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Budget 1990-91 (2)
®� •�d ,� � PRELIMINARY PROGRAM OF SERVICE 1990=1991 GENERAL FUND City with a plan RANCHO cucaraoNa,a TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL FUND Fiscal heal 1.990/91 Revenue SourcesfN.,taii I thru V' cry�e{�.. .YyfyA� /y�m��y;FUND NO M PAGE 01-4110 City Council R•.R• a.ilir...... ...a•a�a•iiiraa►a•araamrk 01-4122 City ► '.:nager•f,„.sa.a..r,•,. �,,«-�,.r,t •r..s is R...,.«if .m4 01-4123 Public Safety Commission......... #a•sR. ,.racs..ra..,....1L 01-4125 Emergency Preparedness......a.,., ...,:o...,....a.a..::.«.L4 0� 4126 City Clark..................0.10 ......D.f a.maff.ra1•sr a1.'m r^.��J'. i 01-4150 Administrative ServicesjAdminisuration................ ..3D 01— 151 Finance... A...a.R ..i... \ia3V. M _ 01-4152 Cep Q '� L�cenJing•e♦ai•r.asfi.tEr.r.•a•.•s..a.itas,al.1•rt..4..b•aa`tG G -4153 Purchasing.... rt...., R. .. tf...-. 48 01-4154 Risk Management.................. ... «..i..........,a..54 i 1 01-4155 City Treasurer..,..,.,•..ra................a.••. aa....r5E 01(� �'y 1 —4156 Personnel ...................♦...............u............62 01-4245 City Facilities..........................................55 f,.i-4265 Personnel Over,teed.................i�....•ar,•aa..,••«..i1 01-4285 General Overhead.. ....a♦..,.af... ...1.ff•.1ir•..f.r.73 01-4313 Community Devflopnent/Administration... i...,....e.75 j 01-4333 Planning.... aa... a. a.....e.. a............ ..., ..81 01-4353 Panning Commission.......... =f•....•mr..,m , i.., l1 .9 1 01-4354 Historic Preservation Commission....... .... a r 96 Q�,-4355 Env.ronmentatil Management .,omin75slor�r..a..1i..br.faRr.ai.a l 01-4:.73 Building & Safety.......................................98 01-4451 Sheriff's Department.,... ......... ........... ......106 ervir-Gs. ... ...................... 01-4532 Community 'S ...........114 01-4540 Park and Recreation Commission...,............ ...»..121 01-4637 Engineering/Administration,........,.a.,...e....r.... .1L. . GIL-4638 Development Management... ...... ... .... ..o,..r.. ,129 01-4639 `traffic Kana.gement.. ............. ...... .13 01 1640 Projec Management,., ......, r.....:.:.... .....,.....»143 01-46.11 Construction Management.......... .......4....0, ......148 01-4647 Naiatenance.rr....... .r.,. .. .........rr..«.aa.sr.t...154 01-4991 Transfors.f..f..=.,....,. .............f......., 167 33-4130 Resource Services/k,Minittration..............».......►,169' 33-4131 Special Districts Administration. ,...., ... Q..r.., ,..,.1.76 � 33-4132 Geographic Information 'Services (.GI5)...... ...........181 33-4133 Management Information Systems (MIS).. ......... ...... 185 i I 21 i i i J `y l m \ VV tYf'�M Ot Oi Fe M N t N. tl T W U 1 M O..N tln N Iif b>A tT m Yti m 3p I W )). tI11P C''W W 1 Q Q 4 a•Q a:O Uaf O+OQ O O F N a �a H qz gy� & a R L1A l"f V 0 CMS tD.OI m{A N 4 1� C y tit/N N N 1 S; 1� Clt < 3t. try s�to T tv a^as a ct to r..les ro o �N.in �(,1_� !�.m 6u't c Ot b f!•t't Ot t q v lJ W W 6 1 g O M n O a'O O O b YID C C Ip It 4a to N'a OOLTO OV olC\ i1;A 11 Im III atx a.e< aryl Into .�an.-a'm r aac.!n C tS S mmomaaa*s*r-.cmov as ±w i W m 1 mN0 m.N O b In IN i� W!.0..p ab w 'O 111; A ee 1'�s a►.tv D a a4 ti s�sa ar a e.1 m - t q3. R rW. r-y �. N a<Ot. N lM 11 NN YPl�'t ap0lV �M '!S JD Y`}q R as DI' �N R b aSt'tQ i VS Il t.W L4 O 1 1 IW 1 W m N R a Q W.•i P la7 N O II C a W 1 P �'t\'S O N'.s•1�N r O tlf Vs 1 b p 1 T lV v 1If �N i W. ti r n 1 tX IY - � 1� X tb•p � fp 1' yN....�dgygI a H :NN t?S IJ � i ,o ar z c e r 99mt 1 t Ili.ti LL It 1 W O cc CC S Y u YX't Y yy A W Y O a N y q+ I q. v. L ~ 1�f17 N Gt.C .CY N i 0 O R �� RMUC• 33 L A. G'O a L it i.. Y.f ci a t t- aaaea tip-,o,moovo.ray tN+A ttmt o P a � j � � � � a o^q'o 0 0.-•T m K lrt vs ut wt w ur . Y . Y .^Y^rn 01 rn a `s 11 ` - W� "- A it YlIn �� to l4'l Inb. 1i W t 3 ,t G A O b C'b t0 ii Q 6 �i' fi C W W o+-,; ?• � as av aa1 a_t op }R u w~o an am a a ry s_a NK� i; i ar rJ m_ti emu� 2jN. if i it It 1Cyy'. 11 cl it! It ?• 'CI 1cA isT Y 3VYl 1k _ ~ jj �t f t ii G W W 'Gl l 0 4yr 2?C iQ if b ti QMau J, �t✓ a _ M cc It t ti ti t Is l t it l ff V # 1 I>r IA td v ro I1�1�. it, W K$WT ORI�t 1. Q� Ys lA }✓n�i - Ot �. i'r. ii y 3 i4 YIf O A Jp ii 4y.w O !A 1l t: .WIt qW - 111 O 1i�i� N N!'Y iTN fi to B.� i N tip N't IN to {t 4`I e 6 1q tl p N^� �Of. p M1 m N ICI a W If sal ii s a x II it 1. - y.N m QO iw N 1e ram.O iap it i u j1 '1 f Ar i 5.. e A o lA'' t t to 16l x f � Cv Yi. l i c R tea e R A d O d'cv p W� ir• - �`.. !t!om +tea Y ut i11 is a. sl a-vs A Q a d.p Iq xs C.YILL ev I ih n... .— it 0 6L3 t!.! N ♦ O R`i Q. i4-tts S•i tu. t.. It It N y C Z! h OO dCO'OO d C!C>d13 Q tfy/t ' LLi 4F.Xa Oi e+Q RY tf p M 1[f(M SV it(y 11 WI r " 1 IItF 4 r e�i 4S'C iLY Ct�♦i d R p:.C N C! �•ef ij. iff f? In It it. eIt M tt { yi i 'f If O Ci 0 G?t�Y Ll G fl 0 p O. irOi, CI d O d J :Ot t d d lV d O M M'f 2/a 1V 1M n �iagE m It aW i�•T tlt o�i ii - f w t r it ®�•' W - r ..I+.pbdaVa:JROAiitidea �4i N M I li'•i!'V Yt'i`O Vt wM+� ttY Ot Of it - rta i T`-M G V�•.w tl Ol �I)t ��'iGW Oft j - �•Ow. � SO. % a 11 ate, n !1 +d I.=�t L ,al.eR.r ca cv R I rt O i> �f rQ'r- Yri It V G�.1 :W j l•i>r 1+f W .ice jj- It Ct R A I 11 •J� '14f Y 41 r'fN M.� M ..� 1 wF tt. It ILI r W Gtl A «�itY lR 1S1 11p IL I T It I N alb.G O d �..� ate+ 1 Yy.0 t Li N V GF G iM V L! ♦ t rr } pp O Q 4tQt'iRv N CMV @ m�.m.N N 1 V M iD N OK 11f N l!i t�Y�Ole N M'4[i t Z 1-5. ; 4 ` •!1"h,F Gp M:Y4 R lD Gi.4f W iq I i t . 1+ �. {gyp.I�OI M T P.. �•% Jt `t`t �- P O p --rY luw mw n- r u ^ oma to c c ` upi�ir's Q.o fa4n.cQ. jy� ro cs,.aopa �a�.n ` it!A W'`+4 a jay. it fn a Vi av`tti ferf q lu r # it it f eom �No ii�t asan�ao a o y rye+. W N 1i �z F IA!O Y aMfV`OA 1 N N Q'4 N fh (01 11 A O p Of fQ t`� iN ll.T H� OI 11 ci H� 01 O b 1FFdd 1= It 4 4 22``dr It WINIm t os r I^' 4 w ty M i.yPw tC 1It o n't l7 U N It M1 N I i'i 11 M ..=cam' ;R it tt „- It 1r W W O i. b P O O FN� li 1�>AVI tN �l IWf F~fF W tM 4. �- 1--W rn 1 r im a m N�t t,•~ ii 1 Ii i G tl Men o O. - t m k O 0.10 ti� it•• It J Ct � �. bob 6 la 11 Y?m 1410 11 i ilF b!�tft.m a t{N- If 'o rim t`• ;d N ' t \ rw N m 14 I rill In im ii. o 0 o a r.F•r ib ii a o. t ITt 1 ` f y�1��T Cr i T� 1 4Ct Ci 'rC ul It M = G�i A� y� 6M1 ti y 1 abi 1 N t v pate- ltl YF to t) 1p. C O u iT++ .c ,,pptt y^ F atT- O 1 C Sp 41 M Cf 1A f.G 1119 .pC j 'W Ou.6 yaa Jt . t Y..T tY jIV . �' ll!eRi tNff l�tr httF. W. w N eN...eN.,eN,. ta •,..i„ J Wr i�a't w �Il m I Is R+ H w if lilt 1� { O N M {{i { iyuf M_ 1to 1 Of i tf M to A; I 1Wn ce �1 ilnil' W t 1! N it In to yyyI/,J, OR � tV C.b G. �� 4qq� � 111t1t �Ift�f N'Q w � SOn PY�'� i'iN if iff it N YYtt N !Pf �t Nry q I>, it iA wWwII[[W w- 1.. ly O. �Pf ,1 Ity pl i to 1. �Nt. tf It G It �l (Yi O 1W�.'� paj t i4V h Q OO t`{✓D p a tl �C t f19 is Is 1ft: 3w! it 11. fQ to a to ! 11 N to A Cf.mot.O-.a~!-�d I� tN� '!.. his w US tz t1W�t—.. ; 0 F. (it 'iT lV� �YR�ll w jlj11 K ~ t+t Iu7.'t1 O Ipf 11 'V,tt t q it ti to to to aN^ .ulp�t ui - ne w 0 I G u z; jofilz !1. 4 iK: Uit ik-n W M Cam.M 1Z jT it d itil1l 'n UA<(j,t 1 m tN 1t1j. �II, p 1 Kf O't�p O IILI fl N_ to lMl W 1/1. 10 N KT �)W II ID JI ]1 to It t C I L i9Gc G tJ j V f } r`- z.�aco ttn a �v Z, Lot � 1' o y1 O ` f�GOlfi or wOi W vOi y !/ i O:O C.O G ttu188.. 4 I i i 1 'I tAMPAL AML F D it bifT'f.O GY C: iQ 'P Ln 4A b.3b C?.-% Ci C? ..0 N lei {� s"' C CSC i, w U? to 4b G Cb,C5 Q C Q Cf tI.1 N a S? Cyi O TC C. e+tlf Cz�'C] J ,rD L7 r ; Dt Cal O Ic 1�N' Ct '.t aq Yi Ci `e ti of ! ewo o atry`= a oft. a O O %..b ..., ... t y t(t O Ca v Rti 4.'�. a1�.a dpn Yi e�Mrf t�l .tpi m i t N It c ,N t W ^ N 4n a m a t Aft ea c o.lot Oati ao .te tro av as i Co a vy a i Q LC ll. .Zr � t•. t. JD W V .4 W i f.s 9�=[ 41i Cam'! uj -3+ems J c4i :d E R W 1 W C A►+ cap Q i° i ti e 4csa oa to aw �• t+ � �� �O 4 w O Q E't HT eli N >;• �oa na of m ms. ti i .�. Z z o .. of a 1 PROGRAM POSiT(ONISALARYSCNSDULB City Council Position Position Quota A ro riations Classification Current Dept. mgr. Dept,. Mgr. Adopted Title Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Adopted Rcmd. Rcmd. Budget Mayor 100% 100% 100% $5,576 $5,676 Counciimembers 400% 400% 400% $220300 $22,300 Subtotal $c X'S $27,875 Fringe Benefits $9,766 $9,766 TOTAL $37,631 $37k631 1 i x 00S• 'CENTER DETAILWORKSHEET Department/Division: Program: Account. Number: FV 90/91 City Council C Councii _ 01-4110 Ob t No. Descri2flon of Items & Individual Doilar Amounts Bud et 4110-1100 Regular Salaries $27.875 411.0-1900 Fringe Benefits _ �$9.756 4110-3100 Traver& Meetings s S.B. Counly, Assoc. Gov'ts $735 League of CA Cities ConL - $2.205 League of CA Cities/Inland Emplre 1700 National League of Cities Conference �,^,_ $3,600 Le islastive Conferences/Sacto � $2 400 League of CA Cities/Committee Mtn+� $950 Lea ue of Cat Cities/Mayor/Council Forum 1950' Council Committee Mtgs. $1,200 AB 939 Task Farce Migs. � 5o0 Commuter Frain Mtgs. $250 Local Government Commission M!.gs $400 Contract Cities Assoc. Mtgs. $400 Environmental Mgmt. Comma -Travel�—.-Ws $2.560 Local Mtgs. as Required 1 400 Subtotal 18190 4110-3300 Milea-go Local Mt s. as Re uired & Pool 1.050 4110-3100 Maint. & Operations Awards & Engravings__ 2,100 Office Su lies $550' Printing 1630 Subtotal $3,280 41.10-3956 Dues Local Government Commission $600 4110-3960 General Liability4~ � 231 .�_ . 4110-6028 Contract Services Mtg. Minutes 13,000 N ��,TDYAL $63,982 i '. l i 6 i t G P_ f I. 1 C7 C C,!Ntf C7 N 'C2 K N-.0 9 om Ln pp Ci iNb '�C�Li I .- RC Oa. .N Ch JA . CG to OI 1 K f ! 1 C. b Cf !!U f9 N b 1¢ K tT IV$ V j r a SO CYF N m M y t,.1 cry r- W) amNa 1 ry I A/W?df l T N tR kS C4 P± R+•L� tr oz Ip I ` tC CS O R Sa C>L7 a O 4 a 40 WU Cl oa v ter go ko. .0 q'K. f + CD 1 ~ 1 ti Of 1 l7 CY ti 0 !J iL1 b A CR LP9 Q. � � fS p CC O _ CU vQ+ lz W.w {{1 [T f N C*C3 aft i y. Ci ti! ff1 a fa t7[ti' N N ar Y~'i S'r ial � tea. ar e Q tip ` IiY N a a �. O . r� Ira r- w r ' r ry a w ua an j t C, UA LU r F 1 It a x a sum 1 i F- c tt. Cs o ea o a. _N 1 C? ea-. �=w. Z!l�1 M enel I i elf cbs w p p M rP w Y N. CV a sN-� r ar 1 l { i Departmen~: Administration Divisiont City Manager F1 dal Year 01-4122 1990/91 J Position Quota ! Appropriations J Position J,_._ ... _----lam .,_ ., ----- - -*---J Classification (Curry ntJ Dept. j Mgr. J J Dept. J Mgr, J Adopted ! Title ( Lev-4 ( Rczd- J ;cmd. (Adopted) Rcmd. ( Rcmd. ( Budget J City Pwgt-r J 76%1 75%j, 75iiI 75-1 $84,654 ! WAS ! $84,,669 Deputy City Ranager 1 50%1 50$J 50%1 50%1 $36,762 ! $36,116 J $36,770 ( Deputy city Manager ! 20%1 MI 231 20%J $16,246 1 $1`,348 J $1.6 250 J Asst.Fa City iianager ( 100$! 100%1 1,:0$J 100%1 $48,840 ! $43,140 ! $48,840 Management Analyst 111 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $38 832 ( $32,446 ( $38,840 Management Analyst I ( 100$! 100%1 100%1 1007! $33,600 ( $26,052 ! $33,600 J Executive A=t. ! 100%1 100%1 100$1 100%1 $38,448 ( $35,656 ( $39.450 ! Office Specialist II ( 100ON'J 100%1 10G%4 100%1 $20,208 1'_117,652 ! $20,210 J Secretary ! 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $27,60 ( $26,316 ( 127,660 Sub fatal' J J J J 1$345,250 11303,281 J $3o,280 Merit Centingency t [ $17,262 $15,19s $17,264 SO Total J j ( 1$362,512 1$319,100 1 $3�2,544 ,! Fringe Benefits J J J J 1$126,879' 1$111,713 ! $126,890 J Total J ! ! ! J$4s9,3 1 J ;30,093 J $400,434 J t admin2.wk1 I CQST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET --- --------------- .......... ..............:..._..� ....- Department/Division: } Program; jAccount Number, jpiscal y"earj Administration j City Manager, lose/91 f Object No. I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Mkwnto j Budget j -j-------------- 412Z-•1100 lRegular Salary j $362,544 f j 4122-1900 }Fringe Bentfits $126k894 ►. j i 4122-3100 j7ravel Meetings Q A5 $39 ;ask Force tugs. #250 j j j League of California Cities Ireland Empire D $1,100 } j ILLj Knvironmental Mgmt. Comm.-•Related Travel & moo ] ' America ,Society of .Public Admin. Local Mtg $250 } J Municipal P, ,. Asrts. Mtgs. $trf50 } j j Lp4que of Wcities 12,205 j League of to Cities Manager Conference $1,400 j } j Int'l. City Ngmt. Assoc. Conference st,$00 } ] Nat'l, League of Cities Conference #1,800 j j j Solid waste sominars j Inland Empire urban Managers Local Mtgs. #Se0 j j j l.oc%I k4a. at, Required $2,000 t , j subtotal j ;;15,Oa5 J j 4122-•3300 jMileage j City Manigo $4,800 } � j Deputy City,,�anapps $T,200 j } Staff and poc ,. Car $500 6,sbtotol 4122-3960 lx4 int. & Operations printing & Postage 2,etl0 Public�,vions $2,000 f Office Supplies $5,000 j } 1 ea. fiord 4.0 (MAC) $205 ! } } 1 "I Excel 2.2 } 1 ea, Delta Graph $195 j i ea. SAM /fastback II $213 } } S11hotal 4122-3931 jeehicle Maintenance I Sedan SW $ edmint.mkt at-149 r 1 COST DETAIL YOWNEEt wwa,rwwr..w w«..rrw rwr+wrww w>ww r,r r+...Yw.r..w»wrwwr..w.r...p... .rtw.«rwwy,�y.whnanrrrwrwn...w.wray.. Dspart 7tj0ivision: j Program! ACcoJnt HuaDa. (fiscal Yearl Administration City y4nager j 01r412 1990J91 " •wr'..>wl�r«a..:y '«h. vw+r++rnr4ryw.rwwwt+aY`aw.rw.rnw�rfMrw4r»rw.wM.4ww.rYr/�rF+.+.+wr..w�..hw4'.hww.r..ww.+www.rwwrw� object No. Description of Items 6 Individual Dollar Amounts] Budget +..,,..r«ww«wwf....r....rw+.u►arr__....»,._..e...a.,..,...,..�r'.+...w..r..w........._....«.rr_r,..r,.r�w,.._.....�_.r,.w. YY 4122-39be IDues fi Municipal Mgmt, Assts. 160 American Society of Public Main. International City Mott. Assw. { Gov't, Pinaw,,Offiaepk Assoc. $150 CALED #t0Q 1 r, Pancho Cucamonga Cha0br of Cwerce 1pq So. Cal Gov't finance nfficeers Assoc 00 I Urban land Institute $ISO � Mis.eilaneous �250 � � AICF fr2Sg j Subtotal ,754 j 022-3960 fGereral Liability 922 4122w6020 lContract<�erv;:es_ Special Projects13,5DD { HIS A,dministrabiott41,96d J Computer Eu*Mnt Maintenanft E Prograwin #9y6S5 subtotal #53a.1$9 4122w�04� � : pital EpuipraAnt � 1 ea. Mae Tiox 40CPU Computer W/1 r for w1onistor and # Apple Keyboard 1 #4t724 [ j l 1 ea. 1 M Memory Upvwade �3150 r ff� lea. Electronic 'flowritG, $s7: wbtutol I 1 I ! TOTAi. I ,135 I l � f t edf4An1.wk1 a52-J104 i I i cl to y yam- ' `. At v It W y^y� pro_ 00 Q Qi z -�' rx 1 U0 to m ai to W 5 > co w 0» a u LU rr r o� V V- c C a. U'A In � _� CL w LU �CD E � i 2 z I :.. fn ... a co G:� �E w v 0 co Ul Ike Gl � iS3 t1S 4►s L7! Ca 6Ty F7> C? ' L13 tV N Cti tad tS! t�1 CV /ate q O., �O Il�� .per LI MR VIq CD 0 y, 0 @ O Q p p ►.. ai T !" !"` 1°�. T. per:.. ch C y r Cv '0. - .. CL CL E3 r• `° LO c►i a ua co r SQ N r U) L N C* ' CV O !IJ CL C!9 GV le v `.- Cl) to p W } C cu u`. ci «. p Utoh E5 it y c m a c? p L cn p p c p x c 3 m g, P. 0 Of ca CAPMAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Administration Fiscal Year: 90/91 Account New/ or Estimate Number Re IacesI EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION&JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cost 4122-7044 Replace Mao Ilex 40CPU Computer w' Color`Monitor and Apple Keyboard Replaces curent IBM used b $4,724 Executive Asst. to allow higher quality printing and desk top publishing for City Managers Office. 4122-7044 New 1 ea.. 1'AB Memory Upgrades • For Exec. Asst. and $350 Admin Analyst for enhanced multi tasking and print spools. 4122-7044 New Electronic Typewriter - For new personnel. $475 ARL r LQ \V. Q Q V 40 to � cc d, CL C]. ca 40 CA ,+ •- u) cas Qo to CC to w LZ c co . LL ca co w m a n C7 cwrs tLCDq 6: W' o < 4tf W d m 102 G1. a. 4 CL p Cd CayCq `n. ® :� ,Q Q sy ca cu ) as a = m c a � 3 Q 40 Cr C G3 co cv �7 ar st t7 - , o • i i i i Cs o O b Q 4"Lnti 5.l i «�...c O to Lo e� av I.s tb r wv. t ri As 3 O Cl o. 4 k f 4 J C4 1 CD s �ti d •S a� r c.3 - , bx} is w x t s 40.t r r t C. x N o r r cft G 12 COST CENTER DETAIL WRKSHEET M�!ii�as'►ya4w+R_ssw+i.rw4aw_w�r'r/�t_+a_w_1N�4A'.__'L.raM_+rw.[�wwYAM_.�__w_44!4__r_w_wM1_A__wwaNrIr+r_..wbNa- Departfmt/GGi isions i Program i ,Account Number-, IFiscal Year( PUBLIC SAFETY C0:iNlMION r 'WSLIC SAFETY i 01•4123 1$84-91 i ..��_w.._...��.,..,.t..�,.�..._w,.a.._.__��_A.�____wa____w_.�.....,�w.a.._.�__w�.4.._i i Object Ho.1 00-scription rf Iteu h Individual Dollar Ao wnts �� Budget . µ31O0 1TWEL &KETINGS ~ i biISC, ,G mtotal: j $2,900 l i 00 i�sILEACE $300 f 1 j 3900 JDPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE f I j � 1 } 1 E � t � � r r 1231fm2a.�kf TOTAL �3, 00 t t i �t _ ! tbtJ a Off G A(f O Lt a to to tt a ra r � M t 1 # p rbJ p d p R A b Cs 'b an a to� N F M W S7!Mt ST !es Yp'J V± w b wY l!! tom? � �' k a,� �d p Y f'?Cm J8 b a w 1 N t = iY40 VI; nIC i C4 K a Sv H m rya O U M r U c cz, cm r` T �b+r s} to v+ lV Vim..u. t N - i. 1t1 � t' P~• ! O N sV N M {O f7J Q' 3. Q S7 tp Yb.Q, M'Q b O l'7 hh OQ"S 3 t tom'. N W N t tn, CD tu LU Y w- �, ..o % In w t+a M Rq VI to ba.GT 41.40 Rwt M l"t M ida tdt MI iff T'M1 tiff Ltt aTf itt !t!1J't ift 1r1!A iY N YV w �w w w w N N Rat N N •� a^ti M r 7r�-� Q• y's rK' C'df M ' 14 .G PROGRIMI POSITIONAALAPY SCHEDULE Fiscal yeat Department; Mminiswrat:cn Division.0is. PrepareJnes 1990/91 Ot-4125 rj _+Position Quota j .'appropriations Position _...._._.._..,.___-_.....:----.:_! Classifivition (Current, Dept. l Mgr. j Dept. j Mgr. j Adopted Title I Leval j Rcm. j Rand. jAdapted j Rcrd. j P=d. j 9udCet Cis, Prep. P?anager ( 100$1 100$1 100%j 100%' $50,000 j $50,OOa ! 154,780 j 'Ns. Prep. Specialist[ 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $26,500 j 426,500 j $20,370 j Secretary j 100$1 100%1 100%1 100%j $2"600 j $21,600 j $22,660 j Mgmt,Analyst I j 100%1 100%1 100%j tau$[ $26'000 j $26,000 1 $33,600 j Subtotal`• j ( j j $12ti.t00 j 124,ia0 j540,4ia j Merit ontingency S6r205 j ;6,205 j7,025 ] 1$130,305 j $130,305 j $147,431 j Fringe eenef is j j ! $45,606 ! $45,606 $51,600 Subtotal- ! ! ! ! Isr(6,411 j $175,111 j $190}-30 I Tots`: f ! j j ji75,61 j175,911 #199,030 { eocbudgt\ 1251€m AI I' w j �. COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division:-_-w^-"_----Program: -- '"'( Account-Number,,'-'iscal Year Administration ( Disaster Preparedness. ( 01 4125 J Tg90/91 Object-No.(� ~Description of Ittas & Individual D.�liar'Amountsp _-.( Budget J ---- -J- ---- ------ ------ -- -- ----�------- +1100 (Regular Salary ( $147,430 ( ( J 1200 JOvertime J $3,500 I ( ( 1900 (Fringe Benefits k $51,600 3100 Imeer ogs & Travels J J CSTI EOC Procedure-Aide, Ccor.,Tech $1,995 CSTI Earthquake (' (designated City Staff) $4,400 J In-House Training-Emerg. Mgt. $500 J J J SCF--k $250 J ( SCEE.P - Quarterly Meeting $100 SCESA Annual,Conference $1,35L' Local WEEP Monthly Mtg,. $100 } ( MMASC (Tony Flores) $300 i Subtotal. J $8,995 J 3300 (Mileage J $2,500 ( 3900 JMaintenance & Opirations ( ' t J Water - (Barrels) $2,OQ0 } J Office Supplies $2,250 J' ( Pub. Ed. Materials $5,000 J } Training Materials J Training Program $1,000 ( f Small Tools $200 t Publications/Subscriptions $500 FOC Equipment 3-ou Person Packs @350 per pack $1,050 [' 20 Strechers D90 ea. $1,800 Training-Emergency Response Team(New $3,100 ( Subtotal; J $18,800 eocbud-t\ 325LFM2,wk1 Subtotal(p9.1) ( $232825 J J 1 f ;4 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET .. - ------------------- Program: i_Programs Account Numberdfiscal Year Administration Disaster Preparedness j 01-4i25 { 1394JR1 { OF ect No- -- Y"Descript on of heats &�Indiv dual Dollar Amounts Y-_«-i--------- Budget- - Y---,...r.. ------_—------- j__- _i (Coat'd) j Subtotal (Pg.1)j Y$232,825 j 3900 jEOC Equip i t � � ) ) Computes' Software $705 j 1 j Misc. $504 j Quake Drip to secure computer equips $6,004 ) ) j Printing of EOC S.O.P`S $574 $2,004 20 Cats @ 100 ea [ j j $" 54 Blankets �4aG �, ) Printing of Emerg Manuals $2,504 Film and Vida(ro Tapes Subtotals j $13r155 j 353i jvehicle Maintance 395u jDuQs ) : � j SCESA $125 j j j Naticnal Emerg Mgnt Assoc sloe j j t Bi-Ce'p $250 j ) AOL ( ASP?,-Tony Flores $55 MMASC-Tony Flores $50 { Subtotal-. 3960 )Ger.eral Liability ( $1,051 ) ! t 6027 IHazardout, Wash Pe'.-)va"i 6028 jC^ntract aervices j Maintenance on Gene,..ta.^ $425 j ) s Metorl'a Maint on 16 channel Max Tract Radios $3,024 j ! 5 Pager Rental. $1,440 J j ) 010torla - Maint an Micro gave system $3,240 j j Computer Maintenance $2,080 j MIS Adminizotratian $1451E j Secretarial Services $2,004 Sub';otalz ) $25,4.85 j eocbudgt\ i $ ) E 125LFM21.wkt TOTAL (P4,. `2) j $301,595 j i I _�....__w..,_ _ --_.---- - COST cEr� E^ ne-A1! woaKsKEET _ _. ._ --- _ ---- --------------.._ -- ---- ---- Department/Division: - j _�Pregram. -Er-. Account Humber:lFiscal Year( Administration I Disaster Preparedness j 41-a12a 1 t99d/91 _-___ ______--f Object Mc__.; _ _ __^ Desc^ ptibn of :terns & Individual Dollar�Amour,ts- t� suaget` ; (Cant',)--f- - ------- ------ -- ----- -- ---- S-bt--.---------}------- -- 7041 {capital Ex *litires-€quipmeht [ j ( Land/Sea k. �:,diner 1 I i Subtotal: i $3,000 j AWN 1 { E { 1 L I { { I I 1 { { { { . I l I I ! I l { { I I L I I I t i I � I � ► � f i � { 1 j i r y t 1 1 L I eaG6udgt� { 175LFM20,wk' iota COMPUli=R SOFFTWARE REQUEST FORM 1990/91 Department; Admin./Disaster Prep. Fiscal Year. 1990/91 Resource Canter Use Only Account Number Software Identification Serial Number/IC of Oty Unit Estimated Cost Computer Unit where Cast Approved. Denied Date Software is to be installed 0 4125-3900 F.C.Link iM&,SEF84589XMSOI1 1 $115 $,115 $115 VersaTerm Pro Mac;i F84589XM5011 1 $225 4225 $225 Upgrade '4Vordpe?fwt EXcal Mac;-f and IBM 6 SOO $48 Q $480 MacDra ,Pagemaker, IBM WorOerfect,SuperFatntl 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 , Totals: 8 420 820 705 115 i ' 1 j i I `r ,•; i r k I s i COMPUTER CABLING MISCREOUEST FORM 1994/9 t Deportment: Admin,/Disaster Prep. Fiscal Year i 990/9 Remump Cen;ow Account Number Cebiinq&MIscNeeds Location/Computer unit Oty Unit EstimbtsdCost t►SeOnly Celt MPra/ed: Denied gets E i 2aw3900 One Mw.'.gE io Sing1b Printer s ngMnL Analyst 1 $110 $110 $110 MlMcobiing D,S.Ph'p,Office i Wo $110 $1;10 D O O O' 0 O' O t7 0 0 Or -0 0 0 0 01 D (.O I ... .� 0 f i i i, COMPUTER CONTRACT URVICES REQUEST FORM 1990/91 Department- Adm"d./Disaster Prep. Fiscal Year: 990i91 Resource Center Use Only Account Number Contract Services Justiffeation QtY Unit EstlmatedCost Cast Approval Denied Date .` 4125-6028 Mac SE✓f81589xMS011 M3intContract 1 $575 $575 t375 IBM Maint.Contract 1 $509 $509 $509 Toshiba 35 IC Printer Maint Contract 1 $276 $276 $276 f imopWriter LQ Maint Cwitract 1 $720 $720 $724' ,marclware and,Software 'Training; Maintain Max.Efficiency 1 $900 $"0 $900. Q` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' n R 0 0 0 Tata1 b 2.9801 l " ' 1 6 I e t — �i CAP ITA:EQUIPMENT:REQUEST FORM 1990/91 qw Department Fiscal Year: 1990:!I min./DisiatW Pr Account Now/or Estimate Number ees t EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION&JUSTIFICATION OF NEED Cast w_ Ne end/S9e'Container 3 000 Subtotal: 000 Subtotal: $3.000 TOTAL: 3 000 ill f s i' I i Lea In �,} OY ( b Aet AY' wh i[i Aa b 4 l�♦ !D lry. - S a I M Y r w firs 4�'1 r LO iRf K r 1 1 CN - 'J'^ fL' 1 � 4ea P M Al b 4 N to A) 7L 1y 1 1 lM G!O b O d C.a Ief O i.L tom lot Oi A'a 9 :CD b O'b A Ca M O Ci 1{a Ot i ! r /t Or. o OV., o a O^ 91; a 1 O Oe O r Q t CO Q Id p N N Y 1 C OOt e r 1 Of C7 Im isi Af TT U ~ It _ /i Ca O i�C C!s5 Ca IRa a O iL. iis i~la 1 N lft UY N f C.< It N 1 v l /1 r� Ca Ca. v 6 4=O hA'.Ln A+C O VP F m @ N Vt r Cf ZM. so ct T{, 1 u�a s.-. a /". z to ur ►�--`... .t sh S j }y. w K K c a•a< Lm Ct.CLK. W � l W O' Gs o' ♦el d O O tle b. �M�ryp b m to b .10 m b b 40 Ut. uj W ! 23.. PRW AM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Aft Fiscal Year Department: Administration Division:City Clerk 1990/91 01-4126 - --- _I _ ----Poi - ta .__ .;_- - rp - Position Quota Apporiations ] PositionE _ __.. _ _.- .------- ---------------------_,._o____�) Classification jCurrentl Dept, I Mgr. I 1 Dept. I 14gr.. j Adowted [ Title ], Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd, jAdopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. 1 Budget City Clk/Record 10015-1 100%1 100%[ 100%1 $39,936 1, $39,936 I 151,340 j Deputy City Clerk j 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $26,532.1 $26,532 1 $29.080 I Asst.Dep.City Clerk ( ' 100$) 100%1 100%1 $22,656 1 $22,656 j ' 325,290 j Minute Clerk I 0%1 100*1 �tI at $17,662 1_ $p t 10 I Records Clerk 1 10t4i 100%1 100%1 100$1 $10,936 1 $10,93V4 $20,610 I Records Clerk I' 0%! 100%1 0%1 0 1 $17,652 I $0 $0 I Subtotal: j J ( ( $143,354 } $108,060 ( M6,320 Merit Contingency 1 j ( $7,168 j $50403 j $6,316 C Subtotal; 1 I I 1 I $150,532 I $113,463 I $132,636 'I r ` Fringe Benefits ] I ] 'I I $52,686 I $39,712 ] $46,423 1 Total: 1 j fi ( $203,218 I $153,175 I $179,059 1 Part-time/Rec.Clerk I 0 I 0%1 50%1 50%1 $0 1 $9,000 ! 410,300 j t GRAND TOTAL. I I. I I j $203,218 I $162,,175 ] 11�39,359 I, 126LFM1A.wk1 1 I 1 I I 1 ] I I t 1 I I I I i 1 l I 1 1 I 1 l I 1 l 1 l �ti� { COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSNEET —�,_.—_----- ---- �_,._.,._.�,.,_-----_.._�,,_,....�v.._.�_�... . .._�_�._ Department/Division; j Arogra�a: Account Numbsr:}a»fiis. cal Year J Administration ( City Clerk } Od-4d26 ( 1990/41 } OEjcct Na.T Description of Item & Individual Dollar Amounts ( Budget } 1t0Q (Regular salary ( ; 32536 J 1 J j 1200 }Overtias 1300 jPart-Time Salary } $10,300 J j I I 1900 JFringo Benefits J J J I 3100 JTravel &Meetings J J J City Clerk's Association (CCASC) $320 J J J League of California Cities wo ] } } City Clerk's State Conference (CCAC) $720 J j ( Assoc. of Records Mgrs. Administrators (A►tMA) $410 j ( Cont, Education for Public Officials (CEAO) $600 J ( N Law Seminar $570 ( J J Local Meetings as Required sea Subtotal; J $3,500 i 3300 JMileage ( J } Staff Reimbursowt 4 .26 $300 } wo ! } I 3900 ]Maintenance $ Operations J j # Coda Updates ( municipal $6,000 { } State $2,59 J J J Legal AdvertizinD $30,000 J J } Office Supplics $8,000 ( j l Municipal Codes (10) $3,000 J ( Microfilm Supplies $0,000 } J I, ( Software Upgradez $1,305 J j Subtotal: J ssmcs J 395a Dz=s City Clerk's Association of California $126 ( } ( Internatiwal institute of Municipal Clerks $150 J J' ( Association of Records Managers $200 { ( Subtotal, J $47E J ( I J 3460 J.General Liability j $1,200 J ( } ( 602E [Contract Services J J Maintenance Agrc ents (Equipment) A $7,500 � J Nfcrcfilm Servicss (35YA) $7,000 ( } ( Off-Site Storage (Vital Records) $1,000 J f Election $7 000 J J }' MIS Adainistration $20,898 ( } ( Computer Mainten&dce $4,294 } J ( Subtotal: } $ss,6n) t 7044 JCapital 'equipment } } AAo Microfiche Jacket Titler $5,528 ( J ( Auto Jacket Loader $7,741 ( } J Reader A Printer 4000 $3,031 J Sub 4tal: J $16,4-00 J J j J 126Lfii2a.vkl TOTAL: J 1329,131 COMPUTER SOFTWARE. REQUEST FORM rteent: Administration / City Clark Fiscal Year: 1990/91 01-4126 w__Y.{�_--_r_ _ ► --- --► v -1_4►--ie.Uf►►-►-r------------►..-_►-_r-►.ice►_------► -------------►s ---►-- __n +.� ►�_s► ruw.. Resource Center"- ►� I 1 ( Use Only Account Numbarl SSoftwareIdantificatien t Serial Number/ID of I Qty I Unit I5itimated Costl,.-....... _I ( I Computer Unit where 1, ( Cost I I Approved I Denied k Date I ISoftware is to be installedl I I I I _��_ _...►_ .Irw._-.. ,.-.__.. ..-. ..__pwi_ _-_...._w. .-_.w....... ..►�Im►—I-►® _a►1...-.-......__..�_I�_.�e_-._I.►_--.�_I� .._►�_.I 04-16-90 4126-3900 i 9R-425f Jacket Indexer 1006 I 1 ! $350 j j$50 1 $350 1 104 96-90 1 I00ss2 i. 1 ILotus 123 IDId I 1 � $310 I $310 I $310 � I04►16�-90 1 IUpgrade: Catus/WordperfactiOld I i I $400 I $400 I $400 } la►16-90 I l I I I I ( ( 1 i I I I 9 I I I ( 1 I 1 1 I < I I I I 126LFM7a.wk1 I { I I I I I I I Totals, b $1,305 $1.305 $1.305 $0 l I i i COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Deportmat Administration ! City Clerk Fiscal year 01-4126 I990l9I __..�www..NNw_�..__w..........w.r�__..__..e...____wrr���_r._.r..ww•.........._.«..,....�_..�.rww..vr__�..r+.r:•_«yr_.r.:.....r..M....1. I Resource Center I I I I I Use Only Account Number(Cohtract Servicesl Justification jQtyl Unit IEstimat;J Cast Cost I IAppovedj Canis d I Dato 4I2 IBM PC JColar Monitors 13 I $151 t $453 I IMono Mcnitors J 2 I $69 $136 [ va 104-16-90 I I IDiablo'Printer I ( $60V I $601 $607 E I04-16�'n I INP Lazar. 11 I $690 $690 E $600 I Ia4-16-90 i 1 $26 $2t6 $276 0 !Toshiba - I I Ilan 11 ) $1.200 I $1,200 $D 1 s1,.200 104-16-90 r I f 126LFMSa.wk1 1 I I I I I Totals: 14 $3,351 $5,154 $3,954 $1,200 CAPITAL Er)UIPMENT REQUEST FORM DeKrt�ent, Adeirtistr4Mian l C�;,y Clark �,w T Year 014126 199013.1 wwY_Yw.YY4�M_4rMra.errw!T�VrwM�w_Yw�'1ti44Msw�rrw_vwbrhMrw4rr�4M_waYwsYvs�ewr C ~Acccunt Rewl ar Estiaate 4 Nuebor +f, Rsplaws }IE4UTE%M9M raEtiTIEICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED I Gast j 4126-7044 New jAutcaatio Micr°of*w Jacket Titles J New jAutamatia.Jacket Loader 1 $7,741 i New lRoader/Prints^ 4000 � $3,031 1' I E C I i d t i 1 i i t i i i t 9 f I i I 1 1 1 1 I } Z I 126ifr,3a.wk1 TOTAL $16,300 j rti COMPUTER HARDWVv nc�fE5i FORS Department: AdainistrAtion/City Clerk Fiscal Year: 1990 1 01--41�5 _ --------- �Resa+.rce ..�..Caper I Unit 1 1 Use Only Account tlutaberl Hardware Description I Work Area IQty I Cost 1Estitatad Cost- I__. Identification 1 Location I Approved 1 Denied ( Date 1 4126-7044 ICompaq 286e (City Clerk 1 1 1 $2,500 1 $2,500 1 1 $2,500 104-16-90 1 4126-7044 {Color Monitor !city Clerk I 1 I $500 ( $500 ( $500 104-16-90 1 fi i � 1 1 f i 1 ! ! 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 I ! 1 1 ( 1 176LFM4a.wk1 p 1 1 1 t 1 ( 1 ! Totals: 2 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000 1 __ _ t ;, � aa" �r� f 'Q i �.� �r 6. ,:,1_ I_� O 1 N O ^p O a O.a M Ilo a d .to W O R'S m 19''..r t► O d LlS C cc. w tLi RV. � an O O F O b O. O a O ees G d tl� . Y�a' pS N A 1 i nY O.CI ..4 w c"ca:. a t d i of C+d e+�s a o o a Ste. a tb �r w �o = N= N p� tL cc p N O Q N O ♦.O Of L yWy 1 RS O O p tiS. a f.A A:. to ca f 4;�O O F F YF.J 1 N.i0 N. C b M a C 4 RV OY�F O v 1.4 O O t[S O tO O F m { to N F` ; N i 11 It cm. cc W 1 4 � �)� S Vie+ { x rWc oa °c*o*- _` co C.5 c w s a b v a e e ttS b ab w. dN�. ♦.y M. !—. { K, « nS a' of OI of p {O F cm cm. ao W, o o CCSS t �' 11GG�GG�.. � Lam• v��.. r+ w♦'+ s�a♦.. !+�.. �� W 1 C H W 30 PROGRAM METIOM/SALARY SCHEDOLE Fiscal Yeier Department Administrative Services Division: Administration 1"90/91 01-4150 --------.w-_-... ---------------------- -------------------- { Position Qjata { Appropriations ! Position !'-------------------a.__.�---=--l� ---- --------------- �.-. __I Classification ICurrentl Dept. I Mgr. 1 1 hot. I Mgr. I Adopfi ; Title I Level I Rand. { Rcmd. ji;dapted I Rcmd, 1 Rcmd'. I Budoet i Admin. Serv.�Dir. 40% 401s 40% 4Q 1 I I { %{ $34,000 I $34,000 -i $3�,S"v t F Mgmt. Analyst i *1 0%1 100%1 100-1 100%1 $41,600 1 S 11600 ( $41,020 1 Receptonist a1 0%1 100%1 16991 100%1 $18,350 1 $18,350 1 cts ,c0 Ads istrative Secy..1 100%j 100%1 1GrA1 100%1 $26,800 1 "$25,800 1 $28,3$0 Office Specialist II 1 100%1 100%1 *0%[ 166%1 $20,000 1 1201000 1 $Z, 1320 I ffiP:s Services Clerk{ 10011 100%1 190%{ i0.a;1 $17,000 1 $1T,©00,I $1g,230 1 Subtotal't I I 1 1 1 $156,750 1 $155,750 I $166, 500 l 1 1 ( 1 ( I ! Merit Contingency ( { { 1 I $7,838 { $7,63t.1 $8,325 1 Subtotal': f ! $164,588 f $1 1,588 # $174,825 Fringe Benefits ( ( 1 I $67.606 { $57,606 1 $61,189 1 Total: i ( f ! $222,193 $222, 13 $236,014 Redevelopment Agency ( 1 { ( I 1 ! I Admin. Serv. Directorl 20%1 20%1 20%1 1 $17.000 1 $17,w I $1e�+i:iJ I Sub otal: I { 1 1 { $17,000 1 $17,000 { $18,410 1 Merit Contingency I 1 1 w0 1 $050 1 $921 Fringe Benefits 1 ! ( $5,950 ( $5,950 = $6,444 Total: $23,800 023,800 $26,774 • y 1 I i f Mgmt. Analyst It Reflects transfer of financial Analyst from Finance Division, Information Clerk:Reflects transfer of Information Clerk from Finance Division. { ** Admin. Serv. Die.: Distributed as follows- 40% Admin. Serv./Administra Jon 40% Admin. Serv./Personnel 20% Redevelopment Agency 15OLFMia.ski COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division:------(-- —Program -- ----�- ---Account NumbLr:IFiscal-Year—I Administrat ve Servfn.es ( ' Administration I 01-4150 i 1990/91 ------------ Object' No.I Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts ( Budget ---- -( _ - - - --- - -(- -( 1100 jRegular Salary- -- - -------- -- J $174,825 1200 (Overtime I $300 1900 jFringe Benefits $61,189<1 3100 ITravel & Meetings j I I League of California Cities Annual Conference $900 I j ( Parma Annual Conference $1,000 ( Prima Annual Conference $1,250 ( I (, GFOA Annual Conference $1,250 11 ( ,�'Jlstotal: { $40300 3300 IMileage Staff Reimbursement $3,000 I j ( Use of Pool Car (Mail and Misr. Meetings) $1,500 ( { Subtotal: ( $4,500 j ( ( ( ( 39e.1. jAintenance & Operations { I Office Supplies $2,100 f :�ining and Education 41,000 � J I Subtotal; 1 $3,100 j I s I ( ( 3956 (DuOe & Subscriptions ( j I CMTA $70 I CSMFO $100 (' j I Rotary $300 l f ( Subscriptions $300 [ j Subtotal: j $770 3960 jGeneral Liability I $486 I ( I I 6028 jContract Services Computer Matintenace $2,797 j MIS Administration $13,799 j Subtotal. I $16,596 j 1 I t tY Total: j $266,066 3 150LFM2a.wk1 ( r COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM De artme toministrative Services Administration Fiscal Year.• 1990191 01-4150 Resource Center Use Only l; Account NumbelSoftware Identification! Serial Number/ID-of [Qty (. Unit j,Estinatedl-_---- ( l Computer Unit where ( I Cost ( IApprovedl Denied I Date 1 l (So;twsre is to W installed! I ----------------------- : Analyst-._____..___l�.1 -_____!_�_ 1_ I--------1-------_1 01-4150-3900 lWordperfect MAC INew Positiik ( 1 1 $206 ( $_.:_205 ( $20.5 t; 104-16-901 (Excel (New Positior ;analyst 1 1 I $289 ( $260 I $269 I 104-16-901 IPage Maker 4.0 'New Position- 'Ilyst ( 1 ( $398 $390 1 $096 1 104-16-901 Ism lNew Position: Ana'jt5t 1 1 ( sea 1. $99 1 $08 1, 1a4-16-901 lFasbback VAC JNew Positions Mah",t 1 1 ! ;¢1125 1 $125 1 $125 ( 104-16-901 i I 1 1 L L ( 1 1 I 1 ! 1 1 { I I 150LFH7a.wki Totals: 5 $11106 $1,105 NOTE i 19SO/91 Buket 0 : to be funded from 1969/90 monies, a l/J COMPt1TER HARDWARE REQU&S FORM Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services J Administration 1990/91 Di-415O _...�_�_..---—-----—_ Resource Center ! ! ! I knit 'Ose Only Ae,count Number( Hardware Description I Work Area (gty I Cost (Estimated Cost (�-,� ! Idw tification ! location l ( ! ( Approved Dented { Date ! 01-4150-70441MAC II;, Monitor, Video INew Position: ( ( ! ( Card, Keyboard I Analyst 1 1 ! $4,724 ! $4,724 ( $4,724 � j 3-16-90 I { l 4 ! 1 ! [MAC 1mb Memory ( analyst j 1 ! $350 ( $350 ! $350 ! 104-16-90 I (Laserwriter lI NT ! Analy;fi ( 1 ( $3,424 $3,424 t $3,424 1 104-16-90 ( ! i S l ( ! ! I (19 I i j j 1- I 1501.MF4a.wk1 Totals: 3 $0,498 $8,498 $0,498 $0 NOTE: 1990/91 Budget 0; To be funded from. 1989/90 monies a • t t I o of P o oi. s ai n o ItA o1 � Ct �. .� �. Lo i F a rs IIp o e a la o e car.d » An cr :M. 0 O O O w LH O C* W cz. OtYi C. a/i 1 O o w 10 co 6 U SbV n Tf A LJ t b cm'O. O to Ell Ci >r 4 s o in ra e.r N C en v ti t31 OO O ilf LtTC�t It at b:Pi fbLf IRf. no ;. » / y1/ O a to 1'JI >O w us fn UA / L e ti N ; H t wCCIC O alai cc .LU O. L91 a 10 O O v F i LL. �^ Of t'A Ot 4t Ol a O �, Z t:. 1 �4Yi R7 lri. LPf Ln+t�i ip F lijj C? { G tff. :Ln iPi a IIY N b IfY Lfi b Llti LN 35 PRGOAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Administrative Servioes Division: Finance F;scal Year 01-4151 1990/91 ----------«_...--------------------------------- --___..�...._�._------s --- ( Position Quota J ApproOriations ( Position J_ -I- •- -- -( Classification }Current( Dept. I Mgr.�I M ( Dept. I 119r. I Adopted I Title ; Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rand. i Rcmd. (' Budget C Finance Officer~ 1 90%1 98,1 90%1 90%1 $60,730 1 $60,730 1 $65,450 1 Accounting Manager 1 90%1 90%1 90tj 90%1 $36;000 ( $36,000 1 $40,800 ) Financial Analyst *1 100%1' 100%1 otl 0%1 $41,600 1, $0 1 $a I Accountant 1 0%1 200%1 100%1 100%j $75;660 1 $37,6301 $38,2601 Account Technician *1 80%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 $0 j $0 1 $0 I Accts.PayabTi Superv1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $29,340 1 $29,3440 1' $31,180 1 Account Clerks 1 400%1 400%1 400%1 50011 $86,000 1 $86,000 1 $132,240 1 Acet. Technicians 1 100%1 200%1 200%1 100%1 $45,000 1 $45,000 1, $26,650 1 Cashier/Acct.Clerk 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 1041 $24,000 1 $24,000 1 $24 e00 '1 Senior Office Asst. 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 $0 I $0 1 $0 1 Information Clerk *I 100%1 0%1 011 0%1 $o I $o I $o I Subtotals ( ' $398,330 $318,900 $359,580 I Merit Contingency I L i } I $19,917 ) $15,945 I $17,-Q79 ); Subtotal: I ! ( $418,247 j $334,845 ! $177,659 Fringe Benefits 1 ) 1 ) ) $146,366 I $117,125 ) $1342,146 J Total: I 1' I I ) $564,633 1 $452,040 I $59,705 J Redevelopment Agencyl I I I I I f J Finance Officer 1 10%1 10%1 10%1 1 $6,750 1 !1,750' 1 $7,280 1 Acet. Manager I 10%1 10%1 10%1 1 $3,600 1 $3,600 1 $4,540 Account Technician 1 20%1 Of 0%1 1 so I so $0' I Accountant 1 100%1 100%1 109%1 1 138,600 1 138,600 1 $40,220 1 Subtotal: ) ( ) 1 ) $48,950 1 $46,950 )' x2,040' { Merit Contingency ( 1 ( I I $2,.448 1' 420440 ) $2,602 { Subtotal: ( I I I J $51,3991 $51,3981 $54,642 Fringe Benefits 1 I ) 1 $17,989 I $17,989 ) $19,125 Total: ! �i.9,687 $69,387 $73,767 Fire District: 1 ( I } ) ) ) I Account Technician 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 1 $20,690 1 $2C,560 1 $25,800 1 Merit Contingency ) I I I I $1034 1 $1,034 ( $1,290' '1 Su bi al: f ; i ' $21,114 I $21,714 } $27,090 f Fringe Benefits ( j ) ) $7,600 I $71,600 1 $9,482 1 Total: ) I I I 1 $29.314 I $29,314 I $36,572 1 * Financial Analyst: Position transferred to Adiin. Services/Admin. Div. * Account Technician:-Position transferred to Admin.Services/City Treasurer Div. * Information Clerk: Position transferred to Admin* Services/Adiwin. Div. lotus:151LFM1A.wk1 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division:- ---�---- �Program�-�- -- - -----Account dumber (Fiscal Year( Adi!inistrative Services ( Finance ( 01.4151 ( 1990/91 Object-No-��-- -Description of-Items- -& Individual Dollar Amounts [--Budget-- ----------i------------------------•------- --- -----------------------J�._�..------( 1100 (Regular Payroll i $37T,559 1200 JOvertime Payroll ( $1,000 } 1300 (Part-Tine Payroll ( $1,000 (, 1900 (Fringe Benefits ( $132,146 J I E 3100 ITravel & Meetings J CSAC/League Legislative Seminar $800 { J GFOA National Conference $1,000 ( CSMFO Annual Conference $800 ( Aiscellaneous Meetings $500 { { Subtotal: [ $3,100 ( 3300 IMileage is i Mileage Allowance $3,000 I City Pool Vehicle $500 } (, Subtotal: J 14711,500 i 3900 iMaintenance & Operations I I' I Office & Computer Supplies $10,500 ( J Printing (CAFR'S & BUDGET) $15,000 L J ( Misc. Equipment & Furniture $2,000 ( Training & Education $2,500 J J Computer Software $1,990 I Subtotals J $31,J90 I 3956 (Dues { { I CMTA $50 J J I CSMFO $150 i t GFOA $700 ( j _ Local Memberships $200 { I Subtotal: J $1,100 I' I ( { 3960 JGeneral Liability J $1,410 3 { J 6028 (Contract Services { i Office & dnmputer Equipment Maintenance $10,000 ( I I HIS Administration Charge $82,831 I J J Sales & Use Tax Audit $5,000 } J Wang File Maintenance $12,000 J' J Subtotals ( $109,831 7044 (Capital Equipment ( J L Compaq & Laser Printer - Accountant $6,000 J $6,000 Total: $668,636 lotus151LFM2A.wk1 COMPUTER,:CABLING MISC REQNEST FORM Department: Fiaance fiscal Year: 1990/91 01-d151 -- --- -----o--�._.�.__�» ...._,,.--------- ---------------- _.�__ - -...... - --- -- Resource Center ! I I ! 1 ! use Only ! Account Number ! Cabling & Misc Neads Itocatiun/Computer Unit ! Qt4 I Unit IEstinated CostC� ( ! I Cost ! I Approved ! Denied ! Date 41S1=3ioo-- Icables- IFinancelCompxq _.._..,.... ! six ( $220 ! ___-• I $220 I4%66-90 (AB Switch Boxes IFinan a/;wpaq ( 1 !`_ $60 ! $60 I I $B0 I+-16-90I l I I ! E L ! ! I Totals: 3 $iTU' $2S0 $4 $260 lotus; 151FRGA.Al t COPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM tpartwt: Finance Fiscal Year: 19 0 01-4151 w...w«►_...�—�....�.._r+....�_....-.:er•...r+w......u+....«...rrw..----^""--..�w_«..,w««--"-«...+...,��..w�+i;•.w��._«rw----M..�w,�.rrrr--w«+.+�+•r..e..«.vr«...�.._«+.rw.wn..- ! 1 1 ( Resource Center 1' 1 Use Only I Account R-jm49r T Soft pare Identification l SeriaT Number/ID of 1 Qty ( Unit lEstimated Castl----- --------- Computer Unit where ( I, Cost I I Approved ( Denied ! Date } ISoftware is to be instelledl I ! ( I ( I ----.w__-_..«M«-_wl..«�.rw....y«.w.._....,...�.�.r+ww�._..(rw.�.. 1-«_---.�.i+....+.1•..�...w_..._..w.__I+M«•..—..rw 4151- 900 1Mord Perfect 6.1 lCompaq-Acct.Sup.Mccouitantl 2 1 $250 1 $500 1 $600 1 104-16-90 (Lotus 123 lrompaq- Accountant I 1 ( $310 1 $310 1 S-410 1 ('04-16-9a IFlarvard Graphics lCcw_.". i=Acct.Sup.Mccountantl 2 1 s290 1 1500 1 $500 1 104-16-90 11mpress iCcmpaq-F.M.;Acct.4up A=t. 1 3' 1 $200 1 $600 1 $600 1 104-16-90 ; ! I ! 1 ! $a1 ! 1 I ! 1 ( I to 1 I 1 C I I t ( $so o f ! f I i toso f fi so I I 1 ( ! ! 1 $o l I E I 1 $o ( ! 15'11fn7a.wk1 ( 1 1' l $a { l l 1 I ! I $o ! ! I Totals; 8 $1.050 $1,990 $1,990 $t`: I a i COMPUTER CONTRACT-SERVICES REQUEST FORM, - 9 '9 Department:epartne7t.. Finance Fiscal Year. . 1 9a1 t ....�_��.w_..w ww....:.».M _...�._»_.......�.._, .,..,.ww..�...._ _- wow------— —...w...,--___ �..,..�w:..._. ..;».........� Resource Center I ( ( Use Cilly AlCount Number[ Contract Services ( JUstification jQtyi Unit (Estimated Cost Cost ( (Approved( Osnied (, Oats —iww___�.w....l 1__...,...��...w..w_�.,....wi�..i_...ww.....��1�._.��. w`...._.._Iw...�..,..wi�_�..e_.� ._._..w,._.,,.1 m-6028 11m 1t4aintenance Sorv. 3 1 $350 1 t1,04 ( $1,034 (: 104y16-90 1 1N91 Sys. 64 15hare 1 User 1 1 1 $344 1 $340 $340 1 144-10-to ( (Ctmtlaq ]kaintenance Strv. 1 2 1 $302 1 $604 ( $604 1 104µ16-90 1 1Printer, at Matrix 18aintenance %Pv. 1 3 1 $216 1 $828 ( $820 1 104-16-90 ( 1PT 200 (Maintenance Serv. 1 5 1 $179 1 $095 (; $e9a j 104 tmc � Kolar Monitor {maintenance,6erv. 1 4 1 $1rs1 1 $504 t604 1 104�1t�-90 1 11spact Printer jMainteA"-ice Sere 1 1 1 $3,424 1 $3,420 { $3,420 1 1Lasar Printer Imaintenance &arv. 1 1 1 $00 1 $690 1 $690 1 104-1b-46 j 1N81 Printer 1Maintenance Urv. 1 1 1 $309 1 $308 1 $3-a 1 l04-16-90 1 (N8I 3 19sinteaance 5erv. 1 1 1 $289 1 $287 1 Ito 1 1 { ► � 1 1 1 j ' I 1 f 1 1 ( Totals. 22 e6,5+1 19.060 g9.050 $0 lotus. I51LFm5A.mk1 4 I, OfMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Finance fiscal Year: 1990/91 w..r+.-----rn..ww., •«—__-a+.;.«w..r. .rrt..s�-w_-ww -------�r —�.w__« ....�w- .. r-----------..r.++w..rw.r«rwa a......r...wrr rt i • tf Resouraa Center 1 t Unit ( Use only { Account k1mberl Hardware Description Hark. Arja y`Y Y �, CosE 3Eatieated Cost { Idsntifitation jR Locction ( 1 ( #} Approved { Denied �4 Date �1 - I . rrrr+.--s..—w.+r.«{ a.�.r+.�rs+.i....__.�w -lw -- .�w -ir — wi.w v} enw..wl +i35i-"044 £oapagw--Accountant �fihanc.� 1 !i - $2,500' 3 —i2ta0�-» _ 3 .y�2,500 3 ~ 104-i5-90 � {C-olar ftitar-Accountant (Finance j 3 } 50(� $500 3 1500 10 =i6-90 1 ILasar Printer-Accountant {Finance i 43,000 $3,000 3 $3,000 k t ] , j Totals: 3 f`' QGO $5,0Q0 f5,000 $0 t5l4.HF�.�ki I i r - y✓ M.. i� I : 1 �, .: �� .� ,_ 1 O' Ct 2�O 1 N CIY.� N Oi. IrY • O 1 . ACE tl _ s I 7 N O O. O U3 J' dt N tp m N N N 0. O t al• O N O w► N p\ O d O C 1 H 01 1 N u C _ < i ^ 1 V Vt m 1 t ,O v 111' y l/d O M l� 1• O M I F=-1 I 10lf lf! N QNt, m 1 / o o a s In su' a d o vs e N M N 1 111 1. J O Q H H p J tVi gOg 1 O W 6]6 W ti i KT Q d W S V M{ 6.In X H O. �. x J' CL O® vc O 0�.. 1+ E OI�C C>pCj:. T 1 1 � Q O O :O O O G tp O ILLY �f 1 7C i. 1 .• •- t. cp� to M m.Cs e+ - 1 1 N Wpp•N- Cpt 1 O � �/[f �tt! 'r r �� ^'.�- In W cm :.. i. . PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: Licensing 1990/41 ------ ------M-- - -------------------------------------.--------- ..... - j� Position Quota } Appropriations _.; . Position } ------------------- Classification (Curre0tt Dept. I Mgr, j .idopted J Title ; Level Rcmd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rcm-d. J Rcmo:--. ,Udo— { Business Lie. Supv_ j 0$1 0$ 0%1 0 $O f $0 .$0 Business Lie. Tech. 2001< 200%+ 200% 100%1 $50,,000 $50,000 $32 450 . Business Lie. Clerk j 1001lj 100%j 100i;j 100$1 $21,675 J $21,675 ( $24,180 j Sr. Bus. Lie. Tech. j 0-1 100%J 0%1 100%1 $30,000 { $0 } $27,660 } Technician/Bus.Lic *{ 0t{ 0%1 b0%} 5o} $0 J $12 500 } $13,000 } subtotal; w-it Contingency 1 j I $5,084 $4,20a j' $4,sss } Subtotal: } } } } 1$106,159 { $88,303 }. 4102,155 } Fringe 9anefi ( ( ( J $37,366 } $30,994 } $35,75$ } Subtotal: } j J J$14#,i25 } $119317 J $137,909 } TOTAL: ( ( ( ( 1$144,125 j $119,317 J $137,909 ( * Position shared 50% with purchasing Division (acct. #01-4153). } I J I J } } I 152LFM1a.wkt ! ( ( I t l 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 i i COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Divisionc� r--�---program - �Y��-- Account Nummber.iFiscal Year Administrative Services ( Business Licensing i 01-4152 J 1990/91 ObJect Z Description of Items V Individual Oglla.r Amflunts } Budget <I _��_--___I_ --------------------------o��------- Y-.�.�---------j------------ J 110Q IRegular Salary [ $102,155 J 1900 iFringe Be^efits I $35,754 J i i I 3100 iTravel & Meetings J J CMBTA Quarterly Meetings $200 i 1 I CMBTA Conference $,-,1100 I } ( Subtotal: } $1,300 } 3300 111leage } }. I Use of City Pool Vehicle i $2,000 } ( I I $900 IMaintenance & .Operati�ins [ J Postage $4,500 ( Office Supplies $2,200 J i J Printing &-Forms $3;000 ITr.aining & Education $1 000 J i I Subtotal: I $10,700 i I j J 3956 iMembership & Dues i $70 I 3960 (General Liability ( $519 J i 6028 (Contract Services i J I Rapid Data/Computer Maintenance $20,000 i, I I MIS Admin Charge $16,596 ] Subtotal: i $36,596 i 7044 1Capital Expenditures P.C. Network $16,000 j J i Licensing Software $5,000 i ( Subtotal: j $21,000 i i i ( l { J j I i j i Total: i $2,91004 j 152LFM2a.wk1 r CMPUTER CONTRACT SERVNES REQUEST FORM Department. Rdmin Serv/Licensing Faecal Year: 1990/31 Resource Center ! ! ( ( ! ] Use Only ! Account Number( Contract Services ! Justifiwticn jpty( Unit (Estimated Cost !-,-_--------—----.we..--------- Cost ! (Approved( Denied ( Date ! --__-_--__-►--le__.�1Rw-_--__-__----_-l-sw�-w__w_���.v.__a_!_.wp!-----w-__�---__---w__b-------►--_-- ----cl-_J__a✓.- 4162-6028 JIBM PC jMaintenance Scrv. ! 4 ! $350 ! $1,432 ! ! $1,432 104-16-90 ! l 1 L I 1 1 1 ! ! ( ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 152LFM$a.mk1 -- ----"----------`---"----�~-- -• - _ _ w-..r..... ---.w-..- Totals: 4- ..-�$3591,4�2 $Q 31.432.__. j 4 l .. k j h. t f� e f COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Admin Services/Licensing Fiscal Year: 1990/91 ------ --- ----------_.:..�..._— ------------------- - --- - - --_ ^_------------ ---- ---------f- '�" pResource Center ( ( unit ! I use Only ! Account Numberl Hardware Description Fkirk Area lQty I Cost ]Estimated Cost identification Iocatian I ( I I Approved I Denied l Oate I � --- -- _! I---------- - !-- ----_,_ _ -c4152-7044 IPersaalomputer Itcnsing #Taa _I $16,000 �16,000 I ! ! ! I I J L ! ! 152LFM4a.wk1 I ! ! L I Totals: 4,OD0 $16,000 SSfi004 $D 4 f I i COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Administrative Services Department: Business Licensing Fiscal Year: 1990/9 ------- _s�___��------ ----------------------------�------------------ __ _ _ Resource Center ( l ( 1 L 1 'Use only t AYcount. Aumberl Software Nentification ( Serial Number/ID of I Qty I Unit ]Estimated Cost[____- ( 1 Computer Unit where ' l Cost 1 ]Approved IDeniedl Hate I IS-oftware is to be installed] I -_-�__----__--I--------------�-----------l-r------------�_-�__�__�i_�,alp------I-------------- ---—----I_�..I-_-- 1 01-4152-7D44 18us. Licensing Software IBus,Lic.Div.z 4 Now pC's 1, 1 1 $5,000 1 $5,000, t5,000 I 104-16.90 1 ! I ! I l I ! { I 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 L ! I I I I ! I 1 { I l I I C L l f I I 1 1 152LFR7a.wk1 I L I l ! ( ! Totals: 1 $5,000: $5,000 $5,0l0 $0 I it I 1 Sea Ia o o a a. as a c as - W o VI ^ o• >h v In 4a o 1a'i 4 OCC I �. r 1 r rt Nev +CCl. , W O C1 G? C Ci t? !A M O IrY wtom') 1 t+s r''ui N,+►- qy r' N 1 1 , I I cz, o.ri o o b q IrY!s m ch co �,Na, D/. i F O Ali -ZO p GM +P 1'V 'It N q 6 t ~ Cb to vq IA b CC r 1 1 , 1 ca oIa oo ... Iyu.t i Ga :a rt o 41i e"1ia m v en e`na� a ago• ow 4 C Q 1 w O Oe fNn O a Iota O RfY O is a o ffi 1 a:T T Yn O lot ar! N � 6 C. i C 1 N O O 4 W in I Ct O v 1 1 � ese sa.o <5 ea we 4. are,� o o en r- O/t O G N YI' Ire 0• O g O VI'Ce Ii9 iV wR CY C C i en m o 1n.�t+ on wa CZ, eo a wr Nlot "I i io { J^ r a Ira " c O 1 1 � W 1 H X. f•LAus 'Sa— w C-4 a 1.�c x rr O a+. r� �� c7 ZS ca Rr o 1 s c,b a Io Cam .r wi `�. � Ft 1 ► ate- .�-. PU m {�'T son ens m ti ti aft tft eft t� � .a- sue., an ai.G!f ; 4' r tie... �.-.� •��- O G 111 48 PROGRAM POSITION!/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division, Purchasing 1990/91 01-4153 Posit w Quota (- AR,,,oprtations �_ { rwition Cla;$°fication lGgrrent Dept. ( Mgr.R I rDept. ! Mgr. 7-Adopted- ! Title ( Level ( Rced. ( Rcmd. ! Adopted ! Rcmd. !; Rand. ( Budget ! Purchasing Agent ( 100%( 100%f 10al 100%1 $41,640 ( $41,640 ! $46,470 ( Buyer ! 100%1 100$1 100$1 100%( $24,700 ( $24,760 ( $P0,980 Jr. Buyer ! 0$1 100%1 0 0 ! $21,500 ( 0 ( 0 Office Specialist 111 100%1 100%1 100V. 100%1 $19,800 (: $19,800 ( $21,560 Technician/Bus,Lic. J 0%1 0$1 50$1 50$1 $0 { $1a,w 0 ! 11mo0 ( Subtotal: j j j $107,720 ! $98,7.3 j $111,010 j Merit Contingency Subtotal. ( j ( ! ! $113#106 .l$to$,656 ( $116,561 Fringe Benefits ( ( ( ( $39,587 1 $36,280 ( $40,796 Totalr 1 ( ( ( $152,493 '($W,936 ( $157,357 I I ( l 1 I ( ! ! 1 t ! ! ! I Z l ! ! 153LFM18.WK1 ! I I 1 ! ! ( l 1 COST CENTER DET4IL HORKSNEET Department/Division:~ -- I- -Program., - ------Account Numb►pelFiscat-Ye'Arrj Administrative Services I Purchasing j 01�4153 I 14's=n-�; I __ grir_rr_—_..ai-w-_rr��_rwe_irer�e.r+n�,ri.r—�:�rrR__-YYrr�'a,wr'frr',I 4 a+I ObjectrNo.�- _ __Description of Items & Individual Da-lar Am I budgetk _I _ --------- - r.--- r _ -. .�I_--.—__.-� �1100 ( egur-Salary i $i16,561 1130 (Overtime j $1,OD0 t I 1900 (Fringe Benarfip j $40►796 � i � r 3100 ITravel &Besting$ I CA Assn. of Pub, Pch. Officers. Conf. $1,80i1 I i Local Assn. of ,.P.O. Meetings $300 I I I Subtotal: 'S2,100 I 3300 IMileage j I I Staff Mileave Reimbursement silo I I I. Use of Pool Vehicles $,�*F0 ( - I # subtotal; I ' $1,000 I 3900 jWntenance & Operations I j j Office Supplies $1,050 I I, Printing forms P.O.s, etc. $7,075 I I Advertising Bid noti„as $1$,500 225 I I E I Thomas Register j I i Postage $100 1' (Training & Education $700 I Professional Workshops,: Computers, etc. Subtotal: I $11,4501 { 3956 IDues I j l I CA Assn, of Publiia 'Purchasing Officials $100 I I National Assn. of Purchasing Officials $60 ) I 5ubtotat [ $240 j I I s 3960 (General Liability l $455 t j 6028 (Equipment Maintenance, WANE, NBI $3,418 j IMIS Administration $21,476 Subtotals j $24,694 1 I 7044 (Capital Outlay ' I } I Bar Coding MachinelSaftwa^e $1,800I I Subtotal: I $1,800 I j I I j I � I I i I I I Total: 1 $200,296 1 I k1 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Fiscal YVar (Department. Administrative Services division: Purchasing 1590A91 ! 4 Resource.Center } ! ! ! ( Use Only Account Number( Contract Services ! Justification jQty( Unit (EstiW04 Cast !------- Cost (ApprovaIjUenied! Date 014153.6028 (t6M EIpter !Maintenance J, 3 # $358 1 $1,074 ( $1,074 ( 104w,6-90 ! IN31 Z i 01 !Maintenance ( 1 j, $483 ( $483 i $483 ( 104-16-00 lPrinteis !Maintenance ! 2 ( $276 ! $562 ( $552 } 104-16_9b, iSys 64/Share 3 Users 19aintenance i 1 ! $1.020 ( $1i020 ! $1,020 } 104-16-90 (Mona Monitor (Iaintenance 2 ( $69 ( $138 ! $138 1 104-16-2o (Cclar Monitor (Maintonance } 1 ( g151 ( $1a1 $151 ( 104-16.90 ( ! y a x 1 f 1 # 1 # { f I E I 1 I 1 ! ! 153LMF5b,ek1 ! ( ( ( ( ( I Totals: 110 $2x35'r !"418 $3,418 $0 I i r I CAPITA). EQUIP?iEt T 1EQMT FORM Department. Adeinistrati WOOS giv,z h: Purchasing Fiscal Year Avcount I Nfie/ or { I EstiaaA� Number SI Replaces IEquipalt Identification & Justification of Need { Cost _w_r�s_iu____lwrMw_M_'�M-_1���rVa�rww_.b�r�r+..r+_w�.��rY.VbwWFMiwwwiY.__`w .wtw.rw_w�lY�aY`I�.a,a.w_.�em�ow� <153.7Q44 IRepl. ICompaq Deskpro 266 w/Color Monitor I �D Ideniod Iksw Ieer Coder Mathine/Software si''m I INew f**wshiba Printer, Model 041 ( $Q Idenied f 1 I l I 1 I fi I I 1 � I 1 � I 1 i 1 I t ! 1 1 I I # I i5SUM.wk} , { i I I 1 f `I e I E .. • � 4�'� J i { _Y a � \ Y, -•.a i •A on o c a ',o o ea C7 Ca o 0 0 tca c c Ci o N nl t. ina cra a oo net oo ao oc o0 00 oa cc o0 oac r N 1 . l••o. bN- 1�[f Ca Ci O O R 3, O C! t9 Ca C.i t7. {f}Q„ O CY 4 ei O.O .0 O t.a�b .O C7 C I'O w>?f v 13 a a a.o 'o o o,b t«''a CI o- Ys::,3.. C2 0' xy Ci Ct ca` 'o o bo v tm i. t"1 1 r0 4 Q Ca b tJ O.CI d Q =1 v O O O 0.... O O C:3.tT •41 O O /? '..CY' 9 Ci^ W O 1, tar ' cft b., C.t i o by sao ao o'b bto '4+a. ob ob' bB , ww Oo :oa cao 00 v 11. o o y •,.1", m M CM OO Ci.Q OOOOOO t'O ty C1 oA�' aO M Ci Ca4U� Ia�l � G so'cn ..,�,� . O t► C�la lit m t _- y. m 0 i`n�I .,.O.A 4 O to1 -rj co r N Ca •^ c+a f? ' f��t b- O 4 O!s (��7r a .c 9 47 a[' u.,«� t'.• p Z' � l t. Inf w G C C1 'd O S kt•• d F+ b `4 / O L .mot N.~-. 1 }�- N Y L 1 .tn H: Y yc'�� F+.0. 4 W J '_ ♦ W W off �. ►:+ _�� �s `�'� .:;� �'�; ".'aai end�' .��m ��:, ��_ rp w�- �?S. � ,�,ez 0 6 'o O tL� ,YC, Vl C7"� 4yaa 9: 6" (,Ct �Lt'�" W.l�.r., VY•Ysy O O J > !+t )� e.t Ca. •�,•,fA J+A. S' t0 S!a v .•! �L^A s Vi .0.. CT! C, a. k d•rr. f �[tt7.~ 1 -iJ .e3 S i. ul�tw t�a ms i.. chi. "wit. xY- -t "� w u y r-'w :.a�• /+Y Z W �L�.t LOtJ W O Q. ✓...�y x. 1^• W C F yx M w a^'rda or'o '.'r to .ee 'tf �'^ � .rQ. a N O t.'a tar l0 4►,ice t..w e-�r+ P-aa' C.l C? ' 1.t Ct ar,V m l+a r a +J�T `:# \., �O O.b 4A' �,.ta to to'-w va m b � m iO w w Iit b ta\at: O W W oa .,-b I= tal W O f aw, F lti!�. P{". 1~t°+ 1'�'t'+ 'A[+ S'�t•. Rv!� !+b M'i'n a•.r i`�t+ tti t!• 't+. tom. 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O CY - Q Q. b a a b . 4L.t�l.r l: '• +'.• "O O rY� r Af N u t:V ui „ri i1 irs act , O b M Ca, O Z`x mco ti ?+ 'i 4Oi a .p O 6 O 4 aWp p' 4�� p.6? t7.0 p O Ci'1'3. b ry S�4. C O bia :�C?C •b'G, K ). qY w O i5 ct O. I. P SJ 1 N 4r Ila tiw ��u+..crSE r.� tr La..� ti c .� d 151 PD ire i� �+...ra +e. �.. <, -•.,� w i M iW $1r }`Iia W..r Y W 4"'C lr-..c 4tc :z.� .' yj ui Cs Q*O S'm Mw W2 22 =— co W bi a^tlC� iZ Ite��f A M!+t i�Y F�f Pa�a+Y-^ t�'r F M r��1 fi a+�! M car e��i n aft r�R c�H' 1 P�'k ens eIs awn e? to ■O Y ib- at7 ttf iC ata to to i!S tO i6 ibrt tYl 10 W iA itS rp' q atf iqr is rls,to t:On rc 'aw 60 _r i.. 1'�iw �+N- a eNaa•' "..N+-w .N....N. w 4ti:. �wNr .Nt.N !E!N��fN�N N� .` N N �V(tr t Z}` ' 4 J o o a a b o o 0 o Q ado o.cl a :eso o a to - Ma oa Qa oa ora esa �'u o oo tTl ♦�d CYO O a .O A o c o A O J Q o M N ID..r N ir! JH+f Nr on am 2 O C Na ID^� ^ G., g011. 1 r w 1 O d o 0 b.`_f 'ip 0 O t; tY 0 CD G CMO p 1 e P O 1 O.P d O ...`,D n O C ca o 'O O fl a .Ct O 4= , G N 91. to— Cm _j '!' O P ID P O O p•O O O ="'1 Q C O G,O 8 a 0 C. to'\ ; n P tl a O C. ..O O O O �I wa toIr `�. o a Q n o e o o �'e•.� 'o Q ea a nr'�. o n o cc eG OICJ a O e nems'. ^ ��Q O _ IOa Z O er O O O^ N O •.o C O O 0 0 O O.+kt• C7 O O O 'LN 1Ri.. M uv .�C i G1 C3 `vlto n O O O a A:o O O C. CD O A O Yam.. aaa.ac. I O P tl o a0 O o 7 O o OO 'O_C C* V oet oo 'oe oa kvto p"tO oa o. ua vi o� wi vi -av o s*+��: Bi� an•. f1 S aP -7a ao oon'oa ors o;o I . i o ea P,a CD o 0 o a e cm a' o C3, �! aa. 06 ^ N w a •.f 1 N / Y '. ID7► 7C. Tj 1. U aV aY 3' W rA-J in w .�..� m'' ' o .-a •c iA/ /s c gm, v er _ a I /ai`. �71 '..+Je t� e� �91 ; > t-a�b wy'.t a.`1a«. yi O `$zC �C'+.WIC illta- O .. co Y Q .7£S f/7 tl:W r'�'. 9 S o I ¢aci In Fii Ira U) a sn U) w w I--`vs �in`�1—wi'.y in.N m '� sari 1»an, of e»i"{ OI as a Ct eal.al e o o a 617 evi Co't}D m m e0 �� �^ � e�If R1 M fd' �!• �%i� /!ti T• Fw A i'•i�'+!+ !�Lr C'••-'l" L^l� (It ev9'-flf 1 to ra ur��_ m to +a ao -eo as ao a0 '�.�a to la ea m a/a a[1:Io W hco r "O �! 1L i� GROGRAM POSiTiONMALARY SCHEDULE 990/91 DEPARTIA5i ' Funi412 EnalneerinS TD'.4.Article g Position Position Quota." A r© riatians' Classification H�p. 89190 Dept'. Mgr, Dept; Mgr. title & Position # Level Rcmd. Remd.l . Rem Rcmd.Office Specialist. 1l 9 0.04 6.04 0780` 0 Office Specialist 11 11 0.08 0.04 0.04 845 946' Office Specialist 1I 12 8689 0.04 0.04 0.04 798 911 Secretary 9 now 0.04 1724 906 j Senior Engineer 63 " 3882 0 0 0 01 0 Landscape designer 17 6363 0 0 10 0 0 P sociate Fngineer 15 7413 0 0 0 ') 0 Jr. Engineer* 54 " now 0 00 0 r( a ' Traffic 'Engineer 3 680a 0.05 0.05 `t1.05 3056 3411 Associata Engineer 18 321,f 0.1 0.1 0.1 5263 5588 Associate Engineer 19 613:t, 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 l3S 0.1 0.1 0.15 4532 7218 Assistant Engineer 49 a_' 0.1 0.1 0.! 3532 37$0 Assistant Engineer 50 $682 0.4 0.4 0,4 14126 15000 Engineering Aide 45 152 0.2 02 0.3 -4421 8J4f va_ zinenring 'fern' 55 now 0a 0.3 3400 9M6 Senio.:` Engineer 5 5822 0.09 , 0.0$ 0.05 5502 3327 Associata Engineer 20 2140 0.1 0.1 : 0.06 4312 240E . Associate inginser 21 6275 0.1 0.1 0.05 5263 ~2794f Associate Engulabr 22 5700 0.1 0.1 0.05 5008•, 2739, f Assistant l:nQfneer 29 264i 0.1 Di 0.05 3902 2177 Assistant Engineer, 51 4887 0.1 O.i ^iC+s= 3713 .1970 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.1 0.1 0.05 3Fi76 1614 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.1 0.1 0.05 2-50. 1636 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.1 0.1 0.06 26611 1605 Engineering Aide 52 128 01 ' 0.1 0.05 2210 1390 _ Assistant Engineer ' 66 new 0.1 .; 0.05 363?