HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/12/05 - Agenda PacketDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM December 9, 1985 ACTION AGENDA Conmnercial/Industrial Design Review Committee Dennis Stout Suzanne Chitlea Brad Buller Larry McNiel (Alternate) Nancy Fong, Associate Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 1985 1977 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 (Howard) 6:30 - 7:00 (Nancy) 7:00 - 7:30 (Nancy) DR 85-28 - HAVEN AVENUE FOOD COURT DR 85-43 - CHRISTESON CO. CUP 85-37 - BRUNSWICK NF:ns Attachments CC: Planning Commission/City Council Dan Coleman, Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rogeau, Loyd Goolsby, Barrye Hanson y CO!t4ERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CONSENT CALENDAR ITEHS AGENDA December 5, 1985 1. DR 85-14 - AJA (Howard) Review of west elevation treatment. Committee Action: The Committee recommended that the color stripe be applied to the 2nd band from the top of the building's west elevation, and scored lines be applied to the west elevation with the same pattern exhibited in the front elevation. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:00 - 6:30 Howard December 5, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-28 HAVEN AVENUE FOOD COURT - The development of a one story retail/restaurant (10,000 sq. ft.) ~ing located within the Virginia Dare Business Center at the northwest corner of Foothill-Haven Avenue on about 13 acres in the General Commercial (GC) District - APN 1077-401-027 Design Par~m~eter~: The project site is located within the Virginia Dare Business Center which has an overall approved architectural program that reflects the winery theme and mission-style architecture. The architectural statement for all building should be compatible and have architectural elements that carry through the overall program· The historic landmark grape crusher building is located on the south side of the site. Staff Comments: Site Plan: Pedestrian connection to Edward's Cinema be texturized treatment. Also inner courtyard surface shold be decorative concrete or texturized treatments. Applicant should define inner courtyard central element whether it is a water element or special landscape statement. (Staff recommends a small foundation w/raised seating.) 3. Combination raised seating landscape planters should be provided in conjunction with bicycle racks in inner courtyard. Architecture: The proposed elevations are in keeping with the approved design program. However, the west and east elevations need additional architectural treatment, i.e., building arch insets or the use of columns. Landscaping: Special landscaping with accent tree (specimen size) should be provided along the west and east elevation. Specifically, the west elevation which will be seen throughout the center and both the west entry and pedestrian connection. Design Review Comme DR 85-28 - Haven Avl Food Court December 5, 1985 Page 2 DESIGN REVIEW COt~II'FEE ACTION Members Present: Dennis Stout, Suzanne Chitlea, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Howard Fields The Committee recommended approval subject to the following revisions: o Provide texture treatment for pedestrian connection under the and across the parking lot. 0 0 0 0 arbor Provisions for outdoor seating/eating furniture tables/chairs). (i.e., Upgrade the south elevation by centering the reveals and by flanking with conical trees. Upgrade the west elevation by pop-out Food Court entrance 12". Provisions for special landscape treatment along the south and west elevation. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:30 - 7:00 Nancy December 5, 1985 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-43 - CHRISTESON COMPANY - The development of a two story office building totaling 21,000 sq. ft. within an approved integrated shopping center, Virginia Dare, in the General Commercial District located at northwest quadrant of Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenue - APN 1077-661-6. Oesign Paraleters The site is a former Garrett winery and has an approved master plan which established building areas, parking areas, and an architectural program that reflects the winery theme and mission style architecture. Phase I of the master plan is almost completed. Recently the Planning Commission has approved Del Taco and Spires restaurants within this master plan (see Exhibit "A"). A 6-plex Edward's Cinema was approved on the adjacent pad (appeal pending). Staff Comments: Site Plan: The main building entrance could be oriented to the north elevation to assure the northern parking area would be utilized. However, this would affect the location and size of plaza area between the office building and theater. Landscaping: The planter area in front of the arbor adjacent to the east and the north elevations should be expanded to provide adequate space for tree planting. B. A texture treatment should be provided in the pedestrian walkway underneath the arbor that runs through the project. The arbors should be planted with vines and creeping varieties of vines or ivy against the walled surfaces throughout the project, reminiscent of the original