HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/10/15 - Minutes October 15, 1986 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meetin~ A, CALL TO ON, D[[ A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, October 15, 1986, in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Jeffrey King. Present were Councilmembers: Jon D. MikeIs, Charles J. Buquet, II, Richard M. Dahl, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Jeffrey King. Also present were: City Manager, Lauren M. Wassex'man; City Attorney, James Markman; City Clerk, Beverly A. Authelet; Administrative Analyst, Mark Lorlmer; City Planner, Brad Bullet; City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbs; Administrative Services Director, Jim Hart; Community Services Director, Bill Holley. B. AI~OUHcJtJamTB/PB.KSKNTAT~OBS B1. ~ursday, October 16, 19~ - 7:30 p.m. - P~ DEV~O~ENT ~ISSION - Lions Park C~munity Cen=er, 9161 Base Line Road. B2. Wednesday, October 22, 19~ - 7:00 p.m. - ~NING ~ISSION - Lions Park C~munity Center, 9161 Base Line Road. B3. ~ursday, October 23, 19~ - 7:30 p.m. - A~ISORY CO~ISSION - Lions Park C~m~ity Center, 9161 Base Line Road. B4. Presenta=ion to Lieutenant Utegg for his se~ice =o ~he Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff Station. BS. Introduction of Andy Swanson - Rancho Cucamonga Branch Librarian. B6. Presentation of Proclamation declaring October 27 - November 3, Red Ribbon Week. 1986 as B7. Mr. Wasserman announced that the City Engineer had resigned and would be leaving at the end of the month to assume the responsibility of City Engineer at the City of Carlshad. B8. Councilman Dahl called for an Executive Session regarding personnel matters at the conclusion of the meeting. 6. CgN$~NT CALmmDAR Councilman Buquet requested that Item ~5 be pulled for discussion. Councilwoman Wright requested Item ~22 be pulled for discussion. Cl. Approval of Warrants, Register No's. 10/1/86 and 10/8/86 and Payroll ending 9/18/86 for the total amount of $1,348,236.77. C2. Approval of the 1986-87 Increment of the Housing Assistance Plan which includes a summary of the three year goals, the goal increments for 1986-87 and a narrative section explaining the programs. (0203-04 HOUSING) (~) City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 2 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) C3. Approval to award the improvement of Arrow Route and Ninth Street, between Vineyard Avenue and Archibald Avenue to the apparent lowest responsible bidder, Fontann Pay lug, Incorporated for the amount of $287,422.64. (0601-01 BID) C4. Approval of Program Supplement No. 11 for the Local A~eucy State Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects No. 8-5420 (CO86-116) between the City and the State of California for the Improvement of Archibald Avenue at the Southern Pacific Railroad Crossing No. BBO-522.9 located approximately I/2 mile North of Base Line. The City's portion of $13,200 is to be funded by Systems Development Fund. (0602-01 CONTRACT) RESrs-UTION N0. 86-283 A RESrs-UTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF RANClIO (IJCAMONGA, CAtlFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE BXKCOTION AND SIGNING OF PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 11 TO LOCAL /~KNCY - STATE AGREEMENT NO. 8-5420 FOR CROSSING PROTECTION MODIFICATION AT ARCIIIBALD AVENUE AND THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD CROSSING NO. BBO-522.9 C5. Approval to execute both the '~greement for the Acquisition of a Park Site" (C086-110) and the "Density Bonus Agreement" (CO86-111) between the City and Jean Deukmejian, Trustee for the Deukmejlan Family Trust, relating to a proposed neighborhood park site located on the south side of Feron Boulevard, East of Turner Avenue. Councilman B~quet pmlled its for discussion. (0602-01 CONTRACT) C6. Approval of Resolution Ordering Preparation of Reapportionment Report for Parcel Map 9530 within the Sixth Street Industrial Park Assessment District (82-1R). (0401-03 6TH ST A.D.) RES~.UTION NO. 86-28~ A RESrxUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCRO CiICAMONGA, CALIFOENIA, ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF A REAPPORTIONMENT REPORT AND AMENDED ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND ESTABLISHING REAPPORTIONMENT FEES FOR PARCEL MAP 9530 WITHIN THE SIXTH STREET ININSTHIAL PARK ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (82-1R) C7. Approval of Purchase Agreements with ESRI (CO86-112) and CRI Computer Systems, Inc. (CO86-113) for Geographic Information System's hardware acquisition and installation totaling $85,~60.40. Fiscal year 86-87 budget sources are accounts 01-4637-7044, 01-4373-7044, 01-4313-7044, 01-4333,7044, 33-4130-7044, and 70-276-445. (0602-02 CONTRACT) C8. Approval to redeem bonds, publish