HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978/09/20 - Agenda Packet'Aa AGENDA CITY OF RANCHO CUCA -104GA Regular Meeting September 20, 1978 1 Call to Order by Mayor Frost, 2. Pledge of Aliegiance to the Flag. 3. Roll Call: Mikels Palombo _, Schlosser ^, fleet _. Frost _ 4. Approval of Minutes: September 6, 1978. 5. Announcements. a. Appointment of Advisory Committees 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. ZONE CHANGE NO. 121 -81 by William Longley. Change of zone from A -1 (limited agriculture) to C -2 (general commercial) and N -1 (limited Industrial) for approximately five (5) ecres of land located at the southwest Intersection of Interstate 15 and Foothill Boulevard. B. ZONE CHANCE NO. 95 -85 by Harry Rinker, Clmnge of zone from A -1 (limited agriculture) and C -1 (limited commercial) to M -1 (light Industrial) for 15.8 acres of land located on the south, vest corner of Archibald and Arrow, C. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION FOR ZONE CHANGE NO 103 -67 by Louie R, Parke, A letter was received requesting a Pour -month extension on the appeal date for the zone change from A -1 to C -1, Recommendation to set Public Hearing to the regularly scheduled meeting of January 17, 1979, D. AN O nNCE REGARDING ENFORCEMENT OF THE MOBILE HOME PARK ACT, Second Rosd ing). The City Council may recall that some time ago the City designated the San Bernardino Department of Environmental Health Services to serve as the local enforcement agency In handling the enforcement of the State Mobile Home Parka Act. The State of California has informed us that effective in May of this year, it is necessary to make any designation by ordinance rather than by resolution as was done by the City. ORDINANCE NO. 40 A4 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CP RANCHO CUCAHTNCA. CALIFORNIA, ASSUMING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE .EHFORC/IEMENT OF THE NOBILEROME PARRS ALT AND RELATED REGULATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODF AND DESIGNATING MME ENFORCEMENT AGENCY. ORDINANCE NO. 41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF M CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NOS. 27, 34. AND 35 AND OTHER ORDINANCES 07 THE CITY HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER ADOPTED WHEREIN NO SPECIFIC PENALTY PROVISIONS ARE SET FORTH, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF. ll1li�1(lfS� STAFF REPORT DATE: September 20, 1978 TO: City Manager 6 Members of the City Council IRW1: Ja am, Director of Community Development SURJE : AN APPEAL OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA'S PLANNING COMNISSION FOR 2011E CHANGE N0. 101 -67 - A change of zone from A -1 -5 (limited arg!- culture) Ln C-1 (limited commercial) for property located on the south side 0.` 19th Street approximately 1,500 feet seat of H as - Requ% -t submitted by Louis R. Parks. The applicant, Louie and Carolyn Parks, have requested continuance of this public hearing to January 17, 1979 (Exhibit "A "). This represents a four month extension in these appeal proceedings. As this appeal request was originally submitted on July 6, 1978, Staff recommends no further exten- sions beyond this requcat. Therefore, Staff recommends that the City Coun- cil continue this public hearing to their regularly scheduled meeting of January 17, 1979. Respectfully submitted, wj4&k__1 JAUC LAN, Director of Community Development %Cci Z Jja J C� I1 C I r-1cU l 1Le.eG/ cam, ouz- /no -nA- - 0/,Y i1 plc cy,ti oc s� c '��u�.v J n , 7-Lp ayt&lto/ 11'u- IAN fie- /, 1 rcl,,e,Lty L /ocG, 4i/ 10.3x3 /5 I s!- ,SJIla /owte, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA COMMUNFFY DEVEEDPMENT DFPF. SEP 111978 PM 4 9000 ,12111213191516 F,Xfll Iv PAN City Council Agenda -2- September 20, 1978 7. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REpORTS. A. DECLARATION OF IMPACTION - ALTA LOMA SCHOOL DISTRICT. In accordance with Ordinance No. 30, which was adopted by the City several month# ago, the Hoard of Trustees of the Alta Loma School District has filed a notification of condition of overcrowding and a Declaration of Impaction. The Declaration of Impaction filed by the Alta Loma School District notes that the condition of overcrowding Is based upon the following: 1. In excess of 900 pupils are presently on double sessions. 2. The overcrowding effects attendance areas of all existing schools within the district. In addition the School District has reviewed all practical and reasonable methods for mitigating overcrowded conditions including: a. The use of ralocatable structures and trailers to the extent feasible, b. Realignment of school boundaries to allow for the opening of an additional elementary school later this year, c. Use of all local bond and State loan revenues to the extent allowed by law, d. The funds from the sale of one school site will be Included in the funds necessary to purchase another school site which is needed, e. There are currently no classrooms used for non - instructional purposes. After receipt of any notice of findings, the City Council nuat indicate Its concurrence with the School District findings by adopting an appropriate Resolution. After the City Council has concurred in the School Dietrict's Notite of Findings that conditions of overcrowding exists, no applications for residential development within that school district bovndary my be approved unless the appropriate fees are paid or unless specific overriding physical, economic, social or environ- mentel factors which in the judgement of the decision -making body would benefit the City, thereby justifying the approval of residential develop- ment otherwise subject to the provision of the Ordinance without re- quiring the payment of tees or alternate provisions. The fee structure established in OrJinance No. 30 In $700 per single familr duelling unit a. $350 per mobile home ,pace or each unit of a multiple unit dwelling structure which eootalne Own or more bedroom. If the City Oouncil concurs that the school fee is appropriate, the Board of Trustees of rho Alta Lome School District moat submit a schedule.- which specifies how the fees wbl.l be used to solve the problem of over- crowding. The schedule must state: A. The classroom facilities to b2 obtained. b. The location of the claaaru7ms. c. The times such classroom would be available. i City Council Agenda -3- Septenber-201 1978 RECOH`ENDATION: It is reco®ended that the City concur in the- findings of the Alta Loma Sclwol D1&trict that overcrowded conditions exist throughout the district. It is further recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 78 -54. RESOLUTION N0. 78 -54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, CONCURRING IN THE FINDINGS OF THE ALFA LOMA SCHOOL DISTRIL7 THAT CONDITIONS OF OVERCROWCING EXIST IN SAID DISTRICT. B. XW-- ND2U=., TO JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CREATING ARRONHEAD- JUSTICE ASSOCIATION. As the City Council is aware in June of this year, the City approved membership in the Arrowhead Justice Association. That organization- is a point powers agency which was created in order to provide for' criminal justice and dolinqucney prevention planning within San Bernardino County. The State Office of Criminal Justice Planning has suggested an amendment to the Joint Pavers Agreement. Approval of the amendment is required by all comber agencies. Until the Joint Powers Agreement to amended, the OCJP will not approve or execute a grant award for-any planning or administration funds for the Arrowhead Justice Association: The two amandmento to the Agreement are on page 7, section e, relating to relnburaement of costs for the services rendered by the County Auditor- Controller, County Treasurer, and County Counsel. It is significant to note that federal or state funds may be used to finance these services. Therefore, the memberr of the Arrowhead Justice Association will not be deprived of any funding as a result of these coats. TLe second amendment is relatively minor and is included in section f, prge 8. The precise description of the criminal justice planning director's duties and responsibilities has been deletrd. A substitute phrase has been included which states that It shall be the director's responsibility to prepare an annual working budget which shall be submitted to the Arrowhead Justice Board for its consideration. It was the recounendation- of the OCJP that the director's duties not be specifically outlined in the Joint Powers Agreement. If the planning director's duties were detailed- in the Joint Powers Agreement, It would be necessary to amend it each time the director's duties were changed. RECONXENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve the amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement establishing the Arrowhead Justice- Association. C. SPACE NEEDS FOR CITY HALL. An oral report will be presented by the Director, Jack Lam. D. REQUEST APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF VINEYARD AVENUE DETOUR DURING CONSTRCTION OF CUGJIONGA CREEK BRIDGES. REWMffi7DATI04: It Is the recd endation of the Engineering Department" that the City Council direct San Bernardino County Flood Control to construct a detour in conjunction with the construction of the Vineyard - Avenue crossing of the Cucamonga Channel. Estimated Cost - $15,000. City Council Agenda -4- September 2C, 1918 E SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION AT SAN BER.NARDINO ROAD AND FOOTHILL, AIR) ARCBIBALD AND BASELINE. RECOM ENDATIONt It is recommended that Resolution No. 78 -53 be adopted authorizing the County Road Department to Constmut signals at San Bernardino Road and Foothill and Archibald and Baseline. In order to legally accomplish this, the construction zone must be relinquished to the County for the duration of construction. Adopting Resolution No. 78 -53 will accomplish this. RESOLUTION N0. 78 -53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Of ,ME CITY OF RANCHO COCAMRGA, CALIFORNIA, A'MORL27NG SAN BEIC'URDINO COUNTY TO CONSTRUCT SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF BASELINE STRERVARCHIBALD AVENUE AND SAN BERNARDINO ROAD/ FCMILL BOULEVARD. P. REQUEST OF TEE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPART?MM TO PURCHASE SANDBLASTING EQUIpNBNr FOR GRAFFITI REMOVAL. G. PETITIJN YOR YARRWAY I!0'ROV@ffiNT ON WILSON. (An oral report will be given 8. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS: 9. CONSENT CALENDAR: THE POLLOWZNG CONSPNP CALENDAR ITEMS ARE BXPEClLD YD BE ROUTINE AND NON - CONRROVERSIAL. TNEr WILL eE ACTED UPON Br rue COUNCIL AT ONE TINE NXTROUT DISCUSSION. Aer COUNCIL mviBER, ETA" )ONBER, OR INTERESTED PARTY NAT RE- QUEST TNAT AN ITEM BE REMOVED PROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR LATER D7frXSSI0N. A. Request for Crossing Guards. We have received requests from the various school districts for the placement of crossing guards at Archibald and Church, Jacper and 19th Street, and Amethyst in front of Alta Loma Elamentary School. It in recommended that these requests be referred to the City staff and Traffic Cnmittee for further study and a recommendation to the City Council. B. Claim against the City by Robert Raymond Lawrence for $500,000 be rofe -red to City Attorney for handling. C. Acrept Grant of Easement (road) for highway and road purposes. .1 D. Approval of bills. 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. COUNCIL > B. AUDIENCE 11. ADJOURNNgNT: ,.r r ORDINANCE NO. 43 AN ORDINANCE OF TILE CITY OF RAN J-W CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 299- 021 -18 AND 209- 021 -20 (FILE NO. N95 -85). THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines the follov1q,_t: a. That the Planning Commisslon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga did by Its Resolutlon No. 78-02 following a public hearing held in the time and mamner described by law recommend: the rezoning of the property herein- after described and this City Council has held a public hearing in the time and manner described by law and has duly beard and considered said recommendation. b. That this rezoning is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga present and proposed. c. That this rezoning will have an significant envircrmental Impact as provided In the negative declaration filed herein. SECTION 2. The following described real property Is hereby rezoncd in the manner stated, and the zoning map In hereby mended accordingly. A -1 "limited agriculture" mad C-1 "limited rommercial" to M-1 "light Industrial ". Said property Is located at the southwest corner of Archibald and Arrow and !mown as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 209 -021 -18 and 209 -021 -20. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect at 12 :01 a.m, on the 31st day after Its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED tbis day of , 1978. JIM FROST, Mayor City of Rancho Cucamonga ATEST: LAUREN NASSERWN, Clerk City of Rancho Cuc =^"rigs ORDINANCE W. 44 AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 229 -021 -58 (FILE $0. R123 -81). THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: BECIION 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines the following: a. Thar the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga did by its Resolution No. 78 -05 followlag a public hearing held In the time and --east described by lov recommends the rezoning of the property hereinafter described and this City Council has held a public hearing in the time and cancer described by lam and has duly heard and considered said reecameodation. b. That this rezoning is consistent vlth the General Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga present and proposed. c. That this rezoning vile have no significant environmental impact as provided in the negative declerstion filed herein. SECTION 2. The following deectlbed real property is hereby rezoned in the ==at stated, and the zoning a.p is hereby amended accordingly. The northernmost 300' o! said property from A -1 "limited agriculture" to C-2 "general cosmereial" and the remaining property N -1 "light industrial ". Said property is located at the southerst intersection of Interstate 15 and Foothill Boulevard and known as Asseswr's Parcel No. 229 - 021 -58. This dinsace shall be in full force and effect at 12 :01 a.m. on the 31st day aft, to adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1978. .HIM FR021T, Mayor City of Rancho Cucamonga ATTEST: LAUREN WASSCIX.IN, Clerk City of Rancho Cucaaoo&a CITY of CHINO California 1610 CIMIIAL AVW Z /! O [01 067 /CNIH0. CALIIOIINIA 01710 September 18, 1978 Hoard of Supervisors San Bernardino County 175 W. Fifth Street San Bernardino, California 92415 Gentlemen; wt s. rcLtoo M,YOR ,AID AOU'Aft MILL tl Liir I •CTt OX'CI OIUCIA LANIIY WAL %LII LsuwuL rl n.o JOHN ORRAJU 1 61+Y Noun "" =09 ,71016&1.7077 The municipalities of the West End, San Bernardino County, wish to call your attention to recent legislation which is of critical importance to local law enforcement. The passage of AB -90 has shifted funds once targeted for probation sub- sidy to the support of programs in seven areas of concern, one of which is local law enforcement. We at the municipal level are aware, as is the County, of the impact of Proposition 13, and understand the financial considerations resulting in AB -90 funds being channeled into existing programs this year. However, we do not believe the intent of the legislature in enacting AB -90 was to provide funds to alleviate County problems resulting from Proposition 13 caused revenue shortfallt We believe the ongoing programs are productive, but that compelling ur- gency demands a proportion of AB -90 funds be devoted to law enforcement; specifically, youth delinquency in the area of gang activity. The Board of Supervisors are the final judges of how AB -90 funds will be expended, and we ask that programs submitted by governmental entities other than County agencies receive full consideration, and be judged on their / merits. Bobit.McLeod, Mayor )Jerold M. Mayes, Mayo Cit} of Chino City of Mont it Robert E. E1 ingwoo , ayor ame Pro , Mayor City of Ontario ( /City �`.o-f Rancho Cucamonga f (.Ln1 -- AM McCarthy, May ro tem `CAy of Upland A 4 September 6, 1978 •~ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Repular Meeting CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the City Council was held at the Community Service Building, 9161 Baeoline Road, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wedn0aay, September 6, 1978. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor Frost. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor Frost. ROLL CALL Present: Council members Schlosser, Mihels, Palumbo, West, and Mayor Frost, City Manager, Lauren Wasserman; Interim City Attorney, Robert Dougherty (assiotanL); City Engineer, Lloyd Hobbs; Community Development Director, Jack Lam. MINUTES Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by West to approve the minutes of August 16, 1978. Motion unanimously carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Insurance Task Force Mr. Wasserman outlined the duties of the Task Force which were co look into the City's liability insurance; evaluate rgents; evaluate insurance companies; propose a policy tor renewal. There were six people who volunteered to serve on the combittee as fall. ,s; Richard Crean, Ray Royatec, Curt Bonneville, eon Driftmier, Orlard Bader, and Don Hardy, who will serve as the Chairman Charles West will serve as the Council liaslon. b. Advisory Committees. Item was witharawn from the agenda. For lack of enough applicants, an extension of time was requested Will be on the September 20 agenda c. Historical Committee. Mikels introduced the members who were: Leonard Corcyzca from Cucamonga, Ada Cooper from Cucamonga, Helen Kilourry from Alta Lams; Art Bridge from Alta Loma; Chuck Frost from Etlwtnda. Corcyzca had agreed to be the Acting Chairman and Cooper the Acting Vice- Chairman. Terms of office would be two years with such terms expiring June 31, 1980. In March 1979 a permanent chairman and vice chairman would be selected from the members of the committee to serve out the term to June 1980. Hikels would be the Council representative on the Historical Comittet, o ., 11 ORDINANCE NO. 39 Ordinance No 39 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, Traffic Ordinance ADOPTING COMPREHENSIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL REGULATIONS. First reading Mr ilubb:, City Engineer, summarized the ordinance. 0 0 City Council Minutes September 6, 1978 Page 2 Hest had several sections which he questioned; one of the greatest concerns was the section dealing with parking of campers Wasserman felt the issue would be a policy Stem which the Council needed to deal with Council felt the public should be involved in ouch decision making as parking of campers. Council felt Ordinance should he on the September 20 agenda for a first reading with a list of "pros" and "cons" from staff regarding the camper parking. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NO. 40 Ordinance No. 40 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, ASSUMING Mobilehome Park RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE Sns�ections MOBILEHOME PARKS ACT AND RELATED REGULATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND DESIGNATING THE ENFORCEMENT AGENCY. Mr. Wasserman explained the reason for this being on the agenda since the Council had previously passed a Resolution establishing the County as the agency assuming these responsibilities. It was now required by law that an Ordinance be adopted. Notion: Moved by Hikels, seconded by Palombo to valve further reading and to pass on to the September 20 meeting for second and final adcption Title read by Mr. Wasserman. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 78 -43 NO. 78 -43 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Employee OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING benefits HOLID..YS, SICK LEAVE, AND VACATION FOR ALL CONTINUOUS FULL -TIME SALARIED EMPLOYEES, Mr Robinson. Assistant to City Manager, presented Resolution No 78- 43 which had been modified by the staff The Resolution had previously been presented to the Council on August 2 Council had requested some sur•eys be con- ducted with other various cities and businesses In the area. The survey had been conducted with results summarized by Mr. Robinson. Discussion followed the presentation regarding the accumulation of vacation and sick leave, and the sick leave policy in general. .1 Motions Moved by Palombo, seconded by West to approve Resolution 78 -43 with changes made as follows: 3.C.3 — remove this section which states "Any treatment or examination, including, but not limited to medical, dental, eye examination or psychiatric " Section 1 -- Change the maximum accumulation of vacation days from twenty to ten. Section 3 — change the unused sick leave accumulatiou to 125 day limtt Instead of the proposed unlimited accumulation. Further comments and questions raised by Ralph D'Errico, E.P Guerra, Chuck McKay, and Jim Johnson. Motion unanimously carried. 0 0 City Council minutes September 6, 1978 Page 3 BLACK PARENT A request had come from the newly formed group NEICHBORROOD for the city to purchase some signs at a cost of WATCH PROGRAM approximately $175 for five hundred signs. The program is a community -wide volunteer effort aimed at protecting children and property. Motion: Moved by Weet, seconded by Palombo to approve the expenditure of $175 for the signs for the Dlock Parent /Neighborhood Watch Program. Motion unanimously carried. REQUEST FOR A report from the Community Development Department ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL presented by Director Jack Lam regarding additional personnel for the department. Item was a carry -over Comm. Develop Dept. from the August 16 meeting. Notion: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Schlosaer to approve the hiring schedule as set forth by the Community Development Department. Motion unanimoucly carried. REQUEST FROM Mr. Lam presented ooze background information stating WELDON DIGGS that this requeer had been submitted in June and was caught in the moratorium. However, there were many Minor Subdivision others in a similar situation who had had requests in W78 -0324 for a much longer period of timr. It was his recom- mendation that the Corned not exempt this since many others would also makt similar requests. Mr. Diggs spoke. Motion: Moved by Palumbo, seconded by Schlosser-to uphold the staff's recommendation and not exempt this It= the moratorium. Motion unanimously carried RESOLUTION NO. RFSOLUTICN NO. 78 -51 78 -51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT. OF RANCHO CUCA'IONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FEDERAL AID HICNWAY SYSTEM. Mr. Hubbs gave a sw=ary of the purpose of the Eeaolution. Vineyard /Carnelian were not a part of the original agreement, therefore, this was being added into the system. Motion: Moved by Schlosser, seconded by We-it to valve entire reading and adopt Resolution ho. 78 -51. Title read by Mr. Wasserman. Motion unanimously carried. REQUEST FOR Mr. Halley made a presentation rcquesting authorization FENCING FOR ALTA to seek bida for 2020 linear feet of six -foot cyclone LAIIA PARR fence for Alta Loma Park. Motion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Mlkels to approve the request to seek bids for the 2020 feet of chain -link fence. Motion unanimously carried. City Council Minutes September 6, 1978 Page 4 CONSENT CALENDAR Items "a" and "1" were requested by the Council to be removed for further discussion. The following Consent Calendar item. for approval were: b. Property damage claim mounting to $713 to Mrs Pamela Nilson be paid. c. Claim against the City for $26,000 by Linda Rebecca Nendias be referred to City Attorney for handling. d Set September 20, 1978 as a Public Hearing , for the following: Appeal by Louie R. Parke Appeal by Freda Shelley - (moved to Oct. 4, 1978). Zone Change by William Longley Zone Change by Harry Rinker e. Accept grant of easement (road) for highway and road purposes -- Jasper Street - 447350 $B. f. Request for on -sale general Alcoholic Beverage license for Mar -Rod, Inc., Deone's, 8108 San Bernardino Road. S. Tract 9255: Accept roads and release bonds located on the north side of Sixth Street between t Hellman Avenue and Archibald Avenue. Il 1 Performance Bond (water) in the amount of $31,000 Performance Bond (never) in the amount of 34,000 Lusk /Walton Cucamonga - 17550 Cilette, Irvine h. Tract 8815: Accept roads and release bonds located on the east side of Turner Avenue between Baseline and Church Performance Bond (water) in the amount of $38,000 Performance Bond (sewer) in the mount of 20,000 Rent Land Company - 17881 Sky Park North, Irvine. I. Claim against the City in th4 mount of $500,000.00 by Randy Lee Lane be referred to the City Attorney for handling. j Accept surety bond in the mount of $5,000 and sign agreement with Ronald Cray - Plot Plan 82 -81. k. Tract 9083 -3: Release bond of $3,200 to Clarunece P. Mannerly. Tract 9451: Release bond of $2,200 to Royal Oak Homes. Tract 9287: Release bond of $3,200 to Crowell - Leventhal, Inc. Tract 9595: Release bond of $2,000 to Cary Miller,. Motion: Moved by Palumbo, seconded by West to approve the Consent Calendar as listed. Motion unanimously carried. City Council Minutes September 6, 1978 Page S JOINT -USE ACREEMENT Item was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Mr. Hubbo explained purpose of the Edison Company Agreement which was to recogvlto prior r1Shr, of the Edison Company. MoLion: Moved by Palombo, seconded by Dr!ioeaer to approve the Joint -Use Agreement with the Edison Company Ration unanimously carried. APPLOVAL OF BILLS Item was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. After some distuewlon on some of the items, it was moved by Palombo, seconded by Nest to approve the bills Ration unanimously carried NEW BUSINESS Schlosser brought up again the problem regarding Alta Cuesta in Red Hill. Captain Nickum explained the proeebs which was now taking place. A speed survey was being conducted by the City Engineer which would start the next week. Once thin was completed, then radar could be used. Mikels brought up the problem at 19th and Sapp:,ire In which he had received numerous complaints. There were some curb and Putters mission In a section. Concern was expreso%d that this could result in another bad "wauhout" during the ralnj season it not corrected. Mr. D'Errico sold there was no lighting In his neighborhood. He was referred to the City Engineer. ADJOURNMENT Motions Moved by Neat, seconded by Palcnlw to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adloc-oed at 9:17 p.m. Mattnu unanimously carried Respectfully submitted, d Beverly Authelet Deputy City Clerk Cl1Y OF RANCHU CUCANONCA MEMORANDUM RONNIE !1 S� DATE: September 20, 1978 1 TD: CITY MANAGER IND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK LAH, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: ZONE CHANCE NO. 123 -81 - A change of zone from A -1 (limited agriculturb) to C -2 (general commercial) and M -1 (limited Industrial) for approxi- mately five (5) acres of land located at the southwest Intersection of Interstate 15 and Foothill Boulevard - Request submitted by William Longley. Mr. Langley is requesting a change of zone from A -1 to C -2 and 1I -1 for five (5) acres of land located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard jusr vest of Interstate 15 (Exhibit "A ") The applicant is proposing to zone the front 300 feet of the property C -2 and the remaining portion 1I -1 Mr. Langley intends Co - develop a building supply center by locatLnR the retail sales portion of his business in the C -2 zone and the storage of building materials such as sand, rock, and gravel in the M -1 pottlon of the site The proposed General Plan designates the project site as general commercial uses along the Foothill Boulevard frontage at a depth of approximately 250 -300 feet with the remaining portion designated as industrial uses The project site is presently vacant and zoned A -1 The surrounding zone and land use is as follows: Zoning land Use North .1 -1 Vacant South A -1 Vacant East A -1 Vacant Nest A -1 Vacant The proposed zone change Is consistent with the proposed General Plan Further, the site to suitable in size and shape to accommodate uses permitted in the proposed z. is . It should be noted that the project site Is located directly across the street from a potential regional shopping center Therefore, any development plans submitted for this site will be carefully examined by Staff to insure that the design of the site will be attractive and compatible to a regional shopping center. ZONE MLWOE NO. 123 -81 -2- September 20, 1978 A notice of public hearing was published In die Cucamonga Times on September 7, 1978. In addition, notice of said hearing was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of subject property The Planning Commissicn, at its meeting of September 13, 1978, held a public hearing for this request At that hearing, no one spoke In opposition of this proposal However, a property owner in the vicinity of the project site has voiced concern that a building supply center would not be compatible to a future regional center if not designed properly. The Planning Commission has approved Resolution No. 78 -05, which is attached for your review in consideration, and recommends apl -oval by the City Council. Reeb ?ec�t ffuul ly�subbItall/t1J(tadd} /� JA 'iwy-- nlrecCur o�° Community Development JL:MV:dm attachment d 3 xi a 1 o Alto C-" , f I' )I Ac n1,.,.,, ntbr�� SU6J�E(jG7T i 73 AC PROF "r l l y 1 ' / x., 48 J6•1J74 FN 4 4 1 I - Y 1 U21 I7y• A, J �. S 56AC / I _ 14 5AC Aw 1 9.58. 