HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-171 - Resolutions RESOLUTION NO. 14-171 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE MEASURE "I" FIVE YEAR CAPITAL PROJECT NEEDS ANALYSIS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2015/2016 THROUGH 2019/2020 WHEREAS, San Bernardino County voters approved passage of Measure "I" 2010-2040 in November 2004 authorizing San Bernardino Associated Governments, acting as the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, to impose a one-half of one percent retail transactions and use tax applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory of the County of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, revenue from the tax can only be used for transportation improvement and traffic management programs authorized in the Expenditure Plans set forth in Ordinance No. 04-1 of Authority, and WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan requires each local jurisdiction applying for revenue from the Valley Major Street and Freeway Interchange Programs to annually adopt and update a Five-Year Capital Project Needs Analysis. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, State of California, hereby adopts the Measure"I"Five-Year Capital Project Needs Analysis for Fiscal Years 2015/2016 through 2019/2020, a copy of which is attached to this resolution. Resolution No. 14-171 — Page 1 of 7 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 171^ day of September 2014. AYES: Alexander, Michael, Spagnolo, Steinorth, Williams NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None L. Dennis Michael, Mayor ATTEST: ice C. Reynolds, Cit Clerk I, JANICE C. REYNOLDS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, at a Regular Meeting of said City Council held on the 171�' day of September 2014. Executed this 181" day of September 2014, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. J ice C. Reynolds, Cit Clerk Resolution No. 14-171 — Page 2 of 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEASURE "I" FIVE YEAR CAPITAL PROJECT NEEDS ANALYSIS - FY 2015/20 ! NO. ISTREET& LIMITS IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE FY START STATUS Valley Arterial Sub-Program 1 i !Wilson Ave from East Ave to Wardman Bullock Rd I new street $ 5,003,040 1 06/07 1 Award 2 !,Victoria St from Etiwanda High School to 1-15 (ECL) 1widening, sidewalk and rehabilitation - $ 430,000 13/14 Design 3 Carnelian St at Banyan St —_ /install new traffic signal - - _ _ $ 300,000 14/15 I Design- --;- ---- 4 16th St at Utica Ave I install new traffic signal $ 300,000 14/15 Design - — — -- --- 1 $ 6,033,040 M Total: ' -- - m ---t- - --- : ---- - -- - V Z - - -- ----_-- -� -- — -- --------III---- -- -- -- a N - - - - ------ -------r- -I a Note: ,See individual work sheets for funding years _ - -- ------------- p— Y------ — --g. ----- - --- - '- — Note: � I Measure "I" Financ;al Public Share res onsibilit shall be 71.3%of actual cost for eligible expenditures Contact: Jerry A. Dyer, Principal Civil Engineer 909 477-2740 Ext, 4037 CPNA Template Valley 2014a -Actuall-ist_15-20 Page 1 of 1 9/16/2014 Capital Project Needs Analysis City of Rancho Cucamonga Valley Arterial Sub-Program (Actual Fiscal Year 2014/2015 dollars-SANBAG will apply escalation factors, by year) Public Share: 71.3% Dev.Share: 28.70% Project Information Phase rund'nPRIOR• FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FUTURE Wilson Ave from East Ave to PAGED Wardman Bullock Rd -new Total Cost: 0street Fund Type: T $ 117,65000 _ $ _ $ - $ _ $E $ 47,350.00 $ $ - $ $ $- $ - $ $ $ — $ $ $- _ _ $$ $ $ $-- _- $ - Total Project Cost PS&E (FY 15/16-19/20): Total Cost: $762,000.00 _ $5,003,040.00 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ 468,970.00_ $ _74,330 00 DEV FEE $ 188,770.00 $ 29,9.30.00_ $ __-_ $ _ _ $__ - S - _$ Total Measure I Request -Select Fund- $ __ $ - $ __-_ $_ __-_ (FY 15/16-19/20): -Select Fund- $ $ - $ _$__ _-_ _ _ _$__ __ $ __ $ __= a> $3,567,167.00 Other: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - rn m (Summation of MI MAJ ST) ROW Q. Total Cost: $1,005,590.00 $_ _ _$ 356, __ I Total Project Cost Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ 3,980.00 500.00_ $ 356,500.00 $ _ (All phases): DEV FEE T-1,610-.06- $ 143,500.00_ $ 143,500.0.0_ $ __ $6,003,040.00 -Select Fund- _$ $ - $ -_ _$ $_ -_ $ $ - -Select Fund- _$ $—_ $ _- _ $ $ _ $ _ Ci Other: $ - $ - $ - $ '- - -- $ - $ - $ Z Comments: CONST c Project on-going with Total Cost: $3,070,460.00 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0 construction in Fall 2014 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ 19,240.00 $ 980,000.00 $ __ - - _ _$ 300,000.00 $_288,000 00 $ _4_99,100.00 $ 102,897.00 DEV FEE $ 7,740.00 $ 394,470.00 $ - $ 120,760.00 $ 115,920.00 $ 200,900.00 $ 41,423.00 N -Select Fund- $ -- $------_ $---- -$_ - - -$------ $-------- $------ -Select Fund- $ $-- -$------ $------_- $- ---- $ ---_ $-- -Select Fund- $_- -- $--- - $----- — -$-- ---_- $ -- -- --- $--- _- $------- -- -Select Fund- $----- $-- -$---- -- $.__- --- -- $-- ---- -$-- -$------_ - Other: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 'Prior should identify any expenses incurred in prior years that have not yet been reimbursed by SANBAG including FY 2014/2015 expenses. CPNA Template Valley 2014a-Wilson_2014 Capital Project Needs Analysis City of Rancho Cucamonga Valley Arterial Sub-Program (Actual Fiscal Year 2014/2015 dollars-SANBAG will apply escalation factors, by year) Public Share: 71.3% Dev.Share: 28.70% Project Information Phase rFundin PRIOR" FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY19/20 FUTURE Victoria St from Etiwanda PA&ED Ave to East City Limits - Total Cost: 0.00widening,sidewalk and Fund Type: J STrehabilitation nd- $ - $nd-nd- $ Total Project Cost PS&E (FY 15/16-19/20): Total Cost: $21,000.00 _ _ $430,000.00 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ $ 14,980.00 _$ DEV FEE -$__ - $ 3,010.00 $ -_ _$ _ $ ___ -_ _$_ __ - $ ___ - 0 Total Measure I Request MI LOCAL ST $ - $_3,010.00 $ __- - $ -_ _$_ _ - $_ _ __ $ _ - (FY 15/16-19/20): -Select Fund- $__ $ _ $ _ _- $ _ $ _$ $_ _ a1 $306,590.00 Other: $ m (Summation of MI MAJ ST) ROW d Total Cost: $0.00 __ I Total Project Cost Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $_ _ $ ____ _$ - (All phases): -Select Fund- _$ ___ $ $ $430,000.00 -Select Fund- $ _$ - $_ -Select Fund- $ --- $----- $—-- - $— - $— -- $------- $- o Other: $ $ g is -- $ $ $ Z Comments: CONST c Design 2014/2015 Total Cost: $409,000.00 0 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ 291,610.00 DEV FEE $ ----- $--- --'_- $ ------ - $ -$ -58,695.00 -$ - - - _ $ --- N MI LOCAL ST $_--- $_ $ _ _ _$, $_58,69_5.00_ _$ -_- ---__ -Select Fund- _$ $ $ $ $ $ $ -Select Fund- - -Select Fund- $ $- $- -- -- -$ --- - -$ ---- - $ -- $ -- Other $---- $ $ --- $---- $ - --- $'-- ----_ $-- -Prior should identify any expenses incurred in prior years that have not yet been reimbursed by SANBAG including FY 2014/2015 expenses. CPNA Template Valley 2014a-Victoria_2014 Capital Project Needs Analysis City of Rancho Cucamonga Valley Arterial