` 1875 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 ;;'' 0.07 ox"Q% 0.06 4050 3798 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4500 0.12 0.12 041 66384 5346 �Pubile Works InsO.11*" 37 115 0.1 0.1 o.09 3864 3408 Public Works insp.lf** 38., 1075 +1, , 0.1 0.09 3864 3766 Public. Works Insp. 43 2727 0.02 0.02 0.01 682 302 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.09 0.09 0.11 3116 4126 Pblc Wrks lnsp ll* 64 New - O,j N/F, 3011 e2 Subtotai 114;608 99.455 Merit Contingency: 5,735 4,973 Subtotal: 120,433 104,428 Frirge ;Benefits 42,152 361650 Subtotal: 169, 85 1,40978 Part-time 0 /, 0 TOTAL 162, 5'"' 140,978, t Proposed reclassification of an Unce Assistant to Senior Office Assistant ;L **Positions funded using a Special Funds ,• *Pro Deed Now Position NIR Not Recommended ti NIq n �. N 4 toCr C m cp Q 0 IL w m c w �r CL4- Q t O r, 0 co ma l =Q I �QQ n atJ m, N CD a> O G N O � D o to m— Q' O CD ati M m m m °' vI x CL I w v Iso m o- a t2. (9 C7 U CD Z 0� m 0 w 0 / I� 11 ., -. C PfTY I�1tPRG►`4 ENTENTP'ROT£CT R,]EC�ILTST Department; Communk' Devela d;pn'ent Fun Division: Engineering F'tiority No. • i TDA.Article 8' TR 88-34 Project Title, Description.1 Desc.�ption, .and Location-. o Signal Coordination - ArchWafd Ave. Indicate v<hethen oNew 0 Replacement Addition. ,Project Justification;. _ Needed to help alleviate congestion on Archibald Avenue. 1� _ I ' r Has this, project been scheduled is a prior C.i.P.7 No yes Other p-ojects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started: 81/08 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Atrtottrt. Suggested Finaacing Amount Design Cost, $0 TDk Article 8 S 2,000 .. Construction Cost 0 Administration Cost S 2;000' _ 'fatal Cost $ 2.000 Funds available and/or S t3 Amount required first year S 2,000 i already expended Amount required subsequent years 0 Balance Required $ 2►000 TOTAL S 2,000 CAPITAL iNEPROVEMENT PROJECT REQU ST Department. Community Development Fund, Division: Engineer! Priority- ng TDA Art�cic 8 MP 88.os Project Title; Description, and Location: Transportation & Traffic Long Flange Studies., Models and Management Programs Indicate whether; 'New 0 Replacement� Addition. � Project Justifications, Projects future traffic scenarios foe la range traffic management planning and. includes an update of the City`s Thoroughfare and Bridge Hale `system Developmettt) r7 Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.€.P:// 0 No. Yes Outer projects or factors directly related to this g.`oject: Indicate 6cal year project should be: :Started 88/9-0 Completed .90f54 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested 'Fi attcing Amount -Design Cost S' o TDA Article 8 „ Construction Cost tl(s' .Administration, Cost` so Complete Study S 15,000 Total Cost. $ IS109 Funds available and/or' S'o Amount ",_.quired first year, already expended Amount required s�psequevt years .(}; Balance Regdi ed� S 1S,00iD 'TOTAi. = S 151:000 . c /1 CAPITAL L1iIPROVENMNI TTI RC3TEC' R1cQL'EST Department: Community Development ,. Fund: Priority :pia;' Division; Engineering TDA Article 8` y"R $$.1 Project Title, 'description, and Location: Signal Baseline (0 Ramona Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement (9) Addition Ptoj.ect ,,Justification; !) Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection: e Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.il.? 0 No Oves Other projects or factors directly-related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be., Started 8 8IS 9 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount. Suggested Financing Amount � � Design Cost 0 TDA Article 8; r, ' 100 Construction Cost $ 115,000 Administration Cost $ 8,200 Toi, Cott $ 123,200 � r Funds available and/or S I22,200 Amount requi44 first year S 1,m < .. already expended I ; ., Amount required suLequent year's so Balatltse Required , " 'S 1 9 Y,Qf?l4 CAPITAL LMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund:Divisions Engineering Priority No. TI?A Article 8 Tlt- 88-IS Project Title, Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline Q VaIencia Indicate whether: O New Olteplacement �, Addition Project Justifications Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. 1 Has this project been scheduled in r. prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes uLher projects or factors directly related to this project; IffDn de fiscal year project should be: Started. 88/89 Completed 9'tl/91 imated Project Costs � Amount Suggested Ftnattcing Amount Cos: Sp TDA Article 8S 1.Ot�t}ction Cost S ;I15,000 Administration Cost $ Total Cost ,; S 123,I00 Funds 'available acid/or,4. S I22,IC?tl Amount required first year S lapt2 Arcady expended Amount required subsequent yearsAM S p Balance ,Required $ I,€ TOTAL S 1100 CAPITAL II PROVEM EN7 PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priority No,' Division: Engineer?ng. TDA Article 8 TTR C8=16. r-miect Title. Description, and Location; „I Signal 19th @ Hermosa Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justifications Nezxdr-d to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has tntw project been scheduled, in a prior C.IX.? No Yam Other projects or factors directly related. to this pro}ects '5T .88•03 l 0 Indicm. fiscal year project y p } _t should bc: Started. 85189 Completed 89190` Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Lost S. 5.000, TDA Article 8 S 1000 Construction Cost $" 128,000 . Administration Cost $ 4,000 I Totat Cost $ 137,0€0 Funds anfailab1i' `mod/or $ 2,000 Amount required i rst year S 3,000 already expended',,.,. fJ Amount required subsequent years S 132t000, fa Balance Required S '135#000 TOTAL 13$A0' CAPITAL.I2MPP,0VENMN,'T PRO REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund.-, Priority No, Division. Engineering TDA-;Articte $ TR .8$-18 Project Title, Description, and Location: Upgrade Signal - Arrow Rte. @ Archibald Indicate whether: O New 0 Addition Replacement • P � Project justification: h Replace: outdated controller and detection devices and provid;; left turn at all approaches. I { Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No yes Outer projects or factors directly related to this project ST gll42 Indicate fiscal year project should. be: Started 88189 Completed 90191 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggiiisted Financing Amount Design Cost so TDA Arden, 'S s 1.000' Construction Cast S' 115.000 t` Administration Cost S 71000 Total Coat S 122,000 Funds available andlor S 121,000 Amount "Yequired first year S 11000 already expended Amount required ,subsequent ,years s 0 Balance required S > 000 TOTAL $ 1,00 CAPITAL LNIPRO EMENT PROJECT REQUEST" � Department* Community Development Fund,• Divisions Engineering. • Priority No. TDA Article 8 TR 88-21 Project Title. Description. ;and. Locations Signal - Haven @ Victoria St, Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Deeded to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related' to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 98C9 Estimated Project Costs Amount. Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So TDA Article 8' S 1,000 Construction Cost i 115,000 > Administration Cost S SAO Total Cost S .123.000'. Funds available and/or S 122,000 Amount squired first year S T,00Q already expended Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance R-equited S I,OoQ TOTAL 5 1,Q00 CAPITAL l,'4f 'ROVENVE1 '�,i PROJECT REQUEST Department.' Community DeveiQpmeut fund: Division, Enaineerinil w riority No, TDA �+rticIe 8 T'R $8-Z Project Title, Description,_ Ud Locatiozr: Signal - Foothill Ramona di'ncate whether: 0 New � 0 Replaccrnent I,w► Addition ' Project $ustification Needed to alleviate` conflict at intersection, �w Has this project- been scheduled in a -prior C.1.p,? 0 No Yes t Other projects or factors directly related to this project; 01, Indicate, fiscal year project should be: Started $8/84 Complett:d 90/97 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested l+inaaaing Amount Desip Cost S 2,000 't'D& Article 8 S 2— .000 Construction Cost S 126.O0-0 Administration Cost S �,t30t1 II I i i Total Cost $ 132.00 II Fonds available and/or so d+>tttount ..rewired first. year S 2,0{}0 already el pendcd Amount. require d subsequent t Ye s tts S 130,000 ,, Balance Required S 132,000 TOTAL $ 13tG00 V CAPITAL LNApROV'EN ENT PROJECT REQUEST Department. Community Development I~und. Division; Engineering C: ,, Priority Xo, DA Article 3 TR 88-34 Project Title, Description. and Location: Signal Coordination Fiave►t Ave. Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification. Needed to improve traffic flow along Haven. Has this project been scheduled in, a prior. C.T.P.?' 0 No 1rs Qther projects or tuctors dimctly related to this project: t Indicate fiscal year nroject should be: Started S 8/S 9 Cotapletrd 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amriuttt Desip Cost So TDA Article S' S 2.000 Construction Cost Administration Cost 3, Z ZOO jr Total Cost $ ZOGO Funds available andlnr 5 0; AttlgttttC,re quired first year S 21000 already expended Amount re guired subsequent years Balance Required: $ 2,WO TOTAL:. S 2.000 { .. CAPIT.- L. 1. PRQS ri�tE:Y"€' C31 CT £QL'E5T �? Dc9artmectt• Community Devetopment Fund: Pr.iorit No. Division: ''* engineering- TDA Article 8 ST- 88-2 Project Th.le, Description, and Location: 19th St.; ;atree_ Improvement• -,.^10 Haven to Highland E/O Deer Creek a _ Indicate whether: 7+Tew, IZgplacement Addition Project Iustifit•ation: Project required by CalTrans for. Ate. 30, transfer, Pavement resurfacing and UTC program. . j Has this:project been scheduled in,a prior C.1:P.? 0 No Other Vrgjec;.-�g or factors directly related-tj this project: Tk— 89=I3- ' Aoki Indicate al year project should be; Startec`188J89 Com'.01e,ted 91192 lop Estimated project Costs Amount- Staggestec. Pirsancing Amoi±rat Ti?A Article- 8 .� Design Cost S..;,3()o 5, Construction, Cast 235�,0{}i1 System Development *. � ._, �f ,) Administration Cost S 411.000 w octal Costa S 282,300 ':tl r Funds available and/or $ '3,300 Amount required firm ` already .��Trended: Amount required subsequent pegs S 2'74,0on Balance Required S '2790 TOTAL 5 279,0a0 ` c LVIPRC? 1E�tiT PROTECT R Q.L`EST De02rtment: Community-Development ` Fund; Pri6;ity pivitt;an: Engineering, T`DA Article 8 S'T 88�3t. fJ b— r Project Title, Descrip'.%on, And Location; Arr.,ethyst Ave. Street Improvement - 'NIO 190 (Fire Station) to At(® Highland indicate whether: 0 Now 0 Replacement Addition Project Justifeat;on: Improve and widen road way to improve traffic and minii i;e surface drainage. Has this project been scheduled in,,a prior C,I.P.? ONO Oyes Other projects or factors directly related, tb this project: T?R .S f6.. Indic ate fiscal year .project.should be. a , ' Started S 91 s 9 Completed 30[9 i I Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so TID Ar�;cl� S S 10,000' Construction Cost . S 200,000 Administration Cost 34,200 i; � r '. Total Cost $ 2-34.200 Funds available- and/or S 224.20d Amount required first ycir . 5 '101000 already expended Amount <required sttbsequain years $ 0; 1 EMance Required S 1f1.00ia 't*O'TAt S 1 ,a40 J r CAPITAL MPROVE TENT PROJECT RE LE�ST 1. 7 ....., Department; Community Development Fund: � Priortt�+ o,. T Di��ision Engineering 1 K'TDA Article $ ,� S 38-33 Project Title, Description, and, Location.; Wilson Ave. Street Improvement - fAmethyst to Archibald Indicate whether: 'I+Icw 0 Replaceraout Addition Project Justification: Roadway wideninb and improvement arterial standards. i , IHas tis project been .scheduled in a prior o.,k', No ye Other p o}ects or fa:tars dioctly rolated tt* this pkojhct Ih,,Aicate.fiscal year project should be: Started 8818`9 Completed 91192 hnimated Project`Costs amount ugges"ted T±in$neiing Amount Design Cost � ,00 'I ►A Article S 2,000 Construction Cost „ 103,000 A6ministration Cost $ .20.000 C TOW Costa $ 126,000 Fmds available and/or s 21,1000 , A%ounr. required first yeti $ 1,000. t�lreudy expen jzd Amount, requlred subsequot years 5 Y23,000 t( Balancr_ Requ@red S 124,00 _ TOTAL S 124,000 -- F" � CAPITAL L Department., Community Developrtnent_ Fund-, w Division' Engineering Priority x Project "i'itle, Descripziono and .Lr Cazion: r;`E Architial3 Street Improvement SIQ 8anyazt to Rillside 4� f Indicate whethrrr: New Replacement .�Ltldittgn: Project Justification: Roadway widening and improvement to arterial,._"..zandards. 1 at Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.2�;:� �o Yes >. Other Projects or factors directly related' tu..Ait s project: Fndicateisaat year project 51tttid ba: Started $/8 Comlttctedt9 Estimated. Project Costs ' amount Staggested PinancizYg Amount Design Cost S 10.30 "TDA, Articte $ S �OCtI Construction .mast S76,7t1 Adminis rrdtion Cost 6ti► . i- a Rigktt-of- Pay . . + I I 'Too Cost S 372,* Funds available and/or 34,300 Amount required first ,year $ 2,0�, already expended Amount ;,required subscquent years ,�35�70 71 r Qatar .rr.Acquired S 337,700 r TOTAL S 337J0a e r�` ir 4 \i It �Cr PITc L, L FRaVE:4il~�i�`PRa -E i�>�C�raTEST — Separtment: Community 'Dev�floputent Fund: Priority No, Division: Engineering, } 'T`DA Article g ST aq-n Project Title, Description. and Location Banyan Street, Street Improvements - Eastwood to Hellman ti indicate whetter. New 0 Replacement Addition -, Project Justification: i }s Widen street north' and south. _.5 Has this project been scheduled in ;a prior C4.P? 0 No �Yes Lather projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal ysar project should lr_r: Started 89190 completed 90 91 Estimated F?r6ject Costs;) Amount Suggested Ffriaas;ing Amount Design Cost 1.300 TPA A�iplrs 3< �"I9.0{14 Construction Cost $ 14,00(1 � Administration Cost $ 5.000' Y Total,Cast 3 20,3C" Funds available. and/or S 1.300 Amount required first yeaa S 19,000 atready expended j �F. Amount ,.required subsequent, yeam .p i Balance Req sk d 19,000 TOTAL I9,000 r T" - ChPIT�- L VVIPROVE IE T PROJECT REQUEST LDivlsion: tment: Community Dev'el"pment Fund: Engineering I+ Priority No.' . TDA Article 8 ST 0-1 T Project Title, Description, and Location: Highland Ave.; Street Improvements Hartnosa to. Mayberry. Indicate whether: 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification:` Replace deficient pavement and upgrade road to coll'ttctor capacity street. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yea Other projects'. or factors directly related to this project: AW Indicate 'fiscal yea project should be: Started $9/90 Completed, 90/914 Estimated Project Costs Amaent Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S,;10,000 TDA Article $ S 5,000 Construction Cost $ 300,0©0 Administration Cost S 38,800 F r Total Cost S 348.800 Funds available and/or S 343,808 Amount.,;required first year S 5.000 already expended ;r Amount required subsequent. years S 0 Balance Required S 51000 TOTAL , S 5.000 CAPITAL. IMPROVENIEtiT PROJECT R£QL.ES;T Department: Community'Development Fund: Division: Engineering, -%" Priority tio: . TDA Article $ 1 i'R 88- 2 F Project Title, Description. ,and Locations, Signal Archibald Ave. Q; Lem' n Ave. Indicate whether; 0 New 0 Replacement addition Project Justification Weeded to alleviate conflict at intersection. I Has this project been scheduled 'tn. a prig,;, C.I.F.? �1`'�'0 �yes 'ether projects or factors directly related to j/this project: 1,l `. Indicate fiscal year project should be: Stafted.88/89 'Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount, Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $0 TDA Articla 8 S 11000 Construction Cost 10,E Administration, Cost. $ .8,750 , Total'Cost S 118,750 Fulads available and/or $ 117,750 Amount required first year $, l,t?110 alrlady expended Amount required subsequent years SO 1 liali)ce Required S 11,000 TOTAL 5 11000 �. f J CAPITAL -RO GiENT PROJECT RE(-l�S�T � Department:- Community De -n:t, p lent Fund;� �, Priority No,- . t Division: Engineerinst�� TDA Article 8 TR 88- 0 Project Title, Description, and Locat,ion:` Signal - Haven Ave,. @ 7th St. Indicate whether: Q New 0. Replacement }Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict atw'7ntersection Has this project, been scheduled in 'a prior C.I.P. 0 No (� Yes Other projects or factors directly related; to �aI$ project: ST 88 Indicate 'fiscal year project should be: Starte Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costsi Amount Suggested VIL-'i Icing Amount Design Cost S.o TDA Article 8 3 1.000 Construction Cost S' 110.000 1 Administration. Cost S 8.750 f Total Cost, S 118.750 Funds, avaitable and/or S ;117.750 Amount required first y 5 1,000 already expended Amount required sub4 uent y4rs S 70 Balance F�equired S 1.0i1.0 'Y'Q'f { S 1.000 �y y CAPITAL I IPROVEMENT PROJECT REQ,"EST Department. Community De vetogment A und; LPrioilty No.- Division: Engineering 'i)A Article 8 - 80,01 Project, Title. Description, and Location: Signal Archibald Ave. @ San Bernardino Rd. Indicate: whether: Q New Replacement Addition Project 3ustifiraiion Needed to alleviate conflict' at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.F.P.? lea yes Other projects 'or factors directly related to this projem' r Indicate: fiscal year project should be. Started 99190 Completed 90/91; Estimated Project Casts _ Amount' Suggested. Financing Amount Design Cast 1r ; 5,404 TDAd Article 8' S 145,044 Construction east $ 100.000 Administration Cost S 81000 , Total Cost �,N 115,000 Funds available andtor`� $ S,000 Amount required first year 5 10&,000 already expended k Amount required subsequent years r� Balance Required I08,000 TOTAI. S. lti3/,0�(1 CAPITAL LNiIPPO E.V[ENT PROIECT REQL.'EST°` Department: Community Development Fund,: Priority Division Engineering TDA Article 8 TR 89.02 Project Title, 'Description, and. Location: Signal - Archibald Ave. @ '8th St. Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition �.� Project 7ustificatian,., Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P. , ONO Q yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year- project should be: Started 89190 Completed 90/91 .Estimated Project Costs Amount, Suggested financing Amount Design Cost $ .900 TDA Article 9 S 105,000 Construction Cost $ 100.1000 Administration Cost _S 51000 Total Cost S 109.900 z Funds available and/or $ 4,900 Amount required first year S 105,Ii0tl ; r� already expended I Amount required subsequent years S 0 Balance \'`2equired S 105,000" 'TOTAL S 10$1000 #jf� . CAPITAL VVIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department, Community Development Fund: Priority No.- Division: Engineering 'TDA Article 8' TR 8.9.03' Project 'Title, Description, and Location Upgrade Signal - Arrow Rte. @ Vineyard Ave,, Indicate whether: 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification Needed to provide protected left turns, on Arrow Route. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C,I.P.2 0 No Yes Other projects or factors 4rectly related to this project: lndi.ate fiscal year proje.,t should be. Started 10f9�0 Completed 90/9I Estimated Project. Costs. , A14)unt Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 5,200 TDA► Article 8 S 88.000 Construction Cost S 80,000 I Administration Cost 8,O0 j Total Cost S 93200 Funds available. and/or $ 5,200 Amo+* required first year S 82,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years so Balance Required S 88,000 TOT'AI. L. CAPITA.tyLPROVENIENT PROJECT REQt7EST @@ t Department. Community Dwwlopment Fund.; Priority No.. Division: Engineering TDA Article 8 ;> TR a0_11 Ask IV .. .._ Project Title, Description, and Locationt Signal Hellman Ave. @ San Bernardino'Rd. Indicate whether., 0 New 0 Replacemez Addition Project Justificationt Nee.:$d tit olleviato conflict at intersection, ti Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P? iO NQ Yes Other projects ^r iactors directly related to this praject< Indicate fiscal year protect should be. Started: 89/90 Completed 90/9 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing �i,mount Design Cost S ' .000 'TDA Article 8S I03,0Q0 f Construction Cost S}95.C{iD Adm'.nist ation Cost S 81000 TOW Cost $ 109.000 Funds available anal/or S 5.000 Amount required first year 3 103,000 already expended Amount reguired subsequent years S 0 1 s Balance Required S 103,Ci O TOTAl[, S ID3.q CAPITAL L]NIPROVEMENT'PROJECT REQL'ES'I` Department.. Community 'Development Fund; PGi"i'lt R 8 85.13 11 ; Division; Engineering TDA Article 8:. Project Title. Description, and Location: Signal - Highland Ave. @ Lemon Ave. Indicate whether; 0 New 0 Replacement Ad;dilion Project Justification-, Includes San Mateo connector street SIO Highland Ave. Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.F.? ONO yes; Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-25 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs ,j Amoun Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 12,()00 TDA Article S •2ti2,00 Construction Cost 2.51,000 Administration Cost S j laps? 4 'ti I 1 Total Cost S275 Funds available and/or S 12,000 Amount requir+;4 first year S 262,000 already expender Amount required suhse uent yeazsS 11000 ' Balance Required S 263.000 TOTAL. r _ r. CAPITAL IINIPRQVEMENT I?I �1 rECT R EQUEST Department: Community ;�Pvelogment Fond*' %' Priority No, Division: Engineev.ng TDA Article Tk 89_t' ,project Title, Description, and Location; Signal - Spruce @ Vxm Vista Parkway Indicate whether: 0, New, 0 Replacement A,d.ditidn Project Justification.- Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. ,J Has this project been schedn'ttl in. a prior 'No 'Yes Other projects ,or factors directly telated to diis project: Indicate fiscal year grrj k,,%uld be: "Started 89I90 Completed 90/91 1 Estimated Project Costs AMottpt Suggested Financing. Amount i F p Design Cost 4,900 'TDA Article $ 5 105.4011l Construction Cost S I00111 Administration Cost $ 5,000 {, j I 'Dotal. Cost S I05t l O Funds available and/or S 4,9M,:already expended Amquntt require4 first year S 105,00 �.r Atnau ►' required su sequent ye S I1 Balance Required S 10SIO00 TOTAI S 10S.000 ' CAPITAL LWROVEN NTP,ROJECT REQUEST Departments Community 0evetd c iant i Priority Division: Engineering A, Article 8 TV, 84.16 Prooject: Title. Descrip,:�4f. vtd Location: Signal 1gL 5r. C sapphirs�, Indicate whether: 0 New0 Replacement �cldition Project 3ustil`:":ation . t. Needed to albv,iate cadf4 atF,intersection. F L•, Has this project 1%-en scheduled in a prior C.I.f' -� Yet l Other projects or factors directly, reSWed to this p. S'I` 88-01 - I Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89J90 Completed 90I93 f Estimated Project Costs Amattrt.. ; Suggested Zrid ttcitlg Antaunt Design. Cost S;o TDA Article 8 Construction Cost 36,G00 Administration Cast S 1.000 j 'Total Cost S 37.000 . ,x Fonds available and/ur S 36,000 Amountrequir.d first year g I 0 ` alydady expended rt� Amowat requit' d sttbseq.;Mt years t Balance Reqult'eda' S f,l x' -'AL 5 t.0t�U . 0 CAPITAL BIPR.bVE,MENT'RQIECT REQUEST Department: Community ,q-e,elgpment Fund; Priority `:�o: ` Division. 8ngineering ,,� TDA Article i3 TR 39.1�x :. Project Title. Description, 'lnd Location:. - Signal Coordination - 'Vineyard Ave./Carnelian` St, ndicav whether: 0 New 0 Replacement. d .Addition: rrdjectt Justification; r Veede� to improve traffic, flow along Viol jard s Has this ptGject beaa scheduled irt''a prior C.I,"af', d Yes , `0 tither projects or factory r.: tly 'rented to this project: r Indicate fiscal ,yew project should be: 'Stoned 89I�0 Cottti'�esed 90�QI ` <, Estimated fro_ice Custs. ` Amount Suggested ';lnaiicing `4 A, t; t t, Design C,)St TDA Article 8 S 2,000 so construction Cost S Z000 i Administration Cost - 1 it ,Y Q) Total Cv,t S 30,000 funds available 2nd/or $ 28,000 Amous7t required first year S 21000 already expended; . Amount required subsequent years S 0 F Balance Requ)fed S 11000 i� TOTAiL S,2,000 - l � CA�I�'.a,,I, i�'�Lt'��V���,1T PR©.T����'`REQL•�EST .` Departnten:r Community pevetalimcne fund• z Priority i (2: ptvtsian�, Engineering. I'"DA Article 8 Prn+ ecr`Title. Dese i tiori;,J r P and S►gn.61 - Hellman Avtnue � Chus Stre i Indicate whether: .Plevsr ; �'l:epiaeement 0 Addition` Project Justification: , Needed t;' alleviate conflict at intersection and to improve pedestrian safety in vicinity of, Wucamunga Junior High School. , Has this project been scheduled ie .s prier 4:,I.1?.2 �No �.;Yes Other projects or factors directly:relaW to this project: 1 Indicate fiscal year project should:;be: Started 9,0/91 " GomgIeted 91/92 Estimated P J�ec Cps �. �Arauuati Suggested 'Pinancing' Amount Design Cost S 4 p 'iTb�4, Article ig �' ��,000 Construe,ion Oost 96tfQ4 AdminisEmion Cosh y Total Cost 106.006 i Funds available andiae S C} Amount-.required first yctr, S 1A 000. already expended ;. Amount required subsequ,::it yerera S 1,000 Balance RequiredS 106,000 TOTAL .tom.tom�ti00 cr. „ r� 1 CA ITAr. Ian 'R �IENT PRQ fECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Priorityo.. Division: Engineering 'Y'li3A Article $ TR 90-04' rroject Tit1e, Desription. and Location- . . , Signal Hermosa Avenue @ Church street ` indicate whether: ,® New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification; Needed to .alleviate conflict at intersectton.J ut 7 f Has this project been scheduled in°a prior CJ.P? No C) Yes, R.S Other projects or factors directiy related to this project: _F Indic:to fiscal year project should be: Started 90I91 Completed 90/91 - Estimated Project Costs Arzttoutst 'Suggested Financing Aaraunt Design Cost S 4.000 TDA Article.8, -4 000 Construction Cast S 10.000 Administration Cost 6,000. I f Total Cost S I10,0(j . o� Funds avaitrible andlor so Amoun required firs* +ear. ,$,0 already expanded Amouw- required subsequent yeas, ,S 1(36�Q110 -c Saiance. Required S 110.000 Td 'lliL S t t0,00{ k'C• � ra CAPITALROVEN ENT PROJECT REQLTEST fi' Department: Community Ddvel'opment Fund; Priority :do,. Division Engineering, ''Y'DA Article 'i; f; Project Title, Description, and L, catianc Uniform Traffic Control Program 1990/91 A Major and Collector Streets Indicate whether; AYew Replacement (A�ddir;on - Project JuW#YCatlon: ;�E Needed to ,paintain, install and:,confoTin ;'l�ffic conxol devices to State and Federal �¢ndards. 1/ r 1 41 Ei35 'Lh1S project p��► 1VTi9 been h 4 P J sc edtaZed in a pYiar G.I.P.; ..� Other projects or factors directly related. to this io`Ject. _- p - pc Indicate fiscal year project should liar: started 90191 C`vtnpleted 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Ati-ount Suggested financingAmount �l Design 'Cost '%`;; $ 12,00() TDA Article 8, 3 000 Con:: uction Cost $ 0 Administration Cost *,O I Tc.-1 Coii $ 12,000 ��1 , 1� Funds available andlor t, I �, S D Amount required first year 5 ,12,000 already, expen6ed Amount tequired subsequent years $- a Balance Required 3 12,000 TOTAL 5 12,000 r /i CAPITAL FIVIPROVEMENT PROJECT RE 'EST kDepartment: Communit}� .Developcneait Fund: ivision: Engineering Priority Ito.. TDA Article 8 Tit 90.14 r0 ecE Title,: �:j Description. and Locst`on: E , Traffic Signal Timing, interconnectio�i, and Coordination Program �+ Vindicate whether: �New ,� 0 Replacement 0 Additip,.ar�`l r% — Project Justification. Needed to improve traffic flow along major signalized Streets. ' a (f, Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P'? 'I+To 0 Yes Other projects or factors directly retated to 'this project: Indicate fiscal year projecR, should be: Started �0191 l~otn tried 90l91 li _. p Estimated Project Costs Amount. suggestedinaneing Amount. Design Cost so , 'TDA Article 8 S 25.000 Construction Cost so Administration Cost $,0 I Complete Study S 25.000 Total Cott S''25,0 wads available and/or S 0 Amount. re uired first +r S 25,000 already; expended q Y s j: Amount re uired subsequent Q years so Balance Required S 25,000 TOTAL. ;,5 25►00Q _ . ,.. r,�. �:: 1. "y,r \,`��` �� !r� �\ .r fa _ , <. ,.. %i f .. _ , � .... f _. i� - � l .v f :. i � - _. �[ � � r 4 ,: i ./� y�f �S �� - .., D . 'y. ., ., .` �,�._�—.tom�---�-•� .�--•.-,»•--.—.r,�-�..,..�1\ rn t{ 40 'l r.n Al v to uj 40 Cit�f �� 9m F tff t0 O' N b M lif b b: N V ti b Yf fn i(i 'Yif b Q � C!' ; K 'ew w 1a,r ti � m av F m an - !0 of�: F b 1 H co f' �pC k y co i ill co W J - �. Ir d It EEC ti.l ri 'V7 W W ' t W ICT Olt it ' ice? m O R 'Yry f l min �-eI ci W.Y" 1. >y i�'f -'i�'l i'! 'l*Y Fri P'f ✓� 103 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET , - _ - . ._--y--- - - Department/Division: «.Program:- Account Numbers IFiscal;:Yaaa I I'. Community Services Recreatioo Fund 43-4563 1990jS1 Object No. [w Description of Itess Individual Dollar Amounts Budget 1300 ]Part-Time Payroll � t .w IDay Camp Playground0 I IFamily dials $a I ] c May Camp �, IPlayschcol #19t2a0 � � [Terrific I's # ,116 g ]Aquatics #34,46Q [ [ [ Subtotal 4f [ [ 3900 [Operations.and Maintenance,;, [Printing '" [ [6rapevi�a #32,05Q � ] [Printing. [Recreation aaterials II ILionS IRCN�G �trsaa [ ( IPlayschool' [Daycaimp IPlaycamp [Trips & Tours (Adult Sports IYauth Sports [Recrmatic�n Programs - � � ]Seniors �aQ { Ireens [Handicapped ]Youth. ;, $11000 t [ '� ]Aquatics 43,140j I r t IVolunteers' ++ S1rUo [Rocreation'Special,Events 'Subtotal 346Q 16weral Liability ' I 6028 ]Contract Services ]Instructors 4184,344 I I Jf� I4ffic{als Adult Sports ]Officials`-Youth Sports [Special Extent Staff IFeoilitY Rental #1Q,?9Q ] I Subtotal [ 120,658 ,. s . , 1. COST URTER.0MIL WORKSNEEt "�'""' De rt+n t Dili ianr pc rae, Account Numb, rt 0c041 Year j c6mmunity Services ' Recreation Fund )�1990191 4_Mwn�aPr_.w�_YrW4MeMwwe.�wSr4�M_NSPa_�r_W�MwrNA++n:�rM+M'c_'�.o_'___+M_.WbT+�HwaV_w{[._M��w�_M�wwV+i_� O Object No. 4 C"dription of Ite I041vid"I I'ar'Amounts Budget j 7043 Icapital Expenditures - 4 Rg #'I/I aprcve nts f d,000 subtotal lBanno System Subtotal3,�00 { 5 ' TOTAf. l rlfr., \ ; o �; _ «� ��� '' , ,.. ;,�. , .-- ,, .. � �' ,-; } Y � ,�� , � , � , ��, � ,- , �, 4- �_ , , ,;`� i �. :; �� �, �. 1;\. /� _, �} �� 5 � � _ ,} _ i+ ,� _� '] _. - .� ._ -�.-__.. y \ -_ ._�.- `� \ i". i� _ � '.. i �� (i �/. - r% `� -�. \ i, ,�_ _ �, � . , , _ �' ,. .. .. .. S .± r; ,�., r=� �1� }. �� ��;4i ,, � �� l �- �,; ,, ` ^ L ;, .,�, �,r' tl .,� � - �� r i J A ... O a o a At s cam+-� ' . . _ ct 0: 1 N O F f}} O o of e3 m iD � / h IOs 1 O. COG O "� cc in cn CCCC t'�� Q iIs v ele ^. 1 w.e40 a In .moo l.I44 06 w- -' o CD uj to Cb ., 2Si11A1 to �E r idcc AO'1C1 f 106 Il' PROV'ENEN I'PRQ.IEcT REQUEST I?epartment, Community Devciopmtnt Fund: Priority :eta, Division: Engineering, TDA Article 3 M.«.. Project Title. Description, and .Location: Bicycle/pe►cstrian ,Program (Handicap Access Damps Northwest quadrant,�of City N10 Base Line Rd. & W/O Archibald. Ave.). Indicate whether @ New 0 Replacement0 Addition, Pro;= Justification: Construction of sidewalks and handicap ramps to improve pedestrian safety. Funding dependent upon award of TDA Article 3 grant.. Has this projece, beA% scheduled a prior CJX. ? No 0 Yes Other projects. or facet i7u ecid'y reiiiieta this project; Indicate fiscal year project should 90 9 y p_ ! 37e: Started ,C 1 htktttgleted '94/9E _ Estimated Project Costs Amount Sugge@tcd financing Amount .. Resign Cost S S.(pt} TDA Mticla, :3 S 1174000, Construction Cast 107,000 Administration Cost S 51000 - ` Tour Cost S 117,000 Funds available attd/stt already e�spertdtt# Amount required first -year S 117.00(y � ` Au±mouat required ,subsequent years 5 tI G c Balance Required S 147.000 TOTAL, S 117.040, CAPITAL VAPRt?'M NT P.Rt)fiC'I'REQUEST Department: !,,'community b0clopment FFuDivision, Engineering FST riority �To. Article 3 90 w36 Project `Title: rAscription, and Locations Bicycic/Pedest ian P,Togram. - Sidewalks adjacent to Don Tapia Perk Indicate whether. A/New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification , Construction of sidewalks and handicaps- rampZ to in''tprove pedestrian safety in the vacinity of Don Tapia Park. ?;ending_dependent upon award Q'",.TlJA Article 3 grant. l Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P 7 0yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Ind}^-ate fiscal year Y Project should be: Started 9019I Completed 4019 Estimated Project Costs Ainottut Suggested financing Amount f DesignCost S I00,00O S S,OOfi TAA Article Construction Cost S 90,000 Administration Cost S 5.000 i Total Cost a 400,000 f Funds available and/or $ AmounLF -� quirrd first year S ltJii}00 already expended Amount re hired subsequent i q yea„i so Balance Required S 100,00( TOTAL -S 100,000, ' / l J , _ !r I .. 4. ., 4f _ N� b C* 0 4 0 0 0 O O C1 O a Q b o N ! N N O b O tfi o. cm kro 1 Ib ,O o ?�w I, O Cl 40, �- Y}_. O.. J 1 t� N N x r in .)t n to 1; t9cc is w ca d to'� c = ! w �e.�. w 1, cc a s�` w 1 25 1{ co m c Q \• ,Wry� � ; � � 'v~f lr'! 1'f M of as �M�C ur k r. 109 PROGRAM POSITiONrSALARY SCHEDULE 1990191 t f j, DEPARTMENT: Fund 19 En inaerin Etiwanda Draina e Position Position Quota A ro riations :�Iassiflcation��, Emp. 89190 Dept -"- Mgr; Dept. Mgr. Title & Positi�f� # ` ` # Level Rcmd.` �� Flcsnd. Rcmd. Rcmd. l Office Soecialist it 9 21�4 0.01 0.01 a 195 0 Office Specialist It1 5679 001 ...- �0.01 0 21t 0 Office Specialist fl '` 12 6$82 4,01 0.01 :, 0 199 0 Secretary 53 new 0.4i 0 216 0 Senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 �'� 0 0 0 0 0 0, Landscape Designer i r 63$3 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer` 54 new 0 0 � 0 0 0 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0 _ . : ,0 . 0 0 0 Associate Engineer r13 3211 0.01 0.01 0 52$ it Assr-- te Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 As �stan,� Engineer 28 63312 0 0 0 10 0 Ass stant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assstant Engineer 50 6682 0 0 0. 0 0 j Engineering Aide 45 162 0 0 0 0 0 . �E! Engineering Tech.' 65 new 0 0 0 Senior Engineer . 58V 0.01 '6.01 0 6i1 0 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.01 0.01 0 431 0 � ti Associate Engineer 21 5275 061 0.01 0 526 f Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.01 0-01 _: 0 501 0 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 CD, 0.01 0.01 0 390 0 Assisfsi: Engineer 51 -4637 0.01 0.01 0 371 0 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0.01 0.01 0 369 0 Engin^ering Tech. 26 561 0.01 0.01 0 257 0 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.01 0.01 0 267 0. Engineering Aids 52 128 0.01 0.01 . 0 221 0 Assistant: Engineer ' 66 now - 0.01 0 353 � 0 Public Works Engai eer 6 t}350 0.01 0.01 0 579 _j��' 0 1, Spr 'Pubfid Works Insp 30 4900 0.01 Obi._ 0 449 "0 Public Works fnsp.11** 37 115 0.01 u:01 - 0 386 0 , Public Works insp.11*' 38 1075 0.01 0.01` 0 38tn 0 F Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0.01 0.01' Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.01 0.01 0 346 0 Pblc Wrks lnsptll* •e 64 N2�,, - 0.01 N/R 301 0 f' Subtotal 8,421 01 i Merit Contingency; 505, 0 Subtotal: 8,926 0 �� Fringe Benefits 3,124 0 _ Subtotal; 12,050 0 Part-time 0 ` 0 TOTAL 12,050 0 _ t Proposed reclassification of an Office: Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special 1=einds 'Pro osed New. Position " NiF Noi Recommended z y � i in O i Cb Q amCo m e O D O 12 a Z w U c � O � E U �a awe c c I O 'tD m m � I O c O 9 N m � N to OCD ❑ O tC � atF C � C ` J li w a: CD a. m m U Cczm A y O ? OC O ti CD to 0U U p A 0w � � � � j �� � r/ `}j - �� k - � i'�� - .r ' �� -;( \\ _ ,, 1 .. � N :. _ �. -. - .. ,. ;. .. - , .. .. t ., _- � � 1 ����V_ .., G �\ ,`' � 1 �'i` - � )r ..� .!. I. i ,.., ,: . . � �;. � `: V ,'ti ,,_ �. -- ` ` :, fFf C� j�1 ,� ; � _ ;} •, -._ � ., L'~ �..1 \\� _ f( 'i \� �A iJ C �.. ,. t � _ f± i 1 C e� .y�,��. f 1r i oe+r `+o�`�oo aa. nsa o-c esa co o-o oa Gd :. oa .. coca CD b O 4xb � O a•`�'\4= ^O C} CS O a'b O C7 Q'a Q d' a d O O..,. C O cp h, a te . .~... can ate--' xv i IM0'. o �r to a O: CD 'O a R i o o d d e.Cs a C1 d ia! o O O t?O C?CT eqr d o 1 1 tls rr- O d O N .�'L7 O.:O tl In It us M'� G to b' CV - F"i 01 1fN�tV N iD k 'O O iJ `N 'O'O b oa O Q @ d Q Co. @ C]SWt Ali . O'1 O. M i Q .1 ben O Q a o ca'N to cy '-,o.o a'ia o cs o a o c�. s�sa e-a o q a�a'o c'.. ato I o.. O ex A an .LA a C*a a'O %='d d Cf' CO d O Y't::. O d O p d tl O a O iL V1 I. •OF C:t O sr .O, W N QI d tt'1 Yt! '6[f 1 OI..Ca a?O It Ci.Q YJ ''fl•,,� 'M!. P.d d <.O Y)YI VD N N'1 N Y11. L'1 a: li J / W {" '!ILf W O�1' N f'f �t iF Yl1 y' t0 Q f 1p �Y M t?N 1 S YO cm QO y. 1 !- �~• IJii 'G !�- r H �..1 CYC 'tYY"2 yp.� +C W W Y W !C'W y g� OYi^'p 4 d' 61C u d [/�a K t� r O m 2 W K W G NJ W +4O'- 1 1�Y LL m K Tice- C Y W�C' OK.J 0. ._ ffi SC �S.�../:G,C7 C. �v Y, C:J .J VS.[rA W to Z W CSC to tl ►Oy-.7` 2 t,>t nW ,a : )=+ y , �.Os ,f W�$' '•1 +4 W a lal a W '�'w•n GS/ O sL \ C w 'm�! wC W W W'�' a'ea Cy� YA ib i'r W '+�'r ^®. .�(rr m �+N M R W 40. t W Ya t:4 w 03O.' am o:' i x It 2f r"'•- M m@ W W W W Y O W m W to W os W m 6a a? >m @.//�'@ @@ W m Os W W- V^ N: �" W' V:. I a M M M M M -l'O-T" M Nf Rf C•f M{R Pi M 111 t�Y M RS 1�7 Y+t M�+1 29 M '!/9 iC7:Rf'P9 Ri S11 ff% iff tlf L?` I[i•i0. . n1ir �' �", a r,o r�.,r ce w-.r .r ve v�z .r..a •.r.s w'.r r.a �r-r .a.r x vi^+r•+R av a tD 1 ate.. e m, a o a (((.o o C-Ca rs a Q.:o O{S .'o sa a c !a d a e, ca CV LV iV N N N N tV If n , f �1 l q Q o o:C> ea e V O ci I • `w�ju,SA t � Yt�9r O'- Q -O O a O q O�d ief O O tY CY i+.O.O t +Wr S dg f 4 N ltt r eV O !ft r i�V•N O.N tff F D N _ ! c m O�cm O O O O O O O O A 6 -� M t M O CD O O O O c 0 c O CD HI O,O O O O H 3^r. 1 O r@ ip �~ ^ N N (? Q Y" !Y N�'��1'•�{�fK N �I �1p �/, O * V � +tP N.. ._. �.. .G 9C!jv�G l�s ti9!•-' //,�' tff 1 y�y^ 9=C* O O O .O O �'CS O:%R O C:� tv,40,M C1 O 42®:O'O O @ O O '� m j -@ G O O f 0 C r Q Q i 9 c Q O/)k O O to O O O.®O O d 17 j40 o N O O 4b O O .O Vi q 't A M N O M M 0 0 O O i O®CII _ A p L~: 1 r4 [AY.. r N 10 EO N D M f l� N� 1 o m 1 t • t 1 O O 0 0 O 'O'K# ®O O O.40 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 O.Q im Q- O 1 v It o ,D to b o a o a o o ;ti . �!~it. f :.ark � o at aw c:o o.OIL T ; O O.. O tLA O E7t,0 O YD �..C.-Ic, 1 'N t O 'q. O O ,O O:m O'O O 1 O em /{ t r s � ..6, kuIt Is tlwC W 0' all ci D t 3 U �.n � .... � ������,.., OC'K•i G � ��1 iC'LC O AW _ t OL 1� • t g g tt. p- y�aa �,:tp .�.. S O LG y� .W..fC O 1`:SC !IC 1 -.pypyK i J :.,a no , do<'O =OC 'OC ta. w/7..�. ►� d._Y. J,a G!. r 6 qp 1ttp�[ t+ i �! K �. a' J >✓h LLi QSs W �I t� !.pl Q. i T . �+ s s.. TM a. „W,—t w: I �X- t5 r"' :emu' .•,n �. & ,K e U,-leAv a m Si g gc1 "e K •W +c .. m a rn cr.eu R a a ze s z s g>ca"ca r s z ac v n-- � i aa-w N'J iR L IA 0 C" tq O ea q o� D.!•D a•t v+�a e.fir Ot. M'ti^t oy m+fn y V tI nfN NN N NN ri ri b,t N av eN NN NTI NN N.N r4 NawN N N NrN ev N'eraNN NriN W t 1 M'M Q+f M rttL M M M M--M M Ytt M oft M M M of M.M—M M M M { M M M M M ny lA M Pf M M t t]Yf ttf tY}i�U 'i"f ih 4?itf M'i YT M yll Yf Yf:1]L!'r 1[tAnYtf ttf Yf MY N'Vf. ' N lCl E !Q•+ K �I M'�tDP l _X�t;�+ cD :vi !-V V!'+�@�! rP't K!'!! '�+R!f�` !t' Y! +Y�tl•'A'r'� 1Y!'4 4*0 OtiQ OOo0 logobRf' 000ob O 9:4O o:o P*S do,a* yN -N N N N N N •GV N N N iY RY.N N N sh.�<N N N N..tv N ri-ri N N aV'N ri N.ri N N RV y 11 1 01 I 1 . 1`1 F PROGRAN POSITTOti/SALARY'SCH�DULS 1990/91 Fiscal Year Wpartmen"t: Community Services ` Division: Park Development 1990/91 Fund 20 ( Position Quota, ;4ppropriations Position Classification Cumwt Dept. ["Mgr, Dept. (`Adopted T?tls j Leval j 'Rcad. ( ftod. jhoptefl goW ( 440. ! Budget Associate Park pUr , ( 100%1 100%( 100%1 100t[144,424 J $44 424 1' 449,824 j Assist Park Planner, ( tOO�(" 100 [`' iQO (. iQO (; $31,196'( #31,296 ( *34,968 Park Ping/,Dev Suet ( 0%1. 191 , $.53j% ( 53 954.} 55,884 Subtotal merit Contz� 06 ( 46,484 f $61,'Rt '1 $7,014; Subtotal ( I 13130�; s. ($136 iSs ( s4 r710 Fringe Bentfits ( ( _ �4TR559. $471059 ( UIM9-1 ,r ` Total ( ' {'` ($193,8183t829 .( 99,408 A 4 '\ Iv , COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET 1990191 Department/Division: Program: Account Numhn Fiscal Year-, � ' Community Services Park Development ( 20-4532 -- -- - --- --- Object.NCO Description of" items & individruafi Millar Amounts :budget ( � rw1100 (Regular Salary 4141,110 1900 (Fringe Benefits 8801 ]Slope Planting Horitagej�sd hill �83,600 I 8808 (Neighborhood Park Acquisition $310031000 { $906 k/S Community Park Debit Retivement 402,235 8908 f0ontral .Park Debit-As tiremot 1�281�900 ( i 892$ (Heritage Park Field Renovaatiun 8924" (NJE Co ,nity`Peek Conceptual ' ' g1;Q00• j j a' ! S924 lRed NjII Park Field Rsnovatton #25,000 8931 (Reroofing -}spitagg and Rod Hill Buildings $123,n00 9009 (Nitliam.Cyon,Aoimburseknt #t,003w.000 9010, (Sports Lighting Controllers #52,000 9011 (&rags vollyball Courts 11, 00 9012 lEtiwanda High School Installation . #814,000 9013 ("Cuca�fonga Eleeentary Installation489:rO00, ( j 9014 Par Gulch ElOiwfary"Installation #23,500 (. 9015 (vsr ous School tepro"eafents 1,D14rg00 9016 lCoamunity C"ta" INprovellants 230,000 901T (Dann Tibuicio, Tapia Park Construction �511rO0D 9016, (NJC'1omiunity Park Pwt� ase 9019' (Heritage Park Equsstria�t Safety Course ; $8,000 ( ? $020 JNeighborhood Park Design, 83sCt00 I I 9021 (Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center 320�000 ( � Subtotal $1D,213,6 5 r '9999 115%,Administration" `34�0 �Cxneral i.ia'rtility �; 102t135 � Total I012111642t I z CAPITAL I FIR ROVE-PIENT P'Rga�.{., T REQUEST Department Commun i ty 5'�,�rvices >•ru:ad , Diwiaion Park DeveTo��kent 20 4532 ,., .�Psieri,tP Ada. Project Title, U'Mriptianv and i.ocation: - William Lyon Reimbursement Indicate whether Now: y Aepacematnt., :-„ ._..or Additidnx Project Juscifitation: Reimbursement to the lfllliam Lyon Company for dedication of Groves, Kenyon, and Vintage Parks in lieu of fees collected for park development requirement. a µ! 4as this project been scheduled in a prior C I.P.? pia Other projects at factors direet37 related to, this project: Indicate fisoai year pry icb should be: Styereed Gcqplat#d,- 90,,�..,ol ..o.., Estimated, Project Coss Ammuat :` `Su`tested, i ba,ticin; Xrouat WNW Payment 110001000. Park m Development"Fund 1 000,000.Administration PDf �I 3,000. _ J Funds available sad/or Amount required #irae, 7 already ea:peaded - 14031000. a Amount rewired subsequent Years sl,aence Required TOTAL 1,003,000. ecsagseeadw�d Dy os�is oa Head at f�gir uses s s ; I(equesead aY Department Head) _ 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Daepartmenx Community services fund a Division Park Develor;�ent 20-4532 Priority Na. �. Prof:cr Thep �a-r#.pti,on, iead Location: sports L �.. •- t g�ti'ng Gontr4i 1 ers Indicate vh*th%r Neva v . ......�,�._,�„ Replacement: or Additionx Project Justificstion Purchase and installation of microprocessor controllers for user access and City monitoring of sports lighting systems at.varous ,locations.. Sae `bia praj+ect, been schedu2*d is u prior C.I.P.? ea pia, Behar prajecss or factors direc4i relarad to thia: prpjsats Indicate fiscal year project sold be: Started,,gQ_gI Completed Esti'ipted Project casts Awast Su"ksted fiassci l; MOOOO Purchase and Installation 40,000. D-Inspection 7 000. =FilQF Administration 5,00€7 POF j funds available- andlas Aw"t r+e "rad first'Ysar alxsad,r uupwW*4 52,000. Am=t ra quirsd suboagseat your ..0- lance lkargarir+t+ TOTAL .a �Cosfii esda�F SY ttivission lisad Eat -WAS 11 UM 1 Nquescad By. 9a art-re>it toad? r 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ROUEST Department yand Div�.non DevCommunity Services ,Q Park. el o went 1 _,_204532 Priority No.Pro ect Title, 'Deacti Lion, and Louatioa: Grass Voile bai. ♦, Y l' Court Insta��Ia1lti�n° �: 4 •. Indicata vhQther Revs __ x Replacement: or Addition:' Project Justification: Installation; of Grass Volleyball; Courts in existing park faciliftes. I - I � '`` • fir.. t .. ♦ ' {'a.L i - 'Aaa this project been �ecr ed'aled `j� 3 �_ is a prime G.2.P.1 ra►� Nn othav projects or faci tdrs directly related to this projagt: Indieatae fiscal year project should, be: Started- ` p Cc�meglsted Estimted Project Costs Amount 'gusset;ted: FivM(Aat Amount Design and Coras:truction •2 500. PDP ' Inspection 3,500, . PDE 2,500.. 500. ; Administration 51000. PDF' S,500 ia- Funds available and/or Amount required !first Year already expended Y1,000� Amount .required subsequent yrsrs M W alance R24uised TOTAL MW..ecaiaresaaded $Y .00CI Divis on Head car rUMSer s aaea - Requested asy: �-®�......a..�. (,apartment Head), y r CAR,,l AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Dapartzen- Fund ,,, .. Community seriri es (j Division Park Development �0-453z P ;iotitr Noe Profaot Titla, Dascriptitans and •Locatfon: Etiwanda H - igh Schaal. • , Indicate -hathas Newt -- - or Additiont P=Jtct Justification: Renovation of' Etiwanda Nigh School to provide lighted ba.11f eldsy and sdccerfields as well as restroom facilities per City/School Joint Use Agreement j till l 3as this ro- :ct b an P scheduled in a prior C.I.P,7 ss Ns LIndi � har PtOacts at factors directly related to thin project; cats fiscal Year projact simAd be: Startrsl 90_gl cumlated Estimated Project Casts Amount suttesteRd rinar in Asoure Construction 800,000. PDF - 800,000..-Inspection 7,000. PDT 7,000 Admioistratio1 7,000. PDF - 7,000. Funds available antilpr !lasgnot zeq'ndbt firs ;yea already, a xpeuadsd 814,000 ` C z�gy3,zed snbsegnene yurs .elsncs Acquired 814,000.. ..ecr aale�ed D vt (1551s# on tIN ear Meer MUM at�td S 4t u�s ctnt Head) , y wpm- CAPITAL IMPROVEMEUT PROJECT REQUEST Department Community Services Fvad Division Paris Development 20-4532 Pris►rity,Na. Project TIM* Dsscript:,cn, and, Locationt> Cucamonga Elemer Lary Indicsto uhat4�er Newt _ Replacement: er Ad4itiont Project Justification; Rennvation of Cucamonga Elementary School to provide bal'lfields, hardcourts,, playfield and parking facilities per City/School Joint Use Agreement. t ' Ass this project been achedulad in * ,prior C.I.F.? es No other projects or sctora directly rWAted *A this projae 4 t _ Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started ted 90"91 � Completed, Estboted, Project Costa. Mount •Suggested t1wi a t s Anoust. Construction 476,C}�7C PDF - 47 ,0tsf, Inspection . 7 000. PDF 7, Administration 7,000. PDF 7x000. i_ Funds available and/or vac requir6d first y" Already expanded 409400. Awount, required subsetoent ►T's w0" clastce 1Raquired ' � 09,000c +tecraeauied B y � � triton i3e� or Ear's se4 Requested By: (Zapiar t Head) ; L....... CAPJITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Community Servi zes nd - fit -_pion Park Developmenj,, 20-4532,Pro JeCt Title. Dame iPtIon, aid l.o5atiouo pear Gulch'Eieoentary Indic-ato whether- Raw: x Rep2�re���€s of &dd ti � .. ..�..� .� Project. Juettfiott.ioea Installation of exercise stai:ions and oackstops per City/School Joint' tlse Agreement. I dad t1til n,%j :� ect bae�t a�c�ednl�d � prior �.��F�r �'�� � �o .�.a Other Ma; or factors, ditectLy &&S � p 1 x _ Indic-Ito fiscal yett project shor.Id be: Staysaa 90-91 „ Extimtted P:®je t Coots Design and Onst.rurt �on •15,000. PDF l Irespecti ,A 3,500. 1540006 00 PaF ; t?dmi i�t:'d(t�on 5,000. PQF' 000 5,000 I { f�►e:d� A�►af�lab1e and/or sumt TSquited Brat 7 - algeady expecded �Qgnired WT'A e at 7aw 2`3 suo Kec 0 amenle"31,57 Yt�riue t Y 11)epi+" ,Iat 'spa#, P,E'QUEST ,...�...� ...�--� Fund FriOrit):.,NO• pepartmeri cosnunitY Serv7ees 20.4532 v�. veloPme Park De n� Di 0a�ser3pc1am, az:�, earSaa: . j ,» Ps �e,�t T t2so Improvements `* >� L '.s €r Addiei:ca: Various Sch001 Rsp'.acai�a�g s t: tftdics;a w8ehar Nays r ,$essei€i�aei� drool facliTLiE3 per City,'/School Joint , Prolsa J Installation o� improvc,ients at various s Use Agreements. fAS CS :B s Pact .S;PQ3 \� dos this MJ set been, Behad t ea s' this p$* s r ears ®r iss:trs dire F 50-91 91-92 t3thsr', p St�r�sd wunt O jses should. be.. �eatsd Fib Sias. �ad3.csra fiscal Yangpr gu 1,000,000• 'Esri"tgdi rrsiaet Coast7,000, 1,00d,G00 PDF 7,000. Design and Constr�Gtian 7,000. PDF , Inspectior� 7,000. PGF Administratlo �, �agRait� �i�scs' y 1,Mi4,000• • ��� ss� 4�us>td g�a�"F;aa available !b� c��t gaqu Y,5I?,Q00. alrssd�' Up ' Ay sot lanes "qu red Fat �r s - i , �i�.v3sl.�u &tam BY aaaL pcsp ,: iteque_St d BY s CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST [Department Community Services Fund Adak ivisionPark Qevelopme=,t 20-4532 • Prio=iex duo. rojeEt rit3t€� Description¢ Location: Community Center Improvements = hetdicate whether NOW Repticement: o>' Addition: .roject Jost ficecion: Improvements at Lions Park Community Centex to include the addition Of two 1.cihby areas. Has this.pro,Jeect ibesn scheduled, in a prior NO— Z. Other projects Mr Ifactats directly related to this prt��ttefia Indicate fiscAl year project-,.should- be: Startat3 Ctuplsted :ate. Entinated Project costs o t `, 1sia ;tstsci Fiaest�.3atR l�rcatmt Design and Co;-struction Administration 225,000 PDF 22 ,000 5,000, PDF 5,000r a Funds avalil&Z =dlo!t Amu" required firiae yeet ahead cx etwa J �► p 230,00t1. _ AwUnt required subsoquent Years 1 -Q= alancg. Requirad 230400. c�cccaded Few givisiostT"dr For Rer tt s6s itequescec By4 �(Dopar¢ ztC Head) CAPITAL i'A�. IMPROVEMENT �..o PROJECT RE9UEST T Department Fund ;'t f :Community services DiVislon Park Development 20-4532 f�i>orizx N®. PrOact Titla, Description, *nd Ja;stun: Don Tibuicio Tapia Park ' '�. ," ► IndLoa tea whether Now: k Replacement.. eat Addition: Proja3cc Justific4tion �. Construction of the three acre Don Tibuicio Tapia Park at the southern terminus of the previously completed trail project and further development of the confluence rest area. tsar this.prujaect been scheduled is aaa prior C.T.P.t aas No ether projects at factors directly YW'Ataatd to this project: Indicate fiscal year Project should be Started I plated Q Estimted Project Cost* Sugtexwd Financial Am ►t Construction 6501000., RCPDF ]inspection 20,000. RCPDF 550,000 Administration RCPDF 20,000° 7,OD0'• 5000. �I Funds awilabie sndlor mount required first year already expaadeai 577400. k Amount raqui�a d, ssebsea;tea t yaa a ,4 t;4neae Raquiro TSiTAg, 57 ,flflfl. ,ecoaasaraeased By: t�lvfsier Head or Ma aB ,says 1 r� Requested, 1Ty: 00 it ant_ Head} - «; CAP I TAL 1111PROVEMENf PROJECT REQUEST D';eparsmenc Community Services Fund - Division Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. ' Project Title, Description, lad Locxion: N/E Community Park Conceptual Indicate whether New: x �.. ReplaeQsnut. or Addition Project Justification; -- Development of a Conceptual Design for the 53 acre comnunit �y park.' Design to Include a community center, vario"' lighted sports, fields, and other amenities as identified by a community deG�i,`i task f6rce. Aas this project been scheduled in-a prier C*l.p. So Other project* or factors directly rclaM '�tothis, projects i Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91 90-91 Coaplet atimatsd Project Casts Amount suggested rintac ng A== Conceptual Design 90,000. RCPDF 90,DOQ 'Administration 7,.000. RCP'DF 7.,000, E _ .._. i Funds available and/or ;tsouat.already expted �aquirad first yasr 97,000' Amount required subsequent yaaas a0- t ' alt�acs 1�qu�sad "�'tAl yy� i/�+ y/q{ .97,000. .,eccr xuded Sy: �3v secs* mad for HadaSass a use: *te at .rya tie parcoen�=*dl +• ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 'PROJECT REMST 'Department communitySer�ic Fund Division es Park Development 20-4532 Priority No. j Project Title, Daecg3psifla, and RQocae.eiota: WE Community Park PurchaseA r "" ., i"• :: ,` .. Indicate whether; New: Replacement:? or Addition Project Justificstlon l Purchase of the I5.145 acre parcel to complete the acquisition 'totaling 53.205 acres for Northeast �'ommut,lity Park. Purchase will complete the final general plan' community park design. 0 :ems tUs p"Ject been scheduled is s prior C.a.F43 k es No Either projects ar factors dlrectiy related to this project Iadicste fiscal Year p)coject should be: Started—g ,�� fbaplaeQd Setimted Projeer lists jectut `. 1ugg"tead Fl=cias mouse Land Acquisition .7ga5,000, RCPDF 7951000. Administration 1� 3,000: Rc"PDP '3,000. Funds svailabic aid/or ,® �� requited f3rttc yam` 798,000 already axpaWed Awmt required subseguea�t Feet }_ I , c &lance squired TOTAL �cc® cooed By: ®ivisios: seed oa Ssr s Use: L° Requested BF c, apartment Beady ; CAPITAL `I fi �� T PROJECT RME T ea�ra:a�reac Comunity Services d I�iiioaz Park Development 20-45 2 Project Title, Dsscri�tS�Oat, and, Location* Priority Too Equestrian`Safety Course. Indicatt whether NOV,!,, _ ltepiacesesat: - O Rdditiftl , Ptcjoat Justification: Installation of equestrian safety course at Heritage Community Plark. y _ r -Aals this project been vchtd lad U. a -prlor CO,I*P.? Indica" fiscal YOU P Started CMPJ4tod 90-91 Estimated Project c4sts Construction -Administration 5,00D* RCPD 31000. ww- funds avaZU"5b2+ a�sssr airaaa�d suat reed #Srs�t prsdd 8100 '. Rr�oa�a x"Iku sabsa«+gUmt 74498 aza nco Rsaquire TOTAL rc aid y (03-via on fliadx rot, -74mg0r ; UE 142 x i a drt=at Head) . . CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST ' D�p,�rentc�r Community Services Fund Divisions Park Development 20.-4632 Priority Na. Project Title, Dsncription, sad Lacagtgn: Neighborhood Park Land tadieate whother Newt X Replacement: or AdditIotze Project Justification: Purchase of land for neighborhood park sites. Areas of target are; Southwest region, North central region., and. Northwest region. .ins this project been scheduled In t prior G'.Y.P.? o her projects or sectors dlrectx� related to this project: Iodicmeto fiscal year project shouldr bee, Started 9090- •�•;91 ...�..�.. completed gI-92 Estinat4d Project goats Aeeoeea& `'mot$ estad fi can;; rlaeawst Initial Acquisition 39000,000. 3l000,000. Total Cost Unknown RC DF Administration 3,000. RCPD 3,000. runds availa s and/or Ae;aeat required first yaac already, aspsiwad AsrsuAr required s0sageeaae ykl*ssu I.503,000. �Ssb�ce Rsgeafrseei TOTAL 4,506,000. :.cccamaded tnvisiou Mai! For Manate s Use; « s R equies tad By (Department Heady .. t CAPITAL I11PROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Community Services fDrep,i*erctm*Jnt" AML vsin Park Development- otide, 20-4532 F?ZorityNo. Description, And locatisn: Nei ghborhood Park Design. - ' ♦ ,1 Indicate whether Yiaaars RaAacement! 'yam. or Additions Project Justification: _ I Development of conceptual, and construct on drawings far, a future neighborhood park (actual location as yet_,unkno�wn) R k Y thin. project been scheduled It 0 prior C.I.F.? ,es No Moects or factors diaactlT Uted tar thin project: ' 90-93 iudiiscal year project should, OW 'Started MAM << CMpleted l sed Project costs /want Suggasted,. 71wacia3a Amount Deis n Administration •80,000 31000. ROOF RCPDF 80,,000. 3,000. I i i Funds available and/or -- Aialready expfinded Aa Ilsnce Na quiraci t'� nocotaatst ad ay: 9 vis on H Red) Esc 'c iteguestcd D.: ..�Datt3s+�stt Head. J „. PITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST ._ Department � Community ,ervi ces Fttd. Division Park Devel'4ment 20_4532 Priority -No. ,. fzoject Title, Description, and Location: Slope planting Heritage and Red,.1+1 J Indicate whether Newt Replacsseaut: or Addition: Project justification: Per the request of the engine -icing department, funds to repland the 2ti slopes at Heritage and Red Hill Community Parks. Ass this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.F.? as No Other projects or factors directly related to this project: « IndicAte: fiscal year project should be: Started 90-91 Ca"letad r Estimated Project Costa Rsout SoS;sseeEd Faacia Aetott r Materials and Installation *60,000. RCPDF M Administration 3,000. RCADF 60,flfl0. 3,000. Funds available and/or Awmt required .drat yea Uready expe� Wed - 63,ia0D. Amunt required subsequent years _0; Iiarze RequiredTOTALMUM, KtG:f9t�*i�tii Eby: Di3*i3,oA bead or ;Mgse is Use3 « Requeatcd By. (Dnps.tMent 3"d) CAPI AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BEQUEST Depart ment community Services kind Division Park Development 20-4532 1' Friority!;No. Project Title, Description, and Location: Reroofing ;, , Heritage and' Rec� Hill Build rigs Indicate xht'wr New: f Replacement: or Addition: l Project Justification: Per the request of "thy: engineering division, funds to reroo.f, the resxoa�, maintenance and equestrian buildings. Ass this project been schednted in je prior c l p.? es No 0:1her projects or factors ditaitly related to tus projecto . Indicate fiscal year project abould be: Star tsd 90- CoUpieted EamUwtad Project costs Asomat Suggested F3aAccin� Aeoaot Construction •120,000 RCPDF 120,000 Administration 3,000. RCPD 3,000. Funds availab-ie and/or AW wtt rogU.tred first .year s► csady expewed 1230000. dance l�;q•,�irie� ttiAL -. 'I00, �ccrsceatatndes! s� �T3,x3siaa Heart lot Eer s uses Asquesce . Dy:, : ,(D gsrteanr tip) �. is ♦- t : IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department Fund Commun i ty -S, , ~:y Division Park De.vein M:ry _ 20-4532 Ficrjf.Cy No Project Iit1a, Dstcription, Anatabcation: WE Community Park" Debit Reti refent Iadicatre whether Neva Kept art:, ..ar Additions Project Justification* ( ..�a....