HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992/01/02 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCIIJ A(~E NDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGIJI.AR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. January 2, 1992 Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 r++ City Councilmembers Dennis L. Stout, Mayar William J. Alexander, Councilmember Charles J. Buquet, Councilmember DSane Williams, Councilmember Pamela J. Wright, CounciEmmnher fififi Jark Lam, Gly Manoger James [.. Markman, City Attnrner Debra J. Adams, City Clerk City OfJica 989-1851 PAGE City Council Agenda January 2, 1992 1 All items aub.ittmd for the City Couucil Agenda oust Da in writing. The da•dlive for submitting these items is 5:00 p.m. on the Wedveedep prior to the meeting. The City Clerk's Office receives all such items. A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Ro11 Ca11: 9uqu et _, Alexander _, Stout _, Williams _, and Wriq ht B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS C. COMNUNICAT IONS PROM TH6 PUBLIC This is the time •nd place for the general public to address the City Council. Siab law prohibit the city Council trom sdd res•iag •ny iasus not previously included on th• Agevd•. The City Council uy rew ive testimony and set the maitsr far e subsequent meeting. Coueats ors to be limited Lo five mivutas per individual. D. CONSENT CALENDAR The following consent Calendar ibms •r• upacted to be routine entl non-controverai•1. They will ba acted upon by the Council at one Liss without discussion. Any item m•y ba removed by • Caum ilaembar or member of the audience for discussion. •• Approval of Warrant e, Reg iecer Nos. 12 /11j91 and 1 12/18/91; entl Payroll ending 12/5/91 for the total amount of $2,440,555.25. 2. Alcoholic Beverage Application Eor on Sale General ~~ Eat inq Place catering Authorization Permit for Backwater, Cvrt is L. and Margo McGrew, Michael 5., Pa]ricia S. and Tracy E. Sims, and Tracy E., Brian D. ar.d Cydna 0. Turnec, lOB7] Foot hiil eouleva rd, Rancho Cucam onyx. 3. Alcoholic Beveraye Application for On Sale Beer 6 Wine 12 Eating Place for Mariecoland is Seafood Mexican Reataucant, Gerardo E. and Irma E. Lo psi, OSSO Aech ibald Avenue, Suite G, Su iltl my 1, Rancho Cucamonga. PAGE city Council Agerda January 2, 1992 2 4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for Off Sale General Type 14 21, 1991 intercounty Cef. Contlitiona 1, Priority I2 -San eernacdino County for Neighborhood Market, wants Ghaeean, BBBO Archibald Avenue, Suite A, Building 1, Rancho Cucamonga. 5. Approval to re-appoint Rancho Cucamonga Community 1F Foundation Boardmembere. 6. ApprOVdl t0 execute an Agreement tOS Ann2%dtl0^ ttl .L7 Community Facil it tea Oigt rict 85-i (Foothill Marketplaces. 7. Approval to execute an agreement (CO 92-001) for 19 custodial service wLth John Bolin Maintenance. 8. Approval to increase Contract No. 87-207 with Fie ldman, ~5 Rolapp 6 Aa eociatee in the amount of 53,000.00 due to increased work demands to be funded by Account No. 78- 4637-6028. 9. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for ~~ Tract 12835, located on the east aide of Vineyard Avenue, 600 feet north of Arrow Highway, eubm ittetl by Park Vineyard Joint Venture. RESOLUTION NO. 92-001 ~7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVENE NT AGREEMENT E%TE NSION AND 2NPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 12835 10. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extene ion for yq Tract 13279 - Victoria Park Lane and Ro cheater Avenue, located at Victoria Park Lane and Roc heater Avenue, eu bm ittetl by the William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION N0. 92-002 9~1 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TE N9ION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 132]9 VICTORIA PART( LANE ANO ROCHESTER AVENUE 11. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extene ion for z3 Tract 13280 Lard ecape, located on the north side of Baee Line Road bet wee r. Milliken Avenue and Roc he star Avenue, eu bm itted by the William Lyon company. ~ P A G E if~ y ~}~ At~/-r(~ ~ y `- y~~\~1y City Council Agenda '~ ~} ~ ~ . -~1. January 2, 1992 (, I~ ~-~ 3 RESOLUTION N0. 92-003 34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT. 13280 LANDSCAPE 12. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 37 Tract 13359, located on the east aide of Sapphire Street between OYChard Street and Jennet Street, eubm fitted by H.K. Heim, Incorporated. RESOLUTION N0. 92-006 3° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13359 13. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for qN Parcel Map 9631, located on the east aide of Beryl Street south of Hillside Road, eu bm fitted by James Bice. RESOLUTION N0. 42-005 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOA PARCEL HAP 9631 14. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for q3 Parcel Map 10185, located on the southwest corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue, eubm fitted by the William Lyon Company. RESOLUTION N0. 92-006 q6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION ANO IMPROVEMENT SECVRITY FOR PARCEL MAP 10165 16. Appcoval to execute Improvement Agreement Ext eneion for 47 Parcel Map 11472, to cnted on the soa[h aide of 19th Street east of Hermosa Avenue, eu bm iited by JCR Development. I PAGE - City Cou r.c ii Agenda ~ January 2, 1992 6 RESOL'J TION NO. 92-CO] ..- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGR,E MENT EXTENSION AND IMP RObTMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 11472 16. Approval tc adept improvements, Release of Bonds and ~~~ Notice of Completion Eor Tract 13273, iocated cn the lout hea gt cor rer of Milliken Avenue and Mountain View Drive. Release: Faithful Pezf ormance Bond (Street) 5 482,000.CO AccepC: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 5 6&,200.00 RESOLUTION NO. 92-000 ~~ A RE SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPRGVEHENTS FOR TRACT 23272 AND AUTHOkZZiNG THE e'ILiNG OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK .7. Approval to accept Imp rovement q, Aelea se of Bonds and Notice of Completion far Tract 13873, located on the no rthwegt cor r.er of Atwood Street and Victoria Pack Lane. Release: Faithful Performance Bond iEtre etl $ 72,000.00 Accept: Ma ir.t enance Guarantee Bond (5t reed 5 7,200.00 P.E SO LOTION N0. 92-009 ~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMO NGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PV BLIC IMPROVEMENTS POR TRACT i3n-i AND AUTNOAIZING TH£ FILING OF A NOT SE OF COMPLETION 10. Approval to accept Improvements, Re .ease of Bonds and ..) Notice ,f Completion for Parce. Nap 9350 Storm Drain, .orated on the northeast corner of 9ase L.ne Read and Hi:Li.ken .A','e m.ie. PAGE City Council Agenda January 2, 1492 5 Infrastructure Storm Drain Release: Faithful Performance send 5 502,515.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Hood S 50,251.00 Base Line Road Storm D Release: Faithful Performance aond $ 616,155.00 Accept: N.a intenance Guarantee Bond $ 51, 515.C0 RESOLUTION NO. 92-OiC j_, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL HAP 9350 STORH DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORT( 19. Approval t:o release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract - 11428, located on the east aide of Centet Avenue at Ashford Street. Release: Maintenance Guarantee aond 5 R, 1a 6.00 20. Approval to reie ass Maintenance Guarantee Bcnd for Tract 13442, located on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Lane antl Kenyon Way. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond 5 51,200.00 B. CONSENT OR-INANCES The Eollowivg OrdLnnvicee have hod public heerivgn at the tine of fi rat reedivg. Se0ovtl rendivg• ere expected to be routive evd vov-controvera lsl. TAny will be acted upov by Ghs Council at ono time without di•cueniov. Tha CSly Clerk will rend the title. Any itee rev be revved for discueniov. No Items Submitted. ___ ~ PAGE City cocncil Agentla Sa nu ary 2, i992 6 P. ADVERTISED PUELIC HEARINGS The following items have bup advertised end/or port and at public hesriagt as required by law. Thm Chair will open the meeting to receive public teat itwap. 1. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO THE FOAHATION ..- q OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 (O'DONNELL iNDVSTRIAL TRACT) ~ (Continued from December 13, :991) RESOLUTION N0. 91-i96 ~l A RESOLV TION OF THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI FDRN IA, APPROVING AHD AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEHENTS RESOLUTION NO. 91-396 ~l A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, CONF IAMING THE ASSESSMENT, ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS HADE, TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANCES, ANC APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT RE SOLUTION NO. 91-39] ,,, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA; AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF BONDS, APPROVING EOND IND £NTURE FOR A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 91-398 ~'~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CLOAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING BOND PURCHASE CON^. RACT AND PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT 2. CONSIDERATION OF ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTSON OF ', r AF ABLE Y LOCATED SOUTH OF NINTH STREET FROM VI NHAA TO , _ SIE RFL\_HAiRE AVENUES PAGE City Council Aqe rda i n.y, January 2, 1992 L~]"~, '1 RZ SOLUTION NO. 92-011 A RE SOLUTION OF TF.E C1 TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CO'JN T: OF SAN RER.YARilINO, STATE OF CALiFOANiA~ DECLARING ITS INTE NS ION TO VACATE A PORTION OF AN ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OF MYTH STREET FROM VINHAA TO SIERRA MAD RE AVENUES D. PUELTC HEAAIN69 The following itev bsce vo legal publication or punting raqui raventa. Tbm Chair will open the vesting to re ceiva public tmativonp. No Items Sv bm ittetl. H. CITY NIINAOER'S STAFF RLPORTS The following itua do not lagallq require nvy public tvntivonp, although the Chnir nap open thv venting for public input. No Items Submitted. I. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following iteva have been requested by the City Council for discussion. Thep ere not public 6enrinq itevn, although the Chnir nap open tha vesting for public input. -. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINT FNT TO FILL VACAYCY ON THE RANCHO CUCAHONGA COMMUNITY FOVNDATZON BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2. COMMUTER PAIL DISCUSSION J. IDENTIPICATION OP ITEMS FOR NEST MEETING This is the Lime for City Council to idant ify the items they wish to discuss si the next vesting. These iteva will not be disco saed st thi• meeting, only identified for the next maetivg. ~- I P A G E City Council Agenda L-uGL January 2, 1992 c R. CONMINI CIIT ION9 TROM THE PVHLIC This is the tine end place for the geveral public to address the City Council. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing avp issue voL previously inclutled ov the Agenda. The City Council may receive testimony end set the utter for e subsequent maetivg. ComenL ere to be limited to five mivute• per individual. L. ADJOURNt6NT I, Debra J. Aflame, City c.erk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify [hat a true, accura[e copy of the foregoing aryenda was poet ed on December 27, 1991, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 1O50G Civic Center Drive. ii i+o :<si /• I4 ~~ •v ~r 1 Y: >~ a:m ..a nana NrNa os~ o aaaaaaraaroaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoceaoooaaaaaaaaaaaeaeaa V s O o !4 . Y O" V IP •\\ aJ Y p 4 < YiNns .l n v~a N" iu0 pW JLLOON Na V o wY wd wVJV ~\w Vp YV Op IJLN 8uJ) ~~ 04/ 7J 7VWw •G y YY NJC y ~ZOU 3 Wi V~SJW~`i NNJ~w aY~.V iWUO yi wi as~N .e iii iawW 'v is w~WZn W'~ O SiNV4ai iNNVi-NY•Z~ZN wVJ wJ y 3. y uiZ~ •W~. 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NwwNna r . :,: ~a .oa.nNPpeo.. mPPePnYPPPPNP.oPOPehPe~ ha_or,opeooo ... Po aP a~m,Pepm YPm NhPneaNPP PoPPN_PeN Pm.PPmPPPPP _.L . .. ............ VOa N ....................... ..O• o~IPPrhmNaNa Jh aOTNm N ........... •a J ~ n r\ n N ahsPOrV n v Ii • • r OP r2• f1'J+JJ~VI ~i~ ..ppyy ~pp .p i ~JIII~~V~aJ~1a <J< •IV ~V• aaa e n : aoo e ouaeaaoea a~e a eo: a o paaa .0 aaaaaaa aaa ~ o . [ aaaaaaaa o ~ V 1 \ P ~\I _ f vl < v < { 0 n J 1. W 1 N [\ Z J i W W \ n w Z t \ p O s N a O \ Z < M V W aN w< I i W ! L 2 Ww O I v N O o f\n~ v V whir OTV LL V Jll ~ V W l'J rR iC. V F V h 1 \ v r v NA Z O _ J v r rWrttJ3 h~NOiW OYJJJJ ~w w N Va HO h NJ •\ f\w J wV < h O VJ V .. r rN rV p Ljr NVrn: VJ wwh Hi N L Z yJfNyruw ~IOar V ZwY LL _ O 0 _ lLLN WJ N J LL 10 J O w< ~h~00 v0 i> LLStYW OCJVr. 