HomeMy WebLinkAboutHardship Sewer Allocation�" IN O-` 00P H CUCAMONGA Augcst 1, 1978 Chevron uo struct'ion Company'. 3 2120 Wilshirt. Boulevard ite 200 P. Q. Box 2131 Santa Monica ra'l"ifornip 90406 s ATTENT MARIO MO,11, PRESIDENT S JECT: RECOMNIENDA'TIJN ON HARDSNIP SEWER RLUZATIONS GI lemen r- _ ilie Planning tnmiss*on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed the above project and made the following determination: I Approves, the project subject to the conditions as listed in the .ninutes. Denied this project as recorded in the attached minutes. XContinued this project as recorded is the attached minutes. I h•.-ve enc'•osed a copy of the minutes for your revic Y. IE you haN* any questions :ega.ding this matter, please conta:t this office. Very t, : Ly ours 4 ,TACK IM, Director of Lommunity Development JL:dm encl. O y; 0 (3it Y 0 t* .P August 1, 1978 Cliftoa S. Jon vs, Jr. , Inc. P- O. Box 1178 Cerritos, Cali fo a 90701'• ATTENTION, 11. D. IVINDISHCH, VICE PRESIDENT .J�. SUEJE RECOINMENDAT )N ON UARDSHIP SEWER ALLOCAT16INS Gen let, en: The anning Comniissior► of the Ci`),'61Rancho Cucamonga hes reviewed t?--,� above: oject end made the folWing dete<rminationl A rlsx'�,vea .the project subj,4ct to the conditions as hated in the minutes. De -tied this project a�: recorded I;, the attached minutes. X Continued this project as recorded in the attached minutes... I have enclwsed a copy of the minutes for your'rrtiew. if your have alyc s questions regarding, this matter, please contact this office. Very i-ruly y"tu s,� t 1 V/. f JACK LA* , Director of Community Development JL:dm encl. V M August 1, 1978 Kept Land Company 17881 Sky Raik No Ixvine, Californ". ATTENTION: RJJ E 0,19city O A T14H k'_',UCAM0NTGA `92707 TRIPP" ADFTaON ON HARnSHIP SEWIRR AU Gen' .. The 'lannzng CUommission o C t ae 6'.. Cy of Rancho Curamonga has revie^,7ed the aboveroject and nae, ,,.thd"fo11owing determination: Appioved the project subject to the conditjons as 3isi d in the minutes. Denied this project as recorder in the attached minutes. X Continued this project as recorded in the attached millutes, I have enclosed a copy c.f the minutes for your-revirw. If you hEve an) question-; regarding this matter, please contact this office. Very truly Y(A'rs, JACK L&M, Director of Community Development JL:dm encl . �' AN& Amok City 0 V� CH U A M0 August 1, 197£ J. P. Kapp and k;sociates, 501 hark Center Driv,�, i 4e 200 Santa Ana, Califurr` 92705 ATTENTION: JVp, KAPP SUBJECT t / RECOMMENDATION ON HARDSHIP SEINER ALLOCA Gentle en: ThPerm,e Fla ing Comnt`,^,sion o; . - �tY� of Rancho Cucamonga has ieviewed the above pro r_t and made t•te lowing determination: Apprnved t,ile project, subject to the conditions as listed in the pnitw tes.. Deni--d thi,: project as recordel in the attached minutes. X Continued '11i5 project as recorded in the attached minutes. 11-Tte enclosed a copy JE ehe minutes for your revii..,w. If you have any questions regarding this Futter, please contact this nEfi:ce. Veil- trulyA yo rs, f J .. Laid, Director' of Community Development JL:dm encl. L, ',',%*city of* C I-1 -, 10 Ula-i (AMONGA August 1, 1978 Rancho, California Homes, Ltd. _.r<„�"��' 1914 Pontius Avenue .- _.__.� Los Angeles, Cali fo�lni,� 6025 ATTENTIiiN- J. KNtHONY SUBJfief FcECp IENDATiON ON HARDSHIP Spi4ER ALLOCM G,� 3 ( Gentlemen: e Planningg C..__ .ort� °1i, . &frn City of Rancho) Cucamc:�ga has reviewed the above proJdct and trade the following detertairatih-t; Approved the project subject to the conditions as listed in the minutes. Denied this project as recorded in the attached minutes. X Cont;nued this project as recorded in the attached winutes, I #lave eticlosed a :opy of the mintites for Your review. If you; have stay questions regard9.Ig this matter, pl.ea,ie contact this office. Very ru y 'ursll, JACK 1. 1, Director of Community Development J€., o dm encl. �� - k CUCAMONGA August 3, 1978 Trinity Development Company 30 nest Foothill Loalcura , jai to C„.-..,.— Rialto, California 9-7 SUBJECT: 10MMENDATION ON HARD)!;All SEIVER Attloc °4loxlS The Planning Coremiss i on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has revie�-Jpd the above project and made the following cetarmiiiation: Approved the project sub ect to the conditions as listed in the minutes. Denied this project as retarded in -.he attached minutes. x Conti.nued this a7roject as recorded in the attached minutes. Z have enclosed a coPY of the minutes for yv r review. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office. Very truly ycpr. ., r JACK I: t, Director of Community Developme,at Ji, : dT11 4n':1. Irecav OfW R ANCHO A -�N"OINGA AugUst 1, 1978 Manning Construction, P. 0. Box 5038 Hacienda lieights,,,:--Wifornia 91M,5 ATrENTION-,.:--TRAVIS L. WRONG SUBJEM' RECOMMENDATION Oil HARLISHIP-SEIVER ALLOCATIPN/ Gentlemen: Ilie Planning Commission of the City of Rancho CUcamon8d has reviewed the above project and made the following determ!nationz Approved the project subject to the conditions as listed in the minutes. Denied this project as recorded in the attached minutes. X Continucd '.,is project as recorded in the attached minutes. I have encInsed a copy of the mintites for yotir'review. tf you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office. Ve JACK LAIII, Director of Community Development .'L:(Im encl. i tv 0 ANCHO 77 AAe1Yust J , gtC l'R ... � MONGA .. Mr. mete Petersen Land Acquisit.lon Agent 2 201 4'1ilsilirO Boulevard, Suite 200 Santa, Monica:, Californ ,�L Q? SUBJECT, CO i TTMDATIOY ON HAPD51'11P SEWER AL•LOCATio, s Dear Mr. The Plamliug Commissi(1n or the City of Rancho 'Cu-nmonga 'aas revi<<t-ed the above project and made t}ie following de ten,' E tpprovid the project subject to the conditions as listed in the mi;autes. I' r; Denica this project as recorded in the attached minutes. X- Continued this project as recorded in the attached minutes„ r I hove "CIOSC-d tI e01sy Of Ll-.e minutes for our reviow. questions regarding this matter,please cont-act this officis you have any e. ery tr;ily yturs, AC LATT, Directory of Community Dov-lopment Jl.;dm enci. WW" I anning cujgi: -1, sion jilnutes R -2- for the City Engineer to assess the vlood coutrol District's recor-4-nendations. The applicant, Itichael Todd, was not presert at this meetilig. Staff indicated July 26* 1978 was nok- enough time, staff will come back to the Planning Cummissiou and ask for further continuance. MOM?', It was moved by 1219toy and seconded Jones and unanimously carried to continue the -eviOw Of t1lis item to July 26, 1978 in order to allow adequate time for the City Engineer to assess the Flood (Introl District's ENVIRON ENTAL REVIEW of a tentative tract z 161 acres located West of SappIlire Sj:reet- laorth of Almond Avenue to consist of 196 loth - R-1 20,000 and R-1-14 Zone -- Application submitted by J. Gregory Lawlor, Entv.rpr1,---,, - Tentative Tract No.,—l"10- Jack Lam reported that this application Was reviewed by the Planning Commission at its meeting caA June, 14, 1978. At which time, the ComMissioa expressed a further C Ire for additional input from the Foothill Fire District and the National Forest Service. Therefore, the Commission unanimously continued this project until the present meeting to consider the requested information. However, this information is currently not available. Therefore, TOUPS Corporation has submitted a letter requesting continuation of -his item until July 26, -197S. Staff recoirm.ended to the Planning Commission that this item be continued to July 26, 1978. TOUPS Corporation did not have a representative present at this meeting* MOTION: It was moved by Jones, seconded by Garcia, and unanimously carried to continue review of this item until July 26, 1978 for TOUPS Corporation to submit the appropriate material. REC01218MDATIOA on Hardship Jack Lam opened this item stating that this whole matter arose as a result of the ordinance and resolutions adopted by ttti Board of Supervisors on May 16, 1977 establishing some orderly proeesg by tqhich sewor allocations can be made. At that time, the Cucamonga Water District was allocated 3,4:)u building permits. Of these 3,458 units the County has recognized 3,158 building permits for tract development, 150 units for individual single family homes and 150 units for "hards1tip" cases. When this allocation by the Cotinty was established, "hardship" Was not defined nor was there any Planni-% Ca=ission Min u' July 12, 1978-' criteria established for the selection of "hardship" projects. Jack Lam cQ-rected one: item in the staff report, that :1,s as of today ttlerp exists 146 units left under 1--he "hardship" category. The "hardship" category was never recogni--ed by the Cucamonga County Water District, and communication from 'Lloyd Miebaels of the Cucamonga County hater District to the City Manager exiaza expressing the same. The Cucamonga C-aunty Water District has expressed at various meetings that they would not recognize the issue of "hardship" because of the difficulty in establishing what exactly is a "hardst.ip." At the present time zill the 3,158 building permits have been issued and there exists no further sewer allocations until we receive new ellocations from Chino Basin. At present, Of the 150 units for the individual single family builder, there are 112 units left and under "hardship" allocatioll there are 146 Imits. St,'Aff that the issue of "hardship" is a very sensitive one. It ie very difficalt to establish criteria for the allocatjo> or, hardship and staff feels thit the remaining number of units under this "hnrdqhiW1 allocation be citheir added with the allozation for the single '-,iilder `112 unics, remairlin k or they shotld be grouped with atiy netI7 allocation that tile City will receive in the future. The third alternative is to try and recognize the "hardship" cases and allocate them on "liar -'ship" bases; however, we wil - I V rob ably have new sewer allocations before the City can ever determine what constituted a %thardship. 11 Staff recoutiends that the Pl. nning Commission consider all these factors and recomm.end to the City Council tl'tat the "hardship" allocation request not be approved axis! that tile remaining 112 units of the individual lot allocations be retained for their original p-,irpose and tildt tile remaining 146 units of "hardship" allocations be thrown in with any new sewer allocations that the Cucamonga County t4ater District will receive and that these particular applications vill be evaluated under any new criteria the City would develop for any future near allocations. Piscus8iont Commis',sioner Garcia felt that this would not be solving the problem at a'l and that by postponing thiS it 'Would continue into next year. lh: recommended that some Und of r,ianagement system be formulated to determine who can bull. in our community in order to ,-void any legal ramifications in reference to the length of timQ lapse on processing of these pending applications. RECESS RECONVENED NEN BUSINESS -4- awl 12, 1973 IV, Ho-Ps�ifrom the � Citv Attorneys office wari,_'��' YRi not prepared to give a comment on this but did state that lie would do some legal research. Commisoioner Jones suggested that the water department take care of the sewer allocations until s-ith time as we have something set up. Jack. Lam stated that the City should determine how the allocations be vada and how the community should develop, MOO Michaels, General Manager of the Cucamonga County Water District, said that commercial/ industrial will be unaffected up to 5,000 gallons a day. Anything over 5,000 ' gallons a day must be referred to the, Technical Committee for a3vice ns to whether it is an acceptable discharg-. Llqyd Michaels anticipates that before the middle of hogust new sewer alloc,;i- tions will be available. The discussion was then turned over to the floor and comments were made by: Pat Kapp, from J. P. Kapp and Associates, Consulting Erelneers,.. 501 Park, Center, Santa Ana, Californla, represneting Tract 9472, Make Johnson, from -Trinity Jevelopment Company; Sydney*14. Jones, from Clifton S. Jones, Jr. Inc., who suggested presentativ,a F=om developers; Travis Manoing, representing Manning Construction; Pete Peterson from Chevron Construction; Mike Thcmpson, a farmer from Jackson Farms, 2526 Wildrose Lane who spoke on behalf of Trinity Development, - John Aslicard from J. Anthony Development. All Of the above representatives all generally stated that they wished the remaining allocations be made some way. The representative from Clifton S. Jones, Jr. Inc., Sydney W. Jones suggested the developers each m-,Ie i presentation on their individual developments stating their "hardship" -ases. MOTION: it was movea by Garcia, seconded by Tolstpy and unanimously carried to continue Item C until July 26, 1978 and instructed the City Attorney to tesearch the legal ramifications of allocating the remaining units. Chairman Rempel declared a short recess at 8:40 p.m. At 8:55 p.m. with all members previously present, the Planning Commission reconvened. 