HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/06/12 - Minutes - PC-HPC1 THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THE MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 12, 2013 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 11 I. CALL TO ORDER II Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call 7:OOPM Chairman Howdyshell X Vice Chairman Fletcher X Munoz X Wimberly X Oaxaca X Additional Staff Present: Candyce Burnett, Planning Manager; Jeff Bloom, Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development; Steven Flower, Assistant City Attorney,- Donald ttorney;Donald Granger, Senior Planner, Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner; Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary Mike Smith, Associate Planner; Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner; Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner, Daniel Correa, Assistant Planner 11 II. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 11 This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. Slate law prohibits the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES WNCtie JUNE 12, 2013 CUCnwovcn Page 2 Luana Hernandez. President of HPARC said she is pleased to see the Mills Act application for the gas station. She said they are still working on the Chinatown house. She thanked the Commission and staff for their help III. CONSENT CALENDARIHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION A. Approval of minutes dated May 22, 2013 Moved by Munoz, seconded by Wimberly - Adopted 4-0-1 (Howdyshell abstain) IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required bylaw. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. B. MILLS ACT APPLICATION DRC2013-00384 - ROUTE 66 IECA - A request to implement the use of the Mills Act to reduce property tax for the Cucamonga Service Station, a designated Historic Landmark, in the Specialty Commercial District within the Foothill Boulevard Overlay Zoning District located at 9670 Foothill Boulevard - APN: 0208-153-05. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. Daniel Correa, Assistant Planner gave the staff report. to response to Commissioner Wimberly, Candyce Burnett, Planning Manager noted that usually given dates and times of proposed improvements are listed as part of the agreement, however. because the owners are gaiting for other sources of funding, those dates are not yet available They will work with staff on the tinieline and staff :will also make sure they make scheduled improvements. She said as they receive funding, staff can bring back an update repod(s), to note progress as it is made. Vice Chairman Fletcher noted that this project is exactly what the Mills Act is designed for. He said this is a situation where the group truly wants to restore the property and it is a good application. Commissioner Munoz said he is happy that this has come full circle and he is happy it iswhere we are now He thanked Ms Hernandez for her kind words. Chairman Howdyshell noted we have several structures using the Mills Act and it is very beneficial. Moved by Wimberly seconded by Oaxaca Adopted 5-0 to forward the Mills Act Contract to the City Council for final action 1 1 1 1 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO JUNE 12, 2013 CMA.MONCA Page 3 11 V. DIRECTOR'S REPORTS/PLANNING COMMISSION 11 C. DEVELOPMENT CODE/SPECIFIC CHANGE ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BUS RAPID TRANSIT STUDY DRC2012-00610 - COMPASS BLUEPRINT PROJECT. Mayuko Nakalrnta. Assistant Planner. gave the report and introduced the PowerPoint presentation. Candyce Burnett, Planning Manager gave some background regarding the original study that was done in cooperation with SANBAG and SCAG using a grant to include Rancho Cucamonga along with several other cities to took at rapid transit which then opened an opportunity to apply for a second grant which allowed us to hire Terra Nova and to evaluate our plans and to develop a comprehensive report with respect to the SRT. The John Coste or Terra Nova, presented the section of the Pov;erPoint presentation followed by Mi Young to address design issues associated with the project Commissioner Munoz said as a City we need to think our of the box and move in this direction as It may be only 5-10 years out. He said we will tweak this plan as there are valuable ideas He said we can be visionary and have a plan available when the crunch comes. Commissioner Wimberly concurred and noted we have been looking at Irve%vork units for e. arnple in a»ricipaaon of this Type of plan He said what was presented is viable and as a city will have to do this. He sard we will review what we have in place as far as structure and revise it. He said he believes it may bring future citizens to our city Commissioner Oaxaca said it was an interesting report and noted the section about the City's regulatory documents that are in place that already reveal that some of the tecommendations get to the core of where we would like to be in the future It leads its to think about how we can tailor and create those places that work for peclestnans. cyclists and develop mixed uses and TOD's that work for this corridor and all must fall in line for it to work. He said he recommends that we think about holy we can create those changes and change people's behavior -a difficult thing to do, but we have to stars somewhere, he said he believes this is a good time to start. Vice Chairman Fletcher said he disagreed with much of what he heard and read. He said he is concerned we are going in a backwards direction in that the report is designed with the sole purpose to promote development to support public transit rather than to design public transit around our different lifestyles, He said this whole report is based upon creating dense conunumbes to support transportation. which makes sense in LA or Sart Francisco but not here -he felt it was backward thinking. We built what the community wanted. the City has received national and local awards for that development. and this is not an ill-conceived community -people come here because they like it He felt Insulted by some sections of !her eport and felt the consultant missed the stark. He, said he did riot think flits is what Rancho needs He said he believed the comments in the report abort the Visual Improvement Plan (VIP) were condescending and Insulting. the consultants missed what "urban center' referenced. He said we used to be a rural agrarian community and that 'urbanmeant residential. not dense development. He said they totally Ignored what the design of the VIP was HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES R,NCHO JUNE 12, 2013 C`�MOyGA Page 4 designed for and they made light of our nostalgia: the themes of Route 66 were put down. He said the comments here arrogant. condescending and seemed insulting and failed to recognize the design, goals and lifestyle that Rancho residents desire. He specifically referred to pages 40-43 of report. He took exception with remarks in the report