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N n N m `~ ~ FlE lo: Crryrtmmr ar AImMa pr.rropn Conrd ~ AIG,d ~ a 11j~l O -~ INr &wd.cy i ' Secremnno Co61 p5016 _~ do _ n 9atn ,yryRR~-pE W(Al a , a. .~.. m.ma .o...no. \AILVT i W .. )n. ~.dnr„o,.d k,rbr aaN~rder ! satn.: ru. 1r ----__ ~,(.n ____ ' _ _ _ _ nmo r~rm~i ~- i Nµ,E3; Of APRICANi(S) L• , - j Applird ardo 5!c E.OIt ..~ h.v, ~s:~:e - fEE ~ l'C 3. NPf(5; Of iPINSACilON1& ,... cmnn:x - _--____ _ - - ~ roeT:r even^< _ N=m.Te.,.a.n. - ~.,:...~.,,:. ;,,:urn p. r,,; ...~; .A.. ..i .. ' C1y v:.d Zm Cod< .•. _ -.~ -Cw.h I -_- VI 10iµ . 'J G r~ 6 1 r erP liaerred ~IL`P'~ .• ) nre prrrn!.'^ede •.'~ SM1O. ryp. vl l~nm _ atuiii_Ilty- - avi: e5 SuYa .. r ' e mc...q AJd.aa r d~a ,! r ram 5'-Mambo od Srr•rr r ...- i r!o a you rr•~ be :a•ri(r!d nl o rnleny+ ~ 10 Mor. yvv elor•J o or r ! prc o. r ~!o : roa -! e•. roa<< rot Ao a 'molar em w . o. ' .. ~.g ~p rM1. Aar 116pia n v YES avr+!r ro eemr p or 10 a~ on ar «ho•n .F¢ rFOll be de!m<~ par or r opp4 !on I) nay!r mPlaved n p !aln a•d p aliP[c • a n • a ~ ~`r r ! • •iil " ar permit ro bn r ole p ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ A'(: M1 P•~r~n9n ~^, a~ A a lio r ~ IM1• o: [ led y_Y ~ Ij $!A (E Of i1lIfOPNIA Cov.~r el _ tr 11 Der. .. ~ , APOlll lNi .- r ...- r,-. 5',CN NEOi y ..- L..u........ -.... _ _ _ _ APPLICAT ION 6Y TRANSFEROR E'c,f p, Cµ iCPNIA Cnv.ry nl ... oea~e pm. .. .,. . n Va..r it ..'.. ..;w. r.. ..... a ~.. ~. .......-...~Ei9 .o ..r~. -.I Derr r 'P .:r .. V,-.h• ~ 10 i a u ~ V.mcrr and Sn••r C rv nv: 2q CM. Cev~'- .:J~ri: alyr r[4m P~~ I'm Wnb Rrlnv iM1u i mr, for Drpnnmrnr I'r•Oaly u n.a•d •.dnn .r,r~r. r dnnnn pru•n C/JaIF,S Nnn ED '"' ' P...~nr Prrn fnN nl "~u•' /j'Frn on 4r<nior Nn / v FOOTHILL BOULEVARD c 0 J 6ACKWATER 10877 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 APN 208-351-25 Currently Zoned: Industrial Park o~i thin Subarea 7 of the Industrial Specific Plan Zoning of Adjacent Properties: North: Terra Vista Planned Community, Commercial South: Industrial Park, Subarea 7 of the ISP (Vacant) East: Industrial Park, Subarea 7 of the ISP (Vacant) West: Industrial Park, Subarea 7 of the ISP (Vacant) sasse 12/12/91 __m ~' N.~'~~....er COPY__. - - ..~ r~ n.ry ~`.. eta-'.: ~b~'~+ N~1.1 Iii •MK~IEON NN ASCONOFK WHAOE FIEENWl) I, lYPE15) Oi .ICF ) mr NO. re: Apdrunln a AkeAd4 Eavuropa canlml NOV 1 "1901' IPoI Mwdeoy olw[a 1.1e v ~AS l?[a mfNC ' Sonul~ao. CeFI, vy018 - m ~AIA .anv.ar..e:.e.x. n- J.T I:Xr i:JCE IS IM und..vymd Mrror epplm<M ~ 0. Ikuxx d.<,:s.d m IaEO.n B t. NAwE151 Of MIICAMIi) Iarml, ApplNd unMr Sw. ]IpY C '+'p-`: fRe<Tin pole: Gxxn perw _.: a~:z, nom. ;. ]. iM{SI OF fEANSKIlOly3) FEF llC. rrrt s Yev _ _f I. Nom. al M:,imu - ~~- { ~ . y--~- 3. Lavean al Wvnfu-NU'mbfr oM SmN :oe0 AtcA1..Alo AVe., ]Ce. i -. -~ __ +In uO Cede County S amd9a iVJO SAn Jwrnualno IOTAI - __~- mrn Li<emN, ). An Premen Imdf iyq el li<fmf Gry Lm:M1> __ _ y AdGeu lil dlMfnl irwn 51-Numbx eN Snwl ..e Ir:.: yeu fvx befn <enri<M d e lebnyi 10. Nerf you fvx rwbrM eny el Mf aev~Nem nl ,Fe M<aFali< lenrepe Cem~d An er rqulelion, el ~N< bponmim ar~ o~mrq to Me A<P t I l E.ple:n o'TFS" ensx b INm, 9 w Ip en en enotM1mem mb:d ,Fell b de.med pen M IM1n oppl¢anon I). Appl'eom oprfn lel Ila1 err mmneper empbyed in m.,elf 6<enwE pamuo .ill For. oll M. quabfi<anun, of a L<emf., end Im Ewa n..ill m .~deN w <mn x pxmir n M ndeM enr er m. p.or,uon, ,r .M Almnpu, s...rgf cem.ol Ao .-- _. 1) SIAIE Of CAIIEdNIA Coon I 'IVwrntlw __. ______ ppN,.,--___'_.~ ,~. _, h e ......................_.._ ___ ..-n ~.. w.- .y..^.::.~. .. ,.. e,_.... _ 11 APpIICANi ~ ~ ~ ~ rte..^~^' SIGN HF4E' ~ .............. ... .......... _. ......._.,-. :....... /..__~ ~ r y ,' _ ......___... _....... ~.;: 7 Tim, ``'b 6~C q' _ ARLICATION SY TIIANStt3011 S== IS STALF Oi CAlIF04NIA Ceunry el ............... . ...............Con...... "_ ...... ,. ~M. ...a.. r ~n, i...r ..n +. .....n xru.r n ., a+~: ....xs .:.....:.. . .n .e ..,..w rs-:.. a ... w -..n.r.. n... y. n. 10 Nameln el b<muH,1 11 Spnermefn nl lkenwNn Ig flaw N~mbn!d ___.- - - __ - -i-_ _-. ~ _-_ .--_- -_ _- -_-_-_ _-_. _L- _ 10 lo<olion N.mMr and Snner Gry end Lpnp eod< - --- __ __ -ceunp ---_ -- _----- _ Dn Nm Wnu Mlme TAn lw'nP; Fm DEpartmrnH'n Only Ane:Fed~ -' 4xwdM noii[e. I"" fidw~nry popfn. n..o. Il bm..al. in el_._. ,-..hk m .. ..........._. ...... OIRom"... .-. ... ... Exwa Ne .._. .x. v„ en ~ ~ .:u. iiUlllll!iii`~ ~ ~ 1~~ r b i o III- ~ - I i .r - ~ 3 ~ ~~ i I~ . -~,b _ - ~ p- I _ j .~ _~. _~ IIIIIIII - to ~ `'~ -did 8TH STP.EET 0 _m x N I4ARISCOLANDIA SEAFOOD MEXICAN RESTAURANT l38A0 .4rchibald, Ste, f, 6uildinr7 1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 APN 209-032-42 Currently Zoned: ;ene ral Indo Strial, Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan 7.oning of Adjacent Properties: North: General Ind us trim , Subarea 3 of the ISP South: General urdustrial, Subarea 3 of the ISP East: Ind ust riai Park, Saba tea 11 of the iSP; Low Residential; Cucamonga Elemen to r,y Iles t: fr-ne tai Industrial, Subarea 3 of the ISP School sasse 12/12/91 ~~ COPY __- - ~ . FfY1fNN Yna TW YaIr MrNwpdw~o. I,AtKATIJEI TOEI YCONOIK rt/Of -. SKlN9(YI 1. ttR(Sl p ll(Hitg1) ~ Ntf NO. Id Daponnw N AkvFtlir YwrgT :.matl fEE HO. 1]ISOSImw ~. Socrawnla. Cofif 95e1e - - e: 1.>_i ~.:EM' -.~ _ ~j~µ ••e•:••ief•^ ••: ', CODE JoI~ TM :.d«opM Arradl appimb 1~9: :-.- rcaon:y ec [. e Daw ' (. I: d.N,:Fr m fans. E( :nd' i . r T':>r! :y v. uuM e, n:~a. ':,. j Lwp narvm I. NAMES a AF4ICAN!(S i alDlOE~I ^gpGW wJw k 210N ~ i fflaM.o Dales T,'1: ]I E:lHnr. Da.: 'C ~Eri .`] ~qjj NI ~I ]. iYfH31 Of iP4N5ACItON(SI IEf ' , nn ']fl4i]DIQ `W/ ~ `I1L~zCPLL'I['/. S.. . 4 Nor:u d Iwrw ... .. , . ~ CM Td Lp CaM C ~ !, MtilXp AIGw fl dMnnl how St-NUrnMr aM SRwf r..~l C Haw you .wr b.en rm.iM d a f.Lnyl 10. Nm. yes w.r ,bbM rmy .1 Xw pmYbw N IM AImFa4 Mwraq Cennel 4t a r.pubMww of Mx 4parlmml pw~ y ,^, ~omry b M. Anl 1, E.qun a "rt3" en..w w Iles 9 m ID en an mindm.nr .kkF JWI b. dwm.d pmt M IMI aoplkoXon. 11. STAR Cf Ce11IgMA <wnlf of ~I.,L~I d~~ .- Wh ~~_I.y-J~ ' un. r~+. :.~.wm.ww. w r 1+~+ r.un _ _ w war r MwM +_r . Y~r~m ~ 1. w,/.wn ~ .r. wwr. w..lw~E wrw . m • Nr w..r~. • d rw .. ~ r..~ w.l r ~ •w +. T _ .W Y:wwE. .r...an iw. ~ o..v ~ .mow: In W~ .r .. ":u. ~ir /w ti rr . r i~s~ ..w ~ +r ~-. us. w ~ L, AMIICAM SIGN XA! -.... •rrtK~nc~ n vur:Ewuo~ I3 swe of cAUroIINIA <amny d ' ' ,,. ra - cat. . T ,_I~' ~ _ ' Ic loran,. - ~ - Nv~l,u aae s.w.t cn aae np <ae. ~ <waH - An Vnt W ' n.low TAu E.wr: Fm MPartm.wE Vw Only .ar ruc.yn to n n <- ~-- ---- .Ifa<FM~ y~ 9NwJM M4., „ a r d.no.v wPn. CMIES WIIfD - a. r:.~al lmd bHa ^•-" O:k. on awNp Ne ~`/T IiiUlllllliii ~ ~ -~ r--r I ~ ~_ ifiiiii-i I - ~ ~ ~` _ ~ i! _ ,,~ ~ - ~_ - r -f L -~ IIIIIIII Ste (~ z] n ~~i~ 8TH STREET NEISHB ORH000 MARY.ET 8880 Archibald, Ste. A building 1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 ANN 209-032-42 Currently Zoned: General Industrial, Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan Zo ni n, of Ad~acen Y, Properties: North: acne ral Industrial, Subarea 3 of the ISP So~,rth: ,eneral Industria i, Subarea 3 of the i5P East: Industrial Park, Subarea 17 of the ISP; Low Residential; Cucamonga elementary 41es C: fene rel Industrial, Subarea 3 of the ISP School sa sse 12/12/91 /s -- .._ ('I'Cl' OF' KAti('H(~ t't'Cd~t01G~1 STAFF REPORT '~ DATE: January 2, 1992 2U: Mayor and ~"+b of the city Council FROM: tisan MicJCey, Management Analyst I ', SUB7FCT: APpIi7VAi. SO III~APPOINI' RANCID Q7C7fKtA1 ' O~Y Rll?IYITIW B]4RD }IDffi37S i z~~;:~ 'that the City Crxmcil reappoint Guy Heyersdorf, Hob Dutton, Betty Mt31ay and Jeanne Lochart to the Board of Directors of the Fandio Cucamonga Community Foundation. BAQ W7iXIi)/AlP1i PSIS: j According to the Foundation's BY-laws, approval by a 3/5 vote of the City Council is necvsarY for the terms of office to rnntinue for the above-mentionsl Board members. All four members are interests] in mntinuirg to serve on the i Boax$ of Directors. 'their new terns will expire 12-31-95. Respectfully Submitted, ~,~~,c-~ a._~_ ,%2C,t,c~~ee~c~ Srsan Mickey, Management Anaiyst I ~i~ ---- - -- ('iTl' OF- HAS('Hf r ('l'('.-1\ill\G:~ STAFF REPORT ~-~C',~;tit, .,., ti ., ~'~ DATE January 2, 1992 TO Mayor and Members of the City Council ~i FROM: Duane A. Bakcq Assistant to the City Manager ~~ SUBJECT' Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the proposed annexation agreement for the northerly portion of the Foothill Marketplace project. The annexation would be to Community Facifltics District 85-1, which is the fire facilities district. Aackgrou nd: The proposed annexation area contains [he northern portion of the Foothill Marketplace project and fronts Foothill Boulevard. The project, which includes the Frice Club and Walmart, is required as a condition of approval to be part of CFD 85-1. Most of the project is already within the boundaries of the CFD. This agreement would be for the portion of property not currently within the dill ri cl. 'f he agreement being considered tonight will be to obligate the property nwncrs In annex to the district. This normally would be accomplished prior to the recordation of the final map. In this instance, staff and the City Attorney have worked with the property nwncrs to develop this agreement which helps insure that the property will be annexed and allows the final map to be recorded, The actions being requested arc consistent with the previous direction oC the City as Uic annexation to CFp 85-1 is required as a condition of the final map. because the proposed agreement is consistent with prior actions of the City, approval and execution of the agreement is being recommended. ~pccl fu ly /snu/bmittc~ ~~ t~- ~~. ---... -- -~ -- CITS 1)F' RA1:•H(i CI"(',AAICIV(;A STAFF REPORT r,-c^•~•,ti ~:~ . DAi ~: January 2, 1992 C: Mayor, Members of the City Council and ~ity Manager FRU!4: Jim Hart, Admin stra tive Services Manager GcBJECT: JA."IS TORIP.L /C USTDDIAL CONTRACT P.EC OMM ENDAT ICN That the City of Rancho Cucamonga enter into an agreement for janitorial/custodial services with Bohn Bolin Maintenance for City facilities as indicated in the contract fora cost of $15,546,00 per month. BACKGROUND The current provider of cleaning services for the City was terminated due to deficiencies in se rvic?. [n arc orda nce with th_ list created when the City last went to bid, Bolin Maintenance is the next qu ali tied provider of services. Bolin Maintenance has previously provided services to the City and has Aeon the contractor holdi r.g the award for the longest period of time. This ~s a familCy/r-~.oi,~tw~ned company that is local and responsive, 3esoact ally su~`~~^ ~_ J Jim .la rt Admin i;t ra five Services Dlrec for J H:ja< ;ltta ch V acNEa¢NT This Agreement is made and entered into this loth day of December 1997, between the City of Ranehc Cucamonga, a Municipal Corp cra Lion (hereinafter known as "CITY") and John Ho lin Na in to Hance(hereinafter known as "CONSULTANT'). A• Recitals. (i) CITY has heretofore expressed its intent to contract for professional services with respect to janitorial services to be installed in the Rancho Cucamonga Civ is Center and Public Safety Facility, located at 1G500 and 19510 Civic Center Drive, respectively, Rancho Cucamonga Ne ighborhootl Center, 9791 Arrow Route, Lions Park Community Center, 9167 Baseline Rd., Heritage Park, 5545 Beryl, and the City Yard, 9153 9th St., Rancho Cucamonga, those se rv is e.^ to be performed according tc exh i6 it "A" attac hetl and by this reference .:ode a dart hereof. (ii) CONSULTANT has heretofore submitted its proposal for the performance of such services, a full, true and correct copy of which proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and Dy this reference made a part hereof. (iii) CITY desires to retain CONSULTANT to perform services necessary to acco^p lish the requirements de scribetl in exhibit "A". (iv) CONSULTANT represents that it is qualified to perform such services and is willing to perform such services as hereinafter defined. NON, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and CONSULTANT as follows: U reement. 1. De Pinit ion: The following definition shall apply to the .`e liow ing term, except where the context of this Agreement otherwise requires: ;a) Services. The completion of those services and maintenance requirements described in Exhibit "P." hereto. 