1574 ``'' ►}, CAR STU���� ,1•.ti J `Y �`Y 1.:: :ro. "14-x• -- _ {; •_ RESOLUTION NO. 78 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COIMISSION POR TILE ADOPTION OF THE RANCHO CHANCE NO. 123 -81 TO ORDINANCE NO. 17 BY CHANCING TIIE ZO.NZ FROh A -1 TO C-2 FOR THE FRONT 300 FEET OP 171E PROJECT SITE AND M-1 FOR —'E REMAINING PORTION LOCATED ON TILE SOU71! SIDE OF ON E%lI18IT "A". RD ILL OOULEVA SHOWN ON OF INTERSTATE 15 AND and accepted WHEERtEh ,eon the 24thbday of Hay' 1978, an appllcatlon vas filed Project WHERP.S, on t1,a 13th day of September, 1978, the Plsnni�g Coax mleafon held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to the California Covernment Code; and Section 65854 of WHEREAS, on the 13th day of September, 1978, the Planning Com- misslon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga finds; . J' I. In the proposed zone Inotermseof access, yal¢esuitable for [te uses permitted Ing land uses in the surrounding area; and and compatibility with eztst- 2 That the proposed zone change would not have a significant Impact on the environment nor the aurzaundind properties. 3. That the proposed zone change is in conformance with the proposed Cenaral Plan NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, the Planning Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamaaga hereby recomends approval on the 13th day of Sept. 78, 2ona Change ber, 19 No. 123 -81 which Is nttacLed hereto and Bade a part of ch19 resolution. 2. The Planning Coamlaslon hereby recomsnda that the City Council approve and adopt tone Change No. 123 -81. hereby adopted by [hoop]onniniad copy of this resolution and related material Council. 8 Co®lasfon shall be transmitted to the City APPROVED AND ADOPTED thin 13th day of September, 1978, PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: q ilcrmen Romp , Chafrm ATT Seeretary of the Planning Comiasfon , 1. .tack Lam the City of Rancho Cucamonga; do herebyacertify that the resolution was duly and regularly Introduces, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commie - j_� elon of the CSty of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular eeeting of the Planning Comfaelon held as the _13th day of Seetmbar :K4; ', following vote tt- ll: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Rmpel, Jeoes, Garcia, Tolatoy, Dahl NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COipLISSIONEPS: .i R �unYyrLeif L-:" -:: SEAEE REPORT DATE: September 20, 1978 TO: City Manager 6 Members of the Council IRO-l: Jack lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: ZONE CHANGE NO. 95-85 - A change of zone from A -1 (ll:alted agri- culture) and C -1 (limited commercial) to N -' (light industrial) for 15.8 acres of land located on the southwest corner of Archi- bald and Arrow - Request submitted by Harry Rinker Mr. Rinker is requesting a change of zone from A -1 and C-1 to N -1 for approx- imately 15 acres of land located on the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Archibald Avenue (Exhibit "A "). The applicant Intends to develop this area as a planned industrial complex The applicant has been before Elie Planning Commisnion with such development plans and the Commission has approved the first phase of development for this project, contingent upon the change of zone being approved by the City Council. The Proposed General Plan designates the project site as light industrial uses. The project site Is presently vacant and zoned A -1 and C -1. Sur- rounding zoning and land use is as follows: The proposed zone change is consistent with the Proposed General Plan. The project site in suitable for the uses permitted In the proposed zone in terms of agrees, size, and compatibility with surrounding land uses. Further, the proposed zone change will have significant impact on the environment nor sur- rounding properties A notice of public hearing was published in -he Cucamonga Times, on September 7, 1978. In addition• property owners within 300 feet were notified of said hearings. The Planning Commission, at Its meeting of August 23, 1978, hold a public hearing for this request. At that hearing, there was no opposition voices for this project No correspondence in regards to this request has been received either for or against this project The Planning Commission at its public hearing, approved Resolution No. 78 -02 which is attached for yeir review and conaideration The Planning Commission recomuends approval of this zone change based an the findings listed in said Resolution. 't Respectl lly e 1 red, JACK LAN, Director of Community Development ZONING LAND USE North R -1 Single Family Residential South MR -T Industrial East C-1 Commercial .:cat NR -T Vacant The proposed zone change is consistent with the Proposed General Plan. The project site in suitable for the uses permitted In the proposed zone in terms of agrees, size, and compatibility with surrounding land uses. Further, the proposed zone change will have significant impact on the environment nor sur- rounding properties A notice of public hearing was published in -he Cucamonga Times, on September 7, 1978. In addition• property owners within 300 feet were notified of said hearings. The Planning Commission, at Its meeting of August 23, 1978, hold a public hearing for this request. At that hearing, there was no opposition voices for this project No correspondence in regards to this request has been received either for or against this project The Planning Commission at its public hearing, approved Resolution No. 78 -02 which is attached for yeir review and conaideration The Planning Commission recomuends approval of this zone change based an the findings listed in said Resolution. 't Respectl lly e 1 red, JACK LAN, Director of Community Development - 3AV4 A �'? O�V91H0l/V . I m 1 W F 7 1 O s 1Y u ° M1 � A .I� _ r I � n a O , z ! r = �I O W W O � a ` I• _ > y 04) 1 1 N - $ gnN3AV SAY I 1 1 (n 11 < i• 2 i u O r I J ? 1 O i�0u C%u u YJ LLI. rJ a 7 d e Ou O ° e Q 'i . .. •.�.. ' h. � Y I f r 1 �•.1 i T RESOLUTION NO 78 -02 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCA304CA PLANNING CML41SSION FOR THE ADOPT104 OF ZONE CHANCE NO 95 -85 TO ORDINANCE NO. 17 BY CIL164GING THE ZONE FROM A -I AND C -1 to M -1 FOR 15 83 ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY If7CATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ARROW ROUTE AND ARCHIBALD AVENUE. AND SHOWN ON EXHIBIT "A" wI1IC11 14 ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS RESOLUTION. WEEREAS, an the let day of May, 1978, an application was filed and accepted on the above described project; and WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of August, 1978, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65854 of the Calif- ornia Government Code; and WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of August, 1975, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga finds; 1 That the supject property is suitable for the uses permitted In the proposed zone In terms of access, size, and compatibility with exlst- 1ng land uses in the surrounding urea; and 2. That the proposed zone change would not have a significant Impact on the environment nor the surrounding properties NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Govetoment Code, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends npproval on the 23rd day of August, 1978, Zone Ch -nge No. 95 -85 which is attached hereto and made a part of this resolution 2. The Planning Commission hernby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt Zone Change No. 95 -85. 3. That a certified copy of this resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be transmitted to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of August, 1978. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RA.4CHO CUCAMONGA BY: Jorpt Gafcf, .11011.= ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission .i�lw!!arfl� 9' 0 -2- 1. , Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing tesolution was duly and regularly Introduced, passed, and adoptad by the Planning Commis- 010n of tla. City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held On Lite 23rd day of Anaual , 19 76 , by the following vote to -wit: _ -- AYES: COMA SS INNERS: Garcle, Junes, Toletoy NOES: CaM ISS IONERS: ABSENT: CML41SS104ERS: Rempel, Dahl 1 Y STArF REPORT INTO: September 20, 1978 TO: City Manager 6 limbers of the City Council IROM: Jack Lao, Director of Community Development SURII.Cf: AN APPEAL OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA'S PLANNING COMMISSION FOR ZONE CHANCE NO. 107 -67 - A change of zone from A -1 -5 (limited argi- culture) to C -1 (United commercial) for property located on the south side of 19th Street approximately 1,500 feet east of Hermosa - Request submitted by Louis R. Parks The applicant, Louis and Carolyn Parks, have requested continuance of this public hearing to January 17, 1979 (Exhibit "A "). This represents a four month extension in these appeal pr..•.eedings. As this appeal request was originally submitted on July 6, 1978, Staff recommends no further exten- sions beyond this request Therefore, Staff recommends that the City Coun- cil continue this public hearing to their regularly scheduled meeting of January 17, 1979 ,i ' Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Director of ti Community Development 4 1 12,e o j /6.11 cL �'1ZP 0�CGKGi.� /'�/ �LUC' tlG�etclyL/��c t- "6EIV&.0 �Xii�gtC ''il' CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA J 1 COMMUNITY DEAL OPM[NP DEPT. SEP 111978 71819110111 Iu1112131915P6 PIA i 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 40 AN ORDINNICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ASSUMIIIG RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF TPE 1`1DOILE110NE PARKS ACT AND RELATED REGULATIMS OF TIIE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AND DESIGNATMG THE ENFORCEMIT AGENCY NIIEREAS, it is the interest of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to assume responsi- bility for the enforcement of the 1.lobilehomie Parka Act a1,d related regulations of the California Administrative Code: Now, therefore, it is resolved as follows: 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby assumes responsibility for the enforcement of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2 1 (llobilehome Parks Act) and related regulations of Title 25, California Adninis- trative Code, within the City of Rancho Cucamonga - The San Bernardino County Department of Environmental Health Services 1s hereby designated as the enforcement agency for the City of Rancho Cucamonga -nd 1s authorized to provide the qualified personnel necessary to enforce the provisions of the Mobilehome Parks Act consistent with the state's enforcement program. 3. As needed to meet the program goal and objectives, the County Department of Environmental Health Services is directed to assign. up to two qualified employees to enforce the provisions of the Mobilehome Parks Act 4 The schedule of fees contained within the Mobilehome Parks Act shall be applicable within the City of Rancho Cucamonga to provide for the cost of adnin- istration and enforcement of the MoMlehome Parks Act The County Department o.' Environmental Health Services shall administer and collect these fees for deposit within the County Treasury to offset the costs of the. enforcement responsibility 5 fhero exists within the boundaries of the City of Rancho Cucamonga eight (8) mobilehome parks with a combs a total of approximately 1280 mobilehome dwelling units Approximately one -third of these parks have more than 80 spaces. one -third of these parks have more than 140 spaces, and the remaining one -third more than 200 spaces Average age of park is seven years The majority of the existing mobilehome parks are in a generally excellent to good condition. The remainder are in fair condition in regards to compliance with tnis Chapter there are no major violations. 