HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/11/05 - Minutes November 5, 1986 CITY OF RANCliO CUCANONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting a. CAL~ TOOimlm A regular me,tin8 of the Clt7 Council of the City of Rancho Cucemonga met on Wednesday, November 5. 1986, in Ehe Lions Perk Community CanCer, 9161 Base Line Reed, Rancho CocamonBe. The meetingwas called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Jeffrey Kin2. Present were Councilmembers: Jon D. Mikels, Charles J. Buquet, II. Pamela J. WriSht, and Mayor Jeffrey Fins. Also present were: City Manna,r, Lauren M. Wessezman: Assistant City Manager, Robert RizsoS Cat7 Attorney, James Markmeal City Clerk. Beverly A. Authelet; Community Devttopment Director. Jack LasS City Planner, Brad Bull,r; Cat7 EnSineer, Lloyd Hubbs; Community Services Director, Bill Hell*y; and Administrative Services Director. Jim Hart. Absent% Councilmember Richard M. Dab1 B1. Thursday, November 6. 1986 - 7|00 p.m. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONMISSION - Lions Perk Community ~nter, 9161 Base Line Road. B2. Wednesday, November 12. 1986 - 7:~ p.m. - ~ANNIN~ ~MMISSION - Lions ~rk Community ~Cer; 9161 Base Line Road. ~. Thursday. November 20, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. - PARK DEVELOPM~NT~MMISSION - Lions ~rk Communit7 Center, 9161 Base Line Rood. B4. Presentation to Lloyd Hubbe for his outstandin8 service to hncho Cucamonsa u ~tyEnaineer. C, (~ P,T. al Councilmen Buquet requested Item #35 be teaeyed for discussion. C1. Approval of Minutes: August 20. 1986 (Wright absent frca this meeting) September 3, 1986 September 17. 1986 C2. Approval of Warrants, Register Noes. 10/15/86, 10/22/86 and 10/29/86 and Payroll ending 10/2/86 and 10/16/86 for the totAl asount of $1,711,916.57. C3. Approval to receive and file currant Investment Schedule as of October 29, CA. Alcoholic BeveraSe Application for On-Sale Beer & Wine FatinS Place, Boars Heed, James E. & Vilu Y. Stratton, 6620 C~mlian. (0409-04 ALCOHOL) (1) C5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On-Sale Beer & ~ine Ea=in8 Place. (2) Spires Restaurants Inc.. 10387 Foothill Blvd. (0409-04 ALCOHOL) City Council Minutes November 5, 1986 Page 2 (3) C6. Receive Claim (CL 86-42) against the Cit7 by Winn Schey for automobile damages at the southwest most corner of Rancho TechnoloEy Company at the edge of the road between utility pole and new storm drain. (070~-06 CLAIM) (4) C7. Receive Claim (CL 86-43) against the City by Michele Tarin for' personal injuries near 19th Street and Hermosa Avenue. (0704-06 CLAIM) (5) C8. Receive Claim (CL 86-44) against the City by Michael Fertinez for personal injuries at the intersection of Haven and 6th Street. (0704-06 CLAIM) (6) C9. Receive Claim (CL 86-45) against the City by Thomas Cartar for personal injuries at Archibald Avenue, 500 feet south of Banyan Street. (0704-06 CLAIM) (7) C10. Receive Claim (CL 86-46) against the City by Leonors Rivers for loss of her son at Arrow Route, 445 feet west of Sierra Madre. (0704-06 CLAIM) (8) Cll. Approval of the agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Sterlin8 P. Kincaid for the co~struction of street frontage improvements at 9449 9th Street. Also, approval to accept the Grant of Roadway Fasement providing right-of-way for the same improvements. (0602-01 AGREE IMPRV) RESOLUTION NO. 86-299 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO C~CANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE AGRE~FT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPR~VEMEN~ AND DEDICATION BETWEEN THE CITY OF P. ANQiO C~CAMONGA AND STERLII~ P. KINCAID (9) CI2. Approval of lien agreement between Robert Reolle and the City of Rancho CucamonSa for street 6249 Archibald Avenue. (0602-01 AGREE LIEN) E. Raolle St. and Mar7 Lee frontage improvements st "'RESOLUTION NO. 86-300 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANClIO CUCAI{)NGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A LIEN AG~ FROM RGeERT E. AND MARY LEE REOLLE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SAME (10)C13. Approval of lien agreement between Constance Danieri end the City of Rancho Cucamonga for street frontage improvements at 6275 Archibald