HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-315 - Resolutions RESOLUTION NO. 88-315 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCMO UJCA~DNGA, CALI~DRNIA, OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CITY ENGINEER' S REPORT ~OR ANNEXATION NO. 45 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, on May 18, 1988, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga directed the City Engineer to make and file with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as required by the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made and filed with the City Clerk of said City a report in writing as called for pursuant to said Act, which report has been presented to this Council for consideration; and WHEREAS, said City council has duly considered said report and each and every part thereof, and finds that each and every part of said report is sufficient, and that said report, nor any part thereof, requires or should be modified in any respect. NOW, ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Wy the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: ~ SECTION 1: That the Engineer's Estimate of the item/zed costs and expenses of said work and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said report be, and each of them are hereby, preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 2: That the diagram showing the Assessment District referred to and described in said report, the boundaries of the subdivisions of land within said Assessment District are hereby preliminarily approved and co nf irmed. SECTION 3: That the proposed assessment upon the subdivisions of land in said Assessment District in proportion to the estimated benefit to be received by said subdivision, respectively, from said work and of the incidental expenses thereof, as contained in said report is hereby preliminarily approved and confirmed. SECTION 4: That said report shall stand as the City Engineer's Report for the purposes of all subsequent proceedings, and pursuant to the proposed district. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 18th day of May, 1988. Resolution No. 88-315 Page 2 AYES: Brown, Buquet, Stout, K/ng, Wright NOES: None ABSENT: None Dennis L. Stout. Mayor ATTEST = I, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, approved, and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 18th day of May, 1988. Executed this 19th day of May, 1988 at Rancho Cucamonga, Californla. B'e~erly A~ Authelet. Cxty Clerk Resolution No. 88-315 Page 3 CITY OF RANCMO O3CAMDNGA Engineer' s Report for Street Lighting Maintenance District No. ! Annexation No. 45 for Tract No. 13644, Parcel Map 9504, ~3P 87-04 and DR 86-32 (Lot 5, TR 12176) SECTION 1. Authorit~ for Report This report is in compliance with the requirements of Article 4, Chapter 1, Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code, State of California (Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972). SECTION 2. General Description This City Council has elected to annex all ne~ developments into Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1. The City Council has determined that the street lights to be maintained will have an effect upon all lots within said developments as well as on the lots directly abutting the street lights. Work to be provided for with the assessments established by the district are: The furnishing of services and materials for the ordinary and usual maintenance, operating and servicing of street light improvements on major streets (arterial and certain collector streets) as shown on the Lighting District Atlas Map which is on file with the City Engineer. Improvement maintenance is considered of general benefit to all areas in the District and cost shall be assessed on a per unit basis. SECTION 3. Plans and Specifications The plans and specifications for street lighting have been prepared by the developers. The plans and street lights are as stipulated in the conditions of approval for the development and as approved by the City Engineering Division. Reference is hereby made to the subject tract map or development plan and the assessment diagram for the exact location of the street lighting areas. The plans and specifications for street lighting improvement on the individual development is hereby made a part of this report to the same extent as if said plans and specifics were attached hereto. Detailed maintenance activities on the street lighting district include: the repair, rsmoval or replacement of all or any part of any improvement, providing for the ill~ination of the subject area. Resolution No. 88-315 Page 4 SECTION 4. Estimated Costs No costs will be incurred for street lighting improvement construction. All improvements will be constructed by developers. Based on available data, it is estimated that maintermnce costs for assessment purposes will be as indicated below. These costs are estimated op_ly, actual assessments will be based on actual cost data. Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 has been demarcated into two zones. Zone 1 is comprised of street light improvements on major streets for residential improvements (single family, mu/ti-family, condominiums and apartments) throughout the City. Each dwelling unit in this zone will be assessed as one assessment unit for the operation of the District. Zone 2 is comprised of all industrial, commercial and institutional projects throughout the City. It has been determined that one acre of land in industrial, commercial and institutional areas derives the same benefit as two assessment units in Zone 1. The estimated total cost for Lighting Maintenance District No. I is shown below: 1. S.C.E. Maintenance and Ener~ Cost: No. of Lamps Lamps Annex New Lamp Lamp Size* YTD No. 45 Total 5800L 460 0 .' 460 9500L 520 4 524 16,000L 16 0 16 22,000L 4 0 4 27,500L 17 0 17 *High Pressure Sodium Vapor Total Total Annual Lamp Size Lamps Rate Mo' s Maint. Cost 5800L 460 X $ 8.93 X 12 = $ 49,293.60 9500L 524 X $10.16 X 12 = 63,886.08 16,000L 16 X $12.08 X 12 = 2.319.36 22.000L 4 X $13.84 X 12 = 664.32 27.500 17 X $15.31 X 12 = 3.123.24 Total Annual Maint. Cost = $119,286.60 2. Total Assessment Units: YTD Assess Units before this annexation = 16,955 Assessment Units this annex per page 4 = 65 Total Assessment Units 17,020 Resolution No. 88-315 Page 5 3. Cost per Assessment Unit: Total Annual Maintenance Cost = $119,286.60 = $7.00/year/unit No. of Units in District 17,020 Assessment shall apply to each lot or parcel as explained in Section 6. SECTION 5. Assessment Diagram Copies of the proposed Assessment Diagrsms are attached to this report and labeled "Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1", Annexation No. 45. These diagrams are hereby incorporated within the text of this report. SECTION 6. Assessment Improvements for the District are found to be of general benefit to all units within the District and that assessment shall be equal for each unit. When units are based on acreage, assessment will be 2 units per net acre. SECTION 7. Order of Events 1. City Council adopts Resolution of Preliminary Approval of City Engineer's Report. 2. City Council adopts Resolution of Intention to annex a District and sets public hearing date. 3. City Council conducts public hearing, considers all testimony and determines to form a District or abandon the proceedings. 4. Every year in May, the City Engineer files a report with the City Council. 5. Every year in June, the City Council conducts a public hearing and approves, or modifies and approves the individual assessments. Resolutlon No. 88-315 Page 6 EXHIBIT "A" Properties and improvements to be included within Annexation No. 45 to Street Lighting Maintenance District 1: Assess. No. of Lamps to be Annexed Project Acreage Unit 5800L 9500L 16,000L 22,000L 27,500L Zone 1 TR 13644 24 --- 4 ......... Zone 2 PM 9504 pcl 1 .83 1.6 ............... pcl 2 .48 .9 .............. pcl 3 2.64 5.3 ............... pcl 4 .62 1.2 ............... pcl 5 2.38 4.8 ............... pcl 6 4.27 8.5 ............... pal 7 .91 1.8 .............. pcl 8 1.02 2.0 .............. pcl 9 .64 1.2 ............... pcl 10 .48 1.0 ............... 15.95 32.0 ............... (lights previously annexed) CUP 87-04 pc1 2 .60 1.2 ............... pcl 3 1.95 3.9 .............. pcl 4 1.29 2.6 .............. 3.84 7.7 .............. DR 86-32 (lot 5, TR 12176) .59 1.2 ........... TOTAL 20.38 65.0 --- 4 ......... ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM Resolu~.i. on No. 88-315 Page 7 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO./ ANNEXATION NO. -~- ~e,o~,tio.,o. 88-3~:~,SSESSMENT DIAGRAM Page 8 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO../. P 87-04 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM Re,o~ution No. 88-3~5 Page 9 STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO._~ P,g, ~o SESSMENT DIAGRAM STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO.~.. VALENCIA TERRA VISTA VILLAGE P.M. 9504 BASE LINE ROAD ~?..~\,~. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NA · .'.~.~-_~.:~ CO~ OF SAN BB~ARDINO