6. with the adoption of this ordinance, the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby int�ads to mn!et the public protection intent and provisions of the California Health d Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2 1 (Mobilehome Parks Apt) and related regulations of the California Administrative Code, Title 25 pertaining to mobilehome parks to assure that all mobilehome parks within the City of Rancho Cucamonga are safe, sanitary and acceptable residential areas. Reasonable compliance to th maintenance, sanitatiod, safety, use and occupancy provisions of the Plobilehome Parks Act is anticipated within three (3) months from the effective date of this ordinance. 7. The effective date of enforcement by the City of Rancho Cucamonga shall be October 1, 1978. PASSED, APPROVED anA AWPTED fhi. day of __ 1476 _ Ak -- 1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT AGENCY County at son Bernardino ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT :: (� F+r�t Rnn„di Priem, p S."H 7111 Eat Mill Street, Bu:Wiy t San Bmrurdino, CA 92415 17111 g jpg �® aigE6f RANCHO CUCAMONGA ADMINISTRATION A/ro,emvfn art.n or Ada/anI NIM/A -AUG 301978 Mnfe. n^fMq August 28, 1978 Akl pM Cnno corfon RMUM , Ram 71�191p114�131213191516 tnm:°�;�a v�e��u.t� 40n n /Ir, Z," Hr Lauren H. Wasserman, City Manager City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 793 Rancho Cucanonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr. Wasserman We have reviewed the recently adapted amendments to Title 25 pertaining to — the local enforcement assumption of responsibility for the Hobilehome Parks Act. We have also reviewed the model ordinance that was given to us by you and have drafted some suggestions on how the ordinance should be worded, which is enclosed. I have also discussed the inappropriate actions by Hr. Erkel to take Immediate action to assume this responsibility contrary to the intent of the City to assign enforcement responsibility to >,lis department with Mr. Wittersheim and Hr Smart, of the State Department of Housing and Community Development. They indicated that they will pursue this with others in that department for resolution and the possibility of allowing an interim "business as usual" until such time that we take care of the necessary paper work. You naY also wish to either write or call Mr. Smart (916) 445 -9471 or Hr. Wittersheim, e,pressing your views on this matter. I would be pleased to work directly with you or your staff on the final ordinance or any other documents that are necessary to carry out the agreement between the City and this department RLR:dr cc: Leonard Wittersheim, H /CD Roy Smart, H /CD Robert B. Rigney, EIA Admin. Sinceraly, RICHARD L ROBERTS, R.S , MPH Director STATE OI CAIIIOINIA ARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SIOH OF CODES MID STANDARDS - Administrative Office Tenth Street, Sacramento 95014 (916) 445 -9471 August 15. 1978 Mr. Lauren M. Wasserman City Manager City of Rancho Cucamonga P 0 Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr Hascemmn: F, spfi9BE9 . Y OF RANCHO CGCAiAOHGA I.e1A610NI1Y DEVELOPMENI DEPT. AIJG ^ 1 1919 Pm 7 314110111112111213141510 I -10A1UN010 BROWN JS. Ow,.w G V Ij I' CITY UI RANCHU CUCAINUHGA •DNINIyIn 11061 Iw G 18 1978 FM P* 7A90001:12'11 A3015iG This letter is to acknowledge receipt of Resolution No. 78 -38 regarding assumption of responsibility of enforcement �f the Mobilehome Parks Act by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. A.tendment to California Administrative Code, Section 5022, provides for a new procedure effective May 3, 1978, pertaining to the transfer of at.thority of enforcement responsibility. I have enclosed a copy of those requirements, together with a form outLinpof an ordinance that may be helpful to you in responding to the condit on -f s —oT-Cali-fOrnia Administrative Code, Section 5022. ' The City of Rancho Cucamonga proposes to designate the San Bernardino Department of Environmental Health Services as the local enforcement agency TI* regulations require a statement to include the total number of personnel assigned to the mobilehorte parks program. H? would appre- ciate a yO of the -sontract- hetween_th€ -Land the Srn Nt�uardino Department of Env, ronmentaUJealthServicps. Arrangemlrnis may [�'mmde for certification of inspection personnel to perform a mebilehome installation inspection through our Southern Area office by contacting es and Standards Administrator II, Donald Erkel. lis address is: Donald A. Erkel Codes and Standards Administrator II Department of Housing and Community Oevelopisnt 28 Civic Center Plaza, Room 639 Santa Ana, California 92701 (714) 558 -4161 Until the department relinquishes the enforcement responsibility to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, we are required by Health and Safety Code. Section 18400, to enforce the Mobilehome Parks Act within the City of Rancho Cucamonga Representatives from Hr Erkel's office will contact 1; Mr. .^ Mr. Lauren M. Wasserman -2- August 15, 1978 the former enforcement agency, San Bernardino Environmental health Services, to secure records on those existing parks within the City of Rancho Cucamonga The department will notify all park operators of the department's enforcement responsibility. Should you need further information regarding this matter, please contact either Mr. Erkel or myself. Sincerely. G. L -Roy" Smart Codes and Standards Administrator I GLS:my cc: Con Erkel Shemin Nichols San Bernardino Environmental Health Services Attachments (2) n n_ ,. _. � _.. �........• , s. i .firer a?`fye>zr..--+•-- TITLE 25 h1UBUMI04E PAaas, SPECIAL OCarPA Cy Sol IA"UW M Na t.TILAILER PAY.ES A %D CAMPCBOUNOS Plumbing 1973 Edition la�adoyg ed bby tbo�Intemelluna Afisala i oof Pmbing and Nlechankal Officials. I lhdl - I. Amendment tied It7.M dea,,,,Wd effm" Wlwth day IArredta (i4awn 70, Na 30). V. AmendaAat Bled 647.73, d7Mhr flu yfi day th.,d n j&%wn 73, 261 ADYINISIaAnOM AND tarOACM, A' 5930. Patforcement The deputment shag administer and force ad the provisions of this chapter, exceppt w thry relate to mobile. homes and to mobllehome acceswrryy buddings or structures baled outside ofmobilehome parks w pro, ed in Section 115031 of the Califs. nia Ileallh and Sfet•, Code or in a city, county, or city and county, which has rimmed responsi6ilfty for th0 mfcrce•.nent of Division 17, Put 21, of the Cahfomia llealth and Safe)y C«le reLsling to mobdr home fucks, pursuant to the prmislans of Section IM 5023. Local Enforcement. la) ",ml tion of resportsibilwy for the enforcement of Mvidon 13, Part 21, of the California Itealth and Safety Cade and the prmislons of this chapter relating to the enform mentfthfscha ter within rnobdehoma rks byacity. county, or cisy or bDorIt tot suoco';�:9Ati�.w.,i officLa ;-- &--.c- , OflhelIYcouncil adminisireNre reguf7tlons, r, unuwn sa, 1`311 21, and the related 121 Name of agency or agencies delgated enforcement respon. it III (3) A statemeul that the designated local enforcement agency will PProvide q%Wified personnel necessary to eniarce the provisions of h chapter consistent with the state enforcement program; state• ment dull inch-de total number of Personnel assigned to enforce• ment program ProvisioAdoption f the tfea haAndd Wety Code. Division 13. contained t 21 and the related administrative regEuulations (5) (it A stat mt aelon t Una Ili) i Wscriptbn of tasting mobilehome parks N the Judsdi, tier. Including conditions and occupancy status. (W) Specific local objec.ives, program plan and time table do signed to acldete enforcemen; comphance. (6) Effxilve date of awauptwn of enforcement. Administrative office copies the of of Cod" and a nd Sttand�ardd$ not the than 50 days prior to file dedgtuled rffective date of assumplf m of enforcement ORDINANCE N0. 41 All ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNLI. PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIO3AYird OF ORDINANCE NOS. 27, 34, AND 35 AND OTHCR ORDINANCESvi THE CITY HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER ADOPTED WHEREIN NU SPECIFIC IENALTY PROVISIONS ARE SET FURTH, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY TILEREOP. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, data ordain as follows: SECfION 1: Any act or omdeslon declared unla�ful by the provisions of Ordinance Noe. 27, 34, and 35 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California-, is an Infraction punishable by fine of twenty -five ($25.00) dollars SECTION 2- Except In "sea where a different punishment is prescribod by ordinance of this City, every person who violates any provision of, fails to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of, or done any act declared unlawful by the provisions of my ordinance of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Ctlifornia, heretofore or hereafter adopted. Is guilty of a mUrdemasnor, and upon conviction, shall be punishable by fine of not more thrn Five Hundred and no /300 Dollars ($500.00), or imprisonment fui^ s period not excecdinS six (L) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment SECTION 3: The City .:ouncil does hereby find and declare that this Ordlmnce is for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, and shall take effect immediately upon its adoption J ae an urgency ordinance. LL APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of t 1978. AYES: NOECt A3SF.NTt ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Rancho Cucamonga t. •:W 1 d d a r �• ALTA LOMA SCHOOL DIsTnIcT 43q OAeetJNe ROAD, AURA r P. O. OOx 370 ALTA LQ&4 C UroRN4 01701 17141 907.0760 DECLARATION Or IYPACTION Pursuant to Government Code Section 65971 and Section 4 of Ordinance 30 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the Board of Trustees of the Alta Loma School District submits to the City Council this Notification of Condition of Over- crowding. The decision to file this Notification of Condition of Overcrowding is based Do the following; 1. In excess of 900 pupils are on double sessions. 2. The overcrowding affects the attendance areas of all existing schools School Rated Caracity Estimated Enrollment Alta Loma 595 650 CarnL "sn 682 907 Jasper 630 859 Alta Lows Jr. High 563 Boo Total 2,470 Total 3,216 The Alta Loma School District has reviewed all practical and reasonable methods for mitigating overcrowded conditions. Those adopted include: a. Use of relocatable structures and trailers to the extent feasible with District finances b. Realignment of school boundaries to allow for the opening of another elementary school later this year. c. Use of all local bond and state loan revenues to the extent Allowed by law. These funds are currently being used to com- plete an elementary school this year, the junior high next year and to purchase an additional school site. d. The funds from the sale of one school site will be included in the funds necessary to purchase another needrtd site e. There are currently no classreeme used for non- instructianal purposes. There are currently no agreements between the Alta Loma School District and any residential developer• whereby temporary-use buildings will be leased to the school district. a • .t lY �• L CZRTIFICATION OF MINUTES .`�• The Governing Board of the Alta Loma School District of San Bernardino County, California, met in rrm.:wr session on the with day of 1978_, at the usual meeting place. MEMBERS PRESENT HERE: Fmst, kettle and Tangenan MEMBERS ABSENT WERE: Anderson and Brindley 1 The following motion was made by Member Kettle , seconded by Member Tangeean , and carried. Number of members voting AYE: _ 3 Number of members voting NO: o ...to adopt the Declaration of Impaction certifying overcrowded ' conditions to the City Councll of Rancho Cucamonga as presented. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )so COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) I, John r. wrMnmry , Secretary to the Governing Board of the Alta Loma School nistrict of San Bernardino County, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of a motion adopted by the said Board at a r.e•irr meeting thereof held at ita regular place of meeting at the time and by the vote above stated, which motion is contained in the minutes of the meeting of said Board. etary to theme ORDINANCE NO. 70 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONCA, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR FINANCING OF INTERIM SCHOOL FACILITIES r Tile City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain ae followet SECTION 1. Authority. This Ordinance Is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 4 7 (commencing with Section 65970) to the provisions of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Covernment Coda. SECTION 2. Purnase, The City Council of the City of Rancho Cuca- monga, California, hereby finds and declares as follows: (a) Ade ;uate temporary school facilities should be available for pupils caused by new residential developments. (b) New residen.ia/ developments may tequire the ex- pansion of existing public schools of the construction of new school facilities. (c) New residential developments frequently cause con- ditions of overcrowding in existing school facilities which cannot Immediately be alleviated by school districts under existing capital funding laws. (d) The public health, safety and welfare require a new method of financing for interim school facilities to alleviate conditions of overcrowding in the public schools caused by new residential developments SECTION ). Definitions. (a) The term "developer" includes every percon, firm, corroration, or other business entity constructing or installing a new. _ dwelling unit or mobile home spate, either directly or through the services of any employee, agent, or independent contractor. (b) The tors "duelling unit" includes each single family dwelling and