� J + Fnr retirement of certificates of Participationto purchaser land for WE Community, park, .. ,'i. `... , '•}� .y+. :. ,., r, 4, 'tee , its this project been scheduled in , --'a prtor C I.P.? X des No Other projects or factors directly relaeei'l to this project.: Indicate fiscal year project should he: 51'� ;red 89-90' Cr+aplested : ira98 Est3aated Project Cost$ As:.eat 'SuggaQsted fii���aS Aemuae Debit Retirement 2t875,0006 hCPDF 402,235. C Funds available and/or Account requisad first year ulready Metdsd A ti2,235. a eouos re+�uirec s>�b rr��ueat yurs 487,710 i'2snce UoAuilrsd TOTAL accormunded by: Divs;a t+a .Head ar ar a Doti Requ0sted By:" Dapartsm4ent Heady r• w w ,. RV CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST kl rPr p:rcmcntCommunity Servicesvision Park Development 20-4532 Priorit nooject Title, Descripbiou, and Location: Central Park Debit Retirement x lnlicatc vhather Mewl Replacement:. yr Additiont Projact Justifications, For retirement of certificates of participation for purihase of lod for Central Park. r *.is* this project ►:aasr schsdulad in, a prior C.S.P.I es=:No .R `JYf�I Other projectsor factors diroaXly related to this project: I 15� indicate fiscal year pro$e�--t s imid bass Staertad 89 90 106 ��..�.�.....� Estimted Project Costs Amount tunsstwi; finavicin$ . Debit Retirement 6,390, 00. h' PDF 1,,2871900. i Funds avatlable and/or ARQuae req"ted fsxst Year, 1,287 9�9E1'� already expanded Anount reTvirsd sub0qu4at 74"M 1.290,853. slants Raquired TOTAL 2.578.753. ..6com ended by.. iiir€Ision mat ; Masers Uses €teg4**cod 13Y: � �Dapsertaea�at i3�ad} ' , CHAP I iAL I MPROVEME'N PROJECT REQUEST Department ���� Division Cormuni ty SgI N ces Tula+ Description, ,r � 20�453� ` �' fir« arit� eta. Park Develootn�aad Luca � tin Her a Park ; x r Tndicate wheathcr 2daaws Re,1ace�+ast: or Addftianl Project Justiiications y: 14 Per the request of Vie angine2ring divisiotr, the ropovation and upgrade of the east side little league and soccer fields. K A this project laaasu, scheduled -in a prior CY.ta? x' its Nsrk Other, projects at f&ctot,, directly slated to Vbis prajeeas _ } Indicata iiagstl Year ro ect shuu)d. be. dtaz. I.A. . j ,...`. Canted ,..., ot...?....�. C EaCk�ated Projact Co lE: Sl3iit�L°: o 1i esrMite : G ' %, sus.` Awemt Canstruction ..150,000. P i 150,000. Vunds an> ilaphle 10,. .��.. AmW rel"rsd'Ilrat Barr already axpeaded 150,D00 Bianca laquire:4 TOTAL 15O,OW.; . vac a aka kv vts Head), dt ' iiar ffi spas . « , � ` er uas�ssasS Ay: (A^Psrta a cad) e _ a COMPUTCR HARDWARE REQUEST FORM` Fiscal Yaar Department: Administrative Services Piviaion: Purdhasing 1990/91 ------ - _:-----------------------------------.,--M__-_.._.�.- - �- { L I I Resour:e Center ! I 1 ( Unit { Use only ( 1 Account !lumber( Hardware. Description' 1 Work Area 1Qty I Cost IEs ibated Cost I Identification I Location I 1 1 I Ap�Roved ( Denied I Date r, _-..�------__L---------_..__-_---_-...�I��_._____�v!____I----------1____-___-�_�_I_----____1-__-__-JI 4l 5-340P4 !Compaq Deskpro 266 (Purchasing 1 1 ( $3,000 1 $3 GG0 -___---_- 1 1 $3,OOG 104-16 90 ,., Monitor ;w/Color (' IToshiba Printer, $341 , 1Purchasing { 1 1' $660 1 $650 L I $650 104-16-90 C 18ar Coding Machine 1 w/So,ftware Ipumkving $1,800 1 $11,804 $1,800 i 104-16-90 1 k� Totals- 3. $5,450 $5,!50 $1,800 $3.j5,G 153LFM4b.wkl I i i j i I I ,,,j O t IY C. 1 GD N Y C1 O C} Yl i'! Sdt iYk 11. q . O 0+mm` � W: 1, a i Ab. N W. ac Op ca 11 Lu 40 b ! H 6f b m O. ::+ Of K'a �o ab C.. io 4 id O w F rb >n S q N tR 1 sty O O G O cw� H O - m a t {p t0 yb, tQf !+ - O of 40 cs i s+ O _ m 1 Y i. 4 GCt pO SIR rOf4:x W. J 1 Cf/ {'n. go! tV N Wr F r q b N. - 3 1 C t0 phi 7 1 6 It W ; W. W.. F11 l W >b w t 2 Of w W 4w r i1C t+ pf - ! � � Vf aF M ♦ �.. s �T �► at 54 ' PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY 5C4iW Department: Administrative Services Division,: Risk Management Fiscal Year 01-4154 1990/91 -- _._..__.__.v — -�~- :Position Quotaw ( Appropriations Positlzn I..a .____s:.�_�, Classiiication (DuWWi Ompt. ( Kgr. I f Dept. f Mgr. ( Adopted T tle ( Level I Rcmd. ( Rcmd. FAdopled ( Rcmd. ( Rcmd. ( Budget Personnel/Risk. Ngr _1.. _fir..____fi_ _I__—:-1 ��fi_ { 0 50%1 0 ( t,, [ $30,000 ( ;0 fi $0 i Risk Mgmt. Analyst ( 100%1 200%] 100$1, 100%1 250,400 1$28,400 ( $33,600 1. Subtotal: i i; ( $80,400 I$28,400 $33,600 f Merit Con.tingenoy $4.020 i $1,420 (' V,680 Subtotal, Fringe Benefits j (, ( ( $29,547 ($10437 1 $12,348 Tctal f f (; ( 1$113,967 1$40,257 1 $0,629 i l f I f 154LPPila.wk1 I I E, M COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET _Account Number:IFiscal�Year[ Depart:eenC/Division: a (�~Programs -�_ ,__ Administrative Services I Risk Management ( 01-4154 ( 1990/91 Oste,:t Pto.I Budget ( ----- i-5-0 IRegular Salary ., �..{ $35,280 1 19P (Fringe Fmefits ( $12,349 3100 ITravel & Meetings ( [ I Public Agency Risk Mgr Assn Annual Conference $1,500 [ I Local Public Agency Risk Managers Assn Mtgs. $300' I Risk Management Sasicrxdvanced Training Tucson $1,000 ( { I Sutatal: I $2,800 3300 (Mileage I [ I Staff Rei6vsement/Use of City vehicle ( $700 [ 1 ! 3900 IMaintenance & Operations I I Office Supplies $1.100 { [ { Safety Supplies, First Aid Kits $2,000 [ is [ Printing $1,000I [' Posters/Pamphlets. $500 [ i � I ITraining &`Education ( I I Professional Risk Management Seminars $700 [ { I City Sponsored First Aid & CPR' $2,000 ( { -National Safety Council Film Rental $1,000 [ J (, Qubtotal: ( $8,300 i 3956 joues & Subscriptions ( I I Public Agency Risr, Managers Assn. $20 [ I { Public Risk & Insurance Management Assn. $400 j I ( Risk Management Magazine $200 I [ ( Subtotal; ( $620 3960 lGeneral Liability I I $459 I I I 6028 (Contract Services I I [ Carl Harren & Company. $8,000 { j I City Wide Employee Assistance Program $10,000 I I ( Update of Public Nooks Kiint.Safety Mcnual $1,000 I [ { Recharge of City Owned Fire Extinguishers $1.500 ( [ I Computer Maintenance $729 1 I MIS Administration $7,560 ( [ l I Subtotal: ( ( { $28,798 I L i 1r'4LFM2a.w1 I ; Total: I I $89,305 ]' l COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year Oepartmenti Administrative Services Division- Risk Management 1990I9i - -- - --,----- - -r-I. _ _ ""� -.,-_ 1 ' "� - --- ------�_----- Resource Centeri use Only C Account (Contract ,Services ( Justf'ication IQtyl Unit- 1 1 Cost lEstieated(_P_�-�__-- 1 Cost -_ - 1 iAPProvedjoenied( Date 1 Number 01-4154-6023IIEN PC Maintenance(Current Equipment 1 2 ( $302 ( $604 1 $302 1 $302 104-16-901 (Printer (Current Equipiient t [ $276 $151 1 $276 ( $151 1 $276 ( $0 104-16-901 1 $151 ( $0 104-16-901 (Color Monitor [Current Equipment (1 1 C f i C 1 1 C l ! 1 1 154LFM5a.wk11 i C i I I C i i 1 Totals: 4 $729 $302' r t �N.mj ...�.�c3tow �_t ., o 1 1 N N. O O.O ti/ O 01 cc ; O t0 N 1 1 t 1 t N O O a O. !t1 til W � 1 t7f ^ 6t'i (tnN. toil t 1 C O aG O Oa O N W J t� N V .� .. W < CD p. o go t t gym; 1 tT 1 - < 1 t 1 Ij[{t O rn 0. 4 J 4 ; 2" 1 t ►- .o s o t1'. W W LU ►� tamed : 75 C3 V! 95 p !lY M t Lt O O Q O Ll'1 N !2 t2 tt2 r r N 11C 11 aP T V' yr �F �t tj tyt t 58 PROGRO POSITION/SALARY SOiEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Services Division: City Treasurer 1990191 D1-4155 4 nref .rr ...�v„y �---___I Position ja,. _.. -----------------f--- --- -- --- t ..� Classification. (Currant) Dept. 1 Mgr- I ( Dept. ! Mgr, 1 Adopted I Title I Level I Rand. 1 Rcmd. (Adopted I Rand, I Rand.. I Budget I Trpasu�eC -��.� I 100i1_ 155%1 1001") 155%1 $7Q0 1 $612 1 $620 1 Accounting Tech I f - 80%1 80%1 80%] 80%1$24,000 1 1$24,000 1 1 1' $26,800 1 Merit Contingency 1 1- ( 1 1 ( 1 141,200 1 $1,200 1 1 $1,344 1 Subtotal'; ( I 1 ( 1$Z5,900 1$25,812 1 $28,641L Fringe Benefits ] 1 1 I ($9,065 1 $9034 1 $10.095 1 Total l General Fund,j 1 ( ( 1$34,965 1$34,646 1 $38,939 1 Redevelopment Agency 1 ( ( 1 1 1 ( 1 Accounting Tech ' 1 20101 20%1 20%1 20%1 $5,600 1 $5,600 1 $6,720 '1 Merit. Contingency ( I 1 1 1 $280 I $200 1 $336 1 Subtotals (' ! I ( 1 $5,880 1 $5,880 1: $7,056 1 Fringe Benefits I f 1 1' 1 $2,058 ( $2,058 1 $2,470 Total J Redevelopmentl I ( 1 1 $7,936 1 $7,938'1 $9,526 I 1 1 # Position transfered 1 I ( ( 1 ( 1 ! 1 1 1 1 fri n the Finance Division( therefore, this does not add a new position f 1 1 1 ( 1 1 I ( 155LFMia. mkt I 1 ( 1 f ( ( ! ( 1 ( 1 COST CENTER DETAIL WQRKSHEET -- - - UepartmentjDivison k Program ~�-- I Account-Number-IFiscal Yearl Administrative Services i City Treasurer I 01-4155 1 1990J91 I Ohject-Na�.I „_ .UsscripCicmf Items & individual cellar Amounts IBudget I I.�------..-_- ---------_ --- ..---....------- I- _r------ 110a IREgular Pnyrolt� ( 526,844 I I I 1900 jFringe Benefits I 310r095 I L k 3100 ITravel & Meetiras k 1 I California Municipal Treasurer's Association $300 I i I Niscellanous Meetings $100 I k I League of Calif Cities Annual Conf $600 I I I Subtotal; t1,200I 3956 (Dues I 1 0 I California Municipal Treasurer's Association I $ 6 k -k 1 I k I 602C IContract Services I k I Cogputer Maintenance {;IBM PC, color tonitor, and I k I dot matrix printer"„_ $785 I I I Subtotal; 185 k k � f k 1 � k I k I � I L { I i l I i I I I 155LFM2a.wk1 k � 1 k Total; 1 I I_ COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM AOL Department: Administrative Ser. Division: City Treasurer Fiscal Year D1-4155 1990/91 J _---_.y) __-_-- _-_ I'- ! I ! l-- --- Resource Center I ( ( ! ! Use Only Account (Contract Services ( Justification jQtyj Unfit (Estimated(____«, .... __I Number I j, ( I Cost j Cost (ApprovedjDenied I Date I ]----------- 01-4155-5028(IBM IMaint./Acct. tech.] 1 1 $358 ! $358 j $358 j $0 14/16/901 j jColor Monitor jMaint./Acct. Tech. j 1,1 $151 ! $151 ( $151 j $0 14/16/901 IDot Matrix Printer(Maint./Acct. Tech.] 1 ] $276 ] $276 I ] $276 j 40 14/16/901 I I I 1 1 i 155LFM5a.Wj I 11 I $T85 $0 Totals: 3 $l85 E �t d q C L'y O ,p f7 d O M d' O ltf � N N ^ g 0010f 1 � AbV. nW7 N an N Y d .I/' to to tIi b �► O }� i YJ O O O ib. O 8 1ft b 4 Q M_ ►+ �: a r.D o In o o m +�+ is O M Ww aL fh: Iola w lh vw 1. O O O O ea d 0 is 0 H i C;t 0. AR1r O atr Qi G' O W O. ! m T. ( A Lft a v d V ( i0 N• 1CR K i Q o � alx a s .tom ast .ea a s o to o to o N as v Ga J ti YV U i It i� Cl, O ONLL a.N.. O 4 r Occ r~.n O C C'� W Cf. M t[a c 40f +17t a d J �_ Rf Y�Y v b r N Fri o K W m C. W tts O AO D AM !V i it'! N Y Sa r ODD .F a. 40 4m E f-� �tpf ua ds. O y ta� tp 'Ij S a F : _ taa= V ypxw, W _ W60 GS 0 D 'GL C :� s. t ffi' 6 O 1O itsw� at6 {O AO. YJ � ii! W 6t) kC t0' ra. 'AO fCa �y0. r r, 62 C , PROGRAM POSITIONISALARY SCHEME Department: Administrative Services Division: Personnel 01�4156 Position Quota .., Appr Position_ ..._ ..�......_*...., Classification ICurrentl Dept. ( Ngr, ( ( Dept, Title i Leval j Rcad, t Rand. 1Adopted l Read. Admin.Serv. Director.( 40%t 40%1 40%1 Personnel/Risk Mgr. 1: 0%1 50%1 0%1 Personnel Analyst I 100%1 100$1 100%1 Benefits Te ttinician 100$1 100$1 100%1 Personnel Clerk ( 100$j 200%1 100$1 Subtotal, I[ 1 ! brit Contingency l y; 1 1 Subtotal: Fringe 'Benefits ( j' Total; FIRE DISTRICT 1 Personnel Clark C E 0%1 i 0'41 50%l Subtotal: ( I I f Merit Contingency { 1 i t Subtotal; f Total: l 1' t l l l 1 t ( t t 1 i 1 1 1 { 124LFb11a.wkl / 156LFM1a.wkl I I .s t,_j- 0%1 $30,000 100%1 $32,140 100%1 $20,632 100%1 111,264 �$15e,03s } $7,902 P165,236 $58,878. 1 $224.O10 $0 Fiscal Year 1990/91 yens I mgr. Adopted Rcad. [ Budget 1 $44,000$36#820 so $0�. 332,140 $35,860 $21,0% $25 290 $21,950 ! $23,100 (* $110,040 ( $121,670 j 1 $5502 $6,084 $115,542 $127.754 $40,+14G � $44,714 $155.932 1 $112,467 t 41,500 $7,500 $375 $7,675 17,875 $$,$20 $9,320 $416 $9,736 18,735 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEEf Department/Div�sioa ------- ---Program;-- -----(- Account Numberr(Fiscal Year j Administrativo Services j Persones! j 01-4156 j 1990/91 Object No,J Description of ltems & individual Dollar Amounts j j�----------- " Budget __------ 1100 ----------- ----------------- ----------- ----------- JRegular Salary -------- � ( $127,754 { 1200 1,Overtime ( $500 1900 jFringe Benefits j' $44,114 'I i 1901 (New Position Contingency j $26,000 I 3100 jTravel & Meetings i j CALPELRA $900 j WASC Conference ;$350 j LAague of Californip Cities Labor Institute $900 ( j ( Personnel DavelolyAnt Seminar $100 j ( Perzonnel/TraWng Seminars $500 j Local Pe rzz-finel ketings $700 ( j j Subtotal: ( $3,450 3300 $iileage { Staff Reimbursement/Use of City Pool Vehicle { $600 J 3900 JNaintenance & OGerations ( j j Personnel/Legal Advertising (reflects increased ( j j rates re classified ads) j Pre -Employment Physicals $15,000 $5,000 j Recruitment & Examination $2,000 © ( Oral Review Boards $1,000 j New Employee Suppl las $800 { Print4ng $2,000 j Publications $800 ( j j Office Supplies $1,200 Misc Supplies $800 J J Subtotal: ( $28.600 { 3956 1,0ues & Subteriations $ J j CALPELPI (Labor Pglati= Association) $150 'iunicipal NjImnt. Asst. of So. Calif, see ( j J American Society for Public Admin. $150 { F Internatim. al Personnel Management Assoc $400 { Fair Labor Standards Act Handbook $600 { j Subtotal: j $1,380 j E 3960 18eneral liability i $600;(' 6028 11kntracz. Services J Personnel Orientation Video $15,000 ( J ( Eaapluyee Service. Awards $6,000 J j j iebert Personnel Consortium $3,000 ,{ Personnel Consultations $3000 J j MIS ,�-inttration $10,375 ( i ( Contract :.aintcnance / Computers $2,072 j Subtotal: J $39,447 j 124LFM2a,wk1 j 156LFM2a..Y'A1 PERSONNEL DI "SIN TOTAL:, $272,945 �IMPUTER CW.,IACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Adminstritive Services Division: Personnel Fiscal Year 01-4156 1990/91 ----_ _� _ . _. _ _......_ w..- _ _ - _ __i. _ _ - ~f• f y 'i" Resource` Canter Use Only Account i Contract Services (Justification (Qtyjunit IEstimated i__---.�_:._�__..�.; .._i Number ( j i ( Cast ( Cost jApproved(Denied ( Date 01-056-6028N8I Term Maintenance 4 (Current Equ( 2 (' $276 ip ( $652 ( $276 ( $276 (4-16-90 ( iWnter Maintenance (Current Equip.i 1 ( $607 j $607 ( $607 f $0 14-16-901 IN81 Work Station 1;deN Position (1 1$2.00G i $2.000 f $0 j$2,:.8D (4-16-90( ]IBM PC r5162-1u24s14 i l j $*58 i $350 j $35$ ( $0 (4-16-90) (Color Monitor ( ` (_ 1 ( $isl ( $151, ( $151 j $0 (4-16-90( isystem 64 jshare 2 users j 1 f $600 i $680 ( $680 j $0 14-16-901 1 1 I 1 f I { i i f f f f i s G { E C 1 l 1 l C ! I l l t I `�I' �a.�ki 156LF�S5z.�'�1 124Li i ► 1 Totals: 7 $4.348 $2,072 $2,276 I 1 • 1 i '4= cmI 1 rn a o o a'e- '1 ! 1 W B f O p O, C to 1 O. O O. O p N' o, p. o dD . C o r a !1l.O ur o N "It co.+ � � ! � as �• Io _ - ', dr ® Gf - 1 1 1 In a al o b H 1 W�p 1 " O Of C. 1 It Wi r oco - o oo o� i 1 O. y ySH 'Y EE AA! 1 T ►. ` 0 J � V J H O _ 1 1 t S 1S O nZr J W rUn a' i cn >B w V7 wdw d r� . ,1y� C g - W N. • J H WLU W �I ca r;p..'iI H .eJ.1�� K .aU.l[� G GC K �4 F. r- y - 2 tiC C• of l OC O 4. P S S Owog, V CS Chi Cd.7r C�.l Q - �^ U W L V 1 1 O fSJ Yf V ! iH b Jn v. vl •eS- 6!'I {[f. 'ter ! O YT .s' V. ICf IS9. IS`. �.> {I'I ! f �-J O U 1 a, N N N N N. N N. N N. (�, .'+• N It 66 PROGRAM POSiTSCWISALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Administrative Sorvices Division: City Facilities 1990/91 01-4245 } Position Quota^ } -- Appropriations! ?osition sification j _. _ jrrenkDept. } Mgt. Dept. rj Mgr. p{ Adopted } Title I Level } Rcmd, } Rcmd, jAdopted } Revd } Reed. rt} Budget I Custodian_~ 1 �200$1 200%1 200%1 200%1 $45,,624 { $46,624 { ^$46,320 1 Custodian f 0%1 600$1 100%1 100Vj $114,912 1 $2'.,652 j $21,660 } Custodian Supervisor] 0$1 100%1 100Cj 100%1 $21,602 1 $38,064 j $38,070 ! ; Subtotals } j j { $162,188 $105,340 l $106,050 Merit . Contingency {, j I } $4 109 !; $6,267 ! $5,303 Subtotal, t } } { $19,293 } $110,607 Fringe Benefits { { j } $66,964 j $38,712 ! $38,974 Total: j' ! j j } $258,251 }' $149,310 } $150.327 j 245LHF1b.wk1 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET --------------------•---------------------------------------------- ,apartment/Division: L Program.' ( Account Number:( Fiscal Year [ Aiministrative Services I City Facilities 01-4245 ( 1990/9f ( _-----_------------— ------------------------------(------ Object No,-, -Des-cripti-on ��of-Items & Individual Dollar Amounts ( -- ----- Budget -- -- _(------------------ - - ------------- -------- 1100 [Regular Salary --------C---- I 111,353 ( 1200 (Overtime ( ( 1 1900 (Fringe Benafits ( ( $38,974 ( i 3100 (Travel & Meetings $0 3300 (Mileage I staff Mileage Reimbursement $500 Use of Pool Vehicle $50 ( Subtotal: $1,000 j 3900 (Maintenance & Operations ( j ( Telephone Billings, CC, PS, RCNC, lions $175,000 ( Electric $250400 Gas $15,000 Water $10,000 Postage $97,000 ( Office Supplies ( Maintenance Supplies $95,000 $27:500 General Maintenance & Repair $15,000 ( UPS Pick-up $1,000 Medical Supplies $2,000 ( { ( Misc. Supplies $2,000 Padding Machine $400 Subtotal. I $689,900 ( 3960 (General Liability ( ( ( $110414 ( - ' � '. 1 1. 5028 (Contract Services I Air Cond./Mech Equip Prev. Maint._Diagnostics $2,500 I Telephone System Maintenance $30000 (_ i Copy Equipment Service/Maintenance $30, 00 Office Machines Maintenance (all depts.) $2,500 ( I - ( P.O. 'Box rental $84 } ( Lease/Purchase Copy Equipment $57,000 ( Postage Equipment Mtr. Rent/Service $1,200 I (, ( Miscellaneous Services $5,250 ; ) ( Pest Ctrl, Cvc Ctr, P.S.Fac,RCNC, lion $1,8D0 Air Filter Maintenance, RCNC, Lions $1,000 j ( Vending Machine Rental $1,000 Plant Service $18,000 ( Subtotal: ( 2452B1.ak11 I Subtotal(pg.1) ( ( ( $1,017,975 ( COST CENTER.DETAIL NORKSNEET Year _ Department/Division: ( Program: I m4 ount'Numbersl Fiscal{ Administrative Services I City Facilities ( 01-4245 I 1990/91 Object No.1 Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts I Budget -I---- -- -- -------- --- -------- --_ . (Cont'd) I SubtotaT(W1.) I 41,017,975 J I 7044 ICaElectric Paper Cutter $750� j I Floor Polishers (3 Q $650/ea) $1,950 I I Vacuum Cleaners (3 4 $500/eu) $11500 ( j I Subtotal: I $4,200 1 7045 lVehicles I I I l I ! Cargo Van I l � I I r j l i � � � I ! t 1 I I � I I � ) 2452b2.ek1l 1 I } I ! I Total. I $1,042,,175 I AQk o ( o p p oe o o o. Co a o o a ca. o cX '1=. o o 0 0 v o a O ; d'O M' .. t t 1 O O, O O O 6 O O O O. p :O G O p p '.p 1 O N OO Q iy T m C2, Q 00 Q O cm O.'O V9 O O C? G O' p..O. p O 1 G p O. 00 Ln w t s F Y O O O O tYA a 'fa 0 O tC B- cw N tm 'aP O O Ltti. O. O o W ! N It ut O N F@ 'N O :OMf N i4aIct{Np .JC 7►.q met00 tit m fr T l fj.. d V ^ N �I' ct t H q ( O OO p of _^toO m'O MLA N� Oto mN. q _ � lNt N. p rz L i ^.r ^ �' !► ® ^ Go N v Rif sn 'O d U N f. iA v @ < '1 cm pOm c3. - m.— p N Ns .p CT IAp tL N O i N o o 0 0 0 b Q, o p cmp a o. co. o o. o to, 0 o o O o N a� o O p 0 d ta.. pp me 1. T 6 m 1 _O p ^ N ® - 1 Y. 1 c 1 q. R! R O v T {N. q lA >n. . m. Ot � 11 m ►, of q T tn.. ^.., fH. 4f ® mf '.� � "qt' ~ . i R to 1 1 yy H f: O N to p� N' O 1, V cm�►. M O :m cm 42, tp L li J L O {e1 O N O� t0 y' !•• t0 LO IA N T� m q 4 ^ N q Or to q m ^ 'vr N N tp O N ^ ev ^ @! :i[f t19 .es ^:'.•!�j fb ly m J o 1. Lu 1 W en CC. O S to W O \ -A U15 w Km Cp yl: ]fie W. = •� �• i .eC }dam. c O � is y_ g!' O W 9E N c w�.r .. = j Z W �. W t; oc. xE2. W. u, W 2 T .dt ' K't iJf .J i aJ4 i ""� ! H cD w a d o aura. vc ,.f... ui ui �5 dti i W .-. O pY .- N O e o 0 tS O p o e o �! O o p a tw '� N Lq YO b •tr 'us to to m f.- u Ia m a co. m o.- ti.'h to N f... .o O ,_ N jt x [ N Vf m m N N tT Pf en MT tT L�f qt q q '�Rf t+f q q 1A Rf qq t�'f !? q � O t•• ' O ^ W _ 1 !. t O LL'f tp fff N t0 m 1ef Lff LO LO Lft N tA.. YT tft tO ap `Otti ap u1 Ln a0 t0 IA tn i0- tp of La tp 10 ins N t0 LO m In tp t0 tp aD t tCI. J t .J. w. T t� T T Mr V► w ^ y. T� T T ^' �/'�` ^ �. V 1 W' 71 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ._�___��._----------------------------,��._.---------------_--__._�__.�. Department/Division: Rrograms } Account Numbere (Fiscal Year) Personnel Overhead } Personnel 01-4265 ►, 1990/9.1 } ObJect No.}. --ADascript on of Items S Individual Dollar Amounts -_-- -i' Budget -1901 }Roserve Contingency (allocated to each dept.-in final budget) $0 } 2100 jeoffee Contribution } $1,200 2200 (Deferred Compensation ,144,007 $0 j I 2300 (Tuition Reimbursewt, j $10,000 2400 }Employee: Development $30,.000`�' 2800 jPublic Employees Retirement System Contributions $1,101.679 { $0 3962 jUnemploysent Insurance $9 135 $0 [, 3963 }Worker's Compensation 'Insurance $213,40 }; $0 3965 INedical Insurance $950,922 ( $0 [ 3966 }LTD/Life Insurance $95,093 } $0 3967 (Dental Insurance $114 139 } $0 } i $969 10ptical Insurance $43,509 $0 3910 lKedicare Contributions 3971 IDisability Advances $11,053 } } )Computed as Component of Personnel Overhead Rates Developed } C (in each Departmental Budget. 1 265LF$2a..!rk1 f I Total. �. $41,200 j AM O CI. O i"5 N O. in d. p 0 Ca' O CD J W D/ O1 Cyr O o O ,N 10 0.1/1 O O_ w O : O O C. p O Op' O O O yNpi W CT O Ct Q W N M V, N. •D.. - aif 11"r 1 ^ � O O M O Q' }. v y jpl C2 O "t D O O 4 O Iir 0.95 41 W oMF. y Q. N d IM T �1 C9 r W. M y. O Q O O "ram' '�► b r C'i' O �, ® O. J j: tIMT 1[f O N O O C.1 � tn. $ ff 1� b1 11 N N N -N F V! N imf+ W IX! G <Im W OOOCCC... O N `i O O D'. O n O z7 AP Cif U% W �. r = O rlb 11� �. r•! �. W V N N Y M 0 p � Z 1 IL J tl O' Ca iv aD a1! N D a0 �+ YD C < 1 � In D ! CQ r+ u W j(Li y/ � w= 3C 'Z" 11J G 1�9 Yf �r pl Os '..Y1 Nf 'afl RO '49 w': Os 'n .10 b QI @I iV wf O Ca 1p Ci C 1�. 4 Ciw ®iOT SON Lo ONN W ONOW� 1Ol01ON La co v 4W9 73 E I I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSNEET Depart ent(Oiv sion: Program-, ( Account NumberjFiscal Yearj GeneralOverhrad General j 01-4285 j 1990/91 j CLWT A Chamber of Comerce Ntgs 1 Employee incentive ProO am j 1 j 3955 jElectronic Data Insurance 1 3956 1 Dues j CCXN Innovation Group j San Bernardino Association of GoWnwots 1 National League of Cities 1 Southern California Association of Governments j League of California Cries 1 K;-Tip j California Contract Cities 1 Southern California Water Committee { j 3958 1Automobile Insurance 1 3950 lFire Insurance, Inland Karine, Surety Bonds 1 3961 1General Liability 1 6024 'sOnrract Services City aorney 1 Chamber of Commerce 1 Student Government Day 1 Animal Control Serr-ices Audit Services Leg,xtfth Services j National management Association j. Lp,#slative Advocate 1 Animakl Control Reserve R A893y bplimentatioa j Fire District Reserve 1 800 K4Z j Library Master Plan 1 1 265Lf92a.mk1' j $3,000 $10,0O0 Subtotal. $3,500 $2,500 $5,203 $4,000 $9,697 $3,082 $400 $750 Subtotal: $400,000 $21,930. $10.000 $29,132 $100,M $35100( { $100,00t $155,600 1 $12,dao j $75,000 $80,CJn 1 $3.500 $2.500 $24,000 1 $450,000 j $150,000 j $2au`,uv-v I $200,000 j $15,000 Subtotal: 1$1,418,60 1 j' Total': j$1,714,66 ti 1 9E Bf G d O 1 V i {i co 1 Kd�j' O 1 pR � N 1 p i � 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 t4I C m t 6 1 �, id4 ut M m I isr. c a .fir. 4 M crt It 11 1�0 - 1V C'. iP - cs ps � sa ios a o m e !•- � r r a dl Ln lot .r ra 40 W. 'pt "p v 'ifl "V NI 0.ttto co m 40 It ¢ C a C- to t1l O N is IC CS Q.. _ gHy A".IWco ssfaa (i .-• O tY co .In m pt � J :C9 w! �+! W v Ica tr. o O e to en en e*r 75 PROGRAM PSITIWSALARY SCHEDULE . Department: Community Development Division: Admihiaration . Fiscal Year 01-4313 1990191 J Position Quad ! Appi`opria+;ons Position 1-------i--- — — — —j Classification jCurrentl D€fit. I Kgr. I I Dept, 1 'Vtgr. I Adopted Title I Level I Rtd. I Rced. (Adapted I Remd. I k-md. 'r, Rw-jee Coo.Dev.Directar J `�, 90%1 90$1 90%1 $76,120 j $76,120 1 $84,940 Senior Office Asst. 1 100%1 100%1 46%1 100%1, $29,100 1 i I 1 I I I $29,100 1 $30y`$70 1 I I Sub Total: J I I ,. 1 d $105,120 1 $105,220 I $115,00 j Merit Contingency 11 I I I I. 1 J ! $5,261 ( $5,261 i I J $5,791 Sub Total: I ! I [,. 1 $110,,481 1 I I I I ! i $i1C,481 I` $121,601 J j Fringe Benefits I I I I i $39,668 1 $38,668 1 242,560 J TOTAL: E ! J $149,149 1 $1+�j' 7', $164,161 1 { I 1 I I I I '3131fmla.wk1 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSNEET Department/Division;-___ _�------Programz---w -j---account dumber; - }F sca)-Year -j Community Development i Administration } 41-4313 { 1990/91 } Object his -- ..- Deycriptian of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts ~ {- Budget: { ___ -.f- wM�_�.«w..c..____.-.r_r_wow-..-�.w__tiwo_.r-+�w__Mr►rw......_�-__ w-i100 }Regular 5aiarias } $121,501 } 1900 tFringe 8erafits 135i i } $42t5fi0 } 319 }Travel / Matings: } } Nation.° American Planning Association $1,600 } League Of California Cities $900 } Calif. American Planning Assoc. $675 j j Planning Commission Institute *560 } { } Public W."ks Officers` Institute $$00 1 � Local meetings $625 } } Cwncil / Planning Commission meetings $975 } Local Seminars $504 Sub Total: } $6,375 } } } 300 }Mileage Reimbursements: } [ Auto Allowance $3,000 } Private Usi, Reimbursements $800 l } } Sub Total: } i } 3900 JMair:tenance / tperations: } } Pri:Itiag / Publiccticns $2,000 j } } 'W ice Supplies $3,650 { } Postage $300 C f ( Comkoter, Tpaiaing $550 { } Data Processing Supplies $300 1j j Computer Software $885 } } { Sub Total: } $7,685 ) a (. American Institute Certified Planners $250 } } } WARD $200 } � } Urban sand Institute $200 } } ASPA $250 } ;CMA $354 { } APA $350 t i National Notary Assoc. et00 } } Sub Total: 3960 }General Liability } } } 6028 }Contract. Services: } Xerox Nemorywriter j } $200 } C } GIS Administration $7,682 j j Computer Kaintenonce $616 } { } Sub Totals $8,498 } 7044 }Capital Outlay: }` Compute+ Epipasent $6,000 } 31 LFMZA.WK1 DEPRRTMENT TOTAL:: j $198,890 l COMPUTER SOF1'MARE REQUEST FORM Fier Year ' Departwnt. Community Development — — _ — — _y+�r_ Division., Adminstration 1990191 — _ — _ _ _ ----ya__---- �-------- ResourceCenter j [Serial Number/ID ofj j j j Use Only Account [ Software Identification jc"puter Unit whorejQtyl Unit [Estimated[ Number [ [ Software is to J j Cost [ Cost j Approved [Denied j Dat,,;' j' be 3ittalled j A 01-4313-3900jfi%ro Soft Word » jfiew Uni;. j 1 [ _ - $256 [ U46 40 J $2 6.[4JiQJ90j [Micro Soft Excel [Mew Unit'', f.1 L $209 [:�, j* [ #0 j $209 14110/90j IMAC II Video Card [W$w, Uv; • [ i i $464 " $464 j $Q $454 [4110/90[ 1 IMAC 2mbMemory jNaw Unit j 1 [ MO $700 $Q [ $700 14f10/90[ [Word Perfect INOW Unit 1 j $245 [ $245 [ $245 j $0 14/101901 Fast Back INew Unit(i j 413Q $13Q $130 $Q [4J10%90[ 'I [Clip Art/Word Perfect ' rt jNe�t Unit [ 1 ( $200 � VOO C $200 I $0 j4J10J90j . [Clip ]New Unit } 1 $310 + $310 $310 $0 14/10/901 j j Totals; $2.584 3Z+S84 $686 $t,699 0 COMPUTERCONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST FORM; Fiscal Year Department: Comity Development bvisicn;. 'ministration 1990/91 R Qu Cento �1 Account ! ) I 1 I Use Only ! Number 1 °ontract.. Services 1 Justification 10tylUnit, ):Estimatedj__ 1 ) I Cost,`j Cost jApproved(Denied I bate I —J- --------- ----------. Min? ist.Unit _.�$2_?_�I�__2_?6_f $0._[f4�Ji0/.9-0_1„--3-1--028IN91 1 INBI�-ICJ Share (loser)1Maint.Exist. Unit t 1 I'$34r) l $340 I $340 I $0 14/10/901 jXerox 1025 Copier [Share Naint. 1 1 I $90.) ( $900 ( $0 I $900 14/10/901 1;Xorox Memorywriter Imint. $200 :1 $n I $200 14110/901 Jim II CX Imaint/Nea Unit ( 1 1 $86(' I $862 ( $0 $862 14110/901 ILaeer Printer IMaint/New.Unit ( I ( 46-TI ( $632 I $0,1 $632 141110/901 lNediry Upgrades 4Ma ntJNew Unit I 1 I $60 1. $560 I $0 ; $560 14/10/901 i 313lfm5a.wkl1 I f 1 4 I 1 1 f Totals: 5 $31770_ $616 $3,154 1 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Fiscal Year DepartgentCo mitt' Development Division: Administration 1990t9t --� --------�- - - ---� Resui°ce Renter- �( - - �_--�----_--�- j ( [ Unit I Use Only Account ( Hardware Description ( Work Area IQty'I Cost jEstimated (_-- Number ( Identification ( location I t j Cost (Approved] , Denied[ Date ___._,��__._._._,._I__-.�.._-------I—.�i__..... -7044-ICom-paq 206e 01-4313. ISr.Off.Assist. 1 1 __C__ 1$3,000 - _ _Cw__ ($3,000 1 $3,000 1 14/10/901 JAAple.C"oior Monitor ` I I 1 I $700 j $700 1 $0 I. $700 14/10/901 [Apple Extended Keyboard[ 1 1 1 $161! I 161 1 $0 1 $161/4/101901 ILaser Printer I '" 11 1$3,000 1 $3000 1 $3,000 1 14/10/901 C I l 1 1 I I 1 C 1 C [ I 3131fe4a.Wk1I 1 1 1 11 I 4 1 I C 4 l 1 1 C 1 r 'Totals. D $6,961 . 46,000 $061 r 'o ,,.�..o .- i •- a e C 10 ai o o OT O o s N N o o � O a. O CO o o O k - .. tT 1 ct�, o o o In } IY 1 W N O N O v OI o N ot O N It N w► O. - O eo O m ILf at O at O l+s i Q Q O :tlf O O. CD- N O 'O t!! QI ! In. O r It Oi I .. eo. .m' r O' W d O 1. C W ^t Y I:. i J. It.l � ^ O m. O` � O il'i m O � O. :O t O ' II[. Y O. r..t4 ^ SIC tt7 r A O ln. 'el >• ^ f o O Oi m C w o c V 1 1 'Y of O O M 'O.'O O O O C,.. a tmw - pw m - �! O OC O'a 1 RD. it7' eV N vO. a4 > O. 1 M a~M ci ! 1 L 1 N O Ai m tsf O It {o. �P � G t r m b .t.- cq o eta F f Oms �. m m 1 C? 1 W O as r. O 1 to H w lu t i 2 tr ►- K/ 1 0 d G S . M. V ME y ~ 1 W J tit txii y2. J Jt - .tsIn i ^. M. a. a ui..]oC z C O M. si O Pf 'M„ It ea. f 0 m Oi tnm. rT eT m m OI O: ttY IO ao O t� t*r v: •- $�'. p ► sC � �. wt � v° +e a► �4 �M v ap aq a at - +It wp ' W Q t W 81 0 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Community Development Division: Planning Fiscal Year, ' \ 01-4333 1990/91 -- --- - . _ __ I'- _-Position Quota: Ir ---_-__a_r.__..__. Appropriations f' Position I'_ Classification ICurrantlyDept I Mgr. 1 (Dept M - I... Mgr' I Adopted I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adapted l Rcmd I Rcmd. I Budget I _.I City �Planner - I 1 100%1 ---- I 100%1 I---- 100%1 100%1 I $72,800 1 I $72,800 1 ............ i $81,230 1 Deputy City Planner 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $59,343 1 $59,343 1 $66,210 1 Principal Planner 1 200%1 200%1 200%1 200%1 $112,902 1 $112,902 1 4125,900 1 Assoc. Planner 1 600%1 900%1 800%1 700%1, $392,462 1 , $349,462 1 $312,950 1 Senior Planner 1 0%1 0%1 0%1, 1 $D I $0 1 ; -AWt I Assistant Planner 1 900%1 900%1 900%[ 86401 $399,948 1 $308,000 ,1 002 m I Planning Technician 1 100%1 1.00%] 100%1 200%1, $30,515 1 $30,51$ 1 $L? 970 1 Code Enfor. Sup. 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $39,042 1 $39,042 I $43,550 I Code Enfor. Rep. 1 200%1, 300'41 200%1 20011 $92,044 1 $61,000 1 $68,900 I Code Enfor. Tech.. 1 100%1 100'$1 100%1 100%1 $26,333 1 $26,393 1 $29,370 1 P.C. Secretary 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $30,410 1 $30,410 1 $33,270 1 Secretary 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $22,045 I $22,845 1 $24,300' 1 Office Asst. 1 400%1 500%1 400%1 iLtl $9C,114 1' $90,000 1 s0 I Office Spec. I I 0$I 0%1 0%1 100#t, s0 I $D 1 $19,910 1 Office Spec. II 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 300%, $0 I $0 1 $65,130 1' Subtotal: I i I I I $1,316,758 1 $1,192,652 J $1,290,610 1 Merit Contingency i ] $65,638 j $59,632 1 $0,531 Subtotal: 1 I I ( 1 $1;382,596 I $1,252,284 { $1,355,141 1 Fringe Benefits I I 1 1 I $483,009 I $438,299 I $474, 99 Subtotal: I I 1 1 1 $1,866,604 ( $1 690,583 $1,829J4 1 Part -Time Planning, Aides i 100%1 100%1 100$I $21,428 i $21,428 j $22,760 PLANNING DIVISION TOTAL: 1 I f ( 1 ! j I I ! I L ! I $1,887,932 i ( I $1,712,011 1 1 $1,052,200 333LF1'1a.wk1 I I 1 I I 1 I I COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET -------------------�-__-_-..___, a...... .... ------------ --------------- Ot�rartment/Division: } Program: ( .----------- Account Number., ------- Comma~-ity Oev./Planning ( Planning _I 01.4333 1990/91 { -------------- Object Mo.( Oescript{o�► of Items &Individual I`a1Tar M---___.. Amounts I C 'iget j ---------- 1-__--------- -____..------------------- -------- --w_____--___ 1100 (Regular Salaries 1,356,141 1900 [Fringe Benefits 035% 474,299 (' 1200 (Overtime 3,000 C L ` 1300 (Part Time 22,760 I Subtotal 1-1,456,200 ( I 3100 (Travel and 'Meetings ( ! I National APA Conference 1,850 I I I State APA Conferences 1,00 { League of California Cities Conference 800 I ( League of Cities Planning Comm. Inst. 1,$00 ! i Local Preservation Meeting 125 ( I State Preservation Meeting 65Q I ( National Preservation Meeting 1,175 ( Managenent Semimm,s 800 1 I Sur ;visor 5-ainars Assoc. 700 I ( Planning Rel6ted Sem. 2,375 I I 1 Clerical Seminars 375 I ( Code Enforcement Seminars E00 I i I Computer Training 250 ( { ( Miscellaneous Meetings 6 Travel 400 ( (. ( Design Rr.;— Cnemftta�-- :abtfngs Workshops 3,000 j } HPC/PC/A Workshops 500 L Subtotal 16,800 t 3300 (Mileage Reimbursements I j I Auto Allowance 3,000 I I J Mileage Reimbursement 650 ! I Subtotal ' 3,650 333LF21a.wk1 ( I ! I ! Subtotal(p J) j I 1,875,650 .I t 11 El COST CENTER DETAIL WAKSHEET Department/Division: [ Program: ( Account Number, Community Dev,/Planning ( Planning ( 001-4333 1990/91 abject No.( Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts ( Budget (acrit`d) ( Subtotal(pg,t) ! 1,876,650 1 3900 }Maintenance and Operations ( 1 1,000 1 ( Subscriptions/Books Miscellaneous Office Supplies 3,000 { ( Photographic Supplies 5,500 1, ( Data Processing Supplies 1,800 [ } Computer Paper & Supplies 2,000 ( Oesign .Awards'Program & Supplies 2,300 [ ( Advertising & Posting 1,,000 1 ( Historic Landmarks 3,000 1 ( Document Printing: 1 General Plan 4,500 } Industrial $pacific Plan 3,000 ( 1 } Community Profile 1,250 ( 1 1 Development Code 2,500 ( 1 j North Etiwanda Specific Plan 1,500 { ( Foothill Boulevard Specific Dian 2,100 ( 1 ( Caryn Plan 700 1 1 Terra Vista Planned Community 1;ss10 ( Victoria Planned Community 1,500 ( Developer's Handbook 3,500 1 1 Planning Comission I(Jo, Guide. 700 ( 1 ( Applica.tons & Permits 1,500 1 ( Code. Enforcement Documents & farms 2,600 1 Trails Study 2,000 }, 1 Design Awards Brochure 1,100 1 1 ( toning & Other Maps 5,000 ( Notices, Postcards, Etc. 750 1 1 ( HPC Documents & Forms 2,600 1 j ( Miscellanepus 1,000 l Etiwanda Plan 1,800 [ Trail Maps 1,000 1 Software 1,474 Equipment: 1 Archive Equipment & Supplies 150 ( Misc. Tools ' 200 1 l ( Misc_ Code Enforcement Equipment fi50 ( 1 j Misc. Protective Gear (Vest, gloves) 300 ( Paper cutter, heavy duty stapler (COPY room) 100 l Dictaphone mini -transcriber, eraser 25C Misc, Computer Cabling & Accessories 100 1 1 Subtotal 1 75,2c4 1 333LF21b.wk1 TOTAL Subtotal(pg.2) ( 1,SSi,874 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division: j Program l - Account Number: Community Dev.IPlanning { Planning t 01.4333 19RO/91 qwrr-- ----r..Mw..-rw—w--w— —+ww--- ------ �wwa.w b�ject No.} "Description of items & Individual Dollar Amounts { Budget (cont'+f { 3931 jVehicie Maintenance and Operations ! 2 Utility Vehicles (710 & 712) ( 600 mi,fmo./vehicle Q $.50Jmile: ! 4 Code Enf Vehicles (713,713,715,716) [ 1,560 mi./mo./vehicle C $ 65lmile. ! �t I ! 3956 IDues American Planning, Assoc. Membership { City Planner, Dep. City Plan.., 2 Princ. Flan. j American Society of Landscape Architects I Southern Calif. Assoc, of Code Enf. Officers j American Assoc.. of Code Enf. Officers I Misc. Professional Me,abershi{s; { { { 3960 JV 60,ty Q 1% Operating Expenses ! (Not including Salary E Capital Expenses) : ! f f ! { I f f i , G 333LF21d.wkl SUhtoeal(pg.2) 1 1,45167 360,$40 [ Subtotal { 65,U4 { i' 1,175 � 225 ]5D # 25 226 t Subtotal 1,80 i 6,5D { i t i { l J 1 z { 1 I: I C l Subtatal(pg.3} j 2,02E,�14 COST CENTER OSTAIL WOMMEET 0 w�rrww.W.�......... r..o.W..«...... . ..•«w.....,-,.w..r+..Wr,.�w.«.,.:.r...:�W�.aww...,......W«..�..�. ,�...�W.....-- -- . ----, Oepantment/Division; { Program; ( Account Numter.j- ] Community Dev. Planning Planning 11990/91 { rwWwra�«�tiraM��MrfrwrswavwwrW�M�r�Yr�r�rM+�Wwrw�.�'rarwrSw�Wrin�irww�wYrWw�w+�w�wrtrWrlMw+�1 fcont'd} � Subtotel(pg,3} � 2,028,214 i. 6n2$1Gontract Services ( Temporary Employees j S.S. County Weed Abatement (Priftate P^operty) 1$,000 j Wet Valley Vector Control District 60,000 j # j Community Code Representative 3�,104 Misc. 5tudieq (Seismic, Noise, etc,) 3,0a I i j Planning & HPC Minutes 2,U" t Nuisance/uehicse Abatement 7,500 p Plar. Check Services 2,000 It Graphics 2.600 { 5 Aerials 5,000 f j hK Archives Consultant 1,500 Street Name Changes 10,G0O { Oral History Program 0,600 j Air Quality £lenient 15,0p0 Transcriber Maintenance dOS Panasonic Copier Maintenance $64 Mita Copier Maintenance 360 j j Dictaphone Maintenance $87 j Computer Contract Services :Maintenance 15,134 I' Computer System Maintenance & Operations 142`,528 r { (15k City Share) MIS. Admin. Subtotal f 325,880 � c � 1044,1Capital Equipment Office Equip.mt 7,800 i Computer Equipment 10,600 j 3 f Subtotal 18,400 4 1 # � [ 7045JCapital Equipment f Vehicles 0 Subtotal , 4 333LF21e.wk1l TOTAL ( 2,172,494 � E CAPITAL. EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development- Division: Planning Fiscal Year 014333 ty40i:11 __ Account-- New/ or ----- - --. -- - - 1Estimated Number i Replaces IEPIPNENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED ( Cost ----- _ I- ...�....-�..------_�1-_ _ _( 01-4333-7044 New (y - abile 2-way-radios, antennas, power supply { 3,000 ( ( Nwded`for disazter response in Chevy Glazers( ( ( and for back-up unit for vehicles and f' ( temporary base station J 7044 I ( Now l ( 14 - :;andheld radios, charger bases, battery packs( I 3,600 ( ( Provide direct communication at all times ( ( with field officers for improved (' (' ( communication and safety 7044 I Replace I ( 12 - Electric Typewriters ( f 1,200 (' I J Subtotal / Equipment: I $7,606 01-4333-7045 (Replace 11 - Utility Vehicle. ( 0 ( ( Replaces existing blazer Lie.: 441375 t**Refer to IGS (Fund 272) for funding. I ( I I Subtotal / Vehicles: j $0 1 L I 1 L I 333LF31b.wk1 ( ( TOTAL ( $7,000 0 Department: Community Develrolent COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Division: Planning 01-4353 fiscal Year 1950j91 r r.trMwRwrlre,rrrsrwr�r'rWMMw.rMwrr'w4arMi�wi►MMv.lrwrrrwM�'r+.r�rYo`r�'+sPv M MPrir.rrrw►wrrvM�r'i)1+1�rhMY.�wt� Resource Ctlnter Utr- only Account j$oftware Serial Mu+sber/ID of jQtyj Unit j Est. Number j1dentification Computer Unit where i j Cost 1 jAppravedl Denied 1 Date j is to be installed] j{l I i i 1l t{j 4r1,Vvftware wf rwre.n.ri..rM�..rv.irr...�4w i -Mw sw+r rr T.r/rrrw+wjM..ww/r..�Mrw.waprr.�r�wrrwrwlrwYrwwrani Qi�a333 3900 ]picture ease jf020087M5030 (Adv.Plan.) 1 1 j $100 j $100 j $0 j $100 104-16.941 3900 ]MAC Draft Ir820087M5030 (Adv. plan.) 1 1 j $250 1 $260 j $250 j $0 104-16-901 3900 jOrganixational ToollfJ20087ME730 (Adv. Plan,) j 1 j $250 j $250 j $0 1 $260 104-16-901 $900 }form Maker jF$20087M5VJ0 (Advw Plan.) 1 1 j $115 j $175 1 $0 1 $175 1006-901 3900 jnidus PageMaker 3900 jMicroSoft Word 44 JAdv = Pitnning [Advance Planning j 2 j $314 1 $758 1 1 5 j $266 1$1,280 j $C j $768 104w16-941 $0-1 $14280 104-16-901 3500 ]Excel jAdvance Planning 13 1 $260 1$1,300 j $0 j $1,300 jP4-16-90, 3900 1Superpaint 3900 J$tuffit 1Advance Planning jAdvanue Planning 1 2 j 1119 1 j 2 j $24 j $238 j 440 $0 j $238 1 4-16-901 $o ( $40 104-16-941 $900 1MaeProject 2.0 3900 ]Cricket Graph 1.2 ]Advance Planning ' jAdvance Planning $ 1 1 $359 1 j 1 1 $250 ( $359 j $260 1 $350 j $0 104-16-901 $0 j $260 104-16-901 3900 1E.otus 123 1p,V.,Sec., Cade Enfnraeftntl 3 j $310 j $930 1 $620 1 $310 104r16-901 39X jMardperfect 3RD0 jfar►aTool ]Code Enforcement 1 2 1 $245 j 1p.c. sec., Code Enforcemontl 2 l $15 1 $490 j $150 1 $245 1 $245, 104" 16_9�1 $0 j $160 104-='z-901 3900 jPoxbase 2.0 ]Advance Plrnninp 1'1 j $211 $291 1 $0 1 $291 104-16-901 t 333LP71awk1 Totals: 30 $6,869 COMPUTER CABLING MTSC REQUEST FORM Department: Gomwnitl! Development Division; Planning Fiscal Year - 4i-4333 1930f31 -(-"" _ (� -I -_ _ - (' _ ___ ------ Resource.- Center ( ( 1 l } } Use Only f. Account (' Cabling Misc Ks ds jLocat^;MjComWar Unitl9tyl Unit jEstiALtedj_-___...__- Number ( ( ( ( Cost I Cosy 1Approved[Denied Date 01-4333-3900(Misc. Cabling jAdv7P.�.Sac., Code 8 j $110 j @ou ! S0 ( $880 16 14--901 ! 3900 lConnectiona-MAC,printerlAdvance Planning 13 ( $50 ( $350 1 $0 1 $350 }4-�16-90} 3900 }Dust Cover - MAC II 1Common I t ( $25 1 $25 ! $25 1 $0 14-16-901 3900 )Dust Cover-OC Monitor ICommon j 1 I $20 j $20 1 $.o j $0 14-�16.901 �1900 (gust Cover-Laserwritpr !Common 1 1 ( $35 1 $85 I sx5 j $0 14-16-901 3900 'Dust Cover -MAC Keyboard(Cow.n j_1 1 $20 1 $20 1 $20 j $0 14-16-901 1 1 !! t ! ! ! ! 333LF61a.wk11 Totals: 19 $1,330 $100 $1,230 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICL_ `tEQUEST FORM Department: Community kNelopment Division: Planning Fiscal Year 01-4333 1990M --------------- ------ ---------- I ----------------------------- --------- —_.._�_�_. ��--------- Resource Center } Use Only Account ) Contract Services ) Justification (Qty(Unit (Estimated(______ M_______----_-__) Number ( ( ( )Cost j ;'ost (Approved) Denied ) Date ------------( ---- =--------- ----j_---------------- 01-4333-60281IBM PC IMaint. Contracts (---)----_)___r._(----- (, 4 , 358 1 $1,432 1 $1,432 ) $0 (04-f6-90j° 6028 )Compaq )Maint. Contracts j 5 j 3302 ( $1.5t0 ( $604 ) $906 104-16-P.,j _ 6028 (PT '30 19aint. Contracts) 61 179 (,' $1,074 ) $1,074 ( $0 JQ =fib-901 . 6328 lHirez jMa`4 . Contracts ( 1 ) 240 i $240 ( .$240 1 $0 jO9-16-9oj;_ 6028 jColpr Monitor lRaint. Contracts ( 9 j 151,( $0 j $906 j ($906).)04-16-901 3028 jMonocSrome &nitor )Maine. Contracts )1 O j 69 ( $69 ( $0) $69 jp4-is-90j - 6028 jTektr-nix D:'splay TerlMaint. Contracts ) 1 1 402 ( $1,60.$ ( $402 ) $1,206 )44-16-90) 6028 jLa�' Prtintti'' IMaint. ContrLit is ( 4 ) 690) $4,e30 ) $600 j $4,140 )04-16-90) 6028 ice• Aatrix Printer jMaint. Contracts ( 7 j 276 ( $1,104 ( $1,656 ( ($552)104-16-901 6028 jW II Color Monitor')Maint: Contracts ). 4 ( 862 j $2,586 ) $1 724 } $862 f 6028. (MAC SE INaint. Contracts ) 3 ) 575 j $2,875 ( $0 ) $2,875 104-16-901 6020 IMAC Meemary Upgrade lKaint. Contracts j 5 j 560 ( $2,800 ( $0 ( $2,000 104`16-901 f 6028 jMAC Laser. Printer IMaint.. Contracts ( 2'.1 632 ( $1,264 ( $1,264 j E0 (04-1C :10( 6028 jN8I 2000 Workstation IMaint. Contracts ) 6 j 276 j' $1,656 j $1 380 ) $276'104-10401 6028 INSI Diablo Printer IMaint. Contracts ( 1, ( 607 ( $607 ) $607 j $0 1Ot-71' 90( 6028 )NBI Daisy Wheel PrintjMaint. Contracts ) 1 ( $45 ( $345'1 $345 ) $0 104-16-901 j 6028' )NBI Impact Printer lRaint. Contracts ) 1 -( 607 j, $607 ( $0 j $607-,104-16401 6028 -.INK Sheetfd. Ziyad IMaint. Contracts ( 1 ( 287 j $287 ( $287 ) $0 (04-16-90( 6028 6028'INBI )NDI Sheetfd. Z201 ShoetFd. 6291 )Maint. Contracts ( (Maint, Contracts ) t 1 ( 483 ( j 483 j; $483 $483 ( $483 ) $483 ( $0 j $0 104-16-901 104-16-901 6028 (NBI ICU & Multinet LMaint. Contracts ( 1 11060-1 $1,060 ) $2,040 ( ($980)104-16-901 (Planning portion) 333LF51a.wk1l Totals: 64' $26,920 $15,617 111,303 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Coemunity.Development Division: Planning Fiscal Year 01-4333 1990/91 I I I 1 { ( Reurce Center = I I I I { Use Only Account Hardware Descri tion I � Work Area t 1 IQ y I Unit Estimated I I_-�a------------------ I � i/ Number ( Identification1 Location { I Cost 1 Cost (Approvedl Denied 1- Date -----------{---�_� 01-4333-70441Mac II' cx 40CPU (-------------- I Adv. Plan. 1 2 1$3,409 -------- 1 $6,618 1 $0 1 -------- $6,818-i-104-16-90j 7044 (Apple Cal Hi Res RGS Mon ( Adv. Plan. 1 2 ( $700 1 $1,400 ( $0 1 $1,400 104-16-901 7044 lApple Extended Keyboard ( Adv. Plan. 1 _5 1 $161 1 $805 1 $0 1 .$805 104-16.901 7044 (ciao II 8 bit Video Card 1 Adv. Plan, 1 2 1 $454 1 . $908 1 $0 1, $908 104-16-90f 7044 J#ac SE/30 Hard Disk 40CPUAdv. Plan. 1 3 1$3,092 1 $9,276 1 $0 1 $9,276 [04=16-901 7044 (Compaq 286e (P,C.Sec, Code 1 3 1$2,500 1 $7500 1 $5,000 1'$2,500 104-16-901 7044 10oior Monitor 11P.C.Sec, Code 1 _3 1 $500 1 $1,500 1 $1,006 1 $500 104-16-�901 1044 1HSI Multi -net Adapters 1P.0 Sec, 'Cade 1 3 1 $600 1 $1,800 1;$1,200 1'. $600 104-16-901 . . 7044 _[Laser Printer 1P.C,Sec, Code 1 2 1$3,000 1 $6,000 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 104-16-Z( . 7044 1Leg, Sheet/Env. Feeder 1Code Enf. 1. 1 1 $400 1 $400 1 $400-:( $O 1Q4-t6-90] 7044 1Prime Adapters 1P.C.Sec., Code] 9 1 W/[ $Q 1 $1 1 $0 104716-901 I [ I1 [ I l I f Ask 333LF41a.wk11 1 11 I { ! I [ i Totals: 29:- $36407 $10,600 $25,807 cj Q- 1 1 111. es a o o. c a 1 N 01 1 p. R} wt O O 1. 4D T . cm It �. O O v: i O O ti. J 1 W :N Ot r ai O N i co Co ,.. in �r E. � S V C 'WID � W•N-• f� O 1!f Lei a�f7•. i v tip 92 COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSNEET i} _rr_r___-N-.. .+-r_..r-Mrr_p_�w�►____Mr _ _ b Cepart+�entlDiu sign: I�r Program: ( Account Numbert�w '[Fiscal Year} Comm,Dev,/Planning ( Planning Commission ( 01,4353 } 1990/g1 --�-----.-,_--_..,ti_.__�...__.___�..��.._�_.__�f_ Object Na.( Description of Items & Individual 0ollar Amounts }} -Budget r-1100 (Salaries�� } �&,000 } } ( 3100 }Travel and Meetings - Planning Related Conferences } } } National APA Canferepces 3,400 } i ( League of Calif. Cities Planning Comm. Institut 3,759 } } j league of Calif. Cities Conference S00 f } f 3,250' } } Subtotal j 11,200 } 3900 INiscellsnsous Supplies and Printing # 750 3960 }Liability 0 1$ Operating Expenses f } ( 120 ( (Excluding Salary) ( } I I 1 f l f } � � I j C 1 f 1 1 ! f 353Lf21a.wki i } f } } } TOTAL ( 18,070 OftL 4 iH in VO h tX t �! U7 is F ` c uv fn 40, w a o =40.-' r ev 15 cz s r s p a (1j S d a O SKY �{Vt. 23 w 41, i Q> 1 It.. t 1. apr i I 1 1 a 1 I o w7C y}t cw-a q CG 1 P CG' H co Q t X �, M .��' +'• S�'} SIN M IF! * CZaa. wa as 94 COST CENTER MTV- -WORKSHECT -r-r r_-----__-- ---- - , Account dumber; (Fiscal Year( 4epartmentjQivision: � _ - grogram: Ccmm.Dev.jFianning (Kist. reservstian Cow{ 01-d354 ( 1990j91 _ ...... - -_-�_. 4bjec�'ia.( Description of Item &rIndividual Dollar Amounts �Budget 315(Travel and Meetings - Historic Preservation Ral ; Gon#erancss Loc41 Calif. Preservation Foundation.Meetings 350 ( } ( Calif. 5toe Preservation foundation Conference 1,800 ( National, Hintoric Preservation Trust Conferaf)c,� 2,300 ( Subtotal ( A,A5tl i Hiscellaneous Printing 75Q' 390D ( � a 3956 IDues ( California Preservation Foundation 20,0126 0,0 ( S ( i25 National Trust for Historical Preservation � Subtotal ( ( ( I � f I j 1 ( 4 1 � ( l � � 1 f t 4 t � ( 1 35dLF21a.k TOTAL. ( 5,525 E' \�� kk�} . �\ � � � . /\| cv Cft � 9* Yrl \� \� . : a . cc �. . .\ . � � { � � . � � . C:p � ` - o\ \ \ .� 3\�� . :w� �� /� <� /«f �� » �� 96 C(*T CENTER DETAIL WOO? HEET Mti'wY}wwMr+w+F.;rrY+...rsrrr ��+r+YnrMrM+rrYr�rY'i+rG.r}'r4.�'i.��nr.kwwr+rr..rar*rrS.IMM Program- j Account Numb$ Co .Dev«/Planning total01-4365 rM..wrYr�r.wd w.+.w4w114�!�a+.rr�Yr�rYr+grwiwrwirWai.Mra Object No. ,ascription of Rems & Individual Dollar Amounts -+YY-r1-Yrr �Yw1�YYM+aYKi+�Mrw��l�Na�rrfl�F4+wY'+MwMMiaw.r.�r+r�Ye+�Nw�4�+Y��+Y 3100 I'traval and Meatings Decal and Regional Nsetings f whotal I fi I 1 3300 (Mileage gileage Raiabursement f i I $900 lRaintonance & Oporatiens. i Rise. Supplies i l 1 I TOTAL seal Year 1090/91 �I O 1 M d M o a Y6 O cn O Ni N: a O W N 1 N O CV O 1CV �Yt CV OD M itl C a `+1_. to. ni s w an m N e trri 1 i C4 S N O tit O O O CS W O IO O Ml C� t>, t3 O Kf'- O N O gyp' 1 O M go C/k K` GD d N. S d :� �P C1 D N 'Lf' t!1 N O O q•. O. O _ C11 �. C O M tT N Cat c NT yf GD 4? pry Ie1. CIF O N a t'.. O INj- S .-. 4v rn o 0 0 o a ta+ e3, a o a ea a► Ep It to tti c" Hn O C. 1-T ^ C16.CD Hi li9 I I CF T !+ w a ilV in O Y] 1'S O t C ilY :0 1A. " N M N It Wt _ 1 M CV -ram M yt Ft'f F=..Y ety It 1 CD /3 +? C, tl d® C'd O O UP F iL 1. �. Lti o :W Rf - M t Clt O OI O CD 10 r' m p. N -. m It NC=., M a! m CM tl V1 CV CA m 1 1 tU- J 1 ffi r V C7 N `4- h IOA. N N 1 , • e :I b. C 1 D ea IR C� U. 40 m N 11 Ci two, G!' /+• N It h 1 t Id rn S f h i It ref- rs +� - ?- to M W _ ~ 1 C W' S -C iK w w W W_ 4n4 LaY. ►O- i w .i 2LLJ i. Ca cm ULu 04 d C, 1 o a of en. .e Lft ai.r- t rn m m tom+'/ CM b� i, L� t� l Y3 h !� lr. 1.. t+. r:A t� lM. 1� h t•i� SIP 1 m 1 S ►�+ tW? . - 98 p` PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Community Development Division; Building & Safety Fiscal Year 01-4373 1990/91 ----------- -- --- ---------- -- Position Quota 1- k,-i---- - - - - i Position ( _< Classification 1Currentl Dept. I Mgr. I ( Dept. I Wg-. I Adopted ` I Title I Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (Adopted I Rcmd, Rcmd. I Budget I ------�_�.._I-_e.A--1-•----- Building Official 1 100%1 1- 100%1 ----- 1--------I i00$1 ---- 100%1 -__ �t_--- $69,949 1 -------- $69,948 ---- - ----- aI 1 $78,060 I Asst. Building Off. 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $40,573 1 $46,573 1 $0,300 1 Plan Check Coord. 1 100%1 1W I 100%1 100%1 $55,609 I $55,608 1 $59,030 I Bldg. Insp. Supv. 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $45,652 1 $45,552 1 $60,330 Bldg. Insa. Supv. I 100%1 10ni 100%1 100%1 $45,552 1 $45,652 1 $50,330 1 Principal Plns Exam 1 100%1 100%1 1001` 100%1 $39,120 1 $39,120 1 $43,340 1 Principal Plns Exam 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $47 890 ( $47,880' 1 $51,660 1 Sr.Pl.Ckr/Fire Prot.,1 100%1_ 100%1' 100%1 100%1 $42,261 1 $42,261 1 $44,660 1 Counter Plns Exam I: 1O03) 10AI 100%1 100%1 $44,41.9 1 $44,419 I $47,980 1 Plans Examiner I 10P''j 100%1 100%1 100%1 t41,220 I $41,22a 1 $45,560 1 Plans Examiner 1 10%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $36,167 1 536,167 1 V9,620 I Plans Examiner i 100%1 100%1 100%1 10C%j $33,684 1 $33,684 1 t:5.760 I Grading Pl. Clerk 1 01;1 100%1 0%1 0%1 30 1 $0 ( $0 1 Plrs Exam/Grading i 100%1 100%1' 100%1 100%1 $41,213 1 $41,213 1 $45,560 1 Elec. Specialist ( 100%1 100%1 10011 100%1 $41,213 1 $41,20 1 $45,560 1 Rehab. Specialist 1 100%1 100%1 100%1' 100%1 $41,21r I $41,213 1 $44,660 I Planb./Nech..S,pec, 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1' $33.684 1 $33,684 1 $43,340 I j Struct. Specialist 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 1001,�f $33,684 I $33,684 $43,340 j Bldg. Inspector I 100$j 100%1 100%1 ' 100#1 $37,308 1 $32,3V 1 $41,220 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 140%1 100%1 $37,308 i $31, °' ! $41,220 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100$1 100t1 100%1 $37,123 1 $37,14 1 $39,220 f Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $36,279 1 $36,279 1 $37,110 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1- 100%1 100%1 $35,4571' $85,4571 $36,5601 Bldg. Inspector 1 100$; 1n^1:1 100%1 100il $34,751 $34,751 1 $35,500 I Bldg. Inspector 1 100%; 100%1 100%1 Mj $33,664 1 $33,664 1 $35,500 1 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 133,329' 1 $33,329 1 $35,500 1, Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $32,635 I $32,635 1 $35,500`1 9ldg. Inspector 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $29,561 1 $29,561 1 $39,220 Bldg. Inspector 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $29,076 1 $29,076 1 $0,(34 1 Office Supervisor 1 0%1 100%1 0$I 0%1 $26,620 1 $0 I $0 I' Sr. Office Assistantl 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $27,760 1 $27,760 1 $30,870 1 Pub. Serv.Technicianl 100%' 100%1 100%1 100%1 $29,664 I $29,664 I $32,280 1 Pub. Serv.Technicianl 100%1 1)0%1 100%1 100%1 $28,636 1 $28 536 1 $31,340 1 611fice Specialist I11 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $22,656 1 $22,656 1 $24,660 1 Office Specialist I11 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $220656 1 $22,655 1 $24,660 I J Office Specialist III 100%1 100%1 100tI' 100%1 $22,189 ( $22,109 1 $23,010 1 Office Specialist 111 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $22,189 I $22,169 1 $23,460 1 Office Assistant I 0%1 100%1 0%1 0%1 $0 1 $0 1 -$0 I Administrative Aide I 0%1 100$1 o%I 0%1 S23,17s I $0 I t0 I Subtotal: I I I I I $1,339,925 ( $1,291,132 1 $1,437,313 1' Merit Increases 1 1 1 ( 1 $66,996 I $64,557 1 $.71,869 1 Subtotal: I I ( I 1 '$1,406,921 ( $1,355,689 1 $1,509,239 I fringe Benefits I I I I I $492,422 1 $474,491 1 $528,234 Total: i I 1 $1,899,,`1 ' $1,830,160 i $2,037,473 3731fmla.wkl 'COST CENTEP DETAIL WORKSHEET _---�------------------ ------------ p rtment/Division:-M�--� --- Program: ( Account Number: (Fiscal Year( Com.DBY./Building & Safetyj Building Inspection ( 01-4373 j 1990/91 --------^-------- ----- —---------------- —_--_-_-..__-, ----- ------- ------- Object No.( Description of Items & ,Individual Dollar Amounts -.—get ---------- (----------------- --------------------__�_-__-_�.. 110D (Regular Salary __<_�_.>i_----------► ($1,509,239 1200 10vertime 1900 (Fringe Benefits $528,234 j 3100 (-navel & Meetings j ICBO Annual Bus. Meeting $3,000 ( CALSO Ann. Business Fleeting $2,000 (' Local Meetings $1,004 (. Subtotal: ( $6,OQD 3300 (Mileage Auto Allowance - Building Official $3,000 ( Miscellaneous Mileage $200 [ ( Subtotal: ( $3,200 3900 (Maintenance & Operations (' ( Postage $700 ( j ( Office Supplies $3,800 ( Printing - Permit forms $4,000 j ( Printing - Pamphlets/Booklets $2,000 j (' ( Miscellaneous Printing $4,000 j Books/Publications j � f Codes. $1,000 Miscellaneous Technical Books $500 j } Miscellaneous Small Tools $1,000 1 ( Technical Training $10,000 I ( ( Computer Supplies $1,000 j j Computer Cabling $0 j Computer Software $iD,065 " Miscellaneous Office Accessories $2,000 j (, Hand Held Calculator $300 ( [ (, suototal: j $40.36. ( 3931 (Vehicle Maintenance ( ( ( $80,200 ( ( 3956 JDues ( (. ( International Conf of Building Off.& (' l Inter. Assoc. of Plumb, & Mech. Officials $200 ( ( ( California Building Officials $175 j j Inter. Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors $84 j National 'Fire Protection Assoc. see j Local Chapters $350 ( 3731fm2a.wki Subtotal(po-1) ( j$2,171,123 1 COST CENTER DETAIL WORHSHEET Dapartmgnt/Divisions -� _ -~Program: ( Account Number; JFisca Year � Com.Dev./Building.& Safety] Building Inspection [ 01-4373 } 1990/91 } Object Ho.1 Description of Ttems�& Istdiuidaal-Dallar Amo�ntsM - ' --y- -Budget---y _ _ __�._ --- _C. (Cont`d) J Subtotal(pg,1) J .l $2,171,123 3960 JGenaral Liability } $5,300 } C C $020 [Contract Services C Sullivan & Associates $60,OOfl p J } Camtunity Development Services $5,QOG '} } ( OKad ng Consultants $% 100 ( j ( Pacesetter $125,000 J' j J Microfilming of Plans/Permits $5,000 J ] } Rehab./Abatement Pr ogrnm (Equipment Maintenance J Contract Maint./Computers $6,631 } J Spot Copiers $2,000 j } j Microfilm Reader/Printer $Boo J } ( Typewriters/Calculators $2,000 } j Video Monitor $75 } MIS Administration $wnt } J } Subtotal. } wl ,557 } 7044 (Capital Equipment J Computer Equi�.ment $16,624 j Pagers. $1,000 J j Spot Copier $5 000 } j } Handheld Radios $2,400 ; J j Subtotal. } $25 C24 } 7045 ]Capital Vehicles j } Utility Vehicle (Blazer) $ifi,D00 j } } 2 Compact Sedans (4 door) $22,000 ( 3 Two -Flay Radios $3,000 j J Subtotal: j ` $41,000 j Total., ( $2,544,001. j 373lfm2b.wk1 J - 1 COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORA & Safety F?scal Year Department: Community Development Division: Building 01-4373 1990/91 ----------------------- _..---- ---- N---------------- I -------------- I Resource ------- Center { (Serial !-:umber/lD of I I I I Use Only { Account { Software Identification {Computer Unit where IQty1 Unit{Estimatedl____--._____-_�_._d.-1 Number I I 50tware is to I 1 Cost I Cost (Approved{Ueniedl Date I f I, be install, ed { { { I I I ------------ 4-------- ----------------.._{__�-.—-------- _. _-I_-al-------I-- 01-4373-39001P1an Analyst/Upgrade (Plan Check Room 1 1 1 $400 1 ------ $400 I--------I----r-I'-- { $400 $0 -----{ 104 16-90 1 IIC80 Eva% Service/Subscr.IPlan Check Room I 1 1 $300 I $300 I $300 1 40 104-16-90 1 IStructural (Plan Check Room 1 1 1$2,000 1 $2,000 1 $2,000,1 $0 104-16-90 1 IFira Protection [Plan Check Room 1 1 1$2,000 1 $2,000 1 $2,000 1 $0 104-16-90 1 (Grading (Plan Check Room ] 1 1$2,00,0 it $2,000 1 $2,000 1 $0 104-16-90 1 IT-Craph IThroughout i 4 I $650 1 $2,200 { $2,200 1 $0 104-16-90 1 {Pagemaker MAC IAdmin. Aide 1'1 1 $398 1 $398 1 $398 1: $0 104-16-90 IWordperfect MAC IAdmin. Aide 1' 1 1 $205 I $205 1 $205 1' $0 104-16-90 1 (Cricket Draw MAC IAdmin. Aide 1 1 1 $200 { $200 1 $200 1 $0 104-16-90 1 ISuperpaint MAC (Admin. Aide 1 1 i $149 1 $149 1 $149 1 $0 104-16-90'1 13.AX I 11 I $88 I $88 { $88 1 $0 104-16-90 1 (Fastback MAC ' L t 1 $125 1 $125 1 $125 1 $0 104-16-90 1 L l 11 1 1 l I 1 j 1 lotus7a.wk11 1 1 I I l 11 I 11 1 I 1 I I' I 1 1 I I I 1 Totals: 15 $10,065 110,065 $0` 0 0 COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUEST PORN' Department: Community Development Divisions Building & Safety fiscal Year 01-4373 1990%.91 ----- - --- - - -- ------ - - - __ - - .._n�------ � _ ( 1 f ( 1 Use only 1 Ace -cunt I Contract Services (Justificaion'IQty) Unit (Esrtimate(--------= ----------------I Number ( 1 { I Cost I Cost (APProvedl Denied 1 Date 1 -1-------------------� I_<:.---��---I---I'��r_--1--------L-------- 01-4373-60281EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE( --------� IN8I - ICU/Multi-net (Equip..Maint. 1 1 1 850 1 $850 1 $1,020 1 ($170)104-16-901 INBI Vorkstutions i 1 1 1 276 1 $552 ! $828 1 ($276)104-16-901 IN8I Printers 1 1 I logo 1 $1,090 1 $1,090 1 $0 104-16-901 (I8M Computer ( 1 1 1 509 1 *509 1 $509 '1 $0 104-16-901 ICompag Computer 1 1 3 1 453 ) 1,359 1 $1,359 1 $0 104-16-901 IPT 200's ( 1 4 1 179 1 $716 1 $716 1 $0 104-16-901 ISelanar Terminal 1 1 1 1 179 1 $179 1 $179 1 $0 104-1:6-901 ITashiba Printer 1 1 1 1 276 1$276 1 $276 1 $0 1006-901 INEC 3550 Impact Ptr. 1 ) 3 1, 218 1 $654 1 $654 j $0 104-16-901 l 1 1 { i 1 { 1 I I C 1 I! l 1 1 fi 1 L I 1 I 1 L j j I I 1 1 I I 1 lotus5a.wk1 1 ( 1 ! I ($446) Totals: 17 $6.185 $6,631 COMPUTER HARDWARE RE -WEST FORA Department: Community Development Division: Building & Safety Fis-aO Year - 01-4373 1190/91 ---------------..__--_---------------------------- ! --- ! (_ I - ..___-_ .�---------- ] ( Reurce Canter ( use Only Account I Hardware Description I Work Area IQty ( Unit jEstimatedi___,__- _„ - - - I Number ( Identification ( location (' ( fir:° I Cost (Approved( Denied i—_- I Date = ! ! ------ -------- 01-4373-7044ICompaq 286e, Color Mon.