HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005/07/05 - Agenda Packet ACTION AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY JULY 5, 2005 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA Committee Members: Cristine McPhail Pam Stewart Dan Coleman Alternates: Rich Macias Richard Fletcher Larry McNiel CONSENT CALENDAR 7:00 p.m. (Tabe/Willie) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM16981 - STEVEN SPIES, PETER BRYAN, LINDA BRYAN - A subdivision of 2.43 acres of land into 4 lots in the Very Low Residential District (.1 -2 dwelling units per acre), located 100 feet south of Wilson Avenue, between Hellman Avenue and Cousins Place - APN: 1062-061-03. Related • Files: Development Review DRC2004-01170 and Variance DRC2004-01169. VARIANCE DRC2004-01 1 69-STEVEN SPIES, PETER BRYAN, LINDA BRYAN -A request to reduce the lot width of 4 lots on 2.43 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (.1 - 2 dwelling units per acre), located 100 feet south of Wilson Avenue, between Hellman Avenue and Cousins Place - APN: 1062-61-03. Related Files: Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM16981 and Development Review DRC2004-01170. 7:05 p.m. (Vance\Shelley) DESIGN REVIEW DRC2004-00654 - PULTE HOMES - A request for elevation/design approval of 266 lots of a previously approved residential subdivision of 358 single-family homes and 3 lettered lots for common open space/parks totaling 18.3 acres on 132 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located on the east and west sides of Wardman-Bullock Road, south of Wilson Avenue-APN: 0226-102-17 for Tracts 14759, 14759-2 and 14759-3. 7:10 p.m. (Mike S./Shelley) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM16969-BLU CROIX, LTD(ON BEHALF OF VERIZON CALIFORNIA) -A request to subdivide a parcel of 4.35 acres into two parcels, one of 3.36 acres (Parcel 1) which will be sold for future residential development,and the other of 0.99 acre (Parcel 2)which will remain in ownership with Verizon for continued use as a telephonic switching facility in the Very Low Residential District(.1 to 2 dwelling units per acre), located at 6334 East Avenue- • APN: 0225-181-25. Related File: Preliminary Review DRC2004-00496. DRC AGENDA July 5, 2005 • Page 2 7:15 p.m. (Emily/Cam) HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2004-00290-BUSH-Arequesttoconstructa single-family residence of 3950 square feet in the Very Low Residential District, located at the south side of Reales Street, east of Beryl Avenue - APN: 1061-801-24. PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS v This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:20 p.m. (Vance/Willie) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2004-01151 -CRESTWOOD CORPORATION- The review of site plans and elevations for 47 single-family detached homes on 10.8 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located at the southeast corner of 6th Street and Hellman Avenue - APN: 0210-062-05 and 06. Related File: Tentative Tract SUBTT16311 was previously approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 03-147. On October 22, 2003, a Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16311. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration • is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Negative Declaration. 7:40 p.m. (Michael/Joe) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2005-00180— INVESTWEST GROUP, LLC for STARBUCKS COFFEE-A request to construct 2,500 square foot retail coffee shop with a drive-through lane on Lot 9 of Parcel Map 15716-2 within the Route 66 Area of the Victoria Gardens Master Plan in the Mixed Use District of the Victoria Community Plan, located at 8025 Day Creek Road-APN: 0227-464-037. 8:00 p.m. (Mike S./Cam) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2004-00622 - ODELKIS BARRERA - A request for a preschool and child care center of 4,383 square feet on .75 acre of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located on the south side of Base Line Road (northerly terminus of Hyssop Drive) and east of Rochester Avenue (west of Edison Corridor) - APN: 0227-431-51. Related File: Preliminary Review DRC2004-00074. 8:20 p.m. (Mike S./Mark) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2004-01125-PANATTONI DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC-A requestto construct a commercial and office complex comprised of three buildings with a combined floor area of about 49,000 square feet, with a portion of about 10,000 • square feet to be developed by others, on a vacant parcel of 5.31 acres in the Industrial Park District, (Subarea 7), located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Milliken Avenue-APN: 0229-011-69 and 0208-961-05. Related Files: Development Review DR99-11, Development Review Modification DRCDR99-11 MOD and Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM15630. Staff has found DRC AGENDA July 5, 2005 • Page 3 the project to be within the scope of a previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program adopted by the Planning Commission on April 28, 1999, and June.28, 2000, respectively, and a Negative Declaration adopted by the Planning_Commission on February 13, 2002. This project does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in the previous Negative Declarations. 8:40 p.m. (Candyce/Willie) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2005-00145 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT SUBTT16324-GRANITE HOMES, INC. -The review of site plans and elevations for 123 single-family detached residences on 62.4 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located at the northerly end of Wardman-Bullock Road within the Etiwanda North Specific Plan — APN: 0226-082-29, 0226-081-09 and 10, and 0225-084-04. Related File: Tentative Tract SUBTT16324. