HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/60/26 - Minutes - PC-HPC fTHE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THE MINUTES OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 26, 2013 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance TIME 7.00 PM Roll Call Chairman Howdyshell X Vice Chairman Fletcher X Munoz X Wimberly X Oaxaca X Additional Staff Present.' Candyce Burnett, Planning Manager, Jeff Bloom, Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development; Steven Flower, Assistant CityAttomey, Betty Miller, Senior Engineer; Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner, Mike Smith, Associate Planner; Dominick Perez, Planning Technician; and Adrian Garcia, Assistant City Clerk. II. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. Sandy D efl. resident and business owner. stated that the historical community is in suppon of the China House and that the Route 66 Car Show is this Saturday. June 29, 2013 from 9 00a.m. to 2.00 p.m. at the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES W4c"o JUNE 26, 2013 Cuceuo4on Page 2 Magic Lamp Restaurant. They expect close to 100 cars on display III. CONSENT CALENDAR/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION A. 1. Approval of regular meeting minutes dated June 12, 2013 2. Approval of workshop minutes dated June 12, 2013 Moved by Munoz, seconded by Wimberly 5-0, to adopt the Consent Calendar: IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS/PLANNING COMMISSION The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required bylaw. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. B. TIME EXTENSION DRC2013-00328 - CREATION INVESTMENT GROUP - A request to extend the duration of an existing entitlement approval by an additional two (2) years for DRC2005-00490, a proposal to develop 9 single-family homes on 2.39 acres in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) located at 9814 Church Street, which is on the north side of Church Street, 140 feet west of Pasito Avenue-APN: 1077-311-74, The Planning Commission determined that the project was categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 In-Fill Development Projects. Per Section 15162, no further environmental review is required as there are no changes to the project. Mayuko Nakapina, Assistant Planner. gave the staff report and noted that the expiration date for the additional 2 years will be May 28. 2015. Moved by Munoz, seconded by Wimberly, 5-0 to adopt Resolution No 13-24 granting a 2- yeer eYlension. C. TIME EXTENSION DRC2013-00326-PHELAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY-A request to extend the duration of an existing entitlement approval by an additional two (2) years for an industrial warehouse/office project comprised of two(2) buildings with a combined floor area of about 100,000 square feet on a parcel of about 212,000 square feet (4.87 acres) in the General Industrial (GI) District located at 9212 Hermosa Avenue; APN: 0209-211-41. Related files: Development Review DRC2007-00696 and Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM18872. The Planning Commission determined that the project was categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15315 Minor Land HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO JUNE 26, 2013 CUCAMO GA Page 3 Divisions and Section 15332 In-Fill Development Projects. Per Section 15162, no further environmental review is required as there are no changes to the project. Mike Smith. Associate Planner, gave the staff report and rioted that the expiration date for the additional 2 years is May 14, 2015. Moved by Fletcher seconded by Wimberly 5-0 to adopt Resolution No. 13-25 granting a 2- year extension. D. FOURTH TIME EXTENSION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT16226-2 - BCA DEVELOPMENT-A fourth request to extend the duration of an existing entitlement approval by one year for a request to subdivide 37.43 acres into 95 lots for single-family home construction in the Low Residential District(2-4 dwelling units per acre)of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan located north of Wilson Avenue, east of Day Creek Boulevard and west of Etiwanda Avenue - APN: 1087-071-15. The tract is part of a larger previously approved project involving the subdivision of 248.63 acres of land into 632 lots for the purpose of single-family home construction. I Related Files: Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM15699 and Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16227. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 88082915)certified by the County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors in 1991 and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report(State Clearinghouse No. 98121091)certified by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in July 2001, and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in that Environmental Impact Report and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Dominick Perez. Planning Technician, gave the staff report and noted that the expiration date for the additional year is July 24, 2014. He further stated that the applicant has one additional year,available for a time extension if necessary, Ben Anderson, the applicant. stated that the markel is now more stable and that they are in talks with builders at this time. Moved by Munoz, seconded by Wimberly 5-0 to adopt Resolution No 13-23 granting a 1- year extension. V. COMMISSION CONCERWHISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION NONE VI. ADJOURNMENT TIME 7.15 PM