HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/04/09 - Agenda Packet - Library Board of TrusteesLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA REGULAR MEETING Second Thursday 6 p.m. April 9, 2009 Council Chambers City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 *** City Councilmembers Donald J. Kurth, M.D., Mayor L. Dennis Michael, Mayor Pro Tem Rex Gutierrez, Councilmember Sam Spagnolo, Councilmember Diane Williams, Councilmember *** Boardmembers Robert Coberly, President Sharon Nagel, President Pro Tem Jackie Amsler, Member Scott Haddon, Member Luella Hairston, Member DECLARATION OF POSTING OF AGENDA VIVIAN GARCIA states and declares as follows: I presently am, and at all times mentioned herein have been, the Administrative Secretary of the Library .of Rancho Cucamonga. Acting in that capacity, on y- ~-~9 , at .5 ,O,/~1. , I posted a true and correct copy of the meeting --r agenda dated }4iOri~ 9, ap0°~ at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tr~uje and correct and that this declaration was executed on `7 0~ - ~ ~ , at Rancho Cucamonga. /`~~~ ~ruT~U~ Lo~~ ~re ~i~~ Q , City of Rancho Cucamonga B Y : / Go'o`' ~~i.~.C'~.0.~ Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary City of Rancho Cucamonga - LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA RANCHO CUCAMONCA APRiL 9, 2009 1 A. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call: Amsler , Coberly ,Haddon , Hairston and Nagel B. CONSENT CALENDAR The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Library Board of Trustees at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Member or member of the audience for discussion. 4 1. Approval of Minutes: March 12, 2009. C. LIBRARY DIRECTORS STAFF REPORTS The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Library Status Report: Oral reports presented by staff. a. FY 2009-2010 Budget update. Oral reports by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. " 8 b. Grant proposal. California of the Past" Digital Storytelling Program. 12 c. Review of current statistics. Oral report by Michelle Perera, Assistant Library Director. 2. Budget Report: Report presented by Robert Karatsu, Library 20 Director. 3. Children's Services: Oral update by staff. 4. Archibald Library: Oral update by staff. 5. Paul A. Biane Library: Oral update by staff. D. BOARD BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the Library Board of Trustees for discussion. They are not public hearing items, although the President may open the meeting for public input. 1. Telethon 2009! Oral update by staff. 2. For discussion: Proposed Revised Library Fee Schedule. Report 29 attached. Presented by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA APRIL 9, 2009 2 C~` o cn 3. For discussion: Possible Library Board of Trustee Development 31 Workshop. Report attached. Presented by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. 4. For discussion: Senior Fiesta. Requested by Boardmember Hairston. E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING This is the time for the Library Board of Trustees to identify the items they wish to discuss at the next meeting. These items will not be discussed at this meeting, only identified for the next meeting. F. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Library Board of Trustees on any item listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Library Board from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Board may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Board, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. G. ADJOURNMENT I, Vivian R. Garcia, Library Administrative Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, April 2, 2009, seventy two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. STAFF REPORT LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: April 9, 2009 To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RECOMMENDATION Approval of the minutes of the meeting of March 12, 2009. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS _~~ t ti _ ~_~-~. RANCHO C,UC:AMONGA Attached, please find the minutes for the regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees taken and compiled by Library Administrative Secretary, Vivian Garcia. FISCAL IMPACT None. Respectfully submitted, Robert Karatsu Library Director CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES A. CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was held on Thursday, March 12, 2009, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by President Coberly. Present were Members Amsler, Hairston and Nagel. Also present were: Robert Karatsu, Library Director, Michelle Perera, Acting Assistant Library Director, Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian, Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator/Archibald Library, Cara Vera, Senior Librarian and Vivian Garcia, Administrative Secretary. ****** B. CONSENT CALENDAR B1. Approval of Minutes: February 12, 2009. MOTION: Moved by Member Hairston to approve the consent calendar, seconded by Member Amsler. Motion carried 4-0-1 (with Haddon absent). ****+* C. LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S STAFF REPORTS C1. Library Status Report: Oral reports presented by staff. a. FY 2009-2010 Preliminary budget update. Oral report by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated that he and