HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003/08/27 - Workshop Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned Meeting August 27, 2003 Chairman Macias called the Adjourned Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 8:15 p.m. The meeting was held at Cucamonga County Water District, 10440 Ashford Street, Rancho Cucamonga, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Richard Fletcher, Rich Macias, Cristine McPhail,LarryMcNiel, Pam Stewart ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner, Dan Coleman, Douglas Fenn,Associate Planner, Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer, Alan Warren, Associate Planner NEW BUSINESS A. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW FOR TENTATIVE TRACT SUBTT16461 AND DRC2003-00663- PAT PRUITING & DEL FELTIS -A request to subdivide a 3.1 acre parcel into 6 single-family lots, in the Very Low Residential District (.1 -2 dwelling Units per acre), located at the end of loamosa Court-APN: 1061-611-11 and 12. Brad Buller, City Planner, introduced the item and gave an overview of the Pre-Application Review process. He invited the applicant to provide an overview of the proposed project. After introducing the other representatives, Del Feltis gave a brief history of the project site and proposal. He indicated that in December 2002 they proposed a parcel map to divide 3.1 acres into 6 single-family lots. He said they had been working with the Engineering department in the past and were under the impression that they could divide the property into 6 parcels; however, the Development Code requires that lots in the Very Low Residential District must have a depth of 200 feet. He pointed out that because of the 200-foot requirement, they would either lose lots and/or have lots that are very irregularly shaped. Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner, showed sample options of parcel map configurations depicting lots with the 200-foot lot depth dimension. He said such options create irregular shaped parcels and the applicant would lose a lot. Because of the history and the unique circumstance of the project site, it was the consensus of the Commission that the applicant should apply for a variance to reduce the 200 foot lot depth for the proposed parcels, but to work closely with staff to ensure that the lot designs and the placement of homes protects the ability for the properties to have horses. Mr. Buller thanked the applicants for their interest in using the Pre-Application Review process to further the success of their project. B. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW DRC2003-00825 - S. A. MIRO - A Pre-Application Review on behalf of 0 & S Holdings, LLC to consider an alternative site plan and architectural elevations for the development of a shopping center to include a 182,390 square foot Sears store and a retail pad building of 40,000 square feet in lieu of previously proposed in line retail stores and two smaller pad sites-APN; 0229-021-63. Related fire: DRC2002-00839. Brad Buller, City Planner, introduced the item and gave a summary of the shopping center review process. He indicated the original application and design proposed in-line retail stores instead of a large single user proposed with this review. He stated that the Commission is scheduled to review the project on September 24,2003, and because of public hearing preparation time constraints,the Commission will probably see the site plan with the in-line buildings previously reviewed by the Design Review Committee rather the plan being reviewed tonight. He added that the Conditional Use Permit approval will contain a provision that would allow the City Planner to review and act on the Sears plan after the initial Planning Commission review. He stated the purpose of the workshop was to see if the Commissioners have any issues within the Sears concept that could be addressed primarily at the City Planner or Design Review Committee level. Rick Shoemaker, representing Sears, gave a brief summary of the marketing analysis and consumer studies that resulted in his company's request to develop a new type of Sears in Rancho Cucamonga. Pamela Sharkey of S.A. Miro presented the architectural elevations providing insight into the use of features exhibited by historic winery/Route 66 styles that are evident in the community. Brent Thornton, 0 & S Holdings, LLC, provided the colored elevations of the Design Review Committee approved plans to compare with the elevations proposed by Sears. Alan Warren, Associate Planner, highlighted the follow issues: 1. The Sears plan, like the original site plan, provides an excess of parking significantly above minimum City standards. A good portion of parking for the Sears plan is behind the main building. Staff recommends that an active parking program requiring employees to use the rear parking spaces be a requirement of any plan approval. 2. Since the Sears auto repair facilities face the Foothill Boulevard frontage,staff recommends that the 40, 000 square foot building between Foothill Boulevard and the repair facilities, be conditioned to be construction in the same phase as the Sears building. Commissioner McNiel initiated the discussion by stating that he likes the project and that he concurs that a parking program that requires employees park behind the main buildings along the west side of the site is essential to the success of the overall parking scheme. He felt that if the City Planner is to act on the Sears building,the applicant should adhere to the City's design guidelines with quality products. He added that there should be no blank walls and any trellis structures should exhibit strong (not flimsy) character. He pointed out the plant nursery area should be designed so that material stacks do not exceed the height of the enclosure walls. He believed the nursery enclosure should make an architectural statement. Commissioner McPhail liked the overall design but thought the building colors should be more like that of the original plan buildings. She stated that Queen Palms may not be an appropriate palm for the site. She suggested that a native fan palm might be a better species. Commissioner Stewart liked the site plan and was open to having the City Planner review and potentially approve changes to the shopping center based on what was presented. She believed the Sears building could use some tile murals to help "punch-up" some of the building walls and full stone treatments would be appropriate for the column features(trellis structure). She felt restaurants PC Adjourned Minutes -2- August 27, 2003 with "signature" architectural style may be permitted but they must have some design compatibility with the majority of the center. Commissioner Fletcher stated he also liked what was presented tonight. He thought the west elevation is a bit plain, but the rear landscaping along the easement line should help screen the rear loading areas from the west. Chairman Macias agreed with the other Commissioners. He wanted a bit more art and stonework on the Sears building. He believed the restaurant architecture styles will work themselves out when coordinated with the overall center design. Mr. Buller summarized the comments of the Commission, stating that no major design problems were evident. He said the staff report for the center will contain the provision to authorize the City Planner to work out the detail of the Sears modifications. C. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW DRC2003-00733 - HOGLE IRELAND, INC. - A review of a conceptual design concept for the proposed development of 10 duplexes consisting of 20 units and 5 single-family homes on 4.20 acres of land in the Low-Medium Residential.District (4-8 dwelling units per acre)of the Foothill Districts(Subarea 3), located south of Foothill Boulevard at the terminus of Hampshire and Devon Streets. APN: 208-331-18. This item was continued to September 10, 2003, at the request of the applicant. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments at this time. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjoumed at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, B Iler Secretary PC Adjourned Minutes -3- August 27, 2003