each unit of a multiple unit duelling structure designed as a separate habitation for one (1) or more occupants The tera "dwelling unit" also Includes new factory -built housing installed in accordance with Section 19950, et seq., of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. (c) The term "mobile home space" includes each space In a aabile home park designed to be used for parking a mobile home on a temporary, acmi- permanent or permanent basis, (d) The term "school districts" includes all school districts located in whole or In part within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. (e) "Conditions of overcrowding" means that the total projected enrollment of a school during the eighteen (18) months following occupancy of the proposed development exceeds the capacity of each school as determined by the district's reasonable class size formulae and specific classroom use designated by the district for the particular year of the report as defined in Section 4 of this Ordinance. In no case shall the capacity so computed exceed the design capacity of the school as determined by the State Bureau of School Facilities Planning (f) "Reasonable methods for mitigating conditions of overcrowding" zhall include, but are not limited to, concepts such as: (1) Any agreement entered into by the affected school district which would alleviate conditions of overcrowding caused by new residential developments. . (2) The use of relocatable structures, student transportation, and reasonable school boundary realignments , (3) The use of available bonds or State loan re- venues to the extent authorised by law. (4) The use of funds which could be available from rho sale of surplus school district real property and funds available frost other appropriate sources, as determined by the governing body school districts. of the affected Agreements between subdivider de- veloper of residential developments in theaffectcds hwhereby I f ooldistrict temporary use buildings will be leased to the school district or temporary use buildings owned by the school district will be used The developer will the Pay coat of relocation of temporary buildings owned by the school district, claserot as (6) Elimination of non - instructional use of (9) "Residential development" means a project containing residential dwellings, including actlile homes, of one (1) or more units or a subdivision of land for the purpose of constructing or locating thereon one (1) or more residential dwelling units. SECTION 4. Notiflcatlon of Conditions of Overcrowdln The governing body of a school d!e[rf cc which operates, In whule or in part, within the City Of Rancho Cucamonga, California, may at any time pursuant to Government Code Section 65971, notify the City Council that conditions of overcrowding exist in one (1) or more attendance areas within the district Such notice of findings shall be in wrtttng and shall act forth the clear and convincing evi- dence upon which such findings based are and shall include the reasonable mitigating solutions con.,dered. Evidence of continued overcrowding shall be verified for the City Council in the annual audit report as defined in Section It of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Concurrence by City. After receipt of any notice of findings complying with the requirements of Section 4, the City Council, if it concurs - with such school district findings, do shall so by resolution SECTION 6. Pindinp for Development Approval. Within an attendance area, where the City Council has concurred in a school district's notice of findings that conditions of overcrowding exist, no decision - making body shall approve an application for a residential development within such area and no building parmlt for a duelling unit shall be issued unless the City Council m.,kes one (1) of the following findings: That mado for payment of fees or some eother provision rhas been agreed iupon abybeen the applicant for a residential development and the school district to mitigate the conditions of overcrowding within that attendance area; or, social, or environmental al factors, which, In thea�udgmentdofgtheydeci sinnma4ing, body, mould bonefit the City, thereby Justifying the approval of a residential development otherwise subject to the provisions of this Ordinance without re- quiring the payment of fees or other alternate provision required by this Ordinance. SECTION 7. Payment of Pees. In an attendance area where the City Council has concurred that overcrowding exists, the applicant of a proposed residential development, as a condition of approval, or the obtaining of a building permit, 51011 pay fees, an equivalent arrangement In lieu thereof, or do a combination thereof unless excepted as provided in Section 6, subsection (b), as determined by the City Council during the hearings and other proceedings on specific residential development applications. Prior to the imposition -3- 0 r of the fens, It shall be necessary for the City Council to make the r following determination: That the interim facilities to.be constructed, leased, or rented from such fees, are consistent with the general plan. i SECTION 8. Amount of Fees and Time of Payment. (a) When fees are required by this Ord lnance, such fees shall be $700 00 per single family dwelling unit, or $350.00 per mobile home spare or each unit of a multiple unit dwelling structure -� which contains two (2) of more bedrooms Any room designed for sleeping which has a closet, is a bedroom for the purposes of this Ordinance. (b) When fees are required by this Ordinance, such fees shall be paid at the time tike building permit is approved and Issued. Fees shall be held in trust by the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, until transferred to the affected school district or districts. SECTION 9. Refunds. if a residential development approval is vacated or voided, and if the City still retains the fees collected there- for, and If the opplicant so requests, the City Council shall order the - fees returned to the applicant t •� SECTION 10. District Schedule. Following the decision of the City Council to require the payment of fees, the governing body of the school district shall submit a proposed schedule in accordance with Government Code Section 65976. Such schedule shall specify how the district will use the fees to solve the problems of overcrowding The schedule shall state: (a) The classroom facilities to be obtained; (b) The location of the classrooms; and, 1 (c) The times such classrooms will be available. ' If the district cannot meet the schedule, it shall submit the modifications and the reasons therefor to,the City Council. _ SECTION 11. Accounting. Any school district receiving funds pur- suant to this Ordinance shall maintain a separate accounting for any fees paid and shall file a report with the City Council on the balance of the account at the end of the previous fiscal year and the facilities leased, purchased, or constructed dk.ring the previous fiscal year In addition, the report shall specify which attendance areas will continue to be over- crowded when the fall term begins and where conditions of overcrowding will no longer exist. Such report shall be filed by August 1 of each year and shall be filed more frequently at the request of the City Council SECTION 12 Use of Fees. All fees collected pursuant to this Ordinance and transferred to a school district shall be used only by the district for the purpose of providing Interim classroom and related facilities. SECTION 13. Agreement for Fee Distributior. If two (2) separate school districts operate schools in an attendance area where the City Council concurs that overcrowding conditions exist for both school districts, the City Council will enter into an agreement oath the governing body of each school district for the purpose of determining the division of revenues �1 from the fees levied pursuant to this Ordinance II ' SECTION 14. Termination. When it is determined by the City Council that conditions of overcrowding no longer exist In an attendance area, Like City Council shall cease imposition of any requirements under this Ordinance SECTION 15. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be valid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent Jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining JOSEPH N. D11OR1O a1N 11 STAHL • A/1 116 • ALTA IOMA. UU1ORKM 11101 • 11141 999-1149 September 20. 1978 Mr Jack Lamb Director of Comsunity Development City of Rancho Cucamonga. Re: Zone Change Number 12 3-81 by Mr. William Lonaey. Dear Ns. Lamb, my partners and I ovn.or are in eserov to purchase, property to the West and North of the subject Bite For the record, ve have no ob- jection to the rezoning, but reserve the right to object to any site - plan Mr. Longley may submit for approval Our objection vould be based on a pobflict Inblandiuse beareen Mr. Langley's proposal and our proposed Genera ,00 feet South from Foothill Boulevard, and also In the area 300 feet Went of and adjacent to the Devore Freevay, should the preservation of such a corridor be approved as part of the General Plan process to retain the flexibility of rerouting at least cart of the future Edison corridor along the freeway next revsmonths DI doinotconstraints belie e nit is possibleeto develop during a site plan that comfortably conforms to the objectives of the General Plan. Thank you for your consideration Yours .n11 oeeph R D1[orio JND:rmk cc Mr Lauren Wasserman City Manager. s It I • 0 _ portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thrreof, irrespective of the fact that any one (I) or wro sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of June, 1978. ATTEST: City Clerk � — n i r City of Rmabo Cucaaonga P. f^' rl RESOLUTION NO. 78 -54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONCURRING IN THE FINDINGS OF THE ALTA LOfM SCHOOL DISTRICT THAT CONDITIONS OF OVERCROWDING EXIST IN SAID DISTRICT. WHEREAS, tha governing board of the Alta Loma School Dis- trict of San Bernardino County, California, at its regular met- ing on September *, 1978, adopted a motion entitled "Declaration of Impaction" wherein said governing board found and declared that conditions of overcrowding existed in said school district; and, WHEREAS, the governing board of the Alta Loma School Dis- trict has notified the City Council of the City of Rancho Cuca- monga, California, as required by Government Code Section 659711 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does resolve, determine and order as fol- lows: The City Council concurs in the findings of the governing board of the Alta Loma School District which findings are con- tained in the aforesaid "Declaration of Impaction" for all attend- ance areas within the Alta Loma SchooA Distric / APPROVED and ADOPTED this Wk day of - 1978. ATTEST: 1 AYES: HOES ABSENT: City Clerk mayor of e city of Rancho Cucamonga r At. Ova oxel'll lip.f C( lli'i 1 lIF .f�f`I! ISE_!4i'.iit111f1l1 t rJ 1•il \I I a,�l JI,I.1 :: �•1 �l•�11J.1'VV rao�rts /141 JU L•tid September d, 1978 Mayo, Jeid •s C. 110"t Litj of 1111e.ila LII�J :gaga City Hill, 9340 RJ.:lin.• Rd., Unit "A" AI:a In. 1, f4 1701 U�ar ilayc,r frost: 1 rn G. Jn (I . p1 (1n yyJ CITY OF RANCHO UCAh ONGA ADMINISTRATION SEP 11 1978 AN PM 71810;101IIp21112t O19 i51 O On Jun: ll, 1918 I extended an invitation on behalf of the Board of Super - vism•s to th^ Lity or Rancho Cucamonga to Join with the County of San - Rarnardiu, ". IVJifying all earlier Joint Exercise of Powers Agre,"ant, erecting Lh Arr,,idaiiad Justice Association, in order to establish a new and supar.t^ r,ii0nal j,,,tice and delinquency prevention planning district (rrgiuu) vlthin th" County. On Juul 77, 191x, . e City of Rancho Cucawonga indicated its desire to Join "fill ills faurrty to .pt>rblish the lieu planning Jistrirt by approving the P ,.,I.J Ggrr,•,r._nt. --Ibsequently, though, the State office of Criminal Justice Plennwg (0 C.J 11 1 !nJlcaled certain required changes In the Amended A9ree- 0 ,IL Those ch, i\ I:ave been approved by the State and the County Counsel is Of,ire „I,d ,Irp h;:, I ,Jrated into the attached Second Amendment to the Joint 1 °�r.tse of rn.e•r= ,recment establisufug a now and separate eriwinal Justice and delinquency pr,- wntlon planning district within this County. Tim O.C.J P. has sch -doled the matter of the creation of the San Bernardino Comity Crlwinal Justice and Dalinquency Prevention Planning District (Region V) for _onsid••ratiou tid approval by the California Council on Criminal J:KtICID at the Coun - -il's meeting on September 29, 1978. If approved the new Planning District r :weld be created effective October 1, 1978, subject to lvtificdtion of tha attached Second Naendcd Joint Exercise of Powers Agree - rxuL Iy tha Cuunty an.l at least that one -half of the Cities In the proposed Uistrict Oilch contain at least one -half of the population of the District. The O.0 J.P. his further indicated that it will not approve or execute a grant award for planning dnd ad,ainistratlon funds for the new Planning District until th.: adopted J.P A. Is In evidence with an effective date of October 1, 1918, It is necessary, therefore, that the Cities act upon the attached Joint. Peters Agreement as soon as possible. Again on behalf of the Board of Supervisors I wish to invite your City to Join with the County in approving the acL "ched Second tmended Joint Exercise +•p i t L Septwher S, 1970 page 2 oc fuir.