HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-06 Agenda Packet CITY OF ■ . ■ * ■ Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA April 6, 2021 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. PURSUANT TO GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD AS A TELECONFERENCE MEETING In response to the Governor's Executive Orders, the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health requirements, and to ensure the health and safety of our residents by limiting contact that could spread the COVID-19 virus, there will be no members of the public in attendance at the Design Review Committee meetings. Members of the Design Review Committee and staff will participate in this meeting via teleconference. In place of in-person attendance, members of the public can observe and offer comment at this meeting via Zoom: VIEW MEETING VIA ZOOM APP OR ZOOM.COM AT: zoom.us/join using Webinar ID: 912 7975 3854 -or- YOU CAN DIAL-IN USING YOUR PHONE UNITED STATES: + 1 (669) 900-6833 Access Code: 912 7975 3854 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING April 6, 2021, DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING As an alternative to participating in the teleconference, you may submit comments in writing to Elizabeth.Thornhill(a)_CityofRC.us by 12:OOpm on the date of the meeting. Written comments will be distributed to the Committee and read into the record. A. Call to Order B. Public Communications C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of March 16, 2021. D. Project Review Items D1. HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00973 — MOLINAR DESIGN, INC. - Site plan and architectural review of a 6,871 square foot two-story single-family residence with an attached 4- car garage on a 18,924 square foot lot within the Very Low (VL) Residential District within the Hillside Overlay District and Equestrian Overlay District at 10839 Carriage Drive - APN: 1074- 531-09. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15303 — New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. D2. DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00558— M&A HOLDINGS, LLC -A request to construct 10 single- family homes on a previously approved Tract Map (SUBTT19917) within the Very Low (VL) Residential District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located north of the 210 Freeway and east of East Avenue at the easterly extension of Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive; APNs 0226-572-01 to -10. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project. E. Adjournment The Design Review Committee has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Committee. I, Elizabeth Thornhill, Executive Assistant of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on Thursday, April 1, 2021, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website. If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting,please contact the Planning Department at(909)477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Agenda—April 6, 2021 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF ■ . ■ * ■ Design Review Committee Meeting AGENDA March 16, 2021 MINUTES Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 7:00 p.m. A. Call to Order The meeting of the Design Review Committee was held on March 16, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Mike Smith, Staff Coordinator, at 7:00pm. Design Review Committee members present: Francisco Oaxaca, Diane Williams, Mike Smith. Staff Present: Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner. B. Public Communications Mike Smith opened the public communication and, after noting there were no public comments, closed public communications. C. Consent Calendar C1. Consideration to adopt Regular Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2021. Motion carried 2-0 vote to adopt the minutes as presented. D. Project Review Items ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT20334, DESIGN REVIEW DRC2020-00139, MINOR EXCEPTION DRC2020-00141 AND TREE REMOVAL PERMIT DRC2020-00140 — MANNING HOMES - A request to subdivide 10.24 acres of land into 17 lots including the Design Review of 17 single-family residences, a Minor Exception for increased wall heights and a Tree Removal Permit to remove onsite trees for a project site located on the east side of East Avenue and south of Banyan Street in the Very Low (VL) Residential District (.1 - 2 Dwelling Units per Acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the Equestrian Overlay District; APNs: 0225-191-09 and -17. A Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts was prepared Staff presented the project to the Design Review Committee. The Committee voted to advance the project to the full Planning Commission. The Committee took the following action: X Recommend approval to PC/PD. E. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Thornhill Executive Assistant, Planning Department Approved: Design Review Committee Regular Meeting Minutes— February 16, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Draft DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS April 6, 2021 7:00 p.m. Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner HILLSIDE DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00973 — MOLINAR DESIGN, INC. - Site plan and architectural review of a 6,871 square foot two-story single-family residence with an attached 4- car garage on a 18,924 square foot lot within the Very Low (VL) Residential District within the Hillside Overlay District and Equestrian Overlay District at 10839 Carriage Drive - APN: 1074- 531-09. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA guidelines under CEQA Section 15303 — New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Site Characteristics: The 18,924 square foot vacant project site is located on the north side of Carriage Drive. The property dimensions are approximately 89 feet along the north property line, 191 feet along the east property line, 127 feet along the south property line, and 197 along the west property line. The downslope lot has an elevation of approximately 220 feet as measured at the curb face along the north property line to the south property line, for a maximum grade change of approximately 9 feet from the north to south property lines. The site is covered in short grasses. The existing Land Use, General Plan and Zoning designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Very Low (VL) Residential Very Low (VL) District Site Vacant Land Residential Hillside Overlay District Equestrian Overlay Very Low (VL) Residential Single-Family Very Low (VL) District North Residence Residential Hillside Overlay District Equestrian Overlay Very Low (VL) Residential Single-Family Very Low (VL) District South Residence Residential Hillside Overlay District Equestrian Overlay Very Low (VL) Residential Single-Family Very Low (VL) District East Residence Residential Hillside Overlay District Equestrian Overlay Very Low (VL) Residential Single-Family Very Low (VL) District West Residence Residential Hillside Overlay District Equestrian Overlay Project Overview: The applicant is requesting to construct a 6,871 square foot two-story, single- family residence with an attached 840 square foot garage on the project site. The proposed grading includes up to 9 feet of fill which necessitates that the project be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission per Section 17.122.020.G.1.1. DRC COMMENTS HDR DRC2019-00973 - MOLINAR DESIGN, INC. April 6, 2021 Page 2 The proposed residence has a modern Mediterranean style design theme, which includes stone veneer, smooth trowel stucco finish, rafter tails, clay tile roofing, vinyl windows, and aluminum balcony railings. The residence was designed to be compliant with the Hillside Design Guidelines (Section 17.122.020.D.2), including minimizing view obstructions by overbuilding of the site. The building mass is broken up through the use of multiple wall plane changes and the incorporation of exterior decks along the north and south elevation. The proposed 6,874 square foot residence consists of a 3,494 square foot first floor, which includes the main living area, garage, and a guest suite, and a 3,377 square foot second floor which consists of four (4) bedrooms and a laundry room. The first and second floor include decks along the south elevation. The size of the 6,871 square foot residence is in keeping with homes constructed on Carriage Drive within the vicinity of the project site, which range in size from 2,000 square feet to 8,500 square feet. The project complies with the requirements of the Very Low (VL) Residential District as follows: Development Requirements Proposed Front Yard 42' (+/- 5') 46'-4" Interior Side Yards 103 / 153 103 / 15'-9" Rear Yard 603 603 Lot Coverage 25% max 24% 353 (303 limit within the Hillside 303 Building Height Overlay) The project complies with the intent of the Hillside Overlay District, which seeks to facilitate appropriate development of hillside areas. The site is a downslope lot with an elevation change of approximately 9 feet from the north to the south property lines. The proposed grading design limits earthwork to 500 cubic yards of import, which is necessary to construct the foundation of the residence. The foundation of the residence is stepped with the existing grade, with the pad at an elevation of 2,092 feet, in conformance with Hillside Design Section 17.122.020.D.1.a., to terrace the building to follow the slope. Hillside Design Section 17.122.020.D.1.C. requires that residences in the Hillside Overlay District be designed to fit within a 30-foot high building envelope. The applicant has provided north-south and east-west elevations with building envelopes demonstrating compliance with the 30-foot height requirement. The maximum permitted retaining wall height is 4 feet within the Hillside Overlay District, with stepped retaining walls permitted to have a maximum height of 3 feet with a minimum 3 foot separation between the stepped walls. The applicant is not proposing any retaining walls. If this changes during construction, the applicant is responsible to submit plans to the Planning Department showing that no retaining walls are proposed in excess of 4 feet and a minimum 3- foot separation is between the stepped retaining wall. The project site has existing 6-foot-high perimeter walls along the east, south and west property lines. The existing perimeter walls are in keeping with Hillside Design Guideline Sections 17.122.020.E., which requires that the design of walls that integrate the materials and colors used of the residence. DRC COMMENTS HDR DRC2019-00973 - MOLINAR DESIGN, INC. April 6, 2021 Page 3 The proposed landscaping will be required to comply with Hillside Development Section 17.122.020.F., including the use of drought-tolerant landscaping to protect slopes from erosion and planting shrubs to soften the views of the downslope elevations. The project is within the High Fire Hazard Zone and within a wildland-urban interface area. A landscape plan has not provided at this time. As a Condition of Approval, this plan will be required when grading and construction plans for the project are submitted to the City for plan check. Staff Comments The project conforms with the Development Code and the Hillside Design Standards and Guidelines and provides a grading design that balances the requirement to reduce cut and fill to the greatest extent possible and to reduce the height of the structure to limit view obstructions as seen from the residences to the north. The residence is well-designed and carries the design theme to all elevations, including providing wall plane articulation. The residence is stepped with the existing grade which further reduces the overall bulk as seen from Carriage Drive. Earthwork is limited to 500 cubic yards of export and grading is limited to the area necessary to construct the residence and open deck area to the south of the residence. The proposed design does not require Variances or Minor Exceptions. Major/Secondary Issues: None Staff Recommendation: Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below to the Planning Commission: QRecommend approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ❑Recommend approval with modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director / Planning Commission. ❑Recommend conditional approval of the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be Conditions of Approval and verified by staff during plan check after review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. ❑Recommend denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Staff Planner: Mena Abdul-Ahad, Assistant Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Mike Smith, Principal Planner rn c PROPOSED STORY SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING a� 0 U C N 10839 CARRIAGE DRIVE o RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA. 91737 0 0 u cc L O L a) to O kL MEN 7 O_ a) L f rti . � {r'• - - - -�r�x#� - -far.. _ }+ C s. it musk ' S z 0 a) - o ++ n ■■MOSS O TANEW MEW - = SOMEONE - -,-- - - 0 xr+ •'�'�—,�� _ _ } - may/ I �� Y �. _ ';, -, � -u'. i`# 0 Lib OLIN t....._. _ - - Design Inc . k I LM Erick E . M o l i n a r Iv 1 1 32 S . Spence Street Los Angeles , CA 90023 c 3 2 3 . 4 0 2 . 3 5 2 4 o � , koilslg t, www . m o n a rd e s i . g n c o m -0- - .. ,,. Project Title: Single Family Residence I 0 10839 Carriage Drive AL" Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 P CZ Owner: 0) Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila 3 PROJECT DATA PROJECT DIRECTORY VICINITY MAP - Job Address: 10839 Carriage Drive rn Owner: Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila Rancho Cucamonga CA 91734 10839 Carriage Drive Legal Description: LOT 52 OF TRACT MAP NO.12332-2,IN THE CITY OF Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 Construction Drawings 0 RANCHO CUCAMONGA,COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, Deer Canyon 0 'L STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAPRECORDED IN Date: 03-25-2019 w M.B.218,PAGES 63-71.OF MAPS,IN THE OFFICE OF THE Designer: Molinar Design Inc. COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 1132 S. Spence Street Scale: AS NOTED ELEVATION=85.247 FEET(2005') Los Angeles, CA90023 Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issue 0 FD.CHIS SQUARE ON TOP OF CURB LOCATED AT SOUTH 323.402.3524 SIDE OF D/W 82 FT.SOUTH OF POWER POLE#1072464E ALONG Structural Engineer: Sarami Engineering Consulting Tackstemst 4 Spirit Landscaping REV #1 : m a N THE EAST SIDE OF HERMOSA AVENUE,SOUTH OF WILSON 1225 W. Huntington Dr. St#1 AVENUE Arcadia, CA 91007 Almond St 626.356.7521 E Contractors 0 APN: 1074-531-09-0000 BM#80 Civil Engineer: AJA ENGINEERING, INC. Gardner Medical o L Zoning: R CIVIL&STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING o Lot Area: 18,924.5 S.F. 7411 FLORENCE AVE. N a m DOWNEY, CA 90240 Hidden farm Rd x c Bulding SF: First floor 3,494.00 SF (562)760-6040 and(562)277-2318 Stamp: U o 1 e Second floor: 3,377.00 SF 8 Carriage Drive a> Total: 6,871.00 SF Soils Engineer: A.G.I Geotechical, Inc. carrari St � 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A o a Van Nuys, CA 91406 HGS Financial roup �a4ch Dr Deck SF: 162 SF 818.785.5244 California Patio SF: 182 SF Mechanical Hillside P SITE / � Q Porch SF: 96 SF Plumbing Engineer: Perfect Design/Engineering Inc. Community Church Thermasol Steambath Balconies: 46 SF 2416 W.Valley Blvd. Alhambra, CA 91803 w90 R'd9eo��y a Breezeway: 72 SF °''Rd 626.289.8808 f° Garage#1: 420 SF The Church of Wilderness DrQ Sheet Title: >_ Garage#2: 420 SF Jesus Christ of Latter- Cali. Patio Bathroom: 44 SF Hillside Rd Hillside Rd Hillside Rd Building Footprint 4,757 SF m �; Lot Coverage: 4,757/ 18,924= 0.25 25%25% MAX. Monaco P: IR rb 12 �� Deer Canyon Rear Yard Lot Coverage: 361 /7,212= 0.05 05% 30% MAX. Sprinkler System: All levels + garage v Apple Beechwood Dr Was a) Rancho De Philo Winery o pp Ln TITLE Parking: 4 cars Poplar St 2-Car Garage: 840 SF o g Wilson Ave Wilson Ave Wilson Ave SETBACK DETERMINATION = 0 Hermosa School wSHEET 0 Side Yard Setback: 10'-0" (West) 15-0" (East) Front Yard Setback: 42'-0" Sheet No. Rear Yard Setback: 60'-0" 0 0 No. of Lots Used: 1 c rn c A- 000 o ui c� at Q C0 m O U C O 7 O L EXISTING o BUILDING `o I co a N27° p4017E — _ 2098.04TC M i 2097.37FL II I I a- - '-3" 19'-1 11 19'-9" 21'-0" 46'-3" o I I I I Ex. 22'-011 II I I BLOCK Wq�� 51-811 Ln c° --- 19 7• CDII II BATHROOM 62 P.L. II II 44.00 SQ. FT • � k 7L W � LLO II II o O II II _ N II II o O II II � II II El 00 2093 G - Z II II ti FD. LT. LS.4430 BREEZEWAY a / 72.00 SQ. FT a a ON PL-PROD. II II OOO a a a o 0 : � CALIFORNIA a a° NF a 2095.15TCa 4215 TRAIL 7.0' DRAINAGE N PATIO ONTYARD SET13AC 2094.49FL 182.0o SQ. FT 4EASEMENT EASEMENT 6) � O I I II 42 0 F a a a a a a DWY a o II II o a a II II F, 1 —1 a L) SPA °° a) II II JACUZZI 7'-9„ a M EX. VINYL FENCE a II II _ o II II E a a i 2093.91TC o 2093.25FL 1ST LO R - II I I 34 00 Q � a ° � a D 0 °, OT S FT. 6, 1.0 Q. a MOLINAR OPEN DECK O H= 6.0 Q �U CA O IA ATI =1 .00 Q.F . iI it r1 11 rh c ECIK=1 .00 ao BAL ON[ S= .00 Q. PORCH ayi E r i c k E M o l i n a r ti B EZEWA =7 0 FT 96.00 SO. FT a i CV C0 1 1 3 2 S . S p e n c e S t r e e t L- II II GARA #1 42 .O0S .FT O a a a ; M Los Angeles , CA 90023 c II II GA GE = 0.0 SQ a a a 3 2 3 4 0 2 3 5 2 4 Brick@molinardesign . com II II B H O =4 0 FT I www . molinardesign . com -0 I A Project Title:I I I T 5 T . 123 -2 a' a � .B. ais -71 p a '46-4" II II a I Single Family II II Residence II II I a a I ^�, a a o 10839 Carriage Drive EX. CONCRETE I I I I I Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 2 cf) CHANNEL DRAIN I a a a Owner: OPEN DECK 42'�FRONT Y a 2091.56TC 0 Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila N a YARD sErBAC 2090.89FL J II II GA x o V co • I I I I 420.00 S N a a a Construction Drawings o � II II _ I` II II I I �� �� REARYARDSET sA j G Date: 03-25-2019 wo xx Scale:AS NOTED Q O N o i > Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issue REV #1: El 1:1 E: ILO _W I TELX0 80'-2 N ' ' ' ' ' O 190'-6" SLP - L ti o i ----- 30.00' W N II II 1 . 131 P .L. � FD. LT. LS.4430 Stamp: ON PL-PROD. U II II -->___�__-- EX. BLOCK WALL ]momm L o z I I I I N 15°5311 7"W O II II o Q O 2088.96TC 2022.28FL Sheet Title: W J EXISTING I M W I BUILDING M FFEXISTING W BUILDING 0 DC FD. CHIS. SQUARE ON TOP OF CURB LOCATED AT SOUTH SIDE � SITE PLAN OF D/W 82 FT. SOUTH OF POWER POLE #1072464E ALONG THE O U EAST SIDE OF HERMOSA AVENUE, SOUTH OF WILSON AVENUE. Sheet No. 2090.13TC FD. SPK& TR.12332- 2089.46FL � J C A- 1 00 PROPOSED SITE PLAN2 SCALE 1/8" = 1 '-O" 2 Q LEGEND — EXISTING STRUCTURE ITY OF RANCH CUCAMONGA EXISTING WALL AS NOTED o EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MAP zoo EXISTING WOOD/IRON FENCE AS NOTED --------- FINISHED SURFACE LINE 10839 CARRIAGE DRIVE = CENTERLINE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA. 917370 PROPERTY LINE —(98)— EXISTING CONTOUR ELEV. �98)— PROPOSED CONTOUR ELEV. EXISTING PSL PIPE SLOPE BUILDING TC TOP OF CURB — — I I I I - - oo'401,E FL FLOWLINE — � � � _ J / / l �2?099?8.094�Tj�C III II II — I ¢ / I 2097.37FL SCO SEWER CLEANOUT II II EX. BLOCK WALL A/C ASPHALT CONCRETE FF FINISH FLOOR II II _ Z_ I I II I UT UNKNOWN UTILITY III II I _ 1�' P.A. PLANTING AREA I II I FS FINISH SURFACE 4i � FG FINISH GRADE V II II %00FH FIRE HYDRANT LT. LS.4430 \ I II 1 II II 1 II I II ON PL—PROD. / HT. HEIGHT I I II I II 2095.15TC 15 TRAIL 7.0 DRAINAGE — —— GAS METER I II 12094.49FL M EASEMENT II II EASEMENT I II I x105.50 EXISTING ELEVATION I III II I DWY II I I 105.50 PROPOSED ELEVATION I III II I I II I II II I i II I EXISTING UTILITY AS NOTED � ff I EX. VINYL FENCE II II I EXISTING TREE i II II I II 12093.91TC 2093.25FL LOT 52 II I II II I I II I I II II I II I I No II I II II CPO TR. 12332-2 II I II II oo M.B. 218/63-71 . I II III II I I �� I II II v I I III II I �� I II II I I III II I II I EX. CONCRETE CHANNEL DRAIN I I I I J�III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII\III I I �0, II lIIII II Il i IIII 11IIII I I 2091.56TC 2090.89FL o 90o0 I I I II I III I I I �o� S P I I ILFD. — -- \ II II � 000, I III II I o0 I I II T. LS.4430 191.13' ® I II ION PL—PROD. EX. BLOCK WALL I I - - II II � I II I 2088.96TC I I II i I2022.28FL CITY BENCHMARK EXISTING BUILDING II I II I GRAPHIC SCALE EXISTING I I I II I BUILDING io zo ao BM NUMBER #80 I I DV II io o s I FD. CHIS. SQUARE ON TOP OF CURB LOCATED AT SOUTH SIDE li II II I II I I ( IN FEET ) OF D/W 82 FT. SOUTH OF POWER POLE #1072464E ALONG THE II 1 inch = 10 ft. EAST SIDE OF HERMOSA AVENUE, SOUTH OF WILSON AVENUE. I� I 1I 12089.46FL FD. SPK&W. FLUSH, FITS PER TR.1 ELEVATION = 85.247 FEET (2005 ) 332-2 M.B. 218 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MAP JOB NO: A J A ADS: 018-095 LOT 52 OF TRACT MAP NO. 12332-29 IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA COUNTY ADDRESS: 10839 CARRIAGE DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA. 91737 DATE: 04/17/18 OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAP RECORDED IN M.B. 2189 P.O. BOX 1 633 APN: 1074-531 -09-0000 SHEET 1 of 1 PAGES 63-71 . OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. DOWNEY, CA 90240 APN: 1074-531 -09-0000 (562) 760-6040 TEL ENGINEER SCALE: 1 "= 10' DRAWN BY: D.P. CHECKED BY: A.A. EMAIL. cdseng@yahoo.com ALEJANDRO J. ALATORRE DATE R.C.E. 32761 , EXP. 6/30/18 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA rp cn aTo r � zip C2 C7 � � � � -4IT1 m CO) — m o M o r L r z T cn a -0 a _ _ � -u � � D cn -q -1 � rt� i rn C� Z N y, y = C I I m I I m 0 can D o r �. *4 40 o T000 � a oa o o 00 � z � � � � r Z oTom m �� o � o m I I I Ci7 .L Z II T � (7) N m m -U rm 0 = m m TI -0 c m D cn -Ti � � u m u C TI m m m m W v C Z N CA x x x D m z z r z z cn m r O X m z x x x x a a . . . . �n �n o �n _ _ _ Cm C7 rn W = y a C� �1 v --I = m F v> z z � m m � cn z z O z = o cn p m z � T p N N >O C R1 0 = T y CD Z c� c� N c� m z � z om m N z m z z z Z o o ?� 0 m m p m c z m c-) o m o :cm cm C7 o = Z �_ p D �7 O p -Tic O O D O r c O = D O r D D m c m p C� r,I w `< C7 cn CD Ma m -n y C W Cif m r m D m � D F � zo ao no z Z Op z 1 � y Z m a o o c Z D m � o m C D -1 — a CD a C DCIO 1 Oz m m r C Z M C O O z � m r zz � z m C O T N O N Z r T o m m m m -Ti T T W o C m C) m z z o W Z CD T = C p m m T C7 .� COP) D T IV cn - - _ C r r T CD Z = * n o p a T Z = O O - p a mT y MN _ ,00'LZl - - - - - M„55,LZ.lLN - - N— nco T N v c:, _ - cai» � � a W� - - - V � a, 00 x x X x CO)C -7 Z a C I Zo N m� m I a o = N o0 o � � m CD Z m Z � Z�' Ln C C) Z a) y M T = IH .4 T S0,110Z — - - - - - - — - - — - - - - — — — --tg g Z- = Cm = 90*CLOZ L�'Z8 _ _ o �"� T SO'�LO —_ —_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 LOB - - - - - - - - - - -0 80Z a y - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8Z'6 x r No m a x N W Cm o N a v II m T W CA C* a a00 00 o N Z a ^' x � v CD o cn PO . . C CO Z = CO) CA Cl � V m o 0 i I o 11` W CA 0o z I x CA) v N N C:) O N 00 O N CO) CA I o�Q2 o m>< Q ' c x I W g C) o — zz C-) � O OD p in 00 CD x � W r- x O0 x C N O CO x r N IV r O 00 i W DD X DD CID D0 0 I r C) m < 0 > Z m r p o 0 co J = O m r I 00 U) MC ) O - - a 0 r =X 0 (00 z a O o� IM �: ul Cl CY) C 0 I D 0 -o N I WN N > I Cif o 90 r., I0 r z O y ■ ■ I a CoI CO) p x n 110 > O O C7 X C. � I 4 O D o O O 0-) WX I 0 0 ON W D c> x ' 0O m o (n / N x C 00 coco bo rnC I w N I � %M v m J I z - Ni M z � I W w*4 m x Ilim O cn w*4 C7 I j o 2 ■ m D obp z O CA 0 w N ZJ J p rn m D I X 0-) � CA _ _ - - — =8 9.3 0' z CD O _ — -- — _ R=460.00' — 9NIiSN3 " L 00 }1ldM3OIS _ _ — / CD N I V( O l 0 Z _ V � / �095.g4 EXISTING - o ® / o SIDEWALK -x` �20g765 oo O� _ - - - - - - - - - - - -�� 20 - - - - - - NN - - - - _ _ _-I - 95.6'8 c c0 c0 z D — N�V co CD TI SA SA C)CD N N I I cn cD m 000cco Nrn o 0o AN VI �cn O rn rnw w rc rn O .Z7N 00 v 90 N p w C)C) (D 0PO Ln r � 1�1 x_ L=83.48' I w — R=430.00' C A G E D D R _I V _ x li -0 E D N OIND xCD N c0 m � � m � 0 °° N o 0 D �7 C N II w z 000 : � O = � O o O� D = O c O 01 Z O m C N ` ♦ z O O ... O o C ... O 0 C) m m z n p o D u - c� C O c0 n o D CA r, m Z m o c- = D m m m0 D � O o a) 00 00 ZO D D � O O . . TJ \ c0 Ul A r^ 0 1'-4" 20'-2" 6" 4'-8" 6" 8'-1" 6" 10'-0" 6" 19'-9" 20'-6" 6" 9'-6" 6" s= 01 46'-3" 3'-0" L, 8" 12'-0" 7" 3'-0" 2'-3" L, 2'-0" 17'-3" 7'-6" 2'-6" 0 10 NJ A%, LF C N 7 O L_ — — 5 E o (N) PANTRY (N) BUTLERS PANTRY LO 24"MIN. - � 5 5 0 0 M � � T L ____ / 0 a) DW IFR ° CD 0 0 12 N N (N) CALIFORNIA PATIO to o o (N) KITCHEN MW Q CV n — N ®gog® (N) 2 CAR GARAGE 0') 0 0 ®®® r N 4 2 V) (N) ISLAND ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 (N) DINING ROOM V) ° L 0 0 0 N M L co M CY) c O O O CV U M g � U N O i O Ll N II MOLINAR D e s i g n I n c O a II N E r i c k E M o l i n a r °� 1 1 3 2 S . S p e n c e S t r e e t (N) D CK I Los Angeles , CA 90023 c 3 2 3 4 0 2 3 5 2 4 0 erick@molinardesign . com ' (N) FOYER www . molinardesign . com L °O - (N) GREAT ROOM I I - - 0O °' 00 0 2091.75 2" (N) PORCH CC 0 , C) U') 3 (N) HALL I 1 DN N M Project Title: o N N N Single Family L Residence up O = 10839 Carriage Drive Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 M M Owner: �, Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila 3 II _ (N) FIRE PLACE O �' ° Construction Drawings o co U L Date: 03-25-2019 w O o Scale:AS NOTED N Q 6 6 Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issue LJ REV #1 : 0 0 (N) GUEST SUITE o 2 LIVING ROOM 7 (N) MUD �' E \ / o N (N) HALL All Stamp: (N) DEC 6 30"MIN. E L) U O CO c6 C° 04 (N) POWDER Z (N) LAUNDRY (N) 2 CAR GARAGE O o 0 0 ROOM ROOM E co r' N N O 5 41 10Z3 (N) WCL (N) STORAGE Sheet Title: �' O o 0 2 (N) GUEST SUITE O O BEDROOM z 9 10 ILFIRST FLOOR 3 T � (N) BATH ROOM Co PLAN 0 ° L ° N F F � - U Q N 1'-8" 2'-0" o o Sheet No. 4 0 NEW FIRST 1'-4" 6'-5" 27'-3" 7" 3'-0" 2'-9" 2'-6" 8'-6" 5'-0" 11'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" N N ° J C C6 FLOOR PLAN 1'-4" 6'-5" 14'-3" 6" 01 11'-6" 6" 4'-3" T-9" T-3" 2'-6" 6" 1 U-0" 6" 20'-0" 6" 1 ,0 LM SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" = N 1'-4" 6'-5" 27'-3" 16'-3" 34'-6" Y� —2 ■ 0 0 WALL LEGEND p 2X4 STUD WALL 85'-9" 2 Q 75'-011 o co s= 01 a 19'-0" 27'-3" 20'-9" 7'-0" 1'-0" 0 U C 6" 18'-6" 6" 26'-3" 6" 20'-3" 6" 740 '-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" ° 19'-0" 2'-10" J# 4'-0" 12'-8" 4'-0" T-9" 6'-11" 6'-0" 7'-10" 5'-0" 1'-0" E `o O P co _ _ T Q O O L Q (N) MASTER BEDROOM J a) o O o 04 (N) DECK (N) BEDROOM #1 0 a� = m o 14 00 M M 0 6 d 4-7 co z 6 C (N) WCL 6 Nco N O M O O U 3 "M I - 6 ° O U z T (N) WCL 8 U) = 9 (N) LAUNDRY 00 ROOM .5 Cfl 0 0 M v qt / (N) LN o AV- 5:1 Eil MOLINARU 0 - @Ssiiqyrh IIrhq, M q LM r y E r i c k E M o I i n a r CU 1 1 3 2 S . S p e n c e S t r e e t -2 L o s A n g el e s , C A 9 0 0 2 3 c 3 2 3 . 4 0 2 . 3 5 2 4 0 _ erick@molinardesign . com O w w w . m o l i n a r d e s i g n . c o m -a o o o N M r*_ Project Title: 0 Single Family O L ° OPEN - Residence 00 o OPEN c� TO BELOW OPEN 0 0 0 N 10 TO BELOW 72 DN O TO BELOW ° N N 10839 Carriage Drive � Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 cc O Owner: �, 0 Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila 0 co Oco Construction Drawings o L Y U M _ o Date: 03-25-2019 w _ O M Scale:AS NOTED 0 Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issu ti 00 6 3 "M1 REV #1: L z _ CU 0 0 iv (N) WCL g E m 6 N o ZL O O °(N) BEDROOM #2 4_6M 6 5_8 6 8-1 Stamp: s= ° - E U T _ O O 8'-2" 6" o, Lo, 5'-8" 6" 8'-011 `° o 0 ri 0 E N (N) BEDROOM #3 q M — in o c 6 z Sheet Title: _ (N) WCL N J U O O O CO c0 in ui 30"MIN. ° SECOND FLOOR AV— z *,v 0 PLAN 0 0 U .Q NEW SECOND " " " ' " " .. Sheet No. 19-0 3-5 8-8 10-2 4-0 21 -9 5-0 3-0 O m FLOOR PLAN J 6" 18'-6" 6" V 2'-11" 6" 8'-2" 6" 5-8" 6" 8'-0" 6" 20'-3" 6" V 7'-0" 1'-0" o. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O" A-201 L, 19'-0" 3'-5" 8'-8" 35'-11" 8'-0" o WALL LEGEND rco 2X4 STUD WALL 75'-0" O a 2 U) c DOOR AND WINDOW NOTES WINDOW SCHEDULE 0 DOOR SCHEDULE O o U C FIRST FLOOR-ALUMINUM FRAME ALL INTERIOR DOORS TO BE SOLID WOOD. EXTERIOR DOORS TO BE T.M COBB GLAZED LOW-E UNITS 1- ALL GLASS WITHIN 18"OF THE FINISHED FLOOR SHALL BE FULLY TEMPERED. 2. ALL EGRESS OR RESCUE WINDOWS FROM SLEEPING ROOMS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A SIZE GLAZING DETAIL SIZE GLAZING DETAIL FRAME SYM. DESCRIPTION FRAME FINISH REMARKS SYM. DESCRIPTION FINISH REMARKS 0 MINIMUM CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SQUARE FEET WITH THE MINIMUM NET WIDTH DIMENSION OF W H Quantity Single Double Temp. Head Jamb Sill W H THK. QUAINTLY Single Double Temp. Head Jamb Thresh. THE OPENING NOT LESS THAN 20". WHERE WINDOWS ARE PROVIDED AS A MEANS OF EGRESS OR RESCUE. THEY SHALL HAVE A FINISHED SILL HEIGHT OF NOT MORE THAN 44"ABOVE THE 0 Z-0" 4'4' HUNG 3 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED 0 6'-0"X 9'-0" 1 3/4" HINGED 1 0 0 0 AL AL AL PAINTED ADJACENT FINISHED FLOOR. o O4'-0" 4'-0" FIXED 1 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED O 9'-0"X 8'-0" 1 3/4" 3 PANEL SLIDER 2 0 YES YES AL AL AL PAINTED `2 ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE BUILDING CODE SECURITY O 3. OC 2'-0" 8'-0" FIXED 2 0 YES YES AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED O 15'-0"X 8'-0" 1 3/4" 4 PANEL POCKET 1 0 YES YES AL AL AL PAINTED � REQUIREMENTS AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE n ON THIS SHEET. 0 Z-0" 4'-0" CASEMENT 1 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED O 10--0"X 8'-0" 1 3/4" 3 PANEL POCKET 0 0 YES YES AL AL AL PAINTED N 4• FRENCH DOORS AND WINDOWS USED AS A MEANS TO PROVIDE MINIMUM VENTILATION O 9'-0" 4'4" FIXED 1 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED O 3'-0"X T-0" 1 3/4" HINGED-EXTERIOR 0 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE OPEN-ABLE AND SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SCREENS UNLESS NOTED 0 5-0" T-6" DBL.CASEMENT 2 0 YES o AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED O 3-0"X T-0" 1 3/4" HINGED-INTERIOR o 0 0 o WD WD WD PAINTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL SUCH DOORS AND WINDOWS SHALL BE c EQUIPPED WITH A MECHANICAL HOLD OPEN DEVICE. 0 2'-6" 2'-6" CASEMENT 1 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED O 6-0"X T-0" 1 3/8" HINGED 0 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED c OZ-0" Z-6" CASEMENT 2 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED O Z-10"X T-0" 1 3/8" POCKET 0 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED L N 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXACT ROUGH OPENING HEIGHT AND WIDTH OF ALL DOORS AND 0 6'-0" T-6" CORNER 1 0 YES YES AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED (-a,) a'-o°x T-o° 1 3/8" POCKET 0 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED WINDOWS WITH DOOR AND WINDOW MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO START OF ROUGH FRAMING. U 10 3'4-X T-0" 1 3/8" POCKET 0 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED 5• ROUGH FRAMING SUB-CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ALL FRAMING NAILERS 11 3'-0"X T-0" 1 3/8" 20 MIN SELF CLOSING 1 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED AND FILLERS AS REQUIRED FOR THE PROPER INSTALLATION OF ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS. a) WINDOW SCHEDULE O 12 12'-0"X 8'-0" 1 3/8,, 4 PANEL SLIDER 1 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED U 6. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE,ALL PANEL TYPE DOORS SHALL BE SELECTED BY OWNER AND 13 9'-0"X 7'-0" 1 3/8" 3 PANEL SLIDER 1 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED 0- INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. SECOND FLOOR -ALUMINUM FRAME 14 12'-0"X8'-0" 13/8" 4 PANEL POCKET 1 0 0 0 WD WD WD PAINTED 7. WINDOW UNITS SHALL BE FULLY ASSEMBLED PER MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL p BE HINGED AS INDICATED ON EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS AND/OR PLANS. WINDOW UNITS SHALL BE - DOORS NUMBER 1,2,3,5, &6 REPLACE EXISTING DOORS. '' DELIVERED TO THE JOB SITE WITH ALL HARDWARE SUCH AS OPERATORS,CRANK,OPERATOR SYM. SIZE DESCRIPTION GLAZING DETAIL FRAME FINISH REMARKS - *ARCH TOP DOOR W/ARCH TOP OBSCURED GLASS SINGLE PANE ARM,LOCK,ETC. W H Quantity Single Double Temp. Head Jamb Sill O -ALL DOOR THICKNESS (THK.)ARE INDICATED AS A MIN. THICKNESS 8. OWNER SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY HARDWARE NOT INCLUDED IN MANUFACTURED UNIT O 5'-0" 4'4' DBL.CASEMENT 2 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED a) CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ALL HARDWARE. 0 4'-0" Z-6° SLIDER 4 0 YES o AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED CID 9. ALL DOOR HARDWARE SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. 0 4'-0" 4'-6" FIXED 1 0 YES YES AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED 2 L E E A R 0 O 8'-0" 5'-0" FIXED 1 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED 100 MIN. 10. ALL DOOR UNITS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE FRAMES SHALL BE PAINT GRADE.U.S.0 O T-6" 5'-0" FIXED 2 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED 0 11. ALL EXTERIOR SWING DOORS TO BE SUPPLIED WITH MILL FINISHED EXTRUDED BRONZE PEMKO o THRESHOLDS 114 B OR 145 B/WITH 24 GAGA,SHEET METAL DRAIN PAN. THRESHOLDS TO BE 0 4'4' 5'-0" FIXED 2 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED POLISHED TO REMOVE MILL MARKINGS. PEMKO SPRING BRONZE WEATHER STRIPPING @ HEAD 0 P 4'-0" 4'-0" DBL.CASEMENT 2 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED C L(� � AND JAMBS. 0 6'-0" T-6" DBL.CASEMENT 1 0 YES 0 AL. AL. AL. AL. PAINTED 3 48 E A R U 12. CAULK ALL INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PLASTER JOINTS. 00 13. ALL GLAZING ON DOORS AND WINDOWS TO BE DBL GLAZE'LOW E'INSULATED GLASS. o 14. ALL EXTERIOR DOOR DETAILING TO MATCH WINDOW DET ON SHEET. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS TO LLLJ OPENABLE o HAVE 24 GA.G.1., SHEET METAL DRAIN PAN.PEMKO SPRING BRONZE WEATHERSTRIPPING @ -J AREA = HEAD&JAMBS. U U WINDOW DESCRIPTION KEY: 5.7 SQ. FT. Q BUILDING SECTION KEY NOTES: sH = SINGLE HUNG UNIT( X < ER = EXISTING WINDOW REPLACED AW = AWNING WINDOW OPENABLE AREA= ❑1 (N)R-30 BATT INSULATION AT CEILING F3] (N)SLAB ON GRADE CAS = CASEMENT WINDOW J 5.7 SQUARE FEET EXTERIOR EMERGENCY ESCAPE&RESCUE OPENING:MIN.NET CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SQ.FT.MIN.NET � (N)2x C.J.PER ROOF PLAN ❑ 0 4 FINISH MATERIAL PER OWNER CLEAR OPENING HEIGHT WIDTH OF 20",NOT GREATER THAN 44"MEASURED FROM FLOOR. �+LI N O NOTE: ALL NEW WINDOWS U=0.35 MIN.,CONTRACTOR INSTALLED.WINDOWS SHALL MEET EGRESS REQUIREMENTS SECTION(CBC 310.4). FINISHED SILL SECURITY NOTES � MINIMUM SIZE MINIMUM SIZE MOLINAR 0 WINDOW FOR WINDOW FOR x 20"CLEAR WIDTH 24"CLEAR HEIGHT Design I n c 1. ALL EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW OPENINGS ARE SECURITY OPENINGS,AND ALL NOTES SHALL Q 0 APPLY. E r i c k E M o I i n a r a) 2. WOOD FLUSH-TYPE DOORS SHALL BE 1 3/4"THICK MINIMUM AND SHALL BE OF SOLID CORE UNDERFLOOR VENTILATION CALCULATIONS 1 1 3 2 S . Spence Street M CONSTRUCTION. Los Angeles , CA 90023 3. HOLLOW CORE DOORS OR DOORS LESS THAN 1 3/4"IN THICKNESS SHALL BE COVERED ON THE 3 2 3 4 0 2 3 5 2 4 O INSIDE FACE WITH 16 GAUGE SHEET METAL ATTACHED WITH SCREWS AT 6"O/C AROUND THE e r i c k@ m o I i n a r d e s i g n . c o m PERIMETER,OR EQUIVALENT. UNDERFLOOR VENTILATION CALCULATIONS: FLOOR ik w w w . m o I i n a r d e s i g n . c o m 0 4. GLAZED OPENINGS WITHIN 40"OF THE DOOR LOCK, WHEN THE DOOR IS IN THE CLOSED POSITION. RATIO IS 1 OF ATTIC AREA= 1 SQ.FT. OF VENTILATION Z5 1 SHALL BE FULLY TEMPERED GLASS OR APPROVED BURGLARY RESISTANT MATERIAL. THE Project Title: a) PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL NOT APPLY TO VIEW PORTS OR WINDOWS,WHICH DO NOT FOR EVERY 150 SQ.FT. OF ATTIC SPACE 77D EXCEED 2"IN THEIR GREATEST DIMENSION. NEW EGRESS Single Family UDERFLOOR AREA = 3,494.00 SQ.FT. 3494/150 = 23.29 SQ.FT. REQUIRED 0 5. GLASS DOORS SHALL HAVE FULLY TEMPERED GLASS COMPLYING WITH SECTION 91.1711 (D)OF 1 UNDERFLOOR VENT 12"X6" FREE AREA 33 SQ.IN. 33/144 = 0.23 SQ.FT. Residence - THE LOS ANGELES CITY BUILDING CODE. 6. DOORSTOPS OF IN-SWINGING DOORS SHALL BE OF ONE-PIECE CONSTRUCTION WITH THE JAMB, (62 PROVIDED 14.26 SQ.FT. _ 10839 Carriage Drive OR JOINED BY RABBET TO THE JAMB. EXT. STUGGO STUCCO 2 Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 1 CRAWL HOLE OPENING 24"X18" FREE AREA= 220 SQ.IN. 220/144 = 1.52 SQ.FT. Cz 7. THE STRIKE PLATE FOR LATCHES AND THE HOLDING DEVICE FOR PROJECTION DEAD BOLTS IN (2)LAYERS OF D-GRADE PAPER WOOD CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SECURED TO THE JAMB AND THE WALL FRAMING WITH SCREWS (6 PROVIDED 9.12 SQ.FT. z-BAR f LAshIN6 1ST LAYER SHALL BE APPLIED Owner: �, INDEPENDENTLY OF THE SECOND LAYER NOT LESS THAN 21/2" IN LENGTH. Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila WITH THE SCREED APPLIED OVER THE 1ST LAYER q � 8. ALL PIN-TYPE HINGES WHICH ARE ACCESSIBLE FROM OUTSIDE THE SECURED AREA WHEN THE FLA6tJIN0 R-13 INSULATION WITH THE 2ND LAYER OVER THE SCREED. _ 0 DOOR IS CLOSED SHALL HAVE NON-REMOVABLE HINGE PINS. IN ADDITION THEY SHALL HAVE 2x P.T.SILL PLATE _ a MINIMUM'/4"DIAMETER STEEL JAMB STUD WITH MINIMUM PROJECTION UNLESS THE HINGES MORTAR METAL WEEP SCREED W ARE SHAPED TO PREVENT REMOVAL OF THE DOOR IF THE HINGE PINS ARE REMOVED. GYP.BD. W/BRUSH COAT STUCCO UNDERLAYMENT FINISH BELOW "x8" LEDGER Construction Drawings o 9. DEAD BOLTS SHALL HAVE HARDENED INSERTS;PROVIDE DEADLOCKING LATCH KEY OPERATED FLATWORK � e 2 WHERE OCCURS LOCKS ON THE EXTERIOR;LOCKS SHALL BE OPENABLE WITHOUT KEY, SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE OR Y SPECIAL EFFORT FROM THE INTERIOR. L�>< LU 2"X STUD FINISH GRADE U L 10. STRAIGHT DEAD BOLTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THROW OF 1"AND AN EMBEDMENT OF NOT LESS c Date: 03-25-2019 0 2'"X8"" L EDGER THAN 5 8". 11. A HOOK SHAPED OR AN EXPANDING-LUG DEAD BOLT SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM THROW OF'/4". Scale: AS NOTED a o ° ° ° Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issue 12. CYLINDER GUARDS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL CYLINDERS LOCKS WHENEVER THE CYLINDER PROJECTS BEYOND THE FACE OF THE DOOR OR IS OTHERWISE ACCESSIBLE TO GRIPPING TOOLS. ° _SLOPE C° 13. SLIDING GLASS DOORS AND WINDOWS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH LOCKING DEVICES AND SHALL d a ° ° _ _ LD70 BE SO CONSTRUCTED AND INSTALLED THAT THEY REMAIN INTACT AND ENGAGED WHEN _ _ _-I I=III a) SUBJECTED TO THE TESTS SPECIFIED IN SECTIONS 91.6731 AND 91.6732. 2x RAFTER II i i l lI I I I III I I I I II I I I I II I I I I II U PLYWOOD 5t1EAT1. o L 14. SLIDING GLASS DOORS AND WINDOWS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A DEVICE IN THE UPPER PELEO i3ELLA TILE L) CHANNEL OF THE MOVING PANEL TO PROHIBIT RAISING AND REMOVING OF THE MOVING PANEL IN THE CLOSED OR PARTIALLY OPEN POSITION. ROOF TO WALL FLASHING STUCCO SCREED Stamp: 15. SCREENS,BARRICADES,OR FENCES MADE OF MATERIAL WHICH PRECLUDES HUMAN CLIMBING BLDG. PAPER (TYP.) aa)) SHALL BE PROVIDED AT EVERY PORTION OF EVERY ROOF, BALCONY,OR SIMILAR SURFACE E WHICH IS WITHIN 8'OF A UTILITY POLE OR SIMILAR STRUCTURE. :33 0 -0 16. PROVIDE SAFETY GLAZING IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS PER SECTION 2406.4 UBC 1994 EDITION: SLIDING OR SWINGING DOORS TUB AND/OR SHOWER ENCLOSURES AND GLAZING IN WALLS LESS HEADER HEADER HEAD FLASHING THAN 60"ABOVE THE STANDING SURFACE OF TUBS OR SHOWERS.GLAZING WITHIN A 24"ARC OF A DOOR. _ I I E SOLID BACKING CONT. BEAD OF CnSEALANT UNDER JAMB NAILING FLANGE I I Sheet Title: JAMB ROUGH-IN ROUGH-IN I I OPENING OPENING I I U WINDOW FRAME I CUT AWAY EXCESS BLDG. WINDOW FRAME I I SILL SILL I OR SIM. OPENIN I PAPER AT I OR SIM. OPENING I I OPENING ; I I WINDOW & a) r -----------T� L--j----------------->` J DOOR 0 N SCHEDULE SILL FLASHING BLDG. PAPER 14" LINE OF UNDER SILL STRIP • PROVIDE SOLID BACKING AT ALL AREAS WHERE COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE F ASHING • ATTACH JAMB STRIPS OF 12" WIDE COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE FLASHING :AILING FLANGE Sheet No. o MATERIAL LAPPING WILL OCCUR MATERIAL WITH INSIDE EDGE EVEN WITH THE JAMB OF THE ROUGH APPLY A CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT TO THE BACK OF THE FRAME NAILING FLANGE • ATTACH SILL STRIP OF 12" WIDE COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE FLASHING MATERIAL (LAP OPENING • PLACE AND SECURE FRAME INTO ROUGH OPENING WITH FLANGES OVER THE INSTALLED JAMB • STARTING FROM THE BASE OF THE WALL, APPLY BUILDING PAPER UNDER THE SILL STRIP AND • AND SILL COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE FLASHING MATERIAL CUT ANY EXCESS BUILDING PAPER THAT MAY EXTEND ABOVE THE SILL AND BETWEEN THE SILL STRIP OVER ROUGH SILL OPENING) START JAMB STRIPS 2 BELOW SILL STRIP AND EXTEND 4 ABOVE • JAMBS OF THE OPENING C6 • EXTEND THIS STRIP AT LEAST 14" BEYOND THE EDGE OF THE ROUGH OPENING LOWER EDGE OF HEADER • APPLY A CONTINUOUS BEAD OF SEALANT TO THE FRONT FACE OF THE HEAD NAILING FLANGE APPLY THE NEXT COURSE OF BUILDING PAPER (BUTTING TO THE FRAME OPENING) OVER THE • ATTACH COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE FLASHING MATERIAL WITH GALVANIZED ROOFING • ATTACH 12" WIDE STRIP OF COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE FLASHING MATERIAL OVER THE HEAD FLANGE - JAMB COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE FLASHING MATERIALA-22 NAILS OR CORROSION-RESISTANT STAPLES EXTEND THIS STRIP 2" BEYOND THE OUTER EDGE OF THE JAMB COMPOSITE FLEXIBLE FLASHING • APPLY SUCCEEDING LAYERS OF BUILDING PAPER IN A 'SHINGLE BOARD' FASHION UP THE WALL, LAPPING ' o MATERIAL COURSES A MINIMUM OF 6" STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 ,v,a2o2o Vent catculabr-oft8glfa co co THE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL SHALL HAVE A RESERVED SPACE TO ALLOW FOR B INSTALLATION OF A DOUBLE POLE CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR A FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC INSTALLATION . THE RESERVED SPACE SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE OPPOSITE (LOAD) END FROM THE INPUT FEEDER LOCATION OR MAIN CIRCUIT ' O'Hagin Vent Calculator LOCATION AND SHALL BE PERMANENTLY MARKED AS "FOR FUTURE SOLAR ELECTRIC" 4 :12 PITCH ROOF (TYP) 0 Step 1: DETERMINE SQUARE FEET OF CODE-REQUIRED VENTILATION )) ) Square Feet:4770 - Compliance Method: 150 `o = Total Square Feet of Code Required Ventilation > > > > > > > > > > 4 :12 PITCH ROOF (TYP ) : > c>3 Ste 2: CONVERT SQ. FT. OF CODE-REQUIRED VENTILATION TO SQ. IN )) ) )) )) )) )) )) y o x 144=4580 Total Square inches of Code Required Ventilation Ste 3: DETERMINE QUANTITY OF O HAGIN VENTS REQUIRED - �Q } > p >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y >y Q. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >; >,�> J I 0 Y G Total Vents Required for sq. inches: Tapered Low-Profile High-Profile Model S 72.0 sq. in N FVA 97.5 sq. in N FVA )) )) o )) ) )) )) ��O I JQ' )) )) )) )) )) )) �, �, �, �, �, �, �, )) ) )) )) )) I o`� �, �, �, �, �, �, httpsl/ohagin.conVventcalwlator! 112 O N D� v, o tico ��� Cn /4tt : 12" PITCH ROOF 0 HIP ROOF >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) �, �, �, �, BORAL SPANISH TILE >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) >) �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, CLAYLITE )) )) )) )) )) )) (N) OWENS CORNING: MINERAL SURFACED ROLL o ICC ESR - 1017 )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) CLASS 'A' GAF #75 BASE SHEET )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) ROLLED /TORCH-DOWN �\ �\ �\ �\ �\ �\ �\ �\ �\ �\ 0 MOLIN R A )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) �� A 1b @ % II qy all II ih q. ',- c LM E r i c k E M o I i n a r )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) %4 : 12 PITCH ROOF �� �� �� �� I �XQ - 1 1 3 2 s . Spence Street TOO 0 Los Angeles , CA 90023 c_ O 3 2 3 . 4 0 2 3 5 2 4 0 . g Brick@molinardesign . com `CC www . moIinardesign . corn -0 )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) Project Title: o �o Single Family Residence )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) ) y, US Tile® by BOf al® • )> )> )> )) )) )) )) >) )) �T� )) )) ) �� �� �� �,,� ( 10839 Carriage Drive Build somethin reat� O Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 2 9 g )> )> )> )) )) )) ��Q �� )) )) )) ) Q� Owner: )) )) )) )) )) O� ��� )) )) )) )) ) -� Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila PRODUCT INFORMATION CO )) )) )) )) \\I )) )) )) )) )) )) )) ) %4" : 12" PITCH ROOF �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, )> )> )> )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) ) Construction Drawings o Profile: ClaylliteO U Color Name: Merlot )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) ) Date: 03-25-2019 w SKU Number: 2lJNDlJ6072 Scale:AS NOTED Product Type: Lightweight Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issu REV #1: Color: Red, Grey MUItICOIOr )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >,i >�i Available Regions: a Nationwide C) )> )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) _ L LO Stamp: Tile Specifications I 00 C C Cool Rated Product E Size: 18 x 13 O Reflectivity: 0.22 Coverage:e: 88 O > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -0 g Aged Ref. (3 yr): 0.23 to Approx. Installed Weight: 590 Ibs > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > CT Emmisivit 0.83 y Pieces per Pallet: 336 p Aged Em. (3 yr) 0.87 Squares per Pallet: 3.8 < E SRI: 18* Approx. Weight per Pallet: 2300 Ibs )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) )) Aged SRI (3 yr): 21 CRRC ID#: 0133a Sheet Title: Seller ID#: 0942 *Calculated Aged value 1.au° ao allRoo8com) )> )> )> )> )> �Q 4 :12 PITCH ROOF (TYP)�, The printed color shown here may vary from actual available tile color and should not be used to color match. Please contact your local Sales Representative for actual the samples. �� �� �� > > y/ �OOF LA Initial Weathered )) )) )) )) O,C� �, �, , , , , , , � � � � Solar Reflectance 0.22 0.23 Thermal Emittance 0.83 0.87 )) )) )) 4 :12 PITCH ROOF (TYP) )) )) _ , �,_, �,_, �, �, �, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sheet No. R Rated Product ID Number 0133a )) �°i�°i�° �° �� >1 COOL ROOF Licensed Seller ID Number 0942 �� i 4 :12 PITCH ROOF (TYP) co ILI /q, RATING COUNCII, Clxssilication Production Line B v; Cool Roof Rating Council nitino art dotermined ror a fixed set of conditions.and may not he appropriate for delennming senwnml energy l,erl'ornuoive.The nclunl effect of w,htr trlltctance and Ihernaal emittnnce — � on budding performance may vary. A2 0 3 0 Manufacturer of protbtct stipulates that these rmings were dwermined in accordance with the applicable NEW ROOF PLAN Cool Roof Rating Council pr wOures. SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" a CO m O U C O 7 O L 1= L O O Q co 2X RAFTER TAILS M L 2111.16 2ND FLR. F.C. W -UU Ll H U- J - -- -- -- o 5,8"SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH STUCCO OVER LATH 18"TYPICAL TYVEK-DUPONT EAVE OVERHANG 3 OVER 2 LAYERS GRADE'D'PAPER 0 O o 21 2ND FLR. F.F. m p G�j M _ 1ST FLR.F.C.-' Cn a°gip � - - - - - -- -- co4-7 m — o WEEP Q SCREED 2091.75 MAIN F.F. - - - - STONE VENEER 0 c 0 U C TRAVERTINE MOLINA 1b @ Ss ii qy rih II rih q. .2) y E r i c k E M o I i In a r 1 1 3 2 S . S p e n c e S t r e e t L o s A n g el e s , C A 9 0 0 2 3 c PROPOSED FRONT ELEVATION NORTH A 3 2 3 4 0 2 3 5 2 4 0 erick@moIinardesign . com w w W . m o l i In a r d e s i g n . c o m -0 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Project Title: 0 Single Family L Residence _ — — --- --- --- — — — — — 10839 Carriage Drive ---- _- — — — — — — — Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 _ --- - -- -- Owner: -- — — — Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila 0 CO — — — — Construction Drawings .o — U L — — — — — Date: 03-25-2019 0 AS NOTED — 2111.16 2ND FLR.F.C. 2111.16 2ND FLR. F.C. Scale: � -- -- -- - - - - - - -0 0U UU Lf U U ti U - - - - - - -- -- -- Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issue REV #1: Co Co U 60 60 O U N W O b Stamp: ° C? 2102.50 2ND FLR. F.F. 2102.50 2ND FLR. F.F. m N - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - E % N ch 2101.25 1ST FLR. F.C. 2101.25 1ST FLR.F.C.M o -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- o �° M p 19 1 EAO/ CD Sheet Title: N o U C N O) 2091.75 MAIN F.F. 2091.75 MAIN F.F. ELEVATIONS 2091.20 GARAGE F.F. a� c? _- CV c _ — O .Q _ O Sheet No. O J C N U C O7 A- 300 0 PROPOSED SIDE ELEVATION ( EAST) co SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" a CO m O U C O 7 O L L 0 Y \ Q Q co 2111.16 2ND FLR. F.C. 3: ad c L O 0 L Q O 2102.50 2ND FLR. F.F. ih o 2101.25 1ST FLR.F.C.'' o N N4-7 N N O 0 CO----------/q c co A A Lll�A L Cn c m _T C O U O 2091.75 MAIN F.F. O U �U N 0- co (n L L C O U C 7 MOLINA I� V 1b pa -% ii qy nll 11 rih q, a) y E r i c k E M o I i In a r 1 1 3 2 S . S p e n c e S t r e e t L o s A n g el e s , C A 9 0 0 2 3 c 3 2 3 . 4 0 2 . 3 5 2 4 0 PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION (SOUTH ) Brick@oIiIna desig n com w w w . m o l i n a r d e s i g n . c o m -0 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" N Project Title: 0 Single Family L Residence 10839 Carriage Drive Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 Owner: Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila C2 _ o CO Construction Drawings o Y � U Date: 03-25-2019 w 0 2111.16 2ND FLR. F.C. Scale:AS NOTED Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issuea REV #1: A A - a) b? E po U C O L U N O C Stamp: ° 2102.50 2ND FLR. F.F. _ - - - - - - - ce)' E c� 2101.25 1ST FLR. F.C. -' N o —41 oio -- _ — co CT Sheet Title:71, r ELEVATIONS 2091.75 MAIN F.F. Q -_— � - fir_— - — - - c? c O O U (N) POOL Sheet No. O SIN co J C N U C O7 A- 301 0 PROPOSED SIDE ELEVATION (WEST) co SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" a C0 Co iv D c O U C 7 O L E (E)2x8 RIDGE BEAM `o 2x8 ROOF RAFTERS @ 16"O.C.TYP. c� (N) 12"TYPICAL T EAVE OVERHANG (N)FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTING L 2111.16 2ND FLR. F.C. °� - - -- - 0 2-2X4 TOP PLATES R-30 INSULATION 3 s 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD a) V g "ER LATH STUCCO (E)2x6 CLG.JST.@ 16"O.C. Q O OV WALLS&CEILINGS TYP. L 2x6 BLOKING OPEN c0 (N) BEDROOM #3 (N) WCL SPACE (N) LAUNDRY (N) WCL (N) BEDROOM #1 °0 0 ROOM > 2x6 STUDS @16"O.C. - FULL HEIGHT a� kd 2102.50 2ND FLR. F.F. R13 INSULATION U) 2101.25 1ST FLR. F.C.M 0 4-7 c m U) c m • T O (N) POWDER (N) HALL (N) COATS (N) ENTRY (N) DINING ROOM ROOM 0 5/8 PLYWOOD SUB-FLOOR U R19 INSULATION aa) WEEP SCREED Q- 2091.75 MAIN F.F. 2090.00 GREAT RM. F.F. b L) 0 U C 7 MOLINAR O 1b V ii it rh 11 rh q, a� .y E r i c k E M o I i n a r 1 1 3 2 S . S p e n c e S t r e e t L o s A n g el e s , C A 9 0 0 2 3 c 3 2 3 . 4 0 2 . 3 5 2 4 0 QQ erick@molinardesign . com PROPOSED CROSS SECTION www . molinardesign . com SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" — — — — — — — Project Title: 0 - -- - - - - - Single Family ---- ---- - - - - Residence (E)2x8 RIDGE BEAM _ 10839 Carriage Drive 2x8 ROOF RAFTERS @- — 2 12 Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 -- 16"O.C.-TYP. _ — — — Owner: - _ Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila (N)12"TYPICAL 12 EAVE OVERHANG 4® _ Q (N)FASCIA TO MATCH EXISTING 2111.16 2ND FLR. F.C. c - - Construction Drawings o 2-2X4 TOP PLATES I I :�E U R-30 INSULATIONLU EX.s "STUCCO �� 1/2"GYPSUM BOARD Date: 03-25-2019 OVER LATH (E)2x6 CLG.JST.@ 16"O.C. WALLS&CEILINGS TYP. 0 Scale:AS NOTED 2x6 BLOKING OPEN OPEN OPEN Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issu 0- TO BELOW TO BELOW TO BELOW REV #1: 2x6 STUDS @16"O.C. - FULL HEIGHT o c� o a) E 2102.50 2ND FLR. F.F. R13 INSULATION 2101.25 1ST FLR. F.C.M a m c (N) GREAT ROOM Stamp: E U O (N) HALL - (N) FOYER (N) PORCH co CT 5/8 PLYWOOD SUB-FLOOR— (N) DECK R19INSULATION 0 WEEP SCREED Sheet Title: 2091.75 MAIN F.F. � T RM. F.F.,��\ /\ /\ /\ \/\ \ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\//\//\//\//\//\ \�\ \ \�\ \�\ \ \f\/\/\/\/\/\/ / / // / // // // // // // /%//%\//%\//%\//%//%\//%//%\/\/ ///%\//%//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//%\//% \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ //j 77777 /// \// \////////\///////////\////////� j/j/j/j/j/j/j/j/j 2091 0 ORCH F.F. \\//\\//\\ \\ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// \ \\\\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\j\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l N POOL / / / / / /� /� /� /� / /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /�/ /i/ / // / // // // / /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� /� O \ \ \i\r\r\i\i r\r \i \i\i\i\< \i\/\r\r /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ POOL / i / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \i / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ /\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\ \/ \/ /\% /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \NEW U N DE RP I N I N G/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/, \ \ \ \ 77 \ \77/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \FOOTING TYP. /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /\/\/\ HOUSE / / / // 77 // // // // // // // // // // ! // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // / / // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // / / / // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // / // // // // // // //i.//,/ o \ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\ \ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\4 \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ // // ///// // // // // // // // // // / // // // // // // // // / //x/////x//x//�//x//x//x �//x//x// Sheet No. J A-4 C N C 0 O7 ■ 0 PROPOSED LONGITUDINAL SECTION co SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" a U) c a� ILL SYMBOLS 0 U .0 / CEILING LIGHT FIXTURE (N) PANTRY (N) BUTLERS_PANTRY WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE,VERIFY HEIGHT. O CEILING RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE. CEILING RE WALL WASH FIXTURE. / I i AFCI AFCI �� FLUORESCENT,NT, 1 1 TUBE. FLUORESCENT, 2 TUBE. / \ O / OUTDOOR DUAL SPOT. O / I FLOOR OUTLET(G.F.I) N I ® FLOOR OUTLET WITH COVER. DUPLEX WALL OUTLET(G.F.I) AFCI uR ° ° AFCI F RAFCI / e s y — 3 / n D \ DUPLEX WALL OUTLET 1/2 SWITCHED. / / I _ 220 VOLT OUTLET. (N) CALIFORNIA PATIO M /� I (N) 2 CAR GARAGE I/ I GFI PROTECTED WALL OUTLET. CM / SAD ILLy`JX •�Q Q s WHEATHERPROOF WALL OUTLET. O (N) KITCHEN SD \ / - - - - -- - - - - - - - /I I GFI SINGLE POLE SWITCH. I 3 WAY SWITCH. 000°o 4 WAY SWITCH. O i \ \ I ®®® / I I I / I I 5 WAY SWITCH. (N) ISLAND OPENER g GARAGE DR. I \ ¢ i I I SWITCH WITH DIMMER. Q M _ (N) DINING ROOM WHEATHERPROOF SWITCH. _ — — ' CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR HARD WIRE O ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ` D BATTERY BACK-UP _ D „ o n I E) RECESSED EXHAUST FAN. I M REC. EXHAUST FAN WITH HEATER. Q I REC. EXAUST FAN WITH LIGHT. (D EXHAUST FAN WITH LIGHT AND HEATER. V (50 CFM) - FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR COMPLIANT AND BE AFCI AFCI AFCI _ DUCTED TO TERMINATE TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE a) I / J BUILDING.FANS NOT FUNCTIONING AS A COMPONENT ° OF A WHOLE HOUSE VENTILATION SYSTEM MUST BE O / \ / CONTROLLED BY A HUMIDITY CONTROL. OoO CEILING FAN WITH LIGHTS. U \ ' / _0 SMOKE DETECTOR HARD WIRE W/ w BATTERY BACK-UP NEW ADDITION. 2!,BATTERY OPERATED EXISTING HOUSE. � 1 O AFCI AFCI ILLTELEPHONE JACK. O _ TELEVISION JACK. Q 41 c ® DOOR BELL. , l - - AFCI AFCI AFCI M I THERMOSTAT. Q C U ti w \ Q ILL Ln l I I \ � ` U O / (N) HALL I I I , MOLINAR (N) DECK / D e s i g n I n c (N) FOYER I E r i c k E M o I i n a r aa) (N) GREAT ROOM I I Dry 1 132 S . Spence Street \ 2091.75 2" (N) PORCH p Los Angeles , CA 90023 c I 3 2 3 . 4 0 2 . 3 5 2 4 0 I / I erick@moIinardesign . com \ I I I www . moIinardesign . com -0 U) \\ IA Project Title: \ II I up Single Family 10 ` Residence / 10839 Carriage Drive 1 I I a Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 Cz Cz (N) FIRE PLACE O AFCI AFCI Owner: co 0) Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila 3 I _ D I _ AFCI AFCI AFCI n \ �° m Construction Drawings 0 M U Date: 03-25-2019 w / I (N) GUEST SUITE o I I LIVING ROOM — — , / / II _ Scale: AS NOTED i s \ AFCI AFCI AFCI I o (N) MUD // Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issue D REV #1 : 70 � (� I E (N) DECK — / AFCI AFCI I I LL \ \ w 0 -n I/ `(N) POWDER I\ \ 11 . Stamp: AFCI / LL - I ROOM (N)I LAUNDRY m a) I E BROOM LL U / GFI -°a D — I (N) GUEST SUITE I / BEDROOM 'v (N)!WCL � GFc1 I I a \ 1�1 n (N) TORAGE OPENER — I GARAGE DR. E I Q b -n (N) 2 CAR GARAGE (N) BATH ROOM Sheet Title: I b I U AFCI AFCI AFCI \ \ FIRST FLOOR AFCI AFCI2FCl o r 1 PLAN O O U Q N ELECTRICAL - FIRST FLOOR PLAN Sheet No. 0 SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" J 2y) rA-2 0 O 2 Q C0 m O U C O 7 O L AFCI AFCI AFCI SYMBOLS _ _ — — — _ -0- CEILING LIGHT FIXTURE O _ _ N �(} WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE,VERIFY HEIGHT. O II Q AFCI AFCI 0 CEILING RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE. U D CEILING RECESED WALL WASH FIXTURE. / I (N) MASTER BEDROOM I _ _ _ _ — — _ _ FLUORESCENT, 1 TUBE. FLUORESCENT, 2 TUBE. / I OUTDOOR DUAL SPOT. FLOOR OUTLET(G.F.I) Q) \\ I I ® FLOOR OUTLET WITH COVER. I I DUPLEX WALL OUTLET(G.F.I) O I (N) DECK I / I \� I (N) BEDROOM #1 DUPLEX WALL OUTLET 1/2SWITCHED. -nII U 220 VOLT OUTLET. Q LL Q GFI PROTECTED WALL OUTLET. Q WHEATHERPROOF WALL OUTLET. LL / SINGLE POLE SWITCH. O 3 WAY SWITCH. 4 WAY SWITCH. \\ AFCI AFCI \ AFCI AFCI o I I 5 WAY SWITCH. SWITCH WITH DIMMER. O ' WHEATHERPROOF SWITCH.LLO � \ // ¢ W Q (N) WCL/ // \\�\ cMCARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR HARDWIRE AFCI a BATTERY D r 4-7n n G C RECESSED EXHAUST FAN. 0 7E] p REC. EXHAUST FAN WITH HEATER. o / REC. EXAUST FAN WITH LIGHT. CIO \ \ LUL I Q I EXHAUST FAN WITH LIGHT AND HEATER. p D (50 CFM) O I n I CIO (N) LAUNDRY AFCI FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR COMPLIANT AND BE f, (N) WCL I ROOM DUCTED TO TERMINATE TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE 00 — — _ BUILDING.FANS NOT FUNCTIONING AS A COMPONENT U I I OF A WHOLE HOUSE VENTILATION SYSTEM MUST BE ON ROLLLED BY A HUMIDITY CONTROL. O I \ s? I D / OoO CEILING FAN WITH LIGHTS. FCI F (N) LN \ AFCI FCM AFdP sn SMOKE DBACK-U HARD NEW DREW/ AFCI � BATTERY BACK-UP NEW ADDITION. BATTERY OPERATED EXISTING HOUSE. N il EL L w _ I TELEPHONE JACK. _ w F � TELEVISION JACK. 00 I DOOR BELL. U THERMOSTAT. Z3 .2) MOLINAR ii it rh 11 rh q, y / E r i c k E M o I i n a r / I / 1 1 3 2 S . S p e n c e S t r e e t / \ / L o s A n g el e s , C A 9 0 0 2 3 c 3 2 3 . 4 0 2 . 3 5 2 4 0 / \ \ erick@moIinardesign . com _ \ w w w . m o I i n a r d e s i g n . c o m -0 OPEN DN \ \ TO BELOW / b Project Title: I 0 -- 0' I OPEN OPEN TO BELOW TO BELOW Single Family II Residence \ 10839 Carriage Drive Rancho Cucamonga CA 91737 \ Owner: II Jaime Enrique Herrera Avila 0 I _ n I V) / Construction Drawings o AFCI AFCI AFCI Q FC o Y \\ w / \ � Date: 03-25-2019 0 (N WCL I Scale:AS NOTED AFCI \ � _ \ o I z0 �\ — — Rev.No. Rev./Issue Date./Issue Q I I Q REV #1: AFCI AFCI 00 (N) BEDROOM #2 II \ `. II Z I I \ E LL I _ — — C {�} Q I I Stamp: ° AFCI AFCI (N) BEDROOM #3 I E E I I " 0 AFCI — I Ico (N) WCL, � � i � A / 0, C _ _ o G CI o AFCI AFCI 0 Sheet Title: U C FIRST FLOOR N PLAN0 O U .Q O Sheet No. O co J LM N ELECTRICAL - SECOND FLOOR PLANA-2 0 U� SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" co 2 Q LLJ � U � - 00 > Z � LLJ M Cn Co (D c� Z CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 1 of 10) Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 2 of 10) Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 3 of 10) Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 4 of 10) Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribdl9 Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribdl9 Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribd19 Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribdl9 O ZONE INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION ENERGY DESIGN RATING REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES 03 02 03 04 OS 06 07 03 Project Name R-007445 Energy Design Ratings Compliance Margins The following are features that must be installed as condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. z Zone Name Zone Type HVAC System Name Zone Floor Area(ft) Avg.Ceiling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 02 Run Title Residential PV System:3.88 kWdc Efficiency'(EDR) Total2(EDR) Efficiency'(EDR) Total2(EDR) Cool roof Second Floor Conditioned Central HVAC 3377 9.5 DHW System 1 N/A 03 Project Location 10839 Carriage Dr. Insulation below roof deck 04 City Rancho Cucamonga,CA 05 Standards Version 2019 Standard Design 33.9 19.8 06 Zip code 91737 07 Software Version CBECC-Res 2019.1.1(1107) Proposed Design 33.6 19.3 0.3 0.5 HERS FEATURE SUMMARY OPAQUE SURFACES UJ 08 Climate Zone 10 09 Front Orientation(deg/Cardinal) 0 The following is a summary of the features that must be field-verified b a certified HERS Rater as a condition for meeting the modeled energy Ol 02 03 04 OS 06 07 08 y g gy performance for this computer analysis.Additional Z RESULT:3:COMPLIES detail is provided in the buildng tables below.Registered CF2Rs and CF3Rs are required to be completed in the HERS Registry Window and Door 30 Building Type SingleFamily 11 Number of Dwelling Units 1 Building-level Verifications:� Name Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area(ftz) Area(ft2) Tilt(deg) O 12 Project Scope NewConstruction 13 Number of Bedrooms 5 Efficiency EDR includes improvements to the building envelope and more efficient equipment 'Total EDR includes efficiency and demand response measures such as photovoltaic(PV)^sysstems andaba- eries Quality insulation installation(QII) Front First Floor R-15 Stucco Wall __o_ Front 626.64 131 90 LL z 0 15,1Number of Stories 2 a Indoor air quality ventilation J 14 New Cond.Floor Area(ft) Building complies when efficiency and total compliance margins are greater than or equal to zero � • (' � Left First Floor R-15 Stucco Wall 90 Left 376 58.25 90 Kitchen range hood 16 Existing Cond.Floor Area(ft2) n/a i 171 Fenestration Average U-factor 0.3 Standard Design PV Capacity:3.84 kWdc } Cooling System Verifications: 'I i; Back First Floor R-15 Stucco Wall I 180 i Back 626.64 344 90 U z 6871 1 Glazing Percentage '� Minimum Airflow �- 1 1S Total Cond.Floor Area(ft) g ge(%) 13.03% Right First Floor R-15 Stucco Wall 270 Right 376 96 90 r r Verified EER z ENERGY USE SL MMARY 20 ADU Bedroom Count n/a r7l ADU Conditioned Floor Area n/a Verified Refrigerant Charge Front-2 Second Floor R-19 Stucco Wall Q Front 566.64 118 90 • Fan Efficacy Watts/CFM Left-2 Second Floor R-19 Stucco Wall go Left 384 10 90 w Energy Use(kTDV/ftz-yr) Standard Design Proposed Design Compliance Margin Percent Improvement Heating System Verifications: 0� Z COMPLIANCE RESULTS None-- Back-2 Second Floor R-19 Stucco Wall 180 Back 566.64 181 90 Ol Building Complies with Computer Performance _ _- _-.. Space Heating 8.5�3 7.38� 1.15 13.5 HVAC Distribution System Verifications: _ - _ j _ f r1 f' Right-2 Second Floor R-19 Stucco Wdlr 270 �tigh 384 53 90 v Space Cooling 1�. 8 - J J 3.08I -1.4 -12 Duct leakage testing J J ? -] - J - z 02 This building incorporates features that require field testing and/or verificet onJzy a cedtified HEBS rater under the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider. 1 O Domestic Hot Water System Verifications: Ceiling(below attic) Second Floor R30 Ceiling Below Arc nJa n/a] 3377 n/a n/a 03 This building incorporates one or more Special Features shown below IAQ Ventilation Water Heating 4.. .5 22 3.5 0 0 0.72 17.1 --None-- Interior Floor 2 Second Floor R-19 Interior Floor n/a n/a 3377 n/a n/a Q Self Utilization Credit n/a 0 0 n/a BUILDING-FEATURES INFORMATION 0 ATTIC Compliance Energy Total 26.42 25.95 0.47 1.8 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 � J Ol 02 03 04 OS O6 07 OS Of J Number of Dwelling Number of Ventilation Number of Water LL) Number of Bedrooms Number of Zones Name Construction Type Roof Rise(x in 12) Roof Reflectance Roof Emittance Radiant Barrier Cool Roof Q REQUIRED PV SYSTEMS Project Name Conditioned Floor Area(ftz) Units Cooling Systems Heating Systems !n Ol 02 03 04 OS 06 07 OS 09 30 11 Attic Asphalt Shingle Roof Ventilated 4 0.3 0.85 No Yes tJ R-007445 6871 1 5 2 0 1 J z OC System Size Exception Module Type Array Type Power Electronics CFI Azimuth Tilt Array Angle Tilt:(x in 12) Inverter Eff. Q (kWdc) (deg) Input (deg) (%) ZONE INFORMATION U 3.88 NA Standard Fixed(roof none true n/a n/a n/a n/a 96 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Q 0 U, mount) C0 U) Zone Name Zone Type HVAC System Name Zone Floor Area(ft2) Avg.Ceiling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 First Floor Conditioned Central HVAC 3494 9 DHW System 1 N/A Registration Number:420-P01014584BA-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:11/11/2020 14:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS Registration Number:420-P010145848A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/-rime:11/11/2020 14:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS Registration Number:420-P010145848A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:11111/202014:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS Registration Number:420-P01014584BA-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:11/11/2020 14:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS O NOTICE:This document has been generated b ConSol Home EnergyEfficiencyRatingSystem Services Inc. CHEERS usinginformation uploaded b third parties not affiliated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not NOTICE:This document has been generated b ConSol Home EnergyEfficiency RatingSystem Services Inc. CHEERS usinginformation uploaded b third parties not aftiated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not NOTICE:This document has been generated b ConSol Home EnergyEfficiencyRatingSystem Services Inc. CHEERS usinginformation uploaded b third rues not affiliated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not NOTICE:This document has been generated b ConSol Home EnergyEfficiencyRatingSystem Services Inc. CHEERS usinginformation uploaded b third parties not affiliated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not responsible for,and cannot guarantee,the accuracy or completeness of the inrmatin contained in this document. p y p responsible for,and cannot guarantee,the accuracy or completeness of the informatin contained in this document. P y P responsible for,and cannot guarantee,the accuracy or completeness of the inrmatin contained in this document. p y responsible for,and cannot guarantee,the accuracy or rom leteneesss of the information ntained in this dot(CHEERS) P Y P 9 cY P 9 cY P P 9 cY P 9 cY P CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 CV O Schema Version:rev 20190401 Schema Version:rev 20190401 Schema Version:rev 20190401 Schema Version:rev 20190401 I"�"I > O J J Q E m z O O O o LL = CZ Z Q ), O Q U 2 O E U � � O o LU Q0 U a) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 5 of 10) Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 6 of 10) Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 7 of 10) Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 8 of 10) U Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribdl9 Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribdl9 Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribdl9 Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribd19 FENESTRATION/GLAZING OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS WATER HEATING SYSTEMS HVAC-HEATING UNIT TYPES 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 02 03 04 05 l J Width Heigh Area U-factor Exterior Total Cavity SHGC Interior/Exterior Name System Type Distribution Type Water Heater Name(#) Solar Fraction(%) Compact Distribution HERS Verification Name System Type Number of Units Heating Efficiency Type Efficiency Q Vj DHW System 1 Tankless High(1) n/a None n/a Name Type Surface Orientation Azimuth Mult. z U-factor SHGC Sourc Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Continuous U-factor Assembly Layers G (ft) (ft) (ft) Source a Shading R-value R-value Domestic Hot Water Standard Distribution Furnace Central gas furnace 2 AFUE 96(DHW) System 1 1 1 O F-Wind 1 1 �ow Window Front Front 0 1 56 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen Inside Finish:Gypsum Board HVAC-COOLING UNIT TYPES /R L-Window Window Left Left 90 1 37.25 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen R-19 Stucco Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 @ 16 in.0.C. R-19 None/None 0.072 Cavity/Frame:R-19/2x6 l )Exterior Finish:3 Coat Stucco WATER HEATERS 03 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 �../ < B-Glass Door Window Back Back 180 1 344 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen O3 02 03 04 OS 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Mulit-speed Name System Type Number of Units Efficiency EER Efficiency SEER Zonally Controlled HERS Verification R-Glass Door Window Right Right 270 1 96 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen Inside Finish:Gypsum Board Compressor _ Cavity/Frame:R-15/2x4 Heating Tank Energy Tank Standby Loss NEEA Heat Pump F-Window-2 Window Front-2 Front -0 1 118 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen # "Input Rating Insulation 1st He Rating Tank Location or Cooling Central split AC 2 12.2..< 14 Not Zonal Single Speed Cooling-hers-cool R-15 Stucco Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x4 @ 35'in.O C R-15 None/None 0.087 Sheathing/Insulation:Wood Name Element Tank Type Vol. Factor or or Recovery Brand or Model/ L-Window-2 Window Left-2 L ft 90 1 10 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen Siding/sheathing/decking Units - or Pilot R-value or Flow Rate Ambient Condition I Type (gal) Efficiency Eff. Other Exterior Finish:3 Coat Stucco (Int/Ext) HVAC COOLING-HERS VERIFICATION If..TL B-Window-2 Window Back-2 Back 180 � 1 g5 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen I • LU Consumer 200000 01 02 03 04 05 06 �✓ V B-Glass Door-2 Window Back-2 Back 180/ 1 96 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen Roofing:Light Roof(Asphalt Shingle) Tankless High Natural Gas 1 0 0.97-UEF 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a G\I Instantaneous Btu/Hr Wood Framed / Roof Deck:Wood Name Verified Airflow Airflow TargeC. Verified EER Verified SEER Verified Refrigerant Charge R-Window-2 Window Right-2 Right 27b' 1 53 0.3 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen Asphalt Shingle Roof Attic Roofs 2x8 @ 16 in.O C f R-13 None/None 0.073 O Ceiling Siding/sheathing/decking R.{ --_ Cavity/Frame:R 13/2x8 WATER HEATING-HERS VERIFICATION Cooling-hers-cool Required 350 _ Required Not Required Required V � '^ U T OPAQUE DOORS � v/ 1 O1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Q � / Over Ceiling Joists:R-11.2 insul. HVAC-DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS v O3 Q2 03 04 Ceilin s below Wood Framed �r r- - g ( r' r- r' R30 Ceiling Below Attic 1t#�Ir. .C� yI 36 None/None 0.033 Cavity/Frame:R-18.9/2x8 Compact is ribut'on Central DHW Shower Drain Water - Name Side ofeuil ing - -� --. -Area(ft2) U-factor attic) Ceiling _ f'1 _ j Name Pipe Insulation Parallel Piping Compact Distribution _ , _ ___.h Recirculation Control O3 02 03 t14,_, 0 6 - Q7 -J! OS 09 30 11 12 V �t M J Inside Finish:Gypsum Board Type Distribution Heat Recovery - J ^' '/•� i F-Door Front 75 0.2 Duct ins. Duct Location Surface Area Floor Surface:Carpeted DHW System 1-1/1 Not Required Not Required Not Required None Not Required Not Required Not Required R-value L-Door Left 21 0.2 Floor Deck:Wood Name Type Design Type Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Ducts Duct Leakage HERS Verification v O R-19 Interior Floor Interior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x10 @ 16 in.0.C. R-19 None/None 0.045 Siding/sheathing/decking SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS /1 � n-{ T SLAB FLOORS Cavity/Frame:R-19/2x10 0- C V Ceiling Below Finish:Gypsum Board 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 09 No O3 02 03 04 OS 06 07 Sealed and Distribution Heating Unit Cooling Unit Name System Type Fan Name Distribution Name Required Heating Cooling Distribution System Unconditioned attic Non-Verified R-6 R-6 Attic Attic n/a n/a Bypass Tested S tem-hers-dist Name Zone Area(ft2) Perimeter(ft) Edge Insul.R-value and Depth Carpeted Fraction Heated BUILDING ENVELOPE-HERS VERIFICATION Name Name Thermostat Type Equipment Court Equipment Count Duct Slab On Grade First Floor 3494 250 None 80% No 01 02 03 04 Quality Insulation Installation(QII) Quality Installation of Spray Foam Insulation Building Envelope Air Leakage CFM50 Heating and Distribution Central HVAC cooling system Furnace Cooling Central Fan Setback 2 2 Required Not Required Not Required n/a other System Registration Number:420-P010145848A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Datepme:11/11/2020 14:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS Registration Number:420-P010145848A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:11/111202014:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS Registration Number:420-P010145848A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:11/11/2020 14:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS Registration Number:420-P010145848A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:11/11/2020 14:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS NOTICE:This document has been generated 6 ConSol Home EnergyEfficiency RatingSystem Services Inc. CHEERS usinginformation uploaded 6 third parties not affiliated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not NOTICE:This document has been generated b ConSol Home EnergyEfficient Rating S stem Servires Inc. CHEERS usin information u loaded b third arties not affiliated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not NOTICE:This document has been eneated b ConSol Home Ene Efficiencyy Rahn S stem Services Inc. CHEERS usin information u loaded b third arties not affil/aG:d with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not NOTICE:This document has been generated b ConSol Home EnergyEfficiencyRatingy System Services Inc. CHEERS usinginformation uploaded b third parties not affiliated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore CHEERS is not responsible for,and cannot guaranee,the accuracy or completene of the intbrmatin ntained in this document. p y p responsible for,and cannot guarantee,the accuracy or completen of the infoormatlon contained In this document. g P y p responsible for,and cannot guarantee,the accuracy or completeness of the in contained in this document. g P y p responsible for,and cannot guaratee,the accuracy or completen of the Informe on ntained In this document. p y CA BuildingEnergy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 CA Building Energy Efficient Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 CA Building Energy Efficient Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 gY cY P P P g rBY V P P p g gY Y P P P g gY cY P P P Schema Version:rev 20190401 Schema Version:rev 20190401 Schema Version:rev 20190401 Schema Version:rev 20190401 checked by: date: 11-11-20 drawn by: Me content: PROJECT # R-007445 drawing no: ENV-1 LLJ V-- U9r""""""" 00 2019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary e 2019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary 0 > V-- NOTE:Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Energy Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures,regardless of the compliance approach §150.0(h)3A: Clearances.Air conditioner and heat pump outdoor condensing units must have a clearance of at least 5 feet from the outlet of any dryer vent. Z 0� I used.Review the respective section for more information.*Exceptions may apply. Liquid Line Drier.Air conditioners and heat pump systems must be equipped with liquid line filter driers if required,as specified by the (Original 08/2019 §150.0(h)3B: manufacturer's instructions. < UJ M Building Envelope Measures: §150.00)1: Storage Tank Insulation.Unfired hot water tanks,such as storage tanks and backup storage tanks for solar water-heating systems,must have§110.6(a)1: Air Leakage.Manufactured fenestration,exterior doors,and exterior pet doors must limit air leakage to 0.3 cfm per square foot or less a minimum of R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R-value is indicated on the exterior of the tank. CO co when tested per NFRC-400 ASTM E283 or AAMANVDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-2011: Water Piping,Solar Water-heating System Piping,and Space Conditioning System Line Insulation.All domestic hot water piping must §110.6(a)5: Labeling.Fenestration products and exterior doors must have a label meeting the requirements of Section 10-111(a). be insulated as specified in Section 609.11 of the California Plumbing Code.In addition,the following piping conditions must have a minimum §150.0(j)2A: insulation wall thickness of 1 inch or a minimum insulation R-value of 7.7:the first 5 feet of cold water pipes from the storage tank;all hot water (0 §110.6(b): Field fabricated exterior doors and fenestration products must use and/or and solar heat gain coefficient(SHGC)values from Tables piping with a nominal diameter equal to or greater than 3/4 inch and less than 1 inch;all hot water piping with a nominal diameter less than 3/4 Air Leakage.All j or joints, penetrations, for exterior doors.The must be caulked and/or weather stripped.` inch that is:associated with a domestic hot water recirculation system,from the heating source to storage tank or between tanks,buried below 0 Z I §110.7: Air Leakage.All joints,penetrations,and other openings in the building envelope that are potential sources of air leakage must be caulked, grade,and from the heating source to kitchen fixtures.* asketed,or weather stri ed. §110.8(a): Insulation Certification by Manufacturers.Insulation must be certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs,Bureau of Household Goods §150.003: Insulation Protection.Piping insulation must be protected from damage,including that due to sunlight,moisture,equipment maintenance,and wind as required by Section 120.3(b).Insulation exposed to weather must be water retardant and protected from UV light(no adhesive tapes). Oco CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-O3E and Services BHGS. Insulation covering chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping located outside the conditioned space must include,or be protected by,a Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 9 of 10) §110.8(g): Insulation Requirements for Heated Slab Floors.Heated slab floors must be insulated per the requirements of Section 110.8(g). Class I or Class II vapor retarder. Pipe insulation buried below grade must be installed in a waterproof and non-crushable casing or sleeve. Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribd19 Roofing Products Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance.The thermal emittance and aged solar reflectance values of the roofing Gas or Propane Water Heating Systems.Systems using gas or propane water heaters to serve individual dwelling units must include all of §110.8(i): material must meet the requirements of 110.8 i and be labeled per 10-113 when the installation of a cool roof is specified on the CF1 R. § ( ) 150.0 n 1: the following:A dedicated 125 volt,20 amp electrical receptacle that is connected to the electric panel with a 120/240 volt 3 conductor,10 M HVAC DISTRIBUTION-HERS VERIFICATION §110.80): Radiant Barrier.When required,radiant barriers must have an emittance of 0.05 or less and be certified to the Department of Consumer Affairs. AWG copper branch circuit,within 3 feet from the water heater without obstruction.Both ends of the unused conductor must be labeled with the w 01 02 oa 04 05 06 07 06 09 Ceilingand Rafter Roof Insulation.Minimum R-22 insulation in wood-frame ceiling;or the weighted average U-factor must not exceed 0.043. word"spare"and be electrically isolated.Have a reserved single pole circuit breaker space in the electrical panel adjacent to the circuit breaker a g' g 9 for the branch circuit and labeled with the words"Future 240V Use';a Category III or IV vent,or a Type B vent with straight pipe between the Low Leakage Minimum R-19 or weighted average U-factor of 0.054 or less in a rafter roof alteration.Attic access doors must have permanently attached g ry YP g P P0 Q Duct Leakage Duct leakage Verified Duct Verified Duct Deeply Buried Low-leakage Air Ducts Entirely in §150.0(a): insulation using adhesive or mechanical fasteners.The attic access must be gasketed to prevent air leakage.Insulation must be installed in outside termination and the space where the water heater is installed;a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of 0� - Name Verification target(%) Location Design Buried Ducts Ducts Handler Conditioned direct contact with a continuous roof or ceiling which is sealed to limit infiltration and exfiltration as specified in§110.7,including but not limited the water heater,and allows natural draining without pump assistance;and a gas supply line with a capacity of at least 200,000 Btu per hour. UJ Z Space to placing insulation either above or below the roof deck or on top of a drywall ceiling.* §150.0(n)2: Recirculating Loops.Recirculating loops serving multiple dwelling units must meet the requirements of§110.3(c)5. af Distribution §150.0(b): Loose-fill Insulation.Loose fill insulation must meet the manufacturer's required density for the labeled R-value. Solar Water-heating Systems.Solar water-heating systems and collectors must be certified and rated by the Solar Rating and Certification � System-hers-dist Yes 5 Not Required Not Required Not Required Credit not taken Not Required No §150.0(n)3: Corporation SRCC,the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials,Research and Testing IAPMO R&T,or a listing = Wall Insulation.Minimum R-13 insulation in 2x4 inch wood framing wall or have a U-factor of 0.102 or less,or R-20 in 2x6 inch wood framing or P ( ) 9 9( ) Y 9 - 11 §150.0(c): have a U-factor of 0.071 or less,(R-19 in 2x6 or U-factor of 0.074 or less).Opaque non-framed assemblies must have an overall assembly U- agency that is approved by the Executive Director. Q HVAC-FAN SYSTEMS factor not exceeding 0.102,equivalent to an installed value of R-13 in a wood framed assembly.Masonry walls must meet Table 150.1-A or B J ' 00U 01 ox 03 04 Ducts and Fans Measures: 0 Z §150.0(d): Raised-floor Insulation.Minimum R-19 insulation in raised wood framed floor or 0.037 maximum U-factor.` Ducts.Insulation installed on an existing space-conditioning duct must comply with California Mechanical Code(CMC)Section 604.0.If a af Name rye j Fan Power(Watts/CFM) Name § (fl Slab Edge Insulation.Slab edge insulation must meet all of the following:have a water absorption rate,for the insulation material alone without §110.8(d)3: contractor installs the insulation,the contractor must certify to the customer in writing,that the insulation meets this requirement. 11� Z W 150.0 Central Fan HVAC 6n 0.45 Central Fan-hers-fan facings no greater than 0.3%;have a water vapor permeance no greater than 2.0 perm per inch;be protected from physical damage and UV = light deterioration;and,when installed as part of a heated slab floor,meet the requirements of§110.8(g). CMC Compliance.All air-distribution system ducts and plenums must meet the requirements of the CMC Section 601.0,602.0,603.0,604.0, (D F- 605.0 and ANSI/SMACNA-006-2006 HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible 3rd Edition.Portions of supply-air and return-air UJZ Z) HVAC FAN SYSTEMS-HERS VERIFICATION Vapor Retarder.In climate zones 1 through 16,the earth floor of unvented crawl space must be covered with a Class I or Class II vapor ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum installed level of R-6.0 or a minimum installed level of R-4.2 when ducts are entirely in - O §150.0(g)1: retarder.This requirement also applies to controlled ventilation crawls ace for buildings complyingwith the exception to 150.0(d). � (/) 01 I oz osconditioned space as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing(RA3. of the duct system completely exposed Vapor Retarder.In climate zones 14 and 16,a Class I or Class II vapor retarder must be installed on the conditioned space side of all and surrounded b direct) conditioned space are not required to be insulated.Connections of metal ducts and inner core of flexible ducts must Q L.L. Name �/er1,flNd F,�an,lAl�tt D _-,-'� Required Fan Efficiency(Watts/CFM) §150.0(g)2: 150.0 m 1: Y Y P q insulation in all exterior walls,vented attics,and unvented attics with air-permeable insulation. § ( ) be mechanically fastened.Openings must be sealed with mastic,tape,or other duct-closure system that meets the applicable requirements of O Central Fan-hers-fan Required ' 0.45 Fenestration Products.Fenestration,includingskylights,se aratin conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoors must have a 150.0 separating P P UL 181,UL 181A,or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723.If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than � � J IAQ(INDOOR AIR QUALITY)FANS § (q)' maximum U-factor of 0.58;or the weighted average U-factor of all fenestration must not exceed 0.58.' %inch,the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape must be used.Building cavities,support platforms for air handlers,and plenums W Q Fireplaces,Decorative Gas Appliances,and Gas Log Measures: designed or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal,duct board or flexible duct must not be used to convey conditioned air. = 01 oz os oa os 06 Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts.Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms must not be compressed to cause (7 Dwelling Unit IAQ CFM IAQ Watts/CFM IAQ Fan Type IAQ Recovery Effectiveness(%) HERS Verification §110.5(e) Pilot Light.Continuously burning pilot lights are not allowed for indoor and outdoor fireplaces. reductions in the cross-sectional area: Z) Q = SFam IAQVentRpt 234 0.25 Default 0 Yes §150.0(e)l: Closable Doors.Masonry or factory-built fireplaces must have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. Facto Fabricated Duct Systems.Facto fabricated ducts stems must comply with applicable requirements for duct construction, U � Factory-Fabricated Y Factory-fabricated Y P Y PP q t §150.0(e)2: Combustion Intake.Masonry or factory-built fireplaces must have a combustion outside air intake,which is at least six square inches in area §150.0(m)2: connections,and closures;joints and seams of duct systems and their components must not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct O W and is equipped with a readily accessible,operable,and tight-fitting damper or combustion-air control device.* tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. CD (/) U) §150.0(e)3: Flue Damper.Masonry or factory-built fireplaces must have a flue damper with a readily accessible control.` Field-Fabricated Duct Systems.Field-fabricated duct systems must comply with applicable requirements for:pressure-sensitive tapes, §150.0(m)3: mastics,sealants,and other requirements specified for duct construction. Space Conditioning,Water Heating,and Plumbing System Measures: Backdraft Damper.Fan systems that exchange air between the conditioned space and outdoors must have backdraft or automatic dampers.§150.0(m)7: P Y 9 P P §110.0-§110.3: Certification.Heating,ventilation and air conditioning(HVAC)equipment,water heaters,showerheads,faucets,and all other regulated "Zi- O appliances must be certified by the manufacturer to the Energy Commission.' Gravity Ventilation Dampers.Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space must have either automatic or readily accessible, N O §150.0(m)8: manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside,except combustion inlet and outlet air openings and elevator shaft vents. §110.2(a): HVAC Efficiency.Equipment must meet the applicable efficiency requirements in Table 110.2-A through Table 110.2-K.` Registration Number:been g 10145848A-000-ome 0 Energy Ef-0000 Registration Date-(ion uploaded third HERS Provider: CHEERS O NOTICE:This da nd can has been generated byConSol Home Energy Efficiency Rating System Services,Inc.(CHEERS)using information uploaded by third parties not a listed with or related to CHEERS.Therefore,CHEERS is not Protection of Insulation.Insulation must be protected from damage,sunlight,moisture,equipment maintenance,and wind.Insulation exposed responsible fo,and cannot guarantee,the accuracy or completeness of the,nformaton g=n6d in this docament. Controls for Heat Pumps with Supplementary Electric Resistance Heaters.Heat pumps with supplementary electric resistance heaters �„L,� O CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 must have controls that prevent supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone;and in which the 150.0 m 9: to weather must be suitable for outdoor service.For example,protected by aluminum,sheet metal,painted canvas,or plastic cover.Cellular Schema Version:rev 20190401 §110.2(b): cut-on temperature for compression heating is higher than the cut-on temperature for supplementary heating,and the cut-off temperature for § ( ) foam insulation must be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation. I J Q E P P 9� 9 P PP ry 9 P - compression heatingis higher than the cut-off temperature for supplementary 'heatin §150.0(m)10: Porous Inner Core Flex Duct.Porous inner core flex ducts must have a non-porous layer between the inner core and outer vapor barrier. coZ OU §110.2(c): Thermostats.All heating or cooling systems not controlled by a central energy management control system(EMCS)must have a Duct System Sealing and Leakage Test.When space conditioning systems use forced air duct systems to supply conditioned air to an ~_ z = O setback thermostat.` §150.0(m)l1: occupiable space,the ducts must be sealed and duct leakage tested,as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing,in O O O Water Heating Recirculation Loops Serving Multiple Dwelling Units.Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units must accordance with§150.0(m)l1 and Reference Residential Appendix RA3. � LL = §110.3(c)4: meet the air release valve,backflow prevention,pump priming,pump isolation valve,and recirculation loop connection requirements of§ - 110.3 c Air Filtration.Space conditioning systems with ducts exceeding 10 feet and the supply side of ventilation systems must have MERV 13 or (D J � §150.0(m)12: equivalent filters.Filters for space conditioning systems must have a 2 inch depth or can be 1 inch if sized per Equation 150.0-A.Pressure drops >- z Q ^ Isolation Valves.Instantaneous water heaters with an input rating greater than 6.8 kBTU per hour(2 kW)must have isolation valves with hose * V §110.3(c)6: and labeling must meet the requirements in§150.0(m)12. Filters must be accessible for regular service. - bibbs or other fittings on both cold and hot water lines to allow for flushing the water heater when the valves are closed. � = U � 110.5: Pilot Lights.Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas:fan-type central furnaces;household cooking appliances(appli- Space Conditioning System Airflow Rate and Fan Efficacy.Space conditioning systems that use ducts to supply cooling must have a hole N § for the placement of a static pressure probe,or a permanently installed static pressure probe in the supply plenum.Airflow must be_350 CFM O Q L N antes without an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu/hr are exempt);and pool and spa heaters.' 150.0 m 13: Per ton of nominal cooling capacity,and an air-handling unit fan efficacy s 0.45 watts per CFM for gas furnace air handlers and s 0.58 watts per C) Building Cooling and Heating Loads.Heating and/or cooling loads are calculated in accordance with the ASHRAE Handbook, § ( ) CFM for all others.Small duct high velocity systems must provide an airflow>_250 CFM per ton of nominal cooling capacity,and an air-handling 3j = §150.0(h)l: Equipment Volume,Applications Volume,and Fundamentals Volume;the SMACNA Residential Comfort System Installation Standards unit fan efficacy:5 0.62 watts per CFM.Field verification testing is required in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3.* z >% Manual;or the ACCA Manual J using design conditions specified in§150.0(h)2. O UJ E O U LO 2 o AVV%klj C)LU 2019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary 2019 Low-Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary UJ co O a 14111111111111V- a Requirements for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality: Interior Switches and Controls.An energy management control system(EMCS)may be used to comply with control requirements if it: §150.0(k)2G: provides functionality of the specified control according to§110.9;meets the Installation Certificate requirements of§130.4;meets the Requirements for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality.All dwelling units must meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2,Ventilation EMCS requirements of§130.0 e;and meets all other requirements in§150.0(k)2. §150.0(o)l: and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings subject to the amendments specified in§150.0(o)1. Interior Switches and Controls.A multiscene programmable controller may be used to comply with dimmer requirements in§150.0(k)if it Single Family Detached Dwelling Units.Single family detached dwelling units,and attached dwelling units not sharing ceilings or floors with §150.0(k)2H: provides the functionality of a dimmer according to§110.9,and complies with all other applicable requirements in§150.0(k)2. §150.0(o)l C: other dwelling units,occupiable spaces,public garages,or commercial spaces must have mechanical ventilation airflow provided at rates Interior Switches and Controls.In bathrooms,garages,laundry rooms,and utility rooms,at least one luminaire in each of these spaces must determined by ASHRAE 62.2 Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 and as specified in§150.0(o)l C. §150.0(k)21: be controlled by an occupant sensor or a vacancy sensor providing automatic-off functionality.If an occupant sensor is installed,it must be Multifamily Attached Dwelling Units.Multifamily attached dwelling units must have mechanical ventilation airflow provided at rates in initially configured to manual-on operation using the manual control required under Section 150.0(k)2C. §150.0(o)l E: accordance with Equation 150.0-B and must be either a balanced system or continuous supply or continuous exhaust system.If a balanced §150.0(k)2J: Interior Switches and Controls.Luminaires that are or contain light sources that meet Reference Joint Appendix JA8 requirements for system is not used,all units in the building must use the same system type and the dwelling-unit envelope leakage must be-.5 0.3 CFM at 50 Pa dimming,and that are not controlled by occupancy or vacancy sensors,must have dimming controls: (0.2 inch water)per square foot of dwelling unit envelope surface area and verified in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.8. §150.0(k)2K: Interior Switches and Controls.Under cabinet lighting must be controlled separately from ceiling-installed lighting systems. Multifamily Building Central Ventilation Systems.Central ventilation systems that serve multiple dwelling units must be balanced to provide Residential Outdoor Lighting.For single-family residential buildings,outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building,or to other 0 §150.0(o)1 F: ventilation airflow for each dwelling unit served at a rate equal to or greater than the rate specified by Equation 150.0-B.All unit airflows must be buildings on the same lot,must meet the requirement in item§150.0(k)3Ai(ON and OFF switch)and the requirements in either CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CF1R-PRF-01E within 20%of the unit with the lowest airflow rate as it relates to the individual unit's minimum required airflow rate needed for compliance. 150.0 k 3Aii(photocell and either a motion sensor or automatic time switch control or§150.0 k 3Aiii astronomical time clock),or an EMCS. Project Name:R-007445 Calculation Date/Time:2020-11-11T14:59:43-07:00 (Page 10 of 10) §150.0(o)l G: Kitchen Range Hoods.Kitchen range hoods must be rated for sound in accordance with Section 7.2 of ASHRAE 62.2. Residential Outdoor Lighting.For low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units,outdoor lighting for private patios,entrances, ' Q Calculation Description:Residential Input File Name:R-007445.ribd19 Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing.Dwelling unit ventilation airflow must be verified in accordance with Reference Residential §150.0(k)3B: balconies, and porches; and residential parking lots and carports with less than eight vehicles per site must comply with either Section Cc §150.0(o)2: Appendix RA3.7.Kitchen range hoods must be verified in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.7.4.3 to confirm it is 150.0 k 3A or with the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9,130.0,130.2,130.4,140.7 and 141.0. 0 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT rated by HVI to comply with the airflow rates and sound requirements as specified in Section 5 and 7.2 of ASHRAE 62.2. Residential Outdoor Lighting.For low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units,any outdoor lighting for residential parking lots 0 7 P q P §150.0(k)3C: P 9 P Y lighting 9 Y ( ) ( ) ` 1.I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Or carports with a total Of eight or more vehicles per site and an outdoor li htin not regulated b Section 150.0 k 3B or Section 150.0 k 3D must Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author signature: Pool and Spa Systems and Equipment Measures: Comply with the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9,130.0,130.2,130.4,140.7 and 141.0. w Hector Carbajal `gift`V � Certification by Manufacturers.Any pool or spa heating system or equipment must be certified to have all of the following:a thermal efficiency Internally illuminated address signs.Internally illuminated address signs must comply with§140.8;or must consume no more than 5 watts of ( O that complies with the Appliance Efficient Regulations;an on-off switch mounted outside of the heater that allows shutting off the heater §150.0(k)<(: V Q Company: Signature Date: §110.4(a): p PP Y 9 9 power as determined according to 130.0(c). v Economytitle 24 11/11/2020 without adjusting the thermostat setting;a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions;and must not use electric Residential Garages for Eight or More Vehicles.Lighting for residential parking garages for eight or more vehicles must comply with the resistance heating.. §150.0(k)5: applicable requirements for nonresidential garages in Sections 110.9,130.0,130.1,130.4,140.6,and 141.0. Address: CEA/HERS Certification Identification(If applicable): Piping.An pool or spa heating system orequipment must be installed with at least 36 inches of pipe between the filter and the heater,or 6055 E.Washington Boulevard,Suite 445 RCN13686 §110.4(b)1: p g• Y P P 9 YP P Interior Common Areas of Low-rise Multifamily Residential Buildings.In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior dedicated suction and return lines,or built-in or built-up connections to allow for future solar heating. §150.0(k)6A: common area in a single building equals 20 percent or less of the floor area,permanently installed lighting for the interior common areas in that Er D City/m City/State/Zip: Phone: cc / Commerce,CA 90040 �,.__6267549-1379 §110.4(b)2: Covers.Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater must have a cover. buildingmust be comply with Table 150.0-A and be controlled b an occupant sensor. LLI V ` - Directional Inlets and Time Switches for Pools.Pools must have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water,and a time switch that Interior Common Areas of Low-rise Multifamily Residential Buildings.In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior U ( > RESPONSIBLE P ing and S DECLARATION STATEMENT §110.4(b)3: will allow all pumps to be set or programmed to run onlyduringoff-peak electric demand periods. common area in a single building equals more than 20 percent of the floor area,permanently installed lighting for the interior common areas in E v Q O I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: I §150.0(k)6B: that building must: z 1. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responslyllity for the build( design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. §110.5: Pilot Light.Natural gas pool and spa heaters must not have a continuously burning pilot light, rr{ 2. 1 certify that the energy features and performance specifications identified on this Cel0cate of Compli,nfe conform to the requirements of Title 24,Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. I.Comply With the applicable requirements In Sections 110.9,130.0,130.1,140.6 and 141.0;and �V U T Pool Systems and Equipment Installation.Residential pool systems or equipment must meet the specified requirements for pump sizing,flow LLI I 3. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of CtamplWnce are oiisistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents,worksheets, §150.0(p): I. Lighting installed in corridors and stairwells must be controlled by occupant sensors that reduce the lighting power in each space by at least calculations,plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approvalJygh this b ding permit application. rate,piping,filters,and valves: 50 percent.The occupant sensors must be capable of turning the light fully on and off from all designed paths of ingress and egress. }r Q U) 0) U Responsible Designer Name: f Responsible Designer Signature Lighting Measures: U Hector Carbajal Solar Ready Buildings: U ^ z , 77 Lighting Controls and Components.All lighting control devices and stems,ballasts,and luminaires must meet the applicable requirements v J Company: . I Date igned'I r §110.9: g g p 9 g Y PP q Single Family Residences.Single family residences located in subdivisions with ten or more single family residences and where the % Economytitle 24 , I Sri'1 /boo -_:i of§110.9. §110.10(a)1: application for a tentative subdivision map for the residences has been deemed complete and approved by the enforcement agency,which " UJ _0 O Q Address: License: §150.0(k)lA: Luminaire Efficacy.All installed luminaires must meet the requirements in Table 150.0-A. do not have a photovoltaic system installed must comply with the requirements of§1 10.10 b through§1 10.10 e. Q Ir W T 6055 E.Washington Boulevard,suite 445 Blank Electrical Boxes.The number of electrical boxes that are more than 5 feet above the finished floor and do not contain a luminaire or §110.10(a)2: Low-rise Multifamily Buildings.Low-rise multi-family buildings that do not have a photovoltaic system installed must comply with the City/State/Zip: Phone: §150.0(k)l B: other device must be no greater than the number of bedrooms.These electrical boxes must be served by a dimmer,vacancy sensor control,or requirements of§110.10(b)through§110.10(d). Commerce,CA 90040 1626-549-1379 fan speed control. Minimum Solar Zone Area.The solar zone must have a minimum total area as described below.The solar zone must comply with access, Recessed Downlight Luminaires in Ceilings.Luminaires recessed into ceilings must meet all of the requirements for:insulation contact(IC) pathway,smoke ventilation,and spacing requirements as specified in Title 24,Part 9 or other Parts of Title 24 or in any requirements adopted §150.0(k)l C: labeling;air leakage;sealing;maintenance;and socket and light source as described in§150.0(k)l C. by a local jurisdiction.The solar zone total area must be comprised of areas that have no dimension less than 5 feet and are no less than 80 Electronic Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps.Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 watts or greater must be electronic and must have an square feet each for buildings with roof areas less than or equal to 10,000 square feet or no less than 160 square feet each for buildings with §150.0(k)l D: output frequency no less than 20 kHz. §110.10(b)1: roof areas greater than 1 0,000 square feet.For single family residences,the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of the building Night Lights,Step Lights,and Path Lights.Night lights,step lights and path lights are not required to comply with Table 150.0-A or be and have a total area no less than 250 square feet.For low-rise multi-family buildings the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of §150.0(k)l E: controlled by vacancy sensors provided they are rated to consume no more than 5 watts of power and emit no more than 150 lumens. the building,or on the roof or overhang of another structure located within 250 feet of the building,or on covered parking installed with the Lighting Integral to Exhaust Fans.Lighting integral to exhaust fans(except when installed by the manufacturer in kitchen exhaust hoods) building project,and have a total area no less than 15 percent of the total roof area of the building excluding any skylight area.The solar zone Digitally signed by Con Sol Home Energy Efficiency Rating System Services,Inc.(CHEERS.This digital signature/s provided in order to secure the §150.0(k)l F: requirement is applicable to the entire building,includingmixed occupancy.* content of Nis registered document and in no way Imp Regrstrat/on Provider responslb/llty for the accuracy of the,n�rmatan. must meet thea applicable requirements of 150.O k.' §150.0(k)lG: Screw based luminaires.Screw based luminaires must contain lamps that comply with Reference Joint Appendix JA8' §110.10(b)2: Azimuth.All sections of the solar zone located on steep-sloped roofs must be oriented between 90 degrees and 300 degrees of true north. Registration Number:420-P010145848A-000-000-0000000-0000 Registration Date/Time:11/11/2020 14:01 HERS Provider: CHEERS 110.10 b 3A: Shading.The solar zone must not contain any obstructions,including but not limited to:vents,chimneys,architectural features,and roof s 150.0 k 1 H: Light Sources in Enclosed or Recessed Luminaires.Lamps and other separable light sources that are not compliant with the JA8 elevated § ( ) NOTICE:This document has been generated by ConSol Home Energy Efficienty Ratin System Services,Inc.(CHEERS)us/ng inPormatian uploaded by third parties not affiliated with or related to CHEERS.Therefore,CHEERS is not § ( ) mounted equipment.* responsible for,and cannot guarantee,the accuracyormmpletenessofthem rmahon contanedin this document. temperature requirements,including marking requirements,must not be installed in enclosed or recessed luminaires. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards-2019 Residential Compliance Report Version:2019.1.100 Report Generated:2020-11-11 14:00:54 Shading.Any obstruction located on the roof or any other part of the building that projects above a solar zone must be located at least twice the Schema Version:rev 20190401 Light Sources in Drawers,Cabinets,and Linen Closets.Light sources internal to drawers,cabinetry or linen closets are not required to §110.10(b)3B: distance,measured in the horizontal plane,of the height difference between the highest point of the obstruction and the horizontal projection of §150.0(k)lI: comply with Table 150.0-A or be controlled by vacancy sensors provided that they are rated to consume no more than 5 watts of power,emit no the nearest point of the solar zone,measured in the vertical lane.' checked by: more than 150 lumens,and are equipped with controls that automatically turn the lighting off when the drawer,cabinet or linen closet is closed. §110.10(b)4: Structural Design Loads on Construction Documents.For areas of the roof designated as a solar zone,the structural design loads for roof - §150.0(k)2A: Interior Switches and Controls.All forward phase cut dimmers used with LED light sources must comply with NEMA SSL 7A. dead load and roof live load must be clearly indicated on the construction documents. Interconnection Pathways.The construction documents must indicate:a location reserved for inverters and metering equipment and a §150.0(k)2B: Interior Switches and Controls.Exhaust fans must be controlled separately from lighting systems: §110.10(c): pathway reserved for routing of conduit from the solar zone to the point of interconnection with the electrical service;and for single family Interior Switches and Controls.Lighting must have readily accessible wall-mounted controls that allow the lighting to be manually residences and central water-heatingsystems,a pathwayreserved for routingplumbingfrom the solar zone to the water-heatingsystem. date: §150.0(k)2C: turned ON and OFF.* Documentation.A copy of the construction documents or a comparable document indicating the information from§110.10(b)through 1 1-1 1-20 §110.10(d): 10c §150.0(k)2D: Interior Switches and Controls.Controls and equipment must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 110. must be provided to the occupant. drawn b Interior Switches and Controls.Controls must not bypass a dimmer,occupant sensor,or vacancy sensor function if the control is installed to §110.10(e)1: Main Electrical Service Panel.The main electrical service panel must have a minimum busbar rating of 200 amps. §150.0(k)2E: comply with§150.0(k). Main Electrical Service Panel.The main electrical service panel must have a reserved space to allow for the installation of a double pole circuit Me §150.0(k)2F: Interior Switches and Controls.Lighting controls must comply with the applicable requirements of§110.9. 1 §110.10(e)2: breaker for a future solar electric installation.The reserved space must be permanently marked as"For Future Solar Electric". content: PROJECT # R-007445 drawing no: ENV-2 M O O CO) TI O ITI fTl C7 _ _. _. Q 0 O A 0 Q 0 a A A (7 A +_� a 0 A r+(Q O (n pp O v Q A tQ rn D Ui(n g A W (n rt N A a(n v C7 O (n C7 0 r+ 0 Q '+ fTl 0 0 O O < 00 0 �I �1 0 D (A rt (n CJ1"0"0 In � W O Q N S 3 3 o CD . '� "0 0 - to '�00 CD �I 0 0 0 0 C 3 cn W fi N 0 tQ O Q S S "0 (D '0 Q 0 S 0 CD C C - 3 C CD W CD 3 N CO 3 O 3 Q C (D • S S • CD o . m m Q < Q �� o m o- o . S A o O o _ (7 � CD 3 0 3 3 3 S' Q Q "0 Q 0 3 Q (n A + (D Q CD N ' 0 O CD 0 3 0 D M m m -• D S Q rt I 0 2 fi a 3 ' `< (n r 3 -0 (n =D (n ?1 3 m (�D(n C7 = D Sv`< (D S h A a ' C Q c° a p 0 0 O ° fA 0 j — m a n D C C O m Z Z N S N + ° (D D Q c° 3 (0 ° D� D A• c 7'Q C�(�D D (n D rt O I ° 0 0 ° (D O 0 3 = = (D to a 0 :44_+ N N T (D OS (D ZY vi CD Q S- S m= tQ O Q < O < '+ C 3 (D (D 3 r (D D Q 7 0 ° D N 0 - ° ° 0 O rt �. 3 3 C fD (n (D r+ Q A A 0 cQ T. 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IN HOOK 4 flab OR REVISION DATE SEE ARCH PLAN FOR _CONCRETE&MASONRY A OR G (2 112"MIN.) D= BEND DIAMETER A DATE 07-04-2020 TYPICAL U.N.O. D= 60b FOR#3 THRU#8 ADDITIONAL INFO D= 80b FOR#9#10&#11 AND MEASUREMENT EXPANSION JOINT WOOD POST 1 1120b CLEAR OR BARS O 1 D= 100b FOR#14 AND#18 • MAYBE IN CONTACT IF 6 me ° • WIRED TOGETHER • HDU-5 SEE DETAIL 20 2X4 BOTTOM PLATE CLASS "B" L o, 0 12Ob OWNER D-1 DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD CLASS IC #5 @ 12 E.W FF SUBFLOOR LAP SPLICE 90°HOOKS,ALL GRADES BAR 180° m, �� SLOPE 1 4"PER FT. # 4 @ 8" EACH WAY z #4 @ 12" x A OR G D SIZE LAP= 1.3Id HOOK m, 90° dl EACH WAY DOUBIE 2X6 FLOOR JOIST JOIST HANGER II ACCESS DOOR - g 2_4„ #6 46" DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD 180° �TT ° °O z #7 54" BAR HOOKS, ALL GRADES vJ 1SILL DOUBLE JOISTS 8" 3" SIZE Q w COMPACT 90% ORS SEE FOUNDATION PLAN d ° ° •° \AAj"",jjjjjj."jjjjjj °° d° ° e ° 24"X24"G.I. DOOR 3_w„ A OR G J D \ FILL WITH CONCRETE FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. ° d 4" ,8" 10" #s 61.7" #3 5" 3" 2-4" J / • °° SCR EN W — ' � GRADE .' - °° ° °° ° ° ° ° 1/4'�MESH ;• Z -0° #s ss.4„4--8"- 5 4„ #10 77" 4„ 3„°° ° ° ° d ° o d z ° 1%4= 6„ #11 84.83"-85„ #5 7" 5" 3--w„4 REBAR ° ' " 91, NOTE: #6 8" UJ Q 2#5 T& B IVO$ING ° ° Nd . _ • WHEN AVAILABLE DEPTH IS #7 10" 7" 5-4" V d ° °° ° ° GR�VE�° �° 1'-10" 10-4" LIMITED, #3 THRU#11 GRADE° 2'-0" 11-4" d b 60 BARS HAVING 180° 8" 6" Wz°° °° • ° HOOKS MAYBE BENT WITH O ° d° ° ° ° °° " " x 3'-5" 227w" �MALLER A=5 AND OAND JPONDINGLY of DIMENSIONS. Of 2i SEE � Q PLAN w = Q U CONCRETE STEPS ON GRADE w U 1 FOOTING PAD 2 ACCESS HOLE DETAIL AND SECTION 3 HOOKS AND LAPS 5 a� U �_ Mo 3x6 SILL W/ 1/4" x 6" SDS @ 6" 19 3 1/2" CONC. WALK w O SAWCUT TOOLED � Q pg IM JOIST OVER ACCESS HOLE All OR PELT JOINT GRADE OR A.C. AS OCCURS (4) 10d PER 3/4" PLYWOOD 10d(4:6:10) (T&G) SIMPSON HU HANGER BOTH SIDES PER SITE PLAN. U E.N. BLK 3x6 P.T. SILL W/ %"X12" 0 A.B z BLK'G ¢ 12„ 18 3x6 P.T.SILL PLATE, PER PLAN @' 32" 1PER PLAN PLYWD SHTG. EITHER SIDE °a d ° ° ° ° ° °da- ° °°d A35 ® 16" 3 X 11 3 X/ WASHER 0 5/8"0 x 12" A.B. SPACING PER PLAN - _ III-III-III-III—I I I=I I. .I ma W/ 3"x3"x1/4" PLATE WASHER 15 24" B.N. =III-III-III-III-III-III-III= I=III=III=III=III=I ° E.N. F.J. 3 -III-III-I 11=1 I I-III-I 11=1 r - - - (2 A.B. PER SILL PLATE) D-1 #4 @ 24" O.C. # ° ° 0 3x8 SILL PLATE cocr. 4 BAR CONT. ° 3/4" 0 x 12" A.B. 0 32" N W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE WASHER o (2) #4 TOP FTG. J o HL OMIT STEM FOR ACCESS ONLY A. BOLT o ° II 18 CONTROL JOINT EDGE OF SLAB Q a • ° ° II D3 p51 8" CONCRETE STEM WALL w Q ° a ° ° d II EXPANSION JOINT o mLD1 N I I=I I I=I I F a ° ° ° METAL KEY FORM #4 HORIZONTAL 0 24" O.C. ? a -III-III—I o ° 11=1 11=1 11= d L� ° ° ° • ' _ —III—III—I ° ° ° d e PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF o Q T 1=1I 1=1 I1= ° d ° ° °c d W d1 CORNER FTG. ° d ° ° , d° ° ° ° COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY o w ° Ir • p • ° - d d d ° CD = o X ° °° o CONT. FT'G. PER PLAN OR GRADE BEAM 2#5 BAR TOP d a a ° _ III—I - ° I—III-III III=1 I I=1 - - - ° W O1 • /�\�/�\�/i\' N ° ° r° 2 5 BAR B 0 TTO M ° I I I 1=1 11=1 I = - - I-1 11=1 I I III-1 I -I I = - - III- - - �J 00 w N d ° ° # • 24" N III—III—III— I I—III—III III—III—III—III— III—III=III=III III=III— H \ \ d #4 @ 24" O.C. 2" 12" 12" 12" \/ Ln 4 ® 24" VERTICAL ALTERNATE TAIL ° SEE PLAN ° Q °a ,��- ° ° ° ° ° L° EDGE DISTANCE FOR A BOLT @ NEW FT'G. 24 W I-I °; N s 2) #5 TOP CONSTRUCTION JOINT DEPRESSION OF SLAB ^ (2) #5 BOTTOM ° > N ���8 cn SEE DETAIL p 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO 15" H Q H N 6 INTERIOR ACCESS HOLE 7 ANCHOR BOLT NOTES 8 SPLIT LEVEL FOOTING 9 CONCRETE SLAB 10 � 0 INTERIOR FOOTING AT GARAGE o .. CONTINUOUS 10 BAR DIA w REBAR OR W. #4 CONT. EXTE WOOD POST CONTROL SAW JOINTS, SHALL BE LOCATED I-I � W 135° STD 4 MIN PARALLEL TO WALLS, AND SAW CUT WITHIN 4 HRS N SEE PLAN TYP. ALL AROUND Q ALTERNATE POSITION #4 @ 12 HOOK EACH WAY AFTER THE POUR. USE THE SOFT-CUT PROCEDURE. NOTE: SIMPSON HOLDOWN OF SUCCESSIVE TIE U) z PER PLAN SPLICE T 4 REINFORCING CONTINUOUS THRU JOINT. / CONTROL SAW JOINTS � _ _ � + FLOOR JOIST ° ° d - SHALL BE LOCATED PARALLEL U WALLS muw - - - - - - - - - - - �Z + ° ° d° ° °a ° ° ° ° d 2 ma + 10 BAR DIA a 4v a ° ° ° ° ° AND SAW CUT WITHIN Qw + 4 MIN d ° B a d 4 HRS, AFTER THE SIZE&SPCG TO U)� 8 POUR. USE THE MATCH SLAB REINF. hk "SOFT-CUT" • SIMPSON SSTB-L COLUMN TIE TYPES PROCEDURE. DRAWN BY ° 7t SEE DETAIL 20ID-1 10 BAR DIA Q °• 135° STD 4"MIN 1" SAND SIZE TO MATCH SLAB REINF. = Z HOOK 10 MIL L �X w 2" SAND OR 4" GRAVEL VISQUEEN #4 CON . ui CONTROL SAW J❑INT (CSJ) FINISH FLOOR 1'-0" w V co 0- LINE FOOTING 1. SEAL ALL SHEET VAPOR BARRIER AT BOUNDARY AND PENETRATIONS _ _ _ ( 12 MIN. OVERLAP LAYERS) SCALE 0 Lu g BEYOND CONTROL SAW JOINT (CSJ) SPACING J ° •. Q SLAB THICKNESS MAXIMUM SPACING _ T - - - - - 1/4 - 1 - 0 REBAR OF W.W.F 1 L r N . I, , ' I,.•° '• 2. USE 3000 PSI CONCRETE NO SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CRACK CONTROL ONLY " 0 �� �� 4 12'-0' 0 NONE SEE PLAN TYP. 2 N I °•I BEAM STIRRUPS 3. MINIMUM 10-MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER 5" 15'-0" C� •° DO NOT SCALE NOTE: 6" 18'-0" #5 8" FOR SIZE AND SPACING OF ALL TIES AND 4. IN PLACE COMPACT EXISTING GRADE 90% EACH WAY STIRRUPS REFER TO FOOTING SCHEDULE SHEET NAME SEE PLAN AND/OR DETAILS. 4. SOIL REPORT RECOMMENDATION IS PART OF THE PLAN JOINT AT SLAB ON GRADE, TYP. 11 FOOTING PAD 12 TIES AND HAIR PINS (13) SLAB REINFORCEMENT CONTROL JOINT FOR SLAB 15 USE EXTRA LONG BOLT HOLDOWN ANCHOR OF 1 4" 18 1.) DRILL HOLE TO DEPTH AND SIZE SEE CHART. 7„ EMBEDMEMT CAPACITY # / � POST - • - • LINE SST��LL 2 20 X 3"SCREWS ANCHOR BOLTS LE MINMUM :: ; :: •: : : : .: : - o %EE DETAIL ESR 2330 USE 5/8 X18 THREAD ROD W/ SIMP. SET-XP ADHESIVE (ESR 2508) m SDS SCREWS EXTRA LONG SEE PLAN 9 9 4 2. BLOW — REMOVE DUST FROM HOLE WITH OIL—FREE ° ° D 5 D 2 ' . A A DRILL 3/4 HOLE X12 EMBEDMENT 3„ ° ° HDU-2 �o�s 9 ssTB2oL 16° ; p p .. p COMPRESSOR AIR FOR MINMUM OF 4 SECONDS. COMPRESSED AIR 14 ! PLAN Z 4; :F. ;Q:a:. >Q=.g. •;o;d: g;d:;. a; A: g'°`4 a; A: SEE DETAIL 17SEE NOZZLE MUST REACH BOTTOM OF HOLE. 80 PSI MINMUM. D 1 HDU-5 14 ssTB2o-L 16 5645 PLAN = u_I, v aa » 2 ° HDU-8 �8�� ZO SSTB2g-L Zg 9 ' ::a.• 3.) BRUSH — CLEAN WITH NYLON BRUSH FOR A MINMUM OF 4 1/40 x3" SCREW HOEDOWN # OF 1/4 ANCHOR d PLAN m .: .. :•: 2# 5 REBAR �: a � CSC'/:' a/b' � ..CS�:;•e ;a:ti' � ..CS�.c:. a ti' ;kaFcbfd°. p`#d4aA"oSj¢eYR oapc :: ;¢ R opc � ;¢ R CYCLES. BRUSH MUST REACH THE BOTTOM OF THE HOLE. BRUSH ® ESR 2330 X 3"SCREWS BOLTS 5' 2508 ° 5' LONG MINIMUM N SHOULD PROVIDE RESISTANCE TO INSERITION. IF NO RESTANCE IS • CORNER-2XLe EXTENSION O O O O FELT. THE BRUSH IS WORN AND MUST BE REPLACED. ® HDU-2 10 5/8"X12" 1/40 XY SCREW O STAMP ¢ ram ® HDU-5 14 5/8"X12" ® d ° N e q ° ° ° ° , Z oN RpFESSjpN 4.) BLOW — REMOVE DUST FROM HOLE WITH OIL—FREE ® I °° e d COMPRESSOR AIR FOR MINMUM OF 4 SECONDS. COMPRESSED AIR °° ° °° ° FOOTING 6zv . ;Oi'.:a:= » n � � ::ate NOZZLE MUST REACH BOTTOM OF HOLE. 80 PSI MINMUM. SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED ® W vrn .�.�:;.-• �a:;.- .�.�:;.-• �a:;.- .bat' .ga:: - o�zm � 2 No,C-043720 3 A ®I SIMPSON SDS SCREWS `�W Co ) 5/8"0 THREAD o o J. �°� �� . °� �� . .•'�•.�.•:.�. 5. FILL — FILL HOLE 1 2 — 2 3 FULL, STARTING FROM BOTTOM � ►t ►t J o� EXP, 3-31-21 -: :p a . p •a p •a SIMPSON SDS SCREWS 1/4 X3 LONG z n P ..._. k , •k•° -"4= •k°° OF HOLE TO PREVENT AIR POCKETS. WITHDRAW NOZZLE AS HOLE - � � o= r IVIL Q ll C FILLS U P EXTRA LONG ANCHOR BOLT m z3 qTF OF CA�ZF� ►t SIMPSON SSTB-L ANCHOR BOLT o 1/4" X3 LONG L u Y O J CD O O O 6.) INSERT — INSERT CLEAN, OIL FREE ANCHOR, TURNING SLOWLY " o UNTIL THE ANCHOR CONTACTS THE BOTTOM OF THE HOLE. o _ Q¢ SHEET NUMBER Z N= °• ee° o J N\CD 7.) DO NOT DISTURB ? DO NOT DISTURB ANCHOR UNTIL FULLY N "SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED" CURED. (SEE CURE SCHEDULE FOR SPECIFIC ADHESIVE.) SEE DETAIL D-2 D-3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO SIMPSON SET-XP EPDXY ADHESIVE ESR 2508 1� "SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED" 18 SIMPSON HDU DETAIL 20 SIMPSON HDU DETAIL SHEET of SILL NAILING SILL NAILIM, E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING SILL NAILING 3X6 -1/4"X6" SIDS SCREW ® 6" 3X6 -1/4"X6" SIDS SCREW @ 6" 3X6 -1/4"X6" SIDS SCREW @ 6" REVISION DATE (4) 10d PER BLK E N 4) 10d PER BLK A DATE 07-04-2020 5 �� �� �� 3x6, SILL PLATE �� 2 X STUD WALL 3/4" PLYWOOD 10d(4:6:10) E. N. 3/4" PLYWOOD 10d(4:6:10) (4) 10d PER BLK �� 3/4" PLYWOOD 10d(4:6:10 SHEAR WALL 3x6 P.T. SILL W/ / X18 0 A.B @ 32 5/8 X12 LONG A.B @ 32 PER PLAN USE 3"x3"x1/4" WASHER PLYWD SHTG. 19 DBL-BLOCKING 19 " 3"XY4" WASHER DBL-JOIST 19 #5 @ 12 EACH WAY 18 ® 16" D8 A35 16" D8 �G DBL CIS A35 ® 16" D8 D3 8" CONCRETE STEM IF REQUIRED 15 24" B.N. 1sZ � OWNER E.N.-� 2x BLK'G @ 32" F.J. v, D3 E.N.-� F.J. U, 15 24" SEE GRADING PLAN D-1 24" #4 ® 12" O.C. D J J 2x BLK'G � 48" 2x BLK'G � 48" 2x12 J yl #4 @ 12 (2) # 5 °• 3/4' x 12" A.B. ® 32" Q (2) # 5 °• 3/4rr x 12" A.B. ® 32" Q 2 5 • F.J. z �r - - - - - - 3x8 SILL PLATE - 3x8 SILL PLATE • � ° ° d a o0 ( ) # 3�4r,s� x12'TA.B. ® 32" � Q � Z -a— - - ° a W/ 3" x 3 x 1/4 PLATE '� W/ 3 x 3 x 1/4 PLATE cn I° %18 - - - WEEP SCREED Z - WASHER o = = WASHER o - - o - ~ ~ W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE ~ Ip ° m uo)m - WASHER m a m J II a FIN. GRADE oo ° ° ° ° ° uj ° 1 IT d° 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL o - °° 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL o ° _ _ ° 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL II I I—III—III a 1 J UwU w<II Z H ° Z O H Z O.-_� -_- - - - - 8 ° ll 1=111-°� ° I I ° � �° I I —III—III—I d ° I-1 11-1 11 d Q = W d Q = W =�JI 11LI F-I I1= ° I ° d 111-111- #5 HORIZONTAL C� 24" O.C. o z > #5 HORIZONTAL ® 16" O.C. z > ° z >° ° ° I-III-III " m m J #5 HORIZONTAL ® 16" O.C. o m cr J ° d <� 1 z PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF Q Q PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF Q Q Q Q 1 s d 1° _ ° COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY z I C. o ° COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY z o o PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF z � o o Q 1 CONC. FTG. W/ 2#5 BAR ° ° I e a d �' ¢ o z J o z lid COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY J o z ZA4 I° _ TOP & BOTTON. N �• = N : • _ - � z = N w 2#5 BAR TOP ° ° � Lu z mo w ` " � Lu W F- Z F- Z F- Z N Q O a ° � z M � � z M � � Z M � 2#5 BAR BOTTOM ° #5 @ 24" VERTICAL M o #5 © 24" VERTICAL rXi o �_ M o I..L w 1 w #5 24" VERTICAL w ° , •d N '' • : ALTERNATE TAIL w u� J N , ALTERNATE TAIL w J ' w J ° ° 15„ o Q Q N ALTERNATE TAIL � o Q 1. PLATE WASHER FOR ALL A.B 3"X3"X1/4" N "' "` "' N M 8 2. ALL FOOTING MIN. 24" INTO APPROVED MATERIAL s' '' #4 24" TIES #4 ® 24" rlEs Q 15" SEE DETAIL 2 5 TOP REINFORCEMENT 2 5 TOP REINFORCEMENT �:• #4 5 T TIES w D1 18"MINIMUM 2 # 5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT # 2 # 5 TOP REINFORCEMENT U 18"MINIMUM 2 # 5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT '18"MINIMUM 2 5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT EXTERIOR WALL FTG. 1 EXTERIOR FOOTING 2 EXTERIOR FOOTING 4 INTERIOR FOOTING 5 w rn U 1350 STD DOUBLE JOISTS 11 co 1Y" TYPICAL POST PER PLAN 3x6 SILL W/ 1/4" x 6" SIDS ® 6" WITH E PSONJOIST D8 co 4XPOST 3/4" PLYWOOD 10d(4:6:10) (T&G) HU-HANGERBOTH IDES 10 D ® 4" 3/4" PLYWOOD 10d(4:6:10) (T&G) Q + + MST-48 STRAP E.N ,C 19 19 U HDU Ds Ds ❑ HOOK 7 3X-B LK'G ` + + A35 ® 16" A35 ® 16" 12" 0. 1/4 PLAN 3x8 SILL PLATE 3x8 SILL PLATE 04 3/4" 0 x 12" A.B. ® 32" o. 3/4" 0 x 12" A.B. ® 32" + W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE DBL—JOIST DBL—JOIST HDU II• ° WASHER z 1 ° ° WASHER z PIPE COLUMN OR 1 1 12"x12"X1/2" BASE PLATE OR DBL—BLKING OR DBL—BLKING ° ° (2) #5 TOP FTG. Z ° , (2) #5 TOP FTG. Z STL. TUBE PER PLAN I 1 1 5dR8Y 1PACK AS REQUIRED 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL co 1 POST ° 1b"° m ° 11 m rA o o � Q cn 4XPOST •11° #5 HORIZONTAL ® 24" O.C. _ � � °11' ° _ �z z11 PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IFd PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF oSIMPSON HDU Q = w CD COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY z > COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEYOIb o oco cj� Ib o WSEE DETAIL 18 FOR EX. FT . ° �/ / d ° /\/ w ? � oo ° ° ° 00 b° ° O Z 0 0SLAB IF OCCURSSEE DETAIL 20 FOR NEW FTG. � j\\N��/i J o z JI /j\/j��/i J � z I--Ia ATURAL GRADE e-1 z d° II . \/ _ h° d ° ° ° Q \ \ Qd 5 ® 24" VERTICAL ALTERNATE TAIL o o Q = " °° ° 5 ® 24" VERTICAL ALTERNATE TAIL o` ° dU = � 11 dU NOTE: °11 ° 2) #5 TOP o z =x z ° °11 " ° 2) #5 TOP o z :X z IrrJ--I Ln d ♦ ° ° d" 2 U M O � ° d" 2 U M O WNATURALGRADE c„ ° (2) #5 BOTTOM o O x O N d r O44 ° d _ FOR SIZE AND SPACING OF ALL TIES AND ° ° — d°° o o � J ° (2) #5 BOTTOM AO Lu o � .. STIRRUPS REFER TO FOOTING SCHEDULE M M SEE PLAN 1 g 4 @ 12" TIES 12 Cv AND/OR DETAILS. E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 6 HOLDOWN AT CRIPPLE WALL 8 INTERIOR FTG. / F.J PERPENDICULAR 9 INTERIOR FTG. / F.J 10 o H STL. COLUMN PAD BEAM STIRRUPS �, x N N 36" LAP 36" LAP 36" LAP 1 USE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS AND NAILS SEE ARCH PLAN FOR H FOR CONNECTION TO P.T LUMBER OPE DECK MATERIAL 10d ® 4" SEE SHEET SWP FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2. USE TX3"Xq°WASHER FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS CONTINUOUS FLOOR JOIST 3.ALL FOOTING MIN 24"INTO APPROVED MATERIALS W00 D POST O ° d ° ° ° U a v ° °O a ° ° ° ° ° ° a a HDU HOLDOWN — , EQUAL CENTER CONTINUOUS WOOD OVER STRONG WALL $ - ° I �• n u a ° ° A. ° ° °d, ° ° ° °° ° a ° and ° d ° ° < 3x8 SILL PLATE ° d° ° a ° d a ° ° ° ° • ° ° r d 3/4" X 12" A.B. ® 32" U' ° °d° ° a ° "° °da ° ° ° °� a ° da �r a= ° ° CNW-SIMPSON W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE o — � .� ° —°— ` � ° 11 WASHER a ° G ° a a a � d " d ° ° °a °" ° " ° ° e ° " ° " Q I a I ° ° (2) #5 TOP FTG. (COUPLING)A.B. ¢ p� RV DRAWN L 1 FOOTING ° ° ° ° I FOOTING FOOTING II° li d ° ° 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL PER PLAN ° PER PLAN PER PLAN I 11 d Q z I ° a I" ° �I d a�1 a Ad 4 5 I ° ° ° I 11 ° #5 HORIZONTAL @ 24" O.C. o= SWP SWP J °)4-1 a ° ° ° I ° SIMPSON SSTB-L U �Q a a < , ' 11 PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF z = MST-48 STRAP INSIDE GARAGE ° d a,° ° ° 16°° COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY 2� 2 ;W MST-48 STRAP INSIDE GARAGE ° ° d °' (2) #6 DOWELS TOP & BOTTO I (2) #5 DOWELS TOP BOTT ° I# 4 . I" (2) #5 DOWELS TOP & o °o D� D5 N== SCALE 1/4 DIAM.X6 °� , ° ° ° (2) #5 DOWELS TOP & BOTTOM la ° °� BOTTOM ° 11 ° � zoo ❑ 1/4"- 1' - 0" LAG SCREWS a ° a° z <dll ° a \/ � - ° °° I ° 5 ® 24" VERTICAL ALTERNATE TAIL . ° a =_ ❑ NONE d I ° ° 9a ° d I°° °IN - " 11° °a 2) #5 TOP ••• • O W W DO NOT SCALE ° , < 9 FOOTING I FOOTING N ° LLA < d (2) #5 BOTTOM° PER PLAN ° ° ° l PER PLAN °o o ° , ° ° a ° d °° ° ° < ° �" .• • . . SHEET NAME RR 25427 ESR 1679 FOOTING INTERSECTION 12 INTERIOR FOOTING 14 UISE 105� FELTONMOIISTUROEPBARRIERETE_ - HOLDO" ON TOP RISE FOOTING ADJUST HEIGHT OF THE WALL WITH 1/2 PLYWOOD 10 TALL 1/2 PLYWOOD 10 TALL CONCRETE CURB 2X6 @ 16" O.C. 2X6 @ 16" O.C. �8 3/4" PLYWOOD Ds 3/4" PLYWOOD STEM WALL 10d(4:6:10) T&G 3x6 SILL PLATE 10d(4:6:10) T&G 3x6 SILL PLATE WOOD POST W/83'0xX312x 1/4" PLATE WASHER WW/83"�xX3" x 1/4" PLATE WASHER HDU - HOLDOWNS 10D@4" 10D@4" BOTTOM PLATE ::� [—4-10p HU-HA ER DBL JOISTS OR 3X BLKING e ° d 2x12 P.T. LEDGER 5 8 BOLTS PER BLOCK 1 A ° 2#5 REBAR N D83 t2- 18" ° d a ° ° �° STAMP ° < /EA A ° A °d ° 2-5/8x12 ANCHOR BOLTS 2-# 5 REBAR E.N 5 REBAR 3X PLATE9 d F,e 4#5 REBAAY° °' d ° ,°° ° "°°° °d" °° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Q LrJ� j �� • —� �� ° ° n rr n Q a � No.C-043720 3 A ° 3 x3 x1/4 WASHER #5 HORIZONTAL ® 24" O.C. #5 HORIZONTAL C� 24" O.C. d F. 2X12 P.T. W/ F. 2X12 P.T. W/ a a 10 11 2 17 17 a SIMPSON SWAB7/8 SWP SWP D3 `�' 5/8 A.B.@ 16 STAG.. 8 STEM WALL / 10 STEM WALL EXP, 3-31-21 4 5 REBAR EACH WAY " D-2 D_2 5 8 A.B.@ 16 STAG.. a 4 r o # 16 •. 5 C� 24" VERTICAL 5 ® 24" VERTICAL 4 tiP ALTERNATE TAIL ALTERNATE TAIL Q `�'Tq CIVIL I I I I I ' f ! • II I I I I ' ! ! •• F OF CALIF � ° Uj ° 4 N J °;" #4 ® 24" TIES N p J ° #4 0 24" TIES d SIMPSON STRONG GARAGE PORTAL USE TEMPLATE ¢ •' • ' ' 4 - #5 @ TOP&BOTTOM ¢ • .• •' ° 4 - #5 @ TOP&BOTTOM ° SHEET NUMBER 1 USE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS AND NAILS „FOR CONNECTION TO P.T LUMBER 18 ANCHOR BOLT SIMPSON PAB5H-36 2. USE TX3"X4'WASHER FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS DOUBLE NUT 5/8" X 24" FOR HDU-2 AND HDU-5 3.ALL FOOTING MIN 24"INTO APPROVED MATERIALS GARAGE PORTAL FRAME 16 LEDGER ANCHOR BOLT 17 EXTERIOR FTG. / F.J PERPENDICULAR EXTERIOR FTG. / F.J PARALLEL 19 HOLDO" ON TOP RISE FOOTING 20 SHEET of STEEL COLUMN REVISION DATE STEEL COLUMN A DATE 07-04-2020 iL 6„ 7/8" DIAMETER p 2 or Ci 2 4 .9 NEW POST PER PLAN MIN, ANCHOR ROD PAB7 CONTINUOUS PAB7 1�4" 18"X24"CONTINUOUS FOOTING CONCRETE STEM MODEL # L(in) Le(in 2#5 TOP OWNER 8 CONCRETE STEM WALL Ln 1"DRY PACK 2#5 BOTTOM SIMPSON HDU-5 d . a PAB7-18 18 11 16"X16"X3/4"STEEL PLATE A-35®SIDE SEE DETAIL 17 18 19 SEE 5/8 X12 SIMPSON EPDXY A.B D-1 D-1 D-3 PAB7-24 24 17 �2 4-3/4"DIA X16"A.BOLTS 1 DRY PACK FOUNDATION PLAN EXISTING PLATE •d A, A4 d PAB7-30 30 23Y2 P '' .. OVER POUR CONCRETE TO �..i „ 16 X16 X3/4 STEEL PLATE 1 ` 4-3/4"DIA X16"A.BOLTS d J d 0) d PAB7-36 36 29 75 °' � °' J NUT • •,• • '�• �• . . .' '..' ° ° EXIST'G. FOOTING ° � > •_`_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ° ° NEW CONCRETE PAD PER N . ° o i 15"X24"CONTINUOUS FOOTING STEEL VINFORCEMENT FOUNDATION PLAN Q • PLATE WASHER i k. 2#5 TOP #5 (� 8 EACH WAY _ w Q d G d G .-1 Q C14 2#5 BOTTOM a ° P 1 4 DWL Q24" z IL: • 4 # 4 REBAR °il ° - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T❑P & BOTTOM NUT ° d ° 0 4 �" e — d \1 W 2411 a < ° ° ° O 3'-9" 3'-9" PAB7 ANCHOR BOLT i °� ° ° ° °g a SQUARE SQUARE ° , ° 00 .4 d #5 @ 8" H = 13 Y2" MAXIMUM WITH PA137-30 ANCHOR BOLT WHEN de = 10' v, _ ° d ° ° ° ° EACH WAY H = 19 Y2" MAXIMUM WITH PAB7-36 ANCHOR BOLT WHEN de = 10" SEE PLAN ° a SEE PLAN FOR SIZE Q SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION CURB OR STEMWALL FOUNDATION ELEVATION #5 @ 8"EACH WAY SEE PLAN = < U w U � STRONG WALL ANCHORAGE 2 STEEL COLUMN PAD SECTION 4 UNDERPIN DETAIL 5 � U F'c= 3000 PSI F'c= 3000 PSI SEE ARCH PLAN FOR co O GRADE 60 FOR STEEL GRADE 60 FOR STEEL 0 DECK MATERIAL B.N NAILING O SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED 3x6 P.T. SILL SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED 6 3 TIES @ 3" O.C. STEEL COLUMN W/ %"X12" A.B.32" ER PLAN 4X12 BLOCKING U STEEL COLUMN 15 24" 3"X3"X�" WASHER PER PLAN D15 CONCRETE SLAB z 15 #5 12" D-1 N #4 24" 18 D 1 A35 © 16" PL. d F.J. • 15 SEE ARCH. PLAN OWL D 3 W/X4-3/4 z'16" LONG ° 3x8 SILL PLATE D-1 d A. BOLT 11II-1 I—III-11 =III—III—III-1 W1 x " A.B. PLAT a 1/„ QD ° WASHER 3" x 1/4" PLATE II ! 4#5 TOP AND BOTTOM ° GLADE BEAM (2) # 5 I 1=1 =111- - 16"x16"x3/4" PL. ° T _ _ _ IIIIIIIIIIIIII a ILA a _ _ CV " a W/ 4-3/4"X16" LONG = _ 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL ° • =1 I I 111=1 6 #3 TIES @ 3 0.C. 0 — — — — — ° ° a I I—I I I—I I I= _ @ EACH SIDE OF COL °° d #5 HORIZONTAL @ 16" O.C. - - - �IIIII�IIIII�II 111111111111�11 A. BOLT N #3 TIES @ 12" O.C. ° d z FOR THE REST OF d PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY �I #5 DWLS @ 12" #5 @ 12" ° ° 3" CLR. LENGHT ° ° ° _ II—II I C) 4#5 BAR TOP ° � ° 44 S — 12" 4 5 BAR BOTTOM ' ° d N a ° a - ° ° d°< ° d °° d . w/ Co 00 —,I d 00 J4- 1 #5 @ 24" VERTICAL 0 � Ln 4a ° ° ° d d N ALTERNATE TAIL rT, mI n — d ° as ° d° 1 W W V 1 CONCRETE STEP ON APPROVED COMPACT FILL 15 �IcV ° e ° ;::' HLn M4d ° ° ° 1 USE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS '� N 2 # 5 TOP REINFORCEMENT SEE PLAN #5@8" EACH WAY AND NAILS FORCONNECTION TO P.T LUMBER • 2a"MINIMUM 2 # 5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT Q w SEA PLAN 2. USE TX3"X'-a-a"WASHER FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS H H #5@8" EACH WAY E-I (CV � x u CONCRETE STEP 6 EXTERIOR FOOTING / GRADE BEAM 7 GRADE BEAM STEEL COLUMN PAD / GRADE BEAM 9 EXTERIOR FOOTING to H SILL NAILING O x STEEL COLUMN SILL NAILING 6" SIDS SCREW ® 6" E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING H N W STEEL COLUMN 18"X24" GRADE BEAM 14 SEE ARCH PLAN FOR 0 F'c=3000 PSI Fy=60 D-314 OPE DECK MATERIAL 3/4" PLYWOOD 1Od(4:6:10) SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED E.N.—� WITH 4#5 TOP, 4#5 BOTTOM 3x6 P.T. SILL DBL-JOTS A35 ® 6" D8 W/ %"X18" 0 A.B @ 32" U) 0 1/4" HU HANGER 3"X3"X%" WASHER 18"X24"GRADE BEAM E.N. 2x BLK'G ® 32" F.J. 15 15 muw 1 DRY PACK D-1 16"X16"X3/4"STEEL PLATE 4#5 TOP 18" F.J. • • E.N.N D-1 3x8 SILL PLATE 4#5 BOTTOM 3x10 P.T LEDGER 3/4" 4 x 12" A.B. 32" 4-3/4"DIA X16"A.BOLTS 1"DRY PACK 5/8" 0 x 12" A.B. @ 24"STAGGERED _ _•�. #4 TIES @ 12" W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE WASHER W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE _� Y 16"X16"X3/4"STEEL PLATE WASHER 18"X24" GRADE BEAM 12 '�' !, ��• DRAWN BY ° D-3 4-3/4"DIA X16"A.BOLTS (2) # 5 F'c=3000 PSI Fy=60 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED $ WITH 4#5 TOP, 4#5 BOTTOM #5 HORIZONTAL ® 16" O.C. z #5 DWL @ 24" ALTERNATE T °. I I I I I I I I I I I c��l 18"X24" 14 PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF c��l I I I I I I I I I I 4#5 TOP D-3 ° COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY "• ; I I I I I I I I I I SCALE `" I I I I I I I I I I 4#5 BOTTOM = '�.•�° 8 4„ #4 TIES @12„ ..RMINIMUM ' :r•,� I.• �• • 0 1/4"= 1' - 011 d ° d 1 USE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS AND NAILS 00 FOR CONNECTION TOP.TLUMBER FOOTING REINFORCEMENT 0 NONE d °° d A NALT RNATEVTAILICAL 2#5TOP DO NOT SCALE ° #4 TIES 12" #5 8 2. USE TX3'Xq"WASHER FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS 15 _4#3 TIES @4" @ Eo d@ 2#5 BOTTOM EACH SIDE COLUMN ELSEWHERE ° a ° EACH WAY 3,ALL FOOTING MIN 24"INTO APPROVED MATERIALS 1 USE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS AN NAILS ° #4 ® 12" TIESSEE PLAN � � ° FOR CONNECTION TO P.T LUMBERSHEET NAME ELEVATION #5 8"EACH WAY SEE PLAN 4 # 5 TOP REINFORCEMENT 2 USE3'X3"X4'WASHERFORALLANCHORBOLTS14 # 5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT 3.ALL FOOTING MIN 24"INTO APPROVED MATERIALS STEEL COLUMN PAD SECTION GRADE BEAM 12 EXTERIOR FOOTING 14 INTERIOR FOOTING 15 2 LAYERS GRADE D BLDG PAPERS REQUIRED @ STUCCO METAL FLASHING AT A MINIMUM 12" HIGH —kv-/ SEE WOOD PONT DETAILS SIMPSON PAB5 ANCHOR BOLT 24" PERFORATED EP SCREED #4 @ 24" DWLS 124" 3" 1 SIMPSON HDU SEE PLAN DOUBLE JOISTS BOTTOM 2"ABOVE CONCRETE SURFACE OR BLOCKIN PLATE a • ,1 15 4" ABOVE EARTH STAMP 2#5 TOP D-1 PROF F SION9< 2#5BOTTOM y' 1 , FINISH GRADE "°I I ° 21 • .• ° J 1 a ° ° FLOOR JOIST _ NO,C-043720 3 WEEP SCREED SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM C1063 d a .1 1. ° ° a d ° ° SEE PLAN Z ° da° 2. PROVIDE MINIMUM OF 26 GALVANIZED SHEET CORROSION -RESISTANCE SCREED ° d °a d ° # EXP. 3-31-21 IIiW7 — ' ° 1„ d° ° EXISTING ' I�1 II� �I ° ° WITH A MINIMUM VERTICAL ATTACHMENT FLANGE OF 3 z SHALL BE PROVIDED ATaa d d d ° SILL PLATE15" 1 _ °d OR BELOW THE FOUNDATION PLATE LINE ON ALL EXTERIOR STUD WALL a ° d r ° a ° ° d 3. THE WEATHER RESISTANT BARRIER SHALL LAP THE ATTACHMENT FLANGE AND d d ° d ° a° m A ' THE EXTERIOR LATH SHALL COVER AND TERMINATE ON THE ATTACHMENT FLANGE ° d ° d d SHEET NUMBER OF THE SCREED ° a ° ° a � d ° \EXI-STING ° ° a d FOOTING ° d d EDMENT 17 18 EPDXY A.B D1 D1 GRADE BEAM DETAIL 16 WEEP SCREED 18 HOLDOWN ON TOP EXISTING RISE FOOTING EDGE DISTANCE 1 g SHEET of REVISION DATE ROOF SHEATHING A DATE 07-04-2020 17 19 SDS S S CONTINUOUS BEAM OVER STRONG WALL STEEL STRONG WALL 2x ROOF RAFTERS - SSW 24X8 I r rr .--� rrrrr -VERIFY HEIGHT ON JOB SITE OWNERrll -ESR 1679--STRONG WALL TEMPLATE d C.J WITH 6-16 D NAILS r r --. rrrrr - CONTINUOUS WOOD BEAM ON TOP STRONG WALL r r r r r r rrrrrr USE LARGER BEAM WITH GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT r r WITH STRONG WALL W � r r r r r IF REQUIRED USE R BEAM WITH GREATER J \ B.N 10D @ 4" O.C. r r r HEIGHT TO FIT WITH STRONG WALL _ + + r r r r r r OR NOTCH THE BEAM OVER STRONG WALL IF REQUIRED > rrrrr � r r r r r r 1/2" PLYWOOD 10 D(4:6:12) 24 0 r r r r Q rrrrrr lij r r r r r r A35@1 " E.N SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS r r n FOR EAVE DETAIL �V r r r r r r rrrrrr z rrrrrr CONTINUOUS BEAM OVER STRONG WALL 6 r r r r r W Q rrrrrr O D4 r r r r r r rrrrrr � L .--� rrrrr E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING r r r r W STEEL STRONG WALL WITH LAG SCREWS SEE SHEET SSW1 SSW2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO r r Q SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EAVES DETAIL AND ROOF VENTS � SHEAR TRANSFER OVER STEEL STRONG WALL TOP OF THE WALL CONNECTION 4 5 W� U co 2nd ST❑R Q co O STEEL STR❑NG-WAL 0 = PLACE SSW PANEL OVER THREADED PLACE SSW PANEL OVER THREADED ( , 10D @4" DRILL 2" DIAMETER x 1" DRILL 2" DIAMETER x 1" v SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE DEEP HOLE OR NOTCH RODS AND SECURE WITH HEAVY HEX DEEP HOLE OR NOTCH RODS AND SECURE WITH HEAVY HEX 2"x2"xl" DEEP MAX, IN NUTS (PROVIDED). USE 2"x2"xl" DEEP MAX, IN NUTS (PROVIDED). USE #14 SELF-DRILLING SCREW FLOOR SHEATHING & WOOD BEAM 1 5/8' WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT SHEATHING & WOOD BEAM 1 5/8' WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT (PR❑VIDED WITH SSW_-2KT). SHEATHING SET LOWER NUT FLUSH 0 0 0 0 NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. SET LOWER NUT FLUSH 0 0 0 0 NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. a 10d COMMON NAILS WITH TOP OF SHEATHING. D❑ NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH, WITH TOP OF SHEATHING. D❑ NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH, CRIPPLE SHEAR WALL SSW BASE PLATE SHALL SSW BASE PLATE SHALL JOT) SIT FLUSH & LEVEL ❑N NUTS, SIT FLUSH & LEVEL ON NUTS, SHEAR WITH PLYWOOD SIMPS❑N A34 EACH SIDE SIMPSON A34 EACH SIDE CONTINUOUS WOOD BEAM SOLID PARALLAM BLOCKING UNDER THE STRONG WALL 1" DIAMETE 1" DIAMETE THREADED RUBS IF REQUIRED USE LARGER BEAM WITH THREADED R❑DS IF REQUIRED USE LARGER BLOCKING BEAM WITH (PROVIDED WIT GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT WITH STRONG WALL (PROVIDED WIT GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT WITH STRONG WALL ATTACH SDS SCREWS SSW_2KT) SSW_2KT) TO CONTINUOUS WOOD BEAM 11 DRILL 1 1/16" MAX DIAMETER DRILL 1 1/16" MAX DIAMETER 0 0 0 0 PARALLAM BEAM HOLE IN WOOD BEAM HOLE IN WOOD BEAM � 0 O O 0 4X6 OR 2-2X6 EACH SIDE WOOD BEAM ADJUST S 8 FOR RODS ° °S 8 FOR RODS Ol 0) WIHT%4" SDS SCREW @ 12" WITH STRONG WALL BELOW O O O 0 ao ATTACH TOP OF SSW TO ATTACH TOP OF SSW TO I-I 2 BLOCKING @ 24" WOOD BEAM WITH WOOD BEAM WITH Ln SDS /4" x 3Y2" SCREWS EACH SIDE MAXIMUM PPER PANEL SHEA SDSY" x 3X" SCREWS MAXIMUM tipPER PANEL SHEAR SDS%" x 3X" SCREWS I-I I (INCLUDED WITH WALL) WITH 4 -10 D NAILS ❑D LENGT REDUCTI❑NFACT❑R ❑D LENGT REDUCTI❑NFACT❑R W H Ln STEEL STRONG WALL ESR 1679 18 INCHES 1.00 18 INCHES 1.00 TWO STORY STAKED 21 INCHES 0.94 HEAVY HEX NUTS T❑P 21 INCHES 0.94 HEAVY HEX NUTS T❑P O CV 2 X FLOOR JOIST EACH SIDE ROD LENGTH IS TOTAL OF FLOOR , , , , , , AND BOTTOM (PR❑VIDED ROD LENGTH IS TOTAL OF FLOOR , , , , , , AND BOTTOM (PR❑VIDED I-I Q H cn FIRST STORY JOIST DEPTH PLUS T❑P PLATES WITH SSW_-2KT), NUTS SHALL JOIST DEPTH PLUS T❑P PLATES WITH SSW_-2KT), NUTS SHALL i -i I�-l�; N STEEL STRONG-WALL WITH 16D NAILS @ 4" PLUS SHIM THICKNESS, BE SNUG TIGHT, D❑ NOT PLUS SHIM THICKNESS, BE SNUG TIGHT, D❑ NOT 07 USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. U TOP OF WALL HEIGHT ADJUSTMENTS 6 7 INTERIOR ELEVATION INTERIOR ELEVATION OZ H U „ TWO-STORY STACKED FLOOR SECTION U x SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE H AND #14 SELF-DRILLING SCREWS 0 0 0 0 AND #14 SELF-DRILLING SCREWS 0 0 0 0 (PR❑VIDED WITH SSW_-2KT) (PR❑VIDED WITH SSW_-2KT) d" IF REQUIRED USE LARGER BEAM WITH D4 D4 w❑❑D BEAM w❑❑D BEAM I UO GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT WITH STRONG WALL STEEL STRONG WALL . . . . . . . . . . . . a CONTINUOUS PARALLAM BEAM - SSW 24X9 STK I L -VERIFY HEIGHT ON JOB SITE ___________ -ESR 1679--STRONG WALL TEMPLATE U) u CONTINUOUS WOOD BEAM ON TOP STRONG WALL USE LARGER BEAM WITH GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT USE PARALLAM BEAM WITH STRONG WALL DRAWN BY IN LIEU OF DBL PLATES - TO BE SUPPORTED DIRECTLY ON CONCRETE 10d COMMON NAILS lod COMMON NAILS 1/4"DIAM.X6" TWO—STORY STACKED TWO—STORY STACKED LAG SCREWS WALL CONNECTION KIT 0 0 0 0 WALL CONNECTION KIT 0 0 0 0 WALL WIDTH ""NO. CONTENTS WIDTH WALL ""NO. CONTENTS (in) (in) STEM HEIGHT IS VARIES DUE TO DEPTH OF THE BEDROCK 15 SSW15-2KT EACH KIT C❑NTAINS: 15 SSW15-2KT EACH KIT C❑NTAINS: SCALE STEEL STRONG WALL ESR 1679 USE EXTRA LONG TENSION ANCHOR BOLTS ARE REQUIRED (1) SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE (1) SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE SDS SCREW----- IF REQUIRED USE LARGER BEAM WITH 18 SSWi8-2KT (with #14 SCREWS) , , , , , , 18 SSWi8-2KT (with #14 SCREWS) 0 1/411= 11 011 GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT WITH STRONG WALL 21 SSW21-2KT (2) 1" x 48" THREADED RODS 21 SSW21-2KT (2) 1" x 48" THREADED RODS 0 NONE DBL STUDS (6) HEAVY HEX NUTS (6) HEAVY HEX NUTS EACH SIDE 24 SW24-2KT INSTALLATI❑N INSTRUCTI❑NS EXTERIOR ELEVATION 24 SSW24-2KT INSTALLATI❑N INSTRUCTI❑NS EXTERIOR ELEVATION DO NOT SCALE SHEET NAME D2 D4 STEEL STRONG WALL TEMPLATE EM WALL USE 15# FELT MOISTURE BARRIER TWO-STORY STACKED FLOOR FRAMING STEEL STRONG WALL 8 TWO-STORY STACKED FLOOR FRAMING STEEL STRONG WALL 10 1/-BOTTOM OF HARDY FRAME 2 5 = ° � SEE ARCH PLAN FOR TOP OF CONCRETE OPE DECK MATERIAL (2) # 5 �3/4" PLYWOOD 10d(4:6:10) SIMPSON PAB8H-- WITH �SIMPSON PAB8H- HIGH STRENGHT cn EXTENSION 19" INTO GRADE CUT TO LENGTH •° TOP REBAR + AS NECESSARY pg EAM SEE DETAIL w p A-° ° °° �4 a ° o W HIGH STRENGTH �2x`12 F.J. BOTTOM REBAR ° °° ° °° a ° a °, d m 0° COUPLER NUT SIMPSON HSCNW 2x12 P.T 2x12 F.J. d ° as ° °° ° d° d • . ° ° ° °a° , ° ° d d w w p 0 0 °° SILL PLATE ° d ° ° ° e ° ° a SIMPSON PAB8H- HIGH STRENGHT 11 3x12 P.T LEDGER W HU212 j A.B ® 16" 4. D 8 5/8" 0 x 12" A.B. ® 24"STAGGERED ° ° STAGGERED TENSION ANCHOR BOLTS ° 4° d. ° W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE WASHERLTS 1 �O ° EXTRA LONGONG LUSING COUP ANCHOR LING NG CNWINTO FOOTING STAMP HEX NUT TOP AND BOTTOM D-5 WASHER z HEX NUT _ 10" CONCRETE STEM WALLSEE FOUNDATION PLAN \_3"X3"Xl/4" ° 3"X3"XY' PLATE WASHER - ° TOP OF CONCRETE HEX NUT d #5 HORIZONTAL 0 16" O.C. SIMPSON SSWAB 1X3OHS SIMPSON PABH HIGH STRENGTH ANCHOR BOLT PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF ° COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY CUT TO LENGTH AS NECESSARY • - - HIGH STRENGTH #5 C� 24 COUPLER NUT IF REQUIRED " #4 ® 24" TIES ° SIMPSON SSWAB 1X30HS N SIMILAR SHEET NUMBER 19 SEE DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION D-2 SEE SHEET SSW1 SSW2 SSW3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO _ 18°MINIMUM 1 SSW1.1 EXTEND CONCRETE STEM TO TOP FLOOR JOISTS, STRONG WALL TO BE SUPPORTED DIRECTLY ON CONCRETE STEEL STRONG WALL BOTTOM CONNECTION 9 STEEL STRONG WALL FOOTING 20 [:SHEET O:F::��� REVISION DATE Simpson Strong-Tie" Wood Construction Connectors Simpson Strong-Tie"Wood Construction Connectors E= Simpson Strong-Tie"'Wood Construction Connectors A DATE 07-04-2020 PAB a ° pqg , 0 - Holdown Anchorage Solutions r ' 2 - @ i C O O 0 * The anchor bolt solutions in Table 1 (DF/SP Lumber)and Table 2(SPF/HF Lumber)provide anchorage Pre-Assembled Anchor Bolt Pre-Assembled Anchor Bolt (cont.) v f solutions for the holdown sizes listed.Unless noted otherwise,the solutions meet the maximum published O = allowable load of the holdown.Refer to pp.54-55 for SB anchor bolt installation details,pp.56-58 for C N The PAB anchor bolt is a versatile cast-in-place anchor bolt ideal for high-tension-load C CO y SSTB anchor bolts installation details,and p.60 for PAB anchor bolt details. OWNER V C applications,such as rod systems and shearwalls.It features a plate washer at the _ #, PAB Anchor Bolt -Anchorage Solutions �j V O 4)s embedded end sandwiched between two fixed hex nuts and a head stamp for easy - 5 4)s +0,v Table 1 - Anchorage Selection Guide for Holdowns Attached to DF/SP Lumber v identification after the pour. -•H 2,500 psi Concrete 3,000 psi Concrete -W v C C L = v Q Stemwall Slab on Grade v Q • Available in diameters from'/z"to 1'/4"in lengths from 12"to 36"(in 6"increments) Desi n Diameter Anchor Dimensions Tension Load Dimensions Tension Load V Q C Holdown Wind and Seismic Design Wind and Seismic Design C The diameter Length g (in.) (in.) C a O on DF/SP Stemwall 9 Seismic Design Category C-F 9 Seismic Design Category C-F T O C Available in standard and high strength steel code on the Criteria (in.) Bolt Or- V M Lumber Width Category A&B _ _Category A&B V J head is the "High Strength" V O (in.) Midwall/Corner End Wall Midwall/Corner I End Wall Midwall/Corner Garage Curb Midwall/Corner i Garage Curb Head stamp contains the No Equal sign,diameter designation and de F ASD LRFD de F ASD LRFD 9 9 an"H"on high-strength rods same as that designation used for rebar: (blank on HDU2 6 SSTB16 SSTB24 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB20*(2,960) Material: 4=1h',5=5 , standard-steel 1h PAB4 41h 1 7 4,270 6,405 4 6 4,270 6,405 HDU4 6 SSTB24`(4,470) SB%x24 SSTB16 SSTB24'(4,470) SSTB20 SB%x24 J >_ Standard Steel-ASTM F1554 Grade 36,A36 or A307;Fu=58 ksi _ 6=VT',etc. models) 4 6 4.030 6.720 4 6 4,415 7,360 HDU5 6 SB%X24 SB%x24 SSTB20 SB%x24 SSTB24 SB%x24 iU High-Strength Steel(up to 1"dia.) -ASTM A449;Fu=120 ksi % PA85 6 9 6,675 10,010 51/2 81h 6,675 110.010 HDU8 8 SSTB28 SSTB28'(7,615) SB7/sx24•(7,855) PAB7 SSTB28 SSTB28 > High-Strength Steel(11/e"and 11/4"dia.)-ASTM A193 B7 or F1554 HDQ8 8 SB7/sx24 PAB7 PAB7 PAB7 SSTB28 SSTB28 PAB7 Q 51h 8'/z 6,500 10,835 5 71/z 6,175 10,290 i Grade 105;Fu=125 ksi �a PAB6 HDU11 - Q` �"diameter 71h 111/z 9,610 14,415 7 101h 9,610 14,415 PABB PAB8 SB1x30 SB1x30 Finish: None.May be ordered in HDG;contact Simpson Strong Tie. L anchor rod HH0011 - 6 9 7,405 12,345 51/2 8'h 7,120 11,870 HDU14 PAB8 PAB8 SB1x30 SB1x30 See Note 4 Installation: PAB7 ( ) '^ • On HDG PABs,chase the threads to use standard nuts or couplers or 1h 9 13'h 13,080 19,620 8'h 13 13,080 19,620 HHD414 - v use overtapped products in accordance with ASTM A563;for example, 9 131h 13,610 22,680 81/2 13 13,680 22,805 LTT19 6 W Simpson Strong Tie®NUT5A-OST,NUT7/a-OST,CNW%-OST,CNW7/a-OST. _ Wind PA67H 14 21 27,060 40,590 131h 201h 27,060 40,590 LTT20B 6 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB16 0 Some OST couplers are typically oversized on one end of the coupler nut LT131 6 8 12 11,405 19,005 71h 111h 11,340 18,900 only and will be marked with an"O"on oversized side.Couplers may be pAgg HTT4 6 SST824 SB%x24 SSTB16 SSTB24 SST620 SB%x24 oversized on both ends.Contact Simpson Strong Tie. = 1 101/2 16 17,080 25,565 10 15 17,080 25,560 HTT5 6 SB%x24 SB%x24 SSTB16 SB%x24 SSTB24 SB%x24 The Simpson Strong Tie®Anchor Designer'"Software analyzes and suggests anchor = 101/z 16 17,150 28,580 10 15 17,460 1 29,100 HD3B 6 SSTB16 SSTB24 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB24 W PABSH < ' solutions using the ACI 318 strength-design methodology(or CAN/CSA A23.3 Annex c 161/z 25 35,345 53,015 151h 231/z 35,345 53,015 HD5B 6 SB%x24 SB%x24 SB%x24 SSTB16 SB%x24 SSTB24 SB%x24 � V D Limit States Design methodology). It provides cracked and uncracked-concrete Plate washer g 13'h 13,610 22,680 8 12 12,495 20,820 HD7B 8 SSTB28 SSTB28*(7,315) PAB7 SSTB28 SSTB28 anchorage solutions for numerous Simpson Strong Tie mechanical and adhesive I1 ° Heavy hex nut 1'h PAB9 vy H09B - PAB7 PAB7 SSTB28 SSTB28 PAB7 anchors as well as the PAB anchor bolt.With its easy-to-use graphical user interface, 121h 19 21,620 32,430 12 18 21,620 32,430 HD12 - PAB8 PAB8 SB1x30 SB1x30(See Note 4) I„I„I the software makes it easy for the Designer to identify anchorage solutions without PAB 1% PAB10 14 21 26,690 40,035 131h 201/z 1 26,690 40,035 U having to perform time-consuming calculations by hand. See foonotes below. co 1h PAB4 5 7'h 4,270 6,405 41h 7 4,270 6,405 `- , % PA135 61h 10 6,675 10,010 6 9 6,675 10,010 Table 2 - Anchorage Selection Guide for Holdowns Attached to SPF/HF Lumber Q CIO 0 Naming Legend 34 PAB6 71/2 111h 9,060 12,940 7 101h 8,945 12.780 0 How to Specify and Order: Stemwall Slab on Grade When callingout PAB anchor bolts,substitute the desired length for the"XX"in 8 12 9,610 14,415 Ph 111/2 9,610 14,415 Holdown ' g e on SPF/HF Stemwall Wind and Seismic Design � Seismic Design Categories C-F Wind and Seismic Design Seismic Design Categories C-F � V the Root Model Number. PAB5H-12 9 131/z 11,905 17,010 81/z 13 11,970 17,100 Lumber Width CategoryA&B CategoryA&B PAB7 (in.) Midwall/Corner End Wall Midwall/Corner End Wall Midwall/Corner Garage Curb Midwall/Corner , Garage Curb Z Fora%"x 18"anchor bolt,the model number would be PAB5-18 T Z 10 15 13,080 19,620 9'/z 141h 13,080 19,620 g (or PABSH-18 for high strength). PAB J Length b 6 7h HDU2 6 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB16 b Anchor (12",18",24", z 141/z 22 25,350 36,215 131/2 201/2 24,650 35,215 z > > PA137H HDU4 6 SSTB16 SSTB24 SSTB16 SST816 SSTB24 > PAB Anchor Bolt - Standard Steel Bolt Diameter* 30"or 36") a a 151/2 231/z 27,060 40,590 141/z 22 27,060 40,590 HDU5 6 SSTB20-(4,040) SB%x24 SSTB16 SSTB20-(4,040) SSTB20 SB%x24 a and Grade Seismic 0 0 11 16'h 15,996 22,850 10'h 16 16,435 23,480 HDUB 8 SSTB28 SST828 SSTB28 SSTB28 SSTB28 0 Diameter Plate Washer Size It Root Lengths 0 PABB HDQ8 8 SSTB28 SSTB28 SSTB28'(6,395) SSTB28 SSTB28 SSTB28 LIJ (in.) (in.) (in.) Model No. (in.) *Units in Ma"Increments UJ 69 11'h 171/2 17,080 25,625 11 161h 17,080 25,625 t HDU11 8 SB1x30 PABB SB1x30 PABB 1/z %x 11/z x 11h 11/e PAB4-XX (Ex:9=%"or 11/V) o a 17 25'h 33.045 47,205 16 24 32,720 46,740 SB1x30 S81x30 Zo pgg8H HHD011 8 SB1x30 PAB8 PABB Cc 0 Me 1/2 x 13/4 x 1�i 1�'e PAB5 XX � 1 18 27 35,345 53,015 17 251h 35,345 53,015 � HDU14 % 1h x 21/4 x 21/4 11h PAB6-XX z z _ PAB8 PAB8 SB1x30 SB1x30 Z 0 0 121/z 19 19,795 28,275 12 18 20,255 28,940 HHDQ14 0 7/e 1/z x 2'/z x 21/2 1% PAB7-XX 12"to 36" CO a- 11/a PAB9 - a (in 6"increments) 131h 201h 21,620 32,430 121/z 19 21,620 32,430 LTT19 6 v�-i 1 %x 3 x 23/4 17/8PAB8-XX U) Cn 11/8 %x 3Yz x 3'/a 2 PAB9 XX 1,_ 141h 22 25,350 36,215 14 21 26,190 37,415 LTT20B 6 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB16 0 R N 11/4 PAB10 R 0 © 15 221h 26,690 40,035 14'h 22 26,690 40.035 LT131 6 11/43/a x Th x 31/2 21/a PAB10-XX ° :` HTT4 6 SSTB16*(3,610) SB%x24 SSTB16 SSTBl6'(3,610) SSTB16 SB%x24 N 1.Anchorage designs conform to ACI 318-14 and assume cracked concrete with no supplementary reinforcement. 16, 2.Seismic indicates Seismic Design Category C-F and designs comply with ACI 318.14 Section HTT5 6 SSTB24 SB%x24 SSTB16 SSTB24 SSTB20 SB%x24 PAB Anchor Bolt - High-Strength Steel ° e ° two-family - - --Per Section 1613 of the IBC,detached one and dwellings in SDC C may use wind values. HD3B 6 SSTB16 SSTB24 SSTB16 SSTB16 SSTB20*(2,960) O Diameter Plate Washer Size 11 Root Lengths d 3.Wind includes Sesmic Design Category A and B. H05B 6 SSTB24 SB%x24 SSTB16 SB%x24 krA w CD (in 4.Foundation dimensions are for anchorage only.Foundation design(size and reinforcement)by Designer. (in.) ) (in.) Model No. (in.) 8 F. The registered design professional may specify alternate embedment,footing size,and anchor bolt. HD7B 8 SSTB28 SSTB28 SSTB28 SSTB28 � '/z %x 11h x 11h 11A PAB4H-XX ° 5.Where tension loads are governed by anchor steel,the design provisions from AISC 360-10 are used to determine HD9B 8 SSTB28 PAB7 PAB7 SSTB28 SSTB28 co % 'h x 1-y4 x 13/4 1% PABSH-XX the tensile steel limit.LRFD values are calculated by multiplying the nominal AISC steel capacity by a 0.75 phi factor HD12 - PAB8 PAB8 SB1x30 SB1x30 I-I and allowable values are calculated by dividing the AISC nominal capacity by a 2.0 omega factor. Lf� 3/i 'h x 21/a x 21/a 1'h PA66H-XX a °� 1.Foundation dimensions are for anchorage only.Foundation design,size and length based on foundation configuration to meet the required footing 12"to 36" 6.Where tension loads are governed by an Appendix D concrete limit,the allowable Stress Design(ASD)values are reinforcement b Designer.The Designer may specify alternate embedment, embedment. % 1h x 21/2 x 2'/z 1% PAB7H-XX obtained by multiplying Load Factor Resistance Design(LRFD)capacities by 0.7 for Seismic and 0.6 for Wind. y 9 9 y w rz (in 6"increments) �-2F min." footing size and anchor bolt. 4.Where noted,SB1x30 requires footing width to be 18"wide.PAB8 1 %x 3 x 23/4 17A PABSH-XX 2.Minimum edge distance is 13/4".Minimum end distance is 5"for SSTBs and solution may also be used. N 1'/e Sib x 31h x 31/4 2 PAB9H-XX Design loads are Calculated using a the SB1 x30;41/4"for SB%x24 and SB7/ex24. 5.Anchorage solutions marked with an asterisk(I are within 5%of the 0 11/a 3/a x 31h x 31/z 2'/a PAB10H XX full shear cone.Coverage on each 3.PAB7 anchor bolts require de=10"with F=15".PAB8 anchor bolts require holdowns maximum allowable load.The load in parenthesis is the capacity Q � ^ side of the bolt shall be a minimum de=12"with F=18".Anchorage design conforms to ACI 318 and assumes of the anchor bolt. (--� I--I (� 1.Lengths longer than 36"available as a special order. f'e=2,500 psi cracked concrete with no supplementary reinforcement with 6.Per Section 1613 of the IBC,detached one-and two-family dwellings in (� 9 9 of F or reductions must be taken. seismic design conforming to ACI 318-14 Section and SDC C may use Wind and Seismic Design Category A&B values. (� 2.Plate washers are designed to develop the capacity of the bolt. SIMPSON S ON PAB CNW1 available for cases where longer anchor bolt is required.Select bolt r� U �/) 11- 60 SIMPSON PAB 1 61 62 � lJ rn 0 I-I vl G•. ESR-2611 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 7Simpson N W Strong-Tie Wood Construction Connectors • TABLE 2-ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN(ASD)LOADS FOR SB SERIES CAST-IN-PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS I--I 0 E-1 Holdown Anchorage Solutions (cont.) e ! ,z ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS''°'S(lbs.) d' SB ANCHOR BOLT INSTALLATION ' BASED ON ANCHOR LOCATION: ESR-2611 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 7 O Stemwall Installation O Continuous Concrete Corner of Concrete End of Concrete U) 0 v e Min. Min. Foundation Stem Walla Foundation Stem Walla Foundation Stem Walla TABLE 7-ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN(ASD)LOADS FOR SSTB SERIES CAST-IN-PLACE ANCHOR BOLTS Major Thread Total Stem- Anchor C J4S Model Thread Seismic Desi n Seismic Design Seismic Design C ,z ALLOWABLE TENSION LOADS (Ibs.) Length Length Wall Embed. SSTB ANCHOR BOLT INSTALLATION No. Dia. Categories Categories Categories 5, O � BASED ON ANCHOR LOCATION: (in.) (in.) Width le Wind Wind Wind MUW SSTB arrow 00 (in.) In. tn. ta) Cie),D, a) Ctar D tar .22 (in.) (' ) t (e) C ,D, #4 rebar ; Corner Midwall Endwall N t Continuous Concrete Corner of Concrete End of Concrete A,B A,B A,B X a diagonal e 6 e E,F E,F E,F o N in corner 4) C Min. Min. Foundation Stem Wall Foundation Stem Wail Foundation Stem Wall application d° SSTB shown Major (See Figure 3) (See Figure 4) (See Figure 5) SB5/8x24 5/e 6 24 6 18 6,675 6,675 6,675 6,550 5,730 6,550 6,550 5,730 6,550 13/a°°min. i x :1 v Q Total Stem- Anchor �„ a• (SB similar) C Model Thread (e) 7 _ O No. Dia. Length Wall Embed., Seismic Design Seismic Design Seismic Design S67/8x24 /a 6 24 8 18 10,055 8,795 10,055 8,980 7,855 8,980 6,550 5,730 6,550 DRAWN BY Locate ° o• - °• , a.r; V (in.) Width to Categories Categories Categories approx.45' ° 16"min.return e (in•) Wind Wind Wind SB1x30 1 6 30 8 24 13,110 11,470 13,110 9,595 8,315 9,505 6,930 6,065 6,930 s to 90° X ,, #4 rebar (in.) (in.) (7) C17,D, (7) Cj7',D, v) CPI,D from wall 3"5"from top A,B E,F A'B E,F A'B E,F For SI: 1 inch=25.4 mm, 1 lb.=4.45 N, 1 psi=6.895 kPa. g 5' o 5" •° SSTB16 175l8 125/s 3,465 2,550 3,465 3,465 2,550 3,465 3,465 2,550 3,465 'Minimum specified concrete compressive strength,f'' is 2,500 psi,unless required otherwise by 2015 IBC Section 1904,2012 IBC Section 1904.2, L!41 �1 . SSTB20 5/e 215/s 6 165/8 4,145 3,145 4,145 3,880 2,960 3,880 3,880 2,960 3,880 or 2009 IBC Section 1904.3,or 2006 IBC Section 1904.2.2,or IRC Section 402.2,as applicable. 11Y4 min. �►I 1W'min. 5 5 2Allowable loads for all installations are based on minimum edge distance of 13/4 inches(measured from the edge of the concrete to the centerline SSTB24 25!e 20/a 4,825 3,740 4,825 4,295 3,325 4,295 4,295 3,325 4,295 Midwall Corner End Wall Perspective View of the SB anchor bolt). SSTB28 29/a 24/e 9,505 8.315 9,505 8,360 7,315 8,360 7,310 6,395 7,310 3One No.4 rebar must be installed in the breakout zone of the concrete foundation stem-wall where the SB anchor is located.Typically, providing SST634 7la 34'/a 8 28'/a 9,505 8,315 9,505 8,360 7,315 8,360 7,310 6,395 7,310 one No.4 rebar located from 3 to 5 inches from the top of the stem wall is adequate.May be foundation rebar;not post-tensioned cable. SCALE SSTB36 367/8 287/e 9,505 8,315 9,505 8,360 7.315 8.360 7,310 6,395 7,310 °Minimum center-to-center spacing is 3 times the required anchor embedment(S,„;„. =3 x le)for SB bolts acting in tension simultaneously for the tabulated tension load assigned to each anchor. 11_ , 11 Slab on Grade Installation For SI: 1 in.=25.4 mm,1 lb.=4.45 N,1 psi=6.895 kPa. 5 0 1/4 - 1 - 0 For compliance with 2015 IBC Section 1905, 2012 IBC Section 1909 or 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1912, the allowable (ASD)seismic or wind 'Minimum specified concrete compressive strength,V.is 2,500 psi,unless required otherwise by 2015 IBC Section 1904,2012 IBC Section loads must be converted to strength design(LRFD)load values by multiplying the tabulated Allowable Stress Design(ASD)load values by 1.43 or NONE 13/a" 1904.2,or 2009 IBC Section 1904.3,or 2006 IBC Section 1904.2.2,or IRC Section R402.2,as applicable. 