Michelle Perera, Acting Assistant Library Director, had met with the Finance Department regarding the 2009/2010 budget. The budget at this time is a roll over budget. No new programs. The next budget review meeting will be with the City Manager. b. Review of current statistics. Oral report byMichelle Perera, Acting Assistant Library Director. Michelle Perera, Acting Assistant Library Director, reviewed the statistics with the Boazd. C2. Budget Reports: Reports presented by Robert Karatsu, Library Director. Robert Karatsu, Library Director, reviewed the Budget with the Library Board. C3. Children's Services: Oral update by staff. Library Board Minutes March 12, 2009 Page 2 Renee Tobin, Principal Librarian, stated that children's services were busy in February. All the storytimes are full. C4. Archibald Library: Oral update by staff. Karye Hood, Reference Services Coordinator, updated the Board on computer classes being offered at the Archibald Library. She also reviewed the Bookclub and the Teen Programming with the Board. C5. Paul A. Biane Library: Oral update by staff. Cara Vera, Senior Librarian, stated that there were approximately 575 attendees at the Black History Cultural Month program. There was a Motown Band, Drum Circle, Jazz Pianist and an artist painting on Main Street. The event had a great turnout. Cara Vera, Senior Librarian, stated that the Paul A. Biane will be open Sunday, March 15, from 1 to 5 p.m. while the Telethon is being held in the Cultural Center. ****** D. BOARD BUSINESS Dl. Telethon 2009! Robert Karatsu, Library Director, stated that the Telethon starts tomorrow. He stated that pre-show donations have been very good. Michelle Perera, Acting Assistant Library Director, stated that staff and Library Foundation Members have been working hard on the Magic Word gifts. Local businesses have been very supportive of the Telethon. Everyone has been generous. Pre-donations have totaled over $5,000 by checks and Pay pal. Verizon has pledged a donation of $25,000 to the Telethon. *+~*** E. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING E1. Telethon 2009 recap E2. Fee Schedule E3. Board Development E4. Senior Fiesta ****** Library Board Minutes March 12, 2009 Page 3 F. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None ****** G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Member Nagel to adjourn, seconded by Member Hairston. Motion carried, 4- 0-1 (with Haddon absent). Meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Vivian Garcia Administrative Secretary Approved: California State Library Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Fiscal Year 2009/2010 "California of the Past" Digital Storytelling Program Application Submit ORIGINAL (please sign in blue ink) and seven (7) copies to be received by 4:00 p.m. on May 4, 2009, to California State Library, Library Development Services Bureau, Attn: California of the Past, P.O. Box 942837, Sacramento, CA 94237-0001. (Non-postal delivery: 900 N Street, Library Development Services, Sacramento, CA 95814. Fax will not be accepted. For more information, call (916) 653-5217. If applicable, please check the appropriate box below if your application demonstrates a: ^ Public/tribal library partnership ^ Public library partnership to recruit former Japanese American internees to tell their stories 1. Applicant organization/jurisdiction: Web page URL: www.rcpl.lib.ca.us Director's name: Robert Karatsu Rancho Cucamonga Public Library E-mail: rkaratsu@cityofrc.com 2. Address: 7368 Archibald 3. Contact person: Robert Karatsu E-mail: rkaratsu@cityofra.com Address (if different from #2): 4. How many people will be directly served as clients by this project? Source of this number (e.g., US Census, library circulation records, etc.): US Census 181,000 5. List the community organization you will be partnering with on this project, and the representative(s) who will be attending the library's on-site technical training session. Organization name: Historical Preservation Association of Rancho Contact person: Edward Dietl Phone: 909-985-2231 Email: HistoricalSoc RC@verizon.net Fax: Web page URL (if one exists): Phone: 909-477-2720 Fax: 909-477-2721 Phone: 909-477-2720 Fax: 909-477-2721 909-912-8888 Page 1 of 4 Project title: "California of the Past" Digital Storytelling Program Applicant/Jurisdiction: Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 6. Please describe the roles your partner will have in this pilot project, and if this is a new, or existing partnership. (15 points maximum) The Library has worked previously with the Historical Preservation Association on their "National Historic Preservation Month" program. This is an annual event that involves the Library, the Historical Preservation Association and the City's Planning Department. The second annual program is scheduled during May 2009. For the "California of the Past" project, the Library will work with the Historical Preservation Association to find the storytellers and to promote the project. (In addition to the Historical Preservation Association, the Etiwanda Historical Society and the Rancho Cucamonga Historical Society have expressed interest in this project, and will work with the Historical Preservation Association in recruiting storytellers and promoting the final product.) 