HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011/09/14 - Workshop Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned Meeting September 14, 2011 Chairman Munoz called the Adjourned Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 8:55 p.m. The meeting was held in the Rains Room at Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Richard Fletcher, Frances Howdyshell, Lou Munoz, Francisco Oaxaca; Ray Wimberly ABSENT: Francisco Oaxaca STAFF PRESENT: Steven Flower,Assistant City Attorney; Steve Fowler,Assistant Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary; James Troyer, Planning Director ANNOUNCEMENTS None • NEW BUSINESS A. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW DRC2011-00724-JONATHAN C. CURTIS-A request to review Tentative Tract Map 18823 for consistency with the North Etiwanda Specific Plan. The site is a 13.52 acre remnant parcel of a larger 15.03 acre parcel which was previously divided into 5 parcels under Recorded Parcel Map 15550, located within the Very Low (VL) Residential District of the North Etiwanda Specific Plan on the west side of Wardman Bullock Road at Blue Sky Court-APN: 0226-081-15 though 17. John Curtis of Trevear Holdings LLC introduced his team including Brenda Vargas and Stan Morse of MDS Consulting. Mr. Curtis stated that he was appointed the receiver by the court for the property. He said they have been working with Planning, Building and Safety and Engineering towards a workable solution. He gave an overview of the prior development noting that work started about 10 years ago resulting in one house on Blue Sky and the property owner has 4 lots. He said the original plans for the homes came through the County and permits were issued by the City many years ago. He said there are different owners and his objective is to clean up a mess, do some site planning to try to move forward. He said they have attempted to consider the size of the lots, home and street placement, horsetrails etc. Commissioner Fletcher asked if all 4 properties are owned by the bank. Mr. Curtis said there are 4 legal owners but it is really owned by the same people. He said as receiver, the bank takes over the entire property and he has full jurisdiction over the property. He said the bank wants us (Mr. Curtis and team) to fix it, as they really don't want to foreclose on the property. He said they would not build out the rest of the lots although they are trying to finish the two lots that were left partially built, and then the other lots would probably be sold off later. Commissioner Fletcher asked if there are legal difficulties considering there are four different owners. Mr. Curtis explained that there is one court order for the entire property and only one signature is needed (his) so that it is not so tricky in that regard. Chairman Munoz asked if there are any plans for the short term. Mr. Curtis said the plan is to finish off and sell off the property. Vice Chairman Howdyshell said she recalls that the one existing house appears to be the same or very similar to the other two partially built homes. Mr. Curtis said they are basically the same. Vice Chairman Howdyshell confirmed that the intent is to complete them and then with the completion of the tract they would have 5 homes completed. Chairman Munoz asked what they anticipate as issues with 4 applicants. Mr. Curtis said they already identified a need for several variances and minor modifications. • Stan Morse, MDS Consulting said an issue is how to work with the existing houses and streets. He said for Lot 10 they have to define the depth and for Lot 11 they would have to have frontage along Street B but the front yard setback would be from Wardman Bullock. He said the mid-lots do not fit the rules for equestrian because they cannot fit the corrals in there. He said those lots may be able to access a trail they believe will be installed by Centex and if that plan fails, they do have a fallback position. He noted the issues to follow: • Some interior lots (tan colored on the plans) are not equestrian-Lot 1 is not large enough. He said they have some lots with minor exceptions. • With respect to 50 -foot street widths— He suggested they give the City the streets they want but they would be 36 feet curb to curb with a parkway, and an easement inside the property lines. He said it would look like a 60-foot wide street but it would be contained within a 50-foot width with a 4 -foot sidewalk easement on each side of the street. • If they are unable to gain right of way via quitclaim for the knuckle property, then emergency access to the other culdesac will be provided. Vice Chairman Howdyshell said she is encouraged to see the vision as the property is currently a real eyesore. Commissioner Munoz said it looks like a fairly good plan to correct a not-so-easy problem. Mr. Morse said that because of the street placements, it made it nearly impossible. He said they need a Variance on Lot 10 for lot depth; and a Minor Exception for Lot 2 for lot coverage and then they need a by off from the Fire Department for two points of access with respect to the knuckle property. He noted that the property owner on Lot 1 of Parcel Map 15550 is somewhat content with his solitude and has not really indicated what he wants or would accept. PC Adjourned Minutes -2- September 14, 2011 Mr. Fowler said the Fire Department is looking for two means of access. He said with respect to the 50 foot widths-if they are required to go to 60 feet, then the lots will be below the required 25,000 square foot average lot size-and that would result in another Variance or loss of parcels. He said on Lots 18, 19 and 20 they could take 10 feet off and still meet the required lot depths. Mr. Morse said Street B would be an issue and typically they would not want a trail in front of the lots, but they should talk with Centex and see if they will allow those lots to use their trail access. Mr. Troyer noted that the Commission only needs to direct staff to investigate the issues and to see what works. Mr. Fowler asked Mr. Curtis if they have considered leveling the two partially complete houses. Mr. Curtis said so much money has been put into them. He said there is value associated with those and it is also helping them to get it cleaned up faster. Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer said those two homes can not receive occupancy until those streets are developed. Mr. Morse noted they are currently cleaning up trash piles, mountains of block and winterizing the site. Commissioner Fletcher said to get as much compliance they can find with the Specific Plan. He said he is not opposed to the Variance idea, but he would want to see access to the trail. He suggested they adjust the lot lines to make it work with the Specific Plan without all these changes and Variances and bring the street through with the knuckle property (see Lots 1 and 20). Vice Chairman Howdyshell noted the interior lots are too small for equestrian and not having them adds a nice mix. Commissioner Fletcher said that with that in mind, he is not opposed to a Variance to forget about those lots being equestrian lots. Mr. Fowler said the properties along the Centex (south) property line will be equestrian with that access. Vice Chairman Howdyshell said she agrees with the other commissioners, that perhaps once the owner of the knuckle property sees the benefit he will gain by punching through the knuckle, he will cooperate to allow the street to come through. Commissioner Wimberly noted that the proposed plan is mapped for 20 lots. He asked if they could consider fewer units. Mr. Morse said they are constricted with trying to map around the partially built homes. He said they have done other studies with more lots but they want the lots to be legitimate lots with trails. He said they are not driven by the number of lots. Commissioner Wimberly noted that they need to justify all those Variances. Mr. Curtis noted that they have very unique circumstances and they are trying to minimize the number of Variances. Mr. Troyer said no commitments are being made here but if we can make findings to support the Variances then they will be brought to the Commission for consideration. PC Adjourned Minutes -3- September 14, 2011 Chairman Munoz suggested Mr. Curtis work with staff to see what they can work out and to minimize Variances where possible. He said tonight's workshop is a pre-application and they have work to do; no guarantees. Mr. Morse said they will start negotiating in earnest with the one property owner with respect to punching through the knuckle to gain a proper connection between Blue Sky Court and Street A. Commissioner Fletcher said that if they have to wipe out the partially built houses, he did not have a problem with that and he would prefer they meet all the requirements of the Specific Plan. Mr. Curtis said they want proper planning in the end. 4 k f 4 e PUBLIC COMMENTS None COMMISSION BUSINESS AND COMMENTS None * * * * * ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 927--n4-44-) ames R. Troyer, AICP Secretary Approved: September 28, 2011 1 PC Adjourned Minutes -4- September 14, 2011