HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007/06/14 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of TrusteesDECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA VIVIAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the. Library of Rancho Cucamo/nga. Acting in that capacity, on ~l.~x~ ~~, ao07 at ~/-30firi I posted a true and correct copy of the meeting agenda dated ~u,vte I~, ~U07 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on ~~-O 7 at Rancho Cucamonga. DEBORAH KAYE CLARK, LIBRARY MANAGER City of Rancho Cucamonga i Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga a AGENDA RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Adjourned Meeting June 14, 2007 - 6:30 p.m. City of Rancho Cucamonga Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 A. CALL TO ORDER ]. Roll Call: Bradshaw , Coberly , Lo ,Nagel ,Wimberly B. ITEMS OF BUSINESS l . Budget Study Session PowerPoint Presentation by Library Director Deborah Kaye Clark C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC This is the time and place for the general public to address the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Board of Trustees. State law prohibits the Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the agenda. D. ADJOURNMENT OF THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES I, Vivian Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Monday, June 1l, 2007 twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54953 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. in R A N C H O C U C A M O N G A PUBLIC t1IBRARY Staff Report DATE: May 10, 2007 TO: President and Members of the Board of Library Trustees FROM: Deborah Kaye Clark, Library Director SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PROPOSED LIBRARY BUDGET FOR 2007/2008 RECOMMENDATION Attached, please find copies of the proposed Library Budget for 2007/2008. After presentation, staff recommends the Library Board approve the budget as proposed. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The budget presented is balanced and has been approved by both the Department of Finance and the City Manager. Growth of property tax dollars allow the expansion of library hours, programs, materials and staffing to support the additional open hours. The key points of this budget are outlined below: • Property tax revenues have grown from $2,753,450 in the Approved 2006/07 budget, to $3,454,330 in 2007/08. This represents a growth of 25 percent. Overall, the anticipated growth in library revenues is estimated at 26 percent. • With the addition of the Victoria Gardens Library, the combined annual book and materials budget for the library is $404,000. Growth in the materials budget is estimated at %. • In addition, the Archibald Library will receive the first of a two year budget fusion of $200,000 to replace dated and worn collections and to bring the quality of the collection up to match the new collection at the Biane library. • The Virtual Library, the "third" library location, is receiving a continuation of the funding which allows the public to access 19 data bases, including Live Homework help and downloadable audio and electronic books. • Four new staff positions are being requested. To support opening the Biane Library on Mondays, three new staff positions have been requested for that location: A Senior Librarian, an Office Specialist II and a Library Assistant I. Archibald Library has requested a Library Assistant 1 to support the technology functions of both libraries. Archibald Library budget and Victoria Gardens Library budget are equally balanced, based on their plan of service and the following open hours: Archibald: Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday: closed Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: Y p.m. to 5 p.m. Victoria Gardens: Closed Sunday Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. FISCAL IMPACT: Overall, this proposal will allow the library a balanced budget, with a remainder of $109,250 in revenues unspent. Respectfully submitted, ~. ~iC~-1Ct ~ a. ' ~~ a-c~ Deborah Kaye Clar Library Director -2- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES Adopted Adopted Estimated Revenue Budget Budget Revenue Estimate (RQ) Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Object/Description 2005/06 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 TOTAL FOR SENIOR TRANSPORT SERVICE-CNTY: LIBRARY FUN 4101 4102 4103 4105 4312 4401 4410 4411 4512 4514 4515 4570 4906 4907 4908 8001 8999 D (290) Property Taxes-CY Secured Property Taxes-CY Unsecured ' Property Taxes-PY Sec & Unsec Property Taxes-Supplemental Library Fines and Fees Interest Earnings Media Rentals Special Event Renta] Library Cazd & Merchndse Sales Technology Center Revenue Information Service Fees Sale of Printed Materials CLSA Direct Loan Private Contributions Library Public Library Foundation Transfer In-General Fund Transfer In From Fund Balance TOTAL FOR LIBRARY FUND: CALTFORNLA LITERACY CAMPAIGN (298) 4740 4909 8001 8290 8308 8999 TOTAL FOR( Grantlncome RC Library Foundation Support Transfer In-General Fund TransferIn-Library Fund Transfer In-Families for Lit. Transfer In From Fund Balance 'ALIFORNIA LITERACY CAMPAIGN FAMILIES FOR LITERACY GRANT (308) 8001 Transfer In-General Fund 8999 Transfer In From Fund Balance TOTAL FOR FAMILIES FOR LITERACY GRANT: PUBLIC LIBRARY BOND ACT-2000 (310) 4740 Grant Income TOTAL FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY BOND ACT-2000: _. aIVE COUNTY LIBRARY GRANT (312) 4740 Grant ]ncome 0 500,000 200,000 200,000 2,178,600 2,408,490 2,844,230 2,936,470 68;200 75,270 72,980 81,010 78,010 90,1]0 91,790 101,890 62,660 179,580 417,990 334,960 210,000 225,000 200,000 240,000 40,000 40,000 103,700 105,000 100,000 110,000 95,000 120.000 0 0 2,620 3,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 5;000 8,000 30,000 0 0 1,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 8,000 8,000 10,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 200,000 100,000 ]30,000 70,000 63,550 98,020 98,020 71,600 0 0 0 0 21,340 21,340 200 000 3,084,070 3,536,340 4,162,670 4,467,350 36,400 36;400 36,400 36,400 10,000 20,000 20,000 14,000 2,390 0 p p 2,120 2,120. 39,160 45,160 15,750 15,750 0 0 15,380 12,400 0 0 82,040 86,670 95,560 95,560 1,490 1,490 1,490 I ,490 14,260 6,930 6,930 6,930 15,750 8;420 8,420 8,420 0 0 1,175,690 0 0 0 1,175,690 0 0 0 500,000 0 xi CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES t, Adopted Adopted Estimated Revenue Budget Budget Revenue Estimate (RQ) Fiscal Year Object/Description Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2005/06 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 TOTAL FOR BIANE COUNTY LIBRARY GRANT: 0 0 500,000 p COP'S PROGRAM GRANT-STATE (354) 4401 Interest Earnings 4740 Grant income 8999 Transfer In From Fund Balance TOTAL FOR COP'S PROGRAM GRANT-STATE: 8,300 8,300 8,300 8,300 0 136,210 255,890 193,560 ] 55,410 155,410 155,410 155 410 163,710 299,920 419,600 357270 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT(JAG) (361.) 4740 Grantlncome . 8999 Transfer In From Fund Balance TOTAL FOR JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT(JAG): u 0 18,540 p 0 29,290 40,040 29 290 0 29,290 58,580 29 290 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 2002 (368) 8999 Transfer In From Fund Balance 21,590 21,590 21,590 21 590 TOTAL FOR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT 2002: 21,590 21,590 21,590 21,590 'S IN SCHOOLS GRANT (369) 4740 Grantlncome 40,960 40,960 40,960 40 960 TOTAL FOR COPS llV SCHOOLS GRANT: 40,960 40,960 40,960 40 960 OTS-"DRINK,DRFVE,LOSE" GRANT (370) 4740 Grant Income 0 0 21,670 p TOTAL FOR OTS-"DRINK,DRIVE,LOSE" GRANT: 0 0 21,670 p DTS TRAFFIC SAFETY PRGM GRANT (371) 4740 Grantlncome TOTAL FOR OTS TRAFFIC SAFETY PRGM GRANT: 210,840 35,710 108,000 35,7]0 210,840 35,710 108,000 35,710 STS 2005 STATE SEAT BELT GRANT (372) 4740 Grant Income TOTAL FOR OTS 2005 STATE SEAT BELT GRANT: 0 0 45,970 0 0 0 45,970 0 )EPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY GRNT (380) 4740 Grant Income 34,750 TOTAL FOR DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 0 0 34,750 0 GRNT: IOMELAND SECURITY GRANT 2005 (381) 4740 Grantlncome 127,380 JTAL FOR HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT 2005: 0 0 127,380 0 xii CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET t: . " ESTITIATED EXPENDITURES ' SUMMARY BY ENTITY, FUND, DIVISI ON 2005/06. Fiscal fea r 2006/07 Fiscal Yea r 2007/08 Fund/Description Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager. Division/Descri lion ~ Bud et Bud et Actual ~ Request Rcm 390 LIBRARY FUND 601 LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION 1,044,630 87],670 1,046,4]0 876,760 81 960 604 BOOICI~40BILE SERVICES 102,500 106,620 126,720 111,850 11 850 605 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1,980 3,500 3,500 3,500 500 606 ARCHIBALDLIBRARY ],386,700 1,250,5]0 1,631;540 1,759,910 1,75 910 607 PAUL A. BIANE LIBRARY 548,260 1,304,040 1,433,630 1,702,210 1;48 110 TOTAL FOR LIBRA RY FUND: 3;084,070 3,536,340 4,241,800 4,454,230 4,18 330 SF-179 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) F 'on: LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION (601) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager Object/Description Budget Budget Actual Request Remd PERSONNEL SERVICES 5000 Regular Salaries 176,630 262,150 222,610 2.75,650 236 30 5010 Part Time Salaries 26,000 21,000 21,000 22,050 22 50 5030 Fringe Benefits 87,510. 129,220 129,220 131,980 113 00 TOTAL FOR PERSONNEL SERVICES: 290,140 412,370 372,830 429,680 371 80 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE ~ . 