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments. ADJOURNMENT • The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:00 p.m. Tabe Van der Zwagg July 5, 2005 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM16981 - STEVEN SPIES, PETER BRYAN, LINDA BRYAN -A subdivision of 2.43 acres of land into 4 lots in the Very Low Residential District (.1 - 2 dwelling units per acre), located 100 feet south of Wilson Avenue, between Hellman Avenue and Cousins Place -APN: 1062-061-03. Related Files: Development Review DRC2004-01170 and Variance DRC2004-01169. VARIANCE DRC2004-01169 - STEVEN SPIES, PETER BRYAN, LINDA BRYAN - A request to reduce the lot width of 4 lots on 2.43 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (.1 - 2 dwelling units per acre), located 100 feet south of Wilson Avenue, between Hellman Avenue and Cousins Place - APN: 1062-061-03. Related Files: Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM16981 and Development Review DRC2004-01170. Design Parameters: The project site is located 100 feet south of Wilson Avenue, between Hellman Avenue and Cousins Place on a parcel of 2.43 acres. The parcel is generally rectangular in shape with an overall depth of about 646 feet east-west by 165 feet north-south. All of the surrounding properties are developed with single-family residences. The existing topography slopes from about 1,778 feet on the north side of the lot to about 1,771 feet on the south side. • The applicant is proposing to subdivide the property into four parcels for future development of one single-family residence per parcel. Parcel sizes are as follows: Lot 1 - 27,693 square feet, Lot 2 - 26,793 square feet, Lot 3 - 26,755 square feet, and Lot 4 - 26,751 square feet. The proposed parcel map and the parcels created comply with the City's requirements for lot area and depth that are applicable to this development district. Variance: Each of the four lots is a little over 7 feet narrower than the City's 90-foot lot width requirement. The applicants have filed a Variance for lot width (DRC2004-01169). The parcels are within the Equestrian Overlay, and with each lot exceeding the minimum required lot depth of 200 feet by 123 feet (323 feet total), the requirement for a 70-foot horse corral buffer from neighboring habitable structures is easily met. At this time,the applicants have decided to withdraw the submitted house designs (DRC2004-01170) in order to focus on the Tentative Parcel Map review process. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. Staff recommends that a 15-foot long segment of local feeder trail be provided at the southeast corner of Lot 4 to provide trail access to the vacant parcel to the south. The applicant has offered to provide a continuous 7.5-foot local feeder trail along entire south project boundary. Staff supports this concept because it would provide maximum trail access • for all proposed lots, and the three property owners to the south. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee recommend approval of the proposed parcel map as submitted to the Planning Commission. DRC COMMENTS SUBTPM16981 — STEVE SPIES, PETER BRYAN, LINDA BRYAN • July 5, 2005 Page 2 Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman Staff Planner: Tabe van der Zwagg The Committee approved the project as presented. • • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:05 p.m. Vance Pomeroy July 5, 2005 DESIGN REVIEW DRC2004-00654-PULTE HOMES-A request for elevation/design approval of 266 lots of a previously approved residential subdivision of 358 single-family homes and 3 lettered lots for common open space/parks totaling 18.3 acres on 132 acres of land in the Low Residential District(2-4 dwelling units per acre), located on the east and west sides of Wardman-Bullock Road, south of Wilson Avenue -APN: 0226-102-17for Tracts 14759, 14759-2 and 14759-3. Design Parameters: The Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14759 on November 10, 1999. The applicant is now proceeding with proposals to design homes for the tract. The tract will be developed in four phases. The first phase,which contains the large house product, was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission on February 9, 2005. This current application request is for the remaining three phases that includes 266 lots (Tracts 14759, 14759-2, and 14759-3). These phases are south of Wilson Avenue and west and south of Wardman-Bullock Road and include two of the three park sites. The Design Review Committee(McPhail,Stewart,Coleman)reviewed this project previously on May 31, 2005. At that time, the Committee continued the item to give the applicant an opportunity to address the design issues raised by the Committee and to verify that the site design solutions • presented to the Committee are complete. Staff has reviewed the revised Site Plan and has verified that the standards for usable rear yard area and interior site boundary have been met. Lot 37 has been revised to substitute Floor Plan 4 for Floor Plan 5 so that the front and rear setbacks are met. In addition, the 5-foot wall setback behind the sidewalk on corner lots is met. Only two situations where the minimum building separation is not met have been identified but appear to be solvable. The revised Conceptual Landscape Plan includes information on the required Eucalyptus windrows and olive and oak trees. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Maior Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. The applicant worked with staff on the architectural design revisions. Meaningful pop-outs discussed at the May 31 st Committee meeting have been added and include brackets/corbels to give a supported appearance. The applicant has expanded the use of stone and brick both in the front and on side returns. The use of wood siding has been wrapped around the entire second floor of all the California Ranch houses. Other details found in the front elevations (wrought iron, flower ledges, etc.) have been added to the side and rear elevations to help complete the 360-degree architecture idea. • 2. The chimneys have had stone or brick added to distinguish them, except California Ranch, which has had wood siding added. The accent material used at the base of columns for California Ranch is brick, therefore, the chimney material should be brick. DRC COMMENTS DRC2004-00654 — PULTE HOMES • July 5, 2005 Page 2 Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 3. The Etiwanda Specific Plan Optional Development Standards require a minimum 20-foot building separation. There are still two locations where the project does not comply. Of course, homes have been"skewed"(i.e., plotted not perpendicular with street),as required by Etiwanda Specific