(Clerical I -------- ( 1 ( $3,800 al ( $3,80ft - ( $0 ( _ $3,800 I04-16-al ICrripaq 286e, Color Hon, -(Clerical I 1 ( $3,000 ( $3,000 I $3,000 ( $0 I04-16-901 jeompag386e,Color Mon. IClerical (` 1 ( $4,000 ( $4,000 (. $4,000 [ 40 I04-15-901 ImAo IIcx, 40CPU' IAdmin, Aide( 1 ! $6,074 ( '$6,0744 I $6,074 ( $0 I04-16-9o( ILaser Printer IAdmin: Aidel 1 ( $31550 (. $3,550'( $3,550 ( $0 [04-16-90( I I ( I I ! ! I [ I 1 I I I lotus4A.wk1 I ( ! ! I I ( ) Totals.: 5 $20,424 $16,624 $3800 I i k ,, CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Community Development Division: Building & Safety Fiscal Year 01-43T3 1990%91 Account �] idesv/ or r� �- ------------------.._--------- --]. Estimated�j Number (Replaces ]EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION ] cost 01-4373-70441 ]CAPITAL EQUIPMENT: 7044]New ]Pager (4) $1,000 (. { ] ]For new -personnel ( { { ] 7044(New { (Spot Copier (for Division copy room $5,000 ] 70441NOW ]Nand Held Radios (2 each) $2,400 { ( j 1 ( TOTAL FOR ACCOUNT HU93ER 01.- i 4373-7044:j $8,400 01-:4373-70451 ]CAPITAL EQUIPMENT /' VEHICLES [ { 7045{New (Blaze^ 2wd 1990 (1) $160000 { ( (For use by new Building Inspector ] j 7045]New (Compact sedan.- 4 door (2) $22,000 ] { j For use by Plumb,/Mech., and { { [ ] Etruct. Specialist 7045jNew (Two-way radio (3) $3,000 ( j { jFor new vehicles j ] ] TOTAL FOR ACCOUNT NUMBER Dl- 4373-7045:j $41,000 [ I lotus3A.wk1 { I ( GRAND TOTAL: { I s� N4 O N N t7 O M F' Q p w Ly, � C1 iff _ t f.+ UN nl 1 N ci A" M. to ! o r w* A 1 Z f Rl'i av i[l N N M ILG" 6a m iV tl aT 1 ! t1O R^t N F N _N co 4:2 ! Id CA 1 Yet IYl M m 9 aR a'd b P +[* a tlt did ® Ct @� EZ v/ of f� IT N M N o In..p " .= t / (b a s 4 O O o d7l f!�p Q tl, o o O ww u2 G s c" co N to O .K ly de�S' ►+� r Lt* F v� O on w c> ; my my _t r O m b, M w Lo 6 o m Al N r R`+ dP '► M Al � N C.> � M t 7 w tV /Mli tMff • Y>• ILJI ! b' o p an O o Is sl s7 CO of b' oN O F W li N l ! AP o s• A N m f0. W l ►-. i a ll o w yyl. t m elt '�► N l+ tdd! N Ln m ,M N Q Ct Mw N S lH. cm O T Y di. ; N O io: tdf an cs Alt eR. leittu eV r- M +• v� M AF ANY w v% tie. s a ss �ti o as tn `1 I n o a1 O M d r7 r '. d' O O: m r w 0+� N ta. 1' 1I �M 10 h Ai RR 6R m M 1�1 41. Oi.Im OI 1A- 1 N d17 ~ / M N m ^ dT c 1 {.cm N ►- cx i` t O yy W w W 1 i 7E Q� Q G rffi ALA L�oCI Rli iil GYYa f) tad XLIj � i y�uj co cc % ? 4! ugf r t W. c ,b o a .d a o ..• ao onaYy 7 b P O a to p 'Pf tt1 anl'V N !! CJ N7 i � .+• � r .�+ RY t+f flb'f dq M l l O m � d i W t f� Aff N i v Ml M Itt m tlS to t f tlt ldt l/'d In e � •- �.r. ,w w- r ... r- a..e+ gin. r+. ... .r,...-. ..� r< i 106 PROGRAM POSITION/S1~.`.: a " ``;SL1 FISCAL YEAR Department: POLICE 01-4461 Divisions SWORN =NEL 1990/91 k3ition Quota _ } �r-------------- -"--r��.._.._.r_a..._ Appropriations } PositionI -- -- - -- ----------- __.._,rr_Ir_ ----...-. _._..n.w .. .4 Classification ICurrentl Dept, I Mgr. I 1 Dept.. I Mgr. 1 -' ,tedI Title 1 Level I Rced. I Rced. 1Adapted I Rand. I Rand. I U►,nget I --------------I--V CAPTAIN 1 -I- 100%1 -I- 100t1 -1--- 100%1 -1,- 100%1 -I_- $67,641 1 - -----I- $67.641 * -I M-$67,641 I LIEUTENANT (ADMIN.) 100%1 100%1 100%1 1qD%1 $61,198 1 41,398 1 $61,398 1 LIEUTEft (PATROL) I 100t1 100$I 1001 130%1 $61,398 1 $61,398 1 $61,398 I LIEUTENANT (TRAFFIC) lj 1%14 100t1 100%1 100%1 $61,398 1 aRi,348 1 $61,398 I SERGEANT (DETECTIVE) I IMI I 1AI I 100i1 I 100t1 I $53,181 1 I $53,.181 1 I $53,181 1 SERGEANT (TRAFFIC) 1 100%1 10011 100%1 100%1 $53,181 1 $53,181 1 $53,101 1 SEhaEANT (ADMIN.) I 100$1 100%1 10ai 100%1 $53,181 1 $53,181 I $5.3,181 1 SERGEANT (PATROL) I 1001i1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $53,181 1 $53,181 1 ;r�3.181 I SERGEANT (PATROL) 1 ,00%1 100%1 100t1 100t1 $53,101 1; $53,181 1 $53,181 I SERGEANT (PATROL.) I 100%1 100'$1 100t1 1,00%) $53,181 1 4,i8t 1 $53,181 1 SERGEANT 4PATROL) I loot[ 100%1 Intl 100%1 $53,181 1 $59,101 1 $E1,181 1 SERGEANT (PATROL) 1 100$1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $53,181 1 $53,181 I td3,181 I SERGEANT (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100t1 100%1 $53,181 1 $53,181 1 $53,181 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (TRAFFIC)1 100%1, 100%1 100%1 100%1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 $46,E88 I SENIOR DEPUTY (PATROL) 1 100%1 100t1 100%1 100%1 146,688 1 $46,688 1 $46.680 1 SENIOR DFPUTY (PATROL) 1 100t1 100%1 100%1 100t1 $46,688 1 $46.688 1 $46,686 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)1 100t1 iDO%l 100%1 100%1 $46,688 1 $46,686 1 $46,668 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.),i 100%1 100%1 100%1 100$1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 $46,680 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)1 100t1 10011 100#; 1u0$) $46,608 1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 SENIOR DEPUTY CINVEST.)1 100%1 100%1 100%] 100%1 $46,688 1 $46,608 1 $46,688 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)] 100%1 100%1 100%1 100t1 146,688 1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)] 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $46,688 1 $46,688 .1 ` 6,688 I SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)[ 100%1 100%1 100t1 10V 1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)] 100%1 190%1 100%1 100t1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 $46,688 1 SENIOR DEPUTY (INVEST.)i 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $46,668 1 $46,'688 1 $46,688 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 10; W.345 1 $42,345 t $42,345' 1 DEPUTY 1I (TRAFFIC) 1 100t1 100%1 100fi1 10P, ,42,345 1 $42,345 1 42,345 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) ( 100%1 100%1 100%1 100t1 442,345 1 $4 ,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) 1 100$1 100t1 100$1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 I DEPUTY IT (TRAFFIC) 1 100%1 100%1 w00%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 I $42,34: 1 DEPUTY 11 (TRAFFIC) 1 100%1 100t1 1001E1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) 1 100%1 1C0t1 100%1 100%1 $42,346 1 $42,345 1 $42,346 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) 1 1006E 100t1 130%1 100%1 $42.245 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 I DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 142,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) I 100t1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) I 100%1 10041 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (TRAFFIC) 1 100%1 100%1 100$1, loot[ $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 '1 DEPUTY IT (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100t1 100%1 $42,345 I $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100t1 100t1 100%1 100t1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) I 100t1 100%1 100t1 100t1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY 1I (PATROL) 1 100%1, 100%1 100%1 10MI $42,345 1 $42.345 -1 $42,345 J DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY 11 (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100t1 $42,346 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100%1 114%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY IT (PATROL) 1 100%1 1170$1 100%1 100$i $42.345 1 $42.345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100t1 100t1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 lotusl.wkl (al-p6l) SWORN PERSONNEL PG.2 PROGRAM POSITIONtISALARY SCHEDULE PI SCAL YEAR 1990191 Aepa►^tment: POLICE 01-44°1 Division: SWORN PERSONNEL ------ ------------ -�, ---�. _-�_-..,w,�. _, _ _._�-_ Position Quota j - _--_._ -_ --------------- �APPropciations _ 1 Position _- 1_ -_Dept.. _Mgr. -1 --Adopted! Classification jCurrentl Dept. 1 Mgr. i j 1_ I 1 Title ( Level j Romd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Rod. j Rcmd. 1 BudOet DEPUTY II w------ (PATROL) r..w«��_---.--- 1 100%1 I-- r..r_ 100%1 100%1 ION $X2,345 � N _ _I- 1 $42,345� � 1 �$42,345-j DEPUTY It (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 442,345 1 $42,346 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATkoi) 1 100tj 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 142,345 j $42,345 j DEPUTY 11 (PATW.) j 100%j 100%1 100$j 10D%j $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY I (PATROL) j 100%1 100%1 100#1 100%1 $42,345.1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 uA,;,PUIY 11 (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 10041 100%1 142,348 '1 $42,346 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY I1 (PATROL) ( 100%1 100%1 100%1 100$1 M,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 t DEPUTY 11 14TROL) 1 100%1 100%j 10Q%j 100$1 ?�42,345 1 $42,345 1 342,34E 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL)- 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY I1 (PATROL) I !qQ%l 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 j $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 104�1 100%1 10041 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,34S 1 $42,3ii 1 DEPUTY II PATROL ) 1 1001tk 100%1 1GO%j 100%1 $42.345 1 $42 345 1 $42.t s 1 DEPUTY II (PAT'.OL) j 16:n% 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42.345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 i DEPUTY II (P/JROL) 1 100%1 100%j 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUT'. II (PATROL) I 100%j 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 I DEPUTY 1T (PATROL) j t00%j 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 442,34F I DEPUTY II' (PATROL) j 100$1 10nj 100%j 10041 $42,345 1 $42,346 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 l00%j 100%,' 100%1 103%1 142,$45 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) j lOQ1';1 100%j t, 1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,340 1; DEPUTY II (PATROL) j 100%1 100111 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,9466 1 142,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100tj ft42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 100°41 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (aATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345'1 142,345 1 DEPUTY IT (PATROL) { i00%1. 100%1 100'41 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) j 100%1 100+1'1 100%j 100%1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 142,34E 1 DEPUTY 11 (PATROL) 1 100%1 100%1 160%1 10011 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 '1 DEPUTY II (PATROL) 1 1C0t1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $42,346 1 $42,345 1 $42,345 1 DEPUTY II (D.A.R.E.) ( 041 100%1 100%1 100%1' $42,345 1 $42,345 1 $42,34t 1 , SWORN SUBTOTAL: 143,407,970 1$3,407,970 1$3,407,970 j 5% NERIT CONTING.: j j 1 1 1 $170,399 1 1170,399 1 $170,199 1 FRINGE BENEFITS: j, j j 1 1$1,657,717' 1$1,657,717 j$a,657,717 1 SWORN TOTAL, i 1 1 74 j 1 1 75 j 1 I 75 1 1 j 75 1$5,065,687 1 l 1$5,065,687 I 1 I 115,065,687 1 l 1 �,,L lotusl.wki (W-p117) Department:. POLICE Positon Classification Title PROM POSITION/SALARY SIMEDULE fl SCAL YEAR 1990/91 01-44S1 Division:NON'-SWOW PERSONNEL Positirm Ouota w Appropriations Curren'} Dept. 1Rgr- Leval I Reed. j Rand. CO'+� MITY 3VCS.OFF. j 1Q8%j 100%1 100%1 COMMUNITY SVCS.OFF. 1 10041 16v%j 100N MOTORPOOL SVCS.ASST, [ 100%1 R00%j 200%1 SECRETARY II 1 10011 100%1 10t SECRETARY'I 1 100%1 100%j Ice, CLERK SUPERVISOR [ 100%1 100%1 1041 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100$1 iml STATION CLERK j 100%1 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK j 100%j 100,11 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 160ICj STATION ' 1°RK ( 100%1 10011 100%1 STATION c,L ;RK I 100%j 100%1 100%1 STATION CLERK 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 ►POLICE CLERK 1 100%1 100%j 100tj POLICE CLERK j 100%j irktt 100%1 PUBLIC INFO CLERK j 1004j 100%1 100%I MENSIC SPECIALIST j 100%1 100%1 100%1 FORENSIC SPECIALIST 1 100%1 100%1 100'41 SERVICE SPECIALIST 1 10004.1 100%1 100%j SERVICE SPECIALIST 1 ion[ 100%1 100%1, SERVICE SPECIALIST 1 1041 10011 IMj DISPATCHER t 100%1 100-1 lual DISPATCHER j 100%j 100%j 100%1 DISPATCHER I 100%j iml 10h°a1 DISPATCHER 1 100%1 W,'Ij DISPATCHER I 100%1 1001;j 150%1 DISPATCHER 1 100%j 100%j 100%1 DISPATCHER I I 100%1 100%1 100%1 I l 1 1 I } l I 1 1 1 NON -SWORN SUBTOTAL. 1 { ( I FRINGE BENEFITS,. 1 NON -SWORN TOTAL- j I 29 1 1 3t 1 1 30 lu,=31.w41(424-pM) 1 Dept.y ( Mgr. 1 Ada,9t�d�j ted j Rcod. ( Read. j Bud; I. I_ � - I_ ..._�._I__. I 100%! $23,341 1--$23,347 ( $23,347 (' 103%1 $23,347 ( $23,347 1. $23,347 `,r '47,898 ( $47.898 j $47,898 106,4, 1 ,I13 ( $26,41a j $26,413 •v0�`' 4d4,53i I $2+�,�34 ( $24,534 ( $25,76C $25,766 1 $25,766 j i00%l $23,344 1 $23,344 1 $23,344 j 100%j $23,344 j $23,344 j $23,344 1 100%1 TM..344 ( $23,344 j `13,344 100%1 t13,344 ( 123,344 1 $22,344 100Cj $23,7141 $23,3441 $23,344I 100%1 $23,3441 $23,3441 $23,w441 100%( $23,344 1 $23,344 ( $23,344 1 100%1 $23,344 j !23,344 $23,344 100%1 $21,611 j $21,617' 1 $t1.M j 1001;! $21,617 I $21,617 j #21,617 1 100%1 $19,251 j $19,251 1 $19,261 1 100%1 $31,341 ( $31,341 j $31,341 100%1 $31,341 j' $31,341 j $31,341 j 100%j $25,766 ( $25,766 ( $25,766 ( 00%j $25,765 j $25,766 j 125,766 j 10%1 $25,766 j $25,766 j $25 166 i IPC%l $28,397 ( $26,391 j $23,397 1 100%] $28,397 1 $20.397 1 128,307 100%1 $28,397 1 $28,397 1 $28,30 j 100%1 $28,397 1 $28,397 1 23,397' 1 100%1 $28,397 1 028,397 1 $28,397 1 100%1 $28,397 1 $28,397 t $28,397 1- 10011 $20,397 1 $28,397 1 $28,337 1, f ( 1 [ 1 I I l 1 i j c 1 1 I 1 $759,=wr 1 $759,301 j $754,301 1 j $222,992 I $232,992 ( 1232,992 } I i I I 30 1 $992,293 j $992,293 ( $992,293 I PROGR�L'i POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 1990/91 Department: POLICE 01.4451 _ Division;CROSSI►IG GUARDS ------------------------- I --------- » Position Quota ----- ------------------ 1 -- ------------ Appropriations , -- 1 Positi m 1- - -1 -(--- -�--- .�- ---------------------------� Cl ssificition 1Currentl� Dept. Mgr. 1 Dept. I Mqr. I A opted r Title 1 Level I Rcmd. I Rcrd. IAdoptc-d I Rcmd. I Rcmd. I 4Udget I CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 --- 100%1 -------- I --------- 33,433 1 J--------__f $3,433 1 $3,433 CROSSING GUARD 1 100&1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100%1 1P0$1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,413 1 CROSSING GUARD. } 100%1 100$1 ►DO$1 1m1_ $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 CROMING GUARD 1 100%1 It "11 100%1 100%1 $17,433 1 _ $3,433 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD I 100$1 100%1' 1001 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,4$3 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 inq $3,'33 1 $3,433 1 $3,4331 CROSSING GUARD 1 i0uV1` 100%1 100%1 i '161 $3 433 1 $3,433 }, $3,433,1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $3.433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 I CROSSING GUA;iD I Iml 100%1 100%1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 I CROSSING GUARD I 100t1 100%1 100$1' 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,133 1 CRUL'.3ING GUARD 1 100$I 100%1 100%1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,431 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100%j 100%1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $0,433 { CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100%1 INtl 100%1 $3,433 1` $3,433 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1. 100%1 100%1 1001%1 100%1 $3,433 1 $5,433 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD { 100%1 100%1 100%1 100$1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUA61 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $3..433 1 $3,433 I $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 100%1 100t1 100%t 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433'1 CROSSING GUARD 1 0%1, 100%1 100$1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $1,433 i CROSSING GUARD ! Q%j 100%1 ' 100%j 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 $'l,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $3,433 1 $3,44 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 0%1 10011 100%1 100%1 $8,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 1 CROSSING GUARD 1 0k1 100%1 100%1 10WI 43,433 1 $3,433 1 $3,433 I ( ! ! 1 1 l 1 1 ! I 1 t 1 I I 1 1 1 ! CROSSING -GUARD 5USTOTALI I 1 1 L 1 I 4 f 1 t 1 l 1 ! 1 4 t I $82,392 1 ! $82,392 1 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 $82,392 1 { 1 CROSSING GUARD TOTAL ! 1 19 1 ! 24 1 ! 24 1 ( 24 1 1 $02,392 1 $82,392 1 1 1 $82,392 1 Ilk f latusl.wkl 0186-0411 , COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET ----------------------�---------------------------------------i�,-- -f---- -------------DePartmEnt/Division:. ( Program: ( Account Num=2r. , scal Yearj POLICE [ POLICE i; 01.4451 91 ._.-------.��-:------------------------ ----� -------- Oa.,ject-----No--.I Desor� Lion afi Items & Individual Dolla, ---------------------------------- --------- -------- -- ----------- Amounts ( ------- ----- j----------- Budget 11.00 IREGULAR SALARY ( 43,233 (' 130E IPART TIME PAYROLL j 82,392 1900 IFRINGE,BENEFITS I' � 1c,132 I 3100 (TRAVEL & MEETINGS l I 2,250 I ( 3900 I1%INTENANCE & OPERATIONS ( I I'NIFORMS AND 'EQUIPMENT 2,625 j ( HOL�.EKEEPING 3,465 ( EQUIoMW MAINTENANCE 3,048 j I FACILITY "wi�1T:VANCE ;,116 ( MEDICAL SUPPLIES 525 ( OFFICE EXPENSE 24,090 i PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,800 '( t SPECIAL DEPT EXPENSE 16,925 ( PRIVATE MILEAGE 1,000 ( j ( POSTAL SERVICES 4,329 ( SMALL EQUIP PURCHASE 3,352 ( OFFICE FURNITURE 1,28W CRIME PREVENTION MATERIAL 17►006 ' SUBTOTAL: ( 82,563 3931 (VEHICLE MAINTENANCE & Rir-1 j .277,451 3956 (DUES I I ( CRIME PREVENTION $60 ( j ( LEGAL DEFENSE FUNDS 4,200 I SUBTOTAL: j 5,060 I ( 6028 ICONTRACT SERVICES i SHERIFF'S DEPARTMErf 6,523,393 I I OVERTIME 219,483 I XEROX 17,925 IDENT-I-KIT B00 j ( EQUIPMENT SERVICES CONTOnT 4,886 I I j CROSS -CROSS N. BOOK 150 HIS CHARGES 16.i96 i (LESS SUPPLIES AND FORMS ADJUSTMENT) (19,957)1 i (LESS STATION CLERK ADJUSTMENT) (61,582)1 CAL I.D. PROGRAM 46,500 j I SUBTOTAL: ( 6,7".1; I I 7344 (CAPITAL EQUIPMENT ( I i I VEHICLE 16,000 ( OFFICE EQUIPMENT 800 L I I COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 9,714 ( j I SUBTOTAL: ( 26,514 lotus2.wk1 j TOTAL: 17,282,795 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST FORM, Department POLICE Fiscal Year; t940/91 01-445t '-------------_-------------------�------------------------� --Account IWNew1 or J - Estimate Number j Replaces JEOUIMMT IDENTIFICATION & JUSTIFICATION OF NEED J Cost J 4451-70444 (NEW ------- -------- --------- ------• (FORD OR CHEVROLET MINI -VAN WITH.S-PECIAL-u_.A R.E. (-___--___I $16 000 I PAINT SCHEME j I I TO BE USED BY PROJECTED D.A.R.E. OFFICER TO I ( TRANSPORT PERSONNEL AND MATERIALS TO CLASSES j { _ { I THROUGHOUT THE CITY. I f I 1 I I i j J I � { lotusl.wkt { J �I J � I. I - i j TOTAL ( $16,00 j COMPUTV :HARDWARE REQUEST FORM DepartmentPOLICE Fiscal Y1990/91 01-i451 ----t. ��--------_—------ ------ ---------- --------------- ---- ----- ------. Resource Center j j ! unit j j Use only Account ( Hardware Description (Work Area jQty I Cost =atiHumber Identifion, Location Cost Approved Denied Date 1 01-4451-70441CANON modelAP160- f _I_---(------V(j—Estimawto-d-(j,__.-_--I_____--_ -_I ITYPEWRITER t i $600 j $800 j $e00 1, soj4/10/90 f IPF' VT-32t� Sys �e/cables } ( 3 1$1,939 ( '$5,814 ( $5,M j $0 14/10/91r j I& Inter. w/county Comp. ( ( I ( I I I IDigital LA210 printers I 13 t$1,300 I $3,900 1 $3,900 j $0 14/10/90 I k lotus4.wk1 I Totals: I 7 ! ! $10,514 ( $10,614 ( $0 r NO co �. �. IR'1 a p. � ..•� M tD O� ol `r O st �r r. 1 t» O. :4 N O. N. O r p r �,,, r O O ` r 1 CV IT f0 1i! O qv cp v N N N p p p a. �. cp , is r O i p O NAP ol Iis CP I in CPI r- p O m j Y p r N N pCD INt+r cps N p O O O ..I 10 CP 0-11 M p� O N d en pus.. v. � � ; Q .•- as � a � N N p IRI tp 1 ISI� r 1 O p I cnOwl 1-• M N� m�.� �? i a Ia,1 ILI W W W ,$. ✓� � V ems'+ �. cts aori N cN'+ i' O A" �' N. (� ✓ Ij,1 O. p 'D_ to I+r 1[s Q. O NC!4 C.CS r r It I.1 ..ITS. �-y �� !� .l ` + :� AML 1 1 'I W a Ri iQ Q � pbl w Vf �' Ot IT O tlf apl N O e V O W rY j co Ot sn W e o w m w rn "t 01 or Q It 1 O: M OI lot fDt. w p F tl'f i0' b lev ".M t W C ai1 i a i N N W V W at + , N. C Oi a Oa U! t•a ON N ICfp ON OO W p. � y ^ il• 'N o- N N o < 119 F F N M. Wt to A O 6 icz N q. O e t?. 0 O O O e y b O W 10 { IfNt tNO.. p F O 1Rt ta.. en w 1 lai 'O 01 O e ilef O N O O N Q 'p Q p. 1a. us1t .t:ff N Ipn Met CO F. W O Idf. of mi W p to ^ ^ W W y yy e 6 i m e m O W W a10 Ln- Cg i O 1409 O ttf tW�s N N T15, f w jRd w> j cD C M � V W I J :W:i N1 W W. H Co -C?._. �YIS-- cc T W cc u« i L1C 1 W uSS o o ca. e e la o o �.- to a as e�f..r of N o- a N N N. tV N': 1IV N..N N N' N N N N N O.. v .'Tr m. N m rf. to N an at n+f Iff p ICt m � tlf Itr t'f N 4t Ift W Uf tdf ICf Ilf w a i 2, U, i... 114 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Community Services Division: Administration 1990191 DI-4532 ( Position Quota 1 Appropriations' Position1--------,._._._...._.��1.----- ----------- { Classification ICurrenti, Dept. I Mgr. I ( Dept. ( Mgr. I Adopted ] Title i Level I Rcmd. I Rcmd. (,Adopted I Rcmd. I Rcmd. i Budget i' Cownity Services Dir.1 100%1 100%1 100%I 100%1 $79,236 1 $78,500 1 $R7,552 1' . Rec. Superintendent 1100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $50,076 ( $50,086 I $55,604 Management: Analyst II' 1 100%1 100%1 100%j 100%1 $41,640 1;141,640 1 $46,464 1 Comm.Serv.Technician 1 20018,1 200%1 200%1 200%1 $64 240 1 $54,248 1 $70,iQ I Admin. Secretary 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 $25,140 1 $12"36 1 $29,508 Recreation Supervisor 1 400%1 400%1 400%1 400%1$142,368 1$142,368 1 $158,976 Recreation Coordinator 1 200%1 300%1 300%1 300%1 $71 347 1 $55,070 1 $92,304 I Office Specialist V. 1 200%1 200%1 200%1 200%1 $39,444 1 $43,070 1 $42,000 i Subtotal; I 1 1 1 I 1 I { 1$513,499 I I 1$507,926 I I 1 $503.680 1 Merit Contingency 1 I 1 541 ! 5%1 I 5%1 { 5%1 $25,675 1 1 $25,396 I l 1 $29,184 i`' Subtotal: I I I I 1 I 1 ! 1$539,174 1$533,322 1 '1 $612,664 1 1 {. Fringe Benefits 1 35%1 35%1 35%1 35%1$1880711 1$186,663 1 $214,502 1 TOTAL: I I 1 1 1$727,885 1$719,905 1 $927 366 1 Reg. R/T Rec.Leaders. 1 I 1 300%1 l 300%1 I 300%1 300%1 l $10,440 1 $10,440 1 $10,962 1 Fringe Benefits 1 20%1 20%1 20%1 20%1 $2,088 1 $2,088 1 $2,192 1 P Subtotal. 1 i I 1 1 $12,52V ( $12,528 1 $13,154 I Part -Time Payroll { I I I 1 1 I I l 1 1 I 1$1.47,153 I 1 1$125,153 I 1 I I '1 $131,411 1 I i GRAND TOTAL: 1 I ( 1 1$887,566 1$857,666 1 $971,932,1 5321fm1.xk1 11 E, COST CENTER OETA L WORKSHEEI' ----___-_--_-_-,--....__ M------ wi---M-------- w-►---- -------------------.r__--mow_- Upartment/Division: j Program: ( Account Number; {Fiscal Year] Community Services ( Administration ( 01.4532 { 1.990/Sl { llbJe------------------------�_�.�_-._-_--w--- ct No} . Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts ------,----j ! Budget { ._.w--------------- ---- 1100 jRw,3ular Salaries ----------- �=----------{ i $612,864 { r 1300 jPart-time Payroll + $131,411 1 jRegular Part-time Payroll { $10,962 j 1900 (Fringe Benefits - Regular Payroll ( $214,602 { {Fringe Benefits - Regular Pant -time Payroll j $2,192 { { j { 3100 (Travel & Meeting: ( { ( Congress NRPA $1,860 j j' League of Calif. Cities $790 { (, ! Calif. Parks & Rec. Society $5,000 { j { League of Calif, Citites, Community Services $1,600 j { ( Misc.. Seminars; Local Meetings, Prof. Training $6,790 ( j SUB -TOTAL: { $16,040 { 3300 (Mileage Reimbursement; { { Car Allowance $3,000 ( j f Local Mileage $1,200 { j j SUB -TOTAL: { $4,200 ! { 3900 [Maintenance & Operations: E j Promotional Advertising $3,675 {; j { Photographic Supplies & Service $0,968 j { j Misc.'Printing & Forms $10,000 Ij j Grapevine $103,312 [ j Specialized Programs (Recreation) $10,000 ( { j Community Special Events $28,350 j { ( Office Supplies $23,835 Community Ctr.Buiiding"Maint. & Supplies $35,756 j Software $1,824 { j' Image Writer $978 j { Publications $1,266 ( j j SUBTOTAL: j $227,964 j $931 )Vehicle Maintenance & Operations { $6,150 j $956 j fXembership Dues: j I j j Calif. Parks & Rea. Society $1,260 j { National Park & Rea. Assoc. Misc. Dues to Professional Organizations [ SUB -TOTAL: ( $1,955 j ! j 532LFM2.WK1(A1-L53) PAGE 1 TOTAL: ! j j { 1$1,228,240 { , COST CENTER DETAIL WORKSHEET Department/Division; ( Program: ) Account Numbert jFiscal Year( Community Services j Administration ( 01- '12 _ j 1990/91 j ObJect Nod Description of Items S Individual - __ _ - Dollar Amqunts ----- _) j Budget ---------..I�._____�w.------------------------.___�---------------j-----------� { PAGE 1 TOTAL: 1$1,228240 j { ) 3960 jGeneral Liability ( $3,434. 6028 10ontract Services: { ( Copy Machine (Xerox) $8,440 Computer Maintenance 110,467 ( ( Library Services Enhancement $25,000 j Professional Services $5,000 j Painting Q RCNC $15,000 { j j Painting 0 Lio„s Center $5,000 j ) ( MIS Administration $43,470 [ j ( Repaint Snack Bars $3,600 j SUBTOTAL: j $115,977 j 7044 jCapital Expenditures: j j, Computer Equipment $7,102 j j ( P.A. System at RCNC $3,000 j' Drop Safes (2) $1 200 ( j j Easi file $635 ( j j Office Equipment/Furnishings $2,000 ( j ( SUBTOTAL: { $12,937 j 7045 )Capital Expenditures — Vehicles: ( j j IGS Fund To Replace Unit 1410 $A ( Astr© Van (9 passenger) ,c1.8,000 { { ( i SUBTOTAL- j, $18,000 j 1 ( 5321fm2.wk1 (AS7-L103) GRAND TOTAL: i I j 1$1,378,588 ( t L CON PUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Community Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 01-4532 1990/9i , ---------- —a-. _..�._..-------- .,�.sour------te--�--*-- Resotrrce Ctoter j ]Serial Number/IQ ofj I ( ( Use only Account ( Software Identification jComputer Unit where( Software is to ( pty}j ( Unit {Estimated[__._.___ cost Cost ( Approved j Denied` ( Date Number j i I be installed ( __. 01-4532-3900I4otus 123- -( ---�---..-.._..[_ jExisting/Parks j -j-,----- �1 ( -4319 j M$319 ( `�$?19 j �o �ol�slsoj (Word Perfect (Existing/Parks j 1 I $251 I $251 ( $0 ( $2S1 I4/16/90I (pagemaker INew Mac II j 1 ] i $398 $289 Z $390 ( j $28$ I $398 $209 I $0 j $0 14116/901 I4116/901 (Excel 1word Perfect INew Mac II ( INew Mac II I l ( ( $205 j $205 I $205 j $o 14/16/90j (Superpaint INOW Vac II j 1 l I $149 $200 ( $149 j $200 ( $0 $200 [ $149 1 $0 14/16/90I 14, 6/90( {Mac Draw IEloectronic Clip Art (new Mac II [New Mac II ( j 1 ( ( $200 ( $200 ( $200 j $0 14/16/901 jNac Fastback INew lac II j T ( $125 i $125 ( $125 j $o I4116/901 IMac SAM INew No II j 1 ( $88 j so ( I, $88 j $a 14/16/901 1 I I [ } I ( } I 5321fm7.wkl ( 7ot�sls: 10 $2224 $1,824 $400 COMPUTERCONTRACTSERVICES REQUEST FORM Department: Community Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 01-4532 1990/11 Resource Center I 1 Use Only At, wnt J Contract Services 1justificationJQty1 Unit 1Estiawted J k )ber ( ( ( j Cast 1 Cost JApproved[Denied J Date ) 01-4532-6028 INCR Tower/7 Monitors :]Maint. ( 1 ( $7,000 ( $7,000 { $7,000 J $0 (4/16/90( JIBM j ( 2 ( $358 ( $716 J $716 ( $0 14/16/901 (Color Monitor 1 ( 2 J $151 J $302 J $302 J $0 14/16/901 JNewlet Packard Printer( (1 ( $690 J C69.0 ( $690 ( $0 14/16/901 (Dot Matrix Printer 1 ( 1 { $276 ( $276 ( $552 1 $0 14/15/901 J,L. ser Writer Printer ( J 1 J $632 J $632 J $632 ( $0 14/t6/401 (MAC Plus I J 1 ( $575 ( $575 J $575 J $0 14116/901 )Mac II w/Color monitor) 1 1 J $862 1 $862 J $0 j $862 14/16/901 )Image Writer Printer ( J 1 1 $276 J $276 J $0 1 $276 14/16001 { L i l ! 1 ( ( rt ! 5321fm5.wki ( J 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! -- Totals: 11' $11,329 $10,467 $1.,138 COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM I: Comity Services Division: Adeini4.ation 01-4532 I' I I I I Hardware Description (Work Area IQty j Identification I Location [ j 44IMac 11�cx 40 CPU ICSD Tech ; 1 1 IApple Color High Res.RSB ICSD Tech Ii I IYAc II 8 Bit Video Card ICSD Tech 1 1 IApple Extended Keyboard ICSO Tech I 1 j IMax/4 ma Memory ]CSD Tech I 1 I,lmagewritcr ICED Tech I 1 j I I I ! I I I � 1 I i j I I I I I I I I 1 j I' I 1 I I 1 I I F � ki I { L Unit Cost $3,409 $700 $454 4161 $1,400 $970 Fiscal Year 1990/91 ♦�Fw_a�1wTP'�4_TwYM_ww_rww_.w___� Reurce Center j j Use Only { IEstimat2d I — _I I Cost jApproved(�Oenied�I DateM I ;3,409 j $3,409 I $o I4/16/90j I $700 1 $700 1 $0 14/15/901. { $454 1 $454 j $0 I4116/90,I I' sm 1 $161 I $Q 141161901 1 $1,400 j $1,400 1 t0 14/16/901 1 $978 1 $978 I $0 14/16/901 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 6 I I ! I I I I t ! I I I I ! Totals: S $7,102 $7,102 $1,102 $0 W 1 4�'i Q ttlff lry 0 QI N 41Y yp� 40 1 to � oP c o:: r co 1 j C1' O O f0 t~O cc OG 1 NCft- 6i m 1 1 a N , t LU {� aU4 It . � 6 P P P CV .'aZ 1 RI arf tMf l7 tN 121 COST CENT A DEML WORKSHEZr ij' r' J b i. o o, gma u o N o o a o Yw .� ami T O'IIt 4 . ycg 1 to " (gyp� Om R R w e n to 6fl N m R S7C it N A O O b D If} 4 D O O N Yf !O ap Yf W - N J 1 i�f Of {O. ♦O 10 D m Pi W GAR OID F4 M b. m D D 01 f Kj bop O a b b o O.a®et. D e o ew Q 4Q p tp tV b O O 6ff b. 4 O to !lf O p- 1 w i b O O �. G! tl O fa ifs R Y {G W ii1 'wf V tO Iq N s R1 - H N N R N N R 1♦'f W r R ti O o d. a a► �-` 'm O. N..tti b OI . �S 1 OR C. 4- N W; N 4. J 1' t♦1 V 9D LH Y D N R (�f N w 1 en 1 H r.IWni/ 1 .clC w ti W J O S\ V J R ►> J t - W_ s w$ A Kam. j W W 'S J S fn W g.`1r W tJ d G: .� pp01 1 O R �.' g, tyL � 4 �. W S GWG 3aL CD An �. �- � �. � C ♦' ♦ GbY 0�1. L[l tp e�'1 N Of 61 IRf b q Y -0 r N'S == 1 Lcul .O r ci 1 t' 1 s 4. Ib ap f0 m b Rf 19 [Yy P'3 /n Ka to 10 .tic W fA Io. 123 PRWRAM POSITIONAALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Engineering Division; Administration 1990/91 01-463T -------------- -- -- --- ( - -, ( ------ ( - ------ ----------------------- Position Quota ( -- --- - -- --1 Appropriations Position ( ( j- --- - -- - -------1------- - - --( Classification jPos..j Epp. (Current] Dept. I Ngr. ) I Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted I Title & Position 4 1 # I 1 # I I Level 1 I I Rcmd. I I Read. jAdopted) I I Rcad. I Rcmd, C I Budget 1 I -C -------- --------------- --- City Engineer ----- I 1: ------- IVacant 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 - 100%1 61228 --�-------------- 181228 j 1 91584-1 Management Analyst 11 1 7 1 2042 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 38064 1 38064 1 42480 1 Admin. Aide* I 48 Inew I - I 100%INIR INIR 1 24060 IN/R 1N/R Sr Admin Secretary 1 8 1 8388 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1. 30564 1 30564 1 30864 1 Office Specialist 11 1 9 1 2134 1 60$1 60$IReclass(Reclassl 11707 1 - 1 - Office. Specialist II 1 10 1 3823 1 100%1 60%1' 60%1 €0%'1 11707 1 11707 1 13392 1 Office Specialist II 1 11 1 5679 1 20%1 100%1 100%1 100%1' 21132 1 21132 1 23646 1 Office Specialist II I 1.2 1 9682 1 60%1 20%1 20%1 20%1 3982 1 3982 1 4555 1 Office Specialist I 1 13 1 4049 1 100%I 1041 100%1 100%1 17652 1 17652 1 18744 1 Office Specialist I i 53 Inew 1 - I - I - I - INA 1N/R . INA I Secretary 1 9 Inew i - 1 60�1 60%1 60%1 12931 I 12931 ,1 13594 1 Subtotal: 1 I I j I ! I 1 1 1 I ( 1 253027 I I 217260 I I 1 238853 I Merit Contingency: C I ! ! I I ! 12651 j 10963 j 11943 I' Subtotal; L I I ( I 1 I 265678' I 228123 ( 250796 1 Fringe Benefits ! ! I ! I L ( 92987 79843 ( $7778 I Subtotal: C i. ( I I L 1358665 307966I 3385741 Part-time ( ( 1 I I ( ( 0 ;I 0 I 0 I TOTAL I I ! 1 i 1, I 358665 1 307966 1 338574 I ! i i C t I ! I 1 l C 1, 1 •! I I I I 1 I (Proposed reclassification of I an Office ! I L 1 1 Assistant to Senior Office Assistant. I I *Proposed New N/R N^t Recommended rr S o o n^^ o N co Q r S m mCD h `7 .`L N O t:^ O U IL oo PN� po �QS Q��jj Sln op COM p 1� ItO�ON O� OSOQ ��jj 0000 lh r tO0 F n S O O co L ~ CD O C9 r Cj W Ol E m „ Lo c m m � uam C%jcn Y,4in�ic�i mV Coo) gtiGo v `m a E 0 z m m m mEQ o vi (n c up) v=i ai 0 Lor r �a c� J ui o 0 w c) :° v o c U CD ui U D @ m m m 0 w p a o @� O C 2 _ o o.2 inU Um�E 6*2 N `q u 00 N W@ N? N.NR w C.1 a pL 6 co �coa U�clmcco Cm c N.«aM mmm� dp oc m N oox ,u tD p OEM y on a Co N ii m� 'R `o OX 0 Xm 0 CO as cc q (N.,..NQ < c o` m'@ c cages �.0 — p C io �uiC. ME 0`+-N C � CD S S fp c m i.J�w KS C E S}'�U a m c o m .rt 2 QN..`@. 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O' a LL t= E z a 0 0 0 G m O m in C Q o G m U a, $0 a m a c CD w y 0. 4D m 7 a CL a ¢ '. TTTTTTTT D :o U m no 2 C caa p a U UJ N vo G m. @ N cx oa.wca 73i3�S2G�c � U w: fU(d e- EM c '¢ ¢ < CC'lp i�aau _ mc� �aa O: aft CO) >ZZZZ.ZZ C O taoUod" o _ CD C 0- co CL 0 !9 t0 O It Z ar c C? g m o, m ♦♦O�� vI w. O LU c y w' U • m, OU v t] c W �" C IL 2 A C) .c La c m m is D L G m � N � m CO, CL Q V E a M PN FA49�PPe-:r-e- 0 ct� N R1 � tS c0 11 Jtl C C C, C C Is CC coo � QC cavr3t�Uts�V�da c w c c c c c c e c c c -a 'eta 'a -a is a3 -a 'a i c at V v Ec+�atn� E.. :izzzz m: c ^, n P Q O d O! / rt Nib E +v/ o O r•+ d o O us of un ti us ij((! W a a ~ N OVy. G.:WK OI 40. {V @. m W� 1} m p 0 O O O fY O O \..� w It4 O O. V ! N . , A s .- O o Ic O O J^ 1 N N V / 1 R N cn 6^ In O O M O O b CS C. ti a O ♦1 4L N f. to W M t OIII Obi aei ca 1 r /. M O Q Rf A ICi C. p: l��Ypp F b b {fl b = L/ W, O Ot yy! dx 0I / O�65 O.O Qn O O ® O'.N M C! ![f O r RY N aF m !b in 40 CI m O :A' 10.'� N C!'. O Mam W ilot O tm�. r N fN Nni. W. /VQ .o { m j VII b e t t-5 [ ! i- ! C W. W'. 7C. uj:. ai OC W zzU OOy+�..ij• ow:Ci d U. '.Wt. T. In 1 ,J O Ci O O O S S tw.9 as Lit G Imw 0 1.. N 1 w^. / m di m m O m fl1i. 0 O m m m 4 129 PROGRAM POSIiIONISALARY SCRED41LE Fiscal Year 1990I91 Department: tnginwing Division. Developex:; z Management 01-4630 _r_rrr..r__w-----.r____r_r_—---- —..r_Y_—r_rr_r__V.r_rr_____nrrN_wry_��yr�4_..w_�w....ar_r�_4r.._rw�rr 1 I [ position Quota 1 Appropriations 1 Positionl f f__-___�-__.�_�..�.�.�...�.[__,___ ,.....___..r_..___�...�_[ CUssifiyation IPos. I Epp. ICurrgntl Dept. I Mgr. I [ Dept. l Mgr. [ Adopted l Title & Pozition 8 f 3 1 8 I Level [ Rcmd. [ Rcad. (Adopted) Rand. 1 Rcsd. 1 Budgot Deputy City Engineer 1 2 1 700 I 100%1 1Q0$l 100%1 10011 64260 j 04260 1 71712 1 Senior Civil Engineer I 63 l 38821 80%1 9Q%l 90%1 90%1 52337 1 52337 1 56970 3w-aior Civil Engineer 1 4 1 3194 1 10081 100%1 1Q0%1 100%1 61128 1 61128 1 66540 1 Associate Engineer 1 14 1 6558 1 10041 i00%1 10041 100%1 44204 1 44208 l 46932 1' Associate Engineer 1, 15 1 7413 l 100%1 100%1 15%1; 15%1 47640 1 7146 1 7974 1 Associate Engineer I 16 1 7550 I r00k? 100%1 100%1 1001 52632 1 $2632 1 65884 1 Landscape Designer 1 17 1 6363 { 20%1 20%1 20%1 20%1 0081 1 8Q81 1 9019 1 Asst. Landscape Des, I 27 l $49 l 100%1 100t1 1QQ%l 100%1 29964 1 29964 1 33432 1 Assistant. Engineer l 23 1 4225 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 45324 1 45324 1 48120 1 Assistant Engineer { 24 1 4132 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 35316 1 35316 1 39400 1 Assistant Engineer 1 25 1 7969 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 35316 1 35316 1 37500 1 Assistant Fjigineer l 26 I 8136 l 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 40212 1 40212 1 42684 1 Engineering Tech 31 f 25 1' 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 25668 1 25668 1 32440 1 Engineering Tech 1 44 1 2013 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 31332 1 31332 1 34960 1 Eng. Aide I 47 i $139 l 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 27660 1 27660 1 27804 1 Jr. Engineer* ** { 54 1 new l - [ 100%1 0%1 G%j 31512 1 0 1 0 1 Subtotal 1 ( 1 1 [ i 1 $32590 $60604 1 611315 Merit Contingency; [ [ [ [ [ 1 $1630 1 20029 I 30570 { Subtotal: [ [ 1 [ f 664220 1 588613 1 641966 1 Fringe Benefits 1 i l I f 1 I 232477 1 206015 I 224688 1 Subtotal. 1 1 1 1 } 1 1 296697 I 794620 I 866653 1 Part-time f 1 f f [ f 1 0 I C f 0[ TOTAL 1 1 f f f f 896697 1 794620 1 866653 1 1! ! ( 1 I 1 1 1 1 [ ( I f f ( [ 1 1 **Funded usirig Special Funds 1 } l NIR Not}Shu xn Draft Budget f *Prop)2ed Now Position N175 Y c tr 1 W U N MA o w o m r N o n. � �S ci +7S cr Z5 o coo r- c n E to N.tQ m o m2a a a m co 8co c�S `m .c E a z to M ¢ O N N to to Gj 0 CD G e cn s c o o = o U o — n Ec`t E ul p _ i R c C Q a N N 40 oc CD IL¢ m 0mE�= m g iII edj c < t to _ m,y�E� �LLJOEN c�ipC E� U �5 09 cam°= O V c m C EN u m E .ts yaa H p c pp to m a(. N m Cg c _ NIr 3: to .. _ c off— E — wiwo w2 m tr c'° � m E CD O Z O is o�> �cooc. �. �� me Eio t n ct�rto 0 o m v� Q m xo p M Cl) aoQ¢WU J o� m [4 C7c> N' ([ ._ E�Em'm m �v mho a $ O c. mo 4 ¢ m— am'aat�i� oca� vNi+a 1 w Oo�`om:9'o° �3> m zo n� a o a —¢a¢¢¢t1o.`�tr.tn 2 tt) �OD. 8C+ Lo Coto �C:S I' �: c ¢ OW, e c m .0 td c c i 2 c m to ra E m > to G O e r r M M m t9 M �M •� r L m 0 � 0 y Ei r w x 0 cc z w U O U N co ONi O d t, N �i co 07 � I ( co r CD O - ° 1 Ir U G. 4 O 4 to T N OOOOO co C n O m m m a711 G 1 m O AA o n. m Ill .v In pp t0 T �� Q c� N O I+NC�� Nn� pp t `m t D E ZOD y Q W :� 8 LL IL m m o ��FF. m ° c cl E a U E 2 ti E M CD m o m t� t?l a)C m O O L ` O uj �!S to ti 'o C ra ` o¢ G 0 v m t ��c w ate fl v ,p v C CD M c 0 Q U C CD q 0 C eD �.m-',:oatl �d a: m cca, Li fU`U c0 m `mat v v } m��°j e_ c �� o mm ui c °'M�CD r°ca Z CfA mt3' O c/i.� c c � T m C 0 Co O 9 1 ° cw c 3� .- m E — —, `cz a E a, w� E CD E� sa a, , uu _w ycvnw ` m moo, m O c) o O 1 ¢ m mcnN �¢ C) C,) to m�- a r- `- m Z E m m c ¢- c co uj w G O m f0 1, C: o cc m U IZ 9 m O. m j Qw0 CAPITAL E( JIPMENT REQUEST FORM Department: Fiscal Year i990f9� Ei9VGIo ment il�ana emont Account Now/ or - Department City Mgr, Number Fie laces EQUIP MENT IDE IFICATION t� 3UnFICATION OF NEED Pro' -4638-7044 New .. Hanging Map Stand & Holder 900 gpa is TOTAL t30 LU M. AAkLu Q WMI In e• z cc � N 4` LL 0 c f m m C CD c LL m E m <. to cu A i C m O L CL M b m rnm m _ p W p, w co m LSL O L O C1D N t7 N p c p a . C� V cr) `tom`` V p z;z mcu'y' L o 0 c p C J N ��WLLt K of J a co r 4 -y Em o tp Li � G, CD'tl6 C - - 0-. 0)� 0) a a „aLd G m. E .+ Etl Im _ o of N o °- co m Em = mVco c m Ja c co cb A ti tlt co co co co cry a CQ "cm u �i R Q Apr Y[ u. CD a tJ 4` { W OI f = N d. flT Mt t" l'h LD. iCi t0 Ia7 m t0 f► Rff N`� G Of 1 RM to i . 1 In O O fll b I=, 'tl f0 T. m p O sw d Pam' P1 ,yy H t0 lT.. iff O M. m tz' co t f 1 fO th O 1T O- C7 O O. YY C4' M O a M ata rotes. Ct m O- of M. 'It let N M t 1 i O O 0 o P fJ' o O rn O'F 10-10 'M 1... i m O at m O 'b -' to 00 �. m b O O 6y1 O a+Y d N d p N � a v o o al P cs d a s tb u+ O m m yy,. O v lot- trf O co 1 o �. m 40: _ r CO r0 O O ''.oT b 'a O O ftf b N A O tl yy t W % N N flf A :N it 'O tSf Q O i"i1 D 'O M �' i0� �I/' Al ti+ W P a at 11. f 1. ies. w o a-ys a .r a m. a o ei.a er! - J 1 o. N m an ao ae - Q 1 m i .a vi o Ct 1 W x07 r 1 J .JpA �pJpA, iR S Q as r" y ty.'2 �N W W Yi J ill W S rw r6' tJYS i / U 1~-� Ti S `y M Ste' tY9 r .yp .h'+ 6i W OC tY atii i? ci Ci m1 17 ....� •�• ! i n0.C. oc O o b C c o O tl o o O O o o fa en let 'O m ao N ,mot N .a rr t.l •+- u i �. rn a taf m e» ei rn az/ m of of en .� �. ro t++ rs rR to tab 1O. tO t0 O b t� 4D {a7 W.� # iK Fc 00— co 137 PRORAN POSITION/SALAW 11CHEW fiscal Year 1990/9:1 Dapartment: Engineering Diviairn: Traffic Ms ewt Oiw�I�S;� 1 ( ( Positicx� iota' � kpprt�be"Iat�ons (' Position Classiftatim lPos. I Eep. ICurrentl Dept. mor, I last. 1fir. Adapted I Title & Position 9 I 8 ( 4 1 Level ( Road. I ftsd. IAdoptiod( Rod. ( amd Traffic Engineer 1 3 1 6800 '1 ?5%1 75%1 75%1 75%1 4s346 'I 46846 ( $1165 1 Associate Engineer 1 18 1 3211 1 35%1 35%1 35%1 55%1 10421 1 304'21 1 19555 Associate Engineer 1 19 1 51$7 1 83%1 88.5%1 80.5%1 80.5%1 46579 1 40579 1 A9457 Assistant Engineer ( 20 1 6312 80%1 80%1 1061 10%1 36259 1 3172" 1 33.684 I Assistant Engineer j 49 10149 1 100%1 80%1 80%1 80%1 20253 1 2R n '1 30000 1 Assistant Engineer j 50 1' 6602 1 40%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 I 6 1 0 1 Engineering Tech. 1 35 1 100 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 29484 1 29484;1 34968 1 Engineering Aide 1 45 1 152 1 60%1 60%1 60%1 60tj IS262 1 13262 j 16682 1 Engineering Tech.* a 1 55 Ines I - 1 50%j 0%1 Ott 15666 1 O 1 0 1 Subtotal 1 I ( I 1, I 233770 I 21357D 1 235515 1 Merit Contingency: 1 ( 1 I ( I 1 11609 1. 10619 1 11776 I Subtotal: 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 246459 j 224261. 1 247391 1 Fringe Benefits I I l I 1 1 1 85910 1 70400 1 06.652 1' Subtotal: 1 1 ( 1 I 1 1 331369 1 002739 i 333043 I Part-tiae 1 I ( ( I 1 1 1 1 0 0 TOTAL ! I 1 I I I ( 331350 302739 I U1943 1 I 1 1 I 1 I i 1 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 l 1 I 1 1 I I I I I ! I I I ( I I +! 1 i 1 I I i 1 1 I I **Funded using' Special Funds N/R Rat.Reeoended { *Proposed No Position • t x cli to tm � H I Lam` O Ua` •- .- w C O Iq lh� Rh Em..� dam aC2 v aa`ca 5 � tau 8a m .o E a a a a o� O O ti O o cats u=i � u=s c=n CD E m c w ¢ to a `m C Q to0.� c LU H la c W Off.—"'...O Q c w to c' y ° ri t` c— � m is a m c =A O (A m L d a Cl cq m Ec gc _ �mm m --c m ° nm io c 0 cN o ti taQF �-- Y — W m `! y .0g N N0 uj 0 3° ��� CD 0 vE4 Q �mm �Zm -a � �m� al 0) m ¢U ° E� EN ° cn �` ccaip �M °h m— p W�N111>tAN %a 0 CDa U► z y i �jO~U�rO�Wt- Gm. 0 c N c UWu.G.N �Q 0 cZ ftQ= tLhco) c E m so m m ° m _ CDm ty m o _m E CD A j 7-5 PDJ m m 01 M. ►= w S g M m ffi •- C.) � E®z m c o W a o 11 w S Y 2,1 � OD a c ,mN m v 0 .c o 0a` r N O O Q Cry O O g V' to to O O O O Q O r r N y ca Oty m m O 9 ❑am N `Q�a OQ�Ln gpppp pp pp LV t�pgptp!}8 ^Qur Lan oq pp 1�1�NW(D tp�8opp N r r m .O z O �� a Q c o m m m g� o N O _ y m m � w m m AN m E N `� Q E pi4Dp m C O. F- O — C too C a �E __ N c 2 c O ` v cn o cmi = g E E c a6 c O G t3 P co m � —a 8 'o m c, N i itf m m c V c v < IL Cj Ln tb o c a aa� o v v m 'EI m i" Q m� O•=CL f4 _ 0. O C N 00 N p t�[l C� L � LL co 0 0 N O m a C c d eE m c m x w G r "zoo > 0 3E '" m cvvF- 4 MU. O m 6t �_ G m m= pwN cpXw GL. a UU u H EcvyQ m 0 «zE�n op pE� EN o"m,�? EE'�y m� 0 CD ❑ _ o �ooa m ��tiwsxcnco�c�t�w�t-� m �z m x x w l a t7 U m U m pp E`mZ •• m m ac awe 1 1 MI as m� x v► ��c�i ctirss .•�etus M �+ Si . �i �" CC Ul e+ a: ui w • 0 H O C.1 W1 b. O b CZ O tv F, z Itf � W if1 Q/ r q 1(�f d O \ 15► Cb w � Cl ICJ to F. C2, ' O 10 Cl C'i b ! b Al lad fA �► w eu` Rr. Ia , � S 1 gm Q' CD Ob O 64 co CA to -ew N ✓ Co ® t0 Q O� AF N COI Wb 11R R11} W !M ! w M r tK i } of oo 0 o Mb mo. oun' o -w PI 40 4 O R�'f R+ l}f WC tp RR R �l�ll t! ON d b - tSeft N ems}! IV An 1 b b t 1 t}s ii O 4D M ti' N b C> CA. b, p. J 1N O �+ 1tf Ci in ® V A 6 v to CJ C) co" 03 W3 t-* 4p 'F Ck i* l�1. f on b i Of i i a} R ME A W 7 RE GlyLi CKL OOOCCC o it 8 j 'R�r b c ..bs M C* .0 0 abr to 143 r PROGRAM PVI?.TMAALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 1990/91 Department: Engineering Division: Project Management 01-4640 ( 1 ( Position Quota 1 Appropriatims Position Classification S. IPo. ( Em , p � I°°� De t , r* p Mg 1 Adopted [ Cu Trent Dept. r [ ( p I 'Mg [ 'title & Position 8 [ 8 [ 8 ( Level 1 Rcmd. I Rcmd. JAdoptedl RcrQ_ I Rcmd. 1 Gudget [ --------- Senior Civil Engineer I 5 5022 ( 10%1 10%1 �10%1 10%1 6113 1 611;� 666tI Associate Engineer ( 20 1 2140 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Associate Engineer i 21 I 5275 [ 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 Associate.. Engineer 1 22 ( 5700 1 0$1 0%1 0%1 Al 0 1 0 I 0[ Assistant Engineer I 29 [ 264 [ 0%1 0%( 0%1 0%1 0 '1 0 1 0 I' Assistant Engineer 1 51 1 4687 0%1 0%1 al 011 0 1 0 1 0 I Jr. Engineer [ 32 1 2020 1 0%1 a1 0%1 031 0' I o I 0 Engineering Tech. { 36 1 $61 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0; 0[ Engi6cesing Aide 1 4f [ 5800 1 0%1 0%( 0tj Oil) 0 1 0 1 0 Engineerinq Aide 1 52 j 128 1 0%1 n1 al 0$.1 0 1 0 I Assist, Civil Engineer* [ 56 (nw 0% 0%1 0%1- 0%1' 0( 0 0 _f. 1 I Subtotal ( 1 1 [ ( [ 6113I 61131 66541 Merit Cont•,,ygmcy: [ 1 [ [ [ [ [ [ 306 I 6419 1 306 1 6419 [ 333 1 6987 [ Subtotal: Fringe Benefits [ ( [ I I, I I I 1 i I 1 [ 2247 I 2247 [ 2445 [ Sultotalc 1 I i 1 i 1 1 8666 1 8666 [ 9432 1 Pert -time ( I I [ l I I 0( 0 1 0[ C TOTAL 1 I [ 1 I I ) 1 I [ 1 [ 1 [ I 1 1 I I I I 8666 1 1 t 8666 1 9432 I 1 1 ( [ 1 I 1 1 I ( 1 1 I I **All positions in th•i Project #anagement Section are fundod Using Special funds $Proposed Het Position OD C,.;, I. r� N O �O Q C. V� VI bii to m T E QI a �o �0.m ppppppppppp OOCO.t!l07NNUN30 �n pppp �nSS pr. a���Q Y m E z o F O O O v m m m m m t uj (aco a+ M i c wj 1D m A 4D Z J . C N 0 m G to E tEO O m ® W U ca _ mow. t0 N _ 2 °p O 1D O m 0. It = y c y m ' dd y to N p �� f° a' N iL CD m m 'aN m d m v a W v `(ca m c d , C G1i N' ml = a) � W y m y � CD 0 M == Q7 ui W. D to .. ,Q c6 m C se _ O .= V = Da a c O y Q m �mw N w +N 0m� D m m Lu O J Cl)0 E 1 �m �ro n J � Q 0 9— = 90E c Q Vm (A �ms,o jl � `NcmAQ Qm=C2�atAmm 0< �U�cr _ 4) V) ca0ncco m QUSaT' _ ca m c m ca E y R d m u. ti > LU L) C7 cu E z T T M m co �m CL awO »L \ƒ|}\ o a .14T$ k` CIS < G EQ3 « \�y aJ m~, \ .d .% .f\ E \ƒ | \ G 7 ko d ° o .. . .�� Cl) E § . E�» Ew� �/2 \ƒ\ � ca�/ \ ^� 000 <\E\. 2cc k�. ca a § kk» 0 .2.c� o—P� /%i��< /.zc»: ® $°�k® CDM # CU °2]�■ aii/ \FEZ E 'at)§J.. \ / a co C. - f � f� a E D35..� O CO O O O O O tm r ca,cm _cti I N N O O t M R r •� O O ^ Yf N r m T N a C M It �t► O. S 1, N t 1 O H In ® N O 6.tff 10'a O � O � Sit @f �.. 'lff M R"` •�•. Cf �. � T t=. N,P tf1 P. P O .. i.. .. N TM tl H QI ; '� Or O 040 .. cm !V 40 .. N O O '. G.i 1 J w 1 T O. y Gf +r a^ ,C O a O b �..a d O ,L «— i co "It letp .� v< t W 1 N O C O t N r K C tOR w 1 y,, N O 'a m O N iti. O.. 'O O ® i/f: t` s t N iD N, {�i O t7 ii'V iL•! Qp t Lib 1 a Ct a ao w r en av -C ; tlf o w H K W 1 W co w o Y ? CD CMac N g Z J V7 W W �d Im�� o m 2 1 O, ^. O O O O O b l�fitf tO N- �Y vi► _ 14a .:= - - -- - -------I _- - - - - - - - - - Position Quota ( Appropriations Position Classification IPos. 1 Emp. ICurrent] .Dept. I Kgr. I i Dept. I Kgr. I Adopted Title & Position 0 1 4 ] 8 1 Level I Road. I Rcmd. jAdoptedl Rcmd, I Rcmd. I Budget - - Public Works Olgineer I 31650 1 -- 6 - I G350 --r--------- 1 50%1 50%1 50%1 50%1 28932 1 2893r-, 1 Spry Pudic Works Insp, j 30 ] 4900 1 0%I 0i1 0%] 0%] 0 1 0 0 I Spry Public Korks Insp.. 1 31 1 0241 1; 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 44869 1 44968 1 48600 1 Public Works Insp. 11 1 37 1 115 t O%t 0%1 0$1 0%1 0 1 0 j 0 t Public Works Insp. II * 'j 3Q 1075 1 0%1 0%1 O%j 0%1 C I 0; I 0 Public Works Iimp. It 1 3S .1 ` 450 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 40%1 38640 1 38U4 i 1 4184t 1 Public Works Insp,, II j 40 I 900 I 100%1 100%1 1041 100%1 38640 f 3pS5 0 1 41144 1 Public Works Insp. II I 41, 3891 1 100%1 100%1 - IMI 100%1 38640 1,, 38610 '1 41844 1 Public Works Insp. II 1 42 7966 j 100%1 100%1 100#E '100%1 38640. " 38640 1 41844 1 Public Works Insp. 11 43 j 2727 t 80%] 60%] 80%1 E0%1 27203 j, 27283 ] 31373 1 Jr. Engineer 1 33 1 480 1 20%1 20%1 D 20%1 0%1 6924 1 6924 I 700 I Public Works Insp.* 1 64 INew 1- I AIN/R IN/R I t zi 0 j 0 Public Works Insp.* 1 65 [New. 1- 1 100%IN/R 10/9 I 30109 1 0 1 0 j Subtotal ] { 292 75 262567-1 286499 } Merit Contingency: ] I 1 I I I I 1404 I, ISM I 19325 ] Subtotals I I I j 1 ] 307309 ] 275695 1 300824 I Fringe Benefits j ] j ] 1 j j 107558 1 96493 j 105288 ] Subtotal; j 1 1 I j 1 1 414967 j 372100 1 406112 I Part-time I 1 1 1 j 1 1 0] 01 0 j TOTAL I 1 i I I ] ( 414867 1 372160 ( 406112 I *Positions funded using Special' Funds *P!opnad mg- r:. N/R Not Recommended LU x cl z us U O IN N r O q N N Q U a NNQ$ to, O N r O r �p � p O N W RV CO ci Q C CO m O O tl. M E a t�i3 ui can o=i c m E co m Ui t3 to o va e mE m m 7� R ® R c trs � a m p W "Oii. m oz°s ae a V W a ci E '�'D 0 75 5 V O ,¢ N co N. ntS %s m a ap m12 c o E m m ca « «cz � pD R$ ism > p w cP7 cm Im .. cc _r R :� R R 9 m ._ r N a. ! 0 t3 mCl yc� �O m yta N _; =Rfi Cl U3 a, R q R 0. c SUN o m 0 S CLW0 o a SpO' c4 y=r 0 i3 _ lnq:�' a— Ca ILLr £! m m m vJ w w oP!TD 5� crn cn rs s�.t v Elf c a a @cfl CD O IIIIIIIII�II IIIIIN Inlll�l�ll IIII IIIIII ■smmt 11119111 v N O ? 8co of ul � v! r Q � lap: 3. U. H uj C O co CO „` {p 12 w C C � Ul 41 44 c IA i a) c a tJ ".ivt*2 eil N 0) v- Q ul V G co LU .. � Q o O O. in Q Cf Mt LO N. O sL3 O O.'O p. m G IA O. O w O O a tllr O. O O' S. 1 Y' CC !� �[ry' O, Q.. O. a, • O p ji ji M a e M e d o d W Q aet ,► a «? o a w iura o o. +a 6yr .�. 1 N sa 4 CS m u� M M' 0 0 O t0 0 .• d. tl't i0 OY- ua t[t R o m Q ua p us a 06 O UI O Q irD RD Y^ M O U) M IO N W O i F av O r• m M W 'N 6►. N M. OWC n r Ps O 1 ae. O ln. P O t' ^Y i5 a Q O N, P b :IID I P O a py Q t1T C! $ O L? O. q R` N J 1 iH W p/ C. M O N .. ! Q 1V. +* F f► ICs O Q M• 6: Y �. N ..� q.. qm 'ep YO W m CS O C O OO 1Cf O. $ O 1@ M O cm y iD Y Q P O Y a; m, H cal vv o to o r t t + cm c M' V71 O e Of "o P o W e d a }. 111. I.- 'O �t M t.- G N Ys 1 iT lV. N 9Lft C P d Q 1 O� t"i. N tWp aOrt. V 4...J t0 tLW+ s•f ►+ P W t N IOt} ► OI 1'af' C42. A Ot O F Of p F. Oa. F iT M N. Y t• AL N t0 N O7 W $ O It '! N ti~! 11Y.. a ^ f r Q r C3 F OW ass gn O is-+t W K'. Q iai WtA t! It j c 1vse 2 o eb i =a r "' in m = C Y > IY 41 WxF t� }. It>• ti N `Yg 2W J. 1"�+'. ` Lu CD cc CC at K J.1�� S M eR RI' M M pT M [9 a0 to t0 F F ! 1t1 1W F 'F 'F 1!� !+� 'Ij�r F h. ri !� t► F 1 1'+� F F /+ F F �r c.a V r I+P io' 4tT YT Ya b io.. a6 Yd. Yi. Jo in uD W t0. t0 '�n 6p i6 is '►C � � `<d � iF O yt '1!' !' +I CIF w wr +rR'tT Y Y w Y -F !' k' 1 1 ffi, 7.r � r ww s+ +rw �.+ �►..r+ � W F. � � ;y co 154 "- PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Ankh Fiscal Year Departmentt Engineering Division: Haintanance 1990/91 01-4647 j j ( Position Quota 1 1 j Appropriations 1 I p Position Classification [Pos. l Emp. 1Current 1 Dept. 1 Mgr. Dept, 1 Mgr, Adoptod 1 Titii� 5 Position 1 3 l 8 1 Level l Rcmd. 1 Rcmd. 1Adopted 1 Rcad. 1 ______ Rcmd. Budget _.._.._M_____- ---- _�_..�_�____�_____ _ Public Works Maint. Mt^agerj 101 1 _—___�_�__ 9000 1 100%1 ___ 100%j 100%1 100%1 $3160 1 53160 1 59328 1 Psrks,OA,dscape Maint Spvsrl 102 1 307 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 48120 1 48120 1 S3700 l Streets/Storm Drn Maint Sptl 103 1 8111 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 40008 1 40008 ; 53700 1 Fleet Maint Supervl-,ur j 104 1 6$53 1 40%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Management Analyst I j 105 1 7�57 1 100%1 100%1 100'41 100%1 3D864 1 30864 1 $4452 1 Secretary j 106 1 220 1 100-11 103%1 10041 100%1 26500 1 26580 1 29364 1 Management Aide 1 107 1 3438 1 10011' lv-C%l 100%1 100%1 20604 1 0 1 28932 1 Office Specialist II 1, 162 1 8251 1 100%1 10041 100%1 tank[ 17-64 1 0 1 19224 Naint.Supr.(Streets) l 108 1 6875 ; 91%1 9481 94%1 44$1 32701 , 32701 1 37608 1 Maint.Supr.Parks (East) 1 109 1 2494 1 30%1 0%1 Oil 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks (Cont. 1 110 1 9681 1 100%1 1111 11%1 11tj 3264 1 $264 1 4023 1, Maint.Supr.Parks (Tree) 1 111 j 4625 1 93%1 94%1 94%1 94%1 31900 1 31900 1 35600 1' Vaint.Supr(Streets) 1 112 1 "39 J 1ua1 100%1 100%1 100%1 28800 1 28000 1 36204 1' Maint.Supr.Parks(West) 1 157 , is 1 42%1 100%1 100%1 10081 27060 1 27660 1 40003 1 Equipment 'Operator (Sweeper] 148 J .26 1 10011 Otj etj 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 150 1 5200 '1 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeporl 151 1 A19 J estj 88%1 88%1 88%1 22039 1 22039 1 22028 j Equipment Operator (Swoeperl 149 1 699E 1 100%1 0%1 0%1 al L 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Ueeperl 152 " 7925 1 100%! 100%1 4"tj 100%; 27960 27260 1 81176 1 Lead ;saint. Worker (St.) 1 191 1 150 1 100%1 14%j ,%1 141 4111 1 4111 1, 4023 1 Lead [saint. Worker ( Red Hit 114 1 163 1 0%1 01 100%1 100%1 0 1 27948 1 3?772 1 Lead Maint. r-orkeu• ( Citywil '115 1 1100 1' 100%1 64%1 "Al '0*01 1915U, 1 18156'1 2,049 1 Lead Naint. Worker ( St. ) 1 116 1 2319 1 30%1 100%1 10G%j 100%1 2648 1 26328 1 31332 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Pks. Eal 121 1 2714 1 100%1 al 0%1 0%1 0 1 0'1 0 1 Lead Naint. Worker( Pks. £al 123 1 3185 1 30%1 0%1 0u1, 0%1 0 1' 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Pks. Vie) 158 1 505i 1 30%1 100%1! 100%1 100%1 27660 1 27660 1 30F� 1 Lead Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 160 1 5561 1 IDO%l 100%1 10041 100%1 24060 1 240(0 1 2824: 1 Lead Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 161 1 6782 1 12%1 17%1 17%1 17%1 4408 1 4408 1 5222 l Lead Maint. Worker( Trees )1 113 1 7121 1 9441 94%1 9481 94$1 75626 ;' 25628 1 28584 1 Lead Maint.Worker( Pks. Wes] 163 1 8032 1 100%1 100%1` 100%1 10Ai 11785 1' 21780'1 27304 1 Lead Maint.Worker( Neritagcl 119 1 2313 1 90%1' 100%1 100%1 190k1 30837 1 30832 1 `327,72 1 Lead Maint. Worker( Pks/Traj 159 1 5669`! 100k1 61%1 61%1 61%1 17392 1 M92'1--"-19793 1' Sr. Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 120 1 1138 1 100%1 58%1 O%[ 58%1 '14665 1" 14665 1 15570 1 Sr. Maint. Worker( Irr, Z.W1 117 1 1600 1 setj 65%1 65 j 65%1 17277 1' 17277 1 19292 1 Sr.Maint. Worker( Irr. hst l 122 1 2819 1 100$1 100%1 100%1 190%j 30276 1 30276 J 32124 1 Sr.Maint,Worker( Civic Conti 189 1 5823 1 83fi1 5081 100%1 100%1 12030 1 24001 25800 1 Sr. Maint, Worker( St. ) 1 118 1 5857 1 86tj 5941 59%1 598J 4195 1 14195 1 15038 ( Maint.Work'r( Trei's/C;tywij 1 7 1 507 1 78t1 631 61%1 61%1 13278 1 1327C 1 15270 1 Maint.Worker-( Pks. Irr. West 177 1 832 1 30%1 100%1 100%1 100%1 21781 1 21760'1 25032 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 140 1 644 1 10%1, 53%1' $3%1 5341 11537 1 1153T 1 134'70 1 Maint. Worlw(St. ) 1 124 1 5824 1 3041! 100%1 100%1 .1OP! 22896 1 22096 1 23820 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 137 1 2143 1 100%1 10%1 10%1 10%1 2.I'r 1 2177 1 2637 1 Maint.Worker( Pks. Red Hill1 174 1 565 j 30%1 100%1 101%1 100%1 21780 1 21780 1 2$032 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 131 1 873 1 100%1; 100%1 100%1 100%1 21564 1 27564 1 24780 1 RR06RAM P05ITIO1/SALARY SCHEDULE k Dep:-taunt: Engineering Division: Mairy.lance Fiscal Year 1990/9.1 01-4647 -uw--C�1w-----ww__--_wwww'.+�s.ir.-----+..rww_►_�►-wow--. ( ( -w-w-Ne---w►w-uu----------------ww-------►------- Position Quota 1 Appropriations 1 Position I ( �- - -- -- -- - --- _ ( -----,--- - >---( Classification 1Pos. t Emp. (Current 1 Dept, 1 Mgr. 1 j Dept. ) Mgr. ) Adopted j Title & Position I j # ( # 1 Level 1 ttcnd. j Rced. jAdopted j a--- - -- -- Reed. - -- Budget 1 --- -j ------------------ ----- - - Maint.WoAer( Pks ,West ) 1 141 ----_.-- ( 1048 1 - 100%1 --- - - 100t1 100k1 1AOtj 21760 j 21768 1 25284 j Maint.Worker( .'ks. East ) j 134 j 1088-1 SA1 Ot( �, 0%1 0 1 0 ( 0 Maint. Forker( St. ) ( 173 j 1116 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 100-01 2.1984 1 21984 1 23820 1 Maint.Worker( Pks .West ) ( 132 1 6045 1 94%1 100%1, 100%1 100:1 20712 1 20712 j 23820 1 Maint.Worker( Trees) j 136 j 1644 1 100t1 94$( 94%1 94t1 21951 1 21951 j 24004 { r:., .,, Worker( St.) 1 157 jv&Cant 1 83%1 100%1' 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712. j 22656 j Maint. Worker( St. a 1 129 1 813 ( 100%1 100%j 100%1 100%1 267112 1 20712 j 2671' j Maint.WorkP�-t As East) 1 130 1 2740 ( 100%1 Ott 0t1 Ott 0 j 0 1 0 ( s Maint.Worrer•( Fac. Citywiaal 139 1 3203 1 100t1 64t1 64%1 64%1 13932 1 13932 1 16182 1 Maint.W,rkgr( Pks. Heritagoj 135 1 4262 1 ,Oftj 100%1 100%1 100t1 22856 j �28V 1 26316 1 Maint. Work. ( St.) ( 145 1' 4962 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 100t1 20712 1 20412 1 23020 1 Maim. Worker( St.) 1 169 j 5055 10%1 5%j 5t1 5%1 1036 1 1036 1 1191 1 kaint. Worker( St.) j 166 1 6928 ', 0%1 5%1 5%1 5tj 1024 ; 1024 j 1397 1 iaint.Warker( Pks. Irr. Cra1 175 1 5380 1 30t1 65%1 65%1 65%1 15e3c 1 15639 1 17440 1 Maint.Worker( Pks. East) ( 146 j 5563 j 100tj' 041 ONj 0%1 0 is O t 0 1 Maint. Worker( St. ) j 196 1 5491 j eg%j 100%1 rOG$j 100t1 211618 1 21768 1 24:780 1 Maint.Worker( Trcv 1 167 1 K33 j 1061 94t1' 94%j 84t1 21M 1 AV 1 M `0 1 R Maint. Worker( St. ) 1 142 1 6009 1 1011 100%1 100t1 100%1 20712 1 2Q712 1 22656 1 Maint Wc�;rse^( Pks. West) 1 222 j 1310 '( 100%1 100%1 101At 100%j 90712 ( 20712 1 23340 1 Main 0"tar( St.) 1 133 j $677 ; 1C`'j 10 1 10t1 10%] 2071 1 2071 1 2358 1 i er( St.) 1 125 lvacaat j 100t1 it of 100t1 100%1 19512 1 195i2 j 22656 1 Pks. Red Hill1 170 ]vacant j n%j 100t1 100t1 100%1 22896 1 22806 1 22656 j Kaint.Worker( Pks. West) 1 171 1 6773 j 35%1 100t1 100%1 100t1 25548 1 25540 1 27936 Maint.4 rker( Pks. West) j 143 1 7397 1 106%j 108%j 100%1 100t1 20712 1 29712 1 23820 1 Maint.Worker( Pks. West) j 184 1 7638 j 100%1 100%1' 100t1 100t1 20712 1 20712 1 23820 i Mainc.ikrkert Qks. Reg Hill[ 126 1 8151 ( OxJ 0%1 100%1 I,nl 0 1 22896 1 25032 Maint. Worker( St.) 1 139 j 6181 1 100t1 100t1 100%1 1OL41` 21768 1. 21768 1 23820 1 iiaint.krker( tics. Fat. Crel 193 1 8681 1 30%1 64% 64%1 601 13939 1 1439 1 16020 j Mairt. IDrker( As East ) 1 144 ( 6740 1 100%1' Otj Oil 0%1 0 0 1 0 1 Paint Worker( et.) 1 165 ( 2945 j 0%1 5%1 5ro1 5411 1089 1 1089 1 1133 j i Maint. Worker( Pks. East ) j 147 j 514 1 100tj 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 14aint. `liorker( Pks. East) j 126 j 132 1' 80%1 011 0%1 0% 0 j 0 1 1 loasanal M. Tech( Citywide 1 200 1 2071 1 100t1 100%1 100%1 100t1 3096 1 Son 1 4482 1 Seasonal M. Lech( Citywide 1 199 1 4610 1 100%1 100t1 100t1 10011 3096 1 3096 1 3494 1 Seasmal M. �C%wida 1 153 1 5076 "( 1G0tj 0%1 0%1 p 0 1 0 1 0 1 3eascoal M. Tf,�,;h( Citywide 1 154 1 6562 100t1 0%1 0t1 0t1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Saaso,,,al M. Twh( Cit`-wide 1 155 1 6650 1 IMI 0t1 0%] Ott 0 1 0 1 0 1 Seasonal W, Tech( Citywide ( M !Vacant 1 190t1 100t1 100%] 100t1 3096 1 3096 1 3494 lead Mechmie( I65 )' 1 192 1 159 1 20%1 4, 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 j Nechenic ( 179 1 3036 1 2i31 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1' 0 1 0 1 Machani; ( Mechanics Assistant 1 180 181 1 5883 1 20tj 1 1305 20t1 0%1 0t1 Ott 0t1 0t1 At 0( 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Invertary Spec Equip Matrlsj 182 1 5994 1' 40$1 40%1 40%1 40tj 9168 1 0158 1 10738.1 t Sign!) Ir Lighting Tech 1 201 1 256t 1 100t1 0%1 0t1; 0% 0 j 0 1 0 1 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Engineering Division: Maintenance Firea7 Year 1990/91 01-4647 j j 1 Position Quota 1 ( Appropriations 1 1 l Position 1 1 ClassificatiLn `,dos. Emp. -_,]Current J :1aat., 11 .'