HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982/08/13 - Agenda Packetti J V ... CITY OF RANOJO CLrAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION .AGENDA WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1982 7:00 P.M. LION'S PAkK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE LINE,-RANCHO CUC.4MONGA, CALIFORNIA I. Pledge of Allegiance Fi. Roll Call Commissioner Barker Commissioner King Commissioner McNiel APproval of Minutes August 25, 1982 September 8, 1982 IV. Announcements �. Public Hearincs COMMissicner Rempel Commissioner Stout The following items are Public hearings in which co ^cerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related Project, please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and addreas the Commission From the Public microphone by giving your name and address. Al' such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 3383 - NKS - The division of 5 acres o an into 4 omits within the R -1 zone located apprOAimately 660' north of Base Line and 660' west of East Avenue - APN 227 - 131_29 (Continued from Planning Commission meeting of September 22, 1982). B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -19 - ZWISSLER - The estab ishment of 13,232 square feet of professional Offices in an existing building and the continuance of a preschool use in an existing 5,644 square foot building on 4.39 acres in the General Industrial category located at 8968 Archibald Avenue - APN 209 - 171 -15 (Continued from Planning Commission meeting of September 22, 1982). Planning Commission, Agenda t October 13, 1982 Page 2 C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -15 - MANNELLA - A request to relocate the previously approved arcade location from 6652 Carnelian to 6642 and 6646 Carnelian in the Rancho Plaza Shop- ping Center. * D. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -22 - FRITZ - The establishment of a 3200 square foot indoor auction service in the General Industrial - ategory (Subarea 4), located in the Scheu business Center at 9155 Archibald Avenue, Suite 301 - APN 209 - 211 -21. F luuoo - niuvzim - H resiaentiai subdivision o act 131 single family lots in the R -i- 20,000 zone, generally located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Carrari Street - APN 201- 071 -14, 37 and 45. F. ENVI n 4u{.Ct vtdimeu ueveiupmenT OT !b concominlum units on 11.03 acres of land in the R -3 and R -1 zones located at the northwest corner of Highland and Haven Avenues - APN 201- 262 -28, 30, 31,-37, and 40. G. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -23 - CHURCH n;: M;MT_ ine temporary use or a z,bbb square foot industrial building for a church facility in the General Industrial category (Subarea 3) located at 9581 Business Center Drive, Suites A, B, and C - APN 209 - 021 -04. VI. Director's Reaurts H. GWAFFEY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL PARKING - Oral report by Rick Gomez, ity anner I. DEVELOPMENT CODE UVIIATE * This project fails within the :.oundaries of the Redevelopment`` Area f'= Planning Commission Agenda October 13, 1982 Page 3 VII. Public Comments This is the time and place fcr the general public to addLa =Ss ..G I- u-- --:iuc.'. uirc are those which do not already appear on this agenda. VIII. Adjournment The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11 p.m. adjournment time. Sf items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Co U ssion. FUNIITY MAP "'A** pTCR f TIOYAL I **r It CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COK14ISSION MINTTES Regular Meeting August 25, 1982 CALL TO ORDER Chairman. King called the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:02 p.m. The meeting was held at Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman King then led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL COM14ISSIONERS: PRESENT: E. David Barker, Jeffrey King,Larry McNiel, Herman Rempel,Denn±s Stout ABSENT: Mane STAFF PRESENT: Shintu Bose, Associate Civil Engineer; Dan Coleman, Associate Planner; Pick Gomez, City Planner, Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney; Jack Lam, Community Development Director; Janice Reynolds, Secretary; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner ANNOUNCEMENTS Jack Lam, Community Development Director, announced that under Director's Reports the Commission would be asked to set a date this evening for the Planning Commissioner's workshop. Chairman King pressnted a Resolution of Commendation to Councilman Dick Dahl. Councilman Dahl thanked the Commission and stated that he felt that the City of Rancho Cucamonga had one of the finest Planning Commissions in the area. Further, that he felt the City was fortunate to have individuals like the Commissioners who were willing to volunteer their time in making this a better City. • a t s CONSENT CAIZKDAR A. TD4—r EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 81 -04 - VINEYARD NATIONAL BANK B. TIME EXTENSION FOR DR 80-07 - KALBACH Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, presented the COmmission with a revised Resolution fcr Item A. Commissioner Stout asked what the correction was to the Resolution. Jack Lam, Community Development Director, stated that the Resolution contained in the Cr)mmissionerls packets omitted a section of the original Resolution. As this section was referenced in the new Resolution, a new one :lad been prepared. Commissions: Rempel stared ±'„ t t`.- n -sc, n =- 11= IL&tion adaea item 2 in S�:tion 3 which required plans to be submitted prior to the expiration date. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Stout, unamiously carried, to adopt the Consent Calendar Resolutions granting time extension for Conditional Use Permit 81 -04 and DR 80 -07. • f i i * f PUBLIC HEAEINGS Chairman King announced that items F, G, and H on this evenings agenda were requested to be ccntirued by the applicants and that those items would be addressed first under public hearings to give those wishing to comment on those items an opportunity to do so. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONE CHANGE 80-02 - BP.OWNE - A change of zone from A -1 (Limited Agricultural) to R -1 (Single ­­Pamily Residential) for .96 acres of land located on the southwest corner of Base Line and Ivy Lane - APN- 1077 - 071 -01. Chairman King opened the public hearing. There were no comments, therefore the public hearing was closed G. ENVIROhWNTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7511 - BROWNE - A residential subdivision -Of-.-99-acres into 3 lots located oil the southwest corner of Base Line Road and Ivy Lane in the A -1 (R -1 pending) zone - APN- 1077 - 071 -01. Chairman King Opened the public hearing. There were no comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. H. EPiVIROhfi4£NTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 83 BANKS The division of 5 acres of land into 4 lots within the R -1 zone located approximately 660 feet north of Base Line and 660 feet west of east Avenue - APN 227- 131 -29. Chairman King opened the public hearing. the public hearing was closed. Planning Concision Minutes -2- There were no comments, therefcre August 25, 1982 Motion: Moved by bcRiel, seconded by Stout, unamiously carried, to continue Environmental Assessment and Zone Change 60 -02 to September 6, 1982. Motion: Paved by Rempel, seconded by Barker, unamiously carried, to continue Environmental Asscssment and Parcel Map 7511 to September 8, 1.982. Motion: Moved by Re- _Ivel, seconded by Barker, unamious y carried, to continue Environmental Assessment and Parcel Map 3383 to September 22, 1982. f f f f f C. ENVIRO_NMENTAl. ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10076 - WILSON - A residential subdivision of 19 lots on 6.9 acres of land in the R- 1- 20,000 zone (R -1- 10,000 pending) lon.ated south of Banyan Street, east of .Archibald Avenue - APN 20i- 251 -63 and 64. Shintu Bose, Associate Civil Engineer, reviewed the Staff Report stating that this item was being brought back to the Commission per their request. PIr. Bose stated that the previous design called for a cul-de -sac street which would discontinue Banyan Street. After staff's review, it was discovered that a General Plan amendment would be required to discontinue Banyan and that staff would be preparing an amendment for the Commission's review in the near future. Mr. Bose stated that the applicant had revised his man in light of such an amendment. The applicant was also requesting that, should the General Plan be amended, he be allowed to redesign his tract bark to its Original design. Commissioner Barker stated that the possibility of using the Metropolitan Water District easement as an extension of Banyan had been suggested that the previous meeting, however was not mentioned in the report. Mr. Bose replied that staff was still looking into this possibility along with several other options which would be brought back to the Commission at the time of the General Plan amendment analysis. Commissioner Barker stated that item 6 of the proposed Resolution was worded as if the General Plan amendment were approved to discontinue Banyan Street, this would be the only condition to allow the applicant to design the new street into a standard cul-de -sac. He further stated that If Banyan were continued through the Metropolitan Grater District property, Mr. Wilson could still cone back with a proposal to return the new street to a cul-de -sac. Mr. Bose stated that if Banyan was not taken to the present location, it may go through the Metropolitan Water District property. commissioner Harker asked if it would be possible to clarify the language of that condition to reflect that intention. Planning Commision Minutes —3— August 25, 1982 Mr. Bose replied that the condition could be clarified. Chairman King asked if the Metropolitan Water District easement bordered and fronted the northern side of this tract. Mr. Bose replied that it did. Chairman King asked if staff had looked into the feasibiity of extending the street over the Metropolitan Water District easement. Mr. Bose replied that staff has not rinne feii, that there would be some problems Mend .n study t r this, however easement. Mr. Bose stated that there was a spillway loc ted at the over this the basin where the street would be coming across that easement and that it would be a little difficult to build any kind of a bridge over a spillway. The second problem is that the area of Haven Fvenue in question has already been given to the church project for parking purposes by the MWD and staff is not sure that a right -of -way in that area can be obtained. The third problem is that the existing Banyan Street and the proposed extension of Banyan would only have 100 feet between the two intersections, thus impacting traffic. Chairman King opened the public hearing. Jerry Wilson, engineer for the project, addressed the Commission stating that he saw some problems with the conditions of approval, however felt that they were items that could be worked out with staff in a matter of days. Commissioner Barker asked if the dedicated easements allowed enough space for equestrian easements. Mr. Wilson replied that the applicant was already dedicating 74 feet along the Project's east boundary to the Flood Control District for the construction of a channel. He further stated that there were two designs under consideration, one being a rectangular channel which does not require a great deal of right -of -way then the 74 feet would not be necessary. However, if the dedication were needed, there would not be any area left to dedicate. Commissioner Barker asked if that had beer. taker. into consideration by Engineering. Mr. Bose replied the possibility of using the Flood Control easement an equestrian easement would be looked into. also as Commissioner Stout asked the applicant if he would still wan*_ to name the street Mandarin Street even though it aligned withnanyan Street if the General Plan was amended. Mr. Wilson replied that it would deaend on if the City changed the name of Banyan east of the City. Planning Commision Minutes -4- -August 25, 1982 Commissioner Stout replied that it seemed if the streets aligned, they should have the same name. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, stated that the naming of the streets does not occur until tentative map approval is given. These names were placed on the map by Mr. Wilson, and subject to approval per the Street Naming Ordinance. Phil Draper, a property owner in the vicinity of the project, addressed the Commission stating his main concern was not with the tract itself, but with the streets and flood ccntrel. He asked how the water was going to be handled coming out or the Mark X11 tract above the project. Mr. Hose replied that there would be a pipe under the street that would carry the water tack to the channel. Mr. Draper stated that the water goes through Mr. Miller's house when it floods now and he didn't see how a pipe could be installed twat would be large enough to handle all the water. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, stated that the size and type of pipe would be determined through hydrology studies and if' the study shows that there is not a pipe large enough to handle the flow, other measures will be taken. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rempel stated that one of the criteria established in the Street Naming Ordinance was that there would not be streets that were off set and carried the same name. Further, that if Banyan is carried north into the Metropolitan Water District easement, the street should definitely be named Banyan. Commissioner Barker asked if there was any way Mr. Draper's concern could be directed to one of the staff to mitigate regarding the drainage of this property and if the property owners in that area would be notified of the results of the hydrology study. Jack Lam, Conmainity Development Director, replied that if Mr. Draper would leave his name and telephone number with staff, they would notify him of the results of the hyrdology study and also at that time he could view the design of the projjct to see how it would affect his property. Mr. Lam further stated that all the drainage design details are done at the design stage, which is after the studies are complete. Further, that the Conditions of Approval are worded so that the applicant could not receive final approval of the project until he could show through hydrology studies that the drainage would be taken care of. Nbtion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Stout, unamiously carried to adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract 10076. Planning Commision Minutes -5- August 25, 1982 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Rempel, Stout, Barker, Mc Niel,' King 140ES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: None D. VARIANCE 82-02 - GARCIA - A request to reduce the required rear yard setbacie. in order to construct a room addition in the R -1- 10,000 zone located at 8621 Lemon pvenj.e - nvi Rick Gomez, City Planner, reviewed the Staff Report. In addition, Mr. Gomez presented the option of directing staff to prepare a Zoning Ordinance Amendment, which would maintain the rear yard setback and open space, yet allow for additions to occupy a maximum of approximately 30% of the rear yard with a minimum 5 foot setback. Mr. Gomez stated that staff felt that the applicant's request could be adequately addressed by this amendment along with other requests which might arise in the future. It was further recommended that the applicants withdraw their request, receive a refund of their fees, and return with their request after the 45 -60 day time period which would be required for the zoning amendment to take effe--t. Chairman King asked how long it would take from tonight's date until the applicants would be ready to proceed on their project. .lack Lam, Community Development Director, replied that the modification to the Ordinance would be introduced to the Commission at their next meeting in two weeks. If the Commission approved the modification, it would be set for the City Council agenda for first reading in advance and then be set for the second reading before the Council two weeks after that date. At that time, there would be a 30 day referendum period. Mr. Lam further stated that the problem first came up when the City Council modified the setbacks in several areas as a result of the General Plan in order to get an open rural feeling in the City. This modification in setbacks makes it very difficult for the residents in the existing areas of the City to make additions in their structures. Staff was recommending an amendment to the Ordinance to allow the encroachment into the rear yard area as long as a certain percentage of open space was retained. Chairman Sing opened the public hearing. Linda Garcia, applicant, addressed the Commission stating that she and her husband had applied for and were granted a permit to construct the room addition two years ago, however financially had been unable to begin construction. 'When they applied for a new permit a month ago, they were informed that the requirements had changed and a variance would be necessary to complete the process. Mrs. Garcia further stated that if they were to withdraw the request, there was no guarantee that the Ordinance would be approved and felt that too much time would be lost. Planning Commision Minutes -6- August 25, 1982 Mr. Garcia addressed the Commission stating that the room addition had been carefully planned so that it would appear to be part of the house. rurt.er, that he was a teacher and planned co do most of the work himself; however, school would be starting soon and if the project was delayed for another forty -five days, he would be unable to do the work. Chairman King informed the applicants that in order for the Commission to grant a Variance, they must make certain findings, undue hardship for example. He asked Mr. Garcia if he could indicate to the Commission how he would be :acing undue hardship or that he would be deprived of the normal privileges of his land. Mr. Garcia stated that he had been informed that if someone in their area had constructed a room addition similar to what they were proposing, he would most likely be granted the Variance and there is a gentleman down the street from them who has constructed a room addition which is 15 feet from his back call. Chairman King stated that he felt the Commission may be setting a precident unless they could find those conditions that would be necessary for granting the Variance. Mrs. Garcia stated that she felt the main reason to grant the Variance would be that they had already been issued a permit for the construction two years ago and had based all of their planning on the fact that they already had a permit. Commissioner Barker stated that he felt there was some confusion on what Mr. Gomez stated earlier in the Staff Report. Further, that he drove by the Garcias' property and knew what they were talking about in terms of the lot configuration and what he thought Mr. Gomez had said was that if the applicants waited until the Ordinance was approved, they could keep the design they were now proposing. Mx. Garcia replied that there was still no guarantee that the Ordinance would be approved and if it wasn't approved, they would have to again apply for a Variance and would be further delayed. Further, that since they had put in a pool and had already dug the footings for the room addition, he would at least like to pour a concrete slab to keep all the dirt and debris out of the pool. Richard LaBell, a neighbor of the Garcias, stated that he felt that the Variance should be granted. He further stated that he had viewed the plans and felt that the s..ddition was well designed and would not adversely affect the neighborhood. Another neighbor of the Garcias addressed the Commission stating that she also felt the Variance should be granted because the state of the economy presently does not allow many people the ability to move to larger homes. ?here were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Planning Commision Minutes -7- August 25, 1982 Chairman King stated that he felt' it should be made clear that no one was making comments that stated they felt that the Garcias should not construct their addition. The issue now was one of what is the most praotical and consistent way of constructing the addition. Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, explained th 'ity operates its zoning Policies under special rules. Further, that z�-^.' atback, and size requirements of a zone were generally designed to apply ..he City; however, when a hardship or extraordinary circumstance occurred, the Commission could grant a variance. He further stated that the Commission would have to find that something per *_icy'_ r ^bc;ut <__ �.aaau pio.,:c Of property restricted it from adding or and made it different from any other property on the street. Mr. Hopson also stated that simply because you didn't like the way the setback ordinance works doesn't mean that a variance could be granted. Commissioner Rempel stated that he felt that there was a difference of opinion in that area, however, felt that the setback ordinace was riot intended to apply to houses built prior to the Code. Further, that the Des =gn Review Committee should louk closely at the staggered setbacks in new developments as they may be precluding property owners from adding on to their homes in the future. Chairman King stated that he felt that there could be a sufficient factual basis for granting the variance in this case and at the same time recommend the C- afting of the ordinance. Commissioner Remoel stated that the earliest that the Garcias would be able to start cons ruction would be November 1 and this is a special circumstance in that they had already been granted a permit for construction. Further, that the Finding could be based on the fact that if two or three other property owner.,, in the area have been allowed to encroach into the required rear yard area, the Garcias were being denied the privilege of uoing the same. Jack Lam, Community Development Director, advised the Commission that the finding should be based on the lot depth being slightly smaller than the others. Chairman King stated that if approval of the variance was to be given, the Resciution would have to state that not granting the variance would cause an undue hardship that is inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan, that there are exceptional and extraordinary circumstances which dictate that the variance should be granted, the strict enforcement would deprive the owners of this specific property of privileges shared by othe- property owners within the same zone, and basically that the granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the general health, saf:ty and welfare of the community. Chairman King called for the motion. Planning Commision Minutes -8- August 25, 1982 Commissioner Stout stated that he would make the motion with the inclusion that the granting of the variance would not adversely affect in any material way the General Plan or its objectives as he felt that it is inconsistent with the intent of the General Plan. Motion seconded by Barker, carried unamiously, to adopt the Resolution approving Variance 82 -02. It was also the consensus of the Commission that staff begin preparation of a Zoning Ordinance amendment. f F ■ f a 3:05 - Planning Commission Recessed 8:25 - Planning Commission Reconvened CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -15 - MANNELLA - The establishment of an E. arcade in the C -1 zone to be located at 6652 Carnelian in the Rancho Plaza Shopping Center. Dan Coleman, Associate Planner, reviewed the Staff Report, stating that staff was recommending the rewording of Condition 10 to read "two parking stalls adjacent to the arcade shall be striped 'For Bicycle Parking Only' and b': provided with security bicycle racks to the satisfaction of the City Plaimer." Chairman King opened the public hearing. Joseph Mannella, applicant, addressed the Commission stating that he would like to see changes to Conditions 1, 4, and 13 of the Resolution. He stated that he opened his other business at 10 a.m. during school last year and did not allow kids under 18 in until after school hours. In regard to Condition 4, he preferred to have one restroom only for control purposes and that anyone needing the key would have to ask for it, thus giving him better control of the situation. He felt that Condition 13 was a negative statement and that people may think that a problem of people under the influence of drugs or alcohol already existed. Chairman King asked the applicant if he was suggesting that the last sentence of the condition stating that a sign be posted be eliminated. Mr. Marnella replied that he would see that the condition be strictly enforced, however did not feel that it needed to be broadcast by signing it. Mel Futrell, 6623 Topaz, addressed the Commission stating that he felt that the Boar's Head customers and the customers of the arcade were not going to mix without some problems. His concern was that the Boar's Head customers and the condition they are in when leaving the establishement was going to cause some child to be hurt when patronizing the arcade. Kenneth Fawlkes, representing Pomona First Federal Savings, addressed the Commission stating that he was opposing the arcade based on problems in other Planning Commision Minutes -9- August 25, 102 areas where arcades exist. The problems 3f vagrancy, litter, disrespect for landscaping and signs, and the concern, over the mix of : le crowds from the Boar's Head and the arcade were the main reasons for tJe opposition. He further stated that he visited JJ's Arcade on Foothill Boul!vard and felt that it was an exception to other arcades in that it was clean orderly, and very well run. Mr. Fawlkes asked who could appeal a CLIP? Jack Lam, Community Development Director, stated that any)ne could appeal a CUP or bring violations of the Conditions of Approval to tie attention of the City and it would be brought to the Planning Commission. W. Fawlkes stated that for various reasons he eonld zr o iOcated in the center, however after visiting Mr. !anrella's other narcade, would certainly feel more at ease having hL; arcade there tzan many others. Lynn Reeder, 8528 Hamilton, addressed the Commissioe stating that he is employed as a police officer in a neighboring city and h17:s )pinions were based on both his work experience and views as � private citizel. His concern was that officers would be required to spend more time policiig the arcade area, taki=ng away patrol time from other areas of the City. Bonnie Worell, 6635 Topaz, addressed the Commission sta: ing that she was Opposed to the arcade because it would increase traffic, poise, litter, and crime in her neighborhood. Edith Bartholemew, 5999 Napa Avenue, addressed the Commission stating that she was opposed to the arcade due to the close proximity to the schools. Dale Adams addressed the Commission stattnF, that she lived alProximately three miles from the shopping center and was opposed to the arcade in that location. Further, that she preferred that her children go the arcade at the mail where she could control who the- were with and how long they stayed there. She also stated that she 1._.. afraid that the arcade would attract gangs and her family's safety would be jeopardized. Roberta Futrell, 6623 Topaz, addressed the Commission statiig that she felt that the crowds from the arcade and the Boar's Head customer's should not be mixed together. Further, that the noise from the two estailishments would create a disturbance for the nearby residents. Doug Hone, 7333 Hellman, addressed the Commission stating that he was one of the shopping center owners and had turned down a hundred arcade oFerators wishing to locate in their center. Mr. Mannella was selecte,l by the center because he has proven himself to not be a hindrance to other businesses around him and has run an establishment which has not created a distur -3ance. Chairman King asked Mr. Mannella if he felt that there would 1,e auy problems with the traffic from the Boar's Head and the bicycle traffic from the arcade. Planning Commisir-n Minutes _70_ August 25. 1982 Mr. rrannella replied that the bicycle traffic was mainly from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and didn't feel that there would be a compatibility problem since the Boar's Head traffic would probably pick up after that time. Commissioner MoNiel asked Mr. Mannella if he had contacted the adjacent business owners in the canter. 11r. Mannella replied that he sent a letter to each of the adjacent business owners. Dan Coleman, Associate Planner, stated that staff sent a letter to each of the businesses and Pomona First Federal was the only one to contact staff. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stcut asked if this CUP was personal to Mr. mEuinelia. Michael Vairir_, Senior Planner, Stated that it was not. Commissioner Stout stated that he felt it should be because it was well known. that Mr. Manneila ran one of the better types of arcades and felt that one of the reasons be :could be in favor of this project was based on how he ran his business. Additionally, the parking lot should be posted with "No Loitering" signs to hemp enforcement by the Sheriff's Departrxent. Further, that the rear exit should be marked as a fire exit only and not be allowed for ingress and egress. Commissioner Stout stated that he did not feel comfortable with the operating hours beginning immediately after disco ssal frcm school and felt :.hat it should be established that the arcade would begin operation one hour after school dismissal to encourage children to go home. Commissioner Remae_ stated that with regard to Condition 4 of the Resolution, he definitely felt there should be two restroons in the facility and that they could still be controlled with a key. He ft;rther stated that with regard to the requirement of the sign he felt that it would be for Mr. Mannella's own orotection to have that sign posted due to the close proximity of Z.he Boar's Head. Additionally, that it might be better to have the Commission review the CUP in twelve months rather than eighteen. Chairman King stated that he felt there were two basic issues; one being the granting of the CUP and if that is accomplished, what conditions should be imposed. Further, that there were some real concerns over the integration of the patrons or the arcade and the patrons of the Boar's head. He further stated that after weighing the issues and listening to the applicant, he felt that granting the CUP would be appropriat,-; however, did not feel that the arcade should be allowed to operate during school hours and that some words could be deleted from condition two of the Resolution making the :arcade closed during school hours and no one under 18 allowed after curfew. Chairman King also stated that he agreed with Commissioner Hempel on the issue of the public restroems, and also on the issue of review by the Planning Commission in Planning Co=ision Minutes -11- Auxast 25, 1982 twelve months for even six months) would be appropriate. Also, thu; he agreed with Commissicn_er Stout on the posting of the "NO loitering" signs in the parking lot, the ingress and egress on the rear exit, and the fact that the Resolution was personal to Mr. B"annella. However, could not see the practical enforcement of a condition not allowing children in until one hour after school is dismissed. With these conditions imposed on the CUP, he felt nat it would be appropriate to grant the CUP and review it in six to twelve months to take more public input to see if the conditions need to be strengthened or if the CUP should be revoked. Commissioner Mc &;pl srara that u s of tt a vbjections herd this evening were based on moral grounds and it is very difficult to legislate morality. Further, that the Commission has d =nied arcades in the past for various reasons. He stated that arcades are good for the community in that they keep some active kids from getting active in places where they shouldn't. Commissioner MtNiel also stated that with the conditions set forth in the Resolution and the suggested conditions by Commissioners Stout and Rempel, he was not opposed to granting the CUP. Commissioner Earner stated that it seemed something happened in the transition of the numbers in condition three and that the ranges should be expanded. lie also stated that he had a concern over the compatibility of an arcade with other uses, but if enough conditions were imposed, it would at least test to see if they were compatible with anything. He asked how the appeal process for a CUP works? lar. Coleman., Associate Planner, stated that anyone in the general public can appeal a CUP and request suspension. That request would be scheduled for heari-Tg before the Planning Ccmmmission, at which time they could attach additional conditions, revise the conditions, or revoke the permit. This decision could be appealed to the City Council. Commissioner Barker asked if that would be in addition to the time set by the Planning Commission for review of the CUP. Rick Gomez, City Planner, replied that condition fifteen of the Resolution established a twelve month review period for their review; however, if there were reasons to review the permit before that time, it would be scheduled for public hearing. Chairman King reopened the public hearing. Mrs. Bartholemew addressed the Commission stating that she did not feel that the notification of people 300 feet from the project was sufficient and that more people should have been notified, Chairman .Tung replied that the requirement by law is that public hearing items must be noticed within 300 feet of a project area and that Mrs. Bartholemew is correct that people outside of those boundaries are also affected; however, in Planning Commision Minutes -12- August 25, 1982 practicality, the City would go brc :e if it noticed everyone in the City that an arcade was being proposed in the shopping center. Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, stated the decision, of the Planning Commission can be appealed to the City Council within fourteen days and that by law the only requirement regarding legal noticing is publication in the newspaper. Mr. Futrell addressed the Commission stating that he was still very concerned over the compatibility between the Boar's 'dead customers and the arcade customers. Bonnie Worell addressed the Commission asking how the residents could appeal the decision of the Planning Commission. Jack Lam, Community Development Director, replied that a letter should be written to the City Clerk's office at the City stating why the residents were requesting an appeal. This would need to be accompanied by a filing fee and submitted within fourteen days of this meeting. The item would then be set on the City Council agenda for review. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stout asked if the intent was to strike condition one of the Resolution. Chairman King replied that he felt that condition one should remain and that condition two should be reworded to read "No person under 18 years of age may enter beyond or remain in any part of the game arcade after curfew." Further, that it should be closed during school hours. Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, stated that he did not feel that the two conditions were inconsistent. Commissioner Stout stated that he could not see a problem in adults being able to use the arcade during the hours school is in session, therefore disagreed with condition one of the Resolution. Commissioner Barker stated that he agreed with Commissioners 61:Niel and Stout on this issue. Chairman King asked if the Commission concurred with the addition of two restrooms under condition four. Commissioner Stout stated that he felt there should be two restrooms and that they should be keyed. Chairman King asked for discussion on condition thirteen regarding the posting of the sign. Planning Commis ion Minutes -i3- August 25, 1982 Commissioner Re el �_ stayed he felt that the condition should stay because it would give Mr. Mannella and the Sheriff's Department better control. Motion: Moved by Stout, seconded by Rempel, carried unamiously, to adept the Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 82 -15 with the following added conditions: The CUP is personal to Joseph Mannella, "No Loitering" signs shall be posted in the parking lot, no ingress and egress allowed at the rear exit, review by the Planning Commission in six months, and the rewording of condicion ten as proposed by staff. AYES: r_.�raMlsclOa�aS. NOES: COMMISSIONERS ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS 060ui:, Renpei, barker, Mc Niel, King None None 9:30 - Planning Commission Recessed 9:45 - Planning Commission Reconvened I. WOODLAND PACI.=IC — A custom - , - om lot resi.dentia_ development of 56 lots on 55.94 acres, located on the east side of Hermosa, north of Hillside in the R -1- 20,000 zone - APN 201 - 091 -03, 16, 17, 23, 30, 36 and 38. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the Staff Report. Chairman King asked the applicant if he would prefer that he not be involved in the review of this project. Richard Scott, applicant, replied that he did not object to Chairman King's review of the project. Commissioner Stout asked if staff could review some of the history of this project. Michael Va_rin, Senior Planner, stated that the applicant has filed a tract map for the entire area; however, the tract before the Commission tonight is only for the east lalf_ The other tract map is stil- active and under review. The current status of that application is that the applicant is required to do a u li EIR if he wishes to proceed with the project. Commissioner Stout asked what the basic differences are between the two traets. Planning Commision Minutes -14— August 25, X982 Mr. Vair in replied that the basic difference is that the other tract was proposed at a 4 -5 dwelling unit per acre density, planned community approach with smaller lots. Chairman King asked if what staff was requiring of the Commission this evening was to decide if a study needs to be done and if so, the detail of the study along with feedback in terms of the layout of the lots. of a pattern. Arm. Vairin replied that this was the direction staff was seeking. Chairman King opened the public hearing. Richard Scott, applicant, addressed the Commission stating that he was not in substantial disagreement with staff's recommendation for an expanded Initial Study; however, wished to share some thoughts and ideas with the Commission with regard to the ultimate land use. He stated that one section of the report indicated that the Planning Commission would review alternate designs and he would not like to spend the additional time and money in the preparation of additional reports and studies to suit a particular plan, then have someone not like that design. Further, he would like the Commission to begin reviewing the lot configurations and street patterns. !ie also stated that there are some constaints on the development of the property in terms of phasing and economics. Mr. Scott further stated that Carrari Street was selected as the most logical extension in that it related to the established pattern of water service and it allows the entire project to be within the confines of the project with the trees on it. Also, that this design was one which he and his engineers felt would least impact the areas addressed by staff in that it had the mini=m amount of streets to cut and grade and would be willing to stipulate in the CC&R's that the lots be built without significant lot grade. Also, the applicant woul" like to leave as many trees as possible; however, would be amenable to review by the Planning Department and Fire District as to which trees should remain and which should be removed. Chairman King stated that he had envisioned the development in that area to be one of a mixture of zero lot line, half acre, and one and a half acre lots, rural in character, and a little less structured of a pattern. Dh,. Scott replied that his staff had given a great deal of time and did a number of studies to some sophisticated planned community type projerts in the past and made a number of submissions, both officially and unofficially, during the time of the General Plan hearings, however could not gain either Planning Commission or City Council approval. Further, that he was not totally objective to a slight revision in land use concept; however, would simply like to sell the lots and not have to build any more houses. Commi- ssioner Rempel asked if there would be a way for the applicant to bring some of the country road pattern concept from the original planned community into this development. Planning Commision Minutes -15- August 25, 1982 Mr- Scott replied the t�°y wereaproPosed were 1prb ate streets and took into this, however tae streets to on grading and aesthetics. medicated :hat it would have aoments received at significant impact Commissioner nempe9 tated that it might be original concepts Frank first Proposed, then t Po lot le to use some of the Williams, Assoc' r „ take the lines of f of that. e: - : are mated g:.nee_ s Prcbjem of whetherblth ways base subdivision�ssion stat?ng that owner however the..c P lanes are U^2(j or nvt. are pUb11C n:, P., on, i� aLe and whether common aPP�icartnand his stated that he would like to be configurations.1S engineers to discuss some alternative to sit dorm wit native street e h the Chairman designs and lot Comm;ttee King agreed with this idea should be included in the meet however feJ.t that the Design Rev'ew It was the consensus of the Plain to do an expanded Initial Stud Commission be arrangea that the applicant Committee d between the Y as proposed by staff and that be required his discuss streetaPatterns,a d lot o f --y and the a Desig review # # # # # 'gurations. DI.RFCTOR °S REPORTS J. PLANNING COPLvISSION WORKSHOP Rick Gomez, City Planner shop. the workshop. , reviewed the report and requested a date be selected It was the consensus of the , _ be held on .3aturday, Sf theerOF��;982 that inB Co Base Line the Plana Rancho Cucamonga, , at Lions Pazk Commission Workshop n8a, California. Community Center, 9161 ADJOURNMENT Motion: Moved by Reel seconded by Barker, unamioiusly cirri =d 7C•$t, Planning CO'=ission Ad: ,.o ad jou: -n. ,,Darned Tanning commisioa Minutes -16- A"gust 25, 1982 submitted, Respectfully JACK LAIM Secretary a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting September 8, 1982 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Jeff King at 7 p.m. The ieeting was held at the Lions Park Community building, 916i Base Line Rvad, Rafc410 CuuafilOntsa. Following the call to order, Chairman King led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: David 'arker, Larry McHiel, Herman Rempel, Dennis Stout, Jeff King ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None STAFF PRESENT: Tim J. Beedle, Senior Planner; Rick Gomez, City Planner; Edward A. Hopson, Assistant Ci-y Attorney; Joan Kruse, Administrative Secretary; Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner ANNOUNCEMENTS City Planner, Rick Gomez, stated that there would be a Planning Commission workshop on Saturday, September 18, 1982 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Lions Park Community B+:ilding. He reminded the Commission to adjourn this meeting to the meeting of September 18. Mr. Gomez stated t1-at the Commission had been provided copies of t:e Ordinance which deals with notification procedures to be acted upon by the City Council. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion: Moved by Mc Niel, seconded by Stout, carried unanimously, to approve the Consent Calendar. A. *ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 82 -14 - HOfiGAAU_DEN - The development of a 20,378 square foot building on approximately 1.25 acres of end in the General Industrial /Rail Served category (Subarea 5), located east of Cottage Avenue, south of 8th Street - APN 209 - 193 -07. B. TIME EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MM 57U_= MUNAAY }This project falls within the boundaries of the Redeve'_opnent Area. planning Commission Minutes - ?- September 8, 1982 PUBLIC HEARINGS C. D. -,. - ' �nniv�n oe-ud - BROTH - A change of zone from A -7 (Li.mited Agricultural) to ? -1 (Single Family Residential) for .96 acres of land located on the southwest corner of Base Line Road and Ivy Lane - APN 1077 - 071 -01. - -- Rnu rAiiLBL MAP 7511 - BP.OWNE - A residential subdivision of .96 acres into 3 lots located on the southwest corner of Base Line Road and Ivy Lane in the A -1 zone (R -1 pending) - APN 1077_07;_ 01. Rick Gomez, City Planner, stated that these two items would be handled concurrently. Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff reports. Paul Rougeau, Senior Planner, requested that the Funning Commission consider a change to Condition #8 of the Engineer's Report relative to the parcel man. He indicated that bonding is required in the condition although the curb and gutter improvements can be deferred until the time of development of these parcels. Chairman King opened the public hearing. Mr. Browne, 265 E. 7th Street, (Upland, the applicant, indicated that when he spoke with Mr. Rougeau reg3rdi ^.g these parcels they had spoken of a division of this property into 4 lots rather than the 3 lots being considered tonight, lie asked the Commission if it would be possible to change this lot split to 4 at this time. Mr- Rougeau replied that it would be possible to obtain four legal size lots if the proposed carport were removed from the property. He indicated that a lot could be dropped between lots 2 -3 and it might make a more marketable piece of property. Commissioner Barker asked if the Engineering Division had stated that this could be done. R Mr. Rougeau replied that he advised the applicant that if he is thinking of further splitting the lots, he should let the Commission know tonight or it would have to come back to the Commission. Mr. Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, stated that under the circumstances and given the fact that there is a publication requirement, if it was being consolidated into two lots, there would be no problem. However, because the applicant is now requesting that something .more be done which would increase the density of the parcel there is a requirement to republish this. Mr. Hopson indicated that the Commission could grant the applicant's request for Item C, by Item D could not be taken up tonight. Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 8, 1982 Chairman King asked, if the applicant desired to, would it be possible for him to continue item D until it is readvertised for a four lot parcel map. Mr. Hopson, stated that in theory everyone had been told that this would be a three parcel split and those people might have said that they have no objection to a three parcel split but they might have objections to a four parcel split. Simply by continuing the item tonight, only those people would be notified of this change who are present at this meeting. Mr. Hopson indicated that this would have to be readvertised. Commissioner Hempel stated that the applicant should reduce the lots to 2 of 7200 square feet and come back to the Commission. Mr. Rougeau stated that it would be cheaper for him to readvertise than it would be for him to come back. Mr. Hopson stated that the Commission could take action on item C and no additional filing fee would be required when the applicant comes back with Item D. Commissioner Barker asked Commissioner Rempel if there were advantages and disadvantages to doing it this way. Commissioner Fc,mpel replied that there arc none. a L ^man King stated that assuming Items C and D were approved as i, and then it is the intention of the applicant to get u lots instead of 3, would a new application have to be filed. Mr. Gomez replied that the applicant would have to show the Commission that he did not wish to have action taken on Item D and that the item would then have to be readvertised. chairman Ring asked the applicant if he wished the Commission to take action on this or readvertise. Mr. Browne replied that he would like to have Item C approved and that Item D should be readvertised. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. commissioner Rempel stated that he felt this area eventually would be rezoned R -7200, like the surrounding area. He indicated that this would just be bringing the area into compliance with that surrounding it. Motion: Moved by Hempel, second by McNiel, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 82-85, approving Zone Change 82 -02 and to issue a negative declaration. Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 8, 1982 Chairman King stated that relative to taken tonight. applicant wished no Motion.: Moved by Barker, seconded by McNiel, carried unanimously, to continue this item for readaertising and return it to the Commission for action. subdivision of 1.42 acres into 2 p Road, approximately 1361 feet west RGPN - A residential southeast of Hillside Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report.. He indicated that the 1k±mgng chann crn,t Li h _v thae ...,..e..f,. �. >„ ^- Y �Y -� �! ccu LvW`/1O LOLL 0114 ly drainage taker care of. Commissioner Barker asked if there is documentation that the community trail would be on the north side of Hillside. He indicated his concern was centered on the ability to enter Heritage Park since it is on the south side of Hillside. Further, that there is no trail on the north side of Hillside at the present time or access to trails between the proposed lots or beside the lots. Mr. Barker indicated that there is access on tit south side of houses at Hillside bvt this subdivision would force everyone to :ide or walk west at that section, back up and east again. Commissioner Barker asked if sidewalks will be put in along hillside. Mr. Rougeau replied that this would be the beginning of sidewalk 5nsi..allation because none of the surrounding areas have them. Mr. Rougeau stated tt.at it is the City's policy to put in sidewalks along collector roads wherever possible although there are none along the park. Y4. Rougeau stated that a closer look should be talon around the park. Mr.. Barker stated that he was not sold on sidewalks and there was no provision for equestrian access. He again stated his concern especially for accesa into Heritage Park. Chairman Ring stated that he echoed Commissioner Barker's concern as it related to equestrian access and sidewalks as they would be relatively needless in light of what is presently there. Chairman King opened the public hearing. Mr. Morgan, the applicant, and Mr. Gary Sanderson, the civil engineer for thiv project, indicated their willingness to answer any of the Commission's questions. Mr. Sanderson stated that this tract, No. 6760, was recorded in 1963 and at that time curb and gutter improvements were constructed to the frontage of Lot 10. There was no curb or gutter at ;,ot 11. Mr. Sanderson further stated that 10 years later Hillside Road was extended east from a dead end and curb and gutter improvements were built across subject Lot 11. Mr. Sanderson stated that the County also put in a 16 -inch pipe that crosses under in the vicinity Commission Minutes -4- September 8, of the northeast corner of Lot 11. He indicated that in his opinion the enlarged slope and drainage easement shown in the 1963 map is no longer needed. Mr. Sanderson commented on the Condition requiring sidewalks and street lights and asked whether they are necessary. Additionally, since this is a septic tank area, why there is a requirement for sewers. Ms. Morgan stated that in the title insurance policy for this property an easement for utilities, pole lines and incidental purposes was recorded. He further stated that this is a 6 -foot easement and since this is for incidental purposes, it could be used as an equestrian easement. Mr. Morgan indicated that he has no intention of fencing this off to limit access and that access to Heritage Park can be gotten through the drainage easement and culvert to the east. Chairman King asked how you get over that culvert. Commissioner Barker stated that Mr. Morgan is right but he was not sure where his property ends and Heritage Park begins. Pt'. Rougeau indicated that the property line shown on the parcel map is the property line next to Heritage Park and as the applicant indicated, there is a total of 12 feet of easement; however, it was never for equestrian use. Further, that the easement is there but a larger one is needed. Commissioner Barker asked if the park will develop in such a way that access will be required for the trails at Hillside. M:'. Morgan asked if the Commission is suggesting that he dedicate an easement. Commissioner Barker replied that he did not know where the proper place for an easement would be and if it is practical Commissioner Barker asked if there is some way to guarantee an easement. Mr. Rougeau stated that it really has to be tied into the design of the park. Chairman King stated that it makes more sense that if they are headiug toward the ravine that they should cress Hillside and take a path to the south side that takes them to Heritage Park. Mr. Gomez suggested that this be continued to the next Planning Commission meeting to allow staff time to work out some way to provide equestrian accesss to Heritage Park. Commissioner Hempel stated that it is not logical to continue the equestrian trail along the north side of Hillside as they go along east of the arroyo. He indicated that it is also not logical to take the horse trail along the south side of Hillside west of the lot. He indicated that the only apparently Planning Commission Minutes -5- September 8, ? 982 logical place for the trail would be to cross Hillside at this canyon. He dicated f`srther that the question to be answered is what type of crossi.rg it will be. Commissioner R:mpel commented on the requirement for sidewalks and the policy which was set by the Commission. He indicated that Hillside is a main thoroughfare and should have sidewalks on it especially for the children who must take shcool buses. He indicated that there are several ways of installing them and that they could be done through 1911 Act proceedings. He explained the responsibility of the Planning Commission in providing pedestrians of every age with a safe method of access. Commissioner Barker stated that he understood Commissioner Rempel's argument but he was not sure sidewalks should be constructed on the north side of Hillside. Commissioner Stout stated that another look should be taken at the horse trails. Mr. Hopson stated that another problem had arisen, that of the easement at Lots 1 and 2 having been granted away in 1961 by the other land owners. PIr. Hopson stated that the easement had been granted to the utility companies and that it could not again be granted away for the public use of horse trails. Mr. Hopson indicated that staff could ask for 10 feet of easement on the south that would be preserved for equestrian use. llr. Hopson further indicated that the general public has no legal right to ride horses on the present easement granted to the utilities on Lots 1 -10. Commissioner Stout asked if these people had the right to fence off that easement. Mr. Hopson replied that the utilities will allow semi- permanent structures if the property owner agrees to knock them down if access :.s needed by the utility. Commissioner Barker asked why the easement had to be expanded from 6 feet to 10 feet. Mr. Hopson stated that there is nothing magic about the figure, it was arbitrary. Commissioner Stout stated he did not feel sidewalks are needed. �.hairman King stated that it appears that the Coi. mission is dealing with two issues: One, access for the people living in the subdivision that is already there, and the other, as it rilates to horse owners who transition to Heritage Park who live on the north side of Hillside. He asked if the discussion by the Commission kills these two issues in light of what the City Attorney has said about the utility easement on the south side of Lot li and Lots 1 -10. Planning Commission Minutes -6- September 8, 1982 Co _—issioner Parker stated it was his opinion tk.st it was still an open issue especially in how to guarantee access to horse owners. He ind c-ated that there are a number of p- operty owners who do use the easement for accesz. Commissioner Mc Niel asked if a utility easement exists for Lots 1 -10 and is currently being used as an equestrian easement. Mr. Morgan replied that the -e is a 12-foot easement along there. Further, that he has no objection to a 10 -foot easement that would be a utility easement. Mr. Hopson stated that the problem is that Mr. Morgan cannot std anythirg to the easement that has already been given away by his predecessor 21 years ago. Further, that there is no legal bundle of rights that Mr. Morgan has left to give away. Chairman King stated that regardless of what the Commissi, .'s thoughts are on the easement, the six-foot utility easement will exist tn,re so the issue will be how do people get to Heritage Park and how peo;A a to the north will get there. Commissioner Stout asked if some type of covenant can be gotten to prevent people from fencing the six feet of easement. Nr. Hopson replied that he thought not because it wouldn't stop people from fencing it in. Chairman King again asked the applicant if he would have any objection to continuing this item to look at the equestrian easement and asked the applicant if there is any urgency that would impede the continuance. Mr. Morgan repl.iei that the objection to a continuance would be financial because every da; of postponement costs mere. Further, there is no bearing or, this item as to whether a crossing should occur on the north side of the street rather than on the south side of the street. Mr. Morgan suggested that the City take the flood control channel all the way up to Hillside and fill the whole gulley. Mr. Gomez stated that Mr. Morgan had touched a regional issues with traversing the channel it could be that the Commission condition this parcel map to provide access per approval of the Trail Committee or other appropriate body and in chat way this project could move on. Commissioner Rempel stated that rather than conditioning the parcel map to provide access, it should state that the parcel map is contingent upon development insuring that a trail system is continuous. Further, that slating that the applicant has to provide the trail is the wrong way to say it. Chairman King closed the public hearing. Planning Commission :mutes -7- September 8, 1982 Ciairman King asked if there was a reed for further discussion. Commissioner Harker asked if the sidewalk issue is also being addressed. Chairman King stated that this obviously is a septic tank area, and that sidewalks aren't needed in this area and that the Commission should study the equestrian issue. Mr. Hopson stated that the only thing that the Commission must concern itself with is that it take action within 50 days from the filing of the application on this project in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. Further, that if the applicant asktnd for a continuance, the 50-day time :Limit is negated. Chairman King stated that this could be continued to the next meeting if the applicant allows this to be done. Commissioner Rtmpel stated that the applicant has stated that he would have :a problem with this. Further, that the easement really cannot be used nor considered for a trail. Commissi.cner Rempel stated further that the only area that the Commission can deal with is or. the upper side of the lots and he felt that the map should be conditioned to provide an easement. Chairman King stated that he though: he agreed with Commissi ')ner Rempel but was unsure. He felt that another two weeks would allow time to study the matter. Commissioner Rempel stated that this could be handled between now and the time the final map comes up. Chairman King asked if this could be approved and if that aspect can be left open. further, if it could again come before the Planning Commission. He indicated that some method of access to Heritage Park must be worked out and that he would feel more comfortable in delaying this to work it out. Mr. Hopson stated that this would be all right as long as it was brought back within two weeks because he would not have to reach the difficult issue of whether an approval subject t-- the review of the Planning Commissicn is really a final approval. Commissioner Harker asked what the advantage would be for the applicant to rave this apprcved this evening. Commissioner Rempel stated that if this is properly conditioned the applicant does what it stated and the map moves on and he would have to complete the condition before it moves on to the final. u. Gomez stated that this could be conditioned or brought back within two weeks. He suggested that the Commission either bring it back or provide a condition that they feel comfortable with. Planning Commission Minutes -8- Ser;t;, Ar " 1032 Notion: MD,rtd by Barker, seconded by King, that the reeuiremert for sidewalks be 7e=oved and that this be contined for : two week period. The motion died for lack of a second. Motion: Moved by P.empel, seconded by Mc Niel, carried to adopt Resolution No. 82 -86, approving Parcel ?Yip No. 7646 with the condition that the applicant meet with staff and the trail committee to insure that equestrian trail system have continuity through this area. Further, that sidewalks not to required and that the sewage system be designed per the requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District. Mr. Vairin stated that- this should be done prior to the recordation of the parcel map. :,nairTan icing voted no on this matter indicating that his opposition has nothing to do with the parcel map, just that he was not comfortable with the resolution. 7:50 p.m. The Planning Commission recessed 8:10 p Tne Planning Commission reconvened f i i 3 i ENVIRONMEX AL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10414 - LANDCO - A proposed custom lot subdivision of 10 t acres of land in the R- 1- 20,060 zone into 17 lots located south of Carrari, west of Haven Avenue - APN 201- 101 -17. Michael Vairir, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman King stated in terms of the sidewalk issue and street improvements to the south and i =rovement in the proposed track, that it would seem that the same issues exist on this tract as the last one. He further stated that it does not make sense to put sidewalks in front of the lot when the rest of the street does not have sidewalks and he felt that the Commission should make a stand one way or the other to require them in both tracts or none. Ydchael Vairin replied that another alternative would be to go along the east side because of the lesser number of homes and make a requirement for the :.nstaliation of sidewalks by each individual homeowner. He indicated that this could be controlled by virtue of the issuance of building permits. Ytr. liairin stated that sidekalks are already required on one side or the other on the southwest side and this issue should be resolved as to whether sidewalks should continue all the ray to hillside and whether it should be a requirement of this map o- a statement by the ::)mmisslon that they desire to ave the con'iruation of the sidewalk on each individual lot as each lot is developed. Mr. Vairin stated that he did not believe there were any houses on the east side. Planning Commission Minutes -9- September 8, 1982 loner Stout asked why there is a requirement for sidewalks on 20,000 foot lots_ • Raugeau replied that it is the interpretation of the sidewalk resolution It they be required on one side of the street on collector streets even thin the equestrian area. MISsioner Rempel explained that the former Planning Commission had studied sidewa Jt issue and adopted a resolution requiring sidewalks on streets of s nature. He indicated that one of the factors that enters into this is t on north /south streets there will be a fair amount of water vnning in gutters during ain L� water. g y periods and th�r an�r� w —K w-L" be at the merev er. _ indicated that the resolu._an was adopted to provide a safe route so that ole would not have to walk in the streets. issicner Barker asked if on the southeast corner of the proposed street e is a potential pocket for water gathering. Raugeau replied that it is; however, it goes under the sidewalk and is a into the gutter. Barker asked what the pocket goes into. Raugeau replied that the whole cul-de -sac will drain into the south curb the street is graded, Fe indicated that while they only have the Limina='y grading plan, eventually this whole cul- de-sac will drain Malit' to the west. Vairin asked if Commissioner Barker was referring to the cul-de -sac rather i lot 6. Barker stated that he was originally referri ng to the cul-de -sac and then C Vairin stated that the Grading CO=MiLtee has required am equestrian trail ell as a drainage structure here. issioner Rempel asked if on the two Lots in question there are any just w this tract on lets =:0.1 that have no access to the street. ougeau replied that although it doesn't show on the map, Yivienda Street all the way to °idgeview and does have offers of dedication. Further, may be some offers beyond lot 47 but at least before any permits or visions can Occur there the rest of it will be obtained. He indicated s e cut- de-sac has been eliminated and an S curve provide put in to Minutes -7o- September 8, 1982 Mr. Rougeau stated that lct 42 could be that happens, Vivienda would have to be Chairman King opened the public hearing. Mr. Don Hornbeck representing the applicant stated conditions as required and that the improvements to enough. that before that they would accept all Ridgeview will be tough, He indicated further that they must improve the gulley all Hillnide. Commissioner Rempel stated one side. being no further commentsf Hornbeck that sidewalks are required on hearing was closed. Chairman King asked staff if they have any idea about how many homes are constructed on the east side of the tract below wi:Qre the present development is. Mr. Frank Williams, of Associated Engineers, engineer on the project, stated that the only house that is on Ridgeview directly is the house on the corner on the east of Hilside. i?e indicated that lot 42 shown on the sketch is really not there. Chairman King asked Mr. Williams assuming that he wanted to put his sidewalk on the east side, would he wish to have the individual lot owner put his own sidewalk in. He asked what can be done about the house on the corner. Mr. Rougeau replied that the sidewalk could be installed under an assessment by the City or through funds that are now available through a state program. Chairman King asked if it makes sense to take the approach that the City has suggested or if it makes sense to make improvements along Ridgeview when they improve it, as it relates to that piece of property. Mr. Rougeau replied that this was kind of a subjective thing because the sidewalk represents the same expense whether it's done now or as part of the tract fee development. He indicated that it becomes a matter of whether to impose the condition on the developer at this time. He indicated that the tract above develops will be the major pedestrian flew and while they will be putting sidewalks in, it will be quite a few years be'ore it will be of full value. Commissioner Stout asked what the current understandint is with respect sidewalks on the cul-de -sac. Mr. Rougeau stated that he would interpret the cul-de -sac. Commission Minutes -11- Se >tember 8, Chairman King asked if the Commission is in basic agreement that Should be done on a lot -by -lot tasis. she si dewalks The Commission indicated that they would be in agreement with t ^is concept. Commissioner Rempel asked if the developer Would participate in reimbursement agreement if the sidewalk was put in. a 11" Rougeau replied that he did not know. Commissioner Rempel asked if it agreement. Would be any different than a storm drain Kr- Pte:: -' - geau stated that the requirement for im:•roving the street width is a drainage requirement more than anytY.�:g else. He ; the sidewalks were to he tr to the Pill t reimbursement agreement. that way there would have be a sid that if greement. io be a sidewalk Commissioner Rempel stated that ,.— owner of the Property should be made to do It and that he would be able to use the 1911 Act. h1- ^. Hopson state3 that the only t agreement as such is when a time the City enters into a re' state statute refers to as tract has provided what reimbursement is an supplemental capacity. the City's Ordinance and improve that has been done offsite and • He indicated s Project to Provide larger storm as not beer that �f there enter into a reimbursement agreement d�'a�ns or sewers offsite, one for the Paving of Ride 8 Bement, He indicated that it tbi common to to anything andwwouldan from Hi Indicated does not rerovide supplementce se, the not be appropriate as a smbursement agreement. Y Commissioner Rempel stated that he is concerned. Further, Was not thinking of this as far as out whatsoever. that there is nothing in the sidewalk that Paving He felt that sidewalks should come frog the develo helps him Mr. Rougeau stated that there Pmert fee. standpoint but he would 'nave to checketooseeoblem from c 1ng the Systems Development f this aCUldbe handled paent Fee. under The consensus of the P'anny g Commission was that this should be looked into. The anplicar=t stated that iP the cost of the side come from the Systems TeYeloPmat Fees, it Would not Walks Were able to Motion: affect they at all, Tract MOVed by gp�el, seconded ga a btiveout, carried unanimously, to adopt No. 1J�:14 adding the condition that cl sidewalk and the Systems Development approving Tentative oPmet fee for that one lot. cost be recovered from come vb ac testhe Commissioraition cannot bt satisfied, if this item should Planning Commissior. Minutes -12_ September 8, 1982 The consensus of the Commission was that if the condition could not be satisfied, the applicant would not have to put the sidewalk in. E i f f i G. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 82 -16 - WALL - The establishment of an arcade in the C -1 -5 zone to be located at 9687 Base Lire in the Base Line Village Shopping Center. City Planner, Rick Gomez, reviewed the staff report. lie indicated that the staff report advised that a letter would be forthcoming from the 91ph Beta C rpor-ation; however, none had been received. Commissioner Parker asked i° these conditions are identical to those placed on the other arcade. Mr. Gomez replied that they are. Commissioner Rempel asked if' this could be brought backd to the Commission after six months to be sure that the applicant was conducting his business in accordance with the parameters of the conditional use permit. Mr. Gomez replied that thir could be done. Commissioner Stout asked if there was a requirement for additional restrooms. Mr. Gomez replied that there are. Chairman King opened the public hearing. Mr. Ron Walls, 5081 Via Pa_raiso, Alta Loma, stated that the only condition that he would have a problem with is the requirement for two restrooms. He further indicated that the Barro's Pizza in the same shopping center has no such requirement. Mr. Walls stated that this would create a hardship for him because of the cost of installing another restroom. Chairman King asked Mr. {lolls if he had any knowledge of what the waiting time is going to be for his patrons. Mr. Walls stated the he did not know_ Commissioner Stout stated that in his letter, the applicant has indicated his intent of keeping his estab-lishment open until midnight. Mr. Walls replied that that had been a typographical error and that the operating hours would be until 9:30 p.m. or Sunday and 10:30 during the week. Planning Commission Minutes -13- September 8, 1982 Commissioner Stout asked what hardship at 10 P.M. it would cause to have the arcade close Mr. Walls replied that it would be limited and during the week he would have no qualms about this; however, he indicated that there are some arcades that operate 24 hours a day, Commissioner Stout stated that his concern is that this arcade will operate in a neighborhood commercial area. Mr. walls stated that he would not be opposed to those hours during he week; however, the other businesses within the shonein, ,..,..t__ g m = ^nia t. �. operate until Commissioner Stout replied that the other uses are not as intensive as the arcade. Mr. ;lolls stated that the closest residential building at the north corner is 20C feet. H2 indicated that the other- residence is a single family house which operates as a business. Commissioner Hempel stated that there is a family living thPpe. K-. walls stated that he would work out any problems and did not wish to be penalized by limiting hours on Saturday night when business is best. Commissioner Stout asked what the Commission had done in setting hours at -the other arcade and whether the hours were limited to curfew. Mr. Gomez replied that the hours were set in accordance to the curfew. Commissioner Barker asked about the due process statement regarding minors indicating that the proper authorities would be called. hoped this would be as judiciously done. He stated that he Mr. walls replied that they would do the same thing that the police department does. A parent would be contacted and he felt confident that the matter would be taken care of. However, if the problem could not be solved, the police would be contacted, Commissioner McNiel asked what Mr. !lolls' experience with arcades has been Prior to this and indicated that JJ's might be able to help him. Mr. Walls replied that he has spoken with the owner of JJ's. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. loc�a esxithinSa neighborhood that his feeling is that if the applicant wishes to commercial shopping center where less intensive uses are encouraged, the applicant should be required to close at 10 p.m. Planning Co+smission Minutes _1p_ SepLember 8, 19 62 Further, that one reason the City has conditional use permits is to protect the citizenry and this should be encouraged. Commissioner Barker asked if 10 p.m, closing would be required every night. Commissioner Mc Niel stated that with respect to the bathrooms, the applicant has stated that it would be a hardship; however, it is his feeling that the bathroom facilities in that particular shopping center are inadequate and since the patrons will be spending more time in his facility than they would in other places, the requirement should stand. Commissioner f??T el s ±ated th °t ce the applicant is talking about having a family night at the arcades, it would be necessary to have double restroom facilities. Further, that what Commissioner Mc Niel stated in this facility attracting more teenagers will create more traffic within the shopping center and this center already has congested parking. Commissioner Rempel stated that the staff recommedation that anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult should be strongly emphasized and no school age children be allowed entrance even if accompanied by an adult during school hours must be enforced. Motion: Moved by i1cNiel, seconded by Rempel, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 82 -88, for the issuance of Conditional Use Permit 82 -16 with the establishment of an 11 p.m. curfew. f f f i f H. CONDITION;,. USE PERMIT 82 -17 - CHAFFEY COLLEGE - The establishment of a:i 8,518 square foot vocational trade school for the handicapped in thr General Industrial category to be located at 9375 9th Street and 8732 Helms Avenue - APN 209- 031 -56. Girt Johnston, ,Jssistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman King asked what guarantee there is that students will be bused to and from the facility. Mr. Johnston_ read the condition restricting students driving vehicles and indicated that Chaffey College will be operating mini -buses to the facility and also use dial -a -ride. Further, that all students will be arriving and leaving the facility at the same time. Chairman King opened the public hearing. Chairman iii ^_g asked those i= the audience iz favor of this conditional use permit to show their approval. Approximately 7 people in the audience rose, There were no individuals in opposition. Planning Comen+aQi::n Minutes -15- September 8, 1982 Dr. Harris, staff member of Chaffey College, indicated that he would answer any questions the Commissic n might have. Commissioner Stout asked if he should interpret Condition No. 1 under the Planning Division to mean that no student", will be allowed to drive their own vehicles to and from the facility whether they are able to or not. It'. Harris indicated that no students will be allowed to drive. Commissioner Stout asked if there would be any problem if that condition_ were reworded to say that specifically. Mr. Harris stated that this would not be a problem. fiction: Moved by Stout, seconded by F.empel, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 82-89, with an awndment to Condition No. 1 under the Planning Division to restrict student parking on the site. s ■ • * t I. ENVIROVENTAL ASSESSI4ENT AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 82-04 -- An amendment to Section 61.0219(h)(2)(B) to provide for encroachment of structures into the required rear yard, subject to not exceeding a certain percentage coverage of the rear yard area. Michael Vairin reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Rempel asked if the proposed Ordinance means that accessory buildings and additions should not exceed 18 feet or one story in height, and if that meant 18 feet on top of the one story. Ar. Vairin replied that was not what is meant. What is meant that one story should not be more than 18 feet in height. Commissioner Stout asked if in areas where you have equestrian easements in the back does the back yard setback apply to the rear property lin-- and would you be able to put in a structure right up to the easement. Mr. Vairin replied that you would be able to do so. Commissioner Harker asked if this is for new construction as well as those individuals making additions to their property. Mr. Vairin replied that it is. Chairman King opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -16- September 8, 1982 Commissioner Hempel stated that under certain conditions the one story limit is not good. He indicated that if you have a two story house and you are adding on and it is way back from the lot line. you will encroach a little and the requirement that it will have to be one story should not b.. a limitation on that type of addition. Commissioner Hempel felt that the maximum height be limited to 18 feet but the only way that some people can add would be to go to two stories. Commissioner Hempel stated that in the rear yari setback, three feet is getting much too close. He felt that the setback, should be no less than five feet. on the side yard setback Commissioner Hempel felt that the three -foot setback stipulation for main buildings should be the same for additions. Chairman Ring stated that he is diametrically opposed to what Commissioner Hempel said. He felt that it is imperative that the Commission limit additions to one story only rather than allowing a two story addition. Chairman Ring stated his feeling that a one story addition tended to bring everything together and would ensure the feeling of openness whereas the feeling of openness would be destroyed if two story additions were allowed. Commissioner Hempel stated that any new houses must and can be brought up to Development Review but there are some types of homes, for example, cape cods, that architecturally lend themselves better to two story additions. Mr. Vairin explained the reasons that 'Limitations were not put down ir_ two story additions speaking of fairness to the individual. Mr. Vairin stated that the problem usually arises when a person is putting in an addition and also a second story at the same time_ Mr. Vairin stated in reply to the two setbacks that staff could not see why an accessory building could have a three foot setback and an addition could not. Commissioner Harker stated that he could see why there would be limitations if a person is adding an auxiliary building for bay, etc., which would be taller than a standard one story building. He further indicated he understood Chairman King's concern where with a two story addition peoples views have been cut off by too much height, especially on a hillside building. Commissioner Barker stated that he is not sure whether he would want it to go any higher than 18 feet. Commissioner Stout stated that he has a problem with restrictions on two story buildings the same as Commissioner Hempel does. He indicated that he does not know whether it would make much difference if a two story home already exists. Commissioner McNiel stated his agreement with Commissioners Stout and Hempel. He stated further that as long as continuity exists with the structure, it would be unfair to limit additions to one story. Planning Commission Minutes -17- September 8, 1982 Mr. Vai_rin stated that if the Commission is saying that it will be all right to build a two story structure further back in the back vards, then it is no . longer an exception and the rear yard setback might as well be changed in the zone. He indicated that what this is is an exception to the zone. He further indicated what this is is a change to the rear yard setback in allowing a portion of the rear yard to be used. Commissioner Stour, stated that perhaps accessory buildings could be separated from additions. He stated that he has no problem with making accessory building only one story tali, but he did not feel that it is necessary to limit additions on existing two story houses to one story. Commissioner Barker asked if they would be advocating the addition of a two story building on one story. Commissioners Rempel and Stout replied that they are not saying that. Commissioner Rempel stated that what he meant is that the wav this is written you can have an 18 foot addition and by adding two feet, he can have a two story house. Further that the way this is written is that a person can put in an 18 -foot addition whit: is almost as tall as a two story structure but that he can't put two stories in. Chairman King felt that perhaps it would be better if this item were brought back at the time of the develoomert code. Mr. VaIrin stated that in light of Commissioner Rempel's comments, staff would like to look into this further and bring this back to the Commission. Commissioner Barker stated that what he is hearing is that if there is a two story building, you should have a two story addition. Commissioner Rempel stated that was not what he is saying. Commissinoer Stout stated that the two issues should be separated. Commissioner Barker stated he was not sure that the maximum height should go to 18 feet. Commissioner Rempel stated that he would like to see this item brought back to him in about two weeks. Mr. Vairin stated that in reference to Commissioner Rempel's statement and the 7200 square foot addition, if there is a two story structure and if the addition is designed to be two story, should it be brought back to the rear setback lire. Following brief discussion, it was moved by Rempel, seconded by Stout, carried unanimously to continue this for two weeks. Planning Commission Minutes -18- September 8, 1982 t t t t t J. HAVEN AVENUE MEDIAN DESIGN GUIDELINES 9:25 p.m. Chairman King and Commissioner Barker stepped down. Vice Chairman Rempel conducted this portion of the meeting. City Planner, Rick Gomez, reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Stout asked if Mr. Gomez' specific concerns have been addressed in the guidelines. Mr. Gomez replied that he had received some today and they were being adressed through specifications within the document. Motion: Moved by Stout, seconded by Mc Niel, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 82 -90 approving the Haven Avenue Median Design Guidelines. 9:28 p -m. Chairman King and Commissioner Barker returned to the table. 4 t 4 t t K. ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN UPDATE Senior Planner, Tim Beedle, reviewed the staff report. Chairman King stated that Thursday evenings would be a good time for the hearings. Mr. Beedle stated that the process will be looked upon as an educational process. Commissioner Stout asked Mr. Beedle if he has any feel for the amount of community participation that will take place. Mr. Beedle replied that there has been a lot of participation thus far through the dozen or so meetings that have been held. He indicated that all have been well attended and some have been o: the tcwn hall type. Chairman King stated that a lot of thought has gone into the Interim Zoning O- dinance and when the Commission comes back in two weeks, he hoped that the Commission could have a fairly thorough presentation as to the proposed amendment to the section.. Commissioner Rempel stated that with regard to the item on Haver. Avenue Median Design, he wished to have a letter sent to the Women's Club thanking them for their input. Planning Commission Minutes -19- September 8, 1982 Commissioner Barker stated that from the comments made by both Commissioner Rempel and Chairman King, he would second the request that the presentation on the Zoning Ordinance Amendment be thorough. so that they might understand the issues that have taker place in The past. Commissioner Stout stated that judging from the correspondence on the Chaffey College Skills Center, he felt that this should be brought back to the Commission for review. Mr. Gomez replied that staff is currently working with Chaffey College to find a solution to the problems and what action to take, if any. He indicated that if what staff is doing now does not work, it will be brought back to the Commission. Commissioner Stout stated that he would like to see this on the agenda. Councilmember, Jim F, -ost, addressed the Commission stating that the lease on this building probably runs from 3 -5 years; however, the program itself is probably categorically Punded and will change. He indicated that once the Commission has made a commitment, they will be hard pressed to tighten the standards later on. He indicated that Commissioner Stout's concern should be addressed. Chairman icing stated that if everyone wants to bring it back, that is fine. Commissioner Stout stated that his feeling is that the c-10° will not work if the Commission does not review it and let them know that they mean business. The consensus of the Commissior. was that this item be brought back for their review at the first meeting in November. iF i f • iF Motion: moved by Stout, seconded by Barker, carried unanimously, to adjourn i.v September 18, 1982. 9:45 p.m. The Punning Commission adjourned Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -20- September 8, 1982 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 13, 1982 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Paul A. Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 3383 - BANKS The division of 5 acres of land into 4 lots within the R -1 Zone located approximately 660 feet north of Base Lane and 660 feet west of East Avenue - APN 227 - 131 -29 This parcel map has been continued from the meeting of September 22, 1982, due to the delays in the Developer's surveying and design work- It is accord- ingly recommended that the public hearing be continued to the meeting of November 10, 1982. fully submitted, LBH fPA- jaa ITEM A L] CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM GATE: October 13, 1982 TO: Memtars of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez., City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -19 - ZWISSLER - The establishment of 13,232 square feet of professional offices in existing buildings and the continuance of a preschool use in an existing 5,644 square foot building on 4.39 acres in the General Industrial category located at 8968 Archibald Avenue - APN 209 - 171 -15. BACKGROUND: On September 22, 1982, the Planning Commission continued this` m to allow the applicant to prepare revised plans for expan- sion of the preschool. The Applicant is requesting approval of a preschool for 134 children, which is the maximum number licensed by the State for the existing 5,644 square foot building. Therefore, the Applicant proposes to expand the existing parking lot to provide 91 total parking spaces_to meet Zoning Ordinance requirements (Exhibit "B "). The new parking lot design will improve circulation by providing a separate parking area for the preschool. Further, staff has worked with the Applicant to resolve questions concerning landscaping requirements. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission conduct a full public hearing to consider all material and in^ut relative to this project. A Resolution of Approval with Conditions is provided for your review and consideration. submitted, kICK GOMEZ City Planner RG: DC: jr 0 l Attachments ITEM 8 C CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 22, 1982 o cvc�ms °`tG. r L WV Z U 5 I9i. 1 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -19 - ZWISSLER - The establishment of 13,232 square feet of professional offices in existing buildings and the continuance of a preschool use in an existing 5,644 square foot building on 4.39 acres in the General Industrial category located at 8968 Archibald Avenue - APN 209 - 171 -15. PRCJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Bruce Zwissler,is seeking approval-of approval-of a Conditiora Use Permit to establish a garden office complex and preschool at 8958 Archibald Avenue (Exhibit "A "). The property was formerly the Willows School, hence, the preschool would be a continuance of a prior use. Specifically, the applicant is requesting approval of the following related uses as shown on Exhibit "C ": (1) Administrative and Office; (2) Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Services; (3) Personal Services (includes prescnools); and (4) Professional Services. The project site is located on the west side of Archibald, north of the Rancho Industrial Park which contains commercial /industrial units it front and mini - storage in the rear. The project site is 4.39 acres, with approximately 2 acres undeveloped. To the north and east are single family residences zoned for General Industrial. To the west is property used for outdoor storage and zoned for General Industrial uses. Four buildings are available for the garden office complex as shown on the Site Plan, Exhibit "B ". In addition, a new 5,644 square foot building is available for preschool use. An improved outdoor recreation area will be provided adjacent to the building in accordance with State requirements. Also, 74 parking stalls will be provided. The previous property owner posted bonds which will be used for street improvements including reconstruction of the drive ap,roach to City standards, street lights, and street trees. ITEM C \J V.quaa VDu rta� I1. ac Planning Commission Agenda Septem5er 22, 1982 Page 2 ANALYSIS: The Industrial Specific Plan allows the uses requested svb„3ct to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The parking requirement for the o`f ;es is one space per 250 square feet of floor area, which would mean a total of 53 parking spaces. Therefore, twenty -one parking spaces would be available for the preschool use. Preschools require one space per employee /teacher plus one space for each five chiidr,�n. Therefore, the preschool could ha-;2 up to 72 children based upon parking requirements. The preschool is iocate8 il,; a building located separate from the garden office complex, and angle Narking is available. The play areas and preschool parking are separated from the circulation and parking area of the office building. Furthe>-, the proposed offices and preschool would be compatible with surrounding land uses. FACTS FOR FINDING: Based upon a review of the information provided by the applicant and the site, the proposed garden office complex and preschool are consistent with the General Ple the Industrial Specific Plan and applicable Zoning Ordinance provis.ans. The size of the buildings, playground, and parking lot will adequately service the office and preschool uses. The proposed uses would ':e compatible with the exist ' ing Currounding land uses with the adoption of the recommended Conditions of Approval. CORRESPONDENCE: A pualic hearing notice was advertised in The Daily .eport nedspaper on September 10, 1982. In addition, approzimateiy twenty -five public hearing notices were sent to property owners within 300 fee*_ of the project site. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against this project. RECOWENDATION: it is recommended that the Planning Commission consider all input and materia' relative to this project. A Resolution of Approval with Conditions is provided for your review and consideration. Respectfully submitted, e6� RICK GOMEZ City Planner RG:DC:jr Attachment,: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "�" - Project Description Resolution of Approval Co>ditions CITY OF P%-X\CHO CUCANLv,IO C=A RA INNING DIN ISiON 15 � tiOKFH T ITLE- V' EXHIBIT=-.CA-.--SCALE: J Ll 0 c � �'•> .., a zaA aL LL.i<.VL vYLJ1 �.•.K �.� A.[ tm ai�•a Jl`YA41 \ S. `�— 2 ACRFS -- IINDLVL<aDFD - -� 1 �I x AOD'c AVMw� TALCS ,l i '!wYGRau.r: T.YS <OT 1 ZOVLJ XJ T lTf.•P' TO A� G(ACPAL /M6rSTXVK w .: � Jf <S`L !f z ara[✓ro w� o —' .11/4 !]XAGF TYL W� \ .. ;��`lP � . 3'f r `{ < .w r IvvN7 LN1C5 =>•CA t'4 E �.` � � -a. +t. -`./` /j /fAIDrE F>:ST A.L. ova uIA acc I % \g_. - I'O 1••{ "r, � \\ '��. a.n -,.c _..cDr+cs ks-a: "'- a"�i�r ^'�= � LO, •--I . \. 1 �- is -: \ !1` H.N,LD 4.G. A ?EAS 1 j^✓ V A . r �.1 J • l"r �.i.rAW 4aT O.Tr.MaO CITY OF RA\-CHI► CUCALNIONGA FL.AY"NLNG DIVISUN A re i - i JI1 I 1 1<v! <OrIi LOUL:. ilr[DA� .rWaT3 vN� � n :,a.rt��rlc A•j yraDY� re 3.NV:LL /.1Vrv..n arc oa uvrwc eu.ae.YS!- co. rc>rr rlpvr sour veer lnuc+•_>•z ro d ac colxcr. Lary .cowl ter!➢ a3..•lraccrn Ar Arse AS o++ LAra ^•..art MtiYCDn � c.rri fA+alLA 1 Tbrx alu on urtr LcD's: tlb,�i •R-4 rAlrAli f1AJf rEVV.oCDf� i A.L R.u•1.nL ARGf 'ro ?[ +urC`a�-..� f0 rr/N .W AJ•LrM+Y. Hl <�.a'npv L2 fwtD L: 1G 3J 1'9 wr>V. .<tvnr'Y v3aY ITEM: C�-)19 PJ 2 -( 6 TITLE- f5fM EXHIBIT: SGNLE- A h O �.� A.[ tm ai�•a r �.1 J • l"r �.i.rAW 4aT O.Tr.MaO CITY OF RA\-CHI► CUCALNIONGA FL.AY"NLNG DIVISUN A re i - i JI1 I 1 1<v! <OrIi LOUL:. ilr[DA� .rWaT3 vN� � n :,a.rt��rlc A•j yraDY� re 3.NV:LL /.1Vrv..n arc oa uvrwc eu.ae.YS!