HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/12/18 - Agenda Packet - RDACary of RANCIio CUCAMONGA P.EDEYELOP�MENi' AGENCY AGENDA Lions Dark Comolgr Center 9161 Rasa Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California paeeaber 19115 - 7,t0h n•.• (Coabiodd meaticg with City Council) • 1: GILL vo �g� A. Roll Call; Vcfaht _, 0uquat —, Mikels _. Pahl _, and Ring _. 5. Approval of Minutes; October 16, 196S November 6, 1953 November 21, 1955 S • ; CosRir CAr.ssea: Tba felloaiq Comaaat Calendar items are ea;recteA to be routlae amd som- ceatrwareial, ?bey will be acted ape by the RNA at Me tism cfthwt di$CSCSL e. A. Approval to receive and fil3 tvrrest Investment 1 Schedule as of pecesber 11, 1903. N�1 N. Approval to courser lank of Amnriea credit card service to $aa Bernard :co County Central Credit Union card C service. RN00LUTI00 10. R► 13 -16 3 ' A RESOLUTION Cr THE RIDRrIIOPKINT AORNCT or T31 CIrf Or WOW CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, 3 AFFRO/UG ArrLICATION 701t NAM BERNARDINO x l : COMM csTkAL C'dmlt ORION CAD NRarzcR �+�, `� •�. •,. ` ' ' , -_,,.' °.: � , iii a tit,- 4 ..k 3 :a, :.�.. ' �,• - - _ .• a ` -M ^'1 �''1X�� :i'II1i�"� :�.d�Ri• `�n"t'i: � ��n•. �•.•w'wE'«� -1� :� fled velopoent Agency Meeting -2- � PDaLIC QARING9 A. nr en AL O�gPat PROPCR'rY Tr C!rwNECTION NI7R. _T$6 rR ratt MEMi UL z1T191 O4 111 VI"LlloE SHOPV�Ei'i CMUK PaQTPCT - An part of the Commetcial Developtvnt Hots Program and the Installment gale Plmanc'og Agreement, a hearing meat be bead Pursuant to oeathe Health and Safety Code for property generally at the northeast corner of Ramona Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. RESOLOTI00 110. RA 85 -19 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RMCH0 COCAMONGA APPROVING THE DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY PURSUANT TO THE INSTALLMENT SALE FINANCING OF THE SAECHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FROLTECT B. CL`JEID[?a2I� - OGrSPIneYeO a1 .968.000 _IN PRjV AC7IVTYf BOPS- �QSJTION TO *°e n ®g4 p.0 M.dT AC•EHCY An APPROPIR.1 tet IS ^° G rr.wrnrlAr DE4ELQPMFat � Ey T� tEDEVELQF`^N" ' ^IDICY 40Y TBR BOIEP2T GP SEE RANCHO COf_ /�m� TL�L �Y °- 4QPPICO C�7TB4 PROJ[Ct - A transfer of Private Activity Bond Allocation, wbich was ® received by the City from other local aganciae to the RtdeveloPasot Agency and a TEFRA hearing in corformance with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. RUCILUT1ON SC. 83 -333 r� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPYIOG THE TRGSSFER OF 1985 PRIYGTE ACTIVITY BOND LIMIT, TRAES /ERRING THE SAME TO THE RRDEVELOPMIMT AGIXCY 01 SHE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND APPRIMM THE ICSOARCE r A SOTS BY THE RmEVXLOPMENT AGEFCY OF THE ITT OF RANCHO COCAMONGA FOR THE RULED CUCAMONGA vILLAGR spFPMG CENTER PROJECT 7 ' December 18, 1985 4 - 10 12 16 1B yyai' i A ti lll! • 5 Redavalopeent Agency Meeting -3- Deceeber 18, 1985 „ i� RESOLUTION NO. RA 85 -20 20 . A RESOLUTIO] OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ' THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIPORHIA, - APPROVING 9000MENTS, APPOINTING A SERVICING AGENT AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE Of ITS NOTE AND RARING CERTAIN PINDINCS IN CONNECTION MIIH TEE ISSUANCE 07 SAID NOTE tCANCRI CUCASONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT) B. AVAPDIRO OP THE BADE OF T92 COMMrRCIALREVELOPMAT ROTE 23 e0R UL—YCRO COCANOMGA 7 II,LA3E H�PPTNG CC6TER PROJlCT. RESOLUTION NO. HA 85 -21 24 A RESOLUTION Or THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OP RANCHO COCAMONGA, CAI.IPORNIA. AWARDING THE SAL$ Of ITS 1985 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT NOTE (RANCHO COCAY.ONCA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT) C. REVIEV AND 11I9CEISSION Or I OUT_VH09 MAC DEVELOPMED? 25 FOR AGENCY L9I9TANCL THOM �OS�'G BET (BIDE PUlD P0R MEN DEVELOPMENT OF A SENIOR CITIZEN'S SOUSING PPOEECT. D. RRCOME NDATIOR OF AGENCY BUECOMITTEE TO 9ELECY A PIRA 32 TO PVEPARR NAlrEMtRO aD PU! T lTN ATTON MATERYALS. 5. NM2=Uw A. City Council to adjourn to regular seating at 7170 p.m. tbla date. E. Redevelopment Agency to adjourn. O /Ike ` S 5 • 1'�'LI•r •••���)))!!! O RANCHO CUCAMONOA Redevelopment Agency 0.��.3os n. n0.da ..._ter.+.. clmlal.nupxtn J." KIM Rkkudpt,Dsy Psm.W.Wriest DATE: December 11, 1985 T0. RDA Board and IDucutiva Director FROM: pobert Ritzo, Assistant City Manager and File — Redevelopment Agency Investment SUBJECT, Schedule States poporicaa 01cD•�cemb°Re11,eloe RANCHO CUCAMONGA RM MEOPMENT AGENCY ENESDD27T 6CF®OLE STATUS REPORT PURCHASE MATURITY INTEREST 1NSTITUTION DATE DATE AMOUIm RATE California Federal Savings 07 /OL /8S 12/30/85 200,000.00 0.01900 California Fodoral Savings 07/02/85 12/30/85 200,000.00 0.07900 Groat Western 6avingo 07/11/85 01/07/86 100,000.00 0.07800 Great Western Savings 09/03/05 03/03/86 500,000.00 0 08200 California Federal Savings 09/03/05 03/03/86 100,000.00 0.08050 California Federal Savings 09/03/85 03/03/85 200,000.00 0.08050 Great Western Savings 06/20/05 12/17/85 11000,000.00 0.07600 Great Western Sav�ngs lc/11/85 03/10/86 500,000.00 0 08200 Croat Western Savings 10/11/85 03/10/05 100,027.15 0.08200 Great Western savings 10/31/05 02/28/86 1,000.000.00 0.07950 YooLh111 In dependent Bank 10/31/85 02/28/86 2,000,000.00 0.07375 California Federal Savings 10/31/85 02/28/86 500,000.00 0.07950 California Federal Savings 11/00/85 05/05/86 200,000.00 0.00200 Great Western Savings 11/12/85 05/12/86 500,000.00 0.00100 Great Western Savings 11/06/85 03/06/86 1,188,291.25 0 08050 As of 12/11/85 Grand Total 8,388,318.40 All inWStments are Certificates of Deposit F •% .F ►USBAD{LM%OAD. WRFC . pWOMCSXoXM1 • RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CAMFOHL4U(1770 • (7tQ PBF1a11 _ c`•_. YJ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOC REDEVELOPMENT AGENC! STAFF REPORT t v. k. o - Date, November 20, 1585 To, Chairman and Agency Members From, Robert A. Rizzo, Assistant City Managur By, Elizabeth Stoddard Assistant Finance Director Subjects San Bernardino County Central Credit Union Card So -vice The City of Rancho Cucamonga currently uses the Bank of Ameriva to pro - vidr card service Bark of Anarica charges S18 00 for annual membership dues with a 19 8e interest rate Within the recent past the San Pernar- dino Connty Central Credit Union has mado available to municlpalitics card so-vice for which there is no annual membership duos and interest rates are at 18 0% it is recommended that the City of Rancho Cucamonga abandon :ard service from Bank of Amomica and proceed with card service offered by San Bernardino County Central Credit Union for the following individuals and credit limits, Lauren Wasserman, Executive Director ;2,500 00 Jack Lam, Comunity Developmant Director 2,500 00 Rancho Cucamonga Redtiolopment Agency 2.500.00 A , {y� .z L RESOLUTION NO P—A A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEvELOPHEUr AGENCY OF THE CITY OF - RANCHO CUCAHOAGA, CALIFORN,A, APPROVING APPLICATION FOR SAN BER:iARDINO rOUNTY CENTRAL CREDIT UNION CARD SiRVICE WHEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency desires bark cards from San Bernardino County Central Credit Union thereinafter called -Credit Union") for use by certain of the City's officers and emp:oyees, and WHEREAS, Credit Union will not issue said bank cards unless the City of Rancho Cucamonga agrees to assume full responsibility for use of such cards, or any of them, and to pay Credit Union for all indebtedness incurred through the use of such cards, whether such use or indebtedness was authorized by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. ?