments to the overall City Budget. At this hearing, persons must be given the opportunity to provide input either written or orally as to the use of Revenue Sharing. • Notice has been given regarding this Public Hearing ac required, and the follow up notice will occur within 30 days after this meeting to indicate to the Public the Revenue Sharing use in conjuction with the City's overall Budget. As in previous years, the staff recommends that the total amount of Revenue Sharing be directed to support the area of public safety or more specifically, the contract with the County of San Bernardino for police services in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. As a benefit to the Community, this allocation cuts accross every citizen residing in the City as one of the more visibly assets to the Com- munity. ESL '~ AFF.IDA V IT OF PUBLICATION STATE OFCALIFORDUA sa COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO [, Maurine D. Paean ,do hereby certifythatI am the Legal Advertising cler& of THE DAILY REPORT, a daily newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of Ontario, County and State aforesaid and that the attached advertisement of Notice of Public Hearine ', C1tY CO UnC1I I Citr of Rancno Cucamanaa was published in said newspaper one t 1> time 'i towilo June 7r 1985 I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~• (Sign ) Dated at Ontario, California this 7 t n day ~ June ,1985. ~~7 • • ,., ro.. D. DD..,,,.. n ,.D ,~y ~,D.Dn e. MI. Ylq ~w liM PDM. Su» C, a DY INIeDDM S~'1151 wow ro ».a .m~uDf. wi e j F r i Y G h OM euoian nmetim 1~L L:~A i'~ ~~, • . ORDINANCE N0. e2(ct AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 8.17 TO THE RANCHO WCAHONGA MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL REFUSE COLLECTION. 1: h°reby is crdained by the Council of 'h° City oC Rancho Cucamonga as Follows: SECTION 1: Chap:•r 8.17 hereby Ss added to the Rancho Cucamonga Mun Sclpal Cod^ to read as follows: ^Cha p!•r 8.17 RESIDENTIAL REFUSE COLLECTION S°c :ions: 8.17.010 Leglsla!SVe policy. 8.17.020 D•Cin i`. SOn9. 8.17.030 Au!hority oC Council Lo issue p.rmits for collection and dls posal. 8.77.040 Perm1!s for refuse Collection and establishment oC collet Son f°•s. 8.17.050 Unlawful co11•etion. • 8.17.060 Collection in emergencies. 8.17.070 Hours of collect ion. 8.17.080 flefus• Collection--Sp111ag^. 8.17.090 R^fus? Rec•p!aclea. 8.17.100 Placemen! of recap^.acl•s for collet :ion. 8,17.110 Time and dale of placement of receptacles. 8.17.120 p•fuse r-movel. 8.77.130 Refuse disposal. 8.17.140 Special pro visions regard Sng method of tlls pose 1. 8.17.150 Burning, burial or dumping. 8.17.760 Duration of storag=. 8.19.170 Use of :rucks. 8.17.180 No parking of roCuae trucks on any city street. 8.17.190 Equipment required. 8.17.200 SDeelflcat Iona and restrictions on Collection trucks. 8.17.210 'Truck inspection. 8.17.220 PermitLees Local t-lephone number. 8.17.230 Exelual v? refuse collet Lion areas. 8.19.240 Permltt•e ~s emploYees. 8.17.250 P•rm1! for removal of refuse--prerequlsl!e s. 8.17,260 Permit provisions. 8.17,270 Rights of ezlsting collectors. 8.17.280 Charges for ecru is^. 8.17.290 Sevrab111ty. 8.19.010 Leglslatlve Pa11cy. The CS!y Council oC the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ner•by find and determine that storage, aecumulatlon, collets ion and disposal oC reface, trash, rubbish, solid wash, debris and Other discarded material Sa a matter of great public concern, in that improper control of such maters cr•atea a public nuisane+, which may lead Lo air pollution, fire haaarda, illegal dumping, lnaect breeding and rat Snfestatlon and other problems afMoting the health, welfare and saMty of the residents of Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding cities. TAe City Council further damlar•a that regulations Sn this chapter provided are dealgned to eliminate or alleviate such Drobl•ma. ~ T? j ~ Ordinanc° No. g.1T.620 Definltlons. For the purpose of `.his chapter, `.he following words and phrases are defined end shall h= construed as herelnaft°r set out, unless St is apparent from the con".ezt :hat a different meaning was Snt°nd°d: A. Animal 'das`•° -means manor^, fart iliz°r, or any form of solid °xcr°mont produced by any and all forms of dom°s`.Sc animals or Commercial lives".ock. B. CSty - means the City of gancho Cucamonga. C. CI`.y Clerk - moans the CL'y C1°rk of the City of gancho Cucamonga. D. City Manager - means `.he CSty Mao»r of th° Clty of Poncho Cucamonga. E. Council - means the City Council of the City of gancho Cucamonga. F. Occupants - means and Snnlud+s every owner of, and every !anent or person who 19 Sn poas?scion of, is the Snhabl`.ant oC, or has th° car° ono control of, an SnhabSted resldenc^. G. Permltt •~ - means any refuse Collector authorized Dy the Clty Council of the CI!y of gancho Cucamonga to collect refuse within the City pursuant to this Chapter 8.1T. H. P°rson - as used in this chapter means any indivltlual, firm, corporation, association, or group or comDinatl0n acting as a unit. I. flefuse _ Sncludea any and all types of rubbish, trash or other west? material referred to Sn this ChaD`•er g.17. • d. Refuse Collector - m^ans any person or persons, firm, copartnership, ,7o3n". ventur^, assonlatlon or corporation engaged Sn tM collection, transportation and/or disposal of solid caste and/or rubbish in the City. g. gesidentlal Unlt - mean each place used for redden tial purposes including the following Dut not re st rleted to: single family dwellings, multi-family dwellings, apartm•nta, condominiums, townhouses, moD 11° home parks, and trailer courts wh°ther or not utilizing dumpst°r type bins; houev+r not Lncluded, hospitals, convalescent homes, hot°ls, and motels. L. 8ubbish - Sncludea, Dut Ss not r°st ricted `.o, all non-biogradable oast^, or d?bras such a9 paD+r, cardboard, grass, `.r+• or shrub trimmings, rugs, straw, clothing, wood, or wood products, crockery, glass, rubber, metal, plastic, ,construct ion waste and debris and other similar materials. M. flubbish Disposal Operator - is synonymous alth refuse Collector. N. Salvage - tncludes rub6lah, from which art SOles of value or material of value, may 6e extracted, segregated, removed or developed. 0. Solid Baste - include all putreacible and non-DUtresc161e solid and semi-solid weal+s, such as refuse, rubbish, paper, ashes. P. Str+eta - m=ans the pu611c a'•re+ts, ways and alleys, exceyt elate rota, es the same now or may hereafter exist within the City. 0. Trash - Snclud+s, 6u! la not restrteted to, every accumulation of animal, vegetable or other material. 1. resulting Crom the preparation and consumption of edible foodatuffa; or 2. resulting from decay, dealing in or storage of meats, fish, fowl, frusta or v+g+tables, Snoluding the cans, contafnena, or wrappers wooled along with aunh materdala; or di'i 21t Ordinance No. . 3. such industrial, dourest is and organic refus^ or residue oP animals sold for meat; or 4. fru St, vege!able and animal matter from ki!ch°ns, dining rooms, markets, food establlshmen`.s or any other place using, d°a11ng in or handling meats, fish, fowl, fruits, yege ables or grains; or 8. offal, animai waste or the carcass°s oT animals fish or fowl; or 6. nonrecyclabl• glass, pap°r or meal products. fl. Truck - means any •suck, !railer, s°mStralle r, canvyance or v°hlc l° us°d or intended to b• used for th+ purpose of nc llec!ing refus• or !o haul or ".ranspor! r°fus^. 8.17.030 quthority of City Council t0 Issue p+rm1!s Cor Disposal and Coll°et ion. Pursuan! to vection 757 of the California Cover`w•nt Cod°, the Council shall haw !h• authority to issue °xcluslve permits for the coilection and disposal of rotas+, !rash, rubbish and other Corms of load xas!e as provided for in `-his chapter and may, as a condition Cor issuing such permits require a bond from the perml!t?^ Sn an amounC de!ermined by the City Counc ll !o insure the faithful performance of such Collec!icn and disposal service Sn accordance vlth this chapter and the !erms and conditions imposed by 'he Connell. In the +v+nt that any permitt=• shall fail or refuse to conform !o the conditions of the p^rmlt or this chapter, the Council, at S!s option and aft°r a hearing call°d upon at least ten (10) days' writ^,+n not SCe to the permute°, may revoke such p+rmlt. In Sssuing permits for r^fus+ and rubbish coil°c`SOn and dSSposal, the Council shall not b^ required to issue the sam° based upon the offer oC lower or Sowest ra^.es, but shall be fee !o issu° such • permits to the person d+emed best sui!ed !o comply with ^.he !erms oC !his chapter and such other !°rms and conditions imposed 6y the Council. 8.17.040 permits for R+fus+ Collec!ion and Establ SShm•nt of Col1•c ;ion F°es. The Council hereby does determine that the disposal and/or col l°etlon of rofus•, trash, rubbish or other solid was`.e is a service to b+ p=dorm°d Sn the City in accordance with the provisions oC this chap!er, The City may Crom !lure to rime issu? permits to !hose parties m°eting the criteria of !his Chapter 8.17 and such other standards as may b+ established 6y resolution oC the City Council r+garding the Collec`.Son of refus?, rubbish and other forms of solid waste from resid+nt Sal units. So long as any such permit remains Sn fore+, Collection oC ma terlal provided Cor herein may be made only Sn accordance with the !erms and coed irises hereof. Such C°es and charg+s Cor such co llectSOn, r+moval and disposal services shall be those which the Council may Crom !lure to time hereaft+r apprmve 6y r=solution. No person shell engage in the bushels of Collecting, r+moving or disposing of eny refus•, trash, rubbish or other solid waste within the City from any res lden tial uni`, nor transport the same over any pu611c streets or rights-of- way, unless a permit to do so has first b+en obtained Crom the Council and such person complies with tha provisions of this chapter and any other regulations xhich have b++n adopted pursuant to Ch1s chap!+r. 8.17.050 Unlawful Collection. It is unlawful and a misdem•anor for eny person to collect or transport r+fus° vlthSn the City unless such person is a permit tee as herein defined or is exempted as outlined in A, B, C, D, end E of this sec'. ton; and St is unlawful fnr any person to p+rmit, alloy or enter Snto any agr^ement whatsoever for the Coll+etion or transpor!atlon oC refus+ from any realdential unit with any person xho is not a permittee as herein defined except as perml!ted in subsections A, B, C, D, and E of this section. A. The coil+etion and removal of grass clippings and shrubbery by individual r+sidents and by individuals doing bushels as profeaaianal landscap'rra, when the doll+ction is directly related to their work, shall be +xempt Crom the refus+ permiR ayatam. 4~'L ~ yd Ordinance No. B.0. Derml ttee shall nor, be required to collect hazardous or longerous . materials as Dart oC its r°gular collection actlvivy. Liquid and dry caus'S es, acids, blohazardous, flamma6l^, explosive materials, insect icldes, and similar substances shall not b= depos l`.°d Sn collection contal hers. C. Inlect Sous medical caste (as d=fined in Ca 1lCOrnia Health and Safety Cod° 25117.5, as amended from `.Sme to time or any successor provision or provSs Sons th°reto) shall not be collected by a permltte•. Anyon^ producing such wastes shall store, handle and dispose of such materials only Sn the mangier approved by the County Health Officer or designated deputy end in eccortlance vlth the Ca1lCornla 9•a lth and Safety Cod•. 0. The collection and removal oC recyclabl° mater la 1, includ Sng, but no! 11m1 ;ed to, glass, n°wspapers, aluml hum and cardboard, that are separated °1`.her for reuse or for the manufactur° of new protlucts shall b^ exempt from the refuse permit system. E. The removal and dls posal of refuse from a residential unit by the occupant or ovner thereof shall b^ exempt Crom the ref us? permit sys :em, subd•ct !o the provSs Sons oC Sec lion 8.17.120 h°reof. 8.17.060 Collec`.ion Sn Emergenc Ses. In emergenc le a, such as the br•aktlovn oC equlpmen :, or other unfores^en or unpreventable circumstances, where in the ,7 udgment of the City Manager or designee the particular situation Justif les such action, the City Manager or designee may issue limited or temporary permits to private persons or corporations !o perform any of the services r•guSated by this chapter, subJect to such reasonable fees, charges and conditions as the circumstances may warrant and as the parties Involved may agr^^ upon; provided that such f^es and charges received Crom or paid to any riv te e ti • p p a rsons or corpora ons under this s•c!Son for any period exec-ding fifteen (15) days' duration shall be approved Dy the Council. 