HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012/03/06 - Agenda Packet - Action ACTION AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 6, 2012 7:00 P.M. RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA Committee Members: Lou Munoz Ray Wimberly James Troyer Donald Granger Alternates: Frances Howdyshell Richard Fletcher Francisco Oaxaca CONSENT CALENDAR NO ITEMS SUBMITTED PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS This is the time and place for the Committee to discuss and provide direction to an applicant regarding their development application. The following items do not legally require any public testimony, although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. 7:00 p.m. (Donald/Willie) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT16510 - HOME & LAND LLC - A proposed subdivision of 13 units for residential condominium purposes on 2.12 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the north side of San Bernardino Road, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN: 0208-091-56 and 57 and 0207-101-48. Related files: Development Review DRC2005-00044, Minor Exception DRC2009-00913, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2009-00914. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2005-00044 - HOME & LAND LLC - The design review of building elevations and detailed Site Plan for 13 condominium units on 2.12 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the north side of San Bernardino Road, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN: 0207-091-56 and 57 and 0207-101-48. Related files: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16510, Minor Exception DRC2009-00913, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2009-00914. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. 7:20 p.m. (Steve/Carlo) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2010-00868 - GONZALO MENDEZ - A request to convert an existing non-conforming residential site into an industrial use within the General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 8), located at 13249 Arrow Route - APN: 0229-171-15 and 0229-171-16. This project is categorically exempt from the requirement of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (n) (Class 1 Exemption - Existing Facilities) Conversion of single-family residence to office use. DRC ACTION AGENDA March 6, 2012 Page 2 7:40 p.m. (Mike/Tasha) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18747 - K.U. & ASSOCIATES - A proposal to subdivide a vacant parcel of approximately 146,000 square feet (3.4 acres) into five (5) lots in the Very Low (VL) Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the east terminus of Arapaho Road between East Avenue and Choctaw Place - APN: 0225-181-73. Related files: Development Review DRC2009-00010, Variance DRC2010-00963, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2010-00964. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2009-00010 - K.U. & ASSOCIATES - A review of five (5) single-family residences that will be constructed in conjunction with a proposed subdivision in the Very Low (VL) Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the east terminus of Arapaho Road between East Avenue and Choctaw Place - APN: 0225-181-73. Related files: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18747, Variance DRC2010-00963, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2010-00964. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. 8:00 p.m. (Tabe) POINT OF HISTORIC INTEREST DESIGNATION DRC2011-00851 — LEWIS OPERATING CORPORATION — Review of the Point of Interest monument signage for a site that was once the known as the DeBerard Ranch, located at the southwest corner of Sixth Street and Archibald Avenue - APN: 0210-062-08. Related files: Development Review DRC2010-00960 and SUBTT18804. 8:20 p.m. (Tabe/Carlo) DEVELOPMENT DESIGN REVIEW DRC2011-00255 - ALL STATE PAPER AND METAL RECYCLING — JAMES LIN - A request to make site improvements including installing a temporary office module, constructing new screen walls, installing all street improvements and landscaping, complete on-site paving, and add employee eating area and parking for a 4.42-project site within the Heavy Industrial District of Subarea 15 on the south side of Whittram Avenue between Pecan Avenue and Hickory Avenue, located at 13195, 13207, 13231, 13243, and 13253 Whittram Avenue - APN: 0229-192-09, 06, 04, 03 and 02. Related file: DRC2011-00254. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:00 p.m. Donald Granger March 6, 2012 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT16510 - HOME & LAND LLC - A proposed subdivision of 13 units for residential condominium purposes on 2.12 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the north side of San Bernardino Road, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN: 0208-091-56 and 57 and 0207-101-48. Related files: Development Review DRC2005-00044, Minor Exception DRC2009-00913, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2009-00914. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2005-00044 - HOME & LAND LLC - The design review of building elevations and detailed Site Plan for 13 condominium units on 2.12 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 dwelling units per acre), located on the north side of San Bernardino Road, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN: 0207-091-56 and 57 and 0207-101-48. Related files: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16510, Minor Exception DRC2009-00913, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2009-00914. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Proiect Site and Surrounding Environs: The site is located at the westerly terminus of San Bernardino Road and is characterized by commercial development to the south and multi-family dwelling units, single-family residential dwelling units to the east, the Cucamonga Creek concrete channel to the west, and the Pacific Electric Hiking/Biking Trail to the north. To the south, across San Bernardino Road, is a neighborhood shopping center, with Albertsons as the anchor store. To the east, immediately adjacent to the project site, are two single-family dwelling units. Background: The proposed project has generated a substantial amount of public comment and inquiries from the residents in the surrounding area. As a result of the public interest and per Planning Commission policy direction, the applicant has conducted three neighborhood meetings to elicit feedback, present drawings, conduct a Powerpoint presentation, and explain the design concept. As a result of the neighborhood meetings, the applicant has made the following two major revisions to the project: 1) the 13-unit project was modified from all two-story product to nearly a 50/50 mix of one-story (Units 8 to 13) and two-story product (Units 1 to 7), with all of the single-story product plotted nearest the existing single-story, single-family dwelling units that front on San Bernardino Road; and 2) the guest parking has been increased from 10 stalls to 13 stalls, a 1:1 stall to unit ratio. Carnelian Street Vacation: The project site is comprised of three parcels that total 2.12 (gross) acres of land. On January 13, 2010, the Engineering Department recommended that the Planning Commission make a finding through minute action to vacate a portion of unimproved Carnelian Street right-of-way that is located between the parcels. Utility companies, other agencies, and various City departments were notified of the proposed vacation and were asked for comments; no objections to the vacations were received. The vacation is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code because the right-of-way is not required for street, highways, and related purposes anymore and will become part of Lot of A of Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16510. Section 8334 of the Street and Highways Code states that local agencies may summarily vacate (by resolution) if an excess right-of-way of a street or highway is no longer required for street and highway purposes. On February 17, 2010, the City Council adopted Resolution 10-027, thereby vacating said portion of Carnelian Street. DRC ACTION AGENDA SUBTT16510 AND DRC2005-00044 — HOME & LAND LLC March 6, 2012 Page 2 Design Parameters and Architectural Theme: The applicant is proposing to construct 13 residential condominiums for sale. There are no structures on-site that will require demolition, only a section of a retaining wall. The 2.12-acre site is comprised of three parcels. As noted above, east of the project site are two single-family dwelling units; to the south is a commercial shopping center; to the west is the Cucamonga Creek Channel; and to the north is the Pacific Electric Hiking and Biking Trail. The 2.12-acre site has gentle slopes and will require the removal of two trees that are in the way of proposed site improvements. None of the trees proposed for removal are considered significant by the consulting arborist. The project will consist of 7, two-story units and 6, one-story units. All units have a two-car garage and private yard area. The architectural theme draws heavily from the Craftsman Bungalow style, utilizing wood siding, battered window surrounds, decorative garage doors, and appropriate fenestration selections. Square footages range from 1,269 to 1,955. All elevations exhibit a 360-degree architecture. Minor Exception: The project includes an application for a Minor Exception (DRC2009-00913) to allow up to 8-foot wall heights for sound attenuation purposes and 8-foot combination retaining/freestanding wall heights for grade differential purposes. A 6 to 8-foot high split-face wall will be constructed around the perimeter of the project. Site Planning and Amenities: The project entry point has been designed with a planter wall that will flank the entrance. All single-story product (Units 8 to 13) has been plotted adjacent to the existing single-family dwelling units in order to preserve privacy and be sensitive to the massing and scale of the adjacent existing single-story houses. The project includes a tot lot, grass area, and barbeque area as amenities, thereby meeting the three amenity requirement. The project has a total of 13 open parking stalls, thereby providing a 1:1 unit to guest stall parking ratio. The Development Code requires one stall per 4 units; as a result, the project is providing a total of 3 parking spaces per unit (2 car garage plus one stall per unit). Direct access to the Pacific Electric Hiking/Biking Trail is not feasible because of grade differences and slope conditions. Residents will be required to access the trail from Carnelian Street. Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16510: Concurrent with the Development Review entitlement, the applicant has applied for a subdivision of air space in order to create 13 residential condominiums. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project: 1. No Major Issues. The applicant has worked diligently with staff to resolve all Major Issues. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues: 1. Battered pilasters with decorative cap should be utilized along the perimeter walls for the San Bernardino Road and Vineyard Avenue street frontages at the ends of the walls and where the walls change in direction. Battered pilasters should also be used at the planter wall that fronts San Bernardino Road. DRC ACTION AGENDA SUBTT16510 AND DRC2005-00044 — HOME & LAND LLC March 6, 2012 Page 3 Policy Issues: The following items are a matter of Planning Commission policy and should be incorporated into the project design without discussion: 1. No wood fencing is allowed. Construct block walls between the homes (i.e. along interior side and rear property line) for permanence, durability, and design consistency. 2. Access gates to rear yards should be constructed of a material more durable than wood. Acceptable materials include, but are not limited to, wrought iron and PVC. 3. All interior private yard slopes are required to be landscaped with ground cover, shrubs, and one tree per 150 square feet of area. Staff Recommendation: With the Secondary Issue resolved to the satisfaction of the Committee, staff recommends that the Design Review recommend approval of Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16510 and Development Review DRC2005-00044 to the Planning Commission. Design Review Committee Action: The Design Review Committee reviewed and approved the project with the following condition: 1. Battered pilasters with decorative cap shall be utilized along the perimeter walls for the San Bernardino Road and Vineyard Avenue street frontages at the ends of the walls and where the walls change in direction. Battered pilasters shall also be used at the planter wall that fronts San Bernardino Road. Members Present: Howdyshell, Wimberly, Troyer Staff Planner: Donald Granger DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:20 p.m. Steve Fowler March 6, 2012 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2010-00868 - GONZALO MENDEZ - A request to convert an existing non-conforming residential site into an industrial use within the General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 8), located at 13249 Arrow Route - APN: 0229-171-15 and 0229-171-16. This project is •categorically exempt from the requirement of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (n) (Class 1 Exemption - Existing Facilities) Conversion of single-family residence to office use. Design Parameters: The applicant is proposing to convert an existing non-conforming residential unit into a building contractor's office and yard use on a 0.7-acre parcel within the General Industrial (GI) District (Subarea 8) at 13249 Arrow Route. The design of the exterior of the existing house will not change, but the interior will be required to adhere to all building requirements for an office use. The house was originally approved during the time that the site was under the County of San Bernardino's jurisdiction. The site will be reconfigured to add over 4,000 square feet of landscaping in the front setback and around the perimeter of the rear yard area to meet the 12 percent landscape requirement of the General Industrial Zoning District. A new paved parking area adjacent to the single-story office will contain 6 parking stalls, which is a surplus of • 2 parking stalls that are for a 924 square foot office use. The parking ratio for this use is 1 parking space for every 250 square foot of office area. The existing 529 square foot garage will be utilized as a storage area for tools and equipment for the construction business. An unpermitted garage to the south of the permitted garage will be demolished, and an existing container will be relocated behind the remaining garage. The area behind the garage will remain unused. Trees will be planted along the perimeter of the rear lot, and a new masonry wall will be constructed along the east, west, and south property lines. A wrought iron fence is proposed to cross the width of the lot at approximately 47 feet from the new curb face to help screen the parking lot area and provide security for the site. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for the Committee discussion regarding this project. Maior Issues: The applicant worked hard with staff to follow the criteria outlined in the Development Code. There are no major issues regarding this project at this time. Minor Issues: 1. No Minor issues at this time. Policy Issues: 1. No policy issues at this time. Staff recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee recommend approval of this Development Review to the Planning Commission. DRC ACTION AGENDA DRC2010-00868 — GONZALO MENDEZ March 6, 2012 Page 2 Design Review Committee Action: The project was approved as presented. Members Present: Howdyshell, Wimberly, Granger Staff Planner: Steve Fowler DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:40 p.m. Mike Smith March 6, 2012 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT'18747 - K.U. &ASSOCIATES - A proposal to subdivide a vacant parcel of approximately 146,000 square feet (3.4 acres) into five (5) lots in the Very Low (VL) Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the east terminus of Arapaho Road between East Avenue and Choctaw Place - APN: 0225-181-73. Related files: Development Review DRC2009-00010, Variance DRC2010-00963, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2010-00964. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2009-00010 - K.U. &ASSOCIATES - A review of five (5) single-family residences that will be constructed in conjunction with a proposed subdivision in the Very Low (VL) Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the east terminus of Arapaho Road between East Avenue and Choctaw Place - APN: 0225-181-73. Related files: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18747, Variance DRC2010-00963, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2010-00964. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Site Characteristics: The project area is a parcel of approximately 146,000 square feet (3.4 acres). The overall dimensions of the site are approximately 442 feet (east to west) by approximately 331 feet (north to south). The site is vacant. There are several trees at the west and south sides of the project site; low vegetation otherwise dominates the site. To the north, south, and west of the project site are single-family residences. To the east, are a single-family residence and an operations facility for a telephone company. The zoning of the property and all of the surrounding properties is Very Low (VL) Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan. The subject property is generally level with a southeasterly slope; the elevations at the northwest and southeast corners are approximately 1,462 feet and 1,448 feet, respectively. An east to west Community Trail bounds the north perimeter of the project site. A north to south Local Feeder Trail bounds the west perimeter of the project site. Both trails were constructed with the corresponding residential subdivisions to the north (Tract 16116) and west (Tract 12870). The applicant proposes to subdivide the property into five (5) lots. All lots will comply with the development standards applicable to this zoning district as described in Figure 5-2 of the Etiwanda Specific Plan except the minimum lot depth. Individual lot areas will range between 20,494 square feet to 30,051 square feet, which are in excess of the minimum of 20,000 square feet that is required. The minimum average lot area is 25,835 square feet, which is in excess of the minimum 25,000 that is required. The minimum lot depth in this development district is 200 feet. The depth of Lots 2, 3, and 4 will be slightly greater than this; the depth of Lots 1 and 5 will be approximately 110 feet to 148 feet (dependent on which points from where the measurement is taken). As Lots 1 and 5 will not comply with the required minimum lot depth, the applicant has submitted a Variance application for consideration by the Planning Commission (Related file: Variance DRC2010-00963). The minimum lot width in this development district is 90 feet. The width of Lots 2, 3, and 4 will be slightly more than this; the width of Lots 1 and 5 will be significantly wider than required with both being about 200 feet wide. All lots will generally be conventional, i.e. rectangular in shape, which will allow conventional house plotting. Included in the proposal is an extension of Arapaho Road by 220 feet which terminate in a cul-de-sac. As the subject property is located within the Equestrian Overlay, a 15-foot wide Local Feeder equestrian trail loop, designed per City standards, will be provided to link the subdivision to the equestrian network. Also, within each lot there will be a corral area of 24 feet by 24 feet for horse-keeping purposes. Each corral area will be a minimum of 70 feet from the dwelling units on the adjacent properties. DRC ACTION AGENDA SUBTT18748 AND DRC2009-00010 — K.U. &ASSOCIATES March 6, 2012 Page 2 In conjunction with the tentative tract map, the applicant proposes to construct a single-family residence on each lot for a total of five (5) single-family residences. The houses on Lots 1 and 5 will be one-story, while the houses on Lots 2, 3, and 4 will be two-story. The mix of one- and two-story homes is consistent with the policy adopted by the Planning Commission requiring that 25 percent (minimum) of the proposed houses must be single-story. All of