Avenue. (0602-01 AGREE LIEN) RESOLUTION NO. 86-301 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTI~ A LIEN AGP. E~NT FROM CONSTANCE DANIERI AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN SANE (11) C14. Approval of cooperative agreement No. 8-585 (C086-117) between the City (12)and the California Department of Transportation for the shetin8 of the cost of the traffic signal installation at Foothill Boulevard and Archibald and Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard. City's share of the cost =o be 1/2, or $139,555.00, funded free System Development fees. (0602-01 AGREE COOP) (1162-02 TRAF SIGN) RESOLUTION NO. 86-3 02 A RESOLUTION OF THg CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANQtO CUC~NGA, CALIFORNIA, TO EXECUTE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. 8-585 WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A TRAF[IC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND ARCHIBALD AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AND VINEYARD City Council Minutes November 5. 1986 Paae 3 C15. Approve/ to execute con=tact with Gentry Brothers (CO86-118) for residential street rehabilitation project generally located south of Foothill Boulevard and west of Archibald Avenue and approval to chanSe fundins sources from Systems Development to S.B. 300. (0602-01 CONTRACT) C16. Approval of professional services aSreement with ~S/Lowry (CO86-119) for Arrow Route and Ninth Street improvements, between Vineyard Avenue and Archibald Avenue in the amount of $21,567.00 to be funded from Systems Development. (0602-01 CONTRACT) C17. Approval of professional services agreement with NBS/Lowry (CO86-120) for the residential street rehabLlitation proj act, phase I in the amount of $17,660.00 to be funded from SB 300. (0602-01 CONTRACT) C18. Approval of Resolution authorizlnS the advertisinS of the "Notice Invi~in8 Bidsw for ~he improvement of Archibald Avenue and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad CrossinS. (0601-01 BID) RESOLUTION NO. 86-303 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANCliO C~CA/iDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THv. "IMPROVEMENT OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE AND ATCHISON, TOIq~A AND SANTA PE RAILROAD CROSSING", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZINI AND DIRBCTIIII THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BID8 C19. Approval to mcute contract (CO86-121) for the Arrow Route and Ninth Street improvement between Vineyard Avenue and Archibald Avenue. Council emarded said contract, to FontaM Payin8 on October 15 for the low bid of $287,422.64 to be funded from Systems Development. (0602-01 CONTRACT) C20. Approval by approve the amendment aSreement (CO86-122) to the Cooperative A~reement (XCO84-009), Landscape Maintenance - CucamonSa, Damerie and Deer Creek with San Bernardino County Flood Control District. To provide for reimbursement to xhe City for landscape and irriSation maintenance provided by the Cityts contractor, and authorize the Ha~or to execute said aSreement and authorize reimbursement funds from San Bernardino County to remain in ~he Maintenance Section Contract Services Account (01-4647-6028) for expenditures on the new City Yard development and maintenance special projects. (0602-01 ~GREE COOP) C21. Approval of Parcel Map 9972 located between Arrow Route and Ninth Street east of Vineyard Avenue, submitted by R. C. West Associates, a California General Partnership. (1002-09 MAP PARCEL) RESOLUTION NO. 86-304 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO OJCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVlNG PARC~ MAP NU~ER 9972 (T~TATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 9972) C22. Approval of map and lien agreement for Parcel Map 10007 located on the north side of Arrow, east of Maple Place, submitted by Supracote Incorporated. (1002-09 MAP PARCEL) (0602-01 ~GREE LIRN) RESOLUTION NO. 86-3 05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO O3CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUI~ER 10007, (TENTATIVE PARCh. MAP NO. 10007), AND A LIRN AG{ C23. Approval of improvement ,aresmear and improvement security for DR 85-01 located on the west side of Amethyst