HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978/02/01 - Minutes (2)~ ~ February 1, 1978 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL hIINUTES (Unofficial until approved by the City Council) CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the City Council was held at the Community Service Building, 9161 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, February 1, 1978. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor James C. Frost. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor James C. Frost. ROLL CALL Present: Council Members Jon D. Mikels, Michael Palombo, Phillip D. Schlosser, Charles A. (Vest, and hlayor James C. Frost. Interim City Manager, H, K. Hunter, and Interim City Attorney, Samuel Crowe. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF Mikels suggested that the approval of minutes be postponed M1IINU'fE5 OF until the meeting of February IB. JANUARY 18 6 .IANl1ARY 25 ORDINANCE ORDINANCE N0. F.STABhISHING PLANNING AN ORDINANCE OF TI IE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COFP1I55 [UN CALi PORNiA, ESTABLISHING A PLANNING COhMiSSIDN (SECOND RF:ADiNG) AND PLANN[NC, AGENCY AND PROVIDI NO FOR 'PIIE APPOINT- MENT, REhKIVAL AND TERhlB OF OFFICE OF M1IEhBERS THEREOF, MotMoton: Moved by West to waive the entire reading. Seconded by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. Questions came up regarding some sections of the Ordinance. Mr. Crowe read the entire current Ordinance. Motion: Moved by Palombo to adopt the Ordinance. Seconded by hlikels. The motion was unanimously carried. ~~ ~ ~ -2- ORDINANCE ORDINANCE N0. ESTABLISHiNC BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE LICENSING THE TRANSACTION AND L[CENSCS CARRYING ON OF CERTAIN RUSINESSES, TRADES, PROFESSIONS, CALLINGS AND OCCUPATIONS IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR TIIE PURPOSE OF RAISING hRIN ICIPAL REVENUE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. Motion: Moved by West to waive the reading. Seconded by Mikels. The City Manager explained this Ordinance was adapted from the modal of the League of Cities which has a graduated type of fee schedule developed by Dr. Davidson. The low rate for new businesses and for large volume businesses operating on a small margin, there is a rapid graduation downward so the license is not a burden for the small margin operating businesses. Seventy-five percent of the fee would be collected as soon as this Ordinance goes into effect April 1, 1978, if adopted. half of the fees would come from people and businessmen from outside the city. Much discussion was raised regarding this Ordinance. Motion: Moved by Palombo to bring the issue of Rosiness Licenses to a study group of the combined Chamber of Commerces, then after such a study has been completed, to bring the results back to the Council. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. This Ordinance had been posted as a Public hearing. The City Manager explained that this needed to be enacted by April 1. If possible, would like to have recommendations back from the Chambers for the February IS meeting. ORDINANCE ORDINANCE N0. WC LICENSE PROCEDIIRC AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAtdONGA, (F _I RST HEADING) CALIFORNIA, ESTABLi SHING REGULATIONS AND LICGNS INf, PROCEDURCS FOR THE Kh:F.PiNG OF DOGS AS PL•TS WITFIIN TFIE CITY. The following changes needed to be made: Section l0a -- quarantined for a period of ten (10) days instead of the twelve (12). -3- :~ ORDINANCE Section llb -- the owner or possessor of the dog DOG LICGNSE so impounded may reclaim such dog upon the payment PROCF.DIIRE of the required license fee and Ten dollars ($10.00) (CONTINUED) instead of Seven dollars (57.00) pickup fee for the first offense. Fifteen dollars ($1S,U0) pickup fee for the second offense within six months of the prior offense. And, tho boarding fee of $2.00 for each day the dog is impounded. Section 12 (last part) -- strike out. It is covered under Business License Drd finance. Motion: Moved by Palombo to waive the entire reading. Seconded by klikels. The motion was unanimously carried. Second reading will be set for February 15, 1978. Motion: Moved by Palombo for Mr. Hunter to be given the u~thoriiy to enter into an agreement with the Humane Society for this and to be signed by the ma}•or. Seconded by Mikels. The motion was unanimously carried, FOOTMiLL Mr. Shore, representing the Foothill District Firefighters Fi GIiTCRS Local 2274, made a request that the Council and residents BI,0011 DRIVE support their Community Blood Drive. Their aim -- 250 donors. T G S DF.VI:LOP- T' E S Development, Inc. made a presentation of the ~BiNT PRESIi9TATI0N Shopping Center that is to go in on the southeast corner of 19th and Carnelian. They presented their plans by means of charts, sketches, diagrams, etc. of the new project with some changes from the original plan as follows: a. Fast-food place put to the side instead of in the middle. b. Drives into the back of buildings to the loading docks had been moved with lanelscap ing positioned in such a manner as to block Chis from the view of the public. c. All signs will be kept low in profile -- none on top of buildings. Motion: Moved by West to approve this project. Seconded ' by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. ~ ~ -4- RECESS The Chair declared a recess at 8:40 p.m., and at 9:05 p. m. -- the meeting was reconvened with all members of the Council present. F.