8.17.070 Hours of Co11ee!SOn. p permlttee shall not collect refuse or ruDDlsh wl thin a resident Sal area between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the Co13ov1ng day, 8.17.Og0 gefuse Collec!SOn--Spillage. permlttees shall exercise all rea sons Dle car° and diligence Sn collec'Sng refuse so as to prevent spilling, scats=ring or dropping refus«, and shall immediately, at the time oC occurrence, clean up any such spillage. 8,17.090 p=fuse 8eceptacles. A. It shall De the duty of every tenant, lessee or occupant, of any private dwelling house, the ke=per of every apartment house and of every other person having refus^, to provid= without expense to the City and at all times, except on collection day, Eo keep within the huilding In which any of the same may be situated sufCLCient plastic or paper bags apse ifically designed for the containment aC refuse or waters fight metal or plast lc receptacles, except as herelnat2er provided, xhioh shall have sui",able bales or handles and a Light-fitting cover xh Sch shall preven`• leakage or escape of odors; and welch when filled within four Snchea of the tap shall contain all r=fuse which would ordtnarf ly accumulate on said premises between collections. Tne exterior oP such receptacles, including covers, shall De kept olean from accumulated grease or decomposing materials. g. Grass clippings, haves end other yard work debris, other than branches • ar tree limbs, may be either deposited in motel or plastic receptacles, or specially designed bags, as abovementioned ar cardboard boxes. If cardboard boxes are used, the cardboard Doxea along with the contents shall be cwnaidered refuse set out for collection and both the cardboard boxes and coM ants shall be molleeted. ~.tiY/ Ordinance No. • C. Branches, tree limbs or other similar debris shall b= ti-d with sturdy t wine, rope or wire, in bundles not ezeeeding four (V) f•=; in length nor eighteen (18) Snches Sn diameter. D. Newspapers and magazines may b• e1`.her deposited in seal or plastic r°ceptacles, as abovementloned, or tied ui`.h sturdy twin-, rope or wire, in bundl°s not °xceed ing fifty (j0) pounds in weight. E. Extra or unwanted cardboard boxes shall b? flattened and tied Sn bundl°s not exceeding four (4) feet Sn length nor TSt'y (j0) pounds Sn weight. 8.17.100 Placement of Aeceptacles for Collection. It shall be `!^ duty of occupants to set out or place containers Cor th° call-et SOn oC refuse, rubbish, miscellaneous debris and, combined rubbish and/or other solid wart= as fOllOw9: My container or receptacle for the purpose oC reception and removal of refuse shall be plac-d at the curb Sn front of the premises occupied by the person depositing the same, there to be collected by the perms`tee; provided tba`, the permlttee may designate some other loca^.ion for the plat-ment of contaS~ars and race pt acles when such placement will expedite collection. 8.17.110 Tf ae and Dale of Placement of receptacles. A. No person shall place, or cause to be placed, any refuse or container or receptacle Cor refuse, Sn any public highway or Sn any place or in any mamer other than her•Snabove provided or at any time other than the days established by the City for the collection oC such refuse on the particular route Snvolved, not earlier than sunset of the day pr°ceding • the day des Sgna tad for collection, and all containers and receptacles shall be r-moved Crom the place oC collection prior to 8:00 p.m, oC the day the containers and receptacles have been emptied. B. Each owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee of a resident Sal unit shall maintain the same in a sanStary condition. If the contahers or receptacles should not be emptied and th- contents removed on the date and time scheduled Dy the perml :tee, they should immediately notify the permlttee or the CSty and it shall be the du^.y of the perml`.tee to forthwith arrange for the collection and disposal of the refuse. C. Refuse, trash, rubbish, salvage, and other solid waste which exceeds ".he 11m1!ations hereinabove set out may, Sn the discretion of the permltte•, Da scheduled for special collection upon the application of the occupant oC the .premises. SDecial collection charges may be assessed by the permittee for this service NSth prior approval of aDOVementioned occupant of the premises. D. No person, other than the owner thereof, the owner's agents or employees or an officer or employee oC the City or a permittee's agents or employees authorized for such purposes, shall tamper or meddle with any refuse container or the contents thereof, or remove the consents of any con".ainer or remove any container from the location where the same shall have been placed by the owner thereof or owner's agent. 8.17.120 Refuse Removal. Pursuant to California 0.dministretive Cods Title 14, Chapter 17-331; H all refuse created, produced or accumulated in or about e residen tlal unit in the CSty shall De removed from Lhe premises at least • once each week. It shall be unlawful and a misdemeanor for the occupant oP any of Cho above-described premises to fall or neglect to provide Por the removal oC refuse at least as often as prescribed in this Sec!SOn 8.17.120. Fanh day's violation of this section shall be treated and considered as a separate end diatincE offense. ~' ~4 Drdinanc• No. 8.17.130 Refuse Disposal. • A. Permilt ee shall dispose of Collected was`.es, a! permitt ee's expense, a! a City directed landfill or transfer cation 1n a manner sat lsfactory to the City and in accordance v1!h all state and local laws, and regale`. SOn9. 8.17.140 Special Provisions fl°gard leg M°t hod of Dlsoosa 1. 0.. The removal of veering apparel, bedding or other refuse Crom resLdent Sal units, (as defined Sn Section 8.17.022;L) or Other places where highly Snfec tious or contagious diseases have be°n pr•s°nt shall be performed under `.he supervision and dlrec!ion of the County of San Bernardino Health Officer and such refuse shall neither be placed Sn containers nor recep!acl•s ncr left for regular Coll°etion and disposal. P. Highly flammable or •zploslve or radloactivo refuse shall not be placed in containers or receptacles for regular colleo tlon and disposal, but shall be removed ender the supervision of the City and/or the Agency providing fir= prat ee tion serv lc! Nithln the Clty a! the expense oC the owner or possessor of ".he material. C, Refuse or other solid waste conl alning eater or other liquids shall be drained before b•Lng Dlaced Sn a con`.alner or receptacl^. Matter which is subJect to decomposltlon shall b• wrapped Sn paper or other material before being placed Sn a container or receptacl^. D. No battery acid, poisonous, caustic or toxic material or any o!h•r substance capebLe of damaging clothing or causing 1n,1urY !o !h• D°raon • shall b? mixed or placed with any rubbish, solid waste or other r=fuse which Ss to bo collected, remov°d or disposed oC by a permit!=^. Such items shall be removed a! the occupant's expense only after arrangemen'-s have Deen made with the permi`.tee or CS`-y Cor such removal. E. Animal was`.^, as herein defined, shall no! b• placed Sn con!ain•rs or rec•ptaeles Cor regular collect Lon and disposal, bu! shall De removed at the occupant's exp•ns«. It shall De unlawful and a misdemeanor Cor any person to violate any pro- vision of this Section 8.17.140. 8.17.150 Burning, Burial or Dumping. It is unlawful and a misdemeanor Cor any person to Durn, Dury or dump refuse within the City at any time, unless a spacial permit for such burning, burial or dumping has De•n issued pursuan! Lo authority conferred Dy the Council, and/or the Agency providing fire protec!SOn service within the City. 8.17.160 Duration of 3tora a Pursuant to California Adminis!ra!SVe Code Tit l• 1 , Chapter 3, Section 17.331;8 St Ss unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person to store or accumulate any reCus?, rubbish or miscellaneous debris Sn any container or at any location other than as herelnabove set forth, or for any length of time other then as Collowst A. B•lus^. Refuse shall not b• accumulated or stored for a period of time Sn ^xCP.99 Ol, 1. Reslde;hlal unltst One Neek (seven days) B. Rubbish, other than refus^, shall not be stored or a¢¢umulated for a . period of time in excess of one week (seven days). C. The above periods oP time which and in any week Sn which a holldsy occurs ere extended one additional day. a,~ av3 Ord inanee 90. • 8.17.170 Use of Trucks. Any persons who desire Cc operate priva!•ly-owned refuse, trash, or rubbish whlcles under provisions of !his chapter shall provide their vehicles are water sigh! and are provided with a tight cover. The City Manager or d-signee shall require the permittee to remove from service or repair !nose vehicles that alloy or perms! offensive otlors to escape and/or refuse to bs blown, dropped or spilled therefrom. 8.77.180 No Parking of Refuse ?rucks on any City S`.r=et A. No person between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall leave a refuse 'ruck parked on any City stre=!. H. No person b•tw•"n the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. shall leave a refuse !ruck parked on any City str^^! Cor moro than on° (1) hour unless City Manager or d=sign^? is not ifsed !hat a break doxn or emergency exists. 8.17.190 Equipment Required. Each truck of a p•rmL'!ee shall at all times hay= in the cab the r°glst ration of the !ruck, a certiflca!e of Snsurance and an Itlentif Scat ion card ul!h the name of whom to telephone Sn case oC an accident or °mergency. Each !ruck shall also be equipped wl!h a five (8) pound Clre eztSngulsher certified Dy the California Sate FSre Marshal and annually recharged. 8.17,200 SpecSTicat ions and pestr actions on Coll°et ion Trucks. qll !rucks used for ref us^, rubbish and/or solid wa ate Collection oath in the City shall be requiretl: A. To b• completely enclosed with a rigid, nonabsorbent cover wh Sle • Sransporting r-fus°, trash or rubbish Sn or !hrough the City. Completely enclosed with a nonabsorbent cover means !hat refuse, !rash or rubbish shall not b• visible Crom the street nor shall any of the subs lances b" perml`.t ed to leak, spill or become deposited along the public str=e!s. B. All trucks used Sn the course oC refuse or rub661sh Collection shall be painted colors approved by the CS!y Manager or designee and ident ailed by truck numerals, a company logo, and local telephone number. Those trucks shall b= kept clean and in good re pa it et all times. 8.17.210 Truck Inspection. A. Each oT any permittee's trucks shall be made ava11a61• Cor inspection at the discretion of the City Manager or OesSgnee a! any point of op-ration. B. A decal to be Sssued annually Dy the City for each truck complying xlth provisions of this chapter and p7 aced on `.ruck Sn a conspicuous plac=. 8.17.220 Permi`.tee's Local Telephone Number. Each permittee must main!ain a local telephone number which shall D• staffed for personal con!ac^. between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on normal workSng days, and at all o".her limas with some type of mechanism Tor the purpose of taking messages. 8.17.230 Exclusive pesSdential P=turn Collection Areas. A. For the purpose of this chapter, the CS!y shall be divided into four (4) residential Collection areas. Such areas are designed on these cer".sin maps entitled "Exclusive Collection Areas Sn the City oC flancho Cucamonga." Suoh descriptions aC Servlee press are incorporated herein 6y reference (Exhibit ^A") and a map is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 8.17.240 Permittee's Emplo ••a. Each permStteo moat provide high quality service Dq industry standards and supply competent, qualltiod, identifiable end uniformed personnel who serve the residents of poncho Cucamonga Sn a eourteoum, helpful end Smpartial manner. aC~. ' yy Ordinance No. A. The CSty may, at Sts op!SOn, requlr+ fing°rprlnting oC !h• p•rmitl-+•s • +mploy++a rhose seralce x111 cause them to •n`.