and mail notice of redemption to bondholders within the Alta Lama Channel Assessment District 84-2 for prepaid assessment totaling $165,000.00. (0401-03 AL CIiANNI~ A.D.) C9. Approval of $171,680.00 loan repayment to System Development Fund from Alta Lama Channel Assessment District Capital Improvement Fund and replenishment of Alta Lama Channel Assessment District Reserve Fund in the amount of $65,000.00. (0401-00 FUND TRANS) C10. Approval of Professional Services Agreement (CO86-114) for Survey, Right-of-Way Engineering, Soils Report and P.S. & E. for Base Line Road Improvements, Archibald Avenue to the Southern Pacific Railroad crossing. The consulting engineer to be Linville-£iv il Engineers/Land Surveyors, Inc. for a fee not to exceed $18,,240 to be paid from the gas tax fund. (0602-01 CONTRACT) Cll. Approval of street improvement agreement between Sebastiano and Matthew Filpi and the City of Rancho Cucamonga for the Filpi's Street frontage improvements to be included with the construction of the Arrow Route-Ninth Street Improvement Project; a pro-rata contribution of $8,687.15 I will be paid by the Filpi's. (0602-01 AGREE IMPR) City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 86-285 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN CliO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEI~ THE CITY OF RAN CliO COCANONGA AND SEBASTIANO AND MATTHEW FILPI FOR TItE INSTALLATION OF STREET FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS C12. Approval of Tract Maps 12802 and 12802-6 located in the Tetra Vista Planned Community, submitted by Lewis Homes of California. (1002-09 MAP FINAL) RESOLUTION NO. 86-286 A RES{IUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACTS NO. 12802 AND 12802-6 C13. Approval of Parcel Map 9487 located on the west side of Haven Avenue, between Church Street and Foothill Boulevard, submitted by Brunswick Corporation. (i002-09 MAP PARCE) RESOLUTION NO. 86-287 A RESn-UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL HAP NUMBER 9487 (TRNTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 9487) C14. Approval of a Subordination Agreement for 9260 Mignonette, submitted by Stephen L. Butters, Mona F. Butters, and Bernard Cleo Daugherty. (0602-01 AGREE SUB) RESOLUTION NO. 86-288 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIYY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, APPROVING A SUBORDINATION AGREEM~T FROM STEPHEN L. BUTTERS, MONA F. BUTTERS, AND BERNARD (IEO DAUGHERTY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY (IERK TO SIGN SAME C15. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Tract 12952 located east of Haven Avenue, west of Deer Creek Channel and south of Highland Avenue, submitted by Glenfed Development Corporation. (1002-09 MAP FINAL) RESOLUTION NO. 86-289 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO ClICAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECI1RITY, AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 12952 C16. Approval to purchase 18 budgeted vehicles in the amount of $264,375. (0600-00 PURCHASE) C17. Approval of Sewer Easement through the City park site to Cucamonga County Water District for William Lyon Development Tract 12059. (1002-02 EASEMENT) C18. Approval to award the Engineering Contract for construction drawings to improve Beryl and Lions Park to Recreation Systems Inc. for $18,100. (0601-01 BID) C19. Approval of Contract Change Order No. 1 from CO 85-114 for additional landscape architectural services by Randolph Hlubik Associates. The contract is being modified to include design and the preparation of construction documents for Haven Avenue medians from 4th Street to Wilson Avenue. The amount not to exceed $7,000 is to be drawn from Beautification Funds. (0602-01 CONTRACT) C20. Approval of Improvement Extension Agreement for Tract 11577 located on the west side of Turner Avenue, south of Base Line, submitted by Terrance Lane. (0602-01 AGREE EXT) City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 86-290 A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANClIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVENENT EXTENSION ~/;REENRNT AND IMPROVENRNT SECURITY FOR TRACT 11577 (20) C21. Approval of Parcel Nap 9955 located between Arrow Highway and Civic Center Drive and between Red Oak and White Oak, submitted by B,C.E. Development. (1002-09 HAP PARCEL) RESOLUTION NO. 86-291 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANClIO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL NAP NO. 9955 (TENTATIVE PARC~ HAP NO. 9955) (21) C22. Approval of Resolution opposing Proposition 62 on November 4, 1986 ballot. Councilwoman Wright pulled item for discusion. (0704-00 LEGAL) RESOLUTION N0. 