� NON, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Lauren Wasserman, Exac- utivo Director and Jack Lam, Community Development Director ar6 hereby authorized, directed aniempowered, in the name of the Uty of Rancho Cucamonga, to apply to Credit Union for the issuance of a visa bark card, and to +xecute such applications and agreements as i Credit union may requi.j in order to accomplish the foregoing BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Credit Union is authorized to act upon tnis Resolution until written notice of its revotetion is delivered to Credit Union, and that the authority hereby granted shall apply with equal force and affect to the suc-,zsors in office of the officers named herin Y, Y CITY OF RANCHO C REDEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT DATE: December I8, 1985 TO: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Deputy Executive Director BY: Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH THE INSTALLMENT SALE FINANCING OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT (CP 84 -03) BACKGROUND: On April 17, 1985, the Redevelopment Agency approved o, Inducement eso uR- —t of o a proposed financing program for Kanter and Foothill Property (CP 84- 03). On November 20, 1985 the Agency Initiated the proposed financing program b setting a public hearing date of December 18, 1985 as the time and place for r viewing the final documents and bids and awarding the sale of a $3,100,000 Commercial Development Revenue Note, The proposed financing, the sole of a Comma ciat Development Revenue Note, Is similar to a Certificate of Participation exceppt that only a single note •all be sold by the Agency to one buyer. In a Note form of ffnoncing, as with a C..,tif ,ate Issue, the Agency does purchase the project and the site end then immedlatel/ re -sells It to the Developer. The proceeds of the Note, which Is sold by the .,gcncy on behalf of the Developer, provide the necessary financing for these transactions to occur. EVALUATION: According to Section 33431 of the California Health and Safety Code it Is necessary tor the Agency to hold a public hearing when considering the sale of land for purposes of redevelopment. In the proposed Commercial Development Revenue Note financing program the Ag:.ncy will be acquiring land and immediately selling that land to the Developer for redevelopment purposes Although these transactions will occur almost simultaneously, it Is necessary under the Code for the Agency to hold a public hearing when considering the disposal of property. Bond Counsel has prepared, and staff has reviewed, oil documents pertaining to the acquisition and sale of the property by the Agency to the Developer. These documents have been found to be In order. Also attached to this staff report Is a memorandum from Best, Best 6 Krieger which provides supplemental Information regarding the proposed Commercial Development Revenue Note financing program 1 osol of Property IRm+cho Cucamonga Village ShoPPln9 Center ProJcet REDEVELOPh1ENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT Olsp December IBr 1905 , Page 2 conduct a public hearing and Own o Village --.-' ing Centle ' RECOMMENDATION: Agency n spmo o property eztloR�olullon.R�cho Cucamonga Project by adopting the attorhed JOCK I-"' JePutY Executive Direclor Attochmen"3 Resolution Memorandum from Best, Best 3 Krieger � J i a uw orn ccs o. BEST BEST 6 KRIEGER MEMORANDUM December 9, 1985 TO: CHAIRMAN, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMBERS AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: SPECIAL COUNSEL RE: INSTALLMENT SALE FINANCING OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT The Agency has heretofore evidenced its intention to finance the above - referenced Project (the "Project ") by means of an installment sale financing arrangement whereby the Agency will acquire the Project from Kanter and Foothill Properties, a California limited partnership (the "Developer ") and immediately reconvey the Project to the Developer through an Installment Sale Agreement. Under the Installment Sale Agreement, the Agency will make installment payments to the Developer for the Project and the Developer will make matching installment payments to the Agency. This paymsnt obligation will be further secured by a deed of trust on the Project. Moneys for the acquisition and construction of the Project will be derived from the sale of a note (the "Note ") under a servicing agreement (the "Servicing Agreement ") between the Agency, The Mitsubishi Bank of California, as trustee, and the Developer. LAW orrIC[! or BEST BEST 6 KRIEGER Under the financing arrangement, the obligation of _ the Agency to make payments on the Note is limited to amounts received from the Developer under the Installment Sale Agreement. Additionally, obligations for construction and operation of the Project will rest solely with the Developer. In order to proceed with this financing, it is necessary for the Agency at this time to hold a public hearing and at the close of the hearing consider the adoption of three resolutions. To satisfy Section 33631 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California the public hearing must be held with respect to the proposed sale of the Project to the Developer under the Installment Sale Agreement. A short agenda for the hearing is attached. The shorter resolution attached approves the sale of the Project to the Developer pursuant to the Installment Sale Agreement. The second and longer resolution approves the basic documents of this financing and authorizes the execution of these eocuments by the appropriate Agency officers. In addition, this resolution appoints a Servicing Agent under the Servicing Agreement. Additionally, by this resolution, the Agency allocates a portion of its 1985 allocation for private activity bond issues to the Project. The third resolution awards the sale of the Note to r h' S the lowest responsible bidder of the bids received by the Agency on the morning of December 18, 1985. ','°El rte . -2- rL� b Z. uw orncca or BEST BEST 6 KRIEGER We would recommend that the Agency approve the attached Resolutions following the public hearing. -7- JRROY06A'' GLEN E. STEPHENS JOHN R. ROTTSCHMFER A ` -IyC t^eey ' 4 �F l; S uw orr¢ss or ` BEST. BEST 6 KRIEGER CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA TOR PUBLIC HEARING REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (RANCHO CUCAMONGA SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT) December 18, 1985 1. Chairman opens public heariny. 2. Chairman calls upon Staff for a summary of the proposed disposition of the project property in connection with the financing of the project. 3 Summary of financing by Staff. (a) Summary of project (location, size. developer, etc.$ (b) Summary of proposed finan ^ing (Installment sale financing including the issuance of a Vote of the Agency in an amount not to exceed $3,100,000, to be undertaken by the Agency pursuant to Community Redevelopment Law). (c) Sale of project to Developer pursuant to the terms of an installment sale agreement. d. Chairman calls for any comments or questions from the public. 5. Agency proceeds Lr (deration of adopt'on of resolu- tion approving disposition of project properly. r . JRR0206C h RESOLUTION NO. R R ie:* I.A 95-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPRCANG THE DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY PURSUANT TO THE INSTALLMENT SALE FINANCING OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT WHEREAS, Kanter and Foothill Property, a California limited partnership (the "Developer "), proposes to acquire and construct a commercial shopping center Project (the 'Project") located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue in the Rancho Redevelopment Project Area of the Agency (the "Project Area "); and WHEREAS, the Project Is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area and is expected to create new jobs In the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the expansion of employment opportunities for jobless, under- employed and low- Income per.