7. Please describe how you plan to re-allocate staff time to work on this program, including the number of staff affected, their positions, and the estimated staff hours to be re-directed. (15 points maximum) There will be four primary staff members involved in this project: The Library Director will administer the grant and be liaison between State Library and Library. A Programming Librarian will be the primary liaison between the Historical Societies and Library, will schedule recording sessions, and plan all PR and marketing of the program and the Cultural Arts Night event. A Technology Librarian will have the responsibility for attending technical training, training the end-users, and acting as technical resource and troubleshooter for the duration of the project. A Library Assistant will be assigned to assist the Programming Librarian with logistical details. In order to free up time of the Programming Librarian, Technology Librarian and Library Assistant, part of the grant will be spent for part-time library assistant hours to cover service desk hours of these project participants. It is anticipated that for the duration of this project, Library staff will need to devote between 5-8 hours per week. 8. Please describe how you plan to identify and recruit community members to tell their stories. (15 points maximum) The Historical Preservation Association will work with other local history organization such as the Etiwanda Historical Society and the Rancho Cucamonga Historical Society to identify community members who have stories to tell. (The local historical societies have awell-established network and work together on other projects so finding volunteers to tell their stories but also to promote the project and even assist with the technical end should not be an issue.) 9. Please describe where in the library you intend to locate the digital story station. Include the estimated size of the area, what lighting is available, the location of the area within the library, and whether it is an enclosed or semi-enclosed area, and existing furniture in the room. Please attach photos of the room to this application. (15 points maximum) There is a conference room at the Archibald Library in Rancho Cucamonga that will be solely dedicated to this program. The room, which is completely enclosed and can be locked at any time, is approximately 150 sq. ft., has both adequate overhead and natural light, has dedicated electrical and datajacks, and a conference table that can comfortably seat four people. There are also storage cabinets in this room. Photos are attached. 10. Do your public access computers have headphone jacks, or are there public access computers where the public can listen to the stories? (5 points maximum) All of our public access computers have headphone jacks. (The headphones are available upon request.) Page 2 of 4 Project title: "California of the Past" Digital Storytelling Program Applicant/Jurisdiction• Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 11. Please describe how you plan to allow members of the public to view and hear the digital stories recorded. (For example: Will you be supplying headphones for members of the public to listen to and view the stories recorded on your public access computers? Will you be advising patrons they need to bring in headphones to view the digital stories? Will the public be able to view the stories on a public access computer with speakers?). And please describe any plans you may have for a community screening of the stories near the culmination of the project. (10 points maximum) As stated, the Library makes headphones available upon request. (We do not allow use of speakers for noise/privacy reasons.) Upon completion of this project, to formally unveil this project, the Library plans to hold a "Cultural Arts Night" around the theme of local history. (This event is described in more detail in question #12.) 12. Please describe how you plan to publicize the grant and the new program to the community at large. (10 points maximum) Upon award of the grant, the Library will meet with the different historical societies to update them on the project and how they can get involved. We will also send out press releases, advertise on the City's cable channel, and do a presentation for both the City Council and the Planning Commission's Historical Preservation sub-committee. To debut stories on the digital story telling station, the Library will hold a Cultural Arts Night "Celebrating Local History". The Library has approximately six Cultural Arts Nights each year. These are large-scale programs, held on Friday night at the Paul A. Biane Library at Victoria Gardens. Depending on the theme (some Cultural Arts Nights we have recently done include Chinese New Year, Black History Month, Earth Day and Hispanic Heritage Month), at these programs we have theme-related storytelling and crafts for children, live music, lectures and book displays. For "Celebrating Local History," besides the storytellers and crafts for children, photo exhibits of momentous events from the history of Rancho Cucamonga, and lecture/demonstrations by local vintners, we will have an area dedicated to the stories from the digital storytelling station, as well as have as many storytellers in person to interactively share their stories. We generally average between 400-600 people at our Cultural Arts Night program; and we feel this would be the perfect way to debut the stories captured on the digital storytelling station. 