- co. rc>rr rlpvr sour veer lnuc+•_>•z ro d ac colxcr. Lary .cowl ter!➢ a3..•lraccrn Ar Arse AS o++ LAra ^•..art MtiYCDn � c.rri fA+alLA 1 Tbrx alu on urtr LcD's: tlb,�i •R-4 rAlrAli f1AJf rEVV.oCDf� i A.L R.u•1.nL ARGf 'ro ?[ +urC`a�-..� f0 rr/N .W AJ•LrM+Y. Hl <�.a'npv L2 fwtD L: 1G 3J 1'9 wr>V. .<tvnr'Y v3aY ITEM: C�-)19 PJ 2 -( 6 TITLE- f5fM EXHIBIT: SGNLE- A h O PROJECT DESCRIPTION O T_. Property Description The land is 4.39+ acres of property, measuring 317.9+ feet wide.by 601.4+ feet deep, on the West side Of Archibald Avenue, nortfi of Seventh Street, south. of Eight Street. The improvements are 18,876+ square feet of building space and 51,780+ square feet of paved Parking area. Tine legal description is Exhibit "A" herein. II. Property History The facility was a public school for over forty years. It was originally constructed in 1917, and buildings were added on for a period of thirty years. The school was closed in 1958. Barbara Salyer and Simone Payne purchased the pro- perty in 1978. After completing an extensive renovation Project, they operated the Willows School until November, 1981.' Gordon A. Zwissler and Helen. T. Zwissler, local residents, purchased the property in July, 1982. III. Property Proposed Use The Zwisslers desire to convert the majoritv of the improvements ;approximately 13,232 square feet) into a garden office complex, while maintaining the currently allowable use of the 5,644 square foot rear building as a preschool /day -care facility. As the property.is situated in Sub -area 4 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, "e Permitted Uses to which the property might be out by lessees are as follows: 1) Custom Manufacturing 2) Business Supply Retail and Services 3) Business Support Services 4) Communication Services 5) Eating and Drinking Establishments 6) Medical /Health Care Services 7) Administrative Civic Services The Conditionally Permitted Uses to which the property might be put by lessees, and for which we are hereby ap- plying, are as follows: 1) Administrative and Office , 2) Financial, Insurance and Real Estate Services 3) Personal Services 4) Professional Services 0 11 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNI:' iG COF4MISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 82 -19 FOR GARDEN OFFICES AND PRESCROOL GENERALLY LOCATED AT 8968 ARCHIBALD IN TFE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE WHEREAS, on the 1st day of September, 1982, a complete application was filed by Bruce Zwissler for review of the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of October, 1982, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above - described project. follows: NO'W, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucam nga Planning Commission resolved as SECTION 1: That the following findings can be met: 1. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, and the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and 2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety. or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 3. That the proposed use will comply wit:: each of the applicable provisions of the Zonis :Jrdinance. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impact_ on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on October 13, 1982. SECTION 3: That Conditional Use Permi: No. 82-19 is approved subject to the following conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Division and conditions contained herein. 2. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable Ci 'y Ordinances. 3. Any signs proposed for this conditional use permit ® shall be designed in conformance with the Comprehensive Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of such signs. Resolution No. Page 2 4. All laws and regulations of the State Department of Social Services relating to licensing of children's day care facilities shall be complied with prior to opening of the school. 5. Fxpansior_ of the preschool beyond 134 children will require the approval of a modified Conditional Use Permit. I . Future development of the remainder of the property will require appropriate City review a-nd approval. 7. I£ the operation of this school causes adverse affects upon adjacent properties, the Conditional Use Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for their consideration and possible termination of such use. 8. Operation of the preschool and kindergarten shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and Title 19 of the State Fire Marshall's Regulations have been complied with. Plans shall be submitted to the Foothill Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The building shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. g. The parking lct shall be provided with double- striped parking spaces, and directional arrows and directional signs to the satisfaction of the City Planner. Details shall be submittec to the Planning Division to ensure safe interior circulation. 70. A revised site plan indicating the location of the preschool playground shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to occupancy. 11. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and app -oved by the Planning Division prior to occupancy. 12. Street trees, a minimum of 15- gallon size or larger shall be installed au average of every 20' along the entire Archibald Aven,_­ frontage. 13. Landscaping, including trees and shrubs shall be provided around the playground perimeter, and in the new parking lot area. E 0 Resolution ho. Page 3 ENGINTEERLAG DIVISION 14. Developer shall install drive approach to City Standards. 15. A street light shall be ir_rtalled on Archibald Avenue, locati.or to be determined by City Engineer and Southern California Edison Company. 16. The street plans for Archibald Avenue shall be revised to conform with the approved site plan. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1982. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCP.M014GA BY : Jeffrey King, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission ® I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly an� regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of October, _1982, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: 1-01- ZUSSIONERS: } NOES: COMMISSIONERS: • ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ; vim, . r 11 �J CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT a DATE: October 13, 1982 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -15 - MA.NNELLA - A request to relocate the previously approved arcade location from 5652 Carnelian to 6642 and 6646 Carnelian in the Rancho Plaza Shopping Center. BACKGROUND: On August 25, 1982, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit 82 -15 for an arcade to be located at 6652 Carnelian. The Conditions of Approval require separate public restrooms for men and women, which would require construction of a second restroom at the approved location. The attached letter from the Applicant, Joseph Mannella, requests that the existing CUP approval be transferred to two adjacent units: 6642 and 6646 Carnelian, Exhibit "F ". These two units each have a restroom; therefore, the Applicant would not have to construct a new rest - room. Copies of the August 25, 1982 Staff Report and Conditions of Approval are attached for your review and consideration. 1377 ANALYSIS: in approving CUP 82 -15, the Planning Commission made a f'ndiFg that the arcade was compatible with surrounding businesses and residences. The proposed relocation would not change the compat- ibility of the arcade. Further, the Conditions of Approval are standard conditions used for all arcades; therefore, the proposed relocation would meet the intent of the original approval, with the exceptions listed below. The new floor plan, Exhibit "E ", would increase the arcade floor area to 2,1)0 square feet (600 square feet greater than previously approved). This could result in more machines in accordance with Condition of Approval #8, which restricts the maximum number of machines by minimum spacing requirements. The Applicant intends to start with 20 .machines, as previously approved. The potential A ncrease in machines requires modii.cation to Condition of Approval #9 to address the future need for additional bicycle racks as follows: ITEM C Conditional Use Permit 82- 15 /Mannella Planning Commission Agenda October 13, 1982 Page 2 9. Two parking stalls adjacent to the arcade shall be striped and designated for "bicycle only" parking and provided with security bicycle racks to the satisfaction of the City Planner prier to occupancy. Additional bicycle racks may be required as the number of machines increases, to be determined by the City Planner FACTS FOR FINDING: The Applicant's request is not a significant change to the existing arcade approval. Therefore, the same findings F:eviously could be made that the proposed use, together with Conditions of Approval, would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity, and that the arcade is compatible with surrounding businesses and residences. CORRESPONDENCE: This project has been advertised as a public hearing and all tenants within the shopping center, as well as property owners within 300 feet have beer notified of such hearing. No correspondence, either for or against this project, has been received to date. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission review and consider a l material and input regarding this item. Resolution 82- 83A,amending Resolution of Approval 82 -83,is provided for your con- sideration. Resgectfully submitted, CK AOMEZ ty Planner DC:jr Attachments: Letter from Applicant Staff Report of August 25, 1982 Resolution 82 -83A Conditions of Approval Exhibit "E" - Proposed Floor Plan Exhibit "F" - Site Plan E �! \7 6✓e- �• "/� .6e l v, -// .YO % C�PN. T. "r ✓G %% e- _ o�77, ,oeoo.✓ 1�c�gv.�e�ne -✓T SST 61 RTi�� / %c � .s � i✓�� �v �/a a 2 ��.s.✓ x`02 GG ya �! G� yc'. �z�s oy�P�z1T •✓ C DATE: August 25, 1982 CITY OF PANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -15 - MANNELLA - The estab ?ishsent of an arcade in the C -1 zone to be located at 6652 Carnelian in the Ranchc Plaza Shopping Center. BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting approval of a 1,500 square ooh t video game arcade at 6652 Carnelian. The applicant, Joseph Mannella, is the owner /operator of the existing JJ's Arcade located on Foothill Boulevard. Attached as Exhibit "D" is a description of the proposed arcade operation. The applicant intends to start with twenty (20) machines and expand per demand. The arcade is proposed to be located in the middle of the shopping center, as shown on the Site Plan, Exhibit "B ". The site is zoned C -1 (Neighborhood Commer- cial) and contains a Bob's Big Boy Restaurant, the Boars Head, a bank, and retail /office uses. ANALYSIS: TLe recent denial of the Family Game Arcade in the Alta Loma Country Center was based upon the proposed location being contiguous to Alta Loma High School and adjacent alleyways. Primarily the �omnission in this case expressed concern with loitering and enforcement problens this close to the high school. This proposed arcade at 6652 Carnelian is approximately 1,000 feet from the Jasper Elementary School. The applicant's proposal would not allow anyone under 18 years of age in until 2:00 p.m. during school session.. However, staff recommends that the arcade be restricted to non - school hours to prohibit truancy. The arcade will occupy a unit in the middle of a retail shop building and will not be adjacent to alleyways. Attached is a memorandum from the Sheriff's Department listing their concerns and a memorandum with the staff's response. The most significant question in this case is the compatability of the proposed arcade with the surrounding businesses. There is a possibility of conflict between the Boars Head customers and arcade clientele in the parking lot areas, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. The applicant intends to provide interior seating areas, bathrooms, and vending machines to discourage outside loitering. ITEM E I] Ll E L Page 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -1C, - M NNELLA Staff Report August 25, 1982 FACTS FOR r- INDING: The major .finding the Commission is required to make prior to granting any Conditional Use Permit for an arcade is that the proposed use, together with the conditions of approval, would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to 'the property or improvements in the vicinity. In addition to this finding, the Commission is required to consider 'the criteria established by Ordinance 174, regulating arcade uses. Based upon the input and material that has been received thus far, it would appear that this use would not cause a public health nuisance or be materially injurious to property in the vicinity. The use could be compatible with the existing development with the adoption of the recommended conditions of approval. CORRESPONDENCE: This project has been advertised as a public hearing and all tenants within the shopping center, as well as property owners within 300 feet, have been notified of such hearing. In addition, the Sheriff's Department_, Fire District, and the principal of Jasper Elementary School were notified of the application for an arcade. Staff received a phone call from a nearby homeowner expressing concern that the arcade would compound the existing problems associated with the Boars Head. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider all input and material in regard to this item. A Resolution with Conditions of Approval is attached for your review and consideration. Respectfully submitted, RG: DC: kap Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location. Map Exhibit "F" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Floor Plan Exhibit "D" - Description of Project Memo from S'heriff's Department Staff Memorandum dated August 12, 1982 Resolution Conditions of Approval F El r U Q Y ti T crcrrH l i w 7 - -.7 - _ - .rTl. rn 1 ,vs ioc r `r jut .. � 3 - h cz�:D 3 1 p'I` Al s� r; I • .�4 C 9 Al _( i I 'ZS 6 Now # i � r ; 7 C. GL Till I ±� i i V- x'N l Ptl i ` CP ' J. �J e �I r 1 . - • # i � r ; 7 C. GL Till I ±� i i V- x'N l Ptl i ` CP ' Ilk. �nb�E i i lnw�� tbiiC I _ _ ' � U II ipb�` 1 \ h` 1 �1 .I V g,40 X-- :J I s j 11 E JJ'S ARCADE OPERATIOtiS qpVIDEO GAMES PAS MAO' IRON MS. PAC MAN PHOENIX DIG DUG STARGATE KANGEROO CE.NTIPED: DONKEY KONG DEFENDER TURBO TEMPEST ROBOTRON FROGGER GALA3A THE PIT POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTIONS CN ABOVE LIST. NEW GAMES AT2E MARKETED RZERYWEEK OR TWO. STORE HOURS MONDAY T v2SDAY WEDNESDA THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUXDAY LOAM — lOPM 1OAM — 1OPM ElOAH — ? OPM 1OAM — IOPM 1OAM — 3IPM 10AM — iiYM ?_ OAM — 9PH —NO ONE UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE ALLOWED IN UNTIL 2PM DURIIG SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE COKE mAcil- -NE C,)NWIJ r'T A., . *HINE SVPER71 SIOM 1 (ONE) SUPERVISOR ON DUTY AT ALL TIV S. CHANGE MACHIXE TO P?3CVIDE SUPERYISOR WITH MORE TIME FOR MORE IMPORTANT THINGS. OUTSIDE CHECK EVERY HALF HOUR AFTER DARK. BIKE PACK BIKE RACK PROVIDED TO KEEP BIKES OFF SIDEWALKS, AND TO PREVENT THLYZ. NO ONE ALLOWED INSIDE WITH THEIR BIKE ON SIDEWALK. USE OF OUR PROPsE (AT NO CHARGE) TO CALL HOME FOR RIDES ETC. NO S:K)KEING N0 LAUD CR OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE u•. JJ'S ARCADE OVER S (TWO) YEARS EXP:._''ENCE f D ) yCc r 4 �j tz r/ ` Gl1ro� c 6 yc ell G yz CITY OF FEM: C NP R.k \CFIO CUCkNIONGA rrFU: PL A NNNING DiVLgO \T EXHiF . -P�_ SCkLE= k I ER- OFFICE M EC DATE August 9, 1982 FROM 11. K. Bishman, Lieutenant PHONE Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station CITY O.F ,R' Nf,'0 C! CAP TO Dan Colman, Associate Piamner C.00 !Ur <!TY GEVEiGKI NT City of Rancho Cucamonga AUG 11 19 82 SUBJECT JJ's Arcade IL 74 i The present JJ's Arcade, which is located on Foothill Boulevard, has not been a police problem. However, a few items have been brought to my attent;'on as to the second arcade, to be located in the Rancho Plaza Shopping Center. 1. How is the adult mzr_agei of the arcade going to assure that no one =de-- 18 years of age enters the arcade prior to 2:00 p.m. during school hours? 2. there is someone under the age ei 18 in the arcade during school hours, will there be a City Ordinance that the arcade manager can be cited? 3. Will there be any conflict betceen the Boars Head customers and the arcade custcmert! due to the age differences, especially on Fric:._v and Saturday nights? 4. Where will the bike rack be located? S. Will there be any noise problem for the surroui, ding neighborhood? I you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. 'M: jec M7.000 w.. im CITY OF RANCHO CUC NTIO GA MEMORANDUM DATE: August 12, 1:82 1 TO: Lieutenant M.K_ 3ishman, -Rancho Cucamonga Sneriff's Staticn rn0i5: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner ,'I"I,, : "."TTTna :" "'' r n Tr JUUUGLI L1U_,,_N _ USE rGN'fl1 On —iJ — UV 3 nnLnJL ?hank yo +e 'or your resoonse concerning *he above - described ).Ojact. i The Planning Div4 Sion shares the concerns outlined in your nerio of August 9, 1982, and would offer the following co:rnents. I question 1: The arcade premises would be require-d to be posted. The adult supervisor wouid enforce the "under 18" limit in the f same fashion as ;aercnants selling alcoholic beverages or cigarettes - by "carding" suspected minors. in addition, staff is reccM.Mnding i that the arcade not be perr'tted in- be open during school hours. i question 2: A violation of the Conditions of ppBrcval, Section s 01.07_i of of the Zoning Ordinance causes the suspension of the CUP ap,prcval by the City. The Planning Commission may reveke the CUP ?pprovzi (and require the arcade to close) or take such action deemed necessary to correct tie violation. 1 Juesticn 3: There is a possibility of conflict between Boars j Head customer: and arcade patrons. The arcade will have interior seating areas to discourage loitering. Question. 4: Most likely, the bike racks would be placed at the edge of the sidewalk in such a manner as to not obstruct pedestrian access. An alternate arrangement to be considered is to re- stripe a parking stall in front of t':e arcade and place a bike rack in t'n, stall. I Question 5: -re arcade urist provide sound attenuation so that noise is not noticeabie_ If you should have any further con:nents or suggestions, please do not Iesitate to contact me at (714) 989 -1n51. DC: i r irl 13 i� I lei t .v G� �I ITT _ 1 ' �l t Alt— In I `JI ON wo b: y r ~9 i - j i -- /� j �►+�� J I 3i -cl 57 ?,1 i '1S SIL. P/ zl j h i , f Q �I J Ll a -i N; I i �1! I RESOLUTION NO. 82 -83A A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 82 -35 FOR AN ARCADE LOCATED AT F542 AND 6646 CARNELIAN IN THE C -1 ZONE WHEREAS, on the 25th day of August, 1982, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 82 -83, approving Conditional Use Permit No. 82 -15; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of October, 1982, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the applicants request to ci.arge the address from the original 'approval granted' by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed this request and found it necessary to modify the Conditions of Approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission that Section 2, Condition No. 9, of Planning Commission Resolution No. 82 -83 be amenrred to read as follows: 9. Two parking stalls adjacent to the Arcade shall be striped and designated for "bicycle only" parking and provided with security bicycle racks to the satisfaction of the City Planner prior to occupancy. Additional bicycle racks may be required as the number of machines increases, to be determined by the City Planner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission that all other Conditions of Approval contained in Resolution No. 82 -83 shall apply to Conditional Use Permit No. 82 -15. APPROVED AND ADOPTEd THIS 131H DAY OF OCTOBER, 1982. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Jeffrey King, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission i, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Panning Con niss4on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and zdopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Plannipg Commission held on the 13th day of October, 1982, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO. 82 -83 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COI,"1ISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMUT NO. 82 -15 FOR AN ARCADE LOCATED AT 6652 CARNELIAN IN TPE C -1 ZONE WHEREAS, on the 28th day of July, 1932, a conplete application was filed by Joseph Mannella for review of the above- described project; and WHEREAS, on the 25th day of August, 1982, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above- described project. NOU, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga P .nning Ccrmnission resolved as follows: " SECTIOP: 1: That the following findings can be met: i. That the proposed use is in accord with the =general Plan, and the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and 2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 3- chat the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION 2: That Conditional Use Permit No. 82 -15 is approved sub-ject to the following conditions: 1. Nc person under 18 years of age may enter, be or remain in any part of a game arcade after curfew. This Timitation shall be orominertly posted at the entrance of the facility, in letters not less than 1" in height, and shall be enforced by the adult supervisor. n Resoiutio Pio. 8? -8, Pace 2 2. c`he following levels of adult, 21 years of age or older, supervision shall be maintained at all times durine business hours: 1 -25 Amusement Devices - 1 Adult Supervisor 26 -50 Amusement Devices - 2 Adult Supervisors 51 Y Amusement Devices - 2 Adult Supervisors, plus 1 Uniformed Security Guard 3. Separate public restrooms for men and women must be provided within the approved building and controlled. 4. An interior .raiting area with seating facilities must be provided for patrons wishing to relax or wait for an amuse- ment device to become available. 5. Charge- :Waking or token exchange facilities shall be pro- vided for patron use inside the premises. 6. Adequate exterior lighting shall be provided for evening security adjacent to all entrances and exterior walls of the building where the games are located. All lighting shall be arranged and shielded so as to eliminate excessive glare or reflection onto adjoining Properties or businesses. 7. Access to the game area must be from the main entrance to the primary use and not from a separate exterior entranc.':!. The rear exit shall be for "Fire Exit Only ". S. Adequate interior clear space shall be provided for safe and convenient patron circulation and shall meet the followine minimum standards' a) Amusement devices shall be located no closer than 12" from any wail assembly separatinq the arcade from any adjacent building ro portion of a building. . b) Provide a minimum of 60" between amusement devices and any entrance or exit. c) I•lhere amusement devices are located alono one side of an aisle, provide a minimum unobstructed -aisle width of 66 ". U, ere amusement devices are located alone both sides of any aisle, provide a minimum unob- structed aisle width of 90 ". d) Additional interior clear space may be required by the Building Official, Fcothiil Fire District, or Sheriff's Department in order to maintain public safety. Resolution No. 8? - :33 > Page °. Two parking stalls adjacent to the arcade shall strioed and designa;.ed for "bicycle only" narking and provided with security bicycle racks to the satisfaction of the City Plannsr. They shall he instaiied prior to occupancy. 