HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-29 ResolutionRESOLUTION NO. 20-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2018-00992, A REQUEST TO AMEND TEXT, TABLES AND FIGURES IN THE DEVELOPMENT CODE TO REFLECT THE CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION OF THE PROJECT SITE FROM COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) TO MIXED USE (MU) RELATED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT WITH 131 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, 4 COMMERCIAL READY UNITS AND A 1,500-SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL SPACE ON 11.44 ACRE PROJECT SITE IN THE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC) DISTRICT, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EAST AVENUE AND NORTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF —APN: 1100-191-04. A. Recitals. 1. SC Westbury Limited Partnership filed an application for the approval of Development Code Amendment DRC2018-00992, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Code Amendment request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 24th day of June 2020, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above -referenced public hearings of June 24, 2020, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The 11.44-acre project site is located on the west side of East Avenue, approximately 550 feet north of Foothill Boulevard; and b. The project site made up of 3.76 acres of land unencumbered by easements. Of the remainder of the property, 1.98 acres are within a Southern California Gas Company easement that will be used for parking and 5.7 acres are within a Southern California Edison easement that will be left undeveloped; and C. The vacant project site slopes from north to south and is covered by low vegetation and multiple eucalyptus trees; and d. The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 20-29 DCA DRC2018-00992 — SC WESTBURY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP June 24, 2020 Page 2 Land Use General Plan Zoning Utility Corridor Open Space (OS) District Site Vacant Community Commercial (CC) District; Foothill Mixed -Use Boulevard Overlay District Subarea 4 North Utility Corridor Utility Corridor Low Medium (LM) Residential District South Vacant Land Mixed -Use Mixed -Use (MU) District East Single -Family Residences City of Fontana City of Fontana Utility Open Space (OS) District West Infrastructure Utility Corridor Commercial Office (CO) District e. Development Code Amendment DRC2018-00992 amends Chapters 17.36 and 17.38 of the Development Code related to the change in zoning of the project site from Community Commercial to Mixed Use. The amendment will modify Development Code Section 17.36.020 (Development standards for mixed -use zoning districts) to eliminate text, figures, and tables related to defining the location and mix of uses within each mixed -use area within the City. On June 15, 2016, the City Council approved General Plan Amendment DRC2015-00887, which similarly eliminated tables in General Plan which described the uses and development ranges permitted within each area designated for Mixed -Use development. The proposed changes will bring the Development Code into alignment with the General Plan and will provide more flexibility in the development of mixed -use zoning areas. The amendment will also modify Development Code Figure 17.38.060-1 (Foothill Boulevard Subareas) and Figure 17.38.060- 15 (Subarea 4 Map) to reflect the proposed zone change; and f. The overall project scope includes Zoning Map Amendment DRC2018-00994, to change the zoning designation from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed -Use (MU), Design Review DRC2018-00770, for the site plan and architectural design of the proposed 131-unit mixed -use development, Tree Removal Permit DRC2019-00867 to remove 32 onsite trees and Uniform Sign Program DRC2019-00959 for onsite signage. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above -referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. This Amendment does not conflict with the Land Use Policies of the General Plan and will provide for development, within the district, in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development. The Amendment is related to Zoning Map Amendment DRC2018-00994, which changes the zoning designation of the project site from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed Use (MU), in conformance with the Mixed Use (MU) General Plan land use designation. The Amendment updates text, tables, figures in the Development Code to reflect the new Zoning Map designation and eliminates any conflicts or inconsistencies between the General Plan and the Development Code; and b. This Amendment does promote the goals and objectives of the Development Code. The purpose and intent of the Development Code is to implement the goals and objectives of the General Plan and to guide and manage the future growth of the City. The General Plan land use designation of the project site is Mixed Use (MU). The related Zoning Map Amendment (DRC2018- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 20-29 DCA DRC2018-00992 — SC WESTBURY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP June 24, 2020 Page 3 00994) changes the zoning designation of the project site from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed Use, in conformance with the Mixed Use (MU) General Plan land use designation. The Amendment updates text, tables, and figures in the Development Code to reflect the related Zoning Map Amendment, thus implementing the goals and objectives of the General Plan; and C. The proposed Amendment