HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992/08/12 - Agenda Packet,-' · 1977 W~DN~SDAY CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM(DNGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA AUGUST 12, 1992 4:00 P.M. DESIGN COMPETITION PROGRAM WORKSHOP AND U. S. HOME CORPORATION WORKSHOP RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIVIC CENTER RAINS ROOM 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA I. Roll Call Commissioner Chitiea Commissioner McNiel Commissioner Melcher Commissioner Tolstoy Commissioner Vallette Workshop Items DESIGN COMPETITION PROGRAM - Update on the Redevelopment Agency's Design Competition Program for a multi-family project located on the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Day Creek Boulevard. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 14211 - U. S. HOME CORPORATION - A proposed redesign of a previously reviewed vesting tentative tract map for the development of 226 single family lots on 81.2 acres of land within the Etiwanda Specific Plan in the Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue south of the Devore Freeway and west of East Avenue - APN: 1100-041-09, 1100-081-02, 1100-171-01 and 13, 1100-181-01, 1100-141-01 and 02, and 1100-191-01. Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated negative declaration. Related File: Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 89-03. (Referred from City Council April 1, 1992.) III. Adjournment VICINITY MAP !J I | V,,,~,,n8 A.T.& S.F, RR CITY HALL CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA /'J -// DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT August 12, 1992 Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Brad Buller, City Planner Steve Hayes, Associate Planner ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 14211 - U-S. HOME CORPORATION - A proposed redesign of a previously reviewed vesting tentative tract map for the development of 226 single family lots on 81.2 acres of land within the Etiwanda Specific Plan in the and Low-Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue south of the Devore Freeway and west of East Avenue - APN: 1100-041-09, 1100-081-02, 1100-171-01 and 13, 1100-181-01, 1100-141-01 and 02, and 1100'191'01- Staff recommends issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration- Related File: Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 89-03- (Referred from City Council April 1, 1992-) ABSTRACT: The purpose of this meeting is to, at City Council request, receive input from the Commission on the revised subdivision layout (see Exhibit "A"). All Commission comments tonight will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration of the applicant's appeal of the Planning Con~nissions denial of the vesting tentative tract map and related Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment- BACKGROUND: Since the Commission last reviewed and denied this project on December 17, 1991, the Council has reviewed and continued the appeal of the vesting tentative tract map and related Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment on three separate occasions- The appeal hearing is now scheduled for Council review on September 2, 1992- The continuances were intended to allow the appellant the opportunity to prepare a subdivision design that abandons the "grid" local street pattern and rigid lot layout for a curvilinear street pattern and includes the required 2-33 acre park site on this property. In addition, the plan is intended to justify that this and future projects in this zone can be designed to promote a more rural, country-like atmosphere, consistent with the goals and objectives of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, with the smaller 8,500 square foot average lot size. Since the last Council hearing, staff has met with the applicant on two occasions to review conceptual layouts- The redesigned subdivision maps now include the master planning of areas immediately adjacent to the site zoned Low-Medium Residential, however, they do not show master planning of adjacent areas designated Medium Density. ITEM B PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT VTE 14211 - U.S. HOME CORPORATION August 12, 1992 Page 2 ANALYSIS: The applicant has submitted a conceptual subdivision redesign (see Exhibit "A"), which is intended to address Con~nission and Council concerns by providing a curvilinear local street pattern and more interesting lot configurations (with lots averaging 8,500 square feet, per the related Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment request) to meet the goals and objectives of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. In order to accomplish these objectives, the adjacent areas in the Low-Medium Residential District were master planned to fit with the curvilinear street pattern on the subject property, resulting in a number of stub streets that will connect in the