HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/04/04 - Agenda Packet - (2)DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~MONGA MEMORANDUM March 18, 1985 Design Review Committee Rick Gomez Herman Rempel Dennis Stout 1977 Suzanne Chitiea (Alternate) Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1985 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be tged up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 (Curt) TT 11915-2 - ROBERTSON HOMES 6:30 - 7:00 (Howard) DR 85-08 - AJA & ASSOCIATES 7:00 - 7:30 (Nancy) DR 84-54 - FORECAST 7:30 8:00 (Nancy) CUP 85-06 VILLAS, INC. CALIFORNIA RETIREMENT NF/ns Attachments CC: Planning Commission/City Council Dan Coleman/Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rougeau, Barrye Hanson Bob Akridge Y CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 5:30 p.m. Nancy April 4, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 84-28 DALE HUMPHREY - A request to operate a trucking firm, outdoor storage and retail of building materials such as rock, sand, and decorative rock, and a caretaker's quarters in an existing building on 8 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 8), located at 8604 Pecan Avenue, south of Arrow Highway - APN 229-141-8, 229-151-24 and 26. Design Parameters The proposed uses are a trucking terminal and a retail building material yard with outdoor storage of materials. The applicant is occupying a portion of an existing single family building as a caretaker's quarters. Since the westerly boundary of the project site abutts the Etiwanda Creek, the entire project area lies within the 100 year flood plan. A hydrology study has been done to provide the necessary mitigation measures for the development of this site. Staff Coemments Site Plan: For security and screening purposes, a 6~foot wall with gates is proposed along Pecan. The design of this masonry wall with indentations, rockscape, and landscaping appear to be adequate. In regards to the quantity of landscaping, it is inadequate. Frontyard landscaping and street trees shall be added per the Industrial Specific Plan. Elevation: No exterior changes proposed for the existing building. Color photos will be provided at the meeting to determine if the existing home needs to be upgraded. Design Review Coamaents Members Present: Project Planner: Nancy Fong DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Curt 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. April 4, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 11915-2 - ROBERTSON HOMES - The development of 150 condominium units on 10.70 net acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 du/ac), located at the southeast corner of Arrow Route and Turner Avenue - APN 209-091-11. Design Parameters Surrounding this site is a diversity of land use and zoning including existing and planned single-family homes to the west and south, existing and planned commercial to the west and northwest, and future multi- family to the north and east. Currently a 150 townhouse apartment project is approved on the subject property. Although the current proposal has the same number of units, stacked flats with carports (versus garages) are proposed. The result of this change is considerably more common open space and increased setbacks from Arrow and Turner. Site Plan Expand the open space in the central area of the project and increase the landscaping between aisles and parking and building areas. Architecture The overall design quality of the recreation building should be improved. Consider revisions such as exposed beam work to break up the roof form and eave line and a heavy wood beam patio-like structure at the rear of the building extending out toward the pool. Landscape berming and retaining walls should be used to screen the parking along the street frontages, and upgraded carport design with heavy beamwork and trellis work shall also be required. Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Curt Johnston DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Howard April 4, 1985 ENVIRONMENAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-08 AJA - The construction of 6 one and two story garden office buildings on 8.5 acres located on the sotheast corner of Aspen Avenue & Laurel Street in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) - APN 208-351-024 I)esign Painters: The project site is located in the Daon/Barton Master Plan area, just east of the County Law and Justice Center. A traditional style of architecture is proposed with tile shake roofing, driveways and stucco finish. Three building designs are proposed, each to be repeated for a total of six buildings. Staff Comments Site Plan. Significant contour grading along streetscape should be used to meander slopes back to the buildings and avoid "engineered" 2:1 slopes. 