13. Please describe your plans for continuation of the program beyond the grant funding. (15 points maximum) Sitting on Route 66, and being one of the first viticulture areas in the State of Califomia, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has a rich tradition with many stories to tell. The Library and the City have a strong commitment to capturing as much of its local history as possible, and will continue to offer access to the digital storytelling station after the grant funding period ends. The intention is during the project to train as many staff and volunteers on the station so that no one person is critical for recording stories, and to establish set hours for when the station is available (as well as by appointment). The Library also intends to make the "Celebrate Local History" Cultural Arts Night an annual event, so that particularly children in the community will grow up with a greater sense of the roots of Rancho Cucamonga, and how it evolved into the city it is today. Page 3 of 4 Project title: "California of the PasP' Digital Storytelling Program Applicant/Jurisdiction: Rancho Cucamonga Public Library 14. Certification. a) I afTirm that the jurisdiction or agency named below is the legally designated fiscal agent for this program and is authorized to receive and expend funds for the conduct of this program. b) Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Public libraries must complete, sign, and attach appropriate original CIPA form (available on the State Library website, http:/hvww.l ib ra rv.ca.QOV/Q ra n is/Ista/ci pa. h tml). Name and title: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Organization: Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Street/mailing address: 7368 Archibald Avenue City; Rancho Cucamonga County: San Bernardino Zip+4• Telephone: 909-477-2720 Fax: 909-477-2721 91730 E-mail: rkaratsu@cityofro.com Authorized representative: ~' J~? {f !/~"~ ~?~t''~'~'~ - Date: ~ ~3 / ~gnature Doc. #!3337 Page 4 of 4 STAFF REPORT ~y~, ~,. LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT f Date: April 9, 2009 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: LIBRARY STATUS REPORT RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The spreadsheets on the monthly statistics, a snapshot of the measurable activities of the Library are attached. These reports include a separate sheet for the Paul A. Biane Library, the Archibald Library and a sheet with combined statistics. Reports attached for March. FISCAL IMPACT None. Respectfully submitted, - ~~C a,,,~,~,,,- Robert Karatsu Library Director Days Open 58 56 Items Borrowed (AR, BL, BKM) 108,365 92,795 Average Daily 1,868 1,657 Change 17% Patrons Registered (AR, BL, BKM) 1,423 1,437 Average Daily 25 26 Change -1 Information questions 18,532 18,582 Average Daily 320 332 Change 0% Library Visitors 51,448 57,568 Average Daily 887 1,028 Change -11 Children's Programs 4,342 1,914 # of Sessions 71 68 Aver. Per session 61 28 Change 127% Items Classified 3,798 3,519 Change 8% Volunteer Hours 553 536 Change 3% TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 8,752 7,400 Change 18% Technology Questions 4,713 5,140 Change -8% Programs/Classes Attendance 79 74 # of Sessions 6 4 Aver. per session 13 19 ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 7,722 6,596 Average Daily 133 118 Change 17% Programs/Classes Attendance 35 34 # of Sessions 4 4 Aver. per session 9 9 Teen Programs 59 35 # of Sessions 5 3 Aver. per session 12 12 TourslGroup Visits Attendance 18 8 # of Sessions 2 1 Aver. per session 9 8 CHILDRENS SERVICES Information Questions 6,097 Average Daily 105 Change -1 1 Bouncing Babies! 596 # of Sessions 14 Aver. Per session 43 Toddler Time 230 # of Sessions 8 Aver. Per session 29 Preschool Storytime Attendance 492 # of Sessions 18 Aver. per session 27 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 312 # of Sessions 8 Aver. per session 39 Family Storytime Attendance 797 # of Sessions 30 Aver. per session 27 Special Events Program Attendance 2,030 # of Sessions 4 Aver. per session 508 Group Visits to Library Attendance 35 # of Sessions 1 Aver. per session 35 • ~ Mar-09 N Days Open 31 Items Borrowed (incl. renewals) 51,634 Average Daily 1,666 °h Change 23% Patroru Registered 695 Average Daily 22 % Change 16% Information Questions 7,724 Average Daily 249 Change -1 Library visitors 25,941 Average Dairy 837 Change -16% Children's Programs 534 # of Sessions 21 Aver. Per session 25 Change 3% Items Classlfled 2,500 Change 7% Volunteer Hours 267 °r° change 9% TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 5,345 Change 17% Technology Questions 1,314 Change -28% ProgramsfClasses Attendance # of Sessions 2 Aver. per session 13 ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 2,603 Average Daily $4 Change 6% ProgramslClassas Attendance 20 # of Sessions 2 Aver. per session 10 Teen Programs 14 # of Sessions 2 Aver. per session 7 TouralGroup Visits Attendance 0 # of Sessions 0 Aver. per session 0 CHILDRENS SERVICES Inforrnatlon Questions 3,807 Average Daily 123 Change ~ 8°/a Bouncing Babies 115 # of Sessions 4 Aver. Per session 28 Toddler Time 122 # of Sessions 4 Aver. Per session 31 Pn-school Storytime Attendanu 204 # of Sessions 8 Aver. per session 25 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 80 # of Sessions 4 