1.67, respectively. The tabulated ASD loads are adjusted nominal strength values and include a strength reduction factor, 0, for tension (uplift) Midwall P Y• 1 9 9 ( P� ) Corner . . SSTB shown 2Allowable loads for all installations are based on minimum edge distance of 13/a inches (measured from the edge of the concrete to the loads. Consequently, when using the load combinations of 2015 and 2012 IBC Section 1605.2 or 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1605.2.1, it is not DO NOT SCALE (SB similar) Slab not centerline of the SSTB anchor bolt).• � ) necessary to apply a strength reduction factor,O,because it is already incorporated into the derived design(LRFD)load values. shown 30ne No.4 rebar must be installed in the breakout zone of the concrete foundation stem-wall where the SSTB anchor is located.Typically, °Tabulated allowable loads for end of stem wall and comer installations are based on a minimum end distance of 41/2 inches for SB7/8, and 111/a" r for clarity providing one No.4 rebar located from 3 to 5 inches from the top of the stem wall is adequate. May be foundation rebar;not post-tensioned 5 inches for SB1 from the end of the wall.See Figures 9 and 10.Allowable tension loads under the header"Continuous Concrete Foundation Stem- j m ----' cable. Wall"are used when the SB anchor is installed 1.5 x le,or greater from the end. For this condition,terminate rebar at the end of the stem wall with SHEET NAME le 12' °Minimum center-to-center spacing is 3 times the required anchor embedment(Si..=3 x 1.)for SSTB bolts acting in tension simultaneously concrete clear cover as required by ACI 318 or if a stem wall return exists,extend rebar into return similar to Figure 9. " - for the tabulated tension load assigned to each anchor. 7For SB7/8x24 installed in concrete having a minimum specified compressive strength of 3,000 psi, the seismic values listed under the column a• 5For compliance with 2015 IBC Section 1905, 2012 IBC Section 1909 or 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1912,the allowable(ASD)seismic or "Continuous Concrete Foundation Stem Wall"may be adjusted:Allowable Load for SDC A,B=11,205 lb and SDC C,D,E,and F=9,415 lbs. wind loads must be converted to strength design(LRFD)load values by multiplying the tabulated Allowable Stress Design(ASD)load values a ~I„ 12"� by 1.43 or 1.67, respectively.The tabulated ASD loads are adjusted nominal strength values and include a strength reduction factor,0,for According to the first exception to IBC Section 1613.1,detached one-and two-family dwellings assigned to Seismic Design Category(SDC)A, B, 11h" 4"min. tension(uplift)loads.Consequently,when using the load combinations of 2015 and 2012 IBC Section 1605.2 or 2009 and 2006 IBC Section or C are exempt from the seismic design provisions of IBC Section 1613. When this is the case, the allowable wind loads assigned to the SB Perspective View Slab Edge Plan View 1605.2.1,it is not necessary to apply a strength reduction factor,4),because it is already incorporated into the derived strength design(LRFD) anchor bolts may be used. load values. f t E*Di D'lsienCe� Embedment Lore °Tabulated allowable tension loads shown in the table for SSTB anchor bolts installed at comer and end of concrete foundation stem walls are (Top of concrete)C24) DETAILS based on a minimum end distance of 5 inches from the centerline of the anchor bolt to the end of the concrete foundation stem wall. See 6 Figures 4 and 5.Allowable tension loads under the header"Continuous Concrete Foundation Stem-Wall"are used when the SSTB anchor is -� Garage Curb Installation (H DU 14, HH DQ14 and HD12) installed 1.5 x Ie,or greater from the end. For this condition,terminate rebar at the end of the stem wall with concrete clear cover as required \ Tie& 1' PieceSBarrow by ACI 318 or if a stem wall return exists,extend rebar into return similar to Figure 4. t -,-diaoorlal corner Una("01 4 According to the first exception to IBC Section 1613.1,detached one-and two-family dwellings assigned to Seismic Design Category(SDC) i le Step-down end 1/a" �� z Corner Slab not A,B,or C are exempt from the seismic design provisions of IBC Section 1613.When this is the case,the allowable wind loads assigned to the a tm�+be %• shown SSTB anchor bolts may be used. * c 6 L-for clarity _--� °For SSTBL models,longer thread lengths are:16L=51/z inches;20L=6 inches;24L=6'/2 inches;28L=6'/z.inches. ••, + IF Min. 0 i 111/4" 12 EaDUep 0 " max. i 12° w 5 4'/1 Min, 89%and z - M e ( , �• ;1� Idenrlrieali•n � p ';t 6° S5T6 i53,`•' �.n head bowing ospeleE r'' r - - ; S'M!ri•(SB ll S51a is 5? embedment a #4 Rebar a $ i aw �" Typical SB Installation 13/4,Mln, STAMP K: �12- min (SB1) •ngr PI�1 Cz modeh t x arrFIGURE 6-TYPICAL SB FIGURE 7-SB ANCHOR FIGURE 8-SB ANCHOR BOLT 0 �, diagonal pFESSI 6" 12"� 6" min.(SB1)� 6" SSTa16 sees F. i s �+nrean rg�oa 1 a"MUlln �e in 1 O a ANCHOR BOLT BOLT-TYPICAL INSTALLATION-CONTINUOUS QR OA,q Perspective View Slab Edge Plan View � , c.1 INSTALLATION STEM WALL 4 P�� Fy s Locate k approx4Fa°� !I iB Iflri. rrr a h s �. Nlaomxnll x Rtdum I " o�I!.° tt No,C-043720 3 A N `i. 0 "� 5• �k._- 5 d 14 Reber .# •1 % , '.�t Slab on Grade Installation (HDU14, HHDQ14 and HD12) �f I N x EXP. 3-31-21 1 +•I lye Min. �'f 1a/ii'Mln. 1WM1n. a - ' ,r � � I'T T CIVIC- O ASP Step-down end 13/" 6' �+7 as CoKnu Localle 1 .. 1* 9 e OF CA�-ZF Slab not FIGURE 7-TYPICAL FIGURE 2-TYPICAL SSTB FIGURE 3-SSTB ANCHOR FIGURE 4-SSTB ANCHOR FIGURE 5-SSTB ANCHOR 45' l! c y shown SSTB ANCHOR BOLT ANCHOR BOLT INSTALLATION BOLT INSTALLATION-ALONG BOLT INSTALLATION- BOLT INSTALLATION-END apptr0�t ! il • _ for clarity _ Identification on Bolt To CONTINUOUS STEM WALL CORNER OF STEM WALL OF STEM WALLfrom W Ii 414`Min•(SBA slid�1/}�11 ,t " _- ( p, (No.4 Rebar in Breakout Zone,max. A a i� Req'd Embedment,le) Min.13/4"Edge Distance) (No.4 Reber Min.Length=4x/e, (Min.16"Return Stem Wall, (Min.5"End Distance,and 5"Mln,(SB1) , 1f 12' Min.13/a'Edge Distance) Min.5"End Distance) No.4 Rebar Min.Length) I SHEET NUMBER 1 �I i�d"Min. 771 • 6" FIGURE 9-SB ANCHOR FIGURE 10-SB ANCHOR 3"min. 9"min. BOLT INSTALLATION- BOLT INSTALLATION-END 24"min. CORNER OF STEM WALL OF STEM WALL Perspective View Slab Edge Plan View D5 SIMPSON ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS 63 SIMPSON SSTB --------ESR 2611 2 SIMPSON SSTB --------ESR 2611 2 SHEET OF REVISION DATE A DATE 07-04-2020 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 4 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 5 Project No. 29-5302-00 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 October 3, 2019 OWNER Molinar Design, Inc. Page 6 M Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 � CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS No. 4 bars: two placed about four inches from the top and two placed about four inches from the bottom. < w GENERAL surface of the concrete flatwork. This requires more frequent moistening of the concrete during J > Q Soil Bearing Pressures the curing period or the use of a protective chemical film to prevent evaporation. The property is suitable for the proposed construction of the proposed development from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. The construction plans should take into account the Footings founded on compacted fill may be designed for a maximum soil bearing LATERAL RESISTANCE Q 0 appropriate soils engineering features of the site. The on-site soils are medium dense. No pressure of 2,000lb/ft2. The recommended soil bearing pressures may be increased by Q groundwater was encountered to the maximum depth explored, four feet below existing surface. one-third when designing for wind and seismic forces. An allowable lateral bearing of 300lb/ft2 per foot of depth may be assumed up to a maximum of Q w V The upper on-site soils have a very low potential expansion. 3,000lb/ft2. A coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.4 may be used. L.L V Z Expected Settlements w Q SITE PREPARATION LATERAL LOADS / _ O If footings are supported on compacted fill and are sized for the recommended bearing ON 0/ C Debris from demolition, vegetation and underground utility lines to be abandoned should be pressures, differential settlements are not expected to exceed % inch in a 30-foot span. There are no retaining walls proposed. Backfill for retaining walls, if any, should consist of 0L 0/ G< granular, free-draining material. Cantilevered retaining walls should be designed to resist an Q Total settlements are anticipated to be less than /a inch. 9 9 9 g removed from the site. After site clearance the upper three feet of the on-site soils should be active pressure of 30lb/ft3 equivalent fluid pressure. Restrained walls should be designed for an removed and placed back as compacted fill. The removal and compaction should extend three at-rest earth pressure of 45lb/ft3 equivalent fluid pressure. If on-site upper soils are used for U feet beyond the building lines in each direction. After removal, the exposed surface should be FLOOR SLABS-ON-GRADE backfill, the at-rest earth pressure should be increased to 100lb/ft3. w scarified to a depth of eight inches, brought to about optimum moisture content and compacted U to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557. Concrete floor slabs-on-grade thickness and reinforcement should reflect the anticipated use of Walls subject to surcharge loads should be designed to include the additional lateral pressure. (Y) the slabs and should be designed by the structural engineer. Concrete floor slabs-on-grade Walls should have adequate drainage to prevent build-up of hydrostatic pressure. 00 O All excavations resulting from removal of existing obstructions (i.e. tree roots) should be should be a minimum of four inches (full) thick with minimum reinforcement consisting of No.4 0 backfilled with soil compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by deformed bars spaced a maximum of 16 inches each way. In areas where floor coverings or BACKFILL r ASTM:D-1557. If any cesspools or seepage pits are encountered during grading, they should equipment that are sensitive to moisture are contemplated, a 10-mil visqueen moisture barrier be backfilled with vibrated gravel or slurry mix to five feet below finish grade. The upper five should be placed beneath the slab with one inch of clean sand between the concrete slabs and All backfill of walls, footings or trenches should be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry Z feet should be backfilled with soil compacted by mechanical means. the visqueen to aid in curing and to prevent puncture of the visqueen. Cracking of reinforced density as determined by ASTM:D-1557 and should be tested by the soils engineer. Q concrete is a relatively common occurrence. Some cracking of reinforced concrete, including FILL PLACEMENT slabs, can be anticipated. Irregularities in new slabs are also common. If cracking of slabs DRAINAGE cannot be tolerated, heavily reinforced structural slabs are an option. n gutters Adequate drainage at the site is absolutely essential and it should be provided. Raitt Fill soils should be cleared of deleterious debris, placed in six to eight inch lifts, brought to about U) optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as The recommendations presented above are intended to reduce the potential for random should be connected to an appropriate drainage system and carried away from the residence and to the street. Yard drainage should be kept adequate to prevent ponding of water and O determined by ASTM:D-1557. The placement of the fill should be performed under our cracking to which concrete flatwork is often prone. Judicious spacing of crack control joints has w saturation of the soils. Water should be directed to the street in an approved manner. Future observation and testing. proven effective in further reducing random cracking. A structural engineer may recommend the performance of the residence and other structures will be significantly influenced by the site w w M desirable spacing. Usually the crack control joints are placed 12 to 15 feet apart in each drainage conditions. Z FOUNDATION DESIGN direction. Factors influencing cracking of concrete flatwork, (other than expansion, settlement Ur Q Q � and creep of soils), and which should be avoided, include: poor-quality concrete, excessive time PLANTERS Z Z co Type of Foundation passing between the mixing and placement of the concrete (the concrete should be rejected if M this time interval exceeds two hours), temperature and wind conditions at the time of placement Planters and lawns adjacent to the residence and pool house should be avoided. If planters are w w O The proposed residence and pool house may be supported on conventional shallow tanned adjacent to the residence and 0 6 of the concrete, curing of the concrete and workmanship. The concrete should be maintained in p 1 pool house, they should have the bottom and walls spread (isolated) and continuous footings. Exterior and interior footings should be a moist condition (curing) for at least the first seven days after concrete placement. During hot waterproofed and a drain installed to carry irrigation water away from the footing areas. Z N founded on compacted fill with a minimum embedment of 18 inches below lowest — 0 J weather, proper attention should be given to the ingredients, production methods, handling, Z Q adjacent grade. Minimum reinforcement in continuous footings should consist of four placement, protection and curing to prevent excessive concrete temperature or water J Q V (V evaporation. In hot weather and windy conditions, water evaporates more rapidly from the J CM A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A•Van Nuys, CA 91406 A = A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 — = Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Z w Office. (818)785-5244 • Facsimile. (818)785-6251 _ _ w A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 0 — J J Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 U = W W Z Q Q Molinar Design, Inc. Page 3 U) Project No. 29-5302-00 Q O (n J Molinar Design, Inc. Page 7 October 3, 2019 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 � U 1� It is our opinion that future structures should be designed in accordance with the applicable seismic building code as determined by the structural engineer. The subject site is located CONSTRUCTION CUTS within Site Class D per 2016 California Building Code. The following values of short and long DRAWN BY period accelerations are recommended for the Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake Because of the low cohesion of the soils, vertical construction cuts will cave if unsupported. (MCER). The design spectral response acceleration parameters presented on the following Construction cuts should be laid back to a gradient of 1:1. If the cuts are to remain open for table for Site Class D, generated by the U.S. Seismic Design Maps Website more than 2 weeks or if rain is expected while they are open, the construction cuts should be (https://seismicmaps.org), may be utilized for seismic design: covered with a polyethylene membrane kept in place by holding blocks or other securing devices. No equipment, personnel, or stockpiles of soil or construction materials should stand 2016 CBC Seismic Design Parameters SCALE closer than 10 feet from the top of the temporary cut. We should examine the construction cuts periodically to verify performance. All construction cuts should comply with the State of Latitude 34.1598 N 0 1/411= 1' - 0" California Construction Safety Orders (CAL/OSHA). Longitude 117.5681 W 0 NONE Site Class Definition Table 1613.3.2 D DO NOT SCALE RECOMMENDED INSPECTIONS Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, SS (Figure 1613.3(3)) 2.499 Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 1 s Period, Si (Figure 1613.3(4)) 0.930 It is strongly recommended (and is a condition of use of this report), that the developer ensures Short Period Site Coefficient at 0.2s Period, Fa (Table 1613.3.3(1)) 1.000 SHEET NAME Lon Period Site Coefficient at 1s Period, F, Table 1613.3.3 2 1.500 that each phase of construction be properly inspected and approved by the local Building Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, SMs (Eq. 16-37) 2.499 Department official. Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration at Is Period, Smi (Eq. 16-38 1.394 Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, SDs (Eq. 16-39 1.666 WORKMAN SAFETY-EXCAVATIONS Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 1s Period, SDi (Eq. 16-40 0.930 SOIL REPORT It is essential for the contractor to provide adequate shoring and safety equipment as required by the State or Federal OSHA regulations. All regulations of the State or Federal OSHA should LABORATORY TESTING RECOMMENDATION be followed before allowing workmen in a trench or other excavation. If excavations are to be made during the rainy season, particular care should be given to ensure that berms or other CLASSIFICATION devices will prevent surface water from flowing over the top of the excavation or ponding at the top of the excavations. Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Unit weight and moisture determinations were performed for each undisturbed sample. Results of density STAMP OBSERVATION and moisture determinations, together with classifications, are shown on the enclosed Boring Logs. PROFESSION' Removal bottoms should be examined and approved by us and the City inspector before �e�P�-� F. s F2 any fill is placed. Footing excavations should be examined by us prior to forming or ��J MAXIMUM DENSITY/OPTIMUM MOISTURE (ASTM:D-1557) W o v placement of reinforcing steel to confirm that the soil conditions meet the requirements = No,c-043720 3 A set by this report. Footing excavations should be kept moist and concrete should be placed as �* The maximum density/optimum moisture content relationship was determined for a typical ♦c soon as possible after excavations are completed, examined and approved by us and the City EXP. 3-31-19 inspector. sample of the upper soils. The test was conducted in accordance with the ASTM:D-1557 sr CIVIC- ���P standard. A graphic summary of the test result is included in this report. qTe of ca�iF° SHEET NUMBER SOIL REPORT RECOMMENDATION D 6 A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 =/1��= A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 =Q��= Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 L;� Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 SHEET 17 19 17 19 10D E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING REVISION DATE D8 D8 D8 D8 19 17 /8"PLYWOOD WITH @ 4" 19 17 5/8" PLYWOOD WITH 10D @ 4" A DATE 07-04-2020 D-8 D-8 RADIANT BARRIER METAL FLASHING D-8 D-8 RADIANT BARRIER METAL FLASHING ROOF RAFTER ROOF RAFTER 19 17 19 17 D-8 D-8 �� PE A35 @ 16�� HU HANGER PE A35 @ 16 HU HANGER D-8 D-8 5/8"PLYWOOD WITH 5/8" PLYWOOD WITH RADIANT BARRIER RADIANT BARRIER 17 19 CEILING JOIST DBL C.J CEILING JOIST D8 D8 6-16 D NAILS 6-16 D NAILS OWNER ROOF RAFTER ROOF RAFTER 10D @ 4" O.C. 10D @ 4" O.C. ROOF RAFTER E.N ROOF RAFTER E.N 5" PLYWOOD WITH H2.5 PER RAFTER 6 H2.5 PER RAFTER 6 r SIMPSON RC RIP JOIST RADIANT BARRIER B.N SEE DETAIL D 10 B.N SEE DETAIL D-10 RIPPER CLIP@ 48 ----s-� -+--+ ---6 + - + 2X6 @ 16 2X6 @ 16 Q w + + 2" PLYWOOD 14' 2X8 LEDGER 2" PLYWOOD 4' 2X8 LEDGER J > Q RO JOIST + + LONG @ 4' O.0 16D @ 6" LONG @ 4' O.0 16D @ 6" �/ 1/2" PLYWOOD 10 D(4:6:12) 24/0 E N 1/2" PLYWOOD 10 D(4:6:12) 24/0 E N STAGGERED STAGGERED > Of . . El. . Q 0 A35@16" SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS A35@16" SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 16D @ 4" 16D @ 4" FOR EAVE DETAIL FOR EAVE DETAIL 2' PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12 , 2" PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12 2' PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12) C J 2' PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12) C J a a�wnnV r E.N E.N z L2x STUD WALL—/L�-I—PLYWOOD SHEATHING EITHER SIDE 2x STUD WALL PLYWOOD SHEATHING EITHER SIDE CONTINUOUS w CEILING JOIST SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN FOR ALL ROOF METAL FLASHING, ROOFING C.J Q MATERIAL, EAVES DETAIL AND ROOF INSULATION E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING DOUBLE I _ U SIMPSON ST22 @ 32" BLOCKING = Q w U � FLAT ROOF STRIPING 2 SHEAR TRANSFER 2 SHEAR TRANSFER 3 FLUSH WOOD BEAM / SHEAR TRANSFER 4 SHEAR TRANSFER 5 U E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 10D @ 4" E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING co 17 19 E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 5/8" PLYWOOD WITH @ 19 1?7 /8" PLYWO D WITH � OD8 D8 RADIANT BARRIER RIP JOIST 2 /8"PLYWOOD WITH 10D 4' O 10D @ 4" Q 0ROOF RAFTER l0d 4" AS REQUIRE D7D-8 D-8 RADIANT BARRIER METAL FLASHING D8 DRADIANT BARRIER METAL FLASHING � @ BOTH SIDE 19 17 19 17 U 2X BLOCKING @ 24"WITH 4 lOD NAILLl ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ VZ IZZ I ZZ A ZZI IV Z-AZ AZ ZZ I I ZZ PE A35 @ 16" HU HANGER SLQD-8 D-8 PE A35 @ 16" HU HANGER D 8 D 8 ° ° 5/8"PLYWOOD WITH 5/8" PLYWOOD WITH 17 19 RADIANT BARRIER RADIANT BARRIER E. D8 D8 N DBL R.R. 0. ROOF RAFTER ROOF RAFTER ROOF RAFTER E.N ROOF RAFTER N E.N E N DBL RAFTERS CONTINUOUS ROOF RAFTER '/�E'\A35 @ 16" 2X6 @ 16" 2X6 @ 16" 2X6 16" 2" PLYWOOD 4' 2X8 LEDGER 2" PLYWOOD 4' 2X8 LEDGER 16d@4" 2" PLYWOOD 4 16D 4° LONG @ 4' O.0 16D @ 6" LONG @ 4' O.0 16D @ 6" 1/2°PLYWOOD @ 2' PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12) LONG @ 4 O.0 STAGGERED STAGGERED 2"PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12) 16D @ 4" 16D @ 4" CD PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12 �" PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12 E. E.N 2" PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12) C.J 2 2" PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12) 2 W O E co E.N E.N Ln C.J X BLOCKING @ 24" C J CONTINUOUS W H H m E.N ZZCEILING JOIST O N CONTINUOUS BEAM C.J SIMPSON HU HANGER SIMPSON HU HANGER D8 DOUBLE H Q H -Z SIMPSON ST22 @ 32" FLUSH WOOD BEAM SIMPSON ST22 an 32" FLUSH WOOD BEAM BLOCKING E-I � xU `J SHEAR TRANSFER/ RAFTER PARALLEL 6 FLUSH WOOD BEAM 8 FLUSH WOOD BEAM / SHEAR TRANSFER 9 SHEAR TRANSFER 10 Z H .. oMS -48 17 19 17 19 17 19 DOUBLE JOISTS 17 19 D8 D8 5 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 D8 H N W A35 BOTH SIDES ROOF RAFTER D8 d1 N ROOF RAFTER lOd @ 4" BOTH SIDE ROOF RAFTER lOd @ 4" BOTH SIDE ROOF RAFTER 1 @ 4" BOTH SIPE m BEAM PER PLAN 2X BLOCKING @ 48"WITH 4-1OD NAIL 2X BLOCKING @ 48"WITH 4-lOD NAIL 2X BLOCKING @ 48 WITH 4-10D NAIL 10 D B.N. @ 4" U� Q / E.N. DBL R.R. E.N. DBL R.R. DBL R.R. wA35 @ W/ STEEL STRAP PER PLAN U) �JJ� 16 N I PLYWOOD PER PLAN--, \ / E.N. E.N. -E.N, LTP4 @ 16" KING POST _ "' PLYWOOD 10D(4:6:12) DRAWN BY 2X8 LEDGER E.N 2x CRIPPLE @ "16 O.C. 2x CRIPPLE @ 16"O.C. 2x CRIPPLE @ 16" O.C. 16D @ 6" 1/2"PLYWOOD 10 D(4:6:12)24/0 16d @ 4" 1/2"PLYWOOD 10 D(4:6:12)24/0 16d @ 4" 1/2" PLYWOOD 10 D(4:6:12) 24/0 16d @ " STAGGERED x x SIMP.A35 @ 16" 2X BLOCKING @ 24"BOTH SIDE 2X BLOCKING @ 24"BOTH SIDE D8 E.N A35@16" 4E.N. JE.N. 2X C.J @ 16" PLYWOOD PER PLAN-- JOISTS PER PLAN DBL BLOCKING JOISTS PER PLAN E.N. SIMPSON HU HANGER SCALE BOTH SIDES 0 1/411= 1' - 0" 0 NONE SIMPSON PC D8 E.N. E LTP4 @ 16" DO NOT SCALE DOUBLE TOP PLATE DOUBLE TOP PLATE BEAM OR DOUBLE JOISTS FLUSH WOOD BEAM FLUSH WOOD BEAM SEE PLAN DOUBLE TOP PLATE SIMPSON HU HANGER SHEET NAME E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING BOTH SIDES WOOD BEAM & KING POST CONNECTION 11 SHEAR TRANSFER 12 SHEAR TRANSFER/ RAFTER PARALLEL 13 SHEAR TRANSFER/ RAFTER PARALLEL 14 SHEAR TRANSFER/ RAFTER PARALLEL 15 17 19 D8 D8 ROOF RAFTER 10d @ 4" I DETAILS BOTH SDE 2X BLOCKING @ 48 WITH 4-10D NAIL 2" PLYWOOD 10D (4:6:12) 17 19 KING POST R.R. RIP Jolsr os JOIST OR BEAM 10D @ 4" JOIST OR BEAM PER PLAN PER PLAN 11 D8 SIMPSON A35 BOTH SIDES N. LTP4 @ 16" STAMP 2x CRIPPLE @ 16" O.C. ROOF RAFTER ���F F.SIO�q< --------------- 1/2 PLYWOOD 10 D(4:6:12) 24/0 16d @ 4" W o v SIMP. A35 @ 16° 2X BLOCKING @ 24" BOTH SIDE a: No,C-043720 3 A • ' DBL BLOCKING C J LSU HANGER BOTH SIDE DOUBLE CEILING JOISTS DOUBLE PLATES # EXP. 3-31-21 MST48 TIE sT CIVIC- • • BEAM PER PLAN qTf OF -AL1F CROSS BEAM 00 0 ST22@32" DOUBLE PLATES OR WOOD BEAM BEAM PER PLAN OVERLAP CEILING JO TS -24" SHEET NUMBER 11 D8 8-16 D NAILS DOUBLE TOP PLATE ST-22 STRAP @ 32" TOP OR BOTTOM KING POST CONNECTION 16 FLUSH BEAM 17 SHEAR TRANSFER/ RAFTER PARALLEL 18 FLUSH WOOD BEAM 19 DOUBLE PLATES 20 SHEET of REVISION DATE 2 x 4 DOUBLE TOP PLATE MST-48 2 2 X F.J. OR BM. A DATE 07-04-2020 NOTCHES MIN. 6'-0" O.C. 2 x 4 OR 3 x 4 SILL PLATE SIM. STRAP PER PLAN. 17 19 1 �_l 4" 0 MAX. BORED HOLE SIMPSON MST48 STRAP D8 D8 1 DBL. TOP PLATE BEAM PER PLAN 1 2" MAX.11 1 SIMPSON A35 SIMPSON A35 GL. FLASHING WITH "V" CRIMP DOUBLE TOP PLATE AT SLOPES LESS THAN 6.12 1 2" MIN. ROOFING PER PLAN OWNER I` 1 3 2 SIMP. A35 @ 32" O.0 10" MIN. 10" MIN. DBL. STUD OR POST MAX. 2 X STUDS I` PER PLAN 1 DOUBLE 2X FLAT BLOCKING 1 4" x 16 GA. STRAP W/ 6-10d COMMON NAILS EACH END @ EACH PLATE ROOF RAFTER Ar (4)A35 TOP AND BOTTOM W 3 NAIL @ 24" O.0 (STRAP NOT REQUIRED FOR SILL PLATE) f / < W 2X STUDS @ 16"O.C• EACH CORNER OF POST 2X NAILER PER PLAN PLYWOOD SHEATH (3) 16d PER RAFTER J > 2 x 6 DOUBLE TOP PLATE U 2" 0 MAX. BORED HOLE 2 x 6 OR 3 x 6 SILL PLATE SIM. DOUBLE > NOTCHES MIN. 6'-0" O.C. ROOF RAFTER SIMPSON MST48 Q 0 1 2X STUDS @ 16"O.C. 1 2" MAX.11 1 2 X DBL TOP PLATE POST PER PLAN a w 1 2" MIN. 1 4 16d NAILS (D 7 3 2 1'-0" MIN. 1'-9" MIN. 16d N. @ 16" O.C. W < O MAX. 2X STUDS @160.C. of 2i 4)A35 TOP AND BOTTOM ROOF RAFTER PER PLAN (STRAP NOT REQUIRED FOR SILL PLATE) EACH CORNER OF POST W = Q U w U � PLUMBING SHEAR WALL LIMIT 1 DRAG STRUT 2 DRAG STRUT 3 POST AND BEAM CONNECTION C4') CALIFORNIA FRAMING 5 U co BEND DIAMETER SCHED z E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING EX PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING w O db — BAR DIAMETER db 1 �� 3 1/2" CURB OR STARTER Q a FINISH GRADE �8 �8 s WALL REQUIRED D8 D D = FINISHED INSIDE BEND DIA. � � `°�� CLEAN & OPEN TRENCH PARALLEL W/ FTG. U D _ 6db FOR #3 T #8 � AFTER POURING, BACKFILL & COMPACT TRENCH PER SPECS OR SOIL REPORT. 2X ROOF RAFTERS 2X ROOF RAFTERS D — 8db FOR #9, #10 10 & #11 ROUGHEN SURFACE EXPO- ( z D = lOdb FOR #14 & #18 z SING COARSE AGRREGATE PLACE PIPE ON 3" SAND COVER W/ 3" SAND. - CUT BACK BANK TYP. EA. SIDE. FTG. STEM WALL � 2x CEILING JOISTS 2x CEILING JOISTS (ALTERNATE 90 DEG. & PROTECT BANK ltDGES FROM D D D D N 135 DEG. ENDS ON SLOUGHING (TYP.) 1'-6" MIN. CONSECUTIVE CROSS TIES) 2" PLANKING, CONT. _ _ EXISTING GRADE _,III, III=III=III1 III= _ ____ _ 0 �i -- —11 M 11=1 I I I I-11I 6-16d 6 6-16d 6 — I I I—III—III—� 4 db HOOKS AND BENDS =III-III— 1=III-III=III- -= =1 1=1 fil1 11 E „ H2.5 PER RAFTER 2.5 PER RAFTER WALL BARS SHALL BE 6 -III- _ = = I I=�I 10D @ 4 CSEE DETAIL D-10 10D @ 4 EE DETAIL D-10 2 1/2" MIN. 01 - CONT. CLEAN-OUT, 6 MIN. TIED TOGETHER �ti —I 111 1 IIE + + + + _III_ -III - -III II-11 + + + + I III LEVEL BOTTOM LAP 30 db MIN. SEE BEAM STIRRUPS E.N TYP. FT'G. REINF. DETAIL I IIIII_ 11 1 � � LINE OF FINISHED EXCAVATION. ___ 2 1 " • CD 40 db MIN. ^� o PAD WIDTH v A35@1 A35@1 IN MASONRY FORM IF CAVING OCCURS. EX— o OO I =____ E N SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS � Ln PLUS 2 CAVATION TO BE APPPROVED I _ FOR EAVE DETAIL WOOD BEAM FOR EAVE DETAIL I--I COLUMN TIES BY SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO M 9 M Z' PLYWOOD �' TRENCH ADJACENT TO FTG. SHALL NOT SPLICES FOR SUCCESSIVE NOTE: PLACING CONCRETE UNDERMINE THE FTG. & NOT BE DEEPER W H Ln SPLICE WOOD BEAM FILL POCKET SOLID THAN THE LINE SHOWN. � CV BARS LARGER THAN 11 SHALL BE TIES TO BE PLACED AT STAKES NOT PERMITTED WITHIN UNDER FTG. W/ CONC. O # PLACE ALL PIPE THRU CONC. WITHIN E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N. PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING Q w BUTT WELDED OR USE TENSION ALTERNATE CORNERS / SIDES FOOTING SECTION. REMOVE ALL SLEEVES 2" LARGER THAN PIPE SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EAVES DETAIL AND ROOF VENTS SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EAVES DETAIL AND ROOF VENTS H H COUPLERS (U.N.) STAGGER LAPS (STAGGER, DO NOT ALIGN) WOOD � xU `J REINFORCING BAR BENDS AND LAPS 6 NEAT FOOTING DETAIL 7 PLUMBING PIPE / FOOTING 8 SHEAR TRANSFER 9 SHEAR TRANSFER 10 U) H M ox 17 19 H N W w D8 D8 � HIP / RIDGE BEAM ROOF RAFTER d1 ROOF RAFTER ` [4'-0" O SPLICE TO OCCUR WITHIN 2-16d (MIN) TOT OF SHEAR WALL END POST BTWN. SPLICES 16 O ® 16" O.C. MAX. 2-16d EACH SIDE OF SPLICE TYP. U.N. DBL C.J CEILING JOIST Simps 2-2xon Strong—Tie 616DNAILS u LSSU210 SLOPE HANGER PLAT TOP PLATES lOD @ 4"O.C. SIMPSON A34 0 OPN s. - H2.5 PER RAFTS 6 WIDER THAN 8'-0" HEADER SEE B.N SEE DETAIL D-10 SCHEDULE ________ __ d + + + JOISTS PER PLAN BEAM PER PLAN 2x TRIMMER (USE 4x POST OR BEAM IF OCCURS 2- 16d MIN. (ADD 1- 16d OPENINGS WIDER THAN 4'-0" FOR EA. 2" OF HDR. DEPTH U.N.O. ON PLANS 1/2"PLYWOOD 10 D 4:6:12 24/0 E.N. GREATER THAN 4") SIMP. A35 W/ 2- 10d TOE ( ) 2X KING STUDS (USE 2- NAILS A35 a16" SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 2X ® OPNGs. WIDER FOR EAVE DETAIL THAN 6'-0") w/ SIMP.A34 ® T & B U.N. ON CONTINUOUS WOOD BEAM SCALE PLAN. SIMPSON HANGERS 2x STUD WALL PLYWOOD SHEATHING EITHER SIDE 0 NONE P.T. SILL PL. DO NOT SCALE 1. SIMPSON HU HANGER— 2X4, 2X6, 2X8, 2X10, 2X12, 2. SIMPSON HUTF 4X8, 010, 412, 414 BEAM TOP FLANGE HANGER SHEET NAME 3. SIMPSON LSU/LSSU— LIGHT SLOPEABLE, SKEWABLE, U HANGER E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING JOIST AND BEAM HANGER 11 TYPICAL HDR DETAIL 12 13 SHEAR TRANSFER 14 15 DIAPHRAGM THIS PANEL JOINT BOUNDARY NOT CONTINUOUS DIAPHRAGM DETAILS 5/8" PLYWOOD O.S.B 10D (4:12)(24/0) BOUNDARY NAILING CONTINUOUS • ® ROOF DIAPHRAGM ° ° PANEL JOINTS • ROOF DIAPHRAGM: 5/8"PLYWOOD OSB W/10D(4:6:12)(24/0) ® WITH RADIANT BARRIER SEE DETAIL 17/D-6 ° ° ° STAMP . m FLOOR DIAPHRAGM 4' X 8' WOOD ° ° ° AILING ALONG PR°F F SSION9� 3/4"PLYWOOD W/10D(4:6:10)T&G] 32/16 BLOCKED DIAPHRAGM STRUCTURAL ° ° CONTINUOUS o PANEL ° ° ° PANEL JOINT 0 ® 0 RADIANT BARRIER ATTACH TO BOTTOM PLYWOOD GLUE TO BOTTOM PLYWOOD No,C-043720 3 A o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 0 o NAILING IN ° * EXP, 3-31-21 ® THE FIELD OF 0 0 PROTECT THE PLYWOOD FROM MOISTURE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION NOTES: THE PANEL F OF CA�1F 1. SEE FRAMING NOTES ON PLAN FOR PLYWOOD TYPE. IAFLOOR OR ROOF FOIL FACES REQUIRE AIR SPACE ON ALL INSTALLATIONS 2. FACE GRAIN OF PLYWOOD SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS. F F JOISTS 3. BOUNDARY NAIL ALL RIDGES, VALLEYS AND SHEAR WALLS. BLOCKING CUT AND FITTED SHEET NUMBER SPACE PANELS 1/8" AT ENDS AND SIDES 4. ROOF & FLOOR DIAPHRAGM NAILING TO BE INSPECTED BEFORE COVERING. BETWEEN JOISTS AT PANEL EDGES SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLAN FOR ALL ROOF VENTS DETAILS 5. FLOOR DIAPHRAGM SHALL HAVE T&G OR BLOCKING PANEL EDGES. 6. PLYWOOD SPANS SHALL CONFORM WITH TABLE 2304.7. "BLOCKED DIAPHRAGM" 7. USE COMMON NAILS FOR ALL DIAPHRAGM NAILING. SIMPSON PC AND EPC 16 RADIANT BARRIER 17 PLYWOOD SHEATHING LAYOUT 19 SHEET OF REVISION DATE A DATE 07-04-2020 EXISTING FLOOR JOIST NEW FLOOR JOIST JOIST PER PLAN SOLID BLOCKING SIMPSON HDU PER PLAN OWNER PLYWOOD PER PLAN POST PER PLAN FLUSH BEAM WOOD NAILER SIDS SCREWS r JOIST PER PLAN JOIST PER PLAN Q w J � Q � � U 16D @ 8"STAGGERED A35 @ 16" Q Q�m ­�_ T _ Q Q W V (^ z0. ` SIMPSON HU HANGER W Q 001� 11 BOTH SIDE STEEL BEAM PER PLAN 0� G NEW DROP BEAM Ds RU M.BOLT OR USE 1/4" WELD w Q 16D @ 8"STAGGERED 1 Q r , w U � DOUBLE JOISTS 1 DROP BEAM 2 FLUSH BEAM 3 4 FLOOR TIES @ STL BM 5 U co MST-48 AT MAIN WOOD BEAM 0o 0 SPLICE IF ANY � � BEAM PER PLAN TOP FLANGE CONCEALED HANGER MAIN WOOD BEAM CROSS BEAM SIMPSON BEAM HANGER HUC41OTF FOR 4X10 BEAM z PSON BEAM HANGER HUC61OTF FOR 6X10 BEAM SIMPSON HDU PER PLAN Q USE SIMPSON SIDS SCREWS POST PER PLAN SIMPSON HDU � POST PER PLAN • • BEAM OR 3X BLKING sns 1/4' SCREWS AS REQ, PER PLAN + + II + + � BEAM PER PLAN • • � I IL= t t II t t II • 3' X3' X1/4' II SIMPSON ECCQ PLATE WASHER SIMPSON CCQ I I �w-1 � CDG SIMPSON I I H \ co co CCQ SCREW -SDS Ln WOOD POST WOOD POST W H ��- Ln WOOD BEAM AF Q N F-­I Q H CV x U BEAM POST CONNECTION 6 BEAM POST CONNECTION BEAM POST CONNECTION 8 FLOOR TIE DETAIL 9 WALL TO BEAM CONNECTION 10 U) H oxr N W E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING SIMPSON BEAM HANGER HU4IOTF FOR 4X10 BEAM SIMPSON BEAM HANGER HU410 FOR 4X10 BEAM H m 2X STUDS SIMPSOM STRAP d1 SIMPSON BEAM HANGER HU610TF FOR 6X10 BEAM SIMPSON BEAM HANGER HUC610TF FOR 6X10 WOOD POST PER PLAN C�16' O.C. SIMPSON BEAM HANGER HU412TF FOR 4X12 BEAM BEAM 2X RIM JOIST U] SIMPSON BEAM HANGER HU612TF FOR 6X12 BEAM OR BLOCK'G. U 4X POST ® STRAP TYP. u) uw PRE—BENT STRAP o o DRAWN BY o BEAM PER PLAN MIN. 16-16d NAIL FOR MST48 MIN. 24-16d NAIL FOR MST60 MIN. 30-16d NAIL FOR MST72 1/4"x41/2" SIDS SCREW @4" ° ° SIMPSON ECC _MST-48 STRAP INSIDE GARAGE o o SCALE 0 1/4"= 1' - 0" FN=. 0 6X6 WOOD POST NONE CONTINUOUS WOOD BEAM IUM DO NOT SCALE 2X DBL TOP PL. 6X6WOOD POST TOP FLANGE BEAM HANGER FACE MOUNT HANGER MSTC66B3---SIMPSON PRE BENT STRAP SIMPSON STRAP PER PLAN SHEET NAME PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 8D @ 2° PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 8D @ 2" JOIST AND BEAM HANGER 12 JOIST AND BEAM HANGER 13 PRE-BENT SIMPSON STEEL STRAP/ TIES 14 FLOOR TIE DETAIL 15 HDU-5 SEE DETAIL 4X BLOCKING SIMPSON MST STRUT STEEL BEAM CONTINUOUS CROSS BEAM PER PLAN WOOD BEAM WITH SIMPSON DETAILS 3x6P.T SILL PLATE 2-2x TOP PL HUCTF TOP FLANGE HANGER STEM WALL SIMPSON STRAP WOOD BEAM lz — — 3/ 6" d e a 2#4 REBAR STAMP D <d < e d A d ao G < e .°• o' •°. + ` PRc�FErSSIp^,91 a a n e a e a d a 'I 1 `V a 2#5 REBA , da 41 An ° 2-5/8x24" LONG ANCHOR BOLTS STEEL COLUMN CONNECTION _ SIMPSON CCO No,c-043720�3 <da A V O n < d, r SEE PLAN \_'774 I I W- 4 OR USE% PLATE WITH , SIMPSON CCO � �* �, . WOOD BEAM I I OR USE%" PLATE WITH I I SAME SPECIFICATION EXP, 3-31-21 SAME SPECIFICATION 2 5 REBAR 3»X3 M/4 PLATE WASHER i i 1s sT CIVIC- �� POST PER PLAN I D15 qTf pF CALZF�� I I I I I STEEL COLUMN SEE PLAN STEEL COLUMN SHEET NUMBER I I SHEAR TRANSFER / FRONT GARAGE (16 DRAG STRUT (11� DRAG STRUT 18 STEEL COLUMN TO WOOD BEAM 19 STEEL COLUMN TO WOOD BEAM (20) D9 SHEET of REVISION DATE ROOF SHEATHING PLY. SHTG. BOUNDRY NAILING DOUBLE TOP PLATE ????? AT PANEL EDGES 1/2" Min. TOP PLATE 17 19 A DATE 07-04-2020 D8 D8 SEE SHEAR WALL SCH'D FIELD OR EDGE + + ROOF RAFTER NIAL AS OCCURS SHEAR WALL SHEAR WALL PLY. STUD BEHIND— PLYWD. PANEL SILL PLATE OR SHEATHINGEDGE 1/2" Min. OTTOM PLATE 1/2" Min. EHIND NAILING + + + NIA NG PELD LIYWDBPANEL DBL C.J CEILING JOIST 8d @3" 8d @3" 6-16 D NAILS (TYP.) (TYP.) —. — — OWNER A PARTIAL ELEVATION AT B PARTIAL ELEVATION AT C PARTIAL ELEVATION M �� 2X4 STUD ZX4 STUD - SILL/BOTTOM PLATE - INTERMEDIATE CONDITION - AT TOP PLATE `•J 10D @ 4 O.C. WALL WALLCD CD H2.5 PER RAFTER 6 w PLY. CONTINOUS STRAP Z FIELD NAILING SEE DETAIL D-10 o EDGE SYMPSON CS12 CL + + o NAILING 3 + + m o � WINDOW OR DOOR OPENING Z E.N. END STUD END STUD 0 � EDGE NAILING (TYP.) (TYP.) (D 0 0 A35016" SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS o o FOR EAVE DETAIL 16-16d MIN. 16-16d MIN. CONT. 4 x BLKG. A (STAGGERED) (STAGGERED) - / \« OPENING / \ a w (D 4X6 POST 16d @6" (TYP.) Z 2x STUD WALL--/ PLYWOOD SHEATHING EITHER SIDE A_ EDGE NAILING ui Q O PLAN PLAN \ / \ E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING SILL PL. PLY. SHTG. BOUNDRY NAILING W EDGE NAILING }• }~ } i •} a = U � SHEAR TRANSFER TO WALL) PERPENDICULAR 1 SHEAR WALL INTERSECTION 2 3 HORZ. TIE @ WINDOW 4 SH'R PANEL NAILING DIAL. 5 w rn U co Q co O 2x4 stud- 16" max 0 2x6 STUD— 2 16" MAX CONNECTIONS NAILING � � U STUD BORED HOLE JOIST TO SILL OR GIRDER, TOE NAIL 3-8d 7 BRIDGING TO JOIST, TOE NAIL EACH END 2-8d 2x4 stud- max �" MIN. COIL STRAP 1"x6" SUBFLOOR OR LESS TO EACH JOIST, FACE NAIL 2-8d NOTCH $ SIMPSON ST-22 @ 3 WIDER THAN 1"x6" SUBFLOOR TO EACH JOIST, FACE NAIL 3-8d 2x6 STUD- 2 " MAX z Z RIDGE BOARD 2" SUBFLOOR TO JOIST OR GIRDER, BLIND AND FACE NAIL 2-16d 0 ° 17 19 SOLE PLATE TO JOIST OR BLOCKING, TYPICAL FACE NAIL 16d @ 16" O.C. °® BEAM PER PLAN(MIN 4x) D8 D8 SOLE PLATE TO JOIST OR BLOCKING, BRACED WALL PANED 3"-16d @ 16" O.C. ° 40% ALLOWED 40% ALLOWED ANY WALL TOP PLATE TO STUD, END NAIL 2-16d O NONBEARING PARTITIONS ROOF RAFTERS STUD TO SOLE PLATE 2-16d END NAIL OR 4-8d TOE NAIL O 0 + + PER PLAN DOUBLE STUDS, FACE NAIL o 2x4 STUD - 2 $ MAX 16d @ 24" O.C. + + BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS OR RAFTERS TO TOP PLATE, TOENAIL 3-8d 2x6 STUD -3 ; " MAX RIM JOIST TO TOP PLATE, TOENAIL 8d @ 6" O.C. SIMPSON --H2.5 STUD BORED HOLE DOUBLE TOP PLATES, TYPICAL FACE NAIL 16d @ 16" O.C. DOUBLE TOP PLATES, LAP SPLICE 8-16d O @ EA. R. R. 2x4 STUD _ $ MAX 5" W CD NOTCH —I g MIN. TOP PLATES, LAPS AND INTERSECTIONS, FACE NAIL 2-16d Q1 2x6 STUD 1 co g"MAX CONTINOUS HEADER, TWO PIECES 16d @ 16" O.C. ALONG EDGE H �, CEILING JOISTS TO PLATE, TOE NAIL 3-8d r� �' Li SIMPSON RR CONTINOUS HEADER TO STUD, TOE NAIL 4-8d COIL STRAP 11 W H I—I 25% ALLOWED 60% ALLOWED ANY NONBEARING WALL OR SIMPSON LSU HANGER D_8 CEILING JOISTS, LAP OVER PARTITIONS, FACE NAIL 3-16d E Ln EXTERIOR WALLS AND OR EACH BORED STUD DOUBLED CEILING JOISTS TO PARRALEL RAFTERS, FACE NAIL 3-16d 0 C\� BEARING PARTITIONS BORED HOLE NOT PERMITTED IN RAFTER TO PLATE, TOENAIL 3-8d H Q H (n MORE THAN TWO SUCCESSIVE DOUBLED STUDS 1" DIAGONAL BRACE TO EACH STUD AND PLATE, FACE NAIL 2-8d N 1"x8" SHEATHING TO EACH BEARING, FACE NAIL 3-8d SIMPSON --H2.5 6 SHEAR WALL @ PLUMBING WALL STRAP AROUND OPENING 8 RIDGE BOARD 9 WIDER THAN NNER SHEATHING TO EACH BEARING, FACE NAIL 3-8d BUILD—UP CONNER STUDS 16d @ 24" O.C. BUILT—UP GRIDER AND BEAMS, FACE NAIL AT TOP AND BOTTOM 20d @ 32" O.C. U ROOF SHEATHING z—zx TOP PL SEE PON STRAP STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE SIDES N w 17 19 BUILT—UP CRIDER & BEAMS,FACE NAIL AT ENDS AND AT EACH SPLICE 2-20d D8 D8 ROOF RAFTER 2" PLANKS, AT EACH BEARING 16d d�I , r4rr.r.r er.r.r.r.r r.r:r.r:r":r :A COLLAR TIE TO RAFTER, FACE NAIL 3-1Od 2X WOOD BEAM 12" 12" JACK RAFTER TO HIP, TOENAIL 3-1Od U) •16" O.C. CEILING JOIST SEE FLOOR FRAMING JACK RAFTER TO HIP, FACE NAIL 2-16d 6-16 D NAILS 4X BLK'G PER PLAN 4-16d ROOF RAFTER TO 2—BY RIDGE BEAM, TOENAIL 2-16d U) UW W/2-A35 • END WOOD TRIMMER l0D @ 4" O.C. ROOF RAFTER TO 2—BY RIDGE BEAM, FACE NAIL 2-16d NAILS--I 0 JOIST TO BAND JOIST, FACE NAIL 3-16d AT AT 12" O.C. H2.5 PER RAFTER LEDGER STRIP, FACE NAIL 3-16d --------- ------ SEE DETAIL D 10 TWOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS AND PARTICLEBOARD SUBFLOOR, ROOF AND Y" AND LESS 6d DRAWN BY + + 0 0 0 0 WALL SHEATHING (TO FRAMING) 1%2" TO Y4" 8d OR 6d + + 4x STRUT OR BLOCKING SIMPSON MST OR EQ. �" To 1" 8d 7SEE PLAN 1)�" To 1Y" 10d OR 8d E.N. C.✓ C.✓. SINGLE FLOOR (COMBINATION SUBFOOR—UNDERLAYMENT TO FRAMING) -" AND LESS 6d 2-2x TOP PLATE %" To 1" 8d A35@16"' SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 1Y" TO 1Y" 10d OR 8d FOR EAVE DETAIL SIMPSON A35 @ 16" oc 2 X BLOCKING PANEL SIDING (TO FRAMING) Y" OR LESS 6d " 8d SCALE 111911111111 FIBERBOARD SHEATHING Y2" NO.11 GAGE ROOFING NAIL, 6d 0 1/411= 1' — 011 NO.16 GAGE STAPLE 2x STUD WALL Ij—PLYWOOD SHEATHING EITHER SIDE 2 X DOUBLE PLATE 2%2" NO.11 GAGE ROOFING NAIL, 8d 0 NONE NO.16 GAGE STAPL 2 X @ 16" oc INTERIOR PANELING y" 4d DO NOT SCALE • 2x STUDS /Ij sd E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING * COMMON OR GALVANIZED BOX NAILS SHEET NAME SHEAR TRANSFER (R IT RLS PERPENDICULAR 11 DRAG STRUT 12 13 CEILING JOIST TIES 14 CONNECTION- NAILING 15 E.N: PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 17 19 D8 D$ ,,�:ROOF RAFTER 10d @ 4" DETAILS BOTH SIPE 2X BLOCKING @ 48' WITH 4-10D NAI HIGH BEAM HIGH BEAM DBL R.R. W/ STEEL STRAP PER PLAN 2- 5/8"DIAM. M.BOLT E.N. SIMPSON HL OR 3/16"BENT PLATE SIMPSON A35 BOTH SIDE STAMP 1 2" PLYWOOD f QRpFESSjpN KING POST IF REQUIRED �P�Z F. 4 F2 16d @ 4" SIMP. A35 @ 16" MIN. 2X BLOCKING @ 48" BOTH SIDE L v A E.N. = No,C- 3 Co JOISTS PER PLAN DBL C.J ~* * EXP. 3-31-21 DOUBLE PLATE rTyT CIVIL O`z�1P LOW BEAM F QF CA1-ZF 7)_ 5/8"DIAM. M.BOLT LOW BEAM 00, SHEET NUMBER DOUBLE TOP PLATE r------- 1 2" PLYWOOD SHEAR TRANSFER/ RAFTER PARALLEL 107 n18 19 BEAM TO BEAM CONNECTION o2o BEAM TO BEAM CONNECTION C21 SHEET of CROSS BEAM p s REVISION DATE HU612TF BEAM PER PLAN DOUBLE JOISTS ONE JOIST A DATE 07-04-2020 16 D @ 8"STAGGERED A Z 1"M.BOLTS @ 32" TOP AND BOTTOM OWNER C'7 MST-48 • Q w • SIMPSON ECCQ 16 D @ 8"STAGGEREDr , Q C) CROSS BEAM Q SIMPSON HUC612 Q (Uj DROP BEAM p a SIMPSON EPC V w z 0 WOOD POST WOOD POST G BEAM PER PLAN Uj = Q U w U � BEAM POST CONNECTION 2 BUILT UP BEAM 3 4 5 U 19 17 co O HCP4Z FOR 4X MEMBER D-8 D-8 0 = HCP2 FOR 2X MEMBER RIDGE BEAM ROOF RAFTER 10d @ 4" r U HIP BEAM BOTH S��E KING POST 2X BLOCKING @ 48 WITH 4-10D NAIL Z HIP BEAM WOOD BEAM PER PLAN DBL R.R. ++ + SKEWED 'U' ++ + HANGER OR DOUBLE PLATE ° m ° + ++ 'LSSU' HANGER SIMP. A35 @ 16'° E.N. + m • + + Cr 1/2" PLYWOOD 16d @ 4" w LJJ O7 ® SIMPSON HRC44 FOR 4X MEMBER Z > E.N. � Q Q � SIMPSON HRC22 FOR 2X MEMBER JOISTS PER PLAN DBL C.J Z � SIMPSON A35 BOTH SIDE OR PC E.N. BEAM BELOW 11 w W O � SEE PEAK D$ `� N SIMP. A35 @ 16" E.N.EN Z Q � ALTERNATE SEE DETAIL 171 J U N 1/2" PLYWOOD J CY) U _ C HIP BEAM CONNECTION CONNECTION 6 7 HIP BEAM / RIDGE BEAM CONNECTION 8 HIP BEAM / RAFTER DETAIL 9 SHEAR TRANSFER/ RAFTER PARALLEL 10 O 0 J LJJ J SIMPSON PC KING POST U = w w JOIST Z ~ HIP BEAM NO NOTCHES NOTCHES AND HOLES IN JOISTS AND HOLES ALLOWED IN � O NOTCH THIS AREA < J °° Z U) UW Mo liiiiiii oo o o Zliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DRAWN BY ABSOLUTELY NO- 0 o NOTCHES AT BOT. FACE oo SUP'T ° L/3 L/6 °° ° o MST-37, SCALE ° OR USE MTSM20 0 1/411= 1' - 0" 1,10 0 NONE KING POST 2 x diameter of the A L=CLEAR LENGHT OF MEMBER DO NOT SCALE Y largest hole(minimum)depth Allowed hole zone Header or Beam Maximum Round Depth Hole Size SHEET NAME 0 0 9X"-02" 311 F8'-' o o 0 0 11%411-11 %1v 3%11 KING POST / HIP CONNECTION 11 12 13 14"-16" 4%lv 8„ See illustration for allowed hole zone MST-37 BOTH SIDE BENT ON TOP RIDGE BEAM PER PLAN INSTALL BEFORE STEEL BENT PLATE General Notes Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams withand DETAILS STRAP NOT SHOWN FOR CLARIT HIP BEAM uniform Round holleses o onlnlconcentratedloads. y No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation. 17 8 RIDGE BEAM D11 D11 Other iLevel@ Trus Joist@ Headers and Beams HIP BEAM °R 3/16"BENT STEEL. Microllam® LVL 1.3E TimberStrand® and Parallam®PSL DO NOT cut, notch or drill LSL hole zone hole zone 2 x diameter of the 1 depth 7largest hole(minimum) s p holes in headers or beams PLATE BOTH SIDES except as indicated in STAMP illustrations and tables. QROFEssroy aL �Z F. �< 0 o o e 0 o o Microllam® LVL and Parallamo PSL W O r^ � = No,C-043720 3 A allowed hole zone Header or Beam Maximum Round "* middle. span Depth Hole Size * EXP. 3-31-21 d 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL allowed hole zone d 42" 1.1 �'X CIVI\- 51 13,, TF OF CALZFO 2 HIP BEAM General Notes 7-4"- 20" 2" Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with uniform loads only. See illustration for Allowed Hole Zone Round holes only SHEET NUMBER KING POST 2-1/2 DIAM.M.BOLT No holes in cantilevers. No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation. L I TYPICALD1 I KING POST / RIDGE CONNECTION 16 HIP BEAM / RIDGE BEAM CONNECTION 17 18 ALLOWABLE HOLES FOR WOOD BEAM 20 SHEET OF 1oD 4" REVISION DATE ROOF 17 19 A DATE 07-04-2020 WALL IF 3-16D RAFTER D8 D8 OCCURS ONLY PER STUD 2"PLYWOOD 19 7H D8 �" PLYWOOD 2" PLYWOOD 16d @ 4" 10d @ 4" 3X6 BOTTOM PLATE I 10d @ 4" T.J.I BLOCKING a"X6"SDS @ 4" /41 19 D @ 4" 16d @ 4" 19 WEB STIFFENER ONE T.J.I D12 D12 D102 OWNER rc ONE T.J.I Ds T.J.I E D8 10d @ 4" 2 X BLOCKING @ 4' I WE E.N. WITH 4-10D NAILS EACH SIDE 20 STIFFENER E.N. D12 TRUSS JOIST 17 T.J.I. BLK'S T.J.I ri D8 TIMBER STRAND D12 CEILING JOISTY T.J.I. PER PLAN E.N. E.N Q W n77� ,IW- E.N. + + J > Q FLUSH BEAM 10d NAIL @ 4" E. @ E. + N. (2) 10d NAIL N 10d NAIL 4" > STAGGERED. STAGGERED. ++ PER T.J.I. 2 X BLOCKING @ 4' NAIL AT ANGLE 2 X BLOCKING @ 4' Q NAIL AT ANGLE WITH 4-10D NAILS EACH SIDE NAIL AT ANGLE � WITH 4-10D NAILS EACH SIDE 2-10d TOENAILS PER JOIST. E.N. -' PLYWOOD Q DRIVE NAIL AT ANGLE TO MINIMIZE '-" PLYWOOD I'1 SPLITTING OF PLATE USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD r �J PLYWOOD USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD/ z 2 PLYWOOD USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 2 USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD WOOD BEAM O ST22 @L48" w � < E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 1: a r , � 1 V 1 FLUSH BEAM 2 3 4 5 w v SHEAR TRANSFER SHEAR TRANSFER SHEAR TRANSFER SHEAR TRANSFER U USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD ROOF 1 D 4" ROOF 1 D 4" 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD 3-16D 3-16D O RAFTER PER STUD RAFTER PER STUD 0 T 2" PLYWOOD y 2X BLOCKING @ 3' 19 WITH 4-10D PER BLOCK 3X6 BOTTOM PLATE Z D8 a"X6"SDS @ 4" 17 19 T.J.I BLOCKING 13 12 20 17 19 T.J.I BLOCKING 13 12 20 `� D8 D8 D12 D12 D12 D8 D8 D12 D12 D12 16d @ 4" 19 WEB STIFFENER DBL T.J.I 16d @ 4" 19 WEB STIFFENER E.N. CEILING D 10d @ 4" J.I. PER PLAN CEILING Ds 10d @ 4" JOIST E.N. JOIST E.N. rc T.J.I. BLK'S • T.J.I. PER PLAN N T.J.I. BLK'S T.J.I A35 @ 16" 4X14 DRAG BEAM (2) 10d NAIL (2) 10d NAIL PER T.J.I. PER T.J.I. NAIL AT ANGLE LWEBSTIFFENER WITH NAIL AT ANGLE�" PLYWOOD ON JOIST HANGER �"PLYWOOD CD USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD W CD 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 00 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD I—I � Ln 2 PLYWOOD I—I Ln U' 0 CV E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING (V C� (F.J. PARALLEL x U SHEAR TRANSFER TO WALL) 6 SHEAR TRANSFER 8 SHEAR TRANSFER 10 o H .. � x � E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD W LOAD BEARING AND SHEAR LOAD BEARING OR SHEAR WALL N PLYWOOD 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD H 1;11 0 W WALL ABOVE MUST STACK ABOVE (MUST STACK OVER WALL USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD WITH WALL BELOW (IF BELOW WHEN PRESENT OCCURS ONLY) 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD BLOCKING PANEL '-" PLYWOOD 0 2X BLOCKING @ 3' BLOCKING PANEL 13 12 20 19 WITH 4-10D PER BLOCK 19 USE T.J.I. BLK'G OR USE 1 3/4"x 14" a X6BSODS p�4"TTOM LATE =_OK 19D8 16 D 4" 10d @ 4" 13 12 20 TIMBER STRAND UNDER BOTH WALLS T.J. Ds UDUW T.J.I D12 D12 D12 2x4 MINIMUM OR E. WITH WEB STIFFENER 3 19 BIGGER SQUASH 1 4"RIM X14"TIMBER STRAND T.J.I. BLK'S D12 BOARD DRAWN BY CONTINUOUS T.J.I. PER PLAN BLOCKS WEB STIFFENERS REQUIRED X X E.N. ON EACH SIDE OF BOTH 7Mt JOIST ENDS x x T.J.I E.N. E.N. CONTINUOUS I / END OF JOISTS AT CENTERLINE T.J.I (2) 10d NAIL OVER-LAP 24" PASS THE SUPPORT E.N. (2) 1 Od NAIL LOW BEAM OF SUPPORT (ALTERNATE PER BLOCK 2-10d TOE NAILS PER JOIST. NAIL AT ANGLE DRIVE NAIL AT ANGLE TO MINIMIZE A35 16" PER T.J.I. » OVERLAP JOIST - 12" PASS SPLITTING OF PLATE SUPPORT SCALE NAIL AT ANGLE Y16 '-" PLY' USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 0 1/4"= 1' - 0" WEB STIFFENERS REQUIRED EACH SIDE 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD DBL-WALL IF OCCURS OR USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 0 NONE 2x8 WALL X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD DO NOT SCALE CONTINUOUS T.J.I. - NO SPLICE (2) 10d NAILS EACH SIDE - DRIVE NAIL AT AN ANGLE 1. FOR T.J.I. BLK'G USE (2) 10d EACH SIDE AT LEAST 1 1/2" END. E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 2. FOR TEMBER STRAN USE OR USE A35 @ 16" DRIVE NAIL AT ANGLE TO MINIMIZE SPLITTING OF PLATE LO SHEET NAME DROP BEAM 11 SHEAR TRANSFER 12 SHEAR BLOCK / STIFFENER 13 SHEAR TRANSFER 14 SHEAR TRANSFER/ JOIST PARALLEL 15 E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING 2x- STUD WALL AT 16" SILL NAILING DETAILS 20 ON-CENTER WEB STIFFENERS REQUIRED EACH SIDE BEAM PER PLAN WEB STIFFNER D12 SILL NAILING FOR T.J.I ONLY -' PLYWOOD Gap*: WEB STIFFENERS 19 %8" minimum REQUIRED EACH Ds 16 D 4" 23/4" maximum SIMP.HANGER SIDE T.J.I WEB 20 STIFFENER Web stiffener each STAMPD12 TRUSS JOIST ° WEB STIFFNERS ARE REQUIRED TIMBER STRAND Ei 2 side. See sizes below. E.N Tight PROFEssrpN q fit* ���P�1 F, F0.1 + + LO 1. SIMPSON — ITT FOR FLOOR JOIST 2. SIMPSON — GLTV 3.514 FOR 3-1/2" X 14" PSL-2 RIM—TO—JOIST + E.N. No,C-043720 3 A 3. SIMPSON — GLTV 5.514 FOR 5„-1/4 „X 14 PSL-2 NAIL USE 16D ++ 1Ya" TIMBERSTRANDO LSL RIM BOARD.* 4. SIMPSON - GLTV 414-2FOR 7 14 PSL-2 * EXP. 3-31-21 5. SIMPSON - LBV1.81/14 1 3/4" X 14" MICRO LAM BOX NAIL 2-10d TOE NAILS PER JOIST. E.N. With point load from above, install web stiffener tight to top flange DRIVE NAIL AT ANGLE TO MINIMIZE '-" PLYWOOD ATTACH PANEL PER CODE OR 2"MIN. FOR RIM BOARD THICKER THAN 1 3/" (gap at bottom flange)when there is no support below. sTgTeCIv1 6. SIMPSON — GLTV 3.511 FOR 3-1/2X11-7/8 PSL-2 �SFo��� ONE 10D NAIL EACH SPLITTING OF PLATE pF CAL SPECIFICATION - ATTACH TJI® JOIST TO RIM BOARD 7. SIMPSON — GLTV 5.511 FOR 5-1/4"X11-7/8" PSL-2 NailingRequirements SIDE DRIVE NAIL AT TJI Joist Depth Minimum Web TJI TIMBER STRAND USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD WITH ONE lOD (0.128 X3 ) NAIL. TOP Series in. Stiffener Size Type Number Nails SIMPSON MODEL N16 FOR TOP FLANGE HANGERS CONNECTION AN ANGLE AT LEAST TJI BLKING OR OR BEAM PER PLAN 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD NAIL FROM TJI® JOIST INTO RIM BOARD. ( ) End Intermediate *** FOR 16d NAILS USE 16d x 2 1/2" %2" END TJI TIMBER STRAND - CONNECT CORNER WITH FOUR 10D 110 All 5/8" x 25/6" SHEET NUMBER DRIVE NAIL AT ANGLE TO MINIMIZE SPLITTING OF PLATE (0.128"X3") NAILS. TOE NAIL FROM SIDE 210 All 3/4" x 25/6" $d 3 3 Must have 1 4" minimum joist bearing of ends. INSTALL PROPER BLOCKING TO SUPPORT ALL OF PARALLEL CLOSURE INTO RIM BOARD 230 & 360 All '/8" x 25/6" PANEL EDGES LJ JOIST AND BEAM HANGER 16 SHEAR TRANSFER 17 SHEAR TRANSFER 18 WEB STIFFENER ATTACHMENT 19 WEB STIFFENER ATTACHMENT 2 0 SHEET of JOIST DETAILS REVISION DATE When sheathingthickness exceeds 7 „ Plate nail-16d R /s ' (0.135"x 3Yz")at IRC 502-7 requires lateral Load bearing a shear wall above INTERMEDIATE BEARING ALLOWABLE HOLES - TJI Joists A DATE 07-04-2020 trim sheathing tongue at rim board Floor panel nail-8d (must stack over wall below) Load bearing or shear wall 12"on-center restraint(blocking)at all NO LOAD BEARING WALL ABOVE g Web Stiffeners 1 2x_stud wall at on-center "x 2�")at 6" Min.distance from Table A Min.distance from Table B 1%"hole may be cut Plate nail Plate nail-16d(0.135"x 3/z") intermediate supports in above(must stack over wall No field cut Do not cut holes larger an required each side 16"on-center on-center ywhere in web out- Nz2v Plate nail at 16"on center` Seismic Design Categories Web stiffeners required below when present) holes in than 1 YY in cantilever at A2W g g q side of hatched zone Web Stiffeners required Blocking panel hatched SWebb king Floor panel nail-8d(0.131"x 2Yz") D0, D1,and D2 to 9 p each side at 63W zones el at 6"on-center each side at A3.4W strengthen the floor Blocking panel DO NOT Attach panel o diaphragm. 2x4 minimum � cut or notch flan 1X"TimberStrand R LSLflange. Web Stiffeners required per code or rim board.* squash blocks 6" O � 6" OWNER each side at A3.-W specification M� Toe nail-10d(0.131 x 3") B1 B1 W y grouped z z z 6" 6" �'J Rim-to-joist 6" L 1 2 x D1 D1 Closel rou ed round L 2 x L D 1Ya"TimberStrand a LSL or 12„ at 6"on-center minimum holes are permitted if minimum nail Toe nail iLevel®1Ys"rim board.* min. %s" Web stiffeners (applies to all holes the group perimeter ' When sheathing thickness � ( pP Toe nail Toe nail-10d(0.131"x 3") exceeds%",trim sheathing For rim board thicker than 1 3/" required on each except knockouts) meets requirements for Web stiffeners round or square holes. T at 6"on-center* tongue at rim board -Attach TJI®Joist to rim board with one 10d(0.128"x3") side of both joist DO NOT V J TJI®rim joist nail.To nail from TJI®joist into rim board. required each side at ends at B4W s 3 p j Table A - End Support cut holes in cantilever For rim board thicker than 1 / Install proper blocking to -Connect corner with four 10d(0.128"x3")nails.Toe nail B1 W and B2W pp required each side 3 -Attach TJI®Joist to rim board with one 10d 0.128"x3" support all panel edges p g p y Blocking panels may be required End of joists at centerline Minimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest end support reinforcement. UJ J \ Must have 1 /4" minimum ( ) pp p g from side of parallel closure into rim board Blocking panels may be g p y q g pp / at Al W o with shear walls above or below of support Al Al W A2 A2W joist bearing at ends. Attach Hall.Top nail from TJI R joist into rim board. * B2 B2W required with shear walls B3 B3W B4 64W JOIST TJI® ROUND HOLE SIZE SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE V rim joist per A3 detail. Connect corner with four 10d(0.128"x3")nails.Toe nail See iLevel TJI®Joist Specifier's Guide,#TJ-4000, and above or below-see detail B1 (See detail B1) DEPTH „ , „ „ 7 „ \ E2" 3" 4" 5" 6/ 7" 8/ 11" 13" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6/ 7" S/ 11" 13" / A3 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 from side of parallel closure into rim board A3.4 A3.4 iLevel®Rim Board Specifier's Guide,#TJ-8000,for 110 1'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-6" T-6" 4'-6" > Q *Conventional construction code minimum for use with W additional installation specifications and applications. 210 r-6" r-o" 2'-6" 3'-0" 5'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 4'-0" 5'-0" 9y" A3 only. See the iLevel TJI®Specifier's Guide,#TJ-4000, 230 r-6" r-o" 2'-6" T-6" 5'-6" 1'-6" 2'-0" T-0" 4'-6" 5'-0" A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 ® 1 Nail through 2X_CantIlBVer,wood backer and 110 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" T-0" 5'-6" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 4'-6" 5'-0" 6'-0" and the iLevel Rim Board Specifier's Guide,#TJ-8000, 1/a"TimberStrand® LSL or iLevel®1Ys"rim board. oUJ A3W p Blocking TJI R joist web with 2 rows 10d 210 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" z'-o" T-0" T-6" 6'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-6" T-0" 5'-0" 5'-6" 6'-6" C'^J W W W for A3.1-A3.3 installation specifications and applications. 6'-0"length of TJI®joist 8"diameter maximum hole for 11%$'- Nall with 1 f(nge. x l to Halls,one each at top panel (0.148"x 3")nails at 6" 11%" 230 r-0" r-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" T-0" T-6" 6'-6" 1'-0" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-6" 5'-s" 5'-6" T-0" and bottom flange. Nail to blocking panel with r reinforcement and filler 16"deep blocking panels;6"diameter 1Ya"TimberStrand® LSL or iLevel®1Ys"rim on-center,clinched.Use 360 r-6" z'-o° 3'-0" 3'-s° a'-s" 5'-0" 7'-0° r-s" z'-s° 3'-s" a'-s° s'-s" s'-s° 7'-s° �./ 7 1 connections equivalent to floor panel schedule. 560 1'-6" 2'-6" T-0" 4'-0" 5'-6" s'-0" 8'-0" 2'-6" 3'-6" 4'-6" 5'-6" T-0" 7'-6" 8'-0" L block. Use 4'-0"length maximum for blocking panels 9/2" board. Nail with 10d(0.131"x 3")nails, 16d(0.135"x 3� )nails with w Web stiffeners 4'-0"length of 8"diameter maximum hole for 11 7/"- 1 „ 7 „ 0 1 0 110 r-0" r-o" r-0" r-o" r-6" z'-0" T-0" 5'-6" r-0" r-o" r-6" z'-o" T-6" 4'-0" 6'-0" 8'-0" with 9/2 and 11/8 TJI R deep or shorter than 12"long. one each at top and bottom flange. Attach reinforcement to joist 3�"TJI R Joist O Load from above 7 "_ 3/q'reinforcement 16"deep blocking panels;6"diameter 1 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-6" s'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 2'-6" 4'-0" 4'-6" 6'-6" 8'-6" required both 8"diameter maximum hole for 11 /s p 9 p joists. Do not cut flanges. with one 8d(0.131"x 2/") flange widths. 14" z3o r-o" r-o° r-o" r-s° r-s" r-s" a'-o° T-o" r-o" r-o° r-o" 3'-0° a'-o" 5'-0° 7'-0° 9'-0" sides at E1 W 16"deepblocking panels;6"diameter on one side at E2, maximum for blocking panels 9Y2" nail at each corner 9 p 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-6" T-6" 4'-0" 5'-6" 8'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-6" 4'-0" 6'-0" 6'-6" 8'-0" 9'-6" ^/ ,Odeepor,,' blockingpanels 9Yz" both sides a E3 deep or shorter than 12"long. 1X"TimberStrand® LSL or Attach reinforcement to joist p 1 Horizontal blocking panels 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-6" 5'-0" 6'-6" 9'-0" 1'-6" 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" T-0" T-6" 9'-0" 10'-0" /�/ Do not cut flanges. 0 1 ith one 8d(0.131"x 2/2") g p F1 applies to 11..1` horter than 12"long. iLevel R 1/8"rim board.Nail with z10 r-o" r-o" r-o° r-o" r-o" r-s° 2'-6" 3'-s" 6'-0" r-o" r-o" r-o° 2'-0" 3'-0" 3'-6" 6'-6" s'-o" 11'-0" between each joist. Nail to to �s' ail at each corner J p uniformly Do not cut flanges. � 10d(0.131"x 3")nails,one each E5 � 23o r-o" r-o° r-o" r-o° r-s" r-s" 3'-0° a'-o" 7'-0° r-o" r-o° r-o" z'-o° 3'-s" a'-o° 7'-0° 9'-0" 1r-o° UJ 12"length of%" plate with connections equivalent loaded joists 16 3so 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-s" 2'-s" 4'-6" 6'-s" 9'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-s" 3'-0" 5'-0" 5'-6" 1 O at top and bottom flange. to floor panel schedule. • 1/a"TimberStrand R LSL Or reinforcement on p only. 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" T-0" 5'-0" T-6" 10'-0" 1'-0" z'-o" T-0" 4'-6" 6'-6" iLevel®1Y8"rim board.Nail with one side at E5, 3 „ >0 C r Attach reinforcement to 12"length of/ Wood \y a" s" s° 7" s° 10" 12" 15" n" a" s" 6" T' s° 10" 12" 15" 17' � v 10d(0.131"x 3")nails,one joist web with 3 rows 10d both sides at E6 backer a+\�yet o��l each at to and bottom flange. Full depth vertical reinforcement on e5 oti\fie d o 18„ 36o r-o° 1'4. 1'-0° 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0° s'-o" 10'-0" 1'-0° 1'-0" r-o° 3'-0" s'-o° 10'-0" 1T-o" 13'-6" T p g 0.148"x 3" nails at 6" a a 5 vJ ( ) blocking between E7 one side at E7, \2\t<`Je� c �o sso r-o" r-o° r-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 5'-0" 11'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-s" 4'-0" s'-s" 11'-0" 12'-0" 14'-s" 2x4 minimum on-center,clinched.Use 2 each joist both sides at E8 �I �ti\�e \qot� 20„ 360 r-o" r-o° 1•-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" E-0" z'-o" T-0" 10'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 8'-0" 11'-6" 14'-0" 15'-6" Attach reinforcement p" 1 7 O oa ti �r squash blocks rows with 9/2 and 11/s F1 ` 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" T-0" 11'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 4'-0" 9'-s" 12'-6' 14'-s" 15'-6" co to joist flange with 8d(0.131 a�\�\ TJI®joists. Less than 5" Less than 5" o x 2Yz')nails at 6"on-center. Table B - Intermediate or Cantilever Support 0 Use 2x4 minimum squash blocks to aerStrand® LSL or When reinforcing both sides, CS iLevel®1Ys"rim board. Nail with Face grain a�:\ g E4 Not for use with 3 %' TJI®joist flange widths E6 E8 � WEB STIFFENER ATTACHMENT Minimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest intermediate or cantilever support transfer load around TJI ®joist 10d(0.131"x 3")nails,one horizontal stagger nails. Gap*: JOIST ROUND HOLE SIZE SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE U E1 E1 W each at top and bottom flange. E2 E3 1„ Y8"minimum DEPTH TJI® 2" 3" 4" 5" 6y" 7" 8%" 11" 13" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6y" 7" 8%" 1 V 13" EXTERIOR DECK ATTACHMENT Option#1: 23/"maximum TJI®Joist blocking with end (1Y2"for TJI® 110 z'-o" 2'-6° 3'-s" 4'-6" T-6" 1'-6" 2'-6" 3'-s" s'± 6'-6" Structural exterior sheathing Apply subfloor blocks installed at Y.joist-span 560,560D, 9y2„ 210 r-o" 2'-6" T-6" S-0" 8'-0" z'-0" T-0" 4'-0" 6-6" T-6" /� S47 joist) 230 2'-6" T-0" 4'-0" 5'-6" 8'-6 2'-0" T-6" 4'-6" 6'-6" T-6" < Filler block: Attach with ten 10d(0.128"x adhesive to all locations using j ) Web stiffener each side. With point load from above,install web 110 r-o" r-o° r-s" 2'-6° a'-o" a'-s" 8'-6" r-o" r-6° r-s" a'-o° T-o" 7'-0° 9'-6" 3")nails,clinched.Use ten 16d(0.135"x Flashing contact surfaces two 8d(0.113"x 2%") See sizes below. 210 r-o° r-o" r-o° 3'-0" a'-s° s-o° s'-o" r-o° 2'-0" 3'-0° a'-6" s'-o° s'-o" 1a-a' o stiffener tight to top flange(gap at bottom 3�")nails from each side with 31/Z'TJI R Flush bearing plate required. a� nails or Tight fit* flange)when there is no support below. 11%" 232 r-o" z'-o° r-s" 3'-s° 5'-0" 5'-s" 10'-0° r-o" z'-s° 3'-s" 5'-0° s'-s" 9'-0° 1a-s" Hanger height must joist flange widths. Use fifteen nails with Treated 2X 9Q 21/2"screws, 3S0 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-6" T-0" T-6" 11'-0" 2'-0" 3'-6" 5'-0" T-o" 9'-6" 9'-6" 11'-0" Maximum X"overhang _ be a minimum of 60/" ®' ' 560 O 1'-s" 3'-0" 4'-s" 5'-6" TJI Joist depths greater than 16 . Backer block: Install tight permitted at beam. ledger o a+ typical Nailing Requirements ^ of joist depth g 13 d\ Depth Minimum Web 110 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 2'-6" 4'-6" 8'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0.. 1'-0" 2'-6" 5'-0" 6'-0" 9'-0" 12'-0" r/ , to top mount(tight to TJI Joist Series Number Nails (In.) Stiffener Size Type 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 3'-0" 5'-6" 9'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-6" 6'-0" T-o" 10'-0" 13'-0" bottom flange with face See fastener 1Ya"TimberStrand® LSL End Intermediate 14" 230 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" z'-o" T-6" 4'-0" 6'-0" 10'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 4'-0" 6'-6" T-6" 11'-0" 13'-6" mount hangers).Attach table below.Maintain or iLevel®1Y8"rim board. 110 All s/8"x 2Y16° 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-6" 5'-6" s'-o" 8'-6" 12'-6" 1'-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 5'-6" 9'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 14'-0" Option#2: W with ten 10d(0.128"x 3") 2"distance(minimum)from 1 210 All 3�"X 25�g" $d 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-s" 3'-6" 5'-6" 6'-6" 9'-6" 13'-6" 1'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" T-o" 10'-0" 11'-0" 13'-s" 15'-0" O 2x strapping installed at/3 7 s 0.113"X 2�") 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-6" s'-0" 10.-0.. 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 4'-6" 5'-6" 10'-0" 12'-6" 16'-0" Top mount nails,clinched when edge of ledger to fastener. - 230&360 All /8 x 2/6" ( W w joist-span locations using two 5 3 3 230 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-o" 1'-0" 1'-s" 2'-0" 4'-0" s'-s" 11'-0" 1'-0" 1'-o" 1'-0" 2'-6" 5'-0" 6'-0" 10'-6" 13'-6" 16'-6" Z hanger possible. s31 &s33 All 1"x 2/6" 16" _ Allowable Load/Factored Resistance(Ibs) 2Yz'screws per joist,typical 36o r-o" r-o" r-o,, 1'-0" T-0" 4'-0" 6'-6" 10'-0" 13'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" T-s" 8'-6" 13'-0" 14'-6" 1T-0" / Backer block Fastener 1y4"TimberStrand® iLevel®1""rim board Option#3: 560&s47 All 2x4 16d 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" T-s" T-o" 11'-0" 15'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" T-s" 5'-6" 9'-0" 10'-0" 14'-6" 16'-0" 18'-0" G1 T Face mount LSL rim board (0.135"x 3Y") _ V both sides of web s Directly applied ceiling 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 10" 12" 15" 17" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 10" 12" 15" n° nn hanger with single TJI O /"lag bolt 400/630 N.A./N.A. 18" 4 4 w 9 3S0 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 3'-0" s'-0" 9'-0" 15'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 4'-0" 6'-6" 9'-0" 14'-6" 1s'-s" 19'-6" TT Yz"lag bolt 475/750 400/575 0) 16d 18" z Z V J joist 560D 20 2x4 5 5 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 6'-0" 10'-0" 1s'-s" 1'-0" T-6" 6'-0" 8'-6" 11'-s" 16'-6" 18'-0" 20'-0" '^ Web stiffeners required if sides of 1 This factored resistance is with a 3/"gap between the rim board and deck ledger When specified On the layout, one of 22" (0.135°X 3Yz) 6 11 3S0 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 6'-0" 11'-0" 15'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-s" 4'-0" T-0" 12'-6" 1s'-s" 19'-0" 21'-0" �1 J H1 hanger do not laterally support at H2 With top mount hangers, backer block required H3 LA ( ) g P61 the above bracing options is required O zo" W w O 3 o O only for downward loads exceeding 250 Ibs or for O O ° Allowable load determined in accordance with AC 124. 9 p q 24" 6 13 56o r-o" r-o° r-o" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 5'-6" 12'-0" 16'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 6'-0" 8'-6" 14'-0" 1T-6' 19'-6" 20'-6" O least/8"of TJI R joist top flange uplift conditions. ° Corrosion-resistant fasteners required for wet-service applications. Rectangular holes based on measurement of longest side. (^ ° Holes may be located vertically anywhere within the web.Leave%"of web(minimum)at top and bottom of hole. \•/ LL LO FASTENING of FLOOR PANELS ° Knockouts are located in web at approximately 12"on-center;they do not affect hole placement. Z ` V BEAM and COLUMN DETAILS Guidelines for Closest On-Center Spacing per Row FILLER and BACKER BLOCK SIZES z TJI®(1) Rim Board 1/„ TJIo Joists 110 210 230 or 360 560 ° For simple span(5'minimum),uniformly loaded joists used in residential applications,one maximum size round hole may be located Nail Size iLevel TimberStrand o LSL Microllam o Parallam® at the center of the joist span provided that no other holes occur in the joist. J ' ` ^' 110,210, 360 and 1Ya" 9/z"or „ 9/z"or 14"or g/"or 14"or 18"or 14'or 18"or v ` V and 230 560 1%" TimberStrand O LSL or wider LVL PSL Depth � 14 16" 16" 20" 11 16" 20" ° Distances are based on the maximum uniform loads from current iLevel specifier's guides.For other load conditions or hole M 11/s" 11/s" 11/a" configurations use iLevel®TJ-Beam®software or contact your iLevel representative. �'J BEARING FOR DOOR 8d(0.131"x 2 Y2') 4" 3" 6" 4" 3" 3" 3" Filler Block (1) 2x6+%" 2x8+%" 2x6+y" 2x8+Yz' 2x12+y" Two Two Two r/1 '^ BEAM TO BEAM BEARING AT 2x6 2xs �./J v, BEARING AT WALL 10d(0.148"x3" ),12d(0.148"x3%") 4" 4" 6" 4" 4" 4" 4" Cantilever 2x6 sheathing sheathing sheathing sheathing sheathing 2x6 2x8 2x12 ALLOWABLE HOLES - Headers and Beams OR WINDOW HEADER CONNECTION CONCRETE WALL z � W 3 „ 3 „ 1 „ �� � � �� „ „ Cantilever 2x6 2x10 + + + " + 1 2x6 2x10 2x6 shed 1X TimberStrand® LSL or iLevel®1Ys 16d(0.162 x 3/) 6" 6" 16" 6(2) 6(2) 8" 6" � � Yz h Not W Strap per code If top plate Filler long 6-0"long sheathing sheathing sheathing sheathing Not applicable 1.55E TimberStrand ® LSL Headers and Beams O J UJ J rim board or blocking for lateral 3 „. applicable is not continuous over (1)One row of fasteners permitted(two at abutting panel edges)for diaphragms.Stagger nails when using 4"on-center spacing and maintain /s foist and panel edge (Detail E4) long long 4'-0"long 6'-0"long 4'-0"long 6'-0"long support header / distance.For other applications,multiple rows of fasteners are permitted if the rows are offset at least %"and staggered. Backer BIOck (1) / (2)Can be reduced to 4"on-center if nail penetration into the narrow edge is no more than 1 %"(to avoid splitting). 5 „ a „ 3 „ 7 2 x diameter of the UJ / (Detail F1 / or/a /a or/ 1"Net 2x6 2x8 2x12 largest hole(minimum) N / or H2) ° Recommended nailing is 12"on-center in field and 6"on-center along panel edge. ° 14 ga.staples may be substituted for 8d(0.113"x Y depth Allowed hole zone V z (1)If necessary,increase filler and backer block height for face mount hangers and maintain /s"gap at top of joist;see detail W.Filler and /•�� Fastening requirements on engineered drawings supersede recommendations listed above. 2y")nails if minimum penetration of 1"into the backer block lengths should accomodate required nailing without splitting(12"minimum for backer blocks and 24"minimum for filler blocks). V J TJI(D joist Or rim board is achieved. Top mount ° iLevel recommends using anon-polyurethane subfloor adhesive on all contact points � O O hanger between panels and floor framing. ° Maximum spacing of nails is 18"on-center for o Protect untreated TJlojoists. o C o C O Face mount wood from direct ° Nailing rows must be offset at least yz"and staggered. Joists must be laterally supported at Header or Beam Maximum Round hanger cantilever and end bearings by blocking Depth Hole Size �/'� J Column contact with panels, hangers,or direct attachment to 9 V J L1 L2 L3 See current iLevel ®literature concrete L4 a rim board or rim joist. Safetybracing 1x4 s" s" 7 �� s �, for framingconnectors a s z 3 - ( 11Y4'-11 / 3/Silent Floor ®joist framing minimum)at 8'on-center(6' 14"-16" 4%" MUW on-center for TJI ® 110 Joists)and See illustration for allowed hole zone does not require bridging or extended to a braced end wall. General Notes MULTIPLE MEMBER CONNECTIONS mid-span blocking E1 Fasten at each joist with ° Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with FOR TOP-LOADED BEAMS (1) two 8d(0.113"x 2 Y2')nails minimum uniform and/or concentrated loads 1/4"-Wide Pieces: 3 (see WARNING). ° Round holes only° No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation. DRAWN BY o Minimum of 3 rows 10d(0.128"x 3")nails at 12"o.c. o Minimum of 4 rows 10d(0.128"x 3")nails at 12"o.c. DO NOT bevel cut Other iLevel ® Trus Joist ® Headers and Beams for 14"and deeper beams ELEVATED joist Al H2 Microllam® LVL B o If using 12d-16d(0.148"-0.162"diameter) BEAM ON COLUMN BASE COLUMN BASE beyond inside face Al Rim board joint 1.3E TimberStrand® and Parallam®PSL BEARING AT nails,the number of nailing rows may be COLUMN CAP of wall. E2 between joists DO NOT overhang seat cuts LSL hole zone hole zone 2 x diameter of the %depth largest hole(minimum) COLUMN reduced by one. on beams beyond the inside 1 A3 face of support member. DO NOT cut,notch or drill / 3/2"-Wide PIACBS: holes in headers or beams ! o Minimum of 2 rows Y2"bolts at T / d o � o o illustrations apt as tlid tables.cated in SCALE 'r' 24"o.c.staggered o 0 0 1 4n_ 11 - 0n (1)Load must be applied evenly across entire t f / Microllam® LVL and � NONE beam width.Otherwise,use connections for ` •` TJI®rim joist CS Parallam®PSL Header or Beam Maximum Round side-loaded beams. L3 or iLevel®1Ys"rim board. middle 13 span 43/" 1"allowed hole zone Depth Hole Size DO NOT SCALE O Verify column capacity Optional 1r TimberStrand® LSL _and beam bearing Additional nailing Or bolting may be O O O non-shrink 5Yz" 1%a" L5 length.See current L6 required with side-loaded multiple-member P1 P2 P3 grout A2 d 1.3E TimberStrand® LSL allowed hole zone d 7Ya"_20" z" iLevel®literature. beams. Refer to current product literature. p L1 See illustration for Allowed Hole Zone SHEET NAME 61 H1 General Notes B2 ° Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with uniform loads only. TJI JOIST NAILING REQUIREMENTS at BEARING ° Round holes only ° No holes in cantilevers. TJI Joist to Bearing Plate Squash Blocks to TJI Joist L5 B3 ° No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation. 11,4"TimberStrand LSL or (Load bearing wall above) Level®1Y8"rim board. One 10d(0.128"x 3") DETAILS nail into each flange O B4 Use B1 or B2 at WARNING One 8d intermediate bearings Joists are unstable until braced laterally nail eacchh side."x 2Yz')e. Drive INSTALLATION TIPS with load bearing or nails at an angle at Subfloor adhesive will improve floor shear wall from above Bracing Includes: least%"from end. performance,but may not be required. End of joists • Blocking Sheathing ° Strut Lines at centerline ° Hangers Rim Board ° Rim Joist 1%"minimum bearing at Also see detail B2 of support - Braced end wall- end support;3Y2"minimum Squash blocks and blocking panels carry see note 3 under at intermediate support stacked vertical loads(details B1 and 132). WARNING Shear transfer:Connections equivalent to Packing out the web of a TJI®joist(with web H1 0 W STAMP floor panel nailing schedule stiffeners)is not a substitute for squash blocks o / > or blocking panels. • Rim to TJI Joist o / QRpFESSIpN 14"TimberStrand @ LSL or 3/z wide TJI R rim When joists are doubled at non-load bearing • 9 F. q< 1 parallel partitions,space joists apart the width . O DO NOT walk on joists DO NOT walk on joists DO NOT stack building iLevel®1/a" rim board or joist: Toe nail with p p p j p � 3 ® TJI of the wall for plumbing or HVAC. O o until braced. that are lying flat. materials on unsheathed ti� Q ✓ 1/"wide rim joist: 10d(0.128"x 3") L4 J ?� INJURY MAY RESULT. joists. Stack only over One 10d(0.128"x 3")nail nails,one each side 3y2"wide TJI® `• •a O � - � Exterior Deck J y � into each flange of TJI®joist flange floor joist Additional joist at plumbing drop(see detail). LA WARNING NOTES: beams or walls. = No,C-043720 3 g j g jo Attachment � 2 j6"-2 5/16"wide TJI ®rim 4'. • Structural Lack of proper bracing during construction can result in serious �c II II joist: One 16d(0.135"x 3y2"wide TJI® O sheathing accidents. Observe the following guidelines: EXP. 3-31-21 i--+ 3 " nail into each flange o DO NOT use sawn ZQ' 3 Yz ) 9 rim joist sT CIVIC- r` 1/"minimum bearing II O lumber for rim 1.All blocking,hangers,rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJI®joists must be completely installed and properly nailed. qTF IFp�'- Top View O 2.Establish a permanent deck(sheathing), ) y OF CAL Locate rim board joint between joists. board or blocking, p ( g),fastened to the first 4 feet of'oists at the end of the bay or braced end wall. O as it may shrink 3.Safety bracing of 1x4(minimum)must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area and to each joist. BEAM ATTACHMENT at BEARING M Protect untreated wood O after installation. 4.Sheathing must be completely attached to each TJI®joist before additional loads can be placed On the system. Shifted Additional from direct contact with See ALLOWABLE 5.Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges. 1 a"TimberStrand® LSL T�/rp joist Plumbing drop joist concrete 1Y2"knockouts O H3 HOLES Use only engineered lumber. ��6.The flanges must remain straight within 1/2"from true alignment. SHEET NUMBER or iLevel®IV'rim board. at approximately 12"on-center Warning: Drilling,sawing,sanding or machining wood products generates wood dust,a substance known to the state ■ 9• 9� 9� 9 9 p Bearing plate to be ® TRVS JOIST of California to cause cancer. For more information on Proposition 65,visit www.wy.com/inform. Drive nails at an See framing plan(if applicable) flush with inside face One 10d(0.128"x 3")nail each angle or iLevel®Framer's Pocket of wall or beam Silent Floor side of member at bearing, 1 Yz" splitting of plate Guide for minimum end and minimum from end intermediate bearing lengths. SHEET E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING REVISION DATE E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING ROOF RAFTER 19 1 7 6 X12 X Z" 19 D-8 D-8 STEEL PLATE D8 10 D @ 4" 5/8" PLYWOOD PER PLAN WITH 4-4" M. BOLTS -1" PLYWOOD 2x R.R. 2X6 NAILER W/ OWNER I` 19 3-16D NAILS USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD D8 3/4" PLYWOOD 10D (4:6;12) 1OD @ 4" 6" 6" 6" 19 20 D8 11 T.J.I BLOCKING D-8 u j 16d @ 4 13 12 20 • J > Q D12 D12 D12 A35 16" + + TRUSS JOIST + E.N. TIMBER STRAND D12 3 v /.N. N Q FLOOR JOIST/CEILING JOIST SEE PLAN ++ E.N 0. 2-1 Od TOENAILS PER JOIST. E.N. Q DRIVE NAIL AT ANGLE TO MINIMIZE PLYWOOD E N • • < uj r SPLITTING OF PLATE A35 @ 16" CONTINUOUS CEILING JOIST n/ v CONTINUOUS FLOOR DIAPHRAGM USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD L.L 7 OVER THE ONE STORY PORTION 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD /W < O 20 WEB L.L D12 STIFFENER CROSS 1/2 PLYWOOD TO TOP OF THE CEILING JOIST STEEL BEAM WOOD BEAM W 4 = Q U w U � BEARING WALL / T.J.I BLOCKING 1 SHEAR TRANSFER 3 SHEAR TRANSFER 4 STEEL BEAM TO WOOD BEAM CONNECTION 5 U �_ M E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER Q co O E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER O = 19 SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED D8 U 4" CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS WOOD BEAM 10 D @ 4" 19 10 D @ 4" FLOOR JOIST 10 D @ 4" Z 10d USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD @ 13 12 20 L BEAM D8 �'�/ D12 D12 D 1 2 PER PLAN 11. 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD T.J.I. BLK'S 11 CONTINUOUS T.J.I. D8 '-" PLYWOOD PER PLAN • • 0 2X BLOCKING @ 3' ui 19 WITH 4-10D PER BLOCK 3X6 BOTTOM PLATE • • 3/16 w w C)D8 a"X6"SIDS @ 4" 3/16 E. T.J.I 2-1 Od TOENAILS PER JOIST. 