HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/01/06 - Agenda Packet10500 Civic Center Drive 4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3801 City Office: (909) 477-2700 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGS 1gt and 3~d Wednesdays 4 7:00 P.M. JANUARY f), ZOlO MEMBERS MAYOR MAYOR PRO TEM COUNCIL MEMBERS Donald J. Kurth, M.D. L. Dennis Michael Rex Gutierrez Sam Spagnolo Diane Williams CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK Jack Lam, AICP James L. Markman Janice C. Reynolds ORDER OF BUSINESS CLOSED SESSION Tapia Conference Room............ 5:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers ........................ 7:00 P.M. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC RANCHO C~:IJCAMONGA TO ADDRESS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. FIRE BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL The Agency, Fire Board and City Council encourage free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the Agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Agency, Fire Board or City Council by filling out a speaker card and submitting it to the City Clerk. The speaker cards are located on the wall at the back of the Chambers, at the front desk behind the staff table and at the City Clerk's desk. During "Public Communications," your name will be called to speak on any item listed or not listed on the agenda in the order in which it was received. If as part of your presentation, you would like to display audio or visual material, please see the City Clerk before the meetin_g commences. If you are present to speak on an "Advertised Public Hearing" item, your name will be called when that item is being discussed. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. Any handouts for the Agency, Fire Board or City Council should be given to the City Clerk for distribution AGENDA BACK-UP MATERIALS Staff reports and back-up materials for agenda items are available for review at the City Clerk's counter, Public Library and on the City's website. A complete copy of the agenda is also available at the desk located behind the staff table during the Council meeting. LIVE BROADCAST Agency, Fire Board and Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 3 for those with cable television access. Meetings are rebroadcast on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The City has added the option for customers without cable access to view the meetings "on-demand" from their computers. The added feature of "Streaming Video On Demand" is available on the City's website at www.ci.rancho- cucamonga.ca.uslwhatsnew.htm for those with Hi-bandwidth (DSUCable Modem) or Low-bandwidth (Dial-up) Internet service. The Agency, Fire Board and City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Members of the City Council also sit as the Redevelopment Agency and the Fire District Board. Copies of the agendas and minutes can be found at http:lJwww.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. DECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA Kathryn L. Scott states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Assistant City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Acting in that capacity, on December 30, 2009 at 3:30 a.m., I posted a true and correct copy of Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District and City Council Agenda for a Regular Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 6, 2010, to be held in the City Council Chambers at the Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on December 30, 2009, at Rancho Cucamonga. _ ti~°~'~ Kath n L. ott, CMC Assistant City Clerk REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 .TANUARY 6, 2010 jZANCHO _ ~,;UCAMONGA A. 5:00 P.M. -CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER - TAPIA ROOM A1. Roll Call: Mayor Kurth Mayor Pro Tem Michael Councilmembers Gutierrez, Spagnolo and Williams CLOSED SESSION CALLED TO ORDER AS THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CITY COUNCIL. D. D1. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF HELLMAN AVENUE BETWEEN HILLSIDE ROAD AND WILSON AVENUE, COMMONLY KNOWN AS APN 106-162-103-0000, LINDA D. DANIELS, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER, NEGOTIATING PARTY -RDA D2. LABOR NEGOTIATIONS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 TO GIVE JOHN GILLISON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, DIRECTION IN REGARDS TO THE MEET AND CONFER PROCESS -RDA & CITY D3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(A) -DALE NELSON AND JEANNE NELSON V. SANDRA KENT, MICHAEL FERNANDEZ, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD/NO, AND DOES 1 THROUGH !0, INCLUSIVE -CASE NO. CIVRS 913680, SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO -RANCHO CUCAMONGA COURT -CITY III E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS ~~ F. RECESS CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE REGULAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. R A EDEVELOPMENT GENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 jZANCHO JANUARY 6, 2010 _ cUCAMONGA G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL WILL BE CALLED TO ORDER. IT IS THE INTENT TO CONCLUDE THE MEETINGS BY 10:00 P.M., UNLESS EXTENDED BY CONCURRENCE OF THE AGENCY, FIRE BOARD AND COUNCIL. G1. Pledge of Allegiance G2. Roll Call: Mayor Kurth Mayor Pro Tem Michael Councilmembers Gutierrez, Spagnolo and Williams H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS H1. Recognition of National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program for children. H2. "Pit Idol" -- A campaign to raise awareness of the positive attributes of Pit Bulls and promote their adoption. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Agency, Fire Board, or City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Agency, Fire Board, or City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Agency, Fire Board or City Council, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 6, 2010 (aUCAMONGA .T. CONSENT CALENDAR -REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Agency at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by an Agencymember for discussion. J1. Approval of Minutes: December 16, 2009 (Regular Meeting) J2. Approval of Check Register dated December 9 through December 28, 2009, for the total amount of $2,763,705.18. The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board atone time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember for discussion. K1. Approval of Minutes: December 16, 2009 (Regular Meeting) K2. Approval of Check Register dated December 9 through December 28, 2009, for the total amount of $141,745.98. K3. Approval to adopt a resolution declaring results of a Special Election in Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Annexation No. 09-6 and ordering the annexation of such property to Community Facilities District No. 85-1(ARCO AM/PM - APN 0229-141-10&11 ). RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A SPECIAL ELECTION IN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, ANNEXATION NO. 09-6 AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF SUCH PROPERTY TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 3 3 9 K4. Approval to adopt a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory referred to as Annexation No. ~ 2 10-1 (APNs: 0208-811-58, 59 & 60 - Jamil & Jamila Samouh, Owners) into a Community Facilities District No. 85-1, specifying services proposed to be financed, to set and specify the special taxes proposed to be levied within the annexation territory and set a time and place for a public hearing related to the annexation. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 6, 2010 ~1NC HO ~UCAMONGA RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 10-1) TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1) K5. Approval of an Annexation Map showing Assessor Parcel Numbers 0108-811-58, 59 & 60 (Jamil 8~ Jamila Samouh, Owners), located on the northwest corner of Archibald Avenue and Arrow Route, proposed to be annexed into CFD No. 85-1. RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, ADOPTING AN ANNEXATION MAP (ANNEXATION NO. 10-1) SHOWING PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 ~~ L. CONSENT CALENDAR -CITY COUNCIL ~~ The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember for discussion. L1. Approval of Minutes: December 16, 2009 (Regular Meeting) L2. Approval of Check Register dated December 9 through December 28 and payroll ending December 28, 2009, for the total amount of $4,717,649.71. L3. Approval of Specifications for Red Hill Park Lake Cobblestone Installation and authorize the City Clerk to Advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids" to be funded from Account No. 1848303-5650/1697848-0 (PD 85 Redemption Fund). RESOLUTION NO. 10-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RED HILL PARK LAKE COBBLESTONE INSTALLATION AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS 4 14 23 25 27 77 78 AGENCY R EDEVELOPMENT , FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 RANCHO JANUARY 6, 2010 CUCAMONGA L4. Approval of Improvement Agreement Extension for Parcel Map 16981, located 100 feet $2 south of Wilson between Hellman Avenue and Cousins Place, submitted by Steven Spies, Peter and Linda Bryan. RESOLUTION NO. 10-002 83 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 16981 L5. Approval to accept grant revenue in the amount of $117,500 from the South Coast 85 Air Quality Management District, administered by the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) into Account #1105000-4740 (Grant Revenue) and authorization to appropriate $117,500 into Account 1105208-5650!1 541 1 05-0 (A62766 AQMD, Capital Project-Fleet Shop CNG Modifications). L6. Approval of a Permit Parking District for the residential area identified as "San Felipe $6 Court," generally located west of Haven Avenue and south of San Andreas Drive. RESOLUTION NO. 10-003 93 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A PERMIT PARKING DISTRICT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 10.50 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE L7. Approval of request to Summarily Vacate a Portion of Church Street, located east of 96 Milliken Avenue V-216 - APN 227-532-13. RESOLUTION NO. 10-004 98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF CHURCH STREET, EAST OF MILLIKEN AVENUE L8. Approval to accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract 101 in the amount of $64,660.00, to the apparent low bidder, Maneri Sign Company, Inc. (CO 10-001) of Gardena, California, and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $6,466.00, for "Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 09/10" to be funded from Capital Reserve, Account No. 1025001-5300. L9. Approval to accept the Valle Vista Drive Sidewalks adjacent to Valle Vista Elementary 103 School, Contract No. 09-029 as complete, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, and approve the final contract amount of $83,134.97. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 6, 2010 RESOLUTION NO. 10-005 106 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE VALLE VISTA DRIVE SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO VALLE VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, CONTRACT NO. 09-029 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L10. Approval to accept the Epicenter Locker Room Shower Tile Replacement Project, Contract 107 No. 09-071 as complete, release the bonds, retain Faithful Performance Bond to act as Maintenance Guarantee Bond and authorize the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $25,300. RESOLUTION NO. 10-006 109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE EPICENTER LOCKER ROOM SHOWER TILE REPLACEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L11. Approval to accept the Vineyard Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation from 8`h Street to Foothill Boulevard, Contract No. 09-234 as complete, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a 110 Guarantee Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $281,044.08. RESOLUTION NO. 10-007 ~ 113 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE VINEYARD AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 8T" STREET TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CONTRACT NO. 09-234 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L12. Approval to accept the "Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 08/09" Project, Contract No. 09-237, from Prestige Striping Services, Inc. as complete; retain the Faithful 114 Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond; release the Labor and Materials Bond and authorize the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $60,298.06. RESOLUTION NO. 10-008 116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR "CITYWIDE STREET NAME SIGN REPLACEMENT - FY 08/09" AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 6, 2010 L13. Approval to accept Improvements, retain the Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for DRC2004-01290, located on the north side of Arrow Route, between I-15 and Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Heffler Holdings, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 10-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2004-01290 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L14. Approval to release the Faithful Performance Bond retained in lieu of a Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Parcel Map 18680, located at 9275 Charles Smith Avenue, submitted by the Williams Fox Group, Inc. L15. Approval to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 14493, located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Banyan Street, submitted by Young California Cucamonga, LP. L16. Approval to accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance cash deposit, accept a Maintenance cash deposit and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Tract 16908, located on the north side of Arrow Route, west of Baker Avenue, submitted by SUP 41. LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 10-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16908 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L17. Approval to accept the Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Tract 17455, located on the north side of Ninth Street, east of Madrone Avenue, submitted by KB Home Greater Los Angeles, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 10-011 117 118 120 122 123 125 127 128 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 17455 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK R V L PMENT A EN EDE E CY, O G FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND 8 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA .TANUARY 6, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA M. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chair will open the meeting to receive public testimony. M1. APPROVAL TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION MAKING DETERMINATIONS REGARDING 130 THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ROBERT LEMELIN - APN 0201-043- 63 -ANNEXATION NO. 88-09-1) TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS. ~ 132 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 88-09-1) TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFD 88-1) AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SUCH TERRITORY N. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY COUNCIL The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by I i law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. N1. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN - 13$ DRC2009-00432 -RME CLINICS, INC. -GARY REA - A request to amend the Victoria Community Plan to allow massage establishments as a conditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. Related files: Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433. This action is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b) (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT TO THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN - 138 DRC2009-00739 -RME CLINICS. INC. -GARY REA - A request to amend the Victoria Arbors Master Plan to allow massage establishments as a conditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District. Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433. This action is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY , FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 9 RANCHO JANUARY 6, 2010 ~,;iJCAMONGA CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2009-00433 - RME CLINICS. INC. {MASSAGE ENVY) -GARY REA - A request to operate a massage establishment at 138 the Winery Estate Marketplace within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan, located at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard: APN: 227-161-67. Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739. This project is categorically exempt from the requirement of the California Environment Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1 exemption -Existing Facilities). ORDINANCE NO. 824 (first reading) 164 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2009-00432, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 825 (first reading) 166 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2009-00739, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF RESOLUTION NO. 10-012 171 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2009-00433, A REQUEST TO ALLOW A MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT TO OPERATE AT A SITE LOCATED WITHIN THE WINERY ESTATE MARKETPLACE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, LOCATED AT 7305 DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, UNIT 101, IN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN -APN: 0227-161-67 O. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. 01. REQUEST FOR ALL-WAY STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF AMETHYST 177 AVENUE AND HILLSIDE ROAD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 6, 2010 P. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion P1. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Councilmember.) P2. CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION REGARDING APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS P3. LEGISLATIVE AND REGIONAL UPDATES (Oral) ~~ O. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING ~~ R. 10 184 I, Debra L. McKay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on December 30, 2009, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. December 16, 2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FIRE DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER The Rancho Cucamonga City Council and Redevelopment Agency held a closed session on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, in the Tapia Room of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by ChairmanlMayor Donald J. Kurth. Present were Agencymembers/Councilmembers: Diane Williams, Sam Spagnolo, Vice Chairman/Mayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael and Chairman/Mayor Donald J. Kurth. AgencymemberlCouncilmember Rex Gutierrez was absent. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; John Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services and Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM S Chairman/Mayor Donald J. Kurth announced the closed session items: D1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(A) -FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION, INC V. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, AND LINDA DANIELS -CASE NUMBER 2:08-CV- 07833-PA-PJW, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CA, EASTERN DIVISION -RDA D2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(A) - MARSHA L. LEE V SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY AKA METROLINK, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, VEOLIA TRANSPORTATION, AND DOES 1-50, INCLUSIVE, CASE NUMBER CIVRS909965 C. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM S No one was present to comment on the closed session items. D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION Closed session began at 5:00 p.m. E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements were made. F. RECESS Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 1 of 10 The closed session adjourned at 6:45 p.m. with no action taken. G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, and City Council reconvened in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman/PresidenUMayor Donald J. Kurth called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were AgencymemberslBoardmembers/Councilmembers: Diane Williams, Rex Gutierrez, Sam Spagnolo, Vice Chairman/Vice PresidenUMayor Pro Tem L. Dennis Michael and Chairman/PresidenUMayor Donald J. Kurth. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager; John Gillison, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Linda Daniels, Deputy City ManagerlEconomic and Community Development; Joe Cusimano, Police Chief; Trang Huynh, Building & Safety Official; Mark Steuer, Director of Engineering Services; Bill Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director; Robert Karatsu, Library Director; Debra McKay, Records Manager/Assistant City Clerk and Shirr'I Griffn, Deputy City Clerk. H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS H1. Presentation of a City Plaque to Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager, in recognition of her years of service to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Mayor Kurth presented a proclamation and a City plaque to Pamela Easter, Assistant City Manager, in appreciation of her years of service to the City. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 11. Ruth Leal, representing the Library Foundation, presented the City Council members with the Library calendar and annual report. 12. Jim Moffatt wished everyone a Merry Christmas. He offered his best wishes to the members of the armed forces serving abroad and hoped that they would be able to come home next year. 13. Bill Hanlon noted the need to be thankful for those who stand guard for us. He requested that a memorial be installed at Central Park and asked that this matter be placed on a future agenda. 14. Rick Creed presented a Christmas tribute to our fallen heroes. He is looking for additional pictures, which can be given to Councilmember Gutierrez. I5. Debbie O'Neal addressed the City Council regarding a neighbor who is attracting and rescuing stray animals at 11809 Bunker Hill Drive. Concerns were raised regarding the placement of canned food on public and private property, littering and attracting stray and wild animals. Ms. O'Neal provided letters from other neighbors regarding these concerns, as well as pictures. 16. Peggy Bomrtino offered a Christmas blessing. 17. John Lyons encouraged everyone to shop and eat in the City. He commended Pam Easter for her work at the Animal Care and Adoption Center and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 2 of 10 J. CONSENT CALENDAR-REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Agency at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by an Agencymember for discussion. J1. Approval of Minutes: • December 2, 2009 (Special Meeting -Command System Overview (EOC) • December 2, 2009 (Regular Meeting) J2. Approval of Check Register dated November 24 through December 8, 2009, far the total amount of $852,857.21. J3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of November 30, 2009. J4. Approval to modify the terms of the Promissory Note between the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency and FC Victoria Gardens-C, Inc. and LC Cucamonga Commercial, Inc. J5. Approval of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 2008/09 Annual Report; authorize the transmittal of the Annual Report to the appropriate State agencies, and acknowledge that the planning and administrative expenses included in the housing funds are necessary for the production, improvement or preservation of low and moderate income housing for Fiscal Year 2008109. J6. Approval to accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $99,297.79 to the apparent lowest responsive bidder, America West Landscape, Inc. (RA 09-023), and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $9,929.78 for the Base Line Road Parkway Landscape from Rochester Avenue to 600' east of Rochester Avenue, to be funded from 2004 Tax Allocation Bond Funds, Acct. No. 2660801- 5650/1743660-0. MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Williams, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. K. CONSENT CALENDAR -FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Boardmember for discussion. K1. Approval of Minutes: • December 2, 2009 (Special Meeting -Command System Overview (EOC) • December 2, 2009 (Regular Meeting) K2. Approval of Check Register dated November 24 through December 8, 2009, for the total amount of $68,087.22. K3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule for as of November 30, 2009. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 3 of 10 K4. Approval for authorization for the piggyback purchase of one (1) fire engine from KME Fire Apparatus, utilizing the competitively bid contract, Los Angeles County Solicitation #RFB-IS- 10200123-2, in the amount not to exceed $432,754.00, funded from Acct. No. 3289501-5604 (Capital Outlay-Vehicles) and approve an appropriation of $7,760.00 from Fire Reserves to Acct. No. 3289501-5604. K5. Approval of Annual Amendment to the Fire District's Salary Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. FD 09-025A A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SALARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 09-025 MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Gutierrez, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. , L. CONSENT CALENDAR- CITY COUNCIL The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Councilmember for discussion. L1. Approval of Minutes: • December 2, 2009 (Special Meeting -Command System Overview (EOC) • December 2, 2009 (Regular Meeting) L2. Approval of Check Register dated November 24 through December 8, 2009, and payroll ending December 8, 2009, for the total amount of $5,182,240.53. L3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of November 30, 2009. L4. Approval of Community Services Update Report. L5. Approval of a Digital Display Policy. L6. Approval of a Resolution of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, certifying that the City of Rancho Cucamonga has the resources to fund the projects submitted for the inclusion in the FY 2 0 0 91201 0-2 0 1 4/2 01 5 Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) and affirming its commitment in the program. RESOLUTION NO. 09-239 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA (CITY), CERTIFYING THAT (CITY) HAS THE RESOURCES TO FUND THE PROJECTS SUBMITTED FOR INCLUSION IN THE FY 2009/2010-2014/2015 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND AFFIRMING ITS COMMITMENT TO IMPLEMENT ALL OF THE PROJECTS SUBMITTED IN THE PROGRAM L7. Approval to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement for energy services by and between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Pilot Power Group, Inc. (CO 09-097) subject to any modifications approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 4 of 10 L8. Approval to authorize an increase to Contract No. CO OS-071 in the amount of $50,060.00 to VanderHawk Consulting, to authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $4,940.00, approve Contract Change Order No. 1, and authorize the Director of Engineering Services/City Engireer to sign said contract change order for the Inventory of Pavement Condition of Major Streets., to be funded from Measure "I" Funds, Account No. 11763035300, and to appropriate an amount of $30,000.00 to Account No. 11763035300 from Measure "I" fund balance. L9. Approval of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Securities for DRC2005-00831, located at the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and San Bernardino Road, submitted by Mapleton International Financial LP and release of previously submitted improvement agreement and improvement securities accepted by the City Council on August 20, 2008. RESOLUTION NO. 09-240 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES FOR DRC2005-00831 AND RELEASING THE .IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES PREVIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON AUGUST 20. 2008 L10. Approval to accept Improvements, retain $520 of the Faithful Performance cash deposit in lieu of a Maintenance Bond, and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for DRC2004- 01057, located on the east side of Carnelian Avenue, north of Hillside Road, submitted by Jim Impastato. RESOLUTION NO. 09-241 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2004-01057 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L11. Accept the Banyan Community Trail and Parkway Landscape from Hellman to Amethyst, Contract No. 09-198 as complete, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, release the Labor and Material Bond, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $159,339.13. RESOLUTION NO. 09-242 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE BANYAN COMMUNITY TRAIL AND PARKWAY LANDSCAPE FROM HELLMAN TO AMETHYST, CONTRACT NO. 09-198 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK L12. Approval of Reconveyance of Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents for Lot 11, Document No. 2009-0159065, Lot 43, Document No. 2009-0159061 and Lot 44 Document No. 2009- 0159062 of Tract 17919 to Bella Victoria, LP, a California Limited Partnership located at the northwest corner of East Avenue and Miller Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 09-243 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELEASING DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS FOR LOTS 11, 43'AND 44 OF TRACT 17919, LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST AVENUE AND MILLER AVENUE Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 5 of 10 L13. Approval of Annual Amendments to the City's Salary Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 09-125A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SALARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 09-125 MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Michael, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained within the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. M. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chairman will open the meeting to receive public testimony. M1. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2009-2014 FIVE-YEAR RESOLUTION NO. RA 09-020 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE 2009- 2014 FIVE-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tony Le-Ngoc, RDA Analyst II, presented the staff report. Vice Chairman Michael commented that there is a potential to lose $31 million this fiscal year and another $6.1 million the next fiscal year. It will be very challenging for the Agency to complete any projects if these funds are lost. Chairman Kurth opened the public hearing. John Lyons thanked the Redevelopment Agency for the projects that have been accomplished. Robert Cordova, Sr. invited the Council and the audience to the grand opening of Cordova Grill and Cafe on December 22, 2009. Chairman Kurth closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Williams, to adopt Resolution No. RA 09-020 approving the 2009-2014 Implementation Plan. Motion carried 5-0. N. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY COUNCIL The following items have been advertised andlor posted as public hearings as required by law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 6 of 10 N1. CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM18535 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2007-00402 -BRIAN MASHIAN (APPELLANT) -The appeal of the Planning Commission decision to approve the subdivision of 4.67 acres (Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM18535) and development of a proposed retail commercial center (DRC2007-00402) consisting of 3 buildings totaling 51,940 square feet on 4.67 acres of land within the Community Commercial District (Subarea 4) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located along the west side of Etiwanda Avenue north of Foothill Boulevard -APN: 0227-221- 08. RESOLUTION NO. 09-244 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AFFIRMING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2007-00402 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM18535 AND ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A RETAIL COMMERCIAL CENTER CONSISTING OF 3 BUILDINGS TOTALING 51,940 SQUARE FEET AND THE SUBDIVISION OF 4.67 ACRES OF LAND INTO 3 PARCELS FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES IN THE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 4) OF THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF -APN: 0227-221-08 Adam Collier, Planning Technician, presented the staff report City Attorney James Markman provided background information regarding a dispute between Mr. An and Mr. Mashian over development rights of "Area A". It was noted that the Planning Commission's approval of the project passed no judgment on the easement agreement. Mr. Markman indicated that a meeting was held last week in which the following condition was proposed: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit, the applicant shall establish to the satisfaction of the City Manager and City Attorney that this issue has been resolved. However, Mr. Markman believed that now Mr. Mashian has concerns with this condition and expected that Mr. Mashian would expand upon these concerns when he addressed the City Council. Mr. Markman noted that the City can not adjudicate this matter and stated the need to focus on land use planning. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Mr. Markman addressed the recordation of the tract map. He did not believe that the City should prevent the recordation of the map if the City Council ended up approving it. Mr. Markman preferred that the matter be tied to the issuance of the building permits. He noted that the focus needs to be on land use planning, not in deciding sufficient clear title. Mayor Kurth opened the public hearing. Bryan Mashian stated that the easement existed when Mr. An purchased the property. He noted that Mr. An had submitted an application previously which had excluded Area A. Regarding last week's meeting, Mr. Mashian stated that he had not had a chance to review the site plan and pointed out that it shows a fire lane going through Area A. Mr. Mashian did not believe that the City Council could process a parcel map when it requires the use of someone else's property. He proposed that the condition be modified to require that the issue be resolved prior to the recordation of the map or issuance of a building permit or grading permit. Also, Mr. Mashian addressed the need for a future driveway on Etiwanda for his property. In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, Mr. Mashian confirmed the location of this project. Frank An agreed that Area A was not included in a previous application. He noted that he received a letter from the City Attorney indicating the need to include Area A and stating that the easement was illegally transferred. Mr. An noted the time and money that has been spent on this project and requested that it be approved. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 7 of 10 Mayor Kurth inquired if Area A was illegally transferred. In response, the City Attorney noted that the City will not process a subdivision showing an unplanned area in the middle of it. If fie chose to, Mr. An could have processed a lot line adjustment and resolved the matter. Mr. Mashian could have relinquished his rights to Area A. At this point, the matter has not been resolved. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Michael, Mr. Markman confirmed that the City routinely identifies how a project fits with adjacent parcels. He noted that there are ways to re-record maps. In response to Councilmember Williams, Mr. Markman confirmed that the City Council should consider the project and the appeal. The use of Area A is a civil matter which will be resolved before grading permits are issued for the project. Discussion was held. Mr. An indicated that Mr. Mashian had stated that keeping the map from being recorded would protect all interests. This is not the case. Mr. An noted that he was only offered $5,000. He noted that time and money has been spent on this project and requested that the project be approved. Jeri Lee did not understand why the Planning Commission would approve this project with this matter being unresolved. In response, Mr. Markman indicated that it was a civil matter and noted that the City would be liable if it did not properly consider applications. Daniel Gepner expressed a concern with how this matter was being portrayed. He read a portion of the easement agreement to the City Council and the audience. He stated that he has interest in Area A with Mr. Mashian and stressed that this was an extremely valid agreement. Mr. Mashian did not understand why the City Attorney would recommend recordation of the map. He indicated that if this parcel map was recorded, it could be sold to an unsuspecting buyer. Also, he noted the existence of the fire lane within Area A. Mayor Kurth closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Michael, to adopt Resolution No. 09-244 affirming the decision of the Planning Commission to approve Development Review DRC2007-00402 and Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM18535 and to adopt a mitigated Negative Declaration. Condition 2i. of Resolution 09-244 states in part," Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit, the applicant shall establish to the satisfaction of the City Manager and City Attorney that applicant has sufficient clear title to the subject property in accordance with an agreement between the two interest property owners or in accordance with a final court order to complete construction of the project and to operate the project". Motion carried 5-0. O. CITY MANAGERS STAFF REPORTS The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. 01. PRESENTATION OF CENSUS 2010 PUBLIC OUTREACH STRATEGY Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Mayor Pro Tem Michael noted that he recently received information from a political party which referred to the census as a way to encourage recipients to open their mail. Discussion was held. In response to Councilmember Spagnolo, Ms. Nakamura confirmed that staff is referring residents to the Census job line. In response to Mayor Kurth, it was noted that the goal of the census is to count everyone. In response to Councilmember Gutierrez, it was reported that people will be sent to assist homeowners who do not complete and return the form. The goal is to count everyone, including the homeless. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 8 of 10 In response to Councilmember Williams, it was noted that the American Community Survey is also u underway. This is a more intense survey that is done every two years. P. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. P1. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Councilmember.) Councilmember Spagnolo noted the very successful Shop with a Cop activity last weekend. He reported that the Ho Ho Parade is this weekend and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Councilmember Gutierrez reported that the Grand Opening of Cordova Grill and CafB, located at 10700 Jersey Blvd., would be held on December 22, 2009 from 11 - 2 p.m. He noted that various matters would be discussed at the City Council's goal setting workshop in January, including the Tree Preservation Ordinance and the Landscape Maintenance Districts. Councilmember Gutierrez wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Mayor Pro Tem Michael stated that he attended the Commander's Awards Luncheon last Tuesday and was very appreciative of the good Samaritans who were honored that day. He noted that Haven Avenue is open and commended staff for completing the project ahead of time and under budget. Mayor Pro Tem Michael requested that the meeting be adjourned in memory of Gater, who passed away on November 25, 2009. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Councilmember Williams commented on the ribbon-cutting ceremonies today for Haven Avenue and noted that the project is a wondertul asset for the City. She thanked Well's Fargo for their $1,000 donation to the YMCA. Councilmember Williams encouraged everyone to buy locally and to purchase bicycles for their family. Mayor Kurth noted that everyone weathered a hard year this year. He stressed that there were good things accomplished this year as well. Mayor Kurth reported that the Urgent Care Center is participating in the Spark of Love Toy Drive and encouraged everyone to drop off a toy for the needy. He noted that he attended aribbon-cutting at the new LG Commercial Training Center and was pleased that the new dispatch service started today. P2. CONSIDERATION OF REAPPOINTMENT OF RICHARD FLETCHER AND LOU MUNOZ TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION MOTION: Moved by Michael, seconded by Williams, to reappoint Richard Fletcher and Lou Munoz to the PlanninglHistoric Preservation Commission for afour-year term, expiring in December, 2013. Motion carried 5-0. P3. REVIEW OF STANDING COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES Mayor Pro Tem Michael noted that there have been instances where a Councilmember was not able to attend a meeting. He suggested that alternates be designated for each of the standing committees. The alternates would be the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or remaining Councilmembers who can be called upon when the designated representatives are not available. MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Michael, to designate as alternates for each standing committee the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and remaining Councilmembers who are not serving as the appointed representative. Motion carried 5-0. Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 9 of 10 O. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified. P. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kurth adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m. in memory of Accelerant Detection K9 Gator. Respectfully submitted, Debra L. McKay, MMC Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager Approved: Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, City Council Minutes December 16, 2009 -Page 10 of 10 RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Pl Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name ~ Amomtt AP - 00290900 12/9/2009 BRADLEY, EB 54435 AP - 00290904 12/9/2009 HD PRODUCTIONS LLC 10,000.00 AP - 00290919 L?/)'2009 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 1,792.91 AP - 00290942 12/9/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORD 21.02 AP - 00290943 12/9/2009 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 107,303.63 AP - 00290959 12/9/2009 GW CRYSTAL 4,731.93 AP - 00'_90963 12/9/2009 H[LL AND KNOWLTON INC 9,662.50 AP - 00290963 (2/9/2009 HILL AND KNOWLTON INC 897.75 AP - 00'_90972 l '9!2009 INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY 476,927.86 .4P - 00290986 12/9/1009 KSPA AM 1,067A0 AP - 00291006 12/9/2009 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FEN 4,800.00 AP - 00291010 12/9/1009 NOVELTY PRiNTMG 1,581.63 AP - 00'_91026 12/9/2009 RAMONA VILLA MOBILE HOME PARK 1,100.00 AP - 00291114 12/16/2009 ARCHITERRA DESIGN GROUP 3,397.00 AP - 00291 114 12/(6/2009 AR.CH[TERRA DESIGN CrROUP 156.95 AP - 00291 118 l1/L6/2009 ACJFBAU C:URPORATION 16,019.50 AP - 0029! I IS 12/(6/2009 AUFBAU CORPORATION 12,OOS.00 AP-00291118 !2/(6/2009 AUFBAU CORPORATION 2,848.00 AP - 0029 (118 12/!6/2009 AUFBAU CORPORATION 23.679.00 AP - 00291 141 12/(6/2009 CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING [N 60,578.00 AP - 00291141 t2/L6/2009 CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING IN -6.057.80 AP-00291162 12,'16/2009 CORENETGLOBAL 4,335.00 AP-00291173 12/16/2009 DEKRA-LITEINDOSTRIES[NC 15,454.59 .4P - 00291 199 12/16/1009 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 4750 AP - 00291209 12/16/2009 HD PRODUCTIONS LLC 10,000.00 AP - 00291235 12/16/2009 KEC COM11PANy 909,713.16 AP - 00291235 12/!6/2009 KEC COMPANY -90,97L32 AP - 00191243 121 l6/2009 LIM R NASCIMENTO ENGINEERING CURP 537.72 AP - 00291256 L/16/2009 M1dOCJNTAIN VIEW GLASS AND MIRROR INC 464.08 AP-00'_91256 l2/t6/2009 MOUNTAM VIEW GLASS AND MIRROR INC 21257 AP - 00291264 12/16/2009 NINl'O R MOORE 4,417.75 AP - 00291264 12/16/2009 NIM'O & MOORE 12,041.00 AP-00291286 L?/16/2009 PRESS ENTERPRISE 1,550.00 AP - 00191293 12/!6/2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CHAMBER OF COMMEI 4,749.99 AP - 00291305 12/16/2009 ROXBY MEDIA LIMITED 3,500.00 AP - 00291306 12/!6.!2009 RRM DESIGN GRUUP x,082.20 .4P - 00291309 12/16/2009 SAFCO CAPITAL CORP 29,265.87 AP - 00291353 72/(6/2009 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA 90,971.32 AP - 00291373 12/16/2009 WEST END MA7-ERIAL SCIPPLY 156.07 AP - 00291377 12/16/1009 WESTERN FLOORING INC 1,560.00 AP - 00291382 12/16/2009 ZOLL DATA SYSTEMS lNC 4,745.81 AP - 0029(382 12.!!6/2009 ZOLL DATA SYSTEMS INC 4.487.98 AP - 00291396 12/23/2009 80 VGL LLC AND 20 VGL LLC 480,793.86 AP - 00291409 12/23/2009 ALT.4 LAGUNA h40BILE HOME PARK I ,400.00 AP-0029141 I (2/23/2009 ALTA VISTA MOBILE HUME PARK 580.00 AP - 00291420 12/23/2009 ARCHITERRA DESIGN GROUP 156?5 .4P-00291420 L2/23/2009 ARCHITERRADES[GNGROUP 750.00 AP - 00291430 12;33/2009 BASS PRO SHOPS OUTDOOR R%ORLD LLC 21,389.12 AP - 00291431 12,'2312009 BEACON PROPERTY MGMT 100.00 AP - 00291431 12/23/2009 BEACON PROPERTY MGMT 23242 AP - 00291449 12/23/2009 CASA VOLANTE MOBILE HOME PARK 1,590.00 AP - 00291452 12!13/2009 CHAPARRAL FIEIGHTS MOBILE HOME PARK 1,260.00 AP - 00291470 l2%23/2009 D R LANDMARK 1,000.00 AP - 00291472 12/23/2009 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 76,343.50 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: t Current Dale: 12/29/200 Report:CK_,4GENDA _REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:25:5 12ANCH0 CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCP Acenda Check Reeister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00'_'91472 12/23/2009 DAN GUERRA AND ASSUCIATES 22,60.01 AP - 00291472 12/23/2009 DAN GUERRA AND ASSOCIATES 29,b 15.00. :1P-00291489 12/23/2009 EXCLUSIVEEMAGES 35.00 AP - 00291494 I"_/23/2009 FENCE CRAFT OF UPLAND INC 1,133.37 AP -(1(1291497 12/23/2009 FOOTHILL MOBILE MANOR 300A0 AP - 00291505 12/'_3/2009 GEOGRAPHICS 27.19 AP - 0029152R 12/23/2009 HOWARD RIDLEY COMPANY INC 171,360.00 AP - 00291528 l2/2.i/2(109 I[OWARD RIDLEY COMPANY INC -17,136.00 AP - 00291539 12/23/2009 INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY 192,991.13 AP - 00291>39 12/23/2009 INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCI' 2,288.18 AP - 00291546 12/23/2009 J L PATTERSON R .ASSOCIATES INC 6.817.50 AP - 00291560 12/23/2009 MAIN STREET SIGNS 1,17450 AP - 00291560 12/23/2(109 MAIN STREET SIGNS 1,674.75 AP - 00291592 !2/23/2009 PINES MOBILE HOME PARK, THE 1,185.00 AP - 00'_91600 12/23/2009 RAMONA VILLA MOBILE HOME PARK. 1,100.00 AP - (10291609 12/23/2009 RICHARDS WATSON AND GF-.RSHON 31350 AP - 00291609 12/23/2009 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 504.50 AP - 00291623 12/23/2009 SIGN SHOP, THE 70.97 AP - 0029162 3 12'23/2009 SIGN SHOP, THE 16>.84 AP - 00291633 12!23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 13,023.82 AP - 00291637 12123/2009 SYCAMORE VILLA MOBILE HOME PARK 760.00 AP - 00291648 12/23/2009 UNITED S[TE SERVICES OF CA INC ? 17.65 AP - 00291648 12/23/2009 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 217.6 ~ AP - 00291648 12/23/2009 UNITED S[TE SERVICES OF CA INC 217.65 AP - 00291648 12/23/2009 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA ING 217.65 . AP - 00291648 12/23/2009 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 217.65 Total for Check ID AP: 2,763,705.18 Total for Entity: 2,763,705.1$ P2 User: VLOPEZ - Veronica Lopez Page: 2 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_POR"FRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Current Dale: 1Z/lY/LUu Time: 14:25:5 R4NCH0 CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT P3 Agenda Check Reliister 12/9/2009 through 12/28(2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00290886 12/9/2009 ALL CITIES TOOLS 73.69 AP - 00290886 12/9/2009 ALL CITIES TOOLS 85.05 AP - 00290886 12/9/2009 ALL CITIES TOOLS 33.(10 AP - 00290886 12/9/2009 .4LL CITIES TOOLS 51.94 AP - 00290905 12/9/2009 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 32.45 .4P - 00290905 12/9/2009 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 72.84 AP - 00290905 12/9/2009 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 14.45 .4P - 00290905 12/9/2009 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 107.79 AP - (10290906 12/9/2009 CHIEF SUPPLY 73.98 .4P - 00290906 12/9/2(109 CHIEF SUPPLY 505.89 AP - 00290908 12/9/2009 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARlO LNC 123.29 AP - 00290908 12/9/2009 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARIO [NC 73.08 AP - 00290915 12/9/2009 CONSUMERS PIPE 24.50 .4P - 00290926 12/9/2009 DAISY WHEEL RIBBON CO INC 667.60 AP - 00290943 12/9!2009 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 11,225.61 AP - 00290943 12/9/2009 FISHER SCIF.NTIF[C 2,113.06 AP - 0029094 3 12/9/2009 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 5182.64 AP - 00290943 12/9/2009 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 4,490.24 AP - 00290944 12/9/2009 FLEET SERVICES INC. 647.00 AP-(10290947 12/9/2009 FRANKLIN TRUCK PARTS 610.33 ' AP - 00290983 12/9/2009 K.ME F[RE APPARATUS 109.62 AP - 00290983 !2/9/2009 KME FIRE APPARATUS 191.44 .4P - 00290983 12/9/2009 KME FIRE APPARATUS 173.33 AP - 00290983 12/9/2009 K~4E FIRE APPARATUS •223.80 AP-00290990 12/9/2009 LIEBERTCASSIDYWHITMORE 239.25 AP - 00290994 12/9x2(109 LU'S L[GHTF[OUSE [NC 994.89 AP - 00290999 !2/912009 MARLINK AS [NC 117.00 AP - 00291005 12/9/2009 NAPA .4UT0 PARTS 117.32 AP - 0029101 l 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 173.08 AP - 0029101 l 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT -24.71 AP - Og29lOl I 12/9/2009 OFI'ICE DEPOT 41.80 AP - 00291011 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 10.65 AP - 00291011 1219!2009 OFFICE DEPOT S~.RI AP - 00291016 12/9!2009 PATTON SALES CORP 547.80 AP - 00291027 12/9/2009 RAULS A[ITO TRIM [NC 199.38 AP - 002910'_8 12/9/2009 RAYNE WATER. CONDITIONING INC: 24.50 AP - 00291036 12/9/2009 RIVERSIDE COUNTY" FIRE TRALNLNG OFFICERS 1,200.00 AP - 00291048 12/9/2009 SICiNCRAFTERS OF RANCHO CUCAMONCiA 38.06 AP - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHEKN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54957 AP - 0029 f 054 12/9/2009 S"PATE FIRE TRAINING 603.00 AP - 00291054 12/9/'009 S'L'ATE FIRE TR.4IN[NG 297.0 AP - 00291059 12/9/2009 TERM[NIX PROCESSING CENTER 37.00 AP-(10291059 12/9/2009 TERM[N[XPROCESSINGCENTER 37.00 AP - 00291059 12/9/2009 TERtvtINIX PROCESSING CENTER 79.00 AP-(10291059 12/9x2009 TERM[NIXPROCESSINGCENTER 65.00 AP-00291065 12/9/2009 UNIFIRSTUNIFOR~4SERV[CE SL58 AP - 00291065 l?1912009 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 51.>8 AP-0029!074 !2/9/2009 VERIZON 19.50 AP - 00391074 12/912009 VERIZON 35.43 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 19.51 AP - 00291078 13/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 80.28 AP - 00291078 12;9/2009 V/AX[E SANITARY SUPPLI' 48.30 AP - 00291078 12/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 63.98 AP - 00291078 12/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY _-_- _ -____,144_89 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: I Current Date: 12/29/200 ReporhCK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pornai~ La~~out Time: 14:26:4 R4NCH0 CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT A};enda Check Reeister 12/9/2009 through 13/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name ~ Amount AP - 00291078 12/9!2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 112.91 AP - 00291078 12/9(2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 80'9 AP-00291078 ]2/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 96.60 AP - 00291078 12/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 114.51 AP-00391078 12/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 68.88 AP-00291078 12/9/2009 WAXIL-S.4NITARYSUPPLY 91:?5 AP - 00291078 12/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 206.65 AP - 00291078 12/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARI' SUPPLY 161.02 AP - 00291078 13/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 114.5 L AP - 00291(178 12/9/2009 WAXLE SANITARY SUPPLY 137.76 AP - 0029(088 12/102009 LN CURTIS AND SONS 695.46 AP - 00291088 12/10/2009 LN CURTIS AND SONS 2,936.25 AP-00291104 12/16/2009 ALSCO 208.91 AP - 00291104 12/16/2009 .4LSC0 181.38 AP - 00291104 1.2/16/2009 ALSCO 277.92 AP - 00291104 12/16/2009 ALSCO 280.08 AP - 00291104 12/16/2009 ALSCO 263.58 AP - 00291122 !2/16/2009 BAB STEERING HYDRAULICS INC 1,791.06 AP - 00291122 l2/l6/2009 BAB STEERING HYDR.4ULlCS INC -1,200.00 AP - (10291130 12i 16/2009 BROCK, ROBIN 3>.87 AP - 00291136 12.!!('2009 CALIFORNIA FIRE MECHANICS ACADEMY [NC 450.00 AP - 00291137 12/16/2009 CALIFORNIA FLRE PREV INSTITUTE ~ 300.00 AP - 00291144 12/16/2009 CARQUES'f AUTO PARTS 72.51 AP - 00391154 12/16/2009 CHINO MOWER AND ENGINE SERVICE 8.50 AP - 00291 161 12/16/2009 COPIES S INK PRINTING INC. 53.29 .4P-00291119 12/!6/2009 CUCARIONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT 325.79 AP - 00291169 12/1(,/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 789.94 AP - 00391169 12/16/20(19 CUCAMONCiA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 169.