-'9�. ( 1 uept. 1 .Agr. [ Adopted , Title &Position ; -: Y, j 2 j Leval j 'Ramd; I Rcmd. ]Adopted j Rc► j P,cmd. (Budget Supervisor Streets �` 1 187 1Proposel - 1 0%1 0%1 !`� D 1 0 ;1 0 Supervisor Pks, Ci%,ywide j 186. jPromo -- j 64%IN/R jN/R 1 ,116020 INA JN/R j Office Assistant );2D2 IPeoposel - ( 100%INIR jN/R i17654 1N/R jN/R Equ39aent 0parator 1 20,6,, jProaoseI - 1 661IN/R IN/R 'r'" V1367 1N/R 1N/R 1 Wlipment Operator 1 207 1F^oposej - 1 Otwj, -. 0%1 0%1 0 j O 1 0 j Etrjipm. t Operator (Sweeper1 204 1Proposel 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint, Worker: St 1 190 jProposel - 1 100%jN/R INIR 1 24060 INA I NA I Led Maint. Worker: St. 1 236 (Propose] j^ 0%1 0%1 O%j 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Njint. Worker: Trail Cl 224 1Proposol I 61$IN/R (N/R 1 14677, jN/R INA I Lead Raint. k-ker: Pks. GI 226 jProposel _ j 21%IN/R jNIR 1 $053 JN/R 1N/R, 1 Lead iiaint. Worker: Pks. I1 225 jProposel - I 64%IN/R. Iff/R j ISM INIR jN/R 1 Lead Naint: Worker: Pks. Lj 221 10roposej' - 1 O%IN/R jN/R 1 0 1t/R INA ' I Sr. Naint Worker: Pks. W- stj 198 jProposel INA 1N/R 1N/R INA jNIR jN/R I Sr. Paint. 'corker: Pks, Pawl 229 1Proposel I 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 24060 INIR 1N/R 1 Sr. Maint.'Norke% Pks. 3erl 189 jProposel - I 100%JR/R INIR 1 24,060 jN/R iN/R I Sr. Maint. f -ker. Pks. Fal 972 jProposel - j O%IP!R IN/r: 1 0 1w/R jN/R 1 Sr. Maint. korker: Pits. Fal 164, 10roposel - 1 100%IN/R- 1N/R 1 24060 jh/R 1N/R l i` Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irl 176 jProposel - I O%IN/R 1N/R 1 0 1N/R INA 1 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Lowl 178 (Propose) - 1 O%IN/R jN/R 1' 0 JN/R jN/R I Sr. Maint. Worker a St. 1 165 jPropasel - I 48%IN/R 1N/R 1 9942 1N/R 1N/R 1 3 Maint. Worker Pks. Beryl j 214 jProposal 1 100%10 IN/R 1 20712 JN/R IN/R I Maint. Worker Pks. Civic j +95 jProposel - I O%IN/R jN/R 1 0 INIR 1N/R 1 faint. Worker : Pks, East 1 200 jProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 1' 0 1 0 1 } Maint, Worker ; As. East 1 209 (Proposel` - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 I Paint. Worker : Pks. Fac, El 215 jProposel - ,' O%1N/R 1N/R 1 0 10 _- 1N/R 1 Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. W1 218 jProposel - 1 100%1 i00%1 i00%,l 20712 1 20712 1 22656 1 gain.. Worker : Pks. lerital 232 jProposel - 1 100%19/R' jNIR j 20712 'HIP INA 1 Paint. Worker Pks. Warital 233 jProposel - I 100%IN/R INA1 20712 ,1N/R 1N/R 1 Paint.. Worker : Pks. Irr. Ell213 jProposel - 1 O%IN/R INA1 0 IN/R 1N/R l Waint. Worker : Pks. Trail 1 46 jProposel - I 0$1N/R INIR 1 0 JN/R 1N/R j Paint. Worker : Pks. Loa Cr1 211 1Proposel I AIN/R JN/R 1 0 1"/R 1N:R Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Crj 237 1Proposel - 1 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 20712 (N/R INIR 1 Maint. ,Worker : Pks. Plow. 1 '212 jProposel - I 100%IN/R 1N/R i 20712 1N/R jNIR I Maint. Worker:Pks.. Trail LNI 217 JProposel - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 j Maint. Worker : Pks. West 1 193 jProposel - 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 20712 j 20712 1 22656 j Maint. Worker : Pks. Hest j 194 jProposel - j 100%+ 100%1 100%1 20712 1 20712 1 22656 1 Maint� Worker PKs Hest 1 210 1Propose I - 1' 1001;1 i/R iNIR j 20112 INIR INIR 1 N,aint. Worker : St. 1 145 IPrcposel - I 0$1NIR. iN/R 1 0 jN/R JN/R I Maint. Worker : St. 1 216 jProposej - I 0%INA JN/R 1 0 1N/R jN/R j Maine. Worker : St. 1 219 1Proposel - 1 O%IN/R jN/R 1 0 JN/R jN/R I Pwint. Worker St. 1 231 1Proposel - I. 100%IN/R 1N/R 1 20712 1N/R IN/R. 1 i~ Lead Mechanic j 228 jProposel - 1 Oil a 1 O'l Ke :anic 1 220 1Proposel - 1 otl 0%1 0%1 0 j 0 1 0 1 Mechanics Asst. 1 221 jFro e1 - 1 0%1 al o;l ' 0 j 0 1 0 1. �t PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE , Fiscal Year Department: Lngineering Division- Maintenance 1890/91 01-4647 Position quota Position. ~ Classifiaat;,% (Pos. ( Eap. jourretit (Osptx (-: Mgr. (". ( Dept. ( mgr. } Atoted. Title &position # ( J j level j Rc d: j Rced. 11(doptedj Rcad. I -Rced. r 3udgs ' j i Subtotal J I J' } ( J 1656812 J 1347049 ( 1582716 1-1 ,eft Contingency: ( J ( j . r ( j 82041 (= 47354 (' 79136. Subtotal: } } j ( ( } J 173965`s ( 1414427 } 1661959 } Fringe benefits , I I j ( J r } 606878 ( 495049 j 591648. J P btotal- i J J ( } i ( 2349,531 J 1909476 (2243500 r .9288, 9980 11471 247819 ( 1918764 (225497 -;�F*t contingency., 464 ( 4V ( 574 j .; TOTiALz ( J i ( q , J, J 2358283 J 19A99't8 j; .1255545 j } ! ;{ *Proposed New positim, Proposed reclassification of existing position frog Sr. tiarnt. #07ker to Lead !!ain't, Wohker Note: All positions shown are fullY funded, Ralanca of funding fi:!>ratitions with Less than 100% General Fund shown, are, .from Special Funds, N/R 89 Net Reco ended FY 89/96. W/R $0 Not liecomw- ded FY 90/21 fD a a 6 PROGRAM POSITION SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Engineering/Maintenance Division: Red Hill/Heritage Parks 0 ( ( Position Quota ( Appropriations 1 Position l 1 1 1 ( -- ------ - ----- ---- ( - ----- -- - -- - I Classification lPos. I Emp. (Current I Dept. I Mgr. —I ( Dept. I Mgr. I Adopted_ I Title & Position 8 1 4 I t 1 Level I Rumd. I Rcmd. jAdopted I Reed. I Reg. I Budget l Public Works Maint. kanagarl 101 1 9000 1 0%1 0%1 al 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1, Parks/Landscape Maint Zpvsrl 102 1 307 1` 0%1 0%j ml 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Street/Storm Drn Maint Suatl 103 1 0112 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 (' Fleet Maint Supervisor 1 104 1 6353 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Management Analyst I [ 105 1 IS57 (0%1 0%1 0%1 n1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Secretary 1 106 1 220 1 0%1 0%1, 0%l, 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Management Aide 1 107 1 3430 1 0%1 O%I 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Office Specialist 11 1 162 1 62661 1 0%l 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 C 1 Maint.Supr.Streets ( 108 1 6M 1 Q%l O%i 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 Ik 0 1 Naint,Supr.Parks; East 109 1` 2494 1 0%1 0%1 al 0*1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks: Cont. 1110 1 2681 1 0%1 0t1 0%1' 0%1 10 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks: Tree 1 111 1 462$ 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Streets l 112 I` 5801 0`b1 0%1 0t1' 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Supr.Parks: West 1 157 1 0425 l 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%l 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment operator (Sweeparl 148 1 5025 1 O%j 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 150 1 5200 1 OV 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 I 0 Equipment Operator (Sneeperl 161 1 6928 1 9%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 '1 0 1 0-1 Equipment Operator (&.,aeperl 149 1 6992 1 0%l 0%1 al 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator (Seeeperl 152 1 7925 1- 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker: St. ( 191 1 150 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 '1 0 1' 0 1 Lead Mechanic: IGS 1 192 1 151 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 f 0 1 0'_1 Lead Taint. Worker: Red Hill .114 1 163 1 100%1 100%1 100%1 0%1 27948 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: City Nil 115 1 1100 1 .0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 1 116 1 2319 1 0%1 O%l 0%1 0%1 0 1 0,1 0 1, Lead liaint. Worker: Pks East 121 1 2714 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. Eal 123 1 3105 1 0%1 Dtf 0%1 al 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. Wet 158 1 5051. 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 1 160 I 5561 1 011 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 '1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 1161 1 6782 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 O l Lead Maint,Worker :Trees 1 113 1 7121 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 4 1 0 '.N7sd Maint.Worker: Pks . We] 163 I 8432 1 Al 0%1 .0%1 0%) 0 1 0 '1 0 1, Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage( 119 j 2313 1 0%1 0%1 Otl 0%1 D l 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. horker: Parks/TJ 159 1 5569 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr.Maint.Worker: St.. 1 120 1 1130 1 al 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr. Maint. Worker. Irr. C.Wl IIT 1 1600 1 al 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1, Sr. Maint. Worker: Irv. Wesl' 122 1 2819 1, 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Sr.Maint.Worker: Civic Cent( 189 ( 5823 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 f Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 118 l 5657 1 0%1 0%1' 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.11arker: Pks..East. 1 126 ( 132 I 0%I 0%] 011 0%] 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.11orker: Trails/City Wl '127 1: 501-1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mei I. lio k. , Pks I Wes 177 5S5 0&' 0% 0t 04 0 0 k Maint.karker: St., cr. = 140 $44 0%1' 0%1 Oil D%l 0 ( 0 1 0 Maint.11orker :St. l 124 I $13 l 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 I 0 l Maint.Worker :St. f 1.37 1 819 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1' 0 1, PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Department: Engineering/k-intenance Division: Red Hill/Heritage Parks ------------ --- ---- — ------------ ---------- --------- --- --- ------ ------, Position Quota ( Appropriations 1 Position( ( (` - ----- ------- ----------------- --- -- --------- ------( Classification 1Pns. I Emp. (Current I Dept. I Mgr. 1 I Dept. ( Mgr. I Adopted Title & Position 4 1 # 1 4 --- 1 Level I Rced. I Reg. (Adopted I ----�_.. Road. I .—--------- Rcad. I w--- Budget 1. --- ----------------------- --------- Maint.Worker: Pks. RedHillt 174 --------------- 1 832 -- 1 0%1 ---- --�-----__�_. 441 0%; 0%1 0 I. 0 1 I 01 Maint.Worker: St. 131 1 873 1 0%1 ' 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint.4orkert Pks. West 1 141 j 1040 j 0%1 otl 0%1 '` 0%1: 0 1 0 1 0 1 Naint.Worker Pks: East 1 134 I 1088 1 Otj 0%1 0%j 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 I Maint.Worker:St. 1 173 1 1291 1 0%1 0%1 Oki 0%1 0 1 a I 0 1 Maint.Worker Pks: West ( 132 ( 1310 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Trees j 136 ( 1844 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Ma.int. Worker:St. 1 197 1 1915 1 Owl O%j 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 129 1 2143 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Nzint.Worker Pks: East 1 139 1 2740 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0, 1, 0 1 0 1, Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywidel 139 1 3203 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 j 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 1 135 1 4262 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 Otj 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 145 I 49E? 1 0%1 0%1 O%j 0%1 0 1 01 0 1 Maint.Worker: St. 1 169 ( 5055 1 Otj 0%1 0%1 0%1 10 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: St. 1 166 1 5001 I 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. Ct •I 175 1 5561 1 O%j O%j 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Ma.int.Worker: Pks. East 1 146 1 .5563 j O%j 0%1 0%1 Otj 0 1 0:1 0 1 Maint. Worker: St. 1 196 1 5924 1 0%1 0%1, 0%1 0%1, 0 1 0 j 0 1 Maint.Worker: Trees 1 167 1 ER63 j' 0%1 0%1 Otj 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker :St.. 1 142 1 6009 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 OW 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 222 1 6045 j 0%1 0%1 0%1 O%j 0 1 0 1 0 I Maint.Worker :St. j 133 j $181 I O%j 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: St. j 125 ( 6740 j 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 I MaintAorker: Pkc. Red H1111 170 1' 6744 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 171 1 6773 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 gaint.Worker: Pks. West 1 143 1 7397 1 0%1 O%j O%j O%j a 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 1 184 1 7638 1 0%1 O%j O%j 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hillj 128` 1 8151 1 100%1 10011 100%1 O%j 22896 1' 0 1 O 1 Maint.Worker :St. 1 130 1 8677 1 0k1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 '1 0 1 Maint:Worker: P;u. Fac. Crel 183 1 8661 1 0%1' 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 j Maint.Worker: Pks. East 1 144 (Vacant I 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0( 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 1 147 (Vacant I O%j 0%1 O%j O;j 0 1 0 ,1. 0 '1, Maint.Worker: St. 1 165 jVacant I O%j Oil 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 Seasonal M. Tech: City Widel 153 (Vacant 1 0%1 0%1, O%j Oil 0 1 0 1 0' 1 Seasonal M. Tech: City Widel 154 (Vacant I O%j 0%1 0 1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0' 1 Seasonal N. Tech: City Widel 155 lVacant 1 0%1 0%1 nj 0%1 0 I 0 1 0 1 Seasonal N. Tech: City Widel 156 (Vacant 1 0%1 0%1, Al 0%1 0 1 0 '1 0 Seasonal' M. Tech: Citywide 1 199 [Vacant 1 0%1 0%1 O%j of 0 1 0 j 0 1 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 1 200 (Vacant 1, O%j 0%1 0%1 0%1' 0 1 0 1 0 j 9 echanic 1 179 1 3036 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mechanic I lea 1 5083 1 0%1 O%j 0%1 0%1 0 1 0' 1 0 I I Mechanics Assistant 1 181 lVacant 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1' Inventory Spec Equip Wtrls 1 182 I 5994 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 O 1 01 }i i Signal & tighting Tech 1 201 lVacant 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 j PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year Department: Engineering/Maintenance Division: ,Red Hill/Heritage. Parks 1990/91 -- ---,------- I -------- --- ----we_..__....-. -- ----- --------- Position Quota l Appropriations Position l l �- - - --- ----------- - ----- - ----- -- -- -- -- -1 Classification IPos. I Eep. lCurrent I Dept., I Mgr. I 1 Dept. I Ngr. I Adopted I Title & Position E ! 1 � Level l 1 Rcmd� 4 4a Ado ted 1 p l Rcmd. I Rcmd_M!_ I- i per I eud-_N-I _j �Rcmd. Supervisor Parks Cite Wide 1,A6 [Proposedl. - ( O%IN/R )NIR l 0 jN/R l O j Supervisor Streets j 187 J roposedj 1 0%1 ;0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 01 Office Assistant 1 202 [Proposed( - I O�[K/R INIR 1 0 IN/R ) 0 1 Equipment Operator (Sweeperl 204 (Proposed( - 1 0%1 0%1 O%l 0 I. 0 1 0 1 Equipment Operator 1 206 1Proposedl - I O%1NIR INIR 1 0 )N/R 11 0 1 Equipment Operator 1 207 lProposedl - I Ok1 0%1 0%1 0 0 1 0 I Lead Naint.Warker: St. 1 190 lProposedl = I O%jN/R IN/R 1 0 IN/R 1 0 1 Lead Maint Worker:St. 1 235 lProposedl - I- 1 0%1 O%l - I 0 1 0 1 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail Cl 224 [Proposed) - I' _ INIR, IN/R I - 10 ) 0 I Lead Worker: Pks. Irr., C.W. j 225 [Proposed] - j - 1N/R INfR I - JR/R 1 0 1 lead Worker: Pks -OF LMD Col 226 lPreposedl - I _ IN/R INIR I - INA 1 0 I Lead Worker: Phs. LMD Centr[ 227 [Proposedl - I - _ IN/R iN/R 1 - INIR 1' 0 1 Lead Mechanic- 1 228 lProposedj - l - 1 0%1 O%l - 1 0 1 0 1 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Berl 180 lhoposedl - } O%IN/R )N/R I 0 IN/R, I 4 1 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Wes[ 198 1Proposedl; I O%l I I 0 l 0 1 0 l Sr. Maint. Oorker: Pks. Howl 229 lProposedl - I - INIR INIR I - INA I 0 I Sr. Naint. Worker: Pks. Fal 164 [Proposedl _ I O%IN/R INIR 1 0 ]M/R j 0 1 Sr. Maint. Worker; Pks. Fal 172 10roposedl - I O%lN/R lf4IR 1 0 INA 1 0 1 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Irl 176 lProposedl - I O%lN/R IN/R ) 0 INIR I 0 1 i Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks.Low 1 178 lProposedl - I 0,1NIR IN/R 1 0 INIR j 0 1 Sr. Maint. Workers St. ) 185 jProposedj - I - jN/R )N/R I jN/R 1 0 l Waint. Worker .Pks. West 1 193 lProposedl j Oki 0%1 0%1 0 I 0 1 0 1 Maint. Worker : Pks. West I V4 lProposedl - I O%l 0%1 Oki 0 "1 0 1 0 1 Kaint. Worker : Pks. Civic 1 191111 lProposedl - I O%INIR IN/R 1 0 jN/R I 0 I Maint, Worker : St. 1 2'1 lProposedl - j - jN/R 1N/R I - jN/R' 1 0 I 14dint. Worker ;: Pks. East 1 208 lProposedl - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maint. Worker : Pks. East ) 209 [Proposed[' - I O%l 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 f Maint. Worker : Pks. West ( 210 jProposedl - I Oki Otl 0%1 D 1 0 1 0 1' Maint, Worker Sts. j 219 1prappsed) - ) Ol;1N/R IN/R j 0 IN/R l 0 1 fbint, Worker : Pks. Now j 212 lProposedl - I O%lN/R 1N/R 1 0 INA 1 0 t 1 Maint. Worker : St. 1 216 lProposedl - I O%lN/R INIR 1• 0 IN/R 1 0 Faint, Worker: Pks. Beryl 1 214 lProposedl 1 O%IN/R IN/R 1 0 jN/R I 0 I J Maint. Worker : Pks. Fac. El 215 lProposedl - j G%INIR IN/R 1 0 IN/R ) 0 'I Mint. Worker : Pks. Fat. ll 218 lProposedl _ j O%l 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Maiat. Worker : Pks. Trail 1 217 [Proposedl - 1 0%1 0%1 0%1 0 I 0 1 0 j Kaint. Worker s. Pks. Irr. El 213 lProposedl - I D%IN/R IN/R 1 O INIR 1_ 0 1 Naint. Worker : Pks. Low Crl 211 lProposedl - I O%lN/R jN/R 1 0 jN/R 1 0 j Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Cr1 237 lProposedl - I 114/R JK/R I - )H/R 1 0 1 Maint. Worker : Phs. Herital 232 lProposedl - j ,T" INIR I - jN/R I 0 1 Kaint. Morker : Pks Heritagl 233 lProposedl I - I IN/R I - IN/R 1 0 I Maint. Worker : Pks. Trail 1 236 lProposed) - ) _ 1reiR IMjR j - INA 1 0 1 Kaint. Worker t 5t. 1 205 1Proposedl - I - IN/R jR/R I - IN/R: 1 0 `I Mechanic [ 220 1Proposed I - I Oki 0%1 0%1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Mechanics Asst. f 221 lProposedl - .1 0%1 Oki O01 0 1 0 1 01 PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SUMUI£' . - Fiscal Year Departa$nt. Engin*aring/gaintenance Division: Red Hill/Heritags Parks, 1990/91 r' ~Position Quota y Appropriat ons 9 Position E ClassificatioKI IPos. ( eep. (Current Dept. RQV. Dept. Nr, Adopied,� Title & Position 1 f Level Rcad. i R td. lAeopted 1, Road. j Read:',RcAd:',L Budget {' Subtotal t. f t _ $0044 I' 0 1 0 j Kerit Con`cingenc : ( l R 2542 j 0 0 [. Subtotal: j. i j S39B 0' j 0 Fringe Benefits Subtotal: � Port -tips.. ! j Subtota); (2tl3i O 0 TOTAlc *Proposed New Position Upropostd reclassification of Existing Position from Sr. i(A to` I"d N.ti. Rf R. 89 Not Retorao ded FY 99/90 - fi,(R 90 Not Recorded FY 90l91 t �r r •to C�Qj Q Iy}Fu • �! r p� O f;f N . to CM O C) R § 00 �Np E m co N Q O oa Q QQ W f7 N d t E z 'cam O O O v co m lo- d o N ti N � c m. a c m C 0 � m E U C C) ° cmi E c en G .mm- O E m cy c Ea c a IM c70 p c m v Q.. .� _ CO '� ltl C ♦.. �ZO. Y.• � m E m Q C6 p m$ m a to p N = C O O. V 5 N C a � � (n y:� c m ® n E E cc c .�.. «.COL c c CO En �� E �� m�Er c Cw W E m ` c�p p U iA 2 cz�mt/) mt4'm c�. �mc�� �m '0YYr.� m > YY 0 xY to to a ��� c mom. CO o � LLO�� c Z.SyNmV`Mcz m @ C 8 cc t6 O Rti3 m m m aO.= C= an d Q_ m a. m_ c mS Y O o t7 N�QQQ [L ��m U �- m m� c.. 0 7 m 3n`t m O E H EE O 0.2 my 4, m`m`myo m `- _— mTcS c toC m o' m_, CDm o mom` cmm cs mom. 0 0 v a (La. Y m' C ® d.:t3>�rxoz iQ a �onm. nC7¢Xm _ C�Lii L m E m E- m m g c m ® E cc E CD « m to U -0 o I Op n �i pQp Q ti o`. $. pp Ci7 s $N sgNtt1 p pp SS � J QgQ popp oo S po N Q�j NN t� .�O 1§11 N r m E mb ..Qom m O oa` pp ONNCNOt]Nco pppp pppp `Q�Q�'j Qgg SSSoo opop ppOp {Q� N NNt1'1'OV T v 1^ r` T T T v 0 coN T r L m' IS E Z. a �n O O 0 n $ Q_T m M m 1 D b � p m co m c c — o C3 CY m CD /3 a O CD is N N N ca _ c ® s =_may °� 0 M.Sa c m to E 2 .. c m � _b M i3 `v N- pCc m m w m'G cow C0 0 5 ca— �cczmN CC am n E m cmiio 0 ro o m to a a } co ©mca.<mc NN@... QaE Nm. to p a D �o V m�.� Qb2 � a � 2 la _O its w E cm.O ��¢ ea c c = _ U��-v�in'S Q'� tA� a o¢a U.� CD m ntt m a) C a �Ea U m : O vc�-o J N ''E N do `sc 0 acca�a N. C co U tNo Q fa) to 0 `o (,i mNm t� E} >Q d L co t N m ca C C W C m C 0 eOo > <a �g w Q ie 8ia �3cCU`-U NC.) ty��to N EC) m +TLU Uwmcuv3mF=1 m� t�W� �NNcYo. ;?�4 m u — m c ..y„ C�. Com�o� ¢ '.� C — � CD C'3 W U f.L m E y m E `` E C C 3 G V i0 d m 7 L to o, m Q m W <C��UU !9 a t6 cF-t-tpC? U O« Q _tL -® N 2<LOU:7000c7Ei. N Q t9 ._ O 8 m N m MEW m N m O O cc C4 0 c •� U� of 9 to N ... m �, y t➢ C N C = C Cf CV ® _ LE�d Z o7 CL mc0 a 0 1 ti- IV N 7 al S Ln N CrV 1p3A S� f., 0 O L` O Ua QNO OTC 00.000. O N ppp pS.OS p ...CVO ppOoo a.6. bbbVV tM7�"f V T to a r T '. g TTTT T TNCY CY LctO m. ,O CD cc CV gyp', N tiT] E 0) N o. O CD9 Da 0 coo .� $ � fin{ w cm VVq _ CVJ�V W T T CD E Z d d d d d d w O 0 ? m Qo S r W W N N N y a 'm Z i a `-` o t e- 'o �' m E cmiEVm o ato O is m C �" C N •- m CO U m tq o G ccc= o mdrinsea m a)so .a, m CO 'm0 m ACa,®a Vc Z }� E =c E �` �Um N ry x as R x o� ma o �o- N m v�LL �' m > m = ma CL C a�v¢ N cmRcE NNE _ moo WSto Cy — ___ w=cc- am 2303tn cw me®c m =cE m .'3 0 mom= C m (D m.0= m m. aa'oz �U�ti�tt= �C7 �C7U m DZp C Co. �.� w��sm _ m x w m x W =�' U � cc a7 m z u� �7' T N cy CV " E n �t : 0 m C0 A DW QQCf Wtu- W Y a.. CM CD r d IA O O G a- V IL ¢, CD W f. 'O E dro c m` om •- �o m D0. •t}.`4 +�\}tt? j \b.•. \ \.'S` tom. J>"\ q ti\4rt)u "C; .:\ y ``?\\� •L AT ' '•\ \ \ •: \\\t �yy\L�, t \ \\ \} ,{+\\(�.; v "}.1 \LyY' LM1\i `it;.C; � `�•a, .' \ 4\`'•.\\L`� tt, \:�2� \ TT J '\iv ', \ a�y+�� L \ t U �C iv:::>\ � p\'\�, y �` $' i,,• `\.'<.\}. :v `t \`. \l,� v.\\'\' �i.`;.1�;:v:�'?�T T\LS• '. >T.'t. ` :+` :\'�: \.ai`c\\\\C�\.C` y .\ . �^'. \ v\h�7\vf.�\ \.,c..C..`\�. ? \+\. ti.'\<\�• `4\ �\ \`Z:.* Yti `>LL`Z n? 1�%`�`\` { �i +\{�h�• \ '`., \\2. Y� ti.L� 5 ;w \v.,. `, Ki.2;.2� �}+,*.,,. A\'�\ <.. �{ i`\ A \ y.�' ?\\ t\c \.4 \ \\v2G, x.v \ \t A ti. "2T: h:..Vly\ \•\ ` . k i%yititi '2\\\`.y�•\\\ .O Ct\C+i\- \A \\ {`4\ \�\ \ 1� t\+\tY � '\� \'���\ \�\ '`+\ \`p\ C\k"vyl• 4 LT{t\ }>L •S{i \� ��.i. tL��.� j �\\�, \ \'h: ,�v�4L tt\`�$\.�tLf \y � �{ .v?. \ •AA 1\L tvKf �. Z ; \.1',:h\v'f \\ {�\ .•vv. 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CZ,O F r 'N� CMO X.m - .WQI O 0 iNO� m.(aH d 1 to N m t+ r N Cf N. i F C O Oi p '.O O ...e- p 4'� y` cc 1 m O Ifl �- �' M 'aV 47 b b N.. 1 �-. O O r tA• `O O O O O OO ^ O GI m 1 m N .. N Sr �0. t t► R � M - ems: • 1. Q . !r'. 1 1 N .. ,f. O. O {C! O 4l Q T a l"` Y- /1 W 0. o ate. p s». o '..�.v y a!• • l O � m O -Oqcl F OI M f0 O OI m'. N tl1 M a M n9 p •j6 f. p !.� p O f1 tL fJ'! 4$ C m� m W 4'i eSf �t m CC. f O p Ln O N O ro N. Gt to b OI.. C4 tT O wl � � I N ' IliIlim p - /L"Y O at N: p/ m t 1 H'! It M fjl N Q m cm I 1 0 - i J !!'!.lGG:�G,t1 O- d ~•. GW_T ! I 4 ! t, L Nt �. .�i., W N 6S q ttl UJ Lu 1� iQ• 71 i-L 1a42 N XL.0 .�.r �.. a. 'La � Lu O Jco C }�.... W .,J� � �' 'o 4 6 W � LC d a u .c v ca to o 1`sc a C! p O O [Vb Om M ap Cj. It ® 1", 1 ,! f1!' In 169 i /�. COST CER.TER DETAIL gORKSHEET _• w�_ri____'��__�+_-�_sr_--v� M__rr----- -------- -w A_�c_ oun-t __r. M.-)FMs-cl_w�Y_e►a_rDelar'eentjbivision Resource Service Dept. (, Admiolstraticn ( 33-4193 J 90/91 ) --Description Budget � Object R(-� of Items & Individual Dollar Az-tnts ( iI O SBegular, Payroll inD JOvertime 1900 (Fringe Benefit ( 310d JTravel &'Meetings Comdex Computer Cont cence $9D0 J J i'r ( Special Training (Computer Maint. & Software) } Surarvisory 1x Management Training ( Subtotal: J,_ $2,145 } 3300 )Mileage:. J� (k; } ( J Mileage (400 riles Q ,05) $260 J } Mileage ReimbursamentlDep.City Mgr. $552 J } 3900 11(ainteeance & Operatinns J Computer 'Wtware and Upgrades`>. $2,305 } Office Supplies $2,750 J J' ` } Paper $2,200 }. J J File Cabinet 0 O $35Q) $350 J Periodicals (IBM, Mae Magazines) $200 J J Computer Connutors $500, } J Subtotal: J $$,30w J, 3960 )General Liability J $297 t —6029 Joontract Services J ( ( 1 J Westek Compaq & Clones Tole Transfer) i fIBM, Apple To Be Transfer) } McAllister Computer Consultant $i,000 J J J Computer Contract Services Will }` J To Be Transfer) J (NBI NCR To Be Transfer) J j Student Intern Subtotal: J $17,511 7044 JCapital Expenditures J 1 } Mac II RAN Upgrade $1 400 J J ( Subtotal: J $1,400 } 130LFM2a wk1 Total: � $217,168 (' COMPUTER SOFit1ARE REQUEST FORM Department: Resource 8arviues 6iviem.- Administration fiscal Year 33-4130 1990/91` Resource Center 1 [Serial NumberliD of[ 1 1 [ Use only j Account ISoftware Identification[Computer Unit nherejQtyl unit jEstimatedl-- ---- --- -- -------- Number 1 Software is to 1 ( Cast [ Cost jApprovedl Denied 1 pate 1 j be installed ( 1 1 l: [ [ i 33-1130-390 t jNaW J, 1 , $245 1 $245 ( $0 1 $245 14/16/901 lUordperfect 1 $206-7505170 1 1; { $245 1 ` $245 1" $245 1 14/16/901 [Lotus [NOW 1 1 1 S3t0 $310 1 $0 1 $310 14116/901 jLotus ( 52o6-7505170 [ 1 1 $310 [ $310 1 $310 1 14/16/901 iNtsc. Software Upgrades( ) j $400 1 $400 1$1,400 1 14/16/901 { ISeeuri*u` Dreg rams [ [e0 1 $60 1 $4,000 I $0' 1 $4,600 14/16/901 jPC Utilities i 5206-7505t70 1 1 1 $276 1 $275 1 $275 1 $0 14/16/901 r 14116/90t, [Foray Tool jCitywide [ (' $75 1 $75 � $75 j $0 Totals: $4555 f ?� COMPUTER CABLING Mik REQUEST Department: Resource. Services Division: Administration Fiscal Year 33-4i'sQ 1990/Qi -- ��------ -.w. _----_-_ _ -------------- --- -------------- .�---- ----------�--- ! y { ( ( ( Resource Center Use Only L Account (Cabling & Rise tia defLocation/Computer Unit jQtyj Unit IEstimatad(„-__.�___. Number I, Cost _..�__._�,( I Cost jApprovedjDenG Date { 33-4130-3900INisc. Connectors '(For City-wide Computer:�j I $aQQ (�-$5D0 { $300 (�"$Q`�a11�;yot; I ,\ 1 ll 1301fm6a.wki j Totals: $500 $900 $Q ilj: COMPUTER 0,041 TRACT S£RYIC£S REQU81' FORD{ Department., Resaurrj Services - Division: Administration Fiscal' Year issafsi ��-413Q ; _ - - -) s- -A-- ---_� --Respurce - ---- Center } { ( use Only } Account } Contract lalrvicas [ ,lustificatian {Qty} Unit ]Btimated Number }{$ (} ( { Cast } Cost }jApproved}iDenied( Date ) 33------- Westa�, '; )Camp. Assistance -; IgM,cwpq 1& Clones tCommputer Maint. t }Transfer }frD } Gole 11 1tComputnr $dint. I }Transfer }from Dept.} $0 { $0 ) McAllister JUMP Consultant $4.905�4 $4,800 } 3a } }Student Intern $ $4,000 f' } Nei tCemputei tiaint. } I }Transfer afros Dopt,} Mac II tNaintdnance j 2 $862 $1,724 l $1,724 } $0 } } loN {fiaintenance } ( Coepaq Portable JPAintenance t 1 ( Ldserwiter 11 nt }Maintenance } 1 $632 ( $632 ' } Centronics Laser ( Scanner [maintenance $338 $38 Y0 { } ( Toshiba tMaintenance }`` } $276 } $552 t 652 } 5T2 $0 } $0 } r t Onyx Computar }l4sintenance i $672) $6T2 } J Totalti 12 $iT,Sii $i7 51t. $0 t' fJ COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUEST FORM Department: Resource Services Division. Administration Fiscal Year Resource ;Center Use Only Account (Hardware Desc, ptionl, Mork Area IQty I Unit jEstimatedl ...... .�..._...._.....,�__[ Number 1 Identification 1 i.acati6 1 ( Cost I Cost jApprovedjDeniedl Date j 1-_------- ------ w-1-_ ��----..r...w_��w-.r���....�_ir 33-4130-7444jCo�spag Computer jAdaainistrationj 1 1$3,000 �r_....r._e-I--..---ij ---- -j..- .._J ( $3.000 1 $0 I$3,000 14116/001 33-4130-70441Mae 1'I 2X8 Upgrade '[Administration[ 2 .j $700 1 $1,400 ( $1,400 1 40 14/16/90j j 1 1• ` I I j I I I _ 1 j I 1 t I I I I I VJ I I 1 I 1 1301fm4a wk1( It Totals; 3 $4,400 $.1,400 $3 D0Q 1 = - 61 { I 11 J {' i, "t a ^ V4 eV. r O Q M ' Clot m, ct M lot m v 0 N O O tP! C# C> Ck 0 0 0 {tT O m' w vp ab C 6 C C !_� O C' CIs . C tg C? Ili m CIrt lot „C CD t Ci l0 C• m i' In e a Q-a a o o. a o a o cp o ler pG } 1 K r tt1 U O C .. ;N O UT lif ^ p ROr N. K C C W _� ^ ^ cco !in m N t' co C o O O C i3 O cx O .O C O 'O O. A W t . t 'O C CI C: O CY: I= O 0... :O F < '. i 1 g Sal r yyl 1 'K < F W J O W 4 <� Y �. V3 4 w' i Y h cc o d s ca UA o m � 1 v`.eS ri '..� _ i .- '.cv-.:.�-. to'i cn: � e,°'�a . ,o. eo► eQ- �: �W'f O. ( � m M rts' wf t�f N's en t"f en t•r e.f. :M � to 1 crt i r 176 t I PROGRAM POSITIONj,!SALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year:1990%91 Department: Resource Services Clvision: Special Distr{- _- ' ��kdain. i 334131 I� 1 Position Quote Appropriations �J 1 Position i ( Classification ICurmit['Dept.I MQr, (� I Dept. 1 Mgr. (Adapted '�. Title 1 Rand, jAdo,pted I Rced. I Rcmd. I Budget —I_Level lJ,Rcmd. c ' IDeputy City Manager I 10%1 10%1 20%1 2Q%j $5,609 j $11,218, 1 $16.250 I I ISpec Dist Supervisor 1 100%1 100%j 100%1 100%1 $45,000 1 $46,000 1 $48,120 I I ISpec Dist Tech 11 1 0%1 100%1 100%1 41 $35,000 I $35,060 1 $0 I ISpec Dist Tech 1 100%j 200%1 loot{ 200tCI 09,484 1 $33,432 1 $65,420 I 13pec Dist Aide 100%1 0%1 0%1 0%1 $0 I $0 j $0 1 ISubtotal; I 1 I I 1$145,093 1 $124,550 1 WOMB %r IMerit Contingency I 1 1 I I $7 255 1 $6,231 1 $6,490 1 ( Subtotals $153,3a8 $130,883 $136,280 1Fringe Benefits 1 I I 1 1 I ( 1 $53,322 I $45,809 1 $47,698 I I Total: 1 [ i 1 1$205,669 1 $176,691 1 $183,977 1 1131LFM1a.wk1 11 A, MST CENTER DETAIL WRKSHEET DepartoentjDivfision vw I Program: [ Account Number;lFiscal Year J Resource Services JSpeciat Districts Aim. I 33-R131 j 7990191 J, ; a/ _•w_wwwww_w_r�rrwrwwwrwrww_r:•__w_rwr.rr__w•wow_••raw��e_�r.xrwr+.«w•a�•••__•irr ref Object No,l Description of Items & Individual Dollar Amounts ( +M_rwwM_J' Budget J 1.1.Oa JRegular Payroll i 4,136,280 i 1200 JOvertime r 1900 JFringe Benefits � J t $47,698 I I 3100 ITravel & Meetings J I j District Seminars $1,500 J I UCU Ext-Stone & Youngberg (J.Fulwood) $500 { 1 J Subtotal. [ $2,000 j 3300 lKileage 175 mi 0 ,58(pool car) $150'r ] Mileage Reimbursement $50'( j Mileage Reimbursement-Dsputy City Mqr. $552 j J J Subtotal i ( $752 i I 3900 INairtenance/Operations I I � J I Office Supplies '$2rCOQ i I j Binder Supplies $250 ;J HP Plotter Pens $300 I J Computer Paper $500 J. J Paper Stock ( GIs MAPS $1,000' $500 I I Special Maps/Compaterr;Projects $1,000 ,I j Cables I Legal A$vertismt $75!J J J I Bond Call Costs $1,000 f I` Paying Agent Advirz. Costs $9,000 j I 7oner/Cartrid0 for Copier $1,000' J 5oftwaro/Misc, & Upgrades J Subtotal, J $10,470 3956 IGenag al Liability j $775 � [ 6028 IContract Services I J j Computer lie to County VISO9 J; Computer Equipment Maintenance $3,po ( J t Calculator Maintenance I Consylting Services (Legal '& Financial) $7,500 J J Debt Service Software Maintenance { MIS Administration Xerox Maint./Copy Charge $2,A0A'J j 13W)(2aAl Try>al J $,2S0,1i9 I CONPUTER SOFTWARE REQUEST 'FORM Resource Department: Services Division; Special Districts Fiscal Year 23-4.131 399Q/91 Resource Cantor j l j 1 1 !Serial Number/ID of j I Use Only I Account 15m, rare IdentificationlComputer Unit wherejptyl Unit IEstiutedl.,�r__�_._r_.�.....a.. _� I Number j 1 Software is j I Cost I Cost jApproved[Wied I Date I I 1 to be Wtalled Y..._.._.�.«�Iewrrw....«r_�r._y_.._rw.r.•1.+..«.Iw..__w.r+..r«w_Iw....I.w_W._I rw._w__w`.I�..ar..r�...e.+.+�•+I...._..r__l. 3r4131-39p0IWordperfect 1 11 j 1245 j $245 I $0 1 1245 14/16/901 jpC Oracle j j t j $i,020 1 St,o20 I 40 l$1,020 I4/is/901 IMisc. Software/Upgrodesl j 1 l $450 I $250 1 *,750 1 ($5�o}i4/1619D1 1 ILotus 1 5170-550038660 1 l j 1 1 I j $310 l $3.10 I 1 $310 j $0 14/16/901 I j I i 131lfm7a,wk1 j f I j j j j I i j l L j Totals. 4 $1,825 $1,825 $1,060 $765' e 6' f i + COMPUTER CONTRACT SERVICES REQUE5T FORM Department; Resource Services division, Special District Fiscal Year 33-413i 1990/41 Center Resource 1 1 I 1 use Only I Account iContraat Services. IJustificationIftl Unit IEstimatad 1..__.,.�._.... .:...�_. c Number j I 1 I Cast I Cost=;IApproved{Denied( Date I 33-4131-60281IBK XT I Current Use I 1 I. $350 I $359 1- $360 1 40 14/16/901 (IBM AT I Current Use I I 1 $359 1 $359 1 $358 1 $0 '14116f901 1Coepaq PC 1 Current Use 1 2 1 $302 1 $604 1 $604 1 $0 14/1a/90I 1Cator Monitors 1 Current Use 1 4 1 $161 1 $604 11 $604 1 $0 I.4/16/90I ILaser Printer I Now I 1 1 $690 1 $690 1 $6901 $5 I4/16/901 IDot Matrix Printerl Current Use I 1 1 $2761 $276 1 $276 1 $0 14116/90I 14045 Laser printer) Current Use 1 I 1 1 I 1 $690 1: I 1 $690 1 $690 1 l 1 $0 14/16/901 I 1 j 1 I t 1 1 t 1 1 1311fa5a.wk!'1 Totals; 11 $3,560' $3,580 $0 Q a m. m Flo m N &C1r. CC.. 1; r - - r to 9-o: N o. o o o- o a s +► . a.. .r r Itf tr b ttf G? P- p N W 4 M n9. a N N N N b m 'E C9 O e O O Of 0.... m v� rn S oa a� .a m m In m ya ut Cs • ® o N m m -m " w 1 lc'?.. 4 O 'H, N O II• cD N Y o a m m t 1C1 c N N Y's wF O i o r" O rep f0 in a OI . Ai + U J\ 1 c, - o a c ea 'a7;cm 1 H 1 o.. m N o o N T - a ca a co�. i. •}} - Itl N i'".'1 G,' .. 1 �+1. Vt O m -m 6d N N C.n r'f a e m ; 40 N. N -. o e a o o o a o e o 0 0..0 0 o Q Q e Q o o a a e -a co ea o o... a m. '� t 1 e I 1 H tu w4.r r1y � f[ J y CS d a H W J NI W J J: pJ O G - cn Yam! S J J W qN[ RJJ �. W L> 4 r j ram~.♦ W d d d usS x a m � m.. � �• � a: p o o Q .o o .► » rs N .s v o �4 � sC ,' `. .a : v M er R �s v ye � ar Y► m..r' � �l --a O � 1 W m m m m m erf m en m en m m m� - m 4" - i+f m... 1 PROGRAM POSITIONfSALARY SCHEDULE Fiscal Year dim&pepartmsnt: Rssmrce Servi=-' Division: $IS `' 90191 ' 33-4132 :..rMw�44Y[4w�vri.w,rp+i.:FMNwvrrMMd�edr�ee-rr�.r�.rr-wwiirr.aY4�'-----. t�— •�u'}_+4+Mwrww___a�.�__I.r� . Awer lriations ( Position Quota } �P Position Glassificatica� jM4__wY w--ab r-----w--- wWw prrentj Dspt. } Ngr,_ �.....-- ,!- .-Dept, } ' Mgr, ! Adapted - Title LeVel ( Rcmd. } Romd, jAdopted Rcm',. } Rand+ } Budget } 'Deputy city mnnoer _-"•20%1 15,609 (-$11,218 } - 16;25D GIS Supervisor 100%1 1'00 j $ ,000 } $4TM,000 } 146,240 } Senior GIs Technicianj 100$1 100$1 160%j t00%j $29,508 }: $2 ,508 j $32Y9d0 GIS Technician 200 } 200 ( 20kiij 200%1 $55,015 } 455,015 j $52.1rA0 } Subtotal. ,Merit Contingency' ! ! ! Subtotal: j. } j } 1$143,989 } $149,878 ( $165,344 fringe Benefits ! =l', j j $50,396 ! , ! ( }$198,3R5 352,$57 it j $202,335 } $5t,87U. $22J,214,�f Total: } FIRE DISTRICT GIs Technician $26,052 k $26,052 Merit Contingency j r $27,355 j $27,355 } $37,832 j Fringe Benefits j 136,929 $36,929 Subtot31: } ! I This position will be funded by tl►e Fire District for four (4) consecutive' years, j (fiscal years 1990-91, 1991-92 1992-93, and 1993-94) 132Lf141a.wk1 COST CFNTER DETAIL NORKSHEET Aepart nt�visioo: (? P JrOe.-._.~j--� " Account Number, F35cal Year Resource Service ( GIS ( 3n-4132. j 199a191 Ohjeat'No.j Description ,of ,Ctemt, Individual 0ollsc Amaunt5 . Budget j _ _ 1.100 jRegul60 Payrol -. riM $165.�3t _ _l _ .. 11900 jFringe tenefit j Subtotal.• j $223*1214( 3104 j Travol & #eecinns ( j j ESRI User Conference1,500 j Arc/IRfo Classes $1x350 j j MnageaenY Seminars $2t4 j GIS/LIS Conference j Subtotal: 3300 JAIleage: j'Mileage (1000 sties j Mileage Reimburs6ftnt\OeP.City Mgr. Subtotal: #1,202 j j } I 390D jt�intenancc � Operations '. ( #2�5 ( !'`*3ffic- SuPPlias . 1 Calcoep Plotter SuPOies: j Vellum (for blueiines) 8 000 j Ve11un (for<;check plots) S6,O00 j j Plotter.Pens // Map Holders $200 j j Periodicals f I Subtotal: j $20,2$0 l: 3956IDuesSew x50 j j 250 j URISA NCGA j Subtotal; j $800 j j" ;a,ral Liability 3960 j Gee .. ,� j3T7 6026 jContract Servicar: j j" Calcan►P Mfaint. (11b , Matter & 9100 digitizer} ( Tektronix Mint. j. ESRI Xaint. $15,000 j R ) ESRI Program Development 55,000 j I Subtotal: j ;2t,00 j' 132LFM2a.�rk Tota1: j € *This is an increase because of the Fire Dept's n eeds. fi r. :1 - H W b CD C3, _ail 01- G M. "t La 'N' O O �. U"ar O.O N t+ Q O� 111 /Y9 qr p{(L 4a tT fDc OpIct'let i eV a'H m OR r^ ur ' ppqq It G CAD y.- + b 40 Im t0 to 1 �i zL C-n- M M ii 0 cl r a o0 oI=' otl sec ot9 Yip, p a <_ .I cmg 'aa 'tl o 0 69 is ct ©: p' n - o - m CL r.YJ �� _ ;i t J J J�ry tip Awl t� •� V � 1l ( ' iN rr O. G sr�-. i �``..,- 'rC f`d OA r' ti ac t O W 0� � U�'. a' iy}R w . _ : LLaM, cr 104 r MAE a u iv � c mD .c`a O Z�" H i�i eri' M i'J `' -4t mY t!2 Rx ^ O � tQ O !"� BO" Otl1 T! C* 'M M to M PY'Rf J M v r COST CENTER DETAIL WORK5HEET . Account Humber.- Fiscal Year ------ -.,----- -.,- ----- -„_ww----_-- Department%Division: j Prograo: ( Resource Services ( NiS 1990/91 ( ; Object No.[ Description of Items -&'Individual Dollar Amounts _-, ( Budget _-1100 jRegular�Salary j $312,060 j v C, 1200 (Overtime . ( $t,000 J 1 900 (Fringe Benefits J t,109,221 3100 (Travel & Meidngs ( National Prime 'User Group Conference - Denver, $500 ( "Government Technology Conference (Sacraaento) .$ISO ( Comdex ^ Las Vegas $500 ( Intl Gommun'cations Assoc. Conference San Diego j MiscelleneoL�meetings Q �1 ( and ziferences '$F00 j 5 > Subtotal,. I $2850 $300 jMileage - ( Mileage Allowance $800 j j Mileage Reibmurseaent - Deputy 0tC\14gr. $552 j City Pool Vehicle S1,ODO ' ( Subtotal, j $2,352 3900 (Maintenance & Operations ( Office Supplies ( Binders $250 j j Computer Paper/Stock $80000 j Cables, connectors, & misc. repairs j Software Books , $250 J Printer Ribbons (Doti Mtrix); $150 ! j computer Software 627 ( ;Tapes" $5,000 ( Oracle,Systess Administration $4 500 (: j ( Subtotal; (: $2 XT j - 3956 CDues & Publications~ t j Computer Users Group ��° $250 j J Association of Municipal DP Directors If' 150 ( Oracle Users Group If $150 ( Subscriptions $250 ( J. ( Subtotal:- j $800 6028 JContract Services- Prima Computer Maintenance $45,000 J PC Maintenance $358 ( Color Monitor Maintenance {� $151 J j Dot Matrix Printers Maintenance $552 J j. ( Xerox`6ser Printer Maintenance- ( Offsite Storage $4,000 j j Additional Disk Drives for Prime 2765 $15,000 ( is J Subtotal: j $65,751 133LF82a,wk1 TOTAL. $520,311 j. rh COt1PtlT6 CONTRACT SERVICES 'REQUEST FORM . Department: Resource 5erviceC Division; MI5 Fiscal Year, 31�4133 i990/91 Center 1 i 1 j • Resource Use Only Account j Contract Services j justification 14tyj Unit I Rstieatedl ,�.�_.._... idueher ( ( ( 1 Cost j Cost (. .,,,--...�.-.r_,,., Approved j Denied 1` Date 3374133-6020IPr mt Computer jCurvoot Systet j 1 f $45000D f $45,000 j $45 000 f s4 (i/1S/44l, 1PC Maintenance 1Current System ( 1 1 $350 1 $160 1 $350 1 $o 14/161901 1Coror Monitor rAintlturrOnt SystOm 1 11 $lral 1 $151 1, $151 1 $4'-(y16j001 IM -Printer taint tCurreot hardvaraj 2.1 42T5 1 $552. 1 $552 ( $0 14116,1901 jXerox laser saint 1Curre`nt hardware] 1, '1 $0,90 1' $6901.1 4,690 1 $0 14/16190 f I t l fDatevault : 1M$dia.:Skorage j 1 1 $4,000 I f 1 $4,000 j I $4,006 j $0 14/16J901 t 1COMPAQ MAINTENANCE jNew -systees 14.{ $347 j $1,380 1` $0.1 $1,308 14/16/101 (Color' Monitor eaintINew systems 1.4 ( $151 j 1 1. 1 $604 ( $0 f 1604 1�061901 1 1:331fm5a.wk11 Tatars: $52,743 $50,751 $1,942 ��f y , tr,� v r l — — - — — --_--- — — iJ . I O— — --,--. --- - a c a a ----------- i. u " ;.. �.,_.. -- N Do o N -0in-. Im 44 4 44 ;wr ; s rcoo t. '. tltr tai th ui ---------------------------- uj <. ... U.Lam. 0 p Q M T L .. r _it ►cc a+ D n 4 M A E � L AD co cc Q G O ^, t L o o O O -I l ,�...� �.. +-' �.......►' ,.�.— - C .. .. :v. a tl r+ Fa i Is 1r lr'�. Z" •. c � CL a u v MPlUTER HARDWARE COEST FORM; 4epartoent Resource F, rvices Division— MIS ` � Fisoal Year 334133 1930/9i ..- .a-....e--,w..-.��.«..��...r.��r+..-�+++s� ..•wr..:v+.,�.+.}: �s;ww..,w.:�.w...w-�:+rtw,+ t2e�rce Cantetj } �+�+r.a�ww..t.w..+w.,..� i( Account } Hardware Descriptson !fork Area. {gtvj Unit {Utieated{_„-,,,:,-,,—--- Number }. ldentifCation } 1.ocatf6r�,,, } t } Gast jAppraved} Denied } Date } 33-4133-UMAdditional disk capacity { ep tter Rao { 1' } $16, ,1 1 $16.040 Isis Do { so, 14/16/101 }Compaq Computer Systess 1Rrograeeert '1 # } $4,650 1 $10.001 $0 1$18,500 � } Totals. 5 $331,600 $15,000 $18 60Q i 1 � ,r i; .I f � t �s ll N; , TABLE OF COMUnTS i CAPITAL PROJECTS; it Psc! Year 1990-91 PAGE Revenue Detail (1987-88 through 1991-92) I-XXX I Executive Summary,...... •. r R ii • f vF t •.ter. ♦ d t �►- ! • • r. ;r • r .:. too • ! R"• r . � • ♦ i f f: � — ". Fund Title 6-4637 ke moursementslMD................ . ►. r .. r . r4 7-4647 Reimburs+mettts �Ca `� ans f 46 s 8-4647 Reimbursements/County of San Sernardin'o..•••!•5I 9-4637 Gas Tax 2107 a'nd jas 'fax�Q6...... r r .... » . . r56' I1-4637 - 1-2-4637 Gas Sales. ,rax" Article 8.,. ,r.!»•..w;..!•.. •r69 13-4563 Re-reati'en Serviwes...., j,'"1. r , . ... .....«.....105 16-4637 TDA .-krt cl-e Jaas.:►eiaA..r ••,.sr»+.•♦a:•s•�t+-..•w! _�t1Q 19-4637 Drainage Fa{aility/E4iwa-nda........rarr»r\:1�.,�•lirwrA�t7.� 20-4532 dark Development.a.,.....rR.a...+..:..•».1I2 �', ' 21-4647 Beautifica'tion•i....,...«.•.1...•,,•••..wr♦.13f _ .f 22-4637 System s;,Developmentw-ls.a,w.r•!.•,•..•r...l,... 154 23.-46:.s, Drainage'. Pacil ities/Ge'netal City....-w • a.... ♦ ♦ r • a185 t4-'4637 Federal Aid Urba.n...r...»!•,•'�..,•�.,••.•r...204 ';s=4285 ` Capital` Deserve.a.a•«•.».».....�.«....'•.`,2Q9 r� E 28-4333 Block Grants%CDBG..r....�<........�wi..»..l; 212` 32'"463.7 Maasure�, J:»•R�.id.!i'r 'i4di►YL 4Gs -.. tR!.M }:!MYY !ii♦1,yri1/w+!1. - 3hv 460. S`B .1.40r.i.i, w.•4 r...r. a14 •225 �l Cl z Landscape Districts r j r 40-4130 Landscape Mai"ntenan.ce 1,•e•A�.••••.•♦:A•_, 236' . n r. • f 'Jj 41F4'130 i -Landscape Msin-tox,an;ce#2a•-4•A: ��tia r•.•"s iar •♦i���� '� 42-4130 .n 'L\ Landscape Maintenance # �1e r.„• �... .,..,",• 4. _W,243 43-4130 Landscape Ma#,nte.n��e44•,.:♦..fi... �.a:}..�. •245 444130„ La nd,scap Ra}inte maryce-,.#5,• 48 4 g l }. �u•.y et�. ., Landscape i+"ta.n:G et{ artce -ti • ♦.• a'- t; ., •, _ F • • ♦ ♦ •.,_. w • • alDy 4 5 - 413 0 �1 _ lE L a n d•s a }i"f 'r' 1� �:. n ii tom. n a l r C e ' # 3 B •. 'a 'e M a M R aiFt t a • '�r 9, b L' v7 L2 47-4130 1(G $ 4 Landscape M ate nance #7..:.. � :`, . • :` �... .. , - 9130{1, 11nveance #.48 Landna .ee re • f ♦ •• 51 � Lighting Dist,CtS ;1 54-4248 L' L1gM g D1�tridt General �LitY:y • a r s.a•• a f �a;.t+ a.A r258 �}.{ 55-4-130 LightlIn}Dislwr4e4.#1w•a�:;•c.�•��FA•�abei•s,a'•a.�•;f*,i`y•���•[�r. • ��"" y� UI- 4130 q yam.} cc��,{.� ,jj, �@.}.. (.i i gh't i mq Dt ;Jtri rt R r • a W ♦ .• s`-a,» p "i R i b • r l: • WA %� 57-4rs+r w{ .r} }/�� :130 . y �{ ►{�L^ y� 'p /�yr l�( y{{ ��ys Lightf{��_•.D�st tt 11YII"N•�+•'e•••fi�•r.♦aa .Yib.e4�iI+V 58-41.30 Lighting District''#4•R•}�-e..•,00..4.�.0.♦»:-��_��6. 59-4130 -Lfghting. District -#5.a♦•ua..• 26,8 60-4130 Li. htfng D1str?c4 7f e.ere se 4e♦'. tr • w�.ees eaaysL fU i 72-4295 Inter - Gov' e'"nmental 3ervi CSs • . • : ♦ p;e r • • • . • • • . •• . 72 l 75-'4130 CFD 88-2 -flood District. :•�`�,a a • Y a277 78-413C� UD 88-2', Late Enforcement D st�;�^%ct: • . • A � • } ♦`. ` Assess men t Districts s 80-4637 AD 84-2 Alta Loma` O�sannei ... WWI. :• . . • ♦ . . i W 81-4637 y AD -2 84Redempti on fond....,` a . ♦ • • r & .. =� J, �`t 83-4637 AD 82`-1 6tit t. et 1�id Sir ai,,•...,'.r. e A'....:285 r; � [ j to Ct p 6: ty.? Oics ►- vT � L� ~ Cv tip in � .�4To W.. .� TIT c" `+` •fit �`�(` d C�..4 O 0.0 Vpp�pp�� 1 f Sj "25'�71 .....0��'.1 N Ck .: i�+p C7 '.cm Ovn i1CF R'! Ll H N LCryt W', N M O1 C7'r r- O O OO t'a CX rES 9z Y of en wi wj7 a er E o '.. L Ll 04 .r Pr Its as. rr e� e�rt. VI t 10, oil Oh, Cal C7 ICP Cat: S:R 443 C� " tom- C� tit ll [ w-' w 4n to I p Cy CD w Cl Ci Q riy C.,:O C7 4p C1i C�l a.+ N WJ �Mjp j :o cn 1 ��Offy p �1 OR[ss Oct a47 of 4± ry " uj �c I. —+ c.'y e•a evai i.s MIT 4Fllsi./r a �a ses e� i9b y y � T i R Y \ 1 y .ir 4• }1 ,4 k k R Xi � R 2{L •a 4 \ bSS k\ { yy�`Yyse try .2 �i r h \ � ti '§ � ... = �. r .. .. waN I f I rI1M L611!►gYl r . JN} I _I 40 1 , m »i }} II C�Ir" Dal 10 Rl if r c A lull NI 13}, Terra. Vista 1'.a kway and Baseline RoadMe&an Retrogis and Island BOOM Road from Haven Avenue to DeO kbs^ ex !� Constr.uetion 'u 14) Baseline Road Landscape Maintenance D4w*ct #1 Projects \� Ba3 , 4, thside �(Ramo is to C=bridge} ` Bas4�c southside (east d west of Center) 4,asclin . soudw Mde '(5(�east of Cinter to vets) Corrip�ete 1?esin andoyfsructian ` 5) .Sapphire SumTran t6='-'veme*At fennet to UStt- . . i4t recommended 16) Community Event Sanner tiles Archibald tlorafx cif F4�oth ii and Bgcam guest o l`ia n Noprojects subinitted , 1 i c I t J ti\ i i LI I r .s1 4 dt � r i. r e coo ;! r hr g i � t 1 � t7 LV S t r x i0 ` �, �.� 72 '0 W C 1 ' L: j p s 9 m pi 1;6; gym$ C } .Y —xC {�_ f "�Sv �. #a far ,m I w 4 st1 a tl.a xu a "12 xlws tI gct CC x lid 111 t ® ID im r _ 0) N t0 l tb to m 9 N -� (N. WO i rR N tit N '•cu N iti tictiL N •t4 tv a . m aac r-, cc as m a tit mt m • mi � } x �; �`, _ ; �= --- - P 1 i d • ! o _ ►- ` � � �r�P i�� I:P t . V 1 i � t 1 !' t Is 4 i R { : A L fill f co i 1Z C^ T -:�P�yyf IeYy. 1k ! g t o f x2g, 6raar F. t • j.. z' R `. f l ' 6P N I +•41 � s v4 All f na l y 6i a U7 G Q � ed t � 2 Li . � I a .N 11 I I BA 0 t r _C _a A 7 N Hf N yr N M LL LL LL 2ffi o m z a _ Q cool s ti. R' 01 �fT.t 5544ii � i. A K A N f3 W pr15, iC Ce r Tsai I Fi 0-1 4 ryi of T A V �B A ^w � a yb cc: w3n O tG is Igw� 0� O CC O 4S O OG� O o Q a O O O cc O a o �j IF f2 i 11 IA 03 12 oj ca Gf ci ol ts 6! d ad cd ra ri L 1241 1 cu cc ct cc cc a: cc ef- '� - � �� ,; " � � o � ' weeW91, Masie", r C Y .: ! _ V V \ 4 K x u \ k 1 t :4 \ .} tom} y � k • � { � e ..,emu '' U` / ' (J Fiscal Year 1990/9I MASTER PLAN, PROJECTS ; '. A., Master Plan of Drainage :. Cucamongr Day.Cmek Areas ^ Complete Study Cit)'(' W;de Dratnagc Facilities Inventory Complete Computer DigitiAng of ltaventory f " 3) Cir Wide'Trec Inventory and Management Phr^og= Complete Management Frogs am d 4) CP6y Wide -Street Facilities Inventory and Management Program Complete 111ventory and Management Program,. . 5) City Wide Traffic Conttdl Device' Inventory and Man agement P rogiarn Complete Management Program 6) t Tion and Tra9'fic Long Range Studies, Models and,gement P l ogrameind Fee Nexus Study! ComplQe Fee Study - I. B. �' pRC}JFC'T No Piroje#s Submitted` 1 r , a w: rF� AIML ' 1 .., s I o �I 3m � Im m � o¢ i � C W ~ a � 1 w 0 NI 4 v v c'a y m as a r��. e �ii� i�uimu II �� �I�III�IVIN� Mlle I�I�I�IIIIII� it e t 13} l It _ 19th Stzee4Higl4and Avenue and l�aven Improvements Avenue; Street and Storm Drain Phase 2 • Haven and I-iighlaisl Improvements, Complete Design,''and Complete Caltrans - P'ro�cessing 14) Sierra MCadm avenue and Placida Court; SMIet ImprovernentS Arrow Route to T,ria CarriUo Complete Ctrnstrttcttr Administration 15) Amethyst -Avenue, StM'etImprovc--nnts -= Nonh of 19th Street (at Firs Station) to north of Highland Avenue Compi gte Construction ' f 1 &) Wilson Avenue Saftt Improvement Amethyst to Archibald. Complete Design 17) Axchibaid Aveftue, $v-et imp ou mefit South of Banyan 0 Mlside Complete Design lb} Armw route; Street Improvement,, East of Hermosa toYen. Cobh fete Construction_; L, 19) , Banyan; Snut In vements i Eastwood to MUmar. Complete Design and Construction �r f 20>;' 'FoothillImplementation »khan 1 { complete 4iltcomplete$ ":S . s ij['Pi Report po 21 j iFtxathiTt Boulevard Implementation Phase I (east) » S.P. RXto,lLion � Design,* 'Acquire light -of -Way and begin Caltrans Project Permit Processit:q . l Phase 1 (west) = Grove to S.P.- R,R. _ Design, Acquire Rilht•vf-Way and Begin Caitrans PrOjtct Permit Proerssin 22) c Highland Avenue- Suleet lmprw4ments Ramst tQ Msybetrc r, CoMp!rt i Co' s.trdtctioL, 2') SaliWVinnar, Stet Improvemcrus Cslavcras to Sierra Madw Ct *i at+e- Design and Construction 24) Sierra Madre; , s,.Met improvements i!l i7.1N i7 W R01t Strele, cdi*jte 041!jo -end Constructlon - ua. aV4Vtid6lIL Vic.tOria Park&ane to Lark Drive (rlbi of future High SChcol) Des&gi►. II. A.,CAP �A;7 ENl��Y'C�N'1TNtTFr�ar,.. i 1) hillside Road; SILTet,Rehabilitation and Improverrent Hermosa to, Mayberry Complete Construction Administration 2) Maven Avenue'Rehabilit,�tion and ictening 4th :Street to south (if Pcaothill Boulevard Complete Oesignt Complete Caitrans P`roeessing and Begirt f;�cosiruetion 3) Cameliart Avenue and N'iareyardAvenue Rehabilitation and WidenitYg San Bernar&O Road>_o Baseline' Road Complete, Design 4) HavenAvenue; Stec�et,..Signai and Stosrar Drain rmpa'ovements PbM 1. -South of Foothill Boulevard, to north of Church Street Coutplete Iles Pt Complete Caltrans and SBCFD Pracessi ft and `0egire Staged Construction U. B. I3iCyCle/lYedeSdt78n �g�n iansiicap Access ltagnp _ Norgh�rest quadrant arandof City north of Baseline west.. of Arschibald) IIresign shad Constraettan ` � � 2) Bicycleffledestrian Pirogram Sidewalks adjacent to Don Tapia Park f} Design and Construction . 3) City Wide Side walklCurb and Ceatter 1911 chapter 27 irnpro�r'�ent. P'riogz . _- Destgn and Construction 4) City Wide I.,ocai S_n%t Rehab. �l and MaI ntenaets Frog= 1990/01) Drvlgn and Construction 5) Maven Avenue; Street, Signal and Storm Drain ImpmVements Phase 2 - North of Church Suet to north of Baseline Road Design and BeginL Staged Construction J AA �d �'� 11 lb) Signal, Ha fer �,'T.th Street r complete Construction Admit astratioij, 17) _ Signal Co gnation - Archibald Complete Coordination ! 8) Signal - ArcWbala at San Bernardino goad < Complete Design ttd Cotistrtict; ott 19) Signal - ArcWbald at Sth Str�e� Cc )�aplete R1. P'essing and Construction 2�) Upgia Signalt':I,... w at Vineyard Cdustructioti 21) Upgra S11PA Foothill a V'i&t rci Design and B Caltran s Project Permik � Process � - r 22) Signal - Foothill at Baker, Des gn- and Begin U1,41trans project Permit Process - 23) iT° Pik t axial - Foothiil, at San B=ardino -% Design and Begin +Cattrans Project )Permit Process 24) UPg -4 Signal - Foothill at Grove ` _ n. De6p and Begin Ditrans Project Fer"t pro6sSt i 25) intmzcr`on lftq t v�i&ans andrIpgra, Szgrxa)l` - Fc thi'' at a iwr ` u"�" ;iplete Def,ign, Compi�rte Cailtr ns Pe6tes.sing and Constrivitia" 26) y S.'Zjai - Hellmm at S�Aewnrdino Road Comptet<•:lD.�Q and Construction 7 igtt d at �rwn Inetusies/�SyAal trtMatt onnwtor,^lSu=ty�sgcg��{sdi of x � iyghlan�d �c p`�iitSrjj^��•. l°"IeyA�L.. IM�a}.�jj�I. Lr n`pSett �s��trN� /�A�I, a ild',Constrifgdork �- {l 28) Signal - :.. pru at7`erm Vista may ; .,, C0,0struction 29) Signa < 19d at'aspphire r onstruction 30) \ Sipd, ComiinD� (M - Viney pa =� ,gnamelian 6zgptete . l a sign and Coordinallon 31) Signal C t.n foothill Boulevard Complete Design and Coordivation 32j : _l Signal Relocation- Foothill at Red HM Quntry, Club Ddv - ` I esigtt and tt%4n, C aftrans Project POInait Prose 4t. v r iY ,t 1 Signal jFl llrna 'Chin 1 C 5Egt1,u d Construitio ' f 2) Signal- Hennes '?at Chv ,*_: 3) VOo m Traffic Crntrol Fiscal Year 00151 n Study, Desigri And Constlrudion -In nrcioPro aI Tithing and Pg 540d, 4 Design Ad C do S t r Udl,o� �1f 4 III. A. QF� OIL-iT� n=�F ,� Signs. F r a R TI aOn _- 2) Sr,;naF- Foothill ;,3 Sgruc ' 3) . Signal - FoothUl c. �; 4) Signal - Spruce d. Town Center 5) S1 - Haven ai To,*n Center L . < 't { 4 ,r 4 , 4 _ r r , t. i IL IMINIIIII�II II1011 If �oNONe�� eNei i- 40, ev cq 0 as 'on 6 >H / j .lei. O. � co O S�f NIct N. 6 j3 Of H � l"MM A Q lMP �. Gi N K t ee t.3 b o ice' 41 i -tu m ..-� us n R wI so lb 40 ci D i 41 E PROGRAM POSITION/SAl ARY SCHEDULE 1990/91 DEPARTMENT: CCWC3 Position ^iassification Emp. Position Quota A ro riatians Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title a Position # # Level Rcmd Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Public Works Maint. Manager 101 960o OYo 0% OYO 0 0 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsr 102 S07 0'� 0'!a 01/0 0 0 Street/Storm Drn Maint Supt 103 8112 _ 0'/0 CYo OIo 0 0 Fleet. Maint Supervisor 104 e353 _. 0Y0 ! NO ` Q/0 0 0 Management Analyst 1 ` 105 7957 OYc 0Y9 0110 0 0 Secretary 106 220 01/0 OYOOY0 0 0 Management Aide 107 3438 . 0Y0 OYO iPb 0 0 Office Specialist It 162 8251 OYO 0YC 0 0 Maint.Supr.Streets 102 6875 0'/o O'k C% 0 0 Malnt.Supr.Parks: East 109 24:4 0% OYO OY0 0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks: Cont. 110 2681 0Yo OYO 0% '0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks.- Tres ill 4M M OY0 01A 0 0 Maint.Supr.Streets 112 5889 t NO 0% 0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks; West 157 8425 ',Pk ` (7/0 iP/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 50225 OYO 0'� 0% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 5200 CP/* 01/0 0% 0 : <: p Equipment Operator (Sweeper) isi 6928 0 OY0 0% 0 ` 0 Equipment Operator (Sweoper) 149 ' 6992 OYO 0'� OYO 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 0 NO 0% 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 191 150 OY, 44% 44% 12,920 iV59 Lead Mechanic: IGS ' i92' i59 0; OYo 0;0 0 p Lead Maintt Worker; Red Hill 114 163 0% ; i OYO NO 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker City,_ Wide ii5 iloo "a,s 0% Mt 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker St. 116 2319 ' 0% 035 0'A ' 0 0 Lead Malint. Wt ker Pks East 12i 2714 OYO OY0 Wo 0 0 Lead Maint. Wo ker: Pks. East 123 3185 0% 0% 01A, 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker. .Pks. West 158 ! ; 505i a 03o 0% 0 ' 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 360 �`;` 5561 C% OYO CPA 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. lei 6782 0'✓Q 42 6 42% 10,891 1'kJ02 Lead Maint.Worker :Treaa 113 7121 0% 0/0 0% 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Pks . West 163 8032 011- NO "'OY* 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage" Z-119 2313 0% a/0 01/0 ; 0 0 Lead Maint, Worker: Parks/Trail" . i59 5569 NO 0% 0% 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. :.1?��; 1i38 OY0 OYO 0'k 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker. Irr. C.W. 117 1600 0% 0%, OYO 0 0 Sr. Maim. Worker. Irr. West 122 2819 0% OYo 01/0 0 0 Sr Maint.Worker : Civic Center 189 5823 0% (7/0 OYO 0 0 Sr.Maint.Wcrker: St. 118 5857 0�0 ry/o 0% 01 0 Malnt.Worker: Pks. East 126 132 0Y0 0'A " 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trails/City Wide I 27 507 01A 0% q '; 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. West 177 565 (K OYO 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 0% VA OYO 0 0 Maint.Worker 48t. 124 81.3 0% oYQ 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St.. 137 819 0D% 460A 46% 10,018 i2.io5 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 174 832 !1% 0% 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker., St. 131 873 OYO 0Y" 0 0 0 Maint.Worker: 'Pks. West 141 1048 0% NOiT'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 134 1088 OYo 0 0 0 Malnt.Workar:St. 1731,129 0Y® OY° 0 _ 0 0 PROGRAM POSITIONISALARY SCHEUULE 1990131 DEPARTMENT: CCWLi' wR�F�to�fl��e rosltion Classification E.mp. Position Quota A ra nations Current Dept. Mgr, Dept. Mgr.; Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rcr . Rcmd. Rcmd. Maint.Worker Pks: West 132 1310 V, QYo OYO 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 136 1844. 0'� OYo 03b 0 0 Maint. Worker:St, 197191.5 O'/o 0y0 01/0 0 0 Malnt.Worker St. 129 2143 tP/a 0%' CP/9 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 wo OYb 0%Q 0 0 Maint.Worker: Fee. Citywide. 130 3203 011/0 O'/o . 'b% 0 0 Niaint.Worker Pks: Heritage 135 4262 0% `?/a 014 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145, 4962 O/o 0% 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 5055 ON 489% 4M4 9.,942 11,434 MaintWorker: St. ;% '18ti 5091 100°.b 4$% . " 4B% 9, 13,409 Mafat.6Yorker. Pks, irr. Crew 175 5561 OYa : OYO Oya 0 0 Maikl.Worker: Pks. East 146 6563, 03'0 - 0'� ` o 0 0 Maint. Worker:- 'St. 196 W24 Oyo O� Oab 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 167 5863 ` Oa'" 036 0% 0 0 Malnt.Worker :St. 142 , " 6009 0% O C 0%a 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 'l ,; " 6045 Oyo O?Io 0% , 0 0 Maint.Worker cat. 133 6181 03b OYo Oyo 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 125 6740 O� Olb oya G -. 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. ;,ed Hill 170 6744 OYo 0Yo 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pecs. (blest 171 6773 0'/0 01/0 0% 0'' 10 Maint.Workec Oks. West 143 7397 0% 0ab 0% 0 1 Maint.Worker: Pks. (Nest ;" , - 7638 ' OYO (7/9 ova 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pk-Q. Red Rill 128 8151 0/0 O'/a wo P 0 Maint.Workar St. 130 8677 0% O'lo OYO -, 0 0 MaW -Worker: Pko. Fee. Crew 183 8681 OYo O� OYa 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 Vacant, 0% OYa 0%' 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 147 Vacant 0'k Oyo 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 165 Vacant 100�6 O.8%a 48% -10,454 ' 10,875 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 153 Vacant 0'� 0'% ' O3b 0 2,047 Seasonal M. Teoh: City Wide 154 Vacant flab 0Y0 0% 0 0 Seasonal IV% Tech: City Wide `155 Vacant 0 o OY= . OYQ 0 0 Seasonal 'M. Tech: City 'Wide 166 Vacant 0% ` OIA OYa 0 0 Seasonal FA. Tech: Citywide 199 Vacant 036 0Ya 03b ' 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: 01&4ry eie 200 Vacant 0% 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Mechaole 179 3036 0% G% 0% 0 0 Mechanic ISO $883 0'h OYO 0% 0 ' 0 Mechanics Assistant 181 Vacant 0% 0% 0% 0 0 Inventory Spec: Equip-Mtds 1C2 5994 O O 0'/o 0%' 0 0 Signal & Ughting Tech 201 Vacant !Pk O'/a 0yO 0 0 Supervisor Parks Citj Wide 186 Proposed Oa'O NIR 0 N/R Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed - O% 0% 0 ' 0 Office Assistant 202 Proposed. - 01/o N/R 0 N/R; Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed 0'/0 0� 0 0 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed O O Nl. R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed - 0% 0�k 0' 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 19 J i2 ,- used - 0yo NIR 0 N/R Lead Maint Worker:St, 235 Proposed 0% 0 Lead Maint. Worker. Trail C.W. 224 Proposal - - N/R N/R Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W. 225 Proposed,; } - N/R N/R Lead Worker: Pks ,GF LIVID Cont. 226 Proposed, NIR, N/R',, ' Lead Worker: Pks. LMSLt Contract 227 Proposed' - - N/R NIR Lead'.. Mechanic 228 Prc oced C�EPACNI`; � �:„to„neunn PROGRAM POS1TIO ALARY SCHEDULE 1990/9.1 7 CCWt Poallbn Ciassifl atlo F � Emp. posit �o Quota , p,�ro riations / arrant ..Dept. Mgr., 1?apt, .