HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991/01/17 - Workshop Minutes - PC-HPCCITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned Meeting January 17, 1991 Chairman McNiel called the Adjourned meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 8:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tri-Communities Room at Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Suzanne Chitlea, Larry McNiel, John Melcher, Peter Tolstoy, Wendy Vallette ABSENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Brad Bullet, City Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Miki Bratt, Associate Planner, Beverly Nissen, Associate Planner; Jerry Guarracino, Assistant Planner; Paul Rougeau, Acting Deputy City Engineer; Betty Miller, Associate Engineer, Laura Bonaccorsi, Landscape Designer; Rick Gomez, Community Development Director COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: Charles Fahie, County Planning; Tina Twing, County Planning OTHERS PRESENT: Mike White, Standard Pacific; Ray Allard, Fuscoe, Williams, Lingten & Short; Jess Harris, Land Plan Design Group; Lewis Trout, Resident; Harold Garcelon, Resident , , , SPECIFIC PLAN 90-01 - ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN - CITY OF RANCHO CUCANONGA - Staff will present an overview of the Draft Specific Plan, which will pre-zone approximately 6,800 acres consistent with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan and is located generally north of Highland Avenue, south of the National Forest Boundary, east of Milliken Avenue, and west of the City of Fontana, in the area known as Etiwanda North - APN: 201-011-01, et. al. Brad Bullet, City Planner, made introductory comments. Miki Bratt, Associate Planner, presented an overview of the Specific Plan. Chairman McNiel opened the discussion to comments from the public. Lewis Trout, 7861 Leucite Avenue, presented several concerns. He asked what provision has been made for removal of debris from Day Creek Debris Basin and what route truck travel will take. He stated that debris removal from similar debris basins had been considerable because of the flood-fire cycle in the San Gabriel Mountains and traffic from trucks removing the debris has created unforeseen traffic impacts in some of those areas. Ms. Bratt responded that the San Bernardino County Flood Control District has provided a site near the dam for debris storage, and she will get more information from the Flood Control District on planned truck routes. Mr. Trout felt that the Day Creek facility was not designed for the 100 year storm and that he was concerned about overflow from Day Creek Channel and the potential for inundation of residential development adjacent to Day Creek Channel. Mr. Trout was also concerned about protection of the bog. He asked if hydrological studies of the water sources of the bog have been completed, if a provision has been made to protect sheet flows into the bog, and if provision has been made to protect the bog from contamination from urban runoff. He stated that Mr. Jim DeLaurier, biology professor at Chaffey College was not able to attend the meeting but was concerned about contamination of the bog from the regional equestrian trail. Mr. Trout also raised concern about improper use of the trails and open space. He thought access to the gaging station should be restricted, because of the fear of fire and vandalism. He said that the City of Sierra Madre now requires a permit which is issued by its Police Department for use of its natural reserve similarly located in the foothills, and suggested that a permit system might be used by the City. Chairman McNiel asked if there were any other comments from the public. There being none, he asked for comments from the Commission. Commissioner Tolstoy expressed continuing concern that the east-west collector roads, Banyon, Wilson, and Vintage, need to go through whether or not the Rock Crusher lease exists. Commissioner Tolstoy felt that access to the National Forest should be controlled to prevent vandalism, and that the Sierra Madre ordinance requiring a permit for access to the nature preserve, referred to by Mr. Trout, should be reviewed by staff. Commissioner Chitiea expressed continuing concern that the bog hydrology must be understood and protected. Commissioner Chitlea reported that the Front Line Regional Trail is also a fire road and she felt its continued use as a trail appears to be reasonable. She said that the area is patrolled by the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department Citizen Patrol Equestrian Units and that incidents have declined since the patrols began. She expressed the need for an equestrian Planning Commission Minutes -2- January 17, 1991 boarding center and support for the site surrounded by utility corridor easements. Commissioner Melcher stated his support for controlled access to the open space areas and supported investigation of the Sierra Madre ordinance. Commissioner Vallette thanked Mr. Trout for his perspective and supported further investigation of the issues he raised. Acting Deputy City Engineer, Paul Rougeau, stated that the flood control facilities in the area were designed for a project level storm rather than a 100 year storm. He stated that the assumptions for the project level storm should be reviewed. He stated that there are 300-foot utility corridors on either side of the Day Creek Channel which would serve as a buffer in the event the channel did overflow its banks. He also said that the need for additional flood retention facilities should be investigated for the Day Creek Spreading Grounds. Chairman McNiel stated his support for the City's Etiwanda North Specific Plan. He reiterated that this is a special area deserving of sensitive planning efforts. He stated his continuing hope that the City's plan would become the basis for a joint plan with the County. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -3- January 17, 1991