HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994/08/03 - Minutes August 3, 1994 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Reaular Meetina A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, August 3, 1994, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembers: William J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquet II, Rex Gutierrez, Diane Williams, and Mayor Dennis L Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; James Markman, City Attorney; Linda D. Daniels, RDA Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Karen Emery, Associate Park Planner, Brad Bullet, City Planner, Larry Henderson, Principal Planner, Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, Bob Zetterberg, Integrated Waste Coordinator, Bill Makshanoff, Building Official; Deborah Clark, Library Manager; Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II; Susan Mickey, Management Analyst I; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Capt. Bruce Zeiner, Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. B, ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS B1. Mayor Stout stated he will not be present at the August 17, 1994 meeting. B2. Councilmember Buquet stated that on August 9, the Quakes will be sponsoring Law Enforcement Night at the stadium with a portion of the proceeds going to the D.A.R.E. program. C, COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC C1. Marcus Solomon, 9130 Foothill, stated he had just returned from Russia's Goodwill Games. He presented the Council with souvenirs. D, CONSENT CALENDAR D1. Approval of Minutes: June 15, 1994 i~ D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 7/13/94 (FY 93/94) and 7/13/94 (FY 94/95); and Payroll ending 6/30 94 for the total amount of $945,092.68. City Council Minutes August 3, 1993 Page 2 D3. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On-Sale General Eating Place for Pepper's Lounge & Restaurant, John L. and Lou June Forti, 9740 19th Street. ( 1 ) D4. Approval to receive Waste Oil Recycling Grant and establishing the Fiscal Year 1994/95 budget, and amending the City's budget for Fiscal Year 1994/95. (0402-05 GRANT) (2) D5. Approval to continue appropriations from various funding sources for Fiscal 1993/94 Capital Improvement Projects which are continuing in Fiscal Year 1994/95. ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR STOUT. (0401-021 FUND APPRO) (3) D6. Approval to transfer a vehicle to the County of San Bernardino for use with the D.A.R.E. program. (1002-10 CITY PROP) (4) D7. Approval to grant an easement in favor of GTE Califomia Incorporated for a portion of Parcel 3, Parcel Map No. 11286, located at Milliken Avenue south of Base Line, and in addition, grant a bill of sale for equipment located on the site in favor of the same. (1001-01 EASEMENT) RESOLUTION NO. 94-153 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR A PORTION OF PARCEL 3, PARCEL MAP NO. 11286 AND GRANTING A BILL OF SALE FOR EXISTING EQUIPMENT ALL IN FAVOR OF GTE CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO SIGN SAID DOCUMENTS AND CITY CLERK TO ATTEST THE SAME (5) D8. Approval to execute San Bernardino County's Schedute "A" for Law Enforcement Services (CO 94- 017) for the City of Rancho Cucamonga in the amount of $8,006,269.00 ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR STOUT. (0602-01 CONT AMEN) (6) D9. Approval to execute an extension of the Agreement (CO 90-143) for the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance Districts 1 and 5, with Landscape West, Incorporated of Anaheim, Califomia in the amount of $170,751.24, to be funded by: Landscape Maintenance District 1, Fund 40-4130-6028 ($170,254.68) and Landscape Maintenance District 5, Fund 44-4130-6028 ($496.56). ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNClLMEMBER GUTIERREZ. (0602-01 CONT AMEN) ( 7 ) D10. Approval to execute an extension of the Agreement (CO 90-144) for the Landscape and Irrigation Contract for Landscape Maintenance Distdct 2 (Victoria) and Landscape Maintenance District 4 (Terra Vista) with Landscape West, Incorporated of Anaheim, California in the amount of $596,619.72 to be funded by: Landscape Maintenance District 2, Fund 41-4130-6028 ($469,524.72) and Landscape Maintenance District 4, Fund 43-4130-6028 ($127,095.0). ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNClLMEMBER GUTIERRE. Z. (0602-01 CONT AMEN) (8) D11. Approval to execute an extension of the Agreement (CO 90-145) for the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for the General Fund Parkways and Landscape Maintenance Districts 3A and 3B with Madposa Horticultural Enterprises, Incorporated of I~vindale, California in the amount of $210,497.28 to be funded by: General Fund 01.4647-6028 ($148,309.80), Landscape Maintenance District 3A, Fund 42.4130- 6028 ($1,183.44) and Landscape Maintenance District 3B, Fund 46-4130.6028 ($61,004.04). ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMEMBER GUTIERREZ. (0602-01 CONT AMEN) City Council Minutes August 3, 1994 Page 3 D 12. Approval to execute an Improvement Agreement Extension for Tract 13753, located on the north side ( 9 ) of Ellena Street, north of Base Line Road, submitted by Lewis Homes. (0602-01 AGREE EXTN) RESOLUTION NO. 94-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT 13753 D13. Approval to accept Improvements, and Release of Security for Tract 12895, located on the west side (10) of Baker Street, south of Foothill Boulevard. (0602-01 BOND REL) Release: Faithful Performance Letter of Credit (Private Streets) $ 118,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 94-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12895 D14. Approval to Release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for Tract 13858, located at the southwest corner ( 11 ) of Milliken Avenue and Banyan Street. (0602-01 BOND REL) Release: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 26,274.00 D15. Approval to accept the Athletic Field Lighting Touch Pad Systems, located at Red Hill Community Park (17) and Heritage Community Park, CO 94-018, as complete, Release the Bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion." ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION BY MAYOR STOUT. (0602-01 BOND REL) (0704-18 NOT COMPLT) RESOLUTION NO. 94-158 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA~ CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHTING TOUCH PAD SYSTEMS, LOCATED AT RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK AND HERITAGE COMMUNITY PARK, CO 94-018, AND . AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Gutierrez to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained in the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items D5, D8, D9, D10, Dll, D15. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. DISCUSSION OF ITEM DS. Approval to continue appropriations from various funding sources for Fiscal 1993194 Capital Improvement Projects which are continuing in Fiscal Year 1994195, Mayor Stout stated he was missing part of the staff report in order for him to make a decision on this. Staff provided him with the page he was missing. City Council Minutes August 3, 1993 Page 4 DISCUSSION OF ITEM D8. Approval to execute San Bernardino County's Schedule "A" for Law Enforcement Services (CO 94-017) for the City of Rancho Cucamonga in the amount of $8,006,269.00 Mayor Stout stated he did not have a Schedule A in his packet. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated the Schedule A's were not put in the packet, but that Bruce Zeiner has it. He stated he has reviewed it and that it is in line with the City's budget. DISCUSSION OF ITEM D16. Approval to accept the Athletic Field Lighting Touch Pad Systems, located at Red Hill Community Park and Heritage Community Park, CO 94-018, as complete, Release the Bonds and authorize the City Engineer to file a "Notice of Completion." RESOLUTION NO. 94-156 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHTING TOUCH PAD SYSTEMS, LOCATED AT RED HILL COMMUNITY PARK AND HERITAGE COMMUNITY PARK, CO 94-018, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK Mayor Stout stated the final operating procedures for the touch pads were not outlined in the report and asked for an explanation. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, gave a brief description of the system. Councilmember Williams asked if the sports groups liked this system. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated they seemed to feel it was appropriate. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Williams to approve Items D5, D8 and D15. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. DISCUSSION OF ITEM D9. Approval to execute an extension of the Agreement (CO 90-t43) for the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for Landscape Maintenance Districts I and 5, with Landscape West, Incorporated of Anaheim, California in the amount of $170,751.24, to be funded by: Landscape Maintenance District 1, Fund 40-4130-6028 ($170,254.68) and Landscape Maintenance District 5, Fund 44-4130-6028 ($499.56). DISCUSSION OF ITEM D10. Approval to execute an extension of the Agreement (CO 90-144) for the Landscape and Irrigation Contract for Landscape Maintenance District 2 (Victoria) and Landscape Maintenance District 4 (Terra Vista) with Landscape West, Incorporated of Anaheim, California in the amount of $596,619.72 to be funded by: Landscape Maintenance District 2, Fund 41-4t30-6028 ($469,624.72) and Landscape Maintenance District 4, Fund 43-4130-6028 ($127,095.0). DISCUSSION OF ITEM Dll. Approval to execute an extension of the Agreement (CO 90-145) for the Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Contract for the General Fund Parkways and Landscape Maintenance Districts 3A and 3B with Mariposa Horticultural Enterprises, Incorporated of Irwindale, City Council Minutes August 3, 1994 Page 5 California in the amount of $210,497.28 to be funded by: General Fund 01-4647-6028 ($148,309.80), Landscape Maintenance District 3A, Fund 42.4130-6028 ($1,183.44) and Landscape Maintenance District 3B, Fund 46-4130-6028 ($61,004.04). Councilmember Gutierrez asked if these were a year-to-year renewal. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated that was correct. Councilmember Gutierrez asked questions as to what the responsibilities cf the landscape contractor were, with Joe O'Neil responding. MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Alexander to approve Items D9, D10 and Dll. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. E. CONSENT ORDINANCES El. CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 94-02 - CITY OF RANCHO (13) CUCAMONGA - A request for various streamlining amendments to the DevelopmentJDesign Review procedures and Land Use regulations. (0203-03 DC AMEND) CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 94-03 - CITY OF (14) RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Land Use Types, Land Use Type Definitions, and the permitted and conditionally permitted uses of various subareas. (0203-05 INDUS SP) CONSIDERATION OF ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 94-01 - CITY OF RANCHO (15) CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Land Use Provisions regarding permitted and conditionally permitted uses for Office and Commercial Districts. (0203-05 ETIW SP) CONSIDERATION OF ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 94-01 - CITY OF (16) RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the permitted and conditionally permitted uses within the Neighborhood Commemial District. (0203-05 ETIW N SP) CONSIDERATION OF VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 94-01 - CITY OF RANCHO ( 17 ) CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the permitted and conditionally permitted uses within the Office and Commercial areas. (0203-05 PLAN CO V) CONSIDERATION OF TERRAVISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 94-02 - CITY OF RANCHO (18) CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the permitted and conditionally permitted uses within the Office and Commercial areas. (0203-05 PLAN CO TV) CONSIDERATION OF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 94-01 - CITY OF RANCHO (19) CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the time extension provisions. (1002-08 SUBDIVIS) Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the titles of Ordinance Nos. 528, 529, 530, 531,532, 533 and 534. City Council Minutes August 3, 1993 Page 6 ORDINANCE NO. 528 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO. 94-02, AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT CODE TO STREAMLINE THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS, AND MODIFYING THE LAND USE REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL/OFFICE DISTRICTS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 529 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 94-03, AMENDING THE LAND USE TYPES, LAND USE TYPE DEFINITIONS, AND THE LAND USES WITHIN VARIOUS SUBAREA, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 530 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 94-01, AMENDING THE LAND USES WITHIN THE OFFICE AND COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 531 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 94-01, AMENDING THE LAND USES WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 532 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN · AMENDMENT 94-01, AMENDING THE LAND USES WITHIN THE OFFICE AND COMMERCIAL AREAS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 533 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 94-02, AMENDING THE LAND USES VVITHIN THE OFFICE AND COMMERCIAL AREAS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 534 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 16, SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF City Council Minutes August 3, 1994 Page 7 MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Buquet to waive full reading and approve Ordinance Nos. 528, 529, 530, 531,532, 533 and 534. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS Fl. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE NONDISPOSAL FACILITY ELEMENT (NDFE) (20) (1170-09 WASTE SOL) Councilmember Alexander presented the report. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public headng. There being no response, the public headng was closed. , RESOLUTION NO. 94-157 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE NONDISPOSAL FACILITY ELEMENT AS REQUIRED BY AB3001 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to approve Resolution No. 94-157. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. F2. CONSIDERATION OF THE VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 94-02 - CITY OF (21) RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Victoria Planned Community pertaining to the timing of the construction of Ellena Park. Staff report presented by Karen Emery, Associate Park Planner. (0203-05 PLAN CO TV) Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing the C!ty Council was: Gary Luque of Lewis Homes and Merchant Builders, who stated he would be happy to answer any questions the Council has. He stated they are ready to start the park immediately. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 535. ORDINANCE NO. 535 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-02, TO MODIFY THE COMMUNITY PLAN TEXT PERTAINING TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELLENA PARK, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Williams to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance No. 535 for August 17. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. City Council Minutes August3,1993 Page 8 G, PUBLIC HEARINGS No items were submitted. H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS (22) HI. CONSIDERATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT ¢CO 94-059~ FOR THE RECIPROCAL WAIVER OF FEES BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND CHINO BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Staff report presented by Rick Gomez, Community Development Director. (0602-O1 CONTRACT) MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Gutierrez to approve CO 94-059. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. (23) H2. STATUS REPORT/UPDATE ON ROUTE 30 FREEWAY Staff report presented by Rick Gomez, Community Development Director. (1160-01 FREEWAY) Councilmember Gutierrez questioned the make-up of the committee. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public comment. Addressing the City Council were: Gayle Hinazumi, CCAR, stated she would like to make some suggestions for the make-up of the Ad- Hoc Committee. She stated they would like more than one member of the City Council on the Committee. They would like the public to be allowed to be present at the meetings. They felt the City Manager should be involved in the committee because of his expertise. They did not feel the City should be divided into Cucamonga, Etiwanda and Alta Loma. They felt six residents should be appointed from Rancho Cucamonga. They suggested the residents live within a one-half mile radius of the freeway from the east, middle, and west sides and open to those residents who will be directly affected by the freeway. CCAR asked that these suggestions be considered by the City Council. They asked that the Committee stay in place until all issues are resolved. Wendy Vallette, 11116 Amarillo, stated she supported what Ms. Hinazumi expressed. She asked that Council focus on the goal of this Committee before they decide who should sit on it. She felt at this time the Council meetings should be televised so the public could become informed on the issues. There being no further input, public comments were closed. Councilmember Alexander stated he would like to be the Councilperson to be on the Committee. James Markman, City Attorney, stated he did not feel the City Manager should be on the Committee because of any voting that would take place. Councilmember Alexander stated he agreed with the six at-large member idea. Councilmember Williams stated she did not feel the members should be limited to those people along the freeway corridor. She added the three communities idea was not to separate the City. She felt if six at-large people were placed on the Committee, it would only be people who were really interested anyway. She did City Council Minutes August3,1994 Page 9 not feel too many Councilmembers should be on the Committee and that the number should be limited. She suggested that one staff person be involved in the meetings and be the keeper of the information. She suggested various expert sources, i.e., Automobile Club of Southern California, could also assist the Committee. Councilmember Gutierrez stated he felt two Councilmembers would be adequate and that two Planning Commissioners would be sufficient also. He stated he had no problems with the meetings being televised. He stated he had no problems with the City Manager sitting in on the meetings. Mayor Stout felt the City Manager could be the lead staff person, and he could designate whoever he wanted to also be involved. He felt there should be two Councilmembers and two Planning Commissioners. He felt there should be six corridor representatives and should be at least two members from outside the corridor. Councilmember Alexander stated he liked the idea of extending the public number to eight - 6 corridor and 2 non-corridor. James Markman, City Attorney, warned the Council there should not be more than two Councilmembers at these meetings or it would violate the Brown Act. Councilmember Buquet suggested the City present its desired plan to the Committee to get their input. He felt the size of the group should not be too large or it would be hard to get things done. He did not feel the Committee meetings should be televised because he felt it would decrease productivity. MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Buquet that there be: 2 Councilmembers 2 Planning Commissioners (Chair and Vice Chair) 6 Corridor members (2 on the west side, 2 on the east side and 2 in the middle of the City) 2 Non-corridor - at large 2 Chamber members (President and Vice President) 1 City Manager's office 2 CCAR representatives Councilmembers Alexander and