2. CONSULTANT agrees as fallow (a) CONSULTANT shall forthwith perform the services in ar. ro rdance wi ti; Exh iD it "0." hereto and all in accordance with Federal, State, and City statutes, regulations, ordinances and guidelines, all to the rea :crab J.e sa ~is faction of the CITY. h) CONSULTANT shall, at CONSULTANT'S sole cost and expense, serum and .tire such other persons as may, in the opinion of CONSULTANT, be nnccaaa ry is ro mp ly with the terms of this Agreement. In the event any such other persons ar^, retained by CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT hereby warrants that such /9 persons shall be fully qualified to perform ser'u is es required hereunder. CONSULTANT further agrees Gtat no subcontractor shall be retained by CONSULTANT except upon the prior written approval of CITY. 0.11 personnel Pu rnished by CONSULTANT shall be employees of CONSULTANT and CONSULTANT shall pay all salaries and expenses of, and all federal, social security taxes, .ede ral and state unemployment taxes, and any similar payroll taxes relating to such employees. ic) CONSULTANT shall provide proper safeguards and shall assume a~l risks incurred in performing its service hereunder. (d) CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the direct supervision of its employees through its designated representative, and such representative shah , in turn, be ova ilab le at all reasonable times to repcrt and confer with CITY, with respect to services performed. CITY agrees as follows: (a) To pay CONSULTANT a maximum sum of $75 .6L6 .00 oer month for services its ted in Exhibit "A" for the performance of said services required her=under. ".his sum shall cover the cost of all staff time and all other direct and indirect costs or fees, ino lud ing the work of employees, consu lta r,ts and subcontractors to CONSULTANT. Payment to CONSULTANT, by CTTY sha :.1 be made in accordance with the schedule set forth Delow. (b) Payments to CONSULTANT shall De made by CTTY in accordance wit!; Che invoices submitted by CONSULTANT, as indicated in flFP, and such inv n.'.ces shall be paid within a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. All charges shall be in accordance with CONSULTANT'S prep oral either with respect to hourly rates or lump sum amounts for ,..nd iv ideal tasks. c) Additional services: Payments for additional services reGUe sled, ir, writing, by CITY shall be paid on a reimbursement basis in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in paragraph 3(b), above. Charges fcr add itiona] services sha it be ir,voic ed on a monthly basis and shall be paid by CITY with ir. a reasonable time after said invoices are received by CITY. CONSULTANT shall not be paid for any services performed in excess of forty (46) 'n ours each work ue ek un leas such additional hours are requested by CITY fOr add ltional aC rViee3. q. CITY agrees Eo provide Co CONSULTANT• ia) Information and assistance as set forth in Exhibit "A" h e. .~,. 5. Term:i na lion: The city Na pager has the authority to implement the pr~'risinna of this section. Witt. the exception of for cause, for which to rmd nation would be immediate, this Agreement may be terminated by CITY upon th ~: giv inp of a written "Yotice of Termination" to CONSULTANT at least Fifteen 2- ~V ('.8) days prior to the date of term ira lion specified in said Notice. In the event this agreement is so terminated, CONSULTANT shall be ecmpensa led at CUNSULTANT'S applicable hour lY rates as agreed. In no event, however, shall CONSULTANT receive more than the maximum specified Sn paragraph 3 (aJ, above. CONSULTANT may not terminate this ogreemenb except for cause. 6. Notices and Designated Representatives: Any and all notices, demands, invoices and xritten communications between the parties hereto shall De addressed as set forth in this paragraph. The Purchasing Agent and the Custodian Supervisor shall 6e primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under this Agreement. Any such no tines, demands, invoices and written communications, by mz il, shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee forty eight (48) hours aftsr deposit hereof in the Unitod States mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as set forth above. 7. Insurance: CONSULTANT shall neither commence work under this Agreement until it has o6 to fined all insurance required hereunder in a company or companies acceptable to CITY NOfl SHALL CONSULTANT allow any subcontractor to commence work on a subcontract until all insurance required of the subcontractor has Deen obtained. CONSULTANT shall take out and ma in to in at all t, imes during the term of this Agreement the following policies of insurance: (a) Workers' Compensa lion Insurance: Before beginning work, CONSULTANT shall furnish to CITY a certificate of insurance for all persons whom it may employ directly or through subc ontrae tens in carrying out the work specified herein, in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Tn accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 3700, every emp foyer shall secure the payment of compensation to this employees. CONSULTANT, prior to commencing work, shall sign and file with CITY a ce rtificaticn as follows: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which requires every employer to be insuretl against lia6 ility for workers' compensation or to undertake self insurance in acc ordanne with the p rovia ions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions 6efo re cammenc inq the performance of the work of this Agreement." (b) Public Liability and Property Damage: Throughout the term of this Agreement, at CONSULTANT'S sole cost and expense, CONSULTANT shall keep, or cause to 6e keot, in full force and effect, for the mutual benefit of CITY and CONSULTANT, comprehensive, broad form, general public liability and automobile insurance against claims and liaD flit ies for personnel injury, death, or property damage arising Cram CONSULTANT'S activities, providing protection of at least Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (5500,000) for bodily injury cr death to any one person or for any one accident or occurrence and at least One Million Dollars ($1 ,OOC ,000) for property damage. -s- ~/ (c) General Insurance Pe quire went s: All insurance reauir_d by express prcv is ion of tF,is Agreement shall be carnied only in responsible in sura me companies licensed to do business in the State of California and policies required under paragraphs 7• (a) and (6) shall name as additional insured CITY, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. All p o.Lic ies shall conta is language, to the extent obtainable, to the effect that: (7) th_ insurer waives the right of subrogation against CITY and CITY'S elected of.`ic ial5, officers, employees, and agents. (2) the policies are primary and noncontributing with any insurance that amy 6e carried by CITY; and .3) they cannot be ca rcelled or materially changed after thirty (34) days' notice by the insurer to CITY by certified mail. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY with copies cf all such policies promptly upon receipt of them, or certificate evidencing the insurance. CONSULTANT may effect for its own account insurance not required under this Agreement. 8. Indemnification: CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify and save harmless CITY, its elected and appointed otfin is ls, agents, and employees, from all liability from loss, damage or injury to persons or property, including the payment 6y CONSULTANT of any and all legal costs and attorneys' fees, in any manner arising out of or incidental to the performance by CONSULTANT of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all consequential damages, to the maximum extent permitted by law. 9. Non-Discrimination: No discrimination shall be made in the emp lcy meet of persons upon public works because of the race, color, or religion of such persona, and every contractor for public works violating this section is subject to all the penalties imposed fora vi.o lotion of Division 2, Part ?, Chapter 7 of the Labor Code in accordance with the provisions of Section 1735 of said Code. 10. Assignment: No assignment of this Agreement or of any part or obligation of performance hereunder shail be made, either in whale or in part, by CONSULTANT without the prior written consent aC CITY. 11. Independent Contractor: The parties hereto agree that CONSULTANT is an independent contractor under this Agreement and shall not be construed for any purpose to be an employee of CITY. 12. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with laws of the State of Ca ii fo rn ia. 13. Attorney's Fees: In the event any legal proceeding is irsti to ted to en to rce any term or provision of the Agreement, the prevailing party in said legal proceeding sha 11 be errt it letl to reC OVar attorneys' fees and costs fr nm the op po slog party in an amount determined by the Court to Ue rea son able. 14. F.n fire Agreement: This Agreement super setles any and all other afireer,.en ta, either oral or in writing, between the parties with respect to the subjer, t. :ratter herein. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no as repre yenta tiara by any party which is not embodied he re ir, nor any other agreement, statement, or promise no T. contained in this Agreement shall be valid or bind irg. Any modification of this Agreement sha12 be eCfec five only iF it is ir, writing and signed 3y all parties. IN AITNFS.i NRER£OE, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above. CONSULTANT CZTY Address ATTEST: Deborah .1, Adams, City Glerk -S- a3 NORRER'S COlffENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE The Contractor shall execute the following form zs required by the California Labor Code, Sections 1860 and 1861: I am aware of the provisions o:` Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requiras every amp loyer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or tc undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions before commencing the performance of the cork of this contract. Date: Attest: Uy: (S1Rna tune CONTRACTOR By: (Signature) (Title) -6- ~}~- -- ------- CITY OF' RANCHO CL'CAA90NGA STAFF REPORT ,~;~~'~, r' DATE: January 2, 1992 'ICY. Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager I S[JBJF,CI' Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council amend contract 87-207 witb Feldman, Rolapp & Associates to provide bond and financial consulting in relation to CFD 88-2. The amount of the contract amendment shall not exceed an additional b3,000 to Phase I of the contract and shall be paid from account 75.4130-6028. Background: In order to insure that the proposed bond salt in CFD 88-2 is done efficiently with as little impact on the progeny owners in the District, it is neceuary to analyze the debt service schedules and interest rates for the bond issue. Because of the extended period of time that has been ezpcnded on [his CFD and amendment to the contract is being requested at this time. The proposed amendment is based on time spent on the project in the past three years and the estimated amount of time to complete the project. The amendment will add an amount not to exceed S3,f100 to Phase I of Wis contract. The funds for this contract will come from the CFD and the related bond sale and will not impact the General Fund. Rcs ectfully Submitted, ~-~._ ~s -- CITI" OF R~SCHtr CI'('A~1C1tiGA STAFF REPORT ~,~, ~. DATE: January 2, 1992 i T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, A1CP, City Manager ~~ FROM: Vhn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector I SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT 12835, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF VINEYARD AVENUE, 600 FEET NORTH OF ARROW HIGHWAY, SUBMITTED BY PARK YI NEYARD JOINT VENTURE RFflIYiYLLTi1fY It is reconmended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the sub,iect agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and C1 ty Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 12835 were approved by the City Council on September 7, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Perfo rnm nce8 and/Labor and Material Bond: 5100,000 The developer, Park Vineyard Jo',nt Venture, 1s requesting approval of a 9-month extension on said improvement agreement in order to complete the utility undergrounding. The only remaining utility that is currently overhead is cable T.V. The developer is currently taking legal action against the utTllty to get their 17nes undergrounded. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submiKted, ~G'?Ze~ Mn. Joe O'Neil ~ /~ City Engineer v NJ O: $MG:sd Attachments ~b RESOLUTION N0. ~~ - ~ Q / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND iMPROYEMENT SECURITY FOR TNACT 12835 WHEREAS, the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 2, 1991, by Park Vineyard Joint Venture as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue, 600 feet north of Arrow Highway; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 12835; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of Lhe City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City oY Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. i ~,a1., a~ ?'