(18 AP - 00291169 (2 /1 6 /2110 9 CUCAMONGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 55.20 AP - 0029t 169 12/16!2009 CUC.AMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 92.00 AP - 00291 184 1'_/16/2009 EIGHTH AVENUE ENTERPRISE LLC 477.63 AP-00291196 12116!2009 FLEET SERVICES INC. 44.07 AP - 00291197 13/16/2009 FLORES. CHRISTINE .52.90 AP - 0029121 R 12/t62009 HOYT LUMBER CO, SM 106.05 AP - 00291218 13/16/2009 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 6.48 AP - 00291319 12/(6/2009 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 260.88 .4P - 00291219 (2/16/2009 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 6492 AP - 00291'19 12;16/2009 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 919.35 AP-00291227 12/16/2009 INTERSTATE, BATTERIES 632.08 AP-00291230 12/16/2009 ISG THERMAL, SYSTEMS USA INC 255.00 AP - 00291230 12/16(2009 ISG THERMAL SYSTEMS USA INC 733.06 AP - 00291240 12/l(,/2009 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 764.09 .4P - 00291241 12/16/2009 LIEBERT CASS[DY WHITRIORE 24.00 AP - 00291242 12/16/2009 LIFE ASSIST INC 106.95 AP -00291244 12/16/2009 LIONS GATE HOTEL 3c COTTAGE SlI1TES 487.10 AP - 002<)1246 12/16/2(109 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 28.04 AP - 00291246 12x16/2009 LOWES COMP.4N'IES tNC. 1387 98 AP - 00291246 12/16/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 29.30 AP - 00291246 12/16/2009 LOWES COMPANIES RJC. 48.89 AP-00291247 12/162009 LUBRICATION ENGINEERS INC 403.09 AP - 00291249 12/I(i/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 2,555.25 AP - 00291249 12/16/2009 DARIPOSA HORTiCULTIIRAL ENT INC 2;004.74 AP - (10291260 12116!2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS 160.93 AP - 00291260 12/16/2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS 168.55 P4 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pase: 2 Current Date: !2/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrrait Layout Time: 14:26:4 R-4NCH0 CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT F5 Affenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through !2/23/2009 Check No. Check Date. Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291263 (2(16/2009 NF.XTEL 30.11 AP-00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 28L06 AP-00297279 12/16.!2009 PATTONSALESCORP 77.00 .4P - 00291289 12/! 6/2009 PRUULX, PATRICK 38.01 AP - 00291289 12/16/3009 PROIJLX, PATRICK 40.00 AP - 00291296 12/16/2009 KAULS AIJTU TRIM INC; 77.19 AP - 00291311 12/16/2009 S,4N ANTON[U COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 10.00 .4P - 00291315 12/16/2009 SC FUELS 899.46 AP - 00291315 !2/16/2009 SC FUELS 1,406.17 AP - 00291317 12/16/2009 SC01'T MCLEOD PLf JMBING [NC 340.00 AP-00291327 ]2/!6/2009 SIR SPEEDY 2,329.60 .4P - 00291328 12/16/2009 SMART AND FINAL ~ 63.69 AP - 00291328 12/16/2009 SMART AND FINAL 63.03 AP-00297333 12/16/2009 SOIJTHERNCAL:IFORNIAEDISON 680.17 AP-00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERNCAL[FORNIAEDISON 167.3.5 .4P - 00291.345 12/16!2009 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 42.00 AP - 00297350 12/t(,/2009 TURNOUT MAINTENANCE COMPANY LLC 4028 .4P-00291352 !2/76/2009 IINIFIRSTUNIFORMSERVICE 52.46 AP-00297352 12/76/2009 UNIFIRSTUN[FORMSERVLCE SL58 ,4P - 00291 366 !2/!6/2009 VERIZON - 1 11.39 AP-00297366 12/1(,/2009 VERIZON ~ 106.27 AP-00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON ~ 78.78 AP - 00291372 12/16/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 12L41 AP - (10291 372 12/IG~2009 WAXIE SANLTARY SUPPLY 73.03 AP - 00291372 12/16/2009 \VAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 96.74 AP - 00391372 12/16/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 319.10 AP - 00291372 12/16/2009 P~AXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 170.73 AP - 00291372 12!1612009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 121.41 AP-00291373 I^_/16/2009 WAX[ES.4NITARYSUPPLy 146.06 AP-00391380 !2/16.!2009 XEROX CORPORATION 107.74 AP-00291380 !2/16/2009 XEROX CORPORATION 170.00 AP - 00291382 12/16/2009 ZOLL DATA SYSTEMS INC 2,337.51 AP - 00291382 13/16/2009 ZOLL DATA SYSTEDIS INC '-,512.12 AP-00291384 12/!7/2009 AIRGAS WEST 72.75 AP-00291.134 13/77/2009 AIRGAS WEST 51.15 AP-00291384 12/(7/2009 AIRGAS WEST 79.95 .4P - 00291384 12/17/2009 AIRGAS WEST 58.35 AP-00291384 12/17/2009 AIRGAS WEST 43.95 AP-00297384 13/!7/2009 AIRGAS WEST 79.95 AP-00'_97384 12/1712009 AIRGAS WEST 14.40 AP-00291384 12/17/2009 AIRGAS WEST 418.08 AP-00291389 12/77/2009 ENiCORSERVICE 1,860.00 AP - 00291390 13/17/2009 LN CIJRTIS AND SONS l2>.07 AP-0029(392 12/!7/2009 NECUNLFIEDSOLUTIONSINC IL8.00 AP-00291393 12/21/2009 KILMER,STEPHEN 1,902.33 AP-0029(394 12/2!/2009 MORGAN,B}'RON 2:835.70 AP - 00291399 12/23!2009 ABLETRONICS 32 ~4 AP - 00291401 12/23!2009 ADAPT CONSULTING lNC 301.92 AP - 00291406 12/23/2009 ALL CITIES TOOLS R 1.19 AP - 00291446 12/23/2009 CARNES, SANDY 36.00 AP - 00391447 !2/23/2009 CARPET CARE CONNECTION 630.38 AP - 00291464 12/23/2009 COMMERCIAL DOOR COMPANY INC 2,363.29 AP - 00291$33 !2/23/2009 IDEA BANK, THE 109.57 AP - 00291559 !2/23/2009 IafACLAS GINI ~ O'CONELL LLP 4(2.50 lJser. VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 3 Current Date: !2/29/200 Repro•I:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRA[T_RC - CK: Agenda Check. Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:26:4 RANCHO CUCAMONC.A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT P6 Aeenda Check ReLister 12/9/2009 through 13/28/2009 Check No. Check Date VenAor Name Amomrt AP - 00291559 !2/23/2009 MACIAS GINI & O'CUNELL LLP 375.(10 AP - 00291575 12/23/2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS ~ 68.45 AP - (10291577 12/23/2009 NIKKIS FLAG SHOPPE 15827 AP - 0029li77 12/23/2009 NIKKIS FLAG SHOPPE 118.27 AP - 00291577 12/23!2009 NIKKIS FLAG SHOPPE 158.26 AP - 00291577 12/23;2009 NIKKS FLAG SHOPPg ISS.27 AP - 00291177 12/23/3009 NIKKIS FLAG SHOPPE 15827 AP - 00291577 12/23/2009 NIKKIS FLAG SHOPPE 11527 AP - 00291152 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 159.39 .4F - 00291617 12/23/2009 S.4N BERNARDINO C'.OIJNTY I Q,434.00 - AP - 00291626 12/23/2009 SO CALIF GAS C'.OMPANY' 16221 AP - 00291626 12!23/2009 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 420.20 AP - 00291628 12/23/2009 SOAPTRONiC LLC 220.48 AP - 00291639 f 2/'_3/2009 TARGETSAFETY 4,315.00 AP - 00291640 12/23/2009 TERMINIX PRUCESSING CENTER. 67.00 .4P - 00291640 12/23/2009 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 65.00 AP - 00291640 12/23/2009 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 79.00 .4P - 00291640 12/23/2009 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 65.00 AP - 0029165? 12/23/2009 l1%AX[E SANITARY SUPPLY 45.95 .4P - 00291651 12/23/2009 N'.4XIE SANITARY SUPPLY 29.41 AP-00291655 12/23/2009 N'AX[ESANITARYSUPPLY 88.35 .4P - 00291655 1223/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 48.95 AP - 00291615 1223/2009 WAXIE SANITARI' SUPPLY 58.90 AP - 00291655 1<'/23/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 68.84 AP - 00291655 12/232009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 39.01 .4P-00291671 (2/232009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 33_>6 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER.fZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/232009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.4 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/'_3/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP-00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON 93.63 .4P - 00291673 1223/2009 VERIZON 41.72 AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON »9.73 AP-00291673 1'23/2009 VER[ZUN 482.07 AP - 00291673 12.%232009 VERIZON 31.48 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONCiA VALLEI' WATER DISTRIC"f 349.33 Total Cor Check [D AP: 91.760.93 EP - 00(100777 1221/2009 .4HIIMADA, ALEXANDER R 1,508.78 EP - (10000778 12/212009 ALMAND, LLOYD 716.20 EP - 00000779 12/21/2009 .ARTHUR, VERA A. 1)3.36 EP-00000750 12/21/2009 F3ERRY,D.4VIp 721.34 EP - 00000781 12/21/2009 BILLINGS, ESTER 194.13 EP - 00000752 12/212009 CARNES, KENNETH 606.53 EP-00000783 12/21/2009 CORCURAN,ROBER7• 1,439.10 EP - 00000754 12.1212009 COX, GEORGE 491.72 EP-00000785 12/21/2009 COX, KARL 71620 EP-00000786 12/21/2009 CRANE,RALPH 1,873.(4 EP-00000787 1221/2009 CROSSLAND, WILBUR 491.72 EP - 00(100788 12/21/2009 UE ANTONIO. SUSAN 667.05 EP - 00000789 12212009 EAGLESON, M[CFiAEL 1,902.33 EP - 00000790 12/21/2009 FR[TCHEY, JOHN D. 72-134 EP - 0000079/ 1221/2009 E[EYDE, DUNALD 1,439.10 User. ~ LOPEZ Veronica Lopez Pape: 4 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGE,NDA_ REG_PORTRAI T RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:26:4 ' RANCHO CUCAMONGA HIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check N6. Check Dnte Vendor Name Amount EP-00000792 12/21/2009 LANE, WILLIAM 1,90233 EP-00000793 12/21/2009 LEE, ALLAN 1,156.75 EP - 00000794 12121 /2009 LONGO, JOE 193.36 EP - 00000795 12/21/2009 LUTTRULL, DARRELL 72L34 EP - 00000796 12/21/2009 MACKALL, BEN.IAMIN 193.36 EP - 00000797 12/21/2009 HAYFIELD, RON 2,466.58 EP - 00000798 12/21 /2009 MCKEE, JOHN 2,466.58 EP-00000799 12/'_1/2009 MCNEtL,KENNETH 1,439.L0 EP-00000800 12/21/2009 MICHAEL, L. DENNIg 1,439.10 EP-00000801 12/21/2009 MYSKOW,DENNIS 72-134 EP - 00000802 12/21/2009 NAUMAN, MICHAEL 721.34 EP - 00000303 12/21/2009 NEE, RON 2,46658 EP - 00000804 12.!21/"'009 NELSON. MARY JANE 308.17 EP - 00000805 12/21/2009 PLOUNG, MICHAEL J 721.34 EP - 00000806 12/21/2009 POST, MICHAEL R L401.91 . EP - 00000807 12/21/2009 SAL(SHURY, THOMAS 72134 EP - 00000808 12/21/^_009 SMITH, RONALD 721.34 EP - 00000809 12/21/2009 SPAGNOLO, SAM 491.72 EP - 00000810 12/21/'_009 SPAN, ~V[LLIAM 72134 EP - 00000811 12/21/2009 SULLIVAN, JAMES 804 98 EP - 00000812 12(21/2009 TAYLOR, STEVE 999.19 EP - 00000813 12/2 V2009 TULEY, TERRY 1,439.10 EP-00000814 12/21/2009 VANUERKALLEN,FRANCIS 1,439.10 EP-000008 t5 l~!21/2009 WALKER, KENNETH 305.60 EP - 00000816 12/21/2009 WOLFE, DUANE 1,873:14 EP-(10000817 12/21/2009 YOWELL,TIMOTHYA 2,466>8 Total for Check ID EP: 43,985.05 Total fqr Entit}: 141,745.98 P7 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 5 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Porerait Layout Time: 1426:4 STAFF REPORT R9NCHO CUC.-~MONG~1 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Date: January 6, 2010 To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Janet Walker, Management Analyst II RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULTS OF A SPECIAL ELECTION IN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, ANNEXATION NO. 09-6 AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF SUCH PROPERTY TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 (ARCO AM/PM - APN 0229-141-10&11) RECOMMENDATION Consideration of approval of a resolution declaring results of a special election in Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Annexation No. 09-6 and ordering the annexation of property of approximately 2.07 acres located on the southeast corner of Arrow Route and Etiwanda Ave. (the "Annexation Territory") to Community Facilities District No. 85-1. BACKGROUND On October 21, 2009, the Board declared its intention to annex APNs: 0229-141-10&11 into CFD No. 85-1. On December 2, 2009, a public hearing was held regarding the annexation and following such public hearing, the Board of Directors adopted a resdlution calling for a special election to submit the qualified electors of the Annexation Territory a ballot measure pertaining to the authorization to levy a special tax within the Annexation Territory. A special election was scheduled for December 9, 2009. On December 9, 2009, the landowner submitted their ballot to the Board Secretary. The Board Secretary has canvassed the ballot and completed the statement of votes cast (see Exhibit "A" of Resolution). The Landowner cast their vote unanimously in favor of the levy of the special tax in the Annexation Territory. Adoption of this resolution constitutes the formal action of the Board declaring the results of the election and the annexation of the Annexation Territory to Community Facilities District No. 85-1 and directs the recordation of an amendment to the existing Notice of Special Tax Lien. By recordation of this amendment, prospective purchasers of property within the Annexation Territory will have notice of the special tax obligation affecting such property. Re~ Ily submitted, i~~E'~'/ Mike Bell Fire Chief , P8 Attachment P9 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-OD I A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILTIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A SPECIAL ELECTION IN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, ANNEXATION NO. 09-6 AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF SUCH PROPERTY TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, California, has previously declared its intention and held and conducted proceedings relating to the annexation of territory to an existing Community Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, and specifically Article 3.5 thereof. The existing Community Facilities District has been designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 (the "District"); and, WHEREAS, the area proposed to be annexed is known and designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, ANNEXATION NO. 09-6 ("Annexation Territory'), and, WHEREAS, the Board did call for and order to be held an election to submit to the qualified voters of the Annexation Territory a proposition to levy a special tax in the Annexation Territory; and, WHEREAS, at this time said election has been held and the measure voted upon did receive the favorable 2/3's vote of the qualified voters, and the Board desires to declare the favorable results of the election and to order the annexation of the Annexation Territory to the District. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. The Board hereby receives and approves the CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OFFICIAL AND STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST, as submitted by the Election Official, said Statement setting forth the number of votes cast in the election, the measure voted upon, and the number of votes given for and/or against the measure voted upon. A copy of said Certificate and Statement is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A", referenced and so incorporated. SECTION 3. The Secretary is hereby directed to enter in the minutes of this meeting the results of the election and the STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST. SECTION 4. The Board hereby orders the annexation of the Annexation Territory to the District and further determines that the Board is now authorized to levy the special taxes within the Annexation Territory as approved and authorized by the qualified electors of the Annexation Territory. P10 SECTION 5. Immediately upon adoption of this Resolution, the AMENDMENT TO THE NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN (NOTICE OF ANNEXATION) shall be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this _ day of , 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Donald J. Kurth, M.D., President ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the _ day of 2010. Executed this _ day of 2010, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary P11 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OFFICIAL AND STATEMENT OF VOTES CAST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO )SS RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ) THE UNDERSIGNED, AS ELECTION OFFICIAL OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that pursuant to the provisions of Section 53326 of the Government Code and the Elections Code of the State of California, I did canvass the returns of the votes cast at the: RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 ANNEXATION NO. 09-6 SPECIAL ELECTION In said Fire Protection District held on December 9, 2009 I FURTHER CERTIFY that this Statement of Votes Cast shows the whole number of votes case in said District, and the whole number of votes cast for the Measure in said District, and the totals of the respective columns and the totals as shown fo"r the Measure aze full, true and correct. I. TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES CAST: II. TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES FOR AND AGAINST PROPOSITION A WITNESS my hand and official Seal this FOR AGAINST day of ~rt~•6~ 2009. t '~ 1~~~„"z'-r EI ction Official Ranc o Cucamonga Fire Protection District State of California STAFF REPORT Rr1NCH0 CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DIS'T'RICT ~["Y~~~ RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 C,UGAMONGA To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Janet Walker, Management Analyst II Subject: APPROVAL TO ADOPTARESOLLRIONOFINTENTIONTOANNEXTERRffORYREFERREDTO AS ANNEXATION N0.10.1(APNs: 020881158, 59 & 60 (JAMIE 8 JAMILA SAMOUH, OWNERS) INTO COMMUNfTY FACILliIES DISTRICT N0.8S1, SPECIFYING SERVICES PROPOSED TO BE FINANCED, TO SET AND SPECIFYTHE SPECIAL TAXES PROPOSED TO BE LEVIED WffHIN THE ANNEXATION TERRffORYAND SET A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING RELATED TO THE ANNEXATION RECOMMENDATION Adoption of a Resolution of Intention to Annex Territory referred to as Annexation No. 10-1 into Community Facilities District No. 85-1 (the "District"), to specify the services to be financed, to set and specify the rate and method of apportionment of the special taxes proposed to be levied within the territory proposed to be annexed and to set a time and place for a public hearing regarding the annexation. BACKGROUND Jamil and Jamila Samouh, owners of certain property (APNs 0208-811-58, 59 & 60) within the Fire Protection District (the "Territory"), is conditioned by the City and Fire Protection District to annex such property into the existing Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 85-1 to satisfy fire protection service mitigation impacts. In order to initiate formal annexation proceedings, the Fire Board is being asked to adopt a resolution approving an annexation map of the territory proposed to be annexed and a Resolution of Intention to Annex. The Resolution of Intention generally sets forth: (a) the District's intention to annex the Territory to the District; (b) the facilities and services which will, in part, be financed (Exhibit "A" of said Resolution) through the levy of the special tax on the Territory if annexed; (d) the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax (Exhibit "B" of said Resolution); (e) the date, time and location of the public hearing set for February 17, 2010 and (f) election requirements. P12 Warren Diven, Special Counsel for the District, has worked with staff to establish the annexation process, timelines and draft resolutions. The resolution is considered to be P13 RESOLUTION OP INTENTION TO ANNEX JANUARY G, 2010 routine and non-controversial, as the developers are in support of the annexation procedure. On February 17, 2010, there will be a public hearing for public input/concerns on this matter. Respectful) submitted, ~ ~3~>,~~ Mike Bell Fire Chief Attachment P14 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10- OO.Z A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 10-1) TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA, ("Board of Directors"), formed a Community Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California (the "Act"). The Community Facilities District has been designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 (the "District"); and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to initiate proceedings to consider the annexation of certain real property to the District (the "Territory"); and WHEREAS, a map entitled "Annexation Map No. 10-1 to Community Facilities District No. 85-1 Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, County of San Bernardino, State of California" (the "Annexation Map") showing the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District has been submitted, which map has been previously approved and a copy of the map shall be kept on file with the transcript of these proceedings; and WHEREAS, this Board of Directors now desires to proceed to adopt its Resolution of Intention to annex the Territory to District, to describe the territory included within District and the Territory proposed to be annexed thereto, to specify the facilities and services to be financed from the proceeds of the levy of special taxes within the Territory, to set and specify the special taxes that would be levied within the Territory to finance such facilities and services, and to set a time and place for a public hearing relating to the annexation of the Territory to the District. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: RECITALS SECTION 1: The above recitals are all true and correct. LEGAL AUTHORITY SECTION 2: These proceedings for annexation are initiated by this Board of Directors pursuant to the authorization of the Act. INTENTION TO ANNEX: DESCRIPTION OF TERRITORY AND THE DISTRICT SECTION 3. This legislative body hereby determines that the public convenience and necessity requires that the Territory be added to the District and this Board of Directors declares its intention to annex the Territory to the District. A description of the Territory is as follows: P15 Resolution No. 10- Page -2- All that property within the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District, as such property is shown on the Annexation Map as previously approved by this legislative body, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Secretary and shall remain open for public inspection. A general description of the territory included in the District is hereinafter described as follows: All that propertyand territory as originally included within the District and as subsequently annexed to the District, as such properties were shown on maps of the original District and the territories subsequently annexed to the District, all as approved by this Board of Directors and designated by the name of the original District. Copies of such maps are on file in the Office of the Secretary and have also been filed in the Office of the County Recorder. SERVICES AND FACILITIES AUTHORIZED TO BE FINANCED BY THE DISTRICT SECTION 4: The services that are authorized to be financed by the District from the proceeds of special taxes levied within the existing District are generally described as the performance by employees of functions, operations, maintenance, and repair activities in order to provide fire protection and suppression services to the territory within the existing District. The District shall finance all direct, administrative and incidental annual costs and expenses necessary to provide the Services. The services proposed to be provided within the Territory and to be financed by the District from the proceeds of special taxes levied within Territory are generally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Services"). If and to the extent feasible the services shall be provided in common within the existing District and the Territory. The facilities that are authorized to be financed by the District from the proceeds of special taxes levied within the existing District are generally described as (a) the acquisition of land for fire stations, (b) design and construction of fire stations and (c) purchase and acquisition of fire suppression apparatus and equipment. The facilities proposed to be financed by the District from the proceeds of special taxes levied in the Territory are generally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. If and to the extent that it is feasible the facilities shall be provided in common for the existing District and the Territory. P16 Resolution No. 10- Page -3- SPECIAL TAXES SECTION 5: It is the further intention of this Board of Directors body that, except where funds are otherwise available, a special tax sufficient to pay for the Services, Facilities and related incidental expenses authorized by the Act, secured by recordation of a continuing lien against all non-exempt real property in the Territory, will be levied annually within the boundaries of such Territory. For further particulars as to the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax, reference is made to Exhibit B (the "Special Tax Formula"), which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and which sets forth in suffcient detail the method of apportionment of such special tax to allow each landowner or resident within the proposed Territory to clearly estimate the maximum amount that such person will have to pay. The special tax proposed to be levied within the Territory shall be equal to the special tax levied to pay for the Services and Facilities in the existing District, except that a higher or lower special tax may be levied within the Territory to the extent that the actual cost of providing the Services and Facilities in the Territory is higher or lower than the cost of providing those Services and Facilities in the existing District. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the special tax may not be levied at a rate which is higher than the maximum special tax authorized to be levied pursuant to the Special Tax Formula. The special taxes herein authorized shall be collected in the same manner as ad valorem property taxes and shall be subject to the same penalties, procedure, sale and lien priority in any case of delinquency, as applicable for ad valorem taxes; however, as applicable, this legislative body may, by resolution, establish and adopt an alternate or supplemental procedure as necessary. Any special taxes that may not be collected on the County tax roll shall be collected through a direct billing procedure by the Treasurer of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, acting for and on behalf of the District. Upon recordation of a Notice of Special Tax Lien pursuant to Section 3114.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, a continuing lien to secure each levy of the special tax shall attach to all non-exempt real property in the Territory and this lien shall continue in force and effect until the special tax obligation is prepaid and permanently satisfied and the lien canceled in accordance with law or until collection of the tax by the legislative body ceases. The maximum special tax rate authorized to be levied within the District shall not be increased as a result of the annexation of the Territory to the District. P17 Resolution No. 10- Page'-4- PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 6: NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT ON THE 17th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2010, AT THE HOUR OF 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M., IN THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE OF 'THE LEGISLATIVE BODY, BEING THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD WHERE THIS LEGISLATIVE BODY WILL CONSIDER THE AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT, THE PROPOSED RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF THE SPECIAL TAX TO BE LEVIED WITHIN THE TERRITORY AND ALL OTHER MATTERS AS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION OF INTENTION. AT SUCH PUBLIC HEARING, THE TESTIMONY OF ALL INTERESTED PERSONS FOR OR AGAINST THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY OR THE LEVYING OF SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORY WILL BE HEARD. , AT SUCH PUBLIC HEARING, PROTESTS AGAINST THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY, THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN THE TERRITORY OR ANY OTHER PROPOSALS CONTAINED IN THIS RESOLUTION MAY BE MADE ORALLY BY ANY INTERESTED PERSON. ANY PROTESTS PERTAINING TO THE REGULARITY OR SUFFICIENCY OF THE PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE IN WRITING AND SHALL CLEARLY SET FORTH THE IRREGULARITIES OR DEFECTS TO WHICH OBJECTION IS MADE. ALL WRITTEN PROTESTS SHALL BE FILED WITH THE SECRETARY PRIOR TO THE TIME FIXED FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. WRITTEN PROTESTS MAY BE WITHDRAWN AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. P18 Resolution No. 10- Page -5- MAJORITY PROTEST SECTION 7: If (a) 50% or more of the registered voters, or six (6) registered voters, whichever is more, residing within the District, (b) 50% or more of the registered voters, or six (6) registered voters, whichever is more, residing within the Territory, (c) owners of one-half or more of the area of land in the territory included in the District, or (d) owners of one-half or more of the area of land included in the Territory, file written protests against the proposed annexation of the Territory to the District and such protests are not withdrawn so as to reduce the protests to less than a majority, no further proceedings shall be undertaken for a period of one year from the date of the decision by the Board of Directors on the issues discussed at the public hearing. ELECTION SECTION 8: Upon the conclusion of the public hearing, if the legislative body determines to proceed with the annexation, a proposition shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the Territory. The vote shall be by registered voters within the Territory; however, if there are less than 12 registered voters, the vote shall be by landowners, with each landowner having one vote per acre or portion thereof within the Territory. NOTICE SECTION 9: Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be given by the Secretary by publication in a legally designated newspaper of general circulation, said publication pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code, with said publication to be completed at least seven (7) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. A copy of this Resolution shall be transmitted to the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as required by the Act. P19 Resolution No. 10- Page -6- PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this _ day of , 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Donald J. Kurth, M.D., President ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the _ day of 2010. Executed this day of 2010, at Rancho Cucamonga, California Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary P20 Resolution No. 10- Page -7- EXHIBIT 'A' COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES The Services. It is the intention of the Board of Directors to finance certain types of fire services (the "Services")that are in addition to those currently provided in or required forthe Territory and are necessary to meet the increased demand for such fire services resulting from new development within the Territory and will not be replacing services already available to the Territory. A general description of the Services to be financed is as follows: The performance of functions, operations, maintenance and repair activities in order to provide fire protection ahd suppression services to the Territory. The Facilities. It is the intention of this Board of Directors to finance the purchase, construction, expansion, improvement, or rehabilitation of certain types of fire facilities (the "Facilities") that are in addition to those currently provided to serve the Territory and are necessary to meet the increased demand for such fire services resulting from new development within the Territory and will not be replacing facilities already available to serve the Territory. A general description of the types of the Facilities to be financed is as follows: Fire protection and suppression facilities and equipment, rescue equipment, with a useful life of five (5) years or more, including collection and accumulation of funds to pay for anticipated facilities cost shortfalls and reserves for repair and replacement to the extent that such facilities are necessary to meet the increased demand for such facilities resulting from new development within the Territory. P21 Resolution No. 10- Page -8- EXHIBIT 'B' COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 ANNEXATION NO. 10-1 RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES The rate and method of apportionment, limitations on and adjustment to the Special Tax shall be as follows: To pay for fire suppression services and to finance fire suppression facilities, the Maximum Special Tax in Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Annexation No. 10-1 for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 shall be: Structures Maximum Annual Special Tax Residential 1 DU =,($146.56) Multi-Family 2 DU: 1.75 = ($146.56) 3 DU: 2.25 ._ ($146.56) 4 DU: 2.65 = ($146.56) 5-14 DU: 2.65 = ($146.56) + {.35 (TU-4) ($146.56)} 15-30 DU: 6.15 = ($146.56) + {.30 (TU-14) ($146.56)} 31-80 DU: 10.65 = ($146.56) + {.25 (TU-30) ($146.56)} 81 - up DU: 23.15 = ($146.56) + {.20 (TU-80) ($146.56)} Commercial ($146.56) per acre + $.079 per SF Industrial ($146.56) per acre + $.097 per SF Note: DU =Dwelling Unit TU =Total Units SF =Square Foot ANNUAL ADJUSTMENT The maximum Special Tax shall be annually adjusted commencing on July 1, 2009 and each July 1~~ thereafter-for (a) changes in the cost of living or (b) changes in cost of living and changes in population as defined in Section 7901 of the Government Code, as amended, whichever is lesser. P22 Resolution No. 10- Page -g- REDUCTION IN SPECIAL TAX Commercial and industrial structures shall be granted a .01 cent reduction in the Special Tax for the installation of complete sprinkler systems. In addition, multi-floor commercial and industrial structures shall also be granted a .01 cent reduction (not cumulative) in Special Tax for each separate floor above or below the main ground floor of the structure. LIMITATION ON SPECIAL TAX LEVY The Special Tax shall only be levied on Developed Property. Developed Property is defined to be property: which is not owned by a public or governmental agency; which is not vacant; - where a "certificate of occupancy" or "utility release" from the City of Rancho Cucamonga has been issued; which has an existing building or structure onsite; - which does not have as its sole use power transmission towers, railroad tracks, and flood control facilities. Areas granted as easements for such purposes shall be subtracted from the total acreage of the underlying lat. The annual levy of the Special Tax shall be based upon an annual determination by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District of the amount of other revenues available to meet budget requirements. As used in this formula, "available revenue" shall include ad valorem taxes, State of California augmentation, tax increment revenues received from the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and any other source of revenue except the Special Tax. The Board of Directors shall take all responsible steps to retain maximum Redevelopment Agency funding to which, by agreement, they may lawfully receive. To the extent available revenues are insufficient to meet budget requirements, the Board of Directors may levy the Special Tax. For further particulars regarding the rate and method of apportionment of the Special Tax, reference is made to the Final Report Mello-Roos Community Facilities District No. 85-1 for Fire Suppression Facilities/Services -Foothill Fire Protection District, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Fire Chief of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. STAFF REPORT - , RANCHO CUCAIv[ONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ' RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Janet Walker, Management Analyst II Subject: APPROVAL OF AN ANNEXATION MAP SHOWING ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 0208-811-58, 59 & 60 (JAMIE & JAMILA SAMOUH, OWNERS), LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ARCHIBALD AVE., AND ARROW ROUTE., PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED INTO CFD NO. 85-1 RECOMMENDATION Adoption of a resolution adopting Annexation Map No. 10-1 showing property (located on the northwest corner of Archibald Ave., and Arrow Route.) proposed to be annexed into Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 85-1. BACKGROUND Jamil and Jamila Samouh, owners of certain property (APNs 0208-811-58, 59 & 60) located within the Fire Protection District, is conditioned to annex into Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 85-1. In order to initiate formal proceedings to annex the referenced parcel into CFD No. 85-1, a Resolution adopting an annexation map is presented for Board consideration and approval. The annexation map (Exhibit "A") illustrates the territory r proposed to be annexed. The territory is inclusive of the entire development project proposed by the owner. Respectfully submitted, Mike Bell Fire Chief P23 Attachments ANNEXATION MAP NO 10-1 OF EXHIBIT TAI P24 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0. 85-1 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA LEGAL DESCRIPTION 50' S0' 100' O (J~ W SI ~ Q N aSSi. SE'RETA(tt RM'CMO CL'CAMONG PRf °ROTECTION gSTRICT SPATE OF CALIFORNIA 1GG 50 50 p N O N B9'S6'2a' E 2}0.00' o - ~ f ARROW ROUTE O N PARCEL 1: THE NORTH 100 FEET a THE SOUTH 1!O fEET Di THE EAST 2b FEET. AS uFASURED i0 THE CENRRLWE'OF N2CHIBHD AVENUE OF iNE NORTHGBT I/t a SECTON 10. TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, PNIOE) WEST, SAN BERNARpNO BASE ANO YERIONN, B~JNG A PoRTH)N Oi ME NORMEAST 1/a OF SAID SECTION 10, HARMED 1 SNfM' AS SHOwN ON MM Of CUCAMON[A UNpS, IN THE CITY OF RANCXO CULAMOIP.A, COUNTY OF SAN BERNAPOINO. SFATE OP CLLIfORNIA, A6 PER PUi RECORDED IN BOON A OF AMPS, PAGE 9, RECORDS CF SAID CWNtt. , E%CEPTNG THEREFROM THAI PORTION CONJEYEO i0 THE CWNtt 6 SAY BERNARDINO BY GEED RECORDED JUNE I, 1966 IN BOOK fit W, PAGE !W. OFPEMI RECORDS, OCSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' BEGINNING AT THE SOURIEAS CORNER OF THE NORTIFASi I/4 OF SND SECTN]N 10; (HENCE NORTH 89'SB'OD' WEST. ALONG THE SOUTH LWE OF SNO MIiTNEABT 1/!, A DISTANCE OF 12D FEET; THENCE NORTH DO1'00- F/ST, 50 FEET; THENCE SDUTN 89'58'00' EAST, tB.9) FEET{ THENCE NORTH tC55'])' FA9i, 2B3t FEET TO A POINT OF A UNE OMwN PAPALLEL wITH AND OISTAM 50 FEET wE9i OF WE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTON 10: THENCE NORTH OOB'l5' WEST ALONG Y10 PARWl£L UNE. 59J.B5 FEET. MORE OR IE55. i0 A POINT ON TIE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOIIIM 1/I OF THE SOUTHEA3 t/a OF iNE NORMEASi 1/a OF SECTON 10; HENCE EASTERLY ALONG YID NORTH UNE. A g6TAn..E OF SD i£ET, uORE OR lES9, t0 A PqM ON SND ESf UNE OF SECTION 10: ?HENCE SOUM 009'a5' FIST ALONG YID FA4 LINE 66].95 FEET. uORE OR IE59. i0 THE POINT Df BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: THE NORTH B6 FEET OF THE BOUTH 326 fEEi OF TIE FAST 2]0 FFET Of THE SOUM NAIF OP THE Sd1THU5i 1/a OF THE NORTHfASi I/t OF SECTION 10, iDWNSHIP I SOUTH. RANGE T WE9T. YN BERNARDINO RISE ANT MERIDIAN. EKCEpTNL THE EASE ]O FEET PoR ROAD PURPOSES GOP THE wEST PORTION Of ARCHIRALD AVENUE. AL90 E%CEPi THAT PORTION COAVEI'ED i0 THE COUNM1' Of SIN BERNARJINO, BY GEED RECORpED YARCM B. :96A, IN BOOR 610J, PILE 122. OFFICUL RECORCS. PARCEL J: iNE EAST 2SD fEEt OF THE 5011tH 1/2 Of iNE SOUTHUST I/a a iNE NORTHFA9i 1/a OF SECTION 10. TOWNSHIP 1501(IH, RANGE T WEST. SAN BERHNiDINO &SE AND MERIDAN. F%CEPTNL THE SOU1N 226 FEET THE9EOF. AL50 E%CEPTING iW.i PORTION GONJEYED TO TIE COVNp OF $Ml BERNAROINO 8Y DEED RECORDED JUNE 1, 196A. IN BOOK 8160, PAGE a0, OFFlCNL RECORDS. NOTE: AREAS AND DISTANCES ARE COMPUTED i0 THE CENtERLINE OF A0.101NINC S1REEi5. REJYl1O d1C.lJ.B1E1]A FTE PROTECTICB6 fJBfTiGT C6ItiRG1C11 FILED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE MN[HO CUGUONW FlPE PftOTECTON DISTRICT. C0.IFORNW, THIS __ OAY _____-. 20__ ASSL. SECRETARI RANCHO CUUMONGA PRE PROTECTION gBTVICT STATr OF CALFDRNP I HEREBY CFMIFY TINT THE WITHIN MAP SHOWING BOUNMRIES OF TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNE%EO i0 COMMDNRY FACILRIES OSTR¢T N0. 05-1 OE iNE WNCHO CUCAMONGA PRE PROTECTON DISTRICT, COUNtt OF BAN BERNARDIxO, STAR OF CAUPORNU. WAS APPROVED BT TIE BWRO OF pIRECTORS Of SUCH FIRE PROTECTION dSTRILT Ai A REGUVA MEETING THEREOF. HELD ON THE __ OAY OF _. 200_ 8Y DS RESOLUTION N0. _ THIS ANNE%ATON MAP AMENDS THE BOUNpNeT uAP FOR LOUNUNITV FACIURIES 05TRICL N0. 95-I OF THE RANCHO CUGMONG FlRE PROIECLION dSTRIR. COUNTY OF YN BERWAGNO. SigtE OF GYIEORNN, PRIOR RECORDED ON _ Ai BOOK ___ OF MAPS OP ASSESSMENT M'D LOMWNfIY FAGLRIES DISTRICTS, AT PACE ___-. IN THE OfT1CE OF 1HE CAUNtt PECORDEP FOR iNE LOUNh OF SAN PFRNARpNO, CALIFORNIA. NOgTH GRAPHIC SCALE ( W KRI ) I me- w n SAN dERNIR01Np COUNTY REW20EA'S CERiIGIGiE THIS MAP HAS BEEN FILED UNDER DOCUMENT LEGEND PRDPDSED ANNE%ATIDN AREA PRE°AREO BY: NOR'. YNOERSON-GVTIERRE3 THIS ANNE%ATION uAP SHALL CNIL ENGINEERS k IANp SVRNEYOftS GOVERN FO0. ALL DETAILS AS i0 10050 'A" 6TH STREET THE EXFENi OF THE TERRTORY RANCHO NCAMONGA CA 91)}0 ANNE%EO TO THE ADOVE 909-96D-1211 REFERENCED COMMUNItt FACILITIES DISTRICT. NVMBER _ __, THIS __ DAY OF __. 100-. Ai _ M. IN BOON_ OF MAPS OF ASSESSMENT ANO COMMUNITY FACILITIES pISTPICIS AT PACE Ai THE REOVESi OE 14 THE AMWNL OI E_ IANRY WALME0. AVOIiOR-CONTROLLER/RECOROE0. COpN1T OF SVI BERNMpINO SiwiE OF CALIFORNU BY:___ DEPUTY RECORDER P25 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10- 0 0 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1, ADOPTING AN ANNEXATION MAP (ANNEXATION NO. 10-1) SHOWING PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (the "Board of Directors'), desires to initiate proceedings to annex territory to an existing Community Facilities District pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, and specifically Article 3.5 thereof. The existing Community Facilities District has been designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 85-1 (the "District"); and, WHEREAS, there has been submitted a map entitled "Annexation Map No. 1,0-1 to Community Facilities District No. 85-1, Rancho Cucamonga Fire, Protection District, County of San Bernardino, State Of California" (the "Annexation Map") showing the territory proposed to be annexed to the District (the "Territory"). NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2: The Annexation Map showing the Territory proposed to be annexed to the District and to be subject to the levy of a special tax is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 3: A certificate shall be endorsed on the original and on at least one (1) copy of the Annexation Map, evidencing the date and adoption of this Resolution, and within fifteen (15) days after the adoption of the Resolution fixing the time and place of the hearing on the ~ intention to annex or extent of the annexation to the District, a copy of such map shall be filed with the correct and proper endorsements thereon with the County Recorder, all in the manner and form provided for in Section 3111 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. P26 Resolution No. FD 10- Page 2 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Donald J. Kurth, M.D.; President ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the _ day of 2010. Executed this _ day of 2010 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice C. Reynolds,,Secretary CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P27 Agenda Check ReLister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00290879 12/9/2009 ADIMER, ADELAIDE 249.78 AP - 00290880 12/9/2009 AGI ACADEMY 1,044.00 AP - 00290881 12/9/2009 AGLIILERA, ISAIAH 80.60 AP-00290881 l2%912009 AGUILERA,ISAIAH 80.60 AP - 00290881 12/9/2009 AGUILER.4, ISAIAH 80.60 AP - 00290831 12/9/2009 .4GUILERA, ISAIAH 80.60 AP-00290881 12;9!2009 AGUILERA, ISAIAH 80.60 AP - 00290882 12/9/2009 AhIERN RENTALS 19,248.7 AP - 00290883 12/9/2009 AIR CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS 367.68 AP - 00290884 12/9/3009 AL,T~RICH & ASSOCIATES INC. 1,250.00 AP - 00290885 12/9/2009 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT ` 42,551.87 .4P - 00290885 12/9/3009 ALL A~IERICAN ASPHALT -4,255.19 AP-00290887 12/9/2009 ALPHAGRAPHICS 156.38 AP - 00290888 12/9/"_'009 AMERICAN ROTARY BROOM CO. INC. 38 L30 AP - 00290888 ! 2(9/2009 AMERICAN ROTARY BROOM CO. INC. 257.09 AP - 00290889 12/9/3009 AMO RECOVERIES INC. 376.25 AP - 00290889 12/9/2009 AMO RECOVERIES INC. 560.00 AP - 00290890 12/9/3009 ANDRADE, LAINI ~ 45.10 AP - 00290891 12/9/2009 ANTHEM BLUE CROSS 154,350.57 .4P - (10290892 12/9/2009 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 6.70 AP - 00290893 12/9/2009 ARMANDOS TERMITE & PEST CONTROL 725.00 AP - 0029(1894 12/9/2009 ARROW TRUCK BODIES AND EQUIPMENT MC 60.90 AP - 00290894 12/9/2009 .ARRO W TRUCK BODIES ANU EQUIPMENT INC 473.56 AP-00290891 12/9/2009 ASAPPOWERSPORTS 92.00 AP :00290896 12/9/2009 AUFBAU CORPORATION 500.00 AP - 00290896 12/9/2(109 AUFBAU CORPORATION 2,827.00 AP - 0029089G 12/9/2009 AUFBAU CORPORATION 9,>00.00 AP - 0029(1896 12/9/2009 AUFBAU CORPORATION 619.00 AP - 00290397 12/9/3009 BEACON PLUMBING 1,546.88 AP - 00290898 12/9/2009 6ERTGES, RUTH '-20.00 AP - 00290899 12/9/2009 BISHOP COMPANY 153.27 AP - 00290901 12/9/2009 BURTEC l~'ASTE INDUSTRIES 800.00 AP - 00290902 12/9/2009 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 2,150.50 AP - 00290903 12/9/2009 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE A DESIGN INC 250.00 .4P - 00290907 12/9/2009 CHRISTOBAL, AGNES 500.00 AP - 00290909 12/9/2009 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 4,377.63 AP - 00290909 12/9/2009 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES [NC. 3,079.26 AP - 00290910 12;9/2009 CLERK OF THE BOARD 50.00 AP - 002909 f I 12/9/2009 COAST RECREATION INC 3,922.11 AP - 00290912 (2/9/2009 COLOR ME MINE 1.174.50 AP - 00290913 12/9/2009 COMMUNI"CY BANK 4,255.19 .AP - 00290914 12/9/2009 CONCEPT POWDER COATING 940.00 AP - 00290916 12/9/3009 COOPER, MI5TY 100.00 AP - 00290917 12/9/2009 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. 5929 AP - 00290917 12/9/2009 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. 85.91 AP - 00290917 12/9/2009 COPIES & INK PRINTING [NC. 5929 .4P - 00290917 12/9/2009 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. 5329 AP - 00290918 12/9/2009 CORPUS, D[OGENES R. 522.00 AP - 0029091 R 12/9/2009 CORPUS, D[OGENES R. 522.00 AP - 00290920 12/9/2009 CR1DL.4ND, Kl'LE 20.90 AP - 00290921 12/9/2009 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES [NC ~ 1,665.51 AP - 00290921 12/9/2009 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 1,66551 .4P - 00290922 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY [AAP 25.00 AP - 00290924 12;9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 244?0 [Jser: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 1 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_POR"FRAIT_RC. - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Clteck Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Datc Vendor Name Amount AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 785.60 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 573.67 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONCiA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 316.67 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CIJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 589.31 AP - 00290934 1'_/9/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT t 16.31 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 926.08 AP - 00''90924 1'_/9,2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 694.46 .AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 55?0 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,408.84 .AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 159.66 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 73.60 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 73.60 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,355.22. .AF - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONOA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 603.52 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 73.60 AP-00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATERDISTR[CT 20L11 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY N'ATER DISTRICT 421.63 AP - 00290924 t2/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ! 13.27 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY RATER DISTRICT 118.03 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CCICAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 6829 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 73.60 AP - 00290924 .12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 232.83 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY RATER DISTRICT 150.42 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 85.05 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 172.95 AP - 00390924 12/9/2(109 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 318.09 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 75.10 .AP - 00290924 12/9/^_009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I03.R2 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 21416 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER UISTRICT 66.87 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 37.18 AP - 00'_90924 12/9/2009 CUC.AMONGA VALLEY WATER UISTRICT 73.60 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CIJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 417.36 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONG.A VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 549.63 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 72998 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ~ 329.26 .AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DIS"tRICT 876.35 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 714.35 .AP - 00290924 12!9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 413.10 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 275.26 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CLrC:.AMONGA V.ALT.,EY WATER DISTRICT 286.63 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 8819 AP-00390924 12!9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 21750 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 78.86 AP - 0029(1924 12/9/^_009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 151.84 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 117.73 AP - 00290924. 12/9/3009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER D[STR[CT !,024.13 AP - 00290924 !2/9/2009 CUCAMONG.A VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 185.94 .AP - 00390924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 180.06 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 197.11 AP - 00290924 (2/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 310.79 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 190.00 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 199.95 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 450.05 P28 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 2 Current Dale: 1 212 9 /2 0 0 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PGRTRA[T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUC AMONGA P29 A>senda Check Register 2/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amowrt AP - 00290924 12/9/3009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,360.91 AP -00290924 12/9/2009 CUC,4MONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,26L44 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CLICAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 641.88 AP - 00290924 12/9.2009 CUC.4MONGA VALLEY WATER D[STR[CT 1,535.69 AP - 00290924 12/9/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 214.36 AP-00290924 12/9/3009 C(JCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT L159.33 AP - 00390925 12/9/2009 U ANU K CONCRETE COMPANY 266.99 AP - 00290925 12/9/2009 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 350.73 AP - 00390925 12/9/2009 U AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 387.15 AP - 00290925 12/9/2009 U AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 350.T AP - 00290926 12/9/2009 DAISY WHEEL RIBBON CO INC 1,348.17 .4P - 00290927 12/9/2009 DAN'SON SURVEYING [NC. I,I 10.00 AP - 00290928 12/9/2009 DENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 88.80 AP - 00290929 12/9/2009 DEPARTMENT OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTRA 222.50 AP - 00290930 12/9/2009 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1,224.82 AP - (10290931 12/9/2009 DONOFRIO, 1<ELLE 25(1.00 AP - 00290932 12/9/2009 DIfNN ED WARDS CORPORATION 17.83 AP - 00290932 (2/9/2009 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 20.53 AP - 00290933 (2/9;2009 DURKEL, CAROL 94.05 .4P - 00290933 12/9/2(109 DURKEL, CAROL 80.30 AP - 00290934 (2/9/2009 ELLIS ENTERPRISES: (,500.00 AP - 00290934 12/9/2009 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 150.00 AP - 00290935 (2/9/2009 EMPIRE MOBILE HOME SERVICE 2,910.94 AP - (10290936 12/9/2(109 EMPIRE MOBILE HOME SERVFCE 1,304.13 AP - 00290937 12/9/2009 EMPLOYEE ACTIVITY COMMITTEE 420.00 AP - 0029(1938 12/9/2009 ESRI 27,680.00 AP - 00290938 (2(9/2009 ESRI 8.589.?3 AP - 00290939 13/9/2009 EDGE-NIO'S SHEET b-lETAL INC. 81.56 AP-00290940 (2/9/2009 EWINGIRR[C,ATIONPRODUCTS 420.67 AP - 0(1'_90941 1'_/9/2009 F.4STENAL COMPANY =6.84 AP - 00290941 12/9/2009 FASTENAL. COMPANY 1,082.94 AP - 00290942 12/9/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CURP 2332 AP - 00290942 12/9/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORD 16.41 AP - 00'_90942 12/9/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 3839 AP - 00290942 12/9/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 23.32 AP - 00290945 12/9/2009 FONTENOT; COURTNEY 55.00 .4F' - 00290946 12/9/2009 FORD OF IIPL.AND INC 30628 AP - 00290946 12/9/2009 FORD OF UPLAND INC 971.24 AP - 00290946 12/9/2009 FORD OF CJPLAND INC 31.94 AP - 00290948 12/9/2009 G & J AIRCRAFT 32.35 AP - 00290949 12/9/2009 GENATO, MANOLET 500.00 AP - 00290950 (2/9/2009 GENTRY, DONALD A 861.25 .4P - 00290951 12/9/2009 GOLF VENTURES WEST 4.08 AP - 00290951 12/9/2009 GOLF VENTURES WEST 336.56 AP - 0029095'_ (2/912009 GUMEZ, GLORIA 1,352.54 AP - 002909>3 12/9/2009 GONZALES, SOTERA 250.00 AP - (10290954 12/9/2009 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATI 725.00 AP - 00290955 . 12/9/2009 GRADY, MERRILL ' 500.00 AP-00390956 12!9/2009 GRAINGER 75.88 AP-00290956 12/9/2009 GRAINGER 23.43 ,4P - 00290956 12!9!2009 GRAINGER 2,718.75 AP - 00290956 12/9/2009 GR.4[NGER 86.66 AP-0029(1956 12/9!2009 GRAINGER R6.66 AP-00290956 12/9/2009 GRAINGER __ _. ___?68.43 __ User: \'LOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pape: 3 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P30 Acenda Check Register ('_/9/2009 through 12/28,'2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00290957 12/9/2009 GRANT 1[I, VINCENT 98.80 AP-00290957 12/9/2009 GRANTII[,VINCENT 98.80 AP - 0029(1957 12/9/2009 GRANT III, VINCENT 98.80 AP - 00290957 12/9/2009 GRANT [fI, VINCENT 98.50 AP-00290957 12/9/2009 GR4NTIII,VINCENT 98.80 AP - 00290958 12/9/2009 GFtAPFIICS FACTORY PRIN'I"ING INC. 274.05 AP - 00290960 12/9/2009 HALL & FOREMAN INC 3,144.00 AY - 00290961 12/9/2009 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE LLC. 296 ~2 AP-(10'_90962 1'_19/2009 HIGHSMITH 41.28 AP - 00290964 12/9/2009 HOLL(DAY ROCK CO [NC 50.00 AP - 00290964 12/9/2009 HOLL[D.4Y ROCti CO lNC 50.00 .4P - 00290964 12/9;3009 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,004.79 AP - 00290965 12/9/2009 HOME DEPO'P CREDIT SERVICES 45.61 AP - 00290965 12/912009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 63.65 AP - 00290965 12/9/2009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 6.83 AP - 0(1290965 12/9/3009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 18.82 AP - 00290965 12/9/2009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES L 19.08 .4P - 00290966 12/9/2009 HOSE MAN INC 79.56 AP-00290967 12/9/2009 HO WARD, ZACHARY 72.00 AP - 00290967 12/9/2009 HO WARD; ZACIiARy 72.00 AP - 00290967 12/9/2009 HOWARD, ZACHARY 72.00 AP-(10290967 12/9/2009 HO WARD,ZACHARy 72A0 AP - 00290967 12/9/2009 HUWAFtD, ZACHARY 72.00 AP - 00290968 12/9/2009 HUGIiES; RANCE 27.50 'AP - 00290969 12/9/2009 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS INC 221.19 AP - 00290969 12/9/2009 HYDROSC.4PE PRODUCTS INC 3096 AP - 00290970 12/9/2009 ICMA 1,400.00 AP - 00290971 12/9/2009 INLAND EMPIRE FAMILY ~ 540.