Street, north of 19th Street, submitted by Rudolph Hendrickson Seniors Apartments. (0602-01 NIREE IMPRV) RESOLUTION NO. 86-306 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O[ THE CITY OF RANCliO O3CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AImPROVING IMPROVEMENT ~REEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SEOJRITY FOR DIRECTOR REVIRN NO. 85-01 (13) (16) (17) City Council Minutes November 5.1986 Page 4 (23) C24. Approval of improvement ex=ension agreement for of Almond, east of Carnelian Avenue, submitted (0602-01 AGREE EXTN) Tract 10277 located north by The Barmakian Company. RESOLUTION NO. 86-307 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT EXTENSION AGRE~4ENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR TRACT NO. 10277 (24) C25. Approval to obtain quotes for the purchase of traffic signal control equipment for 1986-87 signal construction and interconnection projects. (0601-01 BID) (25) C26. Approval of Resolu=ion authorizing and advertising of the "No~ice Inviting Bidsw for ~he residential stree= rehabilitation project, Phase II (Slurry Seal). (0601-01 BID) RESOLUTION NO. 86-308 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANG{O CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVIN~ PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE nRESIDENTIAL STREET R~{ABILITATION PROJECT PHASE II (SLURRY SF..AL)", IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVg BIDS (26) C27. Approve1 to delete Assessment Revenue Technician position, and authorize the addition of a second Assessment Revenue Assistan= Posi=ion to the 1986-87 Fiscal Budge=, effective December 1, 1986. (0502-02 PERS~) (27)C28. Approval of Resolutions authorizin8 the destruction of City records docments. (0304-00 RECORD N3T) and RESOLUTION NO. 86-309 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS ~q{ICH ARE NO LONGER R~UIRED AS PROVIDED U~)ER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 AND HAVE BEEN MICROFILMED RESOLUTION NO. 86-310 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CITY RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS ~HICR ARE NO LONGER RBQUIRED AS PROVIDED UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090 (28)C29. Approval of Contract Change Order No. 1 for additional engineering design services by Mmdole Associa=es, empandln8 CO 85-79 to include all median design work for Haven Avenue beWeen 4th Street and Hi/son Avenue. The amount not to exceed 837,506.00 is =o be funded with Beautifica=ion Funds. (0602-01 CONTRACT AMEND) (29)C30. Approval to release bonds and Notice of CompleEion| (0602-01 BOND RELEASE) (0704-18 NOT COMFLT) North Town Phase IV Improvements (Val Foth - CO86-041) Release: Faithful Performance Bond $153,832.41 RESOLUTION NO. 86-311 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR NORTH TOWN PRASE IV AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK Cit7 Council Minutes November 5, 1986 Page 5 Tract 10045 Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $8,200.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $82,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 86-312 A RESOLUTION OF THI CI="/COUNCIL OF T~M CITY OF RANCliO (IICA~NGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCBPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVENENTS FOR TRACT 10045 AND AUTHORIZING THB FILM OF A NOTICE OF COMPLBTION FOR THM WORK Base Line Sidewxtk Improvement Project - (Bob Britton - (1)86-079) Release: Faithful Performance Bond $8,837.32 RESOLUTION NO. 86-3 13 A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO (I]CA~I)NGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTI14G THE PUBLIC IMPROVB~ FOR BASB LINE SIDENALK IMFROV~NT PROJMCT AND AUTHORIZI~II THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMFLETION FOR THB WORK Tract 12721 - (Robertson Hoses - C085-108) Accept: Maintenance Gnats-tee Bond (Street) $5,100.