winery. The planter area adjacent to the driveway connections to the northerly property should be expanded to provide adequate space for landscaping. Elevations: The proposed elevations is consistent with the overall architectural program established for this master plan. ,Design Review Comme DR 85-43 - Christes~ompany December 5, 1985 Page 2 DESIGN REVIEW COM)4ITTEE ACTION Members Present: Dennis Stout, Suzanne Chitiea, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Nancy Fong The Committee recommended approval with the following conditions: A recessed curvilinear gable on the second story of the north elevation be provided. A texturized pedestrian connection be provided between the Del Taco restaurant and the east side of the project. A texturized pedestrian walkway be provided to connect with the northerly project. The developer of both projects should coordinate the development of this pedestrian walkway. The arbors be planted with vines and creeping varieties of vines or ivy against the walled surfaces throughout the project, reminiscent of the original winery. The planter area in front of the arbor adjacent to the east and the north elevations be expanded to provide adequate space for tree planting. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:00 - 7:30 Nancy December 5, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-37 - BRUNSWICK - The development of an integrated shopping center consisting of a 36,025 sq. ft. bowling center, a 59,400 sq. ft. retail building, and a 5,000 sq. ft. restaurant on 8.97 acres of land in the General Commercial District located 1,000 feet north of Foothill Boulevard, west of Haven Avenue - APN 1077-401- 22. Design Par~ters The site is north of the Virginia Dare Business Center. A row of blue gum Eucalyptus windrows exists along Haven Avenue. The developer is proposing to remove the windrows and replace them with new street trees (similar to Virginia Dare}. Staff Comments Site Plan: The proposed site plan, including building configurations and placements, are adequate in providing plazas, open landscape areas, and pedestrian connections throughout the site. However, the site plan could be improved through the following: The loading area for the restaurant building should be provided at the southwest corner on the interior of the site away from Haven Avenue. 2. Expand the planter area north of retail building B in order to provide a project entrance statement. The main entrance aisle should be continuous up to the focal point of Retail "A" to create a major entrance statement, improve circulation, and provide stronger (more direct) pedestrian link from Haven. Provide more pedestrian oriented amenities in plaza areas, such as, shaded seating areas with attractive landscaping, fountains, public art and/or kiosks, benches, trash receptacles, and other street furniture. Architecture: Variation to the long linear roof line should be provided. This could be achieved by extending the height of the circular arbors and extending the height of the tower structure. 2. The circular arbors in front of the bowling center should be expanded to provide a distinctive entrance statement. ,Design Review Comme CUP 85-37 - Brunswicr~ December 5, 1985 Page 2 3. Wrap standing seam metal roof around entire south elevation for the bowling center. Landscaping: A. Plan must provide 45' average landscape setback along Haven (40' shown). B. A minimum 5 foot planter is recommended along the west side of Retail "A" to provide adequate width for plantin9. C. Attractive landscaping such as box planters, potted annuals, and other landscaping should be provided within plaza areas. D. A minimum 10 foot planter is recommended along the northwest side of Retail "C" because of visibility from Haven. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE ACTION Members Present: Dennis Stout, Suzanne Chitiea, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Nancy Fong The Committee recommended approval with the following conditions: A loading area for the restaurant building be provided at the southwest corner of the site away from Haven Avenue (see Exhibit "C"). Planter area north of retail building B be increased in size so as to create a major entrance statement that provides continuous pedestrian linkages from Haven Avenue to the shopping center {see Exhibit "C"}. More pedestrian oriented amenities in plaza area such as shaded seating areas with attractive landscaping, fountains, public art and/or kiosks, benches, trash receptables, and other street furniture be provided. 4. The height of the proposed tower structure and circular arbors extend above the roof line. 5. The proposed redwood lattice work be changed to glass block materials. All building elevations facing the Deer Creek trails be upgraded with architectural and ornamental details to provide visual interest. 7. The proposed retail Building B be moved up to the 45 foot landscape setback area. December 5, 1985 Page 3 8. At least one pedestrian walkway be provided to the south to connect to Virginia Dare Shopping Center. 9. Wrought iron fence would be acceptable along the southern property boundary to identify the two shopping centers.