86-292 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANClIO CUCANONGA, CALIPORNIA, OPPOSING PROPOSITION 62 (22) C23. Approval of the existing City logo and authorizing staff to proceed with legal requirements to copyright said logo in order to prevent unauthorized use. (0704-00 LEGAL) (23) C24. Approval of temporary use of personal vehicle by Dave Blev lns, Maintenance Superintendent, on an interim basis for City business and authorize payment of $250.00 per month auto allowance to help defer costs. (0502-02 PERSONNIl,) (24) C25. Approval to execute the agreement (C086-I~0) for replacement of overhead with Underground Distribution Facilities between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Southern California Edison Company and the reallocation of additional Beautification Funds in the amount of $97,3 89 to provide for this agreement and the completion of the utility undergroundlugs as are associated with the Hermosa Avenue widening from Victoria to 19th Street, the Hamilton Street Extension and the Hermosa Park construction. (1201-02 UUD) RESOLUTION NO. 86-293 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN CliO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, TO ElanCUTE THE AGREEMENT FOR REPLACEMENT OF OVERHEAD WITH UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES FOR HERMOSA AVENUE AND HAMILTON STREET AND TO ALLOCATE BEAUTIFICATION FUNDS FOR THE PUBLIC FUND EXPENDITURES REQUIRED BY SAID AGREENENT AND THE ACCOMPANYING CITY EXPENDITURES RI~,ATED TO THE HERMOSA AVENUE UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING (25) C26. Approval of release of bonds and Notice of Completion: (0602-01 BOND (26) RELEASE) (0704-18 NOT COMI~.T)) Parcel Map 7827 - Located on Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue. Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) 8180,400 RESOLUTION NO. 86-294 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PARCEL MAP 7827 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 5 Parcel Map 5792 - Located on the vest side of ~xchibald, north of Base Line. (0602-01 BOND RI~EASE) (0704-18 NOT C0MPLT) Release: Faithful Performance Bond (Street) $ 49,000 RESOLUTION NO. 86-295 A RES(EUTION OF THE CITY COUNC]]~ OF THE CITY OF RANCHO (TJCAMONGA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PM 5792 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK C27. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 - Appeal of Planning Commission decision regarding Tetra Vista cul-de-sac fencing. (0701-06 APPEAL) C28. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 - Environmental Assessment and General Plan ~unenament 86-03-B - Clurman A request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan from Medinm Density Residential (4-14 du/ac) to Neighborhood Commercial for 10.7 acres of land, located at the northwest corner of Haven and Highland - APN 201-262-28, 30, 31, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43. (0203-03 GP AMEND) C29. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 - Environmental Assessment and Development District Amendment 86-03 - Clurman - A request to amend the Development District Map from '~" (8-14 du/ac) to '~C" for 10.7 acres of land, located at the northwest corner of Haven and Highland - APN 201-262-28, 30, 31, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43. (0203-05 DD ~a4END) C30. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 - Environmental Assessment and General Plan Amendment 86-03-C - City of Rancho Cucamonga - A request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan from Medinm High Residential (14-24 du/ac) to Office for .75 acres of ]and located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard 1125 feet west of Hellman Avenue (9113 Foothill Boulevard) - A2N 208-241-09. (0203-03 GP AMEND) C31. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 Environmental Assessment and Development District Amendment 86-04 - City of Rancho Cucamonga - A request to amend the Development District Map from '~H" (14-24 du/ac) to "OP" (Office/Professional) for .75 acres of land located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, 1125 feet west of Hellman Avenue (9113 Foothill Boulevard) - ~ 208-241-09. (0203-05 DDAMEND) C32. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 Environmental Assessment and General Plan Amendment 86-03-E - city of Rancho Cucamonga - A request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan from Office/Professional to Medium Density Residential (4-14 du/ac) for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Church and Archibald - ~ 1077-332-26. (0203-03 GP AMEND) C33. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 - Environmental Assessment and Development District Amendment 86-06 - City of Rancho Cucamonga - A request to amend the Development District Map from '~P" to '~" (8-14 du/ac) for 3.56 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Church and Archibald - ~N 1077-332-26. (0203-05 DD AMEND) C34. Set public hearing November 5, 1986 - Environmental Assessment and General Plan Amendment 86-03 Text - City of Rancho Cucamonga - A request to amend the text of the General Plan, the definition of Medium Density Residential from 4-14 dwelling units per acre to 8-14 dwelling units per acre. (0203-03 GP AMEND) C35. Set public hearing - November 5, 1986 - Environmental Assessment and General Plan Amendment 86-03-F - City of Rancho Cucamonga - A request to amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan from Medium Density Residential (4-14 du/ac) to Low Medium Density Residential (4-8 du/ac) for 3.67 acres of land, located at the northwest corner of 19th Street and Archibald Avenue, portion of APN 202-101-21. (0203-03 GP AMEND) (34) City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 6 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl to approve the balance of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried unanimously 5-0, Discussion of Item #5. Approval to execute both the '~greement for the Acquisition of a Park Site" and the t~ensity Bonus Agreement" between the City and Jean Deukmejian, Trustee for the Deukmejiau Family Trust, relating to a proposed neighborhood park site located on the south side of Feron Boulevard, East of Turner Avenue. Councilman Buquet stated that he wanted Mr. Holley address the item since he did not want the item become buried in the Consent Calendar. Pete Pitassi, member of the Parks Commission, went over the actions of the Commission regarding this item. He stated a subcommittee had been formed consisting of Holly Mitchell and himself to investigate this item. They recommended that the Council approve the proposal. Councilman Dahl stated that since Macho Gracia had been so active in this project and the community, he suggested naming the park after Macho. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by MikeIs to approve Item ~5, authorizing execution of the Agreement for Acquisition of the Park Site and the Density Bonus Agreement between the City and the Deukmejians. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Discussion of Item ~22. Approval of Resolution opposing Proposition 62 on November 4, 1986 ballot. Councilwoman Wright stated she pulled the item because she wanted to vote against this. MOTION: Moved by MikeIs, seconded by Buquet to approve Item ~22. Motion carried 4-1 (Wright No). RESCLUTION NO. 86-292 A RESC~UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING PROPOSITION 62 D, COUSClL BUSINESS NO ITEMS SUBMITTED (38) El. ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION NO. 13 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 FOR TRACT NOS. 9649, 11793, 11932, 12801, 12726, 12727, 13117, 11606-2, 11606-3, 11606-4. 11606-5. 10827, 10827-1, 10827-2, 10827-3. 11626. 10076, AND 13066. (0/401-03 ST LIGHT MD) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 7 MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by MikeIs to approve Resolution 86-296. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 86-296 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION NO. 13 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 2 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 9649, 11793, 11932, 12726, 12727, 12801, 13117, 11606-2, 11606-3, 11606-4, 11606-5, 10827, 10827-1, 10827-2, 10827-3, 11626, 10076, AND 13066 E2. ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION NO. 17 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 FOR TRACT NOS. 9649, 11793, 11932, 12801, 12726, 12727, 13117, 13203. 11606-2, 11606-3, I1606-4, 11606-5, 10827, 10827-1, 10827-2, 10827-3. 11626, 10076, 11915 AND 13066. (0401-03 ST LIGRT MD) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Mikeis to approve Resolution No. 86-297. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 86-297 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION NO. 17 TO STREET LIGRTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT NO. 9649, 11793, 11932, 12801, 12726, 12727, 13117, 13203, 11606-2, 11606-3, 11606-4, 11606-5, 10827, 10827-1, 10827-2, 10827-3, 11626, 10076, 11915 AND 13066 E3. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY FLAN AMENDMENT 86-01 - LEWIS/ETIWANDA SCHOOL DISTRICT - A request to amend the land use map of Terra Vista fro~ proposed Junior High School site to Low Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for 20 acres of land located on the west side of Rochester, north of Church Street and various related amendments to the density provisions of the Community Plan. Staff report by Brad Bullet, City Planner. (0203-05 PLAN COM) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council was: Kay Matlock of Lowis Homes indicated that she was present to answer any questions Council might have. There being no further public input, Mayor King closed the public hearing. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 301. ORDINANCE NO. 301 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TERRA VISTA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 86-01, TO MODIFY THE COMMUNITY PLAN TEXT TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL SITE TO LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL (4-8 DU/AC) FOR 20 ACHES OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROCHESTER AVENUE, NORTH OF CHURCH STREET City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 8 (41) (42) (43) MOTION: Moved by MikeIs, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 301 and set second reading for November 5, 1986. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. E4. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TERRA VISTA PARK DEVBLOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1 - FIRST SUPFLEMENTAL AGREEMENT ((I)84-028) - A supplemental agreement regarding the approximate 20 acre site located on the west side of Rochester, north of Churcb Street. (0203-05 PLAN COM) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 302. ORDINANCE NO. 302 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCEO 33CANONCA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO THE TERRA VISTA PARK DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NO. 1 BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCEO (IjCAHONGA AND LEWIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., ~rESTERN PROPERTIES, LEWIS HONES OF CALIFORNIA AND LEWIS DEVIa. OPMEMT COMPANY MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by MikeIs to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 302 and set second reading for November 5, 1986, Motion carried unanimously 5-0, ES. PROGRAMMING OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ELOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS (CO86-128) - Programming of $63,000 in additional 1986-87 CDBG Funds and reprogrsmmlng of 844,000 in unexpended 1982-83 CDBG Funds. Staff report by Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner. (0203-04 CDBG) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. RESCLUTION NO. 86-298 A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN CliO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, REPROGRAMMING FUND8 FROM THE 1982-83 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND PROGRAMMING ADDITIONAL 1986-87 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND8 MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by MikeIs to authorize the programming of $63,000 in additional 1986-87 funds and reprogramming of $44,000.00 of previously unexpended 1982-83 funds for three projects as follows: North Town Streets, Phase IV; Housing Rehabilitation Loans and Grants; and Street Improvements on the south side of Feron Boulevard, west of Turner, and to direct staff to transmit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. E6. REPROGRAMMING OF CDBG FUNDS SET ASIDE FOR NORTH TOWN PARK SITE ACOUISITION TO BE USED FOR NORTH TOWN PARK DEVELOPMENT - Reprogramming of 1984-85 CDBG funds of 8150,000 for North Town Park Site acquisition to North Town Park development. (Continued from October I, 1986 meeting) Staff report by Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner. (0203-04 CDBG) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 9 RESCLUTION NO. 86-272 A RES(IUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REPROGRAMMING FUNDS FROM THE 1984-85 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAH FROM NORTR TOWN PARK SITE ACQUISITION TO BE USED FOR NORTH TOWN PARK DEV ~s. OPMRN T MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl to approve the reprogramming of $150,000.00 in 1984-85 CDBG funds from Park Acquisition to Park Development for the North Town Neighborhood Park. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. E7. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 86-02 - CITY OF RANClIO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend the Development District Map from (2-4 du/ac) to '~M" (4-8 du/ac) for 13.5 acres of land located on the south side of Feron, east of Archibald Avenue - APN 209-085-02, 03, 14. (Continued from October 1, 1986 meeting) Staff report by Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner. (0203-05 DD AMEND) MOTION: No. 299 unanimously 5-0. Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 299. ORDINANCE NO. 299 (first reading) AM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 202-085-02, 03, 14 LOCATED SOUTH SIDE OF FERON, EAST OF ARCHIBALD FROM '~" (2-4 DU/AC) TO '~M" (4-8 DS/AC) Moved by Mikeis, seconded by Dahl to waive full reading of Ordinance and set second reading for November 5, 1986. Motion carried E8. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - SCHLOSSER FORGE - AMENDMENT NO. 1 (CO86-125) - An amendment extending the term from twenty-five years to forty years for a development agreement between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Philip D. Schlosser, Elaine M. Schlosser, Albert Rolquin, Jr., Roberta J. Holquin, Jeffrey P. Schlosser, 3acquelin L. Schlosser, Day id M. Richardson and Gene M. Richardson, regarding the future development and current operations of the industrlal facility on 27.7 acres at the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Rochester Avenue - APN 229-111-05, 17 and 18. Staff report by Otto Kroutil, Senior Planner. (0602-01 AGREE DEV) Mayor King opened the meeting for public hearing, Addressing Council was: Ted Hopson of Corington and Crows stated that the property owners were in favor of the time extension and encouraged Council's approval. There being no further response, Mayor King closed the public hearing. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 303. ORDINANCE NO. 303 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE DEVNI. OPMENT AGREEMENT BETHEl2{ THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, PHILIP D. SCHLOSSER, ALBERT H(I, QUIN, JR., ROBERT J. H(EQUIN, JEFFREY P. SCHLOSSER, JACQUELIN L. SCBLOSSER, DAVID M. RICHARDSON AND GENE M. RI(ItARDSON (45) City Council Minutes October 15, 198~ Page 10 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 303 and set second reading for November 5, 1 98~. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mayor King called a recess at 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:20 p.m. with all members of City Council present. NO ITEMS SUBMITTED F. IS(I-ADVERTISE CITY Mau~KR'S STAFF REPORTS GI. BEAUTIFICATION ACCOMPLISHHENTS AND GOATS - Slide presentation an overview of City Beautification Projects. Item was combined with the next Item G2. (46) G2. HAVEN AVENUE MEDIAN LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS - Approval of Haven Avenue Median Landscape Concept. (0203-02 BEAUTIFICATION) Laura Psemas, Landscape Designer, presented a report by slides. MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Dehl to approve the lidvan Avenue Median Landscape Concepts. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. (47) G3. REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF HONK FOR MARKET STUDY ON MINIMUM LOT AND UNIT SIZES. (0203-04 ROUSING) Hayor King stated he disagreed with the whole thing. He did not think it was necessary. Councilman Dahl etaCad this sounded like the Planning Commission was waiting for the market study. He thought the two reports were to proceed simultaneously. Councilwoman Wright felt that the questions were logically answered, and that this would be a justification for building the housing types which we already have. Councilman Dahl stated that we should never let the housing in the City. MOTION: Moved by MikeIs, seconded by Buquet to approve of work for market study on minimom lot and unit sizes. AYES: MikeIs, Buquet, Dahl NOES: King, Wright market determine the type the preliminary scope Motion carried 3-2. (48) C4. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE OF WEST VALLEY VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT - If the proposed sphere of influence of Rancho Cucamonga to the District is desired, it is necessary that the item be reviewed by LAFCO, policy direction is requested by City Council. (Continued from October 1, 1986 meeting) Staff report by Mark Lorimer, Administrative Analyst. (I~03-11 VECTOR CON) City Council Minutes October 15, 1986 Page 11 MOTION: Moved by MikeIs, seconded by Dahl to table the application as it relates to the sphere of influence (at least for 12 months to give the City time to evaluate the service). Motion carried unanimously 5-0. GS. REVIEW OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR A JOINT USE OF A PARK SITE WITH THE YMCA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A YMCA IN RANCIt0 CUCAMONGA. Staff report by Bill Rolley, Community Services Director. (141)4-05 PARK) Jim Markman, City Attorney went over the state laws as it related to park sites. He stated that this has been modeled after the Orange County YMCAwhich had a facility on a park site. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to approve in concept the agreement and for staff to proceed with negotiations. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. a. CCS~I-~SlO~ BUBINBSg NO ITEMS SUBMITTED MOTION: regarding personnel matters. adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl to adjourn to an Executive Session Motion carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting Respectfully sulmitted, · B~verly A. Authelet City Clerk Approved: January 7, 1987