77 STEEL PLATE SIMPSON HL55 Z Q Q a) FOR LEVELING OR SIMILAR 4X14 5 4'X14"WOOD BEAM DRIVE NAIL AT ANGLE TO MINIMIZE CONNECT WOOD BEAM FLUSH A35 @ 16" co SPLITTING OF PLATE 114 TO STEEL BEAM NAILER WOOD BEAM z Z BLOCKING E.N. WITH SIMPSON HU HANGER 2X6 MICRO-LAM Lo PLYWOOD 1/4 2X6 MICRO-LAM 5 WITH s" NELSON STUD @ 16" WITH g" NELSON STUD @ 16" W W O E.N. r3X6 TALL PLYWOOD STAGGERED STAGGERED �^ \ L Lo D AT EDGE PLYWOOD STEEL BEAM z / — STEEL BEAM STEEL BEAM PER PLAN J N � ZQcM U M Cn 2 cn z (� W . . SHEAR TRANSFER / JOIST PARALLEL FLUSH WOOD BEAM 6 SHEAR TRANSFER 7 STEEL BEAM TO STEEL BEAM CONNECTION 8 WOOD BEAM TO STEEL BEAM 9 LOW STEEL BEAM 10 O = w J UNCD [_ 1 g 3/4"PLYWOOD W/ PLYWOOD SEE PLAN ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER HPER PLAN 19 SS BEAM M Z D8 10D(�((4:6":1o)T&G SEE DETAIL D16 FOR STEEL GUARDRAIL DETAIL Q � Q SILL NAILING PER SCHEDULE SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED <N /4"X6" SDS @ 16" CONTINUOUS STEEL BEAM CONTINUOUS STEEL BEAM HSS BEAM L.I_ U) T.J.I. PER PLAN PER PLAN Q O (2) 10d NAIL ��^^ PER T.J.I. T.JI PER PLAN vJ J NAIL AT ANGLE HSS BEAM E.N PER HSS BEAM � u PER PLAN xX x 2 BLK'G 24" EN 13/4" X14" RIM BOARD 19 20 DRAWN BY (4 10d PER BLK D12 D12 A35 (� 16" USE 10' TALL PLYWOOD PER PLAN 3X STUDS @ EDGE PLYWOOD 1/4" STIFF. PLATE 1/4" 1/4" STIFF. PLATE 1/4" FULL PENETRATION WELD SCALE 18 D15 18 SCALE 0 1/4"= 1' - 0" NONE ALTERNATE SEE DETAIL D 14 1/4" DO NOT SCALE ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING SEE SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE FOR FRAMING PANEL EDGES COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION WELD HSS COL. COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION WELD HSS COL. SEE DETAIL D16 FOR STEEL GUARDRAIL DETAIL SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED SHEET NAME SHEAR TRANSFER 11 HSS BEAMS COLUMN DETAIL 12 HSS BEAMS COLUMN DETAIL 13 STEEL FRAMING DETAIL 14 STEEL FRAMING DETAIL 15 E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING '-" SIMPSON MST-48 OR EQUAL HSS BEAM PLYWOOD (OR) USE 10-16d NAIL PER SPLICE PER PLAN DETAILS USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD DOUBLE TOP PLATE 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD 4'-O"MIN. HSS BEAM 13 20 STEEL STRAP ANCHOR BOLT PER STRAP STEEL STRAP ANCHOR BOLT PER STRAP HSS BEAM PER P DOUBLE PLATES PER 16 D @ 4" D12 D12 19 WOOD NAILER WOOD NAILER WITH WEB STIFFENER T.J.I BLCOKING D8 E.N WOOD BEAM STL. BM. STL. BM. STAMP F,9 P Z F F 510�9< E.N. T.J.I 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. (TYP) � = No,C-043720 3 A Ti , (2) 10d NAIL SIMPAST48 OR EQUAL ~1� PER BLOCK OUBLE TOP PLATE FULL PENETRATION WELD EXP, 3-31-21 NAIL AT ANGLE sT q CIVIL r` ti 4'-0" MINIMUM Tf 0F CAS-1F�� PLYWOOD USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD 19 1/4» SHEET NUMBER + + +++ + + + + ++ ++ + + + D 9 FOR STEEL GUARDRAIL DETAIL SEE DETAIL ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER 2x STUDS 16" O.C. TYP SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED SHEAR TRANSFER 16 DOUBLE PLATE SPLICE 17 DRAG STRUCT 18 DRAG STRUCT 19 STEEL FRAMING DETAIL 20 REVISION DATE DECKING MATERIAL. SEE ARCH. PLANS E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING A DATE 07-04-2020 19 3X10 MICRO LAM USE 2-LAYERS OF PLYWOOD REQUIRED BOTTOM LAYERS D8 PRODUCT 1. BOTTOM LAYERS 3/4"PLYWOOD W/10D@(4:6:10)T&G WOOD NAILER WITH » $" NELSON STUD @ 16"STAGGERED 2. TOP LAYERS 5/8 PLYWOOD EXTERIOR GRADE USE COUNTER SUNK SCREW (6:12) 3/16 WOOD SCREWS (6:12)OR USE PLYWOOD GLUE( ALL PLYWOOD EDGES MUST BE BLOCKE OWNER 3. SEE ARCH PLAN FOR FLASHING DETAILS C� FLOOR JOIST OR BEAM SEE PLAN r 3X6 BOTTOM PLATE T 4"X6"SDS @ 4" W V 2" PLYWOOD 3X6 BOTTOM PLATE J > Q 4"X6"SIDS @ 4" USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 3X10 MICRO LAM 2' PLYWOOD > 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD PRODUCT WOOD NAILER WITH Q Q 8" NELSON STUD @ 16"STAGGERED USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD 3X10 MICRO LAM 3/ 6 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD PRODUCT MST-37 48" 19 WOOD NAILER WITH r D E. D8 g" NELSON STUD @ 16"STAGGE E 0. r^ vz STEEL BEAM WEB STIFFENER FOR T.J.I JOIST 20 3/ 6 W D12 E.N. E < O 1. TOP FLANGER BEAM AND JOIST HANGER FILLER BLOCK ITS2.37/14 FOR T.J.I 360 14" DEEP 5 E.N. G e„ ITS3.56/14 FOR 3 2"X14" BEAM FLOOR JOIST OR BEAM WITH 2-g M. BOLTS @ 36" GLTV5.37 H=14" FOR 54"X14"BEAM SEE PLAN ui ... HU21OTF FOR 2X10 BEAM HANGER N. r , ... HU410TF FOR 4X10 BEAM HANGER 2 . W v E.N v FLUSH STEEL BEAM .N. a� U 2 � 11 HU210 FOR 2X10 JOIST N. O 3X10 MICRO LAM D8 HU410 FOR 4X10 BEAM 0 PRODUCT HU610 FOR 6X10 BEAM WEB STIFFENER FOR T.J.I JOIST WOOD NAILER WITH FACE MOUNT HANGER FILLER BLOCK STEEL BEAM 20 r , 8" NELSON STUD @ 16"STAGGERED a 1. TOP FLANGER BEAM AND JOIST HANGER D12 V WITH 2-$"M. BOLTS @ 36" I ITS2.37/14 FOR T.J.I 360 14"DEEP 3X10 MICRO LAM ... ITS3.56/14 FOR 3 2"X14" BEAM FILLER BLOCK I STEEL BEAM PRODUCT WOOD NAILER WITH ... GLTV5.37 H=14" FOR 5 4"X14"BEAM WITH 2-8"M. BOLTS @ 36" a g" NELSON STUD @ 16"STAGGERED CONTINUOUS STEEL BEAM, NO SPLICE LL STL. BM. 7 1+1 , 1/4" STIFF. PL. BOTH SIDES 1/4" STIFF. PL. 1 4" 1/4" STIFF. PL. @ 8-0" O.C. BOTH SIDES BOTH SIDES FN 1/4" 1/4" 3/4" THX FLANGE WIDTH z" PLYWOOD W/ 4-3/4"� A325 BOLTS THX FLANGE WIDTH � � 3/g" I Z" PLYWOOD ✓ I T W W/ 4-3/4"0 A325 BOLTS 18 19 I I STL. TUBE PER PLAN O I I CD 00 3/8" D15 D15 USE 10 TALL PLYWOOD I �' 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOODLn H STL. COLUMN SEE PLAN WALL IF OCCURS ONLY f'� I USE 10'TALL PLYWOOD-� W � � 18 19 3X6 STUD AT EDGE PLYWOOD �� I w I—I m D15 D15 WALL IF OCCURS ONLY N MIN. EDGE DISTANCE: E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING FROM THE CENTER OF HOLE=1 (V STL. FRAMING DETAIL 6 STL. FRAMING DETAIL FLUSH STEEL BEAM 9 FLUSH STEEL BEAM 10 H oxr 2" 3" 3" 2" PRODUCT MICRO LAM DECKING MATERIAL. SEE ARCH. PLANS H N W WOOD NAILER WITH ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER E-I M LAYERS 2 p p $" NELSON STUD @ 16"STAGGERED 1/4 STIFF. PL. 1.SE OTTOMELAYOERS 3/4�PLDYWOODI W/10D@(RED �6: 0)T&G SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED 2> o 0 BOTH SIDES 2. TOP LAYERS 5/8"PLYWOOD EXTERIOR GRADE USE COUNTER SUNK SCREW (6:12) STEEL BEAM WOOD SCREWS 6:12 OR USE PLYWOOD GLUE ALL PLYWOOD EDGES MUST BE BLOCKE 1/2" STEEL PLATE BOTH SIDES ( ) ( 2X10 NAILER 8'x 12" x 1/4" 3X10 MICRO LAM 3. SEE ARCH PLAN FOR FLASHING DETAILS z" NELSON STUDS @ 24"STAGGERED HSS BEAM PRODUCT u W WOOD NAILER WITH HORIZONTAL NTAL (4) 3/4" DIA. M.BOLT 1/4" �—<TYP. $" NELSON STUD @ 16" 1/4" STIFF. PL. STAGGERED BOTH SIDES D15 1/4" 1/4" 1 4" DRAWN BY O O STL. BM. I I 3/4" THX FLANGE WIDTH 1/4" STIFF. PL. W/ 4-3/4"0 A325 BOLTS PASS SUPPORT CONTINUOUS O O 12 HSS COLUMN BOTH SIDES 18 19 1 1 F.J D15 D15 STEEL BEAM 1 STEEL W COLUMN 3/4" THX FLANGE WIDTH W/ 4-3/4"0 A325 BOLTS LJ SCALE 18 19 MIN. EDGE DISTANCE: CROSS BEAM 0 1/4"= 1' - 0" D15 D15 3/8" NEW FLOOR JOIST 11 FROM THE CENTER OF HOLE=1 W/SIMPSON HU210 D8 4" U BRAKET 0 NONE STL. COLUMN FACE MOUNT HANGER WITH 2-3/4"M.BOLTS DO NOT SCALE -j MIN. EDGE DISTANCE: IF OR YO 1/4" FROM THE CENTER OF HOLE=1 SHEET NAME STL. FRAMING DETAIL 11 STL. BEAM CONNECTION 12 FLUSH STEEL BEAM 14 STL. BEAM CONNECTION 15 ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDER WOOD POST E.N PLYWOOD EDGE NAILING SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED DETAILS NAILER Z" PLYWOOD 2"NELSON STUD 2" NELSON STUD @ 24" 24" WOOD BEAM 18 D15 16 STAMP 3 n E.N. E.N. /7— T-6 PRpFESSION CONTINUOUS 3" HSS COLUMN ���P� `�9�- 3 a: No,C-043720 3INk A # EXP. 3-31-21 CROSS BEAM J'T9T CIVIC- 4" U BRAKET �" U BRAKET f OF CALZF WITH 2-3/4"M.BOLTS WITH 2-3/4" M.BOLTS JIL- WOOD POST WOOD POST OR SIMPSON CCO OR SIMPSON CCO NAILER NAILER SHEET NUMBER 16 17 NAILER @ STEEL COLUMNS 18 19 STL, COLUMN TO WOOD BEAM CONNECTION 20 SHEET of OPE DECK MATERIAL 10d @ 4" REVISION DATE 1Y2" TYPICAL f CONTINUOUS FLOOR JOIST 7" 3,, 1 16 + + 1 3nX 1 3" X 3,, 1 3nX 1 3n X 3 n SIN 1 3nX 1 3n X 3 n 4 4 16 4 4 16 4 4 16 (V �A35 @ 16" TOP RAIL TOP RAIL TOP RAIL + '+ 1 4"X 1 4" X 116 @ 48" 1 4"X 12" X 16" @ 48" ❑ 1 4nX 12" X 16" @ 48" 12" IDENTICAL STEEL OWNER I` 1/4 • • 3x8 SILL PLATE PLATE BELOW PLAN 3/4" 0 x 12" A.B. @ 32" 3,, 3. 3 W/ 3" x 3" x 1/4" PLATE 16" 1 4 X 1 4 X 16 CV 16 1 4"X 1 4��X 16" N 16„ 1 4"X 1 4���(16" I I WASHER OTTOM RAIL OTTOM RAIL 1" BASE PLATE OTTOM RAIL ° 1„ 1„ ., 4-- X 5 FLOOR JOIST r I I �2� # 5 2-- X 5 2-- X 5 1 z LAG SCREWS � w STL. TUBE PER PLAN 12"X12"Xl/2" BASE PLATE LAG SCREWS LAG SCREWS I I 4-5 8X12" A.B 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL FLOOR JOIST J > a 1" DRY PACK AS REQUIRED _ - • ° CONCRETE STEM I #5 HORIZONTAL @ 16" O.C. �SCRE " 3"X 3" X 3" 4"FLOOR JOIST LWS 4 4 16 A' v I I L ° PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF �r+r I I COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY STEEL TUBE N C1 _ 1�� �� 1 4nX 1 2" X 16" @ 48" 0 .. M Q o � • - LAG SCREWS cn O 311 SEE PLAN a 4 ° ° - m •'•, •. •L 4X BLOCKING I"I"I a ° Z 4„ 1 - X 1 3„ X 16" fn V a Q #5 @ 24" VERTICAL A35 BOTH SIDES TOP RAIL V z . SECTION TOP AND BOTTOM SECTION w Q ED ii U � N ALTERNATE TAIL O wLLw � e O a CONTINUOUS FOOTING a z #4 @ 12" TIES ° ° Lo o Q * 4 # 5 TOP REINFORCEMENT �— — —4— ' �— N — • 16 18"MINIMUM 4 # 5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT 3�� 3 3 M v = SEE ARCH PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. 1 a X 1 2 X 3- SEE ARCH PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. ' xnw ~ uj u- co LJ 00 CONSULT WITH ARCHITECT FOR ALL FINISHED PRODUCT ELEVATION BOTTOM RAIL CONSULT WITH ARCHITECT FOR ALL FINISHED PRODUCT = W v Z) STL. COLUMN PAD 1 GRADE BEAM 2 GUARDRAIL DETAIL 4 GUARDRAIL DETAIL AT STEEL BEAM 5 �_ M U 4#5 REBAR AT EACH STEP Q co O jW O 48" MAX. O = 1 1 " 2X LEDGER BEYOND � ° 12" MIN. 3 STANCHION 20 BAR O 48" MIN. STUD STEEL TUBE 1314"X 14"MICR1314"X 14"MICRO-LAM @ 12" 1°x 1°x 3/16" MIN. LAP Z HANDRAIL1/2" 1 1 2" x 1 1/2" x 3/16" TUBE OR 2 1/2"0 PIPE 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 3/16 Q ro 48" o/c MAX. 5/8"PJ @ 4"O.C.loll o0 LESS THAN 4"DIAM. DBL JOISTS OR BEAMS A T x E x3/16"HU JOISTS N AT48"MAX.OPIPE4-#12 LAG SCREW 4" O.C. OIST HANGERS HANGER DBL—PLATES \ \ 3x4 BLOCKING 2X LECDGER W 2-1 4" n A 1"x 1"x 3/16" — — — — — — — \ O 00 13/4"X 14"MICRO-LAM @ 12"STRINGER / / 2X6 STUDS@16 D TUBE OR 2 1/2"ra PIPE \ _ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ _ w DIAM.X6 LAG SCREWS 2X LEDGER BEYOND x A " SEE ABOVE TYP. — \ w 1 � 1 M 4 DIAM. 5/8 PLYWOOD \ z I..LI �¢ INTO CONCRETE: —MIN STEM. ALTERNATE� !n M� Z � zrn w 12" MIN. 10" USE 5/8" TYPE "X" GYP. BOARD DBL JOISTS OR BEAMS 48"MIN. U w MIN. @ ANY USABLE SPACE UNDER STAIRWAY DBL—PLATES 42" TALL GUARD RAIL 20 BAR O W O 6�loo 2X6 STUDS@16" MIN. LAP 1 16 3/4" PLYWOOD @ RAISERS AND TREADS IMP. THA NOTE :ALL REBARS#4 TYPICAL UNLESS NOTED Z Q J N FIN. HANGER FLOOR SIMPSON LTP4 L 4"x 6"x 3/8"-8" LONG z Q C7 SEE ARCH PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. 8.. OR BENT PLANTS U N DBL JOISTS ( � 2X LECDGER W/ 2-1/4" ON TOP(2)5/8"ft7 x 9 1/2" EMBEDMEN STEPPED FOUNDATION � Q � M DIAM.X6"LAG SCREWS EPDXY A.B. BOLTS J .� ON SIDE 5/8"0 x 4" EMBEDMENT TYPICAL STAIR DETAIL 8 1 R 2 x 1 0 x 3/16"SQUARE TUBE Q O J J O REBAR OR W. #4 CONT. EXTE OR 2 1/2"Q) PIPE SEE PLAN TYP. ALL AROUND U = w LL CNLd z �: - - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ _ z 1� - - - - - - - - - - - - - J �< d) Q ----------------------- 1/4" m a LL SIZE&SPCG TO Q O ''^^ MATCH SLAB REINF. U)cn vJ 1 1/2" 5" 1 1/2" u) uw ALTERNATE EMBEDMENT DRAWN BY 1 1 /211 x 1 1/2" 3/16 Z 8" INTO CONCRETE WALL SIZE TO MATCH SLAB REINF. Z HX w 1 1/2" ¢ 0� 8" #4 CON xs Z 5 3" 6" FINISH FLOOR 1-0' w 14 -3" co a 1 1/2 CIA T w SCALE - O 4 -- _ —_— _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - �� _ - T - ❑ 1/411= 1 1 011 2 RE BAR OF W.W.F 1 L2 SEE PLAN TYP. 2 NONE 0 N Q DO NOT SCALE 4" JOINT AT SLAB ON GRADE, TYP. 4" SHEET NAME 12 GUARD RAIL BASE PLATE 14 STEPPED FOUNDATION 15 SEE ARCH PLAN FOR B.N NAILING 1 1/2"X 1 1/2"X 3/16" OPE DECK MATERIAL STEEL TUBE 4X12 BLOCKING DETAILS 1 1/2"X 1 1/2"X 3/16"@ 48" EL TUB A35 @ 16' STEE F.J. • 3x8 SILL PLATE 3/4" 0 x 12" A.B. @ 32" 3/4"S STEEL W/SHER 3" x 1/4" PLATE INTERMEDIATE @ 4"O.C. STAMP • (2) # 5 QRpFESSIpN9 10" CONCRETE STEM WALL #5 HORIZONTAL @ 16" O.C. SEE ARCH PLAN W o v PROVIDE ROUGH SURFACE IF = No,C-043720 3 ° COLD JOINT OR 2x4 KEY ~ 1/4"x6"x 2" STEEL PLATE * EXP. 3-31-21 a ----- ----- OF CAL .y #5 @ 24" VERTICAL STEEL STRINGER N ALTERNATE TAIL 3/16 STEEL STRINGER �2' SHEET NUMBER 1 USE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS 2 # 5 TOP REINFORCEMENT MAX. ANDNAILS FOR CONNECTION TOP.TLUMBER • 2q"MINIMUM 2 # 5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT 2. USE TXYX4'WASHER FOR ALL ANCHOR BOLTS ( SEE ARCH PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. ) EXTERIOR FOOTING 16 17 18 GUARDRAIL DETAIL AT STEEL STRINGER 19 1. SHEET OF �jl PEVISION DATE A. .07-19-2020 16 4 6"x 6"x 41" ( 41" PROPOSED TOP FOUNDATION FRAMING PLAN 11 -ji _� 6"x 6"x " 4 6"x 6"x 41" (k SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 2'-6"SQ.x 18"'\,�3 Z-6"SQ.x 18 '\,�3 D2 Z-6"SQ.x 18" c F1 F2 F3 (D 12 -1 ('-4� OWNER r- ..... . - --t ., , -.;777T- - . - - - Irl, D2 D2 m ,..�,,,,,,,��-.�.��.,�,�,,7-.-.,% =77777 -� �=�,-,�,,_,,,,-", .. .7.!�,"...""�--- -,-, -T---. ,;?-'--i4l7=,� 77� "11,j a. ..�. * -=-:- - .. .....� - - �� � ..��.44. .. . %��.,..�-: � - ..... . . -!!,:-j -T - --�4 ..� ... . - - ... : - -. ..... - '... ....- "' . � -.-' - , ..�.,- - . --.. - - -.. !�t�� , *,,,,,,, . . . �:. .:. �. ,,.,��,-�--,,.',�-- -t�.t, - '], , - , , .---- -.I--.- ,%:..,.,. -- ,- , ... - , - I , �--7----,V�,��,��,,.,; . 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HSS ... ..,., ,,.. .. ,.., .. _:., ,. ,. . , , ,.:: ;: ,:,_., .. {;;... .._ ... .._ ._.._�.�.......� f... �... -.r._. - It, .....,:;;, :_ ,,. -= HDU-5 cm 3X6-D.F(P.T) SILL PLATE{ �'jj 1 6X66"x 6"x�" 12 6X6 f 5/8"X12"A. @ 32" � Ln 1 11 i t18 4 a � 0 7 0 W1f: NAILER D3 HSS OMIT STEM D1 DU-5 4 D1 8"x 8"x a 9 18 n f 1 �:: 7 {{ I f ' 1 1 D1 ACCESS D3 D2 Q f 3 D3 HSS D3 D5 CV SIM AR J I �., _.. -..R..,20 6X6 I O I-I 1 D1 HDU-8 f f l F QN 1 1 rl—r OMIT STEM U �� co f � �� � � 18"X24" GRADE BEAM f 1 L OMIT STEM Q ACCESS 6X6 20 W f 1 HDU-5 D1 4#5 TOP REINFORCEMENT U) �r 1 I �/ ACCESS x u_ 4#5 BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT 10 1 � O [1 f F F'c=3000 PSI FY=GRADE 60 O 0 f i D3 1 -OMIT STEM x H F t f SOLID 10 U I 5 . SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED F .,;.1 1 I/ BLOCKING D2 D2 --=---=�� ACCESS I 6 ff =1 U) N CONTINUOUS GRADE BEAM BETWEEN STEEL COLUMNS # I - f Ili `' ( D1 15 C 3X8- D.F (P.T) SILL PLATE H CV E-I 1 f o D1 r % 1 I . 1 f t X12 A.B @ 32 �.. .^.. . .. ,. .. - 3 ,. ..;..: - - - -- :' :,,. . ... SLAB f 1. 7 6 d1 7 F1 1 f JO 1 7 �- -Ili _ 5 D3 D3 ---- f OMIT STEM OMIT STEM D1 i1 — _ --- D1 Ili D2 I SIMPSON STEEL STRONG WALL STACKED 9 f ACCESS ACCESS - 7 SSW 24x8 2nd FLOOR D4 w l/ 2x12@ � - � II (- u) u ' 16" D.F. #1 ii O 00 ° -- 1„ SSW-STK 24x9 1st FLOOR s 1 ti@) OMIT STEM f ti 6 x 6 x- 1 I , F.J.7 4 U � �� -- Ili D16 HSS Up f ;J 6X6 # I Q ACCESS 1 8"x - D3 D5 ESR 1679 x4 t z I x J 7 4"x 6"x'- 1 x �1___ III 4 I HDU 5 HSS TO BE SUPPORTED DIRECTLY ON CONCRETE Yf �� D 1 ° rl -- ....1.. -�., -.....�. — ,— .. U1 20 6X6 10 O HSS. SHOR D16 II OBI-- III " USE STEEL-STRONG WALL TEMPLATE DRAWN BY rr M I —rtr fi 1 t t=rt �` --- �tl USE LARGER BEAM WITH GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT WITH 1 0 D1 HDU-8 % _U II UI :t �,,. , .. �.... . t.,',..:;_, ., } cn m I I 6X6 f , lI �I k; �i j� 3 STEEL-STRONG WALLS ON TOP & BOTTOM STK WALL 1 . k II — -------------t t `�. I ,�I VERIFY THE HEIGHT ON JOB SITE t ll NAILER t - 1 j '1 12 6X6 11 6"x 6"x i�f �11.,. F `a ff 1 1 f 6X6 o D1 HDU-5 f 1 a � 1 HDU-5 HS � � 'JI n " " , �. ,a 12 6x6x- N RETE 18 -__...,r.r . . ..,...,..,. �7._� 774- ., _,,..,. 1 CQ C 4 �fw,. r.+e_�+t+ram: ,.r .-.,.,--+ �,.,..,.r-r„s. 6+ire.._ , -r.. E,.., (' : t ::........ .. ., ,•:. ..... ),.: .: ... J 2,, , .,.....:.:_,.,... .r - _ _., t .,.,..., ,.:, .>. .,,...,:. ...... ,. ,. .� ..:, .,. AGE PORTAL WALL f. ..:. . ..-. SIMPSON GAR HSS — STEPS O ,,.,. — ----- -- /,k,... ,: .... ,..,. ., ::' ;.,,. .,.• r:;; _;.. .::•. . ,.,..: f ALE GRADE 10ff .....� . ;:;k 6X6 III It SW16x8x6 D1 1 �.�._... ..._,r......_. — I 2 10 6X6 HDU-5 ','�;: NAILER ; 6X6 I11I 20 6X6 �:* � D2 TO BE SUPPORTED DIRECTLY ON CONCRETE 1/4"= 1' — 0" 1 NAILER { 9 g 18 4 a { IIII D1 HDU-5 fR ,,I USE STRONG WALL TEMPLATE NONE f 1 6X6 D4 D2 a .j D5 D3 �j 1I 9 II :.`' ESR 1679 f � HDU-8 6X6 k � �O D2 O [ 6X6 20 6X6 6X6 6 2 SEE SHEET SWP 0 DO NOT SCALE {: IIII h 6 2 HDU-5 fl r IIII fk ,I HDU-5 D1 1 HDU D9 D1 16 HDU- D9 D1 1 • EXTEND CONCRETE STEM k I. IIII f D2 D3 ,,._ ,, 10" 20 ,..i III r -� — ---� • TO TOP FLOOR JOIST. ----_ SHEET NAME II ;t;;r • - -- -- 11 L----- - F,11�;]',1 STRONG WALL TO BE _ ( _ 1.: : I .. SUPPORTED ON CONCRETE OMIT STEM °�° 6X6 = co f 11 '; _1 .....:.'.�..1.....'�..: ice.. f .-: r.�:,� f. �ffra_ r- f.._ ,.a_ ..a ._... : ._f.... .f.:.: . .. : '' „ „ @ ~ 4)0 00 i I 6X6 20 2 ..t2 x 12 16 D.F. #1 ACCESSMIT STEM HDU-5 f' �� MIT STEM ii 6X6 20 6X6 ? F.J.7 Q� ACCESS p1 � HDU-5 D1 r f x ACCESS 2 II f HDU-5 D1 HDU-5 pp t t i O� 6X6 5 x J j1 I t k 1; TOIL f f I ff 9 M HDU-5 n p2 6X6 p C ii k ;�® OMIT STEM 7 U 1 f 6X6 20 f 1 HDU-5 D1 f `� 2 D4 ACCESS D1 HDU-5 U j - _ FOUNDATION JJ f` 0 6X6 f 1 -J 11 f HDU 5 D1 f 6X6 20 f 2 f , D1 HDU-8 f 2----- _ FRAMING t. 6X6 6X6 I 5 1i f 6 HDU-5 D1 ;- RAMIN f 10 4 .. t 1 �p �'s HDU-5 6X6 1 f ,1 D2 1I f f,` f D3 D16 I { L I J HDU 5 L J 1 PLAN �' ! D 1 1 ` 1 i 1 ` I � r O C1.iI 1 3 O D1 �. -'.�:i �'.:: f 2 x 12 @ 16 D.F. #1 f', , �� I11 1 ' F.J.7i. ": 6X6 10" 4 } t� 1 co I11i 15 9 �� 15 �` 1'-3ff f D3 D1 SLAB I I I D2 III I „ HDU-5 9 III 11 1 �11f I f 2 f.r FF , III l f 14 D1 HDU 8 10" fk ,f D2 I j f �� O STAMP ES tl rr D2 1 f I t4 6X6 ] 4:,.?l If J } 1: HDU-5 _ 11 1 ! 9 QROF F'SIO�y9< i ,..#. o I11 6X6 I 6X6 20 I 6X6 20 �' 'i �F' �.� F` t I .1 �,,:` I k 1 .. 11 i '`' 1 .: _lji4f: f 1 f C ,j :: I HDU-5 [ f HDU-5 D1 f ��'P P `� c�2 1 I , �--. - HDU-5 D1 ..: rn -------------------- 1 5 t =.': "� 6X6 20 10 6X6 .`I =D2 ,_..et� ff.f..' :` HDU-5 D1 D 70 11 1 � - � ` ? = NorC-043720 3 HDU-5 . co E:`' ,'. � f , ., I I f 111 ,.,tr, I - - -- j D1 HDU-5 HDU-5 �..;.,, 1 * EXP. 3-31-21 fi.`'' . I i I J f J ? 6X6 1' .µ. I 1 6X6 6X6 OMIT STEM 2 t P f f 1 ACCESS x Q 3 _ sTy CIVIL �~ f :' f _ I f TE OF C ALZ1 O ��,a;,{1 24"x 24" D1 C? M m O DU-5 4,.;,.-'.;� ( f HDU-5 2 : f::<s.> HDU-5 10 16 4 f M Ic>, ACCESS HOLE __ :'J" D1 U D16 6 :..,..,, , , - :2�'',. - .r- -� - .: r -# f- I �� D2 , f`.k' f,. �. �. i..,_..�. .� . ._ r.rf - ... rri HEFT NUMBER f� ..� _ f '' - - f. �., o 0 0 t 4 qa 1 ..- - - ..� 2 .� 20 2 6X6 -,- _.,. HD - �_ -- # U 5 _, , _ _:.. , . 20 _ -. .-- L _...: .- .�.._ .� .._ .� .i� _....� �i. �:.� '::.,:, liv_ 1... _...>i� � HDU-5 D2 D2 D1 — f �: -� 6X6 20 6X6 20 4 6X6 20 3 24"x 24" HDU-5 D1 HDU-5 D1 D2 HDU-5 D1 ACCESS HOLE SHEET OF O O REVISIONA09 DATE -202 • PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR SHEAR WALL PLAN 3 • SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" HSS. 6X6 6X6 6X6 NAILER NAILER 20' NAILER 16' 6X6 1" PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL EITHER SIDE) OWNER 6"x6"x4' 2M 2 2 HDU-5 A • ALL NEW EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE SHEARED WITH PLYWOOD 00 HSS. HSS. 1441 � 4"x 4"x 4° 4"x 4"x 4" EXTEND ALL INTERIOR SHEAR WALL TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM I-�--i 6"x 6"x 4' 6X6 6"x 6"x 4' 6X6 6X6 6X6 ll HDU-8 HDU-5 HDU-5 16' HDU-5 © 3 B SEE SHEET SN-1 FOR SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE v 6X6 2 00 f-� 6'[4> NAILER 6x6 SIMPSON COIL STRAP CS-20 USE COMMON NAILS ONLY FOR ALL SHEAR WALL NAILING 6X6 NAILER 6X6 6X6 6X6 6 LONG 16 HDU-5 HDU-5 6' HDU-5 D2 HDU-5 2 AROUND OPENING B1 HSS. 6"x 6"x 4° 3 6X6 HSS. 20' NAILER 6"x 6"x 4" 6X6 6X6 SIMPSON STEEL STRONG WALL STACKED 6X6 HDU-5 HDU-5 HDU-8 SSW 24x8 2nd FLOOR D4 D4 D4 l SSW-STK 24x9 1st FLOOR 4 13 ESR 1679 <4 16' TO BE SUPPORTED DIRECTLY ON CONCRETE oc USE STEEL-STRONG WALL TEMPLATE 6X6 HDU-5 USE LARGER BEAM WITH GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT WITH 6X6 STEEL-STRONG WALLS ON TOP & BOTTOM STK WALL 10 HDU-8 HSS. 16 VERIFY THE HEIGHT ON JOB SITE 6"x6"x4„ D2 6X6 6X6 HDU-5 HDU-5 2 6X6 SIMPSON COIL STRAP CS-20 r7 r- HDU-5 8' LONG � 4 6X6 O 16 442 SIMPSON GARAGE PORTAL WALL AROUND OPENING �� II 6X6 6X6 NAILER 25' 10' HDU-5 D2 © 12' 4 HDU-5 6X6 6"x6"x4' SW 16x8x6 NAILERI TO BE SUPPORTED DIRECTLY ON CONCRETE 1441 6"x 6"x 4' HDU-5 4 USE STRONG WALL TEMPLATE H O O HSS 6X6 �r �'OX CD m L HDU 5 6X6 6"x 6" x 4" 6X6 ESR 1679 I NAILER HSS HDU-5 4 5.5' 8"x 8"x 4" W HSS � H � N 6X6 6X6 H U% CM HDU-5 HDU-8 USE COMMON NAIL FOR ALL SHEAR WALL NAILING, ROOF, FLOOR DIAPHRAGM NAILING m w STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION BY PROJECT 0 0 • • u H ENGINEER REQUIRED SIMPSON COIL STRAP CS-20 j H N Ew-I 18' LONG AROUND OPENING I I � I u) u 1� I w 6"x6"x4" HSS up I 6X6 8"x 8"x 4" 4"x 6"x�" I HDU-5 HSS DRAWN BY 6X6 HSS. SHORT HDU-8 6X6 NAILER 6 [4> 6X6 16' 6X6 6"x 6"x 4' HDU-5 HDU-5 4 HSS O 6x6 x4 HSS 4 10' SCALE 6X6 1 _ 6X6 6X6 4 NAILER � D�4 D4 D4 HDU-5 NAILER 14' 6X6 � 1/4"= 1' - 0" HDU-5 NONE 6X6 4 5' 6' 3 HDU-8 6X6 6X6 6X6 6X6 Q DO NOT SCALE NAILER HDU-5 12' e134 DU-5 HDU-5 O HDU-5 3 F SHEET NAME O 6X6 6X6 /J= HDU-5 HDU-5 6X6 HDU-5 135' 9 HDU-5 6X6 FIRST FLOOR D4 ® 6X6 HDU-5 SHEAR WALL HDU 8 6X6 6X6 HDU-5 HDU-5 PLAN 1 15' 6X6 � 8 9 HDU-5 7 D4 D4 4 HDU-5 6X6 4' 4 HDU-5 r 16' I HDU-5 4 14.5' 6 3 6X6 SIMPSON COIL STRAP CS-20 I STAMP HDU-8 6X6 14' LONG 8' 4 HDU-5 AROUND OPENING PRpF F SIO/V L I z 6X6 6X6 �� % s F� HDU-5 HDU-5 v � O 6X6 W 6X6 j HDU-5 v HDU-5 4 6X6 4 � = No,C-043720 3 A \6X6 HDU-5 6 DU-5 HDU-5 4' * EXP. 3-31-21 3 4' 6X6 6X6 6X6 ' �TyTeCIVI\- P [<3 5 1F CAL HDU-5 HDU-5 HDU-5 I SIMPSON COIL STRAP CS-20 O SHEET NUMBER 6X6 6X6 2'LO 1NG A HDU-5 HDU-5 AROUND OPENING 6X6 2 , 6X6 OHDU-5 10 HDU-5 6X6 6X6 2 HDU-5 — HDU-5 23' O O 2A O 3A ® O 8 SHEET OF REVISION DATE A. .07-19-2020 15 17 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN/ SECOND FLOOR FRAMING 0 D2 D14 & FIRST FLOOR CEILING FRAMING PLAN 15 6"x 6"x MST-48 MST-48 a 6X6 6X6 D15 NAILER NAILER 6X6 OWNER SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" M D82 STRUCTURAL a� 6 6"x 6"x S' I 1 6"x 6"x 4" 6 MST-48 1„ „ �„ MST-48 12 FLOOR BEAM D15 HSS. 1 2 1 HSS. D15 4' x 4"x 4 19 4 x 4 x 4 19 6X6 D15 I HSS. D9 HSS. pg D10 6X6 4 6X6 4 6X6 6X6 ll � D8 D8 `�' DBL. T.J.I. 16 o k_________________________________ —_ -- - - - —�-_-- _—_ — - - D2 ��� ______� L-- F.B.1 32 x 14 PARAHAM .. 1 6X6 1 6X6 12 I F.B.1 1 C.B.32 I I �� I L = 20' LONG - NO SPLICE n NAILER 1 6X6 3 D10 I 6X6 C,4 I I t--I MST-48 6X6 ST-48 I co I I I 11 17 i FLUSH BEAM 14 5 I I 6X6 MST-48 I NAILER D12 6X6 I m 1 - D10 D14 I I ,' I D15 D16 I I I Cif F.B.2 7" x 14" PARALLAM I-�I 11 x 6 x 4 DBL. T.J.I. D12 I I , D15 HSS. -------------------- ----------- ------ ------------- ----------- -------- 4X4 , 9 ---------- -- --- --- ------ DBL. T.J.I. 1 1 I F.B.18 0')i K•P �� 1 D8 F.B.3 7" x 14" PARALLAM m 6X6 I 6X6 11 6"x 6"x 4' I 6X6 6X6 D12 I LOW HDR op i 16 u- I NAILER D15 HSS. 6X6 U 1 i' I D7 I F.B.4 5 �" x 14" PARALLAM F.J.2 I I I 4 ' ✓ L = +/-20' - LONG 1 F.J.4 I I F.J.1 -I U r I ,�'' I I Q FLUSH BEAM 2 H rn I D15 I 16 4X4 1 �� 0 1 1 F.B.5 5�" x 14" PARALLAM m 14 I m DBL. T.J.I. J I D7 K.P I �, c� I I Q 4 I D�15 F.J.1 2 I 4 ��� U i �m F.B.6 5 4" x 14" PARALLAM M I I z O D12 I D12 N I �� I 10 O F.B.7 W10 x 54 M—I 00 DBL. T.J.I. I F.B.3 V I `� I IQ < 0 �j ----------------------- I -------- _ _ zIJ CO F.B.8 6" x 10"x 4" HSS A.IIIIIlls 6X6 i I I \�I ``'Iz O w STEEL-TUBE 2 2 IIII EPC CD I I I 16 4X4 I`� m10 0 > 6"x10" �I 6X6 D12 D15 III P.A. _ Y i I 1 D7 K. 1 \ U1U cal O F.B.9 W10 x 54 ---- ---- --- I - _ _ —— — �� - -- - - - - - - -- - - - O I 11 17 15 6"x 6"x 4' 4 F.B.5 F.B.6 I J I D12 D15 I III I MST-48 N I m l �-� � I I MST-4 12 D10 D14 1 1 �� 16 F.B.10 W10 x 54 D16 1 IIII m � - - - - - - - - - - - — I - - - - �— F.B.2 - - - _ D10 6X6 I 6X6 1 21 `� I D2 L = 22' LONG �I " 1 I --i ---- I I D10 DBL. T.J.I. k---------------------- --- == =I ----------i ---------- ----------- ----- — — — F.B.11 6" x 10„ ---------- I I DBL. C.B.32 C.B.32 DF #1 °0 I EPC 1 i T.J.I. 6X6 4 6X6 6X6 L = 12" LONG `� I r1 IZ co 1 D8 1 f� 6X6 I 6X6 MST-48 III ?IU U I F.B.12 3 2" x 14" MST-48 I NAILER III NAILER I MST-48 III 6"x 6"x 4" ~I� I W D 2 I HSS. Im p 4 F.B.14 -DBL- 14" T.J.I. 360 d, t, 't 111 I I O 00 11 6x6x- ------- ------------ ------------------- 1 61 4 D15 HSS. F-1� F.B.15 5 4' x 9 2" PARALLAM CD --L=2V---- -- -- - 6X6 6 L = 12' LONG 6X6 6 6"x 6"x 4" D12 12 6 12 6X6 I 1 D14 D14 LONG ECCQ D9 LOW BEAM 61 1 NAILER D15 HSS. D9 D9 D10 CCQ 1 I 15 8"x 8"x 1" 20 F.B.16 3 -" x 14" PARALLAM W W MST-48 1 10 5 MST-48 D12 HISS D15 2 " N 6X6 1 i N m i D14 D16 — C.B.27 (LOW BEAM) F.B.17 6" x 10" D.F. #1 I--� Cn I SIMILAR — — L = 1 V LONG E-I Q 4 w 1 6X6 12 16 F.B.18 6" x 8" W D16 1 `.I 9 I EPC D10 D8 4 I I I D14 I � I F.B.19 5 4" x 14" PARALLAM 0 H 1 — 3 2" x 14'� USH BEAM) 4 I I L = +/-22' U x 16 I I D16 I Q 1 I—I N 0 Ew-I 0 1 D12 rn I 3�"x 14" I 12" 1 w I F.B.20 6" x 10"X 4" HSS CN 1731 7 1 m 2 @ I m 1 L = +/-8' Ol m l u- I m l p I 1 FLUSH BEAM_ L I I F.B.21 6" x 10" X4" HSS U) ,I I F.B.22 I 000 I L = +/-9, 5 1 10 I D14 i co 8 Ii D14 I U 1 r l D15 I I D14 I �� MST-48 4 I F.B.22 4" x 12" x q" HSS ` J N 13 6„x 6„x 4 L = +/-9'-6„ v 11 m D14 ski 8"x8"x14 20 D 4 `� D14 SHORT up EPC D O 8 i HSS D15 F.B.23 6" x 10" x 4" HSS 6X6 I D16 I 11 F.B.20 — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ L = 22' DRAWN BY HST-2 I I C.B.27 (LOW BEAM) LOW BEAM I I 0- NAILER 18 12 6 12 MST-48 I 17 12 I I F.B.24 5 4" x 14" PARALLAM 18 MST-48 1 �j 6X6 D12 D9 D9 D10 I� D9 D14 11 BUILT-UP D14 I I I FLOOR �„ "„ 12 6"x 6"x 4" F.B.25 5 4 x 9 2 PARALLAM D15 — — — L = 7 LONG 7 8 11 I � I I II LOW BEAM SCALE 6X6 I I D4 D4 1 6X6 1 6X6 1/4"= 1' - 0" NAILER 1 3�"x 14", ECCQ 6"x 6"x 4" 18 1 2 12 16 6X6 1 OR, 1 HSS. FULL 4"x 6"x 4" L 13 D12 NONE D10 Li D8 EPC I 3 Z X 14 HSS. D14 1 BIGGER TO FIT STEEL PSL2 FLUSH HEIGHT SHORT 11 11 6X6 11 MST-48 6 18 16 Q DO NOT SCALE STRONG-WALL-14' LONG D10 D9 D9 pg MST-48 1 -------------- -- MST-48 6X6 I - i I -- DBL. T.J.I. ii 4X6 C.B.35 L=20' LONG SHEET NAME W 111 I l 7 oo I - — — — — 6X6 II II II 4 1 w 4„ r� O li I I 15 6X6 21 6X6 D16 I 1 O 11 0° I 6X6 r 1 D12 ECCQ I D10 1 ECCQ mI i mIl IL III � i mIIII co II II I I ,' D10 1 1 7 8 oil I 011 LLI 1 1 ii 6X6 �' I 1 ,' FIRST FLOOR 1 I D4 D4 6X6 m l D O 1 1 , 6X6 FRAMING pl DBL. T.J.I.----- _]11 mi I i STRUCTURAL 12 16 6X6 1 I 6X6 12 16 -- -- N I �' PLAN D10 D8 EPC EPC D10 D8 6X6 16 �,� U CEILING BEAM j MST-48 EPC MST-48 D14 6X6 g L J Ico I d d I I p7 1 1 D12 LL II -i J MST-48 -- -- F.B.15 11 - -- I I II F.J.1 11 II 0 /' 1 1. CEILING JOIST#2 2" x 10" @ 16" D.F. #2 - - - - - - - - - - - — - -- - - - -- � ii U 1 �� C.J - -- 6X6 I I 1 / 01 MST-48 11 III 6X6 11 / �`? 1 2. C.B.29 5�„ x 9 1" PARALLAM P.A. ,� I 11-------------------+1------------- --------- m 1 a 2 12 16 6X6 I D12 / III II I II II 1 16 b 1 M STRUCTURAL D10 D8 EPC 1 1 ,� I II 16 15 11 8 II I `� D7 I 1 M STAMP 3. C.B.30 5 4' x 9 2" PARALLAM I 11 F-7 I 1 D12 D12 11 p12 I �� I 1 m FLOOR JOIST MST-48 1 1 �� I 12 1 1 j 1 11 I `� I I U o QR13F FSJ[oj 1 / D14 P.A. 1 �� �Z F 4. C.B.31 6" x 12" D.F. #1 1 I �i I I 2c� L = 20' LONG I I 11 J ��a DBL. T.J.I. - 111 11 ----------- „ „ j 11 Lo -- ---aj 16 I 6X6 F.J.1 14 T.J.I. 360 @ 16 5. C.B.32 6" x 6" D.F. #2 I , 1 - - -- -- I m �L F.B.18 F.B.18 ` F.J.2 14 T.J.I. 360 @ 16 �NI v r' m 1 I 6X6 6X6 6X6 \ D7 *= No,C-043720 � A ,� �i 1 i' 1 6X6 II II 1 1 �� 1 3-31-21 6. C.B.33 6 x 8 D.F. #1 1 , 1 � 1 18 10 11 11 17 I I P 1�C'J' I ,, c14 I U 11 6X6 c0 I D12 D11 11 11 D10 F.J.3 14 T.J.I. 360 @ 16 sTq CIVIL � / 11 11 11 I I � TF F o 7. C.B.34 6" x 6" D.F.#2 I I �� o0 1 Oil 0o I 11 11 1 1 ` of cA�i 11 6X6 6X6 11 11 �� F.J.4 2" x 10" @ 16" D.F. #1 w l � I l„ 7„ / 1 16 1 0011 I I I 8. C.B.35 5 4 x 11 e PARALLAM / i D7 o0 1 C.B.34 1 F.J.5 14 T.J.I. 360 16 1 1 1 T7 - - - - - - - - - - - - " @ " SHEET NUMBER 4 1 /' I I I co 1 C.B.34 OR 9. C.B.28 6" x 12" D.F. #1 I 1 HUC68 TF 6X6 6X6 21 D14 2" x 12" 16" D.F. #1 (LOWER BEAM) 11 —— — — — — — — — — — — — — 11 17 D10 6X6 CONTINUOUS FLOOR DIAPH. F.B.17 ' I D14 10. C.B.27 6" x 12" D.F. #1 6X6 4 6X6 6X6 LOW HR. OVER ONE STORY PORTION � (LOWER BEAM) D8 2-2"x6" 4 3 OF THE STRUCTURE D14 D14 SHEET OF REVISION DATE A. .07-19-2020 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR SHEAR WALL PLAN 20 6 X 6 15 15 6X6 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O" D9 6X6 MST-48 D9 12' D9 MST-48 9 6X6 OWNER HDU-5 VERTICAL 2 VERTICAL D9 HDU-5 M O6 x 6 x a --------- HSS. �--1 6X6 6, 6X6 10 6X6 6, 6X6 10 w HDU-5 2 HDU-5 D9 HDU-5 2 HDU-5 D9 © 8'[33 ------ - -------- 4X6 > D10 SIMPSON COIL STRAP 1" PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL EITHER SIDE H 6X6 5 C20- 10' LONG 2 HDU-5 D9 AROUND OPENING I I ALL NEW EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE SHEARED WITH PLYWOOD I _ O EXTEND ALL INTERIOR SHEAR WALL TO ROOF DIAPHRAGM w ►--� 20' 3 8 4X6 4 D10 SIMPSON COIL STRAP SEE SHEET SN-1 FOR SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE --�I C20- 10' LONG AROUND OPENING I 6X6 P,� USE COMMON NAILS ONLY FOR ALL SHEAR WALL NAILING �T� v HDU-5 3 4' - SIMPSON STEEL STRONG WALL STACKED 4 7 8 M O D4 D4 D4 M-­I oc SSW 24x8 2nd FLOOR -e!� c 20 6X6 Dg j 6X6 9 HDU-5 SSW-STK 24x9 1 st FLOOR I SIMPSON COIL STRAP ESR 1679 6"x 6"x 4" 5 6X6 3 HDU-5 1 HSS. D9 HDU-5 I C20- 14' LONG 10 6X6 i AROUND OPENING TO BE SUPPORTED DIRECTLY ON CONCRETE 6X6 D9 HDU-5 6X6 5 1 � HDU-5 D9 xI USE STEEL-STRONG WALL TEMPLATE 6X6 3 6X6 / 1 ' I HDU-5 14 HDU-5 I USE LARGER BEAM WITH GREATER HEIGHT TO FIT WITH 5 6X6 I SIMPSON COIL STRAP D80 I STEEL-STRONG WALLS ON TOP & BOTTOM STK WALL OC D9 HDU-5 ; C20-8' LONG AROUND OPENING I VERIFY THE HEIGHT ON JOB SITE 6X6 9 6X6 10 7' 3 HDU-5 D9 HDU-5 D9 6X6 15 MST48 D9 W D D59 6X6 00 CD M O HDU-5 CD Lc) 2 9 6X6 6X6 10 2 10 6X6 26' D9 HDU-5 HDU-5 D9 14' D9 HDU-5 8"x 8"x 4' 20 W 3 7.5 D9 W Ln 6X6 I .0 I—I N D9 HDU-5 co Q N I Cn I I I I � HDU-5 D9 0 1 U H I x U W I j SIMPSON COIL STRAP D10 - 0 E-I I C20-20' LONG SIMPSON COIL STRAPco D10 AROUND OPENING DN I C20- 14' LONG cu AROUND OPENING 1 I 1 � I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I 6X6 10 1„ u 1 1 HDU-5 D9 8 x 8 x 4 20 D9 I DRAWN BY 6X6 1 HDU-5 ca 3 8' D9 � I � 4' 3 4X6 4X6 O L716X6 9 J---HDU-5 6X6 2 D9 HDU-5 6X6 2 14' 9 6X6 1 1/4"= 1' - 0" 1 k14 HDU-5 26' 9 6X6 6X6 9 D9 HDU-5 D4 D9 DU5 HDU-5 D9 SIMPSON COIL STRAP D8p NONE I C20- 10' LONG 1 AROUND OPENING Q DO NOT SCALE I jj� I 6X6 1 6X6 9 SHEET NAME D9 HDU-5 I HDU5 D9 I 3 5.5' 6X6 9 HDU-5 D9 SECOND FLOG LHD SHEAR WALL 10 6X6 g 315' PLAN D9 11' HDU-5 D9 ' I 1 3 I I I I I 10 6X6 O D9 HDU-5 POST 1 SIMPSON COIL STRAP D80 6'[33AROUNDC20- 10' LONG STAMP OPENING 6X6 9 4X6 pFESSI I HDU5 D9 1 10 6X6 2 10 6X6 2 o No,C-043720 _ A ' 6X6 9 15' 6X6 9 D9 HDU-5 6 D9 HDU-5 HDU-5 D9 HDU-5 D9 * EXP. 3-31-21 SIMPSON COIL STRAP C20-8' LONG 8 1Ty CIVIC- AROUND OPENING D10 USE COMMON NAIL FOR ALL SHEAR WALE �F [IFCp' NAILING, ROOF, FLOOR DIAPHRAGM NAILING STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION BY PROJECT SHEET NUMBER ENGINEER REQUIRED S � 4 11 2A SHEET OF REVISION DATE PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR CEILING FRAMING PLAN A. .07-19-2020 2 & FIRST FLOOR ROOF FRAMING PLAN HU612 TF 6 6X6 D7 D9 ECCQ 2-2"x6" 6X6 4X6 4 6X6 6X6 -- -- — - - — D8 _ SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" - -4X6 -- --- OWNER C.B.1 C.B.18 C.B.18 � I 3 � - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 20 6 x 6 x 4 --------------- — — — — — D7 �� ��� 2 6 D9 HSS. , 1 , 1 , D7 D11 STRUCTURAL 6X6 16 6X6 D8 EPC CEILING BEAM II I -------- ----------- 6X6 ----- --------- D7 I I I 1 6X6 I� 1 I I II I C.B.18 rt--------- ----------------------------- ►� h—I — — T — — — — — — --------- ----- ----------------------- I C.B.1 6 x 12 D.F. #1 > ^ C.J.1 1 I I I �n I I I 4X6 17 11 I I 1 I I I U 1 1 m C° I ,' ,� I I I I D14 D10 LJ C.B.2 5 4"x 14" PARALLAM 1 6X6 1 1 1 v v 1 ,' i P.A. 1 i 1 D97 L = 21' LONG_ 9 1 7 P.A. I I P.A. P4�x A 1 1 1 , 14 1 D7 I N 1 I c� D11 4X4 D11 C.B.3 2 - 2" x 12" D.F. #2 �' 1 N d K.P D11 1 �� I 16 I I �' D7 1 m m m 'l C.B.4 3 2" x 11 4" PARALLAM II 1261 � � P�A. � � � �1 I--1 U I I a I D7 �I D7 � � I / 1 1 1 C.B.5 3 2" x 11 4" PARALLAM v I I I 4X6 ROOF RAFTER 1 a/ P.A. /� o� D8 1 I I , I II 1 4 ' I ' I I 9 C.B.6 3 "" x 11 "" PARALLAM 11 10 I D7 U 1 1 3 MST , I D10 z a 1 D11 P.A. '� -- I ,� I II D7 �� D7 10 I P!A. m D8 O I I, III 11 D7 I , 11 c)I C.B.7 5 4"x 11 4" PARALLAM (D I c� , 1 1 O 2 I m I II D7 II �� D7 D7 1 16 6X6 2-2"X12" J Q U , -- -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- I I D8 EPC 8 4X4 9 i 1 N o0 1 i 00PPr----- ----------- - -- ---- ---- j 4X6 I K. D11 4�' 4�' O D11 C.B.8 5- x 11 - PARALLAM C 1 /10 I J c) I v 1 I C.B.23 III C1B.23 9 ��. �„ M--� 00 1 � D8 17— 1 I I - - - - — � - - D8 C.B.9 5 4 x 11 4 PARALLAM l � ------- 6X6 � `./ MST-48 U I 15 11 13 11 4 1 .� C.B.10 5 4"x 11 4" PARALLAM 7 i' 1 D7 6X6 II HUC412TF 15 6X6 6 3 D7 j11 D7 I I c� I� 1 HUC612 I I 1 1 I D7 D9 D8 CC11 4X4 20 6"X6"x4" I x 4 111 1 K P C B 11 3 2" 11 �' PARALLAM I � D9 HSS. — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — — - '— —��� - - - — — — — -----I I 18 I 1U � D11 C.B.1 oil 12 C.B.21 6X6 7 FLUSH SOLID D7 I 6X6 I 17 11 ° "D9 CC D9 BEAM i BLOCKING 1 1 I C.B.12 5 4 x 11 4 PARALLAM H 612 TF IMST-37 D14 D10 r�2 6X6 I _____ C.B.14 3 2" x 11 4" PARALLAM IHUC612TF I I 12 14 I N 1 6X6 II 4X6 4X6 1 ------------ -- ------------ -------- D9 HU612 TF D11 CCQ I D8 II m I PC ------------ ------------- j rn 11100 U I 1 N C.B.15 7" x 11 4" PARALLAM m 6X6 U U 1i U D7 1 6X6 1 m I U C.B.16 5 4" x 11 4" PARALLAM 6 MST-48 MST-48 111 I 6 CQ 3 IIU D7 D11 ��� ��� 7 18 6X6 C.B.17 5 4 x 11 4 PARALLAM j I 18 I D9 D7 D9 D8 6X6 111 D8 1 W 61 III D7 I D37 C.B.18 6" x 8" D.F. #1 OO 1 9 I—ICD D9 CCQ 1 1 li 6X6 I 6X6 16 1 C.B.23 I 6X6 I D8 C.B.19 5 4" x 14" PARALLAM �' Lj 1 1 111 CCQ I EPC D8 7 6X6 III - ---- L = +/- 22' LONG 61 1 1 MST-48 D9 CCQ MST-48 --- - WLn —� — W 11 NJ-W- III 1 1 III i 4X6 16 I—I u CV 6X6 : = 1 III I I I EPC D8 8"x 8"x 4" 20 C.B.20 5 4" x 11 4" PARALLAM B•27 L = 27' LONG Cn 111 * I - - �- - - _ 77 - - HSS. D9 Q U) CV I III I ---------- j 1 11 D7 m 1 I 1 C.B.21 5 4"x 11 4" PARALLAM 14 1 D8 1 11 1� U 1 i1 60 � 6X6 C.B.22 6" x 10" D.F. #1 1 I c) 11 III I l m I 1 I 9 1 � 11 III 1 I Iv �1 1 D8 L = 14' LONG OO .. 4 N OR z 1 o III U II P 1A i P.A. U Z i W 0 o I D7 U U I 1 N U I BIGGER H x O W QI III D7 I D7 O I a � ° 1 ' I 1 1111 I N ii m1 1 c., 1 v � DN I U m c , C.B.23 6 x 6 D.F. #2 61 - I --------------- 1 1 011 Im CV W II _ __ N �I 11 ,' I I I I I I I I U 1„ 1„ � O ,� ti I 111 I 1 ` 12 I C.B.23A 5 4 x 11 4 PARALLAM a' �1 Q I 8 I D7 1 1 1 L = +/-22' LONG � I D7 I 1 N 1 v 1 '� a� 1 m I `� 6X6 I m 1 �� 1 C.B.24 6" x 8" D.F.#1 U I ��I OR 8"x 8"x 4" 20 BIGGER 6X6 1 I 111 I 111 I HSS. D9 III I 1' — - - C.B.27 C.B.25 6" x 8" D.F.#1 DRAWN BY — �- - - - - -�L Ili i 1 6 3 \ 4X6 16 �1 I III 18 1 1111 D7 I D9 D8 EPC D8 C.B.26 3 2" x 9 2" PSI-2 PARALLAM I D8 1 1' 6X6 16 pg C 6X6 6X6 MST-48 (jg I g C.B.27 6" x 12" D.F. #1 PC D8 ECCQ C.B.23 I 6X6 D8 L = 9' LONG 6 6X6 , I 3 C.B.28 6" x 12" D.F. #1 SCALE D9 ECCQ I 6X6 111 PA I I I 4X6 6X6 D7 L = 14' LONG i i I EPC III D7 P.A. 1 D7 N I MST-48 I CCQ 1 11 1 = 1/4"= 1' - p�� MST-48 3 1 00 1 D8 1 --- ------- ----- U I 1126 6 NONE D4 I 1 10 l 4 1 III D7 I U D11 Q DO NOT SCALE 1 D7 i I I D7 l I 1 6X6 I I i I I � II STRUCTURAL MEMBERS I 6X6 C.B.23 1 ---------Ji___ N I 111 ------- — , r_--- SHEET NC�L"lf'� N j1 1 Ir _— ------- — --JI I�--J L m 1 v 111 11 c)I ,' 11 m P.A. 11 I -- v 1 J 11 U I I ao l � 111 cjIII P.A. 1 III 11 (_10 111 11 1 16 1 17 11 II II 17 I I 0011 1I U I � D7 D7 1 D14 D10 I I I I 011 m 11 i ? 1 1 D7 1 D8 II II D10 I I 11 1. ROOF RAFTER 1 2"x 10" @ 16" 111 1 U ------ --- -- t qt I 3 6X6 '� '� Ii iI I I D10 SECOND FLOOR 001 D8 EPC 411 D11 11 4X4 D11 2. R.B.7 2 - 2" x 12" D.F. #1 D4 I '1 I ,' ' I 14 I U I 1 K.P CEILING LJ OR I 1,/ m 1 4X6 D7 � 1 `� MST-37 I j 19 tY I I FRAMING 4" x 12" D.F. #1 , 3 MST-48 I 01 EPC MST-37 3 ? o0 1 ` I I D7Q' n 6X6 D8 I EPC 8 I D8 U U I I I JII 9 PLAN 3. R.B.8 2 - 2 x 12 D.F. #1 I ' C.B.23 1 I ` 1 c� mII ROOF RAFTER 1 r---i-- - - - - -------------------- P.A. I Icl E)II D10 OR I �_-�-- ' DOUBLE BLOCKING I 16 ` 1 1 100 Oil 4" x 12" D.F. #1 i l ' 6X6 I D7 I N I 10 oil LJ ' I I UI 2x2" x12" 9 OR 1 3 - 1 1 II MST-37 8 4X4 9 4. CEILING JOIST 1 2"x 12" @ 16" D.F. #2 4 5 1 1 D7 D7 1 D11 STAMP K.P D14 D14 2 6X6 6X6 I 1 1 II QR3FESSIpN9 i 5. CEILING JOIST 2 2" x 10" @ 16" D.F. #2 ' D7 _ C_B.23_ F. R.F. RAFTER 1 - ��� W 6. CEILING JOIST 3 2" x 12" @ 16" D.F. #2 6X6 I i 6X6 6 6X 4 4X6 I I Ali it LL n No,C-043720 A I I D9 ECCQ pg I I J Ili 17 11 4X4 I I 11 7. CEILING JOIST 4 2" x 12" @ 16" D.F. #2 ��b D11 -- --- _ - -- -- -- -- -- I I - -- -- -- - -- - -- I I mII II D10 O I I 9 I I 16 6X6 I I �IIII W D11 K. I I D10 EXP, 3-31-21 Q-' D11 I I D8 EPC I I 01 O I rT CIVIL 8. CEILING JOIST 5 2" x 12" @ 16" D.F. #2 I I i i o i II X 17 11 i i qre aF CAI-iF�� K.P. IL I I I III D14 D10 I I 9. CEILING JOIST 6 2" x 12" 16" D.F. #2 11 OR � �� �� OR I I Ili I I @ F� d' r�----J L---------- 11�--------- r� D11 4 5 W 4 5 � 11 ----- ------� r-------- I I D14 D14 i O 6 D14 D14 ------------------� Ir ---------- ---- --------i L-------- - SHEET NUMBER I I I O D11 II 6 j -------------- ---------------J �-- 7 II D11 ------------------------------------ ---------------J 6 D11 SHEET OF REVISION DATE A. .07-19-2020 PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" B.NI ROOF BOUNDARY NAILING AT SHEAR WALLS (10D COMMON NAIL @ 4") OWNER EXTEND ALL INTERIOR SHEAR WALL TO UPPER ROOF DIAPHRAGM--TYPICAL M 6 D11 II —� I+�----� IF ————— ————————————————————- ------- 3 2 y17 _ 1 1 J L ______ ___________________J L_____ 1 D7 D7 D14 STRUCTURAL MEMBERS L III 6 6 9 1111 D7 2 17 1 6 D11 III D7 D14 I F� D11 11 i1 w 6 1 I B.N 1. ROOF RAFTER 1 2" x 10" @ 16" D.F. #2 IIII ) 6 Z------- ---- r--------------- v 1 --- L------------ 1 II II j---------- — I 2. ROOF RAFTER 2 2"x 12" @ 16" D.F. #2 O Q-� IIII I I II II IIII 5 �J 3. ROOF RAFTER 3 2"x 8" 16" D.F. #2 IIII 11 ^ III D8 CALIFORNIA IIII D11 III ROOF R.R.3 11 4X4 4. R.B.1 2 - 2" x 12" D.F. #1 OR 4 " x 12" D.F. #1 4X4 11 IIII D11 K.P. 10 4X4 9 9 1ii IY 0Y p7 5. R.B.2 2 - 2" x 12" D.F. #1 OR 4 " x 12" D.F. #1 D8 K.P. D10 K.P. D11 10 D11 OIII 2-2X12 B.N I I D7 9 lil oo 6. R.B.3 2 - 2" x 12" D.F. #1 OR 4 "x 12" D.F. #1 70 ROOF RAFTER 1 KXp D11 6X6 11 6X6 D1 D7 iii Q ��h D11 �O i 7. R.B.4 2 - 2" x 12" D.F. #1 OR 4 " x 12" D.F. #1 00 D7 lii I D7 I I 8. R.B.5 2 - 2" x 12" D.F. #1 OR 4 " x 12" D.F. #1 ~ICI O I—rl l i 4X4 11 /1\p7' 111 i D7 6 �`L 1 K.P. D11 IIII 13 D11 1 1 9. R.B.6 2 - 2" x 10" D.F. #1 r--� MST-48 2 D7 I I D7 6X6 11 DBL. R.R. i 1 DBL. R.R. D8 I B.N W I�� --------------- D� ------T ===----I �------ ------r------J-+-- ---------- ------ -------------------- II — -----_= I I L—� r ----- ---zs----J DBL. R.F ----L_J 6 ml 9 --------------- � I II II D11 9 ;i D11 j I I I I I I 13 D7 3 17 D11 I I 2 1 MST-48 I I I I I I D7 r- II 15 I D7 D14 p8 � , 1 5 I I I I I I 13 B.N1 I I D7 DBL. r_ D7 DBL. R.R. 1 1 ' 1 1 I r D7 _J _____________J=====_ - ___________ __________-7- __----:L -________- ------ -I------------- 1 -r -rfi------ MST-4 2 I I D8 1 B.N 11 i i DBL. R.R. — L=_ B.N I 1 I I _ I DBL_R.R ___—_—_—_—_ —_— —4 I I I I ----I--_---- --- II I I I I —_--------- _----- -------------- - 1/2"/FOOT SLOPE I I 1/2"/F OT SLOPE 01 r n I I ROOF RAFTER 1 ^wj 2X6@16" I I I g W STUD WALL 1 1 D7 i — 2X6 @ 16" d1 OO I I ROOF RAFTER 1 I III STUD WALL r II I I 1 I II 11 MST-48 r 1 G) L(-)14 MST-48 D8 I I 18 D8 1 1 I I I. I II II 2 I i w 61 DBL. _ I O DBL_R.R_—J L ______J I rJ L----_ g,N I I I I I --�3BL—F .�---------- I (Jr H N _______ —___ r—====____ ---------------------- -- ----------- _ -------- ----------------------- Ir---------------------- --- --------------------- ------r L-------- ----------------------- _= 6 \ (Y-) I I B•N 18 I I g N I I D11 H QU) C�1 I I D7 rl� cn ROOF RAFTER 2 /F11 LJ 4 OLINE HIGH POINT 8C 5 IFc� D7 9 D7 � °�lbL_JH CD7 6X6 MST-37 D11 g 6X6 11 LINE OF CEILING D8 D7 BEAM BELOW 2 - 2 x 12 I I (BEARING LINE) - uJ I I 4X4 8 � co1— I I K.P. D11 `vJ 11 1�1 9 9 �I I R.R.3 D11 D10 Q �JI I pp HI I +,0X% N 0 LL:: D11 DRAWN BY 9 9� U II �• D11 � •6, 1 I M I I III 4 1111 w 1 IB.N QI D7 11 1 1 r- I _ CALIFORNIA 1 j ROOF 1111 I 1 18 1 SCALE I 2 MST-48 D7 B.N MST-48 2 I „_ ► „ I r 1 1 9 4)/ 1/4 10 -------- D8DBL_R.R. JID8 I ------ ---------126J—S R�------- ------------ -----1------L DBL. R.R. I --------------- -------$__ NONE ___ ------------ ------------- — ------ Q DO NOT SCALE ----------------------- ------------------ ------- ------- -r------ ------ --------------- ------------------ I I 18--- ------- I I I I 13 LJ I I B.N � I I I I B.N D7 D7 I I L J 6x6 I I D7 1 1 L J SHEET NAME I I I I 11 6X6 ROOF RAFTER 1 op I I I 3 17 10 D7 1/2"/FOOT JL!OPE 4 _1D7 D14 ROOF RAFTER 1 D7 I L--J L------ -- r---------- r I L___________ D4 D11 D;1 SECOND FLOOR 6x6 11 I I ROOF FRAMING D7 9 6 1 1 PLAN 9 6X6 11 IIIWD8 ST-48 D11 D11 I I - D11 D7 IIII IIII SIMILAR 10 CALIFORNIA I 6 r- 6 IIII D7 ,AOOF L J D11 B N I 1 D11 �� III I .61 1 I III 1 •S D8- ----------- __ i I1I1 II -N O _1 9 O STAMP ------------------ i J L-------- - lm _ � R.R.3 QEtOFESSIpN9 LL Q 11 4X4 F. S Fti 1 01 II I D11 K.P. rI B.N1III 14 ��- W J 1 1 I I 1111 D7 D7 D 4 ,O No.C-043720 3 A I I I II 1 I I- D11 1 1 I I IIII I I * EXP. 3-31-21 -----------J L------- r J L ----------- ------------------- CIVIL Q ---------------------J L��---------- - qT O I ----------------------------- — sr II f OF CA B.N II 6 II D11 SHEET NUMBER S � 6 SHEET OF GENERAL CONCRETE REMODELING & RENOVATION NOTE REVISION DATE ESR REPORT A DATE 07-04-2020 1 SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DOORS,WINDOWS, NON BEARING 1 ALL CONCRETE AND REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE PLACED IN ACCORDANCE 1 PRE EXISTING PORTION OF THE STRUCTURE MAY NOT CONFORM TO CURRENT INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WALLS, ELEVATIONS, SLOPES, STAIRS, CURBS. WITH GOOD QUALITY STANDARD PRACTICE. CONCRETE AND MASONRY SHALL BE CODES. DRAINS, DEPRESSIONS, RAILINGS,WATERPROOFING, FINISHED, ETC. ADEQUATELY CURED BEFORE REMOVING SHORING. 2 UNLESS REQUIRED BY OWNER AND PERMITTING AUTHORITY, IT IS NOT THE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS LIST 2 ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL BE GOOD QUALITY. WHERE NOT 2 MINIMUM CONCRETE STRENGTH SHALL BE: 2500 PSI INTENTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS TO CORRECT EXISTING CODE VIOLATIONS SIMPSON XP EPDXY ESR 2508 SHOWN ON THE PLANS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MEET INDUSTRY STANDARDS A CONTINUOS FOOTINGS, PADS AND SLABS ON GRADE 2500 psi THAT ARE NOT PART OF THESE PLANS. SIMPSON HDU- HOLDOWN ESR 2330 OWNER p 1. SIMPSON XP EPDXY ES-2508 � AND LOCAL CODES. B GRADE BEAM 3000 PSI GRADE 3 REMODEL AND RENOVATION CONSTRUCTION INVOLVES A DISCOVERY OF CONTINUOUS INSPECTION BY DEPUTY INSPECTOR IS REQUIRED C'7 3 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE CONTINUOUS INSPECTION BY A DEPUTY INSPECTOR IS REQUIRE FOR ALL UNRECORDED"CHANGED"CONSTRUCTION,AND/OR CONSTRUCTION METHOD SIMPSON SSTB ANCHOR BOLT ESR 2611 2. F'c=3500 PSI FOR ALL CONCRETE I` SITE AND NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ALL DISCREPANCIES. CONCRETE GRADE BEAM ONLY. MAY HAVE CAUSED CHANGES TO THE ORIGINAL BUILT CONSTRUCTION, SIMPSON MST STEEL STRAP ESR 2105 CONTINUOUS INSPECTION BY DEPUTY INSPECTOR IS REQUIRED r 4 THE DETAILS ON THESE DRWG'S SHALL BE USED WHEREVER APPLICABLE UNLESS 3 CEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C150, TYPE II OR III PORTLAND CEMENT. PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS AND/OR DOCUMENTS. THESE CHANGES (MADE IN ONLY FOR GRADE BEAM OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS NOTES AND DETAILS ON DRAWINGS 4 HARD-ROCK AGGREGATES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C33. THEIR MAXIMUM THE FIELD)MAY NOT HAVE BEEN THE PROPOSED REMODEL CONSTRUCTION SIMPSON A35 LTP-4 ESR 2606 A. VERIFICATION CONCRETE MIX Q w SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER GENERAL NOTES AND TYPICAL DETAILS. SIZE SHALL BE 1 1/2 INCHES FOR FOOTINGS, CAISSONS AND GRADE BEAMS AND UNCOVERED THE CHANGED CONDITION (I.E. STRUCTURAL, ELECTRICAL, SIMPSON ECCQ AND CCQ ESR 2604 B. CONTINUOUS INSPECTION FOR THE FABRICATION OF TEST J > Q 5 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAFETY AND PROTECTION IN AND 1 INCHES FOR ALL OTHER WORK. MECHANICAL, ETC.). THEREFORE, REMODEL CONSTRUCTION IS INEXACT AND SPECIMENS, SLUMP TEST, AIR CONTENTS TEST, AND TO DETERMINE AROUND JOB SITE AND OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES. 5 LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATES (CONFORM TO ASTM C330)SHALL BE APPROVED UNPREDICTABLE. TEMPERATURE OF THE CONCRETE > LL 6 OBSERVATION VISITS TO THE SITE BY FIELD REPRESENTATIVE SHALL NEITHER AND THEIR MAXIMUM SIZE SHALL BE 1/2 INCH. 4 THE DISCOVERY OF CHANGED CONDITION MUST BE REPORTED AND C. CONTINUOUS INSPECTION FOR THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCRETE Q C)BE CONSTRUCTED AS INSPECTION NOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION. 6 A STATEMENT OF MIX DESIGN SHALL BE MADE FOR CONCRETE DESIGNED BY DOCUMENTED.THE ARCHITECT(DRAFT MAN)SHALL BE NOTIFIED, IN ORDER TO SIMPSON SDS SCREW ESR 2236 D. PERIODIC INSPECTION FOR THE VERIFICATION OF PROPER CURING Q METHOD 11.THE AVERAGE TRIAL BATCH STRENGTH SHALL EXCEED THE PROPERLY AND PRUDENTLY ASSESS OR EVALUATE THE SUBSEQUENT SIMPSON FACE MOUNT HANGER ESR 5708 TEMPERATURE AND TESTING TECHNIQUES OF THE TEST SPECIMENS Q w (n SPECIFIED STRENGTH,fc, BY 25% OR 900 PSI, WHICHEVER IS LEAST. DESIGN REMEDIAL ACTION. FAILURE ON THE PART OF THE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR TO 3. STRUCTURAL SHEAR WALL �n �•J SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER,ARCHITECT, ENGINEER,AND BUILDING REPORT CHANGED CONDITIONS RELEASES THE ARCHITECT FROM ANY AND ALL SIMPSON TOP FLANGE HANGER ESR 2553 SPECIAL INSPECTION BY DEPUTY INSPECTOR IS REQUIRED FOR Z 2 3 DEPARTMENT FOR APPROVAL BEFORE USE. LIABILITY. SHEAR WALLS, 45 w V SEE SHEET SN-1 Q O 7 ONLY ONE GRADE OF CONCRETE SHALL BE POURED ON THE JOB AT ONE TIME. 5 THE ARCHITECT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR UNRECORDED CHANGED SIMPSON H2.5 HANGER ESR 2607 L.L 8 CONCRETE COVER OVER REINFORCING SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: CONDITIONS REMEDIAL DRAWINGS AND/OR DOCUMENTATION MAY BE 4. CONTINUOUS INSPECTION BY DEPUTY INSPECTOR IS REQUIRED FOR A POURED AGAINST EARTH 3 1/2 INCHES REQUIRED TO CONTINUE THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE. UNANTICIPATED AND ALL FIELD WELDING AND HIGH STRENGTH ANCHOR BOLTS LU J Q B EXPOSED TO EARTH, BUT POURED AGAINST FORMS 2 INCHES UNKNOWN SUB GRADE CONDITIONS MAY ALSO EXIST, AND WILL BE = Q U 9 ALL REINFORCING SHOWN CONTINUOS SHALL BE LAPPED 30 DIAMETERS ADDRESSED IN THESE DOCUMENTS. U FRAMING (GRADE 40)OR 36 DIAMETERS(GRADE 60)AT SPLICES AND SHALL BE MADE AWAY FROM POINTS OF MAXIMUM STRESS. MINIMUM LAP SHALL BE 24" LONG. REINFORCING STEEL Structural Observation Program W U 10 BEFORE CONCRETE IS POURED, CHECK WITH ALL TRADES TO INSURE PROPER And Designation Of The STATEMENT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS � (� 1 ALL LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH GRADED D.F#1 UNLESS NOTED 1 ALL REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE NEW STOCK DEFORMED BARS Structural Observer O PLACEMENT OF ALL OPENINGS, SLEEVES, CURBS, CONDUITS, BOLTS, INSERTS, TO BE COMPLETED AND PRINTED ON APPROVED PLANS Q OTHER WISE CONFORMING TO ASTM A615 AS FOLLOWS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN : c) = ETC., RELATING TO WORK. WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTI❑N AND STRUCTURAL ❑BSERVATI❑N DURING STRUCT Job Address: 10839 CARRIAGE DRIVE Permit No. SPECIAL INSPECTION 2 CATEGORY GRADE LIGHT FRAMING STANDARD STRUCTURAL LIGHT FRAMING#1 11 ALL SLEEVES NOT SPECIFICALLY SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE GRADE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91737 - (T❑ BE SELECTED AND CHECKED BY THE DESIGN PR❑FESSI❑NAL OF RECORD) ❑BSERV ' ` STRUCTURAL JOIST AND PLANKS(BEAM 4"WIDE),#1 BEAMS OVER 4"WIDE AND LOCATED BY THE TRADES INVOLVED AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE a CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS, PADS, SLABS ON GRADE 40 Description of Work: A PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILL, GRADING, AND EXCAVATIONS C❑NTINU❑US PERI❑DIC v STRINGERS#1 POST AND TIMBERS#1. b STRUCTURAL SLABS, BEAMS, GIRDERS &COLUMNS 60 Owner: AVILA RESIDENCE Architect: ERICK MOLINAR GRADING & B PILE DRIVING, Z ENGINEER. F❑UNDATI❑N C CAISS❑N DRILLING, z 3 ALL PLYWOOD SHALL CONFORM TO 2019 CBC CODE ,USE STRUCTURAL I PLYWOOD 12 DRY PACK CONCRETE SHALL BE ONE PART PORTLAND CEMENT AND ONE PART c WALLS & BLOCK WALLS 40 Engineer ALL SARRAMI ESR=2586 FOR ALL STRUCTURAL PLYWOOD A CONCRETE PLACEMENT, SAND, WITH SUFFICIENT WATER TO ALLOW A SMALL AMOUNT OF PASTE TO 1, F❑UNDATI❑N/F❑❑TINGS, 4 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS, ALL EXTERIOR WALLS, INTERIOR BEARING 2 ALL BARS SHALL BE FREE OF LOOSE FLAKY RUST AND SCALE, GREASE, OR Structural Observation 2, SLAB-ON-GRADE. x COME TO THE SURFACE. (only checked items are required) 3, ALL OTHER STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, WALLS AND MAIN CROSS WALLS SHALL BE BRACED BY THE FOLLOWING METHOD: 13 CONCRETE GROUT SHALL BE NON-SHRINKING WITH SUFFICIENT WATER TO OTHER MATERIAL WHICH MIGHT AFFECT OR IMPAIR BOND. Firm or individual to be responsible for Structural Observation B PLACEMENT OF NON SHRINK GROUT WHERE INTERIOR WALL COVERING IS 5/8" GYPSUM BOARD, NAIL WITH 6d ALLOW POURING ULTIMATE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH fC AT 28 DAYS SHALL 3 WELDING OF REINFORCING STEEL: FIELD WELDING OF REINFORCING STEEL Name: Phone: ) CA Re istration: C M N F MPR T T AMP ( ) D PLACEMENT OF REINFORCEMENT AND CONCRETE IN CAISSONS, COOLER NAILS AT 7"O.C.AT ALL STUDS AND AT TOP AND BOTTOM EQUAL 2000 psi. SHALL BE PERFORMED BY WELDER SPECIFICALLY CERTIFIED FOR Foundation Wall Frame Diaphragm CONCRETE E PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE AROUND BOLTS OR EMBEDS AS PLATES. NO EDGE BLOCKING REQUIRED. REINFORCING STEEL. PRIOR TO WELDING , THE"CARBON EQUIVALENT" CE OF SPECIFIED , 14 ALL BOLT HOLES SHALL BE DRILLED 1/32 TO 1/16 OVERSIZED. ( ) ■ Footing. Stem Walls. ❑ Concrete Steel Moment Frame ❑ Concrete PNEUMATICALLY PLACED CONCRETE, PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION, 5 ALL LUMBER IN CONTACT WITH MASONRY OR CONCRETE SHALL BE PRESSURE 15 HOLD DOWNS RE-TIGHTENED PRIOR TO COVERING WALL FRAMING. STEEL SHALL BE DETERMINED. REINFORCING STEEL WHOSE"CE" CAN NOT BE Piers I F REBAR PLACEMENT CONDITIONS, SAMPLE PANEL VERIFICATION, TREATED. IDENTIFIED OR EXCEEDS 0.757 SHALL NOT BE WELDED. EXCEPT FOR ❑ Mat Foundation ❑ Masonry C Steel Braced Frame ❑ Steel Deck G PLACEMENT OF HIGH STRENGTH GROUT AND TAKING SAMPLES STRUCTURAL STEEL H CONCRETE BATCHING ❑N-SITE, 6 ALL POST IN WALLS SHALL HAVE POSTS IN WALLS BELOW CONTINUOUSLY TO REINFORCING STEEL SHALL NOT BE PREHEATED AS SHOWN IN TABLE 1 OF RGA I WEIGHTMASTER CERTIFICATION, - Caisson. Piles. ■ Wood ❑ Masonry Wall Frame ■ Wood J CONIC, GRADE BEAM F'C- 3000 PSI X FOUNDATION. 3-77. IN ADDITION, STEEL WITH CE BETWEEN 0.667 AND 0.757 SHALL BE Grade Beams - �I 1 CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LATEST AISC STANDARD A INSTALLATION OF ADHESIVE ANCHORS, RODS AND DOWELS, X 1] Stepping, Retaining ❑ Other: ■ Other: ❑ Other: DRILLED ANCHORS B EXPANSI❑N ANCHORS IN CONCRETE OR MASONRY, X UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS. PRACTICES. WELDABILITY. Foundation. Hillside A PLACEMENT OF REINF❑RCING BARS IN GRADE BEAM, X CD S ecial Anchors STEEL STRONG WALL W CD2 FIELD WELDING TO BE DONE BY WELDERS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY THE LA B SAMPLING FOR TESTING, 01 8 BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED PER LOCAL CODES. 4 ALL BENDS TO BE MADE COLD. Other. REINF❑RCING C MILL REPORT VERIFICATION AND MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION, 00 10 PRIOR TO COVERING ALL NAILING OF ROOF OR FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL BE CITY BUILDING DEPARTMENT. CONTINUOUS INSPECTION BY A DEPUTY INSPECTOR 5 DO NOT WELD GRADE 60 REINFORCING UNLESS SPECIAL APPROVED IS STEEL D PRESTRESS TENDON PROFILE, VERIFY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION, H \ IS REQUIRED. OBSERVE AND RECORD ELONGATION & FORCE, Ln INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. WHERE USED AS OBTAINED FROM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. C7 � I DECLARATION BY OWNER SHEATHING FOR SHEAR WALLS PER SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE OR AS WALL 3 STEEL: STRUCTURAL STEEL ASTM (A36)A(992). STRUCTURAL ASTM A53 GRADE B, 6 GRADE 40 REINFORCING MAY BE WELDED WHEN REQUIRED. 1, SHOP FABRICATION AND WELDING ❑F SMRFS (REF, 1701,5), x W H I,the Owner of the project.declare that the above listed firm or individual is hired by me to be the A W BRACING PER NOTE NUMBER OF THIS SECTION.THE NAILING OF ALL GYPSUM TUBING ASTM A501. REINFORCING BARS A615. 7 CONCRETE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS (SLAB, BEAMS, ETC.)SHALL NOT BE Structural Observer. 2. SHOP FABRICATION/WELDING IN NON-APPROVED SHOPS, H Ln 4 BOLTED CONNECTIONS USED SHALL CONSIST OF UNFINISHED BOLTS B STRUCTURAL FIELD WELDING (REF, 1701,5), X N BOARD SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO TAPING OF JOIST. STRIPPED UNTIL THE CONCRETE HAS REACHED ITS DESIGN STRENGTH. c STRUCTURAL LIGHT GAGE FRAMING ❑R DECKING, .12 PROVIDE MINIMUM 1/4"CLEAR AT SIDES OF GLASS TO FRAME AND 1/2"CLEAR CONFORMING TO ASTM A307, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BOLTS SHALL BE Print Name signature Date WELDING D SHEAR CONNECTORS INSPECTI❑N AND FIELD TEST, H Q H REINFORCING STEEL WELDING (REF, 1701,5,5,3), X 3/4" DIAMETER, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. FOUNDATIONS E 11 CN AT TOP OF GLASS TO EDGE OF FRAME. DECLARATION BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD(required if the Structural Observer is F ❑MF & SMF C❑NNECTION, COLUMN SPLICE AND BASE, X 5 ALL FABRICATION SHALL BE DONE IN THE SHOP OF A FABRICATOR LICENSED BY different from Architect or Engineer of Record) 14 LAG BOLTS: PROVIDE LEAD HOLE 40%TO 70% OF TREADED SHANK DIA.AND THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES OR UNDER CONTINUOUS INSPECTION. 1,the Architect or Engineer of Record for the Project,declare that the above listed firm or individual is A VERIFICATION OF MILL REPORTS AND IDENTIFICATION OF STEEL R � U designated by me to be responsible for the Structural Observation. STRUCTURAL PHYSICAL TESTING, FULL DIA. FOR SMOOTH SHANK PORTION. 6 SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO 2 ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE. STEEL B ERECTION AND INSPECTION OF STEEL SURFACES, O H .. 15 BEARING WALL STUDS CAN NOT BE NOTCHED MORE THAN 25% OF THEIR FABRICATION. A. 2000 PSF SEE SOIL REPORT BY OTHERS QRpFESSIO/V C STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION, X x 0 7 WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY WELDERS CERTIFIED BY BUILDING DEPARTMENT, SOIL REPORT RECOMMENDATION IS PART OF THE PLAN Signature ��� �ti:: F, < - Date A HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING, N W WIDTH. BORED HOLES CAN NOT HAVE A DIAMETER GREATER THAN 40/o OF THE STUD WIDTH. USING E-60 ELECTRODES. 3 ALL BACK FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 90% OF MAXIMUM �;�"P �fZ BOLTING H '71H � Q7 J _P Fn A PLACEMENT ❑F MASONRY UNITS, 16 STUCCO AND/OR STUCCO WITH VENEER OVER A PLYWOOD SHEAR WILL BE 8 THE SEISMIC DESIGN, FABRICATION,AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL RELATIVE DENSITY. REvoSne 6l LU ❑7: No,C-0 v 3 A B MASONRY PRISM C❑NSTRUCTI❑N, MORTAR AND GROUT SAMPLING. d1 43720 WATERPROOFED WITH A MINIMUM (2) 15#FELT UNDERLAYMENTS. BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PART I, PART III,AND SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 OF THE 5 PROVIDE RAIN GUTTERS AND CONVEY RAIN WATER TO THE STREET. MASONRY C GROUTING OPERATIONS, U) "SEISMIC PROVISIONS FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS" 7 CONCRETE STRENGTH FOR FOUNDATION SHALL BE 2500 s1 MINIMUM. * D MATERIALS CERTIFICATI❑N, 17 FOUNDATION SILLS SHALL BE NATURALLY DURABLE OR PRESERVATIVE-TREATED p EXP. 3-31-21 E MASONRY WALLS C❑MPLETI❑N, 0 WOOD. 9 WELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A WPS AS REQUIRED IN 8 MINIMUM FOOTING REINF. SHALL BE TWO#5 BAR-TOP&TWO #5 BAR-BOTTOM sT CIVIC 1-4 AWS D1.1,2000 AND APPROVED BE THE ENGINEER OF THE RECORD. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. qTe of CALZF'� PLACEMENT AND NAILING OF SHEATHING. X x U) UW 10 ALL COMPLETE JOINT PENETRATION GROOVE WELDS USED IN THE SEISMIC FORCE CWOODONS B DRAG CONNECTIONS C AND HOLD-DOWNS. X x 9 MINIMUM ANCHOR BOLT SIZE AND SPACING SHALL BE%"A.B. @ 32"O.C., WITH CONSTRUCTION C SEISMIC TIMBER CONNECTIONS. x SYSTEM SHALL BE MADE WITH A FILLER METAL THAT HAS A MINIMUM CHARPY V- 7" EMBEDMENT,AND YX x%" PLATE WASHERS.ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE NORCH TOUGHNESS OF 20 FT-LBS AT MINUS 200 F.-AISC I-7.3b- LOCATED A MAXIMUM OF 12"AND 7" MINIMUM FROM THE END OF THE PLATE. 11 DISCONTINUITIES IN WELD CREATED BY ERRORS OR BY FABRICATION OR DRAWN BY ERECTION OPERATION, SUCH AS TACK WELDS, ERECTION AIDS,AIR-ARC GAUGING AND FLAME CUTTING, SHALL BE REPAIRED AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 12 FOR CONNECTION WITH WELDED FLANGE JOINTS,WELD BACKING AND RUN-OFF TABS SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPAIRED INCLUDING THE USE OF A REINFORCING FILLET WELD, EXCEPT THAT THE TOP FLANGE BACKING IS PERMITTED TO REMAIN IN PLACE IF IT IS ATTACHED TO THE COLUMN FLANGE WITH A CONTINUOUS FILLET ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE SCALE WELD ON THE EDGE BELOW THE COMPLETE-JOINT-PENETRATION GROOVE WELD. SHEAR WITH 1/2" PLYWOOD 0 1/411= 11 - o" SHEAR WALL (TYPICAL) 0 NONE SHEAR WALL NOTES _ DO NOT SCALE 1 ONLY COMMON NAILS WILL BE USED FOR ALL PLYWOOD SHEAR WALLS AND MORE NOTES NAILS GUNS USING "CLIPPED HEAD" OR"SINKER" NAILS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 4. PLYWOOD ROOF PANELS SHALL BE BONDED WITH INTERMEDIATE OR EXTERIOR SHEET NAME 2 ALL BOLT HOLES TO BE DRILLED 1/32" MIN TO 1/16" MAX OVERSIZED. 1. CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WIND OR SEISMIC GLUE AND BONDED WITH EXTERIR GLUE WHERE EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER. USE 2X6 @ 16" FOR ENGINEER TO VERIFY. FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM/COMPONENT LISTED IN "STATEMENT OF SPECIAL ALL PLUMBING WALL 3 DOUGLAS- FIR(GROUP II LUMBER)PRESSURE TREATED SILL PLATES WILL BE INSPECTION "SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY TO THE 5. SOLID BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL HORIZONTAL JOINTS OCCURING IN S H E A R W A L L S C H E D U L E USED; ENGINEER TO BE NOTIFIED FOR REDESIGN IF OTHER SPECIES SILLS ARE CITY INSPECTOR BRACED WALL PANELS. TYPE&MATERIAL PANEL FRAMING SILL ALLOWABLE ANCHOR BOLT FOUNDATION WALL FRAMING NOTES/ DELIVERED TO THE SITE (OR ARE PART OF EXISTING BUILDING). EDGE ANCHORS NAILING SHEAR#/FT SPACING SILL PLATE BOTTOM @ PANEL REMARKS 6. HOLD-DOWN CONNECTOR BOLTS INTO FRAMING REQUIRE APPROVE PLATE WASHERS; 11 PLYWOOD O STAGGERED O (DF) PLATE EDGES 4 THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO ALL SHEAR WALLS WITH A LISTED DESIGN LOAD 2 . PERIODIC SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR WOOD SHEAR WALLS, SEE ARCH PLAN +TITLE 24 GREATER THAN 350 PLF: SHEAR PANELS,AND DIAPHRAGMS, INCLUDING NAILING, BOLTING,ANCHORING, AND AND HOLD-DOWN S SHALL BE TIGHTENED JUST PRIOR TO COVERING THE WALL 1/2 STRUCTURAL I COMMON A PROVIDE 3X SILL PLATES FOR SILLS THAT REST ON CONCRETE OR MASONRY. OTHER FASTENING TO COMPONENTS OF THE SEISMIC FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM. FRAMING. CONNECTOR BOLTS INTO WOOD FRAMING REQUIRE STEEL PLATE ZL 4-5 PLY PLYWOOD 8d @ 4" A35 @ 16" 16d @ 4" 280 S/FT 5/8" DIA @ 32" 2x MEMBER 2x MEMBER 2x MEMBER © REQUIREMENT B PROVIDE 3X STUDS BETWEEN ADJACENT PANELS. IF IT NECESSARY TO USE SPECIAL INSPECTION BY A DEPUTY INSPECTOR IS REQUIRED WHERE THE FASTENER WASHERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. 4 51P STRUCTURAL PLYWO DI COMMON @ ON A35 @ 16" sDs s6"@ 6" 410 S/FT 5/8" DIA @ 32" 3x MEMBER 3x MEMBER 3x MEMBER 5 6 7 8 10 FOR THE SIZE O F ALL 2-2X MEMBERS BETWEEN PANELS, SPECIFY 16d NAILS WITH STAGGERED SPACING OF THE SHEATING IS 4 INCHES ON CENTER OR LESS. 4-5 STRUCTURAL I COMMON D x 6"@ 6" NAILING,AND SPACING NO GREATER THAN THE REQUIRED PLYWOOD EDGE 7. HOLD-DOWN HARDWARE MUST BE SECURED IN PLACE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION ZL 4-5 PLY PLYWOOD 10d @ 3" A35 @ 12" SDS SCREWS 550 S/FT 5/s" DIA @ 32" 3x MEMBER 3x MEMBER 3x MEMBER 5 6 7 8 10 STUD WALLS TYPICAL NAILING. 3. WHERE SPECIAL INSPECTION OR TESTING IS REQUIRED, THE REGISTERED DESIGN INSPECTION. I STAGG. C PROVIDE 1/2" EDGE DISTANCE FOR THE PLYWOOD BOUNDARY NAILING. PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE SHALL INCLUDE A"STATEMENTOF SPECIAL 1/2"STRUCTURAL I COMMON 1/4"x 6"@ 4" 5 4-5 PLY PLYWOOD 10d @ 2" A35 @ 12" SDS SCREWS 650 S/FT 5/8" DIA @ 16" 3x MEMBER 3x MEMBER 3x MEMBER 5 6 7 8 10 D STAGER NAILS IF NAIL SPACING IS LESS THAN 2"O.C. INSPECTIONS"ON THE PLANS. 8. ROOF DIAPHRAGM NAILING TO BE INSPECTED BEFORE COVERING". FACE GRAIN OF sTAGG. THE STRUCTURAL PLAN OF THE NEW PROPOSED E FOR THE ANCHOR BOLTS IN SHEAR WALL SILL PLATE, PROVIDE .229"X 3"X 3" PLYWOOD SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO SUPPORTS. FLOOR SHALL HAVE NOTES AND REMARKS STRUCTURE SHALL COMPLY WITH 2O19 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE STAMP PLATE WASHERS TONGUE AND GROOVE OR BLOCKED PANEL EDGES. PLYWOOD SPANS SHALL 1. COMMON NAILS ONLY 8d COMMON 2.5"LONG-0.28"DIA. HEAD 5 FOUNDATION SILL BOLTS REQUIRE STEEL PLATE WASHERS OF SIZE AND CONFORM WITH 2O19 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 10d COMMON 3.0" LONG-0.32"DIA. HEAD PLYWOOD FIELD NAILING @12"O.C. Q?pFESSIOA, YXYX4" ADDITONAL CITY REQUIRED NOTES 16d COMMON 3.5" LONG 0.36"DIA. HEAD ���P�Z F. SIDS SIMPSON WOOD SCREW q Cr 6 PLYWOOD: PRODUCT ESR 2586, DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH, STRUCTURAL I 2. SIMPSON A35 FRAMING ANCHOR FOR FLAT APLICATION, LONG DIMENSION IS HORIZONTAL. 7 SOLID BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ALL HORIZONTAL JOINTS OCCURRING 1. FASTENERS FOR PRESERVATIVE TREATED AND FIRE RETARDANT TREATED WOOD SHOULD BE OF HOT DIPPED 3. FOR NEW FOUNDATION USE 5/8" DIA.x 12"LONG ANCHOR BOLTS WITH A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 48"O.C. PROVIDE MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE No,C-043720 3 A BRACED WALL PANELS. OF 1-3/4" FOR EXISTING FOUNDATION USE 5/8"DIA.x 5"MIN. EMBEDMENT. ZINC COATED GALVANIZED STEEL STAINLESS STEEL, SILICON BRONZE OR COPPER. THE COATING WEIGHT FOR ZINC A. SIMPSON EPDXY TIE (LARK 25185f COATED FASTENERS SHALL BE ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM A-153. FASTENING FOR WOOD FOUNDATIONS SHOULD BE B. HILTI KWIK-BOLTII (LARK 24946)r SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED EXP, 3-31-21 REQUIRED IN AF&PA TECHNICAL REPORT NO.7 C. RAMSET READ-HEAD (LARK 2748)I_ sT CIVIC- ��~P NOTE: USE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED NAILS AND ANCHOR BOLT FOR CONNECTION TO WOOD PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER- -TYPICA L IMPORTANT: CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN NO TO DAMAGE EXISTING CONCRETE DURING DRILLING APPLICATION. qTF OF CALZF� 4. USE DOUGLAS-FIR PRESSURE TREATED, FOR ALL NEW SILL PLATES. 5. 3x STUDS OR 3x BLOCKINGS ARE REQUIRED AT THE BOUNDARY AND PANEL EDGES,WITH A MINIMUM 1/2" EDGE DISTANCE FOR PLYWOOD 2. SEE SHEET SN1 FOR ALL ESR NUMBER AND RESEARCH NUMBER FOR ALL HARDWARE AND STEEL STRONG WALL NAILING, FOR EXITING WALL WITH 2x STUD AND 2x SILL PLATE,AN ADDITIONAL 2x MEMBER SHOULD BE ATTACH WITH 16d NAIL @ 4"AS WELL SEE SHEET SSW1 AND SSW2 FOR STEEL STRONG WALL INFORMATION AS THE FOUNDATION SILL PLATES. SHEET NUMBER 8DHGPT500 FOR 8D COMMON NAIL HOT DIP GALVANIZED NAIL 6. PLYWOOD CAN BE INSTALLED HORIZONTALLY OR VERTICALLY, ON EITHER SIDE OF THE WALL. HORIZONTAL APPLICATION IS PREFERED WITH 3x BLOCKING AT PANEL EDGES.ALL PANEL EDGES TO BE BACKED WITH 2"OR 3"THICK FRAMING. PLYWOOD FIELD NAILING TO BE INSTALLED N10HDGPT500 FOR 10D COMMON NAIL HOT DIP GALVANIZED NAIL @ 12"O.C. N16HDGPT500 FOR 16 D COMMON NAIL HOT DIP GALVANIZED NAIL 7. WHERE PLYWOOD IS APPLIED ON BOTH FACES OF A WALL, PANEL JOIST SHALL BE OFFSET TO FALL ON DIFFERENT FRAMING MEMBER, OR FRAMING SHALL BE 3" NOMINAL SIZE STAGGERED NAILS AT EACH SIDE. 3. SEE SHEET SN1 FOR ALL SPECIAL INSPECTION STATEMENT 8. USE ONE HALF BOLT AND SILL NAILING SPACING FOR SHEAR WALLS WITH PLYWOOD ON BOTH SIDES OF PANEL. SN- 1 9. 3x STUDS @ 16"O.C.ARE REQUIRED WHERE NAILS ARE SPACED 2"ON CENTER. NAILS TO BE STAGGERED. 10. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION BY PROJECT ENGINEER IS REQUIRED. 11. 1/2"PLYWOOD STIR. 1 (O.S.B. ORIENTED STRANDED BOARD),APA, PARTICLE BOARD. SHEET OF PLACE ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT WHERE INDICATED NOTE: z Z BASED ON REQUIRED QUANTITY (EX. 2 TIES REQUIRED: ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT w O PLACE AT LOCATIONS MARKED 1 AND 2) IS FOR ANCHORAGE ONLY. SSWAB TOP CROSSTIE CAP C0 GRADE BEAM DESIGN (SIZE w w 3 1 2 4 3 1 2 4 AND REINFORCEMENT) BY SHEAR REINFORCEMENT PER 4/SSW1 WHEN REQUIRED. STANDARD 90 DEGREE o w REGISTERED DESIGN HOOK > m SHEAR REINFORCEMENT PER 4/SSW1 w SSWAB1 PROFESSIONAL. OPTIONAL COLD JOINT SSWAB1 HS II i i li li i li I WHEN REQUIRED. CONSECUTIVELY PLACED � �_ o a ° CROSSTIES MUST ALTERNATE N STANDARD 135 PLACEMENT OF 90 DEGREE HOOK DEGREE HOOK 1 ° a ° o 0 ti 0o N O O 00 ° ° 7V U-STIRRUP � O ° a CONTINUOUS GRADE BEAM TOP ° CLOSED TIE ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT PER TABLE. a REQUIRED 10"WIDTH MAY DIFFER FROM GRADE BEAM ° i i i i i � ° ° a AND BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT o a H a a m BY REGISTERED DESIGN a SHEAR TIE REINFORCEMENT WIDTH THAT IS DESIGNED ZI a �4i PROFESSIONAL 16"±%2' BY REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. 41 a a a ° ° LOCATE CONTINUOUS BAR AT EACH a a ° ° a CORNER OF ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT 101, 10 a °° a 1. ° ° a a° a GRADE BEAM SHEAR TIE Q a ° ° a a ° REINFORCEMENT BY CONTINUOUS GRADE BEAM TOP AND #4 SINGLE PIECE HOOP #4 TWO PIECE ASSEMBLY ° a REGISTERED DESIGN BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT BY REGISTERED ° PROFESSIONAL DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ° 5" MAX a 5" MAX 10" W EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. EQ. 3 4 DIMENSIONING NOTES: DIMENSIONING NOTES: U SSW1.1 10" MAX. 10" MAX. SSW1.1 D: DEPTH BY REGISTERED H: HEIGHT OF ANCHOR z DESIGN PROFESSIONAL (24" MIN). REINFORCEMENT ASSEMBLY > W: WIDTH BY REGISTERED BY REGISTERED DESIGN Z DESIGN PROFESSIONAL (18" MIN). PROFESSIONAL Q z CLOSED TIE ANCHOR J REINFORCEMENT PER TABLE m 00 un000� � �Lo�0 GRADE BEAM ELEVATION AT 18", 21 " AND 24" WALL MODELS 1 GRADE BEAM SECTION AT ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT 3 CLOSED TIE ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT 6 Ln o< I u<z6' PLACE ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT WHERE INDICATED cf3 O O BASED ON REQUIRED QUANTITY (EX. 2 TIES REQUIRED: Z O Q 0 00 PLACE AT LOCATIONS MARKED 1 AND 2) O Cl� w Q0 Q CL_ :5LnwJ 6 1 3 5 4 2 7 OPTIONAL COLD JOINT _ :� O0�_jw SSWAB ISHEAR REINFORCEMENT PER SSWABHS 4/SSW1 WHEN REQUIRED. ° ° a a °a a J I I I I I I ® � I I I I I I O O U) a z I I I I I a° ° ° a ° ` _ Lu �° a Q °° ° IE a ` � I I I I a ° ° GRADE BEAM SHEAR TIE REINFORCEMENT ° ° — CONTINUOUS GRADE BEAM TOP BY REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL AND BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT a a BY REGISTERED DESIGN a ° a ° PROFESSIONAL D ° a a CONTINUOUS GRADE BEAM TOP AND ° a BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT BY REGISTERED a° a °° a ° DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ° a a -ITO a ° ° a a Y♦ l ° << Q a a ° ° ° a ° a GRADE BEAM SHEAR TIE Q a ° ° REINFORCEMENT BY ° a REGISTERED DESIGN ° 4' a PROFESSIONAL W 0 11111 lumlur6M jal�l� =a lmm�lm�lllllml�l W Q W 3 4 a SSW1.1 M 01. M, SSW1.1 DIMENSIONING NOTES: O ce 0 D: DEPTH BY REGISTERED 0 EQUAL SPACING LOSED TIE ANCHOR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL (24" MIN). W C W: WIDTH BY REGISTERED REINFORCEMENT PER TABLE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL (18" MIN). Z uj 4 uu W z GRADE BEAM ELEVATION AT 12" AND 15" WALL MODELS 2 GRADE BEAM SECTION AWAY FROM ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT 4 a (3 W z uu SSW GRADE BEAM ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT uj W ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT LRFD APPLIED DESIGN Imm STEEL 3,8,9 4,5,6,7 STRONG-WALL ANCHOR ANCHOR FOR WIND AND SEISMIC SEISMIC MOMENT (ft.-Ibs.) MODEL NO. DIAMETER in. ( ) ( ) WIDTH in. STANDARD HIGH STRENGTH STANDARD HIGH STRENGTH STRENGTH SSWAB (HS) SSWAB STRENGTH SSWAB (HS) SSWAB 12" MODEL SSSWAB3/4 3/4 2-#4 CLOSED TIES PER sw� 5-#4 CLOSED TIES PER sw� 16,700 23,000 w 0 15" MODEL 4-#4 CLOSED TIES PER sw�. 7-#4 CLOSED TIES PER sw�. 37,000 44,000 # co •.i cr ` w w w 18" MODEL 48,700 61,000 SSWAB1 1 21" MODEL SSWAB1 HS 2-#4 CLOSED TIES PER sw� 4-#4 CLOSED TIES PER sw� 60,300 77,000 NOTES:24" MODEL 72,000 87,000 (NAME 1. ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT CONFORMS TO ACI 318-14 SECTION AND ACI 318-11 SECTION D.5.2.9 AND PERFORMANCE WAS VALIDATED THROUGH FULL SCALE TESTING. DATE 2. MINIMUM CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, f'c= 2500 psi. 8-8-201 6 3. CLOSED TIE ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT TO BE ASTM A615 GRADE 60 (MIN)#4 REBAR. SCALE 4. GRADE BEAM LONGITUDINAL AND TIE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY THE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR FLEXURE AND SHEAR LOADING. DESIGN SHOULD CONSIDER PROJECT SPECIFIC N.T.S. DESIGN LOADS AND ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE. CHECKED 5. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE RECOMMENDS USING THE TABULATED MINIMUM LRFD APPLIED SEISMIC DESIGN MOMENT TO ENSURE GRADE BEAM DESIGN FLEXURE AND SHEAR STRENGTH IS ADEQUATE TO PREVENT PLASTIC HINGE FORMATION UNDER DEMANDS ASSOCIATED WITH ANCHORAGE FORCES CORRESPONDING TO ACI 318-14 SECTION AND ACI 318-11 SECTION D. 6. DESIGNER MAY USE REDUCED MOMENT DUE TO APPLIED SSW LATERAL LOAD. MINIMUM MOMENT SHALL BE THE LESSER OF THE TABULATED MOMENT OR THE AMPLIFIED LRFD DESIGN MOMENT FOR SEISMIC: SHEET (ASD SHEAR/0.7) x S2o x SSW HEIGHT FOR GRADE BEAM DESIGN. 7. MINIMUM GRADE BEAM DESIGN MOMENT FOR WIND AND SEISMIC IN SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY A AND B AND DETACHED 1 AND 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS IN SDC C: (ASD SHEAR/0.6) x SSW HEIGHT. sswi . 8. CLOSED TIE MAY BE SINGLE PIECE HOOP OR TWO PIECE ASSEMBLY WITH A U-STIRRUP WITH STANDARD 135 DEGREE HOOKS AND A TOP CROSS TIE CAP. SEE DETAIL 6/SSW1.1. 9. SEE DETAILS FOR GRADE BEAM ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT, INSTALLATION AND SPACING REQUIREMENTS. CLOSED TIE ANCHOR REINFORCEMENT QUANTITY IS PER WALL FOR THE 12"AND 15"WALL MODELS, AND PER ANCHOR FOR THE 18", 21"AND 24" MODELS. OF SHEETS JOB NO. SSWAB ANCHOR GRADE BEAM REINFORCEMENT AND DESIGN MOMENTS 5 STEEL STRONG-WALL ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS FOR 3500 PSI CONCRETE STEEL STRONG-WALL ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS FOR4500 PSI CONCRETE Z Z Z SSWAB SSWAB SSWAB 3/4"ANCHOR BOLT SSWAB V ANCHOR BOLT SSWAB 3/4"ANCHOR BOLT SSWAB V ANCHOR BOLT O_ _O _O W de W de W de W de DESIGN CONCRETE ANCHOR ASD ASD DESIGN CONCRETE ANCHOR ASD ASD � C �5 �5 CRITERIA CONDITION STRENGTH ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE CRITERIA CONDITION STRENGTH ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE � > > > SHEAR REINFORCEMENT MINIMUM CURB/STEMWALL UPLIFT (Ibs) (in) (in) UPLIFT(Ibs) (in) (in) UPLIFT (Ibs) (in) (in) UPLIFT(Ibs) (in) (in) Lu O Lu Lu PER 4/SSW1 WHEN WIDTH PER 4/SSW1. 9,000 20 7 15,700 29 10 8,700 18 6 16,000 27 9 co co coREQUIRED. STANDARD STANDARD 311311 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT 9,600 21 7 17,100 31 11 9,600 20 7 17,100 29 10 w - - - CRACKED CRACKED (14 o d mod,- 18,200 32 11 33,000 46 16 17,800 29 10 32,100 42 14 0 0 0 Z, ° PER 4/SSW1 WHEN HIGH STRENGTH 19,900 34 12 35,300 48 16 HIGH STRENGTH 19,900 32 11 35,300 45 15 N N N H d ° H REQUIRED. SEISMIC SEISMIC 8,800 17 6 15,700 25 9 9,100 16 6 15,700 23 8 STANDARD STANDARD 9,600 19 7 17,100 27 9 9,600 17 6 17,100 25 9 o if I ° UNCRACKED UNCRACKED o a ° 18,600 28 10 32,600 40 14 17,800 25 9 32,500 37 13 N N N d ° HIGH STRENGTH HIGH STRENGTH ° da d a ° ° 19,900 30 10 35,300 42 14 19,900 27 9 35,300 39 13 Q N (0 O de ° ° d de 6,000 14 6 7,300 16 6 5,400 12 6 6,800 14 6 NT 00 a ° STANDARD 7,300 16 6 13,500 24 8 STANDARD 8,300 16 6 11,600 20 7 °4 ° d d ° 9,600 20 7 17,100 29 10 9,600 18 6 17,100 26 9 ° °a ° ° ° CRACKED 11,800 22 8 22,700 34 12 CRACKED 11,600 20 7 21,400 30 10 z N M 3" CLR. MIN. ° d ° 3" CLR. MIN. d ° a ° 13,500 24 8 27,400 38 13 13,400 22 8 25,800 34 12 HIGH STRENGTH 17,000 28 10 32,300 42 14 HIGH STRENGTH 17,300 26 9 31,000 38 13 WIND NEE 19,900 32 11 35,300 45 15 19,900 29 10 35,300 42 14 1/2 W 1/2 W 1/2 W 1/2 W WIND 6,000 12 6 7,500 14 6 WIND 6,800 12 6 6,800 12 6 STANDARD 7,500 14 6 12,800 20 7 STANDARD 8,500 14 6 12,400 18 6 w w 9,600 17 6 17,100 25 9 9,600 16 6 17,100 23 8 UNCRACKED 12,800 20 7 21,300 28 10 UNCRACKED 12,400 18 6 21,600 26 9 14,800 22 8 26,000 32 11 14,500 20 7 26,700 30 10 HIGH STRENGTH 16,900 24 8 31,300 36 12 HIGH STRENGTH 16,800 22 8 32,200 34 12 SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION CURB OR STEMWALL FOUNDATION 19,900 27 9 35,300 39 13 19,900 25 9 35,300 36 12 NOTES: 1. ANCHORAGE DESIGNS CONFORM TO ACI 318-14 AND ACI 318-11 APPENDIX D WITH NO SUPPLEMENTARY REINFORCEMENT FOR CRACKED OR UNCRACKED CONCRETE AS NOTED. 2. ANCHOR STRENGTH INDICATES REQUIRED GRADE OF SSWAB ANCHOR BOLT. STANDARD (ASTM F1554 GRADE 36) OR HIGH STRENGTH (HS) (ASTM A449). REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL 3. SEISMIC INDICATES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY C THROUGH F. DETACHED 1 AND 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS IN SDC C MAY USE WIND ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS. SEISMIC ANCHORAGE DESIGNS CONFORM TO ACI 318-14 SECTION AND ACI 318-11 SECTION D.3.3.4. IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS - SSWAB 4. WIND INCLUDES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY A AND B AND DETACHED 1 AND 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS IN SDC C. FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. 5. FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS ARE FOR ANCHORAGE ONLY. FOUNDATION DESIGN (SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT) BY OTHERS. THE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MAY SPECIFY ALTERNATE EMBEDMENT, FOOTING SIZE OR ANCHOR BOLT. MINIMUM CURB/STEMWALL 6. SEE 1/SSW1 AND 2/SSW1 FOR W AND de. WIDTH PER 4/SSW1. SSWAB 311 SHEAR REINFORCEMENT SSWAB TENSION ANCHORAGE SCHEDULE 3500/4500 PSI 3 z J PER 4/SSW1 WHEN L MIN L Q m z 311 H ° REQUIRED. h f 4 MIN v'000' ° d ° 11 On STEEL STRONG-WALL SHEAR ANCHORAGE U� Ln LLJ d ° d d 4 � OQ de d ° ° ° ° ° ° 311 • 311 SEISMIC3 WIND4 s u7Z W U 0) de ° ° ° ° a ° ° a ASD ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOAD V(Ibs.) ® C�Q z 1 MODEL MIN. CURB/ MIN. CURB L,OR SHEAR SHEAR O Lh(in.) REINFORCEMENT STEMWALL REINFORCEMENT STEMWALL 6" MIN CURB/STEMWALL 8" MIN CURB/STEMWALL Cn O •z O 11 ° 311 CLR. MIN. ° ° \7 #3 HAIRPIN, `.. #3 TIE, GRADE 60 WIDTH (in.) WIDTH (in.) Z Q O 3 CLR. MIN. a ° ° d ° GRADE 60 REBAR (MIN.) \ REBAR (MIN.) UNCRACKED CRACKED UNCRACKED CRACKED ® W FIELD TIE AND SECURE DURING FIELD TIE AND SECURE DURING Ln w J CONCRETE PLACEMENT. OVERLAP CONCRETE PLACEMENT. SSW12 9 (1)#3 TIE 6 NONE REQUIRED 1230 880 1440 1030 O On J 1/2 W 1/2 W 1/2 W 1/2 W cn _Ln O~ VARIES WITH BOLT SPACING. SSWAB SSW15 12 (2)#3 TIES 6 NONE REQUIRED - 1590 1135 1810 1295 SSWAB w w SSW18 14 (1)#3 HAIRPIN 85 (1)#3 HAIRPIN 6 I HAIRPIN SHEAR REINFORCEMENT TIE SHEAR REINFORCEMENT SSW21 15 (2)#3 HAIRPIN 85 (1)#3 HAIRPIN 6 HAIRPIN REINFORCEMENT ACHIEVES MAXIMUM ALLOWABLELN Lu SHEAR LOAD OF THE STEEL STRONG-WALL PANEL o z SSWAB SSW24 17 (2)#3 HAIRPIN 85 (1)#3 HAIRPIN 6 INTERIOR FOUNDATION BRICK LEDGE FOUNDATION #3 HAIRPIN (#3 TIE SIMILAR). SSWAB NOTES: A SEE TABLE FOR REQUIRED QUANTITY. #3 HAIRPIN (#3 TIE SIMILAR). NOTES: 1. SEE 2/SSW1 AND 3/SSW1 FOR DIMENSIONS AND ADDITIONAL NOTES. SEE TABLE FOR REQUIRED QUANTITY. 1. SHEAR ANCHORAGE DESIGNS CONFORM TO ACI 318-14 AND ACI 318-11 AND ASSUME MINIMUM f'c=2,500 PSI CONCRETE. 2. SEE 4/SSW1 FOR SHEAR REINFORCEMENT WHEN REQUIRED. 1%2" CLR ° 12" CLR 12" SPACING SEE DETAILS 1/SSW1 TO 3/SSW1 FOR TENSION ANCHORAGE. 3. MAXIMUM H = le -de. SEE 5/SSW1 AND 6/SSW1 FOR le. 2. SHEAR REINFORCEMENT IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PANELS INSTALLED ON A WOOD FLOOR, INTERIOR FOUNDATION APPLICATIONS (PANEL INSTALLED AWAY FROM EDGE OF CONCRETE), OR BRACED WALL PANEL APPLICATIONS. 3. SEISMIC INDICATES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY C THROUGH F. DETACHED 1 AND 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS IN SDC C MAY STEEL STRONG-WALL ANCHORAGE - TYPICAL SECTIONS 1 e a °e Po m ° ° m USE WIND ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS. ° 4. WIND INCLUDES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY A AND B. °° ° a ° ° REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL 5. MINIMUM CURB/STEMWALL WIDTH IS 6"WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH SSWAB IS USED. SLAB OR CURB AND ° a ` IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS mi 6. USE (1)#3 TIE FOR SSW12 AND SSW15 WHEN THE STEEL STRONG-WALL PANEL DESIGN SHEAR FORCE EXCEEDS THE SIMPSON STEEL SURROUNDING FOUNDATION ° a a 9° a FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. TABULATED ANCHORAGE ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOAD. STRONG-WALL NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 7. CONCRETE EDGE DISTANCE FOR ANCHORS MUST COMPLY WITH ACI 318-14 SECTION 17.7.2 AND ACI 318-11 D.8.2. a 8 ° A 1 ° ° ° ° ° HAIRPIN INSTALLATION SECTION A-A Z 2 W ° ° ° ° m (GARAGE CURB SHOWN. OTHER FOOTING TYPES SIMILAR.) 3: .J w a 2w STEEL STRONG-WALL ANCHOR BOLT SHEAR ANCHORAGE 4 H � d ° Z W W SSWAB SSWHSR 0 0 2 w 1 w SSWHSR_KT AND SSWAB SSWT EXTERIOR INSTALLATION O W o DIAMETER � ASSEMBLY � 0 W SEE TABLES BELOW FOR DIMENSIONS LENGTH SSWTPF PANEL FORM INSTALLATION a 19 1 24 �10 12 W FOUNDATION PLAN VIEW 1 36 ,/"x 311 TOP OF CONCRETE Q Lu STEEL STRONG-WALL ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS FOR 2500 PSI CONCRETE HS 31' - SSWAB 3/4"ANCHOR BOLT SSWAB 1"ANCHOR BOLT HX ON ° TOP OF Z DESIGN CONCRETE ANCHOR ASD ASD 311 EXTENSION KIT W de W de CONCRETE W a ld CRITERIA CONDITION STRENGTH ALLOWABLE ALLOWABLE - HS ON HIGH _ UPLIFT (Ibs) (in) (in) UPLIFT(Ibs) (in) (in) STRENGTH MODELS ° TOP OF CONCRETE (2) 1" SSWAB for W15, 8,800 22 8 16,100 33 11 ° -SSWHSR (2) 1" SSWAB for SSW15, STANDARD HEAVY HEX NUT SSW18, SSW21, SSW24 Lu CRACKED 9,600 24 8 17,100 35 12 FIXED IN PLACE ON ( ) 2 3/4" SSWAB for SSW12 18,500 36 12 33,000 51 17 0 (2) 1" SSWAB for SSW15, HIGH STRENGTH z ALL SSWAB ANCHOR 19,900 38 13 35,300 54 18 w SSW18, SSW21, SSW24 SEISMIC � BOLTS ` CUT TO LENGTH - 8,800 19 7 15,700 28 10 = i+) STANDARD � le AS NECESSARY 9,600 21 7 17,100 30 10 HEAVY HEX NUT UNCRACKED 18,300 31 11 32,300 44 15 w FIXED IN PLACE ON ° ° HIGH STRENGTH J le ALL SSWAB - 3/4" OR 1" HIGH ° 19,900 33 11 35,300 47 16 STRENGTH ROD 5,100 14 6 6,200 16 6 ANCHOR BOLTS ASSEMBLY Ie = ° ° ° J ° ° • w STANDARD 7,400 18 6 11,400 24 8 + SSWHSR I + 3" ° -HIGH STRENGTH o 9,600 22 8 17,100 32 11 HEAVY HEX NUT e COUPLER NUTif Z CRACKED 11,400 24 8 21,100 36 12 Lu PLATE WASHER SSWT INTERIOR INSTALLATION Lu Lu 13,600 27 9 27,300 42 14 HIGH STRENGTH 15,900 30 10 31,800 46 16 ° SSWAB 19,900 35 12 35,300 50 17 ° WIND 5,000 12 6 6,400 14 6 ° HEAVY HEX NUT ° - STANDARD 7,800 16 6 12,500 22 8 -HIGH STRENGTH 9,600 19 7 17,100 28 10 COUPLER NUT SSWTBL BRICK LEDGE INSTALLATION UNCRACKED 12,500 22 8 21,900 32 11 NAME 14,300 24 8 26,400 36 12 HIGH STRENGTH 17,000 27 9 31,500 40 14 STEEL STRONG- MODEL NO. DIAMETER LENGTH le DATE WALL WIDTH 19,900 30 10 35,300 43 15 (2) 3/4" SSWAB for SSW12 8-8-201 6 SSWAB3/4x24 3/4" 24" 191, (2) 1" SSWAB for SSW15, SCALE NOTES: SSWAB3/4x24HS 3/4" 24" 19" ° SSW18, SSW21, SSW24 �\ (2) 3/4" SSWAB for SSW12 N.T.S. 1. ANCHORAGE DESIGNS CONFORM TO ACI 318 14 AND ACI 318 11 APPENDIX D WITH NO SUPPLEMENTARY � 2 1 SSWAB for SSW15, 12" MODEL SSWAB3/4x30 3/4" 30" 25" ( ) REINFORCEMENT FOR CRACKED OR UNCRACKED CONCRETE AS NOTED. 