-ons and the reduction of blight are fundamental purposes of redevelopment under the terms of Part I of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of Californic (the "Act "); and WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Agency to purchase property, both real and personal, and any Interest therein for purposes of redevelopment in the Froject Area; and WHEREAS, the Developer proposes to sell the Project to the Agency pursuant to an installment sale agreement, between the Developer and the Agency (the "Installment Sale Agreement-), and the Agency desires to purchase the Property from the Developer upon the terms and conditions set forth In the Installment Sole Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the Agency to sell or otherwise r'Ispose of In t e Project Area without public b ddinsh but therein for puhlteshearl g, notice of which is given by publlcotiou for not Ier: than once a week for two weeks In a newspaper of general Irculatlon In the county In which the property Iles; and WHEREAS, the Agency has caiducted a puhlic hearing on DecemIter 18, 1985 where It heard and considered information concerning the disposal of the Project In connection with the rrancing of the Project; and WHEREAS, notice of the aaove- mentioned public he -rig was published once a week for two weeks in The Daily Report, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the City in which the Project lies; and WHEREAS, the Agency proposes to enter Into the ailment Sale Agreement pursuant to which the Agency will sell the Project to the Developer; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: A �Y SECTION I. Recitals. The above recitals, and eorh of them, are true oM correct. SECTION 2. Findin as to Sale at Folr Market Value. The Agency hereby finds W-2-Te—terrnines that the considerCillibo-t0li-p7ad by the Developer to the Agency for tha purchase of the Project under the terms of the Inslallma:t Sole Agreement Is not less than the fair market value of the Project In accordance with the co+enants end conditions governing such purchase and sale. SECTION 3. Sale of the Protect. The sole of the Agency of the Project to t :e eve oiler pursuant -to--tfW Iment Sole Agreement, the form of which has previously been presented, Is hereby approved SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Resolutim shall take effect Immediately upo— n- 7a optTon. PASSED, APPROVED end ADOPTED this Idth day of December, 1985. AYES: HOES: ABSEN I: ATTEST: auren ouerman, becretmy Jon D. Mikels, Chairman e i Jj I r CITY STAFF REPORT CUCAMONGA � C _ 0 8 Q � A V _ > DATE: Deember 18, 1985 tv:y TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Jack Lon, AICP, Community Development Director Sys Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: ALLOCATIION TO $TFE. BREDEVELOPMENT AIGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A REDEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL AG NCY SCP 84- 03R�NUE NOTE BY THE EVALUATION: Although the Redevelopment Agency is the Issuing agent for the prepo3 ON Commercial Development Revenue Note, it Is necessary for the City Council to participate in the program it two ways. The first Is for the City Council to so transfer $1,968,000 In Private tadloeat3oto s1e11otM proposed Note.�Thistallocatlion, that the Agency oad This 7,000) end which the City is tranferring, was recessed from the Cities of Mayw State, which) was o These ed on November Novemlber 26,, combined the transfer directly to received from the Agency, to provide the necessary amount for the Iss:oce of the Note. so that the public has the oppo� tun) participation to comtmoentnonl the proposed financing. This hearing hearing is requIred by the Tax Equity aid Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 and is more com•aonly referred tom a "TEFRA" hearing. A brief memorandum from Best, Best b, Krieger is attached to this staff report which further Identifies and oxplains the ourpose of the TEFRA hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Agency conduct a public hearing and then move to od authorize trans er o private activity bond allocatiot5 to the Redevelopment Agenry the Agency to sell a Commercial Development Revenue Note by adopting the attached Resolution. of Community JL:LD:kop Attachments: Resolutio Memorodum from Best, Best & Krieger /Z1 uw orntce or BEST BEST 6 KRIEGER December 9, 1985 MEMORANDUM - TO: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER FROM: SPECIAL COUNSEL RE: PUBLIC HEARING ON RANCRO CUCAMONGA SHOPPING CENTER The Redevelopment Agency f the City of Rancho Cucamonga has previously evidenced its intention to assist in financing the acquisition and construction of a commercial shopping center project (the "Project ") proposed to be constructed in the City by Ranter and Foothill Properties, a California limited partnership (the "Developer"). The financing is being undertaken by the Agency pursuant to the provisions of the Community Redevelopment Law (Part, 1 of Division 26 of the California Health and Safety Code). It will involve an installment sale financing arrangement, including the issuance of a note, whereby the Agency will acquire the Project from the Developer, and immediately convey the Project to the Developer, through an Installment sale Ag:eement. In order to satisfy the federal tax requiremelts estab- lished by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 with respect to the tax - exempt status of the certif- icates to be issued in this financing, it is necessary that 'r - rL *3 x ua orr�tts or j BEST.SEST 6 KRIEGER the City Council, acting as the applicable elected govern- . mental body, conduct a public hearing (the "TEFRA Hearing ") on the Project and its proposed financing. At this hearing, comments of interested citizens with respect to the Prcject and its financing should be taken. A short agenda for this hearing is attached. At the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council vould then consider adoption of the attached Resolution indicating its approval of the Project and its financing. The action to be taken by the City Council at the conclusion of the TEFRA hearing does not obligate the Agency to proceed with the installment sale financing of the Project if the Agency should choose no, to do so at some future time. -2- JRR0206B / Glen E. Stephens John R. Rottschae£er 1 U L uw orrlC[5 or r BEST BEST 6 KRIEGER JRR0206C MAYOR'S AGENDA i FOR PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA (RANCHO CUCAMONGA SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT) December 18, 1985 } 1. Mayor opens public hearing. 3 2. Mayor calls upon Staff for a summary of the project and its proposed financing. 3. Summary of financing by Staff. (a) Summary of project (location, size, developer, " etc.) (b) Summary of proposed financing (Installment sale a financing, including the issuance of a note in an amount not to exceed $3,100,000, to be undertaken by the Agency pursuant to Community Redevelopment r r Law). P 3. Mayor calls for any comments or questions from the w public. S. Clty Council proceeds to consideration of adoption of r.