%TCNSIDNS Dlr. Stephens from the County Planning Department suggested ON SUBDIVISION that an extension date of six months 6a added to all of MAPS the tracts listed on pages 1 and Z of their report, "Approved Tentative Tracts -- Septic" and "Approved Tentative Tracts -- Sewared." Mr. Crowe, the City Attorney, and Mr. Hunter, the City Manager, had additional letters requesting extensions. These extensions can be extended provided the necessary forms and foes are filed. The Depart- ment will report back at the next meeting as to who have filed for extensions. (This includes all except those that have expired because of lack of filing necessary forms). D{ot ion: Dbved by Schlosser to accept these extensions. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. Dlr. Willis of the B{A made a presentation and proposal to the Council suggesting the formation of Task Farces to he tp resolve the present problems with the schools and economics. I2 was suggested that fees be added to the building permits to give to schools to help securing temporary classrooms. Dlr. Crowe, City Attorney, prasen teJ the problems in trying to give money to schools. It has to be a voluntary gift. Also, giving of money now can present some schools great hardship with bond elections Coming up soon. RECESS The Choir declared a recess at 11:05 p.m., and at 11:25 p.m. the meeting reconvened with all members of the Council present. CONT INUAT iON Citizens continued with discussions. Than [he City Council OF DISCUSS 10N5 discussed [he issue with Mr. Crowe, the City Attorney. Several suggestions were made. The original motion was made by Pa lombo and seconded by Schlosser. An amendment was made by Mikels and seconded by Palombo. Diction: IlovaJ to accept the Growth Management Plan with the following Provisions: 1. Te sk Force set up on fee structures and the alternatives for their use. ~ ~. ~ i -s- UISCUSSi0N5 2. Be prepared with a moritori um Ordinance if we (CONTINUED) have a situation develop where tracts attempt to proceed ahead of their extended dates. 3. To study also the alternative fee st rUCture on building permits. The motion was unanimously carried. A discussion followed regarding the 'cask Forces. 77~e Council decided to receive the BIAS recommendat inns for task force members, plus opening it up to others who wisheJ to become a part. A sign-up sheet was passed around; also, if there were any further interest, one could coot net City Hall. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION N0. RF,S'iR I CTI NG ~~ BIIf LDI NG RCSOLIITiON OF TIIF. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PC:fLM1TS RANCHO CUCAM1pNGA, CALi FORNIA, DBCLARI NG tTS INTENT TO ADOPT' AN ORDINANCE RIiSTRICTI NG 771E ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS AND SGTTIND A PUBLIC HEARING THEREFOR, ORDINANCE; ORDINANCF. N0. RIiSTR I C'f I NG BUII,b ING AN CNTERI PI l1RGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE C[TY OF PERMITS RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAI,I FORN IA, IiSTABI,iSH ING [M1PIEOI A'fE RF.5TRICTIONS UPON THE ISSUANCE OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERFIITS. Motion: M1loved by Palombo to table the Resolution and Ordinance. Seconded by West, The motion was unanimously carried. FINAL F1APS Alr. Shone, Acting City Engineer, presented five final maps. All conditions had heen met. It Inc luJed a total of 208 units. it was explained to the Council that no building would be done nn Tracts d93S1 anJ N9420 until July anJ August, The streets would be completed. An agreement will be pre- pared by the City Attorney. Motion: gloved by Palombo. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. M1loti on: M1foved by I4est to take Tracts x9569, A9596, and g94Z1 through to final maps. Seconded by Schlosser, The moLi00 Wns unanimously Carried. ~ ~ -6- RELEASE OF Mr. Shone, Acting City Engineer, presented Tracts M9171 MATERIAL, , 89225, N9110 for releasing of material, labor bonds and LABOR BONDS, , acceptance of streets. A]I were complete with no ACCEPTANCE OF problems. STREC:TS Motion: Moved by Palombo to accept these. Seconded 6y {Vest. The motion was unanimously carried. STREET Fire Chief Billings recommended changing the street name NAMf: CHANGE of Kirkwood Court to Regency Way. Motion: Moved by West. Seconded by Palombo. The motior. was unanimously carried. ARROWIIF.AD A recommendation of the City Attorney to approve Joint JUSTICE ASSOC. Powers establishing the Arrowhead Justice Association and to authorize the mayor to sign. Motion: Moved by Palombo to approve the recommendation. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried, Motion: Moved and seconded that 1'a lombo be the representative on the Arrowhead .lust ice Association, The motion was unanimously carried. INSERTED Mr. Stephens from the Planning Department suggested that hK1TI0N subdivisions not approved he stopped until September 1. For those that have gone ahead and did not file by Monday, February 5, cou 1J be denied without prejudice. Motion: Moved by Palombo not to accept any new filings on tracts. Seconded by Schlosser, The motion was unanimously carried. RF.C.OI.AIF,NDATION A recommendation came from Randy Bond of Southern California Iidison, representing the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce, to set February as "fonservation Month." Motion: Moved by Schlosser. Seconded by Mikels. The motion was unanimously carried. ~ ~ -7- ADJOURNlfENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 a. m. to Saturday, Febniary 3, 1978 at 9:30 a.m. for an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter to meet in the Library Conference Room. The next public meeting will he on February 15, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at 9161 Baseline Road for a regular meeting of the City Council. Motion: Moved by Palombo to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by {Vest, The motion was unanimously carried. ~~ Bave~rl~thelet Deputy City Clcrk January 25, 1978 CITY OF RANCIIO CUC.4•fONGA CITY COUNCIL t,II NUTES ., u (Unofficial until approved by the City Council) CALL TO A special meeting of the City Council was held at the ORDER Community Service BuildinG, 9161 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, January 25, 1973. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor James C. Frost. The pledge of allegiance to [he flag was led by Mayor James C. Frost. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Jon D. Mikels, Fhill ip D. Schlosser, Charles A. West, and Mayor James C. Frost. Interim City Manager, Fi. K. Flunter, and Interim City Attorney, Samuel Crowe. Absent: Michael Pa lombo. SECOND ORDINANCE N0, RF:.ADING OP OI1111NANCE AN ORDINANCF. OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A PLANNING COhPIi SSION ANU PLANNING AGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT, RF.DKIVAL AND 'I'IiRMS OF OFFICF: OF MEPIRC RS TFIEREOF. MotMoton: Moved by West to waive the entire reading and to amend it to include an urgency clause; to be read again at the February 1 meeting. Seconded by Schlosser. Motion was unanimously carried. SECOND READING ORDINANCE N0. OFF ORDINANCE. ESTARLI SIR NG AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA IINDf:RGROIINII IiSTABLI SIIING REGUL:\Ti0N5 AND PROCEDURES FOR THE IIT ILITi F.S RCh10l'AI, OP OVFiRHEAD UTILITIES ANU 'fHli INSTALLA- T[ON OF UNDERGROUIJU FACILITIES IN UNDERC,ROUND IITIhiTY DFSTRiCTS. Motion: Moved by West to waive entire reading. Seconded by Mikels. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion: Moved by Mikels £or adoption. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried, ~~ -z- ORDI NANCF: RE. ORDINANCE N0. CALIF. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' AN ORDI NANCG OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THF. CITY RE'I'I RF,MENT OF RANCHO CUCAhgNGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING PROGRAM A CONTRACT BETWEEN THF. CITY OF RANCHO CUCMIONGA AND TIIE BOARD OF AUMIN ISTRATION OF TFIE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RF.TI REMENT SYSTEM. M1fot ion: Moved by Schlosser to waive the entire reading. Seconded by hiikels. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion: hbved by Schlosser to aelopt as amended with the urgency clause added to Section 4. Seconded by hiikels. The motion was unanimously carried. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION N0. RE: TUNNEL FOR ARCt1I BALD A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COl1NCTL OP TIIC CITY AVENUE AT OF RANCHO CUCAhgNGA, CALL FORM A, SUPPORTING TFiE AIRPORT POSITION OF TIIE HOARD OF SUPCRViSORS OF SAN BF.RNARUINO COUNTY RELATIVE TO TIiF. NEED FOR Cl1NSTRUCTION OF A TUNNEL FOR ARCHI BALD AVEWE AS PART OF T}IE EXPANSION OF TIIE ONTARIO INTER- NATIONAL AIRPORT. M11r. Shone, Acting City Engineer, gave the Council a briefing on the present situation. No agreement had been reached with the Ontario International Airport at the present time. Motion: Moved by Schlosser to adopt the resolution. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. Rf:QUIiST FOR A request was made by Mark III Ilomes, Inc. for extensions TRACT on Trac[ Maps 9440, 9444, 9445 as follows: E X'rrrcs I ous Trac[ No. 9440 to Sept. 6, 1978 'T'ract No. 9444 to Jan. 3, 1978 Tract No. 9445 to Jan. 3, 1978 hint ion: Pbved by West to accept request. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried, I1'I'I LI'I'Y Sarah Iloffmnn, Comity linorgy Coordinator, and California Lt.Ch Edison Company, represented by Randy Rond, reviewed the CORRIhOR proposed utility line corridor to the City Council by means of an illustrative map of the preferred location and an alternate. M1IF~IRERSIIIP The City Manager presented the value of becoming an active IN SCAG member in the Southern California Association of Cove rnments. ~ ~ -3- MEPIBERSHIP The annual dues are $510.00. Also, a member and an I4 SCAG alternate needed to be designated from the City Council (coot) to serve on the SCAG General Assembly. M1iotion: Moved by West that the necessary papers to join be prepared for the Mayor's signature as soon as possible. Seconded by Mikel s. The motion was unanimously carried. ?lotion: Moved by Schlosser that hlikels be designated as the representative from the City Council to serve on the SCAG General Assembly with Palombo as the alternate, Soconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. CITY FLLVCTi0N5 The City Manager presented to the City Council the following AND OPE RATIONS items: (he told the Council that many of the items which had previously been a problem had just been resolved as of that day, January 25, 1978 and signed by Earl V. Goodwin, Chief Administrator of San Bernardino County). 