11 2x2 l,L SSW18, SSW21, SSW24 CHECKED 2. ANCHOR STRENGTH INDICATES REQUIRED GRADE OF SSWAB ANCHOR BOLT. STANDARD (ASTM F1554 GRADE 36) OR SSWAB3/4x30HS 3/4 30 25 HIGH STRENGTH (HS) (ASTM A449). SSWAB3/4x36HS 3/4" 36" 31" TOTAL 3. SEISMIC INDICATES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY C THROUGH F. DETACHED 1 AND 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS IN SDC C MAY SSWAB1x24 1" 24" 191, SSW WIDTH MODEL NO. DIAMETER LENGTH I e =N SHEET USE WIND ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS. SEISMIC ANCHORAGE DESIGNS CONFORM TO ACI 318-14 SECTION AND SSWAB1x24HS 1" 24" 191, SSWHSR3/4-2KT 3/4" 24" 21" 15", M 21 AND 12" MODEL sswi ACI 318-11 SECTION D.3.3.4. �� �� �� �� �� �� ° ° 24" MODELS SSWAB1x30 1 30 25 SSWHSR3/4-3KT 3/4 36 33 g d ° 4. WIND INCLUDES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY A AND B AND DETACHED 1 AND 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS IN SDC C. SSWAB1x30HS 1" 30" 25" 15", 18", 21 AND SSWHSR1-2KT 1" 24" 21" ° ° 5. FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS ARE FOR ANCHORAGE ONLY. FOUNDATION DESIGN (SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT) BY OTHERS. SSWAB1x36HS 1" 36" 31" 24" MODELS SSWHSR1-3KT 1" 36" 33" ° ° THE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MAY SPECIFY ALTERNATE EMBEDMENT, FOOTING SIZE OR ANCHOR BOLT. ° 6. REFER TO 1/SSW1 FOR e. OF SHEETS JOB NO. SSWAB TENSION ANCHORAGE SCHEDULE 2500 PSI 2 SSW ANCHOR BOLTS 5 SSW ANCHOR BOLT EXTENSION 6 SSW ANCHOR BOLT TEMPLATES 7 STEEL STRONG-WALL MODELS o 0 0 o PLACE SSW PANEL OVER PLACE SSW PANEL OVER THREADED DRILL 2" DIAMETER x 1" THE ANCHOR BOLTS AND DEEP HOLE OR NOTCH RODS AND SECURE WITH HEAVY HEX SECURE WITH HEAVY NUTS (PROVIDED). USE W W STD. WALL -STK WALL HOEDOWN QTY. OF STEEL 2"x2"x1" DEEP MAX. IN 1 1/4"WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 3/4" NUT MODEL MODEL H in T in ANCHOR TOP OF WALL HEX NUTS. (PROVIDED) SHEATHING & RIM JOIST. z z z ( ) ( ) STRONG-WALL � NO. NO. BOLTS2 SCREWS' USE 114"WRENCH /SOCKET FOR 3/4" NUT SET LOWER NUT FLUSH o 0 0 0 1 5/8"WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT z O O O NAILING USE 158" WRENCH /SOCKET FOR 1" NUT WITH TOP OF SHEATHING. NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. O � � � SSW12x7 -- 80 3 1/2 (2)3/4" 4 BY OTHERS > > > 0 0 H __ NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. SSW BASE PLATE SHALL DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. 71 w w w SSW15x7 80 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 FRAMING BY 7 DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. SIT FLUSH & LEVEL ON NUTS. U U U SSW24 SSW18x7 -- 80 3 1/2 2 1" 9 OTHERS, - JOIST HANGER SSW21x7 -- 80 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 ,_ 0 0 0 0 ° SIMPSON A34 EACH SIDE o m m TYPICAL (IF REQUIRED) 0 0 ° a a 1 4 SOLID BLOCKING BELOW N N N SSW24x7 -- 80 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 0 0 0 SSW24 SSW12x7.4 -- 85 1/2 3 1/2 2 3/4" 4 J ° ° `14 4 la SEE SSW1 TO SSW1 FOR STEEL STRONG-WALL 0 0 SSW15x7.4 -- 85 1/2 3 1/2 ((2) 1" 6 a a ° ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS oo N o WOOD FIRST-FLOOR 04 0 0 0 o SSW18x7.4 -- 85 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 °°a ° ° a REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WALL CONNECTION KIT Q SSW21 SSW21x7.4 -- 85 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 11. 12 a ° IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS I `I O O O O 0 0 SSW24x7.4 -- 85 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 -- FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. a ° a j1 ° ° WALL MODEL SSW12x8 -- 93 1/4 3 1/2 (2)3/4" 4 ° ° L a 1 a WIDTH NO. CONTENTS SSW21 SSW15x8 SSW15x8-STK 93 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 ° 11 a a Q° ° 1 a (in) a COUPLER NUT 11 °11 N c> �+ a SSW18x8 SSW18x8-STK 93 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 STRONG-WALL ON CONCRETE 4 ° AND THREADED �� ° L 12 SSW12-1KT EACH KIT CONTAINS: 0 0 RODS INCLUDED SSW21x8 SSW21x8-STK 93 1/4 3 1/2 " ( a , (1) SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE = SSW18 (2) 1" 12 _-� SECTION WITH SSW_-1KT) b a a 15 SSW15-1KT (with #14 SCREWS) SSW24x8 SSW24x8-STK 93 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 FOR 8"TO 12"BLOCK DEPTHS: PLACE SSW PANEL OVER (2) 3/4"x18"or 1"x 18"THREADED 0 0 SSW12x9 -- 105 1/4 3 1/2 (2)3/4" 4 SIMPSON CS16 STRAPS REQUIRED THE ANCHOR BOLTS AND 1 4 ° 18 SSW18-1 KT RODS (ASTM A36) WITH 10dx1'/2 NAILS(0.148"x 1.5") SECURE WITH HEAVY SEE SHEET a (2) COUPLER NUTS SSW15x9 SSW15x9-STK 105 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1 6 SEE SSW1 TO SSW1 FOR SSW18 SHIM BLOCK HEIGHTS GREATER HEX NUTS. (PROVIDED) SSW1 FOR 21 SSW21-1 KT 2 HEAVY HEX NUTS SSW18x9 SSW18x9-STK 105 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 THAN 8"AND UP TO 10 ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS ANCHORAGE INTERIOR ELEVATION ( ) 8 NAILS INTO BLOCK USE 1%4"WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 3/4" NUT 24 SSW24-1 KT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 0 0 SSW21x9 SSW21x9-STK 105 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 SOLUTIONS. SSW24x9 SSW24x9-STK 105 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 8 INTO SSW NAILER STUD USE 15/$" WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SSW15 ( ) SHIM BLOCK HEIGHTS GREATER NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. ORDER FIRST FLOOR CONNECTOR KIT SEPARATELY. SSW12x10 -- 117 1/4 3 1/2 (2)3/4" 4 THAN 10"AND UP TO 12": DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS MODEL SSW_-1KT . EXAMPLE: SSW21-1 KT 0 0 0 0 0 0 SSW15x10 SSW15x10-STK 117 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 10 NAILS INTO BLOCK FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. 2x FLAT SHIM BLOCK 10 INTO SSW NAILER STUD SSW15 SSW18x10 SSW18x10-STK 117 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 #14 SCREWS TO o 0 0 0 SSW21x10 SSW21x10-STK 1171/4 31/2 (2) 1" 12 ALTERNATE 1 ST FLOOR WOOD FRAMING 7 PANEL (PROVIDED SHEAR TRANSFER STEEL WITH SSW -1 KT) PLATE. (PROVIDED 0 0 SSW24x10 SSW24x10-STK 117 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 LTP4 SPACING 4x SHIM BLOCK STRONG-WALL WITH SSW_-1 KT) SSW12 SSW15x11 SSW15x11-STK 129 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 6 BY OTHERS WALL PROFILES SSW18x11 SSW18x11-STK 129 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 9 . . . . . . . ATTACH WITH SDS14"x 41 ° • • • • ° ° ° • RIM JOIST - BLOCKING SSW21x11 SSW21x11-STK 129 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 12 SCREWS TO SHIM BLOCK ATTACH SIDS SCREWS 2nd STORY REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL L_ BELOW SSW TO SHIM BLOCK STEEL STRONG-WALL IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS SSW24x11 SSW24x11-STK 129 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 14 INSTEAD OF SDS%4"x 3%2" ° ----------- U SSW15x12 SSW15x12-STK 141 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 6 0 0 0 0 SCREWS PROVIDED. 0 0 0 0 FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. • ' • . . • . JOIST HANGER Z SSW18x12 SSW18x12-STK 141 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 9 _ ADJACENT FRAMING (IF REQUIRED) � � SSW21x12 SSW21x12-STK 141 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 12 O O O O BY OTHERS SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE FLOOR SHEATHING e � m 00 SSW24x12 SSW24x12-STK 141 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 14 AND#14 SELF-DRILLING SCREWS � TABLE NOTES: SSW18x13 SSW18x13-STK 153 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 9 2x FLAT SHIM BLOCK 4x SHIM BLOCK (PROVIDED WITH SSW_-2KT). ° a ® Q�0 1. SDS'/4'x 3'/2" SCREWS PROVIDED WITH WALL a I I I I a FLOOR FRAMING AT 2'-0" ~�Ln 2. SEE SHEET SSW1 FOR ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS. SSW21x13 SSW21x13-STK 153 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 12 a I 4 1 1 ° ° ° ILO_J 4x SHAPED ° OC MAX. WHERE FRAMING O I SSW24x13 SSW24x13-STK 153 1/4 5 1/2 (2) 1" 14 SOLID BLOCKING BELOW I I a a I- Q SHIM BLOCK 10d COMMONS ° I I ° r IS PARALLEL TO WALL, U� (12" MAX. DEPTH CRIPPLE SHEAR WALL, STEEL STRONG-WALL \ • • o� BLOCKING AND STRAP BETWEEN FLOOR FRAMING TO FRAMING ° I I INSTALL BLOCKING WITHIN Z Lw(n _� STEEL STRONG WALL MODELS 1 AT TALL END) 10d COMMON NAILS (NOT PROVIDED) SHEAR TRANSFER 6" OF EACH END OF SSW. ® U Q z BY OTHERS ° BY OTHERS rim LO J O� (NOT PROVIDED) BLOCKING DEPTH SHALL (- LTP4 SPACING (LTP4 SHOWN) MATCH FLOOR FRAMING. 0 Z O RIM JOIST, BEAM, z Q 00 BY OTHERS EXTERIOR ELEVATION SECTION r-lLD w J OR BLOCKING TOP PLATE ATTACH SDS SCREWS RIM JOIST ® �cn Q IF APPLICABLE ATTACH SDS SCREWS TO BLOCKING FIRST FLOOR AT WOOD FRAMING NOTES: � O 0�J Lw 78" MAXIMUM WOOD SHIM 0 0 0 o TO SHIM BLOCK o 0 0 o Ln D-~ SHEAR TRANSFER 1. USE WOOD FIRST-FLOOR ALLOWABLE LOAD TABLES FROM THE WITH SDS 1,4"x 312" SCREWS. ADJACENT FRAMING BY OTHERS STRONG-WALL CATALOG FOR THIS INSTALLATION. FOR SHIMS GREATER ADJACENT PERPENDICULAR FLOOR FRAMING SPACED 7 BY OTHERS (SIMPSON LTP4 SHOWN FOR 5 FRAMING ILLUSTRATION) AT 2'-0" OC MAXIMUM. WHERE FRAMING 2. USE ALTERNATE DETAIL TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM ON-CONCRETE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL THAN ,8", SEE BY OTHERS ALLOWABLE LOADS. SSW2 IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS 1/4" HOLES TO ATTACH ° SSW2 IS PARALLEL TO WALL, INSTALL � o OPTIONAL BLOCKING OR 0 O 0 0 RAKE WALL CRIPPLE WALL BLOCKING WITHIN 6" OF EACH END OF 3. FOR TWO-STORY STACKED STEEL STRONG-WALLS WITH WOOD FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. • FRAMING SDS 14"x 3 2" SCREWS STEEL STRONG-WALL. BLOCKING DEPTH 7 LEI _ REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SHALL DESIGN FOR: (INCLUDED WITH WALL) FIRST FLOOR, USE ALTERNATE DETAILLu ATTACH TOP OF WALL TO TOP PLATES 1. SHEAR TRANSFER REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SHALL MATCH FLOOR FRAMING DEPTH. SSW2 PRE-ATTACHED WITH SIDS 1/4"x 3'/2" SCREWS (PROVIDED) 2. OUT OF PLANE LOADING EFFECT IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS FIRST STORY 4. REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SHALL DESIGN FOR SHEAR TRANSFER WOOD STUDS 3. INCREASED OVERTURNING AND DRIFT FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. STEEL STRONG-WALL FROM RIM JOIST TO SILL PLATE AND SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION. STEEL PANEL DUE TO ADDITIONAL HEIGHT. HOLESPREDRILLEDIN- OPTIONAL PILOT HOLE TOP OF WALL HEIGHT ADJUSTMENTS 5 TWO-STORY STACKED FLOOR SECTION 8 FIRST FLOOR AT WOOD FRAMING 10 STUDS FOR WIRING. 0 0 0 0 100 PREFABRICATED HOLES IN STEEL DRILL 2" DIAMETER x 1" - PLACE SSW PANEL OVER THREADED PANEL. (VARY WITH EACH MODEL) RODS AND SECURE WITH HEAVY HEX mi DEEP HOLE OR NOTCH ADDITIONAL CUTTING OF STEEL NUTS PROVIDED USE HEADER BY OTHERS. 16d COMMON NAILING. SEE SIDE ADDITIONAL 1-1/8" DIAMETER WALL OR ENLARGING OF EXISTING 2"x2"x1" DEEP MAX. IN (PROVIDED). �_ , VIEWS FOR SPACING. HOLES MAY BE DRILLED THRU SHEATHING & RIM JOIST. 1 5/8"WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT 2 PLY 2x12 MIN WITH%2" WOOD STUDS AT ANY HOLE 0 0 0 0 HOLES NOT PERMITTED. SET LOWER NUT FLUSH o 0 0 o NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. SHEATHING BETWEEN PLYS DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. 3 " LOCATION MATCHING AN WITH TOP OF SHEATHING. OR 2 PLY 1 4 x11 $ MIN. LVL OBROUND HOLE IN SSW BASE PLATE SHALL (2 PLY LVL SHOWN) INSTALL SDS14"x312" STEEL PANEL FLANGE. 2 OR 5 SIT FLUSH & LEVEL ON NUTS. SCREWS. SEE SIDE VIEWS SSW2 SSW2 ALTERNATE SIMPSON A34 EACH SIDE FOR NUMBER&SPACING Z ° ° ° ELECTRICAL BUSHINGS NOTE: (SCREWS BY INSTALLER) �� MULTI-PLY HEADERS MAY BE J AT ALL ROUND MECHANICAL HOLES. USED WITH STEEL STRONG- . SOLID BLOCKING BELOW WALL FOR WIND DESIGNS OR REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Q 1" DIAMETER 1 REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL 0 STANDARD THREADED RODS STEEL STRONG-WALL IN SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORIES 2 IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS Z W IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS a 0 0 0 0 ° STEEL STRONG-WALL ROD FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. a a a41 AT 2nd FLOOR LENGTH SSW 21 KT) WITH A-C (IBC & IRC) ONLY W 4 4 OR 7 I SDSY4'x312" SCREWS � 0 SSW2 SSW2 ALTERNATE PROVIDED WITH WALL LU W DRILL 1 1/16" MAX DIAMETER SSW FOR SHIMS GREATER HOLE IN DOUBLE TOP SSW MULTI-PLY HEADER CROSS SECTION 5 8 PLATE FOR RODS W SINGLE-STORY SSW ON CONCRETE 2 THAN 7/8" SEE SSW2 O SSW2 0 1" MIN. W ATTACH TOP OF SSW TO Z TOP 9 ° ° ° UPPER PANEL SHEAR SDS'/4Lx3%S SCREWS 2„ TYP. 2„ Q 10 INSTALL SDS 1/4"x3 1/2" SCREWS GARAGE HEADER 2 OR 5 SHEAR TRANSFER SSW2 ROD LENGTH REDUCTION FACTOR (PROVIDED WITH SSW) 3 HORIZONTALLY THROUGH LVL OR ROUGH OPENING HEIGHT SSW2 SSW2 ALTERNATE DESIGN & DETAILS 2 x LUMBER HEADER PLYS. 4 SCREWS W • ° ° • • • . 181NCHES 1.00 ROUGH BY OTHERS 21 INCHES 0.94 TOTAL FOR SSW12, 6 SCREWS TOTAL LU MODEL H �\� HEAVY HEX NUTS TOP 4 FOR SSW15, SSW18, SSW21 AND SSW24. No. CURB OPENING SSW-STK OPTION ROD LENGTH IS TOTAL OF FLOOR AND BOTTOM (PROVIDED HEIGHT (FACTORY INSTALLED) JOIST DEPTH PLUS TOP PLATES WITH SSW_-2KT). NUTS SHALL 02 SDS 1/4"x3 1/2" SCREWS PROVIDED uj SSW12x7 318" MIN WIDTH PLUS SHIM THICKNESS. BE SNUG TIGHT. DO NOT 1„ + WITH WALL SSW15x7 5�2" T- 112'. HEADER BY USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. � 2 11 SSW18x7 OTHERS. FOR 11 ® ° ° ° 03 FASTEN PLYS TOGETHER WITH 16d MULTI-PLY HEADER INTERIOR ELEVATION COMMON NAILS AT 16" O.C. ALONG EACH SSW21x7 6" T-2" REQUIREMENTS EDGE OF BEAM. SSW24x7 0 0 0 0 11 1 2 4 i 15/32" SHEATHING BETWEEN SSW12x8 SEE o 0 0 0 2x HEADER PLYS SHALL MATCH HEADER J SSW15x8 5�2 8 -2s/4� 0 O SSW2 AND#14 SHEAR LLING SCREWS ° ° o ® Q SSW18x8 DEPTH AND EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF 0 0° o o PROVIDED WITH SSW_-2KT SSW21x8 6 8 _31q LORDER TWO-STORY STEEL STRONG-WALL SSW, MINIMUM. o SSW24x8 0 0 STACKED WALL (SSW18 SHOWN) ca RIM JOIST SEE SHEET SSW4 SIDE VIEWLu 1. THE HEIGHT OF THE GARAGE CURB ° FOR GARAGE PORTAL FIRST STORY WALL: CONNECTOR KIT U-1 ABOVE THE GARAGE SLAB IS CRITICAL ROUGH ADD-STK TO MODEL SEPARATELY. L SSW WITH MULTI-PLY HEADER FOR THE ROUGH HEADER OPENING AT OPENING SYSTEM WHEN SSWP-KT NAME. MODEL SSW_-2KT . GARAGE RETURN WALLS. IS SPECIFIED EXAMPLE: SSW21-2KT SHEAR TRANSFER -- -•-•----- 2. SHIMS ARE NOT PROVIDED WITH HEIGHT EXAMPLE: SSW21x9-STK o 0 0 0° BY OTHERS STEEL STRONG-WALL. 0 0 0 0 (LTP4 SHOWN) 3. FURRING ON UNDERSIDE OF GARAGE MULTI-PLY HEADERS 11 HEADER MAY BE NECESSARY FOR ° POST& POST 4 REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL LESSER ROUGH OPENING HEIGHTS. BASE DETAIL SSW2 0 0 0 0 IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS (NAME BY OTHERS FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. 1. STEEL STRONG-WALL SHEARWALL IS MANUFACTURED AND TRADEMARKED BY"SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC." DATE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL H 10d COMMON NAILS HOME OFFICE: 5956 W. LAS POSITAS BLVD. , PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TEL: (800)999-5099, FAX: (925) 847-1597. 8-8-201 6 IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS CURB (NOT INCLUDED) "SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC." IS AN ISO 9001 REGISTERED COMPANY. FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. °� °m U ° u a I ° TWO-STORY STACKED 2. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. SCALE ° a ° O O O O WALL CONNECTION KIT O O O 0 3. THIS PRODUCT IS PART OF THE OVERALL LATERAL FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM OF THE STRUCTURE. DESIGN OF THE N.T.S. 1 , i -- WALL BUILDING'S LATERAL FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE LOAD PATH TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES FROM CHECKED 4 a a ° a WIDTH MODEL CONTENTS THE STRUCTURE TO THE GROUND, IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SPECIFIER. SSW2 a (in) 4. ENGINEER OF RECORD IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. GARAGE WALL OPTION 1 GARAGE WALL OPTION 2 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, ELEVATIONS, ETC. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY SHEET 15 SSW15-2KT EACH KIT CONTAINS: II°° 1 ° II COMPONENTS FOR THE STEEL STRONG-WALL SYSTEM. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, THEY SHALL BE BROUGHT NOTE: FOR GARAGE WALL OPTION 2 ° 11 1 a aII °o II Q (1) SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SPECIFIER FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. SSW2 l� 11 11 LI 18 SSW18-2KT (with #14 SCREWS) 6. INSTALLATION OF PRODUCT SHALL BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE TO THESE DRAWINGS. THE PERFORMANCE OF 7-FT. HIGH STEEL STRONG-WALL MODELS REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SHALL DESIGN FOR: a � i ° a (2) 1"x 48"THREADED RODS (ASTM A36) MODIFIED PRODUCTS OR ALTERED INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SPECIFIER. ARE 80", 2"TALLER THAN 7-FT. HIGH WOOD 1. SHEAR TRANSFER 4 OR 7 11 a JI 21 SSW21-2KT STRONG-WALL SHEARWALLS 2. OUT OF PLANE LOADING EFFECT SSW2 SSW2 ALTERNATE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL (6) HEAVY HEX NUTS 7. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS, DESIGNS, AND MODELS 3. INCREASED OVERTURNING AND DRIFT DUE IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS 24 SSW24-2KT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS EXTERIOR ELEVATION WITHOUT NOTICE OR LIABILITY FOR SUCH CHANGES. TO ADDITIONAL HEIGHT. FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. 8. ALL HARDWARE CALLED OUT IS SIMPSON STRONG-TIE. OF SHEETS ALTERNATE GARAGE WALL OPTIONS 3 TWO-STORY STACKED 6 TWO-STORY STACKED FLOOR FRAMING 9 NOTES 12 JOB NO. W STEEL STRONG-WALL BALLOON FRAMING MODELS FULL HEIGHT STUDS O_ O_ O_ NOMINAL WALL LOWER WALL UPPER WALL HOLDOWN QTY. OF DESIGN BY OTHERS 0 0 0 0 PLACE SSW PANEL OVER C U) H (in) T (in) ANCHOR TOP OF WALL THE ANCHOR BOLTS AND z > > > uj 0 0 T HEIGHT (FT) MODEL NO. MODEL NO. BOLT SCREWS' SECURE WITH HEAVY 1. STEEL STRONG-WALL SHEARWALL IS MANUFACTURED AND TRADEMARKED BY"SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC." � w w SSW24 15"WALL MODELS HEX NUTS. (PROVIDED) HOME OFFICE: 5956 W. LAS POSITAS BLVD. , PLEASANTON, CA 94588 TEL: (800)999-5099, FAX: (925)847-1597 m m m 15 SSW15X8-STK SSW15x7 173 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° USE 15 8" WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT "SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC." IS AN ISO 9001 REGISTERED COMPANY. W N FULL HEIGHT STUDS .NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT 2. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. o 16 SSW15X8-STK SSW15x8 186 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 0 0 0 (BY OTHERS) DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. 3. THIS PRODUCT IS PART OF THE OVERALL LATERAL FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM OF THE STRUCTURE. DESIGN OF N N N 17 SSW15X10-STK SSW15x7 197 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 N I THE BUILDING'S LATERAL FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE LOAD PATH TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES 18 SSW15X10-STK SSW15x8 210 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 FROM THE STRUCTURE TO THE GROUND, IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SPECIFIER. 19 SSW15X10-STK SSW15x9 222 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 ° 4. ENGINEER OF RECORD IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. o 0 0 20 SSW15X10-STK SSW15x10 234 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 6 ° 9 ° �° °9 is 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, ELEVATIONS, ETC. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF � N N N ANY COMPONENTS FOR THE STEEL STRONG-WALL SYSTEM. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, THEY SHALL T CO 00 18"WALL MODELS ° Q N o SSW21 ° ° ° ° REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE SPECIFIER FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. rn w 15 SSW18X8-STK SSW18x7 173 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 a Lj ° ° ° L, IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS 6. INSTALLATION OF PRODUCT SHALL BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE TO THESE DRAWINGS. THE PERFORMANCE OF 16 SSW18X8-STK SSW18x8 186 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 ° ° a FOR SPECCIFIC CONDITIONS. MODIFIED PRODUCTS OR ALTERED INSTALLATION PROCEDURES ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SPECIFIER. 17 SSW18X10-STK SSW18x7 197 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 a 7. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE SPECIFICATIONS, DESIGNS, AND MODELS Z N (M 18 SSW18X10-STK SSW18x8 210 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 WITHOUT NOTICE OR LIABILITY FOR SUCH CHANGES. 19 SSW18x10-STK SSW18x9 1 222 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 8. ALL HARDWARE CALLED OUT IS SIMPSON STRONG-TIE. 0 0 20 SSW18X10-STK SSW18x10 1 234 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 9 SSW18 21"WALL MODELS BALLOON FRAMING BASE PLATE CONNECTION 2 15 SSW21X8-STK SSW21x7 173 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 16 SSW21X8-STK SSW21x8 186 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 17 SSW21X10-STK SSW21x7 197 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 18 SSW21X10-STK SSW21x8 1 210 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 FULL HEIGHT STUDS 19 SSW21x10-STK SSW21x9 222 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 (DESIGN BY OTHERS) 0 0 20 SSW21X10-STK SSW21x10 234 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 12 PLACE SSW PANEL OVER SSW15 24"WALL MODELS THE ANCHOR BOLTS AND 15 SSW24X8-STK SSW24x7 173 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 SECURE WITH HEAVY HEX NUTS. (PROVIDED) 16 SSW24X8-STK SSW24x8 186 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 USE 158" WRENCH /SOCKET FOR 1" NUT ° ° ° ° ° NAILING BY OTHERS BALLOON FRAME STEEL STRONG-WALL 17 SSW24X10-STK SSW24x7 197 1/4 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. SHOWN WITH FULL HEIGHT STUDS BY OTHERS 18 SSW24X10-STK SSW24x8 210 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. 19 SSW24X10-STK SSW24x9 222 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 JOIST HANGER 0 0 0 o STEEL 20 SSW24X10-STK SSW24x10 234 1/2 3 1/2 (2) 1" 14 o (IF REQUIRED) STRONG-WALL U 1. SDS'/"x 3'/2"SCREWS PROVIDED WITH WALL. z 2. SEE SSW1 FOR ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS. J 3. STACKED INSTALLATION REQUIRES MINIMUM DOUBLE 2x6 STUDS EACH SIDE OF BLOCK SOLID Z m STEEL STONG-WALL(PROVIDED BY INSTALLER). SEE DETAILS 4&5. BELOW FULL FRAMING DO BY OTHERS HEIGHT STUDS ( ) U) o-) ® QUO D�LJI cn0)Ln <i is a FRAMING BY a Z W 0) ° a OTHERS, Q Z ° a ° a ° ° �_ LL O ° ai a Z O�Q00 ®_ Ln W J REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CfD ® cD Q IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS O 0)J w FOR SPECCIFIC CONDITIONS. ELEVATION SECTION U' O a SS4 W3 Q BALLOON FRAMING AT WOOD FLOOR 3 NOTES 7 Lu Lu FOR 8"TO 12" BLOCK DEPTHS: CS16 STRAPS REQUIRED O O O O WITH 10d x 12" NAILS (0.148"x1.5") SHIM BLOCK HEIGHTS GREATER THAN 8"AND UP TO 10": FULL HEIGHT STUDS (DESIGN o STANDARD SHEAR CONNECTORS 8 NAILS INTO BLOCK BY OTHERS FOR OUT-OF-PLANE 0 0 0 0 STEEL STRONG-WALL REQUIRED ON EACH SIDE OF 8 INTO SSW NAILER STUD WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING). 2-2x6 AT TOP WALL TOP PLATE BLOCK PER TABLE. SHIM BLOCK HEIGHTS GREATER THAN 10"AND UP TO 12": MINIMUM EACH SIDE WITH 10d NAILS 0 0 0 0 10 NAILS INTO BLOCK AT 16" OC STUD TO SSW NAILER STUD 10 INTO SSW NAILER STUD AND STUD TO STUD. ° SIMPSON LTP4 I I I 1'117� F7A L W /, AT 6x BLOCK SIMPSON LTP4 a a � �4x or 6x SHIM BLOCK 4x or 6x BLOCK Q U) (4x SHOWN) ON A35 I-111111 z AT4x� SBLOCK 5 Q � SSW-STK OPTION SSW3 SIDS%4"x 3%2" SCREWS (FACTORY INSTALLED) ATTACH TOP OF WALL (PROVIDED) Z (3 W 10d COMMON NAILS TO BLOCK WITH Z Q SPACED AT 16" O.C. SDS'/"x 3'/z" SCREWS O Q STUD TO SSW (PROVIDED) H NAILER STUD & LLI STUD TO STUD. ELEVATION U. W SECTION Z uj Z O O O O Wall TOTAL BLOCK TO TOP PLATE Model CONNECTORS SHEAR CONNECTORS O 15"WALL 4 (2 each side) LTP4 OR A35 REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL C 18"WALL 4 (2 each side) LTP4 OR A35 IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS 21"WALL 6 (3 each side) LTP4 OR A35 FOR SPECCIFIC CONDITIONS. 1 L I J W 24"WALL 6 (3 each side) LTP4 OR A35 W W__J BOTTOM WALL:ADD -STK TO MODEL NAME. BALLOON FRAMING TOP OF WALL CONNECTION 4 EXAMPLE: SSW24x8-STK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Lu 0 0 0 0 • o PLACE SSW PANEL OVER THE THREADED RODS AND Lu SECURE WITH HEAVY HEX NUTS (PROVIDED). FULL HEIGHT STUDS (DESIGN USE 15 8" WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT IV BY OTHERS FOR OUT-OF-PLANE BY SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING). 2-2x6 DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. 0 0 0 0 MINIMUM EACH SIDE WITH 10d NAILS AT 16" OC STUD TO SSW NAILER STUD AND STUD TO STUD. AT TOP OF NAME WALL, SEE 4 ° ° ° ° SSW3 DATE 8-8-201 6 REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SCALE O 0 O 0 IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS a N.T.S. FOR SPECCIFIC CONDITIONS. ° ° CHECKED ° a ° 1"0 ASTM A36 THREADED RODS. ° ° (PROVIDED WITH SSWBF-KT) SECURE THREADED RODS SHEET 2 OR 3 � ° TO TUBE WITH HEAVY ° L ° a HEX NUTS. (PROVIDED WITH SSWBF-KT) SSW3 SSW3 ALTERNATE ° ° REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL USE 15 8" WRENCH/SOCKET FOR 1" NUT SSW3IS PERMITTED TO MODIFY DETAILS ° ° NUTS SHALL BE SNUG TIGHT. FOR SPECCIFIC CONDITIONS. DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH. OF SHEETS JOB NO. BALLOON FRAMING 1 BALLOON FRAMING WALL TO WALL CONNECTION 5 SSTB28 MINIMUM SSTB ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS""' WOOD STRONG- SLAB ON GRADE- GARAGE CURB Z EMBED LINE WALL MODEL (CORNER AND STEP-DOWN END) AT HEADER, FIELD NAIL THRU SHEATHING FULL LENGTH GARAGE HEADER z p zo z AND METAL STRIP WITH 10d COMMON USE 3/8 PLYWOOD/OSB SHIM UNDER (DESIGN BY OTHERS) - 3/8 SHIM AT 3 1/8" GLB o o 0 L' SW16 STRAP WHEN HEADER IS 3-1/8 GLB SEE DET. 4 z 6„ SW22 SSTB28 PRE-INSTALLED NAILS OR 16d SINKERS AT LOCATIONS NOTE: MINIMUM SIZE SHALL BE: o y w > NUT AND HDQ8 HOEDOWN MARKED BY PAINTED DOTS LOAD PATH DESIGN AND 4„ 4„ 4 x 12 DFL w w w Q �� MIN. SW18 PLATE WASHER DETAILS ABOVE HEADER TO 3 1/8 X 12 GLB (24 2 SSTB28 TOP OF PANEL BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS ALTERNATE HEADERS ALLOWED. 4 w SEE ICC REPORT. SW32 10 ga. STRAP-SEE DET. w SWP w �j SW48 > o o z `� O m ° ° NOTES: Q ° ° ° ° E- oc efl ALL THREAD ROD J z o o ti co 1. ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS MAY USE THE SSTB Q - ° ° ° o _ - SHEATHING TO HEADER- 12" z WHERE THE DEMAND UPLIFT FORCE IS LESS COUPLER NUT Z a BEARING PLATE W/ _j U) ° SEE DET. 3 - c THAN THE ALLOWABLE SSTB LOAD SHOWN IN _ MIN. U� ICC-ES ESR-2611. WITNESS HOLES SDS 1/4 x 2 1/2" ° ° ° ° °° - FIELD NAIL 10ga STRAP SWP Q o 0 0 0 0 1 �2 SCREWS PROVIDED TO POST& HEADER MIN. 2. SW18X8, SW24X8, SW32X9, SW48X8/9/10 VISIBLE FOR ° HEADER- TOP PLATES OF STRONG-WALL FOUNDATION UNDER SEISMIC LOADING MAY USE SSTB28 INSPECTION WITH WALL. WITH (10) 10d COMMON (DESIGN BY OTHERS) WITH NO LOAD REDUCTIONS. MAXIMUM UPLIFT ° ° °° HEADER (BY OTHERS) NAILS OR (10) 16d SINKER z FOR ALL OTHER MODELS SHALL BE LIMITED TO 5/8" DIAMETER STRONG-WALL POST. 1/2" SHIM IS PROVIDED WITH NAILS AT TOP AND BOTTOM FOR LBS. (WIND AND SDC A&B), AND MITE ANCHOR BOLT ° ° 11 ° a a STUD SHOE NOT °° WALL, BUT IS NOT REQUIRED OF EACH STRAP. SLAB NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. ° SDS1/4"x6" SCREWS SHOWN LBS. (SDC C-F). a � I 11 11 ° FOR a ° a 3. FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS ARE FOR ° ° u a 1j °u a a� a PANEL SHEATHING NOTE: CLARITY ° ° ANCHORAGE ONLY. FOUNDATION DESIGNPOSITION (SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT) BY OTHERS. THE a° ° ° ° AGGAINST ST ONG STRONG-WALL SDS 1/4"X 6" SCREWS d° ° a REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL MAY ° °° a ° ° ° a PERIMETER METAL SHEATHING. SPECIFY ALTERNATE EMBEDMENT, FOOTING a ° a ° a °° U-CHANNEL SIZE OR ANCHOR BOLT. a ° ° ° 4" MIN. 4. SEE ICC-ES ESR-2611 FOR ADDITIONAL SSTB TYP. INFORMATION. 4�� 16" MIN. SSTB ANCHORAGE 1 PORTAL WALL SILL 2 TOP OF WALL CONNECTION 3 TOP OF WALL CONNECTION 4 4" PORTAL WALL SECTION 5 00 00 DRAG TIE ACROSS BEAM SPLICE FULL LENGTH GARAGE HEADER BEAM SPLICE (DESIGN BY OTHERS) MIN. HEADER SEE a� SINGLE PORTAL SYSTEM Lj 5 6 1" MAXIMUM DIAMETER HOLE U U (DESIGN BY OTHERS) DOUBLE PORTAL SYSTEM DETAIL SWP OR SwF IN FRAMING MEMBERS. ONLY MINIMUM SIZE SHALL BE: � -SHEATHING Z o�i -00 6 x 12 DFL I --- ONE HOLE PER MEMBER. z Lo 5 1/8 X 12 GLB Q ALTERNATE HEADERS ALLOWED. • I SEE ICC REPORT. 10 ga. STRAP-SEE DET. 4 j I / I = — d W N SWP �� w m CD 0 0: �/� LSTA24 STRAP (MIN.)----- MIN.) �� \ I / ' LSTA24 STRAP (MIN.) X ' AT BEAM TO POST \ MIN. HEADER SEE I �\ \ ��I I��•' AT BEAM TO POST a _ Lu J SHEATHING TO HEADER ��/ \� , w M [i--- m 8' MIN. 16'4" MAX. DETAIL OR / v / I . TYP LOCATION OF HOLE Q°' 3 \ SWP SWP �/ 8' MIN. 16'4" MAX. Z o SEE DET. SWP \�/ I\ HEADER SUPPORT POST ® w o 7/8" (MAX) DIA. HOLE /1. -1" (MAX) DIA. HOLE THROUGH CENTERLINE U m (DESIGN BY OTHERS) $ I (3)-LTP4 AT SUPPORT I �I I \ Illm ONLY ONE HOLE IN OF POST. ONLY 1 HOLE PER j If U TOP PLATES OF STRONG-WALL / POST TO STRONG-WALL 16'4" MAX. I I m SHEATHING POST IN CROSS HATCHED AREA Z �O Q POST \ I m m m m o (TYPICAL EACH POST) Q W o / � 00 m (1)- 1" (MAX) DIA. - o °` SDS1/4"x6" SCREWS d\ 1 HEADER SUPPORT POST \ I\ _ STHD10 HOLE THROUGH CENTERLINE cal U _ L (DESIGN BY OTHERS) ' '' / U HOLDOWN (MIN.) OF BLOCKINGCOLUMN BASE(DESIGN BY OTHERS) \ COLUMN BASE O _ i Z (DESIGN BY OTHERS) ° a ' o 53 ° a --------------- ° Lu Lu /„ ° ° 4 ° ° ° a a a 5.75" PORTAL WALL SECTION 6 SINGLE & DOUBLE PORTAL ASSEMBLY 7 SINGLE PORTAL ASSEMBLY 8 16" & 22" PORTAL WALL OPENINGS 9 5/8" DIA. SSTB28 OR NOTE: 6� MUDSILL A.B. FOR PANEL INSTALLATION, S 1. STRONG-WALL",SIMPSON STRONG-TIE SHEARWALL IS MANUFACTURED AND TRADEMARKED BY PAB7 MIN. SSTB28 OR PAB7 ® REFER TO THE CURRENT SIMPSON PRE-ATTACHED OR PROVIDED. COMPANY INC.", SWAB7/8 HOME OFFICE: 5956 W. LAS POSITAS BOULEVARD, PLEASANTON, CA. 94588 SLAB OR CURB AND C-SW CATALOG FOR TEMPLATE EXCEPT FOR TEMPLATE AND SIMPSON - TEL- (800) 999-5099, FAX: (925)875-0826 STRONG-WALL SURROUNDING FOUNDATION SELECTION CHART. ANCHOR BOLTS. NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY TOP OF "SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC." IS AN ISO 9001 REGISTERED a ° CONCRETE $ $ COMPANY. 2. INSTALLATION OF PRODUCT SHALL BE DONE IN STRICT CONFORMANCE HOEDOWN ANCHOR _ TO THESE DRAWINGS AND THE STRONG-WALL' INSTALLATION GUIDE. % �— MODIFICATIONS TO THIS PRODUCT AND ASSOCIATED SYSTEMS OR CHANGES IN THE INSTALLATION METHODS SHOWN ON TFF THESE DRAWINGS AND THE INSTALLATION GUIDE SHOULD ONLY BE a a ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ER.° ° MADE BY A QUALIFIED ARCHITECT, CIVIL, OR STRUCTURAL ENGINE ' � ° ° ) a° ° FULL LENGTH GARAGE HEADER THE PERFORMANCE OF SUCH MODIFIED PRODUCTS OR ALTERED �°a MUDSILL ANCHORAGE. PER DETAILS 5 &6 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE =77 °a NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY SWT EXTERIOR TEMPLATE REQUIRED MOISTURE DESIGNER. REFER TO ICC-ES ESR-1267 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. if ill I" ° ° ° (FOR 2x FORM BOARDS) CONTENT IS 19% OR LESS AT TIME OF INSTALLATION 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, 37/8" TYP. ELEVATIONS, ETC. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY COMPONENTS FOR Of z z Y2 W S Y2 W = THE STRONG-WALL"' SYSTEM. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, THEY U U CD SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE PROJECT ARCHITECT, w PROJECT ENGINEER OR BUILDING DESIGNER FOR CLARIFICATION PRIOR M /z W /z W M /2 W �2 W S = WALL LENGTH MINUS 714' - CD TO CONSTRUCTION. SEE TABLE BELOW FOR DIMENSIONS 5/8" DIA. GARAGE HEADER ROUGH OPENING HEIGHT z W w MUDSILL A.B. SSTB28 OR MODEL H CURB W/O SHIM* WITH SHIM* w 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE POSITION OF THE STRONG-WALL FOUNDATION PLAN VIEW o - SSTB28 OR SWAB7/8 SW16x7x4 6" T-0" 7'-0 1/2" U IN RELATION TO THE REST OF THE BUILDING SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE O o _ SWAB7/8 SW16x7x6 = = PROJECT DRAWINGS. ce H = 13 Y2" MAXIMUM WITH PAB7-30 ANCHOR BOLT WHEN de = 10" - a H = 19 Y2" MAXIMUM WITH PAB7-36 ANCHOR BOLT WHEN de = 10" SW22x7x4 5. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE LOCAL FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS FOR STRONG-WALL ANCHORAGE M = ` ° SW22x7x6 7° 7-1" 7'-1 1/2" a BUILDING OFFICIAL. SLAB ON GRADE FOUNDATION CURB OR STEMWALL FOUNDATION ASD W de 0 Sw16xsx4 6" 8'-0" 8'-0 1/2" w CONDITION ALLOWABLE - SW16x8x6 Q 6. THE BUILDING STRUCTURE SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UPLIFT(Ibs) (in) (in) - w LATEST ADOPTED VERSION OF THE BUILDING CODE AND ANY OTHER SW22x8x4 = LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS THAT MAY APPLY. VERIFY DESIGN 11,900 27 9 iv SW22x8x6 7 8'-1" 8'-1 1/2" Cw7 REQUIREMENTS WITH THE LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. CRACKED TOP OF * 1/2" SHIM PROVIDED WITH WALL QQ 7 L 13,100 29 10 CONCRETE Q 7. THIS PRODUCT IS PART OF THE OVERALL LATERAL FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM SEISMIC C7 OF THE STRUCTURE. DESIGN OF THE BUILDING'S LATERAL FORCE RESISTING —AN DIAMETER 12,500 24 s SWTI INTERIOR TEMPLATE ANCHOR ROD UNCRACKED SYSTEM, INCLUDING A COMPLETE LOAD PATH NECESSARY TO TRANSFER LATERAL Q 13,100 25 9 (FOR 2x4 ABOVE CONCRETE) SEE 9-SWP OR FORCES FROM THE STRUCTURE TO THE GROUND, IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE w SHEET SWO FOR DESIGNER. O 6,200 16 6 ALLOWABLE Ca MODEL# L(in) Le(in) 10,000 22 8 OPENINGS 8. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE ■ � `n CRACKED 5/8" DIA. m °of ° , ° Lu SPECIFICATIONS, DESIGNS AND MODELS WITHOUT NOTICE OR LIABILITY FOR PAB7-18 18 11 Y2 12,900 26 9 MUDSILL A.B. SSTB28 OR = a ° �° SUCH CHANGES. ; 1 13,100 27 9 SSTB28 OR SWAB7/8 U ° °1J °U a PAB7-24 24 17/2 CONCRETE DESIGN °u 9. ALL HARDWARE CALLED OUT IS SIMPSON STRONG-TIE:" WIND SWAB7/8 --- 6,400 14 6 ---_- BY OTHERS PAB7-30 30 23 Y2 9,300 18 6 NAME PAB7-36 36 29 Y2 UNCRACKED 12,500 22 8 e ® ° ° ° ° ° ° a� J 9 13,100 23 8 _ DATE NUT --- NOTES: GARAGE PORTAL WALL TABLE 8-8-201 6 1. ANCHORAGE DESIGNS CONFORM TO ACI 318-14 AND ACI 318-11 APPENDIX D AND NUMBER OF NUMBER OF HOLDOWN ASSEMBLED SCALE PLATE WASHER EL W WALL ASSUME MINIMUM f'c=2,500 PSI CONCRETE, ASTM A307 OR ASTM F1554, GRADE 36 SWTPF TEMPLATE SEOTDUP (N) H (IN) T(IN) FASTENERS IN MUDSILL ANCHOR WEIGHT N.T.S. o ANCHOR RODS AND NO SUPPLEMENTARY REINFORCEMENT. HIGH STRENGTH BOTTOM OF WALL ANCHORS BOLTS (Ibs) CHECKED ANCHORAGE DESIGN BY OTHERS WHEN REQUIRED. (FOR PLYWOOD PANEL FORMS) 2. SEISMIC INDICATES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY C THROUGH F. DETACHED 1 TOP OF SW16x7x4 16 78 4 8-SDS 1/4x6 2-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 90 NUT AND 2 FAMILY DWELLINGS IN SDC C MAY USE WIND ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS. CONCRETE SW16x7x6 16 78 5 3/4 8-SDS 1/4x6 2-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 112 SHEET SEISMIC ANCHORAGE DESIGNS CONFORM TO ACI 318-14 SECTION AND SW16x8x4 16 90 4 8-SDS 1/4x6 2-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 95 PAB7 ANCHOR BOLT ACI 318-11 SECTION D.3.3.4. SW16x8x6 16 90 53/4 8-SDS 1/4x6 3-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 120 swp 3. WIND INCLUDES SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY A AND B. SW22x7x4 22 78 4 10-SDS 1/4x6 2-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 95 4. FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS ARE FOR ANCHORAGE ONLY. FOUNDATION DESIGN (SIZE AND REINFORCEMENT) BY OTHERS. THE REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SEE SHEET SW2 FOR STACKED SW22x7x6 22 78 5 3/4 10-SDS 1/4x6 2-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 117 NOTES: MAY SPECIFY ALTERNATE EMBEDMENT, FOOTING SIZE OR ANCHOR BOLT. STRONG-WALL ANCHOR BOLT SW22x8x4 22 90 4 10-SDS 1/4x6 2-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 105 1. SEE 11-SWP FOR DIMENSIONS AND ADDITIONAL NOTES. 5. FOR ANCHORAGE SOLUTIONS USING SSTB, SEE ICC-ES ESR-2611. REQUIREMENTS. SW22x8x6 22 90 5 3/4 10-SDS 1/4x6 2-5/8"0 2-7/8"0 130 OF SHEETS JOB NO. ANCHORAGE - TYPICAL SECTIONS 10 ANCHORAGE SCHEDULE '11 STRONG-WALL° TEMPLATES 12 PORTAL WALL SPECIFICATIONS 13 NOTES 14 SOILS ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION Proposed 2-Story Single Family Residence On-Grade with a Pool House and a Swimming Pool 10839 Carriage Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California October 3, 2019 Project No. 29-5302-00 Prepared fora Molinar Design, Inc. Attn: Mr. Erick Molinar 1132 S. Spence St. Los Angeles, CA 90023 Lf 2 U - A.G.I. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Q� 0 A. G. I. G EOTECM N ICALr I NC. '16555 Sherman Way, Suite A-Van Nuys, CA 9t4D6-Office: (8'1 H)785-5244- Facsimile: (8'18)785-625'I October 3, 20'19 Project No. 29-5302-00 Molinar Design, Inc. 'I t 32 S. Spence St. Los Angeles, CA 90023 Attention: Mr. Erick Molinar Subject: SOILS ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION Proposed 2-Story Single Family Residence On-Grade with a Pool Houses and a Swimming Pool t 0839 Carriage Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California Dear Mr. Molinar: This report presents the results of the investigation and our opinions regarding the soils engineering factors affecting the tlevelopment of the subject site. This investigation was performed in July, August, Septam ber and October, 20'I 9, and consisted of field exploration, laboratory testing, engineering analyses of the fieltl and laboratory data and the preparation of this report. Oatermination of the presence or not of hazartlous or toxic materia/s in the on-site sof/s is heyond the scope of this investigation. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact this office. Respec ully sub it d, OQp,OFE9s/ON A.G.I. EOTE C. C. h��JpN A. y/09'Y � y� an . Vidal, R.G.E. 861 Exp. tz-si-t9 - Waed F. Barakat, E.I.T. 164077 rincipal Engineer "� o +� Staff Engineer JAV/WB:wb 'SJy�recH�a`o�av' OF CJV-�F Distribution: (4) Molinar Design, Inc. Enclosures: Location Map (Figure 'I) I Plot Plan (Figure 2) Sites Plan (Figure 3) Boring Logs Laboratory Test Results U.S. Seismic Design Maps Engineering Geology - Soll Engineering TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................1 DESCRIPTION C}F SITE .........................................................................................................1 PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT........ ................................. ........ ................... ................1 FIELDEXPLORATION............................................................................................................1 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.................................................................................................1 SoilProfile.................................................... .......................................................................1 Groundwater ............................................................ ...........................................................2 ON-SITE INFILTRATION FACILITIES...................... ..............................................................2 LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL (CYCLIC MOBILITY)................................................................2 SEISMICITY AND SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA....................................................................2 LABORATORYTESTING...............................................................................................3 CL/\GG|F|C/\T|ON—................................................................................................................3 MAXIMUM DENSITY/OPTIMUM MOISTURE :C-1557)................................................3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...--------'~..~....~....~,,,.--------.^...,4 GENERAL ------------------------------------------.4 SITE PREPARATION..............................................................................................................4 FILLPLACEMENT...................................................................................................................4 FOUNDATION DESIGN -----------------------------------.4 Type of F0UDd8tiUO ------------------------------------'4 GOi| 0e8hDg Pressures..................... ...................................................................................5 ExpectedSettlements...........................................................................................................5 FLOOR SLABS-ON-GRADE ---------------------------------5 LATERALRESISTANCE.........................................................................................................0 LATERAL L{}/\O8 --------------------------------------.0 B/\CKF|LL ------------------------------------------.0 DRAINAGE..............................................................................................................................8 PLANTERS ............................................. ...............................................................................6 CONSTRUCTION CUTS-----------------------------------7 RECOMMENDED |N8PECT|{JNG------------------------------J WORKMAN SAFETY-EXCAVATIONS 7 ---------------------------- | OBSERVATION.......................................................................................................................7 � REVIEW..................................................................................................................................8 REGULATORY AGENCY REVIEW AND /\O0T|[)N/\L CONSULTING -----------.O COMMENTS....................................................................................................................8 A.G.I. Inc. " l056� 8b�rozo� \�u�' 8o�� �\ ^ ��o Nuys, C� 0l406 | � | Molinar Design, Inc. Page I Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION OF SITE The subject site is located on the southwest side of Carriage Drive in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, California. The subject property is rectangular in shape, practically level, and presently vacant. The site is bound on the southeast and northwest by developed properties. The location of the site is shown on the enclosed Location Map, Figure 1. PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT The proposed development consists of a 2-story single family residence on-grade with two attached garages, a pool house and a swimming pool. Structural loads are anticipated to be relatively light, less than five kips per linear foot for continuous footings and less than 50 kips for column loads. FIELD EXPLORATION Subsurface conditions were explored by drilling two exploratory borings at the locations shown on the Plot Plan, Figure 2. The borings were drilled to a maximum depth of four feet below existing ground surface using a hand auger. The drilling of the borings was supervised by our field engineer who then logged the materials brought up from the borings. Undisturbed and bulk samples were collected at depths appropriate to the investigation. The undisturbed samples were sealed immediately in watertight containers for shipment to our laboratory. The soil sampler utilized in our investigation included a 2.5-inch I.D. drive barrel lined with 1-inch brass rings. The sampler used in the exploratory borings was driven to a depth of nine inches with a 40-pound hammer falling from a height of 18 inches. The blow counts noted on the Boring Logs represent the accumulated number of blows that were required to drive the sampler. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soil Profile The existing soil profile, as depicted in the borings to the depth explored, consists of brown silty sands with gravel in a damp and medium dense condition. For a more detailed description of the soils encountered in the exploratory borings, please refer to the Boring Logs enclosed with this report. n�a A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 Ln1 Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 2 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 Groundwater No groundwater was encountered in the exploratory borings to the maximum depth explored, four feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater level may fluctuate because of seasonal changes, injection or extraction of water, variations in temperature and other causes. ON-SITE INFILTRATION FACILITIES The upper on-site soils consist of silty sands with gravel in a damp and medium dense condition which are not susceptible to hydroconsolidation. No groundwater was encountered in the exploratory boring to the depth explored of four feet below existing ground surface. The upper on-site soils are sufficiently permeable to allow the construction of a properly functioning infiltration facility. Based on the soils present at the site to the depths explored, it is our opinion that the infiltrated storm water will move in a vertical direction with no potential for creating perched water conditions. The infiltration facilities shall be a minimum of ten feet from any foundations and ten feet from private property lines. Infiltration in compacted fill is not allowed. Provided that the infiltration facilities are located a minimum of ten feet from any foundations, the infiltration would not result in distress to the existing or adjacent structures due to expansive soils. LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL (CYCLIC MOBILITY) Since the site is not located within a State of California Liquefaction Seismic Hazard Zone, a liquefaction analysis was not performed. SEISMICITY AND SEISMIC DESIGN CRITERIA The southern California region is seismically active and commonly experiences strong ground shaking resulting from earthquakes along active faults. Earthquakes along these faults are part of a continuous, naturally occurring process which has contributed to the characteristic landscape of the region. Research on earthquakes during the past forty years has greatly enhanced our knowledge on the nature of faulting in California; however, seismology is a relatively new science and standard procedures for prediction of geoseismic parameters have not yet been widely accepted. The time, location, and magnitude of an earthquake cannot be accurately predicted at this time; therefore, data on faults and the nature of earthquakes in California is presently incomplete. However, numerous investigations performed by the United States Geological Survey, California Division of Mines and Geology, and other research institutions have presented techniques to quantify the nature of earthquakes and the estimated impact to development in a seismically active environment. n�o A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 !"1 Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 3 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 It is our opinion that future structures should be designed in accordance with the applicable seismic building code as determined by the structural engineer. The subject site is located within Site Class D per 2016 California Building Code. The following values of short and long period accelerations are recommended for the Risk-Targeted Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCER). The design spectral response acceleration parameters presented on the following table for Site Class D, generated by the U.S. Seismic Design Maps Website (https://seismicmaps.org), may be utilized for seismic design: 2016 CBC Seismic Design Parameters Latitude 34.1598 N Longitude 117.5681 W Site Class Definition (Table 1613.3.2) D Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, SS (Figure 1613.3(3)) 2.499 Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at 1 s Period, SI (Figure 1613.3(4)) 0.930 Short Period Site Coefficient at 0.2s Period, Fa (Table 1613.3.3(1)) 1.000 Long Period Site Coefficient at Is Period, F Table 1613.3.3(2)) 1.500 Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, Sms (Eq. 16-37) 2.499 Adjusted Spectral Response Acceleration at 1 s Period, SmI (Eq. 16-38) 1.394 Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 0.2s Period, SDs (Eq. 16-39) 1.666 Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 1s Period, SDI (Eq. 16-40) 0.930 LABORATORY TESTING CLASSIFICATION Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Unit weight and moisture determinations were performed for each undisturbed sample. Results of density and moisture determinations, together with classifications, are shown on the enclosed Boring Logs. MAXIMUM DENSITY/OPTIMUM MOISTURE (ASTM:D-1557) The maximum density/optimum moisture content relationship was determined for a typical sample of the upper soils. The test was conducted in accordance with the ASTM:D-1557 standard. A graphic summary of the test result is included in this report. r� A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 !n1 Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 4 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL The property is suitable for the proposed construction of the proposed development from a geotechnical engineering standpoint. The construction plans should take into account the appropriate soils engineering features of the site. The on-site soils are medium dense. No groundwater was encountered to the maximum depth explored, four feet below existing surface. The upper on-site soils have a very low potential expansion. SITE PREPARATION Debris from demolition, vegetation and underground utility lines to be abandoned should be removed from the site. After site clearance the upper three feet of the on-site soils should be removed and placed back as compacted fill. The removal and compaction should extend three feet beyond the building lines in each direction. After removal, the exposed surface should be scarified to a depth of eight inches, brought to about optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557. All excavations resulting from removal of existing obstructions (i.e. tree roots) should be backfilled with soil compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557. If any cesspools or seepage pits are encountered during grading, they should be backfilled with vibrated gravel or slurry mix to five feet below finish grade. The upper five feet should be backfilled with soil compacted by mechanical means. FILL PLACEMENT Fill soils should be cleared of deleterious debris, placed in six to eight inch lifts, brought to about optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557. The placement of the fill should be performed under our observation and testing. FOUNDATION DESIGN Type of Foundation The proposed residence and pool house may be supported on conventional shallow spread (isolated) and continuous footings. Exterior and interior footings should be founded on compacted fill with a minimum embedment of 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Minimum reinforcement in continuous footings should consist of four n r� A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 1_1 Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 5 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 No. 4 bars: two placed about four inches from the top and two placed about four inches from the bottom. Soil Bearinq Pressures Footings founded on compacted fill may be designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 2,000lb/ft2. The recommended soil bearing pressures may be increased by one-third when designing for wind and seismic forces. Expected Settlements If footings are supported on compacted fill and are sized for the recommended bearing pressures, differential settlements are not expected to exceed %4 inch in a 30-foot span. Total settlements are anticipated to be less than % inch. FLOOR SLABS-ON-GRADE Concrete floor slabs-on-grade thickness and reinforcement should reflect the anticipated use of the slabs and should be designed by the structural engineer. Concrete floor slabs-on-grade should be a minimum of four inches (full) thick with minimum reinforcement consisting of No.4 deformed bars spaced a maximum of 16 inches each way. In areas where floor coverings or equipment that are sensitive to moisture are contemplated, a 10-mil visqueen moisture barrier should be placed beneath the slab with one inch of clean sand between the concrete slabs and the visqueen to aid in curing and to prevent puncture of the visqueen. Cracking of reinforced concrete is a relatively common occurrence. Some cracking of reinforced concrete, including slabs, can be anticipated. Irregularities in new slabs are also common. If cracking of slabs cannot be tolerated, heavily reinforced structural slabs are an option. The recommendations presented above are intended to reduce the potential for random cracking to which concrete flatwork is often prone. Judicious spacing of crack control joints has proven effective in further reducing random cracking. A structural engineer may recommend the desirable spacing. Usually the crack control joints are placed 12 to 15 feet apart in each direction. Factors influencing cracking of concrete flatwork, (other than expansion, settlement and creep of soils), and which should be avoided, include: poor-quality concrete, excessive time passing between the mixing and placement of the concrete (the concrete should be rejected if this time interval exceeds two hours), temperature and wind conditions at the time of placement of the concrete, curing of the concrete and workmanship. The concrete should be maintained in a moist condition (curing) for at least the first seven days after concrete placement. During hot weather, proper attention should be given to the ingredients, production methods, handling, placement, protection and curing to prevent excessive concrete temperature or water evaporation. In hot weather and windy conditions, water evaporates more rapidly from the A- r� A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 /1, Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 6 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 surface of the concrete flatwork. This requires more frequent moistening of the concrete during the curing period or the use of a protective chemical film to prevent evaporation. LATERAL RESISTANCE An allowable lateral bearing of 300lb/ft2 per foot of depth may be assumed up to a maximum of 3,000lb/ft2. A coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.4 may be used. LATERAL LOADS There are no retaining walls proposed. Backfill for retaining walls, if any, should consist of granular, free-draining material. Cantilevered retaining walls should be designed to resist an active pressure of 30lb/ft3 equivalent fluid pressure. Restrained walls should be designed for an at-rest earth pressure of 45lb/ft3 equivalent fluid pressure. If on-site upper soils are used for backfill, the at-rest earth pressure should be increased to 100lb/ft3. Walls subject to surcharge loads should be designed to include the additional lateral pressure. Walls should have adequate drainage to prevent build-up of hydrostatic pressure. BACKFILL All backfill of walls, footings or trenches should be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM:D-1557 and should be tested by the soils engineer. DRAINAGE Adequate drainage at the site is absolutely essential and it should be provided. Rain gutters should be connected to an appropriate drainage system and carried away from the residence and to the street. Yard drainage should be kept adequate to prevent ponding of water and saturation of the soils. Water should be directed to the street in an approved manner. Future performance of the residence and other structures will be significantly influenced by the site drainage conditions. PLANTERS Planters and lawns adjacent to the residence and pool house should be avoided. If planters are planned adjacent to the residence and pool house, they should have the bottom and walls waterproofed and a drain installed to carry irrigation water away from the footing areas. n�n A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 L' Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 7 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 CONSTRUCTION CUTS Because of the low cohesion of the soils, vertical construction cuts will cave if unsupported. Construction cuts should be laid back to a gradient of 1:1. If the cuts are to remain open for more than 2 weeks or if rain is expected while they are open, the construction cuts should be covered with a polyethylene membrane kept in place by holding blocks or other securing devices. No equipment, personnel, or stockpiles of soil or construction materials should stand closer than 10 feet from the top of the temporary cut. We should examine the construction cuts periodically to verify performance. All construction cuts should comply with the State of California Construction Safety Orders (CAL/OSHA). RECOMMENDED INSPECTIONS It is strongly recommended (and is a condition of use of this report), that the developer ensures that each phase of construction be properly inspected and approved by the local Building Department official. WORKMAN SAFETY-EXCAVATIONS It is essential for the contractor to provide adequate shoring and safety equipment as required by the State or Federal OSHA regulations. All regulations of the State or Federal OSHA should be followed before allowing workmen in a trench or other excavation. If excavations are to be made during the rainy season, particular care should be given to ensure that berms or other devices will prevent surface water from flowing over the top of the excavation or ponding at the top of the excavations. OBSERVATION Removal bottoms should be examined and approved by us and the City inspector before any fill is placed. Footing excavations should be examined by us prior to forming or placement of reinforcing steel to confirm that the soil conditions meet the requirements set by this report. Footing excavations should be kept moist and concrete should be placed as soon as possible after excavations are completed, examined and approved by us and the City inspector. A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 !r Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 Molinar Design, Inc. Page 8 Project No. 29-5302-00 October 3, 2019 REVIEW The geotechnical consultants shall review and sign the plans and specifications. REGULATORY AGENCY REVIEW AND ADDITIONAL CONSULTING All geotechnical and/or engineering geologic aspects of the proposed development are subject to review and approval by the government reviewing agency. It should be understood that the government reviewing agency may approve or deny any portion of the proposed development which may require additional geotechnical services by this office. Additional geotechnical services may include review responses, supplemental letters, plan reviews, construction/site observations, meetings, etc. The fees for generating additional reports, letters, exploration, analyses, etc. will be billed on a time and material basis. COMMENTS The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on research, site observations and limited subsurface information. The conclusions and recommendations presented are based on the supposition that subsurface conditions do not vary significantly from those indicated. Although no significant variations in subsurface conditions are anticipated, the possibility of significant variations cannot be ruled out. If such conditions are encountered, this consultant should be contacted immediately to consider the need for modification of this project. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Molinar Design, Inc. and their design consultants for the specific project outlined herein. This report may not be suitable for use by other parties or other uses. This report is subject to review by regulatory agencies and these agencies may require their approval before the project can proceed. No guarantee that the regulatory public agency or agencies will approve the project is intended, expressed or implied. One of the purposes of this report is to provide the client with advice regarding geotechnical conditions on the site. It is important to recognize that other consultants could arrive at different conclusions and recommendations. No warranties of future site performance are intended, expressed or implied. n�� A.G.I. Geotechnical, Inc. • 16555 Sherman Way, Suite A • Van Nuys, CA 91406 LU1 Office: (818)785-5244 • Facsimile: (818)785-6251 e g k s s I �� ��_ � � j � -,R . � _ � -�a:�Hea R�� �� 7Yl=lIfleBF9d s _ w 8 __ _ I _.— ��� \� �--Bn lelslue� on m 2 � U g` �� � � A i eo �� e - a a < <�_ e d�onoy � �` - -.a -ePdlls .--i J "� �.._— _ -�`i � _I15� nV''tlan6d �p L.—_ Bpi ,_-J�__�__....-._ _.Ti �� �__ �--- G� �_� _ ( mn �i� c�=D _ _ / � / / Vacant ® / / Lot / / / � _ _ / � � EXPLANATION B-1 Approximate Location SC81C l�r = 3�� �, ® of Exploratory Boring FIGURE 2 -�aO �T OT �T �'T PROJECT Nn. 29-53H2-00 V L 1 L IlV` DATE 30-2019 a da "'"`"�N 10839 Carriage Dr., Rancho Cucamonga PREPARED BY WFB gee ....��.w.o� sae APPROVE➢ HY JAV Ca= fir. / � _ // / / / / / Proposed / / 2-Story / / Residence / / / / / Proposed / Pool Proposed / � � Pool House / EXPLANATION B-1 Approx5mate Location Scale 1" = 30' �, ® o£Exp]oratory Boring C FIGURE 3 _Q�.1� 1)ITE PLAN PROJECT NO. 29-530E-00 DATE 10-2019 �„ � 10839 Carriage Dr., Rancho Cucamonga PREPARE➢ HY WPB RPPROVED BV JAV BORING LOGS LEGEND ® Ring Sample, or Bulk Sample Standard Penetration Test (SPT) GROUP DESCRIPTIONS DIVISIONS SYMBOLS Well-graded gravels or gravel-sand Ground Water Level GW mixtures, less than 5%fines 0 `r GP Poorly-graded gravels or gravel-sand a 0 Z a� mixtures, less than 5%fines GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand silt > w SOIL SIZE O 0 mixtures, more than 12%fines 0 v v COMPONENT co SIZE RANGE GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay o o Boulders Above 12" Q o mixtures, more than E /°fines o Cobbles 3"-12" \ Z o ell-graded sands or gravelly sands a Gcoarse ravel #4-3" 'n SW less than 5%fines o /4'-3" 3 O Poorly-graded raded sands or raven . fine #4- /" SP Y-g gravelly rn � .� Sand #200-#4 W 4- sands, less than 5%fines q 0 coarse #1044 ` w R� Silty sands sand-silt mixtures 6 medium #40-#10 SM •� fine #200-440 p more than 12%fines o Fines (Silt or Clays) Below#200 U SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures, more than 12%fines PLASTICITY OF FINE GRAINED SOILS ML Inorganic silt,very fine sands,rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands a PLASTICITY VOLUME CHANGE Inorganic clays of low to medium U o INDEX POTENTIAL o CL plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy q � 0-15 Probably Low clays, silty clays,lean claysCd 15-30 ProbablyModerate v 30 or more ProbablyHigh a co OL Organic silts or organic silt-clays of a ,a 0 low plasticity 0 w Inorganic silts,micaceous or WATER CONTENT o MH diatomaceous fine sands or silts, q ?; Dry: No-fee" Q o elastic silts z 0 1 of moisture Z U) Damp. Much less than normal CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat co a moisture clays a O �s Moist: Normal moisture C7 OH Organic clays of medium to high U) Q, i i lastcty a Wet: Much greater than normal W p xicxLY moisture Z pT Peat, mulch, and other highly ORGANICHIGH sob Saturated:At or near saturationF organic soils CONSISTENCY RELATIVE DENSITY CLAYS &SILTS BLOWS PER FOOT SANDS &GRAVELS BLOWSPER O Very soft 0-2 Very loose 0-4 Soft 2-4 Loose 4-10 Firm 4-8 Medium dense 10-30 Stiff 8-15 Dense 30-50 Very stiff 15-30 Very dense Over 50 Hard Over 30 A.G.I.GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Engineering Geology. Geotechnical Engineering BORING NUMBER B-1 A.G.I. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. PAGE 1 OF 1 A.G.I.Geotechnical,Inc. 16555 Sherman Way,Unit A Van Nuys,California 91406 Telephone:(818)785-5244 Fax:(818)785-6251 CLIENT: Molinar Design, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Proposed 2-Story SFR On-Grade w/a Pool House&a Swimmin Pool ool PROJECT NUMBER: 29-5302-00 PROJECT LOCATION: 10839 Carriage Dr., Rancho Cucamonga DATE STARTED: 7/12/19 COMPLETED: 7/12/19 GROUND ELEVATION: N/A BORING DIAMETER: 4" EXCAVATION METHOD: Hand Auger GROUND WATER LEVELS: N/A DRILLING CONTRACTOR: American Vector SAMPLING METHOD: Manual Drop Hammer, 40 lb., 18" Drop LOGGED BY: MG CHECKED BY: JAV F ATTERBERG w LIMITS o � E— 17- >� Hg C H o o H W MATERIAL DESCRIPTION �^ N oz w a as c o o Q �' Alluvium SM 60 X 2.1 106 108 Brown Silty SAND with Gravel (Damp, medium dense) 5 Refusal Total Depth: 3.0' No Water to IS 20 25 30 BORING NUMBER1 B 2 PAGE A.G.I. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. A.G.I.Geotechnical,Inc. 16555 Sherman Way,Unit A Van Nuys,California 91406 Telephone:(818)785-5244 Fax:(818)785-6251 CLIENT: Molinar Design,Inc. PROJECT NAME: Proposed 2-Stow SFR On-Grade w/aPool House&a SwimmingPool ool PROJECT NUMBER: 29-5302-00 PROJECT LOCATION: 10839 Carriage Dr., Rancho Cucamonga DATE STARTED: 7/12/19 COMPLETED: 7/12/19 GROUND ELEVATION: N/A BORING DIAMETER: 4" EXCAVATION METHOD: Hand Auger GROUND WATER LEVELS: N/A DRILLING CONTRACTOR: American Vector SAMPLING METHOD: Manual Drop Hammer, 40 lb., 18" Drop LOGGED BY: MG CHECKED BY: 7AV F ATTERBERG aWa F W 0 3 LIMITS o H rQ„ 3 w MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Q N Cd 0 Alluvium SM Brown Silty SAND with Gravel 45 4.3 95 99 (Damp, medium dense) 70 1.9 110 112 5 Refusal Total Depth: 4.0' No Water 10 15 20 25 30 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Q�� O A.G.I. GEOTECHNICNL, INC. MAXIMUM DENSITY CURVE 145 ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVE FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY=2.75 ...i,. _. 140 135 129.8 pcf u" �.. i @ 9.0% U 130 m z 125 oI__ - ,. _ ! i_ I _. I I_ i i "_ I .I 120 1 s _ 115 I I _ G I 110 0 5 10 15 20 25 MOISTURE CONTENT (% OF DRY WEIGHT) PROJECT NO. 29-5302-00 BORING NO. B-1 DEPTH (FT) 0-2 REPRESENTATIVE FOR Alluvium SOIL TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Silty SAND with Gravel (SM) MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY(LBS/CU FT) 129.8 OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT (% OF DRY WEIGHT) 9.0 METHOD OF COMPACTION ASTM:D-1557 Q� A.G.I. GEOTECHNICAL, INC. U . S . SEISMIC DESIGN MAPS Q� O - . GEOTECHNICNL, INC. 10/3YLOtlg U.S.Seismic Design Maps � OS�-f P D i '10839 Carriage Dr., Rancho Cucamonga i Latitutla, Longitud D: 34.'1598, -t'1 T.S69t __ _�_ �' l_` _ ¢a Saar a'_-:. a3 ��Or �sr//a9a Or m'� __ m � `�__� veer HG�Firie cp ial Group 9 arch Dr ¢acyon Or Q �-'-___- __ �i0o9�0 �B. Brothers Enterprise ��"-- _ Mep data®20'19 Data 10/3/2019.Y1:10:07 AM peal9n Catle Rararenca Document ASCEJ40 RIaK Cate9nry 111 Bite Cleac O-3tIR Sall 'IyPa Values DcaerlPtlon 3g 2A99 MCEq BroueW moton.((ot 0.2 aewntl petlod) S, O.B3 MCER grouts moticry(bt t.Oa perbd) 9M5 2.499 811a-motll9atl apec[ral accalara[bn value SMt t-39S 81ta-modl9atl apac[ral accalara[bn value Spa 1.888 Numetle eelamle tlealgn value at 0.2 tecontl SA Spy 0.93 NumetleeelamletlealBn value at l.0 eacontl SA Types Values rlpOen SDG E Selamle tlealgn category Fo 1 31[e ampllllca[lon factx ar 0.2 aewnE F�. 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TM1e material preaenteE In IM1Ie web appllwfbn ehcul]not be uaetl ar mlletl upon(w any epeclflc appllce\lan wkbcul comp®4n[axeminaYan an0 vetlOcallon b(I4 ewuraay.¢ullabltlty anJ eppllceblllty by anBlnaara ar o1M1er Ilcenaetl proleasbnale.3EgOC/OSMPO tlo not InlenO lM1el IM1a uee N tlXa Informa0on replace Ibe eountl futlB�nant o!¢ucM1 competent profeaabnala�M1aNrg eapetlenco entl knowlatlga In the flelO M pree0ce.norto auballlub(x IM1e atentlsed of care requtre0 0(eucM1 pro(¢aslona4ln Intarpreling entl appbin9 tna re¢ulle of IM1a sal¢mlc Cola provitletl by IM1Is µrebslla.Vsare of Iha In(ormallon Ram Ihle wabella assume all liability atl¢Ing from such use,tlae o(Ihe oulpu[o(tble wababe Oca¢na\Imply appwvel by tM1a govaming bu1MInB cotla botlles rasponslble Iar Ou11CInB cotla approval anC IntarpreteOon tot tM1a bullCing site CeecllbaC by lelllutla/longtlutle lacetbn In IM1a aaemry reaaua of col:wmana. M1tlps://salsmlcmaps.arg ' 2/2 Design Review Committee April 6, 2021 7:00 p.m. Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner DESIGN REVIEW DRC2019-00558 — M&A HOLDINGS, LLC - A request to construct 10 single-family homes on a previously approved Tract Map (SUBTT19917) within the Very Low (VL) Residential District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located north of the 210 Freeway and east of East Avenue at the easterly extension of Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive; APNs 0226-572-01 to -10. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project. Site Characteristics and Background: The project site is located at the east terminus of Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive. These east-west streets were constructed as part of an unrelated subdivision (Tract 18122)to the west of the project site. On August 8, 2018, the Planning Commission approved Tentative Tract Map SUBTT19917 to subdivide a 7.17- acre lot into 10 lots for the future development of 10 single-family homes and Variance DRC2018-00566 to allow a wall height of up to 23 feet on the project's south boundary (parallel the 210 Freeway) for sound attenuation purposes. As part of the approved subdivision Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive will be extended to the east and a new north-south street (Echo Mountain Place) will be constructed to connect the two to form a loop. Over the last year, on-site grading has commenced, and the applicant has submitted the subject Design Review application for the construction of 10 single-family homes. The existing Land Use, General Plan, and Zoning designations for the project site and adjacent properties are as follows: Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Vacant Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential Residential District' North Single-Family Residential Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential Residential District 210 Freeway San Bernardino County Flood n/a n/a South Control District Access Road Single-Family Residential Very Low Very Low (L) Residential Residential District East Etiwanda Creek and the San Flood Open Space (OS) East Sevaine Flood Control Basin Control/Utility District' Corridor West Single-Family Residential Very Low Very Low (VL) Residential Residential District 1—Etiwanda Specific Plan Project Overview and Analysis: The applicant is proposing 3 architectural styles: Spanish, Italianate, and Craftsman. As demonstrated on the project plans, all homes appropriately DRC COMMENTS DR DRC2019-00558 - M&A HOLDINGS, INC April 6, 2021 Page 2 reflect the materials, textures, and design elements associated with the architectural style proposed. Houses proposed in the Spanish style feature S-tile roofs, white paint tones, arches, and wrought iron railings, while Craftsman style homes contain shingle/wood siding, a stone base, and exposed rafters. Italianate styled homes contain Mediterranean/Tuscan inspired elements, such as stone veneers, arched windows, and earth-toned colors. RCMC Section 17.122.010 requires at least 3 residences within the 10-unit development to be single-story homes. The applicant is proposing 3 single-story homes and 7 two-story homes, which complies with this requirement. Additionally, 3 distinct floor plans are proposed, which complies with the minimum of 3 separate floor plans required per RCMC Table 17.122.010-1. All homes comply with all applicable setback and height requirements as prescribed in the Very Low(VL) Residential District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Each lot will be separated by a 6-foot high decorative block wall fence on both sides, with a combination 3-foot decorative block wall and a 3-foot wrought iron fence/gate along the rear of each lot. All houses will have direct access to a 15-foot wide equestrian trail, running along the rear of all 10 lots. All front yards will be landscaped with a variety of drought-tolerant shrubs, groundcovers, and trees, in compliance with the City's residential landscape requirements per RCMC Section 17.56.070. Staff Recommendation: Staff requests that the Design Review Committee consider the design (building architecture, site planning, etc.) of the proposed project and recommend the selected action below to the Planning Director/ Planning Commission: x❑Recommend Approval of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. ❑Recommend Approval with Modifications to the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be verified by staff prior to review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. ❑Recommend Conditional Approval of the design of the project by incorporating revisions requested by the Committee. Follow-up review by the Committee is not required. The revisions shall be Conditions of Approval and verified by staff during plan check after review and action by the Planning Director/ Planning Commission. El Recommend Denial of the design of the project as proposed by the applicant. Desiqn Review Committee Action: Staff Planner: Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner Members Present: Staff Coordinator: Michael Smith, Principal Planner I � ■ �.J4• I� W a Z Proposed 10-Home Tract for: - arin€e crush Court wlnre lit Court c ��1" �.' Q•�' { -_ Sharee Awad Reunion photographers /i 1 ✓ 1 • *^ - '� CopleyDr. & Wilshire Dr. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 92739OWNER: SHAREEF AWADWi€d Map le Court Coha4 Cw" rn , 1231 N. CACTUS AVENUE #D RIALTO CA 92376 w . 'wrzs ug � _ � ..:` _'`sue: •5��. - '.':c'=c : ��_. _.___� . .: - - oRancho Cucamonga TEL: (909) 519-1355 T 6oalcarnp CONTACT: SHAREEF AWAD 9 Plan 1 - Spanish Style EMAIL: shareefawad@sbcglobal.net Gyp-orivo (;p-06& e SITE ADDRESS: TRACT 19917 SOUTH OF 6291 RAINDROP PLACE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 92739 ARCHITECT: ANDRESEN ARCHITECTURE INC. Q d La Ventana K B Ho mes - 17087 ORANGE WAY - FONTANA, CA 92335 TEL: (909) 355-6688 lev o,,,e co„I!p Drive Cop€er Dave Cop+er o.ive - ._, `1 -+� �. • , ='•_.: CONTACT: DOUG ANDRESEN EMAIL: doug.andresen@aaifirm.com RCcesa Rd �' Access Rd Acuss' y ti -�,.• r^2+•-�=�� ` , � _ _ - CIVIL ENGINEER: DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES 4141 E. INLAND EMPIRE BLVD., SUITE 250 nto Foothill Fwy Foothill Fwy zto �� �� In ONTARIO, CA 91764 (909) 912-7359 CONTACT: ANGEL CESAR, P.E. - y EMAIL: angel.cesar@deainc.com -. BUILDING DATA: 31--- - A." _ APN: 0226-102-30 ZONING. ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN -VL l Greene-Dr f~ r - � �' _ -3/U � Victoria RV and -->.. .;a =� r .• -„�:�I• y,,.�,6t•. �� �+:' „k Baatstora ev CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V-B FIRE SPRINKLERS: NFPA 13D SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED PROJECT SITE Vicin etyMa Plan 2 - Italian Style Plan 3 - Cra tsmam Style PROJECT DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED 10 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES p W TOTAL GROSS AREA: 7.16 AC H \ Existing 3'-0" High Decorative Existing Drainage Swale to Existing 3'-0" High Decorative Masonry Existing Drainage Swale TOTAL NET AREA: 5.74 AC Mason Wall With WI Fence Above Remain Wall With WI Fence Above to Remain to Remain LOTS: 10 LOTS \ to Remain Masonry TOTAL NUMBER F lL - - - - - - - - - - - - - t-� Vehicle Gate with Step- Existing Sound Wall to Remain Through Side Access y \� y \ %J h�7 15'wide Equestrian Vehicle Gate o Local Trail Easement with Side Access Existing 6'-0" High Masonry 15'wide Equestrian T-O" High Decorative Masonry Vehicle Gate with Vehicle Gate with Step- 15'wide Equestrian Local Trail Existing 6'-0" High Wall to Remain Easement Wal With WI Fence Above Side Access Through Side Access uo Easement Masonry Wall to Remain F214.89' o o 95.00' 646-0" 0 91.95' 91.50' 95.00' o 0 0 236.63' r CIDv r r r Y o Existing Chain Link CU o Fence to Be Removed ) . . o a) 12'x 48' I ExistingWood -� b 5'wide Drainage o rr, W v 3 0 High Decorative 5'wide Drainage Easement a) Masonry Wall With Easement �_, ,,� Corral Area 5'wide Drainage �, T-0" High Decorative Fence to Be c� 6'-0" High I //// - \`--\ I 6-0" High Easement `' Mason Wall With WI Removed _- WI Fence Above _ _ \\\� i ` 'i//// �\ Wrought Iron Fence Fence Above F_-- I\ /l rn l Wrought Iron Fence I l l l l I l I Wroug Oai L' --- w - ---------- -------- -- -- iII o 98'-1" Corral Area 12'x 48' oo „ o I Y 6'-0" High Decorative Corral Area 6'-0" High Decorative 00 121 -7 % (60' Min. Rear Setback) LOt 8 30'-0" Masonry Wall - Masonry Wall - 30'-0" Lot 1 (60' Min. Rear Setback) "\ \\ Plan 2A I N I Plan 2C M Y LO ( Setback 4 922 SF Sound Wall Per x Front Setback r 12'x 48' 4 922 SF Corral Area b tv 0 � a� Corral Area �T AcousticalJ _ Analysis Report 6'-0" High Decorative _ cn ;� � o - m Masonry Wall b w M � N c`o CD o ' o �� N M ^�M '= Maintain 70' op �O; _ I r; E b Y g3" Min to Adjacent N - o o o - W /Homes C, 104_1 o I � b N N N� I - - - � � 237.57 $� 212.39' - - o _ CIAo ir> � _ 6 0 High 0 60'-0" 25'-0" cro N Decorative O Setback 10'-O'r10'-O" 4,-0" 4,-0„ Masonry Wall \ 7 I T-6" 36'-0" T-6" 4'-0" 6 7'-6" 18'-0" 18'-0" 7'-6" rr t� Min. Min. 6 12'x 48' 84'-6" Lot 9� 6„ 6„ 10'-0"10'-0" Corral Area 60' Min. Rear Setback) Plan 1 C 18'-0" 18'-0" v iv I 25'-0" 60'-0" 30'-0" o N 4,553 SF o Min. Min. 110'-6" o o o Setbac (30' Min.) - O 12'x 48' mil~ Corral Area L 30'-0" I (60' Min. Rear Setback) •� Lot 7� Lot 6� Lot 5� Lot 4� 5'-0° q o ot 2� Setback q Plan 2C Plan 3A Plan 3B Plan 2B r Plan 1A I '� 'N v; 3'-0" High Decorative I ,922 SF 5,414 SF 5,414 SF XE 4,922 S F s 4,674 SF 3'-O" High Decorative �+ „ 9 v Masonry Wall With 20'-5" 20' 0" Existing 6-0 High - C I I N Masonry Wall With WI Fence Above 6'-0" High Decorative Decorative Masonry Wall to WI Fence Above _ (� 6'-0" High s Remain Mason Y Q 20' Min. rY Wall Decorative o Masonry Wall N V o 238 71 `L v 209.89' o I I ,. 