!r.3_' Gn(rhm l/mugs &! 4rita _"n Ohrmnnr! Hatr C:J % 1'( 5 Ncv?mbar 22, 1991 Mr. Steve Gilliland ._, ,~ Public Works Inspector _.. ~ity of Rancho Cucamonga P. ~. Box 307 Rancho Cucamon g?, CA PE: Improvement Agreement T. ract 12835 Deaz Steve: En_.osed is the extension (in triplicate) to the Improvement Agreement for the above mentioned tract. As you are aware we completed the unP.ergrounding of the electrical lines that cover the frontage of the above property, but failed to drop the cable TV line. Because of this oversight, we have filed a complaint against the Utility Coordinator, G.E. Goodrich Company. We have an evaluation conference Tuesday, November 26, 1991 at 9:30 a.m. at the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Courthouse. I am sure this litigation will be lengthy due to the over load of rases at the Rancho Cucamonga courthouse, therefore I am requesting and additional. (9) months extension. If. you have any question regarding this litigation you are welcome to contact our legal counsel, Richard Soll at (714) 399-9977 or call me at (714) 861-1507. .. .:.~-erely, (.,iJtna171 L1fuZm,v1 A nr.a M. Vlibarri PARK VINEYARD JOINT VENTURE Enr. losure: ca: Steven Chan '~:,~ '' Eileen suto ~ ~~ ~~Y~t ~~ --- ---~-- CITF OF' RA~CHU CCCA3t0~G,1 STAFF REPORT _,~~,~, ~ GATE: January 2, 1992 ~ ~~.. 1 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council ~' Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager ~I FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer 9Y: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II=--~ I~ ~_~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEhIEHT AGREEMENT EXTE NSION FOR TRACT ~~ 13279 - VICTOR iA PARK LANE AND ROCHESTER AVENUE LOCATED AT '' VICTORIA PARK LANE AN6 ROCHESTER AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY THE NILLIAM LYON L0. ~~, RECOMMEIRATIOM It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKBROIIND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13279 - Victoria Park Lane and Rochester Avenue were approved by the City Council on November 5, 1987, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Band: E665,414. Labor and Material Band: 5332,807. The developer, The William Lyon Co., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement 1n order to complete all improvements, which will not commence until such time that the Developer's project on the east side of Rochester gvenue is approved to 6e built. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully sub it~ed, ~.~~ ~G 4hn. Joe O'Neil '~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:1y Attachments ~9 RESOLUTION ND. ~'~ _ dQ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNC IL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FDR 1RACT 13219 VICTORIA PARK LANE AND ROCHESTER AVENUE WNER EAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. has for its consi dera tf on an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 2, 1992, by The William Lyon Co., as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on Yicto ria Park lane and Rochester Avenue; and MdEREAS, the installation of such Improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13279 - Victoria Park Lane and Rochester Avenue; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension Ts secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is Identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor ?s hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~-~ r- _ ~ ~~ LYON .~/~.~K~~[,i.~:~aT ttov'>~'d,~n~ 64~C'JON dP~RNWN.?O BGx 'S2C NFNPORf BEACY„CA 0255&752C • ;7+47833-3600 SY<;714)G'13oC/i December 3, 1991 Steve Gilliland Public Works Inspector City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Aancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Re: Extension of ZmprovemenL Agreements Deaz Steve: Transmitted herewith is a check in the amount of 5753.00 to cover the fee of 5251.00 per Improvement Agreement extension and three (3) extension forms for each, signed and notarized fox the following projects: Tract 13280 Landscape -The installation of the landscaping is contingent upon the completion of the tract by the merchant builder related to the tie-inn Lo our infrastructure, Me have been in contact xith the developer antl, due to market conditions, construction will not commence for some time. Tract 13279 Victoria Park Lane b Rochester Avenue - This area is adjacent to our Planning Area % and will not he completed until Planning Area % is under construction, which will not begin until late neat yeaz, at the earliest, due to processing and market conditions. PW 10185 - The landscaping and concrete work for the north side of xenyon Way from Fairmoht Way to Milliken Avenue still Heads to be completed. However, this work is contingent upon the completion of the mock wall for Tract 14121 (J.P. Rhoades Deve lopcent). We have been in contact with J.P. Rhoades Development regazdinq the wall but due to market conditions conatrveCion of their single family project has not cosenced. I am asking for a one ll) Year extension on all these areas since construction will not he completed prior to a six (6j month extension expiring. ,.~~~ p^/ nE AI AS1 Ali C;GV ELOPMENI LYON ,~w~Li.t.aw Lvoti~a~~a~y If you have any questions regazdinq this matter, please don't hesitate to contact me at (716) 676-5220. Thank ycu for your time and cooperation. Respectfully, t ~; v.-_ Lori Brown Purchasing Inland FSipire Division :1b:00ZOCRC V REAi. cSTA7E OEV6LOFMF.N' - - ~~~ -~ -- CIT}' (1[' RA\CI-H ~ C'!'('AJ[(lti ;:1 STAFF REPORT DATE: January 2, 1992 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager 1~., i `I I FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer 8Y: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works ]nspec for tI ~~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSfON FOR TRACT 13280 LANDSCAPE, LOCATED ON 7HE NORTH SIDE OF BASE LINE ROAD BETWEEN MI LLIKEN AVENUE AND ROCHESTER AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY THE WILLIAM LYON CO. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sl gn said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANN.YSI$ [mprovement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13280 Landscape were approved by the Li ty Council on January 16, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: E505,200 Labor and Material Bond: 5252,000 The developer, The William Lyon Co., is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement in order to complete all required landscape, which is contingent upon the completion of the tract that is being built by a different developer. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully subMitsted, Wm. Joe O'Neil .~ City Engineer MJO:SMG:Iy Attachments RESOLUTION N0. 9a ~ V~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ExTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13280 LANDSCAPE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 2, 1992, by The William Lyon Co-, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the north side of Base Line Road between Milliken Avenue and Rochester Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunc ti en with the development of said Tract 13280 Landscape; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~ LYON .~~eWiLLIAM Ll'O~i~'~,m~trn~ d44D '/ON KAR HL4N. PO BOX 7520. NEV.~P(iR7 BEACf+, I'.~ G265&7520 • (71d) 833-3600 • FAX (714) dZh~BtAd December 3, 1991 Steve Gilli lard Public Works Inspector City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Re: Extension of Improvement Agreements Dear Steve: Transmitted herewith is a check in the amount of $753.00 to cover the fee of 5251.00 per improvement Agreement extension and three (3) extension forms for each, signed and notarized for the following projectsa Tract 13280 Landscape -The installation of the landscaping is contingent upon the completion of the tract by the merchant builder related to the tie-ins to our infrastructure. We have been in contact with the developer and, due to market conditions, construction will not conmience for some time. Tract 13279 Victoria Park Lane & Rochester Avenue - This area is adjacent to our Planning Area % and will not be completed until Planning Area X is under constzuction, which will not begin until late next year, a[ the earliest, due to processing and market conditions. PH 10185 - The landscaping and concrete work for the north side of Kenyon Way from Fairmont Way to Milliken Avenue still needs to be completed. However, this work Ss contingent upon the completion of the block wall for Tract 14121 (J.P. Rhoades Development). We have been in contact with J.P. Rhoades Development regard tng the wall but due to market conditions constriction of their single family project has not commenced. I am asking for a one (I) year extension nn all these areas since construction will not he completed prior to a six (6 )' month extension expiring. 35 REAL FS+n iE DFV[10 Fh1l NI LYON ,~.~ wi;LV[.a~t tvol~ ~i~'~~~~ If you have any questions regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to contact me at (714) 476-5220. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Respectfully, 9 ,'~ Flt ~QCicr_ tart Brown Purchasing Inland Empl re Division i16:002GCRC 3~ REAL ESTATE OEVEIV~'MF. NT --~-- CITY OF R~1\CH(~ L['C 1~IOtiCA STAFF REPORT '~~ DATE: January 2, 1992 ~-~ -`C ~±r~ T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Counc 7l ~~, ' Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager '~,~ FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer ~ lid BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II ~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR TRACT '~ 13359, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF SAPPHIRE STREET BETWEEN ' HARD STREET AND JENNET STREET, SUBMITTED BY H.K . HEiM, ~NC i RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutl on, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreena?nt. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Tract 13359 were approved by the City Council on June 8, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: 5166,200 Labor and Material Bond: S 83,100 The developer, N.K. Neim, Inc., 1s requesting approval of an 8-month extension on said improvement agreement. Mhile the Improvements are substantially underway, numerous plan changes have occurred resulting in a need for the extension. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Off/ce. Respectfully submitted, \ ~ m ~. Yhn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd Attachments 3~ RESOLUTION N0. ~~ „DO~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13359 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 2, 1992, by H.K. Heim, Inc. as developer, for the i mproveme rit of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property speciftcal ly described therein, and generally located on the east side of Sapphire Street between Orchard Street and Jennet Street; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Tract 13359; znd WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which Ts identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ,, 3~ ~~~ti~.v. cc~~~{~r.~c cc~~r-~~~~.~~n~~~ is '. < ir, DECF.HBER 3,1991 CITY' OF RANCHO C{iCAMOFGA ATTENTION: STEVE GILLILA.'IC SUBJECT: EXTENBION OF TRACT 13359 AGREEMENT DEAR STEVE, THANR YOU FC4 SENDING THE NOTICE OP "EXPIRATION OF IMPROVEMENT AGRHHMHNT." A9 YOUR FIELD INBPECTORB ARB HELL ANARE OP, NE ARE BUB9TANTIALLY UNDERNAY AT TNI9 TIME ON THE ABOVE MENTIONHD PROJECT. DUE TO NUMEROUS FIELD CHANGES CAUSED BY JOB SITE YARI ANCE9 NE NON NOULD LIKE TO ABR POR AN ADDITIONAL ~N6 MONTHS EXTENSION FOR COMPLETION. 8 THANK YOU POR YOUN ON-GOING COOPHRATION KITH OUR PROJECT. 9IHCEREL , CHUCK ZI REEL x ~' ~~,aiih {',rend ~1v~-. ,halt.^, 1~;~`, L,» ~mxk•~. <'.1 ,~y~"1 i,~l 1~-'I ~) ~k1~~14`?' f'ax (21 i) .win-1841 ,,, ~9 BATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION - CITI" (1F RANCHU Cl'CAY1UtiG:1 STAFF REPORT January 2, 1992 `~~ l'.;€~ Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II ii APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 9431, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF BERYL STREET SOUTH OF ~' HILLSIDE ROAD, SU BMITTEO BY JAMES BICE It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACK6RQIN0/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 9431 were approved by the Ci*_y Council on December 1, 1989, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: E66,200 Labor and Material Bond: 533,100 the developer, James Bice, has requested a two year extension. Per Council's normal direction staff recommends a one year extension be granted on said improvement agreement. Due to the slow economic conditions, the Improvements have not been started. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully subm+tted, II ,, //~' ' ~,~' Wm. Joe O'Nei 1-'~~ City Engineer WJ O:SMG:sd Attachments RESOLUTION N0. ~a -~~J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROYIN6 IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEhENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 9431 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 2, 1952, by James Bice as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adJ scent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the east side of Beryl Street south of Hillside Road; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Tmprovement Agreement and su63ect to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 9431; and NNEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Secu rT ty, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~' ~~ Brimar ~~~~ Industries 1 an nurAc~d,._Na i~spgctcr :ity -f Kancho ~~ucamonga 10500 Civic Center Gr i.ve :?e: ?xte::s io.^. of Improveme r.t Agreenent fir Par c=1 ?^.ap p943: Dear Mr. ';iililand: am writin3 *_o you to request the above referenced extension. I ra q~~ae steel ar.d received a one year extension lase year ir. sn*_icipati.on of an improved economy this Year. As you are aware the residential housing market is still in an extreme recession. Re _ause -. this, I find it neccessary to request another extension. believe next year wi11 offer a bstter opportunity to proceed with the 3evelopmenr_ of Par. cei 9431. However. due to the ..;Tinned un^ertainty of the economy I request a *_wo year e rten son. This shcuid crovide adequate time ro make this project econnmi :aiy feasible without returning to yap for another extension ^ext year. Resnr~ctful~ _ /-.. ~, ~~.~ am s r',- Bice 'B /r15 U 123 East Ninth Street / Upla/nLd, California 91786 / (714) 946-3773 7~ - -~ -~-- ~ - CITI' OF' R~tiCElU Cl'CA4I01Gd 5TAFF REPORT _,-~-~-0~y GATE: January 2, 1992 r 70: Mayor, and Members of the City Council ' Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FRCM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, Gity Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II`~ SOBJELT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 10185, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AVENUE ' AND MILL IKEN AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY THE WILLIAM LYON COMPANY RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for parcel Map 10185 were approved by the City Council on ADril 16, 1987, in the following amounts: Faithful Perfornwnce Bond: 5606,000 Lahor and Material Bond: 5303,000 The developer, The Wfiliam Lyon ComDa ny, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. The improvements cannot be completed by the developer until such time that their merchant builder commences their improvements, and due to the slow economic conditions, the improvements have not yet been started. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submj.t~ted, Wm. Joe O'Neil ((/ ~~~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:sd Attachments '-3 RESOLUTION N0. Cj ~'1 _ flOb A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1TV OF RANCHO CUCAMOA'GA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 10185 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Exte nslon executed on January 2, 1992, by The William Lyon Company as developer, for the improvement of public r?ght-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located on the southwest corner of Highland Avenue and Milliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation cf such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subs ect to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the tlevelopment of said Parcel Map 10185; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension Is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOM, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security 6e and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. / l` LYON .~.~e k'tLI.IAM Ll"U\ ~am~nndr ,.aoD .,^,! i ea.RmuN. F O EO% 7520 ~ENJPORi EEACh. CA 92C5BJ527 • ;714) e33-3M$' FAx (~~4; a'6~BhOd December 3, 1991 Steve Gilliland public Wozks Inspector City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Re: Extension of Improvement: Agreements Dear Stever Transmitted herewith is a check Sn the amount of 5753.00 to cover the fee of 5251.00 per Improvement Agreement extension and three (3) extension forms for each, signed and notarized for the fellowinq projects: Tract 13280 Landscape -The Snstallation of the landscaping is contingent upon the completion of the tract 6y the merchant builder related to the tie-ins to our infrastructure. We have been in contact with the developer and, due to market conditions, construction will not commence for some time. Tract 13279 Victoria Park Lane 6 Rochester Avenue - This area is adjacent to our Planning Area X and will not be completed until planning Area X Sa under construction, which will not begin until late next year, at the earliest, due to processing and market conditions. PM 10185 - The landscaping and concrete work for the north side of Kenyon Way from Fairmont Way to Milliken Avenue still needs to be completed. However, this work is contingent upon the completion of the block wall for Tract 14121 (J.P. Rhoades Development). We have been in contact with J.P. Rhoades Development regarding the wall but due to market conditions construction of their single family project has not commenced. I am askiny for a one I1) year extension on all these areas since construction will not be completed prior to a six (61 month extension expiring. ~~ REnL f51 NE DEV ELOFNfN( LYON .J.~ wILLi~!!i L1'Oti ~emJfan~ If you have any questions regarding [his matter, please don't hesitate to contact me at (714) 476-5220. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Respectfully, 1 f'1 t `J'P,C"i arm. L' ' Lori Brown Purchasing Inland Empire Division :1h: 0020CRC `'Y/~' PEAL ESTATE DEVELOPMLNr --- O0.TE: ~ T0: FROM; -- -- - - CITT OF RA~CHi~ CCCAMCI~GA STAFF REPORT January 2, 1992 Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack lam, AICP, City Manager Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer ~., a ~~~~~ (`.; ~i I BY: Steve M. Giiiii and, Public Norks Inspector II~"~ . SUBJECT: APPROYAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXIENSICN FOR PAJRCE~L-MAP ' 11472, LOCATED ON THE SOU?H SIDE OF 19TH STREET EAST OF 'i HERMOSA AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY JCR DEVELOPMENT I ' RECONENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreemeni- 911CKtlt0UND/ANN-YSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Securtty to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 11472 were approved by the City Council on December b, 1990, to the following anrounts: '~, Faithful Performance Bond: Sll,000 labor and Material Bond: S 5,500 The developer, JCR Development, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Construction of the requt red improvements wilt begin within the next two months. Copies of the lmproven~ent Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office- - I Respectfully submitted, '~ 1 ~ Vhn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer ~ 4fJD:SMGad Attachments v~ RESOLUTION NC. y~ 1 ~ DO7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 11472 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its conside ra tlon an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 2, 1992, by JCR Development as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifi Gaily described therein, and generally located on the south side of 19th Street east of Hermosa Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, desc ri 6ed in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, Ts to be done in conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 11472; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by goad and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. ~~~ ~~ ~7TcI-C?1.CC INDUS~.~I~S, INC. Clovember 26, 1991 ':Lever 11. Gi lLiland 'l'ily (J t i .. C Itau~.aur r:ucnmongn ee: liv. lens lun ref IlnprovmnenL Ay reemeul. fur Pa!'cel Map 11472 Ueor ..1 rr IJn Ilnvn )nl:l Irn,ynn rr~n':I r nrI Inn nn I hn nL~+ve rn f.etenced haul. Piwnr.y vet ify with yn~lr builrllnq rlr,l~nl lmr~nl.. 'I'llcrelotc, we have noC Iwri su Cf.icienL lilne Lo iniLial.e :.nrd/or cenip le Le Lhe improvements. wo have er:hcrhr terl tii~ lmprovelnenLa la be constructed Sn con3 unct Son wllh other rs.l pled si Le wntk (i.n. frlrce wnl L=:, walY, ways, R dr lvewaye 1, dnrf.ny Lhe Clnal nl ayns oC consl rucllon. tJo, exper, 1. Ln cemp]el.e Lhe pro jnal in !S Lo 10 Inou lhs. The last month of o:hlch w,ll iuc l.ude Lhe aCot enren Cioned site work. lie wnulJ ap{rt:eciaLe. your assisl.ance in e:; l.entli ny Lhe expi ra t_ion of the l n~provemenl. ay regiment. If yr.n: have .any yogis Lions, please coo Lacl me rrC (UIU1 BSG-033U. 'I'hauY. Yuu. NJ.nce relYr _:...-~ ~~ __~~ ~r .. ICI-lCB Wr'1, General Partner Fi IIST i.)MI'PEi7 PA RTNERSHZP _ __ __ ~9 __ ____ _ _ 4737 North Uinunt AJq CoYina, C%i 91722 ~R78/ 856-0338 . 'Fax: (8181 814-9141 _ - - - CITI' OF RAACHU CC('Ay?(1;~;Ud .:' .^.:. STAFF REPORT ~, ,~ ;;~ r~„- _` ~. DATE: January 2, 1992 .~ ~ ~. T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council ~'~ Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector Ih~~~' SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS.-AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TP.ACT 13273, LOCATED CN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER ' OF MILLIKEN AYENUE AND MOUNTAIN VIEW DRI YE. '~. RECOMlENOATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13273 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond 1n the amount of 548,200, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 5482,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13213 - located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Mountain View Drive. DEYELOPER: Lewis Homes P.0. Box 670 Upland, CA 91786 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 548,200.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 5482,000.00 Respectfully supm{/,t_ted,/?~/ ~ /~ Wm. Joe O'Neil ``~/ ~ `1' City Engineer WJ O:SMG:Iy Attachment RESOLUTION N0. /d .~ Q 0 A RESOLUTION DF THE CITY COUNCIL DF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13272 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of publSc improvements for Tract 13273 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion fs required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. ~- --~ - - ('1T1 pF R~1~CiiU ( 1'('py1C1YGA STAFF REPORT ~;'-:, r?~-.^_~ 1 GATE: January 2, 1992 ?0: Mayor and Members of the City Council ~~ Jack lam, AICP, City Manager I FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II~----~~ L~ '~- SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TRACT 13873, LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST LOR NER OF ATWOOD STREET AND VICTORIA PARK LANE RECOMIENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13873 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of 57,200, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Falthfui Performance Bond in the amount of 572,000. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13873 - Located on the northwest corner of Atwood Street and Vic torla Park Lane DEVELOPER: Atwood-Victoria Joint Yen Lure 15060 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 4CC Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Accept Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) 57,200 Release: Faithful performance Bond (Street) f72,000 Respectfully subm~ted, Nm. Joe O'Neil / City Engineer J WJO:SMG:sd .Attachment 5~- RESOLUTION N0. G~ ~.,D~C~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13873 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NCTI CE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for tract 13873 have been completed to the satisfaction of the Cfty Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. - ~ - CITI' i)F RANCH(1 C'I-CAJ4UNGA STAFF REPORT ~ `~}~ DATE: January 2, 1992 ~-~~:,ffd, ~'~--/ "' T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager j FROM: Wm. Joe C'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II ~~ SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF ' COMPLETION FOR PARCEL MAP 9350 STORM DRAIN, LOCATED ON THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND MILLIKEN AVENUE. RECOMMENDATION: The required improvements for Parcel Map 9350 Storm Drain have been completed in an acceptable manner, and 1t is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bonds in the amounts of 550,251. and 561,615. authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bonds in the amounts cf 5502,515. and 5616,155. BACK6RWND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 9350 Storm Drain - located on the North East Corner of Base Line Road and MT111ken Avenue. DEVELOPER: The N1111am Lyon Co. 4490 Von Karman Newport Beach, Idaho 92658 Accept: Infrastructure Base Line Road Storm Drain Storm Drain Maintenance Guarantee Bond E 50,251. E 61,615. Release: Faithful Performance Bond 5502,515. 