•r onto or work 1n close proximity to priva!+ prop+rty. B. The p•rm1!t+• shall be r+quir+d to hire employees ulthout r°gard to rac+, religion, colorr national origin, sex, political aFtiliatlon, or any ' other ..on-m+ri! factor. C. Any employee driving perm Lt+e ~s r+Cus+ trucks shall at all times hav+ in his or her possession a valid and appropr Sat+ v°hicl+ op+rator•s 1lcens+ Sss u•d by th+ Slate of CaliCorn ia. D. Th+ p+rmitte•~s °mploy+es shall b• required to w°ar clean Id•ntifiabl• un Sforms when •ngag+d Sn r+Cus• Coll°ction s°rvlee within the City. 8.7'/.250 Permit for fl•moval of fl°fuae-Pr°requis ilea. A. Procedure and fl+quir°d information. A p•rmltt•° mus! Cile a 1^!!+r x1!h the City Manag+r or tl•aign•e containing the following informa!SOn: 1. Nam+ and d+acrlp!SOn of the permitt••; 2. P+rman•nt 6uslneaa address and addr+ss of local office oC th+ p+rmitt , 3. Trad° and firm nam+; 4. iC a point ven`.ur+ or a partnership or limit+d partnership, !h+ names • of all partrrs, or corpora!SOn and !h+ nam+a of the ofCle+rs and th+ir pare+ntag+ of partlclpa!Son and th•Sr permanent addresses; 5. Facts indicating !ha! th+ permitt+e has arranged for refuse disposal in an area xhere the name may 0+ l+gally ace°pt+d and tllapos•tl as dir•et•tl Dy City; 6. Desiretl r+Cuse collection area to be served; 7. Fac^.s Sndica!ing that permit!++ Sa qualified to r+nd•r efflcl+n! refUS+ Collection s+rvlc+; 8. Facts Snd Seating !hat trucks and equipment conform `.o all applicabl+ provisions of !his chapter; 9. Satisfactory avid+nce that p•rm1!!++ has b•°n Sn •x1s!+nc+ as a going concern for in +xc+aa of five (D) Years and puss+aeea not leas than five (5) yearn actual opera!ing +xperience es a going cone+rn In r+aiden!Sal refuse coll•c!Son and disposal. 10. Satisfactory w1d•nce !hat p+rm1!!+e's ezperi-nc+ as a going cone+rn In r+alden!ial r+fuae collection and disposal d+r1vs from op+ra!lona oC comparable size to !hat con!emplated by !his permitt+e; D+!aiis shell Snclud+ length of other contracts, name and s1z+ of municipality, natur+ of service provided, and the name of the contac! p+rson at the municipality being s+rv+d, 11. Ev1d•nc+ that permittee Ss in good standing Sn the State of California and Sn th+ case of a corporation organized and+r the lava oC any oth+r State, evldenc+ that perml!t++ Ss Sicena+d to do • Dusineaa in the State of California, 12. A detailed inven!ory Of the permitt ee •s +qulpment available for ua+ in refuse collection area. `~ 2Yr Ordinanc° Yo. • 13• A written statement from the County oC San B°rnardino, that permltte° °Sther has or the County will Sss u= at a minimum a Class "D" permit Cor the ~ollectlon and disposal of solid xas`.e within the City 11m1!s and shall be attached to said letter. 14. Such other per!in°nt facts or information as the City Manager may require. B. Fees and Aequ itements for Permit. Bpon consideration oC Snforma!SOn con wined Sn abovementioned let!er and folloxing a public h°aring conducted by the City Council upon a! least !°n (10) days' prior written notice to th° applicant, the CS!y Council may Sssu° a permit. Each permit gran!ed shall apply to refuse Collection for an area of the City sp°c1f1°d Eh°rein and Ss exclusive. A fe° for proc°ssing p°rmit app llcations shall be set by r•so lu`.SOn of `.h• City Council xith review on an annual basis. C. Bonding oC P°nmitt°°. B°Cor° granting a p°rmi! under the provisions of this chapter, th° Council shall r°qulre the permittee as a condition to the permit to post wi!h the CS".y C1°rk a cash bond or eure!y bond 1n an amount determined by th° Council and furnish°d by a corporate surety authorized !o do bus loess in the State of Ca1lCornla, payabl° to the CS'y of Aancho Cucamonga. Th• • bond shall b• cond It coned upon the full and faithful performance by the permit'=° of obllgatiana under the applicable provisions oC this chapter and shall be kept Sn Cull force and eff•et by the perml!t°° throughout `.he life oL the p°rmi! and all ran°wals thereof. D. Indemnif Scat ton by P°rmitt°°. As a condition of the City Sssuing a perms!, p°rm1`.t°e shall ogre to appear and defend all actions against the City arising out oC the ex°relse of said permit, and shall Snd°mnlfy and save th° Clty, Sts officials, elected oCCleials, employees and agen"s harml°ss Crom all claims, demands, actions, mr causes of actions of every kind and description and any and all relat°d attorneys' fees and court costs resul'Sng directly or indirectly, arising out oC, or Sn any way connec". ed with the ez•rcise of th° permit, including, Du! not by way of limitation, any act or omission of any officer, employee or agent of permittee. E. Liability Insurance. The permit ee shall ob`.ain and keep Sn forc° during th° term of the p°rmlt public llabillty and bodily injury insurance Sn amounts determined by the City Council and workers' compensation insurance covering all employ°°s of !h• permittee. Copies of ouch policies, or oertificatea evidenMng such policies, shall Oe filed with the City Clerk prior to the commencem°nt of activities eu`.horized by the permit. The CS!y and Sts officers, el°eted oCCleials, employees and agents shall be named as add it Sonel Snsur°ds on all such policies. All such po13c1es ahal: contain a! a minimum a provision requiring a nine!y-day (90) day notice to be giv°n !o the City prior to cancellation, modification or reduction of llmf!s. The amounts of public liability insurance for bodily Sn~ury and prop°rty damage shall 6e subject to revlw and adJustment by the Council. F. Compliance with Looel and Ca1lCOrnla Lewa and flegulationa. 1Te permittee moat agree to perform the terms oC the permit !n such a mnner so as Lo comply with all applicable local and a!atr laws and ~ i, r Or dinanc• No. regulations perlalning to the Collec`.ion, storage and transportation cC • solid was!e, The permitt ee shall also comply wi!h all other ordinances and regulat Sons of the City and applicable laws and regulations of ',he County oC San Bernardino ~-i elate of California, and shall ob!a1n and keep Sn fore= all required permits and business licenses throughout the life of the perml! and all renewals !hereof. 8.17,260 P•rmlt Provisions. A. Fees Any perms! issued pursuant to this Chapter 8.17 shall p: ovtd° for ffie paysent of permit fees `.o City, shall contain addle tonal provisions agreed to by and between~Clty and permittee and she 11 const stole a writ `. en agreement of Bald parties. B. Assignment or Transfer of Permit. No assignment or transfer of a permit pursuant to this chapter or any right aecruing ender such perml! shall be made Sn whole or 1n par! by the permitt •e without the express consent of 'he Counc ll. In the even! any ass Sgnment or transfer is author iz•d by the Council, the assignee snail assume the liability end all other obliga!lons oC the permit !•e. C. gevocation A permit may be revoked at the option of the Council Sn the •wnt there Ss a change of ownership of any kind or naWre of the operating company, unless approval therefor has been obtained Sn writing from the Council. • If St is determined by the City Nanag•r or designee that permit tee has not complied xith the provlsons of this chapter, the permit, and all other applicable s'atutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, the City Manager ar designee shall notify the permit!ex in writing of noncompliance and shall order compliance within thirty (30) days. If noncompliance 1a not correc!ed within the abovepr•scrlbed thirty (30) day period, the Council, Colloxing a public hearing upon at least ten (10) tlaYS' written notice to the perml!tee, maY termina t• the permit. 8.17.270 Fights of Exlating Collectors. A. Perm1!teea are advised that portions of the City are presently being provided resident Sal refuse collection servlcesr and that !hose presently providing service may have vnted rights to rnntlnue sa Sd rrvice for a substan!Sal period (up to five years) under the provisions oC Section 4272 oC •.he California Health and Safety Code. 8.17,280 Charges Car Servlc•. A. Coll•c lion Charge; A charge for the collection of refuse snail be Smpos•d Dy the perml!t •e on the owner or person Sn control of each resid•n`.Sal unit subscribing to refuse collection servloe. Tne amount oC such chargea shall be fixed and changed Crom time to time by the permltt ee after approval by reaolutlon of the City Counc ll. g. Pate Ad,lustments. • All revSSiona in chargea levied by a permlt!ee must be submitted to the City Council for reviex and action and moat be approved Dy resolution oC Lhe City Council following a publio hearing upon at least !en (10) days' written noLioe to Lhe permit!ee. '~ .'tY7 Ord inane= No. 1• 8.1T.290 Severab111ty. If any section, subsection, sentence, Claus+, or phrase of this chapter Ss for any reason held to be invalid or unconstltu- tlonal, such decision shall noE affec! the validity oC the remaining porllom. The C1!y Council of the City oC Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares tha! St would pave passed !his chapter and each s°ction, subsection, clause, and phrase thereof Srrespectly of the fact Chat any one or mor° sections, suDSee`.ions, sentences, Clauses or phrases be declared invalid or uncon s!itutional~ an0 would haw passed and adopted the same even though any parts, see!ions, subset llon9, sentences, clauses, or phrases that may be held invalid pad been omL'!ed therefrom. SECTION 2: From the effective date of !his Ordinance, S•c!Son 1.08.110 of the Pancho Cucamonga Mualcipal Code shall apply only !o refuse generated and/or r-moved Crom places other than residential units as detin°d 1n Section 8.17.020 above. SECTION 3: The mayor shall sign !his Ordinance and the Clty Clerk shall Cawe the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after L's passage at leas! once in The Da11y Report, a newspaper of general circula/ion published Sn the City of On!ario, California, and clrcula'.ed Sn the CS!y of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this + day oC +, i9+, AYES: NOES: • ABSENT: Son 0, Mikels, Mayor ATTEST: Beverly A. Authelet, CSty C1+rk I, BEVERLY A. AUTNELET, CITY CLERK of the City oC Aanoho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was Sntroduced at a regular (spacial, adjourned) meeting of the Council of the CL'y oP Pancho Cucamonga held on the + day of +, 19++, and was finally passed at a regular mee!Sng of the City Council of the City of Pancho Cucamonga Deld on the + day of +, 19++. Execu!ed this + day of +, 1985 at Rancho Cucamonga, CellCornia. Beverly A. Au thelet, Clty Lrk • ~ ava Ordinance No. "E7CBIBIT A" • Description of Service Areas A. Service Ara One - Boundaries are as follows: North: HLghland Avenue from Deer Creek !o E!iuanda Avenue. South: Southern Pacific Railroad !racks from Deercr••k to M1111ken Avenue, south to Rase LSne Aoad, east to EL Sxantla Avenue. East: Etiwantla Avenue, betven HSghland Avenue and Rase Llne Aoad. Nest: Oeercreek from fllghland Avenue, south to the Southern PaciClc Aailroad tracks, east to MS lliken Avenue south !o Base Line Aoad. A. Service Area Txo - Boundaries are as follows: North: Haven Avenue a! Southern Paelflc Aailroad tracks east to MS111k•n, south to Base LSne Aoad east to Aochester Avenw South: Footh111 Boulevard Gtween Haven Avenw and AochesLr Avenue. East: gochea ter Avenue, between Base Line Road and Footh111 Boulevard. Rest: Haven Avenue between Sou thern PaclCin gallroad tracks and Foothill Boulevard, 0. Service Area Three - Boundaries arc as follows: North: CS!y limits. South: Base LSne Aoad east to Haven Avenue, north !o Southern Paolfic Aailroad tracks, seat Lo Deer Creek, north to HSghland Avenue, east to Etlxanda Avenw!, acuth to Base Lir. Road, eas! to cltq • limits. East: City 11m12s south to Base Line Road. pest: CSty 11m1ts south to Bane LSne Road. D. Service Area Four - Boundaries are as Collows: North: Base LSne Road east {rom city limits to Haven Avenue, south to Foothill Boulevard, seat !o Rochester Avenue, north to Base Line Road, east to city limits. South: CS!y 11m1W. East: City limits between Base Line Aoad and 4th Street Neat: CIly limits between Base Line Road and 4th Street • i!?