• e resolution approving financing. JRR0206C RESOLUTION 140.96J3 -1&63 7-5' 333 A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ACCEPTING THE TRANSFER OF 1985 PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND LIMIT, TRANSFERRING THE SAME I'D THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTE BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT WHEREAS, Kanter and Foothill Property, a California limited partnership (the "Developer "), seeks Inc Issuance of tax - exempt obligations (the "Obligations ") by the Red"velopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "Agency") In the principal amount of $3,100,000 to finance the acquisition, construction and equipping of a commercial shopping center project located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue In the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City "), to be owned by the Developer (the "Project "h and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Artesia, California, has transferred to the City a portion of Its 1985 Private Activity Bond Limit In the amount of $751,000 pursuant to Resolution No. 917 of the City Council of the City of Artesia, California, adopted on June 10, 1985; end WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Maywood has transferred to the City a portion of its 1985 Private Activity BoM Limit In the amount of $1,217,000 pursuant to Resolution No. 3599 of the City Council of the City of Maywood, California, adopted on June Ill 1985; and WHEREAS, it Is not expected that the City will utilize the full amount of such allocation for the issuance of Private Activity Bonds during 1985; and WHEREAS, the Governor's P- rclamation of July 191 1984, permits the City to transfer to the State of California or any other local agency all or any portion of Its Private Activity Bond ollocatlan in any calendar year; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to cooperate with the State and other local governments which may need ullocation In 1985; and WHEREAS, 11,e Agency has requested that an amount equal to $1,968,00- d the calendar year 1985 Private Activ,ty Bond Limit of the City be transferred from the City of Rancho Cucamonga for use by the Agency In furtherance of the intent and purposes of the Proclamation; and WHEREAS, the Agency has heretofore adopted Its Resolution No. RA 85 -06 (the "Inducement Resolution "), expressing its Intention to finance the Project with on Issue of Its tax - exempt Note (the "Obligation "); and WHEREAS, the Agency Is o thorized, pursuant to provisions of Part I of Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code (the "Act') to Issue the Obligation to finance the Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Section 1O3(k) of the Internet Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, this City Council has conducted a public hearing regarding the Issuance of the Obligation by the Agency for the Project, notice of wh%h was published In The Dally Report at least 14 days prior thereto, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucomxpo as follows: SECTION It Aooroval of Project and Financing. The Project and its financing by henry Is hereby epproved. Such approval Includes approval of an Installment sale financing, including the Issuance of a Note by the Agency in an amount not to exceed $30100,000, pursuant to and subject to the requirements of •ne Act for the purpose of financing the Project. This approval Is Intended ro satisfy he requirements of Section 1O3(k) of the Code. SECTION 2. Am trace of Allocatlons: The City hereby occepts and approves tFW transfers from the t es or rtes o, California and Maywood, California, of their 1985 Private Activity Bond Limit in the aggregate amount of $1,968,000. SECTION 3_ Transfer of Allocation. The City hereby transfers to the Agency ,3 90O' of Its 1985 Privcte Activity 9o4d Limit to the Agency for the financing of the Project. SECTION 4. Other Acts. The City Clerk Is hereby directed Immediately to transm t a cer7t fide -copy of this resolution to the Cdlfania Debt Allocation Committee. SECTION S. Effective Date. This resolution shelf Joke effect immediately upon is option. PASSED, APPROVED, end UOPTED this 18th day of December, 1985. AYESi NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Beverly A. uthe et, ty erk Ton iS. a s, Mayor 7 _2J I CITY OF RANCHO CLICAMONi REDWELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT DATE, December 18, 1985 TO: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Deputy Executive Director BYi Linda D. Dmlels, Senlor Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF BOND DOCUMENTS, DESIGNATION OF SERVICING AGENT AND AUTHORIZATION TO SELL A $3,100,000 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMEiVT NOTE FOR THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER BACKGROUND- On April 17, 1985 the Agency adopted an Inducement Resolution for a proi,os� n� is ng program whereby the Agency would act as the conduit for a tax - exempt bond sale on behari of Kanter and Foothill Property, On November 20, 1985, the Agency adopted Resolution No. RA -85-16 which allowed for the Initiation for the pro, aratlon of the final procedures and documents for the sale of the tax - exempt fino tcir.•u ANALYSIS: The proposed tax - exempt financing, to be sold by the Agmicy for the benefit 0 1 e mcho : •)camonga Village Shopping Center, will be in the form of a Commercial Development Note. This form of financing is structured very similar to a Certificate of Participation except that only one Note is Issued and the Note must be purchased, through a bid process, by a private party and can never be resold. This type of structure, commonly referred to v a private placement Issue, still allows for the Agency to sell a tax - exempt financing Issue. As with a Certificate Issue, the Agency Is under no obligation to Insure that principal and Interest on the Note are paid. This Ilablllty rests solely between tle Developer and the purchaser of the Note. Bemwe of the private placement structure, there Is no credit mhoncement needed for the payment of the Note. The primary security for the Note Is the rent/lease payments which me realized from the Project once it Is developed. The Servicing Agent dees place a Tier: on the property to act as additional security for the Note, but no other e-dxmcement (i.e., Letter of Credit, Trust) Is required The one Note cannot be divided and resold to my other party. Bond Counsel for the proposed financing program has prorided a memorand,sn which further describes the general structure and process. This memorandum is included as part of the staff report for the disposal of property by the Agency, In onneetlgrJ,vsith this financing program, which Is also on this evening's ager✓.o. ,�CG��`"�'.`�` fQy In ;e ' REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT - Bond Documents/Servicing Agent/Rancho Cucamonga Villcge Shopping Center Project December 18, 1985 y. Page 2 The Bond Docurr tuts have been prepared by Bond Counsel and reviewed by staff and have been found to be in order. These Documents are on file with the Redevelopment Agcy of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Because of the nature of the firancing program there are only two documents for this program, The first document Is the Installment Sale Agreement. This Agreement, between the Agency, Kanter and Foothill Property and the Mitsubishi Bork of California, primarily outlines the procedures and responsibilities fcr the sale of the property and the term and povment provisions of the Note. The second document, the Servicing Agreement, to between the Agency and the Mitsubishi Bank of California. This Agreement primarily outlines the responsibilities regarding the issuance and poymr t of the Note RECOMMENDATIONt Agency approve the Bond Documents and appoint the Mitsubishi Bank of a r orn a cs Servicing Agent for the proposed Commercla! Revenue dote program. Res pa fulllly3 tied, 7 Jock Lam, Al , CCU or JL:LD:kap attachments: Resolution Wj �r 5r..t RESOLUTIOr,LNQ.R- 1z-I1M F-4 85 --'Ci A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF _ THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING DOCUMENTS; APPOINTING A SERVICING AGENCY AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF ITS NOTE AND MAKING CERTAIN FINL,NGS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SAID NOTE (RANCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT) WHEREAS, Kanter and Foothill Property, a California limited partnership (the "Developer "), proposes to acquire and construct