Plan, which results in situations where an average 20-foot building separation is maintained. The project does not comply with the minimum 20-foot building separation on these lots: Tract Lots 14759-3 32-33, 79-80 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the project subject to revising the Site Plan to comply with minimum the 20-foot building separation. • Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman Staff Planner: Vance Pomeroy The Committee recommended approval of the project as presented subject to compliance with the Policy Issues. • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:10 p.m. Michael Smith July 5, 2005 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM16969-BLU CROIX, LTD(on behalf of Verizon California)-A request to subdivide a parcel of 4.35 acres into two parcels, one of 3.36 acres (Parcel 1)which will be sold for future residential development,and the other of 0.99 acre (Parcel 2)which will remain in ownership with Verizon for continued use as a telephonic switching facility in the Very Low Residential District' (.1 to 2 dwelling units per acre), located at 6334 East Avenue - APN: 0225-181-25. Related File: Preliminary Review DRC2004-00496. ORAL PRESENTATION WILL BE GIVEN AT THE MEETING. Desiqn Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman Staff Planner: Michael Smith The Committee approved the project as presented. • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:15 p.m. Emily Cameron July 5, 2005 HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2004-00290 - BUSH - A request to construct a single-family residence of 3950 square feet in the Very Low Residential District, located at the south side of Reales Street, east of Beryl Avenue - APN: 1061-801-24. ORAL PRESENTATION WILL BE GIVEN AT THE MEETING. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman Staff Planner: Emily Cameron The Committee approved the project as presented. • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:20 p.m. Vance Pomeroy July 5, 2005 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2004-01151 -CRESTWOOD CORPORATION-The reviewof site plans and elevations for 47 single-family detached homes on 10.8 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located at the southeast corner of 6th Street and Hellman Avenue - APN: 0210-062-05 and 06. Related File: Tentative Tract SUBTT16311 was previously approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 03-147. On October 22, 2003, a Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16311. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Negative Declaration. Design Parameters: The 10.8 acre lot is generally square in shape with two entrance streets and a central circulation path that also leads to property abutting on the south that is owned by a different developer. The lots range from 5,105 to 10,224 square feet in area and most are sufficient to accommodate the houses proposed while meeting the development standards. Grading of the tract has eliminated some of the existing drainage issues that previously required open swales through "The Hawthorns" development of the south by having all lots drain toward the street. On May 3, 2005,the Design Review Committee(Fletcher, Stewart, Coleman)continued this item to give the applicant an opportunity to revise the site design and make meaningful changes in the architectural design to better show 360-degree architecture: 1. Increase the single-story plans in the mix of plans to nine houses(20 percent). It appears that this plan can fit on Lots 15 and 38. 2. Need more front setback variation,especially along the westerly stretch of homes. The mix of home may be a contributing factor to a solution to this situation, but altering the Floor Plans may also be necessary. 3. For further review, provide a streetscape elevation for both 6th Street and Hellman Avenue. 4. Further revision of the house designs is needed. Work with staff on ways to alter the Floor Plans to provide less bulky structures and on ways to improve the 360-degree application of design features and elements. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. The applicant has worked with staff to revise the unit mix for the site. Nine single-story plans • (now 20 percent) have been added to the mix of plans. The row of houses along the west boundary (Hellman Avenue) now has a greater variety of plans rather than just two and provides a variety of front setbacks. DRC COMMENTS DRC2004-01151 — CRESTWOOD CORPORATION • July 5, 2005 Page 2 2. By including a single-story plan on the westerly row of parcels (Lot 46), the house will encroach into the front setback and a Minor Exception will need to be requested and approved. 3. No streetscape elevations were provided for either 6th Street or Hellman Avenue. 4. The applicant worked with staff on revising the elevations to provide 360-degree architecture. Concentrating on Plans 4, 5, and 6,the second floor side elevations have been recessed and the rear has been given a pop-out. The boxiness has been diminished because the recess and pop-out provide opportunities for greatly breaking the vertical expanse of these walls. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. The front porches still have a depth ranging from 4 to 5 feet rather than the desired 6 feet. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the project with a condition that all porches have a minimum 6-foot depth. Attachments: May 3, 2005 DRC Minutes Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: , Fletcher, Coleman Staff Planner: Vance Pomeroy The applicant presented revised plans. The Committee recommended approval of the project subject to the following: 1. Floor Plan 2: Tuscany(Sheet 31)should expand use of stone on post bases and around the base of the house similar to the use on other floor plans with the Tuscany style. 2. Floor Plan 3: Craftsman Bungalow (Sheet 36) should employ the use of stone in the same fashion as Floor Plan 2 (Sheet 30). 3. Floor Plan 4: French Country Chateau (Sheet 45) should eliminate the second floor rear elevation stone and replace it by extending the siding material. 