(10 AP - 00290971 12/9/2009 INLAND EMPIRE F.4MILl' 540.00 AP - 00290973 12/9/2009 INLAND EMPIRE R%EEKLY 465.00 AP - 00290973 !2/9/2009 INLAND EMPIRE WEEKLY 465.00 AP - 00290974 12/9/2009 INSIGHT PU[3LfC SECTOR 56(1(19 AP - 00290974 12/9/2009 INSIGH`I PUBLIC SECTOR 3:075.62 AP - 00290975 12/9/2009 INTERSTATE BATTERIES ' 32.86 AP - 00290976 12/9/2009 IRON MOUNTAIN OSDP 1660.35 AP - 00290977 12/9/2009 IRONMAN PARTS AND SERVICEg 14,760.18 AP -0(1290977 12/9'2009 IRON MAN PAR"fS AND SERVICES (4;760.18 AP - 00290978 12/9/2009 J J KELLER .4ND ASSOC INC 1,295.00 AP - 00290979 12/9/2004 JMJ CONTRACTORS [NC 42,346.34 AP - 00290979 12/9/2009 JMJ CONTRACTORS INC 4,705.15 .4P - 00290979 12/9,3009 JM.I CONTRACTORS 1NC -47052 AP - 00290979 12/9/2009 JMJ CONTRACTORS INC -4.234.63 .4P - 00290980 12/9/2009 ,JONES AND ~AAYER, LAW OFFICES OF 72.50 AP - 00290931 !2/9/2009 KENT HARRIS TRUCKING R; MATERIALS 445.31 AP - 00290982 12/9/2009 KLAUS AND SONS 4,026.00 AP - 00290984 12/9/2009 IiORANDA CONSTRUCTION 950.00 .4P - 00290985 12/9,%2009 KORANDA CONSTRUCTION 925.00 AP - 00290987 12/9/2009 KVCR EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 5,000.00 AP - 00290988 12/9/2009 LEE. URSULA 90.00 AP - 00290989 !2/9/2009 LEIGHTUN CONSULTING [NC 775.50 AP - (10290990 12/9/2009 LIEBERT CASS[DY WHITMORE 228.00 AP - 00290991 !2/9/2009 LIFES[GNS INC. 130.00 AP - 00290992 13/9/2009 LIMS AUTO INC 3856 AP - 00290992 !2/9/2009 LIMS AUTO INC 38.36 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 4 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check. Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Re>?ister 12/9%2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name - Amount AP - 00290992 12/9/2009 L[MS AUTO INC 38.36 AP - 00290992 12/9/2009 LIMS AUTO INC 38.36 AP - 00290992 12/9/2009 LIMS ACiTO INC 607.22 AP - 00290993 12/9/2009 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 300.00 AP - 00290993 1219,'2009 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 125.00 AP - 00290993 12/9/2009 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 150.00 AP - 00290993 (2/9/2009 LI1"PLE BEAR PRODCCTIONS 325.00 AP - 00290993 12/9/2009 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 285.00 AP - 00'_90993 13/9/2009 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 300.00 .4P - 00290993 12/9/2009 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 285.00 AP - 00290995 12/9!2009 MACDONALD, JAMIE 1,150.00 AP - 00290995 12/9/2009 MACDUNALD, JAM1IlE 9350 AP - 00290996 12/9/2009 MAIN STREET SICrNS 101.95 AP - 00290996 12/9/2009 MAIN STREET SIGNS 656.85 AP - 00290997 12/9/2009 MAIN, REBF.,KAH RYAN 175.29 AP - (10290998 12/9'2009 MARIPOSA HORTICCILTLJRALELAT INC 1;580A0 AP - 00290998 12/9/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 250.99 AP - 00290998 12!9/_009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 72.46 AP - 00290998 !2/9/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT [NC 953.36 ,4P - 00290998 12/9/'_009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 896.90 AP - 00290998 12/9/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT [NC 1,572.08 AP - 00290998 12/9/2(109 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 563.15 AP-00291000 !2/9/2009- M14ATANGA,JULIEEDWARp 150.00 AP - 00291001 13/9/2009 MEDIA CONTROL SYSTEMS 42,236.36 AP - 00291002 12/9/2009 D•tIDDLE RIDGE MC 500.00 AP - 00291003 12/912(109 MIDWEST TAPE 29.99 AP - 00291004 12/9.'2009 MOUNTAIN VIEt~' SMALL ENG REPAIR 25.00 AP - 00291005 12/J'3009 NAPA AUTO PARTS 78.23 AP - 00291005 12/9/2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS 48?9 AP - 00291005 12/9/2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS 24290 AP - 00291007 12/9/2009 NBS 1,500.00 AP - 00'_91007 1'_/912009 NBS 1,500.00 AP-00291007 12/9/2009 NBS (,500.00 AP-00''9(007 12/9/2009 NBS 1,500.00 AP-00291007 12/9/2009 NBS 1,500.00 AP-0029(007 12/9/2009 NBS 1,500.00 AP - 00291008 12/9/3009 NEWPORT TRAFFK' STUDIES 288.00 AP - 00291009 12/9/2009 NINYO & MOORE 410.75 AP - 00291009 12/9!"_'009 NiNYO & MOORE 1,803.75 AP - 00291011 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 5.97 AP - 0029101 l 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT l 19.74 AP - 00291011 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 43.96 AP - 0029101 l 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 8.03 AP - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 61.90 AP - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 8.13 AP - 00291011 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT -(9.60 AP - 0029!011 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 169.17 AP - 00291011 !2/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 87.04 AP - 0029(0(1 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 17.77 AP - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 1.2.36 AP - 0029101 1 12!9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 229.48 AP - 0029100 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 8.05 AP - 00391 Ol I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 16.23 AP - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 605'2 P31 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 5 Current Date: 12/29!200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRA[T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Poraait Layout Time: 14:22? CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Citeci: Register 12/9/2009 through !2/28/2009 Check. No. Check Date Vendor Name AP-00291011 (2/9;2009 OFF[CEDEPOT AP - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT .4P - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 UFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291011 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 0029101 I 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 0029101 l 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291011 12/9/2009 OFFICE DEPOT r1P - 00'_91012 12/9/2009 ORON.4, PATRICiA AP - 00291012 12/9/2004 ORONA; PATRLCIA AP - 0029 (Ol3 12M. /2009 OSBORNE, MARY AP-00291014 12/9/2009 OTSUKA,DENNIS AP - 00291015 12/9(2009 PACIFIC PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AP - 002910 (5 12/9/2009 PAC[FK PRODUC"TS AND SERVICES AP - 0029!017 12/9/2009 PAZ, LORENA AP - 00291018 12/9/2009 PB AR-4ERICAS INC AP-00291019 12/9/2009 PERER.A,MICHELLE .4P - 0029!020 12/9/2009 PIRANHA POOL & SPA CONSTRUCTORS INC AP - 00291020 !2/9/2009 PIRANHA POOL fi SF'A CONSTRUCTORS INC AP - 00291021 (2/9/2009 POUK AND STEINLE INC. AP - 00291021 12/9/2009 POUK AND STE[NLE INC. AP - 00391022 12/9/2009 PRESTIGE STRIPING SERVICES INC AP - 00291022 12/9/2009 PRESTIGE STRIPING SERVICES [NC AP - 00291023 12/9/2009 PRINCIPAL LIFE AP - 00291024 12/9/2009 PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS INC .4P - 00291025 l^_/912009 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOR40TIVE AP - 002910^_5 13/9/2009 R .AND R AUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOMO'I'1 VE AP - 00'_9I02> 12/9/2009 R .4ND R AUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE AP-00291025 12/9/2009 R.4NDRAUTOMOTIVF, AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE AP-00'_91025 1'_/9/2009 R.4NDRAUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R ANU R AUTORIOTR'E AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE .4P - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOMOTR~E AP - 00'_9!025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE AP - (10291025 12/91_009 R AND R AUTOR10TlVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R ANL7 R AUTOMO'TI VE .4P - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOR40TIVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 RAND R AUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291025 12.19/2009 R AND R AUTOMOTI VE .4P - 00291025 12/9/3009 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291025 12/9/2009 R:~ND R. AUTOMOTIVE AP - 00291027 12/9/2009 RAULS AUTO TRIM INC ~ AP - 0029!029 (2/9/2009 RBF CONSULTING AP-00291030 12/9/2009 RBMLUCK.ANDKEYSERV[CE AP - 00291030 !2/9/2009 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE AP - 00291031 13/9!2009 REARTE, NADINA AP - 00291032 12/9/2009 RECORDED BOOKS LLC AP - 00291033 12/9/2009 RELIABLE GRAPHICS AP - 00291034 12/9/2009 _ .------ R[OS, REBECCA - -- ------------ _.. - - --------- User: VLOPEZ -Vero nica Lopez Pa e: 6 a Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_I'ORTRA[T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Amount 8.07 96.33 12.80 53.95 6.57 24.60 24.12 26.OS 375.00 250.00 88.00 200.00 931.77 1,960.32 8.70 6.651.75 27.43 250A0 75.00 436.72 674.21 60,298.06 -6,029.81 2, 150.50 430.88 40.75 40.75 40.00 37 L4R 44135 618.'_9 153.97 798.05 300.49 128.19 400.79 40.00 40.00 40.00 33.86 26756 194.37 40.00 40.75 250.67 687.46 194.38 59,131?8 5.44 171.09 24.00 7.56 69.60 500.00 P32 Current Date: 12/29/200 Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P33 A>?enda Cbeck Re>Tister l2/9/2009through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amoun[ AP - 00291034 12/9/2009 RIGS, 2EBECCA 500.00 AP-00291035 12!9!2009 RIVERA,GEURGE 265.50 AP-00291035 12/9/2009 RIVERA,GEORGE ~31A0 AP-00291035 12/9/2009 RIVERA,GEORGE 53(00 AP - 00291037 12/9/2009 ROBLES, SANDRA 12.00 AP - 00291038 12/9/2009 RODR,IGUEZ, EUGENIO 120?2 AP - 00291039 12/9!2009 ROESSLER, HEATHER 6.60 AP - 00291040 12/9/2009 S AND E SANDBLASTING 3,400.00 AP - 00291041 12/9/2009 SAFELITE FULFILLMENT [NC 65.00 .4P - 00291042 12!9/2009 S.APEWAY SIGN COR4P.4NY 14.7 AP - 00291043 12/9/2009 SAGER CONSTRUCTION, G M 1,000.00 .4P - 0029!044 12/9/2009 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT 201.90 AP - 00291045 12!912009 SC FUELS 8,955.57 .4P - 00291045 12/9/2009 SC FUELS 12+367.21 AP - 00291046 12/9/2009 SHRED IT 34.00 AP - 00291046 12/9/2009 SHRED IT 17.00 AP - 00291046 12/9/2009 SHRED IT 17.00 AF' - 00291046 [2/9/2009 SHRED [T 17.00 AP - 00291047 12;9/2009 SIGMANET 95.00 .4P - 00291049 12!9/2009 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 302.94 AP - 00291050 (2/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDLSON ~ 20.22 AP - 00291050 12!9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 21.02 AP - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNIA EDISON 20.86 AP - 00291050 1219%2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 19.55 AP - 00291050 I~/9/2009 SOCiTI-!ERN CAL[FORNL4 ED[SON 67.55 AP - 00291050 I2/9,~2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 57.40 AP - 002910>0 12,'9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19.55 AF - 0029(050 12/9/2009 SOUTE{ERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 157.90 AI' - 0(1291050 [2/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 142.14 AP - 00291050 !2/9/2009 SOUTHERN CAL.IFORN[A ED[SON ~ 46.27 .4P - 00291050 12/9'2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EU[SON 217.56 AP - 00'_91050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.31 AY - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 121.1 [ AP - 00291050 12/9;2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 81.15 .4P - 00291050 12;9.!2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORN1.4 ED[SON 97.84 AP - 0029(050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDLSON 19.80 .4P - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 20.19 AP - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.19 AP - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNIA EDISON 2393 AP - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFOR.N[A EDLSON 254.54 .4P - 00291050 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CAL,IFORN[A EDISON 20.89 AP - 00291051 12/9/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2,106.33 AP - 00291052 12/9/2009 SR4GNOL0, SAM 124.58 AP - 00291053 12,'9/2009 SPARK LETTS 114.00 AP - 00291055 12/9/2009 STEEVE, W LL<`fA 60.30 AP-00291055 12x9/2009 STEEVE, WILMA 29.85 .4P - 00291056 1?/9/2009 SUNRISE FORD 69.60 AP - 00291057 12/9/2009 TANNER RECOGNITION COMPANY, O C 9.210.96 AP - 00291058 12/9/2009 TEREX UTILITIES WEST 880.38 AP - 00291060 12/9/2009 TERRANOVA, JACQUELI'N 38.00 AP - 00291061 13/9/2009 TOOLS R US INC 37.82 AP - 00291062 12/9/2009 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS [NC 4,784.94 AP - 00291062 12,'9/2009 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS INC . 6,991.76 AP - 00291062 12.%.9,'2009 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS [NC 1,94(88 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pape: 7 Current Dafe: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_POR9'RAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P34 Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00290062 12/9/2009 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS lNC 1,596.94 AP - 00291063 12/9/2009 TRUELINE SLiRFAC[NG .677.00 .4P - 00291064 1'_/9/2009 TRU,I[LLQ, ROBERT X00.00 AP - 00291066 12/9/2009 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 274.OR AP - 00291066 12/9/2009 CJNION BANK OF CAL[FORN[.A TRUSTEE FOR P. 3, 151 .86 AP - 00291067 12!9/2009 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 5Q512.74 AP - 00291068 1'_/9/2009 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA [NC 148.44 AP - 00291069 12/9/2009 UPS 32.32 AP - 00391069 12/9/2009 UPS 27.63 AP - 0029 L070 12/9/2009 UTI I,163.40 AP-00291070 12/9/2009 UTI 1,433.78 AP-00291070 12/9/^_009 UTI 1,17L53 AP - 00291071 12,9/2009 VANDERHAWK CONSULTING L,LC 5,184A0 AP - 00291072 12/9/2(109 VASQl7EZ, JOSF_PHTNE 88.00 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VER[ZON 73.10 AP - 00291074 12/9/3009 VERIZON 36.56 AP-0029(074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 179.67 AP-00291074 12/9/^_009 VERIZON 88.02 AP-00297074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 70.99 .4P - 00291074 12/9/2009 VER[ZON 18.78 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 V ER[ZON 244.35 AP - 00291074 12/9/3009 VERIZON 34.31 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 V ERIZON 36.56 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 36.56 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 36.56 AP-00297074 12/9/2009 VERTZON 36.56 AP-00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 434.05 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VER[ZON 88.02 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 36.56 AP-00291074 1"_'/9/2009 VERIZON 35.43 AP-00291074 (2/9!2009 VERIZON 127.88 AP - 00291074 ('!9/2009 VERIZON 36.61 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VER[ZON 88.02 AP - 00291074 12/9!2009 VERIZON 106.27 .4P - 00291074 12/9.12009 VERIZON 88.02 AP-00'_91074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 110.22 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 97.89 AP - 00291074 12/9!2009 VER[ZON 34.31 .4P - 00291074 12/9/"'009 VER[ZON 701.82 AP-00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON ~ 18.78 AP-00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 37.17 AP-00297074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 1,47L97 .4P - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 88.0'' AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERiZON 58.02 AP-00291074 (2/9/2009 VER[ZON 88.02 AP-00291074 !2/9/2009 VER[ZON 88.02 AP-00291074 !2/9/2009 VERIZON ~ 208.34 AP-00291074 12/9/2(109 VERIZON 364.35 AP-0029(074 12/9/2009 VER[ZON 2,137.84 AP-0029(074 1219!2009 VERIZON 583.96 AP-00291074 (2/9/2009 VER[ZON 35.43 AP - 00291074 12!9/2009 VERIZON ' 88.02 AP - 00291074 12/9/2009 VERIZON 88.02 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 8 Cun~ent Date: 12!29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CIk: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 13:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P35 Aeenda Check ReEister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check IYo. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00291075 12/9/2009 VERIZON X7830 AP - 00291076 12!9/2009 VIDES, EV:A 500.00 AP - 00291077 12/9/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 196.74 AP - 00291077 12/9/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 22858 AP - 00291077 12!9/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 5622 AP - 00291077 12/9'2009 \4'ALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 687.18 AP - 00291077 12/9/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 307.47 AP - 00291078 12/9/2009 WAX[E SANITARY S[IPPLy 963.91 AP - 00291078 12/9/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 760.79 AP - 00291079 12/9/2009 WEST COVIN.4 WHOLESALE NURSERY 153.65 AP-00291080 !2/9/2009 \uILCOXCONSIJLTINGSERVICEg 100.00 AF' - 00291081 12/9/2009 WORD MILL P[.JBLISHING 360.00 AP - 00291081 12,'9/2009 WORD MILL PUBLISHING 365A0 AP - 00291082 12/9/'_009 ZF.E MEDICAL INC 479.86 AP-00291083 12/10/2009 ABCLOCKSM[THg 15.26 AP - (10291083 12/10/2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS 5.44 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 88.47 AP - 0029108(, 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 399.83 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 42.05 .4P - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS l6 47 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.78 AP - (10291086 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 31.06 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROD.ART BOOKS 19.53 .4P - 00291086 l2/l0/2009 BRODART BOOKS 15.83 AP - 00291 ORG 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 29.67 ;1P - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 32.16 AP-00291086 12/t0/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 14.69 AP - 00291086 12!10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 14.13 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 22.47 AP - 00291(186 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROUART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 54. t 3 AP - 00291086 13/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 53.97 AP - 00291086 L2/l0/2009 BRODART' BOOKS 4.03 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009' BRODART BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODAR'C BOOKS 9.02 .4P - (10291086 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 13.53 AP - 00'_91086 12/1012009 BRODART BOOKS 2022 .4P - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291086 !2!10/2009 BR.OD.4RT BOOKS 4.51 AP - 0029!086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9922 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 9 02 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 20.07 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 4.51 AP - 0029! OR6 12/I 0/2009 BRODART BOOKS 18.04 AP - 0029108(, 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 456.76 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 3219 AP - (10291086 (2/10/2009 . BRODART BOOKS 16.01 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 42.05 AP - OU^_91088 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 47.57 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 13.48 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 9 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAI T_RC - Ch: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P36 Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through !2/28/2009 Check No. Check Unte VenAnr Name Amount AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS ~ 15.80 AP - 0029103( 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 15.62 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 123.04 AP - 00291086 12/10(2009 BRODART BOOKS I I3.OR AP - 00^_91086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 16.60 AP - 002910RC> 12!102009 BRODART BOOKS 49658 AP - 00'_91086 12/10.!2009 BRODART BOOKS 682.64 AP - 00291036 12/10,'2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 10.90 AP - 00391086 !2/102009 BRODART BOOKS ?6.15 .4P - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 49.61 . AP - 00291 OR6 12/10'3009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 312.1 AP - 00291086 12/102009 BROI;)ART BOOKS 15.71 AP-00291086 13/10/2009 BROD.4RTBOOK$ ~ 9.02 AP - 00291086 12/102009 BRODART BOOKS 18.04 .4P - 00291086 12/102009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291086 12/(0/2009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291086 12/10.!2009 BROD,4RT BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291086 12;10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 123.99 AP-00291086 !2/(0/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 9.02 ' AP - 00291086 12/L02009 BRODART BOOKS 16.60 .4P - (!0291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 39.13 AP - 00291086 12/!0/2009 BRODART BOOKS SR.02 AP - 00291086 12/10.!2009 BRODART BOOKS 126.42 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 130.80 AP - (10291086 !2/102009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP-0029(086 12/10/2009 BRODARTBOOICS 6.69 AP - 00391086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291036 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.S1 AP - 00'_91086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291086 L2/102009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00'_91086 12/10.12009 BRODART BOOKS 11.20 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BROUART BOOKS ~ 4.51 AP - 00291086 12/10!?009 BRODART BOOKS 11.20 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS ~ L'_0 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.02 .4P - 00291086 12!10;2009 BRODART BOOKS 36.08 AP - 00291086 12/!0!3009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP-00291086 12/10!2009 BRODARTBOOKS 103.23 AP-0029(086 ~ 12/10/2(,109 BRODARTBOOKS 100.67 AP - 00291086 12/102009 BRODART BOOKS 65.99 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 20.49 .4P - 00291086 l2i 10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 1953 AP - 0029(086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 16.97 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 14.68 AP-0029(086 (2/10/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 3069 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BR.ODART BOOKS 58.02 AP:00291086 12/(0/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 30.47 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 40.05 AP - 0029!086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 39.68 AP - 00291086 12/10;2009 BRODART BOOKS 15.80 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 34.47 AP - 00291086 12/10.!2009 BRODART BOOKS 48.76 AP - 00291036 (2/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 37.73 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: IO Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA _REG_PORTRA[T _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Port~ait Layoui Time: 14:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P37 Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291086 (2/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 40.94 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 113.42 AP - 00291086 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 1 l30 AP - 00291036 12/10/2009 BRODART BOOKS 107.31 AP-00291087 12/(0!2009 CALSENSE 1,566.49 AP-00291087 12/10/2009 CALSENSE 4,690.06 AP-00291087 12/(0/2009 CALSENSE 1,566.26 AP - 00291039 12/10/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 840.00 AP-00291089 12/10/2009 TRUGREENLANDCARE 7,150.00 AP - (10291089 12/10/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 9,623A7 AP - 00291089 12/(0/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 5,275.00 .4P -(1(1291089 12/10/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 2;850.0(1 AP-0029(090 12/10/2009 ER4PIREMOBR.EHOMESERVL Cg 11,412.81 .4P-00291091 12/16/2009 909 SPORTS ~ 1,200.00 AP - 00291092 12/16,/2(109 A & I REPROGRAPHICS 87.54 .4P - 00291093 12/16/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 58.27 AP - 00291093 12/16/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 10.48 .4P - 00291093 (2/16/2009 A AND R T[RE SERVICE 10.48 AP - 00291093 12i (6/2009 A AA'D R TIRE SERVICE 34.42 .4P-00291093 (2/16/2009 AANDRT[RESERV[CE 10.48 AP - 00291093 12/(6/'_009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 280.82 .4P - 00291093 (2/16/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 916.45 AP - 00291093 12/1 C,/2009 A .4ND R TIRE SERVICE 25.53 AP • 00291093 (2/16/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,142.01 AP - 00291093 12/16/2009 A .AND R TIRE SERVICE 56.32 AP - (10291093 12/16/2009 A AND R T[RE SERVICE 584.23 AP - 00291093 12/16/2009 .A AND R TIRE SERVICE 10.48 AP -00291093 12/(6/2009 A AND RT[RE SERVICE 771.03 AP - 00291093 12/16/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,493.71 AP - 00'_91093 12/16/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 128.22 AP - 00291093 12/16/2(109 .4 .4ND R TIRE SERVICE 10.48 AP - 00291093 12/1(>/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 5827 AP - 00291093 f 2/I fi/2(109 .A AND R T[RE SERVICE 69.95 AP - 00291093 12/16/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 851.79 AP - 00291093 12/16/2009 .4 AND R TIRE SERVICE-' 102.60 AP - 00291093 12/(6/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 239.44 .4P - 00291.093 12/16/2009 A AND R T[RE SERVICE 370.78 AP-00'_91093 12/(6/2009 AANDRTIR.ESERVICE ~ 170.(5 .4P - 00291093 12/16/2009 A AND R T[RE SERVICE 633.26 AP - 00291093 12/!6/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 563.87 .4P - 00291093 12/16/2009 A AND R T[RE SERVICE 93R.S9 AP - 00291093 12/(6/2009 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 246.97 .4P - 00291094 l2/16.i2009 AA EQUIPMENT'RENTALS CO INC 43.06 AP - 00291094 12/(6/2009 A.4 EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC 104.41 AP - 00291094 12/16/2009 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC -42.24 AP - 00291094 12/16/2009 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO [NC 634.15 .4P - 00291094 12!16!2009 AA EQUIPMENT RENTALS CO INC 453.02 AP-00291095 12/(6/2009 ABLETRON[CS 90.96 AP-00291095 12/16'2009 ABLETRONICS 30.94 AP-00291095 12/16/2009 ABLETRONICS 30.44 AP-(10291095 12/(6/2009 ABLETRON[CS 8.48 AP - 0029109C> 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL IiOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00291096 12/!6/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL - 50.00 AP - 00291096 12/ 16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 Cfser: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: I I Current Date: 12/29!200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_POR'CRAIT _RC - CK: Agenda Check. Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22? CITY OF RANCHO CUCAAZONGA P38 Aeentla Clleck ReLister 12!9!2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. ~ Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL 1[O5P[TA[ 50.00 AP - 00291096 12; l6/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 .4P - (10291096 !2/(6/2009 ADOBE AN[bfAL HOSPITAL - 50.00 AP - 00291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP -0(1291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL. ~ 50.00 AP - 00291096 12/16/2(109 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 .4P - 00291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE AN[M.4L HOSP[T.4L 6.00 AP - 0(1'_91096 12/((i/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50,00 AP - 0(1291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANI6IAL• HOSP[T.4L SOHO AP - 00291096 12/!6/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291096 !2/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL '6.00 AP - 00291096 I2/t62009 ADOBE ANIMAL LOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291096 l3/16i2009 ADOBE ANIMAL. tiOSP[T.4L 50.00 AP - 00291096 12,162009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSP[T.4L SOAO AP - 00291096 12/t6/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 0029109( 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL LOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 0029 (096 12/1(,2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00291096 !2,'!6/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00291096 ` 12!16/'_009 ADOBE ANIht.AL HOSPITAL 50.00 .4P - 00291096 ` L3/16/2009 ADOBE ANIb1AL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP-00291096 12/(6/2009 ADOBE ANIMALLIOSPITAL 50.00 .4P-00291096 !2.!16/2009 ADOBL-AN[MALEiOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00291096 12/16/2009 .ADOBE ANlbt.4L HOSPITAL 25.00 .4P - (10291096 12/(6/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL LIOSP[TAL 25.00 AP -00291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANI<,4.4L I-fOSPI'IAL 50.00 .4P - (10391096 l2%16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL EOSPITAL 50.00. .4P - 00291096 (2/16/2009 ADOBE AN[M.4L HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291096 12/16'2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291096 12/16/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291096 12/(6/2009 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP -00291097 12/!6/2009 .4DT SECURITY SERVICES MC 111.00 AP -(10'_91098 12/16.2009 AEF SYSTEMS CONSULTING lNC 1,225.00 AP - (10291099 12/16/2009 AE[-GAS( ENGINF..ERCNG INC. 8,108.73 AP - 00291100 12/16/2(109 AC,UILF..RA, ISAIAH 78.00 AP - 00291100 12/16!2009 AGU[LERA, ISAIAH 78.00 AP-00'_91100 12/16/2009 AGUILERA,ISAIAH 78.00 .4P - (10291100 12/16/2009 AGUILERA, ISAIAH 78.00 AP - 00291100 12/16/2009 AGUILERA, ISAIAH 78.00 AP - 00291101 !2/16/2009 AL'S LIQUOR 37.80 AP - 00291102 12/16/'_009 ALL CITIES TOOLS ~90?0 AP - 0029(103 12/16/2009 ALL CITIES TOOLS 155.25 AP - 00291 103 12/16/2(109 ALLIANCE RESO[fRCE CONS[fLT[NG LLC 5,000.00 AP - 00291106 !2/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291106 12/162009 ALTA LOM.A ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 .4P - 00291106 12/16.'2009 ALTA LOMA AN[1,4AL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP-00291106 12/!6/2009 ALTALOMAANIMALHOSPITAL 50.00 .4P - 00291106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291 106 12/16/2009 .4 LTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291 106 12/162009 t1LTA LOMA ANI~4AL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00291106 12/L6/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291106 !2/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291106 Ul6/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 [Iser: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pape: 12 Curren[ Date: 12/29/200 Report:Cl<_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAI" C_RC -Ck.: Agenda Check Register Poraait Layout Tirne: 14:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register !2/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Namc AP - 00^_91 106 l2l16/20(t9 ALTA LOMA AN[R4AL FIOSPITAL AP - 00291106 L'/I(,/2009 .ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL .4P - 00291106 lZ/16/2009 ALTA LOMA AN[R•tAL FOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/1(,/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/!6/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291 106 12/!6/2009 ALTA LOR4A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/16/'004 ALTA LOMA ANIR4AL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOR4A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00'_91106 12/iG/3009 ALTA LOMA AN[M.4L HOSPITAL .4P - 00291106 12/16!2009 ALTA LOR1A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 0029 (106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291 l OG 12/16/2009 ALTA LOR4A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291 106 !2/!6/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL .4P - 00291106 !2/16/2009 .4CIA LOR4A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00'_91106 12/16/'_009 ALTA L,OMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL. AP -(1(1291106 13/1/i,~2009 .41..TA LORtA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 0029E 106 12/!6/2009 .ALTA LOMA ANIRtAL 1fUSP[TAL AP - 00291106 1'_(16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIR4AL HOSPITAL AP - 0029 (106 f 2/16/2009 ALTA LAMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL, AP - (10291 lOG 12,'16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/!6/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - (10291106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP-002911(16 12/16/2009 .ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HUSP[TAL AP - (10291 106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL FIOSPITAL AP - 0029 (I OC> !2/!6/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 002911(16 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL I-IOSP[TAL .4P - 00391106 l2%16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOR4A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/!6/3009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291 106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291 106 12/16/2009 ALTA LOMA ANIRt,4L HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/16/2009 .4 LTA LOR1A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291 106 12/1 G/2009 ALTA L.OMA ANIR4AL. HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 !2/16/2009 ALTA LOR4A ANIMAL HOSPITAL AP - 00291106 12/16/2009 AL"i:A L,OMA AMMAL HOSPITAL, AP - 002911.07 12/16/2009 .4MER[CAN ROTARY BROORf CO. INC. AP - 00291 IOR 12/16/2009 AR•1TECH ELEVATOR SERVICES AP - 00291108 12/16/2009 AMTECH ELEVA"COR SERVICES AP - 00291109 I2.i16/'_009 ANDRADE, LAINI AP-00291110 12/16/2009 ANSWER WOOD PRODUCTS AP - 00291110 12/16/2009 ANSWER WOOD PRODUCTS AP - (10291 I t l !2/16/2009 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS AP - 00291 t t2 !2/!6/2009 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES AP - 00391 t 13 12/16/2009 ARCHIBALD PET HOSPITAL AP-0029LI15 l2/l6/2009 ARCH[VEMANAGEMENTSERVICES[NC AP-0029111(, !2/16/2009 ASSISECURITY AP - 00291116 12/16/2009 .4SSl SECURITY AP - (10391 117 12/16/2009 ASTRUM C?TILITY SERVICES AP - 0029 L 118 12/16/2009 AUFBAU CORPORATION .4P - 00291 119 12/16/2009 AUTO SPECIALISTS AP-0029(!20 12/!6/2009 BANUKELECTRICWHOLESALE AP - 00291120 12/16/2009 B AND K ELECTRIC WF{OLESALE AP - 00291120 12/16/2009 B AND K ELECTRIC WEIOLESALE ___ User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: l3 Report:CK_ACiENDA_ REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Porn~ait Layout P39 Amount 25.00 50.00 50.00 .50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 2>.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5(1.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 ? 5.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ? 5.00 25.00 25.00 50,00 514.19 240.52 206.58 30.25 78.03 13 8.00 1,394.62 6.70 42>.00 799.3 7 1 65.00 1,555.00 7,437.50 5,000.00 88.31 54.05 851.23 29?5 Current Date: 12/29!200 Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO GUCAMONGA P40 A>senda Check Reeister 12/9/2009through~l2/28/2009 Check. No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291 L'0 12./16/2009 B AND K ELECTRIC WFIOLESALE 649.24 AP-00291.121 12/t6/2009 B.A.H.S. 106.15 ~ AP-00391121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 266.28 .4P - 00291121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 2,033.63 AP-00291121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 831.OL AP - 00291121 12/16/2009 B.A.F{.S. 295.80 AP - (1029 (121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 30.91 AP - 0029 t l2I 1'_'/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 155.33 AP - 00291121 12/16/3009 B.A.FLS. 304.28 AP-00291121 (2/16/2009 B.A,H.S. ~ 651.47 AP-00291121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 88.76 AP-00291121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 36.72 AP - 00291 121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 461.22 AP - 0029 L 121 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. -366.92 AP-00291121 12/(6/2009 B.A.H.S. 23.94 AP - 00291121 12/16/2009 B.A:H.S. 671.20 AP-00291121 ~ 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. ~ 66.56 AP-(1029112L 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 5(9.34 AP-00291121 12/(6/2009 B.A.H.S. 85.22 AP - (10291121 ~ 12/16/2009 B.A.H.S. 422.43 AP - 00291123 12/16/2009 BARBARA'S ANSWERING SERVICE 573.00 AP - 00291124 12/16/2009 BARE METAL WORKS iNC. 2816 AP - 0029 t 125 12/16/2009 BARNES AND NOBLE 62.57 AP - 00291125 12/16/2009' BARNES .AND NOBLE 65.84 AP-00291125 12/16/2009 BARNES AND NOBLE ~ 65.83 AP - 00291126 12/16/2009 BAYER HEALTHCAKE LLC ~ 730.63 AP - 00291 126 12/16/2009 BAYER HGAL'FHCARE LLC 340.12 AP - 00391127 12/16/2009 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 4,462.06 AP - 00291 t28 12/16/2009 BEST DELIVERY LLC 78.50 AP - 00291129 12/(6/2009 BOLTON, HEATHER 78.10 AP - 00291131 13/1 6/21109 BKOCO fNC. 402.68 AP - 00291132 12/(6/3009 BROTHERS CCISTOM POOLS c@ $P,4S INC. 200.00 AP - 00291133 12/16/21109 BUSINESS U~F.,EK (>0.00 AP - 00291 134 12/16/2009 CALIFORNIA BOARD OP EQUALIZATION, S"CAT 2,69,9.00 AP-00291135 (2/16!2009 CALIFORNIA ELECTRONIC ENTRY 175.00 AP - 00291138 12/ 16/2009 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 312.10 AP - 00291139 l2/L6/2009 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 27.23 AP - 00291140 12/(6/2009 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 25.00 .4P -00291 142 12/16/2009 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 62.50 AP - 0029 (143 12; (6/2009 CAPITOL DOOR SERVICE-SOUTHERN CAL[FOR 217.82 AP-00291145 !2/16/2009 CASTILLO,JESSIE 250.00 AP - 00291145 12/16/2009 CASTILLO, JESSIE -62.50 AP - 00291146 12/16/2009 CD PROPERTY SERVICES 95.00 AP - 00291147 [2(16/2009 CERT[FION CORPORATION DBA/ENTERSECT 8.95 AP - 00291'!48 12/16/2009 CFAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 39.16 AP-0029L149 12/16/2009 CHAMPION CHEMICAL CO. 96.L7 AP-00291150 12/]6/2009 CHAb4P[ONWLNDOWS[NC. 50.00 AP - 00291151 12/16/2009 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 109.99 , AP - 00291152 12/16/2009 C1fASE CONSTRUCTION 825.00 AP - 0029E L53 l2/L6/2009 CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 175.00 AP - 0029(155 12/161'2009 CHOYCE, SHAWN 100.00 AP-00291155 12/162009 CHOYCE,SHAWN 15.00 AP - 00391156 (2/(6/2009 CITY CLERhS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA 450.OU AP-00291li7 12/16/2009 CLABBY,SANDRA 1,000.00 User VLOPEZ Veronica Lopez Page: l4 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_ AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAI' C_RC - Ck: Agenda Check Register Porn•ait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P41 Acenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date VenAor Name Amount AP - 00291 ISR 12!16/2009 CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT COMPANY 460.57 AP - 00291 159 12/16/2009 COASTLINE COVER COMPANY 37.50 AP - 00291160 12!16/2004 CONTINENTAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPt I 15.97 AP - 00291 160 12/16/2009 CONTINENTAL AMER[C.4N INSURANCE COMP, 16.39 AP - 00291 163 12/16/2009 COUNSELING TEAM INTERNATIONAL, THE 275.00 AP - 0029 L 164 (2/16/2009 COVENANT ST.4FPlNG [NC. 711.20 AP - 00291164 12/16/3009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 471.17 AP - 00291 164 12/16/2009 COVENANT ST.4FPlNG [NC. 533.40 AP - 00291164 12/(6/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 40.01 AP - 00291164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 711.20 AP - 00291 164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 711.20 AP - 00291164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 26.67 AP-00291164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 444.50 .4P - 00291 Iti4 13/L6/2009 COVENANT STAFFING MC. 71120 AP - 00'_91164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING tNC. 133.61 AP - 00291164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 444.50 AP - 00291 164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 160.38 AP - 00291 164 12/16/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 26.67 AP-00291164 12/(6/2009 COVENANT STAFFING INC. 26.67 AP - 00291165 12/16/2009 CRE 7 LLC 84,570.00 AP - 00291166 12/16/2009 CRIME SCENE STER.I-CLEAN LLC 540.00 ' AP - 00291167 12/16/2009 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL & DATA 89.10 AP - 00291168 12/(6/2009 CSA AMERICA INC. 375.00 AP - 00291 169 12/16/2009 CCICAMONGA V"ALLEY WATER DISTRICT 175.79 AP - 00291 169 12/16/2009 CLJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 67.57 AP - 00291169 !2116/2009 CUCARIONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 596A1 AP - 00291 169 12/16/2009 CUC.4MONGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 283.99 AP-00291 (69 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATERDISTR[CT 451.47 AP - 00291 169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY IVATER DISTRICT 292.32 AP - 00'_91169 12/16/3009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRLCT 81.08 AP - 00291 169 12/16/2009 CIJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 261 AS AP - 00291169 12/(6%2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER UISTRICT 930.35 AP - 00291169 12/16/2009 C(JCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DLSTR[CT 41026 AP-003911(19 l2/tf>/2009 CUCAMONCiA VALLEY WA"fERUIS"fRICT 1$(1.26 AP -00291169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 353.42 AP - 0029 t 169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VAL,LF..Y WATER DISTRICT 167.27 AP - 0(1291169 12/1612009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 245.42 AP - 00291169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 90.73 AP-00291169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 2RLI5 AP-00291169 12!16/2009 CUC'AMONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT 242.58 .4P-00291169 1"_'/16/2009 C'UCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 44.14 AP - 00291169 I2l16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 403.15 AP - (10291 169 121 16/2009 Cl1CAD90NGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 326.42 AP-00291169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATERDLSTRICT 758.40 AP - 00291 169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 482.73 AP -00291169 12.116/2009 CUCAR-CONGA VALLEY WATER DLSTRICT 153.06 AP - 00291169 12/16/2009 " CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1,083.81 AP - 00291169 1?/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 266.94 AP - 00291169 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 758.60 AP - 00291169 1'?!t6/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 35.61 AP - 00391169 121"!6/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEI'' WATER D[STR[CT 119.15 AP - 00291169 !?/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY RATER DISTRICT 829.45 AP - 00291 164 12/16/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER UISTRICT 84Fi.51 AP - 00291 170 L?!lG/2009 D K D DISPOSAL INC. 400.00 User: VLOPEZ-Veronica Lopez Page: IS Cun•ent Date: 12/29/200 ReporbCK_AGENDA_ REG_PORT'RA[ T_RC - CIC: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P42 Agenda Check Register 12!9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 0029117 t 12!16/2009 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 303.42 AP - 00291 171 L/ 16/2009 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 3 87.15 AP - 00291171 Ili 16/2009 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 470.89 AP - 00291172 12/16/2(109 DAVID -FAUSSIG ANU ASSOCIATES INC. 1,300.00 AP - (10291 173 12/(6/2009 DEKRA-CITE INDUSTRIES 1NC 5,540.94 AP.- 00291174 12/16/21109 DEL MECHANICAL 367.40 AP - 00'_91174 12/(6/2009 DEL MECHANICAL 265.00 AP - 00291175 L/16/2009 DELTA DENTAL 38,433.70 AP - 00291 176 12/16/2009 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (A< 105.00 AP - 00291177 12/16/2009 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3,825.36 AP - 00291 178 12/16/2009 DGO AUTO DETAILING 150.00 AP - 00291179 t'_/I6/2009 DIAMONDBACK DRUGS 140.00 AP - 00'_91179 l2r'l6/2009 DIAMONDBACK DRUGS 127.00 AP - 00291 179 12/16!2009 DIAMONDBACK. DRUGS 267.00 AP - 00291179 12/16/2009 DIAMONDBACK DRUGS 140.00 AP - 00291179 12/16/2009 UTAMONDBACK DRUGS 239.00 AP-00291179 12/(6/2009 DIAMONDBACK DRUGS 127.00 AP-(10291180 12/16/2009 DlA7., VANESSA 49.71 AP - 00291 181 12:16/2009 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 144.88 AP - 00291 181 12/16/2009 DUNN EDWARL)S CORPORATION 125.04 AP-00291181 12.!(6;2009 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 101.19 AF'-00291181 12/16/2009 DUNN EDWARDS'CORPORATION 47.58 AP - 00291182 12!16/2009 ECIiO F[RE PROTECTION CO. 152?0 AP - 00291 183 12;16!2009 EDFUND 146.18 AP - 00291135 L?/I6/2009 EMPIRE LINE-X 926.25 AP - 00291186 12.%16!2009 EMPIRE MOBILE HOME SERVICE 12,574.00 AP - 00291187 L?/I6/2009 EMPIRE MOBILE HOME SERVICE 9.750.03 AP - (10391188 12/16.!'009 EMPIRE MUBILE HOME SERVICE 6,746.40 AP - 00291189 (3/16!2009 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT. ~ 409.02 AP-011291190 12/(6/2009 EXPERIAN 52.00 AP - 00291191 ! 2/16/2(109 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY 1 13.31 AP - (10291 191 12i (6/3009 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY I L.64 AP - 00291191 12/(6/2009 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY 4R.53 AP - 00291191 12.!16!2009 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY 354.96 .AP - 00291191 12/16/2009 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY 18.48 AP-0029!192 121(6/2009 FASTENALCOMPANY 2134 .4P - 00291 192 13/16/2009 FASTENAL COD•tP.4NY 1733 AP - 00291 193 12!16/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 21.88 AP - 00291 194 12/16/2009 FLAG SYS"GEMS INC. ~ 400.00 AP - 00291195 12/16/2009 FLEET GLASS 243.56 AP - 00291 L98 13/16/2009 FORD OF UF'L.AND INC 998.24 AP - 00291198 12'16/2009 FORD OF IJPLAND [NC 100.01 AF'-(10291200 !2/16/2009 GRAINGER 24.44 AP - 00291200 12/l6/2009 GRAINGER 13.83 AP-(10291200 12/16/2009 GRAINGER 204.80 AP-0029(200 IZ!I6/2009 GRAINGER 25.80 AP-00291200 I2~'I6/2009 GRAINGER ~ 96.86 AP-00291200 12/16/2009 GRANGER -91.14 AP-00291200 12!16/2009 GRAINGER 6753 AP-00291200 12/16/2009 GRANGER 64.71 AP-00291200 l2/l6/2009 CiRAINGER 23.13 AP - 00291200 12/16/2009 GRAINGBR 98.90 AP - 00391200 12/16/2009 GRAINGER 474.81 AP-002912(10 12/(6/2009 GF(AINGER _--____ _ 96_86 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: l6 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P43 Aeenda Check ReLister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00291200 (2.!16/2009 GRAINGE2 1222 AP-00291200 12/16/2009 GRAINGER 56.28 AP-00291200 (2/(6/2009 GRAINGER 91.36 AP - 00291200 12/16/2009 GRAINGER 167.15 riP - 00291200 (2/(6/2009 GRAINGER 19.19 AP-00291200 L/16/2009 GRAINGER 1;894.34 AP - 00291200 12/(6/2009 GRAINGER 662.90 AP-0029120(1 (2/16/2009 GRAINGER 193.70 AP - 00291200 12/16/2009 GRAINGER 4.23 AP-00291200 (2/16!2009 GRAINGER 1,737.29 AP-00291200 12/16/2009. GRAINGER 75.13 .4P-00291200 12/16/2009 GRAINGER 286.89 AP - 00'_91200 12/t6/2009 GRAINGER 57.75 AP - 00291200 12/16/2009 GRAINGER 37.34 AP - 00291201 12/!6/2009 GR.4NICLIS INC 1,100.00 AP - 00291202 12/16/2009 GRANT III, VINCENT 104.00 AP-0029L202 12/(6/2009 GRANT Lll, VINCENT ~ 104.00 .4P-00291202 !2/(6/2009 GRANT[II,VINCENT 104.00 AP - 00291202 ~ l2/iC,/2009 GRANT ^[, VINCENT 104.00 AP - 00291202 ('_/16/2009 GRANT Il[, VINCENT L04.00 AP - 00291203 (2/16/2009 GRAPHICS FACTORY' PRINTING INC. 48.94 AP-00291203 {2116/2009 GRAPHICS FACTORY PRINTING INC. 264.03 AP - 00291203 12/16/2009 Gf.APH[CS FACTORY PR[NTINCi INC. 542.00 AP - 00291203 12/16/2009 GRAPHICS FACTORY PRINTING INC. 396.94 AP - 00291204 12/16/2(109 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 4L50 AP-00291204 (2/IG/2009 GREEN ROCK POWEREQU[PMENT 238.40 AP - 00291204 12!16/2009 GREEN ROCK POR'ER EQUIPMENT 251.00 AP - 00291205 12/16/2009 GREENWOOD'S UNIFORMS 5,494.09 AP - 00291206 (2/16/2009 HANSEN, DARBARA 22.00 AP-00291207 L2/16/^_009 HARRIDAN'S 561.87 AP - 00291208 L2/16/2009 HARROD, LAURA 45.00 AP - 00391210 (2/16/2009 FIENKELS MCCOY lNC 2090 .AP - 0029121 I 12/16/2009 HENLEY, LlS.4 47.04 AP - 00291212 12/16/2009 HILLS PETNUTRITIUN SALES fNC 4427 AP-00291212 12/16/2009 HILLS PETNIJTRITIONSALESINC 633.98 AP - 00291212 12?16/2009 HILLS PET NUTRITION S,4LES INC 639.57 AP - 00291213 (2/16/2009 HILTI INC ~ 272.16 AP-0029(214 l2.%16/2009 HOGLE-IRELAND 65,163.87 AP - 00291215 ! 2/16/2009 HOLL[DAl' ROCK CO INC 246.59 AP - 0029 (2li 12i 16/2009 HOL,LIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,018.99 AP - 002912(5 12/16/2009 HULLIDAY ROCK CO INC 542.66 AP - 00291215 12/16/2009 FIOLL[DAY ROCK CO [NC 453.16 AP - 00291215 12/16/2009 HOLLIDAI' ROCK CO INC 813.02 AP - 00291315 12/16/2009 FICILLIDAY ROC[< CO [NC 50.00 AP - 00291215 1'_!16/2009 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 212.12 AP - 00291215 12/16/2009 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 652.12 AP - 00291215 12/16/2009 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 50.00 AP - 00291'_15 12/16/2009 HOLL[DAY ROCK CO RJC 50.00 AP - 00291215 (2/16/2009 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 9428 AP - 00291215 12/16/2009 FIOLL[DAY RUCK CO RJC t3 L20 AP - 002912 (6 !2/16/2009 FIOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 53.19 AP - 00291216 12/16/2009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 15.07 AP - 00291216 12/16/2009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 170.53 AP-00291217 L2/I6/2009 HOWARD. ZACHARY 72.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: l7 Current Date: 1 212 9 /2 0 0 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pottrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through (2/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor A`ame AP-00291217 12/ICr/2009 HOWARD, ZACHARY AP-00291217 12/16/2009 HOWARD,LACFIARY AP - 00291217 12/16/2009 HOWARD, ZACHARY AP-002912(7 12/162009 HOWARD, ZACHARY AP - 00291319 (2/162009 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AP - 00291219 12/Ih2009 HSBC B[SINESS SOLUTIONS AP -00^_9(219 (2/(6/2009 HSBC BUS7NF.5S SOLUTIONS AP-002912(9 (2/16/2009 HSBC BUSINESSSOLIJTIONS AP-00291319 12/(6/2009 HSBCBUSINBSSSOLUTIONS AP - 00291219 13/16/2009 HSBC BUSINESS SOLIfCIONS AP - 00291220 12/(6/2009 HUMANE SOCIETY OF SAN BERNARDINO VALI AP - 00297.221 12/16/2009 1DEARC MEDIA AP - 00291222 12/16/2009 IFORCEBIKES AP - 0(1291223 (2/16/2009 IFORCE BIKES AP - 00291222 l2/F6/2009 IFORCE BIKES AP-00291222 (2/16/2009 [FORCEBIKE,S AP - 00291223 12/!6/2009 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO INC AP-00291224 (2/16/2009 [N LAND EMPIRE WEEKLY AP - 00291225 12/16/2009 INLAND EMPFRE YOUTH BALLET AP-00291226 L2iI6/2009 INLAND PR.ESORT& MAILING SERVICES AP - 0029 (226 l2./t(i~2009 INLAND PRESORT St MAILING SERVICES AP - 00291227 l2/1b/2009 INTERSTATE BATTERIES ' AP - 00291227 l3/I 62009 INTEESTATE BATTERIES AP - 00"'91227 12/16/2009 INTERSTATE BATTERIES AP - 00291227 (2/16/2009 INTERSTATE BATTERIES AP-0029(227 (2116/2009 [NTERSTATEBATTERIES AP - 0029(228 12/162009 lNT'ERWEST CONSULTING GROUP INC AP - 00291228 12/16/2009 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP INC AP - 00291228 12/ L 6/2009 INTER W F.ST CONS[JL"f [NG G RO U P INC AP - (10291229 12/16/2009 IRON MOL1N1'A[N OSDP AP - 00291231 12/1(12009 JDC CONCRETE AP - (1(129 L32 12/16!2009 JONES AND MAYER., LA W OFFICES OF AP - 0029!233 12/16/2009 K ce B ENGINEERING AP - 00291234 12/16/2009 KC PRINTING & GFtAPLI1CS AP - 00291234 12/16/2009 KC PK1NTlNG & GRAPHICS AP - 00291236 12/(6/3009 KELLY EQL>TPMENT AP-00291237 12/16/2009 KELLY,JAM[E AP-0029(238 (2/16/2009 KJCAR:PETW`HOLESALE AP-00291239 !2/16/2009 KORANDACONSTRUCTION AP - 0029I24> L2/162009 L,OW, SON M[U AP - 00291245 12/16/2009 LOW, SON MILL AP - 00291246 12/162009 L.OWES COMPANIES INC. AP-002912•(6 12/16/2009 LOWESCOMPANIESINC. AP - 0029 [346 (2/(6/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. AP-00291246 12/16/2009 LOWESCOMPANIES[NC. AP - 00291246 12/16/2009 L,OWES COMPANIES INC. AP-00291246 12/16/2009 LOWESCOMPAN[ESQ1C. AP - 00291246 12/16/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. AP - 00291246 (2/162009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. AP - 00291246 12/(6/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. AP - 00291246 12/162009 LOWES COMPAMES [NC. AP - 00291246 (2/(6/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. AP - 00391246 l2/l6/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. AP - 00291246 (2/162009 LOtA~ES COMPANIES [NC. User. VLOPEZ. -Veronica Lopez Pape: I S Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_POR1'RA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Checl< Register Portrait Layout P44 Amount 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 255.84 82.67 28.36 184.69 253.01 324.47 495.00 65.62 1.450.00 40.36 1,450.00 40.3 5 255.28 465.00 16.30 73.79 43.69 124.43 23 L60 526.73 - 112.00 834.77 1,852.50 I,s525o 1,85250 1,(186.12 t 9;690.00 4,8.17.44 500.00 99.40 75.04 798.70 400.00 8 L00 15;275.00 33; 818.00 11,324.00 160.09 C,4.85 676.5 l 205.25 15.75 73.32 54.68 33.95 20.64 21.68 L?3.47 13.77 2 L90 Current Date: 12/29/200 Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A>zenda Check Register 2/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Dnte Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291246 12/!6/2009 LON'ES COMPANIES INC. 36.43 AP - 00291246 12/16/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 12.88 AP-00391246 12/IV%2009 LOWESCOMPANIES[NC. 93.06 AP - 00291246 12/16/2009 LOWES COMPANIES MC. 96.99 AP - 00291246 12/16/3009 LOWES COMPANIES INC.. 42.31 AP - 00291246 12/L6/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 11.61 AP - 00291246 12/(6/2009 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 253.47 AP - 00291248 12/L62009 M D ELECTRIC 19.00 AP - 00291249 12/16/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT CNC 2,239.21 AP - 00291249 12/16/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICUL,TL7RAL ENT INC 587.54 AP - 00291249 12/(6/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT [NC 15,998.13 AP - 00291249 12116!2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTLRAL ENT INC 6,578.73 AP - 00291249 12/16/?