HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/11 (min) RANCHO CUCAMONGA COMMUNITY & ARTS FOUNDATION MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 11, 2012, REGULAR MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Community&Arts Foundation was held on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, in the Tri-Communities Room, at the Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Dr., Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by Chair Galindo. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Member Kahn. Present were: Board Members: Arguello, Barag, Brown (arrived at 5:11 p.m.), Bryan, Harrington, Kahn, Madsen (arrived at 5:08 p.m.), Snyder and Galindo. Absent: Cohen and Mize. Staff: Nettie Nielsen, Community Services Director; Francie Palmer, Community Services Marketing Manager; Paula Pachon, Management Analyst III; Susan Sluka-Kelly, Community Services Supervisor; Michelle Baldwin, Community Services Coordinator; Jennifer Shipman, Office Specialist I and Melissa Morales, Senior Administrative Secretary. Analyst Pachon introduced Jennifer Shipman, the Foundation's newly appointed Office Specialist I. Manager Palmer introduced Michelle Baldwin who was recently hired to serve as the Community Services Department's Fund Development Coordinator. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Analyst Pachon, who also serves as a Member of the Library Foundation, gave a brief presentation of their 2012 Calendar and Annual Report including their upcoming events, classes and fundraising efforts. Calendars were distributed to Members. The Foundation recessed at 5:08 p.m. and reconvened at 5:12 p.m. with all Members present except Cohen and Mize. 2. Superintendent Nielsen provided a brief update on recruitment of a new Community Services Director. She informed Members that Director McArdle's last day was December 21St and that recruitment was currently underway to find his replacement. 3. Presentation by the Gavel Group regarding auction services to be provided at the April 28, 2012, Chocolate and Wine Festival was opened by Superintendent Nielsen. She introduced Larry Zucker of the Gavel Group for his presentation. Mr. Zucker provided a brief history of his organization and how they secure their auction items. He informed the Board that the most effective means to acquire silent and live auction items is to use their contacts and one-on-one solicitations. He described the types of items that tend to be popular sellers. He offered to assist the Board if they have any questions and provided his email address. A question was raised concerning the action needed Community&Arts Foundation 1 - January 11, 2012 _, by the Board at this point in time. Mr. Zucker replied that Members should start gathering their contact information, secure letterhead from various businesses being used for live or silent auction gifts be used and to start getting proposals ready to set out in February. He commented that the most important part of the auction is the audience. Mr. Zucker was thanked for his services. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no communications from the Public. D. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. To approve the Minutes of the Regular Community & Arts Foundation Meeting held October 12, 2011. 2. To receive and file Treasurer's Report for the months of August, September, October and November, 2011. MOTION: Moved by Member Kahn, seconded by Treasurer Bryan, to approve the Consent Calendar, as submitted. Motion carried: 9-0-2 (Absent: Cohen and Mize) E. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Golf Board — Consultant Stephen Wagner was called upon for a recap of the 2011 Tournament and plans for the 2012 tournament. He distributed a 2011 Event Report and suggested the Board consider reinstating the silent auction portion in 2012's event. Consultant Wagner also indicated that, due to the Veterans Day Holiday,the event may be moved to possibly October 29`h. He asked for consideration in renewing his contract for the 2012 tournament and thanked his wife Renee for all of her assistance. Following his report, Consultant Wagner and Renee were thanked for their hard work. 2. Party Train Board/Chocolate & Wine Festival—Committee Chair Bryan was called upon for an update. She read the list of confirmed "Party Train" events and Member Brown indicated she might know of someone who wants to host an event or she may be able to host an event herself. Member Kahn added that he would look into hosting some type of outdoor event. Consultant Wagner was called on regarding an update on the Chocolate and Wine Festival. He distributed an update on the upcoming event and described the proposed schedule for the four-hour fundraiser to be held at the Cultural Center on April 28th, at 4:00 p.m. He responded to questions which included cost for tickets and awards for the winners. Consultant Wagner clarified that tickets will be $75 each and a table is $1,000. Recognition and awards are still being finalized and could include a billboard display. A suggestion was also made to consider providing a diabetic/sugar free option and the Thinnery Restaurant was recommended to be contact. Both Consultant Wagner and Treasurer Bryan underscored the importance of the Board's participation. Community&Arts Foundation -2- January 11, 2012 - 3. Executive/Finance Committee — Chair Galindo commented that no recent meetings I have been held. i 4. Annual Giving Campaign Board-Committee Chair Snyderthanked Member Harrington for his assistance and indicated $1,800 was raised through the 2011 Holiday for the Arts Campaign. He informed the Board that the fundraiser will be re-tooled . 