the houses will have "side-on" garages, i.e. garages that do not face the street, in compliance with Section 5.42.606 of the Etiwanda Specific Plan (which only requires that 50 percent of the garages to be oriented or situated in a manner that minimizes its visual presence). Lots 1 and 5 will have 2-car garages, while Lots 2, 3, and 4 will have 3-car garages. The architecture of each house will be consistent with the general design requirements outlined in Section 5.42.600 of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Each house will incorporate traditional materials to varying degrees. A combination of stone veneer and wood siding will be applied to the houses on Lots 1, 2, and 4, while a combination of stone veneer and stucco finish will be applied to the houses on Lots 3 and 5. A combination of stucco and stone veneer will be applied to the walls that enclose parts of the front yard area of Lots 2, 3, and 4, and the property line walls. Stone veneer will be applied on all elevations of each house. It will also be applied extensively on the chimneys, at the main entrances, and on vertical elements such as patio posts. Houses with wood siding will have wood siding applied to all elevations of each house. The roofing will be concrete tile. Each house will have a well articulated footprint/floor plan and profile, i.e. neither the footprints nor profiles will be square or boxlike. Because the footprints and profiles of each house are varied, there is a substantial amount of movement in the wall planes and roof lines. Projections such as prominent chimneys and dormers and a mix of hip and gable roofs will provide additional interest in the profile of each house. Each house will also have large solid or lattice patios and, on the two-story houses, balconies. There will also be details such as wood brackets at the roof eaves, wall-mounted light fixtures, decorative trim around the windows, molding along the top of the stone veneer wainscots, and decorative wood garage and entry doors. The architecture of each house will be consistent with the design goals and policies of the Design Review Committee and Planning Commission including 360-degree architecture and extensive use of high-quality materials. Staff Comments: The following comments are intended to provide an outline for Committee discussion. Major Issues: The following broad design issues will be the focus of Committee discussion regarding this project. None. Secondary Issues: Once all of the major issues have been addressed, and time permitting, the Committee will discuss the following secondary design issues. 1. The decorative trim around the windows and doors shall be constructed of real wood, not foam. 2. The molding along the top of the stone veneer wainscots shall be stone, not foam. 3. Walls along the property line that exceed 6 feet in height (but are less than 8 feet in height) shall require the submittal of a Minor Exception application for review and action by the Planning Director. DRC AGENDA SUBTT18748 AND DRC2009-00010 — K.U. & ASSOCIATES March 6, 2012 Page 3 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the project be approved and forwarded to the Planning Commission for review and action. Design Review Committee Action: The project was approved as presented. Members Present: Howdyshell, Wimberly, Granger Staff Planner: Mike Smith DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:00 p.m. Tabe van der Zwaag March 6, 2012 POINT OF HISTORIC INTEREST DESIGNATION DRC2011-00851 - LEWIS OPERATING CORPORATION — Review of the Point of Interest monument signage for a site that was once the known as the DeBerard Ranch, located at the southwest corner of Sixth Street and Archibald Avenue - APN: 0210-062-08. Related files: Development Review DRC2010-00960 and SUBTT18804. Project Background: On September 14, 2011, the Planning Commission approved a 119-unit attached and detached residential development on 18.7 acres located at the southwest corner of Archibald Avenue and 6th Street (DRC2010-00960). The site was also designated as a Historic Point of Interest by the Historic Preservation Commission at the same meeting. The development review approval included a Condition of Approval requiring that the final design of the Historic Point of Interest monumentation be approved by the Design Review Committee. Request: The applicant proposes placing two monuments on the project site commemorating the history of the DeBerard Ranch, which once occupied the site. Both monuments will consist of bronze plaques mounted in concrete. One plaque will be mounted to a pilaster at the main pedestrian entrance gate to the project, with the second plaque mounted to a decorative seat bench on Archibald Avenue. The text on each plaque will be the same. The monuments will be maintained by the homeowner's association of the project. Staff Comments: Staff believes that the proposed monuments capture the history of the project site and the DeBerard family's place in the development of the City. The monuments are situated at prominent locations and are well integrated into the overall project design. Major Issues: None Secondary