5616,155. Respectfully s ubmitted, i 1 > ~~ ~~ Wm. Joe O'Neil ;J City F.ng7neer WJO:SMG:Iy Attachment s~ RESOLUTION NO. Cj `I , ~ ~ (~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PAR CFI. MAP 9350 STORM DRAIN AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 9350 Storm Drain have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to 6e filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. SS - - C1T1' OF RAVCHU CCCr1ytONG~ STAFF REPORT DATE: January 2, 1992 70: Mayor, and Members of the City Council I Jack Lam, A1CP, City Manager 'I FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer ~, BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector ~~- ' ~I SUBJECT: RELEASE OF M1II NTENRNCE GUARANTEE BOND FDR TRACT -11428, '~, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE DF CENTER AVENUE AT ASHFORD STREET ', RECDMNEMDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. 8ACK6RDUND/ANALYSIS The required nne year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and rarkmanship. DEVELOPER: QBM Companies 3100 Bristol Street, Suite 260 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) (8,186 Respectfully submJited, ~~1X~,~ Yhn. Joe O'Neil City Engine^r WJO:SMG:sd ~'y - CITY OF ft~NCH(~ Ct'CAyIOVGA STAFF REPORT _ ~ DATE: January 2, 1992 .(, .. T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council ~~~IIIJJJfff ))) Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager 'i FROM: Yhn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer ' BY: Steve M. Gilliland, public Works Inspector G.~~_ SUBJECT: RELEASE OF MAINE NANCE GUARANTEE BOND CFO-R~`TR=A'CT 13442 ' LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF VICTORIA PARK LANE AND ' ~I KENYON NAY RECOMIEMDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACK9t0UMD/ANALYSIS The required one year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER: Baywood Development 4740 Von Karman, Suite B Newport Beach, CA 92660 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f61,200.00 Respectfully submitted, `~C~ 1~ ~~ Wm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer WJ O:SMG: Iy ~~ - f'tz'~~ t)f~ R.a~c•HU rl'c~A~ulti ,:a STAFF REPORT ,--r~'~~, ~ r ~ ` w `f g;~~./. DATE: January 2, :992 7U Mayor and Members of the City Council I ~, FROM: Duane A. Raker. Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Consideration nt Re<nl rt' n R lat'ne to the F nr motion Of Acse<cment Dictr'e[ R9.1 R ecommer,dation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions forming Assessment District 89-1, The resolutions will approve agrecmrnts regarding improvements that will be under the control of the CCWD and the AT & SF Railroad and regarding the acquisition/financing of the improvements with the developer. Also, the attached resolutions will order the improvements and approve [he engineer's report, authorize the issuance of bonds, and approve the prclimin ary official statement, bond indenture, and purchase contract. This District is being funned consistent with prior action of the City Couucil and per prior agreements between the City and the properly owner. Background: The proposed Assessment District consists of 24 parcels as shown on the attached map. The parcels that comprise the District are APN 229-111-27 through APN 229-111-50. Combined the parcels cover an area of approximately lOR.34 acres. The District is being formed to provide funds to acquire public improvcmcnts Iha[ have been completed in the District. These improvements include the following tacit itics: Street improvcmcnts including the construction of six lanes of Milliken Avenue with a median and meandering sidewalk between Jersey Boulevard and Arrow Route, improvement of the south side of Armw Route In two lanes with meandering sidewalk, the construction of an additional Iraccl lane on (he north side of Arrow Route, the i nyttoccment of Jersey Boulevard to (our lanes, and construction of the west half anA 4 feet cast of the centerline of Boston Place. Street lights on both sides n( Milliken Avenue and Jcrscy Boulevard, the wcsi side of Boslnn Place and the south side of Arrow Route. it Public storm drain, including appurtenances frgm the southerly assessment district boundary northerly to the intecseetian of Milliken i .4vcnuc and Jcrscy Boulevard and from tltn southerly assessment district boundary to Boston Place. S8 Consideration of Resolutions for AD 89-1 January 2, 1992 Page 2 Undergrounding of ovc rhead electrical and telephone utilities along the south side o[ Arrow Route. Distribution gas, electric and telephone facilities in Milliken Avenue, lerscy Boulevard and Boston Place. Striping of Jersey Boulevard, Milliken Avenue and Arrow Route in accordance with the approved traffic control plan. Strcct trees along the south side of Arrow Rou[c, the west side of Boston Place and both sides of Milliken Avenue and Jersey Boulevard. Landscaping oC the median in Milliken Avenue and the intersections at Milliken Avenue and Arrow Route and Milliken Avenue and Jeraey Boulcv ord. Water facilities, inctuding appurienanees, in Icrscy Boulevard and Milliken Avenue. Sanitary sewer, with apputtcnances, in Milliken Avenue, Jersey Boule•: ord. Artow Route and in dedicated easements to serve the Assessment District. Extension oC Jcrscy Boulevard and improvement of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway crossing CP17C No. 2-95.8~C including rehabilitation of track, placing of rubber crossing pads, installation of dasher tight with gate type crossing warning system. grading, paving, drainage and sidewalks, The above information ]s detailed in the engineer's report for this Distnet. In addition, the engineer's report details the annual costs to be assessed and the method to be used to spread the assessments. The preliminary cost estimated to acquire the facilities is 94,780,573. This cost will ne divided among the parcels based on the net usable area of each parcel. This District is consistent with past agreements 6etwecn the City and the devcl npcr. Also, this District is supported by all of the affected properly owners, as all of the property, with the ezception oC lhn Milliken Fire Station, is owned by the developer, It is, therefore, recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions and proceed with the sale of bonds to acquire the ~mprovcmcnts constructcA in this District. Rc~ cc't (ally suirmittcd, ~~ ~~_.__ s~ PROPOSED BOL':~D:~RIES OF crrr of aa~cHO c[ caKOtica ® aSSESSJIE~T DISTRICT ~0. 89-1 M SAN DERNARDINO CDLNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~~ ++e ~•~ S'R;C' 3CLYpAFY Z, --- ana: C. 3GLNEAev vre :. rm S ~' - _. 4:.~-k. .t ~. W -i F- < ! 1 z ._- _._ .- 4 -_..__ _ 1 1 ..__-- i .c Y l- ¢ --r 1 1 ~~ ~~ x 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 Id 1± W 1 2 I ~ I a ~ I 1 H { I• 1 m ' ~ z i ~ 1 ,~ ~ r. •~ ~ _` /~~ ~ ~ 1 ~.~ f~~M •yr•+x~a,v er~asi~a..~.+~wr ~~IA ~. Jr .w uwn '~L~ ~' T.vv ~Ti- sae n ~~ r ,~+.n v r ..r a u~~ ri 'n ~rw'rj ~ /oC~ -.~-' v~cinn w .wn cav.n• i1 l/ FM N ' Av.orrn/l+~ . ~a a, I2ESOLI7PION NO. 91-395 A I2FSO11JPION OF Tt~ CITY cTNJNCIL OF 'IF[E CITY OF RANCHO Q7CAMON'.~A, CALIFORNIA, APf'ROVINf' AND ALIIFK)FcIZING E74X.U- ;'ION OF AGI21:fI~iQ715 WItF12FAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucatronga has institutes proceedings for the formation of a special ~ssw~~~t district order the terms and provisions o£ the 'Tfunicipal I~rovement Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the StatE of California, for the installation of certain public works of in~rovement ir. a special assessment district, said assessment district known and designated as ASSES.4~NI' DIS'IRICP NO. 89-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "ASSess[rent District"); and WHQ2FAS, pursuant to Section 10110 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, it is required that prior to the time that arty works of i~rovetmnt are ordered pursuant to said procc~dirgs, the legislative body may, by contract, provide that certain works shall be performed by other public agencies or regulated public utilities who will have the legal title to the facilities, and further that said i~rovements shall thereafter constitute a part of their system; azr3 WHERFA,S, at this time, agreements with the Cuca:ronga County Water District and Atchison~IbpPka 6 Santa Fe Railroad Congaany have been submitted and reviewed pursuant to the authorization of SecK:ion 10110 of said Streets and Highways cede; and W1jQ2FJyS, the Streets and Highways Cade of the state of California, specifically the "Municipal Inq~rove•,nent Act of 1913", e>¢,ressly authorizes the aaluisition of any i~rovements that are authorized to 6e inGtalled order said law, vd the property oorler has constructed c~stain of the authorized eligible facilities; and W7it12FAS, at this time there has been suisnitted to this City Council for review and approval, an Acquisition/Financing Agreement setting forth curtain terms and conditions, as we7.;. as estimated prices axd quantities of work to be acquired and firva:xed pursuant to said Agreemnt. IJOW, I1-tl72EFORE, the City ~mcil of the City of Rancho Cucaironga does hereby resolve as follows: SFXTIOtJ 1: 't'hat the atnve recitals are all rive and mrre~~t. tigPiOii_3: '[hat the Agreements, herewith s.ilinitt~rl, relating to the installation of certain irtg~rovement facilities that will be undex the owner- ship, management and wntrol of other pn>blic agencies or regulated public utilities, are hereby approved. Said Pgreeme~its relate to facilities to be axTted by the following agencies: A. Cvc~morga County Water District R. Atchison-Topeka & ,s~inta Fe Railroad Ccsigxany ~/ Resolution No. 9i-395 R39e 2 S_FxiSOii 3: That the Acquisition/Financing PtR'eamnt, as sukmitted for this Ass~~ ^t District, is heretry accepted and approved. SFSTiCN 4: The final prices to be paid for said improvenwst_s shall be prioes as determined by the City to be reasonable, to represent the actual costs arcl expenses for the installed works of iI1~JroVement, including all appropriate incidental expenses, SE('i'SgY 5: 'That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute eac3i of the above IclreBirnts on behalf of the City. SECPfCN 6: 'Riat immediately upon execution, conformed «.pies of said contracts shall be transmittal to the office of the Cucamonga county Water District arcs to the AtchisonliUpeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company, together With a roPY of this Resolution. In addition, a copy of said Agreements shall be kept on file in the City Clerk's office and remain. open for public inspection. L.N~~ W RFBOLUPSON t70. 