'REFERRAL OF Director Review for the development of 2.07 acres of land located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, approximately 450' west of Archibald as a retail shopping center - C-1 and C-2 Zone - Application submitted by Moore Development Company - Indent No. 9�-•31. Jack Lana stated this item was referred to the Planning Commission in order to meet tie statutory time provisions. This parricular prc)ject after review had significant problems. Staff has contacted tli2 applicant veld discussed the problems concerning the site rlar, and design. The applicant, therefore, submitted a letter withdrawing the applic,-.tion and will resubmit as nvw nppliration at -i later date. -- -4 - - -W ".„ -,T4'­""'1. 9 440 X" ir 9444 -81q" CV445 IN* 9539 �V 9540 Ale 0*;4,RF $I 't'no" OP EXPIRKrURIT FINAL DUAIJ P1.1-MITS 63 Mark 111 212/78 35 Ka lb a 0, 3/16/78 -----rw� �ao �16L7 2/78 2/76 4'-H a- Sze, SVE NOTH'S Being sold to Falco Devel Agrees to condLtions. Vlill ngree to hold off on Perr-lits until August, 78, Will agree to hold off on permits until August, 78. Plood control work to be performed on tract. Vas finnneod his tract vaJ will have Lqu pay points he. looses AS Mark 111 2/19/78 8/78 8/78 Will hold this t*ract if trill need granted final approval continuance. e,,i others. 20 Hark- 111 2118/7101 12178 12/78 Will he'd off; trill need continuance. 61 Marl; 111 2/3-9/78 12/78 12/78 Will hold off. Will need continuance 16 Bob Roper 4/21/78 8178 8/78 Falco Development will agree to hold off c,,-1 tni- tract as liell as 9176 (ti are buying). 28 Rnnyon 7120/78 2/79 2/79 I -Till 'hold off until 1979,1 Reigh ts V Will need 11 Development continuance. 45 tanyon 5118/7F, 2179 2/79 Will 1103CI off UL,Vil 1979.1 Eeight.q Vill head Developme-,t continuance. AMP- 49 Griffin Pov, — 8118178 8178 9/78 trill hold off final. t33- 0583 49 Griffin Dme% 6116/78 ?:'is 2/78 Ilona. f inanced, mid wIII 11- points if delayed. YO'DAL 16 TPACTS of fir 1101!r-g rLegislative LedgeT 7. AIP LEGISLATIVE STATUS REPORT Jv -v# 27,1978 I D=e ronenro "a 'C Section and Shiraz leaderall, totroNfrrAsdacernat CA-'P - kaie and Local Affair, URBAN STRATEGY Bill No. Author AB 603 Craven Status: Eenate Local Goik Hearing will be held in August SUMMARY: Declares that pronosa!s for the formation, ex -pan. sion, or reorganization of local agencies providing governmental riless the,, are in compliance with specified poticies relating to urban services. Would TC re LAF Cos to determine and adopt 'spheres of influence' require local agency within a county for purposes of applying such policies to such agency. Regardingland locatei in the coastal zone.a LAFCO would licauthorised to consult %vith ti", Baal Cram aais,sion to assure that local coastal programs are taken into acoeunt,.(Sum- nary -eflects 3-1638 amendment.) AB 351 t Gage Status- Refused passage ott assembly Honor SUMMARY- Expresses legislative intent that new, developinvnt can be located to as to maintain existinp urban - trvz.s. dcvemp Va• cant and under-utilizcd land served by public facilities. use adjacent land xviien development occurs outside of existing urban areas. Would become operative envy if AB 354'"t is chaptered. (Summary reflects 516,73 amendnizit.) AB 3412 Cullen Status- Assembly Wav3 & Means hcari.,:j to be licla in August ,SUMMARY: Would require districts and agoncios crcA*;-(l 'by a joint exercise of powers agreement (exccpt 6&tain districts which construct o:* maintain parlts and recreation fzcibties) to adopt, by J,inuary 1. 19S2, a 5,year capital improvement pro2�an containing speOtid information. Would become operative only if AB3544 is ch,ipteicd. (Si!mmary reflects 5 09' 78 amendment.) AB 3440 Wornum Status: Failed to meet deadlines SUMMARY: Would roquire cities and cvurittes to prepa-:e, and annually; revist. a 5 year capital improve mient plan for ri'l real property and public facilities of such city vr,-ounty. Makes related changes. Would become operative only if AB 354-1 is chaptered. (,Summary v4iects 5 1 10 78 amendment AB 3543 Knox Status: Assembly Ways Sr Means heating v.,Il tic held in Augjs-t SUMMARY: Requires councils cf g-overnrivrits to adort t, .M,wial needs assessment including land us.e, housing, stolid waste, open space.air, water, transportation, etc. General p`ans, capool unprovement prvgrt1m:,, and mt-an semwe areas w-iLld have' tt be consistent with *he vot'ds asses-irrctit. Stww and resq,trinal boards would be esta"olished. WW.Od bccorr.L, operative in'%; it Ali 3544 is cha,,-!crvd- ISummart, reflects 6 19 73 a",t'ni!ment.) Smith 813-tus: 'Sk'nato Revenue &'Tox I lvatiig li,it set W.iloke!y tea pass IL, °,,10 SU.NIMARY: W.v,!1ai onil in spcciticd tti, vwpaivondalort an %n c-, tire,) Ti ,t't Cs o!an01hVT Wo-,slit--1 AR 314 t" 0, aptt -CO isurn-rian. ns 5a 41 ZONING AND PLANNING t1iii No Author '%B a " Thomas to Gnuerrif-,, E,it jtvw 23rd SUMMARY. Existing law, provides that zoning ordinances of a city or county shall be coinsistent, as defined, with the general plan cif the city or county, and that any resident or property owner m,sy bring an action in the superior court to enforce such compliance within FO days of the enactment of a new zoning ordinance* tar the amendment of an existing zoning ordinance. In addition, existing law provides that in the event a zoning ordinance becomes irxon- sistent with a general plan by reason of the plaW-- amendment, the zoning ordinance shall be amended within a reasonable time to be consistent with the amended general plan. T his bill v�ou(d specify that the above provisions of existing law apply to charter cities, provided that such rovisns would not be applicable to a zoning ordinance edozft-d kia charter city prior to V159. AB 1953 Chimbole Status: Signed into tuv 4 10,78 SUMMARY- Subdivisions. -Zxistin-q law requires a tentative and final mapforall civisionsof landwhifficre',ite5ormare parcels, un- less. among other thing% each parcel is 40 acres or more, inwhich case only a parcel map is required though a local agency mays re - tentative and final map under certain conditions. This bill remove the authorization for a required tentative and final map where each parcel is 40 acres or more. I-Aa 1900 Calvo Sta,tus- Senate Naural Resources & Wildlife Hearing not set. Prop 13 fatakly) SUMMARY. Enacts the Prime Agricultural Lands Preservation Act and creates a state agency to proviee cities and counties with guidelines for prcparing agricultural maps. (V25118 amendment specifically excludes the Vackhawk Development in Contra Costa countO AB 2321 Imbrecht Status: Sona!e Public Utilities, Transit & Energy Hearing to be livid in August SUMMARY: Prohibits any person from a4llowinqatree togrowso as to cast a siadcixu greater than 10',% of the collector absorption area upon a solar :olkction surface, 'iereafter installed on the limperiv of anotlic.r. between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., but would ex. enipt tires catm,,, surl-, a shadow at the time the collector is in- sta!!e;l or during the retn3mder of that annual solar cycle. Lkould exempt trees 1,antod, growm. or harvested on timberland or on land devoted to commerctalagricultural crop producti-n. (Surn• mavy reflex is 5,10 78 ameadment.) AR 22351 Wornurn Status- Sonite finance hearpis not silt SUMMARY: N1. mes a number of charges to the powers, and duttes (it the Stote Coastal Conservonc�y. in,-ludin:g (a) requirinp, that standards o--ionted 1,-q DPR iegaraing the icqiisition and d(velotintVilt ot rtibl:c a . tessio, °vast -gal rvourcesbay anelement of lNe utltdtv-. ii:,,rcatinn resources plan. and (b) vesting, the conser• k,n-. t: i.,Iiiir thati, DPIR the authoritt., to yescrve coastal ycx- � ,,.v ce awas. tSummary reflects,) 17,778 arrio;tdment,) AB 2 t14 Craven Status* St 'l to the cmvernor 6 23 SUMMARY: Would authorize a subdivider in curtain cir• ttni;!, me�; tr) IL!e foial miips relating to an a,,proverl or tenlot"Veniop prior to it-'expirtittom Makes 1:11d7tilt that the la e7.S of e%isting lai4. tSum, AB 1-125 Craven. Status: Sent t, 23 SL: MMARYVV"o,,iT,,i the that a parcel nl�lp rWan en-,:r.n.-cr t,,urvcy,,:,) that the parcel man Ir tceduw if the have bcon comp',.ed v.-th and that the parcel map confomm, to the approved tentative map and the conditions of approval ,of, AS 2825 McCarthy Status: Senate government organization hearing to be held in August. SUMMARY: Would exclude administrative appeals within or to a state or local age*icy, certain actiun5 of a local agency, and the a t- proval or disapproval of a final subdivision map from the upplic, - tion of existing law estab-16hing a 1 -Year ti.t}e limit. Would exemp; petitions for changes to permits to appropriate water which have been objected to pursuant co designated rrovisions of the water code. Makes other provisions also, Urgency statute, (Summary reflects 5126/78 amendment.) AS 3250 wine 5• bi tag: S mate local govo%anent nearing tt ., veld in August. UMM/�-'4Y: PtOv`4->'Or easet_tents fo! .Wr energy systems; ptuhibits restrictions or ordinances prolhi! siting solar systems, and requires subdivision naps to provide for Rhe 6tur e use of passive solar systems in the subdivision, (Svc -- .iy itiflects S102/78 amendment.) SB 193 Zenovich Sta?us: Assembt+ Resources, Land Use ter Energy (Probable Prop 13 fatality) SUMMARY; Would require all cities and counting iexo—cpi S,-Ar. Francisco), by May 1,1980, to adopt an agrculturel element foe its general plan for the comprehensive and long-range pres'_rvation and const;rvation of commercial agricultural lard. Wot,id the coniponents of the plan and would exempt cities hating only small amounts of agricultural land. Would require that, if informa- tion concerning tl'r sale of comparable restricted land is not available, commercial agricultural ;and which is so restricted by assessed by tb? capitalization of income method, Makes ap- propriation. (I =2578 amendment states legislative intent that land committed to, or necessary for, urban uses be excluded from provisions requiring 1 °.5ervatiot, of land in agricultural uses.) Ski 1606 • Nimuto Status: Assembly Resou-ces, Land Use & Energy Hearingnot srt SUMMIA" :Y: Allows isstofite c,l a coastal ^t .1opment perms which would not substantially prejudice 0 ability of the local government to prepare its coast plan. I empts sirgle•family dwellings where such development represents infi,%,ig of the area. (S;im ;uty v-41c,:ts 50:78 amendment.) SB 1746 Mills Status: Passed Senate. Is in Assembly local sovernw-wit hearing 8878. SUMMARY: Would designate, for the area within the county, Sat; Diego County as the exclusive agency to perform regional or areavvide review or planning required by federal statute to be per- formed by metropolitan ret. -)nal agencies. Would create a municipal advisory committee o assist the county. Would also, designate San Diego County as a statutorily created transporta- tion planning agency for the area included withia the county,with a specified exception. ''B 1873 Smith Status: Assembly Resource Land Use & Energy hearing not set. SUMMARY: Makes several changes in tone coastal act of 1976: Re- quires deni a' f a permit which tviti prejudice a local coastal program; c ,cs categorical exclusions: creates the coastal plan narg assist,,. e account; ci other changes. Urgency st: iute. .)USING Bill No. Author AB 848 Hapiloff Status: Sv!,afe 111}ctive f-ile. Hearinq not set. SUMMARY: Perm is cities and counties to require that residen- ti rl dotelotrmertts include a specified proportion of low- or inoder,ve income housing. In the case of ewner occupied or rt 1101 41 1tt5, wl-wre evonomit' i+}6 E'i}t tCPS itrE°ergo,+tied .l?T tnC 1' CCl,i,n K)f lr tl' ea, ia,,Eli r tit' illconle l:migvitcild,�. tllec�xnttt}tlPddra4lrthtlll, cisuch units would ha,, E, to be lnaintained. (8 19 77 Amendment makes no `;S�QtiiftCar}t chatn,e.1 AB " Wornum State -; r 04' l Oc<)l Goti't. 1It*:tiitc ,-, be held in August. SUMMARY. Ile, ,),Is it jt , 1,1gt,1lcipS to adopt kin vdinancerequir. ti10 inEluSit?th of low or i -,txat'rate income llousi:,g in a develop• neon! ptctposal AS 2881 M. Waters Status: Senate Local Gt;• 't Hearing to be held in August. SUMMARY: Would requ,.,(ratherthanpe-lt)apublic entiti?to rrat<Ke payments and provide. :rYy assistance to a person who moves from a dwelling or moves or discontinues his business as a result of a rehabilitation ordemolition program by a public entity or through the expenditure of public funds. Would also require rental assistance to tenants whose rents are increased due to rehabilita- tion activities, and the provision of temporary housing Lo persons displaced while such work is being done. (Summary reflects S (02/78 amendment.) AS 3246 Chacon Status. _hate Local Gov't. Hearing to be held in August. SUMMARY. Revises information ! o be included in neighborhood impact reports as a part of redevelopment plans, ACA. 47 Brown 5t?tus: On Senate Floor. SUMMARY Would make low rent t -using projects subject to Citywide or county wide referendum up; +n submission to the clerk <. of thecity or county's legislative bodya petition signed by at least 10% of the c ualified voters voting', , the fast gubernatorial election. Would require notice of the proposed project and would require the referendum petition to be submitted within 30 days of the public notice. SCA 47 Foran Status: Failed passages. SUMMARY, Would amend itte Constitution to make theprohibi- tion against the clevelol.. ment, construction or acquisition of a low rent housing project by a state public body until the project is ap- proved by the voters in th, area applicable only to publicly owned housing which is tax exeml.