HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014/09/02 - Agenda Packet - Special/Regular city of • 0• 10500 Civic Center Drive 4 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3801 City Office: (909) 477-2700 AGENDAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETINGS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 232014 REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 4 7:00 P.M. ORDER OF BUSINESS SPECIAL CLOSED SESSION Tapia Conference Room 5:00 P.M. Call to Order Public Communications Conduct of Closed Session City Manager Announcements SPECIAL MEETINGS Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS MAYOR L. Dennis Michael MAYOR PRO TEM Sam Spagnolo COUNCIL MEMBERS William Alexander Marc Steinorth Diane Williams • O r) _ .ti j 1r, CITY MANAGER John R. Gillison i ^ CITY ATTORNEY James L. Markman • CITY CLERK Janice C. Reynolds INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC ''' ..• o alCAMONGA TO ADDRESS THE FIRE BOARD, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND CITY COUNCIL The Fire Board, Public Financing Authority,Successor Agency and City Council encourage free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the Agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others,the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Fire Board, Public Financing Authority, Successor Agency and City Council by filling out a speaker card and submitting it to the City Clerk. The speaker cards are located on the wall at the back of the Chambers, at the front desk behind the staff table and at the City Clerk's desk. If as part of your presentation, you would like to display visual material, please see the City Clerk before the meeting commences.Any handouts for the Fire Board, Public Financing Authority, Successor Agency or City Council should be given to the City Clerk for distribution. During "Public Communications,"your name will be called to speak on any item listed on the agenda in the order in which it was received.The"Public Communications"period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other "Public Communications"which have not concluded during this one-hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. If you are present to speak on an"Advertised Public Hearing"or on an"Administrative Hearing" Item(s),your name will be called when that item is being discussed, in the order in which it was received. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair,depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. AGENDA BACK-UP MATERIALS Staff reports and back-up materials for agenda items are available for review at the City Clerk's counter, the City's Public Library(-ies) and on the City's website. A complete copy of the agenda is also available at the desk located behind the staff table during the Council meeting. LIVE BROADCAST Fire Board, Public Financing Authority, Successor Agency and City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 3 for those with cable television access. Meetings are rebroadcast on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The City has added the option for customers without cable access to view the meetings"on-demand"from their computers. The added feature of"Streaming Video On Demand"is available on the City's website at www.cityofrc.us/cityhall/council/videos.aspfor those with Hi-bandwidth (DSL/Cable Modem) or Low-bandwidth (Dial-up) Internet service. The Fire Board,Public Financing Authority,Successor Agency and City Council meet regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board,Public Financing Authority,Successor Agency and City Council. Copies of the agendas and minutes can be found @ www.cityofrc.us If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, ••• . PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, 1 .•' SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND N. <<, ,�.U�,MorGA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 A. 5:00 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER - TAPIA CONFERENCE ROOM IF Al. Roll Call: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo Council Members Alexander, Steinorth and Williams CLOSED SESSION CALLED TO ORDER AS THE CITY COUNCIL. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) IC. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) D. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION - TAPIA CONFERENCE ROOM I D1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR ROBERT NEIUBER AND LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. - CITY D2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GC § 54956.8 REGARDING REAL PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS SAN BERNARDINO TAX ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 0225-12-204 AND 0225-13-120. NEGOTIATING PARTIES: WALT STICKNEY, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER AND KIRSTEN R. BOWMAN, ESQ. AND JEFFREY A. WYNN, MANAGER AND BRYAN OTAKE, ESQ. FOR METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA(MWDSC). UNDER NEGOTIATION: PRICE AND TERMS. - CITY D3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 12400 ARROW ROUTE (APN 0229-021-60-0000); NEGOTIATING PARTIES JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER AND JEFF BLOOM, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER AND OMNITRANS; REGARDING PRICE AND TERMS. — CITY D4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 REGARDING REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 8846 SAN BERNARDINO ROAD AND 7948 VINEYARD AVENUE, NORTH SIDE OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD, WEST OF VINEYARD, IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL NUMBERS 0207- 101-48 AND 0207-091-56, 57; NEGOTIATING PARTIES MIKE COSTELLO, FIRE CHIEF AND PAMELA PANE MANAGEMENT ANALYST II ON BEHALF OF THE DISTRICT AND HOME&LAND, LLC; REGARDING NOTICE OF CLOSE OF ESCROW AND ACCEPTANCE OF PROPERTY. - CITY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, . •• • PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, 2 • ' SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND MA4,()alCAMONLA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS (NO DISCUSSION OR ACTION WILL OCCUR) F. RECESS I CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE SPECIAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS THE SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL WILL BE CALLED TO ORDER. IT IS THE INTENT TO CONCLUDE THE MEETINGS BY 10:00 P.M., UNLESS EXTENDED BY CONCURRENCE OF THE FIRE BOARD, AUTHORITY BOARD AND COUNCIL. G1. Pledge of Allegiance G2. Roll Call: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo Council Members Alexander, Steinorth and Williams IH. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS H1. Recognition of former Fire Chief Mike Bell upon his retirement. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority Board and City Council on any item listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority Board and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Fire Board, Authority Board or City Council not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, .1#14 PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, 3 •,:•• SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND �nfc�a,«CCic�uc, n CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 The public communications period will not exceed one h ou r prio r to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be heard, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council Member for discussion. J. CONSENT CALENDAR - FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT J1. Approval of Minutes: August 20, 2014 (Regular Meeting) J2. Approval of Check Register dated August 13, 2014 through August 26, 2014 for the total of 1 $564,717.40. J3. Approval to declare surplus City owned miscellaneous vehicles, and equipment, office 11 equipment, and computer equipment as surplus. K. CONSENT CALENDAR - SUCCESSOR AGENCY K1. Approval of Minutes: August 20, 2014 (Regular Meeting) K2. Adopt the attached Resolution approving the Purchase and Sale Agreement with LDC 24 Cougar, LLC and Church Haven, LLC for the sale of the Base Line Road & Day Creek Boulevard Property and forward to the Oversight Board for Approval. RESOLUTION NO. 14-164 27 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGARDING THE CONDITIONAL CONVEYANCE TO LDC COUGAR, LLC AND CHURCH HAVEN, LLC OF PROPERTY PURSUANT TO THE APPROVED AMENDED LONG- RANGE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN L. CONSENT CALENDAR - PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY L1. Approval of Minutes: August 20, 2014 (Regular Meeting) FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, 4 SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND C.C, ,oNw CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 ICALENDAR - CITY COUNCIL M1. Approval of Minutes: August 20, 2014 (Regular Meeting) M2. Approval of Check Register dated August 13, 2014 through August 26, 2014 for the total of 94 $6,248,492.64. M3. Approval to declare surplus City owned miscellaneous vehicles and equipment, office 104 equipment, and computer equipment as surplus. M4. Approval of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, 117 adopting the Measure "I" Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Improvement Plan Expenditure Strategy for Measure "I" funds covering Fiscal Years 2014/2019. RESOLUTION NO. 14-161 118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE MEASURE "I" FIVE- YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COVERING FISCAL YEARS 2014/2019 AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN EXPENDITURE STRATEGY FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF MEASURE "I" FUNDS. M5. Approval of Joint Use Agreement and Right of Entry Agreement for acquisition of real 121 property identified as San Bernardino Tax Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 0225-12-204 and 0225-13-120 with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWDSC) and certification of addendum to final Environmental Impact Report certified December 11, 2011 as part of Wilson Avenue Extension and Rehabilitation Project, and to approve an appropriation of $118,400 to Account No. 11243035650/1515124-0 from Transportation Fund balance. M6. Approval of Master Plan Transportation Facility Reimbursement Agreement, SRA-60, in 124 conjunction with the development of Tract 17651, located on the south side of Banyan Street east of East Avenue, submitted by K. Hovnanian at Andalusia, LLC, and approval to appropriate $84,154.65 from Transportation Fund Balance to Account No. 1124303- 5650/1026124-0. RESOLUTION NO. 14-162 126 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MASTER PLAN TRANSPORTATION FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BANYAN STREET AND GOLDEN LOCK PLACE FOR TRACT 17651, SRA-60 M7. Accept the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation—Overlay of Various 127 Streets project, Contract No. 14-072 as complete, release the bonds, accept a maintenance bond,authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of $390,919.32. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, rt: PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, 5 ;'•-' SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND ■:Z COCAMUNLA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 14-163 130 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION—OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 14-072, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK M8. Approval of an agreement between the City and San Bernardino County Flood Control 131 District for a study of the San Sevaine Basin for the proposed Youngs Canyon Road extension and approval of an appropriation in the amount of $75,000 to Account No. 18132035650/1601813-0 from Assessment District 88-2 Fund Balance. • M9. Approve an appropriation of $481,000 to Account No. 11243035650/1515124-0 from 143 Transportation Fund balance for a 5-year monitoring strategy to study the small mammal usage of the two wildlife crossings being constructed with the Wilson Avenue Extension Project from East Avenue to Wardman Bullock Road. This monitoring strategy is a requirement of the Army Corps of Engineer's 404 Permit to be obtained for the project. M10. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Cooperative Agreement between the Inland Empire 146 Utility Agency and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the relocation of reclaimed Water Facilities in conjunction with the Interstate 15 at Base Line Road Interchange Project. M11. Accept improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond 150 and file a notice of completion for improvements for Tract 16320, located on Rocky Mountain Court, north of Woodridge Drive, submitted by FH, II, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 14-165 152 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16320 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK N. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS CITY COUNCIL & FIRE The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. 153 N1. Disposition of Inspection and Permit Fees for FY 14-15. - Fire RESOLUTION NO. FD 14-044 155 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, WAIVING THE COLLECTION OF SPECIFIC FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15. 9,n FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, 6 ': • • SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND �.U4nMON CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING GA SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 N2. Approve conceptual design for rehabilitation and the refilling of Red Hill Park Lake and 161 authorize staff to develop bid documents. - City ( 0. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. 01. INTER-AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the --- meetings that were attended.) 02. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council --- Member.) P. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Q. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra L. McNay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing special meeting agenda was posted on August 28, 2014, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. August 20, 2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR AGENCY CLOSED SESSION, REGULAR MEETINGS MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER The Rancho Cucamonga City Council held a regular closed session on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 in the Tapia Room at the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor L. Dennis Michael. Present were Council Members: Bill Alexander, Diane Williams, Marc Steinorth, Mayor Pro Tern Sam Spagnolo and Mayor L. Dennis Michael. Also present were: John Gillison, City Manager; City Attorney Jim Markman; Linda Daniels, Assistant City Manager; Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Jeff Bloom, Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development and Robert Neiuber, Human Resource Manager. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) The following closed session items were considered: D1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR ROBERT NEIUBER AND LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. D2. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 9775 MAIN STREET AND 8845 RAMONA AVENUE; NEGOTIATING PARTIES LINDA DANIELS, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER AND FLAVIO NUNEZ, MANAGEMENT ANALYST II AND NORTHTOWN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORP; REGARDING PRICE AND TERMS. D3. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS APN 229-131-04, 17, AND 25, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ETIWANDA AVENUE AND ARROW HIGHWAY; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: JOHN R. GILLISON, CITY MANAGER, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND BRANDON BIRTCHER OF GOODMAN RANCHO SPE LLC; REGARDING TERMS. D4. CONFERENCE WITH PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS FOR THE CITY PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7231 ACORN PLACE IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND IDENTIFIED AS APN 0227-693-53; NEGOTIATING PARTIES: KIRSTEN R. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND JASON WELDAY, TRAFFIC ENGINEER, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; AND PROPERTY OWNER, CARLOS A. LANDINO, AND THEIR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES REGARDING REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS TO BE ACQUIRED AS PART OF THE INTERSTATE 15 AT BASE LINE ROAD / BASELINE AVENUE INTERCHANGE PROJECT. IC. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) No public communications were made. E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS I No discussion or actions were taken. * DRAFT * August 20, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 1 of 7 F. RECESS I CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE REGULAR FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. The closed session recessed at 6:15 p.m. with no action taken. G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meetings of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Financing Authority and City Council reconvened in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor L. Dennis Michael called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council/Fire Protection District Members: Bill Alexander, Diane Williams, Marc Steinorth, Mayor Pro TemNice President Sam Spagnolo and Mayor/President L. Dennis Michael. Also present were: John Gillison, City Manager; City Attorney Jim Markman; Linda Daniels, Assistant City Manager; Mark Steuer, City Engineer; City Treasurer Jim Frost; Nettie Nielsen, Community Services Director; Police Chief Tony Onodera, Chief Mike Costello; Debra McNay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager and Shirr'l Griffin, Office Specialist II. H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS I H1. City of Rancho Cucamonga Recognized at the Accela User Conference with the Open for Business Award. Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner, announced the receipt of the Open for Business Award. H2. Introduction of newly assigned Police Personnel. Administrative Lieutenant— Carlos Espinoza Detective — Kenneth Marshall Deputy—Alejandro Barrero Deputy— Duke Ito Deputy— Brandon Steffler Police Chief Onodera announced the newly assigned Police Personnel. H3. Introduction of Fire Chief Costello. John Gillison, City Manager, introduced Fire Chief Costello. A pinning ceremony was performed. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS I 11.Allison Krieder indicated that she only can walk dogs one day a month. She noted that there are events where people can rent and walk dogs.These people aren't required to undergo training, interview process or background check. * DRAFT * August 20, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 2 of 7 12. Dana Keithly provided the letter that was sent to her regarding her recent public record request, as follows:All Volunteer Orientations held specifically for the Animal Shelter with dates, location and number of actual attendees for the following years: 2012, 2013. The letter indicated that there were no records responsive to the request. Dana provided copies of the City calendar on the Internet which showed 10 dates and locations.Also, she indicated that Volgistics is showing that some volunteers work 1,000 hours in one day. 13. Susan Keithly read a letter regarding an incident whereby an animal was heard howling throughout the night.When she called the Police Department, they said that Animal Control should resolve the call. When she called Animal Control,the telephone message said to call the Police Department. 14. David Dykstra indicated that the Council has wasted time and money at the Animal Shelter. 15. Jim Moffatt expressed concerns with Code Enforcement picking on the elderly. He referenced the handicapped man who was cited for violations and noted that now Code Enforcement is requiring a wooden fence in addition to the chain link fencing. 16. Bill Hanlon noted that volunteers are heart of this City. He urged the Council to allow these volunteers to walk dogs. Also, Mr. Hanlon inquired if the vacant seat would be filled by the highest vote getter. 17. Victor Muniz noted that there was not an agenda or presentation at the recent LMD 2 meeting. He noted that he received a response that there were no records in conjunction with his public record act request for"Status of LMD-1.Status and purpose of the meeting on July 24th of LMD-2." Also, Mr. Muniz indicated that the refuse company should make the presentation on the recycling and refuse rates, scheduled for September 17, 2014. 18. Janet Walton offered a prayer. 19. John Lyons indicated that this is a great City and includes a great Animal Care and Adoption Center. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council Member for discussion. J. CONSENT CALENDAR - FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT J1. Approval of Minutes: August 6, 2014 Minutes (Regular Meeting) J2. Approval of Check Register dated July 30, 2014 through August 12, 2014 for the total of $151,023.83. J3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of July 31, 2014. J4. Approve amendments No. 002 to renew contracts CO 89-136, CO 90-145 and CO 93-006 with full park maintenance at Golden Oak Park, Hermosa Park and Old Town Park as an addition to the scope of work, with Mariposa Landscapes, Inc. of Irwindale, California, with a 1.4 percent rate increase in LMD 2,LMD 4R, LMD 9 and LMD 10,and consistent with the original competitive bid process, for fiscal year 2014-2015 for the maintenance of City parks, Archibald Library, and City and Fire District landscape sites, in an amount not to exceed $1,899,760 for City facilities and$72,330 for Fire District facilities to be funded from various General, Special, and Fire Fund accounts. * DRAFT * August 20, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 3 of 7 J5. Approval to adopt an Annexation Map showing Assessor Parcel Number 0225-191-37, (DIAR LLC, owner), located at13351 Banyan St, which is proposed to be annexed into CFD No. 88-1. RESOLUTION NO. FD 14-042 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1, ADOPTING AN ANNEXATION MAP (ANNEXATION NO. 88-14-1) SHOWING PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 J6. Approval to adopt a Resolution of intention to annex territory referred to as Annexation No. 88- 14-1 (APN: 0225-191-37 — DIAR LLC, Owner) located at 13351 Banyan St into Community Facilities District No. 88-1, specifying services proposed to be financed, to set and specify the special taxes proposed to be levied within the annexation territory and set a time and place for a public hearing related to the annexation. RESOLUTION NO. FD 14-043 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACTING AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY (ANNEXATION NO. 88- 14-1) TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 88-1 MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Alexander, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports. Motion carried 5-0. IK. CONSENT CALENDAR - PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY K1. Approval of Minutes: August 6, 2014 Minutes (Regular Meeting) MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Steinorth, to approve the minutes. Motion carried 5-0. L. CONSENT CALENDAR - SUCCESSOR AGENCY L1. Approval of Minutes: August 6, 2014 Minutes (Regular Meeting) MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Spagnolo, to approve the minutes. Motion carried 5-0. M. CONSENT CALENDAR - CITY COUNCIL I Ml. Approval of Minutes: August 6, 2014 Minutes (Regular Meeting) M2. Approval of Check Register dated July 30, 2014 through August 12, 2014 and payroll ending August 12, 2014 for the total of $4,282,420.63. M3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of July 31, 2014. * DRAFT * August 20, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 4 of 7 M4. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Cucamonga Valley Water District, City of Rancho Cucamonga and Inland Empire Utilities Agency Regarding Water Use Efficiency Initiatives. M5. Approval of a Resolution authorizing the Bi-Annual Routine Destruction of City Records pursuant to California Government Code Section 34090, the City's Records Retention Schedule, and other applicable legal citations. RESOLUTION NO. 14-159 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS WHICH ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AS SET FORTH IN CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 AND OTHER APPLICABLE LEGAL REFERENCES M6. Approve amendments No. 002 to renew contracts CO 89-136, CO 90-145 and CO 93-006 with full park maintenance at Golden Oak Park, Hermosa Park and Old Town Park as an addition to the scope of work, with Mariposa Landscapes, Inc. of Irwindale, California, with a 1.4 percent rate increase in LMD 2, LMD 4R,LMD 9 and LMD 10,and consistent with the original competitive bid process, for fiscal year 2014-2015 for the maintenance of City parks, Archibald Library, and City and Fire District landscape sites, in an amount not to exceed $1,899,760 for City facilities and$72,330 for Fire District facilities to be funded from various General, Special, and Fire Fund accounts. M7. Release of Maintenance Bond No.387924P in the amount of$14,259.34 for LMD-4R and Garcia Park Lighting Retrofit Project, Contract No. 13-035. M8. Approval of map, Improvement Agreement, improvement securities, monumentation cash deposit and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 9 and Street Light Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 8 for Tract Map 16578, located on the west side of East Avenue, south of Victoria Street, submitted by Plaza Developments East Avenue LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 14-152 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT FOR TRACT 16578 RESOLUTION NO. 14-153 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 9 (LOWER ETIWANDA) FOR TRACT 16578 RESOLUTION NO. 14-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS) FOR TRACT 16578 RESOLUTION NO. 14-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 8 (SOUTH ETIWANDA) FOR TRACT 16578 * DRAFT * August 20, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council Minutes I Page 5 of 7 M9. Accept the bids received and award both the base and alternate bid and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $1,324,955.00, to the lowest responsive bidder, R. J. Noble Company, and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $132,495.00, for the 19th Street Pavement Rehabilitation from Haven Avenue to West City Limits and Hellman Avenue from Base Line Road to 19th Street project to be funded from Gas Tax RT7360 and Measure I Funds, Account Nos. 1174303-5650/1816174-0, 1177303-5650/1836177-0 and 1176303-5650/1836176-0. M10. Release of Maintenance Guarantee Bonds for Tract 16776 / DRC2012-00740, located on the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Forester Place, submitted by LVD Rancho Cucamonga, LLC. M11. Release of Maintenance Guarantee Bonds for Tract 18032, located on the west side of Day Creek Boulevard, south of Vintage Drive, submitted by Meritage Homes. M12. Approval of final map and monumentation cash deposit for Parcel Map 19518, located on the north side of 7th Street, about 640 feet west of Hellman Avenue, submitted by DCT 8th & Vineyard LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company. RESOLUTION NO. 14-156 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FINAL MAP FOR PARCEL MAP 19518 M13. Accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Tract 18709, located at the south west corner of Day Creek Boulevard and Vintage Drive, submitted by FH, II, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 14-157 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 18709 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK M14. Accept Improvements, retain the Faithful Performance Bond in lieu of a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Tract 16651, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, west of the Cucamonga Channel, submitted by D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc., a California corporation. RESOLUTION NO. 14-158 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA,ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16651 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK M15. Approval of final map for Parcel Map 19482, located at the southwest corner of Laurel Street and Red Oak Avenue, submitted by RC Laurel Properties, LLC, a California limited liability company. RESOLUTION NO. 14-160 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FINAL MAP FOR PARCEL MAP 19482 * DRAFT * August 20, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 6 of 7 li M16. Approval to appropriate additional funds in the amount of$68,064 for Design Development and Construction Document Services for Southwest Cucamonga Park,to be funded by a Proposition 84 Grant, into Revenue Account 1235000-4740 (Grant Income) and Expenditure Account 1235305-5650/1754235-0 (Capital Project). MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Spagnolo, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports. Motion carried 5-0. N. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS - CITY The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. N1. Update on the status of Southwest Cucamonga Park. (Oral Report) Nettie Nielsen, Community Services Director, presented the staff report. In response to Mayor Michael, she confirmed that there were no parks in this area. 0. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. 01. INTER-AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) No updates were given. 02. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) Mayor Michael announced that the next Council meeting will be held on September 2, 2014. The September 3, 2014 Council meeting has been cancelled. P. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified. Q. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra L. McNay, MMC Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager Approved: * * ' ' ' * DRAFT * August 20, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 7 of 7 . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P1 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350311 08/13/2014 4 IMPRINT 3.482.46 0.00 3,482.46 AP 00350312 08/13/2014 ABLE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4.635.65 0.00 4,635.65 AP 00350313 08/13/2014 ACCELA INC 16.333.72 0.00 16.333.72 AP 00350314 08/13/2014 ALLIED BARTON SECURITY SERVICES LLC 6,707.62 0.00 6.707.62 AP 00350315 08/13/2014 AMERICAN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS INC 1,314.36 0.00 1,314.36 AP 00350316 08/13/2014 ARTISTIC RESOURCES CORPORA'T'ION 2.856.87 0.00 2.856.87 AP 00350317 08/13/2014 BOMA INLAND EMPIRE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00350318 08/13/2014 BUTSKO UTILITY DESIGN INC. 14.289.04 0.00 14.289.04 AP 00350319 08/13/2014 CABLE INC. 6,899.17 0.00 6.899.17 AP 00350320 08/13/2014 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 201.58 0.00 201.58 AP 00350321 08/13/2014 CONSTRUCTION EQUIP 4 LESS.COM 6.347.04 0.00 6.347.04 AP 00350322 08/13/2014 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8327.09 0.00 8.327.09 AP 00350323 08/13/2014 EMBROIDME 3.650.29 0.00 3.650.29 AP 00350324 08/13/2014 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC#1350 209.58 0.00 209.58 AP 00350325 08/13/2014 I"REEDOM NEWS GROUP 1,820.00 0.00 1.820.00 AP 00350326 08/13/2014 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 345.38 0.00 345.38 Al' 00350327 08/13/2014 GEOGRAPFIICS 21.889.55 0.00 21.889.55 AP 00350328 08/13/2014 GRAINGER 4 495,61 0.00 4.495.61 Al' 00350329 08/13/2014 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 131.21 0.00 131.21 AP 00350330 08/13/2014 HUNTINGTON II ARD WA RE 2.651.43 0.00 2.651,43 AP 00350331 08/13/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 3.057.56 0.00 3.057.56 AP 00350332 08/13/2014 MORENO VALLEY.CITY OF 4.662.97 0.00 4,662.97 AP 00350333 08/13/2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 26.50 0.00 26.50 AP 00350334 08/13/2014 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTRS OF CA 827.50 222.29 1.049.79*** AP 00350335 08/13/2014 PACIFIC UTILITY INSTALLA'T'ION INC 2,922.00 0.00 2.922.00 Al' 00350336 08/13/2014 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00350337 08/13/2014 RICIIARDS WATSON AND GERSI-ION 31.127.78 0.00 31.127.78 AP 00350338 08/13/2014 RIPPETOE LAW P C 14.209.45 0.00 14.209.45 AP 00350339 08/13/2014 SALEM ENGINEERING GROUT' INC 10.170.00 0.00 10.170.00 Al' 00350340 08/13/2014 SI-IEAKLEY 303.50 0.00 303.50 Al' 00350341 08/13/2014 SI-IEAKLEY 117.10 0.00 117.10 AP 00350342 08/13/2014 SHOETERIA 165.22 0.00 165.22 AP 00350343 08/132014 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 243.833.79 0.00 243.833.79 Al' 00350344 08/13/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUBLIC POWER AUTHORI'T'Y 140.80 0.00 140.80 Al' 00350345 08/13/2014 STOTZ EQUII'M13NT 389.44 0.00 389.44 AP 00350346 08/13/2014 WALTERS WIIOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 0.00 112.38 112.38 AP 00350347 08/13/2014 WARREN& CO INC.CARL 1.648.80 0.00 1.648.80 AP 00350348 08/13/2014 WAXIE SANI'T'ARY SUPPLY 561.29 0.00 561.29 AP 00350349 08/13/2014 WESTERN STATES FIRE EQUIPMENT 0.00 36.094.80 36,094.80 AP 00350352 08/13/2014 XEROX CORPORATION 10,167.74 4.254.15 14,421.89*** AP 00350353 08/13/2014 ZHU. LESLIE SALMON 2.800.00 0.00 2.800.00 AP 00350354 08/13/2014 A&V SOFTI3AI,1, 4.158.00 0.00 4.158.00 AP 00350355 08/13/2014 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 1.308.71 0.00 1.308.71 AP 00350356 08/13/2014 ADVANCED UTILLTY SYSTEMS CORP. 3,600.00 0,00 3.600.00 AP 00350357 08/13/2014 AIR EXCHANGE INC 0.00 160,141.22 160.141.22 AP 00350358 08/13/2014 AIR EXCHANGE INC 0.00 351.05 351.05 AP 00350359 08/13/2014 AMERINA'IIONAI.COMMUNITY SERVICES INC. 48.00 0,00 48.00 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: I Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P2 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City lire Amount AP 00350360 08/13/2014 AUFBAU CORPORATION 16.130.00 0.00 16.130.00 AP 00350361 08/13/2014 BALNEG.RAFAEL 289.77 0.00 289.77 AP 00350362 08/13/2014 BARBOSA, RAMSSTiS 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00350363 08/13/2014 BIKELID LLC 40,749.48 0.00 40.749.48 AP 00350364 08/13/2014 BOPKO.CHRISTOPHER 117.23 0.00 117.23 AP 00350365 08/13/2014 BROOKSTONE 1.028.49 0.00 1.028.49 AP 00350366 08/13/2014 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 498.90 0.00 498.90 AP 00350367 08/13/2014 CALIFORNIA FACTORS&FINANCE 4,756.35 0.00 4,756.35 AP 00350368 08/13/2014 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL, 703.07 0.00 703.07 AP 00350369 08/13/2014 CAREERS IN GOVERNMENT INC. 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00350370 08/13/2014 CEPO 1.379.00 0.00 1,379.00 AP 00350371 08/13/2014 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 85.00 513.84 598.84*** AP 00350372 08/13/2014 CLEAN LANDSCAPE it POOLS 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00350373 08/13/2014 CONCEPT POWDER COATING 0.00 430.00 430.00 AP 00350374 08/13/2014 CON'FIRE IPA 0.00 50.254.43 50.254.43 AP 00350375 08/13/2014 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 2,252.88 0.00 2.252.88 AP 00350376 08/13/2014 I)AND K CONCRE'T'E COMPANY 4.722.33 0.00 4.722.33 AP 00350377 08/13/2014 DE LEON. REGGIE 80.00 0.00 80.00 AP 00350378 08/13/2014 DELTA DENTAL, 1.687.64 0.00 1.687.64 AP 00350379 08/13/2014 DELTA DENTAL 40.078.75 0.00 40.078.75 Al' 00350380 08/13/2014 DEMI'STER. KERI 88.50 0.00 88.50 AP 00350381 08/13/2014 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 242.61 0.00 242.61 AP 00350382 08/13/2014 B GROUP.THE 450.00 0.00 450.00 AP 00350383 08/13/2014 ELECTRONIC MIDI SERVICES LLC 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00350384 08/13/2014 EN POINFE'TECHNOLOGIES SALES INC 2,054.72 4.042.17 6,096.89*** AP 00350385 08/13/2014 ETIWANDA SCI1001. DISTRICT 4,247.00 0.00 4.247.00 AP 00350386 08/13/2014 EXPERIAN 52.00 0.00 52.00 AP 00350387 08/13/2014 FCLO MUSIC THEATRE 1.242.00 0.00 1.242.00 AP 00350388 08/13/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 51.46 0.00 51.46 AP 00350389 08/13/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 0.00 546.16 546,16 AP 00350390 08/13/2014 GAIL MATERIALS 2,022.52 0.00 2.02252 AP 00350391 08/13/2014 GARREIT CONCRETE CORING AND SAWING INC 900.00 0.00 900.00 AP 00350392 08/13/2014 GRAINGER 387.72 571.34 959.06*** AP 00350393 08/13/2014 GRANT III, VINCENT . 