Sub-Program (Actual Fiscal Year 2014/2015 dollars -SANBAG will apply escalation factors, by year) Public Share: 71.3% Dov.Share: 28.70% Project Information Phase 7FundInPRIOR• FY 16116 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FUTURE 6th St and Utica Ave-New PAGED Traffic Signal Total Cost: 00Fund Type: T- $ ___ — $ $ $d- $ - $ Total Project Cost PS&E (FY 15/16-19/20): Total Cost: $12,500.00 _ _ _ $300,000.00 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST912.50_ $ DEV FEE $ __-- _-$ _3_,587.50 o Total Measure I Request -Select Fund- $ (FY 15/16-19120): -Select Fund- $ __ $ $ _ $__ _ _$ $ __ $ 4) $213,900.00 Other: $ - ra (Summation of MI MAJ ST) ROW d Total Cost: $0.00 _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ 1 Total Project Cost Fund Type: MI MAJ ST - (All phases): -Select Fund- $ $300,000.00 -Select Fund- -Select Fund- $ ------ $ --- -$ ----- $- -- $--- - $- $ o Other: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Z Comments: CONST c Design 201412015 Total Cost: $287,500.00 •0 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ - $ $_ - $ 20_4,987.50_ $ DEV FEE $-�--- $ -- --_ $ --� -- -$ 82,512.50 -$ --- $ - $ - uu)) -Select Fund- $ — _ $_- --- - -$- _ $_-- _ $ _. _-- _$ _- $ —. a) -Select Fund- $---- $---- $ - $ --- _ $------ — $-- _ $ - -Select Fund- _$ - --- $- - $----- - $------ - $- - - - -- $------ $ - -- -Select Fund- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Other: $ 'Prior should identify any expenses incurred in prior years that have not yet been reimbursed by SANBAG including FY 2014/2015 expenses. CPNA Template Valley 2014a-6thTS_2014 Capital Project Needs Analysis City of Rancho Cucamonga Valley Arterial Sub-Program (Actual Fiscal Year 2 01 412 01 5 dollars -SANBAG will apply escalation factors, by year) Publlc Share: 71.3% Dev.Share: 28.70% Project Information Phase Fundin PRIOR' FY 15116 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18119 FY 19120 FUTURE Carnellan St at Banyan St- PA&ED new Traffic Signal Total Cost: $0.00 ----- Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ $ - $ $ -Select Fund- $ $ $- - - $-__- .- - $ ---- $-------- $ -Select Fund- -- - $- - $— -- - $- -- - $-------- $--- -$--- -Select Fund- Other: $ - $ _$ - $---- $ Total Project Cost PS&E (FY 15/16-19/20): Total Cost: $12,600.00 --- $300,000.00 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ - $ 8,912.50 DEV FEE $ - $ 3,587.50 $ __--_-_-_ $ _ - - _$ ----- $ ---- $ o Total Measure I Request -Select Fund- $ $ _ $_ '_ _$ -_ $ ._- $ $ r` (FY 16/16-19120): -Select Fund- $213,900.00 Other: $ - $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ IM (Summation of MI MAJ ST) ROW I Total Cost: $0.00 -- Total Project Cost Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ (All phases): -Select Fund- $ -- $300,000.00 -Select Fund- $ -SelectFund- $ - $----- -$-- -- - $- -- -$---- $---- $--- o Other: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Z C Comments: CONST O Design 2014/2015 Total Cost: $287,500.00 :3 Fund Type: MI MAJ ST $ - $ $ 204,987.50 $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ -- - p DEV FEE $ _82,512.50 _$ -_--- S -- - - $ _--_ $ _ _ N -_- -$ -- _ $ - -Select Fund- $ _ -$ -- --- -- �_ $_- - $ D_-- -Select Fund- $ - - -$---- $-- - - - $ - --- --_-- $---- - $. ----_- -$--- -Select Fund- -Select Fund- $- --- $--- $- ---- - -- $ - .$-- - -- $- ---- $- - Other: $ $ $ 'Prior should identify any expenses incurred in prior years that have not yet been reimbursed by SANBAG including FY 2014/2015 expenses. CPNA Template Valley 2014a-CarnelianTS-2014