(109 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL, ENT INC 3.022.47 AP - 00291249 12/16!2009 MARIPOSA HOR"(!CULTURAL ENT INC 5,059.08 AP - 00'_91249 ] 2'162009 MARIPOSA HORTICLILTUR4L, ENT INC 822.67 AP - 00291249 12/16/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 69(1.51 AP - 00291249 12/16/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 870.75 AP-00291249 12/(6/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICLLTURAL ENT INC 2,737.36 AP - 00291249 12/16/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 1,581.61 .4P - (10291250 12'16,'2009 MARQUETTE COMMERCIAL FINANCE 2,246.78 AP - 00291251 12/!6;2009 MARTINEZ UNION SERVICE ~ 45.00 AP - 0029125^_ 12/16/2009 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 121.51 AP - 00291252 L2/I6/2009 <MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 44.38 AP - 0029125'_ 12/(6/2009 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLI' COMPANY 43.61 AP - 00291253 12/16/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 38.97 AP-00291253 12/16/2009 M[DWESTTAPE - 39.99 AP-00291253 12/16/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 39.99 AP - 00291253 121 16/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 155.93 AP - 00291253 12/16/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 65.95 AP-00291253 l2/I6/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 155.93 AP - 00291254 12/16/2009 MILLER, JANET 416.00 AP - 00291355 12/(6!2009 MIRION TECHNOLOGIES (GDS) INC 236.29 AP - 00291256 12/16/2009 MOUNTAIN VIEW GLASS AND MIRROR INC 38.17 AP - 00'_91256 12/16/3009 MOUNTAIN VIEW GLASS AND t`1IRROR INC 2.72 AP - 00291256 12/[62009 MOIJNT.4IN VIEW CrLASS AND MIRROR MC 139.52 AP - 00291256 12/16/2009 MOUNTAIN VIEW GLASS AND M[RROR.INC 12724 AP - 00291257 (2/162009 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION y'-3.87 AP-00291258 12/16/2009 MURADIAN.LESL[E 400.00 AP-00291259 12/16/2009 MWIVETERINARYSUPPLY 24.0] AP-00291259 12/(6.'2009 MWI VETERINARYSUPPLy 104.72 AP - 00291259 12/16/2009 MWl VETERINARY SUPPLY 110.19 AP-00291259 12/16/2009 MWI VETERINARI'SUPPLy 13.83 AP-00291259 l2/L62009 MWIVETERINARYSUPPLY 72.21 AP-00291259 12/!6/2009 MR'1 VETERINARY SUPPLY 75.17 AP-00291259 12/16/2009 MWIVETERINARYSUPPLY 129.46 AP-00291259 12,'1(,,'2009 MWI VETERINARI'SUPPLy 54.03 AP - 00291259 12/16%2009 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY 106.06 AP-00291259 12/16/2009 D4WIVETERINARI'SUPPLY 77.52 AP-00291259 12116/2009 MWIVETERINARYSUPPLY 375.84 AP-00291259 12/16/2009 MWIVETERINARYSUPPLY 1L59 AP-00291259 12/16/2009 MWIVETERINARYSUPPLY 41.39 AP - 00291259 12/162009 MW! VETERINARY SUPPLY 2L04 AP - 00391259 12/(6/2009 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY 359.96 AP - 00291259 12/16/2009 b1~V1 VETERINARY SUPPLY 164.54 P45 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 19 Curren[ Date: 1229200 Report:CK_AGENDA REG_PORTRAIT_RC -CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through !2/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name AP - 00291259 12/16/2009 R1W[ VETERINARY SUPPLY AP - 00291260 12/16/2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS AP - 00291260 12/1 6/2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS AP - 00291260 12/!6/2009 NAPA AUTO PARTS AP-00291260 !2.!16/2009 N.4PA,4UTOPARTS AP - 00291260 12/16/2009 NAE'A ACl'I'O PARTS AP - 00^--91260 12/16/3009 NAPA AUTO PARTS AP - 00291261 12/16/2009 NBS AP - 00291261 121 (6/2009 NBS .4P - 00291261 12/16!2009 NBS AP - 00291262 12/(6/2009 NET[Q CORPORATION AP - 00291263 12/16/2009 NEXTEL AP - 00291365 12!(6/2009 NPI PRODUCTION SERVICES INC .4P - 00291266 12/16/2009 NWOSU, LORETHA AP - 00'<91367 12/16/2009 0.4KLEAF WASTE ~4AN.4GEMENT LLC .4P - 00291268 12/L6/2009 OCLC INC AP - 00291269 12/L6/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/(6/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/1(,12009 OFFICE DEPOT .4P - (10291269 12116.'2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00391269 !2/!6/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/! 6/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP-0029!269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 !2/!6/2009 OFFICE DEPOT .4P - 00291269 !2/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 002912(19 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 002912(19 1.2/!6/2009 OFFICE DEPO"f AP - 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 12/l6r'2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP- 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 !2/!6/2009 OFFICE DEPOT .4P - 00291269 121 16!2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP-00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICEDEPO"f AP - 00291269 12/16/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291369 12.1(6/3009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291269 !2,'16!2009 OFFICE DEPO'C AP - 00291270 l2/16/2009 OFFICE MAX CONTRACT INC AP - 00291270 L_'16.!2009 OFFICE MAX CONTRACT INC AP - 00291270 12/(6/2009 OFFICE MAX CONTRACT [NC AP - 00291270 !2/16/2009 OFFICE MAX CONTRACT INC. AP - 00291270 12/16/2009 OFFICE bfAX CONTRACT INC .4P - 00291270 !2/(6/2009 OFFICE MAX CONTRACT INC AP - 00291270 12/!6/2009 OFFICE MAX CONTRACT INC .4P - 00291270 !2/16/2009 OFFICE M.AX CONTRACT INC AP - 00291271 12/L6/2009 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO AP - 00291272 !2/!6/2009 ONTRAC AP-00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE AP-00391274 12/(6/2009 ORCHARD SIIPPLY'HARDWARE AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE P46 Amomit 67.55 16 L65 167.56 26.43 91.53 22.23 11.94 1;500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,160.00 90728 36,000.00 36.30 15.000.00 46.39 40.92 1.65 9.89 5.35 592.63 6226 89.74 125.68 228.49 11.80 7.98 147.13 20.76 -I LG7 29. I > 25.55 60?0 131.71 ~, li9.30 467.08 38.85 106.46 125.05 25.00 169.10 6.787.31 7,518.98 3,219.00 -344.52 7, 186.20 -x,874.48 -2.874.48 2,874.48 34.92 70.52 2.82 39.07 1.40 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 20 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRA[T_RC - CK: Agenda Check. Register Portrait Layout Current Dale: 12/29/200 Time: 14:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P47 A>?enda Check Reeister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Dale Vendor Name Amomtt AP-00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARDSLfPPLYHARDWARE 4869 AP - 00291274 12/16/2(109 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 30.44 AP - 00391274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 141.09 AP - 00291274 13/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 18.20 AP-00291274 ]2/16.13009 ORCHARUSUPPLYHARDWARE 29.33 AP - 00291274 L2/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 24.75 AP - 00'_91274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 6.83 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 34.01 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 10.55 .4P - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 6.01 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLI' HARDWARE 24.1 1 .4P-00291274 !2/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 62.99 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLI' HARDWARE 16.92 ,4P - 0029127) 13/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE t 13.97 AP-00'_9(274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLI'HARDWARE 10.72 .4P - 00291294 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 43.30 AP - 00291374 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 14.53 AP-00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARD WARE 1820 AP-00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARDSUPPLI'HARDWARE 1820 .4P - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY' HARDWARE 9.98 AP - 00291274 12(16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 424.1 l AP-00291274 !2/16/2009 ORCHARDSUPPL,I'HARDWARE 2814 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY H.4RDVJARE 94.56 AP - 00291274 12/l(>/2009 ORCFIARD SUPPLY" HARDWARE 6.82 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY FLARDWAR6 25220 AP-00291274 12!1(1/2009 ORCflARUSUPPLYHARDWARE 31.51 AP-00291274 13/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE L40 AP-00291274 12!1612009 URCHARUSUPPLYHARDWARE -1.40 AP-00291274 1'!/16/2(109 ORCHARD SIJPPLI'HARDWARE 100.49 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 7.18 AP - 00291274 13/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLI' HARDWARE 17.16 AP-00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARDSUPPL.YHAR,DWARE 49.87 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD S(JPPLY HARDWARE 71..56 AP - 00291274 12/16/2009 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 19.34 AP - 00291275 13/16/2009 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 1,458.46 AP - 0029137] 12/!6/2009 ORKIN PEST CONTROL t,458.46 AP-00291276 12/16/2009 OSBORN,DAVE 100.00 AP - 00291'_77 12.!16/2009 PAL CAMPAIGN 82.00 AP-0(1291278 12/16/2009 PATHFINDER.ORGANIZATIONALEFF'ECT[VENE 3,052.50 AP - 00291280 12/(6/2009 PF..P BOYS 95.00 .4P - 00291281 13/16/2009 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 589.12 AP - 00291381 12/16/2009 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 802.0> AP - 00291281 12/16/2009 PETES ROAD SERVICE [NC -560.00 AP - 00291282 12/!6/2009 PMI 1,59!10 AP -00291283 ~ 12/16/2009 PIL-1XALR DISTRIBUTION INC l 13.30 AP - 00291284 12/1(,/2009 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 220.89 AP - (10291284 12/16/2009 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC t 1.40 AP - 00291285 12/16/2009 PRESERVATION HALL LLC 10.800.00 AP - 00291285 12/16/2009 PRESERVATION HALL LLC -756.00 AP - 00291237 12/16/2009 PRO-PLANET INDUSTRIAL SUPPLI' 444.06 AP - 00291288 (2/16/2009 PROPET DISTRIE3UTORS INC 500.72 AP - 00291290 12/!6/2009 PULC[NELLA, JOSEPH 24.45 AP - 00291291 12/16/2009 QINDE RIGGING USA INC 62A0 AP - 00291292 12/!6/2009 RANCHO CONSTRUCTION t`4ANAGEMENT 30.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 21 Current Dale: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[T _RC - CK Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: (4:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P48 Aeenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Datc Vendor Name Amount AP - 00391294 12;1 G/20(19 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARI' HOSPITAL I: 50.(10 AP - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL L 50.00 AP - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL C 50.00 AP - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL C 50.00 AP - 00391294 12/(6/^_009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL L 50.00 AP - 00291294 L/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL L 50.00 AP - 00'_91294 12/16/'004 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL C 25.00 AP - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL C 25.00 AP - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL C 25.00 .4P - 0029129) 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL F 25.00 AP - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL, VETERINARY HOSPITAL L 25.00 ,4P - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL C 50.00 AP - 00291294 12./16/2009 RANCHO RECr10NAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL C 50.00 AP - 00291294 12/16/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL L 50.00 AP - 00291294 12!(6/2009 RANCHO REGIONAL, VETERINARY HOSPITAL I 50.00 .4P - 00291295 12!1.6/2009 R.4NCH0 SMOG CENTER 35.00 AP - 00291297 12/16/2009 RBM LOCK AND KEY SF_RVICE 34.26 AP - 00291298 12/16/2009 RCPFA 8,981.03 AP - 00291299 12; l6/2009 RELIABLE GRAPHICS 132.44 AP - 00291300 12/16/2009 RIDGELINE ROOFING 15,474.00 AP-0029I30t 12/16/2009 RIVERA,GEORGE 424.80 .4P - 00291301 12/16/2009 RIVERA, GEORGE 849.60 AP - 00291301 12/16/2009 RIVERA, GEORGE 849.60 AP - 00291302 12/16/2009 RJM DESIGN GRUUP INC 50,574.87 AP - 00291303 12/16/2009 ROADRUNNER PHARMACY 195.40 ,4P - 00291304 l3%16/2009 ROBLES SR., RAUL P - 85.00 AP - 00291304 12/16/2009 ROBLES SR, RAUL P I 11.00 AP - 00291304 !2/16/2009 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 157.50 AP - 00291304 12/16/2009 ROBLES SR, RAUL P 75.00 AP - 00291304 12!16/2009 ROBLES SR. RAUL P 105.00 .4P - 00291307 12/16/2009 RUBIO, ROND.4 60.00 AP-00291307 l2/IC/2009 RIJBICL,RONDA 140.00 AP-00291.308 12/16/2009 SAFARILANDLLC 510.04 AP-00291310 12/(6/2009 SAFEWAYSIGNCOMPANY 44.59 AP - 00291312 12/16/2009 SAN.4NTONIO MATERIALS 726.16 AP - 00291312 12/16%2009 SAN ANTONIO MATERIALS 368.14 AP - 00291313 12/16/2009 SAN BERN.4RDIN0 COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT !42.00 AP-0029f314 12/16/3009 SBPEA 766.09 AP - 00291315 12/16/2009 SC FUELS 12,05553 AP-00291315 12(16/3009 SC FUELS ]2,083.68 AP -00291315 12/16/2009 SC FUELS 8,750.26 AP-0029L3I5 12/16/2009 SC FUELS 8,729.87 AP - 00291316 12/16/2009 SCO LLC 5,000.00 AP - 00291318 I2/l6/2009 SCRIPPS CENTER FOR EXECUTIVE HEALTH 2,832.00 AP - 002913 L9 12/16/2009 SDC LEAGUE HEALTH FUND 99.92 AP-0029(320 ~ 1211(./2009 SDC LEAGUE PENSION FUND 99.92 AP - 00291 321 12/16.12009 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 388 91 AP - 00291322 12/1(/2009 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 150.00 AP-00291323 12/(6/2009 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 109.61 AP-00291324 12/16/2009 SI~dPLOTPARTNERS 482.85 AP - 00291335 12/16/2009 SINNETT CONSULTING SERVICES LLC 140.00 AP - 00291326 L?/16/2009 SINTRA, MICHAEL 75.00 AP - 00391327 12/16/2009 SIR SPEEDY 172.91 AP-00291327 12/16/2009 SIRSPEEUY 83.74 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 22 Current Date: 12/29/200 ort:CK AGENDA Re PORTRA[T REG RC - Cik: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 _ _ p _ _ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P49 Aeenda Check Register 12/9!2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Dale Vendor Name Amount AP-00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 1,949.23 AP - 00291333 L2/l6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5,345.70 AP - 00291333 12;'16/2009 SOUT[-TERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 4,S11.00 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 37.35 AP - 00291333 12/(6/3009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 8,089.58 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIPORNI,4 EDISON 2224 AP - (10291333 ~ 12/16.12009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2224 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.'_4 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2022 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON R6.R6 AP - 0029!333 12116/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2224 AP - 00291333 12/16!2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 21.70 AP - 0029!333 l2/(6%2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 61.40 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 9L10 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 571.78 .4P - 00291333 12!16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2224 AP-00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERNCAL[FORNIAEDISON 2L70 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SUUTIIERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5>.19 AP - 0029!333 12!16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22?4 AP - 00391333 12!16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 79.05 AP - 00291333 12!L6/2009 SOUTI{ERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 99.16 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 45.28 AP - 00291333 12/!6/2009 SOL1TIfERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.1 1 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 67.69 AP - 0029(333 IZ/l6/2009 SOUTHERN C.AL[FORNIA EDISON 2'_.92 AP - 00291333 l2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORMA ED[SON 23.00 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON Z49 AP - 00291 333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 14.30 AP - 00291333 13/16/2(109 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 2224 AP - 011291333 12!(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 16.15 AP - 00291333 12/16/21109 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ~ 19.04 AP - 00^_91333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 114.14 AP - 00291.133 13/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORNL4 EDISON 82.99 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 82.40 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNIA EDISON 33.64 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 81.38 .4P - 00291333 1'_/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 21.57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.28 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORN[A ED[SON 22.24 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 107.30 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOLI'fHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2L57 AP - 00291333 12/t(,,~2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 105.57 AP - (10291333 !2/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 21.57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 47.07 AP - 00291333 12;16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 33.89 AP - 00291333 12/(6,'2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.61 .4P - 00291333 !2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON S4 ~l AP - 00291333 12/!6/2009 SOlIT1iERN CAL[FORNL4 ED[SON 21.57 AP - 00291333 12/1612009 SOUTFERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.61 AP - 00291333 12!16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.24 AP - (10291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.38 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 23.00 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 190.89 AP - 00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.35 'User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 23 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA!'t_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Pottrait Layout Time: L4:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P50 Artenda Check Resister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name ~ Amount AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 97.90 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOLITF[ERN CALIFORNIA ED150N 2234 AP-00291333 12!16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 81.84 AP - 00291333 13/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 53.41 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 21.57 .4P - 00291333 (2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 22 34 AP - 00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 2L57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2(109 SOU'I-HERN C.AL[FORNL4 ED[SON 2L57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ?2.24 AP-00291333 12/L6/2009 SOIJTFIERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 2L57 AP - 00291333 12!16/2009 SOUTHERN CAL[FURNIA ED[SON 66.7 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON (34.15 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 85.92 AP - 0(1291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 22.76 AP - 00291333 12/16/2(109 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 174.07 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 14.16 AP - 00291333 12/!(,/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNIA EDISON 67.79 AP - 00291333 12!16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 63.45 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 6L40 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.24 AP - 00291333 12.!16/2009 SOUTHERN CAL[FOR.N[A ED[SON 185.56 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CAL[FURNIA ED[SON 22.37 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOLTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2'_34 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 67.68 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.?A AP - 00291333 12/i(i/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.24 AP - 00291333 12/!6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2234 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.24 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.ALIFORNL4 EDISUN 216.67 AP-00'_91333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERNCAL[FORNIAEDISON 336.95 AP-00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERNCALIPORNIABDISON 24.55 AP - 00^_9(333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 435.69 AP - 00291333 13/16/2009 SOU"FHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON 22.88 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNh4 EDISUN 2234 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 712.97 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 12,845.93 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CAL[FOR,NIA ED[SON 83.43 .4P - 00291333 (2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 7,027.21 AP - 00291333 12/!6/'_009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 62.40 .4P - 00291333 (2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 82.14 AP - 00291333 12,'!6/2009 SUUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 45.32 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOIJTFIERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 23.00 AP - 00291333 12(16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 67.31 .4P - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFURNIA ED[SON 134.78 AP - 00291333 l2/l6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 22.76 .4P-00291333 !2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 65.34 AP-00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTFIERNCAL[FURNIAEDI50N 2L94 AP-00291333 l2/1G/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON 21.57. AP - U029I333 !2/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNIA EDISUN 22 34 .4P - 00291333 ll/IG/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 20.19 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOLTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1955 AP - 00291333 l2/1G/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 513.39 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 19.55 User. VLOPEZ Veronica Lopez Paee: 24 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRA[T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Regisier Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P51 Asenda Check Resister (2!9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291333 12;16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.24 AP - 00291333 1J16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.57 AP - 00291333 (2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 20.69 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LTF0[tNIA EDISON 68.57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1 t2.83 AP - 00291333 !2/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORNl.4 EDISON 19.80 AP - 00291333 12/16/'009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 155.1 l AP - 00291333 (3/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 104.76 AP - 00291333 12/16/3009 SOLTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 69.24 AP - 00291333 (2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA F.D[SON 32.46 AP - 00291333 12/16/'009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 106.15 AP-(10291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON l3.O0 AP - 00291333 12/16/''009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 20.89 AP -00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 61.74 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 21.02 .4P-(10291333 12/1!/2009 SOLJTHERNCALIFORNIAEDISON 53.15 AP - 00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 112.18 .4P - 00291333 (2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 4,7li.39 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 27.63 AP-00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON 22.37 AP - 00291333 12/!6!2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 41 A6 AF-00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 21.57 AP - 00291333 13/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORN[A EDISON 31.35 .4P - 00"_'91333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 31.58 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FOIZNIA EDISON 31.57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 18.87 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 28.00 ,4P - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.57 AP - 00291333 13/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 49.77 AP - (10291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.61 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORN[A EDISON 22.24 AP -(1(1291333 12/1(>/3009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 187.88 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOU1'HEFtN CALFFORNIA EDISON 20.07 AP - 0039133.3 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.24 AP - 00291333 12/16/2(109 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 GD[SON 10.05 AP-00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERNCAL[FORNIAED[SON 187.67 AP-00291333 !2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 31.17 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 23.13 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 76.77 AP - 00291333 l2/f6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 3.696.43 .4P - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 168.61 AP - 00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON I L2.44 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 33.28 AP-00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERNCAL[FORNIAEDISON 2L57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.24 AP - 00291333 12!(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 22.37 AP - 00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 92.35 AP - 00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 93.79 .4P - (10291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 21.57 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDFSON 120.53 AP - 00291333 12/16/?009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.24 AP - 00291333 ~ 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.37 AP - 00391333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CAL1FOFtNIA EDLSON ~ 22.59 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.24 User: VLOPEZ-Veronica Lopez Page: 25 CurrenC Date: (2/29/200 Report:CK_.4GENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P52 Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check. No. ~ Check Date Vendor Name ~ Amount AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 22.24 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORN[A EDISON 22.88 AP - 0029li33 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ~ 1.93 AP - 00291333 13/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNI,4 ED[SON 89.95 AP - 00'_9(333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.61 AP -00291333 (2/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNL4 EDISON 10.10 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2224 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.24 AP - 00291333 12/(6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.88 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 1,303.53 AP - 00291333 12/!6/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 3,116.94 AP - 00291333 12/16/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 128.58 AP - 0029133.1 12/I6/2D09 SOUTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO INC 570,808.46 AP-00291334 12/16/2009 SOUTHWEST CONSTRUCTION CO INC -57,080.55 AP - 00291335 12/16/2009 SOUTHWEST IMAGING [NC 250.00 AP-00291336 12/lfi/2009 SPARKL,ETTS 102.00 AP-00291336 12!16/^_009 SPARKLETTS 63.00 AF' - 0029!337 12/16/2009 STATE HUMANE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNI, 162.00 AP - 0029L338 12/16/2009 STERICYCLE INC 488.18 .4P - 0029 (338 12/16.12009 STERICYCLE INC 609.28 AP - 00291339 12/162009 S1'EVES TOWING AND TRANSPORT 75.00 .4P - 00291'340 (2/16/2009 STOFA, JOSEPH ~ 12.00 AP-0029134( !2/16/2009 SUNGARDPUBLICSECTORINC 464.SR AP - 00291342 12/162009 SUNRISE FORD ~ 153.45 AP - 00291343 12/16/2009 SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT CUD1PANl' LLC 284.37 AP - 00291343 12/16/2009 SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT COMPANY LLC 578.97 AP - 00291344 12/16/2009 TANNER RECOGNITION COMPANY, O C 87'6 AP - 00291'346 12/162009 THEATRICAL LIGHTING & SCENIC SERVICES L _ 762.00 AP - 00291347 12/16/2009 TOLL BROS INC 2,500.00 AP - 00291348 12/16/2009 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CARE 2,447.00 AP - 00291349 12/16/2009 TRANS WEST TRUCK CENTEK 84? 1 AP - (10291351 12/162009 CINUERGROIJND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 322.50 AP - 00291352 12/16/2009 lJN1FIRS'C UNIFORM SERVICE 696?9 AP - 00291352 12/162009 UNIFIRS'1' UNIFORM SERVICE 40.00 AP - 00291352 13/16/2009 UNIFTRST UNIFORM SERVICE 235D AP-00291352 12/16/2009 UNIFIRSTUNIFUR1ViSERVICE 40.00 AP - 00291353 !2/16/2009 LlNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 4D.00 AP - 00291352 12/!6/2009 CJNIFIRST IIN[FORbi SERVICE 693.36 AP - 0029135"_' 12/16/2U09 LINIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 117.40 AP-0029(352 12/16/2D09 UNIFIRSTUNIFORMSERVICE ~ 117.40 AP - 0029.1353 12/162009 , LIN[F[RST UNIFORM SERVICE 23.SD AP - 00291354 12/16/2009 UNITED PACIFIC SERVICES INC 25 998.00 AP - 00291355 12/16/2009 CINITED S[TE SERVICES OF CA [NG 10.69 AP - 00291355 12/16/2009 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA MC 133.96 AP - 00291355 1'/16/2009 L(N[TED SITE SERVICES OF CA [NC 148.44 AP - 00291356 12/16/2009 UNITED WAY 11.00 .4P - 00291'.56 12/16/2009 UNITED WAY 246.82 AP - 00291357 12/16/2009 UPLAND ANI<\4AL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 0029I35R 12/16/2009 UPSCO POWERSAFE SYSTEMS INC 2,097.90 AP-00291358 12/16/2009 UPSCOPOWERSAFESI'STEMSINC 400.00 AP -'00291359 12/162009 UPS 24.43 AP-00291359 12/16/2009 UPS 74.86 AP - 00291360 12/16/2009 UST DEVELOPMENT [NC 80,972.96 AP - 0029136D 12/16/2009 UST DEVELOPMENT INC -8,097.30 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 2G Curren[ Date: 12/29200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PURTRA[T _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONC:A P53 Aeenda Check Re>zister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date VenAor Name Amount AP - (10291361 12/16/2009 VALDEZ, SANDRA 500.00 AP - 00291361 12;16/2009 VALDEZ, SANDRA 500.00 AP - 00291362 12/16/2009 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS [NC 3,452.16 AP-00291363 12/16/2(109 VASQUEZCONSTRUCTION 81.00 , AP-00291364 12/16/2009 VASTA, WILLIAM ~ 190.32 AP-0029!364 12/16/2009 VASTA, WILLIAM 190.31 AP - 00291366 12.!16(2009 VERIZON 1671 AP-002913(16 12/16/2009 VERIZON 136.14 AP,-00291366 12/16/2009 VER[ZON 3724 .4P - 00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 39.90 AP - 00291366 12r'lb/2009 VERIZON 1826 AP-00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 3,262.50 AP-00291366 12/!6/2009 VERIZON 75.92 AP-00291366 12/16/2009 VER.IZON 3656 AP-00291366 12/16/^_009 VERIZON 36.56 AP-0(1291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP-00291366 Y2/16/2009 VERIZON 35.43 AP-0029136(1 !2,'16./2009 VERIZON 88A2 AP-00291366 12!16;2009 VER[ZON 88.02 AP - 0029!366 t 2116!2009 VERIZON 177.26 AP-00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP - 00291366 12%16/2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP-00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZUN 88.02 AP-00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP - 00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 85.02 AP - 00291366 12/16!2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP - 00291366 l2/L6/2009 VER[ZON 18?6 AP - 0029136( 12/16/2009 VERIZON 40.53 AP - 00291366 12/Lfi/2009 VERIZON 82.82 AP-002913(16 12/(6/3009 VERIZON 36.56 AP - 00291366 12/!6/2(109 VERIZON 37.24 AP - 00291366 12116!2009 VERIZON 66.93 AP - 00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 35.43 AP - 00291366 12/16/2009 V'ERIZON 348.04 AP-00291366 1"'/!6!2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP - 00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 36.56 .4P - 00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 36.56 AP - 00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 73.97 AP - 00291366 12/!6/2009 VERIZON 36.56 AP-00291366 12r't6!2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP-00291366 12!16%2009 VF..RIZON 88.02 AP - 00291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 42.28 AP - 00291366 12(16/2009 VERIZON 88.02 AP-00291366 12/(6/2009 VER[ZON 88.02 AP - (10291366 12/16/2009 VERIZON 3>.43 AP-00291367 12/16/2009 VIASYN[NC 3.000.00 .4P-00291368 !2!(6/2009 VICTORIAAN[MALHOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP-00291368 12/(6!2009 VICTORIAAN[MALHOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP-0029!368 12/!6/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 ]2/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12/!6/2009 VICTORIA AMMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 27 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[T _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCA1b10NGA P54 Aeenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. ~ Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291 368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12/16%2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 I2/l6/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL FIOSPITAL 50.00 AP-00291368 (2/16/2009 VICTORfA.4NIMALHUSP[TAL 50.00 AP-00291368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP-00291368 12/16/2009 V[CTORIA.AN[MALHOSP[TAL 50.00 AP-00291368 (2/16/2009 VICTOR[A.4NIMALHOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00'_91368 12/16'2009 VICTORIA AN[bIAL HOSPITAL 50.00 .4P-00291368 !2/16/2009 VICTOR[AAN[M,4LHOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12/16/3009 VICTORIA ANtA1AL HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - (10291.368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA AN[hL4L HOSPITAL 50.00 AP - 00291368 12,'!6/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL, 50.00 .4P - 00291368 12/16/2009 VICTORIA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 25.00 AP - 00291369 12/!6/2009 VILLAGE NURSERIES WHOLESALE LLC 294.54 .4P-0029li70 12/16/2009 VISTAPA[NT 19291 AP-00291370 !2/!6/2009 VISTAPA[NT 967.74 .4P - 00291370 (2/16/2009 VISTA PAINT 106.92 AP-00291370 12,'!6/2009 VISTAP.4[NT 24.66 AP-00291370 12/16/2009 VISTA PAINT 21.99 AP-0029!371 12/l6/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO ~ 329.61 AP - 0029171 12/16/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO l 1190 AP - 00291371 1 Z.il6/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 231.84 AP - 00291371 12/!6/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 89.01 AP - 00291371 12/16/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 14.09 AP - (10291371 12/16/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 803.79 AP - 00291371 12/16/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 85.58 AP - 00291371 !2!16!2009 W,4LTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 311.55 AP - 00291371 12/!6/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 24.19 AP - 00291371 !2/16/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 87.26 AP - 00291371 !2/16/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 121.44 AP - 00291371 12/!6/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 231.47 AP - 00291371 l2/16/2(109~ WALTERS WHOLESALE.. ELECTRIC CO 138.37 AP-(1(1291372 12/16/2009 WAXIE5ANITARYSUPPLY 42L(i9 AP - 00291372 !3/16/2(109 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 64.08 AP - 00291372 12/16/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SCJPPLY 352.42 .4P - 00291372 (2/16/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 9.07 AP-00291372 12/!6/2009 WAXIE SANITARYSUPPLI' 87.63 AP - 00291372 12/16/2009 WAXIE SANITARI' SUPPLY 93.33 AP -00291372 12/16/2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLI' 76.09 AP - 00291372 12/I6Y2009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 27.00 AP-00291372 !2/16/2009 WAX[ESAN[TARYSUPPLY 76.09 AP-00291572 !2/16/2009 WAXIESANITAR.YSUPPLY 76A9 AP - 00291373 12/16/2009 WEST END MATERIAL SUPPLY 33.63 AP - 00291374 12/16/2009 WEST PAYMENT CENTER 225.16 AP - 00291375 12/16/2009 WEST SANITATION SERVICES LNC 370.10 AP - 00291376 !2/(6/2009 WESTERN C[TY MAGAZINE ~ 63.00 AP-00291378 12/!6/2009 W%ESTERNUNIVERS[TY 43.00 AP-00291378 !2!16/2009 WESTERN UNIVERSITY 20.00 AP-00291378 !2/16/2009 W'ESTERNCINIVERSITY' 20.00 .4P-00291378 12!16/2009 WESTERNUNTVERSITY 43.(10 AP-00291378 12/16/2009 WESTERNUNIVERS[TY 20.00 AP - 00291378 12/16/2009 WESTERN LTNLVERSITY - 43.00 AP-00291378 12/1(,/2009 WESTERN UNIVERSITY 35.00 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 28 torrent Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT _RC - Cfi: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P55 Ar*enda Check Re>iister 2/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00291378 12/16/2004 WESTERNUNIVERS[TY .43.00 AP - 00291379 12/16/2009 V/SA US GUARDS CO INC 5,744.92 .4P - 00291 379 12/16/2009 WSA US GUARDS CO INC 6,495.00 AP - 00291379 12/16/2009 WSA US GUARDS CO INC 5;26L56 AP - 00291379 12/16/2009 WSA US GUARDS CO INC 5,179.37 AP - 00291379 12/16/2009 WSA US GUARDS CO INC 2;106.76 AP - 00291381 12/16/2009 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY 752.13 AP - 00291383 12/17/2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS 87.00 AP-00291381 12/17/2009 AfRGAS WEST 91.49 .4P-00291384 12/17/2009 AIRGASR'EST 122.72 AP - 00291384 12/17/2009 AfRGAS WEST 500.00 AP - 00291388 12/17!2009 BRODART BOOKS 48.12 AP - 0029 t 3 RR l2/ 17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 111.13 .4P -(1(1291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 31.06 AP - 00291388 12/17!2009 BRODART BOOKS 10.72 .4P - 0(1291388 I2/17i2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS I Sf)2 AP-00291388 12/(7/2009 BRODARTBOOKS Y54.33 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 13.48 AP - 00291338 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 16.63 AP-00291388 (2/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 110.95 AP-00291358 12/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 37.11 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 14.64 AP - 00291388 12/! 7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 18.58 .4P-00291388 I~'17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 48.23 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 16.60 AP - 002913SR I~il7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 7776 AP - 00291358 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 37.34 .4P - (10291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 39.15 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROUART BOOKS 28.77 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 784.25 AP-00291388 12/17/21109 BRODAR"iBOOKg 124.33 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 51.35 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROUART BOOT<g 76.89 ,4P - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 71.30 AP - 00291338 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 27.14 AP - 00291358 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 13.69 ~AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROD,4RT BOOKS 28.38 AI' - 00291358 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 57.64 .4P - (10291388 1'_/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 45.71 AP - 00'_9[388 12;17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 17.57 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 32?7 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 154.53 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 37.1 I AP - 00291358 12/! 7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 21.52 .4P-00291388 12/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 10.75 AP - 00291358 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 17.37 .4P - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 451 AP - 00291338 13/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 13.54 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291388 ' 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 6.G9 AP - 00291388 (2!17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 17.89 AP - 00391388 12/17/2009 BROL)ART BOOKS 6.69 AP-0029!388 !2/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 13.53 lJser. tiLOPEZ-Veronica Lopez Pape: 29 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT' RC - CK: Agenda Checl: Register Poru•ait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda. Check ReLister !2/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor [tame Amount AP - 00291 388 l2/I 7/2009 BRODART E300KS 9.(12 AP - 00291388 !2/!7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 3 L57 .4P - 00291388 l2/l7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.03 AP - 00291388 12/! 7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODAR.T BOOKS 11.20 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291388 12/!7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.02 .4P - 00291388 !2/!7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 204.OR AP - 0(1291388 12;!7/'009 BRODAR'C BOOKS 33.60 .4P-00291388 12/L7/2009 BROD.4R1'BOOKS 13.38 AP-00291388 12/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 4.S1 .4P - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291388 !2/!7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 .4P - 0029088 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 451 AP - 00291388 !2/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 18.04 .4P - 00291388 12/! 7/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291388 12/(7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 1120 AP - 00291338 12/!7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 33.60 .4P-00291388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RTBOOKS ~~>1 AP - 00291388 12!17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP-00291388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RTBOOKS 4.51 AP-00291388 !2/!7/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 9.02 .4P - 00291388 12.!17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 4P - 00291338 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 1120 .4P-00291388 !2!17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 4.51 AP-0029(388 !2/17/2009 BROUAR'CBOOKS G.69 .4P - 00291388 !2/!7!2009 BRODART BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RT BOUKS 15.71. AP - 0029088 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291388 I^_/]'7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 22.40 AP-00291388 12/(,7/2009 BRODAR'CBOOKS Il.20 AP - 00291338 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS ! 17?6 AP - 00391388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291388 L/L7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 176.08 AI'-0029(388 !2/(7/2(109 BRODART'BOOKS 13.38 .4P-00291388 12/17!2009 BRODARTBOOKS 13.38 AP - 00'_91388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODAR'f BOOKS 11.20 AP-00291388 12/17/2(109 BRODAR'I BOOKS 4.51 .4P - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 13.33 AP-0029!388 12/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 4.51 AP-0029li88 L2/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 9.02 AP-0029(388 L?/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 6.69 AP -00291388 12/!7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 11.20 AP-0029088 t2/U/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 11.20 .4P - (10291388 !2/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 11.20 AP - 00291338 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 195 ~ I AP - (10291388 l2r'l7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 0029038 12/L7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 3l?7 AP - 0029088 !2/!7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 12.72 AP-0029088 12/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 16.63 AP - (10291388 12/! 7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 3>6.98 AP - 0029 t 338 12;17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 10.90 P56 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 30 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:Cl{_AGENDA_R8G_PORTRAII-_RC - CK: Agenda. Check. Register Porn'ait Layout Time: 14:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP-00291388 12/17%2009 BRODARTBOOKS 940.82 AP - 00291338 I2/! 7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 16.39 AP-00291388 L2/172009 BRODARTBOOKS 42.03 AP - 00291388 12/! 7/2009 BRODART BOOKS 1524 AP-00291383 12/(7%2009 BRODARTBOOKS 2997 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BROUART BOOKS 10.72 AP-002913SR 12/17/3009 BRODARTBUOKS 31.06 AP-00291388 12/17/2009 BROUARTBOOKS 46.48 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 16.60 .4P-00291388 12/17/2009 BRUDARTBOOKS 6058 AP - 00291388 12/17/3009 BRODART BOOKS 23.15 .4P - (10291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 39.34 AP - 00291358 12/172009 BRODART BOOKS - 34.22 .4P - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 14.69 AP-00291353 12,17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 33.66 AP-00291388 1''/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS ~ 22.d7 AP-00291388 12/!7/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 57.66 .4P-00291388 !2/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 15.83 AP - 00291358 12/17;2009 BRODART BOOKS 3 LOG AP-00291385 12/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 978 AP - 00291358 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 50.87 AP - 00291388 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 97.69 AP - 00291388 12i 17/2009 BROUART BOOKS 173.33 AP - 00391388 12/17/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 7130 AP - 0029liS8 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 10.75 AP-(10391388 I<'17/2009 BRODARTE300KS 74.41 AP-00291338 12/17/2009 BRUUARTBOOKS 14.14 AP - 00''91385 12/17/2009 BRODART BOOKS 718.61 .4P-00291388 13/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 54.81 AP-00291388 12/17/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 37.34 AP - 00291391 12/17/2009 Iv1ERL4L LIMITED 583.99 AP - 00291391 12;17/2009 . MERIAL L[M[TED 262.63 AP-00291391 12/17/2009 MER[ALLiMITED 583.99 AP - 0029(392 12/17/2009 NEC UNIFIED SOLUTIONS INC 532.00 AP - 00291395 !2/33/2009 12'CH MAN CLUB 500.00 AP - 00291397 12/23'2009 A 8c I REPROGRAPH[C;S 26.96 AP-00291398 13/23/2009 A&V SOFTBALL 897.00 AP - 00291400 12/23/2009 ACCOLRQTEMPS 434.50 AP - (10291400 12/23/2009 ACCOLTNTEMPS 711.20 AP-00291400 12/23/3009 ACCO[JNTEMPS ~ 533.40 4P - (10291402 1223/2009 .4EF SYSTEMS CONSULTING INC 175.00 AP - 00291403 12/23/2009 .4GU[LERA. ISAIAH 104.00 AP - 00291403 12/23/2009 AGU[LERA, ISAIAH 104.00 AP - 00291403 1223/2009 AGUILERA, ISAIAH 104.00 AP-00291403 12/23/2009 AGII[LERA,ISAIAH !04.00 AP-0029(403 12/23/2009 AGU[LERA.ISA[AH 104.00 AP - 00291404 12/23/2009 ALCALA, JOKSAN 250.00 AP - 00291405 12/232009 .4LL AMERICAN ASPHALT 3,742.45 AP - 00291405 12/23/20(19 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT -374.24 AP - 00291407 12/23/2009 .ALL WELDING 120.00 AP-00291408 12/23/2009 ALPHAGRAPHICS 195.90 AP - 00291410 12;23/2009 ALTA LOA4.4 SCHOOL DISTRICT 188.00 AP - 00291412 12/23/2009 ALVARADq LAURA 179.00 AP - 00291413 12232009 ALVAREZ, MARIA 100.00 P57 lJser: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 31 Current Date: !2/29200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - C'K: A,enda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P58 Agenda Check Reeister 12/9/2009 through !2/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291414 12/23/2009 AMERICAN ROTARY BROOM CO. INC. 762.60 AP - 00291415 12/^_3/2009 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 233.71 AP - 00291416 12/23/2009 ANGULO, PAULA 500.00 .4P - 00291416 12/23/2009 .4NGUL0, PAULA 388.00 AP-00291417 12/23/3009 ANTECHDIAGNOSTICg 1,099.81 AP - 00291417 12/23/2009 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 34.11 AP - 00291418 12/23/2009 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 6.70 AP - 00291419 12/'_3/2009 ARBOR NURSERY PLUS 432.83 AP-0029(419 12/23/2009 ARLiORNURSERYPLU$ 114.19 .4P-00291421 ~ 12/23/2009 .4SAPPOWERSPOR'I'S 165.00 AP-00291421 12/23/2009 ASAPPOWERSPORTS 628.00 AP-00291421 12/23/2009 ASAPPOWERSPORTS 416.00 AP - 00291421 12!23/2009 ASAP POR'ERSPORTS 376.00 .4P-0029(421 12/23/2009 ASAPPOWERSPORTS 664.00 AP - 00'_91422 12/23/'_009 ASCE 205.00 AP - 00291422 12/23/2009 ASCE 45.00 AP - 0029(423 12/23/2009 AUTO RESTORATORS INC (.208.38 AP - (10291424 12/23/2009 AUTO SPECL4LISTS 12.83 AP-0029(42$ 12/23/2009 AVALONCOLLISIONCENTER 1,167.48 AP - 00291425 !2/23/2009 AVALON COLLISION CENTER 1,595.81 AP - 00291426 12/23/2009 AVANTS, MARGE 105.00 .4P-00291427 !2/23/2009 AVILA, LUIS 400.00 AP - 00291428 12/33/2009 B ANU K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 282.63 AP - 00291428 !2/23/2009 B AND K ELECTRIC WFIOLBSALE 1,120.36 AP - 00291428 !2/23/2009 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 23.49 AP - 00291428 12123/2009 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 386.06 AP - 00291428 12/'3/2009 B AND K ELECTRIC WHOLESALE 56268 AP - 00291429 .12/23/2009 BARNES .AND NOBLE 79.97 .4P - 00291429 12/23/2009 BARNES AND NOBLE ~ 166. L4 AP-(10291432 12/23/3009 BF.ARINGSRDRIVES[NC. 157.(4 AP - 00291433 12/23/2009 BEST GOLF CARTS INC. 42.77 AP - (10291434 12/23;2009 BHAGAT, PUNAM 65.00 AP - 00291434 12/23/2009 BFIAGA'i', PUNAM 20.00- AP - 00291434 12/23/2009 BHAGAT, PUNAM ~ 15.00 .4P - 00291435 12/23/2009 BISHOP COMPANY 277.12 AP'-0029(436 12/23/'009 BOL'fON,CAROLYN 500A0 .4P - 0(1291437 12/23/2009 BOWCOCK, CANDICE 430.00 AP - 00291438 12/23/20(19 BOYCF. FOREST PRODUCTS INC. 720A0 AP-0029(439 !3/23/2009 BROWN, CHRISTOPHER 500.00 AP - 00'_91440 12/23/2009 B[TfSKO U9'ILITY DESIGN INC. 8,912A0 AP - 00291441 !2/23/2009 C.4 L, PERS LONG "i'ERM CARE 548.96 AP - 00291442 12/23/2009 CAL POLI' POMONA 6,986.64 AP - 00291443 ! 2/23/2009 CAL POLL' POMONA 267.00 AP-00291444 !2/23/2009 CAb1ERONWELD[NGSUPPLY 69.(8 .4P - 00291445 !2/23!2009 CAPITOL DOOR SERVICE-SOUTHERN CALIFOR !,880.(10 AP-00291448 12/23/2009 CARTER,LIICREZIA 90.00 .4P - 00291450 12/23/2009 CENTRAL CITIES SIGNS INC 6>.25 .AP - 00291450 12/23/2009 CENTRAL CITIES SIGNS INC 108.75 .4P - 00391451 12/23/2009 CHAPFEI' ,IOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST 578.76 AP - 00291451 12/23/2009 CHAFFEY JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST 727.56 AP - 00291451 12/23/2009 CHAFFEY JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST 502.08 AP - 00291453 12/23/2009 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 34.99 .4P - 00291454 12/23/2009 CHURCH HAVEN COMPANY LLC 6,095.00 AP - 00291455 12/23/2009 CIRIACKS, VALLERIE ANN 18.00 User. VCOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 32 Current Date: 12/29!200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT _RC - CK Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:222 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P59 Asenda Check Resister 12/9/2009 through !2/28/2009 Check IYo. Check Date VenAar Name Amount AP - 00291456 L2/2312009 CLARK, KAREN 334.80 AP - 00291457 t?i?3/2009 CLARKS PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 234.94 AP-0029(457 (2!23/2009 CLARKEPLUMBINGSPEC[ALT[ES~INC. 13.92 AP - 00'291458 (2/23/2009 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS 4,783.53 AP - 00391459 12/23/2009 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS 21,630.97 AP - 00291460 (2/23/2009 CLEMENT COA4MUNICATIONS INC 165.71 AP - 0(1291461 12./23!2004 COCA COLA BOTTL1NCr COMPANIES 674.92 AP - 00291462 12/23!2009 COCHEREL,L, DOREEN 66.00 AP - 00'_91463 12!23/2004 C'OD4BINED MARTIAL SCIENCE INC 963.00 AP - 00291465 12/23/2009 COMMUNITY BANK 37425 AP - 00291466 - 12Y23/2009 COPIES R INK PRINTING INC. 59.29 AP - 00291466 12/23/2009 COPIES & INK PRINTING INC. 59.29 AP - 00291467 12/23/2009 CORE HEAL'CH 2,500.00 AP - 00291468 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER D[ST 2.600.00 AP - 00291469 12/23/2009 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 320.82 AP - 00291471 12/23/2009. D&S GKAPHIC DESIGN 278.91 AP - 00291473 12/23/2009 DANCE TERRIFIC 226.00 .AP - 00?91474 1223/2009 DEL NERD, JOANNE. 250.00 AP - 00291475 '12/23/2009 DEh1C0 INC 696.47 AP - 00291476 12/23/2009 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (A( 105.00 AP - 0029147b I Z.i23/2009 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (A( 105.00 AP - (10291476 12 23%2009 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (A( 105.00 AP - 00291477 12/33/2009 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 32.00 AP - 0029(477 1223/2009 UEPARTiv9ENT OF JUSTICE L,699.00 . AP - 0029(478 12/33/2009 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 203 )9 AP - 00291479 t2C23/2009. UCJFFI', RICK 196.00 AP - 00291480 12/23/2009 DUNN ED WARDS CORPORATION ~ 10 L 19 AP - 00291481 12/23/3009 DUNK. ANNE MARIE 36.00 AP - 00291431 1223/2(109 DUNN, ANNE MARIE 30.00 AY - 00391481 12/23/3009 DUNN, ANNE MARIE 67.20 AP - 00291481 1223/2009 DUNN, ANNE R-IARIE 52.80 AP - 00391481 12!23/3009 DUNN, ANNE MARIE 110.40 AP - 002914.81 (2/23/2009 DUNN, ,4NNE MARIE ~ 43.20 AP - 00291482 12/23/2009 EASTERL,1NCr, RAY ~ 300.00 AP-00291483 13/23/2009 EBSCO 8.00 AP - 00291484 12/23/2009 ECS IMAGING INC S,R61.63 .AP -00291485 12/23/2009 EIGHTH AVENUE ENTERPRISE LLC 3,294A2 AP - 00291486. 12/23/2009 ELLS ENTERPRISES ~ 1,000.00 .AP - 00291486 - 13/23/2009 ELLS ENTERPRISES 75.00 AP - 00291486 12/23/2009 ELLS ENTERPRISES 330.00 AP - 00291486 12/23/2009 F.LLIS ENTERPRISES 50.00 AP - 00291486 12/23!2009 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 110.00 AP - 00291486 12/23/2009 ELLIS ENTERPRISES I,585.U0 AP - 00241486 12/23/2009 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 1,440.00 AP - 00291486 12/23/2009 ELLIS ENTERPRISES ~ ~ 1,670.00 AP - 00291486 12/23/2009 ELLIS ENTERPRISES 50.00 AP - 00291 X87 12/23/2009 ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSLONS 48.91 AP - 00291488 12/23/2009 EST[PONA, JOSEPHINE 250.00 AP- 00291488 12/23/2009 ESTIPONA, JOSEPHLNE 250.00 AP - 00291490 ~ 12/23/2009 EXERCISE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. 