� i41,�.> Titre & , sftlon ;!..,,. Level Remd. :,. Rcmd. _ Sr. Maine. Worker; Pks, �lery` 188 Proposed - tPk NIR 0 NIR' Sr. Main t. Worker; Pks, est 198 Proposed - 0% - 0 0 Sr. Maint, Worker; Pks. Nlow 229 Proposed - NIR - NIA Sr. Maint Worker, Pks. Fac. ` Sr: Maint: Worker. Pks. Fac, East, 112 PropasA 0% NIR 0 NIi l Sr Main. Worker. Pks, irr. East 176 Prop rsee, ; - ,' 0Y* NIR C NIR Sr. Maine, Worker. Pks.Low Crew 178 Proposed' , ,.. 0% NIR _ 0 NIR' Sr.. Maine. Worker; at. _ 185 Proposed :� a - NIR..� NIR Maint. Worker :Pks, West 193 Proposed - 0 0 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. West Maint. Works.:: 194 Proposed tPrG Q .; 0 0 Pks. Civic 195 Proposed t NR 0 NIR, Maine Worker ; St, 231 Proposed - Nf - NIR Maint. Worker Pks. East 208 Proposed 0 0 0 Maint, Worker ; Pks. East 209 Proposed - i Maint, Worker ; Pks, West 210 Proposed - 0';di 036 0 0 Main, Worker!,. Sts. 219 Proposed 0% WA 0 NIR Maine, Worker . Pks, Mow 212 Proposed O;ia NIAI NIR Maint. Worker St, 2i8 Proposed NO NIR 0 NIR Maint, Worker; Pks. Beryl 14 P'roposed t /, NIR 0 NIR , Maint, Worker ; Pks. Fac, East 215 Proposed 0 NII Maint. Worker ; Pks. Fac, West 218 Proposed 0'Y, 0'iO 0 + 0 Maint Worker . Pks. Trail LMD 217 Proposes! - 0� r, 0 0 Maint, Worker, : Pks, lrr. East 213 Proposed t_0 N1R 0 NIFI Maint. Worker ; Pks, ;Low G7ew 211 Proposed' - UAW NIR 0 NIR Maint. Worker i. Pks, Low Crate 237 Proposed - - NIR NIR Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed Nil �- NIR Maint, Worker : 'Pks.Heritage, 233 Proposed - UIR NIR e Maint~ Worker Pks. Trail LMD 236 Proposed NIR NIR Maint. Worker ; St. 205 Proposed - NIR NIl3 Mechanic 220 Proposed' , �, 036 036 0 0 Mechanics Asst, 221 Proposed - `I036 0% 0 Cl0Y Subtotal 64,05 r`5;4 Merit Contingency: 3,203 3,394 Subtotal. Pringe l :rtefits 67,�55 a9,H79 Subtotal. 23.539 W 27,898 1�A7,566 Part-time .00 Z0# 7 Subtotal. ��� 109,513 Marie Contingency: 0 102 TOTAL- 90.1M , 400,71r 'Proposed New Position "Proposed ree�,ssiffcatton of Eli Vng Position from Sr. M.W. to Load 'M.W. NIR 89 Not Recommended FY 89I90 N/R 90 Not. Racommended r-Y 90191 Y -.i r y� r i � _ J �y - t? N N C 4 , {OOP 11 f k O Ct O y , � i iij r �a f • ' I 1. � tt's � f yr+ i e_ i 15. t J O ye! O aIt N ` t. 40 In �• l C 1 fL ul cc Wiu 1 In�� r=�i VC'. yam � V«.." W 46 '... Position _ Clas.siflcaVon lirr . Position flu-':." A ro riations': Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr" Title & Positio►r # # Leve Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd.' Rcrr►d.' Public Works Maint. Manager 10; Mo NO tPlO t jt'for 0 ParkslLandscape Maint Spysr 16 367 01/a tP/0 �( 070 0 0: Street/Storm Drn Maim Supt ,16 8112 0'Io 0'/ '.r: 0 0 FleetMaint Supervisor 1 j v353 0'/0 0'/9 0'IQ 0 0 Management Analyst t 9 7957 0'k 0 0 Secretary 06 990 0'l ✓ CP/o / 0'/a 0 0' Management Aide 107 3438 CP/o I% 0% _. -V/o . 0 0 Office Specluffit. it `'162 8261 0'k f � 0Y Maint.Supr..Striats 6875 6°/a 8'lo , 8'/0 ~# Z087 2,400 t�dnt.Supr.Parks: East 109 \ 2494 M/0 tP/0 NO 0 0 Ma nt.Suo .Parks. Cont. 110 2681 M/o a/o i1/0 0 0 Malnt.WtaQr.Parks: Tree ill 4626 O'/a 0'/0 0'/ 0 0 Maint.Supr.Streets 112 5889 CP/a 01/a 0 - —n 0 Maint.Supr.Parks: West 151 8425 N. ` f7'l 1% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 1448 5025 0/0 t M/o 01/a 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 6200 0%. 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) i51 81.9 12'/0 12'/a 2o/a 3,005 3,004 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 6992 V/o ' to 12% 0 3,385 Equipment Operator (Sweeper)152 7926 0 -' iP/� 0'� 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker. St. 191 150 tPt wo 120f0 0 4,134 Lead Mechanic IGS 192 1% 0/0 0?/a 0'fo 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker. Red Hill 114 163 0/0 0'h 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 115 1100 CV0 0yo `wf/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 116 2319 0'Jo OYO Oia 0 0 Lead Maier. Worker: Pks East 121, 2714 wo 0'k 0116 0 0 ' Lead Maint. Wurkfr: Pks. East 123 3185 OIA 0% O1/o 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West, 168 5051 M10 0'/a . 0'l0 0 _ 3 Lead Maint. Wori.er:St: _ 160 5561 01/9 OYo Lead Maint. Wc;rker:St. 161 6782 0°/a (7/0 121/16 0 3,686 LoO Maint.Worker ;Trees 113 7121 {0'Jo V10 0'fo 0 0 Lead Maint.Worke'r; Pka . West 163 8032 01/6 0'/0 0 Lead Maint.WorOr: Heritage" 119 2313 M. Q/0 M. 0 '0 Lead Maint Worker; Parks/Trail' 159 5569 0 0 0'/a 01/0 0— 0 Sr.Maint Worker: St. 120 1138 0% 0/0 121/0 '0 3,221 Sr. Maint. Worker. lrr. C.W. 117 1600 0'k t /o Oho 0 0 Sr Maint. Mika.: lrr. West 122 281° NO0'/0 � 0 0 Sr.Maint.Worker, Civic Center 189 , 6823� V/0 M/0 Oho 0 D Sr.Maint.Worker,* St. 118 8i) 0% 0 0 129`0 0 3,221 Maint.Worker: 'Pks. East 126 132 0<l* a�JA trro" v 0 Maint.Worker. 'Grails/City Wide 127 507 W. M. 01/0 0 0: Maint.Worker: Pks. Irr. West. 177 832 0A Wo 01 0 0 ,1aint,Worker: St. 140 944 CP/o p 12% 0 3,050 Maint.lWorker'':St. 124 5824 T/0 M/o 03a 0 0 Maint.Worker :St.. 137 2143 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pks. Fled Hill 174 565 0'la OP/p 4 0 %OD4 Maint.Worker: St. 131 873 Ma 0% - " 0'/0 4 Maint.Worker: Pks. 'West 141 1049 VYo 0"/0 i}/a ' 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East. 134 1088 0'/0 Maint.Worker:St. 173 1916 !L% _- OVA 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Wdtker Pks: West 132 6045 0'l0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 136 1844 0'Jo OIA 0'/a 0 0 Maint. Worker:St. _; 197 Vacant '0% 0'yo 0'fo 0 ti 0 Position Classification Fps. Position Quota A ro riations Current Dept. Mgt. Dept. Mgr. -_ Title ,& Position # # Level ' Ramd. Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd.'-. Maint.Worker :St. 129 813 tP/0 0'/0 0/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 0'/0 O/o 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Fac. Citywide 139 3203 0'l0 - 0'/0 Wo 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Heritage 135 4262 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 C%o 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 5055 0'/0 Q'/o 121/0 0 2,858 Ma1nt.Worker: St. 166 6928 (V/0 0'i'o 12% 0 3,252 Maint.Worker. Pks. Irr. Crew 175 6388 0'/0 OP/o 0Y0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 0010 Q/0 CP/0 .0 0 Maint. Worker: St. 196 5091 0'/0 M/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 167 5863 0/0 01/0 (7/0. 0 0 Maint.Worker St. '142 60091 0'10 OI0 , 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pks. West 222 1310 fP/0 0 0'ta 0 ' 0 Maint.Worker St. 133 8677 21/160 2,530 Maint.Worker: St. vacant' J'' 0'/0 01/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. 'Red Hill 170vacantf ~- 01/0 0'/0 0/0 0 0 Maint.Worker.. Pks. West 171 6773 0'/9 CPA0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pks. West 143 7397 0'k 0�/0 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pks. West 184 7638 Mlo '7/0 0'/0 0. 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red Hill 128 8151 0'/0 CP/0 tP/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 130 6181 0'/0 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pks. Fac. Creed 183 8681 0'/0 0'/Q Wo 0 0 Maint.Woiker: Pks. East 144 6740 NO 0'/0 01/0 0 0 n!.Rint.Woftir- Pks. East 147 514 0'/0 0%0 0'/0 0 0 MairiKai: ,St. ; 165 2845 01/6 No M/0 0 0 Seas,,jnal M. T4W;h: City Wide' 153 2071 M/0 0%. 0% 0 0 Seas,anal M. Tiach: City Wide 154 461.0 0'/0' 0'/0 OP/0 0 0 Seasonal M. TV-61s: City Wide 155 6076 01% CP/0 0'/0 0 0 Seasonal lk%Tech: City Wide 156 5562 0% 01/a Ol0 8 0 Seasonal. M. Tech: Citywide 6660 o% ox. 0% 0 0 Seasonal' M. Tach: Citywide 200 Vacant (No 01/0 tP/0 0 0 Mechanic 1719 3036 01/0 C'i tP/0 0 0 Mechanic 180 5889 0�'/0 I)YO 0 0 Mechanics Assistant _ 181 1306 (?/9 011 0'/0 0 0 Inventory Spec Equip Mtris ` ; 82 5994 0'l0 0% 0'/0 0 D Signal & Lighting Tech 291 2562 03'0 0% M/0 0 0 Supervisor Parks Cry J86 Proposed 01/0 N/R 0 NJR Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed 01/0 40'/0 0 10,613 Office Assistant - 202 Proposed - Q/0 N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed 0'/0 tP/0 0 `. 0 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed - CP/o N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed' = 0'/0 0'k 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Proposed' 01/0 PAIR 0 N/R' Lead Maint Worker.St. 235 Proposed - - 30% - 7,326 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 i;,roposed - N"JR. N/R' Lead Worker: Pks. Irr. C.W. 225 Proposed - N/R NJR Lead Worker: Pks:.GF 'LMD Cont .226,Proposed - - N/R - NiR Lead Worker: Pks. LMD Contract 227 Proposed - - NIR - N/R Lead Mechanic 228 Propo)sad _ 0'/0.. 0 St Maint. Worker: Pks.. Beryl 188 Proposed - 0% N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. West 198 Proposed 0'/0 1 - 0 .,�'�o Sr. Maint' Worker: Pks. Mow 229 Pro osed 1, - N/R - Positlan Classification , J Position Quota. :*' Agivrooriatilons, Current tept« Mgr, „4ept. Mgr.. Title & Position # # Level Rand: Rcmd. Rcmd. lend. 5r. Maint Worker: Fks,. i=ac, West 164 Proposed - Q16 NIR 0 N/R Sr Maint. Worker. `Pks,` {i:ac, East 172 Proposed 0'/a, N/R 0 NA Sr.. Maine: Work6v s.. irr. East 176 Proposed - M NIR ti 0 Nit` Sr. Maine.. Worker: ka. OW CKew 178 Proposed c7/a N/R 0 NIR Sr. Maint. Worker: St. 186 Proposed - - NIR Maint. Worker :Pks. West 103 Proposed 01% Maine. Worker, ;Pks, West 194 Pks 195 Proposed Proposed - Q/a 0Y+ mz N/R; 0 NJR Maint. Worker : Civic� Maim Worker : St. 123Y Proposed ` - N/R . NIR Maint. Worker : Pks, Bast 8 Proposed ; - 0'/a 0/00 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. East Proposed - 0/O fP/o 4 0 Maint. Worker : Pks, West 21. ,roposod 0 0. Maint. Worker : Ss. 2t.9' rrpPosad 0'/a i�i/R 0 N/R Maint: Worker : Pks. Mow 212 i�oposad :. 0% N/R 0 NIR Maint. Worker : St. gig i'�oposcd ,� - 0/,., . N/R 0 NIR - Maint., Worker: Pks. Beryl �214 FIrcpossd _ 041 � N/Ft it. �' � 6 NIR Maint. Worker :Pks. Fac. fast, : 2i8 Proposed tti'!a NII 0 N/R ... Maint. 'Worker : Pks- Pac. West 210 Proposed 0`Aa [r/a 0 ' 0 Maint. Worker ; Pks, Trail LMD 217 Proposed w 036 0'/¢ 11 0 Maim, Worker : Pks, frr. East 218 Proposed - " 01/0 N/R b NIR Maint. Worker : Pks. Low Crew ii i Proposed-; - 0/a NIR 0 NA Maint. 'Worker Pks. Law Crew 07 Proposed' = ' N/R _ NIf! Maint., Worker : 'Pks, Heritage 232 Proposed - - " NIR - Nr R Maint,,--Worker z Pks.Heritage 233 Proposed N/R N1R Maint.. Worker : Pka. 'Trail LMD U Proposed' NIR NIR ; Maint. Worker St. 205 Proposed NIR NIR c, Mechanic 220 Proposed 0'/a 0% 0 ; 0 Mechanics Assn... 221 Proposed 0% 0'/0 0 ' 0 Subtotal >F;os2 $6,086 Merit Contingency: - 25 41 2,804 Subtotal: f ,34? , 8,890 Fringe Benefits 1,871 20A>12 Subtotal: 7,2t8 79�dt22 Par. -tune Subtotal: 7,218 ; 79,502 Merit Contingency: 0 TOTAL" 7,c18 79,602 'P.roposad. Now, Position **Proposed redlassificatloe► of Existing Position from Sr.,.N1.W. to Lead M.W. NIR 89 Not Recommended FY 89/90 NIR 90 Not Recommended P'Y 90/91 or, a �NINI�I�I�`�IIUIIIIIIIIINIIIu III IIII I IIIIIIII�IIIIIII HIIII Ilnlll III�III�I III 01IIIIIIIIIi IIII �I IIII IIIII pit OI '� \w CM Cb<- `. VE CS -� p e+ 4v Cr O i W \ i gat^ K 1 O N tl Mo ZS 1!i°s ` OI �.i A 01 1 K ui Ca 1 co 5 Position Ctassifioatton Emp. Position Mom Aoifro 'nations Currant Dept. Mg4CON/0 Dept. �} Mgr. Title &Position # # Level Rcmd. ' {cRcmd �: Rcrnd. Public Works Maint. Manager 101 9000 iP/Q Or% 01 !1 0 Parks/Landscope Maint Spvsr 102 307 wo tP/a NO 0 0 Street/Storm tarn Maint Supt 103 8112 0'/o 0'% 0'% 0 0 pleet Maint Supervisor 1044 6353 I , 0% 01/0 0 0 Management Analyst i 105 7957 0'k 01% (7/o 0 0 Secretary 106 220 C% CP/0 NO 0 0 Management Aide 107 3438 09'e 0'/o 03/n Q 0 Olftoe peciallst !! 162 $251- 0'/ OYV ONO a 0 Maint.Supr.Streots 108' 6875 iP/o (Pic 0,% 0 'p Maint.Supr.Parks: East 109 2494 . 0Y* 0'/a EP/a 0 0 Maiint.Supr.Parks; Cont. 1.10 2681 12°/o , 14% 7la 11959 2,414 Maint.Supr.Patks: Tree 111 4625 Cr/0 03'O 0% p p Maint,Supr.Streets 112 58$9 0310 0/0 M/0 0 o Maint.Supr.Parks: West. 167 8425 Q'/a M 0'/a 0 p Equipment Operator, (Sweeper) 148 5026 M/a 01/0 0% 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper} ISO 5200 V. NO wo p 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 6928 (M/o 0'/o tP/o 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 6992 tP/a 0 tt Equipment Operator (Sviseper) 152 70.5 Ma '0% 0'/a 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker; St, 191 ISO tY/; UY0 tYla 0 0 Leadt M6chanic IGS 192 159 0% O% 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Rod Hill 114 163 O?h >1! tPla �? 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker; City Wide 11S 1100 OYO- (/�°� 0'l0 ,;, 0 tt Lead Maint.Worker: St;, lie 2319 V. {'. 0% 0% `'�^/ 0 0 Leads Maint. Worker; Pks East 121 2714 C% 0Y'O 0'la 0 0 Leath Maint, Worker. Pks. East 123 3188 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker. Pks, West 158 5051 'l0 0'/ 0'/a 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:%. 160 5561 NO 0'/v = CP/a 1 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. 161 6782 A'ta IP/0 tP/n ` b b Lead Maint.Worker :Trees 113 7121 0Y. ova Oslo 0 g Lead Maint.Worker; Pks . West 163 SttM2 01/� :-moo iP/p o 0 Lead MaintMorker. Heritago- 149 2313 J ` 01/o lc M/o' 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Parks/Ttail• 159 $569 =•_;' !Y/o MA til 01 0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 120 1138 0'k tY C OYO S3 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: lrr. C.W. 117 1600 O'/o Oho 1/0 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker, lrr. West 122 2S19 Ma 0/o iFla k 0 Snmaint.Work, .`: Civic. Center US 23 ;' 01% 0 i? Sr.Malnt.Worker: St.. 116 5857 OYO tP/a OYO 4� u Maint.Worker: Pks. East 19$ 122 tP/o 0'/a 0/O 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trails/City Wide 127 SG7 17/0' M/a 0/o 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks, lrr, West 177 S65 tP/n 0/o 0 0 Maint.Worker. "St. 1�40 644 _ ` OY. 01% OYO 0 0 ,sainf.t+Vnrkgr :St. a0 124 &13 tYk G'}o 0 Maint.%lorker :St. 137 819 CPI (7/0 tY/a r Q 0 Maint.Worker: Pks, Red Hilt 174 932 0/o tYh bolo _ 0. 0 Maint.Worker: St. i31 $73 OY0 -0Y* lJ9ra , 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West '141 1048 tP/� . ODD 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks; East t14 1060 0'/o tP/o ON.0 0 Ma!nt.Wvrker:St. I"i3 1291 Oy/a Ctlo wo 0 0 Maint.Workar Pks: West 132 1310 {1'/a 0/9 0'la 9 0 Maint V orker: Trees 136 1844 0'/0 01/4 Ci'la 0 0 Maint. Worker:St. J 1011915 . tP/0 tP/o I No ' Of PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE1990191 DEPANTMF7,t-P Mood Control ;,;::,nrs�nanrq Position: Classification Emp. Position Quota A propriations Current Dept., Mgr. Dept.. Mgr. Title & Position 4 # Level Rcmd. Rand. Rcmd. Rand. Maint.Worker :St, '129 2143 0% 0yo 0'/a Q 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 '27740 0'/0 wo 01/0 0 0 itaint.Worker:: Fac. Citywide 139 3c03 0yo tP/0 OP/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: Horitage 135 4262 Oy0 01/o 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 0yo 0'/0 0�'0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 169 Boss .04 0'� OYO 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 166 5091 OYc Zo Oy'0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. lrr. Crew 175 5561 ' %* 0?lo 01/6 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 Wo ova CYo 0 0 Maint. Worker: St. '196 5834 0/0 CV0 n.y0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees 16:' SS63 o% OYO 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 142 6009 " 0'/0' V/n 0'la 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 6045 (;P/0 CP/0 W" 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 133 ; 6181 0yo0'� C% 0 0 Maint.Warker: St. 125 5740 0% CF/0 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pks,, Red Hill 1706144 0110 0yo 0yo 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks.. West 171 6773 tP/o wo C% , 0 0 MBInt.Worker: Pks, West 143 7397 ` 0% wo . Q/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Pks. West 184 7438 0% 1P 0ym 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. Red i-iitl 128 ; ' 8151 0'/a t 0% fl 0 Maint,Worker :St. 130 077 01/0 0'/0 . CPA 0 0 ; Maint.Workor. Pks, Fac. Grew 183 8681 DY0 0';�� 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 Vacant 0"/0 t% 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 141 Vacant. 0% 0yo 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: St, 165 Vacant 0yo OY0 W. p 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 163 Vacant 0% 0% ilk 0 0 Seasonal K Techr City Wide 154 Vacant WA 0/0 (7/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 155 Vacant tP/o 0% ' Wo 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 156 Vacant -0yo 0'� /0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 199 Vacant V0 0/a 0la 0 b Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 200 Vacant OYa 0% 0yo 0 0 Mechanic 179 '" 3036 - 0'% 0'k 014 0 0' Mechanic . 180 i 483 0% 1P/o 0'/0 0 0 Mechanics. Assistant 181 Vacant 0%, 0?/0 CIA 0 0 Inventory Spec Equip Mtris 182 S994 tPk OA oya 0 '0 Signal' & Lighting Tech: 201 Vacant NO ' tPk 0yo 0 0 Supervisor Parks City Wide 186 Proposedi; - 0?/a N/R 0 NIR Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed 0% ova 0 0 Office Assistant 202 Proposed - NO NIR 0 N/R Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 204 Proposed 0'!0 0yo 0 0 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed - 0yo N/R 0 NIR Equipment Operator 207 Proposed - 0'/0 0'!0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Proposed' C% N/R 0 N/R Lead Maint Worker:St. 235 Proposed /a 0 Lead ,Ma nt. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 Proposed - - NIR - N/R' Lead Worker. Pks- lrr. O.W. '225 Proposed - - NIA - NIR Lead Worker: Pks .GF LMD Cont. 226 Proposed - -' N/R 3,368 NIR Lead Worker: Pks. LMD Contract 227 Proposed - - N/R, N/R Lead Mechanic 228 Proposed - - 0% - 0 St.,Maint, Worker: Pks, Beryl 8 Proposed - 0'/0 N/R 0 NIR Sr. Maint. Worker. Pks. West 8 L'229 Proposed' - Olo - 0 0 Sr. Maint. Worker: Pks. Mow Pro osed - - NIR - NIR Position Clasoiftcation Emp. I Position Quota A otogriations Current Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgt', title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Rand. Rcmd: Rand. Sr.-Ma'.nt. Worker: Pks Fac West 1,64 Propiop4di OYO NIR a N/R Sr: Maint Worker: Pks Fac. East 172 reposed. k NIR 0 N/R Sr, M416u— 4orker; Pks, irr. East 176 Proposed - 0'/0 N/R 0 N/R Sr. Maint. Worker; Pks.Low Crew, 178 Proy^+osed - 0Y0 N/R 0 NIR Sr, Maint, Worker: St. 185 Proposed,,--' _ N/R N/R (Maint, Worker ;Pks. West ' 193 Propose_. ff1a 0 0 Maint. Worker Pks. West 104 Proposed 0% 0 0 Maint. Worker : Pks. Civic Maint. Worker : St. 1,5 91 Proposed Proposed [Fie - V/R N/Ft' 0 - N/R' NIR Matra. Worker : Pks. taut 208 Proposed -,; 0%6 03G i�) 0 Maitr'-Vorkor ; As. i_a-,_ , 209 [proposed , 0% Oia p . 0 , Maint: Worker : Pks. Was \' 910 Proposed tPk 03iy g 0 Maint. Worker : Sts. 219 Proposed.,0Ya NIR 0 Nli Maint. Worker : Pks. Mow tm\ 212 Proposed 0'lo N/R 0 NIR ' Maint. Worker : St. Q', ; 216 Proposed - M NIR 0 NIR Mizint., Worker; Pks. Beryl 214 Proposed 0 NrR 0 N/R . Maint- Worker V Pks. Fac. East.. 216 Proposed - 0' N111 0 N/R - MairA�LYorker Pks'r F= West 218 Proposed` ° 0% OY* 0 0 Maint, Worker : 'Pks. Trail LMD 217 Proposed 01. 0 0 Maint. Worker ,Pks. frt. East 213 Pro sed = 0% NIR: 0 N/R' t hint. Worker : Ms. ,Low Crew,, 211 Proposed (_} 0% WIR 0 N/R' Maint, Worker Pks. Low Crew 937 Proposed N/R NIR Maint. Worker : Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed` - i+F/it =: N/R. Maint. Worker Pks.Heritage 233 Proposed - NIR - NIR: hlaint. Worrter ; Pks. Trait LMQ 236 Proposed NIR - N/R Maint. Workor : St. 205 Proposed ' - NIR ,. N/R Mechanl 220 Proposed - y 0% 9 0 Mechanics Asst. 221 Proposed 03s 03'0 0 0 Subtotal ° 6;327 2,414 (Merit Contingency: 293 145 Subtotal. 5.620 2,559 Fringe Benefits 1,96Z 896 Subtotal: 1,587 3,454 Part-time 0 0 SUbtd#at 7,587 3,464 Merit Contingency; 0 0 Ta(At - �%' 1,587 _ S.454 'Proposed New Position "Proposed reclas-Ii"ication of Existing [ Position from Sr M.W. to Lead M.W. N/R 8s trot Recommended R 89,`30 . N/R 90 Not Flecommendgd FY 90191 �I t1 �1 �f ,- a' J t _, �_i i . ,,. 11 � ti �I i I 1+1 dOp .�9 co ; d op . Ci Am, d Q O C; O .O. IMP O W' cmca Ate. d C7 m ,r .• 1'�r W Ot 7 Ib0 "tCDNw"F7 �' C n o I: N _Ir I C W '.tt.; s" '� RM eNit .N,. 40, iM0 a ._ Oft O v 9 d N 1- d ',� CD b Co O O Ci O em, 1't C! f.D O•cm, tp "co C� '�' q o O = C i p W C C 'N An —t O Ct 1w: O ftt t - > Ct b 40 N'1 1!1 • !'.'� k1t t•4 + 'b f' r - Q N b 10w 191 'IRt M ® N J' N_ O fe. CF Itr. 7 O +Q k"r O d ev Wt QD .ifi O O^SI O iA O 1L 1= O Cf 'O b O Ict Ct ct W yll C2,P w J � t "j .t o • 1 t i'f O wa ® tL: i7r Cs f0 O C 1'9 a*,1 4 'O O !4?in%'f4 b m d O i•'3 t3 O.a1s b O 9 tp# N ? 4 O 9 to tpt r? d ra d W b IM O S3 Ic CI @ l^ M 6D d Ct W tp 'Ct a vv am; 1en rw 3 tW1m11 'm,.. its O`er .Sf THY 'b'q 40� GC A G d •ts p 1 M N 1'^. N o r N 1p : QM i 1� O t'• .. O.• !'•• M }f't w` _ H. :N:t aM+l. N N: R. 6$: _ to � tm cA 1P O O 0 vo too va `�uNf Q .� 1�f sd. rO c, O fes am to IJt o/.� J® N ,Aej ., wtN Ot w 1f1i, X ; w V S N � !�! fp . '_�' -. ••� CI � d b'1d c* vs �."b am, ® Ci :@ Ri � C b Si tr cz, Q 1Q b rGY d "ID b 1fa• Ct m Q Q b ilA tjry,. Py ut K' ; Y yy ISZ $� A to LL't ® No d fa ��qq .. in fA on t av 4%, h!'` /W - GG Gi rM• r a' ' ff r1v to t 7 P• N rt2 b 4e fE O ti O so (A :O d :cmz ri 'O Q R'a M 'M O Q N M — fr+ N. 11ry . N IIR' .aR 4 - 'SY N .N N tl `IA 1 Pi tf O. M t0 bwo O 3 Yn 1ma :a dNN o as o A o Ama o ca Ifs t ci a o n o ace t 13. �t 1 N• d r ,P N M o� 1'n'. ice„ qn O An P to .. IM0 1 iNA n O r AD r, fi a a to - "®v •J Sri i JZ tsOi 1�` •` + d 1 yy y .�• to t^ CLJ 'gypp Crjl CG tY ,AIF t� J }. t O -i+•�. Lwti �. «i +C •C 5 t J 4i '.C,`'•�-: L - sx.. ...Q.Jt /4. r@4jY?. tom+ •l,."�.J � W 4/Y of - 4. 1t6�. yt vS ►i.t m1 _ 'Y a.J {y�1.y 3 Sri? Ci. O_ �•.`' �• W F rX N 'yR{^ q. a 4t YXJ ►�i r' r N - S ...1 ", }VJ. bC `g v1 C13 OC 3S 1/,�'6:� V'•i.^.. t ..r� l- a a ►��- r4at C !t C�rY ` M —9 s~/! tx- 'u Sc Z 7s rtcc li � B:,a"„ � tx.+. Fw- p :. Ct @ @ f04: t-,t0, N 'O 6, N..: u 44A• N on C S:H O :Z t0 do% d !• ! a ,. r w F O �w � �...0 Av G'Y .^• t4 'O s N. p. ,� N '... N :.. �sN.:M••. v" id0 _ 8- WA WA ca w 4! � to to O tm rN M. cm C �NN Go IMP �dn., WK't0 .Cl � 6A i 7^ P !r• !'• A'/'• tF - T v- t- t- P to. '• 1:. t- p- t+•'a• M h 1•+ A C+ % W 4 t•+ an: Al 40 A M b tCi Nt Iti Go^itJ laT M M to qp iQ 'Y en it! fO to ttt Nt MO 40 fA .Pf t0 VD att .Itt t® ltJ :iJR W -ion ww iN Y® W In i" - dit 10 ew ea f0 to Aw-llr 14 $ .-, . 'N m: 0 Y tI @ :t CF tl •R ql VP aP Q' JT VII' 'V Y CA a► /iC Rr �q Y tN:'4 '_ry'tl'V. i 4M M �91e ro! aA :a+ +n Qti M 4w : oY ;IY w. of a+ +si IY+ $t :p+ pry iYi at !a. �s! !Yt i� D� air of i 56 1, � r �W._....:<e_. �- ::::.:.. �. _ � VIA.✓ ... /� r.. .: .. _ ,• .. r I i2 Position Classification Emp. Positioli Ouotd' A proDriations Current Dept. Mgr. 156pt. , Mgr gr Title & Position Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Ramd. Rcmd. Public Works Maint. Manager -,,Ql 000 O%Q a/6 01/c 0 0 Parks/Landscape Maint Spvsr 30-/ , (f %* '0 0 Stre.at/Storm Drn Maint Supt 163 8112, ------01/6 w. '0 0 Fle-e Mai= Maint Supervr �,:-104 635!:1 Q/4 4 010-,-=�-Qment Analyst- 1 1051', 79Z,71 V,'6 0 0 secretary 106 220 GYQ cp/. 01. 0 0 Management Aide 107 0/0 0/0 0 Office 'Specialist It 162 ;is, 011% 01/0 Malnt.Supr.Streets 10817 S875 i 03/0 01/0 ff 0 0, Mairit.SupT.Parks: East, 109 2494, 0%. 00 O 0 Maint.Supr.PRrks: Cont. tj 2661 03/0 00/0 0 0 Mgmt.Supr. Parks* Tree J 4625 01% 011. 0 Maint.Supr.Streets 112 0 M/ 0 0 Maint.Supr.Parks: West 157 8425 01/0 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper), 148 6025 1000' I W/o l00p/6 24,060 26,844 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 150 5200 1001/116 1 OCP/. 1001% --27,960 31,176 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 6929 OYO VQ is 0 Equipment Operator (Swooper) 149 6992 1000/0 11000/0 24.8-071 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 ioa,;a I W% 0 Lead Ma11nt.WdrkGr: St. 191, ISO 0% 40/6 10,336 Lead Mechanic: IGS 192 '169 Op/. 0% 0, 0 - 01 Lead Maint. Worker: Red Hill 114 163 01/0 OYO ONO 0 01 'Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 115 1100 ni .01/9 0 Lead Maint.,Worker: St. 116 2319 %iP,4 01/0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks East 121 2714 01/0 011/0 01/0 0 Oi Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. East 1193 3185 OYO 0/0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West 168 5051 OYO OY0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St. ISO 5561 01/0 0'k M. 0 0 Lead Maint, Worker:St. 161 6782 72% 41% 2VI 10,632 8,909 Lead Meint.Worker -Trees 113 7121 qllo 01/6 M/6 0 0 Lead Maint.Worken., Pks . West, 163 8032 C70 fy/9 01/0 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker: Heritage" 119 2313 01% 01/0 (rip 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pai%S/Trall* 169 5569 01/0 01/0 01/0 0 -0 Sr.Maint.Worker: St. 120 1138 ONO 84% 30% 10,619 8,U�3 Sr. Maint. Worker. Irr. C.W. 117 1600 OX/0, 01/0 01/0 0 Mr. Mdint. Worker: Irr. West 122 280 CFO 00 01/0 0 Sr.Mahit.Worker: Clvl'c Center I89 5823 CP/a (7/0 0/0 0 0 Sr.MalP,%Worker: St 118 W57 ova W/o 293'0 9,865 7,785, Maint.Wborker* Pies. East 126 132 00 OYO OYO 0 0 Maint.Worker., Trails/City Wide 127 507 01/0 (Flo ova 0 0 MW.nt.Worker: Pks. Irr. West 177 665 01/0 info OYO 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 90yo 479b w1ra '101231 0,896 Ment.Worker :St. 124 813 9CP/0 90170, 01/p 0 0 Maint.Worker -.St. 137 8`19 0% 44% &/0 9,1_1t?8 8,421 li,i aint.WoTker: Pks. Red Hill 1"4 632 01/0', OYO wo 0 0 Maint.Waiker: St. 131 873 4Pk G/01 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. West 141 1048 0l0 &IQ 00 0 0 Maint Wbrker Pks4, East 134 1088 01/0 01/0 NO 0 4 6 Maint.Worker:St. 173 1291 291 NO 0% 01/0 a D Maint.Worker Pks: West --- 13110 01/0 OYO 01/0 0 0 Maint.Worker. Trees 36 1844 01/0, CIA M/0 6 0 110airt. Wdrker:St. 19711915 cp/. CP%1 0%1 01 Position Class dcation Ernp. Position Ouota _ A oroorlations Current Dept. h1gr. Dept. Mgr. _Title & Positioe) # # Level Rcmd. Rid. Rcmd. tcmd. Maint.Worker :St. 14 2143 0'/� ` W. `0'/a 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks: East 138 2740 ' 03'0 01/0 (/0 0 0 Maint.Worker Fac. Citywide 139 3203 t;'/o 0'!0 0 _0 Maint.Worker Pks' Heritage 135 4262 01/Q 0110 OP/0 ` 01 b Maint.Worker :St. 145 4962 0'/0 ML (T/0 0 0 Maint.Worker: 'St. 169 5065 W/o 47%0 W% 9,736 8,337 Maint.Worker: St. 166 ', 50911 90% 47% W% 1,627 9,778 Maint.Workav Pks, lrr. Crew 175 &%1 0% !p/0 0%, � 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 146 5563 0'/0 OF/p 0'/0 0 0 Maint. Workert St, 196 5824 0'/0 tP/0 0P� 0 0 Maint.Worker: Trees: - 167 5863 01/0 01/0 tP/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 142 6009 G'lo - ►7/o Vic, 0 p Maint.Worker: Pks. West 222 6045 0'/0+ Q?/0 iP/0 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 133 6181 W/0 01/0 7ft% 18,641 19,392 Maint.Workar. St. t25 6740 0% 420/6 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks.. Red Hill 170 $744 CPk t7/0 tPIO 0 q Maint.Worker: Pks. West 171 6773 0% ip/0 (F/* 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks. West' 143 7397 0% 0P/n NO -0 0 Maint.Worker: Pkfl, West 184 i 7638 (7/0 0?/0 wo 0 0 Maint.Worker Pks. Fled. Hill � 128 ' 8151 . 1T/0 0'/o CF/0 0 0 Maint.Wr=';er :St. 130 8677 1P/0 0'/0 iP% 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pka. Fac.; Crew 183 8681 0'/0 0'/0 OPk 0 0 Maint.Worker: Pks. East 144 Vacant 01/0 CP/0 0 0 Maint.V'iorker: Pka. East 147 Vacan 01/0 t7/0 9/0 0 0 M.int.Worker: St. 165 Vr'ccant 00 47016 47% 10,237 10,648 Seasonal M. Teem: City Wide '153 Vacant 0'/0 0'!0 C'/0 0 2,004 Seasonal M. Techr City Wide 154 Vacant r'/o 0'/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wide 155 Vacant 0'/0 01/0 01/0 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: City Wida 156 Vacant 0'/0 ff% 02/0 0 D Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide: 199 Vacant 0% 01/0 011: 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: Citywide 200 Vacant 0'/0: 0'/0 01/0 0 0 Mechanic 179 3036 01/0 0'/0 (710 0 0 Mechanic is 5883 NO 0/0 0'/0 0 0 Mechanics Assistant 181 Vacant 04!0 0'� M/0 0 4 Inventory Spec Equip MtRls- 182 5994 0% 0'/0 - b 0 Signal; & Lighting Tech 201 Vacant 0/4 0't 1W. 27,636 33,432 Supervisor Parks City Wide ISS Proposed N/R 0 N/R. Supervisor Streets 187 Proposed - W/0 60'/0 25,C 32 15;919 Office Assistant 202 Proposed - 0'/a N/R 0 N/R Equipment 6perator (Sweepor) 204 Propossd - MP/0 10W 21,768 26,844 Equipment Operator 206 Proposed 30% N/R 0 N/R Equipment Operator 207 Proposed , . - 300/0 1W/o 21,768 26,844 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 190 Propose` 0'/a' N111 '� N/R Lead Maint Worker S1. 235 Proposed - - 70'/0 24,CJ 17,094 Lead Maint. Worker: Trail C.W. 224 Propotud - - N/R N/R,,; Lead Worker; Pks. irr. C.W. 225 Proposed :. - - N/R ' - i !/R Lead Worker: Pks .GF LMD Carat. 226 Proposed' - - NIR - N/R Lead Worker: Pk,--,. LMD Contract 227 Proposed - - N/R - N/R- Load 'Mechanic 226 Proposed - - 0'h . - 0 Sr. Maint- Worker. Phs, Bsryl 183 Proposod 0/0- N/R N/R Sr Maint. Worker: Pks, West 196 Proposed 0'/0 0 0 Sr: Maint, Workr+r: Pks. Mow 229 Proposed - N;R - :' N/R Position Classification f' Position QuotaA ro riatio 1=mp, 89/90 Dept. Mgt. Dept. ns mar. , Title & Position # # Level Rcmd. Remd. `'Rend. Rcmd. Office Specialist it $ 2134 0 - 0 Office Specialist 11 11 6679 0 0 0 0 Moe specialist it tip 8682 0 0' ` 0 0' 0 Secretary " 9 naw - , a is 0 0 Senior Civil Engineer 63 3a$2 0 0 tl g 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 A Associate Engineer ? 7413 0 it 0.2 0 10632 Sr. Engineer* l new ,., . t} 0 0.9 0 647W Traffic Engineer 3' 6800 (i 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer l8 3211 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 191 5I'az" _ 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 28 6312 -. ` 0 0 0 0 0 ,Assistant Engineer 49 $149 0 0 13, d 0 Assistant Engineer so.6682 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aids 46 162 0 0;- 0 0 0 Engineering Tech.' 55 noW - 0 0 0 0, - Senior Civil Engineer 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 30 2140 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 21 5276 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0 0 0 0: 0 Assistant Eng seer 2$ 2641 ;; 0 0 a 0 tl Assistant Engineer 51 4887 0 0 0 0; Jr.Engln^^r 32 2020 0 0 0 0 r -c tginearlcj Tech. 36, 661 0 0 0 0 0 >'Tlgineerinq Aide. 46 58Q0 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 52 1218 0 0 0 0. 0 Assistant Engineer ' 56 now 0 0 0 0 Public Works Engineer 16 6360 0 0 0 0 0 Spr Public Works Insp ' 30 4900 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works nsp,ll" 37 1`15 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works lnsp.lV* 34 1076 - 0 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp. 43 2727 0 0 0 0 0 Jr, Engineer 33 490 a 0 0 0 0 Pblc Wrks tnsp il, .. New - N/R N/R 0 0 Subtotal 0 17,08S Merit Contingency: Subtotal! 0 17,942 Fringe Benefits 0' 60260 Subtotals 0 24, Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 0 24, t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "Positions funded using Special Funds "Pre used New Position KIR Not �ecommended w S c' O tt�0 Q Q J}[Gry[ N cn �µy O OO O N tm Ch .- ' N r T T . W d U cL oW� r g S O m p c6 N ih Q r N,.. E c7 cv 0 o CDc`v (D MD- m r m E a z � o id- Q 1i Sn r y 0 o m c, m E th tx ro m a w E G y G m = d U m en y E ; E c cam m E y Q C C = c°'m j C d d .Cm.. 9 L y cc Co C d '.c C 0'.�. y y coUSa E, cc .LU .I y = r» m 5. U. �' y m. C.. a� Lo w E m w cm c c a E ' o o m oCo E w' a ;.E p otl vat .. ^ o an d t4 H m m U7 U tD lA CG 'O CD=_ m m C - oti y m S f v to C c LU tTD m Q^ d. LL � m � J � � � � � $ y � d m ® 4� r vl Is. is fif t3 m ¢ ? o : — IL m d 0= ci— E m z c3 ts owCp 0 E Q m 4 C", PITr1L DYIPROVENMENNT PROJECT REQUEST Department; Commurtiitiy l3gvelopment Fund: Priority, iv'o, f Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2106 Oil' Prol"t Title, Description, and Locatiori: City Wide Street Facilities, Manage,"cent Inventory and Program Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement h; * Additiott Project Justifications Study will create a program for the maintenance of all City street facilities. f Has this protect beett scheduled in a prior C.I.Pi 0Nd *'Yes Other projects or factors directly related tQ this projects Indicate fiscal year project should be., Started:'.$71$ti Completed 40l91 Estimated. Project'Costs Amount Suggested Financing w Amat M Design Cost 5 0 Gas fax 21,06 St 1€100 Construction east S' 0 Administration Cost so Complete Study 95.0' Total Cost i S KOM . Funds- available attdlor S 85,000, Amount required first: year S 1010011 already expended r Amount requited ����t?equent ors F. Balance Required S I0-00El TOTAL 5 Ci.�O�J; R { } .J CAPITAL 14IPI UYVEME TPROSECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund, Divisions Engineering Gas Tax 2106 Priority .No: MP $8y07, Project Title, Description, and4' Location: City Wide Traffic Control. Dh u F.ole. Inventory and Management Program Indicate whether: o Nevr 0 Replacement Addition .� Project Justification, Inventory of all City traffic -control devices and maintenance management program. a Has this project been scheduled ,,in a prior C:,I R,? NO Yes' Other projects ` or fActors directly 'related to this project: Indicate ° fiscal year, project should be: Started 87/98 Completed 90191. Estimated Project Costs` ' Amount suggested Financing amount Design Cost so _.. eas Tax 2105' S 17,000 ...." Construction Cosh s,at Administration Cost S, zo o Complete Study S10;000 f Total Cost $ 17;000 Funds available and/or so Amount required first year S 17,000. already expended Amount required stitsequent years S L Balance Required $ 17,000 T. i3TAl t7100 4. CAPITAL. [IMPROVEMEti'"I` PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund, Priority Now, Division: Engineering Gas Tax 2106 ST 88-19 Project Tit-'--, Description. _and Location: Hillside Road Street Rehabilitation and, Improvement - Hermosa to Mayberry Indicate whether: Q New Q Replacement (g) Addition Project Justification: Improve and Widen roadway to minimum width and condition. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P 1 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87E88 Completed 89/90 f Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested FinancingAmount Design Cost S 0 Gas Tax .2106 S 1.000 F Construction Cost S 128t7OO Administration Cost S I5,000 1 Total. Cost S 143,700 Funds available and/or S 142,100 Amount required first year. 5 11000 already expended Amount required subsequeat years SO I Balance Required S 1,000 TOTAL S L000 f ' CAPITAL N PR QVENIENT PROJECT REQUEST 4 Department: CV munity Development Fund: — Priority No. ` Divisiont rigineering == Gas Tax 2106 ST Q0-10 1 Project Title. Description, and Location: i City Wide Sidewalk., Curb & Gutter 1911 Chapter.21 Improvement Program. Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justifications Improve roadway to City standard,. including curb, gutter,. sidewalks, and street lights, 1� P Has this project been scheduled its a prior C.I. ? No 0 Yes 9ther projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should, bes Started 90/91 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cast $ 1,000 Gas Tax 2106 S ,'10,000 Construction Cost S 8.000 .Administration Cost $ 11,00 }1 Total Cost S10100a Funds available and/or S i7 Amount, required first year already expended Amount required subsequent years Batance, Required S 10.006TOTAL S m000 1 CY O cL O p a O p p -O p ca SY O O C O � W OI 1 G :. rt lri ✓ U9 1 '' Irt O M 4 p. O O O O p 'O Q. O O i. tPl 'O to O O O. 'O O O C, ®'6 O ti O Q Cb O do, O c p 1/1 to O t0 taT c3k M p Q N Q. Q: O O O G a yc p:. N A N :t�0 dmi t W Y! � 1 t O Clq �y. .YY ffll ^ OI i. w -. .r m o o v d o. a o al o sr o o a o o �i.. , o. let ! 1 Cf cS M! O �. � i!A O d INCa Y#: O O :, Q'O O N Q p F d a F t! N e� p ll O r iata An t f l tY 1 _ V C O a. .cw 41* Q Ct 'Q O-. O i G1 t[s Q O LL W jj —W ' M +P 1 O O lD o J 1 Id! OKt- [�V a U Yy Y m a !?•' t - i w. O Q: 0 ac '^ N If!• O O N G' O O p O vo O � to [�f AA cw co W 'to M / o r ra to uea r N 1 LU It m R R t7C V~i P.- ro, r X .V.. yy a �ivA,�l G ;. 1 r f1J W�.. in gO �N �' . 1 d z�t cc ►+, a W Z v. N ICY'.. Y� - v at! i"'`' < G4 y aY, h Yhj: 1 c9 m uj .Jcn cc w X OC Q l T cca Ica W '! O � r � i A k�+ F - !� F M° F !+ 'F k► F F .: F F b` F F F ti F t" lY. I � u1' N. M, i0 ['f cis YD 41s M t3 M'Nf i� a0 f�R fs 40 '�1 to itR W tf] aL1 fib. 1lb - lO W' t0 iIG LD to^✓ : a71 .,01 � - yr. -1 ' X P. �f. w.' 1�:: �✓ .�.. ��. P..r f..�.. ,n'r 'r r s '�� h M^ \ PROGRAM POSITION/SALARY SCHEDULE 199041 11 DEP , .;,:.: . t'and11; Engin_e� :..._ sTax 2107.5 PcEstian Position Quota Apompriatians Glassiffcation -��/90 t)apt. Mgr. ;Dept, t'/Igr, TIYa & Position # v level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rand. Rcmd. o, J� ,: �E Office Specialist if 0 i*1`4' ' Q 0 0 v Office Specialist It 11 ' 5679 ',, .' ' 0 - 0 0 0 Offlom Specialist it 12 86812 A 0 0 0 Secretary _:. 53 now 3 ,� t) C 0 Senior Engineer b3., $882 0 0 0, 0' 0 Landscapa. Designar 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 1t 7413 0 0 0 0 0 Jr. Engineerw 54 new 0 0 0 0 0 t T�,affic Engiineer 3 - ,, 6a00 0 0` a 0 _ R s' Associate Engineer is `� 3211 0 0 0 0 10 -, E1ig neer 195137 0 1 5316, 1906Associate b Assistant; Engineer 28 16312 0 0 0 0 = ' �0 j 1J Assistant Engineer = -.a-A b,149 0 0 0 0. , 0 Assistant Engineer 50 6682 !), 0 " 0 0 "0 Engineering Aide 45 152: 0 0 0 01- Engineering Tech.* 55 new - - 0 0 0 Senior Engineer 5 '� 5822 0 0 0 q 0 Associate Engineer 20 2140 !1 0 0 . - = , { C;; . 0 Associate Engineer �. 21 5275 :' 0 0 c 0��" �� 0 `._�� 0 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0' 0 0, 0 4 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0 0 Assistant Engineer 51 4607 0 0 0 Jr. Engineer Engineering Tech. 32 36, VN20 561 0 6 0 .` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 46 6800 0. 0 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 52 128 0 0 0 0 0 i Assistant Engineer ' 6 new - 0. 0 0 0 ;�1 = Public atorks� Engineer 6 6350 0 0 0 0 0 10' <, Spr Public VYbrks Insp 30 4900 0 0 0 0 Public Works Insp,ll** 37 115 0 0 0 0 0 � Public Works Insp.li•" 38 1075 -5 0 : 0 0 0 Public Works., insp. 43 2727 % , . 0 0 0.4 0- 10 Jr. Engineer 33 480, 0 0 u 0 0 Pblc Wrks Inisp.11` *' 64 Now 0 Nlfa `- 0 0 Subtotal - 6,3i6 6,706 Merii't Contirigiency 316 335: Subtotal: 61632 7,041 Fringe Benefits 2,321, 2,46 ; Subtotal: 8,953 9,505 Part-time TOTAL 8,053 9,505 T Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant, "Positions funded using Special Funds r -*Proposed New Position NIR Not Recommended y ci u ��; p ,�. i �� ., D... . ,i v " j O 8 G 0 C D'a O'O D O Co ® O' D n- a O O O '/o O t . o O cm, O C D a , tv rnO o G O. Ob 0b O f GI.O 6. qa: Qri:. DO bca Oo to cs a o - o a o - $ to : Nto N 1 G O O 6 D d O O a D O C3. O Ct Ct .. 1 t� Si O D Q! n cz, OO O O o is t r O D ao, O O. O O O D O O b O D tj't-e .J ,,.. .. It O O In � w O C jy- 6 i 0 .O O ti- Q° C O �b D b• N F 019 Yf." Of F i:r w Ci r7 co N t'7t OO O:p O0._ OO. OO '° n v O O D d O OOb ! U9 O lot � p' �a t o , o n o o D n o :a ' c* CA e; b C, a o a C: b D D o -o o o q 1 O a O �.'n O cm. cm �- 4 O W D tT Ct N QINf, _ r O:O 11Y: O. O G O O N tia- O O. tef s► b O O a �:0 O 'C� O N to C gyp,,.. C4 ac tit C!i J O C Oig �7.. \\�}.• /� A 1 Q O 02 rm O ° �. Lb. H �C � a �. Y -Am V7. O ^' fX, G .— SLI tL/ p Y.. _ O S 1-• Z Ppp� ;: !vim CS Nl +�C !' [J -• tFO: V cc m W J .�. < i' : OC � : �+C t? Lu +sBC. S 3C t.. t7.j :- C -C 1� t �+:. rO.. .tt tu.1— C6Aix tzli6 lat K: Y O1 t (7 6? Ql +4 :i. S �' S O ttM S.. �^ tL S fOdG �C S eF4Ji ~ V, Ow O O l�� +C co 1. t7 Ps• O N ♦Y nR. m wr tli atiT O -. �.tA 1y.. —" 1 1 1 � r Off' Rt (wat C° t+/ tA. A m iS7 Y r W W. .—la O w w t>7 w. scJ F N: aw F N N F !'+. N N t+ F N t+ F F 'tltit m F F m m {"� !+ tT' 61 :l. o•. ' t� _N _. ; CC Ci co m W.W. W C7' L4 tYl° - V41, mat W O 2C„ W .S ��Jyf G - �-. *7 , H '.F It— F t► ,tr t; aY � ' O CCC� ! ; h- to i► to tp 'aT W w w w ve w. tee +o w w.ta wr w ta':w r VM` w to v!. O w n °wr �c eo w wf emu^.. to w w° v taw rr ir' w to +r i° to to ,:: sl" '11t w N M N" N N CV. N N tVl N N N aV N C. N 1. - ' 6 - iD -Cc - 137 k; . ti W 6'1 t Ct O. O O - O O L7 q d :O CT :00 GY Od OOO.00 d 0000 O d, O O 'O q .O Ct is ti co!f9 40 r a O ca O NC)l 0 O O O , 4 _ tR m / Yt ct 4 O d Ci Ot . ►� o O O C. 'Q Od O OO.d0 c3i O0= .. O a m K I O l O t+ t o O i O d L O CDt p O: CS,O O WN O, ti'43 ttf K N !O O r \7 N O �N tM O m O !!— 'I.L id. fJJ i. y..: I I � 1 O ?.! O GR O O 4 Y� iq N. N '� U;1V O Lo' MN: d I =. j y0il N _ Orb aT O O d O O-re+s ICY O O 4. tL J t N R OI � 1 M O Vt P N Mf m m i G M ev MI O O ^� O lO O t[f40 lot cz Is 4's rd U s 1CO. W �E & G. PC 'It6 JpC 0.a? dW_ ' 1 -W. ti b 2c CS iK ! W '.Ci J 5N a.: C tJi ! sa. O ^ 1 QQQCCC S' !— �. it �ryryj.. tU � � �' �- x n eaJ e� w u� � w ►— �1 K Z = W _ W W m_ � W � 0 - mt ,? i .'►'07�. try iR U }. LL +S (tf alP S � f� �! O M i N M CI tiF. h er. Y� eP tt) OI Ol' _., t... m iV :N to NPf �tN,la'1 ^ N Egg V! 'erP ¢►"! pa M M .M M m _m of Q4 .40. at 1 m W no w W m S4 i'P . _m W `W m m m m, W W. m iiLL a* (~j � W O �' N ira - 1 .ar ar V.t O :. 1+ w. ..e' v W t0 L"F s < t0 4C` �l► w' 10 L'+ Pi li R�;Pa l" L"+ 1►. i'FT !'r ti !� .e f at .p s ar v v; 4 � .a►..e ar 10 iP ttiw t0 W ID O b to t9 iLl !i]` m 1r w ar r �. ofN 4Y' a+'e+ �•• � 'f w � � � � V4 N. aV N N. N N N N' N N N . �U f Po Classification Position° Ounia . A001`013tations EMp.; ' 89/g0 Qept. Mg.r. Dept, Mqr. Title & Position # Level Rcmd. Rcmd. Rcmd Rcmd.. Office Spa, :ielist it 9 1,9134 0.04 0.04 0 780 0 Office Sgek';tallst 11 11. 5679 0.11 0.04 0.01 845 236 Office Sped "'alist it 12 $682 0.04 0.04 0,01 796 228 Secretary "' 53 new 0.06 0.01 1203 227 Senior Engineer 63 5982 0 0 0 0. _, 0 Landscape Designsr 17 6363 0.8 0.0, ; 0.8 3232;+) 36077 Associate E�,,Ir�ear 15 7413 0 0 0.01 0'__: 592 Jr. Engineer*- 54 rlew 0 0 0.01 0 323 Traffic Engineer 3 5800 0.03 0.03 0.01 1t334 682 '- Associate Engineer 18 32ii 0.05 0.05 0.01 2632 559 As3Qclata Engineer 13 6137 0 0 0 0 Q' ` Assistant Engineer 20 6312 001 a.01 0.01 463 481, " Assistant Engineer 49 8149 O.Of 0.01' 0,01 053 ., . 376= Assistant Engineer 60 6682 0.06 0.06 0.06 2119 2260` Engineering Aide 45 52 0.02 0.02 0.02 442 556 a Engineering Tech.",', 555 lew 0.02 0.02 , Senior Engineer 5 = ? " . 0.1 US 6413 . , 3327' Associate Engineer `�' � Wit? 21dO 0.11 0.11 0.05 47,,*, A sscciate Engineer 21, 5,,175 0.11 0-11 0'05 5?9U 27s4 Associate Engineer 22 14687 5700 -, 0.11 0.11 0.05 5508 2739` Assistant Engineer 29 2a41 0.11 0A 1 0.05 4293 217T Assistant Engineer 61 0.1'1 ; 0i1 0.05 4a84 i970 Jr.Engineer 32 2020 0.11 11' t3A5 4U43 1614 Engineering Tacit. 36 50t: 0.11 0,11' tk05623 1536 Engineering Aide 46 580G 011 0.11 Us 2823 1505 " Engineering Aide 52 ' 128 0A1 0.11' 0.06 2431 i39'0 Assistant Engineer " 56 new 0.11 0.05 B$85 1676 Pud,'c Works Engineer 6 6350 0:06'. 0.07 0.05 4060"" 3165' Spr ,iibiic Works tnsp ° 30 4300 0.13 0.13 0.05 5833 2430" Pubut., VWorks insp.11**- 37 1ii3 0.13 0.113 0.05 5023 1894: Public Work;: Intp.fl" 38 107$ 0.13 OA3 0.05 ` 5023 2092: Public Works insp. 43 2727 INaw 0.02 0.02 001 682 392 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.49 0.09' 0.02 3116 750' Pbic Wrks tnsp ll° 64 - 0.13 - NtR. 3914 0 Subtotal 118,674 76;582 Merit Contingency: 5,934 3,829 Subtotal: 124,60a 80,411 Rings- Benefits, 43,8i3 28,144 Subtotal.- 168,221 - 108 55S Part -titre 0 0 TOTAL 168,221 108 555 t Propo f d reclassification of an Office Asst Ant to Senior Office Assistant **Posit( wAs funded using SP!vial Funds `Pea Used Now Position N/R Not Recommended r iy J i i INlllllllllllllhlihllllll�llllllll� II Illllulllll� IIIIIIINI�IIIIIII I, OIIImN�I�IN IIIn�INllllllll nli, � Z ui i— ¢ LL F- O`C �i n o p� 8 a+ E a. E m p o V m so ca Q ^ji CO co co cc J W I cts to ? 1c O LL la 10` 0 r nnn 8 pQ pOp N go CL nwp 1 1 CAPITAL I)v PR0VEirlENT PR0JE+QtkQL"E�T Department: Community Development Fund: Priority;v"o: r '. ]division: Engineering 'Bea�.tiiicatiori BT 88-, Project Tice. Description, and Location:' o Milliken Airenue Parkwayand Median Beautification Study y -Southern City Limit Ito Northern City Limit Indicate whether; O New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification,.` , t Inventory of existing conditions and development of design guidelines. :. r; 0 c Has this project been scheduted in a prior C,I P? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project - Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed. 90E91' ..Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design: Cost S o Beautification S 2,000 Copptruction Cost: so, Administration Cost S p 0,Compl�,te Study S 7,000 Total Cost S 71000 Funds available and/or S 51000 Amount required fiat ye", S 21000' already expended , Amount required subsequent year S 0 Balance Required 5 Z.00o TC?TA. r� S 2-000 CAPITAL 12MPROVEMENT PROJECT REQL-EST Department., Community Development Fund. Priority No.. Division: Engineering Beautification &T88. 21 Project. Title, Description, and location. 6th Street Median Beautification Study Haven to old. Rochestet, Indicate whether. 0 New 0 Replacement Q Addition Project Justification. Inventory of existing coa+ditions and development of design guidelines. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.Y.Y.? 0 No Yes ` Other projects or factors 'directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87188 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs. Amount Suggested Financing, Amount Design Cost -so Beautification S 1.000 Construction Cost $Q Administration Cost so I Complete Study . S 3.000 Total Cost. S 3AO Funds available .and/or ;'000 Amount` required first year S 1.000 already upended Amount required subsequent years S 0 _:' Balance RcgntrZd TC3TAi. s .11�{1' S l,b0 CAkTAL NPROVENIENT PROJECT. k EQLTST FDivision: Department.. Community Development Fund-, Priority No. Engineering 13eautification $T 86-06 Project Title, Description, and Location: Haven Avenue Gateway Entry monument at Fourth Street « East Side Indicate whether-- 0 New 0 Peplacement Addit-.-;in Project Justification: For city identity,; nionumont walls with, appropriate landscaping to be installed, I Has this project~ --*en scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No -Yes 'or-- FOther projects factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be. Started 97/88 Completed 90191 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested financing Amount Design Cost S,5,000 Beautification 5 1.000 Construction Cost S 230,000 Administration Cost S 11,500 'Torsi Cost S 246,300 Funds available and/or '245.500 Amount required first year S t'000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 11000 5 t000 Balance Required TOTAL I YIT+,L. IMPROVEVIENT PROJECT REQ;U'EST Department: Community Development Fund 'Na.- Division: Engineering,, Beauty, �acton Priority gT 88»11 Project Title, Description, . and Location: Milliken Avenue Gateway Entry Monument @a 1ourth Street - '2 ast Side indicate whether: 0 rlew 0 Aeplacement ��, Addition Project Justification: t For City identity, :monument, wails with appropriate landscaping to be installed. Has this project been scheduled in: a prior C,I.p.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly .related to this: project, BT' U-* 30 Indicate fiscal, year project should be: Started 87/88 Completed 90191: Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amoutit Design, Cost S 5,000 BeautMcatinn S 121,000 Construction. Cost. S 115,000 -Administration Cost S 6,0fli3 ' i' t1 Total Cost S 126,00E1 << r, Funds available and/or S 51000 Amount required ftrst year S 121.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years Sit f ,. Sat,' ,required 121,000 TOTAL S 12I1000 4�< I' CAPITAL, I.114PROVENM- NT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Comn7tln�ty Development Fund, Priority Ito,' L?vision;: Engineering Beautification $T 8$•07 Project 'title, Description, and Location; Archibald Parkway Beautification, Study � Southern City Limit to Northern City Limit Indicate whether; 0 New 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Conduct study of beautification needs and design elements for Archibald Avenue. Parkways: _f Has this project been scheduled in. a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this. project; Indicate fiscal year project should be.- Started 97/88 Completed 90/91 t Estimated Project Costs Amo tint Suggested Financtmg Amount Design Cost S 0 Beautification g 1.000 Construction Cost so , Administration Cost $ 0 Complete Study $ 3.000 Total Cost 8 3.00 :Funds available and/or ' S 2,000 Amount required first year S 11000 already expanded Amount required subsequent years 0 S l,000 Balance Re uircd TOTAL CAPITAL LMPRQVENIENT PROJECT REQLMST � Department; Community Development Fund: Pnority No. ,Division: Engineering Beautification 58-20 Project Title, Description, ;and Location: Carnelian Street East. Side Parkway Beautification improvements Vineyard avenue to Base Una 'Road Indicate - whether: New Q Replacement Addition. Proj, ,t Justification: Beautification of barren park;vays, and relandscaping of existing areas Haas this project been scheduled in ;a prior CJ.P'.? ' NoMi Yes other projects or factors directly related to this project: DR 88.19, ST 8846 ;Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 8'7ii88 Completed 90191 .Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost So Beautification S 1 000 Construction Cost S 111,000 Administration Cost S 3$,550 Total Cost S 49,550 _. ,1 Funds available and/or S 48,550 Amount required first year S 11000 already expended Amount requl d subsequent years so Bulance Required TOTAL S 1,000 $ 11000 f r I C: MAL VAPRQ it �r Department: Community Developtncnt rvs. Division: Engineering �l rroject Title, Description* and 'Location: City Wide Tree Inventory &- Management Progra3 Indicate whether. O New 0 R! Project lw% ficatlon. Inventory off all City trees including sip ty j { i k Has this Project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.?'J ` Other projects or factors directly related tothis j ` Indicate fiscal year project should 4�- Started 8 Estimated Project Cost Amount Design C st S. Construction Cost Administration Cost so Complete Study On -going Updates S.0 Total Cost S 2,000 Funds av� )ble and/or so already expended taiance Required l''2;t?W i� r j MN I- FROJECT REQUE d:7—. 3utiP cation j` Priority NO, IMP 88.QS ass iJ Project delayed dt tt to lack of Amding. } placement, Q Addition 71OCation anti condition; j i } } j 0 No yes raject: - '�8$ Completed 3��t9I Suggeated Financing Amount Beautification. j f i S 2,000 { Amount required first year S 2,000 Ana ount nount required subsequent :years S ;0 TOT AI. S 2,000 , yl 1 1� i \( CIF TA , I11PRO'VE'VMNT PROJECT REQt,' T f Department: Community' Development fund; I Division; -- Bngineerca8 Beautification ^ Priority No,, ^f i3' 88-13 Project Title Description. 'arV'-,.Location Baseline Road Parkway Beautification Improvements - West City Limits to Carnelian ' Indicate whether:` iYe�ir 0 Replacement @ Addition E Project Justification: Parkway wall reconstruction., lighting, and latdscapi.ng in accordance with the Landscape,.?�Taster for Baseline Road <- .•, Alan 4 _ ' Has this project been sched, -Ad in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No o1%el projects or factors directly related to this project, indicate fiscal year project shwild be:rL. Started 87/88 Cornpieted 90P I Estimated Project Costs Amountuggastei Financing A ount� nP, Design Cost. S, i3 Beautificationp S�Ilro O Construction Cos* S 5,000 Administration Cost S 1.00t9' ilr r, Total Cost Slk t4.001r'' Funds available and/or alrcydy expanded S 5.000 AtnaunP, required first year -1 6( 5 I,OQfl ` .:., , . Amount ;required subsequent years S 0 L*66� ..;-:Balanc6! Required -S 1100D TQTAL:=' 'S' 1.000 r r , C rrAL I�,uiPRbi it T , PROJECT REAL T Department: ComM;unity Development Fund: Division: Irngulcerittv� ii '�r 'Beautification Priaricy .\'�a. •.� ,.tea... B d 88-03 ' Project. Title, Descl#tion.. -and Location-. Haven Avo nue' Median Improvements, Phase III - South of Lemon Avenue to North of Wilson Avenue, Indicate whether: 0 New O Replacemenx � Addition' ,. _ Project Justification; Median Improvements frmi Lemon Avenue 'to Wilson Avenue. i t r Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? ONo yes> Y r y p jecP Other project; or factors. directly related 'n this, ra'e,� :� �, + Indicates fiscal year project shoulrt, be: Started 88/89` Completed 90/91. l � ' [ ' Estimated Project Costs xta�um4 Suggested Financing., �pBeautification Amount 'Design Cost S L,404� Construction Cost g i00,000 !. Administration Cost S 31,7 k • f Total Cost $ 131,700 Funds available and/or S 130,700 Amount 'required first year S' 11000 already expended Amount .required subsequent years s S 0 ' �iJ aatace Required $ 2,000 TOTAL -- S 11000 CAPITAL 4►` WOVE :VT'PR JECT Fg(!UEST 41 Department, Community- development Mind: � � }; ' " Di i ion: g lrn inderin 1. • Bedutificatic r Y*:iority ivo, Project Ti.Sle, 13escription, and Location, Milliken Median fm� Mromems - 4th Street to, Sixth Street > ,. Indi;ate whether': New OR: dpiacentent � Add'itis►n Project, Justification: Beautification of existing, barren medians from 4th. to dth, includes landscaping,, t�iti irrigation per Milliken Avenue Beautificztion Siiidy k€as this project been scheduled 'in a prior G.LY,, ? o yes Either projects factors directly related to this project; BT S8.12 t Indicate fiscal year i7roject should be: Stated 08/89 Completer '90/91; FS« mated Prtijeo[ .Cosh t' ira+buttt° uggested ,Figanctitg Rmount Design Cost 5 8,043fl Beautification S 211,000 Construction 1Cost 205.000 Administration, Cost TotW Cost` S 219,t} s ; i.' Pundt ZvaitabEd and/or S 4-00 Amount regul,�J' i5irst year S ';2l I,i300 ;, ulre�:ty exgeride Amount; squired `suhse,quent years S p; . 13atanCe P.01 aired $" 211,000 'TiT)'1AL S 211,000 . . CAPITAL i��r �'ROVE:ViEN FRO:dECT REQC3�5'�� \ Department. Community Development Fund: Prinrity�i�a: Division; l ngineer"n 4, g _Eeautificaiion - B"t $$•27 Project Title, Description, and Location:> Baseline Road Parkway and Med.jan Beautification Study - Haven Avenue to Eastern City Limits Indicate whether:' 0 New 0'i2eplacement @ Addition ' Project Iustitication - r' Inventor of existing conditions and development. of design Y � p $ guidelines. _ Has this project been scheduled in a prior CJ.P.? ONG, Yes Other projects or is aors directly -related to this project: ind.icaze fiscal year project should be: Stagy a 88/83 Completed" 90/91 Palmated Project. Costs Actt;*Vnz Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost {D Beautification 2,flflfl Construction Cost - t {l Administration Copt so ` Complete Study $ 1000 Tol.ai Cost Z1000 Funds available and/or S d3 Amount required first year S 2,006 already expenam— � � r Amount required su6sequoant year" Balance lit quircd S ,t ; TOTAL Cy i 21000 ' y t, ,r ram_ CA: hWR' }.VEIV-E T PROJECT REQUEST . T3epart'Com, , Fund. Priority Noyment: i?ivi5ton.,,;. EnginkEIiiS Beautification BT $8 22 Project.Title, Description, and Location Rochester East Side 'Parkway Beautification linlsravement - Foothill Blvd to Base Line Road v indicate whether: New f Repl2emeot Ac#tlitiais Project Justification-,, t Beautification of barren parkways: includes landscaping & irrigation with possible wall ' improvements.. Dependent on annexations to Landscape Maintenance District No. I H;ts this project been scheduled in a prior C:f.P ? so �fes Other projects or factors directly related to thi ,project-, � `,indicate ..fiscal year project should be: 5tsxtcd .g $18'9 Completed 89189 , Estimated Project Costs Amount suggested Financing Amount - } 'sign Cast S 20,1000 Woo Construction Cost S 27OX00 Administration Cast. MOW Total Cosh S 305,000 Funds available anchor $ 20.000 Am6t ,.nt mquired first fear S 285,000 r; already expended fy A-aount ,teQittred subsequent years S Q Balance Required S MAW ' OTINL S 2SS.UQQ ' 1 - ri 4 O.p CyD 44 4 fS 4O Q4i" QO 4ca a. 44 OOO 4.0 Qb im �' O o - PY C? to CA CS 4..D Q:Q 4'c] 4O� Q Q 4 4 f9'q. OQCb 440 c? ca 4 b m �"� to — Ci Or O Q O 4.10 4 4 O O'. 4 O. 4 4 O 4 O 4 4 C9 Q .,4 d Q, LT Q D O Oix b i•• 1 O 4 Q C. 4 cS 4 CA AD b 4 O CX, 4 4 29 b' 4 C9 d' 4 4 '4 _ C' 14 4 10. 4 4 Q C3 yy .� Ra• Ka N Q. W O pw o (: tLl'1 Q 11t71 * b, O C> Q iA 4 O 'f!"..¢.1 D O ii Q, i"�.�,� 0 Ct 4 Ow @za I t Q CiQ 0.4 OQ Ck O Qa Q6Q4 4 co, QQ d4 CAC, OCa. cm cl.O Q c. 4 at Q i •j 1 d aD bC/ cm O C*' cm `4O 'd t9 Ot?CA C9 4Q dc9 b4OGs 4 O CB OOCS to o 1 .. .-. Z.-1. to p _ a• Q cmO O O CIO4 C9 4 ,b: 4 d Q d: „fY Q o O trt w +► Pf b o o wr ,. o It ot al d �. © DQ. CR a ti O co. 4�..d p �'.. L4 e� of ,40 i[i 31 N 1 _ ~. �"1 �` vui '.c W z �_ s' i' x 4 Utz v~i C3, W -Cccam e.; 2�Se w- i to u.l. t a�P �_ S N S < o S.. pps�-a ay t9 .