` b., reason o such ownership, and would clarify that such provi,:;ns apply only to t<ntal housing, (Summary reflects 4- 27i78 amens:.-nent.) FI' 111RbNMENTAL LALJTY Bilt No. Author AS 900 Boatwright Status: Asseriti,v inactive file. Hearing not set. SUMMARY, v,16uld require an EIR for projects costing over $2,- 000,000. or involvi ag construction n> more than 5t, thousingunits, to contain information on economic impart. Would require an EIR' Tr other projects to contain such information at the request of the project wo uld ould specify that no public agency shall be re- quired to approve or disapprove a project solely on the basis of in- formation con; wined in an EIR. (Summary reflects 8/18/77 amendment.) AS 3451 Chimbole Status: Held 115 Assembly Resources Land Use & Energy. Subject matter to he referred for interim study. SUMMARY: Would provide that whenever a residential project is proposed within an area covered bd as;necific plan, and the project conforms to the specific plan, the lead agency shall adapt a negative declaration. TRANSPORTATION Bill No. A�,ethor SB 1439 Mills Status: Assembly local government hear"sng 8,,8t78. SUMMARY: Requires a 'transportation systems element' to replace th'? circulation element in a local general plan as of January I, NRI . pernutsa bar<}1 agenrz'to require; a dedication of land under thE> Subdivis-son Map Act when a local transit agency requests c!•.dicatiun. ('Summary reflects 5=08,,73 am^ndm , •,) SB 0% Kits Status. In Aswmbly. Expected to be heard in August. SUMMARY: Would autho. ize allocatiOns to `�,,, made from a local transportatiol. f..tnd to the county and citiestherein to make grants an . loans to''tutising entities for h,. using within public transit cor- ridors for persons aced families of 1 nv or moderate income. Funds could be matte evailablo for such ,housing purposes after they are made dvailatIe far public transrortation purposes. Makes other t h,:nt*y4*5i 'ISO- (S?ARhrnary rof]Ms 5/15 78 „men+nent.) AB :3819 Ingalls Status. In Xson}hiy lr' ;! cchv't lncnaring to be field in August SUMMARY, Wol,itf mope lot? st,bolivisionmapact inapplicat•;nto thtl constructon of buildings inwndek� to bn r,nivdas dwelling, . in- w, undvi !""nth to inont'. i tenarcy it .o the rental or dwellinqut tits in existing buMings. (lirgency Statute.) ` f Its ,fir i�f TRACTS THAT HAVE BEEN RECORDED BUT HAVE NUJ' RECEIVED FULL ALLOCATION BECAUSE 'OF LACK OF SEWER CAPACITY. TRACT #9475 s 2 Units 44 #9:305 13 Units TOTAL: 2 TRACTS - 15 Units CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF TRAC°T_`S n.S PROCESSED THRU THE COUNTY SURVEYORS"° OFFICE AND ARE READY TO RECORD PENDING. RECEIPT OF .A SEWER ALLOCATION. TRACT #94i2 - 60 Units °r #9479 - 49 Units 49480 - 54 Units n9193 - 35 Units ;Ir9262 46 UnitS #9357 - 53 Units #9454 - 59 Units TOTAL: i TRACTS - 356 Units f � CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF TRACTS RACTS AS PROCESSED THRU THIS OFFICE AND THE '�GDNTY IMALTH DEPARTMENTo, AND HAVE APPLIED FOR HARDS�l:P ALLOCATION ALTHOUGH NOT P7ECESSARIVi 1IF40Y TO TRACT #9475 -- 2 Units 993{ 3 - 13 Units #9472 - 60 Units •: #9479 - 49 Units a #9480 -- 54 Units °i #9262 46 Units #9193 - 35 Units #94.34 - 32 Units 99435 - 42 'units If #9fa36 - 41 Units #9437 - 40 Units " #9567 - 33 Units #r9637 - 31 Units #9638 - 25 Units TOTAL: 14 TRACTS - 498 Units ..�e....�..e..n..�.w�m�.R4x1n°�.�'^T"^^�^^.Sr..'�••..vx.��.-..•. ....-+,w. —v. u+s'F.^—:--n �.:.: .. _ 4 INItR-OFFICE M Y i' O tG?�dD�Aj ATE December 140 1977 JAU .L en-net12 Co T�q ping, Director F' � .+t: iGi. ExAj�l.a pep en.}, • TO Ranch�Cucarizon5aCity rod ncil SU ACT HARDSHIP CASES On May 16, 1977 the Board of Eupervisors adopted Ordinance 92152 xad Resol.zlt; on #77-1.03 and 0177-117, 'which established guidelines to regu.,ate and restrict the issuance of building permits for resides,tial. devalopmen : vithin the unincorporated area served by Chino Basin Municipal Water District's Regional. Plant '.d The County or area served by Cucamonga County dater District was allocated 9330660 gallons or 3,458 buildin5, permits; 3,158 building y--rmi.ts for tract development, 150 for individual single-family homez and 150 for hardship cases. The all.ocaf-ion allotment was for the period front 14arch 21, 1977 to June 30, 1978 and as of November 10, 1.977e 3,158 allocations hava been issued. The following is a listing of hardship case applicati ins whic'd we have received. (See attached for details.) DATE RECEI; ILD APPLICANT TRACT # LOTS 8f24/77 Trinity Deer. Co. 9262 46 J. Ditorio 9193 35 Problems Avocado grove - extra time topographic and engineering work 10/20/77 Rancho Cal.. Homes, Ltd. 9475 2 ��. Anthony Problem: Final map recorded as 34 lots, adding 2 more lots by dividing lot #20 (extra land required for align- ment of Lemon Avenue) 11/11/77 J. P. Kapp & Assoc., Inc. 9472 60 Far West Development Problem: Timing constza.ints W is — 130,7 000 AML Memo to: Rancho Cucamonga City Council Subject: Hardship Cases DeceirCier 14, 1977 Page 11/21/77 Kent Land Co. 9479 49 9480 54 Problem: Flood Control requirements at the terminus 9f Cent -ex Stre,-<!: within the tract (letter stating that a of 4 months in pro- cessing as a res�il.`I. 11/16/77 Clifton S.,Jones,4Tr.,Inc. 9305 21 Problem: Recorded 78 lots, but-receiv:id sewerage treatment allocation only for 57. No more 'was available. 12/5/77 Chevron Construction 9434 - 9437 155 Problem: Already invested large amounts in road and flood control improvements 1/17/78 manning Consi-xuct-ion 9567 33 Problem: Timing constraints RECOMMENDATION: 1. Procedures should be set up for the processing of hardship allocation requests and the City Council. date set for review and adoption. 2. All applicants/engineers with tentative pending final map recordation should be notified. 3. Hardship hearing date should be set f@r City Council agenda. KCT: AF: el Attachments: As noted abovi TRINW DEVELo C DtzNT compANW 380 W. FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, SUITE C RIALTO, CALIFORNIA 92376 I7M 974.3770 August 24, 1977 Ms. Ann Finan Planner in COrgp,, Tri-Coffimunity Area San Bernardino County 1111 East Mill Street, Buii ;•ng I San Bernardino, California Re: Ilardship Application, The Avocado Grove, Tracts 9262, 9198 Dear Ann: As you requested in our phone conversation today, this is my written request regarding the above- referenced project that consideration be given to insuring sewer allocatiorx for the 81 units Livolved from the present remaining sewer allocations, or the granting of 81 sewer allo- cations from the hardship category. The justification for this considera- tion is two -fold: 1. 1 have ingested substantial time (approximately two months and money (approximately $6, 000) in a ,major effort to retain the maxi- mum number of trees on this property: 'l he time and money that has been spent is simply for the topographic and engineering work required. I have also' budgeted $40, 000 for retaining walls, as needed, in the >acebal physical construction, doing nothing more than maximizing LI:e number of trees that are saved. I.do not believe I am asking a favor of the County in this platter:-, but rather that I si.Tiply not be penalized for spending the time and money to save the trees, t s I *lave mentioned to you, when I made the decision to spend this extra time and money rather than giving instructionFi to nay engineer, Carl Lockwood, to do a simpler, faster mass grading cOIlccpt_ removing all the trees, that I slid noVy Supervisor 1\amansky's office, sPccific.ALIY Dart Wobser. I did, at that time, in t, c sPriiig of this year, get Dan's concurrence that -t should make the tr. ce wring effort and that s ,ich effort would be taken into consideration if, due to the time required for the effort, my neap was not sufficiently far aiong to get sewer allocations in the normal processing. I believe I can chow that we have spent our time and that of our engineer diligently pursuing the matter and that, indeed, we have done it in a nilllmsl tinit. period. We are now at the point Ms. Ann l` inan i lardship Application he Avo - I- Grove August 24, 1977 Page Two where I expect that our'map will be ready for final*review by the County within the nest week or two for both street profiles and grading, including the specific plotting of the houses which must be done concurrently with the grading plan. Our house }Mans have already been through plan check, and we should be ready to start construction immediately upon recordation of the map. The recordation, given our present time table, might not occur until the end of September, or mor•:- practically, early October. By that point in time, all of the remaining sewer allocations may used up, other than what remains in the hardship category. ff I had not made the tree -saving effort, I would have saved the two months and: would now be sitting with sewer allocations in hand and a site ready to be denuded and padded for development. In the past week I have talked again to Lean Wjbser, to Carl Masingale and to Lloyd Michaels. it's my impression that they are in concurrence that this project should not be penalized for the tr ee-savii►g effori but ghat the actin mechanism required to give this project sewer allocation in accordance with accepted County practices would have. to be developed and controll.�d by the Planning Department. As you and I have discussed, the specific hardship processing has not been completely defined, although perhaps it's tin ie, to do so. Because of the particular circumstances and extraordinarily heavy financial -onsequences;Y whirli I believe may amount to $400, 000 and would be a financial burden not jls - to myself but to the previous landowner, I cannot wait until October if that is the time when the formal hard- ship processing would.occur< 2. This project, as you know, lies been used in the: various growth policy discussions as an example of a project that causes the least strain on the required con,fmunity services, an -1 in a period where v,^ are constrained by a lack of sewers: in th.crse projects that can be built, that a project that minimizes those demands on the tither services should be given priority. From: this project site, one can walk to elementary, junior and high schools, churches, library, shopping and the 111,18s ti'ansit .intersections of Carnolian aild Baselinc. It WOUld be possible for a family of relatively modest means to live in any clivironnn,entally desirable project witifln. wa1kinng distances of their everyday needs. That family could live quite comfortably `n otnr neighborhood with just one car. While this growth policy has been adopted by the Board of Supervisors, as you know, it's niu'chanism has not quite been put into operation and again, because of the timing and tine financial consequences ro-lat ng to this project, while I l'M e;ttiLC c0111 ortable that this project would be gil, en a priority when the in;echanism is set up, I cannior t. nit for Lint 4 to happen. October 207 1977 Planning Derartment San Bernardino County California 921+15 PS: Tract 94752 Alta Loma,' California . Dear Mr. Xjrhs-i _*saquess-, TbJ �-- letter is to request zt;uer allocation for Vt-_ -two ad- ditio- lots on tract 94715. As you remember back aiout '�tnuary or I., 'uary 1977� wevere reyjueated b3r the Plarviix�� DepartiOnt and lae RoaL-Dep6rtment, to obtain additional proporty'Ksevet' , evr fee to the souti of our prcject for the aligrxient :of' the cK.,I,4er line of Lemon Avenue, Thia ��- was not a condition of apjznva-,df' the tentative map, but requested later during the design of map* We agreed xi-ith you that this 'wouldmak,a a better. project and we ware fortunate to get the land, although we did have to pay double the acreage price for its we felt the benefit to the pro- ject was worth it. Additionally we were able to add two lots to the project? u&bling 'Lis to carry the additional land cost. The Planning Department agreed to let us have the twn, lots, but as we were changia- the final map to 3(- lots, Mr. Tommy, Stephens informed us- that there is a moritorium on tentative maps , and that he could not make this change at this time. We had- a maeting and it was agreed that vie would design the tract with oris lot (lot 20) that could be divided into three lots7 by a land division or a two lot subdivisio,ri, after the recording of the 34 lot tract- Now that the tract has been recorded we are making a request for sewer allotment, under hardship cases that -would' allow us to do one of the methods to obtain the additional two lots. Sinaerely yours? 9015 Id g M1'YZ' PA OPME November 17, 1977 ��j: T trs c a �� 0 ..1 19 71 ,. ed . W ,e µw �-^' a � S"L:.aari8i.� r• .., Tommyg �#o y� y�ry p �p �+ DF-O 4•. . • �' 3b . ,' Tommy • S Csephens ^' . w� . w 4.` r. • s ar • �aba. 4� ..,,, ,., Sari Bernardino CGun�` "r �hu-.«f.,q• 'C Erg S r,,9:-'`pP�l�.GiVs eb^y.ryMrb�ydR 'Commission Xill stAeeM " Saxr'Bernd dgnoP-CQyifo...r•,,�° ito r.r.9.24c'. t.I:- S>R ._. , rY 4•' '4`Ze +f! .w`%a6 'r .a.