12.00 0.00 12.00 AP 0035(1394 08/13/2014 GRAPHICS FAC'T'ORY INC. 172.80 0.00 172.80 AP 00350395 08/13/2014 HERITAGE EDUCATION GROUP 723.00 0.00 723.00 AP 00350396 08/13/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 144.95 0.00 144.95 AP 00350397 08/13/2014 HOTSY OF SOUTTIERN CALIFORNIA 246.15 0.00 246.15 AP 00350398 08/13/2014 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 14.57 19.42 33.99*** Al' 00350399 08/13/2014 ICC ORANGE EMPIRE CHAPTER 120.00 0.00 120.00 AP 00350400 08/13/2014 ITERIS 17.668.80 0.00 17.668.80 AP 00350401 08/13/2014 11 KELLER AND ASSOC INC 945.00 0.00 945.00 AP 00350402 08/13/2014 JDC INC 50,192.00 0.00 50.192.00 AP 00350403 08/13/2014 JOHNSON.CHEARICE 6.84 0.00 6.84 AP 00350404 08/13/2014 KB HOME 132.00 0.00 132.00 AP 00350405 08/13/2014 KONG.SOPHEAK 263.14 0.00 263.14 AP 00350406 08/13/2014 KUBZANSKY.JESSICA 1,066.00 0.00 1.066.00 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 2 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 1 1:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P3 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Cheek No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350407 08/13/2014 KVAC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1 204.00 0.00 1.204.00 Al' 00350408 08/13/2014 LEG KAREN 30.08 0.00 30.08 AP 00350409 08/13/2014 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 85.00 0.00 85.00 AP 00350410 08/13/2014 LOUIE'S NURSERY 518.37 0.00 518.37 Al' 00350411 08/13/2014 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 1.351,80 0.00 1.351.80 Al' 00350412 08/13/2014 MC AVOY&MARKHAM 380.25 0.00 380.25 AI' 00350413 08/13/2014 MC TRUCKING 695.38 0.00 695.38 Al' 00350414 08/13/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 4.367.81 0.00 4.367.81 Al' 00350415 08/13/2014 MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATIC 275.00 0.00 275.00 AP 00350416 08/13/2014 NAPA AUTO PARTS 503.58 0.00 503.58 Al' 00350417 08/13/2014 NIMAKO,SOLOMON 72.71 0.00 72.71 Al' 00350418 08/13/2014 OCCUPATIONAL,HEALTH CrRS OF CA 919.00 209.00 1,128.00 *** AP 00350420 08/13/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 2,133.78 218.93 2.352.71 *** Al' 00350421 08/13/2014 OPTIMUM INC 145.46 0.00 145.46 AP 00350422 08/13/2014 PACIFIC UTILITY INSTALLATION INC 134.00 0.00 134.00 Al' 00350423 08/13/2014 PATTON SALES CORP 135.76 0.00 135.76 AP 00350424 08/13/2014 PENBERTON, DOROTHY 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00350425 08/13/2014 PEPSI-COLA 805.85 0.00 805.85 AP 00350426 08/13/2014 PITNEY BOWES 528.72 0.00 528.72 Al' 00350427 08/13/2014 PRO SALES GROUP INC 978.88 0.00 978.88 AP 00350428 08/13/2014 PROPET DISTRIBUTORS INC 2.055.95 0.00 2.055.95 Al' 00350429 08/13/2014 SAN BERNARDINO.CITY OF 957.22 0.00 957.22 AP 00350430 08/13/2014 SC FUELS 0.00 13.758.70 13.758.70 AP 00350431 08/13/2014 SDC LEAGUE HEAT:FIT FUND 600.00 0.00 600.00 Al' 00350432 08/13/2014 SDC LEAGUE. I IEALTII FUND 256.00 0.00 256.00 Al' 00350433 08/13/2014 SIIOETERIA 6,899.68 0.00 6-899.68 Al' 00350434 08/13/2014 SIGMANET 8.800.00 0.00 8.800.00 Al' 00350435 08/13/2014 SIGN SHOP.THE 63.45 290.41 353.86*** AI' 00350436 08/13/2014 SOURCE GRAPHICS 146.03 0.00 146.03 AI' 00350437 08/13/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOC OF GOVERNMENTS 15,560.00 0.00 15560.00 AP 00350441 08/13/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52.252.73 4.220.15 56.472.88 *** AP 00350442 08/13/2014 STREAMLINE PRESS INC 206.28 0,00 206.28 AP 00350443 08/13/2014 SUNGARI) PUBLIC SECTOR INC 2.400.00 0.00 2.400.00 AP 00350444 08/13/2014 GOODYEAR TIRE& RUBBER COMPANY 573.74 0.00 573.74 Al' 00350445 08/13/2014 TONG, WENDY Y 725.00 0.00 725.00 AP 00350446 08/13/2014 TORGA ELECTRIC 26.860.30 0.00 26.860.30 Al' 00350447 08/13/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 1.009.12 0.00 1.009.12 Al' 00350448 08/13/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 3.900.00 0.00 3.900.00 AP 00350449 08/13/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 13.149.36 0.00 13-149.36 AP 00350450 08/13/2014 UNDERGROUND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 366.00 0.00 366.00 Al' 00350451 08/13/2014 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 649.94 0.00 649.94 AI' 00350452 08/13/2014 UNITED PACIFIC SERVICES INC 20.140.00 0.00 20-140.00 AI' 00350453 08/13/2014 UPSCO POWERSAFE SYSTEMS INC 13.400.00 0.00 13.400.00 Al' 00350454 08/13/2014 VALLEY 1'OWIiR SYSTEMS INC 0.00 12.459.18 12.459.18 AP 00350455 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 50.04 0.00 50.04 AP 00350456 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 0.00 2.657.64 2.657,64 Al' 00350457 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 3.690.31 0.00 3.690.31 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 3 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P4 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350458 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 342.09 0.00 342.09 AP 00350459 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 316.15 0.00 316.15 AI' 00350460 08/13/2014 VIRTUAL.PROJECF MANAGER INC 500.00 0.00 500.00 AI' 00350461 08/13/2014 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 82.73 1.719.76 1.802.49*** AI' 00350462 08/13/2014 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 1,693.67 0.00 1,693.67 Al' 0(1350463 08/13/2014 WHITE CAI'CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 44.33 0.00 44.33 Al' 00350464 08/13/2014 WHIT E HOUSE I'l IOTO INC 525.00 0.00 525.00 AP 00350465 08/13/2014 WILSON AND BELL 783.80 0.00 783.80 Al' 00350466 08/13/2014 WILSON. RYAN L 104.13 0.00 104.13 AI' 00350467 08/13/2014 WINZER CORPORATION 516.51 105.86 622.37 *** AI' 00350468 08/13/2014 ZFX INC 986.89 0.00 986.89 AP 00350469 08/14/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 28,794.78 0.00 28.794.78 Al' 00350470 08/14/2014 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 123.01 123.01 AP 00350471 08/14/2014 ABC LOCKSMITHS 164.16 0.00 164.16 Al' 00350472 08/14/2014 CALSENSE 413.41 0.00 413.41 AI' 00350473 08/14/2014 COMP U ZONE 224.32 0.00 224.32 AP 00350474 08/14/2014 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 289.55 0.00 289.55 Al' 00350475 08/14/2014 EMCOR SERVICE 5.462.91 0.00 5.462.91 AP 00350476 08/14/2014 ESRI 76.700.00 23-300.00 100.000.00*** Al' 00350477 08/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 6.261.65 0.00 6.261.65 Al' 00350478 08/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 416.21 0.00 416.21 AP 00350479 08/14/2014 FORD OF UPLAND INC 542.33 0.00 542.33 Al' 00350480 08/14/2014 IIOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 6.663.89 0.00 6.663.89 AI' 00350481 08/14/2014 HYDRO SCAPE PRODUCTS INC 268.65 0.00 268.65 AP 00350482 08/14/2014 VISTA PAINT 26.77 0.00 26.77 AI' 00350483 08/20/2014 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 6.339.66 0.00 6.339.66 AP 00350484 08/20/2014 AEI-CASC CONSULTING 7,20491 0.00 7.204.91 AP 00350485 08/20/2014 APPLIED METERING'TECHNOLOGIES INC 14,983.44 0.00 14.983.44 AP 00350486 08/20/2014 AUFBAU CORPORATION 3.156.00 0.00 3.156.00 Al' 00350487 0820/2014 CHAFFEY .JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST 376.92 0.00 376.92 AP 00350488 08/20/2014 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 1.000.00 0.00 1.000.00 AI' 00350489 08/20/2014 ESTRELI.A,JESSICA 0.00 85.00 85.00 Al' 00350490 08/20/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 49.46 0.00 49.46 AP 00350491 08/20/2014 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 8.415,57 0.00 8,415.57 AP 00350492 08/20/2014 GRAINGER 51.71 0.00 51.71 Al' 00350493 08/20/2014 GRAVES&KING LI.P 481.25 0.00 481.25 AI' 00350494 08/20/2014 INLAND EMPIRE'POURS AND TRANSPORTATION 1,706.25 0.00 1,706.25 Al' 00350495 08/20/2014 JONES AND MAYER. LAW OFFICES OF 5,840.00 240.00 6.080.00*** AP 00350496 08/20/2014 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 2,463.85 10.71 2,474.56*** AP 00350497 08/20/2014 MARY S ROBERTS SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC 50.00 0.00 50.00 Al' 00350498 08/20/2014 NBS 5.185.00 0.00 5.185.00 AP 00350499 08/20/2014 NEW IMAGE COMMERCIAL FLOORING 466.29 0.00 466.29 AP 00350500 08/20/2014 PIRANHA POOL.&SPA CONSTRUCTORS INC 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00350501 08/20/2014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSI-ION 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00350502 08/20/2014 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT 1,1 15.20 0.00 1.115.20 AP 00350503 08/20/2014 SANFT.THOMAS 173.00 0.00 173.00 AP 00350504 08/20/2014 SUPERIOR PAVEMENT MARKING INC 425.70 0.00 425.70 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 4 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P5 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350505 08/20/2014 ACEY DECY EQUIPMENT INC. 1.989.84 0.00 1.989.84 AP 00350506 08/20/2014 AGUILERA. ISAIAH 223.50 0.00 223.50 AP 00350507 08/20/2014 ALDERSON, KEESHA 86.00 0.00 86.00 AI' 00350508 08/20/2014 AI.LIANF INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 214.00 0.00 214.00 AI' 00350509 08/20/2014 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 214.00 0.00 214.00 AP 00350510 08/20/2014 ALPHAGRAPIIICS 45.36 0.00 45.36 AP 00350511 08/20/2014 AMERICAN TRAINING RESOURCES INC 1,079.15 0.00 1.079.15 Al' 00350512 08/20/2014 APWA 650.00 0.00 650.00 AI' 00350513 08/20/2014 AQUAE-BO ENVIRONMENTAL TECI INOLOGI ES INC. 3.159.00 0.00 3.159.00 AP 00350514 08/20/2014 ARMSTRONG GARDEN CENTERS INC. 51.14 0.00 51.14 AP 00350515 08/20/2014 BERNELL HYDRAULICS INC 168.01 0.00 168.01 Al' 00350516 08/20/2014 BEST BUY INC. 3.009.75 0.00 3,009.75 AP 00350517 08/20/2014 BLR 976.90 0.00 976.90 AP 00350518 08/20/2014 BMC SOFTWARE 6.315.00 0.00 6315.00 AI' 00350519 08/20/2014 BMI 1.318.00 0.00 1.318.00 Al' 00350520 08/20/2014 BRUCE.INGRID 137.37 0.00 137.37 AP 00350521 08/20/2014 BURT. MIKE 200.00 0.00 200.00 AI' 00350522 08/20/2014 BUSTAMAN'I'E, ABIMAEI, 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00350523 08/20/2014 CAL I'ERS LONG TERM CARE 498.90 0.00 498.90 AP 00350524 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA BOARD OF EQUALIZA'T'ION.S'T'ATE OF 2.003.00 0.00 2.003.00 AP 00350525 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 186.75 0.00 186.75 AP 00350526 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00350527 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX 130ARD 55.00 0.00 55.00 AP 00350528 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 117.122.59 6.63133 123.753.92 *** AP 00350529 08/20/2014 CARNES.SANDY 0.00 2420 24.20 AP 00350530 08/20/2014 CARQUEST AUTO ('ARTS 281.86 0.00 281.86 AP 00350531 08/20/2014 CIIAFFEY JOINT UNION HIGH SCI1001, DIST 14539.20 0.00 1453920 Al' 00350532 08/20/2014 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 360.44 699.38 1.059.82*** Al' 00350533 08/20/2014 CINTAS CORI'.4150 872.51 0.00 872.51 AI' 00350534 08/20/2014 CITYGATE ASSOCIATES LL.0 3.05550 0.00 3.05550 AP 00350535 08/20/2014 CLARION CONSTRUC'T'ION INC 15.000.00 0.00 15.000.00 Al' 00350536 08/202014 CLARK,KAREN 345.60 0.00 345.60 Al' 00350537 08/20/2014 CLEAR STREAM RECYCLING 1508.50 0.00 1,508.50 AI' 00350538 08/20/2014 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS INC 8.310.84 0.00 8.310,84 AP 00350539 08/20/2014 COMBINED MARTLM,SCIENCE INC 1.764.00 0.00 1,764.00 Al' 00350540 08/20/2014 CONFIRE JPA 0.00 50.254.43 50.254.43 AP 00350541 08/20/2014 CI'AC INC 14.787.43 0.00 14.787.43 AP 00350542 08/20/2014 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 3.726.63 0.00 3.726.63 Al' 00350543 08/20/2014 DALEY VISUAL INC. 0.00 2.688.00 2,688.00 AP 00350544 08/20/2014 DANCE TERRIFIC 245.00 0.00 245.00 AP 00350545 08/20/2014 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 860.00 0.00 860.00 AP 00350546 08/20/2014 DAWSON,CATIIY 97.16 0.00 97.16 AP 00350547 08/20/2014 DENA. KEEGAN 0.00 619.00 619.00 AP 00350548 08/20/2014 DUNN,ANN MARIE 108.00 0.00 108.00 AP 00350549 08/20/2014 EASY TO GET WIRELESS 1.465.00 0.00 1.465.00 AI' 00350550 08/20/2014 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 14.857.57 0.00 14,857.57 Al' 00350551 08/20/2014 EIGHTH AVENUE ENTERPRISE I.LC 218.97 0.00 218.97 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 5 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:OS AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait L Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA' P6 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350552 08/20/2014 ELITE COMMAND TRAINING 0.00 550.00 550.00 AP 00350553 08/20/2014 EMBROIDME 1,668.26 0.00 1.66826 AP 00350554 08/20/2014 EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES SALES INC 94.710.61 0.00 94,710.61 AP 00350555 08/20/2014 ENTERSECT CORD 79.00 0.00 79.00 AP 00350556 08/20/2014 ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS 391.10 0.00 391.10 AP 00350557 08/20/2014 ESHANZA DA. ROYA 206.80 0.00 206.80 AP 00350558 08/20/2014 FAIRA 0.00 92,051.00 92.051.00 Al' 00350559 08/20/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 81.05 0.00 81.05 AP 00350560 08/20/2014 FINCH, DONNA 28.50 0.00 28.50 AP 00350561 08/20/2014 FIRST CLASS HEATING&AIR 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00350562 08/20/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 39.85 0.00 39.85 AP 00350563 08/20/2014 FREQUENT FLYER XTREME GYMNASTICS 39.20 0.00 39.20 AP 00350564 08/20/2014 GAIL'/CENGAGE LEARNING 15,245.14 0.00 15,245.14 AP 00350565 08/20/2014 GARCIA.CARMEN 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00350566 08/20/2014 GOLDEN SPATE RISK .MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 110,202.00 1.127.00 111.329.00"' AP 00350567 08/20/2014 GRAINGER 207.73 0.00 207.73 AP 00350568 08/20/2014 GRAPHICS FACTORY INC. 91.80 0.00 91.80 AP 00350569 08/20/2014 GUERRA. KELLY 80.44 0.00 80.44 AP 00350570 08/20/2014 GUNKEL.TERRENCE 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00350571 08/20/2014 H11:11 INC 431.64 0.00 431.64 AP 00350572 08/20/2014 ROME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 230.79 0.00 230.79 AP 00350573 08/20/2014 HOSE MAN INC 17.93 0.00 17.93 AP 00350574 08/20/2014 HUNTER.TASHA 121.52 0.00 121.52 AP 00350575 0820/2014 INLAND PRESORT& MAILING SERVICES 80.80 0.00 80.80 AP 00350576 08/20/2014 INLAND VALLEY DANCE ACADEMY 684.00 0.00 684.00 AP 00350577 08/20/2014 JACKSON,JIM 99.00 0.00 99.00 AP 00350578 08/20/2014 JOAN BURR CYCLES INC 1.100.78 0.00 1.100.78 AP 00350579 08/20/2014 JOHNNY ALLEN TENNIS ACADEMY 1.857.00 0.00 1.857.00 " AP 00350580 08/20/2014 JOHNSON, LISA 1.000.00 0.00 1.000.00 AP 00350581 08/20/2014 JRC HOUSING 5,514.00 0.00 5,514.00 AP 00350582 08/20/2014 K K WOODWORKING 302.10 0.00 302.10 AP 00350583 08/20/2014 KAPCO 295.09 0.00 295.09 AP 00350584 08/20/2014 KENT HARRIS TRUCKING&MATERIALS 781.79 0.00 781.79 AP 00350585 08/20/2014 KHARRAT.ARTEEN 4.50225 0.00 4.502.25 AP (10350586 08/20/2014 KIDSART, KIDSART 1,20120 0.00 1.201.20 AP 00350587 08/20/2014 KIP AMERICA INC 1.270.00 0.00 1.270.00 AP 00350588 08/20/2014 KRONOS INC 0.00 5.303.60 5.303.60 AP 00350589 08/20/2014 LANGUAGE PLANET 1,084.80 0.00 1.084.80 AP 00350590 08/20/2014 LAWSON, KAREN 148.00 0.00 148.00 AP 00350591 08/20/2014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 280.00 0.00 280.00 AP 00350592 08/20/2014 LEVERAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC 15.474.08 0.00 15.474.08 AP 00350593 08/20/2014 LIEU'FECFINOLOG113S INK 712.80 0.00 712.80 AP 00350594 08/20/2014 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 2,600.00 0.00 2.600.00 AP 00350595 08/20/2014 LOS ANGELES FREIGHTLINER 472.60 0.00 472.60 AP 00350596 08/20/2014 LOS OSOS GRIZZLY FOOTBALL I3C 500.00 0.00 500.00 Al' 00350598 08/20/2014 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 4,176.98 1.351.95 5.528.93 ' AP 00350599 08/20/2014 LULULEMON 3,246.86 0.00 3246.86 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 6 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P7 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350600 08/20/2014 LUMENSION SECURITY INC 17,968.98 0.00 17,968.98 AP 00350601 08/20/2014 MAI)SCIENCE 169.20 0.00. 169.20 AP 00350602 08/20/2014 MAIN STREET SIGNS 2-555.07 0.00 2.555,07 AP 00350603 08/20/2014 MARSHALL.SYLVIA 453.60 0.00 453.60 AP 00350604 08/20/2014 MARIINEZ,UNION SERVICE 90.00 0.00 90.00 AP 00350605 08/20/2014 MAXWELL.MICHELLE 24.00 0.00 24.00 AP 00350606 08/20/2014 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 324.71 0.00 324.71 AP 00350607 08/20/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 223.46 0.00 223.46 AP 00350608 08/20/2014 MUNOZ,CLAUDIA 340.00 0.00 340.00 Al' 00350609 08/20/2014 MUSICSTAR 693.60 0.00 693.60 AP 00350610 08/20/2014 NAPA AUTO PARTS 51.31 0.00 51.31 AI' 00350611 08/20/2014 NATIONAL DATA& SURVEYING SERVICES 275.00 0.00 275.00 Al' 00350612 08/20/2014 NAIIONAI,SENIOR LEAUGE I.LC 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00350613 08/20/2014 NORTH NET FIRE TRAINING CENTER 0.00 1.645.00 1.645.00 AP 00350614 08/20/2014 NORTH NET FIRE"[RAINING CENTER 0.00 650.01) 650.00 Al' 00350615 08/20/2014 NUNEZ,CLAUDIA 4,026.10 0.00 4.026.10 AP 00350616 08/20/2014 OCCUPATIONAL"IIEALiI I CTRS OF CA 23.50 0.00 23.50 Al' 00350617 08/20/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 6,987.81 0.00 6.987.81 AP 00350618 08/20/2014 ONTRAC 17.95 0.00 17.95 AP 00350619 08/20/2014 ONWARD ENGINEERING 23.778.75 0.00 23.778.75 AP 00350620 08/20/2014 PACIFIC PARKING SYSTEMS INC 30.07 0.00 30,07 AP 00350621 08/20/2014 PACKARD.LYNN 27.00 0.00 27.01) Al' 00350622 08/20/2014 PAL CAMPAIGN 10.00 • 0.00 10.00 AP 00350623 08/20/2014 PANETO. ERIC 500.00 0.00 500,00 Al' 00350624 08/20/2014 PAI7ON SALES CORP 0.00 51.62 51.62 Al' 00350625 08/20/2014 PE1' BOYS 63,59 0.00 63.59 AP 00350626 08/20/2014 PEI'E'S TOWING SERVICE 150.00 0.00 150.00 AI' 00350627 08/20/2014 FETES ROAD SERVICE INC 489.70 11.00 489.70 AP 00350628 08/20/2014 PICHAY,SOCORRO 18.00 0.00 18.00 AP 00350629 08/20/2014 PITNEY BOWES 25.000.00 0.00 25.000.00 AP 00350630 08/20/2014 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 102.45 0.00 102.45 AP 00350631 08/20/2014 PRECISION GYMNASTICS 1,135.40 0.00 1,135.40 AP 00350632 08/20/2014 PRINTI33 5,280,03 0.00 5.280.03 AP 00350633 08/20/2014 PRISTINE UNIFORMS LLC 5.076.94 0.00 5.076.94 AP 00350634 08/20/2014 PRO FORCE LA\V ENFORCEMENT 923.08 0.00 923.08 AP 00350635 08/20/2014 PRO FORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT 331.25 0.00 331.25 AP 00350636 08/20/2014 RAMIREZ.JOSE 1 44.34 0.00 44.34 AP 00350637 08/20/2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FONTANA FAMILY YMCA 9.841.81 0.00 9.841.81 AP 00350638 08/20/2014 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL INC 151.18 0.00 151.18 AP 00350639 08/20/2014 RASMUSSEN.STEVEN 0.00 261.00 261.00 AP 00350640 08/20/2014 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 3.78 0,00 3.78 AP 00350641 08/20/2014 MCI LARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 0.00 900.00 900.00 AI' 00350642 08/20/2014 RIPPEI'OE LAW P C 165.37 0,00 165.37 AP 00350643 08/20/2014 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPT 0.00 275.00 275.00 AP 00350644 08/20/2014 ROBL.IS, RAUL P 339.00 0.00 339,00 AP 00350645 08/20/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY 0.00 10,472.02 10472.02 AP 00350646 08/20/2014 SI3PEA 779.50 0.00 779.50 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 7 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P8 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Cheek Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AI' 00350647 0820/2014 SC FUELS 55.700.95 14.712.64 70.41359 *** AP 00350648 08/20/2014 SEXTON.SHEILA 6.00 0.00 6.00 AP 00350649 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 93.38 0.00 93.38 Al' 00350650 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 444.89 0.00 444.89 AP 00350651 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 30.51 0.00 3051 AP 00350652 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00350653 08/20/2014 SHRED PROS 65.00 0.00 65.00 AP 00350654 08/20/2014 SMOLINSKI. LOUIS 61.75 0.00 61.75 AP 00350659 08/20/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17,735.22 0.00 17,735.22 Al' 00350660 08/20/2014 SOU'T'HERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 186.858.98 0.00 186,858.98 AP 00350661 08/20/2014 SOU'I'HLAND FARMERS MARKET ASSOC INC 879,00 0.00 879.00 AP 00350662 08/20/2014 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 1.020,88 0.00 1.020.88 AP 00350663 08/20/2014 SWAROVSKI RETAIL VENTURES LTD 1.076.20 0.00 1.076.20 Al' 00350664 08/20/2014 T MOBILE 477,30 0.00 477.30 AP 00350665 08/20/2014 TAMS WIIMARK MUSIC LIBRARY INC 117.00 0.00 117.00 AP 00350666 08/20/2014 THOMSON REUTERS WEST PAYMENT CENTER 40314 0.00 403.24 AP 00350667 08/20/2014 TINT CI'T'Y WINDOW TINTING 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00350668 08/20/2014 TURNOUT MAINTENANCE COMPANY LI.0 0.00 968.92 968.92 AP 00350669 08/20/2014 UNITED WAY 186.00 0.00 186.00 AP 00350670 08/20/2014 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ART'S CENTERS 64750 0.00 647.50 AP 00350671 08/20/2014 UPS 113.50 0,00 113.50 AP 00350672 08/20/2014 VALLEY CREST LANDSCAPE 79-392.03 0.00 79,392.03 AP 00350673 08/20/2014 VEASEY, ROBIN 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00350674 08/20/2014 VECCHIO.TOM 41.40 0.00 41.40 AP 00350675 08/20/2014 Verizon 33.41 0.00 33.41 Al' 00350676 08/20/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 421.09 0.00 421.09 AP 00350677 08/20/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 2.713.59 0.00 2.713,59 AP 00350679 08/20/2014 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 8.980.53 1.387,81 10,368.34 *" Al' 00350684 08/20/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 5,870.78 38,01 5.908.79*** AP 00350685 08/20/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 290,07 0.00 290.07 AP 00350686 08/20/2014 VISION SERVICE PLAN CA 10.520.14 0.00 10.520.14 Al' 00350687 08/20/2014 WEST COAST TURF 429.72 0.00 429.72 AP 00350688 08/20/2014 WHITTIER FERTILIZER 360.72 0.00 360.72 Al' 00350689 08/20/2014 WINZER CORPORATION 0.00 162.56 162.56 AP 00350690 08/20/2014 WOMEN LEADING GOVERNMENT 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00350691 08/20/2014 XL STORAGE 895.00 0.00 895.00 Al' 00350692 08/21/2014 DAISY WHEEL RIBBON CO INC 591.68 0.00 591.68 AP 00350693 08/21/2014 NEC CORPORATION OF AMERICA 3520.00 0.00 3.520.00 Af' 00350694 08/21/2014 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 275.97 275.97 AP 00350695 08/21/2014 ABC LOCKSMITHS 83.13 0.00 83.13 Al' 00350698 08/21/2014 BRODART BOOKS 17.212.38 0.00 17,212.38 AP 00350699 08/21/2014 CAL.SENSE 7,884,73 0.00 7,884.73 Al' 00350700 08/21/2014 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARIO INC 0.00 107.31 107.31 AP 00350704 08/21/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 92.912,24 1.760.80 94.673.04 *** AI' 00350705 08/21/2014 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1.828,14 0.00 1.828.14 AP 00350706 08/21/2014 HYDRO SCAPE PRODUCTS INC 1.763,46 0.00 1.763.46 AP 00350707 08/21/2014 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 9.819.72 0,00 9.819.72 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 8 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait 1 Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P9 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Cheek Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount Al' 00350708 08/21/2014 NEC CORPORATION OF AMERICA 13.843.81 0.00 13,843.81 AP 00350709 08/21/2014 TRUGREEN L.ANDCARE 50.203.33 0.00 50.203.33 Al' 00350710 08/21/2014 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 23.17 23.17 Al' 00350711 08/26/2014 LONCAR. PHILIP 0.00 96458 964.58 Al'• 00350712 08/26/2014 WALKER.KENNETH 0.00 208.36 208.36 HI' 00004528 08/13/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CFY SI IERIFFS DEPT 37.266.74 0.00 37.266.74 El' 00004530 08/13/2014 CI'I'IGROUP ENERGY INC 76-185.60 0.00 76.185.60 El' 00004531 08/13/2014 FORIISI'AR METHANE GROUP LLC 34.321.92 0.00 34.321.92 El' 00004532 08/13/2014 RIVERSIDE.CITY OP 6,294.00 11.00 6.294.00 EP 00004533 08/13/2014 SAN BERNARDINO C Y SHERIFFS DEPT 2.510.019.00 0.00 2.510.019.00 EP 00004534 08/13/2014 VIASYN INC 1.616.00 0.00 1.616,00 El' 00004535 08/13/2014 E.DF TRADING NORTH AMERICA I.I.0 258.284.25 0.00 258.28425 EP 00004536 08/13/2014 TENASKA POWER SERVICES CO 52.720.96 0.00 26.000.00 El' 00004538 08/20/2014 CALIF GOVERNMENT VEBA/RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9.285.00 0.00 9.285.00 I El' 00004539 08/20/2014 RCPFA 10-137.28 0.00 10.137.28 131' 00004540 08/20/2014 VIASYN INC 3,232.00 0.00 3.232.00 111' 00004541 08/20/2014 RCCEA 1.134.00 0.00 1.134.00 lil' 00004543 08/26/2014 AIIUMADA.ALEXANDER R 0.00 846.58 846.58 El' 00004544 08/26/2014 ALMAND. LLOYD 0.00 535.72 535.72 El' 00004545 08/26/2014 BANTAU.VICTORIA 0.00 832.95 832.95 El' 00004546 08/26/2011 BAZAL.SUSAN 0.00 2.785.33 2.785.33 El' 00004547 08/26/2014 BERRY. DAVID 0.00 964.58 964.58 El' 00004548 08/26/2014 I3ROCK. ROBIN 0.00 832.95 832.95 El' 00004549 08/26/2014 CAMPBELL.GERALD 0.00 1.289,65 1.289.65 El' 00004550 08/26/2014 CARNES. KENNET!' 0.00 717.76 717.76 El' 00004551 08/26/2014 CLABBY.RICHARD 0.00 964.58 964.58 EP 00004552 08/26/2014 CORCORAN,ROBERT 0.00 505.59 505.59 El' 00004553 08/26/2014 CON. KARL 0.00 535.72 535.72 EP 00004554 08/26/2014 CRANE.RALPH . 0.00 1.353.64 1.353.64 El' 00004555 08262014 CROSSLAND.WII,BUR 0.00 470.94 470.94 EP 00004556 08/26/2014 DAGUE.JAMES 0.00 1,130.18 1.130.18 El' 00004557 08/26/2014 DI?ANTONIO. SUSAN 0.00 505.59 505.59 IEl' 00004558 08/26/2014 DOMINICK.SAMUEL A. 0.00 832.95 832.95 El' (10004559 08/26/2014 EAGLESON. MICHAEL 0.00 1,504.93 1,504.93 El' 00004560 08/26/2014 FRITCIIEY,JOHN I). 0.00 470.94 470.94 EP 00004561 08/26/2014 IIIEYDE.DONALD 0.00 1,130.18 1.130.18 EP 00004562 08/26/2014 INTERLICCHIA.ROSAI,YN 0.00 1,130.18 1.130.18 El' 00004563 08/26/2014 LANE,WILLIAM 0.00 1,50493 1.504.93 EP 00004564 08/26/2014 LEE.ALLAN 0.00 1,472.85 1 472.85 EP 00004565 08/26/2014 LENZE, PAUL E 0.00 1,102.77 1.102.77 EP 00004566 08/26/2014 LONGO,JOE 0.00 175.97 175.97 EP 00004567 08/26/2014 L.UITRULL,DARRELI., 0.00 717.76 717.76 EP 00004568 08/26/2014 MACKALL.BENJAMIN 0.00 175.97 175.97 El' 00004569 08/26/2014 MAYFIELD. RON 0.00 1,353.64 1.353.64 El' 00004570 08/26/2014 MCKEE,JOHN 0.00 535.72 535.72 El' 00004571 08/26/2014 MCMILLEN.LINDA 0.00 535.72 535.72 El' 00004572 08/26/2014 MCNEIL.KENNETH 0.00 944.68 944.68 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 9 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I "Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P10 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 (:heck No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount EP 00004573 08/26/2014 MICHAEI„L. DENNIS 0.00 832.95 832.95 EP 00004574 08/26/2014 MORGAN, BYRON 0.00 2,265.72 2,265.72 El' 00004575 08/26/2014 MYSKOW, DENNIS 0.00 964.58 964.58 El' 00004576 08/26/2014 NAUMAN. MICIIAEI, 0.00 964.58 964.58 EP 00004577 08/26/2014 NEE. RON 0.00 1.795.43 1,795.43 El' 00004578 08/26/2014 NELSON,MARY JANE 0.00 175.97 175.97 El' 00004579 08/26/2014 POST.MICHAEL R 0.00 1.717.64 1.717.64 El' 00004580 08/26/2014 PROULX.PATRICK 0.00 1.504.93 1,504.93 El' 00004581 08/26/2014 ROEDER.JEFF 0.00 1,504.93 1,504.93 EP 00004582 08/26/2014 SALISBURY.THOMAS 0.00 832.95 832.95 EP 00004583 08/26/2014 SMITH. RONALD 0.00 964.58 964.58 EP 00004584 08/26/2014 SPAGNOLO.SAM 0.00 470.94 470.94 liP 00004585 08/26/2014 SPAIN. WILLIAM 0.00 717.76 717.76 EP 00004586 08/26/2014 SULLIVAN,JAMES 0.00 1.08658 1,086.58 El' 00004587 08/26/2014 TAYLOR.STEVE 0.00 1,102.77 1.102.77 El' 00004588 08/26/2014 TULEY,TERRY 0.011 1.130,18 1.130.18 El' 00004589 08/26/2014 VANDERKALLEN. FRANCIS 0.00 1,157.44 1.157.44 EP 00004590 08/26/2014 WOLFE.JACKIE 0.00 617.32 617.32 EP 00004591 08/26/2014 YOWELL,TIMOTHY A 0.00 1.353.64 1,353.64 EP 00004592 08/26/2014 KILMER.STEPHEN 0.00 1.289.65 1,289.65 EP 00004593 08/26/2014 WALTON,KEVIN 0.00 1289.65 1.289.65 Total City: $5,204,928.83 Total Fire: $564,717.40 Grand Total: $5,769,646.23 Note: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire District expenditures User: VL,OPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 10 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait 1 Time: 11:25:05 S P11 STAFF REPORT ADMINISTRIATIVE SERVICES J RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: President and Board of Directors John R. Gillison, City Manager 11��, From: Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services VJ Ruth Cain, CPPB, Acting Senior Buyer By: Debbie Grimes, Buyer I Subject: APPROVAL TO DECLARE CITY OWNED MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT, OFFICE EQUIPMENT, AND COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AS SURPLUS. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve to declare City owned miscellaneous vehicles and equipment, office equipment and computer equipment as surplus (please see attached). BACKGROUND It has been the policy of the City to request that the City Council provide authorization to the Purchasing Manager to dispose of City property by declaring such items as surplus. Items become surplus when they have been deemed obsolete and unsuitable for City use. Methods of surplus include trade-in, sale by bid or auction, sold as scrap, donation, or simply disposing of the equipment through methods that reduce trash into the landfills and promote safe recycling practices. The Fire District is in support of Fire Training at the Community College. The programs we are most involved with are at Grafton Hills College in Yucaipa and Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut. Both programs have a Fire Academy. We have two Type 1 Engines (51-92 and 52-92) that will be declared surplus. These Engines, while tired and no longer efficient for service even in a Reserve capacity by the District, will have many more years of use at the Fire Academies. The students will have modern Fire Equipment to drill on and it will help prepare them for the work place which is what benefits the District. It would be a great service with the Fire Board's approval to donate these Engines and related equipment for these students to use during their training. At this time, items to be considered for surplus are fire engines, fleet vehicles, computer equipment, miscellaneous heavy equipment and other electronics. Upon City Council approval all viable items will be auctioned, with the remainder recycled, disposed of as'e- waste, donated, or sold as scrap. • 2014 VEHICLE SURPLUS P12 VEHICLE SURPLUS AUGUST 2014 Public Works TAG # YEAR MAKE MODEL VIN # CONDITION FUEL MILES 701 2006 CHEVY EXPRESS 1 HTSCAAN2YH270976 FAIR GASOLINE 130,543 702 2006 CHEVY EXPRESS 1GCGG25U461203090 FAIR GASOLINE 144,166 1333 2000 FORD EXPLORER 1FMZU71X2YZB92055 FAIR GASOLINE 44,757 1516 1998 INTL 4900 1HTSHADR4WH541386 T/C DSL 81,235 1517 2000 INTL 4700 1HTSCAAN2YH270976 T/C DSL 74,577 1652 2000 INTL 4900 1HTSDAAR71H389838 FAIR DSL 74,253 2131 2003 FORD F-350 1FDWW36S03ED28685 FAIR GASOLINE 119,889 2233 2004 FORD EXPLORER 1FMZU72K94ZB12697 FAIR GASOLINE 86,315 10506 2002 INTL PATCH TRK 1 HTMMAMO2H547158 FRONT TC DSL 53,228 P13 EQUIPMENT SURPLUS AUGUST 2014 Public Works UNIT YEAR MFG MODEL DESCRIPTION VIN FUEL E506 2003 Exmark Exmark Mower, Lazer 465466 Unleaded E510 2005 Smithco Super Star Field Rake 43008 Unleaded E528 2005 John Deer E gator Utility Cart WOE4X2E011926 Electric E547 2005 Smithco Super Star Field Rake 43010 Unleaded 556 1999 Jacobson Tri-King Mower, Lazer 6701704932 Unleaded 575P 2002 SDI PC Master Sprayer 31230 Unleaded E602 . 2002 Unknown Unknown Water pump Unknown DSL E606 2004 Advance MMC85T Message Board Unknown Electric 659 1991 Wacker RSS800 Roller 620081120 DSL 872 1995 EZ GO Medalist Golf Cart 878109 Electric 891 1998 Advance 411002 Lot Sweeper 13173G98 Electric 1597 2000 John Deer Turf Gator Cart WOE4X2001401 Electric 10505 2000 Bandit Bandit 65 Chipper 4FMUS1112YR004803 DSL E6070 1999 Berema Pionjar140 • Pionjar 903173 Air 581 1994 Rayco Super Jr Stump Grinder 1 R9100911 PW210268 Unleaded 581T 1994 Rayco Stump Trailer 1R90515PW210254 636T 1993 Hypertherm 9310199 Pressure Wash 1P9FP16241W206141 DSL/Unl 1587T 2001 AZ-TEX Carrier Equip. Trailer 42BUE02091F000179 2631T 2009 Apache Utility Trailer 5JRUE08129C201794 SERIAL NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT GR-AX55U/GR- 168F3900 JVC AX35U/GR-AXU CAMERA-RECORDER/PLAYER -ASSET TAG # 001563 GR-AX55U/GR- 168F3528 JVC AX35U/GR-AXU CAMERA-RECORDER/PLAYER NIKON F 100 35MM FILM CAMERA -ASSET TAG #002766 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P14 DATE • IS SURPLUS Total of 19 Pallets MFG. DESCRIPTION MODEL # SERIAL NUMBER FA# SynOptics SynOptics LattisHub 2803 16 port hub expansior 2803 2026746 N/A SynOptics SynOptics LattisHub 2803 16 port hub expansior 2803 2026675 N/A SynOptics SynOptics LattisHub 2813 16 port hub main 2813 1677720 N/A IBM Thinkvision Monitor 1S9220HB1V108608 9220-HB1 V108608 N/A IOMEGA (OMEGA EXTERNAL DVDRW dvdrw16xu2 EHCG210VS6 1S9220HE N/A THOSHIBA Toshiba Laptop P300 88131309W 003506 LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L201P 1S9220HQ1V108622 N/A FLATBED SCANNER 3970 CN47MB372Q N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM462 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM421 N/A ILENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 156636HB1V1D6535 N/A ILENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM443 N/A iLENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D5842 N/A ''LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D5812 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L151 V6-KR651 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150 23ANG91 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L151 V6-GW969 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L151 V6-EC897 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D6538 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D6563 N/A LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-1K2H5 003608 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 99-G0447 000677 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-3G3C0 004029 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-4P7K6 003883 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-C3233 000970 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-4PBD8 003901 LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM200 N/A HEWLETT PACKARD HP PRINTER 1120C SG82Q1215M 000337 HEWLETT PACKARD HP PRINTER 1120C SG81B1210Z 001561 DELL DELL PRINTER 926 BJCKGB1 N/A .LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D3391 N/A ;HEWLETT PACKARD HP Laserjet Printer 4350dn cndxb04640 00090 HEWLETT PACKARD HP Color laserjet 3800dtn CNJCH07342 003251 [HEWLETT PACKARD HP Color LaserJet 3800dn CNNCH17374 [HEWLETT PACKARD HP Officelet Pro K8600 TH81J11035 [EPSON Epson Stylus Color S410 A6RK144491 002377 HEWLETT PACKARD HP Deskjet 1120C SG31N130XK 003011 HEWLETT PACKARD HP Deskjet 1120C 3G87J130D3 001980 FARGO Fargo Persona C16 A4350128 000637 OKIDATA Okidata Microline 320 303D4089450 002946 HP HP Laserjet4000 USMB079011 001700 OKIDATA Okidata Microline Turbo 320 AE87109945G0 HEWLETT PACKARD HP Q5911A CNBL504707 LENOVO Lenovo L150p V1D5810 LENOVO Lenovo L170 S5WRP25 LENOVO Lenovo L201p V108512 LENOVO Lenovo L192p VLDM293 LENOVO Lenovo L192p VLDM295 IBM IBM 7316TF2 100442H IBM IBM 9511AG1 55C5649 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST • P15 DATE IBM IBM 1723HC1 23N7592 IBM IBM 17231UX 23A7973 VIEWSONIC Viewsonic 6 1822368738 VIEWSONIC Viewsonic 6 1822773457 VIEWSONIC NEC JC1734VMA 5605360KA NEC Lenovo L211 V105814 LENOVO IBM L151 V103355 IBM IBM L151 V1D3395 DELL Dell1907FPT XNODC3237161865PBG9 ET15291-8CWA-1-GY 725506334C 9511-AG4 55N2546 AVOCENT AvoCent Autoview 2000 0080076830 APEX Apex ETMA4201 AVOCENT Avocent Autoview, 8-Port DG0095908 AVOCENT Avocent Autoview, 8-Port DG0104519 CANON Canon PowerShot S410 8721508253 INTERMEC Intermec Barcode Scanner 1545A 94071100386 CCD CCD Barcode Reader FC-8100 07037358 LENOVO Lenovo Keyboard 41A5289 00682647 IBM IBM Keyboard 89P8300 3868681 LENOVO Lenovo Keyboard41A5289 00537395 IBM IBM Keyboard 32P5000 00301473 IBM IBM Keyboard 89P8300 3868654 IBM IBM Keyboard 89P8300 3751648 METROLOGIC Metrologic Barcode Scanner MS9450 3500180795 LENOVO Lenovo Mouse MO28UOL 4468117 NETWORK Network Cable N/A MONITOR Monitor Cable N/A LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707410689 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707410585 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P15 015707410580 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707408427 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707410655 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707408466 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707408445 SHARP Sharp Projector Remote RRMCGA623WJSA N/A VISIONEER Visioneer One Touch 9420 Scanner 547b002966d1 APC APC UPS SU700RMNET W59848031029 001989 DELL Deli Latitude E6420 2MH1LV1 004464 IBM IBM 8741C3U L3AR232 004044 IBM IBM 8741C3U L3AX221 004049 IBM IBM 18714CU L3CFGC3 003318 IBM IBM Thinkpad T60 L34P8B0 003861 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L3C3255 000963 IBM IBM Thinkpad T60 L34P7L0 003863 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 _ L3AA662 000998 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L3BX612 003417 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L3BX611 003416 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L34R7R9 003903 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0571 000668 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 _ 99G0397 000674 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0555 000672 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0463 000666 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P16 