future to the adjacent properties. However, the adjacent properties zoned Medium Residential were not master planned as requested by staff. (Please refer to Exhibit "A" which highlights these areas.) Lastly, the 2.33 acre park site is shown on the applicant's property for the i~nediate use of residents of the subdivision, consistent with the requests of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Planning Commission, and City Council. In staff's opinion, the conceptual design adequately addresses the major site planning issues (i.e., street design and lot layout) previously mentioned by the Planning CommissioA and City Council. Respe[*f,~ ly subm~-L , BB:SH:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Revised Conceptual Subdivision Design Exhibit "B" - Previous Subdivision Design Exhibit "C" - City Council Minutes dated April 1, and June 3, 1992 · \ ~ ,~ City Council Minutes ~4. April 1, 1992 -~j ~ Page 7 - ........ ~: -~- ~ ( second reading ) "---._..,_\.,...,. AN ORDINANCE OF THX CITY COUNCIL OF THX CITY OF P' ~HO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANDA SPECIFT PLAN AMENDMENT 92-01, AMENDING FIGURE 5-18, AND FIG' ~S 5-20 "" THROUGH 5-40, REGARDING CERTAIN TRAIL ROUTES .~ AMENDING ""~: ~ICLE 5.33.200 REGARDING COMITY TRAIT . AND MAKING FIN-. NGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF MOTIONs Moved by Buqu .' - seconded by Alexander to w ve full reading and approve Ordinance No. 489. Mo~i_ carried unanimously, 0-1 (Wright absent). E3. CONSIDERATION OF ACTIONS RELAT'~' "TO COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 9-1~ Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, re-I~I~he title O~ ~rdinance No. 490. OP~ .... ANCE NO. 490 (second re~-_'_ng) AN O.'~ :~iANCE OF THX CITY COUNCIL OF THE'~ ~ _.~-v OF RANCliO Cvl~I ~ONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF ~' ~.CIAL TAX ~- ............~N A COMITY FACILITIES DISTRICT "'--~, MO~_~Ms Moved by Buquet, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and" ~. -rove F. ADVERTISED pU~v. IC HERarINGS F1. CONSIDERATION OF APPEar- OF ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AM~-NDMXNT 89-03 - U.S. HOM~-S CORPORATION -An appeal of the PlanningCo~mission's decision recommending denial of a request to amend certain development standards within the Etiwanda Specific Plan. (C~ntl~ued fromMarch 18, 1992) Staff report presented by Steve Hayes, Associate Planner. Mayor Stout re-opened the meeting for public hearing. Council wasz Addressing the City Charles Schultz, Reid & Hellyet, stated they are requesting the City Council approve the Plan Amendment as proposed by staff, but that the Vesting Tentative Map go back to the Planning Commission for further analysis. Councilmember Willlame asked if there was any time frame for this project, and would they come back with a red·sign. Mr. Schultz stated they would if the Plan Amendment was approved. He "stated they do realize they will have to come back with a red·sign. There being no further response, the public hearing was closed. City Council Minutes April 1, 1992 Page 8 Debra J. Adauns, City Clerk, read the titles of Ordinance Nos. 491 and 492. RESOLUTION NO. 92-070 A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~ONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03, A REQUEST TO A~END CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS WITHIN THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ORDINANCE NO. 491 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PEAR AMENDMENT 89-03, A REQUEST TO AMEND THE MINIMUM AVERAGE LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT FROM 10,000 TO 8,500 SQUARE FEET FOR 8.12 ACRES OF LAND ZONED LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN ETIWANDAANDEAST AVENUES, NORTH OFFOOTHIELBOULEVARD AND EAST OF ETIWANDA AVENUe, NORTH OF MILLER AVENU[WITHINTHE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNz 1100-041-09, 1100-081-12, 1100-171-01 AND 13, 1100-181-01, 1100-141-01 AND 02, AND 1100-191-01 ORDINANCE NO. 492 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ETIWA~DA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 89-03, A REQUEST TO AMEND TH~ MINIMUM AVERAGE LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT FROM 10,000 TO 8,500 SQUARE FEET FOR ALL PROPERTIES ZONED LOW-NEDIUMRESIDENTIAL SOUTH AIfD EAST OF T~E DEVOR~ FREEWAY WITHIN TH~ ETIWANDA SPECIPIC PT.A~ AREA, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT TI{EREOF MOTIONs Moved by Buguse, seconded by Alexander to waive full reading and set second reading of Ordinance Nee. 491 and 492 for April 15, 1992. Councilmember Willlame stated that two weeks ago she was willing to reduce the parcel size. She state~ she did not think U.S, Homes would bewilling to change the design of the project. She added that after further investigation on her part, she does not see a goo~ faith move on the developer'l part, and was taking away her support for the smaller lot