�...� {u"�'%.�p"�.. t"/�iasw t+�+, a♦ed . +K'W w y1f lt.. iC V' V Of < ii..:tL. k O 'S� Z^ �` _ 10 Q �..� A} Ri Vf C.i 11 'A3 '( iQ Ca 1 M �" r p m Y ` tn gym.. O N M T tiA N o d N �w' P N^ P 1ft 4 AD Mo F+ i. ow I !! 1b. t16Y ID. do o m Y .� Ms 45' tom• AA 00 '!► !N !�. 1'r ea o 0 0 0 o CD\m a¢ .aC • to o !k 9? 4w Iq % w". '1 D.1 !+ � t+ P. M 0++' 'tw. i`• it ' a h+. ti ly P !� !+' N tti 'n•. !. !'. Rr LP1\ Q'+ ,!+ ri i-y M iw• F. 2+. tw. t+W M M M t*1 f�f M M M NY t•s M M. M M M M M M M M :a s s�l\M M M 1 M' t40 &0 l*s M i' Q t0 4i iit LD a6 fO. t6 YCT .00R f0 a0. Y} fC- td t0' [0 10. W w fO eCr. ar9 YR a0 FO ib W may' q+ yp ',LO d0 'Al "f "M' 1W @ ! s,P��s! niVM1, •R AR"1' alt ! `LT �. N LJ Avd N'.N N'N N N NN NN h L`y NN• NN NN NN1\tiN N N �,N N N hN - ,yy, N N N N 4V N N N CM t'J N H .. h N N Cv' N. j 154 (t P a as sad C. c" co g d a, ss ano u va, alas a +e a a:O O C t 1= Vtl sttX IM ae=O CbL Ci c c$ O P �4 pWp Ct N O t: O R? 6 O O P A O OM O O I" C'y d O l� 4O DO bO. Ct OOO Od d.00 d'O%t O@:1 OO OOISb Oi?..00O 6O O v O OGtO OOG dOO.O dd. t1f O 1' d P d O l+a' "C'i O G l :tl?. or O O !+ R d f No O QI00 pO a0tyO dPOd 0a',O ii O t?Od CfOO t'�OO.,CMO p O'.dO AO dO C3l0=1 Od.0.O Ot?: T1f tT 1 Yf "O R O Q O 4 lot C3 O. o? 115�l ct O O pR„ Y! O 0• Yf.- w N EHull ...�.'� 0tH l (.`. a 'O t''•�-d Od"ta OOip.O tLf ,O OO dOICi,OO b.O �O O p dO a 00 000 d p0 Gy 'O pb O..O to .JR' 01 O r tt2 O O O O - CI P if d 4? •�'•. �� G O d ctP ct a O 0. Q O O/ f 6 O O LS h a ^ .c w 1:/.. O o Ot to �"..o 'o /O�s ul, N N N N W a0 tl P ri 24 r l7 6D n ry YN Oto a O M ifiN P yr tray cmcx Oate•O �! O:d �! M4= dOOOO'd.000 I? 1+ 'OI to O W Itt' tD lltt P qt 1D .M. Ra t/9 W mvtIG( M fFi t9 P y d ObmO ti"11O OO M O^g dteq'.OP O rt�et s7 aOOO Om AO A O'O O O.O �.O-,v o b OO 0,P It., LL. I ' lotPl VP N: ul {tf^. M Ot l'�f ct C O'er O . 0. f �'\` ^ N ! Ot Vf R ca- a d P d C* O O 'b O a O Pd.C? O O OOO d d !Ct Ad O d P"O tO A dzt o'o zJ d dOLlodt1' �, tD, j. IA o ♦n N )R.. Iii tV O N tt1 an Ci O �' m • to .try ftPl O ,M.rn .s tiF a R tb 'bR R O a, ttt R N w 'P N �'R ^ O:tlp O {�! :,. Y't n. O'.n• 6P) N - O O "IR m' p 1 A al R M1 l0 Ot ! 10.1 O iV.. Ii? it3 O' O R M �"• t+ Ya wr eM uo it't 'Ien q?. rs ! � .r: m ,ui ai •tn. yr r � r •r'.:vi o O - J tpN (n� 6 q, �► AiD O't1T 6OO p O pO'O O O.O OOOO c*i? Oa'O'P }}.. t N W: a9 �► 'et N try N yt .It/ d P M M1 ' C" w o N tft t1O"R a o v »: aN\+ i'r m het �._ ao. taf f11 X \ 1 ►W. to Y. ' !a- 1. It JY.. �,y C} fT J K .,} 1� W `.'�'. 6 j C7 G FJ'1 iF. �G tL' 'tom.` �• Zp � r a a �'' J 2`c r�i A ►- s ►- n usS A 'wC 1 -trs � \ K ?- � s ►- �' yL O i aii>'� aW <- }W .cr rosg. acf p rya oxm�J-+v�eM '-�e �•+ Li. t� LT. "� ti! '_: � M M1 VY J �C w� uam 1.,xt#/a un+n..n."IXxi. w t Wq\�s�.l�r�tµ`�'i C C O li W CC i� G.l d= 49 ss �pv. O. l� «�' Q tl.. d i 'G.: F a.LL f J K V1 fW<�NJ.a�=W 1�'y CY\K ��\^�Qp OG 'S.�G W W'Le �C t .' a4 v+ yr z,W*_\tR+s<c�C '�C V�iG'? m wc'ta1.,m p�p,yS��r..x�g��"�,zs♦` �." w."�<IJtu�ta...IJuL�uu�i.s►p-- 2W�K+G�CK�<�K<' r.. CG 2OC�F+ .r.. W_..Jr G �'c@aJls �.R OM1i ryw �WCJ:<>,f�:�_ i i fiG ^ n .m.. S @ C3 m Ad In 4o ." O r N: PN to A tT O r .-. fJt P .� N.t+f l+lff a m 10 R m Ot .O n.. AV M +r d t19 1 4 r N Rt Y IL) O e5tl tl1 N ttt te0 1Rt IA R m. �. +r tR Pt !'ti. ttf M tMr MR' a(t til ±1'!' YTR IH h :4'i a0 O '1t ,i !a't OPf flf to tYY t2f Yi •ft '<7 taY t�'f N ,nt w! �P '! �' ! Y w m R m w O 1m w va O O t �®mm®��,.*�ma�t�®wm,0m�.��i>a0g,�t��m.,�mm�m@ ���� r R m C" m C-1 >~ lF++ R M1 C+" R R M1# R R N't+. '►+ 1~' !+• R lt9 atf t'M t+f M nl ltT t�'! M .IIT M e'f M [•h arR t�"1 ftf nD P?. tt'! f�! Pf atf Sta Rl l�s k4'!'e�f etf i+/ n1 1+Y.,.et'h f'!'RY X? to Ra M 2 tMM '� d «v� ae Ita w to Io �n to w to to to w to Ia w Is+ o to' a lu u u e w, ae Io to w v Io ata to tp i�r o. ala ua aca to Is. to u I>r to sW to �>. t- K � .gat � O' w M •r �' .r v "a � tst .q mr ! w v Vt' mt we a! v r v yr K .ae a► \C ar Rt• <' �wc K 'wr � \e v►! �► �e tr +e wP � < < 1r.. n 23 r u Cl 1 cj C* O cm 1=, O G C, O �_ OI 'r., OOQQGo. 'G OQ QO cm. cm M nGi QG OCf O oO.0 OCs � m a AC lo. 94 o o ooaooc000-aa000tm o :. m f fe1 a <= cj �i N ut Ci cc o 0 m w �- W W as m m ca g G? S yp. �d. m to7C'.:3 k.JC, i .gym =,m=� <�:►-ismm�� LU o yam. 1, N ly. W.. r t. l� !+. !'� !r' !� N� !^+ i v Sr'. 't.. t►. 1+ F t t► Fa� M� -aa In as m ua.,,� m as a� m uv Iv xo..o ra ^a O. 0..►� x1�C.�, Gf 1 to �o �o < y. +1" v"t^ `! v Vie' w ec \! `I► �R a tea- mr ! `o �' v- S N NIVr N N N N N N� N NN N N •N N cv _ - ~ Position Classification Position Oubta Aooroorlong Err,p: 89190 Dept. Mgr.., Dept. 'Mgr. Title & Position Sr # _ Level Rcmd. Rcmd Rcmd. ` Rcmd. Office Specialist. 11 9 21SI 0.13 013 0 �t, 2537 0 Office Specialist Il 11 5679 0.24 0:13 0.13 2747 3G78 Office Specialist 11 12 8682 0.13 0.13 0.13 2588 2961 Secretary 53 new - 0.19 0.13 4095 2945 Senior Engineer- 63 3882 0 0, 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17; 6363 0 0: 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413 0, . 0 028 0 14885 Jr. Engineer" 54 new 01 0 0.3 0 9684 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.06 US 0.06 3668 4093 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0.25 0.25 0.26 13158 13971. Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0 a Assistant Engineer 28 6312 0.05 005 0.1 2266 4812 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0.05 0.05 0.05 1766 1875 Assistant. Engineer 50 6882 0.3 ati 0.3 10696 11250 Engineering Aide 45 152 0.1 0.t 0.1 2210 2780 Engineering Tech.* 55 new 0.1 03= 3133 460$ Senior Engineer 5 5822 025 0.26 0.25 16282 16635 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.31 031 0.31 a 13366 14917 Associate Engineer 21 5275 0.31 0.3.4 0.31 16316 17$24 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.31 0.3t 0.W 15524 16582 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 0.31 0.31 0.31 12097 135M Assistant Engineer 51 46$7 0.31 0,31 0.31 11510 12916 Jr. Engineer 32 P4,eU 0.31 0.3� 0.31 11394 10007 Engineering Teel, 36 561 0.31 0.31_ 131 7957 9523 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0.31' 031, 0.31 7957 9333 Engineering Aide 52 128 0.91 0.31 0.31 6852 8619 Assistant Engineer 56 now - 0.31 0.31 10948 11525 Public Works Engineer 6 S350 0.14 0.14 0.14. 8101 U62 Spr Public Works lnsp ' 30 4900 033 0;33 0.33 14806 16038 Public Works Insp.il** 37 115 033 0,33 0.?3 12761 12498 Public Works insp.11" 38 1C76 0.33 0.33 033 12761 13SQ9 Public Works insp. 43 2727 0.07 0.01 0.07' 2387 2746 Jr. Engineer 33 480 024 0.24 0.24 i_11909 WOO Pblc Wrks lnsp.11' •• 64 New 0m N/R 1936 0 Subtotal 247,007 28%570 Merit Contingency:, 12.350 14,029 Subtotal:. 259A57' 294 599 Fringe Benefits 90,775 ` 103,109, Subtotal: 350,132 397708 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 350,132 997,708 f Proposed reclassification of an Offico Assistant to Senor Office Assistant "Positions funded using; Special Funds `Pro osed New Position INIR'Not Recommended i ti El w �i FRI am CAPITAL Vv[PP*OW,&JENT PRQ,TEC'S' REQt.MST Department. community Develo rs�ent �?iVi�iott: Fund: IrA�li2QCtitt,� _ system T�evet4pmtztt ��tOFity N� i,,() t �t C //..� r� yT £f ..*cn4Yt 4+i Fl r`k J. C`rr;ptAon, y 1 Baseline �, erect Unprovemeott Phase I � Edwanda to J-IS Indicate Whether: New Re�taeemcnt +r Addition Project Justification:, Construct roadway widening and madian improvements to irwove trafrm flows. b a F .S Aii this,.. protect been sahtduled tn: 4. prior fro .. Other projects -jr factots dirtct y reieted to tit $ 'projeet: DR 28-08 TA 99 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/98 Completed 91192 Estimmod Project Costs 4mom, nt j suggested f luamctt*g Aaxsmttnc DesigA Cost p System Development Construction Cast 720*O E S 1 40 Administratioja 01 . 14� TOW Coft $ WIN* i avaitbs: s�tttd/iir already expeneied wilt MOW Otit yto Amount tegttirea Subs44utnft, e ` o 3 a aoee equzretCS 10- .. `L ,t }tom CAPIT--.L WPROVENIEtiTPROJP~CT R SST Department, Community Peveltipment Fana '� Division; En Engineering Pr�nrity -No., & g System Development `` it 88.07 ?roject Title. Description. and Location: !\ Baseline Rd. Street Improvemeftt Phase Z. - Victoria Pk. Ln. to Euwanda indicate; whether: 0 New Replacement Q Addition� Project Justification: Construct Roadway widening and median improvements to improve the flow of traffic, I Has this project been scheduled in a n Dior C.Y.F.? 0 No Yes Othe projects or factors directly relatedto' this projeci fTR 8M$ Indicate fiscal year project shoal.; be: started 87r88 Comr?eted 91/92: Estimated Project Costs Amcunk Suggested Fluancing. Amount Design Cost $0 ztystem Development $ 8400 Construction Cost S' 240,000 S3,140 1,504 Au�ministration Cost $, 25,v; R/ n vi; 150,0{ifi f Tov—k Cost S '415,ODiJ ; Furds available aad/or S 40S.000 Amount .vequ°red first 'YOU $ 10.000 ' ali i dy expended Amount requirer! subseguenl,f years $0 Balance Required 5 1Q.0 TOTAL0.0,00 j CAPITAJ- LMPROVEMENT PROJECT RE €,-EST Department: Community Dvet,ginent Fl%nd: Division Engineering Prior tf, S ystem Development _ ilk ST -88.08 Project Title, Descripnon;, and Locition.- Baseline Rd. Street & S.D. arovement Phase 3 Rochester to W/0 Victoriak L:Z. _ Indicate whether:.0 Nzcv Re 1 0 g acemeni O Addition- Project justification:'" Construct roadway widening and, median imgroveznents io improve traffic flews r Has this: project -'been scheduled in a prior C1..? Yea Other prOjCCYS or factors directly reI$!ed to tlnt9- , 7orct DR 88-09, TR �' . , Indicate fiscal year project sbould .be: Started S 7./8 S Completed 91192' > -' Estimated Project Costs. Atncunt Suggested Fr►tattcin� Amount Design Cost S 42,000 System IDevdipptti'ent 165,4300 Construction Cost $ 750,000 89 140 Administration Cost $ '97,500 1, Right -of -Way S 153.0L.ri: Total Cost S i,052,- — . Funds available and/or 3 40,000 Amount required first yei,`rS 16 00 alv..ad,y expended` I Amount reslugr . suti eg4ent pears:;-. � a E47;500 Balance Requ:ied 3 11012,500' TOTAL, S 1,012.500 CAPITAL LVIPROVEMENT PROJECT REQILE5T ,Priority No a Department: Community Dev,Ala ment Division: Engi Bering ��. Fund: . 4, System- Development sT 8$-l2 � Project. Tit,, . Descriptions `and!, tccadon = Arrow Rte. Stre% in:provemettt SIS Phase 2 a Archibald to Flermasa � l Indicate �vr�e hers New, 0 Replacement � �4dtlition D-ntpgc ' fustification: Improve street trough �#ening aij�d imprgvettenrs to bring roadway up to arterial -; standards. I,. i 1 !l I `1 � j 1�daS this, project been sohe,'uled eta a prior C.1.P,? No , Yes tllzr projectsoz factor3 directly relsterP`''l� this J�iDjeCf: { + $$-16. IM $�+j$ }� ,•�•s• I.-tda :5 fiscaYOar l should: Start tdjr 718 Competcd g 1 j9 E>�titttaf6d FPOj Ct` l�DStS- 1�Aiolti;lJ Suggested Fioftcln$ ii`I!D?ttnt Design Cost -+ Systerm DevelopmentOmstructi-i15,, Cost �'f$' 5M �B 146 Ad=i►�istration Cost S` #i3OW „ Right -of -Way � ,�,� 373,�Oi} } r `Total Cost � 916400`?{ " f Funds available and/or � � 014�,00 Amount' required first year x already expended j AtitDttni required subsegtient yea" alariGe�:Qtliret a' a .�•0 'I t _ a ITAL �.r� FYFl j. .: iega<tment Community Dcvrto�Perstund�:: I! I�ivisit~n ngineering System Prior tv _ No. 13, r ' t Project Dwriprion, and, �.ocition: . Farrow Rte.;"' Street Improvement $aker, �to Grove Indicate :. whether: 0 New ' tit,=rc�:Acetztent Addition `r i Pt, .., ;7u,tification; Widen and Got struct improvements to intpFove cagacit3r_ M1. il( �.. " _ Has this project been scheduled in prior C,I.:? No Iles Other projects or factors directly rotated to 'this project: project Indicate. fiscal }rear reject should be: Started g 7/8 g completed 9 I /9 Estimated Project Cosyrct4aant Suggested Fins$tciztg Amount Resign Cost S T.i) .� Systeat S 2.O;iii ,= Constructinn " Cost 655,000 Adalinis,tratiorr Cost R/W _ I s Total Cost S 9231700, ; Fonds', available andtor already expended $1000 Amount required €first, veer. 1, Athount re4,"years S ,�iI5«700 aiance 'gaited $ 919.700, in""' .. S 1 71 CAPi'1 AL M-RC3 y'X' PRojE(-T REQUEST �epzttment:. Community ' Devclopinent Fund; ; Division: Engineering. B $ FAU ( Priority , No, - ST 88-14 • Project Title,. j Description* .and Locatron ,• . Cucamonga Creek Bridge Widening @ ` Arrow Rte. r. Indicate whether: 0 New ( Repl:,cament Addition. !f Project Justification: Widen existing bridge to ' arterial width: , ,4. .a` LJ Hits this project been scheduled in a prior.CJ.P `. ONO � Yes` - Cater projects or factors directly related to this project: ,.,'.. Indicat�a fiscal y ar project should be: Started 87/88 Completed. 91,/32 t Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested' Financing.,Amount. Design Cost 3 16,000' FAA s 332.000 C4tssuuction Cost. S 347,000 Systems ' Developmen$. S 59,000 Administration Cost S 50,000 . Total Cost S 422,00iS` s'r, Funds availwile and/or S 31,000 Amount required rsr, "wear already expended Amount required subsequent years.0 Balance Required S '391,000 Tt}3 AL S 39IO00 gypp�}} CAPITAL Lyt�RovEtit�:�T PROJECT RE,QL -S ?7epartment: Community Development " Fund: v� I7iuisiori: Engineering SystemDevelopment Priority N. r, lrajrct Title, Desctiptionti ;and Loc;w .� 5' 84-OZ 19th St, Street improvement-axnIian to W/O Amethyst ' Indicate whethtr; ; '� 1�ew f/ 0 Replacement Additiat; Project Justification: Improve street including fiill wid ding 'and rehabilitation for more efficient'- P, W of traffiy; / " �1 No a, s Has this project been scheduled in it, prior C.I.P' via, � $fr='V; [ Other prajecofactors ctly re, ;lated: to this project; I3R $$-iZ $-04 88.05 ~ Indicate fiscal year ptsaject should be: Started 89/88 Computed 9,1/92 i Estiriatbd Project Cit'sts -. - �+ttttottM. Suggested Fite i;tilt$ �ttr�otarit � Design Cost S 391800 Systems-I>evelo, aient 81S,tlOt1 1 Constructions Cosa $46.000 SR 140 ] S i20AO Administration Cost $ 90.006 Teti Cost. S 97.1.800 t Funds available and/or S 33,800, ,4sa C=t requited fiat year. already expended S 935,000 alat uiit teeth ra aired subse 4 4 years r � IyiliiQ = ]Balance ROuired $ 9XIOM 'TOTAL 1 935,00(} ` ' Department: Community Development„ ivigion; wngineering "Mind: Priority. No. <.; ,System Development , OP. 88-12 Project Title. Description, and Location: ' .A rea 1I 19th St, S.b. - WO, Amethyst to Vo Hellmat: Indicate whether: ONew _, 0 Replacement Additiob Project :Justification ` ` Provide drainage atom 19th Street in coordination with the 19th Street ititpravements, Developer reimbursement per Rescltttion' 00-047 r. Has this 'project' beetk scheduled in 4, prioI C.Lp 0No.0 Yes z Other project,.' or factors directly related to this project. 8$-0 Indicate fiscal year project should be*.Started VMS �totapittCd Sd/91 Estimated Project hosts', Amount Suggested Financing ltnaut t. Resign Cost S 0 System Development ''so Constraction Cost $ (See streets for funding} Administration, Cost S {� t. Totai -Cost S Finds available and/or, already xpended S Ardount ;requited first' year ' Sit Altnount irequired subsequent yests s o . , Balance RequiredS 'TOMTAL S ' . 1�1 q-�kPITAL LWRO VE1zfEiV"T PRUJEGT REQGrEST Department: Community Development engineering Fund: Priority Na. , System Development ST `88-()5 Project Title, Description, and Location;- [Division: Amethyst Ave. Street & S.D. Improvement @ I3th Indicate whether: Q New 0 Replacement Addition f Project Justification: Improve street and storm drain' to improve traffic flaw and reduce surface "/Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes Other .projects or factors directly related` to this: project: DR 88�I TR 88.03 Tt1J�i�`tr: fi-sc _..... _ ..,, Year p;oj`et should M. ataTict'i 8 7/0'M Cw pnpetcd 9 1 / r2. Estimated Project Costs 1#tavunt, Suggestf? cing_ Design Cost $ 1,0D0 System °Devetaptnent $ 1 /400 Construction Cost S 15?_AO f Administration Cost f Total Cost $ 21,000 Funds available and/or S' 20,000 Amount required first year S 1,000 air ex expended A nout t required subsequent years S 0 Balance 'required 4 TOTAL S 1,00a 3 ,1,000 �r { CAPITAL LV PROVEMENT PROJEgft REQUEST Department: ,-commuaity Development _ Division: Fund• orityYo Engineering ystem Development EiT 88-17 Project 'Title, Description, and Location: Church St. Street Improvement - Archibald. to Haven Indicate whether. ONew 0 Replacerritmt Addition Project Justification: Improve. existing: roadway to City standards. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.LP.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this pro,�wct: DR 88-01 Indicate fiscal year project should be. Started.87198 Completed, 89 �, P t90 Estimated Project Costs 1 AntouA nt ' ,+5'u$gest:ed Financing Amount Design Cyst S; 18,0r"' r, "C tys,1emDevelopment S ?Z,QQQ Construction Cost J "808.d00 so Administration Cost S 811000 11 - `iJl - Right-of-way S 68,000 Told Cost S 975.000 Funds available and/or S 15,000 Arnount required first year S 71,000 already, expended Amount required subsequent years S 889,000 Balance. Required S 9601000 TOTAL S 960,000 CAPITAL VVIPROVEMEN7 PROJECT REAL ST Department: Community Development Fund; Priority Division; Engineering System. Development .No., ST $S-(}.51' Project Title,Description. and Location Baseline Rd., @ Milliken Ave. Reimbursement - City Park Frontage Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement Addition _ r Project Justification: "<< Ongoing program, to reimburse 'Developers :for work on the City Park Frontage.. J Has this project been, scheduled iri it prior O I.P.? O No yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be. Started 87/88 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount r)"im .r .(- $0 System Development S 30,000 Construction Cost. Administration Cost Reimbursement $ 30100 Total Cost 3 30,OW Funds available :and/or so Amount required first year 30.0 alreadif expended Amount required subsequent ye;ru S' 30,000 S 30,t)0I f Balance Required" TOTAL CAPIT.-. VAPROVEN ENT PROTECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Division: Fund', Engineering Development SIf Priority No*, -ystem. Project Title, Description, and Location:, 0Heitman RR 88.07 Ave @ Southern Pacific. Railroad crossing & Street Improvement Indicate whether: New 0 Replacement � _ (� Addition Project Justification: Widen Railroad crossing, install rubberized pads, c hnstruct ultimate street width, and Master Plan. Storm Drain construction. ` coordinate with Has this project been scheduled in. a prior C.I.P.? OxN Yes 'a Other projerw ;c factors directly related' to this Project: ��R 88.03. DR `88-04 Indicate t Q:.al' year, project shiiuld be: Started 87/88 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Aasnurit Design Cost S 8,000 System Development 3 -,000 Construction 'Cost 5 450.000 SB 140 'Reimbursement 50 Administration Cost Total Cost S 53G.000 y Funds available and/or already, expended S 51000 Amount required first year $ 21000 C` I Amount required 30sequent years S 521000 •`` - Balancer� Required S 525,000 `' TOTAL 5 5:�451000 Crl; I'TAL 04PROVENIE;' T PROJECT REQUEST Department,. Community I?eve[opment Fund, Priority No; Division: Engineering System Development RR 88-14 Project, Ti: a, Description, and Location.. Haven Avenue at AT do SF Railroad Crossing Improvement Indicate whether: O New 0 Replacement @) Addition, Project Justification-, ' Widening and rubberized pads installation Has this: project beers: — Nn @ Yes Other, --. ' or factors.. directly. ,related to this project.— ST 88-44 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88/89 Completed 91/9. , Estimated Project Costs. Amount Sugg3isted Financing Amount Design Cost -' S 8,000 System Development S 31000 _. .; Construction Cost S 360.000 Administration Cost S 62,000 Total Cw,, S 430.000 1 Funds available andsor S 5,1''UO ,, ;, Amount required first year, $ 3,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 422,000 ,G Balance Required S' 425,000 'TOTAL S 425,00Q- t, x�ep�tntent: C#i,�u;�nit� , L+ove��ment fund: ---._ -`,� T r division: i~n in+raring' priority ;eta. $YUOM Development ST 88-37 Project Tittt,, Doscm, don, and Location; Arrow Rte. Street trrtprpven�ant » to Rv .indicate whether: 0 top" Addition ;dditiod . 4?t0jtet f ustification, 1 SOW widening and retsabilitation to arterW vwid sds+ i leas this project baett scheduled if, it prism C.I.P.? 0 I;o Other pto, etts or factors. diro'ctlyr related t#, this project; 'TIt S$•�4 'oat* #"tscal: Year project' should, ht; Started S4/99 twom feted 0190 f Estimated Oroject. Cost: Amount 5uggeattd I~°ix acing Amount Desip Cost ` p system D-04opnxenc :.; .1' 4.' Construction Cost 130,000 SO 140 S 150 Administation Cost S21400 Right-of•Way $20,000 5 Tow Funds available 04*r 'Ii ,St -Amount tesldireei first dear ,;._ �►' S'.�t#4. atroa+dy expended .unt required subsesius nt Yewso Batance Required is t ' �'AL;; CA7�' -'g'RO T.PROfECT REQUEST E3eparuY tntt Cornmunity Y3eW�lopment Fund. `f Division: Engineering FAU Priority do ` ST 81-44 Project Title. Description, and Location: !' Raven Ave, Rehabilitation & 'Widening - Fourth to boots ,ill Indicate wheth4r: 0 New 0 Replacement � Aadit ors ' Project Justification: AppIfcation to Federal Government for funding and of paverttett rehabilitation and t�idening. d. H?s this project been scheduled in 'a"Prior C.LP.? yes ` Oates Projects or factors directly relaicd to this projects TR 88-20, ?R 88.40, 'iIt 8�7w ERR 88.14 �l Indicate fiscal year project should be,. Started87185 C4tttlaler*d 89l90 Estimated Project Costs Antcturt.: Sus gc$ted Financing Amount Design Cast S I88►040 PA�Si S 1,392,800 Constructien Cost I,S33,ti0tT System Development 7 S 209,000 , Ad.:ainistration Cost S 120,LM SR I40 S 37,000 'i " I Total Cost S 1,841; . r. r Funds avai sible. and/or already expended � 2�g,i�t}� et�suou nt required first year .' S 1,638,p000 <.` Amount required suabsecw=t gears S 25,000 7 t_ Z to tce Rcqultj�d S 1,6S3,rh'l� T£}'F'�.1r; S' 46531000 i 1. _ CtVI'I AL- NT PROJECT REQUEST Community Development'R rior,ityl:ivisianr' E6-'�Department: Engineering � �,:; • „ Development , r<•System 5T F8 �'o Project Tale, Descri�iion, -_and Location* Carnelian Ave. & Vineyard: Ave. Rehabilitation & Vil a{zing Baseline :� .,art Bernard rso i Indicate whe: ier: ( New Replacement Addition `)�, ',Project justification: :y Wid�:i and rehabilitate roadway.. Hai tis project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? N0 Yea { 0thQr projects car factors directly, related to this project: BT:88-20, BT '89.05,. BT g9-0i, D1R.88-19 wu Indicate ,fiscal year project should be: started 8 �89 Co,~lpl ted 90/91 ;; Estima:td Project Costs Amount �c7ggested Financing 'Amount Design Cost =i,000' syttetn Develml �s_ent .v.,. - , S 2,000 Construction Cost A+dministradon Cost S ?8,41(i : Right -of -flay S 50,000 Total Cast S ta25,400 r•.i . Funds available and/or S 5.{?0!} Amount required first year S 2,000 already expended Amount required subsequent years — 61810.Q' !, :Balance Required. S 620,400 TOTAL S 620,400 i CAP;' LWROVENIENT PROJECT REQutS �u Degartment, Community, .Development Fund. r %% . � Prt9rit N Division: Engineexin y o. _ systems Development t TR $9.04 Project Titld, Description, end Locations--, Stgnaa- 19th �a Beryl ` ' Yndicate whether: ; Replacement Aa+tttfaA.: Project . Justification. � Needed 'tio alleviate conflict and del a at intersection. (Funded with Street). Has than project ea. ,scheduled in: a prior C.I.P.? 0 N'o" yes Other projects oz :actor`s directly_ related to this project: ST SS-02 Indicate fiscal year project. should be: Started 87/9 Completed 94/9 F �...o 5stimated Project Costs 'Amou:tt ?,ity; tseed. ;~lttetasing ` Amount T?Csic.h Cost . ' S o ., _ Systems Development $ 0 1 Canstruction Cost so Sa iM� - $o Administration ^rei, $Q Total Cost S 0 ,Funds available and/or SO Amount rewired first year S. a already expendeta Amount required subst'guent year$ S 41 l$alance Aiquir€d,!: lV� 'TOTAL $0 CAPIT W, R.UVEsI ENT 'PROJECT,REC�G'ES ' = Department: Community Development Division: Engineering Fond:, Priority No., Systems bevel dptgent Tk SMS" Project Tltle; Description, and Locatloa: , Signal I9th @ Helir�tan Indicate whether: tew Reglacemtttt(�r� r�ddiLidr� Project Justificatiln: Needed to alleviate/i/conflict at intersection. tii unded,�with Street). / , Has this project been scheduled. in a prior CJJ? 0 No yes 04her projects Or factors directs related to jf a tltlS project: $�( :$8-A2 3 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started.S'7/gS: Completed 90 9, Estimated Project Costs .�.._�.. Amount Suggastec Firtau�� L�1TI011AI Resign Cost $ Q Systems Development 00ristruction cost 10 SB 146 S 0 Adminid 'ration Cost s Total Cost Fundx available and/or � Q { - " Atneunt reQttizkd firsR Yen already expended c' Amount required subsequent- years so alattce Required TOTAL k CAPITAL ��II'RO � vim � :' PROJECT REQUEST Department:, Community Development Fund: ,f " Priority - Division: ;Engineering Systems Development 98_07 cis 7 Project Title, Description, and Location: (f Signal . Baseline Q Edwanda Indicate whether:, New 0 Replacement @) Addition Project Justification: Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. /V A' Has this project been scheduled in a prior CI.P ? 0 Z40 WYes Other projects or factors directly related to this y prajece:, ST 88-05 ' Irdicate> fiscal year project should be: Started 87/38 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs i Amount. Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost $0 Systems Development S 1,700' I. Construction. Cast S 100,000 5B 140 $ 300 i r l Administration Cost S 14,700 Tool Can S 114,700 Farads, av$ i4ole an S 112,700 Amount required first yea S 2,000 alreidy expended Amount required subsequec ,. years so } , Balance Required 3 2,000 TOTAL S Z000 ` . C 'I ` I. i VIP OVEME`v"T PROJECT REQLTST F apartment: Community Deyelopment {"'t Fund: Division: Er•3incoring r Priority No. Systems' Development �f TR 88-08, Project Title, Description.' and Location: Signal - Baseline victoria Pk. Lar Indicate whether: 0 Nev 0 Replacetaent Addition Project -.Justification,, �1 Needed to 'atleviate conflict at intersection.' J 1 i Has this project been rcheduled in it prior C.I.P.? 0 No yes 1 Other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-07 Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87/89 ' Completed .89190 1 Estimated Project. Costs Antoti$t Suggested: Financing Amoume, Design Cost S 0 Systems' Development S, 1.700 Construction Cost 3 100.009 SR 1,40 S 300 Administration Cost y 12,44 k Total Coat" S 112.40 S 110.400 Amount required first car S 2,000 Funds available and/or ; already expended Amount required�f subsequent years S 0 $ 2,000 Balance Required TOTAL $ 000` t CAPITAL LV1PROVENIENT PROJECT REQUL`,5T Department: Community Development Prior rior ity No; Division: Engineering System. Development TR Project ',Title, Description, and Location:` Signal & Intersection .Improvements • FoothillCw Rochester Indicate whether: r�New Replttcemet Addition Project ` Justifications Noted to improve traffic flow and alleviate . conflict` at intersection. , r f� 1 Has this project been schiraa;" in a prior C.T.P ? No , Yes Other projects or factors,' directly related to this project: Indicate fi$ca1 year prole should mrte. -, 87189 Completed 30/91 Estimated Project Casts Amount,Suggefted Financing Amount Design Cost s Q System Development $ 545.0(10 Construction Cost s 580, Administration Cost S 15,0Osl Right -of -Way S .162,900 Total- Cost S 957,800, Funds available and/or S 362,800 Amount require3 First year $ 595,0,00 ` already expended ' Amount ' required subsequent years S Ii Balaoce Required S 595,000 ll TOTA1. n �I CAPITAL t ROVENMYL i PROJECT E-QUEST Dap�stment: Community Development Division: Fund•' Prorit}� No. Engine iing Systems Development TR, 88-19 Project Title„. Description. and Location; Signal_ , Arrow @ H,;nnogs Indicate whether; Near ,0 Replacement Addition Project Justification: Needed to, alleviete .conflict at intersection. Has this project been scheduled in a prier C.Y.P.? 0 No � Ye: Other, projects or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-12 Indicate fiscal year project should be; Started 88/ 9 Completed 90/92 Estimated Project Costs 4mount Suggested FinaneWS Amount Resign Cosa S 0 Systains Development Construction Cost $ 91,000 SB 140 S 150 f Administration Cost $ 7,01 Total Cat $ 9l.000 ; Funds available 'and/or $ 97,000 Amount required first year S 110,00 already expended Amount required siibsequeut yews 5 0 Balance Required S 11000 TOTAL 1.000 _ t r CAPITAL LWROVE1�iE IT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund; Priority No, Division; Engineering , Systea, Development ST 88.47 Title. Project Description. and Location: Banyan St. Bridge Q Deer Creek W/O Milliken Indicate whether: 0 New eplcement I* Addition Project Justif cei2ion: To callow traffic flow over Deer Creek. Developer rsimbursement. C� Has this 'project been scheduled its a prior,C.F.P.? ONO Yes Other projects or factors directly -related to this projecU.,' Indicate 98/89 fiscal year project,should be: Started Completed- 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost so System Development s I701090 Construction Cost $ 170,000 Administration Cost 30 f`. Tott1 Cost $ 170,W0 -funds available ,and/or Amount required first year $ 170,000` already expended Amount requ ` d subsequent years so Balance Required s .170,000 TOTAL $ 1.70,000 s CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQuE5T Depa.-, anent: Community Development 4und: r; Priority Nor Liiw:s }: Engineering System Development 11 ; sT 90-os Project Title, Description.. and Location: 1 G Rochester Ave. Street improvement -Victoria Park cane to Lark Dr, (JV0 High School). 1� Indicate whether: ) New 0 Replacement ►d' Project. Justification: Construct street improvements adjacent to future Rancho Cucamonga, High School, Has this project been scheduled ii a prior C.I.P Q NQ 0Yes, Other projects or factorsf directly related t,�; :sproject: Indicate fiscal year project should be:. Started 90/91 l Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs 'A,mount , _` Suggested Financing 4"Mount Design Cot— S 50,009 System Development `i.5€1.000 Construction Cost S 230.000 Administration Cost . S; 20,000 Total. Cost $ 300,000 c Funds avt� lable and/or so Amount required first year S 50,000 already expended Amount, required suj sequent years $ 250.000 t Ba+:.uce required $ 300.004 ,t -, ,= ` TOTAL S 300,000 Cl C , ,1 _j 4 d d v0 tl C*l,. d tl G d Q p .C: ® O KCIV . rs�. `r O C7e O Cs • O O C3. 4 O v O v P v o'O� e v Cs In.. F d W r.. T4 t\ Ln Sn.O 4.'C3. b O ( o'o O b C 4- Q O d O d'4 '.b p Cl V4 ow b O O _-O• O f} O_' Q. 0,..4 . O .4 6 iO v Q. t/f p• 'CS r! Q ex 4 I �'b d. 4..0. 4 t,7 N O- q O C`Y', b q m 'v d N M O Oft [J Q b 4=i cm io cc En _.. o o �o a ci, o 'o o C* d o. c Q. 4 d , o o o a - tl o o o r— y 4 O b qft r. S F A O " 4SVTs, O d O O LL'1 M N� +�! Q. N q: 1� Q tl CO p tl 4 C. O O tl 4 d O :! HUA .x.. iXn d i m b 1.. H �: d4 !-.:. .� ►. x. Y w 4 W W '�aT 0.^ a % iy"Y' C, •q i� ' � ~ H w •J � C1E W � •,Z � OOG g Q ax K � 4Q2 r q �etl Q C:p.��� [/,i• O 1 W W r .e®{;• •,'�, ~ C�f +uNIC H U9 �a+ i ! O ! Lo Oi W S L2mi er u: mil. a SWA O '► R4i%C �`�» ` ftw a..iT.7 w.... M;. I+Y�c' �.. o ►-- ,air r`i`u�'3 u� uK.. u.°ri:'e u�w r a^ ae a ac oe a oc _ o CM �. n �c to � o >� w > x m � < x � � ' m. t'i s < •¢ < < uo .� b .., C. M n m- N ,t+9 +,►' It'T ro «.: N. Cn w YY ro •C- m :Cv F 0.T tr n +.-• 's-.a'i�f ri• i ttuo 'mod., CJ t+f W tQ q O It'1 � � � N M. SIC +p V ap W rP O' q v y M. 1tT KQ�-tQ dS W tW 'rT fii O v 4+ 4P rp F F F F t► F F F q lb m ♦S IQ q /q q �.N S \" F .RD 'M •® q Ci M co m ea. rr> q ®q. O 4 mrA W q '® Im CAN q 109a q. O U " t F F !r tti i• F Yi F !+F F F 9+F F. - !+ 14 !+F !� h+ F '1�. 11y+ (a N. 'h F .F Y+. ' VV �� en Qn a.s M M Man M wn-- M C`b CA m in sn en crs M as �*+ M to M M nt e+w-.en ra an. en M �"^ '� C LL b b rb ro b ta�.�{p ro i0. io ro q rep vn b q race m t0 sa CO' rarf ao so tan : p 4G, im'io iYR ',► S' !' �R 'fwr'eq -m C4 YAM Mrf M "M M M M' M M: M t? _ ifS M. M rrl :Cr! M !`f 'M M M `"4w IICf N1 wi M N.K N. N N N N N. N N N N. N N N N'.. K N N 1, 185 y �L� w J W Oa ! f0J O d cm O /y.. O O u1. O n O. O aw F�f C nS O Il] Ch O p O O - 4 ►� O p O 4 d CS a�'[s "Mr• 'iR' en i .• N w0+ 'O/ p C1 Y iID .W'. O _r _ _C O p O O O F O O ti ]K N .f "It. p O C?. CDiS O O. �, .^ Ociv ,. CV cn i oc is is - Y Yt O O p O: Ci i0 WW1. GC Gi 1 O .1; A 0;.'O: TM " " 40 W J a'ar ae N N o w1 9J. Cab ..r W 'ct Nf i"a W rt E li O 4a a V! 'tT 1:tIC C s S HSi � 1J7 �Pn: G. C :. a11G .r tpa 'R77i G ~ 1. a :U'! N S V e. J' W'. g CS gn cc �lk:.. :fi. ft; "' Is. C? '_",'� •,' 1\ - .. � t`j is PROGRAM PQSI`CiON/SALARY SC,�EOULE 9:VS f DEPARTMENT.* Engineering FuDd 23 Ctainaoe General CPosition Position Ouota Aporoor ations Classification SiV 89t90 Dept. Mgt. Dept. Mgr, . Title &Position # # Level' _Rcmd. RWW. Acmd. _ Rcm:+ y; 7ilce Specialist 11 9 2134 0.04 0.04 0 780 0 Office Specialist, It 11 $679 0.09 0.04 0.04- 845 946 l 3 Office Specialist It 12 6682 0.04 0.04 0.04 796 911 lSecretary 53 new - 0.08 044 1724 906 ,senior Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 7413_, 0 0 fl2 0 10632 .1. Engineer* 54 new 0 0- 0. ' 0 8070 Traffic Engineer 3 6800 0.03 0:t03 0.03 1834 2047 !Associate, ':n0ineer 18 3211 0.05 0.05, 0.05 2632 9794 Associate: Engiceec 19 5137 0 01 0 0 0' �s> Assistant Englne6.-, 28 6312 0 0' 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant. Lnglneer SU 6682 0 3 0 0 0 Engineering Aide 45 , 152 0 U J .. ,= 0 0 Engineering Tech." 55 new _ 0 0 g 0 Senior Engineer 5 0.09 0,09 Q.09 :, 5502 5989' Associate Em "MIt 20 2140' 011 0.1 04 4312 4812. Associate Engineer -y, 21 5275 0.1 0.1 Q,t 5263 5588 Associate Engineer Jn- : r00' 0.1, 0.1 0.1` $n08 5478 Assistant Engineer ag 2641 0.1 0A 0.1 3902 435 Assistant Englnaai 51 4667 0.1 0.1 0.1 3713 3941 Jr.. Engineer 32 2020 -0A 0. 0.1 3676 3228 Engirieorin.j Tech. 36 561 0.1 0.1 04 2-'X7 3072 Engineering Aide 46 Woo 0.1 0.1 0.1 2567 3,011 En,linoering Aida 52 1,128 0.1 .'0-1, 01 , 2210 2780 Assistant Engineer `' S6 r38w - . - C,-.i 3532 3150 Public: Winks Engineer 6 6350 14900 11.05 VAU 0. 2893 316"5 Spe Public Works Insp ` 30 0.11 0.11 0.11 a 9m 5346 Public Works lnsp.11`• 37 116 011 0.i 0.1 3864 3787' Public Works Insp.11" 38 1075 0A 0.1 0 i 3864 4184 Public Works lnsp,, 43 2727 O.P. 0,.02 0-m 662 784 Jr. Engineer 33 480 0.08 0.08 0.08 277 ' 3000, Pbla Writs Insp.11* •` G4 Now - 0.1 NtR 1011 Q Subtotal �t 72.802 94r,6 `- Merit Contingency Y. 644 4,629 Subtotal 76 526 97,205 Fringe Benefits 267844,022 Subtotal; 103,310 t�� ;31,227 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 10,310 131,227 t Proposed reclassification of an Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant "P:ositions funded urang Speclai Funds h .. Proposed Now Position NtR Not Recommended � � 7, � - ,. -. r 1 � � �1 �e T + W CAPITA V.VIPRQ iE UfF` .PROJECT F.EQi,"EST , Dcpat'tment: Community Development Priority No., Division: Engineerins Drainage=General City MP 88-04 Projec► Tit,e, Description, and Location: City 1�4'ide Drainage Facilities Inventory ItTdic:ate whether: 0 View Ite tacement ;!� ' p r' ' 0 ?►ddition er" Project Justific �tion: (r Complete Study. .r .._ Has this rrnject been scheduled in a pri?�"C.I.1?.? 0 Igo" •, Yes ' sr_' C}ther projects or factars directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started58/8"9' Completed 9`0/9l, Estimated Project Costs A^atnt. SuggestedFinancing l�tnt+unt Design Cost S (} Drainage-0eneral. City S 2.d00 j Construction Cost so , r C. r .r: Administration Cost y- 0 It k Complete Study $26.000 _ C Total Cost 26,0, T: - Funds availablr.� ,41.nd/or .. S 24.000 Amount required first year already . expen&df , Amount regw-red subsequent years S 0 g ji.... Balance Requlred � 2,0$}0 � `�OTAi,. ; S Z0bi3 �.z CAPITr,LL 4 OVE"�%VIENT PROJECT REQUTEST Department: Cornmunity Development Fund•Priority No. Division: Engineering Drainage.. General Cit � y Dlt Sii-O P. roject Title. Descriptit n, and Loeaticin: area VI Church -Hermosa S.D. Passe I ' - Church Basin, along Church St. to` Hermosa Ave, Indicate whethar: 0 New Replacerr:;nt *' Addition; project Justification-,' Storm draliv construction to reduce surface flows along Ch&ch and Hermosa Avenue.. �J Has this project been scheduled iu a prior C,I.P.? O Na Yes Other projects or factors dirsctly; r6lated to tiiis...e� sj ctt 'ST 88.17 . ,$,`98 Indicatea scat year project ;should be: Started ComF feted 00191 Estimated Frojefit Costs Amount Sugtrestvd FitAanctag Amount Design Cost . 42,40 Drainage- General City $ 1445.000 Construction Cost S 1,300.' 0 Administration Cost S 130,000 I ry Totai Cost S 1472.40 % .'s` Funds available and/or S 27,400 Amount required first year S 1,445,00C- ':. already expended' - Amount required subsequent yews S 0 } rtlaneee r3tred ` q TOTAL�5 S, r ,1445.�Di 1,S.1100- CAPIT4 I'4/`iOROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Devetop'm nt Division: Engineering Fund: �+ 1` Prig_ r'= No. Draae,age, -General City MP` 88-0 3 Project "Title, Description, and Location: Master Plan of Drainage - CucamongaCreek,�J;reas Indicate whether: 0 Yew O Replacement. Addition Project Justification. D Complete Study. Has this project Lien scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal Year project should be: S 8 8 8 S! P J tamed / Cotttplesrd 9I/92 _ Estimated Project Costs Amount,Suggested �... Financing Amount Design Cost $0` Drainage - -Cenemat.. City S *87,000 Construction Cost so 3 Administration Cost $0: Study , $ 357,000` 14 Total Cost S 337,000 Funds available and/or S 270,000 Amount required first year S 87,000 - alFeady expended Q, Amount required subsequent: years :so Balance Requi d S 97,000' TC'g' 87,000 CAPIT,AL I�YII?�`C?VEzv1ENT P3EGT REQLMST Department; Community •Development Division: Fund; Priority No, ` Enginaereng , Drainage - fseneeai City DR 88-43 'Project Title, Description, and Location:!; Area. II Cucamonga .S.P.R.R, S.D. �` Phase l(b)- E/O Carnelian to 1300' E/t , Cue., Creek Channel Indicate whether. 0 New Replacement Addition Project Justification: Needed to upgrade, this draivag« system for y,00 year storm .protection. ''Affects: �i eliman Avenue Storm Drain. - t.5 Has thifo project been scheduled in a prior C,I.P.'? No ` yes. „ Other projects or, factors di: 'wctly related to tits .project: RR 88-07., Indicatefiscal vest' project should be: Started $7/8:$ Completed 91192 Estimated Project CosYS, Amount Suggested Financing ` amount Design Cost 3 3,300 Drainage - General City S 31.0,000 Construction Cost S 560,000 Administration Cost S $2.000 s Right -of -Way ' 23.400 Total Cost 3 673.700 >:unds available andfor S M.7, 00 Amount required first ytar $ 310.000 already expended Amount rewired subsequent years S. 332;000 4 Balance Required S 642,000 'TOTAL S 7.00O G CAPITAL 1IMPROVENM. PROJECT REQL"EST Department: community Developm t ' Divis;on• Eng?ncering Fund: , Priority 'io, Drainage = General City DR 88-19' Project Title,; Description. and Location:' Area II Carnelian Ave. S.D. Phase I - Vivero ta;,NJO. Baseline Indicate whether, 0 New (; .. Replacement Addition Project Justification: Provide for .drainage and reduGtioit of flows on Carnalian: 1 Has this project been scheduted in: a prior C.I.P.? 0 No Yes I Other projects? or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-46 Indicate fiscal year project should be: started 88/89 Completed 91192 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested,- Financing Amrst:ttt ' Design 'Cost S 2,000 Drainage < General City S 2,000 Construction -Cost S 11200,030 Administration Cast 3 100.000 i . Total Cost . S 1,302,000 - Funds available and/or so Amount required first year S 2,00D already expender; X , Ai pant required subsequent years S 1,300,000 fi Balance Regutred S 1,302,000 Q'FAI. S 1,302,t100 r LCAPrrAL i4V�} RovE lEN'i' PRO.r' T F Ql:` ST Department: Comm;u'nity Development Fund: 13ivision� Priority No. Engineering , Drainage - General City Dk 88•� Project Title, Degcription. and Location: Area II Cucamonga S.P.R.R. S.D' :Pha&e �, 14001 E/d Cue. (reek Channel to Hellman Ave. s Indicate whether z 1M1ery � Replacement � Addition Project Justification: Improve this drainage system to provide 100 year storm protection. Affects HgI1man Avenue Storm Drain, Z Has this project been scheduled in a. prior C.F.P. 0 No Yes, Other projects or factors directly related ta this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 9 7184 Completed 91f92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested financiancingg Amount <. Design Cost S 10,400 Drainage-`'Generrsl City $ 11000 Construction Cost S 2,075,000 Administration Cost $ 200,000 CAPITA. WIPROVE:VIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community, Development Fund: Priority . No.'. Division `Engineering 'Drainage - Generzl City DR 88-Q9 Project Title, Description. and'"Location:. Baseline S.D._ - E/O iDay 'Creek Charu;et ut future.`, baiy Creek Blvd. Indicate., whether: 0 New 0 Replacement. `) Ad d''►tion Project Justification Provide drainage along ILiselin'e :Rd in coordination with` Baseline. Roan, Phase III Street Improvements,. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C j.P 7 Q No Q yes Other projects or 'factors directly related:' to this project: S'i 88•08; Indicate fiscal :year project should be:. Started 81f89. Comoletad 91/92,. Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested 'r"ing"' ing Amount ....tee, Design Cost 5. 2.0©0 Dtriittsge . General ;City S 2.000 Construction Cost $ 225,000 SR 140 Reimburtement so Administration Cost 31 40,500 t CAPITAL fAMPROVWAENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development, . Fund: Division: Engineering Priority No: . $ Drainage - General City DR $820 Project Title, Desaription, end Locations Area V Hillside Rd. S.D. phase 2 - Upper Alta Lama Channel- to Archibald Indicate, whether: O New O Repjacenxent ) Addition Project Justifications Provide drainage protection along Hillside and protection for Archibald Avenue,. l f Has this project boon scheduled its a prior, C.I.F.? 0 Na {! Yes Other projects Or factors directly relatedto this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 88f89 Completed 91192 r� Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested 1=insncing kaiount resign Cost 3 1,000 Drainage - General City S 1000 Construction Cast $ 2500QO Administration Cost S 5.000 Total Coat 3 31,000 Funds available and/or' $ 30,000: Amountfirst required already expended q year S ` I,OQtI Amount required subsequent years $0 Balance .Required S 1,0{ TOTAL S 1,000 ry 1 SAPP si. IMPROVE-1 -I IT PROJECT REQUEs Department: Community Devi pnctent F4.1d: Priority N Divisions Engineering Drainage- General City, Dk 88-14 1 Project; Title,; Description, and Location: Area VI Lemon Ave.. S.D. Phase l • Lower Alta Loma. Channel to Amethyst Indicate whether: New 0 Replacement 0 Addition Project Justification Increase t'-,t flood protection of this storm .drain system and provide protecticn for Archibald. Avenue and Amethyst ,Street. i` Has this. project .been scheduled in a prior C.I.P 7 0 No yes other - projects 'or factors. directly related, to this p 1 y project: Indicate fiscalyear project should be: Started 88189 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs ..= Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cast S 66.300 Drainage- General City S' 2.000 Construction' Cost $ 1,300.000 .Administration Cost $ 130.000 Total Cost S 1,496,300 1, Funds available and/or S 64,300 Amount required first year � 2.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years S 1.430,000 Balance Required Tt)T,A3 S t.432.000, S 1,4324000 CAPVVIPRO'VEM ENT PROJECT RP,)UT_ST � Department: Community Developmknt \ Division: Fund: Priority No� ' Engineering Drainage . - General City DIY 88-ifs 1 Project Title, Description. and Location: Area II Amethyst S.D. Phase l E/C? Amethyst. NIO l9th to Highland - ?' Indicate whets 3;" O NOW 0 Replacement Addition, r ` Project Justification: Provide for .inereasedutirz:nage protection along Amethyst. Hasthis project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P,? 0 No Yes J ., tither ,projeo s or factors directly related to this project: ST 88-31 Indicate fiscal, ear project �Siii be. 8 S y P 1 Started 81 9 Completed 91/92 Estimiared, Project Costs, Amount Suggested Financing mount Design Cost S 5,000 Drainage - General City S S Oi}0 Constructiosx' Cost S 160,000 Administration Cost S 54.E Right -of -Way so ToW Cost $ 219.400 Funds .available and/or S 2149400 Amount required first. year 5.000 already expended AiNk Amount required subsequent years S 0 1, Balance Required TOTAL a. 3 51000 S i,000 VEM ENT F ROfE,CT REQLrEST ' '_ ��fiQGAw4J De aru: ,- P ommuttsty Ck°' `c� z; Fund. Division; Priority No. Engineartn}� v § , ;Drainage - C3eneral City DP.. 89-07 �t 1 + r--. 7/ , 1 1Arcl: Arceacly baldrStorin 17ra' Phase i{ - D .- in ter; Creek Chants to n/o 4th Streit, O r Indicate whether; 0 New � 0 Replacenct Atldition .Project Justifications. storm Drain construction to reduce flooditi$ along Archibald Ave. Has this projectbeen scheduled'n a prior, C.T.P.? Q No Yes >' Other projelru or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 99/90 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project C,sts 'Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design 'Cost $ 37,900 Drainage - General City S 2,000 �r Cdns:actiov Cost 325,000 Administration Cosh. S 40;000 - 4 r Total .Cost ,f 402.900 Funds available and/or $' 85.900 Amount required first year $ 21000 already expended 1 Amount required subsequent years 315,000 Balance Rcquirad - TUT- AL S 317,000' S 317,000 k CAAPYTA.L MPRQVET'vMNT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Communiky 'ieveloprnGnt J Fund: Dvisionnginerring, M y4 Drainase General City Pfloriti No.' laR,-$ Project Title. Description. and Location: Area IV Archibald Storm Drain Phase 3 NfQ dth Street W N/© 6tFt Street .Indicate, whets wr: Q New 0 Replacement (3) Addition Project Justification, Storm Drain to reduce floc; ing along 4th Street. s ' Eas this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.7 ('190 + ' Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: .Indicate fiscal year prnJshould be: Started 89190 Completed 91.. p 19x Estimated Froje.s, Casts Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cast S 40,000 Drainage General City S 1000 Constructio- Cost "= s 325,000 Administration Cost S 50,000 ° RAY $ * jq�g WO [OO�WO 1 Total Cost S S13.00t? Funds 4Y811ab1e andf?r alreadyr expended so 1Rlnotttit re4uircd fttt year s,D00 Amount required stt'hsequw= i years 5 St�,00t9 WF Balance Required _ $t TOTAA. S S M000 CAPITAL UYIPROVEWNT PROJECT RgQUEST .%)C}]aXtlliGtit, Ommualty DevalopmeIIt mound: Prlo!;lty" tl: ANIL IFi Z~n$Irtt`eret " 1\) r..y..r.+r..�irllCii$!.1 t t4t tt"tll City Prolact Title, Pescr odom and Xocation: Airea IV Archibald 'Storm Drain phaio 2 - 4;h Street F4 Az l ib ld Ave. Indicate whether: Ntw 0 ROlac'm e t-64ditinrt Project Justification-. v StG ,,,,m Drain construction to reduce fWodiag along 4th Street , Has this project been scheduled in a prior C,l.p�? No - Y(,` 40P C3ther projects or factors directly related to thin project: , Indicate fiscal year protect should bet Stsi ed 8W90 -Cotnpiotcd 91192 - Estuna►ttd. Project Coca Atnourtt Suggested finauciug, Amount Dosign east'' S 49,100 Drab age - Oet:W, Clay S 2,000 X 1 ;r Cronstruct'In Cost S 250.0il0 l Administration Cost y�j� $ 9.00�t _ j .; 4.4'�!! �ry Wit, Tot`►-.` 4:t3, t i !/y/�, .. 4 361,.100 ; .,... Funds Available and/or $46,100 Al tauzzc. requii d first `;year aiready cxp• ded• Atnowu required. sdbsequed lots )0 13a.1ffinca Requires _ �x►. -TOTAI..t. } `� c t; } ` CAPITAL �iPRC?�NMM J ' FRC1iECT':�,�[3EST E;egarutient: community 17evelaptnent°iiofity`o.. Dvisiszn Engineering 7rainage - (ieneras City 1,t1 90-Q1 Project 'Title, Description, and L.neatio # Area U Cucamfigd >P,> .R. Sto 1)V21*11 U, -, Cucamonga Creek Chanties to PE/O Carnelian Inv'icate : whethera,. *' ' Iew Replacement 0 Addition, Project Justification; Needed to ugrade this drainage system -for 100 year .storm protection., Affects Hellman Avenue Storm 4 Drain: if „ HAS ¢his ro'iect been scheduled in a riur C.I.P.? *).,No 0 Yes 1i � p , Outer projects or factors d6ptly related' to this: project: r, , uld Tar: Start6i POO1 Indicate; fiscal year, pt, 't sll : ecv Completed 91/92 ° t ..... Irstirtiw.-.-d Project Coss fl ..� :unG _ Sugg�,sitd i ist - 1 tiouunt DGSI Cost �' $ 0 r�aina e - General City S S 360,000' �r - Cozita uction soffit' '` so, Adminis.ration cost so s Developer Reimbursement S 710,000 '. Total Cost 5 710,000 r. Funds available and/or [i Amount required first year, $ 360,0fl0 already expended: required subsequent years SO,aoa r, _ _ t. Balance ?�egtaPrd . SIa,Oa{l ;`".TOiA. S 710,00a r' � h .R J i r � y f r r rc r - G, _ r J ( k . W m It'f O O 6 tff T1 O a a O t+f C � 1 C'? O O 0 O -O- a -0:. 0cap r P ttt O O C O a 4 Cl Cs I• f w CS . a a 'n e9 +3. o m .a a (� 6 C: CL a 0:1:7 O.C1 Ozt a 1 a1 It n11 If c_v Ic W t w K � j i wK •!C G.9 iC �; ��CCC I. CI P? nK Im, en, aw t!?. G ua in, w an C. l m 4a m ,I W V s+1 m M f l aw „{ 204 Position Classification Position Quota 46 riations '83196 Deist, Mgr Dept.. ,, Mgt* Title & Pas€tion # Level,.. Rcmd. Rcmd. Acrnd: ' sgctnd. Office Specialist It 9 2134 0.02 0.02 Lf 39 0 Office �pac€alist If 11 6679 0.03 O.02 0.02 423 473 'Office Specialist it 12 8682 0.02 0.02 0.02 398.. 456 Secretary 53 new - 0.03 0.02 6��' 453 Senior. Engineer 63 3882 0 0 0 Landscape Designer 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer is 7413 0 0 n 0 0 Jr. Engineer' 64 nm 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic ;Engineer 3 800 0.0 0.01 0.01 6f3 682 Associate Engineer 1.8 ` 3211 O.Oi 0.0i' 0.01 526 $59 Associate Engineer 19 5137 G_ 0 a 0 0 Assistant Engineer . 28 6012 O.Ot 0.01 0.01 453 481 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0.01 0,01 0.01 353 375 Assistant Engineer 5ti 602 0.06" 0.06 0.06 2119 2260, Engineering Aide 4S 162 0.09 0.02 ` 0.'02 442 556 Engineering Tech.* 55 new 0.02.- 0.02 623 0 Senior Engineer 5 5822 004 044 ' 0104 24,45 2662, Associate: Engineer 20 2140 0,04 0.04 0.04 172$ 132a Associate Engineer 21 5276 0.04 0.04 0.04 21,05 2236 Associate Engineer 22 5700 0.04 0.04 0.it4 2003 2i91 Assistant Engineer 20 2641 0.04 U4 0.04 1661 1742 Assistant Engineer 51.4687 0.04,, 0.04 0.04 1485 1676 Jr.. Engineer J2 1145 0,04 0.04 1470 1291 Engineering Tech, 36 561 0.04, 0.04 ,0,04 dii.04 102�' 1229 Engineering Aide 46 U00 . 0,04 0.04 0.04 1027 194 Engineering Aide 52 128 004 0,04 , 0,04 884 1112 Assistant Engineer " 56 ne:r 0.04 0.04 1413 15 Public Works engine.::-' 6 6350 0.02 0.02 0.02 1157 1266 Spr Public Works Insp " 30 4XP 0.04 0.C4 0.04 1795 1944 Public Works Insp.li°' 37 VLimnt 0.04 0.04 0.% 1546 1515 Public Works fnsPJi"4 38 1016 0.04 0.04 0.04 1646 1674 Public "Works Insp. 43 2727- q.01 0.01 :01 341 -1 309 Jr. Engineer 33 480 mm, 0.03: 0.03 1039 1125' `,'b1c. Wrks insp.11* '*• 64 New 0.04 N/R 1204 0 Subtotal 32,762 32,868 Merit Contingency: 1,638 1,643 Subtotal 34,400 34,511 Fringe Eeneilts':''� 12e040 12,079 Subtotal: 46,440 46,590 Part-time 0 0 TOTAL 40,440.46,690 t P(OPDSOd) reclassificat€on of an Office ,/ASsistan'd 'to senior Uifice �►SSistant "'Positions .funded using Special Fun0s.,j; sPrggosed New posit€orf NfR'Not Recommended As � OY� � � � t Ly` O 0 a` Jig > N - �� m i O m L3. m � 'p O oam m a 1 I1 c n E e w m Can a �, CL a D c' - N. c a� E e m 0 cl co IO a1. r N m N U m m � $' x = m a N m 0 '.tom U U 825 g Em`� a n4 2 m -- a miO a CAPITAL LW, PPVE NT PRE TECTREQUEST a til�gea®. . , i)ag 1ttrnent, Community Development 7sve Mtn: Engineering Fund: M.ws.�tN1 ity i+to, TSTr FAIT 88.1A i Project Title, Description. end Location'. �� t Cucamonga Creek Bridge Widening .grow ate. Indicate whether: 0 NOW 0 Replacement Addition Project. Justification, Widen existing bridge ' to arterial width. , ,i 4 `�J Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.1.P.? No go, Yes Other projects or fa�tors directly related to :this eject.: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 87199 Completed 91192 Estimated Project Costs Amount p,-,Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost S 16,000 FAii 332.000 Construction Cost S 347.000 Systems Development S 59,000 J Administration Cost S 59,000 J i Total Cast S 422 Funds available. and/or S 3I9000 AlhOunt required first year Y S 391,000 alryady expended ji Amount required subsequent years so s, Balance Required S 391.000 C`CiTAic ; S91,QQ0 v ih / / CAPITA.I. WPR04 E [E-, t PR0 ECT REQUEST Department: Community Development F nd ....._r Priority 40 Division: Engineering FAI k -�.--�— — .....--�._.�..-..�.... .... .a. � .88.44 PrOJect Title, Description, and 'Location;, Haven Ave;. Rehabilitation. S Widening - Fourth to Foothill Indicate whether: 0 New Replacement !V ik.ddition Project Justification: Application to Federal Government for fur -ding and design of pavement rehabilitation anti ' widening. Has this,,, -project been scheduled 'ire to print: C.I.P.? 0140 ) Yea Other projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88.20. TR-18-d0. Tit $9.09. RR 88.14 Indicate iiscat year project should bet Started 87/98 Completed 89190 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested financing _ Amount 1 Design Cost $ 188.000 FAU 1.392.044 Construction Cost. 3 1,533,000 System Development = 3 200.000 Administration Cost S 1200000. SB 140 S 37.400 f l! '1 Total Cost S 1,941,000 Funds available anal/or S 188.000 Amount regt:�yed first year 5 1,63000 already expended s f Amount. %tequired subsequent years rf S.15,000 � Jim Balance Required 3 1,653.000 x TOTAL 1,653100t1 i -•. '. o rti c> O cl a 1*1 aa, ck c �t 4 r s O O b c? O C b o C, a cA _ N �Y a C.�v 4o +o a Q a c o ia o o cvcm c, c, �. o co O cC? I l' Q cb c2 1t yyO. potp V jS 'c sn �n _. yy tt1 'Of d O^ O p tl iL t 3. O K {0 N tl Ca a F k a C Y®D Q re IIII T. q[ C 1 S tl7 � Lc .�pxW, :5ccZ w H 4. W C' 2V i R t13 4 ic^ y� r. o 0 e- e.. 0 o at mt ac3 aOcr aoit Ca• >n o 209 ; � irk - 1 t CA MAL LMP'RO VEMENT PROJECT REQUEST Department.- community Development. p Division: Fund: : Priority No. ` Engineering Ca ital Reserve - Fund 2,i PL _ Project Title, Description, and Location. Community Event Banner .Poles Indicate whether. 0 New 0 Replacement @ Addition Project Justification: Purchase and install Community Event. Banner Poles at Archibald Ave. north of Foothill Blvd, and Baseline west of Haven Ave. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P,? 0 No � yes Other prtyjeets or factors directly related to this project: Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 89/90 Completed 90/91 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested: Financing Amount Design. Cost $0 Capital Resery.• Fund 25 $ 2.000 Construction Cost S12.000 Administration Cost S _. I, Total Cast S 14.000 Funds available and/or S a000 Amount required fiat year S 2.000 already expended Amount required subsequent years SO ll� it Balance Required S 2.000 TOTAL $2.00{i �., �i W � pp GAPI' ]GM PROVEMMNT PROJECT REQUEST r -- '� cDepartment. Community Deveio�'nent Division: Engineering Fund: Priority No,. �s-•-----.mow.._...,-.,,�-. 01-4333-6028 .:. PL 88-01 Project. Title, Description, and Loration; t Sapphire Street 'frail Intprgvem(,nt { Indicate whether. 01;ew 0 Replacement Udition Project Justif+cations. Improvement of trails from Jennet to Hillside. City Manager not recommended. Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? ONO 9'ea �.�.rw........� i?wer projects or !;actors directly related to this project: Mf Indicate 'fiscal year project should be,. Started 87/88 completed 91/92 Estimated. Project: Casts —,.. o.o.....�... Amount n Suggested Financing Amount Design Casa s=0 41-4333-6028 $ 0 :..i Construction Cost 8 Administration. Cost ti d Total Cost so Funds available and/er already expanded $0 Amount required first year so ,r. Amount required subsequent years so Balance Requited s t% TOTAL S 0 C „-.._ ,L. O. O Q: O co, Q' O 0 10 O Q it71 O 0 b Cs O U 4= us v N GY. tr. .tk l 3 O O tV im 64 4m, o 4i Q c► b GG ca, CJ' O c* O. O Esco b`..0 q c* b cb .cx O 4y cx O Q O;cA O bb !'P Q O O C? � O lea A= b �raa: yam 4=r. Gl^ m 9 'O. Yi c5r CA b O O cw e+, '+ql eV m P b ax t•. rm: t9 e:a tl O, b O Q -J +C tbn b M e7 O wo. ty ev aV R F b Wf 14O m v4 +r aq m i Ir cn� d Bt ek O ®Q co. M ®..O b on h a. ei C. C. on M ,� a en :O d .b O O "Q O 'ex m O m O Ci ti !n to leg m awn t3 O O M l r m w J.a+v w 3 i } as is o 0 o a o b e to Aw a es es o a o. Rr a ai'i f It C: tms cm Ck ;q ice} 0 Ct O O is O aK C Gt l�.+FC ew as 45 Itla Y0 'Ct p y Y. c .� 3 Mom} �1' m lv N tom• D •w a+;�n; ItY .� +r 3 3 O b'+R 4 Ms �. �! te► Spt"J 4ta F cm, Qb c*, I n .d} A _, tt► rat a fi O} c.3 YD ryIn I - H to In IcA W4c.. to =— � 9 = 1 C .� � a = ff o g W 4 �. it 3 CAi�� W _W W. O. Cj < zmj 19 ;�i 31� V F ~ L•f .... ~ �4 12bX .JC+ Yf( til !7 �� c, o�. t:. ^ 3� vm+ m a m _ m m w ,n a a q o w w so +ms m m to** on ma +u"a oat - ,;, .�. ii.1' m 1•'!4 m m to Mm .� m m i+} eft !•'J. m en t•a m m oe eYi- m m ` r�s i+*i en �M m m m tom. m �n M m sh�aro a•s m rw t`s w} H VV c} m am rem .e -m F} ve .r m m w w• cn m v +r wt �m raw w� m m eR �t m m `W' .