•I P.grecnmt to establish a new and separate criminal jnstiLe and Jell,., .y I . . .,limn ph. liw9 district within the County of San Ceroar•dinu. I1. .;,me the Agre,went and present it to your Council for Lonsideration '1114 .. .un ds c;.,clay as possible. SIIIL. � ;Iy, fiom:,, o lowbri,.t, chairman p ew J .1 5..,.ci : i n •, Bill Intl lil.l. Arro.J. 0 JI•.tke r,•.sociatlon .. I,Uf:oll VN, ..sh LL. to,l GoLJ.nn, r..aty Administrative Officer City Ildnagerw/ Att••rl,,..:nt 1. M 1 SECOND AltENDMUNT °70 1 2 JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREI]MUNT 3 FSTAULISIIING THE ARROINIFAD JUSTICE ASSOCIATION 4 5 THIS AGREEMENT, dated for convenience no of the lot 6 day of October, 1978, by and between the County of San Bernardino, 7 a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter 8 referred to is COUNTY, and the City of Adelanto, a municipal 9 corporation, the City of Barstow, a municipal corporation, the 10 City of Chino, a municipal corporation, the City of Colton, a 11 municipal corporation, the City of Fontana, a municipal corp:oratio 12 the City of Loma Linda, a municipal corporation, Lilo City of 13 tlontclair, a municipal corporation, the City of 113rdles, a 14 charter city, the City of Ontario, a municipal corporation, the 15 City of Rancho Cucamonga, a municipal corporation, the City of °: Ga 16 Redlands, a municipal corporation, the City of Rialto, a pa H d 17 municipal corporation, the City of San Bernardino, a charter S 2 18 city, the City of Upland, a municipal corporation, and the city °i a$,.a 19 of Victorville, a municipal corporation, hereinafter rufarred to rr ° 20 as CITIES, hereby amends the Joint Potters Agreement establishing 9 9 u:z 21 the Arrowhead Justice Association dated for convenience the 22 1st day of October 1977. 23 24 li I T N E S S E T N; 25 26 VIRERMS, the County and cities recognize that compro- 27 hensive planning for the efficient use of criminal justice and 28 juvenile justice a„d delinquency prevention resources reguiras 29 a permanent coordinating effort on the part of local governments 30 and local criminal justice and juvenile justice agonciesl and 31 32 WIIF.R=AS, tits County and Cities recognize that it is 33 desireable to coordinate local criminal justice and juvenile 'f 34 justice activities, and planning for the use of State and 35 Federal funds made available Lbroagh any grant program; and .:omply 36 with the provisions of the Federal Statutes as amended; and RWS:mn 0/5/78 ' pp .mss �j • -� - •.. ~`- ... p� r `: � L jt... r -, wf .•.4 °��9 y�R�V CCCCCC Y� tl 5 - 1 1'1rERRAS 2 . each party tJ this agreement is a public agency and is authorized to enter into this aereemsnti and 3 ' WHEREAS c 5 to develo ech party to this agreement deems it necessary p a separate public entity by a joint exercise of pownru 6 agreement to devise an organizational and administrative structure 7 for the purpose of creating the Regional Crimin]3 Justice Planning 8 1 District for the opera 9 tion of a County -wido criminal justice and juvenile justice planning and coordinating system, oncoirgnssin 10 the geographic territory of the parties to the agreement, and 11 to secure approval from the California Council on Criminal Justice 12 hereinafter referred to as C,C, 13 C.J., and 14 11 ""EREAS# Section 13902 IN of the California Penal Code provides that: ?t, 16 'Each Count y Planning C� 17 district `o � y Placed within a single count 'annin F may constitute a planning district upon execution of a �rSP[g 10 joint powers agreement or arrangement acceptable to the county of 6 19 and to at least that one -half of the cities in the district which r 20 contain at least one -half of the population of the district. E-3 21 Coenties placed with 22 a multicounLy planning district may con_ atituto a planning district 3 upon execution of A joint sowers agreement or other arrangeme u nt accept.lblo to the participating 24 counties and to at least that one of the cities in such 25 district which contain at least one -hnlf of the population of 26 such district. If no combination nation of ono -halt of the cities of a district contairs at least one -half of the population of the 2E district, then agreement of any half of the cities in such 29 district is sufficient to enable execution of joint powers 30 agreements or other acceptable arexecution for constituting '1 planning districts -, and 32 33 101EREAS in the interest of time, the pirtins harato -r 34 intend to make this 35 agreement effective upon its exucution by the County and at least that one -half of the 36 proposed district which contain at 'oast on "halfeofithe o �" s 1 11 population of the County, while being nevertheless desirous of 2 having all Lhe Cities within the County become signatories to 3 this agreement; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the County and Cities have the power, under 6 1 the provisions of Article I, Chapter V, Division VII of Title I 7 J of the California Government Code, commencing at Section 6500, 8 I to enter into and carry out the terms and conditions of this 9 Joint Powers Agreement; and 30 11 MIEREAS, there presently exists a JoinL Exercise of 12 Powers Agreement, dated for convenience as of the 1st day of 13 October, 1977, by and between the County and the fifteen Cities 14 within the County, created for the purpose of providing a 15 method by which the County and the Cities could participate tn- i.�,a 16 the mini - block, ram r p aJ , as provided by Section 303 (a) (4) of the 17 omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended; :0 18 ewe 19 NON THEREFORE, the County and Cities for and in con - iiy 20 sideration of the mutual promises and agreement herein contained, ^� 21 do agree as follows: 22 23 Section 1. Effective Date. 24 This agreement shall become binding upon each party 25 hereto upon execution hereof by that pa,ty. 26 Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Number.78 -256, 27 dated October 1, 1477, is hereby amended effective upon the date 28 of the ex.r,• :ion of this agreement by the County and that one -half 29 of the Cities which contain one -half of the population of the 30 district. Upon amendment of Joint Powers Agreement Number 78 -256 31 all actions heretofore taken by said Committee from October 1, 197 32 to the date of its amendment are deemed as being valid and in 33 I effect by each party to this agreement and are not nullified 34 by said agreement. 35 36 -3- ..r .. `v .� L. -4- 1 Section 2. Purpose O. A reejent. 2 The purpose of this agrouaent is to improve and 3 coordinate compreliennivo criminal and juvenile justice planning 4 and to improve the operations of the cr:,..lnal justice and 5 juvenile justice system within San Bernardino County through 6 the establishment of a new and separate criminal justice and 7 delinquency prevention planning district. .,&is district shall 8 be referred to as the San Bernardino Cour.Ly Criminal Justice and 9 Lelinquency Prevention Planning District, and shall be assigned 10 by the C.C.C.J, an identifying letter of the alphabet for its 11 designation as a planning district. Said district shall be 12 commonly referred to as the Arrowhead Justice Association. 13 14 Section 3. Non- waiver. _ 15 The County of San Bernardino and the Cities which are 16 parties to this agreement do not, by the approval of this agreemen �wv 17 waives, assign, or othenrisc forego any right to any funds, grants, z6 �$u[a 18 entitlements from the Pedaral or State Government or other sources 3 �rr bq 19 to which they are otherwise entitled under law. Fs� 20 °u^ 21 Section 4. Creation of the District. 22 Pursuant to Section 13902 of the Penal Code, State of 23 Califn.,.ia, and Article I, Chapter V, Division VII of Title I 24 of the California Government Code, commencing at Section 6500, 25 ncc:e is hereby created a new and separate criminal justice and 26 delinquency prevention planning district and a new public entity 27 to be known as the San Bernardino County Criminal Justice and 28 Delinquency Prevention Planning District. Said District shall 29 be a public entity separate and apart from the Cities and County 30 which are parties to the agreement. The debts, liabilities, 31 and obligations of the District shall not constitute debts, 32 liabilities or obligations of either the Cities or County. 33 ' . 34 35 1 36 -4- 1 Section 5. Establishment of a Local Board. 2 A local criminal justice and delinquency prevention 3 planning board shall be established pursuant to Title 6.5 Section 4 13903 of seq, of the California Penal Code, and shall be reference 5 to as the San Durnardino County Criminal Justice and Delinquency 6 Prevention Planning Board hereafter referred to as the "Board". 7 Tile Board shall be recognized as the regional planning, 8 coordinating, and supotvisory body for the San Bernardino County 9 Criminal Justice and Delinquency Prevention Planning District. 10 11 A. Membership; Stan3ards of Composition. 12 The Board Tall consist of 30 members and shall 13 be comprised of a majority of local elected officials and shall 14 be reptescntaflvo of the_law enforcement and criminal justice - 15 agencies including agencies directly related to the prevention �iGa 16 and control of juvenile delinquency, units of general local gs�s 17 government, and public agencies maintaining programs to reduce �OpO 4•, €a 18 and control crime, and shall include representatives of citizens, 4 19 professional, and community organizations including organizations 20 directly related to delinquency prevention, representing a broad eu ^Z 21 range of community interests and viewpoints; and shall be balanced. 22 in terms of racial, sevual, age, economic and geographic factors; 23 representatives of the public shall comprise at least one -fifth 24 of the membership and shall be representatives of citizens, 25 professional, and community organizations, including organizations 26 directly related to delinquency prevention. In no case shall a 27 City be represented by more than one member. 28 29 B. Members; Number of Positions; Alternates; 30 Appointing Authority. 31 Board of Supervisors - one position - Board of 32 Supervisors appointment. 33 Chairman or Commissioner, Juvenile Custico 34 Delinquency Prevention Commission - one position - Juvenile Justic 35 and Delinquency Prevention Commission appointment. 36 Chief of Police - seven p, sitions - City Selection 37 Committee appointment. r ,c -q A airy o. . J� Otis vC cis u ^z 1 Chief Probation Officer - Automatic appointment. 2 City Couucilparscn - six positions - City Selection 3 Committee appointment. 4 County Administrative Officer - Automatic appointne 5 County Superintendent of Schools - Automatic 6 appointment 7 District Attorney - AuLomatic appointment. a JusLice Court. Judge - one position - Board of 9 Supervisors appointment. 10 Mayor - two positions - City Selection Committee 11 appointment. 12 Municipal Court Judge - one position - dunicipal 13 Court appointment. 14 Person from the private sector - one position = 15 Board of Supervisors appointment. 16 Parson involved in drug abuse control or prevention 17 - one position - Board of Supervisors appointment. 18 Parson representing the field of education - one 19 position - Board of Supervisors appointment. 20 Public Defender - Automatic appointment. 21 ReproserrLative of Public /Mental Health - Board of 22 Superviso -s appointment. 23 Sheriff - Automatic appointment. 24 Superior Court Judge - one positiun - Superior 25 Court appointment. 26 The appointing authority may designate an alternate 27 for each member. 28 Each elected member shall serve for the period 29 of his elected term. Each nonelected member of the Board shall 30 serve until such time as the appointing authority removes said 31 member and appoints another individual to serve as a member. 32 33 C. Meetings. 34 1. The Board shall provide for its regular meetin 35 The date, time, and place of holding of the regular meeting shall 36 be fixed by the Board. -6- I I 2. All meetings of the Board shall be called, ( 2 noticed and held and conducted in accordance with the provisions 3 of the Ralph M. Brown Act, cornencing with Section 54950 of the 4 Government Code. 5 3. The Planning Director, or a person designated 6 by the Planning Director, shall cause to be kept minutes of all 7 meetings of the Board and shall, as soon as possible after each B meeting, cause a copy of the minutes to be forwarded to each 9 member of the Board. 10 4. A majority of the Board shall constitute a 11 quorum for the transaction of business except that less than a 12 quorum may adjourn from time to time. 13 14 D. Officers. 15 The Board shall select a chairman and vice Chairman W°zatZ 16 The Secretary of the Board shall be the Planning Director, or his �7 -itu 17 designee. The treasurer of the District shall be the Treasurer o�oro �$uta 10 of the County of San Bernardino, to be the depository and have Oa 19 custody of all money of the District from whatever sources. $s� 20 The audito -- controller of the District shall be the Auditor — ,.o $^ 21 Controller of the Comity of San Bernardino, who shall draw all 22 warrants to pay demands against the District approved by the 23 Board. The attorney for the District shall be the County Counsel 24 of the County of San Bernardino or his duly authorized Deputy. 25 Public officers or persons who have charge of or who handle 26 or have access of any property of the District shall file an 27 official bond in the amount fixed by Inw. The District shall 25 have power to appoint and employ such other officers, employees, 29 consultants, advisors, and independent contractors as may be 30 deemed necessary. 31 32 E. Reimbursement of Costs. 33 It is anticipated by the parties that the District 34 shall make application for Federal funds and will receive income r 35 from other sources, and in the event that the District engages. 