27722 AP - 00391490 (2/23/3009 EXERCISE EQUIPIv1ENT SERVICE CO. 915.46 AP - 00291490 12!23/2009 EXERCISE EQUIPMENT SERVICE CO. 85.00 AP - 00291491 !2/23/2009 FARNIAN[, MIGNON 30.00 AP - 00291492 12/2;/2009 FEDERAL EXPI~SS CORP 16.07 User: VLOPEZ - b'eronica Lopez Page 33 Current Date: 12/29/200 Repart:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT RC - CK: Ageuda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P60 A>;enda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 13/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291492 12/23/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 21.45 AP - 00291492 12/''3/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 53.43 .4P - 00291492 12/23/2009 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 23.96 AP - 00291493 !2/23/2009 FEL[CIANQ ANTHONY 200.00 AP-00'_91495 12/23/2009 FLEET SERVICES INC. 38.24 AP - 00291496 (2/23/2009 FOO'CHILL FAMILY SHELTER 405.00 AP - 0029I49R 12/23/2009 FORD OF CJPLAND INC 110.45 AP - 00291498 12/23/2009 FORD OF UPLAND lNC 90.00 AP - 00'_91499 !2/23/2009 FORD PRINTING AND MAILING INC 1,56.26 .4P - 00291500 L/23/2009 FOSTER. AGENCY SPECIALIZED CARE 500.00 AP --0029 (501 12/23/2009 FOX CROFT FARMS 84.00 .4P - 00291502 1'_/23/2009 FRAZEE PAINT CENTER 85.77 AP - 00291503 12/23/2009 GALLS INC 152.36 AP - 00291504 12/23/2009 GARC[A, V[V[AN 10.50 AP - 00291506 12/23/2009 G[NOCCH[2, SHAWNA 250.00 .4P - 00291507 12/23/2009 GOLF VENTURES WEST 299.63 AP - 00291508 12/23/2009 G"OVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIAT[ 940.00 AP - 00291509 L2/23/2009 GRAINGER 80.26 AP - 00291509 (2/23/2009 GRAINGER 170.30 AP - 00291509 12/23/2009 GRAINGER 116.47 AP - 00291509 12/23/2009 GRAINGER 203.34 AP - 00?91909 12/23/2009 GRANGER 240.77 AP-00291509 12/23/2009 GRAINGER 70.03 AP - 00291509 12/23/2009 GRANGER 215.40 AP-00291509 12/23/2009 GRAINGER ~ 187.'26 AP - 00291509 12/23/2009 GRAINGER 909.66 AP-00291509 12;23/2009 GRANGER 18.77 AP - 00391510 (2/23/2009 GRANT ^I, VINCENT 104.00 AP - 00291510 (2/23/2009 GRANT III, VINCENT 104.00 AP - 00291510 12/23!2009 GRANT III. VINCENT 104.00 AP - 00291510 L/23/2009 GRANT III, VINCENT 104.00 AP - (10291510 12/23/2009 GRANT III. VINCENT ~ 104.00 AP - 0029151 I !2/23/2009 GRAPHICS FACTORY PRINTING INC. 751.40 AP - (10291511 12/23/2009 GRAPHICS FACTOR!' PRINTING INC. 21.75 AP - 00291512 13/23/2009 GUARDIAN 3,423.69 AP - 00291513 12!23/2009 HADLEY TOA' 35.00 .4P - 00291514 l2/2i%2009 HAt`4Q-TON, MONIQUE 200.00 AP-00291514 12/23/2009 FIAMILTON,MONIQUg 175.00 .4P-00291515 !2/23/2009 HARALAMBOSBEVERAGECOMPANY 427.50 AP -002915 t5 12/23/2009 HARALAMBOS BEVERAGE COMPANY 338.90 AP - 002915 (6~ 12/23/2009 HDL COREN AND CONE 495.00 AP - 00291517 12!23/2009 HEARTSAVERS LLC 120.00 .4P - 00291918 12/23/2009 HE[LIG, KELLY 3!9.20 AP - 00291519 12/23/2009 1{I STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE LLC. 144.52 AP - 00291519 12/23/2009 HI STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE LLC. 94.42 AP - 00291520 12/23/2009 EIILTI INC 292.66 AP - 00291521 12/23/2009 HINDERLITER DF_ LLAMAS AND ASSOCIATES 1,200.00 AP - 0029152P 12/23/2009 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS AND ASSOCIATES 12,600.50 AP - 00291522 12/23/2009 HOGAN, JULIA ~ 39.98 AP - 00291523 12/23/2009 IiOLGUIN, SYLVIA 500.00 AP - (10291524 12/23/2009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 200.74 AP - 00291524 12/23/2009 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 38.80 AP - 00291525 12/23/2009 HORVATICH. SANDRA 250.00 AP - 00291526 12/23/2009 HOSE M.4N MC 21.66 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 34 Current Date: 12/29!200 ReporP:CK_.4GENDA_ REG_POR'fRAIT _RC - CK; Agenda Check Regisier Portrait La~~out Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P61 Agenda Check Resister 12/9/2009 through 13/28/2009 Check No. Check Date VenAor Name Amount .4P - 00291527 12/23/2009 HOUSE OF RUTH 157.74 AP - 00291527 12/23/2009 HOUSE OF RUTH 155.73 AP - 00291527 12/23/2009 HOUSE OF RUTH 159.24 AP - 00291529 12/23/2009 HOYT LUMBEK CO., SM 33.24 AP - 00291530 12/23/2009 HUMANE SOC[ETl' OF SAN BERNARDINO VALI 100.00 AP - 00291>31 12/23/2009 FIY'DROSCAPE PRODUCTS [NC 5 L61 AP - 00291531 12/23/2009 HYDROSCAPE PROD( (CTS INC 254.53 AP - 00291531 12/23/2009 HYDROSCAPE PRODUCTS [NC 282.80 AP - 00291531 12,'23(3009 HYDROSC.APE PRODUCTS [NC 18.26 AP - (t029li32 12/23/2009 I A A P 25.00 AP - 00291532 12/23/2009 I A A P 25.00 .4P - 0029153' 12/23/2009 f A A P ''_5A0 AP - 00291532 12/23/2009 I A A P 25.00 AP - 00291532 12/23/2009 I A A P 25.00 AP - 00291532 12/231'_009 f A .4 P 25.00 .4P - 00291534 12/23;2009 IIMC 165.00 AP - 00291535 12/23/2009 iN MUSIC BEGINNINGS 250.00 AP - 00291536 12/23/2009 INDUSTRIAL HARDWt1RE AND SERVICE CO 154.43 AP - 0029li37 12/23/2009 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO INC. 354.77 AP - (10291537 12/23!2009 INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO INC 67.46 AP - 00291538 _ ~ 12/23/2009 [NL.AND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTAT[C 1,74 L00 AP - 00291538 12/23/2009 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TR4NSPORT.ATIC 1,8?5.50 AP - 00291538 12/23/2009 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTATK' 4,386.00 AP.- (1039153R' 12/23!2009 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTATIC 1,091.00 AP - 00291540 12/23/2009 INLAND FAIR FIOUS[NG AND MEDIATION BOA( ~ 916.08 .4P = 0029(540 12;23/2009 INLAND FAIR HOUSING AND MEDIATION BOA( 740.18 AP - 00291541 12/23/2009 lNL,4ND PRESORT & ~4AIL[NG SERVICES 90.45 AP - 00291542 I'</23/2009 INLAND VALL.EI' DANCE ACADEMY 396.(10 AP - 00291543 !'_'/23/2009 INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY GROUP 2,180.51 AP - (1039li44 12/23/3009 INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY GROUP 2,180.51 AP - 00291544 1'/23/2009 INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGI' GROUP 1,748.02 AP - 00291544 12/23!2009 fNTE<iRATED TECHNOLOGY GROUP 1,748.03 .4P -00291545 13/23/2009 IRON MULJNTAIN OSUP ~ 1,855.65 AP - 00291547 12/23/2009 JENKO. ERlK.4 200.00 .4P - 00291548 12/'_3/2009 JMJ CONTRACTORS INC 1,836.00 ' AP - 00291548 12/23/2009 .IMJ CONTRACTORS INC 204.00 .4P - (10291548 13/23/2001 ,IMJ CONTRACTORS INC'. -20.40 AP - 00291548 12/23/2009 JMJ CONTRACTORS fNC -183.60 ,4P - 00291549 ! 2/23/2009 JONES AND MAYER, L,AW OFFICES OF 1,899.50 AP-0029!550 12/23/2009 KKWOODWORKING 48.93 AP - 00291551 12/23/2009 KATZ OUTDOOR FITNESS 72.00 AP - 00291551 12/23/'_009 KATZ OUTDOOR FITNESS 182.40 AP - 00291552 12/23/2009 KC PRINTING &. GRAPHICS 9244 , AP - 002915>3 12;2312009 (CENT FIARRIS TRUCKING K MATERIALS 445.31 ,qp _ 00391554 1223/2009 KNIGHT, RONALD' 20.00 AP - 00291555 12/23/2009 K.RC CONSTRUCTION (NC 500.00 AP - 00291556 (2/23/2009 LIEBERT CASSIDY WE{ITMORE 459.30 AP - 00291557 12/232009 LIM, HEATHER 144.00 AP - 00291558 12;232009 L[M5 AUTO INC 38.36 AP - 002915fi0 12/23/2009 MAIN STREET SIGNS 355.61 .4P-00291561 12/23!2009 MANELA,ROSIE 58.21 AP - 0029li62 12/33/2009 MARIPOSA 1-IORT[CULTURAL ENT INC 20.699.! 7 AP - 00291562 12123;2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 37.56 AP - 00291562 12/^_3/2009 MARCPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 141.57 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 35 Cun•ent Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRAIT _RC - Ctk: Agenda Check Registzr Pornait Layout Time: 1422:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P62 A~entla Check Re>rister 12/9!2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amoun[ AP - 00291562 12/23/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 9,71859 / AP - 00291562 12/23/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT [NC 3,988.67 AP-00391562 12!23/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 1,9!0.52 AP - 0029li(i2 12/23/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 8,877.36 Ap _ 00291562 12!23/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 3,754.44 AP - 00291562 12/'_3/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT MC 5;511.22 AP - 00291562 !2/23/2009 MARIPOSA HORTICULTURAL ENT INC 304.52 AP-00291563 12/3i/2009 MARQIIFTTECOMMERCIALFINANCE 1,581.23 AP - 0029156! 12/23/'_009 MASTERCRAFT HOMES 29, 118.30 .4P - 00291565 12/23/2009 METAL. COATERS OF CALIFORNIA 46.66 AP - 00291566 12/23/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 69.15 AP - 00291566 12/23/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 147.33 AP-00291566 !2/23/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 131.34 AP-00291566 12/23/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 355.1$ AP-00291566 12/23/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 617.62 .4P-00291566 12/23/2009 MID WEST TAPE 237.91 AP - 00291566 12/23/2009 MIDWEST TAPE ~ 162.93 AP - 00291566 12/23/2009 MIDWEST TAE'E 72.98 AP - 00291566 12/23/2009 MID WEST TAPE 72.98 .4P-00291566 12/23/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 57.97 AP-00291566 12/2372009 MIDWEST TAPE 35.98 AP-00291566 12/23%2009 MIDWESTT.4PE 50.97 AP - 00291566 12/23/2009 1`-11DWEST TAPE 34.9R AP-00391566 12/23/2009 M[DWESTTAPE 285.34 AP - 00291566 12/33/2009 MIDWEST TAPE 69.99 AP-00291566 12/23/2009 M[DWESTTAPE 246.79 AP - 00291567 12/23/2009 MIKHAIL; HALLA 4.50 ,4P-00391567 12/23/2009 MIKHA[L,HALLA 70.00 .4P - 00291568 (2/23/2009 MILLER, MEGHAN 17.10 AP - 0029t569 !2/23/2009 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC & ELECTRONICS USA IP 520.47 AP - 00291570 12/23/2009 R-tORRIS, RICHARD 279.00 AP - 00291571 12/23/2004 MOST DEPENDABLE FOUNTAINS INC 152.46 AP - 00291572 12/^_3/2009 MRB DEER CREEK CAR WASH 335.00 AP - 00291573 12/23/2009 MUNOZ. JENNIFER ~ _ 60.00 AP - 00291574 12/23/2009 Ml'ERCHIN. NICOLE 849.60 AP - 00291576 12/23/2009 NBS 18.302.16 .4P-00291578 !2/'_3/2009 NIXONEGLIEQUIPMENTCO 205.90 AP-00291579 12/23/2009 O'NEIL.K[p4BERLY 30.00 AP - 00291580 !2/23/2009 OCCUPATIONAL, HEACFH CENTERS OF C.4L,IF0 284.11 AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 283.22 AP - 00291583 12/'_3/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 2524 AP - 0029 (582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 25 24 AP - 0029(582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 16.06 AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 16735 AP - 00291582 !2/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 38924 AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 15.96 .4P - 00291582 !2/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 15.95 AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 28.36 AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 UFFICE DEPOT 2836 AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT '.93 AP - 00291582 12!23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 6627 AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 391.48 AP - 00291582 !2/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 316.42 AP -00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT 100.66 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 3G Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCARIONGA Agenda Check Register (2!92009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12!23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00391582 12/23/2009 OPFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 13/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00^_91882 12/23/2009 OFF[CE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/23/21109 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00'_91582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/'';/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291583 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291552 12/23/3009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291982 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT' AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE. DEPOT .AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP -(1029(582 12/23/^_009 OFFICE DEPOT .AP - 00291582 (2/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT .4P - 00291582 122 3/2009 OFF[CE DEPOT AP - 0029(582 12(232009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/232009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPO'C AP - 00291582 1223/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/232009 'C1FF[CE DEPOT AP-0029[582 1223/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12!23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00_91582 12/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/'_3/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00'_91582 t2/23/^_009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 1223/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00'_'91582 !2/232009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291582 12/33/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AI" - 00391582 12/232009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291932 (2/23/2009 OFFICE DEPOT AP - 00291583 12/23/2009 ONTARIO ~l'INNELSON CO AF' - 00291584 ! 223/2009 01"I. LAURA AP - 0029li84 12/23/2009 OTT, LAURA AP - 00291584 1223/2009 OTT. LAURA AP-00291584 12/23/2009 OTT,LAUR.4 .AP - 0(1291585 !2/23/2009 OTT. SHARON AP - 0029lig9 12/23/2009 OTT, SHARON .4P - (1029 (586 12/23/2009 OTTO, ALYICA AP-00291537 12/23/2009 OWENELECTRICENC AP-0029(588 12/23/2009 PARS AP - 00291589 12/23/2009 PATTON SALES CORP AP-0029!590 1223/2009 PEREZ,ANGELA AP - 00291591 1223/2009 PETTY, V[CKIE AP - 00291593 12/23/2009 PIONEER MANUFACTURING AP-0029[594 1223/2009 P[TNEYBOWES AP - 00291594 l2%232009 P[TNEl' BONES AP - 00291595 12/23/2009 PORAC LEGAL DEFENSE FUND AP-00391596 !2/23/2009 PRAXAIRDISTFt[BUTIONINC AP - 00291597 _ 12232009 PRO-PLANET INDUSTRIAL S(JPPLY User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 37 Report:CK_,4GENDA_REG_POR'PRAI'C_RC - CK:.Agenda Check Register Portrait L,agout P63 Amount 61.55 63.37 13:01 94.83 6.84 31.32 354.13 15.99 -41.86 5.3 8 15.62 15.93 67.22 35.44 83.67 34.62 44.77 304.19 304.19 85.80 37.1 I 16.31 33.96 14.96 104 6 24.09 31.77 8.07 177.07 152.11 150.80 1,337.29 ` 425.79 98.34 136.04 45.46 •392.00 102.50 45.00 225.00 180.00 255.00 60.00 31.54 3,500.(10 107.88 65.50 3.00 48.28 417.76 208.80 120.00 245.66 436.8( Current Dale: 12/29/200 Time: 14:22:2 Check No. Check Date VenAor Name AP - 00291598 L2/2312009 QUAINTANCE, TY AP - 00291599 12/23/2009 Q~VEST AP - 00291601 12/23/2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FAMILY YMCA AP - 00291601 ! 2/23/2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FAMILY YMCA AP - 00291602 12/23/2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA HIGH SCHOOL, AP - 00291603 (2!23/2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA HIGH SCHOOL RENTAL AP - 00291604 12/23/3009 RANDUivf C ENTERPRISES LLC AP - 0(!291604 12/23/2009 RANDOM C ENTERPRISES LLC AP - 00291605 12/23/2009 RBM LOCK .AND KEY- SERVICE AP - 00291605 l ^_/23/2009 RBM LOCK. AND KEY SERVICE AP - 00291605 12/23/2009 R[3M LOCK AND KEY SERVICE AP - 00291606 12/23/2009 REGENCY ENTERPRISES INC. AP-002)1606 12/23/2009 REGF.NCYEN'I'ERPRISES[NC AP - 00291606 12/23/2009 REGENCY ENTERPRISES INC. AP - 0029 f 607 12!23/2009 RESOURCE BU[L,D[NCi MATERL4LS AF - 00291608 12/23/2009 RGA ENVIRONMENTAL 1NC AP - 00291610 12/23/2009 RODR[GUEZ, EllGENIO AP - 002916 L I 12/23/2009 RUSIO, RONDA AP - 00291612 12/23/2009 SAFEWAY SLGN COMPANY AP - 00291613 12/23/2009 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AP - 00291613 12/23/2009 SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AP - 00291614 12123/2009 SAN BERN.4RU1N0 COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT AP - 00291615 12/23/2009 SAN BERNARD[NO COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT AP - 00291616 12/23/2009 SAN BERNARD[NO COUNT)' SHERIFFS DEPT AP - 00291618 1?/23/2009 SAN BERNARU[NO CTY FIRE DEPARTD4ENT AP - 00291619 !2/23/2009 SCHWARTZ, CHERYL AP-00291620 13/33/2009 SENECHAL, CALVIN AP - (10391620 (2/23/2009 . SENECHAL, CALVIN AP - 00291620 1'/2312009 SENECHAL., CALVIN AP - 00291620 12/23/2009 SENECHAL, CALVIN AP-00291620 12723/2009 SENECHAL,CALVIN AP-00291620 12/23/3009 SENECHAL,CALV(N AP - 00291620 12/2.3/2009 SENECHAL, CALVIN AP-00391620 12/23/2009 SENECHAL, CALVIN AP - 00291620 I ^_/23/2009 SENECHAL, CALVIN AI' - 00291620 12/23/2009 SENECHAL, CALVIN AP - 00291621 12/23/2009 SHRED PROS AP - 00291622 12/23/2009 SIGMANET AP - 00291624 12/23/2009 S1L,VER, EDNA AP - 00291624 . 12/23/2009 SILVF.,R, EDNA AP -00291625 12/23/2009 SIMPLOT PARTNERS AP - 00291625 12/23/2009 SIMPLOT PARTNERS AP - 00291625 12/23/2009 SLMPLOT FARTNERS AP - 00291625 12/23/2009 S[MPLOT PARTNERS AP - 00291625 12/23/2009 S1MPL0T FARTNERS AP - 00291625 12/23/2009 SIMPLOT PARTNERS AP - 00291625 12/23/2009 S[MPLOT PARTNERS AP - 00291625 12/23/2009 SIMPLOT PARTNERS ~ . AP - 00291626 12/23/2009 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY AP - 00291627 (2/33/2009 SO CALIF MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC FED INC AP-0029(632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERNCALiFORNIAEDISON AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON AP - 00291632 L2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON AP - 00291632 12/2312009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 38 Report:Cl{_AGENDA_REG _PORT'RA1T _RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrai[ L.ayoui CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A>Tenda Check Reeister 12/9/2009 through !2/28/2009 Amount 34.50 5.67 4s7.oo 2,433.32 500.00 500.00 375.00 375.00 7.61 30.45 24.47 686.52 46.29 614.42 888.67 3,320.00 960.00 450.00 324.68 I ,718.00 72625 16152 2.78622 2,646.41 457.00 2>0.00 e 122.40 108.00 (r 1 20 18.00 103 20 30.00 78.60 23.00 70.80 21.00 65.00 6, 800.00 480.00 440.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 620.00 625.65 L404.31 10.52 45.00 22.33 20.89 21.78 3224 P64. Current Dale: (2/29/200 Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P65 Agenda Check Rel~ister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 20.89 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOlfTF1ERN CALIFORNIA EDiSON 23.00 AP - 00391632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 20.89 AP - 00291632 12/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.88 AP - 00'_91632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 68.17 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 20.22 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 22.24 AP-00291632 l2/^_3/2009 SOUTHERNCALIFORN[AED[SON 58.93 AP - 00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED150N 45.00 AP - 00291632 (2/23/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L,IFORNIA ED[SON 23.65 AP - 0029!632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 22.24 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 78.33 AP - 0029(632 1.2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 56.08 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CAL,IFORN[A ED[SON 22.24 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SUUTHERN CALIFURN[A EDISUN 33.08 .4P - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORN[A EDISON 7258 AP-0029(632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 2L57 AP - 00291632 12/1.3/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 2221 AP-0029((,32 12/23/'_009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 99.30 AP-00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON 20.89 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 2 L78 AP - 00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 2658 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2426 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTF[GRN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ~ 27.91 AP - 00291632 (2/232009 SOITHERN CALIFORNIA EDtSON 30.44 AP - 00''91632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 60.82 AP - 00291632 1223/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON 119.68 AP-00291633 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON 2731 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 58.99 AP - 00'_91632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 28.99 AP - 00291632 12/'_32009 SOUTHERN G4LlPURN[A EDISUN 25.17 AP - 00291632 12/23/2004 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 24.92 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORNL4 EDISUN 36.83 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOIJT'HERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 123.06 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 228.65 AP - 00'_91632 12232009 SOUTHERN CAL[FURN[A EDISUN 86.73 .4P-00291632 12/23/2009 SOIJTHERNCAL,IFURNIAED[SUN 110.96 AP- 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 13:25 AP-0029163? 1223/2009 SOIITHERNC;ALLFORMAED[SON 2398 AP-00291632 12/232009 SOUTHERNCALIFORN[AEDISON 2224 AP-00291632 1223/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON '4.92 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 32.73 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 28.27 AP - 00291632 1223/2009 SOLTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.86 .4P - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 71.55 AP-00291632 1223/2009 SOUTHERNC.AL[FORNL4ED[SON 110.45 .4P-00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON 1,08033 AP - 00291632 ~ 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIPORN[A~ EDISUN 1,984.97 ,4P - 00291632 12/232009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 26.83 AP-00291(,32 1223/2009 SOUTHERNCAL[FORNIAEDI5UN 52.33 AP - 00291632 12232009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNLA ED[SON 2022 AP - 00291632 1223/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 44.64 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFURNIA EDISUN 22.24 AP - 00291632 12/232009 SOU"1'I-(:ERN CALIFURNIr1 EDISUN 60.92 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pace: 39 Current Dale: !2/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PURTRAIT _RC - CR: Ageuda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CTTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P66 A>renda Check Rezrister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Dale Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 42.84 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOlTHERN C.4L[FORN[A EDISON 25.1 ~ AP-00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 2224 AP-00291632 (2/23/2009 SUUTHERNCAL[FORNIAEDISON 113.07 AP-OU'_91632 12!23/"_'009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 107.16 AP-00291632 12/23/2009 SUUTHEKNC.4LIFORNIAEDISON 536.41 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOIJ"I•HERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2>2.39 AP - 00291632 12/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNL4 EUISON 22.RR AP - 00'_91632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CAL[FORNL4 EDISON 110.38 .4P - 00291633 12/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 64.66 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 110.18 .4P-00291632 12/23/2009 SOIJTHERNCAL,IFORNIAEDISON 8395 AP-00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 22.24 .4P - 0029163' 12/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 9095 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 143.34 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 92.48 ' AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2237 .4P-00291632 12/23!2009 SOUTHERNCAL,IFORNIAEDISON 1,065.44 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 73.30 .4P - 0039163"' 12/23;2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.21 AP-00291632 12/23/2009 SOCITHERNCALIFORN[AEDISON 21.57 AP-(1029163'_ 12/23/2009 SOUTI-IF.RNCAL,IFORNIAEnISON 2221 AP - 00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.57 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 61.13 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 54.33 .4P - 0029163'_ 12!23!2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 20.89 AP - 00291632 12/33/2009 SOCTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.21 AP - (10391632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ~ 109.22 AP - 00291632 (2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 141.18 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 92.59 AP-00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERNC,4LIFURN[AEDISON 1692R AP - 00291632 12/23/3009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22= 7 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON 20.89 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 5262 AP - 00291632 12/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22~'-4 AP-00'_91632 12/23!2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAEDISON 79.10 AP-0(1291632 12/23/2009 SOIJTHERNCAL,IFORN[AEDISON 140.18 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.13 .4P - 00291632 12/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN C.4L[FORNIA ED[SON 21.57 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2224 AP - 0(129163'_' 13/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON .80.04 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 32.97 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.13 AP - 00291632 12/23/'_009 SOUTHERN CAUFORN[A EDISON 2237 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN G~LIFORNIA EDISON 21.57 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 59.45 AP-00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERNCAC.IFORNIAEDISON 6322 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 85.59 .4P - (10291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 19.55 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 63.17 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 74.98 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 77.61 AP - (10291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 2221 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN C,AL[PORN[A EDISON 2246 Clser VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 40 Current Dale: 1 212 9/2 0 0 Report:CK_AC;ENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T RC - CK: Agenda C:heok Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22? CITY OF -RANCHO CUCAMONGA P67 Asenda Check Resister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291632 !2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 20.89 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.02 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.65 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORN[A EDISON 776.21 AP - 00291632 12/23/3009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 610.62 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN C.4LIFORN[A EDISON 348.91 AP -(10'_91632 12/23/2004 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 65.06 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON 2224 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOLPf HERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2224 AP - 0029163'_' 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2224 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.26 .4P - 00291632 1'_/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.57 AP - 00291632 12/23/'009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 144.03 .4P - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN C;.4LIFORNIA EDISON 74.26 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 29.28 AP - 0(1291633 1'_/'_3/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON G5.06 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISUN 44.95 AP - 00291633 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 229.53 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 33.33 .4P - 00391632 ! 2/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 4883 AP - 0029!632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 23.L3 AP - 0029163^_ !2 /2 312 0 0 9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON ~ 2224 AP - 0029 L632 12/33/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 13.00 AP-0029(632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON 22.24 AP-0029(632 12/23/2009 SOUTIIERNCALIFORMAEDISON 22.24 AP-(1029(632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAED[SON 4731 AP - 00291632 12!23/2009 SOLITLIERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 79. T= AP - 00'_'91632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 21.83 AP - 00291632 12/'_;/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EU[SON 75.10 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 43.81 AP - 00291632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~ 47.88 AP - 0029(632 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 62.20 AP - 00291634 12/23/2009 SOU"LHL.4ND SPORTS OFFICIALS 966.00 AP - 00'_91634 (2/23/3009 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 184.00 AP - 00291635 12/23/2009 SPOONFACTORY 210.00 AP-00291636 12!23/2009 STEEL WORKERSOLDTIMERSFOUNDAT[ON 1,248.01 AP -00291636 12/23/2009 STEELWORKERS OLDTIMERS FOUNDATION 939.16 . AP - 00291638 12/23/2009 TANNER RECOGNITION COMPANY, O C 319.45 .4P - 00291638 12Y23/2009 TANNER RECOGNITION COMPANY, O C 618.03 AP - 0029(641 12/23/2009 -THEATRE COMPANY, THE 4,379.31 AP - 00291642 12/23;2009 TOBIN, RENEE 60.50 AP - 0029!643 12/23/2009 TOMARK SPORTS [NC 365.95 .4P - 00291644 12/23/2009 TUNCAY, BARBARA 2,300.00 AP - 00291645 12/23/2009 UNION BANG OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 50,477.09 AP - 00291646 12/23/2009 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P, 280.12 AP - 00291646 12/23/2009 UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA TRUSTEE FOR P. 3,22 L28 AP - (10291647 12/23/2009 CINIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC. 452.00 AP - 00291649 12/23/2009 UTI 734.05 AP - 00291650 .12/23/2009 VERIZON BUSINESS 1,779.00 AP-00291651 12/23/2009 V[CK,LINDA 1,000.00 AP - 00391652 12/23/2009 VILLAGE NURSERCES WHOLESALE LLC 35.50 AP - 00291653 12/23/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 323.28 AP - 00291653 12/23/2009 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 32.89 AP - 00291653 12/23/2009 N%ALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 116.52 User. VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 41 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait La;~out Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P68 A><enda Check Resister 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name ~ Amount AP - 00291653 12/23/2009 WAITERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 233. 03 AP - 00291653 12/23/2009 WAITERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 93. 44 AP - 00291653 12/23/2009 WAITERS R'HOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 156. 49 .4P - 00291654 12/23/2009 WARREN & CO INC, CARL 113. 95 AP - 00291655 12/23/'_009 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 1,117. 52 AP-00291656 .!2/23/2009 WEIR,JEWEL.L 540. 00 AP - 00^_91657 12/23/2009 WEST COAST TURF 410. 77 AP - 00291657 l2/2~i2009 WEST COAST TURF 527. 45 AP-0029165R 12/23/2009 WESTGOVERNII4ENTSERVICES 25. 00 .4P-00291659 !2/23/2009 WESTERN ARTS ALLIANCE 400. 00 AP - 00291660 12/2312(109 WHITTIER FERTILIZER 532. 88 .4P - 00291660 12/23/2009 WHITTIER FERTILIZER - ~ 652. 50 AP - 00291661 12/23/3009 WRIGHT, CHARLES 100. 00 .4P - 00291662 12/23!2009 l'ANCY; MICHELLE 495. 81 AP - 00291663 12/23/3009 ZEE MEDICAL [NC 141. 89 .4P - 0(1291664 12/23/2009 ZIRGES, AKLENF_ 180. 00 AP-00291664 12/23/2009 ZIRGES,ARLENE (80. 00 .4P - 00291664 12/23/2009 Z[RGES, ARLENE 252. 00 AP - 00291665 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 46,724. 15 AP - 00291665 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 45,059. 45 AP - 00291665 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EUISON 16,558. 53 AP - 00291665 12!23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 5,709. 84 AP-00291(,65 12/23/2009 SOUTHERNCAL[FORNIAEDISON 12,907. 45 AP - 00291665 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 3,570. 66 AP - 00291665 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 8,870. 35 AP - 00291665 12/23/2009 SOlTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 4,197. 94 AP - 00291(,65 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN C.AL[FORN[A EDISON 15,633. 73 AP - 00291665 12/23/2009 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ED[SON 11,273. 49 AP - 00291671 12/"'3/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36. 32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON W1RC-.LESS - LA 36 38 .4P-00291671 12/'_3/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA 32. 81 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L,4 62. 94 AP - 00291671 12/'_3/2009 VEKIZON \VRELESS - LA 45. 01 AP - (10291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L,4 .36 32 .4P-(10291671 1"_'/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 30. 50 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 0. 00 AP - 00291671 !2/23/2009 VERIZ.ON WIRELESS - LA 36. 44 AP-00291671 12/23!2009 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA 45. 01 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER.IZON WIRELESS - LA 121. 69 AP - 00291671 12/23/2(109 VERIZON WIR.EL,ESS - LA 55. 15 AP - 00291671 ~ 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 42. 31 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA 47. 31 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 70 72 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 41. 32 AP-00291671 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 64. 55 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA -55. 86 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 0. 00 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON N'[RELESS - LA 70 72 AP - 00291671 11/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36. 32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 38. 06 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36 32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON VIRELESS - LA 69 .17 AP - (10391671 1<%23;2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 44. 73 AP - 00291671 12/33/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA ---------` ----- 36. ------------ 32 ---- --- -- -- --- ------ User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 42 Current Date : 12/29/200 Report:Ck_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Porn~ait Layout Time: 1422:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ALenda Check Re;[ister 12/9/2009 Chrough (2/28/2009 Check No. ~ Check Date Vendor Nmne Amount AP - (10291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 44.77 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 44.73 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 39.04 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3632 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3632 .4P-00291(,71 12/23/2009 VERt7.ON WIRELESS-LA 41.31 AP - 00291671 12.123/2009 VERIZON N'LRELESS - LA 44.73 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.A 44.73 AP - 0029(671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 .4P - 00291671 !2/23!2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L,A 3052 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA 36.32 .4P-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZONW[RELESS-LA 62.84. AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 V ERIZON WIRELESS - LA >9.81 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.A 59.81 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 4239 AP-00291671 (2/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA -23.11 AP - 00291671 L/23/2009 VER[ZON R'IRELESS - LA 59.95 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 6133 AP - 00291(,71 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 59.81 .4P - 00291ti71 (2/23/2009 VERFZON WIRELESS - LA 72.68 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP -(10291(171 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA -1.45 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERLZUN WIRELESS-LA 4L31 ,4P - 00291671 12/23/20(19 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.01 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZONWIRELESS-LA -1.45 AP - 00291671 !2!23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA ~ 4233 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5 L3l AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.4 '38.57 AP - 00291671 12!23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.A 4280 AP - 00291671 (2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.A 42.65 AP-0029(671 12/23/2009 VEItIZONWIRELESS-L.A 37.64 AP-00291671 (2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 36.32 AP-0029167( 12;23/2009 VERIZ•ON WIRELESS-L.A 38.56 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERILON W(RELE.SS - LA 39.81 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRECESS-L.A 30.50 AP-0029(671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 36.32 AP-00291671 12/2312009 VERIZON WIRECESS-LA ~ 36.32 AP - 00'_91671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 30.50 AP - 00291671 (2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 (2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3050 AP - 00291671 (2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 \BRIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3632 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERLZUN WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3632 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 72.29 AP - 00291671 (2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3632 AP - 00291671 12/2;/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 38.24 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L,A 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 P69 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 43 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENOA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OE RANCHO CUCAMONGA P70 Agenda Check Reeister 2/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291671 12./23%2009 V'ERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 72.45 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3632 AP-0029167( !3/23/2009 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA 49.85 AP - 00291671 12/23!2009 VERiZON WIRELESS - LA 33.49 AP - (10291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 36.34 AP - 00291671 12/23/3009 VERIZUN \\'IRELESS - LA 32.99 AP - 00291671 12/33/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 40.93 AP-00291671 12/23'2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS-LA 3931 AP -00291671 12`23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 46.59 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 51.93 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 40.18 AP - 00291671 (2/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 122.34 AP - 00291671 13232009 VERiZON WIRELESS - LA 3656 AP-0029(671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS-LA 3y31 .4P - 00291671 12/23!2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 4492 AP - 00291671 12;23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 41.56 AP - (10291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN W [RECESS - LA 48.59 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 43.83 AP - 00391671 12/23!2009 VER[ZON W [RECESS - LA 45.49 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA ~ 49.97 .4P - 00291671 12(2 x!2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA ` 3550 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS-LA 35.50 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WLRELESS - LA 38.21 AP - 0029!671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 35.50 AP - 00291671 (2/23;2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 3550 .4P-00291C71 12/23/2009 VER[ZUNWIRELESS-LA 35.50 AP - 00391671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WLRELESS - LA 41.32 AP - 00291671 1"_'/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 3550 AP-00'_91671 12123(2009 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA 3632 AP-00291671 12/232009 VERIZONWIRELESS-LA 3550 AP - 0029(671 12./23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 35.50 AP - 00291671 I ^_23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 53.47 AP - 0(1291671 12232009 V ERIZON W [RECESS - LA 39.81 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN R'IRELESS - LA 78.51 AP - 00291671 12./232009 V ERIZON WIRELESS - LA 56.61 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - L.A 40.61 AP - 0029 (671 12/23!2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 39.81 .4P - 002916 i I (2/232009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 39.31 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 51.55 AP-(1029167! ('_'/23/2009 VF.,RIZON WIRELESS-LA 40.06 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3931 .4P - 00291671 1'_/23/2009 VER[ZON WLRELESS - LA 41.06 AP - 00291671 12/23/_009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5238 AP - 00291671 1223/2009 VERLZON WIRELESS - LA 99.40 AP - 00291671 1223/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 4122 AP - (10291671 12/232009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 39.31 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 62.86 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 38.31 AP - 00291671 12/232009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 392R AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 39.31 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - (10291671 12232009 VERIZUN WIRELESS - LA 48.60 AP - 00291671 1?/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 46.55 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pace: 44 Current Dale: 12/29/200 ReportrCK_AGENDA _REG_PORTRAI T_RC - CK:.Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P71 Asenda Check Resister 12/9(2009 through 12/'8(2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name ~ Amount AP - 00291671 12123/2009 \%ERIZON WIRELESS - LA 4730 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 ~ VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 50.14 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 64.98 AP - 00291671 12/'312009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.30 AP - 00'_91671 12/23/2009 V ERIZON N%IRELESS - LA 48.80 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 42.31 AP - 00291671 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 42.31 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON W[REL.ESS - LA 42.31 AP - (10291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.4 4231 AP - (10291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 42.31 AP - 0029 (671 12/23!2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 4231 AP - 00291671 1'_/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 38.31 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 V'ERfZON VIRELESS - LA 37.56 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 58.16 AP - 00291671 !2/23/'_(109 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 33.49 AP-(10291671 12/23/2009 VERI7.ONWIRELESS-LA 36.34 AP-0029167[ 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 36.32 AP - (10291671 12/2 3/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 0.07 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON R'IRELESS - LA 20.06 .4P - 00291671 ! 2/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 43.30 AP - 0029!671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP-00291671 12(23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 45.01 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.01 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/33/2009 V'ERIZON WIRELESS - LA 18.96 .4P - (10291671 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 59.81 AP - 00291671 !2/'_3/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.01 AP - (10291671 [2/23;'_009 V ERIZON WIRELESS - LA 18.96 AP - 00291671 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 30.52 AP - 00'_91C>71 !2/23/2009 VERILON WIRELESS - LA 43.44 AP - 00291671 13/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 54.SR AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.46 AP - 0029 (671 12/'_3/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 44.51 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.01 .4P-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 45.01 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 .4P - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 49.21 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 30.66 AP-00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRF..LESS-L.A 36.32 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.01 AP-00291671 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 36.32 AP-00291671 !2!23/2(109 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 45.01 AP - (10291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 45.01 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 41.31 .4P - 00291671 12123/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 0.00 AP - 00291671 !2/23/2009 V'ERIZON WIRELESS - LA 4 L43 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 3(1.32 AP - 0029 tG71 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 30.50 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA ~ 46.32 AP - 00291671 1223/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA 36.32 AP - 00291671 12,'23 /2009 VERIZON W[RC-LESS - L.4 37.31 AP - 00291671 12/232009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L:A 36.32 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pave: 45 Curren[ Date: 12/29200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PORTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 12/9!2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name AP - 0029! 671 12;2312009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.4 AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VER[ZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12!23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP-0029(671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS-L,4 AP - 0(1291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS.- LA AP - 00291671. 12/23/2009 VERIZON R%IRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23!2009 VGRIZON R'IRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON A%1RELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 \'ERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - L.A AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA .4P - 00291671 ! 2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00'_91671 !2/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23/2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00291671 12/23(2009 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA AP - 00291673 ~ 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VEP.IZON .4P - 110291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12!23!2009 V ERIZON AP - 00291673 I2i'23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON AP - (10291673 !2123/2009 VGRIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON .4P - 00291673 12,23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON AP-00291673 I2%23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 ('_/23/2009 VER[ZON AP-00391673 12/23/3009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VERILON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VEkIZON AP-0039(673 12.!23'2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 L/23/2009 VERIZON AP-00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP-00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON AP-002~i1673 13/23/2009 VERIZON AP-00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON .4P-00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12(23/2009 VER[ZON AP-00291673 12!23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON AP-00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12%23/2009 V ER[ZON .4P - 00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON AP-00291673 12;23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 l2%23/2009 VERIZON AP - 00291673 12/23/2009 VER[ZON AP-00291673 12/23/2009 V%ERIZON AP - 0029 (674 12/23/2009 Verizon P72 Amount 36.32 41.31 39.93 42.51 36.32 36.32 61.16 37.90 36.32 36.32 43.90 36.32 36.32 37.07 3 8.3 I 3>.50 1OL71 94.10 40.59 s8.17 93:28 85.29 18.80 41.72 182R 18.28 35.48 114.94 147.00 52.50 5250 20.12 160.14 43.59 4059 9328 670.67 169.43 20. L 2 40.98 76.06 25.53 54.45 93.28 9328 18.25 41.72 41.72 SSS6 19.00 39.05 40.59 47b.85 28.12 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 4G Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CF:: Agenda Check Register Por[rait C,ayout Cun•en[ Date: 12/29/200 Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P73 At<enda Clteck Register 12/9/2009 through l2/2S/2009 Check Ho. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291675 12!23/2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS 27.19 AP-0029(675 12/23/2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS 52.19 AP - (10291675 !2/23/2009 ABC LOCKSA4[THS 180.41 AP - 00291675 12/23/2009 ABC LOCKSMCfHS 27.19 AP-0029(675 12/23/2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS 67.43 AP - 00291675 12/23!2009 .46C LOCKSMITHS 163.13 AP - 00291675 12/23/2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS 11.96 . AP - 00291675 ~ 13/23/2009 .4BC LOCKSMITHS 43.50 AP - 00291675 12/23!2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS 27.19 AP-00291675 l^_/23/2009 ABC LOCKSMITHS ~ 135.20 AP - 00291678 12/23/3009 BRUDART BOOKS 16.63 .4P - 00291678 1''/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS ~ 1 `~~`)5 AP - 00291678 12/23/'_009 BRODART BOOKS 16.50 AP-00291678 1"!/23/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 1834 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 14.70 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 27.80 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 20.22 AP - (10291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 13.53 AP - 00290678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.~1 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 ' AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 4059 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.51 AP-00291678 12/23/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 4.~1 ' AP - 0029 LG78 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 11.20 AP - 0029(678 12,23/20(19 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 18.04 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4' I AP-00291678 . 12/23/2009 BROD.4RTBOOKS ~ 4.~1 AP - 00291678 12!23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 6.69 AP-00291678 12/23/2009 BROD.4RTBOUKS .58.18 AP-00'_91678 12/23/'009 BRODARTBOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291678 12/23!2009 BRODART BOOKS 13.3 AP - (10291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 0029L678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 4.51 AP-00291678 12/23/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 4.~1 AP-00291678 12/23/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291678 12/'_3/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 16.50 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 17.61 AP - 00291678 I?/23/2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS I5.(i2 AP-00291678 12/23/2009 BRODARTBOOI<S 3438 AP - 00291678 12/23!2009 BRUDART BOOKS 19.95 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 6.84 .4P - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 9.60 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 16.63 .4P - 0029! 678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 68.91 AP - 0029 (678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 21.49 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 14.67 AP-0029[678 12/23/2009 BROUARTBOOICS 13.SG AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 262.16 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 14.14 .4P - 00291678 !2/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 73.41 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009. BRODART BOOKS 31 ?0 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Pa<pe: 47 Current Date: !2/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_ REG_PURTRA[ T_RC - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agenda Check Register 12/9/2009 through 12/28/2009 Check. No. Check hate Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 100.19 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 34 26 AP - 00291678 12/23!2009 BRUDART BOOKS 80.86 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS t 1.~Z AP - 00291678 12/23/3009 BRODART BOOKS 90.76 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUUART BOOKS ~ ~ 22.47 AP-00291678 12!23/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 2332 .4P - 00291678 12/2312009 6RODART BOOKS 4 L07 AP - 00291!>7R 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 16.41 ,4P - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 137.82 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 18.55 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS ~ 2932 AP - 00291678 12/23!2009 BRUDART BOOKS 14.14 AP - 00291678 12/23!2009 BRODART BOOKS 98.72 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 14.67 .4P - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 31.20 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 16.41 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 14.67 AP - 00291673 12/23/2(109 BRUDART BOUT{S 47x8 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 4.~1 AP - 00291678 12/23!2009 BRUDART BOOKS 9.02 AP - 00291678 12/2;!2009 BROD.4RT BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS I x.82 AP - 00291678 !2/23;2009 BRUDART BOOKS RO.R6 AP - 0029(678 12123/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 13.48 AP - 00291 (i7R 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 11.52 AP - 00291(,78 12;23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 53.07 AP-0029(678 12/23/2009 BRODARTBOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291678 12/23Y2009 BROC)ART BOOKS ~ 451 AP - 00291678 12/23x'2009 BRUDART BUURS ~ 24.58 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOC7KS 6.69 AP - 00291C>78 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 6.69 AP - 00291678 12/'_'3/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUUART BOOKS 4.~ I AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS I L20 ,4P - 00291678 12/23;2009 BRUDART BOOKS 10.7' AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 31.78 ~ AP - (10291678 12/23/2009 BRODART BOOKS 14.70 AP - 00291678 12/23!"_'009 BRUDART BOOKS 13.53 .4P - 00291678 12/'_3/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 4S1 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 44.6 AP - (10291678 12/23!2009 BRUDART BOOKS 4.51 AP - 00291678 12;23!2009 BRODART BOOKS 67.71 AP-!10291678 12/23/2009 BROD.4RTBUOKS 4.~1 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 308.43 .4P - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 34.04 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 10.75 AP - 00291678 12/23!2009 BRUDART BOOKS ~ 190.46 AP - 00291678 12/23/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 6.84 AP - 00291678 12/2 3/2009 BRUDART BOOKS 9.60 AP - 00291679 12/23/2009 CALSENSE 331.95 AP - 00291680 12/23!2009 COMP U ZONE 183.79 AP - 00291681 12/23/2009 COMP U ZONE 50.00 P74 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez _ Page: 48 Current Date: 1 2 /2 9120 0 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PURTRAIT_FZC - CK: Agenda Checl< Register Portrait Layout Timc: 14:22:2 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Acenda Check Register P75 12/9!2009 through 12/28/2009 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Amount AP - 00291681 !2/23/2009 COMP U ZONE 127.50 AP - 00291681 12/33/2009 COMP LI ZUNE 162.58 .4P - 00^_9165 l 12/23/2009 COMP U ZONE 35.00 AP - 00291681 12/23/2009 COMP UZONE - 85.00 AP - 00291681. (2/23/2009 COMP U ZONE 35.00 AP - 00291681 ` 12/23/2009 COMP U ZONE 8.00 AP - 00291681 12/23/2009 COMP U ZONE 85.00 AP - 00291681 12/23/2009 COMP U 7,ONE 8.00 AP - 00''91651 12!23/2009 COQ-iP U ZONE 70.69 AP -00291681 12/23/2009 COMP CI ZONE 8.00 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMC>NGA VALLEY WATER. DISTRICT 2,620.96 AP-00291683 (2/23/2009 CUCAh10NGA VALLEY WA'CER DISTRICT 910.45 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY. WATER. DISTRICT 397.47 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 298.20 AP - 00291653 12%23/2009 CUCA(\tONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 83.40 AP-00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONCiAVALLEYWA'CERDISTRICT 154.48 AP - 00291683 12.23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 46.98 .AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 174.57 AP - 00291653 12!23/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEI' WATER UISTRICT 201.57 AP -.00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ~ 156.10 AP-00291683 12!23/2009 CUCAMONG.4VALLEYW.ATERDISTRICT 10(.40 AP - 00391683 12!23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 101.39 AP - 00291(,83 (2/23/2009 CCJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 195.69 AP-00291683 !2/23/2009 CCICAMONGAVALLEI'WATERUISTRICT '-04.21 AP - 00291683 12!23/2009 CCJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 150.42 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER UISTRICT 1,253.95 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1;448.63 AP - 00^_91683 12/2_ /2009 CIfCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 128.90 AP-00291683 12123!2009 CIJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 288.05 AP-00291GS3 !2/23/2009 CUCA1vtONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT 136A1 AP - 00291683 12/'_3/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 184.32 AP-00'91683 12/23/2009 .000AMONCiA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 400.31 AP - 00291683 (2/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 54.08 AP-0029I6S3 12(23/2009 CUCAMONGAVAC.LEYWATERDISTRICT 45.29 AP -00291683 !