1. Ordinance for Mimal Regulation to be on [he February 1, 1978 agenda. 2. Budgeted street projects were announced. 3. The need for more space in City Hall was presented with a floor map of a proposed place with the price breakdowns of: a. First building at $.30 per square foot b. Second building at $•45 per square foot 4. Need of more personnel -- (to come under the Federally funded CETA program). Motion: Moved by Schlosser to give the City Manager, MY. Ilunter, authority to enter into agreement for the new building and pursonnel. Seconded by West. The motion Was unanimously carried. 5, Public address System was presented by William Holley. Plo [ian: Moved by Schlosser to lee Mr. Iiolley proceed with the purchase of a Public Address system, not to exceed the estimate of $1500.00. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. • ~ ~ -4- STRP:ET F1r. Shnne, Acting City Engineer, gave a summary of problems I'HOBLEMS the County has been having with developers in regards to street problems. He presented slides depicting some of the problem areas, Motion: M1bved by Schlosser to authorize F1r. Shone as Acting ~~ City Engineer to work with developers in resolving these problems. Seconded by West. Motion was unanimously carried. ARRON'IIEAD Flotion: Moved and seconded to table this item until the JUSTICE February IS meeting. City Attorney did not feel this ASSOC. would present a problem. Was unanimously agreed by Council to table this item until February 15, 1978 meeting. RECESS The Chair declared a recess at 10:10 p.m. At 10:25 p.m. the meeting reconvened with all members of the Council present, but Palomho. APPROVAL OF The City Manager presented the bills that needed to be BILLS approved for payment, M1totion: Moved by Schlosser that bills be paid. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. PRESENTATION OF Flayor James C. Frost introduced the five new members of _ NP.14 PLANNING the Planning Commission: COM1RIISSIONERS 1. Laura Jones 2. Richard Uahl 3. Jorge Garcia 4. Herman Rempcl 5. Peter Tolstoy M1totion: Noveel by West to accept these members of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Flikels. Motion was unanimously carried. Motion: Sloved by Schlosser for Formal authorization by City Council of payment to send Commissioners to a conference in Oak land, February 1-3. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. AOJOURNMIiNT The meeting was ndj ourned at 10:45 p.m. to February 1, 1978. Motion: Moved by Schlosser. Seconded by Mikels. The motion was unanimously carried, Beverly uthcl e~ Ueputy City Clerk i~ ~ ~ r January 18, 1978 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COINCIL hII NUTES (Unofficial until approved by the City Council) CAI,I. TO ORDER_ The regular meeting of the City Council was held at the C.ommuni[y Service Ruilding, 9161 Baseline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wednesday, January 18, 1978. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor James C. Frost. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor James C. Frost. ROLI. CALL PRESENT: Council Members Jon D. Mikels, Michael Palombo, Phillip D. Schlosser, Charles A. West, and Mayor James C. Frost. Interim City Managet, H.K. taunter, and Interim City Attorney, Samuel Crowe. Absent: None, MINUTES There were 4 changes to be made in the January 4, 1978 JANUARY 4 Minutes as follows: 1. Page 2 -- Under Business License Ordinance the Motion moved by West to set a public hearing on February 1. Second by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. 2. Page 6 -- Minutes should be signed epeputy City Clerk." 3. Page 4 -- It should read "There was a discussion by the Council regarding the future building and how they could get a handle on [he situation." 4. Page 5 under Personnel Selection -- it should read, "The City Manager recommended the establishment of the position of a Director of Finance at a salary of $16,95 per month." Motion: it was moved by Palombo to approve the Minutes of ,tanuary 4 with the above listed changes. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried, ~~ -2- ORDINANCE OF PLA.NN ING COMMISSION The City Manager read the following Ordinance for the first time: J ORDINANCE N0. ORDINANCf: REGARDING UTILITY LINES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCADIONGA CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A PLANNING CO~PIISSION AND PLANNING AGENCY AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT, REMOVAL, AND TEM15 OF OFFICE. OF MEMBERS THEREOF. Motion: gloved and seconded to waive the reading. A brief discussion followed about the possibility of setting some rules within the Ordinance for the Planning Commission so the City Council could be assured of an active, full- worAing Commission. The City Attorney explained this could he handled in several different ways as follows: 1. By resolution 2. Ry ordinance 3. By having the Planning Commission set up their own set of by-laws which will be approved by the City Council. A second reading will be held on January 25, 197A. The mayor expressed that the City Council hoped to be able to announce who would sit on the Planning Commission at that time. ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA ESTABL7 CHI NC REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR TIIE RE~N7VA1. OP OVERHEAD UTILITIES ANI7 TFIE T NSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND FACIhITIF:S IN UNDF.RGROUNU UTILITY DISTRICTS. The City Manager explained this Ordinance was made possible by Rule 20 of the Public Utilities Commission which initially established a fund of §15 million each year to help local governments star[ putting utility lines underground. Motion: Moved by West to waiver the entire reading, Second by Pal ombo. The mocion was unanimously carried. A second reading of this Ordinance was set for January 25, 197A. . ~ ~ -3- PLANNING RESOLUTION N0. COhA1IS510N MEETINGS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, 65TARLISHING TIhRi AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY PLANNING COhMISSION. hfotion: Moved by West. Seconded by Mikels. The motion was unanimously carried. APPOINTING Recommendation was discussed at January 4, 1978 meeting. CITY It was recommended that hir. Harry J. Empey, who will TREASURER start on Ftonday, January 23, 1978, as Director cf Finance; also be appointed as City Treasurer. hfotion: Moved by Palombo. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. GAS RESOLUTION N0. FRANCIII SE RF,SO LUTION OF TFiE CITY COUNCIL OF TI1E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAhR1NGA, CALL PORN iA, DECLARING iTS INTENTION TO GRANT A GAS FRANCHISE TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY. Announcement was made that a Public Ilearing must be set from 20 to 60 days from date of reading. Public Notices will be in the Cucamonga Times and in the three Post Offices in Rancho Cucamonga at: 8055 Klusman Avenue, Cucamonga 6649 Amethyst Avenue, Alta Loma 7615 Etiwanda Avenue, F;t iwanda plot ion: Moved by Palombo to waiver entire reading. Second by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Mikels, Palombo, Schlosser, West, Frost Noes: None Absent: None blot ion: hbved by Palombo for a Public Hearing to be held on February I5. Seconded by hlikels. The motion was unanimously carried. ~ ~ -4- ELECTRIC RESOLUTION N0. FRANCHISE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIG CITY OF RANCHO CUCMiONCA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO GRANT AN F.LCCTRIC FRANCHISE TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI SON COMPANY. Motion: Moved by West to waive entire reading. Seconded by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: htikels, Palombo, Schlosser, {Vest, Frost. Noes: None Absent: None Plot ion: Moved by hli kels Eor a Public Ilearing to be set fot Fe~ebruary 15. Seconded by Schlosser. Motion was unanimously carried. PRF.SENTAT IONS The City Manager mentioned that written communications had been received both requesting and opposing a moritorium. Discussion was opened to the City, County and School officials. 1. Plr. Kenneth Willis of the BIA explained the process of obtaining information regarding the status of the issuance of licenses, building permits, etc. by use of charts, diagrams, etc. The following chart summarizes the present situation as presented: APPROVF,LI SUBDIVISIONS; Septic - ]A to 492 homes 79 IL S. ,i24 el emen. Sewer - 20 800 homes 12S H.S. 515 el emen. NOT APPROVED 5URDIVIS[ONS: Septic tc 814 homes 12R 11.5. 727 clemen. Sewer - 15 1080 homes 236 H.S. 975 clemen. APPROVED NINOR SUBDIVIS10N5: Septic - 3S 94 homes 14 IL S, 59 clemen. Sewer - 1 4 homes 1 H.5, 3 clemen. NOT APPROVI'.D h11NOR Sl1RDi Vi SiONS: Septic - 2l 59 homes 9 H.S, 39 clemen. I2iiC1i55 The Chair declared a recess at 9:I0 p.m., and at 9:20 p.m. the meeting reconvened with all members of the Council present. CONTINUAT'tON 2 Counc ilmnn 1'a lombo also presented some charts depicting OF PRCSENTATION the present situation. ~ ~ -5- 3. Schools -- • Mr. Sperry from Central School District in Cucamonga presented his information. Currently the Centrul School District has 0.59 pupils per home. There are a total of 2,117 students with a capacity For 1,825. 't'here are three ways to resolve this problem: a. Build a new school which will take until January 1980. b. Go to developed facilities. c. Last resort is to rent temporary quarters. * hir. Stork representing the Alta Loma School Uistrict presented his needs for added classrooms with backup information and Charts, * Julian Lopez from Guast i/Cucamonga expressed lack of classrooms. So far they have been able to resolve most problems. ' Mr. Mike Dirksen from Ontario Ili gh expre ssecl having problems with overcrowding of schoeis. * hlr, Carlton Lightfoot from Etiwanda said if they have another 150 students, then they will have to go to double sessions or try for the passing of a bond for another school. RECESS The Chair declared a recess at 10:25 p,m., and at 10:40 p.m. the meeting was reconvened with all members of the Council present. OPEN Discussion continued by the