Issues: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee approve the monumentation as presented. Design Review Committee Action: The project was approved as presented. Members Present: Howdyshell, Wimberly, Granger Staff Planner: Tabe van der Zwaag • DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:20 p.m. Tabe van der Zwaag March 6, 2012 DEVELOPMENT DESIGN REVIEW DRC2011-00255 -ALL STATE PAPER AND METAL RECYCLING - JAMES LIN - A request to make site improvements including installing a temporary office module, constructing new screen walls, installing all street improvements and landscaping, complete on-site paving and add employee eating area and parking for a 4.42-project site within the Heavy Industrial District of Subarea 15, located on the south side of Whittram Avenue between Pecan Avenue and Hickory Avenue at 13195, 13207, 13231, 13243, and 13253 Whittram Avenue - APN: 0229-192-09, 06, 04, 03 and 02. Related Project: DRC2011-00254. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Background: The project was reviewed by the Design Review Committee (DRC) on October 4, 2011, and docketed for the December 14, 2011, Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission continued the meeting so that the Design Review Committee could review the applicant's request to add a temporary trailer to the overall project proposal. The Design Review Committee reviewed the temporary trailer on January 17, 2012. The project was rescheduled for the February 8, 2012, Planning Commission meeting. At that meeting, the applicant requested that the Commission reconsider the Design Review Committee's requirement that the applicant construct a block wall along the south property line of the project. At the applicant's request, the Commission voted to continue the hearing in order for the Design Review Committee to review the proposed fencing change. Project Proposal: See attached (Exhibit D) October 4, 2011, DRC comments and action agenda for a full description of the proposed project. The applicant is requesting to replace the DRC approved 8-foot high block wall along the south property line with a metal fence because of the cost of constructing the approximately 560-foot long wall (Exhibit C). The applicant has submitted photographs of the fencing used on the neighboring parcels along the railroad right-of-way, which all consist of various types of metal fencing. The applicant has proposed two types of metal fencing for the DRC to review as a replacement for the required block wall: 1. A commercial grade corrugated galvanized sheet-metal fence (similar to fence used at 13195/13207 Whittram Avenue) painted an earth-tone color (Exhibit A). 2. A custom made welded metal fence using 1/8-inch thick by 4-foot by 20-foot panels painted an earth-tone color (Exhibit B). Staff Comments: The Development Code permits storage area screening within the Heavy Industrial Development District to include masonry and concrete walls, wood fences, and view obscuring wrought iron and chain link fences (Section 17.30.040). It is Planning Commission policy to require solid block walls to screen storage areas that are within the public view. It is staffs opinion that the rail right-of-way is within the public view as pedestrian trains use the rail right-of-way. Of the two metal fences proposed by the applicant, staff feels that the custom fence is preferable as it is of a heavier grade steel which will be more durable. The difficulty is guaranteeing that the workmanship will be of an expectable quality. DRC ACTION AGENDA DRC2011-00255 —ALL STATE PAPER AND METAL RECYCLING — JAMES LIN March 6, 2010 Page 2 Major Issues: Determining the most appropriate screening material for storage areas adjacent to the rail right-of-way in the Heavy Industrial Development District. Secondary Issues: None. Policy Issue: It has been Planning Commission policy to require block walls to screen storage areas from the pubic right-of-way. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Design Review Committee review the applicant's request and make a recommendation to the Planning Commission on the most appropriate fencing material. Design Review Committee Action: The Committee was accepting of the applicant's proposal to replace the originally approved 8-foot high block wall with an 8-foot high plate steel fence. The Committee felt that the location of the fence along the rail right-of-way was mainly visible to the public traveling on the commuter trains using the rail line and that the extra cost of constructing a block wall was unreasonable. They concluded that the painted plate metal fence would be the best choice for appearance and durability of the two proposed fences. The Committee directed staff to include a Condition of Approval in the Resolution of Approval requiring that the applicant remove any graffiti on the fence within 48 hours and to keep the fence painted a uniform color. Members Present: Howdyshell, Wimberly, Granger • Staff Planner: Tabe van der Zwaag DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS March 6, 2012 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, James R. Troyer, AICP Planning Director