��f1+�. `• Re. Tract 9472 - • '« " r • « - w ass ..♦ ...... .. Dear mr. Stephens. As per our telephone conversation'of this date, enc? osed please tird a copy og a letter - addred s ed to you from. J, P. Kapp & Assoclat,�:sp dated November 11 1977. As requested by Supervisor Namansky, 'We have also forwarded .. a .cog; of the request for sewer • allocation to v,jsoffice. Sincerely, Robert.R. Ragb . Partner .. Huntington Executive Park, 16166 Beach Boulevard, Sure 69-South, Huntington Bea+-.�, CA 92647 Q5nsu- Iting '_i6foors ."w Land Hianners & Siul Veyors November 111, L,3'17 Sall b- i 11L I Sall Be,,:hartlino, Ca, U2415 Attn: Mr. TOLd.Ty StQPJJL�n:3 I Subject: Tract 9472 Dnar M­. Staphant;: J 4* 2 0 p CMUll'IED RAIL U-Maim-'a ilwy Quatmy 4 O. Thurzday, VQV4M1jQr 20, 1977, we we 4' Z, e rdfused 0 sewer allocatinn lor thy_- subjuct -bu!AvAlUQn. .� It 1.� our .; t�.i i'! i j1O*":OvCr' thu. Colmit-Y 11".'s Se". as;da 250 P,':;-jits ror h;ire_shiy As your Eiles will indicate, this tzubjt_-ct k_!f's delayed on mr.-mrous occasion2 bzaause of Plall..ir.fT are uncl-ised a chron:>Iogy c it tj,O events that have t,CO"Llfirud bil,cc first submittal o. the proiect. m.iv bQun apj.,Qved jjj elle nornia*, proc(!3s, we % -;n'd have ( , .L Alocation four im--mths, aAgo. The irony of this situa- tion is, L�_%:ause of a buz3y phon,: lint_- fror..i the Plannixig DepartmLmt to the Suxveyorls (1-partm-nnt, %ve missrud our allocation. 4x We, tharc-.,jre, reqij? jt -that the Plannizig Staff ravim,d the case history of this si,Miv3:,ion and issue the rtcccssary to re-cau,.! a sower -Alocaticn .for r$_­o .ins of hardship caused by timing conztraintz bey dnd our control. Very truly . I Our*' ,A 'A7 I L uncl. Co. RcG" ;"%)Ulevard Dcve1oz­,,_-nt. Bouluv..ird Dav(_,-, t ,xmont Gary Gi j F.ir W*o:�it c. I Cuaa;.i-.m%ja i)j-;trjct bul:11ardino CtitaiLy Sur uy r .. mi 7/1 .1 14'4 705 2 7- /824 in c *Consulting. Civil Er#neers Land Planners & Surveyors NOveraber 11, 1977 San Bernardino County BU lding & safety Dept. - E. mill St. San Bernardino, Ca. 92415 Attn: MrTommyStephens Subject: Tract 9472 Dear Mr- Stephens: JN 12-002 V r,14171 CERTIr77 IED MAIL On Thursday, More"ber 10, 1977, we were for the subject -�tubdivision. refused a sewer allocation It is Our understanding, hutiever, tl-a Cr.unty has set aside 250 Permits for hardship cases. As your files will inaicate, tnis subject subdivision was delayed on numerous occasions because of 4' planning concerns. Ile are enclosed a t- -nnOlOgY of the events that have transpired since first submittal 01. .ie project. Had the map been approved in the normal 1 plocess, We wculd have received our allocation four months ago. The irony of this situa- tion is, bacause of busy phone line from the Planning Department to the Surveyor's d�-, art.ment, we missed our allocation. We, therefore, requast that the Plann:ing Staff review the case history of tl,-47!s subdivision and issue the necessary documents to release a sewer allocation for reasons of hardship caused by timing constraints beyond our control. fiery truly yours, P. KAPP ASSOCIATES, INC. V P. ar-0 JPK1s1 encl. cc: ROY %aYanzeura, :3ou-,evard DevOlopment I Kaz Katayarna, Boulevard Develonment ,'3arY GitS, Far �j'est Develop-ment G-eOrl-0 Blaachare., CucaMOY19a Zcunty 'eater District Claude Tcmilson, San Pernardino County $1.rveyor 51�_-'�. KCen-lerDirive,Q ite­�o .Ju /(J - 714 7-844 5 01-A Ana, 213/96-7 82`4 //1 June 28, 1976 July 29, 1976 August IS, 1976 August IS, SePtOmber 1, 1976 October 5, 1976 1976 October 21, 1976 November 9, 1916 November Ia. 1976 13'-Member .16, -1976 January 6, 1977 January 20, 1977 F=bruary 8, 1977 March 21, 1977 AP4. r" 11, -1977 HT-ROCT 9472 C:ONOLGY Or open zscxov -'iJ ed Appl?Cat'oncar for Tentative Tract 8RC meets a deter nes that an informa .report is needed. Paid Veer for inforrlation report. First Subdivision Co"'attQQ meeting zeating deterraines EIR report needed. Paid fees for Z141 regort_ Tract Scheda�.ed for p*r* ri*6tinq. COAtinued to NOvember 18, 1976 E-qa 'r'eet'ng to reviei,,r Draft. ZIR Accented D*C* hearing co_ltin..., to Dec. 16. *C* hearing 1977. continur"d to janu4ry 20, Subdivision C01"Inttce Meeting. Hearing denied. Planning COrL'-'1sz10n - Tract APPeal C Planning CO mi! 3 $.1 On Decizion. Board of Supervisors meting continued because Of inadequate notificatior., Tract anproved lay Board o,-�-' Supe-vis' ors Project granted a negative declaration. ono civilOnginvers Land Plann6,rs & SUrtteY Urs NoveIttber 'Zl , 15�77 �M Ip San Bernardino County Buildin7 a Safety Dept. 1Z11 E. ,:ill St. e San Bernardino; Calif.,?4Z5 A ttn rir. Jack RL sebra , r 000I.K4 t d JN 42--002 1 •` w CERTIFIED MAIL o Subj'_ ,t: Trar= 9472 Dear Sir: As you know, we r subject subdivision ontNosuanGe of bt:iZdi; ber 10 5 20 a.m. for the .S time you stated that there were no�perntitstava.i2ablem. ThAt th�t e Zast 4 \ allocation was issued a arrival. pproximately 10 minutes prior to our It is my understa,zd.ing that our client, Boulevard is the _'rst to be re `ected and De�veloplrent, request th4,- we be the first ainel eer atoorec �no We, therefore,, the time new , ? line becomes all<)cati,,i, ; at. forfeit thrw ` evaiZalale or +.�i* ?n Other buiJ_ders ar allscatzon. Ve.z y truly yo,.'s . KAPP &,.ASSQCIATES, zNc r , Kapp II pK, 'S 1 cc: R:.y tlayemura, Boulevard DIRs alopm� ,t Ka s K::tayama, Boulevard Deve? OlMent .Gary Gits, Far West Development George Bl.anctiard, Cucamonga Count Claude Tomilson, Spu Bernardin,, Y Water District County Survevo;c Pcr < Center Drive, SUife 200 st iifornia 927Q5 714/7-84445 2'V'i/196 /'-7,Ro.i AOL ' I November 21, 1977t f` ' t COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINC- Y Environmentol Improvement Agency t. t Planning nepartgent 1,1.11 East Mill Street[ Building ]. a Bernardino, Califor7jjh 92415 ATTENTION-. MR. TOMMY STEPHENS SUBJECT: TRACTS 9479 and. 9480 ':sear Mr. Stephens E Kent Lzuid Company requez is a hardsfaip appeal hearing for the subject tracts. Kent Land Company desires to present zi reque t for seTier hoof. -ucs for 103 lasts in the Cucamonga -Alta low. area. Based on the information that is available from the Department of Building & Safety and Chino BasSu Municipal Water ri trict, tracts 9479 and 9480 were among the last few tracts in line for se'aer hook-ups when the total number of building permits had been allo�-,atod. Kc-ut sand Company proceeded to pt'ocess the engineering of final improvement drawings as expeditiously as passible and only d i to flood control requirements al -,--he terminus of Center Street within the tract were the tracts del�yed.in their final process- ing. j As pointed out by Mr. M. W. Finley in hi.s letter to Kaufman & Broad Homes, Inc_ dated Novenber 4, 1971, any tract in qan Bernardino County with a storn., drain systam will be delzry .d in processing approximately four months. He also states that an-qually cc mplex water system was submitted to Cucavo..•'4a Coua,_:y Water District and the plans were chec:>ed, a�prove and signed within two months. Mr. Finley', letter is attaca::ed to t?-ais appeal. These p sir. _ a illustre-ce the face. tha'_ tlwntative tracts approved after 9479 and 9480 moved ahead sirv,'� Ly because they were .',ot delayed by flood control, proces:si.t�. fiKy Nfl i`i F i INVINE, CALII UFiFrJr'. 92707 AREA CODE (7F 4) /17 • F i1t! COUNTY OF SAN t4RNARDINO MR. TOMMY STEPnE�JS November 21, IS77, Page Two 77 Please note th"at _-enter Street has teen designed `or future extension to Church Street on southerly boundary and uthen this is accomplished' the storm draw system Will not tie required. The a4,--,rementioned jEacts provide the reasons foX the tracts not ObLaining building permit. Kent Land ComPar.y o-tms the property and further delays in developing the tracts as designed w1.11 result in substantial financial impact IA the fiscal year beginning December 1, 1977. All bonds and fees have -been submitted to the County and when sewer allacations are obtained, the tracts -'an-proceed immedi- ate ly to the Board of Su,arvisors for recoru:ation. Sincerely, KENT LAND COMPhXy Bruce Tripp Director/Forwaid P3_Anning BT/sc .i ' . FINLEY CO. LAND SURVEYORS 1037 EAST LAs TJNAS DR. • SAN GA8RIEL CALIFORNIA 91776 0 (2! 3) 286-3175 November 4, 1977 Air. Ken: °.rlayndt Kaa-inan and Broad, Inc. 1788.1 Sky Park Norte: L vi.ne, California 92714 Re: Tract No. 9479 Dear Ken - MWF Ref, S--598 Each map, plan, profile or other .jean which goes out of this offie is accompanied by a transmittaL and. of course, we have copies of all transmittals. It is relatively simple f)r us to reconstruct the sequence of eve�ats which transpired during the preparation of the subject tract for final recording. As you and I have been aware during the total time span of this effort, from February and March through October, 1977, there existed, on Tract #9479, a serious drainage problem iii that the extreme southeast corner of the tract could not be drained Westerly ttz� the previously constructed storm drain. We have put together . tabulation of the efforts and the dates showing the progress of the plans through the various county departments. This tabulation, is attached. - if you Yemember, it was wring May and June that I contacted the several owners of property lying Southerly of Tract #9479 in an effort to acquire easements through to Church Street. I was unable to acquire any easements through these ownerships. It was, t erefore, our final effort to acquire the necessary easements when I contacted Mr. 1,3perry, the Superint-endent of the Central School District, to determine whether or not Hie ;ould acquire as easement through the school property to the North end of Cornell ` :reet. This *as actually the first ray of hope because X[r. Sperry could see no objection to granting the t asement providing the school district architect, Mr. .Leo Jette, would recommend the grant of easement, The school architect was contacted on July 14, 10.77, the day following my meeting with Mr. Sperry, and the plans for the proposed design :for the storm drain system, throu,;h the school property, were thereofter submitted for Mr. J ette's comments and approval. Under certain condi tions of construction, Mr. Jette would be willing to recommend the gra:A of easement. The proposed construction within the school easement was incorporated into the road plans and submitted to the Road Department on August 1, ^1 Mr. J.L7: ra. Glandt Tract N 9479 page-2 ....1977. On August 9, '. a fallow -up meeting was held with both toe Road Department sand Flood Control to discuss the design criteria and to we sure our plans didnot aPc afde tracked. We received the road plans back trom the Road Dept. - after the first check- on August 25, 1977. At th e time i Bey requested hydraiic calculations on the drainage system. This was furnish:idto-them by o'Ar consulting engineer on September 15, 197Z 1Vleanwh0e, the plans lead b(,en revised and returned to the road Department on Septenniber 8, 1977. Th6se plans were received back from the Road Dept. on. October 6, 1977,. Adjustments were made on the plans to satisf r.tbe requirements of the school architect. The plans were re*urned to the load Dept. on October 14, 1977; Can Cetober 25, 1977, the pin s were approved and ihe origin, i mylars deiivere%J to the F.oad Department i, signature on Octobrzr 26, 1977. As you Fill see by the tabulation, Tracts 9479 and 9480 were submitted to, t and xpce :i,ed baoic from the Rcud Department, practically as though they were a single t, °act. It is necessary '-Q understand that in each case *ache; :he plans were retrxned t* the Road Department it was the Read Department which submitted them to f Flood Control. The time delays in reviewing the plaits were due to serious understaffing in the Flood Cont: of DIFArict and Ut each case, the Road .Dept. was w4Ung for the F%od Can,vol report in order„ to coraplete their own work. It is interesting to Mote tha� ?.. 'qually complex water system was 5ubrnitted to the Cucamonga Co..Water District for Tr. 9479 and Tr. 9480 on June 16, 1977. The fire Department apprc gal was received on August 9, 1977, and Cucamonga Co. Water District sipted the water plans on August 19, 1977. Similarly,, the sewer plan.3 and cost estimates on Tract 9479 were submitted to Cucamonga Co. hater District on July 15, 1977, and on Tract 9480 on Augx•.sf 9, 1977 ALL plans were signed and approved on August 19, 1977. Appal ently, any tract in San Bernardino County with a storm drain system to desigi: should add appru dYrately 4 months to the tame schedule to allow for processing :hhough the Flood Cont-- .'. Ili -strict. All of the above is, in effect, a:., answer to your question as to dais and Nviv,,re th , delays were c.,, 4his project. Very Maly yours, W Finley MWF/mh attachment: TRA2T 119479 TRACT ##9450 ` To Ind. Dept. #9—a479 S/l/77 r 1191180 ��i%Z e/ IF 480 i%�Li �i Reed aback r S/25/W 7 S f J%?7 9/5/77 Weeks 4 weeks -__—. ----------------------- tO roe. back to rec. back- Returned to lld D. _--__ a. -.� _ti _--Y..A 9/8/77 _ 9/15/77 I'.ecPd back 10/6/77 10/4/77 4 weeks 3 weeks yj���j) ))'�r� �''yp—/s{_TY.riMw uarep--is.w•�r��fy.+i►b�.Qo—amaa.ntw �v4 t.iJ`IId�W to �• D. ���JL_"'��� - rra r4�w�.itmo®s.