5100 Travel and Meetings 4,500 7,500 8,500 12,000 12 00 5102 Training 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 00 5105 . Mileage 5,800 7,000 7,000 7,000 7 00 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 3,000 3,000 1;000 2,000 2 00 5]60 Membership Dues 2,250 2,700 2,900 2,900 2 00 5200 Operations & Maintenance 7.,000 9,000 10,500 9,000 9 00 5220 Cellular Technology 0 0 0 900 00 5283 Depreciation-Computer Equip 0 0 4,120 4, ] 20 4 20 5300 Convact Services 50,000 122,000 130,650 80,000 80 00 .5400 Telephone Utilities 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 ]5 00 5402 Water Utilities 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3 00 5403 Electric Utilities 72,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75 00 5501 Admin./General Overhead 189,000 189,000 189,000 189,000 189 00 5599 ERAF Payment to State of CA 399,820 0 0 0 0 9298 Transfer Out-CA Literacy Cmpgn 2,120 24,100 39,160 45,160 45 60 ..,TAE FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 754,490 459,300 487,830 447,080 447 80 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5650 Capita] Project 0 0 185,750 0 0 TOTAL FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY: 0 0 185,750 0 0 TOTAL FOR DIVISION 601: 1,044,630 871,670 1,046,410 876,760 818,960 SF-180 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL.YEAR 2007/08 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION DEPARTMENT: Library DIVISION: Library FUND: 290 COST CENTER: 601 FY 2006/07 Fiscal Ye ar 2007/08 Adopts ept. gr. cm s. opts OBJEC T# Budget Request ut unde Budget 1100 - L M - ._ . , Library Director 100% 100% 100% 100% Senior Administrative Secretary 100% 100% 100% 100% Library Services Manager 100% 0% 0% 0% Assistant Library Director 0% 50% 50% 50% Lib"ra '"ASS~stant I;` i'""9 9 ~ ~~ ~' ""~ a-a1: ,,~~, ~.rry~.,,_._.r..,..t..~.:.,:.i~fzT,~.n:~..`:~'aL~s~'~!w~r ~ 5 . 'u o ,~e 'Or ir nvv ~ ,r- o Fk~i c~11b0~ ~ ai xl F ~u.~?y~'7"6°.~° ~ 3~~/~ ~.. ; i;P i , - . .~.-~ ~. ., , _ .. ,__: ; a... „ 1200 PERSONNEL -OVERTIME 1300 PERSONNEL -PART TIME Office Specialist I 100% 0% 0% 0% Office Specialist II 100% 100% 100% 100% SF-181 . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MADVTENAN'CE (5100) DETAIL -~' Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) 'ion: LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION (601) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager Object Object Description ~ Bud>;et Budget Actual Request Rcmd. 5100 Travel and Deetings ~ - ~ . American Libiary Assoc Conf 0 0 1,000 1,000 1 00 CLA Legislative Committee 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 00 California Library Conference 0 3,500 3,500 3,500 3 OD Codi Technology Conference 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 00 Library Meetings ~ 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 00 Public Library Conference 3,500 0 0 3,500 3 00 Total for Travel and Meetings: 4,500 7,500 8,500 12,000 12 00 5102 Training Customer Service Training 1,000 2,000 2,000 2;000 2 00 Total for Training: ],000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 00 5105 -Mileage Auto Allowance 4,800 6,000 6,000 6,000 6 00 Reimbursement 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 00 Total Tor Mileage: 5,800 7,000 7,000 7,000 7, 00 5150 Office Su lies & E ui men( 3,000 3,000 1,000 2,000 2, 00 Total for Office Supplies & Equipment: 3,000 3,000. 1,000 2,000 2, 00 5160 Membership Dues _ American Library Association ~ 450 500 500 500 00 California Library Association 300 500 700 700 00 .Codi Dynix/Horizon Association 0 200 200 200 00 Inland Library System 1,500 .1,500 1,500 1,500 1, 00 Total for Membership Dues: 2,250 2,700 2,900 2,900 2, 00 5200 Operations & Maintenance Bindery 2,004 2,000 2,000 2,000 2, 00 Printing & Postage 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2, 00 Special Programs Supplies 3,000 5,000 6,500 5,000 5, 00 Total for Operations & Maintenance: 7,000 9,000 10,500 9,000 9, 00 5220 Cellular Technology Cell Phone Service 0 0 0 900 00 Total for Cellular Technology: 0 0 0 900 00 5283 De reciation-Corn uter E ui 0 0 4,120 4,120 4, 0 Total for Depreciation-Computer Egnip: 0 0 4;] 20 ~ 4,120 4, 0 5300 Contract Services Brochure/Newsletter Design Ser 0 0 22,650 0 0 Collection Agency 10,000 15,000 15,000. 20,000 20, 0 . Dynix System Maintenance. 25,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35, 0 SF-182 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (5100) DETAIL Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) jon: LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION (601) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 ' Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager /lhiwrf (lhi rf Tlw nfin - R,.d..ef R..deef~ Arfnwl Do of D,....d TOTE Homework Help Database { I } 0 20,000 6,000 0 0 Office Equip/Machine Maint 15,000 15,000 ] 5,000 15,000 ] 5 00 Printing of Library Brochure 0 20,000 20,000 10,000 10 00 School Databases 0 17,000 17,000 0 0 I Su ort b $23,000 rant fundin To[alfor Contract Services: 50,000 122,000 - 130,650 80;000 80 00 5400 Tele hone Utilities 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15 00 Total for Telephone Utilities: 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15, 00 5402 Water Utilities. 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3 00 Total for Rater Utilities:. 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3, 00 5403 Electric Utilities 72 000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75 00 Total for Electric Utilities: 72,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75, 00 5501 Admin./General Overhead .Facility Maintenance Services 189,000 189,000 189,000 189,000. 189, 00 Total for Admin./General Overhead: !89,000 189,000 159,000 ]89,000 189, 00 5599 ERAF Payment to State of CA 399,820 0 0 0 0 Total for ERAF Payment to State of CA: 399,820 0 0 0 0 9298 Transfer Out-CALiteracv Cm n 2,120 24,100 39,160 45,160 45, 60 Total for Transfer Out-CA Literacy Cmpgn: 2,120 24,100 39,160 45,160 45, 60 ~I, FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 754,490 459,300 487,830 447,080 447, 0 SF-183 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL ]'EAR 2007/08 BUDGET CAPITAL PROJECTS DETAIL Funding Source: LIBRARY FUND (290) Object: 5650 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Project/ ~ Adopted Adopted Estimated ,Department Manager Program Description - ~ -Budget Budget Actual Request Rcmd 1388 Cultural Center-Library Const 0 0 ] 85,750 0 0 TOTAL FOR LIBRARY FUND: 0 0 185,750 0 0 SF-184 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAD4ONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET SU11D14ARY -~ Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) ion: BOOI{A4OBILE SERVICES (604) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager _ Object/Description ~ ~BudQe[ Budge[ ~ Actual Request Rcmd. 5000 Regular Salaries ,.::..53,620 56,050 56,050 57,450 57,450 50]0 Part Tone Salaries 16,000. 16,000 16,000 20,000 20,000 5030 Fringe Benefits 26,860. 28,050 28,050 28,300 28,300 TOTAL FOR PERSONNEL SERVICES: 96,480 100,100 100,100 105,750 105,750 OPERATIONS & MAIlVTENANCE 5105 Mileage 100 100 100 100 100 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 500 500 500 500 500 5200 Operations & Maintenance 2,000 2,000 2,100 4,000 4,000 5220 Cellular Technology 0 0 0 1,500 ],500 5283 Depreciation-Computer Equip 2,420 2,420 2,420 0 0 5300 ConVact Services 0 0 20,000 0 0 5400 Telephone Utilities 1,000 1,500 1,500 0 0 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 6,020 6,520 26,620 6,100 6,100 TOTAL FOR DIVISION 604: 102,500 106,620 126,720 111,850 111,850 SF-185 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION DEPARTMENT: Library FUND: 290 DIVISION: Bookmobile Services COST CENTER: 604 FY 2006/07 Fiscal Ye ar 2007/08 opte ept. gr. cm s. Adopte OBJEC T # Budget Request ut un a Budgei 5000 R L - F L Librarian I 100% 100% 100% 100% 5010 PERSONNEL -PART TIME Library Clerks, Pages 75% 100% 100% 100% SF-186 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA #" FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (51001 DETAIL Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) pion: BOOKMOBILE SERVICES (604) 2005/06 ' Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager Object Object Description Budget ~ BudQet Actual Request Rcmd 5105 Mileage Reimbursement- 100 100 100 100 '100 Total for Mileage: 100 100 100 ]00 `:100 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 500 500 500 500 500 Total for Office Supplies & Equipment:` 5200 Operations & Maintenance 500 500 500 500 500 Materials 2,000 2,000 2,100 4000 4-000 Total for Operations & Maintenance:- 5220 Cellular Technology 2,000 2;000. 2,100 4,000 4,000 Cell Phone Service 0 0 0 1 500 1 500 Total for Cellular Technology: 5283 Depreciation-Computer Equip 0 2 420 0 2.420 0 2 420 1,500 0 1,500 0 Total for Depreciation-Computer Equip: 5300 ContractSer~~ces 2,420 2,420 2,420 0 0 Replacement of Bookmobile Wrap 0 0 20,000 0 0 Total for Contract Services: 5400 Telephone Utilities 0 - 0 20,000 0 - 0 Cellular Technology 1,000 1,500 1,500 0 0 Total for Telephone Utilities: 1,000 1,500 1,500 0 0 TOTAL FOR OPERATION'S & MAINTENANCE: 6,020 6,520 26;620 6,100 6,100 SF-187 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAIIIONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) ion: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES (605) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted , Adopted Estimated .Department manager Object/Description Budget Budget ~ ~ Actual Request Rcmd. OPERATIONS 8- MAINTENANCE 5100 Travel and Meetings 1,630 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 5160 Membership Dues 350 500 500 500 .500 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 1,980 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 TOTAL FOR DIVISION 605: 1,980 3,500 3,500 3,500 3;500 SF-188 Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) ion: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES (605) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006107 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted .Estimated Department Manager Object Object Description Bud¢et Budget Actual Request Rcmd 5100 Travel and Meetings Ca]itbrniaTrusteesConference ~ ~ - 130 - 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 gis alive Day 500 500 500 500 500 State Library Conference 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1000 Total for Travel and 1\7eetings: 1,630. 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 5160 Membership Dues Amencan Library Association 220 150 '150 I50 150 GALTAC ]30 350 350 350 350 Total for Membership Dues:. 350 500 500 500 500 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 1,980 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 CITY OF RANCAO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (51001 DETAIL SF-] 89 i -~ Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) I bn: ARCHIBALD LIBRARY (606) .. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA t FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY ~~ 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 - Adopted ~ Adopted Estimated Department .Manager Ob.ject/Description Budget Budget Actual Request Rcmd PERSONNEL SERVICES 5000 Regulaz Salaries - 501.0 Part Time Salaries - 5030 Fringe Benefits TOTAL FOR PERSONNEL SERVICES OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 5100 Travel and Meetings 5105 Mileage 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 5152 Computer Software _ 5160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations 8c Maintenance 5300 Contract Services TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: CAPITAL OUTLAY 5603. CapitalOutlay-Equipment 5605 Capital Outlay-Computer Equip 5606 Capital Outlay-Furn/Fixtures TOTAL FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY: 540,030 462,400 501,940 526,950 526,950 366,900 344,500 344,500 422,480 422,480 278,]10- 239,260 .278,110 275130 275,130 1,185,040 1,046,160 1,124,550 1,224,560 1,224,560 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,500 4,500 zoo zoo zoa zoo zoo 10,000 10,000 8,800 10,000 10,000 0' 0 6,000 1,000 1,000 650 650 680 650 650 129,310 127,000 3]4,680 437,000 437,000 58,000 63,000. 84,250 82,000 82 000 201,660 204,350 418,080 535,350 535,350 0 0 74,070 0 0 0 0 5,800 0 0 0 0 9,040 0 0 0 0 88,910 0 0 TOTAL FOR DIVISION 606: 1,386,700 1,250,510 1,63 ] , 540 1,759,9 ] 0 1,759,9 ] 0 SF- ] 90 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR- 2007/08 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION DEPARTMENT: Library DIVISION: Archibald FUND: 290 COST CENTER: 606 FY 2006/07 Fiscal Ye ar 2007108 opte ept. gr. cm s. A opted OBJEC T # Budget Request Aut un a Budget 5000 L - LL Library Assistant I 100% 100% 100% 100% Librarian I 200% 200% 200% 200% Library Page II ~ 100% 100% 100% 100% Library Assistant II 100% 100% 100% 100% Library Page I 100% 100% 100% 100% Librarian II 100% 100% 100% 100% Library Clerk 100% 100% 100% 100% Principal Librarian 100% 100% 100% 100% Librarian I 100% 100% 100% 100% Assistant Library Director 0% 50% 5D% 50% 5010 PERSONNEL -PART TIME Library Clerks, Pages 1325% 1475% 1475% 1475% SF-191 CITY OF RANCAO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (51001 DETAIL Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) ion: ARCI-IIBALD LIBRARY (606) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Yea r 2007/08 Adopted Adopted - Estimated Department Manager Ob.lect Object Description Budget Budget Actual Request Rcmd. 5100 Travel and Meetings American Library Assoc. Conf. ~ 0 '0 ~ ` r 0 1,000 ~ 1,000 Library Meetings 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Public Library Conference 2,500 2,500 2;500 2,500 2,500 Total for Travel and Meetings: 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,500 4,500 5105 Mileage Reimbursement 200 200 200 200 200 Total for Mileage: 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 200 200 200 200. 200 Office Supplies & Equipment 10,000 10,000 8,800 10,000 10,000 Total for Office Supplies 8 Equipment: 5152 Computer Sofrivare ]0,000 10,000 8,800 10,000 10,000 Miscellaneous Sofhvare Standard PC Software (15) 0 0 0 0 0 6,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 Total (or Computer Software: 5160 Membership Dues 0 0 6,000 1,000 1,000 American Library Association California Library Association 450 200 450 200 450 200 450 200 450 200 Total for Membership Uues: 650. 650 650 650 650 5200 Operations S Maintenance Adult Books/Materials 0 0 0 75,000 75,000 Books/Materials { 1 } 102,310 100,000 100,000 0 0 Children's Books/Materials 0 0 0 75,000 75,000 Collection Rplment Dated Mater {2 } 0 0 0 200,000 200,000 Magazines/Publications ]2,OOQ.. 12,000 ]2,000 12,000 12,000 Media 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 RFID Security Gate 0 0 73,790 0 0 RFID Tags 0 0 113,890 10,000 10,000 Special Program Supplies 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 15,000 Teen Books/Materials 0 0 0 25,000 .25,000 { 1 } Effective FY 2007/08, budget is separated into subcategories of materials: Adult, Children's, Teens, and Media. ' {2} Year 1 of 3-year plan [o refurbish and replace collections (fund balance used) Total for Operations &)\lain[enance: 129,310 127,000 314,680 437,000 437,000 5300 Contract Sendces Bk Process & Tech Serv 22,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 Children's Progratnming Fund 3,000. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 GuazdServices 0 0 7,]80 0 0 SF-192 Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) 'ion: ARCHIBALD LIBRARY (606) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 ~ Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager Oblect OblectDescription _ Budget Budget Actual Request Rcmd Photocopier Lease 0 0 12,950 0 0 RFIDEquipmentMaintenance _ - 0 ~ 0 1,120 10,000 ]0,000 Security Gale Maintenance _ 4,000 4,000 4,000 0 0 Security Monitor Contract 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Self Check Maintenance 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0 Total for Contract Services:' 58,000 63,000 84,250 82,000 82,000 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 201,660 204,350 418,080 535,350 535,350 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (5100) DETAIL s SF-193 Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) r ion: ARCHIBALD LIBRARY (606) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY (5600) DETAIL 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted ~ Estimated Department ~ Manager Object OblectDescription Budget Budget Actual Request Rcmd 5603 CapitalOutlay-Equipment RFID -Self Check Terminal 0 0 74,070 0 0 Total for Capital Outlay-Equipment. 0 0 74,070 0 0 5605 Capital Outlay-Computer Equip IBM Sure POS Units 0 0 5,800 0 0 Total for Capital Outlay-Computer Equip: 5606 Capital Ou[lay-Furn/Fixtures 0 0 5,800 0 0 .Children'sRoomFurnimre 0 0.~ 9,040 0 0 Total for Capital Outlay-Furn/Fixtures: 0. 0 9,040 0 0 TOTAL FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY: 0 0 88,910 0 0 SF-194 Fund: LIBRARY.FUND (290) ion: PAUL A. BIANE LIBRARY (607) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 - Adopted Adop[ed ,Estimated Department Manager Ob.lect/Description ~ Budget Budget Actual Request ~ Rcmd PERSONNEL SERVICES 5000 Regular Salazies 5010 Part Time Salaries 5030 - Fringe Benefits TOTAL FOR PERSONNEL SERVICES: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 5100 Travel and Meetings 5105 Mileage 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 5152 Computer Software S 160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations & Maintenance 5300 Contract Services TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: CAPITAL OUTLAY 5603 CapitalOutlay-Equipment TOTAL FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY: TOTAL FOR DIVISION 607: TOTAL FOR Lll3RARY FUND: 1~y,~LU 49:3,880 463,880 624,910 48 ,350 133,470 348,970 348,970 423,700 42 ,700 132,070 254,840 121,500 321,250 25 ,710 525,060 ],097,690 934,350 1,369,860 1,16 ,760 500 3,500 3,500 4,500 ,500 200 200 200 200 200 3,000 ]0,000 10,000 10,000 1 ,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 650 650 650 ~ 650 5,500 130,000 405,960 247,000 24 ;000 14,000 62,000 50,200 70,000 7 ,000 23,200 206,350 472,510 332,350 32 ,350 0 0 26,770 0 0 0 0 26,770 0 0 548,260 1,304,040 1,433,630 1,702,2]0 1,48 ,110 3,084,070 3,536,340 4,241,800 4,454,230 4,18 ,330 SF-195 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA i FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION `' ° ~ DEPARTMENT: Library FUND: 290 DIVISION: Victoria Gardens COST CENTER: 607 FY 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 A opte ept. gr. Rcm s. dopte OBJECT # Budgef Request ut un a Budget 5000 E NNEL - F Library Assistant I ~ ` 100% 100% 100% 100% Librarian II 100% 100% .100% 100% Librarian I 200% 200% 200% 200% Library Clerk 100% 100% 100% 100% Library Assistant II 100% 100% 100% 100% Library Services Manager 100% . 100% 100% 100% Library Assistant II 100% 100% 100% 100% Librarian I 100% 100% 100% 100% . Library Page I 100% 0% 0% 0% Library Assistant I 100% 100% 100% 100% Seriio~ Libra i~an~„' *!~ ~ °a1;1~~v ,°'F~ ~rs6s r~-~,Ix~°qy~~,~ ° ~m ~' kE4 {11~4i~>~ ~~Nr}4 ~~..M1`.,I r,T f \~ d ~^"~i4~hI Tl1V ,-ulZyf ~ 7 ti, 3 ~ Q~,, ~~'*.~ xs'iw r Llbca '1 °" ' t Y I'`F-t ' [[ ~;-u^; ~'""q d 1P1>Jf~~ryp~l.~4/~ ( ° + a'ti'~"~~A v T '_y pr} r : 1,~:YYtI~~)° / S ' F /~° ~/`3.~Uf ° ~S~^ i~~l dr/ ~9 0 < ' °~~i M1C 9y, iy. ' E{'1~JO , ~.{s 14 rNf ° ! ,~ ~~~-~o Y1 1M.~.rµs~~ l/.SF y` ~m,!S~`n "~'+, 4 ~ ssis s I~ . an ; y ~ s ~ ~yS,(i(,~Y ~ 14'i CSgt'r,N Y ~IS`d SQL C ,r ..N~~ ~ rn 4~ ~\~j ,}~'S r {~ °.tPt~ ~~ Y °§ +LYC + Cr~ tr }4 } ~ ~' 1 tj + Off ~'S l t~I l ~ ~ a . ,,. ~\'K1~7i{ ~` ~ e~d 1 f'M1 Y ° 't ~ .~y Mr (~ y l~~ ^M'"11,~~/'Y ~~Ce ' \ ° ~~ ~ ~ ~9 -`uw~^r~ CO /°. = ~ iC 0 ~i ~ hM4~ ~'ll Io /0 ~4j~4.i I \pl Z ~`" (y+'~ ~{~~v ~ 1 4~~µ-i~..~ !'?~,±P:l i * b i w F ice P.C a ls _ .<SuPw,<.:_s.;,.s!,,. t,. ~'.~t~,'!i3~:iv Yi'~'rk.~lx=~ ~` ~ Yl ~ ..~' -'~ ?x r ¢t~O 70 s,:i S . 5 at , 3 3 ~1001f0 :F2ate"sL .rO /0 ~i :~ ~ r O I •72 `m u , „~ a *- § { £4 "r . v _ , a ,. - . , . u ... . e.sa,..rs k . .. 5010 PERSONNEL -PART TIME Library Clerks, Pages 1325% 1475% 1475% 1475% SF-196 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (5100) DETAIL Fmtd: LIBRARY FUND (290) I ' 'ion: PAUL A. BIANE LIBRARY (607) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 .Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted Estimated Department Manager Ob.lect Object Description Budget Budget Actual Request Rcmd. 5100 Travel and Meetings ALA Conference 0 0 0 1,000 000 ~LibraryMeetings -_ ~~ ~ S00 3,500 ~ 3,500 1,500 500 Public Lib Assoc Conference 0 0 0 2,000 000 Total for Travel and Meetings: S00 3,500 3,500. 