6'-0" High Deco tive00 In l Masonry Wall N Z q 9 w I I N o o S ~ N Lo co v I N N h g 16-0" o 16'-0" 16'-0" o 0 16'-0" q g -- U � C6 u r r n Setback � � � � 12'x 48' l \ / 5'-0 15,-2"4-8 c� o 0 o co o / 30r-0n io Setback Corral Area - \\ i 24-9' \ 71.95 - - � - 91.95' - � - 91 50' � - - - 72.05 o v i Corral Area 113'-7" v o `° '� Lot 10 \ / Plan 3C 60' Min. Rear Setback 80'-8" o 5 414 S F ( ) j -- Plan 1 B �� \ 60 9 \ (60' Min. Rear Setback) 4,674 SF 7 610. Echo Mountain Place _ i L--- - - - - - - - - - - - - ro o \ coo M 0 T-O" High Decorative r �� Masonry Wall With 6-0" High - N. � WI Fence Above Combo = io Masonry Wall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6'-0" High Combo - _� 2 Communit Trail y b 286A8' Masonry Wall b y Sound Wall Per Acoustical 319.26' Analysis Report 8 wide Community PLAN 1 (ELEVATION A & B) Site PlanSequence of Drawings DR Easement FIRST FLOOR 4,257 . FT. 1 if - 30'-0" \ Number Description LOFT CASITA AREA 417 SQ. FT. - PL1 Site Plan cry TOTAL FLOOR AREA 4,674 SQ. FT. PI Site Wall Plan PL2 Floor Plan (Plan 1) GARAGE (1 - CAR) 285 SQ. FT. ( ) � Fire Prevention Notes: PL3 Front Elevations Plan 1 (2 - CAR) 609 SQ FT PL4 Ext. Elevations (Plan 1) This site/project is located in the designated Wild-Urban Interface Fire Area. . . The following conditions apply: CALIFORNIA ROOM 680 SQ. FT. PL5 Floor Plan (Plan 2) Tract no. 19917 U 1. Construction materials and methods and automatic fire sprinklersystems are to be in MASTER PATIO 130 SQ. FT. PL6 Front Elevations (Plan 2) compliance with Canlifornia Building Code Chapter 7A,the CAlifornia Residential Code, and the NOOK PATIO 104 SQ. FT. PL7 Ext. Elevations (Plan 2) Fire District Standard 49-1 PL8 Floor Plan (Plan 3) Proposed 10-Home Tract or: 2. Landscaping, vegetation managment, fuel reduction, and other wildland fire safety TOTAL NOW CONDITIONED SPACE 1,808 SQ. FT. PL9 Front Elevations (Plan 3) p features and practices are required to comply with all applicable provisions of Fire District TOTAL FOOTPRINT 6,065 SQ. FT. PL10 Ext. Elevations (Plan 3) as gnd,P wa Shareef Ad SEA AR�h'i Standard 49-1. The Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. ����� 3. A site specific or project specifice fire protection plan is required for this project. The fire protection plan is required to be in accordance with Fire District Standard 49-1. The PLAN 1 (ELEVATION C) PLAN 2 PLAN 3 Lot Coverage Schedule 1 of 11 Tilte Sheet Co le Dr. & Wilshire Dr. Rancho Cucamon a CA 92739 * C 14504 Standard has been uploaded to the Documents section. 2 of 11 Precise Grading Plan FIRST FLOOR 4,136 SQ. FT. FIRST FLOOR 2,454 SQ. FT. FIRST FLOOR 3,059 SQ. FT. Lot # Plan Name Elevation Type Lot Area Footprint Lot Coverage (%) 3 of 11 Sections 20 Jan. 2021 N� 12-31-21 �Q Building &Safety Services Department Notes: Z 1 2C Italian 26,048 SF 4,427 SF 17.00 4 of 11 Details&Sections Sheet 9 RENEWAL 4' This site is located in the fire area designated VHFHSZ, all structures must be constructed with LOFT CASITA AREA 417 SQ. FT. SECOND FLOOR 2,469 SQ. FT. LOFT CASITA AREA 2,353 SQ. FT. F DATE o FO ignition resistant or noncombustible materials in accordance with the approved Fire protection TOTAL FLOOR AREA 4,553 SQ. FT. TOTAL FLOOR AREA 4,922 SQ. FT. TOTAL FLOOR AREA 5,414 SQ. FT. 2 1A Spanish 26,195 SF 6,065 SF 23.15 5 of 11 Private Storm Drain& Horse Corral Location Plan 18-3317 Plan and/or the most current edition of the CA Building Code including all local ordinances and 3 3C Italian 28,027 SF 4,956 SF 17.68 6 of 11 WQMP Site Plan standards.When the Entitlement Review is approved submit complete construction drawings 4 2B Craftsman 25,475 SF 4,427 SF 17.38 7 of 11 Erosion Control Plan GARAGE (1 - CAR) 263 SQ. FT. COVERED ENTRY 251 SQ. FT. COVERED ENTRY 99 SQ. FT. 5 36 Craftsman 24,790 SF 4,956 SF 19.99 including energy and structural calculations to Building and Safety for plan review in 8 of 11 Erosion Control Plan accordance with the stricter regulations of the approved Fire protection Plan (if applicable)for (2 - CAR) 585 SQ. FT. GARAGE (3 - CAR) 859 SQ. FT. GARAGE (1 - CAR) 370 SQ. FT. 9 of 11 Cut/Fill Ma 6 3A Spanish 24,912 SF 4,956 SF 19.89 P the development and current edition of the CA Building and Fire Codes including all local CALIFORNIA ROOM 627 SQ. FT. CALIFORNIA ROOM 558 SQ. FT. 2 - CAR 552 SQ. FT. ordinances and standards. The new structures are required to be equipped with automatic fire ( ) 7 2C Italian 25,474 SF 4,427 SF 17.38 10 pf 11 Conditions of Approval MASTER PATIO 100 SQ. FT. BALCONY 105 SQ. FT. CALIFORNIA ROOM 540 SQ. FT. 11 of Conditionsof Approval sprinklers.A soils report is required for new structures. Vegetation must be design and installed 8 2A Spanish 23,487 SF 4,427 SF 18.85 in accordance to the guidelines from the RCFPD for sites located in the VHFHSZ fire area. NOOK PATIO 91 SQ. FT. TOTAL NON - CONDITIONED SPACE 1,773 SQ. FT. BALCONY 147 SQ. FT. 9 1C Italian 23,225 SF 5,802 SF 24.98 O TOTAL NOW CONDITIONED SPACE 1,666 SQ. FT. TOTAL FOOTPRINT 4,427 SQ. FT. TOTAL NOW CONDITIONED SPACE 1,708 SQ. FT. 10 1B Craftsman 24,628 SF 6,065 SF 24.63 1 of Two Conceptual Landscaping Plan Sl"te Plan TOTAL FOOTPRINT 5,802 SQ. FT. TOTAL FOOTPRINT 4,956 SQ. FT. 252,262 SF 2 of Two Conceptual Landscaping Plan \2020 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. ■ ■ I I Existing T-0" High Decorative Existing Drainage Swale to Existing T-0" High Decorative Masonry Existing Drainage Swale \ \ Masonry Wall With WI Fence Above Remain Wall With WI Fence Above to Remain to Remain \ \ to Remain \ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vehicle Gate with Step- \ \ - J O Through Side Access \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -o — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ! — — — — - — — — — — - — — - - - - Existing Sound Wall to Remain \ - - - - - - - - - - - - -� — _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ — — — — — _;7 15'wide Equestrian Vehicle Gate Existing6'-0" High Mason Local Traill Vehicle Gate with o Local Trail Existing 6'-0" High Easement with Side Access g Masonry 15'wide Equestrian 3'-0" High Decorative Masonry Vehicle Gate with Step- — 15'wide Equestrian 9 9 Wall to Remain Side Access Through Side Access - Easement Masonry Wall to Remain O Easement Wall With WI Fence Above 214.89' — — — — O 95.00' 0 91.95' — — 91.50' — — —� — — 95.00' — — — — O — — — — — — — 236.63 F o F I LO F I F I F o o zo F o Existing Chain Link F F F F I F Fence to Be Removed 177F 6'-0" High I F O O I A 6'-0" High F o Existing Wood A I S-0" High Decorative S-0" High Decorative Decorative ' Fence to Be Z Decorative � I N 6'-0" High g g 6'-0" High F Removed Masonry Wall Masonry Wall with 3' Masonry Wall with 3' Masonry Wall I Wrought Iron Fence Wrought Iron Fence High Wrought Iron High Wrought Iron Fence Above Fence Above C I I I o O 00 0 Lot 8 Lot 1 F 6'-0" High Decorative - 6'-0" High Decorative F Masonry Wall Masonry Wall 6'-0" High Decorative Masonry Wall cn I io rn N: ti rn rn � N N O O N N N I A A Q 212.39' - - I A I - - 237.57' A A A "Tt 6'-0" High Decorative I I 6'-0" High � Decorative Z Masonry Wall I A A A I Masonry Wall c O NC � I p o oN F o I 10'-3" I I o F I o D I I I I 3'-0" High Decorative • Lot 7 Lot 6 Lot 5 Lot 4 q Lot 2 g O I ALZ Masonry Wall With I N .H WI Fence Above Existing 6-0" High U I I I Decorative Masonry Wall to Remain — 6'-0" High Decorative Masonry Wall A — — I — — A O w A U I A A A I iv 238.71' A 209.89' N A '4 I ao A 6'-0" High O I Decorative H Masonry Wall I F I I I 6-0".15'-2" Z C-n 6'-0" High Decorative \\ 71.95, _ _ _ _ 91.95, _ _ 91.50' _ _ _ _ 72.05' / Masonry Wall Lot 10 Lot 3 F o Pco \ / I� op 3'-0" High Decorative I O �Q Masonry Wall With 00 _ Echo Mountain Place _ / WI Fence Above H F I 8' wide Community II F A Easement Community Trail 286.48' A E Z D C E B� 319.26' O 40'-0" 246'-6" 334'-11" 314'-3" 5'-0" N -� SOUND WALL v — Combo Decorative Combo Decorative Combo Decorative — Combo Decorative OMasonry Screen Over Masonry Screen Over Masonry Screen Over Masonry Screen Over Retaining Wall Retaining Wall Retaining Wall Retaining Wall Cn Site Wall Plan Wall Schedule Per Lot 1 it = 30'-011 Lot# Type Height .o F I Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" v v 1 A I Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0"High 6'-0" F Mason Wall- Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" Masonry 9 9 2 v A I Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0" High 6'-0" F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" o� 3 A Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0"High 6'-0" E Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 5'-6" High with 1' Retaining 6'-0" S F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" v 4 A I Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0" High 6'-0" c�q F I Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" o� 5 A I Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0" High 6'-0" F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" S o� 6 A Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0"High 6'-0" F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" 7 A I Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0" High 6'-0" F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" 8 A Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0"High 6'-0" U F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" O Masonry Wall-Retaining&Sound-Split Face Perimeter(E) 24'-0" Z Masonry Wall-Retaining&Sound-Split Face Perimeter 20'-0" Proposed 10-Home Tract for: SEA AR 9 Shareef Awad �y �� gas And,. A Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0" High 6'-0" V oo°' 0s� F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" CO le Dr. & Wilshire Dr. Rancho Cucamorl a CA 92739 �' Z Masonry Wall- Retaining&Sound-Split Face Perimeter 20'-0" * C-14504 10 20 Jan. 2021 N9� RE EjAl — �C` DATE A Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 6'-0"High 6'-0" OF CA0 D Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-6" High with 5' Retaining 6'-0" 18-3317 F Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 3'-0" High With 3'-0"Wrought Iron Fence Above 6'-0" H Z Masonry Wall-Retaining&Sound-Split Face Perimeter 20'-0" d+ Echo Mountain Place B Masonry Wall-Decorative Screen Wall 4'-10" High with 2'-4" Retaining 6'-0" H C Masonry Wall- Decorative Screen Wall 5'-8" High with 8" Retaining 6'-0" SleteE all Plan Masonry Wall- Decorative Screen Wall 5'-6" High with 1' Retaining 6'-0" H ©2020 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. 74'-6" 01 " ", ", " 14'-10" 18'-9" 6'-9" 29'-2" 6'-0" 1 -4 14-6 17-9 6-9 28-2 6-0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 41 o Master Bedroom Patio ❑❑ Master SFer Covered Patio \/ 92 SF 1 /\ /\ I California Room I I California Room ❑ 617 sF ❑ ❑ ❑ SF - - M ❑ o zo IT® ❑❑ -1 Ell ❑❑ N ® I _ I I Master Bath M Master Bath — N 231 SFLF] —L-7 N 251 SF Pool Bath ❑ EO —Pool Bath - O Master Bedroom ❑ Linen Master Bedroom Linen 372 SF Ll 353 SF Toilet �p co ZO 1 00 c � c � �A J J Wet Bar — — OVEN Wet Bar — — OVEN II - - - - Master W.I.C. II Master W.I.C. ti 107 SF 2'-0 __..- � 107 SF II Great Room II 732 SF — — _ _ — 0 0 1-Car Garage 0 0 0 267 SF Kitchen ❑ Kitchen 1-Car Garage 7'a° 0 0 299 SF o 1 - 01— 7 7 o 0 299 SF Great Room N 245 SF co co _ 1�1 o 00 N N 0, a 70 SF N N Laundry Pantry N N - LaundryPantry N 127 SF o 59 SF ° 0) 127 SF o 59 SF 0 0 � 1 - - - - - - - - - - 0 �. L 7 ~ II T�Z o 0)❑ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N r r! Lim 'W777B=f_�_ � 01— 1, :1 E` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - q 12'-2" 16'-2" 12'-6" 8'-2" 19'-6" 6'-0" 13'-2" 16'-2" 12'-6" 8'-2" 20'-6" 6'-0" rn Nook Covered Patio Nook I Nook Covered Patio Nook q 89 SF 38 SF Dining 102 SF 38 SF Dinin o 21 SF c NV n - - - Q 1 LL — — — - - — - - — (O 1i gp (V ❑ 23'-11" — — — — — — — [:] ❑ W.I.C. co II W.I.C. 11 50 SF in 50 SF �n i I i I co II I o ° Bedroom 2 179 SF o 191 SF 2-Car Garage -- -- O Powder o 04 N O o der M N 557 SF -- -- N -- -- - — ❑ 2-Car Garage - II II ❑❑ CDW.I.C. 11 581 SF W.I.C. LO 8 SF 11 Bath 2 II 43 SF II Bath 2 M Foye IT Fove 457 SF 0') 457 SF a' I i I -n - - - - - - - - - - 171 - - - - - - - - - - ❑ I - J I 27'-4" 11'-2" 5'-7" 12'-5" 28'-4" 11'-2" 5'-7" 13'-5" 0 00 ih i� Bath 3 q Bath 3 4 sF Bedroom 3 1 47 SF Bedroom 3 147 SF ❑ 156 SF Office 209 SF Cn L9 N N ice 216 SF H 5,-6„ 9,"0„ o 0 5,-6„ H 5'-6" 9'-0" 5'-6" 01 i H -+-� 12'-0" 6'-0" 16'-11" 20'-0" 13'-7" 6'-0" 01 12'-0" 6'-0" 17'-11" 20'-0" 14'-7" 6'-0" 7 76'-6" 4'-6" _ Floor Plan - Elevation C Floor Plan (Elevattion A B) 3116" = 1'-0" 3116" = 1'-0" W 20'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" O H 1 W.I.C. ° o W.I.C. 48 SF 11 `° °47 F H H -4'-5"- 15-7" Ozo -- -- N Casita 238 SF Area Schedule Alt (Elevation C) Area Schedule (Elevation A &B) Proposed 10-Homes Tract For: ��5 ARC Name Area Name Area Shareef Awad G vtiNs a Floor Area 4136 SF Floor Area 4255 SF ✓ (> DIN Loft Casita Area 417 SF Loft Casita Area 417 SIF CO le Dr. &Wilshire Dr. Rancho Cucamon a CA 92739 * $ Living Space 4553 SF Living Space 4672 SF CD 1-Car Garage 263 SF 1-Car Garage 285 SF 9 Oct. 2019 No.C 14504 � cP� Ren.12-31-19 ti� C, 2-Car Garage 585 SF 2-Car Garage 609 SF ■ ❑ Op CAL��O California Room 627 SF California Room 678 SF 18-3317-1 Master Patio 100 SF Master Patio 128 SF ■ ■ CIA 20-0 Nook Patio 91 SF Nook Patio 104 SF ONon-Conditioned Space 1666 SF Non-Conditioned Space 1804 SIFPlan 1 Loft Floor Plan (Elevations A. B, C) 3116" = 1'-0" O 02018 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. Floor Plans H -- Q �4 off. .. .................. ..�'� f� ....................... • v 41F a o I r 1 �: M3 M4 M1 M2 r f • 1 !'�" r �f • ............ . •,'' i Elevation A Li ht Elevation A Gable Vent Elevation A Tile Frame w/ww' . ,- ..... .................. ... NN _ a �..�e -. i .. ................. .................................................. .. ................. ............................. ................ !- f;. r.� ^---���r�.f^+'Y '?' •� � - -Y I - _ ..� .. .................. ................................................. ...... .. .................. ............................. ................. r „� vN'r�'y�"�-w- ,_-•� r v x y{L, ........................ ........................ ................................. ..... ................... _.--_ r � 11�� �� r \�� i � •Y .......... .... ..................... ...... .. r ......... ..... .............. .. Ja :•- _ _ _ . A r T Elevation A Front Door Elevation A Garage Door Elevation A Balcony 4— Yy /hT � �+11 ._.. . -. - -i-���s.•�' _...-�:...� 'v .-- __ - .�''-=r�f�-ic_i��ar.y�. _s fir- - "A" - Spanish Elevation "A " Spanish Style Mark . Designation Manufacturer . .Color Information M1 MAIN STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS "PUEBLO WHITE"DET675 "ESPRESSO MACCHIATO"DET680 rr _ r 1/4 - 1 -0 rr M2 FASCIA/TRIM. DUNN EDWARDS. M3 ENTRY/GARAGE DOOR DUNN EDWARDS .."CHERRY COLA"DEA156 . . . . . . . ... . M4 ROOF TILES BORAL "BARCELONA".CASA GRANDE.BLEND ............ . .... i.• �c �" - ....................................... ......... .................. ................. M2 M4 M3 _ ..... ........ .............. .................................. .................. NEI M5 M7 M1 M6 I` ` �. .. . «�-� � •i• -• - _- - _— - - - - S { t I .. .... .. .............. .. .... .. .................... Elevation B GaraQe Door Elevation B Deck Railing Elevation B Outlooker ......... ....................................... ......... .............. .. • s I - •� - -- w�.-.v..,_...... _. .._.._.._.... e-. - - - - �` - .1- - - .. ................... .. .. ................ z - ......... ...... I .. .................. ................. ONE . 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"CHARCOAL BLEND"SLATE 900 M3M5 M1 M2 - - -- - - - - -- - I .......... .. . .............................. ..................... ...................................... . { e • ......... ............. .. Ulm w ............................................... - ................................................... ................. A _ -' de Elevation C Li ht Elevation C balcony } r• - - • -- --...N-.--- O - T1�.'•r _ -ter _ � �- r• r. tilr-�--��- � _.a--a..,' i_r �.�n—�-l--�.-�y. 3-.--+.l..a�.r. � _ ►,� _ -- •� - - � .. l ■ ■ .......... .. . .............................. x - I .� ti- "` ....... ..................... ....................................... •y x I y 1. .• k 1�r !-�' r . 1� 00 ......... ....... ................ .C1... ........................................ ^yf: ku ........ ......... ................... .............................. Proposed 10-Homes Tract For: x �, I � •�J —� �r- � r r� ��' ����J - I � ,f �� � }• tw •�r e�,;'� `�rT .'� � 1 l � k . 1• r~.!� M ';�.! �"•.F;;"..�=SS��,.'� ._ 3-� r ��r r .= I al. ��. �:G ��'•1 r a� ��` fall�....- `�' � � i � '�•� � C'S ����� Shareef Awad - . & WlshireDancho Cucamon a CA 92739Co le DElevation C Front DoorElevation C arage Door No. 145 2 - - 9 Oct. 2019 Ren 1 19 0 � 31 �o I "C" - Italian/Tuscan 18-3317-1 op �LZ Elevation CI - Italian Style .. ... .. .. V r' = 1'-0 r' Mark Designation Manufacturer Color Information ....... . . M1 MAIN STUCCO....................... DUNN EDWARDS "SAND DOLLAR"DE6171.... .. .................................................. . . . M2 F'ASCIA/TRIM.................... DUNN EDWARDS... "'G.RANGE'H.ALL".DET69'5 ... M3 ENTRY/GARAGE DOOR DUNN EDWARDS. ''MAYAIV CHOCOLATE"DET693 . . ....... .......... ................................. Plan. ............. .... ................... M4.........STONE VENEER...................... BORAL ,PAUSADAES"ANCIENT VILLA PROFILE M5........ROOF TILES..................... BORAL I,,.GARNET BLEND"BARCELONA PROFILE .. .................. O • ....................................... ... ................... ............................................................ .......... ............................. .......................... . ..Front ... ©2018 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. va ions ... ............................................ ... ................... .................................................. ... ................... ................................................. ... .................. ................................................. ... .................. ................................................. ... .................. ................................................. ... .................. .............................. .................. ............................................................ .......... ................................. .......................... ................................. .......... ................................. ............................................................ .......... ................................. .......................... ................................. .......... ................................. ....................................... ................... 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"... - - . . . .. . ....... . ... . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. r ° �� 18=3317=1 �ti� � . . . . . . . . . .. . ............ . . .... ...................... .... ...................... ............... o . , - . . .. . .. o ............. .. .. .. Plan . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .� .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. ................................................. ................ ................................................. ................ ....... ............................ ............... ................ r.+ • • • o . ► . . • . .. ...... ............................... .. .................. .............................. ...... .. .................. ........... . ................. ... ........ ........................ .......................................................... .... ................. . . .Ext,, E ions ... ... ................... H ©2018 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. 58'-0" 20'-10" 16'-10" 2'-0" 16'-4" 2'-0" 01 58'-0" 20'-10" 17'-2" T-5 1/2" 12'-6 1/2" E:1 El Toilet 19 S California Room T-8" 13'-6" c'? 505 SF ol `n o o 20'-10" 27'-2" 10'-0" Master Bath 248 sF Master Balcony 93 SF Nook Lon 192 SF FT C ❑ Make-up I I N 5'-0" o II i i zo J � 0 II Master Closet E w Kitchen ° 116 SF _ - 386 SIF 00 II II Master Bedroom Great Room o — — — — — — - — — _ 269 SIF _ ° ° 507 SF N 00 0 �6 zo F_ �I Laundry N 105 SF o w in i in ■ -------- ■ OVEN Refrigerator — — — — - — — — - I I 15-10" 5-0" T-7" 21'-0 1/2" 0 01 01 01 W.I. Pantry Butler's Pantry Dining Room 81 SF 77 SF 357 SF I I o I I Open toLoft b 3 0 SF Dining Below N 0 �0 14'-0" 6-10" T-8" 20'-6" ------- ❑ Powder - Linen ❑ ' 36 SF 19 SIF T-0" of 8'-10" 5-0" oo i l l i i l l i i l l i i l i i l l i i l l ------ ------- II W.I.C. II Hallway 0 40 SF 140 SIF II II Bedroom #4 -Bath #2 170 SIF II II 47 SF Foyer II II 117 SIF _ 8 S Linen F —N — — — — — — — — Guest Bedroom o 131 SF iv 36W W.I.0 #4 0 II 0 3 Car Garage Office 47 SF 824 SF 225 SF `O II z - N II o Bedroom #2 0 193 SIF + Linen El 11 SF DD Ll - - - - - - - - - `V Bath 4 00 0 Bedroom #3 00 63 SF - N F 193 S IF ao CIA E II IL Guest Bath II II Bath 3 � 7' 53 SF W.I.C. � op 55 SF II H 13'-2" 3'-0" -0" ° 36 SIF II -tee i N Do 01V_ DD r N Covered Entry q 233 SIF I I I I - 13'-6" 8'-4" 16'-2" T-5 1/2" 12'-6 1/2" o ti W2'-0" 58'-0" — — � - - - O I - O M N H N 23'-10" 23'-2" 13'-0" H cry 60'-0" i H Second Floor Plan First Floor Plan 1/4" = 1'-0" 114" = 1'-0" Proposed 10-Home Tract For: Area Schedule Shareef Awad Name Area Copley Dr. &Wilshire Dr. Rancho Cucamon a CA 91739 * $ First Floor Area 2454 SIF L No.C 14504 Second Floor 9 Oct. r Area 2469 SF2019 Ren.12-31-19 �� cP� Living Space 4922 SF . ■ 18-3317-2 Balcony 105 SF California Room 558 SF Covered Entry 251 SF Garage 859 SF N Non-Conditioned Space 1772 SF Plan 2 0 � 02018 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. Floor Plans H M4 M3 M1 M2 ...... ...w .0 . ., •f .................... ..... ............... ................. �4......1,,.--1�--.,-�-,I,1..--�.��1 I-I-,.%".�J.�,.A-,..i.1.-,i,"1-.�J-=-;(;�O1�a--�-1..L----1-1 k..1.%4.-.---1�.I-,. .\.I 1I.,�.?.-��.,.x/r-.,,-i1.---1 l�.-I 1�.1r1,,�I.1e-,.�t-..1;V..2I I I..A..:---.�1 x1-...*9,%.�l,I.��O.�1..�,V�.--1,.#'-.-..- t-II��l..I'--11 l.'r-l.�:l.ll7l,l.I,,,.L-'I.�-"���...��. -I..:I.-.If,k.",�`.I-I.%.L.�lm'"-.Ml1 i--.-I....�l--�-,l�-�--l.w Vl- .l,IF,,I-..ft1L..r.11.�-ez-I.-,-`.-,.2 I..I_�-I---,I�-i�..�,--I5-.1..t.,,I.�-.-.-t..0. _.:9�0.-'-'-.,. ..1 4*-%.-,!-,--:.-..l-'-�!'.l.-.,-,.A--.N..:,;Wq1�.I...,.I..�,I!'�-,W,..I,.4I,d�.--7I.w..,--7-.�..4�,-,...d�0,I1--,0.o-1w1-4 f--.--I1"0,' :L-l1 s...e j r.��.I7-;I.l--.�I:.I-,&...,I�,.lw-k"--L--�0.--Ar.1.-1--.,I I1�.�vo-,1"i'"II-A"I:-�.I-I w7I.IA�t 4-I..lI4I?I1 I1�.I%-:I-1.1I!Iz-.',1,1-.*I..I.M--,=.,i:..:.I-.0-1.--'.,.',v,,.�II.�--,l IL4..I-1I"1 ..I 7I1,i.I.....-*1,4.... �--.r-.:-- : F---I.I..--.--..-,-...1--,-.-.P--v..�,-..-.--..I--I-.----.-1 ----�,----------.--I-I.---IT---- --_II-"_.-- -j-.-l-�.I-r..-.d 11IL.I.:.I-.V.--.I--..-.L.----.--ft.-.,"--...I-...- ----.---.-.......�-.---I--�l-j-I;,--,----�I---I-.-_j0-�-�-..,--'L--11-,-0 I---i.-II��.---.:.;... -'.l.I:!:;1 0 -t.-A�-II:...-....--[-.-I;---.--l----:---m4�-:--,i.�-I--.`.------I-.-..--------I�--.,---I..0'---....-..-.111----t-.,II-�---.1-----I--.-I-.-4---.I---.-i---..,',-I-..�--11---��.--L,-�i--,1j..---`l1�I-,..,,-�,----.-i�I-%�.I�-IA--,r ---�"-.�:,.;!i..1I-I--:.-. .-;I--:..I -I n�-_ft l--l�. _F.-,.__-�i.I.y.,-I,--.I I----.:I/I.I----I-,!-."I.I:---I--I-��;-,-I I Ij-I--I-LI 4--I..--I-1 I�I0I..----I----I-.�1I----1-�---0--..----L-.----I,I-:----7'�,I.!---.----J-_i..-j Z.-­��.---QI--,I�--..-.L-�-----.--.--1--.I-,�;-I'.-..-)---,.­.1,.1.--"�7I.....--I-,,-iI"-I�..:.iI;..;. ..--;�I1..;i;II=-I91-..1--1i;����;.�.-...,:I.-.. 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Elevation B Dec1 Razlzn levation Gara�-e oor .',.2.. -,--'*I A. ;.,- - . ,.3..,'POI-f�l::�-..--�f -.I..= I ti' /- ,F --... 1 �£ ...................................... .. ...... ......... ...................................... .. ...... ......... .................... .............. ,F 'ate l v. _ i I' ` .. .. .. .s �., ) I y.• J - . _ - - .�I. -- - ��- r_ r - - ..................................................... .. ...... ................ ..................................................... .. ...... ................ .............................. .................. - . .................................................. ... ................... .................................................. ... ................... ............................... .................. . .... .. .... 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"CHARCOAL BLEND"SLATE.900 P! _- . r1 M1 M2 M3 M5 -. y M4 1z - - - . l .,............ ...•.... .,.. ...... .................................................... .. ............. ................. _ Elevation C Light Elevation C balc (L - 7-- .�1 •i -'r "`:- .-9--f - _•--•ice--•L'�-L y"""L-T-''--+'�±--"`' o - r -.ram- �;--, r ---r->-c- - - - - =- _- '-'- __ ___ _- ., _ . r -_ -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - --- ---- .;--,./--�.-_-...r.I I-,,/--I�--I-�-­I_-�L---I-_1-.-.-:----7---.�..�--.,---.1!.i.!:.-- w� -- .. - .` �' - ' - . -- -...- _ ._. -- - _ . . . . _ -- _ - 1 - - .. EE +•rrw..a. r -rti•� 7 h pp n 'f ,d` i 3 y `%: �. I' ===I 9s=rr ' r 5 1 ' I { J... .. -� .. 1 \ F' H i F �i� m �-A- 1. i. 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Ren.12-31-19 ti _ I �: C - Italian/Tuscan ?�op �� .,. _._ ?^ ! l A -1 .1 Mark Designation Manufacturer ColorInformation 18=3317-2 _" _-.- - - _M •, 1•3{ f�•-•- - _ - -- - - M1 MAIN STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS "SAND DOLLAR"DE6171 ... . . -� lI ! + �. 4�..,'. °I' "�'" ,. :I. L@,, DUNN EDWARDS GRANGE HALL DET695' . ,!�;r'. ..�i ti: ;., 'r, ,.-, I M2 FASCIALITRIM. . , . - rd. - f M3 ENTRY/GARAGE DOOR DUNN EDWARDS MAYAN CHOCOLATE DET693 w L. M + ..... - ........ ... Y . M4 STONE VENEER BORAL PALISADES ANCIENT VILLA PROFILE . N ... . .. M5... .... . ROOF TILES""""""""' BORAL "GARNET BLEND"BARCELONA PROFILE .... . .. . 0 Elevation ►'C ►' _ Italian St le ................................................ ... . . . . . . ................. N ... . . . rr _ r rr rn 4 - 1 -0 ... 1/ H ©2018 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. ronEeva ions N w-IR;-+-•--••----+--- AN -�f��-� �� r���r���r�l_�r� _ r+ -���-���r���r ��r���r���-��� Ir �_� r �.-�.-.,---lam-l�-l�- -_-�-r_��_ ����► �■ ��1�� �I` ram_ r�a� �-r��-r��-r��-r��-r��-r��-r� rrr- r .n-^-�---------NN►,�I�-------/1-l�N�.. ^,-NN-M.>�r ��--._.�--.-�-- "-ice -r•-�_rrr�_r•r�_�_-- r f� �Lrr�r -�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�.�-r-�-�-� rrrr.�irti�L� NN+A,rNNN� �.Rr - rrr��r��rorr��r� � II r ■���-���r���--.��r���-���-��� rrrr-� r_. ..q�Nir-----------Nr-r/�---��-�-�N(��-�... ,..�,-,_�-=-N,► I �a-aa-la-.a-N �Nln,-� r ■ �■■� I ���.��� +_rr�-r��-r��-r��-r��-r��-r��-r��rr-_rr�._+r ..n�N�r--I�-I�-I►-I►-�►M-----I�-I�-I►-� I�N�N�-N+� -w- --r—�rr��__�► I W W -�-rrr -r•-�-r•-err•-�-r•-�-r•.�-r•-�-r•-��^rrrrrrti�r�r_ � �-- ---NN-r �-rrlrrrrlrrlrrrrlrrl�- ! 1 � 1 �---��----^---I^-^-�►---1�---�-�e-I�-�w�---t�R.ra-A- ��>.�.w--- ->r--I�-�-v.4>f� r���r���r�- �. �■� ■ �■■ �� r=�-r��-rr��-r��-r��-r��-r��-r�� r-�-r-�-r-� -�►-�rl�---N--I�---l�-l�-lam---N--I�---lam---�-l�--N. � - r-- �wNa.r^,-�_�--.lr,- ,..._ ') � -�-�-�-vim- r► � ' � 1 � 1 � 1 � � -rrr�-rr-�-rrr�-rrr�-rrr�-rrr�-rrr�-rrr�_�_�_rrr_ -���-�-NN--I�-�1---���-NN----/�--�.��M�+-�_t.� -.�v�"` -- s-+�----- w-a�►-w-Ma-I�-Aw4-� --+�� _ � ���-r��-r��-r��-r��-r��-r��_r��__-�_4 - -IA-IAM-----A�--- -�-I� ----I�c�-�►--��--"'-•"^-� - I' �rNN -N,-�r�-1A-.M- � rrrr r �IY � '� r�-�r�-�rs-r•r�-�r�-rrr�-�-�_rr-��r_ �NN ---I�-11-�►-� _- - va,M ---------------------- -- -- --- � ■I■ � ■� I■■ � � � III , - � ■ ��� � ■■ t1 � � - - I �®� 11111■Illlfa■■:1:1711111111 I� � •�I_I_I�Cr1"JI ;' � � � VF de 0 moll rms ln� EM v s I- e.r y ir,ll .Ii-N' "N--- /r-/1-.v-NN. ►vim � ���� '� ar---nws--------'-'-•----ram..--NNN ! �-rl---+�--- +�.r4Ar-M4---+�-~ ----/t-Is-I�- --^� li •� 5. .- .. 4�IY 1' � : _,,,1- ' � _ ---++- � w-+�-ya-+�.rw-+��-+K-+r►. �-r.,-�-,���.,-i-,-�_,-,�-^ I! 111■1111111■111111■1111111�I!I� 11 I II II IIIIl11!1111 ��-��i►-�►-�►.a►.-.-.- �►-a►-�►.a►.-.-".T�:--�►-�._ ,� � �� -�-� rw+�.■+�M►-r+- .r+ir+'��-� , I --+�+-r+-+ra---'�-'.`-----r+-Nw � II . , ICI ----__---------- - � -------- � _.�a,�i:%��.�.�-�----•--a.� , �-�----.-.1�.�.�.�-�.a�._ �.t !Y I+;e��w:�a•i ar,�r�r.��ln�r!l� iri � w ` 1■■IIIrrGI:I:Y�il+lnr I III II l 11 lllll 11 llli -Nl�---�-�-�1-�t-Nii--�-/5-/1-/c-NNI�-�-/5 - -/Sd4-/►-Y!4f/414-/4-YiR-,- ��1�-�4-1�-y►-Y�4--w!/�4M�� �� � � � ►-�_�- �_ ��� � � ' \. 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II II 2-Car Garage II II 474 SF i W.I.C. #2 0 v II 35 SF II 04 Guest Bedroomzo ° 223 SF I T CV I i + T-0" 14'-0" 18'-0" 13-6" T-6" -a; 60'-0" + Z I 21'-0" 18'-0" 21'0" I 60'-0" I • I Second Floor Plan 1-Car Garage First Floor Plan 336 SF 0 1/4" = 1'-0„ 11411 = 1'-011 I I I o� U Proposed 10-Home Tract For: Shareef Awad 5 Area Schedule Copley Dr. &Wilshire Dr. Rancho Cucamon a CA 92739 * $ Name Area 11 Feb. 2021 0 �� Ren.12-31-19 No.C 14504 First Floor 3059 SF . ■ Second Floor 2353 SF 18-3317 Conditioned Space 5413 SF `k cv� Blacony 147 SF `O California Room 540 SFPlan 3 Covered Entry 99 SF AW N Garage 922 SF H N Non-Conditioned Space 1708 SIF ► ■ ■ ► ► ■ • # + • + O NFloor Plans N ©2018 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. W ......... .. . .............................. ......... .. . ............................. . 1 = ....................................... .. ....................................... � JD.( .............. .. 1 ................................. !.. • M2 M1 _-� �y M4 M3 { ....................... J s " t _ F �^ v = F s 4 _ - fl �. 4 _ -- -- - .. ............ . .... ' Elevation A Gara�-e Door Elevation A Light Elevation A Gable Vent Elevation A Tile Frame ........ ......... ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... ...... ......... ....... ....... ti *77' ` � -{ ',i �' y y�.� 3' .ter• Vr ......... ................................ ......................... ................................. ......... ................................ ..................................... .................. "A" - Spanish Mark Designation Manufacturer. Color Information !- f M1 MAIN STUCCO COLOR DUNN EDWARDS' . "PUEBLO WHITE"DET675 I M2 TRIM./.FASCIA DUNN EDWARDS "ESPRESSO MACCHIATO"DET680 M3. ENTRY&.GARAGE DOOR DUNN EDWARD "CHERRY COLA"DEA156 r I M4 ROOF TILES BORAL BARCEL'ONA CASA GRANDE'BLEND L_- ..... .......................... ..... ....... ............. 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Elevation "A " - Spanish S114 If if-0 If tyle C fu --- - - M3 M4 M5 M2 M1 M7 M6 M5 ........... ...... .............. .. - - r •, 01ss ML - -- - �` ............................... - ...... .................. • Mf ._ ` I I _ �'yS• .............................. ......... ............. ...... .................. •r( � �� w3.rurtre�.w. r• y All _ • -a ' Elevation B Garage Door Elevation B Light Elevation B Outlooker Elevation B Shutters ..... .... .. v-,• - - . . . . . . • •, R" -__ - ,, f .... .. .............. .... .. .. .. .... .. .............. .... .. .. .. .... .. ............ .... .......... ............................ .. ..... .......... ............................ .. ..... .......... .... ....................� I 74. y�•.� ` i. 1'1 1 . T• .............. ...... ..... ... ........................ I t if B" Craftsman y}. y j •9 IFWM .......... .. ................. 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INC. or ........... UO -W- 5 tic- ~� Proposed 10-Home Tract For: v. � i ' F '� W `• � �- � � �D ARMY {� r ' . 1 Sharee Awad • � _ �-• `r��\�3 t I �S. Co le Dr. £� Wilshire Dr. Rancho Cucamon a CA 92739 ' � err" �� • � � '' I � ' --TT I y 11 Feb. 2 021 No.c 14504 4J. Ren.12 31 19 �� R F L . . . . . . ... - - -. - - �:; r �. 0 CA 1 � Elevation C Front Door Elevation C bacon ,�. 1,'. � 18 3317 N .......... .. . .............................. ...... .. . ............................P O .. Elevation ►►C ►► _ Italian St le .. . .. ....................................................... ............. .. . .. ..................... ................................. ............. .... ................... NO1/4" = 1'-0" ............. ........................... ......... ................ NCIA ................................................ .. ................. H ........ ..................... . . Front ... ... ................... N ©2018 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. .... . . ... . El .............. ........................ evation ►►A ►► _ Spanish St le Elevation ►►B ►► _ Cra tsman St le Elevation ►► C ►► _ Italian St le .. .. . .... .... .................................. .... . .. ..... . ............................... ............................... ............. .................. ........ .................. ............. ............... ............ ................... % % . . % . % � ----- ----- ------ . . - - % % ���-- % ---- . ---- I -----:----- - % 11 . --------- 1. -N ' " -.- - -.- �� --�3 - ® 7 --�- I .. 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N ❑2017 DOUG ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT EXPRESSLY RESERVES HIS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT AND OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THESE PLANS. THESE PLANS ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, CHANGED OR COPIED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANY THIRD PARTY WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION AND CONSENT OF DOUGLAS ANDRESEN, ARCHITECT. GRADING GENERAL NOTES TRACT NO . 19 917 PRECISE GRADING PLANS A. GRADING PROCESS APN : 0226-102-30 1. A GRADING PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND THE GRADING INSPECTOR SHALL BE NOTIFIED 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY GRADING. GENERAL NOTES 2. CLEARING AND GRUBBING, INCLUDING REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURE, FOOTINGS, FOUNDATIONS, RUBBLE, B. RELATED REQUIREMENTS: TREES AND ROOT SYSTEMS, OTHER VEGETATION, DEBRIS, ETC., SHALL BE COMPLETED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE 1. THE CITY ONLY APPROVES THE ENGINEERING DESIGN IN SCOPE AND NOT IN DETAIL ON THESE PLANS. THE BANYAN STREET GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE START OF GRADING OPERATIONS. CITY DOES NOT VERIFY CONSTRUCTION QUANTITIES ON THESE PLANS. APPROVAL OF THE PLANS ARE FOR PERMIT LOT 34 w 3. EXCAVATION SHALL THEN BE COMPLETED AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS. M 4- O w liEXISTING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT PREVENT THE CITY FORM REQUIRING CORRECTION OF ERRORS IN THE PLANS WHERE APN; 0 2 - 2-17 OT 4. IF EXPORTING 50 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE OF SOIL, THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE THE LOCATION WHERE THE SU'"H ERRORS ARE SUBSEQUENTLY FOUND TO BE IN VOLATION OF ANY LAW, ORDINANCE, HEALTH, SAFETY, OR OTHER ME33 2 w wa z SURVEY MONUMENTATION APN: 622-07 ¢ 9 GYPSUM re FOUND MAG NAIL LOCATED AT THE DEPOSITED A LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE FORM THE PROPERTY OWNER PRIOR TO GRADING - -- SOIL IS TO BE E LONG WITH DESIGN ISSUES. CITY ACCEPTANCE OF PLANS DOES NOT RELIEVE THE DEVELOPER FROM RESPONSIBILITIES FROM �, - / cQi. PLAN APPROVAL. IF THE SITE IS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. A STOCKPILE PLAN AND THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS AND OMISSIONS DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. --- ------ J i INTERSECTION OF CENTERLINES OF DR HIRE SANDTON PLACE AND WILSHIRE DRIVE PERMIT ARE REQUIRED, 2. ALL CONCRETE (PCC) WATER CARRYING DEVICES WITH SLOPES LESS THAN 0.5% SHALL BE WATER TESTED PRIOR I � � � " � � z DR. 5. THE EXPOSED SOILS SHALL THEN BE INSPECTED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. ADDITIONAL OVER o TO FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE. ANY RESIDUAL PONDING IN EVIDENCE AT TIME OF INSPECTION SHALL LOT 22PRO,W EXCAVATION SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION AND MB 339/93-100 m o an BE CAUSE FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT, APN: 0225-062-04 w AS CONTAINED IN THE SOILS REPORT. CHICKASAW 3. DEBRIS, MUD, SILT, ETC. SHALL NOT BE DEPOSITED ON PUBLIC OR OTHER PROPERTY AT ANY TIME DURING ROAD COPLEY DRIVE EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTATION 6. THE EXPOSED SOILS SHALL THEN BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12 INCHES, BROUGHT TO PROPER CONSTRUCTION. ANY SUCH DEPOSITION SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY BY THE CONTRACTOR. FT_ ACCESS ROAD FOUND MAG NAIL LOCATED AT THE MOISTURE CONTENT AND COMPAC D TO AT LEAST 90% OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY, AS DETERMINED BY 4 ALL DRAINAGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SUCH AS SWALES INTERCEPTOR DITCHES PIPES PROTECTIVE BERMS. C , , , , LOT 21 2 3 REEWAY 21D INTERSECTION OF CENTERLINES OF APPENDIX SECTION J107.5 OF THELATEST CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. EQUIVALENT COMPACTION CAN BE BARRIER WALLS, CONCRETE CHANNELS, OR OTHER MEASURES DESIGNED TO PROTECT ADJACENT BUILDINGS OR MB 339/93-100 1 COPLEY DRIVE AND SANDTON OBTAINED BY METHODS SPECIFIED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. APN: 0 25-062-03 VICINffY MAP PLACE PROPERTY FORM STORM RUNOFF MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. N. .S. 7. PRIOR TO IMPORTING SOIL, THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER NOT LESS 5. THE ENGINEER OF RECORD ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR GRADING AND INSPECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ® EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENT TO THAN 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE, SO THAT EACH PROPOSED IMPORT SOURCE CAN BE SAMPLED, TESTED, AND APPENDIX SECTION J 105 OF THE LATEST CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. BE PROTECTED IN PLACE APPROVED PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR USE ON THE SITE. 6. EQUESTRIAN TRIALS SHALL BE SURFACED WITH A 4-INCH THICK SECTION COMPOSED OF 95% DECOMPOSED -- - - - -- - 8. PROPER COMPACTION FOR THE ENTIRE PROJECT INCLUDING THE BACKFILL OF UTILITY TRENCHES, ETC. SHALL BE GRANITE (1/8" TO 3/8" DIAMETER) AND 5% COARSE SAND COMPACTED TO 90%. A COMPACTION REPORT aO o. VERIFIED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. HE SHALL PREPARE A COMPACTION REPORT, WHICH SHALL BE I o CERTIFICATES: CERTIFIED BY A SOILS ENGINEER SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO PROJECT FINAL �� 1. In reference to NPDES requirements, the undersigned certifies one of the following: SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. T 20 z q g 9: APPROVAL, M 39/93-100 W S LI A Notice on Intent (NIis not required of this development. 9. PAD CERTIFICATION FOR ELEVATION OF ALL PADS WITHIN THE PROJECT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE BUILDING 7, FLOODWATER CONVEYANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE WORK SHALL BE o A N01 has been filed and the WDID number is 8 36C385925 0225-062-0 4 gig - -- INSPECTOR PRIOR TO ANY CONCRETE POURING. PAD CERTIFICATION CAN BE BY EITHER ONE APPROVED BLACK-LINE-AS-BUILT PHASED SO THAT NEWLY CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES ARE FULLY OPERATIONAL PRIOR TO EXISTING FACILITIES BEING EXISTING STREET PLAN$. / z� GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN OR IN LETTER FORMAT SHOWING THE DESIGN AND AS-BUILT PAD - - '1 SHAREEF AWAD �,L REMOVED. PER DWG. ,D. 2356 - ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN. EITHER SHALL BE SEALED BY A CIVIL EXISTING S.D. PLANS LOT 19 Print Name Signatur Date 8. A GRADING PLAN (CITY APPROVED) SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES. DEVIATIONS FORM THE PLAN SHALL MB 339 93-100 5 ENGINEER LICENSED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. PER DWG. NO. 2356-D APN: 0 25-062-01 OWNER/DEVELOPER BE PRECEDED BY AN APPROVED PLAN REVISION. UPON REQUEST OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, THE REQUIRED (TRACT No. 18122 - Title/Capacity (Engineer, Developer, General Contractor etc.) 10. CERTIFICATES OF FINAL LOT GRADING ARE TO BE SUBMITTED THE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT PRIOR PLAN AND REVISIONS SHALL BE PROMPTLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, FOR REVIEW. TO FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION. 9. PROTECTION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY. DURING GRADING OPERATIONS, THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE LOT 18 2. The undersigned Civil Engineer will be responsible for professional inspectio accordance with Appendix J105 of the 11, FINAL APPROVAL INCLUDES THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLAN, MB 339/93-100 0 current adopted California Building Code. FOR THE PREVENTION OF DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY AND NO PERSON SHALL EXCAVATE ON LAND APN; 0225-OBS-10 ANGEL CESAR �� 12/09/2020 INCLUDING DRAINAGE FACILITIES, DRAINAGE PATTERNS, WALLS, CURBS, ASPHALT PAVEMENT, BUILDINGS, ETC. ALL SUFFICIENTLY CLOSE TO THE PROPERTY LINE TO ENDANGER ANY ADJOINING PUBLIC STREET, A SIDEWALK, ALLEY, OR ITEMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE LINE AND GRADE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED PLANS. U Print Name Signatur Date OTHER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHOUT SUPPORTING AND PROTECTING SUCH PROPERTY FROM SETTLING 12. AN AS-GRADED GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEERING CRACKING, OR OTHER DAMAGE WHICH MIGHT RESULT. LOT 17 7 Registration Number 87222 SERVICES DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO RELEASE OF GRADING BOND AND PRIOR TO FINAL GRADING INSPECTION. THE MB 339//93-100 10. IMPROVEMENTS DAMAGED BY THE GRADING OPERATION LOCATED ON ADJACENT PROPERTY OR WITH PUBLIC EXISTING S.D. PLANS APN: 0225-085-09 QµOFESSp PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE A COPY OF AS-BUILT PLANS TO THE CITY FOR A PERMANENT RECORD AT THE END OF RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED, AS NOTED BY CITY INSPECTORS, PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE PER DWG. NO. 2356-D 3. 1 hereby certify that I have reviewed this plan and that it substantially conforms to �O N,XMP_IC 'rI� THE APPROVED GRADING WORK, (TRACT NO. 18122) 2$ 11/2ti�r`r +'r si OF THE WORK. _ _ -� Soils Report No. 1 g 3-o/ Dated 6/20f$ cam", C 53417 13. A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (C OF 0) AND /OR FINAL ELECTRICAL CLEARANCE FOR ANY BUILDING WILL NOT BE 11. OBSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED BEFORE BEGINNING COPLES DR E �N� !` � RELEASED UNTIL ALL GRADING, DRAINAGE WQMP (WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN) BEST MANAGEMENT Prepared by Sol I I Y�'FiDN v-ok^Fla n �. * EXP.kV2/ CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. PRACTICES) IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY, IN ADDITION, THE ENGINEER'S AS-BUILT 12. ALL WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRES SEPARATE INSPECTIONS AND PERMITS ISSUED BY THE 'r 1 13 2'221 'tF0l CAltfO��� CERTIFICATE MUST BE WET SIGNED AND SEALED ON THE WQMP BMP EXHIBIT. THREE SETS OF EXHIBITS CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Signature of Professional Soils Engineer or Geologist Date Wet Sea MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, FOR REVIEW. THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 13. SHORING PLANS AND CALCULATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED IF FOUND NECESSARY. _ 4. Existing Survey Monument Preservation: WILL SUBMIT ONE ORIGINAL TO THE STATE WATER BOARD AND WILL SUBMIT A SECOND SET TO THE WEST VALLEY - LOT 16 ; } 1 hereby certify that I have identified all Survey Monuments of Record that could be disturbed by this project. All said 14: ALL SLOPES EXCEEDING 5' IN HEIGHT AND 5:1 OR STEEPER SHALL BE PLANTED WITH APPROVED PLANT MB 339//93-100 I ; monuments which currently exist shall be protected in place w replaced in accordance with Section 8771 of the MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT. APN: 0225-085-OS $ r MATERIAL AND PROVIDED WITH APPROVED WATERING SYSTEM. I I / C ni usin ss Professions. C LEGAL DESCRIPTION 15. SHOULD ANY UNFORESEEN SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES BE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, THEY SHALL O SU RfF I 't l � G Z � 4,� BEI•T �O ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD, THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, _ ) Signature Lff o essional al Surveyor Date 4?yS2G ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AS CONVEYED TO AND ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER. 0 7223 AF cal THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PURSUANT TO A GRANT DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 12, 1995, AS DOCUMENT NO. 19950352692 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. 16. UTILITY LINES (EXISTING AND PROPOSED) WITHIN THE WORK AREA SHALL BE LOCATED AND THE DEPTHS ---- At ROAD --- _ 5. As-built Certificate: POINT EXCEPTING THEREFROM, THAT PORTION LYING SOUTHERLY THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A CONFIRMED BY THE CONTRACTOR: IF THE IMPROVEMENTS CANNOT BE CONSTRUCTED PER PLAN BECAUSE OF S O� POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 27, DISTANT NO RTH O'00'58" WEST, 60.02 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST I hereby certify that the "Record Drawing' Measurements as shown rgTF OF CPV�F CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE STATE CALIFORNIA, PURSUANT TO A GRANT DEED CONFLICTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCUSS MODIFICATIONS WITH THE CITY INSPECTOR TO DETERMINE IF A PLAN INDEX MAP hereon were made under my supervision or as noted and are correct to RECORDED SEPTEMBER 24, 1974 IN BOOK 8522, PAGE 54 ET SEQ. OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH REVISION OR A FIELD CHANGE IS REQUIRED. the best of my knowledge and belief. 88'44'28" EAST 331.15 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST ONE-HALF OF SAID SOUTHWEST 17. ALL WALLS (RETAINING AND GARDEN) OVER 3 FEET IN FINISH HEIGHT REQUIRE SEPARATE PLANS SUBMITTAL AND SCALE: 1"=100' ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER, DISTANT NORTH 0'00'44" WEST 60.14 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL. DESIGN, REVIEW, PERMITS, AND INSPECTION. Signature of Professional Civil Engineer Date 18, ALL WORK SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA p ^ p G NOTE Wet Seal LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS STANDARDS AND APPENDIX J AND CHAPTERS 18 AND 23 OF THE LATEST CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. ADDITIONAL GRADING IVO E CB CATCH BASIN LP LOW POINT 19. GRADING INSPECTIONS: ALL WALLS OVER 3-FEET HIGH (MEASURED CONSTRUCTION DATE 1. WQMP BMP As-Built Certificate CF CURB FACE MH MANHOLE PCC PAVEMENT PER PAVING PLAN FROM LOWER GROUND SURFACE TO TOP OF I hereby certify that the necessary water quality management plan storm water structural treatment(Best Management D.I.P. DUCTILE IRON PIPE NRWL NON-RECYCLED WATER LINE G. PRIOR TO THE START OF GRADING OPERATIONS, THE OWNER AND GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL WALL) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER A ESTIMATED START DATE: DEC. 2020 Practice) devices have been constructed under my supervision and are functional to the best of my knowledge as of the E ELECTRIC RWA RECYCLED WATER REQUEST A PRE-GRADING MEETING. THE MEETING SHALL BE ATTENDED BY THE PROJECT ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: DEC. 2021 date below. RE FINISH FLOOR SO STORM DRAIN SEPARATE PERMIT. FG FINISH GRADE SW SEWER a" CONCRETE SIDEWALK OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE, THE GRADING CONTRACTOR AND THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TO DISCUSS FL FLOW LINE T TELEPHONE-" FS FINISH SURFACE TC TOP OF CURB (100) EXISTING CONTOURS ABOUT GRADING REQUIREMENTS AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES, ETC. IF A PRE-GRADING UTILITIES signature Date FWA FIRE WATER TG TOP OF GRATE Wet Seal GAS GAS VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE �'100 - PROP. CONTOUR MEETING IS NOT HELD WITHIN 24 HOURS FROM THE START OF GRADING OPERATIONS, THE GRADING ELECTRICITY: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY BENCHMARK GB GRADE BREAK W WATER PERMIT MAY BE SUBJECT TO SUSPENSION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR; The above certificate shall be placed on the first sheet of the Water Quality Management Plan Site and Drainage Plan. HP HIGH POINT WM WATER METER PHONE: 1-800-655-4555 SET 2.5" BRASS DISK NORTHWEST INV INVERT WV WATER VALVE b. THE GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL INTO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BUILDING AND WATER AND SEWER: CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT CORNER OF NORTHERLY CATCH PROPERTY LINE/ SAFETY DEPARTMENT AT LEAST 1 WORKING DAY IN ADVANCE TO REQUEST THE FOLLOWING PHONE: BASIN AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER WDID #8 36C385925 RIGHT OF WAY GRADING INSPECTIONS PRIOR TO CONTINUING GRADING OPERATIONS: TELEPHONE: GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY (VERIZON) OF EAST AVENUE & BANYAN 35+ APPLICANT/OWNER/DEVELOPER 1112118-00054 PHONE: 1-800-422-4132 NORTH OF THE BCR ON THE WEST SUBTT19917 CENTER LINE - - I. THE BOTTOM OF THE OVER-EXCAVATION SHAREEF AWAD iI. COMPLETION OF ROUGH GRADING, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT; GAS: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAGAS COMPANY SIDE OF EAST AVENUE STAMPED FENCE LINE a X . PHONE: 1-800-427-2200 "RANCHO CUCAMONGA BENCHMARK DAR, LLC, SETBACK III. AT THE COMPLETION OF ROUGH GRADING, THE GRADING CONTRACTOR OR OWNER SHALL REFUSE: WASTE MANAGEMENT OF THE INLAND EMPIRE 0089A 1231 N. CACTUS AVENUE, STE. D SUBMIT TO THE PERMIT TECHNICIANS (ENGINEERING SERVICES FRONT COUNTER) AN. PHONE: RIALTO, CA. 92376 GRADE BREAK/ _ _ CABLE TV: ADELPHIA COMMUNICATION ELEVATION - 1510.427 FT (909) 519-1355 FIELD TOPO LINES ORIGINAL AND A COPY OF THE PAD CERTIFICATIONS TO BE PREPARED BY AND PROPERLY PHONE: 909 481-1115 WET SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND SOILS ENGINEER OF RECORD; SCHOOL: CUCAMONGA SCHOOL DISTRICT CIVIL ENGINEER iv. THE ROUGH GRADING CERTIFICATES AND THE COMPACTION REPORTS WILL BE REVIEWED PHONE: 909 987-8942 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC. BY THE ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE 4141 E. INLAND EMPIRE BLVD, SUITE 250 DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. ONTARIO CALIFORNIA 91764 ti 20. PRE-WATERING OF THE PROJECT/CONSTRUCTION SITE SHEET INDEX CONTACT: ANGEL CESAR, P.E. CITY OF RANCHO C U CAM ON 1 c) THE PRE-WATERING ACTIVITIES SHALL NOT OCCUR WITHIN 24-HOURS AFTER A RAINY DAY; SHEETNO. DESCRIPTION SUB-CONSULTANT FROM BLUE ENGINEERING b) THE PRE-WATERING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE DONE DURING THE DAY TIME AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MONITOR THE 1 TITLE SHEET AND CONSULTING, INC PRECISE GRADING PLANS R w WATERING AND CORRECT OVER-WATERNG SITUATIONS; 2 PRECISE GRADING PLAN - PHONE: (909) 248-6557 TRACT NO. 19917 3 SECTION SHEET 60' SETBACK 60' SETBACK c) CONTRACTORS SHALL IDENTIFY AND USE THE RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED WATER SOURCES, IF IT IS AVAILABLE, FOR 4 DETAILS AND SECTIONS SHEET WATERING ACTIVITIES. 5 PRIVATE STORM DRAIN & HORSE CORRAL TITLE SHEET 21. PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ANY SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURAL STORM WATER TREATMENT INFILTRATION LOCATION PLAN DEVICES 6 WQMP SITE PLAN (COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS BMP'S), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCARIFY TO BOTTOM OF THE INFILTRATION DEVICE TO A 7 EROSION CONTROL PLAN TYPICAL BUILDING EARTHWORK QUANTITIES: 8 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS oeEss/ SETBACK DETAIL MINIMUM OF 12-INCHES IN DEPTH. 9 CUT AND FILL MAP apR O,yy7 DESIGN RECOMMENI ACREAGE OF SITE o a TOTAL LAND AREA DISTURBED: 7.17 ACRES. 10 TTM 19917 CONCEPTUAL GRADING AU DAVID EVANS C C RAW CUT VOLUME: 7,619 CY DRAINAGE PLAN REFERENCE ONLY o s m wwoAS30CIATE3iNc. GROSS 312,180 (7.17 AC) ( ) RAW FILL VOLUME: 15,234 CY 11-13 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Na.er222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empim Blvd,Suite 250 O sHM7 Is NET 252,465 5.80 AC * * onaduc ae1 ( NET FILL VOLUME: 7,616 CY Know what's b@IOW. DISTURBED AREA 312,180 7.17 AC sr OF CALIF \P CHECKED 14-16 RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL ( ) SHRINK FACTOR 10%: IMPERVIOUS AREA 127,480 (2.93) 762 CY 17 MITIGATION MEASURES 9rF oP� Call 811 before you dig, IMPORTVOLUME: 8,378 CY AC DATE1275� FILE No0B7222 DRAWING N � I r I r I I I l I 1 II \ II IIIIIIIII I II II I IIII I I I1 V E\ \ / A I � �,TRACT NO. 18122 pI« ILOT16 APN: 0225-085-08 STING 24 TORMDRAIN _ v - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - \ IIII I III \\\ - _PER_�T DRAIN�LARIS- = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --_- - _ _ - _- - - - - - - - - - - - - _- - - = - Ji I \ I - - - - _ I i / II III I �� I IIII )\� -D1�. 10- 56 D =-_-__ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - -- _ _- - -_- - - -ESTIAIG_�TS�E�-PLANS- / �v A \ IIIIII Oo �� I I EXISTING STREET PLANS III \ --_- _ _ _- _ _ _ _- __ -__�� - - - -_ - _ _ _ _ - - IZR-STREET�LA�I���' I I I TRACT N0. 1�122 \ III L oti 2 PER STREET PLANS I I , _ - �c LET 7 - - - - _ _ - _ _ _-- _= L= 49 = - - - _ - - - - - WG. W 2356 �� / I I I O`'" � �8� II \ _ _ _ - _ _ =LCT18 - = - - - __ -_- _ _ ti =_ - t0 26- ��� �0 13 l L�� 21 LOT22 S TRACT BOUNDARY 1 DWG. NO. 2356 NcJ) \ _ \ 13 aP�l: 0225-085-09TRACT BOUNDARY APN: 0225=085-10 � aPN: a225�e6�or - � 11 APN: 0225-062-02 � �� ��" APN: 0225-062-03 TRACT BOUNDARY 13 \ \�� y SO' 00' 59.55"E \ 13 �o _ APN: 0225-062-04 z 214.9'- = - _ - - - - - - -- �F 95.0' \ A 91.9' °91.5' 95.0' x l ��� �L�� 236.4' ti 8 �" �• T 6 - >- - - -3- - - _ ti 9 _ 5 -8.4 I b \ / - R ° - _FL FL a ° c cb� ° �l o T - 711� -4.8% -1.0% 0 O I 8.9 -3.1% `L -3.5.8 ' 9 8.4 / FL I 9 0 �Q -1.0� F -0.9`0 FL � I ,�,� 8.6 10 �" ' 10 414.19 TF l 1 / � �ti� 420.36 TW �18 9.1 ;! !! I; e6 � o v �' vI /v �v /v v 6p' / e 0 � I / c. r I 23.3 �\ ��. I II �� .I I � `� A o � �� ' I I � II � � I o 1 16 _ 1 F.G. _ \ II FL / 16 ' I 16 \ I I D - o l 11 11 11 I � -� �/ �I 21.0 �, / � � � v 13.9' I 3 °' � A 16 - / T e v 7 ;(F.G. I �_ _ 16 I 98.12' � 41 18 1 8.0 �" \ G.By I G.B. G.B. / G.B. _ _ - iT of '� Cam. L f - V y F.G. ��. �' ��,• / �� 1 g� 1�' 1 �5� � 2 1� 14.21' I I /i TRAIL I _ - ---- -�---- - FF=23.87 I � �� I RIDGE-- -- w RIDGE o �� v � 4 I I RIDGE o RIDGE I ;; I PAD=23.2 I \ \hp 9 S FF= 10.67 0. \� o h>c� I n \ oo \� � I ;i ! 1 �� - 15 F� 30' F G �n c�� o C L I _ 20.8.J 6 \ \ PAD = 10.0 I \ �_ LL 1 I o 1 20.62 44.29'1 (PAD 420.2) 1 22.7 HP I 1 _ > I c I N . I -5.0� I \ I I � \ F.G. l FL I o (RA-D 7 407.3) \ 0 \ >> o �1 N e I 6 I I TC \ ° 1.3 / I 1 �I 5.00' _ 11 10 ! 12 - 7_% 5 T� / I � off° � 3 o� 3 �� 5 - 2 " DF / �J I /DEDICATION 4 1412 0 �� / m l 0LLJ .5 / o CDl / ! � / C� I i� �1� I D�� � / q� / o 6 o \ �\ ` \ 1 e 0 20.4 1 0 �� -FL 24.2 G "� ° 6. � I I 3 I I � � � A \GO � I o F.G. - TG 22.3 � F.G. i��•o� � I �I 212.39' 0 1 / A 5 ` 20.7 / 20.4 00 45. 7E FL �1 8 D I I I - U) I \ ��� / I � � �. s 3 , v �;� N � O 23.6 N z N �o I \ / m �. �� z F.G. ' 0\\ - O c� /� - / r F.G. 5 m l \ o o ° ° 411.80 TW _ I 7.3 1.�� -Z o N N J / -1.0 ° �o ! I N 405.63 TF 1 / iii e I �l F.G. / N / 51 I l I �U 18.4 '� ��Q . I e /20.3 21.5 / t � �; 11 �J 15.6' �5. GB r �o. 6 F.G. F.G. N '��. n - P12) Q ��� 'I'' 0 0.11 14.0 I 5 FL \ _ / y GFF=22. / o � I �� 0 _ �I �� >� �; o_ _ e I FL I / 10 -5.00� e \ / d "i 12.051 mII i� / �o�� FF= 11.27 1' .�� N D, _ - A 1�• o � 13.52' I / / r 30 I I 1 i to J 1.4' P \ N 0.5 15.9 ! O B. L. 0 �I I- 1 PAD= 10.6 �� I H F / ° ! TG o / � / -9.3 ° A i I a o I 11. \ / N / i I F \ \ D (PAD=408.61) o o 1 i 0.1' g n I � I 11' � 1 S �, A - TO \ o i / P 2 \ 1g � A / / I DF - �- -5.0� 24 �� 16 �3�. 3 TF AI I 11.8 �s ! FF-23.57 F S o HP FL B I / rn / -8:g� 22 - Hp 1 _Tw 11 �7 / 77 PAD=22.9 c 0O N 12. l B � ;I; ;� � _ 1 / I \ , o / o o / 1 30' / I I K K �� 428 7 I \ ���_� / a d GFF= 10.6 t /1.1' FF= 15.67 ��l F o4 C 20.0 V(PAD=4119�.9)� e - FF- 12.77 / DF PAD- 15.0 FF= 17.27 I /0 0 e F.G. 1.21 0.8 O \ I o - - FF I ? i'4 PAD ° 1 DFI DF �E -� � I �O \ PAD 12.0 I PAD= 16.6 / e 0 85' 1 O I m 10.0 D co J ) L L ( -� ) I I o PAD=20.0 r 1 22.7 Z � - � 5 - �F',4C40J.1 / N ;' � �� � o` �" `L � I - "� I FL I - 1 1 00 / - .3% 11.3 9 T� 1 � - - 0 / I _l / I l (f AD=417.1) F.G. :: 0 ° c o i 1 J / F.G. 1.9� / g G o - TG I 13.9 15.0 GB^I 15.9 L� 1 f I 19.6 19.5 -2.8 / - � -1.2� ��' _ G V - 1 0 o S 0° 1' 0 "E / F\ I / 6 l FL TG 17.4 I 1 ° ° ° o I o FL 9 / I TG _ S0' 00' �5. �2. O i - ���� - . ° - 1.6' , 2 I co l 0 209.89' 209.9' v o '; / 2 1.7' S 19.6 20 238.7' FL 11.7 DF = GFF= 15.0 I GFF= 16.5 J, y S N F G -1. G ° 3 16 8 9.4 l \ o _ 9 HP 11 y DF 9S \ \ ! FL o 4 ' 0 10.5 1 ° - FL / 5 L �, 23.1 ti I / I 1 l 5.4% 5 FF= 0. F 2 .G. 9 O ti i F.G. 10 2 d \ FF= 11. / F.G. 1 2 , I L /� l I I I I N 0 N 12.4 / / �' �� / \ / c -- - - --, 2 N Q9cli nHP 116 47.2 ° �7�; ----- FL- GB 2 �� e 19 _ N ------ ------� "--- .s GFF=21.8 w - \ ��" ~ _----__ __ ' v ------�- - -- o �L cv o ---------------- --1\ ° -- ----- c� I m -- - - ---_ v o U-- O m- - ---- -- ------1 TG I I 30' B.S.L. 2 ---- r m 1 m - 4 c� 1 ---- 1 � V I I 12.7 r-� 4 - ��. f V^ I � � 3.15'i I � l � 6 � � � ��• G-- ,\�•� � H 7 �;_ L� 1 B.S.L. 110.39' I �`l' � 10 (� 6 1 I c > 16 '� ��� � � ----- ------- 1 �� 16' --- - - -- � '� 72.816 _ - / U I I� / I I 1 II 71.4' 91.9 II 5 91.5' . .��. - I I FF=22.57 21.1 HP M I �� F J / FF= 11.67 I / / 7 e 5 - e - 13.6 F.G 6 c I I 7.9 e PAD=21.9 I FL I v v 2 o v 20' I / F.G. ° I �� -4.99% \ �O� O`' I PAD „-„-„ o 14. / A / (PAD=418.9) l I (TRAIL / J (PAD409.0) I 11 11 I 7 � � ) 1 ��o I / ��� � � I I ,�'` i � �q, I � / / "� � � 33.50' 8'ss 8"ss s 8"sS 8" SS 8"ss 8"S 8"SS �� 8"SS l I I 1 p \ \ \ 11 �I 0.9 .2 \ I NO° 00 45.5 / / F\ PROPOSED PUBLIC - - I DF c,�' D 1 1 A 1 I ��� 5.00' \ I / 1 4 �I a / / \ -------------------� F 15 I 6 \ c ? / IIMP PER -- -- \ I/ > DEDICATION 1 f 1012 �_ 0 O J ECHi40UN1TAI PLAC SEPARATE PLANS �� ��"�� __-=1=- =_------_? w I - I I I �� r 8»w a"w 8»w 8 w 8 w 8 w 8 w w �" ---- --�_-- --------- o\ I = O� �� 9 i i iiV. i a a - _ _ F G � �" / _ i 660.13' B - 121 J 290.5' , i ! S00° 00' _ - - - - - - _ - 322.7' - 3 f _c� J - APNI- 02-26 102-08-_ _ - _ _ _ - _ - - c�_ TRACT BOUNLnJA J �L000 - NTf1��� - - - - - - - - -f - - - - - --c - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - -C - -� ?. - �� - 0-) I I A I b = o �� 1 I\ S L LEGEND: ---------- ---- ------ ------------- -------------------------1 ------------------ WQMP BASIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET 5 O4 ALL WALLS OVER 3 FEET HIGH (MEASURED FROM LOWER GROUND SURFACE WALL 30 0 30 L________________________i TO TOP OF WALL) SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER A SEPARATE PERMIT. � Ft' scale 1 "= 30' to=t PROPOSED 5" THICK CONCRETE PAVEMENT AREA O 12' 12' 12' WALL 1-0 19' 14' 12' PROPOSED SOUND SEE ADDITIONAL SECTIONS ON SHEET 3 CD WALL TOP OF WALL ® = PROPOSED 2'x2' STORMDRAIN INLET PER SHEET 3 O1 0 0 1427.25 1 412.77 FF WALL REFERENCES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY = PROPOSED BLOCKWALL BY OTHERS (REFERENCE ONLY) OO .s, 3 15 420.67 FF J'`� WILSHIRE (XXX.XX) = PAD ELEVATIONS PER TTM ON BM 150 �0 4 DRIVE CONSTRUCTION NOTES ��o> EXISTING 6q �-INSTALL 2'X2' BROOKS BOX PER PRIVATE STORM DRAIN PLAN SHEET 3. �� l9 EXISTING GROUND N J COPLEY GROUND SECTION C-C � L_ a-CONSTRUCT 5" CONCRETE PAVEMENT PER CONCRETE SECTION ON SHEET 4.. DRIVE CO S ALE 1' = 20' � �o ECTION A-A a-DECORATIVE CONCRETE BLOCKWALL PER SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL (FOR REFERENCE ONLY)... Q SCALE 1' = 20' 406.44 - CITY WQMP BASIN PER WQMP SITE PLAN SHEET 6.. FL s DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: 3 FT HIGH MASONRY �-CONSTRUCT DRIVEWAY (W=16') PER SEPARATE STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN. rWR HTIL 3IRON ON TOP 44' 15' 8' 12'7 CITY O F RANCHO C U CAM O N GA -WATER LATERAL AND METER PER SEPARATE WATER IMPROVEMENT PLAN. 3 FT HIGH MASONRY 1411.27 FF PRECISE GRADING PLANS 7a-VCP SEWER LATERAL PER SEPARATE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLAN.. WALL 14' 44' [WROUGHT ALL W/3 FT. 4% 4 IRON ON TOP -4q TRACT NO. 19917 -10' WIDE PRIVATE ACCESS GATE.... 22 21 5 30' � � �-CONTRACTOR TO LEAVE HOLE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WALL TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE.. '���o � -o PRECISE GRADING PLAN 417.27 F CONCRETE GUTTER 10 - INSTALL 4.5' WIDE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER D=4"... aV 4 _2% 11 - INSTALL 4" THICK DECOMPOSED GRANITE (DG)... 415.67 FF 9 o cn o `� Q OFESS/ N 12 - CONSTRUCT CONCRETE WATER BAR PER CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STANDARD DWG 1012. EXISTING GROUND �� �o q�F DESIGN PLAN PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDED o EXISTING o 0 L DAVID EVANS Q 13 -CONSTRUCT GATE WITH STEP THROUGH ���6F� 0 GROUND �s� � GRIOUIND CD � 9� m AU ANDASSOCIATES INC. No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd, Suite 250 TM O SHEET 14 - EXISTING FENCE TO BE REMOVED TO COMPLETE A STANDARD 20-FOOT INTERIOR COMMUNITY TRAIL.. SECTION B-B -2% SECTION D-D SEC ION E-E * * Ontario California 91764 SCALE 1' = 20' SCALE 1' = 20: SCALE 1' = 20' J� CIV 0 �Q ? OF 17 15 - SOUND WALL PER SEPARATE PLAN (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) `� qTF OF CAL\F CHECKED R.C.E. No 87222 DRAWING No. 16 - CORRAL AREA PER ARCHITECT PLANS AC DATE 12 09 2020 FILE No i I PROPOSED 5' RETAINING WALL W/ I PROPOSED 8" RETAINING WALL W/ PROPOSED 1' RETAINING WALL W/ 3'-6" BLOCK WALL ! 5'-8" BLOCK WALL 5'-6" BLOCK WALL 7'-7' LOT ECHO MOUNTAIJ PLACE LOT 10 7 12' 18' R/W<-3 411.67 FF ���' F� 12' 18' 18' 11' 1 LOT ECHO MOUNTAIN LACE i �g R W I �� o J PROPOSED SIDEWALK SIDEWALK �'�S ` PROPOSED �� I ,� i ,- soh ,--- - - _------ ---------- I F ------------ - PROPOSED COBBLE STONE Lj PARKWAY PROPOSED COBBLE STONE S CTION F-F PARKWAY SCALE 1' = 20' SECTION G-G SCALE 1' = 20' SECTION H-H SCALE 1' = 20' PROPOSED 6' i BLOCK WALL 5' 6' i 5' 5' PROPOSED 2'-4" RETAINING WALL W/ o 4'-10" BLOCK WALL o '--- 415.67 FF 12 18 18 11 PROPOSED 1' RETAINING WALL W/ 2, ° 5'-6" BLOCK WALL L T ECHO MOUNTAIN PLACE PROPOSED 6' 41344 _ �' 4 ---- BLOCK WALL— FS -4q, , R/W I 412.77 FF PROPOSED 8' 5' 5' 7' --- _ _ SIDEWALK �p89 \\ 11' 13' 2 0 ----- S 0 420.67 FF 41� 2 if a CD J 9 ---- _ ti - ----- -- --------- FS - i � PROPOSED �`0'FS 417.27 FF FS i COBBLE STONE j LOT 3 PARKWAY 422.57 FF - I n J cq i SECTION L-L SECTION I-I I � � SCALE 1' = 20' SCALE 1' SECTION J-J SCALE 1' = 20' SECTION K-K SCALE 1' = 20' DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE CITY APPROVED: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PRECISE GRADING PLANS TRACT NO. 19917 SECTIONS Q,�OFESS1041 ql�. DESIGN RECOMMENDED AU DAVID EVANS Q m ANDASSOCIATES INC. LU No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET * * Ontario California 91764 3 OF 17 qTF OF CpL�F CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 09 2020 FILE NO U.S.PATENT#6,00,023&6,877,029 CD O O � GRATE a 2424 CAST IRON GRATE 2424 TOP SECTION (WITH GALVANIZED FRAME) F LL Ur "ULTIMATE" BYPASS FEATURE ELEV L 0 T # ELEV "ULTIMATE" BYPASS (LOUVERS & OPENINGS) i FEATURES SEE DETAIL C "ULTIMATE" BYPASS FEATURE PARKWAY 112lbs. (LOUVERS & OPENINGS) 2424 STEEL GRATES 01 a. % I-IIN BY MIR .• I a ,.�� PARKWAY 48 lbs. �24„ Y4" \ ELEVN GASKET DEPTH TRAFFIC 103lbs. ELEV ELEV--, LEi/ 1 ELEV 1 STANDARD 20 INCHES 5" SEE STAINLESS STEEL SHALLOW = 12 INCHES CHART SUPPORT BASKET ;. *CUSTOM o 26' rz z• Fossil Rock TM �. B - ABSORBENT POUCHES o / 2424 LOWER SECTION (NO FRAME) NI , ri (II �� NOTE: USE 12"', 18",24"LOWERS TO LINER DETAIL B 26" INCREASE DEPTH UP TO AMAXIMUM OF 72" F.F. ELEV. i SECTION VIEW DETAIL C 21/4" P ELEV I FloGard®FILTER "ULTIMATE" 7 SUPPORT -INSTALLED- BYPASS FEATURES II BASKET 2424 STEEL COVER 0 N 4 PARKWAY 81lbs. 24„ 24" ' ELEVTRAFFIC 114lbs. ELEV *MANY OTHER STANDARD&CUSTOM SIZES&DEPTHS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. _ I 1/f 1 S E ELEV 1 -; ItT CHART ELEV ELE I-ELEV CATCH BASIN SPECIFIER CHART ��; ! 1- ELEV� P (FLAT GRATE STYLE) il. 1 1 STANDARD&SHALLOW STANDARD DEPTH SHALLOW DEPTH ...Iil S/W2d� �:::• DEPTH -20 Inches- -12 Inches- '' �• p MODEL NO. FACE �:J F E (Data in these volumes is the same for MODEL NO. T 1�1 1�� both STANDARD&SHALLOW versions) 261/4" fT=IZ 1 261/4' STANDARD SHALLOW INLET ID GRATE OD TOTAL SOLIDS FILTERED SOLIDS FILTERED \_ 34" 34" DEPTH Inside Outside BYPASS STORAGE FLOW DEPTH STORAGE FLOW inch x inch) (cu.ft.} (cu. ft./sec.) (cu.ft.) (cu. ft./sec.) DETAIL A Dimension Dimension CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY 'i'��� TYPICAL LOT F INSHE GRADING EXPLODED VIEW ( (inch x inch) (cu.ft./sec.) // FGP-12F 12 X 12 12 X 14 2.8 0.3 0.4 FGP-12F8 .15 .25 2424 BOTTOM SECTION (WITH OR WITHOUT FRAME) FOR ILLUSTRATION TO $O PUR POSE FPos> oI�LY FGP-16F 16 X 16 16 X 19 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-16F8 .45 .4 NOTES: W� ° FGP-18F 18 X 18 18 X 20 4.7 0.8 0.7 FGP-18F8 .45 .4 1.GRATES AND COVERSAVAILABLE PAINTED BLACK OR GALVANIZED 1, SCALE TO DE CUT IN AT IX MIN, AT ROUGH GRADE FGP-1824F 16 X 22 18 X 24 5.0 1.5 1.2 FGP-1824F8 .85 .7 2."ADA'GRATES AVAILABLE IN PARKWAY&TRAFFIC . AND PRIOR T❑ BUILDINGCONSTRICUTI❑N, 3."HEEL PROOF"GRATES Jel/AILABLE IN PARKWAY ONLY FGP-1836F 18 X 36 18 X 40 6.9 2.3 1.6 FGP-1836FB 1.3 •9 4.A TOP SECTION WITH FRAME MUST BE USED IF BOLT DOWN REQUIRED 2. A. PAVED DRAIINAC�E SWIAILE, CATCH BASIN, s PIPE, FGP-2024F 18 X 22 20 X 24 5.9 1.2 1.0 FGP-2024F8 .7 .55 24" 24" ❑R OTHER SIMILAR DRAINAGE DEVICE IS REQUIRED WHEN A ST❑❑Ffi; FIR'EPLpiCE;, FGP-21 F 22 X 22 22 X 24 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-21 F8 1.25 .85 • . \ OR P❑R;TI❑NI OF THE BUILDING EXTENDS WITHIN FGP-24F 24 X 24 24 X 27 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-24F8 1.25 .85 SECTION HIT. LBS KNOCK-OUTS \ - MINIMUM ESTABLISHED DRAINAGE SETDiAI NOTES: FGP-2430F 24 X 30 26 X 30 7.0 2.8 1.8 FGP-2430F8 1.6 1.05 2424 T6 6" 270 NONE 3 THIS DESIGNJI GUIDE LINE IS FOR STANDARD 1. Filter insert shall have a high flow bypass feature. FGP-2436F 24 X 36 24 X 40 8.0 3.4 2.0 FGP-2436FB 1.95 1.15 2424 T12 12" 495 (4)6"x 11" \ SEE CONDITIONS. IIEVEL❑PAENT IN HILLSIDE AREAS MAY CHART VARY FROM THE B❑V E FGP-2448F 24 X 48 26 X 48 9.3 4.4 2.4 FGP-2448F8 2.5 1.35 2424 T18 18" 745 (4)9"x 12" 2. Filter support frame shall be constructed from stainless steel Type 304. FGP-28F 28 X 28 32 X 32 6.3 1 2.2 1.5 FGP-28F8 1.25 .85 2424 T24 24" 870 (4)14"x 14" FGP-30F 30 X 30 30 X 34 8.1 3.6 2.0 FGP-30F8 2.05 1.15 3. Filter medium shall be Fossil Rock TM installed and FGP-36F 36 X 36 36 X 40 9.1 4.6 2.4 FGP-36F8 2.65 1.35 SECTIONEXTENSI' _ • • UTS TRENCH WIDTH ® maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications. FGP-3648F 36 X 48 40 X 48 11.5 6.8 3.2 FGP-3648F8 3.9 1.85 4.. FloGard FILTER 2424 E6 s" 27o NONE -INSTALLED INTO CATCH BASIN- o FGP-48F 48X48 48X54 13.2 9.5 3.9 FGP-48F8 5.45 2.25 FINISHED GRADE 4. Storage capacity reflects 80%of maximum solids collection FGP-SD24F 24X24 28X28 6.1 2.2 1.5 FGP-SD24FB 1.25 .85 • 34" 34" prior to impeding filtering bypass. . • • UTS U.S. PATENT#6,00,023&6,877,029 2424 L12 12" 495 (4)6"x 11" m o� SO f R O 2424 L18 18" 745 (4)9"x 12" Flo Gard@ Oldcastle F/o Gard O ® 2424 L24 24" 870 (4)14"x 14" MW-__i j`AA N Stormwater Solutions ILIOldcastle BOTTOM 24"x 24r° AV"A111111111FWAW z 7921 Southpark Plaza,Suite 2001 Littleton,CO 1801201 Ph:800.579.88191 oldcastlestormwater.com Stormwater Solutions • KNOCK-OUTS PR OO UCTS 12" Catch Basin Insert Filter THISDOCUMENTISTHEPROPERTYOFOLOCASTLEPRECAST,INC.ITISSUBMITTEDFORREFERENCEPURPOSESON-ANDSHALLNOTBE 7921South arkPlaza,Suite20D LlUleton,CO 80120 Ph:800.579.8819 oldcastlestormwater.com CATCH BASIN 0 USED IN ANYWAY INJURIOUS TO THEIINTERESTSOFSAIDCOMPANY.COPYRIGHT®2010OLOCASTLEPRECAST,INC.ALLRIGHTSRESERVED. Catch Basin Insert Filter p I 2424 B30 30" 1595 (4)18"x 18" P E R F. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF OLOCASTLE PRECAST,INC.IT IS SUBMITTED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE CO Inlet DRAWING N0. REV ECO ECO-0142 DATE USED IN ANYWAY INJURIOUS TO THE INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY.COFYRIGHTV2010 OLDCASTLE PRECAST,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PIPE JPR 7 13 16 / / Inlet DRAWING No. REv Eco DATE N GRAVEL FILL MATERIAL Filtration rated Inlet Style FGP-0001 G JPR 11 3 06 SHEET 1 OF 2 ECO-0142 2424 636 36" 1905 (4)18"x 18" 71 23 99 02 2&00 Filtration Grated Inlet Style FGP-0001 G JPR 7 13 16 JPR 11/3/06 SHEET 2 OF 2 3/4" WASHED PEA GRAVEL 24" 12" PERFORATED SDR-35 PVC UNDERDRAIN, SOLVENT WELD PIPE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH PERFORATION FACING DOWN. 12" PERFORATED PIPE TRENCH NOT TO SCALE 7 6 No. 3 BARS SPACED AT 24" (INCHES) ON CENTER, EACH WAY. 1 5 2 e ' a a , ° a � CLASS 520-C-2500 CONCRETE PER 3 S.S.P.W.C. SECTION 201-1 REQUIREMENTS. a 4 _ EXPOSED EXCAVATED SURFACE SOILS SHALL BE III a d - SCARIFIED A MIN. OF 12" IN DEPTH, MOISTENED TO NEAR THE OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT, AND 0 50 0 0�0 0 0 a a - COMPACTED TO A RELATIVE COMPACTION OF AT ° \ LEAST 90% (ASTM D 1557). /4n p00 °0 0 0 ° 0 0 00° 0 0 0 0 � � (r I I - CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION NOT TO SCALE LEGEND: 1. CONCRETE HARDSCAPE 5. EXPANSION JOINT 2. 1/4" RADIUS ALL EDGES 6. SUB-BASE MATERIAL 3. 2" MINIMUM 7. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE 4. FINISH GRADE NOTE: • REFER TO SOILS ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR MIN. THICKNESS OF TRENCH WIDTH CONCRETE. FINISHED GRADE HARDSCAPE TO LANDSCAPE DETAIL DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE CITY NOT TO SCALE � � � SO o� APPROVED: m ^ L N CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CD -- ; z - 0 1.2' 12„SD .: ;: ,.: :; PRECISE GRADING PLANS PIPE N BEDDING MATERIAL TRACT NO. 19917 35 < SAND EQUIVALENT 90% COMPACTION 12" STORMDRAIN PIPE TRENCH DETAILS AND SECTIONS SHEET NOT TO SCALE QW ESS/ON q< � DESIGN RECOMMENDED CID ��� FJq �� AU DAVID EVANS Q c? rrn ANDASSOCIATES INC. LU No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET * * Ontario California 91764 4 OF 17 J� HIV 1�- �Q' q�F OF CpI�F CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12�09/2020 FILE NO ❑ r \ -I ElI G AGET E/ , I _ _ 1 E3 OE] I I I I L _ _ I I I I I II I I ID OPT PATIO COVER I I � i J l � I D I I CD j I I I I I N� II Imo` I I� Z I � I � I I w O I, W UP- II 0) Go �/ iU � \ cn - TRACT NO 18122 EXISTING STREET PLANS - - - - EXISTING STREET PLANS EXISTING 24" STORMDRAIN PER STREET PLANS PER TRACT NO. 18122 PER STREET PLANS DWG. NO. STORMDRAIN 7 LOT 18 LOT 1 LOT 20 DWG. N0. 2356 TRACT NO. 18122 S "SS DWG. NO. 2356 APN. 0225-08 -10 LOT 16 APN: 0225-085-09 TP APN: 0225-0 -01 APN: 0225- 2-024k LO LOT 22 ' e ACT BOUN NV OUT - - TRACT BO DARY o ° C l ° ° ° ° I - o o - - - - - o o - - - - I o � / _ - \ 407.85 TG it -__ � O �' I 420.32 --: 420.80 TG �� I I I // \ 406.51 INV IN. �I ���� I INV 418.83 INV IN CORRAL N I I 1 N CN CORRAL N CORRAL N CORRAL CORRAL N 6p'� 11 / I' - - - - - - - I N. ;I 11 I III II III I 6 L - 0 3 I I III 24 21' O - � II s 11 I� 0 3 e • , , e I Il•:r 11 I I I 24 24 24 24 N Q - - ----- - ------------- - - ----- 111 11 11 111 11 11 �2 18 18 1 FF=410.67 I ° rn o �� II I• FF=423.87 I I N PAD=410.00 5 PAD=423.20 12 66 406.80 TG 6�, 5 405.38 INV IN ° 420.36 TG • 419.04 INV IN I D 406.74 INV OUT e ' ° e °° 419.94 420.25 INV OUT J I n 406.38 o I� o INV OUT 406.80 TG- - INV OUT L 17 D �I i N Z 405.30 INV IN 420.41 TG 1 _ I PROPOSED 18" RCP PER �j, r • I I I o r O h I• ;; -,; ; _ ` I SEPARATE STORM DRAIN 418.83 INV IN 171 I I I N o I-1`? 1405.23 1' I I I II PLANS •• I Z I I �' OD 11 I INV OUT IN. I e I °; *M � e � I � D I 407.22 TG , I I I o _ 0 n 12' I I 403.00 INV IN i I e e , I '<Cn I V 00 9 406.57 INV OUTI 406.31 N I 0 Cal O = - C i I FF=411.34 � ' INV OUT � 5 o i III r� - Z I J PAD-410.67 I � I : I 1417.11 I 1� 2 6 I °° °° INV OUT 2 I I I I I I °° 5 �M yr� 1 1 1 I D o I N 11 g FF=423.57 I 1 -0 N FF=415.67 FF=417.27 III I I III PAD=422.90 I cn I O I o FF=412.77 PAD=415.00 PAD=416.60 FF=420.67 III I I III I I I \ r D I 1 e PAD=412.10 PAD=420.00 e 1 11 N CORRAL I 5 e e 1417.82 1 ' III I i 11 11 11 1 i 407.69 TG 407.98 TG � N INV OUT- c I 11 11 TG 853�, I 24' � ' I D I ; Y n 406.18 INV IN • 406.97 INV IN(n N - 417.92 INV IN ---- -� ��� N ,\p I 407.67 INV OUT I�. INV 419.30 INV OUT -----_-- ID I 2 ❑ ❑ 2 INV OUT 2 = __q].- I ^ I I 6Q� , 407.37I I E 6 1417.07 5 ��\ 1 10 `0 O e INV OUT INV 419.96 TG • I I I I z " I I 409.67 TG II 414.24 TG o 416.99 TG 417.55 INV IN N rn N e - 408.30 INV I N 2 r_- _______ 412.74 INV I N --- _ 415.47 IN I N --- - ------1 e 419.71 TG I I �v CORRAL I 0 Q I I 2 I ____= 409.46 INV OUT 5 _ 5 414.03 IN OU -------------- 416.73 I OUTS______ - I 416.87 INV IN I I D ��^^ i' 2 ----------------------- 3 - V, •• ---- ------- ------ I ---------------------- -- '-------- ao I I --- ----------3--=---- ------------------------'� -_____ ___________' 2 5 ------ -3 -1415.031 I I I I M 1--- -- ----------------------- 5 -31.93 E-- --------- -- IE---- U I I 2 "411.60 TG_------ - - ----------- - - ----INV -i / ° o I 24' O I I - . - CD 1408.25 6 1 -410.60 INV IN • �� ' II. '• , o0 D I I 10 2 408.35' TG n 11 INV OUT e411.30 INV OUT IIC/) 3 - �� 1 417.79 TG_ - FF=422.57 FF=411.67 407.23 INV IN 411.03 �� 411.00 TG 413.78 415.05 INV IN PAD=421.90 12 409.19 PAD=411.00 1 11 11 11 II �: 0409.50 INV IN INV OUT 413.43 TG INV OUT 416.49 418.24 II 11 11 11 1 INV OUT- a'SS s"Ss a" s s"ss s"SS s"s s"SS - s"SS •0 INV OUT 7 I I I \ 111 11 11 I 411.93 INV IN -INV OUT INV OUT I I I \ INV OUT II 1''`�I 1192 IMPROVEMENTS PER ECHO MOU TAIN PLACE PROPOSED STREET 418.79 TG' ° ____ _ C IMPROVEMENTS PER SEPARATE �L ____�______- 415.23INVINs"w SEPARATE SEWER PLANS- sw s"w s'w s"w w N I'- ''- ''- 'IJ o S T I PROVE =- 418.50 INV OUT ° '_________________________;I ------------- ----- -- , • . . . . . . - �8.63 FG S=0.013 ---- L4 0 " ° . 417.00 INV PROPOSED WATER N IMPROVEMENTS PER I^� -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ I TRACT BOUNDARY SEPARATE WATER PLANS o I o c� o \ n APN: 0226-102-08 V) FLOOD CONTROL CITY ° DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: LEGEND: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA -�`- CONSTRUCTION NOTES ____ PRECISE GRADINGPLAN I�__=_= - __I = WQMP BASIN PER DETAIL ON SHEET 6 TRACT NO. 19917 1�===____-_?IINSTALL 2'X2' BROOKS BOX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) PER DETAIL SHOWN ON SHEET 4 ❑❑ = PROPOSED 2'x2' STORMDRAIN INLET PER SHEET 4 �-INSTALL 6" HDPE DRAINAGE PIPE. PRIVATE STORM DRAIN & HORSE CORRAL = PROPOSED HORSE CORRAL &-CONSTRUCT BMP (W=16.5') PER WQMP SITE PLAN SHOWN ON SHEET 6 CORRAL LOCATION PLAN �-PROVIDE 6"Hx12"W OPENING THRU THE MASONARY BLOCK WALL AT FLOWLINES (FLOWLINE ELEVATIONS PER PLAN) 30 0 30 60 scale 1"= 30' feet Q�pFESS/ON �-INSTALL 12" C.I.P. DRAINAGE PIPE WHEN PIPE CROSSES CONCRETE DRIVEWAY p ql �. DESIGN PLAN PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDED DAVID EVANS Q �-DRIVEWAY (W=16) PER SEPARATE STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN a AU m ANDASSOCIATES INC. No.s7222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd, Suite 250 O SHEET �-INSTALL 8" HDPE DRAINAGE PIPE * ,t Ontario California 91764 5 of 17 ALL PIPE MATERIALS SHALL BE PER CHAPTER 11 OF s� CIV 1\- �P �-CONSTRUCT PARKWAY DRAIN PER STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS SHEET 2 THE CURRENT ADOPTED CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE. q�F OF CA1 � CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING No. AC DATE 12 09 2020 FILE NO TRACT N0. 18122 - _ _ _ TRACT N0. 18122 TRACT N0. 18122 0 INLET FILTER INLET FILTER - - o 0 0 00 - o - - o 0 o N i INFILTRATION TRENCH _ , CO 00 °° BMP 8 18.5'Wx38.0'L INFILTRATION TRENCH a ,h i - � «I« 18.5 Wx38.0L 1 34.137514 -117.505644 _ 34.138966, -117505760 DMA 1 :4 4 ;ILo DMA 8 1 ■■/ ( 1{ • I I« AREA = 0.62-ac _ ;_ I« AREA = 0.67-ac 1 8 = _ III _ _ 1 DCV 1 , 127 cf l j ; DCV 1 ,233 cf REQ. ' _ REQ. DVC -1 , 134-cf 7 DVC -1 ,260-cf PROV. 70' �, I INLET FILTER >_ DMA 4 DMA 5 DMA 6 DMA 7A: 00000 4, > - �- Ln II r AREA _0.92-ac AREA _0.69 ac AREA _0.69 ac AREA _0.92 ac p , ♦I 1 p I CV " M DCV -1 679-cf DCV -1 267-cf DCV -1 266-cf DCV - 1 676-cf BMP 2 _ L W INFILTRATION TRENCH i "' ' « REQ' ' REQ' ' REQ' ' REQ' ' � a �~ I - (DVCP-Rov =1 680-cf DVC =1 274-cf DVC = 77A-cf DVC =1680-cf18.5 Wx38.0 L ;I 1 - J . PROV. PROV. PR V. _34.137520 117.505475 II aINLET FILTER b 1 W ' \ I; it ; - �• <1 1 II 1 « « J DMA 2 �' - DMA 9 t �': U Cli r AREA = 0.61 -ac 4 00 o Idwo 01 « -1« AREA = 0.68-ac 1 � ��� co loe � v I 1 1 I 1 I � 00 - DCV =1 117-cf L �T / 'Ik DCV = 1 237-cf N J o RE RE f - u� t. II �' I ;� � 4000 DVC 1 120 cf y DVC 1 260 cf L V I II 01 _ I i PR V I 1 PROV. « - II « t II 1 °° - "'- BMP 9 lLn • 00 l N INFILTRATION TRENCH � N _ I of - v, . . B 4 8.OL « « « « « « « « « « I « « « « « « « « « « INFILTRATION TRENCH 34.138962, -117.505317 « l 1 _« -- --- 18.5'Wx38.0'L ' 34.137871, -117.505107 BMP 5 INLET FILTER INFILTRATION TRENCH INLET FILTER NFL INFILTRATION TRENCH INFILTRATION TRATION TRENCH I I '- I 18.5 Wx38.0 L I ' 18.5'Wx38.0'L - 18.5'Wx38.0'L °° L; ''.138113, -117.505100 _ _ _ _ _ _ 34.138424, -117.505097 ------ - 34.138580, -117.505098co N `� 1 _ _ - - - 1 « « -_- _-_� -A_ h - --_INLET FILTER __-_ -- _ - F_ « « DMA : « : :« « : : : - -- - -- - _ ----- -- - --- -- -- - ------ ---- -- DMA 1 3 - 1 I --I - 0 - - - , - - «i« II r r H � 1 � . .. AREA 0.65 ac L AREA 0 73 ac 1 «j« Q « N _ I _ N _ _ 3 L ✓ DCV 1 1 cf __ _ _ � DCV 1 328 cf � RE RE Q. Q. I INLET FILTER 1 DVC =1 190-cf Ix - - - J - ..