HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/09/18 - Agenda PacketCITY COUNCII. AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HIEGULAS MD~TIIdGB let and 3rd Wedneedalre - 7:00 p.m. September 18, 1991 Civic Center CoundlChambere 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Ht city Conncllmembera Deanie L. Stout, Mayor William J. Alezender, Coaecttmem6er Charles J. Huquet, Caenettmnnber Dume Williams, Coanctlnu!mber Pamela J. Wright, Gbuscilnumber ~~ Jack Lem, City lfonaBer Jemea L. Markman, City Mtorncy Debra J. Adams, City Ckrk City UtBce: 889.1861 P - City Council Agenda ' ` September 18, 1991 1hS~ ..~ 1 Ail iteea subaittad fos Lhe Ciip Council Agenda wet he io writing. The dudliae for aubeittiag !bees iteaa is 500 pa. on the Wedneadap prior to the nesting. Ths City Clerk's Office recaivea all such iteas. A• CALL TO ORDRR 1. Roll call: Buquet _, Alexantler _, Stout , Nil Name _, and Wright B. ANNOUNCENBNTS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation of Proclamation Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Right e. C. COMMUNICATIONS PROM TRH PUBLIC Thi• is Lhe LLs and place for the general public Lo addraa• the Citp Council. Giaia law prohibits the Citp Cowcil frog addreuing any !anus not previously included on the Ageeda. mhe city Comcil up receive teatiarony and set the utter for aubaequent seating. CoYents are to Ds Baited to five eiautea per individual. D. CONSENT CALENDAR Tha following Conssnt Gleadar Stews are expected to De routine and eon-controversial. TDep will De acted upon by the Council et one LLe without diacuasioa. Any Stew auy bs resound by a CouneiLaebsr or weber of the wdieace for diacuuion. 1. Approval of Minutes: July 25, 1991 August 7, 1991 September 4, 1991 2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noe. 3/30/91, 9/4/91 and 1 9/11/91; and Payroll ending 8/29/91 for the total amount of $3,701,792.40. 3. Approval to receLve and file current Investment schedule 19 ee of August 31, 1991. 4. Approval of the Banner Adminletrative Procedure and 23 Banner Applications ae recommended by the Pnrk and Recrea[lon Comm lesion. P - City Council Agenda September 18, 1991 2 5. Approval of Contract Agreement end Sports Field 6: 39 Facilities Handbook as recommended by the Pnrk and Recreation Commission. 72 6. Approval to destroy recarde and documents which era no longer required ae provided under Government Cade Section 34090. 73 RESOLUTION NO. 91-263 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, AUTNORIZ ING THE DESTRUCTION OP CITY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS WHICH AAE NO LONGER REQUIRED AS PROVIDED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 7. Approval to racelve Ttect Mepa 14379 and 14380 90 (Tentative Tract 13527) £Or filing by the City CaunCil of the Clty of Aencho Cucamonga, that eaitl Tracia are located on Lhe northwest corner of Et iwentln Avenue and 24th Street and are submitted Dy Watt Inland Empire, Incorporated. 92 RESOLUTION No. 91-264 A RESOLUTION OP THfi CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAr CALIFORNIA, RECEIVING TRACT MAPS 14379 AND 14380 (TENTATIVE TRACT 13927) FOR PILING 94 e. Approval of amended San Bernardino County Schedule A for Law Enforcement Services for the City of Rancho Cucamonga in the amount of $6,686,710.00 9. Approval to Award and Authorization Eor execution for 98 the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract (CO 91-062) foz Landscape Maintenance District Nos. 7 and 8 to Mariposa Horticultural Enterprleea, Incorporated of Irwindale, California for the Amount of $34,192.76, to be funded by Account No. 47-4130-6028 and 48-4130-6028 (Fiscal Year 1991/92), 30. Approval of and authorization to execute an Annual 101 Street Striping Contract (CO 91-063) In accordance wish price schedule submitted Dy orange Couney Striping Service, Incorporated, to be funded from Cea Tax, Account No. 09-4637-6020, ContracC Services (Piscel Year 1991/92). City Council Agenda September 18, 1991 11. Approval to execute an agreement (CO 93-064) granting I 103 Right of First Refusal to the San Bernerdinc Spirit for lease of the stadium facility to De cons[ructed as part of the Rancho Cucamonga Sports Complex. 12. Approval Co authorize the execution of Professional 107 Services Agreements with Magner Pacific Incorporated (CO 91-065) and AB SOCiated Engineers (CO 91-066) for Minor Capital Improvement Project Design Surveying and Construction Staklnq at various locations Citywide, Pascal Years 1991/92 and 1992/93, to De funded from the appropriate Capital Improvement Project Accounts at the Specified Rates. 13. Approval Lo authorize the execution of Professional 108 Services Agreements with Schaeffer Dixon (c0 91-067) and RNA Group (CO 91-068) for Minor capital Improvement Project Soils end Asphalt Testing at various locations Citywide, Piecal Years 1991/92 and 1992/93, to De funded from Che appropriate Capital Improvement Project Accounts at the Specified Ratee. 14. Approval to execute a Subrsciplent Agreement (CO 91-0G9) I 109 with the Etiwende Historical Society utilizing Communtty Development Block Grant Punde for rehabilitation of the Chaffey-Garcia Hcuse. 15. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement 156 Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance ^Lstrlct No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 4 for Coyote Canyon School, located south of Terra Vista Parkway, ea et of Spruce Avenue, submitted by LewLa Homes of California. RESOLUTION NO. 91-265 157 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR COYOTE CANYON SCMOOL P - .~ City Council Agenda September iS, 1991 4 158 RESOLUTION NO. 91-266 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE HAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 ANU STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 FOR COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL 161 16. Approval io execute Improvement Agreement a, Improvement Secuzitiee foz improvements to the south aide of 24th Street frwo approximately 600 feet west of Cherry Avenue to approximately 1900 feet east of Cherry Avenue, a traffic signal eL 24th Stzeet and Cherry AvenuR, Improvement to Cherry Avenue from 24th Sizeet to the I- 15 Pzeewey and the Lnstallation of a 30 inch water line in 24th Street submitted by First city/Hunter's Ridge in conjunction with Tract 13750 located rn the City of Pantana. 166 REEOLUTION NO. 91-267 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP MNCHO WCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR 24TH STREET, CHERRY AVENVE, TAAFPIC SIGNAL AND A 30 INCH WATER LINE IN 24TH STREET 17. Approval io execute Improvement Agreement Extension for 169 DR SS-11 located on the southwest corner of Vineyard Avenue and San Bernardino Road submitted by Edward R• Combo. 171 RESOLUTION NO. 91-268 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR OA 88-11 - City Council Agenda '~ September 1B, 1991 .S P 5 172 18. Approval io accept Improvements, Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Traci 13644, located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Vista Grove Street. Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 496,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 49,600.00 RESOLUTION NO. 91-270 1~$ A REEOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCAr CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOA TRACT 13644 AND AUTHORIZING TN6 FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WO:.II 174 19. Approval to accept Improvements, Aeleeee of Bonds and Notice of Completion for Parcel Map 11893, located on Milliken Avenue between Arrow Highway and Serbey Boulevnrd. Release: Paithf ul Performance Bond (Street) $2,250,000.00 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 225,000.00 1J5 RESOLUTION NO. 91-271 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF FUINCHO CVCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMBNTE PoR PARCEL MAP 13891 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION POR THE WORK 20. Approval to Aeleeee Caeh Bonds for DA 88-08, located on ]J6 the north aide of 7th Street between Hellman and Archibald Avenues for Golden West Properties. Release: Faithful Performance Caeh Bond $ 6,862.00 Labor and Material Caeh Bond S 3,431.00 - Clty Council Agenda September 18, 1991 6 21. Approval to Release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 177 13541, located on Sierra Vista Street south of Camino Suz. Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 8,100.00 178 22. Approval to Accept the Milliken Avenue Median Improvement, from 4th to 6th Streets end City Entry Monument, Contract No. 90-003, ae Complete, Release tae Bonds and Authorize the City Engineer to File a "Notice of Completion^. 179 RESOLUTION NO. 91-272 A RESOLVTION OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THH PUBLIC IMPROVElDiNTS POR MILLIAEN AV8NU8 lDiD IAN IMPAOVE!ffiNT, FROM 4TH TO 6TH STREHTS AHD CITY BNTRY MONUl~NT, CONTRACT NO. 90-003 AND AUTNOAIEI NG THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLHTION POR THE NORA 6. CONSENT ORDINANCBB The following Ordinances Gave had public hesriags st the Lice of first readtog. Second reediags are expected to 6e routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by Las Council at sae ties without discussion. Ths Citp Clerk will read the title. Anp itsa can De reeoved £or discussion. No Items Submitted. C. ADVERTISED PVBLIC HEARINGS Tha following itees have bae¢ advertised and/or polled u public hearings as required by law. Tha Chair will open the acting to receive public tastisanp. 1. CONSIDERATION OP ORDINANCE ADOPTING TH6 1990 NATIONAL 1HO ELECTRICAL CODE AND LOCAL MODIFICATIONS THERETO - Recommendation for second reading of Ordinance No. 311-A adopting the 1990 National Electrical Coda and approval of Resolution Making Expreee Flnd inge of Need for Local Mod if icatione thereto. P - City Council Agenda September 18, 1991 7 1$1 ORDINANCE NO. 311-A (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OP T-iiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCEIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTHR 15.24 ELECTRICAL DOE, OP TME IUNCHO COCAMONGA MDNICIPAL CODE, AND ADOPTING BY REPERHNCE THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODB, 1990 ED IT IDN~ WITH CERTAIN AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONS, DELETIONS AND E%CEPT IONS TO SAID CO-E AESOLVTION NO. 91-273 1$9 A RESOLUTION OF TR6 CZ TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP IUNCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING E%PRE55 FINDINGS OP NEED FOR LOCAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE STATE BUILDING STANDARDS CODE 2. CONSIDERATION TO VACATE A PORTION OP 25TH STREET, 191 LOCATED WEST OP ETIWANDA AVENUE RESOLUTION NO. 91-274 1gQ A AESOLUTSON OP TIDI CITY COUNCIL OF TH£ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO 88 VACATED, A PORTION OF 25TH STREET LOCATED WHET OP ETSWANDA AVENUE, APPROXIMATHLY 30 PEST HIDE A.9D 1,092 FEET LONG, APN NO. 225-082-O1 196 3. CONSIDERATION OP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND POINT OF I S 02 PO URCAII STORE - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Consideration of an applicaticn to designate the LaPOUrcade Store as an Historic Point of Interest and review fhe ~e~el of appropriate x__igatiecs for LF.c demolition Of the 9tructuie :ocated at 11871 Foothill Boulevard - APN: 229-011-10. 5t aff recom^~e nde issuance of a mitigated Neqat ive Declaration. 229 AESOLL•TION NO. 91-275 A RESOLllTZON OP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO NCAMONGA, CALi FORN:A, APPROVING H25TOAIC POINT OF INTEAE57 91-02 DESIGNATING TH8 LAFOURCADE STORE, LOCATED AT 11871 FOOTHILL BOVLEVAAD, AS A POINT OF INTEREST AND CERTIPICATION OF A MITIGATED NECATIVH DHCLA:,ATION POA DHMOLI TION OF THE STRUCTURE - APN: 229-011-30 - City Council Agenda September 18, 1991 8 d. CONSIOBAATION OF ASSESSlD:NT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 232 ~NDMENT 91-01 - CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA - A request to amend Lhe Development Districts Hap from "OP" (office Professional) to "PBSP" (Foothill Boulevard specific Plan) fora perCel coneieting of approximately 0.3 scree located ei the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and RoCheeteY Avenue - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. 265 ORDINANCE NO. 456 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TNH CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DZSTRICT AMENDMENT 91-p1, AMENDING TNH DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP PROM "OP" (OFFICE PROFESSIONAL) TO "PBSP" (FOOTHILL BOVLEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN) POR A PARCEL CONSISTING OP APPROXIMATELY 8.3 ACRES LOCATHD AT THE NORTHEAST LOANER OP FOOTHILL BOVLEVARO AND ROCHESTER AVENUE, AND MAEING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF -' APN: 227-152-38 AND 30 CONSIDERATION OP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FOOTHILL 232 BOULEVARD SPHCIF IC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CI'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan io include a parcel coneieting of approximately 8.3 acres at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue within Subarea 4 and eetahlieh standards for development - APN: 227- 152-IB an 30. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative DeoleraC ion RESOLUTION N0. 91-276 268 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COVNCSL OF THE CITY OF AANCMO CUCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FOD1'HILL BOULBVAAD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 91-03, AMENDING THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDE A PARCEL CONSZSTING OF APPAO%IMATELY 0.3 ACRES AT THE NORTHEAST CORNEA OF FOOTHILL BOVLEVARD AND ROCHESTER AVENUE WITHIN 9UEARHA 4 AND ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOA DEVELOPMENT, AND MAEING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-152-18 AND 30 - city Council Agenda September 1&, 1991 9 CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA 232 V15TA COMHUN ITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-03 - CITY OF RANr,HO CUCAMONGA - A request to eetablieh Certain etreetacape and Bite design standards coneietent with the Foothill Roulevnrd Specific plan for that portion mf Foothill Boulevard within the Terra Viets Planned Community. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ORDINANCE NO. 457 (first reading( 286 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TERRA VISTA CONHDNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STRSETSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONSISTENT NITM THE FOOTHILL BOULEVA4U) SPSCI FIC PLAN FOR THAT PORTION OP FOOTHI: J. BOULE•JARD WITHIN THE TERRA VIBTA PLANNED COHHVNI TY, AND MASZNG FINDINGS IN SUPPO:.T THEREOF CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMHNT ANp VICTORIA 232 COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA - A request to eetablieh certain atreetecape and Bite design etantlarde coneietent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Eou leverd within the Victoria Plannetl Community. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ORDINANCE NO. 458 (fire[ reading( 28$ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMVNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STREBTSCAPE ANO SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONSISTENT NITH THE FOOTHILL BOVLEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL BOVLSVARD WITHIN THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMMVNITY, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SVPPORT THEREOF CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AS SfiSSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL 232 SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04 - CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONCA - A request to eetablieh certain etreetecepe and site design standards coneietent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Industrial Area specific Plan. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ,+~ City council Agenda ~+ September 18, 1991 P 10 ORDINANCE NO. 659 (first reading) 290 AN OADINANCS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPAOVIN6 INDUSTRIAL SPSCIPIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STR88TSCAPS AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONBISTENT WITH TH8 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN POR THAT PORTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMMUNITY, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF O. PVAy_ IC A6ARI~Og The following iteata have no legal pnbliceii00 or poatiog requireaents. Tha Chair will open the acting to receive public teatLoOp. No Items Submitted. H. CITY NANAOER'B BTAP! REPORTS The following iLeea do not legally require anp public Leaiawooy, -lihough the Chair up open the uetiag for public input. No Items Submitted. 2. COUNCIL BVSINESB The following iteu have Daen requeatad by the Citp Council for diacmaion. They era not public 6uring ibu, •ltbougb Lha Chair up open the ~eeiing for public iepui. 1. REVIEW OP THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGE CO I (per, REPORT) 1. ~_S_CDB$IGN OF STATUS OP VICTORIA aKE ppO lv 292 3. CONBIDERATION OF REcrn iTi - -' N IM ' T ^ 293 PUBLIC IMPAOVEMENmg AND FO OF MR ROO COMMUNITY FACILITIPS 02aTRICT 91-1 PA City Council Agenda September 18, 1991 it RESOLUTION NO. 91-277 299 A RESOLUTION OP THS CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OP AANCNO CUGHONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO SSTABL ISH COMMVNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THH CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA AND TO AUTHORIZH THH LBVY OF A SPECIAL TA% WITHIN COMMUNITY PACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 93-1 (VICTORIA COlOfUNI TY) OF TM8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONGA RESOLUTION NO. 91-Y7& 329 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO INCUR BONDHD INDEBTEDNESS IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AHOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $55,000,000.00 WITHIN PROPOSED COMMUNITY PACILITIBS DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA 4. RHPORT ON THS CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN FORMULATING A 345 REGIONAL PLAN TO ADDRESS THE NE803 OP HOMELESS SNDIVIDUALS ANO PAMILIES J. IO P ON R T G This is Lhs tiwe for city Council to identifp Yha itaws thwy rich to discuss at the next westing. Thew itue rill oot bs discussed •! this Netiaq, only identified fo[ the nett wu[iag. COMMUNIGTI N FROM T 6 VB I A , O H H P L C Thin is tbw tine sad plow for the gsaaral public to addreu the City Council. stets lsr prnbibits the Ctty Connell frow addiasaiog nay Leue noL previously iaeludwd ou Lbs Agenda. The city Council nay receive tastiway end net the utter for subsaquaat uatiag. Comeats ere to ba liwiied to flue wiautes par individual. L. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra J. Adams, City Clerk of the City of Raneho Cucamonga, hereby cart lfy that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda wee posted an September 13, 1991, seventy-two (72) haute prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. July 25, 1991 CITY OP AANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL/PUBLIC SAPRTY COMMISSION MINUT85 Adiaurned J i t Meeiin0 A CALL TO ORD81t An adjourned joint meeting of City Council and the Public 9efety Comoiieeion wee held on Thursday, July 25, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order a1 7:05 p.m. by Nayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembsrs: Charles J. Buquet II, William J. Alexander, Diane Williams, Pamela J. Wright, end Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present ware Commieel onere: Pete Amodt, Je::we Curatalo, Wayne Aetally, Patricia Quintana, and Vice Chairman George Yankovich. Absent were Commleeionere: Shire Meet and Chairman Daniel Glees Alao present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Jerry B. Pulwood, Deputy City Manager; Duane A. Baker, Assistant to the City Manager; Captain Bruce feiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk x b. ITIDI OP DI8CU88ION B1. Discussion of Law Snforesmont study. Mayor Stout stated the purpose of the workshop wee to disease the Pu611c Safety Commleaion•a evaluation of a study done by Nughea, Ha lee i Associates for the city of Rancho Cucamonga. Me stated the study was cammieetoned by the City Council almost two years ago in order to determine the future of law enforcement in Rancho Cucamonga. Hs stated there was no intent, at that time, to meko a rapid decielont but as he remembered the dlecueeione, the City was approaching the 100,000 mark in popu lotion, end 6ecauee of a survey done before this time, it indicated this issue be discussed ae to whet the future plane of the City should be regarding thin matter. He eteted because of this, a subcommittee of the City council and the Public SeEety commies ion conducted Lnterviawe of several firma, end Hughes, Heise i Associates was selected. Ne eteted Mr. John Heise Se present to answer any questions about the study. He stated the Pu631c Safety Commission has had tour or five workshops to disease this matter, He stated several months ago the Commission did make a recommender ion Deck to the Clty Council, and now this meeting hoe been scheduled et Lhe request of CouncilmemDer Alexander for the purpose of the Clty Council to discuss this with the Public City Coum~il/Public Safety Commission Joint Meeting Hinutee July 25, 1991 Page 2 Safety Commission. He stated It is not the intent for the Council to make any decision on this issue at this meeting since this was the first time the Council has met to discuss this matter. Mayor Stout stated he was in receipt of n letter from n resident that has been circulated which stated the Council would be raising taxes end aeeeeamanta Decauee of this matter, which Lhe Mayor stated wse false. He stated there ware also other incorrect statements in the letter relating to the coat per month for the City to have its own police department. Mr. Heise stated the informet ion in the letter was incorrect, and added it wee not hie recommendation to Lhe City that Lhey raise iaxee or aseeeementa. Counc ilmember Buquet stated the City Council has not had any dlecueeicne about this matter. Counc ilmember Alexander stated the last time Doth the City Council and the Public Safety Commission met, Lt was determined that additional preparation was needed in order to discuss this matter] therefozer this meeting was set up several months ago. Mayor Stout asked Jack Lam, City Manager, if he felt there were funds available to pay for its own police department at thla time. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated no there was not. Commissioner Yankovtch stated the Public Safety Commission was prepared to answer any questions the City Council had, and that the Public Safety Commission has prepared reports perta SnLng to this matter. Counc ilmember Alexander pointed out chat the questioning by iha elty Council of the Public safety Commission's decision Le in no way meant to indicate that they had not studied the issue, nor that they ere insincere about their recommendation. He added he felt the City•e crime rate ie second Ln the area, but Lhat hie questions was why would the City want to change from something that ie very of fact Lve to eometh Sng that wee an unknown. Ne stated he feels the Ciiy ie et ill being served very wall by the Sheriff's Department, end mentioned that the new Sheriff, DLek Williams, ie coopereting with the City. He stated he did not feel Lhe Ciiy was in a position to form its own police department at thla time. Mayor Stout elated the Heise study showed there were some problems with the Sherif f'e contract, and the Sherif E'e Department has agreed to this. He etatod he agreed with Councllmember Alexander as to the problems with former management In the Sheriff's Department. He felt the discussions with the Sheriff have been product LVe end that they have made commitments which he feels will be kept. Hs stated he felt Lhe City needs its own police department no matter where they come from. He pointed cut that deputies ha~•e come to him about the high rot eL ion rate. xe eieted Jim Perronaio, Deputy Chlof, has tnformsd him thoy want tho deputise io Great the public like cueiomarer end added he was impressed with hU discuss Lone with Deputy Chief Perroneto. Ne etnted he felt the SheriEE Se City Council/Public Satety Ca®iealon Joint Mwtinq Minutes July 75, 1991 Page 3 concerned with Rancho Cucamonga which ha was glad Lo hear. He added he would like to see lam enforcement be Lhe beet it can be. Vice Chairmen yankovlch stated the Public Safety Cammieeion hee Aad many meetings end spent many hours In order to reach their decision. Commissioner Rataily stated the coat element Se what concerns him. Ne felt the $1.3 million le a lltile exaggerated. He felt there could ba positions eliminated that were Deing proposed. He felt this should De davelopsd vary frugally. Councilmemher Buquet asked Commissioner Rataily which positions hs felt could W cut. Commissioner Rataily felt some clerical positions and the lieutenant position from the graveyard shift. Councilmembsz Nright asked Commissioner Aetaily how he wee basing hie decision. Commissioner Rataily stated LL was based upon fourteen years of law enforeemeni experience. Councllmembsr Nllliams asked if you Leke a service Lhei is dsaseW to bo inadequate and reduce it, she felt the result would be lees Lhan satisfactory end stated ihls alarmed Der. She stated Lo say a service is inadequate, not serving and not safe, end [hen reduce it, did not make sense io her. commissioner Aetaily stated he did not think they could take away from the petrol forces, that it would have to be kept etaf£ed adequately. Councilmember Williams felt the services should be enhanced not taken away from Dy reducing personnel. councilmemDer Alexander commented that with the services being provided 6y the current provider seaming to Dave changed over the last couple years since this was first discussed, could it possibly change the Cammieelon's recommendation for mainielning the current provider. Commissioner Quintana stated that et Lhe opening of the meeting, the Mayor asked the city Hangar if funds were available for en In-Douse police department. The city Manager stated ^no.^ She felt the Lone of ehs meeting had been set and that there did not appear to be any merit in arguing this issue. She felt they should look nt what they could do with the nwney that ie available, end focus on Mr. Heies' recommendations to et iffan she contract end Lneure contract compliance. councilmendxir Alexander stated he did not disagree. Councilmember Buquet stated he feel^ Lhs public hee loaf confidence in tM services because of the manner it hee been discussed. He stated he wanisd thi• metier to be brought to resolution, and felt what rssu lte coma out of this he• City Council/Public Safety Co®ission Joint MMtinq Minutes July 25, 1991 Psga 6 happened from the Seiaa study. Ne felt tM Public Safety Co®ieaion has put tM City Council in a difficult situat LOn because of their decision. me felt a decision needs to M ultimately made on this issue. Councilmember Nrighl slated prior to the study, and with the services tM City wee getting from the Sheriff's Department, she felt the study wu needed. SM added now with the new Sheriff it is a different atmosphere, and Lhat she hopes things can change foz tM Mtter with the Sheriff's Department. 6M did not think there could M a time frame eeiabliehed as to how long the Sheriff's Department mould M needed. SAe stated she had questions on the motion, third line reEer-ing to affective law enforcement, end asked whet that meant. Coamleeioner curatalo stated he c'eagreed with the proactive rate given in tM study. He rioted he felt crime rates have gone up and disagreed that the City has a good lave2 of service. CouncilmmnDar Nrighl asked Lf during the Commission's discussions wu tMre en agreemm~t as Lo whal effec[iw is, Lhat LDU ie wMi Lhe City eurran[ly has, and ie it or is it not effective, and was that why the Comisslon was recaeeaendinq a police department Mcauss they thought that would M effective. Commissioner Yankovich stated the service the City had at the time the Commission had diecuesione about the study was not sffectiw, that things were not working. Councllmember Nright asked how they determined Lhis. Canmlesionar Curntelo stated he did not Mliew the motion stated the lsw enforcement was ineEfectiva, but should M made more effective. Councilmambar Nilliems stated she fell the phrase "affective law enforcement" as stated Sn the motion ie what hoe trightened the residents Mcause ii implies that the people will have a cafe airy only if they follow the Public Safety Comnieelon•s recommandetlon of having its own polies department. CouncilmsmMr Nright stated she wanted Co sw Rancho Cucamonga have local control over law enforcement end asked what wu the Commission's model for local control. Commissioner Quintana stated has opinion of local control would M Lha City manager reporting to the city Council, but for the City Manager giving direction to the police chief. Couneilmember Nright asked Commissioner Yankovich why hs felt most residents would agree to De assessed an additional amount each yenr for their own pollee department. City Council/Public Safety Caaimiesion Joint Meeting Minutes July 25, 1991 Page 5 commieeioner Yankovich eteted it ie based on the residents he hat spoken to about this. Councilmember Williams stated when the Commission's motion waa publiehad, it wan eo dramatic that the residents got worried about their law enforceaent earvicc. she stated the felt it was poorly worded. She eteted when the reed the minutes of the Comoieeion'e wazkehope regarding this matter, the qoC en entirely different feeling. she stated she did not interpret from the study that there was currently bad law enforcement service. she concurred with Counellmember Wright abet the city's esrvlce Dy the sheriff's Department has changed dramatically. She stated the felt the city CouneLl dose have local control and Shat maybe the City Council hat been raoiee in not enforcing the contract like they ehouldr and that maybe from now on they should do this. Hayoz Stout stated he felt the City hat been negligent in not keeping contract compliance. He stated he disagreed with Comaieaioner Reteily in ragerde to a lieutenant needed for the graveyard shift. Ne added ha Eelt there should De higher ranking poeiiione in Rancho Cucamonge'e operation because of the responeibil Sties placed on the capteine, lieutenants end eargeante. He felt these diecueeione were very good no that the council could coma up with a decielon on tale matter. He tinted he agreed with Counellmember Wright to give the Sheriff a chance to Smprove servlcee end to work together. Ha felt there were good people working for the Sheriff's Department end hoe always telt that way. He eteted hie problem hoe Deen the way the organlzetion as a whole is run. Ne felt the dispatching Seeue was eometaing the Cily Council needed to addresn in the future. Commissioner amodt stated he ie very euppotLive of the Sheriff's Department and felt they were doing a good job and had no compliante. He etatetl the reaaon he voted no on the motion wee because there were too many unnnewered queetione. He mentioned the coat was oleo a concern of hie. Commissioner Reteily et ated in no way did the Cammleeion elude that the current law enforcement was not effective, because they do appreciate the job tea Sheriff •e Department is doing for the city. He eteted there ace no ill feeiinge toward the sheriff's Department. Councilmember Wright eteted when the worked ae a dlepatcher for other neighboring cities Ln tae peat, the felt there ie a difference Deiaeen a city's own poi ice department end services provided by the Sheriff's Department. She eteted she hoped there coultl be camaraderie between the Ctty and the 6heriff •e Department. she wanted the residents to be able to come to the Council when there were problems with law enforcement, end did not want them to feel that the City Council feels everything le "roeey", that 1E they have a complaint they should bring it before the Council. she stated sac feeln the current ralationnhlp with the sheriff's Department is acceptable, Dut feels the City needs to, on an ongoing baele, refine the service that ie provided. she eteted the [eels the City needs to make the Sheritt'e Department also feel a part of the city family. Councilmember Huquet reiterated whet Mayor Stout mentioned earl ter that iha City council dose make the ultimata decislone in the Clty. He felt a commitment City Council/PUDl is Safety Camaieeion Joint Heating Hinutas July 25, 1991 Page G needed io be mode to law anforemmnt services. Ha felt before the Clty changes to a police department there really needs Lo M a need end the finances available Lo do this. Hayoz Stout stated he would like to sae a report from the City Hnnager by working with the 9herlff'e Department come beck Lo Lhe Council Ln 90 days, with a plan or statement on how to trsnsition fray where we have been to where we are going with respect to a municipal level of service, and what they are going to look iika and how they will act. He felt there would W something included Ln this report reiterating what Sheriff Williams and Deputy Chlsf Perronnto has told ~Sm eo that everyone has a picture of where the city is moving to. Jack Lam stated he feel what the Mayor was looking for was some kind of a Mission Statement to be municipally oriented to came back in 90 days. Heyor Stout eteted he would like for the sheriff •e Department to tall the city Council what they plan to do to improve services. Mayor stout euggeeted ha and Councilmeiaber Buquet work as s euhcommittw with staff on this waiter. Jack Lam stated he would meet wiU the eubcommittes to define this metier further, then he would meet with the sheriff's Department zepreeentatives. Heyor Stout euggeeted that he, Councilmember august, Jack Lam, Bruce Seiner end Jim Perronato brainstorm on this issue to came up wits something to present beck to the ant Lre council. councilmember Wright stated she feels uncomfortable with the mutton mode by the Public Safety Commie6ion end how it wee a different tone than Che minutes bed set. She felt the Commission should be thanked for the work Lhey put into ihi• recannendation. Councilmemher Suquet concurred with Councilmamber Wright. Mayor Stout stated he fell the Commission did exactly whet the City Council wanted them to do. Commies loner Amodt elated the Public Safety Cammieeion ie en advisory body to the Ciiy Council, and that he realize the City Council has the final say so. Councilmember Williams stated she felt the cammieelon went beyond the cell of duty on this matter. She eteted she appreciated ell the work they put into this. Councilmember Alexander eteted even though the Clty Council wss rejsetinq the Commission's recommendation, there ere many times they have accepted their recamrendetion. He felt some good came out of this, He eLo thanked John Helu for hie work end the residents Eor being et the meeting. City Council/Public Safety Commiulon Joint Meeting Minute July Z5, 1991 Page 7 Mayor Stovt invited those interested in attending future meetings regarding this matter to leave their names and addressee with Jerry Pulwood. Mayor Stout stated he fasl^ law enforcement and fire era importsnt and did not want to make budget cute in that area 6ecauee of their importance. ACTION: Mayor Stout and Jouncilmember Baguet to work with staff and the Sheriff's Department to prepare a plan for the future evolvement of Rancho Cucamonga police services to be brought back to the City Council in 90 days. Ne naked that the residents wanttng to respond to the report, which would 6e preeented to the entire Council 1n 90 days, do so in writing. f t R C1. Tom Albrecht, 6434 Teton Peak Court, stated he had a concern in the state, federal end city levels of government because whenever thane le a need for services the[ they ell raise taxes and die not agrw with this. Ba felt they should oonsider cutting expenditures end not raise taxes. Mayor stout stated that Rancho Cucavgnge cut its budget by 53,000,000 and wished the City could get the State and County to efey out of the cities' pockets. Councilmember Buquet stated he would like to see discussion on the law enforcement aeaeaement district which overlays a portion of the City, end that it should effect all reeidente or abolish it altogether. Mayor Stout stated he would like to see this matter come beck on a future agenda. CZ. Phil Deatherage, 6564 atlwanda Avenue, asked why the City CouneLl could not talk about anything at this meeting. Mayor Stout stated this wee a workshop that Councilmember Alexander had requested in order for the Clty Council to diecuu this matter with the Public safely Cammleeion. Mr. Deatherage atatad he would like hi^ opportunity to talk about this matter et the public hearing. Counclimember Buquet stated under the Brown Act, the Council has to have a public meeting to discuss this with the Public 9efaty Comoieeion. Xe staled the public would get their opportunity to address the Ciiy Council on ihi^ matter. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated ha oY Jerry Pulwood, Deputy Clty Mansgsr, would be happy to answer any questions Mr. Deatherage hoe. Councilmember Alexander asked Mr. DaetNregs if ha hoe ever been re[usad by anyone to answer any of his quest loos. City Council/Public Safety Cammleeicn Joint Meeting Minutes July T5, 1991 Page S Mr. Deatherage stated he has tried zo get the information from Mr. Neiee, but did not get a response from him. Mnyor Stout eteted Mr. Deatherage hoe never tried to talk to him, but offered to meat with his. C3. John Lyons, 11984 Dorset Street, stated he aupportad the Sheriff•^ Department end felt the Public Safety Comsleaion should also. Ba stated he did not agree with iha Cosmiolon•e motion on thin matter. C4. George Bennett, 5167 Silver Mountain Lane, presented information on verioua cities with respect to their law enforcement eervicea. Me also mentioned various incidents he hoe had with Rancho Cuesmonga•a Police Department. Mayor Stout Lnviied him to come back Ln 90 days and share the information et that time. • • • . ~ w MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to adjourn. Motion carried unenimouely 5-O. The meeting adjourned et 9:05 p.m. The public Safety Commleelon also adjourned et this Lima. Respectfully submitted, Debra J. Ademe, CMC City Clerk Approved by Public Safety Commission: September 3, 1991 Approved by City Council: August 7, 1991 CITY OF MNCw CDCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINDTRS A reguler mwting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council wu held on Bednesday, August 7, 1991, in the Council Chambers of the Civic linter, located st 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Tha meeting was called to order at 8e29 p.m. by Mayor Dsnnie L. Stow!:. Pruant acre Councilmsmbsrs: Mill ism J. Alexander, CharLa J. Buquat IT, Dlwe Milliaw, Pamela J. Mright, and Nayor DwnL L. Stout. Alw prevent were; Jack Lam, City Managers James Markman, City ALtosneyi Linda D. Denials, Deputy Clty ManagarJ Jerry R. Fulwood, Deputy Clty Mawgeri Rlck Oomez, Community Development Directors Olw Jowe, Sr. RDA Malyeti Jan Reynolds, AuLtenL RDA Malyati Larry Henderson, Principal Planner] Joe O•Meil, City Rngineeri Nike ollYier, Sr. civil &nginwrJ Retty Millet, Associate 6nginwrs Jerry Drant, Building off iciali Joan Rruw, Purchasing Agent; Iluane ealur, AasLtent to the City Managers Diene O~MOl, Management Malyst ZI7 Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; and Debra J. Atlams; City Clerk. • 1i R • • R R1. Jack Lem, City Maneger, requested an 6zacutiva Session et the conclusion of the meeting regarding personnel mettera. R R II R R R C. COIa11IMICATIOMa FRDY TMM rwttn No communications were made by Lhe public. 1l • • R R 1 City Council Ninutae August 7, 1991 Page 2 D1. Approval of Ninutee: July 3, 1991 July 17, 1991 (Nright abeam) July 44, 1991 (Nllliems absent) D2. Approval of Narrants, Register Nos. 7/17/91 (PY 90/91), 7/17/91 (FY 91/94), 7/24/91 (FY 90/91j, end 7/24/91 (PY 91/42) and Payroll ending 7/3/91 end 7/18/91 for the total amount of $4,590,430.10. D3. Alcoholic Bevarags Application far On Sala Beer for Haven Psrk Dali, Hwen No end Young Ae Xang, 10574 Acacia Street. D4. Approval of the Advertising Lhe "Notice Inviting Bids" for the Lendscap and Irrigation Nainienance Contract for Landscape Meinienanca Auessmsnt DLetrlets 7 and S, to be funded respectively by Account Numbers 47-1130-6048 and 48-4130-6028. RSSOLUTION NO. 91-419 A RESOLUTION OP TNB CITY COUNCIL OP TXB CITY OP RANCHO C[IG1lONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND BPBCIDICATIONS FOA TFffi LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTBNANCH OONTRACf POR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE A33ESSNSNT DISTRICTS 7 AND B, IN SAID CITY AND AUTBORILING AND DIRSCTIN6 TH6 CITY CLHPI( TO ADVBRTISB TO RSCEIV6 BIDS D5. Approval of Resolution No. 91-012E to eziand Comcaet Cablevieion•• Franchise. RESOLUTION HD. 93-0148 A R830LUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OF TH8 CITY OP MNCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING COUNTY OP SAN BEANAADINO Pp71NCNI3E LICBN86 NITH CONGST GBL6 T.V. POR 90 DAYS'UPON EXPIRATION OP CURRENT LICENSE NITNIN TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA DS. Approval of a Reeoluiion emending RasolutiOn No. 91-021 regarding the Leasing and Financing of S00 MNz Radio Equipment. RESOLUTION NO. 91-021A A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, AMHNDINC RESOLUTION NO. 91-021, ADOPTED JANUARY 16, 1991, AUTHORISING THE LSASIN6 O! CERTAIN CAPITAL 6QUIPNENT Y'itOM THE NEST END COMHUNIGTION9 PSNANC2NG AUTHORITY, AUTHORISING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION OP A LEABE AORBBNBNT AND A 9UBLBA96, APPROVING SALE OF BONDB AND AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND AUTHORISING OFFICIAL ACTIONS City Council Minutes August 7, 1991 Fags 3 D7. Approval to expand en additional $474.00 Lo participate in the "eooking Fees" lawsuit against the County of San Bernardino, Lo De tundsd frog Account NO. O1-4285-6028. De. Approval of Integrated Naete Coordinator position classification and range. D9. Approval of 6nvironmsntal Asseecment and TenLeLiva Parcel Map 13693 - Luna - An appeal of the Planning Co®iaaion•a decision to require that Parcel 2 take access from Northridge Drlva for a residential subdivision of one acre of land into two percale in the Vary Lw Resldantiel District located on ihs north s1M of Northridge Drive, west of Haven Avenue - APP 201-1E2-29 (related ftle: Variance 91-Od). RBSOLUTION NO. 91-182 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP R11NCNO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST POR A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, NUMBER 13693, TO SUBDIVIDE 1.0 ACRE INTO 2 PARCELS IN THB VERY LON RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, LOCATED ON TH6 NORTH SIDE OP NORTWlIDG6 DRIVE, NBST OP NAVEN AVENUE - APN: 201- iB2-29 D30. Approval to execute contracts for Bond Counsel (CO 91-046), Financial AdViwr (W 91-047), and Aasessmant EnginNr Services (CO 91-068) in connac[lon with formation end issuance of bonds for PropOSW Communitio Facilltias District 91-1. D11. ApprOVal to execute en agreeman! (CO 91-049) between Chs County of Ban Bernardino, Ua Aencho Cucamonga Plre Protection District, and the Ciiy of 14ncho Cucamonga for the collection and disposal of common household hasardous waste. D12. Approval to execute Flood Control District, Eone 1 Oeer Creek Cannon Uo Agreement No. PA 19103 (CO 91-050) for Bridge Crossings at Banyan end church streets. RESOLUTION NO. 91-220 A RESOLUTION OP TNS CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING COOPEMTIVE AGREEMENT WITH SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 8OR BAIOGB CROSSING8 AT BANYAN AND CNVRCN STREETS D33. Approval to execute Play Plelds Pecil ity Usa Agreement (CD 91-051) betasan the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Chaftay Col lags. D14. Approval to execute improvement Agreement, Improvement Sacurliy and ordering the Annexation of Landscape Arus to LM work program of LandsCSpm Maintenance Distrlc! Hoe. 3 and 4 for CUP 80-12, locets0 north of loothlll Boulevard, east of Haven Avanw, submlttsd by LewL Homes. City Council Minutes Auquat 7, 1991 Page RBSOLUTION ND. 91-221 A RESOLUTION 08 THB CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP IUIHCH0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMBMf AORBSMENT 7W0 I!@AOVEMENT SECURITY POR CONDITIONAL USH PERMIT NO. 88-12 RBSOLUTIOR NO. 93-222 A RESOLVTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RARCRO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THB ANNBXATION OP LANDSCAPH ARBAS TO TF@ NORIC PROGRAM OP LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 3 AND 0 POR CUP 88-12 D15. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 12832 Day Creek Boulevard, located on proposed Dey creek Boulevard between Highland Avenue end victoria Park Lane, submlited by the Nilliam Lyon Campsny. RESOLUTION NO. 91-223 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP IUINCH0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVENBNT 11GPBBIDiHT 6XTBNSION AND IMPROVBMENT SECURITY POR TRACT 12832 DAY CRBER BOULEVARD 016. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement 6xtenslon for Parcel Map 11030, located on the northenet corner of Haven Avenue end Boothill Boulevard, submitted by Lewis DevelOpmenY Company. RESOLUTION NO. 91-226 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CDCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR PARCEL NAP 11030 D17. Approval to execu[a Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 11891, located on southeast corner of Millllwn Avenue snd Arrow Highway, submiiisd ey RCDC AssocleGS. RESOLUTION NO. 91-225 A RESOLUTION OF TH8 CITY COUNCIL OF TN6 CITY OF R11NCH0 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TBN8TON AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY POR PARCEL MAP 13891 D18. Approval to accept Improvements, release of EcnSe and Notice o[ Cw~pUtlon for Tract 13621, loceied on the northeast corner of HilLlds Road and Hsamosa Avenue. Asleus~ PaitAful Psrformenes Bond (street) $390,000.00 Accept, Maineenence Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 39,000.00 City Council Minutes August 7, 1991 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 91-226 A ABSOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP TNH CITY OP RANCNO CUCANONOA, CALIPO[1NIA, ACCEPTING THB PUBLIC IMPROVBMSNTS POR TRACE 13622 AND AOTNORISINC TN6 PILING OP A NOTICE OP CONPLHTION POR THE WOAE 019. Approval to releaw Natntenancs Bond for Traci 13722 located on the northwest corner of Victoria Park Land and Milliken Avenue. Release: Nalntenanee Cuarante aond (StreK) 5136,700.00 D20. Approval to release Maintenance Gonda for the following Isproveoent Projects: CO Se-089 - Traffic Stgnal^ and Lighting, Nighlsnd and N1111ksn Avenues) CO 88-095 - Rad NS11 Park Maintenance Pacilityi CO 88-152 - Raplaceaant of Nhite Alder Treesi and CO BR-173 - Ninth Street RBheD111tstion, Vineyard to Raker Avenue. CO 88-OB9 Faithful Performance Bond S 81,332.00 (retetned as Msintanance Bond) CO 83-095 Maintenance Guarantw Bond $ 14,764.00 CO a8-152 Maintenance Guarantee Bond $ 3,765.80 CO 98-173 Faithful Performance Bond $109,388.65 (retained se Maintenance Rond) MOTIONS Moved by Alexander, seconded Dy euquet to approve the convent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • + w • . 81. BNVIRONMSNTA?~ A998SSMENT AND BTIN1lxDA SPSCIPIC PLax J~wRNDILNT 91-03 -CITY OP AANCHO CUCAMONGA - A propoeel Lo amend the ELiwanda Spacifle Plan Land Use Nap from Medium Reeidentiel (5-14 dwelling units pet acre) to Low Medium AeaidenLial (4-8 dwelling unite par acre) for the following wbareas within the ECSwande Specific Plan: 2. Approximately 87.52 Besse bordered on the north by Miller Avenue) on the east by Bast Avenue and s utillLy corridors on the south by the PootAlll Rouleverd Specific Plan boundary, which le approxLNatsly 530 feet north of Poothi ll Boulwerds end on the wear by 6tlwanda Avew. TM City Council Ninutss Auqust 7, 1991 Page 6 City Council will aLo consider Low Reeidentlel (2-4 dwelling unite par acre) ns en elternativs land use deslgna'lon for this ant ire eras. The Planning Co®ission recom,snds approval. - APN: 1100-133-01 and 02, 1300-141-01 and 02, 1100-151-03 end 02, 1100-101-01 and 02, and 1100-191-01. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 451. ORDINANCE NO. 451 (second reading) AN ORDINANCB OP THS CITY COUNCIL OP TNS CITY OP R11NCH0 CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING BTINANDA SPBCIlIC PLAN AMSNDNENT 91-03, SUSARBA 2, ANENDINO TBB STINANDA SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USS NAP FAOM NEDIOM RESIDENTIAL (8-14 DMELLING UNITS PER ACA6) TO LON MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DWBLLIMa UNITS PBR ACRE) DESIGNATION WITH A MASTER PLAN REQUIRElRNT TOR APPRO%IMIITELY 37.52 ACRES OP LAUD BORDERED ON THE NORTFI BY MZLLSR AVSNU6~ OM THE EAST BY EAST AVENUE AND A OTILITY CORRIDOR! ON TN6 SOUTH BY TNB FOOTHILL BOULNAAO SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDARY, WHICH IS APPAO%IMATELY 530 PBBT NORTH OF FOOTHILL SODLSVARD7 AND ON THB N69T BY BTIWANDA AVBNUB, AND MIRING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TNER60T - APNe 1100-131-O1 AND 02, 1100-141-03 AND 02, 1100-151-01 AND 02, 1100-1B1-O1 AND 02, 1100-191-01 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 451. Mo[ion carried unanimously, 5-0. • R • • ~ f P1. CONSIDEMTION OF ORDEAZNG THH VACATION OF A PORTION OP AN ALLAY LOCATED SODTA OP NINTH 92REET Arm VINMAR TO SIBRRA MA a AVENUES Staff Yaport presented by Mlke Olivier, Sr. Civil Engineer. Councilmambar Wright stated she did not want to see a situation occur where grefElii was occurring Ln this area end for the Clty Lo tall the residents tAey would not take care of the graffiti removal. Duane Baker, Aeeletant to the Clty Manager, eteted he knew the residents wanted to geL this blocked off. He stated if this does become private property, they would be provided the paLnt for graff Ltl removal. councilmember coquet felt there should W a complete closure of Chat aces for pedsstrLen eccese, with something other then a chain link fence. Mayor stout suggested the alley W divided Ln half with the residents picking up the area Into their own yards. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addreeslnq the City Council wars: City Council Minutaa August 7, 1991 Page 7 Richard Deno, liven on the corner to the went, stated he intends to run a block wall 150 feet down tRe alley. CouneilmasDer Nright elated if this item is going to be brought beck, ahe would W willing to meet et the •Lte to get a better picture o[ shat Se to W brought back. A16e Campbell, 8734 Siorra Madre, Bested he would be willing to move his Mock wall to help the situation. RESOLUTION NO. 91-227 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAlIONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO BE VACATED A PORTION OP AN ALLEY LOCAT60 SOUTN OP NINTH STRRHT PROM VSNMIIR 1b SIERRA MADRS AVBNUB MOTION: Moved by Buquet, aecondad by Nilliems to continue the Slam to Auquat 21, 1991 to work with Lhe residents for • zeaolution io this matter. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. • R R R R O1. CONSIDERATION OF VPDATINC BLBCTRICAL REGULATIONS - Thls la a tequeet to hold preliminary fltst readlnq of the ordinance and to tat the date of SeptemWr 4, 1991 for publ iC hearing to consider adoption of the 1990 Naeiensl Electrical cove with certain amandmenta. Staff report presented 6y Jerry crsnt, Building Officlel. Mayor stout opened the m6eting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing wan closed. Debra J. Adams, Ciey Clerk, read the title of ordinance Ro. 311-A. ORDINANC6 No. 311-A (preliminary readlnq) AN ORDINANCE OR THB CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OR RANCNO NCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 ELECTRICAL GODS, OP THS RANCHO CUCAMONOA MUNICIPAL CODE; AND ADOPTING BY RBPBRSNCE THB NATIONAL SLBCTRICAL CODB, 1990 BDITION; NITH CBRTnIN AHSNDMBNTS, ADDITIONS, DELBTION9 AND E%CBPTIONB TO SAID CODS NOTION: Moved by Baguet, wcondsd by Alexander to waive full reading and wet !hs publ lc hearing for Sap[amWr 4, 1991 along with the flrat readlnq of the Ordinance. Motion carried unanimousyy 5-0. R R f R R R City Council Minutes Auquat 7, 1991 Pnge e Mayor Stout called a reeese at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9s10 p.m. with all Councilmembers present. f • f • R G2. ~e~aRINP0RC8D Kae^aaY 3TRD mR - 8867 NINTN STR68T - SCf160 MANUPACTURINO COMPANY - Thie is en eppenl of sn Ocdar of the Building Otficiel to mitigate structural ha:arch o[ an unreinforesd masonry building, sent under tM authority of ordinance No. 417. StnfE report presented by Jerry Grant, Building official. Mayor Stout asked if tMra was an earthquake, aa:ld It M accurate to state thin Duilding would hsve serious difficulties. Jerry crept, Building Offieisl, felt that to be a fair statement. The City Council continued to eak various construction quotlone about thin Duilding. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the City Council was: Paul Bial U, representing Leland Se Mu, reported to tM Council M had pictures of a cornerstone that had a sate of 1957 and tMt the toilets hsve data of June Z0, 1955 and March 16, 1946, which M Md submitted to tae city. xe ateted there was no proof that this building was unrainfozcad. Na felt the building Aad to M built after 19a1 bsceuee of e geological survey Ae aaa from tae since. Councilmember Buqust asked Hr. Bialie whnt he has done to vel ideU the 1957 daG on the cornerstone. Mr. eiall• stated he see done noLAing. Mayor Stout suggested that wish the way the Ordinance Le structured, LL would M to his Mnefit to follow item No. 1, end i[ a structural enginwr found the building to M eels, they would ba home free. xe stated tae other option was tact within Y70 days n structural analysis could M provided stating the 6uildinq can M basically retrofitted so iheL LL Mcomss sale. Councilmember Buquet felt the two options suggested by Mayor 9LOUL would prove it the building was safe or not. There being no further response, the public hearing wss closed. Councilmember suggested Mr. Scheu find out if Lae building was structurally sound. xe felt Lhe appeal should M denied ant 11 this proof can M provided or they could comply with the ordinanes. CouncilnsemDaz Aleaender felt Lhis building was built before 1966. City (bunch Minutes August 7, 1991 Page 9 NOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded Dy Nright to deny tAe appeal. Notion carriW unanimously 5-0. • . H1. NRSIDSAATION OP A RECYCLBD PRODVCT3 POLICY AND ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Staff report prevented by Joan ENSS, Purchasing Agent. Debra J. Adams, Ciiy Clak, read the title of Ordinance No. 328-A. OADINANC6 NO. 328-A (list reading) AN ORDINANCE OP TH8 CITY COf/NCZL OP THE CITY OF AANC1t0 CVCAHONOA, CALIIOANIA, AMENDING CMPTBR 3.08 OP THE RANCHO COCAMONOA CITY OODB HY ADDIN6 SECTION 3.08.230 ABLATING TO PROCURElONT OP AECYCLSD PAODVCfB MOTION: Moved by Nright, escondsd Dy Nilliama to waive full ssading end set ucond reading of ordinance No. 328-A for August 21, 1991. Notion carried unanimously, 5-0. • • • w H2. CONSZDSMTION OP ABSOLVTION AMENDING SPECIAL TAIL tOR A.D. SB-2 DMINAOE INFRASTRUCTURE staff report prasentsd by Jerry Nlwcod, Deputy City Nanagei. Mayor Stout asked if the rate ware to Da sat aL the amount that is recoxssndad to allow enough funds for Lhs bond issuance, if the negotiations on the bond issuance fell through or if there was no longer a request, could !hs City eeteDllsA a policy or some legal method for refunding the diftarvece, end clarified if the City did noL sat Si, Lhat they would not collect it. Jerry Pulwood, Deputy city Manager, stated they would not recomend that bonds be issued Lain year until •Ebr they haw set tM ratan high enough to handle lost service. Jack Lam, City Meneger, stated staff is noL in • position to advocaN eiLMr raising it or not raising it, Lhat they only bring this iNUe to the council to bo responsive toe request fran the Caryn Company that LDey fvel Donda could W Bold this year. He added if it is not set now, they would have to welt until next year, Councilmembar Buquat asked why was thin being done at the lest minute, end why It was not done six months ego. City Council Minutes auquat 7, 1991 page 30 Jerry Pulwood, Deputy Cliy Manager, stated the Clty had coneerne about insuring that the intrastructure would 6e completed within a reasonable amount of lima. He stated the general feeling la that it is not good money management Lo cell bonds, then hold those dollars for years, eo the Clty wnnted until the Ceryn Company told the city they ores nearing completion and the City Eelt they could complete it within a reasonable amount of time before negotiations could 6e completed. Jack Lem, City Manager, added there were not any serious ne9otiatlone done on Lhie issue until the Lest two weeks. Ne stated this was mtablished se an acquieitlon District. Me stated !n ChL case, the developer had not completed all the lmprovemante, and in the recent pact It had bean indicated to the Clty that some of these improvements may not be completed for some tLme to come. He stated that given the situation where the Ceryn Company has indicated they would like fot the Clty to take a look at partial reimbursement for c-rtein improvements, the City has etructusea a method which the bonds can W cold on en acceptable basis from the Clty ~• standpoint and that L why Lhie Law was before the Council tonight. Ha stated thL just happened to coma up within the last couple weeks. Councilmember Buquet wanted to make sure the City could get everything reedy Lo be put on the tax roles Ln the allotted amount of lime given by the County. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated they have until august 19th, and that the ally woultl De working witA the County until that time to be sure that the proper aeeeeemenH ere placed on the properties. councilmoxaber Nright asked if there was any increase in this ncilon to developed property, ar was it for undeveloped properly. Jerry PulwooM, Deputy City Manager, stated it waa ell for undeveloped property, thaC there was no impact al~eteoever to developed property within the boundaries oP Lhle District. Counc ilmember Wright naked what would happen once Lhie property wee developed. Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated it would move over to the aama rate ea the current developed property. Jack Lam, City Manager, ateied Lhie would not affect any current or future homeowner. Mayor btoui opened the meeting for public comment. addreeaing the City Council MBYat Mike While, Standard Pecl Eic, 1565 W. Macarthur Blvd., Costa Meu, stated he was also speaking on behalf of another land owner, Century anwrican, who owns property In Tract 13566 which was tlizectly south of hL, stated trey had received notice trom the Clty in July that their naaessmenG would not change for the next fiscal year. Ha stated yesterday he had received notice from another landowner that an ineraaas would occur et Lhie City Council meeting. He felt the increase proposed was aubatent ial to Cha City Council Mlnutee August 7, 1991 Yagc 31 undeveloped land hie company arced. Ae stated since hs just received the notice yesterday about this increase, ha would like more time to study the impacts it would have. He continued to exprau hie concerns shoat this proposal. He ceitsrstad he could like a two week continuance on this matter. Ravin Yohlson, Caryn Devslopmant Company, orated ha Md notified Hike White about the undeveloped lend tax increeee. Ha mentioned they Mw been working with the Clty for approximately two years on this project and what they hove eccaaplished. He elated they would like to request tonight that if it is possible to work with the Clty Hsnsgez'• Office, to folios their lead, and try to get their facilities in a position so they can M raimDursed on a portion-by-portion 6asia. He stated they intend to use the reimburssornte end eomplets the rani of their facilities. He requested thnt they M able to separate tM flood insurance program from ihie action into a program where they non work with the City Hanager•• Office end the City 6nginear to satisfy the latter of map provision ss quickly es possSDla after tM facilities arm completed unless tMrc may not M e need for flood insurance, and felt they wzs very close on this. Jack Lam, Cily Manager, stated the only action MEore the Council tonight was to set the rata. Ne stated there are still many other iseucs left for negotiation, L •., insurance. Ne stated !f it was net set tonight end pvG on the Lax roles, it does not matter whet is nagMLtad next year, one would have to wait until tM following year if one was coneempleLing full raie,bursement as he felt everyone was contemplating. Hs elated the money from this tax would M used for infraetructura end minor adminletration Lo manage the D1strlMS. He stated any money thnt was not used would go to the property oancre. He stated tM money could not M used for anything other than for Lhe fscilltias in the DSstriM end that there was a maximum cep set on thnt already. He stated if the Council finds the aeeesemente are too high, they can M reduced down the next year. Councilmember Buquet asked for clarif Lcetion of the action they era Mlnq asked to take. Jerk Lem, City Henngex, elated when the property ass Laken into the City !here was en agreement on the finencin9 of intraetructura, and it sae decided to do an Acquisition District. He added ahen you do an Acquisition District It is dependent upon Dow soon the proponent builds iM facllitlasr which hew not Dean built as quickly ae the City had hoped. He stated the number of homes Aaw not Deen built to support the band Lsue es the City had also hoped. Ne stated !here see a "safety vnlve^ in the agreement anarchy it there was not enough Domes built to cover the bond ieeue, then the vacant lend would pick up Yha remaining amount, which ie where the city was today with tM developer picking up tMt cost. Ne Eslt it would M Lnefflcient to weir until nett year if everyone want^ to qo ahead wLih the Dond issue. He continued to intorm the Council shout tDe Lmprovemente to M mstle. He s[etad LMrw wra mill many Sasues to M resolved before any bond lease can M sold end Mfore raimbunamenis are actually made. Ha stated it hoe Men indicated to staff tAst things ern M worked out before tM end of this fiscal year eo that a Dond issue can M merle. City council Minutes August 7, 1991 Page 12 Councilmamber Alexander asked if Standard Pacific had put any money into the infrastructure. Nike White, Standard Pacific, stated they are not required to. Councilniember Wright stated she felt the City was being put in the middle of two developers with different viewpotnts. Various questions ware sskad of Meesre. White end Pohleon by the Clty Council. James Nnrkmen, City Attorney, suggested if the Council wanted to do this, Choy should do Lt tonight, Dut that within the next saveniy-two hours Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Manager, could respond to Che questions. Jack Lam, city Manager, stated staff was not happy with the Lime frame either, end that three weeks would not answer all of the questions, end felt there would be weeks and weeks of diecuasiona on this. He stated at Chls point all they wars trying to do was set the rate because there ere many things thei are not known yet. flBSOLUTION NO. 91-448 A RESOLUTZON OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIPORNZA, ESTABLISHING AND AMENDING ANNUAL SPECIAL TA% POA A COMMUNITY PACILITI88 DISTRICT MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded 6y Buqust to approve Rseolutlon No. 93-228 end that all necessary follow-up be done to make sure to address tM eoneer,+r Chet have been raised end to allow the process to provide any clsriflcation for anyone that comae Ln, and that if there Le an overage collected, that it be refunded ae approp[Sate. Notion carried unanimously, 5-O. . • x w . I1. DESIGNATION OP A VOTING RBPA85ENTATIVB AND AN ALTERNATE POR TH6 LEAGUE O! CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL MEETING MOTION: Moved Dy Williams, seconded by Alexander to select Counetlnimnber Buqust ee the representative. Motion serried unanimously, 5-O. • . . . I2. Deputy City Meneger. Staff report presented 6y MOTION: Moved Dy Wright, seconded by Buquet to approve the contract with Arroyo Saco Associates. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. Clty Council Minutes August 7, 1991 page 33 • • f 1 J1. Councilmwber Buquet !spotted tMt aL tM BAMBA6 mestisq wrlier today iM Measure I arterial projects wen approved by tM Board. es stated tM City Aa racaiveO approval for agar tuMinq of projects out of Msasurs I tuMinq. Joe O'Meil, City Bnginwr, stated tM projeMS tMt were approved wen tM seven Avenue !AU project free 4th to yoothill uui tM two INaaun i projects, loothill to Church and Church to saw Line. Be elated they are very pleased that !Mw are Mlnq funded by Maaaure I. R • • R R Mo co:municetions wau made by tM public. • R MOTION: Moved by Nright, seconded by Nllllaa to adjourn to Executive session to discuss personnel matters. Motion cszrlea unanimously, 5-O. TM meeting adjourned at 10:48 p.m. Reapect[ully submitted, Debra J. Adaw, CMC City Clsrk Approved: September 4, 1991 CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONCA CITY COUNCIL MIMOTBS A regular meeting of the City Council of Lhe City o£ Rancho Cucamonga was hold on Nadnaaday, September 4, 1991, in the Council Chamhare of the Civle Cenie[, located et 10500 Civic Cantor Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, Glifornia. The meting was called to order st 7:00 p. m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Preent were Councllmaebern Nilliam J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquet II, Diana Nilliams, Pamela J. Nright (arrived 7:02 p.m.), and Mayor Dsnnle L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lem, CSLy Menagsrt James Markman, Ciiy Atiotneys Linda D. Daniels, Dsputy City Managsr7 Jerry B. Pulwood, Deputy CLLy Managers ALek Ganaz, Community Development Directors Tarry smith, Perk Planning/DewlopaNnt Superintendents Bred Buller, City Planners Otto Itroutil, Deputy City Plnnnerl Dan Coleman, Principal PlannarJ Larry Henderson, Principal Plannetp RScMZd Alcorn, Code Hnforcament Supervisors Joa O'Neil, City BnginerJ Paul Aougsau, Traffic Bnglneert John Martin, Associate Bnginerj Jae Schultz, Community Services Directors Jim Hart, Adminiattet iva Service Directors Duane Bakes, edateL to Lhe City Menagert Susan Mickey, Menagamsnt Analyst 27 Chief Dannls Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Pirs Protsciion Districts Capt. Bruce Eainar, Rancho Cucamonga Police Departments and DsDn J. Adams, City Clerk. • w • ~ w ~ el. Presentation of a Proclamation recognizing September 12, 1991 as DARE Day. Mayor Stout presented the Proclamation to Steve Brownell of the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department. S[evs Brownell Lhenked the Mayor and also recognized represntative that were prewnL from Alta Loma, Htiwande and Gntrsl School Diatrieta. He aLo dierributad tae-shirts to the Councilme:nbers end invited them to attend the DAI1t Day celebration on Thursday, September 12, at 7:00 a.m. • • • : e city council Mlnutss asptemWr 4, 1991 Pa9a 2 No communicntion was made from the public. 1 R • • • f D. CON38NT nar.vrr.o Jeek Lam, City Manager, stated that Itae D9 had a correction in the District number, ihet it should Ds Landscape Maintenance District No. 3. D1. Approval of Minutes. August 21, 3991 D2. Approval of Nnrrants, Register Nos. 8/ld/91, 8/21/91 and 8/28/91, and Payroll ending 8/15/91 for the total amount of 52,462,915.72. D3. Approval to designate 1983 Chevrolet Malibu end 1985 Pord Ctam Victoria ae surplus for auction. D4. Approval of payment o! tM City•• portion far professional wroices for the floes ana forfeitures lawsuit in the amount of 51,740.00 to G paid out of account number 03-4285-6028. D5. Approval to [ile a claim with SANBA6 for Local Transportation Pund Article 3 relmbursament for Archibald Avenue SSCawalk Phase II SmprovamsnU and the Tryon Street Sidewalk improvements. D8. Approval to award and execute the Naritnga Park Bsllffeld improvement Pro]act contract (CO 91-060) to Merino Conatruetton Company of Irvine Ln the amount of 5120,733 plus a 101 eontingency of 512,073, for a total of 5132,806 from the Park Development Pund No. 20-d532-9106. D7. Approval to exeeuts Rsal Property Improvement Contract sod Lien AgreeeNnt for CUP 91-13, boated on 9567 8th Street, sudoitted by Na1Nr J. Neff and Steven B. Mahon. RESOLUTION NO. 91-249 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, ACCSPTSN6 A REAL PROPERTY INPROVLIRNT CoNTAACT AND LIEN ACR68MeNT PROM MALTBA J. N8lP AND 9T8V8N 8. MAHAN ANO AUTHOAIZINO TH6 MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC TO eICN TH6 SAME D8. Approval of map, execution of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Setvrlty end Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance DisLrLeL No. 1 and Btrest Lighting Maintenenca District Noe. 1 and 2 for Tract 14366, locateA aC !M soutMast corner of Lemon Avenue end London Avenue, euboltted by the Pennhlll Company. City Council MinuNe September 4, 1991 Page 3 RBSOLOTION NO. 91-250 A RESOLUTION OP TIe CITY COUNCIL OP TNB CITY OP RANCHO CUCANONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INPROVEIBNT AOA86MBNT AND INPR0VBM61Pf SECURITY, AND FINAL MAP OP TMCT NO. 11866 RESOLUTION NO. 91-251 A AHSOLUTION OP TNB CITY COVNCIL OF TIB CITY OP RANCRO CIICAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEBIITION O! CERTAIN TBRRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 110. 1 AND 8TR66T LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 POR TMCT 14366 D9. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District po. } ~ and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 2 for COP 85-28, located on LM southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard end NelacAite Awnus, suhmitte0 Dy lorrest Perry. ABSOLUTION N0. 