Aver. per session 20 Family Storytime Attendance 98 # of Sessions 4 Aver. per session 24 Special Events Program Attendance 30 # of Sessions 1 Aver. per session 30 Group Vfsits to Library Attendance 0 # of Sessions 0 Aver. per session 0 Mar-09 Mar-08 Days Open 27 26 Items Borrowed 52,646 46,186 Average Daily 1,950 1,776 Change 14% Patrons Registered 720 816 Average Daily 27 31 Change -12% Information Questions 10,808 10,765 Average Daily 400 414 Change 0% Library Visitors 25,507 26,823 Average Daily 945 1,032 Change -5% Children's Programs 3,808 1,396 # of Sessions 47 41 Aver. Per session 81 34 Change 173% Items Classified 1,298 1,173 Change 11 Volunteer Hours 286 290 Change -1 TECHNOLOGY CENTER SERVICES Computer Use Sessions 3,407 4,040 Change -16% Technology Questions 3,399 3,309 Change 3% Programs/Classes Attendance 79 74 # of Sessions 4 4 Aver. per session 20 19 ADULT SERVICES Information Questions 5,119 4,147 Average Daily 190 160 Change 23% Programs/Classes Attendance 15 34 # of Sessions 2 4 Aver. per session 8 9 Teen Programs 45 35 # of Sessions 3 3 Aver. per session 15 12 TourslGroup Visits Attendance 18 0 # of Sessions 2 0 Aver. per session 0 0 CHILDRENS SERVICES Information Questions 2,290 3,309 Average Daily 85 127 Change -31 Bouncing Babieai 481 160 # of Sessions 10 8 Aver. Per session 48 20 Toddler Time 108 340 # of Sessions 4 8 Aver. Per session 27 43 Preschool Storytime Attendance 288 243 # of Sessions 10 8 Aver. per session 29 30 Afterschool Storytime Attendance 232 58 # of Sessions 4 3 Aver. per session 58 19 Family Storytime Attendance 699 455 # of Sessions 26 13 Aver. per session 27 35 Special Events Program Attendance 2,000 140 # of Sessions 3 1 Aver. per session 667 140 Mar-09 M~ BOOKMOBILE Items Borrowed (incl. renewals) 4,085 Change -14% Patrons Registered 8 ADULT LITERACY SERVICES Tutor Teams Matched 40 Change -7% Learners Waiting 14 Change 133% Families for Literacy Participants 8 Computer Literacy Participants 60 Storynite 10 BACK 2 BASICS ARCHIBALD # of Students 33 # of Sessions 103 # of Volunteer Hours 95 Special Program Att. # of Sessions 1 Aver. Per session 32 BACK 2 BASICS BIANE # of Students 50 # of Sessions 168 # of Volunteer Hours 189 Special Program Att. # of Sessions 2 Aver. Per session 67 SCHOOL 8 COMMUNITY OUTREACH 120 # of Visits 1 VIRTUAL LIBRARY SERVICES Searches 125,135 Retrievals 15,432 Remote Access 100,396 Tutor.Com Use n/a Home Access n/a In-Library Use n/a Digital Books 185 Audio Downloads 115 eBook Downloads 70 Website Hits n/8 HOMEBOUND SERVICES Patrons Served 28 Materials Loaned 227 Visitor Hours Volunteered 15 4 1 1 STAFF REPORT LIBRARI' SER\'ICr$ D~P.~1R'I'~IFN'I' Date: April 9, 2009 To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: STATUS OF 2008/2009 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION No recommendation. For information only. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS ~~~r_~~_ RANCHO cUCAMONGA Schedule A, titled "Revenue Report" is a report of all funds earned during the month(s) and is attached. It includes separate reports for Archibald Library revenue, Paul A. Biane Library revenue and combined revenues. Schedule B, titled "Balance Sheet FY 2008/2009" is a report balancing income vs. projections for the current fiscal year to date and is attached. Schedule C, titled "Library Expenditures 2008/2009" is an accounting of all funds expended in the current fiscal year and is attached. FISCAL IMPACT None. Respectfully submitted, ._ ~`~~~ Robert Karatsu Library Director Schedule A TOTAL LIBRARIES FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT & FEES RENTALS SERV. Mar-09 01-Mar $247.00 $87.52 $0.00 02-Mar $891.18 $355.30 $0.00 03-Mar $902.00 $400.85 ~ $0.00 04-Mar $735.52 $323.27 $0.00 05-Mar $526.63 $338.47 $0.00 06-Mar $376.35 $330.30 $0.00 07-Mar $746.75 $494.57 $3.00 08-Mar $174.00 $123.69 $0.00 09-Mar $639.38 $371.35 $0.00 10-Mar $957.07 $430.29 $0.10 11-Mar $778.32 $372.46 $0.00 12-Mar $704.55 $365.15 $0.00 13-Mar $423.00 $329.81 $0.00 14-Mar $513.97 $453.32 $0.00 15-Mar $205.56 $145.08 $0.00 16-Mar $690.64 $394.82 $3.00 17-Mar $824.47 $387.56 $3.00 18-Mar $742.63 $326.15 $0.00 19-Mar $738.52 $333.04 $0.00 20-Mar $379.41 $334.94 $0.00 21-Mar $517.76 $446.55 $0.00 22-Mar $156.80 $144.14 $0.00 23-Mar $1,128.86 $472.09 $0.00 24-Mar $910.83 $399.64 $0.00 25-Mar $993.68 $397.06 $6.00 26-Mar $675.03 $330.27 $0.00 27-Mar $326.55 $245.99 $0.00 28-Mar $426.81 $353.00 $3.00 29-Mar $179.60 $121.12 $0.00 30-Mar $971.28 $425.93 $3.00 31-Mar $799.58 $367.40 $0.00 TOTALS: $18,303.73 $10,401.13 $21.10 March 2008 TOTALS CHANGE Daily Average Fines Daily Average Media Daily Average Ref. Fees DAILY TOTALS GAIN/LOSS ON PROJ: $18,211.20 $10,037.07 $90.50 1% 4% -77% 2008/9 Rev 2008/9 Proj: $590.44 $638.00 $335.52 $312.00 $0.68 $12.00 $926.64 $962.00 ($955) ARCHIBALD LIBRARY FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT &FEES RENTALS SERV. Mar-09 01-Mar $247.00 $87.52 $0.00 02-Mar $413.23 $164.27 $0.00 03-Mar $435.15 $182.48 $0.00 04-Mar $477.68 $164.06 $0.00 05-Mar $314.98 $167.67 $0.00 06-Mar $146.50 $136.72 $0.00 07-Mar $320.34 $215.39 $3.00 08-Mar $174.00 $123.69 $0.00 09-Mar $359.73 $178.48 $0.00 10-Mar ~ $581.99 $160.16 $0.00 11-Mar $421.51 $187.96 $0.00 12-Mar $380.78 $186.64 $0.00 13-Mar $155.90 $157.11 $0.00 14-Mar $182.56 $171.36 $0.00 15-Mar $186.96 $122.79 $0.00 16-Mar $419.49 $186.41 $3.00 17-Mar $492.13 $151.73 $3.00 18-Mar $354.05 $169.52 $0.00 19-Mar $400.54 $165.95 $0.00 20-Mar $149.77 $139.40 $0.00 21-Mar $248.74 $196.14 $0.00 22-Mar $156.80 $144.14 $0.00 23-Mar $662.49 $203.78 $0.00 24-Mar $456.12 $173.35 $0.00 25-Mar $390.33 $194.70 $6.00 26-Mar $349.13 $146.82 $0.00 27-Mar $144.65 $137.84 $0.00 28-Mar $183.00 $133.00 $3.00 29-Mar $179.60 $121.12 $0.00 30-Mar $584.63 $195.46 $0.00 31-Mar $346.18 $169.35 $0.00 TOTALS: $9,495.96 $5,035.01 $18.00 March 2008 TOTALS $8,797.70 $4,461.99 $83.35 CHANGE 8% 13% -78% BIANE LIBRARY FINES MEDIA REF REVENUE REPORT & FEES RENTALS SERV. Mar-09 01-Mar $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 02-Mar $477.95 $191.03 $0.00 03-Mar $466.85 $218.37 $0.00 04-Mar $257.84 $159.21 $0.00 05-Mar $211.65 $170.80 $0.00 06-Mar $229.85 $193.58 $0.00 07-Mar $426.41 $279.18 $0.00 08-Mar $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 09-Mar $279.65 $192.87 $0.00 10-Mar $375.08 $270.13 $0.10 11-Mar $356.81 $184.50 $0.00 12-Mar $323.77 $178.51 $0.00 13-Mar $267.10 $172.70 $0.00 14-Mar $331.41 $281.96 $0.00 15-Mar $18.60 $22.29 $0.00 16-Mar $271.15 $208.41 $0.00 17-Mar $332.34 $235.83 $0.00 18-Mar $388.58 $156.63 $0.00 19-Mar $337.98 $167.09 $0.00 20-Mar $229.64 $195.54 $0.00 21-Mar $269.02 $250.41 $0.00 22-Mar $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 23-Mar $466.37 $268.31 $0.00 24-Mar $454.71 $226.29 $0.00 25-Mar $603.35 $202.36 $0.00 26-Mar $325.90 $183.45 $0.00 27-Mar $181.90 $108.15 $0.00 28-Mar $243.81 $220.00 $0.00 29-Mar $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 30-Mar $386.65 $230.47 $3.00 31-Mar $453.40 $198.05 $0.00 TOTALS: $8,807.77 $5,366.12 $3.10 March 2009 TOTALS $9,413.50 $5,575.08 $7.15 CHANGE -6% -4% -57% Schedule B BALANCE SHEET April FY 2008/2009 Revenues Earned Projected Loss/Gain Fines & Fees $134,875 $148,750 {$13.875) -9.3% Media Rentals $70,538 $77,911 ($7.373) -9.5% Sales/Services Fees $607 $200 $407 203.5% Direct Loan $58,329 $45,000 $13,329 29.6% Private Contributions $60,000 $75,000 ($15,000) -20.0% Totals: $324,349 $346,861 ($22,512) -6.5% *Balance for Year through March ($22,512) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year: 2009 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Dale Mar 2009 Schedule C Remaining Object Description Budget MTD Actua YTD Actua Encumbranc Balance Revenue Accounts Key: 1290000 -Library Fund 4101 Property Taxes-CY Secured 4102 Property Taxes-CY Unsecured 4103 Property Taxes-PY Sec & Unsec 4105 Property Taxes-Supplemental 4312 Library Fines and Fees 4401 Interest Earnings 4402 Unrealized Gain 4410 Media Rentals 4411 Special Event Rental 4512 Library Card & Merchndse Sales 4514 Technology Center Revenue 4515 Informatimr Service Fees 4570 Sale of Printed Materials 4740 Grant Income 4901 Other Revenue 4906 CLSA Direct Loan 4907 Private Contributions Library 4908 Public Library Foundation 4909 RC Library Foundation Support Total jor Org Key 1290000: 3,119,600.00 37,296.45 1,047,776.56 0.00 2,071,823.44 66.41 79,220.00 -88.04 82,062.19 0.00 -2.842.19 -3.58 109,970.00 10,707.67 110,533.70 0.00 -563.70 -0.51 282,820.00 16,305.28 117,390.29 0.00 165,429.71 58.49 210,000.00 8,821.28 139,097.37 0.00 70,902.63 33.76 118,120.00 0.00 79,184.47 0.00 38,935.53 32.96 0.00 0.00 -10,530.72 0.00 10,530.72 0.00 110,000.00 4,921.43 73,006.14 0.00 36,993.86 33.63 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 100.00 2,000.00 0.00 -10.45 0.00 2,010.45 100.52 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 100.00 300.00 2.90 607.10 0.00 -307.L0 -102.36 18,000.00 1,289.00 12,790.90 0.00 5,209.10 28.93 42,000.00 1,683.00 53,763.00 0.00 -11,763.00 -28.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 0.00 -L98 0.00 90,000.00 17,572.28 58,329.07 0.00 31,670.93 35.18 205,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 0.00 145,000.00 70.73 60,000.00 0.00 59,349.00 0.00 651.00 1.08 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 -IS,000.00 0.00 4,457,030.00 98,511.25 1,898,350.60 0.00 2,558,679.40 57.40 Key: 1298000 -Calif Literacy Campaign Grant 4740 Grant Income 4909 RC Library Foundation Support 8001 Transfer In-General Fund 8290 Transfer In-Library Fund 8308 Transfer In-Families for Lit. Totn[ jor Org Key 1298000: 96,820.02 Totulfor Revenue Accounts: 4,553,850.02 0.00 51,774.00 0.00 45,046.02 46.52 98,511.25 1,950,124.60 0.00 2,603,725.42 57.17 36,400 .00 0.00 29,064 .00 0.00 7,336 .00 20 .15 15,000 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 15,000 .00 100 .00 0 .01 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 .01 100 .00 45,420 .00 0.00 22,710 .00 0.00 22,710 .00 50 .00 o .o] o.oo o .oa o.oo o .ol 100 .00 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: I Curren[ Date: 04/01/2009 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Curren[ Time: 14:17:38 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year, 2009 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date Mar 2009 Remaining Object Description Bud>;el MTD Actua YTD Actua Encumbranc Balance Expense Accomtts Key: 1290601 -Library Fund 5000 Regular Salaries 5010 Part Time Salaries 5030 Fringe Benefits 5100 Travel and Meetings 5102 Training S 108 Mileage 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment S 160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations & Maintenance 5220 Cellular Technology 5283 Depreciation-Computer Equip 5300 Contract Services 5400 