4,500 500 5105 Mileage Reimbursement 200 200 200 200 200 Total for Mileage: 200 200 200 200 200 5150 Oftce Supplies & Equipment Office Supplies & Equipment 3,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1 000 Total for Office Supplies & Equipment: 3,000 10,000 10,000 ]0,000 1 000 5152 Computer Software Standard PC Sofrware (6) 0 . A 2,000 0 0 Total for Computer Software: 0 0 2,000 0 0 5160 ~ Membership Dues American Library Association 0 450 450 4S0 SO California Library Association 0 200 200 200 200 Total for Membership Dues: 0 6S0 6S0 6S0 6S0 5200 .Operations & Maintenance Adult Books/Materials 0 0 0 75.000 7S 00 Books/~4aterials {1} 3,000 100,000 304,890 0 0 Children's Books/Materials 0 0 0 75,000 75 00 Magazines/Publications 0 15,000 15,000 15,000 1 S 00 Media 0 0 0 25,000 2S 00 Mobile Display Units Q 0 0 7,000 0 Mobile Display Units (2) 0 0 7,000 0 0 RFIDSupplies 0 0 0 ]0,000 ]0 00 RFID Tags 0 0 64,070 0 0 Special Program Supplies 2,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 15 00 Teens 0 0 0 25,000 2S 00 { 1 } Effective FY 2007/08, budget is separated into subcategores of materials: Adult, Children's Teens, and Media. Total for Operations &.Maintenance: S,S00 130,000 405,960 247,000 240 00 5300 Contract Ser~~ces Bk Process & Tech Serv 2,000 20,000 20;000 40,000 40 00 Children's Programming Fund 3,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ]0 00 Computer Services 3,000 - 0 ~ 0 0 0 Office Eguip/Machine Maint 1,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10 00 SF-197 CITY OF RANCAO CUCAMONGA p FISCAL .YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATION'S & MAINTENANCE (51001 DETAIL Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) P' 'lion: PAUL A. BIANE LIBRARY (607) Photocopier Lease RFID Equip. Maintenance - Securiry Monitor Contract { ] } { ] } Effective FY 2006/07 moved from Division 601. 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted Estimated ~ Department Manager Bud et Bud et Actual Request ~ Rcmd. 0 0 10,200 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10 00 5,000 22,000 0 0 0 Total for Contract Services:, 14,000 62.000 50,200 70,000 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 23,200 206,350 472,510 332,350 SF-198 Fund: LIBRARY FUND (290) P' `lion: PAUL A. BIANE LIBRARY (607) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY (5600) DETAIL 2005/06 Fiscal Pear 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 ~- ~ ~ Adopted Adop[ed Estimated Department Manager _ Obiec[ Obiect Description ~ BudQet Budge[ Actual Request Rcmd 5603 CapitalOutlay-Equipment RFID - SelFCheck Terminal 0 0 26,770 0 0 Total for Capital Outlay-Equipment: 0 0 26,770 0 0 TOTAL FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY: 0 0 26,770 0 0 SF-199 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY Fund: CALIFORNIA LTTERACY CAMPAIGN (298) ~' 'ion: LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION (601) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006/07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 _ -~ - Adopted Adopted Estimated ;Department Manager Object/Description ~ Budget Budget Actual Request Rcmd PERSONNEL SERVICES 5000 Regular Salaries 5010 Pari Time Salaries 5030 Fringe Benefits TOTAL FOR PERSONNEL SERVICES: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE S 100 Travel and Meetings 5105 Mileage 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 5152 Computer Software 5160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations & Maintenance 40,690 44,700 44,700 47,280 47,280 18,000 18,540 18,540 19,000- 19,000 20,300 22,270 22,270 24,310 24 310 78,990 85,510 85,510 90,590 90,590 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 200 200 200 200 200 0 500 3,000 500 500 0 0 l,oo0 0 0 zzo zzo zzo zzo zzo 200- 200 500 .500 500 5215 O& M/Computer Equipment 0 0 3,000 0 0 5300 Coritract Services ],930 ],930 1 080 1 930 1 930 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: 3,050 3,550 IQ,O50 4,400 4,400 TOTAL FOR DIVISION 601: 82;040 89,060 95,560 94,990 94,990 TOTAL FOR CALIFORNIA LITERACY 82,040 89,060 95,560 94,990 94,990 CAMPAIGN: SF-200 CITY OF-RANCHO~CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 PERSONNEL ALLOCATION DEPARTMENT: Library FUND: 298 DIVISION: California Literacy Campaign Grant COST CENTER: 601 FY 2006/07 Fiscal Ye ar 2007/08 opte Dept. Mgr. cm s. A opted OBJE CT # Budget Request Aut unded Budget 1100 ER NEL- UL IME - Library Assistant II 100% 100% 100% 100% 1300 PERSONNEL - PART TIME Library Clerk 25% 0% 0% 0% Library Assistant 50% 50% 50% 50% SF-201 .CITY OF.RANCHO CUCAMONGA FISCAL YEAR 2007/08 BUDGET OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE (51001 DETAIL Fund: CALIFORNIA LITERACY CAMPAIGN (298) r 'pion: LIBRARY-ADMINISTRATION (601) 2005/06 Fiscal Year 2006!07 Fiscal Year 2007/08 Adopted Adopted Estimated Department 11'Ianager Object Object Description Budge[ Budget Actual ~ Request Rcmd 5100 Travel and Meetings ILS Literacy Conference 0 .. 0 400 400 400 SCLLN Conference 500 500 600 .600 600 Total for Travel and Meetings: 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 _ 5105 Mileage Reimbursement 200 200. 200 200 200 Total for Mileage: 200 .200 200 200 200 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment ' General Office Supplies 0 S00 500 500 500 Office Photocopier 0 0 2,500 0 0 Total for Office Supplies & Equipment:. 0 500 3,000 500 500 5]52 ComputerSaftware Reading & Writing Software (2) 0 0 1,000 0 0 Total for Computer Software: 0 0 1,000 0 ' 0 5160 Membership Dues Ca]ifomia Literacy 80 80 130 ] 30 130 SCLLN 140 .140 140 140 140 Total for Membership Dues: 220 220 270 270 270 5200 Operations & Maintenance . Instructional Resources 200 200 500 500 500 Total for Operations R Maintenance: 200 200 500 500 500 5215 O S !\1/Computer Equipment Standard PC w/20" Monitor (2) { 1} 0 0 .3,000 0 0 ~1 } Funded by donations Total for O& M/Computer Equipment: 0 0 3,000 0 0 5300 Contract Services LitPro Annua] Service Agmt 430 430 430 430 430 Tutor Training 1,500 1,500 650 ],500 1,500 Total for Contract Services: 1,930 1,930 1,080 1,930 1,930 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS & MAl1VTENAN'CE: 3;050 3,550 10,050 4,400 4;400 SF-202 PCReservation PC Usage Report Garcia, Vivian From: Tuckerman, Adam Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 1:42 PM To: Clark, Deborah Cc: Garcia, Vivian; Perera, Michelle; Karatsu, Robert Subject: May PAB Tech Stats PC Usage Report Organized By Month Prepared 06/01/2007 Change: + 18%~ Month Total Uses Total Time Average Session 2007-01 2429 2170:19 53.610 2007-02 2265 1986:45 52.629 2007-03 2794 2400:24 51.548 2007:04 2469 2322:22 56.437 X007-OS 3004 2718:22 54.295 TOTALS 12961 11614:00 53.657 Page 1 of 1 6/5/2007 Adult Literacy Statistics (May 2007) Learner/Tutor (matched) - 44 pairs Learner (Assessed) Waiting to be matched - 5 Learners waiting to be assessed - 8 Families for Literacy (FFL) participants - 8 FFL Storytime Attendance - 10 FFL Outreach Storytime Attendance - 25 (Head Start) Computer Literacy participants served - 58 Total Program Participants for the month=88 (this includes tutors, learners and families who participated in tutoring and "special events") RANCHO CUCAMONGA PUBLIC LIBRARY CHILDREN'S SERVICES MONTHLY STATISTICS MONTH May YEAR 2007 STATISTICS TOTALS Information transactions 2588 Programs: Storytimes Toddler Time Thurs 11:00 a.m Number of Programs 5 Attendance 118 Total Toddler Times Number of Programs 5 Attendance 118 Preschool Storytime 1, Wed. 10 am Number of Programs 5 Attendance 124 Preschool Storytime 2, Wed. 11 am Number of Programs 5 Attendance 142 Total Preschool Storytimes 10 Attendance 292 Family Storytime, Sat. 11:00'a.m. Number of Programs 4 Attendance 41 Total Family Storytimes 4 Attendance 41 After School Cool Thursday 4:00 p.m Number of Programs 5 Attendance 107 Total Storytimes 24 Attendance 558 Class or Group Visits/Tours to the Library Cucamonga Elementary 10 Private Preschool 10 Total Tours 3 Attendance 20 Off Site Visits Headstart Total Visits 1 Attendm:ce 70 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year: 2007 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date:May 2007 Remaining Object Description ~ BudEet MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance Revenue Accounb~ Key: 1290000 -Library Fund 4101 Property Taxes-CY Secured 4102 Property Taxes-CY Unsecured 4103 Property Taxes-PY Sec & Unsec 4105 Property Taxes-Supplemental 4312 Library Fines and Fees 4401 Interest Earnings 4402 Unrealized Gain 4410 Media Rentals 4411 Special Event Rental 4512 Library Card & Merchndse Sales 4514 Technology Center Revenue 4515 Information Service Fees 4570 Sale of Printed Materials 4740 Grant Income 4901 Other Revenue 4906 CLSA Direct Loan 4907 Private Contributions Library 4908 Public Library Foundation Total for Org Key (290000: Key: 1294000 -Adult Education Act Grant 4402 Umealized Gain Total jor Org Key 1294000. 2,844,230.00 372,109.44 1,626,110.44 0.00 1,218,119.56 42.82 72,980.00 100.86 72,888.72 0.00 91.28 0.12 91,790.00 1,453.19 48,932.80 0.00 42,857.20 46.69 417,990.00 22,210.40 454,425.32 0.00 -36,435.32 -8.71 200,000.00 11,560.76 179,176.92 0.00 20,823.08 10.41 103,700.00 0.00 44,687.02 0.00 59,012.98 56.90 0.00 0.00 81,137.03 0.00 -81,137.03 0.00 95,000.00 5,734.06 87,448.47 0.00 7,551.53 7.94 2,620.00 0.00 2,620.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 22.00 30.56 0.00 4,969.44 99.38 0.00 0.00 540.75 0.00 -540.75 0.00 2,000.00 22.75 3,152.01 0.00 -1,152.01 -57.60 8,000.00 1,134.50 8,999.12 0.00 -999.12 -12.48 0.00 0.00 23,169.00 0.00 -23,169.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.00 -1.99 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 119,709.03 0.00 -19,709.03 -19.70 100,000.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 30.00 98,020.00 0.00 98,418.00 0.00 -398.00 -0.40 4,141,330.00 414,347.96 2,921,447.18 0.00 1,219,882.82 29.45 0.00 0.00 37.78 0.00 -37.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.78 0.00 -37.78 0.00 Key: 1298000 -Calif Literacy Campaign Grant 4740 Grant Income 4909 RC Library Foundation Support , 8290 TransferIn-Library Fund Total jor Org Key 1298000: 36,400.00 0.00 30,006.00 0.00 6,394.00 17.56 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 100.00 39,160.00 39,160.00 39,160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,560.00 39,160.00 69,166.00 0.00 26,394.00 27.62 Total jor Revenue Accounts: 4,236,890.00 453,507.96 2,990,650.96 0.00 1,246,239.04 29.41 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: I Current Date: 06/04/2007 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Current Time: 07:45:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year: 2007 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date:May 2007 Object Description - Bud¢et MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance alance Remaining Expense Accotmts Key: 1290601 -Library Fund 5000 Regular Salaries 225,610.00 25,561.30 201,401.20 0.00 24,208.80 10.73 5010 Part Time Salaries 21,000.00 2,681.10 20,355.26 0.00 644.74 3.07 5030 Fringe Benefits 129,220.00 0.00 129,220.