/ ~yS a • April 17r 1985 vua yr nnavvuv ..,~~,.va.ava...~. MEMORANDUM w.......V~1' `t~ C9 r, ~ ;~. <; s' T0: Mayor and Members of City Council FflOM: Advisory Commission Members BY: Robert A. Rizzo Assistant to City Manager ~~' SUBJECT: Advisory Commission's Recommendations flegarding Campaign Financing for City E1'ections ~,; 19~' The Advisory Commission at its June 1985 meeting reviexed the City Attorney's comments on campaign financing and controls for City elections (memo dated .yovember 2, 1984). The Advisory Commission as a whole believe campaign financing controls are necessary, and that contributions from time to time may overshadow the City election process. It is the Commission's intent to present the City Council with merely a set of desired criteria in which a campaign financing ordinance could be developed. Listed below are some parameters the Commission would like to be considered xhen such an ordinance is prepared. A. Advisory Commission's flecommendations deemed by City Attorney that may be imposed Dy the City. 1. City of flancho Cucamonga's campaign financing ordinance to be coordinated xith Fair Political Practice Lax (City of Roseville Ordinance, Section 2.60.30). 2. Limit total (aggregate) anonymous contributions to X2,000 excess to a non-profit organization of candidate's choice or to the City if no non- profit organization is chosen. 3• Increase disclosure requirements on contributions of E250.00 - x999.99. (a) Individual, city of residence, or field of employment= (b) Non- indlvidual, address, type of organization, formation date, number of members, whether individual contributions are required to organization or candidate. U. Contributions over 5999.99 require vastly increased disclosure requirements, Such requirements should Include but not be limited to the folloxing: a. Contributors financial statement of profit or loss novering year to date for first 3 calendar quarters of election year and previous year, spec Sfying identity of all sources of income over =1,000 and all persons or entities to whom contributor has paid over =1,000 during the 21 month period Sn question. b. List all persona or entities with whom contributor has financial transactions over 51,000 and whom oontributor knows does business with the City of flancho Cucamonga. ~ a.1~ April 17, 1985 2 Campaign Financing e. List all other contributions to candidates in current and last (prior) city election Campaigns. d. Contribution balance sheet, including complete descriptions of limited partnership and closely held corporation interests. e. List all contributions' real estate holdings or interests in Rancho Cucamonga. f. List all development applications filed with the City oP Rancho Cucamonga durirg the same period as covered by financial statement of profit or loss. 5. Prevent aggregation by totalling required individual contributions (condition of employment, promotion of membership) against group or organization (see City of Poway ordinance). 6. Contributions by City contractors limited to E25. oo per candidate, and a list of contractors is to be made known to candidates by the City Clerk when they file for office. 7. Forbid contributions by developers between time sixty days preceeding initial application and sixty days after final approval (recording of tract map). B. Advisory Commission's recommendation deemed by City Attorney may be imposed by • the City with modifications. i. Direct that all surplus campaign financing funds to be held only 90 days after election, then distribute to a non-profit organization, or to City of Aaneho Cucamonga, and prohibit all contributions more than six months before an election. 2. Authorize City Prosecutor to prosecute all violations of this ordinance. 3. Require candidates to furnish their total contributions and required ^is- closure information (names, etc.) from campaign to twe nexspapera with the highest circulation that are published within 25 miles of Rancho Cucamonga, the City Clerk and public libraries in Rancho Cucamonga 7-10 days prior to election with a supplemental report 2-3 days before election. 4. City Council to consider the Clty of Cardena's campaign financing ordinance as a starting point for drafting an ordinance Sn the City of Rancho Cucamonga and request City Attorney to review said ordinance prior to drafting Rancho Cucamonga's. At such Lime as the City Attorney has prepared a draft campaign financing ordinance, the Advisory Commission would welcome the opportunity to review it and make appropriate comments. If, Sn the Interim, the City Council has any questions, concerns, or would like clarification on any of the points recommended, feel free to contact us. • Thank you. 3~R/ dr/ " .. . ... ............ ......~.,,.~... vim. STAFF REPORT GV~~yO ~~ "~~ ~ j . r ~ ~ DATE: June 19, 1985 zi! l y ~~ ~ T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council F~~~ ^~ I FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Comununity Development Director . y 19%%~ BY: Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: COOPERATI VE AGREEMENT FOR MULTIPL° FAMILY RENTAL HOUSING MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM aACKGROUND: The City Council, at their meeting of May 15, 1985, considered and implemented specific changes in the administration and coordination of the Multi-Family Bend Proyram. At that meeting Council determined that certain projects, which were already submitted to the County of San Dernardino, could be processed by that Agency but that all future applications would be administered locally. The four (4) specific projects which the Council authorized the County to proceed with are as follows: Western Properties: Southwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Spruce Avenue (128 Units Western Properties: Northeast corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Church Street (402 Units Lincoln Property Company: Haven Avenue and Arrow Highway (660 Units) Lee Jay Development, Inc.: 8th Street and Grove Avenue (248 Units) Attached for your consideration is a Resolution which would approve a 1985 Multiple Family Rental Housing Mortgage Finance Program in cooperation with the County of San Bernardino. As an attachment to the Resolution is Exhibit "A" which is the Coopera- tive Agreement itself. As identified in Section 4, the Agreement is proposed specifically for the four above-described projects. In addition, the County Office of Community Development has been notified that the City will proceed with administering a Multr- Family Bond Program for any other projects deemed appropriate by the City Council. The County indicated that any developers who contact the County inquiring about the Program would be directed to the City. STATUS: In the time hetween the htay meeting and now, the bulk of the $600 million State ceiling increase has been used. Staff has been informed that less than $6 million, at bestr remains available for use for multi-family bond programs. Due to [his, the attached County cooperative agreement would only be useful should the State pass legislation to again increase the ceiling for multi-family bonds. This incroase must occur and bonds must be sold, however, prior to December 31, 1985 as this is the termination date of the Agreement. a S 1 CITY STAFF REPORT Cooperative Agreement for Multiple Family Rental Housing Mortgage Bond Program June 19, 1985 Page 2 • RECOMMENDATION: Pursuant to the City Council action of May 15, 1985, the City Council adopt the attached Resolution which authorizes the execution of a Cooperative Agreement with the County to administer a 1985 Multiple Family Rental Housing Mortgage Finance Program for the above four projects. Res ectf u]r1 X~submitted, Director of Community Development Attachments: Resolution Cooperative Agreement Maps showing project locations • • ~r3 • E%}fIBiT "A" CCOPEFATIVF. AGFEFT'hldf BETWEEN TEiE COUNiY OF' SPN BFRNARDINO AND THE CITS~ OF RANCHC C[ICPD"ONGA THIS CCOPEF'ATIVE AGFBETff2JT (tF;is "Cooperative Agrestent") is hereby made and entered into as of May 15, 1985 by ar:d tetwv~~n the CCUNIY OF SAN BEENARD- INO a legal subdivision acd Cody corporate ar:d politic of the State cf California (tr:e "County"), and tr;e~ CI1Y OF RANCE!C CCCAb10NC311, a municipal corrnration located in the Coi:nty (the "City"). WITNESSEI'H wF~',dEAF"-, the County has determined to er:gage in a ~m~lti-family rental housing mortgase finance program (the "Prcgram") pur=_uant to Chapter 7 of Paxt 5 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act") to finance cocstruction cr mortcage lcars for tte developrent of a mclti-family rental housing project in the County, all as provided for in the Act; and • WHEE EA:~, the County he.5 determined to torrow money to finance t1.e Prcgram by the issuance of revence bends (the "Bonds") as authorized by tte Act; and WHFRFA°, tnc City is willing to cooperate with the Cotmty pursuant to its implementation of the Prcgram caithin the corporate toundaries of the City, provided that; (1) such cooperation and imq~lementation stall in no way limdt tte City's ability to exercir~e its u„n powers ar:d develop its am similar program on of hez sites; and (2) the City shall retain all nornal planning and building approval pxocesse=_ and authority over the County Program wi[hin the City's rnrporate limits; NCA, ThEF EFCPE, in consideration of the ml tual cotenants t:ereinafter provided, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. The words ar:d phrases of this Cooperative Agreem=nt shall, for all purposes hereof unless other defined herein, have the meaning assigned to suet: words acd phrases in thc~ Act. SFS."fICN 2. The County agrees to use its test efforts to undertake the Prcgram and to issue the Bonds therefore as Boor. as tt;e County determines the ssme to be necessary and adt isable. SfAZa'ION 3_ Ttie City represents that: (I) the City has heretofore adopted a General Plan for tt:e City which it believes to be in conformznce with tF.e ~rY • provisions of the Plaxming and Zoning Law of the State of California (Govern- ment Cote Section 650L0 at, seq.); (II) said General Plan includes a Land Use Element and a Housing Elerent as required by Governn~nt Code Section 65302; ar:d (III) the Frcgram ar~d Frcgram Site do car~ly with said Lard Use Flamnr t . and Housing Element. SEri'ION 4, The City agrees that the County m°y make amulti-family rental housing mortgage under tt..e Program, ar:d that the County may exercise az.y and ell of the City's powers for the purpose of financing amulti-family rental housing rnrtgage pursuant to the Act with respect to a total of four (4 ) E~rojects located as follows: near the intersection of the southwESt rnrner of Terra Vista Fazkway and Spn:ce Avenue and near tte northeast corner of Terra Vista Pax kway and Chrrch Street, both cf which are to be developed by Western Properties ard with the preliminary name of Western Properties II; near the northwest corner of Haven Avenue and Arraw Highway to be developed by Lincoln Property Coa¢any and with the preliminary name of Lincoln Rancho; ard, near the northeast corner 8th Street ar:d Crcve Avenue to be developed by Lee Jey Development, Inc. and with the preliminary name of Rancho Verde VillaSe. Stl:TION 5. The City acrees tc undertake sect: further proceedings or actions as may to necessary in order tc carry out the terns and the intect of this Cooperative Agreanen[; ard the City further agrees to refrain Eran taking any action, which would, to its knowledge, tend to adversely affect the rating en the Bords tc be issued b} tt.e County pursuant hereto; provided that rathing in this Cooperative Agreement shall :n any way cr manner to construed to restrain, or in any way limit, the exercise by the City of its Planning, Lard • Use, Building Permit, cr other authority, ever any a=_pect of the Program t.erein proposed. SECTION 6. Nothing in this Cooperative Agreement shall pxevert the County or tr:e City from entering into or:e cr nr~re agreements with otter political subdivisions within their respective boundaries, if deemed necessary and advisable to do so by the County cr tre City, nor =hall anythir:g in this Cooperative Agreement be construed as limiting the exercise by the Crn:rty or the City of any of their respective applicable powers ox authorities . SECTION 7. This Cooperative Agreement may he artended b}' one ox mere supplemental agreements executed by the County ar:d the City at any time, except that no such anendnent ox supplement stall he made :uhi ch shall adversely affect the rights of tt~e t:olders of the Bends issued by the County in rnnnection with the Program. SECTION 8. The term of this Cooperative Agreement shall cannence cn the sate first stove written ar:d terminate on December 31, 1965 unless bonds are sold at which point it will terminate at t}:e end of the origination period for mortgage loans ur:der the lean far the Program. IN WITNESS WFiEF EOF, the pzrties hereto have caused this Cooperative • a!