2. In addition, the southerly pad elevations could be lowered in relation to the street (7' maximum offset). Architecture. Overall the architectural quality of the project is good. However, the Committee should make a determination as to whether or not the traditional style of architecture is appropriate for the area. Current office development to the west is contemporary whereas the proposed architecture has a distinctly residential character. Should the building designs reflect a more modern style of architecture? If so, can the proposed elevations be modified with decorative metal roofing and expanded glass areas, or should a new architectural concept be required? On building "A", the attractive variation to the roof form and building planes on the front elevation should be carried over to the rear elevation which faces the street. Design Review Co ts DR 85-08 - Aja m~ April 4, 1985 Page 2 Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Howard Fields DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Howard April 4, 1985 ORAL PRESENTATION MILL BE GIVEN AT THE MEETING Design Review Co~mnittee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Howard Fields DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Nancy 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. April 4, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-54 - FORECAST - The development of 2 two-story office buildings totaling 20,000 sq. ft. on 2.55 acres of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), located at the south side of Civic Center Drive, approximately 200 feet east of Haven Avenue - APN 208-622-37. Oesign parameters The subject site is immediately adjacent to the recently adopted Haven Avenue Overlay District and is within a larger commercial center (K- Hart}. Attachment A is a conceptual Master Plan of this entire commercial center that shows the site's relationship to the center. Oesign Review Conmnittee Action of February 7, 1985 Members Present: Dennis Stout, Herman Rempel, Rick Gomez Staff Planner: Nancy Fong Site Plan: The two triangle buildings being parallel to one another create a long corridor of 150 feet long by 20 feet wide that runs from northeast to southwest. This long corridor could create a wind tunnel effect and could be an aesthetically unattractive pedestrian space and a public health and sfety hazard, especially when the Santa Aria winds are blowing from the north. Redesign the site plan to mitigate the above adverse environmental effects through the following: 1. Opening up the northeast end of the two buildings and repeating the same architectural elements and a mini- plaza area as in the southeast end, and creating a variety of architectural forms, planes, "ins and outs" to break the tunnel effect as well as the monotony of the building planes, or 2. Enclosing this corridor and creating a glass atrium, as an interior open space for the two buildings, which is the optimal solution. Enhance the plaza area by providing for more hardscape, pedestrian oriented facilities, and shading seating areas with attractive landscaping, such as raised planter areas and box trees. Such landscaping within the plaza area also helps in reducing the prevailing wind speed. Page 2 Architecture: Improve the interior elevation between the two buildings to break the monotony of the building planes and mitigate the potential adverse wind effects (see comments above). Landscaping: Provide special landscape treatment along Civic Center Drive, adjacent to the west elevation, between the two buildings and the plaza areas. Pedestrian Connections: Provide pedestrian walkways to the west side for connections to the future development on Haven Avenue and along the easterly driveway entrance for connection to the center. Staff Comments on Revised Plans Site Plan: The developer has mitigated the adverse environmental effect of the long corridor by providing a glass atrium to connect the two buildings. The following are suggested improvements to the site plan: 1. Expand the glass atrium to 20 feet wide for providing a visual balance with thei50 foot long corridor as well as providing decent interior space. 2. Provide an art form to the northerly portion of the corridor as a focal point, to be reviewed and approved by the City Planner. Landscape: Provide special landscape treatment along Civic Center Drive, area adjacent to the west elevation and the plaza areas. Special landscape treatment should be provided to the northerly portion of the corridor to deflect the strong Santa Ana winds. Pedestrian Corrections: Provide pedestrian walkways along the east side elevation and north side elevation and the west side elevation. This westerly pedestrian walkway should be designed to tie in to the future development on Haven Avenue and to be constructed concurrent with the future development on Haven Avenue. Design Review Cmmnittee Action -- April 4, 1985 Members Present: Staff Planner: Nancy Fong DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Nancy 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. April 4, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-06 - CALIFORNIA RETIREMENT VILLAS, INC. - The development