HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/12/07 - Agenda Packet - (2) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: December 11, 1989 A~YFION C[~EIITS TO: Residential/Institutional Design Review Committee Larry ~Niel David Blakesley ~ Kr~ti 1 Betsy ~inbe~er (Alterna~) FROM: Beverly Nissen, Associate Planner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW COMMII'FEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 7~ 1989 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Connittee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your conments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Conmittee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin}, prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 - 5:3(} p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00- 6:30 (Steve R.) ENVIROII4ENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14365 - LEWIS HOMES - A residential subdivision and design review of. 42 single family lots on 5.65 acres of land in the Low-Medium Density Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Planned Community, located at the southwest corner of Mountain View Drive and Mil liken Avenue - APN: 1077-091-36. [IESIGN REVIEW AGENDA [FECEMBE3R 7, 1989 Page 2 6:30 - 7:O0 (Brett) ENVIROIt4ENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 13859 - LEWIS HOMES - The development of 395 dwelling units on 15,8 acres of land in the High Density Residential District (24-30 dwelling units per acre), located within the Terra Vista Planned Comnunity on the northwest corner of Spruce Avenue and Church Street APN: 1077-421-11 and 18. 7:O0 - 7:30 (jerry) DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 13621 - C.P. LANGE ENGINEERS - The design review of building elevations and ~plot plan for a previously approved tentative tract map consisting of 7 single family lots on 5 acres of land in the Very Low Density District, located at the northeast corner of HermDsa Avenue and Hillside Road - APN: 201-101-04. BN:mlg Attachments cc: Planning Commission/City Council RESID ENTI AL CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AGEie)A December 7, lgBg 1. DR 13280- LUSK (Steve R. ) Review of approved elevations. Con~nittee Action: The Committee {Weinberger, McNiel, Coleman) recommended that siding be carried across the entire second sb~ry of all units with siding. 2. TR 13810 - PATE~ (Bey) Review of new elevations for Lots 3 and 4. Committee Action: The Committee (~4cNiel, Weinberger, Coleman) did not approve the project and requested that it return to the Design Review Committee as a full item. The applicant shall address the following issues: 1. A belly'band or some other type of architectural feature should wrap around the plan for Lot 3 on al 1 sides. 2. The rock material for the elevation on Lot 4 should be used mere extensively on all sides of the house. 3. The elevations should be rendered to show mo re detai 1. A11 materials and colors should be carried out for both elevations. 3. 13s6s (sTm)m) PAC FZC) Am laS6S (Bev) Ravlew of revised perimeter wall concrete cap. Conmittee Action: The Cormittae (~Niel, Weinberger, Coleman) did not approve the proposed single-piece concrete cap detail. The applicant should provide another 'detail and sample which provides mare depth and delineation. The Conmittee felt that the detailing would not be picked up or noticed by the motorist on 24th Street, although they felt it was an improvement over the previous submittal. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:00- 6:30 Steve R. December 7, 1989 ENVIROh~4ENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 14365 - LEWIS HOMES - A residential subdivision and design review of 42 single family lots on 5.65 acres of land in the Low-Medium Density Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra Vista Planned Community, located at the southvest corner of Mountain View Drive and Milliken Avenue APN: 1077-091-36. Staff C0llments: 1. The units on Lots 32-43 are all at the minimum 10 foot setback. There should be some variety in the setbacks to provide a mere interesting streetscape. 2. A minimum of two (2) trees should be required in each side yard to mitigate the blank facade created by the zero lot line product. Front yard landscaping is required on these lots because the average lot size is below 4,500 square feet. 3. The units on Lots 31 and 32, which are adjacent to the park, should have enhanced side elevations. The proposed upgraded side elevations need additional work. 4. Chimney caps should vary with the architectural style of each e 1 evat i on. 5. Garage doors should be varied by incorporating elements of the corresponding elevations. 6. Hip roofs should be used on some of the elevations to break up the roof lines. Additionally, these "zero" side elevations could incorporate a gable roof by extending the garage roof towards the rear. This would help break up the side elevation. 7. Two inch by six inch trim should be added around the windows and doors to help create mer~ interest on the rear and side elevations. 8. The rear elevations of Plan 265 should have a column or pop-out to help balance the look of the projecting side and second floor. 9. The proposed color scheme should have mere contrast between the stucCO colors. Design Review Comtttee Action: Men~ers Present: Betsy Weinberger, Larry McNiel, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Steve Ross I)ESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS l'F 14365 - LEWIS HOMES Page 2 1. The applicant arrived with a revised site plan which acconnodates the new requirement for a 60 foot right-of-way on all local streets in Terra Vista. The revision showed Country View Drive at a 60 foot right-of-way, but left the proposed cul-de-sacs at a 46 foot right-of-way. 2. Due to the increased right-of-way, the subdivision lost two lots which resulted in providing greater side-yard setbacks along "B" Street. 3. The applicant agreed to provide a minimum of two (2) trees in the side yards of each lot to mitigate the look of the blank facade on the zero-lot line side. 4. The moulding on the chimney caps should be varied on the units. 5. Garage doors should either have more variety and detail or they should be designed and colored to fade into the building and disappear. 6. An attempt should be made to vary the roof elevation, especially on those units which back onto Mountain View Drive. 7. Two by six inch trim should be added around the windows and doors to help create more interest on the rear and side elevations. 8. S~me kind of architectural element should be added to the rear elevations of Plan 265 to help it appear more balanced. 9. Because the applicant is now proposing to center-plot the homes, it will be possible to add some articulation to the zero-lot line sides of the homes. The project s.hould be revised and resubmitted as a full item. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:30- 7:00 8rett December 7, 1989 ENVIRO)ENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 13859 - LEWIS HOMES - The development of 395 dwelling units on 15,8 acres of land in the High Density Residential District (24-30 dwelling units per acre), located within the Tetra Vista Planned Community on the northwest corner of Spruce Avenue and Church Street - APN: 1077-421-11 and 18. B ackg round: This project was last heard by the Committee on October 5, 1989. Based on previous reviews and staff review of the revised plans, the following areas should be discussed by the Committee: 1. The details of the auto court should be clarified with samples and/or pictures. Staff recommends use of the scored colored concrete with san~lasted finish within the large courtyard paving areas and use of an interlocking paver to connect pedestrian areas. 2. The concrete gutter detail should be consistent with previous approvals {such as on Tract 13717). 3. Additional detailing should be provided on the elevations which directly face the three (3) perimeter street corners. 4. The secondary entries need to be substantially up graded with paving, landscaping, etc. 5. The drive aisle between Buildings 26 and 27 should be closed off and landscaped at the southern end. Design Review Comtttee Action: Members Present: Larry ~Niel, Betsy Weinberger, Dan Colemen Staff Planner: Brett Hornet The Committee requested that the project return as a full item for additional review. The revised plans should address the following concerns: 1. Natural scored concrete should be used within the courtyard. Colored concrete should be used as a band outside the garages. 2. Garages should be moved adjacent to landscape planters which face the loop drive. 3. Additional landscaping throughout the project is needed, especially along building and driveway edges. The Committee recommended the following options to achieve this: (~ESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS TT 13859- LEWIS HOMES Page 2 a) Reduction in the total number of units; and/or b) Use of mere 3 story buil.dings and eliminating some; and/or 2 story buildings. c) Adjusting or reorganizing the site plan; and d) Relocating paved walks, Moving the buildings closer to the street or just eliminating paved. surfaces was not recommended, 4, A large tot lot area should be provided between the two pool/recreation areas, Play equipment should be provided. 5. Details and photos of the proposed 2" wide and 1" deep recess should be provided for review, A colored elevation of one building depicting an accent color along the entire first story (to provide a base} should also be provided, 6, The precise accent colors for the a~nings should be presented for Con~nittee review, DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:00- 7:30 Jerry Decenl>er 7, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 13621 - C.P. LANGE ENGINEERS - lt~e design review of building elevations and detailed plot plan for a previously approved tentative tract map consisting of 7 single family lots on 5 acres of land in the Very'Low Density District, located at the northeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Hillside Road - ARt: 201-101-04. Background: On January 13, lgBg, the Planning Commission appreved Tentative Tract 13621 and the design review of 6 new homes to be built on the site. The developer is proposing a different product type but no substantial change to the approved tentative map. Staff Cornants: Site Plan/Landscapin~: 1. Provide a decorative masonry perimeter wall along Hillside Road to match the wall proposed for the tract to the south and per the detail provided in previous reviews, {see attached detail). This wall should extend along the southerly portion of Lots 1 and 6. 2. Provide an elevation drawing of all fencing around the Schowalter House. A typical section is not adequate for this special fencing treabnent. 3. Provide vines adjacent to the perimeter masonry wall along Hillside Road. Architecture: 1. Continue the use of mult'i-paned windows on the side an~ rear e 1 evat ions. 2. Provide decorative chimney caps to complement the individual architectural style of the homes. 3. Provide additional articulation of the side and rear elevations. 4. The balconies off the rear of the homes look thin and spindly. Use heavy timbers or stucco columns to add bulk and interest to these elements. 5. On those plans having wood front elevations, extend the wood around the side and rear elevations as well. 6. Plan 3212-A: The alignment of the windows on the rear elevation seems very disjointed. [IESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS ~T 13621 - C.P. LANGE ENGINEERS Page 2 7. Plan 3212-B: Delete the wood siding on the fireplace (see rear e 1 evat i on}. 8. Plan 3418-A: Revise the rear elevation to have a roof pitch which is consistent on both sides of the gable and with the rest of the roof system to avoid looking lopsided. Provide a covered balcony on the rear to match the one on the front of the house in order to break up the extremely flat rear elevation. Lower the bonus room window to fit better under the gable roof element. 9. Plan 3418-B: See note for Plan 3418-A above. Design Review Coamittae Action: Members Present: Betsy Weinberger, Larry McNiel, Dan Colemen Staff Planner: Jerry Guarracino The Con~ittee (Weinberger, McNiel, Coleman} approved the project with the following items to ~turn on the Consent Calendar prior to Planning Con~nission review: 1. Extend the siding material completely around all those homes which have been provided with siding. The siding should be used on both upper and lower floors. 2. Provide brick chimneys to match the brick accent instead of the wood siding. Provide ~decorative chimney caps on stuccoed elevations. 3. Increase the mass of the rear balconies to provide greater relief to the rear elevations. Review the placen~nt of support columns on Plan 3212 for conflicts with rear sliding door. 4. All windows on all elevations should be m41ti-paned to match front elevations. 5. Provide additional articulation of side and rear elevations. The left elevation of Plan 3418 needs particular attention. 6. Reduce the height of the window over the second floor sliding door {Plan 3212) to match the size of the window to the left of it, {i.e., they should be even at the top). [~ESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS TT 13621 - C.P. LANGE ENGINEERS Page 3 7. Provide a perimeter six foot masonry wall around the project to match the wall on Hillside Road. The wall should run on the inside edge (~st side) of the local equestrian trail and contain gates to provide trail access. Trail fencing should be eliminated in favor of the masonry wall on this side of the trail. 8. Provide front yard return walls on all lots to match the perimeter masonry fence. g. The perimeter wall along Hillside Road should match the wall directly across the street for Tract 13877. The Schowalter monument should also match the monument on the south side of the street and should be placed directly across the street from it.