36 in the activities described herein, the District shall reimburse r -7- — it r +•u�rouh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 u 37 u�a 18 to 19 3u 20 x � u^ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 l 36 the County of San Bernardino to the extent at the reasonable costa of providing the aforesaid sarvicos. F. Funds. The Treasurer of the County shall maintain in a separate trust account funds received by t a nnard. �It shall ba the responsibility of the Planning Director to prepare an annual working budget to be submitted t the Board for its consideration and such other duties as theme Board may direct. Section 6. Powers to be Exercised by the Board. The powers to be exercised by the Board shall be as follows: A. Coordinate local criminal justice and juvenile justice ,planning activities within San Bernardino County. b. Plan and budget for the use of Federal and State funds made mailable through the Crime Control Act of 1973 (Public Law 93 -83) and amendments tharato, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquar.cy Prevention Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 -415) and amendments thereto, and any other grant programs which may affect the criminal justice or juvenile justice systems. C. Apply for, receive, and disburse Federal., State or other funds, and serve as a conduit for applications for Federal and State criminal justice and juvenile justice funds and evaluate the programs which receive such funds. D. Develop comprehensive, unified and orderly procedures to insure that local criminal justice and juvenile justice plans are in accordance with Federal and State guidalines, and that all applications for grant -in -aid, loans, awards or other forms of funding assistance are processed efficiently. E. Cooperate with, and render technical assistance to, units of local government, combinations of such units, or other public or private agencies, organizations or institutions in matters relating to criminal justice and juvenile justice. -8- I F. Conduct evaluations of programs and activities 2 of criminal justice and juvenile justice systems. 3 G. Perforce other functions and duties as may be 4 required by Federal or State Laws, local ordinances, rules, S regulations, guidelines, or policies, 6 The Board is authorized, in its stn name, to do all 7 acts necessary for the exercise of said powers for said purposes, 8 including, but not limited to, any or all of the following: to 9 make and enter into contracts; to employ staff and agents; to 10 acquire, maintain and dispose of real and personal property; it to incur debts, liabilities or obligations which do not con - 12 stitute a debt, liability or obligation of the Cities and County, 13 and to sue and be sued in its rnwn name. Such powers shall be 14 exercised subject only to such restrictions upon the manner of- is exercising such powers as are imposed upon the Cities and County W iC� 16 in the exercise of similar powers. 3a 17 2' »� F zaI 18 Section 7. Additional Parties. f Ca �3,`.` 19 Any incorporated city within San Bernardino County may U5 n U 5 20 join the San Bernardino County Criminal Justice and Delinquency 3�c $_4 21 Prevention Planning District. Any such jurisdiction so joining h 22 shall become a member subject to the terms of this agreement. 23 The Committee shall establish such conditions for entry to the 24 District as will be fair to the new member and to all other memberi 25 to this agreement. The governing board of the jurisdiction 26 that seeks to join the District shall subscribe to this agreement. 27 28 Section B. Term and Termination. 29 This agreement shall be in full force and effect until 30 terminated by the parties thereto. Any party may, by resolution f 31 of its governing body, withdraw from the District by giving at 32 least six months notice to all other parties, including the Board, 33 that it is terminating its rights and duties under this agreement. 34 I No termination shall be effective prior to September 30 of the '( 35 year next following the date of notice. Withdrawals from mombersh r„ Fr, 36 in the District by individual Cities shall not operate to -9- .� 0 3 • K _ ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1C 11 12 13 1•t 15 16 '22% 17 a�oro �8 °Ca 10 .o( pq0' 19 u jwe 20 u -� 21 22 23 24 25 "i 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 f 33 34 35 `ti• 36 w... F torminato the agreement as to the remaining =tubers, nor to terminate the district, unless the remaining membership excluding the County is less than those signatories representing at least ona -half of the population of the district. Population figures shall be determined by Lho latest published estimates of the State Department of Finance. 14hon any party has ceased to be a party to this agreement, it shall not be entitled to again become a party to this agreement except upon consent of two - thirds of th remaining parties and upon such terms and conditions as may be imposed by action of said parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed and attested by the proper officers therannto duly authorized, and their official seals to be hereto affixed as of ilia day and year first above written.- Attest: C I ty C1orr APPROVED AS TO FORM this day of , 1978 By City Attorney -10- CITY OF ADELANTO By _ say A STAFF REPORT DATE: September 20, 1978 TO: City Council rRON: .lack Lam, Director of Community Development SUKJLCf: SPACE NEED FOR CITY HALL Basic to the successful operation of any organization is adequate work space to carry out Its functions. There is currently a need not only to obtain additional work space, but also to begin thinking a, it the mid -term ade- quacy of office space for the entire City operation. City Council has authorized the hiring of additional staff, but now we - must address the question of where to house this staff. Currently the City Hall consists of two offices, one in the old bullding containing ap- proxima tely 1,110 square feet of work area and the new building which consists of 3,200 square feet of work area. Planning and Engineer- ing staff is now located in the original space while Administration, Fi- nance, and Community Services is located in the new building. Although it is desirable it= an efficiency stand point to keep departments under one roof, the current office space the City has is not adequate nor is it located such that this can be achieved. The Building and Safety func- tion must be housed In the new building, since there 1s absolutely no room available in the former building (If you will visit the former building, you can readily see why ) The placement of Building and Safety staff In the new building, will eliminate any additional space that build- ing currently ties. There still remains the question of where to house the additional Planning and Engineering staff without even considering any new staff from any other department. We have just been informed by our landlord, that the unit direztly adjacent to the former office unit, will become available October 1 This unit is smaller than the former unit, but represents the only available office in the entire complex available to the City. While this space is itself is not adequate for the kind of work that must be accommodated, we have at- tempted to show how the entire Planning and Engineering function may be accommodated in this additional unit. Schematic drawings have been en- closed in your packets, showing the placement of employees through June, 1979, In both the new building, the former unit, and the unit that will become available on October 1 As one can Bee, the space layout shows how we wan possibly squeeze all employees in the available space rather than approaching it from the perspective of how to allocate space so that efficiency is served and the public my be adequately served Same equip- ment is not even shown because there is no space to place such equipment. The layout has been designed in such a way that If a department must be �G s. 1• j a Sv 3 Y�k��j. •14� o r City Council Page 2 September 20, 1978 divided, the division should occur within a specific function although in- efficiency would result. Staff proposes the Building and Safety function (including the Public Works inspection function) be placed to the new building for the following reasons: 1. The Building and Safety function involves the handling of money relating to permit issuance Therefore, the Division would be located under the same roof as the Finance Department, which collects the money. 2. For proper lnterface,it is only logical to place the Public Works Inspectors and Building Inspectors under the same roof. Again, this Is not an efficient space allocation since the coordination of Public Works Inspection must be across the parking lot In Engineering and the coordination of Planning approval and permit Issuance must be across the parking lot In the former building. IThe clerical staff must be split _ and certain files must be split) The reminder of the Planning and Engineering staff is shown both in the former building and the soon to be available unit It nLauld tie noted that the occupancy loads will be exceeded for all these units Obtaining this additional space 1s only a stopgap measure until a more adequate and permanent solution is i, developed t 1. Staff recommends that City Council authorize staff to lease the above described unit at $395 00 per month for a period of one year. 2. Authorize staff to evaluate the future space needs of the City and develop alternative solutiona for the City Council prior to June, 1979, Reai:ectfu 1 submittri, JACK JACK oE� h � Community Development P.S If any Council mmbar sees any problems with this request or have any questions, please call me prior to the Council meeting. 1 q o. 'w our v yy . ,. .••'M.r"'�! a iR 4'.''• f � •.l l . CITY OF RA`1CHU CUCVIONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: _ September 20, 1978 TO: CITY MANAGER AND HOMERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: LLDYD NUBBS, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: VINEYARD AVENUE CROSSING OF THE CUCAMONGA CREEK In conJunction with the previous approval of the Cucamonga Crack bridges, the City Council approved a construction phasing which involves the closure of streets at Creek crossing for the duration of construction. The Engineering Department would agree with this approv ^h for all routes with the exception of Vineyard Avenue Vineyard Avenue currently provides direct access from the population centers of the City to the San Bernardino Fremay Current trafflr on this route 1s 10,000 vehicles per day The., closing of this c asl at ca Be ek would d v�rt �•Efir „ong Arrow I1 way to Crov venue and Hellman A ue to rth S eet Lord pet3' f e�t-i>�F�the. ells] n Avenue nor rove Avenue are dealra6le — tui'eadlverslon of this magnitude of traffic The City share of providing a detour In lieu of the traffic diversion is estimated at $15,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the City Council direct San Bernardino County Flood Control to construct a detour In con- junction with the construction of the Vineyard Avenue croaiing of the Cucamonga Channel. Respectfully submitted, LLOYVIWHBS City Engineer LH:dm w • RISOLUT103 NO. 78_53 A RESOLUTION OF 711E CITY COUNCIL OF Tn8 CITY OF RANCHO, CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUMORItING SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TO CONSTRUCT SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTIONS OF SAME= STREET/ARCHTBALI) AVENUE AND SAN HFRN.WDINO soon /vromnC BOULEVARD. WHEREAS, Elio projects for Installation of traffic signals and safety lighting at the San Bernardino Road /Foethf ll Uoalevard and Baseline Street /Archibald Avenue Intersections were !ncluded in teo, San Dernardino County Road Budget at the time of Incorporation of the City of Ranch.. Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, the City and County have agreed char rho projects shoul-d be completed by the County In the ease manner as originally planned;. and WHEREAS, State Law provides for the acceptance of City sues[& Into the County Road System for purposes of construction (to comply with requirements that County Road funds be spent solely on the County Road System); and WHEREAS, upon completion of the construction it wt1L be approprfacd for the City to resume all maintenance responsibility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council, of the CLCg of Rancho Cucamonga requests the County to arrange for and administer the Installation of traffic elgnala and related facilities at the Sam Bernardino Road /Foothill Boulevard and Baseline Streer/ArchiWfd Avon" Intersections; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council consents to dealgna- tion of the portion of San Bernardino Road from Foothill Boulevard' west 250 feet, and portions of Archibald Avenue and Baseline Street extending 250 feet either side of the Intersection of said street# as. County Reads from the date of award of a contract to acceptance of the contract as complete; and . BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that upon acceptance of the contract as complete by the County Board of Supervisors, San Bernardino Road, Archibald Avenue and Baseline Street shall automocieally revert to City street status and all maintenance responsibility assumed by Clio County during the construction period shall become the responetbtllry of the City APPROVED AND ADOPTED this __day of „ j¢ MAYOR OF THE CITY OF RANL'RO CUCAHONGA' ATTEST: CITY CLERK V. 'TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT 9=14 iThnd Sbaa{- San Bemndmo, CA 92415 • (714) 383.1366 August 7, 1978 Hr Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer city or R"rho Cucamonga 9340 Basel •e Unit A (P.O. Box 793) File: H06233 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 RE.: PROPOSED TPAFFIC SIGNAL AT SAR BERNAPDINO ROAD MO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD (SH 66) Dear Hr_ Huhbs: In accordance with the agreement between the City and County regarding the funding of certain road construction projects within the City, we have now completed the plans and specifications for the San Bernardino Road /Foothill Boulevard traffic signal project. A set of the plans was furnished to you by Tony Gray last week. The cooperative agreement between the County and CALTRANS is currently being processed (scheduled for Board of Supervisors action on August 14). A copy of the propose/ agreement is attached for your information. Since this project now lies within the City, it is requested that you ask the City Council to approve a resolution authorizing the County to proceed with the construction. To legalize the ex- penditure of County Road Funds on the project, the resolution should also consent to the county's acceptance of the portion of San Ber- mardino Road within the project limits (from Foothill Boulevard west 256 feet) into the County Maintained Road System during the construc- tion period. The resolution should further provide that the road will automatically revert to the status of a City Street upon com- pletion of the construction contract and that the City will at that time automatically assume tore County's share of maintenance respon- sibility. A rough draft of such a resolution is attached for your possible use. (? , fi L V D CC�uma, UrAL&MEml DEFT. AUG 9 1918 PY is .Z,6,9,l%%l2111212l415i6 It Cou{nr of San Bnnwduwo i PUolICN1WKSACOLT aorta R. SHONE 00-1- . T.an,pe,wpn August 7, 1978 Hr Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer city or R"rho Cucamonga 9340 Basel •e Unit A (P.O. Box 793) File: H06233 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 RE.: PROPOSED TPAFFIC SIGNAL AT SAR BERNAPDINO ROAD MO FOOTHILL BOULEVARD (SH 66) Dear Hr_ Huhbs: In accordance with the agreement between the City and County regarding the funding of certain road construction projects within the City, we have now completed the plans and specifications for the San Bernardino Road /Foothill Boulevard traffic signal project. A set of the plans was furnished to you by Tony Gray last week. The cooperative agreement between the County and CALTRANS is currently being processed (scheduled for Board of Supervisors action on August 14). A copy of the propose/ agreement is attached for your information. Since this project now lies within the City, it is requested that you ask the City Council to approve a resolution authorizing the County to proceed with the construction. To legalize the ex- penditure of County Road Funds on the project, the resolution should also consent to the county's acceptance of the portion of San Ber- mardino Road within the project limits (from Foothill Boulevard west 256 feet) into the County Maintained Road System during the construc- tion period. The resolution should further provide that the road will automatically revert to the status of a City Street upon com- pletion of the construction contract and that the City will at that time automatically assume tore County's share of maintenance respon- sibility. A rough draft of such a resolution is attached for your possible use. (? , fi L V D CC�uma, UrAL&MEml DEFT. AUG 9 1918 PY is .Z,6,9,l%%l2111212l415i6 It . t ~ate . st Mr. Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer August 7, 1978 Page 2 Upon execution of the State - County agreement and receipt of the Council's resolution, we will be ready to proceed with aCvertisement of the project. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the undersigned at 383 -2804. Very truly yours, JOHN R SHONE DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION By 1` (, /, SL.. , JohM1 A Steger l Planning Engineer JAS:az Attac:ment f MY OF RANCUU CUCAIIONGA HEMORANDUH DATE: Septe:.er 20, 1978 TO: CITY MANAGER AND HEHBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: LLOYD HUBBS, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION AT SAN BERNARDINO ROAD AIM FOOTHILL AND ARCHIBALD AND BASELINE Attached for Council adoption is a resolution authorizing the County Road Department to construct signals at San Bernardino Road and Foothill and Archibald and Baseline In order to legally accomplish this the construction Zen.- must be relinquished to the County for the duration of construction. This resolution will accomplish that action. These projects should be awarded-within three (1) months Respectfully au itted, LLOYD � City Engineer LH: dm attachment 6' M E M O R A N D U M To: Lauren Wasserman From: Btll Holley Subject: Block Wall Graffiti DaIC 9/15/78 The removal of graffiti from the many block walls in our City is an expensive proposition There are two "reasonable" ways to remove the graffiti: 1)- Painting _ 2) Sandblasting The first method, painting, would, however, also require the painting of the balance of the wall to be visually acceptable The second alturnative would be to remove the graffiti through sandblasting the offensive section In terms of economics, this is the more rcasonable of the methods The sandblasting can be approached in three manners: 1) Contracting with sandblasting firms 2) Reatal of sandblasting equipment 3) Purchase of sandblasting equipment Neither contracting for service nor rental of equipment are economical, $45 -55 per hour and $80 per day, respectively Further, neither method affords the necessary flexibility of opera tits ( ii�e contractor may not be available or the equipment may be previously rented) There are two types of sandblasters available: 1) Dry 2) Wet The "dry" requires a compressor and sandpot OSHA would require our operator to wear a safety suit hood and respirator Approximate package cost: 1) Compressor (used): $3500 +/- 2) Sandpot and gear: 1500 +/- 3) Operator suit: 1 750 total) 5750 plus tax 1 The "wet" is one unit and requires no safety gear other than goggles Cost: 1) $5795 00 The "wet" has advantages over the "dry" in: 1) Being self contained 2) Not creating any dust (Rancho Cucamonga has many areas that are within "Dus, Control Zones ") 3) More economical to operate 4) Safety 5) Can be used as a high pressure water only blaster A demonstration of the Littlefield Model 2000 -S Wn! Sand Blaster and Nigh Pressure Blaster was given on September 13th and was found to do the Job effeciently and well Price quotes were received from two sources: 1) A A Equipment- Wolf 6 Sons Montclair $5795 00 +tax 2) Littlefield, Inc. (Manufacturer) Anaheim 5679 00 +tax C012 -DENT AND RECO1,MNDATION: Graffiti is neither attractive to the residents or visitor in our City Its removal must be addressed in prompt and economical manner I recommend that a Purchase Order be let to Littlefield, Inc , for $6019 85 BH /mh � .. (213)t, ' 1-377iF - -- • 16 1 1 ; it Found, Olon Avenue (714) 879.1092 La Habra. Cahlorma 90631 /,,, /,/J' nf�r , ITTTI ITI; (.D, INC. Mr, v r .rr 'gL1ST a AN 111'1, l.A 9:',,Ul (714) ,.If) 16.112 w (213) 6943776 r ♦ r r t�ct'a3°r�l ;G ♦ 1�Y i 7 COMBINATION�`�r WET SAND BLASTER d HIGH PRESSURE BLASTER a MODEL 2000 - S Gasoline Engine Kohler Discharge Pressure 2150 PSI Volume 5 GPM Discharge Hose 50 Ft. 3/8" ID Sand Hose 50 Ft. 1/2° tD Water Tank (Polyethylene) 85 Gal Sand Hopper Capacity 600 lb. Sand Use Rate r,250- 3Wlb. /Hr. Engine 16 HP Battery 12 volt Pump Spaed 960 RPM Pump (Cat) Triplex Stainless Trailer (3° channel) 3500 GI'W Nozzles (3 ea.) 0 °- r5 ° -40° (lose Reel 3000 PSI Swivel _ .:. n , _ ws�.+...sa.. ^. _.mac... - -. _ • e PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL C.C.P. SS1013a, 2615.5 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) :$a. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) _ I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the county aforesaid= I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within- entitled actions my business address is: Law Offices of WILLIAM M. SHERNOFF, A Professional Corporation 666 South Indian Hill, Suite 102 Claremont, California 91711 On August 31, 1978 , I served the within - entitled document: CLAIM FOL DAMAGES Government Code 5910 on the parties in said action, by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully pre- - paid, in the United States post office mail box at Claremont, California, addressed an follows: s CLERK OF THE CITY COUNT" City of Rancho Cucamonga City Hall, P. O Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga 01 91730 I certify (or declare), under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on August 31, 1978 at Claremont, California. M J VSTAL i N --I ��,T -fir- `r--- h ---Yr. - •cr+': -�• ....a - a,..._ �.n.a::— asa�s•.s- -! •. t'- A'M.' P 1 LAW 0111C[101 tarACY amaw=a ntum arAur ONLYI WILLIAM M, 6NCRNOFr Y.O „a,gN.l CO[IOMtgN 2 0[0 OOYM INO.Y XILL [Y11[ 10[ .L RMOXT. CAU[WNIA 01711 3 471.1 al -nas 4 5 Attomei for Claimant 6 7 gl DEPORE Tiir CITY C')UNCIL g or THE CITY Or RANCHO CUCAHONt.A 10 11 In the Matter of the Claim of ) CLAIM FOR DAMAGES - 12 ROBERT RAYMOND LAWRENCE, ) Government Code 5910 ) 13 Claimant. ) 14 - -- — 16 TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF VIC CITY Or rNICIIO CUCA9011':A: 16 I, the undersigned, present this claim as a person acting on 171 behalf of ROBERT RAYMOND LAWRENCE, the claimants 18 iI A. The addresa of tae clairtant is: 7078 Enst Avenue, 19 Etiwanda, California. 90 The address to which I want notices regarding this 21 claim to be sect is: 22 L.n, Offices of WILLIAM M. SHERIiOFF, A Pr-7fessional 23 Corporation, 666 South Indian hill Boulevard, Suite 102, Claremont, 24 California 91711. 25 C. The date of the event giving rise to this claim is 26 Mav 28, 1978, and it occurred as follows 27 (1) On the- abovn data, claimant ROBERT RAYMOND LAWRENCE je 28 I was operating a Datsun pick -up truck, California License Number 1 r a 1 2 63110, in a westbound direction on Base Line Avenue, approximately 3 1.5 miles west of Redwood Avenue, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, 4 County of San Bernardino, State of California. 6 (2) Prior to and on said data, the County of San 6 Bernardino designed, constructed, irnrrved, worked on, and con- ? trolled the public street and highway known as Base Line Avenue, 8I approximately 1.5 miles west of said Redwood Avenue. 9 (3) On said date, and prior theteto, ..he public street 10 and highway was in a dangerous condition that created a sub - 11 stantial risk of the type of injury hereinaftor alleged when the 12 property was used in a manner that was rensonably foreseeable, in 13 that there was a dirt mound on said Base Lino Avenue, but there 14 was no warning sign of such fact and such danger would net be 15 reasonably apparent to, and would not have been anticipated by, 16 a person using duo care. 17 (4) On said date, ROBERT RAYMOND LAWRENCE, while J8 operating his Datsun pick -up truck, as a result of the dangerous 19 condition of said Base Line Avenue, was nroximatoly caused to 20 strike and collide with said dirt mound, thereby causing the 21 injuries and damages hereinafter described. 22 D. The injuries and damages sustained by claimaint, no far 23 as they are known at this time, are massive head injuries. Q4 E. The names of the public employees involved with the 25 creation of the dangerous condition and the failure to take 26 measures to protect against it arc unknown at this time. 27 P. The amount claimed as of this date, including the 28 estimated amount of prosnectivo injury and ciamago, insofar as it 2 4M 1 z 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 •13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 �. 25 26 27 28 is presently known, is $500,000.00, based upon estimated medical bills, loss of earnings, pronerty damages, and general damages. Dated: August 31, 1978 WILLIAH H. SHERNOPP A Professional Corporation SY H NET11 C. EL CHENS 'APP l lhW1uY1NAtEU hip _. Range _. NAME This Is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the within In- struwtnt to the City of Rancho Cucawonga, a city incorporated under the love of the State of California, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council, and the grantee consents to the recordation there by its duly authorized officer. Dated: 0 By: Lloyd Hobbs Cloy Engineer ASSESSOR PARCEL N0. _ For RecorJe is s�4 Recording requested by GRA4T OF EASEMENT When recorded return to: tile Council (ROAD) Transportation Departa:eet - hereby GRANT(S) to the CITY OF RA8L3fO CUCAMONGA, incorporated under if,e laws of the State of California, an EASEMENT for IIICItWAY and ROAD PURPOSES over, under and across the real property in the City of Rancho Cucawonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: A portion of Parcel No. I of Parcel flap No 3222, recorded In Parcel Nap Book 299 Page 34, Records of San Bernardino County, desc�ibcd as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the lnternectlon of the South line of the North 270.35 feet of Parcel Nn. 1 with the West ling of said parcel; thence along said South line of the North 270 35 feet South 89 53' 20" East 40.00 feet; thence parallel with the West line of Parcel No. t North 00 36' 00" West 125.29 feet to the begin= _ ning of a circular are concave to the Southeast and having a $3.00 foot radius; thence along said circular arc a length of 35.83 feet through a central angle of 380 44' 22" to a point of reveral.rg circular arc having a tangent bearing of North 380 08' 22" East concave to the Southwest and having a 47.00 foot radius; thence along said circular arc a length of 120.87 feat through a central angle of 1470 21' 03" to the West line of said Parcel No. 1; thence South 00 36' 00" Past 231 9t feet along said West line to the Point of Beginning. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public Wi hin and for the county of L7 �ILG �f , State of C-]? nc'kxt-f s �L,�,g.day of (5r•.• over for Notary) 1 01[,[rµ x4 JILL D. 14,11 j &IEY ,JILL D.mrc c•u &IEy ,. Y' I hirV • J• '4 Ib WY C•>'wruukn C+an� 1lav s. 1.91 `/ 12 14 tee". -•--�— ...•fir . ..�� =1r O O O .O .O I 1.1 N .� O O O P y n • y 000 mN0 ��0 .•r .yNNNJ ONNNP U N N N V .O •Nq .mp b .Np u .N. a a O O O O .O .O I 1.1 N .� O O O P y n Om.•mn O.OdmP 000 mN0 ��0 .•r .yNNNJ ONNNP n P •O d O P "R d; O O O O .N. •'f � m .N-• .tea P P O N N ••1 .pµV pJ Y •O O ." N N T t'1 �� r• 1.1y V q O Y V OBI m Y Y M Y p4o 1[ 41 Y w q 4 Y M mM1mm q V V N Y :>aaa O N U c oc U-• qCq � M O Nry KY FC V C K 3 39 .G \` 0mmm d OCW C•.Vi 1+ O m 1 L. q ••JJ M D N m q Y O •1 O 3' (q 0. 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