HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/06/20 - Agenda PacketF DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAH~ONGA MEMORANDUM June 27, 1985 Design Review Committee COMMII'TEE ACTION Rick Gomez Herman Rempel Dennis Stout 1977 Suzanne Chitiea (Alternate) Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 20, 1985 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 7:00 (Curt/Bruce) CUP 85-21 - MASI 7:00 - 7:30 (Bruce) CUP 85-11 - KNITTER & ASSOC. 7:30 - 8:00 (Howard) CUP 85-09 - SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS 8:00 - 8:30 (John) DR 85-19 - WOLFF, LANG, CHRISTOPHER 8:30 - 9:00 (Dan) DR 85-22 - EDWARDS CINEMA NF/ns Attachments CC: Planning Commission/City Council Dan Coleman/Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rougeau, Barrye Hanson Loyd Goolsby r CONSENT CALENDAR [TENS AGENDA June 20, 1985 DR 85-08 - AJA (Howard) Committee Action: Review of parking island and seating area. Recommended approval of the parking lot island. CUP 85-15 - STRICKLAND ( Howard ) Committee Action: Review of revised elevation. Recommended approval of revised elevation. DR 85-14 - AJA (Howard) Committee Action: Review of outdoor eating area. Recommended approval subject to following conditions: (a) Pedestrian connection from 6th Street. (b) Additional architectural embellishments to the west elevation. PD 83-01 - CALMARK (Curt) Committee Action: Review of color scheme. Recommended the use of dark grey flat tile versus asphalt shingles, or revert back to original colors with wood shake roofing. 1112672 - WESTERN PROPERTIES (Curt} Committee Action: Review of revised window treatment to Building A. Recommended approval of changes to the window treatment to Building A. TT12969 - YAZEDJIAN (Nancy) Committee Action: Review of revised elevation. Recommended approval subject to revising the roof style to a full hip or gable end for the duplex building. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AGENDA June 20, 1985 (Continued) DR 85-10 - OLYMPUS (Curt) Committee Action: Review of revised side elevations and recreation/office buildings. Applicant submitted architectural plans for a similar building to illustrate how the end elevations could be reated. The Committee was impressed with the design quality of the similar building presented and recommended that it replace in total the original architecture regarding the recreation/office building. The Committee stated it must reflect design elements of the new architecture (i.e., roof material, architectural detailing.} REVIEW COMMITTEE 6:00 - 7:00 Curt/Bruce COMMEN'Ie June 20, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 85-21 - MASI - The development of a 40,962 sq. ft. mini-storage facility with a caretaker's residence on 2.95 acres, and a conceptual Master Plan on 27.13 total acres in the Industrial Park category (Subarea 7), located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN 229-011, 10, 19, 21, 26, 27, 28. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO i SITE PLAN: ~ i i Building Orientation / Open Space ~ Parking Location y Pedestrian Amenities / Site Coverage / Storage/Loading Areas / CIRCULATION: ......... Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around Recognizable The'no Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens .............. Sor.er Side/Rear Upgrade ~ .........: .........!,,_,,,,,~NDSCAPIN~ ....... Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site ' NE IGIIBORHOOD ARC|IITECTURE: ...........................L ..................', ...........................COffiPATXBIt, ITY '\ DESIGN REVIEW CO~ITTEE ACTION FOR CUP 85-21 - MASI Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: June 20, 1985 Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman Curt Johnston, Bruce Cook Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: Mini-Warehouse 1. Mini-warehouse use is a concern in terms of compatibility with the office park setting of the Master Plan. The issue must be addressed at the Planning Commission level. 2. The current design of the mini-warehouse is unacceptable . Substantial revisions are necessary to provide a design which will not detract from the Master Plan. Simplification of the design may be explored. 3. Landscaping along the interior building elevations is necessary to soften views into the project from adjacent multi-story office development. 4. Landscaping should be provided along the south boundary. Master Plan 1. Streetscape landscaping per I.S.P. standards (i.e., 45' average on Foothill and Rochester) must be provided. 2. Pedestrian connections must be provided between buildings with texturized pavement. 3. Circulation is a concern at the southeast corner of Foothill and the westerly loop road. Through access or an adequate turnaround area must be provided. 4. Technical requirements, such as parking, must be complied with. 7:00 - 7:30 REVIEW COMMITTEE COI(qENI Bruce June 20, 1985 CUP 85-09 (LA PETITE ACADEMY) 7,422 sq. ft. day care center District {8-14 du/ac} located APN 201-221-11. - KNITTER & ASSOCIATES - The development of a on a .91 acre parcel in the Medium Residential on the northeast corner of Haven & Valencia - PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO ~ I SITE PLAN: Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities YES NO CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access ,/ Site Coverage " / Vehicle Stacking : ........Z .... ......... : ' ' ' NEIGHBORHOOD ~ ARCHTTECTURE: .......................i.. CONPATIBZLITY ............... ~ ........~ .... Recognizable Theme / / Scale, Mass, Height / / Harmonious Style/Form / / Materials/Color / ~ Variation/Interest / / ROOf Screens / ~ Corner Side/Rear Upgrade .