HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/08/08 - Agenda PacketDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM August 12, 1985 Design Review Committee ACTION A~)ENDA Herman Rempel Dan Coleman Suzanne Chitlea Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 8, 1977 1985 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 - 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 (Nancy) DR 85-26 - FORECAST 6:30 - 7:00 (John) CUP 85-10 - PULLIAM MASONRY SUPPLIES CUP 85-23 - VALLEY PLANT GROWERS 7:00 - 7:30 (Nancy) TT 12991 - SHELBOURNE DEVELOPMENT CO. 7:30 - 8:00 (Howard) TT 13066 - HILLS/LYON COMPANY 8:00 - 8:30 (Howard) TT 12911 - LEON 8:30 - 9:00 (Dan) DR 85-06 - LINCOLN 9:00 - 9:30 (Bruce) TT 12319 - LEWIS NF:cv Attachments CC: Planning Commission/City Council Dan Coleman, Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rogeau, Loyd Goolsby, Barrye Hanson Y CONSENT CALENDAR ITEHS AGENDA August 8, 1985 DR 84-47 - PICKEN (Howard) Committee Action: Review of modifications to Grading Plan. The Committee referred the grading modications to the Planning Commission. DR 85-15 - ASSURED MINI- STORAGE - (Howard) Committee Action: Review of design elevation. The Committee approved the design elevations, subject to an acceptable method of assuring proper maintenance of the landscaping, and repeating the architectural treatment to east elevation as well. DR 85-23 - KIRSCHBAUM (Howard) Committee Action: Review of design elevations. No revised design elevations were submitted. CUP 85-19 - LEDERMAN (Howard) Committee Action: Review of design elevations. The Committee approved the revised design elevations, subject to a modification to the white stucco color. The Committee recommended a off-white color and to continue the tile detail around the corner on the front parapet walls. CUP 85-02 - ISHII (Howard) Committee Action: Review of design elevations. The Committee directed the applicant to explore ways of lessening the height of the roof element and modifications to the building pad. The Committee requested that this item be brought for additional review. ITE GENDA CONSENT CALENDAR I August 8, 1985 Page #2 6. DR 84-52 - COLWELL (Howard) Committee Action: The Committee recommended using a combination of planter and trellis work along the subject wall. CUP 83-09 - ALTA LOMA BRETHREN IN CHRIST (Dan) Committee Action: Review of temporary trailers. Approved. 8. CUP 85-14 - MULLER (Nancy) Committee Action: Review of revised site plan. Approved. REVIEW CO~4II'TEE COMMEN~ 6:00 - 6:30 Nancy August 8, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-26 FORECAST The development of an industrial park consisting of 4 buildings, totaling 46,500 square feet on 3.24 acres of land within a proposed 18 acre Master Site Plan in the Industrial Park District and Haven Avenue Overlay District (Subarea 6), located west side of Utica Avenue between Arrow Highway and Jersey Boulevard - APN 209-142-18. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO ' ' SITE PLAN: .......... / Building Orientation / Open Space / Parking Location / Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCtlITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Hass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Haterials/Color Variation/Interest i .... !.._... COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict I,ANDSCAP I rIG: CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGIIBORIIOOD Roof Screens / Noise Corner Side/Rear Up~ra__d_e / ,,! Traffic · GRAD[NG: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW CO~4IllEE ACTION FOR DR 85-26 - FORECAST Date: I~nbers Present: Staff Planner: August 8, 1985 Herman Rempel, Suzanne Chitlea, Dan Coleman Nancy Fong Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: 1. Master Plan The proposed master plan does not comply with the intent of the Haven Avenue Overlay District in areas of building orientation, plaza areas, access, open space and pedestrian. environment.. The Master Plan should be revised to promote integrated development through: increasing the amount of open space (25% minimum); increasing the efficiency of on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation in order to enhance pedestrian movement; building placement and configuration that promote interconnections .for courtyards, plazas, and other landscaped open space. The Committee also stated that the intent of the Master Plan process is an opportunity to coordinate the efforts of single or multiple property owners and discourage piecemeal development. It is not the intention of the master planning process to cast future development patterns in stone. Rather, it is an attempt to discover problems before they develop, to deal with issues while they can be solved, and to take advantage of opportunities while they exist. Project Site: Provide plaza areas between the proposed industrial and light manufacturing building. I DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE COMMEI 6:30 - 7:00 Nancy August 8, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-10 - PULLIAM MASONRY SUPPLIES - A request to install a trailer as a temporary office for a building supplies sales business, on 3 acres of land within Southern California Edison Utility Corridor, located at 12051 Arrow Highway, west of Devore Freeway - APN 229-121-27. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO ' SITE PLAN: .... ' ....................i .............i ...........L ..... Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas AREi!ITECllIRE: .................. ! ............ Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic Corner Side/Rear Upgradej ............................................................ ~"""'~;{oi'~: ......: .............:' ......... LANDSCAP I NG: /. Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting <. DESIGN REVIEW COMMI~EE ACTION FOR CUP 85-10 - PULLIAM MASONRY SUPPLIES Date: Me~abers Present: Staff Planner: ,/ August 8, 1985 Herman Rempel, Suzanne Chitiea, Dan Coleman Nancy Fong Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: Upgrade trailer through the use of deckings, arbors and landscaping. Installation of 45 foot landscape setback area. 6:30 - 7:00 REVIEW COMMII'TEE COMME~ Nancy August 8, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-23 - VALLEY PLANT GROWERS - A request to install a trailer as a temporary office, and 3 storage sheds for a wholesale nursery business on 21.17 acres of land within the Southern California Edison Utility Corridor, located at 12050 Arrow Highway, east of Rochester Avenue - APN 227-021-47, 53, 50. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO ........... ,,,, SITE P~AN: ........ ~ ..... : _,j / Building Orientation / Open Space '/ Parking Location / Pedestrian Amenities / Site Coverage / Storage/Loading Areas ARC!IITECTtlRE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGltBORItOOD COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Views Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Into Site DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE ACTION FOR CUP 85-23 - VALLEY PLANT GROWERS Date: Nembers Present: Staff Planner: August 8, 1985 Herman Rempel, Suzanne Chitiea, Dan Coleman Nancy Fong Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: 1. Removal of non-conforming sheds and trailers. 2. Upgrading of remaining trailer through the use arbors, and landscaping. 3. Installation of 45 foot landscape setback area. of deckings, BESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMEi 7:00 - 7:30 Nancy August 8, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12991 - SHELBOURNE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - A total residential development of 49 single family lots on 8.9 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 du/ac), located at south side of Lemon Avenue, 500! feet east of Archibald Avenue - APN 201-252- 21, 22. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO SITE P|.AN: '/~"" Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amen|ties Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas / / / / YES NO CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NE l GiiBORI IOOO COMPATIBILIll~ Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic _ ARCHITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear Upgrade LANDSCAP T ~G: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site ..L DESIGN REVIEW COMMI~EE ACTION FOR ~ 12991 - SHELBOURNE DEVELOPEMENT CO. Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: August 8, 1985 Herman Rempel, Suzanne Chitiea, Dan Coleman Nancy Fong Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: for additional 1. Elevations: A. Provide a proportionate mix of floor plans. The proposed mix has over concentration of plan 1150 and plan 1250. B. Provide tile roof materials instead of asphalt shingles. 2. The developer should make an effort to contact the railroad company in obtaining their right-of-way. 7:30 - 8:00 IGN REVIEW COMMII'TEE COIv:qEN~ Howard August 8, 1985 TENTATIVE TRACT 12911 - LEON - Development of 8 custom lot subdivision on 4.75 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District, located on the east side of Hermosa, north of Wilson Avenue - APN 201-111-tl. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES ...... SITEPLAII: ) ! ; Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage / ...... Lt o_r ~/_~9~? i. t~r.~E ................... / NO CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking ARCHITECTURE Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens / Back-up & Turn Around NEIGHBORHOOD COMPATIBILITy Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site / /I Corner Side/Rear Upgradel .............................. I.ANpJCAPING: .........~_ .. /-- Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FOR TF 12911 - LEON Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: August 8, 1985 Herman Rempel, Suzanne Chitiea, Howard Fields Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: Dan Coleman conditions additional The Committee had no relevant comments on this 8 lot custom subdivision. 8:00 - 8:30 REVIEW COMMII'FEE COMMEI Howard August 8, 1985 TENTATIVE TRACT 13066 - CHRESTVIEW/ALTA LOMA - Development of 27 single-family detached subdivision on 6.8 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 du/ac) located on the south side of 19th Street and east of Amethyst - APN 202-111-61 and 62. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO i _. ~.. SITE PLAN: Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ....................... ARCHITECTURE: / Recognizabl'e Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear Upgrade C[RCULATZON: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGHBORHOOD CDI~PATIBILIT'f Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic LANDSCAP l ;;G: ' / / Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting GRADING: .... ~ ......................... Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site <. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FOR TT 13066 - HILLS/LYON COMPANY Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: August 8, 1985 Herman Rempel, Suzanne Chitiea, Howard Fields Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: Dan Coleman conditions additional Provide architectural treatment to the rear elevations fronting 19th Street. Use wrought iron fence with landscaping on the south property line. Fence will be placed at the landing on the top of slope. The Committee recommended the use of 4 along lot 13 and 14 to take up the grade "no man's land" along lot 14. foot retaining walls instead of creating a DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE COP~qEe 8:30 ~ 9:00 Dan August 8, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 85-06 - LINCOLN - The development of 624 apartment units on 27.6 net acres of land in the "MH" District (14-24 du/ac), located on the north side of Arrow Route, 350 feet west of Haven Avenue. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO j ........ ~.... SITE PLAN: CIRCULATION: Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCRITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color / Variation/Interest /' Roof Screens / Corner Side/Rear Upgrade j .......................LANDSCAPING: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting '/ Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGliBORIIOOD COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FOR DR 85-06 - LINCOLN Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: August 8, 1985 Herman Rempel, Suzanne Chitiea, Dan Coleman Recommended approval. Recommended approval of approval: Recommended that the project be revised Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: Dan Coleman subject to the following conditions for additional The Committee could not reach a consensus regarding the site plan or elevations. DESIGN REVIEW CO~MII'FEE 9:00 - 9:30 Bruce August 8, 1985 TENTATIVE TRACT 12319 - LEWIS - A request to add a 3 car garage floor plan in a single family sub-division of 274 lots on 51 acres, located at the northwest corner of Terra Vista Parkway and Spruce Avenue. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO ~ SITE PLAN: I ~ Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Storage/Loading Areas Back-up & Turn Around ARCIII TECTURE: : ~ n ................ : ............L .........!... Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear Upgrade NEIGIffiONHODD CqM_'~ATIBILITY ......... Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic LANDSCAPING'; ....................: .........; ......: ................................................. · ; GRADING: Streetscape Natural Topography Maintained Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FOR 1'[12319 - LEWIS August 8, 1985 Dan Coleman, Suzanne Chitlea Bruce Cook Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: The stonework should be eliminated from the type "V" elevation to relieve an overly busy frontage. August 21, 1985 CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM 1977 Attached is the amended action statement of TT 13027 reviewed at the-Design Review Committee of July 18, 1985. The amended statement now contains item #6 regarding the use of tile roofs for all building elevations. This item was inadvertently omitted from the list when the action statement was originally drafted. y m DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE COMME~ 8:00 - 8:30 Bruce July 18, 1985 ENVIROHMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TEHTATIVE TRACT 13027 - LYON - Design Review and Subdivision of 157 single family detached units on 45.5 acres of land within the Victoria Planned CoBnunity (Low Residential, 2-4 du/ac), located on the east side of North Victoria Windrows Loop, south of Highland Avenue, APN 227-471-01, 03; 227-481-21, 22; 2270491-1, 2, 5. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO ! I SITE PLAN: .... /' Building Orientation ..... ~ ............ / Open Space / Parking Location / Pedestrian Amenities /- / Site Coverage / Storage/Loading Areas /" ARCIIITECTURE- YES NO ) CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around : NEIGHBORHOOD Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear tgarade COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic · _.. :_.. LANDSCAPING: ........... r ...................................... ............................................... ' ' GRADING: SLree~scape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: DESIGN REVIEW COMMII'FEE ACTION FOR l')F 13027 July 18, 1985 Dennis Stout, Dave Barker, Dan Coleman Bruce Cook Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: The proposed trail should be provided as a public community trail, with the east-west portion a multi-use trail and the north-south portlion an equestrian only trail. The proposed trail shall be extended along North Victoria Windrows Loop to connect to Victoria Park Lane. CC & R's for the tract shall not prohibit the keeping of horses. A public easement shall be provided along the common property line between Lots 79 & 80 to permit pedestrian access to the community trail. The Etiwanda Specific Plan should be reviewed to consider the possibility of revising the equestrian trail system to link up with the trail system within Victoria. 6. Tile roofs shall be included on all building elevations.