citizens, realtors, builders that D15CUSS ION we rc present. RECF.85 Tlie Chair declared a recess at 1:05 a,m., and at 1:20 a,m. the meeting was reconvened with all members of the Council present. RY;SUhTS AND After much discussion, the Council took the position as I)LCI8i0N OP follows: C.OIINC I L Motion: Palombo moved to continue No.s 13, 14 and 19 which included the five tract maps on the agenda to February 1; except minor subdivisions which are continued until February I5, ]978. All tract maps expiring prior to that time arc extended to February 2, 1978 excepC minor subdivisions which are extended to February 1G, 1978 provided filed agreement concerning extensions arc received by 5:00 p.m., January 19, 1978, except minor subdivisions which are to be received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, January 25, 1978. if such ugreemen es are not filed, then each Subdivision and minor subdivisions shall be denied without prejudice. ~ ~ -6- RESULTS (cont) plot ion seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. RECESS The Chair declared a recess at 2:20 a.m. and at 2:25 a.m. the meeting was reconvened with all members of the Council present. PROPOSED The City Manager recommended to extend this issue until UTILITI' the January 25, 1978 meeting. There were no objections. LI NF. CORRIDOR INTENT TO The City hlanager said this issue has been requested to PURCIh\SG be removed from the agenda. REAL PROPERTY 80NDS TO hlr. Shone, Acting City Engineer, reconvnended that the bonds BE REI,C,ISED be released on the five tract developments (8961, 8962, 9034, and 9187) hlot`on: Moved 6y Schlosser to approve the releasing of bonds. Second by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. ACCCPI'ANCC OP h1r. Shone, Acting City Engineer, presented the Certificate CE RI'[FICATE OF of Deposit from H 4 M Wholesale Lumber, Inc. for UE POSIT Rochester Avenue improvements. The amount represented was $18,856. plot ion: hlovod by Schlosser. Seconded by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. AGI:EEM1RiN'I' Dlot ion: Moved 6y West that we file an agreement with the WIT7I SANDBAG San Bernardino Association of Governments. Seconded by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. FOOTIII LL It was decided a letter should be sent to the new State FREEIVAY Transportation Commission and the Governor regarding our Support for a right-of-way to the new Foothill Freeway. This should be signed by the mayor and sent as soon as possible. Motion: Moved by Schlosser. Seconded by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. AUJOII0.NM1IENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 a.m. to January 25, 1978. Motion: hloved by Patombo. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried ~,`,",^,,^~nyy ~j'J'`~`""~''~''~~~`.' erly Nuthelet Deputy City Clerk / 1 , ,r . .; r q,~'// t RANCHO CUCAFbNGA CITY COUNCIL ~~~ o~ ~Sba Q~4t°~ ~Sfl"",~Itrs ~yI1ZI~1 Regular Meetins lo" ~ ~^"°" ,_,~l~^~ l~ J~ „/•, ~ ~` Wednesday, Fe ru~, 1978 5~~..-Q w-~.~T'i,~t C~ q~bS bg ~ l 1. Call to order b~ Mayor Frost. 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 3. Roll Call: Mikels_, Palombo^, Schlosser _, West (Mayor Pro-Tem)` Frost (Mayor) 4. Approval of Flinutes of Regular hleeting, January 18; and special meeting January 25. 5. Drd finance establishing Planning Commission: ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAh10NGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A PLANNING COFa1ISSION ANp PLANNING AGENCY MD PROVIDING FOR THE APPOIFIT- MENT, REFIOVAL AND TERMS OF OFFICE OF ML•MBF.RS THEREOF. 6. Ordinance establishing a Business License /" ORDINANCE N0. ~ o ~ Y.y, AN ORDINANCE LICENSING THE TRANSACTION AND C'''~ ~j CARRYING ON OF CERTAIN BUSINESSES, TRADES, a o PROFESSIONS, CALLINGS ANU OCCUPATIONS IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING FiUNICIPAL REVENUE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. 7. Ordinance establishing a Dog License Procedure: ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF 771E CITY OF RANCHO CUCMbNCA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS AND LICENSING PROCEDURES FOR 771E KEEPING OF DOGS AS PETS WITHIN THE CITY. 8. Appearance of Foothill District Firefighters Local 2274 with request for endorsement of their Community Blood Drive. 9. Recommendation of Fire Chief Billings on name change from Kirkwood Court to Regency Way. (..d eP ~- 1 10. Request from T and S Development for extension of zone on southeast corner of 19th and Carnelian. ~ 9~~78 II. Proposed extensions on suDdivis ion maps to achieve voluntary growth management: Tract No. 9539 by Banyan Heights Development Co. t X79 .Tract No. 9540 by Flargarget C. Kalbach t f y OTract No. 9434, 9435, 94 6, 9437 by Chevron Construction Co. 9' g 3 s ~ ~, ~~,..-~1 12. Resolution of Intention to restrict is5u ncu of building permits (continued from ,lanuary 18 meeting): Rh;501.UTTON N0. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENT TO ADOPT AN ORIII NA.NCE RESTRICTING THF. ISSILANCI: OF BUILDING PERFIITS AND ~,, s 3 SUf~.c Nj,vt SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING TFIEREFOR. ~~:.I i : i' _: ° •' . f _2_ 13. M Ordinance to restrict residential building: (continued from January 18 meeting): ORDINANCE N0. / G ~~ AN INTERiDt URGENCY ORD MANCE OF 1'1lC CPIY OF b~~~ RANCHO CUCMfONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABI,I SIII NG „i G~ ~~" IMMEOiATF, RIiSTRICTIONS UPON TIIF. ISSl1ANCF. OP Can NS RESIDF.NTIAI. RUILDI NG PEINIFIS. //1 14. Consideration of final maps on the following subdivisions: a. Tract #9351 of 63 lots on the east side of I Sapphire Street south of Banyan by Coronado ~`'~'t' ~~i Land Company, Inc. 'a: b. Tract #9420 of 35 lots located at the north- .fi I'L (G~o east corner of Hellman Avenue and Banyan p ~/` Street by Charles E Margaret Kal back. .(~/ c. Tract #9569 of 36 lots on the east side ~ of Amethyst Street between Hillside Road StR fl~~ and Wilson Avenue by Don Lee, General Contractor. ' ~l°I d. Tract #9396 of 36 lots located on the east side ~~{~5 ~7g of Carnelian Street between Banyan Street and I 'y Wilson Avenue by Gary Miller. e. Tract #9421 of 38 lots located at the northwest corner of Amethyst Street and Banyan Street by ~,I~ Charles g Margaret Kalbach. 15. Release of material and labor bonds and acceptance of st reets• (Tracts #9171, k9223, #~~10): 16. Accept streets and rel ea//se bonds on Tracts #9171 and #9225! 17. Accept streets and rel ekse bonds on Tract #9110. 18. Recommendation of the City Attorney to approve ,loint Powers agreement establishing the Arrowhead Justice Association and authorize the Mayor to sign. ry,c/a.e.. ®.Q..~B. 19. Adjournment to 7:30 p.m. on February 15, 1978 at 9161 Baseline Road. 3~ 3C _3 ~ ~) O ~~~ q ~~ ~~ ~~ J w City Council Minutes February 1, 1978 Page 2 ORDINANCE Much discussion was raised regarding this Ordinance. ESTABLISHING BOSINESS Motion: Roved by Palombo to bring the issue of Business LICENSES Licenses co a study group of [he combined Chamber of (continued) Cononerces, then after ouch a study has been completed, to bring the results back to the Council. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. This Ordinance had been posted as a Public Hearing. The City Hanager explained that this needed to be enacted 6y April 1. If possible, would like to have recommendations back from [he Chambers for the February 15 meeting. ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. DOG LICENSE PROCEDURE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, (FIRST READING) CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REGllLATIONS AND LICENSING PROCEDURES FOA THE KEEPING OF DOGS AS PETS WITHIN THE CITY. The following changes needed to be made: Section l0a -- quarantined for a period of ten (10) days instead of twelve (12). Section 116 -- the owner or possessor of the dog so impounded may reclaim such dag upon the payment of the required license fee and Ten dollars ($10.00) instead of Seven dollars ($7.00) pickup fee Eor the firs[ offense. Fifteen dollars ($15.00) pickup fee for the second offense within six months of the prior offense. And, the boarding fee of $2.00 for each day the dog is impounded. Section 12 (last part) -- strike out. It is covered under Business License Ordinance. Motion: Moved by Palumbo to waive [he entire reading. Seconded by Mikels. T'he motion was unanimously carried. Second reading will be set For Pebruary 15, 1978. Mo[1on:Moved by Palumbo for Mr. Hunter to De given the authority to enter into an agreement with the Bumane Society for this and to be signed by the mayor. Seconded by Mikels. The motion was unanimously carried. FOOTHILL FIGHTERS Mr. Shore, representing the Poothill oiatrict Firefighters BLOOD DRIVE Local 2274, made a request that the Council and residents support their Community Blood Drive. Their aim -- 250 donors. T 6 5 DEVELOP- MENT PRESENTATION T S S Develo ment, Inc. made a p presenteC ion of the Shopping Center [ha[ is to go in on the southeast corner of 19th and Carnelian. They presented their plans by means of charts, sketches, diagrams, etc. of the new project with some changes from [he original plan as follows: a. Fast-food place put to the aide instead of Sn the middle. b. Drives into the back of buildings to the loading docks had been moved with landscaping posit coned in such a manner as to block this from [he view of the public. c. A11 signs will be kept low in profile -- none on top of 6uildinga. City Council Y. i.nutes February 1, 1978 Page 3 T S S DEVELOP- Motion: Moved by West to approve [his project. Seconded MENT PRESENTATION by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. (continued) RECESS She :.hair dec fared a recess at 8:40 p.m., and at 9:05 p.m. [he meeting was reconvened with atl members of the Council present. IXTENSIONS Mr. Stephens from [he County Planning Department suggested ON SllBDIVIS ION that an extension date of six months 6e added to all o£ MAPS the tracts listed on pages 1 and 2 of their report, "Approved Tentative Tracts -- Septic'' and "Approved Sentative Tracts -- Sewered." Mr. Crowe, the City Attorney, and Mr. Hunter, the City Manager had additional letters requesting extensions. These extensions can be extended provided the necessary forms and fees are filed. The Depart- ment will report back at the next meeting as [o who have filed Eor extensions. (This includes all except those that have expired because of lack of filing necessary forms). Notion: Moved by Schlosser to accept these extensions. Seconded