made by the consultant such as. the VIP "promotes highly conventional 'design concepts that have been done and over done throughout Southern California. More sliced white bread is not what is needed ' And that the design elements of the VIP "are too wimpy to achieve the sense of identity sought by the General Plan and VIP that do not have an impact on the economic success of the Foothill Boulevard ` He said a single family home is the American dream and his kids want a house to raise their kids in, nota high rise apartment He did not agree with the comments about the western gateway. He said he thinks our residents would be up in at ms about high density development He said he does not support the repoit and suggested the City Council not do anything with it. Chairman Howdyshell said many of her comments are included with what her fellow commissioners already expressed. She said with respect to the City gateways, she served on the Trails Advisory Committee (TAC) and they worked hard on the west side of the City. She said she does not want to change that. She said she does not want to see a lot o1 modification to the City. She commented that partnership is important: builders come here because they understand our philosophy and our lifestyle. Sne said she agrees with Vice Chairman Fletcher with respect io densityand she is opposed to density She said we do need connectivity and a way to get from point A to 8 but she is concerned above a lack o1 parking. She said this plan would be a major paradigm shift and will a take long time. She agreed that we need transit to get people from Point A to point 8 but said we should think about how we do It, She said this community was not designed with this mindset. Ms Burnett, noted that the report is already scheduled for the City Council. The Secretary received and filed the report. 11 VI. SCHEDULED MATTERS/PLANNING COMMISSION II D. PUBLIC SCOPING MEETING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) DRC2012- 00049 FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2012-00443, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2012-00444, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2012-00445, DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2013-00305 and TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19454 - WALMART STORES, INC - An opportunity for the Planning Commission to receive public comment pertaining to the environmental issues to be addressed in an EIR for a proposed 189,411 square foot Walmart Super Store on 20.2 acres of land along with a master plan for a freestanding retail pad of 4,000 square feet on .56 acres of land (Outparcel 1) and additional 58,120 square feet of commercial/office lease space on a 7.83 acre parcel (Outparcel 2), located at the northeast corner Foothill Boulevard and Mayten Avenue in the Community Commercial Development District of the Terra Vista Community Plan — APNs: 0227-151-42, 43 and 45-48. Donald Granger: Senior Planner. gave the staff report He offered the grouoowoik for what a Scoping meeting is for: to identify the range of environmental items to be addressed in the =1R document He 1 1 1 1 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES R,Ncyo JUNE 12, 2013 Ct, ANoNCA Page 5 said Ross Geller of Applied Planning is present and Walmari is represented by Donovan Collier and Sarah Compton. Donovan Collier of Walmaa Stores sate'they are working will) staft and are here to answer questions Chairman Howdyshell invited the public to comment Loretta Arenas said she is opposed because of detrimental effects on the surrounding community and local businesses Jacob Engin said he lives in Terra Vista. He said he is concerned because of air quality due to more buck traffic He said the air is already polluted Eric Jumenez had a concern about small businesses competing with large businesses. Sherry Stuan said she is opposed and questioned having a supercenter between two other nearby Walmarts She said she is concetned about "Mom and Pop" businesses trying to compete Lliana ,Ray said she is a resident of the Homecoming development. She said she has a concern about trucks and customers impacting her immediate neighborhood. She said the store is too large and they tvll have 24-hour-haffic She said other stores are struggling and will close leaving empty retail areas Michael Stewart said it will make traffic difficult and increase emissions He noted the birds of prey can be found on the light standards in the area Paul Melot:•tn questioned if the proposal is consistent tvlh current land use policy. He said the site is adjacent to medrumAow residential and he is opposed Luana Hernandez said she is concerned about such a huge budchng She asked why they are not expanding the existing Warman store Commissioner Munoz asked for clari5cation regarding v✓hat win happen to the existing store and asked if staff could address the land use question He said there is some confusion and asked rrttiete will be 3 stores (lneanmg the existing site would remain a VValrnart in addition to the new store and the one located near Grove Avenue ) Mr Granoer said the project will require a General Plan Amendment. A Development Code Amendment for housekeeping. a Design Review and a Conditional Use Permit Steven Flower. Assistant City Attorney said the issue of land use is already identified in the Initial study and will be addtessed in the EIR. He also noted that the possible expansion of the existing LValmart Store win be e.xplorecl as an alternative. What would happen to the existing site tvin also be evaluated in the EIR Mr Donovan said the existing store will be vacated. He said it will he surplus property and they are currently looking for developers fora re -use He said the existing Walrriaut has parking and circulation HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES WNceo JUNE 12, 2013 CUCAMONGA Page 6 issues and so they are trying to move to a more shopper friendly area in town Vice Chairman Fletcher said his items include the builidng design, lot. landscape, and aesthetic visuals should be up to our standards as well as ongoing maintenance upkeep, and cleanliness. He said he would like them to sweep daily He said the EIR should cover the cumulative effects and impacts on nearby residents. Chairman Howdyshell noted the proximity to the residential neighborhood: the 24-hour operation: the concern about traffic and noise: and sensitivity to the surrounding community. Mr. Flower said all the items of concern have been noted and that the public can stay informed as the review process progresses. II VII. COMMISSION CONCERNS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND I PLANNING COMMISSION None II VIII. ADJOURNMENT II The Planning Commission adjourned their iegulai meeting at 8 50PM The Planning Commission adjourned to a workshop to continue their discussion of DRC20t3-00124, an informatronal presentation and workshop regarding the design of residential development The workshop a✓as held in the Rains Room and those minutes will be prepared separately 1 1 1