--ms��i�.•�r4 10/I4/77 _.t�..w r.w.�� � Ric d back 10/25/77 L-/24/77 9 days,�o days (called every dn- myla.rs to Rd. 1)eptm • . 10/26/77 10/26/77 i 1; i M. W. FINLEY CO. LAND SURVEYORS' s 1047 EAST LAS'fuN p •• A5 R. Q SAW GAORI, L.CALIFORNIA 91776 November 18, 1977 Mr. Ken Glandt Natufman And Broad, Lie. 17881. Sky Park North Irvine, California 82714 Subject: Sewer Allotment - Tract 49479f n9480 i4IG�'F R f. S-�598/599 Dear Ken: The follov7ng is list of tracts in to order the original road plans were tt im.ed in to the Transportation Department, Tract No, No. of lots Allotments Granted 9377 75 75 9472 60 Q 9305 78 57 9582-1 Septic taiaks 9479 49 9480 54 9350 Septic tanks 9569 Septic tanks 9329 Septic tanks 9193 35 9852-1 Sep -lie tanks 9590 9589 9367 9178 9262 46 f 8939 4iJ Knutson mh LECLIFTON Ss JONES,* JR., 'NC' LONG BEACH CONSTRUCTION. COMPANY RESIDENTIAL SUOIDWIDERS SINCE 1938 CO' 10945 SOUTH STREET, SUITE 301 P. O. BOA 1178. CERRITOS. CALIFORNIA 90701 PMONEe (2t3) 924.4491 County of San Bernardino Planning Department CLIF`I'ON S . MOPES, JFi . , 1 tIC . P. 0 BOX 1178, CERRITOS. CALIFORNIA 90701 PHONE. 1 213 % Sx24-"91 �y November 15, 1977 t<;i Attention: Mr. Tommy Stevens, West Valley Team Dear Mr. Stevens: The undersigned is the owner and subdivider of the property cover�..i by tentative Tract IJo. 9305 in the Alta Loma area, and consisting of '78 R-1 lots. On Thursday, November 10, 1977 we obtained '' ,e required ciesra"-e letter from the County Surveyor's office t process this development for sewer allocations and certification. We have delivered this letter to the Building Department and were given the remaining 57 sewer allocations, however this will leave us with 21 lots in the project which will be unbuildable but will required to be fully improved with the required subdivision improvements in order for us to obtain).Lfinal approval of the tract and release of bonds. Considering the financial hardship caused by the investment in the land, 'subdivision improvements, maintenance, taxes and interest in these unbuildable Lots we would like to stake application for, and be considered for an additional 21 sewer allocations from the reserve which we understand is being held f,tr hardship cases.. As you may recall, we experienced consider -able delay in the procesLing of the maps and plans caused by conflicz'.ng rer,:ord of surveys and legal descriptions in the immediate area ant: :t took approximately 00 days to obtain the County Surveyor's reso oxt1e ; to this iiroblem. Had it not been for such. a delay it would have been easy for us to have obtained the cl_•,:,.ance for.the project while there*were ample allocations availalie. 1 am sure it would be to the advantage ,f the County to have a fully c'omnleteti Project here rather than one vh;;.rh is only partially ir,_ proved with hu'res and 1 am positive that we can sub,ait sufficient evidence to supp-rt our request for consideration f,)r hardship allocation. Your prompt attention and response will be apprecia,ed. eery truly yours, C:LIF':ON.S. 4 ONES, VTR., .%NC. A D. Windisch, Vice--P,-resident ane� CONSTALIC7!:a. '. CO. 2120 %VILSV R= PQU*,EVAa:-' '-,'u'IT$ 2Ga A.Q. Box SANTA MONICA. CALIFORNIA 0406 (213? 8247365 5 December 1977 Honara:.l a Board of Supervisors County of San Ber►nerdino 175 ties 4 Fifth Street San Bernardino, Ca'i afornia' 92415 Subject: Tentativo Tracts Nos. 94345, 9435, 9436 and 9437 Gentl ems-rl Chevron Constrvction Co. acquired two parcels of land for a development that is known as Haven Ridge located on the south-east corner of 19th Street and haven .Avenue:. The project was divided into six entati.►e tract maps known as Tract ►�,s. 9432 through 9437 inclusive. These tentative tracts were submitted to the county for approval and, in effect, during Ava,jst and September of 7V76 they were orknditionally approved by the . Planning Commission. Since then tracts 9432 and Q433 have been duly i,ecorsed ani are now under construction. : At `ire time of our first submission, we clearly indicated that the six tracts fi—rm,,: one sinnle project that would contain a maximum of 240 units. During th%e�rings we clarified our position to the effect that our intention was to build no -ur , titan 10� ur► 4s pet- year, a policy that was generally viell regarded by the : iunty of .pan Ber:;ardifzo. becaFise n F its min ,real impact on the environment and air quality of the gion. In the final instance the Planning. Board approved the tentative tract rrnp for a development consisting of 223 lots. rIa have re- cently bean advised that Tracts Nos. 9A34: S43F, 9436 and 9437 will not be abbe to rEcord and do not qualify For building p,r�a.ts because `here is nu s 4er ci- pacity in .tbe Chino Barr. n Sewer District which serves the Alta Lona a.rl a. A number o;' circumstances have delayed Vie processing and final ape: royal of these four tentative tracts of the Maven Ridge p oject, all of e•.aici- are not attrio;u,.able to Chevron �' nstruction Co. Furthe7 zror :, in zany ins -ance� the project was as pd to care tht Darden of casts andUFI~ovelrenis ':t13t would ' e econo jai c sense cnly if suci costs were allocated to -i total of 223 units. Chevron went al na with al ► these ci arges and additions in good i'ai tt- ? + based on certain representations that i-111 be described herein. Thee are the ":tsa Hanc.eable Board of Supervisors. 5 December 1977 1. On ire 25, 1976, before any appreciable amoknt of money had been spent or,' this, project, i,ado e and Associates, Inc. requested 'Fromi the Cucamonga Count 'rater District information regarding sevierage treatment•ava4labiT ty and sewer^ I ire capacity for the six tracts on Haven Avenu a. The request. to the CGcamonga 1 County V:iter District clearly indicted that first occupancy would occur late -in I977 or early 1978. On July 5, I976, the Chino Basin Municipal Water District in referring to the subject tracts replied "the district has the capability of accenting additional flows -which will be generated by ti,t: above tracts". Attached Please find copies of this correspondence. . Uhile other builders were obtaining final tract ,approvals and the correspond- ing building permits:, our engineering firm was cooperating with the County in solving the alignment of two secondary roa.,L (19th Street and Victoria Avenue) in their path through the area, not q- ly v$nere those strects lay on our property, - but also in'regard to the alignment of these roads ent:ended into the geigc baring parcels. 3. Our engineering firm was simuitanF�Qusly trying to obtain for the county a solution to the drainage r%-c%blem. of our property and tiie adjoining parcels bounded by Highland Avenue to the %nth, Haven Avenue to the 'lest., Deer Creek to . the East and the Southern Pacific railroad trayi,".f the South. Many of the de- lays were cause' by the fact that several landowners were involved. We _feel that the solution arrived at .wilI result in benefits for the County over and beyond the bene= is to be received by the parcels that belong to Chevron Construction Co.; however, it should be pointed out that the dr?inalge in Vnis area will function properly only when all the projected streets and storm drain systems have been built;. This will not be the case if four• of our tracts -are l eft inbuilt. I• 4. When rract 9632 was approved, we agreed: to a special configuration that vitfuid reach from 1!�,th Street all the way south to Victoria Avenue, thus providing the two accesses required by the County for the purpos¢,s of fire fighting control. Additionally, this woul-t permit a long stretch o'c Haven Avenue to be improved for the benefit of the County. This special configuration required substantial addi- tional expense in flood control impi,ovements to protect the northerly an,' easterly boundary of the project with a structured wall Next to tentative tracts 9434, 943 and 9136 ai. .,91 i avay from the recorded tracts. All these improvements were im-e pl emented ir. .'se understanding that their cost would be amortized over the greaf er number of u.,ts. i .5. In order to obtain approval' for tract 9432., the first phase of t;ie project, it • • was necessary to build two secondary roads, 19th Street and Victoria, Avenues. Agin, ',Ire economic rationale for this expenditure can be justified only i'i" 223 units %•:ere involved. 6. It had always been our understa;iuing that. the State would be responsible for the cost o- relocating the signal on 19th St),eet and Haven Avenues since this street is being ealigned to nerve as a future state highway. tievertheless, a few (AIM Honorable Board of 3qervisors -3- 5 Decr fiber 1977 days before tract 9432 was ready to record, we were advised that Chevron would be responsible nor the preparati on of some very complicared and ela'iorate traffic signal plans as well as for the cost of relocating said signal. This has already been accomplished al.- a cost of well over $26,000.00. Again, this economic b,,*;!ne- fit to the 6untfty and to the State of California would not have economic Justifi- cation in our case unless a completed project were contemplated. 7. Bdv-use of the existing t,ntative tract approvals 6n —tracts 9434, 9435, 9436 and 9437, the idiVon Company h, s required a considera'jle amount of extra under- ground installations at key intersections of the recrirded tract 9432. Again, these improvements vere installed under the assumption that tracts 9434 through 9437 would be developed. .8. Our campanv bas invested a considerable amount of money in decorating and • landscaping F, niadel complex that would be appropriate only for the -narketing of a large development. This includes t,ie landscaping, the interior decorating and the -1►urniAing of •FbOr models, al I of which represents an expenditure of more than $100,000.00.* Fuirtilermore, if the. production r1hy'M is interrupted and the model complex, as a consequence remains unused:, the danger of vandalism or mere deterioration would certainly represenv, a substantial loss to our company. 9. In reliance upon the available inforoat`,n regarding the developability-of the project, our company proceeded to cicse _scrow and acquire the plAopprty for a suhstan':ial purchase price. I=ediately following, contracts were exacc lk-.-:d for engine ring work and.significant expenses have t5een ircurred in - 3nnection with the urrecorded tracts. Here is one more instance of 1-he severe economic impact 6n Chevron caused by our inability 1.1,0 record maps and obtain building permits. The foregoing describes how depsite Chevron's full cooperation lwii.--h the County in solving the o- ' -fsite problems relating to the area surrounding its I ' -oj ect ,. Chevron has been arbitrar!ly denied the op"rtuizity to df-veiop tentati,,.! tract imposing the Ible inanner, In Un' nos. 9434 through 9437 in an economical and feas! • sewer restriction on our . 'R,,-Yen Ridge project, it is obvious that bur company is bei..j subjected -ro unwarranted hardship brought about, not by our conduct, control. Were it not for th,se but" by delays and other circumstance-, beyond our c 6 ­ - _ delays which precluded an earlier re irding, these four tracts would now be Un- der ay. We respecitf, ly request from the Honorable Board of Supervisors that . r case be given spa --'*al consideration, and that (1) the final maps are allowed to re- cord; (2.`1 sewer connections be allocated to ,he four tracts referred to above; (31 build-,.": permits be*inade'available to build-hames on -the remaininq portion of 0e ploject. Respectfully, CHEVRON CONSTRUCTIO1114 CO By: Mario M.ory, President cc: County Department of Tran.;portation Flood Control District - County S,,,rvcyor CL,untty Favironmental Realth perk ices County Division of Building and Safet-, Mr. Kenneth Top- na, Director a." P14tan'r .F� Madole & As-,ociates CONIRACTORS ENGINEERS rs, OEVELOPERS Con"Utors Ur- * 290146 MRANNING CONSTRUCTION, INCw P. 0. box. i`,033, Hazdendi3 Heights, California 91745 - Phone (213) 336-3742 Tommy Stevens 111E, Mll St. Bldg I Sen Bernardino C,,. 92415 Selvar-S 9567 Dear Sir: The County of Sar- B.