DATE IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0429 000673 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0542 000678 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0491 000675 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 9960372 000684 IBM IBM Thinkpad 646557U L3B9700 003530 IBM IBM eServer xSeries 346 KPNHY66 000926 IBM IBM eServer x Series 306 KPHC931 000854 DE De 109B9BF IBM IBM xpansion 109B9BF IBM IBM Serial Disk System 76EY089 IBM IBM PowerEdge 2800 FFH5M81 • IBM IBM P05 4840 0144121007112 IBM IBM P05 4840 0154545002848 003420 IBM IBM 818737U 9960540 000682 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC L34P7Y9 003898 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC L31K2F6 003601 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDDWT5 003983 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDDWV7 003610 DELL Dell Latitude D505 HWB2361 ILENOVO Lenovo MT-M9637-WCC LKDVXHO 003544 ILENOVO Lenovo 9482CT0 LKGAFDF 003496 ILENOVO Lenovo 8143 LKGGA7N 003080 'IBM IBM 8113Muh LK44536 005082 IBM IBM 8113Muh LKGP260 005117 IBM IBM 8113Muh LKMTB75 003571 LENOVO Lenovo 88115bu LKFVAW7 003958 IBM IBM 814328u LKGFZ6Y 003138 IBM IBM 814328u LKFMHOB 003159 IBM IBM 814328u LKGGA5L 003135 LENOVO Lenovo 8811V3L LKFVAX2 004039 IBM IBM 814328u LKDHT3Y 003095 LENOVO Lenovo 9637wcc LKDVXK5 003745 LENOVO Lenovo 9637wcc LKDVWMS 003831 IBM IBM 818737U KCBZ5DM 000624 LENOVO Lenovo 9637CT0 LKCKAZ3 004019 IBM IBM 818737U KCARID7 000595 IBM IBM 814328U LKDKL7A 003148 IBM IBM 814328U LKGDC4F 003121 IBM IBM 814328U LKGFZ4B 003103 IBM IBM 814328U LKGDC1G 003141 IBM IBM 814328U LKGDC6B 003072 IBM IBM 814328U LKDHT4D 003153 IBM IBM 814328U LKDKL8T 003127 IBM IBM 8143-39U LKZTSLX 000896 IBM IBM 8143-39U LKZT5LW 000895 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDVXC7 003687 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCB LKCKAY2 003612 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCB LKCKAY4 004021 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCB LKCKAZ2 004026 LENOVO Lenovo 8811-V3L LKFVAX4 003962 LENOVO Lenovo 8811-V3L LKFVAX7 003951 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDVXA7 003794 IBM IBM 8143-39U LKKAG1X RC003067 Sharp Projector XR30X 802937101 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P17 DATE Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G101144 Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G154839 Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G101143 Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G101122 Epson Printer TM-U200B CPUK008907 Sharp Printer JX-9400 36207967 HP Printer C4224A USQN466451 HP Printer C4224A USQN466452 Apple iMac R0003334 QP6230TBU2R Apple iMac R0003338 unreadable Apple iMac R0003335 QP6230TGU2R IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61990 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62038 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62031 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62158 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62019 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62041 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62014 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62009 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61859 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61866 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62080 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62160 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61751 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62155 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62257 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62174 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61876 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61867 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62159 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61865 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61868 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62165 IBM Monitor 9511-AG4 55-P0860 IBM Monitor 9511-AG4 55-N3759 IBM Monitor 6734-ACO 55WTB90 ELO Monitor ELO Touchscreer 7255063220 intermec Scanner E1870007 IBM Monitor 9417-AB1 V2Y5839 IBM IBM PC WORKSTATION KCKV3YN 000813 LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM175 N/A (OMEGA IOMEGA EXTERNAL CD BURNER CDRW9602EXT2*4RCC2801RK* N/A BIZCARDREADER Bizcardreader600O USB203 GK36006043 002947 PORTABLE PORTABLE COMPUTER LTE/286 6950HAF30616 01126 IBM IBM THINKPAD 18714CU L3-YPV49 003362 IBM IBM THINKPAD 2007GBU L3-4P7V6 003889 IOMEGA (OMEGA EXTERNAL CD BURNER CDRW55292EXI3TBE5029V 000865 TOSHIBA TOSHIBA FDD ATTACHMENT CASE W/FDD N/A N/A N/A DOCKING DOCKING STATION IBM 74P6733M1A8ES2 N/A MS MS WIRELESS KB/MOUSE MSKB7000 9079400587448 N/A TOSHIBA TOSHIBA TECRA TECRA 500 CDT 12699070-3 01618 IBM IBM THINKSTATION 2687-D4U L3-C3308 000969 LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM296 N/A LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM216 N/A RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P18 DATE 3M 3M PROJECTOR 2000 AGT 316492 00627 IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D5835 N/A _ IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D6559 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D3213 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D6572 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V106565 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D6569 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D6529 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D5832 N/A IIBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D5820 N/A 'LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM437 N/A LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDR019 N/A LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM431 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 9205-AB6 V6-MA384 N/A HP HP COLOR LASERJET COPIER WITH ATTACHMEN LASERJET 9500 JPNJC00300 000927 (Qty 12) Blade Center Cooling Fans for H- IBM Series Blade Center Chassis - Loose on Pallet H-Series NA NONE IBM (Qty 18) Server Rack Rail Mounting Hardware X-Series NA NONE (Qty 24) 2.5" Form Factor Internal Hard Drive for H-Series Blade Center Chassis - Drive Degaussed and Wiped Clean of all Data - Loose IBM on Pallet H-Series NA NONE (Qty 56) 3.5" Form Factor Internal Hard Drive for X-Series Servers - Drive Degaussed and IBM Wiped Clean of all Data - Loose on Pallet X-Series NA NONE (Qty 42) X-Series Blade Servers which integrate into an H-Series Blade Server Chassis - Loose IBM on Pallet X-Series NA NONE (Qty 6) Cooling Fan Assemblies for H-Series IBM Blade Center Chassis - Loose on Pallet H-Series NA NONE Management Moduel for H-Series Blade Center IBM Chassis- Loose on Pallet H-Series NA NONE Array Networks Array Networks Load Balancers NA UNAVAILABLE 003511 Array Networks Array Networks Load Balancers NA UNAVAILABLE 003512 Google . (Qty 2) Google Search Appliance NA NA NA Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 B009230 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 8008121 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 B007717 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 B007974 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS5000 SHU9455200028DC 003996 Dell EqualLogic SAN PS5000 SHU9455200028CD 003997 Dell EqualLogic SAN PS6000 SHU0935411YHAA13 004319 Dell EqualLogic SAN PS6000 SHU0935411YAA12 004318 IBM X-Series Server X3650 99AM790 003994 IBM X-Series Server X3650 KQAXNPZ 003995 IBM X-Series Server X3550 KQCDMNC NONE IBM X-Series Server X3650 KQFTAWY 003950 IBM H-Series Blade Center Chassis 88524XU 99A4403 003997 IBM H-Series Blade Center Chassis 8852HC1 KQBZLHG NONE IBM H-Series Blade Center Chassis 8852HC1 KQBZLEF NONE CISCO Switch VS-5720-10G SAL1222S5SR CISCO Switch VS-5720-1OG SAL1223STYX CISCO 48 port base T68 WS-XL148A SAL1203DG4S CISCO 48 port base T68 WS-XL148A SAL1218P5NZ RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST • P19 DATE CISCO 48 port base T68 WS-XL148A IBM05501S05 CISCO Catalyst 6500 6513 • Rancho Cucamonga Police Department P20 Surplus Vehicle May 2013 • White 1999 GMC Safari Cargo Van Has a 4.3L 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine, Automatic Transmission;Power Steering, Climate Control, AM/FM Radio, Manual Doors & Windows, Cloth Seats, Vinyl Flooring, Steel Wheels, Rear Door Windows, Interior Shelves, Class Three Tow Receiver (4 Wire Plug). VIN: 1GTDM19WXXB529599 Mileage: 25,355 > Paint Damage from Decals and Holes in Roof from Removed Equipment (Sealed) • •• P21 Unit #51-92 1992 KME Renegade Pumper VIN # 1 K9AF4283NN058667 License # E338002 Description: Fire Engine Engine: Detroit 8V92-TA HP. 350, Torque 866 ft/lbs. Mileage: 136,788 Transmission: Allison HT755 CR Pump: HALE QSMG-175-23 1750 gpm Wheel Base 180" long x 96" wide GVW: 41,800 lbs Condition: Vehicle is operational, drivable, good tires and brakes, engine and transmission are in good operating order. All warning lights are on vehicle. Vehicle will be safety checked before buyer leaves the premises with the vehicle. NO warranty or guarantee is implied, Vehicle is sold in "AS IS CONDITION". Buyer assumes ALL responsibility and liability for vehicle at time of sale. • • P22 Unit #50-92 1992 KME Renegade Pumper VIN # 1K9AF4283NN058666 License # E338001 Description: Fire Engine Engine: Detroit 8V92-TA HP. 350, Torque 866 ft/lbs. Mileage: 145,311 Transmission: Allison HT755 CR Pump: HALE QSMG-175-23 1750 gpm Wheel Base 180" long x 96" wide GVW: 41,800 lbs Condition: Vehicle is operational, drivable, good tires and brakes, engine and transmission are in good operating order. All warning lights are on vehicle. Vehicle will be safety checked before buyer leaves the premises with the vehicle. NO warranty or guarantee is implied, Vehicle is sold in "AS IS CONDITION". Buyer assumes ALL responsibility and liability for vehicle at time of sale. • • P23 Unit #69-00 2000 KME Tele-Squirt 65' VIN # 1K9AF4281YN058153 License # 1023423 Description: Fire Engine Engine: Detroit Series 60 HP. 500, Mileage: 79,877 Transmission: Allison HD4060P Pump: HALE QMAX150-21 L 1750 gpm Wheel Base 204" long x 96" wide GVW: 49,790 lbs Condition: Vehicle is operational, drivable, good tires and brakes, engine and transmission are in good operating order. All warning lights are on vehicle. • • P24 STAFF REPORT tat yI SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY L!� Date: September 2, 2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Chairman and Members of the Successor Agency John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Linda D. Daniels, Assistant City Manager By: Erika S. Lewis-Huntley, Management Analyst III Subject: ADOPT THE ATTACHED RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH LDC COUGAR, LLC AND CHURCH HAVEN, LLC FOR THE SALE OF THE BASE LINE ROAD & DAY CREEK BOULEVARD PROPERTY AND FORWARD TO THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION Subject to the approvals required from the Oversight Board and the Department of Finance, staff recommends that the Successor Agency adopt the attached resolution and approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement with LDC Cougar, LLC and Church Haven, LLC for the sale of the Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard property (APNs 1089-031-15, 1089-031-16, 1089-031-35) and forward the matter to the Oversight Board. BACKGROUND The Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard site originally consisted of four parcels that were acquired by the former Redevelopment Agency between 1990 and 1991 for the purpose of constructing a fire station and to allow for the future development of an affordable housing project. The original parcels were split in 2006 and one of the parcels was transferred to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District for the construction of Fire Station #173. The former Redevelopment Agency entered into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) for the remaining 3 parcels totaling 13.78 acres with LDC Cougar, LLC and Church Haven, LLC on May 18, 2011 to identify the terms and conditions for a Development and Disposition Agreement (DDA) to construct a mixed-use project consisting of neighborhood commercial and affordable housing. The DDA was never finalized due to the elimination of the Redevelopment Agency and the ENA for this property expired on May 18, 2012. California Health and Safety Code Section 34191.3 provides for a Long Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) to govern the disposition and use of real property assets of the former Redevelopment Agency. The Amended LRPMP was approved by the Department of Finance (DOF) on January 17, 2014 and includes the Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard Site under the category "Properties to Be Sold." Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 34191.5(c)(2) and 34181(a) the Successor Agency has been directed by the Oversight Board to dispose of real property and ensure the taxing entities receive their proportionate share of the proceeds of the sale. The approved LRPMP P25 PURC1iASE AND SALE AGREEMENT FOR BASH LINE.&DAY CREEK PROPERTY PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 2,2014 directed the Successor Agency to resume negotiations with LDC Cougar, LLC and Church Haven, LLC for the sale of the three subject parcels in order to construct a mixed-use project with neighborhood commercial and senior affordable housing. The Retail Project is projected to consist of retail tenants occupying approximately 90,000 square feet of building area and will be anchored by a grocery store and drug store. The senior affordable housing site is expected to provide up to 120 units of affordable housing. The proposed sale of the property is consistent with the Successor Agency's LRPMP, which has been approved by the Oversight Board and the Department of Finance. The buyer of the property is a business affiliate of the Lewis Operating Corporation which is an established commercial and residential developer with almost 60 years of experience in developing and managing properties in the Inland Empire and the United States. DISCUSSION Staff has negotiated a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) for the sale of the property at the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard. A copy of the proposed PSA is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The salient terms and conditions of the sale are outlined as follows: Effective Date: The PSA provides that it will not be effective until it is approved by the Oversight Board and the DOF. Purchase Price: $4,260,169 The property valuation is supported by the attached Broker Opinion of Value ("Exhibit B") which is based on the property's current condition in today's market and its use as a commercial and senior affordable housing site. The Broker Opinion of Value gave specific consideration to the fact that part of the property will be used for senior affordable housing and the long term affordability restrictions. The Senior Affordable Land was valued based upon the attached Pro Formas which both depict a shortfall, therefore, the property was valued based upon a blended value — Commercial and Senior Affordable Land. Land Area: 13.78 acres (combined between 3 parcels) Base Line Rd. & Day Creek Site Northwest corner Base 1089-031-15-0000 4.35 Line Rd. and Day Creek acres Base Line Rd. & Day Creek Site Northwest corner Base 1089-031-16-0000 4.35 Line Rd. and Day Creek acres Base Line Rd. & Day Creek Site Northwest corner Base 1089-031-35-0000 5.08 Line Rd. and Day Creek acres Upon recordation of the Parcel Map, the property will consist of 2 separate parcels—the Commercial Parcel consisting of approximately 9.78 acres, and the Affordable Housing P26 PURCHASE,V ND SAE.E:.AGREEMENT FOR BASIL LINE&DAY CREEK PROPERTY PAGE 3 SEPTEMBER 2,2014 Parcel consisting of approximately 4 acres. The housing site will be restricted to affordable senior housing pursuant to a recorded affordable housing deed restriction. Deposit: $30,000 Within 10 days following the delivery of the Cost Reimbursement Notice or the Effective Date, Buyer will deposit funds with the Successor Agency. The deposit will apply towards the purchase price, except for default by Buyer and in such event shall be considered Liquidated Damages due to seller. Duration of Escrow: Escrow is to be opened with Orange Coast Title Company within 10 days following the Effective Date. Escrow is to close no later than 18 months after DOF's approval of the Purchase and Sale Agreement in order to allow for the needed time for the byer to obtain entitlement approvals for the proposed development. Buyer may extend the deadline twice for 6 months with written notice and payment of $25,000 per extension as a non-refundable extension fee. Costs: Seller shall pay the costs of the Title Policy, all transfer taxes and recording costs, and Buyer shall pay the costs associated with any extended coverage title policy, any title endorsements requested by Buyer, and any cost for recording the Grant Deed. All other closing costs and costs of escrow shall be divided between the parties equally. The title company will provide a preliminary closing statement to the parties prior to the closing date. Condition of Property: The property is being sold and bought in its "As-Is" condition. In addition to the proceeds from the land sale, which will be paid to taxing entities in proportion to their property tax share, there are a number of other benefits that could also be considered, including but not limited to: - Creation of sales tax generator for the City - Creation of local jobs - Creation of much needed affordable senior housing for the low and very low income Respectfully Submitted, (y4:4460 Linda D. Daniels Assistant City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 14-164 Exhibit A - Purchase and Sale Agreement Exhibit B —Opinion of Value P27 RESOLUTION NO. 14-164 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGARDING THE CONDITIONAL CONVEYANCE TO LDC COUGAR, LLC AND CHURCH HAVEN, LLC OF PROPERTY PURSUANT TO THE APPROVED AMENDED LONG- RANGE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PLAN RECITALS: A. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34175(b) and the California Supreme Court's decision in California Redevelopment Association, et al. v. Ana Matosantos, et at (53 Cal.4th 231(2011)), on February 1 , 2012, all assets, properties, contracts, leases, books and records, buildings, and equipment of the former Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") transferred to the control of the Successor Agency to the Agency (the "Successor Agency") by operation of law. B. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34191 .5(b), the Successor Agency must prepare a long-range property management plan which addresses the disposition and use of the real properties of the former Agency, and which must be submitted to the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency (the "Oversight Board") and the Department of Finance (the "DOF") for approval no later than six months following the issuance by DOF to the Successor Agency of a finding of completion pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34179.7. C. The Successor Agency prepared and submitted to the Oversight Board an amended long-range property management plan (the "Amended LRPMP"), which Amended LRPMP addresses the disposition and use of the real property of the former Agency and includes the information required pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34191 .5(c). D. The Amended LRPMP was approved by the DOF on January 17, 2014. E. The property that is the subject of this Resolution is described in the Amended LPRMP as property that is to be sold. F. The Successor Agency staff has negotiated a "Purchase and Sale Agreement and Escrow Instructions" ("PSA") for the sale of the property, which is more particularly described in the PSA. A copy of the proposed PSA is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". G. The PSA provides that it will not be effective unless it is approved by the Oversight Board and the DOF (or the DOF fails to request review within the time prescribed by law). RESOLUTION NO. 14-164— Page 1 P28 NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY HEREBY FINDS, DETERMINES, RESOLVES, AND ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . The above recitals are true and correct and are a substantive part of this Resolution. Section 2. Subject to the approvals required from the Oversight Board and the DOF, the Successor Agency is hereby authorized and directed to affect the conveyance of the Property in accordance with this Resolution and the PSA, and connection thereto, the Executive Director of the Successor Agency is authorized to execute and deliver the PSA and all documents required thereby or necessary or convenient to facilitate the transaction therein. Section 3. The officers and staff of the Successor Agency are hereby authorized and directed, jointly and severally, to do any and all things which they may deem necessary or advisable to effectuate this Resolution, and any such actions previously taken by such officers and staff are hereby ratified and confirmed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of September, 2014. Chair ATTEST: Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 14-164 — Page 2 P29 EXHIBIT "A" PSA (Attached) P30 mos_ PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS This PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS (this "Agreement") is dated as of September 2, 2014 and is entered into by and between the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, as successor to the RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("Seller"), and LDC COUGAR, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and CHURCH HAVEN COMPANY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Buyer"). Buyer and Seller are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." This Agreement shall not be effective until: (i) it has been approved by the Oversight Board of Seller; and (ii) it has been approved by the California Department of Finance ("DOF") or the DOF has failed to request review within the time permitted by law ("Effective Date"). Seller requires that Buyer execute and deliver this Agreement first, and then upon approval by the board of Seller, Seller will sign this Agreement and then promptly email a copy to Buyer and then Seller will submit this Agreement to Seller's Oversight Board for approval (and if so approved, then it shall be submitted promptly to the DOF). RECITALS A. Seller, as successor agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, is the owner of the land generally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto consisting of approximately 13.78 acres at the northwest corner of Base Line Avenue and Day Creek Boulevard in the City of Rancho Cucamonga ("Property"), which constitutes a legal parcel under the California Subdivision Map Act. Upon recordation of the "Parcel Map" (defined at Section 2.5.6 below), the Property shall consist of a minimum of the two (2) following separate legal parcels (i) the "Commercial Parcel" consisting of approximately 9.78 acres of real property, and (ii) the "Affordable Housing Parcel" or the "Affordable Housing Site", consisting of approximately 4 acres of real property; the general location of each of the foregoing Parcels is depicted on Exhibit"A-2". B. The sale of the Property by Seller will provide funds for distribution to taxing entities under California Health and Safety Code Section 34188. Buyer desires to use part of the Property to construct, open and operate the retail development described on Exhibit "A-3" ("Retail Project"), which will further benefit the public by providing jobs, property taxes and other taxes. C. Seller desires to sell to Buyer, and Buyer desires to purchase the Property from Seller, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, including the payments described in the third paragraph (above), the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: A-1 Y:\927\G2747 Baseline-Day Creek-Rancho Cucamonga1G2747 PSA Day Creek(Rancho RDA)Buyer's Dill(8.8.14)CLN.FINAL.doc P31 TERMS 1. PURCHASE AND SALE. 1.1 Agreement to Purchase and Sell. Seller agrees to sell the Property to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase the Property from Seller, upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. 1.2 Purchase Price. The purchase price for all the Property is the sum of Four Million Two Hundred Sixty Thousand One Hundred Sixty-nine Dollars (54,260,169.00). . 1.3 Deposit. Within ten (10) days following the later of the delivery of the Cost Reimbursement Notice described in Section 1.5 below or the Effective Date, Buyer shall deliver funds, by check, wire transfer or other means, in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) less the "Maximum Reimbursement" paid by Buyer to Seller under Section 1.5 below (which Maximum Reimbursement constitutes a portion of the Deposit and is applicable to the Purchase Price), to the Escrow Agent (defined below) to be deposited in an interest-bearing account and held as an earnest money deposit hereunder pursuant to the terms and provisions hereof (which earnest money deposit and interest herein called the "Deposit"). The Deposit shall be: (i) applicable to the Purchase Price; (ii) refundable to Buyer in accordance with this Agreement; and (iii) subject to the terms of Section 6.2. 1.4 Payment of Purchase Price. At Close of Escrow (defined below), Buyer shall pay to Seller through escrow the balance of the Purchase Price (i.e., a sum equal to the Purchase Price less the Deposit), payable in cash, by cashier's or certified check or by wire transfer. 1.5 Buyer Reimbursement of Seller Costs. Subject to the Maximum Reimbursement, Buyer shall pay or reimburse Seller for costs in connection with this Agreement (including attorneys' fees) that were incurred by Seller prior to the execution of this Agreement. Such payment or reimbursement shall (i) not exceed the amount of Four Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($4,000.00) ("Maximum Reimbursement"), and (ii) be made within ten (10) days after written demand by Seller (the"Cost Reimbursement Notice") describing the costs incurred (with evidence thereof, including but not limited to invoices, cancelled checks, other proof of payment, etc.). 1.6 Right of Negotiation for Affordable Housing Project: Conveyance by Buyer to Seller. After the Close of Escrow, Buyer shall not encumber or alter the Affordable Housing Parcel encumbered by the Affordable Housing Restrictions attached hereto as Exhibit "D" which is to be recorded at the Close of Escrow on only the Affordable Housing Parcel. For up to one (1) calendar year after the Close of Escrow, Seller shall negotiate with Buyer to agree upon the terms of a recordable agreement (or recordable amendment to the Affordable Housing Restrictions) in which Buyer may elect to agree to develop and operate a senior affordable rental housing project on the Affordable Housing Site, which may be approved and executed by the Executive Director of Seller on behalf of Seller in the good faith, but otherwise sole and absolute, discretion of the Executive Director. If Buyer or Seller fails to execute, acknowledge and deliver such an agreement by the date which is one (1) calendar year after the Close of A-2 12803-000111724697v2 doe P32 Escrow, then Buyer shall (i) not be in default under this Agreement, and (ii) convey the Affordable Housing Site back to Seller, free and clear of all liens and monetary encumbrances and otherwise subject only to other Permitted Exceptions (as defined herein), by executing and delivering to Seller, on or before the date that is one (1) calendar year and ten (10) days after the Close of Escrow, a grant deed in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C", duly acknowledged and with the legal description of the Affordable Housing Site attached as Exhibit "A" thereto. If Buyer breaches its obligations to convey the Affordable Housing Site to Seller, Seller shall have the remedy of specific performance. 2. ESCROW. 2.1 Opening of Escrow. Within ten (10) days following the Effective Date, Seller and Buyer shall deliver a fully-executed counterpart of this Agreement to, and open an escrow ("Escrow") with, Orange Coast Title Company ("Title Company" or"Escrow Agent"). located at 3536 Concours Drive, Suite 120, Ontario, CA 91764, Escrow Officer: Irene Genders (909.987.5433); Title Officer: Helen Johnson (909.987.5433). The actual date the Escrow is opened is referred to as the "Opening of Escrow". 2.2 Escrow Instructions. This Agreement constitutes joint escrow instructions of Buyer and Seller for conveyance of the Property. Buyer and Seller shall execute, deliver and be bound by any reasonable or customary supplemental or additional escrow instructions ("Additional Instructions") of Title Company as may be reasonably required by Title Company in order to consummate the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. This Agreement shall govern and control if any inconsistency or ambiguity arises between the Additional Instructions and this Agreement. 2.3 Close of Escrow. For purposes of this Agreement, "Close of Escrow" or "Closing" means the recordation in the Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, of the grant deeds in the forms attached hereto as Exhibits "C" and "D". Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions precedent in Sections 2.5 and 2.6 below, Close of Escrow is to occur on or before the date that is eighteen (18) months after DOF's approval of this Agreement; provided, however, that Buyer may extend such deadline twice for six (6) months per extension by written notice to Seller of the extension given prior to the then-scheduled Close of Escrow and payment of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) per extension ("Extension Payment") as a non-refundable extension fee (each Extension Payment shall not be applicable to the Purchase Price). The Close of Escrow shall be conditioned upon satisfaction, or written waiver by the Party for whose benefit the condition exists, of all conditions precedent thereto. Exclusive possession of the Property shall be delivered to Buyer on the Closing Date free and clear of all tenancies. 2.4 Costs. Seller shall pay the costs of the Title Policy, all transfer taxes and recording costs, and Buyer shall pay the costs associated with any extended coverage title policy i.e., extended ALTA coverage) any title endorsements requested by Buyer, and any cost for recording the Grant Deed. All other closing costs and costs of Escrow shall be divided between the Parties equally. Title Company shall provide a preliminary closing statement to Buyer and Seller prior to the Closing Date. A-3 12803-000ft 1724697v2.doc P33 2.5 Buyer's Conditions Precedent to Close of Escrow. The Close of Escrow and Buyer's obligation to acquire the Property and pay the Purchase Price is subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions for Buyer's benefit (or Buyer's waiver thereof, it being agreed that Buyer may waive any or all of such conditions) on or prior to the Closing Date as set forth below or in a writing signed by Buyer and delivered to Seller and Escrow. With respect to the following conditions that are to be satisfied on or before the Contingency Date (as defined in Section 4.1 below), any such conditions not satisfied by such date shall, unless waived by Buyer in writing on or before the Contingency Date, be deemed to have been accepted by Buyer: 2.5.1 Seller shall have completed all of its obligations under this Agreement which are to be completed prior to the Close of Escrow. 2.5.2 Buyer shall have received an irrevocable commitment from the Title Company to issue the Title Policy required pursuant to this Agreement; subject only to the Permitted Exceptions (defined in Section 3.2). 2.5.3 All representations and warranties of the Seller hereunder shall be true as of the Effective Date and as of the Close of Escrow and shall continue as provided in Section 7.2 below. 2.5.4 Buyer shall have determined that the Property is suitable for Buyer's intended use. 2.5.5 Buyer shall have obtained all governmental permits and approvals required for Buyer's intended development and use of the Property (excluding certificates of occupancy or comparable permits and approvals which may not be issued until completion of improvements by Buyer). 2.5.6 Buyer shall have obtained approval of and be in a position to record at the Close of Escrow, a parcel map creating a minimum of two (2) separate legal parcels from the Property (the "Parcel Map") as generally described on Exhibits "A" and "A-1", and depicted on Exhibit "A-2", as follows (i) the Commercial Parcel, consisting of approximately 9.78 acres of real property, which (a) shall be used for the Retail Project, (b) may consist of several separate legal parcels, and (ii) the Affordable Housing Parcel, consisting of approximately 4 acres, which shall be used for the affordable housing project. 2.5.7 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if Buyer Closes Escrow prior to the Parcel Map having been recorded, and Seller records the Affordable Housing Restriction on all the Property at Closing, then the Parties agree that once the Parcel Map is ready to record, Seller shall (i) remove the Affordable Housing Restriction as an encumbrance on all the Property, and (ii) once the Parcel Map has been recorded, Buyer shall allow Seller to record the Affordable Housing Restriction as an encumbrance on the Affordable Housing Parcel. 2.6 Seller's Conditions Precedent to Close of Escrow. The Close of Escrow and Seller's obligation to convey the Property is subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions for Seller's benefit (or Seller's waiver thereof, it being agreed that Seller may waive any or all of such conditions) on or prior to the Closing Date: A-4 12803.0001\1724697v2 doc P34 2.6.1 Buyer shall have completed all of its obligations under this Agreement which arc to be completed prior to the Close of Escrow. 2.6.2 Buyer shall have obtained approval of the Parcel Map. 2.7 Buyer's Payments and Documents. Prior to Closing, Buyer shall pay or tender(as applicable) to the Title Company the following described funds and documents (which may be counterparts, in recordable form, as necessary): 2.7.1 The balance of the Purchase Price. 2.7.2 Funds required to pay the costs described in Section 2.4 of this Agreement. 2.7.3 A counterpart of the Affordable Housing Restriction in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "D"executed by Buyer and acknowledged; 2.7.4 Such other documents and funds required of Buyer under this Agreement or reasonably required by Title Company. 2.8 Seller's Payments and Documents. Prior to Closing, Seller shall tender to the Title Company the following documents (which may be counterparts, in recordable form, as necessary): 2.8.1 An original of a grant deed in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C" (the "Grant Deed"), executed by Seller and acknowledged. 2.8.2 A counterpart of the Affordable Housing Restriction, executed by Seller and acknowledged; 2.8.3 An owner's affidavit, in form and substance acceptable to the Title Company, if required. 2.8.4 The Parcel Map, in recordable form. 2.8.5 Such other documents and funds required of Seller under this Agreement or reasonably required by Title Company. 2.9 Title Company and Escrow Agent Responsibilities. Upon the Closing, Title Company and Escrow Agent, as applicable, are authorized and instructed to: 2.9.1 Use the proceeds of the sale (the funds deposited by Buyer representing the Purchase Price), to cause the satisfaction and removal of all exceptions to title to the Property except for the Permitted Exceptions (defined below), provided that before such payments or charges are made, Title Company shall notify Seller of the terms necessary to satisfy and remove such monetary liens or encumbrances, and Seller shall approve the disbursement of necessary funds. A-5 12803-000 RI 72.4697v2.doc P35 2.9.2 Pay, and charge Buyer and Seller, respectively, for any fees, charges and costs payable under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, Sections 2.4, 2.7 and 2.8. Before such payments or charges are made, Title Company shall notify Buyer and Seller of the fees, charges and costs necessary to clear title and close the Escrow, all of which shall be reflected on the closing statement at Closing. 2.9.3 Record the Parcel Map, the Grant Deed, and then the Affordable Housing Restriction (in that order); 2.9.4 Deliver to each Party copies of all tax withholding form(s). 2.9.5 Disburse such other funds and deliver such other documents to the Parties that are entitled thereto. 2.9.6 Cause the Title Policy or Extended Policy (as defined below), as applicable. to be issued. 3. TITLE. 