4. Floor Plan 5: French Country Chateau (Sheet 51) should eliminate the second floor rear elevation stone and replace it by extending the siding material; and use the stone material on the front and side of the Office/Hobby/Bedroom #5. • 5. The applicant will need to file a request for a Minor Exception for the front setback on Lot 46. • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:40 p.m. Michael Diaz July 5, 2005 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2005-00180.— INVESTWEST GROUP, LLC for STARBUCKS COFFEE -A request to construct 2,500 square foot retail coffee shop with a drive-through lane on Lot 9 of Parcel Map 15716-2 within the Route 66 Area of the Victoria Gardens Master Plan in the Mixed Use District of the Victoria Community Plan, located at 8025 Day Creek Road APN: 0227-464-037. Design Parameters: The subject project is located within the 13.3 acre area known as the Route 66 Area of the Victoria Gardens Master Plan. The Route 66 Area boundaries are Interstate 15 on the east,Victoria Gardens Lane on the north, Day Creek Boulevard on the west, and Foothill Boulevard (Route 66)on the south. The project site is Lot 9 of Parcel Map No. 15716-2 and is approximately .77 acre in land area. Projects within the Route 66 Area are required to reflect the architectural styles (e.g., Mission, Craftsman, Art Deco/Streamline Moderne, Adobe/Pueblo) found on historic roadside retail buildings that once lined Route 66. In addition,each design is required to incorporate certain architectural elements, including a beacon and eyebrow as defined in the Design Guidelines for the Route 66 Retail Handbook. Projects within the Route 66 Area are subject to final approval by the City Planner following a review and approval of the project design by the Design Review Committee (DRC). Project Description and Architectural Design: The proposed coffee shop is designed in the Streamline Moderne architectural style, an offshoot of Art Deco. The Streamline Moderne style emphasizes the horizontal aspects of the design; usual elements include curved end walls,rounded corners, metal railings,flush windows, and light or white colored stucco wall finishes. The proposed design features all of the abovementioned architectural elements and includes a single vertical wall element that provides a complementary contrast to the strong horizontal bands of the building. The project also includes an outdoor seating area with an indoor/outdoor fireplace on the north side of the building. The outdoor patio nearly doubles the seating capacity. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: None. The applicant has responded well to the major issues previously identified during staff review of the proposal. As a result, staff believes the proposed building is well designed and a good example of the type of architecture envisioned for the Route 66 Area. Secondary Issues: Staff has identified several secondary issues for discussion: 1. The first issue is in regard to the canopy over the Utility Room door entrance on the west elevation. Staff believes that the outer edge of the canopy should be curved in the same manner as the main canopy on the other sides of the building. 2. The second item is the need for design details for the proposed metal railing that will separate • the outdoor patio from the drive-through lane. The architect has been made aware these issues and will be prepared to respond at the meeting. DRC AGENDA DRC2005-00180 — INVESTWEST GROUP, LLC FOR STARBUCKS COFFEE • July 5, 2005 Page 2 3. Within the outdoor dining patio,the tables, chairs, and trash receptacles should be of a design complimentary to the Streamline Moderne architectural style. 4. Within the outdoor dining patio, add a splashing water element to provide "white noise"as a means to mask traffic noise. 5. Add a tree within the planter"finger" on the south side of the drive-through lane entry. Code Issues: The following items are a matter of City Ordinance and shall be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. The planter"fingers"flanking the entry to the drive-through lane shall be a minimum 6 feet in width, as measured from the outside face of the curb, per Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 17.12.030.E.2.c. 2. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from direct view from the street by the parapet wall of the building. The building sections do not show proposed roof equipment. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval with the revisions listed above. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman Staff Planner: Michael Diaz Staff identified five minor issues for discussion regarding modification to the number and location trees in front (east side) of the building, curving the shape of the awning above the utility doors on the west side of the building, adding outdoor music or a water feature to the outdoor patio area,and design of the outdoor railing and furniture. The Committee also discussed the proposed placement of sign directly on top of the awning on the north and south elevations. The Committee gave the applicant the choice to keep the signs where proposed or to place them directly on the wall as the other signs will be on the east building elevation. The applicant agreed to make the requested minor changes including the provision of outdoor music in the patio area instead of a water feature. The Committee approved the design for the proposed coffee shop. • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:00 p.m. Michael Smith July 5, 2005 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2004-00622 - ODELKIS BARRERA-A request for a preschool and child care center of 4,383 square feet on .75 acre of land in the Low Residential District(2-4 dwelling units per acre), located on the south side of Base Line Road (northerly terminus of Hyssop Drive)and east of Rochester Avenue(west of Edison Corridor) -APN: 0227-431-51. Related File: Preliminary Review DRC2004-00074. Design Parameters: The project site presents a unique design challenge because of its triangular shape. To the south and west are modest single-family residences built in the 1960s, and to the east is an Edison power line. The existing topography slopes from about 1,320 feet on the north side of the lot to about 1,315 feet on the south side. The applicant is proposing to construct a single-story daycare facility. The building is generally triangular in shape