-,rnardino gave us tentative approval on the subject tract in Feb. 1977. Follotiinq that time we had som--- pro;alems betting our escrvv-z closed. V- have had our tract map in and has been chec1ced and spa ready to submit i-xr final !xqpzx-.rem--nt plans. If wra are unable to proceed Wth the subdivisions after spending all the runty dave-la, ping the project it vAll be tremaadous hardship. This tract lies in an area where several subdivisions are being develoTed and I-xill fit in with the general dwyelopmant. we would appreciate zzy consideration you can give In helping us coVlets this project, very Truly YOUX-S 7mvis "Tbo" Pvlaniiinj B.C. E. 7,073 I Lam'" 1v of 1-<NCHO jA :` C I UCAMONG-A July 10, 1978 WNING CONSTRUCTTON, INC. P. 0. Box 5038 Hacienda Heights, Cal~.forni-i 91745 ATTENTION; ` IRAVIS L. A i G Gentlemen: As per our Telephone call of duly 10, 1978, this is written notification that the City of Rancho Cucamonga will be considering; the Hardship of Sewer Allocation at its meeting, of July 12, 1978 in the Community Services Building located on 4161 Baseline, Rat,c` o Cucamonga., California 91730, at 7:00 p.m. If you dish to be in attendances you are welco-.. d. Sincerely, LANi, Director } ✓. �,� of Coz:-muni .y Developmunt ,u LL its of C F1 0 UCAMONGA July 10, 1978 CHEVRON CONSTRU(710IN CT--'1'PfuNY .1 20 Wilshire B*lulevr.rd, Suite 200 P. 0. Box 2131 Santa Monica, 'California 90406 ATTENTION: MARIO M01t% President Gentlemen: As pqr our telephone call. of July 10, 1978, this is wiitten notiFication that the City of Rancho Cucvmonga will be considering the Vardship of Seer Allocation at its nz2t:ting of Jul.? L2, 1978 in the Community Sarvices Building located on 916' Baseline, Rancho Cucamvnga, California 91730, at 7t00 p.m. If you wish to be in attendance, you are welcomed. Si core, JACK Lmlm, Direcror of Community Development JL,.dr,i July 10, 1978 CLIF'TON S. JONES, JR. , :-NC. P. 0. Box 1178 Cer''itos, California 90701 hfiTEN'TION: W. D. jv'iNDIf;CH Vice President Gentlemen: As —r our teleph6ne sail of July* ��}, 197b, this is writier_ notificars.oi, that the City of Rancho Cucay.onga will be ctnsidering the Pardship of Sesser Allocation at its meeting of July 12, 1978 in the rommunity Services Building located on 9161 Baseli:te, Ram,ho Cucamonga, California 91730, at 7:00 p.m. If you wish to be i actendance, you are welcomed. Sincerel , JACK LAM, Director of Community Development MU: dm t rr0¢..r PIK, �.yr..y. .��..v ^n♦ gx. s n ... a s.r, .. a ., .. • r . r ,. r �;UCAM0NGA ' - July 10, 1978 KENT 1,ANb CO PANY 1788.1 -ark North Irvin <, California 92707 K ENTION r IIRUCF ?`iMP Gentlemen: As per our telephone call of `7--"., 10, 1978, this is 141itten ratification that: the City of Rancho Cucamonga ;1-1 be considering the Haidship of Segel Allocation at its meeting <<f July 12, 1978 .r. the '.'oomunity Servicz, is Building loc ted. on 9161 Baseline, Rancb, Cucamonga, Califoxraia 91730, at 1:00 p.m. If you wish to be in attendance, you ar,- #LlcomP I. Sincerely, f of Community Development jL wdm r".y-T. ,.T'r Vr jr July l-, A978 J. P. XAPP & ASSOCIATES, INC. 11 501 Tark Center. Drive, Suite 200 Sant; Ana, California 92705 ATTENTION J. P. KAPP Gentlei-pn As per our telephone call of July 10, 1978, this is written it,cification that the City of Rancho Cucamonga be considering the Hardship of Sewer Allocation at its meeting; of July 12, 1975 j in the Community Services Building located on S161 Baseline, 1 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, at l:00 If you wish �o be in attendance, you are welcomed. Sinc rely, JACK LMI, Director of Community Development JL: d:1 I 'July 10, 197S RANCHO CALIVORNIA HQ,'IES, LTD. 1914 Pontius Avenue .was Angeles, California 90D-15 A116UTION: J. ANTHONY Gentleman. - As per our telephone call of July 10, 1978, this is written notification that the City of Rancho Cacamonga will be Considering the Hardship of Sewer Allocation at its meeting of July 12 1978 in the Community Services Building locate-, on 9161 Baseline, Rancho Cucamonga, Galklirnia 91730, at 7:00 p.m. If you wis'- to be in atte ;Luce, you -re welcomed. Sincerely, JACK LAM, Director Of COMMLaity Development JL; dn) -rER-OFFICE O DATE December 14, 1977 PROM Kenneth C. To p:ing, Director Ext: 1215 EI/Pla Dept nen�t �', TO Ranch Cu,:among a City ci.I. 5OBJECT HARD,',JIP CASE`S On May 15, 1977 the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance 42152 and Resolution 1177-1.03 and 0 7-117, which establishoa guidelines to regulate and restrict -he issuance: of build4ag p`rmits for residential development within the un .ncorpoxated area served by Chino Basin Municipal Water Districi's Regional Plant #1. The County or area served by Cucamonga County "W;F�ter District was allocated 933,660 gallons or 3,455 building permits; 3,158 building permits for tract development, 150 for individual single-family homes and 150 for hardship cases. The allocation allotment was for the period from March 21, 977 to June 3U, 1978 and as of November 1G, L977t 3,150 allocations have been issued. The following is a listing of hardship case applications which we have received: (See attached for details.) DATE RECEIVED 3/24/7 7 APP'14iCANT Trinity Dev. Cn. J. Ditorio TRACT # LOTS 9262 46 9193 35 Problem: Avocado grove - extra time topographic and engineer:ina work 10/20/77 Rancho: Cal. Homes, Ltd. 9475 2 J. Anthony Problem: Final map recorded as 34 lots, adding 2 more lots by dividing lot #20 (extra land required for align- ment of Lemon Avenue) 11/11/77 J. P. Kapp & Assoc., Inc. 94 2 60 Far west Development Problem: Timing constraints to — eaet — 000 Nmemo to: Rancho Cucamonga City Council, Subjects Hardship Cases December 14 1977 Page two 11/21/77 Kent Land Co. 9479 49 9480 54 Prob - em: Flood Con4..xol requirements, at t1he tern nus 9f Center Street wit'ktin the tract (Letter sty Ung that a delay of 4 montha in pro- cessing as a result). 11/16/77 Clifton S.JonesjJr., nc. 9305 21 Problem: Recorded 78 lots, but received sewerage treatment allocation only for 57. No more. was available. i 12/$/77 Chevroa Construction 9434 9437 155 l Problem: Alreae, invested large amounts in road t and lGod control. improvements 1/17/78 Manning construction 9567 33 Problem: TirAng constraints RECQ MNDATICN: 1. Procedures should be set up for the processing of hardship allocation requests and the City Council date set for review and adoption. 2.. All applicants/engineers with tentative pending trial map recordat_ ' should be notified. 3 Hardship hearing date should be set for City Council. agenda. RCT:AF:el Attachments: As noted above • � •ry��'�j �` UV OPM'}.�f NT, Qom± ak NO $ 380 W. Fo©TIiILL BOULEVAIRQ. SUITe G RIALTO. CALIFORNIA 92376 IM) $74.3770 August 24, 1977 Ms. Ann Finan Planner in Charge, Tri-Coinmunity Area San Bernardino County 1111 East N11111 Street, Building 1 San Bernardino, California Ike: I xardsh ,v Application, The Avocado Grove, 'Tracts 9262, 919125 Dear Ann: A, you requesred in our phone conversation today, this is my wi . cten request regarding the above -referenced project that considerations be given to insuring sewer allocations for the 81 units involved frora the p_'esent remaining sewer allocations, or the granting of 81 sewer allo- cations from the hardship category. The jt°stification for this considera- tion is two -fold: 1. I have invested st!hstantial c ;, - (approximately Vvo months) and. money <<tpploxitx,�xtely $o, 000) in a major effort to retain the maxi- mum number of trees i, this property. The time and money that has been sp:=nt is simply Aor the topographic and engineering work required. i bave also' budgeted $40,560 :For retaining walls," its needed, in the actual physical co,,-*cruction, doing nothing more, than maximizing the slumber of trees 'drat are saved. I -do not bel eve - I a►r, asking a favor of the County in this rnatL,::r, but rather that I simply not be penalized for sp ,nding the tinne and money to .gave the trees. As l hate mentioned to you, when I made the decision to spend this extrc time and money .rather than giving instruct ins to my engineer, Carl Lockwood, to do a simpler, faster mass grading conccpt removing all the trees, that I did notify Supervisor Kalnansky's office, spccifical" , Dan Wobser. I did, at that Vimc, in the springy, of this year, get ban's cfmcurrence that I should make the tr. ce-saving effort and that such effort would be taken into consideration if, clue to the titre required for the effort, my ,iap was not sufficiently far along to in the normal processing. I believe I can show t' qt vac; : zve spent our time and that of our engineer diligently pursuing the matter and that, indeed, we have done it in a minima tithe period. We are now at the point f Ms. Agin Flnall I fordship Application he Avocado Grove txu,rust 24, 1977 page Two where I e.,pect that our* neap will be ready for final review by the County within the next week or two for both street profiles and grading, including tine specific plotting of the houses which must be done concurrently Nvith the grading plan. Our house plats have already been through plats check, and we should be ready to start construction immediately upon recordation of the map. The recordation, given our present time table, might not occur until the eml of September, or .more practically, early October. By u:at pe nt in time, all of the: ren~aining sewer allocations may be. used up, other than what remains in the hardship category. If I hail ;tot made the tree -saving effort, I would have saved the two months and would now be sitting with sewer allocations in hand and a site ready to be denuded and .padded for development. In the past week I have talked again to Dan Wobser, to Carl Masingale and to Lloyd Michaels, it's my impression that they are in concurrence that this project should not be penalizes; for the tree -saving effort but that the actual mechanists required to give this project sewer aP,ocation in accordance with accepted County practices would have, to be developed and controlled by the Planning Department. As you and .1 have discussed, the specific hardship processing has not peen coml7I tely defined, although perhaps it's time to do so. Because of the parti, filar circumstances and extraordinarily heavy financial consequences ; which I )?-%ieve may amount to $400, 000 and would be a financial burden not ust to myself bur to the previous landowner, I ca°inot wait until October if that is tfie time when the formal hard- ship ;processing Vould.occur. 2. This project, as you know, has been used in the various growth policy discussions as an exampie of a project that causes the least strain on the required community services, and in a period where we are constrained by a lack of sewers in those projects that can be built, that a project that minimizes those demands on the other services should be given priority. From this project ate, one can walk to elementary, junior and high st a:;,cs,;, churches, librsiry, slopping and the Ina:'s transit r►terse(.xion of Carnelian and liaseliaic. it would be possible for a family of relatively modest means to live in an elivirt>nmentally desirable project within walking distances Of their civet yday needs. That family could live quite comfortably in our neig'lborliood with just one car. While this growth policy leas been adopted by the Board of Supervisors, as :.ou know, it's 111cchanism iias not quite beer put into operation and again, because of the timbig and the financial consequences relating to this project, while I .feel quite comfortable that thir) project would i)e given z priority when the Ine;clla►iisin is set lip, I cannot wait fot.- that to happen. 4 October 201 ik 7 planning Department San Bernardino County California 921+15 Tract 91+75g .Alta 7,,o Aaa calif ornia .� ages s Dear Br,-,�'a. the t�:o ad- This getter is eo, requestAssyou remember, back y}ahouet Januat ditiona . lots on, tra ' e ,Vested b,r thpt planning Department r--� ��re �rer�, re�,u art ` (seVentee�'1 or Fehr R �'"� �9 f't � t � = ent of tl-e center and the j�''f;c'1.C15 Department t�$:iCO�,���i�:C�'Sdt�2C:Q���-� �'n' � r4TTal of till feet) to the south o£ +mar jgn of the final �,•"�,,; i Sas:�} vsGt a coYidit��%n �p� line of Lemon Aven-ae. $'fie de _. tentative map ? but rsaues`t �d latex du-. ing .� �t,ject a.�ad' � '-`liz :�'o",��.$ n�i�e a. a�et �er� P� �f7e „greed wit"I. you t jla � i ffiap. ,� a7 thougl;� tre did have to pad' 9.t we felt able toeadd t aotlo sr to we vrere fortunate tit get ''h1' laa. `�tno double the acreage price o1 we wer.. j ect was �rorth �.t. a�ddu�t to �arrY the additional land co t , ase�re the Pro j ect y tanabling Stephens �.s�� ormed arcing Department agreed to let i s hay®Mr. To y' lots.) he cQuic IW, re changing: the final e to 36 lots q and that mr;,.tor`uID on, to tative. maps' and it was us- that. there is a- `fit thi @ time. We- had a meeting not m ko this 4haz� g ne lot ot agreed that we �,rou`3.d design Y�e� tract with divas onlor a�ttt that could be divided into three lit::s f�the 34 11 tract . •� subdivisions after th- recording d „�, Gb e making a r uest recorde i�otF that the: tract I_as beer, cases, that �rrould' allow' us to for sewer allotment-) under hardship p do Clle of t}r n,-ti,,ods to ,obtain the ad,1it�onal tWO lots. Sine-erely yoursq i1 NJ Antb Rancho Car.i`o nia Hc:nes s Ltd. 4,s --n,n/ s _ . f .. w y t,IN ^.: November 170 1977 jjj��a!lTT�jxata r,Y 'r, a;~ - -at+ Li♦ "„'.. 6 , Gd �Ja1P�l.i� }� yy j`� w..r. 4y � - " ^.St r d .s•H qQ ♦ v F9�tdWd•�Y [iq• Mr. , Tommy sG"rr`»ulv'at Qtr.`'•eYd axa Tommy' Stephens SanBa+nardino Ccul y. _�•• , "=..Plasining Commission 1111E•N`,11 LMd.eC,,M. '1 i •.•t.• �\!% '� �'�;� j�'b � y •�•'^A•T ,.yF wr_ San:�Eernardino, Califor.�iia M9 .5 :..x Rea '.bract 9472 �. Dear Mr, Stephens: t'. As per our tr ephone conversation of this • date, enclused. _ please fend a copy of a letter addressed to you :from.. �. a.. P. Xapp die ,Associatez, dated Xove$liCoer 11, 197*; ♦ "' As reque:stc�d by Supervisor Karnansky, 'we have also 4�.rwarde& ,_ a .+copy oi? t1Ne request. ,:Eor sewer - allocation to his office. Sincerely, � r Robert R. RbUbj ,Partner S �wi .• 3. _ • ,try r" a, iN {.