93-252 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CYTY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP AANCI70 CUCAMONGA, CALI PORNIA• APPROVING IMPROVSIgNT AGAE610SNT AND IHPAOVElW.NT SECURITY FOR CUP SR-23 RESOLUTION NO. 91-253 A ABSOLUTION OP THH CITY COUNCIL OP TH8 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TH6 ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. } ~ AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 2 POR CUP 88-28 D10. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation to Street Lighting Maintenance Dletrict Nom. 1 and 1 for Church Street located Detwaen Elm Avenue - west and Elm Awnw submitted by Levels xomes of California. RESOLUTION NO. 91-256 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OD MNCNO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREElBNT AND INPAOVBMBNT SBCURZTY FOR CHURCH STREET RESOLUTION NO. 93-255 A RESOLUTION OP TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OP CERTAIN TERRITORY TO eTREBT LIGHTING NAINTBNANCB DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND e POR CHURCH BTRBBT City Council Minutae September 4, 1991 Page 4 D11. Approval to accept improvements, release of Conde and file a notice of camplaiion for DR 87-34 located on the went aide of Archibald avenue south of ease Line Road. ABSOLUTION NO. 91-256 A R890LUTION OP TH6 CITY OOUNCIL OP THS CITY OP MNC80 CUCAMONGa, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTIN6 THS PUBLIC INPR0II~NTB POR OR 87-34 AND AOTHORIZIN6 TBB FILING OP A NOTICE OP CONPLETION POR TIB WORK 012. Approval to accept Lmprovamante, release of bonds and Ella • notice of completion for Parcel Nap 13125 located on the wuthweat corner of Trademark street and Center avenue. ABSOLUTION NO. 91-257 A ABSOLUTION 08 THB CITY COUNCIL OP TNR CITY OB RANCHO CUCAXONCA, CaLIPOANIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPRWE11eNT9 POR PARCBL MAP 13125 ANO AUTHORISING THY lILINO OP A NOTICE 07 COMPLETION POR THE WORK D13. Approval to accept the Rochester Avenue Parkway Beeutiflcation Prcject 1~ 90-050) as complete, release the bonds end authorise the Clty Engineer to tale a notice of completion. ABSOLUTION NO. 91-253 A RESOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL O! THH CITY OP PANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TH6 PUBLIC IMPROVBMBNTS POR ROCHESTER AVBNU6 PARRNAY BEAUTIFICATION PROJBCf (CO 90-050) AND aUTHOAIEZN6 TH6 PILING OP A NOTICE OP COMPLETION 80R THS HOAR D16. Approval to vacate • sidewalk easement located between 9615 and 9425 Palo alto Street, at the Urminus of Layton Sirwt, and uttinq the data of publLc hearing for October 2, 1991. RESOLUTION N0. 91-259 A RESOLUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL OP TH6 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DHCLAAIN6 IT INTENTION TO VACATE A SIDBNALA BASBMBNT LOCATED BETN68N 9415 ANO 9425 PALO ALTO STREET, AT TN8 TERNINUB OF LAYTON STREET D15. Approval to vacate a recorded Of ter of Dedication fez a portion of Mignonette Street, eeteinq the date of publ lc hearing for October 2, 1991, and release of a Aoal Property Improvement Contract end Lien Agreement for 9260 Mignonette Street. City Council Minutes September 6, 1991 Pegs 5 RESOLUTION NO. 91-260 A ABSOLUTION OP THB CITY COUNCIL OP THS CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA, COUNTY OF BAN BSANARDINO, STATB OP CALIFORNIA, DBCLARIN6 ITS INTENTION TO VACATB A RBCORDED OFFER OP DEDICATION BOR A PORTION OP MIGNONETTE STREET PRON HBLLNIIN AVENUE NESTERLY INCLUDING THE PARTIAL CUL-D6-SAC - APN 202- 041-57 AND 58 RESOLUTION NO. 91-261 A RESOLUTION OF TN6 CITY COUNCIL OP TIDI CITY OP R11NCHO CUCANONGA, COUNTY OP SAN EERNAADINO, STATE OP CALIFOMIA, RELEASING A ABAL PROPERTY IMPROVENBHT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT POA 9260 MIGNONETTE STREET FROM MONA P. AND gTBPHBN L. BUTTERS AND RUTH U. AND BERNARD C. DAUGNBATY MOTION: Moved by Baguet, seconded by Alexander to epprove tM ConwnL CeLnder as corrected. Motion cerried unenLnouely, 5-0. • • R ~ f No items submitted. x . • • • . P1. ODgSIDERATION OP OA96RINC TNP VACATION OP A PORTION OP u r gy aTED SOVTN OP NINTH ST 36T VIN sY TO aIB ea _ann Alo S (COntiYYSd from Anqua! 21, 1991) BTAPP REQUESTS CONTINUANCE TO OCTOEER 2, 1991. NOTION: Moved by Alerander, seconded by Nright io continue the Siam to October 2, 1991. Motion Carried unenimouely, 5-0. R • • • • . P2. ADOPTION OF 1990 BDITION OP TNS NATIONar Br PCTRIC.ar CODS gts[f report presented by Rick Game:, Camnunity Development Director, who also added that copies of this had been eent to the Building Industry Aseociatlon end the Chamber and that staff did not receive any comments [rom either of Chem. Mayor stout opencd the meeiing Eor public heerinq. Addressing the City Council wee, Rent Crowley, Chamber liaLon to the City of Rancho Cucaagnga, stated Jerry Orent end City staff did en excellanc job in working with tM Chembsr on this matter end thanked tF+m for their work and cooperation. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. City Council Minutaa September 4, 1991 Page 6 Debra J. Ademe, City Clark, read the title of ordinance No. 311-A. ORDIRANCS NO. 311-A (first reading) AN ORDINANCB OP TRS CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY 08 MNCMO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CNAPTSR 15.44 BLBCTRICAL 0008, OP TH6 AANCRO CUCAMONOA MUNICIPAL C0DB7 AND ADOPTING NY RSFSRBNCB TH6 NATIONAL BLBCTRICAL CODS, 1990 SOITION7 NITN CERTAIN A7RNDlRNTS, MDITIONS, DELETIONS AND 6rC6PTIONB TO SAID COOS MOTION: Moved 6y Euquat, seconded by Alexander to waive full reeding end eat second reading of Ozdinance No. 311-A for September 1&, 1991. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. . . . . • ~ C1. T1UIL3 IMPLBMENTATION PLAN - A caaptehenaive implemeDLliion titatagy [Or hiking, riding, and biking trails within the community. Staff report presented by Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, wAo also introduced Anthony Mendoza of J. P. Davitleon 6 Ateocietes end Sean Aga}anien of Agajanien and Associates. Information wee presented by Anthony Nendoza at this time. Mayor Stout asked if there was a dollar value placed on the current Ltail tyatsm. Mr. Mendoza stated this hoe not been done. Mayor Stout stated what he Wee trying to polo[ out Mae what the City•• [tall system currently is appraised at in Gelation to the $75,000,000.00 it will coat for the total traLl eyaiem, in order to know what wax left to pay for. Ha steLad that tans of the trail aystam proposed for new dawlopsart COUld W taken care of 6y the developer for that project. Ha added that when this plan wet first conceived the City addressed the issue of maintenance and felt the feadmr irail• were glossed over. Ne stated aiLA Lhe Ordinance that wax approved lest year, which refers to maintenance of Lreile, he Eelt it would ba proper for the Trolls Implementeiion Plen to refer to this maintenance Ordinance or hove excerpts included in the Treila Plan. Dan Coleman stated in the draft Ordinance this request could De emphselasd to strengthen ihoee requiremania for feeder trail. Councl lmember Buquet suggested financial information continue to W worked on for this project. Den Coleman etetad J. P. Davidson het prepared coat eatimatu ao they could fallow this very thing. Sean Agajanlan, Aga}anisn a Asaocisiee, made hie presentation on this trails plan. City Council Minutes SaptemWr 4, 1993 Pegs 7 Mayoz Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. hddteeslnq the City Connell was: William Johnson, Building Industry aesociatlon, stated lhsy were opposed to any new developswnt fees that Hr. Agajanian has suggested. There being no further response, the public hearLnq wee closed. Councilmember Nilllams rtatsd ehs waa opposed to a trail aoessmsnt district as suggested Dy Mr. agajanian, and commented to the public LMt there is nothing Sn the works to create this. She eieted she questioned whether the Cliy could presently implement the total system. She felt emphasis should De put on the bilw trail improvemenLS. Councilmamber Alexander elated he felt Comslssiona Tolstoy of the Plmninq Commission had brought this up at Chelr meeting and thei he also agreed with a priority being plnced on bike Lrails. He also added ha was not in favor of sn aseassment district for Lrails. Mayor Stout stated hs lelt the purpose of the Trails Implementation Plan was to create a trails eysesm for long range planning. He stated ha did not think it had io bs dons lsmsdlately by raising a lot of funds. Me stated what the Clty has at the present time is more then a lot of other cities Nw. Hs felt a tM opportunity arises, Lhty could Lgpleswni more of the EraiL from tM plsn. Hs stated es sales tax revenues lnareaee, part of Lhet money could be ast asLds Eoz maintenance of the trsils. Councilmember Williams siatad she felt staff should be aware o[ the City Council's thoughts enA to try to Include more trails when doing improvamenU. Councilmember august stated he felt the City Council realised that this would W en incremental approach. He felt the City should erect doing this a little et a time whenever they could. Councilmamber wtlght stated she, too, was against an easessmsnt district, eM wss also in favor of added bike trai L. eM stated real lstleally tM 575,000,000.00 could not happen. she did not think the people should be charged for this without goLng to a vote first to get ehelr feelings on the matter. Meyoz Stout stated he Would like: 1. The Plan to et ate it Se s long range plan, meaning it could take many years to complete, Z. The Plan to state that It L nOt the City's 1nLen! t0 make an assessment dietrlet to implement the TCaLL Plen. 3. Tha Plan to Include language chat ehs City will hsvs ordinances regulating maintenance o[ feeder trails in order to make them ufs for the users. City Council Minute septembes 1, 1991 Page 8 4. The Plan shoul0 include what portion of Lhe eyatea will be implemented by new dwalopment, end that s large portion of tM frail system ie already in exiKanw with a value placed o0 what is in axiatence. Mayor Stoui added ha did not think thin wee a Bavarly Nill• eyetr, but did tAlnk it wee a very nice trait plan. Councllmeeber klexander etatW he mould like the plan to point out that by uu of the treile it it a method to use a non-polluting .eons of travel. Mayor Btout stated the current trails are not just for squeetrinn puspoeea, but that a lot of walkers use than ea well. Councilmerber Baguet stated he would like for the City to start doing core finanelal planning for tM tralla ayatam. Ne stated hs mould like to s.. the trails considered when planning for capital projects by using good eoginNZinq designs. He sLo felt long term malnNnance rnala should W considered. Councilmamber elexander felt the Rewlvtion should care back becauu of the suggestW change Involved. Mayor Stout felt the financing of this should W pointed out. Mayor stout stated ha would like to see Lhe plan ibel! revised DeeauN of the things polntad out tonight, but would elan like the Aesolutlon to haw language about the financing laaw In blank and whits so the resident^ mould know when they steed. Bred Buller, City P]anner, felt this could come back on the Consent Glender at tea October 16, 1993 eeatlnq. ABSOLUTION NO. 93-46Y h A630LUTION OP TH6 CITY COUNCIL Op TM6 CITY O- WWC110 CUCAMONOe, CALIPOANIa, ePPROVIN6 TH6 TRAILe IMPL6IBNTATION PLaN MOTIONt Moved by Milliams, aacondM by Nzight to continw the ratNr to the ConaenL Calsnder at Lha October 16, 1991, westing with revisions Lo W euhaitted to the Council in advance for their perusal. /lotion carried unanimously 5-O. Mayor Stout stated he felt a lot of herd work had been done by staff end the conaultante and commended them for that. • w w x • ~ Clty Council Minutes September a, 1991 Page 9 H1. CONSIDHRATION OP ppnuar. pHSP0M36 TO AOOTH 30 6ETBNSI0M HRVIR0MM611T1L IM_naCf REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STaTBMHNT lHIR/BI31 - To consider commsnta by staff, tae Historic Preearvatian, Planing, and Public Safety Co®iaalona rnncarninq tM Draft HIR/HIS for the Route 30 Praaway Hxtansion arW authorizing the Nayor to forward name to the calitornia Depsrtmsnt of TranspoctatLon. Staff report presented by Larry Henderson, Principal Planner. Mayor Stout stated he strongly eyread vita Lae information in tea letter, 6ui felt the City needed to qo on record, up front, teat the City wmb one mile apecinq for Lae freeway intarcaanges end should tight for that isms. Councilmember august atnisd ha agreed with thL also. Na sUtsd he did not think the Clty wants to delay thla or amke extra cost e. Ne felt the Clty should also dig in on the billboard Laaua and oppose LhaL oleo. Counellmember Mrigat atetstl sae felt the latter should include wrDLaga on the praeervstion of historic atroctures in the lino of the freeway. Mayor Stout mggasted the wording stab, "The City aaa • atronq co®itmsnC to historic pnwrvation, and aaa roault of that, strongly urged the mitigation maasurea which are most sensitive to prewrving historical trsmauru that era found on or near the corridor." Larzy Henderson, Principal Planner, stated that Caltrsns would De raapontling to any item the City Council eddraasaa to them, Lhat LAay wouldn't nanaaarily hsva to agree with the Council, but would address [hair concarna. Brad Buller, city Planner, stated hie staff would work with the Mayor on the suggested letter. The Council oleo concurred ihaL Lae City'^ zeriacape requirsmsnb should M mentioned in the letter to be sent out. Mayor stout opened the meeting for public input. Addrauinq the City Connell wen Mary Lynn Coffee, attorney, ateiad aM had sent a latter to the City Connell stating their concarna and added they would like to aaa tae Maloof property preserved and ateiad eo in the Draft BIR/EIS. Mayor Stout asked her lE they ware agalnat the p[opoeed lraeway. Me. Coffee stated Chet would W their ideal position, but fall m alternative design or realignment could rive hie property and would alw be ncceptable. Mayor stout stated as is sympathetic to Lha Maloof •ituat ion. Thars being no furtaer response, the public commanb wsra eloaad. Ciiy Council Hinutae Saptaedwr 6, 1991 Page 30 Councilmemher Buquet stated he, too, le sympathetic to the Maloof eituat ion. Eta pointed out that this area has been designated for many years to have a freeway and felt it should go in and did not want Che city to do anything to slow thir process down. Councilmember Wright silted she would like to see a copy of the !sitar before it Mae bent out. NOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet for staff to revlu the cover letter as suggested Dy Council and eudolt it to Caltsane along witA the mitigation measures. Hotlon carried unanimously, 5-0. • • w . ~ . R2. INZTZAL SVALVATION OP THE PILOT CURHSIDS RSCYCLZNG PAOORAN Staff report presented by Linda Oaniele, Deputy City Manager. Mayor Scout eteted he would like to know what percentage of the trash le !wing collected to the target erase ie being recycled In order to evaluate the succaer of the program. Councilmember we fight eteted she would like to ass whnt the Iwrcantage of each kind of Green le Ln the wne[a stream to begin with. Councilmamber Buquet felt written feedback should be sent to the people parelcipetinq in the program ae to its effectivenae6. He also felt the trash companies are doing a good job at trying to recycle the garbage. Ha Rebd there ehouid be some kind of incentive program to get people involved Ln the recycling program. councilmember Wilitame eteted some residents have contacted her to get larger bins. She eteted sae called the refuse companiee end wee told by the staff answering their phonee that they did not know about the program and referred her to the City. Councilniember Buquet felt there ehculd be aoaw creative reminders to people to keep part icipeting in tae recycling program because ha felt they do tend to forget. MOTION: Moved by Euguet, seconded by Alexander to accept etaff'• recommendstion. Motion cerlied unanimously, 5-0. • • • • • ~ H3. CONBIDEAATION TO JOIN COCNTY'S VEHICLE ABATE PNT PRDGR N ND SCOM. xNDATZON OF WEST END MEMBER To SERVE ON SERVICE AUTHORITY Staff report preasntetl by Otto Aroutil, Deputy city Plennet. NOTION: Moved by Buguet, seconded by Stout to Oesignete Councilmsmber Alexander ae the member and CouncilmemDer Williams a• the alternate as reconmended by staff. Notion carried unanimously, 5-D. City Council Nlnuiaa September {, 1991 Psge 11 • • f R t I. COUNCIL 6U8IN689 il. StsE! report presented by Jae Schu1L:, Community Services Director. Councilmember Duquet asked if Lhe City has a backhoe, wee there same reason why the city couldn't do the Lrsnchinq themselves to run Lhe conduit. Councilmamber Nllliams uksd why LAB conduit was taken out of Sast Beryl when it was already installed. Joe Schultz, community Services Director, stated it was because of the renovation of the perk. councilmembar Williams stated she tali there needed to be a phone in awry park because of emergencies that might occur. Mayor Stout asked for the City to invastigato a way w could do the work ourselves. ACTION: Council concurred to inwstigste ell options possible to gat tM phones installed in every park as soon ae possible. • • R • • f I2. staff report and elide prssentatlon by Duane Baker, auiatant to the City Manager. CouncilniemDer aleaander also commented on the work everyone has put in to help resolve this problem. Councllmembez Wright oleo commented on the meetings that have taken place with the Task Porce to Lry and resolw this maitsr. Mayor SLOUL opened the meeting for public input. addressing the City Connell water curt Dorm felt a job site wee more appealing then a job center because a job site would have raetroome, you can drive off the road where !hare !a s parking Brea with gravel with possibly a drinking fountain. Ns stated a job center Se where you go end get referrals to qo to work. Cheryl Williams, City Manager's O[fics, City of Vpland, stated the City of Upland wants to work with Rancho Cucamonga on this matter. She stated it has not been discwsad by tMir City Council yet, but would bs soon, and stated they wanted to make thi• a regional matter fos everyone to work together on. SM added they era Dshind Rancho Cucamonga an wha! they wan trying to do. Thorn being no further response, public comments wore closed. City Council MLnuGa eeptembar d, 1991 page 12 Councilmember Buquet stated he felt the regional approach would help towards a solution to this problem, because if iL was not, Rancho Cucamonga would W like a magnet for unemployed people. He stated he did not agree with a job center concept either. Ne stated he was not aura the old City Yard was the location to coordinate ihinga, put felt the Ctty should come up with a location where tAe corkers could case to get work. councilmember will Same asked whet risk the Ciey would have for facilitating the plek-up point of workers. Jerry Pulwaod, Deputy City Neneger, stated there would be procedures to follar, but not at any rick to the Ctty of Aancho Cucamonga. He stated the people working on Shia could possibly be part-time workers or volunteers of the City. Councilmember Wrigh[ stated there neede0 to be something to lure the workers So the location wherever the Ci[y decides on. SAe felt there should De same protection for the workers eo they do not get ripped off by eaneona who has hired them to vrork for [halo. Councllmember Alexander stated sane of these day laborers ere Rancho Cucamonga residents and that trey should ba treated irks any o[her realdent Ln tea city. Councilmember eugueG felt Rancho Cucenwnga needed to talk with policy makers of Upland entl ontarlo about this matter and the poesiDility of working together. Councilmember Alexander agreed all the neighboring cities nand to work together on Shia. Mayor stout expreeeetl Aie concerns of dealing with eoctal Sasuee when there acs a poeeibillty of Ctiy employees getting laid oEf. Ae stated eater of these people are illegal aliens and tlitl not feel the Clty should help out Dy legitimlzinq this. He stated he did nos feel the City would ellmine[e this problem completely. He wondered what type of evening recreation program would be saL up for these people tAst have gotten Lnvolved to the work program. Councilmember Wright etntetl she and Councilmember Alexander had Aed thou same thoughts that Mayor stout did, but stated now she tlitl not necessarily feel thst way, and fall many of these people were residents of the City since atiendinq prevlou• meeLinge ahere these LntlLviduaL wero also to attendance. Mayor SLOUt stated he realized chat Councl lmamber Wright sae saying, but felt there were hundreds of others looking for work who were not cit Lzene. Counctlmember Buquet felt they ehou:d set up something to redirect the worker to another location to ba picketl up. Ha Ealt there has been a trsneitton of the kind of people that ere hanging around looking for worx. Councilmambar Wright stated aM did not think the CL[y should assume tASy should pay foz whatever was to be done Go get this started, but that the Clty should look for whatever funding Ls available to Aelp with tAls project. She added St Se the presence of the numbers of the people [het is Lntimidet lnq, because Lhry wars not actually breaking the law. City Council Niautes September 4, 1991 page 13 Councilmember Alexander stated the day laborers ware not seeking the Clty•^ assiatwca, but Chat tAS Task Porte wee trying to help tM community Dp helping them find work. CounciLnamber Suquat suggested the location west oP drove, north of Arrow, and for tM City to find out [he ownersAlp of that site for a place wMre the worlurs could M picked up. Councilmamber Williams agreed that the City should qo forward with tM program, but alw felt the Clty should work with other cities to develop the progru. NOTIONS Moved by Siout, swonded by august to proceed forward se raconsoended 6y staff. Motion carried unanimously, 5-O. w J1. Councilammber august mentioned that at tM omnitrans/67WBAC mNtlnq earlier today, a represantatlve from the City of San Sernardlno who wu tMir haarLas coordinator, made a preesntation to the SAMBA6 members end stated they were !tying to take a regional appzwch to the low to develop • strategy a to how Lhie problem can M deslt with on a regional bests, and etaied M would like to sae Rancho Cucamonga participate. He stated ha did not think San Sernardiw County realised wMt Rancho Cucawnga wu doing a far a tM Housing Authority and Affordable Housing. He asked thst !h!• matter M on tM next agenda for dLcuesion end for our staff to hsve interaction with the Clty of San Bernardino'• staff. • • • • . No caamunication was made free the public. • • • • • >, MOTIONS Nerved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to adjourn to 6xeeutiw Ssseion to discuss contract negotlatlona, personnel marten end pending litigation. Notion carried unenlmoualy, 5-0. TM meeting adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Respectfully wbmittsd, Oebra J. 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ANALYSIS Tha current policy has been in affect one year and only minor revisions era necessary. They are: 1. Provisions for City Administrative Staff to approve any applications for events occurring after the established review process. This is provided for under the Approval Process Number 5. 2. There has been general discussion that the Concerts and Movies should be included in the banner flying program. To do this the Commission recommends to expend the number of special event bnnners to nine. Commission end staff propose that the following banner requests be approved: 1. Fire Prevention Week (10/7 - 10/12/91) Both 2. Red Ribbon Week (70/18 - 10/28/91) Both 3. Founders Day Parade (30/28 - 11/9/91) Both 4. Mayor's Hall (11/13 - 11/27/91) Both * 5. Art In the Park (4/14 - 5/9/92) Base Line Pole * 6. Business Expo (5/4 - 5/18/92) Archibald Pole 7. Movies In the Park (6/5 - 6/19/92) Both 8. Fourth Of July (6/19 - 7/6/92) Both 9. Concerts In The Park (7/6 - 7/20/92) Both 10, Grape Narveat FflatlVal (9/28 - 10/12/92) Both (1991 Grape Harvest approved last year (9/23 - 10/7) * Par agreement with Chamber and staff, these pole locations will alternate each year. STAFF REPORT BANNER POLICY September 18, 1991 Pages 2 However, since the Commission meeting, another application has been received for the Meyor•s Hall. If that banner is also to be flown, the number should be changed to ten. 3. When two application dates conflict or overlap, staff is to direct applicants to chose only one banner location. The City will always have priority. 4. Weeks oP display may be limited to one weak even though the original request is for two weeks. This assists in conflicting dates or overlap problems. This would be lirst determined by the Comiseion and lorwerdad to Council for approval. Other Important factors Lo be aware of during the poet year are: 1. The cost for one double sided banner rune about $625.00. Double sided banners era preferred as they display the massage to traffic from both directions. Banners era certainly a highly •-:eibla manner of advertising, however, greatly increase the cust of providing programs. 2. Last year moat of the banners were taken down prior to the two seek 11miL due Lo wind damage or were destroyed by the wind. All banners were made by the same coapeny. This company also supplies banners for Ontario and Fontann eo staff is unsure why the banners era not holding up. Staff ie in the process o! reviewing banner notarial specilications to see if anything can be done about the wind damage. Ree Ct lly submitted, i p-i J e H ultz, mmunity Sa i es Director JS/ICS: kls Attachment a~ SUBJECT: HARMER POLICY ADlffEISTRATIVB PROCSDIIRE Effective: Revised September 18, 1991 Purpose: To provide information on the administration anfl monitoring of the City o! Rancho Cucamonga Banner Policy. Definitions: 1. Community-wide Even ^"- - --- - - Events which the entire-City^ is ancournged to be involved in or invited to. 2. S~ani*i cance to the Ci v B Re ;* Events that promote, enhance or portray the City~s history. 3. Sponsored by the Citv: Events or ectivitiae provided and sponsored by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Duration: only ten spacial event banners per location era permitted during each calendar year and may only be displayed for a period of up to tao weeks. The city raservea the right to take any anfl all ten display periods. Procedure: 1. Obtain CSty banner application from Community Services Department, sae Attachment "8". 2. Return application and corresponding Pees to community Service Department before August 1 of each year. Pees should be made payable to the City oP Rancho Cucamonga. 3. Only applications which are fully complete will advance to the approval process. Approval Process: 1. Application must fulfill both of the following conditions to ba considered by the Perk end Recreation Commission and city Council. A) Ba for a community-wide general public, and be the oity~e heritage. B) Be sponaoraQ by the Cucamonga. event open to the of significance to City of Rancho a5 BANNER POLICY ADNINI&TRATIVE PROCHDURE Page 2 2. If the above conditions are met, the applica- will be submitted, along with all other applications, to the Park and Recreation Commission. 3. The Comission will review all applications at their August Commission seating and forward their racomrendationa to the City council for final approval. During the review process, when two applications have conflicting or overlapinq dates. The applicants will need to chose which banner location is preferred and only one banner from each application will be flown. The City will always take priority in determining the preferred site if they are one of the conflicting applications. Sf the conflict or overlap can ba resolved by flying the banners for a shortened amount of time, than the Commission will make that recommendation to Counail, i.e., applicant submits Por two weeks which creates conflict, so Commission limits uea to one weak. a. Final approval will occur at the next Council meeting following the monthly Park and Recreation Commission meeting. 5. Applications for events which occur after the filing deadline will be considered on a case- by-case basis by City Administrative Staff. These requestors will ba included in Lha notification process and required [o mant the policy dead-line !or the next annual Application cycle. 6. Once final approval has bean obtained, CSD staff will notify applicant on the status of their application. Terms 6 Conditions: No banner can ba made or displayed in advance of final approval by the City Council or Administrative staff. The City assumes no liability or costa for banners which npplicant has made prior to final approval by the City Ccuncil or Administrative Stefl. d BANNER POLICY ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE Page 3 Banners must meet the following requirements: Size: Three feet high by thirty Paet long. Signage: Is limited to avant name, date, time and location of the event, logo, admission Pee, slogan or massage. Material: Ha able to withstand constant exposure to various weather elements Por a two-week period of time. 3. Display of a banner will not exceed two weeks. No banner will ba allowed to Ply after the event has passed unless the event is on a weekend and city crews era not scheduled until Monday. 4. The City will be responsible for the inatalla- and removal of the banner. The City is not responsible for sign damage occurring during the installation, display and removal of the banner. 5. The City reserves the right to take down any banner which has become a hazard to the public. 6. If desired by the appl icnnt, the City will have the banner made by a vendor. Applicnnt ie responsible for paying in advance Por the banner production. it banner ie donated, the aignage cannot ba created until after the approval process Se finished. 7. Banners should be delivered to the City's COrpOratB Yard, 9153 Ninth Street, Monday thru Friday from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8. Banners cannot be installed by city craws until a representative of the Community Services Department has checked the banner !or compliance with the Banner Policy and corresponding approved application. 9. No changes in the approved banner massage can be made once approved by the City Council or Administrative Staff. 10. The City reserves the right to refuse install- ation of banners that do not neat the approved application. The npplicent forfeits ell money and expanses inourrad in such aignage. 37 BANNER POLICY ADMLNISTRATIVE PROCEDURE Paga 4 11. Banners once removed from their location will ba available for pickup at the City's Corporate Yard, 9153 Ninth Street, Monday thru Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Any unclaimed banners will be discarded after two weeks. 12. Banners can be reused annually if the signage is in good repair as determined by Community Service and Engineering Departments Staff. The organization will still need to apply annually via the Banner Policy Procedure !or banner display. Banner Locations: The only designated banner locations era on Archibald north of Foothill and Base Line west of Haven. Fee's & Charges: $75.00 - installation end removal fee par banner. $50.00 - Administrative Pae if City becomes imolvad in creation and preparation of the banner. (Applicant is responsible for actual coat of banner - payable in advance.) a8 City of Rancho Cucamonga Stf@l3t Banner AppIICBtIOn Community Services Department Contact Person: Address: !2/~ Mailing Address: P. D. ,G~ RFi-r~~ ~nn/n~iin iym~xi ~ir~Q q/71l/-Q~SO Work Phone: ~7~~J 9~'~"~~ Home Phone~J Event: /i'A770: Date(s) of Event: . Bri§~f Description of PropOSed Banner Signage: Use space provided or anach copy of proposed signage. R~Ofwa~..b~c f~rR~srrd, F~/~E PiPEY.EV~11~V ~~ CbbrS 10 be Used: /iXLPJC,~~ RIIQ /GI.GIG ,~t~ Requested Dates of Banner Display: From: ~-~~~ re ~~~~ To: ~,6~~.~,~99~ Location: Base Line: ~ Archibald: ~ Both: I have received a copy, have reatl and understand, and agree to abide by the limits of the Ciry of Ranchc Cucamonga Policies regarding mis Street Banner Application. I have bean fully authorized 6y the above organization to submit this lorm and serve as the primary contact for the organization. 1 hereby hoM harmless the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its olficars, employees and agents from any and all liability for tlamages or loss or injury either to persons or propegy which may be sustained while this Danner is posted. Signature: Date Reviewed by Stall: _ Dale Heard W Commission: Recommended by Commission: 1~- Date Heard by Ciry Council: Coundl Action: Approved Denied (t Use Only Fast: Payable Io Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga in Advanrs Install 6 Remove: s Administrative: S Preparation: S ^~N^1 Total: i 4 I Street Banner Application city of laancno Cucamonga Community Services Department Citisens Against Substance Abuse Contact Person: Paula Pachon Address:n~ y Services__Deut__10500 Civic Cntr. Drive RC. 91730 ity i~ Mailing Address: P.0.. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Wark Phone: 989-1858 x2105 home Photte: Event: Red Ribbon Week Date(s) of Event: October 19-27, 1991 0rief Description of Event: National campaign to show support for a drug free co>®unity and nation. Proposed Benner Signage: Use spew provided or attach copy of proposed signage. RED RIBBON L7EEK --- October 19-27, 1991 City Logo Choice for Me ... Drug Free t for a drug free cormsunity -- wear a red ribbon dur _,__._._„__..Rari and Aleck City logo - Requestetl Dates of Banner Display: Lxatbn: Rasa line: From: October 18 To: October 28 Archibaltl: ^ Both: ©if available I have received a copy, have read and unGrataM, and agree to abide by the Iimfb M tM Gry of Rancho Cucamonga Policies regarding thin Sweat Banner Application. 1 haw been fulry aWhorizW by rite above organization to submit this form antl serve as the primary contact far the arganizaton. I herWy hold harmless the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its offroera, emplcysea end agents from any and all liability for damegea or loss or injury either to persons or property which mey be auatalned while this banner is posted. Signature: ~ Yil~~J>2. Date: ~`~-9~ City Statf Use Only Date Reviewed by Stall: ?a Fsee: PayabU to Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga in Advanu Data Heartl by Commission; /-71~~7/__Nf Install 8 gemove: S Recommenlsd by Commiuion: `rw~ No Atlmtnistrativa: 5 Data Hoard by Ciry Council: __~ Pnpaatlon: i Council ACaon: Approval Denial Total: _ 3~ Street Banner Application City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Department Organization:- Contact Pers~on0: Address: ~ rte. Mailing Addn Work Phana: Home Phone: Event: ry~ Date(s) of Event: _LLQ1 Brief Description of Event: Proposed Banner Signage: Use apace provided or an~h copy of proposao-signaga. 19~ /~nnv..t ~oN+Wtrs L~aN pq.a.~e S.iurd~, NO Yernbp-/q~ Ig4j lOgrn cr1^'1 Pa..~ Co9° ~'' 1^70 "Pa...d¢ bc9l ns at J; ney a-..( ~Rvt - !4f"on j3ou L; „Q, R,~ it I.J[rmusy . Coors to be Used; //~y~ Requested Dates of Banner Display: From: -~ ~~/ 99/ To;1/~1~! 9,~~ location: Base Line: ® Archibald: ® Both; I nave received a copy, have read arq understand and agree to abide by me limit of tM Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga Policies regarding this Street Banner Appicatbn. I have own linty authorized by dw above organization to aubmlt this lorm and serve as the primary contact for the organization. I Mnby bola hermgsa the City of Rencno Cucamonga, its officer, smployep and agents Irom any and all liability for damegee or lose or injury eitMr to persons or pm{»rry which may be suauinad while this banner is posted. Signature: /A!/lHll/ (% %/,d2//'//`•fanr Date: ~~7~9~ Clly Staff Use Only Date Reviewed by Staft: Fne: Payable to Ciry of Rancho Cucarttorga in Advance Data Heard W Commission: r Install 8 Removr. S Recommended by Cammiaslon: Yw No Adminiatretlw: S Data Heats try Ciry Council: __ I~ Pnparatlon: _ Courted Action: Approved Mad ~~ Tetel: t City of Rancho Cucamonga Street Banner Application Community Services Department Contact Person: A 1 / r ~ ~ Address: f '.I '~- U h4G1/ ~~ -~`treet uy ~P Mailing Address/: p Work Phone: 9 0 ~ ~ ~ ~S ~ ~ ~d g Hgne phone: Event: ni ...r r Date(s) of Event: ~ ~ Brief Description of Event: Proposed Banner Signage: Use spats provided or attach copy of proposal signage. ~'}'2 A ~~ 2 r.5 !~ I-PLC.. J~~ N ~ ~ ~ ~/+2 `s E vi/ ,(fib T(C~ ~7-s / IN Fo 489 - ~ 8 s ~ Coors toMUsed: ~t-t?t'-K ~ wytt'I-C.. Requested Dates of Banner Display: From: _..(~1A ~ i 3 To; (~) ~ V ~ Location: Base Line: ^ Archibald: ~ Both: I haw racsival a copy, have nod and urMentaM, and agree to abide by 1M limits of IM Gh of gaucho Cucamonga Polkiss regarding thu Stroet Banrwr Applicatlan. I haw been linty aulhodzal W tM ebow organization to submd this loan and serve as the primary eontaa for the organization. I Mnby hoW harmless the Cih of Rancho Cucamonga, its olfwsro, employees and agenh Irom any and a4 liadliry for damages or loss or injury either k persona or pmpMy which may be sushinal while thle banner f ._ is postal. Signature: ~ per-^--we+_-.~ r v~~--~-~'~-~~ Date: ° i t 7 17,L, ily Stal} Use Only Date Rwiawed by Staff Q Feu: Payable to Gh of Rancho Cucamage in Advance Data Heard by Commission: "B'" Install d Remove: S RecommarMal by Commission: Yes /NGO/_' Administrative: S Dsq HnM try Cih Couneil: _~ I~M~ Pnparstlon: i Council Action: Approval isa ~~ Tat.,: _ {F~~ Street Banner App:ication Contact Person: Address: Mailing Addres//,Ms,,: Work Phone: i!L Event: ur^- Date(s) of Event ~~ Brief Description of City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Depattment 9~~~2; Harty Ptwne: fyR"C +N TfiF vnx>` .Salurdr7.M~9~ lf4a. lQnr>'-yin. /tr4 ~~~ j~{{il~t~har Vogt to J For moiC '.ntprAva.han, Ca (j 989-t®5 Colors t0 be Used: L, Requested Dates of Banner Display: From: 1~~"~ /992 To: Locatbn: Base Line: ^ Archibald: ^ Both: I have received a copy, have road and understand, and agree to chide by the Iimib of the Gry of Rancho Cucamonga Policies regarding Chia Swet Banner Application. 1 have been fdlry authorized M tM above organization to submit thin form antl serve as the primary contact for the organizadon, I hereby hold harmless the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its olfkars, employem and agents from any and all liadliry for damages or loss or injury either to peroons or property which may be ausuinad while this banner ~~~;~/~~}}~~,,y, /~~ p~//~// is posted. y p Signature:'~~~/19~ V ///~Le> Dale: ~// //~ City Staff Uae Only Date Reviewed by Statf: Fees: Payable to Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga in Advance Date Heard b/ Commission: }~ Install a Ramova: S RecommeMed by Commission: V No Adminievativa: S Date Heats q' City Council: ~__~ Preparation: i Council Aedon: Aplxovetl Denied Total: i 33 Street Banner Application city of Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Depanment ., Contact Person: Address: _~~~ ~. Mailing Address: S~'uC~ Work Pnone: 48?-i0/.s Home phone: 9~G-7 i9 7 Event: KU.c_rn-pec~~r.,_~ Date(s) of Event: 1LL Brief Description of Event: r _ ~ U -fit r=te t Proposed Banner Signage: use apace provided or attach copy of proposed aignaga. f~IIGL ~'Qnn.N{e (i tA.CiQ„YyVKflq.., ~uSl NESS ~- GoMntt(rV_ /~ EX.~po M ccj l.Sd- l G, t~j q,~ S~~'` ~Locc~}7iryt 'l-o be a-+'t~a~hr.~) Ffs Coors to be Used: h'P~~~~?,le•A-{~fgqti~~e~~ t/q e'//~ Requested Oates of Banner Display: From:.1'Irpi7 ~ .~ 7 70: /4(G.e.l $~ Locators: Base une: ~„] Archibald: ~ Both: Q I have received a copy, have nas and understand, and agree to abide by iM limiis of 1M Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga Paliciee regaMing this street Banner Applicattan. I have been folry authorizes q' the above organization to submit this form and serve as the primary contact tar the organizason. I hereby haW harmless the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its olficers, empkryess and agenda hom any and all IlaGliry for damages or lose or injury either to persons or propsrry which mey be sustained while Ihle banner is pasted. Signature: - X/`/g/ Date• Ity Staff Use Only Date Reviewed by Staff: S Feer. Payable to Ciry of Rancho Cucamortge in Advance Date Heard by Commission: Install d Remove: S a Rewmmendad by Commission: Y No Adminletrative: s Data Heanl by Ciry Council: ~ ~ Prepvatlan: _ Council Action: Approved Denied Totel: f 3~ Street Banner Application Contact Person: Address: /05 Mailing Address: /dJ'dN/ii ~' /4 work Phone: ''/~) 9,~9--/.PSA Event: T//h/n/~,/J!/~~i Date(s) of Event: ~u~r Brief Description of Event: Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Depanment Home Phone: 1GLz ~T - aignage. NtOJieS it1 >rht T ,\.,,~ June~,.sr II, 1991 ~` ~y0f' Coyata Can,fen flxrk Ftdays J 4M 19' Alai Wt'19r t99Z IZa{hill Comm.e~lnr ij Par t gn p1,7Nw.F,i r „a~,~~,~.~:~,e4u9e'9-lase. Coors to W Used: ~~ Requested Dates of Banner Display: From: /99~ To• ~~-'--ZZ-y / 99~i Loratbn: Base Line: 0 Archibald: ^ ~ Both: I have received a copy, have nod and uMerstarrd, end agree to abide by the limits of tM Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga Policies regarding this Sdeet Banner Application. 1 have Wen fully authonzed by the above argamzation to submit this form aM serve as the pdmary conbet for me organbation. I hereby holtl harmless the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its olfa:ere, employees and agsnb Irom any and all IlaGliry for damages or lose or injury either to persona or property which may W auatained while this banner is Posted. Signature: O/ Ity Staff Uae Only Date Reviewetl W Stall: Fen: PayaGs to Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga in Advance Date Heartl by Commission: r Install 8 Remove: S ~µ ~ -l9 Recommended by Commission: a No Administrative: S Dab Meard h Ciry Council: __~~ Preparation: S Council Acdon: Approvetl Denied ~ ~ Total: i Street Banner Application ContaM Person: Address: City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Servbes Department Requested Dates of Banner Display: Fram:~~_ To: _ /99.~i. Locatbn: Base Line: ~ Archibald: I have received a copy, have reatl and umferstanq and spree to aWds by tM Iimlb of tM Gry of Rancho Cucamonga Policies regaroing this Street Banner Application. I haw been lolly atdMrized 6y tlta above organization to submit mice larm and serve as the primary contact for the organ¢ason. 1 hereby hob hermlesa the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its officers, employees and agama Irom any antl all IIaDlliry for tlamagea or loos or injury either to persona or property which mey M austairwd while this banner is posted. Signature: Date: -~ Date Reviewed by Stall: _ Data Heard by Commission: RecomnwrMed by CommWion: Data Hob by Ciry Council; , Coundl Actlon: Approvetl Staff Usa Only Fua; payable Io CIry al Randro Cucamonga fn Advance Install a Remove; S Adminiatretiw: S Pnpantlon: s 3~0 Total: : Street Banner Application City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Depanment Contact) Address: Mailing AdtlresLSV: /UO~ /.//~t'/ll7vi fG work Ptlone: l~//~~ 9.~9 /.~Jr.~ Homo Phone: Event: r -w~iirn~~.ip~p Date(s) of Event: 1!Y& Brief Description of Event: Cortceris In The f 4r~ ituanduµ5 .lu lY 9- R'^y~r 1~~ 14R 1- c G~ ~I/~^~1~~n1 I' //~~ ~~11~~ yAl~ , V ~ ReQ y,tl ~O~n MrANi YQ~IC /1M phi Y^"•~rr nA ~~~ 10'~ y~ Cobrs to be Used: Requested Dates of Banner Display: From•~(P„~9~_ Ta: ' locatbn: Base Une: ^ AArchibald: ^ Both: I haw received a copy, have road and unoerotand, and agree to abide by the Ilmlb of iM Gry of Rancho Cucamonga Polkiee regarding Inis Street Banner Application. 1 have boon fully authorized by tM above organization to submit this form and serve as the primary cenmct for the organization. I Mroby hold humissa the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its ofgcero, amployep and agents from any end aA liadliry for damages or lose or injury either to paroons or progeny which may be austalnsd vTile this banner is poatsd. ity Staff Use Only Date Reviewed by SIaN: Date Heard by Commission: l~ y Recommended by Commiwion: Yap//N/Q/ Daw Heard W Ciry Council: --1~nxsd Councl Action: Approval Fus: Payable to Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga in Advance Install 8 Remove: S Adminiatratiw: S Pnpantlon: 3 Total: _ 37 Street Banner Application Organizational Contact Person: Address: ~2 Mailing Address: work Phone: 9~7-//~O/e2 /' Home Phone:. _ 9~6- 7.3 9 '7 Date(s) of Event: ~~y ~-~~ ~ !~~'-2_ Bdef Descriptbn of Event: ~~r ~~ ~*•-~-~a~~%~~ Proposed Banner Signage: Use spare provided or attach copy of proposed aignage. GAPE ft-ftrCVCST FCS 7~ V.4 r~ Off- 8- f I . 5~f~` ~.v~ cu~a,w„„~„ ~~; R~~ Par+c Pam ~~~ F Coors to be Used: Requested Dates of Banner~Display: From: SGu~ ~~ To: ~~ Z Locatbn: Base Line: ® Archihald:~ Both: Q 1 have received s copy, have nod and urgentand, and agree to abide by the limit of tM Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga Polieioa regertltng this Street Banner Application. I haw been hdty atnhonzetl Dy ste shove organization to submit mis farm one serve as the primary contact for the organizatlon. I hereby hob harmless the Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga, its oNcers, employees one agents ham any end ell Iiat9lity br damages or loos or injury either to persons or property which may ba sustained while thin banner 16 posted. Signature: -~-'~~M~-~~!~~~ 814/ Date: ity Staft Uae Only Date Reviewetl by Stag: ~~` Fur. Payable to Ciry of Rancho Cucamonga in Advance Data Hoare by Commission: _ RaeomrtaMee W Commission: Dau Heats by Ciry Council: _ Counal Actlon: Approved Install 8 Remove: S Adminietrative: S Pnpantlon: t Total: 3 >) City of Rancho Cucamonga Community Services Department CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE September 18, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City council Jack Lam, AZCP, City Manager FROM: Joe Schultz, CLP, Community Services Director BY: Rathy Sorensen, CLP, Recreation Superintends SUBJECT: CONTRACT AGREEMENT AND SPORTS PIELD AND FACILITIES HAND800R ~4. 'J The Park and Recreation Comission recommends that the Agreement for use of Athletic Fields end Facilities end corresponding Policy and Procedure Handbook ba approved for implementation by the City Council. Over the past several years the allocation of sport fields has become a more difficult task. To provide allocation guidelines staff has gut together the attached Contract and Handbook. The original concept of the handbook and items were discussed at the April and May Sports Advisory Committee meetings. 3teff submitted a draft handbook in Juno with final comment received at their July 26th meeting. Any additional items raised by the Sports Committee at the June and July meetings has bean incorporated into the document except one. Sports committee representatives felt thnt with the approval of these eocumente it be understood that they have not implied their agreement regarflinq payment of fees. All orgenizetiona have received a copy of the linal draft ae presented to the Commission, as well as a invitation to attend the Commission's August meeting to make any additional comment. No representatives came to comment. A copy of the April through July Committee minutes are attached Por background. ANALYSIS The Agreement for Usa oP Athletic Fields and Facilities le intended to be a lagel and binding contract between all locnl youth and adult sports organizations and the City. It outlines the City's responsibility to ell residents ragerding parka, recreation and the management oP a limited resource. CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONTRACT AGREEMENT/SPORTS FIELD & FACILITIES RANDBOOR September 18, 1991 Page 2 The contract stipulates and defines areas of agreement and responsibilities between the organization and the City. This agreement will be signed prior to granting field use authorization. The corresponding Randbook is intended ae a working document for the organizations and the City. The handbook stipulator the methods; time lines for application; definitions, and rules and regulations for field use of city and school district facilities by organizations. A few items oP particular interest: • The handbook epacitianlly defines the dates !or bald applications disbursement and aubmittel. • Stetee that games hove priority over practicoe. • Stipulates that last yar~e roat•rm will be used to determine firm field usage needs. Thoea romterr will ba used to determine the percantego o! field space sech organization shall receive out of 1003 of similar fields, i.e., 1001 of 60-foot fields, 1001 0! soccer fields, etc. Therefore, it an organization has 12• o! their participants eligible to play on a 60-toot baseball field, they will receive 12t of the total time available across the city on 60-foot fields. The organization may choose which field they would like to use Por their percentage. • Policy outlines ahich sports have priority during the different seasons of the year. • Defines in specific terms meintananc• agreements. • Staten that games or practices cannot begin balers 8:30 a.m. on weekdays, weekends end holidays. • Discusses the need to be neighborly regarding issues of noise, traffic, parking, artiliciel and empliliad sounds. Rea ctfu y submitted, 1 Jo c 1t2, CLP Co u ity Servic piraetor J~/RS:ks Attachments AGREEdIEtFP FOR IISB OF ATHLETIC FIELDS AND FACILITIES PREAMBLE The City of Rancho Cucamonga provides basic municipal services to its reeidenta. One of these services is parks and recreation. To accomplish this service, the City has developed a number of parka having various types of facilities designed to meet community-wide requirements. The City has also developed recreational programs which are an important element of creating an environment responsive to the needs, interests and desires of all residents. To make the service meaningful, the City has a strategy for the management oP limited resources to maximize their benefit to all residents. while the park and recreation resources are limited and must be utilized to benefit all reeidenta, the City has determined that it is in the bast interest of all residents to occasionally designate for a specified time period a particular facility for the exclusive use of an organization. AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into ae of the latest date appearing opposite the respective parties signatures beiow, by and between the City o! Rancho Cucamonga, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), and (hereinafter referred to ae "LEAGUE") for the use and maintenance of specified athletic fields/lacilitiea (hereinafter referred to as the "FACILITIES"). II A. Recitals. (i) LEAGUE has been authorized to use the FACILITIES described in the attached "Authorized City Field Usage Form," a full and correct copy oP which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A^ and hereby incorporated by reference. (ii) LEAGUE and CITY desire to enter Into this Agreement in order to specify the obligations oP the parties with respect to LEAGUE'S use oP the FACILITIES. B. Agreeaent. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between CITY and LEAGUE as follows: 1. CITY shall approve all scheduling oP uses of the FACILITIES based upon the needs of the entire community. 2. CITY will endeavor to coordinate and conduct its routine field maintenance program !or the FACILITIES in such a manner as not to disrupt any approved and authorized schedule oP LEAGUE play. 3. CITY shall be authorized to take all necessary and appropriate actions to maintain the FACILITIES including, but not limited to, charging of a maintenance fee ae outlined in Section B, Item 22 and 23. 4. CITY shall sat minimum acceptable maintenance standards for community and neighborhood parka. 5. CITY'S maintenance may include, but le not limited to, maintenance of: a. all tur! and brick duet inlielda; b. all irrigation and potable water systems; c. parking lot(s); d. trees, plants and other landscape Leaturea; e. perimeter lancing, backstops, dugouts and bleachers; f. athletic and security lighting; g. picnic arses; h. reatroom, storage and concaaaion lacilities; i. trash racaptaclea. _ ~' 6. With respect to FACILITIES not owned by CITY, maintenance will be the responsibility of the owner of such FACILITIES and special maintenance arrangements concerning these sites should be directed to the respective owners thereof. 7. 'CITY shall have the right, in the event that emergency work or repairs are required to its FACILITIES, to close any area to LEAGUE and other users, until the maintenance and/or repairs are completed. e. LEAGUE agrees to submit a written request for FACILITIES use as specified in CITY'S ^Sporta Fields and Facilities Allocation Policies and Procedures Handbook^ (^Handbook" herein), and to comply at all times with the provisions contairad in the Handbook. 9. LEAGUE agreas to submit a printed master calendar of events, names and addresses and telephone numbers of currant members of its board of directors, and proof o! current nonprofit statue with the IRS and the State o! Calitornia, as epecilied in the Handbook. 10. LEAGUE agreas to monitor Ste Bound impact at all times on the surrounding neighborhood/residents in order to avoid disturbances, na required in the Handbook. 11. LEAGUE shall be responsible for monitoring parking patterns and insuring that parking lots are tully utilized and that any impacts on neighborhoods and residents are minimized as required in the Randbook. 12. LEAGUE shell ba responsible to provide portable sanitary restrooms, it permanent ones are not available, at each particular FACILITY. 13. LEAGUE shall ba responsible for making sure Chet permanent restroom facilities, if available, are clear of rubbish and debris upon completion of each scheduled activity. ~~3 14. LEAGUE shall not line CITY'S FACILITIES with chalk without advance written permission of CITY. 15. LEAGUE shall not burn lines on CITY'S FACILITIES. 16. LEAGUE shall not line or burn lines on FACILITIES not owned by CITY without advance written permission of the owners thereof. 17. LEAGUE will be responsible Por spot watering of brick duet areas, in accordance to CITY standards, on a regular basis. 18. LEAGUE may maintain brick duet for infield areas, in accordance witri CITY atandarda, ae necessary to maintain playability. 19. LEAGUE shall not permit cars or trucks on the field at any time. 20. LEAGUE will mainteln and replace, in accordance with CITY atandarda, all Lancing installed by LEAGUE, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. 21. LEAGUE agrees to reimburse CITY, upon receipt of a written lnvoica, for lts actual coats of electricity for field 1lghting utilized by LEAGUE based on an hourly rata. 22. LEAGUE agrees that, in no avant, shall CITY be required to perform any increased level o! maintenance with respect to its FACILITIES, unless mutually agreed upon in writing. 23. LEAGUE shall reimburse CITY, upon receipt o! a written invoice, for CITY'S actual expenses, including CITY'S reasonable overhead charge, for any previously approved increased level oP maintenance between the LEAGUE nnfl CITY. LEAGUE further agrees to reimburse CITY for any vnndalism and/or damage occurring during LEAGUE'S use of the FACILITIES which is caused by individuals or groups oP the LEAGUE. 24. At ell times, LEAGUE shall abide by, end cause to be enforced, CITY'S rules and raqulationa with respect to the uea of the FACILITIES. ~~ 25. Prior to its use of CITY'S FACILITIES as authorized herein, LEAGUE will obtain and keep in full force and effect, at LEAGUE'S sole cost, for the mutual benaf it of CITY and LEAGUE, comprehensive, broad form, public liability insurance against claims and liability for personal injury, death and property damage arising from the use, occupancy, or disuse of the specified FACILITIES, providing protection of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00). Such ineuranca policies shall name CITY as an additionally insured. LEAGUE agrees that all insurance required herein shall be provided by responsible insurance companies licensed to do business in the State o! California and that such policies shall contain Sanguaga to the effect that: (a) the insurer waives the right of subrogation against CITY and against CITY agents and zeprasantativest (b) the policies era primary and noncontributing with any ineuranca that may be carried with the CITY: (c) thny cannot ba cancelled or materially altered without prior written notice by the insurer to CITY. 26. LEAGUE shall indemnify, defend and hold free and harmless CITY and its elected officials, officers, agents, and employees Lrom and against all claims for damage to parsons or property by reason of LEAGUE'S acts and/or omissions, and ncts and/or omissions of LEAGUE'S employees, agents, quests, or invitees in connection with LEAGUE'S use o! said FACILITIES. 27. In the event CITY'S FACILITLE9 approved for use by LEAGUE herein become unfit or unavailable Lor use or occupancy by LEAGUE during the period covered by this Agreement, by reason of Lira, earttqunke, strike, civil disturbance or any other enusa beyond the control o! CITY, than this Agreement shall ba deemed terminated anfl CITY shall not be responsible Yo: any losses incurred by LEAGUE as a result thereof. ~ ~~ 28. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice. 29. Notwithstanding any other provisions hereof, this Agreement may be terminated by CITY immediately upon delivery to LEAGUE o! written notice of termination in the event of property misuse, privilege misuse and/or failure to carry public liability insurance as spaoitied in this Agreement. 30. This Agreement shall be eitective Srom 19_, through and including , 19_. 31. This Agreement supersedes all previous use and maintenance agreements, written or crzl, between CITY and LEAGUE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates written opposite their reapactlva signatures: LEAGUE: Dated: Hy: _ Title: Doted: Hy: Titla• CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA Dated: Hy: _ Title: ~~ Sports Pield end Pacilitiae Allocation Policies end Procedures Hardbook ~7 Statement of Policy & Procedure The City oP Rancho Cucamonga, Community Services Department, Recreation Division, coordinates the use of all city parks, athletic fields and other park facilities available to organizations and the general public for cultural, social and recreational activities and programs. Tha City, all five school districts and~Chaffay Collage cooperatively Work together in the sports Field allocation process to ensure fair allocation of outdoor athletic fields to local organizations. Due to the increased demand for the use of city, school diatricL and college athletic facilities, it is necessary to emphasize sharing in the use oP all athletic facilities. it is possible that the City may charge to recover public costs to operate, maintain, supervise and administer the use of park and athletic facilities. Purpose: This document sets forth the procedure of the City oY Rancho Cucamonga for allocating all available Nelda under its ownership and/or allocation control. Principle: it is the thought of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to allocate Field use to requesting and qualified organizations on the basis oP equal time per player or equal time par team. This shall apply without regard to the competitive level of an organizations i.e., all participants shall receive the same amount of Field time of tt.e organization with whom they are registered. This principle racognizea the fact that the participants are the reel users and the requesting organizations are only their agents. This equal time provision shall be applied at the organization level by ensuring that each organization receives that percentage of field time that is their percentage of the total citywide participants. Methods: Fields will ba allocated by participant percentage of all qualified primary users which wiil equal 100E ae monitored by Community Services Department. This will be done by bonafifla rosters of the groups last season primary use. Priority will be given to games. Perk and ]lthlatic Facilities Available only neighborhood and community parka or schools which have athletics in their design are available Por use as a field space designated athletic facility. S~roun oualilication - Group 1 - 6 Priority for use of lields will be allocated as follows: Group 1: Community Services Department sponsored event; City of Rancho Cucamonga sponsored and co-sponsored events; and governmental agencies serving Rancho Cucamonga residents. Group 2: Resident not-Por-profit, civic, athletic, social organizations whose management is not paid and any organization sponsoring a public Forum or candidate's night. Group 3: Resident not-for-profit, civic, athletic, social organizations whose management is paid. Group 4: Resident private party activity, resident employee organizations, resident political candidate use for fund raisers; resident collage organizations and committees; work parties and social events. Group 5: Resident commercial, business, profit-making and religious organizationa, non-resident not-for-profit, civic and eociel organizationa; non-resident collages, their organizations and committees, non-resident private party activity, non-resident employee associations. Group 6: Non-resident commercial, business, profit-making and religious organizations. Zn order to qualify as a Group 2 or 3 user, the organization must meet all the following criteria: A. The organization moat be registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the State of California, or i! not registered with the State, must have a constitution, bylnwe or mission statement which cleerly state the objectives of the organisation are on a non-profit, non- commercial nature. e. The organization must ba comprised of volunteers, 51i of which must be Rancho Cucamonga residents. C. Tha organization must submit the following: 1. If incorporated, submit state Incorporation pepara and bylaws; i! not incorporated, submit constitution and bylaws or mission stntament. 2. A current tinancinl statement. 3. A rooter o! current membership !or verifying item B. D. For the organization's beat interest, please submit the lollowinq: 1. Roetar o! oflicars 2. List of authoriasd reservers !or your organization. ~- ~q Examples of Groups: Group 1: City and Community Services events. Group 2: Pop Warner; A.C.T.I.V.E. GZOUp 3: Y.M.C.A. Group 4: Chaftey College Group 5: Frito Lay; St. Peter & St. Paul Church Group 6: Grace Lutheran Church of Upland Lockheed - Ontario Field Matrix: Each season prior to the application deadline, and after confirming field availability with all field owners, the Community Services Department will make available a copy of a field inventory list. Field Ixventorv: The City, along with school district staff and the Sports Advisory Committee, will Formulate a list which will be incorporated into the field matrix identiLyinq age, appropriate game and practice sites within the city boundary. This Field inventory will be used to allocate field percentages by age group and playing ability. #oolication: Each organization Se required to submit field application requests by the fourth (4th) Thursday in October at the monthly Sports Advisory Committee meeting for Spring/Summer field use. For Fall/Winter Usa #pplication nra due the fourth (dth) Thursday of May at the Committee Maetinq. Applications received at or prior to the meeting will be read into the minutes for a matter of record. Any organization missing these deadlines will have access to any remaining fields after the allocation process is finalized. Applications will ba mailed to the Sports Committee representative elonq with the field inventory matrix lists approximately 30 days prior to the filing deadline. These documents will also be made available at the April and September Advisory Committee meeting. Submission of Field Requests dose not constitute approval; approval is given only after linal field allocations are published by Community 9ervicas Department and ail additionnl policies and procedures are met by the organization. ??eearvation Procedures: A. Facility requests to reserve all outdoor city and school fields by local organizations era mnda through the Recreation Division of Community Services Division. B. Priority is given to provide gams lacilities and to maintain perks. Practice raquirementa are the second priority Following game and maintenance needs. ~- 50 C. Numbers of players will be the major factor in allotting facilities. D. Where concession stands or storage containers exist, the use will be given to the primary user group unless they decline use. Refer to policy included in this manual. E. Vsera, requesting League or ongoing use of city and/or school athletic facilities must submit request on appropriate city-generated forma. All requests for school usage will first be submitted on a city form. City staff will then send Forms to school districts for approval. Once approved by the school district, the district will contact the user to arrange proper school district forme and other district requirements. F. All requests will be reviewed by city staff and/or school district representatives. G. A final facility organizational meeting will be held in June and November of each year. Each user requesting Facilities during the season must sand a representative. iP groups requesting use do not have a representative, they may lose their priority for scheduled use of facilities. (See Application Procedures on previous page) H. No user group will be given an approved agreement for Facility use until the Following documents era submitted: 1. complete list of names, addresses and telephone numbers of the current Board of Direatora. 2. Proof of current nonprofit status with the IRS and state of California. 3. Nnater Calendar of events which mny Sncluda: o Organization name and sport o Registration Oates o Team selection dates 0 opening day - dates, time, field, equipment L program o Date league games enfl o Number of teems and number of players last yaer o Practice schedule o Pre-season tryouts (date, time, place) o Dnta practice begins o Data league begins o Touznement/Poet Season dates including request to host o Last year's team rosters - available for review o Gams echadula - last year's t'r" S1 4. One copy of the Certificate oP Insurance listing the City oP Rancho Cucamonga as coinsureE. (School districts may request the same.) 5. Request Por field improvements, new installations, or Field lining. 6. Request for use of Snack Baze and storage areas. Due upon final field allocation and prior to receipt of authorization to use city Pialds form or any facility keys. I. Signed Agreement for use and Maintenance of Facilities. J. All deposits as required. K. League anticipating a split to form a new league or individuals planning to organize a new sports program, must apply to the city one year prior to the estimated starting date. This will provide time necessary to study the impact of the new program on existing facilities. L. Requests Por additional use or progzama not covered by the Field Allocation Request moat ba submitted to the City in writing the third Thursday of the month so it can ba disaussad et the Sports Advisory Committee meeting which is held the Lourth Thursday of the month. Definitions A. Participant: Participant shall include only those players who are Fully registered with the user organization. Non-players such as coaches, olficials, and staff shall not be included. For the purposes of field allocation, actual total enrollment lrom the previous year will be used. B. organisation: organizations aha11 be registered with the city oP Rancho Cucamonga, Community services Department and have a representative on the Sports Advisory Committee to ba qualified for field use. Now users will be invited by city staff to attend meetings when field allocation requests are being conaidarad. Season: For the purposes oP this procedure, the seasons are established as follows: Usaoe Fall/Winter Sotina/summer Opening Data August 1 January 16 Closing Date January 15 June 31 Pre-Season As Available Aa Available End Post Season February 15 July 31 Primary User Football/Soccer Baseball/softball Secondary Vser Baseball/softball/other Football/Soccer/OLhar ,~ .sa Note: When questions arise regarding which season a sport should fall, C.I.F. competition will be considered. C. Primary user: A Community Services Dept. registered and qualified Group II organization has first claim to all field use during the season that they are classified as a primary user. Group Z usage will be scheduled prior to the field inventory list being sent to the groups. D. Secondary: This is a Group II user in a sport other than that designated as primary u~~t for the season. A secondary user may obtain field use allocations only if: a) a field is not usable by a primary user; b) all primary users have received all the field time requested and there is field time not allocated to primary users. Group IZI-VI requestors will ba accommodated only after all Group II primary and secondary groups. E. New user: This ie an organization which has not requested field use allocations in the last twelve-month period. New users must adhere to deadllnae established herein in order to be eligible for field allocation. An organization which changes its Hems, but otherwise remains the same, shall not be considered a new user. Splinter, spin-off or subsidiary organization will ba considered a new user. A current organization which merges with another currant organization shall not ba considered a new user, provided the presidents of both merging organizations sign the field allocation request which thereby combines their season. New divisions of current organizations must indicate such on their Field Allocation Request Form. Tha Sports Advisory Committee may determine initial maximum level allowed for all new users, although they mny hot deny use to an otherwise qualified organization or division. F. Residency: All Youth Group II users ars required to hove 80; of their participants as Raneho Cucamonga residents to be considered a primary user. Adult Group ZZ organizations moat have 603 residency. G. Allocation Percentages Each organization shall receive a percentage of fields on the basis of its percentage of total players in all organizations, which provifle the same age level of play. This will be done by the previous primary season official rosters. H. sports Advisory Coaittea: A committee authorized by the City Council end answerable to the Park and Recreation commission. Ench organization or city- sponsored league has one repraasntative on the committee. The City will also nppoint addltionel citizens at large to this committee, as well as representatives from city-olfered spo:te programs. ~~~ I. Allocation Schedule 1. After the season application deadline, Community Services Department will go over all field applications for completeness and determine any conflict of requested use. 2. The Sports Advisory Committee will meet the 3rd Thursday oP November (due to Thanksgiving) and the 4th Thursday of June to review field applications and resolve conflicts in use. (See Application Section.) 