HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981/12/16 - Minutes December 16, 1981 CITY OF RANCHO CUCgMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held in the Lion's Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road on Wednesday, December 16, 1981. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by M~yor Phillip D. Schlosser. Present were: Councilmen James C. Frost, Jon D. Mikels, Arthur H. Bridge, and Mayor Phillip D. Schlosser. Also present were: City Manager, Lauren M. Wasserman; Assistant City Attorney, Robert Dougherty; Assistant City Manager, Jim Robinson; Community Development Director, Jack Lam; City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbs; Finance Director, Harry Empey; and Community Services Director, Bill Holley. Absent was: Councilman Michael A. Palombo. Approval of Minutes: None had been submitted for approval. 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS. a. Mayor Schlosser announced that the City wanted to continue with the Spring Clean up Campaign this year. b. Appointments to the Advisory Commission. Terms of office for the following (1) Advisory Commissioners expired on November 17: Alta Loma: Mary Barlow and Helen Blanchard Etiwanda: Mary Lane and Glenn Rankin Cucamonga: Nacho Gracia and Faye Stamper Mary Barlow had requested to resign and Faye Stamper had moved out of the City. Ail other members had expressed an interest in reappointment to the Commission. Reappoint- ments would be for a four year term, to begin November 17, 1981 and end November 17, 1985. Council had received two applications. One from Peter J. Pitassi from Cucamonga, and one from Anne Calinsky from Alta Loma. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Mikels to accept the resignation of Mary Barlow with a letter of thanks to be sent over the Mayor's signature to both Mary Barlow and Faye Stamper for their services to the community. Also, to reappoint Helen Blanchard, Mary Lane, Glenn Rankin, and Nacho Gracia for a four year term; and to appoint Anne Calinsky to fill the vacancy in the Alta Loma Committee, and for Council to schedule an interview with the Cucamonga applicant at a later time. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. Appointments to the Historical Commission: Terms of office for Robert Hickcox, Gene Billings, and Ada Cooper expired in June without Council making reappointments. This action is needed by Council. Motion: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Bridge to reappoint Robert Hickcox, Gene Billings, and Ada Cooper to a four year term to the Historical Preservation Commission. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. c. Mayor Schlosser announced an addition to the Agenda, item 5D, Alta Loma School District Request for Crossing Guard at 19th and Cartilla - Deer Canyon School. d. Councilman Frost announced that there would be a special meeting of the Planning City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 2 Commission on Thursday, December 17, for a presentation of the Terra Vista Pro- ject by Lewis Homes, to be held at the Neighborhood Center. Mr. Frost also announced that the Etiwanda Specific Plan Advisory Committee ad- Journed to a special Town Meeting to be held on January 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the Etiwanda Intermediate School. e. Councilman Mikels requested an added item to the Agenda, item 5E, "Video Games and Arcades." f. Nacho Gracia requested that Consent Calendar item "i" be removed for dis- cussion. g. Mr. Wasserman requested that Council adjourned to an Executive Session ~llowing the meeting to discuss legal matters. h. Councilman Mikels requested that Consent Calendar item "e" be removed for discussion. i. Chuck Buquet, requested that Consent Calendar item "m" be removed for discussion. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR. a. Approval of Warrants, Register No. 81-12-16 in the amount of $350,192.50. (3) b. Forward Claim by State Farm Insurance Company for Palla and Gerald Hector to city attorney for handling. (4) c. Acceptance of Parcel Map 6051 - Nelson: located on the north side of Manzanita between Sacramento and Beryl. RESOLUTION NO. 81-186 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 6051. (5) d. Acceptance of Parcel Map 6085 - Koll-Lyon Associates: located at the northeast corner of Milliken and 4th Street. RESOLUTION NO. 81-187 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NO. 6085. (6) e. Acceptance of Bonds and Agreements for Site Approval 80-13 - Church of L3tter Day Saints: located on the southeast corner of Sapphire Street and Highland Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 81-188 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVE- MENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR SITE APPROVAL NUMBER 80-13. f. Acceptance of Map, Agreement, Security, and Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for Parcel Map 6582 -Praver Brothers Investment: located at the southeast corner of Helms Avenue and Foothill Boulevard. (7) RESOLUTION NO. 81-189 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM PRAVER BROS. INVESTMENT (CHARLES HUGHES, OWNER), AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME. City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 3 ~- RESOLUTION NO. 81-190 (8) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 6582, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, AND IM- PROVEMENT SECURITY. g. Acceptance of Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Director Re- (9) view 81-24 - Tokai of America: located on the northeast corner of 7th Street and Utica Avenue. RESOLUTION NO. 81-191 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVE- MENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DIREC- TO REVIEW NO. 81-24. h. Acceptance of Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement for Minor (10 Development Review 81-36 - Foseco: located at 7th Street and Santa Anita. RESOLUTION NO. 81-192 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM FOSECO, INC. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME. i. Acceptance of North Town Phase II Street and Drainage Improvements. (11 RESOLUTION NO. 81-193 (12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE NORTH TOWN PHASE II STREET AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK. J. RELEASE OF BONDS: (13 *Tract 9430 - located at the northwest corner of Haven and Wilson. Owner: R. L. Sievers & Sons, Inc. Faithful Performance Bond (road) $102,000. *Parcel Map 6228 - located on the north side of La Vine Street between Hellman and Amethyst Avenues. Owner: Leo Lamb. Faithful Performance Bond (road) $ 34,000. *Tract 9421. Owner: Nubank International, Inc. For subdivision signs and sales office: 70-20-401 $ 150. 70-20-400 $ 1,000. 70-20-401 $ 2,000. *Tract 9422. Owner: Marlborough Development Corp. For subdivision signs, sales office, and design center. 70-20-400 $ 1,000. 70-20-401 $ 4,000. City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 4 *Tract 9472 - located on the north side of 19th Street, west of Haven Avenue. Owner: Boulevard Development. Acceptance of reduced bonds: Faithful Performance Bond (road) $ 68,000. Labor & Material Bond (road) 34,000. Release of Bonds: Faithful Performance Bond (road) $23i,000. Labor & Material Bond (road) 116,000. (14) k. Set January 6, 1982 for public hearing for: Environmental Assessment and Planned Development No. 81-14 - Pfeiler. A change of zone R-1 to R-3/PD for the development of 328 condominium units on 23.~ acres of land located at the northeast corner of Turner and Arrow Route - APN 208-34-9 and 11. (15) 1. Set January 6, 1982 for public hearing for: Appeal of Planning Commission decision on Environmental Assessment and Conditional Use Permit No. 81-13 - Rothschild. The development of a 3000 square foot commercial building and self-service gasoline station on .70 acres of land in the C-2 zone located at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue APN 208-241-20. m. Reserves for Contingency. Recommendation: Staff recommends at this time not to set aside any funds for contingency purposes in order to maintain flexibility of opera- tion on a day-to-day basis. (16) n. Alcoholic Beverage License for Iksan and Maryann C. L. Klm, Quality Market, 10120 25th Street, for off-sale beer and wine. (17) o. Forward Claim for Damages by Klm Darlene Barrows to the city attorney for handling. Discussion of Consent Calendar items: Item e: Councilman Mikels stated he was concerned about encroachment and wanted to know how many feet there were between the southern portion of the proposed project and the northern boundary of the existing subdivision. Mr. Hubbs stated that this was the Foothill Freeway right-of-way which was approximately 310 feet. Item i: Nacho Gracia stated that he requested this item be discussed since he wanted to thank the city council and the city staff for the cooperation that was given on the two phases of the North Town project. Item m: Chuck-Buquet, 7994 Onyx Court, expressed concern as to why we were not putting money into contingency. Mr. Wasserman explained that when a need arises, it is brought to Council to appropriate the money from reserves rather than in- clude it as a contingency item. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Mikels to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 4A. CONTINUATION OF JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE DRAFT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Mr. Wasserman provided an overview of the project area, outlined how a redevelop- ment agency financing actually works, and a summary of types of projects which could be financed through a redevelopment agency in order to solve some of the problems which have been identified in our community. City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 5 Mr. Wasserman stated that since the last public hearing on December 6, staff had met with representatives from the North Town area, with a number of property owners who had property within the proposed redevelopment area, and also with other taxinz agencies. Mr. Wasserman stated that the city had received communication from the Lewis Develop- ment Company, dated December 14 indicating support of the redevelopment project. Council and Agency also received some revisions to the draft redevelopment plan from the consultant and legal counsel. Manny DeDios went over some of the financing mechanisms. Mayor Schlosser opned the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council