�� • ti.._ ' - w e - • • ws`t` n\.wn ., w • p'i a •. .GY..W �'"h RRR: rf. Encls. . Huntington Executive Park, 16168 SeaCh Boulevard, Suite 269-South, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 . rid i` k--Anne s & { liiUlt%ift�4:r .a a . .ai.i,� J i R S �:. er %.. i 'a .,,. • + ,,: I>ert t' Gi:at'I`zVIED iIIL441L Sall Be-81,ardino, Ca. V2415 Attn: Mr. "I'C7i+aWY Stt plwn:,Y Dear I.T. ". ,Stapht,no't On Thursday, A;r�}�,�mF:i;.*r ; o, 19, , we wurO rafusc;d a so wn.r allocation for thi. .su,jirct .t mot,.. 3..,, t'ati3' R�:1G::.."tSi,'.i Rrf+}1r ^-.t'•�y 'A^' .{. (2t 1.{. `♦ -:r.1✓ i a2 :AL Y Ww 1 4 4C cotxlty i#as a��s L1.9 +. ��i �` 2 14'11`►I i ri!? As your files will ill 22 t +at"t:, this a�Ui7jl C ii: ' � i'3 S3.0t is=i ;014yed on numerous £lCCL1Si" 2 > because 4 j�1c2n,+lIty �:ti)Ii4`Ll"nay 11",,, afire t`i1CI'?3edt a Chronology Or the C:Vents that have tranii ,iilt.;d :�9,xicLs 'first sua mittal of the groje;ct. M- w Uivt becti 41e"i:tro,,erj lit 1:110 n0rnlz l ProC(:;-?a, we would have ,rf-or-ivei nur ji)loci.four iiiont}I.S ago. jj%c al.a:ony 0,z tj-Lis `6?.i:na— t�-011 is, of :i b1sy phonc 'inn i:rom thc, Plc`nniiirj Beria<trtmc°nt to the Sux-.reyor's u ri mt:rlt, we rtlis ,(cd our allocation. We, thcrejCore, rocs X.-,,t that tba Plaiinin5 .Staff review the cane hi-ut:or� of this s1,axiivisjo;j +.ncl issue tkiea i1rL'cassa,ry doGliaet4'+1t1"a to re-xzaue a .;,�ta.t:x ,R 1 0cation for rc; t: ons of hardship cauz-: d by timi09 cone; ;ra,int; be dnd our control. t a.,., .� cc. iii:i', :::.)Li1.tYL'Etrd '. ceveloini-t.-rit Na-1 K'3e:.41ya;lna, 'Boulty+'V*.:iLrd ,ate elonre"ant 'vi�,�'i Y l '.5, �r3M iit :a4 t,.a t.=vC_"" L±��,.. 'ii+`'.. I / {:+ A' r� I+�.t1i1t:ll.tir t r:i1%..I,i"J11t La e£t?12i'p Wai:E:1:' Di!-;trjct ri'.1 e131i.e TL'Siti l--ott, 1;e111 tits 3 ili3%'t LPICi co*, ltk y SurvQy ,r .1 ! t ,a. ► ++ ✓ a lip 2r't l v, i. l i t t71 r' -'.A. )K-4 J lJ. +.✓K �11 14 3�y Li.7 l•�` 4 1 Oj/967-7,c�& -donsulfing.. Ciml quk_ ., Inc, I neers Land Pl" anner,-� �' Surveyors November 11, 1977 San Berna4'dino County Building & Safety Dept. 1111 E. Mill St. San Bernardino, Ca. 92415 000� Attn-, Mr Tommy St�phens Su:,*-',iect.- Tract 9472 D,:,ear Yr- Stephens: JU 42-002 CERTIFIED MAIL A" On Thursday, November 10, 1977, we were refused a sewer al1ov=4':$n for the sub,*;P-ct subdivision. It is our tnderstanding, howe,,,er, the County has set aside 250 permits fbr hardship cases. As your files will indicate, this subject subdivision was delayed on nuvt-arous occasions because of planning concerns. We are t­nc-Losed 3, chronology of the events � that have transpired since firssubmittal OL the project. first Had the map been aPP4,oved in the normal process, We would have recei--"- our allocat4on four months ago. The irony of th.,'.s s­t"la- tic;n is, because of a lousy phone line from 'he Planning Departzme_t to the Surveyor,s 6,- .paxtanent, we missed Our allocation. We, the_�fore, request that the Planning St;*eff review the case history of this subdivision and issue the na,Ze!;sary documents to release a sewer allocation for reasons of hardship caused by timing constraints beyond our co:ltrol. Very truly yours, KAP13 $� ASSOCIATES, 11Z. jpx/,.l encl. cc: Roy Maynnicura, Bo-xlei ard Development: Kaz Katayamz,, Boy _7 evard Development Gary Gits, ?zl *lest DeveloDMent George Blanchar,', rucaorzoncra County 6Iater District Cla,de i 'a TZmilSO4, ;,an Dv­nardinc ',:Ounty Surveyor derlir L Driveui , te,00 ­J I 714/547-8445 APO, C3tifornic 9.2.705 213/96 7- / U-4--T TRACT 9472 OF Juno 2$,976 Open Escxow gyp' miry{ pyry Filed :Application FForM for T:antati' Tract August le, 197S ZRC r�ects & deterni ines that an inZormat oxz repgrt , s headed. August 18t 1976 jj Paid flees for info ati i on Sep$emkser 1r 197 x�'pdrt. • Karst subeiwva�xt�n, ce�mm�.tt�:e �eetixag OctObe' 5 r 1976 October E nToetiug d-ter t �11 t?Y• " �X k YSC3Kt d 5, I.97�, R, Paid fees -fGr ETA x'Erport, October �l.,r �.97�", Tract scheduled far p.Ci Continued c, 't"Overber lS,, 1976 November9 y(�76 -}Y1�' Y �4«i.1�w.� r�9+ � .CAI " i i1� : Up"a meeting to r":vaew Draft EI Acce-mted ,..L �ov�NovemberZ8 , 1p� ^� J l 6 P.C.yy 1L 4 . j�ieaii": y continued totoDec,�.4.�• 1P1•r�cC - hearing cOntanued to jan� 'xary 2.t!, 1977. aa"44Y 6s 1977 Subdivision Committee January 20, 1977 Meeting. . Hearing @ planriar�g Contr,�i ss ^ denied, +an - tract r t� +} 97 March 21, 1977 AFpe"Al Of Planning Com nzs$jon C'ecis,0,. Hoard t' E St � ervisors zaoting colt' .<zaeCi }]t3(:�;;ise cif inadequate AprzZ I1,.1977 s ati4ication. T, appro,. ad b aid y Board o� �Lper *1so::s project granted. a neaat";vO devlaratjonr Consulti rig Civi*lingneers ZT14 42-002 Land Plonnp-rs & Surveyors 14 i 1977 CERTIF:1EDv,\:AIL, I San Bernardino County Building & Safety rept. J 1111 E. hill St. 'an Box-nardino, C&Iif. 92415 Attn*. klr* Ilack Ob Subject: Traci: 9472 Dear *CIV: As You Wa -�oqueste4 ,Izasc�anca of builaing pc>,r 'faitS for the I)fdivis'oll on NOvr:��LOr- 10, .1977 at subject -L time Vca stated that there mere nr lOzZO a.rij. At that ,, 9ermitz available. Tho allocation Was issued approximat that allocation -arrival. ely 10 micute $ prior t,,) our It is my und' standinci that our clie,,It" Boulevard OevelcJ, D. is the first to be rejected a allo�ztion. �tent, r44uest that We be the firat in ��rle N-e, therefo- Zer the to recpIve allocation$ at forfeit" nel�l allocations become avai-lablt or when other bmilders, tit" their allocation. VI--r.y truly yours, .T*nK/-- I CC. Roy wMra, Boulevard Levc-10- BOulevarl DevelopVIep Gary Gi", rar �.est Develo,Men GcOrgG Blenc!lzrd# CWarr.onga ClaUde Tam.41son, Sal& Ber'lardCOL tY Water District no County Surveyor Cen, j!t e �/-, 0 0 11101 , ;"p 7 41 5 -4 7-8 44! Lz 7 41 5 -4 7-8 44! Lz C Auk Tove :er 21t 1977 COUNTY OF SANIBERNARDINO Environmental Improvt.?ment :Agency � a . ; • `o s'1. Planning Department 1111, East Mill Street; Bui.l ng I { p; San Bernardino, California 92415 r. A'i RN`rION; MR. TOMPY STEPHENS SUBJECT: T-RACTS 9479 and 9480 q Dear Mr. Stephens: j Kent Sand Company re.,quests a hardship appeal hearing for the subject tracts. Kent Lind Company desires to present i a:equest for sewer hook-ups for 103 in the Cucamonga -Alta Loma area. Based on the information that is mailable from the Ise artment of Building & Safety and Chino Basin Municipal Water LNLi trict, tracts 9479 and 948j^ were among the .lass: fey: tracts in l.r�ne for sewer ,00k-Yupmt when the total number of building pern:i { had been allocated. Kent ?wand Coopany proceeded to process the engineerinci of final improvement dradings as expeditio4sly as possible and only due to flood Gonti:,-)I requirements at the terminus of Center S:creet wi.•thin the trite'!`:: were `,ie tracts d_ .ayed in their finii . Process- ing. As pointed out by Mr. M, W. Fl"-ley in h;.s letter to -=n Broad Homes, xx�a., dated November 4 1.977, any trn.-r, z__F San Bernardino County with :a stor,:t drain system wi.':t be de ..aye d .n processing approxi,tately f.,ur months. He also st4tes th1t an equal?,y complex water system was submitted to Cucamonga County Water Distract and the plans were check�_d, approved and signed w1tT,,jn twu months. Mr. Finley's lettej: is attached to txA c appaal.. mhese points illustrate the ."Act that tentative tracts approved after 9479 and 9480 moved ahead simply bt.:Nause they were not uelayed by flood control processing. IPflii SKY 11,%Rg XOR'nI IRVINE. CALIFORMA 92'07 AFLZA CODIt (713) 117�) •1y1,3 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO MR. TO,"*"*' STEPHENS November 21, 1977 Page Two Please note that Cexx4t7er Street has been designed for future extens-on to Church Street an southerly boundary and when t::is is accc�,,ipl.ished, the storm draxq sr -stem Mill not be required. ,a aforementioned -facts provide the reasons for the tracts r ,,t obtaining building permits. Kent Land Company orer'ns she property and further delays in developing the tracts as designed will r'-sult in subsrantial financial impact in thf fiscal year beginning December 1, m97`y . All bonds ai.d fees have been submitted to the County and when sewer allocations are obtained, the tracts can proceedimmedi- ately to the Board of Supervisovs for recordation. Sincerely, ` KENT LAND COMPANY Bruce Tripp Director/Forward Planning a Ll 1047 EAST TuN4r"�....,,r q` s`LANGAeD Y J CA4lFpR !"% 41776 • t2fg� 286-3175 Noverrtbeer 4, 1977 Mr. Ren Glandt Itaufman and Broad, 17881 Sky park lVorch Irvine, Caxifornia 927:14 lie "..Tract Nflr $4 Bear, S,598 Each map, Iasi by a trans P Profile or other its mittal and, o f course m which simple for us to r we have gees out of Prel oration of reconstruct a copies of all tr this offie is accorm ;,, Burin ¢ the subject treect quence of p ansrriittals. Pan.'.,d 19� g .he total tinj, s for final recfl d its which transpired dt `s relatlrrel ?_ there existed, one of this effort na g• A, urirg the southeast corner ut Tract #9479 'fro 4 d d and i hat ;� been aware storm drain. the tract co " a serious and uld not be rious drainage probl� shr` ;'1911 October, tdie f We have Put not � drained min that the pr-press of the plans through taiiuIaticn of the eerly to the extreme is attached. PreTriousi "'h the various ffort,, and the d y constructed Lf caunttl, dep meats. dates showing y°u remember This tabulation Of' , it was 4'urin lying, So utherl g Alay and June that 1 r, to Church Street y of Tract #9479 c ntacted It was, therefr 1 was unable to acquireto an effort to the several owners conLaeted .e, our finale to alcy easem�,nts auj�e easements whether o Mr. Sper- (fortthrough r not we ' Y, the Superintend nt of the necessa bh these merships. end of Corny could acquire Central Scl ooIemerts when s could Sex , Il Street. This w an easement throu Bis* ;, .t`' nbJection to as actuallyh the sell 01 r.ctt to deterPMine &ir, Ze,) Jette bruin the Propert' yontaeted o tl2e first tali or"ha e Petty to the 1v°uId recommend t ea` �m�nt P because btr. S Not"th Plans for the July i4 he t �, seen, ding the s4hooI distz-Ict a� ehiie4t Ig�q� the day braar�. o, easem,,e£� were there Piol,osed dc'si�*i, y foIIo14 The school t, . aftev sLbmitted fo fur the star ng "i nice withMax. zchitect was r ;klr, m drain syste:griSPerrY, and tllc Under Jettels comments and a through the Certain cond?tions a school the grant O, f cans approval. Propexty, incur eanto 1t, 77te pro traction, Air. Jette would be t Porated into the road Plans and subs •si ructiop_ _• Ilia .ithin the school to recommend ed to the g oad easement was DePartmert on mast 1, %r s r to w x 0 � �wr '�`'" r y Mr. Ken Glandt 11/4/77 Tract No. 9479 page-2 i .....1977. On August 9, 1977 a follow --up meeting was held with both the Road Department and Flood Control to discuss the design criteria and to be sure our►1ans didnvt et side tracked. We received the road plans back from the Road Dept. - after the first check- on August 25, 1977. At this time they requested hydralic calculations on the drainage system. This ivas furnished to .them by our consulting engineer on September 15, 1977. hleagwlhile, the plans had been, revised and returned to the Road Department on September 8, 1977. These plans were: received back from the Road Dept. on. October'4% 1977, Adjustments were made on the plans to satisfy the ..°equirements of the school architect. The plans were returned to the Road Dept. on October 14, 1977. On October 25, 1977, the plans were approved and the original myiars delivered to the Roast Department for signature on October 26, 1977. As you will see by the tabulation, Tracts 9479 and 9480 were submitted to, and received back from the Road, Department, practically ids though they were a single tract. . It is necessary to understand that in each case Nvhen the plans were returned to the Road Departm.eat it was the Road Department which submitted them 4.0 Floc -I Control. The, e delay, in reviewing the plans were due to serious understaffing in the Vood control District and in each case, the Road Dept. was waitha 1'ovr for the od Coi.ol repot in order to complete their owr. work. It is interesting to mote: that an: squally complex water system was submitted to the f-namonga Co. ,NVater Distrgat for Tr. 9479 and Tr. 9480 on ;:one 16 1977. the Fire Department approval was received on August 9, 1977, and Cucamonga Co. Watex District signed the water plans on August 19, 1977. Similarly, the sewer plans and cost estimates on Tract 9479 were submitted tr:o Cucamonga Co. Water District on July 15, 1977, and on Tract 9480 on August 9, 1977. ALL plans were signed and approved on August 19, 1977. Apparently, any tract in San Bernardino County with a storm drain system to design should add appro;dmately 4 months to the -,,.me schedule to allow for processing through the Flood Control District. All of the above is, in effect, an =answer to your question as tc what and where the delays were on this prof oct. Very truly yours, M. W, Finley M aVF/mh attachment; TIUCT #9479 . i41�LWF -� S aJs 5-a99 9479 8/1/77 ##9480 ##0479 9430 Reed bar,,k 8/2 a 77 3 weeks 4 wreks 9/$/77 . to roe. back to rec. back ° '3etumcd to Rd. D. 9/3/77 — 0/15/77 Ttec'd vacs 10/6/77 It}/4/7Z 4 weeks we ks . Returned to Rd. lie ':0/14/?7 10/14/77 Reed back _--.a__....,_—._,_.,_,_--s__ 10/25/77 10/24/77 9 days 10 days (called every day) mylars to Rd. Dept. 10/26/77 10/2G/77 41, \� V f y 1 i M. FINLEYCO. L-AND SURVEYOR ri} 1047 EAST l.AS TUNAS OR. • SAN GAGRIEL, CALIFORNIA 91776 s 1213! 