a commercial shopping center project (the "Project") located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue in the Rancho Redevelopment Project Area (the'Project Ared'); and WHEREAS, the Project Is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area and is expected to create new jobs in the Project Area; and WHEREAS, the expansion of employment opportunities for jobless, under- employed and low- income persons and the reduction of blight ore fundamental purposes of redevelopment under the terms of Part I of Dhlston 24 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California (the "Act "); and WHEREAS, the Act author;zes the Agency to purchase and sell or otherwise dispose of property, both real and personal, and any Interest therein for purposes of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Agency has heretofore adopted its Resolution No. RA 85 -06 (the "Inducement Resolution ") declaring Its Intention to undertake on installment sale financing arrangement to provide financing for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Counril of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City Council ") has duly caused to be published a notice of a public hearing regarding the proposed Installment sale financing for the Project In accordance with the requirements of Section 103(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, which notice set 7:00 p.m. on December 18, 1985 and the Council Chambers as the time and place for said hearing; and WHEREAS, the members of the City Council are the applicable elected representatives to conduct a public hearing regarding the installment sale financing arrangement proposed to be undertaken by the Agency for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City council on this date has conducted a public hearing regarding the proposed Installment sale financing by the Agency for the Project and has determined it to be In the public Interest for the Agency to cause to be Issued a note of the Agency the proceeds of which will be used to make payments under an Installment sale financing arrangement between the Developer and the Agency, all In furtherance of the purposes of the Act; and WHEREAS, the City Councils of Artesia and Maywood have transferred a portion of their 1985 Private Activity Bond Limit to the aggregate amount of $1,968,000, to the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "City") pursuant to Resolution No. 917, adopted by the City Council of the City of Artesia on June 10, 190, and Resolution No. 3599 adopted i m by the City Council of the City of Maywood on June 11, 1985, whim City has transferred to the Agency, and the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee, by Resolution N& t 85 -107, adopted on November 26, 1985, transferred to the Agency $1,500,000 of the State of Califcrnia's share of the State Ceiling for Private Activity Bonds; and WHEREAS, all acts, conditions and things requited by the Act, and by all other laws of the State of California, to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in connection with such Installment sale financing arrangement, including the Issuance of the aforesaid note exist, hove happened, and have been performed In regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and the Agency Is now duly authorized and empowered, pursuant to each and every requirement of law, to enter Into such installment sale financing arrangement and to cuuse to be Issued such note for the perpose, in the manner and upon the terms herein provided; and, WHEREAS, sold note Is to be issued pursuant to a Servicing Agreement (the "Servicing Agreement ") in the form presented to this meeting by and between the Agency and the Mitsubishi Bank of California Servicing Agency (the "Trustee ") In an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,.29,000 and is to be designated as the "Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poncho Cucamonga 1985 Commercial Development Revenue Notes (Rancho Cucamonga Village Shopping Center Project) (the "Notes"} NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamango as follows SECTION 1. Recitols. The above recitals, and each of them, are true and correct. SECTION 2. A Bement. The proposed form of the Installment Sole Agreement between the Agenry, the ery cing Agent (es hereinafter defined), and the Developer (the "Installment Sale Agreement ") presented at this meeting, whereby the Developer sells the Project to the Agency and the Agency 3e71s the Project to the Developer, is hereby approved and the Chairperson or the Vice- Cfalrperson (collectively, the "Chairperson ") and the Secretary (the "Secretary") of the Agency are hereby authorized and directed, for and In the name of the Agency, to execute the Installment Sale Agreement, the Agency Grant Deed and accept the Developer Grant Deed In substantially the forms hereby approved, wtth'such ran- substuntive changes therein as the officer or officers executing the same may approve, such approval to be s therein as evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof. SECTION 3. A ointment of Servlcin Aaeney. The Mitsubishi Bank of Colifarnla, a labia, California s areby appo nted at Servicing Agent under the Servicing Agreement (the "Servicing Agent") for the Agency and the owner of the Note, with the duties and powers of such Servicing Agent os O'e set forth In the Servicing Agreement. SECTION 4. Servicin A,greeeeme�nt. The proposed form of the Servicing Agreement presented at th s meeting by and between the Agency aril the Servicing Agent Is hereby approved and the Chairperson and the Secretary are hereby authorized and directed, for and In the name and on behalf of the Agency, to execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Servicing Agent the Servicing Agreement in substantially the form hereby approved, with such ran- substonllve additions or changes as the officers executing the some may approve and which may be consistent with Section 6 hereof, such opptavol to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof. -2- C;L/ SECTION S. Form -of Note. The form of rote as set forth In the Servicing Agreement as presented to th s meet ng Is hereby approved and the Chairmen: and the Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Note fn either temporary and /or definitive form In the aggregate principal amount set forth in the Servicing Agreement and all In accordaice with the terms and provisions of the - Servicing Agreement. SECTION 6. Sole and Delive of Note. The sale ad delivery of the Note, pursuant to the terms set at n the col of ce of Salo (the "Official Notice of Sole ") and the Bid Form submitted by the bidder determined to be the lowest responsible bidder is hereby approved. SECTION 7. Ac�ce$tance of Allocations. The Agency hereby accepts and approves t trans ers from the City and at the 51cle of Crlitornia of their 1985 Private Activity Bond Limits, in the aggregate amount of $31468,000 and the Agency hereby allocates $3,100,000 thereof to the financing of the Project. SECTION 8, Requisitions. The Chairperson or his designate Is hereby authorized and—dMec—t—a to execute we or more requisitions authorizing the Servicing Agent to pay the cost of Issuing the Note from the proceeds of the Note pursuant to the Servicing Agreement, SECTION 9. Other Acts. The officers of the Agency are hereby authorized d rected, jointly and seventy, to do any and all things, to execute and deliver any and all documents which in consultation with the Staff and Special Counsel, they may deem necessary or advisable In order to consummate the issuance, sale and delivery of the Note, or otherwise to effectuate the purposes of this Resolutlon,and any such octions previously taken by such officers are hereby ratified and confirmed. SECTION 10. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effort Immediately upon a o_pijon PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 18th day of December, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Lauren M. Wasserman, Secretary Jon D. hilkels, -man -3- �� J. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOP REDE%TLOPMENT AGENC' STAFF REPORT DATE: December 18, 1985 TO: Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Deputy Executive Director BY: Linda D. Donlels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: AWARD OF SALE OF THE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT NOTE FOR ThE RANCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT BACKGROUND: 0,. November 20, 1985, tho Agency approved Resolution No, RA 85-16 WhIC established December I8, 1985 as the date for acceptance of bids In connection with the issuance of a $3,100,000 Commercial Development Note. As required by the Rao' ion, public notices establishing the minimum bid and the form of the bid were publl. .d in both The Daily Report and The Bond Buyer. The deadline for the acceptance of the sealed bits was set at 11:00 mm on December 18, 1935. Inasmuch as the bids are required to bs sealed and cannot be opened until after 11:00 am an December 16, 1985, staff is unob!e, at the time of this report preparation, to Indicate which firm submitted the best bid. At this evening's meeting both staff and bond counsel will be able to present the bid that will be recommended for acceptance. It will be necessary for the Agency to Insert the name of the selected bidder on page I of the Resolution, where rated, at the meeting. By accepting :ne bid aryl awarding the sale of the $3,100,000 Note the Agency will be concluding the final action in connection with the Commercial Development Note financing program. ION: Upon presentation of the bid by both staff and bond counsel the accept the bid, ,nsert the name of the bidder in the Resolution, and the Note by adopting •he ottoched Resolution. Jack Lam, AICP, Deputy Exect••Ive Director attachments: Resolution a3 G ` z , RESOLUTIONNO.A -+--re -" All A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AWARDIMG THE SALE OF ITS 1985 COMMERCIAL OEV`ZLOPMENT NOTE (RANCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT) WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the "Agency") authorized the Issuance of up to $3,100,000 principal amount of Its 1985 Commercial Development Note (the "Note ") for the ;:urpose of providing permanent financing for the acquisition of commercial shopping center improvements to be constructed by Kanter and Foothill Property, a California limited partnership, at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Avenue (the 'Project"), located in the Rancho Redevelopment Frojert Area of the Agency pursuant to Resolution No. RA 85- 06= and WHEREAS, the Agency authorized the sale of the Note by Resolution No. RA 85 -16, including the publication of a notice Inviting bids on the Note, which bids we s to be received and considered by the Agency on December 18,1985; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: SECTION I. Award of Note. In accordance with the provisions of Resolution I aJi�C�3 -T6, the Agency a—F eoused all bids for the Note to be received opened and presented to It In the manner set forth In Resolution No. RA 85 -16 and based an an examination of sold bids, hereby accepts the bid of for the purchase of $3,100,000 pr ne pa amount o the Note, n accordance w 1 fhe terns and provisions of sold bid end awards the sole of the Note to sold bidder. SECTION 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 18th day of December, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mikels, Chairman ATTEST: Lauren M. Womermaii, Secretary 9rl�. CiTY OF RANCHO CLICAMOC REDEVELOPMENT AGENC' STAFF REPORT DATE: December 18, 1985 TO: Chairman and Members Of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jack Lan, AICP, Deputy Executive Director SUBJECT: REQUEST FROM TAC DEVELOPMENT FOR AGENCY ASSISTANCE FROM HOUSING SET ASIDE FUND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING PROJECT BACKGROUND: On November 19, '985 the Redevelopment Agency reczived a written request from TAC Drelopment for financial assistance from the Agency Housing Set Aside Fund for the senior citizens project located at Amethyst Avenue and 19th Street. Specifically, the request is for assistance in paying certain sewer fees, water ices and City fees ms elated with the project. SUMMARY: The following summary Is provided with respect to the request. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEr The following Itemizes certain fees associated with the pro ect w ch t eve peer has outlined In his request. City Fees/Waivers of Improvements: I. Systems Fee 36,618 2. Parks and Rec. Fee 3%2240 3. Beautification Fee 19,585 (already wo:ved under 4. Drainage Fee I9 642 Dev. Agi.) 5. Plm Check F,� 16,941 6. Building Permit Fee 12 924 7. Off -Sites on Amethyst l ,AM 00 Sewer d, Water Fees (combined) 2163,784.15 Total EXISTING AFFORDABILITY OF PROJECTr As outlined In tie written request from eve opmont t ro ect w — p'OVIde the following affordable houstng provisions. 1 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT TAC Development /Assistance from Housing Set Aside Fund for Senior Citizens Project December 18, 1985 Page 2 Under The Existing Developer Aareement: All 168 units shalt be restricted to rents which do not exceed 30% of 80% of the area family income, adjusted for family size, as established by HUD. TN.- developer's Information lists tM following: 2 person household $16,650 (80% of median) rent (1 bedroom) 5616.25 /month However,the information provided by the developer in his request Is based on HUD data which was established in March 1984. In October 1985 HUC updated the famlly income for this area as follows: 2 person household 17,150 (80% of mLdlan) 4 person household 21,450 (80% of mediaW Based on this 1985 data the rents in the project w uld be as follows: I bedrooms 5420.75/mo. (.3 x 17,150/12) 2 bedroom: 536.25/ma. 0 x 21,450/12) These monthly rental rates would apply to oil 16B units la the Project. 2. Multi- Family Bond Program: Under o 1986 Mult4Famlly Bond Program the Project will be required to provide 10% of the units (16) at rents which do not exceed 3076 of 50% of the area median income, adjusted for family size, as established by HUD. Based on the 19&5 HUD updated figures the following Identifies the income and monthly rents which would be applied to 10% of the units. Maximum 50% Income Monthl Rent 2 person household ,TftS't`(i rm.) 4 person household 13,070 335 2 bedrm.) PROPOSED AFFORDABILITY PROVISIONS SHOULD REQUEST BE GRANTED: According to that submitted request there are to apparent additional affordability provisions, other than those already required under tha Developer Agreement and the MultiFamily Bond Program, should the assistance be granted. Af 9 Mfr .. _ � ✓. _ REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT TAG Development /Assistcr.ce from Housing Set Aside Fund for Senior Citizens Project December 18, 1985 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: After presenlotiai of request to Agency, determine whether �wis s�eT— ff request In which case o dynamic proforma and relevant tax Information mvst be submitted by TAC Development. Respectfully submit ed, Jack Lam, AICP, Deputy Executive Director Y JL/L7 /kop Attachments: Request from TAC Development doted November 15, 1985 a7 11— v`2 i DENELOPMFIgT November 14, 1985 Mr. Jack Lam Director, Community Development City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. 