HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-13 SupplementalsSerge Bonaldo for Bernell HydraulicsDRC2021-00166October 13, 2021 Who:Serge Bonaldo for Bernell Hydraulics What:A request for site plan and architectural review of a 21,221 square foot industrial building on 2.87 acres of land. Where:East side of Etiwanda Avenue and south of Whittram Avenue Entitlements:Design Review DRC2021-00166 Conditional Use Permit DRC2021-00304 Project Description Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Industrial Buildings/Vacant Land General Industrial Neo Industrial (NI) District North Single-Family Residence/ Vacant land General Industrial Neo Industrial (NI) District South Rail Right-of-Way/ Recycling Facility Heavy Industrial Industrial Employment (IE) District East Vacant Land General Industrial Neo Industrial (NI) District West Industrial Buildings General Industrial Neo Industrial (NI) District Location Site Plan Enlarged Site Plan Development Requirements Development Standard Required Provided Compliant? Building Setback (Street)25 Feet 25 Feet Yes Building Setback (Side)5 Feet 40 and 50 Feet Yes Building Setback (Rear)0 Feet 135 Feet Yes Parking Setback 15 Feet 25 Feet Yes Landscape Depth 25 Feet 25 Feet Yes Landscape Coverage 10 Percent 10.27 Percent Yes Floor Area Ratio 50 –60 Percent 30 Percent Yes Building Height 35 –75 Feet 32 Feet Yes Parking Requirements Use Parking Ratio Required Parking Provided Parking Existing Warehouse (9,137 SF) 1:1,000 SF 10 Existing Retail/Office (1,000 SF) 1:250 4 Existing Vehicle Repair (6,351 SF) 1:400 SF 16 New Truck Service (3,024 SF) 1:400 SF 8 Production Repair (9,111 SF) 1:500 SF 18 Warehouse (3,509 SF) 1:1,000 4 Spaces 47 Spaces Office/Retail* (3,991 SF) 1:250 SF 16 Spaces 32 Spaces Total Vehicle Parking 76 Spaces 76 Spaces *1,586 SF Reduction for Hallways, Stairs, Bathroom, and Mechanical Rooms Design Overview •The proposed building will be of concrete tilt-up construction and will be painted multiple shades of gray along with the tenant’s company color –red; •Each elevation includes glazing with metal awnings,with building pop-outs on the north and south elevations to provide visual interest; •Building pop-outs are proposed on the north and south elevations to provide wall plane articulation and visual interest; •The required 500 square foot employee outdoor eating area will be located south of the proposed building and will include an overhead shade cover, multiple dining tables,and a trash receptacle. Environmental •The project qualifies as a Class 32 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 –Infill Projects; •The project is consistent with the General Plan as well as with the applicable zoning designation and regulations; •The proposed development occurs within the City limits on a project site of no more than five acres; •The project site has no value as a habitat for endangered,rare or threatened species; •The project will not result in any significant effects relating to traffic,noise,air quality,or water quality; •The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Noticing •Notices were mailed to all property owners within 660 feet (23 property owners) and published in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin on September 21, 2021. •To date, staff has received no inquiries regarding this project. Public Art •The project is subject to the public art requirement and will be required to provide public art on the project site with a minimum value of $21,221 or pay an in-lieu fee to the City’s public art fund,equal to the minimum value of art that would otherwise be included in the development project. Conclusions Staff supports the project for the following reasons: •Well designed building and site layout; •The project complies with all Development Code requirements including parking,building and parking setbacks,floor area ratio and landscape coverage; Staff Recommendation •Approve Design Review DRC2021-00166 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2021-00304 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with Conditions. Industrial Code Amendment Revisions October 13,2021 Background •July 2021 –Ordinance 982 adopted •Significant revision to industrial development standards •Effective August 20, 2021 •Minor revisions needed #1 –Materials Storage •Clarification for public utilities •Add text to Section 17.48.050.E •Permit storage of materials for public utility use #2 –Land Use Table •Add a new use –Food Processing/Manufacturing •Defined under Ordinance 982 •Omitted from the table #3 –Buildings Under Construction •Concerns about how changes impact buildings under construction •Add language in the ordinance to allow these buildings to tenant under the old land use provisions •One identified project #4 –Development Standards •Delete extraneous line from the table •No reference to any development standard Environmental Assessment •Exempt from CEQA •15061(B)(3) •No potential for causing significant impact on the environment Staff Recommendation •Adopt PC Resolution 21-69 •Recommendation to the City Council •Adopt the proposed changes •Determine the amendment is exempt from CEQA W&W LAND DESIGN CONSULTANTS DRC2021-00300 October 13, 2021 Who:W&W Land Design Consultants What:A request to allow for the last one (1)year time extension of a previously approved 3-lot Tentative Parcel Map (SUBTPM19557)on a .98 acres of land. Where:9757 Liberty Street Entitlements:Time Extension DRC2021-00300 Project Description Location N Land Use General Plan Zoning Site Single-Family Residential Low Residential Low (L) Residential District North Single-Family Residential Low Residential Low (L) Residential District South Single-Family Residential Low Residential Low (L) Residential District East Single-Family Residential Low Residential Low (L) Residential District West Single-Family Residential Low Residential Low (L) Residential District Looking South from Liberty Street Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19557 •3 lot subdivision on 0.98 acres of land Time Extension Overview •The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension of Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19557. •The time extension request is necessary to allow the property owner to evaluate the current housing market and complete the civil engineering plans. •With approval of the subjects final time extension,the expiration date will be October 13,2022. •This is the second and final request for this parcel map. Approval History (Tentative Map) Tentative Parcel Map 19557 Approving Authority Approval / Extension Type Approval Period Approval Date Expiration Date Planning Commission Initial Approval 3 Years 05/10/2017 05/10/2020 Planning Commission Time Extension (PC Reso 20-24)1 Year 04/22/2020 04/22/2021 Assembly Bill 1561 Automatic Extension 6 Months 04/22/2021 10/22/2021 Planning Commission Time Extension DRC2021-00300 (proposed) 1 Year 10/13/2021 10/13/2022 Environmental •The project qualified under the Classes 3 and 15 exemptions under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures)and 15315 (Minor Subdivisions)because the project involves the construction of three (3)single-family residential homes and a subdivision of one (1)parcel into three (3)parcels. •It has been determined that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have significant effects on the environment. Noticing •Notices were mailed to all property owners within 660 feet (143 property owners) on September 28, 2021. •To date, staff has received no inquiries regarding this project. Public Art •Tentative Maps are exempt from providing public art as outlined in Chapter 17.124 of the Development Code as the project is not associated with any applications to develop the site. •The future development of the 3 single-family residences on the subject tentative map will not be required to fulfill the public art requirement. •Public Art is only required when a residential development project proposes to develop 4 or more dwelling units. Staff Recommendation •Approve Time Extension DRC2021-00300 through theadoptionoftheattachedResolutionofApproval.