10. All signs on the exterior of the buildino or visible from the outside, Bach as window signs, shall require Planning Division approval in accordance with the Sion Ordinance. 11. No amusement device shall he used for purposes of or in connection r :ith gamKI of .ng. The i :Sniing of anything value shall constitute oambling, except the winning of a prize in a scheduled tournament. 12. No persons shall be permitted to enter, be or remain in any part of the arcade while in the possession of, con- suming, using or under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or crugs. This shall be prominently posted inside the arcade in letters not less than 1" in height and shall be enforced by the adult supervisor. 13. The walls, ceiling or floor, or any combination thereof, of the building or structure, or portion thereof, shall be insulated or otherwise constructed so that no noise or vibration that is detectable without the aid of any me- hanical device or instrument will be ,allowed to be on the outer perimeter of the arcade. 14. This aporovai shall become null and void if a Certificate of Occupancy is not issued within 18 months from the date of approval, unless an extension has been granted by the Planning Commission. This CUP shall be monitored and brought back to the Plannino Commission within six (6) months from occupancy to review compliance with all Conditions of Approval and applicable City Ordinances. Failure to comply with Conditions of Approval or applicable City Ordinances shall cause the suspension of the Conditional Use Permit and possible revocation of the Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. 15_ Aporoval of this request shall not waive compliance t,ith all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other appli- cable City Ordinances in effect at the time a Certificate of Occupancy is aranted. 16 This approval shall run with the apolicant and shall become void upon a charge of ownership or if thr business operation ceases. 11 11 L Resoiut;or ,to. 32 -23 Page 4 17. The parking lot shall be posted "No Loitering" in letters not less than i" in height on signs to the satisfaction of the City Planner and Sheriff's Department. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF AUn.UST, 1982. PLANNING C011MISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA �e rt ey ir. Chaitnan i a � ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK. LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the forego4ng Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeLinq of the Planning CormA scion held on the 25th day of August. 1982, by the following vote - to -wi t: AYES: COMMIISSIONERS: NOES: CUMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Stout, P.emeel, Clarker, !401iel, King None None E E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT 191 DATE: October 13, 1982 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -22 - FRITZ - The establishment of a 3200 square foot indoor auction service in the General Industrial category (Sutarea 4) located in the Scheu Busi- ness Center at 9155 Archibald Avenue, Suite 301 - APN 209 - 211 -21. PROJECT AND SITE DESC ^IPTION: The project site is in the Scheu Busi- ness Center located on the east side of Archibald Avenue, north of 6th Street (Exhibits "A" & "B "). The location is designated in the Industrial Specific Plan. as General Industrial, Subarea 4. The auction service is classified as a light wholesaling, storage, and distribution use with retail sales from the premises. The Applicant, Lee Fritz, intends to conduct auctions after 5:00 p.m. one or two nights during the work week and on week ends. Typical merchan- dise to to auctioned will include furniture, appliances, dishes, and other household items. Occa:.ionall,y, motorcycles or automobiles may be auctioned, but no large machinery or large equipmont w;!i be sold at this location, in addition to the previously mentioned itc-ms, auctions may be conducted for real estate sales, bankruptcy sale-,, and foreclosures. The merchandise is to be stored inside the building, with the exception of astomobiles which may be kept in the parking lot. Inspection of the items to be auctioned will generally occur prior to the start of the auction unless special arrangements have been made. No regular office hours will be conducted at the site, but delivery and pick -up of the auctioned items will occur during the day. One medium sized delivery truck will be used and three or four part -time employees will be hired. A stage or auction block will be constructed inside the building and approximately 100 folding chairs will be set up for the auctions. ITEM D Conditional Use Permit 82 -22 /Fritz Planning Commission Agenda October i3, 1982 Page 2 ANALYSIS: The major issue associated with this use is parking. Based on the square footage of the suites, ten (10) parking spaces are allocated on weekdays from 8 :00 a.m. to 5:00 o.m. Considering the number of employees and nature of the daytime activities associated witn the auction service, interruption of the surrounding businesses should not occur. After 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, significantly more parking is available. With 100 chairs provided at the auction, approximately 50 to 60 parking spaces may be required. The total number of spaces within the Scheu Industrial P,.rk is about 235. Exhibit "D" diagrams which businesses operate after 5 :00 p.m. on eeekdays and on weekends. A restuarant and two retail stores are .ocated in the building facing Archibald Avenue. °atrons to those businesses park in the front parking lot, therefore conflict with the auction should not occur. Tnree other businesses operate after 5:00 p.m. and on weekends, but their total parking demand ranges from four to ten narking spaces and no parking conflicts are anticipated. One concern to staff is zhe 5:00 p.m. starting time because insnection of the merchandise will occur before the beginning of the auction. To off -set any potential parking problems or traffic co:.gestion, a Condi- Lion of Approval has been provided to establish a 6:00 p.m. starting time. Conditions of Approval are also provided to assure that group assembly will not take place until the necessary building and fire code requirements have been met. ACTS FOR FINDING: The project is consistent with the General Plan, and the Industrial Specific Plan. The proposed use, together with the recom- mended Conditions of Approval would not be detrimental to the public welfare, safety or environment. CORRESPONDENCE: A public hearing was advertised in The Daily Reoort newspaper and 7bur notices were sent to surrounding property owners within. 300 feet of the subject site. In addition, public hearing notices were delivered to each business in the industrial park. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against this project. Ll Conditional Use Permit 82 -22 /Fritz Planning Commission Agenda October 22, 1582 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider all inpi!t and material relative to this proiect_ A Resolution of Approval with Conditions is provided for your review and consideration. lly submitted, 1CK GOMEZ ity Planner :CJ:jr Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" -Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Letter From Applicant Exhibit "D" - Business Survey Resolution of Approval with Conditions S hew Bib -e. erw 9155 Archibald Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA SIP dip VIEW FROM NORTH CITY OF RANCHO CUCANIONGA, PLANNING DIVL90N' ITEM I: :-'.V.V. �52- zz TITLE: Lr,<A_ n na-j �t�p E\HIPAT: A SCALE:_- 2 7th SL Lj Site Jrr I �J 6th CITY OF RANCHO CUCANIONGA, PLANNING DIVL90N' ITEM I: :-'.V.V. �52- zz TITLE: Lr,<A_ n na-j �t�p E\HIPAT: A SCALE:_- 2 u San Bernardino Fixy. 0 -10) CITY OF RANCHO CUCANIONGA, PLANNING DIVL90N' ITEM I: :-'.V.V. �52- zz TITLE: Lr,<A_ n na-j �t�p E\HIPAT: A SCALE:_- 2 E r s 0 SCHEU gl DUSTR1AL PANIC CITY OF RAINCHO CUCA IO \GA PLANING DIVISIQ`: m Building 200 5.120 sq. ft. 16,400 sq. M 2.880 q' suit" 48, I�1TI 1TTI�f ITE \I: T FU: SITc "Y+ 7t i EXHIBIT: ;GALE: �J NORTH 11 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 13, 1982 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner Bit: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-81-09 (TEN ign 11805) - ALLEN - A total planned aevelopment or ib condominium units on 11.03 acres of land in the R -3 and R -1 zones located at the northwest corner of Highland and Haven Avenues - APN 201- 262 -28, 30, 31, 27, 40. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: The Applicant is requesting approval of a planned development consisting of two (2) tentative tract maps in the R -1 and R -3 zones (R -3 /PD pending), located at the northwest corner of Highland and Haven Avenues (Exhibit "A "). The property presently contains several structures which will be removed and existing mature vegetation which will be preserved wherever possible. Other than these structures, the project site is vacant with a 5% to 6% slope from north to south, as shown on the Natural Features Map (Exhibit "I "). The project site is bounded on the .vest by an existing single family tract and on the north by the Garden Apartments complex. ANALYSIS: The project has been reviewed by the Design Review, Growth Management, and Grading Committees. All the issues and concerns of thesa committees are reflected on the attached tentative tract map (Exhibit "B "), development plans, and recommended Conditions of Approval. The project will be bisected by Alta Loma Avenue. Alta Loma Avenue will be a temporary cul -de -sac until it can be connected to the existing Alta Loma Avenue. Alta Loma Avenue will function as a frontage road when the Twoothill Freeway is completed. The Applicant has worked with the Garden Apartments Homeowners' Association to redesign the Haven Avenue entrance to the Garden Apartments. The proposed Site Plan would elminate the existing access road from Alta Loma Avenue. The Grading Plan, Exhibit "G ", has been designed to maintain the natural contours as much as possible and to provide appropriate drainage structures to accept and divert water. The buildings have been designed with staggered pad elevations to further minimize the need for extensive grading. ITEM F C C CUCAMONG,A AUCTION SERVICE 8033 Spinet Ave. Cucamonga, CA. 91730 TO: City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Rd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 ATTN: Dan Coleman — Planning Dept. Dear Sir: •• 14 Sept. 82 Submitted herewiih for your evaluation and action are the documents which I feel will fill the requiremenrs for the issuance of a "Conditional Use Permi*�" to allow the Cuca- monoa Auction Service Company to perform part of its services in the City of Rancho Cucamonga at the Scheu Business Center, 9155 Archibald Avenue. Type of Business /Service: AUCTION SERVICZ Selling of general merchandise submitted from consignors or lot purchases. Occasional auction of motorcycles /automobiles. (No large machinery or large equipment will be sold at this !ocation.) Additional Auction Services will be available to the community to include Commercial Liquidations, Estate Sales, Bankruptcy Sales and Foreclosures. Where: Scheu Business Center, 9155 Archibald Ave., S•iite 301 Rancho Cucamonga, CA. 91730 When: Auctions to be conducted after 5:00 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. Saturday and Sunday auctions may be conducted after 9:00 a.m. How: Most items to be sold to the public by the auction method of selling. This is not a swap meet, garage sale or flea market type of operation. Sincerely, Lee E. Fritz Proprietor /Auctioneer EUiIBIT- .r ~ SCALE- - -- 11 11 Ll E ^J .J 3 r r n. ii iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiilnmiimii!iimin E BUSINESSES WITHIN THE SCHEU INDUSTRIAL PARK WHICH OPERATE AFTER 5:00 P.M. ON WEEK DAYS AND ^N WEEK ENDS. LOCATION TYPE OF BUSINESS HOURS A RETAIL SALES - SPORTS EQUIPMENT 10 -6,M -F 10 -7,SAT B RESTAURANT 10 -6,M -F 10 -5,SAT C FETAIL SALES - ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 8 -7,M -F 10 -6,SAT D COMMUNICATION SER1'ICES /RADIO REPAIR 8- 5:30,M -F 1 -2 EMPLOYEES SAT,OCCASIONALLY E LIGHT MANUFACTORING 8- 5:30,M -SAT 3 EMPLOYEES F LIGHT MANUFACTORING 7 -7,M -F 1 -5 EMPLOYEES SAT,OCCASIONALLY CITY OF R.,-VNCHO CUC XICINGA PLANNING DIVMN dTE \1_ c. V. .L 22— TFLE: �sL`��i t-IEe-_4--, r2/E-r- E.XHIMT= ALE. a4 -TS- NOUN J 0 RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONUA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL_ USE PERMIT NO. 82 -22 FOR THE CUCAMONGA AUCTION SERVICE LOCATED AT 9155 ARCHIBALD AVENUE, SUITE 301 IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY (SUBAREA 4) ZONE WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of September, 1982, a complete application was filed by Lee E. Fritz for review of the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of October, 1982, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above- described project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as follows: SECTION 1: That the following findings can be met: 1. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, and the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and 2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the puolic health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION 2- That Conditional Use Permit No. 82 -23 is approved subject to the following conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. No auction shall be conducted prior to 6.00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2. From 8:90 a.m. to 5:UO p.m., Monday through Friday, business hours of the Scheu Industrial Park, operation of the subject business shall not require the use of more than 10 parking spaces. 3. Operation of the auction service must not cause any adverse ef-:ects upon surrounding businesses. Should any problems arise, this Conditional Use permit will be brought back to the Commission for reconsideration and possible revocation of said permit. Resolution No. Page 2 4. No outdoor storage of materials or equipment is permitted. 5. Public assembly shall not occur until such time as all Uniform Building Code and Title 19 of the State Fire Marshall's Regulations have been complied with. 6. Separate public restrooms for men and women must be provided within the subject suite. 7. Any sign advertising for the subject business must comply with the approved Uniform Sign Program for the Scheu Industrial Park and the City of Rancho Cucamonga Sign Ordinance. No temporary freestanding or monument signs are permitted. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1982. PLANNING COh4MISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Jeffrey King, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of October, 1982, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMIMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ►_J CITY OF RANUi0 CUCAMANTGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 13, 1982 E TO: Members of the Planning Commission E u FROM. Rick Gomez, City Planner 1977 BY: Michael Vairin, Senior Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10088 - NICOSIA A residential subdivision of 82 acres into 131 single family lots in the R- 1- 20,000 zone, generally located at the north- east corner of rchih -ald and rarrari CYrect _ Apm 2�V11- n71 -14� 37 and 45. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: Thc- proposal is a residential subdivision to be built either as a custom jot development or a tract development. The project site is located at the north end of Archibald Avenue, on the east side between Carrari and Almond. The site totals 82 gross acres and is proposed to contain 131 lots, which when developed will provide 1.6 dwelling units per gross acre. The project site is presently vacant of existing structures. The grade slopes to the south at approximately a 12 percent grade with two drainage courses tr:insversing the site. The site is covered with chapparal, brush, and weeds. The site is presently zoned R -1- 20,000 which permits one dwelling unit on a lot not less than 20,000 square feet in area. Surrounding zoning consists of predominantly R- 1- 20,000 with some one acre zoning. Surrounding land uses are single family residential development on half acre or greater size lots. The General Plan for the project site, as well as for the surrounding area, is residential at a density of less than two dwelling units per gross acre. ANALYSIS: The applicant has been working with the Planning and Engineer- ing staffs to maintain as much of the existing character and topography as possible. Drainage, access, and street design have been the critical points in the design of this subdivision. A complete hydrology study has been prepared for this tract and has indicated the need for drainage im- provements in order to adequately drain the project site as well as pro- tect the site from flood damage. The east boundary of the tract borders the Alta Loma Channel and a significant portion of the project site is proposed to utilize that channel for its major drainage course. The de- veloper has agreed to participate in the Alta Loma Channel Assessment District and will be submitting a letter of credit. The areas of the tract which drain into the channel cannot be built until the drainage improvements are installed. Also, the hydrology study revealed the need for flood protection of this site from water coming from the north. This has been accommodated through the provision of an on -site debris basin and underground drainage facilities. The Final design and size of the debris basin will be dependent upon final hydrological data. One street is proposed as a stub street to the south in which the developer will be required to obtain a drainage easement from the south property owner prior to recordation of the final map. ITE ?d E October 13, 1932 E. A. and Tentative Tract 10088 - Nicosia Page Two The major access point to the subdivision will be from Archibald Avenue. A secondary means of access will be provided from Hermosa Avenue. Almond Street, which comes from Hermosa Avenue, is currently unimproved. The subdivider will be required to provide improvements from the project boundary to Hermosa Avenue which would consist of a minimum of 40 feet of right -of -way and a 26 -foot paved access route. Internal access and a street design has been developed in accordance with Engineering standards. In addition to ve`:icslar zccess, equestrian access was a major consider- ation in the design of the project. The Trail Committee has reviewed this project in detail and has provided the input for the design of the present system which proposes a community trail through the southern portion of the project and a community trail along Archibald Avenue. In addition, interior local equestrian feeder trails on individual properties have been provided in accordance with the City Equestrian Trail Standards. At the recommendation of the Trail Committee. a Condition has been recommended which would add one additional local trail across the northern portion of Lot 49 and between the boundaries of Lot 49 -50, in order to provide adequate access to the Archibald Avenue community trail for lots in the nor-:h portion of the subdivision. Final trail plans indicating landscap- ing details, fencing details, step - overs, and trail entry statements, will be required prior to recordation of the map and will be installed as part of the street improvements. The interior street pattern and lot pattern, was developed after numerous meetings with the Design Review Committee and the applicant in order to develop the sense of a custom lot subdivision with variable lot shapes and sizes as well as meandering streets. The Design Review Committee is recom- mending approval of this street design and lot pattern. The applicant has provided details relative to the creation of a community appearance which is shown on the attached exhibits for landscaping and streetscape appear- ance. These guidelines have been incorporated into the Conditions of Ap- proval for proper implementation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW- The Initial Study has been prepared for this pro- ject and Conditions of Approval have been placed on the project to ccver potential impacts that could have been created through improper grading and drainage improvements. Additionally, Conditions of Approval require a final geological report prepared by a qualified engineer to determine building setback lines to any potential active fault traces, if any. A portion of this site at the northern end is located within the earthquake fault zone and would require a minimum 50 -foot setback to a wood frame structure for human occupancy. This study would have to be completed and submitted to the City for review and approval prior to final approval and recordation of the final map. Based upon the Conditions of Appv-:: 1 and Initial Study conducted, it is recommended that a Negative Declaration be issued for this project. 2 October 13, 1982 E. A. and Tentative Page Three Tract 10088 - Nicosia FACTS FOR FINDING: The project site as designed is consistent with the adopted Genera Plan., Zoning Ordinance and City Subdivision, Ordinance. The project has successfully completed the Growth Management rating pro- cess and appropriate Conditions of Approval for the project have been provided in order to protect the public safety and environment. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices have been mailed to property owners within 300 €not of 4Fo r-;hjcI­t cite_ Tn addition, a public hearing nnticn has been printed in the Daily Report newspaper. Staff has received several verbal communications from surrounding residents regarding the details of the project. Mest appear to be concerned with the general design of the prc•- ject and the functions regarding drainage, access, and street improvements. Staff has also posted notices of public hearing around the project site. We have been notified that some of the property owners in the area will be meeting with the developer on October b, 1982. This meeting is intended to answer detailed questions and hopefully resolve any concerns. Staf. wail prepa!Fe an addendum to this report to inform the Commission on the outcome of this meeting and any additional changes or reca4mendations. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider all input and elements of the project. I €, after such consideration, the Commission can support the facts for finding and recommended Conditions of Approval, then adoption of the attaLned Resolution would be approoriate. Ru:MV: 3k fAttachments Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Exhibit "B" -- Tract Map Exhibit "C" - Conceptual Grading Exhibit "D" - Conceptual Grading Exhibit "E" - Conceptual Grading Exhibit "F" - Conceptual Grading Exhibit "G" - Trail and Design Details Exhibit "H" - Conceptual landscaping Part I - Initial Study Resolution kith Conditions i'. �.'` �,A trA fw ' 1 � t y 1 � u I'.. 2/. f.• I� .Il � t� �,i �. � I � � � uI�J )J.r•~ • •�J '1 I } �d ti• .., � 1^ t n!_ I f � fi F :. � 1. �r i t v � i, � �. f S f �'rn I �. r aY� � I i. \ r'; i. A�� Z ,, 1 � 4 !Z 4�. t1 P '� ". � jl � t �l-1 f 1' � i'. 2/. i'. L`J E 01- 0-1,41vu 10 111' � j�` 0 �i T 1 Egg t e t tt� o ;! ge e, uj a :93011�111�1 i � }® N Ilin tL- I r �a t a R it i W fAi NVH � ,t�a _ I I 1311i � awl V 1�yy�s (qi i yI3 W1. u L 0 E Q W } Im co oz;.. O F O i 'a:uS F + N C�Z�3�i t z� �<3 1 1 +_ �� I L L• _� LL• .� In NO i ems, N 30 BdVOSCNV-e 4 �..� ' • iii! !T(i S S a� s S �I ,I a IM Ii t- 1k 1' 1 1 1 I I �i i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET — To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: X80.