�^ f - �� 7 DVC =1 330-cf PROV. $�ss $��ss �•. $,ss 8"SS ss $°ss s $��ss �� $„ss ° . « : PROV. - -- __---- - -- - BMP 10 _ - BMP 3 tt I� I INLET FILTER °" °'°« � ______-'_ - _ ;°' .t 34.138944, -117.504925 l / INFILTRATION TRENCH , ECHO MOUNTAIN PLACE , ----- --- - --_�- N « ««« «« «««««� L 8» S w 8 w g"w 8"W 8"W 8"W 18.5Wx38.OLE r 1 - _-- - 141 1 34.137555, -117.504945 11 �I 1« I I � J _ °� .J , doll 40 ! J ' - s .000 LEGEND: R PROPOSED 6' 18.5' WIDTH FINISHED Infiltrating Infiltrating BLOCK WALL 12" 18" 18 18 12" GROUND CONCRETE HARDSCAPE EXPANSION JOINT NOTE: 19' 14' 12' AREA AREA DCV surface surface DCV 1/4 " RADIUS ALL EDGES REFER TO SOILS ENGINEER'S SUB-BASE MATERIAL SITE BOUNDARY �- DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREA (DMA) -I I DMA 2 required area area provided 1" TO 2" INCHES MINIMUM REPORT FOR MIN. THICKNESS OF 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE (ft ) (ac) �ft3) required provided �ft3) FINISH GRADE CONCRETE. INFILTRATION TRENCH _ (ft2) (ft2) III- I Zq EG --- -- 3' DIA. 3' DIA. 3' DIA. 3' DIA. a . FS 12" PVC » WILSHIRE "' IPERFORATED PERFORATED PERFORATED PERFORATED,' 12 PVC 1 26818 0.62 1127 289 703 3163.5 DRIVE FLOWFLOW I- 8 0 0 0 0 0 LANDSCAPE/RE-VEGETATE DISTURBED AREAS PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE - �sq 2 26578 O.61 1117 286 703 3163.5 _ oog o0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 CO 0 0 In INLET FILTER = = 3 28303 0.65 1189 305 703 3163.5 - - - 4 39955 0.92 1679 431 703 3163.5 III 11 � III I � � VEGETATIVE DRAINAGE SWALE DETAIL 1111NATIVE' ISOIL ' IIII -III 5 30137 0.69 1266 325 703 3163.5 - _ H: 1"=20' ANON-COMPACTED} = 6 30137 0.69 1267 325 703 3163.5 HARDSCAPE TO LANDSCAPE DETAIL IF THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE INFILTRATION METHODOLOGY COMPLIES WITH THE WQMP BMP AS-BUILT CERTIFICATE V. 1 4 -1 i I I i I I i I I I 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 39872 0.92 1676 430 703 3163.5 NOT TO SCALE REQUIREMENT IN THE TECHNICAL GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR WATER QUALITY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE NECESSARY WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN STORM WATER INFILTRATION TRENCH LENGTH PER PLAN 8 29340 0.67 1233 316 703 3163.5 MANAGEMENT PLANS. STRUCTURAL TREATMENT (BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE) DEVICES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED UNDER GRAVEL (40% MY SUPERVISION AND ARE FUNCTIONAL TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AS OF THE DATE BELOW. INFILTRATION TRENCH POROSITY) O 31605 0.7436 G8 1328 341 703 3163.5 1237 317 703 3163.5 APPLICANT/DEVELOPER/OWNER SHAREEF AWAD Z DIAR, LLC ANGEL CESAR, P.E. DATE ANGEL CESAR, P.E. DATE NITS TOTAL 312181 7.17 13119 3365 7030 31635 998 S. TEAKWOOD AVENUE 30 0 30 60 BLUE ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. BLUE ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316 scale 1"= 30' feet ACREAGE OF SITE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE BMP'S GROSS 312,180 (7.17 AC) NET 252,465 (5.80 AC) INDEX BMP NAME RESPONSIBLE PARTY INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE ACTIONS REQUIRED FREQUENCY DISTURBED AREA 312,180 (7.17 AC) INFILTRATION TRENCHES WILL BE INSPECTED TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE WORKING IMPERVIOUS AREA 127,480 (2.93) INFILTRATION TRENCH PROPERTY OWNER PROPERLY. CHECK FOR SURFACE STANDING WATER AND SURFACE SEDIMENTS THAT FREQUENT VISUAL INSPECTION FOR SEDIMENTS G; CHECK ONCE A YEAR FOR MAY CLOG THE INFILTRATION TRENCH. SEDIMENTS ADDITIONAL GRADING NOTES: COMPACTION ON INDIVIDUAL LOTS SHALL BE N1: EDUCATION ON BMPS PROPERTY OWNER & HOA GENERAL INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED TO OCCUPANTS ONCE PER YEAR DURING WET SEASON LIMITED TO THE BUILDING PADS. ALL HOA WILL RESTRICT OCCUPANTS FROM PERFORMING ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD 1415 �1415 �� LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE STAKED TO N2: ACTIVITY RESTRICTIONS PROPERTY OWNER & HOA ONCE PER YEAR DURING WET SEASON MINIMIZED COMPACTION DURING CITY NEGATIVELY IMPACT THE WATER QUALITY OF THE SITE 1414 CONSTRUCTION. DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: �1414 N3: LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT BMPS PROPERTY OWNER & HOA OCCUPANT RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN LANDSCAPE WEEKLY N4: BMP MAINTENANCE PROPERTY OWNER & HOA HOA SHALL MAINTAIN MONTHLY ��4 / WDID #8 36C385925 �4 PGR2018-00054 CITY OF RANCHO C U CAM O N GA N6: LOCAL WATER QUALITY ORDINANCES PROPERTY OWNER & HOA DEVELOPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH LOCAL WATER ORDINANCES FIRST HOA MEETING OF THE YEAR INLET SUBTT19917 N7: SPILL CONTINGENCY PLAN PROPERTY OWNER & HOA AT THE DISCRETION OF OCCUPANT TO REPORT TO APPROPRIATE JURISDICTION FIRST HOA MEETING OF THE YEAR FILTER PRECISE GRADING PLANS I I I THIS PROJECT WILL BE DEVELOPED AND OPERATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 80 J4 .� / TRACT N O. 19917 N10: UNIFORM CODE IMPLEMENTATION PROPERTY OWNER & HOA OF UNIFORM FIRE CODE FIRST HOA MEETING OF THE YEAR 1,3 / Ili II II N11: LITTER/DEBRIS CONTROL PROGRAM PROPERTY OWNER & HOA AT HOME OWNER'S/OCCUPANT'S DISCRETION WEEKLY 10001, I;�1 N14: CATCH BASIN INSPECTION PROGRAM PROPERTY OWNER & HOA HOA TO INSPECT AND MAINTAIN MONTHLY ,�.� � / WQMP SITE PLAN N15: VACUUM SWEEPING OF PRIVATE STREETS AND PARKING LOTS PROPERTY OWNER & HOA VACUUM AND SWEEP WEEKLY N17: COMPLY WITH ALL OTHER APPLICABLE NPDES PERMITS PROPERTY OWNER & HOA SWPPP TO BE PREPARED AS PART OF SITE CONSTRUCTION DURING CONSTRUCTION ° S1: STORM DRAIN STENCILING PROPERTY OWNER & HOA MAINTAIN STENCILING AND SIGNAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE Q�iOFESS/ON9 �t� l DESIGN .RED BY: RECOMMENDED S4: EFFICIENT IRRIGATION SYSTEMS PROPERTY OWNER & HOA MAINTAIN IRRIGATION SYSTEM WEEKLY SCALE 1" = 40' Q ``� CF�9 F�� AU DAVID EVANS S5: FG OF LANDSCAPE AT 1-2 INCHES BELOW TC PROPERTY OWNER & HOA MAINTAIN LANDSCAPE WEEKLY c� �° „z P,N�ASSOC I ATES INC. S6: PROTECT SLOPES/CHANNELS PROPERTY OWNER & HOA INSPECT AND MAINTAIN VEGETATED SLOPES QUARTERLY o No.87222 `� DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 0 SHEET * * Ontario California 91764 6 OF 17 S13: HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING PROPERTY OWNER & HOA INSPECT AND MAINTAIN HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING QUARTERLY HIV q�F OF CAO CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 O9 020 FILE NO U EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES \ C o � A- GENERAL NOTES I _ \ � 1. EROSION CONTROL IS REQUIRED FOR GRADING OPERATIONS. DURING THE RAINY SEASON - 6 TRACT BOUNDARY 6 FROM OCTOBER 15TH TO APRIL 15TH. APPROVED PLANS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL ROUGH GRADING TRACT NO. 18122 AND PRECISE GRADING PERMITS. TRACT BOUNDARY LOT 16 2 LOT 19 2 LOT 22 - - - 11 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 20 4 Z 2. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, CALL: -X -' - - -X- - - 2 - - - TRA T B ND Y ROF% - SHAREEF AWAD o N MACE _ o -------------------------------------------- 1 0 3 0 _ _ _ _ o o _ _ _ o - - (RESPONSIBLE PERSON) -= 5 7 9 10 <o DIAR LLC ---------------------------------------- ;i li I t O (FIRM) 12co - I II II I I CI VI 909-519- 1355 III II III 8 -------------------------------------------- ' I_il_.III_I 1 (24-HOUR PHONE N0.) 1 3. CLEARING AND GRUBBING SHOULD BE LIMITED TO AREAS THAT WILL RECEIVE IMMEDIATE ' GRADING. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE REQUIRED TO PROTECT AREAS WHICH HAVE BEEN 3 00 CLEARED AND GRUBBED PRIOR TO GRADING OPERATION, AND WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO RUNOFF s 1I e 60' N DURING THE RAINY SEASON. THESE MEASURES MAY INCLUDE BUT SHALL NOT BE LIMITED TO: = 3 3 5 4 = GRADED DITCHES, BRUSH BARRIERS, AND SILT FENCES. CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED TO PRESERVE 3 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 3 VEGETATION BEYOND LIMITS OF GRADING. 2 2' g' 18Y il. 3 4. CITY APPROVAL OF PLANS DOES NOT RELIEVE THE DEVELOPER FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR III II ... •• THE CORRECTION OF ERROR AND OMISSION DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE REQUIRED MI 'I III PLAN REVISION SHALL BE PROMPTLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE. �` III II e W e III J nII ' e 1 3 e .. I p I 5. EQUIPMENT AND WORKERS FOR EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT ALL ; !; !; '! O - TIMES DURING THE IOU RAINY SEASON. NECESSARY MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE AND STOCKPILED AT 0 _ _ CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO FACILITATE RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY DEVICES WHEN RAIN Z 1 `� FF=1412.20 FF=1413.90 FF=1416.90 _ I. 2 FF=1419.20 ' (n IS IMMINENT. o 6. DEVICES SHALL NOT BE MOVED OR MODIFIED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY E9 .L e e III II II I e e 3 iI II II I 3 � ENGINEER. 7. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVISES SHOWN SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE 5-DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS 40%. 3 = oa 3 N 8. AFTER A RAINSTORM, ALL SILT AND DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM CHECK BERMS, SILT FENCES, AND DE-SILTING BASIN, ETC. e 3 9. GRADED AREAS AROUND THE PROJECT PERIMETER MUST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FACE OF SLOPE AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKING DAY. 2 �' ___- _ ____-' `_________________' `___- ------------ - 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO - - PREVENT PUBLIC TRESPASS ONTO AREAS WHERE IMPOUNDED WATER CREATES A HAZARDOUS 10 CONDITION. 11. DE-SILTING BASINS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS GRADING OF INDIVIDUAL GRADING AREAS III II II _ O : 3 I \\ ARE COMPLETE PER ROUGH GRADING PLANS. III II III L_______________ 12 II II E O MO AIN P ACE 1 __-= 3 12. THE CITY ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO PLAN 1 AS DEEMED NECESSARY. ; 13. INFORMATION ON THIS PLAN IS FOR EROSION CONTROL ONLY. 14. TEMPORARY EROSION PROTECTION IS REQUIRED FOR MANUFACTURED SLOPES PRIOR TO I "I, o - - - - - - - 2 TRACT BOUNDARY 2 PERMANENT PLANTING. \ 0 o cn� � - �J 15. AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A STATE THAT FIRE ACCESS SHALL BE MAINTAINED J� APN: 0226-102-08 AT ALL TIMES (INCLUDING ACCESS TO NEIGHBORHOOD PROPERTIES). M � FLOOD CONTROL 16. NO OBSTRUCTION OR DISTURBANCE OF NATURAL DRAINAGE COURSES OR EXISTING STORM DRAIN INLETS SHALL OCCUR DURING THE RAINY SEASON, UNLESS ADEQUATE TEMPORARY/PERMANENT DRAINAGE FACILITIES HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND INSTALLED. EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES CONTINUE CONSTRUCTION NOTES SCHEDULE 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT THE OPERATION IN SUCH A MANNER THAT STORM LEGEND RUNOFF WILL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE PROJECT OR CHANNELED INTO THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM O INSTALL SILT FENCE PER DETAIL ON SHEET 8 WHICH SERVES THE RUNOFF AREA. STORM RUNOFF FROM ONE AREA SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO 24. ANY SLOPES WITH DISTURBED SOILS OR DENUDED VEGETATION MUST BE STABILIZED TO GRADING START MAY 2 9 DIVERT TO ANOTHER RUNOFF AREA3 INHIBIT EROSION BY WIND AND WATER. ° - STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT O INSTALL 6' CHAINLINK FENCE WITH WIND SCREEN END MAY 2019 18. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PUT INTO EFFECT AND MAINTAIN ALL PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES 25. SEDIMENTS AND OTHER MATERIALS MAY NOT BE TRACKED FROM THE SITE BY VEHICLE O INSTALL STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION PER DETAIL ON SHEET 8 UTILITY START MAY 2019 NECESSARY TO PROTECT ADJACENT WATERCOURSES AND PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY FROM TRAFFIC. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ROADWAYS MUST BE STABILIZED TO INHIBIT SEDIMENTS END AUG. 2019 DAMAGE BY EROSION, FLOODING, AND DEPOSITION OF MUD OR DEBRIS ORIGINATION FROM THE FROM BEING DEPOSITED INTO THE PUBLIC WAY. ACCIDENTAL DEPOSITIONS MUST BE SWEPT UP - MATERIAL / EQUIPMENT STORAGE AREA O CONSTRUCT STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WITH CORRUGATED STEEL PLATES PER DETAIL ON SITE DURING THE GRADING OPERATION. IMMEDIATELY AND MAY NOT BE WASHED DOWN BY RAIN OR OTHER MEANS. SHEET 8 FOUNDATIONS START AUG. 20 END MAR. 2020 19. CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THESE PLANS SHALL IN NO WAY RELIEVE THE 26. STOCKPILES OF EARTH AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION RELATED MATERIALS MUST BE PROTECTED O INSTALL CHAIN LINK DOUBLE GATE CONTRACTOR FROM HIS RESPONSIBILITIES TO THIS SITE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES. TEMPORARY FROM BEING TRANSPORTED FROM THE SITE BY THE FORCES OF WIND AND WATER. - WASHOUT PIT 40 0 40 80 EROSION CONTROL SHALL CONSIST OF, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT, O CONTRACTOR TO STREET SWEEP OR VACUUM STREET PER CASQA SE-7 CONTROL AND ABATE WATER, MUD, DUST CONTROL, AND EROSION DAMAGE TO PUBLIC AND 27. FUELS, OILS, SOLVENTS AND OTHER TOXIC MATERIALS MUST BE STORED IN ACCORDANCE scale 1 "= 40' feet PRIVATE PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. WITH THEIR LISTING AND ARE NOT TO CONTAMINATE THE SOIL AND SURFACE WATERS. ALL O- EROSION CONTROL DEVICE STOCKPILE CONSTRUCT MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT STORAGE AREA. COVER ALL POTENTIAL SOURCES OF APPROVED STORAGE CONTAINERS ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM THE WEATHER. SPILLS MUST BE POLLUTANTS DURING RAIN EVENTS AND SURROUND STORAGE AREA WITH GRAVEL BAGS. THIS IS A 20. SLOPES CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO OCTOBER 1ST SHALL BE TREATED FOR EROSION CONTROL CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AND DISPOSED OF IN A PROPER MANNER. SPILLS MAY NOT BE WASHED TEMPORARY STORAGE AREA AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR STOCK PILING SOIL AND PAVING PRIOR TO OCTOBER 15. SLOPES CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 1ST SHALL BE TREATED FOR INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. MATERIALS OR PRESSURE TREATED WOOD. EXACT LOCATION OF STORAGE AREA TO BE DETERMINED EROSION CONTROL AS THE CONSTRUCTION OF SLOPE PROGRESSES. - SAMPLING LOCATION BY SITE SUPERINTENDENT. CONTRACTOR MUST BE SURE THAT APPROPRIATE SPILL AND LEAK 28. EXCESS OR WASTE CONCRETE MAY NOT BE WASHED INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT -OF-WAY OR PREVENTION MEASURES ARE IN PLACE. PLACE AT A LOCATION FURTHEST FROM OUTLET. TO BE 21. FILL AREAS WHILE BEING BROUGHT UP TO GRADE AND DURING PERIODS OF COMPLETION ANY DRAINAGE SYSTEM. PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO RETAIN CONCRETE WASTES ON-SITE IMPLEMENTED ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. PRIOR TO FINALE GRADE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY VARIOUS MEASURES TO ELIMINATE EROSION UNTIL THEY CAN BE DISPOSED OF AS SOLID WASTE. AND THE SILTATION OF DOWNSTREAM FACILITIES AND ADJACENT AREAS. THESE MEASURES MAY - RUN-OFF SAMPLE POINT/ DISCHARGE POINT Og CONSTRUCT TWO WASHOUT PIT FACILITIES PER DETAIL SHOWN ON SHEET 5. ONE PIT IS TO BE USED INCLUDE BUT SHALL NOT BE LIMITED TEMPORARY DOWN DRAINS, EITHER IN THE FORM OF PIPES 29. ALL NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES, UNLESS ACCEPTED OR AUTHORIZED BY AN NPDES FOR CONCRETE WASTE, AND THE OTHER WILL SERVE AS A MISCELLANEOUS WASHOUT PIT FOR OR PAVED DITCHES WITH PROTECTED OUTFALL AREAS; GRADED BERMS AROUND AREAS TO PERMIT, REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. DRYWALL, PAINTS, ETC. EXACT LOCATIONS TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE SUPERINTENDENT BUT SHALL ELIMINATE EROSION OF FILL SLOPES BY SURFACE RUNOFF; CONFINED WITH PONDING AREAS TO c� - CONTROL POINT BE LOCATED MORE THAN 50 FEET AWAY FROM A STORM DRAIN, OPEN DITCH OR SURFACE WATER. DE-SILT RUNOFF; TEMPORARY CHECK DAMS IN TOE OF SLOPE DITCHES TO DE-SILT RUNOFF; 30. TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION RELATED SOLID WASTE MUST BE DEPOSITED INTO A COVERED TO BE IMPLEMENTED ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. PROTECTION SUCH AS SAND BAGS AROUND INLETS WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN BROUGHT UP TO RECEPTACLE TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF RAINWATER AND DISPERSAL BY WIND. GRADE; AND EARTH BERMS AND APPROPRIATE GRADING TO DIRECT DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE - PORTABLE TOILETS O9 INSTALL ON-SITE PORTABLE TOILETS AS SHOWN. THE PORTABLE TOILETS SHALL NOT BE IN PUBLIC EDGE OF THE TOP OF SLOPES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ON THOSE FILL AREAS 31. CONSTRUCTION SITES SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY IMPLEMENTATION OF BEST MANAGEMENT RIGHT OF WAY, AND SHALL NOT BE IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO CATCH BASINS. PLACE AT A LOCATION WHERE EARTH WHERE EARTHWORK OPERATIONS ARE NOT IN PROGRESS. PRACTICES IN SUCH A MANNER THAT POLLUTANTS ARE NOT DISCHARGED FROM THE SITE. FURTHEST FROM INLET. SURROUND PORTABLE TOILETS WITH GRAVEL BAGS OR PLACE APPROVED RUNOFF FLOW PATTERN CONTAINMENT PAN BENEATH. TO BE IMPLEMENTED ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. 22. TOP OF CUT BROWN DITCHES, WHERE REQUIRED ON THE PLANS, SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 32. ERODED SEDIMENTS AND OTHER POLLUTANTS MUST BE RETAINED ON-SITE AND MAY NOT BE CITY PRIOR TO EXCEEDING 10 FEET OF CUT MEASURED VERTICALLY. TRANSPORTED FROM THE SITE VIA SHEET FLOW, SWALES, AREA DRAINS, NATURAL DRAINAGE OR X_ 10 STOCKPILE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES READY TO BE PLACED IN POSITION WHEN RAIN IS DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: WIND. CHAIN LINK FENCE 23. THE TIRES OF VEHICLES BEING USED ON-SITE SHALL BE INSPECTED AND WASHED IF BASIS. OR WHEN DIRECTED BY THE INSPECTOR. TO BE IMPLEMENTED ON AN AS NEEDED CITY OF RANCHO C U CAM O N GA NECESSARY TO STOP TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS. IF EXPORT OR IMPORT OF DIRT 33. DUST CONTROL. THE OWNER OF THE SITE OR THE PROJECT CONTRACTOR SHALL PUT INTO GRAVEL BAGS IS TO BE L DONE, PAVED ORT TO FACLHTATE THE NSPENG CTION AND CLEANING 0 TIR ALIWHI LEAST B OS FRONT THE S TE ADJACENT LONG T AND MAINTAIN 11 PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES NECESSARY TO PREVENT DUST BLOWING INSTALL DUST CONTROL SIGN PER DETAIL ON SHEET 8. SHAL BE PROVIDED AT H EX PRECISE GRADING PLANS "RUMBLE STRIPS" MADE FROM STEEL, RAILROAD TRACK, OR SIMILAR MATERIALS CAN HELP REDUCE PROPERTIES. STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 12 INSTALL GRAVEL BAGS PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET 8 THE MUD GETTING ONTO THE CLEANING AREA. STREET SWEEPING AND WASHING IS STILL EQUIRED, TRACT NO. 19917 BUT MAY BE REDUCED BY PROPER USE OF A 'WHEEL WASHING AREA" LIKE THIS. THEY ARE SILT FENCE REQUIRED ON PROJECTS OVER 1 ACRES. EROSION CONTROL PLAN Q,�OfESS10N ql�. DESIGN RECOMMENDED Fx �c AU DAVID EVANS Q Z3 m ANDASSOCIATES INC. LU No.87222 `M DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET yt * Ontario California 91764 7 OF 17 qTF OF CpL�F CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 69 2020 FILE NO Setback varies (See note 4) Fabric section B Stake B (See notes 6. 7 &12) LEGEND Tomped bockfill GRAVELBAG SPEC. NOTES Fabric 2" x 2" Wood stoke Stake A Slope direction (See notes 3&s) _ Direction of flow 15"x3O" POLYPROPYLENE GRAVELBAGS WOVEN POLYPROPYLENE — CONSTRUCTED Toe of slope -l— � Fabric section A TO RESIST SPLITS AND LEAKAGE. WITH ANTISKID DESIGN. Slope (See notes 6, 7& 12) 6S See detail A CORRUGATED • 10 X 12 WEAVE JOINING SECTION DETAIL (TOP VIEW) 3 4" GRAVEL 12" MIN UNLESS OTHERWISE STEEL PANELS GRAVEL BAG • 950 DENIER 50' MIN. OR 4X CIRCUMFERENCE OF / INLET PROTECTION PER • 1200 HOURS UV RATING 2• SPECIFIED BY A SOILS ENGINEER ORIGINAL C.S. BMP HANDBOOK SE-5 GRAVEL BAG -'� LARGEST TIRE. WHICHEVER IS GREATERFEL GRADE • 1000MILKWHITE PER COLOR INLET PROTECTION PER V 2".m (See note 3)d stoke diameter tmeter —.�tII • 1000 PER BALE C.S. BMP HANDBOOK SE-5 Fabric awl'� C� C� C� C� C� C� C� C� C� C� C� C� C (See note 8) BF-1 SECTION A-A STAPLE DETAIL END STAKE DETAIL {TOP VIEW) (SEE NOTE 9) B SECTION A—A FILTER FABRIC —14 2" x 2" 15' MIN. OR AS Silt rents wood stake End stake ° REQUIRED TO N.T.S. CATCH BASIN fabric (See note 2) ACCOMMODATE kl � Stake ,' INLET GRAVELBAGGING (ELEVATION) INLET GRAVELBAGGING (PLAN) ANTICIPATED N.T.S. N.T.S. Fab,!, TRAFFIC, a WHICHEVER IS 3/4" GRAVEL Silt Ienc@ � ° C,tr_�n End stake GREATER. FILTER FABRIC ORIGINAL STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION DETAIL 6" Toe ar slap B GRADE DETAIL A End take Sandbags(2-foyers high) PLAN VIEW CORRUGATED NTS END DETAIL OP110NAL MAINTENANCE OPENING DETAIL N.T.S. STEEL PANELS �� �\ /� PER BMP SE-10 SEE NOTE 11 NOTE: 12" MIN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTES 1: SE-1 (SILT FENCE) CONSTRUCT CHAIN LINK FENCE SPECIFIED BY A SOILS ENGINEER 1. CONSTRUCT THE LENGTH OF EACH REACH SO THAT THE CHANGE OF THE STAKES SHALL BE SECURED WITH WIRE. MATCH EXISTING GRADE SECTION B—B IN BASE ELEVATION ALONG THE REACH DOES NOT EXCEED 3 THE N.T.S. HEIGHT OF THE LINEAR BARRIER, IN NO CASE SHALL THE REACH 8. FOR END STAKE, FENCE FABRIC SHALL BE FOLDED AROUND TWO LENGTH EXCEED 500'. STAKES ONE FULL TURN AND SECURED WITH 4 STAPLES. STABILIZED CONST. ENTRANCE 2. THE LAST 8'-0" OF FENCE SHALL BE TURNED UP SLOPE. 9• MINIMUM 4 STAPLES PER STAKE. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE `* NTS TYPICAL. PER BMP TC-1 3. STAKE DIMENSIONS ARE NOMINAL. 10. CROSS BARRIERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 3 AND A MAXIMUM OF 3" MIN. OPENING 4. DIMENSION MAY VARY TO FIT FIELD CONDITION. 2 THE HEIGHT OF THE LINEAR BARRIER. BETWEEN BAGS 5. STAKES SHALL BE SPACED AT 8'-0" MAXIMUM AND SHALL BE 11. MAINTENANCE OPENINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN A MANNGER TOP ROW A POSITIONED ON DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF FENCE. TO ENSURE SEDIMENT REMAINS BEHIND SILT FENCE. 6. STAKES TO OVERLAP AND FENCE FABRIC TO FOLD AROUND EACH 12. JOINING SECTIONS SHALL NOT BE PLACED AT SUMP LOCATIONS. N STAKE ONE FULL TURN. SECURE FABRIC TO STAKE WITH 4 STAPLES. 13. SANDBAG ROWS AND LAYERS SHALL BE OFFSET TO ELIMINATE -nI—III—III—ICI—ICI- -III—III—III—nl—nl- i_iTl_TI_ITI_ITI_i GAPS. ll-I-1iI-1i1=1i=i L-1i-1iI-iI-il-i - 7. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN TIGHTLY TOGETHER TO PREVENT -��� ��� ��� ��� ���- -��� ��� ��� ��� ���- -ICI=I��=I�-ICI=ICI= POTENTIAL FLOW-THROUGH OF SEDIMENT AT JOINT. THE TOPS SECTION A-A (�)SILT GRAVEL BAGS STACKED FENCE DETAILS SE-1 A NTS GR70S�CALE � V G DETAILS 3 LAYERS HIGH PER BMP SE-1 2 LINE BOTTOM OF PIT NOT AND COVER STRAW BALES LINE BOTTOM OF PIT PORTABLE, WATERTIGHT WITH PLASTIC SHEETING WITH PLASTIC SHEETINj4R BIN BY CONCRETE YSTEMS, INC. (OR EQUAL) Prior to obtaining a permit for clearing and grubbing, stockpile, or rough grading, the applicant shall install a dust Iv°I(� IY 1V°`ti',I' '�i/� I�'`'' ,I' ' i control sign on the property as indicated below. After installation of si na e, inspection will be required. If you �_ /.'�/1� °ftlli I�/1 fly ASHOUT SYSTEMS, INC. 9 p P Y 9 9 p q Y -WASHOUT have any questions, please contact Michael Frasure "Department Inspection Supervisor'• at (909) 477-2710 ext. 4217. GENERAL INFORMATION STRAW BALES 1) Sign thickness should be 5/8 or 3/4 inch CDX laminated plywood board, overall size of 48"x96" (4 feet by STAKED WITH TWO OPTION 2 OPTION 3 8 feet). STAKES PER BALE 2) Signage must be located within 50 feet of each project site entrance. OPTION 1 THE CONTRACTOR MAY 3) One sign is sufficient for multiple site entrances located within 300 yards of each other. USE ANY OF THESE 3 OPTIONS. 4) Text height shall be at a minimum as shown on right side of sign template below. 5) Sign background must contrast with lettering. Typically, black text with white background. 6) The lower edge of the board must be a minimum of 6 feet and a maximum of 7 feet above grade. 7) The telephone number listed for the contact must be a local or a toll-free number and shall be accessible (�)W�ASWOUT PITS 24 hours per day. NTS EXAMPLE OF SIGNAGE SIGNAGE INFORMATION LETTERING SIZE Empty Space 3" Developers Name 4" Project Name/Tract#### 4" IF YOU SEE DUST COMING FROM 4" THIS PROJECT CALL: 4" Name, Phone Number 6" 1 f v uu do not receive a response,please call 3" The A MD at 1-800-CUT-SMOG 3" Empty Space 3" 96" EMAAR ENTERPRISES TRACT NO. 19977 48„ IF YOU SEE DUST COMING FROM CITY THIS PROJECT CALL: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: SHAREEF A_WA D 9091519- 1355 If you do not receive a response,please call The AQMD at 1-800-CUT-SMOG CITY OF RANCHO C U CA M O N G A IF AL PRECISE GRADING PLANS TRACT NO. 19917 6'min to 7'max from the finished grade EROSION CONTROL PLAN QRDFESS/0 Embedded into the ground or placed on.a o Nq� DESIGN RECOMMENDED AU DAVID EVANS m ANoASSOCIATES INC. LU DUST CONTROL SIGN DETAILS � N°•87222 � DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 0 SHEET yt * Ontario California 91764 8 OF 17 s� CIV I�- �Q' qTF OF CAI�F CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12/09/2020 FILE NO D I n ❑ O I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 00 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ L/ ® I 0 -I -I Cn / N I I d d i l i l i I I I II I I I I I i i i i i i i i 0" N II II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00 Oo - N Fr I ICn IF J ao I I I Ui � I Ui i I I r ® / N cl� I I II II II I co C — — I — — 01 N II II II I I I JLJLJ: ! 0 IIIIIIII d d i i i ii ii I � I <G W I I coI I � I II jI � I— J I N I I N IF I OD F=__ _ __ __ _ �G U Ln ___ N -------------- -- --_---_ -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- - -------------- r 1 '---------------- --_ _-_---_-_-' I-------------------------, ------------------------I '------- ----------------- -_-_-_-_---_-_—_ -- ------------------------ i------------------------i i------- - -------------- ----------- -- ------ '------------------------' -------- ----------------- '--- - ----------------------- ---- — I II r II d II N a II \ 06 / li ii II 8'SS 8"SS 8" S 8"SS 8"SS 8"SS 8"SS 8"S 8"SS 8'SS I \ All d I \ ----- ---------- IIII------ ----------- 00 fN 8W 8W 8W 8W 8W 8W 8W 8W 8W --------\ ------' � N .Z7 O] o Z \ C o z Cf) � �I � J 0 (1; U) 30 0 30 60 Elevations Table scale 1"= 30' feet NUMBER MINIMUM MAXIMUM AREA COLOR ELEVATION ELEVATION 1 -7.54 -4.00 11,920.51 DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE CITY APPROVED: 2 -4.00 -3.00 10,321.48 ■ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 3 -3.00 -2.00 18,984.36 � 4 -2.00 -1.00 43,490.43 PRECISE GRADING PLANS 5 -1.00 0.00 52,965.97 TRACT NO. 19917 6 0.00 1.00 59,290.28 ■ 7 1.00 2.00 36,801.77 CUT/FILL M A P 8 2.00 3.00 20,318.79 ■ 9 3.00 4.00 12,445. 13 ■ Q�OFESS/pN 10 2.78 8.71 61,369.47 �� ql DESIGN RECOMMENDED ``' `` Fx �c AU DAVID EVANS Q Q �, � F cD m ANDASSOCIATES INC. LU No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET yt * Ontario California 91764 9 OF 17 qTF OF CpO CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12/09/2020 FILE NO KEYNOTE: Ql A.C. PAVING OVER AGGREGATE BASE 14 UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION SYSTEM (STORMTECH) 2 6" CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY STANDARD WILSON AVE. 3 DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER CITY STD. 101 COBBLE STONE HARDSCAPE AT PARKWAY TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 19917 4 SIDEWALK PER CITY STANDARD © 3 FEET HIGH MASONRY WALL WITH 3 FEET WROUGHT IRON ON TOP BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PORTION OF SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 27, i i W 5 PROPOSED 8" WATER MAIN 8 TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHEET INDEX PROPOSED 8" SEWER MAIN Q Q 7 PROPOSED 24 STORM DRAIN o BANYAN STREET o �� SHEET 1 = TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP ® 1" WATER SERVICE PER CCWD STANDARD APPLICANT/OWNER/DEVELOPER: SHEET 2 = CONCEPTUAL GRADING/DRAINAGE PLAN 3 L a SHEET 3 = CROSS-SECTIONS GYPSUM 9 4" SEWER LATERAL SHAREEF AWAD SHEET 4 = CUT AND FILL EXHIBIT 1 1 DR. 1 6' BLOCK WALL FREEWAY 2�0 DIAR, LLC, AND CASTLE DEVELOPMENT, INC. EASEMENT NOTES. SHEET 5 = PRELIMINARY WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 15' PRIVATE FEEDER TRAIL 1231 N. CACTUS AVENUE, STE. D SITE AND DRAINAGE PLAN NO WCN Y Mr4P 8 6' WIDE CATCH BASIN PER CITY STANDARD RIALTO, CA. 92376 (909) 519-1355 01 15' WIDE PRIVATE FEEDER TRAIL EASEMENT SHEET 6 -- UTILIZATIOM MAP Q 8' HIGH BLOCKWALL (SOUND WALL) TO BE MAINTAIN BY KOA 2 WALL MATERIALS, COLOR, AND FINISH TO MATCH TR. 18122 TO THE WEST 5' WIDE PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT I O CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE TO BE COORDINATED WITH CALTRANS O3 8 WIDE ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY TRAIL EASEMENT SCALE. 1'=40' I I -� ---I- I ------�----�_ --- - �� - I r---------------, � I I I ��� I �---- I I I I I Il C o I I L-- ---- --- I ---J -----J,) I I �� I I I%� I --- - ---------------��-------� I ---- �--- L D f 54 J64f 8—8f) I I I 16 I 1 Q ,A - - A - -__ I A L-------------J I r_J � r 1� I I — — I _ API. 0225 032 17 I o r, �� / ,. o , A ' r L L. (' r I 0 II --- ,, n I I1 I II I O � Il I �� j II j j I ' I � n u. 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P D=14202 t P I I 3 i I --,. o o PAD 1407 ,�:D�. ` / ------- N o ----- ----- I . . . .. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. . . . ..':.:.: . . .. - �...,;..: ..'. : '.'. . . I ° I . - --J - l . . . .. . � 4 ' 0 114 I I II I I II J0,111 �. . . : : N N "� j : : : H 70' I i I ---i GRADE`'BREAK LINE G: S GRADE F.R�;K LINE G� of GRADE' T - .. . . . .. r — I r 1 1 p 4 I ' — —BREAK LINE G' GRADc BREAK LINE — J' I I Gd 9 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - — — - - -- - - I 1 �l -, L-- L- I I 7. ..... . . �' �� - 114 1 I EXISTING i EXISTING 19e MIN. o k \ 1.:: :. .:. 8 O I 19e MIN., 6 1 ACCESS \ III o p L— SINGLE FAMILY I SINGLE FAMILY 3 �'� T 212.7 - - `S �� 1 1 N '? C I i r_J I i i GATE B 7 c�`r — FG :. s ��. W g �Q I �� C . � . . 8 12, �sl � � I � �.► 114 I o . _ - -�- _ � . Gn . . . �% � ,1 L o J I .� .. . . I ., \ 2 �.1 170 I -------------- I I L----- N Z I I _ �. \ ... . . .. Q r i IIJ I �..6.•9.. . ... .. ----J , Ii - I9 ... 7 . 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Tf;E A. . 9.... . . . . /. .. % 9 L_J I I o 0 c m F I (� , D = N. . �.. . .I:. . .'.' �o . .;: ".�. . �- I � � I �� > _' 1% MIN. .. . .'�. . �. . . . � ......'!"?.. .I• • �� I - —_ _W . .. . . . .. . . ... .... . . . .. .... . . . . .. t ; . . . . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. . . . .'.'. .'.4. .' .'. . . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.': .'.'.'.'.'.'.'. . . ... . . . .. . . . ....... ... . . . .. . . . .......:.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.. . . . . - _ .�--- — COMM NITY TRAIL I I I g 267 - -J M _ -' - . "- �� ' 1 _ i SEX. S ERM - - l I �b In SE 0220 1 02-08 LE`GAL ��ESC�I 'TION: _ / SAN BER��JARDIN COUNT) A i - - 9 I ""LEGEND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRI T ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY PING WITHIN TH! SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SQUTHWEST\ NE QUARTER F SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE WEST, SAN ERNARDINO T- \ °o MEhIIDIAN, AS CONVEYED TO THE STA E OF C.ALIFORNN��4, PURSUANT TO NT DEED RECORDED OCTOB R 12, 1995,� '" TC - TOP OF CURB SAS DOCUMENT N0. 19950302692 OF OFFIC,�AL RECORDS, SAN BERNARDINO ZO fI FL =AFLOWLINE `� COUNTY RR�CORDER'S & CE, STATE C F CALIFORNIA. - `� o EXCEPTING EREFROM, ThA�PORTION LYING SOc.THERL> OF 0LL W0r L)L' RIBED LINE. NG IVAr RAL GROV D BEGINNING AT . POINT ON TM WEST L, E OF SAID ECTION 27, DISTANT NDRTH 0 0'S8" WESS 0.02 FEET FROM 7HE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN ,PARCEL CONVEYEL"TO THE STATE n - �_ - -- o W - WATERL� lNE _ _ 24, 1974; IN BOOK 85�,2, PAGE ET SEQ OF SAID-OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 88 44 28 EAST 331. . 5 FEET, TO A :" FH FIRE HYDRANT CALIF(,RNIA, PURSUANT TO A GRANT DEED RECORDED SEl-'I crv►ljEh� � �\\ P OF GRATE OINT ON SHE E PT E OF ThE- WEST ON _ALF OF SAID SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SO HWEST G.NE-QUARTEk;,DISTANT NORTH O'001'44" WEST 60. 14 F�ET FROM THE iNORTHEAST c \ t ORNER lO \ \ \ I S = SE LINE PP — C&G = CU AND GU R \ CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA = FINISH GRADE \ ^ o A rp FF = FINISHEN&FLOOR ELt v TION o �s QROFEss/o - N GF = GARAGE FL00, ELEVATI�NF2c� > > _ _CENTERLINE y z CONCEPTUAL GRADING/DRAINAGE PLAN _HP = HIGH POINT � No. 37037 -_PG\ POR FZLAI CEM C ET /' *�Exp. 6-30-16 * SUBTTM 19917 ill > > 1 - - 1 0 � \, APN 0226 102 30 P TOTAL; EXISTING IMP ER AREA - O S.F. `�' I v� �� r TOTAL NEW IMPERIOUS AREA = 111,059 S.F. � \ ' APPROVED BY DATE: - TOTAL�REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0 S.F. CITY ENGINEER RCE No. ESTIMATED EARTHWORK DESIGN HCP HP ENGINEERING, INC. RECOMMENDED BENCH MARK: (RAW QUANTITIES) 1465 CRESTVIEW ROAD BENCH MARK NO. 50 CUT = 13,300 C.Y, DRAWN REDLANDS, CA. 92374 SHEET CHISELED "X" IN THE MIDDLE OF CONCRETE FILL = 18,200 C.Y. CAD (909)799-6797 Fax (909)799-1508 HEADWALL AT THE SOUTHWEST COR. SUMMIT AVE. IMPORT = 4,900 C.Y. 2 of 6 AND EAST AVENUE CHECKED DRAWING N6. ELEVATION: 1507.007 NO. DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE CITY HENRY C. POQUIZ, R.C.E. 37037 APPROVED DATE: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 10 17 Project#: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-00023, DRC2018-00566 Project#: 8UOTT19917 CEQA2014-00023, DRC2018-005.66 Project#: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-00023, DRC2018-00566 Conditions of Approval Project Naryw.. Tract 19917 Project Name. Tract 19917 Project Name: Tract 19917 • Location: - 022610230-0000 Location: - 022610230-000.0 Location: - 022610230-0000 - -. Pro ect'T e: Tentative Tract Ma CEQA Review, Variance J YP p CEQA Review, Variance RA Project Types Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance J y�P p Project Type: Tentative,,Tract Ma - _RAC . � _- �� C Community Development Depattrnint • � ` _v _ _ _, _ • _ __- _.�,.,__-- =s Project#: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-00023, DRC2018-00566 �1 •_ �•, L 'OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Project Name: Tract 19917 Planning Department Planning D6partment Planning Department Location: - 022610230-0000 Standard Conditions of Approval Standard Condiflons of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval Project Type: Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance 8. All private slopes in excess of 5 feet, but less than 8 feet in verti' height and of 2:1 or greater 19. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the 27. Where corner side, interior side or rear yard property lines are adjacent to local equestrian trails - ,pe shall be landscaped and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance ,as Homeowners' Association are .subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Services construct minimum 6-foot high decorative masonry walls. Decorative masonry shall mean split-face' slope ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT follows: one 15-gallon or larger size tree per each 1'50 sq. ft of slope area. 1-gallon or larger size Department and the City Attorne The shall be recorded concurrently double sided block, 'slump stone' or an alternative material that is acceptable to th p ty y y co cu ently with the Final Map or prior R e Design Review shrub per each 100 sq. ft. of slope area, and appropriate ground cover. In addition, slope banks in to the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to the Committee: Planning Department excess of `8 feet in vertical height and 2:1 or greater sloe shall also include one _ ._ 9 9 P 5-gallon or larger City Engineer. The Homeowners' Association shall submit to the Planning Department a list of the 28. For single-family residential development within the Equestrian/Rural Overlay District, at „lea t one Standard Conditions of Approval size tree per each 250 sq. ft. of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever model home shall be provided with a constructed 24-foot by 24-foot corral with appropriate' fencing. _.. p p pull box to connect to the to soften and vary slop i y ion shall include a permanent said information changes. 29. occu anc of the facilities shall not commenc 1. For all residential development, provide conduit from each unit/lot and a e plane. Slope planting required. b this sect irrigation s stem to be installed b the developer prior p Occupancy e .yotfl: such time as all California Building Code ;and street. Provide interior structured wiring for each house/building with minimum Category 5 copperY y p p or to occu ancy "• The developer shall submit a construction access plan and schedule for the develo ment of alll lots State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied. with. Prior to occupancy, wire, Radio Grade 6 coaxial cable, and a central distribution panel, prior to release of occupancy 9. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent P p y, plans shall es P P p cy p p. J t to and along trucure& at a rates Of onle tree. for Planning Director and Engineering Services Department approval; including, but not limited to. su-brnitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safe fiber-to-the building, FTTB Plans shall be submitted for Planning Director and Building :Official' per 30 linear feet of building. - - 9 Safety Services g ,9 9 public notice requirements, special street posting; phone listing for community concerns, hours of I epattment, to show compliance. The buildings shall be: inspected for compliance and; final review and approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. 10. All walls shall be provided' with deddeative treatment If located in public maintenance -sire construction activity, dust control measures, and security fencin acceptance ranted prior to occupancy, #sr� the tY 9 9 P 2. For single-family. residential development, all slope planting and irrigation shall be continuous' design shall be coordinatediwith the Engineering Services Department. _ _ IY - , . 21. Provide a 24 foot by 24 foot or 12-foot by 48-foot corral area in the rear yard adjacent to the Local' "30. All site, grading, landscape, irngafon, and street 'improvement plans shall be coordinated for maintained in a health and thriving condition b the developer until each individual unit is sold an Y 9 Y P d 11, Landscaping and irrigation, shall be designed to conserve water through the principles O water' Feeder Trail. Grade access from corral to trail with a maximum sloe of 5:1 and a minimum width of consistency prior to issuance of an permits such as grading, treeremoval,' P p f P Y P ( 9 9,, encroachment, building, occupied by the buyer. Prior to releasing occupancy for those units, an inspection shall be efficient landscaping per Development Code Chapter 17.82. 10 feet. etc.) or prior to final map approval in the case of a custom 0t subdivision, or approved ;use has conducted by the,planning Department to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 12. The applicant shall contact the U.S. Postal Service to determine the appropriate type 'and location of 22, The site shall! be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which include commenced, whichever comes first. 3. Front yard and corner side °y_alyd landscaping and irrigation shall be required per the Development P P mailboxes. Multi-family residential developments skull provide a solid Site Plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and ;colors. landscaping, sign program, and 31. Six-foot decorative block walls shall be constructed along the project perimeter. If,overhead structure for g • 9 P 1 P a double wall; G;ode and/or Etiwanda S ec` c Plan. This re ui.a ent shall be in addition t the r p t _. r m n o e squired street mailboxes with adequate lighting. The final location of th'e mailboxes and the design of radin on file in the Plannin De artment, the coed Inns contained herein the Dev condition would result the develo shall - g the 9 9 9 P _._ - elopment Code pec a make a, good faith effort to work with the .adjoining. 9 overhead structure shall be subject to PlanningDirector review ;and a " ;oval[ prior to the is re [[rations, and the Etiwanda Specific Plan. roe owners to provide a single II tfies and slope planting, ppl p issuance of 9. p property rtY P g wall. Developer shall notify, b mail. all contiguous P fY� Y 9 property 4. A detailed landscape and 'irrigation plan, 'including slope_ 'planting and model home 'landscaping in Building Permits, 23. On corner side ards, provide minimum 5-foot setback between walls/fences an i owners at least 30 days prior to the removal of any existing walls/fences along the project perimeter. Y P d sidewalk. The 9 P 1 the case of residential development, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and 13. The Covenants Conditions and Restrictions -CO est icUons shall' restrict. the storage of recreational vehicles on this 5 foot wall/fence setback and the parkway shall have landscape and irrigation in addition to the 32. For-residential development, return walls and;corner side walls shall be decorative masonry, submitted for planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of Building Permits for the site unless they are the principal source of transportation for the owner and prohibit parkin on required street ,trees. Detailed landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted for Planning g 33. Revised Site Plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be development or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. For development interior circulation aisles other than in designated visitor parking areas. Director review and approval prior to ;issuance of Building Permits. The parkway landscapin 9 submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to the issuance of Building Permits. occurring in the Very l=ligh Fire Hazard Severity Zone, the. landscape plans will also be reviewed b� 14. All .units shall be .provided with including trees, shrubs, ground ,covers. and irrigation shall be maintained by the property owner. The garage door ,openers If driveways are less than 48 feet in depth from developer shall provide each' prospective buyer written notice of the 34. Slope fencing along side property lines may be wrought iron or black plastic coated chain link to Fire Construction Services back of sidewalk. P P P p y parkway maintenance 5. Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way on the - requirement, in a standard forrrfat as determined b the Planning Director, prior to accepting a cash maintain an open feeling;and enhance views. t _ y 9 P P 9 15. Access;:,gates to the rear yards sfiall 'be constructed from a material 'mole` durables than. vf►po¢i gates. - perimeter of this project'areashallbe continuously maintained by the developer. Accep3able materials include, but are not limited to, wrought iron and PVC. deposit;opany property. 35. Solar, access easements shall be dedicated for the purpose of assuming that each lot or dwelling g unit shall have the right to receive 6, The final design of the pen�'ieter parkways, walls,. landscaping, and sidewalks shall be included in - � 24. All. �parkways, open areas and landscaping shall g cei a sunlight across adjacent lots or units for use of a solar J ola energy P Y P p g a be permanently maintained by the property owner, ., r9Y 16. ApproVal of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all system. The easements may homeowners association, or other means acceptable to the City. Proof of this landscape y y be contained, in a Declaration of Restrictions for the .subdivision which the required landscape plans and shall be subject to Planning Director review and approval and other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community, S ecific Plans and/or Master Plans in PP ty PP p maintenance shall be submitted for Planning Director and, Engineering Services Department review shall be recorded concurrently rti►ith the recordation of the final map or issuance of permits, coordinated for consistency with any. parkway- landscaping plan which. may be required by the effect aYthe time of Building Permit issuance. g 9 g p whichever comes first. The easements shall prohibit the casting of shadows by vegetation, Engineering Services Department. and approved prior to the issuance of Building Permits. structures, fixtures, or an other ob ect e 17. Construct block walls between homes (i.e., along interior side and rear property lines), rather than 25. Local Feeder Trail entrances shall also provide access for service vehicles, such as veterinarians Y 1 xceptfor utility wires and similar objects. 7. All private slopes of 5 feet or more in vertical height and of 5:1 or greater slope„ but less than 2:1 wood fencing for permanence, durability, and design:consistency. or slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion hay deliveries, including a 12-foot minimum drive approach. Entrance shall be gated provided that 36. Street names shall be submitted for Planning Director review and ,approval in accordance, with the 18. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions CC&Rs shall not g control. Sloe planting required b this section shall include.. a (CC&Rs) prohibit the keeping the equine e - adopted Street Naming Policy prior to approval of the final map. questrian access is maintained through step-throughs in accordance with Engineering Services P p g q y permanent irrigation system to be animals where zoning requirements for the keeping of said animals have been met. Individual lot installed by the developer prior to occupancy. Department Standard Drawing 1006-B and 1007-B. 37. For single-family residential development, a 2-inch galvanized pipe shall be attached to ;eacF�, support post for all wood fences. with ns shall have .the option of keeping Bald _animals without the necessity of - .-�- � .=Y ppo pos wt a minimum of two 1/2-inch la bolts to with owners in subdivisions 26. Coca) Feeder Trail grades shall not exceed 0:5 percent at the downstream end. of a frail lot :a 9 stand high winds. appealing to boards of directots of homeowners' associations for amendments to the CC&Rs. distance of 25 feet behind the public right-of-way line to prohibit trail debris from reaching the street:. Both post and pipe shall be installed In an 18-inch deep concrete footing. Pipe shall extend at least. Drainage devices may be required by the Building and Safety Official, 4 feet, 6 inches above grade. ` _ wwv Crt ofRC us www.CityofRC.us >±v�iiv:Cit�tofRC.us; e�ntea�i/3orto�e CitY +s �i'nntafi�l3d/ZOZEt Y €P- z'. y =:�_�r;��•- Print �.. Rf 1.t1 P.rintad�[30C1Qt.8 ed�7/30/2018 Project#: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-0002 ,'bRb2 018-00566 Project#: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-00023 DRC2018-00566 PfojeCt# SUB 1 4,9917 CEQA20.14-00023, DRC2018-00566 Project Name: Tract 19917 Project Name:; Tract 19917 Project;Name: Tract 19917 VLocation: - 022610230-0000 Location: -022610230-0000 L'ocetiah: - 022610230-0000. Project Type` Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance Project Type Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance Project Type: Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CON l.1/TIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: A L OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: Planning Department Planning Department ilWneerrMst Services Department Standard Conditions of Approval, Standard Conditions of Approval Pleas be advised of the following Special Conditions ` 38. A detailed plan indicating `trail widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing, and weed 46. This tentative tract map of tentative parcel map shall' expire, unless extended by the Planning 4. The catch basins in Copley Drive need to beat the sump location. The 2 catch basins with 2 control, in accordance with City Master Trail drawings, shall be submitted for Planning Director Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the Engineering Services Department within 3 laterals shall be designed to handle Q100, review and approval prior to approval and recordation of the Final Tract Map and prior to approval of years from thedate of the approval.. street improvement and ,grading plans. Developer shall upgrade ;and construct all trails, including a. Revise Drawing 2356-D to show how 'this. 100-foot extension will connect to the existing storm fencing and drainage devices,in conjunction with street improvements. drain. Engineering Seivices'Department - - 5:: Public improvement 'plans shall be'90 percent complete prior to issuance of Grading Permits. Public 39. Wood fencing shall be treattied`wiith stain, paint, or water sealant. PfRisise be advised of the following Special Condition P P p P P improvement plans shall be 1,00 percent complete; signed by the City Engineer and an improvement 40. The applicant shall i tit, tertificAtiort from an acoustical engineer that all recommendations of the Ali., Copley Drive„ 'Wilshire Drive and Street. i are to be improved in accordance with City Local PP 9 e P .Y - P tY agreetfien4-and batI&exec u_ted by the developer, prior to building permit issoance. acoustical report were implemented in construction, including measurements- of interior and exterior Street" standards including: 6. A permit from the San Bernardino County Flood Control District is required for work.witbirt:its, noise levels to document compliance with City standards. Certification shall be submitted to the right-of-way_ Building and Safety Services Department and the Planning Department prior to final occupancy a. Local streets per the Etiwanda Specific Plan shall have a 60-foot right-of-way with sidewalks irelease of the affected homes. ion both sides. 7. Corner property line cutoffs at Wilshire Drive,and Street"fit"and!;Copley Drive and Street "A"shall be dedicated per City Standards. 41. A final acoustical report shall_ be submitted for Planning Director review and approval prior to the - 8. Tract 176e h issuance of Building Permits. The final report shall discuss the level of interior noise attenuationt Provid.e curb, gaffer, drive approact> � street pavement; 3" curb cores on each ;lot nil[ ourt}side: as partially installed the 'Community Trail, south of Lot 7 of Tract17651, This 9 p to - below 45 CNEL, the building materials and construction techniques provided, and if appropriate, developer shalt, `reconstruct the community trail full width. The existing trail is 15 fret wide and this Ott. verify the adequacy of the mitigation measures- The building plans will be checked for conformance tliets per Std. E +llvq. 107-B for private trail drainage developer shall,dedicate an additional 5 feet to complete s standard 20-foot interior comma ` `;trail. with the mitigation measures contained in the final report. c Lot 4 driveway off Street "A" shall be,installed as far south as possible. a. Revise City Drawing 2219'Sheet 14A, pYlepared for Tract 17651 to show the 42.'Mitigation measures are required for the project. The applicant is responsible for the cost of reconstruction of the community trail. implementing said measures, including monitoring and reporting. Applicant shall be required to post d. Provide 5800 Lumen HPV.or Lt7 equivalent street lights. b. If lots 2 and 3 will be taking direct access to the comi'rtuni, cash, letter of credit, or other forms of guarantee acceptable to the 'Planning Director in the amount .ty tralrl„provide Single : of $729 prior to the issuance of Building Permits, guaranteeing satisfactory performance and completion of all mitigation measures. These funds may be used by the City to retain consultants e. Provide street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size`, pf-a species and spaced per` Standard gates per Standard Drawing 1008. Conditions of Approval. and/or pay for City staff time to monitor and report on the mitigation measures. Failure to complete c. Provide "step through"for local trail access to the community trail per Standard all actions required by the approved environmental documents shall be considered, grounds for f. Install curb adJacenf;sidewalk on east side of Street "A Said sidewalk to start from the drive Drawing 1007-8. - forfeit. approach.: soottlerly wing of Lot 10 on Copley Drive to the drive approach sotll#tterly wing of Lot 3 9. Tract 18122 is currently undergrounding existing overhead utilities on their project side of Foothill , PP 9 P y g g 'nst the 'City; its on- Freeway (SR-210), along FCD access road to San Sevaine basin outlet includingthe 43, fie applicant Shall agree to defend at his sole expense an action brow ht a a power pole agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to Wilshire Drive. The parkway on Street A between the sidewalk and wall should be filled with east of your westerly- boundary. The developer of Tract 18122 is eligible for reimbursement to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, cobble per Standard Drawing 542, Case 1. Work around existing sewer manholes as needed. recover the proportionate cost of the undergrounding from your westerly project ',boundary to the for any Court costs and attorneys fees which the City,, its agents, officers, or e'lnployees may be = location of the first power pole easterly. The fair share amount has not been determined at this time DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE CITY required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole dis`dretion, participate g. Provide traffic signing and striping as required. since a Reimbursement Agreement has not been processed yet. APPROVED: at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not `relieve 2 Vehicular access to pihvate local trails shall be from Local Streets only. applicant of his obligations under this condition. standard Conditions of Approval CITY OF RANCHO C U CAM O N GA 44. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval or Approval Letter, Conditions of a. Where private local trail gradients exceed 4 percent, water bars, splash curbs or other 10. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Approval, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans full size). The sheets Districts. shall be filed with the Engineering ineerin Services Department PRECISE GRADING PLANS pP 9 p ( ) i � diversionary devices shall be used. Where a downstream end of a trail meets a street; the n{g g p prior to final map approval or are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading_ activities and are not trail shall be graded at no more than 0.5 percent for a distance of 25 feet from the issuance of .Building Permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. developer. TRACT N O. 19917 right-of-way line to prohibit the deposit of trail surface debris onto the sidewalk/street. P 45. The applicant shall be required to pay California Department of Fish and Wildlife Notice of Provide curbside drain outlets for adjacent drainage devices. 11. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the .City, covering the estimated operating costs for all Exemption;and Mitigated Negative Declaration fee in the amount of $2,330.75. All checks are to be 3, The existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical except for the 66kV electrical new streetlights for the first six months of o ration. prior to final ma made payable_ to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Pe P p approval or prior to Building CONDITIONS 0 F APPROVAL shall be undergrounded on the project side of Foothill Freeway (SR-210), along FCD access road; 'to Permit issuance if,no map,is:invo.lved. Secretary prior to public hearing. San Sevaine basin outlet, extending to the first poles off-site (east and west), prior to public_, improvement acceptance or occupancy, whichever occurs first. www.CityofRC.Ulr www.CityoufRC.us www,CityofRC us te�,7,4fto18 P P'tinted-7/30/2018 Page 8 of/B PrintecL 7/30/2018 ap4t5 of tt! Page?or e Q�oFESS/0N DESIGN RECOMMENDED C-0 ��� Fs9 ��' AU DAVID EVANS Q r, ANDASSOCIATES INC. � No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET * * Ontario California 91764 11 OF 17 J� OIV I�- �Q' q�F OF A`\F CHECKED R.C.E. No 87222 DRAWING NO. AC_ DATE 12 �9 2�2� FILE NO O' 00 Pro)°t#: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014; Project 00023, DRC2018-Q0566 Project#: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-00023, DRC2018-00566 1 #: SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-00023, DRC2018-00566 Project#: SUBTT19917 Cit. DRC2018-00566 , L Project Name: Tract 19917 Project Name: Tract•19917 s. .. Project Name: Tract 19917 Project Name". Pro Tract 19917 `� j 1 1 ` Location 022610230-0000 Location: - 022610230-0000 Location -U261023Q• D00 Location:' --022610230-0000` _ _ Project Type: '`Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance roject Type. Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance Project Type.- Tentative Tract lAap-CEQA Review, Variance Project Type: Tentative Tract`N�ap CEQA Review,_Variance ALL `OF THE iFOLLOWING CONDITION ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY ALL OF THE FOLLOWING , ALL OF THE`FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR`PROJECT. S APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. LY TO YOURPROJFCT. G COND/T/OILS APPL Y TO YOUR PROJE .. Engineering Services Department Engineering Services Department Engineering Services Department Engineering Senr(ces Department Standard Conditions of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval 12. Prior to the issuance of building permits, a Diversion Deposit and related administrative fees shall 17. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: 19. Improvement Plans and Construction: 21. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed be paid for the Construction and Demolition Diversion Program. The deposit is fully refundable if at a: Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement least 50% of all wastes generated during construction and demolition are diverted from landfills, and Wilshire Drive future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating: appropriate documentation is provided to the City. Permits issued on or after June 2, 2014, must Curb & Gutter be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall_ be posted and an agreernent "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on- Sheet _ (typically Sheet 1)." Where complete the reimbursement process through the City's Accelerate online portal within 60 days A.C. Pavement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attomey guaranteeing completion of public landscape plans • are required, tree installation' in those areas shall be per the public following the completion of the construction and/or demolition project or the; deposit will be forfeited. Sidewalk the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building, landscape improvement,plans. Permits issued before June 2, 2014, require the following when applying for a deposit Drive Approach Permits, whichever occurs first. reimbursement: a completed CD-2 form, a copy of the cashier's receipt showing the deposit Street Lights bi, Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction Copley Drive amount, and, all weight tickets. Instructions and forms are available at, the City's web site, Street Trees permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Department in addition to any other permits Botanical Name - Chitalpa tashkentensis www.Ci ofRC.us, under City Hall, Engineering-, Environmental F required. Common Name - Chitalpa ty ty rograms. 18. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: 13. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter `Streets (measured from c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and Min. Grow Space- 3' street centerline): Street"A" interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Spacing - 50',O.C. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with an new construction or reconstruction Size - 15 Gallon. Curb& Gutter" 9 P y _ 60 total feet,on Copley Drive A.C. Pavement project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be laced on 'both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR. Construction Notes for Street Trees: 60 total feet on Wilshire Drive Sidewalk 9� P 60 total feet on Street"A" Drive Approach ECR;or any other locations approved by the City Engineer. 1) All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. Street Lights Notes: 2) Prior to the commencement of -any planting, ;an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the 14. All existing easements flying within future rights-of-way shalt be quit'claimed .or delineated;; Ott ahe 1 Pull boxes shall 'be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, `a .maximum of 200 feet apart, City inspector. Any unusual toxicfie.s or nutrient deficiencies may require backfill soil amendments, final map. _ Street Trees ) - _�_ _ Cobblestones unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer` as determined by the City inspector. 15. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source of 2) Conduit shall be 3-inch galvanized steel with�pull ro e orass specified.. 3 All street- trees: are sub ect to, ins i n 9 P P p ed. ) .i pact o and ;acceptance y the Engineering Services energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes. and for e. Access ramps for the disabled shall be installed on all corners-of intersections P -Y per Ct - Standards Department which a permit is required unless: in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances, or as directed by the City Engineer: 4) Street trees are to beOlanted iper public improvement plans only, all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate accepted by the City Council, except: that in developments containing- more than one building; detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be structure: or unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be, refunded upon completion of the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these :conditions of development construction'to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. approval, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable, safe and maintainable g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sid'ewalks.. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or to City Standards, except for single-family residential lots. units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements h. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to submittal for first plan check. required by these conditions of development approval. 20. Street trees, a minimum of r 15-gallon size o larger, shall be installed 9 _ 9 per City Standards in 16. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: accordance with the City's street tree program. Copley Drive Curb & Gutter A.C. Pavement Sidewalk Drive Approach Street Lights Street Trees www.C4ofRC.us "W CityofRir.us y fRC us �G i us 3 /2 19 072 inntif T Printed-7/0 01t3 _ � � vaiwCit o � „�yo`RC. Papryh ai dt _f t°4 i (vela `� _ Pagoixia oirlix l30/�(E o*am SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-00023, DRC2018-00566 `Pro ect Project#: SUBTT19017 CEQA2014-00023. DRC2018-00666 Proj #: Project#: SUBTTi9917 CECA2014-00023, DRC2018-t)056( � 1 ) Project Name: Tract 19917 Project Name: Tract 19917 Project Name: Tract 19917 Location: - 022610230-0000 - Location: - 022610230-0000 Location: - 022610230-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance Project Type: Tentative Tract Map CEQA ReVew, Variance Project Type: Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR'PROJECT: Engineering Services Department Engineering Services ,Department Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit Standard Conditions,of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval 22. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed 23. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed 1. Design 'guidelines for Fire Hydrants. The following provides design guidelines for the spacing and legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the: title page of the street improvement ilocation of fire hydrants: plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating- plans. Street improvement plans shall include a: line item 'witriin the construction legend stating "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on Sheet (typically Sheet 1)." Where "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on 'Sheet : (typically Sheet 1)." Where a. For single-family residential projects in the designated Hazardous Fire Area, the fire hydrant public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those areas shall be per the public public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those` areas shall be per the public design & installation shall be in accordance to RCFPD Policies and Standards. landscape improvement plans. landscape improvement plans. b. If any portion of a facility or building is located more than 150 feet from a public fire hydrant Wilshire Drive Street "A" measured on an approved route around -the exterior of the facility or building, additional private or Botanical Name - Chitalpa.tashkentertsis Botanical Name- Prunus,blireiana public fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow shall be provided. Common Name- Chitalpa, Common Name - Flowering Plum Min. Grow Space --3' Min. Grow Space -3' c. Ptcivide one tire,hydrant for each 1000 gpm of required fiire`flow orjfraction thereof. Spacing 50' C.C. Spacing -40' O.C. 2. The architectural plans for the construction of the buildings must be in accordance with the current Size - 15 Gallon Size - 15 Gallon editions of the CBC Chapter 7A, The California Residential Code, the RCFPD Ordinance,, 3. This project is located within the "State Responsibility Area" (SRA), the 'Very, High Fire Hazard( Construction Notes for Street Trees: Construction Notes for Street Trees: Severity Zone" (VHFHSZ), City of Rancho Cucamonga "Hillside District", and/or within the area 1)All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. 1) All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. identified on the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan, Exhibit V-7 as High Probability-High, 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils `report shall be furnished to fhe Consequence for Fire Risk. These locations have b "q been determined to be within the Hazardous City inspector. Any unusual toxicities. or nutrient deficient_ es ma require backfill soil' a end City inspector. Any unusual toxicities of nutrient deficiencies ma require :backfill soil amendments. y q m meats y - - Fire Area as defined by the Fire District:, The Hazardous Fire Area is based on maps produced by .,, as determined by the City inspector. as determined by the City inspector. the Calfornia,DePartment of Forestry.as adopted by the RCFPD. 3) All street trees are subject to inspection and acre lance: 3) All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering Services p_ bJ/ the Engineering Setvacaa Department. Department. 4) Street trees.are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 4) Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. Buildinq and Safety Services Department 24. A permit from the San Bernardino County Flood Control District is required for work within its Standard Conditions of Approval right-of-way. 1. Submit two sets of structural calculations, two sets of energy conservation calculations, and a soils 25. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, report. Architect's/Engineer's stamp and "wet" signature are required prior to plan check submittal. CITY electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in _accordance with the Utility Standards. 2. Submit five complete sets of plans including the following: DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: Easements shall be provided as required. 26. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. a. Site/Plot Plan; CITY OF RANCHO C U CAM O N GA b. Foundation Plan`and reverie foundation plan (when applicable); 27. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the c. Floor Plan; PRECISE GRADING PLANS Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the d. Roof and Floor Framing Plan and reverse Roof and Floor Framing Plan (when applicable); Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the e. Electrical Plans (2 sets, detached) including the size of main switch, number and size of service TRACT N O. 19917 CVWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such entrance conductors, panel schedules, and single line diagrams; letter must have been issued by the water district within -90 days prior to final map approval in the f. Plumbing and Sewer Plans, including isometrics, underground diagrams, water and waste case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential Projects. diagram, sewer or septic system location, fixture units, gas piping, and heating and air conditioning; CONDITIONS 0 F APPROVAL 28. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved, Approval and of the final parcel map will be subject to any requirements that may be received,.from them. g. Planning Department Project Number (i.e., S.UBTT, SUBTPM, MDR, CUP, DRG, etc.) clearly identified on the outside of all plans. Fire Prevention / New Construction Unit 3. Contractors must show proof of State and City licenses and Workers' Compensation cayera i he Cityo Q�pFESS/pN9 t . Standard Conditions of Approval - - Prior to permit issuance 4. Separate permits are required for fencing and/or walla. DESIGN RECOMMENDED AU DAVID EVANS t:J .eityofRG;us wwwCityofRC.us wwwciiyct us W m ANoASSOCIATESINC.i #t ated.' rao�o�e Printed.7r orzo`Ie;, P,nied 7,3012018 Page 12�u`b If��pr 'tagr No•$7222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 SHEET ` *4 * Ontario C ifornia 91764 12 OF 17 J� �I V 0- �Q' qTF OF CpO CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12/6972020 FILE NO Project#: SUBTT19917CE A2014-0002 Project SUBTT19917 CEQA2014-0017 3.D 2 1 Project#: SUBTT1991 'CEQA2014-00023 - 'Project- SUBTT19917 C tv - 4g33 bRC201$-00566 ie Q 3, DRC2018-8056& 2 RC 0 8 00566 J DRC2018.00566 J _ e. u., Project Name; Tract 19917 Project Name: Tract 19917 Project Name: Tract 19917 'Project Name` Tract 19917 ` Location: - 022610230-0000 s ~� Location: - 022610230-0000 Location: -'022610230-0000 Location: 022610230-0000 - - Project Type: Tentative Tract P - -- - Project T Te -ve Tract M _.- Project Type. Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review,,Vanance 1 yP ct Map CEQA Review, Variance Project Type. Tentative Tract Map CEQA Review, Variance ) Type- Project nG Map CEQA Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. Building and Safety Services Department Grading Section Grading Section Grading Section Standard Conditions,of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval Standard Conditions of Approval 5. A separate Grading and Drainage Plan check submittal is required for all new construction 16. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the engineer of r 28. On the rough grading plan and the precise grading and drainage plan the engineer of record shall 5. NOTE` The construction of this tract must be in accordance with the approved Fire 'Protection Plan q projects P y g . record shall certify the g and /or the California Building; this tract is located in the VHFHSZ. and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more functionality of the storm water quality management plan (.WQMP), best: 'management practices show in each of the typical 'sections and the plan view show how the separations between the BMP devices. building exterior and exterior ground surface meet the requirements of Sections CBC 1804.3CRC 6. The structures in this. tract must be equipped with automatic .fire sprinkler in accordance � of combined cut and. fill. The Grading ,and Drainage Plan shall, be prepared, stamped, and wet ( ) with the R401.3, CBC2304.11.2.2/CRC R317.1(2) and CBC2512.1.2/CRCR703.6.2.1 of the current adopted signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer. 17. The Water Quality Management` Plan (WQMP} _shall include :a copy of he project Conditions of California Building Code/Residential Code. approved Fire protection Plan and The California Residential Code 6. The applicant shall comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Dust Control Measures and place a Approval. 7. Provide compliance with the California Residential/Code Building Code .(CBC/CRC) for .property line - ;� clearances consideringuse, area, and fire-resistive construction. dust control sign on the project site prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 1.8. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the c g p public sealer water plans shall be 90% :complete as $ T. If a Rough Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit are submitted to the Building and Safety Official ,for reviewed by the Cucamonga Valley Water District. In :addition, the public sewer' mains shall be . Provide compliance with the California Building Code for required occupancy separations: review, that plan shall be a separate plan/permit from Precise Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit. extended to the westerly boundary of the subdivision. V. Roofing.material shall be installed;per,the manufacturer's "high wind" instructions. 8. A drainage study showing a 100-year, AMC 3 design storm event for on-site drainage shall be 19. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of 10. The Building and Safety Official shall provide street addresses after tract/parcel map recordation prepared and submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review and approval for on-site storm Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval and prior to issuance of Building Permits; water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. the Engineer of Record., 20. Prior to issuance: of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification 11. Construction activity shall not occur between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. Monday through Number (WDID): Saturday, with no construction on Sunday or holidays. 9. It shall be the, responsibility of ''the applicant to acquire.- any required off-site drainage easements prior to the issuance of a_grading permit. 21. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the 12. Prior to issuance of Building Permits for a new residential project or major addition, the .applicantbounds the structural calculations for the wall shall assume shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but are not limited to: 10. All slopes shall-be`.a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right of`way oradjacent private property:. property rY a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property (i..e. a�manufactured slope is not present). City Beautification Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Transportation Development Fee, Permit and Plan 11. Private sewer, water, and storm drain impraoved ents will be designed per the, latest adopted p 22. Prior to issuance of a wall permit a co g p pp e Check Fees. and School Fees.,. Applicant shall provide a copy of the school fees receipt to the California Plumbing Code. p copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval ;shaft b included within the engineered wall plans and calculations.. Building and Safety Services Department prior to permit issuance. 12. The final grading and ,drainage plan shall show existing_ topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond 23. Flow lines steeper than 6 percent could be erosive. The applicant shall provide' hard lined gutters 13. Plans shall be submitted for plan check' and approved prior to construction. All plans shall be project boundary. _ marked with the project file number (i.e., SUBTT, SUBTPM, MDR, CUP; DRC, etc). The applicant and swales where concentrated flows exceed 3fps, and anywhere that flow lines exceed 10 percent 13. The applicant shall provide a grading agreement and grading bond for all cut and fill combined 24. Prior shall comply with the latest adopted California Codes, and all other applicable codes, ordinances, to removing' fences or walls along common lot lines and prior to constructingwalls along and regulations in ..effect at the time of pp exceeding 5,OQ0:cubic yards prior to issuance of a grading permit. The grading agreement and : g g permit application. Contact the Building and Safety Services common lot lines the applicant shall pro-tide a letter from the adjacent property owner(s) allowin" bond shall be approved by the Building and Safety Official Department for availability of the Code Adoption Ordinance and applicable handouts. adjacent property. 14. The precise grading and drainage plan shall follow the ,fomyat provided,, in -the City of Rancho 25. In thetrails: - Provide PVCt fient:e= 4 thick D G surface, parallel drainage V ditch, bridge Cucamonga handout, Information for Grading Plans and Permit Grading Section over V ditch where necessary for access corals, gates to corrals, S< 5% cross fall 2%, S>5% cross 15.,Grading; inspections: a) Prior to the start of grading operations the owner and grading contractor fall 4%. o 0 9 9 Water bars required at the spacing for the,slopes shown respectively: 50` for 4/o to 6/o; 40' Standard Conditions of Approval shall request a pre-grading meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the project for 6% to 9%, 30' for 9% to 12%, 20' for 12%+. in. the equestrian trails water bars shall also be 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with current adopted California Building owner/representative, the grading contractor and the Building 1rispector to discuss about grading placed at the top and bottom where the 'gradient ;of, the trail changes, i.e. 9 _ g a steep downhill slope Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The Grading and Drainage Plan(s) requirements and preventive measures, etc. If a pre-grading meeting is not held within 24 hours which will cause additional erosion to the trail. shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan. from the start of grading operations, the grading permit :may be subject to suspension by the 26. The land owner shall provide an inspection report `b a Building Inspector-, P P p y qualified_ person/company on a biennial basis 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer licensed by the State of California to perform 9 p ctor, b) The grading contractor shall call into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Building for the underground infiltration chambers to the Cityof Rancho Cucamonga Environmental such work. Two copies will be provided at grading and drainage plan submittal for review. Plans and Safety Department at least 1 working day in advance to request the following grading 9 e tal Program Manager. Thee land owner shall maintain on a regular basis all best management practices (BMP"s) shall implement design recommendations per said report, inspections prior to continuing grading operations: i) The bottom of the over-excavation; ii) as described in the Storm Water Quality Management Plan prepared for the subject project. All 3. A geologic report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer or Engineering Geologist and submitted Completion of Rough Grading, prior to issuance of the building permit, III) At the completion of costs associated-with the underground infiltration chamber are the responsibilityof the land owner. Rough Grading, the grading contractor or owner shall submit to the Permit Technicians (Building at the time of application for Grading and Drainage Plan review. and Safety front Counter) an original and a copy of the Pad Certifications to be prepared by and 27. If the depths of the infiltration pits is 10-feet or greater below grade the applicant shall provide a 4. The final Grading and Drainage Plan, appropriate` certifications and compaction reports shall be properly wet signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer of Record; iv) The rough copy of EPA Form 7520-16 (Inventory of Injection Wells) with the Facility ID Number assigned to the completed, submitted, and approved by the -wilding and Safety Official prior to the issuance of grading certificates and the compaction reports will be reviewed by the Associate Engineer or a Building and Safety Services Department Official prior to issuance of the Grading Permit. building permits. designated person and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. WWW:CityofRC.ts W cityotRCus viwww.CityofR�.us R 4k w.CityotlRG�s; Pndfed 7�l,;ftlh011 Page �,.