to match the shape of the parcel. The majority of the required parking will be located along the east property line adjacent to the utility corridor. An additional three parking stalls will be located near the northwest portion of the property. Access to the property will be provided to Base Line Road via two driveways. The westernmost access will be a "one way" driveway. Note that although the parcel is contiguous with the terminus of Hyssop Drive, there will be no access of any kind to this street. There will be a patio and a playground between the southwest face of the proposed building and the southwest property line. The primary entrance at the north side of the building will be clearly defined by a 20-foot high tower element that projects about 10 feet from the primary wall plane. Architectural articulation has been provided by an even distribution of columns along the wall plane and at most major wall plane intersections with contrasting stucco colors. In addition,there will be articulation in the roof plane on all elevations. The building incorporates two primary building materials/finishes—stucco and brick veneer. Windows are included at all elevations to minimize the dominance of bare walls. Because of the triangle shape of the structure's "footprint,"the roof design employs a flat roof screened by a parapet that utilizes a variation of a mansard roof. Roof-mounted equipment will be adequately screened in this roof"well." The exposed, sloped portions of this roof will be comprised of Spanish tile to match the roofs of the relatively new homes located across the street to the north. Although this will contrast with the composition shingle roofs of the older homes located immediately to the south and west, the roofing material selected by the applicant is consistent with the City's current design standards. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project. 1. Proposed lighting for the parking lot and playground area shall not adversely affect the existing residential uses to the west and south. Where necessary, additional lamp shields or • equivalent shall be employed to minimize "spill-over" of light onto adjacent properties. 2. Landscaping -The following revisions are recommended: DRC AGENDA DRC2004-00622 - ODELKIS BARRERA • July 5, 2005 Page 2 • Change the parking lot tree from Canary Island pine to a canopy tree or a round-headed, spreading canopy evergreen tree for maximum shade, such as Prunus, Carob, Camphor, Rusty Leafed Fig, Brazilian Pepper, Chinese Elm. Tree spacing shall be approximately 30 feet on center (every three parking stalls). Shade trees should be planted along all edges of parking lots. • Plant accent trees around the north and east sides of the building spaced no greater than 30 feet apart. • The Leylandii Cypress tree spacing shown (varies between 10 feet to 20 feet) is too far apart. Space consistently(with no gaps)at 8 feet on center to provide dense screening. • Increase the planter width to 8 feet minimum, or use triangle planters (see Exhibit"A"), along the site perimeter to provide minimum growing space required for the trees. The 5-foot planter proposed is an inadequate width for tree planting after wall footings and curb are deducted. • Along Base Line Road, the foreground street tree should be Magnolia grandiflora "Samuel Sommer"30 feet on center(where parkway is 8 feet or greater)and Magnolia grandiflora "St. Mary" 20 feet on center (where parkway is less than 8 feet or under power lines) and the secondary trees should be Canary Island pine 25 feet on center • placed informally/occasionally behind Magnolias. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues. 1. Redesign the south end of the parking lot to increase the landscape area by minimizing excess pavement and relocating the trash enclosure (see Exhibit "A"). Ideally, the trash enclosure would be relocated to the north end of the parking lot, near the electrical transformer, so that trash trucks do not have to back-up over 170 feet after collecting trash. 2. Incorporate bermed landscaping and river rock cobble fields along the Base Line Road frontage within the landscape setback and landscape areas. 3. Reduce the combination wall/fence height to maximum 3 feet within the 45-foot landscape /wall setback along Base Line Road as measured from the curb face. Any walls, or fence/wall combinations, in excess of 6 feet in height shall require the submittal of a Minor Exception application for review and approval by the City Planner prior to construction. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be revised.The applicant should work with staff on revisions prior to scheduling for Planning Commission. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman • Staff Planner: Michael Smith The Committee recommended approval of the revised plans presented by the applicant that addressed all issues. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:20 p.m. Michael Smith July 5, 2005 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2004-01125 - PANATTONI DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC - A request to construct a commercial'and office complex comprised of three buildings with a combined floor area of about 49,000 square feet,with a portion of about 10,000 square feet to be developed by others, on a vacant parcel of 5.31 acres in the Industrial Park District, (Subarea 7), located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Milliken Avenue - APN: 0229-011-69 and 0208-961-05. Related Files: Development Review DR99-11, Development Review Modification DRCDR99-11 MOD and Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM15630. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of a previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program adopted by the Planning Commission on April 28, 1999, and June 28, 2000, respectively, and a Negative Declaration adopted by the Planning Commission on February 13, 2002. This project does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in the previous Negative Declarations. Background: This project was last seen by the Planning Commission at a Pre-Application Review workshop on August 11, 2004 (Exhibit A). Since then, the project has been through several revisions. The original proposal was comprised of five 1-story buildings (see attached for previous versions) but has since been revised to consist of only three buildings. The applicant has made significant improvements to their proposal. • Design Parameters: The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Milliken Avenue. The property is part of the 140-acre Rancho Cucamonga Corporate Park. Across Milliken Avenue to the east of the subject site are Lowes Home Improvement specialty retail warehouse and an Islands restaurant. To the south and west are several warehouse distribution buildings. The property to the north is vacant while the property to the west is partially developed. The applicant proposes to construct three buildings: two 1-story buildings (Buildings A and B)and one 2-story building (Building D). A fourth building, identified as Building Pad C,located immediately adjacent to the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Milliken Avenue,will be constructed by others (the design of that building will be reviewed at a later date). Each building incorporates different design attributes that favor specific types of tenants. Building A is comprised of tenant spaces consistent with retail and small restaurant users; Building B is a bank with a drive-thru;and Building D is an office building. According to the applicant, Building Pad C is anticipated to be a restaurant (Exhibit D). Foothill Boulevard—Historic Route 66 Visual Improvement Plan identifies this major intersection as an Activity Center that "should function to provide each district with a focal point emphasizing the Historic Route 66 character." See attached excerpts from Plan. Architecture: • Building A: Horizontal and vertical articulation has been provided on all elevations; however, it is most extensive on the north and east elevations where tower elements at the northwest and southeast corners and at the midpoint of the east elevation rise about 2 to 4 feet higher than the rest of the building and project horizontally from the primary building face by about 10 feet. Between each tower there will be trellises. Building A will include stucco-finished walls with stacked stone veneer on the columns supporting the trellises and on the lower two-thirds of each tower. Additional definition will be provided along each wall plane with varying earth tone shades. Extensive amounts of glass are proposed at the east and north elevations. Glass has not been applied to the west elevation; staff does not believe that it is necessary as this side is the rear of the building and,once the parcel to the west is developed,will be effectively DRC AGENDA DRC2004-01125 — PANATTONI DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC July 5, 2005 Page 2 screened from public view. In response to staffs comments requesting "focal points," the applicant has aligned the Milliken Avenue driveway so that its centerline nearly intersects with the center tower element of this building, and the centerline of the Foothill Boulevard driveway intersects with the northwest corner of the building. • Building B:This building Incorporates architectural features similar to those used on Building A with matching materials,finishes, and colors. Because of the presence of the drive-thru lane, articulation of the wall plane at the north elevation (the most prominent side) is relatively limited. However, the applicant, at the suggestion of staff, has included a trellis over the drive-thru lane. The applicant has provided a tower element at the primary entrance and at the southwest and northeast corners. Additional interest is provided by an offset of the north-south axis of the building in relation to the true north. • Building D: According to the applicant,this building will be constructed of concrete tilt-up. See comments below regarding architecture. Landscaping: The landscape coverage will be 23 percent, exceeding the 15 percent minimum required for this development district. Direct pedestrian connections have been provided between all buildings except between Buildings D and C. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee . discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project. 1. Building D, as a two-story structure versus a group of one-story buildings as originally proposed (Exhibit B), is a superior solution. However, architecturally, this building does not convey a level of design significance equal to,for example, Lowes Home Improvement or the warehouse buildings to the south. Staff has stated to the applicant that the City's goal is not duplicate architecture; instead, the goal is equivalent quality. The significance of this intersection and the strong desire for an appropriately designed building was emphasized by the Planning Commissioners during the Pre-Application Review workshop conducted on August 11, 2004 (Exhibit A). Staff recommends that the architecture of the building be revised. Also, at least two primary exterior building materials are required per Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 17.30.060.J.7: "Primary building materials [include] concrete, sandblasted concrete, textured block, brick,granite, marble,and similar materials as approved by the Design Review Committee. Secondary building materials[include]glass,tile, polished brass or copper, brick, concrete, painted metal elements, painted accent stripe, and other similar materials as approved by the Design Review Committee." 2. Site Plan — Relocate Building D to a 45-foot building setback along Milliken Avenue to minimize parking along the frontage. The primary elevation (and main entrance)of Building D faces Foothill Boulevard and the building is about 125 feet from the curbface at Milliken Avenue. Furthermore, because of the location of this building,the parking lot now dominates the street frontage along Milliken Avenue. The plotting of this building is a departure from the previous Site Plan (Exhibit B) that had the office buildings closer to the street. • 3. The northwest corner and center of Building A is the focal point of two driveways. Staff recommends raising the respective tower elements located there and/or providing additional architectural embellishments to these features. DRC AGENDA DRC2004-01125— PANATTONI DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC • July 5, 2005 Page 3 Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues. 1. On Building A, provide additional glass at the south elevation to match the north elevation. 