HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/09/18 - Agenda Packet CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: September 2, 1986 AX;TION AGENDA TO: Commercial / I ndustri al 1977 Design Review Committee Dennis Stout Suzanne Chitiea Brad Bul 1 er FROM: Nancy Fong, Associate Planner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Connittee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Commi ttee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-26 - AdA/BARTON - The development of a 51.4 acres industrial (Nancy) Master Plan; Phase I development consisting of 7 light manufacturing buildings totaling 86,592 square feet on 4.29 acres of land; and Phase II development consisting of 9 light manufacturing buildings totaling 131,000 square feet on 7.49 acres of land; in the General Industrial District - Subarea 8, located between Arrow Hwy. & Jersey Ave., between Utica Ave. and Vincent St - APN: 209-142-15, 14, 34, 11, 12. NF:dak Attachments CC: Planning Commission/City Council y DESIGN REVIEW CO~4ENTS 6:00 - 6:30 Nancy September 18, 1986 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-26 - AJA/BARTON - The development of a 51.4 acres industrial Master Plan; Phase I development consisting of 7 light manufacturing buildings totaling 86,592 square feet on 4.29 acres of land; and Phase II development consisting of 9 light manufacturing buildings totaling 131,000 square feet on 7.49 acres of land; in the General Industrial District - Subarea 8, lcoated between Arrow Hwy. & Jersey Ave., between Utica Avenue & Vincent St. APN: 209-142-15, 14, 34, 11, 12. Design Parameters: The site is vacant and vegetation consists of decaying vineyards. The proposed Master Plan is an expansion of the existing Rancho Cucamonga Business Park and consists of 7 phases. Although Phase I is part of the proposed Master Plan, it consists of 2 separate legal parcels and not part of the related Parcel Map 10237 for Phases II through VII. Attached for your review is an aerial photograph showing the surrounding area and land uses. According to the current Industrial Specific Plan, the site is designated as Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial District Subarea 9. The proposed revisions to the Draft ISP as approved by the Planning Commission would redesignate this area as General Industrial District Subarea 8. The purpose is to provide for lighter industrial uses as transition from the westerly adjacent Industrial Park District and Haven Overlay District to the Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial District. This project is being reviewed according to the new and revised standards of the Draft Industrial Specific Plan. The design concept of this proposed Master Plan is similar to the existing industrial condomini~ development across from Arrow Hwy., which is small lot and small industrial buildings with one or two tenants in each building. According to the developer, the two tier east/west cul-de-sac street system is proposed in order to minimize the amount of grading as the land slopes from north to south and would evenly distribute traffic to Utica Ave. and Oak St. Staff Comnents: Master Plan: The number of proposed driveway access on to Arrow Hwy. is inconsistent with the City's Access Policy. Arrow Hwy. is designated as a major arterial and access is to be taken from side streets. Where driveway access must be granted, said access is limited to I point for every 300' of frontage. Proposed driveways on Arrow Highway should align with the existing driveways across the street. Phase I: 1. Site Plan: A. The proposed driveway access along both sides of Red Oak Street , should be aligned with one another. B. A stacking distance of at least 25' should be provided at each driveway entrance before parking lot begins. 2. Elevation: A. Provide additional building surface treatment and interest along the east and south sides of Building 3, and the west and south sides of Building 4. These two buildings are most visible from Jersey Blvd. and Red Oak Street. B. Additional building surface treatment and architectural elements should be provided to all the building entrances, such as adding sandblasted texture band and/or concrete columns as used in Phase II. 3. Landscaping: A. Provide 1 tree for every 3 stalls to shade the parking lot. B. Provide i tree per 30 linear feet of building dimensions in areas of public view to break up expanse of building mass. Phase II: 1. Site Plan: A. A stacking distance of at least 25' measured from the curb should be provided for driveway entrances. B. The proposed driveway locations along Red Oak should align with opposite side of street. C. Larger buildings, such as Building 6, should provide benches for outdoor eating in the plaza entrance. 2. Elevations: A. Provide additional architectural treatment and interest along the west elevations of Building i and 7 as it is exposed to public view along Red Oak (for example, see west elevation of Building 5). B. Provide additional architectural treatment to south elevation of Building 5 which is exposed to public view. 3. Landscaping: A. Provide 1 tree per 3 parking stalls for shade. B. Provide I tree per 30 lineal feet of building dimensions in areas of public view to break up building mass. Design Review Clittee Action: Members Present: Dennis Stout, Suzanne Chitlea, Brad Bullet Staff Planner: Nancy Fong The Conmnittee recommended approval of the Master Plan, Phase I and II, with the following conditions: 1. The conceptual design for Phase VI and VII of the Master Plan would not be part of this review. The developer will further study and redesign these two phases to comply with the City's access policy of limiting the number of driveways along Arrow Hwy. to three. Revise conceptual design would be submitted for additional Con~nittee review. 2. The developer should continue the existing landscaping theme of the existing Rancho Cucamonga Business Park, where dense landscaping are utilized to compliment buildings. 3. The developer should consider providing seating benches and other herdscapes within courtyards, office entrance area and plaza areas. Par. S. I/2,Sec. i2, 7:IS.,R. 7W.,S.B. BBM.. : '.; Roncfio,-Cucomongo City209: , , , !C Tax Rote At:eo . ,..:: .... ' 1505) -15015' c-,- ,~. 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