91-396 A RESOUJITON OF 7FIE CITE COUNCIL OF THE Cl.'PY OF RANCFIO CI1CNfON('.A, CALIFOF2NIA, CONF'i1d2IIJG 'I4iE ASSL"...4+D3di', ORD132- It7G I4iE IT~VII+IFNLS MADE, 'IUGBZfIIR WI'Ift APPUFTPFNANCES, ACID APPEmV]NG 1HE INOINEER'S "REK%Rin WfiEI2F11S, the City Council of the City of Rancho CucamorxJa has previously zdopted its Resolution of In`,Ention arc] initiated proceedings for the installatior. of certain public works of v~rovanent, together with appurtenances and arn~rtmunt work, ineluding acyuisitiai where appropriate, in a special assessment district pursuant to the t2rtmS and provisions of the "Municipal Improvement Pct of 1913", bei~ Division 12 of the streets and F;i.ghways code of the State of California, said special assessment district known and 3esignated as ASS1~.4~fE7P DISTRICT N'O. 89-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "ASSessme_nt District"); and WtQ~P.EAS, pursuant to said P.esolution of Intention, a "Rormrt", as therein provided, was presented, considered and approved; and WFiFRFAS, said "Report", as preliminarily approve3, contained all the matters and items relied for },y law and as pursuant to the provisions of said 'Tfunicipal Improvement Act of 1913", including the following: 1. Plans and specifications of the pr~oposerl inq~rovements; 2. Estimate of cost; 3. Diagram of AssPSSment District; 4. An assessment accoxrling to benefits; 5. A description of the works of inq~rovements; and WNII2FAS, all protests have been heard and considere3, and a full hearing has been given, ail in the manner provided by law; and WHFRF7~S, notices of said heaziry were duly and regulazly posted, mailed and published in the time, form ctrl manner require] tTi' law and as evidenced by affidavits on file with the transcript of these proosedirgs; and WH[72FAS, the owners of one-half (1/2) of the azea assessed for the cost of the project did not file written protests against the said proposed urprovements and aaluisition where appropriate, and this legislative body did, after providing a full. hearing, overrule and deny all protests and objections; anti wHt32FA5, this legislative body is now satisfied with the assessment arc] all natters contained in the "Report" as maw updated and sulmitted. NCI+7, 'THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Ncamonga does hereby resolve as foJ.l.ves: RECITALS SFX,TION is ]hat the above reci t3JS are all true and correct. ~3 Resolution No. 91-396 page 2 SECTION 2: Ttwt all protests arcl objections of every kird and nature te, arc? the sane herelry are, Overruled and denims, and it is further determin- ad that said protests aryl objeftions are redo }h' the owners of less than one- half (1/2) of the azea of property to be assessed for said irg~rwements within said Assessment District. BINEFPi'S RECEIVED SFxT'IOTi 3: That it is hereby deternii ned that all properties within the boundaries of the Assessment District receive a local and direr_t benefit from the works of irgrov~nerrt as proposed for said Asses~ert District, and it is hereby furt;,er determined an3 declared that all = = ==-''le costs and expenses have bens apportioned and spread Over the properties within the boundaries of the a t District in direct proportion to the benefits recpiva3 thereby, PUBLIC II•Il'ERf~Sl' AND CDNVIIdIENCE SECIIGN a: 'chat the public interest and cowenience require the proposed ingrwements to be made, and therefore it is hereby ordered that the work to be done and improvements to be reds, together with appurtP,nances and appurtenant work in corviection therewith, including acquisition where appro- prrate, in said Assessment District, as set forth in the R,PSOlution of Intention previously adopted and as set forth in the "Report" presented and considered, and as nay sulmitted. FIJGINEf52'S REEZIRP" SFXTION 5: That the "Report" of the F7gi.neer, as rw.~ submitted, updated arcs aimaxied as appropriate, is hereby approved and said "Report" shall stand as the "Report" for all future proceglings for this A „f District. COT7FIEd'PITION OF ASSES,4~7FTII' SfX.•ITON 6: 'That the assessments, as now filed in the Enginc+=.r's "Report" and diagram for the irtg~rovements, together with anu rr ~ and appurtenant work in connection therewith, inc:liding acquisition where appro- priate, are hereby confirmcxl. The ass~s_^M-ts contained in the final Engineer's "Report" are hereby levied and approved as follows: A. 'The final assessments to represent the msts and expenses to finance the [wblic works of irprovement, as authorized for these proceedings. D. The annual a nt to pay for administrative costs in an amxuit not to ex~~crl the maximum annual asses~nert as set forth in said ~'RepOrt" V Resolution No. 91-396 Page 3 RDJJRRATION OF ASSEa4dFNP SECTION 7: That the City Clerk shall forthwith deliver to the Super- intrndent of Streets the said asses_ancnt, together with the diagram attached thereto and made a part thereof, as confirmed, with his certificate of such confirmation attached and the date thereof; and that said Superinterdent of Streets shall the.^ immediately record said diagram arcl t in his office in a suitable book to be kept for that Izupcre and attach thereto his certificate of the dais of such recording. Ni1NiY RfY.OP.DER NOTICE SECTIOCI 8: Upon confirmation of the accaccma.+ts and recordation of the assessment roll and diagram, a oertifis3 copy of the as_ce,smnt diagram shall be immediately filed in the Office of the County Recorder. Irmiediately thereafter, a copy of the notice of assessment shall tie recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in the manner and form as set forth by law and specifically Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Cade of the State of California. NfAILED N(riTCE SECTION 9: 'fiat upon rewrdation of the diagram and assessment, a notice shall be mailgl to each varier of real property within the AssessmrJrt District at his last knvan address, as said address appears on the last c-cjualized tax rolls of t're County, said notice to set forth a statement containing a designation of the property assessed, as sell as the amount of the final confizr~] assessment, and further indicating that borxls will be issued pursuant *_o the "Improvement Hord Act of. 1915". PUHIICA'1`ION SECTION 10: 11iat notice shall also be given by lxrblication ir. the designated legal necaspaper, said notice setting forth the amount of the final. as____.._.t and irdicatirq that said assAssnient is now due and payable, and further indicating that it said c t is not paid within the allomd thirty (30) day cash collection period, 6ourr15 shall be issued as authorized by law. No publication shall be requirgl if all (1000 of the assessed property vmc-rs have timely filed a properly evc-~cuted waiver of the cash collection period. A&SGSSMIISP NLL,ECPIG;J SECI'TOt! 17.: 'Ihe County ALY.litor is hereby authorized and directed, in aa:ordance with the provisions of Section 8682 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, to enter into his assessment rcll on which property tastes will next became due, o)posite each lot or parcel oP lard affected, in a space marked "public v~rovement assessnpht" or by other suitable designation, the next and several installments of such assessment crnniixl clue dur. ing the ertui.txl fiscal year covered by The assessment roll and that :.aid entry thmi shall to made eaG~ year during the .life of the bords for the proceedings for the referenced Assessment. bistrict. 'fi!s author. ization is continua] anti] all assessment obligations have been discharged and the bonds terminated. 65 Resolution No. 91-396 Page 4 As an alternate, and when determined to be in the best interests for bordhoiders of the Asa.- t District, this legislative body may, by resolu- tion, designate an official other than the County Tax Collector and/or other agent, to collect and maintain records of the collection of the ass~s^+eTts, including a proca3rm'e other than the normal property tax mlle~tion procedure. SFXTIDN 12: In accordance witl: the provisions of Section 8685 of the Streets and Nic~rways Code, if arty lot cz parcel of lard affectgl ty any asse_ssnw-nt is not separately '^".-~ on the tax roll so that the installment of the as-ses-^"<^t to be collec-tcd can be conveniently entera9 thereon, then the Auditor shall enter on the roll a description of the lot or parcel affected, with the mane of the owrers, if ]mown, b°t °t~t'"'in~ta~llmer:topposl~tye be deg-c.'crih~ as "unlmawn wn'~ers", arcs extend the propel' the same. ASSFSSr4INP VII2IFICATION SIAT.2~S7F' SEX'IZDN L': 'It~e cramty Auditor shall, within ninety (90) days after arty special assessment installmmnt bewn~ delirxluent, render and suhni ies detailed report shwring the amuuits of the installments, irate-rest, Pena and per.-tentage` so o~11EC1's3, for the PrecedzrXl term and installment date, and fran what prgr-rty collects3, and further identify arty propeL'ties wh~rh aze delinquent and the amount and lengUr of time for said delinquency, and further set forth a statement of percentages retained for the expenses of making sudr collections. This request is specifically made to the authorization of Section 8683 of the Streets and Highways Code of the state of California. ASSF5.4+Q~Nf DISISLICP FUNDS SFX.TION 14: 'zt~e Treasurer is hereby authorized at this time, if rat previously done, to establish the follaaing furls as necessary for the Payment of costs arcs expenvs and admunxstration of the proceedircgs fcr this Assesss- ment District: A. II~OV¢aNP FUND: All monies received fr'can cash collection, proceeds fran the sale of bonds and applicable contributions shall be placer] .'veto the InrProvement Fund. fl. RESERVE FUND: All monies as designated to assist in the payment of delirr4uencies shall be placed into the Reserve Fund. C. RFi)FbiPPSpN FUND: All monies received from the payment of assessments shall be Placed in the Redengrtion Furl. For particulars as to the administration and harcllirg of the Funds, the specific terms arcl ~rxlitRi~lutshallAUthorizing the I the ~o Indenture and approved throuc~i Ibrxls. 1 _-- _ _ ~~ W Y RFSOUJl'ION NO. 91-397 A RFSOLI7IION OF IfiE CITY COGNCSI. OF 'i'3E CTly OF RAN(3FO C[1CAh1JCK'.A, CAISIZXINIA, AUTHORIZING ISSlWNCE OF BOND", APPROVING F?OND INDFSIRII2E FUR A SPIr?nr. ASSF5,4+IQJI' DIS`TRICf TvHII2E4S, the City Council of the City of Ranc3ro Cucar:n»ga is co~act- ing proceedings for the installation of cea-tain public improvements in a special assessment district pusuant to the terms aryl provisions of the 'TLmicipal Ii~roveipnt Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets arcT Highways Cede of the State of California, said special nr district known and designated as ASSES,441JP DISIRICi' NO. 83-1 (herei~fter referred to as the ^ASSessnent District") ; and w}R~RFAS, this legislative body has previously declarsT in its Resolution of Intention to issue bords to finance said ir~rovements, said bonds to issue pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Inq~rovement Bond Act of 1915", being Division 10 of said Cade; and WFifRFAS, at this time this legislative body is desirous to set forth all formal terms and corciitions relating to the authorization, issuance and achniristration of said bonds; and WtQ~RFA9, there has hers presented, considered and ready for approval a bond indenture setting forth formal terms and wrditions relating to the issuance and sale of fiords; and WHII2FAS, this legislative body hereby further determines that the unpaid a ffi shall be specifically in the ameurt as shown and set forth in the Certificate of Paid and UnFyid Assessments as certifier) by and on file with the Treasurer, aid for partlClllars as to the amount of said unpaid assessments, said Certificate anc; list shall control and govern. NOFI, ~rl'~ro12E, the City Camcil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does heretry resolve as follois: FiECITAIS SFZTICNJ 1: 'chat the above recitals are true and correct, &JND AIR}N)RIZATION SLL~I'ION 2: That. this legislative body does authorize the issuance of bonds prr ,cant, to the term, and provisions of the "Irtq~roven, ent Fiord Act of 1915", lx.irxl Division 10 oP the Streets arcT Highways Ctx7e of the State of California, and also pursuant to the specific trans and conditions as set forth in the F3OND SNDFIJT[1RE; presented herein. ~' Resolution No. 91-397 Page 2 BOND 7NDIIJNRE SECTION 1: 'chat the BOND ]NDENSIRE is approved substantially in the form presenta9 herein, subject to mali.fiwtions as necessary and as apprnvsi by the City Manager, with the concurrence of Bond Cauvel. Final approval of the BOND INDF77NRE shall be conclusively evidenced by the sicyiature of the City Manager upon final delivery of bolds arci receipt of Pte. A copy of said BOND ]17DEN1URE shall b° )cept on file with the transcript of these proceslings and ~n for public inspection. SECTION 4: That the Certificate of Paid and Unpaid n *~* , as certified by the Treasurer, dull remain on file in that office and be open for public inspection for all particulars as it relates to the amount of unpaid assessimnts to secure bowls for this Assessm;rrt District. SUPERIOR mDEd' FURI9CZQS[JRE SECTION 5: This legislative body does further specifically covenant far the benefit of the bondholders to ocvmp_noe and ~ we to crnQletion foreclosure actions regarding delinquent installrmscts of the assessmr~ts in the manner, within the time limits and pursuant to the terns and conditions as set forth in the Bond Indenture as suklnittad and approved thrax~r the adoption of this Resolution. Y RFSOLI7IION NO. 91-398 A RFSOUJPION OF THE CPIY COi7NCIL OF IE~ CIPY OF RANCHO cvc,A, (`dT TFORNIA, APPEL~VING BOND x+RamsR wNIRACT AND PRII.II~RY OFFICIAL SPATFb1E7F WHFRFA.S, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucairorrra has hereto- fore undertaken procealirrJs par. scant to he "Municipal I~rovarent Act of 1913", being Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State cf California, and has confirmed assessments ~n lards within a special assess- ment district described in a Resolution of Intention previously adopted for said improvenwnts, said special ac~snw*+t District knwm and denigrated as ASS~'.4+~TIT DISTRICT N0. 