HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/11/28 - Minutes - Joint (Planning Commission) November 28, 1989 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Joint Meeting with the Rancho CucamonGa Planning Commission A. C~T.T. TO ORDER A joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Tuesday, November 28, 1989, in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembers: William J. Alexander (left at 8:25 p.m.), Deborah N. Brown, Charles J. Buquet II (arrived at 6:44 p.m.), Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Planning Commissioners: David Blakesley, Suzanne Chitiea, Peter Tolstoy, Betsy Weinberger, and Chairman Larry McNeil. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Linda D. Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director; Jan Reynolds, Assistant RDA Analyst; Brad Bullet, City Planner; Otto Kroutil, Deputy City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Nancy Fong, Senior Planner; Russ Maguire, City Engineer; Joe Stofa, Associate Civil Engineer; Laura Bonaccorsi, Landscape Designer; Cindy Hackett, Contract Engineer; Jerry Grant, Building Official; Jim Martin, Plan Check Coordinator; Patty Riffel, Executive Assistant; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. , , , , , B. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION (0203-05 SHOP CNTR) Jack Lam, City Manager, outlined the items to be discussed at the meeting. He presented slides of the site and gave statistics on the shopping center. He presented slides on the conceptual design of the shopping center. He presented information on the improvements to be done to get ready for the mall. He also gave timeframes for completing the project, with total completion to be done in 1992. Jack Lam, City Manager, turned the meeting over to Dan Felix of the Hahn Company. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, thanked the City for the opportunity to have this meeting, and to be able to get the necessary information from the City Council and the Planning Commission in order to go forward with this project. He City Council/Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1989 Page 2 introduced Duncan Budinger, Project Manager, and Bill DeEiel, architect from The Jerde Partnership. Mr. Felix told how shopping centers are put together. He stated the reason the meeting was delayed back in September was because they wanted to expand the first phase of building for the shopping center, and had gone back to Jerde and asked them to do this because they realized the City had and was growing so much. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, turned the meeting over to Bill DeEiel, architect, who gave background on his company and all the shopping centers his company has been involved with. He stated they did take a look at this 60 days ago to re- evaluate the plan in order to make it a better project. He stated there will be the community side and the regional side of the shopping center, and stated that the major stores can be moved around in order to make them happy. He explained how the parking situation would be, and how the access would be designed leading into the mall as it relates to the various grade levels. He talked about the water features within the shopping center, and how the various levels open up to this. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated the slides that are being presented tonight are not what will actually be in the Rancho Cucamonga mall, but they are being shown to get ideas from the City as to what they like and do not like, so they will know what to present to the Planning Commission in February. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that unless the City Council specifically wanted to, they will not see the design of the shopping center until after it has been approved by the Planning Commission. Mayor Stout stated that one concern of his was the connection from the shopping center into the Victoria Lakes project. More discussion followed regarding the connection of these two properties and these two features. Commissioner Tolstoy asked what was the reason the majors were not in favor of the water. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated it was mainly the liability aspect. Mayor Stout asked if there was still to be community space in the shopping center. Jack Lam, City Manager, yes, there would be. Chairman McNeil stated he felt the City should let them know what architectural style this project should be. Commissioner Chitiea stated she felt some of the Italian, etc., architecture that was previously included should still remain. Chairman McNeil stated he felt Horton Plaza was a very trendy shopping center, and felt the Victoria Gardens Regional mall should not be designed that way. City Council/Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1989 Page 3 Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated he felt "timelessness" was an important aspect of the shopping center. Councilwoman Wright stated she did not feel this should be a generic shopping center either. Bill DeEiel, architect, stated it would not be. Commissioner Chitlea stated that in their tour of Horton Plaza they noticed the quality of material used, and felt this was very important for a Rancho Cucamonga shopping center. Councilwoman Wright asked if this was a covered mall. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated it was a climate controlled mall, but that the food court was both inside and out. Councilwoman Wright asked if they have taken the wind factor into consideration. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated they would investigate this. Commissioner Chitiea felt they should be sensitive of the design both inside and out, and also added she felt the noise factor should be considered so that the shoppers will be more relaxed. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he liked the idea of curves within a shopping center, that he did not like a long, straight look. Commissioner Weinberger stated she really liked the main place in Santa Ana. Mayor Stout stated traffic circulation should also be considered to handle built- out circulation. Councilwoman Wright stated easy parking should be considered, and further stated this will be one thing that is looked at in February as to how the shopping center will fit with the City circulation plan for this area. Councilman Buquet added he is very concerned with traffic circulation. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated they are sensitive to these concerns. Councilman Buquet stated he does not want the shopping center to look like the shopping center in San Bernardino. He further stated he is also concerned about the wind factor. Councilwoman Brown stated her concern was how the Victoria Lakes project would fit in with the shopping center. Councilwoman Wright stated she felt everyone should be sensitive to the access to both the Victoria Lakes project and the regional mall. City Council/Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1989 Page 4 Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated if the City does not want them to connect to the Victoria Lakes project, they should state this to him. Councilwoman Brown stated she felt Councilwoman Wright had a good point, and expressed her concerns for the parking situation. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he did not see the City approving anything that did not have adequate parking available. Councilman Alexander stated he liked the idea of the shopping center not being trendy, and felt the idea of pride was very important and the idea of conservation in all areas should be considered. Commissioner Chitiea stated she was disappointed in not seeing any underground or covered parking. Councilman Buquet felt the idea of leveled parking should also be considered. , , , , , , Councilman Alexander left the meeting at 8:25 p.m. , · , , , Chairman McNeil stated he did not want to see a "sea of asphalt" as the site plan now showed, and concurred with what Commissioner Chitiea had suggested, such as the underground or covered parking. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated they are aware of the City's standards, and will work with the City on this. He commented that structure parking is very expensive. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if such things as skating rinks were part of the plan. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated that in recent years, they have not put skating rinks in shopping centers. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if daycare centers were to be a part of the shopping center. Dan Felix, the Hahn' Company, stated they will work on this issue, which would be considered in the amenity package. Chairman McNeil stated he had concerns regarding the "regional side" and the "community side", and did not want one side to have to be sacrificed. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated this would not occur. Jack Lam, City Manager, added that in 1984-1985 there was a traffic study taken, and added that there will be a new traffic study accomplished. City Council/Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 1989 Page 5 Commissioner Chitlea commented she felt the view of Cucamonga Peak should be considered in the view of the design. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated they are trying to put together something that the majors will like, but that they do not want to have a situation where the tail is wagging the dog. Councilman Buquet stated he is disappointed with the amount of time it has taken to get this far. He felt a firm commitment should be made in order to get this to move forward. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, stated they would like to bring the amended plans back in February. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated he would like this to come back in mid-February at the latest. Dan Felix, the Hahn Company, added they plan to open with four major stores, with the other two following. , , , , , C. COMMI/NICATION$ FROM THE PUBLIC There were no communications for the Council or the Planning Commission. , , , , , D. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The City Council took a recess at 8:52 p.m., and would adjourn to a special meeting following the recess. City Clerk Approved by Planning Commission: January 10, 1990 Approved by City Council: January 17, 1990