Telephone Utilities 5402 Water Utilities 5403 Electric Utilities SSOI Admin./General Overhead 9298 Transfer Out-CA Literacy Cmpgn Tout! jor Org Key !29060! Key: 1290603 -After School Learning Prog 5000 Regular Salaries 5010 Part Time Salaries 5030 Fringe Benefits 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 5200 Operations & Maintenance Total for Org Key 1290603: 216,434.00 12,919.38 156,095.96 0.00 60,338.04 27.87 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 100.00 116,370.00 0.00 116,370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,500.00 0.00 11,436.16 0.00 5,063.84 30.68 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 7,000.00 607.22 4,902.99 0.00 2,097.01 29.95 2,000.00 291.72 925.54 0.00 1,074.46 53.72 12,900.00 0.00 11,818.08 0.00 1,081.92 8.38 26,000.00 588.62 7,850.74 0.00 18,149.26 69.80 900.00 -34.01 766.78 0.00 133.22 14.80 4,120.00 0.00 2,060.00 0.00 2,060.00 50.00 128,656.00 1,823.39 54,716.20 22,246.05 51,693.75 40.17 15,000.00 1,103.33 7,666.15 0.00 7,333.88 48.89 3,000.00 532.41 2,582.85 0.00 417.15 13.90 75,000.00 3,890.55 32,209.26 0.00 42,790.74 57.05 189,000.00 0.00 94,500.00 0.00 94,500.00 50.00 45,420.00 0.00 22,710.00 0.00 22,710.00 50.00 872,300.00 21,722.61 526,610.71 22,246.05 323,443.24 37.07 28,480.00 2,212.94 17,115.76 0.00 11,364.24 39.90 30,180.00 1,971.24 3,327.48 0.00 26,882.82 88.97 13,990.00 0.00 13,989.99 0.00 0.01 0.00 1,000.00 535.97 1,157.76 0.00 -157.76 -15.77 2,500.00 9.98 202.24 0.00 2,297.76 91.91 76,150.00 4,730.13 35,793.23 0.00 40,356.77 53.00 Key: 1290604 -Bookmobile Services 5000 Regular Salaries 59,170.00 4,551.69 42,103.17 0.00 17,066.83 28.84 5010 Part Time Salaries 20,600.00 1,676.33 12,094.13 0.00 8,505.87 41.29 5030 Fringe Benefits 29,150.00 0.00 29,150.03 0.00 -0.03 -0.00 5105 Mileage 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 500.00 0.00 34.05 0.00 465.95 93.19 5200 Operations & Maintenance 4,000.00 468.51 2,569.16 0.00 1,430.84 35.77 5220 Cellular Technology 1,500.00 143.54 1,014.71 0.00 485.29 32.35 Total for Org Key /290604: 115,020.00 6,840.07 86,965.25 0.00 28,054.75 24.39 Key : 1290605 -Library Board of Trustees 5100 Travel and Meetings 2,200.00 0.00 1,444.60 0.00 755.40 34.33 5160 Membership Dues 500.00 0.00 115.00 0.00 385.00 77.00 Total for Org Key 1290605: 2,700.00 0.00 1,559.60 0.00 1,140.40 42.23 Key : 1290606 -Archibald Library 5000 Regular Salaries 586,040.00 37,405.74 379,459.76 0.00 206,580.24 35.25 5010 Part Time Salaries 324,630.00 24,374.96 174,461.60 0.00 150,168.40 46.25 5030 Fringe Benefits 296,540.00 0.00 296,539.99 0.00 0.01 0.00 5100 Travel and Meetings 4,500.00 170.50 905.22 0.00 3,594.78 79.88 5105 Mileage 200.00 0.00 56.82 0.00 143.18 71.59 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 10,000.00 387.94 4,497.36 0.00 5,502.64 55.02 5152 Computer Software 1,000.00 48.25 951.67 0.00 48.33 4.83 5160 Membership Dues 650.00 140.00 172.00 0.00 478.00 73.53 5200 Operations & Maintenance 451,575.30 23,224.71 254,642.41 252.87 196,680.02 43.55 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 2 Current Date: 04/01/2009 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object Curr en[ Time: 14:17:38 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year, 2009 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date Mar 2009 Remaining Object Description Budget MTD Ac[ua YTD Actua Encumbranc Balance 5300 Contract Services 116,179.67 6,666.71 47,475.99 17,371.29 51,332.39 44.18 TotnlforOrgKeyl190606. 1,791,314.97 92,418.81 1,]59,162.82 17,624.16 614,527.99 34.30 Key: 1290607 -Paul A. Biane Library 5000 Regular Salaries 591,020.00 49,276.61 434,362.43 0.00 156,657.57 26.50 5010 Part Time Salaries 350,420.00 24,381.19 203,343.41 0.00 147,076.59 41.97 5030 Fringe Benefits 300,560.00 0.00 300,560.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.00 5100 Travel and Meetings 6,500.00 0.00 1,672.74 0.00 4,827.26 74.26 5105 Mileage 200.00 0.00 239.84 0.00 -39.84 -19.92 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 10,000.00 138.13 5,282.76 0.00 4,717.24 47.17 5152 Computer Software 3,000.00 0.00 1,436.16 0.00 1,563.84 52.12 5160 Membership Dues 700.00 0.00 450.00 0.00 250.00 35.71 5200 Operations & Maintenance 285,000.00 20,863.22 164,444.13 19,340.03 101,215.84 35.51 5300 Contract Services 104,619.66 4,655.26 39,792.65 6,863.26 57,963.75 55.40 TotaljorOrgKey1290607 1,652,019.66 99,314.41 1,151,584.13 26,203.29 474,232.24 28.70 Key: 1290608 -Virtual Library 5000 Regular Salaries 25,630.00 1,981.00 15,207.77 0.00 10,422.23 40.66 5030 Fringe Benefits 12,050.00 0.00 12,050.03 0.00 -0.03 -0.00 5152 Computer Software 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 100.00 5300 Contract Services 6,000.00 0.00 324.00 0.00 5,676.00 94.60 Totes! jor Org Key !190608: 45,680.00 1,981.00 27,581.80 0.00 18,098.20 39.61 Key: 1298601 -Calif Literacy Campaign Grant 5000 Regular Salaries 5010 Part Time Salaries 5030 Fringe Benefits 5100 Travel and Meetings 5105 Mileage 5150 Office Supplies & Equipment 5160 Membership Dues 5200 Operations & Maintenance 5300 Contract Services 49,210. 00 3,693. 23 34,162. 39 0.00 15,047. 61 30. 57 17,190. 00 1,815. 29 15,095. 66 0.00 2,094. 34 12. 18 25,020. 00 0. 00 25,019. 99 0.00 0. 01 0. 00 1,000. 00 314. 02 527. 22 0.00 472. 78 47. 27 400. 00 73. 15 229. 35 0.00 170. 65 42. 66 1,000. 00 16. 50 249. 19 0.00 750. 81 75. 08 420. 00 0. 00 374. 