~ ~ Agreertent tc be executed and attested by their pt oiler officers thereunto duly authorized, ar:d their Official Seals to 6e hereto affixed, all as of tf:e sate first above written. CCUN'lx OF SAN HFFNARDIrt~ CITY OF Hy: BY: Chainran, Bcard of Supervisors Mayor ATT$SI': ATPEST: CLFRK OF TEiE BCARD OF SgPERVISORS By: BY: APPR(NF~ AH 70 IEC,71I. FOFM: APPRO'JED AS TO LEX;AL FORM: 6}': BY: Deputy Cot my Ccun~el City Attorney • .ZsG • RESOLCTION NJ. 8 S ^/B 3 A RF SOLUTION OF iii CITY CC'UNCIL OF TLE CITY OF PANY730 CLCPMONCA, COUNFY OF SAN BERNARCI\C', STA^.'E OF CALZFC'RNIA, ADOPTING A MC'L1'IFAMILY RF37IAL HOC~BING MORTGRI;E FINANCE PFOGFAM ZN CC~OPEF'ATION WITH THF, CCUNPY OE' SAN BERNARDINO WEfFRFA`, there is a shortage in the County of San Bernardino (the "County";, the City of Rancho Cucanonca ftte "City"), of decent, safe, ar:d sanitary rental housing, particularly`of housing affordable by persons in the laws=r end of tt.e incare spectrwn, ar:d a corse~:ent need to encour4ge tte construction of rental housing affordable by such persons and otherwise tc increase tte rental housing supply in *_he County and in the City for such persons; and W1fER&l&, the Bcerd of Supc-rvisors of the County has declared its intent tc adept a multifamily rental housing moz tgage finance proeram (tt;e "Program") pursuant to Chapter 7 of Pazt 5 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Ccde of the State of California (tt.e "Act") and to issue bonds pursuant to the A<t to provide funds for the Program; and • WFEE47EAS, [his Council finds and determines tt.a[ it is in the best interest of thc• Ci[y tc adoEt the Program and to consent to the operation of the Program by the County within the geographic boundaries of the City pursuant tc the Act; and WFIFIiF.AF, tt:is Council finds and determines thet the Program mnplies with the Lend Use Elertent ard the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. NCW, ThFFEFOFE, the City Council of the City cf Prncho Cucamonga doss hereby resolve as follows: 1. This City Ccvncil does hereby find and declare that the clove recitals are true and correct. 2. 'ffie City hereby adopts the Program for the purpose of increasing the rental tousicg supply in the County and in the City and consents to tte operat ior, of the Program by the County with respect to project site (as deficrd in the Cocperatire Agreement herei natter ne rat icncd) located within the geographical boundaries of the City. ~r~ 3. The Cooperative Agreement, dated as of May 15, 1985, betwEen the • County and the City (the "Agreenent"), a mpy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized ar~d directed to execute and deliver said Agreement, for ar:d in tte name of and or: behalf of the City. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Attorney, is authori zed to approve an}• additions to cr changes in the form of said Agreaf!er!t which they deem necessary or ad<'isable, their apprrn~al of =_uch additions cr changes to 6e wrclusively evidenced by tte execution by the Mayor of said Agreement as so adf~ed to or clanged. The Mayor, with the zdvice and consent of the City Attorney, is further authorized to enter into such additional acreefrents with the County, execute such other dccvvnents and take such other actions as they fray deem necessary or appropriate to cazry out the purpose ar:d intent of the Agreement or to cooperate in the irklamentation of the Grogram. 4. TY!is resolution shall take effect from and after its adcp[ior.. PASS®, APPRCVi9, ar~d ADOP1'FD this 19th day of June, 19F5. AYES: NOES: ABSEYT: Jon D. Mikels, Mayor ATTEST: k3everly A. Authele[, City Clerk J ~,- a ~ t a.,...o ,.,,.,.,,a,...,,.o., a~-9 CRY OF FlN~CNO CIkAMON04 -. .. ~. ..~~ / f ~ Mv[N ~v[ ~ __, __~~_ ~~~` '_•- 1~ i " 1 ~ a. ~ ~ ~ \ I ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~\ i _ i~ / v ~ m i E~ ~ _ ,~ "~1~ ~"~~ N tl~ J ~~ - f ;' ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~~ ~ ~ gJi "" ~~ `" ;v~ i c T i ~n ~ i ~ it ~ ~~~~ i~ ~o ~_ ~ -o i ` ,~. m 3 \~ .~ ~. ~, '. 3 ~, ~ ~, _~r, ~ ~. I~ r ~~Ir.____I f-ruai'irtri ivt ... _.._.. ... "~:I ~~ 3 ..... ~(O Z ~~,. 3 i n ~ ~~-~ ~, I ~ ~ ~ tl n+r i ~°S i ti. a3 !` 3 ' v ~ ~_ ./~~~ ~ ~~-_._.._ ~ j i ,.3 ~I 3 I'I _ i' 3 . ~ ~_ ---_--I . _ ~ ,~ • GOAL 1 IMPROVE THE DESIGN REVIEW PROCESS Re est Conduct Design Review Committee meetings as public meetings, in lieu of present "workshop" (closed) meetings. Effect This change will be beneficial in many ways. it will tend to promote more orderly and objective proceedings/findings; it will enable applicants, and others, to observe preceedings, thereby gaining a more thorough understanding of City's design goals; and it will assist in achieving a higher and more uniform level of development for the City. Reouest Change the Design Review Committee meeting format as follows: A. Begin the consideration of each agenda item with a brief (not to exceed five minutes) introduction of the item by the applicant. B. Follow the applicant's presentation with the staff • analysis, discussion, and committee findings. Effect This change will improve the committee's understanding of the applicant's proposal and the applicant's understanding of the committee's findings. • - 1 - ~~/ GOAL 2 EXPEDITE THE PLAN CHECK PROCESS • e est There should be a Plan Check Submittal Coordinator within the City structure that provides a one-person source of information foz developers regarding the status of their particular project as its goes through the plan check process. Coordinator would monitor the building, engineering and landscaping process. Effect This coordinator would also be a source of answers to questions from the developers or from staff members as they relate to any particular project. This type of position could be further delineated according to the size of projects. R,_ a to lest City staff should be increased to handle a minimum of $150,000,000 inhouse through all phases of plan checking. Effect The outside plan check consultants should be hired to handle the increased business during peak years i.e. 1985. The City staff • should be increased in the future years. Example: $200,000,000 maintained staff at $150,000,000 $400,000,000 maintained staff at $300,000,000 or 758 permit evaluation of previous year. Recuest The Engineering Department review for completeness and appropriateness the Civil Engineering Plan Check Consultant's comments prior to returning the plans to the developer. Effect Provide the means of the plan check reviewed by the Engineering Department. Recuest Assign a counter person to handle residential home improvement plans with designated hours. Assign a counter person to plan check tenant improvement plans with designated hours. - 2 - • ,'Z ~ l Effect Would eliminate disruption of staff personnel and help expedite the plan check of commercial, residential and industrial developments. Request Divide building and development projects into categories of residential, commercial and industrial. These should be further divided by size. We also recommend nominal elapsed time and direct labor hour expenditures be established for staff work in each category, and the actuals tracked for each project. Effect This would allow the evaluation of staff efficiency, the determination of causes for problem projects, and provide justification for further budgets. This would also decrease the amount of refusals by the City caused by forms not being completed correctly for each particular project, which would save the developers as well as the City valuable time. J50002JB000 • 3 1G3 CITY OF RANCHO CL'CA~IONGA ~ic.~,ttgt. MEMORANDUM 2, , , '~ x~~ . -~ \- z _ ~. .. __-:iu-- .-_ DATE: JUNE 5, 1965 T0: City Council FROM: Finance Directo r~ SUBJECT: Authorization to Accept Loan Payment & Request to Extend Loan Back to the RDA In order to maintain fle xi6 ility with regards to tax increment it is necessary for the RDA to retire debt with the increment it receives. To this end the RDA has authorized the re- payment of $115,135.97 and respectfully requests the City to loan the RDA like amount of $115,135.97. This will maintain the loan at $2,000,000 from City to the TDA and will ensure stability for future RDA debt service transaction and agreement. HE/tp CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORA~DtiNi Dr1TE: June ld. 19H5 T0: Mayor 8 Members of the C' C ncil FROhI: Rick Gomez, City Planner. I CY: Gary Richards, Code Enfofce nt SUGJE CT: STATUS UP DATE'CCiiS LILTING SERVICES!FLi ES ~UCA.MO y,~~M~. r//~` ~ `'n YI~ ~~~ ~I . ___ 19;-_ --~ At its regularly scheduled meeting of dune 5, 19A5, the City Council directed Staff to prepare a RFP (Request for ^roposal) for Vector Control Service. Since the Council meeting, Staff has contacted both the University of California Riverside; and Cal Poly, Pomona, for the purpose of obtaining names of Vector Control consultants with a background in Pest Control Fla na Bement; to help Staff prepare and evaluate the RFP's. On Mnnday, June 17, 19A5, Staff mer with F1r. brad M1lullens, Assistant Professor of Entomology ac UCR. lle explained to Mr. htul lins our problem and the reasons for seeking an indi- vidual with this area of expertise. Mr. Mullens recnmme nded that we contact Mr. Gene Zdunowski, `lector Control Consultant from Redlands. Mr. Zdunowski has been con tatted, and a meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 21, 1955. Staff also contacted Dr. Don Force, Entomologist at Cal Poly, Ponp na. Ur. Force recommended that we contact Dr. Kenneth Hobbs, ex-professor of Entomology. Dr. Hobbs currently has his own Pest Control Management business in C;aremont. Staff is presently trying to contact Dr. Hobbs to schedule a meeting. On re *hese individuals have bPPn intar vinwed, Staff will make a re coimle nda Lion for a particular consultant. This consultant will help develop the scope of services and assessment process for vnc tr+r control services th ro ughn~,l t, the entire City if needed. Should you have any conmen is or questions regarding the status of this matter, please feel free to call me at any time. RG:GWR:das CITY OF RANCHO Cl~(::\\IOX REDEVELOP4IEVT :1GETCl' MEMORANDU:~1 Jwe s, 19Bs TO: RDA Board .°ROM: Treasurer, R-A~ SUBJECT: Increase Condition of Indebtedness It is recamsended that the Board authorize repayment of $115,13s .97 to the City, and direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to accomplish this. Inasmuch as the need still exists to maintain the 52,000,000 loan fran the City to the Agency is should be requested, by the Board, of the City to extend the loan back to the Agency in the amowt of $115,135.97, to be deposited to the Pegional Shopping Center fwd. HE/sl GHQ G M~ L` Z ~ 'n a A ~!~ 6 a .977 June 19. 1985 CITY OF RAN CNO CUCANONGA REDEVdOPMENT AG@1CY MINC'IES 1. CALL TO OflDEB A meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of [he Ci Cy of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, June 19, 1985, in [he Lions Perk Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Raocho Cucamonga. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Vice-Chairman Richard N. Dahl. Pr seen[ were Agency Members: Pamela J. Nrigh [, Charl ee J. Buquet II, Jeffrey Ring, and Vice-Chairman Bi chard M. Dahl. Absent: Cheirmaa Jan D. Mike le, who was on vacation. Also present were: Executive Director, Lauren M. Naeeerman; Deputy Director, Jack Lam; Ae ei e[anc Secretary, Beverly A. Au [hale[; Legal Counee 1, Fren cis Baum, and Senior RDA Anelye[, Linda Daniels. r ~ + t • r 2. CONSENT CALENDAR 2A. Approval to increase condition of rode btedneea. II ie recommended [nat (1) [he Agency authorize repayment of 5115,135.97 [o the City and direct staff to prepare the necessary documents to accomplish [hie, NOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Wright to approve [he Coneen[ Calendar. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mikels absent). • ~ ~ : + < 3. PUBLIC HEAflINGS No items submitted. • t R 4 fi 4. STAFF RHPOBTS 4A. CONSIDERATION TO AMEND flEBOLUTIDN eA85-O1 TO Pfl0VID6 POfl AN INCEEASE IN TILE (p) AMOUNT OP THE INDUCEMENT P08 A. H. flEITBfl DEVELOPMENT FOR A TOTAL OF 54.700.000. Staff report by Lauren Wee sezmen, Ezecu[ive Director. Vice-Chairmen Dahl opened [he meeting for public input. There berng oa re- sponee, the meeting was closed. RESOLUTION N0. RA85-OlA A RESOLUTION OP THE flEDHVdOPMENT AGENCY OP TIIE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOBN IA, AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. RA85-O1 AND INCREASING 111E AUTEORIEED AMOUNT OF TA8 EREMPT FIN AN CINC FOH A.R. REITER DEVELOPMENT NOTION: Moved by Nright, seconded by Ring to appr we Re eoluti on No. RA85-OlA. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mike is absent). x ~ : w ~ x Redevelopment Agency Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 2 (3) 46. Staft report 6y Linda Daniels, Senior RDA Analyst. Vice-Chairman Dahl opened the meeting for public hearing. Addrea ei ng the Agen- cy were: Barry Silverman, attorney repress n[ing the applicant, Confine nCal Care. Jack Cozri ga o, Da on Corporation and over of property, ataCed thre use was ideal for [be area and encouraged the Agency"e support. Be t6 Campbell, Preei dent of Continental Care. There being no further public tea pones, the meeting vas cl oaed. Mr. King expr eased that eppt wing the Aeeolution would give support [o the project, ao 6e would vote against this on that basis. Mre. Nrigh[ stated she could go either nay; she needed [o be cow [raced. Mr. BuqueC felt ve needed ambi tioue goals far that area, but vas no[ sure this would be the beat for the area. Nr. Wasserman stated [he Re eolut ion hoe a clause which eta [es [hat the Agency doesn't mean say support for the project. Mr. King asked what would happen iF Che inducement reeolu ti on were not ap- proved? Mr. Silverman responded it would place a time constraint on them which could have a negative impact on [he project. RESOLUTION NO. RA85-07 A RESOLUTION OF 171E REDEVELOPMENT AG RN CY OF THE CITY OP RAN CBO C[ICANONCA, CAL IPORN IA, INDICATING ITS INTENT TO PRO- VIDE POE THE IS SDANCE OP OBLIGATIONS AND THE L4 STALLMENT SALE PINAN CING OP A COMMERCIAL PROJECT BY CONTINENTAL CARE IN COHPOBATED HO TION: Moved by Ring Co no[ approve Resolution Na. RA85-07. Moti oa died for lack o: a second. NOTION: Moved by Nri ght to eppr we Ree oluti on No. RA85-07. Motion died for lack of a ee cond. ACTION: No ac[i on vas taken by the Agency. • • e ~ x 5. ADJOORNMENT NOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Buque[ to adjourn the meeting, Ho ti on car tied 4-0-I. The mee timg adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully//~~u~mi~tte~d ,~ ~ ~ Beverly A. Authelef AB eie[ant Secretary Approved August 7, 1985 June 19, 1985 CITY OF RAN CBO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ReRUler Meetin¢ 1. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the Ci [y of Rancho Cucamonga met on Nedneeday, June 19, 1985, in [he Lions Perk Community Center, 9161 Baee Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga. The meeting was called [o order at 7:55 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Ricbard M. Dahl. Present were Councilmembere: Pamela 7. Nrigh [, Charles J. Buquet II, Jeffrey Ring, and Mayor Pzo Tem Richard M. Dahl. Also present were: City Manager, Lauren M. Masse rman; City Clerk, Beverly A. Au[h slat; City A[[orney, James Markman; Aseis [ant [o City Manager, Robert Rizzo; Community Devel oilmen[ Direct Or, Jack Lam; City Planner, Rick Gomez; Se- nior Planner, Otto Krou[il; City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbe; Finance Director, Marry Emiley; and Community Services Direct Or, Bill Holley. Absent Mayor Jon D. Mike le, who was on vacs ti on. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NOTION: Roved by Ring, seconded by Buquet [o approve the minutes of May I5, 1985. Carried 4-0-1 (N ike le abe ant). NOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Dahl Co approve the minutes of Hay 17, 1985. Carried 4-0-1 (Hike le absent). • a w w r r, 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 2A. Thure day, June 20, 1985, 7:30 p.m. - PARR DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, Lions Park Community Center. 2B. Thure day, June 27, 1985, 7:30 p.m. - ADVISORY COMMIS SIGN, Liooe Perk Commu- nity Center. 2C. Thursday, June 17, 1985, 7:00 p.m. - ADOPTION OP 1985-86 BUDGET, Lions Park Community Center. 2D, Prase n[a ci on of Service Axerd to Don Baer, Adv ivory Commreei oner. 2E. Va canciea on Che Adv ivory Comm re eion. Applications ere being accepted through July 10, 1985. Contact City Clerk's office for more inf ormatian. 2F. Added Item for [he Agenda: 6D. Authorizeti on to accept Loan Payment and REque s[ to Extend Loan back to the ftDA. 6E. Authorization Eor City Attorney to prepare required report far Adult Business study before preparation of an Ordinance. 6F. Request a Closed Seaeion after the meeting. ~ r ~ + + City Council Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 2 3 CONSENT CALENDAR (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (Councilman King requested Coneent Ca lender item 3M be removed eo he could in- dicate an aba ten ti on). 3A. Approval of Warren [s, Regis car Nc's. 85-06-19 and Payroll ending 6/2/85 for the eotal amount of 52,732,512.16. 3B. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AB 85-09 for OFf-Sale Heer S Wine Ea Grog Place License, Circle 'Tl" Food Store, 12854 Foothill Boulevard. (04U 9-04 ALCO- HOL) 3C. Alcoholic Beverage Application Na. AB 85-10 for Of£-Sale Beer 6 Wine Eating Place Lice nee, Nyo Nam Lee, 8161 W. Foothill Hou levard. (04119-04 ALCOHOL) 3D. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AB 85-11 Eor Off-Sale Heer 6 Wine Eating , Place License, Hughes Narks ta, Inc., nor [h ea at corner of Baaelcne aad Haven. (0409-04 ALCOHOL) 3E. Forward Claim (CL 8$-14) ago inet the City by Marilyn Holga te-Pi[[tnge r, property damage, Hey 1985 a[ 7447 Arch ibe ld Aveaue. (0704-06 CLAIM) 3P. Approval of Parcel Map 6060 and Heal Property Improvement Agreement and Lien A;r cement located at the nor [hues[ corner of Ninth Street and Nelms Ave- nue. (1002-09 PARCEL NAP A 0602-01 AGREEMENT LIEN/IMPROV) RESOLUTION N0. 85-184 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL NAP N0. 806U (TFT.iTATIVE PARCEL MAP 806 U) RESOLUTION N0. 85-185 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP TEE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFOHN IA, APPEOVING A ReAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM LOUIS BARNES AND AUTHORIZING 1HE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SANE (7) (8) 3C. Approval of Parcel Map 9084 and Heal Property Improvement and Lien Agree- ment, located north of Almond Scree[ end vest of Big Tree Roed, auomi[[ed by Forecast Mor [gage Corporation. (0602-01 AGREEMENT LIEN /INPROV) RESOLUTION N0. 85-186 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 9084 RESOLUTION N0. 85-187 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP BANCNO CUCAHONGA, CALIFOBN IA, ACCEPTING AREAL PROPEBTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT PROM FORECAST MORTGAGE CORPORA- TION FOR PARCEL NAP 9084 AND AUTHORIZING TIIE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAIOi (9) 3N. Approval of Tract Noe. 9399 and 9400, Sonde end Agreement, located on Banyan, vest of Beryl, submitted by Predo Corpora [i on. (1002-09 TRACT MAP 6 0602-01 AGREEMENT IMPROVEMENT) RESOLUTION N0. 85-188 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALtFORN IA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT NOS. 9399 AND 9400 City Council Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 3 31. Approval to releaee Sonde for Parcel Map 7061-1, located east of Cleveland (l0) and south of 6th Street, submitted by Ra ieer Development Company. (06U2-O1 BOND RELEASE) Release: Faithful Performance Bond: 5254,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: $1Z7 .000.00 3J. Approval [o releaee Liev and Reimbuzeemevt Agreement for property located (11) a[ [he nor Chres[ cower of Nellmav and Foothill, requested by Robert Pa<ke r. (0602-01 AGREEMENT RELEASE) RESOLUTION N0. 85-189 A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIPOHN IA, RELEASING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND LIEN FROM ROBERT PACKER 3K. Approval of Reimbursement Agreement for [he installs [ion of a portion of (12) Che Nae ter Planned Storm Orain in connection rri th Tract No. 9619 be CVeen Plaza Builders, Inc. and the Ci [y of Rancho Cucamonga. (Ob U2-O1 AGREEMENT REIMBURSE- MENT) RESOLUTION N0. 85-190 A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RAN CEO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOBN IA, APPROVING A REINBURSEHENT AGREEMENT FROM PLAZA BUILDERS, INC. FOR TRACT N0. 9619 3L. Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security For DR 84-13, (13) located east o£ Archibald Avenue on 6th Scree[, submit tad by Bermaki an Compa- ny. (Ofi02-O1 AGREEMENT IMPROVEMENT) RESOLUTION N0. 85-191 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TEE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECOBITY FOR DEVELOPI~NT REpIEp 84-13 3M. Apprmal of Booda, Agreement and Fiwl Wp for Tract to. 10277, looted on (14) the Horeb •ide of 1laood Rwd, east of Groelian, amb~it[ed by [ing Raach (15) Sautes. (1002-09 7YACT NV1P i 0602-01 A6Y®!~I) Its reawred for diacaasioo. RESOLUTION N0. 85-192 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IM- PROVEMENT SECllRITY AND PINAL NAP OP TRACT N0. 10277 3N. Approval of Ronde, Agreement, Reel Property Improvement Concrete aad Lien (16) Agreement for Tract No. 12532, located be [reen Archibald and Remora Avenues, south of Vict or ie Avenue, submitted by Arch ibeld Associates, A California Lim- ited Partnerehi p. (0602-01 AGREEMENT IMPROVE/LIEN) RESOLUTION N0. 85-193 A RESOLUTION OP TIIE CITY COUNCIL OP Tt1E CITY OF RAN CEO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IM- PROVEMENT SECURITY POR TRACT NO 12532 City Council Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 4 RESOLUTION N0. 85-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CU CAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREQIENT FRON ARCH IBALD ASSOCIATES, A CALIFORN iA LIMITED PARTN ERSN IP AND AUTHORIZING TBE MAYOR ANO CITY CLERR TO SIGN SANE (l7) 30. Approval of Agreement vi[h Santa Fe Railroad (CO 85-64) for the ine[alla- Cion and main [ens nce of rubber crossing panels at the Archibald Avenue cross ing near 8kh Street. The croesing material will be supplied by the City at a cos[ of eppr oximetely $45,000.00 [o be funded ae a part of the Archibald Avenue Re conatruc [ion project. Installeti on will be provided by Santo Fe a[ no coat [o the City. (0602-01 CONTRACT) (18) 3P, Approval to advez ties for bide for rubberized croesing material fot im- ~ pr ovemea[ of the Archibald Avenue croesing of the Santa Fe Railroad. Approxi- mate coat is $45,000.00 to be funded ae par[ of the Archibald Avenue Reconstruction project (0601-01 BID) (19) 3Q. Approv el of support for Assembly Bill 1866 to provide a permanent seat on the State Air Bee Dorcas Board for a locally elected official from our Dis- trict. (0701-16 ASSEMBLY HILL) RESOLUTION N0. 