sizes. Mayor Stout stated he is not in favor of this amendment, Councilmember Alexander stated he supports the approval of the project. Councilmember Buguse stated he is still in favor of the amendment, but realized there were stall a number of issues to resolved. He stated he appreciated U.S. Homes honesty about informing the Council that they will eventually sell the project. He felt a quality project can still come out of this. City Counci~ Minutes April 1, 1992 Page 9 Mayor Stout stated his position has still not changed since the last meeting. He ~sked the City Attorney how to proceed with this m~tter since it was apparent there was a tie vote on this matter. James Markman, City Attorney, stated unless the developer waives some time lines on the map, there would be some problems with time running out on the Vesting Tentative Map. He felt if the developer would waive the time lines, it would allow the fifth Councilmember to listen to the tapes regarding this matter and then come back for a vote for all five Councilmembers. He stated unless the developer will waive the time lines, he would suggest the Council deny the appeal. Mr. Schultz, Reid and Hellyer, stated they would waive the time limits in order to wait for Councilmember Wright to return, but would also like to make a presentation when she returns. Mayor Stout stated that in the meantime, they go back and work on the Vesting Tentative Map and do the things they say they would like to do. James Markman, City Attorney, suggested that it be part of the record that the developer is waiving time limits presently to act on the Vesting Map as it is now presented to the Council, that they intend to take it back to the Commission with the Council's direction, that the Council continue the hearings on the Ordinances before them to 7=00 p.m., on June 3, 1992 in the Council Cham~ers, and direct the Vesting Mapbe sent back to the PlanningCo emission with modifications agreeable to the developer, and hopefully to come back at the lame time. MOTION= Moved by Stout, seconded by Buquet that the Eelwands Specific Plan Amendment be continued to June 3, 1992 to be heard in the Council Chambers. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). CONSIDERATION OF ApPEar. OF VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 14211 - U.S. HOMES CORPORATION - An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision denying the proposed tentative tract map and design review for the development of 226 single family lots on 81.2 acres of land within the Eelwands Specific Plan in the Low- Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling unite per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, south of the Devote Freeway, and west of East Avenue - APN: 1100-041-09, 1100-081-02, 1100-171-01 and 13, 1100-181-01, 1100-141-01 and 12, and 1100-191-01. Related Files Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 89-03. (Continuedfree March IS, 1992) Staff reportpresented by Steve Hayes, Associate Planner. See above portion of item for public hearing discussion. RESOLUTION NO. 92-071 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 14211, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 226 SINGL~ FAMILY LOTS ON 81.2 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THX ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN IN THE City Council ~inutes April 1, 1992 Page 10 MEDIUM AND LOW MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (8-14 AND 4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, RESPECTIVELY), LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, SOUTH OF THE DEVORX FREEWAY AND WEST OF EAST AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNz 1100-041-09, 1100-081,12, 1100-171-01 AND 13, 1100-181-01, 1100-141-01 AND -02, AND 1100-191-01 RESOLUTION NO. 92-072 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING THE DESIGN REVIEW OF VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 14211, T.-~ DESIGN REVIEW OF A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 226 SINGLE F~4:LY LOTS ON 81.2 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC .~N IN THEMEDIUMANDLOWMEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (8-14 ~..~ 4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, RESPECTIVELY), LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, SOUTH OF THE DEVORE FREEWAY AND WEST OF EAST AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APNI 1100-041-09, 1100- 081-12, l100-171-01AND-13, 1100-181-01, 1100-141-01AND-02, AND 1100-191-01 MOTION: Moved by Stout, seconded by Buquet that the Vesting Tentative Tract Map be returned to the Jurisdiction of the Planning staff and Planning Commission for appropriate consultation and negotiation, and for this item also to appear on the June 3, 1992 agenda. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Wright absent). co~e~ZC_-~,._the draft' final environmental impact report prepared for th~/:5;'~anda North SpeC~rr~Plan and General Plan Amendment 90-03B to prozone ;~-'/-~ximately 6,840 acres o~~-} ~= in the Rancho Cucamonga sphere of ~T~s~'~Ue to provide for 3,613 single-fam~7~-~;$q,~ units on 2,112 acres of .~a~ land, 28 acres of neighborhood comme~Cia~X~__ 4 school,. 5 park,.~>.//~'~'e,trian center, and preservation of 4,442 acres o~--~-s-'b space ,r}.~)4e[.--~iocated north of Highland Avenue (State Route 30),south of ~,.'~[~h ;__~/.%nb National Forest, west of the City of Fontane, and east of Mllliken~'~ "~. Staff report presented by Larry Henderson, Principal Planner. Mayor Stout opened the meet public hearing.\'~ ~dreesing the City Council were: Marlone 10112 Bel Air,. Montclair, from Sa~--=,Trnardino Sage Pomona Valley Greens, stated they support Ranch~_'hacamonga's of North Etiwanda and wil1 work towards that goal. "---_~e added thinks the EIR is fragmented. They asked for the preservation---.' akl habitat north of the utility corridor. She also presented a letter City Council Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 6 ~I~IONALLY PERMITTED USE WITHIN SUBAR~A ~, ,.,. BUILDING SUPPLIES AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS' AS A CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USE WITHIN SUBAREA 7, RESPECTIVELY - APNx 10, 19, 21, 26, 27 AND 28 Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to waive full No. 496. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. approve E2. VICIOUS OF AN ORDiNANCE ESTABLISHING TO DECLARE A DOG AS Debra J. Adame, City read the title of Ord~ No. 498. NO. 498 ( AN ORDINANCE CUCAMONGA, CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL AND/OR VICIOUS DOeS CITY OF THX CITY OF RANCHO NEW CHAPTER 6.04 TO THB RANCliO :NG TO POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS MOTIONz Moved by Buquet, Ordinance No~ 498. Motion ca to waive full reading and approve ably, E3. CONSIDERATION THX ENVIRON~w..NT~r- COMMISSION ORDINANCE Debts J. Adams, read the title of No. 307-B. ORDINANCE NO. 307-B (second ORDINANCE OF THX CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ RANCHO · CALIFORNIA, AKERDING CHAPTER 2.28 OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THX MANAGEMINT COMMISSION TO REFLECT THX MEMBERSHIP OF THB , TERMS OF TWO AND FOUR yEAR APPOINTMXNTa, AND THX JOINT SUBCOMMITTE~MXNTINGS WITETHICITYCOOXCIL :ONe Mov~ ~ Bu~, second~ by Wright to waive full reading and · · · · · · F. .anVS~XI~D PUmv. XC WeawXN~8 F1. CONSIDERATION OF APPEar- OF ETIWANDA SPECIFIC pr.aq ~ND~NT 89-03 - U.S. HO~f~$ CORPORATION- An appeal of the Planning ~lselon'e decision recoaxnending denial of a request to amend certain developsent standards within the Etiwanda Specific Plan. (Continued free April 1, 1992) City Council Minutes June 3, 1992 Page 7 -' CONSID]PJ~TION OF APPEAL OF VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT 14211 - U.S. HOMES CO~PORATION - An appeal of the Planning Commission's decision denying the proposed tentative tract map and design review for the development of 228 single family lots on 81.2 acres of land within the Etiwanda Specific Plan in the Low- Medium Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, south of the Devote Freeway, and west of East Avenue - APNz 1100-041-09, 1100-081-02, 1100-171-01 and 13, 1100-181-01, 1100-141-01 and 12, and 1100-191-01. Related Fllez Etiwanda Specific Plan ~mendment 89-03. (C~ntimued from April 1, 1992) Mayor Stout stated he is in recell~c of a letter from the appellant requesting a continuance of 60 days with the Planning Coelnission and 90 days with the City Council. He asked if this will co~e back August 5, 1992, or was this an error. Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated staff would agree to the 90 days. Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, stated he would suggest the 90 day contAnuance. Jerry Smith, U.S. Homes, stated they are working with a new company fo~ their plans and that is why the deZay. He stated they would like the 90 day extension. Ralph Hansoq, Deputy City Attorney, stated this would be coming back at the Council's September 2, 1992 meeting. Mayor Stout opened the public hearing. MOTIONz Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to continue Item F1 to September 2, 1992. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0. · · · · · · FOR ~r~.-i"~.V~,,;i4;~l,]a~is;I,P.- The adoption of the Final Statemen~-~"-~m~nity Developme~rT'41~:,_L for Program ~:oJecte bae~~ g:u~ of $551,000.00 ud $Z3,JJ~'~v:~:m ~nc~, and reZaU~ mmn~i~'~ ~e 1989/90 and 1990/9~;.;,~S=a=mntl ~o allow . . ~'Cindy Norris. reprogrming of funds Mayor S~ou~ o~n~hem~g for-.~;~'he~ing. There~ing no res~nse, public he~lng was clol~. ~_~//~SOL~ION NO, A ~'_~&~ION OF ~ CI~ ~CIL OF q~NGA, ~I~IA, ~ING OF RANCHO FINAL OF .,-----"'COMMUNITY DEVILOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND PROJECTED FOR THI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT _;/~.,.:~,!.t;~,.~',.~'..~..ROGRAM FOR qo