3. Additional meetings may ba necessary to resolve complicated conflicts. 4. For Field Allocation, meeting of the Sports Advisory Committee, each participating organization's president or designee must have the authority to speak for the organization. Final decisions must be made at these meetings and no allocation business will be tabled to another meeting, so someone can "check with last year's rep." It the Sports Advisory Committee representative Heads help with the process, another person from their organization may attend the meeting to provide assistance. 5. Each participating organization must make aveilabla bonafide registration materials or parent organization computer printout listing player's name, full address; and, for youth organiaationa, the school name for inspection by Community Services Department and the Sports Advisory Committee. 6. Requests for additional use or programs not covered by the Field Allocation Request must ba submitted to the City in writing the third Thursday of the month so it can be discussed at the Sports Advisory Committee meeting, which is held the fourth Thursday of the month. Authorized Ci Vsa: When all written requirements of the City are met, the organization will receive a formal authorization to use city fields. A copy of this loan must ba readily available for inspection by city staff or sheriff at each site approved Por use. Notice of Non-IISa of Field: Any user organisation that has peen allocated space and does not intend to use it requlerly, should notify community Services Department so that the Held may ba reallocated or otherwise used at its maximum; or make mention of this at the Sports Advisory Committee meeting where this Copic will ba agendiaed. Notice of Exchange: Any user organisation mny give up or exchange its allocation, or any part o! it, with another organization. Any such modification moat be verified in writing by all the parties to exchange, and the field allocation forms must be tiled with communit; Services Department. ~ 5~ Athletic Field *ininc/![ ri A. Lining of city parks with chalk is not permitted with- out written permission granted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. B. Burning lines on city Pields is not permitted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. C. Lining and burning lines on school district property can only ba done upon written approval o! the respective school district personnel. D. Any user failing to comply with established guidelines and notification requests are subject to paying for all damages occurring to the facility and the termination of field uea permit. Restrooms; Facilities must be clear o1 rubbish and debris upon completion of scheduled activity. For the convenience of players, spectators and the general public, it would be good customer service if additional restroom supplies (i. e. toilet paper) ware placed in the rastroona by the user. Rules and Rnnnt.-i..., ..~ tsi to n a A. Gamae and practices can begin no earlier than 8:30 a.m. weekdays, weekends and holidays. B. Alcoholic beverages ere not allowed in city parks. c. No artificial noisemakers, i.e., horns, rattles, bells, whistles, etc. D. At the conclusion of games/practices, the City naka that you leave the park area quickly and quietly, especially after late games, as it is a residential neighborhood. E. Cancellations 1. Tha City of Rancho Cucamonga may cancel uses of park 6 field fecilitiae !or any of the following reasons: - City engaged in work involving any o! the lecilitiea. - When the health and aniaty of participants era threatened due to impending conditions, including but not limited to, heavy rnine, smog alerts, pesticide spraying, earthquakes. - School districts may cancel uses of fields under the direction o! their edminietrativa otiica. ~- 55 Insurance A. when the user group is involved in a sporting/hazardous event, the City requires the group to have a minimum $1 million Comprehensive Personal Liability and Property Damage Insurance Policy. The City of Rancho Cucamonga must be named as additional insured on the policy. B. The user agrees that the policy will indemnify and hold the City and its elected officials, officers, agents, and employees free and harmless from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of users acts or those of users employees, agents, volunteers, guests or invitees in conjunction with users and occupancy of the facility. C. Proof of the policy must be given to the Sports Office prior to being given authorization to use the field. Traffic and Parkins A. Tha user group must assure that participants and spectators utilize off-street publio parking areas. In post-season or tournemant play, the user will provide at least one person to direct participants and spectators to designated parking areas. B. No vehicle will be allowed on city property, other than parking lots, without written permission. Psblic Address sva Oae A. organized scheduled Athletic Events Sound Amplification equipment will be allowed in city parks, but limited to public address systems, stereo equipment, stationary and portable components and bull horns, subject to the following conditions: 1. Request to use the Public Address (P.A.) System must be included on the tield uea application. 2. Decibel readings of Bound will ba monitored by city staff at each facility and power limits set eo ae not to exceed 74DHA at 300 lest in circumierance Prom the source or property line, whichever is aloear. 3. All users will ba responsible for 9uerantaeinq the sound level not Lo exceed 74DBA by installing permanently an automntic control system to ba tasted and approved by the City prior to each seaeon~a uea. 4. The direction of sound from the P.A. 5yetem speakers will be toward spectators and/or bleacher areas. 5. The P.A. system use will be permitted only between the hours of 9s00 a.m. end 9:3o p.m., Mondey thru Saturday, unless otherwise approved by City Council. 6. Only persona la years and older will be allowed to operate the public Address System. ~ 5l~ 7. All Public Address System use for athletic events must pertain to the game being played. Special announcements shculd be kept to a minimum. In no case will play-by-play announcing be permitted. 8. Failure to comply with the above requirements by user groups will result in one oP the iollowinq: - First Offense - Verbal warning followed by written communication. - Second Offense - Payment of staff time to monitor sound system at rata set in Music and Amplification Policy at the next sat oP games. - Third Offense - Lose of system use until a hearing can be set with the Park and Recreation Commission. Maintenance A. The City will maintain parks for public use. B. Each school district ie reeponaible for upkeep and maintenance of school property. Maintenance arrangements should be made directly with the school district. C. City Field Maintenance 1. All maintenance such ae lightweight field preparation, lining of the fields, setting of bases, and installation of portable goals will be performed by the user as par the written agreement between the City and the user. 2. Motorized vehicles era not permitted on city parks for the preparation of athletic fields unless written permission is given by the Park Maintenance Superintendent. ~. Each user is reeponaible for the Facility being free of trash or debris caused by group usage. 4. Users are required to report any damnge or acts o! vandalism to the Maintenance Department immediately. Emergencies on weekdays, nights and weekends - Call Police Dispatch. MQdificatione: Any request to modify or improve any city or school facilities shall be submitted for review to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Perk and Recreation Commission and the respective school board for consideration. Mo permanent structures or equipment shell be erected on city or school facilities unless npproved by those bodies and dadiceted for community use. +~e- 5 7 C os An Annual Maintenance Program is to ba submitted to the City Council prior to budget approval for review and comments. Once projects are approved by Council, the Park Maintenance Division of Public Works will notify the Community services Department regarding scheduled maintenance on each park. Maintenance will attempt to be flexible in accommodating user groups but, ultimately, Park Maintenance must be concerned with the health and safety of the user. This may require the closure of parka, the denial of use of a park, and the seeking of alternate sites Por athletic use. Rain IIae Guideline ; gee policy and Procedure included in this handbook. Snack Bar D'saae: Sea Policy and Procedure included. Tournaments: Sea Policy and Procedure included. R~oraae ose: See Policy and Procedure included. Licht D'se: gee Policy and Procedure included. Fees and charoes: - As set by City Council and printed in the Community Services cost Recovery Handbook. General Time Line for Pield llocstion Pro..ad A. Meet with School Districts and City Maintenance field availability. B. City develop field matrix availability. C. Organlzationa fill out request and related information. D. Submit !or review to stet! (May/October). E. Organizational meeting to determine field use (June/November). F. Additional meeting to assist in field use. G. Sand paper work to school district for approval and coordination with organizations. H. Obtain agreement to use Pielfl, any teas end insurance from organizations. I. Sign and distribute City Field Requests. J. Notity City Council, Park and Recreation Commission, and Maintenance of approved use. ~, a y ti ZL ti U y 0 ^^0 '~1 I c u c m ~ y v ~ D n °< 'L3 a C~O~ O''~ u~' V x F S" w ~ a '~ vc~4 u .~ 3 w ~. c .~ 5 3 ~p G w i 4 c° a c 'e W ~~ '~= U ~~ J 85 s ,_ 5.3 8' 9 ~~ ~~~„ _~~~ °~g ~~~~~ a'~~ 5 ~gm ~ o a ~~.~~ :~ ~~~ U O T H s~~~ . .g~~ ty .~ ~ a ~~~~ Hw~yy y V ~~~ ~~•,~~ m Y 1,~~g E i q h ~~ g~c~~ A h H ~ h ~ C O I Cy N a E A ~ ~ '~ r a y; 3 s n v i ~ a ~ s ~~g ~ 5 ~ fig ~ ~ .~ E 0 ~ •H ~ yS a 6 E E fir. r }~` 5 5 h t ~ ` ~ ~ ~ y a q ~ W ~ 8 T ~ g A s ~ ~ qpp „ ~ Q~ ~ s ~ ~ A c ~ ~~ x ' 7 9 i 57~ .4 ~g ~ [3 ~ ~ ~a . £~ ~ ~` a $ ~y ~ iiP ll s. V ~ t7 ~~~ . g Q a ~ ~~ y 9 4L a a O 7 m E o~ ,~~~ m F T E h F- ~ E [E .F T ~F J E 3F ~ F T ' ti i U G N Z C .~ F N OD y ~ .~ ~ O ~ ~ 'O "~ yUy G 4 N •R C 3 .. 'w >. w 3 '~ A W ~ ~ y A .^ 3 ~ ~ o ~~a ~~o~ ~~ SDEJECT: SPORTS FIELDS AND PARRS INCLHMENT flEATHEIt POLICY HFFECTIVE: February 1, 1989, City Council Meeting PDRPOSE: City Parks and Fields have been designed and maintained far the enjoyment and use oP Rancho Cucamonga residents. The purpose of this policy is to guide the use of parks and fields within the City by implementing a procedure to prevent damage to outdoor facilities. POLICY: City o! Reneho Cucamonga reserves the right to cancel approved outdoor facility permits for games, practices and other usages based on inclement weather. PROCEDDRE: 1. Community Services staff will inspect the fields, evaluate conditions, determine playebility an3 review findings with City Park Maintananaa staff. 2. Field playability will be determined by: a.) safety conditions and/or haaarda that could be datrimantal to players welfare. b.) existing and forecasted weather conditions foz the day. c.) potential field 8amage due to play or practice. 3. Notification by recreation and park maintenance staff will bs made to the Athlatia Supervisor by 3:OO p.m. weekdays and 8:00 a.m. on weekends. If e decision is made to cancel weekend morning use, personnel will re-check the fields again prior to noon for a determination on afternoon use. 4. Upon cancellation of field usage, staff will attempt to contact the appropriate personnel, league representatives, umpires, teem captains or aftiliete liaisons . 5. Contact rapraeantativea era requested to call a recorded message on Athletics Oftica main phone number 944-6950 regerflinq field and light availability after 3:00 p.m. on weekdays end S:o0 a.m. on weekends. Field information on weekend afternoons will be available around noon. / I INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY Page 2 6. The decisior~ to terminate games, practices or other outdoor uses in the avant of bad weather after the specified time and/or during game or practice will be left to the respective officials, coaches, league rapresantativea or users at each site. 7. I! a league representative, team captain or affiliate liaison has not bean contacted, and there is no massage left regarding cancelled field or park usage on the Athletics OlLica phone massage recorder 944-6950, than no decision has been made regarding inclement weather. Players and participants should follow their regular scheduled timns and appear at the reserved location. e. The City requests that individuals and groups attempt to retrain from uaa of heavy traffic areas during practices, regardless of weather, to assist in providing the Caet field conditions possible (i.e, soccer goal areas, grass pitching erase). 9. Individuals or groups which do not comply with the cancellation policy mny have currant and future field use permits cancelled. kathy/POLICY/rainout ~(! SPORTS FIRERS SNACR gau Farri.rmrRR PDnrTIYmy PFFECTIVS: September 18, 1991 PORPOSE: To determine the process and procedure for the allocation of the snack bare permanently built in city parka. This procedure does not cover portable snack bare, vendors, or the equestrian center. These uses are covered under a separate procedure. POLICY: It is the primary purpose of the City to provide snack bar facilities to city events and resident nonprofit groups for fund raiseta. GENERAL POLICIES a OOIDELINEB: 1. Applicant will fill out a City Snack Bar Request Form and apply for a City Business License. 2. Snack bar permits will ba issued on a seasonal basis according to the ^In Season" guideline set in the Sports Piald Allocation Policy. No year- round permits will ba issued. 3. Product Control - City snack bare ware built by the City and licensed by the San Bernardino County Environmental Health Sarvicea (SHEHS) to serve prepackaged food and certain other products. All other types of food service must be approved in writing by the City of Rancho Cucamonga and all guidelines of the SHEHS moat ba mai before implementing food service changes. Capital costa to improve the facility to enhance food service and revenues will be borne by the applicant. 4. All user groups are required to have in their possession a valid Health Permit, schedule an inspection by the Health Ompartmant and mast all regulations mat forth by the 9BEH8. A copy of the permit naeda to accompany the Snack Har Raqueat Form. Tha user is ramponmibla to purchase their own supplies and equipment to operate the snack bar to Health Barvicae Standards. ~3 SPORTS FIELDS SNACK EAR FACILITIES PROCEDURE Page 2 6. The City reserves the right to exclude dates from the permit Por City-sponsored events where a snack bar facility is needed. This use may be done by the City or a city-authorized nonprofit group. If a nonprofit group operates the snack bar Por the City, 15t of gross receipts will be returned to the city. Equipment - The City will provide only the structure and existing equipment ae presented in the original design of the building. It is the group's responsibility to provide any and all other equipment, i. e., storage racks, refrigerators. All equipment purchases must meet Health Services equipment regulations prior to purchase. Tha City does not aeavma any liability for the equipment at any time during its use or storage in the snack bar. e. Insurance - The group will provide liability Insurance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga as Additional Insured. The City's Risk Henager will set the amount. Reye - Tha City will cause to ba made three masters per permit. one key will ba given to the group to use and duplicate, at will, during the term of the permit. Tha other two keys will ba kept for emergency maintennnce and inspection purposes only. One key will ba kept at the City's corporate Yard and the other at the City's Sports Office. 10. Ra-Keying - At the end oL the permitted usnge, the group will vacate the building within fourteen (14) days from the anfl o! the permit. On the fifteenth (15) day the City will chnnge the locks and make ready the snack bar for another veer. Any equipment left in the snack bar on the fifteenth day will ba conaidazad "at largo" and able to be used by any group using the lacillty at no charge by the owning group. 11. The City o! Rancho Cucamongn 9porta Office or Perk Mnintanance need to ba made aware of needed repairs to the building prior to the group making rapaira. Ozoupa may ba billed for repairs it the repair Se caused by misuse on the part o! the veer. ~( SPORTS FIELDS SNACK BAR FACILITIES PROCEDURE Page 3 12. Cleaning - At all times the snack bar must meet Health Department standards. When the use permit expires, the group is responsible for thoroughly cleaning cabinets, sinks, counter toga and floors. Any capital equipment left in the concession stand for ^at large^ use must be cleaned and disconnected from electrical outlets at the end of the permitted use. PRIORITIES i FEBS: The City Council has adopted priority groupings and Ease for issuing a snack bar permit. Rater to the Community Services Department'm Cost Recovery Handbook for charges. ~~ SUBJECT: PUBLIC FACILITIES RESHRWITION AND FRE POLICY POLICY/PROCEUORE: Tournaments A. General Regulations: 1. All general rules and reservation procedures as specified in the Public Facilities and Fes Policy era applicable. There are special additional provisions for tournament reaervatione which are stated in this section. 2. Tournament applicants gust complete a Community Services Department Facility Application in addition to a supplemental Tournament Reservation Application. 3. Available athletic fields will ba determined following the City~a field allocation procedure for sports organizations which occurs twice each year. a. Priority will ba given to applications in the order of applications received. Raquesta from Gzoup I and II users will have priority except where the Group I user is the City. In this cesa the fielfle will have been allocated prior to the sports organizations field allocation process. 5. Potential aware will ba given Live (5) days after the Community Services Department has confirmed their dates to deposit a mon-refundable cancellation fee. The balance will be due, including a tournament schedule five (5) days prior to the actual uaar dates. If deposits and foes era not made on time, priority will ba forfeited and fields will be reallocated. 6. If a confirmed user cancale a tournament after the total fee has been paid and prior to live (5) working days of the tournament, the Community Seriicee Department will refund all the balance paid over and above the non- retundabla cancellation fee. i! a confirmed user cancale in five (5) working days or less o! a tournament, or does not appear for a scheduled avant after all Leas era paid, there may be no rotund. ~. Games may not begin before 8:30 a.m. weekdays, weakanda and holidays. Games must and by lo:OO p.m. wank nights and Saturdeye. No lights aza available on Sunday. ~P Public Facilities Reservation & Fee Policy - Tournaments Page 2 e. Snack Bar Facilities may be available or the organization can make arrangements with Community Services to bring a private one into the park. 9. All Pees requirefl for additional trash cans, field preparation or other requirements will be the responsibility of the veer as determined by the Community services Department. 10. No special Pield maintenance will be provided by the City. Users will need to water, drag, and line the fields per specifications provided by the City's park Maintenance Division. 11. Bases and nets will ba provided by the user. 12. Additional services requested by the user must be approved by the Community Services Dept. at the time of application and may require additional Lees or deposits. 13. The following condiiiona are to be met to use city fields: a.) No motorized vehicles are allowed on the grass areas oP the park facility without written authorization by the Community Services Dapt. b.) All trash moat be stored in the proper receptacles. c.) If damage or defacement to park amenities occurs during groups use, which includes equipment, grass, or foliage, the remainder of the charges will be billed to the applicant, the amount to be determined by the City o! Rancho Cucamonga. l4. Dee of generators, tents, gazebos, snack bare, etc., moat be epproved at the time of application. 15. For any tournament, the City of Rancho Cucamonga requires liebillty insurance of $1 million. Tha certificate of additionally insured is to ba submitted to the City at time oL final fee payment. B. Pacility Fea schedule: The city Council has adopted fees for providing tournaments in the City. Refer to the community Services Department Cost Recovery Handbook Por charges. 'P 7 EFFECTIVE: October 17, 1990 PURPOSE: To ~datarmine the process and procedure !or the allocation of storage areas built in city parks. POLICY: The purpose of building storage areas in city parks is to assist city and resident nonprofit sports organizations in storage of equipment during seasonal use. GENERAL POLICIPS irQtnm.rauc; 1. Applicant will fill out a city Storage Request Form. 2. Storage permits are issued on a seasonal basis according to the ^In Season" guideline eat in the Sports Field Allocation Policy. 7. Only sporting equipment and necessary support equipment will be stored. No perishable food or flammable products era allowed. Tha storage area is not intended for snack bar vsa. 4. The City provides only the structure and existing equipment, as presented in the original design of the building. It is the groupie responsibility to provide any and all other equipment, i.e., atoraga racks. No permanent atoraga containers or shelves are elloaed without prior written permission o! the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 5. The City assumes no liability for any equipment or storage units kept in the storage arena. s. Keys - Tha City will cause to ba made three master keys par permit. ons key will ba given to the group to use and duplicate, at will, durlnq the term of the permit. The other two keys will be kept for emergency naintanance and inspection purposes only. Ona key will be kept at the city Corporeta Yard and the other at the city sports 0!lica. `E~~ Storage Axea Allocation Procedure Page 2 Re-xeyinq - At the end of the permitted usage, the group will vacate the atarage 6uildinq within fourteen (S4) days from the end of the permit, on the fifteenth (15) day the City will change the locks and make ready the atarage area for the next user. The storage area should be kept neat with equipment properly stored for safety. Upon fire conclusion of the permit, the user shall clear out all equipment and sweep out the area. No equipment can be left. The City of Rancho Cucamonga Sports Office or Park Maintenance needs to be made aware of needed repairs to the building prior to the group making repairs. Groups may be billed for repairs it the repair is caused by misuse on the part of the user. PRIORITIES i FEES: The City Council has adopted priority graupinga and Pees for issuing ataraga permits. Rafar to Lhe Community services Department coat Recovery Handbook for Chargae. ~9 EFFECTIVE: September 18, 1991 PORPpSH: To .determine the process and procedure for calculating sports fields, courts and arena light use cost recovery charges. POLICY: The City oP Rancho Cucamonga will charge all users the actual coat of energy consumed Yor use of lights at sports areas. GENHRI-L POLICIHS i GOIDHLINES: 1. Lights are available Monday through Saturday from dusk until 10:00 p.m. Ro lighte era available on Sundays except as permitted by City Council. 2. Light charges will ba reviewed annually using energy use Formulas provided by Southern California Edison. 3. Light cost recovery charges will be based on a per field, per hour rata. 4. Light coats will be averaged amongst all similar facilities, i.e., s0-foot llelde, 9o-foot tielde, soccer Fields, tannic courts. 5. Field lighting use durin~~ pacific standard time will begin at 5:00 p.r. for calculation purposes. s. Field lighting use during daylight savings time will begin at 7:30 p.m. !oz calculation purposes. 7. users will request uas of lighte on their !Said reeervetion request. Payment, unless seasonal, will be due at time of application. seasonal users will be billed in advance on nn approved schedule. Electricity will be automatically turned ott upon delinquent payments. S. Youth organizations era required to maximize use oP lighted tacilitias by holding games end practices for younger children lire! and older youth later (i.e., 5 to 7 p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m.). 70 ODTDOOR SPORTS LIGHT FEE POLICY Page 2 PRIORITIES i PB88: Tha City Council hoe adopted priority groupings and tees for light charges. Refer to the Community Services Department Cost Recovery Handbook for charges. 7l CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 T0: city council FROM: Debra Adams, City Clerk/Recor,,2ds Manager BY: Tony Russell, Records Clark J~~ SUBJECT: DEBTRDCTI01 W CIT! DOCDMEIPfB It is recommended that City Council approve the Resolution greeting authorization to destroy records listed on the attached form(s). Unfler the authority of Government Code Section 34090, a department Read may destroy certain city records which are two years old under his charge as long as such destruction is first approved by the city Attorney and City Council. Also under the name Government Code Section, authority ie granted to destroy records which have been microfilmed. DA/tr attachment RESOllll'SCN ~. 91 ~~3 A RE90LU1'ICN OF 74Q: CTTY CO[f7CII, OF '11iE C17Y OF RANCH3 Q7C7fEfIJC~, CALIETHdifA, AV~IZING THE DESIId1L24CN OF CTTY I AEID DOQ14Ef715 {OIICN ARE ND IRIGFR REilIJII2ED AS FRCA7IDE0 LNDII2 OWIIdd~ffElf CODE SECFICN 34090 WHE[tFAS, It 1135 been determined that Oer'tain City re0DLi13 lalder the dlatge of the follavinq City Departm~lts ate to longer required Par public ar private purposes: AR~IINI91RAT1VE "FRVIC6 9UIIDING & SANELY EUSIIJFSS LICENSINf+ C17Y Q.ERR 0?1MIiPM SERVICES PFFSCMIEI. RIDEVE(APEIFNt M:FNC.Y WHERFAB, it has been determirrad that destruction of the abwe- mvltioned materials is necessary to coreerve storage spacer and reduce staff titre, expense, and wnfu5ion in hardlirg, and informitq the public; and Wf~72PAS, Section 34090 of the Govert>ment Cale of the State of California auttlarizes the head of a City depatUrent to destx+oy any City rewrds and doam~ents xt11ci1 are over two years old under his ar her large, without making a copy thereof, after the same are no latlger iegtlired, upon the approval of the City Couroil tR' resolution and the written rnnsetrt of the City Attorney; and W}~S, it is therefore desirable to destroy said records as list in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, in storage, without making a copy thereof, which are over two years old; and WHEREAS, said tecortis have been approved far destruction by the City Attorney. NOW, 1f~DRE, this City Cbralcil of the City of Ratx3w Cucamcrrga does hereby resolve as follows: SECPIoN 1: Ytat approval aryl autharizatim is hereby given to destroy those recoxcls described as F]thibit "A" attached hereto std made a part hereof. SF1"f1oN 2: 'Rat the City Clerk is authorized to allow examilation by and donation to the Deparhrerlt of Special Collectiars of the university --` Library, University of California, or other histaripl society desiccated by the City Council, arty of the rewrtls described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto std made a part hereof, except those deemed to be confidential. SECTION 3: That the city Clerk shall certify to the adoption oP this zesolution, azd thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full foI+0e and effect. 73 Page 3 :!?:' Cf ¢AACSC CCCANCYGA g~gTT non :es:rc-Car Mc:'c':a:!:.^. R[r_r: n re: ^.9::::35: ac mL'-CX!VC 9EWRC5 ARE SCVcgSi c: cCR 2e5r4irn~ o~EASE ;VC!CA'- ° CES!Rc.: C!S°CS"CA. 5!G9 aYC 9E':'AY *C *4E ¢c.CCRCS fAAAGEkEYT •V!S!CN. % 'Mc ~9c_CC~QCS ''-:S?EC 9E:CM %A° A.L 9c nc3.~.rn ¢E'A!Y 'XCSc. RECC9;5 YARN N!TV AM X cCR '/w'°S.:ESTRCY 'u°- 9ES. ?... •:. e'S^ AECCACS CCC9:!YA-CR: NA!!A' :E9AA ,c°.::'S. :co' VAYc: A:r!V SE9V:CE5/AE+!Y rA!L SCR': nup4c, "' 1!9P9-'PS' ell': ZCE2 •aeX :A?ES °ER!AYEY? eECas, : A. :EE~er QETe:eiA'- 4CX '%` °VeY" 9CX CCV':4'E SRCr ., 9CX NC. .CCA?!C1 9c% CE-!99' CA?E $EY7 'C. ' CYRCNC!CE:CA'_ CCRRE9°CWCEYCE ° C'/C'/R' •2/29/?' n un_° .. '2C '2-:3-:' 2 '2-!99: a':[r 7 '997 3`AE' QE °:e?S !:'/°.' '2/79/Pt °°ke• R 2 '9P? :°TC.95 :A9-.GEC . !: •/P7 '2/29/P7 c°':er A '997 YE!!CG ;AN-0EC G'/2!/°., '2129/97 Ga.[: ?AA?MEV? YEAC Ca:[: ASST ='T"~A`. E? 9CXE5 ?0 9E 7E5?RCYEG ' 7~ laesolutim 190. 91-**• I>a9'e C!rY Of RANCHO C!'CANCNGA FOU~1T npn Des:^~~ :!or, Not?Hca:?cr. Rerr; PAGE: CA?E: O7/CB/9! ?!NE: 08:68:560 rNE fOLLON!Nr° RECORDS AR'_ SCNEDL'!EC FOR DES'. F'C?!ON. D!EASE !XD!CATO 'N'- OES!REC 9!GPCS!r!0N. S!fiN AND AE?URN ?0 ?!!E RECORDS MANAGENE9? C!V!S!ON. %,>. NE RECCAOS 115?EC 9E!OX NA°. AL! 9E Dcgr4Oycn. X_RE?A!N ?NOSE RECORDS tARX M!?N AN X 'OR__ MON!NS. 7E3?ROY ?XE REST. A[LL ?C: 1373 RECORDS COORO!NAiOR: !EACd. !INDA DEPT : l3T3 CfP? PANE: 3L'!!O!N6 S EAFE?Y 7!V MA!! SOR?: °N09E: !7!6;989-!95' E%?: 22:^. MARX 7A?ES °ERMANEYi RECORD C?A. CES*ROY RE?R!EVA! 9OX (X! EYEtl? AO% CON'EY?S fRON *C 9C% 9O. !OCA!!ON Bcx ^.6-!99! DA?'- 5eyr *0, _; D SURD ING h SAFEr° 3RIERAL INPo 0!/0!/19 !2/29/81 ~~ HELD ° 39 !C-C2-03 ! C9-!99^. °o?der A 90X79 AXD AGREE31ENT5 COXPLEr.EC !919 9!/0!/79 !2/29/8/ Fc'•der t 2 AONOS AXD AGREENEN?S CONP!E?EC !980 D'/C'/79 !2/29/86 Fo'•Eer t 3 90ND5 AND AGAfENEYT3 CONPLE?EO !98'. 9!/9!/79 !2/29/81 folder t 1 BONDS ARC AGREEXEX . COMPLE?ED !982 C!/0'./T9 !2/29/81 Po?der t 5 90X05 A.YD AGREEMENTS CCNPLF?ED !983 C!/D?/79 '.2/29/At Fc?der P fi 90XD3 AXC AGREEMEY?S COND!E?'-0 !988 C!/D!/79 !2/29181 -, 9CP-0!9G A 9AFE?Y GENFRAL !9f0 D!/0!/8A !2/19/88 ^ XE!C e. !2 CI-C3-03 5 !1-!990 Folder t 9ECHECX !EWERS 1AN!'ARY O!/C!/88 !2/29/AP °ader A 2 RECNEC%!E?".45 FE9A'JARY C!/0!/AB '2/29/98 'c?der t 3 RECNECX !Ei?E45 NARCN 0!/0!/88 !2/29/AP 'older A 1 9ECHECK LE??ERS APAI! ;!/C!/BB 12/29/98 fc'dt^ a 5 REC°cgq icrrE45 MAY 0!/7!/88 !2/29/88 Fc'.dv 7 5 RECHECK !E??EAS JUNE 9!/0!/89 !2/29/88 fo'de^ t ? RECNECX !E^E45 :!'!° C!/0!/88 !2/29/88 Fo?der A e RECNECX !E??E93 AUfiUST C'. /D'./8A !2/29/88 folder A 9 ~4ECNECN LE??ERS SEP?EASER C!/CUBA !2/29/88 'older A '0 RECMECX Lf??EAS OCTOBER D!/C!/8A !2/29/88 Fc'.der A !' R'-CNc.CX LE??'.RS NOYEeIBER 0!/0!/88 !2/29/88 Feder A '2 90T1f!CAT!ON Of PLAN CHECK E%P. CORRESPONDENCE 98 0!/C!/8A !2/29/88 'older A !? 97T'.F!CATION OF P!AN CXECN EXP. CORAESD. OL'? !9BB O!/D'/8A !2/29/88 °older A !d EXP!RAi!ON Of °!AN CXECN CCRRESPC9DEACE OL^ !988 0!/C!/8A '2/29/88 Fo?der A '9 P!AN CXECN EXTEYSEON CORRESPONDENCE OV? !988 C!/O!/AB !2/29/89 Feder A 'S CORRESPONDENCE h MENOG JERRY 6RANi !9AA 0!/7!/88 !2/29/88 Fc!der A '7 CORRESPONDENCE h MEMOS LOYC GOOLSAY !9AA O'/C!/BB '2/29/88 fc?der A 'B CORRESPONDENCE h MENp9 JACK !AN, AICP !9AA C!/0!/88 !2/29/88 Fc lder A !9 CORRESPONDENCE h KENOS JIN NAA11N !9AA ^-!/0!/BB !2/29/80 Fo?der A 2C CORRESPONDENCE h MEMOS MEAL CLAANE !998 C!/0!/98 !2/29Po8 fc?der A 2! CORRESPONDENCE h NEN09 MILTON NASSENE? 1988 C!/C!/88 !2/29/88 Po?der A 22 CORSESPOXDEXCE hh KENOS AN101NE??E NCN!LLIANS !9AA C!/01/ '2/29/88 - 0ete: EPARTNENT M 7eb: ASST. C' rY ATTO Y 7.-5 1ReJ9o]Atl.ian No. 91-**+ Page 5 C!TY CF RANCHO CDCANgIGA Des:rat!o,^, Not!F!cA:!ar R.port PAGE: 2 DATE: C7/OB/9! T131E: CA:IB:59C TX'. FOLLON!9G RECORGS AR'. SCHETLEO PoR 7ESTAUC?ION. P!&SE !NO!CA?E ?NE OESl RED D!SPOSIT!OX. S!GN ANO RETL'AN ?0 ?HE RECORDS tIANAGENEN? DIY!Slgl. %~/THE RECORDS L!5?EO BELON NAY ALL 9E OESTAOYE7. %_ AETAIN THOSE RELOADS NAAK X!?N AN % FOR__ NONTNS. DESTROY ?NE RES?. 8!LL TC: 1373 RECORCS COOAOINATOR: !EACH. !!XDA DEPT : 1373 DEPT MANE: 901L0!N6 6 SAFETY DIY !MIL SOR?: PXg1E: ;7!11989-1 e5! EXT: 22CC NARK 7A?ES oEAILVIEN? RECORD LTA. 7ESIAOY RE?R!EYAL OO% (%; EVEYT 60% CONiEN?S FROM ?C BO% NC. !OCA?!ON 9oz CB-!99! DA?E SEY? TC: , o,der A 23 ^ORRESPONOENCE 6 NEY05 PN!! M09LEY '911 7'. /C'./88 !2/29/91 Polder 9 21 CORRESPONDENCE 6 KENOS NAAY 9ADER1 !918 T/O1/0e !2/29/11 Folder t tS CORRESPONDENCE 6 KENOS J!N SCNAOEOER !919 C!/D!/ee 13/39/11 Po'.C.r A 26 CORAESP0.YDEYCE 6 KENOS :1N TXONAS !901 ".?/7!/00 !2/29/11 Folds t 37 CODE V!OU?!OX COARE9PONOEYCE OU? !911 CI/T./10 !2/29/11 Fa'.d.r A 11 CORRESPONDENCE 1N EYGINEERS '911 ^.!/C?/ee !2/39/10 Folder + 29 NENORA!IOUNS 8 CORRESPONDENCE !N !911 0!/O1/le !2/39/11 folds r 30 CORRESPOIIDFNCE Iq CCNO 1900 C!/C!//1 !3/19//1 _, 7/ BU!L7 ING ANO SAFETY AEFEAEYCE 7!/C!/B! '2/39/17 123 !6-C•-7t 5 !2-!997 Po'.C.r t 985 PU% CNECK CORREC!!ON SNEE?S !9B!-83 ^.!/0!/!1 !3/39/13 Folder 1 1 P!AN CHECK REPoATS REC9!DEYCE9 '1! 01/71/8! !2/29/13 Fo!dn A 3 PUN CMECN REPOR?5 WOR 9?ROCP.'RES '13 71 /C!/1! !3/39/13 Fald.r A A PLAY CNECK REPCRTS Rf5!DENCS 't3 C!/0'/e! !2/29/83 Fa',d.r A 5 DEAN CHECK RfPoATS R. SULLIYAN. P.E. 'e3 7!/0!/11 !3/39/83 Folds r 6 PUN CNECK REPoA?S FIRE OEP?. REPORTS '19 O!/0!//! !3/39/83 yld.r A 7 P~ CNECK REPORTS MAJOR SIAUCNRES '12 7!/0!/11 !3/39/13 Fo!dR t B PLAY CNECK REPORT9 AESID5ICES '12 C!/Oy8' !3/29/13 Po?d.r t 9 PLAN CHECK AEPoRiS R. SULL!VAX, P.E. 'B3 7!/0!/11 !3/39/13 Fo?d.r t !D XEXORANWNS-FOAM dl[LOINO 8 SAFET'! C!/7!/1! !3/39/13 Folder A !! PLAN CHECK REPORTS MAJOR STAUCNAE4 '/! 7!/01/8! 1/39/A3 Folder A t2 PIAN CNECK REPoATS FIRE DEPT. REPOR?S '13 ^.!/^.!/1! !2/39/13 FoIC.r t !3 PLAN CHECK AEPORTS R. SULL!VAX, P.E. '1! 7!/7!/11 '3/39/13 Fa!C.r A R PLAY CNECK REPOR?S F!AE DEP?. REPoRTS '0! 7!/0!/1! !3/39/83 FO?d.r A 'S DEAN CNECK REPoR?S N.N. FIRE PROTECi!ON 'e! 7veve! !2/39/13 _; 7/ 97!L7!NG AND SAFETY REFERENCE 01/01/97 !2/29/81 FROM RANGE: A 7i!~/y/~-- ~ -, D.u: AR?MENT~HEA~ 89 !O-OZ-03 5 W-1990 ?0 RANGE: R 081.: ASST. C.?Y ALTO ~ 7~0 CdesolutiAn No. 91-~** Page 6 C!^.' OF AANCNO CL'CANON6A OeatruN.!an Xotittcatir. Report oA6E: 3 ;ATE: 7'. /CB/91 ?!NE: 06:19:73C ?NE PoLLONINO RECORDS AAE SCNEOL'LEO f0A CESTAUC?lON. PEASE !X71CA?_ ?HE DESIRED OISPOSITIgI. SIGN ANO AE?UAN ?D ?HE RECCROS NANAGENEN? OIY!SIOX. X U+TXE RECOA05 LISTED BELgI NAY A0. 6E OSTROYEC. % RETAIN ?NOSE RECORDS NAAN NITN AN % EOA MONTHS. DES?ACY ?HE RES?. 9T!L ?0: 1373 RECORDS COORDINATOR: !EACH. LTXDA 7EP? : 1313 7EP? NAME: 9U ILDIN6 E SAFETY OIV NAIL SOR MARX DATES X', EVEN? 80% COX?tY*S FROM TC ,_! 7/ BUTL7!NG AND SAFE-?Y Rc-FEPpCE D!/0!/66 !1/29/68 FROM 4AN6E: R PHCNE: !7!1;989-!AS! E%?: 22CC PERMANENT RECORD C?R. 7E5?AOY RE?Al EVAL 90X 80% AC. LOCATION Bax CS-!99! OAT'. Sp? ?C: 95 ~0-C2-^^-3 2 C9-!990 '0 RAX6E: 2 _ 7/ BUlLOING AND SAFETY REFERpCE C!/0!/66 !2/19/98 ei !C-02-03 3 09-!990 FAON RANGE: A TO RANGE: N ~, C BL'!!0 !NG PERM? FILE COPLS C1/0!/88 09/19/88 '~ MELD " 381 Cl-^7-07 6 09-!99^. FROM RANGE: 88.8507 ?0 RANGE: 88-!7868 Fc'.der A 1 "'LY 1968/ 88-8607 TNRU 88-881< 07/01/86 09/29/88 Folder A 2 JULY !988/ AB-88!5 ?HAL' 86-9!II ^.1/0!/88 79/19/88 Folder t 3 JUIY !988/ 8B-9U1 TXAL' 66-9!!5 77/0!/88 09/29/88 ro'.der A / JUIY !988/ 88-91!6 *NAU 88-9781 77/01/88 09/19/88 Folder A 5 AUGUST !988/ 60-9788 TNRU 88-!01 B/ CI/D!/06 79/19/88 Fo'.Cer A 5 AUGUST !988/ 88-!OI BS ?MRU 88-!0610 77/0!/86 79/19/88 Folder A 7 AUGL'S? !988/ 88-1081! TNAU 88-!0915 C1/C!/B6 79/19/88 Folder t 8 AUGUST !988/ 86-!0976 ?NAU 06-11219 71/0!/86 79/19/88 Fa'.dar A 9 AUGUST '.988/ B8-!1280 TNAU 66-!1510 C1/O1/66 79/19/88 Fader A 10 SEPTEMBER !988/ B8-!151! ?XAU BB-!!717 77/7!/88 79/19/88 Fc'.der t !! SEP?pBfR !988/ 86-11718 iMAC B8-!1!38 71/0!/88 09/19/88 Folder t !1 SEPTEMBER 1988/ BB-!2!3fi THAU 88-!2555 71/7!/86 79/29/88 Folder t 13 SEPtpBER !988/ BB-!2'.5fi 1HRL' B8-!1866 01/0!/88 09/29/88 ,_; D BUILD ING DEAMIT FILE COPIES 10/0!/68 '2/19/88 !7 71.03-03 3 11-!990 Fddr. A 1 OC?OBEA !996/ 0B-!2899 TNAL' 99-!396! 10/0!/68 11/19/68 Folder A 2 OCTOBER 1969/ 69-13763 ?NAU 86-!3530 !7/0!/98 !7/79/69 Fclder A 3 OC?OBEA 7988/ 0d-!357! TMAU 08-!3911 10/0!/667/29/66 Oen: AATNpT NEA Oete: ASST. C!^' A'?O 77 laesolutirn No. 91-+** Fa9E 7 CITY OF RANCHO CL'CAMOM6A Oastruct!x, Not!fioa:!an Re Oar: PAGE: 1 7ATE: 71/CB/9! TIM'.: OB;19:060 ?NE PoLLOXING RECOR75 AR'. SCHE7ULED FOR 7ESTAUC?3p1. PLEASE IND;CA?'_ ?HE 7E5)RED DISPO51?IDM. SIGN ANO RE?URN TO ?HE RECORDS MANAGENEA? DIVISION. X /?NE RECORDS LISTED BELON MAY ALL BE DESTROYE7. %__RE?A1N ?NOSE RECORDS MARK N!?X AN % FOR__ MONTHS, DESTROY THE REST. BILL ?0: 1377 RECORDS COOROIXA?OR: LEACH, LINDA 7EP? : 1373 DEP* NAME: 9U ILO!X6 6 S/fE?Y DIV NAIL SORT: PHONE: ;1!g989-!BS' '.%L 22:7 MARX 7ATf5 %; (VENT BOX CON?RI?5 FROM ?C Fo!dv A 1 OC?OBEA 1988/ B8-!3975 ?XAU 8B-11128 ~a'der 1 5 7C?OBER !988/ 86-!1129 iHAU 08-!1116 ~o',dar t 6 NOVEMBER !966/ 88-!1711 THMI 81-!8066 folder t 7 AOYENeEA !966/ BB-!5069 THAU 61-15537 Fc!dar t 6 90VEMBER !988/ 86-!5536 TNR! 66-!8791 fo!dar A 9 NOVEMBER !961/ Bt-!5196 ?XAU 88-!8!77 Folder t !C DEC9IBER !966/ 86-16606 ?NAU 80-!6657 Faldar t !1 DECEMBER !968/ BI-161!9 THAU el-!6!.07 Folder t !2 DECEMBER !966/ 88-!6656 ?XAI; BM-!1265 !_;. D 9U110!YG PERlIIT F: LE COPIES C!/0!/89 73/39/99 PERMANENT RECORD C?R. 7ES?ROY RE?R7 EVAL 90% BO% XC. LOCA?!OX 9oz Ofi-199! DA?E SENY ID: !^/T./B8 !2/29/8! :7i7!/eB !2/29/BB !D/C!/86 !2/29!88 !7/7!/01 !2/29/18 10/7!/80 !2/19/88 !0/0!/08 !2/29/81 !0/0!/BI 12/29/88 17/0!/11 !2/29/81 t0/0!/6t !2/29/18 1!0 71-03-02 6 03-!991 fcldar t ! JANUARY !989/ 89-00! TNRU d9-31! 0!/0!/89 03/29/89 Fc10ar I 2 JANUARY !989/ 89-312 THMI 89-698 01/71/89 03/29/89 Feder t 3 JANUARY !989/ 89-899 TNlNI 89-951 0!/0!/89 73/29/89 Fc!dar t 1 JANUARY !989/ 89-981 TNAU 89-!389 T.!0!/89 73/29/89 Fa'.dv t 5 FEBRUARY !989/ 89-1397 ?HAU 09-!629 0!/0!/19 03/29/89 Fotdar A 8 FEBRUARY !989/ d9-1630 THAU 69-'.813 01/01/89 03/29/89 Fo'.dar 1 1 FEBRUARY !989/ 89-1811 ?HRU 89-2038 0!/0!/89 03/29/89 fo!dar A B FEBRUARY '.989/ 89-2039 iNAU 69-2325 71/01/19 03/29/89 fo!dar t 9 FEBMAAY !989/ 89-2326 iNRU 89-2181 0!/01/19 03/29/89 folder A 10 MAACN !989/ 89-2188 TMRU 89.2905 01/01/89 03/29/89 Faldar t !! MRCN !989/ 09-2906 11!RL' 89-3!1! C1 /0!/89 03/29/19 F^.?der A 12 UACH !989/ 89-3!12 ?NAZI 09-3901 7!/0!/89 03/29/89 Fa'.dar t !3 IURCH 1989/ 89-3502 TNRJ B9-31)1 7!/0!/89 03/29/89 Fal der A II MARCX !989/ 89-3138 ?HAU 09-1039 0!/01/89 73/29/89 -' C BU!LC 1NG PER!I!T F!L'- COPIES 01/0!/89 08/70/89 105 01-03-C2 ! 7fi-!99! Faldar 1 ! APRII !989 B9-1010 ?XR'J 89-1395 71/0!/89 78/30!89 Faldar t 2 IPAL' !989/89.1398 TXAV 89-IfiBi 7//01/B9 08/30/89 Fotdar A 3 APRiL 1969/89dfi61 ?XAII d9-1919 71/7!/89 08/30/89 folder t 1 APRIL !989/89-1990 ?HAU 89-836! Ol/O1/89 OB/3C/69 Oab: ~EPAR?MEN? NEAO DaN: ?. C:?Y A??ORXE° Aeaolutian No. 91-A'*~ Pbc~ 8 O?tt OF RANCHO CUCANONOA Otltruct7an NotlflGttan MPOrt PAGE: 5 DATE: OT/00/9i ?(AF: 09:19:107 INE FOLLOXIN6 RECORDS ARE SCHEWLED FOR DESTAUCTIOA. PLEASE IXC?GATE THE DESIRED DISPOSITION, SIGN AMD RETURN i0 ?HE RECORDS AANASEAEYT DIVISION. %_~!H E RECORDS L1STE0 SELON UY ALL BE DESTROYED. %_ RETAlN ?HOSE RECORDS ARAN NITH AN % FOA MpITNS, DESTROY THE RES?. BILL i0: 1373 RECORDS COOAOIUTOR: LfACII, L1NDA DEP? :1313 ~~--~~ DEPT NAME: BUl101118 6 SAFETY O!V U(L SORT ____-~_-______~ _- : PHONE: ;7!g919-1951 ENT: 1200 T-_-__--_-.- URN DATES -~--~__--_-__~----------------~ PERMAIIEXT RECORD GTR. DESTROY RETRIEVAL 80% (%) EVEN? BOX CON?21?S FAON !0 9011 N0. LOCATION Sox Ofi-!99! DATE SEN? T0: Folder t 7 APR!: 999/99-9382 7NRU 09-571. 01/0! 99 06 30 If foldtr 1 6 MAY !919/9!-969! iHAU 99-990! 71/01/99 06/30/1! Fatdtr t T UY !919/19-9902 iHRV N-9269 01/0!/19 D6/30/tf folder t 1 UY !919/99-6170 ?HAU 0l-6196 71/C1/Q 06/30/p Folder t 9 AAY !919/19-6597 1MAU 09-1050 Ol/C!/t9 06/30/19 foldtr t !0 UY !919/19-7099 TNRV 19-7531 71/0!/11 0{/30/1! Faldtr t 11 JUNE !999/11-7139 THRU t9-7711 01/0!/11 06/30/if fo!dv t !2 JUNE !919/1!-1771 INAU 11-113{ 01/O1/t9 06/70/11 fo!dr t I3 JUNE !119/99-1231 TNAU 19-1691 01/01/19 Ofi/30/Q folder 9 1/ JUNE !919/19-9693 TNAU tf-9090 7!/0!/19 06/30/9! Fo3dtr t !fi JUNE !999/19-9051 TNN1 19-9333 0!/03/t1 06/30/1! Ottt: PARTMEIIT MEAD Ott.: ASST. CIT Y ITTORN SORES TO BE DESTROYED 10 ~9 ~ 9 C!?Y CF RANCHO C.'CANDN6A ~.r nAn Daacrucc!m Notfffu[fan Raw^t PAGE: ! SATE: 07/03/9! TINE: !3: !3:360 'Nf FOl!OXING RECORDS ARE SCNE7'JLEO FOR DES?RUC?!p!. PEASE !XC!CA?E ~E 7E51RED OISPOS!?!ON. S!G4 AND RENRN TO THE RECORDS MANA6EIEN !S!QY. X/?!!E REC7RD5 !fS?E7 9E!ON NAY AL! 9E 0~?AOYEO. RETAIN ?HOSE RECORDS NARK XITH AN % FOR__ NpITHS. OES?ROY ?NE RfST. 3~.'. ?0: 1162 RECORSS COORDINATOR: YA9NE" CHUCK DEP? : 1152 DEP? YAME: SUS!NESS !!CEMS!NG NA!! SCR?: PXON6: !11Q969-!961 E%i: 2C1Z MAX OA?ES PERMANEYT RECORD CTR. DES?AOY RE?RIEYAL 90% (X) EYEN? 9CX CON?EY?5 FROM TC 80% N0. LOCA?30Y Boa C6-199! DA?E SEY? ?0; _; " L!CEYSE PAYMEYT. S: 9!'S!NE55 C'./Cf/T7 !2/29/66 63 DI-^.9-03 5 !2-'999 _; 7 .!CE9SE PAYNE9?S: 9U5!9E55 7f/01(77 !2/29/6fi ~_; D UCEYSE PAYMENTS: BJS!NESS C6/C!/!! 06/19/!1 LICENSE aAYMENTS: 9L'S!NESS 76/C!/66 06/29/61 96 71-09-72 2 12-!999 B! CT-CS-C3 9 C6-199! 99 OT-OS-72 ! 76-!99! ,_ !!CEYSE DAYMEY?S: S'S!X'.SS C6/C!/68 05/29/69 ,_; 7 !!CENSE PAYrEN?5: 9U519ESS 01/01/67 !2/29/16 9T C2-09-02 3 C6-I99! 99 07-99-03 ? 19-!990 Daro: DEPAR?M'_Yc HEAO~`~ DAU: A55?. C!^.' ATi EY SC%ES TO 9E 0E5?ROYEO S ~~ liaeC11t9Giof1 Ito. 91-+++ Page 10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMNMuI E>~PP "A^ Ontruction Nottftutlon R"port PAGE: DATE: Di/O2/91 TINE: 11:1{:07" THE FOLLONIM6 AFCOAOS ARE SCHEWLED FOR DESTRUCTION. PLFASE IND!CA?E THE DESIRED DISPOSIilON. SI6N AND RETURN t0 IHE RECORDS NANABENENT DIY151O11. X_?HE RECORDS LISTED BELdI NAY ALL BE DESTAOYEC. %_ RETAIN TXOSE RECORDS NARK MITH AN % fOR __ MONTHS, DESTROY THE RES? DILL T0: 1110 RECORDS COOPO1XAi0R: AD019, DEBRA DEPT : 1110 DEPT MANE: CI?Y CWIIClI NAIL SORT: PNONE: (1111999-1991 EXi: 200E !WAN DATES oEPNANENT RECORD CTR. DESTROY RETRIEVAL 90% (%1 EVENT 80% COIITENTS FROM TO BOX N0. LOCATIgI BaR 06-199! DATE SENT T0: _i 0 MAYOR ANO COUNCIL CORRESPONOEN 01/01/16 12/29/19 ~~ Y.ELD » 393 07-01-03 9 12-1990 Folds t 1 IUYOA A CITY CgA1CIL CORRESPONDENCE 01/01/19 12/29/97 Fald"r t 2 LE615LAt1YE BULLETINS O1/DI/t6 12/29/t9 Fo1Mr t 3 CpiLAINTS/1NOUIRIFS 01/01/16 12/29/17 Foldv f 1 REAOI f1LE O1/ 1/19 1 tf/di Da.: Narirtr D Din: Aggr. c:Tr Ar 8O%ES TO BE OE9TAOYED $/ IlEeolutran 3to. 91-*** Page ll CITY OF RANCXO CUCAMdI6A Destruettan Not~fiutian Report PAOF: DATE: 07/01/11 ?lNE: 11:31:19C THE FOLLOIIING RECORDS ARE SCNEOIILED FOR DESTAIICTI011. 'PLEASE INDIGITE THE DESIRED DISPOSITION, Slfil AND RENPN i0 1ME RECORDS NAMAOENFIIT DIVISION. % THE RECOR09 LISTED OELON NAY ALL BE DESTROYED. X_ RETAIN THOSE RECORDS MARK NITH AM % FOR_ .MONTHS, DESIAOY THE REST. BILL T0: 1126 RECORDS COOAOIIIA70R: ADAMS, OEORA DEPT :1116 DEPT NAME: CITY CIERN NAIL SOR NARK DATES (%) EVENT BO% CpITpTS fRpl TO _; D ELECTION BALLOTS 0!/0!/00 12/19/11 Folder t 1 COMBINED ROSTER ANO INDEX 3-1f-IZ ,_, 0 ELECTION BALLOTS 01/01/11 12/29/11 PHONE: (111)919-1151 f%i: 2005 PERMANpi RECORD CTR. DESTROY RETRIEYAL BO% 001( IN1. LOCATIgI BoN 06-1991 GATE Sp? T0: /9 D1-02-03 2 12-199C 01/01/t0 !2/29/11 13 .0-03-0! 2 11-1910 Folder t t CpN11NED ROSTER AND INDE% 3-t1-11 01/0~~1/.1~1.112/19/0t Ten: 7 AR ~TQ~O Wh: ASST. Cltt ATT 90%f5 ?0 BE DESTROYED 2 laesolutian No. 91-+e+M Page u CITY OF AANCNO CUCANOM6A D6~IT ^A" Desc uaix 9o:?Hwt!o^. ReDOrt PA6E: 7A!F: 97/08/9! TIME: 08:58:210 ?XE FOLLOXIXG RECORDS ARE SC4ED'JLED FOR DESTN.'C?ION. PLEASE IRC:CA?E ?NE 7ESIRED 7ISPDSPION. SIGN AND RE?URY ?0 ?HE RECORDS MANABENEN DIVISION. X THE RECORDS !IS?ED BELQI NIY AlL BE DESTROYED. X- 4E?AIR 1405E REWRDS HARM NI?4 AN X PoR__Yp1TNS. DES?ROY rNE ST. 8P L iC: 1532 RECORDS COOR7INA?OR: 53L4AYEN. IUIREY CEPT : 1532 DEP' XAfIE: CCRNXIITY SERVICES YA1L SORT: MARX (X! EVEN* _! 7 DAAAOES 7A?ES 80% CON?EM?5 fA01! ?O ^40XE: IT!1 ;989-!85! EXT: 2!C9 oE,RNANE9i REWRO C?R. CES?ROY RE?R!EVAL 90X BD% N0. LOCA?!ON Bax 06-!99! DArz geryr ?p; C!/0!/B! !2/3D/87 182 C'._C2_n3 ! P6-!99' folder t N35C. FILES 7!/0!/A! !2/30/81 Folder I 2 SEP?EMBER CNAOMO 1981 C!/0!/8! !1/30/87 Po'.der R 3 AUGUST C4AON0 1981 C!/D!/8! !2/37/87 Folder 1 A JULY CNRONO !981 0!/0!/81 !2/30/87 `older A G NOVEMBER CNAOMO !981 7!/0!/0! !2/30/81 Folder t 6 FOUNDERS 7AY PARADE/?RAFFIC XO?ICES !986 0!/D!/8! !2/3C/81 Folder t 7 `WNDERS DAY PARADE 7!/C1/83 !2/30/81 folder A B DARADE PAR!ICIPAN? LIS? !986 0!/O1/8! !1/37/87 Folder t 9 DARADE PAATICIDANT LABELS !986 C!/7!/8! !2/30181 fo'.der 1 !0 FACIL:?Y RESERV. USES D!/C!/8! !2/3C/B7 Foider R ! FOUNDERS DAY DARADE/CAR CLUB IYVITATIONS '986 D!/G!/8! !2/30/81 Fc!dar A !1 FOUXOER5 DAY PARADE JUDGING ANO AXAR73 1986 7!/C!/B! '2/30/81 Fo!Nr t !? FLJNDERS DAY PARADE L19E LP !986 C!/0!/81 !2/30/81 Folder A !1 FOUNDED DAY PARADE S^SGOA JUDGES/ALMS !9Bfi C!/0!/8! !2/3C/B7 °older R !5 fWNOER4 7AY PARADE GENERAL CORRESPg10EXCE FILE 86 0!/0!/8! !2/3C/81 Folder t !6 INCOMING PARADE APPLICATIONS MISC. 0!/0!/8! !2/30/83 Fo'. der t 11 LYCOMIXB PARADE APDLlCAilONS 8AN05 0!/C!/8! !2/30/87 `older R !B f0UN0ER5 DAY PARADE/INFO MAILED TO DARTICIPAN?S 86 C!/0!/8! !2/30/81 Folder t !9 FWNDE.kR 7AY DARADE MISC. IXfO/MDS/PASSES !986 C!/0!/8! !2/30/81 Po!de^ R 2D DARADE MAP, PASS, LETTER COPIS 7I/C!/8! !2/30/81 `older t 2t FM:XOERS OAY PARADE GENERAL CDARESPpIDENCE !986 7!/0!/8! !1/30/87 Folder A 22 FWYOERS OAY DARADE/DARADE LIRE UP !915 0!/7!/8! !2/7C/81 Fa3der A 23 FOUNDERS DAY PARADE LE??ERS FDR 9105 !986 0!/0!/B! 12/37/81 Fc!dv R 2d FOUNDERS DAY PARADE INfO ?0 DARTIC IRAN?S !985 7!/C!/8! !2/30/81 fc'der A 25 DARADE !985 O!/0!/B'. !2/30/81 Polder A 26 FOUNDERS 7AY PAAACE JU7G:Nrv AX7 ANARO5 !9BE C!/0!/8! !2/3C/87 Folder A 27 FWNOERS DAY PARADE SCS80A JUDGESiALNS FAC1lI1Y 85 71/0!/81 !2/7D/87 Fo'.der A 28 Fp.'XOERS 7AY PARADE/PARADE INFO ?0 PAR?ICIPAN?S 81 C!/7!/8! !2/3C/87 Felder A 29 FOUNDERS 7AY PARADE/PARADE LINE UP !981 0!/CI/B1 '2/3018T `older A 37 fWNOERS 7AY PARADE !981 O!/C!/8! !2/30/87 Folder A 31 FWNOfRS JAY DARADE JUDGING ANO AMAR09 !981 7!/0!/81 12/30/81 °older A 32 fpJNDERS DAY PARADE PRE-DLANN!NG INFO !981 0!/C!/8! :1/30/81 Oetu 7ED TN r. MEAL eU: S ?. A??ORNEY ~.3 Arsolt7tim No. 91-*** Pdge 13 CI?Y CF 3AXC1!0 C'CAYON6A Oee:ruc:fon NatXfica:'on Ae00.-6 PAGE; 2 7ATE: 07/08/9! ?!NE: 7t:5B;290 THE F7LLCN!N6 REWROS ARE SCHFTJLEO FOA 7ESTRL'C?1011. D!'JSE IN7!CA?c- ?HE 7ESIAED 7!SPOSI^,ON, SI6N AMO RE?:'RM !0 ?ME RECORO6 NANA6EME9? OlVISION. % THE RECORDS LISTED BELON NAY ALL BE OE4TROYEO. % RETAIN ?HOSE AECCRDS XARN XlTN AN N FOA MONTXS, 7E5?AOY ?HE RES?. BIL! ?0: 1532 RECORDS COOAOINA?OR: SIU!ANEX. NAR'_Y 7FP? :1532 DEPT NEME: CCiNI!XI?Y SERVICES MAI! $OR? : PHONE: ;1!1;989-!051 E%?: 2!09 MARK 7A1ES PFRNANE.YT RECORD C?R. 7E5?ROY RE?RIEVAI 90X %! EVEN? BO% COX?EY?S , FAO!! ?0 9O% N0. LOCA?ION Box 06-199! 7A?E SENT ?0: Fc?der t 33 !l03 PARADE/FtlJX0EA5 OAY PARADE !98' 7!/^.'/B'. !2/3C/0? Po?der t 31 .° .'90ER5 7AY PAAIOE/PARADE UXE UP !902 T./0!/0! !2/37/07 Folder N 3c. fWN0ER5 DAY PAMDE/PARADE INFO ?0 PAR..^.C!PAN?4 B3 C!/C1/B! !2/30/81 Fo'tler 1 36 fWNOERS DAY PARADE/PRE-PLANN;N6 IXFORMTION !903 1.17!/81 !2/30/01 Fo?der t 37 fOUNOfRS OAY PARADE/JU06lNG ANO AXAROS 1983 C!/C!/B! !2/30/07 Fo'.der i 30 FOL'NDEAS OAY PARADE/PARADE !I9E 9P !903 7!10!/81 12/30/01 Folder t 79 !907 7ECENBER CNAgIC 0!/0!/t! 12/30/ti Folder t l0 !901 OCTOBER CNAONO 71/0!/01 !2/30/01 Fo?der 0 t! !907 STAFF REDOR?S 0!/71/0! !2/70/01 rolde t l2 !981 JUNE CNACNO 71/01/t1 !2/30/07 folds t l3 1987 MAY CXAONO C!/C!/B! !2/70/07 Fclder t l/ !901 APRIL CNRONO 7!!pt/t1 72/70/07 ,_ RECREATION FI!E5: RECE!P?S 0!/01/05 10/30/86 102 OS-02-C3 / !C-!980 Fo'.der A ! SPRIX6 GRAPEVINE ^.'./71/95 !2/37/05 Folder I 2 SPRING [XSTR'JC?OR PAYMENTS 0!/C1/IS !2/]0/05 Feder A 3 SOF?BAIL LEAWES 7!/01/05 !2/70/05 Folder A 1 SUXMER PROGAAI! 01/7!/85 12/29/t5 Fc'.der A 5 SI;NNEA SXI!1 PROGRAM ALMS 06/'.6/t5 06/21/tS Folder t 6 SUMXEA ACCIDENT REPOA?S 0!/01/t5 12/29/!5 Fc'.der A 7 SUMMER GOF?OAL-OPEXS NEXS 8 AND C C!/C!/05 !2/29/t5 Folder A B PANiNER CAGE BASNETBAII CNAFFEY COLLfGE 71/0!/55 '.2/29/t5 Po?der A 9 E?INANOA MIOH SCMOOI BAND CAMP 0t/!9/t5 79(06/05 Fo1 Oer A 17 MEIGXT ?RAlN IXG/E?:. NIGB SCHOOL 71/70/85 OB/27/t6 'c'rier A !! SUMMER INSTAUC?OA DAYMENTS 71/01/95 '2/29/05 fc17r. A 12 X[XTER ACCIDENT REPOR?S 0!/0!/85 '.2/29/t5 fo?der A 13 MINTER INSTRUCTOR PAYMENTS C1 /0!/05 12/29/05 colds F 11 GRADEVINE 6 RECREATION SCNEOL'LE 7!/C!/OS !7/29/tS °ol der A 15 NIVTER GRAPEVINE 7!/01/85 !7/29/t5 folder t !6 CO-E7 YM!lH AASNF?BALL XIX?EA 0!/0!/05 !2/29/85 Folder A !1 fAL! GRADEVINE 7!/C!/OS !7/29/85 Folder f 18 FAL! I AUC?OR PAYMEN?4 C!!0!/t5 12/29/t5 1.71/g/tJ'--° ------ -- 13-~-~~~e~~~'-""t3-'_"'' ~ Daa; 7ab: ASST. AIT OEDA N EAC ORNE, V f lY+solutim No. 91-xxx Page 16 C!?Y OF RANCHO CUCAMON6A Des:ruoL!an No:!F'caNan ReOOr: eA6E: 3 7A?E: 01MB/9! ?IME: 08:50:330 rHE FOLLOX!4G AECOPCS ARE GCHE7JLEC FCR 7E5?RL'7?!CA. PLEASE !97!CA'E ?HE 0E5!AEO 025P051?!ON. 5'.09 AND RE?UAN ?0 ?HE 3ECOADS MAXA6EMENT D!V!S!ON. % ?NE RECORDS L!STEO BELOX NAY ALL BE DESTROYED. % RE?AIN ?4CSE RECCR05 MAAN N!?N AX % fOR MON?X5, DESTROY ?HE AES?. A!LL ?0: 1532 RECORDS COOADINA?OR: SI!HANEN, XAREX 7EP? :1532 7EP* PANE: CC:eIL'N I?Y SERVICES Md!L SORT: ePONE: ;7!1;989-'.05! '.%?: 21^,9 eAFK 7A?ES PE,AMAMEXT RECORD C?R. DESTROY 4EfRIEVAL BO% %`. ''-VEN? 80% COX'EN?S FAGS! AOX N0. LOCAT!OX 9oA C6-!99! OA?E SEN' 'A. Folder t !9 FALL SOF?9ALL L&GUS C!/7!/BS !2/29/85 Po?dar 7 17 SE.4!CRS GOLF ?CUANANE9i 71/10/AS 01/!7/85 Fclder A 2! CONCEA?S !N THE PARK CI/1!/8S 78/29/85 Fo?der t 22 9ICYCLE MOTO CAJSS 71/21/85 77/21/85 Folder t 23 LUAU-SDEC!AL EVEN? OB/^8/85 08/08/85 Folder t 11 N!TE FLY!X6 CONTEST 78/!1/85 08/!7/85 Fc3der A 25 FROG JUMPING JAMBOREE C9/!1/85 C9/!t/85 Fo'.der A tfi SENIOR BOMLING LEA6UE ~ 79/0!/85 79/29/85 Folder t 27 iE00Y BFAR ?EA 79/25/85 09/25/85 Fo'.der t 2A HALLONEEN DARTY/SE9!ORS '."/3!/85 '.7/31/85 Fclder t 29 CRIME PAEVEX?!ON PR',SENTA?!OX D!/0!/85 !2/29/85 °o'der t 30 HALLOXEEN FUN FAIR !0/26/85 !0/26/85 Folder t 3! GOLF Tq!RNAMEN?/SE4!ORS !!!!3/85 1!/13/85 co?der t 32 P,OL!OAY PAA?Y !2/!1/85 !2/!1/85 Fclder A 33 CRAF? fAIR/SENIORS !2/il/85 !2/!1/85 °c',der t 31 9!G MNEEL NINTER NA?!OVALS 0!/11/86 7!/11/86 Folder 1 35 SENIORS VAL'.4?!9E'S PAR?Y 02/!i/Bfi 72/!3/BE ro'.tler A 3fi °ORSESMOE ?OUk!AMEYT 02/22/86 72/22/86 Fc'.tler 0 31 SEX:OR 30Lf '0:'AXAIEN? C?/0'./18 03/29/86 rcker A 3A EASTER 90NXET SOCIAL 73/27/86 03/21/86 Folder t 39 EASTER E6G NUN? 73/29/86 ^.3/29/A6 'elder t /0 PE? AEV!EX 75/!0/86 05/!0/86 Fclder A t! CABBAGE DATCX P?011!0 00/2!/BS 7B/2!/BF Fc'.tler A /2 GO NI TM SOCCER !7/!7/8b 10/'7/85 Fclder ! J3 SOLVANO/SAX?A BARBARA 07/22/85 77/22/85 °a'.der A 1/ LAUGHLIN TVAN-AROU9D 71/30/85 07/?7/85 Folder 9 !5 LAGUXA AR?S FES?!VAL 78 x!2/85 78/:2/85 Folder 1 l6 GARMENT OISTRIC? 78/25/85 78/26/85 Fc'.der A A7 VALYEAMO 09/29/85 ^.9/29/85 'o'der A IB DOA15 TCAL'./RO6ER5 GAR7E95 79/09/85 79/09/85 Fclder A 19 700GER STAD!UR C9/2B/BS 09/28/85 °c'der A 50 CANYONLANDS ?RAVEL ?IMF 79/79/85 09/'3/85 Folder A 51 PR!CE !5 R!G°T '7/CB/BS !0/08/85 Folder 1 52 J:'WJPA M?S. CULIURAL CEN?ER 10/!2/85 !0/12/85 Fa!eer A 53 GARM T 0!S?R' ? !!/!9/85 !!/!9/85 '. i b1111- `-'-- --------- - '. I,~~- -- ' -__-__. -- ---- - 0 te: 7 PAR? N? XEA^ OAte~ ASST. A??OAX 85 I6esolutitxB IQo. 91-VeYte Page is C!?Y OF RANCHO CUCAMCN6A Destruction NctiSication ReGCr: PA6E: 1 CA?E: 77/06/9! ?!!IS: C8:5B:350 ?XE FOLLOX!9G ,RECORDS AAE SCHEDULED PoR CES?AUC?!ON. PLEASE ?NO!CA*E ?ME DESIRED OISPOS!?ICM. SIGN AXD RETURN TO THE RECCR05 NANAGENEN? OlV?SIGN. % ?AE AECOA70 L?S?EO BELON NAY ALL BE OESTAOYEO. %_ RE?A1N THOSE RECORDS MAR% XI?H AX % FOR__ NON?HS, OES?AOY ?Hs- AES?. 9LL ?C: IS32 RECORDS COOROIXA?OR: S!LHANE%, NAREY CEP? : 1532 OEP? MANE: COMIlIN1TY SERVICES NAIL SOR': NAAN GATES (%) EVc.N? 8C% CON'EN?S FAON ?C Fo'•der 1 5',der A Folder A F0!der A Fc?der A Fc1Car A folder 1 Fc?der t F0!der A Fo'.der 1 Fo',der A °o'der A Fo?der 1 'o?der A Fa?der t c0'"der 1 Folder A F0'der A Fc!der A Po?Cer A F0!der 1 F0'.der t Fo 1Cer A folder 1 Fc!der e 5?der 1 Fc!der A Fc'.Oer A °alder 1 Fc'.dar A Fc!dm A °0'^.er A Folder A T081!GN? SXOX !AUGH!!N ?VAN-A-AROUND PEARS? CAS?LE CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL ?RAVEL ?!NE LAD VEGAS PAS?IeG RANCH C?SNEY IN!R!7 OF ICE 4D5E 90N1 PARADE VIC?DAY PARK PRICE !S R!GMT !AS VEGAS ?URNARWX7 LANRY'S ?OUR LAU^uN!!X TUANAAWNO 9E5? Of ?XE ORIENT IXDIO DA?E FESTIVAL lA5 VEGAS ?URNARWXD SAN 7!EGO OVs.AX!GH? POR?5 O'CALL LAL'GXL!N OVERN!GH? CRYSTAL CATHEDRAI RENO/LANE ?AMOE ?OUR ?IXY *0? OECA7HLOK LAUGHl18 TURN AROUND H088Y CI?Y/%XO??S AMERICAN HERI?A6E 'WR C7R?AIX CALL ?HFA?RS LAE VEGAS ?VA11 AROUND RAMONA PAGER? DEA?H VALLEY/LAS VEGAS 9EVERLY PILLS/RODEO DRIVE SHOPP?XG MON?EAEY/SAN FRAVC15C0 ?LNE OF YOUA LIFE ENPC Fo!Cer A B7 SEWOIA/RINGS CONYgI Folder A 8B LAS TUANAAWXO ___-_ ate: PAAT N? XEA Wtt. /^ ~X' o40yE; '1'1;989-!BS! EX?: 2!79 OEtlUNE.V? RECORD C?R. 9E5?ACY .4E?RI EVAL 9O% BO% NC. LOCA?!ON 901 CE-!99! CAT'. SEY? ?C: !2/03/8'. !2/73/85 '1/96/95 12/C6/85 !2/71/85 !2/08/85 '2/'2/85 !2/!2/85 ?2/!3/88 '2/!3/85 12/12/85 !2/12/85 !2/30/85 !2/37/85 7!/0!/85 71/71/86 C!/!//AC 7!/!1/86 C!/!5/A6 C!/!5/Afi 0!/2?/B6 :!/21/86 02/C7/86 AA/01/86 72/!5/86 73/02/86 02/!B/Bfi C2/18/86 72/19/86 72/19/86 72/27/8fi C2/2C/efi 72/26/86 72/26/86 C3/!7/B6 73/!7/86 73/C9/88 73/09/86 C3/!7/Bs. 73/21/AE :3/21/86 ".3/27/86 01/!9/86 71/!9/85 CA/78/86 CI/71/86 Cl/78/8fi 7VC8/86 :1/!7/86 71/!7/86 71/!3/85 01/!3/86 //!5/A6 71/!6/86 O</26/85 74/25/85 7!/29/86 75/71/86 75/75/85 05/05/95 75/!2/86 75/!5/86 CS/!9/B6 :5/!9/86 CS/!9/86 CS/!9/B6 C5/2!186 05/2!/8fi ~~ V A59i. A??OANE~ IResolutirx3 No. 91-*YrA Page 16 CITY OF RAf3LN0 CJCANOIIGA 7eetructtan XadficaNoc Repori BASE: 5 SATE: 01/03/91 T!XE: Od:5B:390 ?Mc. FOLLOMING RECOP75 AAE $NEOULED fOR OES?9'JL??ON, p'.EASE INOiCA?F THE 7E5: REO OISPOSI?!DN, GIGX AN9 RE?URN TO ?HE RECORDS NANA6EN€XT OIYISIGN. X THE RECORDS !75'E7 BELON NAY ALL BE CESTROYEO. X_ QE?AIM TNOSE RECORDS MARK XI?N AN X FOR-_ NON?NS.. DESTROY ?HE REST. 91LL i0: 1532 RECORDS CWAOINA?OA: SlLHANEK, KAREN DEPT :1532 7EPi NAME: COMIAlNITY SERVICES NAIL SOR?: NARK ,A,ES ;X) EVENT 90X COYrENTS fRON TO Polder ! 89 RENO UKE iAXOE TOUR Folder I 90 AUSNA LYSIDE PASSAGE CA'JISE Folder 1 9! Rr71AlSSAMCE FAIR Folder t 92 CA?AL1NA 15LAN0 OVEANl6NT folder A 93 MEARSi CAS?LE Fo',der t 9/ SOLYAN6/SANTA BARBARA Falder t 95 UKE ARROIAIFAC Fo',der A 93 lAS VEGAS ?URNARWND folder A 97 GRAND CANYON ,_; 7 AEC9EAilON fI!'-S: RECEIPTS 71/^.!/88 !2/29/38 folder t ! SPRING AEGIS?RAi!ON RECE!P?S Fo'.der A 1 SL'MER 9EG13?GT!0!1 RECEIPTS Fc'.der t 3 fALI REOISTRAT70!1 RECE?P?S !-; 7 3ECREATION f?LES: RECEIPTS 7+,/29/88 09/29/99 PNONE: (711;989-185! E%T: 2!99 DEANANENT RECORD CTA. 7E5?ROY RETRIEVAL BCN BO% N0. LOCATION Box C6-'.99! DATE SEY? T0: CS/19/B6 C5/26/tS 05/27/16 75/27/86 75/31/86 CS/31/13 06/OS/te 06/06/86 D6/07/Bfi Ofi/09/16 7fi/!1/ifi 06/11/86 06/11/88 C6/17/0E O6/11/Bfi 06/1//A6 05/13/86 06/26/86 399 OS-02.01 2 !2-!990 01/01/89 12/29/88 01/Of/BB !2/29/81 T,/71/80 !2/29/81 114 05-02-03 B OS-!991 Fa?der A ! !919 SPRING GRAPEVINE-RISCECUXENOUS O1/29PoE CS/29/9/ Folder 1 1 !991 X1X1ER 6RAPEVlNE-LAYOUT O1/~9//1 75/t!/t9 folder t 3 !911 FALL GRAPEVINE-NISCELUEXO!l5 0!/29/11 C9/19/1! Falder 1 A 1911 SUNIER GRAPEVINE 01/29/11 OS/t9/1! folder A 5 1911 9PRINB GRAPEVINE C1/29/11 05/29/19 Falder A 6 !988 XINTER GRAPEVINE-INFO E ARTICLES 01/29/00 05/19/19 , folder A 7 NENI~ FnFq-gACNGAGJN7 0!/19/11 05/29/19 ' - --- - ~--~-- - -- ~ 3 !- ~-- --- ----- --------~ 7~e: OF AA?KEN? READ 7eG: ASS?. A??7RY . ' 90%ES ?0 9E DEBTAOYED 8~ IAeaoltttlrn No. 91-~~~ I~ag~e 17 C!?Y OF RANCHO CUCAl101N1A gp~TT nAn Oatruetlon Nat!f1:•tfm R•oor: PARE; ' SATE: 77/10/9! TINE: 1!:26:090 THE FOILONlNG RECORDS ARE SCNEOU(.EO FOR DESTROCTIQY. PLEASE INDICA?E ?HE DESIRED O15POS1TIp1. SISN AND AEIUAM TO ?HE RBOROS NANASENENT ' OIVISION. X ?HE RECORDS LISTED 9ELOX MY ALL RE DES?ROYED. X_RETAIN TXI~SE RECORDS NARK N11H .'X % fOR_IIONTXS, DES?R0Y THE NEST. BILL T0: 1121 RECOADS COORDINATOR: XONIt, NARY DEPT :1121 CEPT !LINE: PEASdAIEI NAIL SOR?: P!gNE: ;718919-!191 El(T: 2056 !61AN _-----~~---DATES PERMANENT RECORD CTR. DESTROY RETRIEVAL 80X (%! EVEN? 80% C011T0ITS FRDN TO BO% p0. LOCATION 9OZ 06-!99! W?E SEXT TO: ,_, C OU?DATED MEDICAL EYROLLNEY? fC 0!/01/99 12/29/98 ~ 31! ` A !Z-02-02 2 12-!990 °ROM AANBE: A TO RANEE: Z Cate: OEPAATNEY XFAD D•c•:. ASST. CI?Y A1T 9D%ES TC 9E DES?AOYED 1 8~ ResolArtiat No. 91--+* ~ 18 C!?'! CF RANCHO CJCANDNGA n n Cas:ruc;'.oo Nat"!eatlcn Raoc^• ~1T A nc c0LL0X!RG AECDR05 ARE SCY.EpP E7 f0R DES?.F.'C?!09. w EASE !9C!CArc T°E CES?REC 7!SPOS!?!D!1. S!SN AXD RE^.'RY ?0 ?f!E 9ECCRDS MANAGEMEY? D!V!S!DA. X~?RE REWRCS :!31E0 BElpl UY ALL 9c_ CS?RDYEC. %_9c.?A!Y ?BDSE AECDACS MAR% N^H AN % fUA !!DN?AS. CES•90Y 'uE 9ES?. 9P.L ?D: SCIC AECDRDS COORD!NA?CR: ?!IOSpam Lvn!e Cco+ : SC •C DEP? AAME 9E"3EVELDPNEMI AGEACY YAfI SCR?: a"09E: !~'Q9t9-!9fi! '.%': ?!E3 YAA$ _ _~_ _ __________________- DA?E$ ~__-_____________oc~A9EM? 9ECC9C C?R. DES?ADY AE?A!EVAI 90% !%! EVEY* 9C% CDN?EN?S fRON ?C 90% NC. L0.CA?!pl &.x Cfi-!99! DA?E SEY' ?C: ,_' D/ REDEVELCPYEY? ASENCv :!/C!/fifi !?/?9/t! ?a ,C_C3-C? CS-!99' 'c!Hr t ~ C!'v 9ALL ARCX!?c_C?S TAL!f!CA?!CNS CVD'/BS !?/99/!! -' C/ RECEVc_LGP9E9* IGENCY D:/C!/!5 !?/?9/89 79 !C-D?-^.? t !fi-!99' `:`hr t CIVIC CEM?ER 9C C!?Y AALL PRDGRM ^. •/^'/!! !?/?9/!! fo'ae^ t 2 C!?Y XALL AACN??EC?'S pJAI!f!CAIIDN9 Cvlves !2/29/1! Da:e: DEPAR?NEN' NEAC - Tau: A55?..I1Y A*?DRY . 90%ES ?C SE 7E5?.M.Yfa 2 $9 ~i^ z yr nniv~nv ~~~nivivivu.v STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 ^ T0: Mgyor and Members of the City Council ll,~J Jack Lan, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, P.E. SUBJECT: RECEIYAL OF TRACT MAPS 14379 AND 14380 (TENTATIVE TRACT 13527; FOR FILING BY THE CITY COUNCIL, SAID TRACTS AAE LOCATED ON THE NORTHNEST CORNER OF ETINANDA AYENUE AND 24TH STREET AND ARE SUBMITTED BY MATT INLAND EMPIRE, INC. It 1s recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution receiving Tract 14379 and 14380 for filing. (Traci 14379 and 14380 arc phases of Tentative Tract 13527). eACxsN01NlD/AluLrsls Tract Nos. 14379 and 14380 located on the northwest corner of Etlwanda Avenue and 24LA Street were apyroved by Planning Caawlsslon as Tentative Tract 13527 on September 28, 1988, for the division of 88 acres into 252 lots. Nett Inland Empire, Inc., the developer for Tentative Tract 13527 has requested that City Council receive their maps Tract 14380 end Tract 14379 for filing. Section 66458 of the Subd1v1s1on Nap Act as amended January 1, 1991 allows the leglslatlve bogy to receive a P1na1 map for filing and approve that map at the next available meeting 1f 1t conforms to all the requirements conditioned on the tentative map. Nett is requesting that City Ceuncll receive tM1r me s at this meeting because their tentative map expires on September 28, 1991. Before their maps can be approved Matt must modify the conditions to form or annex to assessment districts for Law Enforcement and maintenance of dramayye facilities before final map or before building penalts are issued. TAis modification is ggoing before LAe P1anMng Commission on September 25, 1991, 1f the modification 1s approved it then requires a 10 day appeal period, which makes the next available City Council meeting Lhat the final maps can be approved October 16, 1991. ~~ TT 13527 Staff ReDOrt September 18, 1991 page 2 The Final Tract Map Nos. 14379 and 14380 w111 be heid 1n the office of the City Engineer until said maps are approved by Clty Council Respectfully submit ~~ ~~~ Nm. Joe O'Ne11 City Engineer NJO:LEH:dlrr Attachment 9l RESOLUTION N0. G~/. a,~t~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECEIVING TRACT MAPS 14379 AND 143&1 (TENTATIVE TRACT 13527) FOR FILING NHERF45, Section 66458 of Che Subdivision Map Act as amended January 1, 1991, allows a legistative bogy to receive a final map for filing; and NHEREAS, Natt Inland Eagire, Iris. has submitted Tract Map Nos. 14379 and 14380 of Tentative Map 13527, for filing. NON, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Hereby Resolves to accept F1na1 Tract Map Nos. 14379 and 14380 for filing as submitted by Natt Inland Empire, Inc. ~~ ~~ ~i i a w~Y a~~l- ~~ ~~t -i N ~- -1 r S~ L- ~I JI ~ ~I~ ~~'I ~J t~ • ,~ ~~-. a'x a I j i ,~ ~, ~E; '~ r7 bv: 4~~ ~'. t S S \'t ~ ~ kgr / ~ ,~ °~ '~' ~_~ ~~ N n ~ ~~ 1 2' 0 i ~\ I$ ~ ~ = a a _' I~~_ y ~ d ~ F~_ 1~r i ~ ~aC~~~ o, ', y ~-i ~ • C '~ ~ --~- ~ a ~QaI °'i •i, ~ ~g^ j ~I ~ i I ~'~y~ e~ ~ e' cK~ f ~ ~_ Hawror. SOVd(~(i5(f IMAV i [CM~Y.1(0 a a ~ ~ ~' e ,y$~` ~:~ ~;,~~ \ ~~.\ , /\~~ ~.~\ ,~!~ u(ri- ne ~~'N~ 4 A[r2wm F r - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATH: September 18, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lea, AICP, City Manager FROM: Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Managa~ SUBJHCT: APPROVIL OP Ammmam sam maraantmn elm Aecooaadation Approval of amended Schedule A !or Lev Bnforcaaent Services in the amount of $6,686,110. The City of Rancho Cucamonga is in receipt of Schedule A for Law Enforcement Services !or the City of Rancho Cucamonga for Piscal Year 1991/92. At this time, atalt ie not raeommend~nq the approval of the new County o! Sen Bernardino contract as there era a number of issues that must be resolved with the County's Administrative office. This is the position all contract cities are taking. However, Schedule A, which is the financial portion of the contract, has been considered by City Council as part of the City's annual budget. Therefore, City council can epprova Schedule A as a separate coaponent part o! the contract Por law enforcement services. Additionally, staff is recoaendinq that Schedule A ba amended not to include estimated coats in the amount of $25,200 applicable to the 800 MHz system until further information can be provided the City ea to its validity since the City is in a Joint Powers Agreement for an 800 MHz system. JBF/tlr JBF:855 SCRRDOLE A RATES LAN ENlORCENEN'f SERVICE CONTRACT CITY O! RANCHO CUCAMONGA !Y 91/92 9ERVICE !Y 91/92 COST* 5 - 16B Hour General Law Patrol Units $2 248 307** 4 5 - 80 Hour General Law Patrol units (2 units w/radar) , , 878,656** 5 - 56 sour General Law Petrol Units 764,785** 5 - 40 Hcur General Law Patrol Units (2 units w/radar) 4 556,101** 1 - 0 Hour Traffic Patrol Motorcycles w/radar 537,300** 8 - 40 Rour R-9 Unit 4 101,313** - 0 Hour Detective Units 930 300** MENU ITRMS - - , Capt a i~ w/unit 106 813** 1 - Marked Unit , 7 897** 3 1 - Unmarked Units , 16,806** - Mid-size Pickup Truck 6 345** 2 2 - Marked Mini Vans , 13,766** - Comunity Services Officers 76 020 2 - Pocensic Specialist I2 , 135 960 3 - Sheriff's Service Specialists , 184 482 1 - Public Information Clerk , 26 006 3 - Senior Deputy Differential , 17 559 1 - Deputy II D.A.R.E. Officer , 66 718 1 - Secretary II Oifferentiel , 3 570 1 - Secretary I Differential , 1 384 1 - 9uperviaing Station clerk Differential , 3,073 Services and Supplies Credit (43,989) CAD/CLETS/RMS 10,269 Covnty Direct Cost 130,222 POSITION CREDITB Lieutenant - .20 Credit (18,533) Sergeant - .41 Credit (33 384) Station Clack - .17 Credit , ( 5 234) Motorpool Services Assistant - .50 Credit , (16 201) TOTAL ~~ Less 800 MHz Credit (25,200) TOTAL ,j~- DIRECT C09T3 ARE THOSE COSTS ASSESSED TO TAE SHERZ!!'S DEPARTMENT BY THE COUNTY lOR: Personnel Liability Ins. $90,222 Personnel Bonding Pee $ 1,033 Vehicle Insurance !ee $38,966 MONTHLY PAYMENT SCHEDULE: lat payment due the 15th of July - $558,8ti1 2nd through 12th payment due the 5th of each month - $558,859 (06/21/91) ~ h~ PAGE 1 of 3 SCRRDOL6 A RASES LAN 6NPORCRNENS SERVICE CONTMCT CITY or MNCMO COCMONGII rY 91/92 City Trill be billed on a quarterly basis for: Actual Overuse Cost: Overuse and court appearances estiwated for PY 91/92 is $217,000. Professional Services trove Pcivate Vendors Services and Supplies Fuel and Maintenance (if applicable) K-9 Charges: Cast for food, wedical expense, etc. • Subject to change due to salary end benefit changes or Board of Supervisors action. +• Less Puel and Maintenance. City is responsible for fuel and eeintenance of all contract vehicles. Maintenance is defined as ell routine waintenarce, ell necessary repairs (wechanicel or body repair), and replecewent of any destroyed vehicle. If vehicle dawage 1s eligible for coverage under County insurance policies, a claiw will be filed with County Risk Managewent. Any woney ceiwbursed by Risk Managewent pill be credited to city's account to off-set city costs. (06/21/91) PAGE 2 of 3 ~~ CITY O! RANCAO CUCANONGA LAN EN[ORCEMENT CONTRAC LEVEL O[ SERVICB STA[[IMG V.. uE rx 91/sz CONTRACT SUPPORT 1 - CAPTAIN 2 - FORENSIC II 2 - LIEUTENANTS 3 - SRERIF[~S SERVICB SPECIALISTS 9 - SERGEANTS 1 - SECRETARY II 12 - SR. DEPUTIES 1 - 6ECRETARY I 50 - DEPUTY II 2 - COMMUNITY SERVICB O[[ICERS 7d 1 - SUPERVISING STATION CLERR 10 - STATION CLERR9 1 - AUTOMOTIVE 66RVICE ABSISTANTS 1 - PUBLIC IN[ORMTION CLERR 9.76 ~b - DISPATCREAS VEHICLES 21 - Marked Patrol Units (Includes R-9) 12 - Una rked Units 2 - Mini Vans 1 - Mid-Siae Pickup 5 - Motorcycles 106/21/91) PAGE 3 of 3 9~ - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AMARD AND ADTBORIZATION POR EEECDTION FOR THE LANDSCAPE AND IRRI TION MAINPENANCE CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPE MAIN'1'BNANCE DISTRICTS 7 AND 8 TO MARIPOSA HORTICDLTDRAL ENTERPRISES, I OP IRMINDALE, G PG TB8 AMOONT OP 1 1 .76 TO BE FONDED By 7-Q -_0 AND • -41 0-6020 (FISCAL YEAR 91 1 RECOMMENDATION it is recommended that the City Council approve the award and authorize the execution of the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance Districts 7 and 8 to the lowest responsible bidder, Mariposa Hor[iculture Enterprises, Inc. of Irwindale, Ca for the amount of $14,192.76, to be funded by account numbers 47-413G-6028 and 48-4130-6028. It is further recommended that the City Council approve the issuance of a purchase order to fund the regular maintenance and extra work of the current City- maintained areas of LMD's 7 and 8 plus the additions of tracts that are accepted for maintenance by Council during the period October 1, 1991 through Tune 30, 1992. The contract is renewable for one- year periods on a year-to-year basis beginning on July 1, 1992. 1'he contractor may request, prior to an annual renewal, an increase in the monthly unit costs which shall not exceed the cost of living index increase for the preceding year. BACRGRODND/ANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were accepted, opened and reviewed on Thursday, August 29, 1991. Mariposa Horticultural STAFF REPORT MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS 7 AND 8 TO MARIPOSA BOATICDLTURAL ENTERPRISES, INC. September 18, 1991 Page 2 Enterprises, Ina. was the apparent lowest responsible bidder (bid summary attachedJ. Staff has reviewed all bids and found them to to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements. Respectfully su mx ted, WJO:la I cc: Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager Jerry Pulwood, Deputy City Manager Rick Gomez, Community Development Director Bob 2etterberg, Public Work9 Maintenance Manager Ingrid Blair, GIS Supervisor Jeff Barnes, Packs 6 landscape Maintenance Superintendent 9q SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS OPENED ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Date: August 29, 1991 PROJECT: Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance LOCATION: Landscape Maintenance Districts 7 and 8 SUMMARY: Engineer's Mariposa Barrios Landscap^ Estimate Rort icultural i Assoc., West, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Inc. Executive Landscape Cort rectors, Inc. $.14,500.00 $14,192.76 * $2,300 $15,805.20 $19,660.76 Total Sum of Bid(s) * The bid of L. Barrios and Associates was incorrectly calculated by that company. If calculated correctly the bid would have been $14,318.21. Awarded contract is for 7i of the estimated landscaped area, under development, in the district, we anticipate the remaining to be accepted by the end of the year. ~V~ Un~Y Vi' KANUriV GUUAMUNUA STAFF REPORT DATE: Septepber 18, 1991 T0: Mayor and Manibers of the City Council Jack Laal, AICP, Ctty Manager FROM: w!. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Bob M. Porter, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR EXECUTION OF AN ANNUAL STREET STRIPING CONTMCT IN ACCORDANCE NITH PRICE SCHEDULE SUBMITTED BY ORANGE COUNTY STRIPING SERVICE, INC. TO BE FUNDED FROM GAS TAX, ACCOUNT N0. 09-4637-6028, CONTRACT SERVICES. (FY 91/99). AECOMMEMDIITION Approval and authorization for execution of an annual Street Strlping Contract in accordance with sub~eitted price schedule as suballtted by Orange County Striping Service, inc. BACIIGRURD/ANALrSIS In a request for proposals, Orange County Striping suballtted the nrost responsive proposal' for extending the current contract through Fi scal Year 91/92. Of the eighteen pay heats, Orange County Strlping had the nrost coapetitive prices overall. In the Dast the City has utilized the services of Orange County Strlping Service, Inc. This caatpany has provided very good service 1n a ttwtely atanner and at very caatpetltive prices. The following 1s a caatparlson of existing and proposed rates: REFLECTIVE CENTERLINE ORANGE ARRON 1. AND LANE LINES CURRENT COUNTY STRAIGHT A. 4" Broken Lines (0.032 L/F f 0.030 f 0.03 B. 4" So11d Lines 0.045 L/F 0.040 0.055 C. Two 4" Doubl! So11d Lines with 4" Black Separations 0.109 L/F 0.110 0.147 D. 8" Solid Lines 0.09 L/F 0.100 0.120 E. Two-way Left Turn, Both ~ Sides, 4" lines with 4" Stack Separation 0.18 L/F 0.19 0.250 2. STENCILS - REFLECTIVE A. 8" Letters S 3.75 EA f 3.85 S 3.00 e. LiMt Bars 12" N1de 0.35 L/F 0.40 0.35 C. Arrows 4.00 EA 5.00 5.50 D. RRX Cawtplete, Both Sides of Track 90.00 SET 100.00 85.00 ~~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 ANNUAL STRIPING CONTRACT PAGE 2 ORANGE ARRDN CURRENT COUNTY STRAIGHT 3. CROSSNALKS -REFLECTIVE A. 12' N1 de S 0.35 L/F S 0.40 f 0.35 4. PARKING A. Parking T's f 2.00 P/T f 1.00 f 2.75 B. Curb Painting 0.35 L/F 0.20 0.25 5. SHALL STENCILS A. 3' Nan-Refllttlve Letters ; 1.00 L/F S 0.10 f 0.25 6. MARK REMOVAL A. Net Sandblasting S 1.D0 S/F f 1.10 f 1.10 7. BLACKOUT f 0.20 S/F f 0.10 f 0.18 8. PRE-LINING f 0.035 L/F f 0.030. S 0.030 9. REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKINGS S 3.00 EA f 2.80 S 3.00 10. CERAMIC PAVEMENT MARKERS S 1.25 EA S 1.10 f 1.00 In coaparison, these itean when applied to Lhe level of service for Fiscal Year 90/91, would account fora 2.45 Inc rease 1n re-striping costs. This 1s reasonable, when coapared to the inflation rate for the sane period of t1a~e. Respectfully suMa d, ~, ~'r~ ~C.. Na. Jce O'Netl City Engineer NJO:BMP:Iy Attachaw!nt ~a1-- - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 Ta Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager BY: Olen Jones, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: Approval of a Letter Agreement granting "Right of First Refusal' to the San Bernardino Spirit for the Rancho Cucamonga Sport; Complex Stadium. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authoriu the Mayor to execute the attached letter agreement. BACKGROUND: As a part of the design of the Rancho Cucamonga Sports Complex, the Council has previously directed the development of a 3500 seat baseball stadium. This stadium has been designed to meet the requirements and standards of a Class "A" minor Iwgue baseball team. The Council has indicated its desire to attract a minor league team to the stadium because of the benefits associated with a team's presence in the community. These include: • enhancement of the City's economic development program. • daily exposure of the City's name in the national sports media. • Added dimension in community identity. • Continued development of inexpensive, family-oriented entertainment for the residents of the City. • Financial benefits of sports related development surrounding the Sports Complex. • The creation of approximately 100 new jobs associated with team management and stadium operations. • Rental revenues from the stadium which will help to offset the maintenance costa on the balance of the facility. ~~ September I8, 1991 Sm Bermvdino Spirit Page 2 • Accessibility of professional-level baseball play to the young players in the City. The ability to observe professional-level play is a svong motivation for young people to participate in -oeal sports programs, and for those already involve to continue. Studies have shown that young people participating in sports programs are the least likely to become involved in drng and/or gang activities. • Community/team involvement. Local professional sports organizations place a high value on community involvement. These activities include: drug abuse prevention programs, sports camps, stay-in-school programs, and other positive motivational programs for young people. ANALYSIS : In order to attract any minor league baseball tenant to the Rancho Cucamonga Stadium, it is necessary to resolve territorial issues with the San Bernardino Spirit. Since the Rancho Cucamonga Stadium is located within the market territory of the Spirit, aoy other team wishing to relocate to Rancho Cucamonga would first have to obtain the approval of the San Bernardino Spirit's board of directors. In order to prevent any problems from arising in discussions with other teams, staff has negotiated a "Right of First Refusal" with the Spirit board. Under the terms of the attached letter agreement, the City will grant the Spirit the right to be considered fvst as a tenant. In exchange, the Spirit has acknowledged the City's desire to obtain a minor league baseball tenant, and agreed not to withhold approval of a relocation. Agency Counsel has reviewed the terms of the letter. Respectfully submitted, ~. Linda D. Daniels Deputy City Manager ~~ ' _ -12-.. ~1 .~.v TD .. P.OL SAN BERNARDINO September 12, 1881 Mayor i)en«W L. Stout City of Rancho Cucamonga p.0. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91728-0807 Re: Letter of t«taot Dear Mayor Stout: IbK-It`Dfend fax trenOmmallMino 7871 ~A~. ~ ~/ 11 7- 150- D The purpose of Chia Latter of Intent Is to advise qqJ of t68 fateotiais of San Oernardino Baseball Club, Inr,. (Spirit), regeMing the nrw Daaebali stadium, which we uadantand the City of Rancho Cucamonga is In the process of devaloplag. As yuu mny be aware, the Spirit 0 reviewing Irs +anow aiterne[ives, with respect to where it will play in the luture. We have en interest to reviewing your a1tWNon; however, it is ovr underttanding that you desire some written confirmation as to the SpUit'a intention. Although we cannot commit to any pertlcular coaae of ecttou, tbly Letter of hnent fa being sent to the extent chat It wlll be helpful In the development of our plain. This letter, however, is not a binding obligation on the Spurt until the Spirit has reviewed, negotiated, and agreed upon, terms and conditioro oP any move and/or Iease arrangement. As consideration for the execution of Chia Letter of Intent, the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and it's Redevelopment Agency, do hereby grant to the Spirit the right to relocate the Splrlt baseball teem to the new haeeDB(1 fadlity befog rAOatraCtsd by the City of Rancta Cucamonga. Such right to relocate the team must be exercise by the SDir1C on or before July t, 1992, by way of written notice to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. !v n condition or any minor league team, otter than the Spirit, occupying a ataditan In the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the Spirit mwt consent to the awarding o[ a new franchise or the relocation of an euttsting franchise to Rancho Cucamonga. Should the SptNC elect rat to relocate to Rancho Cucamonga, then, contingent upon negotiaNOn of mutually atxepuble consideration in exchange for waiving its terrltortal rights, tla Spirit would De wiling to ooneent to the preaeace of such another California League franchise in Rancho Cucamonga. /~S ruaoaanso.awasrnuwgawrooamEaafa ...~,..... c - faro. -. SEP-12-1991 15:24 FROM TO 9976499 P'02~02 Mayor Demf+t 1.. Stout September 12, 191)1 pass two Rancho Cucamoaga 6erpby serer thsc Ic eAli not. place aey othv usm m fa aaw stadium uottl the Sph9t baseball team has approved the new team, and eegotlatad the epproprlate ootmlderstign. ff the tertas of thla lectc era agreeable wltp you, please execute wl~eve lodlcated below, oa the eoclased copy and rattan the algoed toDy dh'eCth to mY at[entloo. Very tndy YtMas, SAN BERNARDINO 8A6P.8.4LL CLUB, INC. A Callforaia Caporedoa Henry E SNCkneY Presldeet Intent. t have reed and approve of the tertnt and tzndtthufs coMeitJad a Nts Letter of Dated: , 1981 DENMS L. aI'OI1T, Mayor of the Ctty of Rancho Cucamonga / D (v - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: SepteMer 18, 1991 T0: Mayor and McMers of the Ciiv Council Jack Laa~, AICP, City Manager FROM: Ma. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR MINOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DESIGN SURVEYING AND CONSTRUCTION STAKING AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITY HIDE, F15CAL YEARS 1991/92 AND 1992(93, TO BE FUNDED FROM THE APPROPRIATE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ACCOUNTS AT THE SPECIFIED RATES RECOMEID11T10N It is recoaawended that the City Council authorize the execution of the Professional Service Agreeaents for surveying to the following flrws: Magner Pacific, Incorporated, 201 East Yorba Linda Boulevard, Placentia; and Associated Engineers, Incorporated, 9259 Utica Avenue, Suite 100, Rancho Cucaaanga. The above Professional Service Agreeaknts provide for survey and construction staking on a variety of the saxtiler protects (510,000.00 or less). Associated Engineers has had a Professional Service Ayrceaw•nt with the City for the lest three (3) fiscal years. Magner Pacific has had a Professional Service Agreeaent with the City for the last two (2) years. Both ftnas have caapleted all assigned pro,~ects in an acceptable and professional a~anner. Respectfully subaltt Nm. Joe O'Neil C^~'~~C City Engineer NJ O:LRB:iy Attachaknt cc: Purchasing ~~7 STAFF REPORT GATE: September 18, 1991 ~~ u T0: Mayor and Mewbers of the C1ty Council Jack Lam, AICP, C1ty Manager FROM: Ma. Jce O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Linda R. Beek, Jr. Engineer SUBJECT: RECOMENDATION TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS FOR MINOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SOILS AND ASPHALT TESTING AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITY HIDE, FISCAL YEARS 1991/92 AND 1992/93, TO BE FUNDED FROM THE APPROPRIATE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ACCOUNTS AT THE SPECIFIED RATES. It 1s rccomaended that the C1ty Council authcrize ttR execution of the Professional Service Agreements for So11s and Asphalt testing to the following flews: Schaefer D1xon Associates, ieH;orporated, 190 Orange Tree Lane, Redlands; and RM11 Group, 10851 Edison Court, Rancho Cucaaonga. BACKBAOUID/AMAlYSIS The above Professional Service Agreeaaents provide for So11s and Asphalt testing on a variety of the sawtller protects (510,000.00 or less). Both Schaefer D1son Associates and R141 Group have had contracts wfth the City for three f3) years. Both firaK have completed all assigned protects 1n an acceptable and professional manner. Respectfully submitted, •~ Nm. Joe O'Ne11 C C1ty Engineer NJO:LRB:Iy Attachment cc: Purchasing l~0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1997 1'O: Mayor and Memheza of the City Council FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Larry J. Henderson, AICP, Principal Planner Cindy Norris, Aeaociate Planne[ SUHJSCT: CONSIDERATION OF A SOBRHC IPIBNf CONTRACT AGRBHMENf NI7N TH6 E1'INANDA HISTORICAL SOCI RTY UTILZZ ING COMMUNITY DEVEIgPMeNT BLOCA GRANT FUN0.4 POR RERABILITATIW OF TH6 CHAPFHY-GARCIA HOUSE IN THB AMOUNT OP $59,977. ABCgm®DATI01: Auihotixe the Mayor to execute a contract with the Stiranda Historical Society to use Community Developmnt Block GrnnL Funds for rehabilitation of the Chaffey-Garcia House. BIM~f.POOmD: It ie the Ciiy'9 SntenL to use a aubrecipient agreemnt tith the 8tiranda Historical 9ociaty For mragement of the reconstruction and operation of the Cheffey-Garcia House. This was felt to be the beat method to accomplish the necessary cork due to the Society's interest and expertise regarding this structure. In addition, the Society desires .to use volunteer laborers for som of The work, requiring close on-site management. The Treasurer of the Society, Mr. Jams Clarke, has volunteered to act as the on-site Manager, with Nr. James Banks (Board Member) hendlinq contract administration. At this tim the City is intending to provide the Htiranda Historical Society with $59,977 in Community Development Block Grant funds to rnmplete the work. A detailed diecraeion of the propwed project Se contained in Bxhibit "A", which is a letter ataCf sent to HUD describing the project. In implementing the CDBG program, the City ie al bred Lo use subrecip cent agreements, thereby enother entity will carry out an activity for the City torazd meeting a Cederal rational objective. However, HUD requires that very specific agreements ba provided for uea of Ghe Eunds by aubrecipients to ensure that federal regulaiiona ere rat and to ensure that the City adequately monitors subrecipient actlvitiee. 11W.y8I8: Tha City hoe determined that this project Se eligible under Lhe Comaounity Developmnt Block Grant program es the historic preeervetion/rehabs litatlon of a residential structure. In rehabili teeing this structure, Ne City till be meeting the federal neiionel objective of ellmirating slum end blight m a spot basis. To this end, the primry use of the Aouse till be held for residential occupation for n minimum of five years. On a aecondsry use basis, Lhe house till be available for museum purposes, with tours and metings on a limited echadu le besim. /~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT CNAPPEY-GAACIA HOUSB - CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONGA September 1E, 1991 Pnga 2 All work on the strvcture will be in conforamnce with the Secretary of Interior`s atandarde for rehabilitation/reconetxvetion of a historic structure. The intent will be to preaezve the historic character of the atructura but to also allow it to ba safely habitable by n caretaker/tenant. To complete Nis work, it Se the intent of the Btiwmda Niatorieal Society to use a competitive procurement process to hire a firm to prepare plena and specifications. A sealed bid procurement procesa wi'1 then be used to obtnin a general contractor to actually do most of the work, but with volunteers eeeiating in appropriate arm e. The proposed contract, which inaludee s detailed work dmcription end budget, has been included as Bxhibit "B" io thia report. ITe City Attorney hsa reviewed the crontrect and tound it M be eatiefactory In meeting Ciiy, State and Federal requirements. Rea ~ lly eu tted, % Brad er City sonar BB: WNeCN/de Attachmentex Bxhibit ^A^ - August 19, 1991 Letter to HW. Bxhibit "R" - ContraM Agreement /10 August 19, 1991 ?rands McClendon U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Los Angeles Office, Region I% 1615 West Olympic Boulevard, Mail/C9.4 Los Angeles, CA 90015-3801 SUBJECT: REHABILITATION OF A HISTORIC RESIDENCE Dear Mr. McClendon: This letter is in response to our recent rnnversaticns regarding the rehabilltat ion of the City's historic Chaffey-Garcia Hovae. You have requested a brief description of the proposed project and our determination of its eligibility and Tow it will meet national oDjectivea. The Chaffey-Garcia House is very signl titan[ in this City's history as it ie the City's oldest home, c. 7874. The house wad home to the Chaffey brothers who not only laid an.i lrri gated the town of Etiwenda, but also founded the cities of Upland and Ontario. The Chaffey-Garcia home wad nlao the Eirst site in all of Southern California to have electricity and also had one of the first telephone connections. Unfortunately over time, this house fell into disrepair. Concerned residents rallied around the landmark forming the Eiiwanda Riatorieal Society. After three yearn of intense fund raising, and under threat of demolition due to new development, the house was moved to a new site in April of 1985. However, ae a result of past neglect and the move, [he house is in extremely bad condition. Through the dedicated efforts of the Etiwanda Historical Society much of the foundation and exterior work has now been restored. However, the interior of the houac is still in pooc condition, i.e., lacking floors, wall surfaces, electrical and plumDinq. It is Uia latter type of work that the project will focus on. It is the City's intent to use a aubraclpient agreement with the 8tlwanda Historical society Eor management of the reconstruction and operation o! eha Chsfley-Careia Nouse. This was felt to be the best method in which to accomplish the necessary work due to the society's interest and expertise regarding this structure. At ehis time, the City is intending to provide the Etiwanda Historic Society aith 946,000 co complete the work. 7 The City has determined Ghat thin project Sa eligible under the Community Development Block Grant Program as the historic prasarveeion/rehabs liialton of a residential structure. To this end, the primry use o[ the house vi 11 Ds for residential occupation. The Clty rill atipu lain that the houac shell Da held for this uss [or a minimum of ESVe yea re. Also, Sn order to ensure that the usm remains ptimrily residential during this time, public access rill W allowed only on a limited baals, `Agyor Dellis L S7ouf Cqundlmember Dione Williams Movor pro-'en W~r~cm J Alesgnoer ~ Councnmember Pamela 1 Wngnl ,qC4 lam AiC° City MOngger COUnCiITBmhef CnoIIES J Buquet II .~ ~•E..L • .f A ~~~ krancia McClendon Rehabilitation of a Histoi _.: Residence August 19, 1991 Pn9e 2 Saturdays for a maximum of 12 hour9, and meetings will be permitted only once a month for a period of three hours. In addition, public access will be restricted from the tenant's basic living quarters, although the tenant shall have access to the notice structure. it is the Sntent to design one bedroom in the house as an efficiency unit with a separate baehroom and eating facilities acceeaible only to the tenant, when the public and meetings are held so the resident will not be ivconvenienced. In providing this unit, the 6tiwandn Historical SocleLy will not charge rent, but they will expect the tenant to take care of utilities. Additionally, it is not thn City's intent to require income qua11f1catlona for the tenant. In rehabilitating this structure, the City will be meeting the national objective of elimina[inq slum and blight on a spot basis. This will be the first year Rancho Cucamonga has not programed 100 percent of our CDBG allocation to ward providing assistance for low and moderate income residents. All work on the ntructuce will be in confezaanry with tae Secretary of interior's standards for rehabilitation/recomtrucClon of a hiator is structure. The primary SntenC will be to preserve the h'atoric character of the atrvctute. In addition, all work will be conducted in accordance with any comments received from the State Historic Preservation Office. To complete this work, it is the intent of the etiwanda Historical Society to use the competitive procuremnnt process to hire a Eirm to prepare plane and specifications. A snaled bid procurement pzocena~will then be used to obtain n general contractor to actually do moat of the work, but with voluneeen assisting in appropriate areas. It is our underetandinq that since the facility will function as a residence, the Davis Bacon Provisions will not apply. i hope that this summary of our intended project will help clarify issues raised on the phone. If ycu should hove any co®ents or goes !ions, please do not has itaee to contact Cindy Norrin, CDBG Coordinator, of ous office at (714) 989-1861, extension 2258. sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT `Pmt/A/NnNING DIVISIOti v /• 1 Larry J. Henderson, AICP Principal Planner WH:CN: mlg cc: Anthea Naztig, MsociaN Plannaz Aaron Lambert, Program Nanagmt, 9.4 CMA 'Id CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HLOCK GRANT PROGRAM REIMBURSABLE CONTRACT WITH GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY THIS CONTRACT. ie made and entered into ihie 18th day of September 1991, 6y and between the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereinafter celled the "City," and the Etiwanda Historical society, hereinafter called the "Operating Agency." RECITALS 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga has entered into a Contract with the United States of America through lta Department of Nousing and Urban Development (HUD) to execute the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, hereinafter celled the "ACt,^ and 2. Operating Agency Sa qualified Dy virtue of its experience to participate in said program. IN CON92DBMTION of the mutual covenants set forth herein and mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the parties agree ee fol love: 1. NOTIC63 AND DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES: My end all notlees, demands, invoices, and written communications between the parties hereto shall be addressed as set forth in ihie paragra~h. The below named individuals, furthermore, shall be those persons primarily responsible for the performance by the parties under ihie Agreement: Larry J. Henderson, AICP James Banks Principal Planner Etiwande NSstoricel Society City of Reneho Cucamonga P. O. Box 363 P•0. Box 807 Poncho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Fencho Cucamonga, CA 91729 ll3 My such naticea, demands, Invoices, and written communications, by mail, shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee forty-eight (48) hours after deposit thereof in the VnSted Stntea mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed ae set forth nbove. 2. TIME OF PBRPORMANCE: Said aervicea of Ope[etinq Agency are io commence not sooner than the date first written shove and shall be completed not later then June 30, 1992. Unless completion date is extended for good cause based upon written agreement of the Operating Agency and the City. 3. COMPENSATION AED METHOD OF PAYMENT: Dpon such performance, the City shell provide to the Operating Agency a maximum amount not [o exceed $59,977 which shall constitute full end complete payment hereunder provided for the implementation of the project or projects described in Exhibit "A" to this contract. Said reimbursement will only be paid out of funds received by the City from the Pederal Government under the Act Eor the Piecal Year indicated in Exhibit "A," Project Oeacription, for alloxeDle eoete nctually incurred for the expreaa purpoaea specified. The parties understand end agree that such peyaenL, if any, shall be conditioned upon receipt of said funds by the Clty from [he Pederal Government end shall not De a charge on nny other funds of the City. General coordination procedures between the Etiwanda Hiatcricel Society and the City of Aancho Cucamonga ere provided in Exhibit "D." e) Operating Agency Reeponeiblllty 1. The Operating Agency shall be iesponeible for hiring aucA independent contractors ee neceaeery to complete the work described in Exhibit "A." My hiring precticea and contcect provisions shall be in accordance with Pederal, State, and locsl requirements. The method of procurement by competitive proposals shell ba utilised for //~ procurement of architectural professional services and sealed bide shall be utilized to obtain independent contractors as specified in the Federal Regulations 24 CPR Pari 85.36d(2) and (3). An example o[ a typical contract which airy be used by the Operating Agency is provided in Bxhibit "B." 2. M work in progress Se completed, the operating Agency shall inspect said work to ensure that it has been done in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner. Once work has been approved by the Operating Agency, then a copy of the conirector'e invoice shall he forwarded to the City for payment. b. City Reaponeibi llty 1. Peymente to professional services nonsultant shell be made by the City in eccoidnnca with the Snvoicee au6mitted by the Operating Agency from the Consultant, on a eonthly basis, and such Snvoicee shall be paid within a reasonable time after eeid invoices are received by the City. 2. payments for construction work in progress shall be made by the City in accordance with invoices submitted and approved by the Operating Agency for work completed by independent contractor's, hired by the Operating Agency. 1 3. Upon receipt of en invoice from the Operating Agency, the City aha 11 inspect the eeid work to ensure compliance ai .A ell applicable codes and sianderds and to ensure that work has bean done in a workmanlike manner. /~ 4. Upon verification of the above (paragraph 2), the City shall issue payment of the invoice within a reasonable tim after receipt of said invoice. 4. ONNEASHIP OF DOCUMENTS: All documents, data, etudiEe, surveys, drawings, mpa, photogrsphe, and reports prepared by the prvfeaaional services conwltant pursunnt to Chie Agreement ehnll De considered the property of the City, and upon paymnt for services performed by the consultant, such documents and other materials shell be delivered to the City. Three additional copies shall also be provided to the Operating Agency. 5. UHE OP THB STROCfOEE: This structure shall be wad prismrlly ea a [evidence for a period of time, net lame than five years. public aeceae shall be allowed only on a limited basis, 9aturdeys fora mximum of 12 haute, end meetings rill be parwittad once a month toz a period not to exceed three hours. Public access shall ba remtricted feu CAa tenant's bnaic living quarters, although the tenant shall have access to the anti re structure., One bedroom in the house shell be designed em an efficiency unit rith a separate bathroom and seeing fac113t1em acceealble only to the tenant when the public ectivitiee are held so the tenant rill not be Sncanvenienced. 6. TENANCY, The tenant shall not be required to pay rant Wt shall be expected to Lake care of utilities. Operating Agency my require the tenant to observe the premieem and report problems to the Operating Agency, the City, or other appropriate authorities. Occupancy of the structure (hall be li mlte~f to no more then Lwo persons, end those Lwo persons moat bs able to share the em bedroom efficiency unit. /1 W 7. CODBS AND xBODI RBMEWTS: (a) All rehabilitation and cemnatruction activities shall be in conformance will: the Secretary of the interior's Standards for xistoric Structures. (b) In addition, ell work shell be done in accordance with city codes and requirements far historic atructurea. All neceanary plane and permits shell be obtained by the Operating Agency or by the independent conirnctor or contractors hired by the Agency. S. PROCEWRBS TO IMPLElxiNT: Operating Agency Se authorized to expend funds to initiate the project or projects descriDad in 6xhibii ^A" to this Contract. 9. PERPOBMANC6 9fANDARDS: Operating agency shell comply with ape cific project implementation and expenditure standards as adopted bl' the City Council, Sf my: 10. STATBMBNT OP WOBiC: (a) Description of Nork. The Operating Agercy ie to perform all the service set forth Sn thm Project Descriptirn, Bzhibit 'A", to this crontract, a copy of which is attached Aersto and incorporated herein by this reference. A schedule for the completion of these services and goals shall be included in the Project Description. (D) Budeet. The Operating Agency Se to parlors the services set forth Ln 6xhlbit "A", pursuant to a Project xidget, also included in EzhiDit "A" to this Contract, a copy of which le etteched hereto end incorporated herein by this reference. /' 11. ABCORDS AND REPORTING: (a) Accounting. operating Agency moat establish and maintain on a wrrent basis on adequate accouRti~g system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards. (b) h~iartarly Reporting. Operating Agency shell submit to Che city every three (3) moths quarterly reports, which shall he a 8tntement describing the atnpn and approaches taken to meet the specified goal of Exhibit ^A." Thia report shall include a brief narrative, as well ae a current uudget or Financial statement and shall include any program income, any joint funding, and any non-expendable ana expendable property. These reports moat trace the Coamunity Development Block Grant Funds award Co a levnl of expenditure. adequate to establish that such funds have not been used Sn violation of the reatrictiona and prohibitions of epplicnble law. (c) Revenue DiaCloau[n Requirement. Operating Agency shall make available for inspection and audit to City's reprasentatlvea, upon request, ae any time during the duration of this Contract and during a period of Eive (5) years [hereafter, each project or business nctivity which is funded in whole or in pert with 9rsnt monies. All such books and records shall be maintained by Operating Agency at a location in Sen Bernardino County. Failure of Operating Agsncy to comply with the requirements of this Section shell rnnstitute a materiel breach of contract upon which the City may cancel, terminate, or suspend this Contract. (d) Annual Program Evaluation and Periddic Review. Operating Agency she 11 make avni lable for inspection its performance, financial and all other records pertnininq to performnce of this Contract to authorized City personnel, end allow said City personnel to Lnapact end monitor its fact li ties and program operetiona, including the intarviep of Operating Agency staff end program particlpente am required by Lha City. The Operating Agency agrees to submit all data that are necaamary //~ to complete the annual Grantee Performance Report in accordance wish HUD requirements and no later than Eifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of this Contract. (e) Uee of Punde for Hntertainment or Gifts. Operating Agency certifies and agrees thnt it will not use funds provided through this Contract to pay for entertainment or gifts. (f) Joint Funding. Por programs in which there ere sources of funds in addition to RUD CDSG Punde, Operating agency shall provide proof of such Eunding. The City shall not pay for any services provided by Operating Agency which are funded by other nourcee. all restrictions and/or requirements provided for in this Contract relative to accounting, budgeting and reporting apply to the CoGl prograw regardless of Eunding source. 12. PRIX'RAM INCOMe: (a) Retained by Operating agency. Program income defined ae thnt money generated frw the COBG Pund received herein, shall be retained by the Operating Agency. (b) Activities to he Undertaken witA Program Income. Operntinq agency shall utilise the progrm lncowe in accordance with exhibit "a", and all provisions of this Contract shell apply to the di apoaition of program incowa. (c) Disposition of Program Income. Dinposition of Prngrem Income shall be done 1n accordance with Section 1E of tMle Contract. 13. UN IPORM ADMINISTMTIVB RBOUIRBMBNTS AND ASSUPaNC68 (a) Auurances. The Operating Agency hereby mesral and certifies that it has complied with the Act, applleable regulations, policies, guide lions and taqulrements, and that it will comply with ell /~9 applicable Federal, State and local laws, and regulations es they relate to acceptance and use of Federal funds for this Federally assisted program. Also, the Operating Agency giyee assurance and certifies with respect to the program specified in Exhibit "A" that it will comply with all the provisions of 24 Code of Federal Regulations 570.303, except sections (d) and (e), which pertains to assurances required of program app licents. Operating Agency further assures and certifies that it will comply with all relevant Federal Regulations and any future amendWente or changes to said required assurances and that during the term of Chia Contract will maintain current copies of said assurances at the address specified in this Contract. The City will keep the Operating Agency fully informed of all .applicable federal laws, rvlee and regulations applicable to the project and will monitor the performance of Che Operating Agency and assist the Operating Agency for the purpose of keeping Lt in compliance with the federal laws, ~rulee and regulation. (b) Use of Funds for Lobbying. All paztlen agree that no Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by ar on behalf of nny of the patsies, to any person Eor influencing oz attempting to influence an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of this Contract, any Federal rnntract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, eaendment, or modification of any Federal wneract, grans, loan, or cooperative agreement All parties further agree that it any funds other then Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will 6e paid tc any person for influencing or attempting to lnf luence en officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or en employes of a Member of Congfeae in connection with this Federal mnezect, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the responsible party will complete end submit standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying." /v (c) Compliance with Lays. All parties agree Co be bound by applicable Federal, Skate and local laws, ordinances, regulations and directives ae they pertain to the perfarmence of thin Contract. This Contract is subject to and incorporates the terms of the Actr 2A Cade of Federal Regulations, Chapter V, Bart 570, including WL not limited to uniform arDninlstrntive requirements, described !n 24 CPA 570.502. The Operating Agency ehnll not assume responsibility for the N6PA environmental reeponaibilitiee described by 24 CPR 570.604, nor for the reeponaiDility of initiating the review process under the provisions of 24 CFR Part 52 and Sxecutlve Order 12372. 14. SUSPENSION AND TBRMIDATION (a) Tstmtnetion ma Termination Coats. This Contract may be terminated at any time by either party upon giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the other party. The City Manager of his or her asst goes is hereby emq~owered to give said notice subject to retifieation by the City Council. The City may 1®ediately terminate this Contract upon the Gerninations, suspension, discontinuation or eubetantial reduction in NUD CDSG funding for she Contract activity or if for any roaeon the timely completion of the work under this Contract is rendered improbable, infeealble, or impossible. In addition, the Contract my be terminated for Convenience in accordantt with 24 CPR 854d. In any event, Operating Agency shall ba cosgxnasted for all services rendered and all necessarily incurred coats performed in good faith in accordance with the terms of this Contract that hove not been previously reimbursed, to the date of said termination Lo the extent HUD CDBC lands are available. (b) Material Pal lure to Comply with Award. In accordance wish 24 CPR 85.43, suspension or termination of the Coamunity Development Slock Grant Pund Award, if Operating Agency materially [ails to comply with any term of this Award and Contract, whether stated in a Federal statute or regulations, en auutsnes of this Contract, Chs City may, et ter providing Operating Agenoy the opportunity tors hearing: i~r (11 Temporarily withhold cosh payments pending correction of the deficiency by Operating Agency or more severe enforcement action by Ne awarding Agency. (2) Diealloa (that ie, deny both use of funds and matching credit for) all or port of tae cos[ of the activity or action not in rnmpliance. (3) Wholly or partly suspend or teminete the current award for the Operating Agency's program. (4) Witahold further awards far the program, or (5) Take other remedies that my be legally available. 15. AHVBRSIW7 OP A88615 (a) Remising Panda and Accounts RecelvaDle. Upon the expiration of this Contract, Opernting Agency shall transfer to City any CRAG funds on hand et the time of expiration and any accounts receivable aitributaDle to the use of CDAG funds. (b) Rsal Property Acquired or Improved. Upon the expirstion of this Contract, any reel property acquired or Smproved in whole or part with CDBG funds Sn excess of $25,000 by Operating Agency shell di epoee of it in one of two waysi ft) Used to meet one of the dational objaetivae in 570.208 until five years otter expiration of the agraemeni, or for auto longer period of time ea determined to be appropriate by the recipients or (2) Disposed of in a manner that raeults In the Operating Agency Dsing zalMursad in the amount of the currant fair market value o[ the property lase /~y any portion of the value attributable to ezpendituree of non-CDHG funds for acquisition of, or improvement eo, the property. 16. PURCNASE AND LEASE OF PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTY (a) Non-expendable Property. A rem rd shall be maintained Eor each item of non-expendable property acquired Eor this program with NOD CDBG funds. Non-expendable personal property means tangible personal property having a useful life of more than one (1) year and an acquisition cost of $300 or more per unit. Non-expendable property shall include tangible personal property, including bui not limited to office equipment, and real property other than the subject property and any interest in such real property, including any mortgage or other encumbrance of reel property as veil ae any funds derived Erom the Bale or diepoeitian of non-expendable property. My utilization of funds derived from the sale of diepoaition of non-expeadable property moat have prior approval of ~tha City Manager or his or her designce and orbs rwiae comply aith ell applicable laws and regulation. In case of the Contract's termination, the City reserves the right to determine the final disposition oP said non-expendable property acquired for this program with HUD CDHG Eunda, including funds derived therefrom, aubj act to Section S(b). Said disposition may include the City taking possession of paid non-expendable property. (b) expendable Personal Property. expendable personal property refers to all tangible parsonl property other then non- axpendable property. All purchased expendable personal property with a value of $1,000 or more per unit oust have the prior written approval of the City Manager or hie or her designee. All lensed equipment of any value moat have the prior written approval of rile City Manager of hie designee. (c) Purchsme or lease oP Non-expendable PropeziY• It for the purposes of imp lamenting this Contract, the operating Aoency must pu [chase or lease any non-expandable personl property over $300 Sn unit value, the Operating Agency shell obtain three (3) documented bide end /2-3 purchase or leave from Lhe lowest acceptable bidder. All equipment coating over $50 par unit and having a life expectancy of more than one (1) year shall be properly identified and inventoried, and shall be charged at Lta actual price deducting all cash diewunte, rebetea, and allowances received by Operating Agency. This inventory shall De made available to the City Manager or hie or her deal9nee upon request. 17. PISCAL LIMITATIONSS The Dnited Stetee of America, through HUD, rosy, in the Future, place programmatic or Eiecal limitetione w CDBG funds not presently anticipated. Acwrdingly, the City reserves the right to revise this Contract in order io take account of actions affecting NUD program funding. In the event of funding reduMion, the City may reduce the budget of this Contract as a whole or as to Lost category, may limit the rate of toe operating Agency's we of both Ste unwmmltted and its unspent funds. Nhere XUD has directed or regneeted the City to implement a reduction in funding !n~ whole or as to Croat category with respect to funding for Chia Contract, the City Manager or hie or her dssignea may act for the City in implemantlnq end effecting such a reduction end in revis inq the Contract toz such purpose. Where the City Manager or hie or her deaf gave hea reasoneDle grounds to question the fiacel accounta6111ty, financial aoundnese, or compliance with this Conerset of the Operating Agency, City Mamger, oz hie or her designee may act for the City in suspending the operation of this Contract for up to sixty (601 days upon three (31 data notice to Operating Agency o[ hie intention to so ecL, pending en audit or other revolution of such questions. In no event, however, shall any revision mode by eha City affect expenQituras and legally binding wsmlltment^ made by [he Operating Agency before it recaLved notLca of such revlaion, provided that such aaqunte hove been wmiitted Ln goad faith and an otharwlae al lovable end that rum coamitmenta are coneietent with NW cash withdrawal guidelines. /a 7 18. APPIRNATIVB ACf ION: The Operating Agency shall make every eEEort to ensure that all projects funded wholly or in part by FIOD CDBG funds shall provide equal employment and career advancement opportunities for minorities and women. In addition, the Operating Agency shall mks every effort to employ residents of the arm and shall keep a record of the positions that have been Qeated directly or ae e result of this program. 19. CHANGES: This Contract my be amended or modified only by written agreement signed by all parties; end failure an the pert of either party to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of the right ro compel enforcment of each provision or provisions. 20. COST AMBNONENT: The total cmt[ect amount my be SnC[easad a mximum of 15t above the amount specified in psre9raph 3 upon written agreement ei gned by all parties. 21. CHANGES IN GRANT ALLOCATION: The City reserves the right to reduce the grant allocation when the City's fiscal monitoring indlcetee that the Operating Agency's rate of expenditure will result in unspent funds et the end of the program ymr. Changes in the grant allocation will be done after consultation with ehn Operating Agency. Such changes aha 11 be incorporated into this Contract by written emendmmte. 22. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: All program data neceemry for monitoring end evaluating this project shall M mh suet lable to the Citizen Participation structure of the City. Rmeonable requests from these groups for dlract repotte will be cnmplled Sri th. Said groups will hove she opportunity from time to Lima, to dlscuse end mks recommerdetlone relative to the progress of the program witA appropriate personnel of the Operating Agency. /a5 23. ASSIGNNBNT: Th18 Contract is not assignable by Operating Agency without the express written consent of the City. Any attempt by the Operating Agency to assign any performance of the terms of this Contract shall be null and void and shall constitute a material breach of this Contract. 24. INDEMNI PZCATION: The Operating Agency agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City, Lee agents, officers, and employees from and against any and ell liability, expense, including defense coats and legal fees, and clalme far damages of any nature whatsoever, including, Dut not limited to, bodily injury, death, personal injury, or property damage arising from or connected vith the Operating Agency's operations, or its serviees hereunder. 25. CONFLICT OP INTNRSST; The Operating Agency, its agents, and employees shall comply alth ell applicable Paderel State charger lava and regulations governing wntlict oP interest. To this end, the Operating Agency will make evallaDle Lo its agents and employees copies of all applicable Federal and State charter laws and regulations governing conflict of interest. 26. DISCRIMINATIONS No person shall, on the grounds of race, sex, creed, color, religion, or national origin, be excluded free participation in, W relusad the benefits of, or oLharwiee be subjected to dLecriminaiion in any activities, programs, or sop loymeni supported by this Contract. 27. AUDIT 6XC6PTION3 HY 9TAT6 AND FCD6ML AGBNCI89t operating Agency agrees that in the event Lha program edtablishad hereunder fa subjected to audit exce,:tione by appropriate State and Paderel audit agencies, Lt shall be responsible Lot complying wi ch each exceptions and paying the City the full amount of City'• llabi llty to the funding agency resulting from each aud1L exceptions. /a'tp 28. INDBPBNDBNT CONTNACfOB: Both parties hereto in the performance of thin Contract will be acting in an independent capacity and not ae agents, employees, partners, joint venturers, or asaociatea of one another. The employees or agents of one party shall not be deemed or rnnatrued to be the agent or employees of the other party for any purpose whatsoever. 29. INSUIUNCB: Nithout limiting Operating Agency's indemnification of Clty, Operating Agency shall provide and maintain nt its own expense the following insurance coverage throughout the term o[ this Contract, and Operating Agency shall provide City with proof of the same. (a) General Liability and Property Desage Insurance. Dnleas expressly reduced and such reduction ie evidenced by the signature of the requisite officers of the City, Operating Agency shell maintain general liability Sneurence and property damage insurance in the amount of 51,000,000 cnsbined single limit. Reduction approved and Amount City Attorney or designee Management S~-•'ic3s Director or deaf gnen )0. PmOCUBBMBNT CONTRACTS: All procurement contracts, anises oiherwiae epeci Eled by Operating Agency shall contain the following clauses: ~ (al Administrative, contractual or legal rsmediee for breech of contracts, other than smell purchases, and sanetiom and panaltiu for the breech; for all contract. in axcese of $10,0007 (b) Teiminatlon Eor cause and [or convenience by Opareting Agency and the manner it will be effacledi /v / (c) Por nll construction contracts in excess of $10,000, rnmpliantt with Executive Order 22136 of September 24, 1965 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" ee amended by Bxecutive Order 22375 of October 13, 1967 and as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations (41 CPR Part 60 ). (Thin Order provides, in part, that no person shall be discriminated against on the baste of race, rnlor, religion, sex, or natioml origin in all phases of employment during the performance of Federally assisted construction contrecte)1 (d) Cospliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (18 U.S.C. 74 as supplemented in Department of Labor roqulatiom 29 CFR Pert 3). (This Act makes it a criminal offense for any person to induce, by any manner whatsoever, any person employed in the construction, or repair of any public building, public work, or building or work financed in whole or in part by loam or grants from the Unitas States, to give up any part of thin compensation to which M Ss entitled under his contract of employment)1 (e) Notice, of any City requirements and reguletiona pertaining to reporting copyrights in ecwrdance with 29 CPR 85341 and petenta in accordance with 37 CFR Part 4011 (f) Accsts by Operating Agency, the Ci[y, the Pederal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the United states, or documents, papers, and records of the contractor which era directly part lnent to that specitlc rnntrect for the proposed of inking audit, axaminatlon, excerpts, and trenscriptioml f9) Retention of all required records for three years alter C Lty makes final payments and all other pending miters are closed. /~~ Operating Agency City of Rancho Cucamonga ATTSST• Detra J. Adams, Clty Clerk Date: Dnte: Approved a• to tormo City Attorney /~ / E%NI BIT A COST ESTIMATE CHAFPE Y-GARCIA HOUSE ITEM N0. DFs'CRIpTI Qi C09T DB1136 7 1• Distribute APP and solicit sealed bide 5 SO 2. Contract tot construction plane and spacif ications for necessary rehabl litaGion 0,000 Completion date: November 15, 1991 pBASi 2 1., Demolition and Disposal 1,312 2. Carpentry: "Install sub-floor 3/d" "CO" at .85 aq• ft• 1,615 •Floor joist, 2"xB" ,16" O.C. 2,020 •Stznpe 283 •JOist Hangers 625 3. Rough Plumbing: •Tnetall under-floor drainage system to include: soil piping and Boil stack welding pleaLic Boil piping, mein house drain, 4" schedule 60 PVC, DNV piping from 5' outside sae building line to central location 678 •Mein supply (hot end cold) copper piping rith soldered brass fittings and pipe serape 025 d. Masonry: `Build 2 rnmmon Drick lireplaces ln¢luding chimney foundations, flue lining, dampers, stack to 15• and raised hearth, 36" 7,510 5. Jack up house end ineart stringer's mnterial on site 700 1 Completion date: December 15r 1991 PBABS 3 1. Rough 6leciricsl: •COmplete wiring with romex and flax cable including outlets, sritehes and light lixtuts j-boxes 1,250 2• Carpentry: •COmplete kit~c¢hren beck steps and roo! 71E52p `~i~mernewtgsi coomll etude 226 /3 0 •6taira, repair existing banisrer and deteriorated treads 500 `Ceiling joists 2,600 3. Exterior Doors - 4-3/6" thick ponderosa pine, sill and rail, jamb, atop coating, hinges and lockacie 1,600 Completion date: aanuary 15, 1992 P®16i 4 1. Ina tall 30 gal. electric water heeler 707 2. Heating system, good qualify, 10,000 BTU electric baseboard heating with therooatat 336 3. Install fiberglass shower stall 500 4. Insulation - wells 31/2• (R-11) ceiling 6" (R-19) q,220 5. plaster - 1/2" gypsum hoard for walls and callings 6,342 Completi on dates Pebruary 15, 1992 P®66 5 i. Pinal plumbing: `Install kitchen/prefab 3-piece office-type kitchen unit 1,500 `Install builder-grade w.c., and 24" vanity rith one-piece Cace bowl 625 2. Pinal cleMrica l: `Install basic light fixtures and interior cork, i.e., placeer etc. 500 3. Install ahiplep wainscot in loft - 1"x6" Douglas fir "C" of better, flat-grain shiplap pattern 4,119 d. Painting: •Exterior, alkelied wood primer, three coats gloss, oil-bete paint A 2,398 •I nterior, one-coat see lez, two coats flat, rough surface 2,267 Completion dote: Msrch 15, 1992 PHASE 6 1. Plank flooring tongue and grove, Douglas fir, dry vmrtical grain 3/4"x4', no tint sh, grade "C" or batter 6,469 2. Piniehad application on new plonk flooring 800 l3( Install (finished) interior wood trim 2,600 Completion date: April 15, 1992 x59,9]7 /~~ ATTACHMENT "A" HSD INVITATION DATE: T0: INTERESTED CONTRACTORS FROM: Jim eanke Etiwanda Niatorical Society P.O. Box 3fi3 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Dear Contractor The Etiwanda Historical Society invitee bide for EurnlBhing all supervision, technical pereonne 1, labor, materials, equipment, tools, and services needed to perform and complete the residential property repairs and improvements described on the enclosed work write-up. Payment for the work will be authorized by the Etiwanda Historical Society and directed to be issued to the contractor, through the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Bids must be received by 4 p. m. on , Sn order to ba considered. Any addandpm or changes Laeued prior to such time shall be included in the bid. All bid prices shall include the coats of all fees, permits, licenses, inspections, or appzova le required by any applicable codes and regu lationa. The work to be perfoemed ie set forth in detail Ln the bid apecificationa and drawings, if any, enclosed herewith as Attachment "C," De9cription of Work. Bids should include an option with cost deductions for the use of volunteer labor. A pre-bid inspection of the ai to will be conducted for all interested bidders at on The successful bidder shall be required to complete the proposed work within ( ) calendar days after receiving written notice to proceed. Hide are to be delivered to the Etiwanda Hietor teal Society at the address provided below: Et Swande Historical Society P.O. Hox 363 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 (71d1 950-0677 133 A full set of the bid and contract documents to be used for this project, Attachments "H" through "G," are enclosed herewith. If requested, bidders may be required to submit additional information regarding the bidder's qualifications and financial status. The Etiwanda Historical Society shall hove fifteen (151 days from the date of bid opening to accept the bid and award the contract. The successful bidder will be required to submit the following prior to award of the contract: A. List of subcontractors end material suppliers. H. Insurance certificates showing the contrector'9 and subcontractor's coverage ea described in Attachment ^G," General Conditions for Construction Contract. C. Evidence of Workers' Compensation Coveraye Bidders mey direct any additional questions regarding this project to the Etiwanda Historical Society nt (71d) 980-0677. Enclosures 1 /3~ ATTACHMENT "B" INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDEAS All bide moat be made in accordance wish the following insiructiona in order to receive consideration: 1. Bids shall be made upon forme provided by the property owner. All blank spaces in Attachments ^C,^ "D," and "E" shall be completed; numbers shall be stated both in writing and in figures; Ghe signatures shall be in longhand; and the completed forme shall be without inter lineation, alteration, or erasures. Attachment "F,^ Agreement for Construction 5ervicea, is not he he completed until the acceptance of the bid and the awn rd of the contract. 2. A pre-bid inspection of the project site will be conducted for all interested bidders ai on 3. Before submitting the bid, bidders should carefully examine Lhe contract documents, Betting a sum to cover the Coat of all items included in the contract. 4. Bidders shall iiemi ze coots of ench item listed in each bid specification, providing a total of all itemized coats. 5. Bidders ate required to sign Attachments "C,^ "D,^ and "E." 6. The competency and raBPonaiDi lity of bidders and of their prapoeed subcontractors will be considered in making the award. The property owner does not obligate itself to accept the lowest or any ocher bid, but may accept ocher then the lowest bid. 7. The property owner reaervee the right to waive nny informality Sn the bidding process. 8. Aida are to be euDmitted to the Eiiwandn Biatoricnl society et the following address: Etiwanda Historical Society P.O. Hox 363 %ncho Cucamonga, CA 91739 (714) 980-0677 13-5 ATTACHMENT "C" DESCRIPTION OF WOR[ Operating Agency: Etiwanda Historical Society Property Address: 7150 6tiwanda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 Telephone Number: (714) 980-0677 ALL WORT( IS TO 0E OONE PER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BUILDING LAWS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPON62BLB FOR THE PREPARATION OF AHY PLANS NEEDED TO SECURE REQUIRED BUILDING PERMITS AND SHALL FURNISH FINALIZED PERMITS POR ALL WORK, AS AEQUTAHD BY THE BUILDING AND SAFETY/ PLANNING) AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS. IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH STANOAAOS OF QUALITY, TNH DETAILBD SPECI PICATIONS MAY REFER TO CeATAIN PROOOCT HY NAME AND/OR FROM A MAJOR MANUFACTURER. THIS PROCEDURE IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS ELIMINATING PROM COMPETITION OTHER PRODUCTS OF EQUAL OR BETTER QUALITY BY OTHER MANUFACTURERS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THE LIST OF PROPOSED OBSIRHD SUBSTITUTIONS PRIOR TO SIGNING OP 2HH CONTRACT. ALL ITEDIS, INCLUDING ROOM ADDITIONS, LISTED Ott WORK WRZTH-UP, UNIJG68 OTHERWISE HPBCIPIBD, SHALL INCLUDE ALL NECHSSARY FINISH WORK, INCLUDING AIJ, TRIM, HARDWARE, PATCHING, AND FINISH PAINTING AND/OR STAINSNG. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ARE AVAILi1BLE FOR REVIEN. USE OF LEAD HASED PAINT IS PROHIBITED. ALL MEASUREMENTS OF SCREENS, OOOA, WINDOW, CARPETING, ETC., AAE TO BE MBASUR60 EXACTLY BY CONTMCTOA. Work Description Estimate 1. fib bn oomQlnted bYY Damigm TeMml) S S 3. 4. 5. 6. S S 9 /3 ~ e s s NOTE: I NAVE REVIEWED THE ABOVE WDRK DESCRIPTION AND UNDERSTAND TNAT ANY CHANGES OR DELETIONS MUST NAVE PRIOR APPROVAL HY THE ETIWANDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING. OPERATING AGENCY: BSD SUBMITTED BY: Company Ndme Address Phone DATE: DATE: l37 ATTACHMENT "D" HID PROPOSAL FOR REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENTS Date To: (Operating Agency) Etiwanda Historical Society P. D• Hox 363 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 From: (Hidden) Subject: Btd Propbeal For 7150 Btiwenda Ave., Rancho Cucamonga CA 91739 A. Name of Bidder: BUeiness Phone: ( ) B. Business Afldre89: C. The undersigned bidder hereby submits his lump sum bid in the amount of , (S ) to Eurnlah all supervision, technical personnel, labor, meteriale, machinery, tools, appurtenances, equipment, and service, Ltncluding utility and transportatio.i service, required to perform the residential repair and improvement work for the property identified above, es per Attachments "A" through "H" for the home improvements described in Attachment "C," Description of Work. D. Bidder hereby agrees to comply with ell conditions and requirements of the Bid and Contract Documents. If so requested, bidder further agrees to submit additional Information regarding bidder's qualificetione end financial status. l38 Bidder further agrees 1. t0 maintain, in d current statue, dll City and state licensee dnd bonds that are required by the City of Rancho Cucamonga; 2. that the work will be performed in accordance with the property requirement standards, subject to clear final inspection by the project inspector; 3. that adequate insurance and WorKera' Compensation will be provided; 4. that the contractor will abide by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Executive Order 22136 of September 24, 1965, entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" as amended by Executive Order 22375 of October 13, 1967, and ae supplemented in Department of Labor Re9ulationa (41 CPA Part 60). (This Order provides, in part, that no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in all phases of employment during the performance of Pederally nagiated construction contracts); 5. that the contractor will comply with Ghe Copeland "Anti-1Cickbeck" Act (180.S.C.74 as supplemented in Department of Labor Regulations 29 CPR Part 3). (This Act makes it n criminal offense for any person to induce, by any manner whatsoever, any person employed in the construction, or repair of any public building, public work, or building or work financed in whole or in pert by loans or grants from the United States, to give up any part of the compeneetion to which he is entitled under hie contract of employment); 6. that the contractor aha 11 allow access by the Operating Agency, the City, the Federal grantor agency, the Campiroller General of the United Stated, of documents, pnpere, and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to that specific contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, ezcerpi9, and tranacriptione; 7. that [he contractor shell retain ell required records for three years after the City makes final payments and ell other pending meiterg are c loeed; and e. that work will be done in conformance with applicable codes and zoning regulations. E. The etiwanda Ristorical Society or its egente shell hove fifteen (15) days from the time of the opening of bide [o accept the bid and to award the contract. Acceptance of the bid shell be indicated by the execution of the con tract. F. The Etiwanda Historical Society may issue a written Notice to Proceed with Work within 60 days after the execution of the contreot. IE the notices to proceed are not Seaued within the 60 day period, bidder may, at hid option, withdraw hie bid. ~3 9 G. Hidder further agrees Chat if he is the successful bidder, he will furnish the following: 1. List of subcontractors and material suppliers. 2. Insurance certificeies showing contractor's and subcontractor's coverage for: a. property damage in an amount not less than the amount stated Sn Attachment "G," General Conditioner b. public linbi lity in an amount not lees than the amount stated in the Attachment "G," General Conditions: and c. workers' compensation coverage. B. Bidder agrees further thet if he Se the successful bidder, ha will satisfactorily complete the work within the time eetabliahed Sn the Bid Invitation. If the work is not completed within the time required, bidder agrees to pay liquidated damsgae to the property owner in the amount of S50 per dey for eech calendar day [he work on each case is Incomplete beyond the date when completion Se required. Signature of Bidder or Agent bate Name of Bidder or Agent (Print) Title Name of Firm Mailing Address ty, State, A / 1 ATTACHMENT "E" CONTMCTOR'S DATA SHEET Date of Bid Inviintion: Property Address: A. Contracto[ or Firm Name: B. Business Addreae C. Li et the construction experience of each Of the pzincipal9. including number of years in business: D. Employer's IRS Identification Number: (Contractors who have no employees must provide their Social Security Number.) E. California Contractors Licence Board NuaNer and C~eseification: /~I F. easiness References: (Include local banks with whom you do or have done business, including those who finance your work. G. Names and ~ddressea of at least three recent cuatomer9 who have had home improvement work done by your firm under a city or county program: (If you have no previous experience under such programs, Provide names of three recent customers and identi £y as privately financed.; i. 2. 3. H. THE UNDERSIGNED CONTRACTOR certifies that all informs[ion given herein is subetanti ally correct: Si geed: Title: Date: _________________________..____(Of Eice Uee On1Y1____________, Verlf icatlon Yee No ~ Approved: SigTatUFe Date ATTACHMENT "F" AGREEMENT FOR CONSTADCTION SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California this day of 19 , by and between the Etiwanda Historical Society, hereinafter called "Operating Agency," and , hereinafter called "Contractor." Section 1 - Statement of Nork Contractor shall furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, materials, machinery tools, equipment, fixtures, and services, including transportation services, and perform and complete all work required in an efficient and professional manner as specified for the rahabllitaticn of the property at 7150 Etiwanda Avenue, Rancho Cucamongn, CA 91739, all in accordance with the Contracts inc lading all doNmente incorporated therein. Seetion Z - Payment for Work The city of Rancho Cucamonga, upon approval by the Operating Agancy shall pay contractor the total aontract price of do llera (S ), upon aetisfactary completion of tae work as follows: Payment One: $ upon completion of work item numbers Payment Two: $ upon completion of work Stem numbers Payment Three: $ upon completion of work item nllmber6 Pinal Payment: $ , thi rty-five days following the date of completion ae recorded Sn the Notice of Completion. Eectlon 3 - Demand for Payment Contractor acknowledges that Operating Agency Se financing payment to Contractor under the pzovis!ona of the Community Development Block Grant Program of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In order to fact li tete Lae release of construction funds by the City, Contractor agrees to complete ell work to the sa tiafact ion of the Etlwanda Historical Society and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and to submit such invoices, receiple, lien releeaes, and other standard completion documents ea requaeted Dy the Stiwande Historical Society /~3 and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor agrees not to make any demand for payment upon Operating Agency without prior approval of the City. Contractor shall make all demands for payment to Operating Agency in care of the City of Fancho Cucamonga. Section 4 - The Conirnct The Contract shall be comprised of the following documents: Attachment A: Rid Invitation Attachment B: Instruction to Bidders Attachment C: Description of Work Attachment D: Bid Proposal for Aepaire and Impzovemente Attachment E: Contractor's Data Sheet Attachment F: Agreement for Construction Services Attachment G: General Conditions for Construction Contract In the event that any provision in any component part of the Contract conflicts with any provision of any other component part, the provision of the component part fir at enumerated in this Sectian shell govern, except ae otherwise apeclfically provided, provided that Contractor shall notify Operating Agency immediately of any such conflict and Contractor's intention to di aregard the provisions oP any part. 5e ction 5 - Changes to the Contract All changes to the Contract shall be evidenced in writing and signed by the operating Agency, Contractor and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Section 6 - Time of Yezfomance All performance under this Agreement shall be completed within the periods established by Attachment "G,^ General Conditions for Construction Contract. Section 7 - Entire Contract The Contract, including all documents incorporated therein ae Attachment "A" through Attachment "G," comprises the entire agree~ent between the pnrtiee with respect to the subject matter thereof, end supersedes all prior negotiations, undecetandinga, or egreemente. /~/ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the dey and year Firsi above written. OPERATING AGENCY: Signature Name (Print) Nome Property Address Contractor's License Number Ciiy, State, 1 ATTACHMENT "G" GENERAL CONDITIONS FOA CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT (Hereinafter Referred to as "General Condi tiona") SECTION 1 - Time of Performance A. Contractor shall not commence any work prior to receiving written Notice to Proceed from Operating Agency. Contractor shall not allow any subcontractors to commence work prior io receiving a separate Notice to Proceed for each subcotttractor. B. Contractor shall commence work within seven days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. C. Contractor shall satisfactorily complete the work within calendar days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. SECTION 2 - payment for Pork A. Contractor shall be paid in progress payments ae the work progresses, in accordance with Attechmeni "F," Agreement for Construction Seryicea. No partial progress payments shall be requested by Contractor nor paid by Owner. B. Operating Agency is financing payment to Contractoc wider the provisions of the City of Poncho Cucamonge'e Community Development Rlock Grant Program. In order to Enci li rate the release of construction funds 6y the City, Contractor egress to complete all work to the satisfaction of the Operating Agency and the City of Aencho Cucamonga and to submit such invoices, receipts, lien releases, and other standard completion documents ae requested by the Opetetinq Agency and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall make no demand Eor payment upon Operating Agency prior to receiving written approval of eatiafactory completion of work by the City. C. contractor shall mnke no demand for payment upon Operating Agency prior to receiving inspection and approval by the Ciiy for all Building and Safety permits required Ln regard to the items of work for which Contractor requests payment. D. Contractor shall attach to ench request for paj'ment labor and material lien releases for all laborers, aubcontrectora, end material suppllera as have provided services and materials for use Sn the work items Eor which Con aracWr requests payment. 1 aECTION 3 - Contractor's Liability Insurance and Identification A. Contractor and subcontractors shall maintain throughout the period of performance of the Contract the Following insurance: Workers' Compensation Insurance providing coverage as required by the California State Workers' Compensation Law. Liability for bodily injury coverage in the minimum amount of $100,000/$300,000. 3. Property damage coverage in the minimum amount of $50,000. 0. Certificates or other evidences of insurance eatieEectory to the Operating Agency shall be filed with the Operating Agency, prior to the issuance of Notice to Proceed. Contractor shell not allow any eubcontractora to commence work prior to receiving a separate written Notice to Proceed for each subcontractor. c. All liability insurance policies shall bear an endorsement or aha 11 heve attached a ti der whereby it is provided that, In the event of expiration or proposed cancellation of such policies for any reeaon vhatecever. Operating Agency shall be notified in care of the City, by registered mail, return receipt requested, no lean than thirty (30) days before the date thereof. D• The following statement shall De included on the insurance certificate: "Additional Insured: The Lnaurer agrees that the Operating Agency of the property located at 7150 Etiwande Avenue, Reecho Cucamonga, CA 91739 ("Operating Agency^), in the Clty of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, its officers, employees, and egenta ("City^), are additional insureds and lose payees hereunder Eor [he acts of the Sneured, and such insurance shell be primary to any insurance of "Operating Agency^ and "City.^ E. Contractor agrees io hold hermleea, indemnify, and defend Operating Agency oz City from ell cla ime, demenda, ectione, liability, or lose, including related expeneec, attorneys' fees and costs, based on, arising from, al leged to heve arisen from, be incurred as a result of, or in any way r~lnted to the performance of the Contract by Contractor. Section 4 - Control, Supervision, and Inspection by CStY A. The operating Agency shall be City's representative to deal with Contractor to ensure that the work is performed in accordance aith the provisions of the Contract. City shell be permitted et ell reasonable times to inspect end review all relevant data and reco[dn of Contra riot. /~7 B. The operating Agency and the City shall have the authority to give general supervision and directions, as may be necessary, to ensure that work on the project is in strict compliance with the Contract. The operating Agency end the City shall determine the adequacy of contractor's methods, plans, and appurtenances and mnke such directions relative to sufficiency of forces as may be reasonably necessary to ensure proper and continuous execution and shall determine the amount, quality, and fitness of the several kinds of work and materials. The City shall reject all work and motor ials which do not conform to the requirements of the Contract. SECTION 5 - Permits and Regulations A. Contractor shall perform all work under the Contract Sn conformance with applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and orders, whether or not ouch applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and orders era explicitly incorporated into the Contrnct. If any discrepancy is di acovered by Contractor in relation to any such law, ordinance, regulation, or order, Contractor shall immediately notify the Operating Agency, in care of the City, of the discrepancy, and shall not perform any work not in conformance with the Contrnct prior to the execution of a written change order which resolves the discrepancy. B. contractor shall procure all permits and licenaea ae necessary, And pay all charges and fees neceaeary for the performance of the work under the Contract. Contractor shall be responsible For requesting all inspections and reviews as may be required 6y such permits and licenaea. C. contractor shall insure that all subcontractors meet the requirements of this section as are applicable to them in the performance of work under the Contract. SECTION 6 - Work Write-up, Rehabilitation Specif ice bona and Drawings A. The work write-up, rehabilitation epecificstions and drawings, iE any, ee provided in Attachment "C" of the Conerect, clearly establish the nature of the work to be done and materials and equipment tc be installed. contractor shall carefully compare and aiudy the work write-up, rehabilitation specifications, and drawings. H. Any pare of the work or any Stem not speclEical ly set forth in Attachment "C," but whleh is neceaeary Per the proper completion of the work, and which is not specifics lly excluded from the Contract, she 11 De supplied and set in place as though it had been set forth. C. Any necessary changes, deletions, or additions noted by Contractor prior to cc during the performance of the Contract, shall be immediately called to the attention of the Operating Agency. No changes, deletions, or adds bona shall be undertaken without a properly executed written change order. SECTION 7 - Changes In the Work to be Plrfo[med A. No changes shell be made Sn the work to be performed without the pr for written approval of the Operat/i ng Agency and the City. / ~~ E. In the event a change is required in the scope of work to be done, Contractor shall prepare, upon a form prowl ded by the Operating Agency, a change order indicating the change from the original Agreement. Said change order shall be signed by Contractor and Operating Agency and approved by the City before proceeding. SECTION S - Extension Of Time and Completion A. The time of completion of the work, ae defined in Section 1, above, shall be extended by the number of calendar days which Contractor or any subcontractor are prevented from performing work as a result of: 7. inclement weather! 