91730 Dear Mr. Lam: This letter is our request for financial assistance for the Senior Citizen rental housing project at 19th and Amethyst, Rancho Cucamonga. The project will meet the following city and state criteria for affordable housing: First: The development agreement states that the rental rate formula is thirty percent (305) of eighty Percant (805) of N.U.D. median income for San Bernardino County (see attached). Second: Under state guidelines, ten percent (10x) of the units will be at fifty percent (50x) of the H.U.D. radian in- case as a base and thirty percent (3Dx) of the base figure for low Income housing (see attached). Our request it for the Redevelopment Agency to grant TAC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 'set aside' funds for seater fees, water fees and city fees. 'SAC DEVELOPMENT CORP, is comaitted to constructing the finest Senior Citizen rental housing project in San Bernardino County, with eveey recreational and senior citizen lifestyle amenity available. Thank you fur ynur consideration, we will be available to answer any tuestions at any time. Sincerely Yours, TAC DE OPHERT CORP Terr hr steisen President cc: City Council Lauren Wasserman HELLMANAVR • RANCHO CUCA��IONGA , CALIFORNIA 91730 . (714)989 -1725- ! I DEVEEAPNEW _ SENIOR CITIZEN RENT MCULATIONS (Based on Last H.U.O. Figures) The formula for calculating the rent rates is as follows: 80% of the counties median average i —ome for a family of two, 30% of the 80% figure divided by 12 equals the monthly rent to be charged. Example: 80% of county median income - $16,650.00 30% of the 80: - $4,995.00 Divided by 12 months - $416.25 per month rent Example of Low Income Rent: 50% of county median income - $9,990.00 30% of the 50% - $ 2,997.00 Divided by 12 months - $249.75 per annth rent For 10% of project units. r is fi,[` �WWHUMANAM RA. IICIIOCVWIONGA.CAI.IFO%NIA91780 . (714)989.172 y■nry J w f9 y7 O n J N O s 0 c N J w v a V L' a T O a N n O P T C A A O O A Off• qq J q= �� ne ^q n _n an• Re Y R C n 1 N w q � b w O < n w= .•n nn yr vrzs v 2 E r �C ��q Y +O �< �� •4 1'1 �n Y•C WJY r p��r 7N w J•�tq aJ •\ S g 16 J N b n �gp O b r C w q n Nl gJSb � «N CJq O r• w< N b n n n P 1 R 1 w on N v , p X VR'TY n aO �n wnqq q NO — n T � 14 n M C'1 C�9 M �NMMMMM O {l�N Orb bOT n r � �`�•a_+��•b �0 O• to N 01 N�AOAr J '6f A G i N b O m N rM n n q ib wi a� i 8 �p gip pip w w w w 1 /•f a S S S Y G nn Sw C O Ja w S•4 ('9 MCIA 9OC Cl Y nS m g 1 q n r a q -0 n n n 3 N S_ �o Y� n a < n mb q+ti MR Pn •nom$ 908v inn =M=m l. "—n wq .• cr n ae o.. w > o c n w n w s<• o 0 N O y acw N Mw w 9 A •no ° N Y ni wigr 09 192* q crJ'n Jo\r —n no 4 4 Y •C M S n N Y n N w �q p±y ppnn O V 1C^ WFb �n 6 y■nry J w f9 y7 O n J N O s 0 c N J w v a V L' a T O a N y1y � (NtY "ter CWv CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT •(.1 CAM C( "M.1101M0 110 • CVC.YOYO� C.", C.1(O - " O '.. 43, •(l all. ND_ 2010 TO: T A C DEVELOPMENT 7333 Hellman Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91780 DATE. 8/29/85 TRACT NUMEER: ton 1 THRU 160'1160 TOTAL CCWID WORK ORDER mfm5ER: •: 3248 V QUANTITY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT INVOICE XUbT HE PAID PRIOR TO 10/2E/85 OR NETT INSPECTION FEES: 672.00 Water 672.00 Sewer CONSTRUCTION WATER: 1,000.00 Grading meter deposit 48.30 Sewer trench 66.12 Water 66.12 GAS 66.12 Edison 66.12 Phone 66.12 , Cable TV 560.00 On -site water WATER :ESTERS: P $150.00 ea. 300.00 2 1" meters $350.00 ea. 700.00 2 2' meters @ f! $1,400.00 ea. 1,400.00 1 3" meter JUMPER. FEESs � $10.00 ea 50.00 5 Jumpers CONNECTION FEES: 2,690.75 Water 3,36 Sewer ^2 FEESt eftINO $45 /N EJATvR DJ,5r 000. SEWER FACILITIES I ►AY BY "MCE - NO STATEMENT IS ISSUED ILW5: All fees are due prior to ANY construction. No portial payments will be accepted. •REEUNDMLE UPON C•OMRETION Of TRACT. ObOINAL • CUSTOMER AMOUNT DUE 1163.764.15 i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA- RMEVELOP&IENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT DATE: December 18, 1985 _l TOr Chairman and ,Members of the Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jack Lam, AICP, Deputy Executiva Director BY: Linda D. Daniels, Senior Redevelopment Analyst SUBJECT: SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ON FIRM TO PREPARE MARKETING /PUBLIC RELATIONS SYSTEMS PACKAGE BACKGROUND: As part of this fiscal year's activities the Agency is focusing on creating a arketing/Public Relations package which can be used to promote both the Agency and •he City and provide information to developes, investors, and residents of the community. In an effort to begin working on the packcge a Request for Proposal (RFP) was prepared which outlined the needs and concepts of the image and style that the Agency wanted to present In the package. The RFP was mailed to approximately 30 firms which have experience in preparing this type of morketingfpubiic relations material. A total of five (5) firms responded to the RFP. At the December 4, 1585 meeting o subcommittee was appointed to review and evaluate the RFP's as to their overall appearance, style, graphic design concepts and quality n addressing the needs of the Agency as outlined In the RFP. This subcommittee, after reviewing all five proposals, has determined that one (1) firm, The Mafketing Connection (TMC), warrants recommendation to the Agency for the proposed work. ANALYSIS: The Subcommittee recommends TMC for the following reosonsr FIRM: • has local office and has knowledge of local and regional odvertising/pubiic relations efforts. • resume shows firm has experience In preparing similar marketing/public relations package for other local commwnittes, businesses and organizations OVERALL PACKAGE: .3i o has good grasp of desired Agency /City Image, 3e, W REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT Marketing/Public Relations Systems Package December 18, 1985 Page 2 • the package has an attractive contemporary appearance end will work well In meeting the needs of the Intended users (developvs, Investors, residents), • the package has the ability to function as one complete sy.Mem or as individual components (I.e., brochure can be provided to an 'ndividuol separately or as an element a! the package; Inserts can be pr vlded to an Individual separately or as pat of the brochure or pockago). This type of flexibility fs o east saving one since It Insures that people get the Information they need without any extraneous material. • proposed logo design is contemporary yet retains elements of Rancho Cucammga's past. • proposed slogan, "City with a Plan", has a strong feeling of quality - Indicates to the ,public that the Agency/City knows what Is wanted - that there Is a planned vision or future in mind and that the Agency/City are working for it - In control of our destiny. • the concept design theme and logo can easily expand Into other form-, of public relations material such as business cards, stationery, letterhead, flyers, newsletters and envelopes. • well - written descriptive analysis of why design theme, colors and system were used. RECOMMENDATIONi The Agency approve the selection of TMC to prepare the a et n u c Relations Systems Package and direct staff to negotiate a contract with TMC for the proposed work with a maximum budget of $25,000 and authorize the Chairman to execute the contract once It is orepared. Deputy Executive Director JULD:kap 33 raj'! �; A: December 18. 1985 CITY or RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES ` (Joint meting with City Council) i. GAEL TO :EDEN A joint mating of the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucameaga met an Wedaesday. December 1S. 1985, in the Lions Park Cozena- nity Canter, 9161 Rue Line Road, laucho Cucamonga. The mating was called to order at 7:55 p.m. by Chairmen Jon D. Mikela. Present were Agency Members and City Council Msebmru Charles J. Baquat II, Jaffrey Riug,_and.Cbsirmn and Mayor Jon D. MikdS. _ Also present were: Rrecutive Director and City Manager, Lauren M. Wassermee; Deputy Diructor add Commodity Development Director, Jack Lae; Senior RDA Ana- lyst, Linda Daniels; Assistant Secretary and City Clark, Revarly A. Autbelet; nd City Attorney, Andrew Arcayamki. Abeanti Agency Members and City Council Members: Pamela J. Wright and Richard N. Dahl. Approval Of Minutes: MOTION: Moved by Ziag, Seconded by Mikels to approve the aioutes of October 16. 