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $51,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 86-314 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CIJCANO~A, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTI)I3 THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 12721 AND N3THORIZI~KI THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK Tract 11915 Accepts Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $18,800.00 Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $188,000.00 RESOLUTION NO. 86-315 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE FUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 11915 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILIN~ OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK C31. Approval to release cash deposit for setting final monuments for ~acts 12237, 12237-1, and 12237-2. (0602-01 BOND RELEASE) C32. Approval to delete one Assistant Civil EnSineer position and one Public Works Inspector position from the 1986-87 Fiscal BudSet. and authorization of ~wo Junior Civil EnSineer positions. (0502-02 PERSONNE) C33. Approval to authorize the continuin8 appropriations and encumbrances from fiscal year 1985-86 to fiscal year 1986-87, and appropriate the funds by account as outlined. (0401-21 FOND APPRO) C34. Approval of the award of the desiSn contract for consultant services for the Rancho Cucamonga City Park Master Flan to Morse Consulting Group (CO86-142) for $44,000.00. (0602-01 CONTRACT) City Council Minutes November 5, 1986 PaSe 6 (38) C35. Approval of declaration from facilities lease agreement (C086-141) between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the West End Young Men's Christian Association for the future construction of a YMCA facility in Rancho CucamonSa. Councilman Bu~unt runewed itun for discussion. (0602-01 ~REE LEASE) (39) C36. Approval to execute agreement for the improvement of Beryl and Lions Parks with Recreation Systems. Inc. in the amount of $18,000.00 plus 10T contingency. (0602-01 CONTRACT) (40) C37. Approval of additional buildin8 inspection personnel and funding to address increasing construction activity. (0502-02 PERSONNEL) (41) C38. Approval of an amendment to the agreement (C086-124) (XRACO86-08) with the County of San Bernardino Flood Control District ralatin8 to the financing of regional flood control facilities. (0602-01CONTAMEND) (42)C39. Approval to 8rant sewer easement to Southern California Edison for electrical service to Hermosa Park. (1002-02 EASEMENT) (43)C40. Approval of intention to vacate 22nd Street between Turner Avenue and Deer Creek Channel and setting the data of public hearing for December 3. 1986. (1110-18 VACATE ST) RESOLUTION NO. 86-316 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN~O OJCAMON~A, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. DE(LARII~ ITS INTMION TO VACATE 22ND STH#-~r BETWEEN TURNER AVENUE AND DB2R CRE]~ Set public hearin8 for November 19. 1986 - Appeal conditions approved by Planning Commission 0cto~er 8. 1986 on DR 86-26= Overhead Utilities. and DralueSe Study/Storm Sewer. (070~-06 APPEAL) MOTION: Moved by Hikels. seconded by Wright to approve the Consent Calendar. Hotion carried 4-0-1 (Dehl absent). Discussion of Item C35. Approval of declaration from facilities lease agreement betwean the City of Rancho Cocamonga and the West End Young Men's Christian Association for the future construction of a YMCA facility in Rancho Cucamonga. Councilman Buquet stated the item was to great to let it slide b~ so Mr. Holley to explain the item. Addressins Council was: he asked Bob DuEton of the YMCA Board stated that he was present to answer an7 questions. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Mikels to approve Item #35. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent). Mr. Wasserman requested the meeting adjourn to a closed and property acquisition adjacent to the City yard. session for personnel Mayor King stated that we have had a request to change the me of Turner to Hermosa. Mr. Lem stated that a staff report of procedures will come back at the next meeting. Mr. King wanted to discuss the 800 bed j all facility sometime in December as to what we can do next. City Council Minutes November 5. 