2. acts of Operating Agency not contemplated by the Contract! 0. circumstances which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of signing the Contrectt 4. delay of any subcontractor for any of the above Causes. B. Operating Agency shall be consulted in advance Of any suspension or delay of work to determine whether or not circumstances justify extending the time of completion. SECTION 9 - Assignment And Delegation A. Contractor shall not .assign any right under the Contract except through a formal written amendment to the Contrectt including provision for execution of the contract amendment by the assignee. Contractor shall not make any delegation of authority or reeponai bi lity which would Sn eny way purport to relieve Contractor of any obligation Smpoaed by this Contract. SECTION 10 - Warranty of Tiile A. Contractor shall guarantee good title to all materials, supplies, and equipment installed or incorporates in the work. Upon completion of all work, Contractor shell deliver such work, together with all improvements end appurtenances constructed or placed pureuent to this Contract, to Operating Agency free from any claims, 1lener or charges. 3ECTi0N 11 - Guaranty of Work f A. No provision of this Contract, issuance of pnyment, nor use Dy Operating Agency of the improvements constructed hereunder, shall relieve Contractor of reaponaibi lity from faulty materials or workmanship. B. Upon notice from Dperating Agency, Contractor shall repair or remedy any defect in materials end workmanship, and pay for any damage from such detects which may appear within a period of one (1) yeer from the date of recordation of Notice of Completion. New or replacement roofing S nets lletion shell be aimi lar ly guerenteed for a period of five yeeze. ~~9 Contractor shall furnish Operating Agency all manufacturers and suppliers written guarantees and warranties covering materials and equipment furnished under this Contract. SECTION 12 - Clean-up of Preml See, Protection of occupants A. Contractor shall, throughout the performance of the Contract, keep the premises free from accumulation of waste material and rubbish. Prior to requesting the final progress payment, Contractor shall remove from the premises all rubbish, implements, surplus materials, and surplus equipment. Contractor shall leave the building and premises broom-clean. B. Particular attention is drawn to Section 27, Attachment "N" of the Contract, Protection of Occupants, regarding clean-up, protection of occupants, and protection from weather. SECTION 13 - Cooperation of Operating Agency Throughout the time of performance, Operating Agency shall permit Contractor the use of existing uti li tied such as light, heat, power, and water to carry out and complete the work. Operating Agency shall cooperate with Conttactor to facilitate the performance of the work, including the removal or relocation of rugs, draperies, coverings, furniture, and other personal belongings ae necessary except as provided otherwlae in Attachment "C," Description of Work, or Attachamnt "N," Standard Specifications for Rehabi ll tatlon. B. During the time of performance, Operating Agency shall not hove other contractors or workers on the portion of the premiaea where work is to be performed 6y Contractor without permission of Contractor. This restriction shall not apply if Contractor i9 in default under this Contract. SECTION 7d - Breach of Contract or Condltiona A. In the event Contractor shall fail oz refuse to complete any cork, or fails or refugee to use due diligence in performing the required alterattons and improvements, and in further event ouch failure, reEusa 1, nr default continued for twenty-Four (2d) hours after delivery to Contractor of a written notice io cure such default, then Operating Agency may immediately terminate the Contract by written notice to Contractor. Upon delivery of such notice, Contractor aha 11 immediately vurrender possession of the premises and remove all of ht's equipment and material therefrom. B. Contractor shall, upon such termination, immediately deliver to Operating Agency any material and labor lien ze leases executed by all persona and firms supplying lobo[ and/or materials to the prami see. operating Agency shall be obligated to pay Contractor only the dollar amounts listed on the schedule of prices in Attachment "C," Description of Work, for each indi•,idual portion of the work approved as eatiatactori ly completed by the City as of the date of termination, provided that Contractor shall make no demand for payment upon Operating Agency p[Sor to providing lien releases as required above. In computing the amount due, Contractor shell not ix entitled to any allowance for overhead, profit, insurance, or other /~ eimi lar items. Any remaining payments due but unpaid as of Che date of termination shall be made to Contractor only after all work has been completed by a second contrector• SECTION 15 - Termination A. This Agreement may be terminated Dy the Operating Agency upon the giving of a written "Notice of Termination^ LO the Contractor at lea9t fifteen (15) days prior to the date of termination specified in ea id Notice. Tn the event this Agreement Sa eo terminated, Contractor shall be compensated at the Contractors applicable hourly rates as set forth in federal prevailing sage rates on a proratn beers with respect to the percentage of the project completed as of the date of termination. Sn no evens, however, shall the contractor receive more than the mnximum specified in Attachment P, Section 2. The ContraMOr ahnll provide to the Operating Agency any and ell docuaents, data, studies, surveys, draainga, maps, models, photographs, repori9, and computer tepee/disks whether in draft or final farm, prepared or used by the Contractor es of date of termination. The contrector may not terminate ihie Agreement except for cause. SECTION !6 - Notification of Operating Agency in Care of Ne CiLY A. Where Contznctor Se reguized to contact or notify Operating Agency in care of the City, each notification shall be made at the following address: Community Development Block Grant Program Rancho Cucamonga City Nall 10500 Civic Center Drive P.0. sox 807 Aencho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (714) 989-1861 1~ I E%H IBIT C HID PRDCEDURHS Sealed Hiddina Procedure 1. Notices inviting bide shall include a general description of the work procured and shall state: n. Where the 61d forms and epecificetiona may be secured, b. mime, date, and place for submission and opening of bide, c. In its discretion, Lhe Operating Agency reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any Snformatiors presented. 2. "Notice Inviting Hida" shall be published at least once in the local newspaper, at leeet ten (10) deye before date of bid opening. 3. Sealed bide shall be avDmltted to the Operating Agency end shall 6e identified ae bide on the envelope. 4. Bide shell be opened in public et the time and place stated in Lhe Public Notice. 5. The operating Agency 6oezd members shell be present a! the opening. All Didn received shell De recorded. 6. Any bid received after the time specified in the notice shell be returned unopened per Section 53068 of Government Code. 7. IE tie bide are received, quelity and servSce being equal, the contract shall he ewarded to the local bidder. 8. If the above condition (7) is not appllenDle, the Operating Agency may, at its discretion: a. Reject eny and all Di de presented end readvertiee. 6. Award the bid to nny one of the law tie bidders by public drawing. 1 /~ EiNIBI2 D COOImI11ATIq/ PRaC®ON68 BE19Eali 6'rII/ANM NIS3bRICAL SOCIE2y (NN$) AND RABCNO CDCA![aKiA PLANNIIIG DIVISIDN (RCPD) DESIGN PNASE ENS Pzepare and distribute RFP soliciting competitive proposals for etchitentural - professional services. EHS Monitor preparation of preliainary plans by Archit8ct. EHS NoG1fy RCPD of all meetings regarding the project each ag Design confereneee and Public Meetings five working days before the event. EHS Approve preliminary design. Ex5 Review end approve plane and apecificationa. RCPD Make paymanta (monthly) for professional design services in accordance with the invoices submitted by the EHS. EHS Forward Iona [ruction bid package to RCPD for review. RCPD Insure, prior to release of funds, that the project conforms with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards foz Historic St ructure a. EMS Secure plan check of plena and specificetiona from the appropriate Building and Safety Authority. CONSTRUCTION PHASE EHS Shall provide end maintain at it's own expense insurance coverage as required by enntrnct and aha 11 furnish proof of said insurance to the City. RCPD Review construction bid package for co~pliance with federal regulations and forward euthoriration to proceed wi to changes (Sf any). RCPD All of the documents/drawings prepared by the prafesaionel design team shall be the property of the City; with three copies going to the ENS. /.53 EHS Obtain approval to release bid package from RCPD. ENS Advertise, receive bids and conduct bid opening. EHS submit the preferred bidder information and list of subcontractors to RCPD for review. RCPD Approval to proceed sent to EHS. EHS Award of contract. EH5 Keep an up-to-date record of all encumbrances and obligations, including staff coats inNrred, to assure that the remaining balance of funds Ss known. EHS Prepare a quarterly statue report for RCPD including a brief narrative, a cu[rent budget or financial statement. These reports will be due every three months aith the reporting period ending on the 25th day of the third month and the Final report due to the RCPD Repreeentetive on the 5th day of the fo llowin9 month. ENS Notify RCPD 12 days prior to pre-constrvetlon conference. ENS conduct pre-construction conference (RCPD attendance mandatory). EHS Ensure that contractor abtaina Hui lding Permlta. EHS/ On-going observation and monitoring of projects. RCPD Shall inspect the work in progress to insure it has been done in a satiafectory and workmen like manner. ENS Once work hea been approved by the EHS a copy of the contractors invoice shall be forwarded to the City for payment. RCPD upon receipt of invoices from 6H9 the City shell, within a reasonable time, inspect said work for code compliance and workmanship. RCPD Shall issue payment of the invoice within a reasonable time after City inspection and acceptance of said work. ENS Send uti lizaiion reports to RCPD, regarding minority employment. EHS Process change orders. Send change orders to RCPD foe authorization. 15`~ EHS Notify RCpO of final inspection at Least five working days before inspection. EHE Attend final inspection (RCPD attendance required). EHS Revenue Diecloeure Aequlremente shall be complied with during the project and for Eive years thereafter. EHS Shall submit all data necessary io complete the annual Grantee Performance Report no later than 15 days prior to the expiration of this contract. EHS Fzogram income shall be retained by the EHS and used in accordance with paragraph 12 of the con [rect. RCPD Shall keep the SHS fully informed of all federal laws, rules and regulatlona applicahle to the projects and will monitor the performance of the ENS'6 compliance. EHS Shall comply with ell applicable Federal, State end Local lewa: including applicable provi lions of 24 Code of Federal Regulntione 570.303. ENS Prepare and file Notice of Completion Eorms with RCPD. !S5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ,' GATE: September 18, 1991 ^ T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council 1.V1 Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mm. Jce O'Neil, City Englneer BY: Jce Stofa, Jr., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEIENT, I140RYEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 4 ANO STREET LIGHTING IMINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 FOR COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL, LOCATED SOUTH OF TERRA VISTA PARKNAY, EAST OF SPRUCE AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY LEN IS HOMES OF CALIFORNIA RECOMENDATIOM It is recommended that the City Cowrc11 adopt the attached resolutions accepting the subject agreement, security, and ordering the annexation t0 Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 4 aM authorizing the Mayor a~ the City Clerk to sign said agreement. AMALYSIS/BAq(GRdRD The Conditions of Approval for Coyote Canyon School, located south of Terra Y1sta Parkway, east of Spruce Avenue 1n the Terra Vista Planned Community, were recommended Dy the Design Review Comslttee on May 2, 1991, and approved by the Planning Commission on May 8, 1991. The Developer, Lew15 Homes of California, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the improvements 1n the following amounts: Faithful Perfonaance Bond: 59,000.00 Labor and Material Bond: 54,500.00 Copies of the agreement, security and the Consent and Haiver to Annexation Form signed by the Developer 1s on file 1n the City Clerk's office. Respectfully subml ~y~ G'/ LCC.~ Nm. Jae O'Neil C1*y Englneer NJO:JS:dlw Attachments RESGLUTIGN N0. 9~'~(p.`J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ANO IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement executed on August 7, 1991, by Lewis Homes of California as deveioper, for the lmprovdaent of public right-of-way adJacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located south of Terra Vista Parkway, East of Spruce Avenue; and NHEREAS, the lnsta11at1on of such Improvements, described 1n sold Improvement Agreement and subject t0 the terws thereof, 1s to be done 1n conjunction witA the deveiopment of said real property; and WHEREAS, said Improvemant Agreement 1s secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improveaent Security, which Ts identified in said Improvement Agreement. NON, THEREFORE, THE CItt COUNCIL OF THE CItt OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES as follows: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same 15 approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said C1/{y ana the Ctty Clerk 1s authorized to attest thereto: and 2 That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney. t' ~ 7 RESOLUTION N0. C~~~~( (~j A RESOWTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNE%ATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE WIINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 4 ANO STREET LIGfITING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 FOR COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscapingg and Lighting Act of 1972", beingy Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, sa/d special maintenance dlstrlct known and designated as Landscape Maintenance Dfstrlct No. 4, Street Lighting Maintena~e District No. 1 and Street Lighting Maintenance Dfstrlct No. 4 (hereinafter referred to as the 'Maintenance 015tr1ct"); and NHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the "Landscaping a~ Lighting Act of 1972" authorize the annexation of additional territory to the Maintenance Dfstrlct; and NHEREAS, at tMs time the City Council is desirous to take proceedings to annex the property described on Exhibit "A' attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenced to the Maintenance District; and NHEAEAS, all of the owners of property within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Maintenance Dfstrlct have filed with the City Clerk their written consent to the proposed annexation without notice and hearing or filing of an Engineer's "Report". NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLONS: SECTION 1: That the above recltais are all true and correct. SECTION 2: That this legislative bogy hereby orders the annexation of the prope~y as shown in Exhibit "A" and the wrk Drogram areas as described in EzRtbit "B" attached hereto to the Maintenance District. SECTION 3: That all future proceedings of the Maintenance Dfstrlct, including t-hTvy of all assessments, shall De appilcable to the territory annexed hereunder. ' /~V ASSBSSNHN! DIIGHAII LA$DSCAPB NIINlBNINCH DISlBIC! H0. 4 COYOTE CANYON I ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE 'I --- -- ream visrn P/v~KwnY _ 1~ ' c I ~ ~d S, Ao ~0 9043 I COYOTE CANYON ~8 ELEM. SHOOL SI'. QUi!N ~! ~/CS rUt~P Sao s.r 7Reea z ~^ . , ~hr6~l '~" EIIHIBIT •B' PROJECT NAlE: COYOTE CANYON SCHOOL N0. OF D.U. OR ACREAGE: 3.44 ac N0. OF ASSESS. UNIT: 6.88 units STREET LIGHTING IMINTENANCE DISTRICT No. of L s to be Annexed District No. ~_ s_ I -'- --' --- '-- --' 4 ___ 2 --' °- -_~ LANDSCAPE WIINTENANCE DISTRICT Coaaaunity Turf Ground Cover Trees Dtstrlct No. Street Name Eauest.Tra11 Sa• ft• Se. ft. Ea. 4 --' -° 500 -° 2 JS/9/IB/91 ~~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Lucinda E. Hackett, P.E. SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF 24TH STREET FROM APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET NEST OF CHERRY AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1900 FEET EAST OF CHERRY AVENUE, A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT 24TH STREET AND CHERRY AVENUE, IMPROVEMENT TO CHERRY AVENUE FROM 24TH STREET TO THE I-15 FREENAY AND THE INSTALLATION OF A 30" MATER LINE IN 24TH STREET SUBMITTED BY FIRST CITY/HUNTER'S RIDGE IN CONJUNCTION NITH TRACT 13750 LOCATED IN THE CITY OF FONTANA. RECOMMENDATIOM It 7s recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subJect agreements and securities and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. ANALYSIS/BACX6ROUND Hunter's Ridge (Tract 13750) is a residential single family home development located on the north side of 24th Street 1n the City of Fontana. In order for Cucamonga County Hater District to supply water to the first phase of development, !which is 1654 residential units) the Developer, First City/Hunter's Ridge Limited PartnersM p will need to Install a 30" water line in the north side of 24th Street from (old) Summit Avenue to Cherry Avenue. Hunter's Ridge has been conditioned by the City of Fontana to construct certain offsite lmproements within the City limits of Rancho Cucamonga which include the south half of 24th Street from approximately 600 feet west of Cherry Avenue to approximately 1900 feet east of Cherry Avenue (Exhibit B-1 and B-2 ), install a traffic signal at the Intersection of 24th Street and Cherry Avenue (Exhibit B-3) and Improve Cherry Avenue to four lanes and a median island from 24th Street to the Oevore Freeway/I-15 (Exhibit B-4). First City 15 now realty to construct the 30" water line in 24th Street and bas applied to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for encroachment permits to allow for construction of this water line within the City's right-of-way. To show a good faith effort First City is not only willing to post bonds and agreements CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT 24TH 5T IMPROVEMENTS FIRST CITY/HUNTER'S RI06E September 18, 1991 Page 2 for the replacement of the improvements disturbed during construction of the water line, they are also willing to past bonds and agreements to guarantee the construction of the improvements they are conditioned to do within the City limits of Rancho Cucamonga. A11 the improvements in 24th Street including the traffic signal wail be constructed within six months of this date, and Cherry Avenue will be constructed within twelve months. The agreements and securities submitted by First City/Hunter's Ridge Limited Partnership far the before mentioned improvements are in the following amounts: Faithful Labor and Performance Bond Material Bond 24th Street Nest of Cherry Ave. f 166,000.00 f 83,000.00 24th Street East of Cherry Ave. 224,000.00 112,000.00 Traffic Signal at 24th Street b Cherry Ave. 250,000.00 125,000.00 Cherry Avenue 24th Street to I-15 Freeway 945,000.00 472,000.00 30" Nater Line in 24th St. Summit Ave. to East Ctty Limits 92,000.00 46,000.00 Total f1,677,000.00 f838,000.00 Copies of the agreements and securities signed by the Developer are on file in the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully submitted, J Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:LEH:Jh Attachments f'~~ ~c ._ n-.r. s. N CITY OF r1'l~: r'R. ~ 375 RANCHO CUCAMONGA 'ri'iz.E: VICINITY MAP ~~ ,~ ENGIIIEEBIIdG D1VI9ION ~ ~3 ~~' A -~---~Z 0 ,,, 0 gnigi~TVN~)e ~ R'~.~ e-, ,.; 'le R ~ ~ r ~ o ._.., ~ o © , ' ~ ~ ~s f ~, d E ~ a ~ H Pr ! e a ~I ,..,. ~~ .I~ 1'; ;~a a ~~ ~z ~~gL 4 ~. 0 ~W c~ '~ h ti ~a ~3 k W /~~ I vU(i r ~~ ~~ ~ a.ro~ ae mea n a0 a'nre or Z -D 1Tirr/R~v'3S _~n'/'7 N~Jd'!V a =~; I I ~ 117 1 ' / i ~ I~jf R~1...1i~ iI I ,..1 I I ui ~; ~ 7jr i ,.. ~ l7si ii 'ii .I II V 1 Y tll "I • r.u.^HI ~...r 1 I. N.......... hIrI I ~ r0 I •Iw y,l~ I 1 ••II I1~ •. L. I ....... } 1~~,.. I' .. f I ~ I. ~1.~i~. 1 . 1 r r~.....% ~~ ~ II l' ~ .; . r tii . !~r' 11 ~~ 1 . i r ' 1 '; n. H i `pl r I 117 I 1 1 Ir\~ ilj ~ III •• e1 I 1 I I'~rI 1 11 b;i i I ~1 ~ N 1 • ~ i ~N. 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BVE ~~`VES ~ t P9yee ate ss a tope e° ` andas 9°od ~~ ~i y ci a^t. GPL1F r0~eme t° exec attest 1 t~tysClerK nsra t ~en`estO fob e^a `o^tent` ereof by 2 thti~s~ to~PrO~a1 as ptt r0 ~ey• ~•; W a r, ,'.. ~~ ~~, ~ cog -- ----- CITI' OF RANCHO CL'CAAIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 T0: Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector II~ SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT E%TENSiON FOR DR 8B-I1 LOCATED ON THE SOUTHNEST CORNER OF VINEYARD AVENUE AND SAN BERNARDINO ROAD SUBMITTED BY EDNARD R. COMBS. I REC01/ENOATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Lhe attached resoiution, accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public Improvements for DR 88-I1 were approved by the City Council on February 22, 1990, 1n tIR following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: (86,300.00 Labor and Material Bond: 543,150.00 The developer, Edward R. Combs, is requesting approval of a 6-month extension on said improvement agreement. This request is being made in order for the Developer to negotiate the sale of the property with another developer. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available 1n the City Clerk's Office. Respectfully subml d, //' i ~C~~ Mn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy Attachments l~9 ~~~~o ~, lJI. ~~ i J ,~ , August 9, 1991 The City of Ref: DR 88-11 Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attn: STEVE M. GILLILAND/Public Works Inspector Dear Mr. Gilliland: Per your letter dated July 18, 1991, I am requesting the maximum extension for the above ref er e,~ced project. Enclosed are the following item required for the extension: IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION (in triplicate and notarired) FEE CHECE IN THE AMOUNT OF $251.00 I have since sold the property to Smith Food Ring. It is now in escrow and should close in early 1992. If for anY reason escrow does not go through, I will then continue with my plans of the property improvement. I would appreciate your consideration of granting my request for maximum extension. If you have any questions or need any further information, please give me or my secretary Edna Fair a call at (714) 981-0466. Since ly au E w rd R. omhs 419'8 N. Central Avenue Upland, CA 91786 I ~~ RESOLUTION N0. C~l '~ ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION RND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR OR BB-11. NHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for Its consideration an Improvement agreement Extension executed an Septebmer 18, 1991, by Edward R. Combs as developer, for the Improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally Located at the southwest corner of Vineyard Avenue and San Bernardino Road; and NHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subJect to the terms thereof, Ts to be done in con,Iunction with the development of said DR88-11; and NHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California hereby resolves, that said improvement agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. 1 - ----- CITY OF RAtiCHU Cl:('A~IC)vGA STAFF REPORT DATE: ~,;, September 18, 1991 ~'v T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Mm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer i BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II ~~ ~ SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONGS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TRACT 13644, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HERMOSA AVENUE AND V[STA GROVE STREET RECOMMENDATION: The required street improvements for Tract 13644 have been completed to an acceptable manner, and 1t is recommended that City Council accept said improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond in the amount of f49,600, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of f496,000. BIICK6ROUND/ANALYSIS Tract 13644 - located on the southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Vista Grove Street DEVELOPER: Noodrldge Estates Limited 1500 Qua11 Street, Suite 520 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) S 49,600 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street), f496,000 Respectfully submi ted, ~~(~1' Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:sd Attachment ~-~' RESOLUTION N0. 9~-~70 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC iMPRDVEMENTS FOR TRACT 13644 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13644 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Councii of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. 173 ------ CITY OF RANCHO CI:CAy1ONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: September I8, 1991 ~~ T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager i FROM: Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer '~ BY: Steve M. Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector II~ SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE OF BONDS AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PARCEL MAP 11891 LOCATED ON MILLIKEN AVENUE ~ BETNEEN ARRON HIGHNAY AND JERSEY BOULEVARD , RECOMMENDATION: The required street Improvements for Parcel Map 11891 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that City Council accept said Improvements, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Bond 1n the amount of 5225,000., authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond 1n the amount of f2,225,000. BACKGRWND/ANALYSIS Parcel Map 11891 - located on Milliken Avenue between Arrow Highway and Jersey Boulevard DEVELODER: RCOC Associates 2201 Dupont Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92715 Accept: Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f 225,000.00 Faithful Performance Bond (Street)s f2,250,000.00 Respectfully subm d, ~ ~~~,~ Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy Attachment /~~ RESOLUTION N0. L~/-~,~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PURLIC IMPP,OVEMENTS FOR PARCEL tMP 11891 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF p N07ICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE NORK MHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Parcel Map 11891 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be flied, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work 1s hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a Notice of Compietion with Lhe County Recorder of San Bernardino County. X75 ---- CITY OF R,>,NCHO CCCAMO~GA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 18, 1991 Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager _~ Mn. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M. Gilliland, Public Marks Inspector I~ " RELEASE OF CASH BONDS It is recommended that City Council release the Faithful Performance Cash Bond and the Labor and Materials Cash Bond for OR 88-08. BACK9l0U1D/AMAL75I5 At the regularly scheduled meeting of January 17, 1990, City Council accepted the street improvements for DR 88-08 located at the north side of 7th Street hetween Hellman Avenue and Archibald Avenue, and released the Faithful Performmnce Bond of f30,000. At this time, the Improvements remain free from defects 1n materials and workmanship, and it is recommended that Council authorize the release of the additional securities that are being held. Developer: Golden Nest Properties 3991 MacArthur Boulevard A'200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Release: Faithful Performance Cash Bond f6,862.00 Labor and Materials Cash Bond 53,431.00 Respectfully submit../ Nm. Joe O'Neil ~~ City Engineer WJO:SMG:Iy I ~~ - CITY OF RANCHO Cl'CAJIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: September 18, 1991 `' Mayor, and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager Nm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer Steve M_ Gilliland, Public Norks Inspector.. P,ELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR TRACT 13541 LOCATED ON SIERRA VISTA STREET SOUTH OF CAMINO SUR. RECOI~ENDATION It 1s recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond. BACKGROUID/ANALYSIS The required one year maintenance period has ended and' the street improvements remain free from defects 1n materials and workmanship. DEYELOPER: Alimark, Inc. 10070 Arrow Route Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) f8,100.00 Respectfully submit d, m `' ~ ~~ Nm. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:SMG:Iy 177 ---~--- CITI' OF RANCHO Cl'C'AbIONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Hm. Joe O' Neil, City Engineer BY: Michael D. Long, Supervising Public Norks Inspector i~ V SUBJECT: ACCEPT THE MI LLIKEN AVENUE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENT, FROM 4TH TO 6TH STREETS AND CITY ENTRY MONUMENT, CONTRACT N0. 90-003, AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE BONDS AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A "NOTICE OF COMPLETION". It i; recommended that City Council accept the Milliken Avenue Median Improvement, from 4th to 6th Streets and City Entry Monument, Contract No. 90-003, as complete, authorize the City to file a "Notice of Completion", retain the Faithful Performance Bond 1n the amount of (436,823.26 to be used as the Maintenance Bond, and authorize the release of the retention 1n the amount of 521,689.13 and the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of 2218,411.63, 35 days after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. Also, approve the final contract amount of f433,782.58. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject protect has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The final contract amount, based on project documentation, 1s 2433,782.58 vhlch Includes 4 contract change orders for revisions 1n the monument irrigation system, installation of reinforcing steel in the monument, erosion control, extra striping and minor unit cost adtustments due to delays in sLarting the protect. Respectfully submitted, ~7. ~~L. /~C.~Y~ Mn. Joe O'Neil City Engineer NJO:MDL:1y Attachments ~7~ RESOLUTION N0. // •. 17~"' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF RANCHO CUC+MONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR MILLIKEN AVENUE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENT, FROM 4TH TO 6TH STREETS AND CITY ENTRY MONUMENT, CONTRACT N0. 90-003 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMDLETIDN FOR THE NORK NNEREAS, the construction of public improvements for N1117ken Avenue Median Improvement, from 4th to 6th Streets and City Entry Monument, Contract No. 90-003, have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and NHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NON, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLYES that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer 1s authorized to sign and file a "Notice of Co~letion" with the County Recorder of San Bernardino. 179 September 18, 1991 t,aa a yr nna~a.,nv a.~a.navavav v~+ STAFF REPORT T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Jerry R. Grant, Building Official SUBJECT: ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1990 NAT[ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND LOCAL MODIFICATIONS THERETO It is recommended that the City Council hold second reading and adoption of Ordinance 311 A, adopt the accompanying Resolution making ezpress findings of need for local modifications, and direct the City Clerk to forward ezecu ted copies thereof to the State Department of Housing and Community Development. BgCK6R0UN0 At the council meeting of September 4, the City Council gave first reading to Ordinance 311A enacting the 1990 National Electrical Code, with amendments, as electrical regulations for the City. The items before the City Council this evening will complete the actions necessary for its implementation. ANALYS [S State Building Standards Law periodically mandates enforcement of the latest editions of certain nationally recognized codes by local agencies including the National Electrical Code (NEC). As of July 1 of this year, the 1990 Edition of the NEC became effective by State mandate. The second reading of the accompanying ordinance and adoption of its companion Resolution will complete the legal requirements for incorporation of our local modifications into city electrical regulations and for enforcement by the Building and Safety Division. S11lMARY Approval of second reading of Ordinance 3l1 A and adoption of accompxn ying Resolution will rnm plete the legal requirements for implementation of the National Ele:.t rical Code, 1990 edition and local city modifications thereto. Re pectfully submit ed, Jerry R. ant /~ Building Official / ionni ~]HI~[iCE N0: 311A AN ORDIHIfNCE OF THE CITY Gl7[AiCII. OF 'IHE CPiY OF RANQD CLTAlt>NGA, CAIJF[1RCIIA, AMYPIDING CENPTEN 15.24 ~•~"nTCAL CDDE, OF 1fEa RANCHO CoCI1MONCd1 M[Y4ICIPAL O3DEi AND ADOPTING BY REFERIIJCE THE NATIONAL TT~~nTCAL CODE, 1990 IDITIONi WT1H CEEa'AIN AMIIdMFN15, ADDITIONS, DE[.IITONS AND EX(2•Pl'IONS 70 SAID OODE A. .ci (i) Article 2 of tl~pter 1 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the California GOVeStIIa~it CUde authorizes the adoption, by reference of the National Electrical Cade, 1990 Fliition as published by the NatiorNl Fire Protection Association. (ii) At least are Dopy of said Code certified as full, true and correct Dopy thereof by the City Clerk of the City of Poncho Q~oof~ has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Rardr Qrammga in accordance with the provisions of Goverrmpnt Code Sectim 50022.6. (iii) A duly mooed public heariry, as required try Califcurua Govertment CUde ~ ion 50022.3, has been conducted arcl concluded prior to the adoption of this Ordinn77oe. (iv) All legal pR ~^,; mites to the adoption of this oxli.eanoe have oms~. B. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Cwncil of the City of Randlo CucamorcJa does hereby find, determine and ordain as follower: SEXTION 1: in all respects as set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordrranre. SECTION 2: Qrapter 15.24 of Title 15 of the Poncho CuCamo(ga Municipal mde, entitled "Electrical Coda", of the City of Rarxdro Qrcavionp is hereby a~^~', provided that said mre>xDmtrt shall not apply to or excu9e any violatiaT thereof occurring prior to the effective date of this ordinance and provide furtlwr that the National Electrical Code, as adopted by refer~enoe and amended by Ordinance No. 311 of this City shall oontinare to be applicable to construction for which permits have been issuei prior to the effective date of this ordinance. ~aatsc 15.24 03DES ADOPT~I : SECTION 3: Qapter 15.24 of tha PenCn Cucanronga Mnicipal Cade is amended hereby to read, in words and figcu~es ae follows: i gl Otdir~arre No. 31]A Page 2 Q~y+ter 15.24 SFXTIONS: 15.24.010 Cade Adoption 15.24.020 Section 210-52(9) '' Basement Receptacle Outlets 15.24.030 Section 210-54 Added-Buildings Aaxssary to lfil`iple Dwelling [flits 15.24.040 Sectlm 210-70(a) Amended-Lic~tirg Outlets Requjred 15.24.050 Sectim 210-70 (d) and (e) Added-BUildings Accessary to Dwellicg Units 15.24.060 Section 220-10 (a) Amended Ampacity std Caopitai Loads 15.24.070 Section 230-43 Amended-Wiriry Methods foz' 600 Volts cff Less 15.24.080 Section 230-212 Added-Service ~*+TCnw.+r Opacity 15.24.090 Section 300-15 (d) Added-Seale Raci+~,ays, 15.24.100 Section 310-14 Amended-Allmmitnmt Cmductor 15.24.110 15.24.120 Section 336-3 (b) A7ne71ded-Type NCI: Cable ,y}+ Section 336-4 AIDerded-(7ses Not permitted . t~ 15 24 ~ °y . .130 ~ Section 336-12 Deleted Q~c , 15.24.140 Articles 550 and 551 Deleted. ~^.a~'~ ~w~ 15.24.010 (.Ude Adoption, 15.24.010 - Code Adoption. 71~e 'T]ational Electrical Oode", 1990 Ddition is hereby adopted in its entirety as the Electrical Cade of the City of Ranci~o CUCamg7ga, together with the airendtnents, additions, deletions and exceptions set forth ii.a4. below f «+4•A +tiw..r,+... w. ~•+vq ~~.• is. a .s. w,ta C.k ,..~:.w1y u:... ~..',,,t w ~..»:«, ca., wJ, oM.<.h«w.., .c ..:a uMlw.~ cA.d.:..a Cdo. 15.24.020 - lion _210-52 Amended-Ba_~+* no..o...,.~+e rtl Section 210-52 (g) of the National Electrical Nde is barely amended to read as follows: Section 210-52 (g) Basarents. Far a cne-family dwelling at least me receptacle outlet, in addition to any provided for laurrlxy equi[arent, shall be installed in each basement. See Sections 210-8 (a)(4), 15.24.070 - Sectiwi 210-54 Added-W '1_.'_ms Aeors_~.+ ip pwell nits. 7t~e National Electrical CUde is amended by the addition of a new lion 210-54 to read as follows: Section 210-54 (a) Buildings accessory to multiple dwelling uses. Garages and carports accessory to multiple dwelliiy uses shall be provided with at least one receptacle. Garages ar carports designed fox' use bl' more than one dwelling unit shall be provided with at least cue reoeikacle for each fqu~ (4) parking spaces ar fraction thereof. ,Vd" Ordirmnoe No. 311A Page 3 Sdtex'e S1Y31 garages o¢' ++~+TM+'+a are ^~ardCeci by Wd1lS cII' partitlWL4 sc as to form irmiividual areas e'erving irdivirbaal dwelling unite, at least one receptacle shall be p~wided in eadr individual area. Separated areas shall be wired either rn individual dwelling twit meters or on a house meter or meters. Receptacles pmvitied Sn avmcvriase garages ar cwcparcts shall be ertetgized from a house meter ar meters. Fdtes energized frnm a horse meter or meters, the rnmher of receptacles par circuit shall not exceed six and m such ciralit shall strpOly arty other outlets. (b) E'wildinr}s aaxssmy to sircYle family dwelling uses. c~rpcQts and garages, aoo~sary to single family dwellings ar dtplexes, shall be wired with a minvam of one orr.,.riim type convpr7iettce receptacle on a separate 20 amp circuit. Additimal receptacle outlets, mt exoredirg 3, may be installed ctt the same circuit. See Section 210- 8 (a) (2) . (c) Detadted garage ar carports. Wiring to all new or xemrtstreated detac3~ed garages or carports aooassory to residential uses shall he installed tuderrgctzrd in mininmsn 3/4" raoecway fYno the distribution panel. Iaundly receptacles as reg0;,~ di' section 210-52(f) shall rat ba CanetlUBd as IDeetilg the m;n;mim 9~ or ~~--t r+eceptacles reglurpd by this section. 15.24.040 - Section 210-701aI Amended-Lahti*n 0.'tle~s Rem. Section 210-70 (a) of the Natimal Electrical Code is hereby amended tp read as folln.~s: 210-70 Lighting Outlets saem,i,b+. Lighting cutlets shall be installed where specified in (a) and (b) below. (a) Dwelling Units. At least one wall switc3e~vntrnlled lighting outlet shall be installed in every habitable rvaa, ffithtcom, hallway, ~~aY. 9az"age, aarPort, basement, utility roan, and at outdocr entrances to or exits frvn dwelling units. Where lighting cutlets are installed aowrding to (a) above in interiar stairways, there shall he a wall switch provided at each floor level to control the lighting cutlet where the difference between floor levels is six steps ar more. lduere attic or tuderfloor spaces contain equipment reequirirg servicing, a switched light outlet shall be provided located at or near the equipm°rtt requiring servicing. the switch oontrollirg an equiprent lighting otrtlet shall be lopted at the poirrt of entry to the attic or underfloor space. /83 Ordinlance tb. 311A Page 4 'Rre xatimal Ele to read as follows: Section 210-:0(d) Builditr}s Aa~ssozy to t9iltiple V•ellirg Units. Garages ar car.:orts designed far use by more than one dwelling emit shall have at List are light outlet for each four (4) parking spaces ar fractirn tlr:reof. 4d~e garages ar carpo4-!s are separated py walls ar partitions so as to form individual areas serving individual dwelling unit t, at least one switched lighting outlet shall to provided in ,~ individual area. sePara~ .. garage ar carport areas shall be wired on individual f*-"_ug unit meters ar on a house meter ar meters. Lighting outlets provided in ocean-ase garage ar carport areas shall be energized from a house meter ar meters. (e) see section 210-54 (c) for ~adeignamd wiring requir,enrnts to detac}sd garages ar carports. 15.24.060 - .,e[.~tim 220-10(a1 Ama~ded-]l ih ~+r7 rr+~.+~1-«a Lna_. Section 220-10 (a) of the National Electrical CUde is hereby amended to read as follows: 220-10 (a) Av4aacity ana imputed Loads. Feeder conductors shall have sufficient ampacity to supply the load served. In na rose shall the crnputed load of a feeder be lass than the sum of the loads on the brarrh cixwits supplied as determined by part A of this Article after any applicable de~ard factors permitted by parts B, C ar D have been applied ror less than 50 amperes ampacity, whidnever is greater. 15.24.070 - Section 230-43 ATe^'~-W~r;rg ~>v s for 6 Vol Nanirml ar Iess. section 230-43 of the Natimal Electrical Cade i9 hereby amended to read as follows: Section 230-43. Wiring methods Par 600 Volts rcminal cu~ less. Service entrance conductors shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requiranents of this code cowrirg the type of wiring meUnd used and limited to following mart,nAc far the ooa~ancies as outlined in (a) ar (b) below: (a) Nonresidential Oowparcies. 1. Rigid Metal Conduit. txo~tion No. 1: Alwniman conduit shall rat be used for overhead service entrance raceray. Exception No, 2: Aluminan conduit shall not be used for urdergzv~ad service raceway. /S~ Otdir~azre No. 313A Page 5 2, r..re.,b,aiate Metal CUrdllit. 3. Electrical Metallic 4Ubirg. Eia:eption No. 1: Electrical Metallic tubing shall mt 6e used where suppartitg ar intended to support service drop attacfimvd's. Exception No. 2: Electrical metallic tubing shall not be used as imderc~aud service entranre raceway. 4. Wireways. 5. Eusways. 6. a„Y; Nary (;utters. 7. Rigid Non-Metallic 0.vduit. Ewxption: Rigid rnwrmetallic atduit shall not be used far overhead service entrance raceway. s. Cable4is. 9. Metal-Clad Cable. 10. Mineral Insulated Metal-Sheathed Cable. 11. Flexible Metal Con<lUit mt over 6 feet (1.83m) lcry lrn raceway, ar between raceway and service equi(.anent, with equipment bonding jimper i~talled aroiad the flexible metal conduit aor~rding to p¢ovisionc of Section 25a;9(a), (cj, (d) and (f). Also, sea Section 350-2. 12. Approved cable tray systea3 :yell be permitted to Y cables approved far use as sc:~vice entrance conductors. (b) Residerrtial Omrpancies. In addition to the methals outlined in sutsecticn (a), buildings regulated byr Section 17921 of the California Health and Safetrf code mey utilize trs following methods far service entrarce conductors when installed in aavxdarce with applicable requirenents of this code: 1. Open Wiring on Insulators. 2. Service Fhtranoe Cable. 3. Liquidtight flexible txavretallic conduit. /~~ Ordinance No. 31]A Page 6 15.24.080 - S"!~tion 0- t ~ Added-G,.yice +i nment c+r~; ~.. ate National Electrical Gbde is hereby amnatded bi' adding section 230-212 to read as follows: Section 230-212 Service ego; ~„* rapacity. Service equi[ment capacity shall be as followws: 1. service equipmem installed to serve single family dwellings shall have a capacity of not less than 20 single pole weranrent protective devices in addition to a main switch ar cixcaiit knc'eaker. Service arduit serving single family detac3ted dwellitg twits shall be rot less than ore aryl ante- quarter intrltes (1-1/4") trade size caduit. 2. Service a,,~_..,~.,.k installed to serve maoencial ar industrial buildings shall have an aapacity rating to serve the intended load but Trot less than 60 amperes. service conduit ar feeder raceways shall riot be less than 1" size e~axpt that where st3vice mduit ar feeder raceway is artcealed, the minimm size raceway shall be ono and ane- half irrlres (1-1/2") trade size. 3. xowea serving individual trnits oP mtlti-family dwellings shall be installed in not less than ore-inc3t trade (1") size conduit and L'Un frt>m the meter location to a distribution panel within eac3t twit. 15.24.090 - Section 300-15 (d) ~Idded-~ RaCewavs. 7t~e Natioflal Electrical Cbde is hereby amended by adding section 300-15 (d) to read as follows: Section 300-15 (d) Spare raceways, For attar3~ed or detadted sircJle family dwellings, two (2) three-quarter irtdt (3/4") spare raceways far futtme ttse shall be provided for each dwelling twit, are running from the panelboard to an accessible location in the attic and one to an accessible location order the flora. Where either space is trot available hecattse of metlwd of irstnrction, strcdn termirtatim of spare raceways shall be as approved by the Building Official. 15.24.100 - Faction 310-14 Amended-~~ ' an ~*s. 4he Natiutal Electrical Code is heretry amended to read as follows: Section 310-14 Alwniman Nnductors, (a) Material. Solid altmunm inductors, No. 8, 10 and 12 AFG, shall be made of an AA-8000 series electrical grade altanirami alloy ittrArctor material. Stranded altmintan inductors, No. 8 AhG thragh 1000 MQ1, marked as type %faM, 77iW, 7tiWtd, 'ifQII4, service eMrantoe type SE, Style U and SE, style R, shall be made of an M-8000 series electripl grade altanitana alloy cordtncting material. l8h Oi'dillanC!0 No. 311A PM3e 7 E~eption: Al~mt cx+ductsl smaller than No. 6 shall not be used for ciswit mnductars, feeders ar subfeeders, unless intalled under full-time impactim by a Special I~-'tar as a "special case" outlined in Section 306(a)14 of the lfiiform administration Code as adopted in Q~apter 15.08 of this Title. 15.24.110 - lion 336-3 fb) Amerdetl T urr h7 a, Section 336- 3 (b) is hetebi' amended to read as follws: Section 336-3 (b) Type NMC. Type NMC cable shall be permitted; far correaled cork in dry, moist, chap or corrosive locations; (2)(in outside and inside wails of masonry block or tile; (3) in a shallow ar siaular finish.. Wlere embedded Plaster ar run yin a shagll~w chase in masoruy walls and cow_red, NMC cable shall be protected against danage fr® nails bi' a mver of mo.~ion resisGU~t steel at least 1/16" in thiclmess. 15.2q,3=0 - Section 336-4 Amended-ti:~c w,r m,,.: ~+e.a Sian 336-4 of the Natimal Electrical Code is hereby amerrled to read as follows: Section 336-4 [JSes 7qt peTUiitted. (a) 1~+pe M1 ar IAfC. Types 1M atd NMC cables shall not ba used: (i) in any dwelllrg structure nvrm.iim three Starie6 ahOVe cy'ade; (2) 86 SeNiOe-Qlitra}7Ce Cable; (3) in any oomroercial ar industrial building; (4) in any l~ayart~ location; (5) in hoistways; (6) in unenclosed locations of privates yarageS ar Cdr'pOItS; (~) embedded i71 poured 0011P11t, ConLTete ar eRR'e9ate; (e) in ~menclosed utderfloor areas. (b) Type NM. Type PPf cable shall not be installed: (i) where exposed to corrosive fumes ar vapors; (2) where embedded in masonry, ooncnete adobe, fill, ar Plaster; (3) in a shallow c3~ase in masasy, corxxete, ar adobe and mvei+ed in plaster, adobe, or similar finish. 15.24.130 - Sectiwl 336-1 roiow section 336-12 of said National Electrical Cbde is hereby deleted. 15.24.140 - articleses 550~ce1 ~°. articles 550 arc] 551 of the National Electrical CUde are hereby deleted. ~.,,....,-. ._ `~ebN:~s, GwwaA.:+sw Sa~va.bi44v . ~~ / Ordinance No. 31]A Page e tt~ _ 1%~. ~py~w.~uG ^ ° Penalty far Violation of -~Pltle. It shall be unlawful for arty person, firm, partnership, ar oc¢poratrm to violate airy lu'ov~rn _or to fail to OaPly with any of the rrx~,~+;.,~.+r,_ of this "~"~he Nd~ adopted hes.'el~'• AnY Pelson, firm, Partrwr- ship, ar evrparation violating any provisim of this 1}''t3~r°tix' the Codes adapted hereby ar failing to mq~ly with any of its require- ments shall be deemed guilty of a misdemaaror and ~r oonrviction thereof shall be punished bf a fire mt e~dug Ore tiqusand Dollars ($1,000.00) ar bi' inp'risonmwnt not exoaeainq six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisament. Fbdn suds person, firm, *~'~"*~+;p, or a:aT»ration shall be deemed guilty of separate offense for ead~ and every day ar any portion thereo~~irg whirl; any violation of arty of the provisims of this +~Piihhi~~ the Wdrs adopted hereby is emitted, mntin;ed ar pezmitted by sudn Person, firm, ++ro*eti;p or mrpordtion, and shall be deaied Punishable therefor as provided in this 4`i{3e O'd'~"~ .44. - va lab 44. 'ci Oode is fo aws• B. Sectticw-35_44..G29 Civil ee~~ Available. 'lY~e violation of any of the provisiore of this ~"br the Cbde~ adopted hereby shall constitute a rnusancE atti may be ahated by the City through civil process by treans of restraining order, prelimirery ar permarant injunction or in any other manner provided try law for the alstemennt of such nuisar~oes. .4 3 - - i i 5. .0 ci Snr?;.vr ~~ dd ,+~' Sevezability. 'line City Cancil hereby declares that should any provision, section, Paragraph, sentence ar word of flue Tit3~r the Codes hereby adapted be rendered ar declared invalid by any final ma'c action in a mot of t jurisdiction, ar by reason of any preaiptive legislation, the remlining provisions, sectiorvs, r , sentences and words of this Tr't2r~ard the (bless herrlry adapted shall remain in full force Or SF)CPION 5: the Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to 6e published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in the lnlard Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general ciranlation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Random Cucamonga, California. / V U RESOLUTION N0. 9J' a 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE LITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING EXPRESS FINDINGS OF NEED FOR LOLAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE STATE BUILDING STANDARDS CODE WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Sections 17958.5 and 17958.7 allow a city to make such modifications to the requirements of the regulations adopted pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 17922 as it determines to be reasonably necessary because of local conditions; and WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga is located in a piedmont area at the base of the San Gabriel mountains, said location characterized by a warm and dry climate that ~ontri bu tes to a much more extensive and more prolonged outdoor living environment than is Common to other parts of the state; and WHEREAS, the National Electrical Code as adopted by the State Building Standards Commission has no requirements for ezpa nsi on of electrf cal wiring systems to serve outdoor living areas and accessory buildings; and WHEREAS, the National Electrical Code as adopted by the State Building Standards Commission has no requirements for wiring of detached accessory buildings; and WHEREAS, significant climatic temperature differentials coupled with induced heat from load result in increased corrosion and resultant arcing of improper connections in aluminum wiring; and WHEREAS, the National Electrical Code makes no provision for the utilization and protection from damage of electrical wiring in accesory structures and areas that result from use of such areas because of the favorable climatic conditions; and WHEREAS, the Uniform Buildfng Code as adopted by the State Department of Housing and Community Development is adopted on a statewide basis without specific consideration for the above stated and climatic conditions, NON, THEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby determine and make the following express findings: 1. That modifications of Sections Z10-52(g), 210-54, 210-70(a ), 210-70(d), 210-70(e), 220-10(a), 230-212, 300-15(d), 310-14, 336-3(b) and 336-4 of the National Electrical Code, 1990 Edition are necessary due to local climatic conditions ex+s tent in the City of Rancho Cucamonga which provide an ideal environment for the utilization of accesory areas and structures and outdoor areas for hobby and recreational purposes. X89 Resolution No. Page 2 The City Clerk shall attest to the passage of this resolution and shall forward an executed copy of same and a copy of Ordinance adopted herewith to the Department of Housing and Community Development, State of California consistent with Section 17958.7 of the Health and Safety Code. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of 1991. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: l90 uii z ~r icvivunv uuuHmvty ~:n STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 ' T0: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Nm. Jae O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Jce Stofa, Jr., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO VACATE A PORTION OF 25TH STREET, LOCATED NEST OF ETINANDA AVENUE (APN 225-082-01) It is recommended that Cfty Council adopt the attached resolution ordering the vacation of a portion of 25th Street, located west of Etlwanda Avenue, approximately 30 feet wide and 1092 feet long as described in Exhibit "A". tIACIfGROUMD/ANALYSIS On July 12, 1989, Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract 14139 which is a residential subdivision of 119 single family iots on 54 acres of sand iocated at the southwest corner of Etlwanda Avenue and 25th Street. One of the conditions of Tentative Tract 14139 1s to vacate the south half of 25th Street which is ayacent to the northerly property tine of the protect site. 25th Street 15 owned in fee title by the City and upon vacation appropriate proceedings will occur for the disposition of excess property. Through Lhese proceedings Ahmanson Developments, Incorporated, wiil obtain the southerly 10 feet of the vacated street and use the land as Dart of the lots for Tract 14139, the northerly 20 feet will be used fora stores drain facility. The application for vacation has been submitted and the Developer is now requesting that the vacation occur. Based on the above ded orations, the street vacation 1s 1n conformity with the adopted City General Plan and the draft Etlwanda North Specific Plan. Respectfully submitted, /~~-C~~~ Nm. Joe O'Neil v City Engineer NJO:JS:dlw Attachment l9i RESOLUTION N0. 9/~~~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TO BE VACATED, A PORTION OF 25TH STREET LOCATED NEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, APPROXIMJITELY 30 FEET WIDE AND 1092 FEET LONG - APN: 225-082-01 WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 91-246 passed on August 21, 1991, the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga declared its intention to vacate a portion of a City street hereinafter more particularly described, and set the hour of 7:00 p.m. on September 18, 1991, in the City Council Chambers, located at 10500 C1v1c Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, as the time and place for hearing all persons objecting t0 the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, such public hearing has been held at said time and place, and there were no protests, oral or written, to each vacation. NOM, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION I: The Council hereby finds all the evidence sohmitted that a portion~o'-'1Stl-i Street is unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes, and the City Council hereby makes its order vacating that portion of said Ctty street as shown on Map No. Y-115 on file in the office of the Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, which has been further described to a legal description which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and by reference made a part thereof. SECTION 2: The sub,Tect vacation shall be subject to the reservations and excep obi ns, ~f any, for existing utilities on record. SECTION 3: The Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recor e n the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. SECTION 4: The Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resoTuE o~nd 1t shall thereupon take effect and be 1n force. /9~- LEGAL DES CRIPTIOH PREPARED FOR AHALA!750N DEVELO FMEt7T. VACATION OF THE SOUTH 70' OF 25TH STREET. EXHIBIT "A" BEZt7G A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID LAND APPROVED BY THE SURVEYOR GENERAL DATED NOVEMBER 17, 1985, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIt:N LA!G 9T THE FAST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 20, SAID POINT AiSO BEING IN THE CENTERLINE OF 25TH STREET; THENCE, ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 20, SOUTH 00.00'22" WEST, 70.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A 70-FOOT 52RIP OF LAND GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS RECORDED IN BOOR 2147, PAGE 586 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, NORTH 89.26'51" WEST, 1165.7) FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND GRANTED TO SOUTHERN SURPLUS REALTY CO. AB RECORDED IN BOOR 8163, PAGE 17 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE, ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE, NORTH 44'44.04" EAST, 41.83 FEET TO SAID CENTERLINE OF 25TH STREET AND THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4, SECTION 20; THENCE, ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTH 89.26'51" EAST, 1135.88 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.79 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND HEREBY MADE A PART HEREOF. ~~ , J rMARIL N , L.S. 58]1 + ~~~ • III 541 i APRIL 28, 1989 10472.00 (A271-003-06) 8951-CMV-10472.00-8 ~ ~ --- ~. ,--- _-; CITY OF -~ - ~; ~T, ~~~~~.~~ RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGIIPEERING DIYL4ION F.^,~c,, w~r~.: ~, Tip /4 99 ~~:~,..a;.4f.~~ / ~ TT 135.2'7 _. -- L---- f, i ~r 1~ I~' ` I. .., ~ L ,,~ .. _ . .. .__ , , .__.. SUMMIT Avg. '. --~I -.T,.._~ ~r __~~ -- - .. .1 _ .. .:. _ ...I I ~ ~-- --~- -1 -= ~~ ~` --_~-~; i I ~ I ~._, _~] ~ ~ ~i 1 ~ _ - ~; v-ii5 one i4i391 1TfLE; viuu~tyr MAP ~q~ „ „ EX}iIBIT: 8 9E -- - W a - - _ - - ~ :~ _-.o T o ~~ .i ~ mo = -' TR /4/39 ~--y . o ~. ~ / H r ; ~' o _ o i - < f~ ~A.WV T ~~ 6 ~ J~ V) 2 m`a o• o ,, ~~ ~ 25 th 5 r-e EB T e ~ P i °Sjn o 1 ~~1 ..e. O~ Q ~ 8 d J ? ~ ~ r~l ~ ~• ~ ~ ~i ® AP__°A 7p BE VAC.-77"_''.'J Pi1TY OF RANCHO C~JCAMONGiA ENCaMVEERN~G DIVISION ,c,r~Q!ri, ~~` 19~ ITENk V- //5 _ ` ~nE: S/TE MAP ,~ EXFNBIT• C ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City MansgeY FROM: Brad Huller, City Planner HY: Larry J. Henderson, AICP, Principal PlartneY BUHJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL AS SE35MENT AND POINT OF INTEREST 91-02 FOR THE ,.arou eu;wue sayHK - C1TZ Ur RANCHO COCAMONGA - Consideration of an application to desl gnats the LnFOUrcade Store as a historic Point of Interest and review the level of appropriate mitigations for the demolition of the structure Located at 11871 Poothill Boulevard - APN: 229-011-10. Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration. RHCDImDII1DA4I011 The Historic Preservation Co®iaeion and staff <ecommende issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration and approval of the application for historic Point of Interent 91-02 by the adoption of the attached Resolution. ANwIMR1!®TAL ASS6S&~11' Normally a Landmark designation would be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Article 9, Section 15380. However, since the property owner Se requnating demolition at the earliest possible time, a separate environmental documentation has been provided with the tecommendation for the issuance of a Negative Declaration with mitigations. The proposed mitigations are listed Sn the Resolution attached to this report. BACAT..IS)OND AMD DISCD8HI011 On July 20, 1991, Jeck Masi, through his representatives, requested the demolition of a building historically known as the LaFOUrcade 6tore, located at 11871 Foothill Boulevard. On August 21, 1991, the Meai family successfully removed the atrvcture's moat recent occupant, the Cowgirl Theater. Masi Commerce Center Partners has submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow approximately 280,000 square feet of mixed use, new construction on the 27-acre site that includes the subject parcel. The CUP app Licetion however is not complete. The Meei submittal includes proposed light industrial, mu1L1-tenant commercial, re ll gioue, reetaurent, financial, convenience end automotive uses. Pursuant to City policies, the Bistoric Preservation Commission, on August 1, 1991, initiated an application to CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT POI 91-02 - LaFOURCADE ETON September 1H, 1991 Page 2 consider the historic status of the property and its significance in response to the demolition request. This review of the LaFOUrcade Store's demolition request is a part of the environmental asaesament for such a project m required under CEQA. The Historic Preservation Commission met on September 5, 1991, and held a public hearing to consider the historic status of the property fls well as a range of application alternatives, including Landmark Designation and Historic Point of Interest. The Commission voted (5 to 2) in favor of recommending the City Council adopt a Negative Declaration, with mitigation measures, for the demolition of this structure, and designation of the property a Historic Point of Interest. Co~ieeionera Cooper and Naekvitz voted against the motion for recoamendation for separate and different reaeana. Commissioner Cooper voted against the motion indicating that she felt that local property owners and long-time residents should receive different treatment than individuals with development interests that come from outside of the City. Coaati98ioner Haskviiz voted against the recoma;endation indicating that he felt the structure should not be demolished. The Historic Preservation Co®iasion made modifications to the recrommertded Mitigation No. 4 which is reflected in the attached Resolution. The modification to Miti gntion No. 4 included reducing the contribution to the Cha_tey-Garcia House Harn or similar type project from $25,000 to $10,000. In addition, language was added to clarify the re lationshSp and role of the Historic Preservation Commission and City Council allocating these funds to other similar types of preservation projects. ABAL78I3 The subject building was built as the LaPOUrcade Store and Gae Station; the subject structure continued to house bueineseea which served important community needs. First aeaociated with the extensive viniculture enterprise of the John H. LaFOUrcade family, and then with the grape growing and mercantile efforts of the Mesl family, the struMUre also operated as the restaurant ^ROVal's" which was a local attraction on Route 66. The story of John LaFOUrcade repteaente an important link in the early history of the Cucamonga region. Migrating at the age Of 17 from La Houton, France, the young man arrive in Pomona in the early 1890x. Along with the likes of Kluaman, Garrett, Haven, and MS lliken, LaPOUrcade excepted the challenges posed by the ha rah climate and embarked on a wine and raisin manufacturing venture, owning 800 acres in our Rochester arm. At first transporting water from the above canyons, LnFOUrcede later drilled the area's deepest well at 630 feet from which he ran pipe across 460 scree at the purported coat of $33,000. Embarking on an ambitious canetruction project, LeFOUrcede hired the San Bernardino-based designer end architect J. N. Robinson. Prom 1918 to 1922, he had constructed bunk-like housing (for his permanent labor force composed primarily of single Mexican men), wine manufacturing end storage /97 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT POI 91-02 - LaFOURCADE STORE September 78, 7991 Page 3 buildings, company offices, a wagon repair shop and a structure used for box making and pecking, as well ae the company store and local gas station. The passage of Prohibition and effects of World War II spurred the demi ae of the LaFOUrcade enterprise and the family left the area in the early 1940 s. PACfS FOR FIRDIRSg The Facts for Findings for a Nis[oric Point of Interest are detailed in the Resolution and the Historic Preservation Commission Staff Report dated September 5, 1991. In general, the Facts for Findings comply with the City's Historic Preservation Commission ordinance in three areas: historical and cultural significance; historical, architectural, and engineering significance; and neighborhood and geographic setting. While the structure has undergone a aeries of additions, aAich effectively negates the poaeibi lity of designating St ae n Landmark over owner objection, the structure stands ae the sole remaining testament to an early and successful agricultural enterprise and other entrepreneurial efforts; it is thus important to adequately eddresa and mitigate its proposed demolition. TAe future incorporation of unique design elements and the creation of meaningful interpretations of the site's history will ensure the retention of the site's sense of Lime and place. While these efforts touch upon some aspects of the site's ai qn if icance, greater funding to the City's Oral Hiatoty Program and the agricultural museum (to 6e housed in the Cheffey-Garcia House Barn project) or similar type public project would further reinforce and preserve tha wine making legacy of the region. This Stem has been advertised Sn the Inland Valley Deily H 11 ti newspaper, the property owners within 300 feet of the project have been notified, and staff has inspected the property. The property owners are aware of this review process and were sent a copy of this staff report. Respect y submitted. Brad B ler City Planner BB;LJN:ap Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Historic Preservation conmd eeion 9taft Report dated September S, 1991 Resolution of Approval /98 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 5, 1991 T0: Chairman and Members of the Historic Preservation Coamission f FROM: Larry J. H¢nde rs on, AICP, Principal Planner Ilr BY: Anthea M. Hartiq, Aasoci ate Planner EUHJECT: CONE IDERATI ON OF A CHANGE OF THE HISTORIC STATUH AND APPLICATIONS FOR HIETORIC POINT OF INTEREET OR LANDMARK DESIGNATION FILED HY Tim HISTORIC PRBSSRYATION COMMISSION, CONSIO6RATION OF A DEMOLITION REQUEST HY THE PROPERTY OWNER, AND TNS POS SIHLE ESTABLISHMENT OF MITIGATION MEASURES THEREIN FOR THE LA POURCADE HUI LDING LOCATED AT 77871 POOTNI LL eOULEYARn - APN: 229-011-10 - Consideration and determination of the historic atatua, application for Point of Interest or Landmark Deei gnation, and level of appropriate mi ti9ationa for the demolition of the structure. The range of alternatlvee may include the following: Landmark atatua, Point of Interest atatua, and/or mitigation measures prior to demolition. BACKGROUND: On July 20, 1991, Jack Mast and hie repreeentativea requested the demolition of a building historically known as the La Fourcede Store, located at 11871 Foothill Boulevard. On August 21, 1991, the Maei family euccesafu lly removed the structure's moat recent occupant, the Cowgirl Theatre. Maei Como:erce Center Partner9 has aubnitied en application For a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to alloy 200,857 square feet of mixed use new construction on a 27-acre site that includes this parcel. The CUP application however, 18 not yet complete. The Maei submittal includes proposed light industrial, multi-tenant rn:merclal, religious, restaurant, financial, convenience and automotive uses. At the August 1, 1991 meeting, the Historic Preservation Commission requested that the property be reviewed to determine its ei gnificence in response to the demolition request (the landmark application ie included as Exhibit "HPC-1^). This review of the La Fourcede Store's demolition request !a a part of the environmental asae9ament for such a project, a9 required under the California Environmental Quality Aei. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: Location: The structure lies at the southwest corner parcel formed by the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue. Covering close to an acre, the parcel Ss 158 feet wide and 259 feet deep (see Exhibit "HPC-2" for ei to plan and roningl~ A-I NPC STAFF REPORT LD 91-02 - LA FOURCADE BUILDING September S, 1991 Page 2 B. Plan, the southern side of the Foothill/Rochester intersection is zoned for future Industrial Park use. The recent "Missing Link" supp lemenG to the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan includes policies for this intersection, and specifies a future Activity Censer for this acreage. Such centers are defined as unifying nodes of concentrated activity along the Foothill Boulevard corridor that "give identity and theme to the arses in xhi ch they are located" (Foothill Boulevard Design Supplement, page d, exhibit "HPC-3"). New construction proposals, per the Supplement, shall take into rnnsideration a pedestrian scale when determining setbacks, first floor facade treatment, and building height, ae well as incorporating the style of existing structures like the Agazzotti Winery at the intersection's southeast corner. C. North - Pez the Terra Vista Comoiunity Plan, the land directly north of Foothill Boulevard is zoned for mixed use future development combining rnmmercial, office, and medium-high deneiiy residential uses. The northeast rnrner of Foothill and Rochester is zoned Office/Profeaeional. South - The proposed City Sports park is planned south of the project site and is in a General Industrial zoned area. West/East - Ae with Ne subject property, the parcels lying to the west and to the east (from east of Naven Avenue eo Day Creek Channel) ere currently zoned Industrial Perk per the Industrial Specific Plnn. ~, r ue, me structure is an irregularly shaped, single-e tory compilation of at least five dSfEerent additions to the origlnel building. The oldest portions of the alts, ae shown on the 1929 Sandborne Mape of the area, include this main etructu re of stucco-covered brick or 3-inch block with a wood-framed extension along its west aide end southwest corner; one small, square hrick/block structure located close to the southeast corner of the mein building; and one wood- framed square shed located closer to Orange (now Rochester) Avenue (refer to ezhi bit "HPC-S"). The shad is no longer standing and the small brick storage building has been altered beyond recognition. The main structure, however, retsina some origlnel elements despite numerous alterations. Prom a 1922 photograph, etet¢ hee gleaned that the general eto[e structure extended only four bays in length "a DO 1~ - HPC STAFF BEPORT LD 91-02 - LA FOVRCADE BUILDING September 5, 1991 Page 3 and that a highly decorated ports cochere extended from the northeast of the store Eorminq the apace for a gas station (for historic photographs, see Exhibit "HPC-6"). Both the canopy and the main store but ldinq were characterized by deck (or Flat hipped) roof conatructiona topped Dy regularly laid, atra fight barrel missi or. tile. 9;. the drawing of the Sandborae Maps, seven years after the structure's construction, it seems that the gas station canopy had been removed. Portions of the parapet and cluster of columns which accentuated the canopy appear to have been salvaged and zeuaed on the existing north facade. This restructuring accounts for the unusual decorative treatment that characterizes the building today, that of an applied 1E fanciful combinaelon of Spanish eclectic, and French chateeuesque trim to the parapeted entry and equated pilasters dividing the main facade's bays. The large storefront windows along the northern face are now covered and since acceeainq the atzucture's interior hoe not yet been possible, it is difficult to discern their original appearance. After reviewing the San Bernardino County building and assessment records, it seems that a aeries of new buildings and additions from the 7960e to the 1970s eventually formed the irregular massing of the site ae we know it today. The store ras expanded and [Ae column treatment and roof line of the original building extended to the weer and a Concrete block garage was added to the southwest corner in 1952. In 1966, the aiornge structure to the south was enlarged and altered elgnlf scantly to join the main building and four years later a tall, aquere "smoke room" was added to serve the restaurants needs. Shortly thereafter in 1972, a ain9le storied, wood-framed and stucco finished structure was completed along the rear of the store/restaurant which connected the garage to the peat and the storage unit to the east. In the mid 1970a as well, the shed addition covered with board end batten end ahingled aiding was built. ANALYSIS: A. Historical Background: Built ae Lhe La Fourcade Store and Gas Station, the subject structure con[inued to house boat neaeea which served important community needs. First esaoc sated with the extensive viniculture enterprise of the John B. Le Pourcade family and then with the grape growing and mercantile efforts of the Maei family, the structure also operated ae the restaurant RoVal's, which was a local attraction along Route 66. mho story of John La Pourcade rapreaenta en Important link in the early history of the Cucamonga region. Migrating et the nqe of seventeen Erom Le Houton, FYence, the young man arrived in Pomgu in the early 1890x, according to a 1922 Colton Daily Courier article. Along with the likes gf Rluamen, Cezre tt, Naven, and Milliken, La Fourcede accepted the challenges posed by the harsh ~V I A-3 NPC STAFF REPORT LO 91-02 - LA FOVRCADE BUILDING September 5, 1991 Page 4 climate and embarked on a wine and raisin manufacturing venturer owning 800 acres in our Rochester area. At first transporting water from the above canyons, La Fourcafle later drilled the area's deepest well at 630 feet from which he ran pipe acro99 460 acres at the purported cast of $33,000. Embarking on an ambitious construction project, La fouzcade hired the San Bernardino-based designer and architect J. N. Robinson and from 1918 to 1922 had constrvcted bunk-like housing (for hie permanent labor force composed primarily of single Mexican men 1, wine manufacturing and storage buildings, company offices, a wagon repair shop, and a structure used Eor box making and packing, as well ne the company store and lOCal gaS ataii on. IL wa6 IepO rted that La POIrYCade wag a fair and honest if ambitious man. The passage of Prohibition end the effects of World War I2 spurred the demise of the La Pourcade enterprise, and the family left the area in the early 1940x. Not much ie known about the Muber family who owned the southwest corner of the Foothl ll/Rochester intarsectlon from 1931 to 1942, but the Sebastian Mnai family began renting the property upon their nrrival in the aren. Like Ln Pourcade before, the newly immigrated Italinn family strove for 9uccea9 and by 1943 wee nble to purcheee the Bite. Efforts to rnntinue operating a grocery store were undertaken by the Mas1e and Jennie Maei in particular, and the family eetabl!shed themaelvea Sn the historic fabric of this region. H. Facto for Findings: . Niatorical and Culiurnl S1gn1f1cance: Finding: The proposed Landmark/YOint of Interest was Connected with someone renowned and/or important. Fact: John B. La Fourcade eetabliehed an advanced, extensive, and elaborate winameking end grape handling business 1n nn era marked by felled attempts at eu ch endeevora in the Rochester/CUCamonga area. We11 known throughout the County, Ln Pourcade represents an important epoch and entrepreneurial spirit of lhie valley, Finding: The architect or builder was important. Fact: In choosing J. N. Johnson Lo design and construct hie winery complex, La Pourcade ass one of few local property owners in Lhe late [acne-early 1920e to employ such a contractor like Johnson who was well known in the County. Johnson constructed many large public end private buildings in San Bernardino, Redlende, and Colton. ~~ ~-4 HPC STAFF REPORT LD 97-02 - LA FOUACADE BUILDING September 5, 1991 page 5 Historic Archi[ectural and Engineering Significance: Finding: The construction materials used in thi6 proposed Landmark/point of Interest are unusual and significant. Fact: Although altered, the main entrance of the building-- marked by a parapet and flanked with Corinthian pilasters--remains as a testament to an entire deaf gn palate created by La Pourcade and Johnson unique to this area. Neighborhood and Geographic Setting: Finding: The proposed landmark in its location represents nn eetabllehed and familiar visual feature of the n eighbozhoad, coamunity, and City. Fact: A8 a gas station, Store, and restaurant, the subject atrvcture stands as a 70-ye at-old fiziure in the co®unity' 8 landacapr.. Issues: The Masi family and their represeniativea request the immediate demolition of the La Pourcade Store. There also exists a desire to remove the building because of ire recent use ae a road noose /top le ea bar. This demolition permit has been requested separately, but the structure's proposed destruction could normally be tied to the proposed Masi Commerce Center development. Case law pertaining to chat is known ne "splitting" a project under CE¢A has created a ai gnificance preference for reviewing the potential negative effeets of a proposed project rlih the project Steelf. Underatending this, staff has reviewed the included information about the Meet project in Nis report. To properly review this demolition request per CEQA, St needs to be treated as a project unto its own, requiring a separate environmental aseeeament. This report boN makes the case for a Point of Interest Desi gnntion to be placed on Ne property and details a mitigation package for the lose of the La Pourcade store if the demolition request Ss granted. After the Co®Seeion•e review of this package, in Ne form of a Mitigated Negative Declaration, it will be forwarded to City Council. Aa the structure stands as the sole remaining testament to en early and success ful agricultural enterprise end other entrepreneurial efforts, it Se thus important to adequately address end mitigate its proposed demolition. The future incorporation of unique deai gn elements end the crestion of meaningful Snterpretatlone of the a ire's history will ensure the reientlan of the site's sense of time and place. Nhl le the above efforts touch upon some aspects of the site's elgnificence, greater funding Go the City's Oral Xietory Program and the agricultural museum to be housed in the Chaffey- peimanenceapreeeive Ne winemekingi legacy ofdthetreglobnn. bly greeter `~ 03 ,,4- s HPC STAFF REPORT LD 91-02 - LA FOURCADE BUILDING September 5, 1991 Page 6 Another impact to the property will stem from [he widening of Foothill Boulevard to its ultimate width. Such a project would align the moat northern edge of the building with the curb edge (see Exhibit HPC-e) and thus create a significant impnet on the resource. , D. Environmental Assessment: Any future landmark designation would be exempt from CEpA under Article 19, Section 15380. Sf properly mitt gated for, the demolition of the La Pourcade Store would not require any further environmental review and staff would then recommend the issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration. Proposed mitigations are listed in the Recommendation section of this report. CORRESPONDENCE: This item hoe been advertised in the Inland Val1eY Daily Bulletin newspaper, property owners within 300 feet of the projeM site have been notified, and eta £f hea inspected the property. The property owners are aware of this review process and were Gent a copy of this etaEf report. RECOMMENDATION: staff feels that although altered, the La Pourcade Store is worthy of a local lan~ark designation. Due to these alterations and previouely expressed owner objections to the retention and landmarking of the etruciure, staff re rommenda that the Co®ieaion Eorwerd an Historic Point of Interest designation to the City Council. The following related mitigation measures are recommended to ease the impact of the proposed demolition of the site and would accrompeny a Negative Declaration Seeued for the pxopoeed demolition. No demolition per mite shall be Saeued for the existing structures prior to the property owner's written acknowledgment and acceptance of the Cultural Resource Mi tigatlon Measures per the Mitigated Negative Declaration. The development of the site shall incorporate details of the site's history, in particular the La Pourcade period, through [he incorporation of the following meeeurea: commissioned public art and development end placement of interpretive public diaplay6. The final specs Citations of each meaeurea shall he reviewed by the Nietoric Preaervetion Caamiesion end forwarded with a recommendation to the Planning Commission during deve Lopoent/design review hearings an any development proposal for this ai te. Final approval of the appropriate public art end interpretive diap lays eha 11 occur prior to the issuance of building permits. 3. The decorative parapet at the northeast corner of the building dating from the La Pourcade period eha 11 be removed during demolition end be examined by a structural engineering consultant Aired by the owner and approved by the City Planner to determine the possibility of its reuse. City staff eha 11 be present during Chia demoli tlon to ilmpect the parapet. If ~ `{ ~!- ~~ HPC STAFF REPORT LD 91-02 - LA FOURCADE BUILDING September 5, 1991 Page 7 after examimtion restoration proves feasible, the parapet element shall be considered for incorporation into the above public art or interpretive exhibit. IE the reuse of this element is not feasible, it shall be documented per HABS/NAPA standards, the final form of which shall be approved by the City Planner. 4. The developer shall contribute $25,000 to the Chaffey Garcia House Barn project, which will be used to develop a museum/cultural center depicting and exhibiting the agricultural heritage of the area. The City Council may allocate these funds to another similar type of preservation project depending upon the timing of the wmpliance with Chia mitigation. This contribution shall be ptavided prior to the issuance of building permits of any phase of the Masi Co®erce Center. 5. The site developer shall sponsor four Oral History interviews of individuals knowledgeable of the La Fourcada/Maei era of ei gnificence. These interviews, rhich shall not exceed a cost of $5,000, shall be conducted Dy a coneulinnt approved by City staff. Respectfully submitted, Larry J. Henderson, AICP Principal Planner LJX:AN:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "1" - Lendmatk/Point of Interest Application Exhibit "2^ - Site Plen and Zoning Exhibit "3" - "Missing Link" Text Exhibit "6" - Evolution of Buildings Sxhibit "5" - Sandborne Mope, 1929 Exhibit "6" - Historic Photographs Sxhibit "7" - Liet of Sourcee Exhibit "e" - Proposed Ultimate Righi of way of Approval Photographs Resolution ~V.._) f"'~- T C[[y of Rancno Cucamonga Appl lca[1on for HIENRIC LANDYAft% DESIGNATION HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST DES 7GNAT ION Historic Landmark X Historic Point of interest IDENTIFICATION I. Common Name• Cow iYl Tneatre 2. Hi asoric Name. 1f knorn: LaFOUrcade Store 3. Street or Rural Addseae: 11$71 Foothill Blvd, City: Ranh Cu__~_°a!^°n°s 21P` 91730 County: San Bernardino Aeaeesor's Parcel No. 229229-01~ Zove: Industrial Pazk Legal Peecript ioa: Fachester E 239 FT N 158 FT Lot 17 A. Presavt Oener, it avowo: flack Masi Address: SA 16 Electric Ave, public City: ~^ Bernardino_ Zip: 92407 Owversblp Si: private ~- 5, Preeevt Uae: No a __ Original Uae:St ie & filling Station Oteer peat uses: Restaurant ba roa ouee DE$CRIDTION 6. Briefly deacrfbe tbs present b •Scal • a a ce of the site or covditlov :aP asscrsebe atya~h d • taraciona tom Ste original T eitetud aurroundivgl atrsetalabel roads, one prouinent landmarga>: 8. Apptokimac! prOPartY eige: Lot $fae tin toot) Frootag6 239 1)eptb 158• or approx. acna(e B. Covditlov: (ebeck one) •• Exoellsvt~_ b. C~d~--.- c. gait % d. Deteriorated_~ e. No loner in eklatevice~_ 10. IA tba Suture: a. Altered? X b• UvaltefeCP 11. 9urfcavdlvga: lcbeck egre than one i! naceaaary) a. Opan land % b. Retidevclal c. $ca.t tered Du11d1n(a d. Deveely bull buD_~ e. Codme[cl al 1. Indu et rlal g. Other___,__ ~~- a~ 12. Threats to Si[e: a. Nove kvown_ D. Privn'.e de. ':l opine nt X c. ton ing_ d. PuDl is Mo rks Project_ e. Vandalism_ (, Other 13. Dnt es of evclosed photograph(s) 7/91 NOTE: The follow loR (Items 19-19) are for structures ovly. i4. Primary exterior bulldivg material: a. Stove_ b. Brlek X c. St ucco_~ d. Adobe_ e. Mood X 1. Other 15. Is the Structure: a. On i[n oriRival 91te? yes D. Yoved7 c. Unknowv'+ 16. Year of Inlt Sal Conatructlon: 1920 This Date ie: a. Factual X b. Estimated 17. ALChltecL (1t known): J,N. Jofinson 6 J,B. LaFOUrcade 18. Builder (if knowv ): J.N. Johnson 19. Related Peatures: a. Barn b. Carriage house c. Outhouse d. 9hed(a) e. Porul Garden(s) f. MSndmill g. Matertower/ttokbouae h. Other 1. None SIGNIFICANCE 20. Briefly state historical and/or arch ltectural importance (include dates, events, avd persona associated witD the site when known): Please see attached. 21. Ya to theme of the historic resource: (check op ly one): a. Archltaetu re b. Arts a Leleute c. Economic/Ipdust rial X d. Government e. Exploration /Self lamest f. Military g. Religion b. 3oc lal/Education 22. Soueces: List Oooka, documents, su rvey a, psandal Snterviews aed their dates: Brown s Boyd Nistory OE San Bernardino s'Riverside Counties, 1922; Clucas Liahh•WPr th M unt 'n 1974• Pmone Directory 23. Dn to form Drepared 8/28/91 g 1928/1931. P'Sname): Anthae :Ya;tick add rear. 10500 ivi or Dr. City: Rancho• .~c ilga Zily 91730 Poooe: (714) 989-1861 Organizatiotgi Fi,}.y;ef 'Rancho Cucamonga Cfty Vee Only ~ ~7 fifes -!a ~` 9 Continuation Sheets IaFourcade Store Section 6. Physical Appearance: As it stands, the structure is an irregularly shaped, single storied compilation of at least flue different additions to the original, building. The oldest portions of the site, as shown on the 1929 Sandbome Maps of the azea, include this main structure of stucco-covered brick or 3" block with a wooden-framed extension along its west side and southwest comer; one small, squaze brick/block structure located close to the southeast corner of the main building; and one wooden-framed squaze shed located closer to Orange (now Rochester) Avenue. The shed is no longer standing and the small brick storage building has been altered beyond recognition. The main structure, however, retains some original elements despite numerous alterations. From a 1922 photograph, staff has gleaned that the general store struMVre extended only four bays in length and that a highly decorated porte cochere extended from the northeast of the store forming the space for a fltling station. Both the canopy and the main store building were chazaderized by deck of flat Mpped roof constructions topped by regulazly laid straight barrel mission tile. By the drawing of the Sandborne Maps seven years after the structure's construction, it seems that the gas station canopy had been removed. Portions of the parapet and cluster of columns which accentuated the canopy appeaz to have been salvaged and reused on the existing north facade. This restructuring account for the unusual decorative treatment that characterizes the building today, that of an applied if fanciful combination of mission revival, Spanish eclectic, and french chateauesque trim to the parapeted entry and squared pilasters dividing the main facade's bays. The large storefront windows along the northern face are now covered and sinrn accessing the struchue's interior has not been possible, it is difficult to discern their original appearance. After reviewing the San Bemazdino County building and assessment records, it seems that a series of new buildings and additions from the 1950s to the 1970s eventually Eormed the irregular massing of the site as we know it today. The store was expanded and the column treatment and roof line of the original extended to the west and a conQete block gazage was added to the southwest corner in 1952. In 1966 the storage structure to the south was enlarged and altered significantly to join the main building and four years later a tall, square "smoke room" was added to serve the restaurant's needs. Shortly thereafter in 1972 a single storied, wood-framed and stucco futished structure was completed along the rear of the store/restaurant which connected the garage to the west and the storage unit to the east. Tn the mid• ~O~ fE10 H~-I6 1970s as well the shed addition covered with board and batten and shingled siding was built. Section 20, Significance: Built as the Ta Fourcade Store and Filling Station, the subject structure continued to house businesses which served important communi ;~ needs. First associated with the extensive viniculture enterprise of the John B. I.a Fourcade family and then with the grape growing and mercantile efforts of the Masi family, the structure also operated as the restaurant RoVal's which was a local attraction along Route 66. The story of John Ter Fourcade represents an important link in the early history of the Cucamonga region. Migrating at the age of seventeen from Ia Hovtan, France, the young man arrived in Pomona in the early 1890s, according to a 1922 Daily Coiton Courier article. Along with the likes of Klusman, Garrett, Haven, and Milliken, Ia Fourcade accepted the challenges posed by the harsh climactic characteristrrs and embarked on a wine and raisin manufacturing venture. At first transporting water from the above canyons, Ia Fourcade later drilled the area's deepest weE at 630' from which he ran pipe across 460 acres at the purported cost of $33,000. Embarking on an ambitious construction project, Ter Fourcade hired the San Bernardino-based designer and azchitect J. N. Robinson and from 1918 to 1922 had constructed bunk-like housing for his permanent labor force composed primazily of single Mexican men, wine manufacturing and storage buildings, company offices, a wagon repair shop, and a structure used for box making and packing as well as the company store and local filling station. It was reported that Ia Fourcade was a fav and honest if ambitious man. The passage of Prohibition and the effects of WWII spurred the demise of the I.a Fourcade enterprise, and the family lek the area in the early 1940s. Not much is known about the Huber family who owned the southwest corner of the Foothill/Rochester intersection, but the Sebastian Masi family began renting the property upon their arrival in the azea. tike I.a Fourcade before them, the newly~emigrated Italian family strove for success and by 1943 was able to purchase the site. Efforts to continue operating a grocery store were undertaken by the Masis, and Jennie Masi in particular, and the family established themselves in the historic fabric of the this region. '~~ 9 A-I1 f~- /c ,~~ ~zca.+ x r - ~DgG5.9D 41.1~I.. yI~I . X izoe.~ rw~ri.L(r ~-~• < cvy! i J % "i9 ~}. R at~.rR~"ies Hfstotic Peaa~a~ton .~ ": ,. v •m• n Iaa: L.A~a.uacs~ sTo Tlt1~ S17E R61t azoN~u6i ?! R~12 III. DESIGN GUIDELINES •. ecm~s: ActiNry aortas mselaed Mkneavotb along Me ym1NI1 Boukvald mrndw defitavl af'TMIe-« SelYtant" nea wltich'Ee' b¢IM tle vlI1W agleb d tlw Tndbll lloulevaA corride thmugh bw Jry, ponpe conamb.ied acnviry at Mee area,atW give Wentlryatd thine b Me Yeas in wNCh tlwy art loomed. TheacbNry cenNnate bwM amtlguvuf n FoghJl BoukvaM u kdietM in Fgvw 1. ACTIVITY CENTENS P 4W • ~af`~~'a awW~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ u W i t i s s W Y Y F i j 1u11 •C i BlaauN Mice aomea o1 Jw N.vm Avenur treesetlonae hJlyar peroaSy defeloped, tM devel- opnnt ptevibmf d tle abfNry mla>•ae tlndaeJ b Iboae abaebcapud Wdaep bnptWenNtlb Mt11Mn Jw pblk rightof-way. Theebe, ~Y d the fclkrMng abneaNf apply oNy b Jw MiWkm Armor aM RodlYeb Avenue aatiHry cenlec a. All AdWvlgattenetlma MS ekae b JN fmWll Ebukvatd atmlage. The WiWbg febackarsu will beeNUnbd ptleu{an mae MM fptil haNNap ttultelala. foeetNl lattdaep Yntga~ mina. and pdebiab keel S~''uK b. SbelaepealetteW YrhebolkNa, abNwalka MMlpeeal pNng nbaviab, Sght fbMYds atta abet heNbealYUW b wllfofbt Ilaott~lout Me Fuot1YS goblevaN acrride. c TheceeeplMWn Me aa7lNry eMerbbitcwppeaNabmW, eguladyfpaee. suet uae pknhng fyaeem utdiun6•pMe WbdomNllY ~,cvkYlbl bats _ d, i1N UrWn bekmwlsbeTYap ddgn chraaunftk dMeactlMrycentaT fhouW eYend ebtlg FceNll Eouleratd atd aamttlNy/mlertaaVtlg fbaeb b a pdmae bgkal bapitim b the wburMn prkway. Typinlly, the Jean MO eaamd b Y kaN tle flnf driveway a u modified Mlough the dntpl review ptoefa The efent ae tk uAan aeeebep aluuW beabk b tlpft b clenge In public nght- ol-My mtditiou, ftwJ, aright bin bneatd bus Mys ...Y.Yll.v paR d tnl ~~' ~' ~3 IteID; Tlt1s;~,~giNb 4/VK ~~ sods: /Y (,.192b a C] 17EM: ~ ~U.~DB S'LbP~- TT11.E: EVOLITit0Elo~p~l.Dn1h N I~, EXHIBR':{~4SCALE: ~ rC A-14 c.i/TY- :-. o ~~~ ~ bj :C .e i~rtv.:x¢ //TcPVv d 51"~"'ceE .~ n. o.v+~aa- - W~4L~D1i SN~D~F~NC~I'yd- _. " Wl-.lE ST,~E. o :_ .," X.Mar~tuFAcluR:r~1/ ~ rte-- I taxp~ s~'fi~tE{ =~...>.. ~, ~ W:u~ w sjppnc-,~. romnK. ~Cvb ~ f~C7~16RAL 'S'j8lC6~F~iDAJG~ s~/g-osT .....,L •-. i ~• N~,µtuERY~s7a~e AF~4- ._. ~ ~i ~aro•rof~ Gorx~lt~c Item: l.~k~bURl~4yE STORP 7'it1eK8p~j~ 213 mot: 1-_ ~,-~~ I~J•GsJi'a'ae Z~ Go/tMrf', /9za GRC- prln On 7uuday, ActoFxr 1941. ql Item: l.R~04.2~eec,~rhvr ~ ~ bt6tblt• ecda• N A ~-Ib Cll ~ ~-~ L.Gf~ltRCA~ D~jG,~ c• /97A LIST OF SOURCES Brown, James and James Boyd, History of San Bernazdino and Riverside Counties. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Co.,1922. Clucas, Donald, Light over the Mountain: A History of the Rancho Cucamonga Area. Uptand: California Family House Publishers, 1974. Day, Lawrence, 'Story of a Successful Man: Improves Land and Section about with Buildings and Store for the Neighborhood," Colton Daily Courier. October 30,1922. Cucamonga Phone Directories, 1928/1931. d [TEM:I~d.Fbct.R[.~-» tTORE TTT1.E: LlS'r Of $OIA.RGE$ ]y EXHiB PI': ~'Ri~SCALE: A-I~ L/~~ M ,X •2C3~ F x izoe.{ z i~oe.~ ~~ ~.. < .s,; r~ ~ ~ :.._~ ~~ _-~ _. _, ,, _~ .~ Clef or Riued on~a Hlstodo PnNn~tloa z ~J- ~.~ I1 ~;.=_ ~d ~, __ - P~~v shtw r Mq }~„~ R~ex+T GF w.aY = ~;La Fourcade Bldg. ~f~y:Demolition Request N ental,~ = 40' f~-i 9 ,zoo .. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address: I ~STI ~bT2411L'F~aIU. AP# 22 g- oll -10 View Looking SOfd'1'~1 .Date of Photo 7~3D~91 L1 .'~ ; View Looking HIDg'~,r~ate of Photo ~I~OI 91 HISTORIC PRESERVAT]ON COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address: I~~'~-1 ~}It,(r $(~tG, AP8 Z29-OII ~ Id View Looking ~ASr .Date of Photo ~/30~,5'1 View Looking r1~yTy~Date of Photo .. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Atklress:~~~ faD~b-Il4 8WD APN 229-q1- ID __ ~ - ~- n~pa -° View Looking ~{-t- . Date of Photo ~ 3C~ 9'~ s y. *«! .~ ~IK,~ 't~~rs I 1'~ '- .. iw+, View Looking , Date of Photo 9a_,, A -22 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address: l X8`71 ~Lb'~ILL $LY.D APN 22~ oll - ID f ~ _. ~ rll:~~ ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ _ - I~ fit i ~~ ~ , {,:= ;~•. r ` ,.,` i u~ View Looking W ES'r .Date of Photo ~,30(gL ii F~ " ~---._ ~- si..a...~~ll 3 ~ ~~ ` View Looking $ON ,Date of Photo ~ 30 A - 23 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Addttss: ~l~ I ~OOT_LFILL $LAIb. AP# t2 ~- d 1 -1!~ A View Looking ~IF~H- . Dace of Photo _. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address: II~~I ~Ild. SL~lb. APR Z7~- O(~- -p ... i ~: ~ O _ p~, F• i~ ~i. View Looking ~S .Date of Phow __, X33 ~-; HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION LANDMARK SURVEY Address: 1~t3~1 ~1-11L.L F~ up ,yPa Z29 - bll- IO View Looking _. Date of Photo ~ 3 9 -3 ~ RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTION OF THE MI STORK PRESERVATION COtM1IS SI ON OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMGNGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPFAVAL OF HISTORIC LANDMARK POINT OF INTEREST 91-02 Tb DESIGNATE THE LA FOV RCADE STORE LOCATED AT 11871 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AS A POINT OF INTEREST AND LANDMARK CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DEC LAAATION FOR DEMOLITION OF THE STRUCTURE - APN: 229-011-10. A. Recitals. (i) The City has filed an application for a Landmark as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Landmark is referred to as the "application." (ii) On September 5, 1991, the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Fancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. (iiil All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. H. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as Eollowa: i. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "A," of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The application applies to approximately 1 acre of land, basically a rectangular configuration, located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester (Orange) Avenue intezaectlon. 3. Based upon eubetantial evidence presented to thin Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on September Sr 1991, including written staff reports, together with public testiaony, and pursuant to Section 2.24.090 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, this Co®iseion hereby makes the following findings and Eects: A. Historical and Cultural Significance: Finding: 1. The proposed landmark was connected with someone renowned, important, or local personality. Fact/s: John H. La Fourcade eatabllehed an advanced end elaborate winemaking and grape handling basins ae in an eta marked by failed attempts at each endeavors in the Rochester/CUcamonga area. Seemingly well known throughout the County, La Fourcade represents an important epoch and entrepreneurial spirit of this valley. ~~ 5 A -3~ HPC AE SOLUTION NO. LD 91-02 - LA FOU RCADE STORE September 5, 1991 Page 2 Finding: 2. The architect or builder was important. Fact/s: In choosing J. N. Johnson to design and construct his winery complex, La Fourcade was one of Eew local property owners in Che late teens-early 1920's to employ such a contractor like Johnson who wall well known in the County. Jobnson constructed many large and impressive public and private buildings in San Bernardino, Redlands, and Colton. B. Historic Architectural and Engineering Significance: Finding: 1. The construction materials or engineering methods used in the proposed landmark are unusual or si gni Eicant or uniquely effective. Fact/s: Although altered, the main entrance of the bui ldina, marked by a parapet and flanked with Corintnian prlaeters, remains as a testament to an. design palate created by La Fourcade and Johnson which was unique Lo Th la dCCa. C. Nei gh 6orh ood and Geographic Setting: Finding: 1. The ,p. oposed landmark in its location represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood, community oz city. Fact/s: Aa a gas station, stare, and restaurant, the subject structure stands ae a 70-year-old notable Ei xture in the community's landscape. 4. Based upon the au betantial evidence presented to This Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on September 5, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, and pursuant to Section 2.24.090 of the Rancho cucamonga Municipal Code, and pursuant to the Commission policy regarding landmark designs Lion over an owner's objection, This Commission hereby makes the following findings and facts: 5. This Commission hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered for compliance with the California environmental quality Act of 1970. IE properly mitigated Eor, the requested demolition of the La Fourcade Store would not require Eu rther environmental review and a mitigated Negative Declaration would be issued for such demolition. 6. Based upon the findings and conclusions se[ forth in paragraphs 1,2, 3, and 4 above, This Commission hereby resolves that pursuant to Chapter 2.24 of the Rancho cucamonga Municipal Code, that the Historic Preservation Commission of the Crty of Rancho cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the ~c7d *i -.~~ HPC RESOLUTION NO. LD 91-02 - LA FOURCADE STOAE September 5, 1991 Page 3 5th day of September 1991, of Landmark Application 91-02 for a Point of Interest designation for the La Fourcade Store. The Commission further recommends the tollowing conditions of approval, mitigating for the requested demolition: a. No demolition permits Shall be issued for the existing structures prior to the property owner's written acknowledgment and acceptance of the Cultural Resource Miti gation Measures per the Mitigated Negative Declaration. b. The development of the site shali incorporate details of the site's history, in particular the La Fourcade period, through the incorporation of the following measures: commissioned public art and development and placement of interpretive public displays. TF.e final specifications of such measures shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Conmission and forwarded with a recommendation to the Planning Commission during development/deli gn review hearings on any development proposal for this site. Final approval of thc appropriate public art and interpretive diap lays shall occur prior to the issuance of building permits. c. The decorative parapet at the northeast corner of the building dating from the La Fourcade period shall be removed during demolition and be examined by a structural engineering consultant hired by the owner and approved by the City Planner to determine the poasibi lity of its reuse. City staff shall be present during this demolition to inspect the parapet. If after examination restoration proves feasible, the parapet element 9ha 11 be con9ldered for incorporation into the above public art or interpretive exhibit. If the reuse of this element is not feasible, it shall be documented per NABS/HAER standards, the final form of which shall be approved by the City Planner. d. The developer shall contribute 525,000 to the Chaffey Garcia House Barn project, which will be used to develop a museum/cultural center depicting and exhibiting the agricultural herl tags of the area. The City council may allocate these funds to another 9lmilar type of preservation project depending upon the tlminq of the compliance with Ghis mitigation. This contribution shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits of any phase of the Masi Conine rce Center. The site developer shall sponsor foot Oral History interviews of individuals knowledgeable of the La Fourcade/Mast era of significance. These interviews, which shall not exceed a cost of $5,000, aha 11 be conducted by a coneu ltant approved by City staff. ~~ ?~ - ~9 HPC RESOLVTION N0. LD 91-02 - LA FOURCADE ETORE September 5, 1991 Page 0 7. The Chairman of This Commission shall certify to the adoption of This Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 5TH DAY OF SE PTEMBEA 1991. BY: Bob Schmidt, C AYES: COlA1I55I ONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISEI G9E RS: ~~8 h-4~ RESOLUTION N0. 9/' a 75 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST 91-02 DESIGNATING THE LAFOURCADE STORE, LOCATED AT 11871 FOOTHILL HWLEVARD, AS A 2OINT OF INTEREST AND CERTIFICATION OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLAAAT ION FOR DEMOLITION OF THE STRUCTDRE - APN: 229-011-10. A. Recitals. (i) The City has filed an application for a Point of Interest as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Reso lu[ion, the subject Point of Interest is referred to as the "application." (ii) On September 5, 1991, the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) on September 18, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public heating on the application and cone laded said hearing on the date. Div) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. R. Resolutioh. NOW, THEREFORE, 1t is hereby found, determined, and ieso lved by the City Council of the City of Fanchc Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the Facts set forth in the Recitals, Yart "A," of this Aeao lotion are true and cozrect- 2. The application applies to approximately one acre of land, basically a rectangular configuration, located on the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester (orange) Avenue intersection. 3• Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on September 1H, 1991r including written and oral etefE reports, together with public testimony, and pursuant to Ser.[ion 2.24.090 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, and pursuant to the Historic Preservation Commission policy regarding landmark designation over an owner's objection, this Council hereby makes the following £indinge and Pacts: A. Historical and Cultural Significance: Finding: 1. The proposed Point of Interest was connected with someone renowned, important, or a local persona llty. ~~9 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. POI 91-02 - LaFOURCADE STORE September !e, 1991 Page 2 Fact/s: John e. LaFouzcade established an advanced and elaborate winemakirg and grape-handling business in an era marked by failed attempts at such endeavors in the Rochester/CUCamonga area. Seemingly well known throughout the County, LaFOUrcade represents an important epoch and entrepreneurial spirit of this valley. Finding: 2. The architect or builder was important. Fact/s: In choosing J. N. Johnson to design and construct his winery complex, LaFOUrcade was one of few local property owners in the late teens-early 1920s to employ a contractor who was very well known Sn the County. Johnson constructed many large and impressive public and private bui Ldings in San Bernardino, Redlands, and Colton. H. Historic Architectural and Engineering Si gnlficance: Finding: 1. The construction materials or engineering methods used in the proposed Point of Interest are unusual or significant oz uniquely effective. Fact/s: Although it has been altered, the main entrance of the building which is marked by a parapet end flanked with Corinthian pilasters, remains as a testament to a design palette created by LaFOUrcade and Johnson which was unique to this area. C. Neighborhood and Geographic Setting: Finding: 1. The proposed Point. of Interest in its location represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighbozhood, community, or city. Fe ct/s: As a gas station, store, end restaurant, the subject structure stands as a 70-year-old notable fixture in the community's landscape. 4. This Council hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and consi deed for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970. If properly mitigated, the requested demo lrtion of the LaFOUrcade Store would not require further environmental review and a mitigated Negative Declaration will 6e issued for such demolition. 5. Based upon the Eindin ga and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby resolves that pursuant to Chapter 2.24 of the Pancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, the City Council of the City of Ran cho X30 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. POI 91-02 - LaFOURCADE STONE September 18, 1991 Page 3 Cucamonga hereby approves, on the 10th day of September 1991, Point of Interest 91-02 for the La Four ca de Stare. The Council further adopts the following Conditions of Approval mitigating the requested demolition: 1) No dem~litinn permits shall be issued for the existing structures prior to the property owner's written acknowledgment and acceptance of the Cultural Resource Mitigation Measures per the mitigated Negative Declaration. 2) The development of the site shall incorporate details o£ the site's history, in particular the LaFOUrcade period, thzough the incorporation of the following measures: commissioned public art and development and placement of interpretive public displays. The final specifications of such measures shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Conmiission and forwarded with a recommendation to the Planning Coamu.esimn during development/design review hearings on any development proposal for this site. Final approval of the appropriate public art and interpretive displays 9he11 occur prior to the issuance of building permits. 3) The decorative parapet at the northeast corner of the building dating from the LaFOUrcade period shall be removed during demolition and be examined by a structural engineering consultant hired by the owner end approved by the City planner to determine the possibility of ire reuse. City staff shall be present during this demolition to inspect the parapet. If after examination restoration proves feasible, the parapet element shall be considered for incorporation into the above public art or interpretive exhibit. If the reuse of this element is not feasible, it shall be documented per NABS/HAEA standards, the final Eorm of which shall be approved by the City planner. 4) The developer shall contribute $10,000 to the Chaffey-Garcia House Barn project, which will be used to develop a museum/cultural center depicting and exhibiting the agricultural heritage of the area. The City Council may, upon the input of the Historic Preservation commission, allocate these funds to another similar type of preservation project, including but not necessarily limited to, the Historic Pr eaetvation Site and Land-Be nking Fund, depending upon the timing of the compliance with this mitigation. This contribution shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits of any phase of the Masi Commerce ranter. 5i The site developer shall sponsor four Oral Niatory interviews of individuals knowledgeable of the La FOUrcade/Mass era of significance. These interviews, which shell not exceed a cost of $5,000, shall be conducted by a consultant approved by City staff. X31 CITY COUNCIL PESOLUTION NO. -1~ ~ ~C POI 91-02 - LaPOURCADB STONE September 1P, 1991 Page 3 Cucamonga hereby approves, on the 18th day of September 1991, Paint of Interest 91-D2 for the LAPOUrcade Store. The Council further adopts the following Conditions of Approval mitigating the requested demolition: 1) No demolition permits shall be Sesued for the existing etrvciures prior to the property owner's written ecknovledgment and acceptance of the Cultural Resource Mitlgatlon Measures per the mitigated Negative Declaration. 2) The development of the alie shall incorporate details of the site's history, in particular the LnPOUrcnde period, through the Sncozporatlon of the following measures: caarmieaioned public art end developmnt and placement of interpretive public displays. The final epecificetiona of such measures shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission and torverded with a recommendation to the Planning Co®isslon during developmnt/design review hearings on any development proposal !or this site. Piwl approval of the appropriate public art end interpretive displays shall occur prior to the Seswntt of ~/ ~'"~ ' . ~ Siding perm__i~ts~`.~ ,~y ~„ f2a>r ^~u;~L..°u Ml~f~~r ~ e&~1s 3) ~ The decorative parapet it the northeast rorner at the~DUilding QaL1ng !ro• the Latourcade pssiod shall be removed. during demolition anA--bn esuined-ly * cS~ ~naa ~ anevltant-- City Ksff shell be present during this desolttlon to inspect the ~~apet. i ' o~i ~ O4 r` {he parapet alement h 1 ~ ~ considered for Sarorporatlon lato the above pub~lc art or inbrprsiiw' a t~~.__~~..pp-- --acr' ~ iha `I~'"7~oc~isite per H11B&/B116R studazda, the tsasibbr/ ~C the City Planner ~V~c.r foe of r61o6 shall be approved lSna ~ ~ 11-- ~,--`~l~~~C-,-~4ct'w,~ Y Lie;n_g 1st... d) The developer shall contribute $10,000 to the O~affay-OSrc1a Douse Pawn project, which rill bs used to dvalop a suuum/cultural canter depicting sad exhibiting the agricultural heritage of the azu. Tha City Couacil may, upon the input of the Historic He K~~~a~'Ir-'~-:* -~- Prewzoation Cc~lulon, allocate thou funds to another similar oT ~ ,, ,; ..fir en r-.~ type oL prueroation project, lacluQing but not necusarlly . , _~.~ ~ 1Litad to, the eisLOZic Preservation Hits sad Lend-Banking toad, 1r~ , ~ c/ _, dapaading upon the tieing of the campliuca with Lhis /~,,, ~~•',~'p~~~'rl, %~ a1tS9etlon. This coetrlbutlon shall bs provided prior to the . ',air, rfrr.`r ~+~`-1"! isswnca o! building permits o! anY Pose of the Masi Coerce 44 A E ~? " I i ~ ~ - r CanGr. . cn or S p ~ .- . N ~, 5) The site developer shall sponsor Lour oral eletory Snterviara of Sadividwls knowledgeable of the Latourcade/Masi era of slgnlflcanca. Thou SaGrviews, which shell not axcud a cost of 95,000, shall be conducted by a consultant approved by City staff. -~9vcP-tv~'~7-.~-" 7F-+~r<xr-~b-14r m`i`n r.-.~~I -Lk-,TCt~a . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIVI0NGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1°^. '. To: Mayor and Mambers of the CSCy Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Murphy, Associa to Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ANO DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMEN OMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMLNGA - A request to amend the Dave lopment Districts Map from "OP" (Office Professional) to "FBS P^ (Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan) for a parcel consisting of approximately 8.3 acres located at [he northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. ENVIRONMENTAL AHSESSMENT AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-D1 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan to inclbde the parcel consisting of approximately 8.3 acres at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue within Subarea 4 and ea tablish standards Fo[ development - APN: 127-152-18 and 30. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON GA - A request to estab lieh certain etreetscape and site design standards consistent wish the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Terra Vista Planned Community. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VZ CPORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO rUCAMONGA - A request to estaDlieh certain streets cape and site daei 9n standards consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Victoria Planned Community. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL BPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04 - CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A requesC to seta DlLsh certain streets cape and site design standards cone intent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard wi tnin the Industrial Area Specific Plan• CITY COLP,JC IL STAFF REPORT "MISSING LINK" September 18, 1991 Page 2 eSCOIQffiNDATTGN: The Planning Commission recommends approval of Development District Amen dme nt 91-01, Foothill Hou leva rd Specific Plan Amendment 91-01, Terra Vista Community Plan Amendment 91-01, Victoria Community Plan Amendment 91-01, Industrial Specific Plan Amendments 91-04 and issuance of Negative Declarations for each application. BACEGROUND: Cn September 16, 198?, the City Council approved the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (FBSP). The FBSP was enacted to provide a unifying development scheme for the Foothill Boulevard corridor through the communi ty• A significant element of this plan is t'ne special streetscape design provisions which tie together the visual aspects of this major commercial roadway. The portion of Foothill Boulevard between Deer Creek Channel and the I-16 freeway was not part of the original Specific Plan study, and therefore, its provisions do not apply to development of the "missing link" portion of the corridor. At the time of FBSP approval, the Planning Commission and City Council expressed the desire to apply the sereetscape design guidelines of the plan to the missing section as well. Sincr adoption of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, staff has been pursuing the completion of the Foothill Boulevard design Supplement. Numerous meetings have been conducted with effected propezty owners and the. Planning Commission to arrive at a final document that addresses the desires of the City and, at the same time, provides opportunities for the development community to build projects responsive to market conditions. The Design Supplement presented represents the compilation of the meetings and research conducted by staff. Dn July 10, 1991, the Planning Commission reviewed the Foothill BOUleva rd Design Supplement and recommended approval of amendments tq the Fqothill Boulevard Specific Plan, Terra Vista Planned Community, Victoria Planned Community, and indu s'cr ial Specific Plan• YfU1~YlORR: The various ame name eta will continue the theme established for Fqothill Boulevard by the eBSP. Activity centers will be provided within the "missing link" at major intersections to create points of interest. These activity centers are generally more urban in nature than the rest of the boulevard through the concentration of commercial activity allowing reduced building setbacks to the street and a greater emphasis cn bui ldinq design. Activity centers within the "missing link" will be located algng Fqothill Boulevard at Milliken Avenue, Rochester Avenua, and, to a limited extent, at Haven Avenue. Prope rf.ies lxated outside the activity centers ai11 follow the FBSP suburban parkway stanrla rds to link the acts vi.ty centers with a less formal st.r eetscape design. The suburban parkway areas will include meandering/undulating sidewalks end informal landscaping. Buildings in these areas will have deeper setbacks and are often separated from the street by landscaped parking areas. .d~ CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT "MISSING LINK" September 18, 1991 Page 3 EgVIRDIU~NTAL ASSSSSl~NT: In reviewing the environmental issues connected with the ,proposed Planned Community and Specific Plan amendments, staff notes that the amendments will provide design standards to tie together the Foothill Boulevard corridor. There are no changes being proposed to the land use that are different from those currently permitted. In that these uses were previously addressed in the environmental impact reports prepared for the respective Community or Spe cifi.c Plans, staff has determined that the amendments will not have a significant effect on the environment. Staff recommends that the City Council issue a Negative Declaration. Pl\CTS PoR PItNINGS: The amendments will provide for the development of comprehensively planned urban communities that are superior to the development otherwise allowable under alternative regulations. The amendments will provide for the development of the Planned Community and Specific Plan areas in a manner which is consistent with the General Plan and which relates to elements and growth management policies of the City. The amendments wi 11 provide foz the construction, improvement, and extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required within the planned communities. In addition, the amendments will not be detrimental to the public health or safety or cause nuisances or significant adverse environmental impact a. CORA6SPONDR7C8: These items have been advertised as a Public Hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper and notices were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the Development District and Foothill Houle vard Specific Plan Amendment boundaries. Res ally ~tted, Br 11 Cit Planner BB:SM:js Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Foothill Hou levard Design Supplement Exhibit "D" - Planning Commission Etiaff Report (dated April 24, 1991) Exhibit "C" - Planning Commission Staff Report (dated June 12, 1991) Exhibit "D" - Planning Commission Staff Report (dated July 10, 1991) Exhibi T. "E" - Planning Commission Minutes (dated June 12, 1991) Ordinance Approving DDA 91-01 Resolution Approving FBSP 97-01 Ordinance Approving TVCPA 91-01 Ordinance Approving VCPA 91-01 Ordinance Approving ISPA 91-04 23'~ 22 CITS~Y~LIO~FnRnANCHOnCnnUCA~MpO~NnGA ~ U' ~ ~ Il 1(11 ~ IS IS ° ~ V IS ~ V (~=~ W DL~OC~~1 ~MG°~pL~C~G~]Cf~~ Amending the Terra Vista Community Plan, the Victoria Community Plan, and the Industrial Area Specific Plan X3.5 EXFIIQIT A FOOTHILL BOULEVARD DESIGN SUPPLEMENT ArnNldiny tha Terra Vktta Community Plan, Viclorla Community Plan, and Industrial Area Spaclflc Plan. 1. INTRODUCTION ~ September 76, 1987, the City Councl approved the Foothill Boulevard Spedfic Plan (FBSP). The FBSP was enacted to provide a unifitd development scheme for the Foothill Boulevard corridor through [he commuruly. Of prirre importanre ro the FBBP are the special streetscape design provisiore which "tie" together the visual aspects of this wnmrercial roadway. 'Mio ln9 Link' Mu ~ ~~ Vic torla ~ Y/ ~ Trlra IVlat• I a { ~ ~ W ` ~, ° Indu tlllaLl Bp~elrte plan % w W i '< ~ t r a W a t t Y ~ W N i _ V O Flyure t - Mlsalnp Llnk Aria The portion of Foothill Bouevard between Haven Avenue and the Interstate 15 Freeway fl•15) was not a part of the spedfic plan study; therefore, its provisions did rot apply to the development o(this "miss- ing lirdc." Atthe time of the FBSP approval, the City Council and Planning Conunission expressed a desire to include significant design provisions of the plan in the development of the'tntissing link." This amendment to the Terra Vista Community Plan (TVCP), the Victoria Community Plan (VCP), and the Industrial Ama Specific Plan iISP) is proposed to include specific slreetscape design provisions of the FBSP in the develop- mem of the properties ad)acent to Foothill Boulevard. The following provisioro wiB apply to all propertes bordering FooNill Boulevard within the TVCP, VCP, and 1SP. This amendment augmenH the development regulations and standards of the TVCP, VCP, and ISP. When an issue, condition, or situation occurs which is not covered or provided for in this amendment or provisions of the TVCP, VCI', or ISP, the regulations of the Development Code o! the City o(Rancho Cucamonga that are most applicable ro the issue, condition, or situation shall apply. suw¢vrrmaa Page 2 rnl 23h . COMMUNITY DESIGN CONCEPT The Foothill Boulevard Design Supplement is intended to extend the concepts of the Foothill Boule- vard Spedfic Plan to the "miseirrg link" through the creation of a dynamic corcourse that is attractive and of high quality with a unifying community design image reflective of the community heritage and identity, providing an ecorami®Ily viabM setting for a balanced mixture of commercial and residential uses with safe, effident dreulafion and acres. A. GOAL: Create a community ivuge that expresse9 and enhances the unique character and identity of Rancho Cucamonga. 8. OBJECTIVES: Develop a stnetscape system which designates major intersections as activity centers and emphasizes the suburban parkways between the activity centers as vehicular areas. Promote rompatible building elevations which afford a human scale at pedestrian areas and provide trareidons to buildings of greater height, while protxting adpining residential conditions. Promote appropriate landscape treatments throughout the corridor, particularly those that are low maintenanm, drought tolerant, and wind resistant within intense urban conditions. Provide for the rontrol of visually objecdorrable views, such as outdoor storsge and loading areas, through proper site design and screening. C. POLICIES: Develop consistent streetscape and archilecmral palettes which are sensitive to creating a 'Tentage" statement for Foothill Boulevard. Require compliance with community design guidelines in plans for new development and expansion or redevelopment of existing development and make commuNty design a major consideration in site plan review and approval. t Utilize landscape materials which areclean, sale, wind resistant, and relatively !ow maintcmance. Formal forrre and configurations should be utilized at activity center nodes while less formal configurations should be utilized throughout the parkway links between rgdes. Designate special landscape and architectural features at major intersections. Combine thematic plantings with contemporary architectural statements designed to promote a distinctive charager (or the activity centers. Changes in paving materials, lighting, signing, and siting of adjacent structures should occur at major intersections to enhance their distrncdvetress. rAi ^~ /Page 3 suvvtsusuwv 111. DEIGN GUIDELINES p, nrrl~iTY CENTERS; Activity centers are seleotcd intersections abng rho Foothill Boulevard corridor defined as "fhatre" or "StahTnent" areas which "tie" together Ilre visual aspects of the Foothill Boulevard corridor Fhrough dte dty , promote roncentraled activity at ttrese areas, and give identity and theme to the areas in which they are located. The activity centers are bested contiguous b Foothill Boulevard as indicated in Figure Z. ACTIVITY CENTERS t ~~ .}{. r ~' .' ~, ~ ~ --~~ W W i = W ~ f Y w ~ _ 3 U 0 a Figure 2 - Acdvtty Center Lot:etlcttft Because three comas of the Haven Avenue intersection arc fully or partially devebped, the devel- opment provisions of the activity center are limited to those streetscape and landscape improvements within the public rightof-way. Therefore, many of the following standards apply only to the Milliken Avenue and Rochester Avenue activity centers: t. Streetticape: f a. All building orientations will relate to the Foothill Boulevard frontage. The building setback areas will be enhanttd pedestrian canes with spedai harclscape materials, formal landscape arranges ments, and pedestrian level lighting. b. Streetscape elements such as bollards, crosswalks with spedal paving materials, light standards, acrd street fumiWre stwuld tie uniform lhmughout the Foothill ttoukvard corridor. c. The concept within the aciivity center is to incorporate a formal, regularly spaced, street tree planting rystem utilizing a palette of fnfomalty shaped, colorful trees. d. The urban or formal streetscape design characteristlc of the activity center should extend along Foothill Boulevard and secondary/intersecting streets to a point of logical transition to the suburban parkway. Typically, the design will extend to at least the first driveway or as modified through the design review process. The extent of the urban streMscape stwuld be able to adjust ro ctanges in public right- of-way mndibons, such as right rum lanes and bus bays. sunraewmu Page 4 ~3S vAi 2 Slte Plannlrtp: a. At actvity centers, buildings may be placed at or adjarent to the front setback line ro create a more appealing, active sfreetscape. Front yard areas of parking lots dominating the streetscerre are spedfically prohibited. b. MWti-sbry buildings shall be designed to relate to the ptdestran level. All ground srory facades sha116e desfgred b relate ro the human scale. This can be acromplishtd through the breaking of facades into bays and the eignage brought dbwn N sire and location. Further, this reduction in scale can be established dvough the use of elements which add horizontal articulation b the facades. Examples of these elements include pedestrian arcades sod awnings. (Milliken & Rochester only.) c. Buildings stall be designed b eliminate a hagrrented,strip commercial appprance and should be oriented b the aMlvily renter (Milliken & Rochester oNy). d. Architechrre and outdoor spaces along Foothill Boulevard shall be inbegally designed and oriented toward the pedestrian experience. The experience should be visually diverse and stimulating and should include activities that Beale a sense of variety and interest (Milliken & Rochester only). e. Swctures, pathways, and landscaping shall be incorporated within the site ao as m ensure ease of access from one site b adpining sites N a safe manner. f. Building entrantts shall be designed to accommodate logical pedestrian access from the Foothill Boulevard rightof-way. 77ds may include direct entrances from Foothill Boulevard, separations in the buildings that allow access b the interior plaza areas, or other appropriaM methods. 3. Architectural Concept: a. Within individual activity center, the architectural style should be consistent to provide continuity of design at the intersection. 1. Milliken Activity Center -There are no exstng buildings located at the Milliken activity center intersection. As a molt, the Development Review process will establish the Bawr for the area when reviewing the development proposals. blew developments need rot "duplicate" the architectural style of previous submittals but must be compatible in terms of architecture and orientation with the other cornerls) of the intersection. 2. Roclreater Actlvity Center -New proposals shall consider and mpect the architectural style of existing buildings. For example, the Aggazzotti Winery al the southeast comer of Foothill and Rochester, is a potential National Hisbde Registry candid~M .Any proposals for this activity center should be designed b be mmpedble with this structure. This does not mean that new proposals must emulate the architectural style of the winery but, rather, that they must complement existing buildings. b. Differentiate the ground Moor facades from the second Roor in recognition of the differences in the character of activities at the ground Rbor Ievei. Examples include, but are not limited ro, the use of storefront glass, stepped-beck or tiered !Dons, ferrestradon, and other appropriate architectural features facing Foothill Boulevard, Milliken Avenue, and Rochester Avenue. rAl ~ Pa ~, S arittEYEYraM 3 ~7j 4' land8capa CofN:ept: 77ie activity callers shall be distinguished from suburban (informal) parkway areas through the use of (Drool, urban type plantings. •1~ ~~ plantings shall border all actlvity centers and shall define these arils as being higher intensity, urban districts. The plantings shall consist of an offset double row o(Gape Myrtle (laggerstroania indica) types along each road frontage. Addi- tional plant materials (evergrpet d^oPY trees, palms, etc) may be introduced to supplement the Gape Myrtle as a backdrop. The type and to®tlon of the additional materials shoWd be based on the pardcvlar bolding design, scale, and setback. +`~.~. arv m ,vi,.rm ~. v«-,e-vr..... w~, 4 rr' ~ ,u..~r• +Y ~.wnv vy. 1,%.1rf ~~ ~~ -i.:. . .-zrr mww ~.:~I Nu-+ri, ~1 rc.2.r..y ~ - trtt c 1- i-un-.-w~N I M~T ~M•/'qV Tam-~ r.+~ -,~ ,.~ ..~ .n ..,....n.v~a ,1 •wrplW •/ • ~ ro~'r • ~ J ,IWD'ultYa /~ T~~MY aNl - f k Il'rirr~IY~' ~, !F'ar~~4R J/ .vat^1~~. a/YJ/ Snwi r.Y.+..y .,y. f 1 1 i y "' ..-.~-~i 1: ~_ . ~^ 4~ I y : .:.1 ~ 1, ~~ 1~ ~ l~ ~1 1 i Y ~~: ~ -~ 3 ~tl ~ ~;...... 1' Figurs 3 - Aotivlty Center Concepte/Examplea 9UPVlENFNM4 ~ - Pa a^6 ~e i ~^ B. SUBURBAN PARKWAYS: 1. Streetacape: a. The parkways will be designed with informal clusters of trees, rolling tort berrrls, and meandering/undulating sidewalks evoking pastoral, suburban qualities. b. Sheeacape elements such e9 bolWrds, sosswalks with special paving, light standards, and street Wmiture shall be identical in style and finish to those used in the FBSP area. 2. ArchltectuTal Concept: a. The arcldtechiral characteristip shall be governed by the e>astlng standards of the Development Code, TVCP, VCP, and 15P. b. In situatioro where buildings are highly visible from the side streets and/or adjacent parking areas, special emphasis span be pWced on seating architectural interest. 3. Landscape concept: The plendriga win ronsist of informal heatmenb, domgrated by Igidon Plane (I'latanus acerifdial, California Syramme (i'lafanus racemosa), and Flowering Plum (Prunus csasifera) trees. Other spaces may be uud to acrent and/or supplement these denigrated tree type3. The type and location of Buse spades should be reviewed in conrynction with specific development proposals. C. PARKWAY TRANSITIONS: In order to provideagradual transfton horn the urWnactlvity centers to the suburban, informal parkways, "parkway transitions" win be introduced along the corridor. Parkway transitions are designed b blend the format herdsnpe and tree planting pattern of the activity cEnters with the informal laridxape and hardxape treatment of the suburban parkways. Specifically, the parkway transition is charaEYerixed by a 75-foot b 154foot zone, domireted by Flowering Plum trces.Other tree species may be introduced M supplement the Flowering Pium to a~ist in seating a smooth transition. ~ ~ f` rT ?~''...%` '- b' kNandalnb SWairaa \~ ', PrkwNY Parkway ~~ - aaoanl Trn (Flowvinb Plum) Tna (byoamon) ~ Maundad Twl Fipurs 5 • Parkway Trensition lNl ~^,f Pagel _~_____..______ rUP4E4ENTF4 V ~I D. (-ENEBAL GLIIDELNE~• 1. Site Plarmirsg: a. Buildings s1uB be shed to create new pedestrian spaces that complement and expand the existing pedestrian rightaof-way abng Foothill Boulevard.'Ihiscan be accomplished by creating plazas and allowing wider sidewal W on the boulevard. b. Buildings stall be designed and placed to mirdmve pedestrian/vehicular oMicb. Driveways arrd service areas slWl be located to avoid interfering wiN the Flow of pedestrian dttvlation in and around the site. c. All auto reWted facilities (i.e. working bays, storage, etc.) shall be oriented/screened away from public view. d. Buildings should be oriented to encourage restaurants, services, limited retail uses (as pertnktted by the applicable Covmmnity or Spedfic Plant, and other high intensity pedestrian uses on the ground levels of aII buildings within activity centers. 2 Parking Lob: a. Whenever possible, entries stall be located on side streets in order to mirdrnize pedes- tdan/vehicular coMicts. When this is rot possible, the Foothill Boulevard site enby shall be designed with appropriately paHemed convert or pavers (behind the public rightof-way) to differentlata it from the sidewalks. b. Parking accts points, whether located on Foothill Boulevard or side streets, shall be located as far from street intersottlons as possible. c. Parking areas shall be desigrnd so that pedestrians walk parallel to moving vehicles and minimize the need for the pedestrian to cross parking aisles. d. Individual project parking areas shall be linked with on-sik driveways which are clearly identified and easily recpgnved as connectors. New development projects shall delineate on all plans where vehicular connections to adjacent propertiesare located. 76e applicant must also demonstrak provi- sions for access easements for such vehicular movements to adjacent properties consistent with approved master plans. e. Parking areas shall be designed in a manner which link the building to the street sidewalk system to encourage and fadBtate pedestrian movement. This can be accomplished by using design features such as walkways with enhanced paving, trellis structures, and/or landscape treatments. 3. Landscape Deslpn: a. All street furniture, Tight standards, bollards, and similar hardwam within to feet of the public righbof-way shall be painted a color chosen as the Foothill Corridor 7lteme Color. Sign faces may vary and match mlaled architecture. b. Acolorful landscape edge shall be established at the box of buildings. Asphaltedges at the base of sWCtures are prohibited. Mont materials in containers are appropriate. 9UPPLEMEH1pM Pa''~g{/°~R8 rvi Iv c. Internal pedestrian dreuladon, linking office complexes with neighboring commer- cial or office developments, should be located close to buildings. d. Planting dusters should assume anon-uniform artangemenc The diversity of massing types should be great enough to provide interest but kept to a level which evokes a reWxed, natural feeling to Nc observer. e. Water conserving plantings and irrigation shall be used in all landscaped areas. (Refer to City Ordinance No.411- Xedscape.) 4. Streetiuape Llphtlny: a. It is the intent of streetscape lighting to add a consistent, planned look for Foothill Boulevard during day and evening hours. Lighting can have a dremafic effect on the quality of the streetscape design. b. All lighting fixtures in the public rightof-way shall be consistent along Foothill Boulevard and approved by the City Engineer following recommerMafions o(the Planning Commission. Materials shall be consistent and in keeping with the desired theme. Poles and supporting hardware shall be consistent with Cify standards. c. All development areas outside the public right-of-way shall use high pressure sodium lighbng. All direct light rays dull be confined to the limits of the building site. IV. CIRCULATION IMPROVEMENTS A. 000t9f MedlBO P~oQrem -Based upon traffic analyses, a continuous 14-foot wide raised landscaped median shall be provided on FooBtill Boulevard. The median can provide benefits necessary to accommodate increased development and traffic demand in the following areas: ^ Increased vehicular capacity ^ Increased vehicuar/pedestrian safety ^ Increased vehicular mobility ^ Increased vehicular level of service Median breaks shall occur only at major signalized intersections as detemdned by the City Engincer. Alternate median breaks may be considered subject to a detailed traffic safety analysisand subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. B. Medierl DB41Of1 -The 14-foot wide median shall be designed to provide attess control and a unifying landscape statement. The median will feature two basic types of planting. Accent tre planting scrape myrtle), underplanfed with a low evergreen groundcover, will be provided at median noses. Ever- green trees (Rhus lanma), urWerplanled with shrubs and groundcover, will be planted throughout the balance of the median. (Sec Figure 6.) iNi ~(Pagi~ _-... __...___ /~Je 9 wro<racs,~M AEdAN ACCEM TLEES (CRAPE MYRTLE) TWANGULAR SRLCNC AT te' O.C. s• ane wne• coNCRETE PAVER MAMENANCE EDOE RNUS LANCEA 30' O.C. MA.N)R EVEgR1EEN TREE LM' MANTFNANCE EO(~ CONCRETE PAVERS N EAPANSM7N .IDNT MORTAR BED iTVPICAL 2% ~ CONCRETE DETAIL SECTION NTS PARKWAVIMEdAN ACCENT THEE CRAPE MYRTLE ~1'~ ~~ MAJDR EVERGIEEN MEDIAN TREE (RNUS LANCER) $NRIIBSIfV101111D CDVER e'~0• CIEAR 20NE Z• 3 6' CU1B W ITl' NARDSCAPE MANTENANCE EDDE r ~ ti~ 7 ~ ~ E D ~ ._ / Dl OF MAMTENANCE E SECTION rvPpAt Mo BLOaL LacaIDN Flyure 6 • Median Design 9UWLEMENMI/ ~ nC~ )19I V. SITE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Building $ 12LF7QQ2 2nd floor Pulsing Foothi0/Milliken Activity Center. ^ FaothiB 25' (45') 25' (~) 45' (45' avg. 30' min) ^ Milliken 25' (yl) 25' (~) 45' (45' avg, 30' min) Fswthili/Rachsster Activity Center: ^ Foothill 25' (459 45' (#) 45' (45' avg, 30' min) ^ Rochester 25' (%) 45' (Yt) 45' (45' avg, 30' min) (1) As meuured from ultimate curb (am (+k) Refer to TVt7', VCP, or 1SP for regulations / 1:1 Buadbq S.Ibwa Ratb (pp~ ~ /~ 2nd Slwr Wrwltt.d .t AMMtm /~i 1- ~` i , !S~ ~ ~ '~?° .~+~' ~~ fo r ~..,~+ .w~+lyw I }---- LS ~~~ Td~ Flpure 7 -Activity linter Bulidlnp Setback - ---------- ONI ~ I g~ ~ _ IUPVLE4EMMM Reu Property tine @nilttlna P;trlsutC ^ Adjacent to Existing or Planned Residential 25' (ik) 15' (#r ) Development ^ Adjacent to ext5ting or Planned Cnmmerdal 0 (+Y) 5' (~ ) Development Lnfalor tide Pmorrtvline gym P.atld~i ^ Adjacmt m Eldatlng or Planned Residenfiai Deveopment 25' (~) 15' (tlt ) ^ Adjao=nl m Existing or Planned Commerdal Development 5' (+k) 5' (3k ) 8. Height Llmitallona - Actlvhv Centara (fl ^ within 45' of street curbYace: Foothill Boulevard (at MfiWcen) 35' FooWll Boulevard (at Rochester) 20' Milliken Avenue 35' Rochester Avenue 20' ^ Within 100' of single family residential district 25' ^ Other locations (aM ) ^ Towers, nmpeniln, rotundas (3k ) (U Refer to TVCP, VCP, ISP for suburban parkway areas. (#) Refer to TVCP, VCI', or I5P for regulations 1 lIWIEYEHTPY Page 12 rNl ~~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 26, 1991 TO: Chairman and Nembere of the Planning Comm Beion v FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Murphy, Associate Planner SVBJECT: FNVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DBVELDPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Development Diatrict• Nep from "OP^ (office Proteseional) to ^FBSP^ (Foothill Boulevard 5pecif is Plan) far an t 8.3 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 22'J- 152-18 and 30. StnfE recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ENt P N AMENDMENT 91 O1 CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend th! Foothill Boulwerd SI»ciEic Plan to include the i 8.3 acre parcel at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avlnu! within Subarea 4 and eeteblieh standsrde fo[ development - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. Staff recommends ieeuance of a Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL AS S855lBNT AND TBRAA VIBTA COMMVNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF IUNCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to eetebl Leh certain strlabcape end •Lte design standards coneieient with th! Foothill Boulsverd Splcitie Plan for that port ton o[ Foothill Boulsverd within th! Tsrra Viete Planned community. Stuff reconends ieeuance of a Negative Declaration. FNVIRONMENTA_ ASSESSMENT ANO VICTORIA CONMUNITY PLAN N 0 C V N - A roqueet tc letabl Lsh certain etreltecap! end site design standards conelstent with th! Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Victoria Planned Community. Steft recommends ieeunnc! of a Negative Declaration. pwvranNMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDVSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04 - CITY OP RANCHO CVCAMONCA - A request to eeta611eh certain streebcap! and sere deign standards coneieient with the Foothill Boulevard Spsci[Lc Plen for that portion of Foothill Boulsverd within th! industrial Arse Spec if is Plan. Staff reconsnande iuuanc! of a Negatvv¢ Dlc la ration. ~ ~7 EXHIBIT ~ PLANNING COMMISSION STA' REPORT DDA 91-01 - CITY OP AANU... CVCAMONGA April 26, 1991 Page z I. BACKGROVND: On September 16, 1987, the City Council approved the Foothill Boulevastl Specific Plan (FBSP). The PBSP was enacted to provide a unified development scheme far the Foothill Boulevard Corr idor through the community. A eignif is anC element of this plan ie the special etreetecape deei9n provisions which tie together the vieunl nepecte of this major commercial roadway. The portion of Foothill Boulevard between Dear Creek Channel and the 2-15 Freeway was not part of the Specific Plan study, and therefore, Lta provie LOna do not apply to the development of Lhat "Missing Link" portion of the corridor. At the time of FBSP approval, the Planning Commission and City Council expressed the desire to apply the atreetecape design guidelines of the Plan to the missing eeci iOn. On April 27, 1988, the Planning Commission reviewed draft regulations for the missing Link. At that time, the Commieaion recommsndetl that the Rochester Avenue/Foothill Boulevard intersection be included as an "Activity Csntet." This modification he• Desn incorporatetl into the Foothill Boulevard Deeign supplement (see ExhiDlt ^A^). II. FRAMEWORA: The implementation of the Foothill Boulevard Dee Lqn supplement ie proposed as an amendment to the Terra V1eta and Victoria community Plane (TVCP end VCP, respectively), the Industrial Specif lc Plan (ISP), the Development District Map (DDA), end the Foothill Boulevard Speoif is Plan (PBSP). Tne TVCP, VCP, and ISP amendments will create an addendum to the existing deei9n guidelines and tlevelopnent standards for each plan. The DDA and FBSP amendment• will remove the nort heaet corner of Rochester Avenu• and Foothill Boulevard from the General city zonLng des ignetlon of "oP^ (Office Professional) and will include it within Subarea 4 of the eBSP within en "office" designer ion. The amendments to the respective plena, as proposed, will not alter the uses thee ere permttted or conditionally permitted under the current raga lstions. Rather, the FootAL11 Boulevard Deeign Supplement contains the design stendard^ that •tatt 6elievea are essential Ln meintsininq the flow and character of Foothill Boulevard through the Ctty. A 6risY~ summery of the des Lqn aupplemant Se as follow.: III. ACTIVITY CENTEP;: Activity Camara are points of inbreet located at motor intsrsectlons along the Foothill corridor. They are to provide individual identity by concsntret Sng commercial and other activit See et epecLfied key locations. These activity canters ere generally mare urban in nature then the rest of the Doulevard with buildings closer to CDs street and a gnatsr emphasis on building design. The currant FBSP ca1L for Lhasr ^eetlvlty canters^ to be located at the following locations: d ~V PLANNING COMMISSION BTA' VEPORT ^OA 91-01 - CITY OF RANt_.. CllCAMONGA April 26, 1991 Page 3 + Foothill at Bear Gulch + Foothill at Vineyard Avenue + Foothill at Archibald Avenue + Foothill at Et iwanda Avenue The proposed ^mieeinq link" amendments would add activity centers in the following locat ion e: + Foothill at Milliken Avenue + Foothill at Roche stet Avenue + Foothill at Maven Avenue These activity centers are proposed to be developed coneietent with the FBBP regulations. The activity canter provide for a pedestrian scale foz all Du ildinge while allowing mid-ties development ae a backdrop. The main difference in the act ivlty centers will be the erchltectural style proposed: A. Foothill at Milliken - TM M1111ken interaction considers eontemporery architectural style ae L presently demonstrated on the south •ide of Foothill Boulevard. Elements anticipated to De aced include, but ere not limited to, flat roof tope, smooth end uniform wall surfaces, and large expanses of glace. B. Foothill at Rochester - Tha erchitecturel style proposed at the Rochester intersacticn will 6a eclectic in nature utilizing such elements ae low, long 6ulldinge, covered porches, stucco/plaster walla, nrchee, end clay rile roofs. C. Foothill at Maven - Becauw of Lts prominence in ens "heart" of the City, the Foothill/Haven intersection i• deepev ing of an activity center designation. However, because three of the four corner are developed, ehs act ivlty center Lmprovemente w111 ba limited to the area within the public right-of-way. Thi• application will permit the intersect ion to exhibit coneietent features of the PBSP including enriched etraet paving, am Lched sidewalk treatment, and specisl etraet furniture. The new buildings will be •et beck from the street ae hoe been done with Lha developed corners and ee Le identified in the applicable community or epecif is plan. ZV. SUBURBAN PARKWAY - The properties locaGd outside of the Activity Centers will follow the PBSP euburhan parkway standards, Thees arses link the activity centers with a lae• formal stratecepe design to include meenderinq/undulating sidewalks end informal landscaping. Bu Lldlnq• in these ares• have deeper estbacks end ors often sapareted from the attest by landscaped parking areas. ~ ~9 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF "SORT DDA 91-07 - CITY OF RANCNC .CAMONGA April 24, 1991 Page 4 The suburban parkway standards evolved through similar design concepts created for the TVCP, VCP, and IBP, thereby ensuring continuity along Foothill Boulevard. PROPERTY OWNER RESPONSE: Prior to scheduling this item for public hearing, staff distributed copies of a "draft" design supplement to several of the affected property owners along Foothill Boulevard. Staff has received comments from one of the land owners, Lewis Nomes, expressing their concerns about implementation of the guidelines (see Exhibit "B"). AFter having reviewed the various comments, staff believes that the two main di £ferences between the design supplement and the Lewis Homes' direction center around the architecture proposed and the concept of "activity cents ra." While the Commission may wish to discuss the type of architecture that should be provided at each activity center, staff feels it is important to maintain a consistent theme at the intersection or "node." Staff feels that there is sufficient flexibility in the architectural guidelines to allow developers to adapt/respond to changes in market condi bone. In addition, staff suggests that the creation of these activity centers will provide developers with more flexibility in site planning by allowing buildings to be pulled closer to the street freeing up areas internal to the site. Activity centers will "tie" the visual aspects of Foothill Bou lave rd together from one end of the City to the other through the repetition of landscape, hardscape, street furniture, end building setbacks. ALso, the centers serve as focal points to draw pedestrians who may then venture into a particular project through connect inns to plazas, pathways, buildings, or other features. VI• ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: In reviewing the environmental issues connected with the proposed planned community and specific plan amendments, staff notes that the amendments will provide design atan der ds to tie together the Foothill Boulevard corridor. There are no changes being proposed to the land uses that are different from those currently permitted. In that these uses were previously addressed in the Environmental Impact Reports prepared for the respective community or specific plans, staff has determined that the amendments will not have a significant of fact on the environment. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission issue a Negative Declaration. VII. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The amendments will provide for the development of comprehensively planned urban communities that are superior to the development otherwise allowable under a]ternetive re gu lotions. The amendments wi~l provide for development of the planned communities and specific plans in a manner which is consistent with the General Plan and which relates to element and 25~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF ~pRT DDA 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHC JCAMONGA April 24, 1991 Page 5 growth management policies of the City. The amendments will provide for the construnt ion, improvement, and extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required within the planned communities. In addition, the amendments will not be detrimental to the public health c. safety or cause nuisances or si golf Scent adverse environmental impacts. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE: These items have been advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, and notices were sent Co all property owners within 300 feet of the Development Die trier and Foothill Houlevard Specific plan Amendment boundaries. I%. RECOMMENDATION: StafF recommends that the Planning Cammisaion review the proposed design supplement end recommend approval of Development District Amendment 91-01, Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 91-01, Terra Vista Community Plan Amendment 91-01, Victoria Community Plan Amendment 91-01, and Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 91-04 and issuance of a Negative Declaration to the CSty Council. Aespgy u y su6m' red, ~~ ~. Brad City Lanner' BB: SM:mlg Attachments: Exhibit ^A" - Foathlll Boulevard De91gn Supplement Exhibit "B" - Letter from Lewis Homes (Dated April 3, 19911 Resolution Recommending Approval of DDA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of FBSPA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of TVCPA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval olf VCPA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of ISPA 91-04 .~5 / -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMUNGA STAFF REPORT DATE: June 12, 1991 Y1 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Coemiission II.JJ FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Murphy, Aas ociate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT' AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENCMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Development Districts Map from "OP" (Office Professional) to "PHSP" (Foothill Boulevard Specific Plant for an t 8.3 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227- 152-18 and 30. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FOOTHILL HOVLEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91'01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan to include the t 8.3 acre parcel at the noztheast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue within Subarea 0 and 'establish standards for development - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA - A request to establish certain atzeetscape and site deal9n standards consistent with Ghe Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothl ll Boulevard within the Terra Vista Planned Co:mlunity. Staff recommends issuance of e Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to establish certain stree is cape and e!te deli qn standards consistent with the Foothill eoulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Bou levar~ within the Victoria Planned Commiunity. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL AS SESSMHNT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN ANENDMENT 91-06 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to es tabli eh certain etreetecape and site design standards consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Induetriai Area Specific Plan. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. EXHIBIT G PLANNING COMMISSION S?AFF •DftT DDA 91-U1 - CITY OF RANCHO JCAMONGA .lone 12, 1991 Page 2 I. BACKGROUND: These items were continued from the April 24, 1991 Planning Commission meeting to allow staff to work with affected property owners on refinements to the Fooi hill Boulevard Design Supplement. Several meetings have taken place with tt.e major focus being directed at three elements of the Design Bupplement - 1) azchitecCUral style of the activity centers, 2) building height and setbacks at the activity centers, and 3) landscaping. II. DISCVSSZON: Activity Center Architecture - Vnder the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, specific architectural styles were des Sgneted for the activity centers at the western end of the City. These architectural styles were designated in response to the character of prominent, existing structures within the activity centers. For example, the Bear Gulch activity center design is respective of the Sycamore Inn while the Thomas Brothers Winery ie the style determinant at the Vineyard Avenve activity center. Originally, the Draft Design Supplement was set up to provide a particular architectural style at the activity centers - Milliken was proposed as "contemporary" end Rochester was proposed as "eclectic." In reevaluating this idea, staff suggests that a particular architectural style for each activity center may not he necessary becavae the activity centers are predominantly vacant. Instead, staff proposes that the archit: cture for the activity center intersection be based on the &iloaing criteria: 1• New proposals shall con sidez and respect the architectural style of existing buildings. For example, the Aggazzot ti Winery, located at the southeast corner of Foothill and Rochester, is a potential National Historic Registry candidate. Any proposals for this activity center intersection should be designed to be compatible with th18 structure. This does not mean that new proposals must emulate the architectural style of the winery but, rather, that they moat be compatible. 1 2. There are no ex Sating buildings located at the Milliken activity center iotersection. AS a result, the Development Review process will eetabli sh the flavor for the area when reviewing the Bevel opmenta. New proposals need not "duplicate" the architectural style of previous submittals but moat be compatible in terms of architecture and or ientatl on with the other corner(s) of the intersect inn. ~.~3 PLA.NN ING COMP:I SaION BTAFF ORT DDA 91-07 - CITY OF RANCHO _JCAMONGA June 12, 1991 Pa qe 3 Hu ildinq Height and Setbacks - Prior to the Planning Commission meeting of April 24, 1991, staff received comments from representatives of Catellus Development, the owner of the property on the south side of Foothill Boulevard at Milliken Avenue. One of the items mentioned in their letter was a segues[ to allow [wo-story structures at the activity center setback line. While the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan does not allow two-story buildings at the front setback line 125 Eeet from curbl, staff suggests that the Foothill; Milliken intersection may be the apFropr iate location to create a more urban setting. The extent and location of the two-story elements should be based on review of specific proposals through the Development Review process. The Design Supplement has been revised to provide for this request. In addition to the letter from Catellus Development, staff has met with Lewis Nomea to discuss building height and setbdcks. Lewis Hnmee has expr eased reservations about "forcing" single story boil din qa up to the intersection versus providing a multi-story building back £rom the intersection. Staff suggests that the acti viey centers are not designed to "force" buildings up to the corner but, zather, to create a focal point through a combination of building placements landscape treatment, hard scope treatment, street furniture, etc.. The activity center allows single story buildings (and two-story buildings at Milliken) to be pulled closer to the Snte raection but also allows multi-story buildings to be set back from the corner provided the activity center/focal point element is being achieved through the use of other features. i~andsceping - The Design Supplement extracts information from the Foothill Boulevard spec if le Plan (FBSP) in order to maintain the flow of the corridor through the use of consistent landscape, hardacape, and street furniture treatments at the activity centers. Many of the issues raised by Lewis Homes in their letter are in keeping with the concept established by the Footh ilt Boulevard Specific Plan. The changes suggested by Lewis Homes will further supplement the plant and hardacape palettes proposed for Foothill Boulevard. In some casesr the addition of the landscape material suggested by Lewis Homss mey be necessary in order to soften the massing of the bvildin g, s[ren gthen pedestrian connections, provide accent treatments, etc. The one issue Chet has not been adequately addressed at [his time is the err set furniture thet will be used within the Foothill corridor. When the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan ~5~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF JRT DDA 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO ~~CAMONGA dune 12, 1991 Page 4 was approved, the plan depicted aesthetic street furniture that could be considered. The consultant who prepared the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan suggested that a standardized street furniture palette be established for the corridor. This is a work program item for Advance Planning and will be presented to the Design Review Committee and Planning Commission at a future date. III. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the proposed Design Supplement and recommend approval of Development District Amendment 91-01, Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 91-01, Terra Visa Community Plan Amendment 91-B 1, Victoria Community Plan Amendment 91-01, and Induatrl al Area Specific Plan Amendment 91-04 and issuance of a Negative Declaration to the Ci Ly Council. Respec~ submit ed, t Brad ler City Planner BF:SM:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Foothill Boulevard Design Supplement Exhibit "R" - Letter from Lewis Homes IMay 22, 19911 Planning Commi scion Staff Report Addendum (April 24, 1991) Planning Commission Staff Report (April 24, 1991) Resolution Recommending Approval of DDA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of FBSPA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of TVCPA 91-01 Reaolution Recommending Approval of VCPA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of ISPA 91-04 asp CI'CY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT ^ATE: July 10, 1991 V TO: Chairman artd Members of the Planning Co:mnissiort V FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY; Scott Murphy, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Development Districts Map from "OP" (Office Professional) to "FB3P" (Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan) for an t 8.3 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN: 227- 152-18 and 30. Staff recommends isauance of a Negative Declaration. ENV IAONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPEC ZFTC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan to include the } 8.3 acre parcel at the northeast corner of Foothill eouievard and Rochester Avenue within Subarea 4 and establish standards for development - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. Staff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COtRAUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to establ ieh certain etreetscape and site desi gr. standarda consistent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion nE Foothill Boulevard within the Terra Vista Planned Community. Staff recommends isauance of a Negative Declaration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A lequeet to establish certain s[reatacape and site design standarda consistent with the Pooth111 Boulevyard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Victoria Planned Community. Staff recommends isauance of a Negative Declarat loo. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZNDU ST RIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04 - CITY OF RANCHO WCAMONGA - A request to establish certain etreetscape and site design standarda cone istent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan for that portion of Foothill Hou levard within the Industrial Area Spec i£lc Plan. Staff rec ~~miends igauance of a negative Declaration. @XNIBIT 9 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DDA 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA Su 1y 10, 1991 Page 2 BACKGROUND: On June 12, 1991, the Planning Commission continued these items to allow staff the opportunity to address concerns/cou®ente raised by the Commission and to work with Lewis Homes on further refinements and clariEicationa to the Foothill Boulevard Design Supplement. After having met with Lewis Homes, it appears that there are only two major areas of disagreement, 1) pedestrian orientation towards Foothill Boulevard and 2) landscaping. II. ANALYSIS: A. Pedestrian Orientation - During the preparation of the Design Supplement, Lewis Homes expressed their concern about the creation of activity centers ae pedestrian environments. Because of the width of Foothill Boulevard and the volume of traffic on the street, Lewis Nomea Eeela that pedestrian plazas/amenities should occur on the interior of the project. Btaff agrees that plazas/amenities should occur within the project Dut also, in keeping wiN the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan (PB SP), along the acti vlty center frontage. Additionally, the buildings Chou ld be deei goad pith 3fi0 degree architecture (ae aucgested by Lewia Homes) and should relate to Foothill Boulevard at the pedestrian level. It may not 6¢ necessary to provide shop open in 9s directly out to Foothill Boulevard but passi yewaya into the site and storefront designs should be considered along the activity center frontage. Tha buildings should not "turn their beck" to Foothill Boulevard. Landscaping - The landscape design pzopoeed for the Design Supplement is identical to the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. In reviewing this rnncept, Lewis Homes has raised questions about the deei gn of the activity center and parkway transition areas. They feel Chat the Crape Myrtle trees used at the activity center Chou ld be placed with in the parkway with a double row of evergreen canopy used behind the Crape Myrtle. They stated that the Crape Myrtle will never become large enough for people to walk under or create a canopy over the sidewalk. Per City Council d9 zectlon, the concept proposed is extracted from the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan in order to "tie" together the corridor. If the Commission feels that changing the concept should be considered, the entire Foothill corridor should be revieged simultaneously to maintain the mnti nutty of Foothill Boulevard. The parkway transition deei gn along Foothill Boulevard cone late of flowering Plum trees in a 75- to 150-Foot area situated between the formal planting of Crape Myrtles at ~~~ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DDA 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA July 10, 1991 Page 3 activity centers and the informal planting o£ London Plane trees within the suburban parkways. Lewis Homes has raised the issues that creating a successful tranaif ion requires the intermixing of the Crape Myrtle and London plane rather than the introduction of a third tree species. While staff does not disagree with this idea, changes to the tree palette within the "missing link" should only be considered in conjunction with changes to the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. Additionally, the flowering Plum is not an approved street tree and the preference of the Engineering Division would be not to use it within the City's right-of-way. Street Furniture - As mentioned at the previous Planning Commission meeting, the Selection of a Street Furniture Palette for Foothill Boulevard is on the Planning Division's work program. Because no palette has been approved, references to particulaz types of furniture have been eliminated from the Deai gn Hupplement. Once a palette is approved by the Design Review Committee and the Planning Comnis9lon, the Street Furniture Palette will become an attachment to the Design Supplement. III• RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the proposed Design Supplement and recommend approval of Development District Amendment 91-01, Foothill Boulevard Specific P Lan Amendment 91-01, Terra Vista Community Plan Amendment 91-01, Victoria Community Plan Amendment 91-01, and Indusizial Area Specific Plan Amendment 91-04 and issuance of a Negative Declarer ion to the City Council. Re spec ly 9uGnittedr Bra Bul City PLanner BB:SM:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Foothill Boulevard De91 qn Supplement Resolution Recommending Approval of DDA 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of FBSP A 91-01 Resolution Recommending Approval of TVCPA 91-D1 Resolution Recommending Approval of VCPA 91-01 Resolution Aecomnending Approval of ISPA 91-04 ~~ ~~E-%.~ F. NVIAONHEN AL AS SSMEN AND D VE LO PH NT DIST I T AMENDMENT 91-01 CZTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A tequeet to amend the ^evelopment Dis[[icte Hap from "OP" (Office Prof eeaional~ to "FBS P" (Foot hill Boulevard Specific Plan) for an ! B.3 acre parcel located at the northeast carnet of Foothill Boulevard and Roeheater Avenue - APN: 227-152-1R and 30. Staff recommentle ieau anee of a Negac ive Declaration. (Continued Erom April 24, :991.) G. NV N AS AN O VAAD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CVCAMONGA - A request to amend Cho Footnill Bou leverd Spec if is Plan to Include the 2 B.3 acre parcel at the norihaaat corner of Poothill 9oulevard and Roc neater Avenue within subarea 4 and eetab liah et andarde for development - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. Staff recommends iaeuance of a N/get iv/ Declaration. (Coot inued from April 24, 1991.) H. NV N N V N CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA - A request to utabli/h certain etzeK SC ape and site doign standards con/i/tant with the Foothill Bou lavard Specific PLan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Terra VLrta Planned Community. Si aft recommends iuuanee of • Negative Deciaration. (Coot inued from April 24, 1991.) I. ON V CITY OF IUNCNO CVCAMONCA - A [aquut to uGbli U1 Ce[tain et net steps and site des ign stendard• consiebnt with tM Poothill BouLverd Spee if is Plan for that portion of Foothill Boulevard within the Viceoria Planned Community. Staff ncommend• iuuanee oC a Negni iva Declaration. (Continued from April 26, 1991.) S. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04 - CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMOHGA - A request to utabliah Cettain et[HCSrape and •iN de/ign ^tandard• cone Ltant with the Poothill Boulevard spat if is PLan Eor [hat portion a[ Poothill Boulward within the Induetrlal Are Spec iE is Plan. staff recommend/ iuuance of a Negat Lve Osclaution. (continued from April 24, 1991.) Secet Hu rphy, MeociaU Planner, pruenbd the et aft report. Commiaeia her Nelc her a/ked by what mechani/m eha new design guide lino would be eat ended to cover tM property loeated on eM nofehuat corner of Footnill Bou Uvard and Aochaater Avuw. Mr. Murphy ruponded that •ta[t recommended eM corner be removed from the off ic• Pro(u•tonal DL/eriet of the gen/ul City under the Dwelopment Code and be added to Subaru 4 of the Foothill Boulevard specific Plan in order to set up standard/ a •n act lv ity cents[ Lo be coo i/tent with other •lemant• of tna Foothill Boulevard Spetttic Plan. Planning Comein ion Minute -4- Juna 12, 1991 ~5g EXHIBIT E Commissioner Melchor aaked if the doe ign guidelines presented Eor the Terra Vista Community Plan, the Victoria Community Plan, and the Industrial Spec:f:c Plan would not be applicable to the frontage from Boc hest ez to I-15. Mr. Hurphy re apontled that was correct, but indicated the proposed design guidelines are virtually identical to those in the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan. Ccmmissioner Mslcher aaked iE it would be appropriate to require that an applicant piopoeing the first project at each of the activity center :nteraectione develop a master plan indicating the potential fot all four corners. Mr. Murphy stated it would be pose ibl• to add ouch a requirement if the Commie/ion determined that mould be appropriate. xe intl icatetl that at the Mi11iY.en activity center, staff hoe had tli/cuuion with the property owner on the south aide of Foothill and Hilliken and the owner i• cone itlering carrying the activity center concept over to Orchard. Commie loner Melchor stated that although ha did not expect to change the Foothill Boulevard Bpee ific plan, he did not particularly favor the activity center concept. He did not feel that there will De heavy psdutrLn trattie because of the buoy arurial /ireet• borderlnq the projects. He wu concerned about bringing two-story boil tlinga up to any of the interwcilon/ beeauo there i• no cL+r dieeinction on how fat tM act ivlty center extends from the inienactio n. He etid /ome of the etreetecape trutmen!• extend to the fir/C driveway and the conment thae tM /tend+rd• may extend to the ooze /tree[ m+de him quset ion the wisdom of permitting two-story Development at all. He felt the opennaee of Lntersectlone i• more deeireble. Xn felt two-/Cory 6uildinge will cause +n interaction to appear cloud in. Xe asked far a de[in it ion of street furniture. Mr. Murphy replied Lt would include benchu, light ^tandard/, bollards, trash receptacles, bike rack/, and h+rderape treatment and pattern/. He said it would include objects placetl between the curb end building face. Commi a loner u.leMr asked it it would 6e pouibl• to extend the tlefinit ion to include tho myriad of warnin4 and scoff le requlaeion signs nqu trod by the city. He aid the City requires developer/ to qo to great expsna to provide high-end pieces o[ equipment for the /ices[ [rootage and he felt the •lgns should be •Smil+rly upgraded. Xe eked i[ CM /action on the north •ide of Foothill between our CtNk and Haven i• coveted. Mr. Murphy responded th+t ehree oC Chs [our corners' an already developed and tine remainder would M controlled 6y tM Development Code. Commissioner He lch/r quutloned if the intent of includlnq evergreen eza• in the land/cape concept act ton woulO be to Lnc lode pine tree or eonifera. He commented chat Lewi• ha proposed supplementing the Teru Vleta frontage with p ine• ar coniten. Planning Commie ion XSnuC/• -5- June 11, 1991 `cJ vG! Hr. Murphy replied that the intent was not Co tie down apecit is tree ty pee other than Ghoee that ate common in the activity cent era of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan already. Ha said it was purposefully left open to allow review on a ciao-by-ca/e basis to be sure that appropriate mat eriale would be selected for each corner. He said it could include pine trees or canopy tree e. Commissioner Melcher wa/ concerned about th/ practicality of maintaining ported plant material/ a/ Bugg//tad in Figure 3. Hr. P.urphy replied that the exhibit wa/ taken directly Cram the Foothill Boulevard Spec itic Plan. He /aid the intention of the activity center wa• to provide a hard/caps surfed from the curb to the building Eau with trees planted in trap we Lle with grits/ over the top. He acid the potted plants were included as a way of trying to cotton the building •levat ion/. Ha did not know if the long term maintenance had been evaluated. Comm iae io ner Helchs[ ae ked if the intent wu io include Cocal theme town rs, clocks, ar kiosks on each corner. Mr. Murphy replied that ihs intent wu that a foul point be cresUd at the corner, you ibly through • raiud planter are, water element, etc. Ne said theme towers, clocks, oz kio/ks were not intended for every corner. Commie ioner Helcher a/ked if Caltrans will permit [he /uggeeLd eroeawalk treatment in Foothill Boulevard. Brad Bul le z, City Plnnnst, /rated that eN plan was ptocHwd through Caltrans, and they ac knowlsdgsd that the treatment i• • pouibility. Ns said Eng inwring and Planning have not yet submitted /peci[ic plane regarding fns street furnitu rs and street paving path rns. commie ioner Helchsr wondered if Caltrans will accept such an ingn/ive level of development. Mr. Buller stated that so far two proyeeb have been submitted at Foothill Boulevard end Vineyard Avenue and Gltran• moditisd tM rsgcut on tN south e ids. Commissioner Helchsr eked it a work program ha• been •cMdu lad [o •s Lct street turnieure. Mr. Buller stated the work program had bean rfmoved from the Planning dpartmsnt•^ budget and incarporatsd into • capital improvsmant program, which wee lank cut. Hs uid hs would pursue the matter with ehs Community Development Director. Cammi a is ner MQ char wondsreQ i! 75 to 150 feet would he adequate to accompli/h the transition contemplaGd between GM formal corner treatment• at the a<uvity tenon to CM informal parkways. Planning Commi a ion Minute -6- Juna 12, 1991 `V I Mr. Mutphy responded that the Foothill Boulevard 5pecif is plan transition area is only 75 feat, which ua• being doubled bec ease the developers felt a larger area nay bs nets nary. Commissioner Melchor asked if the general guidelines apply to only the a et iv ity canton or to the entire •trast frontage. Hr. Murphy re epo nded that moat of the suburban parkway areas would be reviewed under the Terza Vista or Victoria Community plans. Conmiae ioner Malcher questioned the matlian tree selections. Mr. Murphy replied that the Crape myrtle and Rhu• lances were the only trees Cflltren• Eound aceeptab is for the mad lan area. Commiaioner Malcher asked if etalf had reviewed [ha cammant• submitted by Lewis Xomas. Hr. Mutphy rupondetl that staff had reviewed the eaomenG antl incorporated ahem into the du ign gu idalins• where staff felt it wu appropriaU. Commie ioner Malcher asked if tM design gu ltlelina for Terra Vista Paothill 0oulevard commarc ial sibs were ralatiw. Hr. Murphy seated Lt was provided as background information. He indicated the design gu ldelinu were intended to leave the use of two-story elements at the cornea and the length the activity center would extend tzar the corners up to GM disoniion of` the Design Rav Uw Ca~mitta wb~ect Co [he LLb speeif ie plans wDmit bd. Commie ioner Melchor felt that if the Cormal hardscape is extended to the first tlriwway, it would deter the landscape parln+ay transition. Mr. Murphy etabd that if the nardecape extends to tM [lot driveway, the driveway would crab toe break and !M parkway transltion Concept would nos be used. chairman McNiel opened GM public oaring. Joe Olewn, LewU Moams, thanked the Clty [or the opportunity to provide i ntormatlon for the development of tM amendments. He felt it was a product ivs prota• Dut oe thought rash should be further fine tuning. He nquab0 a scot !nuance to work out Coe details on speeitlc items and euggabd • workshop might be ^chedu lad. Ne thoughe other comments Erom Lewis Home' May 22 alterab provis ions should be included. Me eked it it would be you i6U to upend the concept propoad by staff regarding etnet [ucnitura and •t aced he would like to introduce otner Uwe and have en opportunity eo meet further with eta tf. Chairman NcNLel eked 1! R•[C Cs It toe item should be coot inad. Planning Commie ion Ninuto -)- Juna 12, 1991 ~~~ Hr. Buller stared that depended upon cne comments that Lewis Homes wished to present. He ea id if Lewis Homes was merely looking for claziEic anon, he felt that could be handled later. He thought the document present=d is coneiatent with the Foothill 9oulevnzd Specific Plan. Chairman McN iel ae ked if the item were to be <ont inu ed if Chace were any projecca •n process Gnat would be nvgat ively atf vctvd. Mz. Buller stated that et off he• been alert inq dvvalopera that changes would be forthcoming. Hr. Oleaon felt Figure 3 shoe ld be revised because he did not feel it accurately repreeent• a poteniinl activity center with 25-foot avtbac ke. Hv thought the graphic •howe eetbacka of appzoz imately 100 feet. Ha ea id they would prefer to see a 25-foot setback with the building eeparat ing to an inter toe plaza. He eugguCSd a concept •lmilar to Century City with largo plazas lo<atetl between large buildings. Hr. Buller etaGd the Commie ion could direct LMt sGE[ mast with Lewia Homea and return at a later meeting. Mr. Olaecn volunteered to have consultants to Lewia Name part icipaie in the proceu. Commie ionar Nelcher sugguted to Commie loo proved with Oevalopment District Amendment 91-O1 and Foothill Boulwtrd Bpac it is Plan Amendment 91-O1 to add the S 8.3 acre parcel to the Poothill Boulevard Specit ie Plsn but continue the otMr items regarding tM otabliehmenG of atandtrde. Mr. Buller recommended that the items De kept together. commi a toner chit iaa felt Commioioner Nelchec had coma good po iota regarding clariEl<at ion. 5M was comfortable with the document as a who la and Ea Lt there i• cuff is tent lot itude in CAs dos lqn rwisw procu^ to make approprtau decisions. She did not foal the tiret corner to tlevelap at an intersect ion ahould muter plan all lour corners but thought all corrnr^ should be een•it ivv with respect to hardscape and landeaaping. Cammi a Lo ner Mslchsr thought the docwsen! ahould not necu urily give ezamp U• Decaue that may rand to stifle creativity. Commie ionar chltlu stated that wMn tM Pooch 111 Boulevard Specific Plan wu first developed, people asked for saamplss. SM iQdieaud the example were never ment to be all encompu Bing. She euggebd addlnq "but not limited [o" language, Notion: Moved by Mslchsr, seconded by Chi[ie, to coot inusd Environmental Auusment and owelopment District AmsndaNnt 91-01, Environmental Mwument and Foothill Boulevard Speci[ic Plan Amendment 91-01, finvironmsnUl Meoment and Terra Vist• Community PLn Amendment 91-01, Environmental Auuement end Victoria Community Plan Amendment 91-O1, and Enviranmmtal Auusment and Planning CommLeeion ilinuts• -B- June 12, 1991 ~ ~-3 Industrial Speoa £ic Plan Amendment 93-04 to July :C, :991. Notion carrietl Dy the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITT EA, MCNIEL, NELCHEA NOES: CONM ISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLS TOY, VALLETSE -carried Planning Commission cecss eed from 8:25 p. m. to 8:35 p.m. K. ENVZAONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL VSE PERMIT Bfi-06 - RICHARD STENTON - Modification Of cored itione of approval to allow land u see requir inq a more intensive parking ratio than the one provided Eor research and development (1 apace per 350 square feet) within an aistinq industrial complex on 13.7 acres of land in the General Induetriel Disiri c< (SUbsres 11) of the Induetriel Area Specltle Plan, located on the northwest corner of Buffalo and 6th Street - APN: 229-261-78. Staff recommends iesunnce Of a Negative Deelazat ion. (Continued Ezom May 8, 1991.) Chairman McNiel opened the public haring. there were no consents. Motion: Moved by Chltia, aconded Dy Melchor, to eontlnue Environmental Aeeeeeme n[ and Modification to Conditional Uee Permit 86-06 to lone 26, 7991. Hot ion carried Dy the following vob: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, MCNIEL, NELCXER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CONMISSIONEAS: TOLSTOY, VALLETTE -carried L. ENVLPONMENTI~~ ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 91-OJ - JA.MJSS PAGE - The request to otabllsh • ^m ini-mall" (swap meet) in a Land space of 103,552 equate [at within an exist inq induct risl center on 17.77 acre of land in tM Cnecal Industrial District, (subarea 11) Of the Induetcial Ara Epecltic Plan, LOe•ud at 11530 Sixth Sprat - APN: 229-026-2A. Staff recomsends iauance of a Negative Declaration. A•LUd the Conditional Ua Permit 86-06. (Continued Crom May 8, 1991.) Chairmen McniQ opened tM public harlnq. There were no comments. Motion: Moved by Ch1tSN, seconded by Ne lcher, to Continue Env ironmenul Aueament end Cored it canal Ua Permit 86-06 to June 26, 1991. Mot can u[rietl by the follawlnq vote: Planning Comm uion Minuue -9-/ ~' June 12, 1991 ~ / ORDINANCE NO. ~~~ AN OROIP!ANCE CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 91-01, AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS MAP FROM "OP" (OFP ICE PROFESSIONAL) TO "FBE P" (FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN) FOR A PARCEL CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 8.3 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF FOOTN ILL BOULEVARD AND ROCHESTER AVENUE, AND M.AXING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-152-18 and 30. A. Recitals. (i) On July 10, 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above referenced Cevelopment District Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Conmisaion adopted ire Resolution No. 91-94, the ceby recommending that the City Council adopt Development District Amendment No. 91-01. (ii) On Heptember 18, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. e. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as follows: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set forth ir. the Aecita ls, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Haeed upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on September 1H, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council specifically fi nd9 as follows: a) The amendment pertains to a t R.3 acre parcel of land located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue with a street frontage of t 900 feet along Foothill Boulevard and Y 400 feet along Rochester Avenue and i6 presently vacant. Said parcel is currently des ignated as "OP" (Office Professional); and 6) The property to the north is designated for residential uses and is developed with single family homes. The property to the weal is desi grated for office and cosmiercial uses and is Vacant. The property to the d ~J CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. DDA 91-01 S eptenibex 18, 1991 Page 2 south is designated for industrial uses and is developed with a single family residence. The property to the east is designated for utility and flood control facilities and is developed with such; and c) This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development within the district in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related deve lopmentt and d) This amendment will promote the goals and objectives of the Land Use Element of the General Plan; and e) This amendment would not )>e materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would not have a significant impact on the environment nor the surrounding properties. SECTION 3: Based upon the subatautial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearings and upon the specific findings of facts se[ forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 abover th ie Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: a) That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed district in Cerme of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area; and b) That the proposed amendment would not have significant impacts on the environment nor the surrounding properties; and c) That the proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. SECTION d: This Council hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Env Lr onmental Quality Act of 1970, and further this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 5: Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in pare graphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby ordains that pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Coder the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves Development District Amen dtoe nt No• 91-01, changing the District designation fro6~ "OP" (Office Professional) to "PREP" (Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan) as depicted in the attached "Exhibit A". EECT ION 6: The City Clerk shall certify [he adoption of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: The Mayo[ shall 9i 4n this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15~ days after the passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and ci cru lation in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Cal lfornia. ~C/ EXHIBIT A J~. I I ,.cmaQ rc+oowar„v~yyp,~, ~ Q 0~ ~€ ~? 4 ~ C~ ~~ y C.J~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ !P +'1~rYNhY ~ E - - ~- J' `~ E~i uw '-'- - - - "'v~Nr I I I V a ~; u Z v a (%! 00 a vi Q I i ~ 0 jo I ~ i`---- I I I I~ < ~ ~ -- m I~ ,~ U ~ ~ & ~~ I o ~r____~ RESOLUTION N0. 9/~~7C~J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COVNC IL OF THE CITY OF RANG HO CVCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 91-01, AMENDING THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDE T8E PARCEL CONSISTING OF APPRO%I MAYFLY 8.3 ACRES AT THE NORTHEAST CO HNER OF FOOTHILL BOULEVA AD AND ROCHESTER AVENUE WITHIN SUBAREA 4 AND ESTABLISH STANDARDS FOR DEVELOPMENT, AND MAKING FINDINGS ZN SUPPORT THEREOF. APN: 227-152-18 AND 30. A. Recitals. (i) The City eE Rancho Cucamonga hat initiated an app Lication for Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment No. 91-01 as des cribed in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Foothill Boulevard 5pecif is Plen Amendment is referred to as "the application." (ii) On .TUly 10, 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the application. Following the conclusion of said public hearing, the PlannSng Commission adopted its Resolution No. 91-9E, thereby recompendinq Ghat the City Council adopt Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment No. 91-01. (iii) On September 18, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucanonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing on that date. (iv) A11 legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it ie hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga es follows: i. This council hereby apecif ically finds that all of the Eacta set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution's re true and cor cert. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during [he above-referenced public hearing on September 18, 1991, including written and oral testimony, this Council hereby 9pecif ically finds as follows: (a) The amendment pertains to a t 0.3 acre parcel of Lend which is located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Aocheater Avenue with a street frontage of 1900 feet along Foothill Bou leVard and 2600 feet a Long Aocheater Avenue and is presently vacant. Said parcel 1,8 currently designated as "OP" (Office Pro Ee s41ona1); and ~~ CITY COUNCIL RESOLDTION NO. FBSPA NO. 91-01 September 18, 1991 Page 2 (b) The property to the north is designated for residential uses and is developed aith single family homes. The property to the west is designated for office and commercial uses and is vacant. The property to the south is designated far industrial uses and is developed with a single family residence. The property to the east is designated for utility and flood control fact litiea and is developed with such; and (c) This amendment will incorporate the tB.3 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue into Subarea 4 of the Poothi ll Boulevard Specific Plan as an Activity Center; and (d) This amendment will ^tie" together the visual aspects of Foothill Boulevard ae a major commercial corridor through the inq~lementation of streetscape and site design standards contained within the Foothi li Boulevard Specific Plan. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to thi9 Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of Eacta set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the Amendment will provide for development of a comp rehensiveLy planned urban community within the Dietzi ct that is superior to development otherwise allowable under alternate regulations; and (b) That the Amendment will provide for development within the District in a manner conalatenG with the General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the City; and (c) Thet the Amendment will provide for the construction, i mptovement, or extension of transportation facilities, public aril idea, and public services required by development with the District. 4. This Council hereby certifies that Che project has Deen reviewed end considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. NOW, THBREFOREr BE IT PESOLVED, based Upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3r and 4 above, that this Council hereby approves and adopts Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan AmendmenC 91-01 as attached in Exhibit "A". a ~9 ~-_---- >f/YJ %i0 I I I .KS/L7 YIWVryJ MJH9(.]t a same,.- i O ~ ~ I _ _ . w.s J ' ~ ~ ~ I ( ~ ~ ~/ 8 ~ ~, _ O~ ~~ _~ i f ~- ~~~ p~~ ~ o i ; --.-r= ~I 1 ~ ~ ~~1 -_ ~ it d~= 0 a W Q m N C3 _Z Z Z Q J a a r 3 4' EXHIBIT A-1 Z-V 1181HX3 a ~I^ L ~ T r D Z Z n a i 0 z 0 ~~ a y Z^ LJ N it W ~~, D A y C IRp' Ip I wttl mmim~mnm~~mm~ ~ ~ r- - .- - - C Q ~~ l C_ - ~'i ,~ ~ a '(I ~ i ~ ~ ~'~~ a j~ ~ o ^ ~ ii € 3 ~ , p I E ~~; ~ E------ ~o~ i ~ry €E ~ [~ ~ff--ll Q OO ~ , ~~ - M/Y _G _ ~ IW1111111111YUIIIIIIIY~ II ,~ I ill L' L'h.W- ~g/I l0/SNP ~~ ~ >~~l~t1Y nt.. 1~ tfRwlltn ... .L, „~,,., r ..... Subarea One Suouea Two Suwrea TSree $uuurt~ F~~-: $~p, C0~7FRClAL i' C c O 1II2 P S ' Ct.O SiR \iHR SC CC CO LsOC S'A l' S"' CC RRC s1A ! Apparel: al Bcupques X X X X X X X X X as G n -al X X X X X X X X 5 R _ [ores and jpgl ante eoa r Art, Nustc, and Photographm X X X X X Studio and Suon'v Stores X X X X X X X X X Y• 0 Auto Serv ce Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 .auto Service iincludmg motorrycles, boars. wailers, campers); al Sales (wuh anetllary reparc famliriesl O O O O b) R<ntals 0 O O O D c) Ninor Repan (does not include major engine work, muffler shops. patnu ng, body work, upholstery, etc.) O O O 0 0 d) Coin-op Washing O O ,. c) Amomant Washing O O C B+ke ~ (et l n l l X X X_g„ % X X X X X @arher and Beauty Shoos X X X X X X X X X X X X• X @ed and Breakfast O O O O O O O O O Bmvcle Shoos X X X X X X X X• @Iueor m antl Phn ocoov Cerv ces X X X X X X X X Y Book, Gdt, and Stationary Stores i other than adult related mater all X X X X X X X X X X X Y 0 Cant' and Conrec 'nnar'es X X X X X X X X % X• Cater ng Enabl'shmenss X X X X Y X Ch na and Glassware Stoles X X X X X X % Y• Ch nstmas Tree Sales Lots i nocret q~ on a temonryv n1' 1 X X X X Churches O O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O O O O 0 Clean na & Press na Es abl ishments X X X X X X X X Y X 0 Cocktail Lounge fbar, lounge, tavern) __ mcludmg rcla ed entena amen[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 Commernal Recreation: a) Indoor uses such as bowling and btlLuds O O O 0 O O O 0 0 b) Outdoor uses such as tennis and 6askctball O O 0 0 O O O O 0 Convalescent Fat I t es & Hospy}gls 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 O O O 0 Curia n and Dryperv Shoos X X X X X Y X Dos-Care Centers 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 Dclicatess<ns & .Specially Food Stores X X X X X X X X Y X• Drug Stores and Pharmanes aver 10.000 sq. (t. X X X X X X o Pharmaacs with or without <pecialty retail under l0 000 :a._ r~_ o n o ___ F.duca[aonat tnstttu t>.ons, pa roch sal prs va to liner ud tnq r-ol rages and an i'~V[4l ct esl l~, 9 as EXHIBIT A-3 'I V I F c P RVITI'F !I 1 \~I `.UI'I ~~ \" \ PEBM"~~:~ (OJ ('$Fi One $„oareu TWO S_buca Tcrer s_r_::. p F ch X X X Y X X X X X Y X Y _ __ ~ c X X X X X Y Y Y- X X X Y Y - HeaIN toes 1th:euc Grins and e W ht R d C' cs X O X O X O O Y _Y_ - y ., < X X X X X X Y x I X X X X Y Y ) t y x x x Y Y _~ ) s x x x x x x Y- Y t S I c I x x x O Y -- x x x x X X :cranes ar.d -.aa ars. ~ i:.c O O O O 0 0 -_ O x x x x x x --_ Y Y Bo Y: nestles 6 Cene Cartes U Mus ¢, Dance, and Manual O X O X O X X Y .i~-d Mag -- X X X X X X X X X Y Y X• Vurscnes & Gard<n Supply Stores Of(me. Business Machine and fo,.+n ~. fnmoonem Stares X X X X X X X X Y F ~ K' 1LC1gB SI s X X X Y Y- - Parrt.ng fac: i:<:es icom- :ceraai~ w.`.ere Eee3 are ~,J parks and rec tees non Eacrl \c:es pue':c and pr:~:ace ~ x x x x x x x Y• x x x x x x Y_ ~- Pol:c:~al or phi lanchrop:c h2adQ ud [C2 [5 Pr r: ace and publsc cLuba and lodges, ~nciud:ng i9CA, YMCA, and slmt lest p ~ou:r, group aes c X X % X X X X X - K Reccea c:onaL ~. e... c:e 7 storage yards _ Rtsuunnu (sn down), ai Wnh emm~ainment and/or O O O O O it serving of alcohoLe beverages 0 0 0 0 0 bl (rndental serving of Eetr and wine (w ithom a cocktail lounges X x Y bu. emerumment, or dancing) x X 0 X X O X X O 0 u Cafe, limn<0 l0 2V Beau 0 X (mduding outdoor stating) X X X X X X X X X ~ dl Fast Food wllh dnvathru 0 O O O O O O h t c nru O O O O EXHIBIT A 4 ~•a.all CI'M\14RY 748( OF P RMITT FD Yc •\D '(1\DITIf ~ I f Y PF^\IITTFO I I 'F RF_T.4IL COM\ R I4 'c c~ Subarea One cC CC O \tR P Subuea Two cC CC O \aR \4;'t Subarea Three c O \42 \tR ' Su'~a:ea ~ \ C RRC t R :.'. Shoe Sro•es Sale ar,d Reva X X X X X X X Y Y C $ner.alcv Recall O O 0 0 0 0 O SDorur.g Goods Stores: ai Spma:cy: hackpa<kmg, ;enncs, skung. mourn u:n:rg fisn:oe roc Y _ X X _ .. .~ •' 6'.~, v_;:rw' Y Y t h~ General: encompassing a vanen' of snows euu omen: X X X Y Y X C Sw mm na Paol Supyl es X X X X Y Taclor Shovs X X X X X X X Y Tdevcsion. Radio. VCR, Seereo and Comvonem Sales X X X Y Y Tov Stores X X X X X X X Y Vanuy Department Stores, Junior Deoar~ rt Srores O X O X O X X Y Vemnnary (domestic): a) Non-boazding 61 Rnard'ng X O O X O O X X O O X X p O O W tch a d Clo k R S s X X x X X X X X X X- Yardaee Goods Stores X X X X X '/ocauonat or business c: ode scnools 0 F\TFRT4h'4tE'vT & CLITLRAS L'cE Subarea One c SC CC O MR P Subarea two SC CC O MR MHR Subarea Three SC CC M LMR MR Su~ouea Four C ML' CC R_RC \{R LI 4rt odes 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O Cultural/Artist ExN btts: ai Indoor gallery and art salts y_ Outdoor an exh b is X 0 X O X X O X O X O X X O Theaters: a) Dinner cheater O O O O O O O O bl Movm theater O O O O O Subarea One Subuea Two Subarea Three Subarea Four OFFICE & ADN[VISTRATIVE USEC SC CC O Ibt P SC CC O MR MFIR cC CC CO LA92 4Rt U ML' CC R_RC \LR LI Admmistratcv<. Business, and Prnless onal Office X X X X X X X X X X X X• % Banks. Finance Services k Institutions - without dr~,~e~;hru X X X X X X X X X O X X „ wuh dr veuru 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 Bus ness and Off ce Services X X X X X X X Y Interior Decorauna Firms X X X X X X X X X X .Nedaal/Dental Off¢es & Related Hell ~h CI n cs X X X X X X X O Y Y• •~ Ooc¢tan and Omometncal Shnvs X X X X X X X O K Y• t Realtors and Real Estate O!I ces X X X X X X X X X X K Y• Travel Agent es X X X X X X X X X K K Y• '< EXHIBIT A•5 9 ' SUMMARY TARLE OF PFRMiTTED (Xl 4N1) CONDITION AI I Y PERM1tITTFD fA) IICFG Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Subarea Four RESIDENTIAr l ISEC SC CC O 4Rt P CC CC O MR hfFIIt SC CC CO LMR MR L1 MLr CC RRr 4CR t I Sypgle Family Detached X X X X Single Family Attached (duplex, triolex Coumlex) X X X X X X X Mult'-Fam'Iv Dwellings X X X X X X Ancillary Residential ilses: a) Nome-care facilities (6 or less) X X X X X X X b) On-site private recreation facilities X X X X X X X Accessory Uses: a) Accessory structures X X X X X X X PI ~ALIC ^SES Subarea One Subarea Two SC CC O hR2 P SC CC O M1R MIIR Subarea Three CC CC CO LA9t MR Cr M Subarea I7 rr 1LRC Four MR 1 1 0 Tr anS't Facil'[ie< 0 Pu blic Ut'lity Installations X Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Subarex Four HO TEL UCES CC CC O 1118 P CC CC O MR h41R cC CC CO L~ Fffi U M Lf CC RRC hRt :•( 0 In tel/Morel O X 0 Ho tel Facilities (major) X An cillary Uses: a) AeautyBarber Shop X b) Cafes X c) Catering Services O d) Cockuil Lounge O e) Conference/Convention Facilities O q Florist Shops X g) Cift Shops X h) Newspaper/Magazin< Stares X i) Pharmacies X j) Restaurants (sit down) X k) Tourist Information X h Travel Artenc'es X Subarea One Subarea Two Subarea Three Subarea Four IN DUSTRIAL- CS ES Sr Cr n AaR P Sr M n astrR cr rr m t xrc naA n xn i rr nor nm t s All indusuial uses and development standards shall be as provided in Sub-area 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan (ISP). • Refer to RRC note (•) Section 9.9.2 I V.;.4d EXHIBIT A•6 - - - - rte-: R•- - - - - - -- - - ,,.~,a..<~.m.~...,s,~ ~ i ,~ _~ ~ fl C ~~~ ~I~II 'L---- II """ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~,~ ' , M d ~: \~~y~ ~ Q ; I~ "' 1 ~ $ III _J did q~ ~ I~_r~ -_ ~ i i~ ~ ~ ~ i /'MME ~f/9~n __ ..1 i ~ - ~ - r - ~1•I~ I '~ -_, r.__-- aZ a J a W l~ D Z Q J W u < LL 1 W W < 6 O ¢ ~_ J F W i p. 'J J ~ u o n s z p W W J F = V W Y{ W a ~ 2 J p y o < ~ aro °u » J ~ d a o i ~ o = Ll ~ ~~i.i u W a i a o u v w `= = <a i= i J u g O ~ t C T W O a a F p Q W R ~ O j j W O 0 1 6 p p q= U F J W i o>>> < v a 0 i 0 O W W i L O W W J J a a W p O i . 1 EXHIBIT A-7 i ~ Y~ I ~~ ~ i` i ,a ~, ~, ----~, I LT" I I ~ `~ I ~ I I~ ---~~ I-- - - ' I ~ I ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! - - ~ I -o.... _... _ ... - I ~ --- - - _~ ~~ SUB-AREA 4 ACTIVITY CENTER MAP SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS AND LAND USE REGULATION IV-9,51c EXHIBIT A-8 9.9 SUBAREA FOUR LAND USE REGULATIONS 9.9.1 Primary Function/Location Subarea Four is located contiguous to the Foothill Corridor, between the Oevore I-i5 Freeway and East Avenue. Subarea Four acts as a major gateway into the city of Rancho Cucamonga and is char- acterized by a variety of commercial, residential, industrial uses, and mixed use/residential. Regional related uses will be provided adjacent to the Devore Free- way, designed to compliment the Victoria Gardens Regional Shopping Center. The following matrix establishes the uses which are permitted IX1, conditionally permitted 10), or not permitted in each of the five affected land use subcategories. NOTE: Site Development Standards Section and shall apply to shaded areas only. i ~ ' s alai ~d b~~d~~y~~,~'i a l_____ _ g I? - - - - II IQ4C7dbCJ~i1a ! g9Qt~ I•I ~ I II ~ ~ i ~ i I ~ i i ~ i i ~ i i - _-- gin, y . _ sa.~~.:.o -- ~~ 1'u I SUB-AREA 4 -ACTIVITY CENTER MAP - - ~ ~ i it ' ~ ~~ _ ..•:., . .. d ~ ~* ~ ':~t~.'': ~ ~- ~=~~~ ~~: ~,.,- - - - --- -j , j ~ ';'' G t d } A EXHIBIT A-9 9.9,2 Permitted and Conditional Uses Retail Comment lal Uses - Land Use CC RRC MR LI"" o Antique Shops Apparel Stores: a) Boutiques X X b) General X X Appliance Stores and Repair X X Art, Music, and Photographic Studios and Supply Stores X X" o Auto Service Station O O o Auto Service (including motorcycles, [wets, trailers and tampers: a) Sales (with ancillary repair facilities) O o b) Rentals O O c) Minor Repair (does not include mayor engine work, muffler shops, painting, iwdy work, upholstery, etc.) O O d) Coin-op Washing 0 0 el Automatic Washing O o f) Parts and Su pplles X X Bakeries (retail only) X X Barber and Beauty Shops X X" x Bed and Breakfast O Bicycle Stgpa X X" Blueprint and Photo Copy Services X X ' x Book, Gift, and Stallonary Stores X X c (other than adult related material) Candy and Confectioneries X X' Catering Establishments X X China and Glassware Stores X X* SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS AND LAND USE REGULATION EXNIBIT A-10 Retail Commercial Uses -Continued Land Use CC RRC MR LI"" , Christmas Tree/Pumpkin Sales lots Operated on a Temporary Basis X Churches O O , Cleaning and Presslrg Establishments X X o Cocktail Lounge (bar, lounge, tavern) i nc ludlrg related entertainment O O p Commercial Recreation: a) Indoor uses such as bowling, billiards O o b) Ou tdaor uses such as tennis and basketball O O c Com~alescent Facil hies and Hospitals O O O o Curtain and Drapery Shops X X Day Care Centers O O o Delicatessens and Specialty Food Stores X X Drug Stores and Pharmacies X X Educational ins ci tutions, parochial, private lincl uding colleges and ono versrtiesl ~ Farmers Markets X X Florist Shops X X x Floor Covering Shops X X Furniture Stores X X Hardware Stores X X Health and Athletic Gyms and Weight Reducing Clinics X X• x Hobby Shops X X• Ice Cream Stores and Soda Fountains X X" Jewelry Stores X X" Janitorial Services and Supplies X X• p Laundry (Self Service) X Leather Coods and Luggage Stores X X EXHIBIT A-11 Retail Commercial Uses - Commercial Land Use CC RRC VR LI'" ; ~ aclic and - .avo 0 Liquor Stores 0 4lessenger and Wire Services X X• Mort ua r:es and cc:r.e ca vies .Music, Dance, and Martial Arts Studios X Newspaper and Maga:lne Stores X X" Nurseries and Garden Supply Stores Within Enclosed Area X X Office, Business Machine and Computer Component Stores X X o Paint, glass, and wallpaper stores X X Parking Eacil hies (com- mercial( where Eees are charged p Parks and rec rear ion Eac:ii[:es, pu bltc and pr r:a to 0 Pet Shops X X• Photocopy (Xerox) X X" :.:race aM nubl:c c;~bs and +.odees, -..c l.:d:no YMCA, YWCA, and similar '/ou [r. group uses 0 Pol a:cal or pnilanthropic headquarters 0 Recreational vehicle storage yards 0 Record antl Tape Stores X X Restaurants (sit downs: a) With entertainment and/or the serving of alcotglle beverages 0 O o b) Incidental serving of beer and wine (without a cocktail lounge, bar, entertainment, or dancing) X X x c) Cate, Ilmitad to ZO seats (Including outdoor seating) X X x d) Fast Food (with drNe-thru) 0 O o (WlthMrt drNe-thru) 0 0 u SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDAR OS AND LAND USE REGULATI~~. - EXHIBIT A-12 - Retell Commercial Uses -Continued Land Use CC RRC 51R LI•• p Shoe Stores and Shoe Repair Shops X X Specialty Retell p Sporting Goods Stores: a) Spec laity; backpacking, X X tennis, sklirg,meuntaln- eerirg, fishing, att.) b) General; encompassing a X X variety of sports equipment Supermarkets X X Swimming Pool Services and Sales X X Tailor Shops X Television, Radio, VCR, Stereo, and CDComponent Sales X X Toy Stores X X Variety Department Stores, Junior Department Stores X X Veterinary (domestic): a) Non-boarding X X o b) Boarding p 0 'J acational or business trade schools p Watch and Clock Repair Shops X X• Yardage Goods Stores X X Entertainment and Cultural Uses Land Use_ CC RRC A'R LI•• Arcades 0 0 Cultural/Artist Exhibits: a) Indoor gallery and art sales X b) Outdoor art exhibits 0 Discotheques 0 0 Theaters: al Olnner theatre O 0 b) Movie (multi-plax) O O EXHIBIT A-13 Office and Adsinistntive Usea - Land Use CC RRC MR LI** o Administrative, Business, and Professional Office X X" x Banks, Finance Services and Institutions (with drFa-thru) O 0 ~ (Without drWe-thru) X X x Business and Office Services X x Interior Decorating Shops X x Medical/Dental Offices and Related Health Clinics X X* x Optician and Optometricel Shops X X* x Realtors and Real Estate Offices X X" x Travel Agencies X X" x Residential Uses - Land Use CC RRC MR LI*" o Single Family Detached X Single Family Attached (duplex, triplex, fourplex) X Multi-family Dwellings X 1) Ancillary Residences: a) tome-care facilities (6 or less) X b) On-site pr Nate recreation facllitles X 1) Accessory Uses: a) Accessory structures X b) Home ocapatlon X SUB-AREA DESIGN STANDARDS AND LAND USE REGULATION EXHIBIT A-14 Hotel uses - Land Use CC RRC MR LI*• c Hotel/Motel X o Hotel Facilities (major): X Ancillary Uses o HeeutylBarber Shop X o Ca/es X o Catxrirg Services O o Cocktail Lounge O o Conference/Convention Facilities O o Florist Sho(+s X o Cift Shops X o Newspaper/Magazine Stores X o Pharmacies X o Restaurants (sit down) X o Tourist Informatbn X o Travel Agencies X Commercial/Office uses may be located in the RRC district only with the concurrent development of one (1) mayor regonally related anchor business of at least 15,000 sa. ft. per site or pro)ect. This prwlsion Is Intended to facilitate the development of large regionally related uses. Regionally related commerc lal uses are typified by large scale businesses which serve a market ara significantly larger then those businesses which draw customers primarily from the neighborhood or community level. ** All Industrial uses and deeelopment standards shell be as provided in Sub-area 7 of the Industrial Aree Specific Plan (ISP). EXHIBIT A-15 9.9,3.3 Setbacks ct v y Center Yard BuDdI Parkin 1st Flr. 2nd. Fir. Street Yard (measure from face of the ultimate curb): o Foothill Boulevard 25' SO' q3' o Etlwanda Avenue 25' SO' 35' o Rochester Avenue Rear Property Line: 25' 45' qg~ o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Residentlsl Development 25' 13' o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Commercial Development 0' g~ Interior Side Property Line: o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Residential Development 25' 15' o Adjacent to Existing or Planned Commercial Development 5' S' EXHIBIT A-16 ORDINANCE NO. 4.5 7 AN ORDINANCE OF TFiE CITY COUNCIL OF TFtE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STREETSCAPE AND SITE DESIGN STANDARDS CONSISTENT WYTH THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THAT PO RTI R7 OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUN ZTY, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) On July 10, 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public heating with reaped to the above referenced Terra Vista Community Plan Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Conmiesion adopted Lts Resolution No. 91-96, thereby recommending that the City council adopt Terra Vista Community Plan Amendment No. 91-01. (ii) On Septembar 18, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. R. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as fo llowe: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set Forth in the Reci to ls, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on S'~ptember 18, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Ccunc it hereby specifically Einda as Eollowa: fa) The amendment pertai na to property frontlnq on Foothill Boulevard within the Terra Vista Planned Coam:unityl and (b) The amendment will "tie" together the visual aspects of Foothill Boulevard ae a major rn®arcial corridor through the imp lamentati on of streetecape and alto design standards consistent with the Foothill Hou levard Specific Plan areas located to the east and wear of the Terra Vista Community Planned Community; and 28~ CITY COVNCIL ONOINANCE N0. TVCPA 91-01 September 1H, 1991 Page 2 (c) The amendment will maintain the same uses that are currently permitted or conditionally permitted under the provisions of the Terra Vista Community Plan. EEC: ION 3: Based upon subatant ial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon Ghe specific Ei ndinge of facia eeG forth in para giapha 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the Amendment will provide for development of a comprehensively planned urban community within the District that is superior to development otherwise allowable under altermte regulations; and (b) Thnt the Amendment will provide for development within the District in a manner consiatant with Ne General Plan and with re lnted development and growth management policies of the Cily; and (c) That the Amendment will provide for the conatruMion, improvement, or extension of transportation Facilities, public utilities, and public services required by development within the District. ' SECTIRi e: This Council hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 5: Haeed upon the findings and wnclueiona set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby ordains that pursuant to Section 65850 ro 65855 of the California Government Code, the City Council of the City of Nancho Cucamonga hereby approves Terre Vista Community plan Amendment 91-01 by adding the Poothi ll Boulevard Deei gn Supplement, as attached in "Exhibit A" of the staff report. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall certify the adopt!on of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: The Mayor shall ai qn this Ordinance end Ghe City Clerk shall cause the same to be pub liehed within 1'Lfteen (15) days after the passage at least once Sn the Inland Val lev belly Bulletin, a newepeper of general circa lotion published in the City of Ontario, Califomia, and circulation in the City of Aancho Cucamonga, California. ~~' 7 ORDINANCE NO. A.N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANC::O CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 91-01, EETABLISHI NG CERTAIN STREETECAPE AND SITE DESIGN 6TANDARDS CONBISTENT WITH THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THAT PORTI Q7 OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMMUNITY, ANO MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) On July 10, 1991, the planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above referenced Victoria Community Plan Amendluent. Pol lowing the coot lue ion of said public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted its Resolution No. 91-97, thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Victoria Community Plan twendment No. 91-01. (iii On September 18, 1991, the City council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said heating prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. H. Ordinance. NOWT THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Ol ddlna d9 fnllOw9: SECTION 1: TRis Council hereby apecif iea and finds Lhat all of the facts Set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance ere true and correct. 6ECT ION 2: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public heading on September 18, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifics lLy finds as follows: lal The amendment pertains to property fronting on Foothill Boulevard with In the Victoria Planned Conmunity; and (bI The amendment will "tie" together the visual aspects of Foothill Boulevard as a major coamercial corridor through the implementation of streetscape and site design standards coneietent with the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan areas located to the seat and west of the Victoria P Lanned Community; and U CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. VCPA 91-01 September 18, 1991 Page 2 (c) The amendment will maintain the same uses that are currently permitted ~or conditionally permitted under the provisions of the Vrctozia Community Plan. SECTION 3: Eased upon Ne aubstantLal evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing end upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby Ei nds and concludes as follows: la1 That the Amendment will provide for development of a comprehensively planned urban community within the District that is superior to development otherwise allowable under alternate regulations; and (h) That the Amendment will provide for development within the Oietrict in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the City; and (c) That the Amendment will provide for tRe construction, improvement, or extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required by development within the District. SECTION 4: This Council hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Council hereby Ssauea a Negative Declaration. SECTION 5: Based upon the findings and rnnclueions set Forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3. and 4 above, Ch is Council hereby ordains that pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves Victorie Community Plan Amendment 91-01 by adding the Foothill HoUlevard Design Supplement, as attached in "EZhibit A" of the staff report. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: The Mayor shall ei gn this Ordinance and the City Clerk sha 11 cause the same to be published within fifteen (151 days after the passage at least once in the Inland Valley Dai~Ry Bulletin, a newepeper of general circa Lation published in the City of Ontario, California and circulation Sn the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. 2~9 ORDINANCE NO. ~$ ! AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI FOPN IA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04, ESTABLISHING CERTAIN STREETS CAPE AND SITE DESIGN SFANDARDS CONSISTENT WITH TH6 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THAT POATI QJ OF POOTNILL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIPIC PLAN, AND HARING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (i) On July 10, 1991, the Planning Comnisaion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect tc the above referenced Industrial Specific Plan Amendment. Following the conclusion of said public hearing, the Planning Conmi salon adopted its Resolution No. 91-98, thereby recommending that the City Council adopt Industrial Specific Plan Amendment No. 91-04. (ii) On September 18, 1991, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing and concluded said hearing prior to its adoption of this Ordinance. (iii) All legal pre requis it ea prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ordains as follows: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifies and finds that all of the facts set forth in The Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing on September 1H, 1991, including wri area and oral staff reports, togethef with public testimony, thi9 Council hereby specif icnlly finds ae follows: (a) The amendment parts ins to property fronting on Poothill Boulevard within Che Industrial Specific Plan; and (b) The amendment will "tie" together the visual aspects of Foothill Boulevard ae a major commercial corridor through the imp lementetion of atreetecepe and Bite deal qn standards conelatent with the Poothill Boulevard Specific Plan areas loeated to the seat and west of the Industrlal Specific Plan; and v~O CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE N0. ISPA 91-04 September 18, 1991 Page 2 (c) The amendment will maintain Ne same uses that are currently permitted oc conditionally permitted undar the provisions of the Industrial Specific Plan. SECTION 3: Haaed upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public heating and upon the specific findings of facts set Forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Council hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) Tha[ the Amendment will provide for development of a comprehensively planned urban community within the District that is superior to development otherwise allowable under alternate regulations; and (b) That the Amendment will provide for development within the District in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development and growU management policies of the City; and (c) That the Amendment will provide for the construction, improvement, or extension of transportation facl lilies, public utilities. and public services required by development within the District. SECTION 4: This Council hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and mneidered in compllanee with the CallEOrnia Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and, further, this Council hereby issues a Negative Dec la tat icn. SECTION 5: Haaed upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Council hereby ordains that pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, Che City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby approves Industrial Specific Plan Amendment 91-04 Dy adding the Poothill Boulevard Design Supplement, as attached in "Exhibit A" of the staff report. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shell certify the adoption of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within Fifteen (15) days after the passage at least once in the Inland Valley Dai11y Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California and circulation 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. ~9/ - CITY OF RANCHO CIJCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the city Council FROM: Rick Gomez, Community Development Director SUBJECT: 8TAT08 OF VICTORIA LAEBS PARE PROJBCT The City Council has requested an update on the status of the proposed Victoria Lakes Park for the September 18, 1991 Council agenda. The primary questions identified by the City Council have been addressed as follows: Q068TION BO 1 - where is the Lakaa Park in the orocaaa7 RESPONSE: On March 1, 1989 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 393, approving Victoria Community Plan Amendment 88 -05. This approval was for land use revisions and circulation changes for the Lakes South Village (south of Hase Line Road). Conceptual designs for the Lakes Park were reviewed by both the Planning Commission and City Council as part of this amendment. On June 12, 1991, the Planning Commission adopted their Resolution No. 91-75 approving Tentative Tract 15060. This approval was for the master "superblock" map for the Lakes South Village, which created a parcel for the Lakes Park. A condition of approval requires that the Lakes Park be completed prior to the occupancy release of the 500th dwelling unit. The William Lyon Company is currently working on future tract map applications which would subdivide individual lots for development. At the time the conceptual plans for the lakes were being development, the City Council appointed a subcommittee (Wright, Buguet) to work with staff on the details of the lakes (i. e., design, adjacent uses, maintenance costs, etc.). Also, the Parks and Recreation Commission on February 21, 1991 approved the Lakes Park concept. 40E8TIOli BO 2 - Ilhat amenitisa are included in the Lakes park? RESPONSE• The Victoria Lakes Park concept plan is a total of twenty-five (25) acres which is subdivided into the following: • Three (3) individual lakes totaling thirteen (13) acres) • Five (5) acre park, including park amenities similar to a typical City neighborhood park • Seven (7) acres of trails and open space surrounding the lakes • Maintenance facility 4088TION E0. 3s Ifho has edceae to these amenities/inorovenents? ~9a~ ~- All public facilities are accessible to all people. O088TI0H NO. 4: Hor ie tba Laken Pa*k mroooaed to be constructed? RESPONSE: The proposed Victoria Lakes Park encompasses a total of 25 acres. The park, comprising of a trail, play area, parking lot, and maintenance building takes up 12 acres. The lakes, compria ing of the upper lake being 7.4 acres, the middle lake being 4.1 acres, the lower lake being 1.34 acres, and the ponds being 0.16 acres takes up 13 acres. The lakes will have a concrete edging with periodic clusters of boulders. The slopes of the lakes will be concrete with a fiber reinforcement over a membrane liner and a geotextile matting. The elopes will be at a 5:1 ratio until it reaches the bottom of the lake at a depth of 8 feet. The bottom will have the membrane liner and geotextile matting. There will be no flow of water between the lakes but, by means of a pump, water will be circulated to give the affect of water flowing from the upper lake to the lower lakes. The surrounding tracts will use the dirt excavated from the lakes to balance the grading. Any definite phasing schedule as to when excavation occurs in conjunction to overall grading operations has not been finaled. OOEBTIOH HO Ss llbat is tF ~ • ~aiatepance of t* t park? .a9a- ~ RESPONSE• The cost of maintenance for the Lakes Park was prepared using information developed by our consultants and staff. An annual maintenance cost of $251,903 was project for the first year of operation in 1991 dollars. O488TION+ NO 6 - Novi t*~ ~-+ntannnca coat to b~ osid is to aav for the mainta~nacaa At the time of the adoption of the Victoria Planned Community the Lakes park was recognized as a significant amenity. It was also understood that because of its size, it would be developed towards the end of the build out of the community. Because the developer has indicated his intent to develop the Lakes park in approximately three years the city has consulted with an assessment engineer to begin preparing an assessment program for the Lakes maintenance costs. consistent with current City assessment district policy, and the original intent of the Victoria Planned Community, the maintenance cost for the Lakes park has always been planned to be the responsibility of the property owners within the Planned Community. Because of the expected value that the Lakes park brings to the entire Planned Community, especially those properties within the Lakes Village, a graduated benefit spread based on proximity to the Lakes park is proposed. From this premise, the consultant has developed an approach which would spread the maintenance cost in relationship to the Victoria project 29a -C with the Lakes Vilaae being the colsest and the Groves Village being the furthest free the Lakes park. This results in the Lakes Village bearing the majority of the maintenance cost with it proportionately decreasing to the remaining Villages in Victoria based on distance. Even within the Lakes Village itself, as you qo further away from the park, there is a decrease in assessment. The following are the estimated assessment ranges for residential properties: Lakes $70.66 - $128.47 Windrows $21.70 - $ 25.63 Vineyards $16.28 - $ 19.15 Groves $10.85 - $ 12.77 These costs are in 1991 dollars and the precise assessment must be refined based upon final construction drawings for the Lakes Park and the final subdivisions. These cost projections are, however, within a reasonable range of probability. These have been calculated based on spreading the cost on both residential and non-residential properties. Any delays will have to incorporate a 68 annual inflation factor. Should you have any additional questions regarding these issu s, p se contact me anytime prior to the Council mee ing. R c lx submitted, Development Director Attachments ~9a- -CITY OF kANCHO CLJCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 18, 1991 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager BY: Jan Reynolds, Atisistant Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO FINANCING OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND FORMATION OF MELLO-BOOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 91-1 RECOMMENDATION: Consideration of the Resolutions of Intention to form Mello-Roos Community Facilities Dis[ric[ 91-1 and Incur Bonded Indebtedness to fund public improvements required for Victoria Gardens Regional Shopping Center and surrounding properties. BACKGROUND: On August 7, 1991, the City Council directed staff to investigate the feasibility of forming a financing district to fund the public improvements required for the regional shopping center and surrounding properties. The following analysis focuses on the structure and formation of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District. ANALYSIS: The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, grants authority to cities to issue bonds to finance public facilities and services necessary due to growth and development. These bonds are secured by the levy of specific special taxes which must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the registered voters or landowners within the proposed district. With the proposed CFD, funding will be made available to construct a more efficient circulation system for the City, the regional shopping center, and surrounding properties. The unified approach to the orderly installation of improvements, as compared to an incremental public improvement construction program, is of great benefit since it Resolution of Intention September 1S, 1991 Page 2 will eliminate future disruption to the area. The proposed improvements are shown on the attached map and include right-of- way acquisition, installation of traffic signals, landscaping, utilities and water and sewer lines, and construction of streets, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Based on the preliminary as[imates provided by the District proponents, the requested total bond amount has been set a[ an amount not to exceed $55 million, with the bond structured in a two series proposal. The Series A bonds are estimated to not exceed $45 million and will fund the District public improvements. Upon successful District formation, the Series A bonds will be sold in eazly 1992. The bonds will be paid over a period of not to exceed 30 years by a special tax levied on all properties within the District. The Series B bonds are estimated to not exceed $]0 million and will fund construction of Victoria Lakes Park. The developer has indicated that these bonds will be sold in approximately three years. The assessments associated with the Lakes Park construction have been placed entirely on the undeveloped William Lyon Company property surrounding the Lakes. The developer can pay the assessment annually until the property develops, at which time the assessment will be paid in full by the developer prior to occupancy of any unit. Therefore, no residential property will bear the costs associated with construction of Victoria Lakes Park. The parcels within the proposed district boundaries include undeveloped commercial, industrial, multifamily and single family residential properties. Under Series A, each property will be assessed according to the benefit it directly receives from the improvements; however, the entire assessment associated with right- of-way, construction, and installation of Day Creek Boulevard west of the proposed K-Mart/Home Depot site to Rochester Avenue has not been placed on the Downey or Wang properties, but placed in proportion on the Foothill Associate property, consistent with the Agreement between Foothill Associates and the City. Since the rate and apportionment of the special tax is a function of the current interest rate and final bond amount, the special tax rate proposed in Exhibit "B", attached to the Resolution, depicts a "worst case" scenario. a9~~ Resolution of Intention September 18, 1991 Page 3 At ro time will the rate exceed the amounts listed. Property owners wii' be provided the option of dedicating necessary right-of-way, rather than being paid by the District funds, thereby reducing the assessment on their property. This option not only reduces the property owner's assessment, but also reduces the bond amoun[ since the District would not need to purchase the right-of-way. Additionally, A. A. Webb and Associates, the City's Assessment Engineer for the Disvict, calculates that the maximum ratio of tax to property value based on estimated single family home market values is 1.6%. Staff will continue to closely monitor the final bond amount for compliance with City policy that the tax/property value ratio does no[ exceed 1.8% for any single family residential unit. The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act requires [he City to take action on two Resolutions in order to commence ptoccedings to form a Community Facilities District. First, a Resolution of Intention to Establish a district must be acted upon by the City within 90 days after written request or a petition to create a district is filed. A formal petition requesting the City to commence proceedings to establish a Mello-Roos Communities Facilities District has been received from [he William Lyon Company and The Hahn Company. The Resolution of tntention, among other things, declares the intention to form a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District, authorizes the levy of a special tax within the District and the issuance of special tax bonds to be secured by the levy of the special tax and sets the November 6, 1991 public hearing date. At that time the City Council will take public and written testimony, act on the district formation and the Resolution of Necessity to Incur Bonded Indebtedness. The Mello-Roos Act requires that the Resolution of Intention describe the rate and method of apportionment of the special tax in sufficient detail to allow each landowner within the District to estimate the maximum amount that may be levied against each parcel. The rate and method of apportionment has been attached as Ezhibit "B" to the Resolution of Intention to Establish CFD 91-1. The Resolution also authorizes the City's Assessment Engineer, A.A. Webb and Associates, to prepare a detailed report containing the following information: .~~s Resolution of Intention September lg, 1991 Page 4 • A description of the public facilities proposed to be financed by the levy of special !axes ::~i:: in the District and the levy of special tax bonds; • A general description of the District boundaries; • A cost •;stimate containing the costs and expenses of providing the public facilities; • The rate and method of apportionment of the special tax • General terms and conditions relating to the proceedings This report will be presented for Council consideration at the November public hearing. The second Resolution required by the Mello•Roos Act in the formation of the financing district is the Resolution of Intention to Incur Bonded Indebtedness, which establishes the intent to authorize the sale of bonds to finance the public improvements and associated Financing expenses. The attached Resolution of Intention to Incur Bonded Indebtedness establishes the City's intention to authorize bonds in the amount not to exceed S55 million and sets November o, 1991 as the date of public hearing. Adoption of the Resolution of Intention does not legally require the City to sell the bonds in total or for each individual series. It does provide the City the opportunity to make bonds available for financing the improvements and establishes a maximum bonding amount. Prior to formal action to issue each bond series, the City Council will review the final bond amount and assessment rates. The final bond amount will be determined for each issue based upon current interest rate and final cost estimates. a9~ Resolution of Intention September 18, 1991 Page 5 Immediately following adoption of the Resolution of Intention to Form CFD 91-1, the San Bernardino County Registraz of Voters will be requested to provide the number of registered voters who have been registered to vote within the boundaries of the proposed district within the 90 days preceding the close of the public hearing. Should [here be fewer than 12 registered voters residing within the District, the landowners within the disvict will vote on the proposed tax in a special election held no sooner than 90 days following the November public hearing. Each landowner is entitled to one vote for each acre or portion of acre within the proposed District. The levy of the special [ax must be approved by a 2/3 vote. All affected property owners within the proposed district boundaries were invited to a meeting on July 25, 1991 to introduce the concept of a community facilities district and to outline the proposed improvements. Three affected properties were represented at the initial meeting; Nabisco (south of Base Line and east of proposed Day Creek Boulevard), Ellena (north of Base Line and east of proposed Day Creek Boulevard) ,and Pierotti (south of Base Line and west of proposed Day Creek Boulevazd). Mrs. Diamond, owner of a single family residence south of Base Line just east of the Nabisco site, expressed an interest in the proceedings and also attended the meeting. Although Mrs. Diamonds' residence is within the boundaries of the proposed District, no assessment is proposed to be levied on her property. A second property owner meeting is scheduled in mid-October to discuss in greater detail the improvement costs, assessment rate and methodology, and proposed financing structure. Respectfully submitted, c~°=t-~ .~..~ Linda D. Daniels Deputy City Manager -~9~ Resolution of Intention September t8, 1991 Page b Attachments: Resolution of intention Exhibit "A" -Boundary Exhibit "B" -Rate and Resolution of Intention Indebtedness to Establish CPD 91-1 Map Method of Apportionment to Incur Bonded a9~ `Raa~l~-~h~a-n ~o. 4i- aye RESOLUTION OF INTENTYON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA TO ESTABLISH COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNYTY) OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND TO AUTHORIZE THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL TAX WITHIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, the owners (collectively the "Owner") of not less than 10 percent of the area of land depicted on the boundary map descrihed herein have Eiled a written petition with the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City") to establish Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (Victoria Community) (the "Community Facilities District No. 91-1" or the "District") pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended, commencing with Section 53311 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Act") to Einance certain public facilities as more particularly described below, and (2) the incidental expenses to be incurred in connection with financing the Facilities, all to fulfill the demand for facilities resulting from development within the C.i ty and the District; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the petition submitted by the Owner complies with the requirements of Section 53319 of the Act and now intends to form Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Como~iunity) to serve the Victoria Community pursuant to such petition and r¢quest; and WHEREAS, the City Council further intends to approve an estimate of the costs of the Facilities, as defined below, and the incidental expenses Eor Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community); and a99 WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council to finance the construction or acquisition of the Facilities, as defined below, Eor the Victoria Community through the formation of Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) and to pay for certain incidental expenses necessary to the construction and acquisition of the Facilities, as defined below, including costs associated with the creation of the District and the issuance of bonds, the establishment and replenishment of bond reserve and special reserve funds; provided that the sale of bonds and the levy of a special tax to pay Eor the Principal and interest on the bonds and such incidental expenses is approved at a special election to be held within the boundaries of Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community); and WHEREAS, the Owner has agreed to advance funds to the City to pay all costs incurred in creating the District and has incurred certain of her direct costs related to the formation of the District and the construction of certain of the Facilities, ?s defined below, which the City desires to reimburse to the Gwner from the proceeds of any bonds sold by the District as permitted by Section 53313.5 and 53314.9 of the Act; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG.4 DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE F,ND ORDER as EolloWS: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2. A community facilities district is proposed to be established under the terms of the Act. It is further proposed that the boundaries of the community 6755u/2683/002 ~ -2- facilities district shall be as depicted on a map thereof as Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A hereto and the original of which is on Eile with the City Clerk. The City Clerk is hereby directed to sign the original map of the District and record it with all proper endorsements thereon with the County Recorder for the County of San Bernardino within 15 days after the adoption of this resolution, all as required by Sections 3110 and 3111 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. Section 3. The name of the proposed Community Facilities District shall be "Community Facilities District No. 91-L (Victoria Community) of the City of Rancho Cucamonga". Section 4. The following facilities (collectively, the "Facilities") proposed to be provided within Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) are public facilities as defined in the Act, which the City and the uistrict are authorized by law to construct, acquire, own and operate: (1) traffic signalizat io n; (2) street improvements; (3) sewer facilities; (4) watec facilities; (5) storm drainage and flood control facilities; (6) utilities, including, but not limited to, natural gas transmission and electric generation and transmission facilities; (7) park improvements; (8) any other public facilities which the City and the District are authorized to contribute revenue to, own, operate or construct; and (9) acquisition of all necessary real property, rights of way and easements for the above-described facilities. None of the facilities has been completed as of the date hereof. 6755u/2683/002 3 ~~3- It is the further intention of the City Council that the Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) finance such incidental expenses incurred in the formation of the District as may be permitted by the Act, including, without limitation, engineering, inspection, legal, fiscal an3 financial consultant fees; election costs and City staff time. Section 5. Except where funds are otherwise available, it is the intention of the City Council to levy annually in accordance with the procedures contained in the Act a special tax sufficient to pay for: (i) the Facilities (including incidental expenses Eor the design, planning, engineering and inspection of the Facilities); (ii) the principal and interest and other periodic costs on the bonds proposed to be issued to Einance the Facilities, including the establishment and replenishment of reserve Eunds, any remarketing, credit enhancement and liquidity facility fees; and (iii) the costs of forming Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) and administering the levy and collection of the special tax and all other administrative costs of the special tax levy and bond issue and (iv) such other incidental expenses as may be permitted by the Act. The rate and method c`_ apportionment of the special tax are described in detail in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. Exhibit "B" allows each landowner and resident within the District to estimate the maximum amount that may be levied against each parcel. The ~s p]~eC~c~ial tax is, in part, based on the 6755u/2683/002 "- ~- expected demand that each parcel of real property within Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) will place on the Facilities and, in part, on the benefit that each parcel derives from the right t0 access the Facilities. The City Councii hereby determines the rate and method of apportionment of the special tax set forth in Exhibit "B" to be reasonable. The special tax is apportioned to each parcel on the foregoiny basis pursuant to Section 53325,3 of the Act and such special tax is not on or based upon the ownership of real property. Upon recordation of a notice of special tax lien pursuant to Section 3119.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and as provided in Section 53390 of the Act, a continuing lien to secure each levy of the special taxes shall attach to all taxable real property in the District, and that lien shall continue in full force and effect until the special tax obligation is prepaid and permanently satisfied and the lien cancelled in accordance with law or until collection of the special taxes 6y the City Council ceases, In the event that a portion of the property within Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) shall become Eor any reason exempt, wholly or partially, from the levy of the special tax specified on Exhibit "B", the City Council shall, on 6ehalE of Community Facilities District No. 91-1 iV±.ctoria Community), cause the levy to be increased, subject to the limitation of the Maximum Special Tax for a parcel as set forth in Exhibit "B", to the extent necessary upon the remaining property3wCi~lt hpJin Community Facilities h955u/2683/002 `_ ~-5- District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) which is not delinquent or exempt in order to yield the required debt service payments. The obligation to pay the special tax may be prepaid and satisfied pursuant to the provisions of Exhibit A hereto. Section 6. The City Council hereby finds that the proposed Facilities are necessary to meet the increased demand placed upon the City and the existing infrastructure in the City as a result of development occurring therein and within the District. Section 7. A public hearing (the "Hearing") on the establishment of the proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) and the proposed rate and method of apportionment of the special tax shall be held at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practicahle, on Novemher 6, 1991, at the City Council Chambers, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. Should the City Council determine to Eorm the District, a special election will be held to authorize the issuance of the bonds and the levy of the special tax in accordance with the procedures conkained in Section 53326 of the Act. If held, the proposed voting procedure at the special election will be a landowner vote with each landowner having one vote for each acre of land or portion thereof owned within the District. Section 8. At the time and place set Eocth above for the Hearing, the City Council will receive testimony as to whether the proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (victoria Community) shall be established and as to the Cate and method of apportionment of the special tax and shall consider: ~~~ 6755u/2683 /002 (a) if an ad valorem property tax is currently being levied on property within proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) for the exclusive purpose of making lease payments or paying principal or interest on bonds or othee indebtedness, including state school building loans, incucred to finance construction of capital facilities; and (b) if the capital facilities to be financed and constructed by Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) will provide the same services to the Victoria Community as were provided 6y the capital facilities mentioned in subsection (a); and (c) if the City Council makes the findings specified in subsections (a) and (b) above, it will consider appropriate action to determine that the total annual amount of ad valorem property tax revenue due from parcels within Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community), Eoc purposes of making lease payments or paying principal and interest on the debt identified in subsection (a) above, shall not be increased after the date on which Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) is created, or after a later date determined by the City Council with the concurrence of the legislative body which Levied the property tax in question. Section 9. At the time and place set Eorth above Eor the Hearing, any interested person, including all persons owning lands or registered to vote within proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community), may appear and be heard. 6755u/2683 /002 ~~~ Section 30. Each City officer who is or will be responsible for providing the Facilities within Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community), if it is established, is hereby directed to study the proposed District and, at or before the time of the above-mentioned Hearing, file a report with the City Council contai ni::g a brief description of the public facilities by type which will in his or her opinion be required to meet adequately the needs of Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community), an estimate of the cost of providing those public facilities and an estimate of the fair and reasonable cost of any incidental expenses to be incurred. Section 11. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish a notice (the "Notice") of the Hearing pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code in a newspaper of general circulation published in the area of proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community). The Notice shall contain the text of this Resolution, the time and place of the Hearing, a statement that the testimony of all interested persons or taxpayers will be heard, a description of the protest rights of the registered voters and landowners in the proposed district and a description of the proposed voting procedure for the election required by the Act. Such publication shall be completed at least 7 days prior to the date of the Hearing. Section 12. The City Clerk is directed to send a copy of the Notice of the Nearing by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each registered voter and to each landowner within 6755u/2683/002 3 ~-8- proposed Community Facilities Dist[ict No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of San Bernardino. Said mailing shall be completed not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the Hearing. 6755u/2683/002 3O `_q_ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss. I, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of said City at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of 1991, and that it was so adopted 6y the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ~U 6755u/26 P.3/002 -10- STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 55. I, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do herehy certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. of said City Council, and that the same has not been amended or repealed. Dated: 1991 City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga X09 6755u/26B3/002 -11- EXHIBIT A- e 0 e _ .p n~4E~` ~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~ I4 o ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ i ° ~ S e b•:~ ~5 .,6 6 ~ ~ ~ .: ~t~ i1,.g ~ - e ~~ ga~5;s 4 `.6~6 .a 3 ~ , d6 I: ~ ~6~ ~ t 9 ~ t ' i$ ,,05 ~# 'S~~r~. ~ a ~< r 45 514 o= i ~ S . ~ 1 r€~ aas r 4 ~~ ~ $9 a d d ~3- ta~so8fa3 3 °s'"'e '~ ~r, ~ 8 z ~~ n s ~i6 4~ 5 I Q o ,pI I CL S u a ?i ^ ~- ~oa~ ~ ibSQ ~~ ~ E ~ d 1 ~, E~~ ;: ;a 7 oiot < ee ~ ~r~~a. ro ~ Passls ~ ll I o z o t- w cn c > _ ~ o .,~... C f- s ~ ~ < 0 0 ~ 3 2 ~- o s ~ z ~ z 5 8 O yr E H ° ~ ~ - t O W ~ c . » . „„<„ ¢ ~ O L o ~ ~ ! ~ p ~ ~ . z ° = -M----------- y - - ---- ~8 -- Z ».nA .din n NA < I ~ I t C U r U A - a- ti s a y rr .~ Yn.. __ o ..d. ~~i.°." Y ~ i jY Q l ~ [; I C ~ i C k ~ z Yg ~ o LL t €~ ~ m ~ .~„ ..,.... .,...,,, ~ z .a ~' ;r ~ cn U a G : ~ c ~ H o Tya~ a ~ ~ a Y p p > ¢ x . a Z ~ ~ . ~ ~ Z i C ~ > H ; ~ - m w 1t O O V i .f• 'i'.. 1). p J a ~ ~ - ~ ~ ....,... ..,.. ... ~U~ .°, O lL v a a ~ ~ o 0. ~ ~ __ ~ .-.w...Pn . .s. V ~p G • ~~.~J~-Sl.~i1~M ~ i~.A i.~ ] a K ~„ O g U Z r U ~ a 0 o ~ Y 1 u A_a a 4qpI1 I~ 4 ~ •LL a a z aga i o Rge p ~ ~ 4d' nii bug n 0 '~ .9 ~ Z o `~ i'~, F- < "° W V ~ t g8^ . _ 4' o ~ :•s App gg ' n~ i ~ ~ '~ a ~ ' oi3 ~,°~ j~$ Z ~ m y ka pn. ~ Z z ' ~ ~ ] w _ air f d W f LL _ U ~ ~ ~ ,>. s ,.. ~;; roi ~ ~ '~ Q ~ an.nw. ' ~~ •~ O lai °- d ~•r ,, E ~ i - _~-_. O o A ~ °• =qA • U ~ E ~" ~ I` ni u 14 ~~ F .~bA. .n.or mnne. t a:A~ e. ..~.'.wAn ..:::de,. 4 (~ EXHIBIT B RATES AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES FOR COMMUNITY FACILTTHiS DISTRICT NO. 91-i (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A Special Tax, the "Special Tax(es)" (defined below), shall be applicable to each Parcel (defined below) located in Community Facilities District No. 91-I (Victoria Community) of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter "CFD No. 91-1"). The amount of Special Tax ro be collected from each Patcel in any Fiscal Year (defined below) shall be determined by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (hereinafter the "Council" and the "City"), acting in its capacity as the legisladve body of CFD No. 91-1, in accordance with the za[e and method of apportionment described below. All of the property in CFD No. 91-t unless exempted by law or Secdon F below, shall be taxed for the purposes, to the extent, and in the manner provided herein. A. DEFINITIONS "Assessor's Parcel Map" means an official map of the County Assessor of the County of San Bernardino designating Parcels by Assessor's Parcel Number. "Alternate Special Tax Rate" for Developed Property which is Residenfial Property means that amount of tax computed by multiplying the numbers of Net Taxable Acres contained wi[hin a final subdivision map, parcel map, or functionally equivalent map or instmment by the applicable Altercate Special Tax Rate as specified in Table t below. The resulting product is then divided 6y the number of Patels or dwelling units contained in said map. The resulting quotient is the Alternate Special Tax Rate for each Parcel or dwelling unit created by said final subdivision map, parcel map, or functionally equivalent map or instrument. For Developed Property which is Non-Residential Property, the Altema[e Special Tax Rate shall be the amount per Net Taxable Acre as specified in Table 1 below. B-1 "Assigned Special Tax Rate" means the applicable Special Tax per Parcel based on the applicable rote per dwelling unit or Net Taxable Acre as specified in Table 1 below. "Developed Property" means, as of 7uly 1 of any Fiscal Year, all Parcels for which a final subdivision map, parcel map or functionally equivalent map or instrument creadng lots or parcels upor. which residential units may be constmc[ed or creadng lots or parcels for commercial and industrial development has been recorded prior to Mazch 1 of the preceding Fiscal Yeaz. "Exempt Property" means any Parcel or other property within CFD No. 91-I described in Secdon E which is exempt from the lery of the Special Tax. "Fiscal Year" means [he period starting on July 1 of any year and ending the following June. 30. "Maximum Special Tax" for a Parcel of Developed Property, means the greater of the Assigned Special Tax Rate or the Alternative Special Tax Rate applicable to such Parcel. Maximum Special Tax for a Parcel of Undeveloped Property, means the Assigned Special Tax Rate applicable to such Parcel as set forth in Table 1 below. "Net Taxable Acre" means an acre of Developed Property or Undeveloped Property, exclusive of property exempted by law or the provisions of Secdon F below from the Special Tax; the acreage calculation for Developed Property will be based on the dimensions as shown on or calculated from the recorded final subdivision map, parcel map, or functionally equivalent map or instrument; the acreage calculadon for Undeveloped Property shall be the acreage shown on or calculated from the Assessor's Parcel Map. B-2 "Residential Property" means those Parcels upon which residential units may build. "Series A Bonds" means those bonds issued by CFD No. 1 to fund domestic water improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, road improvements, flood control and storm drain improvements, utility improvements, and right-of--way acquisition. "Series B Bonds" means those bonds issued by CFD No. 1 to fund constmction of the Lakes Park in the Village of Victoria Ickes. "Non-Residential Property" means those Parcels which are not classified as Residential Property or exempt property pursuant to Section F. "Parcel" means a lot or pazcel shown on an Assessor's Parcel Map with an assigned Assessor's Parcel number as of the date of the levy of the Special Taxes for each Fiscal Year. "Special Tax Requirement - A" means that amount required to be collected from Tax Rate Zones 1 through 15 in any Fiscal Year to pay: (1) debt service on all Series A Bonds or other indebtedness of CFD No. 91-1 related [o the improvements as described in the definition of the Series A Bonds, (2) costs incurted by the Ciry and CFD No. 91-1 in the annual levy and collec[ion of the Special Taxes related to the Series A Bonds, (3) other reasonable costs of CFD No. 91-1 related to the admini,tration of the Series A Bonds, and (4) any amounts required to replenish any reserve funds established in association with the Series A Bonds. In calculating the Special Tax Requirement - A for a Fiscal Year items (1) through (4) shall be net of bond reserve earnings and other interest comings described in B•3 the bond resolution for the Scries A Bonds reasonably expected to be available, except those earnings that may be required for rebate purposes "Special Tax Requirement - B" means that amount required to be collected from Tax Ra[e Zone 16 in any Fiscal Year to pay: (1) deb[ service on all Series B Bonds or other indebtedness of CFD No. 91-1 related to improvements described in the definition of the Series B Bonds, (2) costs incurred by the City and CFD No. 91-1 in the amual levy and collection of the Special Taxes related to the Series $ Bonds, (3) other reasonable costs of CFA No. 91-1 rotated to the administration of the Series B Bonds, and (4) any amounts required to replenish any reserve funds established in association with the Series B Bonds issued and sold for CFD No. 91.1. In calculating the Special Tax Requirement for a Fiscal Year, items (1) through (4) shall be net of bond reserve comings and other in[erest comings described in the bond resolutlon for the Series B Bonds reasonably expected to be available, except those comings that may be required for rebate purposes. "Special Tax(es)" means the Special Tax m be levied in each Fiscal Year on all Parcels to fund either the Special Tax Requirement - A or the Special Tax Requitement - B. "Taxable Property" means all Parcels in CFD No, 91-1 which are not exempt from the lery of Special Taxes putsuant to law or Secdon F below. "Tax Ra[e Zone" means any of the sixteen (16) Tax Rate Zones listed in Table 1 hereof to which a Parcel is assigned as a result of its location on the Tax Rete Zone Map included as Figure 1. B-4 "Undeveloped Property" means all Parcels in CFD No. 91-1 which are not classified as Developed Property or exempt property pursuant m Section F. "Victoria Community Plan" means the Victoria Community Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted by the City Council on May 1A, 1981 as may be subsequendy modified, supplemented or amended. "Victoria Lakes" means the Village of Victoria Lakes az shown in [he Victoria Community Plan. "Victoria Windrows" means the Village of Victoria Windrows az shown in the Victoria Community Plan. B . ASSIGNMENT TO TAX RATE ZONE For purposes of determining the applicable Maxvnum Special Tax az specked in Table 1 in Section D below, Parcels shall be assigned to one of the Tax Rate Zones pursuant m Figure 1. C. ASSIGNMENT TO TAX CLASS For each Fiscal Year, all Parcels within CFD No. 1 shall be classified either as Developed Property, Undeveloped Property, or Exempt Progeny. Additionally, each Parcel of Developed Progeny within Tax Rate Zones 1 and 4 shall be assigned m a Tax Class within such Tax Rate Zone depending upon its density calculated by dividing the number of Parcels or dwelling units in the recorded subdivision map, parcel map, or functionally equivalent map or instmment in which the Parcel is included by the Net Taxable Acres as B•5 contained therein and shall 6e subject to the levy of the Special Tax in accordance with the rotes and method of appordonment set forth in Sections D and E below. D. MAXIMUM SPECIAL TAX RATES The Maximum Special Tax for Parcels within each Tax Rate Zone for each Fiscal Year for Developed Property shall be the greater of the Assigned Special Tax Rate or the Alternate Special Taz Rate, and for Undeveloped Property shall be the Assigned Special Tax Rate all as set forth in Table 1 below. If Developed Property which is Residential Property has been subdivided and/or developed so as to result in a density which does not fall within any of the Tax Classes defined for any Tax Rate Zones set forth in Table 1, the Assigned Special Tax Rate for each Parcel or unit within such final subdivision map, parcel map, or functionally equivalent map or instrument shall be the greater amount of the applicable Assigned Speciai Tax Rate set forth in Table 1 or the amount calculated using the applicable Alternate Special Tax Rate set forth in Table 1. Tf the land use of a Parcel within any given Tax Rate Zone changes from the apphcable land use shown on Table 1, the Assigned Special Tax Rate for such Paroel shall be [he Alternate Special Tax Rate, which would have been applicable to such Parcel had i[s land use not changed. B-6 -. Y L y Y a ~, u "a E~ ~F a .~ ~j h 'n F.., u o: G# .y°F iC a F J C U ~' Ls7 ~ ~ cs7 .~ > m F G~ F F q .~ Q O z a O I z ~ ~ Q ~~G~~ ¢ ¢ ¢ v v m a~ u F F F F F z" z z z z ~~.a~$ ~_ ~_ ~_ _~ a0 00 00 00 00 fA b9 b9 69 4f e ~' ff ~ ~ N o . aE ei s9 Ni K K e di 2 U Q ~ ~ ¢ 6 ~ 7 U ~ Q ~ A rn M-~ A o N A rn ~ ~ A N O e O m O v O m d a a ^m •a a N '.3 •a o v H ~ ~ s ~ a 3 a 3 au a a 3 3 ~' O O O O u O v F cn l¢ ro U A W 1s. a" F u m F z ~. h H C Q ~F ,~. u «, z G C 6 6 6 u u v K F F F z z z a ~ ~ . . a N m m N 6q N (N N 69 ai yyQ 7 7 y¢ MF F N ~ ~^F y N pp O o 00 M .' ... Kra yu HiZ H u9 ~ ... K~Z U U Q A Ca 0 1~ N d d v v B b C ,~ a ~i C ~ U ,~ c ~ a ~ o V a ~ .a V a n .a 9 ~ S, o U ] 6 CQ Q W 6 C1 U N I m l a B-7 e U u F a Q u 3 6 d ~. "a m~ F °' F z a ~ a N W V 6 ~ E H a .. ~y a o L1 e .y°F `q41 OF Q ~ °^ n w wz U 6 5 q ~~ o C N g' =_ o ~ ~ a ~ a a a u a m H z Y~ O ~ U2 (- .; ~ ~n2 U A O N d ti n yy~ V .i a a } ~' R Q {~ Q ~ E v w `~ v ~ ~ u ~ ~ vi b ~ F 6 G a a u u F F z z ~. ~t h O O o vi .. a a E .C 4~ ~~ 0.j i~JS, n ~ rn a of ~F ^F ~E ~z wz ~,z U e 7 A O N a c a a d ~ X Q Qa Ir I~ 6-8 a u u F F z z ~ ~. r w ca < a a a ~ ~~ y yN e '~ m ~'~ W o '~ N m '~ hF tiF . mF u ~ ~*.F v M .p u w2 h u .sz , ., viz . . v.z '~ S. a Q W T pE V ~ 4 W O Rrvised September 11 , 1991 E. METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF THE SPECIAL TAXES 1. Method of Apportion aut of Special Taxes for Special Tax Requirement - A On or prior to August 1 of each Fiscal Yeaz ar such other date as may be established by iaw, the Cuuncil shall determine Special Tax Requitement - A for such Fiscal Yeaz and shall levy the Special Taxes as follows: Steo 1: The Special Taxes shall be levied on all Parcels of Developed Properly in Tax Rate Zones 1 through 15 at ''-00 percent of the Assigned Special Tax Rate; however, if this amount exceeds Special Tax Requirement - A, the levy of Special Taxes on all Pazcels of Developed Property shall be proportionally decreased until the revenues produced thereby will be equal to Special Tax Requitement - A. Stet/ 2: If [he revenues which may be produced 6y levying the Special Tax pursuant to Step 1 are less than Special Tax Requirement - A, the Special Taxes shall be levied proportionally on all Parcels of Undeveloped Property in Tax Rate Zones I through 15 up to l00 percent of the Assigned Special Tax Rate to produce aggregate revenues equal to Special Tax Requiretnen[ - A. St o If the revenues which may be produced by levying the Special Tax pursuant to Steps 1 and 2 are less than the Special Tax Requirement - A, the Special Taxes shall be levied proporcionally on all Paroels of Developed Property up to 1003'0 of [he Alternate Special Tax Rate to produce revenues equal to the Special Taz Requirement - A. $-10 2. Method of Apportionment of Special Taxes for Special Tax Requirement B On of prior to August 1 of each Fiscal Yeaz or such other date as may be established by law, the Council shall determine Special Tax Requirement - B for such Fiscal Year and shall levy the Special Taxes as follows: Steo 1: The Special Taxes shall be levied on all Parcels of Developed Property in Tax Rate Zone 16 at 100 percent of the Assigned Special Tax Rate; however, if this amount exceeds Special Tax Requirement - B, the levy of Special Taxes on all Parcels of Developed Property shall M: proportionally decreased until the revenues produced thereby will be equal to Special Tax Requirement - B. Stet/ 2• If the revenues which may be produced by levying the Special Tax pursuant to Step 1 are less than J'pecial Tax Requirement - B, the Special Taxes shall be levied proportionally on all Parcels of Undeveloped Property in Tax Rate Zone 16 up to 100 percent of the Assigned Special Tax Rate to produce aggregate revenues equal to Special Tax Requvenxnt - B. Ste° 33: If the revenues which may be produced by levying the Special Tax ptusuant to Steps 1 and 2 are less than the Specie! Tax Requirement - B, the Special Taxes shall be levied proportionally on all Parcels of Developed Property up to 100'& of the Alternate Special Tax Rate to produce revenues equal to the Speciai Tax Requirement - B. B-I1 ,... J~ '1 C.~i F. EXEMPTIONS The Boazd shall oat levy a Special Tax on the following properties which may as of the date of formation of CFD No. 91.1 be: • Properties owned by state, federal, or other local governments, except as otherwise provided N Section 53317.3 of the Government Code; • Property within CFD No. 1 which is dedicated for the purposes of constructing CFD funded road facilities; Approximately 25 acres of property within CFD No. t which are to be dedicated to the Ciry for the Lake Park within the Village of Victoria Lakes; Property within CFD No. 1 to be dedicated to or owned by the Southern California Edison Company, the use of which is limited to utility purposes. • Those Parcels at entry ways end along perimeter areas used for landscaping which are dedicated ro and maintained by the City. Parcels or portion of Parcels conveyed or irrevocably offered for dedication to a public agency after formation of CFD No, 91-1, and not otherwise exempt pursuant to this Section F, shall be subject to the levy of the Special Taxes pursuant to Section 53317.3 or Suction 53317.5 of the Government Code and shall be assigned a Taz Rate pursuant to Section B. B-12 _. ; ~ 1wa; G. MANNER OF COLLECTION Except for the prepayment of Special Taxes as provided for herein, the Special Taxes shall be collected in the same manner and at the same time as ad valorem property taxes, provided. However, that the Council may authorize the collection of delinquent Special Taxes by judicial foreclosure proceedings pursuant to Section 53356.1 of the Government Code. H. P,IYOFF OF SPECIAL TAXES 1. t'reuavmen[ of Sne 'al Taxe for Ta Rate n 1 hro gb_1,4, The owner of any Parcel wi[hin Tax Rate Zones 1 through 15 may discharge the Special Tax obligation applicable to such Parcel in whole or in part at any time by making aone-time payment calculated as fotlows: (a) Compute the present value of the Parcel's remaining payments of the Maximum Special Tax at the weighted average yield on Series A Bonds issued for CFD No. 91-1. (b) Multiply (a) above by the proposed prepayment percentage to determine the prepayment amount. (c) Add the following amounts to (b) above: • Call premium as required in the bond instrument, and • Interest on (b) at the applicable bond rate for each yeaz from the date of prepayment, if any, to the earliest available bond call date. (d) Subtract the following amoun[ from (c) above: • The applicable portion of the Parcels pro rata share of the bond reserve fund of the Series A Bonds issued for CFD No. 91-t. B•13 (e) Subtract the following amount from (d) above: • Interest comings to be gencmted at a reinvestment rate as determined by CFD No. 91-1 from the date of prepayment to the earliest available bond call date. (f) Add the following amounts to (e) above [o detem8ne the Parcels prepayment amount: Unpaid Special Taxes which may have been enrolled on the Assessor's tax roll; Interest and penalties, if applicable, which may be associated with unpaid Special Taxes; and • An administrative fee to cover the costs incurred by CFD No. 91-1 associated with calculating the amount of prepayment, redeeming bonds, and preparing amended tax bills. The Maximum Special Taxes as set forth in Section D for a Parcel utilizing a prepaymen[ percentage less than 100% shall be reduced in subsequent Fiscal Yeats by multiplying the Maximum Special Tax by the prepayment percentage actually used in Section H.l (b). An owner may also prepay and discharge a portion of the Special Tax obligation applicable to a Parcel by dedicating right-of-way, the application of which would otherwise be financed by CFD No. 91.1, so long as such dedication is consummated prior to such deadline as may be established by the City Council. 2. R*oavment of ceci IT a fo-T xRat on Iti The owner of any Parcel within Tax Rate Zone 16 must discharge the Special Tax obligation applicable to such Parcel in full through the prepayment of the Special Tax B-14 per lot or unit as a precondition to the issuance of a building permit for such Parcel. The amount of the prepaymrnt shall be calculazed as follows: (a) Detetmine the mtal remaining bond principal outstanding for Series B Bonds. (b) Subtract from (a) above the the total remaining bond reserve fund for the Series B Bonds. (c) Divide the result of (b) above by the total remaining planned residential lots or units in Tax Rate Zone 16, including the units for which [his calculation is being performed. (d) Subtract the following amount from (c) above: • Interest comings to be generated at a reinvestment rate as deterraned by CFD No. 91.1 from the date of prepayment to the earlieu available bond call date. (e) Add the following amounts to (d) above to determine the Parcel's prepayment amount. • Call premium as required in the bond instrument, • interest on (v) a[ the applicable bond rate from the date of prepayment to the earhest available bond call date, Unpaid Special Taxes which may have been enrolled on the Assessors tax roll, • Interest and penalties, if applicable, which may be associated with unpaid Special Taxos, and An administrative fee to cover the costs incurred by CFD No. 91-1 associated with calculating the amount of prepayment, redeeming bonds, and prepating amended tex bills. B-1S W 0 91 IM13 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $55,000,000 WITHIN PROPOSED COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 91-1 (VICTORIA COMMUNITY) OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA WHEREAS, after receiving a petition signed by the property owner (tha "Owner") of not less than 10 percent of the area of land (the "Victoria Community") proposed to be included within the hereinafter mentioned community facilities district, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City Council") has heretofore adopted Resolution No. 91-_ stating its intention to form Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (Victoria Community) (the "Community Facilities District No. 91-1 pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 (the "Act"), as amended, to finance (A) the following facilities: (1) traffic signalization; (2) street improvements; (3) sewer facilities; (4) water facilities; (5) storm drainage and flood control facilities; (6) utilities, including, but not limited to, natural gas transmission and electric generation and transmission facilities; (7) any other public facilities which the City and the District are authorized to contribute revenue to, own, operate or construct; (8) park improvements and (9) acquisition of all necessary real property, rights of way and easements for the above-described facilities (the "Facilities") and (8) the incidental expenses to be in..urred in connection with financing the Facilities, all ~3a9 to fulfill the demand for services resulting from development within the City and the District; and WHEREAS, the City Council estimates that the amount required to finance the Facilities and incidental expenses is approximately $55,000,000; and WHEREAS, in order to finance the design, acquisition and/or construction of the Facilities and incidental expenses, the City Council intends to incur bonded indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $55,000,000, the repayment of which is to be secured by special taxes levied in accordance with Section 53328 of the Act on all property in the proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) other than those properties excluded in the rate and method of apportionment set forth as Exhibit B to Resolution No. 91- NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2. It is necessary to incur bonded indebtedness within the boundaries of proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $55,000,000 to finance a portion of the costs of the Facilities for the District. Section 3. The indebtedness will be incurred Eor the purpose of financing the costs of designing, constructing and 6759u/2683/002 ~~2- acquiring and inspecting the Facilities, acquiring necessary land and rights-of-way, equipment and property therefor, and fulfilling contractual commitments and carrying out the powers and purposes of Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community), including, but not limited to, the financing of costs associated with the issuance of the bonds and all other costs and incidental expenses necessary to finance the Facilities which are permitted to be financed pursuant to the Act. Section 9. It is the intent of the City Council to authorize the sale of bonds in one or more series, in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $55,000,000 at a maximum interest rate not in excess of 12 percent per annum or a higher rate not in excess of the maximum rate permitted by law at the time that the bonds are issued. The term of the bonds shall be determined pursuant to a resolution of this City Council authorizing the issuance of the bonds, but such term shall in no event exceed 90 years or such longer term as is then permitted by law. Section 5. A public hearing (the "Hearing") on the proposed debt issue shall be held at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as practicable, on November 6 1991, at the City Council Chambers, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, ~/ 6754u/2683/002 -3- Section 6. At the time and place set forth in this Resolution for the Hearing, any interested persons, including all persons owning land or registered to vote within proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community), may appear and be heard. Section 7. The City Clerk of the City Council is hereby directed to publish a notice (the "Notice") of the Hearing pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code in a newspaper of general circulation published in the area of the proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community). Such publication shall he completed at least 7 days prioc to the date of the Hearing. Section B. The City Clerk of the City Council is hereby directed to send a copy of the Notice of the Hearing by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each registered voter and to each landowner within proposed Community Facilities District No. 91-1 (Victoria Community) as shown on the last equalized assessment roll. Said mailing shall be completed not less than fifteen (16) days prior to the date of the Hearing. 6754u/2683/002 ~~~ - STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ss. I, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify khat the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of said City at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of 1991, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga 3~3 6764u/2683/002 -6- STATE pF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN HERNARDTNO ss. T, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. of said City Council, and that the same has not been amended or repealed. Dated: 1991 City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga ~~ / 6754u/26H3/002 -6- - CITY' OF RANCHO CIiCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Date: September 18, 1991 TO: Mayor and City Counctlmembers ~ ~}, From: I1nda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager V ~ n By: LeAnn Smothers, Redevelopment Analyst Sttbject Regiomi Approaches to aomelaane.s Bac><groand: Rancho Cucamonga has been represented rn two ongoing efforts to address the region's homeless population. One, being a Joint San Bemazdino City/County effort (County Homeleu Coalitloa), and also a local group composed of staff from the cltles of Upland, Chino, Ontario. and Fontana as well as Rancho Cucamonga (West End Cities Homeless Committee). I[ Is understood that all of our JunsdicUOns have a differing degree of need, types of homeless persons, and range of non-profit seMces to offer. However, both groups have realized that by pooling our knowledge, the expertise of local service- providers, the support oC the private sector, and resources, that we can greatly enhance our effectiveness. The 1990 Census revealed ~ visibly homeless people rn Rancho Cucamonga. Our Affordable Housing Strategy reseazch identified our homeless population consists primarily of women with children, as well as single men. There is no emergency shelter hr the West End for these people. A few Ontario-based groups provide hotel vouchers for single night stays. And, there Is some transitional i:ousing opera- ted by anon-profit In Upland, which receives partial funding from their RDA. The following agencies were contacted for more data regazding their annual services to Rancho Cucamonga r td n <; Our own Rancho Cucamonga Nel¢hborhood Center estimates that they have conservatively handled 12~ requests for emergency shelter in the past 12 months. (Mane Pagano assists 2-3 per week, and Trish Ashby works with 2-3 per month.) On azi Hom 1 O ~ r 9 ti served QQ homeless from Rancho Cucamonga, plus another 15 low-Income Rancho famihes. . + monpa Chna_tian Fe lowshio assisted homeless residents last year. This Is to addition to 1800 food baskets and ullllty payments needed by Rancho Cucamonga families. Alta Loma's Community Baptist Church referred ~ homeless Rancho Cucamonga families to the Questwazd Program rn Ontario. St. Mark's of U land provided _ Rancho Cucamonga residents w[th transitional housing and the services required to help families regain their independence. United Wav received 440 requests from our residents last year for emergency housing, food, and utility payments. Inland Mediation Bo rd counseled 121 of our residents actually facing evictions or foreclosures. The maJority of these people were on Fixed ;-u.-..es, u: iiau sustained a Job loss. Tills number could be as high as if they include people that called with concerns about evlctlon, but had not yet been served with the official notice. Other groups that assist our residents aze the Alethtan Foundation of Ch[no, Adventist Community Services, the Salvation Army, the Pomona Valley Council of Churches, their Hunger Program- SOVA, and the County's Emergency Services. Unfortunately, time has not allowed us to receive statistics from all of these groups. Thfs summary Is not all inclusive, nor is it easy to determine duplications of service. However, all of the service providers have commented that the problem is worsening, espec[ally in the growing numbers of children without decent shelter. Analysis: The County Homeless Coalition, formed 6 months ago, is comprised of representatives from the private, publle, and non-profit sectors. This coalition envisions a comprehensive regional program, eventually including all the cities on a voluntary basis. The Judicial, social service, publle health, mental health, veterans', and municipal branches of government are represented, as well as educators and private groups including the BIA, the Board of Realtors, Apartment Owners Association, and many fron.-!Im: non-profit service agencies. Administratlon Is currently provided by the City and County of San Bemardtno. The Coalition meets monthly for an hour, and sub-committees also meet monthly, for 1-2 hours. Partlcipatlon on the committees is based on each participants' expertise and interest. Some examples of the committees are Cold Weather Programs, Education, Employment Training, Transitional Housing, and Permanent Housing. The Coati- Uon's plans include a computerized data base (to help track client ~~ services and continually re-define needs) and a Homeless Hot-tine that would match need with services avatlable. The Coalition's goal is to orchestrate a cooperative, comprehensive effort to provide housing and services that would alleviate the home- less problem. It the Clty would allocate a portion of its 204E set-aside funds to provide this housing, 1t is understood that It would be spent within Rancho Cucamonga. There has also been some discussion of forming a JPA between the Cities and County, because this type of regional approach is stlll unique and highly favored for Federal and State grant funding. The Coalition's Comprehensive Plan is expected to be completed fn October, and then presented to each of the Cities for review, comment, and adoption prior to the end to the year. Regarding the Coalition's recent SANBAG presentation, Transitional Housing is a "holistlc" approach that requires homeless persons to commit to a plan of actlon that will improve their circumstances. while being housed fora 3-18 month period. SerWCes can include education, job placement, child care, substance abuse counseling, parenting skills, etc. In an effort to provide additional transitional housing throughout the County, the Coalition's TransiUOnal Housing Committee recently deWsed an allocation system generally based on population, whereby Rancho Cucamonga could agree to produce 7 units of this type of housing within our C1ty. Rancho Cucamonga would have complete rnntrol of the project, from the types of housing product, to any rehab or design needed, to property management, etc. CoatiUon members from the BLA, banking Industry, and Boazd of Realtors aze ready to help with flnanMng and in-kind donations/ services. Ample, quallUed non-profit social service agencies aze also available to assist these transitlonal famUles. The West End Cities group has been meeting for 2 hours monthly since January. Excellent networking with the azea's seMce providers has been facWtated by this group. And, since this group was formed before the County's CoaUUOn, we began with many of the same goals. We have a{so been looking for "soft cost" ways to assist the community service proWders, i.e; assistance with grant writing, CDBG application information, etc, This group is currently preparing a full report for presentation to each of our C1Ues, seeking further duecUon. ~~~ PA City Council Agenda ^ September 18, 1991 l~ 1 ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 D. CONNRPr CALENDAR TDe following Coawat Calendar iLNR are erpected Co De routiee and aoa-coatroveraial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one tine withou! diacuuioa. Any itaa Yy M reawved by a Comcilaaeber or ~eaibar of the audience foz discuuioa. 1. Approval to accept Improvement a, Releaae of sonde and Notice of Completion for Victoria Planned CommunLiy'a Master Tract 13279, location bounded by Highland Avenue on the north, Baee Llne Aoatl on the south, Dber Creek Channel on the weei, and Roeheater Avenue or. the east. Relesee: Faithful Performance Bonds toiellin9 $6, 864r 427.00 Accept: Maintenance Guazaniee Bonds totalling $ 586,443.00 RE80LUT ION NO. 91-279 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFOAN IA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC 2MPROVEMENTS FOR MASTER TAACT 13279 AND AVTNORI2ING THE FILING OF A NOTICR OP COMPLETION POR THB WORK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT GATE: September 18, 1991 T0: City Council and City Manager FROM: Wm. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer BY: Steve H. Gilliland, Public Works Inspector SUBJECT: Release of Bonds and Notice of Completion RECOMMENDATION: The required et rest improvements for Master Tract 13279 have been completed in an acceptable manner and it ie recommended that City Council accept said improvement e, accept the Maintenance Guarantee Honda In the amounts totalling $586,443.00, authorize the city engineer to file a Not lce cf Completion and authorize the Ciiy Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bonds in the amounts totalling 55,864,427.00. Background/Analysis Haeter Tract 13279 - location bountled by Highland Avenue on the north, Base Line Road on the south, Deer Creek Channel on the west, and Rochester on the east. DEVELOPER: The William Lyon Company 4490 Von Rarman Newport Beach, CA 92658 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Honda totalling $ 586,443.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bonds totalling 55,866,627.00 Reapectfu lly submitted, , ~~~~~~ ~~ waoanc:jle f / RESOLUTION NO. 91-279 A RESOLVTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR MASTER TRACT 13279 ANV AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICR OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 13279 have been completed io the sat iefaction of the City Engineert and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be tiledr certifying the work complete. NOW, TRHAEFOAE, 6e it resolved, that the work Se hereby accepted and the City Engineer ie authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the county Recorder of san Bernardino County. la'1'Y VP' HANUHV CUUAMUNGA MEMORANDUM DATE: September 18, 1991 T0: Jack Lam, City Manager and Members of City Council FROM: Joe O'Neil, City Engine~~j SUBJECT: Removal of Consent Calends/ar Item for City Council Agenda Please remove Consent Calendar Item A16 from the September 18, 1991, City Council Agenda. This Item 15 for the approval of Improvement Agreements and Securities for Tract 13750 located Tn Fontana and Submitted by First City/Hunters Ridge. The reason this Item is be1n9 removed is that the executed agreements and securities were never received by the City from the developer. JD:~h