85-195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAHONGA~ CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE PAR SAGE OF ASSEMBLY BILL 1868 (AI$ RESOURCES BOARD NENBERSRIP) (20) 3R. Approval of Claim for $813,263.00, to be eu6mit tad to San Bernardino Asso- ciated Governments (SANBAG) for Rancho Cucamonga's eh are of [ranapor [a Cion funding (TDA Article B funds). (1503-03 SANGAB) (2I) 3S, Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security for Parcel Nap 8815, located on the vest aide of Eery 1, south of 19th Street, submit tad by A S N Company. (0602-01 AGREElIENT IMPROVENENT) ReSOLUTION N0. 85-196 A RESOLUTION OP TEE CITY COUNCIL OP TEE CITY OF RANCBO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOBN IA, APPROVING PARCEL NAP N0. 8815, IM- PROVEMENT AGBEPAU?NT AND INPROVEMENT SECURITY (22) 3T. Approval to release T.O.P. Bonds in the amount of $2500.00 [o The Deer Creek Company for Model Rome Sales office for Tract 9569. (0602-01 BOND RE- LEASE) (2.3) 3U. Approval to change Deferred Compenea tioo Plane to In [erne ti onal City Naneg- er'e Aseac ie [ion Plan - (COBS-*~). (0407-01 HETIREMEN T) RESOLUTION N0. 85-197 A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCBO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN EMPLOYEES' DEFERRED COM- PENSATION PLAN AND AUTRORIZ ING TlIE ERECUTION OP AGREEMENTS RELATED TO SAID PLAN BY Tf1E DEFERRED COMPENSATION ADMINI3- THATION MOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Buque[ to approve [he Consent Calendar with [he deletion of item 3M, Motion carried 4-0-1 (Nike le ebee nt ). •~**xx Ci [y Council Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 5 DISCOSSION OF 17Hf ]rl: Apprmal of Ronda, Agreement and Piwl Nap for Tract No. 10277, located w the north aide of Almond Hwd, east of Carnelian, auh~it- ted by [ing llanch dCates. RESOLUTION NO, 85-192 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0£ RAN CRO CliCAMONCA, CALIFORIIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AOREENEN T, IH- PROVEHENT SECURITY AND FINAL HAP OF TRACT N0. 10277 Councilman Ring requested item 3M removed in order to eba [sin from voting. Alth oug6 there vas a name eimil arity, there vas no direct financial interest in this item. Councilwn Dahl eta tad he vas also going co remove [he item in or- der [o request that Che conditions through the final map be adhered eo for Chia project [ha[ [he Trail System will go through ae ate tad. tle understands [here is a grading pro6l em and can understand why the grading you ld preclude a fencing situation until such time a block wall can be put in. Regarding the trees, he van red [o be certain that every tree that [he City staff determines [o remain, not be cut down. Some have 6e en rem wed in [ha[ area, and did not want to see any further rape [i [i on of this in any development. Councilwomen Wright asked if identifying trees to be env ed if th to would in- clude mw ing the wa112 Mr. Dahl ata tad he would leave [hte up to staff as to what can be done. She felt that Council should be accountable for whatever is done to save th oee trees. She wanted the Council to have the final determina- tion es to what trees shoo ld he saved. Rhe requested a report back [o Council regarding which trees can and caono[ be saved. Mr. Gomez responded he would report hack upon the comple[i on of the ana lyeis of what steps are being taken to pzeeer.•e [he trees and what approvals have been given. MOTION: Moved by Wrigh [, seconded by De hl [o approve Consent Calendar Item M with the direction included ae presented by Councilman Dahl. Motion carried 3-0-1-1 (Mikela abee o[, Ring abs tamed). • ~ + ~ ~ + 4. ADVERTISED PUBLIC FIEARINGS A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TEBBA VISTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - (2~) A request to change Che land use des igne [i on tram Mired Uae - Office, Commer- cial, and Reeidenciel - to Noe pi Cal and associated uses for epprozimately 31 ecr ee of land located on the east aide of Milliken Avenue, be tveen Foothill Boulevard and Church Street - APN - A portion of 227-151-13 and 14. Item con- tinued from Ney I5, 1985 meeting. (0203-OS PLANNED COMfUNITY) Hr. Was German, City Menegez, ata [ed Chat ve had received a letter from Lavin Nomee requee ting Council [o continue the item until after [he Planning Cwmts- sion 6ae acted on this. NOTION: Moved by Ring, ee conded by Wright to continue item [o [he August 7, 1985. Motion carried 4-0-i (Mikela absent). ORDINANCE NO. 261 (ee cond reading) AN ORDINANCE OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF TtlE CITY OF RAN CIIO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, flEDES IGNATIHG ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUM- BERS 227-151-13 AND 14 WITELN 171E TERBA VISTA PLANNED COMMU- NITY LOCATED ON 1NE EAST SIDE OP NILLIREN AVENUE, BETWEEN FOOTFALL 60ULEVARD AND CtlURCtl STREET PROM HIRED USE- OFFICE, COMMERCIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL i0 u~uciiAL AND RELATED FACILI- TIES Ci [y Council Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 6 x x x x x x (25) 4B. EN VIRONNENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DIBTBICTS AMENDMENT 85-OS - CITY OF _RANCHO CUCAHONGA - A Development Dis tr ic[ Amendment from Low Res ide nti el (^_-4 du/ec) Co Office /Yrof eeeioml for 0.77 acr r. ci lend located e[ the eouth- vest corner of Haee Line Road and Beryl Street - APN 208-593-10. Item tootin- ued from June 5, 1985 meeting. Staff report by Lauren Wasserman, City Manag- er. (0203-OS DEVELOP DISTRICT) Na yor Pro Tam Dahl opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no re- sponse, [he public hearing vas tl need. City Clerk Authelet reed [be title of Ordinance No. 264. ORDINANCE N0. 264 (second reading) 1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 208-593-10 LOCATED ON THE SOUTRWEST CORNER OF BASELINE ROAD AND BERri STREET PAOM LOW RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU /AC) TO OF- FICE /PROPESSIONAL NOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 264 end adopt se id Ordinance. Notion carried 4-0-1 (Mikele absent). x x x x x x (26) 4C. APPEAL OF PLANNING OOMMISSIJN'S INTEHPHETATION OF SICN ORDINANCE - VIDEO ZONE- Ao appeal of the Planning Commie eion'e decision to reaffirm staff"s in- [erpre[etion of the Sign Ordinance regarding the ple cement of lights in [he windows of the Video Zone. Staff report by Hick Gomea, Ci[y Planner. (0701-06 APPEAL) Mayor Pro Tem Dahl opened [he meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council vas James Davis, 8350 Archibald No. 321, Rancho Cucamonga, at [orney for the appellant; and Phil Goodman, 8689 19th Street, Bancho Cucamonga, owner Of [he Video Zone. Their queati on wee Chia a eignP If not, Chen they should not be heard because the appeal is based on th ie being a sign. They felt that the Statute es written vas eo broad that anything could be a sign. There being no fur [h er public reepooee, [he public hearing vas closed. After some discussion by Council, Mr. Markman, city attorney, responded to same of the legal conce rne. First, regarding [he advice Nr. Goodman received et Ci [y dell tm proceed with Che lights: if he felt this vas a eubj act matter of e mone to ry claim because of what it coat him to put up the ligh [s, [hen he could file a claim. There ie a def enee for this because advice acroea the counter is no[ legal advice which can be relied upon by appl icante. In ree pones to Mr. Ring's question of where do you drew the line, Mr. Markman ate tad [het i[ hoe been yell demonatreted by fhe applicant that he bee a sign. There is a difference between it lumina [ion to help hell what you have once you ere inside the bueineee ae disci nguieh ed from same kind of display which ie go- ing to attract someone to the bueineee. This type of eigm hoe been described as a trade mark of Chia par[icul nr bueineee. The purpose is to attract people inside not [o illumine to or help to operate bueineee inei de. Ci [y Council Ninu[es June 14, 1985 Page 7 Nr. Markman tur [h e: eta tad that Council should understand [hat Chia applies [ton ves vo[ denied because ve don't like string lights iv Rancho Cucamonga, but vas denied because the gevCleman already hee a sign on the front of the building, avd you are only allwed ova eigv on the front of a commercial en tarp[ ise of e certain number of square feet. Its the accumuta [e affect of [he amount of signing [hat ceueed [he eppl ica Lion to be denied. Therefore, [he only ehtng before Council vhich is si gvif icevt ie, ie [h to a si gvP Mayor Pro Tem Dehl stated [hat the business people themes lves along vit6 the Chamber of Commerce took months to study the sign ordinance. Ne felt the sole intent of Chia item vas to be a sign to attract to [he bueinese vhich is beyond what is allwed under our Code. Councilman Ring felt iv this case i[ vas clear ae [o vha[ Che decision should be. The crucial par[ of vha[ ve are dealing with is "calltng visual attention" to any place, structure, firm, or enterprise. He felt it you ld be more appro- priate for a better def ini tiov of interior signs. City Attorney responded that there ie a phrase left out of Che definition vhtch if added at the avd, "for the purpose of attracting potential customers or patrons" would probably give a tighter definition that would solve th to prob- lem. Council agreed [h e[ [his vas a good idea, but vas another subject. MOTION: Moved by Buque t, ee conded by Wright to deny the appeal. Noti an car- ried 4-0-1. (Nike le abee nt). x x • • ~ 4D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENEBAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 - CITY OF RANCHO (27) CUCAMONGA - qn amendment to the General Plan Land Uee Mep from Lw-He di um Re~i- dential (4-8 du /ac) end Lw Residential (2-4 du/ac) to Very Lw Resi dentisl (lees than 2 du /ac) on 20.2 acres of land located on the south aide of Wilson, be tveev Haven and Mayberry, and to include those parcels fronting on the nee[ side o£ Mayberry - APN 201-181-7, 10, 59-60, 80-85. (0203-03 GENERAL PLAN) ENVIHONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS AMENDMENT 85-06 -CITY (28) OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - M amendment to [he Development Dia tricte Mep from Lw-Medium Ree identi al (4-B du /ac) end Lw Re aiden[ial (2-4 du /ac) to Very Lw Reeiden[i al (lees than 2 du /ec) on 20.2 scree of land located on the south aide of Wile on, be tveen Raven end Mayberry, and to include [hoes parts le fronting on the vest aide of Mayberry - APN 201-181-7-10, 59-60, 80-A5. (0203-OS DEVELOP DISTRICT) Staff report 6y Otto Rroutil, Senior Planne t. L{ayor Pro Tem Dehl opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no ze- sponee, the public hearing wee cl Deed. MOTION: Moved by Wright, ee conded by Ring to eppr we Resolution No. 85-198. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mikele abae nt). RESOLUTION N0. 85-198 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL LFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-03 AMENDING 18E RANCtlO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN LAND USE NAP FROM LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL AND LOW RESIDENTIAL TO VERY LOW RESI- DENTIAL ON 1HE SOUTH SIDS OF WILSON, BETWEEN HAVEN AND MAYBERRY AND TO INCLUDE THOSE PARCELS FRONTING ON T7iE WEST SIDE OF MAYBERRY - APN 201-181-7-10, 59-60, 80-85 City Clerk Au[helet read the title of Ordinance No. 267 City Couacil Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 8 ORDINANCE N0. 267 (fire[ reading) AN ORDINANCE OF TFIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 201-181-7-10, 59-0, :diD ov-85, LOCATED ON TUE SOUTH SIDE OF WILSON, BETWEEN HAVEN AND MAYBERRY AND INCLUDING THOSE PARCELS FRONTING ON THE NEST SIDE OF MAYBERRY FROM LON MEDI- UN AESIDEN TIAL (4-8 W/AC) AND LON RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DU/AC) TO VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL (LESS TNAN 2 DU/ACj NOTION: Moved by Buque [, ee conded by King to waive full reading of Ordi nauce No. 267. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Ni ke la abee ot). Mayor Pro Tam Dahl eat second reading for July 3, 1985. x x x : x : (29) 4E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 85-02 - KOOYMAN- A Development Die [rict Amendment from Hedium Residential (8-14 du /ac) [o Lov Meditm Has ideatial (4-8 du /ec) for 9.75 acres of lane located at the northeast corner of Archibald Aveaue aad Nighland Aveaue - APN 201-252-23, 23, 26. Staff report by Rick Gomez, City Plennet. (0203-OS DEVELOP DISTRICT) Mayor Pro Tem Dahl opened [he meeting for public hearing. There being no re- sponse, Che public hearing vas dosed. City Clerk Au[hele[ reed [he title o£ Ordinance No. 268. ORDINANCE N0. 268 (fire[ reading) AN OHDINANCE OF T11E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RE20N LNC ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUNBEA 201-252-23, 25, 26 LOCATED ON 1IIE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ARCBI- BALD AVENllE AND HIGHLAND AVENUE FRON MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DU/AC) TO LON MEDIUM HES IDENTIAL (4-8 DUiAC) NOTION: Moved by Ring, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 268. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mikels absent). Mayor Pro Tem Dehl set second readi vg for July 3, 1985. xxxxxx Mayor Pro Tem Dahl celled a race se a[ 8:50 p.m. The meeting zecomeaed a[ 9:00 p.m. vi [h all members of Che Council pr eeevt except Mayor Mikels. xxxxxx x x x x x x (30) 4F. REPROGRAlUIING OF 1983 84 eLOCR GRANT FUNDS TO TBE NORTN TOWN STREET IM- PROVEMENT PROJECT - A reque et to reprogram Block Gran[ funds to the North Tovn S tree[ Impr ovemen[ Project. Staff report 6y Otto Rrou[il, Senior Pl owner. (0203-04 GDBG) Mayor Pro Tem Dehl opened [he meeting for public hearing. There being no re- eponee, [he public hearing wee cl oeed. NOTION: Moved by King, ee conded by Wri gh[ [o eppr owe Res olu[iov No. 85-199. Motion carzi ed 4-0-1 (Mikels abeev[). RBS OLUTION N0. 85-199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 1HE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAL IpORNIA, REPROCRAlOfINC FUNDE FROM THE 1983/84 COMMUNITY DEVALOPNENT BLOCR GRANT PROGRAM City Council Minu[ea June 19, 1985 Page 9 x x + w w 4G, ENVIRONMENTAL ASS ES SNENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 85-04 - CITY OF RANCHO (3l) CUCAMONGA - M amendment co the Circulation Element of [he General Plan to cor rec[ language incoveie[evcies vi[d res pe c[ Cn median islands and [o clarrfy the intev[ of the General Plan vi[h reaps cC to Che use of median islands. (0203-03 GEN ER.4L PLAN) CITY OP RANGHD CUCAMONGA - M amendmenC to various parts of [he Induetri al Area Spec if is Plan de le Cing the requiremeote far medi en islands on certain oarrov arterial scree te. (0203-OS IND SPEC PLAN) Staff report by Lloyd Nubbe, Ci [y Engineer. Mayor Pro Tam Dahl opened [he meeting for public hearing. There being no re- sponse, the public hearing vas closed. NOTION: Moved by Buque [, seconded by Nright to adopt Resolution Na. 85-200. Ho ti on carried 4-0-1 (Mikels absent). RESOLUTION N0. 85-200 A RESOLUTION OF 17iE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AlOiN121ENT 85-04 OF TEE CITY OP RAN CRO CUCAMONGA MOTION: Roved by Buque[, seconded by Nright to adopt Resolution No. 85-201. Noci on carried 4-0-1 (Mike is abee nc). RESOLUTION N0. 85-201 A RESOLUTION OP TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO C[ICAMONGA, CALIFOHN IA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OP 'INB INDUS- TRIAL AREA SPECIPIC PLAN ANENDlIENT 85-01 OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CIICAMONGA w w x x : (32) 4H. ANNUAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1. 2. 4 (33) AND 5 TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS. Staff report by Lloyd Hubbe, City Engi- neer. (0401-03 LAN DS CAPfi MAINT DIS T) Mayor Pro Tem opened [he meeting for public Bearing. There being no response, the public hearing vas cl oeed. NOTION; Nov ed by Ring, eeco¢ded by Nright to adopt Reeoluti on No. SS-202, Mo- tion carried 4-0-1 (Mikels absent). RESOLUTION N0. 85-202 A RESOLUTION OP TEE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP BANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT 6q SESSMENTS NITH- IN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 4 AND 5 FOR TEE FISCAL YEAH 1985-86 PURSUANT TO 1EE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 IN CONNECTION RITE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DIS- TRICTS 1, 2, 4 AND 5 w * * x x : 41. ANNUAL ENGINEER'S REPORT POR STREET LIGHTING _MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, (74) 2. 3 AND 4 TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS. Staff report by Lloyd Huhbs, City Cngioeer. (0401-03 ST LIGHT NAINT DIS TBICT) City Council Minu[ea Juve 19, 1985 Page 30 Mayor Pro Tem Dahl opened [he meeting for public hearing. There being no re- sponse, the public heerivg was r.loeed. MOTION: Moved by Nr fight, aecondad by Buquet [o adopt Resolu[iov No. 85-203. Notiov carried 4-0-1 (Mikele aba ant). RESOLUTION N0. 85-203 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASS ESSlIENTS NITR- LY LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1, 2, 3 AND 4 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 PURSOANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGRTING ACT OF 1972 IN CONNECTION NITR LIGRTING MAINTENANCE DIS- T8ICT5 1, 2, 3 AND 4 x x x x x x (35) 4J. CSTY'S GENERAL NEVENUE SEARING PONDS IN RELATION TO TEE FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 CITY BUDGET. Staff report by Barry Empey, Piaaace Director. (0401-23 REVENUE SHARE) Mr. Empey eta tad [ha[ our entitlement this year will be the same as last year if the Federal Government doesn"t cut i[ out ae has been diecueeed. Re recom- mended that the total amount be allocated to the Sheri£f'e contract. Mayor Pro Tem opened [he meeting for public hearing. There being nu zee ponse, the public hearing was closed. MOTION; Moved by Huque [, eeco¢deL by Nr fight to allocate the Bev enue Sharing Funds for 1985-86 (EP-17) [o the Sherif f'e Contract. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mikele abee o[). x x x x x x 5. NON-ADVERTISED EEARINGS (76) SA, ADDITION OF A CEAPTBA TO TEE RANCHO CUCAMONGA NUN ICIPAL CODE CONCERN INC RESIDENTIAL REFUSE COLLECTION -The establishing of criteria issuing reeiden- ciel refuse collection permits. Item continued from June 5, 1985 me acing. (1170-04 REFUSE) Mayor Pro Tem Dehl opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no re- sponse, the public hearing wee cl oaed. City Clerk Auth ale[ read the title of Ordinance Nv. 265. OHDINANCE N0. 265 (seco¢d reeding) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OP RAN CRO CUCAMONGA, CAL IFOBN IA, ADDING CflAPTEH 8.17 TO THE RAN CNO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL REFUSE COL- LECTION NOTION: Moved by Ring, ee conded by Nr fight [o waive full reading and adopt Or- dinance No. 265. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mikele abe eat). x x x x x x 6. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS 1 (I7) 6A, ADVISORY COMMISSION"S RECOlDIENDATIONS REGARDING CAMPAIGN PINANCING FOR CITY ELECTIONS - Item continued from April 17, 1985 meeting. (0702-00 ELECTIONS) City Council Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 11 Mayor Pro Tem Dahl announced Chat [his item will be continued [o July 3, 1985 when n full Council will be prevent. x x x . x + 6B. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR MULTIPLE FAN ILY RENTAL NOUS INC HOATGAGE FINANCE (38) PROGRAM (CO 85-65). Staff report by Linda Deniele, Seni oz RDA Analyst. (0602-01 CONTBACT) Mayor Pro Tem Dahl opened Che mee[i ng for public hearing. There being na re- sponse, [he public hearing was closed. MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Dahl to adopt Hee olution No. 85-183. Mo- tion carried 6y the tollwing vote: AYES: Buque t, Da61, Ring NOES: Wright ABSENT: Nikele RESOLUTION N0. 85-1 R3 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUGAMONGA, CAL LFORN IA, ADOPTING A MULTI-FAMILY RENTAL HOUS- ING MORTGAGE FINANCE PROGRAM IN COOPERATION WITH 1HE COUNTY OP SAN BEANARDINO x x x x x x 6C. CONSIDEBATION OP CHAMBER OF COHHERCE REQUEST REGARDING GRANGES IN THE DE- (39) SIGN REVIEW PROCESS. Staff report by Lauren Woe Berman, City Manager. (0203-OS DEVELOP/DESIGN REVIEW) Mr. Wes ee xman recommended that this be forwarded to the Planning Commis eion for rev iev. Mayor Pro Tem Dehl opened the meeting for public comment. Addressing Council vas Jim Barton, Chei rmen of the Economic Development Committee, foz the Cham- ber. Mr. Berton pr eeented several euggee bons [o [he Council which might help improve the process. ACTION: Council referred item back [o staff end the Planning Commission for rev iev. Item to return [o Conncil as eooo ae poeei bl e. x x x x 6D. ADDED ITEM; AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT LOAN PAYMENT AND RBOUEST TO EXTEND (40) LOAN BACK TO THE RDA. (0203-06 RDA) MOTION: Moved by Riag, seconded by Wright to eo authorize the above. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Nikele ebeent). + x x x x 6E. ADDED ITEM: RE WEST PflOM CITY ATTORNEY RE ADULT BUSINESSES. (0207-OS (41) ADULT BUSINESS) Mr. Narl®an requeeted Council [o direct and authorize him [o prepare a report which ie necessary in [he preparation of an ordinance raga la[ing adult buei- oeeaee. MOTION: Moved by Buque[, eecoaded by Wright [o authorize the City Attorney [o prepare said report. Mori on carried 4-0-1 (M ikela absent). City Council Ninutee June 19, 1985 Page 12 x • + a 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS (42) 7A. ADDED ITEM: Me yor Pro Tem Dahl reques [ed a Ree oluti ov be draf Ced for all Che Ccuncil to sign oppoeivg [he rock crushing plan[ iv the Sphere of Influence end require fln EIE to ref leCi Che Ci Cy'e General P1 en and the County's Foothill Plan [o be forwarded [o Che Board of Supervisors. (0701-08 BE80LUTION) NOTION: Noved by King, seconded by 57righc to di recc staff to prepare said Res- olution. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Nikele absent). x x x x x x (43) 7B. ADDBD ITEM: Mayor Pro Tem Dahl requested staff to prepare an urgency ordi- nance for July 3rd calling for a 30-day mor a[or ium on filings for vev apartments and to instruct staff to prw ids Council with an inv en[ory of spar [went units filed, approved, and/oz built [o be broken dwn by rental price ranges, such as lw-income, affordable, medium, or upper income, and an average number of reaidenta per mit by each claeeif ice tion. (0203-01 NORATOBIUM) Mayor Pro Tem Dahl opeved Che meeting for public comment. Addressing Council were: Jeffery Sceranke felt [hat enforcing a moratorium you ld be sending a nega- tive impact [o the community. Rev in Eggl ee coo asked if Council had a handle on [he higher de neity? If so, then do na[ impose a mor acor ium. There being na further public response, the meeting was closed. Nr. Dahl stated the[ he would like to get a handle an the number of aper [went unite that are being built in [he City, would like to know what the etra [a is within that, and [he number of people per mi[. Af tat much discuseioo by Council, Mr. Lam eta [ed staff Could provide Council [he follwing iof orma ti on by year since [he Ci [y incorporated at the July 3rd meeting: the vumber of spa r[men[ unite aPPrwed each gear the number of apartment unite built each year inventory of those built with Dame of the project and address total number of unite and type of unite (Doe bedreom, two be dzoom) r en Cel eruct ure number of acres of single-tam ily caner eh ip homes planned with a total per- centage of lend used and how many scree are left number of acr ee of apartment and multi-family planned with a total percent- age of land used end bow many scree left Nr. Lem eta Ced it would be difficult [o obtain the int orma ti on on how many pe reona per unit, but could obtain [he vacancy rate. ACTION: Council concurred with [he above recommends tion, but included [ha[ [hey be made aware of soy Dew fil inga. + x + + x + City Council Minutes June 19, 1985 Page 13 8. ADJODBNHENT Mayor Pro Tem Dahl adjourned the meeting at 10:36 p.m. [o a Closed Session, no[ [o reconvene until Thursday, June 27, 1985, 7:00 p.m., Lions Park Community Center, for adoption of 1985-86 BudgeC. Reepe ctf ul ly submitted, Beverly A. Auth ele[ Ci cy Clerk Approved July 31, 1985