Buquet to serve as the Members with Williams to serve as the Alternate. Motion carried unanimousty, 5-0. Mayor Stout asked that the CCAR representatives submit their letter with their designees by the first of next week. He added he liked Councilmember Buquet's idea of making a plan to present to the Committee. He felt administrative guidelines for the Committee should also be developed. He felt all of the information should be sent to the City Council for its consideration on a continuing basis in order for decisions to be made relating to policy. James Markman, City Attorney, pointed out that this committee will have to follow Brown Act regulations which will include setting a regular meeting date with agendas also posted. Mayor Stout stated he would like a finalized report as to what was decided tonight. Councilmember Alexander asked if this would come back at the first meeting in September for the formalization of this with regards to the make-up of the Committee. City Council Minutes August 3, 1993 Page 10 Mayor Stout suggested that the two Council representatives, the two Planning Commissioners and the two CCAR representatives come back with the process they are going to use, not make the actual selections. Then they can decide how long it will take to get those people on board. (24) H3. UPDATE REPORT ON LIBRARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS INTERVIEVVR (ORAL REPORT) (1601 -O6 LIBRARY) Mayor Stout stated he and Councilmember Williams came up with a short list of nine candidates for the Council to interview. He added a date needed to be set for the whole Council to conduct the interviews. ACTION: The Council concurred to conduct the interviews on Monday, August 22, 1994, 6:00 p.m. in the Tri- Communities Conference Room. I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. STATUS REPORT ON GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAM (0704-07 VANDALISM) Jack Lam, City Manager, stated it is requested that this item be continued to the August 17 meeting. The Council concurred. (25) 12. UPDATE BY COUNClLMEMBER GUTIERREZ ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBCOMMI'I-]'EE MA']-FERS (1402o06 HISTORY) Councilmember Gutierrez presented the report. Mayor Stout stated he would like to get an inventory of all of the people we have done oral histories on. He stated he would like to know ifthere is a plan for obtaining oral histories from some of our residents. He felt there are a lot of great people that oral histories should be done on. Councilmember Buquet felt this might be a good time to get an update on the oral history program. Councilmember Gutierrez stated they would provide that to the Council. He felt the Library might be a good place to display physical oral history information. (26) 13. DISCUSSION OF INTERIM AGRICULTURAL USE FOR CENTRAL PARK (1404-06 PK DEVEL) Mayor Stout stated he wanted this item to be agendized because he thought the Central Park property is looking very bad. He stated he has talked to some of the winery people in the City to see if the vineyards on the property could be put back in cultivation. He asked for staff to contact the winery people to look into this. City Council Minutes August 3, 1994 Page 11 Councilmember Buquet stated some of the cities he works with have planted wild flowers, and that would also look very nice. ACTION: The Council concurred with the ideas presented. J, IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING JI. Councilmember Buquet would like to have a workshop on the Regional Mall with the Hahn Company as to what the status is on this project. He suggested the subcommittee could coordinate setting up the workshop and bdng this back to the Council. Councilmember Buquet stated he would give this update at the August 17 meeting. J2. Councilmember Gutierrez stated he would like an informational update on the NASCAR project in Fontana and the impacts it would have on Rancho Cucamonga. J3. Councilmember Gutierrez stated he would like an informational report from the Police Department on the eleven new staff and how they are working and the impacts it has had on burglaries and car thefts. J4. Councilmember Alexander stated he would like to give a report at the next meeting on the "Safe Key" program after visiting other cities who have this program. J5. Councilmember Alexander stated he would like a progress report on the Police and Fire Departments' cable tv messages. K. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC No communications were made from the public. L. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to adjoum to Executive Session to discuss anticipated litigation per Government Code 54956.9, City of Rancho Cucamonga vs Hydrotech; and Property per Government Code Section 54956.8, located on the east side of Rochester, south of Foothill, with Valley Baseball; James Markman and Linda Daniels negotiators; concerning price and terms of payment. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. not to reconvene with no action taken in Executive Session. City Clerk Approved: September 7, 1994