2. On Buildings A and B, add more stacked stone veneer to vertical columns/features which are currently stucco-finished. For example, the vertical elements at the corners and behind the columns supporting the trellises should have matching stacked stone finish. 3. On Building B, provide additional glass beneath the towers to supplement the glass already provided, i.e. "fill-out" the area beneath the arches. 4. On Buildings A and B, the trellis beams shall be a minimum 2 inches by 3 inches and shall have a minimum spacing of 12 inches on center. 5. Incorporate a courtyard in the area immediately surrounding the primary entrance of Building D. 6. Provide a direct pedestrian connection between Building D and Building Pad C. Widen the proposed sidewalks around Buildings B and D to 6 feet minimum. Also, provide sidewalks around the entire perimeter of Building D. . 7. The columns supporting the tower elements of Building A shall have a square footprint as opposed to the "L" footprint that has been proposed. 8. All landscape planters and tree"diamonds"shall have a minimum width of 5 feet and include a 6-inch curb. 9. All trash enclosures shall be constructed per the City's design standard for commercial projects. Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion. 1. Decorative paving shall be provided at all vehicular access points on to the site. 2. Decorative paving shall be provided in the sidewalks at the north, east, and south sides of Building A; at the south and east side of Building B; and in the sidewalks in the vicinity of the entrances of Building D. 3. All roof equipment shall be screened by parapet walls 4. Landscaping—Redesign the Foothill frontage and intersection to include the following design elements per the Activity Center design as adopted by the Foothill Boulevard—Historic Route 66 Visual Improvement Plan. These elements shall be constructed with the first phase: • At the corner, use decorative pavement extending to 40 feet from the intersection. Use accent integral colored concrete with brick paver accent bands. • At the corner, plant a background grove of specimen Date palms 20 feet on center. DRC AGENDA DRC2004-01125— PANATTONI DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC • July 5, 2005 Page 4 • At the corner, provide special public Route 66 artwork (see attached icon/artwork palettes). • Along the Foothill frontage, near the intersection, provide three Route 66 icons at approximately 30 feet on center (see attached icon/artwork palettes). • Along the Foothill frontage, use formal streetscape design including 10-foot wide (minimum) accent integral colored concrete sidewalk with double rows of brick paver bands (approximately 10 feet wide by 15 feet long grid pattern). Crape Myrtle trees shall be planted within 4-foot by 4-foot tree wells with grates spaced 30 feet on center along both sides of the sidewalk. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the applicant revise the proposal as noted above and resubmit for Committee review prior to scheduling for Planning Commission review and action. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman • Staff Planner: Michael Smith The applicant presented revised elevations for Building D. The Committee requested additional enhancement including, but not limited to, raising towers 2 feet and adding arches above glass within the towers. The Committee recommended the following: • Raise the tower elements 2 feet on Building A. • On Buildings A and B, add more stacked stone, such as a wainscot. • On Building B, provide more glass or lower arches similar to Building A. • On Buildings A and B provide minimum 4-inch by 12-inch trellis members at 24 inches on center. • Provide a direct pedestrian sidewalk connection from Building A to Building C. • • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:40 p.m. Candyce Burnett July 5, 2005 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2005-00145 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT SUBTT16324-GRANITE HOMES, INC. -The review of site plans and elevations for 123 single-family detached residences on 62.4 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre), located at the northerly end of Wardman-Bullock Road within the Etiwanda North Specific Plan APN: 0226-082-29, 0226-081-09 and 10, and 0225-084-04. Related File: Tentative Tract SUBTT16324. Design Parameters: The project site has a Tentative Tract Map approval (SUBTT16324) and the lots have been rough graded and prepared for development. The site is bounded on the east by existing single-family development(Very Low Residential),to the south by San Bernardino County Flood Control District lands set aside for "Preservation and Southern California Edison Corridor/Utility Corridor and Flood Control,to the west vacant land set aside for"Preservation"/Flood Control and an approved Tentative Tract Map(SUBTT14749)for a 632-lot single-family subdivision, and to the north by Southern California Edison and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Transmission Line Corridor/Utility Corridor. The Etiwanda North Specific Plan has extensive design guidelines and development standards to promote a high quality development. The Specific Plan area is divided into distinct neighborhoods, . each with their own standards and guidelines to create a unique character. The project site is located within the Etiwanda Highlands (Subarea 6) neighborhood. Design requirements of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan demand a varied arrangement in site layouts by the use of different garage locations and the skewing of houses relative to the street. The Etiwanda Specific Plan also requires four Floor Plans with 3 elevations per Floor Plan, which the applicant has provided. In addition, the applicant has plotted a minimum 12-foot side yard on the driveway side of the lot to accommodate RV storage in as many cases as feasible. Plan 1 is a one-story house and is plotted on 17 lots (14 percent). The proposed project consists of four Floor Plans that range in square footage from 3,731 square feet to 5,482 square feet. There are five architectural themes proposed by the developer: Santa Barbara Revival, Country, Ranch, Bungalow,and Monterey. All plans have variation in the footprints and articulation in the wall planes, thereby, avoiding "box on box" building forms. All plans have been designed with roof planes that have strong variation, and are within the 35-foot high hillside building envelope requirement. All horse corrals meet the 70-foot radius requirement from all adjacent dwelling units,and the Community Trail along the north boundary of the project adjacent to the Henderson Creek channel and along the perimeter of lots 121-123 will be required to be installed with the proposed project. Staff Comments: Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project. 