� P teC ^'F Pace o'15 ° ^'el 13C-- t& Pace 9 a'^ced 3 Page 18;of:18 DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE CITY APPROVED: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PRECISE GRADING PLANS TRACT NO. 19917 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL v�DfESS/ON ql�. DESIGN RECOMMENDED Fs9 �c AU DAVID EVANS Q c� '° m ANDASSOCIATES INC. Lu No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET yt * Ontario California 91764 13 OF 17 qTF OF CpO CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 �9 2�20 FILE NO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48` PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N.Q. 184 SUBTT19917— CASTILLO SUBTT19917— CASTILLO SUBTT19917—CASTILLO August 8, 2018 ° ° August 8, 2018 August=8;,2018 2 Page e Page 3 Page 4. RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 - � .�t , A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF d. The zoning of the property and all surrounding properties is VeryLow VL a. That the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, agencies raised questions that required further environmental study, and the revision and' ) and any applicable specific plans. The application proposes to subdivide the 7.17 acre project recirculation of the IS/MND. The IS/MND was revised significantly as requested and now als RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan; and � p I q o site into 10 parcels for future single-family residential development. The underlying General Plan includes revised discussion and additional mitigations related to•noise impacts. The IS/MND was_ TRACT MAP SUBTT19917, A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE 7.17 ACRES g Very ( ) Residential; and INTO 10 LOTS IN THE VERY LOW (VL) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OF e. The proposed project involves the subdivision of a 7.17 acre parcel into 10 lots designation is Ve Low VL recirculated., No additional comments have been received in response to this recirculated THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC .PLAN, LOCATED NORTH OF THE 210 for future'residential-development; environmental document; and and FREEWAY AND EAST OF EAST AVENUE AT THE EAS TERLY b. The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans. The project site is vacant and the b. The Planning Commission has reviewedthe Mitigated Negative Declaration and EXTENSION OF WILSHIRE DRIVE AND COPLEY DRIVE; AND MAKING f. Development/construction of the homes following the subdivision of the property will be by others, as it is not the intent of the applicant to do so themselves; and proposed land use is consistent with the land uses within the vicinity where the project is located all comments received regarding the Mitigated Negative Declaration and, based on the whole FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 0226-102-30: - and the expectations of the community. The zoning of the property is Very Low (VL) Residential record before it, finds: (i) that the Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with g. The site is located'withih the'Very' Low (VL) Residential District of the Etiwanda District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan; and CEQA; and (ii) that, based on the imposition of mitigation measures, there is no substantial A. Recitals. Specific Plan (ESP), which permits a maximum density of 2 dwelling units per acre, with an C. The site evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning 9 q p e is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. The 7.17' Commission further finds that the Mitigated Negative Declaration reflects the independent average lot size of 25,000 and a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. Lots within the proposed 1. Bob Castillo filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map SUBTT19917, subdivision range in size from 23,276 square feet to 25,557 square feet, with an average lot size acre project site is adjacent to existing residential land uses to the north and east and will obtain judgment and analysis t the Planning Commission. Based on these findings, the Planning as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative q access through the continuation of the existing street network through the extension of Wilshire Commission hereby adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and of 25,078 square feet; and g 9 Drive and Copley Drive; and Tract Map, is referred to, 'the application." C. The Planning Commission has also 'reviewed and considered the :Mitigation p PP h. The project complies with all applicable development standards as de&crt�ed in 2: On March g, 201 , the planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and Figure 5-2 of the ESP and the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code; and d. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental Monitoring Program for the project that has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Public g damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat. The proposed project is for Resources Code Section 21081.6 and finds that such Program is designed to ensure compliance conducted a duly notice public hearing on the application and continued the application to a date implementation. The Planning Commission therefore non-spec the subdivision of the 7.17 acre site into 10 lots for future residential development. No homes are with the mitigation measures during project im k. I. One neighborhood meeting was conducted to gather input and comments from P P the owners of the surrounding properties within 660 feet of the site. The meeting was held at, proposed in conjunction with this tentative tract map. Mitigation measures described in the Initial adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project; and 3. On August 8, 2018, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Summit Intermediate School located at 5959 East Avenue on November 17, 2015. No members Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) will be implemented during the construction and of the public attended the scheduled neighborhood meeting .and no public comments were operation of the project; and d. The custodian of records for the Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration, `conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. submitted in advance of the meeting; and Mitigation Monitoring Program and all other materials which constitute the record of proceedings e. The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems. The upon which the Planning Commission's decision is based is the Planning Manager of the City of 4 proposed subdivision was designed to meet all applicable development standards outlined in the Rancho Cucamonga. Those documents are available for public review in the Planning '. ;All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. j. The Design and Technical Review Committees reviewed the project on Development Code and Etiwanda Specific Plan, and the design development start P y of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic August 4, 2015 and both recommended approval of the proposed subdivision to the Planning p p 9 p. standards and Department of the City g Center Drive, Rancho B. Resolution. Commission; ..and policies of the Planning Commission; and Cucamonga, California 91730, telephone (9.09) 477-2750. NOIN; THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planningk. The project does not include the construction of houses. The architecture of the f. The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1; 2, 3, and 4 above, Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: subject to review and action by the Design Review Committee the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and eve condition set forth houses:for this subdivision will be sub p every and Planning Commission at a later date following the submittal of a Design Review application; subdivision. There are no public easements across the project site. below and in the Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 1. This Commission hereby specil)icaily finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, and 4: Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Mitigated Negative Environmental Mitigation Part A, of this Resolution are true and con'ect, Declaration,..together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment I. The Trails Advisory Committee reviewed the project..on September 9, 2015 and for the application, the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the Air Quality 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- recommended approval:of the`proposed subdivision to the Planning Commission; and project will have a significant effect upon, the environment and adopts a Mitigated Negative. referenced public hearing on August 8, 2018, including written and oral staff reports, together with Declaration and Monitoring Program 9Short Te , o public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: m. As required-by Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52), the City submitted Tribal Consultation 9 9 attac`h0d hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, rm.fC nstruction) Emissions Requests to the several Tribal Governments that requested to be notified following a based upon the findings as follows: 1) All clearing, grading, earth-moving, or excavation activities shall a. The' application applies to a 7.17 acre site, located directly north of the 210 ,completeness determination for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT19917. The notices were mailed on Freeway at the future easterly extensions of Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive, which is located September 10, 2015 and provided for a 30-day comment period ending on October 12, 2015. No a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA and the City's cease when winds exceed 25 mph per SCAQMD guidelines in order generally in the area east of East Avenue and south of Banyan Street; and response to the Tribal Consultation Request was received; and local CEQA Guidelines, City staff prepared an Initial Study (IS) of the potential environmental to limit fugitive dust emissions. effects of the project. Based on the findings contained in that IS, City staff determined that, with b. The property to the north of'the subject site contains existingsingle-family homes n. This application was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valle Dail the imposition of mitigation measures related to Aesthetics, Agricultural Resources, Air Quality, 2) The contractor shall ensure that all disturbed unpaved roads and (Tract 18708; a 7-lot subdivision), the property to the south is the Foothill Freeway (SR-210) and :Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, disturbed areas within the Project are watered at least three (3) times beyond that are existing single-family homes, to the east is the East Etiwanda Creek and the San within a 660-foot radius of the project site. Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, and Tribal Cultural Resources there would be no substantial daily during dry weather. Watering, with complete coverage of evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the environment. Based on that disturbed areas, shal[ occur at least three times a day, preferably in Sevaine Flood Control Basin, and the property to the west is asingle-family tract currently under determination, a Mitigated Negative Declaration the midmorning, afternoon, and after work is done for the da construction(Tract 18122, a 76-lot subdivision); and 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- 9 9 (MND) was prepared. Thereafter, the City staff 9, y referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration. The City received comments from the San Bernardino Count Department 3) The contractor shall ensure that traffic speeds on unpav C. The project site ed roads,and` is rectangular in shape with an east-west dime i nson of above; this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: y De p of Public Works (SBCDPW) and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Both Project site areas are reduced to 15 miles per hour or less:approximately 330 feet and anorth-south dimension of approximately 940'feet and P PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIC)N,r4O, 18-40 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION;NO. 18-48 SUBTT19917— CASTILLO.' SUBTT19917— CASTILLO SUBTT19917— CASTILLO August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 4) All construction equipment shall be maintained in good operating result of hauling. Timing may vary depending upon ,the_time of conducted by a permitted biologist; and the USFWS shall be condition so as to reduce operational emissions. The contractor shall year of construction. consulted for incidental take permitting if SBKR are found on-site. ensure that all construction equipment is being properly serviced and -maintained as per manufacturers' specifications. ,Maintenance Suspend grading operations during high winds (i.e., wind speeds 2) Three days prior to the removal of vegetation or ground-disturbing records shall be available at the construction site for City verification. exceeding 25 mph) in accordance with Rule 403 requirements. activities, a breeding bird survey that is in conformance with the Migratory Bird Act shall be required to determine whether nesting is 5) Prior to the issuance of any grading .permits, the developer shall • Maintain a,minimum 24-inch freeboard ratio on soils hcJU1 trucks occurring. Occupied nests shall not be disturbed unless a qualified Submit construction plans to the City denoting the proposed schedule or cover payloads using tarps or other suitable means. biologist verifies through non-invasive methods that either (a) the and projected equipment use. Construction contractors shall provide adult birds have not begun egg-laying or incubation; or (b) the°11) The site shall be treated with water or other soil-stabilizing agent juveniles from the occupied nests are foraging independent) and are evidence that low emission mobile construction equipment will be y utilized; or that their use was investigated and found to be infeasible (approved by SCAQMD and Regional Water Quality Control Board capable of independent survival. If the biologist is unable to verify one for the project: Contractors shall also conform to any construction (RWQCB)) daily to reduce PM,o emissions, in accordance with of the above conditions, then no disturbance shall occur within 300 measures imposed by the South Coast Air Quality Management SCAQMD_ Rule 403. feet of non-raptor nests, and within 5,000 feet of raptor nests, during 'District(:SCAQMD) as well as City Planning Staff. 12) Chemical soil-stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall the breeding season to avoid abandonment of the young. be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for fs neisa t of tliey shall be avoided through the 6 fuel powered,equipment where feasi construction contractor shall ibze electric or _clean alternative _ 96 hours-or more to reduce PM,o emissions. appropriate buffer setback, as determined by a P le qualified wildlife biologist. The temporary "no construction" area shall 7) The construction contractor shall..ensure that construction-grading Long Term Proiect Operational Impacts be maintained until the nest has completed its cycle, as determined by a qualified wildlife biologist. Once the nest-cycle is complete and plans include a statement that work, crews will shut off equipment 13) Improve thermal integrity of the buildings and reduce thermal load all nestlings have fledged and have left the nest, construction in the when not in use. with automated time;clocks or occupant sensors. area may resume. 8) All asphalt shall meet or exceed performance standards noted in SCAQMD Rule 1108. 14) Landscape with native and/or drought-resistant species to reduce 3) Perform a Burrowing Owl Survey that is in conformance with the water consumption and to provide passive solar benefits. Department of Fish and Wildlife Staff Report on Burrowing Owl 0) All paints and coatings shall meet or exceed performance standards Mitigation and submit the written report outlining the findings to the noted in SCAQMD Rule 1113. Paints and coatings shall be applied 15) Provide lighter color roofing and road materials and tree planting California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Planning either by hand or high-volume, low-pressure spray. programs to comply with the AQMP,Miscellaneous Sources MSC-01 Department within 30 days of groundbreaking activity. The survey measure. shall include a habitat assessment, survey and impact analysis. The 10) All construction equipment shall comply with SCAQMD Rules- 402 Burrowing Owl Survey shall follow,the following protocol: and 403. Additionally; contractors shall include the following 'l6) All residential and commercial structures shall be required to provisions: incorporate high-efficiency/low-polluting heating, air conditioning, A Burrowing Owl Survey methodology shall be based on CITY appliances, and water heaters. Appendix D (Breeding and Non-Breeding Season Surveys and DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: Re-establish ground cover on the construction site through' Reports) of the CDFW Staff Report. Results of the pre- seeding and watering. ) All residential and commercial structures shall be required to construction survey shall be provided to CDFW and the City. If CITY OF RANCHO C U CAM O N GA incorporate thermal pane windows and weather-strippin9� the Pre-construction surve y does not identify burrowing owls on +�= Pave or apply gravel to any on-site haul roads. - the project site, then no further mitigation is required. If 1'8_) All"new development in the City of Rancho`Cucamonga shaltcomply burrowing owls are found to be utilizing the project site during PRECISE GRADING PLANS Phase grading to with South Coast Air Quality Management District's Rule 445, Wood the pre-construction survey, measures shall be developed by �` g g prevent the susceptibility of I`airge p e s for Burning Devices. Rule 445 was adopted in March 2008 to reduce the qualified biologist in coordination with CDFW to avoid TRACT NO. 19917 erosion over extended periods of time. P emissions of PM2 5 and precludes the installation of indoor or outdoor Impacting occupied burrows during the nesting period. These wood burning devices (i.e. fireplaces/hearths) in new development measures shall be based on the most current CDFW protocols • Schedule activities to minimize the amounts of exposed on or after March 9, 2009. - RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL excavated soil during and after the end of work periods. - and will at minimum include establishment of buffer setbacks • Dispose of surplus excavated material it accordance., from,occupied burrows and owl monitoring. If ground-disturbing Biological Resources activities are delayed or suspended for more than 30 days after _ viiith to l ordinances and use sound engineering practices. the pre-construction survey, the site shall be resurveyed for 1) Within 30 days prior to the initiation of groundbreaking activity, owls., perform a focused trapping survey for the San Bernardino kangaroo oQ�pFESS/oNq� - Sweep streets according to a schedule established by the City if rat (SBKR) following the United- States Fish and Wildlife Service ��, � � �, DESIGN RECOMMENDED • During the non-breeding season from September 1 through �`` ���` Fs9 �� AU DAVID EVANS Q silt; s carried over to adjacent public thoroughfares or occurs as a rat(S IS) protocol. The SBKR focused trapping survey shall be Service January 31, if burrows are occupied by migratory or non- cD m ANDASSOCIATES INC. � No.s7222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET * * Ontario California 91764 14 OF 17 J� HIV I\- �Q' q�F OF CA��F CHECKED — ,T__,�=� R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 09 2020 FILE NO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING:COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO;�1,8=4$ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 _ 17- CASTILLO SUBTT19917- CASTILLO SUBTT19917- CASTILLO SUBTT19917- CASTILLO SUBTT199 August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Geology and Soils manufactured locally. Use "Green Building Materials" such as mig- resident burrowing owls during a pre-construction + Qv $der establishing provisions to require incorporation of materials that are resource y y :archaeological sites within new developments, usin � special = - u ce efficient, recycledand�manufactured in an survey, burrow exclusion anal/or closure may be used to .� p using,their s eci 1) Thp� site shall be treated with water or other soil-stabilizing agent environmentally friendly way including, low-volatile-organic- exclude owls from those burrows. Burrow exclusion and/or gUa .es as a theme or focal pomp (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) daily to reduce PM,o compound (VOC) materials.closure should only be conducted by a qualified wildlife biologist Pursue educating the public about the archaeblogical:beritage cif,' emf§sions, in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 403 or re-planted with in .coordination with CDFW using the most current Cf� 111 _ guidelines. the area. drought resistant landscaping as soon as possible. 8) Design all buildings to exceed California Building Code Title 24 energy'standard,including but not limited to any combination of; Prepare a mitigation plan consistent with Section 21083.2 2) Frontage public streets shall be swept according to a schedule • During the avian nesting season from February 1 throughIr�c� '�ed insulation. established by the City to reduce PM,o emissions associated with August 31, if nests are discovered, they shall be avoided Archaeological resources of CEQA to eliminate adverse project vehicletitracking of soil off-site. Timing may vary depending upon the through establishment of an appropriate buffer setback, as effecti on significant, important and unique prehistoric determined by a qualified wildlife biologist. The temporary "no resources, including but not Limited to, avoiding archaeological time ofi yrear of construction. Limit'ak leakage through the structure. construction" area would have to be maintained until the nest sites, capping or covering sites with soil, planning the site as a park or green space or paying an in-kind mitigation fee. 3) Grading operations shall be suspended when wind speeds exceed • Incorporate Energy Star or better rated windows, space heating has completed its cycle, as determined by a qualified wildlife biologist. Once the nest cycle is complete and all nestlings have 25 mph to minimize PMro emissions from the site during such and cooling equipment, light fixtures, and appliances. fledged and have left the nest, construction in the area may • episodes. Prepare a technical resources management report, documenting • resume. the inventory, evaluation, and proposed mitigation of resources Landscape and develop site utilliltig shade,p►availing,winds and within the project area. Submit one copy of the completed report 4) Chemical soil-stabilizers (approved by SCAQMD and RWQCB) shall landscaping. 4) A qualified biologist shall monitor cleanng.and grubbing activities as with original Illustrations, to the San Bernardino County be applied to all inactive construction areas that remain inactive for they impact vegetation onsite. A qualified biologist shall inspect Archaeological Information Center for permanent archiving. 96 hours or more to`reduce PM o emissions. install efficient lighting and lighting control systems: debris piles, pipes, burrows, vegetation, leaf litter piles, and other Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Install light:colored"cod)"roofs and cool pavements. potential refu is for sensitive wildlife ,species 2) tf any pa eontological resource (i.e: plant or animal fossils) are P 9� prior to initiation of clearing, ,grubbing, grading, or any other Project activity that may encountered before or during grading, the developer will retain a injure or kill sensitive wildlife species. If wildlife is discovered, the qualified paleontologist to monitor construction activities, Cumulative Short Term (Construction) GHG Emissions • Install solar or light emitting diodes(LED's)for outdoor Iigfhtingl. ,. to take - - qualified biologist shall move it out of.ftim's way or allow it to move appropriate measures to protect or preserve them for study. The 1) The project must comply with all rules that assist in raducing short- 9) Prepare a comprehensive water conservation strategy appropriate safely out of the work area prior to initiation of Project activities. paleontologist shall submit a report of findings that will also provide �- term air pollutant emission in compliance with SCAQMD Rule 403 � for the.project and include the followin specific recommendations regarding further mitigation measures g�, i.e., regarding fugitive dust including treating the site with water or other Potential day roosts for pallid bat(e.g., caves, crevices, mines, hollow (� paleontological .monitoring} that may be appropriate. Where: . soil-stabilizing agent twice daily or replanting disturbed areas as F Install' water efficient landiscapes and irrigation systems and trees, buildings., etc.) shall be:inspected by a qualified 'bat biologist mitigation monitoring is appropriate, the program must include, but quickly as possible.q Y p devices in compliance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga,Water prior to initial disturbance. If bats are roosting, a bat exclusion not. be limited to, the following measures: Efficient Landscape Ordinance. plan shall 1 be prepared and submitted to CDFW for review prior to 2) The construction contractor shah select construction equipment impacts. If a,colony is discovered during the breeding season (March- Assign a paleontological monitor, trained and equipped to allow based on low-emission factors and high energy efficiency and submit Use reclaimed water for landscaping within the roe i the rapid removal of fossils with minimal construction delay, to the P 9 project ct f available October), the biologist shall determine` appropriate avoidance a statement on the grading plan that ensures all construction and/or install the infrastructure to deliver and use reclaimed c aimed Ovate[. measures, including, but not limited tosound walls, buffers, and,,, site;full-time during the interval_of_earth-disturbing activities. equipm�lrit will be tuned and maintatCt�d in accordance with the Project phai�ing/timing to prevent disturbance to the colony Until all, manufactures' specification. Design building to be water efficient by installing water efficient Should fossils be found within an area beta cleared or raded, 9 young are weaned and capable of foraging independently. g 9 fixtures and appliances including low flow faucets, dual flush divert earth-disturbing activities elsewhere until the monitor has 3) Trucks shall not idle continuously-for more than 5 minutes. toilets and waterless urinals/water heaters: Cultural Resources completed salvage. If construction personnel make the discovery,the grading contractor should immediate) divert construction and Y 4) Alternative fuel powered equipment shall be utilized in lieu of • Design irrigation to Control runoff and to- remove waikef tb 11). If any prehistoric archaeological resources are encountered before or notify the monitor of the find. gasoline- or diesel-powered engines where feasible. vegetated surfaces. non- during grading, the developer will retain a qualified archaeologist to monitor construction activities, to take appropriate measures to Prepare, identity, and curate all recovered fossils for 5) Construction should be timed so as not to interfere with peak-hour 10) Reuse and recycle construction and demolition waste. Provide protect or preserve them for study. With the assistance of the documentation in the summary report and transfer to an traffic. archaeolo i%, the Cityof Rancho Cucamonga will: appropriate de osito i.e., San�Be interior and exterior storage areas for recyclables and green waste in g P rY ( ardino County Museum), public area: 'Educate employees, about reducing wasteznd about - $ g incentives shall be supported and recycling,.. Ridesharin and transit. • Enact .i,enm measures to protect undesignated sites ftorn Subm[ltsti'mmary report to City of Rancho Cucamonga. Transfer encouraged for the construction,crew. dem litfo`h or significant modification without an opportunity for, colleetad specimens with a copy of the report to San Bernardino the City to establish its archaeological value. County Museum. Cumulative Long Term (Operational) GHG Emissions 7) Construction and `Building materials shall be produced and/or PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING COMMISSIOR RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 SUBTT19917- CASTILLO SUBTT19917- CASTILLO SUBTT19917- CASTILLO ` August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Hydrology'and rater Quality RedevelopmQitadop'ted by the city of llancho Cucamonga in June 2) Noise barriers shall be constructed as either a solid wall, or a 2004. combination of an earthen berm and wall such that the top of wall for Construction Activities either the six-foot high or eight-foot high wall (measured from the 7) Landscaping plans shall include provisions for controlling and finished lot grade/pad grade) is at the minimum required height (top- 1} Prior to issuance of grading permits, the permit applicant shall submit minimizing the use of fertilizers/pesticides/herbicides. Landscaped of-wall elevation of 1,421 feet). The sound attenuation wall shall be to the Building Official for approval, a Storm Water Pollution areas shall be monitored and maintained for at least two years to solid and constructed of concrete masonry units (CMU) with p Prevention Plan (SWPPP) specifically identifying Best Management ensure adequate coverage and stable growth. Plans for these areas, cracks or gaps, through or below the wall. Any seams or cracks must Practices (BMPs) that shall be used on-site to reduce pollutants including monitoring provisions for a minimum of two years, shall be be filled or caulked. Any gate(s) proposed to be constructed in a during construction activities entering the storm drain system to the submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the issuance of sound wall must be designed with overlapping closures. The gate(s) maximum extent practical. grading permits_. may be of 3/-inch thick or greater wood, solid-sheet metal of at least 18-gauge metal, or an exterior-grade solid-core steel door with 2 An Erosion Control Plan shall be prepared, included in°the Grading 8) Prior to issuance.of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the prefabricated door jambs. Plan, and implemented for the proposed project that identifies specific City Building Official for approval of a Water Quality Management measures to control on-site and off-site erosion from the time ground Plan (WQMP), including a project description and identifying Best Interior disturbing activities are initiated through completion of grading. This Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on-site to reduce Erosion Control Plan shall include the following measures at a pollutants into the storm drain system to the maximum extent House product is not proposed at this time as the applicant only proposes minimum: a) Specify the timing of grading and construction to practicable. The WQMP shall identify the structural and non-structural to subdivide the project site for future residential development. An analysis minimize soil exposure to rainy periods experienced in Southern measures consistent with the Guidelines for New Development and of interior noise levels generated by external sources will be required with d eevelopment adopted by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in June any proposal to, construct all 10 houses within the project or with any California, and b} An inspection and maintenance program shall be R included to ensure that any erosion which does occureither on-site 2004. proposal to construct each house within the project (e.g., proposals for or off-site as a result single-lot development that are submitted individually). This noise analysis . of this project will be corrected through a g Prior to issuance of grading or paving L will .be required to determine and discuss the mitigation. measures remediation or restoration program within a specified time frame_ ) 9 9 p g permits, the applicant shall necessary to attenuate, control, and maintain interior .noise levels to 45 obtain a Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with obtaining coverage 3) During construction, temporary berms such as sandbags or gravel under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) CNEL or less. Once these mitigation measures have been determined, the dikes must be used to prevent discharge of debris:orsediment from General Construction Storm Water Permit from the State Water project proponent for the house product will be required to implement them. -the site when there is rainfall or other runoff. Resources Control Board. Evidence that this has been obtained (i.e., 3) Prior to the issuance of any grading plans a construction-related a copy of the Waste 'Discharger's Identification Number) shall be 4) During construction, to remove pollutants, street cleaning will be submittedi;to the City Building Official for coverage under the NPDES noise mitigation plan shall be submitted to the City for review and performed prior to storm events and after the use of water trucks to General:Construction Permit. approval. The Plan shall depict the location of the construction equipment and how the noise from this equipment would be mitigated control dust in order to prevent discharge of debris or sediment from 10) The developer shall implement the BMPs identified in the Water during construction. the site. Quality Management Plan prepared by (HP Engineering, April 2015) 5) Prior to issuance of grading or paving permits, the applicant shall to reduce construction pollutants from entering the storm drain 4) During all project site excavation and grading, the project contractors CITY shall equip all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, with properly DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: obtain a Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with. obtaining coverage system to the maximum extent practical. operating and maintained mufflers consistent with the manufacturers' under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)General Construction Storm Water Permit from the State Water Noise standards. CITY OF RANCHO C U CAM O N GA Resources Control Board. Evidence that this has been obtained (i.e., Exterior 5) The project contractor shall place all stationary construction a copy of the Waste Discharger's Identification Number) shall be equipment so that .emitted noise is directed away from sensitive PRECISE GRADING PLANS submitted to the.City Building Official for coverage under the NPDES 1 A .noise barrier with a top-of-wall elevation of 1,421 feet (stepped receptors nearest-the project site.General_construction Permit. ) p- ( pped down slightly from the 1,421.6 foot top-of-wall height of the existing Post-Construction Operational sound attenuation wall in place at the adjacent Tract 18122 property, 6) The construction contractor shalt locate equipment staging in areas TRACT N O. 19917 located to the west of the project site) shall be constructed along the that will create the greatest distance between construction-related entire length of the south property lines of Lots 8, 9, and 10, and noise sources and noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL 6} Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the City Building Official for approval of a Water Quality Management extending approximately 40 feet north (measured from the south during all project construction. Plan (WQMP), including a project description and identifying Best property line) along the east property line of Lot 10. Construction of Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used on-site to reduce this noise barrier shall be completed prior to the occupancy of any all obtain the City's approval for its haul 7) The constrt�dtioncontractor sh pollutants into the storm drain system to the maximum extent new house associated with the subject tentative tract map. plan, with the planned haul truck routes avoiding residential areas to Q�DfESS/pNibl t fe asible.e.practicable. The WQMP shall identify the structural and non-structural the ex ��o � � q�F DESIGN RECOMMENDED measures consistent with the Guidelines for New Development and �` Fs9 !e AU DAVID EVANS Q cD ran ANDASSOCIATES INC. � No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET * * Ontario California 91764 15 OF 17 J� �I V I� �Q' qTF OF CpO CHECKED R.C.E. No 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 09 2020 FILE NO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO '18w48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONLNO. 18-48 SUBTT19917— CASTILLO SUBTT19917 CASTILLO SUBTT19917— CASTILLO SUBTT19917— CASTILLO August 8,2.018 Y August 8, 2018 August 8, 201.,8 August 8, 2018 . Page 1Y Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 8) The construction contractor shall change the timing and/or sequence archeological resources. The applicant shall submit the results of find. Work on the other portions of the project outside of the buffered The Lead Agency and/or applicant shall, in good faith, consult with of the noisiest construction operations to avoid sensitive times of the these consultations to the City prior to issuance of grading permits for area may continue during this assessment period. The archaeologist the SMBMI on the disposition and treatment of any artifacts or other day. the project site. shall contact the SMBMI for input regarding the preservation, cultural materials encountered during the project. retention and final disposition of any-'discovered cultural resources. 9) Construction or grading shall not take place between the hours of 2) In the event that human remains or funerary objects are encountered The archaeologist shall prepare a mitigation plan and technical 5) Non-Native American `artifacts shall be inventoried, assessed, and 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any during any activities associated with the project, work in the resources management report, which shall document the inventory, analyzed for cultural affiliation, personal affiliation (prior ownership), time on Sunday or a national holiday. immediate vicinity(within a 100-foot buffer of the find)shall cease and evaluation, and proposed mitigation of resources within the project function, and temporal placement. Subsequent to analysis and the County Coroner shall be contacted pursuant to State Health and area. Additionally, the SMBMI will be contacted if any such find occurs reporting, these artifacts shall be subjected to curation or returned'to 10) Construction or grading noise levels shall not exceed the standards Safety Code §7050.5, and that,code shall be enforced for the duration and be provided information and permitted/invited to perform a site the Property Owner/Developer, as deemed appropriate. specified in Development Code Section 17.66.050, as measured at of the project. visit when the archaeologist makes his/her assessment, so as to the property line. Developer shall hire a consultant to perform weekly provide Tribal input. Once ground=aftering activities have ceased or the Project noise level monitoring as specified in Development Code Section Prior to the start of ground disturbing activities, the land owner shall Archaeologist determines that monitoring activities are no longer 17.66.050. Monitoring at other times may be required by the Building arrange a designated site location within the footprint of the project All archaeological resources unearthed by project construction necessary, monitoring activities may be discontinued following Official. Said consultant shall report their findings to the Building for the respectful reburial of the human remains and/or ceremonial activities shall be-evaluated by the Qualified Archaeologist and Native notification'. to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Official within 24 hours; however, if noise levels exceed the above objects. Any discoveries of human skeletal material shall be Monitor. If the resources are Native American in origin, the Tribe(s) Department., standards, then the consultant shall immediately notify the Building immediately reported to the County Coroner. The monitor will then shall coordinate with the landowner regarding treatment and curation Official. If noise levels exceed the above standards, then construction notify the Qualified Archaeologist and the construction manager who of these resources. Typically, the Tribe(s) will request reburial or 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoptpn of this Resolution. activities shall be reduced in intensity to a level of compliance with will call the coroner. Work will continue to be diverted while the preservation for educational purposes. If a resource is determined by above noise standards or halted. coroner determines whether the remains are Native American. The the Qualified Archaeologist to constitute a "historical resource" APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 8TH DAY OF AUGUST 2018.. discovery is to be kept confidential and secure to prevent any further pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5(a) or has a "unique 11) Haul truck deliveries shall not take place between 'the hours of disturbance. If Native American, the coroner will notify the NAHC as archaeological resource"pursuant to Public Resources Code Section PLANNING CO.MMISSI, N OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM.ONGA, 8:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or at any mandated by state law who will then appoint a Most Likely 21083.2(g), the Qualified Archaeologist shall coordinate with the time on Sunday or a national holiday. Additionally, if heavy trucks Descendent. In the case where discovered human remains cannot be applicant and the City to develop a formal treatment plan that would used for hauling would exceed 100 daily trips (counting both to and fully documented and recovered on the same day, the remains will be serve to, reduce impacts to the resources. The treatment plan i from the construction site), then the developer shall prepare a noise covered with muslin cloth and a steel plate that can be moved by established for the resources shall be in accordance with 10EQA mitigation plan denoting any construction traffic haul routes and Heavy equipment placed over the excavation opening to protect the Guidelines Section 15064.5(f) for historical resources and Public By: include appropriate noise mitigation measures. To the extent feasible, remains. if this type of steel plate is not available, a 24-hour guard Resources Code Sections 21083.2(b) for unique archaeological Rich Macias, Chairman the plan shall denote haul routes that do not pass sensitive land uses should be posted outside of working hours. The Tribe(s) will make resources. Preservation in place (i.e., avoidance) is the preferred or residential dwellings. every effort to recommend diverting the project and keeping the manner of treatment.If preservation in place is not feasible, treatment remains in situ and protected. If the project cannot be diverted, it may may include implementation of archaeological data recovery Tribal Cultural Resources be determined that burials will be removed. The Tribe(s) will work. ,excavations to remove the resource along with subsequent laboratory ATTEST:: closely with the,Qualified Archaeologist to ensure that the excavation processing and analysis. Any historic archaeological material that is Candyce B ett Secre ary 1) The applicant shall contact the SMBMI to discuss Tribal Monitoring of is treated carefully, ethically, and respectfully. If data recovery is not Native American in origin shall be cueated at a public, non-profit the project during all ground disturbing activities, and any trenching approved by the Tribe(s), documentation shall be taken which institution with a research interest in the materials, such as the San I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and Bernardino County Museum, if such an institution agrees to accept below the initial grade level, to ensure that cultural resources that may includes at a minimum detailed descriptive notes and sketches. adopted b the Planning Commission be encountered during ground disturbances are protected and Additional types of documentation shall be approved by the Tribe(s). the material. If no institution accepts the archaeological material, they p Y g son of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a.regular meeting of preserved for study. The monitor(s) must be approved by the Tribal for data recovery purposes. Cremations will either be removed in bulk shall be donated to a local school or historical society in the area for the Planning Commission held on the 8th day of August 2018, by the following vote-to-wit Representatives and will be present on-site during ground disturbing or by means as necessary to ensure completely recovery of all educational purposes. activities. The Native American Monitor(s) will complete monitoring material. If the discovery of human remains includes 4 or more AYES` COMMISSIONERS: Gt)GLIELMOti'MACIAS',",MUNOZ logs on a daily basis. The logs will provide descriptions of the daily burials, the location is considered a cemetery and a separate 4) In the event that significant Native American historical resources, as activities, including construction activities, locations, soil, and any treatment plan shall be created. The project applicant shall consult defined by CEQA(as amended, 2015), are discovered and avoidance NOES: COMMISSIONERS. cultural materials identified. In addition, the monitor(s)will be required with the Tribe(s) regarding avoidance of all cemetery sites. Once cannot be ensured, an SOI-qualified archaeologist shall be retained to provide insurance certificates, including liability insurance, for any complete, a final report of all activities are to be submitted to the to develop a cultural resources Treatment Plan, as well as a ABSENT- COMMISSIONERS: OAXACA WIMBERLY archaeological resource(s) encountered during grading and NAHC. The Tribe(s) do NOT authorize any scientific study_ or the Discovery and Monitoring Plan, the drafts of which shall be provided excavation activities pertinent to the provisions outlined in the utilization of any invasive diagnostics on human remains. to the SMBMI for review and comment. ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: California Environmental Quality Act, California Public Resources Code Division 13, and Section 21083.2 (a) through (k). The on-site 3) In the event that Native American cultural resources are discovered All in-field investigations, assessments,and/or data recovery enacted monitoring shall end when the project site grading and excavation during project activities, all work in the immediate vicinity of the find pursuant to the finalized Treatment Plan shall be monitored' by a activities are completed, or when the Tribal Representatives and (within a 60-foot buffer) shall cease and a qualified archaeologist SMBMI Tribal Participant(s). monitor have indicated that the site has a low potential for meeting Secretary of Interior standards, shall be hired to assess the DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE CITY APPROVED: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PRECISE GRADING PLANS TRACT NO. 19917 RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL Q�,OFESS/ON DESIGN RECOMMENDED Fs11z9 �c AU DAVID EVANS Q c� '° m ANDASSOCIATES INC. No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET yt * Ontario California 91764 16 OF 17 qTF OF ChL\F CHECKED R.C.E. No 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 09 2020 FILE NO 18 4�r J s I- �z _ PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT -� - SUBTT19917 AND VAR DRC2018-00556-CASTILLO SUBTT19917 AND VAR DRC2018-00566-CASTiLLO August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 . -�_-�,.1--•,=—�,...n� .��.�„-�...: ^' >> z:k�,.�__._��i,Y_�-l�t,_.n,;;, - x - _ Page 2 Page 3 PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: B. Variance D C2018-0D 6: The applicant submitted a Variance to allow the construction of - TAFF�REPORT ,: noise attenuating walls along the south, and portions of the east perimeter of the proposed 1 i The proposed project is located directly north of the Foothill Freeway(SR-210), south of Tract subdivision that will be in excess of 6 feet.in height Exhibit D . Noise attenuation NOTE: 9 ( } flora walls are THE STAFF REPORT WAS GIVEN AS IS FROM THE CITY 18708(a 7-lot subdivision).east of Tract 18122(a 76-lot subdivision currently under construction), identified as the principal means for mitigating noise impacts generated by traffic on the Foothill Freewa OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - PUBLIC RECORDS SITE DATE:, August 8, 2018 - and west of East Etiwanda Creek and the San Sevaine Flood Control Basin (Exhibit B}. The y (SR 210), according to the noise study prepared by Eilar Associates on L overall site is 7.17 acres, with an east-west dimension of approximately 330 feet and a north- May 31, 2018. Section 17.48.050(C) of the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code south dimension of approximately 940 feet. The site is adjacent to existing vacant, residential, Identifies that the maximum height of walls permitted'in.residential districts is 6 fast The }, Chairman and Members of the Planning , Candyce Burnett, City Planner. ' 's ',. ;; and utility corridor land uses to the north,south,east,and west as indicated in the following table. proposed walls will be approximately 12 to 13.7 feet above the pad elevations of the lots f �EROM adjoining the walls as seen from the interior of the subdivision. ,Depending on the location, INITIATED'-BY: Tom Grahn, Associate Plannidt ; jl;,�" ,? Land Use General Plan Zoningsome walls will be constructed over retaining walls, i.e. a combination wall. Therefore, as SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND 4`' TENTATIVE TRACT MAP Very Low(VL)Residential seen from the outside the subdivision, the overall height of the walls will appear greater. , - ' � ' ,�� � Site Vacant Very Low Residential District of the Etiwanda The general area where the walls will be highest is near the southeast comer of the SUBTT19917- CASTILLO'-A request to subdivide 7:17 acres into 10 lots in the L S ec[flc Plan subdivision at Lot 10 where the wall, as seen from the freeway, will be approximately 23 Very Low(VL) Residential District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located north feet l Very Low VL Residential high. The findings of facts below support - of the' 210 Freeway and east of East' Avenue at the.easterly extension of l ry ( } 9 pport the necessary Variance findings, which are y North Single-family residences Very Low Residential District of the Etiwanda required by the City's Development Code: 71, 1, Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive;`APN: 0226-102-30. Related,Files: Variance Specific Plan DRC2018-00566. Staff has prepared `a Mitigated' Negative ;leclaration, of, t s Law(!) Residential in : Strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would - environmental impacts for consideration: 7 t South 210 Freeway and single- Low Residential District of the Etiwanda y or unnecessary physical hardship Inconsistent with the objectives,of this � result in a difficult family residences Code. Specific Plan ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ,VARIANCE 'DRC2018-00566 �A East Etiwanda Creek and the Open Space(OS) -- CASTILLO A request to Increase the wall ,height up to 23 feet for, sound z ti , Flood Control/Utility : The proposed walls are for noise attenuation 4. - East San Sevaine Flood Control Residential District of the purposes to reduce the exterior noise attenuation along the south boundary and a portion of the 'east boundary of - Basin Corridor levels at lots aloe the ' Etiwanda Specific Plan g perimeter of me proposed subdivision. The height of the walls is proposed Tentative Tract 19917 (a request to ubdivide 7.17 acres into 10 lots ' �., Very Low(VL)Residential necessary to mitigate the noise Impacts to a level that is-less than 65 dBA Community Noise in the Very Low(VL)Residential District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan), located ; ' West Vacant and Single-family Very Equivalent Level CNEL as e north of the 210 Freeway and east of East Avenue at,the easterly extension of ti L ~� I residences Low Residential District of the Etiwanda ( } specified in the Development Code.,lf the walls Were limited to S eclfic Plan 6 feet as.specked in the Code, or if the walls were absent altogether, the exterior noise Wilshire Drive and Copley Drive; APN:' 0226-102-30,,_Related Files: Tentative ` _�i levels would not comply with the Code, nor be consistent with Public Health and Safe , n 4 r Tract Ma SUBTT19917 h► -, _for corisiderrepared aMitigated Negative.Declaratwn ,„�, ` t` p -Staff hasp 11 - ; I ANALYSIS: policies relating to noise(GoaI.PS-13 of the General Plan).There is no practical alternative of environmental impacts atioi + r z� - z to walls that will achieve the desired noise attenuation. Lhn 4 RECOMMENDATION. l A. Tentative TractMa SUB 19917: The proposed project involves the subdivision of a 7.17 V ,Y F Y ;, � :I i acre parcel into 10 lots for future residential development (Exhibit C), EN09 There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or condi#ions applicable to Staff recommends the PlanningCommission tank ° n , Development/construction of the homes following the subdivision of thepropertywill be b n �ctlonS; _ Y the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply general! to g g " L , n others,as it is not the intent of the applicant to do so themselves. The project site is located other properties In the same zone. Y Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration for tf'N*, d7 _ within the Very Low (VL) Residential District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan (ESP), which �';i permits a maximum of 2 dwelling units per acre,with an average lot size of 25,000 square Egg. The project site is located approximately 150 feet north a - p Y f the Foothill Freeway ` -A rove Tentative Tract Ma SUBTT�99�Z" L - ,a `" �' feet, and a minimum net lot size of 20,000 square feet. Lots within the subdivision range In 5R-210 .As a result,it is -T 56 ugh tlte� , - ( } t, exposed to noise generated by traffic that is generally not present PP P ands 1/a an IC1 ,� f , _ size from 23 276 square feet to 26,557 square feet,with an average lot size of 25,078 square near other residential u s do _lion of the attached Resolutions with Conditions of A� properties in. the City that are screened by existing development n - _P PP +!��1 ma` s feet,which slightly exceeds the required 25,000 square foot minimum average lot size. The and/or sufficiently distant from theseprincipal noise so a ' i project dens[ will be 1.77 dwelling units per acre. The depth of each lot will be at feast 200 sources that noise ,impacts are PROJECT REVIEW BACKGROUND:' � 5 s } P J #Y 9 P P negligible. feet, and the width of each lot will most the required 90-foot dimension. All of the lots will be conventional, i.e. rectangular in shape. which will allow conventional house plotting. Flndina. Strict or literal Interpretation and en - '-' rp enforcement of the specified regulation �, ProPo_., project 9 y ngl;Commissiora zconsideration o_nl }� 1 The__ ^�s16. u act was origin scheduled fog Planni Access to the proposed subdivision will occur through the extension of two streets(Copley deprive the applicant of privileges p g lion would 9 y g g ration IS/MND)fod =� pp p eg enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the saline that meeting the City received comments fro - an Berne de alive ( Drive and Wilshire Drive)from within the subdivision to the west. The project complies with zone. March 9 2016. Dunn circulation of the Initial Stud"/Mill a Decla Works_(SBCDPW) and California Department I and;Vllildlife;(C } ment of Public] z� from'the-S no Count Depart all applicable development standards as described-in Figure 5-2 of the ESP and the Rancho q q Both a encie'l raised uestions that required further environmental' ud' DFVV --._ l ish; the revision a ";.: Cucamonga Development Code. Fac: The purpose of the walls is to attenuate traffic noise. The exterior noise levels g ficantl from.its on inal v culation of,; generated by traffic exceed the maximum limits established by the Development Code and the y and � y ental st g erswn,The M � ,:2016 sta ,' � � � p nd recir tS/MND which was revised significantly arch 9 As the subject property is located within the ' ( )_ Plannin Commission continue the applications to aZ'>> _" j p p Y Equestrian Overlay, each lot will have a would negatively affect a future homeowner's ability to enjoy and use the outdoor areas of ,Unspecified date.The Commission the g ; - ;__� dedicated carrel area of 12 feet by 48 feet for horse-keeping, and equestrian trails will be their property In the absence of these walls. Furthermore, the effectiv+tiness of noise report' xhibit A recommended � li tion�� '� provided along the r p � accepted this recommondation�and continued,the app;ca accordingly. p ng a ear of each lot per Section 5.25.500 of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. attenuating materials used in the construction of the homes is augmented by the presence L =15 �4 E1-E2 Pg2 ' E1--E2 Pg3 L. i Z ti`i 7 � �t-ti ri`r� _ _ - —'�1 - �'nI'.. rna 7l 1 'S PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORTSUBTT19917 AND VAR DRC2018-00566-CASTILLO SUBTT19911 AND VAR DRC2018-00566-CASTILLO SUBTT19917 AND VAR DRC2018-00566--CASTILLO August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 August 8, 2018 Page 6 Page 4• Page,5 of the noise attenuating perimeter wall., The absence of the wall would .reduce the determination for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT19917. The notices were mailed on EXHIBITS: effectiveness of noise mitigation measures and expose the.occupants of the homes to September 10, 2015 and provided for a 30-day comment period ending on Exhibit A - Planning Commission Staff Report dated March 9, 2016. elevated interior noise.. October 12, 2015. No response to.the.Tribal Consultation Request was received. Exhibit B - Site Utilization Map Exhibit C - Tentative Tract Map Finding: The granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege H. Environmental AsMgsmenr Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Exhibit D - Conceptual Grading Plan inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zone: and the City's local CEQA Guidelines,City staff prepared an Initial Study(IS)of.the potential Exhibit E - Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan environmental effects of the project(Exhibit H). Based on the findings contained in that,1S, Exhibit F - Design Review Committee Action dated August 4, 2015 Ekt: Throughout the City, the Foothill Freeway(SR-210)corridor is adjacent to numerous City staff determined that, with the imposition of mitigation measures related to Aesthetics, Exhibit G - Trails Advisory Committee Action dated September 9, 2015 residential properties.Traffic noise impacts along the corridor must be mitigated to levels as Agricultural Resources,Air Quality, Biological Resources,Cultural Resources,Geology and Exhibit H - Initial Study(Parts 1, 11 $ lit) described in the Development Code and consistent with the General Plan. The freeway Soils, Greenhouse Gas Emissions,Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise,and Tribal Cultural Draft Resolution of Approval for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT19917 Corridor abuts various residential zoning districts including the Very Low (VL) Residential Resources there would be no.substantial evidence that the project would have a significant Draft Resolution of Approval for Variance DRC2018-00566 District. Walls of this height or similar are common along:the freeway corridor for noise effect on the environment. Based on that determination, a Mitigated Negative Declaration attenuation purposes where residential properties are adjacent to the freeway. (MND)was prepared.Thereafter,the City staff provided public notice of the public comment CB:TG/ss period and of the intent to.adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, As noted above, an Finding: The granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or Initial:Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)was circulated prior to the Planning welfare,or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity:, Commission public hearing on March 9, 2016.The City received comments from ,the San Bernardino County Department of Public Works(SBCDPW) and the California Department fl9t The height of the wall as seen from the;Foothill Freeway(SR-210)will be similar to of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)•: Both agencies raised questions that required further the height of other noise attenuation walls along the freeway corridor within the City. This environmental study, and the revision and recirculation of the ISIMND. The ISIMND was wall will be constructed per the decorative:design established by Caltrans, consistent YAM revised significantly as requested and now also Includes revised discussion and additional the design of the existing sound attenuation wall to,the east and will not be detrimental to mitigations related -to noise Impacts. No additional comments have been received In ,the public health, safety,or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in response to this recirculated environmental document.-A Mitigation Monitoring Program has the-vicinity. also been prepared to ensure Implementation of, and compliance with, the mitigation C. Neighborhood Meeting: One neighborhood meeting was held to obtain input and comments measures'for the project. from the owners of the surrounding properties within 660 feet of the site.The meeting was FISCAL IMPACT: held at.Summit Intermediate School°located at 5959 East Avenue on November 17, 2015. No members of the public attended the scheduled neighborhood :meeting and no public The project site currently Is assessed an annual property tax. A percentage of this annual tax is comments were submitted.in advance of the meeting. shared with the City.The proposed development will increase the value of the project site and the City's.annual share of the property tax will increase accordingly. The project proponent also will D. De an Review Committed: The Design Review Committee (Fletcher, Oaxaca, and be responsible for paying one-time impact fees.These fees are Intended to address the increased Granger) reviewed the project on August 4,2015 and recommended approval of the demand for City services due to the proposed project.The following types of services that these CITY proposed subdivision to the Planning Commission. As the project does not include the Impact fees would support include the following: library services, transportation infrastructure, DESCRIPTION OF REVISION DATE APPROVED: construction of houses, the architecture of the houses for this subdivision will be subject to drainage infrastructure, animal services, police,parks,and community and recreation services• review and action by the Committee and the Planning Commission at a later date following the submittal of a Design Review application. COUNCIL GOAL(S)ADDRESSED: CITY OF RANCHO C U CA M O N G A E. Technical Rey%X! Cormittee: The Technical Review Committee reviewed the project on Although a specific current City Council goal does not apply to the project,the project is consistent PRECISE GRADING PLANS August 4, 2015 and recommended approval of the proposed dubdivision to the Planning With the goals and policies of the General Plan and the objectives of the Development Code.The Commission. proposed project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use element and its policies related to TRACT N 0. 19917 serving local needs and promoting complementary development. F. Trails Advi=y Committee: The Trails Advisory Committee reviewed the project on September 9, 2015 and recommended approval of the proposed subdivision to the Planning CORRESPONDENCE:. Commission. MITIGATION MEASURES This item was advertised as a public hearing with a regular page legal advertisernent in the Inland G. Tribal Consultation:. As required by Assembly Bill 52 (AB 52). the City submitted Tribal Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper,the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property Consultation Requests to the Gabrieleno Band of,Mission Indians, Gabdeleno/Tongva owners within a 660 foot radius of the project site. No comments we're received in response to Nation, Gabrieieno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians, San Manual Band of these notifications. Q�O Mission [radians, and Soboba Band of Luisenv Indians following a completeness FESS/ON�� q< DESIGN RECOMMENDED OD ���� CF�9 ) AU DAVID EVANS f0 6 Z' m ANoASSOCIATES INC. rn E1--E2 Pg4 E1—E2 Pg5 E1-E2P 9 No.87222 DRAWN 4141 E. Inland Empire Blvd,Suite 250 O SHEET * * Ontario California 91764 17 OF 17 J� HIV 1�- �Q' q�F OF CpI�F� CHECKED R.C.E. NO 87222 DRAWING NO. AC DATE 12 09 020 FILE NO Landscape Dynamics URBAN I ECOSYSTEM I SOLUTIONS Landscape Architecture-Consulting Water Management-Certified Arboriculture (951)264-4839 15'wide Equestrian 15'wide Equestrian Easement 15'wide Equestrian Easement Easement • .t x: • • • • • •• •. ?. •a•. x ••• W • • •.• }•Y ♦ • r, •• ..•.•V gn " 1 1�iw. 7 N.•• •.T•rP• :••• •.h• x.tN 1 t• A•«\ a t S .. .. . .. t .. . .. 3 .. .. .. •.y �••.•� •. .... .•.r••'!1 t" •.t' t «•e a♦«♦ i C :Y' ..w:.oi•.•. Ci r• ••Y t;•. a .• „ . i a . , t • � t ., ♦ ., 6 •C�l r t ♦ a • DESIG AGER .t .r .r.r d �`� .da ♦.«•.. tr t � >r• Y t ,J.�. �,.wri. 1. :..••ri.< <. «r'•�.':�.".a:>• '.it•••A•:NL� �6•.•a•'•••`+•`:i' � `a•:'ti•'�:a` �,•,y..:). i.85�f19 �a:♦::x ♦r' �.:♦::r•`t' .t�''y..q ♦� r' :♦:.Yr'Y• '� 'nt' .i"•at• •.�:ti•".r"I a NPROJECTMAN 1. .ra♦• �S.py,�, A a t« .:t d:• •t• ..'1' :» w .�+♦ � .••r •u.t }i..•♦ t-9•C`S y. ? ;♦•Ti 4 .'?. r.. .� 1 r. .•••. L• a r .0 '•:a•`. 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Corral Area .:,• _� 91�95' �• 6-0"High Decoratilve + / • • • • • �w '•'s�ti': ■ • • • •�r • • • ✓ • • Masonry Wall I � + / 6'-0"High al•••: I • • • •Y -- Street- - - - - - - - - - - • • • • • • • • Decorative ��i•:a • daft• . + • - • • • • • • Masonry Wall ^" `.ant:" • ■ r i • ► • • •• • _ ► • 1• • • • �• • • � I •N ox• • • High --------- - ------ Q------ Decorative--------- ---------------------- + ---------- 1 -------- • • r • • • • • • • • • • . • + . • i. 1�`\; • • „ • r • • •„ • • • • y, • . • • 1. • • • • +„ • . • • r, • + . ,• . . . . . . . . •, ■ • • •I Mason Wall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — I - - - - - � 8'wid�Community L W Easement •— CL 0 20 40 so U N v y y y Landscape Area _� PLANT LEGEND y y y I 1 {{ = 4 *Project lies within "VHFHSZ" and utilizes RCFPD Landscaping Guidelines for selection and spacing. �.., Equestrian Easement Scale Z U O A,�xx Latin Name • .r:. •�� � C W ttJ NOTE: PLANT QUALITY REQUIREMENTS Common Name Container WUCOLS Plant Size ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FULL VIGOROUS &HEALTHY Q NURSERY STOCK-INCLUDING THE TOP OF PLANT AND THE ROOT TREES SYSTEM. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE CURRENT •� a AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI Z60.1-2004) ■ CANOPY SHADE TREE:TBD THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE CONTACTED REGARDING Alternating evergreen/deciduous with street trees W ALL PLANT MATERIALS AS THEY ARRIVE ON-SITE, PRIOR TO THEIR V] U INSTALLATION, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL APPROVE ACCENT TREE:TBD Z PLANT MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION ON-SITE OR SHALL BE SENT v REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPHS OF SAME. THE LANDSCAPE f ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT UNACCEPTABLE PLANT r . BRACHYCHITON acerifolius MATERIALS. - USTRALIAN FLAME TREE 15 Gallon Moderate 60'TALL,30'WIDE J a • i 1W STREET TREE, Deciduous,50'o.c,per RCFPD Ems.. �Ilk - UNACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR PLANTS IN GENERAL: yy OELREUTERIA bipinata PLANT MATERIALS THAT ARE THE INCORRECT SPECIES. CHINESE FLAME TREE 15 Gallon Moderate 30'TALL&WIDE PLANTS MATERIALS WITH APPARENT FUNGAL DISEASE(MILDEW, EIW STREET TREE, Deciduous,60'o.c,per RCFPD RUST,BLACK-SPOT, ETC.). PLANTS THAT ARE DEFOLIATED DUE TO STRESS OR DISEASE.FOLIAGE THAT IS CHLOROTIC,WIND OR FROST MAGNOLIA grandiflora 'Majestic Beauty' BURNED,OR IN ANY OTHER WAY DAMAGED. - • MAJESTIC BEAUTY SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA 15 Gallon Moderate 35-40'TALL, 15-20'WIDE NIS STREET TREE, Evergreen,40'o.c. per RCFPD UNACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR ROOT SYSTEMS: PLANTS WITH EXPOSED ROOTS,GIRDLED ROOTS,OVERGROWN OR FOUNDATION SHRUBS UNDERSIZED ROOT SYSTEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED UNACCEPTABLE. r� .^ 7' •, y- .- B UXUS japonica 'Green Beauty' 1 Gallon Moderate 4'TALL&WIDE GRCUN COVERS TREE SELECTION: :•'`' L`� JAPANESE BOXWOOD TREES ARE REQUIRED TO STAND ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT THE t CERASTIUM tomentosum 1 Gallon Moderate 6"-1'TALL&WIDE SUPPORT OF THE NURSERY STAKE. TREES MUST ALSO BE FREE OF ❑URRANTA errecta 'Sweet Memories' 15 Gallon Moderate &TALL, 4'WIDE SNOW IN SUMMER 1 FT O.C. DISEASE, INFESTATIONS, SIGNS OF HEAVY PRUNING WITHIN THE $ SWEET MEMORIES PURPLE SKYFLOWER CANOPY, BROKEN PRIMARY LIMBS OR LEADERS, AND DAMAGE. COTONEASTER dammeri'Eichholz' 1 Gallon Low 1 r TALL,8' WIDE NEW TREES PLANTED WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA ARE TO BE iG` zs PODOCARPUS macrophyllus 15 Gallon Moderate 15 TALL. HEDGED EICHHOLZ COTONEASTER 4FT O.C. INSTALLED PER THE DETAIL BELOW. THE TREE PIT IS TO BE YEW PODOCARPUS EXCAVATED TO MEASURE 3 X ROOT BALL AT THE FINISH GRADE LANTANA sellowiana 'Monswee' 1 Gallon Low 1'TALL, 3'WIDE SURFACE AND BE TAPERED TO ROOT BALL WIDTH AT PIT BOTTOM. ACCENT SHRUBS LAVENDER SWIRL TRAILING LANTANA DO NOT OVER-EXCAVATE THE TREE PIT DEPTH. AFTER TREE PLACEMENT THE TREE PIT IS TO BE BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN NATIVE ALOE striata 1 Gallon Moderate 3'TALL,2'WIDE SOIL ONLY. TREES ARE TO BE TRIPLE STAKE AS SHOWN ON DETAILS. CORAL ALOE MYOPORUM parvifolium'Pink' 1 Gallon Low l'TALL, O WIDE PINK AUSTRALIAN RACER ROOT BARRIER: 4 CAESALPINIA pulcherrima 1 Gallon Low &TALL&WIDE r r r r r rr rr ri rr USE LINEAL ROOT BARRIER WHEN TREE IS WITHIN S' MIN. DISTANCE RED BIRD OF PARADISE..��,. ,i. , rirrr�rirrrr�i oPHIOPOGON japonicas 1 Gallon Moderate 1'TALL, 1'WIDE ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE AREAS. ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE CALLISTEMON'Little John' 1 Gallon Low 5 TALL, 3'WIDE + �rrfrr�rrfr��r MONDO GRASS INSTALLED IN SHEETS PARALLEL WITH HARDSCAPE WI TOP EDGE DWARF BOTTLE BRUSH �' DRAFTED BY PLACED 1" BELOW GRADE. ROOT BARRIER SHALL EXTEND THE CISTUS x skanbergii 1 Gallon Low 2-4'TALL,4-5'WIDE GPZ EXPECTED LENGTH OF TREE CANOPY AS SHOWN PER PLAN. a DWARF PINK ROCKROSE BARRIERS SHALL BE PLACED AT A SLIGHT ANGLE (750) WITH BASE CHECKED OF BARRIER DIRECTED UNDER HARDSCAPE&AWAY FROM TREE. FESTUCA glauca 'ELIJAH BLUE' 1 Gallon Moderate 8-12"TALL&WIDE All planters to receive 318"-34'Copper Canyon decorative gravel mulch. GPZ ° ELIJAH BLUE FESCUE DATE ROCK MULCH 6/28/2019 ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE A 7'LAYER OF 3/8"ROCK (3) LANTANA camera'Gold Mound' 1 Gallon Low 3'TALL&WIDE OVER FILTER FABRIC. GOLD MOUND LANTANA A5 Noted lk )Of *7A JOB NO. 0326-Rancho 10 SHEET I OF (Two) SHF-FlS IMI 109.87' 1 .r !. +r :w ` oa o,a. ••r•.: •.• .t •••r: i I._ •r.:. 'r• 'r. .. .r •..• .r• ••`r :A.• parr , •�•• •r: • r '"r• r i r• .. r• 'r• r -r r •r • I \ 117, / I Ir " r' t' Xtil / \I / \ 1 _ — Landscape Dynamics +'• ; / \ L @ _ URBAN ECOSYSTEM SOLUTIONS ca \ . -------- — �• L - -- --- --- m Q L----- ---- -- x �. Landscape Architecture-Consulting � Q L +yam L @ i- Wafer Management-Certified Arboriculture • Q] Cyr 7C L @ Ctil U ❑ Q I (95 1)264-4839 I ! r r 1 x o Q 0 CV U �}1� o U M 1iE . I cc ❑ ❑ I 0 �+ DESIGN PROJECT MANAGER 1 1 20 (D �] Greg Zell s , — - — — - gregzoll@landscapedynamics.nef t - - �— I� (951) 264-4$39 �•y r•t" _ I. REVISIONS 00 11 I BY I ••f. 1 1 I I I L�1 I • ,�. ., a�• I I 1 1 I r •� .f.+:p •� 1 I I I I I r•. r A to r- 00 fsq }+ U U)9 a) \ co t i 1 '' ii + � • �] / 1..L /, / / L L.L. PAG� R�Cyi co C\1 CZ A1111 OF CALI23 L3 � 23 Z3 • e GxEq 't) o®®o4 73 2 2 / 5 \ 4 2 2 s s s Z ` 2 2 - Q J 1•.:. 2 2222222 _ o = :a. I W 4 `. - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ._ a z 5s5 I n � a .H �Q 4 0 s s 2 2 Ln I � Ca 0. 55 r 2 2 o - - - 2 2 I a 0 c CL PLANT LEGEND '` . 0 .� a (,} � W *Project lies within"VHFHSZ" and utilizes RCFPD Landscaping Guidelines for selection and spacing. ❑ 10 20 40 U U NOTE:PLANT QUALITY REQUIREMENTS Latin Name — — Z Common Name Container WUCQLS Plant Size � ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FULL VIGOROUS&HEALTHY Scale 1 �} — 20' NURSERY STOCK-INCLUDING THE TOP OF PLANT AND THE ROOT TREES a SYSTEM. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE CURRENT AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK(ANSI Z60L1-2004) CANOPY SHADE TREE:TBD U THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE CONTACTED REGARDING Alternating evergreen/deciduous with street trees ALL PLANT MATERIALS AS THEY ARRIVE ON-SITE,PRIOR TO THEIR INSTALLATION. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL APPROVE ACCENT TREE:TBD PLANT MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION ON-SITE OR SHALL BE SENT I REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPHS OF SAME. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT UNACCEPTABLE PLANT 4`• BRACHYCHITON acerifolius MATERIALS. 0 • USTRALIAN FLAME TREE 15 Gallon Moderate 60'TALL.30'WIDE • IW STREET TREE, Deciduous,50'o.c.per RCFPD UNACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR PLANTS IN GENERAL: q PLANT MATERIALS THAT ARE THE INCORRECT SPECIES, KOELREUTERIA bipinato PLANTS MATERIALS WITH APPARENT FUNGAL DISEASE (MILDEW, 0.� _ CHINESE FLAME TREE 15 Gallen Moderate 30'TALL&WIDE RUST,BLACK-SPOT, ETC.). PLANTS THAT ARE DEFOLIATED DUE TO E/W STREET TREE, Deciduois,60'o.c. per RCFPD STRESS OR DISEASE.FOLIAGE THAT IS CHLOROTIC, WIND OR FROST MAGNOLIA grandiflora'Majestic Beauty' BURNED,OR IN ANY OTHER WAY DAMAGED. • • MAJESTIC BEAUTY SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA 15 Gallon Moderate 35-40'TALL. 15-20'WIDE UNACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS FOR ROOT SYSTEMS: N/S STREET TREE, Evergreen, 40'o.c.per RCFPD PLANTS WITH EXPOSED ROOTS,GIRDLED ROOTS,OVERGROWN OR UNDERSIZED ROOT SYSTEMS WILL BE CONSIDERED UNACCEPTABLE. FOUNDATION SHRUBS GROUNDCGVERS �.:� '. BUXUS•a onica'Green Beau 1 Gallon Moderate 4'TALL&WIDE CERASTIUM tomentosum 1 Gallon Moderate 6"-1'TALL&WIDE TREE SELECTION: :�. ' '�.�-_ � 1 p �' TREES ARE REQUIRED TO STAND ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT THE JAPANESE BOXWOOD SNOW IN SUMMER 1 FT O.C. SUPPORT OF THE NURSERY STAKE. TREES MUST ALSO BE FREE OF DURRANTA errecta'Sweet Memories' 15 Gallon Moderate 8'TALL,4'WIDE COTONEASTER dammed'Eichholi 1 Gallon Low 1'TALL,8'WIDE DISEASE, INFESTATIONS, SIGNS OF HEAVY PRUNING WITHIN THE SWEET MEMORIES PURPLE SKYFLOWER EICHHOLZ COTONEASTER 4FT O.C. CANOPY, BROKEN PRIMARY LIMBS OR LEADERS, AND DAMAGE. NEW TREES PLANTED WITHIN THE PROJECT AREA ARE TO BE Zs PODOCARPUS macrophyllus 15 Gallon Moderate 15'TALL, HEDGED INSTALLED PER THE DETAIL BELOW. THE TREE PIT IS TO BE YEW PODOCARPUS LANTANA sellowiana 'Monswee' 1 Gallon Low 1'TALL,3'WIDE EXCAVATED TO MEASURE 3 X ROOT BALL AT THE FINISH GRADE LAVENDER SWIRL TRAILING LANTANA SURFACE AND BE TAPERED TO ROOT BALL WIDTH AT PIT BOTTOM, ACCENT SHRUBS / DRAFTED BY DO NOT OVER-EXCAVATE THE TREE PIT DEPTH. AFTER TREE MYOPORUM parvifolium'Pink' 1 Gallon Low V TALL, 6'WIDE GPZ PLACEMENT THE TREE PIT IS TO BE BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN NATIVE ALOE striata 1 Gallon Moderate 3'TALL,2'WIDE PINK AUSTRALIAN RACER CHECKED 501E ONLY. TREES ARE TO BE TRIPLE STAKE AS SHOWN ON DETAILS. 0 CORAL ALOE IF GPZ ROOT BARRIER: OPHIOPOGON japonicus ] Gallon Moderate I'TALL, 1' WIDE CAESALPINIA pulcherrima 1 Gallon Low 8'TALL&WIDE r MOUDO GRASS DATE USE LINEAL ROOT BARRIER WHEN TREE IS WITHIN 5' MIN, DISTANCE GRED BIRD OF PARADISE 6/28/2019 ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE AREAS. ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE CALLISTEMON'Little Jahn' 1 Gallon Low 5'TALL.3'WIDE SCALE INSTALLED IN SHEETS PARALLEL WITH HARDSCAPE W1 TOP EDGE 0 DWARF BOTTLE BRUSH AS Noted PLACED 1" BELOW GRADE. ROOT BARRIER SHALL EXTEND THE BARRIERS EXPECTED LENGTH OF TREE CANOPY AS SHALL BE PLACED AT A SLIGHT ANGLEO(75 ) WITH BASE DWARF PINK ROCKROSE 1 Gallon Low 2-4'TALL,4-5' WIDE ��� All planters to receive 3/8"-3/4"Copper Canyon decorative gravel mulch. D'°e N° nn OF BARRIER DIRECTED UNDER HARDSCAPE&AWAY FROM TREE. r1 L 6-R G n C I1 o V ' FESTUCA glauca'ELIJAH BLUE' 1 Gallon Moderate 8-12"TALL&WIDE SHEET ROCK MULCH ELIJAH BLUE FESCUE ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE A 2"LAYER OF 3/8"ROCK LANTANA camera'Gold Mound' 1 Gallen Law 3'TALL &WIDE 2 OVER FILTER FABRIC. GOLD MOUND LANTANA L'F (Two) SHFE15