1985 and November 6, 1985. Motion carried by following worst ' ATM: Mikela and Ring long lone ABSIIT: Wright and Dahl ABSTAIN: Buquat (was absent frog meeting) NOTICE: Moved by Buquat, seconded by Hikele to approve the aioutse of November 21, 1985. Motion carried by following vote: ATES: Buquat and Mikels NOES: some ABSENT: Wright and Dahl ABSTAIN: Ring (was absent from meeting) a a a s a a 2 Cusor CALW= 2A. Approval to receive sed file current Invaetmeut Scbedule as of December 110 1985. 23. Approval to convert Sank of lmeriea credit card service to San Bernardino (1) County Central Credit Onion card service. (0207 -06 RDA) RESOLUTION 30. RA85 -18 A RESOLUTION OP THE RtDIVILOI SENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIPOENIA, APPROVING AppLICATION FOR SAN BERBARDINO COUNTY CENTRAL CREDIT ONION CARD SBRVICS MOTION: Moved by Buqast. so-coded by Ring to approve the Consent Calendar. Notion carried by following vote: AYES: Buquat. Mikels. Zing N NOES: Some :> ASSIST: Wright and Dahl y ABSTAIN: Done ;;i a►aara _ ;`� L 4e i� i 4 4 (2) t December 1N, 1 rage 2 3A. DISPOflai- Dr V AL FIDPLTT I1 Co"Imno 2IT2 TR TERTATIX nT 2A,.2 .,./A2CIOC Or TIU YJIJAD1 Snss r: CMTZR PemerT - As part of the Comorcial Davdopaant Note Progress and the Iaetallaret Sale Financing Agreeesat, a hearing attet be bald pursuant to the Health and Safety Code for property generally located at the northeast corner of Rome& Aveoue and Foothill Soulsystd. Staff report by Linda Deaiels. Senior IDA Analyst. (0203 -06 RUA) Chairean Mikel■ opened the seating for public hearing. '-here being no re- sponse. the public hearing was cloud. Title of Resolution No. RA85 -19 was read by Secretary Lauren Wasearoan. RESOLUTION 30. RAGS -19 A IMOLUTION Or THE RtaETILOPMNar Ar ZdCY 01' ISE CITY Or I MCRO CUCAMONGA APPROVING TR DISPOSAL OF PROPRTY PURSUANT TO TR IRSTALLNRT SALE FISArCIDG OF TFS RANCID CUCAMONGA ^ VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT MOTION: Moved by King, seccaded by %squat to adopt Resolution lo. RAS3-19. Notice carried by following tout AYES: Sugeat. Mikela, King ROnt gone AISENTI Wright, Dahl ABSTAIN: None (3) 3B. e *tee - A vraeafor of Private Letivity good Allocation, which wu received by the City frost other local agencies to the le- developeent Agancy and a TRIA heariog in conf0rosace with the requirarnts of the Intuual Revenue Code. Staff report by Linda 0enials, Senior IDA Analyst. (0203 -06 RDA) Mayor Mikela opened the crating for public bearia3. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Clark Anthelet read the title of Rasolution No. 85 -333. RESOLUTION NO. SS -333 A %ZSOLUTIOW R THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAICho CUCAMONGA. CALIFODU. ACCEPTING IR TRAxSYR OF 1985 PRI- VATE ACTIVITY BORD LIMIT, TRASS7113IDG THE SANE TO IRS 103- VELOPM T AGENCY OF TR CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND AFFECTING YEN ISSOAICE OF A IOU BY THE RIDETELOPMENT AGENCY Or THE CITY OF RLMCRO CCCAMOSCA TOR TR IANNCHO CUCAMONGA VILLAGE SHOPPING CSITR FEWICY MOTIOgt Mood by Ling. ueoaded by gngset to adopt 4aolotioe go. 85 -333. No- tion tarried by the following voter ATIS: 2t.quet, Mikela, King NOES: Nona ASSESTt Wright. Dahl ABSTAIN: gone • a a e e a �'i A. STAF! ■KpOITS l t •n a �. «''.:- � \:2,.�.��7;.:�ti: �;,r: mama ,, ,.ti - � - • .. ,..-, yqt t x.._ Redevelopment AEeaey Mimotas `. ' : December is, IP33 �'�. Fags 3 44 arnOru, or Rohn nOCOMViw- DvnlcurleN es NvvmiRO Ac-vr a•D m•eOR+ ._ ( ) '" Sim OF rm[ mALe n ss.tO nMarnr.IAt- DSTR lri:amr ■nr[ YOR mane a"Cla 4 COCLwO♦61 nc+_re NrOrrimc Csry ljJo(lCSa Staff report by Linda Den1els. He- r Chairman Mikels opened the metLaS for public cummact. There bolo[ none, the cretin[ was closed. Cacratar2 Wanerman read the title of Resolution Ha. UB5 -20. R[SCUTION 10. SA35-20 A RESOLUTION Or TIN RIDITELOMINT AGENCY OF SEE CITY Of RAOCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AFRG►TN0 DOCUM ®TSM AFFOIOTnO A SEITICING AGENT AID AUTEO=ac TEE SALE OF ITS NOTE AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH THE IS- SUANCE OF SAID NOR (RANORO COCaMOHCA VILLAGE ShOpFING C®- TER FROJSCS) MOTION: Moved by Mikels. seconded by ling to approve Resolution 30. RABS -20. Motion carried by the Following rote: ATLAS: Huquat. Mikals. King ROES: Kona ASSENT: Wright, ling ASSTAINt some 4B. at1ARDING 01 rQ SILK tD rQ Ctlpal'iu. 1gVROYA Sr ROT[ FOR rN[ R/RCRD (5) COClwO11CA ylL+ae[ SmOrrINC cera r +[rja Staff report by Linda Daniels, So- oior RDA analyst. (0203 -06 RDA) (Agency Masher /City Council Member Pamela J. Wright arrived at 7s45 p•m.) Chairman Mikela opened the mating for public comment. There being none, the meeting was closed. Secretary Wasserman read the title of Resolution so. RA85 -21. RESOLUTION 90. RA35 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE EIDSVELOPMT AGENCY Of SHE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. AVA[DIMC TOE KALE OF LTS 1985 COMKEICIAL OEVCAFMOT NOTE (RANCHO CDCAIICl1CA VILLAGE 1H01� FIND •.2Hrn TAOJECT) MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Whole to approve Resolution No. CA85-21. Motion carried by following vote: ATESt 8ugeet, Mikela, ling 2018: Hume ABSENTs :abl ANSTAIHS Wight (since she just came in) . 1 1 / 1 f • , 4C. PRIZE AND DISCUSSION OF 2200fAT FR:PI vac DKVCLOPMReT FOR ACINCY ASfiarAWcz (b) FN[a1 NODR)]MC RE2 19ID[ -- FOR TR[ Dr7WLnrMny OF A SENIOt ?TITO•R MMIQ F1Gli4L Staff report by Linda Daniels, Senior IDA Analyst. (0203 -08 RDA) Agency Member Ring stated it would be best if he abstained from voticg since he represented a P cry who was adverse to Mr. Cbrissesom. S Agency Member Eugaot "Presses concern about the oever and water fees. bat be ,- was not "are how CCWD figured its fees. He bad a problem of takicg money from i.•�t'. `a' G6saist�jtiA&saty.11inatam -u, Fats 41 . 0 r 'r i i. v r C a i d cue nosey, the City. to &*other agency. Be felt 0163,000 for sear and water was rather high. Ra would be receptive to assistance. Chairuo Mikela, aphid if this amoust was the original fs4i or just the 1e- creams? Re felt we have offered coaalderabla assistance to the developer. At this poAt, he vasa t ready to allow thin. Mr. Wasamrmaa stated It they era willing to increase the housing sat amide than we can come back, but if Council wasn't then that would stop the entire action. Agency Member Wright felt we have a development nremsat with TAC. She did not sea anything that would make bar vote for a change. Council bade increased the damsitiu for mash. She was hesitant to go further. Agency Member Bupuat felt staff should do +this& more than contact the appli- cant acd tall hie that the Agency dsaird to have more financial information. Staff should not boa to perform aey soalysis. _ Mr. Wasserman stated that staff should spend a little tier aualysin this. 4CTION: No action. Item coatinud to the some rating attar the icformtion is received. rrrrrr (7} 40. RICeNNUDATrs M Was" atacaaa v 7 &IIecr 9IW TD F[evAet waavMr ARD FDZ[rC tzaaTIDr ATat- .a (RCOSS -04). Staff >rport by Linda Daniel#, Se- nior RDA Analyst. (0203 -06 RDA) Chairman Mihels stated that the Subcomedttea lorkd at this and concurred this was the beat submittal. MOTION: Moved by Ria &. amended by Mikels to authorize staff to eater Leto a contract with TMC for the Marketics /Public Ralations System rackets for a cost not to exceed 025.000. Motion carried 4-0 -1 (Dahl absent). r ►war s 5. ADJdattMU' MOTION: Moved by Rugnat, sacocOd ty WeiSbt to adjourn the RDA voting. No- tion carried 4 -0 -1 (Dabl absent). The vaetiug adjourned at S:oo p.ar Respectfully submitted, l Saverly Aothelet Assistant Secretary Approved: February 19. 1986 r l