00 0.00 46. 00 10. 95 1,000. 00 0. 00 176. 82 0.00 823. 18 82. 31 1,580. 00 0. 00 670. 00 114.00 796. 00 50. 37 Total for Org Key 1298601: 96,820.00 5,912.19 76,504.62 114.00 20,201.38 20.86 Total for Expense Accounts: 4,652,004.63 232,919.22 3,065,762.16 66,187.50 1,520,054.97 32.67 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 3 Current Date: 04/01/2009 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_01_RC - CL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Kcy/Object Curren[ Time: 14:17:38 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Fiscal Year: 2009 GL Budget to Actual with Encumbrances Report Date Mar 2009 Remaining Object Description Bud~el MTD Actua YTD Actua Encumbranc Balance Report Summary RevenueTotal.~ 4,553,850.02 98,511.25 1,950,124.60 0.00 2,603,725.42 57.17 Expense Total: 4,652,004.63 232,919.22 3,065,762.16 66,187.50 1,520,054.97 32.67 Total Net for Report: -98,154.61 -134,407.97 -1,] 15,637.56 -66,187.50 1,083,670.45 User: VGARCIA -Vivian Garcia Page: 4 Current Date: 04/01/2009 Report: GL_BA_MSTR_Ol_RC - GL: Budget to Actual with Encumbrances - By Key/Object ~ Current Time: 14:1738 P T ~ ~~' STAFF RE OR ~-= ,~~;--~ LIBRARY SERVICES DEPdRTbfENT Date: April 9, 2009 jhNCxo C(.CAMONGA To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: POSSIBLE REVISIONS TO LIBRARY FEE SCHEDULE RECOMMENDATION That the Library Board of Trustee review staff recommendations and discuss proposed changes in Library fee schedule. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Below are fees currently charged by the Library for media rentals and other miscellaneous fees, and staff recommendations: Item Current Fee Staff Recommendation Books on CD .25 cents per disc, No change max. $2 CDs .25 for older CDs, All new CDs to be 1.00 and older CDs .50 cents. .50 cents for new CDs DVDs 1.00 per week Keep older DVDs at $1 but change new DVDs hi h demand to $2 Readalon s .25 cents Eliminate fee VHS .50 cents No chan e Video ames 4.00 No chan e Deposit books $20 refundable Eliminate deposit fee de osit Color hotoco ies .75 cents er co Reduce to .50 cents er co B&W co ies .10 cents er co No chan e Rental books 1.00 er week No chan e Library fines for books .25 cents per day No change for adult materials, .15 cents per day for children's materials Library fines for 10 cents per day No change ma azines Changes to the DVD, CD and color photocopy charges were done to more accurately reflect current market rates. The deposit book fee is recommended being dropped because this collection is much smaller now, the paperwork that is required to both take and refund a deposit, and most of these PROPOSED R13V'ISIONS'I'O LI131tAItY PEI:. SC,lil%DULI% PACT l3 2 books can now be accessed via our online database, Learnatest.com. The readalongs do not generate much revenue (only $750 a year) and these are being repackaged and incorporated into the general collection. (It will be easier on circulation staff to not have to differentiate between a fee-based item and a free item. Also, by removing the fee, it will allow check out on the self-check out machines.) FISCAL IMPACT It in uncertain how the new fees may affect overall revenues. However, with the decline in media revenues from previous years, it is felt that by increasing some fees, it may compensate for declines in revenue. Respectfully submitted, _ ~~0 Y~ J Robert- Karatsu Library Director STAFF REPORT `~-=~ LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 Date: April 9, 2009 RANCxo cUCAMONGA To: Rancho Cucamonga Library Board of Trustees From: Robert Karatsu, Library Director Subject: POSSIBLE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP RECOMMENDATION That the Library Board of Trustee discuss possible board workshop, refine agenda, and if they wish to hold workshop, set one or tentative dates that will work for their schedule. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS At a previous meeting of the Library Board of Trustees, it was agreed in concept to hold a workshop targeted at board development. After doing some research, staff has identified a potential facilitator and a sample agenda for this workshop. The facilitator for this program would be Jan Sanders, the Library Director of the Pasadena Public Library. In addition to being the Library Director at Pasadena, Ms. Sanders is also the past- president of the Public Library Association and considered to be leading authority on library board development. After discussing an agenda for a board development workshop, this is what Ms. Sanders proposed for an approximate 4-5 hour program: - Role/Responsibility of the Library Board. - The Library Board as advocate. - Long-range visioning. (Perhaps use the recent CALTAC workshop as a springboard for this discussion.) - Various team-building exercises. Possible dates for this workshop that would work with Ms. Sanders were either Saturday, May 9"' or Saturday, May 30"'. (It could be moved back into June as well). In addition to the workshop, as a follow-up, an "introductory" packet for any new Library Board members will also be created by library consultant Deborah Clark. FISCAL IMPACT Ms. Sanders' fee for ahalf-day program, including collateral material and travel, is $500. (There is money in the Board travel and meeting budget to cover the cost of this workshop.) Respectfully submitted, ~~Ini~/~itn Robert Karatsu Library Director