3.1 Condition of Title: Title Policy. It is a condition to the Close of Escrow for Buyer's benefit that the Title Company be committed to issue to Buyer, upon Close of Escrow, a standard owner's policy of title insurance ("Title Policy") in an amount equal to the Purchase Price for the Property subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. Title Company will issue the Title Policy to Buyer upon Close of Escrow. Instead of the Title Policy being a standard owner's policy of title insurance, Buyer may instead elect to obtain an extended coverage Owner's policy of title insurance ("Extended Policy") on the following conditions: (a) Buyer pays for all additional premiums and any other fees and costs attributable thereto (b) Buyer shall be solely responsible for the additional requirements for the issuance of the Extended Policy (such as an ALTA survey), and (c) such request (or the fulfillment thereof) does not delay the Closing. 3.2 Permitted Exceptions. The term "Permitted Exceptions" as used herein shall mean the following described conditions and exceptions to title or possession: 3.2.1 A lien to secure payment of general and special real property taxes and assessments that accrue from and after the Closing. 3.2.2 A lien of supplemental taxes assessed pursuant to Chapter 3.5 commencing with Section 75 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code accruing on or after the Close of Escrow. 3.2.3 Matters affecting the condition of title created by or with the consent of Buyer(including the Affordable Housing Restriction). 3.2.4 Other exceptions to title disclosed by the Title Report (defined below) which constitute Permitted Exceptions under Section 3.3 below. A-6 1 2803-0001:1724697v2.floc P36 3.3 Title Report. Review and Approval. Within fifteen (15) calendar days following the Effective Date, Buyer shall obtain, and shall provide a copy to Seller of, a preliminary report from the Title Company, together with the underlying documents relating to the Schedule B exceptions set forth in such report (collectively, the "Title Report"). Buyer shall have until the end of the Inspection Period (defined in Section 4.1) to review and approve the Title Report and any ALTA survey ("Survey") obtained by Buyer. Buyer shall notify Seller in writing on or before the Inspection Date (defined in Section 4.1) of any disapproved matters in the Title Report and Survey. Any matters not so disapproved shall be a part of the Permitted Exceptions; however, Buyer hereby objects to any and all monetary encumbrances that may appear in the Title Report, all of which shall be removed therefrom by Seller at no cost to Buyer, and none of which shall be a Permitted Exception. Seller shall have thirty (30) days from Buyer's notice either to obtain at Seller's cost, as applicable, the issuance of an endorsement to the Title Report removing such disapproved matters or, if acceptable to Buyer, to obtain affirmative title insurance protection for such disapproved matters satisfactory to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion. If Seller fails either to provide for the removal of such exceptions or to obtain affirmative title insurance protection for such exceptions satisfactory to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion within such thirty (30) day period, then this Agreement, at Buyer's option, shall be terminated upon written notice to Seller at any time prior to the Closing pursuant to Section 6.1 below, and if such notice is not timely given, then such disapproved matters shall constitute Permitted Exceptions. If any endorsement or update issued to the Title Report or Survey contains new exceptions other than those in the initial Title Report or Survey, Buyer shall be entitled to object to any such exceptions by a written notice of objections to Seller on or before the date ten (10) days following Buyer's receipt of such endorsement or update. If Buyer fails to deliver to Seller a notice of objections to such new exceptions on or before such date, Buyer shall be deemed to have waived any objection to the new exceptions appearing on such endorsement or update, and thereafter all such new exceptions (or those not actually objected to) shall be deemed to be Permitted Exceptions. Seller shall have ten (10) days from the receipt of Buyer's notice either to obtain at Seller's sole cost, as applicable, the issuance of an endorsement to the Title Report or a revision to the Survey removing such exceptions or, if acceptable to Buyer, to obtain affirmative title insurance protection for such exceptions satisfactory to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion. If Seller fails either to provide for the removal of such exceptions or to obtain affirmative title insurance protection for such exceptions satisfactory to Buyer in Buyer's sole discretion within such ten-day period, then this Agreement, at Buyer's option, shall be terminated upon written notice to Seller at any time prior to the Closing pursuant to Section 6.1 below, and if such notice is not timely given, then such disapproved matters shall constitute Permitted Exceptions. The Closing will be extended as needed to comply with the requirements of this Section 3.3. 4. SUITABILITY AND CONDITION OF PROPERTY. 4.1 Contingency Period. It is a condition precedent to the Close of Escrow for Buyer's benefit that Buyer has determined, on or before the dated that is ninety (90) days after the Effective Date (such date herein referred to as the "Contingency Date" and the period from the Effective Date to the Contingency Date herein referred to as the "Contingency Period") that the Property is suitable for Buyer's intended use, as determined by Buyer in its sole discretion. Seller shall deliver copies of all non-privileged documents in Seller's possession relating to the A-? 12803.000111 724697v2,doc P37 Property to Buyer within ten (10) business days after the Effective Date. Prior to the Contingency Date, Buyer shall determine whether the Property is suitable. In the event Buyer determines the Property is not suitable, then Buyer may terminate this Agreement as provided in Section 6.1 below. Failure by Buyer to provide written notice of its determination that the Property is not suitable to Seller on or before the Contingency Date shall be deemed that Buyer has determined that the Property is suitable. 4.2 Inspections. Testing and Right of Entry. Prior to Close of Escrow, Buyer may conduct, at Buyer's sole expense, such inspections and testing of the Property, including the improvements thereon, as Buyer may desire or deem appropriate, in Buyer's sole discretion, to determine the suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended use. In conducting such inspections and testing, the Buyer shall endeavor to minimize damage to the Property. and any improvements thereon, and shall, in the event escrow fails to close, return the Property, including the improvements thereon, if any, to its condition prior to Buyer's inspections and testing; reasonable wear and tear excepted. Seller hereby grants to Buyer and its authorized employees, representatives, agents and contractors, permission and a license to enter upon the Property at all reasonable times prior to the Closing Date for the purpose of conducting such inspections and testing. In the event the Property is occupied by any person(s) other than Seller, Seller shall make arrangements with such person(s) to ensure access by Seller its authorized employees, representatives, agents and contractors in order to conduct the inspections and testing pursuant to this section. Buyer shall indemnify, protect, defend (with legal counsel reasonably acceptable to Seller) and hold Seller harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses arising from, related to or caused by, Buyer's entry upon the Property or the performance of any inspection or test conducted by or at the request of Buyer or its contractors or agents. The provisions in this Section 4.2 supersede any previous agreements between Buyer and Seller concerning access to the Property. 5. BUYER'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND GENERAL RELEASE. 5.1 "AS-IS" Sale. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Buyer is purchasing the Property in its "AS-IS" condition, without representation or warranty, express or implied, except as set forth in this Agreement or in the Deed; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not relieve Seller from its obligations under applicable law to disclose material facts about the Property known to Seller. 5.2 Waivers and Releases. Upon Close of Escrow, and except for any intentional misrepresentation by Seller, Buyer hereby waives, to the maximum legal extent, any and all claims, remedies and causes of action for damages, liabilities, losses or injuries related to Buyer's acquisition of the Property, whether known or unknown, foreseeable or unforeseeable. Buyer, on behalf of itself and its successors and assigns, hereby fully releases Seller, its successors, agents, representatives and assigns from all claims and causes of action by reason of any damage which has been sustained, or may be sustained, as a result of Buyer's purchase of the Property. 5.3 California Civil Code Section 1542. Buyer hereby acknowledges that it has either consulted with legal counsel, or had an opportunity to consult with legal counsel A-8 1 2803.0001\17246970.doc P38 regarding, and represents and warrants that it is familiar with the provisions of, California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides. "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor." Buyer acknowledges that with respect to the sale of the Property to Buyer, Buyer may have sustained damage, loss, costs or expenses which are presently unknown and unsuspected, and such damage, loss, costs or expenses which may have been sustained, may give rise to additional damage, loss, costs or expenses in the future. Nevertheless, Buyer hereby acknowledges, represents and warrants that this Agreement has been negotiated and agreed upon in light of that situation, and hereby waives, to the maximum legal extent, any rights accruing to it under Section 1542 or other statute or judicial decision of similar effect. yer's Initials This acknowledgment and release shall survive the Close of Escrow. 6. TERMINATION. DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES. 6.1 Exercise of Rights to Terminate. If a Party elects to exercise any rights to terminate this Agreement for any reason other than a default by the other Party, the Party so terminating shall pay all Title Company termination fees and charges, if any (collectively, "Termination Costs") and the Deposit shall be returned to Buyer. Upon such termination, all obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement, excepting for the obligation of Party so terminating to pay Termination Costs as provided herein, shall cease and terminate. 6.2 Buyer's Breach. In the event Buyer breaches any obligation hereunder which Buyer is to perform prior to the Close of Escrow, and fails to cure such breach within ten (10) business days after receipt of written notice from Seller, then Seller may terminate this Agreement and the Escrow by giving notice, in writing, of such termination to Buyer and Title Company, and the Deposit shall be retained by Seller as liquidated damages for Buyer's failure to purchase the Property, as Seller's sole and exclusive remedy, except that Buyer shall pay all Termination Costs. Upon such termination, all obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement, except for Buyer's obligation to pay Termination Costs as provided herein, shall cease and terminate. IF CLOSING FAILS TO OCCUR SOLELY BECAUSE OF BUYER'S DEFAULT, SELLER WILL BE DAMAGED AND WILL BE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION FOR THOSE DAMAGES, BUT SUCH DAMAGES WILL BE EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AND IMPRACTICAL TO ASCERTAIN. BUYER DESIRES TO LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF DAMAGES FOR WHICH BUYER MIGHT BE LIABLE SHOULD BUYER BREACH THIS AGREEMENT. BOTH BUYER AND SELLER WISH TO AVOID THE COSTS AND LENGTHY DELAYS THAT WOULD RESULT IF SELLER FILED A LAWSUIT TO COLLECT ITS DAMAGES FOR A BREACH OF THIS A-9 12303-0001\1724697v2.doc P39 AGREEMENT. IF CLOSING FAILS TO OCCUR BECAUSE OF BUYER'S DEFAULT, THEN THE DEPOSIT SHALL BE DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE A REASONABLE AND FINAL ESTIMATE OF SELLER'S DAMAGES AND SHALL BE RETAINED BY SELLER AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AS SELLER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. SELLER AND BUYER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION AND BY THEIR INITIALS IMMEDIATELY BELOW AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. EXCEPT FOR BUYER'S OBLIGATION TO CONVEY THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING SITE TO SELLER IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1.6, FOR WHICH SELLER SHALL HAVE THE REMEDY OF SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE, SELLER HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVES ANY RIGHTS IT MAY HAVE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE §3389 OR OTHERWISE TO COMPEL BUYER'S SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE PAYMENT OF SUCH LIQUIDATED DAMAGES IS NOT INTENDED AS A FORFEITURE OR PENALTY WITHIN THE MEANING OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTIONS 3275 OR 3369, BUT IS INTENDED TO CONSTITUTE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES TO SELLER PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTIONS 1671, 1676 AND 1677. THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. BUY 'S INITIALS SELLER'S INITIALS 6.3 Seller's Breach. In the event Seller breaches any obligation hereunder which Seller is to perform prior to the Close of Escrow, and fails to cure such breach within a reasonable period of time determined at the sole discretion of Buyer, if any, then, in addition to pursuing any other rights or remedies which Buyer may have at law or in equity, Buyer may, at Buyer's option, (i) terminate this Agreement and the Escrow by giving notice, in writing, of such termination to Seller and Title Company or(ii) initiate an action for specific performance of this Agreement. Should Buyer elect to terminate this Agreement and the Escrow as provided herein, then the Deposit and any other amounts deposited by Buyer on account of the Purchase Price shall be returned to Buyer, and Seller shall pay all Termination Costs and all of Buyer's actual, out of pocket costs and expenses incurred in connection with the negotiation and documentation of this Agreement, its investigation of the Property ("Due Diligence Costs"), and upon such termination, all obligations and liabilities of the Parties under this Agreement, excepting for Seller's obligation to pay Termination Costs and Due Diligence Costs as provided herein, shall cease and terminate. 7. OTHER. 7.1 Notices and Demands. All notices or other communications required or permitted between the Parties hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be (i) sent by United States registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested or (ii) sent by nationally recognized overnight courier service (e.g., Federal Express or United Parcel Service), addressed to the Party to whom the notice is given at the addresses provided below, subject to the right of A-10 I 2803-000111724697v2 doc ®- P4O any Party to designate a different complete address for itself by notice similarly given. Any notice so given by certified United States mail shall be deemed to have been given on the date of delivery or attempted delivery shown on the return receipt. Notices delivered by messenger service shall be deemed given on the business day following delivery to the messenger service for overnight delivery. To Seller: City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Attention: Linda Daniels To Buyer: Lewis Operating Corp. Attention: Mr. John Goodman 1 156 N Mountain Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Telecopier: (909) 949-6700 With a copy to: Lewis Operating Corp. Attention: Mario Pichardo, Esq. 1156 N Mountain Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Telecopier: (909)912-8125 7.2 Brokers and Sales Commissions. Neither Party has engaged any real estate broker or agent with respect to this Agreement. Each party shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the other and its successors hereunder from and against any and all claims, liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees, court costs and litigation expenses, arising from or in connection with any sales or brokerage commissions, finder's fees or other commissions which are (or are claimed to be) payable in connection with the transaction which is the subject of this Agreement by reason of the actions (or alleged actions) of such indemnifying Party. 8. MISCELLANEOUS. 8.1 Survival of Covenants. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the covenants, representations and warranties of both Buyer and Seller set forth in this Agreement shall survive the recordation of the Grant Deed and the Close of Escrow. 8.2 Required Actions of Buyer and Seller. Buyer and Seller agree to execute such instruments and documents and to diligently undertake such actions as may be reasonably required in order to consummate the purchase and sale herein contemplated, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to accomplish the Close of Escrow in accordance with the provisions hereof. 8.3 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of each and every term, condition, obligation and provision hereof in which time is a factor. If the date for performance of any obligation hereunder or the last day of any time period provided for herein shall fall on a A-I 1 12803-0001\I 724697v2.doc P41 Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then said date for performance or time period shall expire on the first day thereafter which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. 8.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts and delivered as originals, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. 8.5 Captions. Any captions to, or headings of, the paragraphs or subparagraphs of this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the Parties, are not a part of this Agreement, and shall not be used for the interpretation or determination of the validity of this Agreement or any provision hereof. 8.6 No Obligations to Third Parties. The execution and delivery of this Agreement shall not be deemed to confer any rights upon, nor obligate any of the Parties to, any person or entity other than the Parties and, to the extent this Agreement constitutes escrow instructions, the Title Company. 8.7 Exhibits and Attachments. The Exhibits attached hereto are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. 8.8 Waiver. The waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any future breach of any such provision or any other provision hereof. 8.9 Applicable Law. All questions with respect to this Agreement, and the rights and liabilities of the Parties and venue hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Any and all legal actions sought to enforce the terms and provisions of the Agreement shall be brought in the courts of the County of San Bernardino. 8.10 Assignment. Buyer may assign this Agreement to an "Affiliate" without Seller's written approval and consent, provided that prior to such assignment being effective, Buyer delivers to Seller (i) written notice of such assignment, and (ii) written documents establishing that Buyer's proposed assignee is an Affiliate. The term "Affiliate" means any entity that has the same equity participants as Buyer. Except for an assignment to an Affiliate, Buyer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior consent of Seller, which will not be unreasonably withheld provided Buyer and/or its constituent owners owns a majority and controlling interest in the assignee and controls the assignee, as determined in good faith by Seller based on reasonable evidence delivered to Seller by Buyer. Seller shall not assign this Agreement, or any right or obligation herein, to any party without the prior written consent of Buyer. 8.11 Successors and Assigns. Subject to Section 8.10, this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. 8.12 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. A-12 12803.000111724697v2.doc P42 8.13 Construction. This Agreement will be liberally construed to effectuate the intention of the Parties with respect to the transaction described herein. In determining the meaning of, or resolving any ambiguity with respect to. any word, phrase or provision of this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any uncertainty or ambiguity herein will be construed or resolved against either Party (including the Party primarily responsible for drafting and preparation of this Agreement), under any rule of construction or otherwise, it being expressly understood and agreed that the Parties have participated equally or have had equal opportunity to participate in the drafting thereof. 8.14 Legal Fees. Except as provided in Section 1.5, each Party shall be responsible for payment of its own attorney's fees with respect to negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and processing of the escrow. However, if either Party to this Agreement shall breach its representations or warranties hereunder or shall fail to fulfill or perform any of its covenants or obligations in this Agreement and a legal action is commenced, the non-prevailing party shall pay the costs of litigation, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expert witness fees, that may be incurred to enforce the terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement, or to prove that no breach or misrepresentation occurred. 8.15 Fees and Other Expenses. Except as otherwise provided herein, each of the Parties shall pay its own fees and expenses in connection with this Agreement. 8.16 Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any prior agreements, negotiations and communications, oral or written, and contains the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller as to the subject matter hereof. No subsequent agreement, representation. or promise made by either Party hereto, or by or to an employee, officer, agent or representative of either Party, shall be of any effect unless it is in writing and executed by the Party to be bound thereby. 8.17 Amendments to this Agreement. The terms of this Agreement may not be modified or amended except by an instrument in writing executed by each of the Parties hereto. 8.18 No Partnership. Third Person. It is not intended by this Agreement to, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall, create any partnership, joint venture or other arrangement between Seller and Buyer except as specifically provided herein. No term or provision of this Agreement is intended to benefit any person, partnership, corporation or other entity not a party hereto (including, without limitation, any broker), and no such other person, partnership, corporation or entity shall have any right or cause of action hereunder. [THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK—SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS' A-13 12803-000 N 724697v2 doc P43 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date of the last of their signatures below. SELLER: BUYER: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LDC COUGAR, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: LEWIS OPERATING CORP., By: a California corporation Print Name: Its Sole Manager Title: ATTEST: By: Name: / M. Goodman City Clerk Authorized Agent APPROVED AS TO FORM: CHURCH HAVEN COMPANY, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Bruce W. Galloway, of Richards, Watson & Gershon By: LEWIS OPERATING CORP., a California corporation Its Sole Manager �/ By: /kV ./, iror/ Name: ( John M. Goodman Authorized Aeent Y:\927\02747 BaseLine-Day Creek-Rancho Cucamanga102747 P5A Day Creek(Rancho RDA)Buyer's Drfl(8 8.14)CLN.FINAL.doc A-14 12803.0001\1724697v2.doc P44 EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit"A" Legal Description of Property Exhibit "A-1" Legal Description of Affordable Housing Parcel and Commercial Parcel Exhibit "A-2" Depiction of Commercial Parcel and Affordable Housing Parcel Exhibit"A-3" Description of Retail Project Exhibit "B" Form of Grant Deed Exhibit "C" Form of Grant Deed (Buyer to City) Exhibit "D" Form of Affordable Housing Restriction A-15 12803-000111724697v2.doc �, P45 EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY The Property includes approximately 13.78 acres of land, approximately 9.78 acres of which shall constitute a minimum of one subdivided parcel on the Parcel Map, and the other approximately 4 acres shall constitute a second subdivided Parcel shown on the Parcel Map. A-1 Y.19271G2747 Baseline-Day Creek-Rancho Cucamonga\G2747 PSA Day Creek(Rancho RDA)Buyer DiR(B.B.14)CLN.FINAL doe P46 EXHIBIT "A-I" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING PARCEL AND COMMERCIAL PARCEL [to be provided when Parcel Map is created] A-1-1 12803.000I:1724697v2 doc P47 EXHIBIT "A-2" DEPICTION OF COMMERCIAL PARCEL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING PARCEL A-2-I 12803.0001%1724697Q doc P48 EXHIBIT "A-3" DESCRIPTION OF RETAIL PROJECT The Retail Project (which is subject to change) is projected to consist of retail tenants occupying approximately Ninety Thousand (90,000) square feet of building area on the Commercial Parcel. A-3-I 12803.0001\1724697v2 doc P49 EXHIBIT "B" FORM OF GRANT DEED (Attached.) B-1 P50 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO, AND MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: The undersigned grantor declares that the documentary transfer tax is$ . . Assessor's Parcel Nos: 1089-031-15, 16 and 33 GRANT DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, as the successor agency to the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency("Grantor'), hereby grants to ("Grantee"), that certain real property (the "Land") located in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto together with all right, title and interest of Grantor in and to all buildings and improvements now located or hereafter constructed on the Land,subject to all matters of record, all matters which would be disclosed by an accurate ALTA survey of the Land, and the covenants and obligations of Grantee in Section 1.6 of that certain Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions dated , 2014 between Grantor and Grantee (which shall bind the Land and all successors and assigns of Grantee and all successors-in-interest to Grantee). The Land and all buildings and improvements now or hereafter located on the Land and all appurtenant rights thereto are collectively referred to herein as the"Property". I. Grantee also agrees as follows: (a) The Grantee covenants and agrees that Grantee shall not discriminate against or segregate any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a) and (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the Property, nor shall the Grantee establish or permit any practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees in the property herein conveyed. The foregoing covenant shall run with the land. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), with respect to familial status, paragraph (a) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (I) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.1 1, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p) of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph (a). (c) All deeds, leases or contracts made or entered into by the Grantee, its successors or assigns,as to any portion of the Property shall contain therein the following language: (I) In deeds: 13-2 P51 "(A) Grantee herein covenants by and for itself, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a) and (d)of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (I) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the property herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee or any person claiming under or through the grantee, establish or permit any practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees in the property herein conveyed. The foregoing covenant shall run with the land. (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), with respect to familial status, paragraph (I) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (A) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2. 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.11, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p)of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph (A)." (2) In leases: "(A) Lessee herein covenants by and for itself, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a)and (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code in the leasing, subleasing, transferring, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the premises herein leased nor shall the lessee or any person claiming under or through the lessee, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, sublessees, subtenants, or vendees in the premises herein leased. (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), with respect to familial status, paragraph (I) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (A) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.11, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p)of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph(A)." (3) In contracts with respect to the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, or occupancy, of the Property: "(A) There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a) and (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the property nor shall the transferee or any person claiming under or through the transferee establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees of the land. (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), with respect to familial status, paragraph (1) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 B-3 P52 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (A) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.11, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d)of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p)of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph (A)." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Grant Deed as of , /0 . CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, as successor agency to the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency By: — Print Name: Title: • B-4 P53 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On before me, , personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/arc subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (NOTARY SEAL) My Commission Expires: • B-5 P54 EXHIBIT A TO GRANT DEED LEGAL DESCRIPTION B-6 P55 EXHIBIT "C" FORM OF GRANT DEED (BUYER TO CITY) (Attached.) C-1 P56 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Rancho Cucamonga The undersigned grantor declares that there is no 10500 civic Center Drive documentary transfer tax; exempt conveyance to a Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 public entity. Attn: Assessor's Parcel Nos: GRANT DEED FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ("Grantor") hereby grants to the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, as the successor to the housing assets of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency ("Grantee"), that certain real property (the "Land") located in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto together with all right, title and interest of Grantor in and to all buildings and improvements now located or hereafter constructed on the Land. The Land and all buildings and improvements now or hereafter located on the Land and all appurtenant rights thereto are collectively referred to herein as the "Property". 1. Grantee also agrees as follows: (a) The Grantee covenants and agrees that Grantee shall not discriminate against or segregate any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a)and (d)of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (I) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the Property, nor shall the Grantee establish or permit any practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees in the property herein conveyed. The foregoing covenant shall run with the land. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), with respect to familial status, paragraph (a) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (I) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.1 1, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d)of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p) of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph(a). (c) All deeds, leases or contracts made or entered into by the Grantee, its successors or assigns,as to any portion of the Property shall contain therein the following language: (I) In deeds: "(A) Grantee herein covenants by and for itself, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision(a)and (d)of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the C-I P57 Government Code, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the property herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee or any person claiming under or through the grantee, establish or permit any practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees or vendees in the property herein conveyed. The foregoing covenant shall run with the land. (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), with respect to familial status, paragraph (I) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (A) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.11, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p)of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph (A)." (2) In leases: "(A) Lessee herein covenants by and for itself, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a)and (d)of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code in the leasing, subleasing, transferring, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the premises herein leased nor shall the lessee or any person claiming under or through the lessee, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, sublessees, subtenants, or vendees in the premises herein leased. (B) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), with respect to familial status, paragraph (1) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (A) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.11, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p)of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph(A)." (3) In contracts with respect to the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, or occupancy, of the Property: "(A) There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a) and (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (I) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955 and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the property nor shall the transferee or any person claiming under or through the transferee establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants,sublessees or vendees of the land. (13) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), with respect to familial status, paragraph (1) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (A) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.1 1, and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivision (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivisions (n), (o), and (p)of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph(A)." C-2 P58 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Grant Deed as of , 30 . C-3 P59 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) On before me, , personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (NOTARY SEAL) My Commission Expires: C-4 P60 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE (California Government Code Section 27281) This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by that certain Grant Deed dated in , 201_, from , to the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as the successor to the housing assets of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency, which is a political corporation, is hereby accepted by the undersigned officer on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as the successor to the housing assets of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency, pursuant to the authority conferred by action of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga on , 2014, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: , 2014 By: Name: Title: State of California ) County of San Bernardino ) On , before me, (Insert name and title of the officer) Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. l certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) C-5 P61 EXHIBIT "D" FORM OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTION (Attached.) D-1 P62 RECORDING REQUESTED BY, AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attention: This document is exempt from recording fees pursuant to Government Code§27383. AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTION THIS AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTION (the "Restriction") is dated as of , 201 . and is entered into by and between the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a California municipal corporation, as successor to the housing assets of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency ("City"), and ("Owner'). RECITALS A. Owner owns the land described on Exhibit "A" (the "Site"). B. The City and Owner entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow instructions dated , 2014 which requires Owner to execute and record this Restriction. Now, therefore, the City and Owner hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. INCOME RENT AND OCCUPANCY RESTRICTIONS 1.01. Restrictions. The Site may be developed only for affordable rental housing for Senior Households, as defined below (the "Affordable Units"). Rent for the Affordable Units shall be no greater than that considered as "affordable rent", adjusted for family size appropriate to the unit, pursuant to Section 50053 of the California Health and Safety Code, as amended, or any successor statute and California Department of Housing and Community Development Sections 6910-6932 in Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations (the "Affordable Rent"). Each Affordable Unit must be occupied by each Senior Household as its primary residence, and may not be sublet. The income of all persons residing in the Affordable Unit shall be considered for purposes of calculating the applicable income. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, no less than one person per bedroom shall be allowed: no more than three persons shall be permitted to occupy a one D-2 P63 bedroom Affordable Unit; and no more than four persons shall be permitted to occupy a two bedroom Affordable Unit. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Senior Household" shall mean a household consisting of a person who is 55 years of age or older and any qualified permanent residents, as described in California Civil Code Section 51.3 whose income does not exceed 110% of Area Median Income (as defined in the Regulations and other applicable law); provided, however, that the City shall determine in good faith the number of Affordable Units required in each income category under the California Health and Safety Code (i.e., Extremely Low Income, Very Low Income, Lower Income, Moderate Income). ARTICLE 2. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 2.01 Reporting Requirements. Annual reports and annual income certifications or re- certifications must be submitted to the City in form and content approved by the City. The reports, at a minimum, shall include: (I) The number of persons per unit; (2) Tenant name; (3) Initial occupancy date; (4) Rent paid per month; (5) Gross income per year; (6) Percent of rent paid in relation to income; and (7) Copies of those documents used by Owner to certify the tenant as a Senior Household. The first annual report and annual income certification (the "Initial Report") shall be submitted to the City within thirty (30) days after the date of the initial rental of all the Affordable Units on the Site, or as otherwise agreed to by the City. Subsequent annual reports and annual income certifications or re-certifications shall be submitted to the City on the anniversary date of submittal of the Initial Report. The City may, from time to time during the term of this Restriction, request additional or different information and Owner shall promptly supply such information in the reports required hereunder. Owner shall maintain all necessary books and records, including property, personal and financial records, in accordance with requirements prescribed by the City with respect to all matters covered by this Restriction. Owner, at such time and in such forms as the City may require, shall furnish to City statements, records, reports, data and information pertaining to matters covered by this Restriction. Upon request for examination by the City, Owner, at any time during normal business hours, shall make available all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Restriction. Owner shall permit the City to audit, examine and make excerpts or transcripts from these records. ARTICLE 3. NO DISCRIMINATION D-3 P64 Owner covenants, by and for itself and any successors in interest, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a) or (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955, and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the Site, nor shall Owner, itself or any person claiming under or through it, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, subleases or vendees in the Site. ARTICLE 4. NONDISCRIMINATION AND NONSEGREGATION CLAUSES All deeds, leases or contracts made relative to the Site, the improvements thereon or any part thereof, shall contain or be subject to substantially the following nondiscrimination and nonsegregation clauses: 1. In deeds: (a) "The grantee herein covenants, by and for himself or herself, his or her heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them. that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on any basis listed in subdivision (a) or (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1., subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955, and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee, himself or herself or any person claiming under or through him or her, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, subleases or vendees in the land herein conveyed. The foregoing covenants shall run with the land." (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), with respect to familial status, paragraph (a) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (a) shall be construed to affect Section 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 51.10, 51.11 and 799.5 of the Civil Code relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivisions (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivision (n), (o), and (p) of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph (a). 2. In leases: "The lessee herein covenants, by and for himself or herself, his or her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through him or her, and this lease is made and accepted upon and subject to the following conditions: (a) "That there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on account of any basis listed in subdivision (a) or (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955, and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code, in the leasing, subleasing, transferring, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land herein leased, nor shall the lessee, himself or herself or any person claiming under or through him or her, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with D-4 P65 reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subleases. subtenants or vendees in the land herein leased." (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), with respect to familial status, paragraph (a) shall not be construed to apply to housing for older persons, as defined in Section 12955.9 of the Government Code. With respect to familial status, nothing in paragraph (a) shall be construed to affect Sections 51.2, 51.3, 51.4, 5110, 51.11 and 799.5 of the Civil Code, relating to housing for senior citizens. Subdivisions (d) of Section 51 and Section 1360 of the Civil Code and subdivision (n). (o). and (p) of Section 12955 of the Government Code shall apply to paragraph (a). 3. In contracts: "There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person or group of persons on any basis listed in subdivision (a) or (d) of Section 12955 of the Government Code, as those bases are defined in Sections 12926, 12926.1, subdivision (m) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (p) of Section 12955, and Section 12955.2 of the Government Code, in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure or enjoyment of the land, nor shall the transferee, himself or herself or any person claiming under or through him or her, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subleases, subtenants or vendees in the land." ARTICLE 5. DURATION The restrictions contained in Article 1 of this Restriction shall be deemed to run with the land in accordance with Section 33334.3(f) of the Health and Safety Code or any successor statute and shall remain in effect for not less than fifty-five (55) years following the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the senior housing project. The covenants against discrimination contained in Article 3 and 4 of this Agreement shall be deemed to run with the land in accordance with Section 33438 of the Health and Safety Code or any successor statue and shall remain in effect in perpetuity. ARTICLE 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS The covenants contained in this Agreement shall be binding for the benefit of the City and its respective successors and assigns, and any successor in interest to the Site or any part thereof, and such covenants shall run in favor of the City and such aforementioned parties for the entire period during which such covenants shall be in force and effect, without regard as to whether the City is or remains an owner of any land or interest therein to which such covenants relate. The City, and such aforementioned parties, in the event of any breach of any such covenants, shall have the right to exercise all of the rights and remedies, and to maintain any actions at law or suits in equity or other proper proceedings to enforce the curing of such breach. The covenants contained in this Agreement shall be for the benefit of and shall be enforceable only by the City, and its respective successors and assigns, and such aforementioned parties. D-5 P66 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Owner have caused this Agreement to be executed on their behalf by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized. Dated for reference purposes only as of , 20_ "CITY" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA By: Print Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Bruce W. Galloway, of Richards, Watson & Gershon, Counsel "OWNER" By: Print Name: Title: D-6 P67 Exhibit"A" Legal Description of Property THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: D-7 P68 State of California ) County of ) On , before me, (insert name and title of the officer) Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon'behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) State of California • ) County of On , before me, (insert name and title of the officer) Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/heir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) D-8 P69 EXHIBIT "B" Broker Opinion of Value (Attached) ill III 4 ; r , ; �1] �.''1 i I.fir /'vrit ' �'8 J'I .. .. ' 1 I'it:V..'.i'.. ..!■,'11':ji,ie:,,, ril: 1. { ' 1' sill y I lf .. ,. i . fi '. : . : .%` ; .. „ 1 •, 1'It 11'11 1 ,,I1,1 # • . t , ■ ,I.,1.• „■• ). j :r 11' j 9E .1 f, ! r. , • f^.. . 1' J�l } ` `, if . # .t Ai, I s l V;Lr' .,} v —et- .1� • I L,,'. .p.. • • 7 sb i 17 0 ZA T 1 11 61')4 i,. . :c„ 1 "11' i.;'7I 0 �t iiiiiit � . � . L.Li ,,. f CI-- D y' 0 ...1 _a ...:•••_1/2. U H �, L z a. , ....0 cc U �_0 co d T- ,,--- rn co CO , CE < 2 lin > ,.. ft : ` J Y to U Rf O in r— L Y vl fn + ; . T E C C 0 0 •- CD C m L11 (� a) i`, '4 1.' l I 1 ��xt 1 x • , ti t• t 4't t, , a t . • t . , r �I , • . I I ,*, I I IIIIIIP P7L ill III ril in yr to r. a0 co 0 T N 0 a0 Of N Si N m .i m r > a.) O u o) 0 c = �/1 y y r• A V—'� y A a) R a) H s- a) Li.. C c `—, 4' Y p p N E �—+ v `� -+ + c U N E at a >. t E aa'' -' T • 06 c o� Gl C 3 `o Y °� xs Q . a, in U a ) p 0 c 0 Q .n c = E lC 'O lC as C > a) i' 'o " a) "6 U p 5 -a p O > .. C Y > �O N— ., p O fn p -. :. 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N C 7 6 .-i N v n 0 ni vi C O N Q tN Va N D 0 O N N N M M M N N N N N N U 2 c 0 U C m C 0 vi 1 o -" C C o m m a32i 0 • co o N M co M _� p w V vi Vi N •N Vi N 3Y x L co co N n Q Di N co Q rn O N Va c0 n co co of 0 ip X Q �} Vl l0 n N t0 C 00 N N N N N N Z. C ' N th N N N N EO 3▪ 322 M a = N Li Eo N M c v 0 0 c c 2 C.) ¢ 0 O o• 5 IE E `� 0 8 ° S g g rn « ° o 0 0 o c� o VD 2 Q 20 3n N o 0 t > 0 aa,, N-∎ $ 0 000o_ N N • O M l0 O M t0 W 0 -(1, Q . 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O CO L O M h b O°p1 N ' o o , o c7 rn c7 y r .o o cn o co m ch �� O Uj ` 0 0 3 v CO V J O ,ii 49 49 49 A9 co >a C 15 CC 3 V• CN C• J O f» �» ss f» X � C O f9 E9 69 E9 <9 to a Y -g m Q ' j m 0 m Q L r C O 0 C 0 co co O co W C Q 0 C all co co co co CC O m ¢ D o $ O o o N vo z m t a o .0 co o n S E N m 0 vi co ^o c c v a c°e CO N fn x Q 6g eA ff, 69 E+3 0) I Q f9 E9 EA E9 «A z III II P7 ill III WV 64 c U a 2 15 al C d O U U a1 p O U) o O E O- OU 0 N a) , U W= cC O C j O C 2 3.-ai a 5 6' o Hi at U U t 2 0 0 411 =11 °: a �sg y1 N U a) 3 To 3,a c 3 - a 3$ c o c a =a ° as 7 g . 5,3_ 3 3 r3 2,a t U 0 C a PE»' E'E,, ' t a c. Sl !a B o = 5 d Ta a co D E Z' zcwszEa = a <s : ei'z• E a a 0 0 0 0 '- 0 ,5 _ 0 a al 0 0 r c M E a T2 s ' .5 '2 s c .8 tt2 To d Iii 0 2 x c 2 4 r 3 H 3 i• V) 5 4 y 3 m O m E cu a d z n c R c-S` _ 2 c N E 5 U N aci ° E -°Q n u (J �_ ¢ m � Y � ° monad ¢ a2 °' d 3B 'c ti d1 8g •U : p j -5 N a)_N U C'O O • u k Y s a m at at' CO ¢ 000H ° `° ma o o J i ¢ Hi, 7� w OobOO m aTm m EOM BOO �• :±a 3e 3, 3 CD .- ,� ` . r_ c m C m c O aDi.- s _ 3 r g.cp N 7 N.m a i y zi laIcii �' E 0 c(U = f 3 -Y N t� 07 h0 r CO 4, 3 m °.D .O (O R _ v-=e. 5 n 4 cv `v OI'O ,0 N .° - y N a IF - ilC13 y "iii'4 a� rnN o � m co � '' ��cNain az �L k K E. ; mm � m v)in r vi i» CO • m Y m 5 '= i �a ` Dd a 3 o....a I C. aaa .e x2 Ef; k3 f ,° 4 Y in /// C °N w N a bO "N O U 0 U m N N O y U 4„ U co 0 rn r) co j �N O d N.o U f H f A t7 N ° m O I ci V O p ° o N U N N N C.,"a _ .J r I L U 3 I y N^ 0 3 S] IL O CO y ,i1 / O m m 41 v) N C dIs j Q C m w()V)ci C U o 0 o 3 o m 3 ° o U o o ci O c c o w U c o ° ° ° 0000 E C m a y C 0 y ° E.0 Y m m .^� O C C co O - m_� O C ■— U m o . m a •- y o j a� m simi as = E �fi m s flUfi j: h o co Ii■ 7 ,d C 'C 'e U X O ° Q) ° ° m d O C +00 m N °1 O O U O lull .c 7a O C M m N N I!I fn a U _R U` U d x > N 'c S O d o N w ¢ m a u C7 C7 no a RI c v o 0 CU Z |lI ji \ \ \ \ 7 o P e § = m « E E [ u) co 11111 c � ° � \ \ _ ® cti \ / \ ( c \ § 7.3 $ o_ \ > \ / \ \ / \ £ \ : \ z ¥ ./ _ / \ % I \ o rl o L ± 0 « � ! . % , : ! § 7 2 \ F :5 r. 5 §° = 5 2 \ % 'S |l} e •E 3 -c •% &= % D 2 a ; • E / S E c@ $ f . f� E g D a e , o = 2 E = o £ 2 s / ,}) 2 g E ® g = m . ƒ�i2- ! 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G N Locust Ave Locust Ave v _ 4 Q c Q C if o _g Alder Ave a 8 m c K I q 2 7 4 } t0 > 7 Sierra Ave a + o C �. < Sierra Ave o rt 7 t O i ° !!� c2 al Citrus Ave d'Citrus Ave ±- b .ii.,,,, z Poplar Ave G7 'box �LL a Beech Ave s R Beech Ave 21 r > — .2 _ o i & d er Cherry Ave Cherry Ave a Cherry PO d I a c Q m d > 0 a c re Ix -ci • m • 0 2 n N Y ../". ,a R Z O I m,si / • cc • 7 • 7 g 2 • La Z ® w 411( Z ,n 06 V m r,rEZ, t MI co t.mc.n Mt "E S Milliken Ave Hamner I 0 C S o y CC m> :n R la 5 0) Sven Ave o O a Have 0 co d S= �{ N J $ 4 m V O w g Q)c c' U O .l? o` c Zr 4' O W c g Nod m E 2 s a t LL /cy�j U vi �' tf�p p wV ' c aJ W—qL U w - w c g g 9 V w 2 � t V _ Vineyard Ave er a '_ ft; L 7 `V 4 m Can n �V • W Ism = Z 0 2 w m LL CO w a S Grove Ave ' S Grove Ave m o i !R v t w w S Bon View Ave 1` gm CS LL w 5 w, ,_ LL N Campus Ave S Campus Ave w ea co } a X) 0- ey — N San Antonio Ave ? r7 c N CJ i A C Fj C \ '^_ + i 3 ® c 5 . 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N 5 °^a Plaq)On 5 aW P1M1-1P'7 (°� _ ��{{ any piedau!A N Vineyard 8 -__- -- lV ,0 Ili $ N ii e.N A 0 S. anq wo.� � a'b� 13 W � sny�'�s S. o CZ �, _ N i C Lil I § s 0 i - - W W W a I tl P P N �m� p n3 a^y W.Pn3 C s .1d fa o I g • Z z III II P901 iiluui :2: o .c co tii i L U a) N O a7 3 EO i n .0 E N 3 c a a) > a) CD o 0 0 L cn Lo co c C c a) Q a) .. 0 L a) C O a) > a) i RS d d- C LL • N a) _ a) a) = CC y 0 O 0 O a) 'c ° O 2 o. N a O CC N ca.0) • O EO c CO CD .N O U to w CO as c c a c C -o as 0 en C o C 3 ca o U c 33 y y Q ) y O O CD .E U O Q c U N c w a) c co m E cai ,a2 co D — a) < u) m a'es 0) a) ca = N "CTS � � CL a) Y E c •o E O a) > ci p 0 U O O y O 0) O C r- a CC >. 00 cn U - U ,C O N co '0 0 r O Cn O N ro p o y O E !A 0 U ±• N '.... cn o U N Q. m e o 0 m a) Q o ca E 1On 0 ca O -O N O > C o d C 0 in co) o) E U 0 . = C RS C C O a) _T C as p D E C O 'C t) 0 0 a) o ca U n! -o = c cts a E n7 S 17 0 U E U E a) c Y Z" o a) c iri o O) co ° c O Q o O Q O E C N _N N Y N • U a) cn O C o = .o a) O _ co O O y = y 0 U E C C c° 'c E N E coo m • a� 0 as 'c ccv c.)i -c o }, '00 ?� •0 O O y 0 N Y 0 "0 _0 = O CC C U ,�,- 8as 'itcp _o co cat oE '> � o rnyatat � o .. mac 2 .y -p E U y • a) L c cn - 0 d O p =co 0 c c0 0.?+ ca c m W • c M ., c a) m Z o m Tap Ca) p U z o z co c ui °) 0 .a rn Ora w _ca o z o) c a)w c E ys� c a) m0 W 1- c CO 0W - QZ � 2 o Q `a = Waal � .�) E x ° x o w = c o. a) � 73 Jp . > o Uw C0 CC y O .2 = Q W CL W 1- CL c v LL - ca •- C L U CC m x C ca o a) ` 0) LL `C -c o c O - LL W O QU or c .— QZUQCC W 2 ;.• C o N . CEO O O) CI) Om e O. Jilleb' C7) m = w3 i_ 0 E „ • i �K Y cao LU c ao o Cr) •. 2 ° o L Q 5m Able •— rn cc)o z Y as X i p W 2 Z � "CO v � o � � M w a 03 O (7) N c 3 rn rn W y o o z c� o 0 H LL CC co Z nuipi P93 ill 111 O V C 3 co a) V. LL, c in o a) ca cL a as co 0 W T ccaa `0 N c a ,._ a) ca •` (a 07 > C N E E a t Q m Y M Z U) F- D N N 2 m D O v c co c6 C ca 0 N co ca ca a 0 w c0 m o 0 a E o Y 'cn a) c a ca c >. N ca t m to m = as t 0 a -°o m a) c 0 s Q Q O O S c E 2 Z fn fn F- m U E To o co o a> > o a a) is 0 T a C CC1 Q ca d E CC c o ca o Y a o a a 7 t 0 ca a a co c ca N C a t U U c a) C CO C ✓ c x 4-' 2 in 'rn 2 c E cc >. -c.... ca t E U) 'c4 o co Cl) 'c 7 > m N t2 a) m l0 o 0 0 3 a .3 Y 'c Z O 2 D LLJ Q m 0 LL_ 0 = Z d d CC II (n Cn D D Y C b 1- u- ..., a Y a) E c• o ° i d n rn a-u•c 0 ' >, CL > p rn Y ro ca m E .c' o o > C It 2 C3 a r ro Cg) Y y vs c ;r E . co a '- a< a3 C C L 7 Gi E Y co m o o W N. 0 v 2 V1 2 C 2• = ca c0 C o rn , J oi .c Z LL co (n O rn V) rn .1) cc t� FAN CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P94 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350311 08/13/2014 4 IMPRINT 3.482.46 0.00 3.482.46 AP 00350312 08/13/2014 ABLE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 4,635.65 0.00 4,635.65 AP 00350313 08/13/2014 ACCELA INC 16,333.72 0.00 16,333.72 AP 00350314 08/13/2014 ALLIED BARTON SECURITY SERVICES LLC 6,707.62 0.00 6,707.62 Al' 00350315 08/13/2014 AMERICAN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS INC 1,314.36 0.00 1,314.36 AP 00350316 08/13/2014 ARTISTIC RESOURCES CORPORATION 2,856.87 0.00 2,856.87 AP 00350317 08/13/2014 BOMA INLAND EMPIRE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00350318 08/13/2014 BUTSKO UTILITY DESIGN INC. 14,289.04 0.00 14,289.04 AP 00350319 08/13/2014 CABLE INC. 6,899.17 0.00 6,899.17 AP 00350320 08/13/2014 CLARKE I'LUMI3ING SPECIALTIES INC. 201.58 0.00 201.58 AP 00350321 08/13/2014 CONSTRUCTION EQUIP 4 LESS.COM 6,347.04 0.00 6,347.04 AP 00350322 08/13/2014 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8,327.09 0.00 8,327.09 AP 00350323 08/13/2014 EMBROIDMII 3,650.29 0.00 3,650.29 AP 00350324 08/13/2014 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC#1350 209.58 0.00 209.58 AI' 00350325 08/13/2014 FREEDOM NEWS GROUP 1,820.00 0.00 1,820.00 AP 00350326 08/13/2014 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 345.38 0.00 345.38 AP 00350327 08/13/2014 GEOGRAPHICS 21,889.55 0.00 21,889.55 AP 00350328 08/13/2014 GRAINGER 4.495.61 0.00 4,495.61 AP 00350329 08/13/2014 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 131.21 0.00 131.21 AP 00350330 08/13/2014 HUNTINGTON HARDWARE 2,651.43 0.00 2,651.43 AP 00350331 08/13/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 3.057.56 0.00 3.057.56 AP 00350332 08/13/2014 MORENO VALLEY,CITY OF 4,662.97 0.00 4,662.97 AP 00350333 08/13/2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REI'AIR 26.50 0.00 26.50 AP 00350334 08/13/2014 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTRS OF CA 827.50 222.29 1,049.79*** AP 00350335 08/13/2014 PACIFIC UTILITY INSTALLATION INC 2,922.00 0.00 2,922.00 AP 00350336 08/13/2014 PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00350337 08/13/2014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 31,127.78 0.00 31,127.78 AP 00350338 08/13/2014 RIPPETOE LAW P C 14,209.45 0.00 14,209.45 AP 00350339 08/13/2014 SALEM ENGINEERING GROUP INC 10,170.00 0.00 10,170.00 AP 00350340 08/13/2014 SHEAKLEY 303.50 0.00 303.50 AP 00350341 08/13/2014 SHEAKLEY 117.10 0.00 117.10 Al' 00350342 08/13/2014 SHOETERIA 165.22 0.00 165.22 AP 00350343 08/13/2014 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 243,833.79 0.00 243,833.79 Al' 00350344 08/13/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUBLIC POWER AUTHORITY 140.80 0.00 140.80 AP 00350345 08/13/2014 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 389.44 0.00 389.44 AP 00350346 08/13/2014 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 0.00 1 12.38 112.38 AP 00350347 08/13/2014 WARREN&CO INC.CARL 1,648.80 0.00 1,648.80 AI' 00350348 08/13/2014 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 561.29 0.00 561.29 Al' 00350349 08/13/2014 WESTERN STATES FIRE EQUIPMENT 0.00 36,094.80 36,094.80 Al' 00350352 08/13/2014 XEROX CORPORATION 10,167.74 4,254.15 14,421.89*** AP 00350353 08/13/2014 ZHU,LESLIE SALMON 2,800.00 0.00 2,800.00 AP 00350354 08/13/2014 A&V SOFTBALL 4,158.00 0.00 4,158.00 AP 00350355 08/13/2014 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 1,308.71 0.00 1,308.71 AP 00350356 08/13/2014 ADVANCED UTILITY SYSTEMS CORP. 3.600.00 0.00 3,600.00 AP 00350357 08/13/2014 AIR EXCHANGE INC 0.00 160,141.22 160,141.22 AP 00350358 08/13/2014 AIR EXCHANGE INC 0.00 351.05 351.05 AP 00350359 08/13/2014 AMERINATIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICES INC. 48.00 0.00 48.00 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 1 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P95 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350360 08/13/2014 AUFBAU CORPORATION 16,130.00 0.00 16.130.00 AP 00350361 08/13/2014 BALNEG.RAFAEL 289.77 0.00 289.77 AP 00350362 08/13/2014 BARBOSA,RAMSSES 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00350363 08/13/2014 BIKELID LLC 40,749.48 0.00 40,749.48 Al' 00350364 08/13/2014 BOPKO,CHRISTOPHER 117.23 0.00 117.23 Al' 00350365 08/13/2014 BROOKSTONE 1,028.49 0.00 1,028.49 AP 00350366 08/13/2014 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 498.90 0.00 498.90 AP 00350367 08/13/2014 CALIFORNIA FACTORS&FINANCE 4,756.35 0.00 4,756.35 AP 00350368 08/13/2014 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 703.07 0.00 703.07 AP 00350369 08/13/2014 CAREERS IN GOVERNMENT INC. 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00350370 08/13/2014 CEPO 1,379.00 0.00 1,379.00 AP 00350371 08/13/2014 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 85.00 513.84 598.84*** AP 00350372 08/13/2014 CLEAN LANDSCAPE&POOLS 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00350373 08/13/2014 CONCEPT POWDER COATING 0.00 430.00 430.00 AP 00350374 08/13/2014 CONFIRE JPA 0.00 50,254.43 50,254.43 Al' 00350375 08/13/2014 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 2,252.88 0.00 2,252.88 AP 00350376 08/13/2014 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 4,722.33 0.00 4,722.33 AP 00350377 08/13/2014 DE LEON, REGGIE 80.00 0.00 80.00 AP 00350378 08/13/2014 DELTA DENTAL 1,687.64 0.00 1.687.64 AP 00350379 08/13/2014 DELTA DENTAL 40,078.75 0.00 40,078.75 AP 00350380 08/13/2014 DEMPSTER, KERI 88.50 0.00 88.50 AP 00350381 08/13/2014 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 242.61 0.00 242.61 Al' 00350382 08/13/2014 E GROUP.THE 450.00 0.00 450.00 Al' 00350383 08/13/2014 ELECTRONIC MIDI SERVICES LLC 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00350384 08/13/2014 EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES SALES INC 2,054.72 4,042.17 6,096.89*** AP 00350385 08/13/2014 ETIWANDA SCHOOL DISTRICT 4,247.00 0.00 4,247.00 AP 00350386 08/13/2014 EXPERIAN 52.00 0.00 52.00 AP 00350387 08/13/2014 FCLO MUSIC THEATRE 1,242.00 0.00 1,242.00 AP 00350388 08/13/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORD 51.46 0.00 51.46 AP 00350389 08/13/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 0.00 546.16 546.16 AP 00350390 08/13/2014 GAIL MATERIALS 2,022.52 0.00 2,022.52 AP 00350391 08/13/2014 GARRETT CONCRETE CORING AND SAWING INC 900.00 0.00 900.00 AP 00350392 08/13/2014 GRAINGER 387.72 571.34 959.06*** AP 00350393 08/13/2014 GRANT III,VINCENT 12.00 0.00 12.00 AP 00350394 08/13/2014 GRAPHICS FACTORY INC. 172.80 0.00 172.80 AP 00350395 08/13/2014 HERITAGE EDUCATION GROUP 723.00 0.00 723.00 AP 00350396 08/13/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 144.95 0.00 144.95 AP 00350397 08/13/2014 HOTSY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 246.15 0.00 246.15 Al' 00350398 08/13/2014 HOYT LUMBER CO.,SM 14.57 19.42 33.99*** AP 00350399 08/13/2014 ICC ORANGE EMPIRE CHAPTER 120.00 0.00 120.00 AP 00350400 08/13/2014 ITERIS 17,668.80 0.00 17,668,80 AP 00350401 08/13/2014 J J KELLER AND ASSOC INC 945.00 0.00 945.00 Al' 00350402 08/13/2014 JDC INC 50,192.00 0.00 50,192.00 AP 00350403 08/13/2014 JOHNSON,CHEARICE 6.84 0.00 6.84 AP 00350404 08/13/2014 KB HOME 132.00 0.00 132.00 AP 00350405 08/13/2014 KONG.SOPHEAK 263,14 0.00 263.14 AP 00350406 08/13/2014 KUBZANSKY,JESSICA 1,066.00 0.00 1.066.00 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 2 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 1 1:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P96 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350407 08/13/2014 KVAC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1,204.00 0.00 1,204.00 AP 00350408 08/13/2014 LEE, KAREN 30.08 0.00 30.08 AP 00350409 08/13/2014 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 85.00 0.00 85.00 AP 00350410 08/13/2014 LOUIE'S NURSERY 518.37 0.00 518.37 AI' 00350411 08/13/2014 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 1,351.80 0.00 1,351.80 AP 00350412 08/13/2014 MC AVOY&MARKHAM 380.25 0.00 380.25 AP 00350413 08/13/2014 MC TRUCKING 695.38 0.00 695.38 AP 00350414 08/13/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 4,367.81 0.00 4,367.81 AP 00350415 08/13/2014 MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATIC 275.00 0.00 275.00 AP 00350416 08/13/2014 NAPA AUTO PARTS 503.58 0.00 503.58 AP 00350417 08/13/2014 NIMAKO,SOLOMON 72.71 0.00 72.71 AP 00350418 08/13/2014 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTRS OF CA 919.00 209.00 1,128.00*** AP 00350420 08/13/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 2,133.78 218.93 2,352.71 *** AP 00350421 08/13/2014 OPTIMUM INC 145.46 0.00 145.46 AP 00350422 08/13/2014 PACIFIC UTILITY INSTALLATION INC 134.00 0.00 134.00 AI' 00350423 08/13/2014 PATTON SALES CORP 135.76 0.00 135.76 AP 00350424 08/13/2014 PENBERTON, DOROTHY 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00350425 08/13/2014 PEPSI-COLA 805.85 0.00 805.85 AP 00350426 08/13/2014 PITNEY 130 WES 528.72 0.00 528.72 AP 00350427 08/13/2014 PRO SALES GROUP INC 978.88 0.00 978.88 AP 00350428 08/13/2014 PROPET DISI-RIBUTORS INC 2,055.95 0.00 2,055.95 AP 00350429 08/13/2014 SAN BERNARDINO,CITY OF 957.22 0.00 957.22 AP 00350430 08/13/2014 SC FUELS 0.00 13,758.70 13,758.70 AP 00350431 08/13/2014 SDC LEAGUE HEALTH FUND 600.00 0.00 600.00 AP 00350432 08/13/2014 SDC LEAGUE HEALTH FUND 256.00 0.00 256.00 Al' 00350433 08/13/2014 SHOETERIA 6,899.68 0.00 6,899.68 AP 00350434 08/13/2014 SIGMANET 8,800.00 0.00 8,800.00 AP 00350435 08/13/2014 SIGN SHOP,THE 63.45 290.41 353.86*** AP 00350436 08/13/2014 SOURCE GRAPHICS 146.03 0.00 146.03 AP 00350437 08/13/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOC OF GOVERNMENTS 15,560.00 0.00 15,560.00 AP 00350441 08/13/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 52,252.73 4,220.15 56,472.88*" AP 00350442 08/13/2014 STREAMLINE PRESS INC 206.28 0.00 206.28 AP 00350443 08/13/2014 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR INC 2,400.00 0.00 2,400.00 AP 00350444 08/13/2014 GOODYEAR TIRE& RUBBER COMPANY 573.74 0.00 573.74 AP 00350445 08/13/2014 TONG, WENDY Y 725.00 0.00 725.00 AP 00350446 08/13/2014 TORGA ELECTRIC 26,860.30 0.00 26,860.30 AP 00350447 08/13/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 1,009.12 0.00 1,009.12 AP 00350448 08/13/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 3,900.00 0.00 3,900.00 AP 00350449 08/13/2014 U.S. BANK PARS'ACCT#6746022500 13,149.36 0.00 13,149.36 AP 00350450 08/13/2014 UNDERGROUND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 366.00 0.00 366.00 AP 00350451 08/13/2014 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 649.94 0.00 649.94 AP 00350452 08/13/2014 UNITED PACIFIC SERVICES INC 20,140.00 0.00 20,140.00 AP 00350453 08/13/2014 UPSCO POWERSAFE SYSTEMS INC 13,400.00 0.00 13,400.00 AP 00350454 08/13/2014 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS INC 0.00 12,459.18 12,459.18 AP 00350455 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 50.04 0.00 50.04 Al' 00350456 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 0.00 2,657.64 2,657.64 AP 00350457 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 3,690.31 0.00 3,690.31 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 3 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P97 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350458 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 342.09 0.00 342.09 AP 00350459 08/13/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS- LA 316.15 0.00 316.15 AP 00350460 08/13/2014 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER INC 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00350461 08/13/2014 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 82.73 1,719.76 1,802.49*** AP 00350462 08/13/2014 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 1,693.67 0.00 1,693.67 AP 00350463 08/13/2014 WHITE CAI'CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY 44.33 0.00 44.33 AP 00350464 08/13/2014 WHITE HOUSE PHOTO INC 525.00 0.00 525.00 AP 00350465 08/13/2014 WILSON AND I3ELL 783.80 0.00 783.80 AP 00350466 08/13/2014 WILSON, RYAN L 104.13 0.00 104.13 AP 00350467 08/13/2014 WINZER CORPORATION 516.51 105.86 622.37*** AP 00350468 08/13/2014LFX INC 986.89 0.00 986.89 AP 00350469 08/14/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 28,794.78 0.00 28,794.78 Al' 00350470 08/14/2014 UNIFIRSI'UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 123.01 123.01 AP 00350471 08/14/2014 ABC LOCKSMIII•IS 164.16 0.00 164.16 AP 00350472 08/14/2014 CALSENSE 413.41 0.00 413.41 Al' 00350473 08/14/2014 COMP U ZONE 224.32 0.00 224.32 AP 00350474 08/14/2014 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 289.55 0.00 289.55 AP 00350475 08/14/2014 EMCOR SERVICE 5,462.91 0.00 5,462.91 AP 00350476 08/14/2014 ESRI 76,700.00 23,300.00 100,000.00*** AP 00350477 08/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 6.261.65 0.00 6,261.65 Al' 00350478 08/14/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 416.21 0.00 416.21 AP 00350479 08/14/2014 FORD OF UPLAND INC 542.33 0.00 542.33 AI' 00350480 08/14/2014 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 6,663.89 0.00 6,663.89 AP 00350481 08/14/2014 HYDRO SCAPE PRODUCTS INC 268.65 0.00 268.65 Al' 00350482 08/14/2014 VISTA PAINT 26.77 0.00 26.77 AI' 00350483 08/20/2014 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 6,339.66 0.00 6,339.66 AP 00350484 08/20/2014 AEI-CASC CONSULTING 7,204.91 0.00 7,204.91 AP 00350485 08/20/2014 APPLIED METERING TECHNOLOGIES INC 14,983.44 0.00 14,983.44 AP 00350486 08/20/2014 AUFBAU CORPORATION 3,156.00 0.00 3,156.00 AP 00350487 08/20/2014 CHAFFEY JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST 376.92 0.00 376.92 AP 00350488 08/20/2014 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 AP 00350489 08/20/2014 ESTRELLA,JESSICA 0.00 85.00 85.00 AP 00350490 08/20/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 49.46 0.00 49.46 AP 00350491 08/20/2014 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 8,415.57 0.00 8,415.57 AP 00350492 08/20/2014 GRAINGER 51.71 0.00 51.71 AP 00350493 08/20/2014 GRAVES&KING LLP 481.25 0.00 481.25 AP 00350494 08/20/2014 INLAND EMPIRE TOURS AND TRANSPORTATION 1,706.25 0.00 1,706.25 AP 00350495 08/20/2014 JONES AND MAYER, LAW OFFICES OF 5,840.00 240.00 6,080.00*** AP 00350496 08/20/2014 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 2,463.85 10.71 2,474.56*** AP 00350497 08/20/2014 MARY S ROBERTS SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00350498 08/20/2014 NBS 5,185.00 0.00 5,185.00 AP 00350499 08/20/2014 NEW IMAGE COMMERCIAL FLOORING 466.29 0.00 466.29 AP 00350500 08/20/2014 PIRANHA POOL& SPA CONSTRUCTORS INC 300.00 0.00 300.00 AI' 00350501 08/20/2014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00350502 08/20/2014 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT 1.115.20 0.00 1,115.20 AP 00350503 08/20/2014 SANFT,THOMAS 173.00 0.00 173.00 AP 00350504 08/20/2014 SUPERIOR PAVEMENT MARKING INC 425.70 0.00 425.70 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 4 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P98 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350505 08/20/2014 ACEY DECY EQUIPMENT INC. 1,989.84 0.00 1,989.84 AP 00350506 08/20/2014 AGUILERA, ISAIAH 223.50 0.00 223.50 AP 00350507 08/20/2014 AL.DERSON,KEESHA 86.00 0.00 86.00 AP 00350508 08/20/2014 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 214.00 0.00 214.00 AP 00350509 08/20/2014 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 214.00 0.00 214.00 AP 00350510 08/20/2014 AL.PHAGRAPHICS 45.36 0.00 45.36 AP 00350511 08/20/2014 AMERICAN TRAINING RESOURCES INC 1,079.15 0.00 1,079.15 AP 00350512 08/20/2014 APWA 650.00 0.00 650.00 AP 00350513 08/20/2014 AQUABIO ENVIRONMENTAL'IECHNOLOGIES INC. 3,159.00 0.00 3,159.00 AP 00350514 08/20/2014 ARMSTRONG GARDEN CENTERS INC. 51.14 0.00 51.14 AP 00350515 08/20/2014 BERNELL HYDRAULICS INC 168.01 0.00 168.01 AP 00350516 08/20/2014 BEST BUY INC. 3,009.75 0.00 3,009.75 AP 00350517 08/20/2014 BLR 976.90 0.00 976.90 AP 00350518 08/20/2014 BMC SOFTWARE 6,315.00 0.00 6,315.00 AP 00350519 08/20/2014 BMI 1,318.00 0.00 1,318.00 AP 00350520 08/20/2014 BRUCE,INGRID 137.37 0.00 137.37 AP 00350521 08/20/2014 BURT,MIKE 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00350522 08/20/2014 BUSTAMANTE,ABIMAEL 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00350523 08/20/2014 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 498.90 0.00 498.90 AP 00350524 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA BOARD OF EQUAI.IZATION,STATE OF 2,003.00 0.00 2,003.00 AP 00350525 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 186.75 0.00 186.75 AP 00350526 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00350527 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD 55.00 0.00 55.00 AP 00350528 08/20/2014 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 117,122.59 6,631.33 123,753.92*** AP 00350529 08/20/2014 CARNES,SANDY 0.00 24.20 24.20 AP 00350530 08/20/2014 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 281.86 0.00 281.86 AP 00350531 08/20/2014 CHAFFEY JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DIST 14,539.20 0.00 14,539.20 AP 00350532 08/20/2014 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 360.44 699.38 1,059.82*** AP 00350533 08/20/2014 CINTAS CORP.