~_....~f_f..!.~ .......... : LANDSCAPING: / / Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Neighborhood Character DenSity Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise !_ G__RADING: _. .~ Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FOR CUP 85-09 - KNITTER & ASSOC. Date: June 20, 1985 Members Present: Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Bruce Cook Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: 1. A sound wall to the specifications of the acoustical study is required along Haven Avenue. The design of the wall shall be consistent with architecture for the project. 2. The children's play area shall be eliminated west of the building adjacent to Haven Avenue. All play area shall be within the open space area to the east of the building. 3. A Minor Exception to reduce on-site parking by 10% might be appropriate and should be applied for by the applicant. A letter of explanation relative to the justification for reducing the available on-site parking shall accompany this request. 4. Perimeter wall/retaining wall treatment as proposed along north property line is satisfactory provided area is attractively landscaped with cascading shrubbery and ground cover. 5. The design of the Haven Avenue parkway, including both sidewalk and landscaping, should be coordinated with the overall master design plan of the Terra Vista Planned Community for Haven Avenue. 6. All drainage issues involving the design of Valencia shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the Building Official prior to the issuance of building permits. 7:30 - 8:00 1985 REVIEW COMMIllEE COI~IEN~ Howard June 20, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-11 SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS CHURCH - A 1,458 sq. ft. addition to the existing church on 2.1 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 du/ac) located at the northwest corner of Haven Avenue and Banyan Avenue - APN 201-821-050. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES / / / / NO ! SITE PLAN: .................... '/--- Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas YES NO CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking / Back-up & Turn Around T' .............;'~ NEIGHBORHOOD ARCIIITECTURE: ...................L ..........; ............L....COHPATIBILITY .................. Recognizable Theme // Neighborhood Character / Density Transition Buffering/Screening '/ Grading // Land Use Conflict Noise / Traffic L. GRADING: Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear Upgrade ~....L__ANDSCAPING: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site Bate: Members Present: Staff Planner: DESIGN REVIEW COIIqITTEE ACTION FOR CUP 85-11 - SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS June 20, 1985 Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman Howard Fields V//t Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: conditions additional 8:00 - 8:30 REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMEN~ John June 20, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-19 WOLFF, LANG, CHRISTOPHER - Development of an 11,000 sq. ft. two-story office building on .69 acres in the Industrial Park category (Subarea 7) located on the east side of Utica, north of Civic Center Drive - APN 208-062-09. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES SITE PLAN: , ....... ;... Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCiIITECllJRE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens , ' LANDSCAP I NG: .. ......................: ...... NO Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGI|BORHOOD .................... L .............................COMPATIBILITY ......... Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Corner Side/Rear Upgrade) /"' Traffic Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting '1 GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW CO!e4ITTEE ACTION FOR DR 85-19 - WOLFE, LANG, CHRISTOPHER Date: June 20, 1985 Members Present: Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: John Meyer Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: ~ESIGN_ R_EVX_EW CO~ITTEE COMMENTSe 8:30 p.m. Dan June 20, 1985 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-22 - EDWARDS CINEMA Development of a 6-plex movie theater of 25,188 square feet on 13 acres of land located at the northwest corner of Foothill and Haven (Virginia Dare Center) in the General Commercial (GC) District. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES / / NO / / / / / YES NO / / / SITE PLAN:,.__ Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around I ( NEIGHBORHOOD ~ j COMPATIBILITY .......... ................... ~ ............................ ARCHITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear Upgrade LANDSCAPING: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic GRADING: ,, Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW CO l~qIl'rEE ACTION FOR DR 85-22 - EDWARDS Date: June 20, 1985 Members Present: Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Dan Coleman Recommended approval. ecommended approval of approval: subject to the following Recommended that the project be revised for Committee Review as follows: conditions additional Did not recommend approval as follows: Eliminate the light bulb strip on south elevation which is defined as a sign and would not be permitted in addition to the other wall signs proposed. Applicant should prepare alternative lighting solutions for Planning Commission review. Staff directed to analyze shared parking concept to assure that substantial conflict will not exist between uses (i.e., office and theater).