HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/01/02 - Minutes January 2, 1 986 CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting I. C~I.L TO ORnER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Thursday, January 2, 1986, in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancbo Cucamonga. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.~. by Mayor Jon D. MikeIs. Present were Council members: Pamela J. Wright, Charles J. Buquet II, Richard M. Dahl, Jeffrey King, and Mayor Jon D. Mikeis. "-.Aiso present' were: City.':Mana~r, Lsmren M. Wasserman;-CitT!:Cl%t,k~ Beverly A. Authelet; City Attorney, James Markman; Commlnity Development Director, Jack Lam; City Planner, Bred Buller; City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbs; Community Development Director, Bill Holley. 2. ANNOUNCRMENTS/PRESk'~TATIONS 2A. Wednesday, January 8, 1986, 7:00 p.m. - PLANNING COMMISSION - Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road. 2B. Thursday, January 16, 1986 -7:30 p.m. - PARK DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION- Lions Park Comznity Center, 9161 Base Line Road 2C. Thursday, January 23, 1986 - 7:30 p.m, - ADVISORY COMMISSION - Lions Park Comnmnity Center, 9161 Base Line Road 3. CONSENT C,4LENDAR 3A. Approval of Warrants, Register No's. 1-2-86 and Payroll ending 12-22-85 for the total amount of $1,120,039.88. 3B. Approval to receive and file current Investment Scbedule as of December 26, 1985. 3C. Approval to forward Claim (CL86-01) against the City by Veronica M. Springer for personal and automobile damage at the intersection of Hellman and Arrow Bighway to insurance carrier. (0704-06 CLAIM) 3D. Approval to forward Claim (CL86-02) against the City by Brian Lois for automobile damqe on ~aven (northbound) to insurance carrier. (0704-06 CLAIM) 3E. Approval to sward a construction contract (C086-01) for Red Hill and Neritage Communi-ty Parks to Shooter and Butts, Inc., 759 Villa Street, Mountain View, California 94041, as the lowest responsible bidder at $5,839,58~.00. Additionally, authorize Com--,nity Services Department to establish appropriate contingency accounts from the PD-85 Construction Service Fund to provide for utility service and permit fees; construction survey and inspection services; and, plan adaptations as required. (0602-01 CONTRACT) 3F. Approval to award contract (C086-02) TO Willdan Associates for inspection services for construction administration/observation~ construction survey, and materials/soil testing on Red Bill and Heritage Com-~,nity Parks construction project. (0602-01 CONTRACT) 3G. Approval of Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for D.R. 84-49, located at 10900 City Council Minutes January 2, 1986 Page 2 (6) (7) (s) (9) RESOLUTION NO. 86-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM GENERAL DYNAMICS, POMONA DIVISION, FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 84-49 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME RESOLUTION NO. 86-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVlNG IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 84-49 3 H. Approval of Contract Change Order No. 2 for Engineering Services by Derbish, Guerra & Associates (C085-02) for Archibald Avenue Reconstruction, Lemon Avenue to Banyan Street, Master Plan Storm Drain Line 4-B. Contract change order fee of $6,500.00 to be paid from Systems Development funds. (0602-01 CONTRACT) 31. Approval for appraisal of properly AM 227-071-12 consistin8 of 23.383 acres located on the south side of Highland Avenue, 1/4 mile east of East Avenue BY J. Michael Murphy & Associates. Purpose for acquiring a storm drain easement. Cost of the appraisal is $4,000.00 to be funded from Gas Tax/Systems. (1170-08 STORM DRAIN) 3J. Approval of additional funding in the amount of $15,000.00 for professional services (CO85-60) by Pioneer Consultants for Assessment District No. 84-2 - Alta Loma Storm Drain. (0401-02 ALTA LOMA CHANNEL AD) MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Dabl to approve the Consent Calendar items. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. 4. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HE&RINGS No items submitted. 5. NON-ADVERTISED HEARINGS No items submitted. 6. CITY MAN,~nER'S STA1PIP REPORTS 6A. REOUEST FROM FIRM BOAw{D TO ADDRESS COUNCIL REGARDING FIREWORKS. (1302-09 FIRB/O~KS ) Addressing Council was Dennis Michael, Chief of the Foothill Fire Prevention District. After much discussion, the following motion was made: NOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Wright to await the passage by the Foothill Fire District Board of their regulations (or changes to their regulations), (staff to check out the parts of the regulations where there might be an overlap in policy), at the same time refer the information to che Advisory Commission. Upon iCs return to Council, Council will direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance if the majority of the Council so desires. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. ****** I,'. City Council Minutes January 2, 1986 Page 3 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS 7A. REOUEST FROM COUNCILMAN BUOUET TO DISCUSS TRAFFIC CIRCULATION. Mr. Buquet stated that we needed to take a good look at the traffic patterns in the City. (1160-00 TRAFFIC) Discussion followed. ACTION: Council directed staff to bring the item back when all the information is obtained and examined. 7B. APPOINTMENT OF A SUBCOMMITTEE TO REVIEW PUBLIC SAFETY/CITY FACILITY E~TERIOR BUILDING DESIGN. (0100-00 ADMINISTRATION) ACTION: Council concurred in having the Planning Commission appoint their own two representatives. Mayor Mikeis appointed Charles Buquet and Richard Dahl to the Subcommittee. 7C. AnD~B ITEM: SETTING A DATE FOR A WORKS HOP WITH THE ADVISORY COMMISSION. (0100-00 ADMINISTRATION) ACTION: Council set the date of Thursday, February 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lions Park Com--,nity Center. 7D. AnDED ITEM: CUL~UIL~I. FOUNDATION. (1402-03 CULTURAL CENTER) Councilman Buquet asked the City Attorney to put together a report on the process for setting up a Cultural Center Foundation. Mr. Markman responded that if Council wishes to set up a non-profit foundation, it will have to be set up separate from the City Council. He felt the Council should be supplied materials from a special attorney who specialized in these things and suggested Attorney John Francis. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Wright to adjourn to a Closed Session regarding property acquisition. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectful ly submit ted, Beverly A. Authelet City Clerk Approved: February 5, 1986