#150 872.51 0.00 872.51 AP 00350534 08/20/2014 CITYGATE ASSOCIATES LLC 3,055.50 0.00 3,055.50 AP 00350535 08/20/2014 CLARION CONSTRUCTION INC 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 AP 00350536 08/20/2014 CLARK,KAREN 345.60 0.00 345.60 AP 00350537 08/20/2014 CLEAR STREAM RECYCLING 1,508.50 0.00 1,508.50 AP 00350538 08/20/2014 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS INC 8,310.84 0.00 8,310.84 AP 00350539 08/20/2014 COMBINED MARTIAL SCIENCE INC 1,764.00 0.00 1,764.00 AP 00350540 08/20/2014 CONFIRE JPA 0.00 50,254.43 50,254.43 AP 00350541 08/20/2014 CPAC INC 14,787.43 0.00 14,787.43 AP 00350542 08/20/2014 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 3,726.63 0.00 3,726.63 AP 00350543 08/20/2014 DALEY VISUAL INC. 0.00 2,688.00 2,688.00 AP 00350544 08/20/2014 DANCE TERRIFIC 245.00 0.00 245.00 AP 00350545 08/20/2014 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 860.00 0.00 860.00 AP 00350546 08/20/2014 DAWSON,CATHY 97.16 0.00 97.16 AP 00350547 08/20/2014 DENA,KEEGAN 0.00 619.00 619.00 AP 00350548 08/20/2014 DUNN,ANN MARIE 108.00 0.00 108.00 AP 00350549 08/20/2014 EASY TO GET WIRELESS 1,465.00 0.00 1,465.00 AP 00350550 08/20/2014 ECONOLITE CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 14,857.57 0.00 14,857.57 AP 00350551 08/20/2014 EIGHTH AVENUE ENTERPRISE LLC 218.97 0.00 218.97 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 5 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P99 AND • RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register • 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350552 08/20/2014 ELITE COMMAND TRAINING 0.00 550.00 550.00 AP 00350553 08/20/2014 EMI3ROIDME 1,668.26 0.00 1.668.26 AP 00350554 08/20/2014 EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES SALES INC 94,710.61 0.00 94,710.61 AP 00350555 08/20/2014 ENTERSECT CORP 79.00 0.00 79.00 AP 00350556 08/20/2014 ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS 391.10 0.00 391.10 AP 00350557 08/20/2014 ESHANZADA. ROYA 206.80 0.00 206.80 AP 00350558 08/20/2014 FAIRA 0.00 92,051.00 92,051.00 AP 00350559 08/20/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORI' 81.05 0.00 81.05 AP 00350560 08/20/2014 FINCH. DONNA 28.50 0.00 28.50 AP 00350561 08/20/2014 FIRST CLASS HEATING&AIR 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00350562 08/20/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 39.85 0.00 39.85 AP 00350563 08/20/2014 FREQUENT FLYER XTREME GYMNASTICS 39.20 0.00 39.20 AP 00350564 08/20/2014 GALE/CENGAGE LEARNING 15,245.14 0.00 15,245.14 AP 00350565 08/20/2014 GARCIA.CARMEN 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00350566 08/20/2014 GOLDEN STATE RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 110,202.00 1.127.00 111,329.00*** AP 00350567 08/20/2014 GRAINGER 207.73 0.00 207.73 AP 00350568 08/20/2014 GRAPHICS FACTORY INC. 91.80 0.00 91.80 AP 00350569 08/20/2014 GUERRA. KELLY 80.44 0.00 80.44 AP 00350570 08/20/2014 GUNKEL,TERRENCE 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00350571 08/20/2014 HILT' INC 431.64 0.00 431.64 AP 00350572 08/20/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 230.79 0.00 230.79 AP 00350573 08/20/2014 HOSE MAN INC 17.93 0.00 17.93 AP 00350574 08/20/2014 HUNTER,TASHA 121.52 0.00 121.52 AP 00350575 08/20/2014 INLAND PRESORT&MAILING SERVICES 80.80 0.00 80.80 AP 00350576 08/20/2014 INLAND VALLEY DANCE ACADEMY 684.00 0.00 684.00 AP 00350577 08/20/2014 JACKSON,JIM 99.00 0.00 99.00 AP 00350578 08/20/2014 JOHN BURR CYCLES INC 1,100.78 0.00 1,100.78 AP 00350579 08/20/2014 JOHNNY ALLEN'TENNIS ACADEMY 1,857.00 0.00 1,857.00 AP 00350580 08/20/2014 JOHNSON, LISA 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 AP 00350581 08/20/2014 JRC HOUSING 5,514.00 0.00 5,514.00 AP 00350582 08/20/2014 K K WOODWORKING 302.10 0.00 302.10 . AP 00350583 08/20/2014 KAPCO 295.09 0.00 295.09 AP 00350584 08/20/2014 KENT HARRIS TRUCKING& MATERIALS 781.79 0.00 781.79 AP 00350585 08/20/2014 KHARRAT.ARTEEN 4,502.25 0.00 4,502.25 AP 00350586 08/20/2014 KIDSART,KIDSART 1,201.20 0.00 1,201.20 AP 00350587 08/20/2014 KIP AMERICA INC 1,270.00 0.00 1,270.00 AP 00350588 08/20/2014 KRONOS INC 0.00 5,303.60 5,303.60 AP 00350589 08/20/2014 LANGUAGE PLANET 1,084.80 0.00 1,084.80 AP 00350590 08/20/2014 LAWSON,KAREN 148.00 0.00 148.00 AP 00350591 08/20/2014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 280.00 0.00 280.00 AP 00350592 08/20/2014 LEVERAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC 15,474.08 0.00 15,474.08 AP 00350593 08/20/2014 LIEU'TECHNOLOGIES INK 712.80 0.00 712.80 AP 00350594 08/20/2014 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 2,600.00 0.00 2,600.00 AP 00350595 08/20/2014 LOS ANGELES FREIGHTLINER 472.60 0.00 472.60 AP 00350596 08/20/2014 LOS OSOS GRIZZLY FOOTBALL BC 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00350598 08/20/2014 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 4,176.98 1,351.95 5,528.93 *** AP 00350599 08/20/2014 LULULEMON 3.246.86 0.00 3,246.86 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 6 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P100 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount Al' 00350600 08/20/2014 LUMENSION SECURITY INC 17,968.98 0.00 17,968.98 Al' 00350601 08/20/2014 MAD SCIENCE 169.20 0.00 169.20 AR 00350602 08/20/2014 MAIN STREET SIGNS 2,555.07 0.00 2,555.07 Al' 00350603 08/20/2014 MARSHALL.SYLVIA 453.60 0.00 453.60 AR 00350604 08/20/2014 MARTINEZ UNION SERVICE 90.00 0.00 90.00 AP 00350605 08/20/2014 MAXWELL.MICHELLE 24.00 0.00 24.00 AP 00350606 08/20/2014 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 324.71 0.00 324.71 AP 00350607 08/20/2014 MIDWEST"TAPE 223.46 0.00 223.46 AP 00350608 08/20/2014 MUNOZ,CLAUDIA 340.00 0.00 340.00 Al' 00350609 08/20/2014 MUSICSTAR 693.60 0.00 693.60 Al' 00350610 08/20/2014 NAPA AUTO PARTS 51.31 0.00 51.31 Al' 00350611 08/20/2014 NATIONAL DATA 8r.SURVEYING SERVICES 275.00 0.00 275.00 AP 00350612 08/20/2014 NATIONAL.SENIOR LEAUGE LLC 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00350613 08/20/2014 NORTH NET FIRE TRAINING CENTER 0.00 1,645.00 1,645.00 AP 00350614 08/20/2014 NORTH NET FIRE TRAINING CENTER 0.00 650.00 650.00 AP 00350615 08/20/2014 NUNEZ,CLAUDIA 4,026.10 0.00 4,026.10 AP 00350616 08/20/2014 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CTRS OF CA 23.50 0.00 23.50 AP 00350617 08/20/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 6.987.81 0.00 6,987.81 AP 00350618 08/20/2014 ONTRAC 17.95 0.00 17.95 AP 00350619 08/20/2014 ONWARD ENGINEERING 23,778.75 0.00 23.778.75 AP 00350620 08/20/2014 PACIFIC I'ARKING SYSTEMS INC 30.07 0.00 30.07 AP 00350621 08/20/2014 PAC1CARD, LYNN 27.00 0.00 27.00 AP 00350622 08/20/2014 PAL CAMI'AIGN 10,00 • 0.00 10.00 AP 00350623 08/20/2014 PANETO, ERIC 500.00. 0.00 500.00 Al' 00350624 08/20/2014 RATION SALES CORP 0.00 51.62 51.62 AP 00350625 08/20/2014 PEP BOYS 63.59 0.00 63.59 AI' 00350626 08/20/2014 PEPE'S TOWING SERVICE 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00350627 08/20/2014 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 489.70 0.00 489.70 AP 00350628 08/20/2014 PICHAY,SOCORRO 18.00 0.00 18.00 AP 00350629 08/20/2014 PITNEY BOWES 25.000.00 0.00 25,000.00 AP 00350630 08/20/2014 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 102.45 0.00 102.45 AP 00350631 08/20/2014 PRECISION GYMNASTICS 1,135.40 0.00 1,135.40 AP 00350632 08/20/2014 PRINTI33 5,280.03 0.00 5,280.03 AP 00350633 08/20/2014 PRISTINE UNIFORMS LLC 5,076.94 0.00 5,076.94 AP 00350634 08/20/2014 PRO FORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT 923.08 0.00 923.08 AP 00350635 08/20/2014 PRO FORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT 331.25 0.00 331.25 Al' 00350636 08/20/2014 RAMIREZ,JOSE 1 44.34 0.00 44.34 Al' 00350637 08/20/2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FONTANA FAMILY YMCA 9,841.81 0.00 9,841.81 AI' 00350638 08/20/2014 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL INC 151.18 0.00 151.18 AP 00350639 08/20/2014 RASMUSSEN.STEVEN 0.00 261.00 261.00 AP 00350640 08/20/2014 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 3.78 0.00 3.78 AP 00350641 08/20/2014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 0.00 900.00 900.00 AP 00350642 08/20/2014 RIPPETOE LAW P C 165.37 0.00 165.37 AP 00350643 08/20/2014 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPT 0.00 275.00 275.00 AP 00350644 08/20/2014 ROI3LES, RAU1,P 339.00 0.00 339.00 AP 00350645 08/20/2014 SAN BERNARDINO C'IY 0.00 10,472.02 10,472.02 AP 00350646 08/20/2014 SBPEA 779.50 0.00 779.50 User: V LOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 7 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P101 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AI' 00350647 08/20/2014 SC FUELS 55,700.95 14,712.64 70,413.59'** AP 00350648 08/20/2014 SEXTON, SHEILA 6.00 0.00 6.00 Al' 00350649 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 93.38 0.00 93.38 AP 00350650 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 444.89 0.00 444.89 AP 00350651 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 30.51 0.00 30.51 AP 00350652 08/20/2014 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00350653 08/20/2014 SHRED PROS 65.00 0.00 65.00 AP 00350654 08/20/2014 SMOLINSKI, LOUIS 61.75 0.00 61.75 AP 00350659 08/20/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 17,735.22 0.00 17,735.22 Al' 00350660 08/20/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 186,858.98 0.00 186,858.98 Al' 00350661 08/20/2014 SOUTHLAND FARMERS MARKET ASSOC INC 879.00 0.00 879.00 AP 00350662 08/20/2014 STERLING COFFEE SERVICE 1,020.88 0.00 1,020.88 AP 00350663 08/20/2014 SWAROVSKI RETAIL VENTURES LTD 1,076.20 0.00 1,076.20 AP 00350664 08/20/2014 T MOBILE 477.30 0.00 477.30 Al' 00350665 08/20/2014 TAMS WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY INC 117.00 0.00 117.00 AP 00350666 08/20/2014 THOMSON REUTERS WEST PAYMENT CENTER 403.24 0.00 403.24 AP 00350667 08/20/2014 TINT CITY WINDOW TINTING 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00350668 08/20/2014 TURNOUT MAINTENANCE COMPANY LLC 0.00 968.92 968.92 AP 00350669 08/20/2014 UNITED WAY 186.00 0.00 186.00 AP 00350670 08/20/2014 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CEN'T'ERS 647.50 0.00 647.50 AP 00350671 08/20/2014 UPS 113.50 0.00 113.50 Al' 00350672 08/20/2014 VALLEY CREST LANDSCAPE 79,392.03 0.00 79,392.03 AI' 00350673 08/20/2014 VEASEY, ROBIN 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00350674 08/20/2014 VECCHIO.TOM 41.40 0.00 41.40 AP 00350675 08/20/2014 Verizon 33.41 0.00 33.41 AP 00350676 08/20/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 421.09 0.00 421.09 AP 00350677 08/20/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 2,71359 0.00 2,713.59 AP 00350679 08/20/2014 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 8,980.53 1,387.81 10,368.34*** AP 00350684 08/20/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 5.870.78 38.01 5,908.79*** Al' 00350685 08/20/2014 VERIZON WIRELESS-LA 290.07 0.00 290.07 AP 00350686 08/20/2014 VISION SERVICE PLAN CA 10,520.14 0.00 10,520.14 AP 00350687 08/20/2014 WEST COAST TURF 429.72 0.00 429.72 AP 00350688 08/20/2014 WHITTLER FERTILIZER 360.72 0.00 360.72 AP 00350689 08/20/2014 WINZER CORPORATION 0.00 162.56 162.56 AP 00350690 08/20/2014 WOMEN LEADING GOVERNMENT 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00350691 08/20/2014 XL STORAGE 895.00 0.00 895.00 AP 00350692 08/21/2014 DAISY WHEEL RIBBON CO INC 591.68 0.00 591.68 AP 00350693 08/21/2014 NEC CORPORATION OF AMERICA 3,520.00 0.00 3.520.00 AP 00350694 08/21/2014 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 275.97 275.97 Al' 00350695 08/21/2014 ABC LOCKSMITHS 83.13 0.00 83.13 AP 00350698 08/21/2014 BRODART BOOKS 17,212.38 0.00 17,212.38 AP 00350699 08/21/2014 CALSENSE 7,884.73 0.00 7,884.73 Al' 00350700 08/21/2014 CI'T'RUS MO'T'ORS ONTARIO INC 0.00 107.31 107.31 Al' 00350704 08/21/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 92,912.24 1,760.80 94,673.04*** AP 00350705 08/21/2014 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 1,828.14 0.00 1,828.14 AP 00350706 08/21/2014 HYDRO SCAPE PRODUCTS INC 1,763.46 0.00 1,763.46 AP 00350707 08/21/2014 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 9,819.72 0.00 9,819.72 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 8 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P102 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00350708 08/21/2014 NEC CORPORATION OF AMERICA 13,843.81 0.00 13,843.81 AP 00350709 08/21/2014 TRUGREEN LANDCARE 50,203.33 0.00 50,203.33 AP 00350710 08/21/2014 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 23.17 23.17 AP 00350711 08/26/2014 LONCAR.PHILIP 0.00 964.58 964.58 AP 00350712 08/26/2014 WALKER. KENNETH 0.00 208.36 208.36 EP 00004528 08/13/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 37,266.74 0.00 37.266.74 El' 00004530 08/13/2014 CITIGROUP ENERGY INC 76,185.60 0.00 76.185.60 • EP 00004531 08/13/2014 FORTISTAR METHANE GROUP LLC 34,321.92 0.00 34,321.92 EP 00004532 08/13/2014 RIVERSIDE,CITY OF 6,294.00 0.00 6,294.00 El' 00004533 08/13/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY SHERIFFS DEPT 2,510,019.00 0.00 2,510,019.00 El' 00004534 08/13/2014 VIASYN INC 1,616.00 0.00 1,616.00 El' 00004535 08/13/2014 EDF"TRADING NORTH AMERICA LLC 258,284.25 0.00 258,284.25 El' 00004536 08/13/2014 TENASKA POWER SERVICES CO 52,720.96 0.00 26,000.00 EP 00004538 08/20/2014 CALIF GOVERNMENT VEBA/RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9,285.00 0.00 9,285.00 El' 00004539 08/20/2014 RCPFA 10,137.28 0.00 10,137.28 El' 00004540 08/20/2014 VIASYN INC 3,232.00 0.00 3,232.00 El' 00004541 08/20/2014 RCCEA 1,134.00 0.00 1,134.00 El' 00004543 08/26/2014 AHUMADA,ALEXANDER R 0.00 846.58 846.58 EP 00004544 08/26/2014 ALMAND, LLOYD 0.00 535.72 535.72 EP 00004545 08/26/2014 BANTAU,VICTORIA 0.00 832.95 832.95 EP 00004546 08/26/2014 BAZAL,SUSAN 0.00 2,785.33 2,785.33 El' 00004547 08/26/2014 BERRY,DAVID 0.00 964.58 964.58 EP 00004548 08/26/2014 BROCK,ROBIN 0.00 832.95 832.95 EP 00004549 08/26/2014 CAMPBELL.GERALD 0.00 1.289.65 1,289.65 EP 00004550 08/26/2014 CARNES.KENNETH 0.00 717.76 717.76 EP 00004551 08/26/2014 CLABBY.RICHARD 0.00 964.58 964.58 EP 00004552 08/26/2014 CORCORAN,ROBERT 0.00 505.59 505.59 El' 00004553 08/26/2014 COX. KARL 0.00 535.72 535.72 EP 00004554 08/26/2014 CRANE.RALPH 0.00 1,353.64 1,353.64 EP 00004555 08/26/2014 CROSSLAND, WILBUR 0.00 470.94 470.94 El' 00004556 08/26/2014 DAGUE.JAMES 0.00 1,130.18 1,130.18 El' 00004557 08/26/2014 DE ANTONIO,SUSAN 0.00 505.59 505.59 El' 00004558 08/26/2014 DOMINICK, SAMUEL A. 0.00 832.95 832.95 EP 00004559 08/26/2014 EAGLESON,MICHAEL 0.00 1,504.93 1,504.93 EP 00004560 08/26/2014 FRITCFIEY,JOHN D. 0.00 470.94 470.94 EP 00004561 08/26/2014 HEYDE.DONALD 0.00 1,130.18 1,130.18 EP 00004562 08/26/2014 INTERLICCFIIA.ROSALYN 0.00 1,130.18 1,130.18 EP 00004563 08/26/2014 LANE, WILLIAM 0.00 1.504.93 1,504.93 EP 00004564 08/26/2014 LEE.ALLAN 0.00 1,472.85 1,472.85 EP 00004565 08/26/2014 LENZE, PAUL E 0.00 1,102.77 1,102.77 EP 00004566 08/26/2014 LONGO,JOE 0.00 175.97 175.97 EP 00004567 08/26/2014 LUTrRULL,DARRELL 0.00 717.76 717.76 El' 00004568 08/26/2014 MACKALL,BENJAMIN 0.00 175.97 175.97 EP 00004569 08/26/2014 MAYFIELD, RON 0.00 1,353.64 1,353.64 EP 00004570 08/26/2014 MCKEE,JOHN 0.00 535.72 535.72 EP 00004571 08/26/2014 MCMILLEN, LINDA 0.00 535.72 535.72 EP 00004572 08/26/2014 MCNEIL,KENNETH 0.00 944.68 944.68 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 9 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 11:25:05 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P103 AND - RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 8/13/2014 through 8/26/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount EP 00004573 08/26/2014 MICHAEL,L.DENNIS 0.00 832.95 832.95 EP 00004574 08/26/2014 MORGAN, BYRON 0.00 2,265.72 2,265.72 EP 00004575 08/26/2014 MYSKOW,DENNIS 0.00 964.58 964.58 EP 00004576 08/26/2014 NAUMAN.MICHAEL 0.00 964.58 964.58 El' 00004577 08/26/2014 NEE. RON 0.00 1,795.43 1,795.43 El' 00004578 08/26/2014 NELSON,MARY JANE 0.00 175.97 175.97 El' 00004579 08/26/2014 POST,MICHAEL R 0.00 1,717.64 1,717.64 El' 00004580 08/26/2014 PROULX,I'ATRICK 0.00 1,504.93 1,504.93 EP 00004581 08/26/2014 ROEDER,JEFF 0.00 1,504.93 1,504.93 El' 00004582 08/26/2014 SALISBURY,THOMAS 0.00 832.95 832.95 EP 00004583 08/26/2014 SMITH. RONALD 0.00 964.58 964.58 El' 00004584 08/26/2014 SPAGNOLO.SAM 0.00 470.94 470.94 EP 00004585 08/26/2014 SPAIN, WILLIAM 0.00 717.76 717.76 EP 00004586 08/26/2014 . SULLIVAN,JAMES 0.00 1,086.58 1,086.58 EP 00004587 08/26/2014 TAYLOR,STEVE 0.00 1.102.77 1,102.77 EP 00004588 08/26/2014 IULEY,TERRY 0.00 1,130.18 1,130.18 EP 00004589 08/26/2014 VANDERKALLEN,FRANCIS 0.00 1,157.44 1,157.44 EP 00004590 08/26/2014 WOLFE,JACKIE 0.00 617.32 617.32 EP 00004591 08/26/2014 YOWELL,TIMOTHY A 0.00 1,353.64 1,353.64 El' 00004592 08/26/2014 KILMER,STEPHEN 0.00 1,289.65 1,289.65 EP 00004593 08/26/2014 WAL'I'ON, KEVIN 0.00 1,289.65 1,289.65 Total City: $5,204,928.83 Total Fire: $564,717.40 Grand Total: $5,769,646.23 Note: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire District expenditures User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 10 Current Date: 08/27/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait 1 Time: 1 1:25:05 / P1 04 STAFF REPORT Y = a ADMINISTR-1TIVE SERVICES RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of City Council • John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services Ruth Cain, CPPB, Acting Senior Buyer By: Debbie Grimes, Buyer I Subject: APPROVAL TO DECLARE CITY OWNED MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT, OFFICE EQUIPMENT, AND COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AS SURPLUS. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve to declare City owned miscellaneous vehicles and equipment, office equipment and computer equipment as surplus (please see attached). BACKGROUND It has been the policy of the City to request that the City Council provide authorization to the Purchasing Manager to dispose of City property by declaring such items as surplus. Items become surplus when they have been deemed obsolete and unsuitable for City use. Methods of surplus include trade-in, sale by bid or auction, sold as scrap, donation, or simply disposing of the equipment through methods that reduce trash into the landfills and promote safe recycling practices. The Fire District is in support of Fire Training at the Community College. The programs we are most involved with are at Grafton Hills College in Yucaipa and Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut. Both programs have a Fire Academy. We have two Type 1 Engines (51-92 and 52-92) that will be declared surplus. These Engines, while tired and no longer efficient for service even in a Reserve capacity by the District, will have many more years of use at the Fire Academies. The students will have modern Fire Equipment to drill on and it will help prepare them for the work place which is • what benefits the District. It would be a great service with the Fire Board's approval to donate these Engines and related equipment for these students to use during their training. At this time, items to be considered for surplus are fire engines, fleet vehicles, computer equipment, miscellaneous heavy equipment and other electronics. Upon City Council approval all viable items will be auctioned, with the remainder recycled, disposed of as e- waste, donated, or sold as scrap. 2014 VEHICLE SURPLUS P105 VEHICLE SURPLUS AUGUST 2014 Public Works TAG # YEAR MAKE MODEL VIN # CONDITION FUEL MILES 701 2006 CHEVY EXPRESS 1HTSCAAN2YH270976 FAIR GASOLINE 130,543 702 2006 CHEVY EXPRESS 1GCGG25U461203090 FAIR GASOLINE 144,166 1333 2000 FORD EXPLORER 1FMZU71X2YZB92055 FAIR GASOLINE 44,757 1516 1998 INTL 4900 1HTSHADR4WH541386 T/C DSL 81,235 1517 2000 INTL 4700 1HTSCAAN2YH270976 T/C DSL 74,577 1652 2000 INTL 4900 1HTSDAAR71H389838 FAIR DSL 74,253 2131 2003 FORD F-350 1FDWW36S03ED28685 FAIR GASOLINE 119,889 2233 2004 FORD EXPLORER 1FMZU72K94ZB12697 FAIR GASOLINE 86,315 10506 2002 INTL PATCH TRK 1 HTMMAMO2H547158 FRONT TC DSL 53,228 ' P106 EQUIPMENT SURPLUS AUGUST 2014 Public Works UNIT YEAR MFG MODEL DESCRIPTION VIN FUEL E506 2003 Exmark Exmark Mower, Lazer 465466 Unleaded E510 2005 Smithco Super Star Field Rake 43008 Unleaded E528 2005 John Deer E gator Utility Cart WOE4X2E011926 Electric E547 2005 Smithco Super Star Field Rake 43010 Unleaded 556 1999 Jacobson Tri-King Mower, Lazer 6701704932 Unleaded 575P 2002 SDI PC Master Sprayer 31230 Unleaded E602 . 2002 Unknown Unknown Water pump Unknown DSL E606 2004 Advance MMC85T Message Board Unknown Electric 659 1991 Wacker RSS800 Roller 620081120 DSL 872 1995 EZ GO Medalist Golf Cart 878109 Electric 891 1998 Advance 411002 Lot Sweeper 13173G98 Electric 1597 2000 John Deer Turf Gator Cart WOE4X2001401 Electric 10505 2000 Bandit Bandit 65 Chipper 4FMUS1112YR004803 DSL E6070 1999 Berema Pionjar140 Pionjar 903173 Air 581 1994 Rayco Super Jr Stump Grinder 1R9100911PW210268 Unleaded 581T 1994 Rayco Stump Trailer 1R90515PW210254 636T 1993 Hypertherm 9310199 Pressure Wash 1P9FP16241W206141 DSL/Unl 1587T 2001 AZ-TEX Carrier Equip. Trailer 42BUE02091F000179 2631T 2009 Apache Utility Trailer 5JRUE08129C201794 SERIAL NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT GR-AXS5U/GR- 168F3900 JVC AX35U/GR-AXU CAMERA-RECORDER/PLAYER -ASSET TAG #001563 GR-AX55U/GR- 168F3528 JVC AX35U/GR-AXU CAMERA-RECORDER/PLAYER NIKON F 100 35MM FILM CAMERA-ASSET TAG #002766 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P107 DATE • IS SURPLUS Total of 19 Pallets MFG. DESCRIPTION MODEL # SERIAL NUMBER FA# SynOptics SynOptics LattisHub 2803 16 port hub expansior 2803 2026746 N/A SynOptics SynOptics LattisHub 2803 16 port hub expansior 2803 2026675 N/A SynOptics SynOptics LattisHub 2813 16 port hub main 2813 1677720 N/A IBM Thinkvision Monitor 1S9220HB1V108608 9220-HB1 V108608 N/A IOMEGA (OMEGA EXTERNAL DVDRW dvdrw16xu2 EHCG210VS6 1S922QHE N/A THOSHIBA Toshiba Laptop P300 88131309W 003506 LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L201P 1S9220HQ1V108622 N/A FLATBED SCANNER 3970 CN47MB3720 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM462 N/A ILENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM421 N/A ILENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D6535 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM443 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D5842 N/A 'LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D5812 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L151 V6-KR651 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150 23ANG91 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L151 V6-GW969 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L151 V6-EC897 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D6538 N/A LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 156636HB1V1D6563 N/A LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-1K2H5 003608 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 99-G0447 000677 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-3G3C0 004029 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-4P7K6 003883 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-C3233 000970 LENOVO LENOVO NOTEBOOK T-60 L3-4PBD8 003901 LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L192P VLDM200 N/A HEWLETT PACKARD HP PRINTER 1120C SG82Q1215M 000337 HEWLETT PACKARD HP PRINTER 1120C SG81B121OZ 001561 DELL DELL PRINTER 926 BJCKGB1 N/A .LENOVO LENOVO MONITOR L150P 1S6636HB1V1D3391 N/A ;HEWLETT PACKARD HP Laserjet Printer 4350dn cndxb04640 00090 (HEWLETT PACKARD HP Color laserjet 3800dtn CNJCH07342 003251 (HEWLETT PACKARD HP Color LaserJet 3800dn CNNCH17374 'HEWLETT PACKARD HP OfficeJet Pro K8600 TH81J110J5 EPSON Epson Stylus Color 5410 A6RK144491 002377 HEWLETT PACKARD HP Deskjet 1120C SG31N130XK 003011 HEWLETT PACKARD HP Deskjet 1120C 3687J130D3 001980 FARGO Fargo Persona C16 A4350128 000637 OKIDATA Okidata Microline 320 303D4089450 002946 HP HP Laserjet4000 USMB079011 001700 OKIDATA Okidata Microline Turbo 320 AE87109945G0 HEWLETT PACKARD HP Q5911A CNBL504707 LENOVO Lenovo L150p V1D5810 LENOVO Lenovo L170 55WRP25 LENOVO Lenovo L201p V108512 LENOVO Lenovo L192p VLDM293 LENOVO Lenovo L192p VLDM295 IBM IBM 7316TF2 100442H IBM IBM 9511AG1 55C5649 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST • P108 DATE IBM IBM 1723HC1 23N7592 IBM IBM 17231UX 23A7973 VIEWSONIC Viewsonic 6 1822368738 VIEWSONIC Viewsonic 6 1822773457 VIEWSONIC NEC JC1734VMA 5605360KA NEC Lenovo L211 V105814 LENOVO IBM L151 V103355 IBM IBM L151 V1D3395 DELL Dell1907FPT XNODC3237161865PBG9 ET1529L-8CWA-1-GY 725506334C 9511-AG4 55N2546 AVOCENT AvoCent Autoview 2000 0080076830 APEX Apex ETMA4201 AVOCENT Avocent Autoview, 8-Port DG0095908 AVOCENT Avocent Autoview, 8-Port DG0104519 CANON Canon PowerShot 5410 8721508253 INTERMEC Intermec Barcode Scanner 1545A 94071100386 CCD CCD Barcode Reader FC-8100 07037358 LENOVO Lenovo Keyboard 41A5289 00682647 IBM IBM Keyboard 89P8300 3868681 LENOVO Lenovo Keyboard41A5289 00537395 IBM IBM Keyboard 32P5000 00301473 IBM IBM Keyboard 89P8300 3868654 IBM IBM Keyboard 89P8300 3751648 METROLOGIC Metrologic Barcode Scanner MS9450 3500180795 LENOVO Lenovo Mouse M028UOL 4468117 NETWORK Network Cable N/A MONITOR Monitor Cable N/A LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707410689 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707410585 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707410580 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707408427 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707410655 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707408466 LITE Lite-On It Corp. DVD-ROM drive SHD-16P1S 015707408445 SHARP Sharp Projector Remote RRMCGA623WJSA N/A VISIONEER Visioneer One Touch 9420 Scanner ' 547b002966d1 APC APC UPS SU700RMNET WS9848031029 001989 DELL Dell Latitude E6420 2MH1LV1 004464 IBM IBM 8741C3U L3AR232 004044 IBM IBM 8741C3U L3AX221 004049 IBM IBM 18714CU L3CFGC3 003318 IBM IBM Thinkpad T60 L34P8B0 003861 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L3C3255 000963 IBM IBM Thinkpad T60 L34P7L0 003863 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L3AA662 000998 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L3BX612 003417 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L3BX611 003416 IBM IBM Thinkpad T43 L34R7R9 003903 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0571 000668 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0397 000674 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0555 000672 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0463 000666 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P109 DATE IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 9900429 000673 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 9900542 000678 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 9900491 000675 IBM IBM Thinkpad R51 99G0372 000684 IBM IBM Thinkpad 646557U L3B9700 003530 IBM IBM eServer xSeries 346 KPNHY66 000926 IBM IBM eServer x Series 306 KPHC931 000854 DE De 109B9BF IBM IBM xpansion 109B9BF IBM IBM Serial Disk System 76EY089 IBM IBM PowerEdge 2800 FFH5M81 • IBM IBM POS 4840 0144121007112 IBM IBM POS 4840 0154545002848 003420 IBM IBM 818737U 9960540 000682 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC L34P7Y9 003898 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC L31K2F6 003601 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDDWT5 003983 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDDWV7 003610 DELL Dell Latitude D505 HWB2361 LENOVO Lenovo MT-M9637-WCC LKDVXHO 003544 ILENOVO Lenovo 9482CTO LKGAFDF 003496 ILENOVO Lenovo 8143 LKGGA7N 003080 IBM IBM 8113Muh LK44536 005082 IBM IBM 8113Muh LKGP260 005117 IBM IBM 8113Muh LKMTB75 003571 LENOVO Lenovo 88115bu LKFVAW7 003958 IBM IBM 814328u LKGFZ6Y 003138 IBM IBM 814328u LKFMHOB 003159 IBM IBM 814328u LKGGASL 003135 LENOVO Lenovo 8811V3L LKFVAX2 004039 IBM IBM 814328u LKDHT3Y 003095 LENOVO Lenovo 9637wcc LKDVXKS 003745 LENOVO Lenovo 9637wcc LKDVWM5 003831 IBM IBM 818737U KCBZ5DM 000624 LENOVO Lenovo 9637CT0 LKCKAZ3 004019 IBM IBM 818737U KCAR1D7 000595 IBM IBM 814328U LKDKL7A 003148 IBM IBM 814328U LKGDC4F 003121 IBM IBM 814328U LKGFZ4B 003103 IBM IBM 814328U LKGDC1G 003141 IBM IBM 814328U LKGDC6B 003072 IBM IBM 814328U LKDHT4D 003153 IBM IBM 814328U LKDKL8T 003127 IBM IBM 8143-39U LKZT5LX 000896 IBM IBM 8143-39U LKZT5LW 000895 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDVXC7 003687 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCB LKCKAY2 003612 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCB LKCKAY4 004021 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCB LKCKAZ2 004026 LENOVO Lenovo 8811-V3L LKFVAX4 003962 LENOVO Lenovo 8811-V3L LKFVAX7 003951 LENOVO Lenovo 9637-WCC LKDVXA7 003794 IBM IBM 8143-39U LKKAG1X RC003067 Sharp Projector XR3OX 802937101 RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST • P110 DATE Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G101144 Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G154839 Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G101143 Epson Printer TM-U220BP F72G101122 Epson Printer TM-U200B CPUK008907 Sharp Printer JX-9400 36207967 HP Printer C4224A _USQN466451 HP Printer C4224A USQN466452 Apple iMac RC003334 QP6230TBU2R Apple iMac RC003338 unreadable . Apple iMac RC003335 QP6230TGU2R IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61990 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62038 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62031 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62158 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62019 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62041 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62014 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62009 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61859 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61866 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62080 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62160 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61751 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62155 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62257 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62174 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61876 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61867 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62159 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61865 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-61868 IBM Monitor 9205-AB6 V6-62165 IBM Monitor 9511-AG4 55-P0860 IBM Monitor 9511-AG4 55-N3759 IBM Monitor 6734-ACO 55WTB90 ELO Monitor ELO Touchscreer 725506322C intermec Scanner E1870007 IBM Monitor 9417-AB1 V2Y5839 IBM IBM PC WORKSTATION KCKV3YN 000813 LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM175 N/A _ (OMEGA IOMEGA EXTERNAL CD BURNER CDRW9602EXT2*4RCC2801RK* N/A BIZCARDREADER Bizcardreader600C USB203 GK36006043 002947 PORTABLE PORTABLE COMPUTER LTE/286 6950HAF30616 01126 IBM IBM THINKPAD 18714CU L3-YPV49 003362 IBM IBM THINKPAD 2007GBU L3-4P7V6 003889 (OMEGA IOMEGA EXTERNAL CD BURNER . CDRW55292EXT 3TBE5029V 000865 TOSHIBA TOSHIBA FDD ATTACHMENT CASE W/FDD N/A N/A N/A DOCKING DOCKING STATION IBM 74P6733M1A8ES2 N/A MS MS WIRELESS KB/MOUSE MSKB7000 9079400587448 N/A TOSHIBA TOSHIBA TECRA TECRA 500 CDT 12699070-3 01618 IBM IBM THINKSTATION 2687-D4U L3-C3308 000969 LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM296 N/A LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM216 N/A RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P111 DATE 3M 3M PROJECTOR 2000 AGT 316492 00627 IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D5835 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D6559 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D3213 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D6572 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D6565 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 156636HB1V1D6569 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 156636HB1V1D6529 N/A IIBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 1S6636HB1V1D5832 N/A [IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 6636-HB1 156636HB1V1D5820 N/A 'LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM437 N/A LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDR019 N/A LENOVO LENOVO LCD MONITOR 9419-HC2 VLDM431 N/A IBM IBM LCD MONITOR 9205-AB6 V6-MA384 N/A HP HP COLOR LASERJET COPIER WITH ATTACHMENLASERJET 9500 JPNJC00300 000927 (Qty 12) Blade Center Cooling Fans for H- IBM Series Blade Center Chassis - Loose on Pallet H-Series NA NONE IBM (Qty 18) Server Rack Rail Mounting Hardware X-Series NA NONE (Qty 24) 2.5" Form Factor Internal Hard Drive for H-Series Blade Center Chassis - Drive Degaussed and Wiped Clean of all Data - Loose IBM on Pallet H-Series NA NONE (Qty 56) 3.5" Form Factor Internal Hard Drive for X-Series Servers - Drive Degaussed and IBM Wiped Clean of all Data - Loose on Pallet X-Series NA NONE (Qty 42)X-Series Blade Servers which integrate into an H-Series Blade Server Chassis - Loose IBM on Pallet X-Series NA NONE (Qty 6) Cooling Fan Assemblies for H-Series IBM Blade Center Chassis - Loose on Pallet H-Series NA NONE Management Moduel for H-Series Blade Center IBM Chassis - Loose on Pallet H-Series NA NONE Array Networks Array Networks Load Balancers NA UNAVAILABLE 003511 Array Networks Array Networks Load Balancers NA UNAVAILABLE 003512 Google . (Qty 2) Google Search Appliance NA NA NA Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 B009230 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 B008121 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 B007717 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS300 B007974 NONE Dell EqualLogic SAN PS5000 SHU9455200028DC 003996 Dell EqualLogic SAN PS5000 SHU9455200028CD 003997 Dell EqualLogic SAN PS6000 SHU0935411YHAA13 004319 Dell EqualLogic SAN PS6000 SHU0935411YAA12 004318 IBM X-Series Server X3650 99AM790 003994 IBM X-Series Server X3650 KQAXNPZ 003995 • IBM X-Series Server X3550 KQCDMNC NONE IBM X-Series Server X3650 KQFTAWY 003950 IBM H-Series Blade Center Chassis 88524XU 99A4403 003997 IBM H-Series Blade Center Chassis 8852HC1 KQBZLHG NONE IBM H-Series Blade Center Chassis 8852HC1 KQBZLEF NONE CISCO Switch VS-5720-1OG SAL1222S5SR CISCO Switch VS-5720-1OG SAL1223STYX CISCO 48 port base T68 WS-XL148A SAL1203DG4S CISCO 48 port base T68 WS-XL148A SAL1218P5NZ RANCHO CUCAMONGA SURPLUS LIST P112 DATE CISCO 48 port base T68 WS-XL148A IBM05501S05 CISCO Catalyst 6500 6513 • Rancho Cucamonga Police Department P113 Surplus Vehicle May 2013 • White 1999 GMC Safari Cargo Van Has a 4.3L 6 Cylinder Gasoline Engine, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, Climate Control, AM/FM Radio, Manual Doors & Windows, Cloth Seats, Vinyl Flooring, Steel Wheels, Rear Door Windows, Interior Shelves, Class Three Tow Receiver (4 Wire Plug). VIN: 1GTDM19WXXB529599 Mileage: 25,355 > Paint Damage from Decals and Holes in Roof from Removed Equipment (Sealed) • • P114 Unit#51-92 1992 KME Renegade Pumper VIN # 1 K9AF4283NN058667 License # E338002 Description: Fire Engine Engine: Detroit 8V92-TA HP. 350, Torque 866 ft/lbs. Mileage: 136,788 Transmission: Allison HT755 CR Pump: HALE QSMG-175-23 1750 gpm Wheel Base 180" long x 96" wide GVW: 41,800 lbs Condition: Vehicle is operational, drivable, good tires and brakes, engine and transmission are in good operating order. All warning lights are on vehicle. Vehicle will be safety checked before buyer leaves the premises with the vehicle. NO warranty or guarantee is implied, Vehicle is sold in "AS IS CONDITION". Buyer assumes ALL responsibility and liability for vehicle at time of sale. P115 Unit #50-92 1992 KME Renegade Pumper VIN # 1K9AF4283NN058666 • License # E338001 Description: Fire Engine Engine: Detroit 8V92-TA HP. 350, Torque 866 ft/lbs. Mileage: 145,311 Transmission: Allison HT755 CR Pump: HALE QSMG-175-23 1750 gpm Wheel Base 180" long x 96" wide GVW: 41,800 lbs Condition: Vehicle is operational, drivable, good tires and brakes, engine and transmission are in good operating order. All warning lights are on vehicle. Vehicle will be safety checked before buyer leaves the premises with the vehicle. NO warranty or guarantee is implied, Vehicle is sold in "AS IS CONDITION". Buyer assumes ALL responsibility and liability for vehicle at time of sale. • P116 Unit #69-00 2000 KME Tele-Squirt 65' VIN # 1K9AF4281YN058153 License # 1023423 Description: Fire Engine Engine: Detroit Series 60 HP. 500, Mileage: 79,877 Transmission: Allison HD4060P Pump: HALE QMAX150-21 L 1750 gpm Wheel Base 204" long x 96" wide GVW: 49,790 lbs Condition: Vehicle is operational, drivable, good tires and brakes, engine and transmission are in good operating order. All warning lights are on vehicle. • P117 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT L RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Jerry A. Dyer, Principal Civil Engineer Subject: APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION OF HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE MEASURE '1" FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN-EXPENDITURE STRATEGY FOR MEASURE "I" FUNDS COVERING FISCAL YEARS 2014/2019 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the Local Measure "I" Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Improvement Plan Expenditure Strategy covering fiscal years 2014/2019 as requested by SANBAG to provide a public record of the intended use of Local Measure "I" Funds. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Measure "I", the county-wide transportation sales tax program, requires that each local jurisdiction receiving revenues annually adopt a Five-Year Capital Improvement Program which outlines the specific projects upon which those funds shall be expended. Staff has prepared the attached Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan schedule to be adopted by City Council and kept on file with the San Bernardino Associated Governments for informational purposes. The Five-Year list has been over-programmed to allow for spillage and to insure that the adopted plan contains ample projects for Measure "I" expenditures. If changes are necessary (additions or deletions), the plan may be altered at each annual adoption or intermittently with City Council approval. In addition, SANBAG has advised us to adopt a Measure "I" Improvement Plan Expenditure Strategy as part of the annual adoption period. This should be a narrative policy statement estimating the types of projects Local Measure "I" Funds are to be used for and the percentage of funds allocated for each type of project. Respectfully submitted, a r M er Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/JAD:Is Attachment P118 RESOLUTION NO. 14-161 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA,ADOPTING THE MEASURE "I" FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COVERING FISCAL YEARS 2014/2019 AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN EXPENDITURE STRATEGY FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF MEASURE "I" FUNDS WHEREAS, San Bernardino County voters approved passage of Measure "I" 1990-2010 in November, 1989 and renewed as Measure "I" 2010-2040 in November 2004 authorizing San Bernardino Associated Governments, acting as the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, to impose a one-half of one percent retail transactions and use tax applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory of the County of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, revenue from the tax can only be used for transportation improvement and traffic management programs authorized in the Expenditure Plans set forth in Ordinance No. 89-1 of Authority; and WHEREAS, Expenditure plans of the Ordinance requires each local jurisdiction receiving revenue from the tax to expend those funds pursuant to a Capital Improvement Program and Improvement Plan Expenditure Strategy adopted by resolution of the local jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, Expenditure Plans of the Ordinance also require that each local jurisdiction annually adopt and update its Capital Improvement Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, State of California, hereby adopts the Measure "I" Five-Year Capital Improvement Program and Improvement Plan Expenditure Strategy, a copy of which is attached to this resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 14-161 - Page 1 T r a �, 888888888888o8g88888888 o oo.Qo8888 0 00r- _ _ S SA°s og s_opggw g s 4,004.— m ° ai° 2 E �c g282i �p18888 ou� 8881(�N m m �HHSb n r;r;mZ Q0 E 0 p ; aq NK 49HHI� N49 9s 4 s.H M - 4 '9'9 a�0 6Ni @ U d a _ N M h 69 6 H pi (9 N- N- O O " p H 69 ..._. .. ,� ,- I � LA fA 1A fA EA 00'000 0�3e -0-017 .X "- N OI c ? t g N > E el e§ . . 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N 0`� 8 a a H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H......H c:6 E I— a W 1- �i as 0 W Q ° y re 2 a V J Iz u O CO v! m j Q W Z U 0 L 88888888888888888888 „ § 88888 „ 8 D go FA$§§§§§§§§§§m§.§§§§§ §§§$uf Ce E .o �r r N fl C � a O w eft 4/1 a a u, as m m s ` Q1 i w a - o C ) $ ! am _1,5 c N $ z g y 11111 0 CU z E p • } = c 1 i N c ~ U o m m a $O Y _ m w � c I1t at .-2 4E 221 in ii 1 11111"11 , m ,, ,E y $ $ � z V . s t§c ▪ w . amo WZ E $ S > _J -, E V c � � ; $ , l - . $ , e • c - a e $ a .. 8- a . G i I h , g c i L m W Z mBLLg� s�81S� 8 28 VU w H - h q Cl W Z •m 8�� �'.�Y _ $ gy m ,� � � a � O o w 2 OC j ' W C� o▪�= c c� af= LL 0. `"t$ , 0 SepE = c l a w O •6 Q " O wW� Ti 2tf _ I iflt a we 8 zzw =2 pp y O O a a w Ce CD Q 2 2g�Q s_s_a�_aa Lon g_ m o 2 E E m m Q o o ° V EN5 £ ffi $ -- ss � � U3 U 22m OOL- L- � Lp �p S Q u 4.11- 1-= m M M z Z z Z ,-4( mm ULL LLLLw=SSe CClilyS 000aWii ` < < c4iofvLli z R 000 P120 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEASURE I CAPTIAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN EXPENDITURE STRATEGY 2014/2019 The Measure "I" Capital Improvement Plan Expenditure Strategy for the expenditure of Measure I funds will use the City's General Plan Circulation Element as a basis. It is anticipated that the funds will be allocated in the following manner: Percent Type of Improvement 67 Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Repair of Existing Roadways 28 Traffic Signal Improvements, Pavement Striping and Maintenance 4 Concrete Services (ADA, Repair and Sidewalks) I Pavement Management • P121 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1411111j RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer Subject: APPROVAL OF JOINT USE AGREEMENT AND RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS SAN BERNARDINO TAX ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 0225-12-204 and 0225-13-120 WITH METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (MWDSC) AND CERTIFICATION OF ADDENDUM TO FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT CERTIFIED DECEMBER 11, 2011 AS PART OF WILSON AVENUE EXTENSION AND REHABILITATION PROJECT, AND TO APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION OF $118,400 TO ACCOUNT NO. 11243035650/1515124-0 FROM TRANSPORTATION FUND BALANCE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Joint Use and Right of Entry Agreements with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California ("MWDSC"); certify an Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report certified by City Council on December 11, 2011; approve the appropriation of $118,400 from the Transportation Fund Balance and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreements and any documents associated with the Addendum on behalf of the City. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On or about February 5, 2014, City Council approved the appraisal prepared by Joyce A. Riggs, MAI, SR/WA of Riggs and Riggs, Inc. for the acquisition of certain right of way from real property owned by MWDSC. The City seeks to acquire a permanent highway easement and two permanent slope easements from MWDSC for the purposes of constructing the Wilson Avenue Extension and Rehabilitation Project ("Project.") The City and MWDSC are currently in negotiations regarding the value of the property interests. Because of certain Project related construction deadlines, it is necessary for the City and MWDSC to execute a Joint Use Agreement and a Right of Entry Agreement granting the City immediate access to the right of way on the MWDSC property. In addition, in order for MWDSC to approve the Joint Use Agreement and the Right of Entry Agreement, it is necessary for the City to certify the Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Report designating MWDSC as a responsible party and reiterating certain construction related conditions that apply to the proposed work on the Project, which is over portions of the MWDSC facilities. The appropriated funds represent the appraised value of the right of way on the MWDSC property and are required to be deposited into an MWDSC trust account until the completion of the Project and final conveyance of the permanent easements from MWDSC to the City has been completed. • P122 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Joint Use, Right of Entry and Addendum September 2, 2014 Page 2 Approval of the Agreements and Addendum will allow staff to proceed with constructing the Project. Upon completion of the Project, MWDSC will convey the permanent highway easement and slope easements to the City. Funds are available in Account No. 11243035650/1515124-0. The Agreements and Addendum have been reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney's office. . Respectfully submitted, 0111Wie ark A.,,S euer Dir c or of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/WS:Is Attachment: Vicinity Map P123 rJ —.._.._. —..—.._.._..—.. r....�� �... ..�1._.. �� r I i I o lik j IHILLSI E RD • H LLSIDE RD I I • ep4 iw WILSONA ILSON AV ON V . .7' 2 _ ` BANVA{ST °t BAN N ST•' ' Mil VAN ST Fr r I:10F rj I2.00I4 P 1.,/ --� -�.•:;ice. • 19TH ET < Y��, 1 V 2 g VICTORIA nk r, BASELINE RD ,, •(If' CHURCH T .iP Il• ER AV kr E-,` 11 II IIIIM Ira ' r-. , . A V=MP ST Mg I I TH,∎ I �..J (`4 7TH S •` 6TH ST 6TH `• 4TH. A 1 P Wilson Ave. Extension from East Ave. to Wardman/Bullock Rd. QI of al ; I 1 w• j WI ON AV SON AV � ---- ---------1---- -1------ ---7 --------,)-- 1 1 J1 ; I \ 1 p:),/ m i BANYANiST � j ( /%/ - - - - 1 1 1 _ =}r _ �i _ ! 1 210 FW_I 21.0-,v_1-)•-: �, - I x HI W I f I w VICTORI f Vicinity Map Wilson Ave. Extension from East Ave. to Wardman/Bullock Rd. P124 7*-41.e."7/4 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Betty Miller, Associate Engineer Subject: APPROVAL OF MASTER PLAN TRANSPORTATION FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT, SRA-60, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRACT 17651, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET EAST OF EAST AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY K. HOVNANIAN AT ANDALUSIA, LLC, AND APPROVAL TO APPROPRIATE $84,154.65 FROM TRANSPORTATION FUND BALANCE TO ACCOUNT NUMBER 1124303-5650/1026124-0 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving Street Reimbursement Agreement SRA-60 for the traffic signal at Banyan Street and Golden Lock Place, a master plan transportation facility installed in conjunction with the development of Tract 17651, and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement and to cause same to record. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a condition of approval of Tentative Tract 17651, the Developer, K. Hovnanian at Andalusia, LLC, was required to install the traffic signal at Banyan Street and Golden Lock Place, a master plan transportation facility. All Tract 17651 improvements have been accepted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The Developer submitted an itemized accounting of the construction costs for the required master plan transportation facility improvements. Staff reviewed and concurs with the submittal. The total cost of said improvements was $168,494.49. The Developer received Transportation Development Fee credits in the amount of$84,339.84, leaving a balance to be reimbursed of $84,154.65. Copies of the agreement signed by the Developer are available in the City Clerk's office. Respectfully submitted, LLi' ; Mar ��'1�'s r/'��.._ Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/BM:Is P125 1' 5o, <AVENUE PROJECT SITE m emus STREET 1 ' ' Sete 3 Rai P y Scr,442- ST/1 ROUTE 210 .RFEWAY , Location of Traffic Signal W BANYAN STREET 771. -_s_: - r---"i,_i. r_,-:climin-":1; LLMD AREA ' 1 I ! M 1 � 1 2 3 � 4 1 5 52 , 53 ,I 54 ,I 55 ,1 56 . MAINTAINED 6 51 BY LANDSCAPE �P1ii11:1:011:1: d••RT ; ' ' •s'fl.11tEUI •1113 ` MAINTENANCE l 11` : 10 y 9 : 8 - -- _7 0 :.49 18 - 47 :46 DISTRICT N0.7 6 K 1 -t_ I - ,J ' __ p; 4 1 _ � vi: .1 12 113 1 14 115 116 r-1 41 1 42 1 43 144 : 45 4] I 1 1 1, - -- -- \17 x140 i , - - itl 1 S r-= $ I TO �yL1,S •ZLl• 1 i` ' • Jai 111• a _, ` 1 i 2 1 22 X 21 X 20 X 19 18 39 38 37 36 X 35 � ;1 2 �11 I I I I I 1 Lit _°�— - TRACT ! C 1 I':- r.7.1'-1. IJ I -,I 1 I I. T_ I S I 1 a ii 1 �g� 1-----5 y 1 18708 '23 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 t 30 131 1 32 1 33 1 34 II j I 6 'I i 1 f � � i q } eitablA ac NORTH 111" =NTS CITY OF ITEM: SRA-60 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: Traffic Signal Reimbursement Agreement ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT: Vicinity Map P126 RESOLUTION NO. 14-162 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MASTER PLAN TRANSPORTATION FACILITY REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BANYAN STREET AND GOLDEN LOCK PLACE FOR TRACT 17651, SRA-60 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has for its consideration a Reimbursement Agreement submitted by K. Hovnanian at Andalusia, LLC, the Developer, for a master planned transportation facility installed in conjunction with the development of Tract 17651, located on the south side of Banyan Street east of East Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Developer, at Developer's expense, has completed the required improvements; and WHEREAS, the Developer has requested reimbursement for the master plan transportation facility improvements, as he is entitled to per Section 3.28.040 of the Municipal Code, by means of said Reimbursement Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES that said Reimbursement Agreement be and the same is hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and the City Clerk attest thereto. Resolution No. 14-162 — Page 1 P127 STAFF REPORT ler ENCINI I:l!NC SrRYICES DEI'wrrnuEN.i RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA • To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering�nSerrrvices/City Engineer By: Romeo M. David, Associate Engineer �`" it Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer a5�} Subject: ACCEPT THE FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION — OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 14-072 AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE BONDS, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND, AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $390,919.32 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation — Overlay of Various Streets project, Contract No. 14-072, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $397,765.25 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $19,545.47 35 days after acceptance. Also approve the final contract amount of $390,919.32. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation —Overlay of Various Streets project scope of work consisted of the installation of crack sealing, patching, cold planing, A.C. overlay, re- striping and pavement markings. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: • Budgeted Amount: $437,541.77 > Account Numbers: 1174303-5650/1022174-0 • City Council Approval to Advertise: February 19, 2014 • Publish dates for local paper: February 25 and March 4, 2014 • Bid Opening: March 11, 2014 Contract Award Date: April 2, 2014 • Low Bidder: R. J. Noble Company • P128 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION-OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 PAGE 2 > Contract Amount: $397,765.25 • Contingency: $39,776.52 Final Contract Amount: $390,919.32 • Difference in Contract Amount: -$6,845.93 (-1.72%) The net decrease in the total cost of the project is a result of one (1) Contract Change Order, the Balancing Statement. The notable changes that were significant to the decrease of the Contract amount were: less tons of AC overlay were needed than were bid. The balancing statement also accounted for other minor decreases in the project quantities. Respectfully submitted, Ma'7< R 94e>xef Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/RMD/SH:Is Attachment P129 r 1 VICINI . Y MAP ui \ \, of t < 4 WILSON AVE. W i ! w X BANYAN ST. I i: • ' LEMON AVE c LEMON AVE • .G&ND AVE. / HIGHLAND AVE NM 210`_ "� - sT ', 14th ST. {! if. VICTORIA K ;' _ I! ■ MONTE VISTA ST. KKK VISTA ST. ;I j i UPLAND it -... _ 1 l . BASELINE AVE ' 1 , ill I tr pICVY i1 i ,o-o-:i 11 I J‘ S 4 . b �'¢ > . CI�IRCN Si.ST. ! 1 .it it "row i i I, j 1. J U HILL • r. rr RC; L - G.."'__ .it ._ _:�. .! __..11 . FOOTHILL II-VD. C 1 f I i trvcc crInvr IN / c E' ARROV E ! / Z rJ _- < • ■ A 9th ST. __:_ ;::MAP-3 MAP- 1 I I i . _ '. Ot STR ET < : 4. 7th STREET II MAP-2 ih ith STREET ` i I '`�.` I 4th STIIQT ... CUCMQriA -,..., r',I'M GAUSTI PAM 1-10 FREEWAY ONE' �\\ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA � � _-•(• },- (/ ',1 'f��•��+ FY 2013/2014 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Kivilt7 taittif. OVERLAY AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS NMI. n • P13O RESOLUTION NO. 14-163 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION — OVERLAY OF VARIOUS STREETS PROJECT CONTRACT NO. 14-072, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation — Overlay of Various Streets project Contract No. 14-072, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. RESOLUTION NO. 14-163 — Page 1 P131 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMIENT ii RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Curt Billings, Associate Engineer e/j Subject: APPROVAL OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT FOR A STUDY OF THE SAN SEVAINE BASIN FOR THE PROPOSED YOUNGS CANYON ROAD EXTENSION, AND APPROVAL OF AN APPROPRIATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,000 TO ACCOUNT NO. 18132035650/1601813-0 FROM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 88-2 FUND BALANCE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Agreement between the City and San Bernardino County Flood Control District ("District") and approve the appropriation of $75,000 to Account No. 18132035650/1601813-0. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The San Sevaine Basins are comprised of five individual basins located in the Etiwanda area of the City, south of Summit Avenue, between the terminus of Youngs Canyon Road to the west and Cherry Avenue to the east. Youngs Canyon Road is master planned roadway that will connect Summit Avenue and Banyan Street to the west to Cherry Avenue to the east, and extend through these Basins. Assessment District 88-2 trust funds have been set aside for the construction of this new road. The construction of Youngs Canyon Road will cause the placement of embankment and fills within two of the Basins. An assessment of the current storage capacity will need to be made before the impacts of roadway embankment and fills can be analyzed. Also, a new spillway will be constructed to replace an existing spillway along with modifications to the east levee for the roadway to cross over. The levee is only provisionally certified and will need to be recertified to FEMA requirements. Therefore, the District has requested a study to determine the existing debris capacity and an update to the FEMA certification, before the roadway construction impacts can be analyzed. The District has proposed supplementing an existing contract with their consulting firm HDR- Riverside to provide the study and certification. A time and material cost of up to $150,000 including contingencies was proposed. The County will pay for additional cost above the estimate or return any funds to the City that are not spent. The appropriation of $75,000 is requested, along with other budgeted funds, for the study. • P132 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Agreement for study and basin certification (SB Flood) September 2, 2014 Page 2 The agreement has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney's office. Respectfully submitted, Mark �"" ' `��_. g - e " es/ Engineer MAS/CB:Is Attachments: Vicinity Map and Agreement PT33 VICINITY MAP YOUNGS CANYON ROAD EXTENSION FROM KOCH PLACE TO CHERRY AVENUE PROJECT LOCATION > r v > a a c .; 1 r. d 'F v j Hills'de.Rd ,�._ c 1 +� _ a �Iy' j p7 -�`ir E1^ �I��b'=: `, 1 '&MIA 1 !t= Or,WilsonAv 1 j 'f _ u 1 'rte 7 i Bany�n:Sr 1I L. ligl,L r ri via ` l['Writ� 'l'�t1i11�1iCL1Q !; It jAk ., - _..� I ,__ -14,74= �i�. 'a•�' Ali �l — SR-210 � 7C1� ni -440 is is i 1sahst�- ��u cs�i,-E�m ~ .. � ^�� immure � -'-I! mm im y�RGRi 1111.1!,1! f7t/i1.gAGIRIG,I�- Y 1 t`=�'c■PAeIFIC ELECIRIG:TRAIL Base LineRIII-amiilV/ 1,1,YA �lCrirl- a` +Rtvi��U I��` �p Base Line Rd 11 G~ 4171-11 I —rif9 rr WV I J.r iiihi 1 6 �U"�l li 11.. I 1" CJ�!1 �',t „ '` et,_,.„,. . - C ',C i 1 � � 4= i 0. r alC1 ��rs I :ll� -nom um.- ,....i., Foothiil■BI 'rhr Q. Li .I ' �� .. �� Mr*: Foothill 131 ■ Arrow%agi I .n 1 .` r .Arrow RI labia Ell pp 8th t ¢ M =I 1 i w d -.. . a I na .._.. > o t ���t !� st;str � W 8 —1> a!Ili" 40,ais‘•::,..=1,....>. a a, a Fill ' a :� ct4 e`5 i c°= CC W P134 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY N New FAS Vendor Code �+//�� Dept. /� Contract Number 0 Change SCI A ❑ Cancel ePro Vendor Number ePro Contract Number A, y Dept. Orgn. Contractor's License No. nr���` ` Flood Control District 091 091 Contract Representative Telephone Total Contract Amount San Bernardino County Kevin Blakeslee (909)387-7918 $150,000.00 Flood Control District Contract Type f1 Revenue 11 Encumbered t7 Unencumbered 11 Other: If not encumbered or revenue contract type,provide reason: F A S Commodity Code Contract Start Date Contract End Date Original Amount Amendment Amount STANDARD CONTRACT $ $ Fund Dept. Organization Appr. Obj/Rev Source GRC/PROJ/JOB No Amount RFA 091 091 8842 76F02523 $ 150,000.00 Fund Dept. Organization Appr. Obj/Rev Source GRC/PROJ/JOB No. Amount $ Fund Dept. Organization Appr. Obj/Rev Source GRC/PROJ/JOB No. Amount i r Project Name Estimated Payment Total by Fiscal Year San Sevaine Basins FY Amount I/D FY Amount I/D Sediment&Levee Study 14/15 $150,000.00 THIS AGREEMENT is entered into in the State of California by and between the SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, hereinafter called the DISTRICT, and Name City of Rancho Cucamonga hereinafter called CITY Address 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Telephone Federal ID No.or Social Security No. (909)477- 2740 Ext. 4037 IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the DISTRICT and the CITY are signatories to this AGREEMENT, and may hereinafter be individually referred to as a "PARTY" and collectively referred to as the "PARTIES"; and WHEREAS, DISTRICT has constructed the San Sevaine Creek Basins and adjacent levee system in the City of Rancho Cucamonga; and WHEREAS, DISTRICT and HDR Engineering, Inc. entered into Agreement No. 07-985 on November 6, 2007 whereby, HDR Engineering, Inc. would investigate and certify as to the adequacy of various DISTRICT'S flood control levees throughout the County; and, WHEREAS, DISTRICT and HDR Engineering, Inc. have now identified a need for a sediment transport study at the DISTRICT's San Sevaine Creek Facility, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, as described in Exhibit A; and Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector Use Only ❑Contract Database ❑FAS Input Date Keyed By Page 1 of 4 • P135 WHEREAS, this study would determine the maximum amount of sediment that could be transported into the debris basins during a major storm event; and WHEREAS, the certification study would determine that the levees meet FEMA criteria as set forth in Code of Federal Regulations 44CFR 65.10; and WHEREAS, the extent of work to be included in the studies is set forth in the Scope of Work and is included herein as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, DISTRICT intends to amend its agreement with HDR Engineering to include the Study in the scope of work thereto; and WHEREAS, this AGREEMENT shall take effect upon approval by the Board of Supervisors and City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. 1.0 CITY AGREES TO: 1.1 Pay up to $150,000 to DISTRICT for the Study which includes a 10% contingency for undetermined Consultant over runs and reasonable DISTRICT staff time charges. SECTION II. 2.0 DISTRICT AGREES TO: 2.1 Fund all costs in excess of $150,000 for the Study. 2.2 Permit CITY to review and comment on drafts and revisions of the Study. 2.3 Use diligent efforts to cause the Study to be completed and a copy delivered to CITY within 6 months of the Notice to Proceed. 2.4 The CITY is providing the total $150,000 up front and the DISTRICT will return any unused portion of the funds. 2.5 DISTRICT acknowledges and agrees that CITY shall not be required to make any improvements recommended by the Study. SECTION III. 3.0 IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED: 3.1 The Effective Date of Acceptance of this AGREEMENT shall be the first date upon which all of the following has occurred: (1) the CITY Council and DISTRICT Board have approved the AGREEMENT; and (2) the authorized representative of each has signed the AGREEMENT; and (3) a fully executed copy of the AGREEMENT has been submitted to all PARTIES. 3.2 All payments shall be made via electronic funds transfer (EFT) directly deposited into the PARTIES designated checking or other bank account. PARTIES shall promptly comply with directions and accurately complete forms provided to process EFT payments. 3.3 Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this AGREEMENT. Revised 1/8/13 Page 2 of 4 • P136 3.4 Since the PARTIES or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this AGREEMENT, the language of this AGREEMENT shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for any or against any PARTY. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed work days. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this AGREEMENT. 3.5 No supplement, modification, or amendment of this AGREEMENT shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by all PARTIES. 3.6 All notices, approvals, consents or other documents required or permitted under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing and, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be effective upon personal delivery or three days after deposit in the United States mail, certified, with first class postage fully prepaid, addressed as follows: City of Rancho Cucamonga San Bernardino County Flood 10500 Civic Center Drive Control District Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 825 East Third Street Attn: Jerry Dyer San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 Attn: Kevin Blakeslee 3.7 No waiver of any default under this AGREEMENT shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a PARTY shall give the other PARTY any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. 3.8 This AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any portion of this AGREEMENT invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect, unless the purpose of this AGREEMENT is frustrated. Any dispute or action to enforce any obligation under this AGREEMENT shall be filed and resolved in the appropriate Superior Court in the County of San Bernardino, California. In the event of litigation arising from this AGREEMENT, each PARTY to the AGREEMENT shall bear its own costs, including attorney's fees. 3.9 This AGREEMENT contains the entire agreement of the PARTIES with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all other prior negotiations, understandings or contracts. This AGREEMENT may only be modified in writing, signed by all PARTIES. 3.10 This AGREEMENT may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. 3.11 This AGREEMENT may be modified by the City Manager of CITY and by the Director of DISTRICT provided the modification is in writing and acceptable to both PARTIES. Revised 1/8/13 Page 3 of 4 P137 This AGREEMENT shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of all PARTIES. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this AGREEMENT has been fully executed on behalf of the DISTRICT by its duly authorized representative and the CITY has caused the same to be executed in its name and on its behalf by its duly authorized representative. This AGREEMENT shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of all PARTIES. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (Authorized signature-sign in blue ink) Name Title Mayor Dated: , 2014 Address: 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attn: Jerry Dyer Approved as to Legal Form Attested by City Clerk 2yyt omwyef R chards,Watson& City Clerk 'Gershon,counsel to City Date Date ei /// SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT (Print or type name of corporation,company,contractor, etc.) ► By ► Janice Rutherford, Board Chair (Authorized signature-sign in blue ink) Dated: Name (Print or type name of person signing contract) SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE Title CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD (Print or Type) Laura H.Welch, Clerk Dated: By Address Deputy • Approved as to Legal Form Reviewed by Contract Compliance Presented to Board for Signature Counsel Date Date Date Revised 1/8/13 Page 4 of 4 P138 Scope of Work Scir) Sevaine Basins Debris Volume Review and Levee Certification lone 1 9, 2014 This Scope of Work consists of the Debris Volume Review for San Sevaine Basins and San Sevaine Basins Levee Certification. San Sevaine Basins are located in San Bernardino County near the intersection of Summit Avenue (Wilson Avenue)and Cherry Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. The San Sevaine Basins are comprised of 5 individual basins.The basins are numbered from I through 5 from north to south. Basin Nos. 1 through No. 3 are hounded on the north side by Summit Avenue.on the west side by residential developments,and the east side by an open field. Basin No.4 collects from Basin No. 3 and discharges into Basin No. 5 over a 50-feet vertical drop. 1. San Sevaine Basins Debris Volume Review The San Bernardino County Flood Control District(District) has requested an evaluation of the debris volume requirement for the San Sevaine Basins.This effort is to include a review of a previous debris volume estimate for the basins and an independent debris volume estimate. in November 1998. Exponent prepared a draft report for Boyle Engineering Corporation,entitled: "East Etiwanda and San Sevaine Basins: Debris and Sedimentation Study for Debris Basins at Summit Avenue". Exponent determined debris volume estimates at the mouth of four canyons and the amount of debris delivered to the basins were provided for East Etiwanda Canyon. Henderson Canyon, Morse Canyon, and San Sevaine Canyon. Only the last three canyons just named deliver sediment and debris to San Sevaine Basins. These three canyons will he the focus of this effort. The work by Exponent will he reviewed and an independent estimate of debris volumes for the 10-year event and 100-year event will be provided based on the most recent (2000) Los Angeles District Corps of Engineers Method for Prediction of Debris Yield. • Work Tasks: 1.1.Review Exponent Report and Debris Volumes a. Confirm debris quantity calculations from contributing canyons to San Sevaine debris basins using LA Corps Debris Method (updated February 2000) for 10-year and 100-year events after burn. h. Review method used to determine debris delivery to San Sevaine debris basins(including • debris from alluvial plain added to the debris quantity from canyons). 1.2.Backeround Data Research a. Collect and review available as-built information for the debris basins, levees, constructed channels and culverts in Wilson Road. b. Obtain available information on debris capture or removals from the basins and correlate with previous storm events if possible. c. Compare known debris capture volumes to Exponent debris delivery predictions. 1 San Sevaine Basins • Sediment & Levee Study Exhibit "A" Page I of 5 P139 d. Estimate physical dimensions of scour or deposition in the alluvial plain that equate to volume reported in Exponent report. I.3.Field Reconnaissance • a. Observe flow paths between canyon mouths and the debris basins. b. Look for physical evidence of scour and deposition. c. Check type of channel, lined or natural, between canyon mouths and basins. d. Observe stream bed material gradations and compare to Exponent grain size information. 1A.Topographic Mapping a. It is assumed that suitable topographic mapping for developing a hydraulic model is available from the City of Rancho Cucamonga. h. Additional ground survey will he utilized to obtain any supplemental dimensions or elevations required, such as culvert dimensions,inverts, road elevations, and typical channel cross sections. 1.5.Hydraulic Modeling in Alluvial Plain a. Cut cross sections from the topographic data and supplement with field survey data. b. Prepare HEC-RAS hydraulic model with cross sections,reach lengths, n values, contraction and expansion coefficients, ineffective flow areas, and discharges. c. Determine flow capacity and backwater characteristics for culverts under Wilson Road. d. Determine relevant hydraulic parameters for a range of discharges(flow depth, velocity. shear stress. etc.). 1.6.Erosion and Sedimentation in Alluvial Plain a. Determine the potential for armoring of the channel bed to limit degradation for design events and compute depth to armor layer using the method developed by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and contained in publication "Computing Degradation and Local Scour" by Pemberton and Lara (BOR 1984). b. Estimate sediment erosion potential in the alluvial plan using sediment transport equations and methods in the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Sedimentation Manual (LACDPW 2006). 1.7.Sediment Delivers' Ratio and Required Basin Capacity a. Based on above steps,re-evaluate the alluvial plain impact to sediment delivery ratio for • I 0-year and 100-year events. b. Estimate the required debris capacity for San Sevaine Basins, based on the LA Corps Debris Method and the results of the alluvial plain impact evaluation. c. Compare to existing capacity of basins and determine if a project is needed. 1.8.Summary Report a. Prepare draft summary report with findings and recommendations. b. Respond to comments on draft report and prepare a final report. Clat ifications: 1. Includes a hydraulic model with a minimum distance of 1.000 feet, from upstream of Wilson • Road to the San Sevaine Basins. 2. Does not include developing design hydrographs. Includes qualitative information on sediment characteristics in the alluvial plain between the canyon mouth and the basin. • 2 r- San Sevaine Basins —1 Sediment& Levee Study Exhibit "A" Page 2 of 5 • P140 3. Includes a qualitative evaluation of sediment transport between the canyon mouth and the San Sevaine Basin. Does not include a numerical sediment transport model or sensitivity testing. 4. Includes debris volume estimates for the 10-year and 100-year events but does not include a long term sedimentation evaluation. Recommendations for maintenance activities to maintain capacity of the waterway would he limited to those that could he easily identified based on the results of the task activities above. 5. Assumes access will he provided for field review in San Sevaine Basins and contributing drainage ways. Deliverables: I Draft Report, 1 Final Report, including hydraulic model digital tiles. Anticipated Schedule: Field Reconnaissance and Survey within 30 days of Notice to Proceed (NTP) Draft Report within 60 days of NTP Final Report within 90 days of NTP 2. San Sevaine Basins Levee Certification The San Bernardino County Flood Control District (District) was tasked to evaluate and certify their existing levees based on FEMA's certification criteria per Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Section 65.1(1( 44 CFR 65.10). The evaluation and certification of levees is based on design criteria (freeboard.closures,embankment protection,embankment and foundation stability. settlement. and interior drainage). operation plans and criteria(for closures and interior drainage), maintenance plans and criteria, and the actual certification requirements (i.e. as-huilts, forms. documentation, and data). The San Sevaine Basin levee is one of the non-federal levees in San Bernardino County to be certified. San Sevaine Basin was identified as a Category 2 levee in the previous Phase I and 11 phases completed by HDR. A Category 2 levee means the levee may meet 44 CFR 65.10. but additional data or documentation is needed. The Hydrology and Ilydraulics (H&H) analyses were completed in Phase Il. It is not anticipated to perform additional H&H analyses in this phase. Based on the 11&H analyses, the San Sevaine Basin (Basins I through 4) is leveed on the east side. The west side is entrenched, which means the landward toe is higher than the 100-year water surface. Based on the F1&l I analyses. the San Sevaine Basin Levee satisfies FEMA's regulatory requirements for certification as identified in 44 CFR 65.10.in terms of minimum freeboard, embankment protection, and interior drainage for the base flood. The focus of this effort will he to address the embankment and foundation stability, operation and maintenance plans. certification package requirements. Work Tasks: 2.1.Geotcchnical Services a. For subsurface exploration, one additional boring approximately 25 feet in depth in addition to the geotechnical exploration in Phase II is proposed. h. Laboratory tests will he performed on the additional samples to evaluate the engineering characteristics of the materials encountered during the field exploration.The laboratory testing includes sieve analysis. permeability. and moisture/density and may he modified based on the actual subsurface materials encountered during exploration. 3 San Sevaine Basins Sediment & Levee Study Exhibit "A" Page y3 of • • P141 c. The information obtained from the field exploration and laboratory testing will be used in conjunction with the data previous obtained and analyzed. Additional analysis of cross sections reflecting the additional data will he performed and included in the report. 2.2.Operation and Maintenance Plan HDR will prepare the Operation and Maintenance(O&M) Plan, which will he concurrence with 44 CFR 65.10 requirement and into the Certification Package. The District will provide maintenance history, past performance, storm patrol route map and related levee information. 2.3.Certification Package HDR will prepare the certification package for the levee as required in 44 CFR 65.10. The evaluation and certification of levees is based on design criteria (freeboard,closures, embankment protection,embankment and foundation stability, settlement,and interior drainage). operation plans and criteria(for closures and interior drainage), maintenance plans and criteria, and the actual certification requirements (i.e. as-builts, forms, documentation, and data). The certification package will consist of FEMA's MT-2 Forms I, 2. and 3, and the required information identified in Sections A (Hydrology) and B (Hydraulics) of Form 2. and Section E (Levee/Floodwall) of Form 3. Form 1 will he stamped by a registered Professional Engineer. Five copies of the Certification Package will he provided to the District. along with one copy submitted to FEMA. The services provided by the HDR Team (including subcontractors) are for the purpose of providing the District with a certification,as defined in 44 C.F.R. 65.2(6),of the levee systems) as required by 44 C.F.R. 65.10(e). No third party,including without limitation adjacent or nearby landowners,is intended to he a beneficiary of these services by HDR, and HDR assumes no duty to anyone other than the District.The certification provided by HDR is expressly limited to the extent of the definition of"certification" as provided in 44 C.F.R. 65.2(b): For the purpose of this part, a certification by a registered professional en,i ineer or other party sloes not constitute a warranty or guarantee of performance, expressed Or implied. Certification of data is a.statement that the data is accurate to the best of the certifier's knowledge. Certification of catalyses is a statement that the analyses hate been perfowmed correctly and in accordance with sound engineering practices. C'ertificution uJ strttenn-al in orks is a statement that the works are designed in accordance with sound en,c,inecrin,.:practices to proyule protection from the base flood. Certification of"as built"conditions it a statement that the structure(s)has been built according to the plans being certified, is in place, and is fully functioning. 