1986 Page 7 Councilman Buquet asked that acquisition and pick-up frequency of other police departments. discussion installation for scanners to Matter to case back for TERRA VISTA CUE-DE-SAC Mayor K/n8 opened the meetinS for public heariq. Mayor [ins left the public hearing open. NOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded Hikels to continue the public hearing January 7, 1987, MoCion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent). E2. DEVELOPMENT AGRI~fE - SC~LOSS~R FOIIE - AM~qDMINT NO. 1 ((1386-125 · CO86-103) - An mendsent extendin2 the tern free eweneT-five years to forty years for a development aSreasent be'~ween the C/t~y of Rancho Cucason&a and Philip D. Schlosser, Blaine M. Scblosser, Albert Holquin, Jr., Robetea J. Holquin, Jeffrey P. Schlosser, Jacquetin L. Schlosser, David N. P/chardson and Gene M. Richardson, regardin8 the future development and currant operations of the industrial facilit-y on 27.7 acres at ~he southwest corner of Arr~ Route and Rochester avenue - APN 229-111-05, 17 and 18. (0~02-01 PllPa DEV) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearin2 was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 303. ORDINANCE NO. 303 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN(XO (IICA~0NGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AM~NDNBNT NO. 1 TO THE DBVILOPMENT ~IIM BBT~EEN THE CITY OF RANC~O C~CANONGA, PHILIP D. SCMLOSSER, ALBERT HOLQUIN, JR., RCMERT J. ROLQUIN, JEFFREY P. SCHLOSSER, JAalUBLIN L. SCHLOSSER, DAVID M. RICIL4RDSOW AND G~ M. RICKARDSO~ NOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Buquet to weave full reading of Ordinance No. 303. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent) NOTION: Moved by Buquet. seconded by Wright to approve Ordinance No. 303. Motion carried 3-1-1. AYES: Wright, Buquet, King NOES: Mikels AB S~FT: Dahl E3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AM~M~NT 86-02 - CITY OF RANCliO CUCANON~A - A reqnes~ to ase~d the Development District Map from (2-4 du/ac) to ~LMw (4-8 du/ac) for 13.5 acres of land located on the south side of Feron, east of Archibald Avenue - AFN 209-085-02, 03, 14. (0203-05 DD AMEND) Mayor Kin8 opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes November 5, 1986 Page 8 ~OTION: No. 299. Cit7 Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 299. ORDINANCE NO. 299 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C~CAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RBZONING ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NO. 209-085-02, 03, 14 LOCATED SOUTH SIDE OF FERON, EAST OF ARCHIBALD FROM "Lw (2-4 OU/AC) TO ~LM~ (4-8 DU/AC) Moved by Mikels, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent) NOTION: Moved by K~kels, seconded by Buquet to approve Ordinance No. 299. Motion carded 4-O-1 (Dahl absent). (48) FA. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA CO)~4UNiTY FLAN AMENDMENT 86-02 - LB~4IS/BTIl~ANDA SCHOOL DISTRICT - A request to amend the land use map of Tetra Vista fram proposed Junior High School site to Lo~ Modim Residential (4-8 dwellinS units per acre) for 20 acres of land located on the west side of Rochester, north of Church Street and various related amendments to the density provisions of the Community Plan. (0203-05 PLAN COM) )~yor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There been8 no response, the public hearin~ was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 301. ORDINANCE NO. 301 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO O3GUe0NGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTll~ TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 86-01, TO NODIFI THE COM)~NITY PLAN TEXT TO CHA~E THE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS FROM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SITE TO LO~ MEDIIIM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DU/AC) FOR 20 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROCHESTER AVB)UE, NORTH OF NOTION: Moved b~ Buquet, seconded by Mikels to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 301. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent) NOTION: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Wright to approve Ordinance No. 301. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dabl absent) (49) FS. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA PARK DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1 - FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT (0386-028) - A supplemental agreement regarding the approximate 20 acre site located on the west side of Rochester, north of Church Street. (0602-01 AGREE DEVBL) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 302. ORDINANCE NO. 302 (second readlns) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C~CA/40NGA, CALIFORNIA, APFROVIN~ FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL ~RE~ENT TO THE TERRA VISTA PARK DEVELOPMENT ~REBMBNT NO. 1 BET~EBN THE CITY OF RANCliO OJCAI4ONGA AND L~IS CONST~JCTION COMPANY, INC., ~F~TERN PROPERTIES, L~IS HOMES OF CALIFORNIA AND L~IS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY NOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 302. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent). City Council Minutes November 5, 1986 Page 9 ~DTION: Move~ by Buquet. seconded by King to approve Ordinance No. 302. Ms=ion carried 4-0-1 (Dabl absent}. E6. ENVIROnmeNTAL ASSESSM~qT AND G~(ERAL FLAN AMENDMenT 86-03E - CITY OF RANCXO C~CAMONGA - A request to amend the Lend Use Eleaent of the General Plan fret Office/Professional to MOd4ut Densit7 Residential (4-14 du/ec) for 3.56 'ecru of land located at ~he southeast corner of Church and Archibald - APN 1077-332-26. Staff report by Oynthie K~naer. Assistant Planner. (0203-03 GP A~ND) (50) Mayor F, iq excused himself froa consideration of this it-- since his uncle had an interest in this. Actins Mayor Pro Tea Buquet opened the meetins for public hearing. no response, ~he public hearing vex closed. R~SOLUTION NO. 86-317 There bein8 A RESOLUTION or THE CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY Oi RANC~O CUBA, CALIFORNIA, DBNY11e3 G~BaAL PLAN AM~NDM~qT 86-03E, CITY O! RAHCHO aJCaK)JC, A, BBQU~STZM3 AN A~eNDMENT TO FROM OFFZCB TO ~eDIUM DENSITY R~SZD~EIAL (4-14 DU/AC) FOR 3.56 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CHURCH STREET AND ARCHT~ALD AVenUE eeeee, M7. D~OPM~NT DISTRICT ~ 86-06 - CITY 0r RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A (51) request to mend the Development District Map from w0Pw to wMw (8-14 du/mc) for 3.56 acres of lead ~onaced at the southeast corner of Church and Archibald - AFN 1077-332-26. (0203-05 DD AM~eD) RESOLUTION NO. 86-318 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITE COUNCIL OF THE CITE OF RANCliO C~CAMON~A, CALIFORNIA, D~EIN~ DEV~LOPM~qT DISTRICT AMBNI~T 86-06, R~DXSTII~ A (::HANGS IN THE DISTRICT DESX3NATIOM FROM OFFIC~/FROFESSIONAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESID~FTIAL FOR 3.56 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CHURCH STREFE AND ARCHIXALD AVENUE MOTION: Moved by Mikeis, seconded by Wright to deny the Cenarel Plan Amendment end adopt Resolution Me. 86-317 and Resolution No. 318. MOtion carried 3-0-1-1 (Dah~ absent, Fins abstained). ES. BNVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL FLAN AMENDMENT 86-03-C - CITY OF (52) RANCliO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the land use element of the General Plan free Medium High Residential (14-24 du/ac) to Office for .75 acres of land located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard 1125 feet west of Hellman Avanna (9113 Foothill Boulevard) - AFN 208-241-09. Staff report by Alan Warren, Associate Planner. (0203-03 GP AMEND) Mayor Fins opened the public hearing for it'ms E8 and Eg. There being no response, ~he public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes November 5. 1986 Page 10 RESOLUTION NO. 86-319 A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCA~ONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 86-03C, A~ENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE RaNCHO CUCAMONGA GENEP~L PLAN FROM MEDIUM-HIGH RESIDENTIAL (1~-24 DU/AC) TO OFWICE FOR .75 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, l, 125 FEET WEST OF HELLMAN AVENUE - APN 208-241-09 NOTION: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Wright to approve items 8 and 9, Resolution No. 86-319. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent). (53) E9. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEV~,-OFMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 86-04 - CITY OF RANCliO CqJCA~ONGA - A request to amend the Development District Map from "MHs (14-24 du/ac) to "OFw (Office/Professional) for .75 acres of land located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, 1125 feet west of Hellman Avenue (9113 Foothill Boulevard) - APN 208-241-09. (0203-05 DD AI4END) Cit7 Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordi..nance Mo. 304. ORDINANCE NO. 304 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NUMBER 208-241-09 LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, 1,125 FEET WEST OF HELLMAN AVENUg FROM MEDIUM-HIGH (ME) TO OFFICE/PROFESSIONAL (OP) MOTIONz Hoved by Buquit, ~'ecOnded by Mikels to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 304 and set second reading for Novenber 19. 1986. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dabl absent). El0. ENVIRO~D~frAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 86-03-B - CLURMAN - A request to amend the land use slamant of the General Plan from medium density residential (4-14 du/ac) to Neighborhood Commercial for 10.7 acres of land, located at the northwest corner of Have and Highland - APN 201-262-28. 30, 31. 36, 37, ~O. 41, 43. Staff report by Alan Warren, Associate Planner. (0203-03 GP AMEND) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. Don Clurman, applicant. Addressing Council were: Robin Justice, 6330 Have Avenue, from the Garden Apartments, who requested denial of the project. Unnamed resident from Emerald Street expressed opposition to the medium-high density. The~ wanted low density in apartments or commercial. Councilman Buquet felt this could be worked out with the neighbors. Mayor King felt that at the present time we should deny the itam and go alon8 with the Planning Commission. Re felt that we did not want this to 80 to neighborhood/commercial. Changing this from neighborhood/commercial would be a mistake. ~e felt the low density would be compatible with a residential use. Councilman Buquet disagreed because of the high traffic areas. neighborhood/commercial would be better. City Council Minutes November 5. 1986 Pa8e 11 RESOLUTION NO. 86-320 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO ~3CANONGA. CALIFORNIA. DENYING BNVlRONMENTAL ASSESSMEN~ AND GENERAL PLAN A]4ENDM~Tr 86-03-3. THE CLURMAN COMPANY. RE~UESTIE~ AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE RANCliO C~CANONGA GBNERAL PLAN PROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDeTrIAL (4-14 D~/AC) TO NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL FOR 10.7 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTPNEST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AVenUE AND HAVEN AVenUE- AFN 201-262-28. 30. 31. 36. 37. 40. 41 AND 43 Ell. ENVIROE~4ENTAL ASSESSN~fr AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 86-03 - OLURMAN - A request to amend the Develop.ant District Map fret "Ms (8-14 du/ac) to "NCs for 10.7 acres of land. located at the northwest comer of Haven and Hi,bland - APN 201-262-28e 30. 31e 36° 37° 40. 41. 43. (0203-05 DD AMEND) RESOLUTION NO. 86-321 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCANONGA. CALIFORNIA. DENYING B~VIROtO~NTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVBLOI~NT DISTRICT A~NDM~NT 86-03. THE CLUEMAN COMPANY, REQUESTIN~ A (eL%NeE IN THE DISTRICT DESIGNATION PROM MEDIUM (M) TO NEIGHBOENO0~ COMmeRCIAL (NC) FOR 10.7 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTRUEST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AVB~UE AND HAVEN AVENUE - APN 201-262-28. 30. 31. 36. 37. 40. 41 AND 43 NOTIONz Moved by Hikeis. seconded by WriSht to send back to the PlanninS Commission to chan8e Section 1 to uei~hborhood/commercial. chanSe Section 3 to office/professional. and leave Section 2 as is. and for the item to be brouSht back to the Council for review. SECTION 2: Consideration of Section 2 to drop densit7 consideration from 4-8 d~ellin2 units per acre. Motion carried 3-0-1-1 (Dabl absent. Kin2 No). The City Attorney stated that if there were any changes to the designations. then =he itam would have to back to the Plann4nS Commission to start the process aSain. It is possible that the Plannin8 Commission had discussed the item. but it wasn't noticed that we7. Councilwoman WriSht stated her intent was to Set the applicant and nei8hbors workinS toSether to obtain the buffer. El2. ENVIRO~4BNTAL ASSESSMENT AND G~ERAL FLAN A~NDMENT 86-03 TEXT - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the tat of the General Flan. the definition of Medium Density Residential from 4-14 dwellin8 units per acre to 8-14 dwellin2 units per acre. Staff report by Rubin Yu, Associate Planner. (0203-03 GP AMEND) RESOLUTION NO. 86-322 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANC~O CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA. APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 86-03 A~4DING THE T~XT OF TRX RANCliO ~JCAMONGA G~ERAL PLAN INCLUDING THE DXFINITION OF MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL PROM 4-14 D~ELLING UNITS PER ACR~ TO 8-14 DeELLIE~ UNITS PER ACRB AND THE GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL LAND USE CATE, ORY Mayor King opened the me,tinS for public hearinS. public hearin2 wan closed. MOTION: Moved by Kin8. seconded b~ WriSht to Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dehl absent). There bein8 no response. the approve Resolution 86-322. (56) Cit-y Council Nov,-.ber ~, 1986 (57) E13. ENVIRONNENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 86-03F - CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the lend use elanant of the General FInn from Medium Densit7 Residential (4-14 du/ac) to lo~ medium density residential (4-8 du/ac) for 3.67 acres of land. located at the nortOnwest comer of 19th Street and Archibald Avenue, portion of APN 202-101-21. Staff report by Rubin Yu, Associate Planner. (0203-03 GP AMEND) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. public hearing was closed. KESOLUTION NO. 86-323 There being no response. the A RESOLUTION OF THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCANON~A, CALIFORNIA. APPROVING GENERAL FLAN AMENDMENT 86-03F - CITY OF RANC~O CUCANONGA - RE~UESTIN~ AN AMENDMENT TO TEE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE RANCliO CUCAMONGA G~IRAL PLAN FRO~ MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL ( ~-14 DU/AC) TO LC~-MEDIUM RF-SIDENTIAL (4-8 DU/AC), FOR 3.67 ACRES OF LAND. LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 19TE STREET AND ARCHIBALD AVENUE - APN 202-109I--21 NOTION= Moved by Mikels, seconded by Wright to approve Resolution No. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dab1 absent). 86-3 23. e,e,ee F. N0e-aIy~TI[ ~wam NO ITm4S SUBMI-x-rw-- (58) G1. DISCUSSION OF PLANNING COIe(ISSION RESPONSE TO CITY COUNCIL REQUESTS FOR LAA~ USE REVIN OF SPECIFIC SITES. Staff report by Alan Warren. Associate Planner. (0801-03 LAND USE) Mayor King opened the meeting for public input. Addressing Council was: Hardy Strozier of Costs Nasa recommended item be continued for 4 weeks so he could bring forward to Council with a recent study which has been done. NOTIONz Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to continue item to January 7. 1987. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent). (59) G2. SUBCONMI-~-rzw- RECO~4ENDATION ON CIRCULATION PRIORITIES AND SCHEDULING - Report on recommendation of project priorities to enhance City-side circulation. Staff report by Jack Lea. Community Development Director. (1160-00 TRAFFIC) Subcommittee consistln2 of King and Buquet recommended adoption of Exhibit "Be. Mayor King asked if Council was in agreement with the priority listing No. 1. NOTION: Noved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to adopt Exhibit "Be. Notion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent). ( 60 ~3. REQUEST TO PURCHASE DRUG EDUCATION MATERIALS FOR USE BY SHERIFF' S DEPART~4ENT. (0600-00 FURCRASE) City Council Minutes November 5. 1986 PaSs 13 SEaif report by Eauren Wasserman, Cit~y Nanager, requesting $2,208.00 to purchase 9200 pens which read "Try Hugs No DruBs" for the Sheriff's use when they 8o into elementary schools spaakin8 about use of druSs. NOTION: Moved by Mikels, seconded by WriSht to approve the request of $2,208.00. Motion carried ~-0-1 (Dahl absent). H. ~RB(ISSXGM BUSX!~SS NO IT~4S SUBMI'rr~u NOTIONz Moved by K/nS, seconded by Buquer to adjourn =o a closed session to discuss personnel matters and acquisition of propert7 on Rochester at 6th S=reet. Mo=ion carried ~-0-1 (Dabl absent). The meetin8 adj ourned at 9: 45 p.m. Respectfully subsitt~i, Cit~y Clerk Approv~d: January 7, 1987