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5100 Travel and Meetings 8,500.00 0.00 3,645.79 0.00 4,854.21 57.10 5102 Training 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 5105 Mileage 7,000.00 692.31 5,815.92 0.00 1,184.08 16.91 5150 Office Supplies 8c Equipment 1,000.00 200.01 445.42 0.00 554.58 55.45 5160 Membership Dues 2,900.00 0.00 1,215.00 0.00 1,685.00 58.10 5200 Operations & Maintenance 10,500.00 631.56 3,255.70 50.98 7,193.32 68.50 5283 Depreciation-Computer Equip 4,120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,120.00 100.00 5300 Contract Services 130,650.00 542.98 58,766.22 8,478.24 63,405.54 48.53 5400 Telephone Utilities 15,000.00 ~ 2,108.25 12,534.34 0.00 2,465.66 16.43 5402 Water Utilities 3,000.00 377.02 2,157.39 0.00 842.61 28.08 5403 Electric Utilities 75,000.00 3,492.85 50,337.37 0.00 24,662.63 32.88 5501 Admin./General Overhead 189,000.00 0.00 189,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5650 Capital Project 185,750.00 ~ 0.00 172,757.20 9,289.00 3,703.80 1.99 9298 Transfer Out-CA LiteracyCmpgn 39,160.00 39,160.00 39,160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total for Org Ke}~ 129060!: 1,049,410.00 75,447.38 890,066.81 17,818.22 141,524.97 13.48 Key: 1290604 -Bookmobile Services - 5000 Regular Salaries 56,050.00 6,435.69 50,157.27 0.00 5,892.73 10.51 5010 Part Time Salaries 16,000.00 1,690.27 11,974.60 0.00 4,025.40 25.15 5030 Fringe Benefits 28,050.00 0.00 28,050.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5105 Mileage 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 5200 Operations & Maintenance 2,100.00 0.00 2,064.28 0.00 35.72 1.70 5283 Depreciation-Computer Equip 0.00 0.00 2,420.00 0.00 -2,420.00 0.00 5300 Contract Services 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 100.00 5400 Telephone Utilities 1,500.00 0.00 129.75 0.00 1,370.25 91.35 Total forOrgKeylZ90604: 124,300.00 8,125.96 94,795.90 0.00 29,504.10 23.73 Key: 1290605 -Library Board of Trustees 5100 Travel and Meetings 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 100.00 5160 Membership Dues 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 100.00 Total jar Org Key 1290605: 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 100.00 Key: 1290606 -Archibald Library 5000 Regular Salaries 501,940.00 58,259.18 436,092.84 0.00 65,847.16 13.11 5005 Overtime Salaries 0.00 0.00 8.19 0.00 -8.19 0.00 5010 Part Time Salaries 344,500.00 32,393.80 258,694.99 0.00 85,805.01 24.90 5030 Fringe Benefits 239,260.00 0.00 239,260.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5100 Travel and Meetings 3,500.00 164.21 1,457.55 0.00 2,042.45 58.35 5105 Mileage 200.00- 0.00 100.52 0.00 99.48 49.74 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 8,800.00 405.40 7,000.57 0.00. 1,799.43 20.44 5152 Computer Software 6,000.00 0.00 3,336.42 174.38 2,489.20 41.48 5160 Membership Dues 650.00 0.00 280.00 0.00 370.00 56.92 5200 Operations & Maintenance 314,680.00 19,474.00 216,659.92 9,736.76 88,283.32 28.05 5300 Contract Services 84,250.00 7,421.94 39,368.79 17,881.46 26,999.75 32.04 5603 CapitalOutlay-Equipment 74,070.00 7,635.87 74,061.55 0.00 8.45 0.01 5605 Capital Outlay-Computer Equip 5,800.00 0.00 5,523.55 270.00 6.45 0.11 5606 Capital Outlay-Fum/Fixtures 9,110.00 0.00 9,103.88 0.00 6.12 0.06 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 2 Current Date: 06/04/2007 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Current Time: 07:45:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year: 2007 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date:May 2007 Remaining Object Description Budget MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance Tota! ja~ Org Key 1290606: Key: 1290607 -Paul A. Biane Library 5000 Regular Salaries SO10 Part Time Salaries 5030 Fringe Benefits S 100 Travel and Meetings S10S Mileage 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment S1S2 Computer Software 5160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations & Maintenance 5300 Contract Services 5603 CapitalOutlay-Equipment Tarn! jor Org Key 1290607 1,592,760.00 125,754.40 1,290,948.77 28,062.60 273,748.63 17.18 463,880. 00 54,114 .57 389,982 .47 0.00 73,897 .53 15. 93 348,970 .00 .29,488 .97 203,068 .94 0.00 145,901 .06 41. 80 254,840. 00 0 .00 254,840 .00 0.00 0 .00 0. 00 3,500. 00 0 .00 2,816 .22 0.00 683 .78 19. 53 200 .00 0 .00 66 .75 0.00 133 .25 66. 62 10,000. 00 0 .00 682 .08 0.00 9,317 .92 93. 17 2,000. 00 0 .00 1,650 .69 0.00 349 .31 17. 46 650 .00 0 .00 210 .00 0.00 440 .00 67. 69 405,960. 00 76,560. 18 134,952 .10 88,893.98 215,113 .92 52. 98 50,200. 00 2,817 .27 7,894 .85 22,922.01 19,683 .44 39. 21 26,770. 00 28,844. 61 25,544 .61 1,222.67 2 .72 0. 01 1,566,970. 00 188,492. 60 1,021,408 .41 80,038.66 465,522 .93 29. 70 Ke}': 1298601 -Calif Literacy Campaign Grant 5000 Regular Salaries SO10 Part Time Salaries 5030 Fringe Benefits S 100 Travel and Meetings S10S Mileage S1S0 Office Supplies & Equipment SiS2 Computer Software 5160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations & Maintenance S21S O 8z M/Computer Equipment 5300 Contract Services Total for Org Key 1298601 44,700. 00 5,116.16 40,225 .10 0.00 4,474 .90 10. 01 18,540. 00 2,823.79 19,483 .50 0.00 -943 .50 -5. 08 22,270. 00 0.00 22,270 .00 0.00 0 .00 0. 00 1,000. 00 0.00 829 .43 0.00 170 .57 17. 08 200. 00 0.00 126 .38 0.00 73 .62 36. 81 500. 00 0.00 395 .90 0.00 104 .10 20. 82 1,000. 00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 1,000 .00 100. 00 270. 00 0.00 150 .00 0.00 120 .00 44. 44 3,000. 00 0.00 621 .$6 0.00 2,378 .14 79. 27 3,000. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 3,000 .00 100. 00 1,080. 00 99.99 443 .99 0.00 636 .01 58. 88 95,560. 00 8,039.94 84,546. 16 0.00 11,013 .84 11. 52 Total jnr Expense Accounts: 4,432,500.00 405,860.28 3,381,766.05 125,919.48 924,814.47 20.86 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 3 Current Dale: O6/04/20i Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Current Time: 07:45:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Eiscal Year: 2007 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date:May 2007 Remaining Object Description Budget MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance Repor( Sumnmry Revenue Total: 4,236,890.00 4S3,S07.96 2,990,650.96 0.00 1,246,239.04 29.41 Expense Total: 4,432,500.00 405,860.28 3,381,766.OS 125,919.48 924,814.47 20.86 Total Net for Report: -195,610.00 47,647.68 -391,115.09 -125,919.48 321,424.57 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 4 Current Date: 06/04/2007 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object ~ Curren[ Time: 07:45:29 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Fiscal Year: 2007 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date:May 2007 Remaining Object Description Bud¢et MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance Revenue Accounts Key: 2630000 -Library 4401 Interest Earnings 4402 Unrealized Gain 8999 Transferln From Fund Balance Total jor Org Key 2630000. Key: 2632000 -Loan Program 4401 Interest Earnings 4402 Unrealized Gain Total far Org Key 2632000: Key: 2634000 -Non-Tax Loan 4402 Unrealized Gain Total for Org Ke}~ 2634000: Total for Revenue Accounts: 70,300. 00 0.00 35,344. 50 0.00 34,955. 50 49.72 0. 00 0.00 54,955. 01 0.00 -54,955. 01 0.00 483,190. 00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 483,190. 00 100.00 553,490. 00 0.00 90,299. 51 0.00 463,190. 49 83.68 0. 00 2,137.42 23,769. 83 0.00 -23,769. 83 0.00 0. 00 0.00 15,329. 90 0.00 -15,329. 90 0.00 0. 00 2,137.42 39,099. 73 0.00 -39,099. 73 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,648.62 0.00 -3,648.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,648.62 0.00 -3,648.62 0.00 553,490.00 2,137.42 133,047.86 0.00 420,442.14 75.96 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: I Current Date: 06/04/2007 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_Ol_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Current Time: 07:46:06 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Fiscal Year: 2007 GL Budeet to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date:May 2007 Remaining Oblect Description Budget MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance Expense Accounts Key: 2630801 -Library 5152 Computer Software 5207 O & M/Capital Supplies 5215 O & M/Computer Equipment 5300 Contract Services 5602 Capital Outlay-Bldg & Imprvmn[ 5603 Capita] Outlay-Equipment 5605 Capital Outlay-Computer Equip 5606 Capital Outlay-Futn/Fixtures Tottt! for Org Key 2630801 15,000. 00 7,502. 97 10,746. 07 279. 50 3,974. 43 26 .49 195,070. 00 2,916. 66 157,473. 02 0. 00 37,596. 98 19 .27 22,750. 00. 0. 00 674. 04 17,770. 66 4,305. 30 18 .92 148,000. 00 0. 00 108,400. 00 27,600. 00 12,000. 00 8 .10 0. 01 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 01 100 .00 52,170. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 52,170. 00 100 .00 0. 02 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 02 ] 00 .00 110,500. 00 4,035. 55 4,035. 55 0. 00 106,464. 45 96 .34 543,490. 03 14,455. 18 281,328. 68 45,650. 16 216,511. 19 39. 