89-1 (hereinafter referred to as the "PSSes9miit District") ; and WHFRFI~S, said proceedings provided for the issuance of bolds pursuant tc the "Inq~rovement Bond Act of 1915", being Division 10 of the Streets and Hic~ways Cade of the State of California; and wtII~'RFAS, there has nv+i hepn presented for consideration by this legislative body a Bond Purchase Contract; and WHI72FA.S, there has also beer presented for consideration by this legislative Ludy a Prelimi: any Official Statement containing information includin7 but not limited to the Assessment District and the type of borcls, including terns and conditions thereof; and NGW, THr72EfORE, the City Council of the City of R~v~o Cllcamoilga does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That the eord A¢rhase Contract subnittad by SIONE & YOUNGBFRG its hereby approver] substantially in the form presented herein, and is subject to modifications as necessary and as approved by the City Manager, with the concurrence of Bond Counsel, with the final pricing of lards being delegated to the City Manages. Final acceptance of the Bond A¢rhase Contract shall be evidenced by the signature of the City Manager on behalf of the City. 8EC7TON 3: 'the Preliminary Official Statement, as prepared and sul~nitted, i.s hereby approva3 and adopted, and the execution and distribution is hereby authorized. A copy of said Preliminary Official statement shall be kept on file with the transcript of these proceedings and remain open for pablic inspection. SECTION 4: the City Manager, with the mnxurz~ence of Bowl Counsel, is heretry authorized to approve a Final. Official Statement at or prior to the bond closug. V~ ' l ~9 - t'CCI' UN' RANf'Iil i C! ~I'AJI(I~;GA i~ STAFF REPORT r-r~:•;.=, ;~, ~:: a~~yX DA9E: 1¢nuary 2, 1992 '~ TQ Mayor and Members of the City Council I RZOM Duane A. Baker, Assistant m the City Manager SUBJECT: Consideration to Order the Vacation of a Portion of an Allev Located South 9t Ninth Street from Vinmar to Sierra Madre Avenues Recommendation: It is recommended that the Cily Council adopt the attached resolution setting the public hearing (or Pebmary 5, 1992, (or the vacation of an alley 316 feet long by 20 feet wide, located approximately 190 feel south of Ninth Street from Vinmar to Sierra Madre Avenues. Background: The City Council and the Public Safety Commission established a task force to work with the residents in this neighborhood to eliminate gang activities in the neighborhood. By the residents' request, the task force has recommended closing the alley from pedestrian and vehicular traffic to prevent "cruising", loitering, and graffiti. This vacation rcyucst has come before the City Council previously. At shat time, one of the propeny owners adjacent to the alley objected to the vacation. Staff was asked to try and work out a solution with the property owners. After discussing several possible options, none could be found that would satisfy the property owner's desire for access and the City's desire for a safer environment. With this information, the City met with several neighbors during their neighborhood watch meeting to discuss the situation. It was decided at Thal lime m proceed with the alley vacation over the objection of the. one property owner. I The properly owner in question live nn Ninth Street and the back of the properly is next u, the alley. The main boost gets access from Ninth Strcet. 'the objection is related Ur a second house built at the rear n( the properly. The '~ proprn~ owner would like to maintain a scpamlc vehicular access to this rear ~' house l'hc Curren) plans far this alley after it has been vacated would block vrhicul ar anJ pedestri;m access from the alley to this back house. Should the i ('ily Council ultimately vacate the alley, the City plans to work with the 'i properly owners through the CDBG program to insure that the alley is ~~~ properly fenced to become part of the back yard for each affected property and Ihos eliminate auy public access to that space. I\ -- - --- -- - - -----'J 7d Alley Vacation - Vinmar [o Sierta Madre January 2, 1992 Page 2 Staff has consulted with the City At[omey and even with the objection from the one property owner, the Council may proceed [o vacate the alley. If tonigMs resolution is approved, a public bearing will be held on Febmary 5, 1992 a[ which time the City Council could take final action. '6R/ej~s~p~ec~,tfyu~l ly~. Submitted, ~, RESOLuTioNNa. ~-j'~-Q/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CONNC A OF THE CITY OF RANCHC CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF AN ALLEY LOCATED SOUTH OF NINTH STREET FROM VINMAR TO SIERRA MADRE AVENUES BE IT RESGLVED by the City Council of t'ne City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council hereby elects to proceed under Section B3'JI1-~t. s`eq., of the Streets and Highways Code, also known as the Street Vacation Act of 1941- SECTION 2: That the City Council hereby declares its intention to vacate a pot ion o an alley located i90 feet, more or less, south of Ninth Street from Vinmar to Sierra Madre Rvenues approximately 316 feet long and 20 feet wide, as sh^wn on Map No. V-177 marked Exhibit "C" and "D" on file in the Office of the City Clerk, a legal description and map of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" and by reference made a part hereof. SE CTiON 3: That the City Council hereby fixes Wednesday, Lhe 5th day of February, 1-992, at 7:00 PM, in the City Council Chambers, located at 10500 Civic ;,enter Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, as the time and place for hearing all persons objecting to the proposed vacation for the purpose of its determining whether said City street is necessary for preser•t or prospective street purposes. SECTION 4: That the Ci tv Street Superintendent shad cause notices to he pos e~ T-conspicuously along the line of Lhe street or Dart thereof proposed to he vacated at least 14 days before the hearing, not more than 300 feet apart and not less than three signs shall be pn sted, each of which shall have a copy of this resolution on Lhem and shall have the following Li tle in ietteri ng n^t less than one inch in height: "NOTICE CF NEARING FOR VACATION OF STREET." SECTION >: the subject vacation shall be subject to the re5e"va bons an~ceptions, if any, for existing utilities on record. The south 10 feet of the alley as described ;n Exhibits "A" and "B"; legal desc ript~^n and map, anA shall be retained as an easement for utility purposes for Southern California Edison and the General Telephone Company. SECTION 6: The installation of a fire hydrant, waterline, and water meters on Ai ^,t~tree t, including abandonment of water facilities in the alley are necessary to meet the City's fire safety and C.C.W.D. Standards. Said improvements shall be installed by the City prior to the va ca r,i on. Also these improvements shall Ue scheduled for the fiscal year 1992/1993. The 529,700 estimated design and construction cost shall tie funded by CDBG funds. ~~ RESOLUTION N0. January 2, 199? Page 2 SECTION 7: The Mayor shall sign this Resolution and the Gity Clerk shall attest fo~fie same, and the City Glerk shali cause same Yo be published i0 days before the date set for the hearing, at least once in Inland Valle Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in e i y o nta rio, a ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~--~~--, 73 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ABANDONMENT WITH AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES RESERVED, OF AN ALLEY BETWEEN VI NMAk AVENUE AND SIERRA MADRE AVENUE AND 190 FEET, MORE OR LESS, SOUTH OF NIN?H STREET THAT CERTAIN PORTION OF LAND KNGWN AS AN ALLEY IN EUREKA GARDENS TRACT 1829, ACCORDING TO PLAT FILEG IN BOOK 28 OF MAPS, PAGE 20 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS iN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF AN ALLEY 20.00 FEET WIDE BUUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE NORTH BY THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOTS 10 TH RU 15 INCLUSIVE AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP; ON THE SOUTH BY THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOTS 40 AND 47 OF SAID TRACT MAP; ON THE WEST BY THE PROJECTION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF VINMAR AVENUE (50 FEET WIDE) AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP; ON THE EAST BY THE PROD ECTIDN OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SIERRA MAORE AVENUE (5D FEET WIDE) AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP . RESERVING AND EXCEPTING THE FOLLOWING NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT OVER SAID LAND UNTO THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, AND GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY, FOR AN EASEMENT FOR UT [CITY PURPOSES, A 10.00 F00T STRIP OF LAND BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: ON THE SOUTH BY THE SA IO NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 40 AND 47; ON THE NORTH BY A LINE PARALLEL WITN ANO DISTANT 10.00 FEET NORTH OF SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 40 AND 47; ON THE WEST BY THE PROJECTION OF SAID ERSTE RLY LINE OF SAID VINMAR AVENUE; ON THE EAST BY THE PROJECTION OF SAID WESTERLY LINE OF SAID SIERRA MADRE AVENUE. AREA OF EASE MENi CONTAINING 3163.2 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. ATTACHED HE HETO AND MADE APART OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS A PLAT LABELED "EXHIBIT B". a a ~ ui Z^~Z Z U >- ` - ~ O W H 3f1N3AY 3kfOtlW tlF!l131S ~ a i N" tl ' m / O I j ~ Q w 3 ° %3 a a /o n ~ /K W ~i ~ W t Q I ~ ~'~ = i ~ %' V- ~ z /, < z ~ 'j W +.O61 3NN3~tl litlWNl~ ~~ . ~. /% e /,'. J ~ / ~, ,' M,tl - j a ~~ LL J ~ J 2Q OZ F- Q na~~l ~,Z.. > O F' m ~ J ~ _ ~~aw Q Z Q Z ~O aN ~o c~ Z o=W U F~-ac7 U OC w 7 W O a N ZU z~~ -3~ N =<= c° Jxa anN3nv aaavw vaa3ls 3 Y ~ ~ _ L J J a O in 3 ?~i ~r ~ ~ _ z_o¢ O w ~ o H _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ LL r c o-- i/.--, ~ Z _ I •_~ _~__ W ~~ ~x ~ LL O ~ a _ - ~ l II~~" ~3Z Z~ Ma ~ ~ ~~~LL _ ¢Z~ --.- W Goec; plpor 3 I----.- 5N' zzz _ a~~ z r-z ~ `~ c~i.~ N ~ in Q~w 3 a `o "~ ~> ~ } O¢~ 3 h=, ~ ~3QI XZ~c7 w51 W! ~ Wp~o ~ ! rU~~ F' 3~ ^ ~ ~ r ~ ~~ ^ J ¢ ~ 0 1 ~kJ Z ¢ w = I W ~~3= i r-`----~-- -~ w ~' w W~ 3 J Z w J ~p~ ~F-z~ z w z j < 3 ~ =_ ! ~ ~ ne w`3 w 9 x 1 ns'-~ ~' w p= `z' 2 1 J ~ ~ ~ u -r--- Q ~ w Z ¢ 2 ~ ~ J ~ Q o ~ ¢ ~ I ~ ~ ¢ , e ~ w~~z C7 o a S a ~ r-z a _ o c; aa~x Z 33zc~ s,v 3 QZ W aw ~O ~ z z ~ z - - - ~ I~~I{ afA ~ ~ ! ~ ,Ilil V~ U~ ~ s c: o~ Z ~a o~ ~a IL o`z tL~~ M:N --~VV'"~l M d ~ 0 V W 5 '6, H Z ~ Q 3(1N3AV tlVWNIA V ~ W -4z- 3nN3nv 3aavw vaa3is I I I 1 3 ~ 3 co ~I ~ W I 4 j ~" Z I ~ W _ Z Z a o O J ~~, -5,~~,. _ S O ~~. I z ~ o < < U 1 W LI Z J H ^. 0 C ~ ~ II H W ~ ~ ~ W W N W LL w~ LL a lJ ~ Q ~ a N N W f- M Z 0 e la _ `i .os< <y i I 3nN3nv aVWNin C :j m`a ca m O G Z WOW ~¢¢ ~>W .. ~ J W H F Q Z O Z ~a ¢y Uo U~ z O=W U ~Q~ U~w --- --- RT~4B: January 2, 1932 - ('I'CS' ~!F RA~;('Ei~ i ('l"('A2+1(~til;A STAFF REPORT ..;~~•~4a,__ .~Lf , i ~5~ -,~ . 1~0: Mayor arrl N.afl~ers of the City Council FFXAf; Shin Mic~]cey, Management Analyst I SUBTE~1': APfVIN1MkN1' 70 ~ PANC}D Q1C1fTTnJQ1 CLI~Y~L~1'Y FLt~TIIN BD11iA OP D77BRYCltS 1d1UQ!@INTIIN- It is reco`mwrxled that the City Cav~cil approve the appointment of Frances Hadyshell to the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamoiga caanmmity Foundation. I1AL7GiY7[I~U: When the Foundation was originally formed by the City Council in April 1987, it was to be ca~rised of a seven meMrr Board of Directors. Due to the resignation of Tiina Rcrs, these is now a vacanc.. on the Board. Ms. Hwdy=..hell has six years of experience as a Grants Administrator for a major corporation, eight years of professional ammiunity relations eoq,~eri ence, seven years of volun`~.eer experience arcs has server] on nine Boards of Directors and Pdvisoxy Camnittees for non-profit ozganizations. AU^. Ho•,.dyshell also serves as the Canq~aign Coordinator for a caipany-wide United Way Ca~aign. Her experience and enthusiasm makes her an ideal candidate for a position. on the Board of. Directors. Ns. Horclyshell has the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors oP the Fomdation to fill the vacancy. Respectfully SLkmitted, ~r ~~ ~ C ct- !; rti ~ Yl .r ~~ jO~[ Susan Mickey, Management Analyst I 7~ - - _ - ('ITI" nF R:1tiCHO ('l'G1N1(tti(lp ~,~iA~hnti; ., MEMORANDUM :°° ~`ri7.' '~ DATE: January 2, 1992 _ L~C~ '~~~~~ T0: Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager, j°~ ' FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engi neer~ , I 6Y: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II SUBJECT: Tract 13273 i~f~m Dl(a Tract 13273, located on the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Mountain View Drive is on the January 2, 1992 Consent Calendar for the acceptance of the street improvements; however, Mountain Yiew Drive, which travels through the tract, has not yet been cap paved. Therefore, this item will need to be pulled from the Consent Calendar, and will be resubmitted in the future for a bond reduction, per the recently approved Street Capping Agreement. WJO:SMGay {l~ n;~„iiS CtnGndo- Packn~ {~ ~'1 ro.~.r~bn~~J ~ a ~~ ,J/a,_ ~'~ ~~