2.4.Responses to Comments The IIDR Team will coordinate the certification activities with FEMA Region-IX. We will attend meetings between the District and FEMA and provide direction to the District on FEMA related issues. Comments during the review of the certification material will be addressed to the greatest extent practicable. Should additional studies he required to fully address comments. HDR will work with the District to obtain the necessary scope and fee authorization. 4 San Sevaine Basins -.-] Sediment & Levee Study Exhibit "A" Page 4 of 5 � I t ¢ P142 Deliverables: I Draft Report to the District, including digital files. I Final Report to the District and 1 Final Report to FEMA. including digital files. Anticipated Schedule: Geotechnical exploration within 30 days of Notice to Proceed (NTP) Draft Report within 120 days of NTP Final Report within 180 days of NTP 3. Meetings and Coordination a. Allow for 6 conference calls, including routine coordination, progress meetings, and discussion of preliminary results. h. Allow for 3 meetings in person with the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the County of San Bernardino: a project kickoff meeting and a project results meeting at the draft report stage. 4. Project Management and QA/QC c. Project management activities including project set-up and filing. administration. scheduling,resource allocation, and progress and budget monitoring. d. Quality assurance reviews for deliverables and quality control procedures administered during the course of work. 5 -- San Sevaine Basins Sediment& Levee Study Exhibit "A" Page 5 015 P143 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT L� RANCHO Date: September 2, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Walt Stickney, Associate Enginee J Subject: APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION OF $481,000 TO ACCOUNT NO. 11243035650/1515124-0 FROM TRANSPORTATION FUND BALANCE FOR A 5-YEAR MONITORING STRATEGY TO STUDY THE SMALL MAMMAL USAGE OF THE TWO WILDLIFE CROSSINGS BEING CONSTRUCTED WITH THE WILSON AVENUE EXTENSION PROJECT FROM EAST AVENUE TO WARDMAN BULLOCK ROAD. THIS MONITORING STRATEGY IS A REQUIREMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEER'S 404 PERMIT TO BE OBTAINED FOR THE PROJECT. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the City Council approve an appropriation of $481,000 to Account No. 11243035650/1515124-0 from Transportation fund balance for a 5-year Monitoring Strategy to study the small mammal usage of the two wildlife crossings being constructed with the Wilson Avenue Extension project from East Avenue to Wardman Bullock Road. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City's proposed Wilson Avenue Extension project located between East Avenue and Wardman Bullock Road lies between an area of critical habitat of the federally endangered San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (SBKR). As such, the street project has been extensively scrutinized by both the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), as well as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). The reviews by the two agencies have resulted in a number of mitigation requirements being imposed upon the City. The vast majority of these requirements address the impact of the City's project on the critical habitat of the SBKR, as well as the migratory avenues of the SBKR. In order to maintain these migratory avenues, the USFWS has required the City construct two wildlife under-roadway crossings. Furthermore, the mitigation requirements include the regular monitoring of the use of these crossings by small mammals. This monitoring will include the infrared photographing of mammals (including the nocturnal SBKR) which utilize the crossings. In addition, the monitoring will require an experienced biologist analyze the photographs to determine whether any of the small mammals photographed include the SBKR. If, after a period of time, the photographs have not recorded the SBKR, the Monitoring Strategy will require other measures take place. These additional measures could include the training of the SBKRs to use the crossings, or additional trappings of the SBKR to assure there actually are SBKR's in the area. The Maintenance Strategy is to extend over a maximum 5-year period. Should it be determined in time less than the 5-year period that the SBKR will use the crossings, the monitoring may be terminated realizing a savings to the City. P144 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Wilson Avenue Extension-Monitoring Strategy September 2, 2014 Page 2 The City, in conjunction with its consulting biologist on the project, and under the review by USFWS, have estimated the 5-year cost of the Monitoring Strategy to be $481,000. One of the USFWS requirements imposed upon the City is the budgeting (appropriation) of the estimated cost of the Monitoring Strategy prior to constructing commencing on the project. Hence the recommended action of this particular agenda item is to appropriate the funds as required. The City is now required to contract with a consultant acceptable to the USFWS before the middle of December, 2014. After the selection of a best qualified consultant, staff will request the approval by City Council of a contract award to that consultant. The construction of the street improvements for the Wilson Avenue Extension project is expected to take approximately five months to complete. Staff expects the installation of all monitoring equipment to be complete spring of 2015, and the monitoring activity to extend to 2020 at the latest. Respectfully submitted, L.(2 Mark A. Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/WS:Is P145 rj I r I ri I HILLSI E RD H LLSIDE RD I I , Ir WILSONA • ILSON AV ON V 6 t \ m Pr BANVA S7 BANN STVAN ST 1 • 19TH Sr <I' Ti w-111111\ 1 Y.1 VICTORIA m' /" BASEiLINE RD ,e CHURCH T CHURCH ST \,, LER AV il m U III_.. • - ET, OTHILL- W , T 2 ARROW RT V NH MN ST , w : JERSEY BL _. , 1 8TH ST 1 I , J 7TH S ST _� , -` 6TH ST 6TH Wilson Ave. Extension from East Ave. to Wardman/Bullock Rd. aj of z. I/al I w. I WI ON AV SON AV , ----r---------7--- -1------ ---�-- --------,� - -J I ; I / \'/ I BANYAN1ST , j ' /�/ 1 � 121w, / I I ‹. }t Q ) ': ate1 1 210 FW _�_� �� � _ , -_ ,,I � ~I _ w w I ICTORIA Vicinity Map Wilson Ave. Extension from East Ave. to Wardman/Bullock Rd. P146 SITieit STAFF REPORT �' ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 Date: September 2, 2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Jason C. Welday, Traffic Engineerc-a Subject: APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR RELOCATION OF RECLAIMED WATER FACILITIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE INTERSTATE 15 AT BASE LINE ROAD INTERCHANGE PROJECT RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Amendment No. 1 to the Cooperative Agreement with Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS City Council entered into the Cooperative Agreement with Inland Empire Utilities Agency for the Relocation of Reclaimed Water Facilities in Conjunction with the Interstate 15 (1-15) at Base Line Road Interchange Project (CO13-275) on November 21, 2013. This agreement defined the roles and responsibilities of each party with respect to the relocation of the conflicting reclaimed water facilities. Under this agreement, the relocation of IEUA's conflicting facilities was bid and will be constructed as part of the interchange project's construction contract. The City will seek reimbursement for the costs associated with the relocation of IEUA's facilities including construction management and administration costs (established at 20% of the construction costs associated with the relocation). At the time of the agreement, the total cost for the relocation of IEUA's facilities including construction management and administration costs was estimated at $480,000. On June 4, 2014, the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) awarded a construction contract to Flatiron West, Inc. for the I-15 at Base Line Road Interchange Project. Based on Flatiron's bid, the estimate of total cost for relocation of IEUA's facilities including contingency, construction management and administration costs has been revised to $508,134. The attached Addendum No. 1 is presented for consideration by the City Council. This addendum will increase the "Total Work Cost" listed in the agreement to $508,134. All other terms of the agreement will be unchanged. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the attached agreement as to form. Respectfully submitted, ark . euer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/JCW:Is Attachments: Exhibit"A"—Addendum No. 1 P147 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 BETWEEN THE INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY AND THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR till,RELOCATION OF RECLAIMED WATER FACILITIES IN CONDUCTION WITH THE INTERSTATE 15 AT BASE LINE ROAD INTERCHANGE PROJECT 1. Parties and Date THIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 ("Amendment") to the Cooperative Agreement dated November 21, 2013 (Rancho Cucamonga Contract No. CO 13-275) is made and is effective this day of 2014, by and between the INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY, a municipal water district ("IEUA") and the CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a municipal corporation ("City") (Collectively referred to as"parties."). 2. Recitals 2.1 The parties entered into the Cooperative Agreement dated November 21, 2013 (Rancho Cucamonga Contract No. CO 13-275) ("Agreement") setting forth the roles and responsibilities of the parties for relocation of reclaimed water facilities owned and operated by IEUA in conjunction with the Interstate 15 at Base Line Road Interchange Project. 2.2 A contract for construction of the Interstate 15 at Base Line Road Interchange Project was awarded by the San Bernardino Associated Governments on behalf of the City to Flatiron West, Inc. on June 4, 2014. 2.3 The parties desire to amend the Agreement to address increases in the estimated total cost of work based on the bid received from Flatiron West, Inc. 3. Terms IT IS THEREFORE MUTUALLY AGREED that 3.1 Paragraph 3.2 of the Agreement is hereby replaced in its entirety with the following: Total Work Cost. The total cost of the Work is amended from Four Hundred Eighty Thousand dollars ($480,000) to an estimated amount of Five Hundred Eight Thousand One Hundred Thirty Four dollars ($508,134) ("Total Estimated Cost"). Please refer to the attached Exhibit A for the bid summary. The Total Estimated Cost includes the cost of construction, construction engineering/management, survey services, and geotechnical services. The Work to be constructed under the Project will be identified in the bids as `IEUA'. The City shall provide IEUA with a copy of all bids received for the Project, and shall allow IEUA ten (10) calendar days within which IEUA may review the bid documents. IEUA agrees that in the event they reject the bid for the Work, IEUA will perform the work so as to not cause delay to the Project. 3.2 The Recitals are incorporated into this Amendment. 3.3 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain the same and are incorporated into this Amendment. P148 SIGNATURE PAGE TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 BETWEEN FHE INLAND EMPIRE UTILITY AGENCY AND 111P:CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA FOR THE RELOCATION OF RECLAIMED WATER FACILITIES IN CONJUCTION WITH THE INTERSTATE 15 AT BASE LINE ROAD INTERCHANGE PROJECT INLAND EMPIRE UTILITIES AGENCY CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA A MUNICIP ATE' DISTRICT A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION By: _— f9/1 t By: P.Josep Grindstaff L. Dennis Michael General Manager Mayor Attest: By: Janice C.Reynolds City Clerk Approved as to Form: By: James L.Markman City Attorney Recommended for Approval: By: Mark A. Steuer,PE Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer = E j I I r. r of m I Ax o i i `. 0 _III Fr$ ' g ,6Asi = _ a, al$ ° ;!� gii- c gil Io C —i T ° 4 4'.onaril gEmAQ. Lx, I .1 n d ^ > t £ f o p a g QQ a ? ^�' i F�F r'E F 6 0 ' _ c I 3? o ' M � Fs 3 A I i I .J is . ! i IN I - - i ■ g g. i I i g I i I ^ i > g-' v gss§ as888gs ss a 9¢$ S a : y w _ -a .. w $ om -EE' °.g.' 0g$ 8€8'888888X' -§ § Z - P 8 ` 888888888828882888g 88 s sgaaogg§gggg 5 g gg _ 88888888888886 88 ii vM 1Ny N.+..n M M M M M M M M M M M M M M .. D .. N O - pN -8 . 3 gg °ss§gggaag gg 2 8 880088888888888888181 88 il ti _ ssgogo i?& o N N-N,n........ M M M M M M .. O M H Q >" b z; s s 0Hhq§RME §g 1 8 • 8888888888888888 88' ti c ahE§n8Iga g h i ' _ N n.N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M y J N v✓ S. C -N > N v N.' a F, EWiitAInfinEEtlE5g §E " 8 a �881888888888888888 88 f.g o'lggo§g88s8sgg Es s i M ..- -- ---- . . y M N 8 8888888888888828888 88 6tLd P150 STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT J Date: September 2, 2014 RANCHO C,UCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician Subject: ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS, RELEASE THE FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND AND FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16320 LOCATED ON ROCKY MOUNTAIN COURT, NORTH OF WOODRIDGE DRIVE, SUBMITTED BY FH, II, LLC RECOMMENDATION The required improvements for Tract 16320 have been completed in an acceptable manner, and it is recommended that the City Council accept said improvements, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and authorize the City Clerk to release the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS As a condition of approval of completion of Tract 16320, located on Rocky Mountain Court, north of Woodridge Drive, the applicant was required to install related public improvements. All public improvements required of this development have been completed to the standards of the City. The public improvements will be re-inspected in approximately nine months prior to release of the maintenance bond. Developer: FH, II, LLC 8300 Utica Avenue, Suite 300 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Release: Faithful Performance Bond #388173S $101,200.00 (Bond No.) Accept: Maintenance Bond #K09051235 $ 10,120.00 (Bond No.) Respectfully submitted, Ma e Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CC/rlf Attachment(s) P151 VICINITY MAP TR 16320 w]tA (A0'4 S? TR 16320 0 • z w > JACARANOA Gf A'AFANI r 1 • f C } Q ? "'U - ft HILLSIDE RD P152 RESOLUTION NO. 14-165 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 16320 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the construction of public improvements for TRACT 16320 have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work is complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. Resolution No. 14-165 Page 1 P153 STAFF REPORT , RANCHO CUCANIONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT �1I % s. Date: September 2, 2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: President and Members of the Board of Directors John R. Gillison, City Manager/ Chief Executive Officer From: Mike Costello, Fire Chief By: Rob Ball, Fire Marshal Subject: Disposition of Inspection and Permit Fees for FY 14-15 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve Resolution FD 14-044 which waives the collection of certain inspection and permit fees that were previously approved by the Board and which would otherwise be collected. BACKGROUND Resolution FD 13-032, approved last year by the Board, requires the District to complete an annual analysis of the approved fees and charges to determine if there is a current need to collect the fees and charges, in whole or in part, to meet the fiscal needs of the District. Upon completion of this analysis, the Board is required to direct staff, by means of a resolution, regarding the collection of fees for the current fiscal year. ANALYSIS Pursuant to Resolution FD 13-032, staff conducted a review of currently approved fees and charges in conjunction with the preparation with the fiscal year 2014-15 budget. Staff determined that the existing financial condition of the District is such that there does not exist a fiscal need to collect certain inspection and permit fees. As such, the District's budget for fiscal year 2014-15 was prepared without including certain inspection and permit fees as projected revenue. Since the budget does not anticipate the collection of certain fees and charges, a resolution has been prepared for the Board's consideration that will direct staff to waive the collection of certain fees and charges for fiscal year 2014-15. Consistent with the previous fiscal year, the fees that will not be collected this fiscal year are the fees previously approved for 1) Recurring inspection fees for facilities such as apartment buildings, hospitals, and medical care businesses. These are buildings and businesses that are regularly inspected, either by State mandate or by way of being identified as high hazard facilities, which do not require a Fire Code Operating Permit 2) Fees associated with Fire Code Operating Permits for certain hazardous and high risk business operations that the Fire Code requires to be permitted by the local fire department. The permitting process anticipates that the business and its associated operations will be inspected on a regular basis to ensure compliance with all of the safety requirements for the particular operation or occupancy as conditioned by the permit. P154 The entire schedule of fees that will not be collected this fiscal year is included in Exhibit A of the resolution. Fees that will continue to be collected include: • Special Use Inspection Fees such as fees for special events, fireworks shows, carnivals, particularly hazardous situations such as open burning and roof work that require oversight by Prevention Specialists, and re-inspection and standby fees. These fees are generally associated with the need to pay overtime to the Prevention Specialists who inspect these one-time activities and events, typically during non-business hours. • Special Services Fees such as fees for Community Facilities District (CFD) annexations and fees for false or unwanted alarms. The annexation fees cover the cost of processing annexations into the CFD and the false alarm fees are a deterrent mechanism. • Fees for District Supplied Signs and Equipment such as the cost recovery fees for District supplied padlocks that secure and provide firefighter access to gates throughout the Fire District and the District created signs that let firefighters know where access is obstructed, where ladder points for roof access are located, and where photovoltaic systems have been installed. It is certainly worth noting that a waiver of the collection of inspection and permit fees will have a positive economic impact in the community. Business revenues that would otherwise have been set aside for permit or inspection fees can be invested in the business, its employees, and the community. SUMMARY Staff has completed the required analysis of the fiscal needs of the District and has determined that there does not exist a need to collect certain inspection and permit fees. It is recommended that the Board approve Resolution FD 14-044 to waive the collection of certain fees and charges for fiscal year 2104-15. Respectfully submitted, Mike Costello Fire Chief P155 RESOLUTION NO. FD 14-044 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, RANCHO . CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, WAIVING THE COLLECTION OF SPECIFIC FEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15. A. RECITALS. (i) In accordance with Resolution No. FD 13-032 and in conjunction with the development of the annual budget for fiscal year 2014-15, the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District conducted a review of current fees and charges. (ii) The budget for fiscal year 2014-15 has been approved in accordance with and as required by law. (iii) All legal prerequisites to adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. RESOLUTION. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District hereby finds and resolves as follows: 1. The facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A of this Resolution, are true and correct. 2. The fees identified in Exhibit A were previously approved by the Board of Directors in accordance with all legal requirements for the adoption of fees for service. 3. For fiscal year 2014-15, there does not exist a fiscal need to collect the fees identified in Exhibit A. 4. Based on the foregoing, the Board of Directors hereby waives the collection of the fees identified in Exhibit A for fiscal year 2014-15. 5. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Please see the following page for formal adoption, certification and signatures. P156 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of September 2014. L. Dennis Michael, President ATTEST: Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary I, Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved and adopted by the Board of Directors of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District at a Regular Meeting of said District held on this_day of , 2014. Janice C. Reynolds, Secretary P157 Fire District Resolution 14-044 Exhibit A Inspection and Permit Fees that will not be collected for Fiscal Year 2014-15 Recurring Inspection Fees Apartment Building/Complex Annual Inspection Buildings with 3 or 4 units 165 Buildings with 5 to 7 units 220 Buildings with 8 units 330 Each additional dwelling unit(per unit) 11 Condominium Complex Annual Inspection 330 High Rise Building annual inspection (per hour) 110 Hotel/ Motel Annual Inspection First 10 rooms 330 Each additional dwelling unit(per unit) 11 Licensed Care Facility Pre-inspection -25 or fewer residents 50 Pre-inspection - more than 25 residents 100 Annual Inspection Home Car Facility(more than six) 220 Commercial facility-first 10 rooms 330 Commercial facility-each additional room 11 Large Family Day Care annual inspection 110 Adult/Child Care Facility (Group 1-4 occupancies) 330 Private School/ Large Child Care Facility(Group E occupancy) Small School - Less than 50 children 220 Large School - 50 or more children 330 Medical Facility Hospital/ Nursing Home (Group 1-2.1) 660 Clinic 220 Ambulatory Care Facility (group 1-2.1) 330 Alternate Method Annual Inspection (per hour) 110 Fire Code Operational Permit Fees Access Control Commercial 165 Residential (requires monthly testing) 550 Aerosol Products 550 Ambulatory Health Care Facility 220 Amusement Building 275 Aviation Facility Servicing or Repair 550 Fuel Servicing Vehicles 220 Battery Charging Operation 220 Cellulose Nitrate Film 330 Combustible Dust Producing Operations 5,000 square feet or less 275 5,001 to 15,000 square feet 550 More than 15,000 square feet 715 P158 Combustible Fibers 275 Commercial Cooking Operation 220 Compressed Gases Corrosive greater than 200 cubic feet 330 Flammable greater than 200 cubic feet 330 Highly toxic-any amount 330 Inert/Simple Asphyxiant greater than 6,000 cu ft 330 Irritant greater than 200 cubic feet 330 Medical Use Gases- Less than Table 105.6.8 Portable cylinders 165 Piped system 220 Other Health Hazard greater than 650 cubic feet 330 Oxidizing /oxygen greater than 504 cubic feet 330 Pyrophoric-any amount 330 Radioactive -any amount 330 Sensitizer greater than 200 cubic feet 330 Toxic-any amount 330 Unstable reactive -any amount 330 Covered Mall Building 658 Cryogenic Fluids 330 Cutting and Welding 275 Delayed Egress 165 Dipping Operations 330 Dry Cleaning Plant Small - 1 or 2 machines 220 Medium - 3 or 4 machines 330 Large- 5 or more machines 715 Explosives Process, manufacture, store, or sell 345 Use 240 Fire Alarm Services $10/acct Fire Hydrants and Valves 165 Flammable and Combustible Liquids 165 Class I liquids in excess of 5 gal. in a building; 10 gal. outside of a building 165 Class II or Class IIIA in excess of 25 gal. in a building; 60 gal. outside of a building 250 gallons or less over max allowable quantity 550 251-500 gallons over max allowable quantity 578 501-1,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 605 1,001-5,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 633 5,001-10,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 660 More than 10,000 gallons over max allowable quantity 688 Remove Class I or Class II from a UST 936 Operate tank vehicles, etc 330 Place a tank out of service 936 Change contents 550 Manufacture, Process, Blend, Refine 1,128 Dispensing at Commercial, Industrial, Gov't site 330 Dispense-Tank vehicle to fuel tank 330 Use or Operate a pipeline within a facility 743 P159 Floor Finishing in excess of 350 sq ft with Class I or II liquids Commercial/Industrial 240 Residential 136 Fruit and Crop Ripening 550 Hazardous Materials in excess of amounts listed in Table 105.6.2 Gallons -250 or fewer 550 Gallons -251-500 578 Gallons -501-1,000 605 Gallons - 1,001-5,000 633 Gallons -5,001-10,000 660 Gallons - More than 10,000 688 Pounds - 1,000 or fewer 550 Pounds - 1,001-5,000 578 Pounds -5,001-10,000 605 Pounds - 10,001-25,000 633 Pounds-25,001-50,000 660 Pounds- More than 50,000 688 Cubic feet- 500 or fewer 550 Cubic feet- 501-2,000 578 Cubic feet-2,001-5,000 605 Cubic feet- 5,001-10,000 633 Cubic feet- 10,001-25,000 660 Cubic feet- More than 25,000 688 HPM Facilities 440 High Piled Combustible Storage in excess of 500 square feet 500-75,000 square feet 550 75,001-500,000 square feet 605 More than 500,000 square feet 660 Hot Work Hot Work Fixed Site 275 Hot Work Operations 220 Hot Work Program 165 Industrial Facility/Shop Includes all required permits; if actual fees are lower, actual fees will apply 2,500 square feet or less 240 2,501-5,000 square feet 330 5,001-15,000 square feet 550 15,001-50,000 square feet 743 More than 50,000 square feet-Actual permit fees Industrial Ovens 330 Large Family Day Care 110 Liquid-or Gas-Fueled vehicles or equipment in Assembly area or occupancy 165 LP-gas Store, Use, Handle, Dispense, Sell 220 Industrial Trucks and Equipment Only (4 cylinder maximum) 165 Cylinder Exchange only 110 Live Audience 240 Lumber Yard and/or Wood Working Plant 440 Magnesium 330 Miscellaneous Combustible Storage 220 Motor Fuel Dispensing Facility-Commercial 330 P160 Motor Fuel Dispensing Facility- Residential 110 Open Flames Open Flames and torches for paint removal 110 Open Flames and torches in a hazardous fire area 110 Open Flames and candles in Assembly and Education occupancies 110 Organic Coatings 330 Pallet Storage 275 Place of Assembly A-1 Theaters, Concert Halls, Auditoriums 440 A-2 Banquet Halls, Night Clubs, Restaurants, Taverns, Bars 330 A-3 Places of Worship, Recreation, Amusement 330 A-4 Indoor sports arenas and similar-fixed seats 440 A-5 Outdoor assembly area and/or use 660 Powder Coating 330 Private Fire Hydrant 165 Production Facility 385 Pyrotechnical Special Effects Material (see Fireworks) Pyroxylin Plastics 440 Recycling and Scrap Metal Facility 550 Refrigeration Equipment 275 Reinforced Plastics/ Resin Application 330 Repair Garage Includes all required permits; if actual fees are lower, actual fees will apply 2,500 square feet or less 240 2,501-5,000 square feet 330 5,001-15,000 square feet 550 15,001-50,000 square feet 743 More than 50,000 square feet-Actual permit fees Rooftop Heliport 220 Spraying Operations 330 Stationary Storage Battery System 330 Storage of Scrap Tires and Byproducts 220 Tire Rebuilding Plant 1,128 Waste Handling Facility 550 Wood Products 440 Wrecking Yard /Junk Yard 550 P161 ca■-:?-g-STAFF REPORT Stitt ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT L I. Date: September 2, 2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer Subject: APPROVE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN FOR REHABILITATION AND THE REFILLING OF RED HILL PARK LAKE AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO DEVELOP BID DOCUMENTS RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the conceptual design for rehabilitation of Red Hill Park Lake and approve the refilling of the subject lake upon completion of the improvements; and authorize staff to develop necessary bid documents. BACKGROUND The lake at Red Hill Park was constructed in 1985, originally as a run-off basin for the property the park now resides on. Red Hill Park Lake boasts an operating volume of 1.29 million gallons (3.9 acre feet) at an average depth of 8 feet. Until now the lake has only been drained and cleaned once in 1989. This was primarily needed due to a drastic change in the water condition caused by run-off, fertilizer from the surrounding turf and an accumulation of sediment in the lake. At that time, a drainage system was installed and the perimeter was re-graded to divert site run-off away from the lake. Since 1989, the lake has been an attraction for the residents and visitors to the park. It has served as a destination for migrating fowl and some domesticated birds as well. Over the years, visitors have also deposited a variety of fish and turtles into the lake. Unfortunately, the lake was never designed to support the amount of wildlife experienced over the last 25 years. The excessive wildlife has been a major contributor to the declining quality of the lake water. It has also become the primary reason for the extensive maintenance and water treatment costs. On February 5, 2014, the City Council authorized the Engineering and Public Works Services Departments to drain, clean and re-engineer Red Hill Park Lake. Through the oversight of a wildlife biologist, over 376 fish and 147 turtles were relocated and the migrating fowl moved on. The lake was drained and cleaned with 394 tons of sludge and debris being removed, along with the uncovering over 30 skateboards, 22 Frisbees, 22 cell phones, 25 toys, 11 locks, 3 scooters, 3 knives and 3 guns, and a countless number of bottles, balls and general trash. DISCUSSION In May, 2014, the City contracted with Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering, Inc. ("PACE"), a civil engineering firm offering advanced water resource services through applying knowledge, creativity, and innovative design approaches to develop aesthetic, environmentally sustainable, and practical engineering solutions. PACE has extensive experience in the area of maintainable, cost effective and efficient lake system design. PACE was directed by City staff to evaluate the current condition of Red Hill Park Lake from an engineering, biological and maintenance perspective and to develop viable redesign options which would result in a cleaner, more cost effective and aesthetically pleasing water feature. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT - RED HILL PARK LAKE P162 September 2, 2014 Page 2 PACE performed an in-depth analysis of all existing lake related components including the mechanical equipment, lake structure, and utility connections (i.e. electrical, water, sewer, and storm drain). In addition, water quality testing of the lake and the recycled water source were performed and compared to existing water quality data on file. Utilizing the above information, PACE evaluated and presented several redesign options for Red Hill Park Lake and presented the associated capital cost of these options. In addition, the firm worked collaboratively with the Engineering and Public Works Services Departments to develop an accurate assessment of current operation and maintenance ("O&M") costs and to evaluate future O&M costs for each of the redesign options presented. PACE evaluated and presented several options for lake mitigation including renovation of the lake structure; upgrading of the recirculation and aeration system; utilizing the lake as an irrigation reservoir to increase the turnover rate; reducing lake volume through the construction of an island and/or raising the lake bottom; addition of aluminum sulfate to aid in flocculation; addition of chloramines; ozone disinfection; and sand filtration (automatic or manual). Each option was evaluated for upfront capital costs as well future O&M costs. Engineering and Public Works Services staff then performed a cost benefit analysis to determine which combination of mitigation options were most effective in reducing O&M costs, minimizing upfront capital costs, maximizing the City's return on investment, and providing a healthier and cleaner lake. RECOMMENDED CONCEPT After a thorough review and evaluation of the PACE study, Engineering and Public Works Services staff are recommending the following rehabilitation options to best meet the operations, maintenance and community needs of Red Hill Park Lake. > Complete renovation of the lake's existing recirculation and aeration system. This will include removing and replacing all piping, pipe seals, water level controls, skimmers, recirculation pump, and aeration pump. > New aquatic planter. > Adding booster pump and all necessary plumbing to convert the lake into an irrigation reservoir to increase water turnover. Recycled water stored in the lake will be used to irrigate a section of Red Hill Park which is a prudent use of this resource. > Minor renovations to the lake structure as necessary. The preliminary capital cost estimate for the above improvements will be approximately $250,000. The anticipated amount of O&M expenditures needed to support the recommended improvements will be approximately $80,913 per year which results in a 17% savings over current O&M costs for Red Hill Lake. Considering this savings, the City expects a payback of 12 to 15 years on the City's initial investment. If the recommended conceptual design for Red Hill Park Lake is approved, City staff anticipates the following project schedule: Description Start Finish Prepare Plans 09/03/2014 10/24/2014 Prepare Specifications 10/27/2014 10/31/2014 Advertise, Receive Bids and 12/01/2014 01/09/2015 Award Construction 01/22/2015 03/06/2015 Fill Lake 03/06/2015 03/12/2015 Project Completion --- 03/13/2015 P163 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT - RED HILL PARK LAKE September 2, 2014 Page 3 Staff believes the addition of aluminum sulfate and sand filtration (both options presented by PACE)would further contribute to water quality at Red Hill Park Lake. However, these options would require a greater capital investment and would also increase O&M costs. At this point, PACE and City staff believe the greatest contribution to water quality will be provided by the enhanced circulation provided by the recommendations above. In order to add aluminum sulfate and/or sand filtration at a later time, the City will incorporate the necessary connections into the current design to allow for the easy addition of these two options if desired at some time in the future. In addition to the above recommendations, the City is evaluating the feasibility of adding photovoltaic (PV) panels to the roof of the existing pump house to supplement the power needs of the lake facility. Also, it is anticipated the City is eligible for rebates for implementing solar power and for the installation of higher efficiency circulation and aeration pumps. Exact details on the expected solar and energy efficiency savings and rebates for this project will be part of the final project design, if the concept is approved to proceed forward by the City Council. City staff acknowledges that the long-term success of the rehabilitation will also be dependent on the proper use and treatment of the new water storage reservoir by the community. As part of the project design, PACE will be developing a community outreach program which will educate the public on the proper treatment of this area and will focus on preventing activities that are detrimental not only to water quality but also to the public. Once the community outreach program is complete, City staff will present the details of the outreach effort, expected rebates and bid results at a future City Council meeting for final approval. Respe tfull submitted, Mark A. Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:rlf 1 I •-:* ' ) 1 ill ii., ,. , t y .:� o z vineyard A - a• . U; • Y •jr J i i . ! 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