83 Totnlfor Expense Accounts: 543,490.03 14,455.18 281,328.68 45,650.16 216,511.19 39.83 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 2 Current Date: 06/04/2007 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Current Time: 07:46:06 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Fiscal Year: 2007 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date:May 2007 _ Remaining Object Description Budget MTD Actual YTD Actual Encumbrance Balance Reoort Sununary Revenue Tatal: 553,490.00 2,137.42 133,047.86 0.00 420,442.14 75.96 Expense Total: 543,490.03 14,455.18 281,328.68 45,650.16 216,511.19 39.83 Total Net for Report: 9,999.97 -12,317.76 -148,280.82 -45,650.16 203,930.95 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 3 Current Date: 06/04/2007 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_Ol_RC - GL: Budge[ to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Current Time: 07:46:06 COMBINED STATISTICS May-07 May-06 FY 2006/07 FY 2005/06 Days Open 29 29 320 ~ 317 0% 1% Items Borrowed 82,516 60,348 848,811 659,958 Average Daily 2,845 2,081 2,653 2,082 Change 37% 29% Patrons Registered 1,189 725 17,766 8,549 Average Daily 41 25 56 27 Change 64% 108% Information Questions 10,150 5,134 104,850 68,485 Average Daily 350 177 328 216 Change 98% 52% Library Visitors 49,103 33,481 534,834 359,769 Average Daily 1,693 1,155 1,671 1,135 Change 47% 47% Children's Programs 1,833 891 19,849 9,618 # of Sessions 174 29 881 254 Aver. Per session 11 31 23 38 Change 106% 106% Items Classified 6,332 897 6,332 12,544 Change 606% -50% - Volunteer Hours 797 510 2,854 ~ 5,577 Change 56% -49% LITERACY SERVICES Tutor Teams Matched 44 39 N/A N/A Change 13% N/A N/A Learners Waiting 13 17 N/A N/A Change -24% N/A N/A Tutor Hours Volunteered 236 Families for Literacy Participants 8 11 N/A N/A Computer Literacy Participants 58 47 N/A N/A VIRTUAL LIBRARY SERVICES Searches 6,408 N/A 51,829 N/A Retrievals 9,782 N/A 71,716 N/A Tutor.Com Use 364 N/A 987 N/A Home Access 337 N/A N/A In-Library Use 27 N/A N/A TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 6,162 1,280 43,470 11,192 Change 381% 288% ProgramslClasses Attendance 54 332 # of sessions 4 24 Aver. Per session 14 14 HOMEBOUND SERVICES Patrons Served 22 N/A N/A Materials Loaned 210 N/A N/A Visitor Hours Volunteered 25 N/A N/A C1.a Page 1 of 2 ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 6,288 2,435 58,525 40,684 Average Daily 217 84 74 128 Change 158% -42% Programs/Classes Attendance 28 16 288 132 # of Sessions 3 1 21 7 Aver. per session 26 20 26 19 Tours/Group Visits Attendance ~ 5 0 1,114 200 # of Sessions 1 0 73 9 Aver. per session - 5 0 15 22 Teen Programs/Classes Attendance 33 0 179 0 # of Sessions 2 0 8 0 Aver. per session 17 ~ 0 22 0 CHILDREN'S SERVICES Information Questions 3,862 2,699 46,325 27,801 Average Daily 145 93 174 88 Change 55% 99% Toddler Time 376 171 2,655 2,156 # of Sessions 13 8 122 80 Aver. Per session 29 21 20 27 Preschool Storytime Attendance 614 315 4,503 2,436 # of Sessions 20 10 163 80 Aver. per session 31 32 - 28 30 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 149 109 1,459 1,062 # of Sessions 9 4 64 34 Aver. per session 0 0 0 ~ 0 Family Storytime Attendance 274 150 3,411 1,752 # of Sessions ~ 14 8 150 46 Aver. per session 20 19 27 38 Special Evens Program Attendance 148 41 3,980 1,468 # of Sessions 3 2 47 14 Aver. per session 0 0 76 105 Back to Basics Program Students Enrolled 46 0 165 0 Aver. Per session 105 0 200 0 Tutor Hours Volunteered 205 Special Programs Attendance 91 0 144 0 # of Sessions 2 0 5 0 Aver. per session ~ 0 0 76 0 Group Visits to Library Attendance 226 105 3,171 704 # of Sessions 10 8 121 35 Aver. per session 23 0 0 0 School Visits by Staff 0 0 505 40 # of Visits 0 0 14 1 C1.a Page 2 of 2 ARCHIBALD LIBRARY STATISTICS May-07 May-06 FY 2006/07 FY 2005/06 Days Open 29 29 320 317 0% 1% Items Borrowed (incl. renewals) 41,989 60,348 513,573 659,958 Average Daily 1,448 2,081 1,605 2,082 Change -30% -22% Archibald Library 37,814 .55,009 471,404 623,614 Average Daily 1,304 1,897 1,473 1,967 %Change -31% -24% Kidsmobile 4,175 5,339 42,169 43,145 Changed -22% -2% Patrons Registered 518 725 7,845 8,549 Archibald Library 511 718 7,573 Average Daily 18 25 25 27 %Change -29% -8% Kidsmobile 7 7 272 Information Questions 6,590 5,134 65,125 68,485 Average Daily 227 177 204 216 %Change 28% -6% Library Visitors 27,849 33,481 306,593 359,769 Average Daily - 960 1,155 958 1,135 %Change -17% -16% Children's Programs 648 891 8,357 9,618 # of Sessions 28 29 305 254 Aver. Per session 23 31 27 38 %Change 4200% -13% Items Classified 1,284 1,742 31,411 22,053 %Change -26% 42% Volunteer Hours 111 510 2,028 5,577 Change -78% -64% LITERACY SERVICES Tutor Teams Matched 41 46 N/A N/A %Change -11% N/A N/A Learners Waiting 17 10 N/A N/A Change 70% ~ N/A N/A Families for Literacy Participants 8 11 N/A N/A Computer Literacy Participants 58 46 N/A N/A TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 3,158 1,280 21,407 11,192 %Change 147% 91% C1.a Page 3 of 6 ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 4,002 2,435 35,281 40,684 Average Daily 138 84 74 128 Change 64% -42% Programs/Classes Attendance 0 16 64 132 # of Sessions 0 t 3 7 Aver. per session 0 16 2t 19 Tours/Group Visits Attendance 0 0 8 200 # of Sessions 0 0 1 9 Aver. per session 0 0 8 22 CHILDREN'S SERVICES Information Questions 2,588 2,699 29,844 27,801 Average Daily 89 93 93 88 Change -4% 6% Toddler Time 118 171 1,287 2,156 # of Sessions 5 8 64 80 Aver. Per session ~ 24 21 20 27 Preschool Storytime Attendance 292 315 2,346 2,436 # of Sessions 10 10 89 80 Aver. per session 29 32 28 30 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 107 109 995 1,062 # of Sessions 5 4 36 34 Aver. per session 21 27 28 31 Family Storytime Attendance ~ 41 150 1,237 1,752 # of Sessions 4 8 ~ 55 46 Aver. per session 10 19 22 38 Special Events Program Attendance ~ 70 41 1,866 1,468 # of Sessions t 2 32 14 Aver. per session 70 21 58 105 Back to Basics Program Students Enrolled 14 14 # of Sessions 30 30 Special Programs Attendance 20 20 # of Sessions 1 1 Aver. per session 20 20 Families for Literacy Storytimes 35 6 138 246 # of Sessions 2 ~ 1 9 6 Aver. Per session 18 6 15 41 Group Visits to Library Attendance 20 105 326 704 # of Sessions 3 8 17 .35 Aver. per session 7~ 13 19 20 SchoollQutreach Visits by Staff 0 0 300 40 # of Visits 0 0 12 1 C1.a Page 4 of 6 BIANE LIBRARY STATISTICS May-07 FY 2006/07 Days Open 23 203 Items Borrowed (incl. Renewals) 40,527 335,238 Average Daily 1,762 1,651 Change Patrons Registered 671 9,921 Average Daily 29 49 Change Information Questions 3,560 39,725 Average Daily 155 196 Change Library Visitors 21,254 228,241 Average Daily 924 1,124 Change Children's Programs 1,139 11,292 # of Sessions 73 525 Aver. Per session 16 22 Change Items Classified 1,191 33,161 Change Volunteer Hours 220 1,542 Change TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 3,004 22,063 Change Programs/Classes Attendance 54 332 # of sessions 4 24 Aver. Per session 14 14 C1.a Page 5 of 6 ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 2,286 23,244 Average Daily 99 115 Change ProgramslClasses Attendance 28 224 # of Sessions ~ 3 18 Aver. per session 9 12 Tours/Group Visits Attendance 5 1,106 # of Sessions 1 72 Aver. per session 5 ~ 15 Teen ProgramslClasses Attendance 33 179 # of Sessions 2 8 Aver. per session ~ 17 22 CHILDREN'S SERVICES Information Questions 1,274 16,481 Average Daily 55 81 Change Toddler Time 258 1,368 # of Sessions 8 58 Aver. Per session 32 24 Preschool Story[ime Attendance 322 2,157 # of Sessions 10 74 Aver. per session 32 29 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 42 464 # of Sessions 4 28 Aver. per session 11 17 Family Storytime Attendance 233 2,174 # of Sessions 10 95 Aver. per session 23 23 Special Events Program Attendance 78 2,114 # of Sessions 2 15 Aver. per session 39 141 Back to Basics Program Students Enrolled 32 151 # of Sessions 75 170 Special Programs Attendance 71 124 # of Sessions 1 4 Aver. per session 71 31 Group Visits to Library Attendance 206 2,845 # of Sessions 7 104 Aver. per session 29 27 School Visits by Staff 0 205 # of Visits 0 2 C1.a Page 6 of 6 Page 1 of 5 Clark, Deborah From: no-reply@tutor.com Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 3:38 AM To: mschneider@tutor.com; Clark, Deborah; Karatsu, Robert; Hood, Karye Subject: Tutor.com May Usage Report -Rancho Cucamonga Public Library -Remote Access Greetings, Below is your Live Homework Help May 2007 usage report. It details total sessions, usage by subject and grade level, as well as student survey responses and comments. If you have any questions regarding your report or want to discuss your Live Homework Help program, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Services team at Ihwhsupport@tutor.com. Summertime is here at last! Don't forget to get the word out about Live Homework Help to Summer School principals and teachers! Also, integrating Live Homework Help into your Summer Reading Program is another excellent way to promote the service to children, young adults and parents. Program ideas include: Family Trivia Night and Raffle drawings. Family Trivia Night gives the library an opportunity to bring families together at the library. Questions are divided between library resources that can be found in the library, in electronic databases, or by logging into Live Homework Help, and are distributed the evening of the event. The first family to answer all the questions correctly using the appropriate resource wins! Raffe drawings are a great way to find out who is using Live Homework Help. Ask students to print off sessions and enter them into a drawing for a chance to win a fabulous prize. For more ways to promote Live Homework Help in your library, visit our client website at http://clients.tutor.com. Warm regards, Your Tutor.com Client Services Team To view your historical reports, please click here Rancho Cucamonga Public Library -Remote Access -May, 2007 BRANCH STUDENTS SERVED AVERAGE LENGTH Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 337 24.17 Remote Access BRANCH GRADE LEVEL CONNECTED SESSIONS Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 4th 16 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th 41 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 6th 13 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 7th 14 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th 65 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 9th 96 Remote Access 6/11/2007 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 10th 39 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 11th 47 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - College -Intro 3 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 40 ~ 1 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 80 1 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 90 1 Remote Access BRANCH SUBJECT CONNECTED SESSIONS Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - En Espanol Math 1 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - En Espanol Math -Algebra 1 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - En Espanol Science 1 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - English 14 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - English -Essay Writing 3 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Math -Algebra 88 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Math -Algebra II 92 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Math -Calculus 3 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Math -Elementary (Grades 4-6) 35 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Math -Geometry 30 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Math -Mid-Level (Grades 7-6) 9 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Science -Biology 1 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Science -Chemistry 16 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Science -Earth Science 3 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Science -Elementary (Grades 4-8) 26 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Science -Physics 1 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Social Studies 13 Remote Access BRANCH QUESTION PERCENTAGE OF YES RESPONSES Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Are you glad your organization offers 99.36% Remote Access this service? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Would you recommend this service to 98.69 Remote Access a friend? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Is Live Homework Help helping you 96.10 Remote Access complete your homework assignments? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Is Live Homework Help helping you 92.31% Remote Access improve your grades? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Is Live Homework Help helping you 97.35% Page 2 of 5 6/11 /2007 Page 3 of 5 Remote Access be more confdent about your school work? BRANCH GRADE LEVEL STUDENT COMMENTS Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 4th i keep the notes for class Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 4th thank you Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th Awesome! Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th I really enjoyed having a tutor. This really helped me Remote Access understand my science,thanks for everything! Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th I think this is a great service. Thank you! Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th It is good! But there is one problem,it takes to long for the Remote Access tutors to load the website. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th ~ My tutor helped lead me to information that I wasn't able to Remote Access find by myself. I was stumped and needed help. Thank goodness for live homework help since I finished my homework! Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th Stephine was nice to me Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th thank you so much.Thanks to Karron i understand angles. Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th That tutor really helped me in magnetic energy. Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th That tutor was very helpful. Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th this ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 5th This tutor helped me on something, I never knew. Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 6th I have just started on this service today but i know i will be Remote Access using it more _ Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 7th i love it Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 7th some of the tutors log off before even helping me Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th a really great idea and a good way to help students in need Remote Access of homework help Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th i really like this that i will wasit more oRen. Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th it has been a great help forme. Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th it helps alot and they make it easier and help me understand Remote Access it better. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th it is great Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library -. 8th it was great Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th my tutor was Sean p and he was a great help. I now am more Remote Access confdent about dividing radicals. thank you sooo much. Austin B. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th ~ Sarah was great Remote Access she really helped - Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th this is really cool and i hope that my friends would like to use Remote Access this and that it will help them to. thank you so much. Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th This online tutoring program has once again succesfully Remote Access helped mein Math. Thank you so much! Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 8th This program is very great. It helped me a lot 6/11 /2007 Page 4 of 5 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access 8th well i cant really saythat its helping me do my homework or bring up my grades because today was my frst time and it helped me alot 9th I almost always get a great tutor they always care about me and want me to do my very best! 9th I love being tutored here because I always get help! 9th I love every minute of this session because I know I will get the help I need. 9th IF t his service could be open longer 9th If we don't get all the help we need i think the tutors shuld reccomend good websites for us. 9th If you could have longer hours for us students. 9th IF you could have a tutoring class in Spanish. 9th Sometimes i need help with my Spanish homework and you don't offer that here and i just don't get help sometimes. 9th The only thing is if they could stay open longer maby from 12 pm to 12 am because sometimes I am not able to receive a tutor because of the 10 pm deadline. 9th The tutor was really nice and helped me with problems and explained why certain values are the way they are. This service is really helpful.:) 9th THeis service should stay open much later. 9th 9th 9th 9th Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 9th Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 10th Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 10th Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Lib2ry Remote Access 11th 11th They were very patient! Well i always appreciate th sevice all i learn. Well i wish you could be open longer on the California side. Well Tania B from Algebra I ; Walter C Algebrall, and Kimberly B Algebra II are very very very good tutors you should give them a raise. I always look forward to them teaching me! WOW! I almost always come out understanding and if I don't I just go to antoher tutor and they help me! she was very patient and walked through every step so i would understand Thank you for your help and tell Ms. Christy that she is amazing A tutor is what helps an individual understand to which he or she can beneft from. Thanks i dont know why he asked me to log in again when i asked a question about problems on the same homework assignment i had 11th I feel that the tutor was very understanding in my area of need. This is an excellent service. It helps learning possible without straggle. 11th I feel this helps to improve my understanding in limes of doubt. 11th If this service didn't exist, alot of people such as I would have no one else to turn to when the teaming is difficult. I appreciate this greatly. 11th its koo and it helps alot it just takes a while to type but its kool to write on the whitboard 11th ~ my tutor was very thourough with his/her help Rancho Cucamonga Public Library - 11th Online Tutoring is very helpful.:) 6/11 /2007 Page 5 of 5 Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access ' Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Remote Access 11th The session was EXCELLENT and helped me refresh on important problems that are vital for success thanks to people like these tutors that take their time to help others. 11th The tutor was great :) 11th The tutor was superat explaining to me on how things work. This service is really helpful and helps me understand :) 11th The tutor was very helpful in helping me understand how and ' why to use certain techniques to solve problems. This is the best tutoring that I have had. 11th The tutor was very patient and helped me alot, not by just understanding a problem but the whole concept of the different types. The tutor was great! 11th The tutor was very patient and helpful. This service makes it possible to learn outside of the classroom for better understanding.:) 11th The tutors are really understanding in knowing what one struggles in.:) 11th The tutors are very knowledgable in what they teach. I appreciate the quality of this service to which my understanding of resolved problems is gained. 11th The tutors are very understanding. 11th This is a good service to help people. 11th This is a great serive to benifit those in need. 11th This is a GREAT service.:) 11th This is an excellent service that helps others as well as myself to understand more outside of the Gassroom. 11th This is great, helping others.:) 11th This is really good, having this service to help others. 11th This service is really helpful. College -Intro Melissa was great. I like the way she made me work through the problem rather than telling me what to do. 6/11/2007 Page 1 of 2 Clark, Deborah From: no-reply@tutor.com Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 3:38 AM To: mschneider@tutor.com; Clark, Deborah; Karatsu, Robert; Hood, Karye Subject: Tutor.com May Usage Report -Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Greetings, Below is your Live Homework Help May 2007 usage report. It details total sessions, usage by subject and grade level,. as well as student survey responses and comments. If you have any questions regarding your report or want to discuss your Live Homework Help program, please do not hesitate to contact our Client Services team at Ihwhsupport@tutor.com. Summertime is here at last! Don't forget to get the word out about Live Homework Help to Summer School principals and teachers! Also, integrating Live Homework Help into your Summer Reading Program is another excellent way to promote the service to children, young adults and parents. Program ideas include: Family Trivia Night and Raffle drawings. Family Trivia Night gives the library an opportunity to bring families together at the library. Questions are divided between library resources that can be found in the library, in electronic databases, or by logging into Live Homework Help, and are distributed the evening of the event. The first family to answer all the questions correctly using the appropriate resource wins! Raffle drawings are a great way to find out who is using Live Homework Help. Ask students to print off sessions and enter them into a drawing for a chance to win a fabulous prize. For more ways to promote Live Homework Help in your library, visit our client website at http://clients.tutor.com. Warm regards, Your Tutor.com Client Services Team To view your historical reports, please click here, Rancho Cucamonga Public Library -May, 2007 BRANCH STUDENTS SERVED AVERAGE LENGTH Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 27 9.37 BRANCH GRADE LEVEL CONNECTED SESSIONS Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 4th 1 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 5th 6 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 6th 4 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 7th 3 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 8th 7 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 10th 6 BRANCH SUBJECT CONNECTED SESSIONS Rancho Cucamonga Public Library English 8 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library English -Essay Writing 1 6/11 /2007 Page 2 oF2 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Math -Algebra 2 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Math -Algebra II 5 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Math -Elementary (Grades 4-6) 3 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Math -Mid-Level (Grades 7-6) 8 -~ BRANCH QUESTION PERCENTAGE OF YES RESPONSES Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Are you glad your organization offers 100.00% this service? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Would you recommend this service to 100.00% a friend? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Is Live Homework Help helping you 100.00% complete your homework assignments? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Is Live Homework Help helping you 100.00% improve your grades? Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Is Live Homework Help helping you 100.00% - be more confident about your school work? BRANCH GRADE LEVEL Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 5th STUDENT COMMENTS Thank you for this wondertul program!!! I is helping me in more ways that imaginable! Thank you!!! - ' 6~) 1~2~~7 BALANCE SHEET May FY 2006/2007 , Revenues Earned Projected Loss/Gain Fines & Fees $179,177 $190,208 ($11,031) -5.8% Media Rentals $87,448 $96,250 ($8,802) -9.1 Technology Center Revenue $541 $0 $541 Print Fees $8,999 $7,333 $1,666 22.7% Information Services Fees $3,183 $3,667 ($484) -13.2% Special Event Rental $2,620 $0 $2,620 N/A Direct Loan $96,905 $60,000 $36,905 61.5% Totals: $378,873 $357,458 $21,415 6.0% 'Balance for Year through May $21,415 'projections based on partial year of Victoria Gardens Library revenues TOTAL LIBRARIES FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT & FEES RENTALS SERV. May-07 01-May $864.94 $366.62 $0.40 02-May $779.25 $375.22 $0.00 03-May $746.14 $327.79 $3.00 04-May $447.17 $322.35 $0.00 05-May $342.29 $388.69 $4.00 O6-May $266.55 $128.09 $0.00 07-May $365.09 $126.73 $8.00 OS-May $844.47 $362.59 $0.00 09-May $918.54 $390.45 $3.60 10-May $853.93 $238.10 $3.00 11-May $385.99 $244.39 $0.75 12-May $526.28 $371.53 $0.00 13-May $130.75 $79.34 $0.00 14-May $374.47 $163.15 $0.00 15-May $635.36 $377.53 $0.00 16-May $940.89 $306.30 $0.00 17-May $919.36 $292.90 $0.00 18-May $551.89 $313.20 $20.00 19-May $371.24 $445.16 $0.00 20-May $316.16 $113.93 $0.00 21-May $440.99 $191.21 $8.00 22-May $435.54 $384.68 $0.00 23-May $780.84 $304.17 $0.00 24-May $378.49 $350.66 $3.00 25-May $465.44 $319.46 $3.00 26-May $672.89 $344.33 $0.00 27-May 28-May 29-May $882.33 $416.77 $3.00 30-May $858.49 $366.61 $0.00 31-May $703.10 $352.27 $0.00 TOTALS: $15,378.87 $8,764.22 $59.75 May 2006 TOTALS $13,467.30 $5,892.53 $44.95 CHANGE 14% 49% 33% 2006/7 Rev 2006/7 Proj: Daily Average Fines $530.31 $638.00 Daily Average Media $302.21 $312.00 Daily Average Ref. Fees $2.06 $12.00 DAILY TOTALS $834.58 $962.00 GAIN/LOSS ON PROJ: ($3,440) ARCHIBALD LIBRARY FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT &FEES RENTALS SERV. May-07 01-May $437.42 $117.89 $0.40 02-May $450.70 $165.19 $0.00 03-May $503.95 $94.54 $3.00 04-May $219.45 $88.61 $0.00 05-May $213.29 $186.80 $0.00 06-May $266.55 $128.09 $0.00 07-May $365.09 $126.73 $8.00 08-May $410.05 $126.54 $0.00 09-May $444.29 $160.23 $3.60 10-May $470.05 $100.50 $3.00 11-May $114.70 $80.72 $0.00 12-May $210.30 $176.62 $0.00 13-May $130.75 $79.34 $0.00 14-May $374.47 $163.15 $0.00 15-May $290.26 $130.84 $0.00 16-May $418.26 $111.39 $0.00 17-May $675.42 $100.47 $0.00 18-May $269.86 $130.88 $0.00 19-May $154.70 $183.74 $0.00 20-May $316.16 $113.93 $0.00 21-May $440.99 $191.21 $8.00 22-May $310.04 $138.45 $0.00 23-May $497.22 $110.92 $0.00 24-May $160.80 $178.22 $3.00 25-May $290.79 $152.66 $3.00 26-May $193.84 $156.37 $0.00 27-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 28-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 29-May $485.43 $194.91 $3.00 30-May $457.16 $162.22 $0.00 31-May $353.70 $161.55 $0.00 TOTALS: $7,751.99 $4,012.71 $35.00 May 2006 TOTALS $13,467.30 $5,892.53 $44.95 CHANGE -42% -32% -22% .BIANE LIBRARY FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT &FEES RENTALS SERV. May-07 01-May $427.52 $248.73 $0.00 02-May $328.55 $210.03 $0.00 03-May $242.19 $233.25 $0.00 04-May $227.72 $233.74 $0.00 05-May $129.00 $201.89 $4.00 06-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 07-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 08-May $434.42 $236.05 $0.00 09-May $474.25 $230.22 $0.00 10-May $383.88 $137.60 $0.00 11-May $271.29 $163.67 $0.75 12-May $315.98 $194.91 $0.00 13-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 14-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15-May $345.10 $246.69 $0.00 16-May $522.63 $194.91 $0.00 17-May $243.94 $192.43 $0.00 18-May $282.03 $182.32 $20.00 19-May $216.54 $261.42 $0.00 20-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 21-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 22-May $125.50 $246.23 $0.00 23-May $283.62 $193.25 $0.00 24-May $217.69 $172.44 $0.00 25-May $174.65 $166.80 $0.00 26-May $479.05 $187.96 $0.00 27-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 28-May $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 29-May $396.90 $221.86 $0.00 30-May $401.33 $204.39 $0.00 31-May $349.40 $190.72 $0.00 TOTALS: $6,923.78 $4,751.51 $24.75 May 2006 TOTALS N/A N/A N/A CHANGE N/A N/A N/A i ~ ~ i o/o.~ ., ., _ ~~ ~~ / ~. ~~ ~.~ u ~ ~ ~J~s, ids ~-~ .~ _" _ U ~~ Tuesday, June 12, 2007.max L- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES A. CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, June 14, 2007, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by President Wimberly. Present were Members Coberly, Lo and Nagel. Also present were: Deborah Clark, Library Director, Robert Karatsu; Assistant Library Director, Michelle Perera, Library Services Manager, Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian, Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator/Archibald Library, Cara Vera, Reference Services Coordinator/Biane Library, Heather Fredrics, Children's Librarian/Biane Library and Vivian Garcia, Senior Administrative Secretary. ***r** B. ITEMS OF BUSINESS B1. Budget Study Session PowerPoint Presentation by Library Director Deborah Kaye Clark. Deborah Clark, Library Director, presented a PowerPoint Presentation on the Budget 2007/2008 to the Library Board. Robert Karatsu, Assistant Library Director, reviewed the Library Goals for 2007/2008. Robert Karatsu, Assistant Library Director, stated that three new full time positions are budgeted. He stated that staff would be starting the reihventing of Archibald Library. In addition to architectural changes, staff will be updating the Archibald Library collection over a three year period. Michelle Perera, Library Services Manager, stated that another budget goal is to begin advance planning of construction of the second floor of the Biane Library. Member Coberly asked how staff decided on requesting funding for Monday openings at the Biane Library instead of Sundays. Michelle Perera, Library Services Manager, stated that the number one complaint about the Biane Library is that they are closed on Mondays. When school is in session, Mondays represent the first day of the week when students are given assignments. In addition, Sunday is a very bad day for parking at the Victoria Gardens mall. Until parking issues are addressed at the Victoria Gardens complex, Mondays is a much better investment in customer service than Sunday service hours. However, Deborah Clark, Library Director, stated that staff's goal is to have both libraries open seven days a week whenever the funding is available to do so and the parking issues have been resolved. .. . Library Board Minutes June 14, 2007 Page 2 MOTION: Moved by Member Lo to pass the budget as presented for fiscal year 2007/2008, seconded by Member Coberly. Motion carved, 4-0-1 with Bradshaw absent. ****** C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No public was present to address the Board. However, staff used the public portion ofthe meeting to update the Board on key information items received over the past week. Staff shared a letter received from Board Member Donna Bradshaw, announcing her resignation from the Library Board of Trustees effective June 10, 2007. The item was included for information only, no action required. Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator/Archibald Library, stated that staffhad received a letter stating that the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library had been awarded, The Big Read Grant. Staff will receive more information next week and update the Library Board at the next meeting. Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian, stated that Summer Reading Program would start this Saturday. The theme is mysteries. The end of the program is August 11 and the Summer Reading Program Party is scheduled for August 16. Cara Vera, Reference Services Coordinator/Biane Library, stated that there will be special event on July 7 at the Paul A. Biane Library on Keeping America Beautiful. . ****** D: ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Member Nagel to adjourn, seconded by Member Coberly. Motion carried, 4- 0-1 with Bradshaw absent .Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: September 13, 2007