5. Board Development Board— Chair Galindo commented that no recent meetings have been held. He listed names of some potential candidates and expressed the need for a game plan for Board recruitment to be addressed at their next meeting. He suggested ` that those Members who have potential candidates get in contact with them to discuss their interest in serving on the Board. Analyst Pachon will provide Members with Boardmember applications and brochures to give to their potential candidates. 6. Performing Arts Giving Board—Committee Chair Harrington updated the Board on the meeting held today and announced the winners of the High School Performing Arts Sponsorships. F. FOUNDATION BUSINESS 1. Review and approval of a recommendation from the Giving Board pertaining to support of the 2012/2013 Season for the Lewis Family Playhouse was presented by Committee Chair Harrington. He distributed the Foundation's giving history over the past five year's and presented recommendations for the 2012/13 fiscal year totaling $79,000. Areas of support include playhouse performances, Studio Theatre Performances, Arts Education/Accessibility/Programs and community "mini" grant programs. A question was raised if otherfunding forthe Mainstreet Theatre Company and Artist in Residency program were being pursued. Supervisor Sluka-Kelly responded that grant opportunities are also being researched. Following their discussion, the following motion was presented: MOTION: Moved by Treasurer Bryan, seconded by Member Brown, to approve the recommendation from the Giving Board to support the 2012/2013 Season of the Lewis Family Playhouse in the amount of $79,000, as contained in the report presented. Motion carried: 9-0-2 (Absent: Cohen and Mize) 2. Analyst Pachon was called upon regarding review and discussion of the Foundation's 2015 Strategic Plan. She referenced the 2015 Strategic Plan Action Item list for 2011/2012 and pointed out that the gray, shaded areas were immediate goals. These include the Golf Tournament, Chocolate and Wine Festival, Party Train events, Donor Recognition Event team building and growing the Endowment Fund. She also informed the Board that staff is in the process of finalizing the Foundation's taxes, formulating a 2012/13 Communications Plan; implementing a Patron of the Arts program including training and visioning for giving. She asked that the Board review the information and contact staff with any questions. lCommunity &Arts Foundation - 3 - January 11, 2012 i 3. Staffs report regarding review and discussion of the Foundation's meeting calendar for 2012 was provided by Analyst Pachon. She reviewed the calendar contained in the agenda packet and noted the recommendation from staff to consider adding a regular meeting in September and moving the October meeting to November. Following her report, the Board took action as follows: MOTION: Moved by Treasurer Bryan, seconded by Member Harrington, to approve revision of the Community & Arts Foundation's regular meeting schedule for 2012 by adding a meeting in September and moving the October meeting to November. Motion carried: 9-0-2 (Absent: Cohen and Mize). 4. Chair Galindo called on Superintendent Nielsen concerning the agenda and logistics for the Foundation's Annual Strategic Alignment Workshop. Superintendent Nielsen gave a brief overview of the workshop conducted last March and asked Members for a date that they would all be available to attend this year. She listed proposed items to consider placing on the agenda including: Fundraising Strategies; Board Leadership; Committee Structure; Board Development; Donor Recognition and Trainings. Superintendent Nielsen also asked the Board if they would like to have a team building exercise or guest speaker. Discussion ensued by the Board. Suggestions included having Keith Church volunteer his time and to also provide grant writing training. The consensus of the Board was to conduct the workshop in either late April or early May(possibly May 9th) and to have a team building portion to allow for inter-personal interaction. No other discussion was held or action taken. 5. Supervisor Sluka-Kelly was asked to provide a brief status report on Foundation support programs. She announced that ABBA Fever and Dionne Warwick were scheduled at the Playhouse this coming weekend and that Club M will also be available for Members who wish to partake. In addition, Supervisor Sluka-Kelly spoke of the upcoming play Sleeping Beauty— The Time Traveler and confirmed that the Artist in Residency program is still going strong. A question was raised concerning plans for the 2012/13 season announcement and she responded that, due to limited funds, no event has been planned. No other discussion was held. G. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS None iCommunity &Arts Foundation - 4 - January 11, 2012 K ADJOURNMENT Chair Galindo adjourned the Regular Rancho Cucamonga Community & Arts Foundation Meeting with all Members present except Cohen and Mize. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Melissa Morales Senior Administrative Secretary Approved by Community & Arts Foundation: April 11, 2012 Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Galindo) Community &Arts Foundation - 5 - January 11, 2012