286.3175 ai i Nwember 1.8, 3 J77 mr. Ken Glandt 3 hufman And goad, Inc. 17881 Sky Park North d �Ae, California 92714 S'-:h?ect: Sewer Allotment - Tract #9479/ #94R0 TrE VF P.ef. 5-598/599 DeLr lieu: l The following is a h* t of tracts in the order the original road plans were turned in 4o the Transportation Department: "pact Aia. No. Of lots -Allotments granted 9377 75 75 9472 60 0305 78 13 57 A2-1 Septic tanks 9479 49 94$0 54 11350 Septic tanks 9.569 Sepbie tanks £329 Septic tanks 3193 35 9852-1 Septic; tanks 9590 9589 9367 9178 9262 46 8939 ' , Je lm 1 itit�ii;� mh CLir ON S. JO ES,' JR., INC. LONG BEACH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY cc;RESIDENTIAL SUDDIVIDERS SINCE 193E 10945 SOUTH STREET. SUITE 301 P. O. BOX 1178. CERRITOS. CALIFORNIA 90701 PHONE: 1 2131 9 2 4.4 4,11 i ', 1 CLfVTOV .I .TONES, JR., INC. P. O BOX 1178. CERRITOS. CALIFORNIA PHONE IVS1 924-4491 I • November 15 197 County c- San Bernardino n�• ` Planning Depart"-nt Attention: Mr.. Tommy Stevens, West Valley Team Dear Mr. Stevens: The undersigned is the owner and suba:vider by tentative Tract No. 9305 in the Alta Loma '78 R-1 lots. if the property covered \--a and consisting of On Thursday, November 10, 1977 we obtained the required clearance letter from the County Surveyor's office to process this development for sever allocations and certification. We have Aelivered this letter to the Building Department and were given the ;remaining 57 serer allocations, however this will leave us with 21 lots in the project which will be unbuildable but will required to be fully improved with the re.=aired subdivision improvements in order for us to obtain.' ina l approval of the tract and release of bonds. Considering; the financial hardship caused by the investment in the land,'subdivision improvements, maintenance, taxes and interest in these unbuildable lots we would like to make application for, and be considered for an additional 21 sewer allocat3:,ne from the reserve which we understand is being held for hardshi;� cases. As you may recall, we experienced considerable delay in the proressiig. of the maps and plans caused by ccnflicting record of surveys and legal de^criptions in the immediate area, and it took approximately r�tl days to obtain the County Surveyor's resolution to this problem. i3ad i,t nc'fi been fcr si?^h a delay it would ht.vo-, been easy for us to have obtainei the clearance for. the project chile there•were ample allocation: available. T_ am sure it would be to the advantage of the Cotrnty to have a fully cum deteti project bare rather than one :Shire is only partially in:- Wu.ed With hanc-:s and 1 aln positive. Lhat -we can submit Sufficient evidence to support our requesst for consideration fur hardship allocation. "Fn—ur prompt attention and response will be appreciated. very tru" yor:rs, ! . iiFit?!�a3. <g tiTS1 i R . ,. INC. y .'• ;d. D. tr'1rYi . C h Vice -President ' t.. Co:aSTAUCTIo: CO. ¢ 2120 WILSHI'R t SOUI .VAgO, SUITE 3Ct? P,O. SAX 2Q SANTA MONICA, (213) 829 735.5 5 December 1977 Honorable Board of Supervisors Ccunty of San Bernardino 175 West Fifth Street � San Bernardino, California"92415 Subject Tentative Trac.-s Nos. 9434, 9435 ; 9436 and 9437 J Gentl emery: I Chevre,r Construction Co. acquired two parcels of land for a development that is known as Haver Ridge located on the southeast corner of 19th Street and -ta`seit .Avenue. she project was divided into six tentative tract maps known as Tract .Ras. 9432 through 9437 inclusive. � These tentative tracts were submitted to the county for approval an., in effect, during August and Septer�. er of 1976 they were conditionally approved by tl°e Planning Commission, Since then tracts 9432 and 9433 have been duly r-evo.•ded and are now under construction. At the time of our first submission, {te clearly indicated that the six tracts farmed one single project that would contain a maximum of 240 units.. During the hearings we clan iflt!d our position to the e'ifect that our intention was 1.4 build no more than 100 units per year, a policy that was generally viell regarded by the County of San Bernardino.because of its minimal impact on the environment and air quality of the region. In the Tinal insta,Ycet the Planning Board app oved Elie tentative tract map f car° a development consisting of 223 "tots. We have )-e- cently bean advised that Tracts Nos. 9434, 9435, 9436 and 9437 will not be able to record and do not qualify for building permits because there is nt, setter ca.- parity in the Chino Basin Svwsr District which serves the Alta Loma area. A number of circamstancss have delayed the pr•ocessinc and final approval of these four tentative tracts of the Raven Ridge project, all of clinch are not attributable to Chevron Construction Co. Furtherm,,Dr•e, in ,=any -instances the project was asked to carry the burden of costs a -a it;prove encs that would rlaAe economic sense ctrly if such costs were allocated to a to'Cal of 223 units. Chevron went along with al l these changes and eC titions irI gooc faith and based on certain representat.ozis that will he described :yet~ein. Theie are the facts.: aw Honorable Board of Suplirvisors -2- 5 Decewber 1977 1. On June 25, 1976, before any appreciable amount of money had been spent on this project, 1,11adole and Associates, Inc. requested from the Cucamonga County Water District inforration regarding sewerage treatment6-availability and sewer 1' line capacity for the six tracts on Haven Avenue. The request.to the Cucamonga County Water District clearly indicated that first occupancy wrould occur late in 1977 or earl: 1978. On July 6, 1976, the Chino Basin Municipal Vater District ,in referring to the subject; tracts replied "the district has the capability of accepting additional flow,, -which will be generated by the above tracts". Attached please find copies of this correspondence. 2. While other builders were obtaining final tract approvals and the correspond- Ing building permits, our engineering firm was cooperating v.,ith the County in solving the alignment of two secondary roads (19th, Street and Victoria.Avenue) in their path through the area, not only where these streets lay on our property,. but also in'regard to the alignment of these roads extended into the neighboring parcels. .1. our engineering firm was simuitdneousl�, trying to obtain for the county a* solution to the drainage problem of ou- property and the adjoining parce'.'s bounded by Highland Avenue to the North., Haven Avenue to the West, Deer Creek to the East and the Souti,irn Pacific railroid trac,',, to the South, Mlany of the de® lays, were caused by the fact that several landowpers were involved. We feel that the solution arrived at iT-1,11 resu'l't in benefits vor the County over and beyond the benefits to be receiv(,-d by the parcels that belong to Chevroil Construction Co.; however,, it should be pointed out that the drainage in this a.,ea will function rl<jperly only when all the �rojected streets and storm. drain systems have been built. This will not be the case iF four of our cracts-are left unbuilt. 4.* 14hen Tract 9432 was approved!, we agreed to a special configuration that would ach from 19th Street all the way south to Victoria Avenue, thus providing the -io accesses required by the County for the purposes of fire fighting con-Crol. Additionally, this would permit a long stretch of Haven Averye to be improved for the benefit of the Coun,�y. This spec -'al :7onfiguration required substantial add;- tional expense in flood control improvements to protect the northerly and easterly boundary of the project witCh a structured wall next to tentative tracts 94342 9435'.. and 91,36 and well away from the recorded tract_,. All these improvements were im- plemented i�j the understanding that -their cost would he amortized over tb--- greater i.umber jf units. S. In order to obtain approval* for tract 9432, the �-*irst phase of the project, it ;ias necessary to build two secondary roads, 19th Street and V*ctoria Avart.es. Again, the ecnnomic rationale for -this expenditure can be justified only 1223 uniit:; vi-ere I iovolvecl. , i 6 It had always been our understanding that the State would be responsible for -the rns-t t of relocating the signal on 19th Street and 0aven Avenues since this str, _,_ is beir.g realigned to serve as a I uturn state highway. Nevertheless, a fe-.1 ANN. Nomirah, :,,-4 t�f -37 5 December 1977 days before 9432 was ready to record, we were advised that Chevron wol-flA be responsible for the preparation of some very complicated and elaborate traffic signal plans as well as for the cost of relocating said signal. This has alreadf been accomplished at a cost vf- uell over $2U,000.00. Again, this ecorqr1lic bene- � --ate ;, -F California would not have ecog1VMTe',J"S+,,ifi- fit to the County and to t1lik L. cation in our case unless a coApietea project were contemplated. 7. Bdcause of the existing tentative tract approvals on Tracts 9434, 9435, 9436 • and 9437,, the Edisn:a %",ompany has required a considerable amount of extra, under- ground installations at key intersections of the recorded tract 9432. Again, these improvements were installed under i ne assuml,",tion that tracts 9434 through "1437 would be developad. Our company hasInvasted a considerable ; mount of money in decorating and ..8. A landscaping a model complex that would be appropriate only f�- the marketing of a large development. This includes the landscaping,, the interior decorating and the furnishing of foir models, ail o. ' i-ihich reps" -cents : expenditure of more I than $100,000-00 Furth snore, if the p:°oduction r1wthw is inter,,,upted and tre model complex. as E consequence remains unused, the danger of vandalism or were delterioration woulul certainly represent a substantial loss to our company. 9. In reliance upon the available information the devfAo', ibi';ty.of the project, our company proceeded to close escrow and acL�uire T.itci t,,,pety for a substantial purchase prlce. Immedia-tely followings, contracts were executed for. eng*neering work and.sigrjificai�t expenses have been incurred in Lonnecticil with 0 the unrecorded tract;. Vere is one more instance of the severe economic impact 6n Chevron caused by our inability to record maps and obtain building perml-I's. The foregoing describes how depsite Chevror's full •cooperation with the County in solving the off -site problems relating to the area surrcunding , 'ts project - Chevron has been arbitrarily denied the opportunity tG develop tentatilti,,.le tract . 4 nos. 9434 through 9437 in an economical and feasible manner. In posing the r n seoer restriction on our Haven Ridge project, it is obvi'vus that our coupa "I is being subjected to unwarranted hardship brought, about, not by oui, condu,7t, but by delays and other circumstances beyotil our cGn-L-rol. Were it not for these delays whi& precluded en earlier recording, these four tracts would now be un- derway. 11- respectfully requejt from the Rinor abl e Paard of Supervisors that our case be given special consideration, and that (") the final i,.iaps are allowed �o re- cord; (2) sewer connections bf- allocGtteJ 1:3 t15e four ti-acts referred to above; (31, building permits be'made*aV._-Ai1abl;.= to build.b(,T..as on'the remaining portion of the project'-. RaspcctfullY, CHEVROn CONSTRUCTION CO. By: Mario M-cry, President cc: Cnitnty Omz epartnt or Transpnrtattion Flow,, Contr:el District Coun ty S,.rveyor County Envirormeiital Hoalth Services County Division of Building and Safet- tIr. Kenneth Topping, Director of Mario, og:ssociaLes CONTP,;M-NIS Sa ENGINLIERS DEVELOPERS CCatracters Lie-- o 290146 C-> We-OMG CONSTRUCTF,�JM IMC, P. 0. Box BUMIT, ,'a Heights, CnIffurnia 91745 — Fg)om 1213) 33&3742 111E. Mill. 'at, Bldg I San Bernardin-i -Ci 92415 J *act' , :q*,6;kra 0567 Dear Sir The County of Sam B,-rr.ardino gave Us tentative appz-,'wal on -Nne subject tract in V,!-). 19*;7o FolIvAng that times va hs. some proble= gettir., -ur estrow closed. Ik Dave had our tract mkp Im and .,ias been chc--ked atd tie are ready to submit zur final :��roveaent r -n-so If we avv unablr, to prccwz�! oath the sicns (.4-Pter spending all 1--he m.aty davallcpin,-, the project it ti,,11 be t.m-Ame-ttdows bardsli-419. *Vlxts tract lies in an area whev several zuVdivisions ,AIre d�velmed and tdll fit in mth toe general developm wnt. Mle wool a ar-Ljraciatz an.Ir considezation can give An helpint, uz, com.pl`e�C t-',dv project. Very T -uly Yours 7rravis L. "anEing Brall Y T. Alnwhio Trovis 'TbZI"PJorMnj R.C.E. 707G % 10C ty f ANCI 0 'UCANV,�NGA A 'It),Iy 10, 1978 TRINIT" VEVrLOVDIW4T 1COMPANY 380 Wea- Foothill Bbulevar6o S,,ite C Rialto, California 92376 Gentlemen: As p v our telephuie call of July 10, 1978, this is wrjtvcn notification that the ity of Rancho Qocmy,nga will he eovtsidurinS the lardship of Allocation at its vteetin,- of July 12, 1978 in Litz Commaity Senriccs BuildLng located on 9161 Baselin,:!, Rancho Cucamonga, California 917"'. at 7400 - m. if you wish to be In attendance, you are welcomed. `inceilly, L JACK LAM, Director of Cormimity Dz!vuloprient E