was: Rudy Guzman asked that since the city council serves as the redevelopment agency board, what happens when there is a vacancy on the council? Would that member still be on the agency board or would the new councilmember be on the agency? Mr. Wasserman answered that if there was a change in the council, then the new councilmember would become the new agency member. Mr. Guzman stated that at the last hearing there was a reference made that a homeowner would be eligible to borrow low interest loans. How long would it be before a property owner would be able to obtain this type of loan? Mr. Brown answered that this was one of the policy decisions which the redevelopment agency would be prioritizing in the months to come. Councilman Bridge asked what percentage of funds would be available within the next three to five years. Mr. DeDios stated that legally we were not entitled to receive actual flow of increments until fiscal year 1982-83. Tax increment projections have been made and in the next three to four years we could expect about 25 percent of the ultimate increment which might come to the Agency. There being no further public discussion, Mayor Schlosser closed the public hearing. Mr. Mikels expressed concern with the suggested revisions for the redevelopment plan; In particular, on page 76 of the Agenda Packet. He stated that he had never seen low income defined as income not exceeding 50% of the median income. Mr. DeDios stated that the 50% refers to the very low incomes. Mr. Brown stated that this figure was contained in the California Health and Safety Code in the 50000 section. Mr. Mikels stated that on page 79 of the Agenda Packet, the sentence, "In order to insure that the requirement s of this plan are carried out, the Agency may as it deems necessary..." He felt this should be changed to "shall as it deems necessary." Mr. Mikels stated that since we deleted a reference to potential involvement with the Foothill Freeway improvement, we should also delete item 11 on page 15 of the Plan, modifications to 1-10 access at Vineyard Avenue. Mr. Frost asked Mr. DeDios to review the changes in the December 10 and December 16 memos. Mr. Abe DeDios stated that all the revisions made in the December 10 memo were incorporated into the December 16 with one minor change. That change was on page 3, section 313: the second sentence was added, "The Housing Element of the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan indicates the need for providing low income housing within the City." Mr. Mikels pointed out that the language which he had referred to before, "the Agency may as it deems necessary," appeared again in Section 254 of the memos. Mr. Brown stated that this language arrived out of discussion with staff where it was pointed out that the original language, the shall language, would mean that all subdivision maps would have to come before the redevelopment agency before being processed by the city. Mr. Mikels stated that his intent was to limit this to projects which used tax increments, not for the redevelopment agency to look at every single development that went on within the project area. However, there would be projects which would not be using redevelopment financing which would be influencing projects which do. He said that maybe they should set guidelines as to which projects they would want to review. City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 6 Mr. Wasserman suggested that this be adopted as originally submitted with in- structions to come back with some specific policy guidelines. Mr. Lam stated that regulations for development within the redevelopment area does not change since they must follow all the policies of the city] He felt there were safeguards since the agency would deal with the financial mechanisms and stipulations which only the agency would wish to involve itself. When the agency approved a project, they will be looking at the consequences of any soecial condi- tions which have been placed on it to the surrounding area. The agency will see those things they want special conditions on. Anything else will always follow standard city regulations. Mr. Lam suggested using the "may" language and add the sentence, "However, all projects that utilize tax increment financing or other- wise enter into a contractural arrangement in the redevelopment area shall be reviewed and approved by the agency." Discussion continued regarding the "may" versus the "shall" language. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Bridge to keep the permissible "may" language. Mr. Mikels stated that he felt this Body should set the policy guidelines to de- termine projects to be reviewed. Council felt a motion was not necessary and concurred with Mr. Frost's suggestion to maintain the "may" language. Secretary, Lauren Wasserman, read the title of Resolution No. RASl-12. (18) RESOLUTION NO. RASl-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DECLARING THAT THE PROVISION OF LOW-AND MODER- ATE-INCOME HOUSING OUTSIDE THE RANCHO REDEVELOP- MENT PROJECT AREA IS OF BENEFIT TO THE PROJECT Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public comments. There being no response, the public portion was closed. Mr. Mikels asked if they were going to give staff some direction to come back with policy options for approval of projects within the redevelopment area. Mr. Wasserman stated that based on the discussion, staff understood the concerns and will bring some guidelines back to council for consideration. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Bridge to approve Resolution No. RASl-12, and to waive further reading of the resolution. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. Secretary, Lauren Wasserman, read the title of Resolution No. RA81-13. (19) RESOLUTION NO. HA81-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL F~ACT REPORT FOR THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Mr. Schlosser opened the meeting for public comment. There being none, the public portion was closed. Mr. Brown stated that he had some recommended changes to this resolution which were: SECTION 1. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Rancho Cucamonga certifies the Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Rancho Redevelopment Project and hereby finds that the final environmental impact report has been completed in accordance with CEQA, the State EIR Guidelines, and the Agency's local CEQA Guidelines. City Council ~inutes December 16, 1981 Page 7 SECTION 2. Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Measures. To the extent that the Redevelopment Plan allows the occurrence of signi- ficant effects identified in the final EIR without full mitigation, the Agency has identified specific economic, ecological, and social reasons to sumoort its action which make infeasible the project alternatives described in the final EIR or additional mitigation measures. The Agency finds that facts supporting this finding are contained in the Final EIR, the Redevelopment Plan, and the Report to the City Council. Mitigation measures have been made a condition of significant environmental effects identified in the final EIR. The Redevelopment Plan itself is a mitigation measure which is intended to mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects of blighting con- ditions identified in the Redevelopment Plan, Report to the City Council, and A~sessment of Conditions Report incorporated herein by reference. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Bridge to approve Resolution No. RA81-13 with the recommended changes and to waive further reading. Motion carried by the followin~ vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge,. and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. Secretary, Lauren Wasserman, read the title of Resolution No. RA81-14. RESOLUTION NO. RA81-14 (20) A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CItY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND RECOMMENDING ADOPTING OF SAID REDEVELOPMENT PLAN BY THE CITY COUNCIL. Chairman Schlosser opened the meeting for public comment. There being none, the public portion was closed. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Bridge to approve Resolution No. RA81-14, and to waive further reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: Mikels. ABSENT: Palombo. Mr. Mikels stated he voted no because he wanted to withhold his support of the document until he saw the guidelines. City Clerk Wasserman read the title of Resolution No. 81-196. RESOLUTION NO. 81-196 (21~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, FINDING AND DE- CLARING THAT THE PROVISION OF LOW-AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING OUTSIDE THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA IS OF BENEFIT TO THE PROJECT AREA. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public comment. There being none, the public portion was closed. Motion: Moved by Bridge, seconded by Mikels to approve Resolution No. 81-196 and to waive further reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. City Clerk Wasserman read the title of Resolution No. 81-197. He stated this was the same as the Agency's Resolution No. RA81-13, and will have the same changes. RESOLUTION NO. 81-197 (22) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 8 Motion: Moved by Bridge, seconded by Mikels to approve Resolution No. 81-197 as amended and to waive further reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. City Clerk Wasserman read the title of Ordinance No. 166. (23) ORDINANCE NO. 166 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE RANCHO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. Motion: Moved by Bridge, seconded by Mikels to waive further reading of Ordin- ance No. 166. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public hearing on the Ordinance. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Schlosser set the second reading for December 23, 1981 at 4:30 p.m. in the Lion's Park Comm~unity Center. Mayor Sch'losser called a break at 9:20 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m. with all members of staff present and the following council members: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. Councilman Palombo was absent from the meeting. (24) 4B. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT NO. 81-01 (TT 11853) - AMERICAN NATIONAL/BARRET IRVINE. A change of zone from R-1-8500 to R-3/PD for a total planned development of 72 condominium units on 5.71 acres of land located on the north side of 19th Street at Ramona. APN 202-171-42. Staff report by Jack Lam. City Clerk Wasserman read the title of Ordinance No. 163. ORDINANCE NO. 163 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REZONING ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 202-171-42 ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 19TH STREET AT RAMONA FROM R-1-8500 TO R-3/PD. Motion: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Bridge to waive further reading of Ordinance No. 163. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Bridge stated that he went by to take a look at the property. He could not see that there would be any impact on the church. Councilman Frost stated that he was only interested in the type of buffer used. Motion: Moved by Bridge, seconded by Schlosser to approve the zone change and the issuance of a negative declaration by approving Ordinance No. 163. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: Frost. ABSENT: Palombo. City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 9 (25 4C. AMENDMENT TO THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN. Amendments to include modification of the land use definition for "building contractor's storage yard" and "building contractor's offices and yards," the provisions for building contractor's offices and yards in certain areas of the Plan, and to provide for railroad service spur locations along 7th Street, east of Devore Freeway by allowing the landscape set- back to be maintained no less than 20 feet from the ultimate face of curb when adjacent to rail service. Staff report by Tim Beedle, Senior Planner. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council was: William Eels, speaking on behalf of the developer, recommended approval of the resolution. Mayor Schlosser closed the public hearing. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Mikels to approve the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve Resolution No. 81-194 and to waive the entire reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Frost, Mikels, Bridge, and Schlosser. NOES: None. ABSENT: Palombo. City Clerk Wasserman read the title of Resolution No. 81-194. RESOLUTION NO. 81-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING AMEND- MENT TO THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN REGARDING BUILDING CONTRACTOR'S OFFICES AND YARDS AND LAND- SCAPE SETBACKS ALONG 7TH STREET, EAST OF DEVORE FREEWAY. 5. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS. 5A. SELECTION OF FINANCIAL CONSULTANT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 79-1. Recommenda- (26] tion by staff was that Council retain Fieldman, Rolapp and Associates as financial consultant in the selection of bond underwriters for the Industrial Assessment District. Lauren Wasserman presented the staff report. Motion: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Frost to approve staff's recommendation to (27~ retain Fieldman, Rolapp and Associates as financial consultant. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Palombo absent). (28~ 5B. REPORT AND RESOLUTION ON CITY ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES. Staff report by Michael Vairin. Mayor Schlosser opened the meeting for public comment. There being none, the public portion was closed. Motion: Moved by Bridge, seconded by Mikels to approve Resolution No. 81-195 and to waive the entire reading. Motion carried 4-0-1. City Clerk Wasserman read title of Resolution No. 81-195. RESOLUTION NO. 81-195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CITY ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES AS CONTAINED IN SECTION 15000 OF THE CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. City Council Minutes December 16, 1981 Page 10 (29) 5C. NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER NEEDS. Item was continued to January 20, 1982 city council meeting. (30) 5D. ADDED ITEM: ALTA LOMA SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR CROSSING GUARD AT 19TH AND CARTILLA FOR DEER CANYON SCHOOL. Staff report by Lauren Wasserman. Mr. Wasserman stated that if council concurred with the request for a crossing guard, staff would come back at a future meeting for the transfer of funds. Motion: Moved by Mikels, seconded by Bridge to approve the request for crossing guards for the Deer Canyon School. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Palombo absent). (31) 5E. ADDED ITEM: GAME ARCADES. Councilman Mikels stated that there has been a moratorium in Los Angeles on game arcades. Because of this, there is a possibility for an explosion of these in our area. He requested a review be done by the Planning Commission regarding the zoning and kinds of establishments these would be allowed in and requested that staff come back to Council with a report. 6. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS. %here were none. 7. ADJOURNMENT. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Bridge to adjourn to an Executive Session to reconvene on December 23, 1981 for a special meeting. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Palombo absent). The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Authelet Deputy City Clerk