_/23/2009 C'UCAMONGA VALLEY WATER UISTRICT 300.84 AP - 00291653 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 128.93 .4P - 00291683 (2/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 3,49257 AP - 0029I6S3 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER. DISTRICT 1,064.96 AP - 0029168s 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 147.57 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ~ 153.06 AI' - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRIC'( 136.01 AP - 00291683 (2/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 308.15 AP-00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRLCT (97.11 AP-0029f6S3 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGAVALLEYWATERDISTRICT 43726 AP - 00391683 12!23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 100.68 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 39.87 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 624.83 AP - 00291683 12/23;2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 532.47 .4P - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 198.53 AP-00291683 t2/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 2,854.84 AP - 00'_'91683 (2/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 7572 AP - 00291(83 !2/23/2009 CIJCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 73.60 AP - 00^_91683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER U[STRIC'i' - 73.60 AP - 00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONG.4 VALLEI' WATER DISTRIC 73.60 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 49 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRA[T_RC - CI{: Agenda Check Register Portrait L.ayoui Time: 14:222, C[TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Agettda Check Register 12/9/2009 through I^_/28/2009 Check lVo. Check Date Vendor Natne - Amount AP - 00291683 ! 2/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VAC.LEY WATER DISTRICT 4,20053 AP - 00291633 12/23/2009 CUCAh10NGA VALLEI' WATER DISTRICT 92.61 AP-00291683 12/23/2009 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 10524 AP-00291683 12/23/2009 CtJCAMONGAVALLEYWATERDiSTRICT 49.82 AP-00291683 12/23/2009 CUCA<,10NGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 249.69 AP - 00291684 12/23/2009 DAPPER. TIRE CO 619.78 AP - 00291684 12/23/'!009 U.4PPER TIRE CO 237.77 AP-00291685 ('_'/23/2(109 FAfRVIEWFORU 19;L4R.R0 AP - 00291686 12/23/2009 REPUBLIC ITS 2,015.00 .4P - 00291686 12/23/2009 REPUBLIC ITS 1,950.00 AP - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN L.4NUCARE ~54A4 ,4P - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE' 383.21 AP - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN 1.,ANUCARE ~ 19,806.93 .4P - 00291687 ! 2/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 496.4 AP - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 2,556.32 .4P - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE X7.34 AP - 00291(,87 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN L.4NUCARE 16.286.42 AP - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 65,897.32 AP - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE ~ ~ 23,>4 L07 .4P-00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 4,511.68 AP - 00291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN I~4NDCARE 988.44 AP - (10291687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 11,14729 AP - 00291687 !2/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 2,62837 AP - 00^_91687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE ~ 6,838.56 AP - 0029!637 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 10,767.74 .4P - 00'_'91687 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 3:028.30 AP - 00291637 12/23/2009 TRUGREEN L:INUCARE 3,395.60 AP-00391(188 (2/23/2009 TWTELECOM ~4,O10.98 Total for Check ID AP: 3,I46,095A4 EP - (10000772 12/9/2009 BLACK R VEATCFI CORP 6,150.00 EP-00000773 12/9/2009 FORTISTARh4ETHANEGROUPLLC 81,884.60 EP - 00000773 12/9/2009 FORTI5TAR METHANE GROIIP LLC 54,281.22 EP - 00000774 12/9/2009 MICHAEL, L. DENN[S 271.70 EP - 0000(1775 12/9/2009 SHELL ENERGY NORTH AMERICA 217,798.02 EP - 00000775 12/9;2009 SHELL ENERGY NORTH .4b1ERICA -71:348.42 EP-00000775 12/9/2009 SHELL ENERGY NORTH AMERICA 4,500.00 EP - 00000776 12/16/2009 VERNON, CITY OF 175,066.75 Total for Check ID EP: 468,603.87 Total for Entity: 3.614,698.91 P76 User: VLOPEZ -Veronica Lopez Page: 50 Current Date: 12/29/200 Report:Cik_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_RC - CK: A,enda Check Register Portrait Layout Time: 14:222 STAFF REPORT J - ~'~ PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEP~1RTbIENT '~ r RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 cUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Jeff Barnes, Parks Maintenance Superintendent Michael Maston, Assistant Engineer Subject: APPROVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR "RED HILL PARK COBBLESTONE INSTALLATION" AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE THE "NOTICE INVITING BIDS" TO BE FUNDED FROM PD 85 REDEMPTION FUND RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the specifications for "Red Hill Park Cobblestone Installation" be approved and authorize the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids" to be funded from PD 85 Redemption Fund. BACKGROUND ANALYSIS The area behind the amphitheatre has become an area for park visitors to hang out and walk to the lake's edge. The large amount of foot traffic in this area has caused the plant material to deteriorate and die. Replanting of vegetation has been tried several times; however, it has been unsuccessful in maintaining the landscape due to the high pedestrian traffic. Currently the area is unsightly and basically bare ground. The cobblestone project will provide two improvements to the area, 1) the cobblestones will make the area more aesthetically pleasing and 2) the cobblestone will prevent soil from eroding into the lake. The estimated cost of $50,000 will be funded by PD 85 Redemption Fund. (Resp ~~yy~~u{{ll~~y~~S~i bmitted, William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director P77 BW:JB P78 RESOLUTION NO. ~~-DO/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RED HILL PARK COBBLESTONE INSTALLATION AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council to construct certain improvements in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council has prepared specifications for the construction of certain improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the specifications presented by the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council be and are hereby approved as the specifications for the "RED HILL PARK COBBLESTONE INSTALLATION". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for doing the work specified in the aforesaid specifications, which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to wit: "NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS" Pursuant to a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino County, California, directing this notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that said City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council will receive at the OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IN THE OFFICES OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ON OR BEFORE THE HOUR OF 2:00 P.M. ON February 16, 2010 sealed bids or proposals for "RED HILL PARK COBBLESTONE INSTALLATION" in said City. Bids will be publicly opened and read in the office of the City Clerk, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91730. A Pre-Bid Job Walk is scheduled for Monday, February 8, 2010, at 9:00 a.m.-at Red Hill Park, 7484 Vineyard Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, California, 91730, where bidders may present questions regarding the Bid Documents: Plans, Proposals, Specifications. THIS MEETING IS MANDATORY. Verification of.attendance at the Pre-Bid Job Walk will be documented by signing in at the meeting. Any bidder not documented as being present at the Pre-Bid Job Walk will be excluded from the bid process. Bids must be made on a form provided for the purpose, addressed to the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council, California, marked, "BID FOR RED HILL PARK COBBLESTONE INSTALLATION." PREVAILING WAGE: Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Articles 1 and 2, the Contractor is Resolution No. P79 PAGE 3 required to pay not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. In that regard, the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of California is required to and has determined such general prevailing rates of per diem wages. Copies of such prevailing rates of per diem wages are on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and are available to any interested party on request. The Contracting Agency also shall cause a copy of such determinations to be posted at the job site. Pursuant to provisions of Labor Code Section 1775, the Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, not more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed for each calendar day or portion thereof, if such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the general prevailing rate of wages hereinbefore stipulated for any work done under the attached contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provision of said Labor Code. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the Contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval.. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: ' 1. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request of certificate, or 2. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or 3. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or 4. When the Contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticable trade on such contracts and if other Contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The Contractor and subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Resolution No. PAGE 4 Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Eight (8) hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work for all workmen employed in the execution of this contract and the Contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with and be governed by the laws of the State of California having to do with working hours as set forth in Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the State of California as amended. The Contractor shall forfeit, as a penalty to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each laborer, workman, or mechanic employed in the execution of the contract, by him or any subcontractor under him, upon any of the work hereinbefore mentioned, for each calendar day during which said laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8) hours in violation of said Labor Code. Contractor agrees to pay travel and subsistence pay to each workman needed to execute the work required by this contract as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed in accordance with Labor Code Section 17773.8. P80 The bidder must submit with his proposal, cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bidder's bond, payable to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of said bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the proposed contract if the same is awarded to him, and in event of failure to enter into such contract said cash, cashier's check, certified check, or bond shall become the property of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. If the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council awards the contract to the next lowest bidder, the amount of the lowest bidder's security shall be applied by the City of Rancho Cucamonga to the difference between the low bid and the second lowest bid, and the surplus, if any shall be returned to the lowest bidder. The amount of the bond to be given to secure a faithful performance of the contract for said work shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price thereof, and an additional bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price for said work shall be given to secure the payment of claims for any materials or supplies furnished for the performance of the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, or any work or labor of any kind done thereon, and the Contractor will also be required to furnish a certificate that he carries compensation insurance covering his employees upon work to be done under contract which may be entered into between him and the said City of Rancho Cucamonga for the construction of said work. No proposal will be considered from a Contractor to whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Contractor shall possess any and all contractors licenses, in form and class as required by any and all applicable laws with respect to any and all of the work to be performed under this contract; including but not limited to an "A" andlor "C27" (Landscaping Contractor). In Resolution No. PAGE 5 accordance with the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (California Business and Professions Code, Section 7000 et. seq.) and rules and regulation adopted pursuant thereto. The Contractor, pursuant to the California Business and Professions Code, Section 7028.15, shall indicate his or her State License Number on the bid, together with the expiration date, and be signed by the Contractor declaring, under penalty of perjury, that the information being provided is true and correct. The work is to be done in accordance with the profiles, plans, and specifications of the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council on file in the Office of the City Clerk at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Copies of the plans and specifications, available at the office of the City Engineer, will be furnished upon application to the City of Rancho Cucamonga and payment of $35.00 (THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS), said $35.00~(THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS) is non-refundable. Upon written request by the bidder, copies of the plans and specifications will be mailed when said request is accompanied by payment stipulated above, together with an additional non- reimbursable payment of $15.00 (FIFTEEN DOLLARS) to cover the cost of mailing charges and overhead. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract satisfactory to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. In accordance with the requirements of Section 9-3.2 of the General Provisions, as set forth in the Plans and Specifications regarding the work contracted to be done by the Contractor, the Contractor may, upon the Contractor's request and at the Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute authorized securities in lieu of monies withheld (performance retention). The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Questions regarding this Notice Inviting Bids for RED HILL PARK COBBLESTONE INSTALLATION may be directed to: Jeff Barnes/Michael Maston, Public Works Parks Maintenance Superintendent/Assistant Engineer Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 477-2700, ext. 4137 or 4139 Fax (909)919-2991 By order of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Dated this 6~" day of January 2010. P81 ADVERTISE ON: January 26, 2010 and February 2, 2010. STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING DEP.-1R'ITfENT Date: January 6, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician RANCHO ~UCAMONGA Subject: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 16981, LOCATED 100 FEET SOUTH OF WILSON BETWEEN HELLMAN AVENUE AND COUSINS PLACE, SUBMITTED BY STEVEN SPIES, PETER AND LINDA BRYAN RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement extension and security and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security to guarantee the construction of the public improvements for Parcel Map 16981 were approved by the City Council on June 18, 2008, in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $ 62,600.00 Labor and Material Bond: $ 31,300.00 Monumentation Cash Deposit $ 2,600.00 Due to the down-turn in the home building economy, the developer, Steven Spies, Peter and Linda Bryan, is requesting approval of a 12-month extension on said improvement agreement. Copies of the Improvement Agreement Extension are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted, ar ue~1lZ~`- Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CC:alrw P82 Attachment(s) P83 RESOLUTION NO. ~O _ OD,2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL MAP 16981 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement Extension executed on January 6, 2010, by Steven Spies, Peter and Linda Bryan, as developer, for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located 100 feet south of Wilson between Hellman Avenue and Cousins Place; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said Parcel Map 16981; and WHEREAS, said Improvement Agreement Extension is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement Extension. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES, that said Improvement Agreement Extension and said Improvement Security be and the same are hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said Improvement Agreement Extension on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk to attest thereto. P84 ~l ~ I~ Z V~JD ~~ Q ' W BA N YAN S T. A ~~ ~".` W CITY OF E2ANCI-IO CUCAMONGA rn~cr~v~car~~~c vrvisro~ rTEM:~~L-/'~9~L TITLE: ~C//II/T,~f' STAFF REPORT PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEP~IRTT4ENT RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Julie Ungashick, Management Analyst II Inge Tunggaldjaja, Management Analyst I Subject: AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT GRANT REVENUE IN THE AMOUNT OF $117,500 FROM THE .SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, ADMINISTERED BY THE MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION REVIEW COMMITTEE (MSRC) INTO ACCOUNT #1105000-4740 (GRANT REVENUE) AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE $117,500 INTO ACCOUNT 1105208- 5650/1541105-0 (A62766 AQMD, CAPITAL PROJECT-FLEET SHOP CNG MODIFICATIONS) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to accept grant revenue in the amount of $117,500 from the South Coast Air Quality Management District, administered by the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction .Review Committee (MSRC) into account #1105000-4740 (Grant Revenue) and authorize an appropriation in the amount of $117,500 into account 1105208- 5650/1 541 1 0 5-0 (A62766 AQMD, Capital Project-Fleet Shop CNG Modifications). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) provides funds for infrastructure projects that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles within the South Coast Air District in Southern California pursuant to air quality plans and provisions of the California Clean Air Act AB 2766. Over the past few years, the City has been successful in obtaining funding for projects such as the new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) station and the purchase of several new CNG vehicles. To date, we have received $337,000 in MSRC grant funding. We have once again been awarded funding (Contract #ML09007) and the successful project for this grant was for fleet shop modifications to accommodate the repair and maintenance of CNG vehicles at the Public Works Service Center. Currently, the maintenance of the vehicles is completed either in the open air or contracted out. The shop modifications will include a CNG detection system and shop exhaust system to purge any CNG in the event of a vehicle fuel system leak. The award for this project provides a dollar to dollar match up to $117,500 and is provided to the City on a reimbursement basis. Review of the project is currently underway and a consultant will be selected soon to provide plans and specifications for the modifications which are anticipated to be started this fiscal year. Matching funds for the Fleet Shop Modification have been included in the Fiscal Year 2009/10 Adopted Budget in the Capital Reserve Fund and the 2001 RDA Tax Allocation Bond Fund. Res cffull ubmi d, ~.. William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director WW/TQ:sm STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING DEPdRTMENT Date: January 6, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council. Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Jon Gillespie, Traffic Engineer . . RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: APPROVAL OF A "PERMIT PARKING DISTRICT" FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AREA IDENTIFIED AS "SAN FELIPE COURT" GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF HAVEN AVENUE AND SOUTH OF SAN ANDREAS DRIVE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the attached resolution approving. a Permit Parking District for the area shown in Exhibit "A", and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said resolution. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On August 4th, 2009, twelve (12) residents of San Felipe Court submitted a petition to the City Council requesting the formation of a Permit Parking District. Staff determined that area of the requested Permit Parking District on San Felipe Court was smaller than the minimum size requirement per the City's permit parking ordinance. On September 2, 2009, the City's Public Works Sub-Committee considered the San Felipe Court resident's request for permit parking, and recommended to the City Council that the City's existing permit parking ordinance be amended to delete the minimum size requirement, and recommended the approval of a Permit Parking District on San Felipe Court. On November 4, the City Council approved an amendment to Section 10.50.030 of the City's Municipal code deleting the minimum size requirement of a Permit Parking District. The Permit Parking District requested by San Felipe Court residents will consist of 12 contiguous homes. All 12 homes (100 percent) have signed the petition requesting permit parking. (See Exhibit "A"). The residents of San Felipe Court have requested that the hours that the permit parking requirement will be in effect are Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except holidays. Any vehicle parked within this Permit Parking District without a permit is subject to being cited, unless it is an exempt vehicle as defined by the ordinance. An example of an exempt vehicle would be a vehicle belonging to a landscaping maintenance contractor in the process of doing his work. The City's Municipal Code, Chapter 10.50, outlines the procedures for establishing a Permit Parking District. The code also provides for the City Engineer to create forms, rules and procedures necessary to manage a Permit Parking Program for a specific district. A draft of the forms, rules and procedures, including process and cost to obtain permits, has been reviewed with the San Felipe Court residents and the Public Works Subcommittee. The forms, rules and procedures are attached to the Resolution establishing the Permit Parking District, and are entitled, "Engineer's Recommendation and Report". P86 P87 APPROVAL OF A "PERMIT PARKING DISTRICT" FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AREA IDENTIFIED AS "SAN FELIPE COURT" GENERALLY LOCATED WEST OF HAVEN AVENUE AND SOUTH OF SAN ANDREAS DRIVE January 6, 2010 Page 2 In order to address the administrative issues of a permit parking system, staff has researched permit programs of other cities that have dealt with the myriad of issues successfully. Some of these issues include: the procedure for obtaining apermit/guest permit and the appropriate fee, the time frame in which permits will be enforced, permit replacement costs and procedures, etc. Staffs research included extensive discussions with staff in other jurisdictions, and has resulted in better insights into managing an effective Permit Parking Program. The attached resolution has been reviewed as to form by the City Attorney, and is acceptable for approval. ~tfully~~ itted~~~~ (~// I .moo ~Z Mark A. Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:JAG/rlc Attachments EXHFBIT "A" PERMIT PAR~(ING AREA SAN FELIPE COURT (f0372 10380 10388 I 10404 i2 10442 10450 10460 I I _.______-___- _-_-._._. _.___ ! e __.____-_-____ MvcNBEK-~ -__J-__.- I 1 1037 10381 10389 10395 10403 10411 10419 10427 10435 10443 10451 10457 10479 I I 10465 10473 I i 0408 10416 10488 10496 - 10424 10432 10440 10448 10456 10464 10472 10460 I I ! 1 6009 ~ Y 6010 w ~ s SAN-hN DRfflSBR-.----i__._.-_-_-_ I 6019 1 6020 ~ I I f 6029 6030 ~ 6029 6030 I 6029 j 6030 F ~ ~ I ~ z I 6039 6040 ~ 6039 6040 I 6039 j - CHARWOOD6F - I ~ •1 1 I ~ 1 6049 6050 6049 6050 I 6049 ! 6050 ~ I ! I j I -~cMB ER ~~ soso ' sass soso ~ so5s soso ! I i I w 6079 ~ 6969 6070 ~ 6069 6070 ~ ~ I ~ J 6069 I I W I I 4 - 6080 I ~ 6079 6080 I 6079 6080 Q I I I N i ~ vi se09-292009 6069 I 6090 6089 6090 6089 6090 I I p I I Limits of proposed 2 10366 Permit Parking District ! I I Revisad'11/7 8!2009 P89 )~ ?_ ~- l 4 RAIVCFto CUCAMONGA THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA rri~,or DUN:\LU ). T;.ua'rrl, M.D. b~laynr ProTem ].,. DIfNNIS bIICFIAIiL CounalmrmGerr Pltf)` Cil;'flliliRl:i'/. S:AIlt SISVGNOL(~ DI:ANlf WILLI:A,Uti CrJy rllurru;cr Jnr.~: L:vni,.IICP ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION AND REPORT January 6, 2010 PARKING PERMIT PROGRAM A Permit Parking Program allows residents of a qualified neighborhood special permits that exempt them and their guests from certain on-street parking restrictions. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • A Permit Parking District may be established by resolution of the City Council. • Residents requesting the creation of a Permit Parking District must submit a petition signed by at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the residents or property owners within the boundaries of the proposed district. (One vote per address.) • The boundaries of a proposed Permit Parking District shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. • An application for a parking permit may be made by any resident living within boundary of an approved district. • The applicant must show proof of residence less than 30 days old, and proof of ownership for each vehicle that a parking permit is requested for. RESTRICTIONS A parking permit does not exempt a vehicle from Section 10.44.130, "Storage of Vehicles upon Streets", of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. According to Section 10.44.130, a vehicle may not park in the same parking space on a public street for more than seventy-two (72) consecutive hours. A parking permit does not exempt a vehicle from City Municipal Code Section 10.64.030 "Parking Restriction", of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. According to Section 10.34.030, it is unlawful for any person to park or store any house car, trailer, camp trailer, trailer coach, camper, or boat upon any public street or highway or alley within the City for longer than one hour between the hours of two AM and six AM on any day. 10500 Civic Center Dr. P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Tel 909 477-2700 Fax 909 477-2849 www.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us P90 PAGE 2 TYPES OF PERMITS AND DISPLAY There are two types of parking permits available. There are permanent stickers for owned vehicles and transferable guest parking permits. The "permanent sticker" parking permit for an owned vehicle shall be permanently affixed to the lower driver side of the inside of the rear window of the assigned vehicle. The transferable guest parking permit shall be hung from the inside rear view mirror. NUMBER OF PERMITS ALLOWED • A maximum of 3 "permanent sticker" parking permits may be issued to residents of a single dwelling unit. • A resident may request more than 3 "permanent sticker" parking permits for special circumstances. Special circumstances will be reviewed by the City Engineer. • A resident will be allowed a maximum of 5 guest parking permits at any time. EXPIRATION • Permanent parking permits for "owned vehicles" are valid for a period of up to 3 years. • Permanent parking permits for owned vehicles will expire on July 31, 2012, and every 3 years thereafter. • Guest parking permits are valid for a period of one (1) year. Guest parking permits will expire annually on July 31st. COST OF PARKING PERMITS • Parking permit for owned vehicles • Guest parking permit (5 max) • Replacement of lost or stolen permits • Exchange of an old guest permit for a new permit • Parking Permit for a new vehicle • Temporary Guest Parking Permit $10 for the $2 for each (3 max) when the same time. $10 each $10 each Free $10 first vehicle plus additional vehicle registered all at (valid for one day) Free The cost of parking permits is based on the cost of materials and staff time to manage the program and for keeping records. Costs are subject to change. 10500 Civic Center Dr. P.C. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Tel 909 477-2700 Fax 909 477-2849 www. ci. ra ncho-Cucamonga. ca.us P91 PAGE 3 GUEST PARKING PERMITS • Each guest parking permit shall be numbered sequentially. The number of the guest parkirig permit issued to a resident shall be recorded and kept on file. • Guest parking permits are valid for a period of one (1) year. Guest parking permits will expire annually on July 31St. • Expired guest parking permits may be exchanged for current guest parking permits at no cost. • Only a resident of the permit parking district may apply for, return or exchange guest parking permits. TEMPORARY GUEST PARKING PERMIT • A resident may apply for an unlimited number of Temporary Guest Parking Permits. Temporary Guest Parking Permits are valid for one day. • Only a resident of the permit parking district may apply for Temporary Guest Parking Permits. SPECIAL EVENTS If a resident desires more than 5 guest parking permits for a special event, the resident may apply for a special event permit that will temporarily suspend the need for visitors to display a parking permit. Staff may require that the resident fulfill special conditions, such as notifying neighbors of the special event, and bagging the permit parking district regulation signs. TO OBTAIN A PARKING PERMIT You may obtain a parking permit in person Monday through Thursday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM at City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 or by mailing a copy of your information to: City of Rancho Cucamonga Attention: Parking Permit Coordinator P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Residents must provide proof of residency less than 30 days old in one of the following forms: • Current utility bill, blank statement, credit card bill, or other bill statement that was sent through the mail on a monthly billing cycle • Rental/lease agreement signed within the last 30 days • Proof of property ownership, tax bill or new escrow papers 10500 Civic Center Dr. P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Tel 909 477-2700 Fax 909 477-2849 v+ww.ci.rancho-cucamonga.ca.us P92 PAGE 4 Residents must also provide a copy of the following: Valid Driver's license. • Copy of the vehicle registration (Note: the resident must be the registered owner). • Company cars not registered to you require a letter from the registered owner authorizing you to use the vehicle and referencing the vehicle's license plate number. Vehicles registered to family members other than the home owner need a letter from the homeowner identifying them as a family member. FINE FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS • Fine per violation $50 (Fines are subject to change) ENFORCEMENT OF PERMIT PARKING DISTRICTS To request enforcement of permit parking signs, residents should call the City's Police Department at (909) 477-2800. For additional information about the City's Permit Parking Program, please call the City's Engineering Division at (909) 477-2740. - 10500 Civic Center Dr. P.O. Box 807. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Tel 909 477-2700 Fax 909 477-2849 vaww. ci.rancho-Cucamonga. ca.us P93 RESOLUTION NO. /D-DD A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ESTABLISHING A PERMIT PARKING DISTRICT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 10.50 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE A. Recitals. (i) Chapter 10.50 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code permits the establishment of a Permit Parking District in an area in which commuter vehicles (vehicles operated by persons whose destinations are to nonresidential areas or uses) substantially and regularly interfere with the use of the majority of available parking spaces for the use of residents. (ii) Attached hereto as Exhibit A is an area, commonly referred to as San Felipe Court and hereinafter referred to as "the Parking District" in which commuter vehicles occupied by persons who are in route to Chaffey College substantially and regularly interfere with the use and availability of parking spaces in the Parking District. (iii) Substantial evidence has been presented to this Council demonstrating that the persons referred to in Recital (ii) above, not only occupy a majority of the parking',spaces in the Parking District, but also block access to the District's residences and driveways, generate significant noise, engage in hostile confrontations with those residents, deposit trash and litter within the Parking District, and that these activities occur regularly on Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (iv) It is the purpose of this Resolution to establish the Parking District as an area within which parking shall be limited on Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM to parking by residents of the Parking District, their guests and those persons exempt from that limitation pursuant to Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 10.50.100. (v) Pursuant to Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 10.50.040 the Residents' petition fora Permit Parking District shall be submitted before the City Council with the Engineer's Recommendation and Report which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. (vi) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have been satisfied. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it hereby is found, determined and resolved by the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby finds that all of the facts stated in Part A of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based on substantial evidence presented to this Council, the Council further finds and determines as follows: -1- P94 A. Commuter vehicles as defined in subsection 10.50.020A of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code substantially and regularly interfere with the use of the majority of parking spaces for use of residents within the Parking District; B. The interference by commuter vehicles referred to paragraph 2A above occurs at regular and significant daily and weekly intervals; and C. The commuter vehicles referred to in Paragraph 2A above cause and are the _. . , source of unreasonable noise, traffic hazards and environmental pollution within the Parking District. D. A petition of the Residents of the proposed Parking Permit District as been received by the Engineer and said petition was confirmed to have more then 75% of the Residents agree with the Parking Permit District. E. No unreasonable displacement of commuter vehicles will result into surrounding residential areas. F. No alternative solution, other than the establishment of the Parking Permit District is feasible or practical. 3. Based on the findings set forth in paragraph 2 above, the Parking District hereby is established as a Permit Parking District pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 10.50 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code and parking therein is restricted to those residents and their guests possessing permits issued by the City Engineer or his delegate and those exempt pursuant to Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 10.50.100. 4. The Engineer's Recommendation and Report has been submitted with the petition and the City Council accepts and approves said Recommendation and Report inclusive of Cost of Parking Permits. 5. The City Engineer hereby is instructed to immediately cause appropriate signs to be placed and posted within the Parking District indicating the parking limitations established by this `Resolution and to implement and administer the permit process specified in Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Sections 10.50.070 and 10.50.080. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. 2- P95 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of January, 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Donald, J. Kurth, M. D., Mayor I, Janice C. Reynolds, City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of January, 2010, and was finally adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 20th day of January, 2010. ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga 3- STAFF REPORT ENGIiv EERING DEPARTD'IENT Date: January 6, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Willie Valbuena, Assistant Engineer P96 ~~ ~, , RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: APPROVAL OF A REQUEST TO SUMMARILY VACATE A PORTION OF CHURCH STREET. LOCATED EAST OF MILLIKEN AVENUE V-216 -APN 227-532-13 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution ordering the summary vacation of a portion of Church Street, located east of Milliken Avenue and directing the City Clerk to present same to the County Recorder for recordation. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In conjunction with the final review of the revisions of the street improvement plans for Tract 18710, it was determined that there is an excess right-of-way at the location of the main driveway entrance, located on the north side of Church Street, east of Milliken Avenue. Said excess right-of-way was previously dedicated under Tract 16157. Once vacated, said excess right-of-way will be part of Lot 1 of Tract Map 18710. Utility companies, other agencies and various City divisions have been notified of the proposed vacation and were asked for comments. There were no objections to the vacation from any of the groups notified. On December 9, 2009, the Planning,Commission determined that the vacation of a portion of Church Street, east of Milliken Avenue, is in conformance with the General Plan and recommended that said vacation occur. Section 8334 of the Street and Highways Code states that local agencies may summarily vacate (by resolution) if an excess right-of-way of a street or highway not required for street and highway purposes. Respectfully submitted, , `~_/~. Mark A. Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS: WAV: akt " P97. J City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Division Vicinity Map Pr~l S~ . ~ J [/RCN ~ PrIA~F' 3rHiu sou~vnRo r,. N W d E S item: V- 2/6 Title: VAC//1~/rY MAP A-2 P98 RESOLUTION NO. ~O-D07 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, SUMMARILY ORDERING. THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF CHURCH STREET. EAST OF MILLIKEN AVENUE ' WHEREAS, by Chapter 4, Article 1, Section 8334, of the Streets and Highway Code, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga is authorized to summarily vacate a portion of Church Street, east of Milliken Avenue; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2009, the Planning Commission determined that the vacation of a portion of Church Street, located east of Milliken Avenue, is in conformance with the General Plan and recdmmended that the vacation occur; and WHEREAS, the City Council found by all the evidence submitted that the existing portion of Church Street, east of Milliken Avenue; and NOW, THEREFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby makes its order vacating a portion of Church Street, located east of Milliken Avenue as described in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B". SECTION 2: That the subject vacation shall be subject to the reservation and exception, if any, for existing utilities on record. SECTION 3: That from and after the date the Resolution is recorded, said portion of Church Street no longer constitute a public easement. SECTION 4: That the City Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, California. SECTION 5: That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution, and it shall thereupon take effect and be in force. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6~h day of January, 2010 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: P99 EXHIBIT "A" BEING A PORTION OF LOT 10 OF TRACT MAP NO. 16157, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUN1'Y_ OF SAN BERNARDINQ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP THEREOF FILED IN BOOK 296 PAGES 3 TI-TROUGH 6, INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF CHURCH STREET AND MAYTEN AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT MAP NO. 16157, THENCE ALONG SAID CENTERLINE OF CHURCH STREET, NORTH 78°03'21" EAST 115.00 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTERLINE OF CHURCH STREET, NORTH 11°56'39" WEST 50.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID CHURCH STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, SOUTH 78°03'21" WEST 77.85 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, SOUTH 78°03'21" WEST 82.45 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF- WAY, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE ;BEGINNING OF ANON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 53°2]'14" EAST; THENCE, LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY, NOTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 52°01'33", AN ARC LENGTH OF 21.79 FEET; THENCE NORTH 74°37'13" EAST 66.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 15°22'47" EAST ,6.84 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY AND .HAVING A RADIUS OF 24.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45°09'17", AN ARC LENGTH OF 18.9] FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL CONTAINS 1,508 SQUARE FEET/ 0.035 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED AREA IS SHOWN ON THE MAP ATTACHED HEREWITH AND MADE A PART HEREOF, ENTITLED EXHIBIT "B". THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION. Anthony H ro Date P.L.S. No. 7635 Expiration Date: 12/31/2010 ~HND ~~ AN7HONYHARp O Exp. lG.~vj`jp ~ * ~7-_-~~`_ ~ No. 1635 EXFIIBIT B CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT C7 52'01'33'" 24.00 21.79 1).71 C2 45'09'17" 24.00 18.91 9.98 nor ~o TRACT No. is~5~ 15'228'7„ W a J U , E 6. M.B. 296/3-6 N 7~ 37p~p' ~~'/ N 29~7 56_ E _ i N~78'p3'2~ E v~1' v, N 53~21-j4""W "~ C1 / '21„ E r-'~ 77.85 01'1 ~ J 1 EX~Sr v, 442.g4~ ~ "p0' ~ N 78'03_21 - = - ~ 15. i , - ~._ . . --~ ~: " 327.84 ~ ~ _ ,,- ~ PAC---J ~ ~___ ~ ~ ~ m\~ i PARCEL 72 W i EX~Sr• 5 ~Y R ~ - _~, -~ ~ rn` Z ` P. M. 74022 ' ~ \ ~ P. M. B. 180/79-22 \ PARCEL 7 1 ~ ~ P. M. 15923 ~ \ P. M. B. 200/75- 76 ~ ~~QNAL ~ :~ ~a"'' y = 9~~ r N 7635 0~ o. Exp: 12-31-2010 * ~.y,.(~..7 ~ C 1//~ ~ n/~ Q ~ T ~P ANTHONY HARD P.L.S. 7635 ' • " ° ®®~ ~ sao2 PrrrssuRCH avE., surrE qrF OF AU F~ EXC. 12/37/2010. ~ 0 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA. 9 ' C JN: 126-2375 PHONE 909481.E F„~;,,,,,,,;,,,, r~mm,,,,;~;a~ F . Ea,. Fex: ona aAir P101 STAFF REPORT Pua[.ic Woos S~av:crs Ds~>nirrnai~N~r RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Ernest Ruiz, Streets, Storm Drains and Fleet Superintendant Paul Fisher, Management Aide Subject: ACCEPT THE BIDS RECEIVED AND AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $64,659.44, TO THE APPARENT LOW BIDDER, MANERI SIGN COMPANY, INC. OF GARDENA, CALIFORNIA, AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,465.94, FOR "CITYWIDE STREET NAME SIGN REPLACEMENT - FY 09/10" TO BE FUNDED FROM CAPITAL RESERVE, ACCOUNT NO. 1025001-5300 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $64,659.44, to the apparent low bidder, Maneri Sign Company, Inc. of Gardena, California, and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $6,465.94, for the "Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 09/10" project to be funded from Capital Reserve, Account No. 1025001-5300. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on December 1, 2009, for the subject project. The budget amount for the project was $75,000. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found them to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements with any irregularities to be inconsequential. Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds the apparent low bidder meets the requirements of the bid documents. The scope of work consists of Street Name Sign Replacement at 323 locations. The contract documents call for fifty (50) working days to complete this project. Restfully submitted, William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director P102 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: AWARD CI"I'Y\C~IDE S7REET NAME S[cN REPLACEML'N"f'- FY 0910 JnNUAev G, 2010 PACe2 Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement • FY 09110 Owner: City of Rancho Cucamonga Bid Opening: 12101/09 ~ Apparent Low Bidder 2 EngineeYs Estimate Maneri Sign Company Sadie Construction, Inc. tem # Item Descri lion Quantit Unit nit Price Item Total 1928 W 135th Slreet Gardena, CA 90249 Unit Prlce Item Total 1414 E Samp Lane P O Boz 328 Atwood Placentia, CA 93870 Unit Price I[em Total 1 Base Bid 1 LS $52,333.77 $52,333.7 $55,410.00 $55,410.00 2 Additive Bid One 1 LS $5,496.21 $5,496.21 - $5,770.00 $5,770.00 3 Additive Bid Two 1 LS $6,829.46 $6,829.4 $7,220.00 $7,220.00 T otal Bid Amount ' 3 4 5 BC Traffic Specialist ATOM ENGINEERING Chrisp Company 2990 E La Jolla St. 40410 VISTA RD 2280 S. Lilac Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 HEMET, CA 92544 Bloomington, CA 92316 Item # Item Descri lion Quantit Unit Unit Price Item Total Unit Price Item Total Unit Price Item Total 1 Base Bid 1 LS $59,584.63 $59,584.63 $56,900.00 $56,900.00 $66,465.00 $66,465.00 2 Additive Bid One 1 LS ~ $5,561.00 $5,561.00 $7,065.00 $7,065.00 $6,130.00 $6,130.00 3 Additive Bid Two 1 LS 57,845.00 $7,845.00 $10,014.00 $10,014.00 $8,815.00 $8,615.00 T otal Bid Amoun $72,990.63 $73,979.00 $81,410.00 6 PCI PO BOX 1618 1105 E Hill Street LONG BEACH, CA Item # Item Descri lion Quantit Unit Unit Price Item Total 1 Base Bid 1 LS $72,498.00 $72,498.00 2 Additive Bid One 1 LS $6,880.00 $6,880.00 3 Additive Bid Two 1 LS $9,629.00 $9,629.00 Total Bid Amoun $89,007.00 P103 STAFF REPORT ~ ' ENGINEERING SERVICES DEP.~RTivSENT RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Romeo David, Associate Engineer 'I Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer 5~.4- Subject: ACCEPT THE VALLE VISTA DRIVE SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO VALLE VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, CONTRACT NO. 09-029 AS COMPLETE, RETAIN THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AS A GUARANTEE BOND, RELEASE THE LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $83,134.97 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Valle Vista Drive Sidewalks adjacent to Valle Vista Elementary School, Contract No. 09-029, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $78,794.51 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $8,313.50, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $83,134.97. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Valle Vista Drive Sidewalks adjacent to Valle Vista Elementary School scope of work consisted of removal of existing curb and gutter and concrete sidewalks, construction of retaining curb, retaining wall, access ramps and sidewalk and installation of new street lights and conduit, and hand railing and other miscellaneous items affected by the proposed sidewalks. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: Budgeted Amount: ~ Account Numbers: r Engineer's Estimate: City Council's Approval to Advertise $235,160.00 1234303-5650/ 1631234-0 1110316-5650/ 1631110-0 $141,162.00 July 15, 2009 P104 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT RE: ACCEPT Valle Vista Drive Sidewalks adjacent to Valle Vista Elementary School January 6, 2010 Page 2 Publish dates for local oaoer: 'r Bid Opening: Contract Award Date: Low Bidder: - Contract Amount: 7 10% Contingency: Final Contract Amount: Difference in Contract Amount: July _'~ and 28, 2009 August 4, 2009 August 19, 2009 JMJ Contractors Inc. $78,794.51 $7,879.45 $83,134.97 $4,340.46 (5.51%) The net increase in the total cost of the project is a result of two (2) Contract Change Orders including the Balancing Statement. The notable change that was significant to the increase of the Contract amount was the addition of a drive approach for the school. The Balancing Statement accounts for other minor increases and decreases in the project bid quantities. Respectfully submitted, .~ Mark A. teuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer RD: SH/akt Attachment _ P105 ~~S ,~~ ~ ~J [+ ~ ^ ~ ~'~.~ ~ t--~ c C G G z U U x U z a 0 N W F*r a o~ 0 x U U V] ~ ~ O O who A~F ~~~ ~ o ~~z ~~~ o ~„ E ~ x '~ U R"' °z ~~ 0 x w P106 RESOLUTION NO. /Q-D45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE VALLE VISTA DRIVE SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO VALLE VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, CONTRACT NO. 09-029 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Valle Vista Drive Sidewalks adjacent to Valle Vista Elementary School, Contract No. 09-029, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. P107 STAFF REPORT - PUBLIC \\'O RKS SERVICES DEPdR1"MENT RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 ~;UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Ty Quaintance, Facilities Superintendent Michael Maston, Assistant Engineer Subject: ACCEPT THE EPICENTER LOCKER ROOM SHOWER TILE REPLACEMENT PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. CO 09-071 AS COMPLETE, R ELEASE THE BONDS, RETAIN FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND TO ACT AS MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DIRECTOR TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $25,300 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Epicenter Locker Room Shower Tile Replacement Project, Contract No. CO 09-071, as complete, approve the final contract in the amount of $25,300 and authorize the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion; accept the Faithful Performance Bond as a maintenance guarantee bond and authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $24,000 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $2,530 thirty-five (35) days after acceptance. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Services Director. The Epicenter Locker Room Shower Tile Replacement Project original scope of work consisted of removal of existing the and the installation of new the in the home and visitor's locker room at the Epicenter Stadium. The ADA shower fixtures in both locker rooms were also replaced. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: ~ Budgeted Amount: ~ Account Numbers: ~ Engineer's Estimate: RDA's Approval to Advertise: Publish dates for local paper: Bid Opening: $35,000.00 1025001-5602 $35,000.00 August 5, 2009 August 11 and August 18, 2009 September 15, 2009 P108 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Re: Accept EPICENTER LOCKER ROOM SHOWER TILE REPLACMNET January 6, 2010 Page 2 - Contract Award Date: - Low Bidder: - Contract Amount: - Contingency: - Final Contract Amount: Difference in Contract Amount: October 13, 2009 L & M Construction $24, 000.00 $2,4000.00 $25, 300.00 $1,300.00 (5.4%) Resp~~J~`-~bmitted William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director WW:TQ Attachment P109 RESOLUTION NO: 10-006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE "EPICENTER LOCKER ROOM SHOWER TILE REPLACEMENT PROJECT" AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for the "Epicenter Locker Room Shower Tile .Replacement Project" have been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Services Director; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves that the work is hereby accepted and the Public Works Services Director is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. , P110 STAFF REPORT ~ _ ENGINEERING SERVICES DEP~IRTMENT r Date: January 6, 2010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Curt Billings, Associate Engineer Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer C Subject: ACCEPT THE VINEYARD AVENUE PAVEMENT r^,EHABILITATION FROM 8TH STREET TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CONTRACT IVO. 09-234 AS COMPLETE, RETAIN THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AS A GUARANTEE BOND, RELEASE THE LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $281,044.98 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Vineyard Avenue pavement rehabilitation from 8th Street to Foothill Boulevard, Contract No. 09-234, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $304,632.50 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $28,104.51, 35 days after acceptance. Also, approve the final contract amount of $281,044.98. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Vineyard Avenue pavement rehabilitation from 8th Street to Foothill Boulevard scope of work consisted of clearing and grubbing, construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk and drive approach, cold planning, removal and replacement of existing pavement, striping and pavement markings, installation of inductive loops, asphalt rubber overlay, routing and crack seal. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: 9 Budgeted Amount: - Account Numbers: 9 Engineer's Estimate: $356,473.65 1194303-5650/1680194-0 $331,230.00 City Council's Approval to Advertise: May 6, 2009 - Publish dates for local paper: May 12 and 19, 2009 - Bid Opening: - Contract Award Date: June 2, 2009 June 17, 2009 9 Low Bidder: All American Asphalt. P111 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ACCEPT VINEYARD AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 8TH STREET TO, FOOTHILL BOULEVARD January 6, 2010 Page 2 ' Contract Amount: 10% Contingency: ~ Final Contract Amount: ~ Difference in Contract Amdunt: $304,632.50 $30,463.25 $281, 044.98 -$(23,587.52) (-7.74%) The net decrease in the total cost of the project is a result of four (4) Contract Change Orders including the Balancing Statement. The notable change that was significant to the decrease of the Contract amount was the removal of all work within the SCRRA right of way, because of permit requirements and cost, and changing the southerly project limit to the Cucamonga Creek Channel, north of 8th Street. The Balancing Statement accounts for other minor increases and decreases in the project bid quantities. Respectfully submitted, ®/'~~~- ark A. Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS: C B: S H/rlf Attachment P112 VICINITY MAP ,, ~.. L ~u HILLSI [ cLD .''~ ~ ~ Bn ~N ST \ a Euo ~^~ ~oo '~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.r ~ D m ~ II a FDdTHILL BLVD PROJECT SIT ~ I I~ ~ ~ ~ BTH .~ BNSF CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA VINEYARD AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 8TH STREET TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD J_ i w `..: N N.T.S. P113 RESOLUTION NO. I D--D®, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE VINEYARD AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 8TH STREET TO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, CONTRACT NO. 09-234 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Vineyard Avenue pavement rehabilitation from 8th Street to Foothill Boulevard, Contract No. 09-234, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and complete. WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. STAFF REPORT PUBLIC \\~ORKS SER\-ICES DEPdRT~fE2vT RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 C;UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Ernest Ruiz, Streets, Storm Drains and Fleet Superintendent Paul Fisher, Management Aide Subject: ACCEPT THE "CITYWIDE STREET NAME SIGN REPLACEMENT - FY 08/09" PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. CO 09-237, FROM PRESTIGE STRIPING SERVICES, INC. AS COMPLETE; RETAIN THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AS A GUARANTEE BOND; RELEASE THE LABOR AND MATERIALS BOND AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DIRECTOR TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $60,298.06 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the "Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 08/09" project, Contract No. CO 09-237, as complete, authorize the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion; retain the Faithful Performance Bond as a Guarantee bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $60,298.06 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $6,029.81 thirty-five (35) days after acceptance and approve the final contract amount of $60,298.06 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Services Director. The "Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 08/09" project original scope of work included the fabrication and installation of street name signs at 254 locations citywide. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: 9 Budgeted Amount: 9 Account Numbers: $75,000.00 1025001-5300 ~ City Council's Approval to Advertise: April 15; 2009 - Publish dates for local paper: April 21 and April 28, 2009 9 Bid Opening: May 19, 2009 P114 - Contract Award Date: June 17, 2009 P115 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Re: Accept Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 08/09 January 6, 2010 Page 2 ~ Low Bidder: ~ Contract Amount: ~ Contingency: ~ Final Contract Amount: Difference in Contract Amount: Prestige Striping Services, Inc. $60,298.06 $6,029.81 $60,298.06 $0.00 (0%) Respectfully stfbmitted, l,~-~,~\ William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director WW:ER Attachment P116 RESOLUTION NO. /~-QO$ A .RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR "CITYWIDE STREET NAME SIGN REPLACEMENT - FY 08/09" AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for the "Citywide Street Name Sign Replacement - FY 08/09" project have been completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works Services Director; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves that the work is hereby accepted and the Public Works Services Director is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. P117 STAFF REPORT J`~ i/ ~ 3-,4 >/~c~Nre}i~ncl~Ei~:~ii1~~~eNr II ~ ~ _ RANCHO G'UCAMONGA Date: January 6, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician Subject: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RETAIN, THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND IN LIEU OF A MAINTENANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COM PLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2004-01290, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SI DE OF ARROW ROUTE, BETWEEN I-15 AND ETIWANDA AVENUE; SUBMITTED BY HEFFLER HOLDINGS, LLC RECOMMENDATION The required improvements for Heffler Holdings, LLC have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to retain the Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUNDIANALYSIS As a condition of approval of completion of Heffler Holdings, LLC, located on the north side of Arrow Route, between I-15 and Etiwanda Avenue, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is.recommended that the City Council retain the existing Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond. Respectfully submitted, Mark A. Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CClakt Attachment(s) P118 RESOLUTION NO. ~ ~- ~~ / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR DRC2004-01290 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK - WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for DRC2004-01290 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. EXHIBIT A VICINITY MAP ,; ~ ,; ' 'I ~, ; ~%; ,, ~ ~ ,~ .% __f ~_~ ~ ~--, Q.i ~ ~ '~ , I / ~ ~ _~ ~ _ ~ ~ ,~ ~- _ ,~ i DRC2.004=01290 ~ 's. ARRO1h'I ,~ I I " ~ '~ I I ~ j" ' I i -- T I, I '~ ~- - -- City of Rancho Cucamonga Engineering Services Division DRC2004-01290 VICINITY MAP (Not to Scale) P119 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING DEP.-1RT~4ENT ' Date: January 6, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician P 120 jZnncxo CUCAMONGA Subject: RELEASE OF FAITHFUL PERFOMANCE BOND RETAINED IN LIEU OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR PARCEL MAP 18680, LOCATED AT 9275 CHARLES SMITH AVENUE; SUBMITTED BY THE WILLIAM FOX GROUP, INC RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond retained in lieu of Maintenance Guarantee Bond, for Parcel Map 18680, located at 9275 Charles Smith Avenue, submitted by The William Fox Group, Inc BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS . The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER The William Fox Group, Inc 8880 Benson Avenue, Suite 110 Montclair, CA 91763 Release: Faithful Performance Bond #4363240 (in lieu of Maintenance) Respectfully submitted, ~/~~~~. a euer Director of.Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CC:alrw $33,600.00 Attachment(s) P121 City of Rancho Cucamonga - Engineering Division Vicinity Map 1 SUBTPM18680 ~ ~, 08 I 4TH N W d E S item: P/~-ZCEI. N11~P 18680 Title: UIGiNIry MAP STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING DEP.-~RTMENT Date:. January 6, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack L'am, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician P122 RANCHO cUCAMONGA Subject: ,RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND FOR TRACT 14493, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DAY CREEK BOULEVARD AND BANYAN STREET, SUBMITTED BY YOUNG CALIFORNIA CUCAMONGA, LP RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond, for Tract 14493, located at the southwest corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Banyan Street, submitted by Young California Cucamonga, LP BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the street improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. DEVELOPER Young California Cucamonga, LP 6210 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 200 Pleasanton, CA 94588-3260 Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond #2134178 Respectfully submitted; ~~~~``°_ ar F;"'Sleuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CC:alrw $215, 000.00 Attachment(s) YA >. J W pec Sc.F ~ ~~~1 / I wfLSo~? 0 0 0 s G V Y V m W blermcdi~lc xe~l s<< RIMvn A+eove *s •~ ~ .~ ~ P123 f ~~ K $ANyAN ,. 0 a v ai m CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEERING DIVISION Suwdt A+snu+ II ~ i~y9~ ~ ~ BOUNDARY OF ANNEXATION NnP o. _.. ~ V U NORTH ~ NTS ITEM: Tract. TITLE: Rancho Etiwanda EXHIBIT: Vicinity I~! ~n -~-.~.. STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING DEP.1RTlv(ENT Date: January 6, 2010 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician P124 i r- RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE CASH DEPOSIT, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE CASH DEPOSIT AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16908 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ARROW ROUTE, WEST OF BAKER AVENUE, SUBMITTED. BY SUP 41, LLC RECOMMENDATION The required improvements for Tract 16908 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Cash Deposit and accept a Maintenance Cash Deposit. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As a condition of approval of completion of Tract 16908, located on the north side of Arrow Route, west of Baker Avenue, the applicant was required to complete improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Cash Deposit and accept the Maintenance Cash Deposit. Developer: SUP 41, LLC 2151 Michelson Suite 190 Irvine, CA 92612 Release: Faithful Performance Cash Deposit # CR129898 $10,900.00 (Receipt No.) Accept: Maintenance Cash Deposit # CR137003 $1,090.00 (Receipt No.) Respectfully submitted, ark euer G Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CC:alrw Attachment(s) P125 RESOLUTION NO. IO-~~Q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16908 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 16908 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. J P126 fO~ih'/LL ~ ,BL 1~0. _~ Q ~~ ~~. C:1T1' ~? 4i`~ICI-ICS ~II~AI~~~Oh'~A rr~~r,tT~r~azwc; ~rtv[sEO~~ P127 STAFF REPORT ~= ` ~ ~_ ` L".NGINEERING DEP.~R"ITfENT RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician Subject: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 17455, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF NINTH STREET, EAST OF MADRONE AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY KB HOME GREATER LOS ANGELES, INC. RECOMMENDATION The required improvements for Tract 17455 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As a condition of approval of completion of Tract 17455, located on the north side of Ninth Street, east of Madrone Avenue, the applicant was required to complete street improvements. The improvements have been completed and it is recommended that the City Council release the existing Faithful Performance Bond and file a Notice of Completion. Developer: KB Home Greater Los Angeles, Inc.: 36310 Inland Valley Drive Wildomar, CA 92595 Release: Faithful Performance Bond 08845044 $ 370,000.00 (Bond No.) Respectful) submitted, ark teuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CC:alrw Attachment(s) P128 RESOLUTION NO. ~(}-D~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 17455 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for Tract 17455 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. P129 CITX OF RANCHO CUCANIONG.4 ENCWI?ERING DT~~STON ITEM: ~p TITI/E: V~ ~N~ T Y /~! P130 MEMORANDUM R1NCH0 CUC.~1\fOIVG.~ FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Date: January 6, 2010 To: President and Members of the Board of Directors Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mike Bell, Fire Chief By: Janet Walker, Management Analyst II _ ~~~ ~ - RANCHO C,UCAMONGA Subject: ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION MAKING DETERMINATIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OFTERRfTORY(ROBERT LEMELIN, (APN0201-043.63-ANNEXATION NO.88-09-7) TO AN EXISTING COMMUNf1Y FACILfIIES DISTRICT, CAW NG A SPECIAL ELECTION AND AUTHORRING SUBMfTTAL OF LEVYOF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALJFlED ELECTORS RECOMMENDATION Consideration of adoption of a resolution making determinations and authorizing the submittal of the levy of special taxes to the qualified electors of territory proposed to be annexed (Robert Lemelin, Owner -Annexation No. 88-09-1) to Community Facilities District No. 88-1 ("CFD No. 88-1") and calling a special election for such purpose. BACKGROUND Robert Lemelin, has submitted a proposal to build a single family residence on 11.3 acres located in the vicinity of Snowdrop Rd., and Haven Ave. (APN 0201-043-63) (the "Annexation Area") and is conditioned by the City and Fire District to annex to CFD No. 88-1 in order to mitigate the development's impact upon fire protection services. On December 2, 2009, the Board initiated formal annexation proceedings pursuant to the provisions of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 (the "Mello-Roos Act") by adopting a resolution approving an annexation map (Exhibit "A") of the Annexation Area and the Resolution of Intention to annex APN 0201-043-63 into CFD 88-1. This resolution, among other things, declared the intention of the Board of Directors to levy a special tax within the Annexation Area to finance fire protection and suppression services and setting a public hearing regarding the proposed annexation to be held on January 6, 2010. Through adoption of this resolution before the Board this evening, the Board will accomplish the following: Make certain determinations as set forth in the resolution Call for a special election to be conducted on January 13, 2010 Authorize submittal of the levy of the special tax to qualified electors of the Annexation Area at such special election P131 ANNEXIYCION OP 1TRRI"CORY'CO AN EXISTING C(:U NO. 88-1 PAGE 2 inNUnaY G, 2010 ANALYSIS The annexation of the Annexation Area into CFD 88-1 will satisfy the conditions of development relating to mitigating impacts upon fire protection services. Robert Lemelin, property owner, is in full support of the annexation of the Annexation Area. The Registrar of Voters has certified there are no registered voters residing within the Annexation Area. Pursuant to the Mello-Roos Act, whenever there have been less than 12 persons registered to vote within the Annexation Area for each of the 90 days preceding the public hearing pertaining to such annexation, the vote shall be by the landowners within the Annexation Area. Therefore, in the current circumstances, the election will be a landowner's vote, the landowner having one vote per acre or portion thereof of land within the Annexation Area. Robert Lemelin, owner of the property within the Annexation Area, has executed a "Consent and Waiver" of time frames relating to the election. Exhibit "A" of the Resolution sets forth the rate and method of apportionment of the special tax proposed to be levied within the Annexation Area which is consistent with the special tax levied upon all territory currently within CFD No. 88-1. At the special election to be held on January 13, 2010, the landowner will be entitled to cast its ballot. The Board Secretary will then canvas the ballot, if received. At the next Board meeting, the Board Secretary will report the results of the canvas to the Board. If 2/3rds of the votes cast are in favor of the levy of the special tax, the Board may declare the property to be annexed by the adoption of a resolution declaring the election results and the annexation of the Annexation Area to CFD No. 88-1. The property owner or a representative will be present during the meeting should any questions arise regarding these proceedings. The Public Notice regarding the Public Hearing has been advertised in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. Respectf submi ed, Mike Bell Fire Chief Attachments P132 RESOLUTION NO. FD 10-00~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS REGARDING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 88-09-1) TO AN EXISTING COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT (CFD 88-1) AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SUCH TERRITORY WHEREAS, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS (the "Board of Directors') of the RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (the "Fire Protection District"), RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, has previously declared its intention and held and conducted proceedings relating to the annexation of territory to an existing community facilities district pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982", being Chapter 2.5, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, and specifically Article 3.5 thereof (the "Act"). The existing Community Facilities District has been designated as COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 (the "District"); and, WHEREAS, notice df a public hearing relating to the annexation of territory to the District, the extent of the territory to be annexed (the "Annexation Area"), the furnishing of certain public services and all other related matters has been given; and, WHEREAS, it has now been determined that written protests have not been received by 50% or more of the registered voters residing either within the Annexation Area or the District andlor property owners representing more than one-half (1/2) or more of the area of land within the Annexed Area orwithin District; and, WHEREAS, inasmuch as there have been less than twelve (12) persons registered to vote within the Annexation Area for each of the 90 preceding days, this legislative body desires to submit the levy of the required special tax to the landowners of the Annexation Area, said landowners being the qualified electors as authorized by law. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS The above recitals are all true and correct. SECTION 2. DETERMINATIONS It is determined by this Board of Directors that: A. all proceedings prior hereto were valid and taken in conformity with the requirements of law, and specifically the provisions of the Act; B. less than twelve (12) registered voters have resided within the Annexation Area for each of the ninety (90) days preceding the close of the public hearing and, consequently, the qualified electors shall be the landowners of the Annexation Area and each landowner who is the owner of record as of the close of the public hearing, or the authorized representative thereof, shall have one vote for each acre or portion of an acre of land that she or he owns within the Annexation Area; C. the time limit specified by the Act for conducting an election to submit the levy of the special taxes to the qualified electors of the Annexation Area and the requirements for impartial analysis and ballot P133 Resolution No. FD 10- Page 2 of 6 arguments have been waived with the unanimous consent ofthe qualifed electors ofthe Annexation Area; D. the Secretary, acting as the election official, has consented to conducting any required election on a date which is less than 125 days following the adoption of this resolution; and E. the public services proposed to be financed from the proceeds of special taxes to be levied within the Annexation Area are necessary to meet increased demands placed upon the Fire Protection District as a result of development and/or rehabilitation occurring in the Annexation Area. SECTION 3. BOUNDARIES OF ANNEXED AREA The boundaries and parcels of land in the Annexation Area and on which special taxes are proposed to be levied in order to pay the costs and expenses for the public services described in Section 4 below are generally described as follows: All that property and territory proposed to be annexed to the District, as said property is shown on a map as previously approved by this legislative body, said map entitled "Annexation Map No. 88-09-1 of Community Facilities District No. 88-1 of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection, District, County Of San Bernardino, State Of California" (the "Annexation Map"), a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Secretary and shall remain open for public inspection; SECTION 4. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The services that are authorized to be financed from the proceeds of special taxes levied within the District are certain services which are in addition to those services required for the territory within the District and wilt not be replacing services already available. A general description of the services authorized to be financed by the District is as follows: The performance by employees of functions, operations, maintenance and repair activities in order to provide fire protection and suppression services. The District shall finance all direct, administrative arid incidental annual costs and expenses necessary to provide such services. The same types of services which are authorized to be financed by the District from the proceeds of special taxes levied within the District are the types of services proposed to be financed from the special taxes proposed to be levied within the Annexation Area. If and to the extent possible such services shall be provided in common with District and the Annexation Area. SECTION 5. SPECIAL TAX Except where funds are otherwise available and subject to the approval of the qualified electors of the Annexation Area, a special tax sufficient to pay for the services described in Section 4 that are required for the Annexation Area, secured by recordation of a continuing lien against all non-exempt real property in the Annexation Area will be levied annually within the boundaries of the Annexation Area. For particulars as to the rate and method of apportionment of the proposed special tax, reference is made to the attached and incorporated Exhibit "A" which sets forth in sufficient detail the method of apportionment to allow each landowner or resident within the Annexation Area to clearly estimate the maximum amount of the special tax that such person will have to pay. The special taxes shall be collected in the same manner as ad valorem property taxes and shall be subject to the same penalties, procedure, sale and lien priority in any case of delinquency, as applicable for ad valorem taxes; however, as applicable, this Board of Directors may, by resolution, establish and adopt an alternate or supplemental procedure as necessary. Any special taxes that may not be collected on the P134 Resolution No. FD 10- Page 3 of 6 County tax roll shall be collected through a direct billing procedure by the Treasurer of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, acting for and on behalf of the District. SECTION 6. SPECIAL TAX ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES Pursuant to and in compliance with the provisions of Government Code Section 50075.1, this Board of Directors hereby establishes the following accountability measures pertaining to the levy by the District of the special taxes within the Revised Annexation Area as described in Section 5 above: i A. Each such special tax shall be levied for the specific purposes section in Section 5. above. B. The proceeds of the levy of each such special tax shall.be applied only to the specific applicable purposes set forth in Section 5. above. C. The District shall establish a separate account into which the proceeds of the special taxes levied within the District shall be deposited. D. The Fire Chief or his or her designee, acting for and on behalf of the District, shall annually file a report with the Board of Directors as required pursuant to Government Code Section 50075.3. SECTION 7. ELECTION The proposition related to the levy of the special tax shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the Annexation Area, said electors being the landowners, with each landowner having one (1) vote for each acre or portion thereof of land which he or she owns within said annexed territory. The special election shall be held on the 13th day of JANUARY, 2010, and said election shall be a special election to be conducted by the Secretary (hereinafter "Election Official"). If the proposition for the levy of the special tax receives the approval of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast on the proposition, the special tax may be levied as provided for in this Resolution and the Board of Directors may determine that the Annexation Area is added to and part of the District.. SECTION 8. BALLOT The ballot proposal to be submitted to the qualified voters at the election shall generally be as follows: PROPOSITION A RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1, AUTHORIZATION FOR SPECIAL TAX LEVY Shall Community Facilities District No. 88-1 of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District be authorized to levy special taxes within the territory shown on "Annexation Map No. 88-09-1 of Community Facilities District No. 88-1 of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, County Of San Bernardino, State Of California" (the "Annexation Map') pursuant to the rate and method of apportionment of special taxes (the "Special Tax Formula") set forth in Resolution No. FD 09-019 to finance fire suppression and protection services and administrative expenses? P135 Resolution No. FD 10- Page 4 of 6 SECTION 9. VOTE The appropriate mark placed in the voting square aftertheword "YES" shall be counted in favor of the adoption of the proposition, and the appropriate mark placed in the voting square after the word "NO" in the manner as authorized, shall be counted against the adoption of said proposition. SECTION 10. ELECTION PROCEDURE The Election Official is hereby authorized to take any and all steps necessary for the holding of said election. Said Election Official shall perform and render all services and proceedings incidental to and connected with the conduct of said election, and said services shall include, but not be limited to the following: A. Prepare and furnish to the election officers necessary election supplies for the conduct of the election. Cause to be printed the requisite number of official ballots, tally sheets and other necessary forms. C. Furnish and address official ballots for the qualified electors of the Annexation Area. D. Cause the official ballots to be mailed and/or delivered, as required by law. E. Receive the returns of the election. F. Sort and assemble the election material and supplies in preparation for the canvassing of the returns. G. Canvass the returns of the election. H. Furnish a tabulation of the number of votes given in the election. Make all arrangements and take the necessary steps to. pay all costs of the election incurred as a result of services performed for the District and pay costs and expenses of all election officials. J. Conduct and handle all other matters relating to the proceedings and conduct of the election in the manner and form as required by law. P136 Resolution No. FD 10- Page 5 of 6 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this day of , 2010. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Donald J. Kurth, M.D., President ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, SECRETARY of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, at a Regular Meeting of said Board held on the day of 2010. Executed this _ day of 2010 at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice C. Reynolds; Secretary Resolution No. FD 10- Page 6 of 6 EXHIBIT "A" COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 ANNEXATION NO. 88-09-1 RATE AND METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 TAXING CLASSIFICATION 1. DEVELOPED PROPERTY A. Residential Class I (more than 3590 SF) B. Residential Class II (3077 to 3589 SF) C. Residential Class III (2564 to 3076 SF) D. Residential Class IV (2308 to 2563 SF) E. Residential Class V (2051 to 2307 SF) F. Residential Class VI (1795 to 2050 SF) G . Residential Class Vll (less than 1795 SF) Commercial/Industrial Property SPECIAL TAX LEVY FISCAL YEAR 2009/10 $447.49 $344.89 $274.43 $239.82 $207.66 $189.14 $170.58 $688.54 per acre or $0.061 per square foot or building area, whichever is greater. 2. APPROVED PROPERTY 3. VACANT PROPERTY SF =Square Feet $200.00 per lot or parcel $10.00 per acre P137 P138 STAFF REPORT _z Y PLANNING DEPARTMENT RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council From: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director By: Steve Fowler, Assistant Planner Subject: .AMENDMENT TO THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN DRC2009-00432 -RME ~ CLINICS, INC. -GARY REA - A request to amend the Victoria Community Plan to -allow massage establishments as a conditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. Related files: Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433. This action is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b) (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. AMENDMENT TO THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN DRC2009-00739 - RME CLINICS, INC. -GARY REA - A request to amend the Victoria Arbors Master Plan to allow massage establishments• as aconditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District. Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433. This action is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. ' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2009-00433 - RME CLINICS, INC. (MASSAGE ENVY) - GARY REA - A request to operate a massage establishment at the Winery Estate Marketplace within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan, located at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard - APN: 0227-161-67. Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739. This project is categorically exempt from the requirement of the California Environment Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1 exemption - Existing Facilities). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Adopt the Ordinance approving Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432; and 2. Adopt the Ordinance approving Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739 ;and 3. Approve the Resolution for Non-Construction Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433. ANALYSIS: Site Characteristics: The project site is located at the southeast corner of Base Line Raad and Day Creek Boulevard. The site is rectangular in shape and contains the Winery Estate Marketplace, also known as the Henry's Center. P139 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00432 - RME CLINICS, INCORPORATED January 6, 2010 Page 2 The site falls within the Victoria Community Specific Plan and the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The Victoria Arbors Master Plan generally governs properties bounded by Base Line Road to the north, Etiwanda Avenue to the east, Foothill Boulevard to the south, and Day Creek Channel to the west. On July 14, 2004, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit DRC2003-00504 by Resolution No. 04-86 allowing the construction of the Winery Estate Marketplace as amulti-tenant commercial shopping center. The Winery Estate Marketplace is the only center currently zoned Village Commercial within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. All other Village Commercial Districts within the Victoria Commuhity Plan are outside of the Arbors Plan. General: The City Planning Department received applications from RME Clinics, Incorporated (dba Massage Envy) requesting to amend the Victoria Community Specific Plan to allow for an exception to Part 3, Section K, Paragraph 1b to conditionally allow massage establishments in the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The applicant also seeks to amend the underlying Victoria Arbors Master Plan to allow massage establishments to operate within the Village Commercial District of said Master Plan by adding massage establishments to Chapter 3, Section C, Paragraph 2b, to the list of conditionally permitted uses in the Village Commercial District. Massage Envy is a nationally recognized company that has over 500 locations nationwide. They are a chain of professional therapeutic massage clinics with nearby clinics in Upland, La Verne, Chino, and North Fontana. Staff visited the Upland clinic located within the Colonies Shopping Center at 1900 North Campus Avenue, Suite C. Based on staffs visit, the establishment appears to operate as a well run professional business and an asset to the center by attracting mdre customers and providing a service that is in demand by residents within the vicinity. The owner of the Upland location is the applicant for this request and is proposing to locate in the Winery Estate Marketplace at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard, Unit 101, on the southeast corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Base Line Road. Several adjacent cities that have Massage Envy establishments within their jurisdictions were contacted. The cities of Chino, Upland, and Fontana all have Massage Envy establishments and had no recorded complaints or violations. The adherence to applicable State, County, and local laws that these establishments must abide by, have given them a reputation as being a reputable business. Conditions have been written by obtaining input from several different departments to ensure this site will remain a quality center and will not impact surrounding land uses. One of the conditions included in this proposal is the requirement that the store front windows remain clear and non-view obscuring, providing adequate public visibility for customers and enforcement. Massage establishments are not a permitted or conditionally permitted use within any zoning district in the Victoria Community Planned area. The City's Development Code allows this type of use only within the General Commercial District of Commercial Section 17.10.030 B 43 and not in Office Park or Neighborhood Commercial Districts. The amendment would allow for massage establishments to be conditionally permitted only in the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The changes to the Specific plan and the Master Plan are consistent with the General Plan designation of Mixed-Use in this area. Planning Commission Summary: On December 9, 2009, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to review the proposed amendments and the Non-Construction Conditional Use Permit, to conditionally allow Massage Envy to operate at the Winery Estate P140 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00432 - RME CLINICS, INCORPORATED January 6, 2010 Page 3 Marketplace. At the meeting staff presented the proposed amendments and the Non-Construction Conditional Use Pennit. The applicant Gary Rea and the property owner Craig Scheu, spoke about the benefit of having Massage Envy in the Winery Estate Market Place. No additional public comments were received during the public hearing. The Planning Commission found the proposal appropriate and adopted the resolutions forwarding a recommendation to the City Council for approval of the associated amendments and the Non-Construction Conditional Use Permit. ENVIRONMENTAL.ASSESSMENL The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines exemption for projects that have no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment because these applications are only for a text amendment to allow a use that is allowed in this type of land use district and will be conducted entirely indoors. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Vallev Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a660-foot radius of the project site to properties to the north, south, east, and west. CONCLUSION: The Massage Envy use of therapeutic massages is compatible with the Winery Estate Marketplace where it will be located, and the proposed amendments with the approval of the Conditional Use Permit will allow Massage Envy, a quality establishment, to conduct business in a safe and professional manner. Adequate conditions have been incorporated into the ordinance to allow for the monitoring and review of the business 'rf a need arises. Respectfully submitt/e~dL~ ~' Urrr>~-~v~ 0!1.1 Jam Troyer, AICP Planning Director JT:TV/ds Attachments: Exhibit A -Planning Commission Staff Report, dated December 9, 2009 Draft Ordinance recommending approval of Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 Draft Ordinance recommending approval of Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739 Draft Resolution recommending approval of Non-Construction Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433 P141 ~ , ~,,, ~ _ STAFF REPORT PL:INNING DEPARTtvfENT ~-! DATE: December 9, 2009 RANCHO TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission ~`UCAMONGA FROM: James R. Troyer, AICP, Planning Director BY: Steve Fowler, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN DRC2009-00432 -RME CLINICS, INC. -GARY REA - A request to amend the Victoria Community Plan to allow massage establishments as a conditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. Related files: Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433. This action is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b) (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. This item will be forwarded to City Council for final action. AMENDMENT TO THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN DRC2009-00739 -RME CLINICS, INC. -GARY REA - A request to amend the Victoria Arbors Master Plan to allow massage establishments as a conditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District. Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433. This action is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. This item will be forwarded to City Council for final action. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2009-00433 -RME CLINICS, INC. (MASSAGE ENVY) -GARY REA - A request to operate a massage establishment at the Winery Estate Marketplace within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan, located at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard - APN: 0227-161-67. Related files: Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739. This project is categorically exempt from the requirement of the California Environment Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1 exemption -Existing Facilities). This item will be forwarded to City Council for final action. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surroundino Land Use and Zonin North - Single-Family Residences -Low-Medium Residential, Victoria Community Plan (4-8 dwelling units per acre) South - Single-Family Residences -Low-Medium Residential, Victoria Arbors Master Plan, (4-8 dwelling units per acre) East - Vineyard and Joseph Filippi Winery -High Residential, Victoria Arbors Master Plan, (24-30 dwelling units per acre) West - Vacant parcel -Regionally Related Office Commercial, Victoria Community Plan B. General Plan Designations: Project Site -Winery Estate Marketplace -Mixed-Use North - Low-Medium Residential South - Mixed-Use East - Mixed-Use West - Mixed-Use Items B, C, & D EXHIBIT - A P142 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00432 -RME CLINICS, INCORPORATED December 9, 2009 Page 2 C. Site Characteristics: The project site is located at the southeast corner of Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard. The site is rectangular in shape and contains the Winery Estate Marketplace, also known as the Henry's Center. The site falls within the Victoria Community Specific Plan and the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The Victoria Arbors Master Plan generally governs properties bounded by Base Line Road to the north, Etiwanda Avenue to the east, Foothill Boulevard to the south, and Day Creek Channel to the west. On July 14, 2004, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit DRC2003-00504 by Resolution No. 04-86 allowing the construction of the Winery Estate Marketplace as amulti-tenant commercial shopping center. The Winery Estate Marketplace is the only center currently zoned Village Commercial within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. All other Village Commercial Districts within the Victoria Community Plan are outside of the Arbors Plan. ANALYSIS: General: The City Planning Department received applications from RME Clinics, Indorporated (dba Massage Envy) requesting to amend the Victoria Community Specific Plan to allow for an exception , to Part 3, Section K, Paragraph 1 b to conditionally allow massage establishments in the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The applicant .also seeks to amend the underlying Victoria Arbors Master Plan to allow massage establishments to operate within the Village Commercial District of said master plan by adding massage establishments to Chapter 3, Section C, Paragraph 2b, the list of conditionally permitted uses in the Village Commercial District. Currently, the only parcels zoned Village Commercial within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan is the Winery Estate Marketplace. Massage Envy is a nationally recognized company that has over 500 locations nationwide. They are a chain of professional therapeutic massage clinics with nearby clinics in Upland, La Verne, Chino, and North Fontana. Staff visited the Upland clinic located within the Colonies Shopping Center at 1900 North Campus Avenue, Suite C. Based on staffs visit, the establishment appears to operate as a well run professional business and an asset to the center by attracting more customers and providing a service that is in demand by residents within the vicinity. The owner of the Upland location is the applicant for this request and is proposing to locate in the Winery Estate Marketplace at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard, Unit 101, on the southeast corner of Day Creek and Baseline. Several adjacent cities that had Massage Envy establishments within their jurisdictions were contacted. The cities of Chino, Upland, and Fontana all have Massage Envy establishments and had no recorded complaints or violations. The adherence to applicable State, County and local laws that. these establishments must abide by have given them a reputation as being a reputable business. Conditions have been written by obtaining input from several different departments to ensure this site will remain a quality center and will not impact surrounding land uses. One of the conditions included in this proposal is the requirement that the store front windows remain clear and non-view obscuring, providing adequate public visibility for customers and enforcement. Massage establishments are not a permitted or conditionally permitted use within any zoning district in the Victoria Community Planned area. The City's Development Code allows this type of use only within the General Commercial District of Commercial Section 17.10.030 B 43 and not in the Office Park or Neighborhood Commercial Districts. The amendment would allow for massage establishments to be conditionally permitted only in the Village Commercial District of the 2 P143 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2009-00432 - RME CLINICS, INCORPORATED December 9, 2009 Page 3 Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The changes to the Specific plan and the Master Plan are consistent with the General Plan designation of Mixed-Use in this area. A. Environmental Assessment: The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines exemption for projects that have no potential for causing a significant effect on the environment because this applications is only for a text amendment to allow a use that is allowed in this type of land use district and will be conducted entirely indoors. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Vallev Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the attached resolutions recommending that the City Council approve Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432, Victoria Arbors Master Plan Permitted Use Amendment DRC2009-00739, and Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433 through the adoption of the attached Resolutions of Approval. Respectfully submitted, ~t ~^~ Ja s R. Troyer, AICP a Planning Director JRT:SF/ge Attachments: Exhibit A - Victoria Community Plan text amendment Exhibit B - Victoria Arbors Master Plan text amendment Exhibit C - Site Plan Exhibit D - Site Utilization Map Exhibit E - Aerial Photo Exhibit F - Floor Plan Draft Resol ution Recommending approval of Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-0 0432 Draft Resolution Recommending approval of Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739 Draft Resolution Recommending approval df Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433 P144 COMMERCIAL STANDARDS General provisions for land uses designated as Regional Center, Regional-related Commercial and Village Commercial. Site Development Standards: (1) Building site coverage: No maximum subject to Development Approval Process (2) Building site width: 150-foot minimum (3) Building height: 65 feet typical maximum; buildings over 65 feet subject to a Conditional Use Permit Uses not permitted within the Planned-Community: • ~ Massage Parlors, =xcept as conditionally permitted within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. 'Entertainment Es a lishments Shopping Centers. To ensure that the goals and policies of the General Plan and Community Plan are implemented, a Conditional Use Permit shall be required for shopping centers. In such a review, the following criteria shall be considered: (1) The transition from more sensitive land uses and buffering methods to mitigate commercial activities such as loading, lighting, and trash collection; (2) The Center has been planned as a group of organized uses and structures; (3) The Center is designed with one theme, with buildings and landscaping consistent in design (similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme); (4) The Center makes provisions for consistent maintenance, reciprocal access, and reciprocal parking: (5) Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system; and (6) The development or approval of any portion of a center shall require the development of a conceptual development plan, which shall consider such things as, but hot limited to, circulation, uniform architectural design, drainagelgrading, buffers, phased improvements, and landscaping. Regional Center a. The following general categories of uses shall be permitted: (1) Retail businesses, including, but not limited to: • Discount stores • Department stores • Drug stores ~~~iSf~ /~4 D D ~-_ ..,.~ (7) Massage establishments hopping centers subject to provision and approval of a master plan/conceptual development plan. (9) Conditionally permitted Community Facilities listed below. (10) Conditional permitted uses listed under Neighborhood Commercial in the Development Code. . c. Site Development Standards -Per Development Code. D. MIXED USE COMMUNITY FACILITIES The Community Facilities section of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan is established to provide for community support uses and those additional uses which are found to be compatible with the basic permitted uses by the Site Plan Review Process procedure. a. Uses Permitted . (1) The following uses shall be permitted within Residential and Commercial Land Use azeas in Victoria Arbors: • Small family Day Care in the home, providing care for six (6) or less persons • Public Pazk and Playground • General Open Space uses • Accessory structures and uses necessary or customarily incidental to the above as provided for in the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code. ~~~~~~~ 5 LAND USE • CHAPTER 3 I I VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN P145 P146 U U W n d E~ v N. •-, Z r EXHIBIT C m P147 -- ~'=z d~ __ .I ~a .-- - _ ~ ~. _.. ~ I ~w~ a¢° ~ Q ~ S ~: I ~ v...l'. ~~ g`~ ~ ~d o q~ ~ ~ ZZo~E ` - 1. asp;; ' - o Q ~ I I - ~ I ~ f-. s p 1 °- ~ ~ , ~ 1 ~¢ °~r - 1 r ~ i 'y ~ - I _ ~ Z - 6, T e I & 9: 2 ~ i o L s !-~, °~",^,"~11II~~",",,II"11~~-,^," "~ I III S 1 ~1 Jfill - I II d I c~1_~~ it II t Vt' 1 II 1 ~- I u I 1~, II ~k== I ~ ~'' ~!~ - 'I i -_~- - - - _ . ~. -- - __ _~~~ R=W ~o '• Kpo~ _~ ~ ~ I _L_-,,- - -~_ ~~ EXHIBIT D ~:~ F.:,:A~,- ~,, p`w,. , ~., -04 1 I I I I I y I I I I a- 1 1 M I I I j I I 1 e 1 1 - , P148 EXHIBIT E "=,,,_~'`~-.~._~~ MASSAGE ENVY (RANCHO CUCAMANGAI STE G101 ~. ~; EXHIBIT F '~~.'`~~~°~~~~`= _ I~iJw - C1v~,,..J~~~c.~~ /:.. L,i,C _~ y -SzC~~~JwJ ~-~',e.~~ A P149 P150 RESOLUTION NO. 09-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2009-00432, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITED USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF-APN: 0227-161-67. A.. Recitals. 1. Gary Rea of RME Clinics Incorporated, dba Massage Envy, filed an application for Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Community Plan Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 9th day of December 2009, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is herebyfound, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals; Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on December 9, 2009, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to the property located within the City; and b. The proposed Victoria Community Plan amendment will not have a significant impact on the environment. c. The proposed change in the Victoria Community Plan to conditionally allow massage establishments only in the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan will be consistent with the land use concept of the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. The land use designation in the General Plan is Mixed Use and allows for this type of use to be conducted within this area. The goals and objectives of the Victoria Community Plan will not be changed as this only affects one zoning district within one of the planned communities. The change will allow for a new service to be provided to the residents within this area. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing, and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amehdment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development within the district in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and PLANNING COMMISSION RE..JLUTION NO. 09-44 DRC2009-00432 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA December 9, 2009 Page 2 P151 b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code which allows selected uses subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit because of their unique operating characteristics, which require special consideration in order to operate in a manner compatible with the surrounding uses; and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety,.or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity as the use will only be allowed with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The Conditional Use Permit process will allow for the public review and evaluation of the requirement and characteristics of the use to provide adequate mitigation of any potentially adverse impacts. It will also ensure all regulations and performance standards associated to this project to be in accordance with the Development Code and any other documents governing this project; and d. The subject application is consistent with the objectives the Development Code as the use is allowed in similar districts within the City; and e. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan as the Mixed Use designation allows for a variety of uses within this land use plan. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under Section 15061(b) (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines because a text amendmentwill not have any significant impact on the environment. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independentjudgment, concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends approval of Victoria Community Plan Amendment No. DRC2009-00432 by the adoption of the attached City Council Ordinance. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2009. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: Gr'~ - ~~ ~~~ J es R. Troyer, AICP, Secr ary I, James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 9th day of December 2009; by the following vote-to-wit: PLANNING COMMISSION RE..LUTION NO. 09-44 P152 DRC2009-00432 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA December 9, 2009 Page 3 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, MUNOZ, STEWART, WIMBERLY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE P153 RESOLUTION NO. 09-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2009-00739, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITED USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF-APN: 0227-161-67. A. Recitals. 1. Gary Rea of RME Clinics Incorporated, dba Massage Envy, filed an application for Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Community Plan Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 9th day of December 2009, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3._ All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on December 9, 2009, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to the property located within the City; and b. The proposed Victoria Arbors Master Plan amendment will not have a significant impact on the environment. c. The proposed change to the Victoria Arbors Master Plan to conditionally allow massage establishments only in the Village Commercial District will be consistent with the land use concept of the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. The land use designation in the General Plan is Mixed-Use and allows for this type of use to be conducted within this area. The goals and objectives of the Victoria Community Plan will not be changed as this only affects one zoning district within one of the planned communities. The change will allow for a new service to be provided to the residents within this area. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the Gerieral Plan and with related development; and PLANNING COMMISSION ,tESOLUTION N0. 09-45 DRC2009-00739 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA December 9, 2009 Page 2 b. This amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code which allows selected uses to be allowed only subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit, because of their unique operating characteristics, which require special consideration in order to operate in a manner compatible with surrounding uses; and c. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity as the use will only be allowed with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The Conditional Use Permit process will allow for the public review and evaluation of the requirement and characteristics of the use to provide adequate mitigation of any potentially adverse impacts. It will also ensure all regulations and performance standards associated to this project will be in accordance with the Development Code and any other documents governing this project; and d. The subject application is consistent with the objectives the Development Code as the use is allowed in similar districts within the City; and e. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan as the Mixed-Use desighation allows for a variety of uses withiri this land use plan. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is statutorily exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under Section 15061(b) (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines because a text amendment will not have any significant impact on the environment. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends approval of Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment DRC2009-00739 by the adoption of the attached City Council Ordinance. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2009. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: /IL-"t^1~' ~' ~ ^'~ ~~ Ja~~ R. Troyer, AICP, Secret I, James R. Troyer, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 9th day of December 2009, by the following vote-to-wit: P154 PLANNING COMMISSION .cESOLUTION NO. 09-45 P155 DRC2009-00739 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA December 9, 2009 Page 3 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, MUNOZ, STEWART, WIMBERLY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE P156 RESOLUTION NO. 09-46 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2009-00433 A REQUEST TO OPERATE A MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT AT 7305 DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, UNIT 101, LOCATED IN THE VILLAGE COiv1MERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 0227-161-67. A. Recitals. 1 . Gary Rea of RME Clinics, Incorporated, DBA Massage Envy, filed an application forthe issuance of Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 9th day of December 2009, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. All legal prerequisites pridr to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on December 9, 2009, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to the property located at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard, with a street frontage of 810 feet and lot depth of 545 feet and which is presently improved with the W finery Estates Marketplace, amulti-tenant commercial retail center; and b. The property to the north of the subject site is a tract of single-family residences; the property to the south consists of atract ofsingle-family residences; the property to the east is the Filippi Winery and vineyard; and the property to the west is a vacant lot across Day Creek Boulevard; and c. The project site is currently zoned Village Commercial and is within the Victoria Community Plan (VCP) and the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The properties surrounding the site are also in the VCP but only the properties to the south and east are included in the Victoria Arbors Master Plan and specifically identified as single-family residential development to the south in the Low-Medium Density Residential District; Filippi Winery with a vineyard to the east in the High Residential District; single-family residential development to the north in the Low-Medium Density Residential District of the VCP; and a vacant lot across Day Creek Boulevard in the Regionally Related Commercial District of the VCP; and PLANNING COMMISSI~.a RESOLUTION N0.09-46 DRC2009-00433 -GARY REA December 9, 2009 Page 2 d. The applicant has concurrently applied for Victoria Community Plan and Victoria Arbor Master Plan amendments to allow massage establishments as a conditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed use is in accord with the General Pfan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. The General Plan Designation of Mixed-Use for this area allows for a variety of uses to be conducted and massage establishments can be an allowable use. b. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The use will be conducted during regular business hours of the Winery Estate Marketplace and have conditions to control the operating procedures setforth by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. c. The proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code and Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The use is an allowed use with the approval of this Conditional Use Permit. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under the Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities because the use will be occupying an existing building with minor interior alterations.. In addition,. there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Department 1) The approval of this application is for a massage establishment at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard, Unit 101. 2) The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorne}%s fees which the City, its agehts, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve the applicant of his obligations under this condition. P157 PLANNING COMMISSI~.. RESOLUTION NO. 09-46 DRC2009-00433 -GARY REA December 9, 2009 Page 3 3) Conditional Use Permit approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval or the use is discontinued for more than 180 days. No extensions are allowed. 4) Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. 5) The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director hearing: Notice of Exemption - 550. 6) The use shall only operate during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. 7) All reception areas shall be visible from public sidewalks adjacent to the store front. 8) The business shall remain in compliance with all State, County, and Local regulations, including the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit at all times. If the operation of the facility does not remain in compliance, the Conditional Use Permit may be reviewed by the Planning Commission for consideration and possible termination of use. 9) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 10) Any modification or intensification of the use beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. Building Deoartment 1) The applicant upon approval of the Conditional Use Permit must apply for a massage establishment permit as required by RC Ordinance NO. 555 and shall request an inspectipn from the Building and Safety Department to determine compliance with Facilities Section 9.24.060. P158 PLANNING COMMISSI~.. RESOLUTION NO. 09-46 DRC2009-00433 -GARY REA December 9, 2009 Page 4 Business License Operating requirements: Any person engaging in, conducting, or permitting the operation of a certified massage establishment, may do so only if done in compliance with and/or subject to subsections A through G, I through N, O, R, and S of this Section 9.24.050. No person shall engage in, conduct, or carry on, or permit to be engaged in, conducted, or carried on, any massage establishment unless each and all of the following requirements are met: A) Each person employed or acting as a massage technician or certified massage therapist shall have a valid permit issued by the director, or massage certificate, which permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous area open to the public at all times. It is unlawful for any owner, manager, operator, responsible managing employee, or permittee in charge of or in control of a massage establishment to employ or permit a person to act as a massage technician who is not in possession of a valid, unrevoked massage technician permit issued pursuant to this chapter and which is worn clearly visible during working hours, or a valid massage certificate. B) The possession of a valid massage establishment permit does not authorize the possessor to perform work for which a massage technician permit or massage certificate is required. C) Massage and bath operations shall be carried on or conducted, and the premises shall be open, only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. D) A list of services available as approved pursuant to the application and the cost of such services, shall be posted in an open public place within the premises and shall be described in readily understandable language. In the event any list of services and costs posted or provided hereunder is in otherthan the English language, the permittee shall, at the permittee's cost and expense, provide to the director an English language translation thereof. Such English translation shall be attested to being a full, true and correct translation thereof under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of California. No owner, manager, operator, responsible managing employee, or permittee shall permit, and no massage technician or certified massage therapist shall offer or perform, any service other than those posted. E) The massage establishment permit and a copy of the permit of each and every massage technician or massage certificate of each certified massage therapist employed in the establishment shall be displayed in an open and conspicuous place on the premises. F) Every massage establishment shall keep a written record of the date and hour of each treatment, the name and address of each patron, the name of the massage technician or certified massage therapist P159 PLANNING COMMISSI~.. RESOLUTION NO. 09-46 DRC2009-00433 -GARY REA December 9, 2009 Page 5 administering the treatment, and the type of treatment administered. Such written record shall be maintained on forms approved by the director. Such records shall be open to inspection only by officials charged with enforcement of this chapter, shall be available during all business hours of the establishment, and shall be used for no other purpose. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City or the County of San Bernardino, or the owner or employee of the massage establishment, shall constitute a misdemeanor and such persons shall be subject to the penalty of the provisions of this chapter in addition to any other penalties provided by law. Such records shall be maintained on the premises of the massage establishment for a period of 2 years. G) Massage establishments shall at all times be equipped with an adequate supply of clean, sanitary towels, coverings and linens. Clean towels, coverings and linens shall be stored in enclosed cabinets. Towels and linens shall not be used on more than one patron, unless such towel or linen has first been laundered and disinfected. Disposable towels and coverings shall not be used on more than one patron. Soiled linens and towels shall be deposited in separate health department approved receptacles. H) If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously at the same massage establishment, separate massage rooms, separate dressing facilities, and separate toilet facilities shall be provided for male and female patrons. Wet and dry heat rooms, steam or vapor rooms or cabinets, toilet rooms, shower and bathrooms, tanning booths, whirlpool baths, and pools shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected as needed, and at least once each day the premises are open, with a disinfectant approved by the San Bernardino County Health Department. Bathtubs shall be thoroughly cleaned with a disinfectant, approved by the Health Department, after each use. All walls, ceilings, floors and other physical facilities of the establishment must be in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. J) Instruments utilized in performing massage shall not be used on more than one patron unless such instruments have been sterilized, using approved sterilizing methods. K) All employees, including massage technicians and certified massage therapist, shall be clean, and wear clean, non-transparent outer garments. Such garments shall not expose their genitals, pubic area, buttocks or chest. Massage technicians shall maintain the massage technician permit visibly on their person during business hours. L) No person shall enter, be or remain in any part of a massage establishment while in the possession of, consuming, under the influence of, or using any alcoholic beverage or drugs except pursuant to a prescription for such drugs. The owner, operator, responsible P160 PLANNING COMMISSII-.. RESOLUTION N0. 09-46 DRC2009-00433 -GARY REA December 9, 2009 Page 6 managing employee, manager or permittee shall not permit any such person to enter or remain upon such premises. M) No massage establishment shall operate as a school of massage, or use the same facilities as that of a school of massage. N) No massage establishment granted a permit under this Article I shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed any advertising matter that depicts any portion of the human body that would reasonably suggest to prospective customers or clients that any service is available other than those services described in Section 9.24.050(D) of this Article I. Nor shall any massage establishment or outcall massage service employ language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any service is available other than those services as described in Section 9.24.050(D) of this Article I. O) No service enumerated in Section 9.24.050(D) of this Article I may be carried on within any cubicle, room, booth, or any area within a massage establishment, which is fitted with a door capable of being locked. P) All exterior doors shall remain unlocked from the interior side during business hours. O) A massage shall not be given and no patron shall be in the presence of a massage technician or certified massage therapist or other employee unless the patron's genitals are fully covered by anon-transparent covering. In addition, a female patron's breasts shall be fully covered by anon-transparent covering. R) No massage establishment shall be open for business without at least one massage technician on the premises at all times who is in possession of a current, valid permit or massage certificate. S) Each massage establishment granted a permit under this article shall have a manager on the premises at all times the massage establishment is open for business. The operator of each massage establishment shall file a statement with the director designating the person or persons who shall act as manager. The operator, or manager in the operator's absence shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this chapter. Facilities: Every certified massage establishment shall maintain facilities meeting all of the requirements of Subsections A through F, H, and I of this Section 9.24.060. Every massage establishment shall maintain facilities meeting all of the following requirements: P161 A) Signs shall be in conformance with the current Ordinances of the City; PLANNING COMMISSI~ .RESOLUTION NO. 09-46 DRC2009-00433 -GARY REA December 9, 2009 Page 7 B) Minimum lighting shall be provided in accordance with Section 1205 of the Uniform Building Code or successor provision or provisions. In addition, at least one artificial light of not less than 60 watts shall be provided in each room or enclosure where massage services are performed on patrons; C) Minimum ventilation shall be provided in accordance with Section 1203 of the Uniform Building Code or successor provision or provisions; D) Adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in performing the acts of massage shall be readily available; E) Hot and cold running water shall be provided at all times; F) Closed cabinets shall be provided for storage of clean linens; G) Adequate bathing, dressing, locker and toilet facilities shall be provided to patrons. A minimum of two separate lockers that are capable of being locked must be provided for patrons. Separate toilets, wash basins, bathing, and dressing areas shall be provided for male and female patrons; H) A minimum of one separate wash basin for employees shall be provided at all times. The basin shall be located within or as close as practicable to the area devoted to performing of massage services. Sanitary towels shall also be provided at each basin; Pads used on the massage tables shall be covered with a durable, washable plastic or other waterprooT material acceptable to the San Bernardino County Health Department. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption.of this.Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2009. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Richard B. Fletcher, Chairman ATTEST: Troyer, AICP, I, James R. Troye~'AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of th'e City of Rancho Cucamonga. do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and. adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 9th day of December 2009, by the following vote-to-wit: P162 PLANNING COMMISSIC r~ESOLU.TION NO. 09-46 P163 DRC2009-00433 -GARY REA December 9, -2009 Page 8 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, MUNOZ, STEWART, WIMBERLY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE P164 ORDINANCE NO. p ,G 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2009-00432, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITED USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. 1. On December 9, 2009, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above-referenced Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No. 09-44, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said Victoria Community Plan Amendment. 2. On January 6, 2010, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Victoria Community Plan Amendment 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. have occurred. B_ Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council during the above-referenced public hearing on January 6, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: The application applies to the Victoria Community Plan; and b. The proposed Victoria Community Plan Amendment would only affect the property located at the south east comer of Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan within the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and c. The application would conditionally allow massage establishments within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. Concurrently the Victoria Arbors Master Plan is being amended to conditionally allow massage establishments within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan; and d. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide a service within the district in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and P165 COMMERCIAL STANDARDS General provisions for land uses designated as Regional Center, Regional-related Commercial and Village Commercial. Site Development Standards: (1) Building site coverage: No maximum subject to Development Approval Process (2) Building site width: 150-foot minimum (3) .Building height: 65 feet typical maximum; buildings over 65 feet subject to a Conditional Use Permit Uses not permitted within the Planned Community: Massage Parlors, exceol as conditionally permitted within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. • "Adult" Entertainment Establishments Shopping Centers. To ensure that the goals and policies of the General Plan and Community , Plan are implemented, a Conditional Use Permit shall be required for shopping centers. In such a review, the following criteria shall be considered: (1) The transition from more sensitive land uses and buffering methods to mitigate commercial activities such as loading, lighting, and trash collection; (2) The Center has been planned as a group of organized uses and structures; (3) The Center is designed with one theme, with buildings and landscaping consistent in design (similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme); (4) The Center makes provisions for consistent maintenance, reciprocal access, and reciprocal parking: (5) Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system; and (6) The development or approval of any portion of a center shall require the development of a conceptual development plan, which shall consider such things as, but not limited to, circulation, uniform architectural design, drainagelgrading, buffers, phased improvements, and landscaping. Regional Center a. The following general categories of uses shall be permitted: (1) Retail businesses, including, but not limited to: • Discount stores • Department stores • Drug stores ~fl~t~[ P166 ORDINANCE NO. $Z S AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2009-00739, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITED USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. 1. On December 9, 2009, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above-referenced Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment. DRC2D09-00739 and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No. 09-45, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment. 2. On January 6, 2010, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council. hereby specifically finds that all. of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council during the above-referenced public hearing on January 6, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan; and b. The proposed Victoria Arbors Master Plan Amendment would currently only affect the property located at the south east comer of Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard within the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and. c. The application would conditionally allow massage establishments within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. Concurrently the Victoria Community ,Plan is being amended to allow massage establishments within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan; and d. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide a service within the district in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and e. This amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would not have a significant impact on the environment, nor the surrounding properties; and P167 (7) Massage establishments (8) Shopping centers subject to provision and approva] of a master plan/conceptual development plan. (9) Conditionally permitted Community Facilities listed below. (10) Conditional permitted uses listed under Neighborhood Commercial in the Development Code. c. Site Development Standards -Per Development Code. D. MIXED USE COMMUNITY FACILITIES The Community Facilities section of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan is established to provide for community support uses and those additional uses which are found to be compatible with the basic permitted uses by the Site Plan Review Process procedure. a. Uses Permitted (1) The following uses shall be permitted within Residential and Commercial Land Use areas in Victoria Arbors: • Small family Day Care in the home, providing care for six (6) or less persons • Public Park and Playground • General Open Space uses • Accessory structures and uses necessary or customarily incidental to the above as provided for in the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code. LAND USE • CHAPTER 3 11 ' VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN EXHIBIT A • P168 RESOLUTION NO. lO - D I Z A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2009-00433, A REQUEST TO ALLOW A MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT TO OPERATE AT A SITE LOCATED WITHIN THE WINERY ESTATE MARKETPLACE AT THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF BASE LINE ROAD AND DAY CREEK BOULEVARD, LOCATED AT 7305 DAY CREEK BOULEVARD UNIT 101 IN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OFTHE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN - APN: 0227-161-67. A. Recitals. 1. Gary Rea of RME Clinics, Incorporated DBA Massage Envy filed an application for a Conditional Use Permit DRC2009-00433, as described in the title of this Resolution, to conditionally allow a massage establishment to operate at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard, Unit 101. 2. On-the 9th day December, 2009, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application DRC2009-00433 and issued Resolution No. 09-46, recommending the City Council approve the above listed application. 3. On the 6th day of January 2010, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on this application and concluded said hearing on that date. 4. All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced meeting on January 6, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The site located within the Winery Estate Marketplace on the southeast comer of Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard, Unit 101; and b. Massage Envy is a nationally recognized company with stores nationwide. They are a chain of professional therapeutic massage clinics. The site is located within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan ,which was designed to accommodate this type ofbusiness; and c. The project site is currently zoned Village Commercial and is within the Victoria Community Plan (VCP) and the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. The properties surrounding the site are also in the VCP but only the properties to the south and east are included in the Victoria Arbors Master Plan and specifically identified as single-family residential development to the south in the Low-Medium Density Residential District; Fillippi Winery with a vineyard to the east in the High Residential District; single-family residential development to the north in the Low-Medium Density Residential District of the VCP; and to the west a vacant lot across Day Creek Boulevard in the Regionally Related Commercial District of the VCP; and P169 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. DRC2009-00433 - RME CLINICS, INCORPOATED January 6, 2010 Page 2 d. The applicant has concurrently applied for Victoria Community Plan and Victoria Arbor Master Plan amendments to allow massage establishments as a conditionally permitted use within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. 3. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under the Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities because the use will be occupying an existing building with minor interior alterations. In addition, there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staff's determination of exemption. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, above, this City Council hereby approves the request for a Conditional Use Permit subject to .each of the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1) The approval of this application is for a massage establishment at 7305 Day Creek Boulevard, Unit 101. 2) The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its aoents, officers, or employees, for any court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action.. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 3) Conditional Use Permit, Variance, or Development/Design Review approval shall expire if building permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval. No extensions are allowed. 4) Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and.the Building and Safety Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. P170 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. DRC2009-00433 - RME CLINICS, INCORPOATED January 6, 2010 Page 3 5) The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director. hearing: Notice of Exemption - $50. 6) The use shall only operate during the hours of B a.m. -10 p.m. Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday. 7) All reception areas shall be visible from public sidewalks adjacent to store front. 8) Business shall remain in compliance with all State, County, and Local regulations including the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit at all times. If the operation of the facility does not remain in compliance the Conditional Use Pennit may be reviewed by the Planning Commission for consideration and possible termination of use. 9) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 10) Any modification or intensification of the use beyond what is specifically approved by this Conditional Use Permit shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. 11) If the use is terminated and the building vacated for over 180 days then the Planning Commission may consider modifying or revoking the Conditional Use Permit. BUILDING AND SAFETY DEPARTMENT 1) The applicant upon approval of the Conditional Use Permit must apply for a massage establishment permit as required by RC Ordinance No. 555 and shall request an inspection from the Building and Safety Department to determine compliance with Facilities Section 9.24.060. BUSINESS LICENSE Operating Requirements: Any person engaging in, conducting, or permitting the operation of a certified massage establishment, may do so only if done in compliance with and/or subject to Subsections A through G, I through N, Q, R, and S of Section 9.24.050. No person shall engage in, conduct, or carry on, or permit to be engaged in, conducted, or carried on, any massage establishment unless each and all of the following requirements are met: P171 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. DRC2009-00433 - RME CLINICS, INCORPOATED January 6, 2010 Page 4 A. Each person employed or acting as a massage technician or certified massage therapist shall have a valid permit issued by the Director, or massage certificate, in which the permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous area open to the public at all times. It is unlawful, for any owner, manager, operator, responsible managing employee, or permittee in charge of or in control of a massage establishment to employ or permit a person to act as a massage technician who is not in possession of a valid, unrevoked massage technician permit issued pursuant to this Chapter and which is wom clearly visible during working hours, or a valid massage certificate. ' B. The possession of a valid massage establishment permit does not authorize the possessor to perform work for which a massage technicians permit or massage certificate is required. C. Massage and bath operations shall be carried on or conducted, and the premises shall be open, only between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. D. A list of services available as approved pursuant to the application and the cost of such services shall be posted in an open public place within the premises, and shall be described in readily understandable language. In the event any list of services and costs posted or provided hereunder is in other than the English language, the permittee shall, at the permittee's cost and expense, provide to the Director an English language translation thereof. Such English translation shalt be attested to being a full, true and correct translation thereof under penalty of perjury of the laws of the state of California. No owner, manager, operator, respon~ble managing employee, or pennittee shall permit, and no massage technician, or certified massage therapist shall offer or perform, any service other than those posted. E. The massage establishment permit and a copy of the permit of each and every massage technician, or massage certificate of each certified massage therapist employed in the establishment, shall be displayed in an open and conspicuous place on the premises. F. Every massage establishment shall keep a written record of the date and hour of each treatment, the name and address of each patron, the name of the massage technician or certified massage therapist administering the treatment, and the type of treatment administered. Such writteri record shall be maintained on forms approved by the Director. Such records shall be open to inspection only by officials charged with enforcement of this Chapter, shall be available during all business hours of the establishment, and shall be used for no other purpose. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City or the County of San Bernardino, or the owner or employee of the massage establishment shall constitute a misdemeanor and such persons shall be subject to the penalty of the provisions of this Chapter in addition to any other penalties provided by law. Such records shall be maintained on the premises of the massage establishment for a period of two years. G. Massage establishments shall at all times be equipped with an adequate supply of clean, sanitary towels, coverings, and linens. Clean towels, coverings, and linens shall be stored in enclosed cabinets. Towels and linens shall not be used on more than one patron, unless such towel or linen has first been laundered and disinfected. Disposable towels and coverings shall not be used on more than one patron. Soiled linens and towels shall be deposited in separate, health department approved receptacles. P172 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. DRC2009-00433 - RME CLINICS, INCORPOATED January 6, 2010 Page 5 H. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously at the same massage establishment, separate massage rooms, separate dressing facilities, and separatetoilet facilities shall be provided for male and female patrons. I. Wet and dry heat rooms, steam or vapor rooms or cabinets, toilet rooms, shower and bathrooms, tanning booths, whirlpool baths, and pools shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected as needed, and at least once each day the premises are open and should be cleaned with a disinfectant approved by the San Bernardino County Health Department. Bathtubs shall be thoroughly cleaned with a disinfectant, approved by the Health Department, after each use. All walls, ceilings, floors and other physical facilities of the establishment must be in good repair and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. J. Instruments utilized in performing massage shall not be used on more than one patron unless such instruments have been sterilized, using approved sterilizing methods. tC All employees, including massage technicians and certified massage therapists, shall be clean, and wear clean, nontransparent outer garments. Such garments shall not expose their genitals, pubic area, buttocks, or chest. Massage technicians shall maintain the massage technician permit visibly on their person during business hours. L. No person shall enter, be in, or remain in any part of a massage establishment while in the possession of, consuming, under the influence of, or using any alcoholic beverage or drugs, except pursuant to a prescription for such drugs. The owner, operator, responsible managing employee, manager, or permittee shall not permit any such person to enter or remain upon such premises. M. No massage establishment shall operate as a school of massage, or use the same facilities as that of a school of massage. N. No massage establishment granted a permit under this Article I shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising matter that depicts any portion of the human body that would reasonably suggest to prospective customers or clients that any service is available other than those services described in Section 9.24.050(D) of this Article I. Nor shall any massage establishment or outcall massage service employ language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any service is available otherthan those services as described in Section 9.24.050(D) of this Article I. O. No service enumerated in Section 9.24.050(D) of this Article I may be carried on within any cubicle, room, booth, or any area within a massage establishment, which is fitted with a door capable of being locked. P. All exterior doors shall remain unlocked from the interior side during business hours. Q. A massage shall not be given and no patron shall be in the presence of a massage technician or certified massage therapist or other employee unless the patron's genitals are fully covered by a nontransparent covering. In addition, a female patron's breasts shall be fully covered by a nontransparent covering. P173 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. DRC2009-00433 - RME CLINICS, INCORPOATED January 6, 2010 Page 6 R. No massage establishment shall be open for business without at least one massage technician on the premises at all times who is in possession of a current, valid permit or massage certificate. S. Each massage establishment granted a permit under this article shall have a manager on the premises at all times the massage establishment is open for business. The operator of each massage establishment shall file a statement with the Director designating the person or persons who shall act as manager. The operator, or manager in the operator's absence, shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this Chapter. Facilities: Every certified massage. establishment shall maintain facilities meeting all of the requirements of Subsections A through F, H and I of this Section 9.24.060. Every massage establishment shall maintain facilities meeting all of the following requirements: A. Signs shall be in conformance with the current ordinances of the City B. Minimum lighting shall be provided in accordance with Section 1205 of the Uniform Building Code or successor provision or provisions. In addition, at least one artificial light of not-less-than sixty watts shall be provided in each room or enclosure where massage services are pertormed on patrons; C. Minimum ventilation shall be provided in accordance with Section 1203 of the Uniform Building Code or successor provision or provisions; D. Adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in performing the acts of massage shall be readily available; E. Hot and cold running water shall be provided at all times; F. Closed cabinets shall be provided for stprage of clean linens; G. Adequate bathing, dressing, locker, and toilet facilities shall be provided to patrons. A minimum of two separate lockers which are capable of being locked must be provided for patrons. Separate toilets, wash basins, bathing, and dressing areas shall be provided for male and female patrons; H. A minimum of one separate wash basin for employees shall be provided at all times. The basin shall be located within or as close as practicable to the area devoted to performing of massage services. Sanitary towels shall also be provided at each basin; I. Pads used on massage tables shall be covered with a durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material acceptable to the San Bernardino Countq Health Department. 5. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this Resolution. Gary L Rea owner Massage Enry Upland Colonies 1900 N. Campus Avenue, Suire C Upland, CA 91784 Phone: 909.946.9996 Mobile: 909.635.5495 Fax: 909.946.9998 Email: GaryLReaC~aol.com M-F Sam-1 Opm ~ Sac Sam-Gpm • Sun IOam-6pm Be Our Guest We invite you to be our guest and enjoy a relaxing, 1-hour massage setsion at the special introductory rate of... • Affordable Massage Wellness Program Please call for • Pleasan[ & Relaxed Atmosphere an appointment. • Professional Massage Therapists MassageEnry.com ORDINANCE NO. 824 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2009-00432, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN TO ALLOW MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AS A CONDITIONALLY ~PERMITED USE WITHIN THE VILLAGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT OF THE VICTORIA ARBORS MASTER PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. 1. On December 9, 2009, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly 'noticed public hearing with respect to the above-referenced Victoria Community Plan Amendment DRC2009-00432 and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No. 09-44, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said Victoria Community Plan Amendment. 2'. On January 6, 2010, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the Victoria Community Plan Amendment. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council-during the above-referenced public hearing on January 6, 2010, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to the Victoria Community Plan; and b. The proposed Victoria Community Plan Amendment would only affect the property located at the south east corner of Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan within the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and c. The application would conditionally allow massage establishments within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. Concurrently the Victoria Arbors Master Plan is being amended to conditionally allow massage establishments within the Village Commercial District of the Victoria Arbors Master Plan; and d. This amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide a service within the district in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and e. This amendment .would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would not have a significant impact on the environment, nor the surrounding properties; and f, That the proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. SECTION 3: Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the Victoria Community Plan Amendment is hereby amended to change the Commercial Standards section of said Victoria Community Plan, in words and figures, as shown in the attached Exhibit "A." SECTION 4: The subject amendment identified in this Ordinance is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended, and the Guidelines promulgated there under, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3). In this case, the Ordinance constitutes a text amendment and will not have a significant impact on the environment. The City Council has reviewed staff's determination of exemption, the Planning Commission's adoption; of that exemption, and further concurs with the determination of exemption. SECTION 5: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is, for any reason, deemed or held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, or preempted by legislative enactment,. such decision or legislation shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or words thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more sectidns, subsections, clauses, phrases, or words might subsequently be declared invalid or unconstitutional or preempted by subsequent legislation. SECTION 6: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Vallev Dailv Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. P/ease see fhe following page for formal atloption, certi//canon antl signatures PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20'" day of January 2010. L. Dennis Michael, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, City Clerk I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 6'" day of January 2010, and was passed at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 20'" day of January 2010. Executed this 215' day of January 2010, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. Janice C. Reynolds, City Clerk COMMERCIAL STANDARDS General provisions for land uses designated as Regional Center, Regional-related Commercial and Village Commercial. Site Development Standards: (1) Building site coverage: No maximum subject to Development Approval Process (2) Building site width: 150-foot minimum (3) Building height: 65 feet typical maximum; buildings over 65 feet subject to a Conditional Use Permit Uses not permitted within the Planned Community: • Massage Parlors, exceot as conditionally oermited within the Victoria Arbors Master Plan. • "Adult" Entertainment Establishments Shoooing Centers. To ensure that the goals and policies of the General Plan and Community Plan are implemented, a Conditional Use Permit shall be required for shopping centers. In such a review, the following criteria shall be considered: (1) The transition from more sensitive land uses and buffering methods to mitigate commercial activities such as loading, lighting, and trash collection; (2) The Center has been planned as a group of organized uses and structures; (3) The Center is designed with one theme, with buildings and landscaping consistent in design (similar architectural style, similar exterior building materials, and a coordinated landscaping theme); (4) The Center makes provisions for consistent maintenance, reciprocal access, and reciprocal parking: (5) Vehicle and pedestrian access is coordinated and logically linked to provide a comprehensive circulation system; and (ti) The development or approval of any portion of a center shall require the development of a conceptual development plan, which shall consider such things as, but not limited to, circulation, uniform architectural design, drainage/grading, buffers, phased improvements, and landscaping. Regional Center a. The following general categories of uses shall be permitted: (1) Retail businesses, including, but not limited to: • _ Discount stores • Department stores • Drug stores ~~~1~[~ P174 STAFF REPORT ' ENGINEERING DEP~IRTAIENT v- Date: January 6, 2010 RANCHO To: Mayor and Members of the City Council ~;UCAMONGA Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Jon Gillespie, Traffic Engineer Subject: REQUEST FOR ALL-WAY STOP SIGNS AT. THE INTERSECTION OF AMETHYST AVENUE AND HILLSIDE ROAD RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council support staffs determination that the installation of all-way stop signs at the intersection of Amethyst Avenue and Hillside Road are not warranted at this time. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS All-way stop signs were installed at the intersection of Amethyst Avenue and Hillside Road in July of 2009 as mitigation for trucks hauling dirt for the proposed Fire Station No. 177. This dirt haul moved approximately 100,000 cubic yards of dirt from a property owned by the San Bernardino County Flood Control Department located at the north end of Amethyst Avenue, to the site of the proposed Fire station No. 177, located on the west side of Hellman Avenue, approximately 500 ft south of Hillside Road. The dirt haul was completed on August 14, 2009. On August 20, 2009, staff conducted a traffc study to determine if permanent all-way stop signs were warranted at the intersection of Amethyst Avenue and Hillside Road. The traffic study determined that all-way stop signs are not warranted at this time. The stop signs on Amethyst Avenue were removed on September 8, 2009. On October 21, 2009, Mr. Ray Lavalle df 5510 Amethyst Avenue presented a petition to the City Council requesting the installation of all-way stop signs at the intersection of Amethyst Avenue and Hillside Road. A copy of the petition is attached (See Exhibit "B"). Thirty-eight (38) residents signed this petition. On Thursday, November 5, 2009, City staff met with residents at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lavalle at 5510 Amethyst Avenue to discuss their petition for the installation of all-way stop signs at the intersection of Amethyst Avenue and Hillside Road. Mark Steuer and Jon Gillespie represented the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the meeting. Twenty-four (24) local residents attended this meeting. At the meeting, Jon Gillespie explained what the warrants for all-way stop signs are, and explained why the intersection does not meet the warrants for all-way stop control. Staff also offered to install 25 mph signs on Amethyst Avenue north of Hillside Road. Staff has determined that the portion of Amethyst Avenue from Hillside Road to Sherwood Drive meets the Vehicle Code definition of a Residence District and can be posted 25 mph. The residents indicated that they were appreciative of the 25 mph signs. However, they still wanted all-way stop signs at the intersection of Amethyst Avenue and Hillside Road. The residents present at this meeting informed staff that their primary concern is speeding traffic on Amethyst Avenue, and the potential for a speed related traffic accident. The residents informed staff that there have been several mailboxes on Amethyst Avenue that have been run over during the last 10 years. P175 REQUEST FOR HILLSIDE ROAD January 6, 2010 Page 2 ALL-WAY STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF AMETHYST AVENUE AND . On November 24, 2009, a Public Works Sub-committee meeting was scheduled. However, Council Member Diane Williams was unable to attend because of a family emergency. Therefore, an official Public Works Sub-committee meeting could not be held due to the lack of a quorum. Council Member Rex Gutierrez met with the Thirty-Two (32) residents that were present, and listened to their concerns. (The sign-in sheet for the"November 24, 2009, meeting is attached as Exhibit "C"). Several residents spoke.in opposition to the stop signs. However, the majority of the residents present supported the installation of stop signs. The residents expressed concerns about speeding traffic, run-over mail boxes, the difficulty of backing out of their driveways, the steep down grade, and overgrown bushes in the parkway that block pedestrians and the visibility of traffic on Amethyst Avenue. The residents requested that the City install all-way stop signs, speed humps, and provide more traffic enforcement' After listening to the resident's concerns, Council Member Rex Gutierrez directed staff to schedule this item to be heard at a future City Council meeting by the full City Council. The warrants for multi-v/ay stop sign control are as follows: A crash problem, as indicated by 5 or more reported collisions in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi-way stop installation. Such collisions include right and left turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. Staff conducted a search of accident records for the years 2004 through the present, and did .not identify any accidents at this intersection that were of a type correctable by the installation of all-way stop signs. There were several "ran off road" type accidents on Amethyst Avenue and on Hillside Road. However, these are not considered correctable by the installation of all- way stop signs. 2. The vehicular volume entering the intersection on the major street averages. at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day, and the combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic on the minor street averages at least 200 units per hour during the same 8 hours. Traffic count data was collected on August 20, 2009. The results of the traffic count data was as follows: Time Major Street Traffic Volume Minor Street Traffic Volume Warrant Met? (Yes/no) 7:00-8:00 AM 84 67 No 8:00-9:00 AM 58 47 No 11:00-12:00 PM 69 21 No 12:00-1:00 PM 86 19 No 4:00-5:00 PM 81 28 No 5:00-6:00 PM 110 35 No Therefore, staff determined that the warrants for the installation of all-way stop control were not met based on the warrants for accident history or traffic volume. P176 REQUEST FOR ALL-WAY STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF AMETHYST AVENUE AND HILLSIDE ROAD January 6, 2010 Page 2 Respectfully submi~ec~,. ~~ ~ i l ;~~" ~~ Mark A. Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:JAGIrIf Attachments -P177 l%; ,,_ ~y~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ i ~ l ~ ~ _------ -- -- _ ~ ° I u a I I I I I i I I I ~ I I I I .________.__._.______+__________._~____________- ____ ~ I i__ _ i_____I I I I I I ~ ~ - I ~ I I I I F-_______ _ _.___f 1~ I I I ~ I ~ ~(~ DP. _ ; ,; _~ji ___ I I I ~ _ I ~ I I I ~ ~ I I ~ I { I i I _- ~ I ~ VICi~'iTY IV~~P Exhibit "A" Revisetl 11-19-2009 ~, Pf~TfTlON PIEZS°_ is°_°_~} OQJr nel~[IbOCil30Lf 53f°_ i9y im=,~~GuSc ~n4R S~3? SO~G*.S Oul CuOi EiSbOui9C and SOfldtilbOPJnd l~.me`i4yy /~'.~!°n:t~` at f-iliPS6C~°_ F:udCl. it !~ Onky d LR'ia~ei OF E6C'C~ before a terrible accident occurs, cawed by thou~Fetiess drivers wE1o speed up and down kmetE~}•st. lour actions Esave tZe power to save lives and enE~ance public safety. ~jy~'.~;I.I~d~ ~I[~, o~/,y L `~ I ~ is/~'~ ~~ cog, ~~ ~~ ~~. it ~ ~ ~_. ~' ~/1// ,~ ~s-~,. ~n.~ ~~~~ 1 I~:,~ 1~~ P178 ~~ ~~2~ r ~~~~. X5555 fzJ~?T ~g~~~ ~~ T-s~~c~s _ .. v 5Fj! ~y~~.ci"lu~y 2AC»~~ ~i~C16.S~u2 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 7'-E~ a9- 98~-v~+!~" q ~ 9- `18~ -~'3~'r °(8~ ~?~` ~x~Eb~~ ~~~~ PETtT~E~f~ Pi=zse i;eep our neighborhood sal=_ b1' i:6°I'r?iflR~ tEC? s ~~ .eB~F°=. v%ul GCaA cC:Ji~n!_Bc'GG: and southbound P,cstiethl.~st kv°nU° c'~~ ['iii!'SBmE c:Gad6. E:S ~LiE}' d t:~at1°i QT ~7r6!° before a terrible accident occurs, caused lay thoughtless drivers uaho saead up and down ~4rneth}~st. tour actions issue `eEl°_ poN~l>r tE? Saul°_ iGF~?°S aPl~°CFuo~u"VC° public safet~~. ~ 7 P 179 ~~ iP I h o n'I~'~.~1 `~~(A.9,~i' ~~~.~i"~/j/ l-- l . I ~~ °I 1 r~~:, ; -'-__ j ~~~ - zz r ~Ct~~~~c.lv.~e(ty ~lu`l ~1~i7'J~~~ - I C' //~~ i ~ rJ~~~J ;'TM-~'{~~A A.~ j~ / ~1 L~i I q~, ~----ir a-~5~ u ~~ i r~ n /`~ ~C ~ ear 7 ~ ~~ ~D~f - ~7 ~' S--? < `~ ,lid ~- n-, rn-~i'U- y s-- ~~ 9 -q.~~ 3C ~? h ~! Z a-rn n 'h,~.~ ~- PE~PTfOM1! Pisase keep our neighborhood safe by Eceeaina the stop si~RS oe~ northbound and sout6~bound kmethyst kvenue at i~iiEside E~eaa. 6. is only a rrat~er a` tim= before a terrible accident occurs, cae:sed by thoughtless drivers who speed up and down kmethyst. yoPJr aGt10RS haY'e tie power to save lives ae~ef eREsance public safety. P180 L1T~I t~ R ~n0.~cr_k~ ~,a~v~r~!.~ : ~.'LzL ~n,~UT I RnRI `1K'7- (,~,(''- ~.G~~. CJ.~~ y~j / J sJ.~r ~ rr ~, 2~ ~.~r.~l~ ~ `1, : C. O ~' a-~~ lid ~ ~a ~,^ n s ~'1 ~~-~v~7 D i~ h~ l2-cZl ~ ~ S /~~ ~ 6 l~7 ~~U~~ U ~~ 715 ,-~ n~na~'~--~._ '~ ~ ^ J 5527 ~ ~j-F~n ;f 9~5 ~ YS~r 5'~ PETITfON Piezse keep our ne6~hborhoo~ safe ~,k, keeo0ng the stop sig~ss ©~~ nai Lcabaun~ and southbound Amethyst Avenue at EfilFsiaie Road. it is oniy a matter of time before a terribie accident occurs, caused by thou~htiess drivers who speed up and down Amethyst. your aetiares E:ave tt~e power to sa~+e fires and enhance pubiic safe ,,~ '~''`; ," / 55x5 ~'rme-~Sr flfo,~.-,~ x i,~ar•~z cS~~ Fop ass c1,~3 q ~~nes %~ ~~ t~LS 2~/T~ P181 ~~r ~' y: s 71 ~ ,,:_;- J %, ~~ ~~~' P182 Pubfic Works Sc~bcorrrrni€fe~ Sian in Sf-eet ~doverc~f~ar 2~~. ~~~Q~ ~~~ '~ ~: ~ ~: ~,. ~` ~,~( ~~ ~~ ~;1 l ~! ~l ~ n ~y1-,4 C .~ y ~- ~-J ~=' l ~ , J '//spy. 7 ~`-~K ni nA~l ~ , L~ ~ w7 /~ ~ S~ ~ ~ ~ '_ ~//~~ "~"y~- 111 ~ ~/~ ~ 1/~ll~~ IJ `L ~ ,~ l ~~f'~3 V~~i~~oV~e~ 5~ a _ i ~K ~:~~.,~ (O ~3~J ~~,1~oDd ~-I ~ ~ . L,,,,~ , _ I ~a i~~1 ~Ia~~E" h C L~ . l // ~~ (1 V ~~~ F ~ ~/ _ ~~ J yl l Jr~ 5P ~ G `i ~} ^U r ,7 4i,ry Y~7/ C~k-Gcin ct ~C ss i ~- ,av~~ u, ~~-- S5~ 7~ /~. ~ ~o ~~ S '~J cam- / /1 J~l ~ v ~? Q33 ~ `~~ y.-c erd S~l }~ ~-~ ~ ~, ~ a 1 ~~ 1r~t7ca~ f'1ctcA ~~'~~/s-- L Lu J P183 ~- L /yl/ l l /' _ ' ~ ~l / I v J ~ R_. <, ~, sz s ~ ~~ ~ ~ 7~,~9' s~ ~'/ ~~' - r r ~, I r /'. ~\ (- STAFF REPORT )-'3~'> P184 COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT RANCHO Date: January 6, 2010 cUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jack Lam, AICP, City Manager From: Kevin McArdle, Community Services Director Subject: CONSIDERATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION REGARDING APPOINTMENTS TO -THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOMMENDATION: To approve the recommendation of the Community Council Community Services Subcommittee to apps two unexpired seats set to expire June 2011 and Madsen to four year terms. BACKGROUND: Foundation Board of Directors and City pint Taro Barag,and Jeremy Kahn to fill to appoint Bryan Snyder and Richard As set-out in the Community Foundation's Strategic Plan 2015, recruitment for expansion of the Community Foundation's Board of Directors continues to be actively pursued. Within the past few months, applications have been received by Taro Barag, Jeremy Kahn, Bryan Snyder and Richard Madsen who have all expressed an interest in serving on the Board. The Community Services Subcommittee, consisting of Councilmembers Spagnolo and Williams, held a meeting on December 17th to discuss the applications with staff. They concurred in support of appointment of the four candidates and will present their full recommendation at the January 6th City Council meeting. Res ctfu miffed, Kevi McArdle Community Services Director