by Y7est. The motion was unanimously carried. :1r. '-7illis of the 9IA wade a presentation and proposal [o [he Council suggesting [he formation of Task Forces to help resolve [he present problems with the schools and economics. I[ was suggested Ghat fees be added co [he building permits [o givz to sc?:cols Co help securing temporary classrooms. Mr. Crowe, City Attorney, presented the problems in trying to give money to schools. It has to be a voluntary gift. Also, giving of money now can present some schools great hardship with bond elections coming up soon. RECESS The Chair declared a recess at 11:05 p.m., and at 11:25 p.m. [he meeting reconvened with all members of the Council present. CONTINUATION Citizens continued with discussions. Then the City Council OF DISCUSSIONS discussed the issue with Mr. Crowe, the City Attorney. Several suggestions were made. The original motion was made by Palombo and seconded by Schlosser. An amendment was made by Mikels and seconded by Palombo. Mo[Son: Moved to accept the GrewtF. Management Plan with [he following provisions: 1. Task Force set up cn fee structures and the alternatives for their use. 2. Be prepared with a mori corium Ordinance if we have a situation develop where tracts attempt to proceed ahead of their extended dates. 3. To study also the alternative fee structure on building permits. The mo[Son was unanimously carried. A discussion followed regarding the Task Forces. The Council decided to receive [he BTA's recommendations for task farce members, plus opening i[ up to others who wished to become a part. A sign-up sheet was passed around; also, if there were any further Sntereat, one could contact City Hall. City Council Minutes February 1, 1478 Page 4 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION N0. RESTRICTING BUILDING RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PERMITS RANCHO CllCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENT TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE RESTRICTING THE ISSUANCE OF AUTLDING PERMITS AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING THEREFOR. ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. RESTRICTING BUILDING AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PERMITS RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING IMMEDIATE RESTRICTIONS UPON THE ISSUANCE OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS. Motion: Moved by Palombo [o [able the Resolution and Ordinance. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. FINAL MAPS Mr. Shone, Acting City Engineer, presented five final maps. All conditions had been met. IC included a total of 208 units. I[ was explained [o Che Council that no building would be done on Tracts A93:1 and fl9420 until July and August. The streets would be completed. An agreement will be pre- pared by [he Ci[y Attorney. Motion: Moved by Palombo. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion: Moved by West to take Tracts (/9569, 89596, and 1/9421 through co final maps. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. RELEASE OF Hr. Shone, Acting City Engineer, presented Tracts 119171, MATERIAL, 119225, F9110 Eor releasing of material, labor bonds, and LABOR BONGS, acceptance of streets. All were complete with no problems. ACCEPTANCE OF ETREETS Motion:Moved by Palombo to approve the release of material, bonds, and acceptance of streets. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. STREET Fire Chief Billings recon®ended changing the street name NADIE CHANGE of Kirkwood Court to Regency Way. Motion: Moved by West. Seconded by Palombo. The motion was unanimously carried. ARROWHEAD A recovunendation of the City Attorney to approve Joint JUSTICE ASSOC. Powers establishing [he Arrowhead Justice Association and to authorize the mayor [o sign. Motion: Moved by Palombo to approve [he recoounendation . Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. Motion: Moved and seconded that Palombo be [he representative on the Arrowhead Jus[Sce Association. The motion was unanimously carried. INSERTED Mr. Stephens from the Planning Department suggested that MOTION subdivisions no[ approved be stopped until Sep [ember 1. For those [hoe have gone ahead and did not file by Monday, February 5, could be denied without prejudice. Motion: Moved by Palombo no[ [o accept any new filings on tracts. Seconded by Schlosser. The motion was unanimously carried. ' City Council Minutes February 1, 1978 Page 5 RECOM4TJDATION A reconsnendaticn came from Randy Bond of Southern California Edison, representing the Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce, [o set February as "Conservation Month." Motion: Moved by Schloss¢r. Seconded by Mike ls. The motion was unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned a[ 1:00 a.m. to Saturday, February 3, 1978 a[ 9:30 a. m. for an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter [o meet in the Library Conference Room. The next public meeting will be on February 15, 1978 a[ 7:30 p.m. at 9161 Baseline Road for a regular meeting of the City Council. Motion: Moved by Palombo to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by West. The motion was unanimously carried. Respectfully submitted, 6..~ ~ Beverly Authelet Deputy City Clerk