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this fora. ;lust be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prep Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will mace one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Z-Mact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further infor_ation concerning the proposed project_ r APPLICAN'T'S NAME, ADDRESS, TEI PHONE: Nicosia, Webb, and _&Uttar, =it --i_ry Tcvctin Alanlla" Cta 17n1 Cant ❑ d —ra g270" IZAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONr. OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Michael Doty /Gary iv'ezos 18012 Sky Park Circle, Irvine, CA 92714 (714) 641 -8820 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AN? ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) Archibald Avenue LIST OTHER PERitiIITS NECESSARY FRC)M LOCAL, REGIONP.L, STATE An FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: SEW-- J9d'Ar a R0rm-;t end Water Qvialitg Cnntrol nnarri El L11 PROJECT DESCRIPM -lo . DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The p;•ojuct is intended to be a quality, custom home subdivision amployinc substantially less graoing and so; movement than comparable developments. ACREAGE OF AROjECT AR—EA yrT SQUARE z )CTAGE OF EXISTING LSSVL PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: 82i acres. There are no existing buildings. This is a custom lot subdivision and therefore propose building cpuare footage will be determined at a later date. DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONZ =71rAL SETTING OF TT_-M PROJECT SITE INCLiJDING INFO Ri•iATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLAT +TS ;TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCEN_TC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE D%SCRIPTION OF AL--?' EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH \ECESSARY SHEETS): drainage courses exist on the property. 727 The site is covered by low chaparral brush and weeds. 3. Wildlife on the site is indigenous to the area consisting mostiv of rodents and reptiies . C Fxic ing residential subdivisions are located to the south and west. To the north there exist some large lot single family homes. To the east there is an ex;st;ng natural drainage channel ana an existing LucalyptUS Tcres 5. No structures exist on the site Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series of cunulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant enviror_mental impact= No I- 2 WILL THIS PROJECT- YES 230 X 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration.. X 3_ Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc_). X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5- Remove any existing trees! How many? 3 V_ 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flaxmnabies or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: Street alignment will .._�_ .L.. ...... 11.1 nf three existing small Eucalyptus trees. IMpORTAN� *_,: If the project involves the construction. Of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFIC.BTION: i hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exlUbits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the bast of my knowledge and belief. i further understand tba t additional information may be required to be submitted Development before an adequate evallation can be made by the Review Cor=nittee. (� Date Ju'v 2 19$2 _ signature ` Title Executi a Vice President _ T__3 PFSIDB *1TIAT- CONSTRUCTION The following information should he provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planninc Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the schcel district to acco:nnodate tha proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Nicosia, Webb, and Sutter - TR 10088 Specific Location of Project: Area east of Archibald Avenue and north of Car•rari St. i• 1. Nunb3_ of single family units: r'.. Nun"- -er of nultiple a; faniiy u. ^_its: 3. Date ar000sed to begin ccr.str,:ction: 4. Earliest date el- 0 C C= a. ^ c^ ti Moen! and = of Tentative S. Bed_oo-s Price Rance Nct available i PHASE I PZ ?ASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 37 47 46 — 0 0 0 Early to mid 1983 Mi d 1983 TO ,M.L 130 0 RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 10088 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 10088, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Nicosia, Webb and Sutter, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San 8er:ardirio, State of California, described as 82 acres of land located generally on he northeast corner of Archibald and Carrari Street and being divided into 131 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for public hearing and action on October 13, 1982; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to e�ntative Tract No. 10088 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design, of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is net likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the ® property within the proposed subdivision. Resolution No. Page 2 (g) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 10088, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. This approval shall Tentative Tract Map within twenty -four unless an extensio n Commission. become null and void, if the is not approved and recorded (24) months of this approval, is granted by the Planning 2. Front yard setback lines shall be recorded on cul- de -sac and knuckle lots in accordance with Zoning Ordinance width requirements. 3. Reveiw and approval of dwelling units by the City shall use the °streetscape° guidelines developed by the applicant in order to create interest and variety to the community appearance. 4. The Community Trail along Archibald shall not be greater than twenty (20) feet in width as measured from the ultimate curb location. 5. The landscape accents shown on the conceptual landscape plan shall be installed and bonded for with the street improvements. 6. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer to determine if there are any active fault traces within the vicinity of the project site. If traces are found, then all dwellings for human habitation shall be setback fifty (50) feet from the fault trace. This report shall be conducted, and reviewed and approved by the City prior to approval of the final map. 7. A local interior feeder trail shall be provided along the north boundary at lot 49 and between lot 49 and 50. ENGINEERING DIVISION 8. The developer shall be required to install concrete drainage structures along Alta Loma Channel from its northerly debris basin to the proposed channel at I-] 11 u Resolution No. Page 3 Wilson Avenue and along the watercourse from the terminus of the proposed storm drain within tae tract betr.dary to Alta Loma Channel. The cost of these stormdrainage systems shall be credited against the stormdrainage fee for the project and a reimbursement agreement per City Ordinance 75 will be executed to cover the contributions which exceed the fee amount. 9. The above condition shall be waived when and if an Assessment Distri%�t is formed to conl)lete the installation of an improved channel. 10. All offsite drainage easements as shown on the Tentative Map shall be recorded concurrent with or prior to recordation of the map. 11. The debris basin, diversion levee /channel and flood protectior wails as shown on the Tentative Map shall be redesigned to the satisfaction of the City Enoineer. 12. If the ultimate design of the proposed north /south ® storm drain from the debris basin requires an open channel, the width of easement shall be modified to accommodate it. 13. All onsite stormdrainage systems shall be designed per City's standard specification with an added requirement that velocity -depth product of runoff on the street shall not exceed 6. 14. A minimum of 26 -feet wide pavement within 40 -foot dedicated right -of -way shall be constructed on Almond Avenue from the tract boundary to Hermosa Avenue. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1962. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Jeffrey King, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission E Resolution No. Page 4 I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning COM- ission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adapted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of October, 1982, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: El 11 0 11 J i H 0 0 r � O V 6 O W O O r W V. O \' I e • - N » r• Y L e q � N L N O 90 O7 v G L n ` ✓o c L 4u.n rr rLS 'i CGZ�q u 0 C✓ W 'V Q l C e l ✓ � e C' O V V 9 g C� V L u Y E L� co Pig ^NE V n > L � G V ^✓ C 4 .°i 9 N n C i r � '. 2 i' G r q q A V r Y r d q O e ✓ G r __ O_ _ ✓ C V q r_ LI r d P C d T ✓ nQ q✓ O y q G L d V C C _ O C ✓ F C J N L .� T i _ V l O O L L V z e q O\ �` q VL`.N a » CN +6 do ,JC IOV GiG �� ✓ V V � g r O d ry Pt; •- L d C CE � V .-- 6 4 .n V O C V d G N C ✓ L u ' N L L N� J C Tu v 6 � P O C P JL ✓� > oM _ y eN —NOq c aL '.T qc— qd q L O e » y e o L q C O H. ✓ r L v T V O C ! Y d O C q C N •T. O n _d V d y G N L ✓^ � e N yN_ e V L q e 6 Y V N d O. n✓ W lF _ V E 4 y u f. N V e 4 O ^ N a y O d V C✓ L_ u V A r ` C. T V L P V O r .^ r >� _ C '- O w O w a r r V S � � e^ ✓ V a n q i. V r ` L N A C C 9 � r✓ e O. V 6 N W� � T q 4 L L{ l 4 O enaz lo. d o - N w c P cJi L. c o G•q' '° E ` = n q i � L J V V r � C N C✓ P O e r q O L G q - N� N C O r C C y �✓ G V .V TJ eC d d C V d C rdr O G V V C nc VyG ✓olz a e A r V v _ V i �� q T O e A A ✓ O ✓ C q q d r_ J oV1 O O a �� 2 O r c T n d S L 6 d n L O+ q E . S q A O V l P L O N d L u q y L 3 L r ✓ r` r u y= N V t o v rq o c oo c r✓ u ve wa°i d �.°.. '.^ n �u yo G V N 6 Q q 08 d l i N Y �. ✓ D L r d N T H �� t� � i V L .G. q }J .r �1 .,On r O •y `1 "I ! I i NI � y �► � � "i �� t 6� + C r = b r ✓ a n A 0 V I P C L E u q y r u 9 c i ! C C y P» a c c-) r N C O V P J e a d r P s L rl NI O V C e _ e N° T 'aG YC 0✓ � V r V C O✓ d L L Y P V V —w SL s o O 4 .9 r Nd cVe P� Sy 6L �O� Tyr � r-J YL _O V 6Y n N u b N N y q` V�r rJ ✓. O q y e e v 6L. �° 6V �N Ab ✓G OL � P yNG r r = P o C. 'T E« •L.r L V N y Py •' V r. w C i C q d O L A L r O C 0. '. G q > r0i y N a L V A 7 n d O T A C __ w .� J 1 q� y q V q ` C r d .T•i E z r y yp« G`•�" �N�r '^ GYLL . - vd v c`t c .r.- Lm ^cam vP �L.N• =cP L).. dPO chi u °ce n^ _ r O y rz N J V E N C C T V e N ' C l O e d T .i G ✓ G J N V C A 4 e q N N n O P O O CO G q r V C✓ G u V O u S ^J y N O 6 L L q V Y V� O= b` _ r L w > C eL. a' 1 cpe ia� d p G V � `„i E e° S y O r I p b✓ c� .- � G c c' ._ Gp ° Cr O L CAL 7r COL l LE C Cq ^ O _C C p _'C �.° U Cu Nd LVgq .L.. OL✓'V,-O T�n�n C G Lr.1v O r q L l ✓ L C^ Iy y y r N u G •S� x P u O q� O p p 4° a r... S C °L. G'4> ° -\. N V � ^� C � C� G n > t L 1 L x' V L �✓ i L. 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P C'. r y e q r •L'f 7 'J � .e ' L V J � � C�� •O L• u � � O � g O O C C V U y. C � ti C � C4 V C q nuNi cG0 O VcV qVU n9 E _ '_q'- q 3C' ^ L C L n V U n V ' 9 L = O 4 .✓ N � d L n C L r O C y q x .� ✓ 6 S ✓ t_ O w q N L p. i V �' 6 f N° V {t = r V w y O N O n C U V �+r r b ._ 6. ^ gdgP � vK n.^ur ^W •.p Or T?Cr n U q M n q 4 V S. p `p n L= G y V O N .p'^ .� y C y C C _V ^ C ` x P ` x V ✓ p ^ r J v_ ^ == V} q r C L M ^ _ L .—•-. > O C P V L F S E r < O u C N ( C 4 r V n u r C O Q C U T Vx_V µ _ rl LC40 GC yr CCi qL � NON q0 L...i✓ ON L GO q P > _V >� _T •- C4 Yd.`.P .ENO .-O °� Jn� grrP OC cv 4 72 C.fgv d C •'• P tC. V v _ n is O r P C� V C� S N r r T l: J y O \' V .^ y C C� T� = M V J >c.� � mac` -: °. n b r` p.N. � v A _ gL �c +c� c e L•n Ly v \� L E ^ - „ nC � 6G uWyP��O NSLJ.`✓Yi <w o. GC <C�'�0 -nwF �OU c =c - C > u Q r i t V � O O r r ✓ L ` •0 3 t .. &n .`n9 rOa° —'E nn... °G 8 � nS -VU � O n•� J Vr S= �dwL Gn qVL O'q T r L ��q 6 P uuL t Cq �9N l4 � `P OSLO J r O �- 4 rwC o �. 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W � r` :` G I � r ` N L _ ✓ d 4 ✓ w � V n •NnL b� _.0 ° r .-°„ ... �a L Wovq �i o= nc cb 7.5 .^ p C M t d ZE.°. .LD . `v q Jr V No c JL d iv `¢ �d a.�qo pr�u N L rvoy 1I L 1 I r p C �+ p V -° _ _ W _ P �• _ u .Lip ° G P r •� q y� 3 L C L N L f 9 �i u S l d V• N O Y d U_ •� s V P r O/ W_ C u - Y N C cG' L2 a -•• J +_ L C. r O''•L' V� r+� 9L `Q V-_ - - � I L Y9O CV'� ^L 6 =G9 sL N °ter ° br r ` IVy _ - V P d -t %c -- 04 u� ca` Cc. c- I`LL I _A>. q: A' u�`.M �� rq• -`LL 6 V r 6 q 6 C W 2 ' I V 4! u •I[ L V- I W —• I p L w V N i� L �. u r n_ y V u •-.s C 7 i L'] /1 v 7 A DS _ EE 1 3 C N a ;%��r A a p y "c v` — 1. - �v CNn� n?— dV 4 � O Nb1 V LL O•o_ Y L�� V 1 =0 v Iu_ u0uu 6S O�� T W�.�S J•v e 40_ T _ — O C ���= O I^ n °u Q�i Gui• CGUc nri c J of .o °_i° •yOd Q•GY'n =t E `'�_p �o L �cN C 6u A 0 u O p u = L I u v. U u •r = u n v L"V[Y CC CI G _ � Y�OS —° rPV �_ ��'d L•�9�n LO p C� C�u AI O � V Y „O CuP _COL e 'c•nc� —n.� - `-aiGn L` C� '.J`Ym cd c'p� � S t .= +ti L C V •� T_I u C O C T O y u n P n n O n✓ Lr.OG I I puC LC cCc 3 Lqt i V a Y L'] 11 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: October 13, 1982 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner Bit: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-81-09 (TEN ign 11805) - ALLEN - A total planned aevelopment or ib condominium units on 11.03 acres of land in the R -3 and R -1 zones located at the northwest corner of Highland and Haven Avenues - APN 201- 262 -28, 30, 31, 27, 40. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: The Applicant is requesting approval of a planned development consisting of two (2) tentative tract maps in the R -1 and R -3 zones (R -3 /PD pending), located at the northwest corner of Highland and Haven Avenues (Exhibit "A "). The property presently contains several structures which will be removed and existing mature vegetation which will be preserved wherever possible. Other than these structures, the project site is vacant with a 5% to 6% slope from north to south, as shown on the Natural Features Map (Exhibit "I "). The project site is bounded on the .vest by an existing single family tract and on the north by the Garden Apartments complex. ANALYSIS: The project has been reviewed by the Design Review, Growth Management, and Grading Committees. All the issues and concerns of thesa committees are reflected on the attached tentative tract map (Exhibit "B "), development plans, and recommended Conditions of Approval. The project will be bisected by Alta Loma Avenue. Alta Loma Avenue will be a temporary cul -de -sac until it can be connected to the existing Alta Loma Avenue. Alta Loma Avenue will function as a frontage road when the Twoothill Freeway is completed. The Applicant has worked with the Garden Apartments Homeowners' Association to redesign the Haven Avenue entrance to the Garden Apartments. The proposed Site Plan would elminate the existing access road from Alta Loma Avenue. The Grading Plan, Exhibit "G ", has been designed to maintain the natural contours as much as possible and to provide appropriate drainage structures to accept and divert water. The buildings have been designed with staggered pad elevations to further minimize the need for extensive grading. ITEM F DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE: The Committee has worked with the (applicant in resolving concerns relative to the Site Plan, recreational space, and architectural elevations. The Committee was concerned with the Applicant's original proposal, which indicated future construction on Phase III which lies within proposed Foothill Freeway right -of -way. the Applicant has agreed not to propose construction for this partion. The proposed Tentative Tract Map 11305 will make this n^ ,,ti ^.n . a s°^ °rate lot to facilitate purchase by the State for freeway right-of-way purposes. Therefore, the Design Review Committee recommends approval of this project. ENVIRMYENTAL REVIEW: Part I of the Initial Study, as completed by the Applicant, is attached for your review. Staff has completed Part iI of the in,tial Study and found that the pro ;cat will not have a significant effect on the environment. Therefo:e; staff recommends issuance •f a Negative Declaration. FACTS FOR FINDING: The subdivision maps have been prepared ir accordance with City standards and policies, and the project site is suitable for the proposed subdivision. The project design is consistent with the General Plan and Zc::ing Ordinance requirements. CORRESPONDENCE: A notice of public hearing was published in The Daily Report newspaper and approximately 41 public hearing notices were sent to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. Attached is a letter of conceptual approval from the Garden Apartments Homeowners' Association Board of Directors. No further ccrrespondence has been received either for or against this project. REMO --i_'"');.TION: It is recoffmsrre„ that the Flanning Commission conduct a publi; hearing to consid..r ;hlic input and elements of this project. If after such consideration the Comnission ccncurs with the findings and Conditions of Approval, the adoption of the attached P.esolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Resiectfully jWbmitted, RICK �`ty RG:Di t !dEZ anner El PD 81- 09 /TTS 11804 & 11805 Planning Commission Agenda October 13, 1982 is Page 3 Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map and Phasing Pian Exhibit "B" - Subdivison Maps Exhibit "C" - Detailed Site Plan Exhibit "D" - Conceptual Landscape Exhibit "E" - Elevations Exhibit "F" - floor Plans Exhibit "G" - Conceptual Grading Plan Exhibit "H" - Haven Avenue Streetscape Exhibit "I" - Natural Features Map Initial Study, Part I Letter from Garden Apartments Hu.eowners' Association Resolution of Approval with Conditions 11 HIGHLAND AND A�AV 2--,:�i GARDEN ONDOMINIUMVE' - -.7) i L. -m k...,.m .}...� -t R , Eai E CITY OF RANCHO I Lur CUCANION-GA PLANNING DIVISION I Leval PMM 2 I -.,, .J.101 iT < 7 1 Z ]411 i L ti I ITE\ I: Trru Li V. A -1 El 1=11 EXHIBIT: ja SCALE- "-� CIS OF RANCHO ITE\ is C UCA'LVIO`NGA TITLE: PLANNING, DIVLSKYN EXHIBIT. S .. t-40 - fL5TM6 EG.ETiYT.. m ..- --- , - - - --- [: iM" V V NORTH is W wO� •N. v �l l +A..I If1FWYVry r -w�I U-�a� phew Tl / \ 'f.•1 •__ a • ♦^lfip.Mtq � �1 � It 1 ro cr r.c.rn. Y E K T� yT beta �••� .. ^ .. 6 . �! rW ( -C 1 O �R i `/ _ �w(v �o-b ..e+, „ti �r,sKi„t �- I (..wD a Y�[.M ✓1.� 9K'e '4�C.J'O �'rd_` �'.�.0 1 � M (lY .W •11,.x. plisse lC • �• •v- •b'aY!iYtO.06• Sca, Ar.Y - _.. ,y a.uC O'.' -. � ' •' � K4 •G. -.01�N tl 4u/ � �•.Y� �K _ �,n9,'.+. NFL yQ). .f ±uNp ,.o.,:0 + ♦2 • .�. ~• ~ �.�'v: -T�V9 �,. •w••u rcw r >•� ate. +C� � � \ �' 1 'il b,a c��♦.ti p — io ..... ^ V V _ _ / NIGN[.AND '{� b,'.leL ... {.' LSf �Q T wMf4 T.MtiM'O rv. YR•..�:1. CITY OF RANCHO CUG NNIOO'GA PLA1i �V I \G DIVED11 V ��'�V( P.ORM ITEM wr l •qo+ it TITLE AILAD ISM ft� EYMBIT- C SGLE- ft • F4 s j ^ -V Ca w X LOST � wo •+w tees v �+..p� 12Q: r�wr , .-cam •i��{ �qr� 1M41Y a awl •gym. aawr Wes!. r-t w�nww low •�M+' -u e�..oae ...ea.� WGY�+�....s. Vgfp M4a�34•r.+ `wr�b tiR w•�yy P 4 b: EESE:w 0 J �'� - - r a a o .ice. s O� CITY O� R'CIO CL'CANIO\CA PL -XNN, li-\c D - %rb -10,I i MW -rt,v/h'i' SIce 8LP_V'' -'Lti A Sin_ tceAs .e.o. dL4�4H(�i 9 A4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAINIONTGA PLANNING DIVE DEN T ..- - W-51 I.. - , _ _ .e.o. dL4�4H(�i 9 A4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAINIONTGA PLANNING DIVE DEN or ILA= 4�—Zwar ;Ll ol Ncpr%r1 it ff:) 11 2121OURINO IE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAN-IONGA PLANNING DINrISIO .N I ITEM: TITLE- EXHIBIT: 3CALE- C �! NORTH A 1.1 n 11 I� !�!°1J 1020 i w Ir,ti - . wy 00 .rwV I �_�I� eft 1 � �Mt• I SIR. I 1325 " —� CITY OF RALINCM CUCAi /10 \'GA PLANNING DiNrb9 QN �R F w rw + ww.'sw W A' -22 1100" o °22 1270" w mw• wp �q PTEM— TITLE. EXHIBIT: SCALE= mommomm NORTH 1 C l CITY OF R IN''CHO CUCNXIO\GA PLANNING DIXI N 0 LEGEND M- ❑ NORTH ITF -'%: TITLE EYIiIGIT:_ SCALE: '�1° 11 E E li CU�uV lri�JEFU ��vG i1lrlll�i'llV i.,d•••�• •" "°"° "� CITE' OF RANCHO :--- notZ A -A CUCNXIO�GA PLANNING DIVISION C� NORTH r - j fly RANCHO CUCANIONGA PLANNING EX IMT =_'.`SCALE: r, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ® INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT IHMP14ATION SHEET — To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $90.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and teke action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental `nzpac: Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report s::ould be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning 4) the proposed project.- PROJECT TITLE: Highland & Haven Garden Condominiums APPLICAN'T'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: The Allen yevelopment Cozipany. (Peter B. Allen, General Partner) P.O. Box 630. Sun Valley. Idaho 83353 (208) 726- 3317__ NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCER''ING THIS PROJECT: _ Alan SnapR ArchiteCt 47(,0 MarQrrilim B1yd_ Ne art Beach rA 714 833 -3560 92660 IDCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NJ.) N_W_ corner (11 acres) - Highland and Haven Avenues _ LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIOti -AL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGrNCI^S AND TELF AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Possiblg coordination with CALTP.ANS re: freeway to south and ® or re- ali.Med Highland frontage road - Y -1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION • . s- -. _�• . •emu. •-- s _•. • - ACREAGE OF PRC,'ECT AREA AIM SQUARE MOTAG£ OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: -Proiecr Sr;-Ft./existing d e "o t d b - s - 2000 Sq Fr /new deve1Q=_ r , usi_ldi ngnrea - 96 000 Sg,. Ft .+ DESCRIBE THE ENVIROMIENPAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING T_NFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SFiEE'TS) : She dominant feature to the north is the existing Garden Aparr- ment complex. which -is hidden under a dense forest of Euca- 1 yetis and nnni -Vre trees corne of c+lhi c1 ArP on the proposed develn enr will of cn.,rco be, left Major views are _® obviously Mt Ba dk to the north And form-,l tree c r ens and field.^+ to the east and so-ath A mA in-e trPP r.QW divides phase 1V and II (spa site plan). The site sloggsgently to the south and orov -des good na n- l sheet drainage toward Hiti1iland. Only natural arnscesaare precPnr on the s1te ^s well as the sparse zenairns of a former friir or(,hard A new housing tract is located to the w c whoc- ;ni,PSrionabla aethetics are no com- Rlement ro any new development on the subiect site No sie n,finanr animal life or extraordinary natural forms are in evidence_ Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series - of cumulative actions, which althouch individually small, may as a whole have significant envirrmnental impact? The nEU pro osal will attempt to tie strongly with the existing .Garden AyartmPn c thereby(, Pa ing_a conSistant "who', " whieb, aesthetically will have more impact than either part. The positive result of such a compatablity of landscape and form will be a benefit to the entire community. • WSLL THIS PROLCT: YES M X_ 1. Create a substantial change %n ground contours? x cxeate a substantial change in existing_ noise or vibratinna * _ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)! _X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? 5: Remove any existing trees? How many? 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, fiammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: *Q11 services will need to he increased to some extent but existing aRgroved is co-mmercial projects have already caused an anticipation of and planning for that demand prior to this submittal, to the city. The project is compatable with the General Plan, IMPORTANT: if the project involves :he construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnishec above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the Development Review Committee. Date__12j31/8G Signature ® an Snapp, AFchitoft Title gpnrps riing A11pn Development Company Z - -3 I RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUC'PION The following information should be provided to the City ox Rancho Cucamong. Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the .. school district to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.:A_I n D v 'o +ent mm�a Specific Location of Pro]ect:N W rnrnar 11 arro T.7igi�� s and f of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ra.^-are 2 - Be --nom "Stacked" - S?; .000 (lst floor) —L--a— room "Stacke3" - S3��p0 (2nd floor) 3 - Redroom Townhouse = S100.000 (2 -story emit) t T -4 PEASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL t• Number of single family units: :. NLmber of multiple family units: _ ZQ - _ -2 — 'C ;. Date proposed to begin construction: Earliest date of�j/��� occupancy: /LS Model # ' and f of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ra.^-are 2 - Be --nom "Stacked" - S?; .000 (lst floor) —L--a— room "Stacke3" - S3��p0 (2nd floor) 3 - Redroom Townhouse = S100.000 (2 -story emit) t T -4 El 11 THE GARDEN APARTMENTS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 6300 HAVEN AVENU� AL7A LCMA, CA. 91701 i; 1t) D(•;,.r Vr, 111Vr­* Original Poor Quality i-": of 111'. :;t- o f r"cl", r� of 1.1if- :.1:.'t. T llnir= A;iy t of I !it, pro-1.1-1 i,• to th- - T% r r f Y z, ;V - i :it ­!) r o. % I -)T'in 1 1'! t i ct,ri, of t!:(• r z 1 1 f or I I v I .11hj(­1 tit o%­itli-jj .n:l I r.-I .:jjjj III(- A,(,.­i;% t. i (in.. Thp llo% !-,! f :r 'I i re (- t )-,­ 1-.4 no I r­1 4,Y -­i ;� -, !* ; n*t 1 ; k ­. I . T: . ­tj. ® RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 3F THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 11804 AND 11805 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Maps Pao. 11804 and 11805 hereinafter "Map" submitted by Peter B. Allen, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a subdivision for a total planned development of 75 condominium units on 11.03 acres of land in the R -1 ad R -3 zones (R -3 /PD pending), located at the northwest corner of Highland and Haven Avenues, into 3 lots, regularly cans before the Planning Commission for public hearing and action on October 13, 1982; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engireering and Planning Division's reports and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as foliows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following -Findings in regard to entative Tract No's. 11804 and i�805 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with all a; :•livable interim and proposed general and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is c�j-.s'stent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the ten.ative tract wil: not conflict ® with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. Resolution No. Page 2 (g) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 11804 and 11805, a copy of which is attached hereto. is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION I. Elevations of all sides of all buildings and garages shall be provided in the final construction drawings and reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee prior to issuance of building permits. 2. Temporary street tree landscaping shall be provided along Highland and indicated on the detailed landscape plans. 3. Trees shall be planted between garage doors. 4. This approval shall become null and void if the final subdivision map is not approved and recorded within twenty -four (24) months from the approval of this project unless an extension has been granted by the Planning Commission. 5. Directory signs shall be pro�,ided at the project entries to the satisfaction of the City Planner, and appropriate sign permits shall be obtained. 6. Details and typical elevations of walls and fences shall be included in the final construction package. 7. The meandering sidewalk on Haven Avenue shall be redesigned to conform to City standards. ENGINEERING DIVISION S. The entire Alta Loma Avenue street improvements shall be instailed with the first phase of construction to the west property line. 9. The sidewalk along Alta Loma Avenue shall be adjacent �o the property line. 10. Emergency access to Highland Avenue shall be provided with first phase of construction. Resolution No. Page 3 11. A reimbursement agreement_ for the construction of the east half of the Haven Avenue median island shall be executed per City Ordinance No. 170. 12. Installations of a stormdrain pipe system from the westend of Alta Loma avenue to the existing drainage pipe in Highland Avenue including all catch basins shall be required to the satisfaction, of the city Engineer. 13. A lot line aujustment with the property to the north shall be recorded concurrent with or prior to recordation of the tract map. 14. Access control shall be required along Haven Avenue except at the extension of Alta Loma Avenue. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1982. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Jeffrey King, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City o' Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing ' esolution was duly and regularly intro&ced, gassed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of October, 1982, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 6 v M � � • p C N i.Pr O ` G L p L J a L n J 4 O 4 O A C p T O T y> S! n V E d > Fr V w C p n g M O A u n J u n _ CC 2 d L � � •C j W L a b ^J P y u II w O L C S C �� Nu vo m NGr 4 vn c c IC�dYn _• [ c: mG' u O p nr VL d AsL d _LL Yi dam°_ n= .VC qE d` _rL L JW FCY OL V9p_Or Mu Lr� i`VG CV N� V C w C V v V A I u zz L rc OJ u rd yiV d >1O pAU �� y�_`VC�>� 6 L r G .r r A q O C d — b V O C r r u A _ w O r n r q n V ."• O N n C N O N Q M W V 2 r S W J l L g 4 d? l V d C C y p `i a F: L V L' ij r Y � o r 6 O J `o .T a S a O G O 4 r r V � r G 4 T O C S O C 9 V i 9 1 V 4 g r.r r V Q 4C Lu 49^ VC C4 G „P C _V `` t G d 4 6 � r9 J tV CO E CM ,Ot �� CJ� NLC] r0 _d 9 L9G u =S r�` NT OV � ACC r` aCi LOY Jr -Z Sc ��♦ � rP �C y Aj rA0 � r9 `, <= m ira _c _ d. uu � °� Jd �oe � c rp __ SEE v• V p � S 0 O C uu uV C d lw PF O` Lc._. r w ^A O G]Li° r LC r 5 CA ]y NA^ pV Ld L Va O`L C4 rr0 N °� 9 �_� II N9u ° L_ e.c.” u 6VL °w ina ~ Ld. 7 O C d L O n q O r a C O n r L Y C L O.r O 4^ L _ V' CG I QVJ <ClN t P _ V` C N �a v _ - I � �« �„°. i _ °' _ .L.• L� LtL, .`. je+ip i J v_c-4�`' u V .Li J O iM r qq _••C Nq Y � lV C �yry -_ -'O N rC0 4. i p wr. O Ny � O -]�.y� 4a EJ VV CE7u LL'U (N J p ° � i d C C i j q 9 N N w y+ a ]• L q _ 4 C • t v r � q r yr L •Li '� v a Z f o w N d ` V, o y L o 02 L' C u .Or• � r 9 o i � L Ov 0 s o =» C � 'q^' I 10 Ldn a o' aui .V.• c• r c E °�� w =� •_p6 L N b V � �cE ✓_> + Iu .Ur• '� a � ^r NUL+U ♦.�� .+ ` „� v�' o P dl� o °gt V 4O V OC' 'W fj PN 9�,r QV aL 4 Y dL6 P � d L 9V �r� P O ly GCa NLO C u_ LI � qV -N° ✓� � u TC Uy.uuOJ OC V�9 OdC ° -u V_ �JJI _ _ O Vr L q q ZN• q .•. C 1 N 2 C c + O q d L 7E V F O G N I r C car ° -E-`+. o,yn E OP cr ^I a v V+°, ORD C V OI � �• O T T ^�1 y u Cp U D C C C 9 !J 2 2, r V O V C N r ' E.•Gi N✓. T.'r pa- OI G`sc VVd �4 NLV a�V rO�dO• N CVC_G L_o.. 14 ci c N Py q u w L - o + c L. g E u T r a• r i o ` C� •.. .°. oa nN° r -` tiL' NO= ._� ^o'do yL- _ �• V N y` S .n 6 'O 6 C r E r r .. C C L t O l C E V L> O 2 C L`p/ O d V .<. A V .4.. C •n T a°i q 6 r` O �� v = c u •• V O .°i . O '...T. � .•�. M SV -_J y•L _r fi qN C .. `�O �9 a V9N q +il - t 9 L u ry .6 lyV L UO -o'r> P�� VgCOpV C.Li O-� OL .w V� q C NV LO DNY C+9 `_' V O• q r�E�•LT ”' 4-.O L_' E q V y u r V r = ¢• O „ V 7- V- r E { CO o r t f E c c � �.0 °cP �� �o .90. •.`� �:: a `dd�c- . <°ccrc a•`i `� �i d 9G V q N C6 G. V u Or °6i y��` C•ri�C ` CO r.0`09VL J= pq� Cc L Oq + ✓ v_ PC` V L M N G d P C� ° Y.+ ✓� �• v Gu LLyy` La r__V U.E GrOgj zi 9y+ 9C _ c a_ ?O� M 0 ° 9V 6LS.r 1M OP�V�OG �Z °u G_O L9N N V.rOi 'Z .iO NOU CV = MqO V + O ON 4 9 ^G(a,•V qjL CV^ ViP •CiF d +_CLS^9O =� ��` Vi '1 Vim.` M _N yL • >-pr -JP NLLU G9 .] E =LO -`.aN NO C Ur�C -ON C�L La -p2 Y.dN r N � °� P4CG 91 rrL _ q V V OL9 V _ C r J`i NS^ Cam- � PdC � 9 �- LV 1 6{ •'<'� .n` T.0 G' C C_ L O I L � N a O -� C C .4. P 2 N -' i ... $ d •C ' V .n pT N C O T.` ! L_ r 9 ._ L N V ° � V V r d r N N d _ V d .. ` O✓ i G . C O L L L L C 6 B -4 iz 2�wr c �- Fn'v�L -`.uYL E�� c� �.°.• Gi'CE �y E.5 V L < Y O L .C. I � O < V b V 0 4 WaN o•- C V - u o t ✓ d O � u A O q V V L ` 6 - 9 C V A U � N PN � V r LEO i -q T� N F ^O 6VyV r O z `r q q V GC<A G' Gi NI y v N e ZN ✓ 1 I V 1 V I � J Lu O L N q V Y pc I P u � •.' � C u - V.°.r L O C -✓ - v W m °- f � EO W b A m�pS � u r ✓ J^ 9= W i�� Q n C� L P O 4 G a OC a L C N O _ S qE V T- - ✓ _ U N W _ r� 6 ._ LUI�M =VZV= �G� '.r E q � O Y. r U ✓ V R Gq•+ N L acv d _ f N GMJ• �• 4 u V yV, O Y O� O V P C � C L O L P' L L C ^ V L n> •r• T L i •+ G WI d L` GGc Oyu G O I V rJ b ✓ v0 N C T G` C C P r- a V i T A j ✓ r - -� 1vI O J C r y V N� C� N y == i c+o ° =L •'. p �N ucu � � -W'� - :'o: L NO V _il �' LZ M ✓o -c 4q� ✓ uc `o. 7� cc_> Cb✓• 144 °'.4� = °N U < - L p O ✓ LC C O 4 V` q O C r O_ v C T s� m+ _P W C q V [r ✓ y l✓ A b` L P N - •_ cam:. V i cLL -�'NOC =c%2u r CbP rOn -NJ Y Y rC V�L � V�� �pT y L r L�G�� y•na CrO =n VGA ^ ✓ 4 .qr y 045 � A L 0-2 quo J°• l�� V_ 4NN = L _ •O U `. O O L .V.r b C q N.r l C V q V G 4 LOi q V^ O' L L 4 •J W S L v q q � C C c L CO'_ V m N oC o f j c <u o,°J cr °✓ 27 r yG JOC mob' a'r -•r qL �J r `NC G CGr OC`-- 46G _ w4 p,d= GL A q.r q A U 4`gOrWir 4 r l .bi V O L O r Nca aN c. M� '� coo °ir° n� ✓�- ni- �"'�°4 A. l r C l L 6 q y V W w C S C q °- A C IN qG` a0 O O✓ •rqV LJ •rr, L W q � 'O C N- 0� � U V` L O r d _ C_ q u V bd CCi- L_ L NCp L r O C J L L 4 O G v P.r L p �.• V l V L n yG N n Mq_C � �C✓ L(V� yG Y.VC rN�r✓ LC- ✓ c -- _' •_ N ✓W. W O✓ Y` O N C^ -� c u Lr,rqr, N cJ .. are O q O 0„V y cA -^ V 6- .° .. b C N O d Gy ✓ Q r m✓ L TJ r'i T ✓� 6Ar � V V ' V P >j 6i wN.4r• P O d c d E �. P- V Y L r L p u •Oi• by Gq Uq �u2 ✓ r bJw Yfb�q COa d ✓OV °v r�PL urr0 r L� Q.'n O tCV NC C -GOd N O E IPU .A y✓ N <•' q..Tr L+qr uL° .'�.✓. L'$o � quo .".N� cm� �o,T C °.`. L, .a.�b ��O � .d =od .NN Pc as N`o o� "' •^ �Ay N PVC` C__. 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N. ✓ O C C: r � I� W � I � P N G L C. � C L w n r >� V N L V N �fz NV G4 VO. ✓V CO C'YN ^.Up aN Vy cV G wGV Cr' w✓ V I � � h L_W Vp `w_ ALL W C C'�<Pn Z V r L N 6 'J V x V V✓ E C O E —� -1 p N L Q C o _V 4 r J N r N _ L CL V 1 � I C LMV NL�Ga. .n 00� N` �lN \I NI I ! a V C L7 ° v � 7C a8 _° S° _� o cc c t -cc rj F° N- S� T_ N C= ^ C .N.r S V z u « O 4 r n O° •� � T° T° °V• 4V =1vrO ._... �4T 9 r_ Y V ^I .� VN dY Pn�O i O v q 6 O 66 T C' Sz .�Lc b ` 2 l L7 0 RESOLUTION NO. t A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 81 -09 REQUESTING A CHANGE IN THE ZONING FROM R -1 AND R -3 TO R -3 /PD FOR 11.03 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AND HAVEN AVENUES - APN 201 - 262 -28, 30, 31,37 & 40 I.ILIED E/lf "= � Fit �_ ^.., Cr. � - 151 Iay Of uuly, 1982, an application was filed and accepted on the elove- described project; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of October, 1982, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 55854 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the following ink' dig : 1. That the subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed zone in terms of access, size, and compatibility with existing land use in the surrounding area. 2. That the proposed Zone Change would not have significant impact on the environment nor the surrounding properties. 3. That the proposed Zone Change is in confOTmance with the General P3an. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this project wil not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends to City Council the issuance of a Negative Declaration on October 13, 1982. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: I. That pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of tha California Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 13th day of October, 1982, Planned Development No. 81 -09. 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends thE* the City Council approve and adopt Planned Development No. 81 -09. ® 3. That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. Resolution No. Page 2 4• All Conditions Tract No's of Approval applicable to Tentative . 11804 and 11805 shall apply to minis Planned DeveloPment. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1982, PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM0,V6A BY: Jeffrey E ;ing, Chairman ATTEST- - Sec —rem y of the Planning Commission I. JACK Lich, Secretary of the Planning Cucamonga, do hereby certify COrui;ission of regularly introduced y that the foregoing Resolution tionC ways Of and C ity of Rancho Cucamonga, passed, ' and adopted by the Planning and the on the 13th day of Octbr, 1982e3btar meeting of the Planning Commission held y the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 0 11 "I T110 TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANI CHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 13, 1982 Members of the Planning Commission Rick Gomez, City Planner Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner USE PERMIT temporary use OT L,SJJ building for a church category (Subarea 3), Drive, Suites A, B and 82 -23 - CHURCH OF CHRIST - The square feet in an in ustrial facility in the General Industrial located at 9581 Business Center C - APN 2.09- 021 -40. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: The applicant, Alta Loma Church of Christ, has requested review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to operate an interim church facility for 24 to 30 months in the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park at 9531 Business Center Drive (Exhibits "A" & "B "). The church as a congregation of approximately forty -one people and will occupy three suites which total 2,555 square feet. Services would be held on Sunday mornings and evenings, and on Thursday evenings. No regular office hours are scheduled. A letter from a church Elder explaining the church activities is shown on Exhibit "C ". The site is designated in the Industrial Specific Plan as General Industrial. Church related uses are allowed subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. ANALYSIS: The main issue relative to church uses in industrial zones is parking availability. Approximately seven (7) spaces are assigned to the subject suites during nurmal working hours. After 6 p.m. on weekdays and an weekends, approximately fifty -seven (57) spaces become available. Exhibit "D" indicates the businesses which currently operate in the building the church wishes to occupy and their hours of operation. The Planning Commission has previously approved three similar church applications within the Cucamonga Business Park. Exhibit "E" diagrams the location and number of parking spaces designated for each of the churches. ho overlaocinq of the designated spaces occur. The property manager has indicated that the church uses have worked out well over the past year and a half. ITEti G CUP 32 -23 /Church of Christ Planning Commission Agenda October 13, 1982 Page 2 F "JS FOR FINDING: Group meetings and activities will take place on evenings ana ::ekends when ample parking is available. The proposed use, together with the recommended Conditions of Approval would not be detrimental to the public safety or environment. CORRESPONDENCE: A public hearing notice was advertised in The Daily Report newspaper and public heari,io notices were mailed to property owners within 300' of the subject property. In addition, all surrounding businesses were notified of the church application. To date, no corres- pondence has been received either for or against this project. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the Planning Commission review and consider all input and material relative to this project. A Resolution of Approval with Conditions is provided for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, Rt CK /GOMEZ City Planner RG:CJ:jr i Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Zxhibit "C" - Letter from Church Exhibit "D" - Surrounding Businesses Exhibit "E" - Designated Parking Area Resolution 9 27 a -I � 27 i IiOfh Ers R _ ROUF� Q 1 r Iw r. '� ror.t .L• 6 � -• � � Pry ! 3 `la IG A -FiU5M1E8ENF — — 4 OfiivE ® par. r.� v s Q. 1. ,_fps ---► PIQ ® PIQ trot K tsr.c.a i Q- i SuFy —S� P =—S —P G) aauc all t arc rn 1 _ V V NORTH CITY OF ITE:11: G -V --P SZ —ZS RA\CFIO CUC.ALI'IO\'GN TITLE: LQ- Rie al M V ` PLANNING DIVISION EXHIfiTT: A" SCALE: N-L"S . ,Y.z- � 1{ 1 1 i� lI!I:I_ i D, ARROW Jlllllllllil IIII!IIiilil llilllilllllj i !iIII11.i1L1LlL� 111RIIIiillif lllllil.11i:11! 11.111 ;i �1111iEili!II ' ! >J I1ltilll llllllifilii11111111ii11111 b t i 1 I C. r 0 1 111111111ilfTTiTi37T11 � CT1711 Lam, stt• •s .. 11 IF •.� —a -li ,li.iJ f� � I 1 .•fill 'U i!iP iI PTTTTI " ^�` '�1Sll!!Illll!!!Illlilllil lilllfiili!!i) gIIII (1!l1iLLli! _' �111!i11uJ� t I+ I •I �, � 1 C,� � illllllillL•illliTTi t, 3_- I � Ll� L t LCI ! 1.i LlliiSlL'1,� WQ I I ­ 1: - Iii!Iillillii1110 11111111111111111IIH CUCAMONGA BUSINESS PARK a J Q m i V Q Q 111 The areas marker: indicate 57 parking spaces, the majority of which ;would available to weekends . Alta Loma Church of Christ on evenings and fis CITY OF RANCHO CUCANIUNG.A, PL.MN;NNG DIVISION i� iOR H ITEXI= G.U.P eZ -Z3 _ i�XHLIBI •S, SCALE: —S:T- A6'torga Churoh of Chric� V. 0. $es 848, glha Loma, C?A 91741. September 21, 1982 Mr. Curt Johnston City of Rancho Cucamonga A.O. Sox 793 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Dear Mr. Johnston: The Alta Lorna Church of Christ has chosen 9581 Business Center Drive as the interim location for our church. We have indicated interim Iodation because the church presently owns a parcel of land on she west side of Hellman Avenue below 19th Street on which we anticipate building our permanent church in approximately 24 to 30 months so that we regard this facility as a stepping stone to our new church building. Our current congregation consists of 21 families with a membership of 41 people. Church services will be Sunday mornings from 14:00 to 12:00 and there will be a meeting Sunday evening from 5:00 to 5:00. We plan a Thursday evening meeting from 7:30 to 3:30. There will be r.j regular scheduled office hours. We have evaluated this location in terms of our needs and since our times of use are at times other than normal business hours, we feel there is more than adequate parking for our needs without causing any problems for our neighbors. There do not appear to be any time overlaps that would cause problems far the surrounding offices, nor for us. The space we have chosen is currently unimproved and improvements will consist of a dropped ceiling through -out the facility, one, possibly two permanent partitions, the necessary electrical and lighting, heating and air conditioning ana a small food service area that will have a sink, refrigerator, possibly a stove or microwave even for light food preparation. We have anticipated the panic hardware and emergency exit lights required and we will be happy to meet whatever other conditions may be required. We appreciate the City of Rancho Cucamonga's cooperation. Thank you very much, Don L. Ki ng Elder Alta Loma Church of Christ iTENI: 6Z -23 TCiL£: t.e7'f9V— 1=1WA eAft=44 DLK,4nbk l •• £ \HIi3I'i': G SGaLE: ab ScAle TYPE OF USE .ND HOURS OF OPEPATION OF EACH ADJACENT OCCUPANT IN BUILDING 12 LJ SUITE A,B,C ALTA LO_MA CHURCH OF CHRIST (Proposed Facilitv) SUITE D VACANT SUITE E TOM DAVIS ASSOCIATES Architectural Offices 8 :00 - 5:30 Monday - Friday SUITE F CARL KARCHE� c✓,. r,., r L� 1 ✓1111 S-S Administrative Offices 8:00 - 5 :30 Monday - Friday SUITE G ASSOCIATED DETAILING Architectural Drafting Services 8:00 - 5:00 Monday - Friday SUITE H GOLDEN STATE APPRAISAL Real Estats Appraisal Service 8 :00 - 5:J0 Monday - Friday SUITE J LOGIC EXTENSION RESOURCES Cor.:p- -,.ter Software Syste*zs 8:00 - 5:00 Monday - Fridav CITY V� ]( RANCHO CUCAVlO`TGA PLANNI \G DW SIQO`T EXHIBIT- - 2- LI 11 iI f':il:la I�II!IIII:!t. JII I I i II II !I �i 1 L;1 I B iJ • • • • . I I I ! Ll{ {{{ \�I I• r I� 1 1 1 � �� CUCAMONGA SUS;NIESS PARK lrrr.'r;, Fir.l , .: titiL!l!dljlu— _ _ L 1L1�I IiLn 1: r » I I nlnn:unvnr�Irin Hfi�lll l:l l!I'IPI P.�!!I!;'1' DESIGNATED PARKING FOR ALL CHURCHS WITHIN THE CUCAMONGA, BUSINESS PARK A GALA FELLOIWSHIP ....................92 s FOURSQUARE GOSPEL CHURCH ........... 70 `i LIGHTHOUSE MINLSTRIES ..............95 D CHURCH OF CHIRST ...................57 I 1 I J I i J �I 1 1 I I f CITY OF ITEM= 4g_-.V--p sz -z3 R A iNCI-IO CL...CAjN10N'GA TITLE: y&c; a*M rArxjt44. Ayr es PLANNING DIVLSION E_XHIRT:.£. SCALE: 9.7f.S_ 0 RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE R41iCH0 CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSIO`, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 82 -23 FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST LOCATED AT 9581 BUSINESS CENTER GRIPE, SUITES A. B. & C IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY (SUBAREA 3) ZONE WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of September, 1982, a complete application was filed by Alta Loma Church of Christ for Tevin-W of tt%a above- described project; and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of October, 1982, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above- described project. follows: NOW, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as SECTION 1: That the foilor,`ng Findings can be met: I. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improve -nen:s in the vicinity; and 2. That the prcfosed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zonira Ordinance. SECTION 2: ;'hat Conditional Use Permit No. 82 -23 is appr%,.ad subject to the following conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. This use shall be permitted at this location for three (3) years from the date of approval - 2. Group meeting may occur only on weekends and after 6:00 p.m. on weeknights. 3. No church activities will be permitted which exceed the available parking or cause adverse effects upon surrounding businesses. Should any p- oblems arise, this Conditional Use Permit shall be brought back to the Commission for reconsideration. 4. Public assembly or other large group meetings shall not occur until such time as ail Uniform Building Code and Title 19 of the State Fire Marshall's Regulations have been complied wits. Resolution No. Page 2 5. Preschools or schools are not allowed by this Permit; however-, this shall not preclude nurseries or Sunday Schocl. APPROVED AND ADOFTED THIS 13TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1982. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Jeffrey King, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 13th day of October, 1982, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSICNERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: E 11 CITY OF RANCHO CliCAMONGA MEMORANDUM City Planner DEVELOP. ENT CODE 4s an update to both the Plar Xg cUIL- aGion and City Council, the Planning Division staff will be d_rafti:,g the Developmeni, Cede text and graphics over the next few weeks. During the last month, staff has spent a considerable amount of time developing the final outline /format and researching the various secticns of the Development Code. Upon completion of the rough draft, we will assemble and edit the first generation draft sometime in early November. 1 will keep both the Council and Commission informed of our progress during the next several weeks. Should you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at any time.