�n P}.. men m r � +�r t� 4 tn� v re m m' m m +�r w it's }fT an rn �r ++a! �v .:, tl 3 r m ao es cam m ita m; m m " m 'an K " 46 .Qbm :} 10 000 MR4 a* sa iV tV w► tY i 212 \l� f Y �. Prasitian Class ification•- Position 9*39/90 -(quota AnDroorlations Dept. Mgr, Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # #a� level &cmd: Ficmd. RcmcP. -` Rcmd. ,. Office Specialist II 9, 2134 b.02 6.02 , - 390 0 Office Specialist 11 11 5679 0.04-,, - 0.02 0.02 423 473 Office Specialist 11 12 86U 0.02 0.02, 0,02 398 456 Secretary sa now - 0.04 0.02 882 ; 493 Senior Engineer 83 .3882 0 0 0 0 'A` 0 Landscape Designer 17 5363 , ' Q, 0 . 0 0 0 Associate Engineer 15 74V7,1 0 6 0-. 0 0 Jr. Engineer* ,54 new. 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Engineer 3 6801 X• 0.01. --'f 0.0 0.01 611 682 Associate Engineer 18 I111 .: 0.0.2 0.02 0A4 1063 559, Associate Engineer t9 i°'! ., - 0 0 0 0 0 Assistant Engineer �8 6'312 0 0 0 0 " 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 l0 0 0. 0 0 Assistant Engirifdr 50 6682 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Ald$ 45 152 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering Tach." 55 new - 0 0 0 0 Sen!C;-, Engineer 5 6822 0.06 US 0.65 3056 3327> Associate Engineer 20 2140 0.05 0.055 0.05 21:$6 2405 Associate Engif jr 21 5275 0.05- 0.05 a,0S .. 2632 2794 Associate Engineer 22 6700 0.05` - 0.05 U.Ob ' 04 2739 Assistant F,ngineer 29 2641 0.05 0-05 0.05 1951 2177 Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0.05 i�05 0.05 1856 1970 Jr. Engineer 32 2010 0.105 us s ti t15 1639 1614 Engineering Tech. 36 561 0.06. 0.05 0.05 1283 1$39' Engineering Aide 46 5800 US: 0.0; 0.05 1283 1a0S Engineering Aide 52 128 0.09 0.05 0.05 1105 13i;�t1 Assistant Engineer 56 new 0.45 Ot15 1768 Public Works Engineer 6 63S0 0.03 0.03 0.03 1736 1899 " Spr r'ubiic, WofHs tnsp 30 4900 ' 0.06 0.0fi 0.05 2243 �430, Public Works , Insp.1146- 37 115 0.(z us 005 1932 1894 Public Works insp.11"' 38 1075 0.05 0.05 0.05 1932 20:)2 Public Works insp. 43 2727 041,, 0.01: 0.01 341 3-92 Jr Engineer 33 486 0.04 0.04 0.04 1385 1500 .. Pbib Wrks Insp.11• "". .' 64 New 0.05 ,. N%11, 1505 0 . �iotall 36,241 30163 Merit Contingency: , r` : 1312 . 1,808 Subtotal: ;%' 38,053 3 )Vi Fringe Benefits - 13;319 1#1290 Subtotal: ` 51,379 511,261 Part-time TOTAL 514372 �1•261 t Proposed reclassification of an Office: Assistant to Senior Office Assistant 6Rr-16sitions funded using Special Funds 'Prr��sd„i�ew Position N/R Not Rocommended , Ili NUM1111 � I�I�IIIIIII CD ca II a COST CENTER'AETAM WCiRKSHEET Qepr;rtmenS/Qtvisian - y programe i Aeesount C®mmsani3+ Numhsir, Qe�./R1anR;Nq j. ��xnts/CQBti 1 28-4333 /99091 f. `• ObJnet Nc.. _ _ .�.._ p ! as-af Fb;;* &-Indiv r, - mount* t--Qesenip� �r idv�al Do17ar� Ansdiie+sat ----a�8$ (,4rstr'sistrtsddnY - - --- - -- -- - ----�- - JT( Fair Mousing a.975 1 i' 1 ! crpn;trn*ct=Coord4nimton :; ` ' 59. 02¢ i t Othar Staff j Advertisin4, NliscOl!1$neous dv641 C 1 - ` Subtotalt- ala9 fHousfn9 146habilitat'don - at-ants/Loans alS3 ISeniar Shared Wcus'ng' :•-(xxh Is,ji. Cucamengr•. Streatio (Aetctai strrret massed projects j 240.gcel- { will tee datlirm,tneif dtirinq vt8O Miplieation for *90/91 t S9S5 114istor4o: pc �serVatti�rt Reekabi�.itstioR i t _.♦♦t ���. t \`� qq Grpp AQ�iiL�$��13 , 4t V, - n t\ v O� YP O tl b Idf Ep � W CfY 4 l'� G M OY • Siif`. } r W1 Cf 4 q N ` 1L7 d'w G / 5. <w +. t t + m .c 1 v q No ., 1 w- t ltai .,V T. Sr: to to > ,W 07 s•.fit �,. :I- in 07 � x CCat- .X - lit �y • i P�`f � �9 �M, Mfurl. � `\`, CS N: N i- N ev h f'v fN tT fn l�?s+t lflf r ! r. 215 M1, Position Classification - Position +?<, Fmp, 897190 Quota Appropriations Dept. Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Position # # Level f1cmd. Rcmd. Rcmd. ` Rcrn& Office Specialist II 9 2i34 0 0 0, 0 0 Of#ice Specialist, ll 11 5679 0 0 ti 02 0 473 Office Specialist It 12 8682 0 _ 01 0.02 0 456 Secretary 53 new, 0 0.02 0 453' . Senior 'Engineer 63. 3882 0 0.= 0 . ' 0 0 Landscape Designer. 17 6363 0 0 0 0 0 Associate Engineer, 15 7413 0 0 , 0.05 0 2658 Jr. Engineer` 54 new 0 0 O. 0 2582 Traffic Engineer 3 6860 0_ 6. 0.01 0 8.82 Associate Engineer 18 3211 0 0 0.02' o 1118 Associate Engineer 19 5137 0 0 0 0- 0 Assistant Engineer' 28 6312 0 0 0 0' 0 Assistant Engineer 49 8149 0 0 0 0' 0 Assistant Engineer 80 6682 0 0 0.02 0 760 Engineering Aide 45 152 0 0 : 049 t1 834 Engineering Tech.* 55 new 0 0.%., 0 4915 ' Senior Engineer- 5 5822 0 0 0.05 ; 0- 3327 Associate Engineer 20 2140 0 0 0.06 0 - 2887 Associate Engineer 21 527.5 0 , 0 0.06 0 3353 A==z ociate Engineer 22 670.6 0 0.06 0 3287 Assistant Engineer 29 2641 U 0 0.06 0 2613 Assistant Engineer 51 4687 0 0 0.06 0 2,364 Jr. Engineer 32 2020 0 0 0.06 0 1937 U Engineering Tech, 36 561 0_' 0 0.06 0 1843 Engineering Aide 46 5800 0 0 0.06 0 lace Engineering Aide 52 128 0. 0 0.06 0 1668 Assistant > Engineer ` 56 new _. 0 0.06' 0 2250 Public Works Engineer 6 6350 - 0 0 0.02 0 1266 SFr Public Works lnsr% 30 4900 0 0_ 0.03 0 24,30 Public Works fnsp.li' 37 1115 Or 0 0.05 0 1894 Public 'Works lnsp.11°` 38 1075 0 "% 0 0.05 0 2092 Public Works insp. 43 2'727 0 ' 0 0,02 0 764 Jr. Engineer 33 480* 0 0 0.03 0 1125 Pb1c Writs insp.fl' 64 Now - 0 N[R 0 0 Subtotal0 51,847 Merit Contingency: 0 2,592 Subtotal, 0 54,439 Fringe Benefits 0 10,054 Subtotal: 0 73,493 Part-tt.de 0 0 ' TOTAL. 0 73,493 t Proposed reclassification of an Office r Assistant to Senior Office Assistant **Positions funded using Special Fund$ •Pr000sed New Position N/R Not Recommended , ��Hi uni i iuiiiii� nl I �I� III q�lllll �ii�iiuu� wii i I'N�I �uull�l�lll IIIININ _.�.._., i CAJE?i,T�N 1N�'ROVENt NT PRflJb<4 REQUEST �= � �} Department: Community�elopment Fund, ;'. Pr ori�' Dto, J Division: En ineerirr g g 1.4easun, I - Locar -ST 90o31 'Project Title, Description. and Location � ff .City Witte Local Street Rehabilitation and. Ma4ntenance Program F`l' 1990791 is Indicate whether. New Hr 0 R.eplace�ment 0 Addition Project Justifications Improve\roadtivay to City s:and0d$ including curb, i},uter, sidewalks, and street lights, l 4x1� ,~ 4t., Has this project been scheduled 'itsal Irsit�r C.I.P. j� No' .Es Other, projects or factors directlyrelatsd to this projit. Indicate fiscal year, project, should, be started 90191 +��smpleied`�a+3l91 '• Estimated Project Costs Am-0unv Suggested Fiaincing 77. Amount Design Cost, S 62,000 1 Measure I - Local S 715.205 Construction Lost S 638,205 M< Administration Cost $ i5.0tli} .: Total Cosa S 715,205 )1 Funds available and/or so Amount required fir' year s' $ 115,265 already expended �f amoun¢ required subsequent y S. tl Balance Regq,ired S 715,2 5 TOTAL S 715,205 t R e i,,a 3 C PITAL v4LP? 0"vEIMENTP R(J IECT l2EQ .'SST Department. Community Development Fund: Division : Engineering Fri ;No. L,NT 3 #4 BT 88-36 Projecr 'Witte, Description, and Location: Terra Vista €?arkway and Wdian Retrofit Indicate Whether. 0 New f Peptacgment Addition Project Justification. Reconstruct on of curbs at selected driv,, throughs. retrofit' landscaping and irrigation to city atand'rds and landscape concepts, and n-odify left turn packets to Imtreuse traffic, capacity. 4 w Has this project been ,scheduled in a prior C-Lp.? 0 No Yes Other projects or factors directly related to this project: Indicate- c t year project should be: Started 88189, Completed 90f 9l .. Estimated project Costs A'tottttt Suggested Financing Amount ....... ...�,... Design Cost $ 5,000 Lim S I44.000 Construction Cost S 224,000 Measure Y - Arneriat Administration Cost S 10.000 1J� TotnI Cost S ,239.000 ? Funds auattable and/or so Amount required first year already exponded S 239;000 Amount required subsequent yeIr 1S 0 Butane- Required S 239Y040 TCiTA , S 2391 0 �A i j CAPIT t RVIPPROVEviE�iT PROJEt�T REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund: Diviz'ion, Engineering Priority No.. j Measure 1 Arterial DR 89-12 Project'Title, Description, and Location: Area IX Haven Storm Drain Phase. 1 - Deer Creek to NIO Church Street. Indicate whether: Q Neu+ Q Replacement @ Addition Project Justification; t Completes master drain (100 yearr protection) along haven Avenue from: Deer Creek, .Channel to N/0 Church Street. a Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.Y.P.? O No Yes Other protects - or factors directly related to this project: ST 89.24, TR 89-09 { Indicate fiscal year project should be. Started 89/90 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financin _ 8g B Amount Design Cost $0 Mertsure f Arterial.Sol Construction Cost - $ 0 ;(Ste .Streets for funding). Administration Cost p I 1 Total , Cost $ {? Funds available and/or S p , Amount required first year S 0 already expended Amount required subsequen years SO 1 Balance Required $ 0TOTAL S 0 ,e r CAPITAL UMPROV'ENiENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Devellopment Fund: Division: Engineering Measure I -, Arterial. Priority No. ST 89 `4 Project Title, Description, and Location; Haven Ave. Storm Drain, Traff►ce Signals. Street Improvements Phase I = SIO Foothill Blvd. to NIO Church Street, Indicate whether: New Q_Replacement Addition Project Justification. Improve capacity of Haven Ave. by widening and construction of missing .improvements. %s Has this project been scheduled in a prior C.I.P'I 01ro yes Other projects or factors di►ectly related° to this project: Indicate fiscal yev project should be: Stai�`A, 89/90 Completed 90/9I Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested F nancin8 Amount, Design Cost $ 75,000 .Measuro I - Arterial 3 807,000 Construction Cost $ 702,000 Administration Cost 3 80.0a0 Total Cost S 837,000 Funds available and/or !6 50.000 Amount' required first year S 807,000 , already expended „ Amount required subsequent years Balance Require S 807.000 TOTS S 807.000 , f J` ` i]epsrunent: Community Deveiopt wit Fur#d� Div ;ion. Engineering EriraSure I - A�serial Priority No. S7 94.37 Pr •,dent Title, 3escriptlon.,,; `and Locatiola Haven Ave.. Storm gain, Street, and "Traffic Signal, Improvements Phase 2 - N10 CI Line Rd. ...h $t4 to NIU Lase �; Indicate whethert a• ' New l Replacement Addition Projw,t Justficatioatic Eliminate open flood control Channot : "d to widen street to ultimate. Has this project been scheduled in a prito, CT.?.? 0 Ye; Other projects or factors directly related to this project; Indicate fiscal year project should be: Started 90/91 Completed 91 2 _ 9 p / rEstimAted Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cosh str Vtp.000 Measure I Arterial �� tt2rC1Ctt3 Can tructiott Cost S 1.SdS,iilU Administration Cost S 100,OLV Total Cast S I,73S.000 .. $ 70.000 0 Funds .available atxdlot so Amount requiriJ first pear`" already expended . _ Amount required subsequent =years S 1,66 po j l' Salanc--_ Required S f.735.0 TOTAL . S 1,735.0,00 1 y i n CAPITAL, IMPROVEMENT PROJECT REQUEST , Loop"rnont.* Community Development Fund; l?riority 10.ion. Engineering ;Measure i Arterial TR. 89.03 Project Title. Description, and. Location.. Upgrade Signal - Foothill` Blvd. @ Haven Ave. Indicate whether. O Ne'w 0 Replacement Addition.. Project Justification; Needed to be consistent with street improvements along Foothill Blvd. and Haven Ave, and to itccommodate future signal coordination Has this project been scheduled in a prior CXP? r;0 yes' Other projects- or factors directly related to this project. ST 88- i Indicate fiscal year, project shoui_i' ,be. Started 89/90 Completed 9019 Estimated.. Project Costs. .a:. � Amount, gl;estCd Financing; Amount Design Cost so Was= I ArteritiS so Construction. Cost so i Administration Cost D 't(Futnddd with Street) Right -of -Warr so R Total Cost so t, Funds available and/or $0 Amount required first yam, S 0 , already expended t Amount required su6k� .,; mt yezros 5 {l Balance Required S 0 TOTAL I if �d S ao oDao v,o u.•oc�w ca - W � !i O T✓ f� D .D 4'1 6fJ f�f tom. tl? ty r' �,r, _ I _ �,r I o 0 o ea ca o o t'y ea cw o ed - oaeacoo o—a =Dina _ a l as as to,aQ C*IJ' DCY D a 'O 47 D D CIS - D D :O FS D {Cf li'Y M r fMi p. F 6G 1 en 1. h'. eIt 1 yy. I gm: so �. ,, 1. - - Cl �. VpIs M 1 Q ID 'Z 7C CV k-M It Go LLJ :►� 4D iC 1 �+'.�.� h- Z S , saY-l-W� �Y®=n«»hWvs a i f .3 N ..• 'mom'. ,. a'1= if7 r- m m +c � ,� XV 'CD 6D ^IC +'S iYf tJy N:lL SY"' p¢ Q4 T� m' 1 i �' 1 a ilf t'sY j l Ul, M YJ IR 'CA a+f H'! t7' "t+'s f a'Yf l�•v P'1ira M �y R a G C tar O D a ZA w try t/i C! Cf aY Ol ' 1 mo rtff M a+Y CtY AY M N'f a9' Pf h f V 10 TO as 1p� tQ lD tf! D 1? ap lilt Ib .tO t4 ter li n["++ b i.fl ;'� IiY wTa 1r7 6h Ial- us: !tY ilY ilY {tY in to laY iaY ,W. -V3 N 1 PY PY'eR s"a t*Y 1FY nY Pa M. isf lrs t9 � M a+a M aY 11f .l i, 1{F{p 225 f Cr% 't�L ;,�"�`C?VEZVETNT P!,"�C3IFCT �EQL,'ESI' n. ,l 1, uiepartment: ` .Community Development Fund: Priority No. Divisions Engineering gip, ° Project. Title,: Descrfrtionw `and Location: ,. Milliken Avenue @ "XcT & SF Railroad Grade Separation and StrG.,t Improvements - 7tfi St. to Tersey''Blv3. r Indicate whether. 0 Now O':Peplacemetit � Addition Pf'.iject Justificatiort (l) A) Construction of new RR rnain&te bridged overcrossir,gs (2); B) Cons"Cdon of new Milliken Ave, roadway underpass (grade separation) C) Extension of Milliken Ave from 7th St, north to Jersey Blvd' (1I) Construction to follow in subsequent years Has this project been scheduled in a prier C.i.P.? 1 'slo 0 yes Odher projects yr factors direotly related to this "liroject: i \1 ` indicate fiscal year 7rajw;'shouid be* ;.`,Started 86j87 Completed `11?'t Estiniatcd `Project Costa iriount Suggested Pinsncitig Amount ' Design Mast �u."F0,400 <,4. 4,200,000 Construction Cost -S 4,U, Q' 00 S3 140 Reimbursameni S ti86,000 Administration Cost S 510.000 ti Kight-of-Way S 138,000 Tout Cost S 41921,000 '' Funds available and&: 35,000 Amount required first year 4`088610,001 already expended y Amount. required subsequent years S 0, f , .. 4 13a13ncG 3e uisrtT. S 4 bdr,,tit)ti ;IOTA%. $ 4,80,00t1 I� J CAPITAL IMPRPYE;VTENT PROJECT REQUEST i7eghtmeat: Community iJevelopment Fund:. priority Ytz Di,, clan: Engi13t CPt„� _ Systems Develop nit ST .. i�rc'e t Ti ] • itle, I Description, and , f:ocatiow, I9tb Sr. Stract Imprm tment - vWeliart to W/i? Amethyst Indicate ` whether: 0 New Replacement,Addition,-. .,,.s...�.. . � rrojccY. Justification - Improve street including full widLning and rehabilitation for more efficient flow of traffic.. , 3 ti - Has this p,v1>, been sshedul,2d in. i -pAor ql-Lp.? Ho 'des Other projects or factors directyy related ,to this vrojest: I?R„ $�-.12, `T� 8$-0, Z'R $���iS Indicate fiscal year project should be: started 8 7/8 9 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing A�rtounr - Design Cost ` S s9,1?00 System Development S ,`;g15.Qao Construction Cost S $46,000 SB 140 , S 40,000 s: . r Adminhlratioh Cost S 98,000 j - Total Cost S 911X0 i Funds available and/or $ 39,800 Amount required first y6ar S' 9'S5,000 ' II already upended 111 i Amount-,requtNd subs�;�M dear ' S 1,OtI0 Balance required~ S 936,M0 ` "TOTAL AL $ "436,000 �.r APIT;kt DOROVENi T PROJ£GT'R�QCa'EST ,, f DP,parrsrtent: Community Development Fund: ''l ority .i�ia.. fi#iviston: Engineering RDA Ftmd 13 \\ Lpri fi 88-23 r Project 'title, 'l7escriptia:i, artd Lac3tiA'`4 _` Foothill Blvd; Rte. •6611-15 interchange Improvements Indicate whether. 0 New 0 Replacement Ar z!,%Ion Project .Justification; rmprove signals, median upgrades and S`�reet improvements in cotijuctian with freeway , interchange upgrado;. r - las L`tis project lw;en scheduled in a prior C.I P1? 'Na des r Other projects or factors directly related to this peojeet: TR 88.22 Indicate fiscalyear project should be: Started _718O Completed 90/01 j Estimated Project Costs Amount "auggested" Finatasirtg Amount Design Cast 190.000 RDA Fund 13 $ 2.900,000 `- Construn;tion Cosa'S, 2,897t000 SR ltk S 27,000 Administration Cost S 300,000 I Tata Cost, S 1087.M Funds available and/6�t'3 0.000 trtount eegttired past Yeku 3;I �7;000 already expanded 4 ` Amount required .subsequent years S G► l eTOTAL Rud 3.197.DQ4 CAPITAL LXPR4.VEMEN T' PROJECT REUEST ) !Pertment: Community DevelopMan4 Fund: Priority. No. DIV,1S10R: Engineering, FACT ' S.o $$-44 ..��.. Project Title, Description, and L ration Haven Ave. Rt'�tabilitation & Widi"fining Fourth to 'Foothill Indicate whether, 0 New i� 0 Replacement,: � Addition- S j .6 Project: Justification- ,. 6/1 Application to Federal 6vern�(nt for funding and design of pavement °. 1Dtlttatian and widening. r .r Has this project been scheduler) fire a prior C.M? �o �ce4 j Other projects or factors directly related to this project., TR $$,,ZO, 11R. 8840,, 89.09, RR $$-14 Indicate fiscP1-:yeas .o ?et should be-- Started 87198 Completed $ 9/90 �. Estimated Project Casts Amount Suggested Fitaailt;in$ Amount Design Cost $ 188.000 FAU a. S i, I929000 Construction Cost S 1,533.000 System Development S 20,000 ` Administration" Cost S, 1209000 SB'":40 1, S 37,000 Total Cost S 1e$41,00( r' Funds available and/or S 18$;Q00 Amount required first year. $ 1,638,000 already expended } Amou�it required subsequent years S15,000 i 1 S 1653.000 17 �k: 1,653.000' , Balance 11equired TOTAL CAPITAL UMPROVEMEENT I'Rf:}ECT REQUEST AYE Department: Community Develcgirieni Fund: Division: Engineering System, DevelopmoPriority No, nt 88•Q6 z - Project Title, Description, attd Locations Baseline 'Rd. Street Improvements Phase 1 - Ettwanda to 1-15 �1 �V, Indicate whether. New Q eplacement Addition, Project Justification Construct road:vay widening and median improvements to improve traffic flows, " fas this; project been. scheduled in, a prior CXP.? No '"Yeg Other projects o factor3 directly -!related to this project: OR 88.08, M 88,07 tndicate fiscal year project should; be:. Started $718`8 Completed 91f91 Estimated ProjectCosts Amount Suggested. F#imcing Amount Resign Cost S,`[! Systera'Develop, ment S 8,500 Construction Cost S 720,000 SB 140 S 1400 Administration Cost SI80,000 Department: Community Development 7=rt�4. PrZority. :�o: Division, Engineering yStem 'D�10lopnlent ST 88-07 Project Title* p 5 . j Description, anal Location;; Baseline Rd, Street Improvement Phase .2 Virv�rYit :ply t. , to, E iwanda Indicate whether,.� O New 0 R4'tacerr*OV Ad,Oltton �r Project Iustificution: 4 Construct Roadway widening ubd median improvaments to lmpteVa thm fitlw 'vf tr�k4�6,, j l Has this project been scheduled. in a prior Cxp.? 0 Wires i4 Other projects or factors directly 'related to -this project: TR $$-09 Indicate fiscal year project should be:, Started $ 718 8 Completed 91 n pi" Estimated Project Costs Ainrunt Suggested Fittsncrng y Amount Design Cost $0 System Development S 8,500 Construction Cost S 240.000 SB 140 S 1�500 Administration, Cost 25,000 R/vv S I541000 J TOW Cost $ 415.000 Funds available and/or S 1405,0O0 :� i,iunt required first year S 10,000 already expended >} a Anteaint required subsequent Years a 0 Balance Required S 10.000 TOTAL 3 ' 0,000 �., CAPJTAL IMPRU EwIENT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community. Development Fund; io Priority,., No.. Division: Engineering System Development , ., N 1 )Project Title, 'Description, acd Location: Arrow Rte.. Street improvement SIS phase 2 - Archibald to Hermosa -Indicate whether: 0 New 0 keplacement * Addition Project Justification: Improve street through widening and improvements to brig _roadway up for arterial standards, Rzi miz project been scheduled in `a prior C.I.P.? 0 No lies Other projects or factors directly, related to this project: TR 88-18, TR 8$-19 Indicate fiscal year project to be: Started 87/84 Completed 91/92 Estimated Project Costs -Amount , Suggested" Financing A mocln�� Design Cost $0 System Dow(`�c`r�� 4"exit o S Construction Cost S 300,000 SZ 140 `A 300 Administration Cost S 41';40 Right -of -Way S 533,0DO I Total Cost 5 916.000 Funds available and/or S 914.660 Amount required first year $ 2,000' ale ady expenCji d Amount required subsequent years, 5 0 Balance Required S 2,000 TOTAL S 2,000 Department. Community Development Fund: Priority No. J�, Division. ;: Engineering S;vstem Deve opment Sr 88.37 t r Project Title. Description,. and Locations Arrow Rte.. Street Improvement w E/O Hermosa to I-iaven Indicate whether: 0 New Replacement i Addition, Project Justification: a Street widening and rehabilitation to arterial standards. i Has this project bee.;;ettduled in n prior C.1Ni?? 0 No Yee Other, projects or factors directly related to this project: TR 88=2 Indicate fiscal year project should be:, Started 88189 Completed 89/90 Estimated Project Costs Amount *�ggested Financing Amount Design Cost So S� �1 s q Development ,?SO Construction Cost S 130.pt *( S� 14i} `� 5 750 Administration Cost S 21,500 IFr Right -of -stay $ 24.000, Total Cost S 171,500 r funds available and/or $ 166,500 Amount required first year S 51000- already expended f t ' Amount required subsequent years so S 51000 S 5,000 a .Valance Required TOTAL N, CAPITAL W[PROVE NT PROJECT REQUEST Department: Community Development Fund. Priority Na., Division: Engineering Systems Development TR 88-07, Project Title; Description, and Location: Signal - Baseline'@ Eilwanda Indicate whether: ice" New +,� Replacement @ Addition Project Justification; Needed to alleviate corif ',ct at intersections Has this project been scheduled, in a prior C.T.P.? 0 No Yes other projects or factors directly related to this project: ST88.06 Indicate fiscal year project should be: I Started 87188 Completed 90/91 _ Estimated Project Costs Amount Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost 3s o Systems Development $ 1,700 Lanscruction Cost S 100,000 SE 140 S 300 Administration Cost S 14,700 Total Cost t 114,700 Funds available and/or $ 112,700 Amount reggiretr' first year S ?,000' ` already expended J ( ;r Amount required subsequent years S 0 S 2.000 Balance Required s'2`,000. TOTAL 1 T �r Department.: Community Development Fund: Priority No, Division: Engineering Systems Development TR �8.08 ` Project Title, De_cription,. and F ocation Signal Baseline @ •Victoria Frk, Ln Indicate whether. ` 0 New0 Replacement Addition , Project Justification; - Deeded to %Alleviate Conflict at intersectlau Has this project been. schiled in ,a prior ax.? 0 No "des 1 Other projecis or factots,t'directly related .':o. this prt}Ji.c't: ��` 8S•07 Indicate fil-cal year project gh ttld be: Started 8i/'8S �4' Completed 89190 Estimated Project. Casts Amount s.v...�.�.. .�.,_; Suggested Financing Amount Design Cost A SO Systems Development S 11700 Construction Cost S 100 000 «$ 140 S 300 Administration Cost S 12,400 _ .._ Total Cost S 112,400 Funds available and/or S 110.400 Amount required -first year S 7000 already expended L F Amount required subsequent, yearn.Q S 2,000 S 2,000 Balance Required TOTAL f �. ' CAPITAL LV'FRC'.�VVE MNT PROJECT REQUEST a Department.' Community Development Fund. Priority No.` Division; :Engineering systems bevelopment TR SS-19 project Title, ,Description, end Location; Signal -Arrow @ mrmosa Indicate. whether; ONew 0 Replacement Addition Project Justification. - Needed to alleviate conflict at intersection. Has this prr. jec* been scheduled is a prior C.LP.? 0 No Yes i 1 Other projects r -gars"+directly ro.Tated to this project- ST 89-12 Indicate fiscal gear project, should be- started 88189 Completed�90191 )I I` Estimated Protect Costs Amount Suggeste ' Financing Amount Design Cost so systems Development S $50 Consu action Cost $ 9110Q4 SR 1411 ISO Administration Cost3 7,000 . Total Cost S98,000 Funds available and/or S; 97POO, Amount required first year, S 11000 f already expended ti `Amount ti `} requ'red subsequent years t_ so s I<oo S 'Y* U Balance Required TOTAL -.. _ (t > �,' J ��4 .� �� - `} �;' .,\ ��� ice.__.. 'ice � , ,. r `,,+ ,���� �'� �, �, �. ,`� %i ;� .. .,. << >;,, ;� ,, _ ', ,\,..,y, c� s �- f. - J .�_ .. :, til _- y 1 ,.� �� ��{ t�� E_ ,z i -�,_ ,r ,3,j , ,, _,_ __�. �._ `..` - .�: jl J/ ., \\\ .. �^ f _ C/ � �. t� ti.,.., ._.,,... ...... �. .. �,.. �. � .� ,�,. �. �~ _• '' _ C7. n T� i v - 1 as OOaO •..ip 4' O O, ad O r 1 t w - CTP N Yo O O a O Yf a l+f O '{A'ty Iy o O. y 10 0 Go O O O O a. p■ ; 0i tV O l` O IA M ON O m !n W' M• O /Y � 1 � 1 O 0 0 O 0 0 'C') Ol P @ '. r,A d YYf t!. lA -O N MIA O 6tf •. ' - 3 'O O CS: O O 1 i►. M a� O O O IA O O O -O 'O O O O: O (:. Pt YpI at J i m' 1.. O O cmO Q: '�O:O wtr g A \ �l• IMO Owl @1. ca , aOo Oo ao o Q ao e�an e,Q o '`oh c r1 �- a ry r+. a xIi N in N N' U } O O O -. O• ... 6 /.O O G O .,O 6 O N O O N� ti O V ., rY to ev M M an, Ot yy 1 4. i t[f . N O. let O N O .M., 11r - � � N i wJ 1 ' O N 1 cft 2 cn !� OC OTC .aieC ! Qom. Lam? �l� P F tfY d W. C to .O ttl ►� 'L •Ur W� YU.Y ' •+�Y rr- r yy Cc, LN V?�}� f�W t;cY X 2 EA _ 4i O U 1F 6 R Q .0..� a d q Kl %�' 2 �" wC d] � fr 6 "r /:! 2 @ VVJ� {:l P� ¢ O' 13. a[ iy�^Ga[. .�i V; �i /�... .i fi �:� G: f.1' U W 1{�i/�J. zh +K K W J d am, .d ... X �� ,� — C ex O.iQ Cl a.. O VT. d S? O M ". 44 ate' - N RV O:I G9 N'CN' tYf Y I i:� 1 tYY ^' �!' N : N M N, N sIF !'� 7Q N. O O 01 � R' Ol M Ypl d.YI 6 O O 47� O 4s O O O O a. F Oaf �+ � 1 nU4.^ � M + M M t'J M• t0 Q - ICP lQ !► !� !TM {� m Oi' MM "c X .: •M 1„ fl 1 CC ^�p.Mr �T MM^ s� [Y'!� 4P '•01' ^M_ , �M_� j 4} . C = ;q: 4 VN VY aR +/'^-' ! '�Yt - R+ 1 wY `d 'r ;^ wf �4' 4 <1' ! V 4 ego oQ tbo o4� ooa ea eX't�-. !t � � v .e �� .v.r '.r•x '. .r .a ; *r �t �•r .r cn i ti. xvri ' ��• _ i7 $„ 238 rM y =cos\.WM M= MRKM= \\ '•\ 4r F� - t iV3.51on Prcgram: c � Alaun� �r . F` scal. Y � r 2escczrce Services ,4 -' a-- 30 %dscape gist. - " tY 1990/8 ►e b� lv +o Description of Items a 1nd 2W��Dpl -1X 11001 Assess Ont-AdMiStratjQA �,� � � T4 '=' 0��14�i _ 1002, (Overhead 390ti .'dritenarce &,Cperation 51000 . 3931 VehiCle� Maint./Ope ions 394iihtlrlg@Y]G' R 3Cht }�� 6026 Trail Mainte=6 � rx� $�.2:-350 12? Contract Service: - varx kimlirrig. fair 'r �i0i� y 6028 _ ()Dntmaet Seat"" Ces - i gut ne �i MteraWe $1942SO 6029 'free Maint./C ontragt Administration } � 7043 . Cap til aqmnditures -" Pry')jests $2I1a377 al 8021`: water i; 125,500 AMk 8022 'Doric $5,800 8023 Xrrigation Restoratim $0 8026 Park Mai:nten ris - 0 .� 1 i r *Mars: for Katycm,�lReinbrsemnt to P, gyra3l �t; l fF � : � v , CAPPITAL I11rIPRQVENIENT.P, ROJECT REQUEST C Department: Community Development Division: Engineering. Pond; �;riority ;*io, - LMI) #I �t'BT 89-t4 ..Project Title,;,, Descrigtic�n, and Locatiprt l d Baselin.. ��-AMD 4,�c, s �} f Indicate whether: r NewsReplacement i Addrttot*; Project Justification Replace deficient parkway improvements, landscaping, htigation, street tree retrofits, and possible. hardscape. treatments.. Has this project been scheaaled in a prior C.L"z 0 No `Yes . Other projects or facEors directly' related to :this, project: Indicate '.;cal Year protect should 'be: Started 89/90 r''Mrleted 9 . _ 0/9 i ; slim -ied Project Costs Amount Y - Suggested gncing Amlrunt design Cost i8,000 I:MD dI f S 104,500 `' Constructiun Cost 62,500 . Administration Cost S 24,0W •,lr Total Cost ."► _104.500 Purttis `available and/or _ Amount required first year S 104,$00 already expended ;r Amount required -subsequent ybars 0 k. Balance Req red S 104,500 TOTAL S 1€i SQ t i, E Davao oa vo mF oo tr+a a.o eo 0ll1 oc7 rn m rn O O,O OCIf O O to rn O.mrnil'OlO.. FO N nr ^ o o O 1lR tp ^ O C 7 ti m O E'1 +! O'N F F E_ E. 'O co l? a O o O v �, v N Cm O Q a a.In '•n O"O wY' .Q ! 1� Y O p 0 �, @ O O W O O d. O N N a a. 1 In _---..•+„u�,.., �- '= u� w os .o o'an 4;Asame /ate l+Y E toaslao 00 0o aQ,aQ ao.o ao 0o In o m L- ! N. J. /. O C - O O^: a O O Q a O. 'Oa C1 O .O l»9 - r N 1n Ea � 3A o C. = !A .Ww _. .... r O @ 1. " t QQ. �`\. O 1. '0 OOO QO O - O aOct sa O::Ot OO G O O FaD E ...! ` r +. ,.. <^E 1 O Q a 0 o C. O .. 0 0 O O O C. Q O a- O O Q a to b� O O '. .. r• E tornoa^ da oo oQ oa oo o0 0.'0 00 0.o In a >n 1 t:wE tinN oCY! o Q 00 da a o o 0 00 ct oa oa o.o oo W [� W'. " , O 1 ^ eft 'ttf N tSf O Le; ^ a7 l4 ^ N t+Y ltf ^ vm E r I E O� O O �� O J E SLOT Ct � 'at at o- T Mf N N C C! to Ct Cl �. 6D- :{i{ C-� 1 o E i \ 1 �g 7 O -�; � W y / N O. W tY W U J-� W ESI hz- ! A. 1 tX O. t w mc �. .p.1 1/1f U t8 N Y PUi »U.t Z`j LtJ rF• �W' N ..f O O , W a � E GG.fi� g 1 -Y W W }. 9- t"` W W :. 1Y f� IJ. d X !� Ial C1C - 1 tovT X W W O C ►� 1! '.O wZ.. @. J W _ UA �I i wC d' 2 '!C C 1-- H W E Q a t'n J C:}to !� ... t- ... F F tar r.. .-. ,.. W t.. Y ►� @ m W r W i -Kb av' ai;v Adu �a aF a i= c ^:O:b .r d1.. i 1iR O. to. O.O O rn^-rn v. •.- r7� .- .•- t.t en o-; rm en tc -ia to W cn, . .:= ' �I•f R ` .cm ! VI :t w .ir r ^ :r '•r^ it wr o "W 4- Q�tC �L ru 1 p CCA 241 I %r • COST CENTa) DETAIL WOWS= 'epartment avasaoni: PrEg-ram: Account Numter: JLandscape FA year lesourca Services Dist, 2 Victoria. ;-� 41-4130 1990/91 %)bjw;t o. Description of Item- & Individual, El—lw :Amorints $17,060 1001 Assessment AMWs ataon 1002 Ovezbead 3900 Maintena " &>Operations. $9,700 3931 Vehicle Main1v�,�Cfperations . $11r250 3940 Continga&- e 1J epiaen $500 6026 Trail Maintenance`; $381117 7 6027 Contract Services «.V,arxialisz6 frig ' Repair $10,000 6028 Contract Services, - Routine maintenance 'r6,5ti0 6029 Tree Mant.;/Oantract Administration * rah $20r167 7043 Capital Expenditures 4 Projects $0 r 8021 Water $176,'000 8022 Electric $14#000 8023 Irrigation Restoration $40,000 8026 Park Maintenance y� $242,699 3941 Loan Repayment �` $55j458 TOM $977:f949 *Dollars for City Crew R4inixwse vent to,Payroll n t7 C `Y tJ c/ tom. cb 4* CYl O .O vi d Ca- a9 C:�:.� j i�i Ky CS J4 G} ri a ar. k f �C' we' O Q C� BEY C'J CY .�.- C _ S1t ' 4 t A 4'Y Cf c1 4n Q Q fi• C LCfiy _. IO R? dQ Yds s' CP on eft ,. et �.: Nq N r _ A 67 l�Cs w b 0 mAMR CY CCa o i V. C.+' O 4z. CZ cz O .O Vb O CA r 9t. a CM p Cs O as a A cx o actn .m r ]+ I elk i3y, O aN 4CM co ap40 C,O ,C•I i CX Q7 Q Cb C141 "-. qq Ar i � �` Q u.l co � � •- r- i.r .ar et��i. r: cs 2.S .c�� _.i ti '.. .. a W _ tya.t aiT X uLi OC I� 41 O P C'.. f 1� 1 REd.'T RBI w� CA. iA Cn t�i id 614 CT CV N-': Fes. d N �► C� C'! N N d O N -' b S'1 d Ct. & O O O- iS =0 d a '.d c? ;i? C* O H jY f LY' C? r T r f J C'�i Cal C'! R,! f�i' t9 Ni Fi i i AL .. S w�"`.� '� i d""i .K r K w ae wt .K..r.. a r :r ..' a~p ♦t V r�tr '. .• N, kN N N Cw N N N N N Rye .N - N t+l N ChiLU UJ 243 �eartaae:it wiszcn rae' LOML ces < Program:Account ar: lutnftca� Dist. ,3A Fi��P 4�4I3Q , Fzs ,. 'wM3ect Buviget No. Description of, its 1051 ASsesamnt 18tLWtloJa 1002 Overhead ' 3900 t�intenWiae, Cperatjons0 391 l 'a Vehicle 1►iint./tiertaon $0 3940 Contingency -Tree Rep4 nt ' Q 6026 3`rail Maintenarkmn ;> s0 6023 Caattract ery s Vandal z flrri9:` "' Mir $44 6028 Contract 5hrvices - Routines IMintensWe 6029 .'Free Maint. tbntraa Adrd ist anon $0 7043 Capital, qan tik"a -Projects �0 6021 Wkter 15 8022 Electric 160 $023 Irrigation Restorattica $0 8026 Park Maintenance $2* 0'70 4t lc:, iw @o', o@ .-Ct cMn,M oo caoa ^ p Ct ilq Y071 C � of "i M tl t} N 6@O O Ci O yEy�U 11` T cl rr �j m ^ aI i N 4 to o O iL`. abi 1 aNif at - ! b O:IQ q O-. en,@ O.. .n ftt.. cm CT BCD b+Id`m/ O:O a 1•}. O itT 0�-•+! at Im1 Q Y1 W O Ci a N. Ct 1R YEt Rt� '� yA - V t - Ify e r at't r�io- O O C! O O: O @ to :o to 6 O 'a .:# Ca CO alm @ @ M Cy .► O a ACV W ✓! *w' Ct Ot 40 Ci u of aS C� N CF.:� O t C) YY 4 Lw. U, i0 to Ci R. N N �'+ 4 mw awa. W w- oa°F to m O .Ct tw ca O q Cy C► @ ® CA Q CYO '. VClF ® ,qy @ tIf H F.ID O - CY CR o q Ci ® ppa b Rp NW C! O O oO mO'- zaO m ti e r 7 tu Aw er b e+ Q O o 0 0 o Cy a cs Cs o o Cr o'CP Cs CD a ' w y N K w oe �i v Ow - @. O b C* m Cy O b C► CT Ojll @ Q Cy C ^� O Cy O Ci :Yfy O- w h K Irnt Cy t C a a.. o u. t o ! .� . O 'O ti O a alt o r: O � Y F F tfj O /: 1. - .. y e V ~ o� ,►�.+. C � +�' s^ Mom}. '. 1' Epp �` 3 r0,� W I - d O 1Wyy,tyyyy . 8 iN 91 t�1 O .�G'y-e w WL" / Z~• if: 'GT [Y W .H ey/t rr W MAR, an W ' uj U � � � � W. yW/} w � � _ ►'+ r" yZ41/. t�l,. Q �0.. � W OC � o�G � � � _> BJ G3 ! U � rr Of 1 tom iq o m m t7 b vp �^ CT @ ! q tl O Q O C y ► � wr '� �� `^:a^: O t-+ i �Q en to en ny fK K .It m ry � V t7 an Y +� t" a l vy .�^ f t 9" K � an s K .�► rn etf K •f a s tit 's +► ��'v � � a ur i a 245 C " CW MWER DMM `,, De►,M nt v sionl; e. . rogram Dir.4�Ter 0r�VLL•7i Year� *77�7iLa. Dew cr pt q *- Item & in 1Vl ual 5011V Atm*5. G �W ge,, Slow. Assemmt �v $12504 100Z Overhead $1�640 3900 Maintenance 6, Cperataca a?� 82 500' 3931 Vehicle lgintj,/CCperaticns $5,000 39401 Contingency Troe Replacewnt $500 ,, 6026 Trai` Maintenance. 027 'Wiltralc jServices ..""' VandalisWIr rIg. RcTai'1` 6028 Contract Services Routine Main4.e�� $56, 813 6029 Tree Maint.%Contract ministration $2,.693 h 7043 Wpital. agpenditurej A proj--ots ** $133,000 . � 8021 Water, 00000 8022 aectric 6tSo0 8023 Irrigation 1ReStoraticn $o 8026 Park Maintenance r� $208�660 *Dollars for C14 Crew RftiabLisawnt to Payrou **Capin Rwd APprgxi.ated in 1989j90 :r r' CAPITAL, BPiW,JEME� 1'S' ��i 4`tE� r' r :QrJ'EST Department; Comm,upit Development lrund; I'ri4rity Nv' Division: l;ngintering LMLi #4 88.35 Protect Title, Description, and Location: i� :..a: Vista Parkway and Median Retrofit '. indicate whether: New 0 neplacement � Addition Project Justification: Reconstruction of curbs at selected drivo throughs, retropq. landscaping and irrigation to city standards and. landscape Concepts, and modify left tutu po4ets to imcrease traL c capacity. l Has this Jro!4ct been scheduled in a prior C.I.P.? No < 'Yes Other projects or factors direc►ly related to this proy iti: " Indicate fiscal year project should be: Manes! 88184 Completed 90f91 Estimated Project Costs. Amount �uggesti~� Fittancing Amount ---•------••-.�..�......t,e..o..a. Design Cost S 5►000� L MD #4 S 133.000 s Construction Cost S 213.000 McAsu e I - Arterial S 95,000 :Administrvion Cost S 10,000 Total Cost 5 228,000 Fluids av"-tlable and/or Amount required first -%ar S 228.00 already expended -` amount required subsequent years so Balance Re4uired S U8= To-rAL S 229.006 f C� •^l• _� . �1 it ` � 7 to in p O tw O tN O d O 4" 0 C? O' p d.4 40 to Y� N N U N- m¢ t v i Go in R .Sf .I+. o. i.Y! o o� o M _ m O /,^r, .y,4 „ CD a y"ia .- .v- e„ 1 P� a0 . a0r- }1 N yA aA 1 i RJ' a O O R Ci-tat . O d_- I f f" O 'wr N N !ff O CI J r l\ 1 t :i f3 'PD R O C4 Q R �qta Q O .a O 'Q O d IJ1 6 m r- ti ,..e. O K t O/ 43 R O O O Cl d ' t p 40 ®�aft /dam tit {P : t0 i a d a � • o d� :R Fat ` n ty tis. R o d d d, :4 '� O (� � /a_ w rn 1 O sic o i. t ►a- Zia i - ' 1 1 !R i". O Sa O O cn Q O 49 .b E9 o R O tff O G N O 'N -- cr 4� Cf O O f7. N r ..zv1-* 1. (» Y � a0. d19 bC- O 8 pa ml` O'O eV O N O .. ..,, to 07, G1 t R43. 1-w[ 411 h..Cr.. gWux �gg4-1 > LJ 1 , ivC�b ..J, 2c W Ki gal S 1 O tJ a p {if G'f f~l :..t ..t f+ L ar.J .t��e, 41 u1 C� W 1� 'C ce •_ tit W W I /� }yllT /.'t! aD n=••• yF�. W W W cC. IV �O�l ii,.� .- O Q C -a kn +- S o so w M Y'4 is N N..N O t'L I t i[ O tR O O Q p w. C1 .O. O 4RR 'iff wP' Cf LO N 'r✓ tV ap +a+' N - - T H � M <� .� � ws m m M a'1 \� 4p 'L� \^f ' !�+ f✓ IDV7 40 0}9 O •• '. H ri O O^ u! - O. ' b b O b O - S 'wZ \T ! Z. � a^ � � \ 'wt � � . m iw 4 tVxt f :@ t r r r _� wM w wr Z Z. r J+ 1 a'@' wp �IW' q0" `@ @ 'E w0• @ vt 'iitt- p �r w. A6^-IM' r r r �!` wa:.r @ r �- r al4 , J us _ N/� Sri t FB.V �; t 20 r - o_ 1 rx' 51-r54 it oavisson: Pro F : ACCOUnt ter.- Fiscal Ywr !esau. � S satLat -413 1990/91 _ ,?� 04alect M-. 06scription o_ Iteam & UgN duals 1ias Pmoumts _pudget, 1001 Assessment Aodnistration , r - ' 1002Z, i Overhead J 3900 & Cperatidns „ $157 ` 393' i'ehicle Maaint./0peraticuis. _ 3940 CQritinge�ee Replaoenient • 6026 Trr311 .�111t'31sdilCe t * -$0 6027 Contract Services %. r is / rrig. Repair - $0 602PI . Contra&.; Servims - Routine Maintenance $3e751. 6029 �.r`ree- Maint./Contract Administration *t , 223 7043 Capital E xnditutes�� Projects �0 I 8021 WataY. - $200 ,l, -' 8022 Electric $80 8023 Irrigation Restoration- $0 E 8026 Park main er=ce .> * $0 `I $4,737 Vollars for City Cr+zs Reidxwsewrit to 17ayrotl may. J .: .r �. .. . •L .. a .. t ~ r t.. 0 .. ♦ .... '. i � . r � n OYO N N � a P m O k z r O 03, O O t+ O d O O O O^ r f O O. p r N N O O. O P O M'•1 try �VI' Of O N Q+F - cc w' m ,= m. a• IT [+.� of asa R!s ` ; C2 OO. OO OO PN "dm a O G! G O cv try a-+ "m C.; 4t trr /� O O t9 O. t"! ..O O O'o O cmi� O, O ID m Cs , D �m D M Q trr EOIf -W two N O O b Y@ O O O Ci b m t7 O • en .•. 9ef N ifs r H O .,tN O' O O :. o Ca ::It7r d Co,A Co .p -oDr t7 J ~ i AOi to �' 1b w AWN 1 oo �a o� oo oo ob 00 oe> m d cm O q Ca O O 'O O o O O.C? PN G Ft - V rt • 4D O by b N d D o ct t0 'O O O O fp t4 Hwy i wn 4 1 aO CJ Q o' - :a v `c O ro' Ca o ... Ig ... /Pf .Ir41.. a i[a iti yy 1 10 O t3 d O O O �L1 C W�+ 2. d W W ►- f t �.. O exf t? W W ..a t'J -G b7 F%- :r a -j @ t ...�` iJ 1 1 •¢ Z- LU 1 V y� W W t W MO S W ti K H O ti^. -LC to pf pYp Qto.. 2 f+Oy�It 11 EN tY C3 W 't +C F`j? of tT U'Y of O O Cl O OO O d O Od f y T 4 % >- r'f •-�- 1O '{14' M tN 1®. 1ti tti 1p a- T R+ w Qo t4 eV O.' In y 'NY Y ►Vr •1�- O 6 O O. r r w � O O ► O O- d CJ O O O O O m. � �.. O I:S m � W c � ; em• wm+. •m.. •m.. am.. •m-. •m.. w�. ., C�O C {1' O- ui; tn'i7r to {ff. <S 'r► �t w► yi'1 tto w �F.. to :Y# •R'-+: `, Yi tCY _�9` v :tn .tn ttf: .ua tq v1 i► ?x +tf 4f to ta1 Ut 3tt. try m7... ;. K ' � - FLt M.I •J. 250 n' t 5 t�re�e t� COST lc �.WER DETAIL WORKSHcnGi Jt r Fsscal. 'lea$ Departnent Division:' Program: Account ?esource Servjces , LandSra�e Dist: 6 Caryn 45-4130 1990/91 Qbject No. Desch ption O Item Sr Individual Dollar Amounts � B get $4,684 1001 Assessment AdainIstrition, 1002 Orerizeac .. $7.38 3900 'r intenance & Cpdra�ions- $3,000 . 39 3 i` VeI�i*^:e t�'int./t�aeraticans - aoQ 39-40- Contingency--l�ree Rep3acwL !I ��. $3; ©QQ 6026 Trail maintenance �_ � $1,077 6027 Contract Service - VandalisaVltrl Repair $90000 6028 Contract Services - .Rout;ine Mainte% $227r260 6029 Tree Mai,nt./Contract,-,Administration - l ,440 7043 Capital Expendit-�res Projectsl,. } to 802iWater 8022 Fni�rtria - $3a�00 8023 Irrigation ResOratricn $0 8026 Park Maintenaoce $28$,222 *Dollars for. City Crews 'Rebbursemar t to Payroll c t ff9 in to fl 11y` 13 ifY +m ri ifY 63 C.: T ' 1 7tc a ta" tsi - ui � �A �. mota&: In r tiY {L1. .. at p no itA b- .1t7 %. G NY tH td O ty CS Y� t7 CS, {p teY tti Ck N' lei ct T{T{ sar C' C 13 CJ'I f7 t� d ¢} .to YttlJy�,, 111 y. pry CD to p. W Ot io tl7 , 'ct 'r Y.'Y YR S1 go tv + O f #3 V Ct !? C? +C3 O +s' a d P. % co4* +Cv t� T3 P O 'AY W 0 F as m te cx c o ct ciO ono t3 Is t t 07 � "tici-�Zm o w au W *W' w GW I-, 7. - � Yypa�i� 1y7�1�t� ?'Ji• H a L3 I.pti M � : Y 7w(7�C p�_� to tYi YI ' ; Z'. aC C'-.m Tom. .i'y. :S ►� it et- is a r� s t m :n .•• d es o� o Lri _ � tw. a9 m a+f ,y vY cv to o Y'7 .... .. PT M 'AY A" 40 .Ft t�Y Cam' iG Cx eX O�d M M is o M M b MY '-__.� = iVAi .� -. K r � +aT. +c es` wtr to +P ttil +�^ i'C' «lY yr 64 :m qt +tr.+Yr +► A 40 *& *a i4Y '!` � V 9T to .� s w` COST iEwER DEEAILWORK&= l Fiscal Year I990/I Department Divison: lesource Sejrices Pr ogzam: .: Landsca Dist. pe . B % mediau : 1€U�1t - + rlr: 1'� 0 46-4130 6b3ectE�escrlptlan of, Ttems` txiivs 2 Do11sr Amatu�ts I rLT6/i y et 1001 Assessmen�nistratiibn 1002 Overhead $255 3900 Maintenance &,Opprations - 13,. 14 } 3911 Vehicla Maint./Ogeratxons { 5x775 3940 ContingeIcy-'.free lkeplacewntr, 4500 6026 Trail Maintenance:p 602'7 Contract Services 'Var4ali-CmVIrrig. Repair S8tk00 6028, O~+ntract ,Services 7. Routine Maz enance J<$127 283 6029 Free Dint./Contract, Aanistratios *,75 /043 Capital` Mependiw4es - Projects $0 8021 Water rl i 4 $10, 000 i� 6022 Electric $700 8023 irrigation Restoration �l $0 8026 Park Maintenivaae �0 TOTAL *,nollars for City Crew Reirtursement to Payroll. 1 z t, W a . I C , �' Pa'- b ti G ta0, teEV1 d C, Ilf d O Y/- y N' M, c" C4 % in ! - m In. ItT r. P C3, ts'.- t ms O: O O� Ti'! P O 6ts Vr d.. P•. Ct d O eft Lr2�b ` . �. y i lr•- aa' Qi V1 Cf 1 O Rt�a R SiY *^ 001 o u ttti O O l!+ C ' 6i 1 6 6R.T m, r ! ^ 'a cm C.. ¢ t7 1 ' � t N 2 t ►� � INS. i au as a 1st [:t� ►a�-. LTsS -, J .. !i`. ..r O >e U - i 1 C. �" .Vn j tdJ of O'. W .~.. ►,�- sR- 1 w / u Y 1 OT IQt43 Eli, . d o' d o. a o. d a o d �T on - •' �' tV' _ 1R '�@'' � �t wt L".J' r +o wr ar +R- 11 Off. Y � ,•• { N.; ram, S " ent v ss era: rce Servi Prc�gr nr Londsc�aPe Dist. 7: n ��� �srt�,� I�ri 19 ��� , Sect No. ixscp ems. 4-5'2 T 1001 7` t Aese mt tration c�+ Overbead $432 3900 Maintenames &6operaticns $3rOM 3931. Vehicle Mai nt. /ape ratis $1,5d30 3940 tontingencr-T-ea Replacxii+eE3t 3,000 6026 Trai' maintenance $3,0 6077 Contras Servic�ess —'-,VhndalizWIrrig. Rq3ai.r ? $2r 8s 5 6028 C ontracL Services patine Maintenance 6020 Tree Mai;nt,/Qantract AdministrAtion 7043 Capital Expenditures — Projects �h ��\ !, 40 x 8021 Vhter � �' 13, 79 8022. Electric $700 8023 xrrigatim toratic�� � 0 8026 Park N ainterAnce � \i m $Siff, 000 *DolU - fcr City Crew geiW=oament to 4yroll am `� \�. � ;; ____�� 1 �. L r � f� (� � ��. ILC t. it .; �- '. _. �� rt: S' `...� :, �,, '\� � �� � ` V !, .ti J(, .' ,.� �, �. .. T�\ i - _ �y� .. - � �. rr J_. f _. � - � \\ ��\ S1 �, `` - � _ 1 ` ,I .. - �y` �ht, j+ 1 1 �� f�� � �'l�e;. ���,:. - {� � � 4 \. � � .. '.. rl. �. f`� - �. f f, ,_ _ . f; s! d - ... -, � _: a - '� - 1 � . _. �. ��`�. �:. E . j. `-� C•< ppt' r " .',1 .� .. �, `(jI Ti �J 31 x ... j �.. �' • �. �. ,.. a qi a Q � N f� i3 t1� 'rt 1fL a'3 CK �C 1rf rtf-, "' —um 4n Cc to to o' 'rl � 4.ar'r Ohs dY 1. co ,. ! it cx a q f_ _ p.c ca r» a c w r c» ig x 1 w, N w► i +`�. C� O O 4Y1 67r Of. O' ffi xa to ffi.o Gi b� ,. Rv r ' (r " r Pro�count ram: Nua�Y �. FBI Yearyxsiont�nent .escurce Services ILanoscape Dist, 8 EtwdA Sc�tkt i990/91' .�.. Wject No.. 1 s FiPkItxon o Il.e Sr ? ivi da •A x A�wnts H` 1002 Overheadi 0 3300 M ntenance & Cperations - $1,193: 3931 Vehicle rWnt.,/rVAg4tions IM Contingent .- 'cam went $ 40 4a 6026 Tralll'�31nt� ate; .: _ � �0 6027 Contract Servioes —''Vandalism/irrict* Re r $510 6028 Contract Services - Routine Azintenaxxc4 `° f - � 3, M 6029 Tree Taint./Contract Ad-Anistr4tion,* $21.5 { 7043 Capital Expenditures — PrOects ,4 $0 So2l Wata-x', it $650." 8022 Electric ,$150 �2zrigat 802'? cn Pm#orati n ; . $0 802$ Park WA:,tenantt� f; :% 40 r, r s T Tim. $6, 935 ],*Dollarsfox- Clay roaw to ilayrc ' kr ewuLSoeo#w iww C si • , t , 4 of , ' ... if , a � i , r1 4J7 f� u L ` 1 f ' f•�� b 1 l� '� Rlf Yf ' I ' ; 1 0 Y. s o a a o j h ,1 ;Cu ` m tYY G m t m UA a t a ca ! r } to i � e - za ,y . ,w (, _ w t to Eh t r V 258, i O 0 0 OOP at p= - � C* 10 O O O O' 4.0 O Oo �O in u) U S It) rr C2 - m d O. b d o ien r- ub.I.o,,. , C4 O CI O O O O W Q II O (4� O Y1 O d U �; N 1 O w •O O O r O 1 Ct O A i7d ISY tT D) ps Co .. O 00 OO: .00 CO C Ci ; CC m - O'f =, N to lot o t 'O - '- b O O �� O J QY a0.) IAC' O 1 IC-1 Lv 1 f - �' Kt � - � 1 to ,� - p U M D o~?C S� /• 47 t� 1•,• xUWX -. W t~u r V h U t gn 6 per AZ m W f� G N q p C '.0 f e7 1 �.._C vy n0. 4 0 0 0 C7 O O 0 0 to Ln !Ys u) O uS of OoG L : O-. u'i 6C> Ys u) fe1 of v) uT Y7 us 1f) `' 260 ' rr' r 1`�j1t d j ti��C}�vt�EGt�[� 7�l y 3V3ay.On: 7 � }may.-y E�r1}�1te�y�� �j. �f.-...�..... (1 1+ r �7V�eh4A+�l Il� �1�.J �. 4fl:6�i%t�.'iGi1t'� Dis, tr�.;+f4' t�,i 1 t A�CCXght�l�jl}�� P�EIbL": �"1gS(C�[�y(1� Jry�i r`,i�77Vj( � f dJli. ld4'J.li� :i~•@Zw7lJ 7 �] aMRj4iiti 1 r1ir.. 7.� 5.���� �, .� -... ,. �'�.... T�s� r ��xr�n cx� i��.� & Iiyn uicfi�t3_. �aZZar .gat n0�; n 1101,14, Overhead 0,22 Electric d� e� ill f r, r t 1 �1 r - J 1. r , } i t9 ✓, i �� ct ��Zgr�--3�" 1 c_ .l { fi�; -, ;`` � ;. �4. - ',� _ � � � ,. , � 'If/ 1 t , 101: - - m M Ci- Lot N ILI ll s 1 Ot 4D, i/] d o Q cm t Cz Q Q c o eW» m 1 C6 O M1 av, � Am O O O'1Q OO O 'O - t= O Paz p.. V wrl V 1 O t> O c? O'OLLI O M O N t') �. O N O N N �: Cf . N ' W.J 1 a r ua v an m as Iq w to amr 1 I CrY O O O O N N O gm 1 t J �C � w li n ►- A 1» i ul — O 1 m /e to !� i G u'f..1A u! tfJ i cm Sit J, ~ 262 R / N S ip Cj O 'nq d 6: t O O M p i O Cf: Oe ii�iD. f y N R t' tAta . N. 1— I(. raIjljlj$ C. if o - 9C1 +r jp-01 ONt F O O) '? Yl. +�6 400 D. b 6. H I fSt 1 No of Net �. W cv, 4 d© V 1 }> i 1.. N OMf at M "t N. .Pet N M: ii.. �-- gl- O O ars UN art f -1 1 YY M: t �. 1. m d_ o. CIF .O. t�i.. 1 m F NO � N 71li 'Tq' INO S. . . t: 1 azu x� C.1 did 1 t N tY N H ftfT' IfiC� yp� Ot 1 wU.n O-M O N "sn - N N. 'O t'et m O d 4= Q. i0 N' O Ok 264 i ' I r�1 4 r_I i ►BF M C9 fS '�, C n , �.. Ut Nh if► U � Ati � t m C '�' 4"► vt +IP to 49, lot Y7 m!i i*i C► !I f. 0 4mr e o al`.. Am ► a a'A'c � iiii M mPR MT! � o CO o Ir- r�.aAA ® !.► M WP 'atM ofm CV J .Pa 0`r M N! M1 C. �6.ea oo IMF; r s- j o v-... LU k p. f Q Q E* ®. O Si i ! At 1 k � i a via...... , Ac CA atr t�aA O. cc N O G Cb�iQo t? Ztx �S�V in. ; .► Pn� r-s. o o 0 0 : eai as a. 6.. c4. o. ! ..., � m as eo n err yes. m .�' .;,.. ►-, s SAi 266 _ W.. i �m o� o Oe a) m uscu ;FT ... a m o eil o is cz m.. P^fJa 1 V Cm 0 0 '.. u o a Fa 1 t 1 Fo" c+s i o o a o 0 o �^ e� o ti i a ao as o a »= 16 / o US r j� F 1 yy ll� J. obi a T C C9 n H o � a ,. ao'� c:a � -. •-• F�^ tci.' .Fri .: cv _r o r- r F In -� t W W 1010 W - F C3 W 1 f_ tl. 'ate W > Si W @. ? Q w ��p. CaA C YNV' i r $61 {�'- [Mii W�1 laT'i � 4� Oay p. .�.. 02 i0/ t" o.' " F a ur WV Fie l[a ' Ffi Fn ua a`•'ri `� rIr - SK.Evc-ill �, .a. R'parsarient .�avicaiq"Prayran: � nt r> F1�a1 Year �192 ' l esource Servicw Lighting'. District Flo. 5 84-4130 . _ ObjectI�3o, ''Descrigta� o ite►� & in va , Dolor Aunts �dge��\-- 1001. Assessment -Mdrustrataon 1002 Overhead' $ 38 8022 Electric'Utilities $8 000 R.r 4 yVyClFd , s_ ��. a � 118' t . rL 1 t iJ V. u ��r �� �� i[ \ �,. 1� ,l� �` c - ;, ,�_ .. ?� .,, :�, rt .'i: f �� ! ii �� " „_:r �� �. t�� }�� C� �: �,� ,.. ;' + -� -,. ,_ -. ll i } � J. �. _ �, ,r. ,. ��ti, � � + � .... y �, / ..-. :_,. ' yy } 1: � r i - ,T ��... i r Si'' •. :. .. �, �;.:_. '. ,. ;,. �� �� � .. c-, �3 � _ .; it �Ir' eget en ut. CAP to 4w O O e, p t9 T 11 d +SF 1 it i O- c2 O 'Ca b f I �.i .{F. N.'O 4 0 W 'O !a .n ?..:� ot M a .(� s 1.. t{ 4 to to 1 N O 10 O ♦i'1 � d O! T I. ,._a- -c d. ca d � 1 I m e i ti W ul -w W _ t +.��r- W G.7 FC w ��yal G As ta�rr ,N.,1' 1itt FFIV++" k eG] s St i ,J 270 ( De rtment ivisinn• Prot rya : ;r .1 Atx,aant Nor: Resource Services 6�. t F§gal Year ,', %ic�hting District ljo4 li 60--41 ]9�.4Qf91: ject No. Description Rt,,Items & individual 10IM ls.� _...»r._ etant, 1001 Assessment :�3istra�ticsn $r5b� 1002 Overhead $317: 8022 Electric Util i.t.�Qs $4 500 t { ;I t1 iM 1 5 ` p�Ap TOTAL, i , f _r ..1 O .•� °� r. M owe t� o Q �Ct C o W' tlt O M Ct iKt ^ Y'• L'. N N Ct " M me" t0 .lt IC. +•• Q 4 1 e Ot m 01 N T N to tL N Q O0 in a O Q Cf Q d CS. O Q Q M KtV401 M1 1 ++i LO O W nW 4' wOt - a* M 88 Q O O W' t7a 1� flWt Kl tV O M' IQ,tV m !— O wr' O C' 6 Q CD i61 1{p 1- 6 : O 1. �.? NI O eft 40 W, O.. ff .et tr a ".Cm tit, o cv o m +..1 T+ W .+JC 1 w► wP wf 47 O �. iy tdt h�� p as '4l .� wY- pt. sSlk It - t O 1. tlrt Ki, Bti: Cf O toO'- O RA l rO _ we M �Ct t a t•t 0 N tdf O tYt r t0 W l : 1 O � $ r IMP WIP NAML �. OI cm O CD <` i1D Q O O, O O O O M1 M Im W �<D _4. .. - yyam�, ►+ .�. RQt4 v t IMI - 1 b M1 O l0 Q. t:.7 O y. s?' Q t / W a1 t t,a CD to S r pw !: Q +- ' 1 J per,, it ,... tPt 12� ~ Lm ttt�y,1 wM1e •mow _. F OTC r•r ! .4 K W ' t S. '•[ +gaf 6' W Q 1 CL'. a SL �, iL 7' ••C 't,D S. U V t� V' D ,l 1 to O o O Q ivY Q t+. O M ..e Y't' 'U' tit' V N iV N rit to t1i N a1s to N 'tV tt+ m N N Iet N N ` !� +1C m Y � wr '! N N .yA' v N t V 'M!. N wwf mil► - 'aM^ !e. 1 ,:� t� •.C. +R+ A G1 tr. two f"�' t► i.. R`. 4'� '1►; t► !�. L+ t`r.. us m ca 1 `� 272 r; Position Classification Enp: Posit n Quota A. rn riations Current Qopt: Mgr. Dept. Mgr. Title & Pacltion # # Level Rcmd. Acmd. Rcmd. Rand. Public Works Maint, Manager 101 9000 EF/0 Q/0 0/6 0 0 Pari4s/Landscape Maint Spttsr 102 307 01/0 qta, 0M `y` 0 0 Street/Storm Orn 11`_'Aint Supt 103 $112 01/0 0'/0 0% 0 -0 Fieot Maint Supervisaf 104 5353 W/o W/o IWYQ 49,264 47,880 Management Analyst 1 105 ; 7957 OP/a 0% OV0 0 0 Secretary 106 220 0 0/0 0'k 0 0 Management Aida 107 3438 V/0 8'/0 01/0 0 0 Office Specialist U. 162 8251 0/0 OYO 0 ; Maint.Supr.Streets 108 6876 0'/0 0'/0 0'to 0 0 Llaint.Supr.Parks: East 109 2494 W/o 0'/0 0'/0 0 0 Malnt.Supr.Parks. Cont. 110 2681 01/0 0/9 C»/0: 0 D Malnt.Supr.'Parks. Tree 111 4626 0'/0 04 0'/0 0 0 Maint.Supr.Strsets 112 $889 W9 0% 0/0 0' 0 Maint.Supr.Perks: West 1$7 6425 Op/4 Wa 0'/0. 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 148 SW6 wo iti`o 0% 0 i? Equipment Operator(Sweeper)150 520`0 05/a' wo OYO 0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 151 6928 0'% 04 OY. 0 A? Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 149 69692 m 01/0 M4 •0 0 Equipment Operator (Sweeper) 152 7925 ' 0% tp/0 0'/0 0 0 Lead Malnt.Worker; St. 191 ISO M; iP/o CP/0 0 0 Tread Mechanic 1GS 1192 159 t I W/o IW/o 32,472 36,856 Lead Maint. Marker: 'Pied Hill 114 163 01//1. N. 0% 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: City Wide 116 1100 til'a Oya 0',/4 O 0 Lead Maint.Worker: St. 116 2319 &a iYA i�'/a ' ' 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks East 121 2714 €>yl� Oyo 0'/0 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. East 123, 3185 O'/o '0'/0 0'/0 , 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker: Pks. West 158 5051 0'/a t33'� (?/s 0 0 Lead Maint. Worker:St'. 160 6561 0% 0'tc+ 0/0 0 0 Load Maint. Worker St. 161 6782 TA 0% 0'/0 0 ' 0 Lead Maint.Worker .Trees 113 7121. li/4 0 0 tPJo 0 0 Lead Maint.Worker. Pks >> West 163 8032 C% va V/0 0 0 Lead` Maint.Worker: Heritage** 119 2313 by. (WO 0'/0 0 0 Lead, Maint. Worker: Parks/Trail" 159 5$69 01$ NO 0'/0 0 0 Sr.Malnt.Wcrker. St. 120 1138 036 , % 0% 0 0 Sr. 'Maine, Worker,, irr. G.W. 117 1600 0FX'► 01/0 0?/0 b . R Sr. Faint. Worker: irr. West 122 2819 03'p 0'/0 iP/, b 0 Sr,lMaint.Wtrorker:: Civic Center 10 5823 W. 03'a wo 0 0 Sr.Maint.Wbrker: St. 118 5857 O/o iP/4 0/0 0 0 Moint.Worker: Pks. East '126 132 014 0'/0 0110 0 0 Malnt.Worker. Ttalls/City Wide 197 607 0'/o O'/0 OYO 0 O MAInt.Worker: Pks. 1rr. West 177 565 M/0 , 0�� CO. 0 0 Maint.Worker: St. 140 644 01i'0 NO 0% 0 0 Maint.Worker :St. 124 813 it/o . C% CPS 0 ' 0 Maint.Worker :St. 137 819 01/0 epee; 01/0 0 0 4aint.Worker: Pks. 'Red Hill 174 832 0'/0 0% fpk 0 �► �Maint.Worken St, 131 873. 01/0 0% 0% 0 0 M&14A.Worker: Pks. West 141 1048 0'/a M Maint.Worker 'Pks: East 134 1088 7/0 trt'o 0%1 0 0 MaintMotkonSt. 173 1291 tP/0 0/0 CP/o 0 0 Maint.Wgrker Pks: West 132 1310 03/0 M 0 0 Maint.Worker. 'f`ios 136 1844. 0/0 OYO VA 0 0 Maint. Worker;St. , 197 1915 tPfO tP 0 0 J RY SCyEDULE 1990I91 - M PostftONISALA loom PRt�Gi�A _..... A-•-'ta'-� lions *S Position Ou� Dept. Mgt, DEPARTMENT; Mgr, Rcrnd• Current Dept- Rcmd• Rind. 0 0 Malntenance Etrp• Level Rcmd• 06 0 Position iP/° �fo 0 0 Clan+'Allcatlon Z43 CF/a Ufa 0 Position # 129 OY0 CY/a tP!° 0 0 Side t. 138 2740 ff'/o CP% 0 ;S 3203 (Plo t�'/° 0 U Niaic�'t,Wo k Pks; East 139 4262 0'/ �p 0 Malrit.Wotker Pac. CityVitle 135 tP1O ° CP,0 0 0 Ma;nt.Workat: Heritage 4962 {P/o tP/° orket Pks: 145 5055 b'/c 0 Malnt,W i69 0'!o d'lo 0 0 Maint.Worket :St. 5091 0'io �/° 0 166 5561 W. 0 hAaint.Worker: St. i75 (p/° 0" CPS 0 0 Maint.Wotkar: it. crew 146 556'J 0,/° file 0 0 MalntWorker: pits, ,fast 5824 01/0 fP/6 CP/O p er: Pks. 196 5863 tPk 0 0 MalntWc 67 6009 0'�O M. �O 0 Main!. Worker Trees i42 ' 0 Q Maint.WorlW 222 6045 tP/° �f�r a 0 Maint Worker West 133 6i81 (716 �° 0 orker; Pks. 125 6740 0'I° CP/° 0 0 Mainz W otkor :St. tP/O 0'!d 0 Mairit.W 170 6744 fp/° (r'f° p 0 Maint.WorkGT* Pks. Red 14111 171 6T 3 �/° ° fp/° 0 0 Maint.Wotlwr. West 73g7 0'f° , alk 0�t 0 f,Ilaint `Norker: Pks. 149 7638 CPfO 0 0 ..:Pks.. West 164 8151 CPI` ,cfy°' �r� 0 maint.Workar; Pks' West 128 0'f� 0'/O 0 0 Maint Worker: ed Nill ag77 1 C/° V. 0 orker: Pks+ B 130 8681 Clio 0 0 Mainz VI 163 %6 0'/6 tP/° p MalntWorker Pks.. Fac. Crew 144 Vacant CP/a 0'%a p 0 Maint-Worker: Rast 147 Vacant tp/O f1f° 0'fO 0 Main Worker; Pks. 165 Vacant tfl° �fO iPfe 0 0 Maint Wacker Pks• East acant WO 0 0 153 file 0'/a (Pfo 0 Maint.Worket'. . City V#We i5+1 Vacant V/o (WO 0 0 Seasonal M• Cit Wide Vacant OY° CPfO (P/O 0 0 Seasonal M. Tech: C•ii Wide 155 Vacant CPf° CP/o 30,120 33,600 Seasonal M: tieoh: y i56 Vacant Tech: city Wide i99 OY° 1owl 1 /° 25,2`36 29 664 Seasonal M• Tech; Citywide 200 Vacant 80% 100'/° 22656 Seasonal M• Citywide 179 3036 � 14tY'/° 1 20$712 1 1 Seasonal M' Tech; 5883 ep/a 100'f° 13; t38 0 1so Mechanic 18i Vacant W% CPS �° 0 0 NIB Mechanic 16� 5994 O+/O' NIB 0 Mechanics Assistant Mtrls 201 vacant iPI° 0 Spea equip proposed CPl° CP/° 0 NIB 0 inventory Lighting Tec Wide fi86 Proposed CPI° NIR 0 Signal & Lig City i87 Prop (710 Supervisor Parks 202 PropotP/° 0 NIR 0 St;pervisor StreptsNIR 0 204 ProposedC9� 0h 0 NIR QEiice Assistant Sweepet� 206 Proposed' tPl6 NIR Equipment Operator L Proposed,_ tP/6 Equipment ©petatot 207 osed _O NIR operator 190 Proposed NIR NIR Equlpmsnt P 2;35 Prop _ NIR NIR Lead Main"' t. osed - Maint Worker'. 224 Prof osed NIR Lead yVorket Trail G.W. 225 Prop. NIR Propose - NIB 27,936 29664 Lead Ma►nt. lrr. C W 226 Prop _ i00°l0- ` Lead Workat: Pks. _ 100'/° 0 NIR 0 Gr. LMD Cont. 227 proposed Worker: Pks . Contract sad Ala NIN 0 Lead Pks. LMD 228 Prop - /O NIR Lead Worker: i8s. Proposed 1419 LeadMechenlc Pks, Beryl 198 Proposed St.. Mainz. MOW- g Pro osed- Sr• i\Aaint, Worker: pits, M dt St. Maint. Worker: P� PasitiQ.�~ . Glasaiflt;atian Position Quote" 140,E A gmgdations' Currentl Dept, Dept. " Mgr. Title & Pat�sitiarw # # Lewt�- tcmd. k'�cmd: R6M. ,Rcrrmd. Sr. Maint. Warkef4, F'kat. lac. West Io$4 Proposed ` 0'/0 N/R 0 NIB Sr. Maint. Worker: Pk j Poc. East i' Proposed - I OHO WR 0 NIB sr. Maint Warknr: Pits. Ifrr. East' eroposed - tP6 N/R 01`�;�R Sr. Maint. Worker: !?ks,Um Grew f78 Proposed , 0% NIR O NIB Sr; Maint, lh'+rker: 51, 105 PrapUa6tf - N/R • N/R Maint. Worker ':Pks. Wash 193 P►oposed 0'/o; 0 0 Maint, Worker Pks. W-t)st 194 ProposeO-, tP/a 03 0 0 Maint. Worker :Pks. Civic, 195 Proposed -1i(K N/R 0 NIR Maint. Worker : St. 231 Proposed - - 141R N/R Maint. Worker - Pks, East 208 Pr apasod OYm 0'/ 0 0, Maint. Worker : As. East: 209 Proposed 0,4 03'a 01 0 Maint. Worker Pks, West 210 Proposed cP/e oy/ 0 0 Maint. Worker Sts. 210 Proposed "0 NIR Maint. worker , Pks. Mow 212 Proposed 6 NIB 0 N/R Maint. Worker . St.. 216 Proposed % N/R 0 NIB Maint, Worker: Pks, Beryl 914 Proposed - OYO NIR 0 NIB. Maint. Worker, : Pks. Pac. East 215 Proposed' M lV/R 0 NIB. Maint. Worker s. Pks, Fat. West 218 Proposed :% ;0%, 0 .0 Maint. Worker : Oks. Trail LMD 217 Proposed - a/* loyal 0 0 Maint: Worker : Pks. irr. East 213 Proposed-", 0%, '� NIB 0 N/R Maint. Worker ., ,As. Low Crew 211 Proposed ti - - tPw <<�` N/R 0 NIB Meant. Worker Pks. Low Crew 237 Proposed NIR NIB P.f W, Worker Pks. Heritage 232 Proposed ' 'i4IR NIB Maint. Worker ; Pks.Meritage p.33 Proposed y NIFt R Maint. Worker c Pks. Trail LMD 235 Proposed NIB PA, Maint. Worker : St. 205 Proposed - 4 NIB - N/R Mechanic _ 220 Propose"'-. 100% 100°/, 24,060 29,664 Mechanics A64 221 Proposed, 1W%, 11W/01 20,M 22,656 Subtotal 2,17sa:10 ' C1207,745 Merit Contingency: 13,052 16,065 Subtotal: }r 250, 2 288,811 Fringe Benefits $7XV 99.3334 Subtotal- ` 337,989 39,1,146 Part-time 0 Subtotal: S37,989 383,146 Merit Contingency: 0 0 TOTAL; 337,989 'Proposed Now Position, "*Proposed reclassification of Existing > Position: from Sr,. M.W. to Lead M.W.t [NUIRdi� Wot, Recomm4nded FYN,49130 90 Not Rocommanded FY 90i91 r,, , v p N •- n 1 0 o n rn n c u D wt `m a a m m G:IL H L p E Z m. °u• " 1 u Y Q :^ m c i E m D c a as i � D lq � ti U b G b c D N o -15 tlf _ W W ca ® x p "x G. c 40 � W W CL ccl CT G Ei;Z 8 '� 9 oAo ,f i Pow i Cp ci in C'f S >y i nF9 N, i r� o I CD k � W ti In it, _ �i i I 2—c w E cc i a i v Q 0 are ' i E 4 { W YI •OZ�.pt W G3\.- CA UP r " J J ID, viiirtmont Tv c� iaa. f :.DIM. FL= 76-41�� C�� PjOo pt�14r flints t�� Y• tt r`` Z7e3.criptlo—i Q items&I=vilmial 11 1001 �a smwt, tS6iilLLnistia -o*.. 1l8547400 1 3900 Maine-,nan.e� & ra ices �,� : �u r- 1 y x} Li +\ 9 f � 01 r JJ . � � / _ d a 1 iJ 4 r C t'� t ta. of J? Ln W ` W W. co t S i = r O t O V ;cy II I CA M M � t t �1 t _ tm - c Al aw An _ 4 ;y O I7 f— Cal. 280 ct D d O - P P 4 O O O C9 o ca P P O 6 i A c Co P a C= P o " ic+ P ait n i o o d o o o d 0'o C*Cx o t ry rn O O OO Q Si LiQ QO O Pw Q. O r { v It n 1 o o m •:, a 4 P ' O O O. O O 1J O P O C 'CD Q O O:._ O " Oyu to cc ' Cy d O O O O CS O b C7 O CS G O t. Im cm O ear O 'm O O i O; O C3. - IL J yy O O Vi CY O 0 0 :0 O a7 en D P C:Y A It s Fc• _. ... 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COP CJ. f p v v K ^ b b b C? b b It M ® , O W LL t~l1 �f M C F^ W yp OD' N N lL sE{ Y C Ms %I Pa +R ND b IIi f[f O 1p fH ^ co t It n 4 H Is CD i ; MOH V x 'r j-ba = o b to La. v 1. ql Or p'f. iCn CWX CW/ ' Y tuM r 252 f _ 1 \j 1 COST' CEN= DE'i5 L AMKS WT �U Departmprit 'escurce Services Offier: IFir ear 1 ivisioa: Program'.count AD 82 iRt 9� -4Z30 ect .No. Description U Items & I ivi ual Do ' atmuntA: Bt�dg t fw 1001 Assessment Administration $ , 3900 Maintenance Operations. � $0 7 ,10 Pa.,,m rtt to 'trustee ' $737 273. �J r r. $738,138 Jf _; y 1J ` �tiR` f a a N At N 1111 p: b 'Iv lb N N i O P o 4w i9 %W O O �s o o® +m o o a�� o g o 0 o'a ocz m 40 CD Co Cb q a � 1 cx i.T pf'o C? r O O Ci < j V G to pJ� l ^ C! C'1 00 294 ►�+ �T� a ( ,N o Oar N �. ca Ci mr O ci Q N m r e; ca cm o u col zo- O N "r - / t uj U, ler Q +mf• t. A�, GCS. am A ' ,l tiartment VAS•iMIt r.i i�;tw�� +�:_ $�-2 �tedenpticit� � <'c� '.�3f��4�py(� . ��tS�fi�� 2atxir & `nc3v" raaI`sr Art , T-- 1001 Assessment Adn'nistration $4E 54 3906' Maintenafice&qpe.rations 7911.1 Payment, t0 "':;,rstee 4 46 }f fir. .. ! 4 p e t , c , LrI,