will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The project related to the Amendment was reviewed by the Design Review Committee and is of the same high -quality design as the surrounding development and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The subject application is consistent with the objectives of the Development Code. The Development Code is required to be consistent with the land use element of the General Plan. The Amendment modifies text, tables, and figures in the Development Code to reflect the related Zoning Map Amendment (DRC2018-00994), eliminating any conflicts or inconsistencies between the General Plan and the Development Code; and e. The proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan. The General Plan land use designation of the project site is Mixed Use (MU). The related Zoning Map Amendment (DRC2018-00994) amends the zoning designation of the project site from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed Use (MU) to be in conformance with the General Plan land use designation. The Amendment updates text, tables, and figures in the Development Code to bring the Development Code into conformance with the new General Plan land use designation and Zoning Map designation of the project site. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the application, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the Planning Commission finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental document is required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in connection with the review and approval of this application based upon the following findings and determinations: a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, LSA has prepared an Initial Study of the potential environmental effects of the project, which was peer -reviewed by First Carbon Solutions, a consultant contracted by the City to review this document. Based on the findings contained in that Initial Study, it was determined that, with the imposition of mitigation measures, there would be no substantial evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the environment. Based on that determination, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared. Thereafter, the City staff provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration. b. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Mitigated Negative Declaration and all comments received regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration and, based on the whole record before it, finds: (i) that the Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with CEQA; and (ii) that, based on the imposition of mitigation measures, there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission further finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Planning Commission. Based on these findings, the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 20-29 DCA DRC2018-00992 — SC WESTBURY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP June 24, 2020 Page 4 C. The Planning Commission has also reviewed and considered the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project that has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 and finds that such Program is designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during project implementation. The Planning Commission, therefore, recommends that the City Council adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project. d. The custodian of records for the Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration, and all other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the Planning Commission's recommendation is based is the Planning Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Those documents are available for public review in the Planning Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, telephone (909) 477-2750. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby recommends City Council approval of the subject Development Code Amendment amending text, tables, and figures as shown on Attachment A and subject to each and every condition set forth in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th DAY OF JUNE 2020. PLANNING CO SION OFT C RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: AUZ Tony Guglielmo, Chairman ATTEST: C 'Anne McIntosh, AICP, Secretary I, Anne McIntosh, AICP, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 24th day of June 2020, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GUGLIELMO, OAXACA, DOPP, MORALES, WILLIAMS NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: "Attachment A" 17.36.020 Development standards for mixed use zoning districts A. Purpose and applicability. The purpose of this section is to establish minimum development standards that are unique to development projects within the city's Mixed Use Zoning District. The general elan Development standards in this section apply to all land designated on the zoning map within a Mixed Use District and are intended to be consistent with and implement the general plan. See Figure 17.36.020 1 (Mixed Use Sites). FIGURE I7.36.020-I MIXED USE SITES _ __.1 __ i. ...-•.aroma Proposed Amendment FIGURE 17.38.060-1 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD SUBAREAS weAeu 1 3116A4G 1 woAIICA 2 Molt, F,ve 17 J8 .l to Fnape i• lvzowg0 $,"I,M oWN 1100.191-04 Iran Cdnmirtxly ! C I'l"W u" (Mv 10 4liretl Use lMtl) Irwr.wc.w•....v � ]nevT. <a Proposed Anlendmenl FIGURE 17.38.060-15 SUBAREA 4 MAP c' x a•.cu w i s twper.t O �1 ^A��1 •dM�M� w Modify F;gufe 17 3&060-15 to change the zoning designation of APN. 1100-191-04 from Community Commercial (CC) to Mixed Use (MU)