of 104 unit retirement hotel for senior citizens with other services provided such as dining facility, recreation and exercising facility, arts and crafts, barber and beauty shops on 1.76 acres of land in the Office professional District, located at the south side of Base Line Road, 700 feet east of Carnelian Street - APN 207-031-19. Design Parameters The Planning Commission on November 14, 1985 had made determination that senior housing is allowed on a case by case basis under a Conditional Use Permit in the Office Professional District (see attached November 14, 1984 staff report regarding use determination). The project site is in proximity to office park, shopping centers, a high school and a proosed City Park with recreation facilities and ballfields, shuffleboard courts, recreation rooms, etc. The subject site is vacant and slopes towards the south at approximately 5%. A creek is located to the westerly boundary. Vegetation consists of grass, shrubs, 12 elm trees and 2 Cypress trees which will be removed as a result of this project. The developer will be coordinating with the City's Park Planner in exchanging a 60 foot wide strip of land to the east and west side. Issues Is the use compatible to the surrounding use? Will the surrounding use have adverse environmental impact to the proposed use? 2. Is the site appropriate for such use? 3. Is the density appropriate? 4. Are parking facilities adequate? The following are assets and liabilities of the proposed development. Assets Liabilities Crossing Base Line Road may be hazardous to the residents since it is a high traffic volume street. The proposed site is close to shopping centers and office park which could provide service to the residents. The subject site is across from a high school which could subject the residents to noise, possible harass- ment and high volume of foot traffic. Design Review CUP 85-06 - Cal April 4, 1985 Page 2 Retirement Villas, Inc. Subject site is adjacent to proposed City Park which could provide for more open space and recreation facilities (e.g., shuffleboard, horseshoe courts). Three (3) story housing provides optimum arrangement of interior facilities and "community rooms", and utilizes natural grade. Users of public park may disrupt the serenity that the residents may derive. Night-lighted softball field adjacent to the south will be center of activity, noise, light and glare. Three (3) story height adjacent to park site concentrates residents against highest intensity use area of park and could create aesthetically offensive building and block views of mountains. The land use conflict table of the Development Code lists the following conflicts when institutional uses are adjacent to active recreation use: a. aesthetics b. privacy c. access d. safety The development of this project will cause the removal of 12 existing elm trees and 2 cypress trees. Per the ordinance, the design of the site plan should preserve as many trees as possible. Staff Conm~ents Site Plan: 1. Provide more pedestrian oriented facilities within the courtyard such as shaded seating areas, kiosks, etc. 2. The design of site plan should preserve as many existing trees as worth saving. 3. Does the large recreation areas at the eastern portion suffice for complying with the required 45 foot landscaping setback along Base Line Road? Parking: The number of parking spaces provided for this project is 40 spaces. The Commission's determination to allow retirement hotels in the Office Professional District was based upon their similarity to conventional hotels. The required parking using the hotel ratio of I 1 v e - a f Retirement Villas, Inco April 4, 1985 Page 3 space per unit is 106 spaces. The proposed use does not even qualify for the Senior Housing Overlay District ratio of .7 spaces per unit. Therefore, unless subterranean parking can be utilized, the site is inadequate in size to accommodate the proposed density. Landscaping: Provide dense landscaping along west and south elevation for protection of sun and wind as well as buffering from the ball field to the south. Elevation: The proposed elevations could be improved through the following: 1. Breaking up the long linear roof mass and providing generous overhangs. 2. Variation of building planes with more openings and recesses and alternating balconies or deck. Providing more architectural treatments to windows by recessing or "popping out: windows and adding extra wood trims. Design Review Coeeents Members Present: Staff Planner: Nancy Fong CUP 84-28 - HUMPHREY Committee Action: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AGENDA April 4, 1985 Comments are attached with the regular item. 2. MDR 85-06 - TACO BELL Committee Action: Conversion of existing Pup & Taco to Taco Bell 3. DR 84-51 - REITER Committee Action: Minor changes to parking area. 4. CUP 81-15 - BECK Committee Action: Review of trellis design.. 5. MDR 85-02 - BOATRIGHT Committee Action: Addition of a 9,000 sq. ft. metal to existing structure building