1. Architectural Style: For the"Etiwanda Highlands" neighborhood,the Etiwanda North Specific • Plan requires at least 2/3 of the tract use some or all of the following primary styles: Ranch, Monterey, San Juan, Santa Barbara Revival. A maximum of 1/3 of the tract may be developed using the following secondary styles: Victorian, Country, and Bungalow. The developer has exceeded the 33 percent allowed for secondary styles as follows: DRC AGENDA DRC2005-00145 — GRANITE HOMES, INC. • July 5, 2005 Page 2 Architectural Styles Proposed Primary Secondary Ranch (23 percent) Victorian (0 percent) Monterey (27 percent) Country (33 percent) San Juan (0 percent) Bungalow (3 percent) Santa Barbara Revival (28 percent). Total: (64 percent) Total: (36 percent) 2. The Development Code requires a 360-degree architectural treatment to all elevations. All of the front elevations do have a significant amount of various materials, design variations, and strong architectural details . The side and rear elevations should be enhanced with materials and architectural features found on the front elevations in order to adequately convey the proposed architectural style. Staff suggests that the following enhancements be made: • On the Monterey and Bungalow architectural theme plans, the exposed rafter tails should be depicted on all elevations. • On all Santa Barbara, Country, Ranch, Bungalow, and Monterey homes, the side and . rear elevations should be enhanced with shutters, base treatment or pot shelves where appropriate. • Decorative trims around the windows, doors, garages and similar like items should be reconsidered to include simple wood surrounds on the Santa Barbara, Country, Bungalow, and Monterey and re-sawn wood trim on the Ranch in lieu of the stucco covered Styrofoam trim proposed for all architectural themes. 3. The following revisions are recommended to be consistent with Etiwanda North Specific Plan architectural guidelines: • Santa Barbara: Use hips and gables roof forms equally. Change main roof pitch to 4:12 or 5:12. Add 24-inch eave overhang with exposed rafter tails (with decorative cuts). • Ranch: Change main roof pitch to 4:12. • Monterey: Change brick veneer to wood siding. 4. At least 50 percent of homes should not be plotted parallel to the street. In other words, the majority of homes should be skewed at an angle to the street. At best, staff was only able to identify 35 homes (28%) that were not plotted parallel to the street. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: • 1. Whenever possible, plot a Floor Plan with wrap-around porch on corner side yards. For example, Lots 11, 34, 38, 90, and 97. 2. In the rear yard, use retaining walls to provide minimum 15-foot setback between the top/toe of the slopes and home including deck support columns. For example, Lots 30, 33, and 86. DRC AGENDA DRC2005-00145 — GRANITE HOMES, INC. • July 5, 2005 Page 3 3. Several plans have second chimneys plotted as options. Should optional chimneys be selected during the construction process, the second chimney should have the same architectural enhancements as the primary chimneys (wood siding, stone, etc.). Code Standards: The following items are standards of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. Driveways shall feature a variety of decorative treatments with brick or other masonry bands and varying concrete colors and textures per Specific Plan Exhibit 33. 2. View fencing (not block walls) shall be used along the Etiwanda Creek Wash (west tract boundary) and Utility Corridor(north tract boundary). The design shall include beige tubular steel with brick pilasters at property lines per Specific Plan Exhibit 27(C). The minimum height shall be 5 feet 6 inches. 3. Interior private lot view fencing shall include beige tubular steel with brick pilasters at property corners per Specific Plan Exhibit 27(C). The minimum height shall be 5 feet 6 inches. 4. The neighborhood theme wall shall be featured along Wardman-Bullock Road. The wall design shown in Details D and E on Sheet 8 of the Conceptual Landscape Plan is not consistent with Specific Plan Exhibit 27(C) theme wall design. The minimum height shall be . 5 feet 6 inches. 5. Along Wardman-Bullock Road, the Conceptual Landscape Plan planting legend shall be revised to use the following neighborhood theme trees per Specific Plan Exhibit 9: California Sycamore, Australian Willow (Geijera parriflora), with accents of Crape Myrtle. Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. Provide a minimum 5-foot landscape planter between fence/wall and sidewalk on corner side yards. 2. Provide minimum 10-foot wide access gates from private equestrian trail to horse corral to accommodate vehicles and horse trailers. 3. Mailboxes shall be decorative. U.S. Postal standards require "gang"type mailboxes and will not allow use of single or two mailboxes per stand as shown in Specific Plan Exhibit 32; however, the developer shall include raised brick bases. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be revised and return to Design Review Committee. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Fletcher, Coleman • Staff Planner: Candyce Burnett The Committee recommended approval of the project subject to the Secondary Issues, Code Standards, and Policy Issues be addressed to the satisfaction of staff.. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • July 5, 2005 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments at this time. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Br Buller Secretary • •